[Rt-commit] r8804 - in rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL: .
ruz at bestpractical.com
ruz at bestpractical.com
Tue Aug 28 14:46:27 EDT 2007
Author: ruz
Date: Tue Aug 28 14:46:24 2007
New Revision: 8804
rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL/ (props changed)
r8749 at cubic-pc (orig r8748): sartak | 2007-08-28 01:42:08 +0400
r37462 at onn: sartak | 2007-08-27 17:41:43 -0400
Test for all combinations of KeyOwnerName and KeyRequestors
Modified: rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL/t/web/crypt-gnupg.t
--- rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL/t/web/crypt-gnupg.t (original)
+++ rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL/t/web/crypt-gnupg.t Tue Aug 28 14:46:24 2007
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 70;
+use Test::More tests => 86;
use RT::Test;
use RT::Action::SendEmail;
@@ -26,6 +26,14 @@
RT->Config->Set( CommentAddress => 'general at example.com');
RT->Config->Set( CorrespondAddress => 'general at example.com');
RT->Config->Set( MailCommand => \&capture_mail);
+RT->Config->Set( DefaultSearchResultFormat => qq{
+ '<B><A HREF="__WebPath__/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__">__id__</a></B>/TITLE:#',
+ '<B><A HREF="__WebPath__/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__">__Subject__</a></B>/TITLE:Subject',
+ 'OO-__OwnerName__-O',
+ 'OR-__Requestors__-O',
+ 'KO-__KeyOwnerName__-K',
+ 'KR-__KeyRequestors__-K',
+ Status});
use File::Spec ();
use Cwd;
@@ -375,3 +383,67 @@
$mail =~ s/.*?\n\n//s;
return $mail;
+# now test the OwnerNameKey and RequestorsKey fields
+my $nokey = RT::Test->load_or_create_user(Name => 'nokey', EmailAddress => 'nokey at example.com');
+$nokey->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'CreateTicket');
+$nokey->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'OwnTicket');
+my $everyone_group = RT::Group->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+$everyone_group->LoadSystemInternalGroup( 'Everyone' );
+ok($everyone_group->Id, "Found group 'everyone'");
+$everyone_group->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'CreateTicket');
+my $tick = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+$tick->Create(Subject => 'owner lacks pubkey', Queue => 'general',
+ Owner => $nokey);
+ok(my $id = $tick->id, 'created ticket for owner-without-pubkey');
+$tick = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+$tick->Create(Subject => 'owner has pubkey', Queue => 'general',
+ Owner => 'root');
+ok($id = $tick->id, 'created ticket for owner-with-pubkey');
+my $mail = << "MAIL";
+Subject: Keyless requestor
+From: keyless\@example.com
+To: general\@example.com
+((my $status), $id) = RT::Test->send_via_mailgate($mail);
+is ($status >> 8, 0, "The mail gateway exited normally");
+ok ($id, "got id of a newly created ticket - $id");
+$tick = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+$tick->Load( $id );
+ok ($tick->id, "loaded ticket #$id");
+is ($tick->Subject,
+ "Keyless requestor",
+ "Correct subject"
+# test that the new fields work
+my $content = $m->content;
+$content =~ s/(/(/g;
+$content =~ s/)/)/g;
+like($content, qr/OO-Nobody-O/, "original OwnerName untouched");
+like($content, qr/OO-nokey-O/, "original OwnerName untouched");
+like($content, qr/OO-root-O/, "original OwnerName untouched");
+like($content, qr/OR-recipient\@example.com-O/, "original Requestors untouched");
+#like($content, qr/OR-nokey\@example.com-O/, "original Requestors untouched");
+like($content, qr/KO-root-K/, "KeyOwnerName does not issue no-pubkey warning for recipient");
+like($content, qr/KO-nokey \(no pubkey!\)-K/, "KeyOwnerName issues no-pubkey warning for root");
+like($content, qr/KO-Nobody \(no pubkey!\)-K/, "KeyOwnerName issues no-pubkey warning for nobody");
+like($content, qr/KR-recipient\@example.com-K/, "KeyRequestors does not issue no-pubkey warning for recipient\@example.com");
+like($content, qr/KR-general\@example.com-K/, "KeyRequestors does not issue no-pubkey warning for general\@example.com");
+#like($content, qr/KR-nokey\@example.com \(no pubkey!\)-K/, "KeyRequestors DOES issue no-pubkey warning for nokey\@example.com");
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