[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-automaticassignment branch, master, updated. 5e7ddd1548b230d96885299f895579cacf272ada

Shawn Moore shawn at bestpractical.com
Wed Aug 17 18:31:59 EDT 2016

The branch, master has been updated
       via  5e7ddd1548b230d96885299f895579cacf272ada (commit)
      from  ebe53c8a949e07f673e5151e0954c4f1635e5458 (commit)

Summary of changes:
 README                                  | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 lib/RT/Extension/AutomaticAssignment.pm | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 5e7ddd1548b230d96885299f895579cacf272ada
Author: Shawn M Moore <shawn at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 17 22:38:07 2016 +0000

    Flesh out the documentation

diff --git a/README b/README
index 338faa0..7d9543c 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-    RT-Extension-AutomaticAssignment -
+    RT-Extension-AutomaticAssignment - automatically assign tickets based on
+    rules
     RT-Extension-AutomaticAssignment requires version RT 4.2.0 or later.
@@ -14,20 +15,60 @@ INSTALLATION
             Plugin( "RT::Extension::AutomaticAssignment" );
+        You may wish to also add this line if you want to use the "Work
+        Schedule" filter, which exposes the RT's SLA business hours as
+        custom field values:
+            Set( @CustomFieldValuesSources, "RT::CustomFieldValues::ServiceBusinessHours" );
     Clear your mason cache
             rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj
     Restart your webserver
     Create scrips
-        This lets you control which circumstances automatic assignment
-        should take place. For example, perhaps you want an On Create,
-        Automatic Assignment scrip on some of your queues. Any tickets
-        explicitly created with an owner will retain that owner. You may
-        also want an On Queue Change, Automatic Reassignment scrip. For
-        Automatic Reassignment, the automatic assignment will happen even if
-        the ticket has an owner already.
+        You may control which circumstances automatic assignment should take
+        place using RT's scrips system. For example, perhaps you want an "On
+        Create, Automatic Assignment" scrip on some of your queues. Any
+        tickets explicitly created with an owner will retain that owner, but
+        unowned tickets will use the automatic assignment system. You may
+        also want an "On Queue Change, Automatic Reassignment" scrip. The
+        "Automatic Reassignment" action is slightly different from
+        "Automatic Assignment" action because reassignment will happen even
+        if the ticket has an owner already.
+        You may specify as many automatic assignment and reassignment scrips
+        as you like. The automatic assignment admin UI will warn you,
+        however, if it finds no scrips.
     Configure automatic assignment policies
+        Visit Admin -> Queues -> Select -> (queue) -> Automatic Assignment
+        to configure the automatic assignment policy for a queue.
+        There are two important stages to the automatic assignment policy.
+        First, you configure rules for deciding which users are eligible to
+        be automatically assigned tickets (based on time of day, group
+        membership, etc). Next, you configure a policy for deciding which of
+        those eligible users will be made the owner of each ticket (who has
+        the fewest open tickets, randomly, etc).
+        Filters are policies which reduce the number of potential candidate
+        owners based on the specified rule. For example, the "Member of
+        Group" filter limits automatic assignment to only members of the
+        selected group. The "Work Schedule" filter allows users (or,
+        perhaps, only their manager) to select which business hours that
+        they are available. You may specify zero, one, or more filters. Each
+        user must fulfill the requirements of *all* the filters to be
+        included in automatic assignment.
+        Chooser is the policy that automatic assignment uses to pick a
+        single owner from a list of many potential candidates. The most
+        basic Chooser is "Random". A more useful Chooser is "Active
+        Tickets": the user with the fewest number of active tickets in the
+        queue is assigned the ticket. The "Round Robin" Chooser distributes
+        tickets to each candidate owner evenly.
+        Each Filter and Chooser provides its documentation and configuration
+        directly on the automatic assignment interface.
     Best Practical Solutions, LLC <modules at bestpractical.com>
diff --git a/lib/RT/Extension/AutomaticAssignment.pm b/lib/RT/Extension/AutomaticAssignment.pm
index 8fc8603..9de4ce8 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Extension/AutomaticAssignment.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Extension/AutomaticAssignment.pm
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ sub OwnerForTicket {
 =head1 NAME
-RT-Extension-AutomaticAssignment - 
+RT-Extension-AutomaticAssignment - automatically assign tickets based on rules
@@ -156,6 +156,11 @@ Add this line:
     Plugin( "RT::Extension::AutomaticAssignment" );
+You may wish to also add this line if you want to use the "Work Schedule"
+filter, which exposes the RT's SLA business hours as custom field values:
+    Set( @CustomFieldValuesSources, "RT::CustomFieldValues::ServiceBusinessHours" );
 =item Clear your mason cache
     rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj
@@ -164,15 +169,48 @@ Add this line:
 =item Create scrips
-This lets you control which circumstances automatic assignment should take
-place. For example, perhaps you want an On Create, Automatic Assignment
-scrip on some of your queues. Any tickets explicitly created with an owner
-will retain that owner. You may also want an On Queue Change, Automatic
-Reassignment scrip. For Automatic Reassignment, the automatic assignment
+You may control which circumstances automatic assignment should take place
+using RT's scrips system. For example, perhaps you want an "On Create,
+Automatic Assignment" scrip on some of your queues. Any tickets explicitly
+created with an owner will retain that owner, but unowned tickets will use
+the automatic assignment system. You may also want an "On Queue Change,
+Automatic Reassignment" scrip. The "Automatic Reassignment" action is
+slightly different from "Automatic Assignment" action because reassignment
 will happen even if the ticket has an owner already.
+You may specify as many automatic assignment and reassignment scrips as you
+like. The automatic assignment admin UI will warn you, however, if it finds
+no scrips.
 =item Configure automatic assignment policies
+Visit Admin -> Queues -> Select -> (queue) -> Automatic Assignment to
+configure the automatic assignment policy for a queue.
+There are two important stages to the automatic assignment policy. First,
+you configure rules for deciding which users are eligible to be
+automatically assigned tickets (based on time of day, group membership,
+etc). Next, you configure a policy for deciding which of those eligible
+users will be made the owner of each ticket (who has the fewest open
+tickets, randomly, etc).
+B<Filters> are policies which reduce the number of potential candidate
+owners based on the specified rule. For example, the "Member of Group"
+filter limits automatic assignment to only members of the selected group.
+The "Work Schedule" filter allows users (or, perhaps, only their manager) to
+select which business hours that they are available. You may specify zero,
+one, or more filters. Each user must fulfill the requirements of I<all> the
+filters to be included in automatic assignment.
+B<Chooser> is the policy that automatic assignment uses to pick a single
+owner from a list of many potential candidates. The most basic B<Chooser> is
+"Random". A more useful Chooser is "Active Tickets": the user with the
+fewest number of active tickets in the queue is assigned the ticket. The
+"Round Robin" Chooser distributes tickets to each candidate owner evenly.
+Each Filter and Chooser provides its documentation and configuration
+directly on the automatic assignment interface.
 =head1 AUTHOR


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