[Rt-commit] [svn] r1420 - DBIx-SearchBuilder/trunk
jesse at pallas.eruditorum.org
jesse at pallas.eruditorum.org
Sat Sep 4 01:30:37 EDT 2004
Author: jesse
Date: Sat Sep 4 01:30:37 2004
New Revision: 1420
DBIx-SearchBuilder/trunk/ (props changed)
r10155 at tinbook: jesse | 2004-09-04T05:30:25.483055Z
Beginning of significant refactoring (without published API change) in SearchBuilder.pm
Modified: DBIx-SearchBuilder/trunk/SearchBuilder.pm
--- DBIx-SearchBuilder/trunk/SearchBuilder.pm (original)
+++ DBIx-SearchBuilder/trunk/SearchBuilder.pm Sat Sep 4 01:30:37 2004
@@ -112,86 +112,25 @@
sub _DoSearch {
my $self = shift;
- my ( $QueryString, $Order );
- # The initial SELECT or SELECT DISTINCT is decided later
- $QueryString = $self->_BuildJoins . " ";
- $QueryString .= $self->_WhereClause . " "
- if ( $self->_isLimited > 0 );
- # DISTINCT query only required for multi-table selects
- if ($self->_isJoined) {
- $self->_DistinctQuery(\$QueryString, $self->{'table'});
- } else {
- $QueryString = "SELECT main.* FROM $QueryString";
- }
- $QueryString .= $self->_OrderClause;
- $self->_ApplyLimits(\$QueryString);
- print STDERR "DBIx::SearchBuilder->DoSearch Query: $QueryString\n"
- if ( $self->DEBUG );
+ my $QueryString = $self->BuildSelectQuery();
- # {{{ get $self->{'records'} out of the database
- eval { $self->{'records'} = $self->_Handle->dbh->prepare($QueryString); };
- if ($@) {
- warn "$self couldn't prepare '$QueryString' " . $@;
- return (undef);
- }
- if ( !$self->{'records'} ) {
- warn "Error:" . $self->_Handle->dbh->errstr . "\n";
- return (undef);
- }
eval {
- if ( !$self->{'records'}->execute ) {
- warn "DBIx::SearchBuilder error:"
- . $self->{'records'}->errstr
- . "\n\tQuery String is $QueryString\n";
- return (undef);
- }
- };
- if ($@) {
- warn "$self couldn't execute a search: " . $@;
- return (undef);
- }
- # }}}
- my $counter = 0;
- # {{{ Iterate through all the rows returned and get child objects
- while ( my $row = $self->{'records'}->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
- $self->{'items'}[$counter] = $self->NewItem();
- $self->{'items'}[$counter]->LoadFromHash($row);
- print STDERR "ID is " . $self->{'items'}[$counter]->Id() . "\n"
- if ( $self->DEBUG );
- $counter++;
- }
- #How many rows did we get out of that?
- $self->{'rows'} = $counter;
- # TODO: It makes sense keeping and reusing the records statement
- # handler. Anyway, I don't see that we need it anymore with the
- # current design, and the statement handler will not easily be
- # stored persistantly.
- $self->{records}->finish;
- delete $self->{records};
- # }}}
+ # TODO: finer-grained eval and cheking.
+ my $records = $self->_Handle->SimpleQuery($QueryString);
+ my $counter;
+ while ( my $row = $records->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
+ $self->{'items'}[$counter] = $self->NewItem();
+ $self->{'items'}[$counter]->LoadFromHash($row);
+ $counter++;
+ }
- $self->{'must_redo_search'} = 0;
+ $self->{'rows'} = $counter;
+ $self->{'must_redo_search'} = 0;
+ };
- return ( $self->Count );
+ return ( $self->{'rows'});
# }}}
@@ -201,62 +140,17 @@
sub _DoCount {
my $self = shift;
my $all = shift || 0;
- my ( $QueryString, $Order );
- #TODO refactor DoSearch and DoCount such that we only have
- # one place where we build most of the querystring
- $QueryString .= $self->_BuildJoins . " ";
- $QueryString .= $self->_WhereClause . " "
- if ( $self->_isLimited > 0 );
- # DISTINCT query only required for multi-table selects
- if ($self->_isJoined) {
- $QueryString = $self->_Handle->DistinctCount(\$QueryString);
- } else {
- $QueryString = "SELECT count(main.id) FROM " . $QueryString;
- }
- print STDERR "DBIx::SearchBuilder->DoSearch Query: $QueryString\n"
- if ( $self->DEBUG );
- # {{{ get count out of the database
- eval { $self->{'records'} = $self->_Handle->dbh->prepare($QueryString); };
- if ($@) {
- warn "$self couldn't prepare '$QueryString' " . $@;
- return (undef);
- }
- if ( !$self->{'records'} ) {
- warn "Error:" . $self->_Handle->dbh->errstr . "\n";
- return (undef);
- }
+ my $QueryString = $self->BuildSelectCountQuery();
eval {
- if ( !$self->{'records'}->execute ) {
- warn "DBIx::SearchBuilder error:"
- . $self->{'records'}->errstr
- . "\n\tQuery String is $QueryString\n";
- return (undef);
- }
- };
- if ($@) {
- warn "$self couldn't execute a search: " . $@;
- return (undef);
- }
- # }}}
+ # TODO: finer-grained Eval
+ my $records = $self->_Handle->SimpleQuery($QueryString);
- my @row = $self->{'records'}->fetchrow_array();
- $self->{$all?'count_all':'raw_rows'} = $row[0];
+ my @row = $records->fetchrow_array();
+ $self->{ $all ? 'count_all' : 'raw_rows' } = $row[0];
- $self->{records}->finish;
- delete $self->{records};
- return ( $row[0] )
+ return ( $row[0] );
+ };
# }}}
@@ -388,6 +282,73 @@
# }}} Private utility methods
+# {{{ BuildSelectQuery
+=head2 BuildSelectQuery
+Builds a query string for a "SELECT rows from Tables" statement for this SB
+sub BuildSelectQuery {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # The initial SELECT or SELECT DISTINCT is decided later
+ my $QueryString = $self->_BuildJoins . " ";
+ $QueryString .= $self->_WhereClause . " "
+ if ( $self->_isLimited > 0 );
+ # DISTINCT query only required for multi-table selects
+ if ($self->_isJoined) {
+ $self->_DistinctQuery(\$QueryString, $self->{'table'});
+ } else {
+ $QueryString = "SELECT main.* FROM $QueryString";
+ }
+ $QueryString .= $self->_OrderClause;
+ $self->_ApplyLimits(\$QueryString);
+ return($QueryString)
+# }}}
+# {{{ BuildSelectCountQuery
+=head2 BuildSelectCountQuery
+Builds a SELECT statement to find the number of rows this SB object would find.
+sub BuildSelectCountQuery {
+ my $self = shift;
+ #TODO refactor DoSearch and DoCount such that we only have
+ # one place where we build most of the querystring
+ my $QueryString = $self->_BuildJoins . " ";
+ $QueryString .= $self->_WhereClause . " "
+ if ( $self->_isLimited > 0 );
+ # DISTINCT query only required for multi-table selects
+ if ($self->_isJoined) {
+ $QueryString = $self->_Handle->DistinctCount(\$QueryString);
+ } else {
+ $QueryString = "SELECT count(main.id) FROM " . $QueryString;
+ }
+ return ($QueryString);
+# }}}
# {{{ Methods dealing traversing rows within the found set
# {{{ sub Next
@@ -440,6 +401,7 @@
# {{{ sub GotoItem
=head2 GotoItem
Takes an integer, n.
@@ -1016,6 +978,83 @@
# }}}
+# {{{ Routines dealing with grouping
+# {{{ GroupBy (OBSOLETE)
+=head2 GroupBy
+OBSOLUTE. You want GroupByCols
+sub GroupBy {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->GroupByCols( @_);
+# }}}
+# {{{ GroupByCols
+=head2 GroupByCols ARRAY_OF_HASHES
+Each hash contains the keys ALIAS and FIELD. ALIAS defaults to 'main' if ignored.
+sub GroupByCols {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @args = @_;
+ my $row;
+ my $clause;
+ foreach $row ( @args ) {
+ my %rowhash = ( ALIAS => 'main',
+ FIELD => undef,
+ %$row
+ );
+ if ( ($rowhash{'ALIAS'}) and
+ ($rowhash{'FIELD'}) ) {
+ $clause .= ($clause ? ", " : " ");
+ $clause .= $rowhash{'ALIAS'} . ".";
+ $clause .= $rowhash{'FIELD'};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($clause) {
+ $self->{'group_clause'} = "GROUP BY" . $clause;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'group_clause'} = "";
+ }
+ $self->RedoSearch();
+# }}}
+# {{{ _GroupClause
+=head2 _GroupClause
+Private function to return the "GROUP BY" clause for this query.
+sub _GroupClause {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless ( defined $self->{'group_clause'} ) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return ($self->{'group_clause'});
+# }}}
+# }}}
# {{{ routines dealing with table aliases and linking tables
# {{{ sub NewAlias
@@ -1332,112 +1371,148 @@
# }}}
+# {{{ Column
+=head2 Column { FIELD => undef }
+Specify that we want to load the column FIELD.
+Other parameters are TABLE ALIAS AND FUNCTION.
+Autrijus and Ruslan owe docs.
sub Column {
- my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( TABLE => undef,
+ ALIAS => undef,
+ FIELD => undef,
+ FUNCTION => undef,
+ @_);
my $table = $args{TABLE} || do {
- if ( my $alias = $args{ALIAS} ) {
- $alias =~ s/_\d+$//;
- $alias;
- }
- else {
- $self->{table};
- }
+ if ( my $alias = $args{ALIAS} ) {
+ $alias =~ s/_\d+$//;
+ $alias;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{table};
+ }
- my $name = ($args{ALIAS} || 'main') . '.' . $args{FIELD};
- if (my $func = $args{FUNCTION}) {
- if ($func =~ /^DISTINCT\s*COUNT$/i) {
- $name = "COUNT(DISTINCT $name)";
- }
- else {
- $name = "\U$func\E($name)";
- }
+ my $name = ( $args{ALIAS} || 'main' ) . '.' . $args{FIELD};
+ if ( my $func = $args{FUNCTION} ) {
+ if ( $func =~ /^DISTINCT\s*COUNT$/i ) {
+ $name = "COUNT(DISTINCT $name)";
+ }
+ else {
+ $name = "\U$func\E($name)";
+ }
- my $column = "col" . @{$self->{columns}||=[]};
+ my $column = "col" . @{ $self->{columns} ||= [] };
$column = $args{FIELD} if $table eq $self->{table} and !$args{ALIAS};
- push @{$self->{columns}}, "$name AS \L$column";
+ push @{ $self->{columns} }, "$name AS \L$column";
return $column;
+# }}}
+# {{{ Columns
+=head2 Columns LIST
+Specify that we want to load only the columns in LIST
sub Columns {
my $self = shift;
$self->Column( FIELD => $_ ) for @_;
+# }}}
+# {{{ Fields
+=head2 Fields TABLE
+Return a list of fields in TABLE, lowercased.
+TODO: Why are they lowercased?
sub Fields {
- my ($self, $table) = @_;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $table = shift;
my $dbh = $self->_Handle->dbh;
- return map lc($_->[0]), @{
- eval { $dbh->column_info('', '', $table, '')->fetchall_arrayref([3]) }
- || $dbh->selectall_arrayref("DESCRIBE $table;")
- || $dbh->selectall_arrayref("DESCRIBE \u$table;")
- || []
- };
+ # TODO: memoize this
+ return map lc( $_->[0] ), @{
+ eval {
+ $dbh->column_info( '', '', $table, '' )->fetchall_arrayref( [3] );
+ }
+ || $dbh->selectall_arrayref("DESCRIBE $table;")
+ || $dbh->selectall_arrayref("DESCRIBE \u$table;")
+ || []
+ };
+# }}}
+# {{{ HasField
+=head2 HasField { TABLE => undef, FIELD => undef }
+Returns true if TABLE has field FIELD.
+Return false otherwise
sub HasField {
- my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( FIELD => undef,
+ TABLE => undef,
+ @_);
my $table = $args{TABLE} or die;
my $field = $args{FIELD} or die;
return grep { $_ eq $field } $self->Fields($table);
-sub SetTable {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{table} = shift;
- return $self->{table};
+# }}}
-sub Table { $_[0]->{table} }
+# {{{ SetTable
-sub GroupBy {
- my $self = shift;
- my %args = ( @_ );
- $self->GroupByCols( \%args );
+=head2 Table [TABLE]
-sub GroupByCols {
- my $self = shift;
- my @args = @_;
- my $row;
- my $clause;
+If called with an arguemnt, sets this collection's table.
- foreach $row ( @args ) {
- my %rowhash = ( ALIAS => 'main',
- FIELD => undef,
- %$row
- );
- if ( ($rowhash{'ALIAS'}) and
- ($rowhash{'FIELD'}) ) {
+Always returns this collection's table.
- $clause .= ($clause ? ", " : " ");
- $clause .= $rowhash{'ALIAS'} . ".";
- $clause .= $rowhash{'FIELD'};
- }
- }
- if ($clause) {
- $self->{'group_clause'} = "GROUP BY" . $clause;
- }
- else {
- $self->{'group_clause'} = "";
- }
- $self->RedoSearch();
+sub SetTable {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->Table(@_);
-sub _GroupClause {
+sub Table {
my $self = shift;
- unless ( defined $self->{'group_clause'} ) {
- return "";
- }
- return ($self->{'group_clause'});
+ $self->{table} = shift if (@_);
+ return $self->{table};
+# }}}
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