[Bps-public-commit] r11263 - experiments/rt-rules

jesse at bestpractical.com jesse at bestpractical.com
Sat Mar 29 16:55:32 EDT 2008

Author: jesse
Date: Sat Mar 29 16:55:31 2008
New Revision: 11263


* notes on a new porject

Added: experiments/rt-rules/README
--- (empty file)
+++ experiments/rt-rules/README	Sat Mar 29 16:55:31 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Rules, RT's new business logic system
+=head1 Description
+=head1 Issues with RT's "scrips" system.
+=item scrips can't _stop_ things from happening
+=item scrip order is not guaranteed
+=item scrips can't easily be chained
+=item scrips can only run after a ticket update
+=item scrip arguments can't be set by the user (they're in the db)
+=item scrip conditions and actions take a single inflexible argument
+=item ability to set up scrips == ability to run perl
+=item scrips are global or per queue
+=item scrips are all run synchronously
+=head1 Desired features
+=head2 Ability to mark certain rules to run asynchronously
+Or is it that all rules that run "after" an action automatically run async?
+=head2 Hook points for rules to validate or canonicalize certain actions
+=head2 Rule atoms (is that what replaces conditions and actions?) define their own typed arguments
+=head2 Rule atoms describe how they can be chained. 
+    * what an atom can follow
+    * what can follow an atom
+=head2 The way we let people edit the perl of rupes is to construct new atoms (through the web ui?)
+=head2 It should be possible for a user to define rules that can be manually triggered
+=head1 Non-goals (What's out of scope)
+=item a native syntax for this. (I'm presuming we track rules as _data_ and chunks of perl)
+=item modeling as state diagrams
+ (includes  input-output of state diagrams into rules)
+=item graphical tools for modeling rules

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