[Rt-commit] rt branch, 3.9-trunk, updated. rt-3.8.8-629-g63a371a
Jesse Vincent
jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Aug 30 15:06:06 EDT 2010
The branch, 3.9-trunk has been updated
via 63a371a74db5d123a36a8a742d306c814031c3aa (commit)
from 47cc699ac5693df05a5c03ebb2dbab3ada4d4948 (commit)
Summary of changes:
t/{web => mail}/gnupg-outgoing.t | 48 +-----------
t/web/gnupg-tickyboxes.t | 156 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
rename t/{web => mail}/gnupg-outgoing.t (85%)
create mode 100644 t/web/gnupg-tickyboxes.t
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 63a371a74db5d123a36a8a742d306c814031c3aa
Author: Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon Aug 30 15:08:27 2010 -0400
split apart t/web/gnupg-outgoing to actually separate two very different flows
diff --git a/t/web/gnupg-outgoing.t b/t/mail/gnupg-outgoing.t
similarity index 85%
rename from t/web/gnupg-outgoing.t
rename to t/mail/gnupg-outgoing.t
index 9eb56f4..728eda7 100644
--- a/t/web/gnupg-outgoing.t
+++ b/t/mail/gnupg-outgoing.t
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
-use RT::Test tests => 456;
+use RT::Test tests => 430;
plan skip_all => 'GnuPG required.'
unless eval 'use GnuPG::Interface; 1';
@@ -63,52 +63,6 @@ my %mail = (
signed_encrypted => [],
-diag "check in read-only mode that queue's props influence create/update ticket pages";
- foreach my $variant ( @variants ) {
- set_queue_crypt_options( %$variant );
- $m->goto_create_ticket( $queue );
- $m->form_name('TicketCreate');
- if ( $variant->{'Encrypt'} ) {
- ok $m->value('Encrypt', 2), "encrypt tick box is checked";
- } else {
- ok !$m->value('Encrypt', 2), "encrypt tick box is unchecked";
- }
- if ( $variant->{'Sign'} ) {
- ok $m->value('Sign', 2), "sign tick box is checked";
- } else {
- ok !$m->value('Sign', 2), "sign tick box is unchecked";
- }
- }
- # to avoid encryption/signing during create
- set_queue_crypt_options();
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- my ($id) = $ticket->Create(
- Subject => 'test',
- Queue => $queue->id,
- Requestor => 'rt-test at example.com',
- );
- ok $id, 'ticket created';
- foreach my $variant ( @variants ) {
- set_queue_crypt_options( %$variant );
- $m->get( $m->rt_base_url . "/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Respond&id=$id" );
- $m->form_number(3);
- if ( $variant->{'Encrypt'} ) {
- ok $m->value('Encrypt', 2), "encrypt tick box is checked";
- } else {
- ok !$m->value('Encrypt', 2), "encrypt tick box is unchecked";
- }
- if ( $variant->{'Sign'} ) {
- ok $m->value('Sign', 2), "sign tick box is checked";
- } else {
- ok !$m->value('Sign', 2), "sign tick box is unchecked";
- }
- }
# create a ticket for each combination
foreach my $queue_set ( @variants ) {
set_queue_crypt_options( %$queue_set );
diff --git a/t/web/gnupg-tickyboxes.t b/t/web/gnupg-tickyboxes.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5c14aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/web/gnupg-tickyboxes.t
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use RT::Test tests => 30;
+plan skip_all => 'GnuPG required.'
+ unless eval 'use GnuPG::Interface; 1';
+plan skip_all => 'gpg executable is required.'
+ unless RT::Test->find_executable('gpg');
+use RT::Action::SendEmail;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+RT->Config->Set( GnuPG =>
+ Enable => 1,
+ OutgoingMessagesFormat => 'RFC',
+RT->Config->Set( GnuPGOptions =>
+ homedir => scalar tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ),
+ passphrase => 'rt-test',
+ 'no-permission-warning' => undef,
+ 'trust-model' => 'always',
+RT->Config->Set( 'MailPlugins' => 'Auth::MailFrom', 'Auth::GnuPG' );
+RT::Test->import_gnupg_key('rt-recipient at example.com');
+RT::Test->import_gnupg_key('rt-test at example.com', 'public');
+my $queue = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue(
+ Name => 'Regression',
+ CorrespondAddress => 'rt-recipient at example.com',
+ CommentAddress => 'rt-recipient at example.com',
+ok $queue && $queue->id, 'loaded or created queue';
+ Principal => 'Everyone',
+ Right => ['CreateTicket', 'ShowTicket', 'SeeQueue', 'ReplyToTicket', 'ModifyTicket'],
+my ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+ok $m->login, 'logged in';
+my @variants = (
+ {},
+ { Sign => 1 },
+ { Encrypt => 1 },
+ { Sign => 1, Encrypt => 1 },
+# collect emails
+my %mail = (
+ plain => [],
+ signed => [],
+ encrypted => [],
+ signed_encrypted => [],
+diag "check in read-only mode that queue's props influence create/update ticket pages";
+ foreach my $variant ( @variants ) {
+ set_queue_crypt_options( %$variant );
+ $m->goto_create_ticket( $queue );
+ $m->form_name('TicketCreate');
+ if ( $variant->{'Encrypt'} ) {
+ ok $m->value('Encrypt', 2), "encrypt tick box is checked";
+ } else {
+ ok !$m->value('Encrypt', 2), "encrypt tick box is unchecked";
+ }
+ if ( $variant->{'Sign'} ) {
+ ok $m->value('Sign', 2), "sign tick box is checked";
+ } else {
+ ok !$m->value('Sign', 2), "sign tick box is unchecked";
+ }
+ }
+ # to avoid encryption/signing during create
+ set_queue_crypt_options();
+ my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ my ($id) = $ticket->Create(
+ Subject => 'test',
+ Queue => $queue->id,
+ Requestor => 'rt-test at example.com',
+ );
+ ok $id, 'ticket created';
+ foreach my $variant ( @variants ) {
+ set_queue_crypt_options( %$variant );
+ $m->get( $m->rt_base_url . "/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Respond&id=$id" );
+ $m->form_number(3);
+ if ( $variant->{'Encrypt'} ) {
+ ok $m->value('Encrypt', 2), "encrypt tick box is checked";
+ } else {
+ ok !$m->value('Encrypt', 2), "encrypt tick box is unchecked";
+ }
+ if ( $variant->{'Sign'} ) {
+ ok $m->value('Sign', 2), "sign tick box is checked";
+ } else {
+ ok !$m->value('Sign', 2), "sign tick box is unchecked";
+ }
+ }
+sub create_a_ticket {
+ my %args = (@_);
+ RT::Test->clean_caught_mails;
+ $m->goto_create_ticket( $queue );
+ $m->form_name('TicketCreate');
+ $m->field( Subject => 'test' );
+ $m->field( Requestors => 'rt-test at example.com' );
+ $m->field( Content => 'Some content' );
+ foreach ( qw(Sign Encrypt) ) {
+ if ( $args{ $_ } ) {
+ $m->tick( $_ => 1 );
+ } else {
+ $m->untick( $_ => 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ $m->submit;
+ is $m->status, 200, "request successful";
+ unlike($m->content, qr/unable to sign outgoing email messages/);
+ $m->get_ok('/'); # ensure that the mail has been processed
+ my @mail = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+ check_text_emails( \%args, @mail );
+sub set_queue_crypt_options {
+ my %args = @_;
+ $m->get_ok("/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?id=". $queue->id);
+ $m->form_with_fields('Sign', 'Encrypt');
+ foreach my $opt ('Sign', 'Encrypt') {
+ if ( $args{$opt} ) {
+ $m->tick($opt => 1);
+ } else {
+ $m->untick($opt => 1);
+ }
+ }
+ $m->submit;
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