[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.2/update-ckeditor, created. rt-4.1.6-243-g02bb636

? sunnavy sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Mon Feb 11 19:31:47 EST 2013

The branch, 4.2/update-ckeditor has been created
        at  02bb63619b4d84221166bab70a0eac753eac8b21 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit a2cff714b3edb40e051ae2d6f94ba75599b172ac
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 12 07:44:38 2013 +0800

    update ckeditor to 4.0.1
    note that now ckeditor has a builder in http://http://ckeditor.com/builder
    current config is in devel/third-party/ckeditor/build-config.js

diff --git a/devel/third-party/README b/devel/third-party/README
index 0d4145d..53cbffe 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/README
+++ b/devel/third-party/README
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 The JS and CSS source files distributed with the version of ckeditor bundled in RT.
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/LICENSE.md b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/LICENSE.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ee3f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/LICENSE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,1274 @@
+Software License Agreement
+CKEditor - The text editor for Internet - http://ckeditor.com
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
+ - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
+   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+   (See Appendix A)
+ - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
+   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
+   (See Appendix B)
+ - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
+   http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
+   (See Appendix C)
+You are not required to, but if you want to explicitly declare the
+license you have chosen to be bound to when using, reproducing,
+modifying and distributing this software, just include a text file
+titled "legal.txt" in your version of this software, indicating your
+license choice. In any case, your choice will not restrict any
+recipient of your version of this software to use, reproduce, modify
+and distribute this software under any of the above licenses.
+Sources of Intellectual Property Included in CKEditor
+Where not otherwise indicated, all CKEditor content is authored by
+CKSource engineers and consists of CKSource-owned intellectual
+property. In some specific instances, CKEditor will incorporate work
+done by developers outside of CKSource with their express permission.
+(Ignore this line: %REMOVE_START%)
+Software available at our repository and developer version only:
+JavaScript Lint: At _dev/_thirdparty/jsl can be found the executable
+files of JavaScript Lint, which are licensed under the terms of the
+Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/).
+JavaScript Lint is Copyright (c) 2006 Matthias Miller.
+(Ignore this line: %REMOVE_END%)
+CKEditor is a trademark of CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All other brand
+and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service
+marks of their respective holders.
+Appendix A: The GPL License
+Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software-to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+Appendix B: The LGPL License
+Version 2.1, February 1999
+ Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL.  It also counts
+ as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
+ the version number 2.1.]
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
+free software-to make sure the software is free for all its users.
+  This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
+specially designated software packages-typically libraries-of the
+Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it.  You
+can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
+this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
+strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
+not price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
+you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
+for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
+it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
+it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
+these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
+rights.  These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
+you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
+or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
+you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
+code.  If you link other code with the library, you must provide
+complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
+with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
+it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
+  We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
+library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
+permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
+  To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
+there is no warranty for the free library.  Also, if the library is
+modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
+that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
+author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
+introduced by others.
+  Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
+any free program.  We wish to make sure that a company cannot
+effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
+restrictive license from a patent holder.  Therefore, we insist that
+any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
+consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
+  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
+ordinary GNU General Public License.  This license, the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
+is quite different from the ordinary General Public License.  We use
+this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
+libraries into non-free programs.
+  When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
+a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
+combined work, a derivative of the original library.  The ordinary
+General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
+entire combination fits its criteria of freedom.  The Lesser General
+Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
+the library.
+  We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
+does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
+Public License.  It also provides other free software developers Less
+of an advantage over competing non-free programs.  These disadvantages
+are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
+libraries.  However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
+special circumstances.
+  For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
+encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
+a de-facto standard.  To achieve this, non-free programs must be
+allowed to use the library.  A more frequent case is that a free
+library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries.  In this
+case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
+software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
+  In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
+programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
+free software.  For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
+non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
+operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
+  Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
+users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
+linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
+that program using a modified version of the Library.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
+"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
+former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
+be combined with the library in order to run.
+  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
+program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
+other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
+this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
+Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
+prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
+(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
+  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
+which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
+Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
+copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
+portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
+straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
+included without limitation in the term "modification".)
+  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
+interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
+and installation of the library.
+  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
+such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
+on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
+writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
+and what the program that uses the Library does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
+complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
+you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
+appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
+all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
+warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
+  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
+and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
+    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
+    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
+    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
+    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
+    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
+    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
+    in the event an application does not supply such function or
+    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
+    its purpose remains meaningful.
+    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
+    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
+    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
+    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
+    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
+    root function must still compute square roots.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Library.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
+with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
+License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
+this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
+that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
+instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
+ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
+that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
+these notices.
+  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
+that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
+subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
+  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
+the Library into a program that is not a library.
+  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
+derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
+under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
+it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
+must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
+medium customarily used for software interchange.
+  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
+from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
+source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
+distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
+Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
+linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
+work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
+therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
+  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
+creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
+contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
+library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
+Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
+  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
+that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
+derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
+Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
+linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
+threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
+  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
+structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
+functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
+file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
+work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
+Library will still fall under Section 6.)
+  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
+distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
+Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
+whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
+  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
+link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
+work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
+under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
+modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications.
+  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
+Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
+this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
+during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
+copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
+directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
+of these things:
+    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
+    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
+    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
+    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
+    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
+    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
+    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
+    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
+    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
+    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
+    to use the modified definitions.)
+    b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+    Library.  A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
+    copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
+    rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
+    will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
+    the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
+    interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
+    c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
+    least three years, to give the same user the materials
+    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
+    than the cost of performing this distribution.
+    d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
+    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
+    specified materials from the same place.
+    e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
+    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
+  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
+Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
+reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
+the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
+normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
+components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
+which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
+the executable.
+  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
+restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
+accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
+use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
+  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
+facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
+library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
+the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
+permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
+    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
+    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
+    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
+    Sections above.
+    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
+    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
+    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
+the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
+attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
+distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
+rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
+or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
+terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
+  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Library or works based on it.
+  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
+subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
+this License.
+  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
+particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
+and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
+an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
+so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
+excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
+written in the body of this License.
+  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
+versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
+Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
+but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
+"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
+the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
+license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
+the Free Software Foundation.
+  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
+write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
+copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
+Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
+decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
+of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
+and reuse of software generally.
+Appendix C: The MPL License
+Version 1.1
+1. Definitions.
+     1.0.1. "Commercial Use" means distribution or otherwise making the
+     Covered Code available to a third party.
+     1.1. "Contributor" means each entity that creates or contributes to
+     the creation of Modifications.
+     1.2. "Contributor Version" means the combination of the Original
+     Code, prior Modifications used by a Contributor, and the Modifications
+     made by that particular Contributor.
+     1.3. "Covered Code" means the Original Code or Modifications or the
+     combination of the Original Code and Modifications, in each case
+     including portions thereof.
+     1.4. "Electronic Distribution Mechanism" means a mechanism generally
+     accepted in the software development community for the electronic
+     transfer of data.
+     1.5. "Executable" means Covered Code in any form other than Source
+     Code.
+     1.6. "Initial Developer" means the individual or entity identified
+     as the Initial Developer in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit
+     A.
+     1.7. "Larger Work" means a work which combines Covered Code or
+     portions thereof with code not governed by the terms of this License.
+     1.8. "License" means this document.
+     1.8.1. "Licensable" means having the right to grant, to the maximum
+     extent possible, whether at the time of the initial grant or
+     subsequently acquired, any and all of the rights conveyed herein.
+     1.9. "Modifications" means any addition to or deletion from the
+     substance or structure of either the Original Code or any previous
+     Modifications. When Covered Code is released as a series of files, a
+     Modification is:
+          A. Any addition to or deletion from the contents of a file
+          containing Original Code or previous Modifications.
+          B. Any new file that contains any part of the Original Code or
+          previous Modifications.
+     1.10. "Original Code" means Source Code of computer software code
+     which is described in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A as
+     Original Code, and which, at the time of its release under this
+     License is not already Covered Code governed by this License.
+     1.10.1. "Patent Claims" means any patent claim(s), now owned or
+     hereafter acquired, including without limitation,  method, process,
+     and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by grantor.
+     1.11. "Source Code" means the preferred form of the Covered Code for
+     making modifications to it, including all modules it contains, plus
+     any associated interface definition files, scripts used to control
+     compilation and installation of an Executable, or source code
+     differential comparisons against either the Original Code or another
+     well known, available Covered Code of the Contributor's choice. The
+     Source Code can be in a compressed or archival form, provided the
+     appropriate decompression or de-archiving software is widely available
+     for no charge.
+     1.12. "You" (or "Your")  means an individual or a legal entity
+     exercising rights under, and complying with all of the terms of, this
+     License or a future version of this License issued under Section 6.1.
+     For legal entities, "You" includes any entity which controls, is
+     controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of
+     this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct or indirect,
+     to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by
+     contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent
+     (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such
+     entity.
+2. Source Code License.
+     2.1. The Initial Developer Grant.
+     The Initial Developer hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
+     non-exclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property
+     claims:
+          (a)  under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
+          trademark) Licensable by Initial Developer to use, reproduce,
+          modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Original
+          Code (or portions thereof) with or without Modifications, and/or
+          as part of a Larger Work; and
+          (b) under Patents Claims infringed by the making, using or
+          selling of Original Code, to make, have made, use, practice,
+          sell, and offer for sale, and/or otherwise dispose of the
+          Original Code (or portions thereof).
+          (c) the licenses granted in this Section 2.1(a) and (b) are
+          effective on the date Initial Developer first distributes
+          Original Code under the terms of this License.
+          (d) Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is
+          granted: 1) for code that You delete from the Original Code; 2)
+          separate from the Original Code;  or 3) for infringements caused
+          by: i) the modification of the Original Code or ii) the
+          combination of the Original Code with other software or devices.
+     2.2. Contributor Grant.
+     Subject to third party intellectual property claims, each Contributor
+     hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license
+          (a)  under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
+          trademark) Licensable by Contributor, to use, reproduce, modify,
+          display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Modifications
+          created by such Contributor (or portions thereof) either on an
+          unmodified basis, with other Modifications, as Covered Code
+          and/or as part of a Larger Work; and
+          (b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making, using, or
+          selling of  Modifications made by that Contributor either alone
+          and/or in combination with its Contributor Version (or portions
+          of such combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have
+          made, and/or otherwise dispose of: 1) Modifications made by that
+          Contributor (or portions thereof); and 2) the combination of
+          Modifications made by that Contributor with its Contributor
+          Version (or portions of such combination).
+          (c) the licenses granted in Sections 2.2(a) and 2.2(b) are
+          effective on the date Contributor first makes Commercial Use of
+          the Covered Code.
+          (d)    Notwithstanding Section 2.2(b) above, no patent license is
+          granted: 1) for any code that Contributor has deleted from the
+          Contributor Version; 2)  separate from the Contributor Version;
+          3)  for infringements caused by: i) third party modifications of
+          Contributor Version or ii)  the combination of Modifications made
+          by that Contributor with other software  (except as part of the
+          Contributor Version) or other devices; or 4) under Patent Claims
+          infringed by Covered Code in the absence of Modifications made by
+          that Contributor.
+3. Distribution Obligations.
+     3.1. Application of License.
+     The Modifications which You create or to which You contribute are
+     governed by the terms of this License, including without limitation
+     Section 2.2. The Source Code version of Covered Code may be
+     distributed only under the terms of this License or a future version
+     of this License released under Section 6.1, and You must include a
+     copy of this License with every copy of the Source Code You
+     distribute. You may not offer or impose any terms on any Source Code
+     version that alters or restricts the applicable version of this
+     License or the recipients' rights hereunder. However, You may include
+     an additional document offering the additional rights described in
+     Section 3.5.
+     3.2. Availability of Source Code.
+     Any Modification which You create or to which You contribute must be
+     made available in Source Code form under the terms of this License
+     either on the same media as an Executable version or via an accepted
+     Electronic Distribution Mechanism to anyone to whom you made an
+     Executable version available; and if made available via Electronic
+     Distribution Mechanism, must remain available for at least twelve (12)
+     months after the date it initially became available, or at least six
+     (6) months after a subsequent version of that particular Modification
+     has been made available to such recipients. You are responsible for
+     ensuring that the Source Code version remains available even if the
+     Electronic Distribution Mechanism is maintained by a third party.
+     3.3. Description of Modifications.
+     You must cause all Covered Code to which You contribute to contain a
+     file documenting the changes You made to create that Covered Code and
+     the date of any change. You must include a prominent statement that
+     the Modification is derived, directly or indirectly, from Original
+     Code provided by the Initial Developer and including the name of the
+     Initial Developer in (a) the Source Code, and (b) in any notice in an
+     Executable version or related documentation in which You describe the
+     origin or ownership of the Covered Code.
+     3.4. Intellectual Property Matters
+          (a) Third Party Claims.
+          If Contributor has knowledge that a license under a third party's
+          intellectual property rights is required to exercise the rights
+          granted by such Contributor under Sections 2.1 or 2.2,
+          Contributor must include a text file with the Source Code
+          distribution titled "LEGAL" which describes the claim and the
+          party making the claim in sufficient detail that a recipient will
+          know whom to contact. If Contributor obtains such knowledge after
+          the Modification is made available as described in Section 3.2,
+          Contributor shall promptly modify the LEGAL file in all copies
+          Contributor makes available thereafter and shall take other steps
+          (such as notifying appropriate mailing lists or newsgroups)
+          reasonably calculated to inform those who received the Covered
+          Code that new knowledge has been obtained.
+          (b) Contributor APIs.
+          If Contributor's Modifications include an application programming
+          interface and Contributor has knowledge of patent licenses which
+          are reasonably necessary to implement that API, Contributor must
+          also include this information in the LEGAL file.
+               (c)    Representations.
+          Contributor represents that, except as disclosed pursuant to
+          Section 3.4(a) above, Contributor believes that Contributor's
+          Modifications are Contributor's original creation(s) and/or
+          Contributor has sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by
+          this License.
+     3.5. Required Notices.
+     You must duplicate the notice in Exhibit A in each file of the Source
+     Code.  If it is not possible to put such notice in a particular Source
+     Code file due to its structure, then You must include such notice in a
+     location (such as a relevant directory) where a user would be likely
+     to look for such a notice.  If You created one or more Modification(s)
+     You may add your name as a Contributor to the notice described in
+     Exhibit A.  You must also duplicate this License in any documentation
+     for the Source Code where You describe recipients' rights or ownership
+     rights relating to Covered Code.  You may choose to offer, and to
+     charge a fee for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability
+     obligations to one or more recipients of Covered Code. However, You
+     may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on behalf of the Initial
+     Developer or any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear than
+     any such warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligation is
+     offered by You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial
+     Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by the
+     Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of warranty,
+     support, indemnity or liability terms You offer.
+     3.6. Distribution of Executable Versions.
+     You may distribute Covered Code in Executable form only if the
+     requirements of Section 3.1-3.5 have been met for that Covered Code,
+     and if You include a notice stating that the Source Code version of
+     the Covered Code is available under the terms of this License,
+     including a description of how and where You have fulfilled the
+     obligations of Section 3.2. The notice must be conspicuously included
+     in any notice in an Executable version, related documentation or
+     collateral in which You describe recipients' rights relating to the
+     Covered Code. You may distribute the Executable version of Covered
+     Code or ownership rights under a license of Your choice, which may
+     contain terms different from this License, provided that You are in
+     compliance with the terms of this License and that the license for the
+     Executable version does not attempt to limit or alter the recipient's
+     rights in the Source Code version from the rights set forth in this
+     License. If You distribute the Executable version under a different
+     license You must make it absolutely clear that any terms which differ
+     from this License are offered by You alone, not by the Initial
+     Developer or any Contributor. You hereby agree to indemnify the
+     Initial Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by
+     the Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of any such
+     terms You offer.
+     3.7. Larger Works.
+     You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Code with other code
+     not governed by the terms of this License and distribute the Larger
+     Work as a single product. In such a case, You must make sure the
+     requirements of this License are fulfilled for the Covered Code.
+4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation.
+     If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
+     License with respect to some or all of the Covered Code due to
+     statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with
+     the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b)
+     describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description
+     must be included in the LEGAL file described in Section 3.4 and must
+     be included with all distributions of the Source Code. Except to the
+     extent prohibited by statute or regulation, such description must be
+     sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary skill to be able to
+     understand it.
+5. Application of this License.
+     This License applies to code to which the Initial Developer has
+     attached the notice in Exhibit A and to related Covered Code.
+6. Versions of the License.
+     6.1. New Versions.
+     Netscape Communications Corporation ("Netscape") may publish revised
+     and/or new versions of the License from time to time. Each version
+     will be given a distinguishing version number.
+     6.2. Effect of New Versions.
+     Once Covered Code has been published under a particular version of the
+     License, You may always continue to use it under the terms of that
+     version. You may also choose to use such Covered Code under the terms
+     of any subsequent version of the License published by Netscape. No one
+     other than Netscape has the right to modify the terms applicable to
+     Covered Code created under this License.
+     6.3. Derivative Works.
+     If You create or use a modified version of this License (which you may
+     only do in order to apply it to code which is not already Covered Code
+     governed by this License), You must (a) rename Your license so that
+     the phrases "Mozilla", "MOZILLAPL", "MOZPL", "Netscape",
+     "MPL", "NPL" or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear in your
+     license (except to note that your license differs from this License)
+     and (b) otherwise make it clear that Your version of the license
+     contains terms which differ from the Mozilla Public License and
+     Netscape Public License. (Filling in the name of the Initial
+     Developer, Original Code or Contributor in the notice described in
+     Exhibit A shall not of themselves be deemed to be modifications of
+     this License.)
+     8.1.  This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate
+     automatically if You fail to comply with terms herein and fail to cure
+     such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
+     sublicenses to the Covered Code which are properly granted shall
+     survive any termination of this License. Provisions which, by their
+     nature, must remain in effect beyond the termination of this License
+     shall survive.
+     8.2.  If You initiate litigation by asserting a patent infringement
+     claim (excluding declatory judgment actions) against Initial Developer
+     or a Contributor (the Initial Developer or Contributor against whom
+     You file such action is referred to as "Participant")  alleging that:
+     (a)  such Participant's Contributor Version directly or indirectly
+     infringes any patent, then any and all rights granted by such
+     Participant to You under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 of this License
+     shall, upon 60 days notice from Participant terminate prospectively,
+     unless if within 60 days after receipt of notice You either: (i)
+     agree in writing to pay Participant a mutually agreeable reasonable
+     royalty for Your past and future use of Modifications made by such
+     Participant, or (ii) withdraw Your litigation claim with respect to
+     the Contributor Version against such Participant.  If within 60 days
+     of notice, a reasonable royalty and payment arrangement are not
+     mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties or the litigation claim
+     is not withdrawn, the rights granted by Participant to You under
+     Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 automatically terminate at the expiration of
+     the 60 day notice period specified above.
+     (b)  any software, hardware, or device, other than such Participant's
+     Contributor Version, directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then
+     any rights granted to You by such Participant under Sections 2.1(b)
+     and 2.2(b) are revoked effective as of the date You first made, used,
+     sold, distributed, or had made, Modifications made by that
+     Participant.
+     8.3.  If You assert a patent infringement claim against Participant
+     alleging that such Participant's Contributor Version directly or
+     indirectly infringes any patent where such claim is resolved (such as
+     by license or settlement) prior to the initiation of patent
+     infringement litigation, then the reasonable value of the licenses
+     granted by such Participant under Sections 2.1 or 2.2 shall be taken
+     into account in determining the amount or value of any payment or
+     license.
+     8.4.  In the event of termination under Sections 8.1 or 8.2 above,
+     all end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers)
+     which have been validly granted by You or any distributor hereunder
+     prior to termination shall survive termination.
+     The Covered Code is a "commercial item," as that term is defined in
+     48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995), consisting of "commercial computer
+     software" and "commercial computer software documentation," as such
+     terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48
+     C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995),
+     all U.S. Government End Users acquire Covered Code with only those
+     rights set forth herein.
+     This License represents the complete agreement concerning subject
+     matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
+     unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
+     necessary to make it enforceable. This License shall be governed by
+     California law provisions (except to the extent applicable law, if
+     any, provides otherwise), excluding its conflict-of-law provisions.
+     With respect to disputes in which at least one party is a citizen of,
+     or an entity chartered or registered to do business in the United
+     States of America, any litigation relating to this License shall be
+     subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern
+     District of California, with venue lying in Santa Clara County,
+     California, with the losing party responsible for costs, including
+     without limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and
+     expenses. The application of the United Nations Convention on
+     Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded.
+     Any law or regulation which provides that the language of a contract
+     shall be construed against the drafter shall not apply to this
+     License.
+     As between Initial Developer and the Contributors, each party is
+     responsible for claims and damages arising, directly or indirectly,
+     out of its utilization of rights under this License and You agree to
+     work with Initial Developer and Contributors to distribute such
+     responsibility on an equitable basis. Nothing herein is intended or
+     shall be deemed to constitute any admission of liability.
+     Initial Developer may designate portions of the Covered Code as
+     "Multiple-Licensed".  "Multiple-Licensed" means that the Initial
+     Developer permits you to utilize portions of the Covered Code under
+     Your choice of the NPL or the alternative licenses, if any, specified
+     by the Initial Developer in the file described in Exhibit A.
+EXHIBIT A -Mozilla Public License.
+     ``The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+     Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+     compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+     http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+     Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+     basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+     License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+     under the License.
+     The Original Code is ______________________________________.
+     The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ________________________.
+     Portions created by ______________________ are Copyright (C) ______
+     _______________________. All Rights Reserved.
+     Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
+     Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
+     of the _____ license (the  "[___] License"), in which case the
+     provisions of [______] License are applicable instead of those
+     above.  If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+     under the terms of the [____] License and not to allow others to use
+     your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by
+     deleting  the provisions above and replace  them with the notice and
+     other provisions required by the [___] License.  If you do not delete
+     the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file
+     under either the MPL or the [___] License."
+     [NOTE: The text of this Exhibit A may differ slightly from the text of
+     the notices in the Source Code files of the Original Code. You should
+     use the text of this Exhibit A rather than the text found in the
+     Original Code Source Code for Your Modifications.]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e633758..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview jQuery adapter provides easy use of basic CKEditor functions
- *   and access to internal API. It also integrates some aspects of CKEditor with
- *   jQuery framework.
- *
- * Every TEXTAREA, DIV and P elements can be converted to working editor.
- *
- * Plugin exposes some of editor's event to jQuery event system. All of those are namespaces inside
- * ".ckeditor" namespace and can be binded/listened on supported textarea, div and p nodes.
- *
- * Available jQuery events:
- * - instanceReady.ckeditor( editor, rootNode )
- *   Triggered when new instance is ready.
- * - destroy.ckeditor( editor )
- *   Triggered when instance is destroyed.
- * - getData.ckeditor( editor, eventData )
- *   Triggered when getData event is fired inside editor. It can change returned data using eventData reference.
- * - setData.ckeditor( editor )
- *   Triggered when getData event is fired inside editor.
- *
- * @example
- * <script src="jquery.js"></script>
- * <script src="ckeditor.js"></script>
- * <script src="adapters/jquery/adapter.js"></script>
- */
-	/**
-	 * Allow CKEditor to override jQuery.fn.val(). This results in ability to use val()
-	 * function on textareas as usual and having those calls synchronized with CKEditor
-	 * Rich Text Editor component.
-	 *
-	 * This config option is global and executed during plugin load.
-	 * Can't be customized across editor instances.
-	 *
-	 * @type Boolean
-	 * @example
-	 * $( 'textarea' ).ckeditor();
-	 * // ...
-	 * $( 'textarea' ).val( 'New content' );
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.config.jqueryOverrideVal = typeof CKEDITOR.config.jqueryOverrideVal == 'undefined'
-		? true : CKEDITOR.config.jqueryOverrideVal;
-	var jQuery = window.jQuery;
-	if ( typeof jQuery == 'undefined' )
-		return;
-	// jQuery object methods.
-	jQuery.extend( jQuery.fn,
-	/** @lends jQuery.fn */
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Return existing CKEditor instance for first matched element.
-		 * Allows to easily use internal API. Doesn't return jQuery object.
-		 *
-		 * Raised exception if editor doesn't exist or isn't ready yet.
-		 *
-		 * @name jQuery.ckeditorGet
-		 * @return CKEDITOR.editor
-		 * @see CKEDITOR.editor
-		 */
-		ckeditorGet: function()
-		{
-			var instance = this.eq( 0 ).data( 'ckeditorInstance' );
-			if ( !instance )
-				throw "CKEditor not yet initialized, use ckeditor() with callback.";
-			return instance;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Triggers creation of CKEditor in all matched elements (reduced to DIV, P and TEXTAREAs).
-		 * Binds callback to instanceReady event of all instances. If editor is already created, than
-		 * callback is fired right away.
-		 *
-		 * Mixed parameter order allowed.
-		 *
-		 * @param callback Function to be run on editor instance. Passed parameters: [ textarea ].
-		 * Callback is fiered in "this" scope being ckeditor instance and having source textarea as first param.
-		 *
-		 * @param config Configuration options for new instance(s) if not already created.
-		 * See URL
-		 *
-		 * @example
-		 * $( 'textarea' ).ckeditor( function( textarea ) {
-		 *   $( textarea ).val( this.getData() )
-		 * } );
-		 *
-		 * @name jQuery.fn.ckeditor
-		 * @return jQuery.fn
-		 */
-		ckeditor: function( callback, config )
-		{
-			if ( !jQuery.isFunction( callback ))
-			{
-				var tmp = config;
-				config = callback;
-				callback = tmp;
-			}
-			config = config || {};
-			this.filter( 'textarea, div, p' ).each( function()
-			{
-				var $element = jQuery( this ),
-					editor = $element.data( 'ckeditorInstance' ),
-					instanceLock = $element.data( '_ckeditorInstanceLock' ),
-					element = this;
-				if ( editor && !instanceLock )
-				{
-					if ( callback )
-						callback.apply( editor, [ this ] );
-				}
-				else if ( !instanceLock )
-				{
-					// Handle config.autoUpdateElement inside this plugin if desired.
-					if ( config.autoUpdateElement
-						|| ( typeof config.autoUpdateElement == 'undefined' && CKEDITOR.config.autoUpdateElement ) )
-					{
-						config.autoUpdateElementJquery = true;
-					}
-					// Always disable config.autoUpdateElement.
-					config.autoUpdateElement = false;
-					$element.data( '_ckeditorInstanceLock', true );
-					// Set instance reference in element's data.
-					editor = CKEDITOR.replace( element, config );
-					$element.data( 'ckeditorInstance', editor );
-					// Register callback.
-					editor.on( 'instanceReady', function( event )
-					{
-						var editor = event.editor;
-						setTimeout( function()
-						{
-							// Delay bit more if editor is still not ready.
-							if ( !editor.element )
-							{
-								setTimeout( arguments.callee, 100 );
-								return;
-							}
-							// Remove this listener.
-							event.removeListener( 'instanceReady', this.callee );
-							// Forward setData on dataReady.
-							editor.on( 'dataReady', function()
-							{
-								$element.trigger( 'setData' + '.ckeditor', [ editor ] );
-							});
-							// Forward getData.
-							editor.on( 'getData', function( event ) {
-								$element.trigger( 'getData' + '.ckeditor', [ editor, event.data ] );
-							}, 999 );
-							// Forward destroy event.
-							editor.on( 'destroy', function()
-							{
-								$element.trigger( 'destroy.ckeditor', [ editor ] );
-							});
-							// Integrate with form submit.
-							if ( editor.config.autoUpdateElementJquery && $element.is( 'textarea' ) && $element.parents( 'form' ).length )
-							{
-								var onSubmit = function()
-								{
-									$element.ckeditor( function()
-									{
-										editor.updateElement();
-									});
-								};
-								// Bind to submit event.
-								$element.parents( 'form' ).submit( onSubmit );
-								// Bind to form-pre-serialize from jQuery Forms plugin.
-								$element.parents( 'form' ).bind( 'form-pre-serialize', onSubmit );
-								// Unbind when editor destroyed.
-								$element.bind( 'destroy.ckeditor', function()
-								{
-									$element.parents( 'form' ).unbind( 'submit', onSubmit );
-									$element.parents( 'form' ).unbind( 'form-pre-serialize', onSubmit );
-								});
-							}
-							// Garbage collect on destroy.
-							editor.on( 'destroy', function()
-							{
-								$element.data( 'ckeditorInstance', null );
-							});
-							// Remove lock.
-							$element.data( '_ckeditorInstanceLock', null );
-							// Fire instanceReady event.
-							$element.trigger( 'instanceReady.ckeditor', [ editor ] );
-							// Run given (first) code.
-							if ( callback )
-								callback.apply( editor, [ element ] );
-						}, 0 );
-					}, null, null, 9999);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					// Editor is already during creation process, bind our code to the event.
-					CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( event )
-					{
-						var editor = event.editor;
-						setTimeout( function()
-						{
-							// Delay bit more if editor is still not ready.
-							if ( !editor.element )
-							{
-								setTimeout( arguments.callee, 100 );
-								return;
-							}
-							if ( editor.element.$ == element )
-							{
-								// Run given code.
-								if ( callback )
-									callback.apply( editor, [ element ] );
-							}
-						}, 0 );
-					}, null, null, 9999);
-				}
-			});
-			return this;
-		}
-	});
-	// New val() method for objects.
-	if ( CKEDITOR.config.jqueryOverrideVal )
-	{
-		jQuery.fn.val = CKEDITOR.tools.override( jQuery.fn.val, function( oldValMethod )
-		{
-			/**
-			 * CKEditor-aware val() method.
-			 *
-			 * Acts same as original jQuery val(), but for textareas which have CKEditor instances binded to them, method
-			 * returns editor's content. It also works for settings values.
-			 *
-			 * @param oldValMethod
-			 * @name jQuery.fn.val
-			 */
-			return function( newValue, forceNative )
-			{
-				var isSetter = typeof newValue != 'undefined',
-					result;
-				this.each( function()
-				{
-					var $this = jQuery( this ),
-						editor = $this.data( 'ckeditorInstance' );
-					if ( !forceNative && $this.is( 'textarea' ) && editor )
-					{
-						if ( isSetter )
-							editor.setData( newValue );
-						else
-						{
-							result = editor.getData();
-							// break;
-							return null;
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						if ( isSetter )
-							oldValMethod.call( $this, newValue );
-						else
-						{
-							result = oldValMethod.call( $this );
-							// break;
-							return null;
-						}
-					}
-					return true;
-				});
-				return isSetter ? this : result;
-			};
-		});
-	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/build-config.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/build-config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..515fd80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/build-config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * This file was added automatically by CKEditor builder.
+ * You may re-use it at any time at http://ckeditor.com/builder to build CKEditor again.
+ * 
+ * NOTE: 
+ *    This file is not used by CKEditor, you may remove it.
+ *    Changing this file will not change your CKEditor configuration.
+ */
+	skin: 'kama',
+	preset: 'full',
+	ignore: [
+		'dev',
+		'.gitignore',
+		'.gitattributes',
+		'README.md',
+		'.mailmap'
+	],
+	plugins : {
+		'about' : 1,
+		'a11yhelp' : 1,
+		'dialogadvtab' : 1,
+		'basicstyles' : 1,
+		'bidi' : 1,
+		'blockquote' : 1,
+		'clipboard' : 1,
+		'colorbutton' : 1,
+		'colordialog' : 1,
+		'templates' : 1,
+		'contextmenu' : 1,
+		'div' : 1,
+		'resize' : 1,
+		'toolbar' : 1,
+		'elementspath' : 1,
+		'enterkey' : 1,
+		'entities' : 1,
+		'filebrowser' : 1,
+		'find' : 1,
+		'flash' : 1,
+		'floatingspace' : 1,
+		'font' : 1,
+		'forms' : 1,
+		'format' : 1,
+		'htmlwriter' : 1,
+		'horizontalrule' : 1,
+		'iframe' : 1,
+		'wysiwygarea' : 1,
+		'image' : 1,
+		'indent' : 1,
+		'smiley' : 1,
+		'justify' : 1,
+		'link' : 1,
+		'list' : 1,
+		'liststyle' : 1,
+		'magicline' : 1,
+		'maximize' : 1,
+		'newpage' : 1,
+		'pagebreak' : 1,
+		'pastetext' : 1,
+		'pastefromword' : 1,
+		'preview' : 1,
+		'print' : 1,
+		'removeformat' : 1,
+		'save' : 1,
+		'selectall' : 1,
+		'showblocks' : 1,
+		'showborders' : 1,
+		'sourcearea' : 1,
+		'specialchar' : 1,
+		'scayt' : 1,
+		'stylescombo' : 1,
+		'tab' : 1,
+		'table' : 1,
+		'tabletools' : 1,
+		'undo' : 1,
+		'wsc' : 1,
+		'dialog' : 1,
+		'dialogui' : 1,
+		'panelbutton' : 1,
+		'button' : 1,
+		'floatpanel' : 1,
+		'panel' : 1,
+		'menu' : 1,
+		'popup' : 1,
+		'fakeobjects' : 1,
+		'richcombo' : 1,
+		'listblock' : 1,
+		'menubutton' : 1
+	},
+	languages : {
+		'af' : 1,
+		'ar' : 1,
+		'eu' : 1,
+		'bn' : 1,
+		'bs' : 1,
+		'bg' : 1,
+		'ca' : 1,
+		'zh-cn' : 1,
+		'zh' : 1,
+		'hr' : 1,
+		'cs' : 1,
+		'da' : 1,
+		'nl' : 1,
+		'en' : 1,
+		'en-au' : 1,
+		'en-ca' : 1,
+		'en-gb' : 1,
+		'eo' : 1,
+		'et' : 1,
+		'fo' : 1,
+		'fi' : 1,
+		'fr' : 1,
+		'fr-ca' : 1,
+		'gl' : 1,
+		'ka' : 1,
+		'de' : 1,
+		'el' : 1,
+		'gu' : 1,
+		'he' : 1,
+		'hi' : 1,
+		'hu' : 1,
+		'is' : 1,
+		'it' : 1,
+		'ja' : 1,
+		'km' : 1,
+		'ko' : 1,
+		'ku' : 1,
+		'lv' : 1,
+		'lt' : 1,
+		'mk' : 1,
+		'ms' : 1,
+		'mn' : 1,
+		'no' : 1,
+		'nb' : 1,
+		'fa' : 1,
+		'pl' : 1,
+		'pt-br' : 1,
+		'pt' : 1,
+		'ro' : 1,
+		'ru' : 1,
+		'sr' : 1,
+		'sr-latn' : 1,
+		'sk' : 1,
+		'sl' : 1,
+		'es' : 1,
+		'sv' : 1,
+		'th' : 1,
+		'tr' : 1,
+		'ug' : 1,
+		'uk' : 1,
+		'vi' : 1,
+		'cy' : 1,
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/ckeditor.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/ckeditor.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fbe4c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/ckeditor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+// Compressed version of core/ckeditor_base.js. See original for instructions.
+window.CKEDITOR||(window.CKEDITOR=function(){var b={timestamp:"",version:"4.0.1",revision:"d02739be4b",rnd:Math.floor(900*Math.random())+100,_:{pending:[]},status:"unloaded",basePath:function(){var a=window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH||"";if(!a)for(var b=document.getElementsByTagName("script"),c=0;c<b.length;c++){var d=b[c].src.match(/(^|.*[\\\/])ckeditor(?:_basic)?(?:_source)?.js(?:\?.*)?$/i);if(d){a=d[1];break}}-1==a.indexOf(":/")&&(a=0===a.indexOf("/")?location.href.match(/^.*?:\/\/[^\/]*/)[0]+a:location.href.match(/^[^\?]*\/(?:)/)[0]+a);if(!a)throw'The CKEditor installation path could not be automatically detected. Please set the global variable "CKEDITOR_BASEPATH" before creating editor instances.';return a}(),getUrl:function(a){-1==a.indexOf(":/")&&0!==a.indexOf("/")&&(a=this.basePath+a);this.timestamp&&("/"!=a.charAt(a.length-1)&&!/[&?]t=/.test(a))&&(a+=(0<=a.indexOf("?")?"&":"?")+"t="+this.timestamp);return a},domReady:function(){function a(){try{document.addEventListener?(doc
 ument.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",a,!1),b()):document.attachEvent&&"complete"===document.readyState&&(document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",a),b())}catch(d){}}function b(){for(var a;a=c.shift();)a()}var c=[];return function(b){c.push(b);"complete"===document.readyState&&setTimeout(a,1);if(1==c.length)if(document.addEventListener)document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",a,!1),window.addEventListener("load",a,!1);else if(document.attachEvent){document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",a);window.attachEvent("onload",a);b=!1;try{b=!window.frameElement}catch(e){}if(document.documentElement.doScroll&&b){var f=function(){try{document.documentElement.doScroll("left")}catch(b){setTimeout(f,1);return}a()};f()}}}}()},e=window.CKEDITOR_GETURL;if(e){var g=b.url;b.url=function(a){return e.call(b,a)||g.call(b,a)}}return b}());
+if ( CKEDITOR.loader )
+	CKEDITOR.loader.load( 'ckeditor' );
+else {
+	// Set the script name to be loaded by the loader.
+	CKEDITOR._autoLoad = 'ckeditor';
+	// Include the loader script.
+	if ( document.body && ( !document.readyState || document.readyState == 'complete' ) ) {
+		var script = document.createElement( 'script' );
+		script.type = 'text/javascript';
+		script.src = CKEDITOR.getUrl( 'core/loader.js' );
+		document.body.appendChild( script );
+	} else {
+		document.write( '<script type="text/javascript" src="' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( 'core/loader.js' ) + '"></script>' );
+	}
+ * The skin to load for all created instances, it may be the name of the skin
+ * folder inside the editor installation path, or the name and the path separated
+ * by a comma.
+ *
+ * **Note:** This is a global configuration that applies to all instances.
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.skinName = 'moono';
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.skinName = 'myskin,/customstuff/myskin/';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [skinName='moono']
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+CKEDITOR.skinName = 'moono';
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/ckeditor_basic_source.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/ckeditor_basic_source.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 10efe0e..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/ckeditor_basic_source.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-// Compressed version of core/ckeditor_base.js. See original for instructions.
-if(!window.CKEDITOR)window.CKEDITOR=(function(){var a={timestamp:'',version:'3.4.1',revision:'5892',_:{},status:'unloaded',basePath:(function(){var d=window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH||'';if(!d){var e=document.getElementsByTagName('script');for(var f=0;f<e.length;f++){var g=e[f].src.match(/(^|.*[\\\/])ckeditor(?:_basic)?(?:_source)?.js(?:\?.*)?$/i);if(g){d=g[1];break;}}}if(d.indexOf('://')==-1)if(d.indexOf('/')===0)d=location.href.match(/^.*?:\/\/[^\/]*/)[0]+d;else d=location.href.match(/^[^\?]*\/(?:)/)[0]+d;return d;})(),getUrl:function(d){if(d.indexOf('://')==-1&&d.indexOf('/')!==0)d=this.basePath+d;if(this.timestamp&&d.charAt(d.length-1)!='/')d+=(d.indexOf('?')>=0?'&':'?')+('t=')+this.timestamp;return d;}},b=window.CKEDITOR_GETURL;if(b){var c=a.getUrl;a.getUrl=function(d){return b.call(a,d)||c.call(a,d);};}return a;})();
-// Uncomment the following line to have a new timestamp generated for each
-// request, having clear cache load of the editor code.
-// CKEDITOR.timestamp = ( new Date() ).valueOf();
-// Set the script name to be loaded by the loader.
-CKEDITOR._autoLoad = 'core/ckeditor_basic';
-// Include the loader script.
-	'<script type="text/javascript" src="' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( '_source/core/loader.js' ) + '"></script>' );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/ckeditor_source.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/ckeditor_source.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c0da07..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/ckeditor_source.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-// Compressed version of core/ckeditor_base.js. See original for instructions.
-if(!window.CKEDITOR)window.CKEDITOR=(function(){var a={timestamp:'',version:'3.4.1',revision:'5892',_:{},status:'unloaded',basePath:(function(){var d=window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH||'';if(!d){var e=document.getElementsByTagName('script');for(var f=0;f<e.length;f++){var g=e[f].src.match(/(^|.*[\\\/])ckeditor(?:_basic)?(?:_source)?.js(?:\?.*)?$/i);if(g){d=g[1];break;}}}if(d.indexOf('://')==-1)if(d.indexOf('/')===0)d=location.href.match(/^.*?:\/\/[^\/]*/)[0]+d;else d=location.href.match(/^[^\?]*\/(?:)/)[0]+d;return d;})(),getUrl:function(d){if(d.indexOf('://')==-1&&d.indexOf('/')!==0)d=this.basePath+d;if(this.timestamp&&d.charAt(d.length-1)!='/')d+=(d.indexOf('?')>=0?'&':'?')+('t=')+this.timestamp;return d;}},b=window.CKEDITOR_GETURL;if(b){var c=a.getUrl;a.getUrl=function(d){return b.call(a,d)||c.call(a,d);};}return a;})();
-// Uncomment the following line to have a new timestamp generated for each
-// request, having clear cache load of the editor code.
-// CKEDITOR.timestamp = ( new Date() ).valueOf();
-if ( CKEDITOR.loader )
-	CKEDITOR.loader.load( 'core/ckeditor' );
-	// Set the script name to be loaded by the loader.
-	CKEDITOR._autoLoad = 'core/ckeditor';
-	// Include the loader script.
-	document.write(
-		'<script type="text/javascript" src="' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( '_source/core/loader.js' ) + '"></script>' );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/config.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d03b3fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
+	// The configuration options below are needed when running CKEditor from source files.
+	config.plugins = 'dialogui,dialog,about,a11yhelp,dialogadvtab,basicstyles,bidi,blockquote,clipboard,button,panelbutton,panel,floatpanel,colorbutton,colordialog,templates,menu,contextmenu,div,resize,toolbar,elementspath,list,indent,enterkey,entities,popup,filebrowser,find,fakeobjects,flash,floatingspace,listblock,richcombo,font,forms,format,htmlwriter,horizontalrule,iframe,wysiwygarea,image,smiley,justify,link,liststyle,magicline,maximize,newpage,pagebreak,pastetext,pastefromword,preview,print,removeformat,save,selectall,showblocks,showborders,sourcearea,specialchar,menubutton,scayt,stylescombo,tab,table,tabletools,undo,wsc';
+	config.skin = 'kama';
+	// Define changes to default configuration here. For example:
+	// config.language = 'fr';
+	// config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/contents.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/contents.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa9aeeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/contents.css
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+	/* Font */
+	font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS";
+	font-size: 12px;
+	/* Text color */
+	color: #333;
+	/* Remove the background color to make it transparent */
+	background-color: #fff;
+	margin: 20px;
+	font-size: 13px;
+	line-height: 1.6em;
+	font-style: italic;
+	font-family: Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif;
+	padding: 2px 0;
+	border-style: solid;
+	border-color: #ccc;
+	border-width: 0;
+.cke_contents_ltr blockquote
+	padding-left: 20px;
+	padding-right: 8px;
+	border-left-width: 5px;
+.cke_contents_rtl blockquote
+	padding-left: 8px;
+	padding-right: 20px;
+	border-right-width: 5px;
+	color: #0782C1;
+	/* IE7: reset rtl list margin. (#7334) */
+	*margin-right: 0px;
+	/* preserved spaces for list items with text direction other than the list. (#6249,#8049)*/
+	padding: 0 40px;
+	font-weight: normal;
+	line-height: 1.2em;
+	border: 0px;
+	border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
+img.right {
+    border: 1px solid #ccc;
+    float: right;
+    margin-left: 15px;
+    padding: 5px;
+img.left {
+    border: 1px solid #ccc;
+    float: left;
+    margin-right: 15px;
+    padding: 5px;
+img:hover {
+	opacity: .9;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 90);
+	white-space: pre-wrap; /* CSS 2.1 */
+	word-wrap: break-word; /* IE7 */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/_bootstrap.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/_bootstrap.js
index f351ce6..6bfbb14 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/_bootstrap.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/_bootstrap.js
@@ -1,91 +1,69 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview API initialization code.
- */
-	// Disable HC detaction in WebKit. (#5429)
-	if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.env.hc = false;
-		return;
-	}
-	// Check is High Contrast is active by creating a temporary element with a
-	// background image.
-	var useSpacer = CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 7,
-		useBlank = CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version == 7;
-	var backgroundImageUrl = useSpacer ? ( CKEDITOR.basePath + 'images/spacer.gif' ) :
-							 useBlank ? 'about:blank' : 'data:image/png;base64,';
-	var hcDetect = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(
-		'<div style="width:0px;height:0px;' +
-			'position:absolute;left:-10000px;' +
-			'background-image:url(' + backgroundImageUrl + ')"></div>', CKEDITOR.document );
-	hcDetect.appendTo( CKEDITOR.document.getHead() );
-	// Update CKEDITOR.env.
-	// Catch exception needed sometimes for FF. (#4230)
-	try
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.env.hc = ( hcDetect.getComputedStyle( 'background-image' ) == 'none' );
-	}
-	catch (e)
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.env.hc = false;
-	}
-	if ( CKEDITOR.env.hc )
-		CKEDITOR.env.cssClass += ' cke_hc';
-	hcDetect.remove();
-// Load core plugins.
-CKEDITOR.plugins.load( CKEDITOR.config.corePlugins.split( ',' ), function()
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.status = 'loaded';
-		CKEDITOR.fire( 'loaded' );
-		// Process all instances created by the "basic" implementation.
-		var pending = CKEDITOR._.pending;
-		if ( pending )
-		{
-			delete CKEDITOR._.pending;
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < pending.length ; i++ )
-				CKEDITOR.add( pending[ i ] );
-		}
-	});
-TODO: Enable the following and check if effective.
-if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-	// Remove IE mouse flickering on IE6 because of background images.
-	try
-	{
-		document.execCommand( 'BackgroundImageCache', false, true );
-	}
-	catch (e)
-	{
-		// We have been reported about loading problems caused by the above
-		// line. For safety, let's just ignore errors.
-	}
- * Fired when a CKEDITOR core object is fully loaded and ready for interaction.
- * @name CKEDITOR#loaded
- * @event
- */
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview API initialization code.
+ */
+(function() {
+	// Disable HC detection in WebKit. (#5429)
+	if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
+		CKEDITOR.env.hc = false;
+	else {
+		// Check whether high contrast is active by creating a colored border.
+		var hcDetect = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div style="width:0px;height:0px;position:absolute;left:-10000px;' +
+			'border: 1px solid;border-color: red blue;"></div>', CKEDITOR.document );
+		hcDetect.appendTo( CKEDITOR.document.getHead() );
+		// Update CKEDITOR.env.
+		// Catch exception needed sometimes for FF. (#4230)
+		try {
+			CKEDITOR.env.hc = hcDetect.getComputedStyle( 'border-top-color' ) == hcDetect.getComputedStyle( 'border-right-color' );
+		} catch ( e ) {
+			CKEDITOR.env.hc = false;
+		}
+		hcDetect.remove();
+	}
+	if ( CKEDITOR.env.hc )
+		CKEDITOR.env.cssClass += ' cke_hc';
+	// Initially hide UI spaces when relevant skins are loading, later restored by skin css.
+	CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleText( '.cke{visibility:hidden;}' );
+	// Mark the editor as fully loaded.
+	CKEDITOR.status = 'loaded';
+	CKEDITOR.fireOnce( 'loaded' );
+	// Process all instances created by the "basic" implementation.
+	var pending = CKEDITOR._.pending;
+	if ( pending ) {
+		delete CKEDITOR._.pending;
+		for ( var i = 0; i < pending.length; i++ ) {
+			CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.constructor.apply( pending[ i ][ 0 ], pending[ i ][ 1 ] );
+			CKEDITOR.add( pending[ i ][ 0 ] );
+		}
+	}
+ * Indicates that CKEditor is running on a High Contrast environment.
+ *
+ *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.hc )
+ *			alert( 'You\'re running on High Contrast mode. The editor interface will get adapted to provide you a better experience.' );
+ *
+ * @property {Boolean} hc
+ * @member CKEDITOR.env
+ */
+ * Fired when a CKEDITOR core object is fully loaded and ready for interaction.
+ *
+ * @event loaded
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ajax.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ajax.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 078c15a..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ajax.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.ajax} object, which holds ajax methods for
- *		data loading.
- */
- * Ajax methods for data loading.
- * @namespace
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.ajax = (function()
-	var createXMLHttpRequest = function()
-	{
-		// In IE, using the native XMLHttpRequest for local files may throw
-		// "Access is Denied" errors.
-		if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie || location.protocol != 'file:' )
-			try { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) {}
-		try { return new ActiveXObject( 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP' ); } catch (e) {}
-		try { return new ActiveXObject( 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP' ); } catch (e) {}
-		return null;
-	};
-	var checkStatus = function( xhr )
-	{
-		// HTTP Status Codes:
-		//	 2xx : Success
-		//	 304 : Not Modified
-		//	   0 : Returned when running locally (file://)
-		//	1223 : IE may change 204 to 1223 (see http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/1450)
-		return ( xhr.readyState == 4 &&
-				(	( xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 ) ||
-					xhr.status == 304 ||
-					xhr.status === 0 ||
-					xhr.status == 1223 ) );
-	};
-	var getResponseText = function( xhr )
-	{
-		if ( checkStatus( xhr ) )
-			return xhr.responseText;
-		return null;
-	};
-	var getResponseXml = function( xhr )
-	{
-		if ( checkStatus( xhr ) )
-		{
-			var xml = xhr.responseXML;
-			return new CKEDITOR.xml( xml && xml.firstChild ? xml : xhr.responseText );
-		}
-		return null;
-	};
-	var load = function( url, callback, getResponseFn )
-	{
-		var async = !!callback;
-		var xhr = createXMLHttpRequest();
-		if ( !xhr )
-			return null;
-		xhr.open( 'GET', url, async );
-		if ( async )
-		{
-			// TODO: perform leak checks on this closure.
-			/** @ignore */
-			xhr.onreadystatechange = function()
-			{
-				if ( xhr.readyState == 4 )
-				{
-					callback( getResponseFn( xhr ) );
-					xhr = null;
-				}
-			};
-		}
-		xhr.send(null);
-		return async ? '' : getResponseFn( xhr );
-	};
-	return 	/** @lends CKEDITOR.ajax */ {
-		/**
-		 * Loads data from an URL as plain text.
-		 * @param {String} url The URL from which load data.
-		 * @param {Function} [callback] A callback function to be called on
-		 *		data load. If not provided, the data will be loaded
-		 *		asynchronously, passing the data value the function on load.
-		 * @returns {String} The loaded data. For asynchronous requests, an
-		 *		empty string. For invalid requests, null.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Load data synchronously.
-		 * var data = CKEDITOR.ajax.load( 'somedata.txt' );
-		 * alert( data );
-		 * @example
-		 * // Load data asynchronously.
-		 * var data = CKEDITOR.ajax.load( 'somedata.txt', function( data )
-		 *     {
-		 *         alert( data );
-		 *     } );
-		 */
-		load : function( url, callback )
-		{
-			return load( url, callback, getResponseText );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Loads data from an URL as XML.
-		 * @param {String} url The URL from which load data.
-		 * @param {Function} [callback] A callback function to be called on
-		 *		data load. If not provided, the data will be loaded
-		 *		asynchronously, passing the data value the function on load.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.xml} An XML object holding the loaded data. For asynchronous requests, an
-		 *		empty string. For invalid requests, null.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Load XML synchronously.
-		 * var xml = CKEDITOR.ajax.loadXml( 'somedata.xml' );
-		 * alert( xml.getInnerXml( '//' ) );
-		 * @example
-		 * // Load XML asynchronously.
-		 * var data = CKEDITOR.ajax.loadXml( 'somedata.xml', function( xml )
-		 *     {
-		 *         alert( xml.getInnerXml( '//' ) );
-		 *     } );
-		 */
-		loadXml : function( url, callback )
-		{
-			return load( url, callback, getResponseXml );
-		}
-	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ckeditor.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ckeditor.js
index 068da31..7cf8dc2 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ckeditor.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ckeditor.js
@@ -1,113 +1,204 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Contains the third and last part of the {@link CKEDITOR} object
- *		definition.
- */
-// Remove the CKEDITOR.loadFullCore reference defined on ckeditor_basic.
-delete CKEDITOR.loadFullCore;
- * Holds references to all editor instances created. The name of the properties
- * in this object correspond to instance names, and their values contains the
- * {@link CKEDITOR.editor} object representing them.
- * @type {Object}
- * @example
- * alert( <b>CKEDITOR.instances</b>.editor1.name );  // "editor1"
- */
-CKEDITOR.instances = {};
- * The document of the window holding the CKEDITOR object.
- * @type {CKEDITOR.dom.document}
- * @example
- * alert( <b>CKEDITOR.document</b>.getBody().getName() );  // "body"
- */
-CKEDITOR.document = new CKEDITOR.dom.document( document );
- * Adds an editor instance to the global {@link CKEDITOR} object. This function
- * is available for internal use mainly.
- * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance to be added.
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.add = function( editor )
-	CKEDITOR.instances[ editor.name ] = editor;
-	editor.on( 'focus', function()
-		{
-			if ( CKEDITOR.currentInstance != editor )
-			{
-				CKEDITOR.currentInstance = editor;
-				CKEDITOR.fire( 'currentInstance' );
-			}
-		});
-	editor.on( 'blur', function()
-		{
-			if ( CKEDITOR.currentInstance == editor )
-			{
-				CKEDITOR.currentInstance = null;
-				CKEDITOR.fire( 'currentInstance' );
-			}
-		});
- * Removes and editor instance from the global {@link CKEDITOR} object. his function
- * is available for internal use mainly.
- * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance to be added.
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.remove = function( editor )
-	delete CKEDITOR.instances[ editor.name ];
- * Perform global clean up to free as much memory as possible
- * when there are no instances left
- */
-CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceDestroyed', function ()
-	{
-		if ( CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty( this.instances ) )
-			CKEDITOR.fire( 'reset' );
-	});
-// Load the bootstrap script.
-CKEDITOR.loader.load( 'core/_bootstrap' );		// @Packager.RemoveLine
-// Tri-state constants.
- * Used to indicate the ON or ACTIVE state.
- * @constant
- * @example
- */
- * Used to indicate the OFF or NON ACTIVE state.
- * @constant
- * @example
- */
- * Used to indicate DISABLED state.
- * @constant
- * @example
- */
- * Fired when the CKEDITOR.currentInstance object reference changes. This may
- * happen when setting the focus on different editor instances in the page.
- * @name CKEDITOR#currentInstance
- * @event
- */
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Contains the third and last part of the {@link CKEDITOR} object
+ *		definition.
+ */
+/** @class CKEDITOR */
+// Remove the CKEDITOR.loadFullCore reference defined on ckeditor_basic.
+delete CKEDITOR.loadFullCore;
+ * Holds references to all editor instances created. The name of the properties
+ * in this object correspond to instance names, and their values contains the
+ * {@link CKEDITOR.editor} object representing them.
+ *
+ *		alert( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.name ); // 'editor1'
+ *
+ * @property {Object}
+ */
+CKEDITOR.instances = {};
+ * The document of the window holding the CKEDITOR object.
+ *
+ *		alert( CKEDITOR.document.getBody().getName() ); // 'body'
+ *
+ * @property {CKEDITOR.dom.document}
+ */
+CKEDITOR.document = new CKEDITOR.dom.document( document );
+ * Adds an editor instance to the global {@link CKEDITOR} object. This function
+ * is available for internal use mainly.
+ *
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance to be added.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.add = function( editor ) {
+	CKEDITOR.instances[ editor.name ] = editor;
+	editor.on( 'focus', function() {
+		if ( CKEDITOR.currentInstance != editor ) {
+			CKEDITOR.currentInstance = editor;
+			CKEDITOR.fire( 'currentInstance' );
+		}
+	});
+	editor.on( 'blur', function() {
+		if ( CKEDITOR.currentInstance == editor ) {
+			CKEDITOR.currentInstance = null;
+			CKEDITOR.fire( 'currentInstance' );
+		}
+	});
+	CKEDITOR.fire( 'instance', null, editor );
+ * Removes an editor instance from the global {@link CKEDITOR} object. This function
+ * is available for internal use only. External code must use {@link CKEDITOR.editor#method-destroy}.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance to be removed.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.remove = function( editor ) {
+	delete CKEDITOR.instances[ editor.name ];
+(function() {
+	var tpls = {};
+	/**
+	 * Add a named {@link CKEDITOR.template} instance to be reused among all editors,
+	 * it will returns the existed one if template with same name is already
+	 * defined, additionally fires the "template" event to allow template source customization.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} name The name which identify one UI template.
+	 * @param {String} source The source string for constructing this template.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.template} The created template instance.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.addTemplate = function( name, source ) {
+		var tpl = tpls[ name ];
+		if ( tpl )
+			return tpl;
+		// Make it possible to customize the template through event.
+		var params = { name: name, source: source };
+		CKEDITOR.fire( 'template', params );
+		return ( tpls[ name ] = new CKEDITOR.template( params.source ) );
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Retrieve a defined template created with {@link CKEDITOR#addTemplate}.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} name The template name.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.getTemplate = function( name ) {
+		return tpls[ name ];
+	};
+(function() {
+	var styles = [];
+	/**
+	 * Append a trunk of css to be appended to the editor document.
+	 * This method is mostly used by plugins to add custom styles to the editor
+	 * document. For basic contents styling the contents.css file should be
+	 * used instead.
+	 *
+	 * **Note:** This function should be called before the creation of editor instances.
+	 *
+	 *		// Add styles for all headings inside of editable contents.
+	 *		CKEDITOR.addCss( '.cke_editable h1,.cke_editable h2,.cke_editable h3 { border-bottom: 1px dotted red }' );
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} css The style rules to be appended.
+	 * @see CKEDITOR.config#contentsCss
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.addCss = function( css ) {
+		styles.push( css );
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Returns a string will all CSS rules passes to the {@link CKEDITOR#addCss} method.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {String} A string containing CSS rules.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.getCss = function() {
+		return styles.join( '\n' );
+	};
+// Perform global clean up to free as much memory as possible
+// when there are no instances left
+CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceDestroyed', function() {
+	if ( CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty( this.instances ) )
+		CKEDITOR.fire( 'reset' );
+// Load the bootstrap script.
+CKEDITOR.loader.load( '_bootstrap' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+// Tri-state constants.
+ * Used to indicate the ON or ACTIVE state.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=1]
+ */
+ * Used to indicate the OFF or NON ACTIVE state.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=2]
+ */
+ * Used to indicate DISABLED state.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=0]
+ */
+ * The editor which is currently active (have user focus).
+ *
+ *		function showCurrentEditorName() {
+ *			if ( CKEDITOR.currentInstance )
+ *				alert( CKEDITOR.currentInstance.name );
+ *			else
+ *				alert( 'Please focus an editor first.' );
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @property {CKEDITOR.editor} currentInstance
+ * @see CKEDITOR#event-currentInstance
+ */
+ * Fired when the CKEDITOR.currentInstance object reference changes. This may
+ * happen when setting the focus on different editor instances in the page.
+ *
+ *		var editor; // Variable to hold a reference to the current editor.
+ *		CKEDITOR.on( 'currentInstance', function() {
+ *			editor = CKEDITOR.currentInstance;
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @event currentInstance
+ */
+ * Fired when the last instance has been destroyed. This event is used to perform
+ * global memory clean up.
+ *
+ * @event reset
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ckeditor_base.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ckeditor_base.js
index 75d2d0e..bcb9877 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ckeditor_base.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ckeditor_base.js
@@ -1,193 +1,317 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Contains the first and essential part of the {@link CKEDITOR}
- *		object definition.
- */
-// #### Compressed Code
-// Must be updated on changes in the script, as well as updated in the
-// ckeditor_source.js and ckeditor_basic_source.js files.
-// if(!window.CKEDITOR)window.CKEDITOR=(function(){var a={timestamp:'',version:'3.4.1',rev:'5892',_:{},status:'unloaded',basePath:(function(){var d=window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH||'';if(!d){var e=document.getElementsByTagName('script');for(var f=0;f<e.length;f++){var g=e[f].src.match(/(^|.*[\\\/])ckeditor(?:_basic)?(?:_source)?.js(?:\?.*)?$/i);if(g){d=g[1];break;}}}if(d.indexOf('://')==-1)if(d.indexOf('/')===0)d=location.href.match(/^.*?:\/\/[^\/]*/)[0]+d;else d=location.href.match(/^[^\?]*\/(?:)/)[0]+d;return d;})(),getUrl:function(d){if(d.indexOf('://')==-1&&d.indexOf('/')!==0)d=this.basePath+d;if(this.timestamp&&d.charAt(d.length-1)!='/')d+=(d.indexOf('?')>=0?'&':'?')+('t=')+this.timestamp;return d;}},b=window.CKEDITOR_GETURL;if(b){var c=a.getUrl;a.getUrl=function(d){return b.call(a,d)||c.call(a,d);};}return a;})();
-// #### Raw code
-// ATTENTION: read the above "Compressed Code" notes when changing this code.
-if ( !window.CKEDITOR )
-	/**
-	 * This is the API entry point. The entire CKEditor code runs under this object.
-	 * @name CKEDITOR
-	 * @namespace
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	window.CKEDITOR = (function()
-	{
-		var CKEDITOR =
-		/** @lends CKEDITOR */
-		{
-			/**
-			 * A constant string unique for each release of CKEditor. Its value
-			 * is used, by default, to build the URL for all resources loaded
-			 * by the editor code, guaranteing clean cache results when
-			 * upgrading.
-			 * @type String
-			 * @example
-			 * alert( CKEDITOR.timestamp );  // e.g. '87dm'
-			 */
-			// The production implementation contains a fixed timestamp, unique
-			// for each release, generated by the releaser.
-			// (Base 36 value of each component of YYMMDDHH - 4 chars total - e.g. 87bm == 08071122)
-			timestamp : 'A8LE4JO',
-			/**
-			 * Contains the CKEditor version number.
-			 * @type String
-			 * @example
-			 * alert( CKEDITOR.version );  // e.g. 'CKEditor 3.0 Beta'
-			 */
-			version : '3.4.1',
-			/**
-			 * Contains the CKEditor revision number.
-			 * Revision number is incremented automatically after each modification of CKEditor source code.
-			 * @type String
-			 * @example
-			 * alert( CKEDITOR.revision );  // e.g. '3975'
-			 */
-			revision : '5892',
-			/**
-			 * Private object used to hold core stuff. It should not be used out of
-			 * the API code as properties defined here may change at any time
-			 * without notice.
-			 * @private
-			 */
-			_ : {},
-			/**
-			 * Indicates the API loading status. The following status are available:
-			 *		<ul>
-			 *			<li><b>unloaded</b>: the API is not yet loaded.</li>
-			 *			<li><b>basic_loaded</b>: the basic API features are available.</li>
-			 *			<li><b>basic_ready</b>: the basic API is ready to load the full core code.</li>
-			 *			<li><b>loading</b>: the full API is being loaded.</li>
-			 *			<li><b>ready</b>: the API can be fully used.</li>
-			 *		</ul>
-			 * @type String
-			 * @example
-			 * if ( <b>CKEDITOR.status</b> == 'ready' )
-			 * {
-			 *     // The API can now be fully used.
-			 * }
-			 */
-			status : 'unloaded',
-			/**
-			 * Contains the full URL for the CKEditor installation directory.
-			 * It's possible to manually provide the base path by setting a
-			 * global variable named CKEDITOR_BASEPATH. This global variable
-			 * must be set "before" the editor script loading.
-			 * @type String
-			 * @example
-			 * alert( <b>CKEDITOR.basePath</b> );  // "http://www.example.com/ckeditor/" (e.g.)
-			 */
-			basePath : (function()
-			{
-				// ATTENTION: fixes on this code must be ported to
-				// var basePath in "core/loader.js".
-				// Find out the editor directory path, based on its <script> tag.
-				var path = window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH || '';
-				if ( !path )
-				{
-					var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' );
-					for ( var i = 0 ; i < scripts.length ; i++ )
-					{
-						var match = scripts[i].src.match( /(^|.*[\\\/])ckeditor(?:_basic)?(?:_source)?.js(?:\?.*)?$/i );
-						if ( match )
-						{
-							path = match[1];
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				// In IE (only) the script.src string is the raw valued entered in the
-				// HTML. Other browsers return the full resolved URL instead.
-				if ( path.indexOf('://') == -1 )
-				{
-					// Absolute path.
-					if ( path.indexOf( '/' ) === 0 )
-						path = location.href.match( /^.*?:\/\/[^\/]*/ )[0] + path;
-					// Relative path.
-					else
-						path = location.href.match( /^[^\?]*\/(?:)/ )[0] + path;
-				}
-				if ( !path )
-						throw 'The CKEditor installation path could not be automatically detected. Please set the global variable "CKEDITOR_BASEPATH" before creating editor instances.';
-				return path;
-			})(),
-			/**
-			 * Gets the full URL for CKEditor resources. By default, URLs
-			 * returned by this function contains a querystring parameter ("t")
-			 * set to the {@link CKEDITOR.timestamp} value.
-			 * It's possible to provide a custom implementation to this
-			 * function by setting a global variable named CKEDITOR_GETURL.
-			 * This global variable must be set "before" the editor script
-			 * loading. If the custom implementation returns nothing, the
-			 * default implementation is used.
-			 * @returns {String} The full URL.
-			 * @example
-			 * // e.g. http://www.example.com/ckeditor/skins/default/editor.css?t=87dm
-			 * alert( CKEDITOR.getUrl( 'skins/default/editor.css' ) );
-			 * @example
-			 * // e.g. http://www.example.com/skins/default/editor.css?t=87dm
-			 * alert( CKEDITOR.getUrl( '/skins/default/editor.css' ) );
-			 * @example
-			 * // e.g. http://www.somesite.com/skins/default/editor.css?t=87dm
-			 * alert( CKEDITOR.getUrl( 'http://www.somesite.com/skins/default/editor.css' ) );
-			 */
-			getUrl : function( resource )
-			{
-				// If this is not a full or absolute path.
-				if ( resource.indexOf('://') == -1 && resource.indexOf( '/' ) !== 0 )
-					resource = this.basePath + resource;
-				// Add the timestamp, except for directories.
-				if ( this.timestamp && resource.charAt( resource.length - 1 ) != '/' && !(/[&?]t=/).test( resource ) )
-					resource += ( resource.indexOf( '?' ) >= 0 ? '&' : '?' ) + 't=' + this.timestamp;
-				return resource;
-			}
-		};
-		// Make it possible to override the getUrl function with a custom
-		// implementation pointing to a global named CKEDITOR_GETURL.
-		var newGetUrl = window.CKEDITOR_GETURL;
-		if ( newGetUrl )
-		{
-			var originalGetUrl = CKEDITOR.getUrl;
-			CKEDITOR.getUrl = function ( resource )
-			{
-				return newGetUrl.call( CKEDITOR, resource ) ||
-					originalGetUrl.call( CKEDITOR, resource );
-			};
-		}
-		return CKEDITOR;
-	})();
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Contains the first and essential part of the {@link CKEDITOR}
+ *		object definition.
+ */
+// #### Compressed Code
+// Must be updated on changes in the script as well as updated in the
+// ckeditor_source.js and ckeditor_basic_source.js files.
+// window.CKEDITOR||(window.CKEDITOR=function(){var c={timestamp:"",version:"%VERSION%",revision:"%REV%",rnd:Math.floor(900*Math.random())+100,_:{pending:[]},status:"unloaded",basePath:function(){var a=window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH||"";if(!a)for(var d=document.getElementsByTagName("script"),b=0;b<d.length;b++){var e=d[b].src.match(/(^|.*[\\\/])ckeditor(?:_basic)?(?:_source)?.js(?:\?.*)?$/i);if(e){a=e[1];break}}-1==a.indexOf(":/")&&(a=0===a.indexOf("/")?location.href.match(/^.*?:\/\/[^\/]*/)[0]+a:location.href.match(/^[^\?]*\/(?:)/)[0]+ a);if(!a)throw'The CKEditor installation path could not be automatically detected. Please set the global variable "CKEDITOR_BASEPATH" before creating editor instances.';return a}(),getUrl:function(a){-1==a.indexOf(":/")&&0!==a.indexOf("/")&&(a=this.basePath+a);this.timestamp&&("/"!=a.charAt(a.length-1)&&!/[&?]t=/.test(a))&&(a+=(0<=a.indexOf("?")?"&":"?")+"t="+this.timestamp);return a},domReady:function(){function a(){try{document.addEventListener?d
 ocument.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",a, !1):document.attachEvent&&document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",a)}catch(b){}for(var e;e=d.shift();)e()}var d=[];return function(b){d.push(b);"complete"===document.readyState&&setTimeout(a,1);if(1==d.length)if(document.addEventListener)document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",a,!1),window.addEventListener("load",a,!1);else if(document.attachEvent){document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",a);window.attachEvent("onload",a);b=!1;try{b=!window.frameElement}catch(e){}if(document.documentElement.doScroll&& b){var c=function(){try{document.documentElement.doScroll("left")}catch(b){setTimeout(c,1);return}a()};c()}}}}()},f=window.CKEDITOR_GETURL;if(f){var g=c.url;c.url=function(a){return f.call(c,a)||g.call(c,a)}}return c}());
+// The Closure Compiler online service should be used when updating this manually:
+// http://closure-compiler.appspot.com/
+// #### Raw code
+// ATTENTION: read the above "Compressed Code" notes when changing this code.
+if ( !window.CKEDITOR ) {
+	/**
+	 * This is the API entry point. The entire CKEditor code runs under this object.
+	 * @class CKEDITOR
+	 * @singleton
+	 */
+	window.CKEDITOR = (function() {
+		var CKEDITOR = {
+			/**
+			 * A constant string unique for each release of CKEditor. Its value
+			 * is used, by default, to build the URL for all resources loaded
+			 * by the editor code, guaranteeing clean cache results when
+			 * upgrading.
+			 *
+			 *		alert( CKEDITOR.timestamp ); // e.g. '87dm'
+			 */
+			timestamp: '',				// %REMOVE_LINE%
+			/*							// %REMOVE_LINE%
+			// The production implementation contains a fixed timestamp, unique
+			// for each release and generated by the releaser.
+			// (Base 36 value of each component of YYMMDDHH - 4 chars total - e.g. 87bm == 08071122)
+			timestamp: '%TIMESTAMP%',
+			*/							// %REMOVE_LINE%
+			/**
+			 * Contains the CKEditor version number.
+			 *
+			 *		alert( CKEDITOR.version ); // e.g. 'CKEditor 3.4.1'
+			 */
+			version: '%VERSION%',
+			/**
+			 * Contains the CKEditor revision number.
+			 * The revision number is incremented automatically, following each
+			 * modification to the CKEditor source code.
+			 *
+			 *		alert( CKEDITOR.revision ); // e.g. '3975'
+			 */
+			revision: '%REV%',
+			/**
+			 * A 3-digit random integer, valid for the entire life of the CKEDITOR object.
+			 *
+			 *		alert( CKEDITOR.rnd ); // e.g. 319
+			 *
+			 * @property {Number}
+			 */
+			rnd: Math.floor( Math.random() * ( 999 /*Max*/ - 100 /*Min*/ + 1 ) ) + 100 /*Min*/,
+			/**
+			 * Private object used to hold core stuff. It should not be used outside of
+			 * the API code as properties defined here may change at any time
+			 * without notice.
+			 *
+			 * @private
+			 */
+			_: {
+				pending: []
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Indicates the API loading status. The following statuses are available:
+			 *
+			 * * **unloaded**: the API is not yet loaded.
+			 * * **basic_loaded**: the basic API features are available.
+			 * * **basic_ready**: the basic API is ready to load the full core code.
+			 * * **loaded**: the API can be fully used.
+			 *
+			 * Example:
+			 *
+			 *		if ( CKEDITOR.status == 'loaded' ) {
+			 *			// The API can now be fully used.
+			 *			doSomething();
+			 *		} else {
+			 *			// Wait for the full core to be loaded and fire its loading.
+			 *			CKEDITOR.on( 'load', doSomething );
+			 *			CKEDITOR.loadFullCore && CKEDITOR.loadFullCore();
+			 *		}
+			 */
+			status: 'unloaded',
+			/**
+			 * The full URL for the CKEditor installation directory.
+			 * It is possible to manually provide the base path by setting a
+			 * global variable named `CKEDITOR_BASEPATH`. This global variable
+			 * must be set **before** the editor script loading.
+			 *
+			 *		alert( CKEDITOR.basePath ); // e.g. 'http://www.example.com/ckeditor/'
+			 *
+			 * @property {String}
+			 */
+			basePath: (function() {
+				// ATTENTION: fixes to this code must be ported to
+				// var basePath in "core/loader.js".
+				// Find out the editor directory path, based on its <script> tag.
+				var path = window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH || '';
+				if ( !path ) {
+					var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' );
+					for ( var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++ ) {
+						var match = scripts[ i ].src.match( /(^|.*[\\\/])ckeditor(?:_basic)?(?:_source)?.js(?:\?.*)?$/i );
+						if ( match ) {
+							path = match[ 1 ];
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// In IE (only) the script.src string is the raw value entered in the
+				// HTML source. Other browsers return the full resolved URL instead.
+				if ( path.indexOf( ':/' ) == -1 ) {
+					// Absolute path.
+					if ( path.indexOf( '/' ) === 0 )
+						path = location.href.match( /^.*?:\/\/[^\/]*/ )[ 0 ] + path;
+					// Relative path.
+					else
+						path = location.href.match( /^[^\?]*\/(?:)/ )[ 0 ] + path;
+				}
+				if ( !path )
+					throw 'The CKEditor installation path could not be automatically detected. Please set the global variable "CKEDITOR_BASEPATH" before creating editor instances.';
+				return path;
+			})(),
+			/**
+			 * Gets the full URL for CKEditor resources. By default, URLs
+			 * returned by this function contain a querystring parameter ("t")
+			 * set to the {@link CKEDITOR#timestamp} value.
+			 *
+			 * It is possible to provide a custom implementation of this
+			 * function by setting a global variable named `CKEDITOR_GETURL`.
+			 * This global variable must be set **before** the editor script
+			 * loading. If the custom implementation returns nothing (`==null`), the
+			 * default implementation is used.
+			 *
+			 *		// e.g. 'http://www.example.com/ckeditor/skins/default/editor.css?t=87dm'
+			 *		alert( CKEDITOR.getUrl( 'skins/default/editor.css' ) );
+			 *
+			 *		// e.g. 'http://www.example.com/skins/default/editor.css?t=87dm'
+			 *		alert( CKEDITOR.getUrl( '/skins/default/editor.css' ) );
+			 *
+			 *		// e.g. 'http://www.somesite.com/skins/default/editor.css?t=87dm'
+			 *		alert( CKEDITOR.getUrl( 'http://www.somesite.com/skins/default/editor.css' ) );
+			 *
+			 * @param {String} resource The resource whose full URL we want to get.
+			 * It may be a full, absolute, or relative URL.
+			 * @returns {String} The full URL.
+			 */
+			getUrl: function( resource ) {
+				// If this is not a full or absolute path.
+				if ( resource.indexOf( ':/' ) == -1 && resource.indexOf( '/' ) !== 0 )
+					resource = this.basePath + resource;
+				// Add the timestamp, except for directories.
+				if ( this.timestamp && resource.charAt( resource.length - 1 ) != '/' && !( /[&?]t=/ ).test( resource ) )
+					resource += ( resource.indexOf( '?' ) >= 0 ? '&' : '?' ) + 't=' + this.timestamp;
+				return resource;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Specify a function to execute when the DOM is fully loaded.
+			 *
+			 * If called after the DOM has been initialized, the function passed in will
+			 * be executed immediately.
+			 *
+			 * @method
+			 * @todo
+			 */
+			domReady: (function() {
+				// Based on the original jQuery code.
+				var callbacks = [];
+				function onReady() {
+					try {
+						// Cleanup functions for the document ready method
+						if ( document.addEventListener ) {
+							document.removeEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', onReady, false );
+							executeCallbacks();
+						}
+						// Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous.
+						else if ( document.attachEvent && document.readyState === 'complete' ) {
+							document.detachEvent( 'onreadystatechange', onReady );
+							executeCallbacks();
+						}
+					} catch ( er ) {}
+				}
+				function executeCallbacks() {
+					var i;
+					while ( ( i = callbacks.shift() ) )
+						i();
+				}
+				return function( fn ) {
+					callbacks.push( fn );
+					// Catch cases where this is called after the
+					// browser event has already occurred.
+					if ( document.readyState === 'complete' )
+						// Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready
+						setTimeout( onReady, 1 );
+					// Run below once on demand only.
+					if ( callbacks.length != 1 )
+						return;
+					// For IE>8, Firefox, Opera and Webkit.
+					if ( document.addEventListener ) {
+						// Use the handy event callback
+						document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', onReady, false );
+						// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
+						window.addEventListener( 'load', onReady, false );
+					}
+					// If old IE event model is used
+					else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
+						// ensure firing before onload,
+						// maybe late but safe also for iframes
+						document.attachEvent( 'onreadystatechange', onReady );
+						// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
+						window.attachEvent( 'onload', onReady );
+						// If IE and not a frame
+						// continually check to see if the document is ready
+						// use the trick by Diego Perini
+						// http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
+						var toplevel = false;
+						try {
+							toplevel = !window.frameElement;
+						} catch ( e ) {}
+						if ( document.documentElement.doScroll && toplevel ) {
+							function scrollCheck() {
+								try {
+									document.documentElement.doScroll( 'left' );
+								} catch ( e ) {
+									setTimeout( scrollCheck, 1 );
+									return;
+								}
+								onReady();
+							}
+							scrollCheck();
+						}
+					}
+				};
+			})()
+		};
+		// Make it possible to override the "url" function with a custom
+		// implementation pointing to a global named CKEDITOR_GETURL.
+		var newGetUrl = window.CKEDITOR_GETURL;
+		if ( newGetUrl ) {
+			var originalGetUrl = CKEDITOR.url;
+			CKEDITOR.url = function( resource ) {
+				return newGetUrl.call( CKEDITOR, resource ) || originalGetUrl.call( CKEDITOR, resource );
+			};
+		}
+		return CKEDITOR;
+	})();
+ * Function called upon loading a custom configuration file that can
+ * modify the editor instance configuration ({@link CKEDITOR.editor#config}).
+ * It is usually defined inside the custom configuration files that can
+ * include developer defined settings.
+ *
+ *		// This is supposed to be placed in the config.js file.
+ *		CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
+ *			// Define changes to default configuration here. For example:
+ *			config.language = 'fr';
+ *			config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
+ *		};
+ *
+ * @method editorConfig
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.config} config A configuration object containing the
+ * settings defined for a {@link CKEDITOR.editor} instance up to this
+ * function call. Note that not all settings may still be available. See
+ * [Configuration Loading Order](http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/Developers_Guide/Setting_Configurations#Configuration_Loading_Order)
+ * for details.
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ckeditor_basic.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ckeditor_basic.js
index 239aca0..6c0d778 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ckeditor_basic.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ckeditor_basic.js
@@ -1,242 +1,94 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Contains the second part of the {@link CKEDITOR} object
- *		definition, which defines the basic editor features to be available in
- *		the root ckeditor_basic.js file.
- */
-if ( CKEDITOR.status == 'unloaded' )
-	(function()
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( CKEDITOR );
-		/**
-		 * Forces the full CKEditor core code, in the case only the basic code has been
-		 * loaded (ckeditor_basic.js). This method self-destroys (becomes undefined) in
-		 * the first call or as soon as the full code is available.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Check if the full core code has been loaded and load it.
-		 * if ( CKEDITOR.loadFullCore )
-		 *     <b>CKEDITOR.loadFullCore()</b>;
-		 */
-		CKEDITOR.loadFullCore = function()
-		{
-			// If not the basic code is not ready it, just mark it to be loaded.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.status != 'basic_ready' )
-			{
-				CKEDITOR.loadFullCore._load = true;
-				return;
-			}
-			// Destroy this function.
-			delete CKEDITOR.loadFullCore;
-			// Append the script to the head.
-			var script = document.createElement( 'script' );
-			script.type = 'text/javascript';
-			script.src = CKEDITOR.basePath + 'ckeditor.js';
-			document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0].appendChild( script );
-		};
-		/**
-		 * The time to wait (in seconds) to load the full editor code after the
-		 * page load, if the "ckeditor_basic" file is used. If set to zero, the
-		 * editor is loaded on demand, as soon as an instance is created.
-		 *
-		 * This value must be set on the page before the page load completion.
-		 * @type Number
-		 * @default 0 (zero)
-		 * @example
-		 * // Loads the full source after five seconds.
-		 * CKEDITOR.loadFullCoreTimeout = 5;
-		 */
-		CKEDITOR.loadFullCoreTimeout = 0;
-		/**
-		 * The class name used to identify <textarea> elements to be replace
-		 * by CKEditor instances.
-		 * @type String
-		 * @default 'ckeditor'
-		 * @example
-		 * <b>CKEDITOR.replaceClass</b> = 'rich_editor';
-		 */
-		CKEDITOR.replaceClass = 'ckeditor';
-		/**
-		 * Enables the replacement of all textareas with class name matching
-		 * {@link CKEDITOR.replaceClass}.
-		 * @type Boolean
-		 * @default true
-		 * @example
-		 * // Disable the auto-replace feature.
-		 * <b>CKEDITOR.replaceByClassEnabled</b> = false;
-		 */
-		CKEDITOR.replaceByClassEnabled = true;
-		var createInstance = function( elementOrIdOrName, config, creationFunction, data )
-		{
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible )
-			{
-				// Load the full core.
-				if ( CKEDITOR.loadFullCore )
-					CKEDITOR.loadFullCore();
-				var editor = creationFunction( elementOrIdOrName, config, data );
-				CKEDITOR.add( editor );
-				return editor;
-			}
-			return null;
-		};
-		/**
-		 * Replaces a <textarea> or a DOM element (DIV) with a CKEditor
-		 * instance. For textareas, the initial value in the editor will be the
-		 * textarea value. For DOM elements, their innerHTML will be used
-		 * instead. We recommend using TEXTAREA and DIV elements only.
-		 * @param {Object|String} elementOrIdOrName The DOM element (textarea), its
-		 *		ID or name.
-		 * @param {Object} [config] The specific configurations to apply to this
-		 *		editor instance. Configurations set here will override global CKEditor
-		 *		settings.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} The editor instance created.
-		 * @example
-		 * <textarea id="myfield" name="myfield">&lt:/textarea>
-		 * ...
-		 * <b>CKEDITOR.replace( 'myfield' )</b>;
-		 * @example
-		 * var textarea = document.body.appendChild( document.createElement( 'textarea' ) );
-		 * <b>CKEDITOR.replace( textarea )</b>;
-		 */
-		CKEDITOR.replace = function( elementOrIdOrName, config )
-		{
-			return createInstance( elementOrIdOrName, config, CKEDITOR.editor.replace );
-		};
-		/**
-		 * Creates a new editor instance inside a specific DOM element.
-		 * @param {Object|String} elementOrId The DOM element or its ID.
-		 * @param {Object} [config] The specific configurations to apply to this
-		 *		editor instance. Configurations set here will override global CKEditor
-		 *		settings.
-		 * @param {String} [data] Since 3.3. Initial value for the instance.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} The editor instance created.
-		 * @example
-		 * <div id="editorSpace">&lt:/div>
-		 * ...
-		 * <b>CKEDITOR.appendTo( 'editorSpace' )</b>;
-		 */
-		CKEDITOR.appendTo = function( elementOrId, config, data )
-		{
-			return createInstance( elementOrId, config, CKEDITOR.editor.appendTo, data );
-		};
-		/**
-		 * @ignore
-		 * Documented at ckeditor.js.
-		 */
-		CKEDITOR.add = function( editor )
-		{
-			// For now, just put the editor in the pending list. It will be
-			// processed as soon as the full code gets loaded.
-			var pending = this._.pending || ( this._.pending = [] );
-			pending.push( editor );
-		};
-		/**
-		 * Replace all <textarea> elements available in the document with
-		 * editor instances.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Replace all <textarea> elements in the page.
-		 * CKEDITOR.replaceAll();
-		 * @example
-		 * // Replace all <textarea class="myClassName"> elements in the page.
-		 * CKEDITOR.replaceAll( 'myClassName' );
-		 * @example
-		 * // Selectively replace <textarea> elements, based on custom assertions.
-		 * CKEDITOR.replaceAll( function( textarea, config )
-		 *     {
-		 *         // Custom code to evaluate the replace, returning false
-		 *         // if it must not be done.
-		 *         // It also passes the "config" parameter, so the
-		 *         // developer can customize the instance.
-		 *     } );
-		 */
-		CKEDITOR.replaceAll = function()
-		{
-			var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName( 'textarea' );
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < textareas.length ; i++ )
-			{
-				var config = null;
-				var textarea = textareas[i];
-				var name = textarea.name;
-				// The "name" and/or "id" attribute must exist.
-				if ( !textarea.name && !textarea.id )
-					continue;
-				if ( typeof arguments[0] == 'string' )
-				{
-					// The textarea class name could be passed as the function
-					// parameter.
-					var classRegex = new RegExp( '(?:^|\\s)' + arguments[0] + '(?:$|\\s)' );
-					if ( !classRegex.test( textarea.className ) )
-						continue;
-				}
-				else if ( typeof arguments[0] == 'function' )
-				{
-					// An assertion function could be passed as the function parameter.
-					// It must explicitly return "false" to ignore a specific <textarea>.
-					config = {};
-					if ( arguments[0]( textarea, config ) === false )
-						continue;
-				}
-				this.replace( textarea, config );
-			}
-		};
-		(function()
-		{
-			var onload = function()
-			{
-				var loadFullCore = CKEDITOR.loadFullCore,
-					loadFullCoreTimeout = CKEDITOR.loadFullCoreTimeout;
-				// Replace all textareas with the default class name.
-				if ( CKEDITOR.replaceByClassEnabled )
-					CKEDITOR.replaceAll( CKEDITOR.replaceClass );
-				CKEDITOR.status = 'basic_ready';
-				if ( loadFullCore && loadFullCore._load )
-					loadFullCore();
-				else if ( loadFullCoreTimeout )
-				{
-					setTimeout( function()
-						{
-							if ( CKEDITOR.loadFullCore )
-								CKEDITOR.loadFullCore();
-						}
-						, loadFullCoreTimeout * 1000 );
-				}
-			};
-			if ( window.addEventListener )
-				window.addEventListener( 'load', onload, false );
-			else if ( window.attachEvent )
-				window.attachEvent( 'onload', onload );
-		})();
-		CKEDITOR.status = 'basic_loaded';
-	})();
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Contains the second part of the {@link CKEDITOR} object
+ *		definition, which defines the basic editor features to be available in
+ *		the root ckeditor_basic.js file.
+ */
+if ( CKEDITOR.status == 'unloaded' ) {
+	(function() {
+		CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( CKEDITOR );
+		/**
+		 * Forces the full CKEditor core code, in the case only the basic code has been
+		 * loaded (`ckeditor_basic.js`). This method self-destroys (becomes undefined) in
+		 * the first call or as soon as the full code is available.
+		 *
+		 *		// Check if the full core code has been loaded and load it.
+		 *		if ( CKEDITOR.loadFullCore )
+		 *			CKEDITOR.loadFullCore();
+		 *
+		 * @member CKEDITOR
+		 */
+		CKEDITOR.loadFullCore = function() {
+			// If the basic code is not ready, just mark it to be loaded.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.status != 'basic_ready' ) {
+				CKEDITOR.loadFullCore._load = 1;
+				return;
+			}
+			// Destroy this function.
+			delete CKEDITOR.loadFullCore;
+			// Append the script to the head.
+			var script = document.createElement( 'script' );
+			script.type = 'text/javascript';
+			script.src = CKEDITOR.basePath + 'ckeditor.js';
+			script.src = CKEDITOR.basePath + 'ckeditor_source.js'; // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[ 0 ].appendChild( script );
+		};
+		/**
+		 * The time to wait (in seconds) to load the full editor code after the
+		 * page load, if the "ckeditor_basic" file is used. If set to zero, the
+		 * editor is loaded on demand, as soon as an instance is created.
+		 *
+		 * This value must be set on the page before the page load completion.
+		 *
+		 *		// Loads the full source after five seconds.
+		 *		CKEDITOR.loadFullCoreTimeout = 5;
+		 *
+		 * @property
+		 * @member CKEDITOR
+		 */
+		CKEDITOR.loadFullCoreTimeout = 0;
+		// Documented at ckeditor.js.
+		CKEDITOR.add = function( editor ) {
+			// For now, just put the editor in the pending list. It will be
+			// processed as soon as the full code gets loaded.
+			var pending = this._.pending || ( this._.pending = [] );
+			pending.push( editor );
+		};
+		(function() {
+			var onload = function() {
+					var loadFullCore = CKEDITOR.loadFullCore,
+						loadFullCoreTimeout = CKEDITOR.loadFullCoreTimeout;
+					if ( !loadFullCore )
+						return;
+					CKEDITOR.status = 'basic_ready';
+					if ( loadFullCore && loadFullCore._load )
+						loadFullCore();
+					else if ( loadFullCoreTimeout ) {
+						setTimeout( function() {
+							if ( CKEDITOR.loadFullCore )
+								CKEDITOR.loadFullCore();
+						}, loadFullCoreTimeout * 1000 );
+					}
+				};
+			CKEDITOR.domReady( onload );
+		})();
+		CKEDITOR.status = 'basic_loaded';
+	})();
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/command.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/command.js
index 0a8d098..fe853e6 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/command.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/command.js
@@ -1,73 +1,237 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.command = function( editor, commandDefinition )
-	this.uiItems = [];
-	this.exec = function( data )
-	{
-		if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
-			return false;
-		if ( this.editorFocus )     // Give editor focus if necessary (#4355).
-			editor.focus();
-		return ( commandDefinition.exec.call( this, editor, data ) !== false );
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, commandDefinition,
-		// Defaults
-		{
-			modes : { wysiwyg : 1 },
-			editorFocus : true,
-		});
-	// Call the CKEDITOR.event constructor to initialize this instance.
-	CKEDITOR.event.call( this );
-CKEDITOR.command.prototype =
-	enable : function()
-	{
-		if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
-			this.setState( ( !this.preserveState || ( typeof this.previousState == 'undefined' ) ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : this.previousState );
-	},
-	disable : function()
-	{
-	},
-	setState : function( newState )
-	{
-		// Do nothing if there is no state change.
-		if ( this.state == newState )
-			return false;
-		this.previousState = this.state;
-		// Set the new state.
-		this.state = newState;
-		// Fire the "state" event, so other parts of the code can react to the
-		// change.
-		this.fire( 'state' );
-		return true;
-	},
-	toggleState : function()
-	{
-		if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF )
-			this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
-		else if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON )
-			this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
-	}
-CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( CKEDITOR.command.prototype, true );
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * Represents a command that can be executed on an editor instance.
+ *
+ *		var command = new CKEDITOR.command( editor, {
+ *			exec: function( editor ) {
+ *				alert( editor.document.getBody().getHtml() );
+ *			}
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @mixins CKEDITOR.event
+ * @constructor Creates a command class instance.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance this command will be
+ * related to.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.commandDefinition} commandDefinition The command
+ * definition.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.command = function( editor, commandDefinition ) {
+	/**
+	 * Lists UI items that are associated to this command. This list can be
+	 * used to interact with the UI on command execution (by the execution code
+	 * itself, for example).
+	 *
+	 *		alert( 'Number of UI items associated to this command: ' + command.uiItems.length );
+	 */
+	this.uiItems = [];
+	/**
+	 * Executes the command.
+	 *
+	 *		command.exec(); // The command gets executed.
+	 *
+	 * @param {Object} [data] Any data to pass to the command. Depends on the
+	 * command implementation and requirements.
+	 * @returns {Boolean} A boolean indicating that the command has been successfully executed.
+	 */
+	this.exec = function( data ) {
+		if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
+			return false;
+		if ( this.editorFocus ) // Give editor focus if necessary (#4355).
+		editor.focus();
+		if ( this.fire( 'exec' ) === false )
+			return true;
+		return ( commandDefinition.exec.call( this, editor, data ) !== false );
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Explicitly update the status of the command, by firing the {@link CKEDITOR.command#event-refresh} event,
+	 * as well as invoke the {@link CKEDITOR.command#method-refresh} method if defined, this method
+	 * is to allow different parts of the editor code to contribute in command status resolution.
+	 *
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	this.refresh = function( editor, path ) {
+		// Do nothing is we're on read-only and this command doesn't support it.
+		// We don't need to disabled the command explicitely here, because this
+		// is already done by the "readOnly" event listener.
+		if ( !this.readOnly && editor.readOnly )
+			return true;
+		// Disable commands that are not allowed in the current selection path context.
+		if ( this.context && !path.isContextFor( this.context ) ) {
+			this.disable();
+			return true;
+		}
+		// Make the "enabled" state as basis.
+		this.enable();
+		if ( this.fire( 'refresh', { editor: editor, path: path } ) === false )
+			return true;
+		return ( commandDefinition.refresh && commandDefinition.refresh.apply( this, arguments ) !== false );
+	};
+	CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, commandDefinition, {
+		/**
+		 * The editor modes within which the command can be executed. The
+		 * execution will have no action if the current mode is not listed
+		 * in this property.
+		 *
+		 *		// Enable the command in both WYSIWYG and Source modes.
+		 *		command.modes = { wysiwyg:1,source:1 };
+		 *
+		 *		// Enable the command in Source mode only.
+		 *		command.modes = { source:1 };
+		 *
+		 * @see CKEDITOR.editor#mode
+		 */
+		modes: { wysiwyg:1 },
+		/**
+		 * Indicates that the editor will get the focus before executing
+		 * the command.
+		 *
+		 *		// Do not force the editor to have focus when executing the command.
+		 *		command.editorFocus = false;
+		 *
+		 * @property {Boolean} [=true]
+		 */
+		editorFocus: 1,
+		/**
+		 * Indicates that this command is sensible to the selection context.
+		 * If `true`, the {@link CKEDITOR.command#method-refresh} method will be
+		 * called for this command on the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#event-selectionChange} event.
+		 *
+		 * @property {Boolean} [=false]
+		 */
+		contextSensitive: !!commandDefinition.context,
+		/**
+		 * Indicates the editor state. Possible values are:
+		 *
+		 * * {@link CKEDITOR#TRISTATE_DISABLED}: the command is
+		 *     disabled. It's execution will have no effect. Same as {@link #disable}.
+		 * * {@link CKEDITOR#TRISTATE_ON}: the command is enabled
+		 *     and currently active in the editor (for context sensitive commands,	for example).
+		 * * {@link CKEDITOR#TRISTATE_OFF}: the command is enabled
+		 *     and currently inactive in the editor (for context sensitive	commands, for example).
+		 *
+		 * Do not set this property directly, using the {@link #setState} method instead.
+		 *
+		 *		if ( command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
+		 *			alert( 'This command is disabled' );
+		 *
+		 * @property {Number} [=CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF]
+		 */
+	});
+	// Call the CKEDITOR.event constructor to initialize this instance.
+	CKEDITOR.event.call( this );
+CKEDITOR.command.prototype = {
+	/**
+	 * Enables the command for execution. The command state (see
+	 * {@link CKEDITOR.command#property-state}) available before disabling it is restored.
+	 *
+	 *		command.enable();
+	 *		command.exec(); // Execute the command.
+	 */
+	enable: function() {
+		if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
+			this.setState( ( !this.preserveState || ( typeof this.previousState == 'undefined' ) ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : this.previousState );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Disables the command for execution. The command state (see
+	 * {@link CKEDITOR.command#property-state}) will be set to {@link CKEDITOR#TRISTATE_DISABLED}.
+	 *
+	 *		command.disable();
+	 *		command.exec(); // "false" - Nothing happens.
+	 */
+	disable: function() {
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Sets the command state.
+	 *
+	 *		command.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
+	 *		command.exec(); // Execute the command.
+	 *		command.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
+	 *		command.exec(); // 'false' - Nothing happens.
+	 *		command.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
+	 *		command.exec(); // Execute the command.
+	 *
+	 * @param {Number} newState The new state. See {@link #property-state}.
+	 * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if the command state changed.
+	 */
+	setState: function( newState ) {
+		// Do nothing if there is no state change.
+		if ( this.state == newState )
+			return false;
+		this.previousState = this.state;
+		// Set the new state.
+		this.state = newState;
+		// Fire the "state" event, so other parts of the code can react to the
+		// change.
+		this.fire( 'state' );
+		return true;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Toggles the on/off (active/inactive) state of the command. This is
+	 * mainly used internally by context sensitive commands.
+	 *
+	 *		command.toggleState();
+	 */
+	toggleState: function() {
+		if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF )
+			this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
+		else if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON )
+			this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
+	}
+CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( CKEDITOR.command.prototype );
+ * Indicates the previous command state.
+ *
+ *		alert( command.previousState );
+ *
+ * @property {Number} previousState
+ * @see #state
+ */
+ * Fired when the command state changes.
+ *
+ *		command.on( 'state', function() {
+ *			// Alerts the new state.
+ *			alert( this.state );
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @event state
+ */
+ /**
+ * @event refresh
+ * @todo
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/commanddefinition.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/commanddefinition.js
index c451274..d1177ed 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/commanddefinition.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/commanddefinition.js
@@ -1,102 +1,139 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the "virtual" {@link CKEDITOR.commandDefinition} class,
- *		which contains the defintion of a command. This file is for
- *		documentation purposes only.
- */
- * (Virtual Class) Do not call this constructor. This class is not really part
- *		of the API. It just illustrates the features of command objects to be
- *		passed to the {@link CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.addCommand} function.
- * @name CKEDITOR.commandDefinition
- * @constructor
- * @example
- */
- /**
- * Executes the command.
- * @name CKEDITOR.commandDefinition.prototype.exec
- * @function
- * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor within which run the command.
- * @param {Object} [data] Additional data to be used to execute the command.
- * @returns {Boolean} Whether the command has been successfully executed.
- *		Defaults to "true", if nothing is returned.
- * @example
- * editorInstance.addCommand( 'sample',
- * {
- *     exec : function( editor )
- *     {
- *         alert( 'Executing a command for the editor name "' + editor.name + '"!' );
- *     }
- * });
- */
- * Whether the command need to be hooked into the redo/undo system.
- * @name  CKEDITOR.commandDefinition.canUndo
- * @type {Boolean} If not defined or 'true' both hook into undo system, set it
- *		to 'false' explicitly  keep it out.
- * @field
- * @example
- * editorInstance.addCommand( 'alertName',
- * {
- *     exec : function( editor )
- *     {
- *         alert( editor.name );
- *     },
- *     canUndo : false    // No support for undo/redo
- * });
- */
- * Whether the command is asynchronous, which means the 'afterCommandExec' event
- * will be fired by the command itself manually, and the 'exec' function return value
- * of this command is not to be returned.
- * @name  CKEDITOR.commandDefinition.async
- * @type {Boolean} If defined as 'true', the command is asynchronous.
- * @example
- * editorInstance.addCommand( 'alertName',
- * {
- *     exec : function( editor )
- *     {
- *         // Asynchronous operation below.
- *         CKEDITOR.ajax.loadXml( 'data.xml' );
- *     },
- *     async : true    // The command need some time to complete after exec function returns.
- * });
- */
- * Whether the command should give focus to the editor before execution.
- * @name  CKEDITOR.commandDefinition.editorFocus
- * @type {Boolean}
- * @example
- * editorInstance.addCommand( 'maximize',
- * {
- *     exec : function( editor )
- *     {
- *     },
- *     editorFocus : false    // The command doesn't require focusing the editing document.
- * });
- */
- * Whether the command state should be set to {@link CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED} on startup.
- * @name  CKEDITOR.commandDefinition.startDisabled
- * @type {Boolean}
- * @default false
- * @example
- * editorInstance.addCommand( 'unlink',
- * {
- *     exec : function( editor )
- *     {
- *     },
- *     startDisabled : true    // Command is unavailable until selection is inside a link.
- * });
- */
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the "virtual" {@link CKEDITOR.commandDefinition} class,
+ *		which contains the defintion of a command. This file is for
+ *		documentation purposes only.
+ */
+ * Virtual class that illustrates the features of command objects to be
+ * passed to the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#addCommand} function.
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.commandDefinition
+ * @abstract
+ */
+ * The function to be fired when the commend is executed.
+ *
+ *		editorInstance.addCommand( 'sample', {
+ *			exec: function( editor ) {
+ *				alert( 'Executing a command for the editor name "' + editor.name + '"!' );
+ *			}
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @method exec
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor within which run the command.
+ * @param {Object} [data] Additional data to be used to execute the command.
+ * @returns {Boolean} Whether the command has been successfully executed.
+ * Defaults to `true`, if nothing is returned.
+ */
+ * Whether the command need to be hooked into the redo/undo system.
+ *
+ *		editorInstance.addCommand( 'alertName', {
+ *			exec: function( editor ) {
+ *				alert( editor.name );
+ *			},
+ *			canUndo: false // No support for undo/redo.
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @property {Boolean} [canUndo=true]
+ */
+ * Whether the command is asynchronous, which means that the
+ * {@link CKEDITOR.editor#event-afterCommandExec} event will be fired by the
+ * command itself manually, and that the return value of this command is not to
+ * be returned by the {@link #exec} function.
+ *
+ * 		editorInstance.addCommand( 'loadOptions', {
+ * 			exec: function( editor ) {
+ * 				// Asynchronous operation below.
+ * 				CKEDITOR.ajax.loadXml( 'data.xml', function() {
+ * 					editor.fire( 'afterCommandExec' );
+ * 				} );
+ * 			},
+ * 			async: true // The command need some time to complete after exec function returns.
+ * 		} );
+ *
+ * @property {Boolean} [async=false]
+ */
+ * Whether the command should give focus to the editor before execution.
+ *
+ *		editorInstance.addCommand( 'maximize', {
+ *				exec: function( editor ) {
+ *				// ...
+ *			},
+ *			editorFocus: false // The command doesn't require focusing the editing document.
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @property {Boolean} [editorFocus=true]
+ * @see CKEDITOR.command#editorFocus
+ */
+ * Whether the command state should be set to {@link CKEDITOR#TRISTATE_DISABLED} on startup.
+ *
+ *		editorInstance.addCommand( 'unlink', {
+ *			exec: function( editor ) {
+ *				// ...
+ *			},
+ *			startDisabled: true // Command is unavailable until selection is inside a link.
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @property {Boolean} [startDisabled=false]
+ */
+ * Indicates that this command is sensible to the selection context.
+ * If `true`, the {@link CKEDITOR.command#method-refresh} method will be
+ * called for this command on selection changes, with a single parameter
+ * representing the current elements path.
+ *
+ * @property {Boolean} [contextSensitive=true]
+ */
+ * Defined by command definition a function to determinate the command state, it will be invoked
+ * when editor has it's `states` or `selection` changed.
+ *
+ * **Note:** The function provided must be calling {@link CKEDITOR.command#setState} in all circumstance,
+ * if it is intended to update the command state.
+ *
+ * @method refresh
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath} path
+ */
+ * Sets the element name used to reflect the command state on selection changes.
+ * If the selection is in a place where the element is not allowed, the command
+ * will be disabled.
+ * Setting this property overrides {@link #contextSensitive} to `true`.
+ *
+ * @property {Boolean} [context=true]
+ */
+ * The editor modes within which the command can be executed. The execution
+ * will have no action if the current mode is not listed in this property.
+ *
+ *		editorInstance.addCommand( 'link', {
+ *			exec: function( editor ) {
+ *				// ...
+ *			},
+ *			modes: { wysiwyg:1 } // Command is available in wysiwyg mode only.
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @property {Object} [modes={ wysiwyg:1 }]
+ * @see CKEDITOR.command#modes
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/config.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/config.js
index f18c50b..6155f1f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/config.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/config.js
@@ -1,405 +1,363 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.config} object, which holds the
- * default configuration settings.
- */
- * Holds the default configuration settings. Changes to this object are
- * reflected in all editor instances, if not specificaly specified for those
- * instances.
- * @namespace
- * @example
- * // All editor created after the following setting will not load custom
- * // configuration files.
- * CKEDITOR.config.customConfig = '';
- */
-CKEDITOR.config =
-	/**
-	 * The URL path for the custom configuration file to be loaded. If not
-	 * overloaded with inline configurations, it defaults to the "config.js"
-	 * file present in the root of the CKEditor installation directory.<br /><br />
-	 *
-	 * CKEditor will recursively load custom configuration files defined inside
-	 * other custom configuration files.
-	 * @type String
-	 * @default '<CKEditor folder>/config.js'
-	 * @example
-	 * // Load a specific configuration file.
-	 * CKEDITOR.replace( 'myfiled', { customConfig : '/myconfig.js' } );
-	 * @example
-	 * // Do not load any custom configuration file.
-	 * CKEDITOR.replace( 'myfiled', { customConfig : '' } );
-	 */
-	customConfig : 'config.js',
-	/**
-	 * Whether the replaced element (usually a textarea) is to be updated
-	 * automatically when posting the form containing the editor.
-	 * @type Boolean
-	 * @default true
-	 * @example
-	 * config.autoUpdateElement = true;
-	 */
-	autoUpdateElement : true,
-	/**
-	 * The base href URL used to resolve relative and absolute URLs in the
-	 * editor content.
-	 * @type String
-	 * @default '' (empty string)
-	 * @example
-	 * config.baseHref = 'http://www.example.com/path/';
-	 */
-	baseHref : '',
-	/**
-	 * The CSS file(s) to be used to apply style to the contents. It should
-	 * reflect the CSS used in the final pages where the contents are to be
-	 * used.
-	 * @type String|Array
-	 * @default '<CKEditor folder>/contents.css'
-	 * @example
-	 * config.contentsCss = '/css/mysitestyles.css';
-	 * config.contentsCss = ['/css/mysitestyles.css', '/css/anotherfile.css'];
-	 */
-	contentsCss : CKEDITOR.basePath + 'contents.css',
-	/**
-	 * The writting direction of the language used to write the editor
-	 * contents. Allowed values are:
-	 * <ul>
-	 *     <li>'ui' - which indicate content direction will be the same with the user interface language direction;</li>
-	 *     <li>'ltr' - for Left-To-Right language (like English);</li>
-	 *     <li>'rtl' - for Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic).</li>
-	 * </ul>
-	 * @default 'ui'
-	 * @type String
-	 * @example
-	 * config.contentsLangDirection = 'rtl';
-	 */
-	contentsLangDirection : 'ui',
-	/**
-	 * Language code of  the writting language which is used to author the editor
-	 * contents.
-	 * @default Same value with editor's UI language.
-	 * @type String
-	 * @example
-	 * config.contentsLanguage = 'fr';
-	 */
-	contentsLanguage : '',
-	/**
-	 * The user interface language localization to use. If empty, the editor
-	 * automatically localize the editor to the user language, if supported,
-	 * otherwise the {@link CKEDITOR.config.defaultLanguage} language is used.
-	 * @default '' (empty)
-	 * @type String
-	 * @example
-	 * // Load the German interface.
-	 * config.language = 'de';
-	 */
-	language : '',
-	/**
-	 * The language to be used if {@link CKEDITOR.config.language} is left empty and it's not
-	 * possible to localize the editor to the user language.
-	 * @default 'en'
-	 * @type String
-	 * @example
-	 * config.defaultLanguage = 'it';
-	 */
-	defaultLanguage : 'en',
-	/**
-	 * Sets the behavior for the ENTER key. It also dictates other behaviour
-	 * rules in the editor, like whether the <br> element is to be used
-	 * as a paragraph separator when indenting text.
-	 * The allowed values are the following constants, and their relative
-	 * behavior:
-	 * <ul>
-	 *     <li>{@link CKEDITOR.ENTER_P} (1): new <p> paragraphs are created;</li>
-	 *     <li>{@link CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR} (2): lines are broken with <br> elements;</li>
-	 *     <li>{@link CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV} (3): new <div> blocks are created.</li>
-	 * </ul>
-	 * <strong>Note</strong>: It's recommended to use the
-	 * {@link CKEDITOR.ENTER_P} value because of its semantic value and
-	 * correctness. The editor is optimized for this value.
-	 * @type Number
-	 * @default {@link CKEDITOR.ENTER_P}
-	 * @example
-	 * // Not recommended.
-	 * config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
-	 */
-	enterMode : CKEDITOR.ENTER_P,
-	/**
-	 * Force the respect of {@link CKEDITOR.config.enterMode} as line break regardless of the context,
-	 * E.g. If {@link CKEDITOR.config.enterMode} is set to {@link CKEDITOR.ENTER_P},
-	 * press enter key inside a 'div' will create a new paragraph with 'p' instead of 'div'.
-	 * @since 3.2.1
-	 * @default false
-	 * @example
-	 * // Not recommended.
-	 * config.forceEnterMode = true;
-	 */
-	forceEnterMode : false,
-	/**
-	 * Just like the {@link CKEDITOR.config.enterMode} setting, it defines the behavior for the SHIFT+ENTER key.
-	 * The allowed values are the following constants, and their relative
-	 * behavior:
-	 * <ul>
-	 *     <li>{@link CKEDITOR.ENTER_P} (1): new <p> paragraphs are created;</li>
-	 *     <li>{@link CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR} (2): lines are broken with <br> elements;</li>
-	 *     <li>{@link CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV} (3): new <div> blocks are created.</li>
-	 * </ul>
-	 * @type Number
-	 * @default {@link CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR}
-	 * @example
-	 * config.shiftEnterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_P;
-	 */
-	shiftEnterMode : CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR,
-	/**
-	 * A comma separated list of plugins that are not related to editor
-	 * instances. Reserved to plugins that extend the core code only.<br /><br />
-	 *
-	 * There are no ways to override this setting, except by editing the source
-	 * code of CKEditor (_source/core/config.js).
-	 * @type String
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	corePlugins : '',
-	/**
-	 * Sets the doctype to be used when loading the editor content as HTML.
-	 * @type String
-	 * @default '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">'
-	 * @example
-	 * // Set the doctype to the HTML 4 (quirks) mode.
-	 * config.docType = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">';
-	 */
-	docType : '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">',
-	/**
-	 * Sets the "id" attribute to be used on the body element of the editing
-	 * area.
-	 * @since 3.1
-	 * @type String
-	 * @default ''
-	 */
-	bodyId : '',
-	/**
-	 * Sets the "class" attribute to be used on the body element of the editing
-	 * area.
-	 * @since 3.1
-	 * @type String
-	 * @default ''
-	 */
-	bodyClass : '',
-	/**
-	 * Indicates whether the contents to be edited are being inputted as a full
-	 * HTML page. A full page includes the <html>, <head> and
-	 * <body> tags. The final output will also reflect this setting,
-	 * including the <body> contents only if this setting is disabled.
-	 * @since 3.1
-	 * @type Boolean
-	 * @default false
-	 * @example
-	 * config.fullPage = true;
-	 */
-	fullPage : false,
-	/**
-	 * The height of editing area( content ), in relative or absolute, e.g. 30px, 5em.
-	 * Note: Percentage unit is not supported yet. e.g. 30%.
-	 * @type Number|String
-	 * @default '200'
-	 * @example
-	 * config.height = 500;
-	 * config.height = '25em';
-	 * config.height = '300px';
-	 */
-	height : 200,
-	/**
-	 * Comma separated list of plugins to load and initialize for an editor
-	 * instance. This should be rarely changed, using instead the
-	 * {@link CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins} and
-	 * {@link CKEDITOR.config.removePlugins} for customizations.
-	 * @type String
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	plugins :
-		'about,' +
-		'a11yhelp,' +
-		'basicstyles,' +
-		'bidi,' +
-		'blockquote,' +
-		'button,' +
-		'clipboard,' +
-		'colorbutton,' +
-		'colordialog,' +
-		'contextmenu,' +
-		'dialogadvtab,' +
-		'div,' +
-		'elementspath,' +
-		'enterkey,' +
-		'entities,' +
-		'filebrowser,' +
-		'find,' +
-		'flash,' +
-		'font,' +
-		'format,' +
-		'forms,' +
-		'horizontalrule,' +
-		'htmldataprocessor,' +
-		'image,' +
-		'indent,' +
-		'justify,' +
-		'keystrokes,' +
-		'link,' +
-		'list,' +
-		'liststyle,' +
-		'maximize,' +
-		'newpage,' +
-		'pagebreak,' +
-		'pastefromword,' +
-		'pastetext,' +
-		'popup,' +
-		'preview,' +
-		'print,' +
-		'removeformat,' +
-		'resize,' +
-		'save,' +
-		'scayt,' +
-		'smiley,' +
-		'showblocks,' +
-		'showborders,' +
-		'sourcearea,' +
-		'stylescombo,' +
-		'table,' +
-		'tabletools,' +
-		'specialchar,' +
-		'tab,' +
-		'templates,' +
-		'toolbar,' +
-		'undo,' +
-		'wysiwygarea,' +
-		'wsc',
-	/**
-	 * List of additional plugins to be loaded. This is a tool setting which
-	 * makes it easier to add new plugins, whithout having to touch and
-	 * possibly breaking the {@link CKEDITOR.config.plugins} setting.
-	 * @type String
-	 * @example
-	 * config.extraPlugins = 'myplugin,anotherplugin';
-	 */
-	extraPlugins : '',
-	/**
-	 * List of plugins that must not be loaded. This is a tool setting which
-	 * makes it easier to avoid loading plugins definied in the
-	 * {@link CKEDITOR.config.plugins} setting, whithout having to touch it and
-	 * potentially breaking it.
-	 * @type String
-	 * @example
-	 * config.removePlugins = 'elementspath,save,font';
-	 */
-	removePlugins : '',
-	/**
-	 * List of regular expressions to be executed over the input HTML,
-	 * indicating code that must stay untouched.
-	 * @type Array
-	 * @default [] (empty array)
-	 * @example
-	 * config.protectedSource.push( /<\?[\s\S]*?\?>/g );   // PHP Code
-	 * config.protectedSource.push( /<%[\s\S]*?%>/g );   // ASP Code
-	 * config.protectedSource.push( /(<asp:[^\>]+>[\s|\S]*?<\/asp:[^\>]+>)|(<asp:[^\>]+\/>)/gi );   // ASP.Net Code
-	 */
-	protectedSource : [],
-	/**
-	 * The editor tabindex value.
-	 * @type Number
-	 * @default 0 (zero)
-	 * @example
-	 * config.tabIndex = 1;
-	 */
-	tabIndex : 0,
-	/**
-	 * The theme to be used to build the UI.
-	 * @type String
-	 * @default 'default'
-	 * @see CKEDITOR.config.skin
-	 * @example
-	 * config.theme = 'default';
-	 */
-	theme : 'default',
-	/**
-	 * The skin to load. It may be the name of the skin folder inside the
-	 * editor installation path, or the name and the path separated by a comma.
-	 * @type String
-	 * @default 'default'
-	 * @example
-	 * config.skin = 'v2';
-	 * @example
-	 * config.skin = 'myskin,/customstuff/myskin/';
-	 */
-	skin : 'kama',
-	/**
-	 * The editor width in CSS size format or pixel integer.
-	 * @type String|Number
-	 * @default '' (empty)
-	 * @example
-	 * config.width = 850;
-	 * @example
-	 * config.width = '75%';
-	 */
-	width : '',
-	/**
-	 * The base Z-index for floating dialogs and popups.
-	 * @type Number
-	 * @default 10000
-	 * @example
-	 * config.baseFloatZIndex = 2000
-	 */
-	baseFloatZIndex : 10000
- * Indicates that some of the editor features, like alignement and text
- * direction, should used the "computed value" of the feature to indicate it's
- * on/off state, instead of using the "real value".
- *
- * If enabled, in a left to right written document, the "Left Justify"
- * alignment button will show as active, even if the aligment style is not
- * explicitly applied to the current paragraph in the editor.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.useComputedState
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @since 3.4
- * @example
- * config.useComputedState = false;
- */
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.config} object that stores the
+ * default configuration settings.
+ */
+ * Used in conjunction with {@link CKEDITOR.config#enterMode}
+ * and {@link CKEDITOR.config#shiftEnterMode} configuration
+ * settings to make the editor produce `<p>` tags when
+ * using the *Enter* key.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=1]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+ * Used in conjunction with {@link CKEDITOR.config#enterMode}
+ * and {@link CKEDITOR.config#shiftEnterMode} configuration
+ * settings to make the editor produce `<br>` tags when
+ * using the *Enter* key.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=2]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+ * Used in conjunction with {@link CKEDITOR.config#enterMode}
+ * and {@link CKEDITOR.config#shiftEnterMode} configuration
+ * settings to make the editor produce `<div>` tags when
+ * using the *Enter* key.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=3]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+ * Stores default configuration settings. Changes to this object are
+ * reflected in all editor instances, if not specified otherwise for a particular
+ * instance.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @singleton
+ */
+CKEDITOR.config = {
+	/**
+	 * The URL path for the custom configuration file to be loaded. If not
+	 * overloaded with inline configuration, it defaults to the `config.js`
+	 * file present in the root of the CKEditor installation directory.
+	 *
+	 * CKEditor will recursively load custom configuration files defined inside
+	 * other custom configuration files.
+	 *
+	 *		// Load a specific configuration file.
+	 *		CKEDITOR.replace( 'myfield', { customConfig: '/myconfig.js' } );
+	 *
+	 *		// Do not load any custom configuration file.
+	 *		CKEDITOR.replace( 'myfield', { customConfig: '' } );
+	 *
+	 * @cfg {String} [="<CKEditor folder>/config.js"]
+	 */
+	customConfig: 'config.js',
+	/**
+	 * Whether the replaced element (usually a `<textarea>`)
+	 * is to be updated automatically when posting the form containing the editor.
+	 *
+	 * @cfg
+	 */
+	autoUpdateElement: true,
+	/**
+	 * The user interface language localization to use. If left empty, the editor
+	 * will automatically be localized to the user language. If the user language is not supported,
+	 * the language specified in the {@link CKEDITOR.config#defaultLanguage}
+	 * configuration setting is used.
+	 *
+	 *		// Load the German interface.
+	 *		config.language = 'de';
+	 *
+	 * @cfg
+	 */
+	language: '',
+	/**
+	 * The language to be used if the {@link CKEDITOR.config#language}
+	 * setting is left empty and it is not possible to localize the editor to the user language.
+	 *
+	 *		config.defaultLanguage = 'it';
+	 *
+	 * @cfg
+	 */
+	defaultLanguage: 'en',
+	/**
+	 * The writting direction of the language used to write the editor
+	 * contents. Allowed values are:
+	 *
+	 * * `''` (empty string) - indicate content direction will be the same with either the editor
+	 *     UI direction or page element direction depending on the creators:
+	 *     * Themed UI: The same with user interface language direction;
+	 *     * Inline: The same with the editable element text direction;
+	 * * `'ltr'` - for Left-To-Right language (like English);
+	 * * `'rtl'` - for Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic).
+	 *
+	 * Example:
+	 *
+	 *		config.contentsLangDirection = 'rtl';
+	 *
+	 * @cfg
+	 */
+	contentsLangDirection: '',
+	/**
+	 * Sets the behavior of the *Enter* key. It also determines other behavior
+	 * rules of the editor, like whether the `<br>` element is to be used
+	 * as a paragraph separator when indenting text.
+	 * The allowed values are the following constants that cause the behavior outlined below:
+	 *
+	 * * {@link CKEDITOR#ENTER_P} (1) – new `<p>` paragraphs are created;
+	 * * {@link CKEDITOR#ENTER_BR} (2) – lines are broken with `<br>` elements;
+	 * * {@link CKEDITOR#ENTER_DIV} (3) – new `<div>` blocks are created.
+	 *
+	 * **Note**: It is recommended to use the {@link CKEDITOR#ENTER_P} setting because of
+	 * its semantic value and correctness. The editor is optimized for this setting.
+	 *
+	 *		// Not recommended.
+	 *		config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
+	 *
+	 * @cfg {Number} [=CKEDITOR.ENTER_P]
+	 */
+	enterMode: CKEDITOR.ENTER_P,
+	/**
+	 * Force the use of {@link CKEDITOR.config#enterMode} as line break regardless
+	 * of the context. If, for example, {@link CKEDITOR.config#enterMode} is set
+	 * to {@link CKEDITOR#ENTER_P}, pressing the *Enter* key inside a
+	 * `<div>` element will create a new paragraph with `<p>`
+	 * instead of a `<div>`.
+	 *
+	 *		// Not recommended.
+	 *		config.forceEnterMode = true;
+	 *
+	 * @since 3.2.1
+	 * @cfg
+	 */
+	forceEnterMode: false,
+	/**
+	 * Similarly to the {@link CKEDITOR.config#enterMode} setting, it defines the behavior
+	 * of the *Shift+Enter* key combination.
+	 *
+	 * The allowed values are the following constants the behavior outlined below:
+	 *
+	 * * {@link CKEDITOR#ENTER_P} (1) – new `<p>` paragraphs are created;
+	 * * {@link CKEDITOR#ENTER_BR} (2) – lines are broken with `<br>` elements;
+	 * * {@link CKEDITOR#ENTER_DIV} (3) – new `<div>` blocks are created.
+	 *
+	 * Example:
+	 *
+	 *		config.shiftEnterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_P;
+	 *
+	 * @cfg {Number} [=CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR]
+	 */
+	shiftEnterMode: CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR,
+	/**
+	 * Sets the `DOCTYPE` to be used when loading the editor content as HTML.
+	 *
+	 *		// Set the DOCTYPE to the HTML 4 (Quirks) mode.
+	 *		config.docType = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">';
+	 *
+	 * @cfg
+	 */
+	docType: '<!DOCTYPE html>',
+	/**
+	 * Sets the `id` attribute to be used on the `body` element
+	 * of the editing area. This can be useful when you intend to reuse the original CSS
+	 * file you are using on your live website and want to assign the editor the same ID
+	 * as the section that will include the contents. In this way ID-specific CSS rules will
+	 * be enabled.
+	 *
+	 *		config.bodyId = 'contents_id';
+	 *
+	 * @since 3.1
+	 * @cfg
+	 */
+	bodyId: '',
+	/**
+	 * Sets the `class` attribute to be used on the `body` element
+	 * of the editing area. This can be useful when you intend to reuse the original CSS
+	 * file you are using on your live website and want to assign the editor the same class
+	 * as the section that will include the contents. In this way class-specific CSS rules will
+	 * be enabled.
+	 *
+	 *		config.bodyClass = 'contents';
+	 *
+	 * @since 3.1
+	 * @cfg
+	 */
+	bodyClass: '',
+	/**
+	 * Indicates whether the contents to be edited are being input as a full HTML page.
+	 * A full page includes the `<html>`, `<head>`, and `<body>` elements.
+	 * The final output will also reflect this setting, including the
+	 * `<body>` contents only if this setting is disabled.
+	 *
+	 *		config.fullPage = true;
+	 *
+	 * @since 3.1
+	 * @cfg
+	 */
+	fullPage: false,
+	/**
+	 * The height of the editing area (that includes the editor content). This
+	 * can be an integer, for pixel sizes, or any CSS-defined length unit.
+	 *
+	 * **Note:** Percent units (%) are not supported.
+	 *
+	 *		config.height = 500;		// 500 pixels.
+	 *		config.height = '25em';		// CSS length.
+	 *		config.height = '300px';	// CSS length.
+	 *
+	 * @cfg {Number/String}
+	 */
+	height: 200,
+	/**
+	 * Comma separated list of plugins to be used for an editor instance,
+	 * besides, the actual plugins that to be loaded could be still affected by two other settings:
+	 * {@link CKEDITOR.config#extraPlugins} and {@link CKEDITOR.config#removePlugins}.
+	 *
+	 * @cfg {String} [="<default list of plugins>"]
+	 */
+	plugins: '', // %REMOVE_LINE%
+	/**
+	 * A list of additional plugins to be loaded. This setting makes it easier
+	 * to add new plugins without having to touch {@link CKEDITOR.config#plugins} setting.
+	 *
+	 *		config.extraPlugins = 'myplugin,anotherplugin';
+	 *
+	 * @cfg
+	 */
+	extraPlugins: '',
+	/**
+	 * A list of plugins that must not be loaded. This setting makes it possible
+	 * to avoid loading some plugins defined in the {@link CKEDITOR.config#plugins}
+	 * setting, without having to touch it.
+	 *
+	 * **Note:** Plugin required by other plugin cannot be removed (error will be thrown).
+	 * So e.g. if `contextmenu` is required by `tabletools`, then it can be removed
+	 * only if `tabletools` isn't loaded.
+	 *
+	 *		config.removePlugins = 'elementspath,save,font';
+	 *
+	 * @cfg
+	 */
+	removePlugins: '',
+	/**
+	 * List of regular expressions to be executed on input HTML,
+	 * indicating HTML source code that when matched, must **not** be available in the WYSIWYG
+	 * mode for editing.
+	 *
+	 *		config.protectedSource.push( /<\?[\s\S]*?\?>/g );											// PHP code
+	 *		config.protectedSource.push( /<%[\s\S]*?%>/g );												// ASP code
+	 *		config.protectedSource.push( /(<asp:[^\>]+>[\s|\S]*?<\/asp:[^\>]+>)|(<asp:[^\>]+\/>)/gi );	// ASP.Net code
+	 *
+	 * @cfg
+	 */
+	protectedSource: [],
+	/**
+	 * The editor `tabindex` value.
+	 *
+	 *		config.tabIndex = 1;
+	 *
+	 * @cfg
+	 */
+	tabIndex: 0,
+	/**
+	 * The editor UI outer width. This can be an integer, for pixel sizes, or
+	 * any CSS-defined unit.
+	 *
+	 * Unlike the {@link CKEDITOR.config#height} setting, this
+	 * one will set the outer width of the entire editor UI, not for the
+	 * editing area only.
+	 *
+	 *		config.width = 850;		// 850 pixels wide.
+	 *		config.width = '75%';	// CSS unit.
+	 *
+	 * @cfg {String/Number}
+	 */
+	width: '',
+	/**
+	 * The base Z-index for floating dialog windows and popups.
+	 *
+	 *		config.baseFloatZIndex = 2000;
+	 *
+	 * @cfg
+	 */
+	baseFloatZIndex: 10000,
+	/**
+	 * The keystrokes that are blocked by default as the browser implementation
+	 * is buggy. These default keystrokes are handled by the editor.
+	 *
+	 * @cfg {Array} [=[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 66, CKEDITOR.CTRL + 73, CKEDITOR.CTRL + 85 ] // CTRL+B,I,U]
+	 */
+	blockedKeystrokes: [
+	]
+ * Indicates that some of the editor features, like alignment and text
+ * direction, should use the "computed value" of the feature to indicate its
+ * on/off state instead of using the "real value".
+ *
+ * If enabled in a Left-To-Right written document, the "Left Justify"
+ * alignment button will be shown as active, even if the alignment style is not
+ * explicitly applied to the current paragraph in the editor.
+ *
+ *		config.useComputedState = false;
+ *
+ * @since 3.4
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [useComputedState=true]
+ */
+ * The base user interface color to be used by the editor. Not all skins are
+ * compatible with this setting.
+ *
+ *		// Using a color code.
+ *		config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
+ *
+ *		// Using an HTML color name.
+ *		config.uiColor = 'Gold';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} uiColor
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/creators/inline.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/creators/inline.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc9cc49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/creators/inline.js
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	/** @class CKEDITOR */
+	/**
+	 * Turn a DOM element with `contenteditable` attribute set to `true` into a
+	 * CKEditor instance, check {@link CKEDITOR.dtd#$editable} for the list of
+	 * allowed element names.
+	 *
+	 *		<div contenteditable="true" id="content"></textarea>
+	 *		...
+	 *		CKEDITOR.inline( 'content' );
+	 *
+	 * @param {Object/String} element The DOM element (`<textarea>`), its ID or name.
+	 * @param {Object} [instanceConfig] The specific configurations to apply to this editor instance.
+	 * See {@link CKEDITOR.config}.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} The editor instance created.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.inline = function( element, instanceConfig ) {
+		if ( !CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible )
+			return null;
+		element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( element );
+		// Avoid multiple inline editor instances on the same element.
+		if ( element.getEditor() )
+			throw 'The editor instance "' + element.getEditor().name + '" is already attached to the provided element.';
+		var editor = new CKEDITOR.editor( instanceConfig, element, CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE );
+		// Initial editor data is simply loaded from the page element content to make
+		// data retrieval possible immediately after the editor creation.
+		editor.setData( element.getHtml(), null, true );
+		// Once the editor is loaded, start the UI.
+		editor.on( 'loaded', function() {
+			editor.fire( 'uiReady' );
+			// Enable editing on the element.
+			editor.editable( element );
+			// Editable itself is the outermost element.
+			editor.container = element;
+			// Load and process editor data.
+			editor.setData( editor.getData( 1 ) );
+			editor.fire( 'contentDom' );
+			// Inline editing defaults to "wysiwyg" mode, so plugins don't
+			// need to make special handling for this "mode-less" environment.
+			editor.mode = 'wysiwyg';
+			editor.fire( 'mode' );
+			// The editor is completely loaded for interaction.
+			editor.fireOnce( 'instanceReady' );
+			CKEDITOR.fire( 'instanceReady', null, editor );
+			// Clean on startup.
+			editor.resetDirty();
+			// give priority to plugins that relay on editor#loaded for bootstrapping.
+		}, null, null, 10000 );
+		// Handle editor destroying.
+		editor.on( 'destroy', function() {
+			editor.element.clearCustomData();
+			delete editor.element;
+		});
+		return editor;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Call {@link CKEDITOR#inline} with all page elements with
+	 * `contenteditable` attribute set to `true`.
+	 *
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.inlineAll = function() {
+		var el, data;
+		for ( var name in CKEDITOR.dtd.$editable ) {
+			var elements = CKEDITOR.document.getElementsByTag( name );
+			for ( var i = 0, len = elements.count(); i < len; i++ ) {
+				el = elements.getItem( i );
+				if ( el.getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) == 'true' ) {
+					// Fire the "inline" event, making it possible to customize
+					// the instance settings and eventually cancel the creation.
+					data = {
+						element: el, config: {} };
+					if ( CKEDITOR.fire( 'inline', data ) !== false )
+						CKEDITOR.inline( el, data.config );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	CKEDITOR.domReady( function() {
+		!CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline && CKEDITOR.inlineAll();
+	});
+ * Avoid creating editor automatically on element which has attribute
+ * `contenteditable` set to the value `true`.
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [disableAutoInline=false]
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/creators/themedui.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/creators/themedui.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28ed21d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/creators/themedui.js
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ /** @class CKEDITOR */
+ * The class name used to identify `<textarea>` elements to be replace
+ * by CKEditor instances. Set it to empty/null to disable this feature.
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.replaceClass = 'rich_editor';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [replaceClass='ckeditor']
+ */
+CKEDITOR.replaceClass = 'ckeditor';
+(function() {
+	/**
+	 * Replaces a `<textarea>` or a DOM element (`<div>`) with a CKEditor
+	 * instance. For textareas, the initial value in the editor will be the
+	 * textarea value. For DOM elements, their innerHTML will be used
+	 * instead. We recommend using `<textarea>` and `<div>` elements only.
+	 *
+	 *		<textarea id="myfield" name="myfield"></textarea>
+	 *		...
+	 *		CKEDITOR.replace( 'myfield' );
+	 *
+	 *		var textarea = document.body.appendChild( document.createElement( 'textarea' ) );
+	 *		CKEDITOR.replace( textarea );
+	 *
+	 * @param {Object/String} element The DOM element (textarea), its ID or name.
+	 * @param {Object} [config] The specific configurations to apply to this
+	 * editor instance. Configurations set here will override global CKEditor settings (see {@link CKEDITOR.config}).
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} The editor instance created.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.replace = function( element, config ) {
+		return createInstance( element, config, null, CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE );
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Creates a new editor at the end of a specific DOM element.
+	 *
+	 *		<div id="editorSpace"></div>
+	 *		...
+	 *		CKEDITOR.appendTo( 'editorSpace' );
+	 *
+	 * @param {Object/String} element The DOM element, its ID or name.
+	 * @param {Object} [config] The specific configurations to apply to this
+	 * editor instance. Configurations set here will override global CKEditor settings.
+	 * @param {String} [data] Since 3.3. Initial value for the instance.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} The editor instance created.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.appendTo = function( element, config, data )
+	{
+		return createInstance( element, config, data, CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO );
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Replace all `<textarea>` elements available in the document with
+	 * editor instances.
+	 *
+	 *		// Replace all <textarea> elements in the page.
+	 *		CKEDITOR.replaceAll();
+	 *
+	 *		// Replace all <textarea class="myClassName"> elements in the page.
+	 *		CKEDITOR.replaceAll( 'myClassName' );
+	 *
+	 *		// Selectively replace <textarea> elements, based on custom assertions.
+	 *		CKEDITOR.replaceAll( function( textarea, config ) {
+	 *			// Custom code to evaluate the replace, returning false
+	 *			// if it must not be done.
+	 *			// It also passes the "config" parameter, so the
+	 *			// developer can customize the instance.
+	 *		} );
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.replaceAll = function() {
+		var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName( 'textarea' );
+		for ( var i = 0; i < textareas.length; i++ ) {
+			var config = null,
+				textarea = textareas[ i ];
+			// The "name" and/or "id" attribute must exist.
+			if ( !textarea.name && !textarea.id )
+				continue;
+			if ( typeof arguments[ 0 ] == 'string' ) {
+				// The textarea class name could be passed as the function
+				// parameter.
+				var classRegex = new RegExp( '(?:^|\\s)' + arguments[ 0 ] + '(?:$|\\s)' );
+				if ( !classRegex.test( textarea.className ) )
+					continue;
+			} else if ( typeof arguments[ 0 ] == 'function' ) {
+				// An assertion function could be passed as the function parameter.
+				// It must explicitly return "false" to ignore a specific <textarea>.
+				config = {};
+				if ( arguments[ 0 ]( textarea, config ) === false )
+					continue;
+			}
+			this.replace( textarea, config );
+		}
+	};
+	/** @class CKEDITOR.editor */
+	/**
+	 * Registers an editing mode. This function is to be used mainly by plugins.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} mode The mode name.
+	 * @param {Function} exec Function that perform the actual mode change.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.addMode = function( mode, exec ) {
+		( this._.modes || ( this._.modes = {} ) )[ mode ] = exec;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Change the editing mode of this editor instance.
+	 *
+	 * **Note:** The mode switch could be asynchronous depending on the mode provider,
+	 * use the `callback` to hook subsequent code.
+	 *
+	 *		// Switch to "source" view.
+	 *		CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.setMode( 'source' );
+	 *		// Switch to "wysiwyg" and be noticed on completed.
+	 *		CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.setMode( 'wysiwyg', function() { alert( 'wysiwyg mode loaded!' ); } );
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} [newMode] If not specified the {@link CKEDITOR.config#startupMode} will be used.
+	 * @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback function which invoked once the mode switch has succeeded.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.setMode = function( newMode, callback ) {
+		var editor = this;
+		var modes = this._.modes;
+		// Mode loading quickly fails.
+		if ( newMode == editor.mode || !modes || !modes[ newMode ] )
+			return;
+		editor.fire( 'beforeSetMode', newMode );
+		if ( editor.mode ) {
+			var isDirty = editor.checkDirty();
+			editor._.previousMode = editor.mode;
+			editor.fire( 'beforeModeUnload' );
+			// Detach the current editable.
+			editor.editable( 0 );
+			// Clear up the mode space.
+			editor.ui.space( 'contents' ).setHtml( '' );
+			editor.mode = '';
+		}
+		// Fire the mode handler.
+		this._.modes[ newMode ]( function() {
+			// Set the current mode.
+			editor.mode = newMode;
+			if ( isDirty !== undefined ) {
+				// The editor data "may be dirty" after this point.
+				editor.mayBeDirty = true;
+				!isDirty && editor.resetDirty();
+			}
+			// Delay to avoid race conditions (setMode inside setMode).
+			setTimeout( function() {
+				editor.fire( 'mode' );
+				callback && callback.call( editor );
+			}, 0);
+		});
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Resizes the editor interface.
+	 *
+	 *		editor.resize( 900, 300 );
+	 *
+	 *		editor.resize( '100%', 450, true );
+	 *
+	 * @param {Number/String} width The new width. It can be an pixels integer or a
+	 * CSS size value.
+	 * @param {Number/String} height The new height. It can be an pixels integer or
+	 * a CSS size value.
+	 * @param {Boolean} [isContentHeight] Indicates that the provided height is to
+	 * be applied to the editor contents space, not to the entire editor
+	 * interface. Defaults to false.
+	 * @param {Boolean} [resizeInner] Indicates that the first inner interface
+	 * element must receive the size, not the outer element. The default theme
+	 * defines the interface inside a pair of span elements
+	 * (`<span><span>...</span></span>`). By default the
+	 * first span element receives the sizes. If this parameter is set to
+	 * true, the second span is sized instead.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.resize = function( width, height, isContentHeight, resizeInner ) {
+		var container = this.container,
+			contents = this.ui.space( 'contents' ),
+			contentsFrame = CKEDITOR.env.webkit && this.document && this.document.getWindow().$.frameElement,
+			outer = resizeInner ? container.getChild( 1 ) : container;
+		// Set as border box width. (#5353)
+		outer.setSize( 'width', width, true );
+		// WebKit needs to refresh the iframe size to avoid rendering issues. (1/2) (#8348)
+		contentsFrame && ( contentsFrame.style.width = '1%' );
+		// Get the height delta between the outer table and the content area.
+		// If we're setting the content area's height, then we don't need the delta.
+		var delta = isContentHeight ? 0 : ( outer.$.offsetHeight || 0 ) - ( contents.$.clientHeight || 0 );
+		contents.setStyle( 'height', Math.max( height - delta, 0 ) + 'px' );
+		// WebKit needs to refresh the iframe size to avoid rendering issues. (2/2) (#8348)
+		contentsFrame && ( contentsFrame.style.width = '100%' );
+		// Emit a resize event.
+		this.fire( 'resize' );
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Gets the element that can be freely used to check the editor size. This method
+	 * is mainly used by the resize plugin, which adds a UI handle that can be used
+	 * to resize the editor.
+	 *
+	 * @param {Boolean} forContents Whether to return the "contents" part of the theme instead of the container.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The resizable element.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.getResizable = function( forContents ) {
+		return forContents ? this.ui.space( 'contents' ) : this.container;
+	};
+	function createInstance( element, config, data, mode ) {
+		if ( !CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible )
+			return null;
+		element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( element );
+		// Avoid multiple inline editor instances on the same element.
+		if ( element.getEditor() )
+			throw 'The editor instance "' + element.getEditor().name + '" is already attached to the provided element.';
+		// Create the editor instance.
+		var editor = new CKEDITOR.editor( config, element, mode );
+		// Do not replace the textarea right now, just hide it. The effective
+		// replacement will be done later in the editor creation lifecycle.
+			element.setStyle( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
+		data && editor.setData( data, null, true );
+		// Once the editor is loaded, start the UI.
+		editor.on( 'loaded', function() {
+			loadTheme( editor );
+			if (  mode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE && editor.config.autoUpdateElement )
+				attachToForm( editor );
+			editor.setMode( editor.config.startupMode, function() {
+				// Editor is completely loaded for interaction.
+				editor.fireOnce( 'instanceReady' );
+				CKEDITOR.fire( 'instanceReady', null, editor );
+				// Clean on startup.
+				editor.resetDirty();
+			});
+		});
+		editor.on( 'destroy', destroy );
+		return editor;
+	}
+	function destroy() {
+		var editor = this,
+			container = editor.container,
+			element = editor.element;
+		if ( container ) {
+			container.clearCustomData();
+			container.remove();
+		}
+		if ( element ) {
+			element.clearCustomData();
+			editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE && element.show();
+			delete editor.element;
+		}
+	}
+	var themedTpl;
+	function loadTheme( editor ) {
+		var name = editor.name,
+			element = editor.element,
+			elementMode = editor.elementMode;
+		// Get the HTML for the predefined spaces.
+		var topHtml = editor.fire( 'uiSpace', { space: 'top', html: '' } ).html;
+		var bottomHtml = editor.fireOnce( 'uiSpace', { space: 'bottom', html: '' } ).html;
+		if ( !themedTpl ) {
+			themedTpl = CKEDITOR.addTemplate( 'maincontainer', '<{outerEl}' +
+				' id="cke_{name}"' +
+				' class="{id} cke cke_reset cke_chrome cke_editor_{name} cke_{langDir} ' + CKEDITOR.env.cssClass + '" ' +
+				' dir="{langDir}"' +
+				' lang="{langCode}"' +
+				' role="application"' +
+				' aria-labelledby="cke_{name}_arialbl">' +
+				'<span id="cke_{name}_arialbl" class="cke_voice_label">{voiceLabel}</span>' +
+					'<{outerEl} class="cke_inner cke_reset" role="presentation">' +
+						'{topHtml}' +
+						'<{outerEl} id="{contentId}" class="cke_contents cke_reset" role="presentation"></{outerEl}>' +
+						'{bottomHtml}' +
+					'</{outerEl}>' +
+				'</{outerEl}>' );
+		}
+		var container = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( themedTpl.output({
+			id: editor.id,
+			name: name,
+			langDir: editor.lang.dir,
+			langCode: editor.langCode,
+			voiceLabel: editor.lang.editor,
+			topHtml: topHtml ? '<span id="' + editor.ui.spaceId( 'top' ) + '" class="cke_top cke_reset_all" role="presentation" style="height:auto">' + topHtml + '</span>' : '',
+			contentId: editor.ui.spaceId( 'contents' ),
+			bottomHtml: bottomHtml ? '<span id="' + editor.ui.spaceId( 'bottom' ) + '" class="cke_bottom cke_reset_all" role="presentation">' + bottomHtml + '</span>' : '',
+			outerEl: CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'span' : 'div'	// #9571
+		}));
+		if ( elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE ) {
+			element.hide();
+			container.insertAfter( element );
+		} else
+			element.append( container );
+		editor.container = container;
+		// Make top and bottom spaces unelectable, but not content space,
+		// otherwise the editable area would be affected.
+		topHtml && editor.ui.space( 'top' ).unselectable();
+		bottomHtml && editor.ui.space( 'bottom' ).unselectable();
+		var width = editor.config.width, height = editor.config.height;
+		if ( width )
+			container.setStyle( 'width', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( width ) );
+		// The editor height is applied to the contents space.
+		if ( height )
+			editor.ui.space( 'contents' ).setStyle( 'height', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( height ) );
+		// Disable browser context menu for editor's chrome.
+		container.disableContextMenu();
+		// Redirect the focus into editor for webkit. (#5713)
+		CKEDITOR.env.webkit && container.on( 'focus', function() {
+			editor.focus();
+		});
+		editor.fireOnce( 'uiReady' );
+	}
+	function attachToForm( editor ) {
+		var element = editor.element;
+		// If are replacing a textarea, we must
+		if ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE && element.is( 'textarea' ) ) {
+			var form = element.$.form && new CKEDITOR.dom.element( element.$.form );
+			if ( form ) {
+				function onSubmit() {
+					editor.updateElement();
+				}
+				form.on( 'submit', onSubmit );
+				// Setup the submit function because it doesn't fire the
+				// "submit" event.
+				if ( !form.$.submit.nodeName && !form.$.submit.length ) {
+					form.$.submit = CKEDITOR.tools.override( form.$.submit, function( originalSubmit ) {
+						return function() {
+							editor.updateElement();
+							// For IE, the DOM submit function is not a
+							// function, so we need third check.
+							if ( originalSubmit.apply )
+								originalSubmit.apply( this, arguments );
+							else
+								originalSubmit();
+						};
+					});
+				}
+				// Remove 'submit' events registered on form element before destroying.(#3988)
+				editor.on( 'destroy', function() {
+					form.removeListener( 'submit', onSubmit );
+				});
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Replace all textareas with the default class name.
+	CKEDITOR.domReady( function() {
+		CKEDITOR.replaceClass && CKEDITOR.replaceAll( CKEDITOR.replaceClass );
+	});
+ * The current editing mode. An editing mode basically provides
+ * different ways of editing or viewing the contents.
+ *
+ *		alert( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.mode ); // (e.g.) 'wysiwyg'
+ *
+ * @property {String} mode
+ */
+ * The mode to load at the editor startup. It depends on the plugins
+ * loaded. By default, the `wysiwyg` and `source` modes are available.
+ *
+ *		config.startupMode = 'source';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [startupMode='wysiwyg']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+CKEDITOR.config.startupMode = 'wysiwyg';
+ * Fired after the editor instance is resized through
+ * the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#method-resize} method.
+ *
+ * @event resize
+ */
+ * Event fired before changing the editing mode. See also
+ * {@link #beforeSetMode} and {@link #event-mode}.
+ *
+ * @event beforeModeUnload
+ */
+ * Event fired before the editor mode is set. See also
+ * {@link #event-mode} and {@link #beforeModeUnload}.
+ *
+ * @since 3.5.3
+ * @event beforeSetMode
+ * @param {String} data The name of the mode which is about to be set.
+ */
+ * Fired after setting the editing mode. See also {@link #beforeSetMode} and {@link #beforeModeUnload}
+ *
+ * @event mode
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dataprocessor.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dataprocessor.js
index cb8fcba..e9f61b3 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dataprocessor.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dataprocessor.js
@@ -1,66 +1,70 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the "virtual" {@link CKEDITOR.dataProcessor} class, which
- *		defines the basic structure of data processor objects to be
- *		set to {@link CKEDITOR.editor.dataProcessor}.
- */
- * If defined, points to the data processor which is responsible to translate
- * and transform the editor data on input and output.
- * Generaly it will point to an instance of {@link CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor},
- * which handles HTML data. The editor may also handle other data formats by
- * using different data processors provided by specific plugins.
- * @name CKEDITOR.editor.dataProcessor
- * @type CKEDITOR.dataProcessor
- */
- * Represents a data processor, which is responsible to translate and transform
- * the editor data on input and output.
- * This class is not really part of the API. It's here for documentation
- * purposes, and serves as the base ("interface") for data processors
- * implementation.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dataProcessor
- * @contructor
- * @example
- */
- * Transforms input data into HTML to be loaded in the editor.
- * While the editor is able to handle non HTML data (like BBCode), at runtime
- * it can handle HTML data only. The role of the data processor is transforming
- * the input data into HTML through this function.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dataProcessor.prototype.toHtml
- * @function
- * @param {String} data The input data to be transformed.
- * @param {String} [fixForBody] The tag name to be used if the data must be
- *		fixed because it is supposed to be loaded direcly into the <body>
- *		tag. This is generally not used by non-HTML data processors.
- * @example
- * // Tranforming BBCode data, having a custom BBCode data processor.
- * var data = 'This is [b]an example[/b].';
- * var html = editor.dataProcessor.toHtml( data );  // '<p>This is <b>an example</b>.</p>'
- */
- * Transforms HTML into data to be outputted by the editor, in the format
- * expected by the data processor.
- * While the editor is able to handle non HTML data (like BBCode), at runtime
- * it can handle HTML data only. The role of the data processor is transforming
- * the HTML data containined by the editor into a specific data format through
- * this function.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dataProcessor.prototype.toDataFormat
- * @function
- * @param {String} html The HTML to be transformed.
- * @param {String} fixForBody The tag name to be used if the output data is
- *		coming from <body> and may be eventually fixed for it. This is
- * generally not used by non-HTML data processors.
- * // Tranforming into BBCode data, having a custom BBCode data processor.
- * var html = '<p>This is <b>an example</b>.</p>';
- * var data = editor.dataProcessor.toDataFormat( html );  // 'This is [b]an example[/b].'
- */
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the "virtual" {@link CKEDITOR.dataProcessor} class, which
+ *		defines the basic structure of data processor objects to be
+ *		set to {@link CKEDITOR.editor.dataProcessor}.
+ */
+ * If defined, points to the data processor which is responsible to translate
+ * and transform the editor data on input and output.
+ * Generaly it will point to an instance of {@link CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor},
+ * which handles HTML data. The editor may also handle other data formats by
+ * using different data processors provided by specific plugins.
+ *
+ * @property {CKEDITOR.dataProcessor} dataProcessor
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ */
+ * Represents a data processor, which is responsible to translate and
+ * transform the editor data on input and output.
+ *
+ * This class is here for documentation purposes only and is not really part of
+ * the API. It serves as the base ("interface") for data processors implementation.
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dataProcessor
+ * @abstract
+ */
+ * Transforms input data into HTML to be loaded in the editor.
+ * While the editor is able to handle non HTML data (like BBCode), at runtime
+ * it can handle HTML data only. The role of the data processor is transforming
+ * the input data into HTML through this function.
+ *
+ *		// Tranforming BBCode data, having a custom BBCode data processor.
+ *		var data = 'This is [b]an example[/b].';
+ *		var html = editor.dataProcessor.toHtml( data ); // '<p>This is <b>an example</b>.</p>'
+ *
+ * @method toHtml
+ * @param {String} data The input data to be transformed.
+ * @param {String} [fixForBody] The tag name to be used if the data must be
+ * fixed because it is supposed to be loaded direcly into the `<body>`
+ * tag. This is generally not used by non-HTML data processors.
+ * @todo fixForBody type - compare to htmlDataProcessor.
+ */
+ * Transforms HTML into data to be outputted by the editor, in the format
+ * expected by the data processor.
+ *
+ * While the editor is able to handle non HTML data (like BBCode), at runtime
+ * it can handle HTML data only. The role of the data processor is transforming
+ * the HTML data containined by the editor into a specific data format through
+ * this function.
+ *
+ *		// Tranforming into BBCode data, having a custom BBCode data processor.
+ *		var html = '<p>This is <b>an example</b>.</p>';
+ *		var data = editor.dataProcessor.toDataFormat( html ); // 'This is [b]an example[/b].'
+ *
+ * @method toDataFormat
+ * @param {String} html The HTML to be transformed.
+ * @param {String} fixForBody The tag name to be used if the output data is
+ * coming from `<body>` and may be eventually fixed for it. This is
+ * generally not used by non-HTML data processors.
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom.js
index e56f71f..89988e1 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom.js
@@ -1,21 +1,13 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom} object, which contains DOM
- *		manipulation objects and function.
- */
- * DOM manipulation objects and function.<br /><br />
- * @see CKEDITOR.dom.element
- * @see CKEDITOR.dom.node
- * @namespace
- * @example
- */
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom} object, which contains DOM
+ *		manipulation objects and function.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom = {};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/comment.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/comment.js
index 3daf537..5408d18 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/comment.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/comment.js
@@ -1,32 +1,53 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.comment} class, which represents
- *		a DOM comment node.
- */
-CKEDITOR.dom.comment = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
-	base : CKEDITOR.dom.node,
-	$ : function( text, ownerDocument )
-	{
-		if ( typeof text == 'string' )
-			text = ( ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.$ : document ).createComment( text );
-		this.base( text );
-	},
-	proto :
-	{
-		getOuterHtml : function()
-		{
-			return '<!--' + this.$.nodeValue + '-->';
-		}
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.comment} class, which represents
+ *		a DOM comment node.
+ */
+ * Represents a DOM comment node.
+ *
+ *		var nativeNode = document.createComment( 'Example' );
+ *		var comment = new CKEDITOR.dom.comment( nativeNode );
+ *
+ *		var comment = new CKEDITOR.dom.comment( 'Example' );
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dom.node
+ * @constructor Creates a comment class instance.
+ * @param {Object/String} comment A native DOM comment node or a string containing
+ * the text to use to create a new comment node.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.document} [ownerDocument] The document that will contain
+ * the node in case of new node creation. Defaults to the current document.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.comment = function( comment, ownerDocument ) {
+	if ( typeof comment == 'string' )
+		comment = ( ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.$ : document ).createComment( comment );
+	CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call( this, comment );
+CKEDITOR.dom.comment.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.node();
+CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dom.comment.prototype, {
+	/**
+	 * The node type. This is a constant value set to {@link CKEDITOR#NODE_COMMENT}.
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 * @property {Number} [=CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT]
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Gets the outer HTML of this comment.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {String} The HTML `<!-- comment value -->`.
+	 */
+	getOuterHtml: function() {
+		return '<!--' + this.$.nodeValue + '-->';
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/document.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/document.js
index bd8c18c..ec7e6d5 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/document.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/document.js
@@ -1,224 +1,269 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.document} class, which
- *		represents a DOM document.
- */
- * Represents a DOM document.
- * @constructor
- * @augments CKEDITOR.dom.domObject
- * @param {Object} domDocument A native DOM document.
- * @example
- * var document = new CKEDITOR.dom.document( document );
- */
-CKEDITOR.dom.document = function( domDocument )
-	CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call( this, domDocument );
-// PACKAGER_RENAME( CKEDITOR.dom.document )
-CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.domObject();
-CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype,
-	/** @lends CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype */
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Appends a CSS file to the document.
-		 * @param {String} cssFileUrl The CSS file URL.
-		 * @example
-		 * <b>CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet( '/mystyles.css' )</b>;
-		 */
-		appendStyleSheet : function( cssFileUrl )
-		{
-			if ( this.$.createStyleSheet )
-				this.$.createStyleSheet( cssFileUrl );
-			else
-			{
-				var link = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'link' );
-				link.setAttributes(
-					{
-						rel		:'stylesheet',
-						type	: 'text/css',
-						href	: cssFileUrl
-					});
-				this.getHead().append( link );
-			}
-		},
-		appendStyleText : function( cssStyleText )
-		{
-			if ( this.$.createStyleSheet )
-			{
-				var styleSheet = this.$.createStyleSheet( "" );
-				styleSheet.cssText = cssStyleText ;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				var style = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'style', this );
-				style.append( new CKEDITOR.dom.text( cssStyleText, this ) );
-				this.getHead().append( style );
-			}
-		},
-		createElement : function( name, attribsAndStyles )
-		{
-			var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( name, this );
-			if ( attribsAndStyles )
-			{
-				if ( attribsAndStyles.attributes )
-					element.setAttributes( attribsAndStyles.attributes );
-				if ( attribsAndStyles.styles )
-					element.setStyles( attribsAndStyles.styles );
-			}
-			return element;
-		},
-		createText : function( text )
-		{
-			return new CKEDITOR.dom.text( text, this );
-		},
-		focus : function()
-		{
-			this.getWindow().focus();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets and element based on its id.
-		 * @param {String} elementId The element id.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The element instance, or null if not found.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = <b>CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' )</b>;
-		 * alert( element.getId() );  // "myElement"
-		 */
-		getById : function( elementId )
-		{
-			var $ = this.$.getElementById( elementId );
-			return $ ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element( $ ) : null;
-		},
-		getByAddress : function( address, normalized )
-		{
-			var $ = this.$.documentElement;
-			for ( var i = 0 ; $ && i < address.length ; i++ )
-			{
-				var target = address[ i ];
-				if ( !normalized )
-				{
-					$ = $.childNodes[ target ];
-					continue;
-				}
-				var currentIndex = -1;
-				for (var j = 0 ; j < $.childNodes.length ; j++ )
-				{
-					var candidate = $.childNodes[ j ];
-					if ( normalized === true &&
-							candidate.nodeType == 3 &&
-							candidate.previousSibling &&
-							candidate.previousSibling.nodeType == 3 )
-					{
-						continue;
-					}
-					currentIndex++;
-					if ( currentIndex == target )
-					{
-						$ = candidate;
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return $ ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node( $ ) : null;
-		},
-		getElementsByTag : function( tagName, namespace )
-		{
-			if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie && namespace )
-				tagName = namespace + ':' + tagName;
-			return new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList( this.$.getElementsByTagName( tagName ) );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the <head> element for this document.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The <head> element.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = <b>CKEDITOR.document.getHead()</b>;
-		 * alert( element.getName() );  // "head"
-		 */
-		getHead : function()
-		{
-			var head = this.$.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0];
-			head = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( head );
-			return (
-			this.getHead = function()
-				{
-					return head;
-				})();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the <body> element for this document.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The <body> element.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = <b>CKEDITOR.document.getBody()</b>;
-		 * alert( element.getName() );  // "body"
-		 */
-		getBody : function()
-		{
-			var body = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( this.$.body );
-			return (
-			this.getBody = function()
-				{
-					return body;
-				})();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the DOM document element for this document.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The DOM document element.
-		 */
-		getDocumentElement : function()
-		{
-			var documentElement = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( this.$.documentElement );
-			return (
-			this.getDocumentElement = function()
-				{
-					return documentElement;
-				})();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the window object that holds this document.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.window} The window object.
-		 */
-		getWindow : function()
-		{
-			var win = new CKEDITOR.dom.window( this.$.parentWindow || this.$.defaultView );
-			return (
-			this.getWindow = function()
-				{
-					return win;
-				})();
-		}
-	});
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.document} class, which
+ *		represents a DOM document.
+ */
+ * Represents a DOM document.
+ *
+ *		var document = new CKEDITOR.dom.document( document );
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dom.domObject
+ * @constructor Creates a document class instance.
+ * @param {Object} domDocument A native DOM document.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.document = function( domDocument ) {
+	CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call( this, domDocument );
+// PACKAGER_RENAME( CKEDITOR.dom.document )
+CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.domObject();
+CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype, {
+	/**
+	 * The node type. This is a constant value set to {@link CKEDITOR#NODE_DOCUMENT}.
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 * @property {Number} [=CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT]
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Appends a CSS file to the document.
+	 *
+	 *		CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet( '/mystyles.css' );
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} cssFileUrl The CSS file URL.
+	 */
+	appendStyleSheet: function( cssFileUrl ) {
+		if ( this.$.createStyleSheet )
+			this.$.createStyleSheet( cssFileUrl );
+		else {
+			var link = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'link' );
+			link.setAttributes({
+				rel: 'stylesheet',
+				type: 'text/css',
+				href: cssFileUrl
+			});
+			this.getHead().append( link );
+		}
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Creates a CSS style sheet and inserts it into the document.
+	 *
+	 * @param cssStyleText {String} CSS style text.
+	 * @returns {Object} The created DOM native style sheet object.
+	 */
+	appendStyleText: function( cssStyleText ) {
+		if ( this.$.createStyleSheet ) {
+			var styleSheet = this.$.createStyleSheet( "" );
+			styleSheet.cssText = cssStyleText;
+		} else {
+			var style = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'style', this );
+			style.append( new CKEDITOR.dom.text( cssStyleText, this ) );
+			this.getHead().append( style );
+		}
+		return styleSheet || style.$.sheet;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Creates {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element} instance in this document.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	createElement: function( name, attribsAndStyles ) {
+		var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( name, this );
+		if ( attribsAndStyles ) {
+			if ( attribsAndStyles.attributes )
+				element.setAttributes( attribsAndStyles.attributes );
+			if ( attribsAndStyles.styles )
+				element.setStyles( attribsAndStyles.styles );
+		}
+		return element;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Creates {@link CKEDITOR.dom.text} instance in this document.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} text Value of the text node.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
+	 */
+	createText: function( text ) {
+		return new CKEDITOR.dom.text( text, this );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Moves the selection focus to this document's window.
+	 */
+	focus: function() {
+		this.getWindow().focus();
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Returns the element that is currently designated as the active element in the document.
+	 *
+	 * **Note:** Only one element can be active at a time in a document.
+	 * An active element does not necessarily have focus,
+	 * but an element with focus is always the active element in a document.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
+	 */
+	getActive: function() {
+		return new CKEDITOR.dom.element( this.$.activeElement );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets an element based on its id.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' );
+	 *		alert( element.getId() ); // 'myElement'
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} elementId The element id.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The element instance, or null if not found.
+	 */
+	getById: function( elementId ) {
+		var $ = this.$.getElementById( elementId );
+		return $ ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element( $ ) : null;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets a node based on its address. See {@link CKEDITOR.dom.node#getAddress}.
+	 *
+	 * @param {Array} address
+	 * @param {Boolean} [normalized=false]
+	 */
+	getByAddress: function( address, normalized ) {
+		var $ = this.$.documentElement;
+		for ( var i = 0; $ && i < address.length; i++ ) {
+			var target = address[ i ];
+			if ( !normalized ) {
+				$ = $.childNodes[ target ];
+				continue;
+			}
+			var currentIndex = -1;
+			for ( var j = 0; j < $.childNodes.length; j++ ) {
+				var candidate = $.childNodes[ j ];
+				if ( normalized === true && candidate.nodeType == 3 && candidate.previousSibling && candidate.previousSibling.nodeType == 3 ) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				currentIndex++;
+				if ( currentIndex == target ) {
+					$ = candidate;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return $ ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node( $ ) : null;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets elements list based on given tag name.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} tagName The element tag name.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList} The nodes list.
+	 */
+	getElementsByTag: function( tagName, namespace ) {
+		if ( !( CKEDITOR.env.ie && !( document.documentMode > 8 ) ) && namespace )
+			tagName = namespace + ':' + tagName;
+		return new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList( this.$.getElementsByTagName( tagName ) );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the `<head>` element for this document.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getHead();
+	 *		alert( element.getName() ); // 'head'
+	 *
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The `<head>` element.
+	 */
+	getHead: function() {
+		var head = this.$.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[ 0 ];
+		if ( !head )
+			head = this.getDocumentElement().append( new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'head' ), true );
+		else
+			head = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( head );
+		return head;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the `<body>` element for this document.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getBody();
+	 *		alert( element.getName() ); // 'body'
+	 *
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The `<body>` element.
+	 */
+	getBody: function() {
+		return new CKEDITOR.dom.element( this.$.body );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the DOM document element for this document.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The DOM document element.
+	 */
+	getDocumentElement: function() {
+		return new CKEDITOR.dom.element( this.$.documentElement );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the window object that holds this document.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.window} The window object.
+	 */
+	getWindow: function() {
+		var win = new CKEDITOR.dom.window( this.$.parentWindow || this.$.defaultView );
+		return ( this.getWindow = function() {
+			return win;
+		})();
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Defines the document contents through document.write. Note that the
+	 * previous document contents will be lost (cleaned).
+	 *
+	 *		document.write(
+	 *			'<html>' +
+	 *				'<head><title>Sample Doc</title></head>' +
+	 *				'<body>Document contents created by code</body>' +
+	 *			'</html>'
+	 *		);
+	 *
+	 * @since 3.5
+	 * @param {String} html The HTML defining the document contents.
+	 */
+	write: function( html ) {
+		// Don't leave any history log in IE. (#5657)
+		this.$.open( 'text/html', 'replace' );
+		// Support for custom document.domain in IE.
+		CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain() && ( this.$.domain = document.domain );
+		this.$.write( html );
+		this.$.close();
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/documentfragment.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/documentfragment.js
index f075562..966b00b 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/documentfragment.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/documentfragment.js
@@ -1,49 +1,45 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * DocumentFragment is a "lightweight" or "minimal" Document object. It is
- * commonly used to extract a portion of a document's tree or to create a new
- * fragment of a document. Various operations may take DocumentFragment objects
- * as arguments and results in all the child nodes of the DocumentFragment being
- * moved to the child list of this node.
- *
- * @param {Object} ownerDocument
- */
-CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment = function( ownerDocument )
-	ownerDocument = ownerDocument || CKEDITOR.document;
-	this.$ = ownerDocument.$.createDocumentFragment();
-CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment.prototype,
-	CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype,
-	{
-		insertAfterNode : function( node )
-		{
-			node = node.$;
-			node.parentNode.insertBefore( this.$, node.nextSibling );
-		}
-	},
-	true,
-	{
-		'append' : 1,
-		'appendBogus' : 1,
-		'getFirst' : 1,
-		'getLast' : 1,
-		'appendTo' : 1,
-		'moveChildren' : 1,
-		'insertBefore' : 1,
-		'insertAfterNode' : 1,
-		'replace' : 1,
-		'trim' : 1,
-		'type' : 1,
-		'ltrim' : 1,
-		'rtrim' : 1,
-		'getDocument' : 1,
-		'getChildCount' : 1,
-		'getChild' : 1,
-		'getChildren' : 1
-	} );
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * DocumentFragment is a "lightweight" or "minimal" Document object. It is
+ * commonly used to extract a portion of a document's tree or to create a new
+ * fragment of a document. Various operations may take DocumentFragment objects
+ * as arguments and results in all the child nodes of the DocumentFragment being
+ * moved to the child list of this node.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @constructor Creates a document fragment class instance.
+ * @param {Object} nodeOrDoc
+ * @todo example and param doc
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment = function( nodeOrDoc ) {
+	nodeOrDoc = nodeOrDoc || CKEDITOR.document;
+	if ( nodeOrDoc.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT )
+		this.$ = nodeOrDoc.$.createDocumentFragment();
+	else
+		this.$ = nodeOrDoc;
+CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment.prototype, CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype, {
+	/**
+	 * The node type. This is a constant value set to {@link CKEDITOR#NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT}.
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 * @property {Number} [=CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT]
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Inserts document fragment's contents after specified node.
+	 *
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node
+	 */
+	insertAfterNode: function( node ) {
+		node = node.$;
+		node.parentNode.insertBefore( this.$, node.nextSibling );
+	}
+}, true, { 'append':1,'appendBogus':1,'getFirst':1,'getLast':1,'getParent':1,'getNext':1,'getPrevious':1,'appendTo':1,'moveChildren':1,'insertBefore':1,'insertAfterNode':1,'replace':1,'trim':1,'type':1,'ltrim':1,'rtrim':1,'getDocument':1,'getChildCount':1,'getChild':1,'getChildren':1 } );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/domobject.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/domobject.js
index f10db99..f58d45f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/domobject.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/domobject.js
@@ -1,251 +1,258 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.editor} class, which is the base
- *		for other classes representing DOM objects.
- */
- * Represents a DOM object. This class is not intended to be used directly. It
- * serves as the base class for other classes representing specific DOM
- * objects.
- * @constructor
- * @param {Object} nativeDomObject A native DOM object.
- * @augments CKEDITOR.event
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.dom.domObject = function( nativeDomObject )
-	if ( nativeDomObject )
-	{
-		/**
-		 * The native DOM object represented by this class instance.
-		 * @type Object
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
-		 * alert( element.$.nodeType );  // "1"
-		 */
-		this.$ = nativeDomObject;
-	}
-CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.prototype = (function()
-	// Do not define other local variables here. We want to keep the native
-	// listener closures as clean as possible.
-	var getNativeListener = function( domObject, eventName )
-	{
-		return function( domEvent )
-		{
-			// In FF, when reloading the page with the editor focused, it may
-			// throw an error because the CKEDITOR global is not anymore
-			// available. So, we check it here first. (#2923)
-			if ( typeof CKEDITOR != 'undefined' )
-				domObject.fire( eventName, new CKEDITOR.dom.event( domEvent ) );
-		};
-	};
-	return /** @lends CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.prototype */ {
-		getPrivate : function()
-		{
-			var priv;
-			// Get the main private function from the custom data. Create it if not
-			// defined.
-			if ( !( priv = this.getCustomData( '_' ) ) )
-				this.setCustomData( '_', ( priv = {} ) );
-			return priv;
-		},
-		/** @ignore */
-		on  : function( eventName )
-		{
-			// We customize the "on" function here. The basic idea is that we'll have
-			// only one listener for a native event, which will then call all listeners
-			// set to the event.
-			// Get the listeners holder object.
-			var nativeListeners = this.getCustomData( '_cke_nativeListeners' );
-			if ( !nativeListeners )
-			{
-				nativeListeners = {};
-				this.setCustomData( '_cke_nativeListeners', nativeListeners );
-			}
-			// Check if we have a listener for that event.
-			if ( !nativeListeners[ eventName ] )
-			{
-				var listener = nativeListeners[ eventName ] = getNativeListener( this, eventName );
-				if ( this.$.addEventListener )
-					this.$.addEventListener( eventName, listener, !!CKEDITOR.event.useCapture );
-				else if ( this.$.attachEvent )
-					this.$.attachEvent( 'on' + eventName, listener );
-			}
-			// Call the original implementation.
-			return CKEDITOR.event.prototype.on.apply( this, arguments );
-		},
-		/** @ignore */
-		removeListener : function( eventName )
-		{
-			// Call the original implementation.
-			CKEDITOR.event.prototype.removeListener.apply( this, arguments );
-			// If we don't have listeners for this event, clean the DOM up.
-			if ( !this.hasListeners( eventName ) )
-			{
-				var nativeListeners = this.getCustomData( '_cke_nativeListeners' );
-				var listener = nativeListeners && nativeListeners[ eventName ];
-				if ( listener )
-				{
-					if ( this.$.removeEventListener )
-						this.$.removeEventListener( eventName, listener, false );
-					else if ( this.$.detachEvent )
-						this.$.detachEvent( 'on' + eventName, listener );
-					delete nativeListeners[ eventName ];
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Removes any listener set on this object.
-		 * To avoid memory leaks we must assure that there are no
-		 * references left after the object is no longer needed.
-		 */
-		removeAllListeners : function()
-		{
-			var nativeListeners = this.getCustomData( '_cke_nativeListeners' );
-			for ( var eventName in nativeListeners )
-			{
-				var listener = nativeListeners[ eventName ];
-				if ( this.$.removeEventListener )
-					this.$.removeEventListener( eventName, listener, false );
-				else if ( this.$.detachEvent )
-					this.$.detachEvent( 'on' + eventName, listener );
-				delete nativeListeners[ eventName ];
-			}
-		}
-	};
-(function( domObjectProto )
-	var customData = {};
-	CKEDITOR.on( 'reset', function()
-		{
-			customData = {};
-		});
-	/**
-	 * Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
-	 * @name CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.prototype.equals
-	 * @function
-	 * @param {Object} object The object to compare with the current object.
-	 * @returns {Boolean} "true" if the object is equal.
-	 * @example
-	 * var doc = new CKEDITOR.dom.document( document );
-	 * alert( doc.equals( CKEDITOR.document ) );  // "true"
-	 * alert( doc == CKEDITOR.document );         // "false"
-	 */
-	domObjectProto.equals = function( object )
-	{
-		return ( object && object.$ === this.$ );
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Sets a data slot value for this object. These values are shared by all
-	 * instances pointing to that same DOM object.
-	 * @name CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.prototype.setCustomData
-	 * @function
-	 * @param {String} key A key used to identify the data slot.
-	 * @param {Object} value The value to set to the data slot.
-	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.domObject} This DOM object instance.
-	 * @see CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.prototype.getCustomData
-	 * @example
-	 * var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
-	 * element.setCustomData( 'hasCustomData', true );
-	 */
-	domObjectProto.setCustomData = function( key, value )
-	{
-		var expandoNumber = this.getUniqueId(),
-			dataSlot = customData[ expandoNumber ] || ( customData[ expandoNumber ] = {} );
-		dataSlot[ key ] = value;
-		return this;
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Gets the value set to a data slot in this object.
-	 * @name CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.prototype.getCustomData
-	 * @function
-	 * @param {String} key The key used to identify the data slot.
-	 * @returns {Object} This value set to the data slot.
-	 * @see CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.prototype.setCustomData
-	 * @example
-	 * var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
-	 * alert( element.getCustomData( 'hasCustomData' ) );  // e.g. 'true'
-	 */
-	domObjectProto.getCustomData = function( key )
-	{
-		var expandoNumber = this.$._cke_expando,
-			dataSlot = expandoNumber && customData[ expandoNumber ];
-		return dataSlot && dataSlot[ key ];
-	};
-	/**
-	 * @name CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.prototype.removeCustomData
-	 */
-	domObjectProto.removeCustomData = function( key )
-	{
-		var expandoNumber = this.$._cke_expando,
-			dataSlot = expandoNumber && customData[ expandoNumber ],
-			retval = dataSlot && dataSlot[ key ];
-		if ( typeof retval != 'undefined' )
-			delete dataSlot[ key ];
-		return retval || null;
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Removes any data stored on this object.
-	 * To avoid memory leaks we must assure that there are no
-	 * references left after the object is no longer needed.
-	 * @name CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.prototype.clearCustomData
-	 * @function
-	 */
-	domObjectProto.clearCustomData = function()
-	{
-		// Clear all event listeners
-		this.removeAllListeners();
-		var expandoNumber = this.$._cke_expando;
-		expandoNumber && delete customData[ expandoNumber ];
-	};
-	/**
-	 * @name CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.prototype.getCustomData
-	 */
-	domObjectProto.getUniqueId = function()
-	{
-		return this.$._cke_expando || ( this.$._cke_expando = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber() );
-	};
-	// Implement CKEDITOR.event.
-	CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( domObjectProto );
-})( CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.prototype );
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.editor} class, which is the base
+ *		for other classes representing DOM objects.
+ */
+ * Represents a DOM object. This class is not intended to be used directly. It
+ * serves as the base class for other classes representing specific DOM
+ * objects.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @mixins CKEDITOR.event
+ * @constructor Creates a domObject class instance.
+ * @param {Object} nativeDomObject A native DOM object.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.domObject = function( nativeDomObject ) {
+	if ( nativeDomObject ) {
+		/**
+		 * The native DOM object represented by this class instance.
+		 *
+		 *		var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
+		 *		alert( element.$.nodeType ); // '1'
+		 *
+		 * @readonly
+		 * @property {Object}
+		 */
+		this.$ = nativeDomObject;
+	}
+CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.prototype = (function() {
+	// Do not define other local variables here. We want to keep the native
+	// listener closures as clean as possible.
+	var getNativeListener = function( domObject, eventName ) {
+			return function( domEvent ) {
+				// In FF, when reloading the page with the editor focused, it may
+				// throw an error because the CKEDITOR global is not anymore
+				// available. So, we check it here first. (#2923)
+				if ( typeof CKEDITOR != 'undefined' )
+					domObject.fire( eventName, new CKEDITOR.dom.event( domEvent ) );
+			};
+		};
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Get the private `_` object which is bound to the native
+		 * DOM object using {@link #getCustomData}.
+		 *
+		 *		var elementA = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( nativeElement );
+		 *		elementA.getPrivate().value = 1;
+		 *		...
+		 *		var elementB = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( nativeElement );
+		 *		elementB.getPrivate().value; // 1
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Object} The private object.
+		 */
+		getPrivate: function() {
+			var priv;
+			// Get the main private object from the custom data. Create it if not defined.
+			if ( !( priv = this.getCustomData( '_' ) ) )
+				this.setCustomData( '_', ( priv = {} ) );
+			return priv;
+		},
+		// Docs inherited from event.
+		on: function( eventName ) {
+			// We customize the "on" function here. The basic idea is that we'll have
+			// only one listener for a native event, which will then call all listeners
+			// set to the event.
+			// Get the listeners holder object.
+			var nativeListeners = this.getCustomData( '_cke_nativeListeners' );
+			if ( !nativeListeners ) {
+				nativeListeners = {};
+				this.setCustomData( '_cke_nativeListeners', nativeListeners );
+			}
+			// Check if we have a listener for that event.
+			if ( !nativeListeners[ eventName ] ) {
+				var listener = nativeListeners[ eventName ] = getNativeListener( this, eventName );
+				if ( this.$.addEventListener )
+					this.$.addEventListener( eventName, listener, !!CKEDITOR.event.useCapture );
+				else if ( this.$.attachEvent )
+					this.$.attachEvent( 'on' + eventName, listener );
+			}
+			// Call the original implementation.
+			return CKEDITOR.event.prototype.on.apply( this, arguments );
+		},
+		// Docs inherited from event.
+		removeListener: function( eventName ) {
+			// Call the original implementation.
+			CKEDITOR.event.prototype.removeListener.apply( this, arguments );
+			// If we don't have listeners for this event, clean the DOM up.
+			if ( !this.hasListeners( eventName ) ) {
+				var nativeListeners = this.getCustomData( '_cke_nativeListeners' );
+				var listener = nativeListeners && nativeListeners[ eventName ];
+				if ( listener ) {
+					if ( this.$.removeEventListener )
+						this.$.removeEventListener( eventName, listener, false );
+					else if ( this.$.detachEvent )
+						this.$.detachEvent( 'on' + eventName, listener );
+					delete nativeListeners[ eventName ];
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes any listener set on this object.
+		 *
+		 * To avoid memory leaks we must assure that there are no
+		 * references left after the object is no longer needed.
+		 */
+		removeAllListeners: function() {
+			var nativeListeners = this.getCustomData( '_cke_nativeListeners' );
+			for ( var eventName in nativeListeners ) {
+				var listener = nativeListeners[ eventName ];
+				if ( this.$.detachEvent )
+					this.$.detachEvent( 'on' + eventName, listener );
+				else if ( this.$.removeEventListener )
+					this.$.removeEventListener( eventName, listener, false );
+				delete nativeListeners[ eventName ];
+			}
+		}
+	};
+(function( domObjectProto ) {
+	var customData = {};
+	CKEDITOR.on( 'reset', function() {
+		customData = {};
+	});
+	/**
+	 * Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
+	 *
+	 *		var doc = new CKEDITOR.dom.document( document );
+	 *		alert( doc.equals( CKEDITOR.document ) );	// true
+	 *		alert( doc == CKEDITOR.document );			// false
+	 *
+	 * @param {Object} object The object to compare with the current object.
+	 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the object is equal.
+	 */
+	domObjectProto.equals = function( object ) {
+		// Try/Catch to avoid IE permission error when object is from different document.
+		try {
+			return ( object && object.$ === this.$ );
+		} catch ( er ) {
+			return false;
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Sets a data slot value for this object. These values are shared by all
+	 * instances pointing to that same DOM object.
+	 *
+	 * **Note:** The created data slot is only guarantied to be available on this unique dom node,
+	 * thus any wish to continue access it from other element clones (either created by
+	 * clone node or from `innerHtml`) will fail, for such usage, please use
+	 * {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element#setAttribute} instead.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
+	 *		element.setCustomData( 'hasCustomData', true );
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} key A key used to identify the data slot.
+	 * @param {Object} value The value to set to the data slot.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.domObject} This DOM object instance.
+	 * @chainable
+	 */
+	domObjectProto.setCustomData = function( key, value ) {
+		var expandoNumber = this.getUniqueId(),
+			dataSlot = customData[ expandoNumber ] || ( customData[ expandoNumber ] = {} );
+		dataSlot[ key ] = value;
+		return this;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Gets the value set to a data slot in this object.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
+	 *		alert( element.getCustomData( 'hasCustomData' ) );		// e.g. 'true'
+	 *		alert( element.getCustomData( 'nonExistingKey' ) );		// null
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} key The key used to identify the data slot.
+	 * @returns {Object} This value set to the data slot.
+	 */
+	domObjectProto.getCustomData = function( key ) {
+		var expandoNumber = this.$[ 'data-cke-expando' ],
+			dataSlot = expandoNumber && customData[ expandoNumber ];
+		return ( dataSlot && key in dataSlot ) ? dataSlot[ key ] : null;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Removes the value in data slot under given `key`.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} key
+	 * @returns {Object} Removed value or `null` if not found.
+	 */
+	domObjectProto.removeCustomData = function( key ) {
+		var expandoNumber = this.$[ 'data-cke-expando' ],
+			dataSlot = expandoNumber && customData[ expandoNumber ],
+			retval, hadKey;
+		if ( dataSlot ) {
+			retval = dataSlot[ key ];
+			hadKey = key in dataSlot;
+			delete dataSlot[ key ];
+		}
+		return hadKey ? retval : null;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Removes any data stored on this object.
+	 * To avoid memory leaks we must assure that there are no
+	 * references left after the object is no longer needed.
+	 */
+	domObjectProto.clearCustomData = function() {
+		// Clear all event listeners
+		this.removeAllListeners();
+		var expandoNumber = this.$[ 'data-cke-expando' ];
+		expandoNumber && delete customData[ expandoNumber ];
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Gets an ID that can be used to identiquely identify this DOM object in
+	 * the running session.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {Number} A unique ID.
+	 */
+	domObjectProto.getUniqueId = function() {
+		return this.$[ 'data-cke-expando' ] || ( this.$[ 'data-cke-expando' ] = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber() );
+	};
+	// Implement CKEDITOR.event.
+	CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( domObjectProto );
+})( CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.prototype );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/element.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/element.js
index 77031f0..1000572 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/element.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/element.js
@@ -1,1556 +1,1869 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element} class, which
- *		represents a DOM element.
- */
- * Represents a DOM element.
- * @constructor
- * @augments CKEDITOR.dom.node
- * @param {Object|String} element A native DOM element or the element name for
- *		new elements.
- * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.document} [ownerDocument] The document that will contain
- *		the element in case of element creation.
- * @example
- * // Create a new <span> element.
- * var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
- * @example
- * // Create an element based on a native DOM element.
- * var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( document.getElementById( 'myId' ) );
- */
-CKEDITOR.dom.element = function( element, ownerDocument )
-	if ( typeof element == 'string' )
-		element = ( ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.$ : document ).createElement( element );
-	// Call the base constructor (we must not call CKEDITOR.dom.node).
-	CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call( this, element );
- * The the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element} representing and element. If the
- * element is a native DOM element, it will be transformed into a valid
- * CKEDITOR.dom.element object.
- * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The transformed element.
- * @example
- * var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
- * alert( element == <b>CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( element )</b> );  "true"
- * @example
- * var element = document.getElementById( 'myElement' );
- * alert( <b>CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( element )</b>.getName() );  e.g. "p"
- */
-CKEDITOR.dom.element.get = function( element )
-	return element && ( element.$ ? element : new CKEDITOR.dom.element( element ) );
-CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.node();
- * Creates an instance of the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element} class based on the
- * HTML representation of an element.
- * @param {String} html The element HTML. It should define only one element in
- *		the "root" level. The "root" element can have child nodes, but not
- *		siblings.
- * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The element instance.
- * @example
- * var element = <b>CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<strong class="anyclass">My element</strong>' )</b>;
- * alert( element.getName() );  // "strong"
- */
-CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml = function( html, ownerDocument )
-	var temp = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div', ownerDocument );
-	temp.setHtml( html );
-	// When returning the node, remove it from its parent to detach it.
-	return temp.getFirst().remove();
-CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker = function( database, element, name, value )
-	var id = element.getCustomData( 'list_marker_id' ) ||
-			( element.setCustomData( 'list_marker_id', CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber() ).getCustomData( 'list_marker_id' ) ),
-		markerNames = element.getCustomData( 'list_marker_names' ) ||
-			( element.setCustomData( 'list_marker_names', {} ).getCustomData( 'list_marker_names' ) );
-	database[id] = element;
-	markerNames[name] = 1;
-	return element.setCustomData( name, value );
-CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers = function( database )
-	for ( var i in database )
-		CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearMarkers( database, database[i], true );
-CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearMarkers = function( database, element, removeFromDatabase )
-	var names = element.getCustomData( 'list_marker_names' ),
-		id = element.getCustomData( 'list_marker_id' );
-	for ( var i in names )
-		element.removeCustomData( i );
-	element.removeCustomData( 'list_marker_names' );
-	if ( removeFromDatabase )
-	{
-		element.removeCustomData( 'list_marker_id' );
-		delete database[id];
-	}
-CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype,
-	/** @lends CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype */
-	{
-		/**
-		 * The node type. This is a constant value set to
-		 * @type Number
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		/**
-		 * Adds a CSS class to the element. It appends the class to the
-		 * already existing names.
-		 * @param {String} className The name of the class to be added.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div' );
-		 * element.addClass( 'classA' );  // <div class="classA">
-		 * element.addClass( 'classB' );  // <div class="classA classB">
-		 * element.addClass( 'classA' );  // <div class="classA classB">
-		 */
-		addClass : function( className )
-		{
-			var c = this.$.className;
-			if ( c )
-			{
-				var regex = new RegExp( '(?:^|\\s)' + className + '(?:\\s|$)', '' );
-				if ( !regex.test( c ) )
-					c += ' ' + className;
-			}
-			this.$.className = c || className;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Removes a CSS class name from the elements classes. Other classes
-		 * remain untouched.
-		 * @param {String} className The name of the class to remove.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div' );
-		 * element.addClass( 'classA' );  // <div class="classA">
-		 * element.addClass( 'classB' );  // <div class="classA classB">
-		 * element.removeClass( 'classA' );  // <div class="classB">
-		 * element.removeClass( 'classB' );  // <div>
-		 */
-		removeClass : function( className )
-		{
-			var c = this.getAttribute( 'class' );
-			if ( c )
-			{
-				var regex = new RegExp( '(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?=\\s|$)', 'i' );
-				if ( regex.test( c ) )
-				{
-					c = c.replace( regex, '' ).replace( /^\s+/, '' );
-					if ( c )
-						this.setAttribute( 'class', c );
-					else
-						this.removeAttribute( 'class' );
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		hasClass : function( className )
-		{
-			var regex = new RegExp( '(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?=\\s|$)', '' );
-			return regex.test( this.getAttribute('class') );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Append a node as a child of this element.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node|String} node The node or element name to be
-		 *		appended.
-		 * @param {Boolean} [toStart] Indicates that the element is to be
-		 *		appended at the start.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The appended node.
-		 * @example
-		 * var p = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'p' );
-		 *
-		 * var strong = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'strong' );
-		 * <b>p.append( strong );</b>
-		 *
-		 * var em = <b>p.append( 'em' );</b>
-		 *
-		 * // result: "<p><strong></strong><em></em></p>"
-		 */
-		append : function( node, toStart )
-		{
-			if ( typeof node == 'string' )
-				node = this.getDocument().createElement( node );
-			if ( toStart )
-				this.$.insertBefore( node.$, this.$.firstChild );
-			else
-				this.$.appendChild( node.$ );
-			return node;
-		},
-		appendHtml : function( html )
-		{
-			if ( !this.$.childNodes.length )
-				this.setHtml( html );
-			else
-			{
-				var temp = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div', this.getDocument() );
-				temp.setHtml( html );
-				temp.moveChildren( this );
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Append text to this element.
-		 * @param {String} text The text to be appended.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The appended node.
-		 * @example
-		 * var p = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'p' );
-		 * p.appendText( 'This is' );
-		 * p.appendText( ' some text' );
-		 *
-		 * // result: "<p>This is some text</p>"
-		 */
-		appendText : function( text )
-		{
-			if ( this.$.text != undefined )
-				this.$.text += text;
-			else
-				this.append( new CKEDITOR.dom.text( text ) );
-		},
-		appendBogus : function()
-		{
-			var lastChild = this.getLast() ;
-			// Ignore empty/spaces text.
-			while ( lastChild && lastChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && !CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim( lastChild.getText() ) )
-				lastChild = lastChild.getPrevious();
-			if ( !lastChild || !lastChild.is || !lastChild.is( 'br' ) )
-			{
-				var bogus = CKEDITOR.env.opera ?
-						this.getDocument().createText('') :
-						this.getDocument().createElement( 'br' );
-				CKEDITOR.env.gecko && bogus.setAttribute( 'type', '_moz' );
-				this.append( bogus );
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Breaks one of the ancestor element in the element position, moving
-		 * this element between the broken parts.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} parent The anscestor element to get broken.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Before breaking:
-		 * //     <b>This <i>is some<span /> sample</i> test text</b>
-		 * // If "element" is <span /> and "parent" is <i>:
-		 * //     <b>This <i>is some</i><span /><i> sample</i> test text</b>
-		 * element.breakParent( parent );
-		 * @example
-		 * // Before breaking:
-		 * //     <b>This <i>is some<span /> sample</i> test text</b>
-		 * // If "element" is <span /> and "parent" is <b>:
-		 * //     <b>This <i>is some</i></b><span /><b><i> sample</i> test text</b>
-		 * element.breakParent( parent );
-		 */
-		breakParent : function( parent )
-		{
-			var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.getDocument() );
-			// We'll be extracting part of this element, so let's use our
-			// range to get the correct piece.
-			range.setStartAfter( this );
-			range.setEndAfter( parent );
-			// Extract it.
-			var docFrag = range.extractContents();
-			// Move the element outside the broken element.
-			range.insertNode( this.remove() );
-			// Re-insert the extracted piece after the element.
-			docFrag.insertAfterNode( this );
-		},
-		contains :
-			CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.webkit ?
-				function( node )
-				{
-					var $ = this.$;
-					return node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ?
-						$.contains( node.getParent().$ ) :
-						$ != node.$ && $.contains( node.$ );
-				}
-			:
-				function( node )
-				{
-					return !!( this.$.compareDocumentPosition( node.$ ) & 16 );
-				},
-		/**
-		 * Moves the selection focus to this element.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myTextarea' );
-		 * <b>element.focus()</b>;
-		 */
-		focus : function()
-		{
-			// IE throws error if the element is not visible.
-			try
-			{
-				this.$.focus();
-			}
-			catch (e)
-			{}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the inner HTML of this element.
-		 * @returns {String} The inner HTML of this element.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div><b>Example</b></div>' );
-		 * alert( <b>p.getHtml()</b> );  // "<b>Example</b>"
-		 */
-		getHtml : function()
-		{
-			var retval = this.$.innerHTML;
-			// Strip <?xml:namespace> tags in IE. (#3341).
-			return CKEDITOR.env.ie ? retval.replace( /<\?[^>]*>/g, '' ) : retval;
-		},
-		getOuterHtml : function()
-		{
-			if ( this.$.outerHTML )
-			{
-				// IE includes the <?xml:namespace> tag in the outerHTML of
-				// namespaced element. So, we must strip it here. (#3341)
-				return this.$.outerHTML.replace( /<\?[^>]*>/, '' );
-			}
-			var tmpDiv = this.$.ownerDocument.createElement( 'div' );
-			tmpDiv.appendChild( this.$.cloneNode( true ) );
-			return tmpDiv.innerHTML;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the inner HTML of this element.
-		 * @param {String} html The HTML to be set for this element.
-		 * @returns {String} The inserted HTML.
-		 * @example
-		 * var p = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'p' );
-		 * <b>p.setHtml( '<b>Inner</b> HTML' );</b>
-		 *
-		 * // result: "<p><b>Inner</b> HTML</p>"
-		 */
-		setHtml : function( html )
-		{
-			return ( this.$.innerHTML = html );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the element contents as plain text.
-		 * @param {String} text The text to be set.
-		 * @returns {String} The inserted text.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div' );
-		 * element.setText( 'A > B & C < D' );
-		 * alert( element.innerHTML );  // "A &gt; B &amp; C &lt; D"
-		 */
-		setText : function( text )
-		{
-			CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.setText = ( this.$.innerText != undefined ) ?
-				function ( text )
-				{
-					return this.$.innerText = text;
-				} :
-				function ( text )
-				{
-					return this.$.textContent = text;
-				};
-			return this.setText( text );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the value of an element attribute.
-		 * @function
-		 * @param {String} name The attribute name.
-		 * @returns {String} The attribute value or null if not defined.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<input type="text" />' );
-		 * alert( <b>element.getAttribute( 'type' )</b> );  // "text"
-		 */
-		getAttribute : (function()
-		{
-			var standard = function( name )
-			{
-				return this.$.getAttribute( name, 2 );
-			};
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) )
-			{
-				return function( name )
-				{
-					switch ( name )
-					{
-						case 'class':
-							name = 'className';
-							break;
-						case 'tabindex':
-							var tabIndex = standard.call( this, name );
-							// IE returns tabIndex=0 by default for all
-							// elements. For those elements,
-							// getAtrribute( 'tabindex', 2 ) returns 32768
-							// instead. So, we must make this check to give a
-							// uniform result among all browsers.
-							if ( tabIndex !== 0 && this.$.tabIndex === 0 )
-								tabIndex = null;
-							return tabIndex;
-							break;
-						case 'checked':
-						{
-							var attr = this.$.attributes.getNamedItem( name ),
-								attrValue = attr.specified ? attr.nodeValue     // For value given by parser.
-															 : this.$.checked;  // For value created via DOM interface.
-							return attrValue ? 'checked' : null;
-						}
-						case 'hspace':
-							return this.$.hspace;
-						case 'style':
-							// IE does not return inline styles via getAttribute(). See #2947.
-							return this.$.style.cssText;
-					}
-					return standard.call( this, name );
-				};
-			}
-			else
-				return standard;
-		})(),
-		getChildren : function()
-		{
-			return new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList( this.$.childNodes );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the current computed value of one of the element CSS style
-		 * properties.
-		 * @function
-		 * @param {String} propertyName The style property name.
-		 * @returns {String} The property value.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
-		 * alert( <b>element.getComputedStyle( 'display' )</b> );  // "inline"
-		 */
-		getComputedStyle :
-			CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
-				function( propertyName )
-				{
-					return this.$.currentStyle[ CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle( propertyName ) ];
-				}
-			:
-				function( propertyName )
-				{
-					return this.getWindow().$.getComputedStyle( this.$, '' ).getPropertyValue( propertyName );
-				},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the DTD entries for this element.
-		 * @returns {Object} An object containing the list of elements accepted
-		 *		by this element.
-		 */
-		getDtd : function()
-		{
-			var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd[ this.getName() ];
-			this.getDtd = function()
-			{
-				return dtd;
-			};
-			return dtd;
-		},
-		getElementsByTag : CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype.getElementsByTag,
-		/**
-		 * Gets the computed tabindex for this element.
-		 * @function
-		 * @returns {Number} The tabindex value.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myDiv' );
-		 * alert( <b>element.getTabIndex()</b> );  // e.g. "-1"
-		 */
-		getTabIndex :
-			CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
-				function()
-				{
-					var tabIndex = this.$.tabIndex;
-					// IE returns tabIndex=0 by default for all elements. In
-					// those cases we must check that the element really has
-					// the tabindex attribute set to zero, or it is one of
-					// those element that should have zero by default.
-					if ( tabIndex === 0 && !CKEDITOR.dtd.$tabIndex[ this.getName() ] && parseInt( this.getAttribute( 'tabindex' ), 10 ) !== 0 )
-						tabIndex = -1;
-						return tabIndex;
-				}
-			: CKEDITOR.env.webkit ?
-				function()
-				{
-					var tabIndex = this.$.tabIndex;
-					// Safari returns "undefined" for elements that should not
-					// have tabindex (like a div). So, we must try to get it
-					// from the attribute.
-					// https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20596
-					if ( tabIndex == undefined )
-					{
-						tabIndex = parseInt( this.getAttribute( 'tabindex' ), 10 );
-						// If the element don't have the tabindex attribute,
-						// then we should return -1.
-						if ( isNaN( tabIndex ) )
-							tabIndex = -1;
-					}
-					return tabIndex;
-				}
-			:
-				function()
-				{
-					return this.$.tabIndex;
-				},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the text value of this element.
-		 *
-		 * Only in IE (which uses innerText), <br> will cause linebreaks,
-		 * and sucessive whitespaces (including line breaks) will be reduced to
-		 * a single space. This behavior is ok for us, for now. It may change
-		 * in the future.
-		 * @returns {String} The text value.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div>Same <i>text</i>.</div>' );
-		 * alert( <b>element.getText()</b> );  // "Sample text."
-		 */
-		getText : function()
-		{
-			return this.$.textContent || this.$.innerText || '';
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the window object that contains this element.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.window} The window object.
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		getWindow : function()
-		{
-			return this.getDocument().getWindow();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the value of the "id" attribute of this element.
-		 * @returns {String} The element id, or null if not available.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<p id="myId"></p>' );
-		 * alert( <b>element.getId()</b> );  // "myId"
-		 */
-		getId : function()
-		{
-			return this.$.id || null;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the value of the "name" attribute of this element.
-		 * @returns {String} The element name, or null if not available.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<input name="myName"></input>' );
-		 * alert( <b>element.getNameAtt()</b> );  // "myName"
-		 */
-		getNameAtt : function()
-		{
-			return this.$.name || null;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the element name (tag name). The returned name is guaranteed to
-		 * be always full lowercased.
-		 * @returns {String} The element name.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
-		 * alert( <b>element.getName()</b> );  // "span"
-		 */
-		getName : function()
-		{
-			// Cache the lowercased name inside a closure.
-			var nodeName = this.$.nodeName.toLowerCase();
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			{
-				var scopeName = this.$.scopeName;
-				if ( scopeName != 'HTML' )
-					nodeName = scopeName.toLowerCase() + ':' + nodeName;
-			}
-			return (
-			this.getName = function()
-				{
-					return nodeName;
-				})();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the value set to this element. This value is usually available
-		 * for form field elements.
-		 * @returns {String} The element value.
-		 */
-		getValue : function()
-		{
-			return this.$.value;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the first child node of this element.
-		 * @param {Function} evaluator Filtering the result node.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The first child node or null if not
-		 *		available.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div><b>Example</b></div>' );
-		 * var first = <b>element.getFirst()</b>;
-		 * alert( first.getName() );  // "b"
-		 */
-		getFirst : function( evaluator )
-		{
-			var first = this.$.firstChild,
-				retval = first && new CKEDITOR.dom.node( first );
-			if ( retval && evaluator && !evaluator( retval ) )
-				retval = retval.getNext( evaluator );
-			return retval;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * @param {Function} evaluator Filtering the result node.
-		 */
-		getLast : function( evaluator )
-		{
-			var last = this.$.lastChild,
-				retval = last && new CKEDITOR.dom.node( last );
-			if ( retval && evaluator && !evaluator( retval ) )
-				retval = retval.getPrevious( evaluator );
-			return retval;
-		},
-		getStyle : function( name )
-		{
-			return this.$.style[ CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle( name ) ];
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Checks if the element name matches one or more names.
-		 * @param {String} name[,name[,...]] One or more names to be checked.
-		 * @returns {Boolean} true if the element name matches any of the names.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = new CKEDITOR.element( 'span' );
-		 * alert( <b>element.is( 'span' )</b> );  "true"
-		 * alert( <b>element.is( 'p', 'span' )</b> );  "true"
-		 * alert( <b>element.is( 'p' )</b> );  "false"
-		 * alert( <b>element.is( 'p', 'div' )</b> );  "false"
-		 */
-		is : function()
-		{
-			var name = this.getName();
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < arguments.length ; i++ )
-			{
-				if ( arguments[ i ] == name )
-					return true;
-			}
-			return false;
-		},
-		isEditable : function()
-		{
-			// Get the element name.
-			var name = this.getName();
-			// Get the element DTD (defaults to span for unknown elements).
-			var dtd = !CKEDITOR.dtd.$nonEditable[ name ]
-						&& ( CKEDITOR.dtd[ name ] || CKEDITOR.dtd.span );
-			// In the DTD # == text node.
-			return ( dtd && dtd['#'] );
-		},
-		isIdentical : function( otherElement )
-		{
-			if ( this.getName() != otherElement.getName() )
-				return false;
-			var thisAttribs = this.$.attributes,
-				otherAttribs = otherElement.$.attributes;
-			var thisLength = thisAttribs.length,
-				otherLength = otherAttribs.length;
-			if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie && thisLength != otherLength )
-				return false;
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < thisLength ; i++ )
-			{
-				var attribute = thisAttribs[ i ];
-				if ( ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie || ( attribute.specified && attribute.nodeName != '_cke_expando' ) ) && attribute.nodeValue != otherElement.getAttribute( attribute.nodeName ) )
-					return false;
-			}
-			// For IE, we have to for both elements, because it's difficult to
-			// know how the atttibutes collection is organized in its DOM.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			{
-				for ( i = 0 ; i < otherLength ; i++ )
-				{
-					attribute = otherAttribs[ i ];
-					if ( attribute.specified && attribute.nodeName != '_cke_expando'
-							&& attribute.nodeValue != this.getAttribute( attribute.nodeName ) )
-						return false;
-				}
-			}
-			return true;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Checks if this element is visible. May not work if the element is
-		 * child of an element with visibility set to "hidden", but works well
-		 * on the great majority of cases.
-		 * @return {Boolean} True if the element is visible.
-		 */
-		isVisible : function()
-		{
-			var isVisible = !!this.$.offsetHeight && this.getComputedStyle( 'visibility' ) != 'hidden',
-				elementWindow,
-				elementWindowFrame;
-			// Webkit and Opera report non-zero offsetHeight despite that
-			// element is inside an invisible iframe. (#4542)
-			if ( isVisible && ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit || CKEDITOR.env.opera ) )
-			{
-				elementWindow = this.getWindow();
-				if ( !elementWindow.equals( CKEDITOR.document.getWindow() )
-						&& ( elementWindowFrame = elementWindow.$.frameElement ) )
-				{
-					isVisible = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( elementWindowFrame ).isVisible();
-				}
-			}
-			return isVisible;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Whether it's an empty inline elements which has no visual impact when removed.
-		 */
-		isEmptyInlineRemoveable : function()
-		{
-			if ( !CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ this.getName() ] )
-				return false;
-			var children = this.getChildren();
-			for ( var i = 0, count = children.count(); i < count; i++ )
-			{
-				var child = children.getItem( i );
-				if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && child.getAttribute( '_cke_bookmark' ) )
-					continue;
-				if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !child.isEmptyInlineRemoveable()
-					|| child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && CKEDITOR.tools.trim( child.getText() ) )
-				{
-					return false;
-				}
-			}
-			return true;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Indicates that the element has defined attributes.
-		 * @returns {Boolean} True if the element has attributes.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div title="Test">Example</div>' );
-		 * alert( <b>element.hasAttributes()</b> );  "true"
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div>Example</div>' );
-		 * alert( <b>element.hasAttributes()</b> );  "false"
-		 */
-		hasAttributes :
-			CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) ?
-				function()
-				{
-					var attributes = this.$.attributes;
-					for ( var i = 0 ; i < attributes.length ; i++ )
-					{
-						var attribute = attributes[i];
-						switch ( attribute.nodeName )
-						{
-							case 'class' :
-								// IE has a strange bug. If calling removeAttribute('className'),
-								// the attributes collection will still contain the "class"
-								// attribute, which will be marked as "specified", even if the
-								// outerHTML of the element is not displaying the class attribute.
-								// Note : I was not able to reproduce it outside the editor,
-								// but I've faced it while working on the TC of #1391.
-								if ( this.getAttribute( 'class' ) )
-									return true;
-							// Attributes to be ignored.
-							case '_cke_expando' :
-								continue;
-							/*jsl:fallthru*/
-							default :
-								if ( attribute.specified )
-									return true;
-						}
-					}
-					return false;
-				}
-			:
-				function()
-				{
-					var attrs = this.$.attributes,
-						attrsNum = attrs.length;
-					// The _moz_dirty attribute might get into the element after pasting (#5455)
-					var execludeAttrs = { _cke_expando : 1, _moz_dirty : 1 };
-					return attrsNum > 0 &&
-						( attrsNum > 2 ||
-							!execludeAttrs[ attrs[0].nodeName ] ||
-							( attrsNum == 2 && !execludeAttrs[ attrs[1].nodeName ] ) );
-				},
-		/**
-		 * Indicates whether a specified attribute is defined for this element.
-		 * @returns {Boolean} True if the specified attribute is defined.
-		 * @param (String) name The attribute name.
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		hasAttribute : function( name )
-		{
-			var $attr = this.$.attributes.getNamedItem( name );
-			return !!( $attr && $attr.specified );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Hides this element (display:none).
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.getById( 'myElement' );
-		 * <b>element.hide()</b>;
-		 */
-		hide : function()
-		{
-			this.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
-		},
-		moveChildren : function( target, toStart )
-		{
-			var $ = this.$;
-			target = target.$;
-			if ( $ == target )
-				return;
-			var child;
-			if ( toStart )
-			{
-				while ( ( child = $.lastChild ) )
-					target.insertBefore( $.removeChild( child ), target.firstChild );
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				while ( ( child = $.firstChild ) )
-					target.appendChild( $.removeChild( child ) );
-			}
-		},
-		mergeSiblings : ( function()
-		{
-			function mergeElements( element, sibling, isNext )
-			{
-				if ( sibling && sibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-				{
-					// Jumping over bookmark nodes and empty inline elements, e.g. <b><i></i></b>,
-					// queuing them to be moved later. (#5567)
-					var pendingNodes = [];
-					while ( sibling.getAttribute( '_cke_bookmark' )
-						|| sibling.isEmptyInlineRemoveable() )
-					{
-						pendingNodes.push( sibling );
-						sibling = isNext ? sibling.getNext() : sibling.getPrevious();
-						if ( !sibling || sibling.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-							return;
-					}
-					if ( element.isIdentical( sibling ) )
-					{
-						// Save the last child to be checked too, to merge things like
-						// <b><i></i></b><b><i></i></b> => <b><i></i></b>
-						var innerSibling = isNext ? element.getLast() : element.getFirst();
-						// Move pending nodes first into the target element.
-						while( pendingNodes.length )
-							pendingNodes.shift().move( element, !isNext );
-						sibling.moveChildren( element, !isNext );
-						sibling.remove();
-						// Now check the last inner child (see two comments above).
-						if ( innerSibling && innerSibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-							innerSibling.mergeSiblings();
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return function()
-				{
-					// Merge empty links and anchors also. (#5567)
-					if ( !( CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ this.getName() ] || this.is( 'a' ) ) )
-						return;
-					mergeElements( this, this.getNext(), true );
-					mergeElements( this, this.getPrevious() );
-				};
-		} )(),
-		/**
-		 * Shows this element (display it).
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.getById( 'myElement' );
-		 * <b>element.show()</b>;
-		 */
-		show : function()
-		{
-			this.setStyles(
-				{
-					display : '',
-					visibility : ''
-				});
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the value of an element attribute.
-		 * @param {String} name The name of the attribute.
-		 * @param {String} value The value to be set to the attribute.
-		 * @function
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} This element instance.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.getById( 'myElement' );
-		 * <b>element.setAttribute( 'class', 'myClass' )</b>;
-		 * <b>element.setAttribute( 'title', 'This is an example' )</b>;
-		 */
-		setAttribute : (function()
-		{
-			var standard = function( name, value )
-			{
-				this.$.setAttribute( name, value );
-				return this;
-			};
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) )
-			{
-				return function( name, value )
-				{
-					if ( name == 'class' )
-						this.$.className = value;
-					else if ( name == 'style' )
-						this.$.style.cssText = value;
-					else if ( name == 'tabindex' )	// Case sensitive.
-						this.$.tabIndex = value;
-					else if ( name == 'checked' )
-						this.$.checked = value;
-					else
-						standard.apply( this, arguments );
-					return this;
-				};
-			}
-			else
-				return standard;
-		})(),
-		/**
-		 * Sets the value of several element attributes.
-		 * @param {Object} attributesPairs An object containing the names and
-		 *		values of the attributes.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} This element instance.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.getById( 'myElement' );
-		 * <b>element.setAttributes({
-		 *     'class' : 'myClass',
-		 *     'title' : 'This is an example' })</b>;
-		 */
-		setAttributes : function( attributesPairs )
-		{
-			for ( var name in attributesPairs )
-				this.setAttribute( name, attributesPairs[ name ] );
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the element value. This function is usually used with form
-		 * field element.
-		 * @param {String} value The element value.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} This element instance.
-		 */
-		setValue : function( value )
-		{
-			this.$.value = value;
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Removes an attribute from the element.
-		 * @param {String} name The attribute name.
-		 * @function
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div class="classA"></div>' );
-		 * element.removeAttribute( 'class' );
-		 */
-		removeAttribute : (function()
-		{
-			var standard = function( name )
-			{
-				this.$.removeAttribute( name );
-			};
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) )
-			{
-				return function( name )
-				{
-					if ( name == 'class' )
-						name = 'className';
-					else if ( name == 'tabindex' )
-						name = 'tabIndex';
-					standard.call( this, name );
-				};
-			}
-			else
-				return standard;
-		})(),
-		removeAttributes : function ( attributes )
-		{
-			if ( CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( attributes ) )
-			{
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < attributes.length ; i++ )
-					this.removeAttribute( attributes[ i ] );
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				for ( var attr in attributes )
-					attributes.hasOwnProperty( attr ) && this.removeAttribute( attr );
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Removes a style from the element.
-		 * @param {String} name The style name.
-		 * @function
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div style="display:none"></div>' );
-		 * element.removeStyle( 'display' );
-		 */
-		removeStyle : function( name )
-		{
-			this.setStyle( name, '' );
-			if ( this.$.style.removeAttribute )
-				this.$.style.removeAttribute( CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle( name ) );
-			if ( !this.$.style.cssText )
-				this.removeAttribute( 'style' );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the value of an element style.
-		 * @param {String} name The name of the style. The CSS naming notation
-		 *		must be used (e.g. "background-color").
-		 * @param {String} value The value to be set to the style.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} This element instance.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.getById( 'myElement' );
-		 * <b>element.setStyle( 'background-color', '#ff0000' )</b>;
-		 * <b>element.setStyle( 'margin-top', '10px' )</b>;
-		 * <b>element.setStyle( 'float', 'right' )</b>;
-		 */
-		setStyle : function( name, value )
-		{
-			this.$.style[ CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle( name ) ] = value;
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the value of several element styles.
-		 * @param {Object} stylesPairs An object containing the names and
-		 *		values of the styles.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} This element instance.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.getById( 'myElement' );
-		 * <b>element.setStyles({
-		 *     'position' : 'absolute',
-		 *     'float' : 'right' })</b>;
-		 */
-		setStyles : function( stylesPairs )
-		{
-			for ( var name in stylesPairs )
-				this.setStyle( name, stylesPairs[ name ] );
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the opacity of an element.
-		 * @param {Number} opacity A number within the range [0.0, 1.0].
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.getById( 'myElement' );
-		 * <b>element.setOpacity( 0.75 )</b>;
-		 */
-		setOpacity : function( opacity )
-		{
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			{
-				opacity = Math.round( opacity * 100 );
-				this.setStyle( 'filter', opacity >= 100 ? '' : 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=' + opacity + ')' );
-			}
-			else
-				this.setStyle( 'opacity', opacity );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Makes the element and its children unselectable.
-		 * @function
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.getById( 'myElement' );
-		 * element.unselectable();
-		 */
-		unselectable :
-			CKEDITOR.env.gecko ?
-				function()
-				{
-					this.$.style.MozUserSelect = 'none';
-					this.on( 'dragstart', function (evt) { evt.data.preventDefault(); } );
-				}
-			: CKEDITOR.env.webkit ?
-				function()
-				{
-					this.$.style.KhtmlUserSelect = 'none';
-					this.on( 'dragstart', function (evt) { evt.data.preventDefault(); } );
-				}
-			:
-				function()
-				{
-					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.opera )
-					{
-						var element = this.$,
-							e,
-							i = 0;
-						element.unselectable = 'on';
-						while ( ( e = element.all[ i++ ] ) )
-						{
-							switch ( e.tagName.toLowerCase() )
-							{
-								case 'iframe' :
-								case 'textarea' :
-								case 'input' :
-								case 'select' :
-									/* Ignore the above tags */
-									break;
-								default :
-									e.unselectable = 'on';
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				},
-		getPositionedAncestor : function()
-		{
-			var current = this;
-			while ( current.getName() != 'html' )
-			{
-				if ( current.getComputedStyle( 'position' ) != 'static' )
-					return current;
-				current = current.getParent();
-			}
-			return null;
-		},
-		getDocumentPosition : function( refDocument )
-		{
-			var x = 0, y = 0,
-				body = this.getDocument().getBody(),
-				quirks = this.getDocument().$.compatMode == 'BackCompat';
-			var doc = this.getDocument();
-			if ( document.documentElement[ "getBoundingClientRect" ] )
-			{
-				var box  = this.$.getBoundingClientRect(),
-					$doc = doc.$,
-					$docElem = $doc.documentElement;
-				var clientTop = $docElem.clientTop || body.$.clientTop || 0,
-					clientLeft = $docElem.clientLeft || body.$.clientLeft || 0,
-					needAdjustScrollAndBorders = true;
-				/*
-				 * #3804: getBoundingClientRect() works differently on IE and non-IE
-				 * browsers, regarding scroll positions.
-				 *
-				 * On IE, the top position of the <html> element is always 0, no matter
-				 * how much you scrolled down.
-				 *
-				 * On other browsers, the top position of the <html> element is negative
-				 * scrollTop.
-				 */
-				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-				{
-					var inDocElem = doc.getDocumentElement().contains( this ),
-						inBody = doc.getBody().contains( this );
-					needAdjustScrollAndBorders = ( quirks && inBody ) || ( !quirks && inDocElem );
-				}
-				if ( needAdjustScrollAndBorders )
-				{
-					x = box.left + ( !quirks && $docElem.scrollLeft || body.$.scrollLeft );
-					x -= clientLeft;
-					y = box.top  + ( !quirks && $docElem.scrollTop || body.$.scrollTop );
-					y -= clientTop;
-				}
-			}
-			else
- 			{
-				var current = this, previous = null, offsetParent;
-				while ( current && !( current.getName() == 'body' || current.getName() == 'html' ) )
-				{
-					x += current.$.offsetLeft - current.$.scrollLeft;
-					y += current.$.offsetTop - current.$.scrollTop;
-					// Opera includes clientTop|Left into offsetTop|Left.
-					if ( !current.equals( this ) )
-					{
-						x += ( current.$.clientLeft || 0 );
-						y += ( current.$.clientTop || 0 );
-					}
-					var scrollElement = previous;
-					while ( scrollElement && !scrollElement.equals( current ) )
-					{
-						x -= scrollElement.$.scrollLeft;
-						y -= scrollElement.$.scrollTop;
-						scrollElement = scrollElement.getParent();
-					}
-					previous = current;
-					current = ( offsetParent = current.$.offsetParent ) ?
-					          new CKEDITOR.dom.element( offsetParent ) : null;
-				}
-			}
-			if ( refDocument )
-			{
-				var currentWindow = this.getWindow(),
-					refWindow = refDocument.getWindow();
-				if ( !currentWindow.equals( refWindow ) && currentWindow.$.frameElement )
-				{
-					var iframePosition = ( new CKEDITOR.dom.element( currentWindow.$.frameElement ) ).getDocumentPosition( refDocument );
-					x += iframePosition.x;
-					y += iframePosition.y;
-				}
-			}
-			if ( !document.documentElement[ "getBoundingClientRect" ] )
-			{
-				// In Firefox, we'll endup one pixel before the element positions,
-				// so we must add it here.
-				if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && !quirks )
-				{
-					x += this.$.clientLeft ? 1 : 0;
-					y += this.$.clientTop ? 1 : 0;
-				}
-			}
-			return { x : x, y : y };
-		},
-		scrollIntoView : function( alignTop )
-		{
-			// Get the element window.
-			var win = this.getWindow(),
-				winHeight = win.getViewPaneSize().height;
-			// Starts from the offset that will be scrolled with the negative value of
-			// the visible window height.
-			var offset = winHeight * -1;
-			// Append the view pane's height if align to top.
-			// Append element height if we are aligning to the bottom.
-			if ( alignTop )
-				offset += winHeight;
-			else
-			{
-				offset += this.$.offsetHeight || 0;
-				// Consider the margin in the scroll, which is ok for our current needs, but
-				// needs investigation if we will be using this function in other places.
-				offset += parseInt( this.getComputedStyle( 'marginBottom' ) || 0, 10 ) || 0;
-			}
-			// Append the offsets for the entire element hierarchy.
-			var elementPosition = this.getDocumentPosition();
-			offset += elementPosition.y;
-			// offset value might be out of range(nagative), fix it(#3692).
-			offset = offset < 0 ? 0 : offset;
-			// Scroll the window to the desired position, if not already visible(#3795).
-			var currentScroll = win.getScrollPosition().y;
-			if ( offset > currentScroll || offset < currentScroll - winHeight )
-				win.$.scrollTo( 0, offset );
-		},
-		setState : function( state )
-		{
-			switch ( state )
-			{
-					this.addClass( 'cke_on' );
-					this.removeClass( 'cke_off' );
-					this.removeClass( 'cke_disabled' );
-					break;
-					this.addClass( 'cke_disabled' );
-					this.removeClass( 'cke_off' );
-					this.removeClass( 'cke_on' );
-					break;
-				default :
-					this.addClass( 'cke_off' );
-					this.removeClass( 'cke_on' );
-					this.removeClass( 'cke_disabled' );
-					break;
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the inner document of this IFRAME element.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.document} The inner document.
-		 */
-		getFrameDocument : function()
-		{
-			var $ = this.$;
-			try
-			{
-				// In IE, with custom document.domain, it may happen that
-				// the iframe is not yet available, resulting in "Access
-				// Denied" for the following property access.
-				$.contentWindow.document;
-			}
-			catch ( e )
-			{
-				// Trick to solve this issue, forcing the iframe to get ready
-				// by simply setting its "src" property.
-				$.src = $.src;
-				// In IE6 though, the above is not enough, so we must pause the
-				// execution for a while, giving it time to think.
-				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 7 )
-				{
-					window.showModalDialog(
-						'javascript:document.write("' +
-							'<script>' +
-								'window.setTimeout(' +
-									'function(){window.close();}' +
-									',50);' +
-							'</script>")' );
-				}
-			}
-			return $ && new CKEDITOR.dom.document( $.contentWindow.document );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Copy all the attributes from one node to the other, kinda like a clone
-		 * skipAttributes is an object with the attributes that must NOT be copied.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} dest The destination element.
-		 * @param {Object} skipAttributes A dictionary of attributes to skip.
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		copyAttributes : function( dest, skipAttributes )
-		{
-			var attributes = this.$.attributes;
-			skipAttributes = skipAttributes || {};
-			for ( var n = 0 ; n < attributes.length ; n++ )
-			{
-				var attribute = attributes[n];
-				// Lowercase attribute name hard rule is broken for
-				// some attribute on IE, e.g. CHECKED.
-				var attrName = attribute.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
-					attrValue;
-				// We can set the type only once, so do it with the proper value, not copying it.
-				if ( attrName in skipAttributes )
-					continue;
-				if ( attrName == 'checked' && ( attrValue = this.getAttribute( attrName ) ) )
-					dest.setAttribute( attrName, attrValue );
-				// IE BUG: value attribute is never specified even if it exists.
-				else if ( attribute.specified ||
-				  ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && attribute.nodeValue && attrName == 'value' ) )
-				{
-					attrValue = this.getAttribute( attrName );
-					if ( attrValue === null )
-						attrValue = attribute.nodeValue;
-					dest.setAttribute( attrName, attrValue );
-				}
-			}
-			// The style:
-			if ( this.$.style.cssText !== '' )
-				dest.$.style.cssText = this.$.style.cssText;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Changes the tag name of the current element.
-		 * @param {String} newTag The new tag for the element.
-		 */
-		renameNode : function( newTag )
-		{
-			// If it's already correct exit here.
-			if ( this.getName() == newTag )
-				return;
-			var doc = this.getDocument();
-			// Create the new node.
-			var newNode = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( newTag, doc );
-			// Copy all attributes.
-			this.copyAttributes( newNode );
-			// Move children to the new node.
-			this.moveChildren( newNode );
-			// Replace the node.
-			this.getParent() && this.$.parentNode.replaceChild( newNode.$, this.$ );
-			newNode.$._cke_expando = this.$._cke_expando;
-			this.$ = newNode.$;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets a DOM tree descendant under the current node.
-		 * @param {Array|Number} indices The child index or array of child indices under the node.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The specified DOM child under the current node. Null if child does not exist.
-		 * @example
-		 * var strong = p.getChild(0);
-		 */
-		getChild : function( indices )
-		{
-			var rawNode = this.$;
-			if ( !indices.slice )
-				rawNode = rawNode.childNodes[ indices ];
-			else
-			{
-				while ( indices.length > 0 && rawNode )
-					rawNode = rawNode.childNodes[ indices.shift() ];
-			}
-			return rawNode ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node( rawNode ) : null;
-		},
-		getChildCount : function()
-		{
-			return this.$.childNodes.length;
- 		},
-		disableContextMenu : function()
-		{
-			this.on( 'contextmenu', function( event )
-				{
-					// Cancel the browser context menu.
-					if ( !event.data.getTarget().hasClass( 'cke_enable_context_menu' ) )
-						event.data.preventDefault();
-				} );
-		},
-		/**
-		 *  Update the element's size with box model awareness.
-		 * @name CKEDITOR.dom.element.setSize
-		 * @param {String} type [width|height]
-		 * @param {Number} size The length unit in px.
-		 * @param isBorderBox Apply the {@param width} and {@param height} based on border box model.
-		 */
-		setSize : ( function()
-		{
-			var sides = {
-				width : [ "border-left-width", "border-right-width","padding-left", "padding-right" ],
-				height : [ "border-top-width", "border-bottom-width", "padding-top",  "padding-bottom" ]
-			};
-			return function( type, size, isBorderBox )
-				{
-					if ( typeof size == 'number' )
-					{
-						if ( isBorderBox && !( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ) )
-						{
-							var	adjustment = 0;
-							for ( var i = 0, len = sides [ type ].length; i < len; i++ )
-								adjustment += parseInt( this.getComputedStyle( sides [ type ][ i ] ) || 0, 10 );
-							size -= adjustment;
-						}
-						this.setStyle( type, size + 'px' );
-					}
-				};
-		})()
-	});
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element} class, which
+ *		represents a DOM element.
+ */
+ * Represents a DOM element.
+ *
+ *		// Create a new <span> element.
+ *		var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
+ *
+ *		// Create an element based on a native DOM element.
+ *		var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( document.getElementById( 'myId' ) );
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dom.node
+ * @constructor Creates an element class instance.
+ * @param {Object/String} element A native DOM element or the element name for
+ * new elements.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.document} [ownerDocument] The document that will contain
+ * the element in case of element creation.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.element = function( element, ownerDocument ) {
+	if ( typeof element == 'string' )
+		element = ( ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.$ : document ).createElement( element );
+	// Call the base constructor (we must not call CKEDITOR.dom.node).
+	CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call( this, element );
+ * The the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element} representing and element. If the
+ * element is a native DOM element, it will be transformed into a valid
+ * CKEDITOR.dom.element object.
+ *
+ *		var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
+ *		alert( element == CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( element ) ); // true
+ *
+ *		var element = document.getElementById( 'myElement' );
+ *		alert( CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( element ).getName() ); // (e.g.) 'p'
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @param {String/Object} element Element's id or name or native DOM element.
+ * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The transformed element.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.element.get = function( element ) {
+	var el = typeof element == 'string' ? document.getElementById( element ) || document.getElementsByName( element )[ 0 ] : element;
+	return el && ( el.$ ? el : new CKEDITOR.dom.element( el ) );
+CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.node();
+ * Creates an instance of the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element} class based on the
+ * HTML representation of an element.
+ *
+ *		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<strong class="anyclass">My element</strong>' );
+ *		alert( element.getName() ); // 'strong'
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @param {String} html The element HTML. It should define only one element in
+ * the "root" level. The "root" element can have child nodes, but not siblings.
+ * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The element instance.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml = function( html, ownerDocument ) {
+	var temp = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div', ownerDocument );
+	temp.setHtml( html );
+	// When returning the node, remove it from its parent to detach it.
+	return temp.getFirst().remove();
+ * @static
+ * @todo
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker = function( database, element, name, value ) {
+	var id = element.getCustomData( 'list_marker_id' ) || ( element.setCustomData( 'list_marker_id', CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber() ).getCustomData( 'list_marker_id' ) ),
+		markerNames = element.getCustomData( 'list_marker_names' ) || ( element.setCustomData( 'list_marker_names', {} ).getCustomData( 'list_marker_names' ) );
+	database[ id ] = element;
+	markerNames[ name ] = 1;
+	return element.setCustomData( name, value );
+ * @static
+ * @todo
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers = function( database ) {
+	for ( var i in database )
+		CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearMarkers( database, database[ i ], 1 );
+ * @static
+ * @todo
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearMarkers = function( database, element, removeFromDatabase ) {
+	var names = element.getCustomData( 'list_marker_names' ),
+		id = element.getCustomData( 'list_marker_id' );
+	for ( var i in names )
+		element.removeCustomData( i );
+	element.removeCustomData( 'list_marker_names' );
+	if ( removeFromDatabase ) {
+		element.removeCustomData( 'list_marker_id' );
+		delete database[ id ];
+	}
+( function() {
+CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype, {
+	/**
+	 * The node type. This is a constant value set to {@link CKEDITOR#NODE_ELEMENT}.
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 * @property {Number} [=CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT]
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Adds a CSS class to the element. It appends the class to the
+	 * already existing names.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div' );
+	 *		element.addClass( 'classA' ); // <div class="classA">
+	 *		element.addClass( 'classB' ); // <div class="classA classB">
+	 *		element.addClass( 'classA' ); // <div class="classA classB">
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} className The name of the class to be added.
+	 */
+	addClass: function( className ) {
+		var c = this.$.className;
+		if ( c ) {
+			var regex = new RegExp( '(?:^|\\s)' + className + '(?:\\s|$)', '' );
+			if ( !regex.test( c ) )
+				c += ' ' + className;
+		}
+		this.$.className = c || className;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Removes a CSS class name from the elements classes. Other classes
+	 * remain untouched.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div' );
+	 *		element.addClass( 'classA' );		// <div class="classA">
+	 *		element.addClass( 'classB' );		// <div class="classA classB">
+	 *		element.removeClass( 'classA' );	// <div class="classB">
+	 *		element.removeClass( 'classB' );	// <div>
+	 *
+	 * @chainable
+	 * @param {String} className The name of the class to remove.
+	 */
+	removeClass: function( className ) {
+		var c = this.getAttribute( 'class' );
+		if ( c ) {
+			var regex = new RegExp( '(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?=\\s|$)', 'i' );
+			if ( regex.test( c ) ) {
+				c = c.replace( regex, '' ).replace( /^\s+/, '' );
+				if ( c )
+					this.setAttribute( 'class', c );
+				else
+					this.removeAttribute( 'class' );
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Checks if element has class name.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} className
+	 * @returns {Boolean}
+	 */
+	hasClass: function( className ) {
+		var regex = new RegExp( '(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?=\\s|$)', '' );
+		return regex.test( this.getAttribute( 'class' ) );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Append a node as a child of this element.
+	 *
+	 *		var p = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'p' );
+	 *
+	 *		var strong = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'strong' );
+	 *		p.append( strong );
+	 *
+	 *		var em = p.append( 'em' );
+	 *
+	 *		// Result: '<p><strong></strong><em></em></p>'
+	 *
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node/String} node The node or element name to be appended.
+	 * @param {Boolean} [toStart=false] Indicates that the element is to be appended at the start.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The appended node.
+	 */
+	append: function( node, toStart ) {
+		if ( typeof node == 'string' )
+			node = this.getDocument().createElement( node );
+		if ( toStart )
+			this.$.insertBefore( node.$, this.$.firstChild );
+		else
+			this.$.appendChild( node.$ );
+		return node;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Append HTML as a child(ren) of this element.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} html
+	 */
+	appendHtml: function( html ) {
+		if ( !this.$.childNodes.length )
+			this.setHtml( html );
+		else {
+			var temp = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div', this.getDocument() );
+			temp.setHtml( html );
+			temp.moveChildren( this );
+		}
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Append text to this element.
+	 *
+	 *		var p = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'p' );
+	 *		p.appendText( 'This is' );
+	 *		p.appendText( ' some text' );
+	 *
+	 *		// Result: '<p>This is some text</p>'
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} text The text to be appended.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The appended node.
+	 */
+	appendText: function( text ) {
+		if ( this.$.text != undefined )
+			this.$.text += text;
+		else
+			this.append( new CKEDITOR.dom.text( text ) );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	appendBogus: function() {
+		var lastChild = this.getLast();
+		// Ignore empty/spaces text.
+		while ( lastChild && lastChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && !CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim( lastChild.getText() ) )
+			lastChild = lastChild.getPrevious();
+		if ( !lastChild || !lastChild.is || !lastChild.is( 'br' ) ) {
+			var bogus = CKEDITOR.env.opera ? this.getDocument().createText( '' ) : this.getDocument().createElement( 'br' );
+			CKEDITOR.env.gecko && bogus.setAttribute( 'type', '_moz' );
+			this.append( bogus );
+		}
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Breaks one of the ancestor element in the element position, moving
+	 * this element between the broken parts.
+	 *
+	 *		// Before breaking:
+	 *		//		<b>This <i>is some<span /> sample</i> test text</b>
+	 *		// If "element" is <span /> and "parent" is <i>:
+	 *		//		<b>This <i>is some</i><span /><i> sample</i> test text</b>
+	 *		element.breakParent( parent );
+	 *
+	 *		// Before breaking:
+	 *		//		<b>This <i>is some<span /> sample</i> test text</b>
+	 *		// If "element" is <span /> and "parent" is <b>:
+	 *		//		<b>This <i>is some</i></b><span /><b><i> sample</i> test text</b>
+	 *		element.breakParent( parent );
+	 *
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} parent The anscestor element to get broken.
+	 */
+	breakParent: function( parent ) {
+		var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.getDocument() );
+		// We'll be extracting part of this element, so let's use our
+		// range to get the correct piece.
+		range.setStartAfter( this );
+		range.setEndAfter( parent );
+		// Extract it.
+		var docFrag = range.extractContents();
+		// Move the element outside the broken element.
+		range.insertNode( this.remove() );
+		// Re-insert the extracted piece after the element.
+		docFrag.insertAfterNode( this );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Checks if this element contains given node.
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node
+	 * @returns {Boolean}
+	 */
+	contains: CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.webkit ?
+		function( node ) {
+			var $ = this.$;
+			return node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? $.contains( node.getParent().$ ) : $ != node.$ && $.contains( node.$ );
+		} : function( node ) {
+			return !!( this.$.compareDocumentPosition( node.$ ) & 16 );
+		},
+	/**
+	 * Moves the selection focus to this element.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myTextarea' );
+	 *		element.focus();
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @param  {Boolean} defer Whether to asynchronously defer the
+	 * execution by 100 ms.
+	 */
+	focus: (function() {
+		function exec() {
+			// IE throws error if the element is not visible.
+			try {
+				this.$.focus();
+			} catch ( e ) {}
+		}
+		return function( defer ) {
+			if ( defer )
+				CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( exec, 100, this );
+			else
+				exec.call( this );
+		};
+	})(),
+	/**
+	 * Gets the inner HTML of this element.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div><b>Example</b></div>' );
+	 *		alert( element.getHtml() ); // '<b>Example</b>'
+	 *
+	 * @returns {String} The inner HTML of this element.
+	 */
+	getHtml: function() {
+		var retval = this.$.innerHTML;
+		// Strip <?xml:namespace> tags in IE. (#3341).
+		return CKEDITOR.env.ie ? retval.replace( /<\?[^>]*>/g, '' ) : retval;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the outer (inner plus tags) HTML of this element.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div class="bold"><b>Example</b></div>' );
+	 *		alert( element.getOuterHtml() ); // '<div class="bold"><b>Example</b></div>'
+	 *
+	 * @returns {String} The outer HTML of this element.
+	 */
+	getOuterHtml: function() {
+		if ( this.$.outerHTML ) {
+			// IE includes the <?xml:namespace> tag in the outerHTML of
+			// namespaced element. So, we must strip it here. (#3341)
+			return this.$.outerHTML.replace( /<\?[^>]*>/, '' );
+		}
+		var tmpDiv = this.$.ownerDocument.createElement( 'div' );
+		tmpDiv.appendChild( this.$.cloneNode( true ) );
+		return tmpDiv.innerHTML;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Retrieve the bounding rectangle of the current element, in pixels,
+	 * relative to the upper-left corner of the browser's client area.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {Object} The dimensions of the DOM element including
+	 * `left`, `top`, `right`, `bottom`, `width` and `height`.
+	 */
+	getClientRect: function() {
+		// http://help.dottoro.com/ljvmcrrn.php
+		var rect = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, this.$.getBoundingClientRect() );
+		!rect.width && ( rect.width = rect.right - rect.left );
+		!rect.height && ( rect.height = rect.bottom - rect.top );
+		return rect;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Sets the inner HTML of this element.
+	 *
+	 *		var p = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'p' );
+	 *		p.setHtml( '<b>Inner</b> HTML' );
+	 *
+	 *		// Result: '<p><b>Inner</b> HTML</p>'
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @param {String} html The HTML to be set for this element.
+	 * @returns {String} The inserted HTML.
+	 */
+	setHtml: (function() {
+		var standard = function( html ) {
+			return ( this.$.innerHTML = html );
+		};
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 9 ) {
+			// old IEs throws error on HTML manipulation (through the "innerHTML" property)
+			// on the element which resides in an DTD invalid position,  e.g. <span><div></div></span>
+			// fortunately it can be worked around with DOM manipulation.
+			return function( html ) {
+				try { return standard.call( this, html ); }
+				catch ( e ) {
+					this.$.innerHTML = '';
+					var temp = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'body', this.getDocument() );
+					temp.$.innerHTML = html;
+					var children = temp.getChildren();
+					while( children.count() )
+						this.append( children.getItem( 0 ) );
+					return html;
+				}
+			};
+		} else
+			return standard;
+	})(),
+	/**
+	 * Sets the element contents as plain text.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div' );
+	 *		element.setText( 'A > B & C < D' );
+	 *		alert( element.innerHTML ); // 'A > B & C < D'
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} text The text to be set.
+	 * @returns {String} The inserted text.
+	 */
+	setText: function( text ) {
+		CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.setText = ( this.$.innerText != undefined ) ?
+			function( text ) {
+				return this.$.innerText = text;
+			} : function( text ) {
+				return this.$.textContent = text;
+			};
+		return this.setText( text );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the value of an element attribute.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<input type="text" />' );
+	 *		alert( element.getAttribute( 'type' ) ); // 'text'
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @param {String} name The attribute name.
+	 * @returns {String} The attribute value or null if not defined.
+	 */
+	getAttribute: (function() {
+		var standard = function( name ) {
+				return this.$.getAttribute( name, 2 );
+			};
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) ) {
+			return function( name ) {
+				switch ( name ) {
+					case 'class':
+						name = 'className';
+						break;
+					case 'http-equiv':
+						name = 'httpEquiv';
+						break;
+					case 'name':
+						return this.$.name;
+					case 'tabindex':
+						var tabIndex = standard.call( this, name );
+						// IE returns tabIndex=0 by default for all
+						// elements. For those elements,
+						// getAtrribute( 'tabindex', 2 ) returns 32768
+						// instead. So, we must make this check to give a
+						// uniform result among all browsers.
+						if ( tabIndex !== 0 && this.$.tabIndex === 0 )
+							tabIndex = null;
+						return tabIndex;
+						break;
+					case 'checked':
+						{
+							var attr = this.$.attributes.getNamedItem( name ),
+								attrValue = attr.specified ? attr.nodeValue // For value given by parser.
+								: this.$.checked; // For value created via DOM interface.
+							return attrValue ? 'checked' : null;
+						}
+					case 'hspace':
+					case 'value':
+						return this.$[ name ];
+					case 'style':
+						// IE does not return inline styles via getAttribute(). See #2947.
+						return this.$.style.cssText;
+					case 'contenteditable':
+					case 'contentEditable':
+						return this.$.attributes.getNamedItem( 'contentEditable' ).specified ? this.$.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' ) : null;
+				}
+				return standard.call( this, name );
+			};
+		} else
+			return standard;
+	})(),
+	/**
+	 * Gets the nodes list containing all children of this element.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList}
+	 */
+	getChildren: function() {
+		return new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList( this.$.childNodes );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the current computed value of one of the element CSS style
+	 * properties.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
+	 *		alert( element.getComputedStyle( 'display' ) ); // 'inline'
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @param {String} propertyName The style property name.
+	 * @returns {String} The property value.
+	 */
+	getComputedStyle: CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
+		function( propertyName ) {
+			return this.$.currentStyle[ CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle( propertyName ) ];
+		} : function( propertyName ) {
+			var style = this.getWindow().$.getComputedStyle( this.$, null );
+			// Firefox may return null if we call the above on a hidden iframe. (#9117)
+			return style ? style.getPropertyValue( propertyName ) : '';
+		},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the DTD entries for this element.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {Object} An object containing the list of elements accepted
+	 * by this element.
+	 */
+	getDtd: function() {
+		var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd[ this.getName() ];
+		this.getDtd = function() {
+			return dtd;
+		};
+		return dtd;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets all this element's descendants having given tag name.
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @param {String} tagName
+	 */
+	getElementsByTag: CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype.getElementsByTag,
+	/**
+	 * Gets the computed tabindex for this element.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myDiv' );
+	 *		alert( element.getTabIndex() ); // (e.g.) '-1'
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @returns {Number} The tabindex value.
+	 */
+	getTabIndex: CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
+		function() {
+			var tabIndex = this.$.tabIndex;
+			// IE returns tabIndex=0 by default for all elements. In
+			// those cases we must check that the element really has
+			// the tabindex attribute set to zero, or it is one of
+			// those element that should have zero by default.
+			if ( tabIndex === 0 && !CKEDITOR.dtd.$tabIndex[ this.getName() ] && parseInt( this.getAttribute( 'tabindex' ), 10 ) !== 0 )
+				tabIndex = -1;
+			return tabIndex;
+		} : CKEDITOR.env.webkit ?
+		function() {
+			var tabIndex = this.$.tabIndex;
+			// Safari returns "undefined" for elements that should not
+			// have tabindex (like a div). So, we must try to get it
+			// from the attribute.
+			// https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20596
+			if ( tabIndex == undefined ) {
+				tabIndex = parseInt( this.getAttribute( 'tabindex' ), 10 );
+				// If the element don't have the tabindex attribute,
+				// then we should return -1.
+				if ( isNaN( tabIndex ) )
+					tabIndex = -1;
+			}
+			return tabIndex;
+		} : function() {
+			return this.$.tabIndex;
+		},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the text value of this element.
+	 *
+	 * Only in IE (which uses innerText), `<br>` will cause linebreaks,
+	 * and sucessive whitespaces (including line breaks) will be reduced to
+	 * a single space. This behavior is ok for us, for now. It may change
+	 * in the future.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div>Sample <i>text</i>.</div>' );
+	 *		alert( <b>element.getText()</b> ); // 'Sample text.'
+	 *
+	 * @returns {String} The text value.
+	 */
+	getText: function() {
+		return this.$.textContent || this.$.innerText || '';
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the window object that contains this element.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.window} The window object.
+	 */
+	getWindow: function() {
+		return this.getDocument().getWindow();
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the value of the `id` attribute of this element.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<p id="myId"></p>' );
+	 *		alert( element.getId() ); // 'myId'
+	 *
+	 * @returns {String} The element id, or null if not available.
+	 */
+	getId: function() {
+		return this.$.id || null;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the value of the `name` attribute of this element.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<input name="myName"></input>' );
+	 *		alert( <b>element.getNameAtt()</b> ); // 'myName'
+	 *
+	 * @returns {String} The element name, or null if not available.
+	 */
+	getNameAtt: function() {
+		return this.$.name || null;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the element name (tag name). The returned name is guaranteed to
+	 * be always full lowercased.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
+	 *		alert( element.getName() ); // 'span'
+	 *
+	 * @returns {String} The element name.
+	 */
+	getName: function() {
+		// Cache the lowercased name inside a closure.
+		var nodeName = this.$.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && !( document.documentMode > 8 ) ) {
+			var scopeName = this.$.scopeName;
+			if ( scopeName != 'HTML' )
+				nodeName = scopeName.toLowerCase() + ':' + nodeName;
+		}
+		return ( this.getName = function() {
+			return nodeName;
+		})();
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the value set to this element. This value is usually available
+	 * for form field elements.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {String} The element value.
+	 */
+	getValue: function() {
+		return this.$.value;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the first child node of this element.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div><b>Example</b></div>' );
+	 *		var first = element.getFirst();
+	 *		alert( first.getName() ); // 'b'
+	 *
+	 * @param {Function} evaluator Filtering the result node.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The first child node or null if not available.
+	 */
+	getFirst: function( evaluator ) {
+		var first = this.$.firstChild,
+			retval = first && new CKEDITOR.dom.node( first );
+		if ( retval && evaluator && !evaluator( retval ) )
+			retval = retval.getNext( evaluator );
+		return retval;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * See {@link #getFirst}.
+	 *
+	 * @param {Function} evaluator Filtering the result node.
+	 * @retunrs {CKEDITOR.dom.node}
+	 */
+	getLast: function( evaluator ) {
+		var last = this.$.lastChild,
+			retval = last && new CKEDITOR.dom.node( last );
+		if ( retval && evaluator && !evaluator( retval ) )
+			retval = retval.getPrevious( evaluator );
+		return retval;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets CSS style value.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} name The CSS property name.
+	 * @returns {String} Style value.
+	 */
+	getStyle: function( name ) {
+		return this.$.style[ CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle( name ) ];
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Checks if the element name matches the specified criteria.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = new CKEDITOR.element( 'span' );
+	 *		alert( element.is( 'span' ) );			// true
+	 *		alert( element.is( 'p', 'span' ) );		// true
+	 *		alert( element.is( 'p' ) );				// false
+	 *		alert( element.is( 'p', 'div' ) );		// false
+	 *		alert( element.is( { p:1,span:1 } ) );	// true
+	 *
+	 * @param {String.../Object} name One or more names to be checked, or a {@link CKEDITOR.dtd} object.
+	 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the element name matches any of the names.
+	 */
+	is: function() {
+		var name = this.getName();
+		// Check against the specified DTD liternal.
+		if ( typeof arguments[ 0 ] == 'object' )
+			return !!arguments[ 0 ][ name ];
+		// Check for tag names
+		for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
+			if ( arguments[ i ] == name )
+				return true;
+		}
+		return false;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Decide whether one element is able to receive cursor.
+	 *
+	 * @param {Boolean} [textCursor=true] Only consider element that could receive text child.
+	 */
+	isEditable: function( textCursor ) {
+		var name = this.getName();
+		if ( this.isReadOnly() || this.getComputedStyle( 'display' ) == 'none' ||
+				 this.getComputedStyle( 'visibility' ) == 'hidden' ||
+				 CKEDITOR.dtd.$nonEditable[ name ] ||
+				 CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[ name ] ||
+				 ( this.is( 'a' ) &&
+					 ( this.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || this.hasAttribute( 'name' ) ) &&
+					 !this.getChildCount()
+				 ) )
+		{
+			return false;
+		}
+		if ( textCursor !== false ) {
+			// Get the element DTD (defaults to span for unknown elements).
+			var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd[ name ] || CKEDITOR.dtd.span;
+			// In the DTD # == text node.
+			return !!( dtd && dtd[ '#' ] );
+		}
+		return true;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Compare this element's inner html, tag name, attributes, etc. with other one.
+	 *
+	 * See [W3C's DOM Level 3 spec - node#isEqualNode](http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#Node3-isEqualNode)
+	 * for more details.
+	 *
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} otherElement Element to compare.
+	 * @returns {Boolean}
+	 */
+	isIdentical: function( otherElement ) {
+		// do shallow clones, but with IDs
+		var thisEl = this.clone( 0, 1 ),
+			otherEl = otherElement.clone( 0, 1 );
+		// Remove distractions.
+		thisEl.removeAttributes( [ '_moz_dirty', 'data-cke-expando', 'data-cke-saved-href', 'data-cke-saved-name' ] );
+		otherEl.removeAttributes( [ '_moz_dirty', 'data-cke-expando', 'data-cke-saved-href', 'data-cke-saved-name' ] );
+		// Native comparison available.
+		if ( thisEl.$.isEqualNode ) {
+			// Styles order matters.
+			thisEl.$.style.cssText = CKEDITOR.tools.normalizeCssText( thisEl.$.style.cssText );
+			otherEl.$.style.cssText = CKEDITOR.tools.normalizeCssText( otherEl.$.style.cssText );
+			return thisEl.$.isEqualNode( otherEl.$ );
+		} else {
+			thisEl = thisEl.getOuterHtml();
+			otherEl = otherEl.getOuterHtml();
+			// Fix tiny difference between link href in older IEs.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 9 && this.is( 'a' ) ) {
+				var parent = this.getParent();
+				if ( parent.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+					var el = parent.clone();
+					el.setHtml( thisEl ), thisEl = el.getHtml();
+					el.setHtml( otherEl ), otherEl = el.getHtml();
+				}
+			}
+			return thisEl == otherEl;
+		}
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Checks if this element is visible. May not work if the element is
+	 * child of an element with visibility set to `hidden`, but works well
+	 * on the great majority of cases.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {Boolean} True if the element is visible.
+	 */
+	isVisible: function() {
+		var isVisible = ( this.$.offsetHeight || this.$.offsetWidth ) && this.getComputedStyle( 'visibility' ) != 'hidden',
+			elementWindow, elementWindowFrame;
+		// Webkit and Opera report non-zero offsetHeight despite that
+		// element is inside an invisible iframe. (#4542)
+		if ( isVisible && ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit || CKEDITOR.env.opera ) ) {
+			elementWindow = this.getWindow();
+			if ( !elementWindow.equals( CKEDITOR.document.getWindow() ) && ( elementWindowFrame = elementWindow.$.frameElement ) ) {
+				isVisible = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( elementWindowFrame ).isVisible();
+			}
+		}
+		return !!isVisible;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Whether it's an empty inline elements which has no visual impact when removed.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {Boolean}
+	 */
+	isEmptyInlineRemoveable: function() {
+		if ( !CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ this.getName() ] )
+			return false;
+		var children = this.getChildren();
+		for ( var i = 0, count = children.count(); i < count; i++ ) {
+			var child = children.getItem( i );
+			if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && child.data( 'cke-bookmark' ) )
+				continue;
+			if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !child.isEmptyInlineRemoveable() || child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && CKEDITOR.tools.trim( child.getText() ) ) {
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+		return true;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Checks if the element has any defined attributes.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div title="Test">Example</div>' );
+	 *		alert( element.hasAttributes() ); // true
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div>Example</div>' );
+	 *		alert( element.hasAttributes() ); // false
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @returns {Boolean} True if the element has attributes.
+	 */
+	hasAttributes: CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) ?
+		function() {
+			var attributes = this.$.attributes;
+			for ( var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++ ) {
+				var attribute = attributes[ i ];
+				switch ( attribute.nodeName ) {
+					case 'class':
+						// IE has a strange bug. If calling removeAttribute('className'),
+						// the attributes collection will still contain the "class"
+						// attribute, which will be marked as "specified", even if the
+						// outerHTML of the element is not displaying the class attribute.
+						// Note : I was not able to reproduce it outside the editor,
+						// but I've faced it while working on the TC of #1391.
+						if ( this.getAttribute( 'class' ) )
+							return true;
+						// Attributes to be ignored.
+					case 'data-cke-expando':
+						continue;
+						/*jsl:fallthru*/
+					default:
+						if ( attribute.specified )
+							return true;
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		} : function() {
+			var attrs = this.$.attributes,
+				attrsNum = attrs.length;
+			// The _moz_dirty attribute might get into the element after pasting (#5455)
+			var execludeAttrs = { 'data-cke-expando':1,_moz_dirty:1 };
+			return attrsNum > 0 && ( attrsNum > 2 || !execludeAttrs[ attrs[ 0 ].nodeName ] || ( attrsNum == 2 && !execludeAttrs[ attrs[ 1 ].nodeName ] ) );
+		},
+	/**
+	 * Checks if the specified attribute is defined for this element.
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @param {String} name The attribute name.
+	 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the specified attribute is defined.
+	 */
+	hasAttribute: (function() {
+		function standard( name ) {
+			var $attr = this.$.attributes.getNamedItem( name );
+			return !!( $attr && $attr.specified );
+		}
+		return ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 8 ) ?
+		function( name ) {
+			// On IE < 8 the name attribute cannot be retrieved
+			// right after the element creation and setting the
+			// name with setAttribute.
+			if ( name == 'name' )
+				return !!this.$.name;
+			return standard.call( this, name );
+		} : standard;
+	})(),
+	/**
+	 * Hides this element (sets `display: none`).
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' );
+	 *		element.hide();
+	 */
+	hide: function() {
+		this.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Moves this element's children to the target element.
+	 *
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} target
+	 * @param {Boolean} [toStart=false] Insert moved children at the
+	 * beginning of the target element.
+	 */
+	moveChildren: function( target, toStart ) {
+		var $ = this.$;
+		target = target.$;
+		if ( $ == target )
+			return;
+		var child;
+		if ( toStart ) {
+			while ( ( child = $.lastChild ) )
+				target.insertBefore( $.removeChild( child ), target.firstChild );
+		} else {
+			while ( ( child = $.firstChild ) )
+				target.appendChild( $.removeChild( child ) );
+		}
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Merges sibling elements that are identical to this one.
+	 *
+	 * Identical child elements are also merged. For example:
+	 *
+	 *		<b><i></i></b><b><i></i></b> => <b><i></i></b>
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @param {Boolean} [inlineOnly=true] Allow only inline elements to be merged.
+	 */
+	mergeSiblings: (function() {
+		function mergeElements( element, sibling, isNext ) {
+			if ( sibling && sibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+				// Jumping over bookmark nodes and empty inline elements, e.g. <b><i></i></b>,
+				// queuing them to be moved later. (#5567)
+				var pendingNodes = [];
+				while ( sibling.data( 'cke-bookmark' ) || sibling.isEmptyInlineRemoveable() ) {
+					pendingNodes.push( sibling );
+					sibling = isNext ? sibling.getNext() : sibling.getPrevious();
+					if ( !sibling || sibling.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+						return;
+				}
+				if ( element.isIdentical( sibling ) ) {
+					// Save the last child to be checked too, to merge things like
+					// <b><i></i></b><b><i></i></b> => <b><i></i></b>
+					var innerSibling = isNext ? element.getLast() : element.getFirst();
+					// Move pending nodes first into the target element.
+					while ( pendingNodes.length )
+						pendingNodes.shift().move( element, !isNext );
+					sibling.moveChildren( element, !isNext );
+					sibling.remove();
+					// Now check the last inner child (see two comments above).
+					if ( innerSibling && innerSibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+						innerSibling.mergeSiblings();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return function( inlineOnly ) {
+			if ( !( inlineOnly === false || CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ this.getName() ] || this.is( 'a' ) ) ) // Merge empty links and anchors also. (#5567)
+			{
+				return;
+			}
+			mergeElements( this, this.getNext(), true );
+			mergeElements( this, this.getPrevious() );
+		};
+	})(),
+	/**
+	 * Shows this element (displays it).
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' );
+	 *		element.show();
+	 */
+	show: function() {
+		this.setStyles({
+			display: '',
+			visibility: ''
+		});
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Sets the value of an element attribute.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' );
+	 *		element.setAttribute( 'class', 'myClass' );
+	 *		element.setAttribute( 'title', 'This is an example' );
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @param {String} name The name of the attribute.
+	 * @param {String} value The value to be set to the attribute.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} This element instance.
+	 */
+	setAttribute: (function() {
+		var standard = function( name, value ) {
+				this.$.setAttribute( name, value );
+				return this;
+			};
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) ) {
+			return function( name, value ) {
+				if ( name == 'class' )
+					this.$.className = value;
+				else if ( name == 'style' )
+					this.$.style.cssText = value;
+				else if ( name == 'tabindex' ) // Case sensitive.
+				this.$.tabIndex = value;
+				else if ( name == 'checked' )
+					this.$.checked = value;
+				else if ( name == 'contenteditable' )
+					standard.call( this, 'contentEditable', value );
+				else
+					standard.apply( this, arguments );
+				return this;
+			};
+		} else if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie8Compat && CKEDITOR.env.secure ) {
+			return function( name, value ) {
+				// IE8 throws error when setting src attribute to non-ssl value. (#7847)
+				if ( name == 'src' && value.match( /^http:\/\// ) )
+					try {
+					standard.apply( this, arguments );
+				} catch ( e ) {} else
+					standard.apply( this, arguments );
+				return this;
+			};
+		} else
+			return standard;
+	})(),
+	/**
+	 * Sets the value of several element attributes.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' );
+	 *		element.setAttributes( {
+	 *			'class':	'myClass',
+	 *			title:		'This is an example'
+	 *		} );
+	 *
+	 * @chainable
+	 * @param {Object} attributesPairs An object containing the names and
+	 * values of the attributes.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} This element instance.
+	 */
+	setAttributes: function( attributesPairs ) {
+		for ( var name in attributesPairs )
+			this.setAttribute( name, attributesPairs[ name ] );
+		return this;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Sets the element value. This function is usually used with form
+	 * field element.
+	 *
+	 * @chainable
+	 * @param {String} value The element value.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} This element instance.
+	 */
+	setValue: function( value ) {
+		this.$.value = value;
+		return this;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Removes an attribute from the element.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div class="classA"></div>' );
+	 *		element.removeAttribute( 'class' );
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @param {String} name The attribute name.
+	 */
+	removeAttribute: (function() {
+		var standard = function( name ) {
+				this.$.removeAttribute( name );
+			};
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) ) {
+			return function( name ) {
+				if ( name == 'class' )
+					name = 'className';
+				else if ( name == 'tabindex' )
+					name = 'tabIndex';
+				else if ( name == 'contenteditable' )
+					name = 'contentEditable';
+				standard.call( this, name );
+			};
+		} else
+			return standard;
+	})(),
+	/**
+	 * Removes all element's attributes or just given ones.
+	 *
+	 * @param {Array} [attributes] The array with attributes names.
+	 */
+	removeAttributes: function( attributes ) {
+		if ( CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( attributes ) ) {
+			for ( var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++ )
+				this.removeAttribute( attributes[ i ] );
+		} else {
+			for ( var attr in attributes )
+				attributes.hasOwnProperty( attr ) && this.removeAttribute( attr );
+		}
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Removes a style from the element.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div style="display:none"></div>' );
+	 *		element.removeStyle( 'display' );
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @param {String} name The style name.
+	 */
+	removeStyle: function( name ) {
+		// Removes the specified property from the current style object.
+		var $ = this.$.style;
+		// "removeProperty" need to be specific on the following styles.
+		if ( !$.removeProperty && ( name == 'border' || name == 'margin' || name == 'padding' ) ) {
+			var names = expandedRules( name );
+			for ( var i = 0 ; i < names.length ; i++ )
+				this.removeStyle( names[ i ] );
+			return;
+		}
+		$.removeProperty ? $.removeProperty( name ) : $.removeAttribute( CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle( name ) );
+		// Eventually remove empty style attribute.
+		if ( !this.$.style.cssText )
+			this.removeAttribute( 'style' );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Sets the value of an element style.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' );
+	 *		element.setStyle( 'background-color', '#ff0000' );
+	 *		element.setStyle( 'margin-top', '10px' );
+	 *		element.setStyle( 'float', 'right' );
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} name The name of the style. The CSS naming notation
+	 * must be used (e.g. `background-color`).
+	 * @param {String} value The value to be set to the style.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} This element instance.
+	 */
+	setStyle: function( name, value ) {
+		this.$.style[ CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle( name ) ] = value;
+		return this;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Sets the value of several element styles.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' );
+	 *		element.setStyles( {
+	 *			position:	'absolute',
+	 *			float:		'right'
+	 *		} );
+	 *
+	 * @param {Object} stylesPairs An object containing the names and
+	 * values of the styles.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} This element instance.
+	 */
+	setStyles: function( stylesPairs ) {
+		for ( var name in stylesPairs )
+			this.setStyle( name, stylesPairs[ name ] );
+		return this;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Sets the opacity of an element.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' );
+	 *		element.setOpacity( 0.75 );
+	 *
+	 * @param {Number} opacity A number within the range `[0.0, 1.0]`.
+	 */
+	setOpacity: function( opacity ) {
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 9 ) {
+			opacity = Math.round( opacity * 100 );
+			this.setStyle( 'filter', opacity >= 100 ? '' : 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=' + opacity + ')' );
+		} else
+			this.setStyle( 'opacity', opacity );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Makes the element and its children unselectable.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' );
+	 *		element.unselectable();
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 */
+	unselectable: function() {
+		// CSS unselectable.
+		this.setStyles( CKEDITOR.tools.cssVendorPrefix( 'user-select', 'none' ) );
+		// For IE/Opera which doesn't support for the above CSS style,
+		// the unselectable="on" attribute only specifies the selection
+		// process cannot start in the element itself, and it doesn't inherit.
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.opera ) {
+			this.setAttribute( 'unselectable', 'on' );
+			var element,
+				elements = this.getElementsByTag( "*" );
+			for ( var i = 0, count = elements.count() ; i < count ; i++ ) {
+				element = elements.getItem( i );
+				element.setAttribute( 'unselectable', 'on' );
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets closest positioned (`position != static`) ancestor.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} Positioned ancestor or `null`.
+	 */
+	getPositionedAncestor: function() {
+		var current = this;
+		while ( current.getName() != 'html' ) {
+			if ( current.getComputedStyle( 'position' ) != 'static' )
+				return current;
+			current = current.getParent();
+		}
+		return null;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets this element's position in document.
+	 *
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.document} [refDocument]
+	 * @returns {Object} Element's position.
+	 * @returns {Number} return.x
+	 * @returns {Number} return.y
+	 * @todo refDocument
+	 */
+	getDocumentPosition: function( refDocument ) {
+		var x = 0,
+			y = 0,
+			doc = this.getDocument(),
+			body = doc.getBody(),
+			quirks = doc.$.compatMode == 'BackCompat';
+		if ( document.documentElement[ "getBoundingClientRect" ] ) {
+			var box = this.$.getBoundingClientRect(),
+				$doc = doc.$,
+				$docElem = $doc.documentElement;
+			var clientTop = $docElem.clientTop || body.$.clientTop || 0,
+				clientLeft = $docElem.clientLeft || body.$.clientLeft || 0,
+				needAdjustScrollAndBorders = true;
+			// #3804: getBoundingClientRect() works differently on IE and non-IE
+			// browsers, regarding scroll positions.
+			//
+			// On IE, the top position of the <html> element is always 0, no matter
+			// how much you scrolled down.
+			//
+			// On other browsers, the top position of the <html> element is negative
+			// scrollTop.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+				var inDocElem = doc.getDocumentElement().contains( this ),
+					inBody = doc.getBody().contains( this );
+				needAdjustScrollAndBorders = ( quirks && inBody ) || ( !quirks && inDocElem );
+			}
+			if ( needAdjustScrollAndBorders ) {
+				x = box.left + ( !quirks && $docElem.scrollLeft || body.$.scrollLeft );
+				x -= clientLeft;
+				y = box.top + ( !quirks && $docElem.scrollTop || body.$.scrollTop );
+				y -= clientTop;
+			}
+		} else {
+			var current = this,
+				previous = null,
+				offsetParent;
+			while ( current && !( current.getName() == 'body' || current.getName() == 'html' ) ) {
+				x += current.$.offsetLeft - current.$.scrollLeft;
+				y += current.$.offsetTop - current.$.scrollTop;
+				// Opera includes clientTop|Left into offsetTop|Left.
+				if ( !current.equals( this ) ) {
+					x += ( current.$.clientLeft || 0 );
+					y += ( current.$.clientTop || 0 );
+				}
+				var scrollElement = previous;
+				while ( scrollElement && !scrollElement.equals( current ) ) {
+					x -= scrollElement.$.scrollLeft;
+					y -= scrollElement.$.scrollTop;
+					scrollElement = scrollElement.getParent();
+				}
+				previous = current;
+				current = ( offsetParent = current.$.offsetParent ) ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element( offsetParent ) : null;
+			}
+		}
+		if ( refDocument ) {
+			var currentWindow = this.getWindow(),
+				refWindow = refDocument.getWindow();
+			if ( !currentWindow.equals( refWindow ) && currentWindow.$.frameElement ) {
+				var iframePosition = ( new CKEDITOR.dom.element( currentWindow.$.frameElement ) ).getDocumentPosition( refDocument );
+				x += iframePosition.x;
+				y += iframePosition.y;
+			}
+		}
+		if ( !document.documentElement[ "getBoundingClientRect" ] ) {
+			// In Firefox, we'll endup one pixel before the element positions,
+			// so we must add it here.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && !quirks ) {
+				x += this.$.clientLeft ? 1 : 0;
+				y += this.$.clientTop ? 1 : 0;
+			}
+		}
+		return { x: x, y: y };
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Make any page element visible inside the browser viewport.
+	 *
+	 * @param {Boolean} [alignToTop=false]
+	 */
+	scrollIntoView: function( alignToTop ) {
+		var parent = this.getParent();
+		if ( !parent )
+			return;
+		// Scroll the element into parent container from the inner out.
+		do {
+			// Check ancestors that overflows.
+			var overflowed =
+				parent.$.clientWidth && parent.$.clientWidth < parent.$.scrollWidth ||
+				parent.$.clientHeight && parent.$.clientHeight < parent.$.scrollHeight;
+			// Skip body element, which will report wrong clientHeight when containing
+			// floated content. (#9523)
+			if ( overflowed && !parent.is( 'body' ) )
+				this.scrollIntoParent( parent, alignToTop, 1 );
+			// Walk across the frame.
+			if ( parent.is( 'html' ) ) {
+				var win = parent.getWindow();
+				// Avoid security error.
+				try {
+					var iframe = win.$.frameElement;
+					iframe && ( parent = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( iframe ) );
+				} catch ( er ) {}
+			}
+		}
+		while ( ( parent = parent.getParent() ) );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Make any page element visible inside one of the ancestors by scrolling the parent.
+	 *
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element/CKEDITOR.dom.window} parent The container to scroll into.
+	 * @param {Boolean} [alignToTop] Align the element's top side with the container's
+	 * when `true` is specified; align the bottom with viewport bottom when
+	 * `false` is specified. Otherwise scroll on either side with the minimum
+	 * amount to show the element.
+	 * @param {Boolean} [hscroll] Whether horizontal overflow should be considered.
+	 */
+	scrollIntoParent: function( parent, alignToTop, hscroll ) {
+		!parent && ( parent = this.getWindow() );
+		var doc = parent.getDocument();
+		var isQuirks = doc.$.compatMode == 'BackCompat';
+		// On window <html> is scrolled while quirks scrolls <body>.
+		if ( parent instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.window )
+			parent = isQuirks ? doc.getBody() : doc.getDocumentElement();
+		// Scroll the parent by the specified amount.
+		function scrollBy( x, y ) {
+			// Webkit doesn't support "scrollTop/scrollLeft"
+			// on documentElement/body element.
+			if ( /body|html/.test( parent.getName() ) )
+				parent.getWindow().$.scrollBy( x, y );
+			else {
+				parent.$[ 'scrollLeft' ] += x;
+				parent.$[ 'scrollTop' ] += y;
+			}
+		}
+		// Figure out the element position relative to the specified window.
+		function screenPos( element, refWin ) {
+			var pos = { x: 0, y: 0 };
+			if ( !( element.is( isQuirks ? 'body' : 'html' ) ) ) {
+				var box = element.$.getBoundingClientRect();
+				pos.x = box.left, pos.y = box.top;
+			}
+			var win = element.getWindow();
+			if ( !win.equals( refWin ) ) {
+				var outerPos = screenPos( CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( win.$.frameElement ), refWin );
+				pos.x += outerPos.x, pos.y += outerPos.y;
+			}
+			return pos;
+		}
+		// calculated margin size.
+		function margin( element, side ) {
+			return parseInt( element.getComputedStyle( 'margin-' + side ) || 0, 10 ) || 0;
+		}
+		var win = parent.getWindow();
+		var thisPos = screenPos( this, win ),
+			parentPos = screenPos( parent, win ),
+			eh = this.$.offsetHeight,
+			ew = this.$.offsetWidth,
+			ch = parent.$.clientHeight,
+			cw = parent.$.clientWidth,
+			lt, br;
+		// Left-top margins.
+		lt = {
+			x: thisPos.x - margin( this, 'left' ) - parentPos.x || 0,
+			y: thisPos.y - margin( this, 'top' ) - parentPos.y || 0
+		};
+		// Bottom-right margins.
+		br = {
+			x: thisPos.x + ew + margin( this, 'right' ) - ( ( parentPos.x ) + cw ) || 0,
+			y: thisPos.y + eh + margin( this, 'bottom' ) - ( ( parentPos.y ) + ch ) || 0
+		};
+		// 1. Do the specified alignment as much as possible;
+		// 2. Otherwise be smart to scroll only the minimum amount;
+		// 3. Never cut at the top;
+		// 4. DO NOT scroll when already visible.
+		if ( lt.y < 0 || br.y > 0 ) {
+			scrollBy( 0, alignToTop === true ? lt.y : alignToTop === false ? br.y : lt.y < 0 ? lt.y : br.y );
+		}
+		if ( hscroll && ( lt.x < 0 || br.x > 0 ) )
+			scrollBy( lt.x < 0 ? lt.x : br.x, 0 );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Switch the `class` attribute to reflect one of the triple states of an
+	 * element in one of {@link CKEDITOR#TRISTATE_ON}, {@link CKEDITOR#TRISTATE_OFF}
+	 *
+	 *		link.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
+	 *		// <a class="cke_on" aria-pressed="true">...</a>
+	 *		link.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
+	 *		// <a class="cke_off">...</a>
+	 *		link.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
+	 *		// <a class="cke_disabled" aria-disabled="true">...</a>
+	 *
+	 *		span.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON, 'cke_button' );
+	 *		// <span class="cke_button_on">...</span>
+	 *
+	 * @param {Number} state Indicate the element state. One of {@link CKEDITOR#TRISTATE_ON},
+	 * @param [base='cke'] The prefix apply to each of the state class name.
+	 * @param [useAria=true] Whether toggle the ARIA state attributes besides of class name change.
+	 */
+	setState: function( state, base, useAria ) {
+		base = base || 'cke';
+		switch ( state ) {
+				this.addClass( base + '_on' );
+				this.removeClass( base + '_off' );
+				this.removeClass( base + '_disabled' );
+				useAria && this.setAttribute( 'aria-pressed', true );
+				useAria && this.removeAttribute( 'aria-disabled' );
+				break;
+				this.addClass( base + '_disabled' );
+				this.removeClass( base + '_off' );
+				this.removeClass( base + '_on' );
+				useAria && this.setAttribute( 'aria-disabled', true );
+				useAria && this.removeAttribute( 'aria-pressed' );
+				break;
+			default:
+				this.addClass( base + '_off' );
+				this.removeClass( base + '_on' );
+				this.removeClass( base + '_disabled' );
+				useAria && this.removeAttribute( 'aria-pressed' );
+				useAria && this.removeAttribute( 'aria-disabled' );
+				break;
+		}
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Returns the inner document of this `<iframe>` element.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.document} The inner document.
+	 */
+	getFrameDocument: function() {
+		var $ = this.$;
+		try {
+			// In IE, with custom document.domain, it may happen that
+			// the iframe is not yet available, resulting in "Access
+			// Denied" for the following property access.
+			$.contentWindow.document;
+		} catch ( e ) {
+			// Trick to solve this issue, forcing the iframe to get ready
+			// by simply setting its "src" property.
+			$.src = $.src;
+		}
+		return $ && new CKEDITOR.dom.document( $.contentWindow.document );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Copy all the attributes from one node to the other, kinda like a clone
+	 * skipAttributes is an object with the attributes that must **not** be copied.
+	 *
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} dest The destination element.
+	 * @param {Object} skipAttributes A dictionary of attributes to skip.
+	 */
+	copyAttributes: function( dest, skipAttributes ) {
+		var attributes = this.$.attributes;
+		skipAttributes = skipAttributes || {};
+		for ( var n = 0; n < attributes.length; n++ ) {
+			var attribute = attributes[ n ];
+			// Lowercase attribute name hard rule is broken for
+			// some attribute on IE, e.g. CHECKED.
+			var attrName = attribute.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
+				attrValue;
+			// We can set the type only once, so do it with the proper value, not copying it.
+			if ( attrName in skipAttributes )
+				continue;
+			if ( attrName == 'checked' && ( attrValue = this.getAttribute( attrName ) ) )
+				dest.setAttribute( attrName, attrValue );
+			// IE BUG: value attribute is never specified even if it exists.
+			else if ( attribute.specified || ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && attribute.nodeValue && attrName == 'value' ) ) {
+				attrValue = this.getAttribute( attrName );
+				if ( attrValue === null )
+					attrValue = attribute.nodeValue;
+				dest.setAttribute( attrName, attrValue );
+			}
+		}
+		// The style:
+		if ( this.$.style.cssText !== '' )
+			dest.$.style.cssText = this.$.style.cssText;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Changes the tag name of the current element.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} newTag The new tag for the element.
+	 */
+	renameNode: function( newTag ) {
+		// If it's already correct exit here.
+		if ( this.getName() == newTag )
+			return;
+		var doc = this.getDocument();
+		// Create the new node.
+		var newNode = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( newTag, doc );
+		// Copy all attributes.
+		this.copyAttributes( newNode );
+		// Move children to the new node.
+		this.moveChildren( newNode );
+		// Replace the node.
+		this.getParent() && this.$.parentNode.replaceChild( newNode.$, this.$ );
+		newNode.$[ 'data-cke-expando' ] = this.$[ 'data-cke-expando' ];
+		this.$ = newNode.$;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets a DOM tree descendant under the current node.
+	 *
+	 *		var strong = p.getChild( 0 );
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @param {Array/Number} indices The child index or array of child indices under the node.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The specified DOM child under the current node. Null if child does not exist.
+	 */
+	getChild: (function() {
+		function getChild( rawNode, index ) {
+			var childNodes = rawNode.childNodes;
+			if ( index >= 0 && index < childNodes.length )
+				return childNodes[ index ];
+		}
+		return function( indices ) {
+			var rawNode = this.$;
+			if ( !indices.slice )
+				rawNode = getChild( rawNode, indices );
+			else {
+				while ( indices.length > 0 && rawNode )
+					rawNode = getChild( rawNode, indices.shift() );
+			}
+			return rawNode ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node( rawNode ) : null;
+		};
+	})(),
+	/**
+	 * Gets number of element's children.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {Number}
+	 */
+	getChildCount: function() {
+		return this.$.childNodes.length;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Disables browser's context menu in this element.
+	 */
+	disableContextMenu: function() {
+		this.on( 'contextmenu', function( event ) {
+			// Cancel the browser context menu.
+			if ( !event.data.getTarget().hasClass( 'cke_enable_context_menu' ) )
+				event.data.preventDefault();
+		});
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets element's direction. Supports both CSS `direction` prop and `dir` attr.
+	 */
+	getDirection: function( useComputed ) {
+		if ( useComputed ) {
+			return this.getComputedStyle( 'direction' ) ||
+					this.getDirection() ||
+					this.getParent() && this.getParent().getDirection( 1 ) ||
+					this.getDocument().$.dir ||
+					'ltr';
+		}
+		else
+			return this.getStyle( 'direction' ) || this.getAttribute( 'dir' );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets, sets and removes custom data to be stored as HTML5 data-* attributes.
+	 *
+	 *		element.data( 'extra-info', 'test' );	// Appended the attribute data-extra-info="test" to the element.
+	 *		alert( element.data( 'extra-info' ) );	// 'test'
+	 *		element.data( 'extra-info', false );	// Remove the data-extra-info attribute from the element.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} name The name of the attribute, excluding the `data-` part.
+	 * @param {String} [value] The value to set. If set to false, the attribute will be removed.
+	 */
+	data: function( name, value ) {
+		name = 'data-' + name;
+		if ( value === undefined )
+			return this.getAttribute( name );
+		else if ( value === false )
+			this.removeAttribute( name );
+		else
+			this.setAttribute( name, value );
+		return null;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Retrieves an editor instance which is based on this element (if any).
+	 * It basically loops over {@link CKEDITOR#instances} in search for an instance
+	 * that uses the element.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div' );
+	 *		element.appendTo( CKEDITOR.document.getBody() );
+	 *		CKEDITOR.replace( element );
+	 *		alert( element.getEditor().name ); // 'editor1'
+	 *
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} An editor instance or null if nothing has been found.
+	 */
+	getEditor: function() {
+		var instances = CKEDITOR.instances,
+			name, instance;
+		for ( name in instances ) {
+			instance = instances[ name ];
+			if ( instance.element.equals( this ) && instance.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO )
+				return instance;
+		}
+		return null;
+	}
+	var sides = {
+		width: [ 'border-left-width', 'border-right-width', 'padding-left', 'padding-right' ],
+		height: [ 'border-top-width', 'border-bottom-width', 'padding-top', 'padding-bottom' ]
+	};
+	// Generate list of specific style rules, applicable to margin/padding/border.
+	function expandedRules( style ) {
+		var sides = [ 'top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom' ], components;
+		if ( style == 'border' )
+				components = [ 'color', 'style', 'width' ];
+		var styles = [];
+		for ( var i = 0 ; i < sides.length ; i++ ) {
+			if ( components ) {
+				for ( var j = 0 ; j < components.length ; j++ )
+					styles.push( [ style, sides[ i ], components[j] ].join( '-' ) );
+			}
+			else
+				styles.push( [ style, sides[ i ] ].join( '-' ) );
+		}
+		return styles;
+	}
+	function marginAndPaddingSize( type ) {
+		var adjustment = 0;
+		for ( var i = 0, len = sides[ type ].length; i < len; i++ )
+			adjustment += parseInt( this.getComputedStyle( sides[ type ][ i ] ) || 0, 10 ) || 0;
+		return adjustment;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Sets the element size considering the box model.
+	 *
+	 * @param {'width'/'height'} type The dimension to set.
+	 * @param {Number} size The length unit in px.
+	 * @param {Boolean} isBorderBox Apply the size based on the border box model.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.setSize = function( type, size, isBorderBox ) {
+		if ( typeof size == 'number' ) {
+			if ( isBorderBox && !( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ) )
+				size -= marginAndPaddingSize.call( this, type );
+			this.setStyle( type, size + 'px' );
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Gets the element size, possibly considering the box model.
+	 *
+	 * @param {'width'/'height'} type The dimension to get.
+	 * @param {Boolean} isBorderBox Get the size based on the border box model.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.getSize = function( type, isBorderBox ) {
+		var size = Math.max( this.$[ 'offset' + CKEDITOR.tools.capitalize( type ) ], this.$[ 'client' + CKEDITOR.tools.capitalize( type ) ] ) || 0;
+		if ( isBorderBox )
+			size -= marginAndPaddingSize.call( this, type );
+		return size;
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/elementpath.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/elementpath.js
index 3c74a92..533011b 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/elementpath.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/elementpath.js
@@ -1,116 +1,222 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	// Elements that may be considered the "Block boundary" in an element path.
-	var pathBlockElements = { address:1,blockquote:1,dl:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1,p:1,pre:1,li:1,dt:1,dd:1 };
-	// Elements that may be considered the "Block limit" in an element path.
-	var pathBlockLimitElements = { body:1,div:1,table:1,tbody:1,tr:1,td:1,th:1,caption:1,form:1 };
-	// Check if an element contains any block element.
-	var checkHasBlock = function( element )
-	{
-		var childNodes = element.getChildren();
-		for ( var i = 0, count = childNodes.count() ; i < count ; i++ )
-		{
-			var child = childNodes.getItem( i );
-			if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ child.getName() ] )
-				return true;
-		}
-		return false;
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath = function( lastNode )
-	{
-		var block = null;
-		var blockLimit = null;
-		var elements = [];
-		var e = lastNode;
-		while ( e )
-		{
-			if ( e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-			{
-				if ( !this.lastElement )
-					this.lastElement = e;
-				var elementName = e.getName();
-				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && e.$.scopeName != 'HTML' )
-					elementName = e.$.scopeName.toLowerCase() + ':' + elementName;
-				if ( !blockLimit )
-				{
-					if ( !block && pathBlockElements[ elementName ] )
-						block = e;
-					if ( pathBlockLimitElements[ elementName ] )
-					{
-						// DIV is considered the Block, if no block is available (#525)
-						// and if it doesn't contain other blocks.
-						if ( !block && elementName == 'div' && !checkHasBlock( e ) )
-							block = e;
-						else
-							blockLimit = e;
-					}
-				}
-				elements.push( e );
-				if ( elementName == 'body' )
-					break;
-			}
-			e = e.getParent();
-		}
-		this.block = block;
-		this.blockLimit = blockLimit;
-		this.elements = elements;
-	};
-CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath.prototype =
-	/**
-	 * Compares this element path with another one.
-	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath} otherPath The elementPath object to be
-	 * compared with this one.
-	 * @returns {Boolean} "true" if the paths are equal, containing the same
-	 * number of elements and the same elements in the same order.
-	 */
-	compare : function( otherPath )
-	{
-		var thisElements = this.elements;
-		var otherElements = otherPath && otherPath.elements;
-		if ( !otherElements || thisElements.length != otherElements.length )
-			return false;
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < thisElements.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			if ( !thisElements[ i ].equals( otherElements[ i ] ) )
-				return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	},
-	contains : function( tagNames )
-	{
-		var elements = this.elements;
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < elements.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			if ( elements[ i ].getName() in tagNames )
-				return elements[ i ];
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	// Elements that are considered the "Block limit" in an element path.
+	var pathBlockLimitElements = {};
+	for ( var tag in CKEDITOR.dtd.$blockLimit ) {
+		// Exclude from list roots.
+		if ( !( tag in CKEDITOR.dtd.$list ) )
+			pathBlockLimitElements[ tag ] = 1;
+	}
+	// Elements that are considered the "End level Block" in an element path.
+	var pathBlockElements = {};
+	for ( tag in CKEDITOR.dtd.$block ) {
+		// Exclude block limits, and empty block element, e.g. hr.
+		if ( !( tag in CKEDITOR.dtd.$blockLimit || tag in CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty ) )
+			pathBlockElements[ tag ] = 1;
+	}
+	// Check if an element contains any block element.
+	var checkHasBlock = function( element ) {
+			var childNodes = element.getChildren();
+			for ( var i = 0, count = childNodes.count(); i < count; i++ ) {
+				var child = childNodes.getItem( i );
+				if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ child.getName() ] )
+					return true;
+			}
+			return false;
+		};
+	/**
+	 * Retrieve the list of nodes walked from the start node up to the editable element of the editor.
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @constructor Creates a element path class instance.
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} startNode From which the path should start.
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} root To which element the path should stop, default to the body element.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath = function( startNode, root ) {
+		var block = null;
+		var blockLimit = null;
+		var elements = [];
+		// Backward compact.
+		root = root || startNode.getDocument().getBody();
+		var e = startNode;
+		do {
+			if ( e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+				elements.push( e );
+				if ( !this.lastElement ) {
+					this.lastElement = e;
+					// If a table is fully selected at the end of the element path,
+					// it must not become the block limit.
+					if ( e.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$object ) )
+						continue;
+				}
+				var elementName = e.getName();
+				if ( !blockLimit ) {
+					if ( !block && pathBlockElements[ elementName ] )
+						block = e;
+					if ( pathBlockLimitElements[ elementName ] ) {
+						// End level DIV is considered as the block, if no block is available. (#525)
+						// But it must NOT be as the root element.
+						if ( !block && elementName == 'div' && !checkHasBlock( e ) && !e.equals( root ) ) {
+							block = e;
+						} else
+							blockLimit = e;
+					}
+				}
+				if ( e.equals( root ) )
+					break;
+			}
+		}
+		while ( ( e = e.getParent() ) );
+		/**
+		 * @property {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		this.block = block;
+		/**
+		 * @property {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		this.blockLimit = blockLimit;
+		/**
+		 * The root of the elements path - `startNode` argument passed to class constructor or body element.
+		 *
+		 * @property {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		this.root = root;
+		/**
+		 * @property {CKEDITOR.dom.element[]}
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		this.elements = elements;
+	};
+CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath.prototype = {
+	/**
+	 * Compares this element path with another one.
+	 *
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath} otherPath The elementPath object to be
+	 * compared with this one.
+	 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the paths are equal, containing the same
+	 * number of elements and the same elements in the same order.
+	 */
+	compare: function( otherPath ) {
+		var thisElements = this.elements;
+		var otherElements = otherPath && otherPath.elements;
+		if ( !otherElements || thisElements.length != otherElements.length )
+			return false;
+		for ( var i = 0; i < thisElements.length; i++ ) {
+			if ( !thisElements[ i ].equals( otherElements[ i ] ) )
+				return false;
+		}
+		return true;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Search the path elements that meets the specified criteria.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String/Array/Function/Object/CKEDITOR.dom.element} query The criteria that can be
+	 * either a tag name, list (array and object) of tag names, element or an node evaluator function.
+	 * @param {Boolean} excludeRoot Not taking path root element into consideration.
+	 * @param {Boolean} fromTop Search start from the topmost element instead of bottom.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The first matched dom element or `null`.
+	 */
+	contains: function( query, excludeRoot, fromTop ) {
+		var evaluator;
+		if ( typeof query == 'string' )
+			evaluator = function( node ) {
+				return node.getName() == query;
+			};
+		if ( query instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element )
+			evaluator = function( node ) {
+				return node.equals( query );
+			};
+		else if ( CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( query ) )
+			evaluator = function( node ) {
+				return CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( query, node.getName() ) > -1;
+			};
+		else if ( typeof query == 'function' )
+			evaluator = query;
+		else if ( typeof query == 'object' )
+			evaluator = function( node ) {
+				return node.getName() in query;
+			};
+		var elements = this.elements,
+			length = elements.length;
+		excludeRoot && length--;
+		if ( fromTop ) {
+			elements = Array.prototype.slice.call( elements, 0 );
+			elements.reverse();
+		}
+		for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
+			if ( evaluator( elements[ i ] ) )
+				return elements[ i ];
+		}
+		return null;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Check whether the elements path is the proper context for the specified
+	 * tag name in the DTD.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} tag The tag name.
+	 * @returns {Boolean}
+	 */
+	isContextFor: function( tag ) {
+		var holder;
+		// Check for block context.
+		if ( tag in CKEDITOR.dtd.$block ) {
+			// Indeterminate elements which are not subjected to be splitted or surrounded must be checked first.
+			var inter = this.contains( CKEDITOR.dtd.$intermediate );
+			holder = inter || ( this.root.equals( this.block ) && this.block ) || this.blockLimit;
+			return !!holder.getDtd()[ tag ];
+		}
+		return true;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Retrieve the text direction for this elements path.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {'ltr'/'rtl'}
+	 */
+	direction: function() {
+		var directionNode = this.block || this.blockLimit || this.root;
+		return directionNode.getDirection( 1 );
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/event.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/event.js
index cf7d66c..f9b549e 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/event.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/event.js
@@ -1,142 +1,206 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.event} class, which
- *		represents the a native DOM event object.
- */
- * Represents a native DOM event object.
- * @constructor
- * @param {Object} domEvent A native DOM event object.
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.dom.event = function( domEvent )
-	/**
-	 * The native DOM event object represented by this class instance.
-	 * @type Object
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	this.$ = domEvent;
-CKEDITOR.dom.event.prototype =
-	/**
-	 * Gets the key code associated to the event.
-	 * @returns {Number} The key code.
-	 * @example
-	 * alert( event.getKey() );  "65" is "a" has been pressed
-	 */
-	getKey : function()
-	{
-		return this.$.keyCode || this.$.which;
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Gets a number represeting the combination of the keys pressed during the
-	 * event. It is the sum with the current key code and the {@link CKEDITOR.CTRL},
-	 * {@link CKEDITOR.SHIFT} and {@link CKEDITOR.ALT} constants.
-	 * @returns {Number} The number representing the keys combination.
-	 * @example
-	 * alert( event.getKeystroke() == 65 );                                   // "a" key
-	 * alert( event.getKeystroke() == CKEDITOR.CTRL + 65 );                   // CTRL + "a" key
-	 * alert( event.getKeystroke() == CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 65 );  // CTRL + SHIFT + "a" key
-	 */
-	getKeystroke : function()
-	{
-		var keystroke = this.getKey();
-		if ( this.$.ctrlKey || this.$.metaKey )
-			keystroke += CKEDITOR.CTRL;
-		if ( this.$.shiftKey )
-			keystroke += CKEDITOR.SHIFT;
-		if ( this.$.altKey )
-			keystroke += CKEDITOR.ALT;
-		return keystroke;
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Prevents the original behavior of the event to happen. It can optionally
-	 * stop propagating the event in the event chain.
-	 * @param {Boolean} [stopPropagation] Stop propagating this event in the
-	 *		event chain.
-	 * @example
-	 * var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' );
-	 * element.on( 'click', function( ev )
-	 *     {
-	 *         // The DOM event object is passed by the "data" property.
-	 *         var domEvent = ev.data;
-	 *         // Prevent the click to chave any effect in the element.
-	 *         domEvent.preventDefault();
-	 *     });
-	 */
-	preventDefault : function( stopPropagation )
-	{
-		var $ = this.$;
-		if ( $.preventDefault )
-			$.preventDefault();
-		else
-			$.returnValue = false;
-		if ( stopPropagation )
-			this.stopPropagation();
-	},
-	stopPropagation : function()
-	{
-		var $ = this.$;
-		if ( $.stopPropagation )
-			$.stopPropagation();
-		else
-			$.cancelBubble = true;
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Returns the DOM node where the event was targeted to.
-	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The target DOM node.
-	 * @example
-	 * var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' );
-	 * element.on( 'click', function( ev )
-	 *     {
-	 *         // The DOM event object is passed by the "data" property.
-	 *         var domEvent = ev.data;
-	 *         // Add a CSS class to the event target.
-	 *         domEvent.getTarget().addClass( 'clicked' );
-	 *     });
-	 */
-	getTarget : function()
-	{
-		var rawNode = this.$.target || this.$.srcElement;
-		return rawNode ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node( rawNode ) : null;
-	}
- * CTRL key (1000).
- * @constant
- * @example
- */
- * SHIFT key (2000).
- * @constant
- * @example
- */
- * ALT key (4000).
- * @constant
- * @example
- */
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.event} class, which
+ *		represents the a native DOM event object.
+ */
+ * Represents a native DOM event object.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @constructor Creates an event class instance.
+ * @param {Object} domEvent A native DOM event object.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.event = function( domEvent ) {
+	/**
+	 * The native DOM event object represented by this class instance.
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 */
+	this.$ = domEvent;
+CKEDITOR.dom.event.prototype = {
+	/**
+	 * Gets the key code associated to the event.
+	 *
+	 *		alert( event.getKey() ); // '65' is 'a' has been pressed
+	 *
+	 * @returns {Number} The key code.
+	 */
+	getKey: function() {
+		return this.$.keyCode || this.$.which;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets a number represeting the combination of the keys pressed during the
+	 * event. It is the sum with the current key code and the {@link CKEDITOR#CTRL},
+	 * {@link CKEDITOR#SHIFT} and {@link CKEDITOR#ALT} constants.
+	 *
+	 *		alert( event.getKeystroke() == 65 );									// 'a' key
+	 *		alert( event.getKeystroke() == CKEDITOR.CTRL + 65 );					// CTRL + 'a' key
+	 *		alert( event.getKeystroke() == CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 65 );	// CTRL + SHIFT + 'a' key
+	 *
+	 * @returns {Number} The number representing the keys combination.
+	 */
+	getKeystroke: function() {
+		var keystroke = this.getKey();
+		if ( this.$.ctrlKey || this.$.metaKey )
+			keystroke += CKEDITOR.CTRL;
+		if ( this.$.shiftKey )
+			keystroke += CKEDITOR.SHIFT;
+		if ( this.$.altKey )
+			keystroke += CKEDITOR.ALT;
+		return keystroke;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Prevents the original behavior of the event to happen. It can optionally
+	 * stop propagating the event in the event chain.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' );
+	 *		element.on( 'click', function( ev ) {
+	 *			// The DOM event object is passed by the 'data' property.
+	 *			var domEvent = ev.data;
+	 *			// Prevent the click to chave any effect in the element.
+	 *			domEvent.preventDefault();
+	 *		} );
+	 *
+	 * @param {Boolean} [stopPropagation=false] Stop propagating this event in the
+	 * event chain.
+	 */
+	preventDefault: function( stopPropagation ) {
+		var $ = this.$;
+		if ( $.preventDefault )
+			$.preventDefault();
+		else
+			$.returnValue = false;
+		if ( stopPropagation )
+			this.stopPropagation();
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Stops this event propagation in the event chain.
+	 */
+	stopPropagation: function() {
+		var $ = this.$;
+		if ( $.stopPropagation )
+			$.stopPropagation();
+		else
+			$.cancelBubble = true;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Returns the DOM node where the event was targeted to.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' );
+	 *		element.on( 'click', function( ev ) {
+	 *			// The DOM event object is passed by the 'data' property.
+	 *			var domEvent = ev.data;
+	 *			// Add a CSS class to the event target.
+	 *			domEvent.getTarget().addClass( 'clicked' );
+	 *		} );
+	 *
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The target DOM node.
+	 */
+	getTarget: function() {
+		var rawNode = this.$.target || this.$.srcElement;
+		return rawNode ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node( rawNode ) : null;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Returns an integer value that indicates the current processing phase of an event.
+	 * For browsers that doesn't support event phase, {@link CKEDITOR#EVENT_PHASE_AT_TARGET} is always returned.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {Number} One of {@link CKEDITOR#EVENT_PHASE_CAPTURING},
+	 */
+	getPhase: function() {
+		return this.$.eventPhase || 2;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Retrieves the coordinates of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left
+	 * corner of the document, in mouse related event.
+	 * @returns {Object} The object contains the position.
+	 * @example
+	 * element.on( 'mousemouse', function( ev )
+	 *     {
+	 *         var pageOffset = ev.data.getPageOffset();
+	 *         alert( pageOffset.x ); // page offset X
+	 *         alert( pageOffset.y ); // page offset Y
+	 *     });
+	 */
+	getPageOffset : function() {
+		var doc = this.getTarget().getDocument().$;
+		var pageX = this.$.pageX || this.$.clientX + ( doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft );
+		var pageY = this.$.pageY || this.$.clientY + ( doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop );
+		return { x : pageX, y : pageY };
+	}
+// For the followind constants, we need to go over the Unicode boundaries
+// (0x10FFFF) to avoid collision.
+ * CTRL key (0x110000).
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=0x110000]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+CKEDITOR.CTRL = 0x110000;
+ * SHIFT key (0x220000).
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=0x220000]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+CKEDITOR.SHIFT = 0x220000;
+ * ALT key (0x440000).
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=0x440000]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+CKEDITOR.ALT = 0x440000;
+ * Capturing phase.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=1]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+ * Event at target.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=2]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+ * Bubbling phase.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=3]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/iterator.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/iterator.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d449d46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/iterator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @ignore
+ * File overview: DOM iterator, which iterates over list items, lines and paragraphs.
+ */
+(function() {
+	/**
+	 * Represents iterator class.
+	 *
+	 * @class CKEDITOR.dom.iterator
+	 * @constructor Creates an iterator class instance.
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} range
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	function iterator( range ) {
+		if ( arguments.length < 1 )
+			return;
+		this.range = range;
+		this.forceBrBreak = 0;
+		// Whether include <br>s into the enlarged range.(#3730).
+		this.enlargeBr = 1;
+		this.enforceRealBlocks = 0;
+		this._ || ( this._ = {} );
+	}
+	var beginWhitespaceRegex = /^[\r\n\t ]+$/,
+		// Ignore bookmark nodes.(#3783)
+		bookmarkGuard = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( false, true ),
+		whitespacesGuard = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ),
+		skipGuard = function( node ) {
+			return bookmarkGuard( node ) && whitespacesGuard( node );
+		};
+	// Get a reference for the next element, bookmark nodes are skipped.
+	function getNextSourceNode( node, startFromSibling, lastNode ) {
+		var next = node.getNextSourceNode( startFromSibling, null, lastNode );
+		while ( !bookmarkGuard( next ) )
+			next = next.getNextSourceNode( startFromSibling, null, lastNode );
+		return next;
+	}
+	iterator.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		getNextParagraph: function( blockTag ) {
+			blockTag = blockTag || 'p';
+			// Block-less range should be checked first.
+			if ( !CKEDITOR.dtd[ this.range.root.getName() ][ blockTag ] )
+				return null;
+			// The block element to be returned.
+			var block;
+			// The range object used to identify the paragraph contents.
+			var range;
+			// Indicats that the current element in the loop is the last one.
+			var isLast;
+			// Indicate at least one of the range boundaries is inside a preformat block.
+			var touchPre;
+			// Instructs to cleanup remaining BRs.
+			var removePreviousBr, removeLastBr;
+			// This is the first iteration. Let's initialize it.
+			if ( !this._.started ) {
+				range = this.range.clone();
+				// Shrink the range to exclude harmful "noises" (#4087, #4450, #5435).
+				range.shrink( CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, true );
+				touchPre = range.endContainer.hasAscendant( 'pre', true ) || range.startContainer.hasAscendant( 'pre', true );
+				range.enlarge( this.forceBrBreak && !touchPre || !this.enlargeBr ? CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_LIST_ITEM_CONTENTS : CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_BLOCK_CONTENTS );
+				if ( !range.collapsed ) {
+					var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range.clone() ),
+						ignoreBookmarkTextEvaluator = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( true, true );
+					// Avoid anchor inside bookmark inner text.
+					walker.evaluator = ignoreBookmarkTextEvaluator;
+					this._.nextNode = walker.next();
+					// TODO: It's better to have walker.reset() used here.
+					walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range.clone() );
+					walker.evaluator = ignoreBookmarkTextEvaluator;
+					var lastNode = walker.previous();
+					this._.lastNode = lastNode.getNextSourceNode( true );
+					// We may have an empty text node at the end of block due to [3770].
+					// If that node is the lastNode, it would cause our logic to leak to the
+					// next block.(#3887)
+					if ( this._.lastNode && this._.lastNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( this._.lastNode.getText() ) && this._.lastNode.getParent().isBlockBoundary() ) {
+						var testRange = this.range.clone();
+						testRange.moveToPosition( this._.lastNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
+						if ( testRange.checkEndOfBlock() ) {
+							var path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( testRange.endContainer, testRange.root );
+							var lastBlock = path.block || path.blockLimit;
+							this._.lastNode = lastBlock.getNextSourceNode( true );
+						}
+					}
+					// Probably the document end is reached, we need a marker node.
+					if ( !this._.lastNode ) {
+						this._.lastNode = this._.docEndMarker = range.document.createText( '' );
+						this._.lastNode.insertAfter( lastNode );
+					}
+					// Let's reuse this variable.
+					range = null;
+				}
+				this._.started = 1;
+			}
+			var currentNode = this._.nextNode;
+			lastNode = this._.lastNode;
+			this._.nextNode = null;
+			while ( currentNode ) {
+				// closeRange indicates that a paragraph boundary has been found,
+				// so the range can be closed.
+				var closeRange = 0,
+					parentPre = currentNode.hasAscendant( 'pre' );
+				// includeNode indicates that the current node is good to be part
+				// of the range. By default, any non-element node is ok for it.
+				var includeNode = ( currentNode.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ),
+					continueFromSibling = 0;
+				// If it is an element node, let's check if it can be part of the
+				// range.
+				if ( !includeNode ) {
+					var nodeName = currentNode.getName();
+					if ( currentNode.isBlockBoundary( this.forceBrBreak && !parentPre && { br:1 } ) ) {
+						// <br> boundaries must be part of the range. It will
+						// happen only if ForceBrBreak.
+						if ( nodeName == 'br' )
+							includeNode = 1;
+						else if ( !range && !currentNode.getChildCount() && nodeName != 'hr' ) {
+							// If we have found an empty block, and haven't started
+							// the range yet, it means we must return this block.
+							block = currentNode;
+							isLast = currentNode.equals( lastNode );
+							break;
+						}
+						// The range must finish right before the boundary,
+						// including possibly skipped empty spaces. (#1603)
+						if ( range ) {
+							range.setEndAt( currentNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
+							// The found boundary must be set as the next one at this
+							// point. (#1717)
+							if ( nodeName != 'br' )
+								this._.nextNode = currentNode;
+						}
+						closeRange = 1;
+					} else {
+						// If we have child nodes, let's check them.
+						if ( currentNode.getFirst() ) {
+							// If we don't have a range yet, let's start it.
+							if ( !range ) {
+								range = this.range.clone();
+								range.setStartAt( currentNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
+							}
+							currentNode = currentNode.getFirst();
+							continue;
+						}
+						includeNode = 1;
+					}
+				} else if ( currentNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+					// Ignore normal whitespaces (i.e. not including   or
+					// other unicode whitespaces) before/after a block node.
+					if ( beginWhitespaceRegex.test( currentNode.getText() ) )
+						includeNode = 0;
+				}
+				// The current node is good to be part of the range and we are
+				// starting a new range, initialize it first.
+				if ( includeNode && !range ) {
+					range = this.range.clone();
+					range.setStartAt( currentNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
+				}
+				// The last node has been found.
+				isLast = ( ( !closeRange || includeNode ) && currentNode.equals( lastNode ) );
+				// If we are in an element boundary, let's check if it is time
+				// to close the range, otherwise we include the parent within it.
+				if ( range && !closeRange ) {
+					while ( !currentNode.getNext( skipGuard ) && !isLast ) {
+						var parentNode = currentNode.getParent();
+						if ( parentNode.isBlockBoundary( this.forceBrBreak && !parentPre && { br:1 } ) ) {
+							closeRange = 1;
+							includeNode = 0;
+							isLast = isLast || ( parentNode.equals( lastNode ) );
+							// Make sure range includes bookmarks at the end of the block. (#7359)
+							range.setEndAt( parentNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+							break;
+						}
+						currentNode = parentNode;
+						includeNode = 1;
+						isLast = ( currentNode.equals( lastNode ) );
+						continueFromSibling = 1;
+					}
+				}
+				// Now finally include the node.
+				if ( includeNode )
+					range.setEndAt( currentNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
+				currentNode = getNextSourceNode( currentNode, continueFromSibling, lastNode );
+				isLast = !currentNode;
+				// We have found a block boundary. Let's close the range and move out of the
+				// loop.
+				if ( isLast || ( closeRange && range ) )
+					break;
+			}
+			// Now, based on the processed range, look for (or create) the block to be returned.
+			if ( !block ) {
+				// If no range has been found, this is the end.
+				if ( !range ) {
+					this._.docEndMarker && this._.docEndMarker.remove();
+					this._.nextNode = null;
+					return null;
+				}
+				var startPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.startContainer, range.root );
+				var startBlockLimit = startPath.blockLimit,
+					checkLimits = { div:1,th:1,td:1 };
+				block = startPath.block;
+				if ( !block && startBlockLimit && !this.enforceRealBlocks && checkLimits[ startBlockLimit.getName() ] && range.checkStartOfBlock() && range.checkEndOfBlock() && !startBlockLimit.equals( range.root ) )
+					block = startBlockLimit;
+				else if ( !block || ( this.enforceRealBlocks && block.getName() == 'li' ) ) {
+					// Create the fixed block.
+					block = this.range.document.createElement( blockTag );
+					// Move the contents of the temporary range to the fixed block.
+					range.extractContents().appendTo( block );
+					block.trim();
+					// Insert the fixed block into the DOM.
+					range.insertNode( block );
+					removePreviousBr = removeLastBr = true;
+				} else if ( block.getName() != 'li' ) {
+					// If the range doesn't includes the entire contents of the
+					// block, we must split it, isolating the range in a dedicated
+					// block.
+					if ( !range.checkStartOfBlock() || !range.checkEndOfBlock() ) {
+						// The resulting block will be a clone of the current one.
+						block = block.clone( false );
+						// Extract the range contents, moving it to the new block.
+						range.extractContents().appendTo( block );
+						block.trim();
+						// Split the block. At this point, the range will be in the
+						// right position for our intents.
+						var splitInfo = range.splitBlock();
+						removePreviousBr = !splitInfo.wasStartOfBlock;
+						removeLastBr = !splitInfo.wasEndOfBlock;
+						// Insert the new block into the DOM.
+						range.insertNode( block );
+					}
+				} else if ( !isLast ) {
+					// LIs are returned as is, with all their children (due to the
+					// nested lists). But, the next node is the node right after
+					// the current range, which could be an <li> child (nested
+					// lists) or the next sibling <li>.
+					this._.nextNode = ( block.equals( lastNode ) ? null : getNextSourceNode( range.getBoundaryNodes().endNode, 1, lastNode ) );
+				}
+			}
+			if ( removePreviousBr ) {
+				var previousSibling = block.getPrevious();
+				if ( previousSibling && previousSibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+					if ( previousSibling.getName() == 'br' )
+						previousSibling.remove();
+					else if ( previousSibling.getLast() && previousSibling.getLast().$.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'br' )
+						previousSibling.getLast().remove();
+				}
+			}
+			if ( removeLastBr ) {
+				var lastChild = block.getLast();
+				if ( lastChild && lastChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && lastChild.getName() == 'br' ) {
+					// Take care not to remove the block expanding <br> in non-IE browsers.
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie || lastChild.getPrevious( bookmarkGuard ) || lastChild.getNext( bookmarkGuard ) )
+						lastChild.remove();
+				}
+			}
+			// Get a reference for the next element. This is important because the
+			// above block can be removed or changed, so we can rely on it for the
+			// next interation.
+			if ( !this._.nextNode ) {
+				this._.nextNode = ( isLast || block.equals( lastNode ) || !lastNode ) ? null : getNextSourceNode( block, 1, lastNode );
+			}
+			return block;
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Creates {CKEDITOR.dom.iterator} instance for this range.
+	 *
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.dom.range
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.iterator}
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype.createIterator = function() {
+		return new iterator( this );
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/node.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/node.js
index 02a726c..c08bcd3 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/node.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/node.js
@@ -1,683 +1,737 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.node} class, which is the base
- *		class for classes that represent DOM nodes.
- */
- * Base class for classes representing DOM nodes. This constructor may return
- * and instance of classes that inherits this class, like
- * {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element} or {@link CKEDITOR.dom.text}.
- * @augments CKEDITOR.dom.domObject
- * @param {Object} domNode A native DOM node.
- * @constructor
- * @see CKEDITOR.dom.element
- * @see CKEDITOR.dom.text
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.dom.node = function( domNode )
-	if ( domNode )
-	{
-		switch ( domNode.nodeType )
-		{
-			// Safari don't consider document as element node type. (#3389)
-				return new CKEDITOR.dom.document( domNode );
-				return new CKEDITOR.dom.element( domNode );
-				return new CKEDITOR.dom.text( domNode );
-		}
-		// Call the base constructor.
-		CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call( this, domNode );
-	}
-	return this;
-CKEDITOR.dom.node.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.domObject();
- * Element node type.
- * @constant
- * @example
- */
- * Document node type.
- * @constant
- * @example
- */
- * Text node type.
- * @constant
- * @example
- */
- * Comment node type.
- * @constant
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dom.node.prototype,
-	/** @lends CKEDITOR.dom.node.prototype */
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Makes this node child of another element.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The target element to which append
-		 *		this node.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The target element.
-		 * @example
-		 * var p = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'p' );
-		 * var strong = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'strong' );
-		 * strong.appendTo( p );
-		 *
-		 * // result: "<p><strong></strong></p>"
-		 */
-		appendTo : function( element, toStart )
-		{
-			element.append( this, toStart );
-			return element;
-		},
-		clone : function( includeChildren, cloneId )
-		{
-			var $clone = this.$.cloneNode( includeChildren );
-			if ( !cloneId )
-			{
-				var removeIds = function( node )
-				{
-					if ( node.nodeType != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-						return;
-					node.removeAttribute( 'id', false ) ;
-					node.removeAttribute( '_cke_expando', false ) ;
-					var childs = node.childNodes;
-					for ( var i=0 ; i < childs.length ; i++ )
-						removeIds( childs[ i ] );
-				};
-				// The "id" attribute should never be cloned to avoid duplication.
-				removeIds( $clone );
-			}
-			return new CKEDITOR.dom.node( $clone );
-		},
-		hasPrevious : function()
-		{
-			return !!this.$.previousSibling;
-		},
-		hasNext : function()
-		{
-			return !!this.$.nextSibling;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Inserts this element after a node.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node The that will preceed this element.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The node preceeding this one after
-		 *		insertion.
-		 * @example
-		 * var em = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'em' );
-		 * var strong = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'strong' );
-		 * strong.insertAfter( em );
-		 *
-		 * // result: "<em></em><strong></strong>"
-		 */
-		insertAfter : function( node )
-		{
-			node.$.parentNode.insertBefore( this.$, node.$.nextSibling );
-			return node;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Inserts this element before a node.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node The that will be after this element.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The node being inserted.
-		 * @example
-		 * var em = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'em' );
-		 * var strong = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'strong' );
-		 * strong.insertBefore( em );
-		 *
-		 * // result: "<strong></strong><em></em>"
-		 */
-		insertBefore : function( node )
-		{
-			node.$.parentNode.insertBefore( this.$, node.$ );
-			return node;
-		},
-		insertBeforeMe : function( node )
-		{
-			this.$.parentNode.insertBefore( node.$, this.$ );
-			return node;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Retrieves a uniquely identifiable tree address for this node.
-		 * The tree address returns is an array of integers, with each integer
-		 * indicating a child index of a DOM node, starting from
-		 * document.documentElement.
-		 *
-		 * For example, assuming <body> is the second child from <html> (<head>
-		 * being the first), and we'd like to address the third child under the
-		 * fourth child of body, the tree address returned would be:
-		 * [1, 3, 2]
-		 *
-		 * The tree address cannot be used for finding back the DOM tree node once
-		 * the DOM tree structure has been modified.
-		 */
-		getAddress : function( normalized )
-		{
-			var address = [];
-			var $documentElement = this.getDocument().$.documentElement;
-			var node = this.$;
-			while ( node && node != $documentElement )
-			{
-				var parentNode = node.parentNode;
-				var currentIndex = -1;
-				if ( parentNode )
-				{
-					for ( var i = 0 ; i < parentNode.childNodes.length ; i++ )
-					{
-						var candidate = parentNode.childNodes[i];
-						if ( normalized &&
-								candidate.nodeType == 3 &&
-								candidate.previousSibling &&
-								candidate.previousSibling.nodeType == 3 )
-						{
-							continue;
-						}
-						currentIndex++;
-						if ( candidate == node )
-							break;
-					}
-					address.unshift( currentIndex );
-				}
-				node = parentNode;
-			}
-			return address;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the document containing this element.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.document} The document.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'example' );
-		 * alert( <b>element.getDocument().equals( CKEDITOR.document )</b> );  // "true"
-		 */
-		getDocument : function()
-		{
-			var document = new CKEDITOR.dom.document( this.$.ownerDocument || this.$.parentNode.ownerDocument );
-			return (
-			this.getDocument = function()
-				{
-					return document;
-				})();
-		},
-		getIndex : function()
-		{
-			var $ = this.$;
-			var currentNode = $.parentNode && $.parentNode.firstChild;
-			var currentIndex = -1;
-			while ( currentNode )
-			{
-				currentIndex++;
-				if ( currentNode == $ )
-					return currentIndex;
-				currentNode = currentNode.nextSibling;
-			}
-			return -1;
-		},
-		getNextSourceNode : function( startFromSibling, nodeType, guard )
-		{
-			// If "guard" is a node, transform it in a function.
-			if ( guard && !guard.call )
-			{
-				var guardNode = guard;
-				guard = function( node )
-				{
-					return !node.equals( guardNode );
-				};
-			}
-			var node = ( !startFromSibling && this.getFirst && this.getFirst() ),
-				parent;
-			// Guarding when we're skipping the current element( no children or 'startFromSibling' ).
-			// send the 'moving out' signal even we don't actually dive into.
-			if ( !node )
-			{
-				if ( this.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && guard && guard( this, true ) === false )
-					return null;
-				node = this.getNext();
-			}
-			while ( !node && ( parent = ( parent || this ).getParent() ) )
-			{
-				// The guard check sends the "true" paramenter to indicate that
-				// we are moving "out" of the element.
-				if ( guard && guard( parent, true ) === false )
-					return null;
-				node = parent.getNext();
-			}
-			if ( !node )
-				return null;
-			if ( guard && guard( node ) === false )
-				return null;
-			if ( nodeType && nodeType != node.type )
-				return node.getNextSourceNode( false, nodeType, guard );
-			return node;
-		},
-		getPreviousSourceNode : function( startFromSibling, nodeType, guard )
-		{
-			if ( guard && !guard.call )
-			{
-				var guardNode = guard;
-				guard = function( node )
-				{
-					return !node.equals( guardNode );
-				};
-			}
-			var node = ( !startFromSibling && this.getLast && this.getLast() ),
-				parent;
-			// Guarding when we're skipping the current element( no children or 'startFromSibling' ).
-			// send the 'moving out' signal even we don't actually dive into.
-			if ( !node )
-			{
-				if ( this.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && guard && guard( this, true ) === false )
-					return null;
-				node = this.getPrevious();
-			}
-			while ( !node && ( parent = ( parent || this ).getParent() ) )
-			{
-				// The guard check sends the "true" paramenter to indicate that
-				// we are moving "out" of the element.
-				if ( guard && guard( parent, true ) === false )
-					return null;
-				node = parent.getPrevious();
-			}
-			if ( !node )
-				return null;
-			if ( guard && guard( node ) === false )
-				return null;
-			if ( nodeType && node.type != nodeType )
-				return node.getPreviousSourceNode( false, nodeType, guard );
-			return node;
-		},
-		getPrevious : function( evaluator )
-		{
-			var previous = this.$, retval;
-			do
-			{
-				previous = previous.previousSibling;
-				retval = previous && new CKEDITOR.dom.node( previous );
-			}
-			while ( retval && evaluator && !evaluator( retval ) )
-			return retval;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the node that follows this element in its parent's child list.
-		 * @param {Function} evaluator Filtering the result node.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The next node or null if not available.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div><b>Example</b> <i>next</i></div>' );
-		 * var first = <b>element.getFirst().getNext()</b>;
-		 * alert( first.getName() );  // "i"
-		 */
-		getNext : function( evaluator )
-		{
-			var next = this.$, retval;
-			do
-			{
-				next = next.nextSibling;
-				retval = next && new CKEDITOR.dom.node( next );
-			}
-			while ( retval && evaluator && !evaluator( retval ) )
-			return retval;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the parent element for this node.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The parent element.
-		 * @example
-		 * var node = editor.document.getBody().getFirst();
-		 * var parent = node.<b>getParent()</b>;
-		 * alert( node.getName() );  // "body"
-		 */
-		getParent : function()
-		{
-			var parent = this.$.parentNode;
-			return ( parent && parent.nodeType == 1 ) ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node( parent ) : null;
-		},
-		getParents : function( closerFirst )
-		{
-			var node = this;
-			var parents = [];
-			do
-			{
-				parents[  closerFirst ? 'push' : 'unshift' ]( node );
-			}
-			while ( ( node = node.getParent() ) )
-			return parents;
-		},
-		getCommonAncestor : function( node )
-		{
-			if ( node.equals( this ) )
-				return this;
-			if ( node.contains && node.contains( this ) )
-				return node;
-			var start = this.contains ? this : this.getParent();
-			do
-			{
-				if ( start.contains( node ) )
-					return start;
-			}
-			while ( ( start = start.getParent() ) );
-			return null;
-		},
-		getPosition : function( otherNode )
-		{
-			var $ = this.$;
-			var $other = otherNode.$;
-			if ( $.compareDocumentPosition )
-				return $.compareDocumentPosition( $other );
-			// IE and Safari have no support for compareDocumentPosition.
-			if ( $ == $other )
-			// Only element nodes support contains and sourceIndex.
-			if ( this.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && otherNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-			{
-				if ( $.contains )
-				{
-					if ( $.contains( $other ) )
-					if ( $other.contains( $ ) )
-				}
-				if ( 'sourceIndex' in $ )
-				{
-					return ( $.sourceIndex < 0 || $other.sourceIndex < 0 ) ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_DISCONNECTED :
-						( $.sourceIndex < $other.sourceIndex ) ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_PRECEDING :
-				}
-			}
-			// For nodes that don't support compareDocumentPosition, contains
-			// or sourceIndex, their "address" is compared.
-			var addressOfThis = this.getAddress(),
-				addressOfOther = otherNode.getAddress(),
-				minLevel = Math.min( addressOfThis.length, addressOfOther.length );
-				// Determinate preceed/follow relationship.
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i <= minLevel - 1 ; i++ )
- 				{
-					if ( addressOfThis[ i ] != addressOfOther[ i ] )
-					{
-						if ( i < minLevel )
-						{
-							return addressOfThis[ i ] < addressOfOther[ i ] ?
-						}
-						break;
-					}
- 				}
-				// Determinate contains/contained relationship.
-				return ( addressOfThis.length < addressOfOther.length ) ?
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the closes ancestor node of a specified node name.
-		 * @param {String} name Node name of ancestor node.
-		 * @param {Boolean} includeSelf (Optional) Whether to include the current
-		 * node in the calculation or not.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} Ancestor node.
-		 */
-		getAscendant : function( name, includeSelf )
-		{
-			var $ = this.$;
-			if ( !includeSelf )
-				$ = $.parentNode;
-			while ( $ )
-			{
-				if ( $.nodeName && $.nodeName.toLowerCase() == name )
-					return new CKEDITOR.dom.node( $ );
-				$ = $.parentNode;
-			}
-			return null;
-		},
-		hasAscendant : function( name, includeSelf )
-		{
-			var $ = this.$;
-			if ( !includeSelf )
-				$ = $.parentNode;
-			while ( $ )
-			{
-				if ( $.nodeName && $.nodeName.toLowerCase() == name )
-					return true;
-				$ = $.parentNode;
-			}
-			return false;
-		},
-		move : function( target, toStart )
-		{
-			target.append( this.remove(), toStart );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Removes this node from the document DOM.
-		 * @param {Boolean} [preserveChildren] Indicates that the children
-		 *		elements must remain in the document, removing only the outer
-		 *		tags.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.getById( 'MyElement' );
-		 * <b>element.remove()</b>;
-		 */
-		remove : function( preserveChildren )
-		{
-			var $ = this.$;
-			var parent = $.parentNode;
-			if ( parent )
-			{
-				if ( preserveChildren )
-				{
-					// Move all children before the node.
-					for ( var child ; ( child = $.firstChild ) ; )
-					{
-						parent.insertBefore( $.removeChild( child ), $ );
-					}
-				}
-				parent.removeChild( $ );
-			}
-			return this;
-		},
-		replace : function( nodeToReplace )
-		{
-			this.insertBefore( nodeToReplace );
-			nodeToReplace.remove();
-		},
-		trim : function()
-		{
-			this.ltrim();
-			this.rtrim();
-		},
-		ltrim : function()
-		{
-			var child;
-			while ( this.getFirst && ( child = this.getFirst() ) )
-			{
-				if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-				{
-					var trimmed = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( child.getText() ),
-						originalLength = child.getLength();
-					if ( !trimmed )
-					{
-						child.remove();
-						continue;
-					}
-					else if ( trimmed.length < originalLength )
-					{
-						child.split( originalLength - trimmed.length );
-						// IE BUG: child.remove() may raise JavaScript errors here. (#81)
-						this.$.removeChild( this.$.firstChild );
-					}
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-		},
-		rtrim : function()
-		{
-			var child;
-			while ( this.getLast && ( child = this.getLast() ) )
-			{
-				if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-				{
-					var trimmed = CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim( child.getText() ),
-						originalLength = child.getLength();
-					if ( !trimmed )
-					{
-						child.remove();
-						continue;
-					}
-					else if ( trimmed.length < originalLength )
-					{
-						child.split( trimmed.length );
-						// IE BUG: child.getNext().remove() may raise JavaScript errors here.
-						// (#81)
-						this.$.lastChild.parentNode.removeChild( this.$.lastChild );
-					}
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-			if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.opera )
-			{
-				child = this.$.lastChild;
-				if ( child && child.type == 1 && child.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'br' )
-				{
-					// Use "eChildNode.parentNode" instead of "node" to avoid IE bug (#324).
-					child.parentNode.removeChild( child ) ;
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		isReadOnly : function()
-		{
-			var current = this;
-			while( current )
-			{
-				if ( current.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-				{
-					if ( current.is( 'body' ) || current.getCustomData( '_cke_notReadOnly' ) )
-						break;
-					if ( current.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' ) == 'false' )
-						return current;
-					else if ( current.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' ) == 'true' )
-						break;
-				}
-				current = current.getParent();
-			}
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.node} class which is the base
+ *		class for classes that represent DOM nodes.
+ */
+ * Base class for classes representing DOM nodes. This constructor may return
+ * an instance of a class that inherits from this class, like
+ * {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element} or {@link CKEDITOR.dom.text}.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dom.domObject
+ * @constructor Creates a node class instance.
+ * @param {Object} domNode A native DOM node.
+ * @see CKEDITOR.dom.element
+ * @see CKEDITOR.dom.text
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.node = function( domNode ) {
+	if ( domNode ) {
+		var type = domNode.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT ? 'document' : domNode.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? 'element' : domNode.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? 'text' : domNode.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT ? 'comment' : domNode.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT ? 'documentFragment' : 'domObject'; // Call the base constructor otherwise.
+		return new CKEDITOR.dom[ type ]( domNode );
+	}
+	return this;
+CKEDITOR.dom.node.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.domObject();
+ * Element node type.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=1]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+ * Document node type.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=9]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+ * Text node type.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=3]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+ * Comment node type.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=8]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+ * Document fragment node type.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=11]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dom.node.prototype, {
+	/**
+	 * Makes this node a child of another element.
+	 *
+	 *		var p = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'p' );
+	 *		var strong = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'strong' );
+	 *		strong.appendTo( p );
+	 *
+	 *		// Result: '<p><strong></strong></p>'.
+	 *
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The target element to which this node will be appended.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The target element.
+	 */
+	appendTo: function( element, toStart ) {
+		element.append( this, toStart );
+		return element;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Clone this node.
+	 *
+	 * **Note**: Values set by {#setCustomData} won't be available in the clone.
+	 *
+	 * @param {Boolean} [includeChildren=false] If `true` then all node's
+	 * children will be cloned recursively.
+	 * @param {Boolean} [cloneId=false] Whether ID attributes should be cloned too.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} Clone of this node.
+	 */
+	clone: function( includeChildren, cloneId ) {
+		var $clone = this.$.cloneNode( includeChildren );
+		var removeIds = function( node ) {
+				// Reset data-cke-expando only when has been cloned (IE and only for some types of objects).
+				if ( node['data-cke-expando'] )
+					node['data-cke-expando'] = false;
+				if ( node.nodeType != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+					return;
+				if ( !cloneId )
+					node.removeAttribute( 'id', false );
+				if ( includeChildren ) {
+					var childs = node.childNodes;
+					for ( var i = 0; i < childs.length; i++ )
+						removeIds( childs[ i ] );
+				}
+			};
+		// The "id" attribute should never be cloned to avoid duplication.
+		removeIds( $clone );
+		return new CKEDITOR.dom.node( $clone );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Check if node is preceded by any sibling.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {Boolean}
+	 */
+	hasPrevious: function() {
+		return !!this.$.previousSibling;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Check if node is succeeded by any sibling.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {Boolean}
+	 */
+	hasNext: function() {
+		return !!this.$.nextSibling;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Inserts this element after a node.
+	 *
+	 *		var em = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'em' );
+	 *		var strong = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'strong' );
+	 *		strong.insertAfter( em );
+	 *
+	 *		// Result: '<em></em><strong></strong>'
+	 *
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node The node that will precede this element.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The node preceding this one after insertion.
+	 */
+	insertAfter: function( node ) {
+		node.$.parentNode.insertBefore( this.$, node.$.nextSibling );
+		return node;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Inserts this element before a node.
+	 *
+	 *		var em = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'em' );
+	 *		var strong = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'strong' );
+	 *		strong.insertBefore( em );
+	 *
+	 *		// result: '<strong></strong><em></em>'
+	 *
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node The node that will succeed this element.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The node being inserted.
+	 */
+	insertBefore: function( node ) {
+		node.$.parentNode.insertBefore( this.$, node.$ );
+		return node;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Inserts node before this node.
+	 *
+	 *		var em = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'em' );
+	 *		var strong = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'strong' );
+	 *		strong.insertBeforeMe( em );
+	 *
+	 *		// result: '<em></em><strong></strong>'
+	 *
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node The node that will preceed this element.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The node being inserted.
+	 */
+	insertBeforeMe: function( node ) {
+		this.$.parentNode.insertBefore( node.$, this.$ );
+		return node;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Retrieves a uniquely identifiable tree address for this node.
+	 * The tree address returned is an array of integers, with each integer
+	 * indicating a child index of a DOM node, starting from
+	 * `document.documentElement`.
+	 *
+	 * For example, assuming `<body>` is the second child
+	 * of `<html>` (`<head>` being the first),
+	 * and we would like to address the third child under the
+	 * fourth child of `<body>`, the tree address returned would be:
+	 * `[1, 3, 2]`.
+	 *
+	 * The tree address cannot be used for finding back the DOM tree node once
+	 * the DOM tree structure has been modified.
+	 *
+	 * @param {Boolean} [normalized=false] See {@link #getIndex}.
+	 * @returns {Array} The address.
+	 */
+	getAddress: function( normalized ) {
+		var address = [];
+		var $documentElement = this.getDocument().$.documentElement;
+		var node = this.$;
+		while ( node && node != $documentElement ) {
+			var parentNode = node.parentNode;
+			if ( parentNode ) {
+				// Get the node index. For performance, call getIndex
+				// directly, instead of creating a new node object.
+				address.unshift( this.getIndex.call({ $: node }, normalized ) );
+			}
+			node = parentNode;
+		}
+		return address;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the document containing this element.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'example' );
+	 *		alert( element.getDocument().equals( CKEDITOR.document ) ); // true
+	 *
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.document} The document.
+	 */
+	getDocument: function() {
+		return new CKEDITOR.dom.document( this.$.ownerDocument || this.$.parentNode.ownerDocument );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Get index of a node in an array of its parent.childNodes.
+	 *
+	 * Let's assume having childNodes array:
+	 *
+	 *		[ emptyText, element1, text, text, element2 ]
+	 *		element1.getIndex();		// 1
+	 *		element1.getIndex( true );	// 0
+	 *		element2.getIndex();		// 4
+	 *		element2.getIndex( true );	// 2
+	 *
+	 * @param {Boolean} normalized When `true` empty text nodes and one followed
+	 * by another one text node are not counted in.
+	 * @returns {Number} Index of a node.
+	 */
+	getIndex: function( normalized ) {
+		// Attention: getAddress depends on this.$
+		// getIndex is called on a plain object: { $ : node }
+		var current = this.$,
+			index = -1,
+			isNormalizing;
+		if ( !this.$.parentNode )
+			return index;
+		do {
+			// Bypass blank node and adjacent text nodes.
+			if ( normalized && current != this.$ && current.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && ( isNormalizing || !current.nodeValue ) ) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			index++;
+			isNormalizing = current.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT;
+		}
+		while ( ( current = current.previousSibling ) )
+		return index;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	getNextSourceNode: function( startFromSibling, nodeType, guard ) {
+		// If "guard" is a node, transform it in a function.
+		if ( guard && !guard.call ) {
+			var guardNode = guard;
+			guard = function( node ) {
+				return !node.equals( guardNode );
+			};
+		}
+		var node = ( !startFromSibling && this.getFirst && this.getFirst() ),
+			parent;
+		// Guarding when we're skipping the current element( no children or 'startFromSibling' ).
+		// send the 'moving out' signal even we don't actually dive into.
+		if ( !node ) {
+			if ( this.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && guard && guard( this, true ) === false )
+				return null;
+			node = this.getNext();
+		}
+		while ( !node && ( parent = ( parent || this ).getParent() ) ) {
+			// The guard check sends the "true" paramenter to indicate that
+			// we are moving "out" of the element.
+			if ( guard && guard( parent, true ) === false )
+				return null;
+			node = parent.getNext();
+		}
+		if ( !node )
+			return null;
+		if ( guard && guard( node ) === false )
+			return null;
+		if ( nodeType && nodeType != node.type )
+			return node.getNextSourceNode( false, nodeType, guard );
+		return node;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	getPreviousSourceNode: function( startFromSibling, nodeType, guard ) {
+		if ( guard && !guard.call ) {
+			var guardNode = guard;
+			guard = function( node ) {
+				return !node.equals( guardNode );
+			};
+		}
+		var node = ( !startFromSibling && this.getLast && this.getLast() ),
+			parent;
+		// Guarding when we're skipping the current element( no children or 'startFromSibling' ).
+		// send the 'moving out' signal even we don't actually dive into.
+		if ( !node ) {
+			if ( this.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && guard && guard( this, true ) === false )
+				return null;
+			node = this.getPrevious();
+		}
+		while ( !node && ( parent = ( parent || this ).getParent() ) ) {
+			// The guard check sends the "true" paramenter to indicate that
+			// we are moving "out" of the element.
+			if ( guard && guard( parent, true ) === false )
+				return null;
+			node = parent.getPrevious();
+		}
+		if ( !node )
+			return null;
+		if ( guard && guard( node ) === false )
+			return null;
+		if ( nodeType && node.type != nodeType )
+			return node.getPreviousSourceNode( false, nodeType, guard );
+		return node;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the node that preceed this element in its parent's child list.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div><i>prev</i><b>Example</b></div>' );
+	 *		var first = element.getLast().getPrev();
+	 *		alert( first.getName() ); // 'i'
+	 *
+	 * @param {Function} [evaluator] Filtering the result node.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The previous node or null if not available.
+	 */
+	getPrevious: function( evaluator ) {
+		var previous = this.$,
+			retval;
+		do {
+			previous = previous.previousSibling;
+			// Avoid returning the doc type node.
+			// http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/level-one-core.html#ID-412266927
+			retval = previous && previous.nodeType != 10 && new CKEDITOR.dom.node( previous );
+		}
+		while ( retval && evaluator && !evaluator( retval ) )
+		return retval;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the node that follows this element in its parent's child list.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div><b>Example</b><i>next</i></div>' );
+	 *		var last = element.getFirst().getNext();
+	 *		alert( last.getName() ); // 'i'
+	 *
+	 * @param {Function} [evaluator] Filtering the result node.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The next node or null if not available.
+	 */
+	getNext: function( evaluator ) {
+		var next = this.$,
+			retval;
+		do {
+			next = next.nextSibling;
+			retval = next && new CKEDITOR.dom.node( next );
+		}
+		while ( retval && evaluator && !evaluator( retval ) )
+		return retval;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the parent element for this node.
+	 *
+	 *		var node = editor.document.getBody().getFirst();
+	 *		var parent = node.getParent();
+	 *		alert( node.getName() ); // 'body'
+	 *
+	 * @param {Boolean} [allowFragmentParent=false] Consider also parent node that is of
+	 * fragment type {@link CKEDITOR#NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT}.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The parent element.
+	 */
+	getParent: function( allowFragmentParent ) {
+		var parent = this.$.parentNode;
+		return ( parent && ( parent.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || allowFragmentParent && parent.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT ) ) ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node( parent ) : null;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	getParents: function( closerFirst ) {
+		var node = this;
+		var parents = [];
+		do {
+			parents[ closerFirst ? 'push' : 'unshift' ]( node );
+		}
+		while ( ( node = node.getParent() ) )
+		return parents;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	getCommonAncestor: function( node ) {
+		if ( node.equals( this ) )
+			return this;
+		if ( node.contains && node.contains( this ) )
+			return node;
+		var start = this.contains ? this : this.getParent();
+		do {
+			if ( start.contains( node ) ) return start;
+		}
+		while ( ( start = start.getParent() ) );
+		return null;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	getPosition: function( otherNode ) {
+		var $ = this.$;
+		var $other = otherNode.$;
+		if ( $.compareDocumentPosition )
+			return $.compareDocumentPosition( $other );
+		// IE and Safari have no support for compareDocumentPosition.
+		if ( $ == $other )
+		// Only element nodes support contains and sourceIndex.
+		if ( this.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && otherNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+			if ( $.contains ) {
+				if ( $.contains( $other ) )
+				if ( $other.contains( $ ) )
+			}
+			if ( 'sourceIndex' in $ ) {
+				return ( $.sourceIndex < 0 || $other.sourceIndex < 0 ) ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_DISCONNECTED : ( $.sourceIndex < $other.sourceIndex ) ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_PRECEDING : CKEDITOR.POSITION_FOLLOWING;
+			}
+		}
+		// For nodes that don't support compareDocumentPosition, contains
+		// or sourceIndex, their "address" is compared.
+		var addressOfThis = this.getAddress(),
+			addressOfOther = otherNode.getAddress(),
+			minLevel = Math.min( addressOfThis.length, addressOfOther.length );
+		// Determinate preceed/follow relationship.
+		for ( var i = 0; i <= minLevel - 1; i++ ) {
+			if ( addressOfThis[ i ] != addressOfOther[ i ] ) {
+				if ( i < minLevel ) {
+					return addressOfThis[ i ] < addressOfOther[ i ] ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_PRECEDING : CKEDITOR.POSITION_FOLLOWING;
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		// Determinate contains/contained relationship.
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the closest ancestor node of this node, specified by its name.
+	 *
+	 *		// Suppose we have the following HTML structure:
+	 *		// <div id="outer"><div id="inner"><p><b>Some text</b></p></div></div>
+	 *		// If node == <b>
+	 *		ascendant = node.getAscendant( 'div' );				// ascendant == <div id="inner">
+	 *		ascendant = node.getAscendant( 'b' );				// ascendant == null
+	 *		ascendant = node.getAscendant( 'b', true );			// ascendant == <b>
+	 *		ascendant = node.getAscendant( { div:1,p:1 } );		// Searches for the first 'div' or 'p': ascendant == <div id="inner">
+	 *
+	 * @since 3.6.1
+	 * @param {String} reference The name of the ancestor node to search or
+	 * an object with the node names to search for.
+	 * @param {Boolean} [includeSelf] Whether to include the current
+	 * node in the search.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The located ancestor node or null if not found.
+	 */
+	getAscendant: function( reference, includeSelf ) {
+		var $ = this.$,
+			name;
+		if ( !includeSelf )
+			$ = $.parentNode;
+		while ( $ ) {
+			if ( $.nodeName && ( name = $.nodeName.toLowerCase(), ( typeof reference == 'string' ? name == reference : name in reference ) ) )
+				return new CKEDITOR.dom.node( $ );
+			$ = $.parentNode;
+		}
+		return null;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	hasAscendant: function( name, includeSelf ) {
+		var $ = this.$;
+		if ( !includeSelf )
+			$ = $.parentNode;
+		while ( $ ) {
+			if ( $.nodeName && $.nodeName.toLowerCase() == name )
+				return true;
+			$ = $.parentNode;
+		}
+		return false;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	move: function( target, toStart ) {
+		target.append( this.remove(), toStart );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Removes this node from the document DOM.
+	 *
+	 *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'MyElement' );
+	 *		element.remove();
+	 *
+	 * @param {Boolean} [preserveChildren=false] Indicates that the children
+	 * elements must remain in the document, removing only the outer tags.
+	 */
+	remove: function( preserveChildren ) {
+		var $ = this.$;
+		var parent = $.parentNode;
+		if ( parent ) {
+			if ( preserveChildren ) {
+				// Move all children before the node.
+				for ( var child;
+				( child = $.firstChild ); ) {
+					parent.insertBefore( $.removeChild( child ), $ );
+				}
+			}
+			parent.removeChild( $ );
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	replace: function( nodeToReplace ) {
+		this.insertBefore( nodeToReplace );
+		nodeToReplace.remove();
+	},
+	/**
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	trim: function() {
+		this.ltrim();
+		this.rtrim();
+	},
+	/**
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	ltrim: function() {
+		var child;
+		while ( this.getFirst && ( child = this.getFirst() ) ) {
+			if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+				var trimmed = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( child.getText() ),
+					originalLength = child.getLength();
+				if ( !trimmed ) {
+					child.remove();
+					continue;
+				} else if ( trimmed.length < originalLength ) {
+					child.split( originalLength - trimmed.length );
+					// IE BUG: child.remove() may raise JavaScript errors here. (#81)
+					this.$.removeChild( this.$.firstChild );
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	},
+	/**
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	rtrim: function() {
+		var child;
+		while ( this.getLast && ( child = this.getLast() ) ) {
+			if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+				var trimmed = CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim( child.getText() ),
+					originalLength = child.getLength();
+				if ( !trimmed ) {
+					child.remove();
+					continue;
+				} else if ( trimmed.length < originalLength ) {
+					child.split( trimmed.length );
+					// IE BUG: child.getNext().remove() may raise JavaScript errors here.
+					// (#81)
+					this.$.lastChild.parentNode.removeChild( this.$.lastChild );
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.opera ) {
+			child = this.$.lastChild;
+			if ( child && child.type == 1 && child.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'br' ) {
+				// Use "eChildNode.parentNode" instead of "node" to avoid IE bug (#324).
+				child.parentNode.removeChild( child );
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Checks if this node is read-only (should not be changed).
+	 *
+	 * **Note:** When `attributeCheck` is not used, this method only work for elements
+	 * that are already presented in the document, otherwise the result
+	 * is not guaranteed, it's mainly for performance consideration.
+	 *
+	 *		// For the following HTML:
+	 *		// <div contenteditable="false">Some <b>text</b></div>
+	 *
+	 *		// If "ele" is the above <div>
+	 *		element.isReadOnly(); // true
+	 *
+	 * @since 3.5
+	 * @returns {Boolean}
+	 */
+	isReadOnly: function() {
+		var element = this;
+		if ( this.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+			element = this.getParent();
+		if ( element && typeof element.$.isContentEditable != 'undefined' )
+			return !( element.$.isContentEditable || element.data( 'cke-editable' ) );
+		else {
+			// Degrade for old browsers which don't support "isContentEditable", e.g. FF3
+			while ( element ) {
+				if ( element.data( 'cke-editable' ) )
+					break;
+				if ( element.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' ) == 'false' )
+					return true;
+				else if ( element.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' ) == 'true' )
+					break;
+				element = element.getParent();
+			}
+			// Reached the root of DOM tree, no editable found.
+			return !element;
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/nodelist.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/nodelist.js
index 7e82ba1..7fe0525 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/nodelist.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/nodelist.js
@@ -1,23 +1,43 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList = function( nativeList )
-	this.$ = nativeList;
-CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList.prototype =
-	count : function()
-	{
-		return this.$.length;
-	},
-	getItem : function( index )
-	{
-		var $node = this.$[ index ];
-		return $node ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node( $node ) : null;
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * Represents a list of {@link CKEDITOR.dom.node} objects.
+ * It's a wrapper for native nodes list.
+ *
+ *		var nodeList = CKEDITOR.document.getBody().getChildren();
+ *		alert( nodeList.count() ); // number [0;N]
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @constructor Creates a document class instance.
+ * @param {Object} nativeList
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList = function( nativeList ) {
+	this.$ = nativeList;
+CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList.prototype = {
+	/**
+	 * Get count of nodes in this list.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {Number}
+	 */
+	count: function() {
+		return this.$.length;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Get node from the list.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node}
+	 */
+	getItem: function( index ) {
+		if ( index < 0 || index >= this.$.length )
+			return null;
+		var $node = this.$[ index ];
+		return $node ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node( $node ) : null;
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/range.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/range.js
index 5846484..62aff45 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/range.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/range.js
@@ -1,1880 +1,2194 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dom.range = function( document )
-	this.startContainer	= null;
-	this.startOffset	= null;
-	this.endContainer	= null;
-	this.endOffset		= null;
-	this.collapsed		= true;
-	this.document = document;
-	// Updates the "collapsed" property for the given range object.
-	var updateCollapsed = function( range )
-	{
-		range.collapsed = (
-			range.startContainer &&
-			range.endContainer &&
-			range.startContainer.equals( range.endContainer ) &&
-			range.startOffset == range.endOffset );
-	};
-	// This is a shared function used to delete, extract and clone the range
-	// contents.
-	// V2
-	var execContentsAction = function( range, action, docFrag )
-	{
-		range.optimizeBookmark();
-		var startNode	= range.startContainer;
-		var endNode		= range.endContainer;
-		var startOffset	= range.startOffset;
-		var endOffset	= range.endOffset;
-		var removeStartNode;
-		var removeEndNode;
-		// For text containers, we must simply split the node and point to the
-		// second part. The removal will be handled by the rest of the code .
-		if ( endNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-			endNode = endNode.split( endOffset );
-		else
-		{
-			// If the end container has children and the offset is pointing
-			// to a child, then we should start from it.
-			if ( endNode.getChildCount() > 0 )
-			{
-				// If the offset points after the last node.
-				if ( endOffset >= endNode.getChildCount() )
-				{
-					// Let's create a temporary node and mark it for removal.
-					endNode = endNode.append( range.document.createText( '' ) );
-					removeEndNode = true;
-				}
-				else
-					endNode = endNode.getChild( endOffset );
-			}
-		}
-		// For text containers, we must simply split the node. The removal will
-		// be handled by the rest of the code .
-		if ( startNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-		{
-			startNode.split( startOffset );
-			// In cases the end node is the same as the start node, the above
-			// splitting will also split the end, so me must move the end to
-			// the second part of the split.
-			if ( startNode.equals( endNode ) )
-				endNode = startNode.getNext();
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// If the start container has children and the offset is pointing
-			// to a child, then we should start from its previous sibling.
-			// If the offset points to the first node, we don't have a
-			// sibling, so let's use the first one, but mark it for removal.
-			if ( !startOffset )
-			{
-				// Let's create a temporary node and mark it for removal.
-				startNode = startNode.getFirst().insertBeforeMe( range.document.createText( '' ) );
-				removeStartNode = true;
-			}
-			else if ( startOffset >= startNode.getChildCount() )
-			{
-				// Let's create a temporary node and mark it for removal.
-				startNode = startNode.append( range.document.createText( '' ) );
-				removeStartNode = true;
-			}
-			else
-				startNode = startNode.getChild( startOffset ).getPrevious();
-		}
-		// Get the parent nodes tree for the start and end boundaries.
-		var startParents	= startNode.getParents();
-		var endParents		= endNode.getParents();
-		// Compare them, to find the top most siblings.
-		var i, topStart, topEnd;
-		for ( i = 0 ; i < startParents.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			topStart = startParents[ i ];
-			topEnd = endParents[ i ];
-			// The compared nodes will match until we find the top most
-			// siblings (different nodes that have the same parent).
-			// "i" will hold the index in the parents array for the top
-			// most element.
-			if ( !topStart.equals( topEnd ) )
-				break;
-		}
-		var clone = docFrag, levelStartNode, levelClone, currentNode, currentSibling;
-		// Remove all successive sibling nodes for every node in the
-		// startParents tree.
-		for ( var j = i ; j < startParents.length ; j++ )
-		{
-			levelStartNode = startParents[j];
-			// For Extract and Clone, we must clone this level.
-			if ( clone && !levelStartNode.equals( startNode ) )		// action = 0 = Delete
-				levelClone = clone.append( levelStartNode.clone() );
-			currentNode = levelStartNode.getNext();
-			while ( currentNode )
-			{
-				// Stop processing when the current node matches a node in the
-				// endParents tree or if it is the endNode.
-				if ( currentNode.equals( endParents[ j ] ) || currentNode.equals( endNode ) )
-					break;
-				// Cache the next sibling.
-				currentSibling = currentNode.getNext();
-				// If cloning, just clone it.
-				if ( action == 2 )	// 2 = Clone
-					clone.append( currentNode.clone( true ) );
-				else
-				{
-					// Both Delete and Extract will remove the node.
-					currentNode.remove();
-					// When Extracting, move the removed node to the docFrag.
-					if ( action == 1 )	// 1 = Extract
-						clone.append( currentNode );
-				}
-				currentNode = currentSibling;
-			}
-			if ( clone )
-				clone = levelClone;
-		}
-		clone = docFrag;
-		// Remove all previous sibling nodes for every node in the
-		// endParents tree.
-		for ( var k = i ; k < endParents.length ; k++ )
-		{
-			levelStartNode = endParents[ k ];
-			// For Extract and Clone, we must clone this level.
-			if ( action > 0 && !levelStartNode.equals( endNode ) )		// action = 0 = Delete
-				levelClone = clone.append( levelStartNode.clone() );
-			// The processing of siblings may have already been done by the parent.
-			if ( !startParents[ k ] || levelStartNode.$.parentNode != startParents[ k ].$.parentNode )
-			{
-				currentNode = levelStartNode.getPrevious();
-				while ( currentNode )
-				{
-					// Stop processing when the current node matches a node in the
-					// startParents tree or if it is the startNode.
-					if ( currentNode.equals( startParents[ k ] ) || currentNode.equals( startNode ) )
-						break;
-					// Cache the next sibling.
-					currentSibling = currentNode.getPrevious();
-					// If cloning, just clone it.
-					if ( action == 2 )	// 2 = Clone
-						clone.$.insertBefore( currentNode.$.cloneNode( true ), clone.$.firstChild ) ;
-					else
-					{
-						// Both Delete and Extract will remove the node.
-						currentNode.remove();
-						// When Extracting, mode the removed node to the docFrag.
-						if ( action == 1 )	// 1 = Extract
-							clone.$.insertBefore( currentNode.$, clone.$.firstChild );
-					}
-					currentNode = currentSibling;
-				}
-			}
-			if ( clone )
-				clone = levelClone;
-		}
-		if ( action == 2 )		// 2 = Clone.
-		{
-			// No changes in the DOM should be done, so fix the split text (if any).
-			var startTextNode = range.startContainer;
-			if ( startTextNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-			{
-				startTextNode.$.data += startTextNode.$.nextSibling.data;
-				startTextNode.$.parentNode.removeChild( startTextNode.$.nextSibling );
-			}
-			var endTextNode = range.endContainer;
-			if ( endTextNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && endTextNode.$.nextSibling )
-			{
-				endTextNode.$.data += endTextNode.$.nextSibling.data;
-				endTextNode.$.parentNode.removeChild( endTextNode.$.nextSibling );
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// Collapse the range.
-			// If a node has been partially selected, collapse the range between
-			// topStart and topEnd. Otherwise, simply collapse it to the start. (W3C specs).
-			if ( topStart && topEnd && ( startNode.$.parentNode != topStart.$.parentNode || endNode.$.parentNode != topEnd.$.parentNode ) )
-			{
-				var endIndex = topEnd.getIndex();
-				// If the start node is to be removed, we must correct the
-				// index to reflect the removal.
-				if ( removeStartNode && topEnd.$.parentNode == startNode.$.parentNode )
-					endIndex--;
-				range.setStart( topEnd.getParent(), endIndex );
-			}
-			// Collapse it to the start.
-			range.collapse( true );
-		}
-		// Cleanup any marked node.
-		if ( removeStartNode )
-			startNode.remove();
-		if ( removeEndNode && endNode.$.parentNode )
-			endNode.remove();
-	};
-	var inlineChildReqElements = { abbr:1,acronym:1,b:1,bdo:1,big:1,cite:1,code:1,del:1,dfn:1,em:1,font:1,i:1,ins:1,label:1,kbd:1,q:1,samp:1,small:1,span:1,strike:1,strong:1,sub:1,sup:1,tt:1,u:1,'var':1 };
-	// Creates the appropriate node evaluator for the dom walker used inside
-	// check(Start|End)OfBlock.
-	function getCheckStartEndBlockEvalFunction( isStart )
-	{
-		var hadBr = false, bookmarkEvaluator = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( true );
-		return function( node )
-		{
-			// First ignore bookmark nodes.
-			if ( bookmarkEvaluator( node ) )
-				return true;
-			if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-			{
-				// If there's any visible text, then we're not at the start.
-				if ( CKEDITOR.tools.trim( node.getText() ).length )
-					return false;
-				}
-			else if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-			{
-				// If there are non-empty inline elements (e.g. <img />), then we're not
-				// at the start.
-				if ( !inlineChildReqElements[ node.getName() ] )
-				{
-					// If we're working at the end-of-block, forgive the first <br /> in non-IE
-					// browsers.
-					if ( !isStart && !CKEDITOR.env.ie && node.getName() == 'br' && !hadBr )
-						hadBr = true;
-					else
-						return false;
-				}
-			}
-			return true;
-		};
-	}
-	// Evaluator for CKEDITOR.dom.element::checkBoundaryOfElement, reject any
-	// text node and non-empty elements unless it's being bookmark text.
-	function elementBoundaryEval( node )
-	{
-		// Reject any text node unless it's being bookmark
-		// OR it's spaces. (#3883)
-		return node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT
-			    && node.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty
-			    || !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( node.getText() )
-			    || node.getParent().hasAttribute( '_cke_bookmark' );
-	}
-	var whitespaceEval = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
-		bookmarkEval = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark();
-	function nonWhitespaceOrBookmarkEval( node )
-	{
-		// Whitespaces and bookmark nodes are to be ignored.
-		return !whitespaceEval( node ) && !bookmarkEval( node );
-	}
-	CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype =
-	{
-		clone : function()
-		{
-			var clone = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.document );
-			clone.startContainer = this.startContainer;
-			clone.startOffset = this.startOffset;
-			clone.endContainer = this.endContainer;
-			clone.endOffset = this.endOffset;
-			clone.collapsed = this.collapsed;
-			return clone;
-		},
-		collapse : function( toStart )
-		{
-			if ( toStart )
-			{
-				this.endContainer	= this.startContainer;
-				this.endOffset		= this.startOffset;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				this.startContainer	= this.endContainer;
-				this.startOffset	= this.endOffset;
-			}
-			this.collapsed = true;
-		},
-		// The selection may be lost when cloning (due to the splitText() call).
-		cloneContents : function()
-		{
-			var docFrag = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( this.document );
-			if ( !this.collapsed )
-				execContentsAction( this, 2, docFrag );
-			return docFrag;
-		},
-		deleteContents : function()
-		{
-			if ( this.collapsed )
-				return;
-			execContentsAction( this, 0 );
-		},
-		extractContents : function()
-		{
-			var docFrag = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( this.document );
-			if ( !this.collapsed )
-				execContentsAction( this, 1, docFrag );
-			return docFrag;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Creates a bookmark object, which can be later used to restore the
-		 * range by using the moveToBookmark function.
-		 * This is an "intrusive" way to create a bookmark. It includes <span> tags
-		 * in the range boundaries. The advantage of it is that it is possible to
-		 * handle DOM mutations when moving back to the bookmark.
-		 * Attention: the inclusion of nodes in the DOM is a design choice and
-		 * should not be changed as there are other points in the code that may be
-		 * using those nodes to perform operations. See GetBookmarkNode.
-		 * @param {Boolean} [serializable] Indicates that the bookmark nodes
-		 *		must contain ids, which can be used to restore the range even
-		 *		when these nodes suffer mutations (like a clonation or innerHTML
-		 *		change).
-		 * @returns {Object} And object representing a bookmark.
-		 */
-		createBookmark : function( serializable )
-		{
-			var startNode, endNode;
-			var baseId;
-			var clone;
-			var collapsed = this.collapsed;
-			startNode = this.document.createElement( 'span' );
-			startNode.setAttribute( '_cke_bookmark', 1 );
-			startNode.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
-			// For IE, it must have something inside, otherwise it may be
-			// removed during DOM operations.
-			startNode.setHtml( ' ' );
-			if ( serializable )
-			{
-				baseId = 'cke_bm_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
-				startNode.setAttribute( 'id', baseId + 'S' );
-			}
-			// If collapsed, the endNode will not be created.
-			if ( !collapsed )
-			{
-				endNode = startNode.clone();
-				endNode.setHtml( ' ' );
-				if ( serializable )
-					endNode.setAttribute( 'id', baseId + 'E' );
-				clone = this.clone();
-				clone.collapse();
-				clone.insertNode( endNode );
-			}
-			clone = this.clone();
-			clone.collapse( true );
-			clone.insertNode( startNode );
-			// Update the range position.
-			if ( endNode )
-			{
-				this.setStartAfter( startNode );
-				this.setEndBefore( endNode );
-			}
-			else
-				this.moveToPosition( startNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
-			return {
-				startNode : serializable ? baseId + 'S' : startNode,
-				endNode : serializable ? baseId + 'E' : endNode,
-				serializable : serializable,
-				collapsed : collapsed
-			};
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Creates a "non intrusive" and "mutation sensible" bookmark. This
-		 * kind of bookmark should be used only when the DOM is supposed to
-		 * remain stable after its creation.
-		 * @param {Boolean} [normalized] Indicates that the bookmark must
-		 *		normalized. When normalized, the successive text nodes are
-		 *		considered a single node. To sucessful load a normalized
-		 *		bookmark, the DOM tree must be also normalized before calling
-		 *		moveToBookmark.
-		 * @returns {Object} An object representing the bookmark.
-		 */
-		createBookmark2 : function( normalized )
-		{
-			var startContainer	= this.startContainer,
-				endContainer	= this.endContainer;
-			var startOffset	= this.startOffset,
-				endOffset	= this.endOffset;
-			var collapsed = this.collapsed;
-			var child, previous;
-			// If there is no range then get out of here.
-			// It happens on initial load in Safari #962 and if the editor it's
-			// hidden also in Firefox
-			if ( !startContainer || !endContainer )
-				return { start : 0, end : 0 };
-			if ( normalized )
-			{
-				// Find out if the start is pointing to a text node that will
-				// be normalized.
-				if ( startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-				{
-					child = startContainer.getChild( startOffset );
-					// In this case, move the start information to that text
-					// node.
-					if ( child && child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT
-							&& startOffset > 0 && child.getPrevious().type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-					{
-						startContainer = child;
-						startOffset = 0;
-					}
-				}
-				// Normalize the start.
-				while ( startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT
-						&& ( previous = startContainer.getPrevious() )
-						&& previous.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-				{
-					startContainer = previous;
-					startOffset += previous.getLength();
-				}
-				// Process the end only if not normalized.
-				if ( !collapsed )
-				{
-					// Find out if the start is pointing to a text node that
-					// will be normalized.
-					if ( endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-					{
-						child = endContainer.getChild( endOffset );
-						// In this case, move the start information to that
-						// text node.
-						if ( child && child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT
-								&& endOffset > 0 && child.getPrevious().type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-						{
-							endContainer = child;
-							endOffset = 0;
-						}
-					}
-					// Normalize the end.
-					while ( endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT
-							&& ( previous = endContainer.getPrevious() )
-							&& previous.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-					{
-						endContainer = previous;
-						endOffset += previous.getLength();
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return {
-				start		: startContainer.getAddress( normalized ),
-				end			: collapsed ? null : endContainer.getAddress( normalized ),
-				startOffset	: startOffset,
-				endOffset	: endOffset,
-				normalized	: normalized,
-				collapsed	: collapsed,
-				is2			: true		// It's a createBookmark2 bookmark.
-			};
-		},
-		moveToBookmark : function( bookmark )
-		{
-			if ( bookmark.is2 )		// Created with createBookmark2().
-			{
-				// Get the start information.
-				var startContainer	= this.document.getByAddress( bookmark.start, bookmark.normalized ),
-					startOffset	= bookmark.startOffset;
-				// Get the end information.
-				var endContainer	= bookmark.end && this.document.getByAddress( bookmark.end, bookmark.normalized ),
-					endOffset	= bookmark.endOffset;
-				// Set the start boundary.
-				this.setStart( startContainer, startOffset );
-				// Set the end boundary. If not available, collapse it.
-				if ( endContainer )
-					this.setEnd( endContainer, endOffset );
-				else
-					this.collapse( true );
-			}
-			else					// Created with createBookmark().
-			{
-				var serializable = bookmark.serializable,
-					startNode	= serializable ? this.document.getById( bookmark.startNode ) : bookmark.startNode,
-					endNode		= serializable ? this.document.getById( bookmark.endNode ) : bookmark.endNode;
-				// Set the range start at the bookmark start node position.
-				this.setStartBefore( startNode );
-				// Remove it, because it may interfere in the setEndBefore call.
-				startNode.remove();
-				// Set the range end at the bookmark end node position, or simply
-				// collapse it if it is not available.
-				if ( endNode )
-				{
-					this.setEndBefore( endNode );
-					endNode.remove();
-				}
-				else
-					this.collapse( true );
-			}
-		},
-		getBoundaryNodes : function()
-		{
-			var startNode = this.startContainer,
-				endNode = this.endContainer,
-				startOffset = this.startOffset,
-				endOffset = this.endOffset,
-				childCount;
-			if ( startNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-			{
-				childCount = startNode.getChildCount();
-				if ( childCount > startOffset )
-					startNode = startNode.getChild( startOffset );
-				else if ( childCount < 1 )
-					startNode = startNode.getPreviousSourceNode();
-				else		// startOffset > childCount but childCount is not 0
-				{
-					// Try to take the node just after the current position.
-					startNode = startNode.$;
-					while ( startNode.lastChild )
-						startNode = startNode.lastChild;
-					startNode = new CKEDITOR.dom.node( startNode );
-					// Normally we should take the next node in DFS order. But it
-					// is also possible that we've already reached the end of
-					// document.
-					startNode = startNode.getNextSourceNode() || startNode;
-				}
-			}
-			if ( endNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-			{
-				childCount = endNode.getChildCount();
-				if ( childCount > endOffset )
-					endNode = endNode.getChild( endOffset ).getPreviousSourceNode( true );
-				else if ( childCount < 1 )
-					endNode = endNode.getPreviousSourceNode();
-				else		// endOffset > childCount but childCount is not 0
-				{
-					// Try to take the node just before the current position.
-					endNode = endNode.$;
-					while ( endNode.lastChild )
-						endNode = endNode.lastChild;
-					endNode = new CKEDITOR.dom.node( endNode );
-				}
-			}
-			// Sometimes the endNode will come right before startNode for collapsed
-			// ranges. Fix it. (#3780)
-			if ( startNode.getPosition( endNode ) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_FOLLOWING )
-				startNode = endNode;
-			return { startNode : startNode, endNode : endNode };
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Find the node which fully contains the range.
-		 * @param includeSelf
-		 * @param {Boolean} ignoreTextNode Whether ignore CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT type.
-		 */
-		getCommonAncestor : function( includeSelf , ignoreTextNode )
-		{
-			var start = this.startContainer,
-				end = this.endContainer,
-				ancestor;
-			if ( start.equals( end ) )
-			{
-				if ( includeSelf
-						&& start.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-						&& this.startOffset == this.endOffset - 1 )
-					ancestor = start.getChild( this.startOffset );
-				else
-					ancestor = start;
-			}
-			else
-				ancestor = start.getCommonAncestor( end );
-			return ignoreTextNode && !ancestor.is ? ancestor.getParent() : ancestor;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Transforms the startContainer and endContainer properties from text
-		 * nodes to element nodes, whenever possible. This is actually possible
-		 * if either of the boundary containers point to a text node, and its
-		 * offset is set to zero, or after the last char in the node.
-		 */
-		optimize : function()
-		{
-			var container = this.startContainer;
-			var offset = this.startOffset;
-			if ( container.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-			{
-				if ( !offset )
-					this.setStartBefore( container );
-				else if ( offset >= container.getLength() )
-					this.setStartAfter( container );
-			}
-			container = this.endContainer;
-			offset = this.endOffset;
-			if ( container.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-			{
-				if ( !offset )
-					this.setEndBefore( container );
-				else if ( offset >= container.getLength() )
-					this.setEndAfter( container );
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Move the range out of bookmark nodes if they'd been the container.
-		 */
-		optimizeBookmark: function()
-		{
-			var startNode = this.startContainer,
-				endNode = this.endContainer;
-			if ( startNode.is && startNode.is( 'span' )
-				&& startNode.hasAttribute( '_cke_bookmark' ) )
-				this.setStartAt( startNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
-			if ( endNode && endNode.is && endNode.is( 'span' )
-				&& endNode.hasAttribute( '_cke_bookmark' ) )
-				this.setEndAt( endNode,  CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
-		},
-		trim : function( ignoreStart, ignoreEnd )
-		{
-			var startContainer = this.startContainer,
-				startOffset = this.startOffset,
-				collapsed = this.collapsed;
-			if ( ( !ignoreStart || collapsed )
-				 && startContainer && startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-			{
-				// If the offset is zero, we just insert the new node before
-				// the start.
-				if ( !startOffset )
-				{
-					startOffset = startContainer.getIndex();
-					startContainer = startContainer.getParent();
-				}
-				// If the offset is at the end, we'll insert it after the text
-				// node.
-				else if ( startOffset >= startContainer.getLength() )
-				{
-					startOffset = startContainer.getIndex() + 1;
-					startContainer = startContainer.getParent();
-				}
-				// In other case, we split the text node and insert the new
-				// node at the split point.
-				else
-				{
-					var nextText = startContainer.split( startOffset );
-					startOffset = startContainer.getIndex() + 1;
-					startContainer = startContainer.getParent();
-					// Check all necessity of updating the end boundary.
-					if ( this.startContainer.equals( this.endContainer ) )
-						this.setEnd( nextText, this.endOffset - this.startOffset );
-					else if ( startContainer.equals( this.endContainer ) )
-						this.endOffset += 1;
-				}
-				this.setStart( startContainer, startOffset );
-				if ( collapsed )
-				{
-					this.collapse( true );
-					return;
-				}
-			}
-			var endContainer = this.endContainer;
-			var endOffset = this.endOffset;
-			if ( !( ignoreEnd || collapsed )
-				 && endContainer && endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-			{
-				// If the offset is zero, we just insert the new node before
-				// the start.
-				if ( !endOffset )
-				{
-					endOffset = endContainer.getIndex();
-					endContainer = endContainer.getParent();
-				}
-				// If the offset is at the end, we'll insert it after the text
-				// node.
-				else if ( endOffset >= endContainer.getLength() )
-				{
-					endOffset = endContainer.getIndex() + 1;
-					endContainer = endContainer.getParent();
-				}
-				// In other case, we split the text node and insert the new
-				// node at the split point.
-				else
-				{
-					endContainer.split( endOffset );
-					endOffset = endContainer.getIndex() + 1;
-					endContainer = endContainer.getParent();
-				}
-				this.setEnd( endContainer, endOffset );
-			}
-		},
-		enlarge : function( unit )
-		{
-			switch ( unit )
-			{
-					if ( this.collapsed )
-						return;
-					// Get the common ancestor.
-					var commonAncestor = this.getCommonAncestor();
-					var body = this.document.getBody();
-					// For each boundary
-					//		a. Depending on its position, find out the first node to be checked (a sibling) or, if not available, to be enlarge.
-					//		b. Go ahead checking siblings and enlarging the boundary as much as possible until the common ancestor is not reached. After reaching the common ancestor, just save the enlargeable node to be used later.
-					var startTop, endTop;
-					var enlargeable, sibling, commonReached;
-					// Indicates that the node can be added only if whitespace
-					// is available before it.
-					var needsWhiteSpace = false;
-					var isWhiteSpace;
-					var siblingText;
-					// Process the start boundary.
-					var container = this.startContainer;
-					var offset = this.startOffset;
-					if ( container.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-					{
-						if ( offset )
-						{
-							// Check if there is any non-space text before the
-							// offset. Otherwise, container is null.
-							container = !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( container.substring( 0, offset ) ).length && container;
-							// If we found only whitespace in the node, it
-							// means that we'll need more whitespace to be able
-							// to expand. For example, <i> can be expanded in
-							// "A <i> [B]</i>", but not in "A<i> [B]</i>".
-							needsWhiteSpace = !!container;
-						}
-						if ( container )
-						{
-							if ( !( sibling = container.getPrevious() ) )
-								enlargeable = container.getParent();
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						// If we have offset, get the node preceeding it as the
-						// first sibling to be checked.
-						if ( offset )
-							sibling = container.getChild( offset - 1 ) || container.getLast();
-						// If there is no sibling, mark the container to be
-						// enlarged.
-						if ( !sibling )
-							enlargeable = container;
-					}
-					while ( enlargeable || sibling )
-					{
-						if ( enlargeable && !sibling )
-						{
-							// If we reached the common ancestor, mark the flag
-							// for it.
-							if ( !commonReached && enlargeable.equals( commonAncestor ) )
-								commonReached = true;
-							if ( !body.contains( enlargeable ) )
-								break;
-							// If we don't need space or this element breaks
-							// the line, then enlarge it.
-							if ( !needsWhiteSpace || enlargeable.getComputedStyle( 'display' ) != 'inline' )
-							{
-								needsWhiteSpace = false;
-								// If the common ancestor has been reached,
-								// we'll not enlarge it immediately, but just
-								// mark it to be enlarged later if the end
-								// boundary also enlarges it.
-								if ( commonReached )
-									startTop = enlargeable;
-								else
-									this.setStartBefore( enlargeable );
-							}
-							sibling = enlargeable.getPrevious();
-						}
-						// Check all sibling nodes preceeding the enlargeable
-						// node. The node wil lbe enlarged only if none of them
-						// blocks it.
-						while ( sibling )
-						{
-							// This flag indicates that this node has
-							// whitespaces at the end.
-							isWhiteSpace = false;
-							if ( sibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-							{
-								siblingText = sibling.getText();
-								if ( /[^\s\ufeff]/.test( siblingText ) )
-									sibling = null;
-								isWhiteSpace = /[\s\ufeff]$/.test( siblingText );
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								// If this is a visible element.
-								// We need to check for the bookmark attribute because IE insists on
-								// rendering the display:none nodes we use for bookmarks. (#3363)
-								if ( sibling.$.offsetWidth > 0 && !sibling.getAttribute( '_cke_bookmark' ) )
-								{
-									// We'll accept it only if we need
-									// whitespace, and this is an inline
-									// element with whitespace only.
-									if ( needsWhiteSpace && CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ sibling.getName() ] )
-									{
-										// It must contains spaces and inline elements only.
-										siblingText = sibling.getText();
-										if ( (/[^\s\ufeff]/).test( siblingText ) )	// Spaces + Zero Width No-Break Space (U+FEFF)
-											sibling = null;
-										else
-										{
-											var allChildren = sibling.$.all || sibling.$.getElementsByTagName( '*' );
-											for ( var i = 0, child ; child = allChildren[ i++ ] ; )
-											{
-												if ( !CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ child.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] )
-												{
-													sibling = null;
-													break;
-												}
-											}
-										}
-										if ( sibling )
-											isWhiteSpace = !!siblingText.length;
-									}
-									else
-										sibling = null;
-								}
-							}
-							// A node with whitespaces has been found.
-							if ( isWhiteSpace )
-							{
-								// Enlarge the last enlargeable node, if we
-								// were waiting for spaces.
-								if ( needsWhiteSpace )
-								{
-									if ( commonReached )
-										startTop = enlargeable;
-									else if ( enlargeable )
-										this.setStartBefore( enlargeable );
-								}
-								else
-									needsWhiteSpace = true;
-							}
-							if ( sibling )
-							{
-								var next = sibling.getPrevious();
-								if ( !enlargeable && !next )
-								{
-									// Set the sibling as enlargeable, so it's
-									// parent will be get later outside this while.
-									enlargeable = sibling;
-									sibling = null;
-									break;
-								}
-								sibling = next;
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								// If sibling has been set to null, then we
-								// need to stop enlarging.
-								enlargeable = null;
-							}
-						}
-						if ( enlargeable )
-							enlargeable = enlargeable.getParent();
-					}
-					// Process the end boundary. This is basically the same
-					// code used for the start boundary, with small changes to
-					// make it work in the oposite side (to the right). This
-					// makes it difficult to reuse the code here. So, fixes to
-					// the above code are likely to be replicated here.
-					container = this.endContainer;
-					offset = this.endOffset;
-					// Reset the common variables.
-					enlargeable = sibling = null;
-					commonReached = needsWhiteSpace = false;
-					if ( container.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-					{
-						// Check if there is any non-space text after the
-						// offset. Otherwise, container is null.
-						container = !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( container.substring( offset ) ).length && container;
-						// If we found only whitespace in the node, it
-						// means that we'll need more whitespace to be able
-						// to expand. For example, <i> can be expanded in
-						// "A <i> [B]</i>", but not in "A<i> [B]</i>".
-						needsWhiteSpace = !( container && container.getLength() );
-						if ( container )
-						{
-							if ( !( sibling = container.getNext() ) )
-								enlargeable = container.getParent();
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						// Get the node right after the boudary to be checked
-						// first.
-						sibling = container.getChild( offset );
-						if ( !sibling )
-							enlargeable = container;
-					}
-					while ( enlargeable || sibling )
-					{
-						if ( enlargeable && !sibling )
-						{
-							if ( !commonReached && enlargeable.equals( commonAncestor ) )
-								commonReached = true;
-							if ( !body.contains( enlargeable ) )
-								break;
-							if ( !needsWhiteSpace || enlargeable.getComputedStyle( 'display' ) != 'inline' )
-							{
-								needsWhiteSpace = false;
-								if ( commonReached )
-									endTop = enlargeable;
-								else if ( enlargeable )
-									this.setEndAfter( enlargeable );
-							}
-							sibling = enlargeable.getNext();
-						}
-						while ( sibling )
-						{
-							isWhiteSpace = false;
-							if ( sibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-							{
-								siblingText = sibling.getText();
-								if ( /[^\s\ufeff]/.test( siblingText ) )
-									sibling = null;
-								isWhiteSpace = /^[\s\ufeff]/.test( siblingText );
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								// If this is a visible element.
-								// We need to check for the bookmark attribute because IE insists on
-								// rendering the display:none nodes we use for bookmarks. (#3363)
-								if ( sibling.$.offsetWidth > 0 && !sibling.getAttribute( '_cke_bookmark' ) )
-								{
-									// We'll accept it only if we need
-									// whitespace, and this is an inline
-									// element with whitespace only.
-									if ( needsWhiteSpace && CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ sibling.getName() ] )
-									{
-										// It must contains spaces and inline elements only.
-										siblingText = sibling.getText();
-										if ( (/[^\s\ufeff]/).test( siblingText ) )
-											sibling = null;
-										else
-										{
-											allChildren = sibling.$.all || sibling.$.getElementsByTagName( '*' );
-											for ( i = 0 ; child = allChildren[ i++ ] ; )
-											{
-												if ( !CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ child.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] )
-												{
-													sibling = null;
-													break;
-												}
-											}
-										}
-										if ( sibling )
-											isWhiteSpace = !!siblingText.length;
-									}
-									else
-										sibling = null;
-								}
-							}
-							if ( isWhiteSpace )
-							{
-								if ( needsWhiteSpace )
-								{
-									if ( commonReached )
-										endTop = enlargeable;
-									else
-										this.setEndAfter( enlargeable );
-								}
-							}
-							if ( sibling )
-							{
-								next = sibling.getNext();
-								if ( !enlargeable && !next )
-								{
-									enlargeable = sibling;
-									sibling = null;
-									break;
-								}
-								sibling = next;
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								// If sibling has been set to null, then we
-								// need to stop enlarging.
-								enlargeable = null;
-							}
-						}
-						if ( enlargeable )
-							enlargeable = enlargeable.getParent();
-					}
-					// If the common ancestor can be enlarged by both boundaries, then include it also.
-					if ( startTop && endTop )
-					{
-						commonAncestor = startTop.contains( endTop ) ? endTop : startTop;
-						this.setStartBefore( commonAncestor );
-						this.setEndAfter( commonAncestor );
-					}
-					break;
-					// Enlarging the start boundary.
-					var walkerRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.document );
-					body = this.document.getBody();
-					walkerRange.setStartAt( body, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
-					walkerRange.setEnd( this.startContainer, this.startOffset );
-					var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange ),
-					    blockBoundary,  // The node on which the enlarging should stop.
-						tailBr, // In case BR as block boundary.
-					    notBlockBoundary = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.blockBoundary(
-								( unit == CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_LIST_ITEM_CONTENTS ) ? { br : 1 } : null ),
-						// Record the encountered 'blockBoundary' for later use.
-						boundaryGuard = function( node )
-						{
-							var retval = notBlockBoundary( node );
-							if ( !retval )
-								blockBoundary = node;
-							return retval;
-						},
-						// Record the encounted 'tailBr' for later use.
-						tailBrGuard = function( node )
-						{
-							var retval = boundaryGuard( node );
-							if ( !retval && node.is && node.is( 'br' ) )
-								tailBr = node;
-							return retval;
-						};
-					walker.guard = boundaryGuard;
-					enlargeable = walker.lastBackward();
-					// It's the body which stop the enlarging if no block boundary found.
-					blockBoundary = blockBoundary || body;
-					// Start the range either after the end of found block (<p>...</p>[text)
-					// or at the start of block (<p>[text...), by comparing the document position
-					// with 'enlargeable' node.
-					this.setStartAt(
-							blockBoundary,
-							!blockBoundary.is( 'br' ) &&
-							( !enlargeable && this.checkStartOfBlock()
-							  || enlargeable && blockBoundary.contains( enlargeable ) ) ?
-					// Enlarging the end boundary.
-					walkerRange = this.clone();
-					walkerRange.collapse();
-					walkerRange.setEndAt( body, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
-					walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
-					// tailBrGuard only used for on range end.
-					walker.guard = ( unit == CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_LIST_ITEM_CONTENTS ) ?
-						tailBrGuard : boundaryGuard;
-					blockBoundary = null;
-					// End the range right before the block boundary node.
-					enlargeable = walker.lastForward();
-					// It's the body which stop the enlarging if no block boundary found.
-					blockBoundary = blockBoundary || body;
-					// Close the range either before the found block start (text]<p>...</p>) or at the block end (...text]</p>)
-					// by comparing the document position with 'enlargeable' node.
-					this.setEndAt(
-							blockBoundary,
-							( !enlargeable && this.checkEndOfBlock()
-							  || enlargeable && blockBoundary.contains( enlargeable ) ) ?
-					// We must include the <br> at the end of range if there's
-					// one and we're expanding list item contents
-					if ( tailBr )
-						this.setEndAfter( tailBr );
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 *  Descrease the range to make sure that boundaries
-		*  always anchor beside text nodes or innermost element.
-		 * @param {Number} mode  ( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT | CKEDITOR.SHRINK_TEXT ) The shrinking mode.
-		 * <dl>
-		 * 	 <dd>Shrink the range boundaries to the edge of the innermost element.</dd>
-		 * 	 <dt>CKEDITOR.SHRINK_TEXT</dt>
-		 * 	 <dd>Shrink the range boudaries to anchor by the side of enclosed text  node, range remains if there's no text nodes on boundaries at all.</dd>
-		  * </dl>
-		 * @param {Boolean} selectContents Whether result range anchors at the inner OR outer boundary of the node.
-		 */
-		shrink : function( mode, selectContents )
-		{
-			// Unable to shrink a collapsed range.
-			if ( !this.collapsed )
-			{
-				mode = mode || CKEDITOR.SHRINK_TEXT;
-				var walkerRange = this.clone();
-				var startContainer = this.startContainer,
-					endContainer = this.endContainer,
-					startOffset = this.startOffset,
-					endOffset = this.endOffset,
-					collapsed = this.collapsed;
-				// Whether the start/end boundary is moveable.
-				var moveStart = 1,
-						moveEnd = 1;
-				if ( startContainer && startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-				{
-					if ( !startOffset )
-						walkerRange.setStartBefore( startContainer );
-					else if ( startOffset >= startContainer.getLength( ) )
-						walkerRange.setStartAfter( startContainer );
-					else
-					{
-						// Enlarge the range properly to avoid walker making
-						// DOM changes caused by triming the text nodes later.
-						walkerRange.setStartBefore( startContainer );
-						moveStart = 0;
-					}
-				}
-				if ( endContainer && endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-				{
-					if ( !endOffset )
-						walkerRange.setEndBefore( endContainer );
-					else if ( endOffset >= endContainer.getLength( ) )
-						walkerRange.setEndAfter( endContainer );
-					else
-					{
-						walkerRange.setEndAfter( endContainer );
-						moveEnd = 0;
-					}
-				}
-				var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
-				walker.evaluator = function( node )
-				{
-					return node.type == ( mode == CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT ?
-				};
-				var currentElement;
-				walker.guard = function( node, movingOut )
-				{
-					// Stop when we're shrink in element mode while encountering a text node.
-					if ( mode == CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-						return false;
-					// Stop when we've already walked "through" an element.
-					if ( movingOut && node.equals( currentElement ) )
-						return false;
-					if ( !movingOut && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-						currentElement = node;
-					return true;
-				};
-				if ( moveStart )
-				{
-					var textStart = walker[ mode == CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT ? 'lastForward' : 'next']();
-					textStart && this.setStartAt( textStart, selectContents ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START : CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
-				}
-				if ( moveEnd )
-				{
-					walker.reset();
-					var textEnd = walker[ mode == CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT ? 'lastBackward' : 'previous']();
-					textEnd && this.setEndAt( textEnd, selectContents ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END : CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
-				}
-				return !!( moveStart || moveEnd );
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Inserts a node at the start of the range. The range will be expanded
-		 * the contain the node.
-		 */
-		insertNode : function( node )
-		{
-			this.optimizeBookmark();
-			this.trim( false, true );
-			var startContainer = this.startContainer;
-			var startOffset = this.startOffset;
-			var nextNode = startContainer.getChild( startOffset );
-			if ( nextNode )
-				node.insertBefore( nextNode );
-			else
-				startContainer.append( node );
-			// Check if we need to update the end boundary.
-			if ( node.getParent().equals( this.endContainer ) )
-				this.endOffset++;
-			// Expand the range to embrace the new node.
-			this.setStartBefore( node );
-		},
-		moveToPosition : function( node, position )
-		{
-			this.setStartAt( node, position );
-			this.collapse( true );
-		},
-		selectNodeContents : function( node )
-		{
-			this.setStart( node, 0 );
-			this.setEnd( node, node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? node.getLength() : node.getChildCount() );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the start position of a Range.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} startNode The node to start the range.
-		 * @param {Number} startOffset An integer greater than or equal to zero
-		 *		representing the offset for the start of the range from the start
-		 *		of startNode.
-		 */
-		setStart : function( startNode, startOffset )
-		{
-			// W3C requires a check for the new position. If it is after the end
-			// boundary, the range should be collapsed to the new start. It seams
-			// we will not need this check for our use of this class so we can
-			// ignore it for now.
-			// Fixing invalid range start inside dtd empty elements.
-			if( startNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-				&& CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[ startNode.getName() ] )
-				startNode = startNode.getParent(), startOffset = startNode.getIndex();
-			this.startContainer	= startNode;
-			this.startOffset	= startOffset;
-			if ( !this.endContainer )
-			{
-				this.endContainer	= startNode;
-				this.endOffset		= startOffset;
-			}
-			updateCollapsed( this );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the end position of a Range.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} endNode The node to end the range.
-		 * @param {Number} endOffset An integer greater than or equal to zero
-		 *		representing the offset for the end of the range from the start
-		 *		of endNode.
-		 */
-		setEnd : function( endNode, endOffset )
-		{
-			// W3C requires a check for the new position. If it is before the start
-			// boundary, the range should be collapsed to the new end. It seams we
-			// will not need this check for our use of this class so we can ignore
-			// it for now.
-			// Fixing invalid range end inside dtd empty elements.
-			if( endNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-				&& CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[ endNode.getName() ] )
-				endNode = endNode.getParent(), endOffset = endNode.getIndex() + 1;
-			this.endContainer	= endNode;
-			this.endOffset		= endOffset;
-			if ( !this.startContainer )
-			{
-				this.startContainer	= endNode;
-				this.startOffset	= endOffset;
-			}
-			updateCollapsed( this );
-		},
-		setStartAfter : function( node )
-		{
-			this.setStart( node.getParent(), node.getIndex() + 1 );
-		},
-		setStartBefore : function( node )
-		{
-			this.setStart( node.getParent(), node.getIndex() );
-		},
-		setEndAfter : function( node )
-		{
-			this.setEnd( node.getParent(), node.getIndex() + 1 );
-		},
-		setEndBefore : function( node )
-		{
-			this.setEnd( node.getParent(), node.getIndex() );
-		},
-		setStartAt : function( node, position )
-		{
-			switch( position )
-			{
-					this.setStart( node, 0 );
-					break;
-					if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-						this.setStart( node, node.getLength() );
-					else
-						this.setStart( node, node.getChildCount() );
-					break;
-					this.setStartBefore( node );
-					break;
-					this.setStartAfter( node );
-			}
-			updateCollapsed( this );
-		},
-		setEndAt : function( node, position )
-		{
-			switch( position )
-			{
-					this.setEnd( node, 0 );
-					break;
-					if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-						this.setEnd( node, node.getLength() );
-					else
-						this.setEnd( node, node.getChildCount() );
-					break;
-					this.setEndBefore( node );
-					break;
-					this.setEndAfter( node );
-			}
-			updateCollapsed( this );
-		},
-		fixBlock : function( isStart, blockTag )
-		{
-			var bookmark = this.createBookmark(),
-				fixedBlock = this.document.createElement( blockTag );
-			this.collapse( isStart );
-			this.extractContents().appendTo( fixedBlock );
-			fixedBlock.trim();
-			if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-				fixedBlock.appendBogus();
-			this.insertNode( fixedBlock );
-			this.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
-			return fixedBlock;
-		},
-		splitBlock : function( blockTag )
-		{
-			var startPath	= new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.startContainer ),
-				endPath		= new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.endContainer );
-			var startBlockLimit	= startPath.blockLimit,
-				endBlockLimit	= endPath.blockLimit;
-			var startBlock	= startPath.block,
-				endBlock	= endPath.block;
-			var elementPath = null;
-			// Do nothing if the boundaries are in different block limits.
-			if ( !startBlockLimit.equals( endBlockLimit ) )
-				return null;
-			// Get or fix current blocks.
-			if ( blockTag != 'br' )
-			{
-				if ( !startBlock )
-				{
-					startBlock = this.fixBlock( true, blockTag );
-					endBlock = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.endContainer ).block;
-				}
-				if ( !endBlock )
-					endBlock = this.fixBlock( false, blockTag );
-			}
-			// Get the range position.
-			var isStartOfBlock = startBlock && this.checkStartOfBlock(),
-				isEndOfBlock = endBlock && this.checkEndOfBlock();
-			// Delete the current contents.
-			// TODO: Why is 2.x doing CheckIsEmpty()?
-			this.deleteContents();
-			if ( startBlock && startBlock.equals( endBlock ) )
-			{
-				if ( isEndOfBlock )
-				{
-					elementPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.startContainer );
-					this.moveToPosition( endBlock, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
-					endBlock = null;
-				}
-				else if ( isStartOfBlock )
-				{
-					elementPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.startContainer );
-					this.moveToPosition( startBlock, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
-					startBlock = null;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					endBlock = this.splitElement( startBlock );
-					// In Gecko, the last child node must be a bogus <br>.
-					// Note: bogus <br> added under <ul> or <ol> would cause
-					// lists to be incorrectly rendered.
-					if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie && !startBlock.is( 'ul', 'ol') )
-						startBlock.appendBogus() ;
-				}
-			}
-			return {
-				previousBlock : startBlock,
-				nextBlock : endBlock,
-				wasStartOfBlock : isStartOfBlock,
-				wasEndOfBlock : isEndOfBlock,
-				elementPath : elementPath
-			};
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Branch the specified element from the collapsed range position and
-		 * place the caret between the two result branches.
-		 * Note: The range must be collapsed and been enclosed by this element.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element
-		 * @return {CKEDITOR.dom.element} Root element of the new branch after the split.
-		 */
-		splitElement : function( toSplit )
-		{
-			if ( !this.collapsed )
-				return null;
-			// Extract the contents of the block from the selection point to the end
-			// of its contents.
-			this.setEndAt( toSplit, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
-			var documentFragment = this.extractContents();
-			// Duplicate the element after it.
-			var clone = toSplit.clone( false );
-			// Place the extracted contents into the duplicated element.
-			documentFragment.appendTo( clone );
-			clone.insertAfter( toSplit );
-			this.moveToPosition( toSplit, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
-			return clone;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Check whether a range boundary is at the inner boundary of a given
-		 * element.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The target element to check.
-		 * @param {Number} checkType The boundary to check for both the range
-		 *		and the element. It can be CKEDITOR.START or CKEDITOR.END.
-		 * @returns {Boolean} "true" if the range boundary is at the inner
-		 *		boundary of the element.
-		 */
-		checkBoundaryOfElement : function( element, checkType )
-		{
-			var checkStart = ( checkType == CKEDITOR.START );
-			// Create a copy of this range, so we can manipulate it for our checks.
-			var walkerRange = this.clone();
-			// Collapse the range at the proper size.
-			walkerRange.collapse( checkStart );
-			// Expand the range to element boundary.
-			walkerRange[ checkStart ? 'setStartAt' : 'setEndAt' ]
-			// Create the walker, which will check if we have anything useful
-			// in the range.
-			var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
-			walker.evaluator = elementBoundaryEval;
-			return walker[ checkStart ? 'checkBackward' : 'checkForward' ]();
-		},
-		// Calls to this function may produce changes to the DOM. The range may
-		// be updated to reflect such changes.
-		checkStartOfBlock : function()
-		{
-			var startContainer = this.startContainer,
-				startOffset = this.startOffset;
-			// If the starting node is a text node, and non-empty before the offset,
-			// then we're surely not at the start of block.
-			if ( startOffset && startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-			{
-				var textBefore = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( startContainer.substring( 0, startOffset ) );
-				if ( textBefore.length )
-					return false;
-			}
-			// Antecipate the trim() call here, so the walker will not make
-			// changes to the DOM, which would not get reflected into this
-			// range otherwise.
-			this.trim();
-			// We need to grab the block element holding the start boundary, so
-			// let's use an element path for it.
-			var path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.startContainer );
-			// Creates a range starting at the block start until the range start.
-			var walkerRange = this.clone();
-			walkerRange.collapse( true );
-			walkerRange.setStartAt( path.block || path.blockLimit, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
-			var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
-			walker.evaluator = getCheckStartEndBlockEvalFunction( true );
-			return walker.checkBackward();
-		},
-		checkEndOfBlock : function()
-		{
-			var endContainer = this.endContainer,
-				endOffset = this.endOffset;
-			// If the ending node is a text node, and non-empty after the offset,
-			// then we're surely not at the end of block.
-			if ( endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-			{
-				var textAfter = CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim( endContainer.substring( endOffset ) );
-				if ( textAfter.length )
-					return false;
-			}
-			// Antecipate the trim() call here, so the walker will not make
-			// changes to the DOM, which would not get reflected into this
-			// range otherwise.
-			this.trim();
-			// We need to grab the block element holding the start boundary, so
-			// let's use an element path for it.
-			var path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.endContainer );
-			// Creates a range starting at the block start until the range start.
-			var walkerRange = this.clone();
-			walkerRange.collapse( false );
-			walkerRange.setEndAt( path.block || path.blockLimit, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
-			var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
-			walker.evaluator = getCheckStartEndBlockEvalFunction( false );
-			return walker.checkForward();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Moves the range boundaries to the first/end editing point inside an
-		 * element. For example, in an element tree like
-		 * "<p><b><i></i></b> Text</p>", the start editing point is
-		 * "<p><b><i>^</i></b> Text</p>" (inside <i>).
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} el The element into which look for the
-		 *		editing spot.
-		 * @param {Boolean} isMoveToEnd Whether move to the end editable position.
-		 */
-		moveToElementEditablePosition : function( el, isMoveToEnd )
-		{
-			var isEditable;
-			// Empty elements are rejected.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[ el.getName() ] )
-				return false;
-			while ( el && el.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-			{
-				isEditable = el.isEditable();
-				// If an editable element is found, move inside it.
-				if ( isEditable )
-					this.moveToPosition( el, isMoveToEnd ?
-					                         CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END :
-					                         CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
-				// Stop immediately if we've found a non editable inline element (e.g <img>).
-				else if ( CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline[ el.getName() ] )
-				{
-					this.moveToPosition( el, isMoveToEnd ?
-					                         CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END :
-					                         CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
-					return true;
-				}
-				// Non-editable non-inline elements are to be bypassed, getting the next one.
-				if ( CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[ el.getName() ] )
-					el = el[ isMoveToEnd ? 'getPrevious' : 'getNext' ]( nonWhitespaceOrBookmarkEval );
-				else
-					el = el[ isMoveToEnd ? 'getLast' : 'getFirst' ]( nonWhitespaceOrBookmarkEval );
-				// Stop immediately if we've found a text node.
-				if ( el && el.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-				{
-					this.moveToPosition( el, isMoveToEnd ?
-					                         CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END :
-					                         CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
-					return true;
-				}
-			}
-			return isEditable;
-		},
-		/**
-		 *@see {CKEDITOR.dom.range.moveToElementEditablePosition}
-		 */
-		moveToElementEditStart : function( target )
-		{
-			return this.moveToElementEditablePosition( target );
-		},
-		/**
-		 *@see {CKEDITOR.dom.range.moveToElementEditablePosition}
-		 */
-		moveToElementEditEnd : function( target )
-		{
-			return this.moveToElementEditablePosition( target, true );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Get the single node enclosed within the range if there's one.
-		 */
-		getEnclosedNode : function()
-		{
-			var walkerRange = this.clone();
-			// Optimize and analyze the range to avoid DOM destructive nature of walker. (#5780)
-			walkerRange.optimize();
-			if ( walkerRange.startContainer.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-					|| walkerRange.endContainer.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-				return null;
-			var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange ),
-				isNotBookmarks = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( true ),
-				isNotWhitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ),
-				evaluator = function( node )
-				{
-					return isNotWhitespaces( node ) && isNotBookmarks( node );
-				};
-			walkerRange.evaluator = evaluator;
-			var node = walker.next();
-			walker.reset();
-			return node && node.equals( walker.previous() ) ? node : null;
-		},
-		getTouchedStartNode : function()
-		{
-			var container = this.startContainer ;
-			if ( this.collapsed || container.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-				return container ;
-			return container.getChild( this.startOffset ) || container ;
-		},
-		getTouchedEndNode : function()
-		{
-			var container = this.endContainer ;
-			if ( this.collapsed || container.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-				return container ;
-			return container.getChild( this.endOffset - 1 ) || container ;
-		}
-	};
-CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START	= 1;	// <element>^contents</element>		"^text"
-CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END	= 2;	// <element>contents^</element>		"text^"
-CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START	= 3;	// ^<element>contents</element>		^"text"
-CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END		= 4;	// <element>contents</element>^		"text"
- * Check boundary types.
- * @see CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype.checkBoundaryOfElement
- */
- * Shrink range types.
- * @see CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype.shrink
- */
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * Represents a delimited piece of content in a DOM Document.
+ * It is contiguous in the sense that it can be characterized as selecting all
+ * of the content between a pair of boundary-points.
+ *
+ * This class shares much of the W3C
+ * [Document Object Model Range](http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html)
+ * ideas and features, adding several range manipulation tools to it, but it's
+ * not intended to be compatible with it.
+ *
+ *		// Create a range for the entire contents of the editor document body.
+ *		var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );
+ *		range.selectNodeContents( editor.document.getBody() );
+ *		// Delete the contents.
+ *		range.deleteContents();
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @constructor Creates a {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range} instance that can be used inside a specific DOM Document.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.document/CKEDITOR.dom.element} root The document or element
+ * within which the range will be scoped.
+ * @todo global "TODO" - precise algorithms descriptions needed for the most complex methods like #enlarge.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.range = function( root ) {
+	/**
+	 * Node within which the range begins.
+	 *
+	 *		var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );
+	 *		range.selectNodeContents( editor.document.getBody() );
+	 *		alert( range.startContainer.getName() ); // 'body'
+	 *
+	 * @property {Number}
+	 */
+	this.startContainer = null;
+	/**
+	 * Offset within the starting node of the range.
+	 *
+	 *		var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );
+	 *		range.selectNodeContents( editor.document.getBody() );
+	 *		alert( range.startOffset ); // 0
+	 *
+	 * @property {Number}
+	 */
+	this.startOffset = null;
+	/**
+	 * Node within which the range ends.
+	 *
+	 *		var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );
+	 *		range.selectNodeContents( editor.document.getBody() );
+	 *		alert( range.endContainer.getName() ); // 'body'
+	 *
+	 * @property {Number}
+	 */
+	this.endContainer = null;
+	/**
+	 * Offset within the ending node of the range.
+	 *
+	 *		var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );
+	 *		range.selectNodeContents( editor.document.getBody() );
+	 *		alert( range.endOffset ); // == editor.document.getBody().getChildCount()
+	 *
+	 * @property {Number}
+	 */
+	this.endOffset = null;
+	/**
+	 * Indicates that this is a collapsed range. A collapsed range has it's
+	 * start and end boudaries at the very same point so nothing is contained
+	 * in it.
+	 *
+	 *		var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );
+	 *		range.selectNodeContents( editor.document.getBody() );
+	 *		alert( range.collapsed ); // false
+	 *		range.collapse();
+	 *		alert( range.collapsed ); // true
+	 */
+	this.collapsed = true;
+	var isDocRoot = root instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.document;
+	/**
+	 * The document within which the range can be used.
+	 *
+	 *		// Selects the body contents of the range document.
+	 *		range.selectNodeContents( range.document.getBody() );
+	 *
+	 * @property {CKEDITOR.dom.document}
+	 */
+	this.document = isDocRoot ? root : root.getDocument();
+	/**
+	 * The ancestor DOM element within which the range manipulation are limited.
+	 *
+	 * @property {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
+	 */
+	this.root = isDocRoot ? root.getBody() : root;
+(function() {
+	// Updates the "collapsed" property for the given range object.
+	var updateCollapsed = function( range ) {
+			range.collapsed = ( range.startContainer && range.endContainer && range.startContainer.equals( range.endContainer ) && range.startOffset == range.endOffset );
+		};
+	// This is a shared function used to delete, extract and clone the range
+	// contents.
+	// V2
+	var execContentsAction = function( range, action, docFrag, mergeThen ) {
+			range.optimizeBookmark();
+			var startNode = range.startContainer;
+			var endNode = range.endContainer;
+			var startOffset = range.startOffset;
+			var endOffset = range.endOffset;
+			var removeStartNode;
+			var removeEndNode;
+			// For text containers, we must simply split the node and point to the
+			// second part. The removal will be handled by the rest of the code .
+			if ( endNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
+				endNode = endNode.split( endOffset );
+			else {
+				// If the end container has children and the offset is pointing
+				// to a child, then we should start from it.
+				if ( endNode.getChildCount() > 0 ) {
+					// If the offset points after the last node.
+					if ( endOffset >= endNode.getChildCount() ) {
+						// Let's create a temporary node and mark it for removal.
+						endNode = endNode.append( range.document.createText( '' ) );
+						removeEndNode = true;
+					} else
+						endNode = endNode.getChild( endOffset );
+				}
+			}
+			// For text containers, we must simply split the node. The removal will
+			// be handled by the rest of the code .
+			if ( startNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+				startNode.split( startOffset );
+				// In cases the end node is the same as the start node, the above
+				// splitting will also split the end, so me must move the end to
+				// the second part of the split.
+				if ( startNode.equals( endNode ) )
+					endNode = startNode.getNext();
+			} else {
+				// If the start container has children and the offset is pointing
+				// to a child, then we should start from its previous sibling.
+				// If the offset points to the first node, we don't have a
+				// sibling, so let's use the first one, but mark it for removal.
+				if ( !startOffset ) {
+					// Let's create a temporary node and mark it for removal.
+					startNode = startNode.append( range.document.createText( '' ), 1 );
+					removeStartNode = true;
+				} else if ( startOffset >= startNode.getChildCount() ) {
+					// Let's create a temporary node and mark it for removal.
+					startNode = startNode.append( range.document.createText( '' ) );
+					removeStartNode = true;
+				} else
+					startNode = startNode.getChild( startOffset ).getPrevious();
+			}
+			// Get the parent nodes tree for the start and end boundaries.
+			var startParents = startNode.getParents();
+			var endParents = endNode.getParents();
+			// Compare them, to find the top most siblings.
+			var i, topStart, topEnd;
+			for ( i = 0; i < startParents.length; i++ ) {
+				topStart = startParents[ i ];
+				topEnd = endParents[ i ];
+				// The compared nodes will match until we find the top most
+				// siblings (different nodes that have the same parent).
+				// "i" will hold the index in the parents array for the top
+				// most element.
+				if ( !topStart.equals( topEnd ) )
+					break;
+			}
+			var clone = docFrag,
+				levelStartNode, levelClone, currentNode, currentSibling;
+			// Remove all successive sibling nodes for every node in the
+			// startParents tree.
+			for ( var j = i; j < startParents.length; j++ ) {
+				levelStartNode = startParents[ j ];
+				// For Extract and Clone, we must clone this level.
+				if ( clone && !levelStartNode.equals( startNode ) ) // action = 0 = Delete
+				levelClone = clone.append( levelStartNode.clone() );
+				currentNode = levelStartNode.getNext();
+				while ( currentNode ) {
+					// Stop processing when the current node matches a node in the
+					// endParents tree or if it is the endNode.
+					if ( currentNode.equals( endParents[ j ] ) || currentNode.equals( endNode ) )
+						break;
+					// Cache the next sibling.
+					currentSibling = currentNode.getNext();
+					// If cloning, just clone it.
+					if ( action == 2 ) // 2 = Clone
+					clone.append( currentNode.clone( true ) );
+					else {
+						// Both Delete and Extract will remove the node.
+						currentNode.remove();
+						// When Extracting, move the removed node to the docFrag.
+						if ( action == 1 ) // 1 = Extract
+						clone.append( currentNode );
+					}
+					currentNode = currentSibling;
+				}
+				if ( clone )
+					clone = levelClone;
+			}
+			clone = docFrag;
+			// Remove all previous sibling nodes for every node in the
+			// endParents tree.
+			for ( var k = i; k < endParents.length; k++ ) {
+				levelStartNode = endParents[ k ];
+				// For Extract and Clone, we must clone this level.
+				if ( action > 0 && !levelStartNode.equals( endNode ) ) // action = 0 = Delete
+				levelClone = clone.append( levelStartNode.clone() );
+				// The processing of siblings may have already been done by the parent.
+				if ( !startParents[ k ] || levelStartNode.$.parentNode != startParents[ k ].$.parentNode ) {
+					currentNode = levelStartNode.getPrevious();
+					while ( currentNode ) {
+						// Stop processing when the current node matches a node in the
+						// startParents tree or if it is the startNode.
+						if ( currentNode.equals( startParents[ k ] ) || currentNode.equals( startNode ) )
+							break;
+						// Cache the next sibling.
+						currentSibling = currentNode.getPrevious();
+						// If cloning, just clone it.
+						if ( action == 2 ) // 2 = Clone
+						clone.$.insertBefore( currentNode.$.cloneNode( true ), clone.$.firstChild );
+						else {
+							// Both Delete and Extract will remove the node.
+							currentNode.remove();
+							// When Extracting, mode the removed node to the docFrag.
+							if ( action == 1 ) // 1 = Extract
+							clone.$.insertBefore( currentNode.$, clone.$.firstChild );
+						}
+						currentNode = currentSibling;
+					}
+				}
+				if ( clone )
+					clone = levelClone;
+			}
+			if ( action == 2 ) // 2 = Clone.
+			{
+				// No changes in the DOM should be done, so fix the split text (if any).
+				var startTextNode = range.startContainer;
+				if ( startTextNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+					startTextNode.$.data += startTextNode.$.nextSibling.data;
+					startTextNode.$.parentNode.removeChild( startTextNode.$.nextSibling );
+				}
+				var endTextNode = range.endContainer;
+				if ( endTextNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && endTextNode.$.nextSibling ) {
+					endTextNode.$.data += endTextNode.$.nextSibling.data;
+					endTextNode.$.parentNode.removeChild( endTextNode.$.nextSibling );
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Collapse the range.
+				// If a node has been partially selected, collapse the range between
+				// topStart and topEnd. Otherwise, simply collapse it to the start. (W3C specs).
+				if ( topStart && topEnd && ( startNode.$.parentNode != topStart.$.parentNode || endNode.$.parentNode != topEnd.$.parentNode ) ) {
+					var endIndex = topEnd.getIndex();
+					// If the start node is to be removed, we must correct the
+					// index to reflect the removal.
+					if ( removeStartNode && topEnd.$.parentNode == startNode.$.parentNode )
+						endIndex--;
+					// Merge splitted parents.
+					if ( mergeThen && topStart.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+						var span = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<span ' +
+							'data-cke-bookmark="1" style="display:none"> </span>', range.document );
+						span.insertAfter( topStart );
+						topStart.mergeSiblings( false );
+						range.moveToBookmark({ startNode: span } );
+					} else
+						range.setStart( topEnd.getParent(), endIndex );
+				}
+				// Collapse it to the start.
+				range.collapse( true );
+			}
+			// Cleanup any marked node.
+			if ( removeStartNode )
+				startNode.remove();
+			if ( removeEndNode && endNode.$.parentNode )
+				endNode.remove();
+		};
+	var inlineChildReqElements = { abbr:1,acronym:1,b:1,bdo:1,big:1,cite:1,code:1,del:1,dfn:1,em:1,font:1,i:1,ins:1,label:1,kbd:1,q:1,samp:1,small:1,span:1,strike:1,strong:1,sub:1,sup:1,tt:1,u:1,'var':1 };
+	// Creates the appropriate node evaluator for the dom walker used inside
+	// check(Start|End)OfBlock.
+	function getCheckStartEndBlockEvalFunction() {
+		var skipBogus = false,
+			whitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
+			bookmarkEvaluator = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( true ),
+			isBogus = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bogus();
+		return function( node ) {
+			// First skip empty nodes
+			if ( bookmarkEvaluator( node ) || whitespaces( node ) )
+				return true;
+			// Skip the bogus node at the end of block.
+			if ( isBogus( node ) && !skipBogus ) {
+				skipBogus = true;
+				return true;
+			}
+			// If there's any visible text, then we're not at the start.
+			if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT &&
+					 ( node.hasAscendant( 'pre' ) ||
+						 CKEDITOR.tools.trim( node.getText() ).length ) )
+				return false;
+			// If there are non-empty inline elements (e.g. <img />), then we're not
+			// at the start.
+			if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !node.is( inlineChildReqElements ) )
+				return false;
+			return true;
+		};
+	}
+	var isBogus = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bogus();
+	// Evaluator for CKEDITOR.dom.element::checkBoundaryOfElement, reject any
+	// text node and non-empty elements unless it's being bookmark text.
+	function elementBoundaryEval( checkStart ) {
+		var whitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
+			bookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( 1 );
+		return function( node ) {
+			// First skip empty nodes.
+			if ( bookmark( node ) || whitespaces( node ) )
+				return true;
+			// Tolerant bogus br when checking at the end of block.
+			// Reject any text node unless it's being bookmark
+			// OR it's spaces.
+			// Reject any element unless it's being invisible empty. (#3883)
+			return !checkStart && isBogus( node ) ||
+						 node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
+						 node.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty );
+		};
+	}
+	var whitespaceEval = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
+		bookmarkEval = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(),
+		nbspRegExp = /^[\t\r\n ]*(?: |\xa0)$/;
+	function nonWhitespaceOrBookmarkEval( node ) {
+		// Whitespaces and bookmark nodes are to be ignored.
+		return !whitespaceEval( node ) && !bookmarkEval( node );
+	}
+	CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Clones this range.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.range}
+		 */
+		clone: function() {
+			var clone = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.root );
+			clone.startContainer = this.startContainer;
+			clone.startOffset = this.startOffset;
+			clone.endContainer = this.endContainer;
+			clone.endOffset = this.endOffset;
+			clone.collapsed = this.collapsed;
+			return clone;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Makes range collapsed by moving its start point (or end point if `toStart==true`)
+		 * to the second end.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Boolean} toStart Collapse range "to start".
+		 */
+		collapse: function( toStart ) {
+			if ( toStart ) {
+				this.endContainer = this.startContainer;
+				this.endOffset = this.startOffset;
+			} else {
+				this.startContainer = this.endContainer;
+				this.startOffset = this.endOffset;
+			}
+			this.collapsed = true;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * The content nodes of the range are cloned and added to a document fragment, which is returned.
+		 *
+		 * **Note:** Text selection may lost after invoking this method (caused by text node splitting).
+		 *
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment} Document fragment containing clone of range's content.
+		 */
+		cloneContents: function() {
+			var docFrag = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( this.document );
+			if ( !this.collapsed )
+				execContentsAction( this, 2, docFrag );
+			return docFrag;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Deletes the content nodes of the range permanently from the DOM tree.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Boolean} [mergeThen] Merge any splitted elements result in DOM true due to partial selection.
+		 */
+		deleteContents: function( mergeThen ) {
+			if ( this.collapsed )
+				return;
+			execContentsAction( this, 0, null, mergeThen );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * The content nodes of the range are cloned and added to a document fragment,
+		 * meanwhile they are removed permanently from the DOM tree.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Boolean} [mergeThen] Merge any splitted elements result in DOM true due to partial selection.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment} Document fragment containing extracted content.
+		 */
+		extractContents: function( mergeThen ) {
+			var docFrag = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( this.document );
+			if ( !this.collapsed )
+				execContentsAction( this, 1, docFrag, mergeThen );
+			return docFrag;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a bookmark object, which can be later used to restore the
+		 * range by using the {@link #moveToBookmark} function.
+		 *
+		 * This is an "intrusive" way to create a bookmark. It includes `<span>` tags
+		 * in the range boundaries. The advantage of it is that it is possible to
+		 * handle DOM mutations when moving back to the bookmark.
+		 *
+		 * **Note:** the inclusion of nodes in the DOM is a design choice and
+		 * should not be changed as there are other points in the code that may be
+		 * using those nodes to perform operations.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Boolean} [serializable] Indicates that the bookmark nodes
+		 * must contain ids, which can be used to restore the range even
+		 * when these nodes suffer mutations (like a clonation or `innerHTML` change).
+		 * @returns {Object} And object representing a bookmark.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node/String} return.startNode Node or element id.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node/String} return.endNode Node or element id.
+		 * @returns {Boolean} return.serializable
+		 * @returns {Boolean} return.collapsed
+		 */
+		createBookmark: function( serializable ) {
+			var startNode, endNode;
+			var baseId;
+			var clone;
+			var collapsed = this.collapsed;
+			startNode = this.document.createElement( 'span' );
+			startNode.data( 'cke-bookmark', 1 );
+			startNode.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
+			// For IE, it must have something inside, otherwise it may be
+			// removed during DOM operations.
+			startNode.setHtml( ' ' );
+			if ( serializable ) {
+				baseId = 'cke_bm_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
+				startNode.setAttribute( 'id', baseId + ( collapsed ? 'C' : 'S' ) );
+			}
+			// If collapsed, the endNode will not be created.
+			if ( !collapsed ) {
+				endNode = startNode.clone();
+				endNode.setHtml( ' ' );
+				if ( serializable )
+					endNode.setAttribute( 'id', baseId + 'E' );
+				clone = this.clone();
+				clone.collapse();
+				clone.insertNode( endNode );
+			}
+			clone = this.clone();
+			clone.collapse( true );
+			clone.insertNode( startNode );
+			// Update the range position.
+			if ( endNode ) {
+				this.setStartAfter( startNode );
+				this.setEndBefore( endNode );
+			} else
+				this.moveToPosition( startNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
+			return {
+				startNode: serializable ? baseId + ( collapsed ? 'C' : 'S' ) : startNode,
+				endNode: serializable ? baseId + 'E' : endNode,
+				serializable: serializable,
+				collapsed: collapsed
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a "non intrusive" and "mutation sensible" bookmark. This
+		 * kind of bookmark should be used only when the DOM is supposed to
+		 * remain stable after its creation.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Boolean} [normalized] Indicates that the bookmark must
+		 * normalized. When normalized, the successive text nodes are
+		 * considered a single node. To sucessful load a normalized
+		 * bookmark, the DOM tree must be also normalized before calling
+		 * {@link #moveToBookmark}.
+		 * @returns {Object} An object representing the bookmark.
+		 * @returns {Array} return.start Start container's address (see {@link CKEDITOR.dom.node#getAddress}).
+		 * @returns {Array} return.end Start container's address.
+		 * @returns {Number} return.startOffset
+		 * @returns {Number} return.endOffset
+		 * @returns {Boolean} return.collapsed
+		 * @returns {Boolean} return.normalized
+		 * @returns {Boolean} return.is2 This is "bookmark2".
+		 */
+		createBookmark2: function( normalized ) {
+			var startContainer = this.startContainer,
+				endContainer = this.endContainer;
+			var startOffset = this.startOffset,
+				endOffset = this.endOffset;
+			var collapsed = this.collapsed;
+			var child, previous;
+			// If there is no range then get out of here.
+			// It happens on initial load in Safari #962 and if the editor it's
+			// hidden also in Firefox
+			if ( !startContainer || !endContainer )
+				return { start: 0, end: 0 };
+			if ( normalized ) {
+				// Find out if the start is pointing to a text node that will
+				// be normalized.
+				if ( startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+					child = startContainer.getChild( startOffset );
+					// In this case, move the start information to that text
+					// node.
+					if ( child && child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && startOffset > 0 && child.getPrevious().type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+						startContainer = child;
+						startOffset = 0;
+					}
+					// Get the normalized offset.
+					if ( child && child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+						startOffset = child.getIndex( 1 );
+				}
+				// Normalize the start.
+				while ( startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && ( previous = startContainer.getPrevious() ) && previous.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+					startContainer = previous;
+					startOffset += previous.getLength();
+				}
+				// Process the end only if not normalized.
+				if ( !collapsed ) {
+					// Find out if the start is pointing to a text node that
+					// will be normalized.
+					if ( endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+						child = endContainer.getChild( endOffset );
+						// In this case, move the start information to that
+						// text node.
+						if ( child && child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && endOffset > 0 && child.getPrevious().type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+							endContainer = child;
+							endOffset = 0;
+						}
+						// Get the normalized offset.
+						if ( child && child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+							endOffset = child.getIndex( 1 );
+					}
+					// Normalize the end.
+					while ( endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && ( previous = endContainer.getPrevious() ) && previous.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+						endContainer = previous;
+						endOffset += previous.getLength();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return {
+				start: startContainer.getAddress( normalized ),
+				end: collapsed ? null : endContainer.getAddress( normalized ),
+				startOffset: startOffset,
+				endOffset: endOffset,
+				normalized: normalized,
+				collapsed: collapsed,
+				is2: true // It's a createBookmark2 bookmark.
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Moves this range to the given bookmark. See {@link #createBookmark} and {@link #createBookmark2}.
+		 *
+		 * If serializable bookmark passed, then its `<span>` markers will be removed.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Object} bookmark
+		 */
+		moveToBookmark: function( bookmark ) {
+			if ( bookmark.is2 ) // Created with createBookmark2().
+			{
+				// Get the start information.
+				var startContainer = this.document.getByAddress( bookmark.start, bookmark.normalized ),
+					startOffset = bookmark.startOffset;
+				// Get the end information.
+				var endContainer = bookmark.end && this.document.getByAddress( bookmark.end, bookmark.normalized ),
+					endOffset = bookmark.endOffset;
+				// Set the start boundary.
+				this.setStart( startContainer, startOffset );
+				// Set the end boundary. If not available, collapse it.
+				if ( endContainer )
+					this.setEnd( endContainer, endOffset );
+				else
+					this.collapse( true );
+			} else // Created with createBookmark().
+			{
+				var serializable = bookmark.serializable,
+					startNode = serializable ? this.document.getById( bookmark.startNode ) : bookmark.startNode,
+					endNode = serializable ? this.document.getById( bookmark.endNode ) : bookmark.endNode;
+				// Set the range start at the bookmark start node position.
+				this.setStartBefore( startNode );
+				// Remove it, because it may interfere in the setEndBefore call.
+				startNode.remove();
+				// Set the range end at the bookmark end node position, or simply
+				// collapse it if it is not available.
+				if ( endNode ) {
+					this.setEndBefore( endNode );
+					endNode.remove();
+				} else
+					this.collapse( true );
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns two nodes which are on the boundaries of this range.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Object}
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} return.startNode
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} return.endNode
+		 * @todo precise desc/algorithm
+		 */
+		getBoundaryNodes: function() {
+			var startNode = this.startContainer,
+				endNode = this.endContainer,
+				startOffset = this.startOffset,
+				endOffset = this.endOffset,
+				childCount;
+			if ( startNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+				childCount = startNode.getChildCount();
+				if ( childCount > startOffset )
+					startNode = startNode.getChild( startOffset );
+				else if ( childCount < 1 )
+					startNode = startNode.getPreviousSourceNode();
+				else // startOffset > childCount but childCount is not 0
+				{
+					// Try to take the node just after the current position.
+					startNode = startNode.$;
+					while ( startNode.lastChild )
+						startNode = startNode.lastChild;
+					startNode = new CKEDITOR.dom.node( startNode );
+					// Normally we should take the next node in DFS order. But it
+					// is also possible that we've already reached the end of
+					// document.
+					startNode = startNode.getNextSourceNode() || startNode;
+				}
+			}
+			if ( endNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+				childCount = endNode.getChildCount();
+				if ( childCount > endOffset )
+					endNode = endNode.getChild( endOffset ).getPreviousSourceNode( true );
+				else if ( childCount < 1 )
+					endNode = endNode.getPreviousSourceNode();
+				else // endOffset > childCount but childCount is not 0
+				{
+					// Try to take the node just before the current position.
+					endNode = endNode.$;
+					while ( endNode.lastChild )
+						endNode = endNode.lastChild;
+					endNode = new CKEDITOR.dom.node( endNode );
+				}
+			}
+			// Sometimes the endNode will come right before startNode for collapsed
+			// ranges. Fix it. (#3780)
+			if ( startNode.getPosition( endNode ) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_FOLLOWING )
+				startNode = endNode;
+			return { startNode: startNode, endNode: endNode };
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Find the node which fully contains the range.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Boolean} [includeSelf=false]
+		 * @param {Boolean} [ignoreTextNode=false] Whether ignore {@link CKEDITOR#NODE_TEXT} type.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
+		 */
+		getCommonAncestor: function( includeSelf, ignoreTextNode ) {
+			var start = this.startContainer,
+				end = this.endContainer,
+				ancestor;
+			if ( start.equals( end ) ) {
+				if ( includeSelf && start.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && this.startOffset == this.endOffset - 1 )
+					ancestor = start.getChild( this.startOffset );
+				else
+					ancestor = start;
+			} else
+				ancestor = start.getCommonAncestor( end );
+			return ignoreTextNode && !ancestor.is ? ancestor.getParent() : ancestor;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Transforms the {@link #startContainer} and {@link #endContainer} properties from text
+		 * nodes to element nodes, whenever possible. This is actually possible
+		 * if either of the boundary containers point to a text node, and its
+		 * offset is set to zero, or after the last char in the node.
+		 */
+		optimize: function() {
+			var container = this.startContainer;
+			var offset = this.startOffset;
+			if ( container.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+				if ( !offset )
+					this.setStartBefore( container );
+				else if ( offset >= container.getLength() )
+					this.setStartAfter( container );
+			}
+			container = this.endContainer;
+			offset = this.endOffset;
+			if ( container.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+				if ( !offset )
+					this.setEndBefore( container );
+				else if ( offset >= container.getLength() )
+					this.setEndAfter( container );
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Move the range out of bookmark nodes if they'd been the container.
+		 */
+		optimizeBookmark: function() {
+			var startNode = this.startContainer,
+				endNode = this.endContainer;
+			if ( startNode.is && startNode.is( 'span' ) && startNode.data( 'cke-bookmark' ) )
+				this.setStartAt( startNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
+			if ( endNode && endNode.is && endNode.is( 'span' ) && endNode.data( 'cke-bookmark' ) )
+				this.setEndAt( endNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @param {Boolean} [ignoreStart=false]
+		 * @param {Boolean} [ignoreEnd=false]
+		 * @todo precise desc/algorithm
+		 */
+		trim: function( ignoreStart, ignoreEnd ) {
+			var startContainer = this.startContainer,
+				startOffset = this.startOffset,
+				collapsed = this.collapsed;
+			if ( ( !ignoreStart || collapsed ) && startContainer && startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+				// If the offset is zero, we just insert the new node before
+				// the start.
+				if ( !startOffset ) {
+					startOffset = startContainer.getIndex();
+					startContainer = startContainer.getParent();
+				}
+				// If the offset is at the end, we'll insert it after the text
+				// node.
+				else if ( startOffset >= startContainer.getLength() ) {
+					startOffset = startContainer.getIndex() + 1;
+					startContainer = startContainer.getParent();
+				}
+				// In other case, we split the text node and insert the new
+				// node at the split point.
+				else {
+					var nextText = startContainer.split( startOffset );
+					startOffset = startContainer.getIndex() + 1;
+					startContainer = startContainer.getParent();
+					// Check all necessity of updating the end boundary.
+					if ( this.startContainer.equals( this.endContainer ) )
+						this.setEnd( nextText, this.endOffset - this.startOffset );
+					else if ( startContainer.equals( this.endContainer ) )
+						this.endOffset += 1;
+				}
+				this.setStart( startContainer, startOffset );
+				if ( collapsed ) {
+					this.collapse( true );
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			var endContainer = this.endContainer;
+			var endOffset = this.endOffset;
+			if ( !( ignoreEnd || collapsed ) && endContainer && endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+				// If the offset is zero, we just insert the new node before
+				// the start.
+				if ( !endOffset ) {
+					endOffset = endContainer.getIndex();
+					endContainer = endContainer.getParent();
+				}
+				// If the offset is at the end, we'll insert it after the text
+				// node.
+				else if ( endOffset >= endContainer.getLength() ) {
+					endOffset = endContainer.getIndex() + 1;
+					endContainer = endContainer.getParent();
+				}
+				// In other case, we split the text node and insert the new
+				// node at the split point.
+				else {
+					endContainer.split( endOffset );
+					endOffset = endContainer.getIndex() + 1;
+					endContainer = endContainer.getParent();
+				}
+				this.setEnd( endContainer, endOffset );
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Expands the range so that partial units are completely contained.
+		 *
+		 * @param unit {Number} The unit type to expand with.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [excludeBrs=false] Whether include line-breaks when expanding.
+		 */
+		enlarge: function( unit, excludeBrs ) {
+			switch ( unit ) {
+					var enlargeInlineOnly = 1;
+					/*jsl:fallthru*/
+					if ( this.collapsed )
+						return;
+					// Get the common ancestor.
+					var commonAncestor = this.getCommonAncestor();
+					var boundary = this.root;
+					// For each boundary
+					//		a. Depending on its position, find out the first node to be checked (a sibling) or, if not available, to be enlarge.
+					//		b. Go ahead checking siblings and enlarging the boundary as much as possible until the common ancestor is not reached. After reaching the common ancestor, just save the enlargeable node to be used later.
+					var startTop, endTop;
+					var enlargeable, sibling, commonReached;
+					// Indicates that the node can be added only if whitespace
+					// is available before it.
+					var needsWhiteSpace = false;
+					var isWhiteSpace;
+					var siblingText;
+					// Process the start boundary.
+					var container = this.startContainer;
+					var offset = this.startOffset;
+					if ( container.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+						if ( offset ) {
+							// Check if there is any non-space text before the
+							// offset. Otherwise, container is null.
+							container = !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( container.substring( 0, offset ) ).length && container;
+							// If we found only whitespace in the node, it
+							// means that we'll need more whitespace to be able
+							// to expand. For example, <i> can be expanded in
+							// "A <i> [B]</i>", but not in "A<i> [B]</i>".
+							needsWhiteSpace = !!container;
+						}
+						if ( container ) {
+							if ( !( sibling = container.getPrevious() ) )
+								enlargeable = container.getParent();
+						}
+					} else {
+						// If we have offset, get the node preceeding it as the
+						// first sibling to be checked.
+						if ( offset )
+							sibling = container.getChild( offset - 1 ) || container.getLast();
+						// If there is no sibling, mark the container to be
+						// enlarged.
+						if ( !sibling )
+							enlargeable = container;
+					}
+					while ( enlargeable || sibling ) {
+						if ( enlargeable && !sibling ) {
+							// If we reached the common ancestor, mark the flag
+							// for it.
+							if ( !commonReached && enlargeable.equals( commonAncestor ) )
+								commonReached = true;
+							if ( enlargeInlineOnly ? enlargeable.isBlockBoundary() : !boundary.contains( enlargeable ) )
+								break;
+							// If we don't need space or this element breaks
+							// the line, then enlarge it.
+							if ( !needsWhiteSpace || enlargeable.getComputedStyle( 'display' ) != 'inline' ) {
+								needsWhiteSpace = false;
+								// If the common ancestor has been reached,
+								// we'll not enlarge it immediately, but just
+								// mark it to be enlarged later if the end
+								// boundary also enlarges it.
+								if ( commonReached )
+									startTop = enlargeable;
+								else
+									this.setStartBefore( enlargeable );
+							}
+							sibling = enlargeable.getPrevious();
+						}
+						// Check all sibling nodes preceeding the enlargeable
+						// node. The node wil lbe enlarged only if none of them
+						// blocks it.
+						while ( sibling ) {
+							// This flag indicates that this node has
+							// whitespaces at the end.
+							isWhiteSpace = false;
+							if ( sibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT ) {
+								sibling = sibling.getPrevious();
+								continue;
+							} else if ( sibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+								siblingText = sibling.getText();
+								if ( /[^\s\ufeff]/.test( siblingText ) )
+									sibling = null;
+								isWhiteSpace = /[\s\ufeff]$/.test( siblingText );
+							} else {
+								// If this is a visible element.
+								// We need to check for the bookmark attribute because IE insists on
+								// rendering the display:none nodes we use for bookmarks. (#3363)
+								// Line-breaks (br) are rendered with zero width, which we don't want to include. (#7041)
+								if ( ( sibling.$.offsetWidth > 0 || excludeBrs && sibling.is( 'br' ) ) && !sibling.data( 'cke-bookmark' ) ) {
+									// We'll accept it only if we need
+									// whitespace, and this is an inline
+									// element with whitespace only.
+									if ( needsWhiteSpace && CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ sibling.getName() ] ) {
+										// It must contains spaces and inline elements only.
+										siblingText = sibling.getText();
+										if ( ( /[^\s\ufeff]/ ).test( siblingText ) ) // Spaces + Zero Width No-Break Space (U+FEFF)
+										sibling = null;
+										else {
+											var allChildren = sibling.$.getElementsByTagName( '*' );
+											for ( var i = 0, child; child = allChildren[ i++ ]; ) {
+												if ( !CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ child.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] ) {
+													sibling = null;
+													break;
+												}
+											}
+										}
+										if ( sibling )
+											isWhiteSpace = !!siblingText.length;
+									} else
+										sibling = null;
+								}
+							}
+							// A node with whitespaces has been found.
+							if ( isWhiteSpace ) {
+								// Enlarge the last enlargeable node, if we
+								// were waiting for spaces.
+								if ( needsWhiteSpace ) {
+									if ( commonReached )
+										startTop = enlargeable;
+									else if ( enlargeable )
+										this.setStartBefore( enlargeable );
+								} else
+									needsWhiteSpace = true;
+							}
+							if ( sibling ) {
+								var next = sibling.getPrevious();
+								if ( !enlargeable && !next ) {
+									// Set the sibling as enlargeable, so it's
+									// parent will be get later outside this while.
+									enlargeable = sibling;
+									sibling = null;
+									break;
+								}
+								sibling = next;
+							} else {
+								// If sibling has been set to null, then we
+								// need to stop enlarging.
+								enlargeable = null;
+							}
+						}
+						if ( enlargeable )
+							enlargeable = enlargeable.getParent();
+					}
+					// Process the end boundary. This is basically the same
+					// code used for the start boundary, with small changes to
+					// make it work in the oposite side (to the right). This
+					// makes it difficult to reuse the code here. So, fixes to
+					// the above code are likely to be replicated here.
+					container = this.endContainer;
+					offset = this.endOffset;
+					// Reset the common variables.
+					enlargeable = sibling = null;
+					commonReached = needsWhiteSpace = false;
+					if ( container.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+						// Check if there is any non-space text after the
+						// offset. Otherwise, container is null.
+						container = !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( container.substring( offset ) ).length && container;
+						// If we found only whitespace in the node, it
+						// means that we'll need more whitespace to be able
+						// to expand. For example, <i> can be expanded in
+						// "A <i> [B]</i>", but not in "A<i> [B]</i>".
+						needsWhiteSpace = !( container && container.getLength() );
+						if ( container ) {
+							if ( !( sibling = container.getNext() ) )
+								enlargeable = container.getParent();
+						}
+					} else {
+						// Get the node right after the boudary to be checked
+						// first.
+						sibling = container.getChild( offset );
+						if ( !sibling )
+							enlargeable = container;
+					}
+					while ( enlargeable || sibling ) {
+						if ( enlargeable && !sibling ) {
+							if ( !commonReached && enlargeable.equals( commonAncestor ) )
+								commonReached = true;
+							if ( enlargeInlineOnly ? enlargeable.isBlockBoundary() : !boundary.contains( enlargeable ) )
+								break;
+							if ( !needsWhiteSpace || enlargeable.getComputedStyle( 'display' ) != 'inline' ) {
+								needsWhiteSpace = false;
+								if ( commonReached )
+									endTop = enlargeable;
+								else if ( enlargeable )
+									this.setEndAfter( enlargeable );
+							}
+							sibling = enlargeable.getNext();
+						}
+						while ( sibling ) {
+							isWhiteSpace = false;
+							if ( sibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+								siblingText = sibling.getText();
+								if ( /[^\s\ufeff]/.test( siblingText ) )
+									sibling = null;
+								isWhiteSpace = /^[\s\ufeff]/.test( siblingText );
+							} else if ( sibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+								// If this is a visible element.
+								// We need to check for the bookmark attribute because IE insists on
+								// rendering the display:none nodes we use for bookmarks. (#3363)
+								// Line-breaks (br) are rendered with zero width, which we don't want to include. (#7041)
+								if ( ( sibling.$.offsetWidth > 0 || excludeBrs && sibling.is( 'br' ) ) && !sibling.data( 'cke-bookmark' ) ) {
+									// We'll accept it only if we need
+									// whitespace, and this is an inline
+									// element with whitespace only.
+									if ( needsWhiteSpace && CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ sibling.getName() ] ) {
+										// It must contains spaces and inline elements only.
+										siblingText = sibling.getText();
+										if ( ( /[^\s\ufeff]/ ).test( siblingText ) )
+											sibling = null;
+										else {
+											allChildren = sibling.$.getElementsByTagName( '*' );
+											for ( i = 0; child = allChildren[ i++ ]; ) {
+												if ( !CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ child.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] ) {
+													sibling = null;
+													break;
+												}
+											}
+										}
+										if ( sibling )
+											isWhiteSpace = !!siblingText.length;
+									} else
+										sibling = null;
+								}
+							} else
+								isWhiteSpace = 1;
+							if ( isWhiteSpace ) {
+								if ( needsWhiteSpace ) {
+									if ( commonReached )
+										endTop = enlargeable;
+									else
+										this.setEndAfter( enlargeable );
+								}
+							}
+							if ( sibling ) {
+								next = sibling.getNext();
+								if ( !enlargeable && !next ) {
+									enlargeable = sibling;
+									sibling = null;
+									break;
+								}
+								sibling = next;
+							} else {
+								// If sibling has been set to null, then we
+								// need to stop enlarging.
+								enlargeable = null;
+							}
+						}
+						if ( enlargeable )
+							enlargeable = enlargeable.getParent();
+					}
+					// If the common ancestor can be enlarged by both boundaries, then include it also.
+					if ( startTop && endTop ) {
+						commonAncestor = startTop.contains( endTop ) ? endTop : startTop;
+						this.setStartBefore( commonAncestor );
+						this.setEndAfter( commonAncestor );
+					}
+					break;
+					// Enlarging the start boundary.
+					var walkerRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.root );
+					boundary = this.root;
+					walkerRange.setStartAt( boundary, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
+					walkerRange.setEnd( this.startContainer, this.startOffset );
+					var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange ),
+						blockBoundary, // The node on which the enlarging should stop.
+						tailBr, // In case BR as block boundary.
+						notBlockBoundary = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.blockBoundary(
+						( unit == CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_LIST_ITEM_CONTENTS ) ? { br:1 } : null ),
+						// Record the encountered 'blockBoundary' for later use.
+						boundaryGuard = function( node ) {
+							var retval = notBlockBoundary( node );
+							if ( !retval )
+								blockBoundary = node;
+							return retval;
+						},
+						// Record the encounted 'tailBr' for later use.
+						tailBrGuard = function( node ) {
+							var retval = boundaryGuard( node );
+							if ( !retval && node.is && node.is( 'br' ) )
+								tailBr = node;
+							return retval;
+						};
+					walker.guard = boundaryGuard;
+					enlargeable = walker.lastBackward();
+					// It's the body which stop the enlarging if no block boundary found.
+					blockBoundary = blockBoundary || boundary;
+					// Start the range either after the end of found block (<p>...</p>[text)
+					// or at the start of block (<p>[text...), by comparing the document position
+					// with 'enlargeable' node.
+					this.setStartAt( blockBoundary, !blockBoundary.is( 'br' ) && ( !enlargeable && this.checkStartOfBlock() || enlargeable && blockBoundary.contains( enlargeable ) ) ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START : CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
+					// Avoid enlarging the range further when end boundary spans right after the BR. (#7490)
+						var theRange = this.clone();
+						walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( theRange );
+						var whitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
+							bookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark();
+						walker.evaluator = function( node ) {
+							return !whitespaces( node ) && !bookmark( node );
+						};
+						var previous = walker.previous();
+						if ( previous && previous.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && previous.is( 'br' ) )
+							return;
+					}
+					// Enlarging the end boundary.
+					walkerRange = this.clone();
+					walkerRange.collapse();
+					walkerRange.setEndAt( boundary, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+					walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
+					// tailBrGuard only used for on range end.
+					walker.guard = ( unit == CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_LIST_ITEM_CONTENTS ) ? tailBrGuard : boundaryGuard;
+					blockBoundary = null;
+					// End the range right before the block boundary node.
+					enlargeable = walker.lastForward();
+					// It's the body which stop the enlarging if no block boundary found.
+					blockBoundary = blockBoundary || boundary;
+					// Close the range either before the found block start (text]<p>...</p>) or at the block end (...text]</p>)
+					// by comparing the document position with 'enlargeable' node.
+					this.setEndAt( blockBoundary, ( !enlargeable && this.checkEndOfBlock() || enlargeable && blockBoundary.contains( enlargeable ) ) ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END : CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
+					// We must include the <br> at the end of range if there's
+					// one and we're expanding list item contents
+					if ( tailBr )
+						this.setEndAfter( tailBr );
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Descrease the range to make sure that boundaries
+		 * always anchor beside text nodes or innermost element.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Number} mode The shrinking mode ({@link CKEDITOR#SHRINK_ELEMENT} or {@link CKEDITOR#SHRINK_TEXT}).
+		 *
+		 * * {@link CKEDITOR#SHRINK_ELEMENT} - Shrink the range boundaries to the edge of the innermost element.
+		 * * {@link CKEDITOR#SHRINK_TEXT} - Shrink the range boudaries to anchor by the side of enclosed text
+		 *     node, range remains if there's no text nodes on boundaries at all.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Boolean} selectContents Whether result range anchors at the inner OR outer boundary of the node.
+		 */
+		shrink: function( mode, selectContents, shrinkOnBlockBoundary ) {
+			// Unable to shrink a collapsed range.
+			if ( !this.collapsed ) {
+				mode = mode || CKEDITOR.SHRINK_TEXT;
+				var walkerRange = this.clone();
+				var startContainer = this.startContainer,
+					endContainer = this.endContainer,
+					startOffset = this.startOffset,
+					endOffset = this.endOffset,
+					collapsed = this.collapsed;
+				// Whether the start/end boundary is moveable.
+				var moveStart = 1,
+					moveEnd = 1;
+				if ( startContainer && startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+					if ( !startOffset )
+						walkerRange.setStartBefore( startContainer );
+					else if ( startOffset >= startContainer.getLength() )
+						walkerRange.setStartAfter( startContainer );
+					else {
+						// Enlarge the range properly to avoid walker making
+						// DOM changes caused by triming the text nodes later.
+						walkerRange.setStartBefore( startContainer );
+						moveStart = 0;
+					}
+				}
+				if ( endContainer && endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+					if ( !endOffset )
+						walkerRange.setEndBefore( endContainer );
+					else if ( endOffset >= endContainer.getLength() )
+						walkerRange.setEndAfter( endContainer );
+					else {
+						walkerRange.setEndAfter( endContainer );
+						moveEnd = 0;
+					}
+				}
+				var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange ),
+					isBookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark();
+				walker.evaluator = function( node ) {
+				};
+				var currentElement;
+				walker.guard = function( node, movingOut ) {
+					if ( isBookmark( node ) )
+						return true;
+					// Stop when we're shrink in element mode while encountering a text node.
+					if ( mode == CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
+						return false;
+					// Stop when we've already walked "through" an element.
+					if ( movingOut && node.equals( currentElement ) )
+						return false;
+					if ( shrinkOnBlockBoundary === false && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.isBlockBoundary() )
+						return false;
+					if ( !movingOut && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+						currentElement = node;
+					return true;
+				};
+				if ( moveStart ) {
+					var textStart = walker[ mode == CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT ? 'lastForward' : 'next' ]();
+					textStart && this.setStartAt( textStart, selectContents ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START : CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
+				}
+				if ( moveEnd ) {
+					walker.reset();
+					var textEnd = walker[ mode == CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT ? 'lastBackward' : 'previous' ]();
+					textEnd && this.setEndAt( textEnd, selectContents ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END : CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
+				}
+				return !!( moveStart || moveEnd );
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Inserts a node at the start of the range. The range will be expanded
+		 * the contain the node.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node
+		 */
+		insertNode: function( node ) {
+			this.optimizeBookmark();
+			this.trim( false, true );
+			var startContainer = this.startContainer;
+			var startOffset = this.startOffset;
+			var nextNode = startContainer.getChild( startOffset );
+			if ( nextNode )
+				node.insertBefore( nextNode );
+			else
+				startContainer.append( node );
+			// Check if we need to update the end boundary.
+			if ( node.getParent() && node.getParent().equals( this.endContainer ) )
+				this.endOffset++;
+			// Expand the range to embrace the new node.
+			this.setStartBefore( node );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		moveToPosition: function( node, position ) {
+			this.setStartAt( node, position );
+			this.collapse( true );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		moveToRange: function( range ) {
+			this.setStart( range.startContainer, range.startOffset );
+			this.setEnd( range.endContainer, range.endOffset );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Select nodes content. Range will start and end inside this node.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node
+		 */
+		selectNodeContents: function( node ) {
+			this.setStart( node, 0 );
+			this.setEnd( node, node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? node.getLength() : node.getChildCount() );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the start position of a range.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} startNode The node to start the range.
+		 * @param {Number} startOffset An integer greater than or equal to zero
+		 * representing the offset for the start of the range from the start
+		 * of `startNode`.
+		 */
+		setStart: function( startNode, startOffset ) {
+			// W3C requires a check for the new position. If it is after the end
+			// boundary, the range should be collapsed to the new start. It seams
+			// we will not need this check for our use of this class so we can
+			// ignore it for now.
+			// Fixing invalid range start inside dtd empty elements.
+			if ( startNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[ startNode.getName() ] )
+				startOffset = startNode.getIndex(), startNode = startNode.getParent();
+			this.startContainer = startNode;
+			this.startOffset = startOffset;
+			if ( !this.endContainer ) {
+				this.endContainer = startNode;
+				this.endOffset = startOffset;
+			}
+			updateCollapsed( this );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the end position of a Range.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} endNode The node to end the range.
+		 * @param {Number} endOffset An integer greater than or equal to zero
+		 * representing the offset for the end of the range from the start
+		 * of `endNode`.
+		 */
+		setEnd: function( endNode, endOffset ) {
+			// W3C requires a check for the new position. If it is before the start
+			// boundary, the range should be collapsed to the new end. It seams we
+			// will not need this check for our use of this class so we can ignore
+			// it for now.
+			// Fixing invalid range end inside dtd empty elements.
+			if ( endNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[ endNode.getName() ] )
+				endOffset = endNode.getIndex() + 1, endNode = endNode.getParent();
+			this.endContainer = endNode;
+			this.endOffset = endOffset;
+			if ( !this.startContainer ) {
+				this.startContainer = endNode;
+				this.startOffset = endOffset;
+			}
+			updateCollapsed( this );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		setStartAfter: function( node ) {
+			this.setStart( node.getParent(), node.getIndex() + 1 );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		setStartBefore: function( node ) {
+			this.setStart( node.getParent(), node.getIndex() );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		setEndAfter: function( node ) {
+			this.setEnd( node.getParent(), node.getIndex() + 1 );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		setEndBefore: function( node ) {
+			this.setEnd( node.getParent(), node.getIndex() );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		setStartAt: function( node, position ) {
+			switch ( position ) {
+					this.setStart( node, 0 );
+					break;
+					if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
+						this.setStart( node, node.getLength() );
+					else
+						this.setStart( node, node.getChildCount() );
+					break;
+					this.setStartBefore( node );
+					break;
+					this.setStartAfter( node );
+			}
+			updateCollapsed( this );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		setEndAt: function( node, position ) {
+			switch ( position ) {
+					this.setEnd( node, 0 );
+					break;
+					if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
+						this.setEnd( node, node.getLength() );
+					else
+						this.setEnd( node, node.getChildCount() );
+					break;
+					this.setEndBefore( node );
+					break;
+					this.setEndAfter( node );
+			}
+			updateCollapsed( this );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		fixBlock: function( isStart, blockTag ) {
+			var bookmark = this.createBookmark(),
+				fixedBlock = this.document.createElement( blockTag );
+			this.collapse( isStart );
+			this.extractContents().appendTo( fixedBlock );
+			fixedBlock.trim();
+			if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+				fixedBlock.appendBogus();
+			this.insertNode( fixedBlock );
+			this.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
+			return fixedBlock;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		splitBlock: function( blockTag ) {
+			var startPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.startContainer, this.root ),
+				endPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.endContainer, this.root );
+			var startBlockLimit = startPath.blockLimit,
+				endBlockLimit = endPath.blockLimit;
+			var startBlock = startPath.block,
+				endBlock = endPath.block;
+			var elementPath = null;
+			// Do nothing if the boundaries are in different block limits.
+			if ( !startBlockLimit.equals( endBlockLimit ) )
+				return null;
+			// Get or fix current blocks.
+			if ( blockTag != 'br' ) {
+				if ( !startBlock ) {
+					startBlock = this.fixBlock( true, blockTag );
+					endBlock = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.endContainer, this.root ).block;
+				}
+				if ( !endBlock )
+					endBlock = this.fixBlock( false, blockTag );
+			}
+			// Get the range position.
+			var isStartOfBlock = startBlock && this.checkStartOfBlock(),
+				isEndOfBlock = endBlock && this.checkEndOfBlock();
+			// Delete the current contents.
+			// TODO: Why is 2.x doing CheckIsEmpty()?
+			this.deleteContents();
+			if ( startBlock && startBlock.equals( endBlock ) ) {
+				if ( isEndOfBlock ) {
+					elementPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.startContainer, this.root );
+					this.moveToPosition( endBlock, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
+					endBlock = null;
+				} else if ( isStartOfBlock ) {
+					elementPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.startContainer, this.root );
+					this.moveToPosition( startBlock, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
+					startBlock = null;
+				} else {
+					endBlock = this.splitElement( startBlock );
+					// In Gecko, the last child node must be a bogus <br>.
+					// Note: bogus <br> added under <ul> or <ol> would cause
+					// lists to be incorrectly rendered.
+					if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie && !startBlock.is( 'ul', 'ol' ) )
+						startBlock.appendBogus();
+				}
+			}
+			return {
+				previousBlock: startBlock,
+				nextBlock: endBlock,
+				wasStartOfBlock: isStartOfBlock,
+				wasEndOfBlock: isEndOfBlock,
+				elementPath: elementPath
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Branch the specified element from the collapsed range position and
+		 * place the caret between the two result branches.
+		 *
+		 * **Note:** The range must be collapsed and been enclosed by this element.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} Root element of the new branch after the split.
+		 */
+		splitElement: function( toSplit ) {
+			if ( !this.collapsed )
+				return null;
+			// Extract the contents of the block from the selection point to the end
+			// of its contents.
+			this.setEndAt( toSplit, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+			var documentFragment = this.extractContents();
+			// Duplicate the element after it.
+			var clone = toSplit.clone( false );
+			// Place the extracted contents into the duplicated element.
+			documentFragment.appendTo( clone );
+			clone.insertAfter( toSplit );
+			this.moveToPosition( toSplit, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
+			return clone;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Recursively remove any empty path blocks at the range boundary.
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @param {Boolean} atEnd Removal to perform at the end boundary,
+		 * otherwise to perform at the start.
+		 */
+		removeEmptyBlocksAtEnd: (function() {
+			var whitespace = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
+					bookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( false );
+			function childEval( parent ) {
+				return function( node ) {
+					// whitespace, bookmarks, empty inlines.
+					if ( whitespace( node ) || bookmark( node ) ||
+					     node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
+					     node.isEmptyInlineRemoveable() )
+						return false;
+					else if ( parent.is( 'table' ) && node.is( 'caption' ) )
+						return false;
+					return true;
+				};
+			}
+			return function( atEnd ) {
+				var bm = this.createBookmark();
+				var path = this[ atEnd ? 'endPath' : 'startPath' ]();
+				var block = path.block || path.blockLimit, parent;
+				// Remove any childless block, including list and table.
+				while ( block && !block.equals( path.root ) &&
+				        !block.getFirst( childEval( block ) ) )
+				{
+					parent = block.getParent();
+					this[ atEnd ? 'setEndAt' : 'setStartAt' ]( block, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
+					block.remove( 1 );
+					block = parent;
+				}
+				this.moveToBookmark( bm );
+			};
+		})(),
+		/**
+		 * Gets {@link CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath} for the {@link #startContainer}.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath}
+		 */
+		startPath: function() {
+			return new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.startContainer, this.root );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets {@link CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath} for the {@link #endContainer}.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath}
+		 */
+		endPath: function() {
+			return new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.endContainer, this.root );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Check whether a range boundary is at the inner boundary of a given
+		 * element.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The target element to check.
+		 * @param {Number} checkType The boundary to check for both the range
+		 * and the element. It can be {@link CKEDITOR#START} or {@link CKEDITOR#END}.
+		 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the range boundary is at the inner
+		 * boundary of the element.
+		 */
+		checkBoundaryOfElement: function( element, checkType ) {
+			var checkStart = ( checkType == CKEDITOR.START );
+			// Create a copy of this range, so we can manipulate it for our checks.
+			var walkerRange = this.clone();
+			// Collapse the range at the proper size.
+			walkerRange.collapse( checkStart );
+			// Expand the range to element boundary.
+			walkerRange[ checkStart ? 'setStartAt' : 'setEndAt' ]
+			// Create the walker, which will check if we have anything useful
+			// in the range.
+			var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
+			walker.evaluator = elementBoundaryEval( checkStart );
+			return walker[ checkStart ? 'checkBackward' : 'checkForward' ]();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * **Note:** Calls to this function may produce changes to the DOM. The range may
+		 * be updated to reflect such changes.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Boolean}
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		checkStartOfBlock: function() {
+			var startContainer = this.startContainer,
+				startOffset = this.startOffset;
+			// [IE] Special handling for range start in text with a leading NBSP,
+			// we it to be isolated, for bogus check.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && startOffset && startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
+			{
+				var textBefore = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( startContainer.substring( 0, startOffset ) );
+				if ( nbspRegExp.test( textBefore ) )
+					this.trim( 0, 1 );
+			}
+			// Antecipate the trim() call here, so the walker will not make
+			// changes to the DOM, which would not get reflected into this
+			// range otherwise.
+			this.trim();
+			// We need to grab the block element holding the start boundary, so
+			// let's use an element path for it.
+			var path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.startContainer, this.root );
+			// Creates a range starting at the block start until the range start.
+			var walkerRange = this.clone();
+			walkerRange.collapse( true );
+			walkerRange.setStartAt( path.block || path.blockLimit, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
+			var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
+			walker.evaluator = getCheckStartEndBlockEvalFunction();
+			return walker.checkBackward();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * **Note:** Calls to this function may produce changes to the DOM. The range may
+		 * be updated to reflect such changes.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Boolean}
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		checkEndOfBlock: function() {
+			var endContainer = this.endContainer,
+				endOffset = this.endOffset;
+			// [IE] Special handling for range end in text with a following NBSP,
+			// we it to be isolated, for bogus check.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
+			{
+				var textAfter = CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim( endContainer.substring( endOffset ) );
+				if ( nbspRegExp.test( textAfter ) )
+					this.trim( 1, 0 );
+			}
+			// Antecipate the trim() call here, so the walker will not make
+			// changes to the DOM, which would not get reflected into this
+			// range otherwise.
+			this.trim();
+			// We need to grab the block element holding the start boundary, so
+			// let's use an element path for it.
+			var path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.endContainer, this.root );
+			// Creates a range starting at the block start until the range start.
+			var walkerRange = this.clone();
+			walkerRange.collapse( false );
+			walkerRange.setEndAt( path.block || path.blockLimit, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+			var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
+			walker.evaluator = getCheckStartEndBlockEvalFunction();
+			return walker.checkForward();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Traverse with {@link CKEDITOR.dom.walker} to retrieve the previous element before the range start.
+		 * @param {Function} evaluator Function used as the walker's evaluator.
+		 * @param {Function} [guard] Function used as the walker's guard.
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} [boundary] A range ancestor element in which the traversal is limited,
+		 * default to the root editable if not defined.
+		 *
+		 * @return {CKEDITOR.dom.element|null} The returned node from the traversal.
+		 */
+		getPreviousNode : function( evaluator, guard, boundary ) {
+			var walkerRange = this.clone();
+			walkerRange.collapse( 1 );
+			walkerRange.setStartAt( boundary || this.root, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
+			var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
+			walker.evaluator = evaluator;
+			walker.guard = guard;
+			return walker.previous();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Traverse with {@link CKEDITOR.dom.walker} to retrieve the next element before the range start.
+		 * @param {Function} evaluator Function used as the walker's evaluator.
+		 * @param {Function} [guard] Function used as the walker's guard.
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} [boundary] A range ancestor element in which the traversal is limited,
+		 * default to the root editable if not defined.
+		 *
+		 * @return {CKEDITOR.dom.element|null} The returned node from the traversal.
+		 */
+		getNextNode: function( evaluator, guard, boundary ) {
+			var walkerRange = this.clone();
+			walkerRange.collapse();
+			walkerRange.setEndAt( boundary || this.root, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+			var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
+			walker.evaluator = evaluator;
+			walker.guard = guard;
+			return walker.next();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Check if elements at which the range boundaries anchor are read-only,
+		 * with respect to `contenteditable` attribute.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Boolean}
+		 */
+		checkReadOnly: (function() {
+			function checkNodesEditable( node, anotherEnd ) {
+				while ( node ) {
+					if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+						if ( node.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' ) == 'false' && !node.data( 'cke-editable' ) ) {
+							return 0;
+						}
+						// Range enclosed entirely in an editable element.
+						else if ( node.is( 'html' ) || node.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' ) == 'true' && ( node.contains( anotherEnd ) || node.equals( anotherEnd ) ) ) {
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					node = node.getParent();
+				}
+				return 1;
+			}
+			return function() {
+				var startNode = this.startContainer,
+					endNode = this.endContainer;
+				// Check if elements path at both boundaries are editable.
+				return !( checkNodesEditable( startNode, endNode ) && checkNodesEditable( endNode, startNode ) );
+			};
+		})(),
+		/**
+		 * Moves the range boundaries to the first/end editing point inside an
+		 * element.
+		 *
+		 * For example, in an element tree like
+		 * `<p><b><i></i></b> Text</p>`, the start editing point is
+		 * `<p><b><i>^</i></b> Text</p>` (inside `<i>`).
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} el The element into which look for the
+		 * editing spot.
+		 * @param {Boolean} isMoveToEnd Whether move to the end editable position.
+		 * @returns {Boolean} Whether range was moved.
+		 */
+		moveToElementEditablePosition: function( el, isMoveToEnd ) {
+			function nextDFS( node, childOnly ) {
+				var next;
+				if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.isEditable( false ) )
+					next = node[ isMoveToEnd ? 'getLast' : 'getFirst' ]( nonWhitespaceOrBookmarkEval );
+				if ( !childOnly && !next )
+					next = node[ isMoveToEnd ? 'getPrevious' : 'getNext' ]( nonWhitespaceOrBookmarkEval );
+				return next;
+			}
+			// Handle non-editable element e.g. HR.
+			if ( el.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !el.isEditable( false ) ) {
+				return true;
+			}
+			var found = 0;
+			while ( el ) {
+				// Stop immediately if we've found a text node.
+				if ( el.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+					// Put cursor before block filler.
+					if ( isMoveToEnd && this.checkEndOfBlock() && nbspRegExp.test( el.getText() ) )
+						this.moveToPosition( el, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
+					else
+					found = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+				// If an editable element is found, move inside it, but not stop the searching.
+				if ( el.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+					if ( el.isEditable() ) {
+						found = 1;
+					}
+					// Put cursor before padding block br.
+					else if ( isMoveToEnd && el.is( 'br' ) && this.checkEndOfBlock() )
+						this.moveToPosition( el, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
+				}
+				el = nextDFS( el, found );
+			}
+			return !!found;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * See {@link #moveToElementEditablePosition}.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Boolean} Whether range was moved.
+		 */
+		moveToElementEditStart: function( target ) {
+			return this.moveToElementEditablePosition( target );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * See {@link #moveToElementEditablePosition}.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Boolean} Whether range was moved.
+		 */
+		moveToElementEditEnd: function( target ) {
+			return this.moveToElementEditablePosition( target, true );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Get the single node enclosed within the range if there's one.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node}
+		 */
+		getEnclosedNode: function() {
+			var walkerRange = this.clone();
+			// Optimize and analyze the range to avoid DOM destructive nature of walker. (#5780)
+			walkerRange.optimize();
+			if ( walkerRange.startContainer.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || walkerRange.endContainer.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+				return null;
+			var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange ),
+				isNotBookmarks = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( false, true ),
+				isNotWhitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true );
+			walker.evaluator = function( node ) {
+				return isNotWhitespaces( node ) && isNotBookmarks( node );
+			};
+			var node = walker.next();
+			walker.reset();
+			return node && node.equals( walker.previous() ) ? node : null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Get the node adjacent to the range start or {@link #startContainer}.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node}
+		 */
+		getTouchedStartNode: function() {
+			var container = this.startContainer;
+			if ( this.collapsed || container.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+				return container;
+			return container.getChild( this.startOffset ) || container;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Get the node adjacent to the range end or {@link #endContainer}.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node}
+		 */
+		getTouchedEndNode: function() {
+			var container = this.endContainer;
+			if ( this.collapsed || container.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+				return container;
+			return container.getChild( this.endOffset - 1 ) || container;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Scrolls the start of current range into view.
+		 */
+		scrollIntoView: function() {
+			// The reference element contains a zero-width space to avoid
+			// a premature removal. The view is to be scrolled with respect
+			// to this element.
+			var reference = new CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<span> </span>', this.document ),
+				afterCaretNode, startContainerText, isStartText;
+			var range = this.clone();
+			// Work with the range to obtain a proper caret position.
+			range.optimize();
+			// Currently in a text node, so we need to split it into two
+			// halves and put the reference between.
+			if ( isStartText = range.startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+				// Keep the original content. It will be restored.
+				startContainerText = range.startContainer.getText();
+				// Split the startContainer at the this position.
+				afterCaretNode = range.startContainer.split( range.startOffset );
+				// Insert the reference between two text nodes.
+				reference.insertAfter( range.startContainer );
+			}
+			// If not in a text node, simply insert the reference into the range.
+			else
+				range.insertNode( reference );
+			// Scroll with respect to the reference element.
+			reference.scrollIntoView();
+			// Get rid of split parts if "in a text node" case.
+			// Revert the original text of the startContainer.
+			if ( isStartText ) {
+				range.startContainer.setText( startContainerText );
+				afterCaretNode.remove();
+			}
+			// Get rid of the reference node. It is no longer necessary.
+			reference.remove();
+		}
+	};
+CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START = 1; // <element>^contents</element>		"^text"
+CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END = 2; // <element>contents^</element>		"text^"
+CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START = 3; // ^<element>contents</element>		^"text"
+CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END = 4; // <element>contents</element>^		"text"
+// Check boundary types.
+ * See {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range#checkBoundaryOfElement}.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ * @property {Number} [=1]
+ */
+ * See {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range#checkBoundaryOfElement}.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ * @property {Number} [=2]
+ */
+// Shrink range types.
+ * See {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range#shrink}.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ * @property {Number} [=1]
+ */
+ * See {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range#shrink}.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ * @property {Number} [=2]
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/rangelist.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/rangelist.js
index 9c12e48..0955b73 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/rangelist.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/rangelist.js
@@ -1,163 +1,201 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	/**
-	 * Represents a list os CKEDITOR.dom.range objects, which can be easily
-	 * iterated sequentially.
-	 * @constructor
-	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range|Array} [ranges] The ranges contained on this list.
-	 *		Note that, if an array of ranges is specified, the range sequence
-	 *		should match its DOM order. This class will not help to sort them.
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList = function( ranges )
-	{
-		if ( ranges instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList )
-			return ranges;
-		if ( !ranges )
-			ranges = [];
-		else if ( ranges instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.range )
-			ranges = [ ranges ];
-		return CKEDITOR.tools.extend( ranges, mixins );
-	};
-	var mixins =
-	/** @lends CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList.prototype */
-	{
-			/**
-			 * Creates an instance of the rangeList iterator, it should be used
-			 * only when the ranges processing could be DOM intrusive, which
-			 * means it may pollute and break other ranges in this list.
-			 * Otherwise, it's enough to just iterate over this array in a for loop.
-			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.rangeListIterator}
-			 */
-			createIterator : function()
-			{
-				var rangeList = this,
-					bookmarks = [],
-					current;
-				/**
-				 * @lends CKEDITOR.dom.rangeListIterator.prototype
-				 */
-				return {
-					/**
-					 * Retrieves the next range in the list.
-					 */
-					getNextRange : function()
-					{
-						current = current == undefined ? 0 : current + 1;
-						var range = rangeList[ current ];
-						// Multiple ranges might be mangled by each other.
-						if ( range && rangeList.length > 1 )
-						{
-							// Bookmarking all other ranges on the first iteration,
-							// the range correctness after it doesn't matter since we'll
-							// restore them before the next iteration.
-							if ( !current )
-							{
-								// Make sure bookmark correctness by reverse processing.
-								for ( var i = rangeList.length - 1; i > 0; i-- )
-									bookmarks.unshift( rangeList[ i ].createBookmark( true ) );
-							}
-							else
-								range.moveToBookmark( bookmarks.shift() );
-						}
-						return range;
-					}
-				};
-			},
-			createBookmarks : function( serializable )
-			{
-				var retval = [], bookmark;
-				for ( var i = 0; i < this.length ; i++ )
-				{
-					retval.push( bookmark = this[ i ].createBookmark( serializable, true) );
-					// Updating the container & offset values for ranges
-					// that have been touched.
-					for ( var j = i + 1; j < this.length; j++ )
-					{
-						this[ j ] = updateDirtyRange( bookmark, this[ j ] );
-						this[ j ] = updateDirtyRange( bookmark, this[ j ], true );
-					}
-				}
-				return retval;
-			},
-			createBookmarks2 : function( normalized )
-			{
-				var bookmarks = [];
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.length ; i++ )
-					bookmarks.push( this[ i ].createBookmark2( normalized ) );
-				return bookmarks;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Move each range in the list to the position specified by a list of bookmarks.
-			 * @param {Array} bookmarks The list of bookmarks, each one matching a range in the list.
-			 */
-			moveToBookmarks :  function( bookmarks )
-			{
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.length ; i++ )
-					this[ i ].moveToBookmark( bookmarks[ i ] );
-			}
-	};
-	// Update the specified range which has been mangled by previous insertion of
-	// range bookmark nodes.(#3256)
-	function updateDirtyRange( bookmark, dirtyRange, checkEnd )
-	{
-		var serializable = bookmark.serializable,
-			container = dirtyRange[ checkEnd ? 'endContainer' : 'startContainer' ],
-			offset = checkEnd ? 'endOffset' : 'startOffset';
-		var bookmarkStart = serializable ?
-				dirtyRange.document.getById( bookmark.startNode )
-				: bookmark.startNode;
-		var bookmarkEnd = serializable ?
-				dirtyRange.document.getById( bookmark.endNode )
-				: bookmark.endNode;
-		if ( container.equals( bookmarkStart.getPrevious() ) )
-		{
-			dirtyRange.startOffset = dirtyRange.startOffset
-					- container.getLength()
-					- bookmarkEnd.getPrevious().getLength();
-			container = bookmarkEnd.getNext();
-		}
-		else if ( container.equals( bookmarkEnd.getPrevious() ) )
-		{
-			dirtyRange.startOffset = dirtyRange.startOffset - container.getLength();
-			container = bookmarkEnd.getNext();
-		}
-		container.equals( bookmarkStart.getParent() ) && dirtyRange[ offset ]++;
-		container.equals( bookmarkEnd.getParent() ) && dirtyRange[ offset ]++;
-		// Update and return this range.
-		dirtyRange[ checkEnd ? 'endContainer' : 'startContainer' ] = container;
-		return dirtyRange;
-	}
- * (Virtual Class) Do not call this constructor. This class is not really part
- *	of the API. It just describes the return type of {@link CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList#createIterator}.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dom.rangeListIterator
- * @constructor
- * @example
- */
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	/**
+	 * Represents a list os CKEDITOR.dom.range objects, which can be easily
+	 * iterated sequentially.
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @extends Array
+	 * @constructor Creates a rangeList class instance.
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range/CKEDITOR.dom.range[]} [ranges] The ranges contained on this list.
+	 * Note that, if an array of ranges is specified, the range sequence
+	 * should match its DOM order. This class will not help to sort them.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList = function( ranges ) {
+		if ( ranges instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList )
+			return ranges;
+		if ( !ranges )
+			ranges = [];
+		else if ( ranges instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.range )
+			ranges = [ ranges ];
+		return CKEDITOR.tools.extend( ranges, mixins );
+	};
+	var mixins = {
+		/**
+		 * Creates an instance of the rangeList iterator, it should be used
+		 * only when the ranges processing could be DOM intrusive, which
+		 * means it may pollute and break other ranges in this list.
+		 * Otherwise, it's enough to just iterate over this array in a for loop.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.rangeListIterator}
+		 */
+		createIterator: function() {
+			var rangeList = this,
+				bookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(),
+				guard = function( node ) {
+					return !( node.is && node.is( 'tr' ) );
+				},
+				bookmarks = [],
+				current;
+			return {
+				/**
+				 * Retrieves the next range in the list.
+				 *
+				 * @member CKEDITOR.dom.rangeListIterator
+				 * @param {Boolean} [mergeConsequent=false] Whether join two adjacent
+				 * ranges into single, e.g. consequent table cells.
+				 */
+				getNextRange: function( mergeConsequent ) {
+					current = current == undefined ? 0 : current + 1;
+					var range = rangeList[ current ];
+					// Multiple ranges might be mangled by each other.
+					if ( range && rangeList.length > 1 ) {
+						// Bookmarking all other ranges on the first iteration,
+						// the range correctness after it doesn't matter since we'll
+						// restore them before the next iteration.
+						if ( !current ) {
+							// Make sure bookmark correctness by reverse processing.
+							for ( var i = rangeList.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+								bookmarks.unshift( rangeList[ i ].createBookmark( true ) );
+						}
+						if ( mergeConsequent ) {
+							// Figure out how many ranges should be merged.
+							var mergeCount = 0;
+							while ( rangeList[ current + mergeCount + 1 ] ) {
+								var doc = range.document,
+									found = 0,
+									left = doc.getById( bookmarks[ mergeCount ].endNode ),
+									right = doc.getById( bookmarks[ mergeCount + 1 ].startNode ),
+									next;
+								// Check subsequent range.
+								while ( 1 ) {
+									next = left.getNextSourceNode( false );
+									if ( !right.equals( next ) ) {
+										// This could be yet another bookmark or
+										// walking across block boundaries.
+										if ( bookmark( next ) || ( next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && next.isBlockBoundary() ) ) {
+											left = next;
+											continue;
+										}
+									} else
+										found = 1;
+									break;
+								}
+								if ( !found )
+									break;
+								mergeCount++;
+							}
+						}
+						range.moveToBookmark( bookmarks.shift() );
+						// Merge ranges finally after moving to bookmarks.
+						while ( mergeCount-- ) {
+							next = rangeList[ ++current ];
+							next.moveToBookmark( bookmarks.shift() );
+							range.setEnd( next.endContainer, next.endOffset );
+						}
+					}
+					return range;
+				}
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Create bookmarks for all ranges. See {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range#createBookmark}.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Boolean} [serializable=false] See {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range#createBookmark}.
+		 * @returns {Array} Array of bookmarks.
+		 */
+		createBookmarks: function( serializable ) {
+			var retval = [],
+				bookmark;
+			for ( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) {
+				retval.push( bookmark = this[ i ].createBookmark( serializable, true ) );
+				// Updating the container & offset values for ranges
+				// that have been touched.
+				for ( var j = i + 1; j < this.length; j++ ) {
+					this[ j ] = updateDirtyRange( bookmark, this[ j ] );
+					this[ j ] = updateDirtyRange( bookmark, this[ j ], true );
+				}
+			}
+			return retval;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Create "unobtrusive" bookmarks for all ranges. See {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range#createBookmark2}.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Boolean} [normalized=false] See {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range#createBookmark2}.
+		 * @returns {Array} Array of bookmarks.
+		 */
+		createBookmarks2: function( normalized ) {
+			var bookmarks = [];
+			for ( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ )
+				bookmarks.push( this[ i ].createBookmark2( normalized ) );
+			return bookmarks;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Move each range in the list to the position specified by a list of bookmarks.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Array} bookmarks The list of bookmarks, each one matching a range in the list.
+		 */
+		moveToBookmarks: function( bookmarks ) {
+			for ( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ )
+				this[ i ].moveToBookmark( bookmarks[ i ] );
+		}
+	};
+	// Update the specified range which has been mangled by previous insertion of
+	// range bookmark nodes.(#3256)
+	function updateDirtyRange( bookmark, dirtyRange, checkEnd ) {
+		var serializable = bookmark.serializable,
+			container = dirtyRange[ checkEnd ? 'endContainer' : 'startContainer' ],
+			offset = checkEnd ? 'endOffset' : 'startOffset';
+		var bookmarkStart = serializable ? dirtyRange.document.getById( bookmark.startNode ) : bookmark.startNode;
+		var bookmarkEnd = serializable ? dirtyRange.document.getById( bookmark.endNode ) : bookmark.endNode;
+		if ( container.equals( bookmarkStart.getPrevious() ) ) {
+			dirtyRange.startOffset = dirtyRange.startOffset - container.getLength() - bookmarkEnd.getPrevious().getLength();
+			container = bookmarkEnd.getNext();
+		} else if ( container.equals( bookmarkEnd.getPrevious() ) ) {
+			dirtyRange.startOffset = dirtyRange.startOffset - container.getLength();
+			container = bookmarkEnd.getNext();
+		}
+		container.equals( bookmarkStart.getParent() ) && dirtyRange[ offset ]++;
+		container.equals( bookmarkEnd.getParent() ) && dirtyRange[ offset ]++;
+		// Update and return this range.
+		dirtyRange[ checkEnd ? 'endContainer' : 'startContainer' ] = container;
+		return dirtyRange;
+	}
+ * (Virtual Class) Do not call this constructor. This class is not really part
+ * of the API. It just describes the return type of {@link CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList#createIterator}.
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dom.rangeListIterator
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/text.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/text.js
index a1eb690..67550eb 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/text.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/text.js
@@ -1,123 +1,139 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.text} class, which represents
- *		a DOM text node.
- */
- * Represents a DOM text node.
- * @constructor
- * @augments CKEDITOR.dom.node
- * @param {Object|String} text A native DOM text node or a string containing
- *		the text to use to create a new text node.
- * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.document} [ownerDocument] The document that will contain
- *		the node in case of new node creation. Defaults to the current document.
- * @example
- * var nativeNode = document.createTextNode( 'Example' );
- * var text = CKEDITOR.dom.text( nativeNode );
- * @example
- * var text = CKEDITOR.dom.text( 'Example' );
- */
-CKEDITOR.dom.text = function( text, ownerDocument )
-	if ( typeof text == 'string' )
-		text = ( ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.$ : document ).createTextNode( text );
-	// Theoretically, we should call the base constructor here
-	// (not CKEDITOR.dom.node though). But, IE doesn't support expando
-	// properties on text node, so the features provided by domObject will not
-	// work for text nodes (which is not a big issue for us).
-	//
-	// CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call( this, element );
-	/**
-	 * The native DOM text node represented by this class instance.
-	 * @type Object
-	 * @example
-	 * var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.text( 'Example' );
-	 * alert( element.$.nodeType );  // "3"
-	 */
-	this.$ = text;
-CKEDITOR.dom.text.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.node();
-CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dom.text.prototype,
-	/** @lends CKEDITOR.dom.text.prototype */
-	{
-		/**
-		 * The node type. This is a constant value set to
-		 * {@link CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT}.
-		 * @type Number
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		getLength : function()
-		{
-			return this.$.nodeValue.length;
-		},
-		getText : function()
-		{
-			return this.$.nodeValue;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Breaks this text node into two nodes at the specified offset,
-		 * keeping both in the tree as siblings. This node then only contains
-		 * all the content up to the offset point. A new text node, which is
-		 * inserted as the next sibling of this node, contains all the content
-		 * at and after the offset point. When the offset is equal to the
-		 * length of this node, the new node has no data.
-		 * @param {Number} The position at which to split, starting from zero.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.text} The new text node.
-		 */
-		split : function( offset )
-		{
-			// If the offset is after the last char, IE creates the text node
-			// on split, but don't include it into the DOM. So, we have to do
-			// that manually here.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && offset == this.getLength() )
-			{
-				var next = this.getDocument().createText( '' );
-				next.insertAfter( this );
-				return next;
-			}
-			var doc = this.getDocument();
-			var retval = new CKEDITOR.dom.text( this.$.splitText( offset ), doc );
-			// IE BUG: IE8 does not update the childNodes array in DOM after splitText(),
-			// we need to make some DOM changes to make it update. (#3436)
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie8 )
-			{
-				var workaround = new CKEDITOR.dom.text( '', doc );
-				workaround.insertAfter( retval );
-				workaround.remove();
-			}
-			return retval;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Extracts characters from indexA up to but not including indexB.
-		 * @param {Number} indexA An integer between 0 and one less than the
-		 *		length of the text.
-		 * @param {Number} [indexB] An integer between 0 and the length of the
-		 *		string. If omitted, extracts characters to the end of the text.
-		 */
-		substring : function( indexA, indexB )
-		{
-			// We need the following check due to a Firefox bug
-			// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=458886
-			if ( typeof indexB != 'number' )
-				return this.$.nodeValue.substr( indexA );
-			else
-				return this.$.nodeValue.substring( indexA, indexB );
-		}
-	});
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.text} class, which represents
+ *		a DOM text node.
+ */
+ * Represents a DOM text node.
+ *
+ *		var nativeNode = document.createTextNode( 'Example' );
+ *		var text = CKEDITOR.dom.text( nativeNode );
+ *
+ *		var text = CKEDITOR.dom.text( 'Example' );
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dom.node
+ * @constructor Creates a text class instance.
+ * @param {Object/String} text A native DOM text node or a string containing
+ * the text to use to create a new text node.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.document} [ownerDocument] The document that will contain
+ * the node in case of new node creation. Defaults to the current document.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.text = function( text, ownerDocument ) {
+	if ( typeof text == 'string' )
+		text = ( ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.$ : document ).createTextNode( text );
+	// Theoretically, we should call the base constructor here
+	// (not CKEDITOR.dom.node though). But, IE doesn't support expando
+	// properties on text node, so the features provided by domObject will not
+	// work for text nodes (which is not a big issue for us).
+	//
+	// CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call( this, element );
+	this.$ = text;
+CKEDITOR.dom.text.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.node();
+CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dom.text.prototype, {
+	/**
+	 * The node type. This is a constant value set to {@link CKEDITOR#NODE_TEXT}.
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 * @property {Number} [=CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT]
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Gets length of node's value.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {Number}
+	 */
+	getLength: function() {
+		return this.$.nodeValue.length;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets node's value.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {String}
+	 */
+	getText: function() {
+		return this.$.nodeValue;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Sets node's value.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} text
+	 */
+	setText: function( text ) {
+		this.$.nodeValue = text;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Breaks this text node into two nodes at the specified offset,
+	 * keeping both in the tree as siblings. This node then only contains
+	 * all the content up to the offset point. A new text node, which is
+	 * inserted as the next sibling of this node, contains all the content
+	 * at and after the offset point. When the offset is equal to the
+	 * length of this node, the new node has no data.
+	 *
+	 * @param {Number} The position at which to split, starting from zero.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.text} The new text node.
+	 */
+	split: function( offset ) {
+		// Saved the children count and text length beforehand.
+		var parent = this.$.parentNode,
+			count = parent.childNodes.length,
+			length = this.getLength();
+		var doc = this.getDocument();
+		var retval = new CKEDITOR.dom.text( this.$.splitText( offset ), doc );
+		if ( parent.childNodes.length == count )
+		{
+			// If the offset is after the last char, IE creates the text node
+			// on split, but don't include it into the DOM. So, we have to do
+			// that manually here.
+			if ( offset >= length )
+			{
+				retval = doc.createText( '' );
+				retval.insertAfter( this );
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// IE BUG: IE8+ does not update the childNodes array in DOM after splitText(),
+				// we need to make some DOM changes to make it update. (#3436)
+				var workaround = doc.createText( '' );
+				workaround.insertAfter( retval );
+				workaround.remove();
+			}
+		}
+		return retval;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Extracts characters from indexA up to but not including `indexB`.
+	 *
+	 * @param {Number} indexA An integer between `0` and one less than the
+	 * length of the text.
+	 * @param {Number} [indexB] An integer between `0` and the length of the
+	 * string. If omitted, extracts characters to the end of the text.
+	 */
+	substring: function( indexA, indexB ) {
+		// We need the following check due to a Firefox bug
+		// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=458886
+		if ( typeof indexB != 'number' )
+			return this.$.nodeValue.substr( indexA );
+		else
+			return this.$.nodeValue.substring( indexA, indexB );
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/walker.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/walker.js
index 1bf0eab..0f360e0 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/walker.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/walker.js
@@ -1,445 +1,477 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	// This function is to be called under a "walker" instance scope.
-	function iterate( rtl, breakOnFalse )
-	{
-		// Return null if we have reached the end.
-		if ( this._.end )
-			return null;
-		var node,
-			range = this.range,
-			guard,
-			userGuard = this.guard,
-			type = this.type,
-			getSourceNodeFn = ( rtl ? 'getPreviousSourceNode' : 'getNextSourceNode' );
-		// This is the first call. Initialize it.
-		if ( !this._.start )
-		{
-			this._.start = 1;
-			// Trim text nodes and optmize the range boundaries. DOM changes
-			// may happen at this point.
-			range.trim();
-			// A collapsed range must return null at first call.
-			if ( range.collapsed )
-			{
-				this.end();
-				return null;
-			}
-		}
-		// Create the LTR guard function, if necessary.
-		if ( !rtl && !this._.guardLTR )
-		{
-			// Gets the node that stops the walker when going LTR.
-			var limitLTR = range.endContainer,
-				blockerLTR = limitLTR.getChild( range.endOffset );
-			this._.guardLTR = function( node, movingOut )
-			{
-				return ( ( !movingOut || !limitLTR.equals( node ) )
-					&& ( !blockerLTR || !node.equals( blockerLTR ) )
-					&& ( node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || !movingOut || node.getName() != 'body' ) );
-			};
-		}
-		// Create the RTL guard function, if necessary.
-		if ( rtl && !this._.guardRTL )
-		{
-			// Gets the node that stops the walker when going LTR.
-			var limitRTL = range.startContainer,
-				blockerRTL = ( range.startOffset > 0 ) && limitRTL.getChild( range.startOffset - 1 );
-			this._.guardRTL = function( node, movingOut )
-			{
-				return ( ( !movingOut || !limitRTL.equals( node ) )
-					&& ( !blockerRTL || !node.equals( blockerRTL ) )
-					&& ( node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || !movingOut || node.getName() != 'body' ) );
-			};
-		}
-		// Define which guard function to use.
-		var stopGuard = rtl ? this._.guardRTL : this._.guardLTR;
-		// Make the user defined guard function participate in the process,
-		// otherwise simply use the boundary guard.
-		if ( userGuard )
-		{
-			guard = function( node, movingOut )
-			{
-				if ( stopGuard( node, movingOut ) === false )
-					return false;
-				return userGuard( node, movingOut );
-			};
-		}
-		else
-			guard = stopGuard;
-		if ( this.current )
-			node = this.current[ getSourceNodeFn ]( false, type, guard );
-		else
-		{
-			// Get the first node to be returned.
-			if ( rtl )
-			{
-				node = range.endContainer;
-				if ( range.endOffset > 0 )
-				{
-					node = node.getChild( range.endOffset - 1 );
-					if ( guard( node ) === false )
-						node = null;
-				}
-				else
-					node = ( guard ( node, true ) === false ) ?
-						null : node.getPreviousSourceNode( true, type, guard );
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				node = range.startContainer;
-				node = node.getChild( range.startOffset );
-				if ( node )
-				{
-					if ( guard( node ) === false )
-						node = null;
-				}
-				else
-					node = ( guard ( range.startContainer, true ) === false ) ?
-						null : range.startContainer.getNextSourceNode( true, type, guard ) ;
-			}
-		}
-		while ( node && !this._.end )
-		{
-			this.current = node;
-			if ( !this.evaluator || this.evaluator( node ) !== false )
-			{
-				if ( !breakOnFalse )
-					return node;
-			}
-			else if ( breakOnFalse && this.evaluator )
-				return false;
-			node = node[ getSourceNodeFn ]( false, type, guard );
-		}
-		this.end();
-		return this.current = null;
-	}
-	function iterateToLast( rtl )
-	{
-		var node, last = null;
-		while ( ( node = iterate.call( this, rtl ) ) )
-			last = node;
-		return last;
-	}
-	CKEDITOR.dom.walker = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Utility class to "walk" the DOM inside a range boundaries. If
-		 * necessary, partially included nodes (text nodes) are broken to
-		 * reflect the boundaries limits, so DOM and range changes may happen.
-		 * Outside changes to the range may break the walker.
-		 *
-		 * The walker may return nodes that are not totaly included into the
-		 * range boundaires. Let's take the following range representation,
-		 * where the square brackets indicate the boundaries:
-		 *
-		 * [<p>Some <b>sample] text</b>
-		 *
-		 * While walking forward into the above range, the following nodes are
-		 * returned: <p>, "Some ", <b> and "sample". Going
-		 * backwards instead we have: "sample" and "Some ". So note that the
-		 * walker always returns nodes when "entering" them, but not when
-		 * "leaving" them. The guard function is instead called both when
-		 * entering and leaving nodes.
-		 *
-		 * @constructor
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} range The range within which walk.
-		 */
-		$ : function( range )
-		{
-			this.range = range;
-			/**
-			 * A function executed for every matched node, to check whether
-			 * it's to be considered into the walk or not. If not provided, all
-			 * matched nodes are considered good.
-			 * If the function returns "false" the node is ignored.
-			 * @name CKEDITOR.dom.walker.prototype.evaluator
-			 * @property
-			 * @type Function
-			 */
-			// this.evaluator = null;
-			/**
-			 * A function executed for every node the walk pass by to check
-			 * whether the walk is to be finished. It's called when both
-			 * entering and exiting nodes, as well as for the matched nodes.
-			 * If this function returns "false", the walking ends and no more
-			 * nodes are evaluated.
-			 * @name CKEDITOR.dom.walker.prototype.guard
-			 * @property
-			 * @type Function
-			 */
-			// this.guard = null;
-			/** @private */
-			this._ = {};
-		},
-//		statics :
-//		{
-//			/* Creates a CKEDITOR.dom.walker instance to walk inside DOM boundaries set by nodes.
-//			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} startNode The node from wich the walk
-//			 *		will start.
-//			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} [endNode] The last node to be considered
-//			 *		in the walk. No more nodes are retrieved after touching or
-//			 *		passing it. If not provided, the walker stops at the
-//			 *		<body> closing boundary.
-//			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.walker} A DOM walker for the nodes between the
-//			 *		provided nodes.
-//			 */
-//			createOnNodes : function( startNode, endNode, startInclusive, endInclusive )
-//			{
-//				var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range();
-//				if ( startNode )
-//					range.setStartAt( startNode, startInclusive ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START : CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END ) ;
-//				else
-//					range.setStartAt( startNode.getDocument().getBody(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START ) ;
-//				if ( endNode )
-//					range.setEndAt( endNode, endInclusive ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END : CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START ) ;
-//				else
-//					range.setEndAt( startNode.getDocument().getBody(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END ) ;
-//				return new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
-//			}
-//		},
-		proto :
-		{
-			/**
-			 * Stop walking. No more nodes are retrieved if this function gets
-			 * called.
-			 */
-			end : function()
-			{
-				this._.end = 1;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Retrieves the next node (at right).
-			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The next node or null if no more
-			 *		nodes are available.
-			 */
-			next : function()
-			{
-				return iterate.call( this );
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Retrieves the previous node (at left).
-			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The previous node or null if no more
-			 *		nodes are available.
-			 */
-			previous : function()
-			{
-				return iterate.call( this, true );
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Check all nodes at right, executing the evaluation fuction.
-			 * @returns {Boolean} "false" if the evaluator function returned
-			 *		"false" for any of the matched nodes. Otherwise "true".
-			 */
-			checkForward : function()
-			{
-				return iterate.call( this, false, true ) !== false;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Check all nodes at left, executing the evaluation fuction.
-			 * @returns {Boolean} "false" if the evaluator function returned
-			 *		"false" for any of the matched nodes. Otherwise "true".
-			 */
-			checkBackward : function()
-			{
-				return iterate.call( this, true, true ) !== false;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Executes a full walk forward (to the right), until no more nodes
-			 * are available, returning the last valid node.
-			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The last node at the right or null
-			 *		if no valid nodes are available.
-			 */
-			lastForward : function()
-			{
-				return iterateToLast.call( this );
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Executes a full walk backwards (to the left), until no more nodes
-			 * are available, returning the last valid node.
-			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The last node at the left or null
-			 *		if no valid nodes are available.
-			 */
-			lastBackward : function()
-			{
-				return iterateToLast.call( this, true );
-			},
-			reset : function()
-			{
-				delete this.current;
-				this._ = {};
-			}
-		}
-	});
-	/*
-	 * Anything whose display computed style is block, list-item, table,
-	 * table-row-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-row,
-	 * table-column-group, table-column, table-cell, table-caption, or whose node
-	 * name is hr, br (when enterMode is br only) is a block boundary.
-	 */
-	var blockBoundaryDisplayMatch =
-	{
-		block : 1,
-		'list-item' : 1,
-		table : 1,
-		'table-row-group' : 1,
-		'table-header-group' : 1,
-		'table-footer-group' : 1,
-		'table-row' : 1,
-		'table-column-group' : 1,
-		'table-column' : 1,
-		'table-cell' : 1,
-		'table-caption' : 1
-	},
-	blockBoundaryNodeNameMatch = { hr : 1 };
-	CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.isBlockBoundary = function( customNodeNames )
-	{
-		var nodeNameMatches = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {},
-													blockBoundaryNodeNameMatch, customNodeNames || {} );
-		return blockBoundaryDisplayMatch[ this.getComputedStyle( 'display' ) ] ||
-			nodeNameMatches[ this.getName() ];
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.dom.walker.blockBoundary = function( customNodeNames )
-	{
-		return function( node , type )
-		{
-			return ! ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-						&& node.isBlockBoundary( customNodeNames ) );
-		};
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.dom.walker.listItemBoundary = function()
-	{
-			return this.blockBoundary( { br : 1 } );
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Whether the to-be-evaluated node is a bookmark node OR bookmark node
-	 * inner contents.
-	 * @param {Boolean} contentOnly Whether only test againt the text content of
-	 * bookmark node instead of the element itself(default).
-	 * @param {Boolean} isReject Whether should return 'false' for the bookmark
-	 * node instead of 'true'(default).
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark = function( contentOnly, isReject )
-	{
-		function isBookmarkNode( node )
-		{
-			return ( node && node.getName
-					&& node.getName() == 'span'
-					&& node.hasAttribute('_cke_bookmark') );
-		}
-		return function( node )
-		{
-			var isBookmark, parent;
-			// Is bookmark inner text node?
-			isBookmark = ( node && !node.getName && ( parent = node.getParent() )
-						&& isBookmarkNode( parent ) );
-			// Is bookmark node?
-			isBookmark = contentOnly ? isBookmark : isBookmark || isBookmarkNode( node );
-			return isReject ^ isBookmark;
-		};
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Whether the node is a text node containing only whitespaces characters.
-	 * @param isReject
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces = function( isReject )
-	{
-		return function( node )
-		{
-			var isWhitespace = node && ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-							&& !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( node.getText() );
-			return isReject ^ isWhitespace;
-		};
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Whether the node is invisible in wysiwyg mode.
-	 * @param isReject
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.dom.walker.invisible = function( isReject )
-	{
-		var whitespace = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces();
-		return function( node )
-		{
-			// Nodes that take no spaces in wysiwyg:
-			// 1. White-spaces but not including NBSP;
-			// 2. Empty inline elements, e.g. <b></b> we're checking here
-			// 'offsetHeight' instead of 'offsetWidth' for properly excluding
-			// all sorts of empty paragraph, e.g. <br />.
-			var isInvisible = whitespace( node ) || node.is && !node.$.offsetHeight;
-			return isReject ^ isInvisible;
-		};
-	};
-	var tailNbspRegex = /^[\t\r\n ]*(?: |\xa0)$/,
-		isNotWhitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ),
-		isNotBookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( false, true ),
-		fillerEvaluator = function( element )
-		{
-			return isNotBookmark( element ) && isNotWhitespaces( element );
-		};
-	// Check if there's a filler node at the end of an element, and return it.
-	CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.getBogus = function ()
-	{
-		var tail = this.getLast( fillerEvaluator );
-		if ( tail && ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie ? tail.is && tail.is( 'br' )
-				: tail.getText && tailNbspRegex.test( tail.getText() ) ) )
-		{
-			return tail;
-		}
-		return false;
-	};
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	// This function is to be called under a "walker" instance scope.
+	function iterate( rtl, breakOnFalse ) {
+		var range = this.range;
+		// Return null if we have reached the end.
+		if ( this._.end )
+			return null;
+		// This is the first call. Initialize it.
+		if ( !this._.start ) {
+			this._.start = 1;
+			// A collapsed range must return null at first call.
+			if ( range.collapsed ) {
+				this.end();
+				return null;
+			}
+			// Move outside of text node edges.
+			range.optimize();
+		}
+		var node,
+			startCt = range.startContainer,
+			endCt = range.endContainer,
+			startOffset = range.startOffset,
+			endOffset = range.endOffset,
+			guard,
+			userGuard = this.guard,
+			type = this.type,
+			getSourceNodeFn = ( rtl ? 'getPreviousSourceNode' : 'getNextSourceNode' );
+		// Create the LTR guard function, if necessary.
+		if ( !rtl && !this._.guardLTR ) {
+			// The node that stops walker from moving up.
+			var limitLTR = endCt.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? endCt : endCt.getParent();
+			// The node that stops the walker from going to next.
+			var blockerLTR = endCt.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? endCt.getChild( endOffset ) : endCt.getNext();
+			this._.guardLTR = function( node, movingOut ) {
+				return ( ( !movingOut || !limitLTR.equals( node ) ) && ( !blockerLTR || !node.equals( blockerLTR ) ) && ( node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || !movingOut || !node.equals( range.root ) ) );
+			};
+		}
+		// Create the RTL guard function, if necessary.
+		if ( rtl && !this._.guardRTL ) {
+			// The node that stops walker from moving up.
+			var limitRTL = startCt.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? startCt : startCt.getParent();
+			// The node that stops the walker from going to next.
+			var blockerRTL = startCt.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? startOffset ? startCt.getChild( startOffset - 1 ) : null : startCt.getPrevious();
+			this._.guardRTL = function( node, movingOut ) {
+				return ( ( !movingOut || !limitRTL.equals( node ) ) && ( !blockerRTL || !node.equals( blockerRTL ) ) && ( node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || !movingOut || !node.equals( range.root ) ) );
+			};
+		}
+		// Define which guard function to use.
+		var stopGuard = rtl ? this._.guardRTL : this._.guardLTR;
+		// Make the user defined guard function participate in the process,
+		// otherwise simply use the boundary guard.
+		if ( userGuard ) {
+			guard = function( node, movingOut ) {
+				if ( stopGuard( node, movingOut ) === false )
+					return false;
+				return userGuard( node, movingOut );
+			};
+		} else
+			guard = stopGuard;
+		if ( this.current )
+			node = this.current[ getSourceNodeFn ]( false, type, guard );
+		else {
+			// Get the first node to be returned.
+			if ( rtl ) {
+				node = endCt;
+				if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+					if ( endOffset > 0 )
+						node = node.getChild( endOffset - 1 );
+					else
+						node = ( guard( node, true ) === false ) ? null : node.getPreviousSourceNode( true, type, guard );
+				}
+			} else {
+				node = startCt;
+				if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+					if ( !( node = node.getChild( startOffset ) ) )
+						node = ( guard( startCt, true ) === false ) ? null : startCt.getNextSourceNode( true, type, guard );
+				}
+			}
+			if ( node && guard( node ) === false )
+				node = null;
+		}
+		while ( node && !this._.end ) {
+			this.current = node;
+			if ( !this.evaluator || this.evaluator( node ) !== false ) {
+				if ( !breakOnFalse )
+					return node;
+			} else if ( breakOnFalse && this.evaluator )
+				return false;
+			node = node[ getSourceNodeFn ]( false, type, guard );
+		}
+		this.end();
+		return this.current = null;
+	}
+	function iterateToLast( rtl ) {
+		var node,
+			last = null;
+		while ( ( node = iterate.call( this, rtl ) ) )
+			last = node;
+		return last;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Utility class to "walk" the DOM inside a range boundaries. If
+	 * necessary, partially included nodes (text nodes) are broken to
+	 * reflect the boundaries limits, so DOM and range changes may happen.
+	 * Outside changes to the range may break the walker.
+	 *
+	 * The walker may return nodes that are not totaly included into the
+	 * range boundaires. Let's take the following range representation,
+	 * where the square brackets indicate the boundaries:
+	 *
+	 *		[<p>Some <b>sample] text</b>
+	 *
+	 * While walking forward into the above range, the following nodes are
+	 * returned: `<p>`, `"Some "`, `<b>` and `"sample"`. Going
+	 * backwards instead we have: `"sample"` and `"Some "`. So note that the
+	 * walker always returns nodes when "entering" them, but not when
+	 * "leaving" them. The guard function is instead called both when
+	 * entering and leaving nodes.
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.walker = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+		/**
+		 * Creates a walker class instance.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} range The range within which walk.
+		 */
+		$: function( range ) {
+			this.range = range;
+			/**
+			 * A function executed for every matched node, to check whether
+			 * it's to be considered into the walk or not. If not provided, all
+			 * matched nodes are considered good.
+			 *
+			 * If the function returns `false` the node is ignored.
+			 *
+			 * @property {Function} evaluator
+			 */
+			// this.evaluator = null;
+			/**
+			 * A function executed for every node the walk pass by to check
+			 * whether the walk is to be finished. It's called when both
+			 * entering and exiting nodes, as well as for the matched nodes.
+			 *
+			 * If this function returns `false`, the walking ends and no more
+			 * nodes are evaluated.
+			 * @property {Function} guard
+			 */
+			// this.guard = null;
+			/** @private */
+			this._ = {};
+		},
+		//		statics :
+		//		{
+		//			/* Creates a CKEDITOR.dom.walker instance to walk inside DOM boundaries set by nodes.
+		//			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} startNode The node from wich the walk
+		//			 *		will start.
+		//			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} [endNode] The last node to be considered
+		//			 *		in the walk. No more nodes are retrieved after touching or
+		//			 *		passing it. If not provided, the walker stops at the
+		//			 *		<body> closing boundary.
+		//			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.walker} A DOM walker for the nodes between the
+		//			 *		provided nodes.
+		//			 */
+		//			createOnNodes : function( startNode, endNode, startInclusive, endInclusive )
+		//			{
+		//				var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range();
+		//				if ( startNode )
+		//					range.setStartAt( startNode, startInclusive ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START : CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END ) ;
+		//				else
+		//					range.setStartAt( startNode.getDocument().getBody(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START ) ;
+		//
+		//				if ( endNode )
+		//					range.setEndAt( endNode, endInclusive ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END : CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START ) ;
+		//				else
+		//					range.setEndAt( startNode.getDocument().getBody(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END ) ;
+		//
+		//				return new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
+		//			}
+		//		},
+		//
+		proto: {
+			/**
+			 * Stops walking. No more nodes are retrieved if this function gets called.
+			 */
+			end: function() {
+				this._.end = 1;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Retrieves the next node (at right).
+			 *
+			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The next node or null if no more
+			 * nodes are available.
+			 */
+			next: function() {
+				return iterate.call( this );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Retrieves the previous node (at left).
+			 *
+			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The previous node or null if no more
+			 * nodes are available.
+			 */
+			previous: function() {
+				return iterate.call( this, 1 );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Check all nodes at right, executing the evaluation fuction.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {Boolean} `false` if the evaluator function returned
+			 * `false` for any of the matched nodes. Otherwise `true`.
+			 */
+			checkForward: function() {
+				return iterate.call( this, 0, 1 ) !== false;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Check all nodes at left, executing the evaluation fuction.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {Boolean} `false` if the evaluator function returned
+			 * `false` for any of the matched nodes. Otherwise `true`.
+			 */
+			checkBackward: function() {
+				return iterate.call( this, 1, 1 ) !== false;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Executes a full walk forward (to the right), until no more nodes
+			 * are available, returning the last valid node.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The last node at the right or null
+			 * if no valid nodes are available.
+			 */
+			lastForward: function() {
+				return iterateToLast.call( this );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Executes a full walk backwards (to the left), until no more nodes
+			 * are available, returning the last valid node.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The last node at the left or null
+			 * if no valid nodes are available.
+			 */
+			lastBackward: function() {
+				return iterateToLast.call( this, 1 );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Resets walker.
+			 */
+			reset: function() {
+				delete this.current;
+				this._ = {};
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	// Anything whose display computed style is block, list-item, table,
+	// table-row-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-row,
+	// table-column-group, table-column, table-cell, table-caption, or whose node
+	// name is hr, br (when enterMode is br only) is a block boundary.
+	var blockBoundaryDisplayMatch = { block:1,'list-item':1,table:1,'table-row-group':1,'table-header-group':1,'table-footer-group':1,'table-row':1,'table-column-group':1,'table-column':1,'table-cell':1,'table-caption':1 };
+	/**
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.dom.element
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.isBlockBoundary = function( customNodeNames ) {
+		var nodeNameMatches = customNodeNames ? CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, CKEDITOR.dtd.$block, customNodeNames || {} ) : CKEDITOR.dtd.$block;
+		// Don't consider floated formatting as block boundary, fall back to dtd check in that case. (#6297)
+		return this.getComputedStyle( 'float' ) == 'none' && blockBoundaryDisplayMatch[ this.getComputedStyle( 'display' ) ] || nodeNameMatches[ this.getName() ];
+	};
+	/**
+	 * @static
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.walker.blockBoundary = function( customNodeNames ) {
+		return function( node, type ) {
+			return !( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.isBlockBoundary( customNodeNames ) );
+		};
+	};
+	/**
+	 * @static
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.walker.listItemBoundary = function() {
+		return this.blockBoundary( { br:1 } );
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Whether the to-be-evaluated node is a bookmark node OR bookmark node
+	 * inner contents.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @param {Boolean} [contentOnly=false] Whether only test against the text content of
+	 * bookmark node instead of the element itself (default).
+	 * @param {Boolean} [isReject=false] Whether should return `false` for the bookmark
+	 * node instead of `true` (default).
+	 * @returns {Function}
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark = function( contentOnly, isReject ) {
+		function isBookmarkNode( node ) {
+			return ( node && node.getName && node.getName() == 'span' && node.data( 'cke-bookmark' ) );
+		}
+		return function( node ) {
+			var isBookmark, parent;
+			// Is bookmark inner text node?
+			isBookmark = ( node && node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ( parent = node.getParent() ) && isBookmarkNode( parent ) );
+			// Is bookmark node?
+			isBookmark = contentOnly ? isBookmark : isBookmark || isBookmarkNode( node );
+			return !!( isReject ^ isBookmark );
+		};
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Whether the node is a text node containing only whitespaces characters.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @param {Boolean} [isReject=false]
+	 * @returns {Function}
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces = function( isReject ) {
+		return function( node ) {
+			var isWhitespace;
+			if ( node && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+				// whitespace, as well as the text cursor filler node we used in Webkit. (#9384)
+				isWhitespace = !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( node.getText() ) ||
+					CKEDITOR.env.webkit && node.getText() == '\u200b';
+			}
+			return !! ( isReject ^ isWhitespace );
+		};
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Whether the node is invisible in wysiwyg mode.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @param {Boolean} [isReject=false]
+	 * @returns {Function}
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.walker.invisible = function( isReject ) {
+		var whitespace = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces();
+		return function( node ) {
+			var invisible;
+			if ( whitespace( node ) )
+				invisible = 1;
+			else {
+				// Visibility should be checked on element.
+				if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
+					node = node.getParent();
+			// Nodes that take no spaces in wysiwyg:
+			// 1. White-spaces but not including NBSP;
+			// 2. Empty inline elements, e.g. <b></b> we're checking here
+			// 'offsetHeight' instead of 'offsetWidth' for properly excluding
+			// all sorts of empty paragraph, e.g. <br />.
+				invisible = !node.$.offsetHeight;
+			}
+			return !!( isReject ^ invisible );
+		};
+	};
+	/**
+	 * @static
+	 * @param {Number} type
+	 * @param {Boolean} [isReject=false]
+	 * @returns {Function}
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.walker.nodeType = function( type, isReject ) {
+		return function( node ) {
+			return !!( isReject ^ ( node.type == type ) );
+		};
+	};
+	/**
+	 * @static
+	 * @param {Boolean} [isReject=false]
+	 * @returns {Function}
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bogus = function( isReject ) {
+		function nonEmpty( node ) {
+			return !isWhitespaces( node ) && !isBookmark( node );
+		}
+		return function( node ) {
+			var isBogus = !CKEDITOR.env.ie ? node.is && node.is( 'br' ) : node.getText && tailNbspRegex.test( node.getText() );
+			if ( isBogus ) {
+				var parent = node.getParent(),
+					next = node.getNext( nonEmpty );
+				isBogus = parent.isBlockBoundary() && ( !next || next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && next.isBlockBoundary() );
+			}
+			return !!( isReject ^ isBogus );
+		};
+	};
+	var tailNbspRegex = /^[\t\r\n ]*(?: |\xa0)$/,
+		isWhitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
+		isBookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(),
+		toSkip = function( node ) {
+			return isBookmark( node ) || isWhitespaces( node ) || node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline && !( node.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty );
+		};
+	/**
+	 * Check if there's a filler node at the end of an element, and return it.
+	 *
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.dom.element
+	 * @returns {Boolean}
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.getBogus = function() {
+		// Bogus are not always at the end, e.g. <p><a>text<br /></a></p> (#7070).
+		var tail = this;
+		do {
+			tail = tail.getPreviousSourceNode();
+		}
+		while ( toSkip( tail ) )
+		if ( tail && ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie ? tail.is && tail.is( 'br' ) : tail.getText && tailNbspRegex.test( tail.getText() ) ) ) {
+			return tail;
+		}
+		return false;
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/window.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/window.js
index 01e2d58..af0ce83 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/window.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dom/window.js
@@ -1,96 +1,95 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.document} class, which
- *		represents a DOM document.
- */
- * Represents a DOM window.
- * @constructor
- * @augments CKEDITOR.dom.domObject
- * @param {Object} domWindow A native DOM window.
- * @example
- * var document = new CKEDITOR.dom.window( window );
- */
-CKEDITOR.dom.window = function( domWindow )
-	CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call( this, domWindow );
-CKEDITOR.dom.window.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.domObject();
-CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dom.window.prototype,
-	/** @lends CKEDITOR.dom.window.prototype */
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Moves the selection focus to this window.
-		 * @function
-		 * @example
-		 * var win = new CKEDITOR.dom.window( window );
-		 * <b>win.focus()</b>;
-		 */
-		focus : function()
-		{
-			// Webkit is sometimes failed to focus iframe, blur it first(#3835).
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit && this.$.parent )
-				this.$.parent.focus();
-			this.$.focus();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the width and height of this window's viewable area.
-		 * @function
-		 * @returns {Object} An object with the "width" and "height"
-		 *		properties containing the size.
-		 * @example
-		 * var win = new CKEDITOR.dom.window( window );
-		 * var size = <b>win.getViewPaneSize()</b>;
-		 * alert( size.width );
-		 * alert( size.height );
-		 */
-		getViewPaneSize : function()
-		{
-			var doc = this.$.document,
-				stdMode = doc.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat';
-			return {
-				width : ( stdMode ? doc.documentElement.clientWidth : doc.body.clientWidth ) || 0,
-				height : ( stdMode ? doc.documentElement.clientHeight : doc.body.clientHeight ) || 0
-			};
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the current position of the window's scroll.
-		 * @function
-		 * @returns {Object} An object with the "x" and "y" properties
-		 *		containing the scroll position.
-		 * @example
-		 * var win = new CKEDITOR.dom.window( window );
-		 * var pos = <b>win.getScrollPosition()</b>;
-		 * alert( pos.x );
-		 * alert( pos.y );
-		 */
-		getScrollPosition : function()
-		{
-			var $ = this.$;
-			if ( 'pageXOffset' in $ )
-			{
-				return {
-					x : $.pageXOffset || 0,
-					y : $.pageYOffset || 0
-				};
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				var doc = $.document;
-				return {
-					x : doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft || 0,
-					y : doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop || 0
-				};
-			}
-		}
-	});
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.document} class, which
+ *		represents a DOM document.
+ */
+ * Represents a DOM window.
+ *
+ *		var document = new CKEDITOR.dom.window( window );
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dom.domObject
+ * @constructor Creates a window class instance.
+ * @param {Object} domWindow A native DOM window.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dom.window = function( domWindow ) {
+	CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call( this, domWindow );
+CKEDITOR.dom.window.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.domObject();
+CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dom.window.prototype, {
+	/**
+	 * Moves the selection focus to this window.
+	 *
+	 *		var win = new CKEDITOR.dom.window( window );
+	 *		win.focus();
+	 */
+	focus: function() {
+		this.$.focus();
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the width and height of this window's viewable area.
+	 *
+	 *		var win = new CKEDITOR.dom.window( window );
+	 *		var size = win.getViewPaneSize();
+	 *		alert( size.width );
+	 *		alert( size.height );
+	 *
+	 * @returns {Object} An object with the `width` and `height`
+	 * properties containing the size.
+	 */
+	getViewPaneSize: function() {
+		var doc = this.$.document,
+			stdMode = doc.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat';
+		return {
+			width: ( stdMode ? doc.documentElement.clientWidth : doc.body.clientWidth ) || 0,
+			height: ( stdMode ? doc.documentElement.clientHeight : doc.body.clientHeight ) || 0
+		};
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the current position of the window's scroll.
+	 *
+	 *		var win = new CKEDITOR.dom.window( window );
+	 *		var pos = win.getScrollPosition();
+	 *		alert( pos.x );
+	 *		alert( pos.y );
+	 *
+	 * @returns {Object} An object with the `x` and `y` properties
+	 * containing the scroll position.
+	 */
+	getScrollPosition: function() {
+		var $ = this.$;
+		if ( 'pageXOffset' in $ ) {
+			return {
+				x: $.pageXOffset || 0,
+				y: $.pageYOffset || 0
+			};
+		} else {
+			var doc = $.document;
+			return {
+				x: doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft || 0,
+				y: doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop || 0
+			};
+		}
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the frame element containing this window context.
+	 *
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The frame element or `null` if not in a frame context.
+	 */
+	getFrame: function() {
+		var iframe = this.$.frameElement;
+		return iframe ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( iframe ) : null;
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dtd.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dtd.js
index d5af5bf..0d86e55 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dtd.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/dtd.js
@@ -1,233 +1,302 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dtd} object, which holds the DTD
- *		mapping for XHTML 1.0 Transitional. This file was automatically
- *		generated from the file: xhtml1-transitional.dtd.
- */
- * Holds and object representation of the HTML DTD to be used by the editor in
- * its internal operations.
- *
- * Each element in the DTD is represented by a
- * property in this object. Each property contains the list of elements that
- * can be contained by the element. Text is represented by the "#" property.
- *
- * Several special grouping properties are also available. Their names start
- * with the "$" character.
- * @namespace
- * @example
- * // Check if "div" can be contained in a "p" element.
- * alert( !!CKEDITOR.dtd[ 'p' ][ 'div' ] );  "false"
- * @example
- * // Check if "p" can be contained in a "div" element.
- * alert( !!CKEDITOR.dtd[ 'div' ][ 'p' ] );  "true"
- * @example
- * // Check if "p" is a block element.
- * alert( !!CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ 'p' ] );  "true"
- */
-CKEDITOR.dtd = (function()
-	var X = CKEDITOR.tools.extend,
-		A = {isindex:1,fieldset:1},
-		B = {input:1,button:1,select:1,textarea:1,label:1},
-		C = X({a:1},B),
-		D = X({iframe:1},C),
-		E = {hr:1,ul:1,menu:1,div:1,blockquote:1,noscript:1,table:1,center:1,address:1,dir:1,pre:1,h5:1,dl:1,h4:1,noframes:1,h6:1,ol:1,h1:1,h3:1,h2:1},
-		F = {ins:1,del:1,script:1,style:1},
-		G = X({b:1,acronym:1,bdo:1,'var':1,'#':1,abbr:1,code:1,br:1,i:1,cite:1,kbd:1,u:1,strike:1,s:1,tt:1,strong:1,q:1,samp:1,em:1,dfn:1,span:1},F),
-		H = X({sub:1,img:1,object:1,sup:1,basefont:1,map:1,applet:1,font:1,big:1,small:1},G),
-		I = X({p:1},H),
-		J = X({iframe:1},H,B),
-		K = {img:1,noscript:1,br:1,kbd:1,center:1,button:1,basefont:1,h5:1,h4:1,samp:1,h6:1,ol:1,h1:1,h3:1,h2:1,form:1,font:1,'#':1,select:1,menu:1,ins:1,abbr:1,label:1,code:1,table:1,script:1,cite:1,input:1,iframe:1,strong:1,textarea:1,noframes:1,big:1,small:1,span:1,hr:1,sub:1,bdo:1,'var':1,div:1,object:1,sup:1,strike:1,dir:1,map:1,dl:1,applet:1,del:1,isindex:1,fieldset:1,ul:1,b:1,acronym:1,a:1,blockquote:1,i:1,u:1,s:1,tt:1,address:1,q:1,pre:1,p:1,em:1,dfn:1},
-		L = X({a:1},J),
-		M = {tr:1},
-		N = {'#':1},
-		O = X({param:1},K),
-		P = X({form:1},A,D,E,I),
-		Q = {li:1},
-		R = {style:1,script:1},
-		S = {base:1,link:1,meta:1,title:1},
-		T = X(S,R),
-		U = {head:1,body:1},
-		V = {html:1};
-	var block = {address:1,blockquote:1,center:1,dir:1,div:1,dl:1,fieldset:1,form:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1,hr:1,isindex:1,menu:1,noframes:1,ol:1,p:1,pre:1,table:1,ul:1};
-	return /** @lends CKEDITOR.dtd */ {
-		// The "$" items have been added manually.
-		// List of elements living outside body.
-		$nonBodyContent: X(V,U,S),
-		/**
-		 * List of block elements, like "p" or "div".
-		 * @type Object
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		$block : block,
-		/**
-		 * List of block limit elements.
-		 * @type Object
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		$blockLimit : { body:1,div:1,td:1,th:1,caption:1,form:1 },
-		$inline : L,	// Just like span.
-		$body : X({script:1,style:1}, block),
-		$cdata : {script:1,style:1},
-		/**
-		 * List of empty (self-closing) elements, like "br" or "img".
-		 * @type Object
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		$empty : {area:1,base:1,br:1,col:1,hr:1,img:1,input:1,link:1,meta:1,param:1},
-		/**
-		 * List of list item elements, like "li" or "dd".
-		 * @type Object
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		$listItem : {dd:1,dt:1,li:1},
-		/**
-	     * List of list root elements.
-	     * @type Object
-	     * @example
-	     */
-	    $list: { ul:1,ol:1,dl:1},
-		/**
-		 * Elements that accept text nodes, but are not possible to edit into
-		 * the browser.
-		 * @type Object
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		$nonEditable : {applet:1,button:1,embed:1,iframe:1,map:1,object:1,option:1,script:1,textarea:1,param:1},
-		/**
-		 * List of elements that can be ignored if empty, like "b" or "span".
-		 * @type Object
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		$removeEmpty : {abbr:1,acronym:1,address:1,b:1,bdo:1,big:1,cite:1,code:1,del:1,dfn:1,em:1,font:1,i:1,ins:1,label:1,kbd:1,q:1,s:1,samp:1,small:1,span:1,strike:1,strong:1,sub:1,sup:1,tt:1,u:1,'var':1},
-		/**
-		 * List of elements that have tabindex set to zero by default.
-		 * @type Object
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		$tabIndex : {a:1,area:1,button:1,input:1,object:1,select:1,textarea:1},
-		/**
-		 * List of elements used inside the "table" element, like "tbody" or "td".
-		 * @type Object
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		$tableContent : {caption:1,col:1,colgroup:1,tbody:1,td:1,tfoot:1,th:1,thead:1,tr:1},
-        html: U,
-        head: T,
-        style: N,
-        script: N,
-        body: P,
-        base: {},
-        link: {},
-        meta: {},
-        title: N,
-        col : {},
-        tr : {td:1,th:1},
-        img : {},
-        colgroup : {col:1},
-        noscript : P,
-        td : P,
-        br : {},
-        th : P,
-        center : P,
-        kbd : L,
-        button : X(I,E),
-        basefont : {},
-        h5 : L,
-        h4 : L,
-        samp : L,
-        h6 : L,
-        ol : Q,
-        h1 : L,
-        h3 : L,
-        option : N,
-        h2 : L,
-        form : X(A,D,E,I),
-        select : {optgroup:1,option:1},
-        font : L,
-        ins : L,
-        menu : Q,
-        abbr : L,
-        label : L,
-        table : {thead:1,col:1,tbody:1,tr:1,colgroup:1,caption:1,tfoot:1},
-        code : L,
-        script : N,
-        tfoot : M,
-        cite : L,
-        li : P,
-        input : {},
-        iframe : P,
-        strong : L,
-        textarea : N,
-        noframes : P,
-        big : L,
-        small : L,
-        span : L,
-        hr : {},
-        dt : L,
-        sub : L,
-        optgroup : {option:1},
-        param : {},
-        bdo : L,
-        'var' : L,
-        div : P,
-        object : O,
-        sup : L,
-        dd : P,
-        strike : L,
-        area : {},
-        dir : Q,
-        map : X({area:1,form:1,p:1},A,F,E),
-        applet : O,
-        dl : {dt:1,dd:1},
-        del : L,
-        isindex : {},
-        fieldset : X({legend:1},K),
-        thead : M,
-        ul : Q,
-        acronym : L,
-        b : L,
-        a : J,
-        blockquote : P,
-        caption : L,
-        i : L,
-        u : L,
-        tbody : M,
-        s : L,
-        address : X(D,I),
-        tt : L,
-        legend : L,
-        q : L,
-        pre : X(G,C),
-        p : L,
-        em : L,
-        dfn : L
-    };
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dtd} object, which holds the DTD
+ *		mapping for XHTML 1.0 Transitional. This file was automatically
+ *		generated from the file: xhtml1-transitional.dtd.
+ */
+ * Holds and object representation of the HTML DTD to be used by the
+ * editor in its internal operations.
+ *
+ * Each element in the DTD is represented by a property in this object. Each
+ * property contains the list of elements that can be contained by the element.
+ * Text is represented by the `#` property.
+ *
+ * Several special grouping properties are also available. Their names start
+ * with the `$` character.
+ *
+ *		// Check if <div> can be contained in a <p> element.
+ *		alert( !!CKEDITOR.dtd[ 'p' ][ 'div' ] ); // false
+ *
+ *		// Check if <p> can be contained in a <div> element.
+ *		alert( !!CKEDITOR.dtd[ 'div' ][ 'p' ] ); // true
+ *
+ *		// Check if <p> is a block element.
+ *		alert( !!CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ 'p' ] ); // true
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dtd
+ * @singleton
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dtd = (function() {
+	'use strict';
+	var X = CKEDITOR.tools.extend,
+		// Subtraction rest of sets, from the first set.
+		Y = function( source, removed ) {
+			var substracted = CKEDITOR.tools.clone( source );
+			for ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
+				removed = arguments[ i ];
+				for( var name in removed )
+					delete substracted[ name ];
+			}
+			return substracted;
+		};
+	// Phrasing elements.
+	// P = { a:1,em:1,strong:1,small:1,abbr:1,dfn:1,i:1,b:1,s:1,u:1,code:1,'var':1,samp:1,kbd:1,sup:1,sub:1,q:1,cite:1,span:1,bdo:1,bdi:1,br:1,wbr:1,ins:1,del:1,img:1,embed:1,object:1,iframe:1,map:1,area:1,script:1,noscript:1,ruby:1,video:1,audio:1,input:1,textarea:1,select:1,button:1,label:1,output:1,keygen:1,progress:1,command:1,canvas:1,time:1,meter:1,detalist:1 },
+	// Flow elements.
+	// F = { a:1,p:1,hr:1,pre:1,ul:1,ol:1,dl:1,div:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1,hgroup:1,address:1,blockquote:1,ins:1,del:1,object:1,map:1,noscript:1,section:1,nav:1,article:1,aside:1,header:1,footer:1,video:1,audio:1,figure:1,table:1,form:1,fieldset:1,menu:1,canvas:1,details:1 },
+	// Text can be everywhere.
+	// X( P, T );
+	// Flow elements set consists of phrasing elements set.
+	// X( F, P );
+	var P = {}, F = {},
+		// Intersection of flow elements set and phrasing elements set.
+		PF = { a:1,abbr:1,area:1,audio:1,b:1,bdi:1,bdo:1,br:1,button:1,canvas:1,cite:1,code:1,command:1,datalist:1,del:1,dfn:1,em:1,embed:1,i:1,iframe:1,img:1,input:1,ins:1,kbd:1,keygen:1,label:1,map:1,mark:1,meter:1,noscript:1,object:1,output:1,progress:1,q:1,ruby:1,s:1,samp:1,script:1,select:1,small:1,span:1,strong:1,sub:1,sup:1,textarea:1,time:1,u:1,'var':1,video:1,wbr:1 },
+		// F - PF (Flow Only).
+		FO = { address:1,article:1,aside:1,blockquote:1,details:1,div:1,dl:1,fieldset:1,figure:1,footer:1,form:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1,header:1,hgroup:1,hr:1,menu:1,nav:1,ol:1,p:1,pre:1,section:1,table:1,ul:1 },
+		// Metadata elements.
+		M = { command:1,link:1,meta:1,noscript:1,script:1,style:1 },
+		// Empty.
+		E = {},
+		// Text.
+		T = { '#':1 },
+		// Deprecated phrasing elements.
+		DP = { acronym:1,applet:1,basefont:1,big:1,font:1,isindex:1,strike:1,style:1,tt:1 }, // TODO remove "style".
+		// Deprecated flow only elements.
+		DFO = { center:1,dir:1,noframes:1 };
+	// Phrasing elements := PF + T + DP
+	X( P, PF, T, DP );
+	// Flow elements := FO + P + DFO
+	X( F, FO, P, DFO );
+	var dtd = {
+		a: Y( P, { a:1,button:1 } ), // Treat as normal inline element (not a transparent one).
+		abbr: P,
+		address: F,
+		area: E,
+		article: X( { style:1 }, F ),
+		aside: X( { style:1 }, F ),
+		audio: X( { source:1,track:1 }, F ),
+		b: P,
+		base: E,
+		bdi: P,
+		bdo: P,
+		blockquote: F,
+		body: F,
+		br: E,
+		button: Y( P, { a:1,button:1 } ),
+		canvas: P, // Treat as normal inline element (not a transparent one).
+		caption: F,
+		cite: P,
+		code: P,
+		col: E,
+		colgroup: { col:1 },
+		command: E,
+		datalist: X( { option:1 }, P ),
+		dd: F,
+		del: P, // Treat as normal inline element (not a transparent one).
+		details: X( { summary:1 }, F ),
+		dfn: P,
+		div: X( { style:1 }, F ),
+		dl: { dt:1,dd:1 },
+		dt: F,
+		em: P,
+		embed: E,
+		fieldset: X( { legend:1 }, F ),
+		figcaption: F,
+		figure: X( { figcaption:1 }, F ),
+		footer: F,
+		form: F,
+		h1: P,
+		h2: P,
+		h3: P,
+		h4: P,
+		h5: P,
+		h6: P,
+		head: X( { title:1,base:1 }, M ),
+		header: F,
+		hgroup: { h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1 },
+		hr: E,
+		html: X( { head:1,body:1 }, F, M ), // Head and body are optional...
+		i: P,
+		iframe: T,
+		img: E,
+		input: E,
+		ins: P, // Treat as normal inline element (not a transparent one).
+		kbd: P,
+		keygen: E,
+		label: P,
+		legend: P,
+		li: F,
+		link: E,
+		map: F,
+		mark: P, // Treat as normal inline element (not a transparent one).
+		menu: X( { li:1 }, F ),
+		meta: E,
+		meter: Y( P, { meter:1 } ),
+		nav: F,
+		noscript: X( { link:1,meta:1,style:1 }, P ), // Treat as normal inline element (not a transparent one).
+		object: X( { param:1 }, P ), // Treat as normal inline element (not a transparent one).
+		ol: { li:1 },
+		optgroup: { option:1 },
+		option: T,
+		output: P,
+		p: P,
+		param: E,
+		pre: P,
+		progress: Y( P, { progress:1 } ),
+		q: P,
+		rp: P,
+		rt: P,
+		ruby: X( { rp:1,rt:1 }, P ),
+		s: P,
+		samp: P,
+		script: T,
+		section: X( { style:1 }, F ),
+		select: { optgroup:1,option:1 },
+		small: P,
+		source: E,
+		span: P,
+		strong: P,
+		style: T,
+		sub: P,
+		summary: P,
+		sup: P,
+		table: { caption:1,colgroup:1,thead:1,tfoot:1,tbody:1,tr:1 },
+		tbody: { tr:1 },
+		td: F,
+		textarea: T,
+		tfoot: { tr:1 },
+		th: F,
+		thead: { tr:1 },
+		time: Y( P, { time:1 } ),
+		title: T,
+		tr: { th:1,td:1 },
+		track: E,
+		u: P,
+		ul: { li:1 },
+		'var': P,
+		video: X( { source:1,track:1 }, F ),
+		wbr: E,
+		// Deprecated tags.
+		acronym: P,
+		applet: X( { param:1 }, F ),
+		basefont: E,
+		big: P,
+		center: F,
+		dialog: E,
+		dir: { li:1 },
+		font: P,
+		isindex: E,
+		noframes: F,
+		strike: P,
+		tt: P
+	};
+	X( dtd, {
+		/**
+		 * List of block elements, like `<p>` or `<div>`.
+		 */
+		$block: X( { audio:1,dd:1,dt:1,li:1,video:1 }, FO, DFO ),
+		/**
+		 * List of elements that contains other blocks, in which block-level operations should be limited,
+		 * this property is not intended to be checked directly, use {@link CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath#blockLimit} instead.
+		 *
+		 * Some examples of editor behaviors that are impacted by block limits:
+		 *
+		 * * Enter key never split a block-limit element;
+		 * * Style application is constraint by the block limit of the current selection.
+		 * * Pasted html will be inserted into the block limit of the current selection.
+		 *
+		 * **Note:** As an exception `<li>` is not considered as a block limit, as it's generally used as a text block.
+		 */
+		$blockLimit: { article:1,aside:1,audio:1,body:1,caption:1,details:1,dir:1,div:1,dl:1,fieldset:1,figure:1,footer:1,form:1,header:1,hgroup:1,menu:1,nav:1,ol:1,section:1,table:1,td:1,th:1,tr:1,ul:1,video:1 },
+		/**
+		 * List of elements that contain character data.
+		 */
+		$cdata: { script:1,style:1 },
+		/**
+		 * List of elements that are accepted as inline editing hosts.
+		 */
+		$editable: { address:1,article:1,aside:1,blockquote:1,body:1,details:1,div:1,fieldset:1,footer:1,form:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1,header:1,hgroup:1,nav:1,p:1,pre:1,section:1 },
+		/**
+		 * List of empty (self-closing) elements, like `<br>` or `<img>`.
+		 */
+		$empty: { area:1,base:1,basefont:1,br:1,col:1,command:1,dialog:1,embed:1,hr:1,img:1,input:1,isindex:1,keygen:1,link:1,meta:1,param:1,source:1,track:1,wbr:1 },
+		/**
+		 * List of inline (`<span>` like) elements.
+		 */
+		$inline: P,
+		/**
+		 * List of list root elements.
+		 */
+		$list: { dl:1,ol:1,ul:1 },
+		/**
+		 * List of list item elements, like `<li>` or `<dd>`.
+		 */
+		$listItem: { dd:1,dt:1,li:1 },
+		/**
+		 * List of elements which may live outside body.
+		 */
+		$nonBodyContent: X( { body:1,head:1,html:1 }, dtd.head ),
+		/**
+		 * Elements that accept text nodes, but are not possible to edit into the browser.
+		 */
+		$nonEditable: { applet:1,audio:1,button:1,embed:1,iframe:1,map:1,object:1,option:1,param:1,script:1,textarea:1,video:1 },
+		/**
+		 * Elements that are considered objects, therefore selected as a whole in the editor.
+		 */
+		$object: { applet:1,audio:1,button:1,hr:1,iframe:1,img:1,input:1,object:1,select:1,table:1,textarea:1,video:1 },
+		/**
+		 * List of elements that can be ignored if empty, like `<b>` or `<span>`.
+		 */
+		$removeEmpty: { abbr:1,acronym:1,b:1,bdi:1,bdo:1,big:1,cite:1,code:1,del:1,dfn:1,em:1,font:1,i:1,ins:1,label:1,kbd:1,mark:1,meter:1,output:1,q:1,ruby:1,s:1,samp:1,small:1,span:1,strike:1,strong:1,sub:1,sup:1,time:1,tt:1,u:1,'var':1 },
+		/**
+		 * List of elements that have tabindex set to zero by default.
+		 */
+		$tabIndex: { a:1,area:1,button:1,input:1,object:1,select:1,textarea:1 },
+		/**
+		 * List of elements used inside the `<table>` element, like `<tbody>` or `<td>`.
+		 */
+		$tableContent: { caption:1,col:1,colgroup:1,tbody:1,td:1,tfoot:1,th:1,thead:1,tr:1 },
+		/**
+		 * List of "transparent" elements. See [W3C's definition of "transparent" element](http://dev.w3.org/html5/markup/terminology.html#transparent).
+		 */
+		$transparent: { a:1,audio:1,canvas:1,del:1,ins:1,map:1,noscript:1,object:1,video:1 },
+		/**
+		 * List of elements that are not to exist standalone that must live under it's parent element.
+		 */
+		$intermediate: { caption:1,colgroup:1,dd:1,dt:1,figcaption:1,legend:1,li:1,optgroup:1,option:1,rp:1,rt:1,summary:1,tbody:1,td:1,tfoot:1,th:1,thead:1,tr:1 }
+	} );
+	return dtd;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/editable.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/editable.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f32b9b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/editable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1662 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	/**
+	 * Editable class which provides all editing related activities by
+	 * the `contenteditable` element, dynamically get attached to editor instance.
+	 *
+	 * @class CKEDITOR.editable
+	 * @extends CKEDITOR.dom.element
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editable = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+		base: CKEDITOR.dom.element,
+		/**
+		 * The constructor hold only generic editable creation logic that are commonly shared among all different editable elements.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor Creates an editable class instance.
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance on which the editable operates.
+		 * @param {HTMLElement/CKEDITOR.dom.element} element Any DOM element that been used as the editor's
+		 * editing container, e.g. it could be either an HTML element with the `contenteditable` attribute
+		 * set to the true that handles wysiwyg editing or a `<textarea>` element that handles source editing.
+		 */
+		$: function( editor, element ) {
+			// Transform the element into a CKEDITOR.dom.element instance.
+			this.base( element.$ || element );
+			this.editor = editor;
+			/**
+			 * Indicate whether the editable element has gained focus.
+			 *
+			 * @property {Boolean} hasFocus
+			 */
+			this.hasFocus = false;
+			// The bootstrapping logic.
+			this.setup();
+		},
+		proto: {
+			focus: function() {
+				// [IE] Use instead "setActive" method to focus the editable if it belongs to
+				// the host page document, to avoid bringing an unexpected scroll.
+				this.$[ CKEDITOR.env.ie && this.getDocument().equals( CKEDITOR.document ) ? 'setActive' : 'focus' ]();
+				// Remedy if Safari doens't applies focus properly. (#279)
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.safari && !this.isInline() ) {
+					var active = CKEDITOR.document.getActive();
+					if ( !active.equals( this.getWindow().getFrame() ) ) {
+						this.getWindow().focus();
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Overrides {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element#on} to have special `focus/blur` handling.
+			 * The `focusin/focusout` events are used in IE to replace regular `focus/blur` events
+			 * because we want to avoid the asynchronous nature of later ones.
+			 */
+			on: function( name, fn ) {
+				var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 0 );
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( /^focus|blur$/ ).exec( name ) ) {
+					name = name == 'focus' ? 'focusin' : 'focusout';
+					// The "focusin/focusout" events bubbled, e.g. If there are elements with layout
+					// they fire this event when clicking in to edit them but it must be ignored
+					// to allow edit their contents. (#4682)
+					fn = isNotBubbling( fn, this );
+					args[ 0 ] = name;
+					args[ 1 ] = fn;
+				}
+				return CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.on.apply( this, args );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Registers an event listener that needs to be removed on detaching.
+			 *
+			 * @see CKEDITOR.event#on
+			 */
+			attachListener: function( obj, event, fn, scope, listenerData, priority ) {
+				!this._.listeners && ( this._.listeners = [] );
+				// Register the listener.
+				var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 );
+				this._.listeners.push( obj.on.apply( obj, args ) );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Remove all event listeners registered from {@link #attachListener}.
+			 */
+			clearListeners: function() {
+				var listeners = this._.listeners;
+				// Don't get broken by this.
+				try {
+					while ( listeners.length )
+						listeners.pop().removeListener();
+				} catch ( e ) {}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Restore all attribution changes made by {@link #changeAttr }.
+			 */
+			restoreAttrs : function() {
+				var changes = this._.attrChanges, orgVal;
+				for ( var attr in changes )
+				{
+					if ( changes.hasOwnProperty( attr ) )
+					{
+						orgVal = changes[ attr ];
+						// Restore original attribute.
+						orgVal !== null ? this.setAttribute( attr, orgVal ) : this.removeAttribute( attr );
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Adds a CSS class name to this editable that needs to be removed on detaching.
+			 *
+			 * @param {String} className The class name to be added.
+			 * @see CKEDITOR.dom.element#addClass
+			 */
+			attachClass: function( cls ) {
+				var classes = this.getCustomData( 'classes' );
+				if ( !this.hasClass( cls ) ) {
+					!classes && ( classes = [] ), classes.push( cls );
+					this.setCustomData( 'classes', classes );
+					this.addClass( cls );
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Make an attribution change that would be reverted on editable detaching.
+			 * @param {String} attr The attribute name to be changed.
+			 * @param {String} val The value of specified attribute.
+			 */
+			changeAttr : function( attr, val ) {
+				var orgVal = this.getAttribute( attr );
+				if ( val !== orgVal )
+				{
+					!this._.attrChanges && ( this._.attrChanges = {} );
+					// Saved the original attribute val.
+					if ( !( attr in this._.attrChanges ) )
+						this._.attrChanges[ attr ] = orgVal;
+					this.setAttribute( attr, val );
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * @see CKEDITOR.editor#insertHtml
+			 */
+			insertHtml: function( data, mode ) {
+				beforeInsert( this );
+				// Default mode is 'html'.
+				insert( this, mode == 'text' ? 'text' : 'html', data );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * @see CKEDITOR.editor#insertText
+			 */
+			insertText: function( text ) {
+				beforeInsert( this );
+				var editor = this.editor,
+					mode = editor.getSelection().getStartElement().hasAscendant( 'pre', true ) ? CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR : editor.config.enterMode,
+					isEnterBrMode = mode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR,
+					tools = CKEDITOR.tools;
+				// CRLF -> LF
+				var html = tools.htmlEncode( text.replace( /\r\n/g, '\n' ) );
+				// Tab -> &nbsp x 4;
+				html = html.replace( /\t/g, '    ' );
+				var paragraphTag = mode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div';
+				// Two line-breaks create one paragraphing block.
+				if ( !isEnterBrMode ) {
+					var duoLF = /\n{2}/g;
+					if ( duoLF.test( html ) )
+					{
+						var openTag = '<' + paragraphTag + '>', endTag = '</' + paragraphTag + '>';
+						html = openTag + html.replace( duoLF, function() { return  endTag + openTag; } ) + endTag;
+					}
+				}
+				// One <br> per line-break.
+				html = html.replace( /\n/g, '<br>' );
+				// Compensate padding <br> at the end of block, avoid loosing them during insertion.
+				if ( !isEnterBrMode ) {
+					html = html.replace( new RegExp( '<br>(?=</' + paragraphTag + '>)' ), function( match ) {
+						return tools.repeat( match, 2 );
+					});
+				}
+				// Preserve spaces at the ends, so they won't be lost after insertion (merged with adjacent ones).
+				html = html.replace( /^ | $/g, ' ' );
+				// Finally, preserve whitespaces that are to be lost.
+				html = html.replace( /(>|\s) /g, function( match, before ) {
+					return before + ' ';
+				} ).replace( / (?=<)/g, ' ' );
+				insert( this, 'text', html );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * @see CKEDITOR.editor#insertElement
+			 */
+			insertElement: function( element ) {
+				beforeInsert( this );
+				var editor = this.editor,
+					enterMode = editor.config.enterMode,
+					selection = editor.getSelection(),
+					ranges = selection.getRanges(),
+					elementName = element.getName(),
+					isBlock = CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ elementName ];
+				var range, clone, lastElement;
+				for ( var i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+					range = ranges[ i ];
+					if ( !range.checkReadOnly() ) {
+						// Remove the original contents, merge split nodes.
+						range.deleteContents( 1 );
+						clone = !i && element || element.clone( 1 );
+						// If we're inserting a block at dtd-violated position, split
+						// the parent blocks until we reach blockLimit.
+						var current, dtd;
+						if ( isBlock ) {
+							while ( ( current = range.getCommonAncestor( 0, 1 ) ) &&
+							        ( dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd[ current.getName() ] ) &&
+							        !( dtd && dtd[ elementName ] ) ) {
+								// Split up inline elements.
+								if ( current.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.span )
+									range.splitElement( current );
+								// If we're in an empty block which indicate a new paragraph,
+								// simply replace it with the inserting block.(#3664)
+								else if ( range.checkStartOfBlock() && range.checkEndOfBlock() ) {
+									range.setStartBefore( current );
+									range.collapse( true );
+									current.remove();
+								} else
+									range.splitBlock( enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'p', editor.editable() );
+							}
+						}
+						// Insert the new node.
+						range.insertNode( clone );
+						// Save the last element reference so we can make the
+						// selection later.
+						if ( !lastElement )
+							lastElement = clone;
+					}
+				}
+				if ( lastElement ) {
+					range.moveToPosition( lastElement, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
+					// If we're inserting a block element, the new cursor position must be
+					// optimized. (#3100,#5436,#8950)
+					if ( isBlock ) {
+						var next = lastElement.getNext( isNotEmpty );
+						if ( next && next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
+						     next.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$block ) ) {
+							// If the next one is a text block, move cursor to the start of it's content.
+							if ( next.getDtd()[ '#' ] )
+								range.moveToElementEditStart( next );
+							// Otherwise move cursor to the before end of the last element.
+							else
+								range.moveToElementEditEnd( lastElement );
+						}
+						// Open a new line if the block is inserted at the end of parent.
+						else if ( !next && enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ) {
+							next = range.fixBlock( true, enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'p' );
+							range.moveToElementEditStart( next );
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				selection.selectRanges( [ range ] );
+				// Do not scroll after inserting, because Opera may fail on certain element (e.g. iframe/iframe.html).
+				afterInsert( this, CKEDITOR.env.opera );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * @see CKEDITOR.editor#setData
+			 */
+			setData: function( data, isSnapshot ) {
+				if ( !isSnapshot && this.editor.dataProcessor )
+					data = this.editor.dataProcessor.toHtml( data );
+				this.setHtml( data );
+				this.editor.fire( 'dataReady' );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * @see CKEDITOR.editor#getData
+			 */
+			getData: function( isSnapshot ) {
+				var data = this.getHtml();
+				if ( !isSnapshot && this.editor.dataProcessor )
+					data = this.editor.dataProcessor.toDataFormat( data );
+				return data;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Change the read-only state on this editable.
+			 *
+			 * @param {Boolean} isReadOnly
+			 */
+			setReadOnly: function( isReadOnly ) {
+				this.setAttribute( 'contenteditable', !isReadOnly );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Detach this editable object from the DOM (remove classes, listeners, etc.)
+			 */
+			detach: function() {
+				// Cleanup the element.
+				this.removeClass( 'cke_editable' );
+				// Save the editor reference which will be lost after
+				// calling detach from super class.
+				var editor = this.editor;
+				this._.detach();
+				delete editor.document;
+				delete editor.window;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Check if the editable is one of the host page element, indicates the
+			 * an inline editing environment.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {Boolean}
+			 */
+			isInline : function () {
+				return this.getDocument().equals( CKEDITOR.document );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Editable element bootstrapping.
+			 *
+			 * @private
+			 */
+			setup: function() {
+				var editor = this.editor;
+				// Handle the load/read of editor data/snapshot.
+				this.attachListener( editor, 'beforeGetData', function() {
+					var data = this.getData();
+					// Post processing html output of wysiwyg editable.
+					if ( !this.is( 'textarea' ) ) {
+						// Reset empty if the document contains only one empty paragraph.
+						if ( editor.config.ignoreEmptyParagraph !== false )
+							data = data.replace( emptyParagraphRegexp, function( match, lookback ) { return lookback; } );
+					}
+					editor.setData( data, null, 1 );
+				}, this );
+				this.attachListener( editor, 'getSnapshot', function( evt ) {
+					evt.data = this.getData( 1 );
+				}, this );
+				this.attachListener( editor, 'afterSetData', function() {
+					this.setData( editor.getData( 1 ) );
+				}, this );
+				this.attachListener( editor, 'loadSnapshot', function( evt ) {
+					this.setData( evt.data, 1 );
+				}, this );
+				// Delegate editor focus/blur to editable.
+				this.attachListener( editor, 'beforeFocus', function() {
+					var sel = editor.getSelection(),
+						ieSel = sel && sel.getNative();
+					// IE considers control-type element as separate
+					// focus host when selected, avoid destroying the
+					// selection in such case. (#5812) (#8949)
+					if ( ieSel && ieSel.type == 'Control' )
+						return;
+					this.focus();
+				}, this );
+				this.attachListener( editor, 'insertHtml', function( evt ) {
+					this.insertHtml( evt.data.dataValue, evt.data.mode );
+				}, this );
+				this.attachListener( editor, 'insertElement', function( evt ) {
+					this.insertElement( evt.data );
+				}, this );
+				this.attachListener( editor, 'insertText', function( evt ) {
+					this.insertText( evt.data );
+				}, this );
+				// Update editable state.
+				this.setReadOnly( editor.readOnly );
+				// The editable class.
+				this.attachClass( 'cke_editable' );
+				// The element mode css class.
+				this.attachClass( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ?
+					'cke_editable_inline' :
+					editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE ||
+					editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO ?
+					'cke_editable_themed' : ''
+				);
+				this.attachClass( 'cke_contents_' + editor.config.contentsLangDirection );
+				// Setup editor keystroke handlers on this element.
+				var keystrokeHandler = editor.keystrokeHandler;
+				keystrokeHandler.blockedKeystrokes[ 8 ] = editor.readOnly;
+				editor.keystrokeHandler.attach( this );
+				// Update focus states.
+				this.on( 'blur', function( evt ) {
+					// Opera might raise undesired blur event on editable, check if it's
+					// really blurred, otherwise cancel the event. (#9459)
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera ) {
+						var active = CKEDITOR.document.getActive();
+						if ( active.equals( this.isInline() ? this : this.getWindow().getFrame() ) ) {
+							evt.cancel();
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+					this.hasFocus = false;
+				}, null, null, -1 );
+				this.on( 'focus', function() {
+					this.hasFocus = true;
+				}, null, null, -1 );
+				// Register to focus manager.
+				editor.focusManager.add( this );
+				// Inherit the initial focus on editable element.
+				if ( this.equals( CKEDITOR.document.getActive() ) ) {
+					this.hasFocus = true;
+					// Pending until this editable has attached.
+					editor.once( 'contentDom', function() {
+						editor.focusManager.focus();
+					});
+				}
+				// Apply tab index on demand, with original direction saved.
+				if ( this.isInline() ) {
+					// tabIndex of the editable is different than editor's one.
+					// Update the attribute of the editable.
+					this.changeAttr( 'tabindex', editor.tabIndex );
+				}
+				// The above is all we'll be doing for a <textarea> editable.
+				if ( this.is( 'textarea' ) )
+					return;
+				// The DOM document which the editing acts upon.
+				editor.document = this.getDocument();
+				editor.window = this.getWindow();
+				var doc = editor.document;
+				this.changeAttr( 'spellcheck', !editor.config.disableNativeSpellChecker );
+				// Apply contents direction on demand, with original direction saved.
+				var dir = editor.config.contentsLangDirection;
+				if ( this.getDirection( 1 ) != dir )
+					this.changeAttr( 'dir', dir );
+				// Create the content stylesheet for this document.
+				var styles = CKEDITOR.getCss();
+				if ( styles ) {
+					var head = doc.getHead();
+					if ( !head.getCustomData( 'stylesheet' ) ) {
+						var sheet = doc.appendStyleText( styles );
+						sheet = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( sheet.ownerNode || sheet.owningElement );
+						head.setCustomData( 'stylesheet', sheet );
+						sheet.data( 'cke-temp', 1 );
+					}
+				}
+				// Update the stylesheet sharing count.
+				var ref = doc.getCustomData( 'stylesheet_ref' ) || 0;
+				doc.setCustomData( 'stylesheet_ref', ref + 1 );
+				// Pass this configuration to styles system.
+				this.setCustomData( 'cke_includeReadonly', !editor.config.disableReadonlyStyling );
+				// Prevent the browser opening read-only links. (#6032)
+				this.attachListener( this, 'click', function( ev ) {
+					ev = ev.data;
+					var target = ev.getTarget();
+					if ( target.is( 'a' ) && ev.$.button != 2 && target.isReadOnly() )
+						ev.preventDefault();
+				});
+				// Override keystrokes which should have deletion behavior
+				//  on fully selected element . (#4047) (#7645)
+				this.attachListener( editor, 'key', function( evt ) {
+					if ( editor.readOnly )
+						return true;
+					var keyCode = evt.data.keyCode, isHandled;
+					// Backspace OR Delete.
+					if ( keyCode in { 8:1,46:1 } ) {
+						var sel = editor.getSelection(),
+							selected,
+							range = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ],
+							path = range.startPath(),
+							block,
+							parent,
+							next,
+							rtl = keyCode == 8;
+						// Remove the entire list/table on fully selected content. (#7645)
+						if ( ( selected = getSelectedTableList( sel ) ) ) {
+							// Make undo snapshot.
+							editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+							// Delete any element that 'hasLayout' (e.g. hr,table) in IE8 will
+							// break up the selection, safely manage it here. (#4795)
+							range.moveToPosition( selected, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
+							// Remove the control manually.
+							selected.remove();
+							range.select();
+							editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+							isHandled = 1;
+						}
+						else if ( range.collapsed )
+						{
+							// Handle the following special cases: (#6217)
+							// 1. Del/Backspace key before/after table;
+							// 2. Backspace Key after start of table.
+							if ( ( block = path.block ) &&
+								 range[ rtl ? 'checkStartOfBlock' : 'checkEndOfBlock' ]() &&
+								 ( next = block[ rtl ? 'getPrevious' : 'getNext' ]( isNotWhitespace ) ) &&
+								 next.is( 'table' ) )
+							{
+								editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+								// Remove the current empty block.
+								if ( range[ rtl ? 'checkEndOfBlock' : 'checkStartOfBlock' ]() )
+									block.remove();
+								// Move cursor to the beginning/end of table cell.
+								range[ 'moveToElementEdit' + ( rtl ? 'End' : 'Start' ) ]( next );
+								range.select();
+								editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+								isHandled = 1;
+							}
+							else if ( path.blockLimit && path.blockLimit.is( 'td' ) &&
+									  ( parent = path.blockLimit.getAscendant( 'table' ) ) &&
+									  range.checkBoundaryOfElement( parent, rtl ? CKEDITOR.START : CKEDITOR.END ) &&
+									  ( next = parent[ rtl ? 'getPrevious' : 'getNext' ]( isNotWhitespace ) ) )
+							{
+								editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+								// Move cursor to the end of previous block.
+								range[ 'moveToElementEdit' + ( rtl ? 'End' : 'Start' ) ]( next );
+								// Remove any previous empty block.
+								if ( range.checkStartOfBlock() && range.checkEndOfBlock() )
+									next.remove();
+								else
+									range.select();
+								editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+								isHandled = 1;
+							}
+							// BACKSPACE/DEL pressed at the start/end of table cell.
+							else if ( ( parent = path.contains( [ 'td', 'th', 'caption' ] ) ) &&
+								      range.checkBoundaryOfElement( parent, rtl ? CKEDITOR.START : CKEDITOR.END ) ) {
+								next = parent[ rtl ? 'getPreviousSourceNode' : 'getNextSourceNode' ]( 1, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT );
+								if ( next && !next.isReadOnly() && range.root.contains( next ) ) {
+									range[ rtl ? 'moveToElementEditEnd' : 'moveToElementEditStart' ]( next );
+									range.select();
+									isHandled = 1;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					return !isHandled;
+				});
+				// Prevent automatic submission in IE #6336
+				CKEDITOR.env.ie && this.attachListener( this, 'click', blockInputClick );
+				// Gecko/Webkit need some help when selecting control type elements. (#3448)
+				if ( !( CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.opera ) ) {
+					this.attachListener( this, 'mousedown', function( ev ) {
+						var control = ev.data.getTarget();
+						if ( control.is( 'img', 'hr', 'input', 'textarea', 'select' ) ) {
+							editor.getSelection().selectElement( control );
+							// Prevent focus from stealing from the editable. (#9515)
+							if ( control.is( 'input', 'textarea', 'select' ) )
+								ev.data.preventDefault();
+						}
+					});
+				}
+				// Prevent right click from selecting an empty block even
+				// when selection is anchored inside it. (#5845)
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {
+					this.attachListener( this, 'mouseup', function( ev ) {
+						if ( ev.data.$.button == 2 ) {
+							var target = ev.data.getTarget();
+							if ( !target.getOuterHtml().replace( emptyParagraphRegexp, '' ) ) {
+								var range = editor.createRange();
+								range.moveToElementEditStart( target );
+								range.select( true );
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				}
+				// Webkit: avoid from editing form control elements content.
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
+					// Prevent from tick checkbox/radiobox/select
+					this.attachListener( this, 'click', function( ev ) {
+						if ( ev.data.getTarget().is( 'input', 'select' ) )
+							ev.data.preventDefault();
+					});
+					// Prevent from editig textfield/textarea value.
+					this.attachListener( this, 'mouseup', function( ev ) {
+						if ( ev.data.getTarget().is( 'input', 'textarea' ) )
+							ev.data.preventDefault();
+					});
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		_: {
+			detach: function() {
+				// Update the editor cached data with current data.
+				this.editor.setData( this.editor.getData(), 0, 1 );
+				this.clearListeners();
+				this.restoreAttrs();
+				// Cleanup our custom classes.
+				var classes;
+				if ( ( classes = this.removeCustomData( 'classes' ) ) ) {
+					while ( classes.length )
+						this.removeClass( classes.pop() );
+				}
+				// Remove contents stylesheet from document if it's the last usage.
+				var doc = this.getDocument(),
+					head = doc.getHead();
+				if ( head.getCustomData( 'stylesheet' ) ) {
+					var refs = doc.getCustomData( 'stylesheet_ref' );
+					if ( !( --refs ) ) {
+						doc.removeCustomData( 'stylesheet_ref' );
+						var sheet = head.removeCustomData( 'stylesheet' );
+						sheet.remove();
+					} else
+						doc.setCustomData( 'stylesheet_ref', refs );
+				}
+				// Free up the editor reference.
+				delete this.editor;
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	/**
+	 * Create, retrieve or detach an editable element of the editor,
+	 * this method should always be used instead of calling directly {@link CKEDITOR.editable}.
+	 *
+	 * @method editable
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element/CKEDITOR.editable} elementOrEditable The
+	 * DOM element to become the editable or a {@link CKEDITOR.editable} object.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.editable = function( element ) {
+		var editable = this._.editable;
+		// This editor has already associated with
+		// an editable element, silently fails.
+		if ( editable && element )
+			return 0;
+		if ( arguments.length ) {
+			editable = this._.editable = element ? ( element instanceof CKEDITOR.editable ? element : new CKEDITOR.editable( this, element ) ) :
+			// Detach the editable from editor.
+			( editable && editable.detach(), null );
+		}
+		// Just retrieve the editable.
+		return editable;
+	};
+	// Auto-fixing block-less content by wrapping paragraph (#3190), prevent
+	// non-exitable-block by padding extra br.(#3189)
+	// Returns truly value when dom was changed, falsy otherwise.
+	function fixDom( evt ) {
+		var editor = evt.editor,
+			editable = editor.editable(),
+			path = evt.data.path,
+			blockLimit = path.blockLimit,
+			selection = evt.data.selection,
+			range = selection.getRanges()[ 0 ],
+			enterMode = editor.config.enterMode;
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {
+			// v3: check if this is needed.
+			// activateEditing( editor );
+			// Ensure bogus br could help to move cursor (out of styles) to the end of block. (#7041)
+			var pathBlock = path.block || path.blockLimit || path.root,
+				lastNode = pathBlock && pathBlock.getLast( isNotEmpty );
+			// Check some specialities of the current path block:
+			// 1. It is really displayed as block; (#7221)
+			// 2. It doesn't end with one inner block; (#7467)
+			// 3. It doesn't have bogus br yet.
+			if ( pathBlock && pathBlock.isBlockBoundary() &&
+				!( lastNode && lastNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && lastNode.isBlockBoundary() ) &&
+				!pathBlock.is( 'pre' ) && !pathBlock.getBogus() ) {
+				pathBlock.appendBogus();
+			}
+		}
+		// When we're in block enter mode, a new paragraph will be established
+		// to encapsulate inline contents inside editable. (#3657)
+		if ( editor.config.autoParagraph !== false &&
+		     enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR && range.collapsed &&
+		     editable.equals( blockLimit ) && !path.block ) {
+			var testRng = range.clone();
+			var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( testRng );
+			walker.guard = function( node ) {
+				return !isNotEmpty( node ) ||
+				       node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT ||
+				       node.isReadOnly();
+			};
+			// 1. Inline content discovered under cursor;
+			// 2. Empty editable.
+			if ( !walker.checkForward() ||
+			     testRng.checkStartOfBlock() && testRng.checkEndOfBlock() ) {
+				var fixedBlock = range.fixBlock( true, editor.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'p' );
+				// For IE, we should remove any filler node which was introduced before.
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+					var first = fixedBlock.getFirst( isNotEmpty );
+					if ( first && isNbsp( first ) ) {
+						first.remove();
+					}
+				}
+				range.select();
+				// Cancel this selection change in favor of the next (correct).  (#6811)
+				evt.cancel();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function blockInputClick( evt ) {
+		var element = evt.data.getTarget();
+		if ( element.is( 'input' ) ) {
+			var type = element.getAttribute( 'type' );
+			if ( type == 'submit' || type == 'reset' )
+				evt.data.preventDefault();
+		}
+	}
+	function isBlankParagraph( block ) {
+		return block.getOuterHtml().match( emptyParagraphRegexp );
+	}
+	function isNotEmpty( node ) {
+		return isNotWhitespace( node ) && isNotBookmark( node );
+	}
+	function isNbsp( node ) {
+		return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && CKEDITOR.tools.trim( node.getText() ).match( /^(?: |\xa0)$/ );
+	}
+	// Elements that could blink the cursor anchoring beside it, like hr, page-break. (#6554)
+	function nonEditable( element ) {
+		return element.isBlockBoundary() && CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[ element.getName() ];
+	}
+	function isNotBubbling( fn, src ) {
+		return function( evt ) {
+			var other = CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( evt.data.$.toElement || evt.data.$.fromElement || evt.data.$.relatedTarget );
+			if ( ! ( other && ( src.equals( other ) || src.contains( other ) ) ) )
+				fn.call( this, evt );
+		};
+	}
+	// Check if the entire table/list contents is selected.
+	function getSelectedTableList( sel ) {
+		var selected,
+			range = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ],
+			editable = sel.root,
+			path = range.startPath(),
+			structural = { table:1,ul:1,ol:1,dl:1 };
+		var isBogus = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bogus();
+		if ( path.contains( structural ) ) {
+			// Enlarging the start boundary.
+			var walkerRng = range.clone();
+			walkerRng.collapse( 1 );
+			walkerRng.setStartAt( editable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
+			var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRng ),
+				// Check the range is at the inner boundary of the structural element.
+				guard = function( walker, isEnd ) {
+					return function( node, isWalkOut ) {
+						if ( isWalkOut && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.is( structural ) )
+							selected = node;
+						if ( isNotEmpty( node ) && !isWalkOut && !( isEnd && isBogus( node ) ) )
+							return false;
+					};
+				};
+			walker.guard = guard( walker );
+			walker.checkBackward();
+			if ( selected ) {
+				walkerRng = range.clone();
+				walkerRng.collapse();
+				walkerRng.setEndAt( editable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+				walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRng );
+				walker.guard = guard( walker, 1 );
+				selected = 0;
+				walker.checkForward();
+				return selected;
+			}
+		}
+		return null;
+	}
+	// Matching an empty paragraph at the end of document.
+	var emptyParagraphRegexp = /(^|<body\b[^>]*>)\s*<(p|div|address|h\d|center|pre)[^>]*>\s*(?:<br[^>]*>| |\u00A0| )?\s*(:?<\/\2>)?\s*(?=$|<\/body>)/gi;
+	var isNotWhitespace = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ),
+		isNotBookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( false, true );
+	CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceLoaded', function( evt ) {
+		var editor = evt.editor;
+		// and flag that the element was locked by our code so it'll be editable by the editor functions (#6046).
+		editor.on( 'insertElement', function( evt ) {
+			var element = evt.data;
+			if ( element.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ( element.is( 'input' ) || element.is( 'textarea' ) ) ) {
+				// // The element is still not inserted yet, force attribute-based check.
+				if ( element.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' ) != "false" )
+					element.data( 'cke-editable', element.hasAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) ? 'true' : '1' );
+				element.setAttribute( 'contentEditable', false );
+			}
+		});
+		editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( evt ) {
+			if ( editor.readOnly )
+				return;
+			// Auto fixing on some document structure weakness to enhance usabilities. (#3190 and #3189)
+			var sel = editor.getSelection();
+			// Do it only when selection is not locked. (#8222)
+			if ( sel && !sel.isLocked ) {
+				var isDirty = editor.checkDirty();
+				// Lock undoM before touching DOM to prevent
+				// recording these changes as separate snapshot.
+				editor.fire( 'lockSnapshot' );
+				fixDom( evt );
+				editor.fire( 'unlockSnapshot' );
+				!isDirty && editor.resetDirty();
+			}
+		});
+	});
+	CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceCreated', function( evt ) {
+		var editor = evt.editor;
+		editor.on( 'mode', function() {
+			var editable = editor.editable();
+			// Setup proper ARIA roles and properties for inline editable, framed
+			// editable is instead handled by plugin.
+			if ( editable && editable.isInline() ) {
+				var ariaLabel = this.lang.editor + ', ' + this.name;
+				editable.changeAttr( 'role', 'textbox' );
+				editable.changeAttr( 'aria-label', ariaLabel );
+				editable.changeAttr( 'title', ariaLabel );
+				// Put the voice label in different spaces, depending on element mode, so
+				// the DOM element get auto detached on mode reload or editor destroy.
+				var ct = this.ui.space( this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ? 'top' : 'contents' );
+				if ( ct ) {
+					var ariaDescId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(),
+						desc = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<span id="' + ariaDescId + '" class="cke_voice_label">' + this.lang.common.editorHelp + '</span>' );
+					ct.append( desc );
+					editable.changeAttr( 'aria-describedby', ariaDescId );
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	});
+	// #9222: Show text cursor in Gecko.
+	// Show default cursor over control elements on all non-IEs.
+	CKEDITOR.addCss( '.cke_editable{cursor:text}.cke_editable img,.cke_editable input,.cke_editable textarea{cursor:default}' );
+	//
+	// Functions related to insertXXX methods
+	//
+	var insert = (function() {
+		'use strict';
+		var DTD = CKEDITOR.dtd;
+		// Inserts the given (valid) HTML into the range position (with range content deleted),
+		// guarantee it's result to be a valid DOM tree.
+		function insert( editable, type, data ) {
+			var editor = editable.editor,
+				doc = editable.getDocument(),
+				selection = editor.getSelection(),
+				// HTML insertion only considers the first range.
+				// Note: getRanges will be overwritten for tests since we want to test
+				// 		custom ranges and bypass native selections.
+				// TODO what should we do with others? Remove?
+				range = selection.getRanges()[ 0 ];
+			// Check range spans in non-editable.
+			if ( range.checkReadOnly() )
+				return;
+			var path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.startContainer, range.root ),
+				// Let root be the nearest block that's impossible to be split
+				// during html processing.
+				blockLimit = path.blockLimit || range.root,
+				// The "state" value.
+				that = {
+					type: type,
+					editable: editable,
+					editor: editor,
+					range: range,
+					blockLimit: blockLimit,
+					// During pre-processing / preparations startContainer of affectedRange should be placed
+					// in this element in which inserted or moved (in case when we merge blocks) content
+					// could create situation that will need merging inline elements.
+					// Examples:
+					// <div><b>A</b>^B</div> + <b>C</b> => <div><b>A</b><b>C</b>B</div> - affected container is <div>.
+					// <p><b>A[B</b></p><p><b>C]D</b></p> + E => <p><b>AE</b></p><p><b>D</b></p> =>
+					//		<p><b>AE</b><b>D</b></p> - affected container is <p> (in text mode).
+					mergeCandidates: [],
+					zombies: []
+				};
+			prepareRangeToDataInsertion( that );
+			// Select range and stop execution.
+			if ( data ) {
+				processDataForInsertion( that, data );
+				insertDataIntoRange( that );
+			}
+			// Set final range position and clean up.
+			cleanupAfterInsertion( that );
+			// Make the final range selection.
+			range.select();
+			afterInsert( editable );
+		}
+		// Prepare range to its data deletion.
+		// Delete its contents.
+		// Prepare it to insertion.
+		function prepareRangeToDataInsertion( that ) {
+			var range = that.range,
+				mergeCandidates = that.mergeCandidates,
+				node, marker, path, startPath, endPath, previous, bm;
+			// If range starts in inline element then insert a marker, so empty
+			// inline elements won't be removed while range.deleteContents
+			// and we will be able to move range back into this element.
+			// E.g. 'aa<b>[bb</b>]cc' -> (after deleting) 'aa<b><span/></b>cc'
+			if ( that.type == 'text' && range.shrink( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT, true, false ) ) {
+				marker = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<span> </span>', range.document );
+				range.insertNode( marker );
+				range.setStartAfter( marker );
+			}
+			// By using path we can recover in which element was startContainer
+			// before deleting contents.
+			// Start and endPathElements will be used to squash selected blocks, after removing
+			// selection contents. See rule 5.
+			startPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.startContainer );
+			that.endPath = endPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.endContainer );
+			if ( !range.collapsed ) {
+				// Anticipate the possibly empty block at the end of range after deletion.
+				node = endPath.block || endPath.blockLimit;
+				var ancestor = range.getCommonAncestor();
+				if ( node && !( node.equals( ancestor ) || node.contains( ancestor ) ) &&
+				     range.checkEndOfBlock() ) {
+					that.zombies.push( node );
+				}
+				range.deleteContents();
+			}
+			// Rule 4.
+			// Move range into the previous block.
+			while ( ( previous = getRangePrevious( range ) ) && checkIfElement( previous ) && previous.isBlockBoundary() &&
+			// Check if previousNode was parent of range's startContainer before deleteContents.
+			startPath.contains( previous ) ) {
+				range.moveToPosition( previous, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+			}
+			// Rule 5.
+			mergeAncestorElementsOfSelectionEnds( range, that.blockLimit, startPath, endPath );
+			// Rule 1.
+			if ( marker ) {
+				// If marker was created then move collapsed range into its place.
+				range.setEndBefore( marker );
+				range.collapse();
+				marker.remove();
+			}
+			// Split inline elements so HTML will be inserted with its own styles.
+			path = range.startPath();
+			if ( ( node = path.contains( isInline, false, 1 ) ) ) {
+				range.splitElement( node );
+				that.inlineStylesRoot = node;
+				that.inlineStylesPeak = path.lastElement;
+			}
+			// Record inline merging candidates for later cleanup in place.
+			bm = range.createBookmark();
+			// 1. Inline siblings.
+			node = bm.startNode.getPrevious( isNotEmpty );
+			node && checkIfElement( node ) && isInline( node ) && mergeCandidates.push( node );
+			node = bm.startNode.getNext( isNotEmpty );
+			node && checkIfElement( node ) && isInline( node ) && mergeCandidates.push( node );
+			// 2. Inline parents.
+			node = bm.startNode;
+			while ( ( node = node.getParent() ) && isInline( node ) )
+				mergeCandidates.push( node );
+			range.moveToBookmark( bm );
+		}
+		function processDataForInsertion( that, data ) {
+			var range = that.range;
+			// Rule 8. - wrap entire data in inline styles.
+			// (e.g. <p><b>x^z</b></p> + <p>a</p><p>b</p> -> <b><p>a</p><p>b</p></b>)
+			// Incorrect tags order will be fixed by htmlDataProcessor.
+			if ( that.type == 'text' && that.inlineStylesRoot )
+				data = wrapDataWithInlineStyles( data, that );
+			var context = that.blockLimit.getName();
+			// Wrap data to be inserted, to avoid loosing leading whitespaces
+			// when going through the below procedure.
+			if ( /^\s+|\s+$/.test( data ) && 'span' in CKEDITOR.dtd[ context ] ) {
+				var protect = '<span data-cke-marker="1"> </span>';
+				data =  protect + data + protect;
+			}
+			// Process the inserted html, in context of the insertion root.
+			// Don't use the "fix for body" feature as auto paragraphing must
+			// be handled during insertion.
+			data = that.editor.dataProcessor.toHtml( data, null, false );
+			// Build the node list for insertion.
+			var doc = range.document,
+				wrapper = doc.createElement( 'body' );
+			wrapper.setHtml( data );
+			// Eventually remove the temporaries.
+			if ( protect ) {
+				wrapper.getFirst().remove();
+				wrapper.getLast().remove();
+			}
+			// Rule 7.
+			var block = range.startPath().block;
+			if ( block &&													// Apply when there exists path block after deleting selection's content...
+				!( block.getChildCount() == 1 && block.getBogus() ) ) {		// ... and the only content of this block isn't a bogus.
+				stripBlockTagIfSingleLine( wrapper );
+			}
+			that.dataWrapper = wrapper;
+		}
+		function insertDataIntoRange( that ) {
+			var range = that.range,
+				doc = range.document,
+				path,
+				blockLimit = that.blockLimit,
+				nodesData, nodeData, node,
+				nodeIndex = 0,
+				bogus,
+				bogusNeededBlocks = [],
+				pathBlock, fixBlock,
+				splittingContainer = 0,
+				dontMoveCaret = 0,
+				insertionContainer, toSplit, newContainer,
+				startContainer = range.startContainer,
+				endContainer = that.endPath.elements[ 0 ],
+				filteredNodes,
+				// If endContainer was merged into startContainer: <p>a[b</p><p>c]d</p>
+				// or it's equal to startContainer: <p>a^b</p>
+				// or different situation happened :P
+				// then there's no separate container for the end of selection.
+				pos = endContainer.getPosition( startContainer ),
+				separateEndContainer = !!endContainer.getCommonAncestor( startContainer ) // endC is not detached.
+				&& pos != CKEDITOR.POSITION_IDENTICAL && !( pos & CKEDITOR.POSITION_CONTAINS + CKEDITOR.POSITION_IS_CONTAINED ); // endC & endS are in separate branches.
+			nodesData = extractNodesData( that.dataWrapper, that );
+			removeBrsAdjacentToPastedBlocks( nodesData, range );
+			for ( ; nodeIndex < nodesData.length; nodeIndex++ ) {
+				nodeData = nodesData[ nodeIndex ];
+				// Ignore trailing <brs>
+				if ( nodeData.isLineBreak && splitOnLineBreak( range, blockLimit, nodeData ) ) {
+					// Do not move caret towards the text (in cleanupAfterInsertion),
+					// because caret was placed after a line break.
+					dontMoveCaret = nodeIndex > 0;
+					continue;
+				}
+				path = range.startPath();
+				// Auto paragraphing.
+				if ( !nodeData.isBlock && ( fixBlock = autoParagraphTag( that.editor.config ) ) && !path.block && path.blockLimit && path.blockLimit.equals( range.root ) ) {
+					fixBlock = doc.createElement( fixBlock );
+					!CKEDITOR.env.ie && fixBlock.appendBogus();
+					range.insertNode( fixBlock );
+					if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( bogus = fixBlock.getBogus() ) )
+						bogus.remove();
+					range.moveToPosition( fixBlock, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+				}
+				node = range.startPath().block;
+				// Remove any bogus element on the current path block for now, and mark
+				// it for later compensation.
+				if ( node && !node.equals( pathBlock ) ) {
+					bogus = node.getBogus();
+					if ( bogus ) {
+						bogus.remove();
+						bogusNeededBlocks.push( node );
+					}
+					pathBlock = node;
+				}
+				// First not allowed node reached - start splitting original container
+				if ( nodeData.firstNotAllowed )
+					splittingContainer = 1;
+				if ( splittingContainer && nodeData.isElement ) {
+					insertionContainer = range.startContainer;
+					toSplit = null;
+					// Find the first ancestor that can contain current node.
+					// This one won't be split.
+					while ( insertionContainer && !DTD[ insertionContainer.getName() ][ nodeData.name ] ) {
+						if ( insertionContainer.equals( blockLimit ) ) {
+							insertionContainer = null;
+							break;
+						}
+						toSplit = insertionContainer;
+						insertionContainer = insertionContainer.getParent();
+					}
+					// If split has to be done - do it and mark both ends as a possible zombies.
+					if ( insertionContainer ) {
+						if ( toSplit ) {
+							newContainer = range.splitElement( toSplit );
+							that.zombies.push( newContainer );
+							that.zombies.push( toSplit );
+						}
+					}
+					// Unable to make the insertion happen in place, resort to the content filter.
+					else {
+						// If everything worked fine insertionContainer == blockLimit here.
+						filteredNodes = filterElement( nodeData.node, blockLimit.getName(), !nodeIndex, nodeIndex == nodesData.length - 1 );
+					}
+				}
+				if ( filteredNodes ) {
+					while ( ( node = filteredNodes.pop() ) )
+						range.insertNode( node );
+					filteredNodes = 0;
+				} else
+					// Insert current node at the start of range.
+					range.insertNode( nodeData.node );
+				// Move range to the endContainer for the final allowed elements.
+				if ( nodeData.lastNotAllowed && nodeIndex < nodesData.length - 1 ) {
+					// If separateEndContainer exists move range there.
+					// Otherwise try to move range to container created during splitting.
+					// If this doesn't work - don't move range.
+					newContainer = separateEndContainer ? endContainer : newContainer;
+					newContainer && range.setEndAt( newContainer, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
+					splittingContainer = 0;
+				}
+				// Collapse range after insertion to end.
+				range.collapse();
+			}
+			that.dontMoveCaret = dontMoveCaret;
+			that.bogusNeededBlocks = bogusNeededBlocks;
+		}
+		function cleanupAfterInsertion( that ) {
+			var range = that.range,
+				node, testRange, parent, movedIntoInline,
+				bogusNeededBlocks = that.bogusNeededBlocks,
+				// Create a bookmark to defend against the following range deconstructing operations.
+				bm = range.createBookmark();
+			// Remove all elements that could be created while splitting nodes
+			// with ranges at its start|end.
+			// E.g. remove <div><p></p></div>
+			// But not <div><p> </p></div>
+			// And replace <div><p><span data="cke-bookmark"/></p></div> with found bookmark.
+			while ( ( node = that.zombies.pop() ) ) {
+				// Detached element.
+				if ( !node.getParent() )
+					continue;
+				testRange = range.clone();
+				testRange.moveToElementEditStart( node );
+				testRange.removeEmptyBlocksAtEnd();
+			}
+			if ( bogusNeededBlocks ) {
+				// Bring back all block bogus nodes.
+				while ( ( node = bogusNeededBlocks.pop() ) ) {
+					node.append( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? range.document.createText( '\u00a0' ) : range.document.createElement( 'br' ) );
+				}
+			}
+			// Eventually merge identical inline elements.
+			while ( ( node = that.mergeCandidates.pop() ) )
+				node.mergeSiblings();
+			range.moveToBookmark( bm );
+			// Rule 3.
+			// Shrink range to the BEFOREEND of previous innermost editable node in source order.
+			if ( !that.dontMoveCaret ) {
+				node = getRangePrevious( range );
+				while ( node && checkIfElement( node ) && !node.is( DTD.$empty ) ) {
+					if ( node.isBlockBoundary() )
+						range.moveToPosition( node, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+					else {
+						// Don't move into inline element (which ends with a text node)
+						// found which contains white-space at its end.
+						// If not - move range's end to the end of this element.
+						if ( isInline( node ) && node.getHtml().match( /(\s| )$/g ) ) {
+							movedIntoInline = null;
+							break;
+						}
+						movedIntoInline = range.clone();
+						movedIntoInline.moveToPosition( node, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+					}
+					node = node.getLast( isNotEmpty );
+				}
+				movedIntoInline && range.moveToRange( movedIntoInline );
+			}
+		}
+		//
+		// HELPERS ------------------------------------------------------------
+		//
+		function autoParagraphTag( config ) {
+			return ( config.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR && config.autoParagraph !== false ) ? config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'p' : false;
+		}
+		function checkIfElement( node ) {
+			return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT;
+		}
+		function extractNodesData( dataWrapper, that ) {
+			var node, sibling, nodeName, allowed,
+				nodesData = [],
+				startContainer = that.range.startContainer,
+				path = that.range.startPath(),
+				allowedNames = DTD[ startContainer.getName() ],
+				nodeIndex = 0,
+				nodesList = dataWrapper.getChildren(),
+				nodesCount = nodesList.count(),
+				firstNotAllowed = -1,
+				lastNotAllowed = -1,
+				lineBreak = 0,
+				blockSibling;
+			// Selection start within a list.
+			var insideOfList = path.contains( DTD.$list );
+			for ( ; nodeIndex < nodesCount; ++nodeIndex ) {
+				node = nodesList.getItem( nodeIndex );
+				if ( checkIfElement( node ) ) {
+					nodeName = node.getName();
+					// Extract only the list items, when insertion happens
+					// inside of a list, reads as rearrange list items. (#7957)
+					if ( insideOfList && nodeName in CKEDITOR.dtd.$list ) {
+						nodesData = nodesData.concat( extractNodesData( node, that ) );
+						continue;
+					}
+					allowed = !!allowedNames[ nodeName ];
+					// Mark <brs data-cke-eol="1"> at the beginning and at the end.
+					if ( nodeName == 'br' && node.data( 'cke-eol' ) && ( !nodeIndex || nodeIndex == nodesCount - 1 ) ) {
+						sibling = nodeIndex ? nodesData[ nodeIndex - 1 ].node : nodesList.getItem( nodeIndex + 1 );
+						// Line break has to have sibling which is not an <br>.
+						lineBreak = sibling && ( !checkIfElement( sibling ) || !sibling.is( 'br' ) );
+						// Line break has block element as a sibling.
+						blockSibling = sibling && checkIfElement( sibling ) && DTD.$block[ sibling.getName() ];
+					}
+					if ( firstNotAllowed == -1 && !allowed )
+						firstNotAllowed = nodeIndex;
+					if ( !allowed )
+						lastNotAllowed = nodeIndex;
+					nodesData.push({
+						isElement: 1,
+						isLineBreak: lineBreak,
+						isBlock: node.isBlockBoundary(),
+						hasBlockSibling: blockSibling,
+						node: node,
+						name: nodeName,
+						allowed: allowed
+					});
+					lineBreak = 0;
+					blockSibling = 0;
+				} else
+					nodesData.push( { isElement:0,node:node,allowed:1 } );
+			}
+			// Mark first node that cannot be inserted directly into startContainer
+			// and last node for which startContainer has to be split.
+			if ( firstNotAllowed > -1 )
+				nodesData[ firstNotAllowed ].firstNotAllowed = 1;
+			if ( lastNotAllowed > -1 )
+				nodesData[ lastNotAllowed ].lastNotAllowed = 1;
+			return nodesData;
+		}
+		// TODO: Review content transformation rules on filtering element.
+		function filterElement( element, parentName, isFirst, isLast ) {
+			var nodes = filterElementInner( element, parentName ),
+				nodes2 = [],
+				nodesCount = nodes.length,
+				nodeIndex = 0,
+				node,
+				afterSpace = 0,
+				lastSpaceIndex = -1;
+			// Remove duplicated spaces and spaces at the:
+			// * beginnig if filtered element isFirst (isFirst that's going to be inserted)
+			// * end if filtered element isLast.
+			for ( ; nodeIndex < nodesCount; nodeIndex++ ) {
+				node = nodes[ nodeIndex ];
+				if ( node == ' ' ) {
+					// Don't push doubled space and if it's leading space for insertion.
+					if ( !afterSpace && !( isFirst && !nodeIndex ) ) {
+						nodes2.push( new CKEDITOR.dom.text( ' ' ) );
+						lastSpaceIndex = nodes2.length;
+					}
+					afterSpace = 1;
+				} else {
+					nodes2.push( node );
+					afterSpace = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove trailing space.
+			if ( isLast && lastSpaceIndex == nodes2.length )
+				nodes2.pop();
+			return nodes2;
+		}
+		function filterElementInner( element, parentName ) {
+			var nodes = [],
+				children = element.getChildren(),
+				childrenCount = children.count(),
+				child,
+				childIndex = 0,
+				allowedNames = DTD[ parentName ],
+				surroundBySpaces = !element.is( DTD.$inline ) || element.is( 'br' );
+			if ( surroundBySpaces )
+				nodes.push( ' ' );
+			for ( ; childIndex < childrenCount; childIndex++ ) {
+				child = children.getItem( childIndex );
+				if ( checkIfElement( child ) && !child.is( allowedNames ) )
+					nodes = nodes.concat( filterElementInner( child, parentName ) );
+				else
+					nodes.push( child );
+			}
+			if ( surroundBySpaces )
+				nodes.push( ' ' );
+			return nodes;
+		}
+		function getRangePrevious( range ) {
+			return checkIfElement( range.startContainer ) && range.startContainer.getChild( range.startOffset - 1 );
+		}
+		function isInline( node ) {
+			return node && checkIfElement( node ) && ( node.is( DTD.$removeEmpty ) || node.is( 'a' ) && !node.isBlockBoundary() );
+		}
+		var blockMergedTags = { p:1,div:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1,ul:1,ol:1,li:1,pre:1,dl:1,blockquote:1 };
+		// See rule 5. in TCs.
+		// Initial situation:
+		// <ul><li>AA^</li></ul><ul><li>BB</li></ul>
+		// We're looking for 2nd <ul>, comparing with 1st <ul> and merging.
+		// We're not merging if caret is between these elements.
+		function mergeAncestorElementsOfSelectionEnds( range, blockLimit, startPath, endPath ) {
+			var walkerRange = range.clone(),
+				walker, nextNode, previousNode;
+			walkerRange.setEndAt( blockLimit, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+			walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
+			if ( ( nextNode = walker.next() ) // Find next source node
+			&& checkIfElement( nextNode ) // which is an element
+			&& blockMergedTags[ nextNode.getName() ] // that can be merged.
+			&& ( previousNode = nextNode.getPrevious() ) // Take previous one
+			&& checkIfElement( previousNode ) // which also has to be an element.
+			&& !previousNode.getParent().equals( range.startContainer ) // Fail if caret is on the same level.
+			// This means that caret is between these nodes.
+			&& startPath.contains( previousNode ) // Elements path of start of selection has
+			&& endPath.contains( nextNode ) // to contain prevNode and vice versa.
+			&& nextNode.isIdentical( previousNode ) ) // Check if elements are identical.
+			{
+				// Merge blocks and repeat.
+				nextNode.moveChildren( previousNode );
+				nextNode.remove();
+				mergeAncestorElementsOfSelectionEnds( range, blockLimit, startPath, endPath );
+			}
+		}
+		// If last node that will be inserted is a block (but not a <br>)
+		// and it will be inserted right before <br> remove this <br>.
+		// Do the same for the first element that will be inserted and preceding <br>.
+		function removeBrsAdjacentToPastedBlocks( nodesData, range ) {
+			var succeedingNode = range.endContainer.getChild( range.endOffset ),
+				precedingNode = range.endContainer.getChild( range.endOffset - 1 );
+			if ( succeedingNode ) {
+				remove( succeedingNode, nodesData[ nodesData.length - 1 ] );
+			}
+			if ( precedingNode && remove( precedingNode, nodesData[ 0 ] ) ) {
+				// If preceding <br> was removed - move range left.
+				range.setEnd( range.endContainer, range.endOffset - 1 );
+				range.collapse();
+			}
+			function remove( maybeBr, maybeBlockData ) {
+				if ( maybeBlockData.isBlock && maybeBlockData.isElement && !maybeBlockData.node.is( 'br' ) &&
+					checkIfElement( maybeBr ) && maybeBr.is( 'br' ) ) {
+					maybeBr.remove();
+					return 1;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Return 1 if <br> should be skipped when inserting, 0 otherwise.
+		function splitOnLineBreak( range, blockLimit, nodeData ) {
+			var firstBlockAscendant, pos;
+			if ( nodeData.hasBlockSibling )
+				return 1;
+			firstBlockAscendant = range.startContainer.getAscendant( DTD.$block, 1 );
+			if ( !firstBlockAscendant || !firstBlockAscendant.is( { div:1,p:1 } ) )
+				return 0;
+			pos = firstBlockAscendant.getPosition( blockLimit );
+				return 0;
+			var newContainer = range.splitElement( firstBlockAscendant );
+			range.moveToPosition( newContainer, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
+			return 1;
+		}
+		var stripSingleBlockTags = { p:1,div:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1 },
+			inlineButNotBr = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, DTD.$inline );
+		delete inlineButNotBr.br;
+		// Rule 7.
+		function stripBlockTagIfSingleLine( dataWrapper ) {
+			var block, children;
+			if ( dataWrapper.getChildCount() == 1 && // Only one node bein inserted.
+			checkIfElement( block = dataWrapper.getFirst() ) && // And it's an element.
+			block.is( stripSingleBlockTags ) ) // That's <p> or <div> or header.
+			{
+				// Check children not containing block.
+				children = block.getElementsByTag( '*' );
+				for ( var i = 0, child, count = children.count(); i < count; i++ ) {
+					child = children.getItem( i );
+					if ( !child.is( inlineButNotBr ) )
+						return;
+				}
+				block.moveChildren( block.getParent( 1 ) );
+				block.remove();
+			}
+		}
+		function wrapDataWithInlineStyles( data, that ) {
+			var element = that.inlineStylesPeak,
+				doc = element.getDocument(),
+				wrapper = doc.createText( '{cke-peak}' ),
+				limit = that.inlineStylesRoot.getParent();
+			while ( !element.equals( limit ) ) {
+				wrapper = wrapper.appendTo( element.clone() );
+				element = element.getParent();
+			}
+			return wrapper.getOuterHtml().replace( '{cke-peak}', data );
+		}
+		return insert;
+	})();
+	function beforeInsert( editable ) {
+		// TODO: For unknown reason we must call directly on the editable to put the focus immediately.
+		editable.editor.focus();
+		editable.editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+	}
+	function afterInsert( editable, noScroll ) {
+		var editor = editable.editor;
+		// Scroll using selection, not ranges, to affect native pastes.
+		!noScroll && editor.getSelection().scrollIntoView();
+		// Save snaps after the whole execution completed.
+		// This's a workaround for make DOM modification's happened after
+		// 'insertElement' to be included either, e.g. Form-based dialogs' 'commitContents'
+		// call.
+		setTimeout( function() {
+			editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+		}, 0 );
+	}
+ * Whether the editor must output an empty value (`''`) if it's contents is made
+ * by an empty paragraph only.
+ *
+ *		config.ignoreEmptyParagraph = false;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [ignoreEmptyParagraph=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * @event focus
+ * @todo
+ */
+ /**
+ * @event blur
+ * @todo
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/editor.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/editor.js
index 0b373f7..a8193cc 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/editor.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/editor.js
@@ -1,759 +1,1296 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.editor} class, which represents an
- *		editor instance.
- */
-	// The counter for automatic instance names.
-	var nameCounter = 0;
-	var getNewName = function()
-	{
-		var name = 'editor' + ( ++nameCounter );
-		return ( CKEDITOR.instances && CKEDITOR.instances[ name ] ) ? getNewName() : name;
-	};
-	// ##### START: Config Privates
-	// These function loads custom configuration files and cache the
-	// CKEDITOR.editorConfig functions defined on them, so there is no need to
-	// download them more than once for several instances.
-	var loadConfigLoaded = {};
-	var loadConfig = function( editor )
-	{
-		var customConfig = editor.config.customConfig;
-		// Check if there is a custom config to load.
-		if ( !customConfig )
-			return false;
-		customConfig = CKEDITOR.getUrl( customConfig );
-		var loadedConfig = loadConfigLoaded[ customConfig ] || ( loadConfigLoaded[ customConfig ] = {} );
-		// If the custom config has already been downloaded, reuse it.
-		if ( loadedConfig.fn )
-		{
-			// Call the cached CKEDITOR.editorConfig defined in the custom
-			// config file for the editor instance depending on it.
-			loadedConfig.fn.call( editor, editor.config );
-			// If there is no other customConfig in the chain, fire the
-			// "configLoaded" event.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.getUrl( editor.config.customConfig ) == customConfig || !loadConfig( editor ) )
-				editor.fireOnce( 'customConfigLoaded' );
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// Load the custom configuration file.
-			CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( customConfig, function()
-				{
-					// If the CKEDITOR.editorConfig function has been properly
-					// defined in the custom configuration file, cache it.
-					if ( CKEDITOR.editorConfig )
-						loadedConfig.fn = CKEDITOR.editorConfig;
-					else
-						loadedConfig.fn = function(){};
-					// Call the load config again. This time the custom
-					// config is already cached and so it will get loaded.
-					loadConfig( editor );
-				});
-		}
-		return true;
-	};
-	var initConfig = function( editor, instanceConfig )
-	{
-		// Setup the lister for the "customConfigLoaded" event.
-		editor.on( 'customConfigLoaded', function()
-			{
-				if ( instanceConfig )
-				{
-					// Register the events that may have been set at the instance
-					// configuration object.
-					if ( instanceConfig.on )
-					{
-						for ( var eventName in instanceConfig.on )
-						{
-							editor.on( eventName, instanceConfig.on[ eventName ] );
-						}
-					}
-					// Overwrite the settings from the in-page config.
-					CKEDITOR.tools.extend( editor.config, instanceConfig, true );
-					delete editor.config.on;
-				}
-				onConfigLoaded( editor );
-			});
-		// The instance config may override the customConfig setting to avoid
-		// loading the default ~/config.js file.
-		if ( instanceConfig && instanceConfig.customConfig != undefined )
-			editor.config.customConfig = instanceConfig.customConfig;
-		// Load configs from the custom configuration files.
-		if ( !loadConfig( editor ) )
-			editor.fireOnce( 'customConfigLoaded' );
-	};
-	// ##### END: Config Privates
-	var onConfigLoaded = function( editor )
-	{
-		// Set config related properties.
-		var skin = editor.config.skin.split( ',' ),
-			skinName = skin[ 0 ],
-			skinPath = CKEDITOR.getUrl( skin[ 1 ] || (
-				'_source/' +	// @Packager.RemoveLine
-				'skins/' + skinName + '/' ) );
-		editor.skinName = skinName;
-		editor.skinPath = skinPath;
-		editor.skinClass = 'cke_skin_' + skinName;
-		editor.tabIndex = editor.config.tabIndex || editor.element.getAttribute( 'tabindex' ) || 0;
-		// Fire the "configLoaded" event.
-		editor.fireOnce( 'configLoaded' );
-		// Load language file.
-		loadSkin( editor );
-	};
-	var loadLang = function( editor )
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.lang.load( editor.config.language, editor.config.defaultLanguage, function( languageCode, lang )
-			{
-				editor.langCode = languageCode;
-				// As we'll be adding plugin specific entries that could come
-				// from different language code files, we need a copy of lang,
-				// not a direct reference to it.
-				editor.lang = CKEDITOR.tools.prototypedCopy( lang );
-				// We're not able to support RTL in Firefox 2 at this time.
-				if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 && editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' )
-					editor.lang.dir = 'ltr';
-				var config = editor.config;
-				config.contentsLangDirection == 'ui' && ( config.contentsLangDirection = editor.lang.dir );
-				loadPlugins( editor );
-			});
-	};
-	var loadPlugins = function( editor )
-	{
-		var config			= editor.config,
-			plugins			= config.plugins,
-			extraPlugins	= config.extraPlugins,
-			removePlugins	= config.removePlugins;
-		if ( extraPlugins )
-		{
-			// Remove them first to avoid duplications.
-			var removeRegex = new RegExp( '(?:^|,)(?:' + extraPlugins.replace( /\s*,\s*/g, '|' ) + ')(?=,|$)' , 'g' );
-			plugins = plugins.replace( removeRegex, '' );
-			plugins += ',' + extraPlugins;
-		}
-		if ( removePlugins )
-		{
-			removeRegex = new RegExp( '(?:^|,)(?:' + removePlugins.replace( /\s*,\s*/g, '|' ) + ')(?=,|$)' , 'g' );
-			plugins = plugins.replace( removeRegex, '' );
-		}
-		// Load all plugins defined in the "plugins" setting.
-		CKEDITOR.plugins.load( plugins.split( ',' ), function( plugins )
-			{
-				// The list of plugins.
-				var pluginsArray = [];
-				// The language code to get loaded for each plugin. Null
-				// entries will be appended for plugins with no language files.
-				var languageCodes = [];
-				// The list of URLs to language files.
-				var languageFiles = [];
-				// Cache the loaded plugin names.
-				editor.plugins = plugins;
-				// Loop through all plugins, to build the list of language
-				// files to get loaded.
-				for ( var pluginName in plugins )
-				{
-					var plugin = plugins[ pluginName ],
-						pluginLangs = plugin.lang,
-						pluginPath = CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath( pluginName ),
-						lang = null;
-					// Set the plugin path in the plugin.
-					plugin.path = pluginPath;
-					// If the plugin has "lang".
-					if ( pluginLangs )
-					{
-						// Resolve the plugin language. If the current language
-						// is not available, get the first one (default one).
-						lang = ( CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( pluginLangs, editor.langCode ) >= 0 ? editor.langCode : pluginLangs[ 0 ] );
-						if ( !plugin.lang[ lang ] )
-						{
-							// Put the language file URL into the list of files to
-							// get downloaded.
-							languageFiles.push( CKEDITOR.getUrl( pluginPath + 'lang/' + lang + '.js' ) );
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							CKEDITOR.tools.extend( editor.lang, plugin.lang[ lang ] );
-							lang = null;
-						}
-					}
-					// Save the language code, so we know later which
-					// language has been resolved to this plugin.
-					languageCodes.push( lang );
-					pluginsArray.push( plugin );
-				}
-				// Load all plugin specific language files in a row.
-				CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( languageFiles, function()
-					{
-						// Initialize all plugins that have the "beforeInit" and "init" methods defined.
-						var methods = [ 'beforeInit', 'init', 'afterInit' ];
-						for ( var m = 0 ; m < methods.length ; m++ )
-						{
-							for ( var i = 0 ; i < pluginsArray.length ; i++ )
-							{
-								var plugin = pluginsArray[ i ];
-								// Uses the first loop to update the language entries also.
-								if ( m === 0 && languageCodes[ i ] && plugin.lang )
-									CKEDITOR.tools.extend( editor.lang, plugin.lang[ languageCodes[ i ] ] );
-								// Call the plugin method (beforeInit and init).
-								if ( plugin[ methods[ m ] ] )
-									plugin[ methods[ m ] ]( editor );
-							}
-						}
-						// Load the editor skin.
-						editor.fire( 'pluginsLoaded' );
-						loadTheme( editor );
-					});
-			});
-	};
-	var loadSkin = function( editor )
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.skins.load( editor, 'editor', function()
-			{
-				loadLang( editor );
-			});
-	};
-	var loadTheme = function( editor )
-	{
-		var theme = editor.config.theme;
-		CKEDITOR.themes.load( theme, function()
-			{
-				var editorTheme = editor.theme = CKEDITOR.themes.get( theme );
-				editorTheme.path = CKEDITOR.themes.getPath( theme );
-				editorTheme.build( editor );
-				if ( editor.config.autoUpdateElement )
-					attachToForm( editor );
-			});
-	};
-	var attachToForm = function( editor )
-	{
-		var element = editor.element;
-		// If are replacing a textarea, we must
-		if ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE && element.is( 'textarea' ) )
-		{
-			var form = element.$.form && new CKEDITOR.dom.element( element.$.form );
-			if ( form )
-			{
-				function onSubmit()
-				{
-					editor.updateElement();
-				}
-				form.on( 'submit',onSubmit );
-				// Setup the submit function because it doesn't fire the
-				// "submit" event.
-				if ( !form.$.submit.nodeName )
-				{
-					form.$.submit = CKEDITOR.tools.override( form.$.submit, function( originalSubmit )
-						{
-							return function()
-								{
-									editor.updateElement();
-									// For IE, the DOM submit function is not a
-									// function, so we need thid check.
-									if ( originalSubmit.apply )
-										originalSubmit.apply( this, arguments );
-									else
-										originalSubmit();
-								};
-						});
-				}
-				// Remove 'submit' events registered on form element before destroying.(#3988)
-				editor.on( 'destroy', function()
-				{
-					form.removeListener( 'submit', onSubmit );
-				} );
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	function updateCommandsMode()
-	{
-		var command,
-			commands = this._.commands,
-			mode = this.mode;
-		for ( var name in commands )
-		{
-			command = commands[ name ];
-			command[ command.startDisabled ? 'disable' : command.modes[ mode ] ? 'enable' : 'disable' ]();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Initializes the editor instance. This function is called by the editor
-	 * contructor (editor_basic.js).
-	 * @private
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype._init = function()
-		{
-			// Get the properties that have been saved in the editor_base
-			// implementation.
-			var element			= CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( this._.element ),
-				instanceConfig	= this._.instanceConfig;
-			delete this._.element;
-			delete this._.instanceConfig;
-			this._.commands = {};
-			this._.styles = [];
-			/**
-			 * The DOM element that has been replaced by this editor instance. This
-			 * element holds the editor data on load and post.
-			 * @name CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.element
-			 * @type CKEDITOR.dom.element
-			 * @example
-			 * var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
-			 * alert( <b>editor.element</b>.getName() );  "textarea"
-			 */
-			this.element = element;
-			/**
-			 * The editor instance name. It hay be the replaced element id, name or
-			 * a default name using a progressive counter (editor1, editor2, ...).
-			 * @name CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.name
-			 * @type String
-			 * @example
-			 * var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
-			 * alert( <b>editor.name</b> );  "editor1"
-			 */
-			this.name = ( element && ( this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE )
-							&& ( element.getId() || element.getNameAtt() ) )
-						|| getNewName();
-			if ( this.name in CKEDITOR.instances )
-				throw '[CKEDITOR.editor] The instance "' + this.name + '" already exists.';
-			/**
-			 * The configurations for this editor instance. It inherits all
-			 * settings defined in (@link CKEDITOR.config}, combined with settings
-			 * loaded from custom configuration files and those defined inline in
-			 * the page when creating the editor.
-			 * @name CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.config
-			 * @type Object
-			 * @example
-			 * var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
-			 * alert( <b>editor.config.theme</b> );  "default" e.g.
-			 */
-			this.config = CKEDITOR.tools.prototypedCopy( CKEDITOR.config );
-			/**
-			 * Namespace containing UI features related to this editor instance.
-			 * @name CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.ui
-			 * @type CKEDITOR.ui
-			 * @example
-			 */
-			this.ui = new CKEDITOR.ui( this );
-			/**
-			 * Controls the focus state of this editor instance. This property
-			 * is rarely used for normal API operations. It is mainly
-			 * destinated to developer adding UI elements to the editor interface.
-			 * @name CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.focusManager
-			 * @type CKEDITOR.focusManager
-			 * @example
-			 */
-			this.focusManager = new CKEDITOR.focusManager( this );
-			CKEDITOR.fire( 'instanceCreated', null, this );
-			this.on( 'mode', updateCommandsMode, null, null, 1 );
-			initConfig( this, instanceConfig );
-		};
-CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.editor.prototype,
-	/** @lends CKEDITOR.editor.prototype */
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Adds a command definition to the editor instance. Commands added with
-		 * this function can be later executed with {@link #execCommand}.
-		 * @param {String} commandName The indentifier name of the command.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.commandDefinition} commandDefinition The command definition.
-		 * @example
-		 * editorInstance.addCommand( 'sample',
-		 * {
-		 *     exec : function( editor )
-		 *     {
-		 *         alert( 'Executing a command for the editor name "' + editor.name + '"!' );
-		 *     }
-		 * });
-		 */
-		addCommand : function( commandName, commandDefinition )
-		{
-			return this._.commands[ commandName ] = new CKEDITOR.command( this, commandDefinition );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Add a trunk of css text to the editor which will be applied to the wysiwyg editing document.
-		 * Note: This function should be called before editor is loaded to take effect.
-		 * @param css {String} CSS text.
-		 * @example
-		 * editorInstance.addCss( 'body { background-color: grey; }' );
-		 */
-		addCss : function( css )
-		{
-			this._.styles.push( css );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Destroys the editor instance, releasing all resources used by it.
-		 * If the editor replaced an element, the element will be recovered.
-		 * @param {Boolean} [noUpdate] If the instance is replacing a DOM
-		 *		element, this parameter indicates whether or not to update the
-		 *		element with the instance contents.
-		 * @example
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1 );  e.g "object"
-		 * <b>CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.destroy()</b>;
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1 );  "undefined"
-		 */
-		destroy : function( noUpdate )
-		{
-			if ( !noUpdate )
-				this.updateElement();
-			if ( this.mode )
-			{
-				// ->		currentMode.unload( holderElement );
-				this._.modes[ this.mode ].unload( this.getThemeSpace( 'contents' ) );
-			}
-			this.theme.destroy( this );
-			var toolbars,
-				index = 0,
-				j,
-				items,
-				instance;
-			if ( this.toolbox )
-			{
-				toolbars = this.toolbox.toolbars;
-				for ( ; index < toolbars.length ; index++ )
-				{
-					items = toolbars[ index ].items;
-					for ( j = 0 ; j < items.length ; j++ )
-					{
-						instance = items[ j ];
-						if ( instance.clickFn ) CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( instance.clickFn );
-						if ( instance.keyDownFn ) CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( instance.keyDownFn );
-						if ( instance.index ) CKEDITOR.ui.button._.instances[ instance.index ] = null;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if ( this.contextMenu )
-				CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( this.contextMenu._.functionId );
-			if ( this._.filebrowserFn )
-				CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( this._.filebrowserFn );
-			this.fire( 'destroy' );
-			CKEDITOR.remove( this );
-			CKEDITOR.fire( 'instanceDestroyed', null, this );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Executes a command.
-		 * @param {String} commandName The indentifier name of the command.
-		 * @param {Object} [data] Data to be passed to the command
-		 * @returns {Boolean} "true" if the command has been successfuly
-		 *		executed, otherwise "false".
-		 * @example
-		 * editorInstance.execCommand( 'Bold' );
-		 */
-		execCommand : function( commandName, data )
-		{
-			var command = this.getCommand( commandName );
-			var eventData =
-			{
-				name: commandName,
-				commandData: data,
-				command: command
-			};
-			if ( command && command.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
-			{
-				if ( this.fire( 'beforeCommandExec', eventData ) !== true )
-				{
-					eventData.returnValue = command.exec( eventData.commandData );
-					// Fire the 'afterCommandExec' immediately if command is synchronous.
-					if ( !command.async && this.fire( 'afterCommandExec', eventData ) !== true )
-						return eventData.returnValue;
-				}
-			}
-			// throw 'Unknown command name "' + commandName + '"';
-			return false;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets one of the registered commands. Note that, after registering a
-		 * command definition with addCommand, it is transformed internally
-		 * into an instance of {@link CKEDITOR.command}, which will be then
-		 * returned by this function.
-		 * @param {String} commandName The name of the command to be returned.
-		 * This is the same used to register the command with addCommand.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.command} The command object identified by the
-		 * provided name.
-		 */
-		getCommand : function( commandName )
-		{
-			return this._.commands[ commandName ];
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the editor data. The data will be in raw format. It is the same
-		 * data that is posted by the editor.
-		 * @type String
-		 * @returns (String) The editor data.
-		 * @example
-		 * if ( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.<b>getData()</b> == '' )
-		 *     alert( 'There is no data available' );
-		 */
-		getData : function()
-		{
-			this.fire( 'beforeGetData' );
-			var eventData = this._.data;
-			if ( typeof eventData != 'string' )
-			{
-				var element = this.element;
-				if ( element && this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE )
-					eventData = element.is( 'textarea' ) ? element.getValue() : element.getHtml();
-				else
-					eventData = '';
-			}
-			eventData = { dataValue : eventData };
-			// Fire "getData" so data manipulation may happen.
-			this.fire( 'getData', eventData );
-			return eventData.dataValue;
-		},
-		getSnapshot : function()
-		{
-			var data = this.fire( 'getSnapshot' );
-			if ( typeof data != 'string' )
-			{
-				var element = this.element;
-				if ( element && this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE )
-					data = element.is( 'textarea' ) ? element.getValue() : element.getHtml();
-			}
-			return data;
-		},
-		loadSnapshot : function( snapshot )
-		{
-			this.fire( 'loadSnapshot', snapshot );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the editor data. The data must be provided in raw format (HTML).<br />
-		 * <br />
-		 * Note that this menthod is asynchronous. The "callback" parameter must
-		 * be used if interaction with the editor is needed after setting the data.
-		 * @param {String} data HTML code to replace the curent content in the
-		 *		editor.
-		 * @param {Function} callback Function to be called after the setData
-		 *		is completed.
-		 * @example
-		 * CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.<b>setData</b>( '<p>This is the editor data.</p>' );
-		 * @example
-		 * CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.<b>setData</b>( '<p>Some other editor data.</p>', function()
-		 *     {
-		 *         this.checkDirty();    // true
-		 *     });
-		 */
-		setData : function( data , callback )
-		{
-			if( callback )
-			{
-				this.on( 'dataReady', function( evt )
-				{
-					evt.removeListener();
-					callback.call( evt.editor );
-				} );
-			}
-			// Fire "setData" so data manipulation may happen.
-			var eventData = { dataValue : data };
-			this.fire( 'setData', eventData );
-			this._.data = eventData.dataValue;
-			this.fire( 'afterSetData', eventData );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Inserts HTML into the currently selected position in the editor.
-		 * @param {String} data HTML code to be inserted into the editor.
-		 * @example
-		 * CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.<b>insertHtml( '<p>This is a new paragraph.</p>' )</b>;
-		 */
-		insertHtml : function( data )
-		{
-			this.fire( 'insertHtml', data );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Inserts an element into the currently selected position in the
-		 * editor.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The element to be inserted
-		 *		into the editor.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<img src="hello.png" border="0" title="Hello" />' );
-		 * CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.<b>insertElement( element )</b>;
-		 */
-		insertElement : function( element )
-		{
-			this.fire( 'insertElement', element );
-		},
-		checkDirty : function()
-		{
-			return ( this.mayBeDirty && this._.previousValue !== this.getSnapshot() );
-		},
-		resetDirty : function()
-		{
-			if ( this.mayBeDirty )
-				this._.previousValue = this.getSnapshot();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Updates the <textarea> element that has been replaced by the editor with
-		 * the current data available in the editor.
-		 * @example
-		 * CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.updateElement();
-		 * alert( document.getElementById( 'editor1' ).value );  // The current editor data.
-		 */
-		updateElement : function()
-		{
-			var element = this.element;
-			if ( element && this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE )
-			{
-				var data = this.getData();
-				if ( this.config.htmlEncodeOutput )
-					data = CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( data );
-				if ( element.is( 'textarea' ) )
-					element.setValue( data );
-				else
-					element.setHtml( data );
-			}
-		}
-	});
-CKEDITOR.on( 'loaded', function()
-	{
-		// Run the full initialization for pending editors.
-		var pending = CKEDITOR.editor._pending;
-		if ( pending )
-		{
-			delete CKEDITOR.editor._pending;
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < pending.length ; i++ )
-				pending[ i ]._init();
-		}
-	});
- * Whether escape HTML when editor update original input element.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.htmlEncodeOutput
- * @since 3.1
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- * @example
- * config.htmlEncodeOutput = true;
- */
- * Fired when a CKEDITOR instance is created, but still before initializing it.
- * To interact with a fully initialized instance, use the
- * {@link CKEDITOR#instanceReady} event instead.
- * @name CKEDITOR#instanceCreated
- * @event
- * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance that has been created.
- */
- * Fired when a CKEDITOR instance is destroyed.
- * @name CKEDITOR#instanceDestroyed
- * @event
- * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance that has been destroyed.
- */
- * Fired when all plugins are loaded and initialized into the editor instance.
- * @name CKEDITOR#pluginsLoaded
- * @event
- */
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.editor} class, which represents an
+ *		editor instance.
+ */
+(function() {
+	// Override the basic constructor defined at editor_basic.js.
+	Editor.prototype = CKEDITOR.editor.prototype;
+	CKEDITOR.editor = Editor;
+	/**
+	 * Represents an editor instance. This constructor should be rarely
+	 * used, in favor of the {@link CKEDITOR} editor creation functions.
+	 *
+	 * @class CKEDITOR.editor
+	 * @mixins CKEDITOR.event
+	 * @constructor Creates an editor class instance.
+	 * @param {Object} [instanceConfig] Configuration values for this specific instance.
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} [element] The DOM element upon which this editor
+	 * will be created.
+	 * @param {Number} [mode] The element creation mode to be used by this editor.
+	 * will be created.
+	 */
+	function Editor( instanceConfig, element, mode ) {
+		// Call the CKEDITOR.event constructor to initialize this instance.
+		CKEDITOR.event.call( this );
+		// Make a clone of the config object, to avoid having it touched by our code. (#9636)
+		instanceConfig = instanceConfig && CKEDITOR.tools.clone( instanceConfig );
+		// if editor is created off one page element.
+		if ( element !== undefined ) {
+			// Asserting element and mode not null.
+			if ( !( element instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element ) )
+				throw new Error( 'Expect element of type CKEDITOR.dom.element.' );
+			else if ( !mode )
+				throw new Error( 'One of the element mode must be specified.' );
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks && mode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ) {
+				throw new Error( 'Inline element mode is not supported on IE quirks.' );
+			}
+			// Asserting element DTD depending on mode.
+			if ( mode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE && !element.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$editable ) || mode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE && element.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$nonBodyContent ) )
+				throw new Error( 'The specified element mode is not supported on element: "' + element.getName() + '".' );
+			/**
+			 * The original host page element upon which the editor is created, it's only
+			 * supposed to be provided by the concrete editor creator and is not subjected to
+			 * be modified.
+			 *
+			 * @property {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
+			 */
+			this.element = element;
+			/**
+			 * This property indicate the way how this instance is associated with the {@link #element}.
+			 *
+			 * @property {Number}
+			 */
+			this.elementMode = mode;
+			this.name = ( this.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO ) && ( element.getId() || element.getNameAtt() );
+		}
+		else
+			this.elementMode = CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_NONE;
+		// Declare the private namespace.
+		this._ = {};
+		this.commands = {};
+		/**
+		 * Contains all UI templates created for this editor instance.
+		 *
+		 * @property {Object}
+		 */
+		this.templates = {};
+		/**
+		 * A unique identifier of this editor instance.
+		 *
+		 * **Note:** It will be originated from the ID or name
+		 * attribute of the {@link #element}, otherwise a name pattern of
+		 * `'editor{n}'` will be used.
+		 *
+		 * @property {String}
+		 */
+		this.name = this.name || genEditorName();
+		/**
+		 * A unique random string assigned to each editor instance in the page.
+		 *
+		 * @property {String}
+		 */
+		this.id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId();
+		/**
+		 * The configurations for this editor instance. It inherits all
+		 * settings defined in {@link CKEDITOR.config}, combined with settings
+		 * loaded from custom configuration files and those defined inline in
+		 * the page when creating the editor.
+		 *
+		 *		var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
+		 *		alert( editor.config.skin ); // e.g. 'moono'
+		 *
+		 * @property {CKEDITOR.config}
+		 */
+		this.config = CKEDITOR.tools.prototypedCopy( CKEDITOR.config );
+		/**
+		 * Namespace containing UI features related to this editor instance.
+		 *
+		 * @property {CKEDITOR.ui}
+		 */
+		this.ui = new CKEDITOR.ui( this );
+		/**
+		 * Controls the focus state of this editor instance. This property
+		 * is rarely used for normal API operations. It is mainly
+		 * destinated to developer adding UI elements to the editor interface.
+		 *
+		 * @property {CKEDITOR.focusManager}
+		 */
+		this.focusManager = new CKEDITOR.focusManager( this );
+		/**
+		 * Controls keystrokes typing in this editor instance.
+		 *
+		 * @property {CKEDITOR.keystrokeHandler}
+		 */
+		this.keystrokeHandler = new CKEDITOR.keystrokeHandler( this );
+		// Make the editor update its command states on mode change.
+		this.on( 'mode', updateCommands );
+		this.on( 'readOnly', updateCommands );
+		this.on( 'selectionChange', updateCommandsContext );
+		// Handle startup focus.
+		this.on( 'instanceReady', function() {
+			this.config.startupFocus && this.focus();
+		});
+		CKEDITOR.fire( 'instanceCreated', null, this );
+		// Add this new editor to the CKEDITOR.instances collections.
+		CKEDITOR.add( this );
+		// Return the editor instance immediately to enable early stage event registrations.
+		CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() {
+			initConfig( this, instanceConfig );
+		}, 0, this );
+	}
+	var nameCounter = 0;
+	function genEditorName() {
+		do {
+			var name = 'editor' + ( ++nameCounter );
+		}
+		while ( CKEDITOR.instances[ name ] )
+		return name;
+	}
+	function updateCommands() {
+		var command,
+			commands = this.commands,
+			mode = this.mode;
+		if ( !mode )
+			return;
+		for ( var name in commands ) {
+			command = commands[ name ];
+			command[ command.startDisabled ? 'disable' : this.readOnly && !command.readOnly ? 'disable' : command.modes[ mode ] ? 'enable' : 'disable' ]();
+		}
+	}
+	function updateCommandsContext( ev ) {
+		var command,
+			commands = this.commands,
+			editor = ev.editor,
+			path = ev.data.path;
+		for ( var name in commands ) {
+			command = commands[ name ];
+			if ( command.contextSensitive )
+				command.refresh( editor, path );
+		}
+	}
+	// ##### START: Config Privates
+	// These function loads custom configuration files and cache the
+	// CKEDITOR.editorConfig functions defined on them, so there is no need to
+	// download them more than once for several instances.
+	var loadConfigLoaded = {};
+	function loadConfig( editor ) {
+		var customConfig = editor.config.customConfig;
+		// Check if there is a custom config to load.
+		if ( !customConfig )
+			return false;
+		customConfig = CKEDITOR.getUrl( customConfig );
+		var loadedConfig = loadConfigLoaded[ customConfig ] || ( loadConfigLoaded[ customConfig ] = {} );
+		// If the custom config has already been downloaded, reuse it.
+		if ( loadedConfig.fn ) {
+			// Call the cached CKEDITOR.editorConfig defined in the custom
+			// config file for the editor instance depending on it.
+			loadedConfig.fn.call( editor, editor.config );
+			// If there is no other customConfig in the chain, fire the
+			// "configLoaded" event.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.getUrl( editor.config.customConfig ) == customConfig || !loadConfig( editor ) )
+				editor.fireOnce( 'customConfigLoaded' );
+		} else {
+			// Load the custom configuration file.
+			CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( customConfig, function() {
+				// If the CKEDITOR.editorConfig function has been properly
+				// defined in the custom configuration file, cache it.
+				if ( CKEDITOR.editorConfig )
+					loadedConfig.fn = CKEDITOR.editorConfig;
+				else
+					loadedConfig.fn = function() {};
+				// Call the load config again. This time the custom
+				// config is already cached and so it will get loaded.
+				loadConfig( editor );
+			});
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	function initConfig( editor, instanceConfig ) {
+		// Setup the lister for the "customConfigLoaded" event.
+		editor.on( 'customConfigLoaded', function() {
+			if ( instanceConfig ) {
+				// Register the events that may have been set at the instance
+				// configuration object.
+				if ( instanceConfig.on ) {
+					for ( var eventName in instanceConfig.on ) {
+						editor.on( eventName, instanceConfig.on[ eventName ] );
+					}
+				}
+				// Overwrite the settings from the in-page config.
+				CKEDITOR.tools.extend( editor.config, instanceConfig, true );
+				delete editor.config.on;
+			}
+			onConfigLoaded( editor );
+		});
+		// The instance config may override the customConfig setting to avoid
+		// loading the default ~/config.js file.
+		if ( instanceConfig && instanceConfig.customConfig != undefined )
+			editor.config.customConfig = instanceConfig.customConfig;
+		// Load configs from the custom configuration files.
+		if ( !loadConfig( editor ) )
+			editor.fireOnce( 'customConfigLoaded' );
+	}
+	// ##### END: Config Privates
+	function onConfigLoaded( editor ) {
+		// Set config related properties.
+		/**
+		 * Indicates the read-only state of this editor. This is a read-only property.
+		 *
+		 * @property {Boolean}
+		 * @since 3.6
+		 * @see CKEDITOR.editor#setReadOnly
+		 */
+		editor.readOnly = !!( editor.config.readOnly || ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ? editor.element.isReadOnly() : editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE ? editor.element.getAttribute( 'disabled' ) : false ) );
+		/**
+		 * Indicates that the editor is running into an environment where
+		 * no block elements are accepted inside the content.
+		 *
+		 * @property {Boolean}
+		 */
+		editor.blockless = editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE && !CKEDITOR.dtd[ editor.element.getName() ][ 'p' ];
+		/**
+		 * The [tabbing navigation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabbing_navigation) order determined for this editor instance.
+		 * This can be set by the <code>{@link CKEDITOR.config#tabIndex}</code>
+		 * setting or taken from the `tabindex` attribute of the
+		 * {@link #element} associated with the editor.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( editor.tabIndex ); // e.g. 0
+		 *
+		 * @property {Number} [=0]
+		 */
+		editor.tabIndex = editor.config.tabIndex || editor.element && editor.element.getAttribute( 'tabindex' ) || 0;
+		// Set CKEDITOR.skinName. Note that it is not possible to have
+		// different skins on the same page, so the last one to set it "wins".
+		if ( editor.config.skin )
+			CKEDITOR.skinName = editor.config.skin;
+		// Fire the "configLoaded" event.
+		editor.fireOnce( 'configLoaded' );
+		initComponents( editor );
+	}
+	// Various other core components that read editor configuration.
+	function initComponents( editor ) {
+		// Documented in dataprocessor.js.
+		editor.dataProcessor = new CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor( editor );
+		loadSkin( editor );
+	}
+	function loadSkin( editor ) {
+		CKEDITOR.skin.loadPart( 'editor', function() {
+			loadLang( editor );
+		});
+	}
+	function loadLang( editor ) {
+		CKEDITOR.lang.load( editor.config.language, editor.config.defaultLanguage, function( languageCode, lang ) {
+			/**
+			 * The code for the language resources that have been loaded
+			 * for the user interface elements of this editor instance.
+			 *
+			 *		alert( editor.langCode ); // e.g. 'en'
+			 *
+			 * @property {String}
+			 */
+			editor.langCode = languageCode;
+			/**
+			 * An object that contains all language strings used by the editor interface.
+			 *
+			 *		alert( editor.lang.basicstyles.bold ); // e.g. 'Negrito' (if the language is set to Portuguese)
+			 *
+			 * @property {Object} lang
+			 */
+			// As we'll be adding plugin specific entries that could come
+			// from different language code files, we need a copy of lang,
+			// not a direct reference to it.
+			editor.lang = CKEDITOR.tools.prototypedCopy( lang );
+			// We're not able to support RTL in Firefox 2 at this time.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 && editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' )
+				editor.lang.dir = 'ltr';
+			if ( !editor.config.contentsLangDirection ) {
+				// Fallback to either the editable element direction or editor UI direction depending on creators.
+				editor.config.contentsLangDirection = editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ? editor.element.getDirection( 1 ) : editor.lang.dir;
+			}
+			editor.fire( 'langLoaded' );
+			loadPlugins( editor );
+		});
+	}
+	function loadPlugins( editor ) {
+		var config = editor.config,
+			plugins = config.plugins,
+			extraPlugins = config.extraPlugins,
+			removePlugins = config.removePlugins;
+		if ( extraPlugins ) {
+			// Remove them first to avoid duplications.
+			var extraRegex = new RegExp( '(?:^|,)(?:' + extraPlugins.replace( /\s*,\s*/g, '|' ) + ')(?=,|$)', 'g' );
+			plugins = plugins.replace( extraRegex, '' );
+			plugins += ',' + extraPlugins;
+		}
+		if ( removePlugins ) {
+			var removeRegex = new RegExp( '(?:^|,)(?:' + removePlugins.replace( /\s*,\s*/g, '|' ) + ')(?=,|$)', 'g' );
+			plugins = plugins.replace( removeRegex, '' );
+		}
+		// Load the Adobe AIR plugin conditionally.
+		CKEDITOR.env.air && ( plugins += ',adobeair' );
+		// Load all plugins defined in the "plugins" setting.
+		CKEDITOR.plugins.load( plugins.split( ',' ), function( plugins ) {
+			// The list of plugins.
+			var pluginsArray = [];
+			// The language code to get loaded for each plugin. Null
+			// entries will be appended for plugins with no language files.
+			var languageCodes = [];
+			// The list of URLs to language files.
+			var languageFiles = [];
+			/**
+			 * An object that contains references to all plugins used by this
+			 * editor instance.
+			 *
+			 *		alert( editor.plugins.dialog.path ); // e.g. 'http://example.com/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/'
+			 *
+			 *		// Check if a plugin is available.
+			 *		if ( editor.plugins.image ) {
+			 *			...
+			 *		}
+			 *
+			 * @property {Object}
+			 */
+			editor.plugins = plugins;
+			// Loop through all plugins, to build the list of language
+			// files to get loaded.
+			//
+			// Check also whether any of loaded plugins doesn't require plugins
+			// defined in config.removePlugins. Throw non-blocking error if this happens.
+			for ( var pluginName in plugins ) {
+				var plugin = plugins[ pluginName ],
+					pluginLangs = plugin.lang,
+					lang = null,
+					requires = plugin.requires,
+					match, name;
+				// Transform it into a string, if it's not one.
+				if ( CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( requires ) )
+					requires = requires.join( ',' );
+				if ( requires && ( match = requires.match( removeRegex ) ) ) {
+					while ( ( name = match.pop() ) ) {
+						CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function( name, pluginName ) {
+							throw new Error( 'Plugin "' + name.replace( ',', '' ) + '" cannot be removed from the plugins list, because it\'s required by "' + pluginName + '" plugin.');
+						}, 0, null, [ name, pluginName ] );
+					}
+				}
+				// If the plugin has "lang".
+				if ( pluginLangs && !editor.lang[ pluginName ] ) {
+					// Trasnform the plugin langs into an array, if it's not one.
+					if ( pluginLangs.split )
+						pluginLangs = pluginLangs.split( ',' );
+					// Resolve the plugin language. If the current language
+					// is not available, get English or the first one.
+					if ( CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( pluginLangs, editor.langCode ) >= 0 )
+						lang = editor.langCode;
+					else {
+						// The language code may have the locale information (zh-cn).
+						// Fall back to locale-less in that case (zh).
+						var langPart = editor.langCode.replace( /-.*/, '' );
+						if ( langPart != editor.langCode && CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( pluginLangs, langPart ) >= 0 )
+							lang = langPart;
+						// Try the only "generic" option we have: English.
+						else if ( CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( pluginLangs, 'en' ) >= 0 )
+							lang = 'en';
+						else
+							lang = pluginLangs[ 0 ];
+					}
+					if ( !plugin.langEntries || !plugin.langEntries[ lang ] ) {
+						// Put the language file URL into the list of files to
+						// get downloaded.
+						languageFiles.push( CKEDITOR.getUrl( plugin.path + 'lang/' + lang + '.js' ) );
+					} else {
+						editor.lang[ pluginName ] = plugin.langEntries[ lang ];
+						lang = null;
+					}
+				}
+				// Save the language code, so we know later which
+				// language has been resolved to this plugin.
+				languageCodes.push( lang );
+				pluginsArray.push( plugin );
+			}
+			// Load all plugin specific language files in a row.
+			CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( languageFiles, function() {
+				// Initialize all plugins that have the "beforeInit" and "init" methods defined.
+				var methods = [ 'beforeInit', 'init', 'afterInit' ];
+				for ( var m = 0; m < methods.length; m++ ) {
+					for ( var i = 0; i < pluginsArray.length; i++ ) {
+						var plugin = pluginsArray[ i ];
+						// Uses the first loop to update the language entries also.
+						if ( m === 0 && languageCodes[ i ] && plugin.lang && plugin.langEntries )
+							editor.lang[ plugin.name ] = plugin.langEntries[ languageCodes[ i ] ];
+						// Call the plugin method (beforeInit and init).
+						if ( plugin[ methods[ m ] ] )
+							plugin[ methods[ m ] ]( editor );
+					}
+				}
+				editor.fireOnce( 'pluginsLoaded' );
+				// Setup the configured keystrokes.
+				config.keystrokes && editor.setKeystroke( editor.config.keystrokes );
+				// Setup the configured blocked keystrokes.
+				for ( i = 0; i < editor.config.blockedKeystrokes.length; i++ )
+					editor.keystrokeHandler.blockedKeystrokes[ editor.config.blockedKeystrokes[ i ] ] = 1;
+				editor.fireOnce( 'loaded' );
+				CKEDITOR.fire( 'instanceLoaded', null, editor );
+			});
+		});
+	}
+	// Send to data output back to editor's associated element.
+	function updateEditorElement() {
+		var element = this.element;
+		// Some editor creation mode will not have the
+		// associated element.
+		if ( element && this.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO ) {
+			var data = this.getData();
+			if ( this.config.htmlEncodeOutput )
+				data = CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( data );
+			if ( element.is( 'textarea' ) )
+				element.setValue( data );
+			else
+				element.setHtml( data );
+			return true;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.editor.prototype, {
+		/**
+		 * Adds a command definition to the editor instance. Commands added with
+		 * this function can be executed later with the <code>{@link #execCommand}</code> method.
+		 *
+		 * 		editorInstance.addCommand( 'sample', {
+		 * 			exec: function( editor ) {
+		 * 				alert( 'Executing a command for the editor name "' + editor.name + '"!' );
+		 * 			}
+		 * 		} );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} commandName The indentifier name of the command.
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.commandDefinition} commandDefinition The command definition.
+		 */
+		addCommand: function( commandName, commandDefinition ) {
+			return this.commands[ commandName ] = new CKEDITOR.command( this, commandDefinition );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Destroys the editor instance, releasing all resources used by it.
+		 * If the editor replaced an element, the element will be recovered.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1 ); // e.g. object
+		 *		CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.destroy();
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1 ); // undefined
+		 *
+		 * @param {Boolean} [noUpdate] If the instance is replacing a DOM
+		 * element, this parameter indicates whether or not to update the
+		 * element with the instance contents.
+		 */
+		destroy: function( noUpdate ) {
+			this.fire( 'beforeDestroy' );
+			!noUpdate && updateEditorElement.call( this );
+			this.editable( null );
+			this.fire( 'destroy' );
+			// Plug off all listeners to prevent any further events firing.
+			this.removeAllListeners();
+			CKEDITOR.remove( this );
+			CKEDITOR.fire( 'instanceDestroyed', null, this );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} [startNode] From which the path should start, if not specified default to editor selection's
+		 * start element yield by {@link CKEDITOR.dom.selection#getStartElement}.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath}
+		 * @see CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath
+		 */
+		elementPath: function( startNode ) {
+			startNode = startNode || this.getSelection().getStartElement();
+			return startNode ? new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( startNode, this.editable() ) : null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Shortcut to create a {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range} instance from the editable element.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.range} The dom range created if the editable has presented.
+		 * @see CKEDITOR.dom.range
+		 */
+		createRange: function() {
+			var editable = this.editable();
+			return editable ? new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editable ) : null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes a command associated with the editor.
+		 *
+		 *		editorInstance.execCommand( 'bold' );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} commandName The indentifier name of the command.
+		 * @param {Object} [data] Data to be passed to the command.
+		 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the command was executed
+		 * successfully, otherwise `false`.
+		 * @see CKEDITOR.editor#addCommand
+		 */
+		execCommand: function( commandName, data ) {
+			var command = this.getCommand( commandName );
+			var eventData = {
+				name: commandName,
+				commandData: data,
+				command: command
+			};
+			if ( command && command.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ) {
+				if ( this.fire( 'beforeCommandExec', eventData ) !== true ) {
+					eventData.returnValue = command.exec( eventData.commandData );
+					// Fire the 'afterCommandExec' immediately if command is synchronous.
+					if ( !command.async && this.fire( 'afterCommandExec', eventData ) !== true )
+						return eventData.returnValue;
+				}
+			}
+			// throw 'Unknown command name "' + commandName + '"';
+			return false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets one of the registered commands. Note that after registering a
+		 * command definition with {@link #addCommand}, it is
+		 * transformed internally into an instance of
+		 * {@link CKEDITOR.command}, which will then be returned by this function.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} commandName The name of the command to be returned.
+		 * This is the same name that is used to register the command with `addCommand`.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.command} The command object identified by the provided name.
+		 */
+		getCommand: function( commandName ) {
+			return this.commands[ commandName ];
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets the editor data. The data will be in raw format. It is the same
+		 * data that is posted by the editor.
+		 *
+		 *		if ( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData() == '' )
+		 *			alert( 'There is no data available' );
+		 *
+		 * @returns {String} The editor data.
+		 */
+		getData: function( noEvents ) {
+			!noEvents && this.fire( 'beforeGetData' );
+			var eventData = this._.data;
+			if ( typeof eventData != 'string' ) {
+				var element = this.element;
+				if ( element && this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE )
+					eventData = element.is( 'textarea' ) ? element.getValue() : element.getHtml();
+				else
+					eventData = '';
+			}
+			eventData = { dataValue: eventData };
+			// Fire "getData" so data manipulation may happen.
+			!noEvents && this.fire( 'getData', eventData );
+			return eventData.dataValue;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets the "raw data" currently available in the editor. This is a
+		 * fast method which returns the data as is, without processing, so it is
+		 * not recommended to use it on resulting pages. Instead it can be used
+		 * combined with the {@link #method-loadSnapshot} method in order
+		 * to be able to automatically save the editor data from time to time
+		 * while the user is using the editor, to avoid data loss, without risking
+		 * performance issues.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( editor.getSnapshot() );
+		 *
+		 * @see CKEDITOR.editor#getData
+		 */
+		getSnapshot: function() {
+			var data = this.fire( 'getSnapshot' );
+			if ( typeof data != 'string' ) {
+				var element = this.element;
+				if ( element && this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE )
+					data = element.is( 'textarea' ) ? element.getValue() : element.getHtml();
+			}
+			return data;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Loads "raw data" into the editor. The data is loaded with processing
+		 * straight to the editing area. It should not be used as a way to load
+		 * any kind of data, but instead in combination with
+		 * {@link #method-getSnapshot} produced data.
+		 *
+		 *		var data = editor.getSnapshot();
+		 *		editor.loadSnapshot( data );
+		 *
+		 * @see CKEDITOR.editor#setData
+		 */
+		loadSnapshot: function( snapshot ) {
+			this.fire( 'loadSnapshot', snapshot );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Sets the editor data. The data must be provided in the raw format (HTML).
+		 *
+		 * Note that this method is asynchronous. The `callback` parameter must
+		 * be used if interaction with the editor is needed after setting the data.
+		 *
+		 *		CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.setData( '<p>This is the editor data.</p>' );
+		 *
+		 *		CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.setData( '<p>Some other editor data.</p>', function() {
+		 *			this.checkDirty(); // true
+		 *		});
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} data HTML code to replace the curent content in the editor.
+		 * @param {Function} callback Function to be called after the `setData` is completed.
+		 * @param {Boolean} internal Whether to suppress any event firing when copying data internally inside the editor.
+		 */
+		setData: function( data, callback, internal ) {
+			if ( callback ) {
+				this.on( 'dataReady', function( evt ) {
+					evt.removeListener();
+					callback.call( evt.editor );
+				});
+			}
+			// Fire "setData" so data manipulation may happen.
+			var eventData = { dataValue: data };
+			!internal && this.fire( 'setData', eventData );
+			this._.data = eventData.dataValue;
+			!internal && this.fire( 'afterSetData', eventData );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Puts or restores the editor into read-only state. When in read-only,
+		 * the user is not able to change the editor contents, but can still use
+		 * some editor features. This function sets the {@link #property-readOnly}
+		 * property of the editor, firing the {@link #event-readOnly} event.
+		 *
+		 * **Note:** the current editing area will be reloaded.
+		 *
+		 * @since 3.6
+		 * @param {Boolean} [isReadOnly] Indicates that the editor must go
+		 * read-only (`true`, default) or be restored and made editable (`false`).
+		 */
+		setReadOnly: function( isReadOnly ) {
+			isReadOnly = ( isReadOnly == undefined ) || isReadOnly;
+			if ( this.readOnly != isReadOnly ) {
+				this.readOnly = isReadOnly;
+				this.editable().setReadOnly( isReadOnly );
+				// Fire the readOnly event so the editor features can update
+				// their state accordingly.
+				this.fire( 'readOnly' );
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Inserts HTML code into the currently selected position in the editor in WYSIWYG mode.
+		 *
+		 * * `"html"` - content being inserted will completely override styles
+		 *    of selected position.
+		 * * `"text"` - content being inserted will inherit styles applied in
+		 *    selected position. This mode should be used when inserting "htmlified" plain text
+		 *    (HTML without inline styles and styling elements like
+		 *    `<b/>, <strong/>, <span style="..."/>`).
+		 *
+		 * Example:
+		 *
+		 *		CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml( '<p>This is a new paragraph.</p>' );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} html HTML code to be inserted into the editor.
+		 * @param {String} [mode='html'] Mode in which HTML will be inserted.
+		 */
+		insertHtml: function( html, mode ) {
+			this.fire( 'insertHtml', { dataValue: html, mode: mode } );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Insert text content into the currently selected position in the
+		 * editor in WYSIWYG mode. The styles of the selected element will be applied to the inserted text.
+		 * Spaces around the text will be leaving untouched.
+		 *
+		 *		CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertText( ' line1 \n\n line2' );
+		 *
+		 * @since 3.5
+		 * @param {String} text Text to be inserted into the editor.
+		 */
+		insertText: function( text ) {
+			this.fire( 'insertText', text );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Inserts an element into the currently selected position in the
+		 * editor in WYSIWYG mode.
+		 *
+		 *		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<img src="hello.png" border="0" title="Hello" />' );
+		 *		CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertElement( element );
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The element to be inserted
+		 * into the editor.
+		 */
+		insertElement: function( element ) {
+			this.fire( 'insertElement', element );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Moves the selection focus to the editing area space in the editor.
+		 */
+		focus: function() {
+			this.fire( 'beforeFocus' );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Checks whether the current editor contents present changes when
+		 * compared to the contents loaded into the editor at startup, or to
+		 * the contents available in the editor when {@link #resetDirty}
+		 * was called.
+		 *
+		 *		function beforeUnload( evt ) {
+		 *			if ( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.checkDirty() )
+		 *				return e.returnValue = "You will lose the changes made in the editor.";
+		 *		}
+		 *
+		 *		if ( window.addEventListener )
+		 *			window.addEventListener( 'beforeunload', beforeUnload, false );
+		 *		else
+		 *			window.attachEvent( 'onbeforeunload', beforeUnload );
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the contents contain changes.
+		 */
+		checkDirty: function() {
+			return this._.previousValue !== this.getSnapshot();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Resets the "dirty state" of the editor so subsequent calls to
+		 * {@link #checkDirty} will return `false` if the user will not
+		 * have made further changes to the contents.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( editor.checkDirty() ); // e.g. true
+		 *		editor.resetDirty();
+		 *		alert( editor.checkDirty() ); // false
+		 */
+		resetDirty: function() {
+			this._.previousValue = this.getSnapshot();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Updates the <code><textarea></code> element that was replaced by the editor with
+		 * the current data available in the editor.
+		 *
+		 * **Note:** This method will only affect those editor instances created
+		 * with {@link CKEDITOR#ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE} element mode.
+		 *
+		 *		CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.updateElement();
+		 *		alert( document.getElementById( 'editor1' ).value ); // The current editor data.
+		 *
+		 * @see CKEDITOR.editor#element
+		 */
+		updateElement: function() {
+			return updateEditorElement.call( this );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Assigns keystrokes associated to editor commands.
+		 *
+		 *		editor.setKeystroke( CKEDITOR.CTRL + 115, 'save' );	// Assigned CTRL+S to "save" command.
+		 *		editor.setKeystroke( CKEDITOR.CTRL + 115, false );	// Disabled CTRL+S keystroke assignment.
+		 *		editor.setKeystroke( [
+		 *			[ CKEDITOR.ALT + 122, false ],
+		 *			[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 121, 'link' ],
+		 *			[ CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 120, 'bold' ]
+		 *		] );
+		 *
+		 * This method may be used in the following cases:
+		 *
+		 * * By plugins (like `link` or `basicstyles`) to set their keystrokes when plugins are being loaded.
+		 * * During the runtime to modify existing keystrokes.
+		 *
+		 * The editor handles keystroke configuration in the following order:
+		 *
+		 * 1. Plugins use this method to define default keystrokes.
+		 * 2. Editor extends default keystrokes with {@link CKEDITOR.config#keystrokes}.
+		 * 3. Editor blocks keystrokes defined in {@link CKEDITOR.config#blockedKeystrokes}.
+		 *
+		 * After all, you can still set new keystrokes using this method during the runtime.
+		 *
+		 * @since 4.0
+		 * @param {Number/Array} keystroke Keystroke or an array of keystroke definitions.
+		 * @param {String/Boolean} [behavior] A command to be executed on the keystroke.
+		 */
+		setKeystroke: function() {
+			var keystrokes = this.keystrokeHandler.keystrokes,
+				newKeystrokes = CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( arguments[ 0 ] ) ? arguments[ 0 ] : [ [].slice.call( arguments, 0 ) ],
+				keystroke, behavior;
+			for ( var i = newKeystrokes.length; i--; ) {
+				keystroke = newKeystrokes[ i ];
+				behavior = 0;
+				// It may be a pair of: [ key, command ]
+				if ( CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( keystroke ) ) {
+					behavior = keystroke[ 1 ];
+					keystroke = keystroke[ 0 ];
+				}
+				if ( behavior )
+					keystrokes[ keystroke ] = behavior;
+				else
+					delete keystrokes[ keystroke ];
+			}
+		}
+	});
+ * The editor has no associated element.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=0]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+ * The element is to be replaced by the editor instance.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=1]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+ * The editor is to be created inside the element.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=2]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+ * The editor is to be attached to the element, using it as the editing block.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=3]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
+ * Whether to escape HTML when the editor updates the original input element.
+ *
+ *		config.htmlEncodeOutput = true;
+ *
+ * @since 3.1
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [htmlEncodeOutput=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * If `true`, makes the editor start in read-only state. Otherwise, it will check
+ * if the linked `<textarea>` element has the `disabled` attribute.
+ *
+ *		config.readOnly = true;
+ *
+ * @since 3.6
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [readOnly=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ * @see CKEDITOR.editor#setReadOnly
+ */
+ * Sets whether the editable should have the focus when editor is loading for the first time.
+ *
+ *		config.startupFocus = true;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [startupFocus=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * Sets listeners on editor's events.
+ *
+ * **Note:** This property can be set only in `config` object passed directly
+ * to the {@link CKEDITOR#replace}, {@link CKEDITOR#inline} and other creators.
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
+ *			on: {
+ *				instanceReady: function() {
+ *					alert( this.name ); // 'editor1'
+ *				},
+ *
+ *				key: function() {
+ *					// ...
+ *				}
+ *			}
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @cfg {Object} on
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * The outer most element in the DOM tree in which the editable element resides, it's provided
+ * by the concrete editor creator after editor UI is created and is not subjected to
+ * be modified.
+ *
+ *		var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
+ *		alert( editor.container.getName() ); // 'span'
+ *
+ * @property {CKEDITOR.dom.element} container
+ */
+ * Fired when a CKEDITOR instance is created, but still before initializing it.
+ * To interact with a fully initialized instance, use the
+ * {@link CKEDITOR#instanceReady} event instead.
+ *
+ * @event instanceCreated
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance that has been created.
+ */
+ * Fired when a CKEDITOR instance is destroyed.
+ *
+ * @event instanceDestroyed
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance that has been destroyed.
+ */
+ * Fired when a CKEDITOR instance is created, fully initialized and ready for interaction.
+ *
+ * @event instanceReady
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance that has been created.
+ */
+ * Fired when the language is loaded into the editor instance.
+ *
+ * @since 3.6.1
+ * @event langLoaded
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
+ * Fired when all plugins are loaded and initialized into the editor instance.
+ *
+ * @event pluginsLoaded
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
+ * Fired before the command execution when {@link #execCommand} is called.
+ *
+ * @event beforeCommandExec
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param data
+ * @param {String} data.name The command name.
+ * @param {Object} data.commandData The data to be sent to the command. This
+ * can be manipulated by the event listener.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.command} data.command The command itself.
+ */
+ * Fired after the command execution when {@link #execCommand} is called.
+ *
+ * @event afterCommandExec
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param data
+ * @param {String} data.name The command name.
+ * @param {Object} data.commandData The data sent to the command.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.command} data.command The command itself.
+ * @param {Object} data.returnValue The value returned by the command execution.
+ */
+ * Fired when the custom configuration file is loaded, before the final
+ * configurations initialization.
+ *
+ * Custom configuration files can be loaded thorugh the
+ * {@link CKEDITOR.config#customConfig} setting. Several files can be loaded
+ * by changing this setting.
+ *
+ * @event customConfigLoaded
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
+ * Fired once the editor configuration is ready (loaded and processed).
+ *
+ * @event configLoaded
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
+ * Fired when this editor instance is destroyed. The editor at this
+ * point is not usable and this event should be used to perform the clean-up
+ * in any plugin.
+ *
+ * @event destroy
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
+ * Internal event to get the current data.
+ *
+ * @event beforeGetData
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
+ * Internal event to perform the {@link #method-getSnapshot} call.
+ *
+ * @event getSnapshot
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
+ * Internal event to perform the {@link #method-loadSnapshot} call.
+ *
+ * @event loadSnapshot
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param {String} data The data that will be used.
+ */
+ * Event fired before the {@link #method-getData} call returns allowing additional manipulation.
+ *
+ * @event getData
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param data
+ * @param {String} data.dataValue The data that will be returned.
+ */
+ * Event fired before the {@link #method-setData} call is executed allowing additional manipulation.
+ *
+ * @event setData
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param data
+ * @param {String} data.dataValue The data that will be used.
+ */
+ * Event fired at the end of the {@link #method-setData} call execution. Usually it is better to use the
+ * {@link #dataReady} event.
+ *
+ * @event afterSetData
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param data
+ * @param {String} data.dataValue The data that has been set.
+ */
+ * Fired as an indicator of the editor data loading. It may be the result of
+ * calling {@link #method-setData} explicitly or an internal
+ * editor function, like the editor editing mode switching (move to Source and back).
+ *
+ * @event dataReady
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
+ * Fired when the CKEDITOR instance is completely created, fully initialized
+ * and ready for interaction.
+ *
+ * @event instanceReady
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
+ * Internal event to perform the {@link #method-insertHtml} call.
+ *
+ * @event insertHtml
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param data
+ * @param {String} data.mode Mode in which data is inserted (see {@link #method-insertHtml}).
+ * @param {String} data.dataValue The HTML to insert.
+ */
+ * Internal event to perform the {@link #method-insertText} call.
+ *
+ * @event insertText
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param {String} data The text to insert.
+ */
+ * Internal event to perform the {@link #method-insertElement} call.
+ *
+ * @event insertElement
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} data The element to insert.
+ */
+ * Event fired after the {@link #property-readOnly} property changes.
+ *
+ * @since 3.6
+ * @event readOnly
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
+ * Event fired when an UI template is added to the editor instance. It makes
+ * it possible to bring customizations to the template source.
+ *
+ * @event template
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param data
+ * @param {String} data.name The template name.
+ * @param {String} data.source The source data for this template.
+ */
+ * Fired when content of the editor (its DOM structure) is ready.
+ * It is similar to native DOMContentLoaded event, but it concerns
+ * editor's content. It is also a first event fired after
+ * {@link CKEDITOR.editable} is initialized.
+ *
+ * This event is particularly important for framed editor, because
+ * on editor initialization and every time data are set
+ * (by {@link CKEDITOR.editor#method-setData}) contents DOM structure
+ * is rebuilt. Thus, e.g. you need to attach DOM events listeners
+ * on editable one more time.
+ *
+ * On inline editor this event is fired only once - when editor
+ * is initialized for the first time. That's because setting
+ * editor's content doesn't cause editable destruction and creation.
+ *
+ * {@link #contentDom} goes along with {@link #contentDomUnload} which
+ * is fired before contents DOM structure is destroyed. This is the
+ * right moment to detach content DOM events listener. Otherwise
+ * browsers like IE or Opera may throw exceptions when accessing
+ * elements from detached document.
+ *
+ * **Note:** {@link CKEDITOR.editable#attachListener} is a convenient
+ * way to attach listeners that will be detached on {@link #contentDomUnload}.
+ *
+ *		editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
+ *			var editable = editor.editable();
+ *
+ *			editable.attachListener( editable, 'click', function() {
+ *				console.log( 'Editable has been clicked' );
+ *			});
+ *		});
+ *
+ * @event contentDom
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
+ * Fired before contents DOM structure is destroyed.
+ * See {@link #contentDom} documentation for more details.
+ *
+ * @event contentDomUnload
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/editor_basic.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/editor_basic.js
index ec90bf7..8c54b8f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/editor_basic.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/editor_basic.js
@@ -1,182 +1,36 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-if ( !CKEDITOR.editor )
-	/**
-	 * No element is linked to the editor instance.
-	 * @constant
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	/**
-	 * The element is to be replaced by the editor instance.
-	 * @constant
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	/**
-	 * The editor is to be created inside the element.
-	 * @constant
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	/**
-	 * Represents an editor instance. This constructor should be rarely used,
-	 * being the {@link CKEDITOR} methods preferible.
-	 * @constructor
-	 * @param {Object} instanceConfig Configuration values for this specific
-	 *		instance.
-	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} [element] The element linked to this
-	 *		instance.
-	 * @param {Number} [mode] The mode in which the element is linked to this
-	 *		instance.
-	 * @param {String} [data] Since 3.3. Initial value for the instance.
-	 * @augments CKEDITOR.event
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.editor = function( instanceConfig, element, mode, data )
-	{
-		this._ =
-		{
-			// Save the config to be processed later by the full core code.
-			instanceConfig : instanceConfig,
-			element : element,
-			data : data
-		};
-		/**
-		 * The mode in which the {@link #element} is linked to this editor
-		 * instance. It can be any of the following values:
-		 * <ul>
-		 * <li><b>CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_NONE</b>: No element is linked to the
-		 *		editor instance.</li>
-		 * <li><b>CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE</b>: The element is to be
-		 *		replaced by the editor instance.</li>
-		 * <li><b>CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO</b>: The editor is to be
-		 *		created inside the element.</li>
-		 * </ul>
-		 * @name CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.elementMode
-		 * @type Number
-		 * @example
-		 * var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1' );
-		 * alert( <b>editor.elementMode</b> );  "1"
-		 */
-		this.elementMode = mode || CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_NONE;
-		// Call the CKEDITOR.event constructor to initialize this instance.
-		CKEDITOR.event.call( this );
-		this._init();
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Replaces a <textarea> or a DOM element (DIV) with a CKEditor
-	 * instance. For textareas, the initial value in the editor will be the
-	 * textarea value. For DOM elements, their innerHTML will be used
-	 * instead. We recommend using TEXTAREA and DIV elements only. Do not use
-	 * this function directly. Use {@link CKEDITOR.replace} instead.
-	 * @param {Object|String} elementOrIdOrName The DOM element (textarea), its
-	 *		ID or name.
-	 * @param {Object} [config] The specific configurations to apply to this
-	 *		editor instance. Configurations set here will override global CKEditor
-	 *		settings.
-	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} The editor instance created.
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.editor.replace = function( elementOrIdOrName, config )
-	{
-		var element = elementOrIdOrName;
-		if ( typeof element != 'object' )
-		{
-			// Look for the element by id. We accept any kind of element here.
-			element = document.getElementById( elementOrIdOrName );
-			// If not found, look for elements by name. In this case we accept only
-			// textareas.
-			if ( !element )
-			{
-				var i = 0,
-					textareasByName	= document.getElementsByName( elementOrIdOrName );
-				while ( ( element = textareasByName[ i++ ] ) && element.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'textarea' )
-				{ /*jsl:pass*/ }
-			}
-			if ( !element )
-				throw '[CKEDITOR.editor.replace] The element with id or name "' + elementOrIdOrName + '" was not found.';
-		}
-		// Do not replace the textarea right now, just hide it. The effective
-		// replacement will be done by the _init function.
-		element.style.visibility = 'hidden';
-		// Create the editor instance.
-		return new CKEDITOR.editor( config, element, CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE );
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Creates a new editor instance inside a specific DOM element. Do not use
-	 * this function directly. Use {@link CKEDITOR.appendTo} instead.
-	 * @param {Object|String} elementOrId The DOM element or its ID.
-	 * @param {Object} [config] The specific configurations to apply to this
-	 *		editor instance. Configurations set here will override global CKEditor
-	 *		settings.
-	 * @param {String} [data] Since 3.3. Initial value for the instance.
-	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} The editor instance created.
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.editor.appendTo = function( elementOrId, config, data )
-	{
-		var element = elementOrId;
-		if ( typeof element != 'object' )
-		{
-			element = document.getElementById( elementOrId );
-			if ( !element )
-				throw '[CKEDITOR.editor.appendTo] The element with id "' + elementOrId + '" was not found.';
-		}
-		// Create the editor instance.
-		return new CKEDITOR.editor( config, element, CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO, data );
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype =
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Initializes the editor instance. This function will be overriden by the
-		 * full CKEDITOR.editor implementation (editor.js).
-		 * @private
-		 */
-		_init : function()
-		{
-			var pending = CKEDITOR.editor._pending || ( CKEDITOR.editor._pending = [] );
-			pending.push( this );
-		},
-		// Both fire and fireOnce will always pass this editor instance as the
-		// "editor" param in CKEDITOR.event.fire. So, we override it to do that
-		// automaticaly.
-		/** @ignore */
-		fire : function( eventName, data )
-		{
-			return CKEDITOR.event.prototype.fire.call( this, eventName, data, this );
-		},
-		/** @ignore */
-		fireOnce : function( eventName, data )
-		{
-			return CKEDITOR.event.prototype.fireOnce.call( this, eventName, data, this );
-		}
-	};
-	// "Inherit" (copy actually) from CKEDITOR.event.
-	CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( CKEDITOR.editor.prototype, true );
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+if ( !CKEDITOR.editor ) {
+	// Documented at editor.js.
+	CKEDITOR.editor = function() {
+		// Push this editor to the pending list. It'll be processed later once
+		// the full editor code is loaded.
+		CKEDITOR._.pending.push( [ this, arguments ] );
+		// Call the CKEDITOR.event constructor to initialize this instance.
+		CKEDITOR.event.call( this );
+	};
+	// Both fire and fireOnce will always pass this editor instance as the
+	// "editor" param in CKEDITOR.event.fire. So, we override it to do that
+	// automaticaly.
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.fire = function( eventName, data ) {
+		if ( eventName in { instanceReady:1,loaded:1 } )
+			this[ eventName ] = true;
+		return CKEDITOR.event.prototype.fire.call( this, eventName, data, this );
+	};
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.fireOnce = function( eventName, data ) {
+		if ( eventName in { instanceReady:1,loaded:1 } )
+			this[ eventName ] = true;
+		return CKEDITOR.event.prototype.fireOnce.call( this, eventName, data, this );
+	};
+	// "Inherit" (copy actually) from CKEDITOR.event.
+	CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( CKEDITOR.editor.prototype );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/env.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/env.js
index a0ae465..95a157f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/env.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/env.js
@@ -1,229 +1,314 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.env} object, which constains
- *		environment and browser information.
- */
-if ( !CKEDITOR.env )
-	/**
-	 * Environment and browser information.
-	 * @namespace
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.env = (function()
-	{
-		var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
-		var opera = window.opera;
-		var env =
-		/** @lends CKEDITOR.env */
-		{
-			/**
-			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on Internet Explorer.
-			 * @type Boolean
-			 * @example
-			 * if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			 *     alert( "I'm on IE!" );
-			 */
-			ie		: /*@cc_on!@*/false,
-			/**
-			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on Opera.
-			 * @type Boolean
-			 * @example
-			 * if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera )
-			 *     alert( "I'm on Opera!" );
-			 */
-			opera	: ( !!opera && opera.version ),
-			/**
-			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on a WebKit based browser, like
-			 * Safari.
-			 * @type Boolean
-			 * @example
-			 * if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
-			 *     alert( "I'm on WebKit!" );
-			 */
-			webkit	: ( agent.indexOf( ' applewebkit/' ) > -1 ),
-			/**
-			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on Adobe AIR.
-			 * @type Boolean
-			 * @example
-			 * if ( CKEDITOR.env.air )
-			 *     alert( "I'm on AIR!" );
-			 */
-			air		: ( agent.indexOf( ' adobeair/' ) > -1 ),
-			/**
-			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on Macintosh.
-			 * @type Boolean
-			 * @example
-			 * if ( CKEDITOR.env.mac )
-			 *     alert( "I love apples!" );
-			 */
-			mac	: ( agent.indexOf( 'macintosh' ) > -1 ),
-			quirks : ( document.compatMode == 'BackCompat' ),
-			mobile : ( agent.indexOf( 'mobile' ) > -1 ),
-			isCustomDomain : function()
-			{
-				if ( !this.ie )
-					return false;
-				var domain = document.domain,
-					hostname = window.location.hostname;
-				return domain != hostname &&
-					domain != ( '[' + hostname + ']' );	// IPv6 IP support (#5434)
-			}
-		};
-		/**
-		 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on a Gecko based browser, like
-		 * Firefox.
-		 * @name CKEDITOR.env.gecko
-		 * @type Boolean
-		 * @example
-		 * if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
-		 *     alert( "I'm riding a gecko!" );
-		 */
-		env.gecko = ( navigator.product == 'Gecko' && !env.webkit && !env.opera );
-		var version = 0;
-		// Internet Explorer 6.0+
-		if ( env.ie )
-		{
-			version = parseFloat( agent.match( /msie (\d+)/ )[1] );
-			/**
-			 *  Indicate IE8 browser.
-			 */
-			env.ie8 = !!document.documentMode;
-			/**
-			 * Indicte IE8 document mode.
-			 */
-			env.ie8Compat = document.documentMode == 8;
-			/**
-			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on an IE7-like environment, which
-			 * includes IE7 itself and IE8's IE7 document mode.
-			 * @type Boolean
-			 */
-			env.ie7Compat = ( ( version == 7 && !document.documentMode )
-					|| document.documentMode == 7 );
-			/**
-			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on an IE6-like environment, which
-			 * includes IE6 itself and IE7 and IE8 quirks mode.
-			 * @type Boolean
-			 * @example
-			 * if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat )
-			 *     alert( "I'm on IE6 or quirks mode!" );
-			 */
-			env.ie6Compat = ( version < 7 || env.quirks );
-		}
-		// Gecko.
-		if ( env.gecko )
-		{
-			var geckoRelease = agent.match( /rv:([\d\.]+)/ );
-			if ( geckoRelease )
-			{
-				geckoRelease = geckoRelease[1].split( '.' );
-				version = geckoRelease[0] * 10000 + ( geckoRelease[1] || 0 ) * 100 + ( geckoRelease[2] || 0 ) * 1;
-			}
-		}
-		// Opera 9.50+
-		if ( env.opera )
-			version = parseFloat( opera.version() );
-		// Adobe AIR 1.0+
-		// Checked before Safari because AIR have the WebKit rich text editor
-		// features from Safari 3.0.4, but the version reported is 420.
-		if ( env.air )
-			version = parseFloat( agent.match( / adobeair\/(\d+)/ )[1] );
-		// WebKit 522+ (Safari 3+)
-		if ( env.webkit )
-			version = parseFloat( agent.match( / applewebkit\/(\d+)/ )[1] );
-		/**
-		 * Contains the browser version.
-		 *
-		 * For gecko based browsers (like Firefox) it contains the revision
-		 * number with first three parts concatenated with a padding zero
-		 * (e.g. for revision we have 10900).
-		 *
-		 * For webkit based browser (like Safari and Chrome) it contains the
-		 * WebKit build version (e.g. 522).
-		 * @name CKEDITOR.env.version
-		 * @type Boolean
-		 * @example
-		 * if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && <b>CKEDITOR.env.version</b> <= 6 )
-		 *     alert( "Ouch!" );
-		 */
-		env.version = version;
-		/**
-		 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on a compatible browser.
-		 * @name CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible
-		 * @type Boolean
-		 * @example
-		 * if ( CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible )
-		 *     alert( "Your browser is pretty cool!" );
-		 */
-		env.isCompatible =
-			!env.mobile && (
-			( env.ie && version >= 6 ) ||
-			( env.gecko && version >= 10801 ) ||
-			( env.opera && version >= 9.5 ) ||
-			( env.air && version >= 1 ) ||
-			( env.webkit && version >= 522 ) ||
-			false );
-		// The CSS class to be appended on the main UI containers, making it
-		// easy to apply browser specific styles to it.
-		env.cssClass =
-			'cke_browser_' + (
-				env.ie ? 'ie' :
-				env.gecko ? 'gecko' :
-				env.opera ? 'opera' :
-				env.air ? 'air' :
-				env.webkit ? 'webkit' :
-				'unknown' );
-		if ( env.quirks )
-			env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_quirks';
-		if ( env.ie )
-		{
-			env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_ie' + (
-				env.version < 7 ? '6' :
-				env.version >= 8 ? '8' :
-				'7' );
-			if ( env.quirks )
-				env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_iequirks';
-		}
-		if ( env.gecko && version < 10900 )
-			env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_gecko18';
-		return env;
-	})();
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.env} object, which constains
+ *		environment and browser information.
+ */
+if ( !CKEDITOR.env ) {
+	/**
+	 * Environment and browser information.
+	 *
+	 * @class CKEDITOR.env
+	 * @singleton
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.env = (function() {
+		var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
+		var opera = window.opera;
+		var env = {
+			/**
+			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on Internet Explorer.
+			 *
+			 *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+			 *			alert( 'I\'m on IE!' );
+			 *
+			 * @property {Boolean}
+			 */
+			ie: eval( '/*@cc_on!@*/false' ),
+			// Use eval to preserve conditional comment when compiling with Google Closure Compiler (#93).
+			/**
+			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on Opera.
+			 *
+			 *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera )
+			 *			alert( 'I\'m on Opera!' );
+			 *
+			 * @property {Boolean}
+			 */
+			opera: ( !!opera && opera.version ),
+			/**
+			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on a WebKit based browser, like Safari.
+			 *
+			 *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
+			 *			alert( 'I\'m on WebKit!' );
+			 *
+			 * @property {Boolean}
+			 */
+			webkit: ( agent.indexOf( ' applewebkit/' ) > -1 ),
+			/**
+			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on Adobe AIR.
+			 *
+			 *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.air )
+			 *			alert( 'I\'m on AIR!' );
+			 *
+			 * @property {Boolean}
+			 */
+			air: ( agent.indexOf( ' adobeair/' ) > -1 ),
+			/**
+			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on Macintosh.
+			 *
+			 *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.mac )
+			 *			alert( 'I love apples!'' );
+			 *
+			 * @property {Boolean}
+			 */
+			mac: ( agent.indexOf( 'macintosh' ) > -1 ),
+			/**
+			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on a quirks mode environemnt.
+			 *
+			 *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.quirks )
+			 *			alert( 'Nooooo!' );
+			 *
+			 * @property {Boolean}
+			 */
+			quirks: ( document.compatMode == 'BackCompat' ),
+			/**
+			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on a mobile like environemnt.
+			 *
+			 *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.mobile )
+			 *			alert( 'I\'m running with CKEditor today!' );
+			 *
+			 * @property {Boolean}
+			 */
+			mobile: ( agent.indexOf( 'mobile' ) > -1 ),
+			/**
+			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on Apple iPhone/iPad/iPod devices.
+			 *
+			 *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.iOS )
+			 *			alert( 'I like little apples!' );
+			 *
+			 * @property {Boolean}
+			 */
+			iOS: /(ipad|iphone|ipod)/.test( agent ),
+			/**
+			 * Indicates that the browser has a custom domain enabled. This has
+			 * been set with `document.domain`.
+			 *
+			 *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain() )
+			 *			alert( 'I\'m in a custom domain!' );
+			 *
+			 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if a custom domain is enabled.
+			 */
+			isCustomDomain: function() {
+				if ( !this.ie )
+					return false;
+				var domain = document.domain,
+					hostname = window.location.hostname;
+				return domain != hostname && domain != ( '[' + hostname + ']' ); // IPv6 IP support (#5434)
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Indicates that page is running under an encrypted connection.
+			 *
+			 *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.secure )
+			 *			alert( 'I\'m in SSL!' );
+			 *
+			 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the page has an encrypted connection.
+			 */
+			secure: location.protocol == 'https:'
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on a Gecko based browser, like
+		 * Firefox.
+		 *
+		 *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
+		 *			alert( 'I\'m riding a gecko!' );
+		 *
+		 * @property {Boolean}
+		 */
+		env.gecko = ( navigator.product == 'Gecko' && !env.webkit && !env.opera );
+		/**
+		 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on Chrome.
+		 *
+		 *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.chrome )
+		 *			alert( 'I\'m riding Chrome!' );
+		 *
+		 * @property {Boolean} chrome
+		 */
+		 /**
+		 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on Safari (including mobile version).
+		 *
+		 *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.safari )
+		 *			alert( 'I\'m riding Safari!' );
+		 *
+		 * @property {Boolean} safari
+		 */
+		if ( env.webkit ) {
+			if ( agent.indexOf( 'chrome' ) > -1 )
+				env.chrome = true;
+			else
+				env.safari = true;
+		}
+		var version = 0;
+		// Internet Explorer 6.0+
+		if ( env.ie ) {
+			// We use env.version for feature detection, so set it properly.
+			if ( env.quirks || !document.documentMode )
+				version = parseFloat( agent.match( /msie (\d+)/ )[ 1 ] );
+			else
+				version = document.documentMode;
+			// Deprecated features available just for backwards compatibility.
+			env.ie9Compat = version == 9;
+			env.ie8Compat = version == 8;
+			env.ie7Compat = version == 7;
+			env.ie6Compat = version < 7 || env.quirks;
+			/**
+			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on an IE6-like environment, which
+			 * includes IE6 itself and IE7 and IE8 quirks mode.
+			 *
+			 * @deprecated
+			 * @property {Boolean} ie6Compat
+			 */
+			/**
+			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on an IE7-like environment, which
+			 * includes IE7 itself and IE8's IE7 document mode.
+			 *
+			 * @deprecated
+			 * @property {Boolean} ie7Compat
+			 */
+			/**
+			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on Internet Explorer 8 on
+			 * standards mode.
+			 *
+			 * @deprecated
+			 * @property {Boolean} ie8Compat
+			 */
+			/**
+			 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on Internet Explorer 9's standards mode.
+			 *
+			 * @deprecated
+			 * @property {Boolean} ie9Compat
+			 */
+		}
+		// Gecko.
+		if ( env.gecko ) {
+			var geckoRelease = agent.match( /rv:([\d\.]+)/ );
+			if ( geckoRelease ) {
+				geckoRelease = geckoRelease[ 1 ].split( '.' );
+				version = geckoRelease[ 0 ] * 10000 + ( geckoRelease[ 1 ] || 0 ) * 100 + ( geckoRelease[ 2 ] || 0 ) * 1;
+			}
+		}
+		// Opera 9.50+
+		if ( env.opera )
+			version = parseFloat( opera.version() );
+		// Adobe AIR 1.0+
+		// Checked before Safari because AIR have the WebKit rich text editor
+		// features from Safari 3.0.4, but the version reported is 420.
+		if ( env.air )
+			version = parseFloat( agent.match( / adobeair\/(\d+)/ )[ 1 ] );
+		// WebKit 522+ (Safari 3+)
+		if ( env.webkit )
+			version = parseFloat( agent.match( / applewebkit\/(\d+)/ )[ 1 ] );
+		/**
+		 * Contains the browser version.
+		 *
+		 * For gecko based browsers (like Firefox) it contains the revision
+		 * number with first three parts concatenated with a padding zero
+		 * (e.g. for revision we have 10900).
+		 *
+		 * For webkit based browser (like Safari and Chrome) it contains the
+		 * WebKit build version (e.g. 522).
+		 *
+		 * For IE browsers, it matches the "document mode".
+		 *
+		 *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version <= 6 )
+		 *			alert( 'Ouch!' );
+		 *
+		 * @property {Number}
+		 */
+		env.version = version;
+		/**
+		 * Indicates that CKEditor is running on a compatible browser.
+		 *
+		 *		if ( CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible )
+		 *			alert( 'Your browser is pretty cool!' );
+		 *
+		 * @property {Boolean}
+		 */
+		env.isCompatible =
+			// White list of mobile devices that supports.
+			env.iOS && version >= 534 ||
+			!env.mobile && (
+				( env.ie && version > 6 ) ||
+				( env.gecko && version >= 10801 ) ||
+				( env.opera && version >= 9.5 ) ||
+				( env.air && version >= 1 ) ||
+				( env.webkit && version >= 522 ) ||
+				false
+			);
+		/**
+		 * The CSS class to be appended on the main UI containers, making it
+		 * easy to apply browser specific styles to it.
+		 *
+		 *		myDiv.className = CKEDITOR.env.cssClass;
+		 *
+		 * @property {String}
+		 */
+		env.cssClass = 'cke_browser_' + ( env.ie ? 'ie' : env.gecko ? 'gecko' : env.opera ? 'opera' : env.webkit ? 'webkit' : 'unknown' );
+		if ( env.quirks )
+			env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_quirks';
+		if ( env.ie ) {
+			env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_ie' + ( env.quirks || env.version < 7 ? '6' : env.version );
+			if ( env.quirks )
+				env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_iequirks';
+		}
+		if ( env.gecko ) {
+			if ( version < 10900 )
+				env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_gecko18';
+			else if ( version <= 11000 )
+				env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_gecko19';
+		}
+		if ( env.air )
+			env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_air';
+		return env;
+	})();
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/event.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/event.js
index 8668a3d..fb4c541 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/event.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/event.js
@@ -1,336 +1,387 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.event} class, which serves as the
- *		base for classes and objects that require event handling features.
- */
-if ( !CKEDITOR.event )
-	/**
-	 * This is a base class for classes and objects that require event handling
-	 * features.
-	 * @constructor
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.event = function()
-	{};
-	/**
-	 * Implements the {@link CKEDITOR.event} features in an object.
-	 * @param {Object} targetObject The object in which implement the features.
-	 * @example
-	 * var myObject = { message : 'Example' };
-	 * <b>CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( myObject }</b>;
-	 * myObject.on( 'testEvent', function()
-	 *     {
-	 *         alert( this.message );  // "Example"
-	 *     });
-	 * myObject.fire( 'testEvent' );
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.event.implementOn = function( targetObject, isTargetPrototype )
-	{
-		var eventProto = CKEDITOR.event.prototype;
-		for ( var prop in eventProto )
-		{
-			if ( targetObject[ prop ] == undefined )
-				targetObject[ prop ] = eventProto[ prop ];
-		}
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.event.prototype = (function()
-	{
-		// Returns the private events object for a given object.
-		var getPrivate = function( obj )
-		{
-			var _ = ( obj.getPrivate && obj.getPrivate() ) || obj._ || ( obj._ = {} );
-			return _.events || ( _.events = {} );
-		};
-		var eventEntry = function( eventName )
-		{
-			this.name = eventName;
-			this.listeners = [];
-		};
-		eventEntry.prototype =
-		{
-			// Get the listener index for a specified function.
-			// Returns -1 if not found.
-			getListenerIndex : function( listenerFunction )
-			{
-				for ( var i = 0, listeners = this.listeners ; i < listeners.length ; i++ )
-				{
-					if ( listeners[i].fn == listenerFunction )
-						return i;
-				}
-				return -1;
-			}
-		};
-		return /** @lends CKEDITOR.event.prototype */ {
-			/**
-			 * Registers a listener to a specific event in the current object.
-			 * @param {String} eventName The event name to which listen.
-			 * @param {Function} listenerFunction The function listening to the
-			 *		event. A single {@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo} object instanced
-			 *		is passed to this function containing all the event data.
-			 * @param {Object} [scopeObj] The object used to scope the listener
-			 *		call (the this object. If omitted, the current object is used.
-			 * @param {Object} [listenerData] Data to be sent as the
-			 *		{@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo#listenerData} when calling the
-			 *		listener.
-			 * @param {Number} [priority] The listener priority. Lower priority
-			 *		listeners are called first. Listeners with the same priority
-			 *		value are called in registration order. Defaults to 10.
-			 * @example
-			 * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function()
-			 *     {
-			 *         alert( this == someObject );  // "true"
-			 *     });
-			 * @example
-			 * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function()
-			 *     {
-			 *         alert( this == anotherObject );  // "true"
-			 *     }
-			 *     , anotherObject );
-			 * @example
-			 * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
-			 *     {
-			 *         alert( event.listenerData );  // "Example"
-			 *     }
-			 *     , null, 'Example' );
-			 * @example
-			 * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function() { ... } );                   // 2nd called
-			 * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function() { ... }, null, null, 100 );  // 3rd called
-			 * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function() { ... }, null, null, 1 );    // 1st called
-			 */
-			on : function( eventName, listenerFunction, scopeObj, listenerData, priority )
-			{
-				// Get the event entry (create it if needed).
-				var events = getPrivate( this ),
-					event = events[ eventName ] || ( events[ eventName ] = new eventEntry( eventName ) );
-				if ( event.getListenerIndex( listenerFunction ) < 0 )
-				{
-					// Get the listeners.
-					var listeners = event.listeners;
-					// Fill the scope.
-					if ( !scopeObj )
-						scopeObj = this;
-					// Default the priority, if needed.
-					if ( isNaN( priority ) )
-						priority = 10;
-					var me = this;
-					// Create the function to be fired for this listener.
-					var listenerFirer = function( editor, publisherData, stopFn, cancelFn )
-					{
-						var ev =
-						{
-							name : eventName,
-							sender : this,
-							editor : editor,
-							data : publisherData,
-							listenerData : listenerData,
-							stop : stopFn,
-							cancel : cancelFn,
-							removeListener : function()
-							{
-								me.removeListener( eventName, listenerFunction );
-							}
-						};
-						listenerFunction.call( scopeObj, ev );
-						return ev.data;
-					};
-					listenerFirer.fn = listenerFunction;
-					listenerFirer.priority = priority;
-					// Search for the right position for this new listener, based on its
-					// priority.
-					for ( var i = listeners.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-					{
-						// Find the item which should be before the new one.
-						if ( listeners[ i ].priority <= priority )
-						{
-							// Insert the listener in the array.
-							listeners.splice( i + 1, 0, listenerFirer );
-							return;
-						}
-					}
-					// If no position has been found (or zero length), put it in
-					// the front of list.
-					listeners.unshift( listenerFirer );
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Fires an specific event in the object. All registered listeners are
-			 * called at this point.
-			 * @function
-			 * @param {String} eventName The event name to fire.
-			 * @param {Object} [data] Data to be sent as the
-			 *		{@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo#data} when calling the
-			 *		listeners.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} [editor] The editor instance to send as the
-			 *		{@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo#editor} when calling the
-			 *		listener.
-			 * @returns {Boolean|Object} A booloan indicating that the event is to be
-			 *		canceled, or data returned by one of the listeners.
-			 * @example
-			 * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function() { ... } );
-			 * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function() { ... } );
-			 * <b>someObject.fire( 'someEvent' )</b>;  // both listeners are called
-			 * @example
-			 * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
-			 *     {
-			 *         alert( event.data );  // "Example"
-			 *     });
-			 * <b>someObject.fire( 'someEvent', 'Example' )</b>;
-			 */
-			fire : (function()
-			{
-				// Create the function that marks the event as stopped.
-				var stopped = false;
-				var stopEvent = function()
-				{
-					stopped = true;
-				};
-				// Create the function that marks the event as canceled.
-				var canceled = false;
-				var cancelEvent = function()
-				{
-					canceled = true;
-				};
-				return function( eventName, data, editor )
-				{
-					// Get the event entry.
-					var event = getPrivate( this )[ eventName ];
-					// Save the previous stopped and cancelled states. We may
-					// be nesting fire() calls.
-					var previousStopped = stopped,
-						previousCancelled = canceled;
-					// Reset the stopped and canceled flags.
-					stopped = canceled = false;
-					if ( event )
-					{
-						var listeners = event.listeners;
-						if ( listeners.length )
-						{
-							// As some listeners may remove themselves from the
-							// event, the original array length is dinamic. So,
-							// let's make a copy of all listeners, so we are
-							// sure we'll call all of them.
-							listeners = listeners.slice( 0 );
-							// Loop through all listeners.
-							for ( var i = 0 ; i < listeners.length ; i++ )
-							{
-								// Call the listener, passing the event data.
-								var retData = listeners[i].call( this, editor, data, stopEvent, cancelEvent );
-								if ( typeof retData != 'undefined' )
-									data = retData;
-								// No further calls is stopped or canceled.
-								if ( stopped || canceled )
-									break;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					var ret = canceled || ( typeof data == 'undefined' ? false : data );
-					// Restore the previous stopped and canceled states.
-					stopped = previousStopped;
-					canceled = previousCancelled;
-					return ret;
-				};
-			})(),
-			/**
-			 * Fires an specific event in the object, releasing all listeners
-			 * registered to that event. The same listeners are not called again on
-			 * successive calls of it or of {@link #fire}.
-			 * @param {String} eventName The event name to fire.
-			 * @param {Object} [data] Data to be sent as the
-			 *		{@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo#data} when calling the
-			 *		listeners.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} [editor] The editor instance to send as the
-			 *		{@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo#editor} when calling the
-			 *		listener.
-			 * @returns {Boolean|Object} A booloan indicating that the event is to be
-			 *		canceled, or data returned by one of the listeners.
-			 * @example
-			 * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function() { ... } );
-			 * someObject.fire( 'someEvent' );  // above listener called
-			 * <b>someObject.fireOnce( 'someEvent' )</b>;  // above listener called
-			 * someObject.fire( 'someEvent' );  // no listeners called
-			 */
-			fireOnce : function( eventName, data, editor )
-			{
-				var ret = this.fire( eventName, data, editor );
-				delete getPrivate( this )[ eventName ];
-				return ret;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Unregisters a listener function from being called at the specified
-			 *		event. No errors are thrown if the listener has not been
-			 *		registered previously.
-			 * @param {String} eventName The event name.
-			 * @param {Function} listenerFunction The listener function to unregister.
-			 * @example
-			 * var myListener = function() { ... };
-			 * someObject.on( 'someEvent', myListener );
-			 * someObject.fire( 'someEvent' );  // myListener called
-			 * <b>someObject.removeListener( 'someEvent', myListener )</b>;
-			 * someObject.fire( 'someEvent' );  // myListener not called
-			 */
-			removeListener : function( eventName, listenerFunction )
-			{
-				// Get the event entry.
-				var event = getPrivate( this )[ eventName ];
-				if ( event )
-				{
-					var index = event.getListenerIndex( listenerFunction );
-					if ( index >= 0 )
-						event.listeners.splice( index, 1 );
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Checks if there is any listener registered to a given event.
-			 * @param {String} eventName The event name.
-			 * @example
-			 * var myListener = function() { ... };
-			 * someObject.on( 'someEvent', myListener );
-			 * alert( someObject.<b>hasListeners( 'someEvent' )</b> );  // "true"
-			 * alert( someObject.<b>hasListeners( 'noEvent' )</b> );    // "false"
-			 */
-			hasListeners : function( eventName )
-			{
-				var event = getPrivate( this )[ eventName ];
-				return ( event && event.listeners.length > 0 ) ;
-			}
-		};
-	})();
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.event} class, which serves as the
+ *		base for classes and objects that require event handling features.
+ */
+if ( !CKEDITOR.event ) {
+	/**
+	 * Creates an event class instance. This constructor is rearely used, being
+	 * the {@link #implementOn} function used in class prototypes directly
+	 * instead.
+	 *
+	 * This is a base class for classes and objects that require event
+	 * handling features.
+	 *
+	 * Do not confuse this class with {@link CKEDITOR.dom.event} which is
+	 * instead used for DOM events. The CKEDITOR.event class implements the
+	 * internal event system used by the CKEditor to fire API related events.
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @constructor Creates an event class instance.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.event = function() {};
+	/**
+	 * Implements the {@link CKEDITOR.event} features in an object.
+	 *
+	 *		var myObject = { message: 'Example' };
+	 *		CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( myObject );
+	 *
+	 *		myObject.on( 'testEvent', function() {
+	 *			alert( this.message );
+	 *		} );
+	 *		myObject.fire( 'testEvent' ); // 'Example'
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @param {Object} targetObject The object into which implement the features.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.event.implementOn = function( targetObject ) {
+		var eventProto = CKEDITOR.event.prototype;
+		for ( var prop in eventProto ) {
+			if ( targetObject[ prop ] == undefined )
+				targetObject[ prop ] = eventProto[ prop ];
+		}
+	};
+	CKEDITOR.event.prototype = (function() {
+		// Returns the private events object for a given object.
+		var getPrivate = function( obj ) {
+				var _ = ( obj.getPrivate && obj.getPrivate() ) || obj._ || ( obj._ = {} );
+				return _.events || ( _.events = {} );
+			};
+		var eventEntry = function( eventName ) {
+				this.name = eventName;
+				this.listeners = [];
+			};
+		eventEntry.prototype = {
+			// Get the listener index for a specified function.
+			// Returns -1 if not found.
+			getListenerIndex: function( listenerFunction ) {
+				for ( var i = 0, listeners = this.listeners; i < listeners.length; i++ ) {
+					if ( listeners[ i ].fn == listenerFunction )
+						return i;
+				}
+				return -1;
+			}
+		};
+		// Retrieve the event entry on the event host (create it if needed).
+		function getEntry( name ) {
+			// Get the event entry (create it if needed).
+			var events = getPrivate( this );
+			return events[ name ] || ( events[ name ] = new eventEntry( name ) );
+		}
+		return {
+			/**
+			 * Predefine some intrinsic properties on a specific event name.
+			 *
+			 * @param {String} name The event name
+			 * @param meta
+			 * @param [meta.errorProof=false] Whether the event firing should catch error thrown from a per listener call.
+			 */
+			define: function( name, meta ) {
+				var entry = getEntry.call( this, name );
+				CKEDITOR.tools.extend( entry, meta, true );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Registers a listener to a specific event in the current object.
+			 *
+			 *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function() {
+			 *			alert( this == someObject );		// true
+			 *		} );
+			 *
+			 *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function() {
+			 *			alert( this == anotherObject );		// true
+			 *		}, anotherObject );
+			 *
+			 *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event ) {
+			 *			alert( event.listenerData );		// 'Example'
+			 *		}, null, 'Example' );
+			 *
+			 *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function() { ... } );						// 2nd called
+			 *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function() { ... }, null, null, 100 );		// 3rd called
+			 *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function() { ... }, null, null, 1 );		// 1st called
+			 *
+			 * @param {String} eventName The event name to which listen.
+			 * @param {Function} listenerFunction The function listening to the
+			 * event. A single {@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo} object instanced
+			 * is passed to this function containing all the event data.
+			 * @param {Object} [scopeObj] The object used to scope the listener
+			 * call (the `this` object). If omitted, the current object is used.
+			 * @param {Object} [listenerData] Data to be sent as the
+			 * {@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo#listenerData} when calling the
+			 * listener.
+			 * @param {Number} [priority=10] The listener priority. Lower priority
+			 * listeners are called first. Listeners with the same priority
+			 * value are called in registration order.
+			 * @returns {Object} An object containing the `removeListener`
+			 * function, which can be used to remove the listener at any time.
+			 */
+			on: function( eventName, listenerFunction, scopeObj, listenerData, priority ) {
+				// Create the function to be fired for this listener.
+				function listenerFirer( editor, publisherData, stopFn, cancelFn ) {
+					var ev = {
+						name: eventName,
+						sender: this,
+						editor: editor,
+						data: publisherData,
+						listenerData: listenerData,
+						stop: stopFn,
+						cancel: cancelFn,
+						removeListener: removeListener
+					};
+					var ret = listenerFunction.call( scopeObj, ev );
+					return ret === false ? false : ev.data;
+				}
+				function removeListener() {
+					me.removeListener( eventName, listenerFunction );
+				}
+				var event = getEntry.call( this, eventName );
+				if ( event.getListenerIndex( listenerFunction ) < 0 ) {
+					// Get the listeners.
+					var listeners = event.listeners;
+					// Fill the scope.
+					if ( !scopeObj )
+						scopeObj = this;
+					// Default the priority, if needed.
+					if ( isNaN( priority ) )
+						priority = 10;
+					var me = this;
+					listenerFirer.fn = listenerFunction;
+					listenerFirer.priority = priority;
+					// Search for the right position for this new listener, based on its
+					// priority.
+					for ( var i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+						// Find the item which should be before the new one.
+						if ( listeners[ i ].priority <= priority ) {
+							// Insert the listener in the array.
+							listeners.splice( i + 1, 0, listenerFirer );
+							return { removeListener: removeListener };
+						}
+					}
+					// If no position has been found (or zero length), put it in
+					// the front of list.
+					listeners.unshift( listenerFirer );
+				}
+				return { removeListener: removeListener };
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Similiar with {@link #on} but the listener will be called only once upon the next event firing.
+			 *
+			 * @see CKEDITOR.event#on
+			 */
+			once: function() {
+				var fn = arguments[ 1 ];
+				arguments[ 1 ] = function( evt ) {
+					evt.removeListener();
+					return fn.apply( this, arguments );
+				};
+				return this.on.apply( this, arguments );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * @static
+			 * @property {Boolean} useCapture
+			 * @todo
+			 */
+			/**
+			 * Register event handler under the capturing stage on supported target.
+			 */
+			capture: function() {
+				CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = 1;
+				var retval = this.on.apply( this, arguments );
+				CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = 0;
+				return retval;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Fires an specific event in the object. All registered listeners are
+			 * called at this point.
+			 *
+			 *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function() { ... } );
+			 *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function() { ... } );
+			 *		someObject.fire( 'someEvent' );				// Both listeners are called.
+			 *
+			 *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event ) {
+			 *			alert( event.data );					// 'Example'
+			 *		} );
+			 *		someObject.fire( 'someEvent', 'Example' );
+			 *
+			 * @method
+			 * @param {String} eventName The event name to fire.
+			 * @param {Object} [data] Data to be sent as the
+			 * {@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo#data} when calling the listeners.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} [editor] The editor instance to send as the
+			 * {@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo#editor} when calling the listener.
+			 * @returns {Boolean/Object} A boolean indicating that the event is to be
+			 * canceled, or data returned by one of the listeners.
+			 */
+			fire: (function() {
+				// Create the function that marks the event as stopped.
+				var stopped = 0;
+				var stopEvent = function() {
+						stopped = 1;
+					};
+				// Create the function that marks the event as canceled.
+				var canceled = 0;
+				var cancelEvent = function() {
+						canceled = 1;
+					};
+				return function( eventName, data, editor ) {
+					// Get the event entry.
+					var event = getPrivate( this )[ eventName ];
+					// Save the previous stopped and cancelled states. We may
+					// be nesting fire() calls.
+					var previousStopped = stopped,
+						previousCancelled = canceled;
+					// Reset the stopped and canceled flags.
+					stopped = canceled = 0;
+					if ( event ) {
+						var listeners = event.listeners;
+						if ( listeners.length ) {
+							// As some listeners may remove themselves from the
+							// event, the original array length is dinamic. So,
+							// let's make a copy of all listeners, so we are
+							// sure we'll call all of them.
+							listeners = listeners.slice( 0 );
+							var retData;
+							// Loop through all listeners.
+							for ( var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++ ) {
+								// Call the listener, passing the event data.
+								if ( event.errorProof ) {
+									try {
+										retData = listeners[ i ].call( this, editor, data, stopEvent, cancelEvent );
+									} catch ( er ) {}
+								} else
+									retData = listeners[ i ].call( this, editor, data, stopEvent, cancelEvent );
+								if ( retData === false )
+									canceled = 1;
+								else if ( typeof retData != 'undefined' )
+									data = retData;
+								// No further calls is stopped or canceled.
+								if ( stopped || canceled )
+									break;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					var ret = canceled ? false : ( typeof data == 'undefined' ? true : data );
+					// Restore the previous stopped and canceled states.
+					stopped = previousStopped;
+					canceled = previousCancelled;
+					return ret;
+				};
+			})(),
+			/**
+			 * Fires an specific event in the object, releasing all listeners
+			 * registered to that event. The same listeners are not called again on
+			 * successive calls of it or of {@link #fire}.
+			 *
+			 *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function() { ... } );
+			 *		someObject.fire( 'someEvent' );			// Above listener called.
+			 *		someObject.fireOnce( 'someEvent' );		// Above listener called.
+			 *		someObject.fire( 'someEvent' );			// No listeners called.
+			 *
+			 * @param {String} eventName The event name to fire.
+			 * @param {Object} [data] Data to be sent as the
+			 * {@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo#data} when calling the listeners.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} [editor] The editor instance to send as the
+			 * {@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo#editor} when calling the listener.
+			 * @returns {Boolean/Object} A booloan indicating that the event is to be
+			 * canceled, or data returned by one of the listeners.
+			 */
+			fireOnce: function( eventName, data, editor ) {
+				var ret = this.fire( eventName, data, editor );
+				delete getPrivate( this )[ eventName ];
+				return ret;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Unregisters a listener function from being called at the specified
+			 * event. No errors are thrown if the listener has not been registered previously.
+			 *
+			 *		var myListener = function() { ... };
+			 *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', myListener );
+			 *		someObject.fire( 'someEvent' );					// myListener called.
+			 *		someObject.removeListener( 'someEvent', myListener );
+			 *		someObject.fire( 'someEvent' );					// myListener not called.
+			 *
+			 * @param {String} eventName The event name.
+			 * @param {Function} listenerFunction The listener function to unregister.
+			 */
+			removeListener: function( eventName, listenerFunction ) {
+				// Get the event entry.
+				var event = getPrivate( this )[ eventName ];
+				if ( event ) {
+					var index = event.getListenerIndex( listenerFunction );
+					if ( index >= 0 )
+						event.listeners.splice( index, 1 );
+				}
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Remove all existing listeners on this object, for cleanup purpose.
+			 */
+			removeAllListeners: function() {
+				var events = getPrivate( this );
+				for ( var i in events )
+					delete events[ i ];
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Checks if there is any listener registered to a given event.
+			 *
+			 *		var myListener = function() { ... };
+			 *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', myListener );
+			 *		alert( someObject.hasListeners( 'someEvent' ) );	// true
+			 *		alert( someObject.hasListeners( 'noEvent' ) );		// false
+			 *
+			 * @param {String} eventName The event name.
+			 * @returns {Boolean}
+			 */
+			hasListeners: function( eventName ) {
+				var event = getPrivate( this )[ eventName ];
+				return ( event && event.listeners.length > 0 );
+			}
+		};
+	})();
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/eventInfo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/eventInfo.js
index dbeca5c..4119aff 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/eventInfo.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/eventInfo.js
@@ -1,120 +1,115 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the "virtual" {@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo} class, which
- *		contains the defintions of the event object passed to event listeners.
- *		This file is for documentation purposes only.
- */
- * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the features
- * of the event object passed to event listeners by a {@link CKEDITOR.event}
- * based object.
- * @name CKEDITOR.eventInfo
- * @constructor
- * @example
- * // Do not do this.
- * var myEvent = new CKEDITOR.eventInfo();  // Error: CKEDITOR.eventInfo is undefined
- */
- * The event name.
- * @name CKEDITOR.eventInfo.prototype.name
- * @field
- * @type String
- * @example
- * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
- *     {
- *         alert( <b>event.name</b> );  // "someEvent"
- *     });
- * someObject.fire( 'someEvent' );
- */
- * The object that publishes (sends) the event.
- * @name CKEDITOR.eventInfo.prototype.sender
- * @field
- * @type Object
- * @example
- * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
- *     {
- *         alert( <b>event.sender</b> == someObject );  // "true"
- *     });
- * someObject.fire( 'someEvent' );
- */
- * The editor instance that holds the sender. May be the same as sender. May be
- * null if the sender is not part of an editor instance, like a component
- * running in standalone mode.
- * @name CKEDITOR.eventInfo.prototype.editor
- * @field
- * @type CKEDITOR.editor
- * @example
- * myButton.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
- *     {
- *         alert( <b>event.editor</b> == myEditor );  // "true"
- *     });
- * myButton.fire( 'someEvent', null, <b>myEditor</b> );
- */
- * Any kind of additional data. Its format and usage is event dependent.
- * @name CKEDITOR.eventInfo.prototype.data
- * @field
- * @type Object
- * @example
- * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
- *     {
- *         alert( <b>event.data</b> );  // "Example"
- *     });
- * someObject.fire( 'someEvent', <b>'Example'</b> );
- */
- * Any extra data appended during the listener registration.
- * @name CKEDITOR.eventInfo.prototype.listenerData
- * @field
- * @type Object
- * @example
- * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
- *     {
- *         alert( <b>event.listenerData</b> );  // "Example"
- *     }
- *     , null, <b>'Example'</b> );
- */
- * Indicates that no further listeners are to be called.
- * @name CKEDITOR.eventInfo.prototype.stop
- * @function
- * @example
- * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
- *     {
- *         <b>event.stop()</b>;
- *     });
- * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
- *     {
- *         // This one will not be called.
- *     });
- * alert( someObject.fire( 'someEvent' ) );  // "false"
- */
- * Indicates that the event is to be cancelled (if cancelable).
- * @name CKEDITOR.eventInfo.prototype.cancel
- * @function
- * @example
- * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
- *     {
- *         <b>event.cancel()</b>;
- *     });
- * someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
- *     {
- *         // This one will not be called.
- *     });
- * alert( someObject.fire( 'someEvent' ) );  // "true"
- */
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the "virtual" {@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo} class, which
+ *		contains the defintions of the event object passed to event listeners.
+ *		This file is for documentation purposes only.
+ */
+ * Virtual class that illustrates the features of the event object to be
+ * passed to event listeners by a {@link CKEDITOR.event} based object.
+ *
+ * This class is not really part of the API.
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.eventInfo
+ * @abstract
+ */
+ * The event name.
+ *
+ *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event ) {
+ *			alert( event.name ); // 'someEvent'
+ *		} );
+ *		someObject.fire( 'someEvent' );
+ *
+ * @property {String} name
+ */
+ * The object that publishes (sends) the event.
+ *
+ *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event ) {
+ *			alert( event.sender == someObject ); // true
+ *		} );
+ *		someObject.fire( 'someEvent' );
+ *
+ * @property sender
+ */
+ * The editor instance that holds the sender. May be the same as sender. May be
+ * null if the sender is not part of an editor instance, like a component
+ * running in standalone mode.
+ *
+ *		myButton.on( 'someEvent', function( event ) {
+ *			alert( event.editor == myEditor ); // true
+ *		} );
+ *		myButton.fire( 'someEvent', null, myEditor );
+ *
+ * @property {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
+ */
+ * Any kind of additional data. Its format and usage is event dependent.
+ *
+ *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event ) {
+ *			alert( event.data ); // 'Example'
+ *		} );
+ *		someObject.fire( 'someEvent', 'Example' );
+ *
+ * @property data
+ */
+ * Any extra data appended during the listener registration.
+ *
+ *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event ) {
+ *			alert( event.listenerData ); // 'Example'
+ *		}, null, 'Example' );
+ *
+ * @property listenerData
+ */
+ * Indicates that no further listeners are to be called.
+ *
+ *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event ) {
+ *			event.stop();
+ *		} );
+ *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event ) {
+ *			// This one will not be called.
+ *		} );
+ *		alert( someObject.fire( 'someEvent' ) ); // false
+ *
+ * @method stop
+ */
+ * Indicates that the event is to be cancelled (if cancelable).
+ *
+ *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event ) {
+ *			event.cancel();
+ *		} );
+ *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event ) {
+ *			// This one will not be called.
+ *		} );
+ *		alert( someObject.fire( 'someEvent' ) ); // true
+ *
+ * @method cancel
+ */
+ * Removes the current listener.
+ *
+ *		someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event ) {
+ *			event.removeListener();
+ *			// Now this function won't be called again by 'someEvent'.
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @method removeListener
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/focusmanager.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/focusmanager.js
index 933c3cf..51b20dc 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/focusmanager.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/focusmanager.js
@@ -1,137 +1,253 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.focusManager} class, which is used
- *		to handle the focus on editor instances..
- */
- * Manages the focus activity in an editor instance. This class is to be used
- * mainly by UI elements coders when adding interface elements to CKEditor.
- * @constructor
- * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.focusManager = function( editor )
-	if ( editor.focusManager )
-		return editor.focusManager;
-	/**
-	 * Indicates that the editor instance has focus.
-	 * @type Boolean
-	 * @example
-	 * alert( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.focusManager.hasFocus );  // e.g "true"
-	 */
-	this.hasFocus = false;
-	/**
-	 * Object used to hold private stuff.
-	 * @private
-	 */
-	this._ =
-	{
-		editor : editor
-	};
-	return this;
-CKEDITOR.focusManager.prototype =
-	/**
-	 * Indicates that the editor instance has the focus.
-	 *
-	 * This function is not used to set the focus in the editor. Use
-	 * {@link CKEDITOR.editor#focus} for it instead.
-	 * @example
-	 * var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
-	 * <b>editor.focusManager.focus()</b>;
-	 */
-	focus : function()
-	{
-		if ( this._.timer )
-			clearTimeout( this._.timer );
-		if ( !this.hasFocus )
-		{
-			// If another editor has the current focus, we first "blur" it. In
-			// this way the events happen in a more logical sequence, like:
-			//		"focus 1" > "blur 1" > "focus 2"
-			// ... instead of:
-			//		"focus 1" > "focus 2" > "blur 1"
-			if ( CKEDITOR.currentInstance )
-				CKEDITOR.currentInstance.focusManager.forceBlur();
-			var editor = this._.editor;
-			editor.container.getChild( 1 ).addClass( 'cke_focus' );
-			this.hasFocus = true;
-			editor.fire( 'focus' );
-		}
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Indicates that the editor instance has lost the focus. Note that this
-	 * functions acts asynchronously with a delay of 100ms to avoid subsequent
-	 * blur/focus effects. If you want the "blur" to happen immediately, use
-	 * the {@link #forceBlur} function instead.
-	 * @example
-	 * var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
-	 * <b>editor.focusManager.blur()</b>;
-	 */
-	blur : function()
-	{
-		var focusManager = this;
-		if ( focusManager._.timer )
-			clearTimeout( focusManager._.timer );
-		focusManager._.timer = setTimeout(
-			function()
-			{
-				delete focusManager._.timer;
-				focusManager.forceBlur();
-			}
-			, 100 );
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Indicates that the editor instance has lost the focus. Unlike
-	 * {@link #blur}, this function is synchronous, marking the instance as
-	 * "blured" immediately.
-	 * @example
-	 * var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
-	 * <b>editor.focusManager.forceBlur()</b>;
-	 */
-	forceBlur : function()
-	{
-		if ( this.hasFocus )
-		{
-			var editor = this._.editor;
-			editor.container.getChild( 1 ).removeClass( 'cke_focus' );
-			this.hasFocus = false;
-			editor.fire( 'blur' );
-		}
-	}
- * Fired when the editor instance receives the input focus.
- * @name CKEDITOR.editor#focus
- * @event
- * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.
- */
- * Fired when the editor instance loses the input focus.
- * @name CKEDITOR.editor#blur
- * @event
- * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.
- */
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.focusManager} class, which is used
+ *		to handle the focus on editor instances..
+ */
+(function() {
+	/**
+	 * Manages the focus activity in an editor instance. This class is to be
+	 * used mainly by UI elements coders when adding interface elements that need
+	 * to set the focus state of the editor.
+	 *
+	 *		var focusManager = new CKEDITOR.focusManager( editor );
+	 *		focusManager.focus();
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @constructor Creates a focusManager class instance.
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.focusManager = function( editor ) {
+		if ( editor.focusManager )
+			return editor.focusManager;
+		/**
+		 * Indicates that the editor instance has focus.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.focusManager.hasFocus ); // e.g. true
+		 */
+		this.hasFocus = false;
+		/**
+		 * Indicate the currently focused DOM element that makes the editor activated.
+		 *
+		 * @property {CKEDITOR.dom.domObject}
+		 */
+		this.currentActive = null;
+		/**
+		 * Object used to hold private stuff.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		this._ = {
+			editor: editor
+		};
+		return this;
+	};
+	var SLOT_NAME = 'focusmanager',
+		SLOT_NAME_LISTENERS = 'focusmanager_handlers';
+	CKEDITOR.focusManager._ = {
+		/**
+		 * The delay (in milliseconds) to deactivate the editor when UI dom element has lost focus.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @static
+		 * @property {Number} [_.blurDelay=200]
+		 */
+		blurDelay: 200
+	};
+	CKEDITOR.focusManager.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Indicate this editor instance is activated (due to DOM focus change),
+		 * the `activated` state is a symbolic indicator of an active user
+		 * interaction session.
+		 *
+		 * **Note:** This method will not introduce UI focus
+		 * impact on DOM, it's here to record editor UI focus state internally.
+		 * If you want to make the cursor blink inside of the editable, use
+		 * {@link CKEDITOR.editor#method-focus} instead.
+		 *
+		 *		var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
+		 *		editor.focusManage.focus( editor.editable() );
+		 */
+		focus: function() {
+			if ( this._.timer )
+				clearTimeout( this._.timer );
+			if ( ! ( this.hasFocus || this._.locked ) ) {
+				// If another editor has the current focus, we first "blur" it. In
+				// this way the events happen in a more logical sequence, like:
+				//		"focus 1" > "blur 1" > "focus 2"
+				// ... instead of:
+				//		"focus 1" > "focus 2" > "blur 1"
+				var current = CKEDITOR.currentInstance;
+				current && current.focusManager.blur( 1 );
+				this.hasFocus = true;
+				var ct = this._.editor.container;
+				ct && ct.addClass( 'cke_focus' );
+				this._.editor.fire( 'focus' );
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Prevent from changing the focus manager state until next {@link #unlock} is called.
+		 */
+		lock: function() {
+			this._.locked = 1;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Restore the automatic focus management, if {@link #lock} is called.
+		 */
+		unlock: function() {
+			delete this._.locked;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Used to indicate that the editor instance has been deactivated by the specified
+		 * element which has just lost focus.
+		 *
+		 * **Note:** that this functions acts asynchronously with a delay of 100ms to
+		 * avoid temporary deactivation. Use instead the `noDelay` parameter
+		 * to deactivate immediately.
+		 *
+		 *		var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
+		 *		editor.focusManager.blur();
+		 *
+		 * @param {Boolean} [noDelay=false] Deactivate immediately the editor instance synchronously.
+		 */
+		blur: function( noDelay ) {
+			if ( this._.locked )
+				return;
+			function doBlur() {
+				if ( this.hasFocus ) {
+					this.hasFocus = false;
+					var ct = this._.editor.container;
+					ct && ct.removeClass( 'cke_focus' );
+					this._.editor.fire( 'blur' );
+				}
+			}
+			if ( this._.timer )
+				clearTimeout( this._.timer );
+			var delay = CKEDITOR.focusManager._.blurDelay;
+			if ( noDelay || !delay ) {
+				doBlur.call( this );
+			} else {
+				this._.timer = CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() {
+					delete this._.timer;
+					doBlur.call( this );
+				}, delay, this );
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Register an UI DOM element to the focus manager, which will make the focus manager "hasFocus"
+		 * once input focus is relieved on the element, it's to be used by plugins to expand the jurisdiction of the editor focus.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The container (top most) element of one UI part.
+		 * @param {Boolean} isCapture If specified {@link CKEDITOR.event#useCapture} will be used when listening to the focus event.
+		 */
+		add: function( element, isCapture ) {
+			var fm = element.getCustomData( SLOT_NAME );
+			if ( !fm || fm != this ) {
+				// If this element is already taken by another instance, dismiss it first.
+				fm && fm.remove( element );
+				var focusEvent = 'focus',
+					blurEvent = 'blur';
+				// Bypass the element's internal DOM focus change.
+				if ( isCapture ) {
+					// Use "focusin/focusout" events instead of capture phase in IEs,
+					// which fires synchronously.
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+						focusEvent = 'focusin';
+						blurEvent = 'focusout';
+					} else
+						CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = 1;
+				}
+				var listeners = {
+					blur: function() {
+						if ( element.equals( this.currentActive ) )
+							this.blur();
+					},
+					focus: function() {
+						this.currentActive = element;
+						this.focus();
+					}
+				};
+				element.on( focusEvent, listeners.focus, this );
+				element.on( blurEvent, listeners.blur, this );
+				if ( isCapture )
+					CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = 0;
+				element.setCustomData( SLOT_NAME, this );
+				element.setCustomData( SLOT_NAME_LISTENERS, listeners );
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Dismiss an element from the the focus manager delegations added by {@link #add}.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The element to be removed from the focusmanager.
+		 */
+		remove: function( element ) {
+			element.removeCustomData( SLOT_NAME );
+			var listeners = element.removeCustomData( SLOT_NAME_LISTENERS );
+			element.removeListener( 'blur', listeners.blur );
+			element.removeListener( 'focus', listeners.focus );
+		}
+	};
+ * Fired when the editor instance receives the input focus.
+ *
+ *		editor.on( 'focus', function( e ) {
+ *			alert( 'The editor named ' + e.editor.name + ' is now focused' );
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @event focus
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.
+ */
+ * Fired when the editor instance loses the input focus.
+ *
+ * **Note:** This event will **NOT** be triggered when focus is moved internally, e.g. from
+ * the editable to other part of the editor UI like dialog.
+ * If you're interested on only the editable focus state listen to the {@link CKEDITOR.editable#event-focus}
+ * and {@link CKEDITOR.editable#blur} events instead.
+ *
+ *		editor.on( 'blur', function( e ) {
+ *			alert( 'The editor named ' + e.editor.name + ' lost the focus' );
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @event blur
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmldataprocessor.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmldataprocessor.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfe5b1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmldataprocessor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	/**
+	 * Represents an HTML data processor, which is responsible to translate and
+	 * transform the editor data on input and output.
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @extends CKEDITOR.dataProcessor
+	 * @constructor Creates a htmlDataProcessor class instance.
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor = function( editor ) {
+		var dataFilter, htmlFilter;
+		this.editor = editor;
+		this.dataFilter = dataFilter = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter();
+		this.htmlFilter = htmlFilter = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter();
+		/**
+		 * The HTML writer used by this data processor to format the output.
+		 * @type {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter}
+		 */
+		this.writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();
+		dataFilter.addRules( defaultDataFilterRules );
+		dataFilter.addRules( createBogusAndFillerRules( editor, 'data' ) );
+		htmlFilter.addRules( defaultHtmlFilterRules );
+		htmlFilter.addRules( createBogusAndFillerRules( editor, 'html' ) );
+	};
+	CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Process the input (potentially malformed) HTML to a purified form which
+		 * is suitable to be used in the wysiwyg editable.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} data The raw data.
+		 * @param {String} [context] The tag name of a context element within which
+		 * the input is to be processed, default to be the editable element.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [fixForBody] Whether trigger the auto paragraph for non-block contents.
+		 * @returns {String}
+		 */
+		toHtml: function( data, context, fixForBody ) {
+			// The source data is already HTML, but we need to clean
+			// it up and apply the filter.
+			data = protectSource( data, this.editor );
+			// Before anything, we must protect the URL attributes as the
+			// browser may changing them when setting the innerHTML later in
+			// the code.
+			data = protectAttributes( data );
+			// Protect elements than can't be set inside a DIV. E.g. IE removes
+			// style tags from innerHTML. (#3710)
+			data = protectElements( data );
+			// Certain elements has problem to go through DOM operation, protect
+			// them by prefixing 'cke' namespace. (#3591)
+			data = protectElementsNames( data );
+			// All none-IE browsers ignore self-closed custom elements,
+			// protecting them into open-close. (#3591)
+			data = protectSelfClosingElements( data );
+			// Compensate one leading line break after <pre> open as browsers
+			// eat it up. (#5789)
+			data = protectPreFormatted( data );
+			var editable = this.editor.editable(),
+				isPre;
+			// Fall back to the editable as context if not specified.
+			if ( !context && context !== null )
+				context = editable.getName();
+			var fixBin = context || editable.getName();
+			// Old IEs loose formats when load html into <pre>.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 9 && fixBin == 'pre' ) {
+				fixBin = 'div';
+				data = '<pre>' + data + '</pre>';
+				isPre = 1;
+			}
+			// Call the browser to help us fixing a possibly invalid HTML
+			// structure.
+			var el = this.editor.document.createElement( fixBin );
+			// Add fake character to workaround IE comments bug. (#3801)
+			el.setHtml( 'a' + data );
+			data = el.getHtml().substr( 1 );
+			// Restore shortly protected attribute names.
+			data = data.replace( new RegExp( ' data-cke-' + CKEDITOR.rnd + '-', 'ig' ), ' ' );
+			isPre && ( data = data.replace( /^<pre>|<\/pre>$/gi, '' ) );
+			// Unprotect "some" of the protected elements at this point.
+			data = unprotectElementNames( data );
+			data = unprotectElements( data );
+			// Restore the comments that have been protected, in this way they
+			// can be properly filtered.
+			data = unprotectRealComments( data );
+			// Now use our parser to make further fixes to the structure, as
+			// well as apply the filter.
+			var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( data, context, fixForBody === false ? false : getFixBodyTag( this.editor.config ) );
+			var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();
+			fragment.writeChildrenHtml( writer, this.dataFilter, 1 );
+			data = writer.getHtml( true );
+			// Protect the real comments again.
+			data = protectRealComments( data );
+			return data;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * See {@link CKEDITOR.dataProcessor#toDataFormat}.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} html
+		 * @returns {String}
+		 */
+		toDataFormat: function( html ) {
+			// The parent element will always be the editable.
+			var editable = this.editor.editable(),
+				writer = this.writer;
+			var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( html, editable.getName(), getFixBodyTag( this.editor.config ) );
+			writer.reset();
+			fragment.writeChildrenHtml( writer, this.htmlFilter, 1 );
+			var data = writer.getHtml( true );
+			// Restore those non-HTML protected source. (#4475,#4880)
+			data = unprotectRealComments( data );
+			data = unprotectSource( data, this.editor );
+			return data;
+		}
+	};
+	// Produce a set of filtering rules that handles bogus and filler node at the
+	// end of block/pseudo block, in the following consequence:
+	// 1. elements:<block> - this filter removes any bogus node, then check
+	// if it's an empty block that requires a filler.
+	// 2. elements:<br> - After cleaned with bogus, this filter checks the real
+	// line-break BR to compensate a filler after it.
+	//
+	// Terms definitions:
+	// filler: An element that's either <BR> or &NBSP; at the end of block that established line height.
+	// bogus: Whenever a filler is proceeded with inline content, it becomes a bogus which is subjected to be removed.
+	//
+	// Various forms of the filler:
+	// In output HTML: Filler should be consistently &NBSP; <BR> at the end of block is always considered as bogus.
+	// In Wysiwyg HTML: Browser dependent - Filler is either BR for non-IE, or &NBSP; for IE, <BR> is NEVER considered as bogus for IE.
+	function createBogusAndFillerRules( editor, type ) {
+		function createFiller( isOutput ) {
+			return isOutput || CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
+			       new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( '\xa0' ) :
+			       new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'br', { 'data-cke-bogus': 1 } );
+		}
+		// This text block filter, remove any bogus and create the filler on demand.
+		function blockFilter( isOutput, fillEmptyBlock ) {
+			return function( block ) {
+				// DO NOT apply the filer if it's a fragment node.
+				if ( block.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT )
+					return;
+				cleanBogus( block );
+				// [Opera] it's mandatory for the filler to present inside of empty block when in WYSIWYG.
+				if ( ( ( CKEDITOR.env.opera && !isOutput ) ||
+						( typeof fillEmptyBlock == 'function' ? fillEmptyBlock( block ) !== false : fillEmptyBlock ) ) &&
+						 isEmptyBlockNeedFiller( block ) )
+				{
+					block.add( createFiller( isOutput ) );
+				}
+			};
+		}
+		// Append a filler right after the last line-break BR, found at the end of block.
+		function brFilter( isOutput ) {
+			return function ( br ) {
+				// DO NOT apply the filer if parent's a fragment node.
+				if ( br.parent.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT )
+					return;
+				var attrs = br.attributes;
+				// Dismiss BRs that are either bogus or eol marker.
+				if ( 'data-cke-bogus' in attrs ||
+						 'data-cke-eol' in attrs ) {
+					delete attrs [ 'data-cke-bogus' ];
+					return;
+				}
+				// Judge the tail line-break BR, and to insert bogus after it.
+				var next = getNext( br ), previous = getPrevious( br );
+				if ( !next && isBlockBoundary( br.parent ) )
+					append( br.parent, createFiller( isOutput ) );
+				else if ( isBlockBoundary( next ) && previous && !isBlockBoundary( previous ) ) {
+					insertBefore( next, createFiller( isOutput ) );
+				}
+			};
+		}
+		// Determinate whether this node is potentially a bogus node.
+		function maybeBogus( node, atBlockEnd ) {
+			// BR that's not from IE DOM, except for a EOL marker.
+			if ( !( isOutput && CKEDITOR.env.ie ) &&
+					 node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.name == 'br' &&
+					 !node.attributes[ 'data-cke-eol' ] )
+				return true;
+			var match;
+			// NBSP, possibly.
+			if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT &&
+					 ( match = node.value.match( tailNbspRegex ) ) )
+			{
+				// We need to separate tail NBSP out of a text node, for later removal.
+				if ( match.index ) {
+					insertBefore( node, new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( node.value.substring( 0, match.index ) ) );
+					node.value = match[ 0 ];
+				}
+				// From IE DOM, at the end of a text block, or before block boundary.
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && isOutput && ( !atBlockEnd || node.parent.name in textBlockTags ) )
+					return true;
+				// From the output.
+				if ( !isOutput ) {
+					var previous = node.previous;
+					// Following a line-break at the end of block.
+					if ( previous && previous.name == 'br' )
+						return true;
+					// Or a single NBSP between two blocks.
+					if ( !previous || isBlockBoundary( previous ) )
+						return true;
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		}
+		// Removes all bogus inside of this block, and to convert fillers into the proper form.
+		function cleanBogus( block ) {
+			var bogus = [];
+			var last = getLast( block ), node, previous;
+			if ( last ) {
+				// Check for bogus at the end of this block.
+				// e.g. <p>foo<br /></p>
+				maybeBogus( last, 1 ) && bogus.push( last );
+				while ( last ) {
+					// Check for bogus at the end of any pseudo block contained.
+					if ( isBlockBoundary( last ) &&
+							 ( node = getPrevious( last ) ) &&
+							 maybeBogus( node ) )
+					{
+						// Bogus must have inline proceeding, instead single BR between two blocks,
+						// is considered as filler, e.g. <hr /><br /><hr />
+						if ( ( previous = getPrevious( node ) ) && !isBlockBoundary( previous ) )
+							bogus.push( node );
+						// Convert the filler into appropriate form.
+						else {
+							insertAfter( node, createFiller( isOutput ) );
+							removeFromParent( node );
+						}
+					}
+					last = last.previous;
+				}
+			}
+			// Now remove all bogus collected from above.
+			for ( var i = 0 ; i < bogus.length ; i++ )
+				removeFromParent( bogus[ i ] );
+		}
+		// Judge whether it's an empty block that requires a filler node.
+		function isEmptyBlockNeedFiller( block ) {
+			// DO NOT fill empty editable in IE.
+			if ( !isOutput && CKEDITOR.env.ie && block.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT )
+				return false;
+			// 1. For IE version >=8,  empty blocks are displayed correctly themself in wysiwiyg;
+			// 2. For the rest, at least table cell and list item need no filler space. (#6248)
+			if ( !isOutput && CKEDITOR.env.ie &&
+					 ( document.documentMode > 7 ||
+						 block.name in CKEDITOR.dtd.tr ||
+						 block.name in CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem ) ) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			var last = getLast( block );
+			return !last || block.name == 'form' && last.name == 'input' ;
+		}
+		var rules = { elements: {} };
+		var isOutput = type == 'html';
+		// Build the list of text blocks.
+		var textBlockTags = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, blockLikeTags );
+		for ( var i in textBlockTags ) {
+			if ( !( '#' in dtd[ i ] ) )
+				delete textBlockTags[ i ];
+		}
+		for ( i in textBlockTags )
+			rules.elements[ i ] = blockFilter( isOutput, editor.config.fillEmptyBlocks !== false );
+		// Editable element is to be checked separately.
+		rules.root = blockFilter( isOutput );
+		rules.elements.br = brFilter( isOutput );
+		return rules;
+	}
+	function getFixBodyTag( config ) {
+		return ( config.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR && config.autoParagraph !== false ) ? config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'p' : false;
+	}
+	// Regex to scan for   at the end of blocks, which are actually placeholders.
+	// Safari transforms the   to \xa0. (#4172)
+	var tailNbspRegex = /(?: |\xa0)$/;
+	var protectedSourceMarker = '{cke_protected}';
+	function getLast( node ) {
+		var last = node.children[ node.children.length - 1 ];
+		while ( last && isEmpty( last ) )
+			last = last.previous;
+		return last;
+	}
+	function getNext( node ) {
+		var next = node.next;
+		while ( next && isEmpty( next ) )
+			next = next.next;
+		return next;
+	}
+	function getPrevious( node ) {
+		var previous = node.previous;
+		while ( previous && isEmpty( previous ) )
+			previous = previous.previous;
+		return previous;
+	}
+	// Judge whether the node is an ghost node to be ignored, when traversing.
+	function isEmpty( node ) {
+		return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT &&
+		  !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( node.value ) ||
+		  node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
+		  node.attributes[ 'data-cke-bookmark' ];
+	}
+	// Judge whether the node is a block-like element.
+	function isBlockBoundary( node ) {
+		return node &&
+					 ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.name in blockLikeTags ||
+	}
+	function insertAfter( node, insertion ) {
+		var children = node.parent.children;
+		var index = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( children, node );
+		children.splice( index + 1, 0, insertion );
+		var next = node.next;
+		node.next = insertion;
+		insertion.previous = node;
+		insertion.parent = node.parent;
+		insertion.next = next;
+	}
+	function insertBefore( node, insertion ) {
+		var children = node.parent.children;
+		var index = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( children, node );
+		children.splice( index, 0, insertion );
+		var prev = node.previous;
+		node.previous = insertion;
+		insertion.next = node;
+		insertion.parent = node.parent;
+		if ( prev ) {
+			insertion.previous = prev;
+			prev.next = insertion;
+		}
+	}
+	function append( parent, node ) {
+		var last = parent.children[ parent.children.length -1 ];
+		parent.children.push( node );
+		node.parent = parent;
+		if ( last ) {
+			last.next = node;
+			node.previous = last;
+		}
+	}
+	function removeFromParent( node ) {
+		var children = node.parent.children;
+		var index = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( children, node );
+		var previous = node.previous, next = node.next;
+		previous && ( previous.next = next );
+		next && ( next.previous = previous );
+		children.splice( index, 1 );
+	}
+	function getNodeIndex( node ) {
+		var parent = node.parent;
+		return parent ? CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( parent.children, node ) : -1;
+	}
+	var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd;
+	// Define orders of table elements.
+	var tableOrder = [ 'caption', 'colgroup', 'col', 'thead', 'tfoot', 'tbody' ];
+	// List of all block elements.
+	var blockLikeTags = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, dtd.$blockLimit, dtd.$block );
+	var defaultDataFilterRules = {
+		elements: {},
+		attributeNames: [
+			// Event attributes (onXYZ) must not be directly set. They can become
+			// active in the editing area (IE|WebKit).
+			[ ( /^on/ ), 'data-cke-pa-on' ]
+		]
+	};
+	var defaultHtmlFilterRules = {
+		elementNames: [
+			// Remove the "cke:" namespace prefix.
+			[ ( /^cke:/ ), '' ],
+			// Ignore <?xml:namespace> tags.
+			[ ( /^\?xml:namespace$/ ), '' ]
+		],
+		attributeNames: [
+			// Attributes saved for changes and protected attributes.
+			[ ( /^data-cke-(saved|pa)-/ ), '' ],
+			// All "data-cke-" attributes are to be ignored.
+			[ ( /^data-cke-.*/ ), '' ],
+			[ 'hidefocus', '' ]
+		],
+		elements: {
+			$: function( element ) {
+				var attribs = element.attributes;
+				if ( attribs ) {
+					// Elements marked as temporary are to be ignored.
+					if ( attribs[ 'data-cke-temp' ] )
+						return false;
+					// Remove duplicated attributes - #3789.
+					var attributeNames = [ 'name', 'href', 'src' ],
+						savedAttributeName;
+					for ( var i = 0; i < attributeNames.length; i++ ) {
+						savedAttributeName = 'data-cke-saved-' + attributeNames[ i ];
+						savedAttributeName in attribs && ( delete attribs[ attributeNames[ i ] ] );
+					}
+				}
+				return element;
+			},
+			// The contents of table should be in correct order (#4809).
+			table: function( element ) {
+					// Clone the array as it would become empty during the sort call.
+					var children = element.children.slice( 0 );
+					children.sort( function ( node1, node2 ) {
+						var index1, index2;
+						// Compare in the predefined order.
+						if ( node1.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
+								 node2.type == node1.type ) {
+							index1 = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( tableOrder, node1.name );
+							index2 = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( tableOrder, node2.name );
+						}
+						// Make sure the sort is stable, if no order can be established above.
+						if ( !( index1 > -1 && index2 > -1 && index1 != index2 ) ) {
+							index1 = getNodeIndex( node1 );
+							index2 = getNodeIndex( node2 );
+						}
+						return index1 > index2 ? 1 : -1;
+					});
+			},
+			embed: function( element ) {
+				var parent = element.parent;
+				// If the <embed> is child of a <object>, copy the width
+				// and height attributes from it.
+				if ( parent && parent.name == 'object' ) {
+					var parentWidth = parent.attributes.width,
+						parentHeight = parent.attributes.height;
+					parentWidth && ( element.attributes.width = parentWidth );
+					parentHeight && ( element.attributes.height = parentHeight );
+				}
+			},
+			// Restore param elements into self-closing.
+			param: function( param ) {
+				param.children = [];
+				param.isEmpty = true;
+				return param;
+			},
+			// Remove empty link but not empty anchor.(#3829)
+			a: function( element ) {
+				if ( !( element.children.length || element.attributes.name || element.attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-name' ] ) ) {
+					return false;
+				}
+			},
+			// Remove dummy span in webkit.
+			span: function( element ) {
+				if ( element.attributes[ 'class' ] == 'Apple-style-span' )
+					delete element.name;
+			},
+			html: function( element ) {
+				delete element.attributes.contenteditable;
+				delete element.attributes[ 'class' ];
+			},
+			body: function( element ) {
+				delete element.attributes.spellcheck;
+				delete element.attributes.contenteditable;
+			},
+			style: function( element ) {
+				var child = element.children[ 0 ];
+				child && child.value && ( child.value = CKEDITOR.tools.trim( child.value ) );
+				if ( !element.attributes.type )
+					element.attributes.type = 'text/css';
+			},
+			title: function( element ) {
+				var titleText = element.children[ 0 ];
+				titleText && ( titleText.value = element.attributes[ 'data-cke-title' ] || '' );
+			}
+		},
+		attributes: {
+			'class': function( value, element ) {
+				// Remove all class names starting with "cke_".
+				return CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( value.replace( /(?:^|\s+)cke_[^\s]*/g, '' ) ) || false;
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+		// IE outputs style attribute in capital letters. We should convert
+		// them back to lower case, while not hurting the values (#5930)
+		defaultHtmlFilterRules.attributes.style = function( value, element ) {
+			return value.replace( /(^|;)([^\:]+)/g, function( match ) {
+				return match.toLowerCase();
+			});
+		};
+	}
+	function protectReadOnly( element ) {
+		var attrs = element.attributes;
+		// We should flag that the element was locked by our code so
+		// it'll be editable by the editor functions (#6046).
+		if ( attrs.contenteditable != "false" )
+			attrs[ 'data-cke-editable' ] = attrs.contenteditable ? 'true' : 1;
+		attrs.contenteditable = "false";
+	}
+	function unprotectReadyOnly( element ) {
+		var attrs = element.attributes;
+		switch ( attrs[ 'data-cke-editable' ] ) {
+			case 'true':
+				attrs.contenteditable = 'true';
+				break;
+			case '1':
+				delete attrs.contenteditable;
+				break;
+		}
+	}
+	// Disable form elements editing mode provided by some browers. (#5746)
+	for ( var i in { input:1,textarea:1 } ) {
+		defaultDataFilterRules.elements[ i ] = protectReadOnly;
+		defaultHtmlFilterRules.elements[ i ] = unprotectReadyOnly;
+	}
+	var protectElementRegex = /<(a|area|img|input|source)\b([^>]*)>/gi,
+		protectAttributeRegex = /\b(on\w+|href|src|name)\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|(?:[^ "'>]+))/gi;
+	var protectElementsRegex = /(?:<style(?=[ >])[^>]*>[\s\S]*<\/style>)|(?:<(:?link|meta|base)[^>]*>)/gi,
+		encodedElementsRegex = /<cke:encoded>([^<]*)<\/cke:encoded>/gi;
+	var protectElementNamesRegex = /(<\/?)((?:object|embed|param|html|body|head|title)[^>]*>)/gi,
+		unprotectElementNamesRegex = /(<\/?)cke:((?:html|body|head|title)[^>]*>)/gi;
+	var protectSelfClosingRegex = /<cke:(param|embed)([^>]*?)\/?>(?!\s*<\/cke:\1)/gi;
+	function protectAttributes( html ) {
+		return html.replace( protectElementRegex, function( element, tag, attributes ) {
+			return '<' + tag + attributes.replace( protectAttributeRegex, function( fullAttr, attrName ) {
+				// Avoid corrupting the inline event attributes (#7243).
+				// We should not rewrite the existed protected attributes, e.g. clipboard content from editor. (#5218)
+				if ( !( /^on/ ).test( attrName ) && attributes.indexOf( 'data-cke-saved-' + attrName ) == -1 )
+					return ' data-cke-saved-' + fullAttr + ' data-cke-' + CKEDITOR.rnd + '-' + fullAttr;
+				return fullAttr;
+			}) + '>';
+		});
+	}
+	function protectElements( html ) {
+		return html.replace( protectElementsRegex, function( match ) {
+			return '<cke:encoded>' + encodeURIComponent( match ) + '</cke:encoded>';
+		});
+	}
+	function unprotectElements( html ) {
+		return html.replace( encodedElementsRegex, function( match, encoded ) {
+			return decodeURIComponent( encoded );
+		});
+	}
+	function protectElementsNames( html ) {
+		return html.replace( protectElementNamesRegex, '$1cke:$2' );
+	}
+	function unprotectElementNames( html ) {
+		return html.replace( unprotectElementNamesRegex, '$1$2' );
+	}
+	function protectSelfClosingElements( html ) {
+		return html.replace( protectSelfClosingRegex, '<cke:$1$2></cke:$1>' );
+	}
+	function protectPreFormatted( html ) {
+		return CKEDITOR.env.opera ? html : html.replace( /(<pre\b[^>]*>)(\r\n|\n)/g, '$1$2$2' );
+	}
+	function protectRealComments( html ) {
+		return html.replace( /<!--(?!{cke_protected})[\s\S]+?-->/g, function( match ) {
+			return '<!--' + protectedSourceMarker +
+				'{C}' +
+				encodeURIComponent( match ).replace( /--/g, '%2D%2D' ) +
+				'-->';
+		});
+	}
+	function unprotectRealComments( html ) {
+		return html.replace( /<!--\{cke_protected\}\{C\}([\s\S]+?)-->/g, function( match, data ) {
+			return decodeURIComponent( data );
+		});
+	}
+	function unprotectSource( html, editor ) {
+		var store = editor._.dataStore;
+		return html.replace( /<!--\{cke_protected\}([\s\S]+?)-->/g, function( match, data ) {
+			return decodeURIComponent( data );
+		}).replace( /\{cke_protected_(\d+)\}/g, function( match, id ) {
+			return store && store[ id ] || '';
+		});
+	}
+	function protectSource( data, editor ) {
+		var protectedHtml = [],
+			protectRegexes = editor.config.protectedSource,
+			store = editor._.dataStore || ( editor._.dataStore = { id:1 } ),
+			tempRegex = /<\!--\{cke_temp(comment)?\}(\d*?)-->/g;
+		var regexes = [
+			// Script tags will also be forced to be protected, otherwise
+			// IE will execute them.
+			( /<script[\s\S]*?<\/script>/gi ),
+			// <noscript> tags (get lost in IE and messed up in FF).
+			/<noscript[\s\S]*?<\/noscript>/gi
+		].concat( protectRegexes );
+		// First of any other protection, we must protect all comments
+		// to avoid loosing them (of course, IE related).
+		// Note that we use a different tag for comments, as we need to
+		// transform them when applying filters.
+		data = data.replace( ( /<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g ), function( match ) {
+			return '<!--{cke_tempcomment}' + ( protectedHtml.push( match ) - 1 ) + '-->';
+		});
+		for ( var i = 0; i < regexes.length; i++ ) {
+			data = data.replace( regexes[ i ], function( match ) {
+				match = match.replace( tempRegex, // There could be protected source inside another one. (#3869).
+				function( $, isComment, id ) {
+					return protectedHtml[ id ];
+				});
+				// Avoid protecting over protected, e.g. /\{.*?\}/
+				return ( /cke_temp(comment)?/ ).test( match ) ? match : '<!--{cke_temp}' + ( protectedHtml.push( match ) - 1 ) + '-->';
+			});
+		}
+		data = data.replace( tempRegex, function( $, isComment, id ) {
+			return '<!--' + protectedSourceMarker +
+				( isComment ? '{C}' : '' ) +
+				encodeURIComponent( protectedHtml[ id ] ).replace( /--/g, '%2D%2D' ) +
+				'-->';
+		});
+		// Different protection pattern is used for those that
+		// live in attributes to avoid from being HTML encoded.
+		return data.replace( /(['"]).*?\1/g, function( match ) {
+			return match.replace( /<!--\{cke_protected\}([\s\S]+?)-->/g, function( match, data ) {
+				store[ store.id ] = decodeURIComponent( data );
+				return '{cke_protected_' + ( store.id++ ) + '}';
+			});
+		});
+	}
+ * Whether a filler text (non-breaking space entity - ` `) will be
+ * inserted into empty block elements in HTML output,
+ * this is used to render block elements properly with `line-height`
+ * When a function is instead specified, it'll be passed a {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element}
+ * to decide whether adding the filler text by expecting a boolean return value.
+ *
+ *		config.fillEmptyBlocks = false; // Prevent filler nodes in all empty blocks.
+ *
+ *		// Prevent filler node only in float cleaners.
+ *		config.fillEmptyBlocks = function( element ) {
+ *			if ( element.attributes[ 'class' ].indexOf( 'clear-both' ) != -1 )
+ *				return false;
+ *		};
+ *
+ * @since 3.5
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [fillEmptyBlocks=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser.js
index acd5ef5..76bd2d0 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser.js
@@ -1,218 +1,207 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * HTML text parser.
- * @constructor
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.htmlParser = function()
-	this._ =
-	{
-		htmlPartsRegex : new RegExp( '<(?:(?:\\/([^>]+)>)|(?:!--([\\S|\\s]*?)-->)|(?:([^\\s>]+)\\s*((?:(?:[^"\'>]+)|(?:"[^"]*")|(?:\'[^\']*\'))*)\\/?>))', 'g' )
-	};
-	var attribsRegex	= /([\w\-:.]+)(?:(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"([^"]*)")|(?:'([^']*)')|([^\s>]+)))|(?=\s|$))/g,
-		emptyAttribs	= {checked:1,compact:1,declare:1,defer:1,disabled:1,ismap:1,multiple:1,nohref:1,noresize:1,noshade:1,nowrap:1,readonly:1,selected:1};
-	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.prototype =
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Function to be fired when a tag opener is found. This function
-		 * should be overriden when using this class.
-		 * @param {String} tagName The tag name. The name is guarantted to be
-		 *		lowercased.
-		 * @param {Object} attributes An object containing all tag attributes. Each
-		 *		property in this object represent and attribute name and its
-		 *		value is the attribute value.
-		 * @param {Boolean} selfClosing true if the tag closes itself, false if the
-		 * 		tag doesn't.
-		 * @example
-		 * var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
-		 * parser.onTagOpen = function( tagName, attributes, selfClosing )
-		 *     {
-		 *         alert( tagName );  // e.g. "b"
-		 *     });
-		 * parser.parse( "<!-- Example --><b>Hello</b>" );
-		 */
-		onTagOpen	: function() {},
-		/**
-		 * Function to be fired when a tag closer is found. This function
-		 * should be overriden when using this class.
-		 * @param {String} tagName The tag name. The name is guarantted to be
-		 *		lowercased.
-		 * @example
-		 * var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
-		 * parser.onTagClose = function( tagName )
-		 *     {
-		 *         alert( tagName );  // e.g. "b"
-		 *     });
-		 * parser.parse( "<!-- Example --><b>Hello</b>" );
-		 */
-		onTagClose	: function() {},
-		/**
-		 * Function to be fired when text is found. This function
-		 * should be overriden when using this class.
-		 * @param {String} text The text found.
-		 * @example
-		 * var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
-		 * parser.onText = function( text )
-		 *     {
-		 *         alert( text );  // e.g. "Hello"
-		 *     });
-		 * parser.parse( "<!-- Example --><b>Hello</b>" );
-		 */
-		onText		: function() {},
-		/**
-		 * Function to be fired when CDATA section is found. This function
-		 * should be overriden when using this class.
-		 * @param {String} cdata The CDATA been found.
-		 * @example
-		 * var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
-		 * parser.onCDATA = function( cdata )
-		 *     {
-		 *         alert( cdata );  // e.g. "var hello;"
-		 *     });
-		 * parser.parse( "<script>var hello;</script>" );
-		 */
-		onCDATA		: function() {},
-		/**
-		 * Function to be fired when a commend is found. This function
-		 * should be overriden when using this class.
-		 * @param {String} comment The comment text.
-		 * @example
-		 * var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
-		 * parser.onText = function( comment )
-		 *     {
-		 *         alert( comment );  // e.g. " Example "
-		 *     });
-		 * parser.parse( "<!-- Example --><b>Hello</b>" );
-		 */
-		onComment	: function() {},
-		/**
-		 * Parses text, looking for HTML tokens, like tag openers or closers,
-		 * or comments. This function fires the onTagOpen, onTagClose, onText
-		 * and onComment function during its execution.
-		 * @param {String} html The HTML to be parsed.
-		 * @example
-		 * var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
-		 * // The onTagOpen, onTagClose, onText and onComment should be overriden
-		 * // at this point.
-		 * parser.parse( "<!-- Example --><b>Hello</b>" );
-		 */
-		parse : function( html )
-		{
-			var parts,
-				tagName,
-				nextIndex = 0,
-				cdata;	// The collected data inside a CDATA section.
-			while ( ( parts = this._.htmlPartsRegex.exec( html ) ) )
-			{
-				var tagIndex = parts.index;
-				if ( tagIndex > nextIndex )
-				{
-					var text = html.substring( nextIndex, tagIndex );
-					if ( cdata )
-						cdata.push( text );
-					else
-						this.onText( text );
-				}
-				nextIndex = this._.htmlPartsRegex.lastIndex;
-				/*
-				 "parts" is an array with the following items:
-					0 : The entire match for opening/closing tags and comments.
-					1 : Group filled with the tag name for closing tags.
-					2 : Group filled with the comment text.
-					3 : Group filled with the tag name for opening tags.
-					4 : Group filled with the attributes part of opening tags.
-				 */
-				// Closing tag
-				if ( ( tagName = parts[ 1 ] ) )
-				{
-					tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
-					if ( cdata && CKEDITOR.dtd.$cdata[ tagName ] )
-					{
-						// Send the CDATA data.
-						this.onCDATA( cdata.join('') );
-						cdata = null;
-					}
-					if ( !cdata )
-					{
-						this.onTagClose( tagName );
-						continue;
-					}
-				}
-				// If CDATA is enabled, just save the raw match.
-				if ( cdata )
-				{
-					cdata.push( parts[ 0 ] );
-					continue;
-				}
-				// Opening tag
-				if ( ( tagName = parts[ 3 ] ) )
-				{
-					tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
-					// There are some tag names that can break things, so let's
-					// simply ignore them when parsing. (#5224)
-					if ( /="/.test( tagName ) )
-						continue;
-					var attribs = {},
-						attribMatch,
-						attribsPart = parts[ 4 ],
-						selfClosing = !!( attribsPart && attribsPart.charAt( attribsPart.length - 1 ) == '/' );
-					if ( attribsPart )
-					{
-						while ( ( attribMatch = attribsRegex.exec( attribsPart ) ) )
-						{
-							var attName = attribMatch[1].toLowerCase(),
-								attValue = attribMatch[2] || attribMatch[3] || attribMatch[4] || '';
-							if ( !attValue && emptyAttribs[ attName ] )
-								attribs[ attName ] = attName;
-							else
-								attribs[ attName ] = attValue;
-						}
-					}
-					this.onTagOpen( tagName, attribs, selfClosing );
-					// Open CDATA mode when finding the appropriate tags.
-					if ( !cdata && CKEDITOR.dtd.$cdata[ tagName ] )
-						cdata = [];
-					continue;
-				}
-				// Comment
-				if ( ( tagName = parts[ 2 ] ) )
-					this.onComment( tagName );
-			}
-			if ( html.length > nextIndex )
-				this.onText( html.substring( nextIndex, html.length ) );
-		}
-	};
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * Provides an "event like" system to parse strings of HTML data.
+ *
+ *		var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
+ *		parser.onTagOpen = function( tagName, attributes, selfClosing ) {
+ *			alert( tagName );
+ *		};
+ *		parser.parse( '<p>Some <b>text</b>.</p>' ); // Alerts 'p', 'b'.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @constructor Creates a htmlParser class instance.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.htmlParser = function() {
+	this._ = {
+		htmlPartsRegex: new RegExp( '<(?:(?:\\/([^>]+)>)|(?:!--([\\S|\\s]*?)-->)|(?:([^\\s>]+)\\s*((?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:\'[^\']*\')|[^"\'>])*)\\/?>))', 'g' )
+	};
+(function() {
+	var attribsRegex = /([\w\-:.]+)(?:(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"([^"]*)")|(?:'([^']*)')|([^\s>]+)))|(?=\s|$))/g,
+		emptyAttribs = { checked:1,compact:1,declare:1,defer:1,disabled:1,ismap:1,multiple:1,nohref:1,noresize:1,noshade:1,nowrap:1,readonly:1,selected:1 };
+	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Function to be fired when a tag opener is found. This function
+		 * should be overriden when using this class.
+		 *
+		 *		var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
+		 *		parser.onTagOpen = function( tagName, attributes, selfClosing ) {
+		 *			alert( tagName ); // e.g. 'b'
+		 *		} );
+		 *		parser.parse( '<!-- Example --><b>Hello</b>' );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} tagName The tag name. The name is guarantted to be lowercased.
+		 * @param {Object} attributes An object containing all tag attributes. Each
+		 * property in this object represent and attribute name and its value is the attribute value.
+		 * @param {Boolean} selfClosing `true` if the tag closes itself, false if the tag doesn't.
+		 */
+		onTagOpen: function() {},
+		/**
+		 * Function to be fired when a tag closer is found. This function
+		 * should be overriden when using this class.
+		 *
+		 *		var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
+		 *		parser.onTagClose = function( tagName ) {
+		 *			alert( tagName ); // 'b'
+		 *		} );
+		 *		parser.parse( '<!-- Example --><b>Hello</b>' );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} tagName The tag name. The name is guarantted to be lowercased.
+		 */
+		onTagClose: function() {},
+		/**
+		 * Function to be fired when text is found. This function
+		 * should be overriden when using this class.
+		 *
+		 *		var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
+		 *		parser.onText = function( text ) {
+		 *			alert( text ); // 'Hello'
+		 *		} );
+		 *		parser.parse( '<!-- Example --><b>Hello</b>' );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} text The text found.
+		 */
+		onText: function() {},
+		/**
+		 * Function to be fired when CDATA section is found. This function
+		 * should be overriden when using this class.
+		 *
+		 *		var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
+		 *		parser.onCDATA = function( cdata ) {
+		 *			alert( cdata ); // 'var hello;'
+		 *		} );
+		 *		parser.parse( '<script>var hello;</script>' );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} cdata The CDATA been found.
+		 */
+		onCDATA: function() {},
+		/**
+		 * Function to be fired when a commend is found. This function
+		 * should be overriden when using this class.
+		 *
+		 *		var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
+		 *		parser.onComment = function( comment ) {
+		 *			alert( comment ); // ' Example '
+		 *		} );
+		 *		parser.parse( '<!-- Example --><b>Hello</b>' );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} comment The comment text.
+		 */
+		onComment: function() {},
+		/**
+		 * Parses text, looking for HTML tokens, like tag openers or closers,
+		 * or comments. This function fires the onTagOpen, onTagClose, onText
+		 * and onComment function during its execution.
+		 *
+		 *		var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
+		 *		// The onTagOpen, onTagClose, onText and onComment should be overriden
+		 *		// at this point.
+		 *		parser.parse( '<!-- Example --><b>Hello</b>' );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} html The HTML to be parsed.
+		 */
+		parse: function( html ) {
+			var parts, tagName,
+				nextIndex = 0,
+				cdata; // The collected data inside a CDATA section.
+			while ( ( parts = this._.htmlPartsRegex.exec( html ) ) ) {
+				var tagIndex = parts.index;
+				if ( tagIndex > nextIndex ) {
+					var text = html.substring( nextIndex, tagIndex );
+					if ( cdata )
+						cdata.push( text );
+					else
+						this.onText( text );
+				}
+				nextIndex = this._.htmlPartsRegex.lastIndex;
+				/*
+				 "parts" is an array with the following items:
+					0 : The entire match for opening/closing tags and comments.
+					1 : Group filled with the tag name for closing tags.
+					2 : Group filled with the comment text.
+					3 : Group filled with the tag name for opening tags.
+					4 : Group filled with the attributes part of opening tags.
+				 */
+				// Closing tag
+				if ( ( tagName = parts[ 1 ] ) ) {
+					tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
+					if ( cdata && CKEDITOR.dtd.$cdata[ tagName ] ) {
+						// Send the CDATA data.
+						this.onCDATA( cdata.join( '' ) );
+						cdata = null;
+					}
+					if ( !cdata ) {
+						this.onTagClose( tagName );
+						continue;
+					}
+				}
+				// If CDATA is enabled, just save the raw match.
+				if ( cdata ) {
+					cdata.push( parts[ 0 ] );
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Opening tag
+				if ( ( tagName = parts[ 3 ] ) ) {
+					tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
+					// There are some tag names that can break things, so let's
+					// simply ignore them when parsing. (#5224)
+					if ( /="/.test( tagName ) )
+						continue;
+					var attribs = {},
+						attribMatch,
+						attribsPart = parts[ 4 ],
+						selfClosing = !!( attribsPart && attribsPart.charAt( attribsPart.length - 1 ) == '/' );
+					if ( attribsPart ) {
+						while ( ( attribMatch = attribsRegex.exec( attribsPart ) ) ) {
+							var attName = attribMatch[ 1 ].toLowerCase(),
+								attValue = attribMatch[ 2 ] || attribMatch[ 3 ] || attribMatch[ 4 ] || '';
+							if ( !attValue && emptyAttribs[ attName ] )
+								attribs[ attName ] = attName;
+							else
+								attribs[ attName ] = attValue;
+						}
+					}
+					this.onTagOpen( tagName, attribs, selfClosing );
+					// Open CDATA mode when finding the appropriate tags.
+					if ( !cdata && CKEDITOR.dtd.$cdata[ tagName ] )
+						cdata = [];
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Comment
+				if ( ( tagName = parts[ 2 ] ) )
+					this.onComment( tagName );
+			}
+			if ( html.length > nextIndex )
+				this.onText( html.substring( nextIndex, html.length ) );
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/basicwriter.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/basicwriter.js
index 3a0231c..54f19cd 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/basicwriter.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/basicwriter.js
@@ -1,145 +1,152 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
-	$ : function()
-	{
-		this._ =
-		{
-			output : []
-		};
-	},
-	proto :
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Writes the tag opening part for a opener tag.
-		 * @param {String} tagName The element name for this tag.
-		 * @param {Object} attributes The attributes defined for this tag. The
-		 *		attributes could be used to inspect the tag.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes "<p".
-		 * writer.openTag( 'p', { class : 'MyClass', id : 'MyId' } );
-		 */
-		openTag : function( tagName, attributes )
-		{
-			this._.output.push( '<', tagName );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Writes the tag closing part for a opener tag.
-		 * @param {String} tagName The element name for this tag.
-		 * @param {Boolean} isSelfClose Indicates that this is a self-closing tag,
-		 *		like "br" or "img".
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes ">".
-		 * writer.openTagClose( 'p', false );
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes " />".
-		 * writer.openTagClose( 'br', true );
-		 */
-		openTagClose : function( tagName, isSelfClose )
-		{
-			if ( isSelfClose )
-				this._.output.push( ' />' );
-			else
-				this._.output.push( '>' );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Writes an attribute. This function should be called after opening the
-		 * tag with {@link #openTagClose}.
-		 * @param {String} attName The attribute name.
-		 * @param {String} attValue The attribute value.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes ' class="MyClass"'.
-		 * writer.attribute( 'class', 'MyClass' );
-		 */
-		attribute : function( attName, attValue )
-		{
-			// Browsers don't always escape special character in attribute values. (#4683, #4719).
-			if ( typeof attValue == 'string' )
-				attValue = CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncodeAttr( attValue );
-			this._.output.push( ' ', attName, '="', attValue, '"' );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Writes a closer tag.
-		 * @param {String} tagName The element name for this tag.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes "</p>".
-		 * writer.closeTag( 'p' );
-		 */
-		closeTag : function( tagName )
-		{
-			this._.output.push( '</', tagName, '>' );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Writes text.
-		 * @param {String} text The text value
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes "Hello Word".
-		 * writer.text( 'Hello Word' );
-		 */
-		text : function( text )
-		{
-			this._.output.push( text );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Writes a comment.
-		 * @param {String} comment The comment text.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes "<!-- My comment -->".
-		 * writer.comment( ' My comment ' );
-		 */
-		comment : function( comment )
-		{
-			this._.output.push( '<!--', comment, '-->' );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Writes any kind of data to the ouput.
-		 * @example
-		 * writer.write( 'This is an <b>example</b>.' );
-		 */
-		write : function( data )
-		{
-			this._.output.push( data );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Empties the current output buffer.
-		 * @example
-		 * writer.reset();
-		 */
-		reset : function()
-		{
-			this._.output = [];
-			this._.indent = false;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Empties the current output buffer.
-		 * @param {Boolean} reset Indicates that the {@link reset} function is to
-		 *		be automatically called after retrieving the HTML.
-		 * @returns {String} The HTML written to the writer so far.
-		 * @example
-		 * var html = writer.getHtml();
-		 */
-		getHtml : function( reset )
-		{
-			var html = this._.output.join( '' );
-			if ( reset )
-				this.reset();
-			return html;
-		}
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * TODO
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @todo
+ */
+CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+	/**
+	 * Creates a basicWriter class instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 */
+	$: function() {
+		this._ = {
+			output: []
+		};
+	},
+	proto: {
+		/**
+		 * Writes the tag opening part for a opener tag.
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes '<p'.
+		 *		writer.openTag( 'p', { class : 'MyClass', id : 'MyId' } );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} tagName The element name for this tag.
+		 * @param {Object} attributes The attributes defined for this tag. The
+		 * attributes could be used to inspect the tag.
+		 */
+		openTag: function( tagName, attributes ) {
+			this._.output.push( '<', tagName );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Writes the tag closing part for a opener tag.
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes '>'.
+		 *		writer.openTagClose( 'p', false );
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes ' />'.
+		 *		writer.openTagClose( 'br', true );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} tagName The element name for this tag.
+		 * @param {Boolean} isSelfClose Indicates that this is a self-closing tag,
+		 * like `<br>` or `<img>`.
+		 */
+		openTagClose: function( tagName, isSelfClose ) {
+			if ( isSelfClose )
+				this._.output.push( ' />' );
+			else
+				this._.output.push( '>' );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Writes an attribute. This function should be called after opening the
+		 * tag with {@link #openTagClose}.
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes ' class="MyClass"'.
+		 *		writer.attribute( 'class', 'MyClass' );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} attName The attribute name.
+		 * @param {String} attValue The attribute value.
+		 */
+		attribute: function( attName, attValue ) {
+			// Browsers don't always escape special character in attribute values. (#4683, #4719).
+			if ( typeof attValue == 'string' )
+				attValue = CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncodeAttr( attValue );
+			this._.output.push( ' ', attName, '="', attValue, '"' );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Writes a closer tag.
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes '</p>'.
+		 *		writer.closeTag( 'p' );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} tagName The element name for this tag.
+		 */
+		closeTag: function( tagName ) {
+			this._.output.push( '</', tagName, '>' );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Writes text.
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes 'Hello Word'.
+		 *		writer.text( 'Hello Word' );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} text The text value.
+		 */
+		text: function( text ) {
+			this._.output.push( text );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Writes a comment.
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes '<!-- My comment -->'.
+		 *		writer.comment( ' My comment ' );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} comment The comment text.
+		 */
+		comment: function( comment ) {
+			this._.output.push( '<!--', comment, '-->' );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Writes any kind of data to the ouput.
+		 *
+		 *		writer.write( 'This is an <b>example</b>.' );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} data
+		 */
+		write: function( data ) {
+			this._.output.push( data );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Empties the current output buffer.
+		 *
+		 *		writer.reset();
+		 */
+		reset: function() {
+			this._.output = [];
+			this._.indent = false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Empties the current output buffer.
+		 *
+		 *		var html = writer.getHtml();
+		 *
+		 * @param {Boolean} reset Indicates that the {@link #reset} method is to
+		 * be automatically called after retrieving the HTML.
+		 * @returns {String} The HTML written to the writer so far.
+		 */
+		getHtml: function( reset ) {
+			var html = this._.output.join( '' );
+			if ( reset )
+				this.reset();
+			return html;
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/cdata.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/cdata.js
index ff2f227..9992155 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/cdata.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/cdata.js
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	/**
-	 * A lightweight representation of HTML text.
-	 * @constructor
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.cdata = function( value )
-	{
-		/**
-		 * The CDATA value.
-		 * @type String
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		this.value = value;
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.cdata.prototype =
-	{
-		/**
-		 * CDATA has the same type as {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text} This is
-		 * a constant value set to {@link CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT}.
-		 * @type Number
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		/**
-		 * Writes write the CDATA with no special manipulations.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlWriter} writer The writer to which write the HTML.
-		 */
-		writeHtml : function( writer )
-		{
-			writer.write( this.value );
-		}
-	};
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	/**
+	 * A lightweight representation of HTML text.
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @constructor Creates a cdata class instance.
+	 * @param {String} value The CDATA section value.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.cdata = function( value ) {
+		/**
+		 * The CDATA value.
+		 *
+		 * @property {String}
+		 */
+		this.value = value;
+	};
+	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.cdata.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * CDATA has the same type as {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text} This is
+		 * a constant value set to {@link CKEDITOR#NODE_TEXT}.
+		 *
+		 * @readonly
+		 * @property {Number} [=CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT]
+		 */
+		/**
+		 * Writes the CDATA with no special manipulations.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter} writer The writer to which write the HTML.
+		 */
+		writeHtml: function( writer ) {
+			writer.write( this.value );
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/comment.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/comment.js
index 67830d9..29d3cf6 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/comment.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/comment.js
@@ -1,60 +1,57 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * A lightweight representation of an HTML comment.
- * @constructor
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment = function( value )
-	/**
-	 * The comment text.
-	 * @type String
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	this.value = value;
-	/** @private */
-	this._ =
-	{
-		isBlockLike : false
-	};
-CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment.prototype =
-	/**
-	 * The node type. This is a constant value set to {@link CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT}.
-	 * @type Number
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	/**
-	 * Writes the HTML representation of this comment to a CKEDITOR.htmlWriter.
-	 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlWriter} writer The writer to which write the HTML.
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	writeHtml : function( writer, filter )
-	{
-		var comment = this.value;
-		if ( filter )
-		{
-			if ( !( comment = filter.onComment( comment, this ) ) )
-				return;
-			if ( typeof comment != 'string' )
-			{
-				comment.parent = this.parent;
-				comment.writeHtml( writer, filter );
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-		writer.comment( comment );
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * A lightweight representation of an HTML comment.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @constructor Creates a comment class instance.
+ * @param {String} value The comment text value.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment = function( value ) {
+	/**
+	 * The comment text.
+	 *
+	 * @property {String}
+	 */
+	this.value = value;
+	/** @private */
+	this._ = {
+		isBlockLike: false
+	};
+CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment.prototype = {
+	/**
+	 * The node type. This is a constant value set to {@link CKEDITOR#NODE_COMMENT}.
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 * @property {Number} [=CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT]
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Writes the HTML representation of this comment to a CKEDITOR.htmlWriter.
+	 *
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter} writer The writer to which write the HTML.
+	 */
+	writeHtml: function( writer, filter ) {
+		var comment = this.value;
+		if ( filter ) {
+			if ( !( comment = filter.onComment( comment, this ) ) )
+				return;
+			if ( typeof comment != 'string' ) {
+				comment.parent = this.parent;
+				comment.writeHtml( writer, filter );
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		writer.comment( comment );
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/element.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/element.js
index 69bacda..971504d 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/element.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/element.js
@@ -1,240 +1,284 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * A lightweight representation of an HTML element.
- * @param {String} name The element name.
- * @param {Object} attributes And object holding all attributes defined for
- *		this element.
- * @constructor
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element = function( name, attributes )
-	/**
-	 * The element name.
-	 * @type String
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	this.name = name;
-	/**
-	 * Holds the attributes defined for this element.
-	 * @type Object
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	this.attributes = attributes || ( attributes = {} );
-	/**
-	 * The nodes that are direct children of this element.
-	 * @type Array
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	this.children = [];
-	var tagName = attributes._cke_real_element_type || name;
-	var dtd			= CKEDITOR.dtd,
-		isBlockLike	= !!( dtd.$nonBodyContent[ tagName ] || dtd.$block[ tagName ] || dtd.$listItem[ tagName ] || dtd.$tableContent[ tagName ] || dtd.$nonEditable[ tagName ] || tagName == 'br' ),
-		isEmpty		= !!dtd.$empty[ name ];
-	this.isEmpty	= isEmpty;
-	this.isUnknown	= !dtd[ name ];
-	/** @private */
-	this._ =
-	{
-		isBlockLike : isBlockLike,
-		hasInlineStarted : isEmpty || !isBlockLike
-	};
-	// Used to sort attribute entries in an array, where the first element of
-	// each object is the attribute name.
-	var sortAttribs = function( a, b )
-	{
-		a = a[0];
-		b = b[0];
-		return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element.prototype =
-	{
-		/**
-		 * The node type. This is a constant value set to {@link CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT}.
-		 * @type Number
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		/**
-		 * Adds a node to the element children list.
-		 * @param {Object} node The node to be added. It can be any of of the
-		 *		following types: {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element},
-		 *		{@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text} and
-		 *		{@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment}.
-		 * @function
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		add : CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype.add,
-		/**
-		 * Clone this element.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element} The element clone.
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		clone : function()
-		{
-			return new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( this.name, this.attributes );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Writes the element HTML to a CKEDITOR.htmlWriter.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlWriter} writer The writer to which write the HTML.
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		writeHtml : function( writer, filter )
-		{
-			var attributes = this.attributes;
-			// Ignore cke: prefixes when writing HTML.
-			var element = this,
-				writeName = element.name,
-				a, newAttrName, value;
-			var isChildrenFiltered;
-			/**
-			 * Providing an option for bottom-up filtering order ( element
-			 * children to be pre-filtered before the element itself ).
-			 */
-			element.filterChildren = function()
-			{
-				if ( !isChildrenFiltered )
-				{
-					var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();
-					CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype.writeChildrenHtml.call( element, writer, filter );
-					element.children = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( writer.getHtml() ).children;
-					isChildrenFiltered = 1;
-				}
-			};
-			if ( filter )
-			{
-				while ( true )
-				{
-					if ( !( writeName = filter.onElementName( writeName ) ) )
-						return;
-					element.name = writeName;
-					if ( !( element = filter.onElement( element ) ) )
-						return;
-					element.parent = this.parent;
-					if ( element.name == writeName )
-						break;
-					// If the element has been replaced with something of a
-					// different type, then make the replacement write itself.
-					if ( element.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-					{
-						element.writeHtml( writer, filter );
-						return;
-					}
-					writeName = element.name;
-					// This indicate that the element has been dropped by
-					// filter but not the children.
-					if ( !writeName )
-					{
-						this.writeChildrenHtml.call( element, writer, isChildrenFiltered ? null : filter );
-						return;
-					}
-				}
-				// The element may have been changed, so update the local
-				// references.
-				attributes = element.attributes;
-			}
-			// Open element tag.
-			writer.openTag( writeName, attributes );
-			// Copy all attributes to an array.
-			var attribsArray = [];
-			// Iterate over the attributes twice since filters may alter
-			// other attributes.
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < 2; i++ )
-			{
-				for ( a in attributes )
-				{
-					newAttrName = a;
-					value = attributes[ a ];
-					if ( i == 1 )
-						attribsArray.push( [ a, value ] );
-					else if ( filter )
-					{
-						while ( true )
-						{
-							if ( !( newAttrName = filter.onAttributeName( a ) ) )
-							{
-								delete attributes[ a ];
-								break;
-							}
-							else if ( newAttrName != a )
-							{
-								delete attributes[ a ];
-								a = newAttrName;
-								continue;
-							}
-							else
-								break;
-						}
-						if ( newAttrName )
-						{
-							if ( ( value = filter.onAttribute( element, newAttrName, value ) ) === false )
-								delete attributes[ newAttrName ];
-							else
-								attributes [ newAttrName ] = value;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			// Sort the attributes by name.
-			if ( writer.sortAttributes )
-				attribsArray.sort( sortAttribs );
-			// Send the attributes.
-			var len = attribsArray.length;
-			for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ )
-			{
-				var attrib = attribsArray[ i ];
-				writer.attribute( attrib[0], attrib[1] );
-			}
-			// Close the tag.
-			writer.openTagClose( writeName, element.isEmpty );
-			if ( !element.isEmpty )
-			{
-				this.writeChildrenHtml.call( element, writer, isChildrenFiltered ? null : filter );
-				// Close the element.
-				writer.closeTag( writeName );
-			}
-		},
-		writeChildrenHtml : function( writer, filter )
-		{
-			// Send children.
-			CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype.writeChildrenHtml.apply( this, arguments );
-		}
-	};
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * A lightweight representation of an HTML element.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @constructor Creates an element class instance.
+ * @param {String} name The element name.
+ * @param {Object} attributes And object holding all attributes defined for
+ * this element.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element = function( name, attributes ) {
+	/**
+	 * The element name.
+	 *
+	 * @property {String}
+	 */
+	this.name = name;
+	/**
+	 * Holds the attributes defined for this element.
+	 *
+	 * @property {Object}
+	 */
+	this.attributes = attributes || {};
+	/**
+	 * The nodes that are direct children of this element.
+	 */
+	this.children = [];
+	// Reveal the real semantic of our internal custom tag name (#6639),
+	// when resolving whether it's block like.
+	var realName = name || '',
+		prefixed = realName.match( /^cke:(.*)/ );
+	prefixed && ( realName = prefixed[ 1 ] );
+	var isBlockLike = !!( CKEDITOR.dtd.$nonBodyContent[ realName ] || CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ realName ] || CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem[ realName ] || CKEDITOR.dtd.$tableContent[ realName ] || CKEDITOR.dtd.$nonEditable[ realName ] || realName == 'br' );
+	this.isEmpty = !!CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[ name ];
+	this.isUnknown = !CKEDITOR.dtd[ name ];
+	/** @private */
+	this._ = {
+		isBlockLike: isBlockLike,
+		hasInlineStarted: this.isEmpty || !isBlockLike
+	};
+ * Object presentation of CSS style declaration text.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @constructor Creates a cssStyle class instance.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element/String} elementOrStyleText
+ * A html parser element or the inline style text.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.htmlParser.cssStyle = function() {
+	var styleText,
+		arg = arguments[ 0 ],
+		rules = {};
+	styleText = arg instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element ? arg.attributes.style : arg;
+	// html-encoded quote might be introduced by 'font-family'
+	// from MS-Word which confused the following regexp. e.g.
+	//'font-family: "Lucida, Console"'
+	// TODO reuse CSS methods from tools.
+	( styleText || '' ).replace( /"/g, '"' ).replace( /\s*([^ :;]+)\s*:\s*([^;]+)\s*(?=;|$)/g, function( match, name, value ) {
+		name == 'font-family' && ( value = value.replace( /["']/g, '' ) );
+		rules[ name.toLowerCase() ] = value;
+	});
+	return {
+		rules: rules,
+		/**
+		 * Apply the styles onto the specified element or object.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element/CKEDITOR.dom.element/Object} obj
+		 */
+		populate: function( obj ) {
+			var style = this.toString();
+			if ( style ) {
+				obj instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element ? obj.setAttribute( 'style', style ) : obj instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element ? obj.attributes.style = style : obj.style = style;
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Serialize CSS style declaration to string.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {String}
+		 */
+		toString: function() {
+			var output = [];
+			for ( var i in rules )
+				rules[ i ] && output.push( i, ':', rules[ i ], ';' );
+			return output.join( '' );
+		}
+	};
+(function() {
+	// Used to sort attribute entries in an array, where the first element of
+	// each object is the attribute name.
+	var sortAttribs = function( a, b ) {
+			a = a[ 0 ];
+			b = b[ 0 ];
+			return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
+		};
+	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * The node type. This is a constant value set to {@link CKEDITOR#NODE_ELEMENT}.
+		 *
+		 * @readonly
+		 * @property {Number} [=CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT]
+		 */
+		/**
+		 * Adds a node to the element children list.
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element/CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text/CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment} node
+		 * The node to be added.
+		 */
+		add: CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype.add,
+		/**
+		 * Clone this element.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element} The element clone.
+		 */
+		clone: function() {
+			return new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( this.name, this.attributes );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Writes the element HTML to a CKEDITOR.htmlWriter.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter} writer The writer to which write the HTML.
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter} filter
+		 */
+		writeHtml: function( writer, filter ) {
+			var attributes = this.attributes;
+			// Ignore cke: prefixes when writing HTML.
+			var element = this,
+				writeName = element.name,
+				a, newAttrName, value;
+			var isChildrenFiltered;
+			/**
+			 * Providing an option for bottom-up filtering order (element
+			 * children to be pre-filtered before the element itself).
+			 */
+			element.filterChildren = function() {
+				if ( !isChildrenFiltered ) {
+					var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();
+					CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype.writeChildrenHtml.call( element, writer, filter );
+					element.children = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( writer.getHtml(), element.clone(), 0 ).children;
+					isChildrenFiltered = 1;
+				}
+			};
+			if ( filter ) {
+				// Filtering if it's the root node.
+				if ( !this.parent )
+					filter.onRoot( this );
+				while ( true ) {
+					if ( !( writeName = filter.onElementName( writeName ) ) )
+						return;
+					element.name = writeName;
+					if ( !( element = filter.onElement( element ) ) )
+						return;
+					element.parent = this.parent;
+					if ( element.name == writeName )
+						break;
+					// If the element has been replaced with something of a
+					// different type, then make the replacement write itself.
+					if ( element.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+						element.writeHtml( writer, filter );
+						return;
+					}
+					writeName = element.name;
+					// This indicate that the element has been dropped by
+					// filter but not the children.
+					if ( !writeName ) {
+						// Fix broken parent refs.
+						for ( var c = 0, length = this.children.length; c < length; c++ )
+							this.children[ c ].parent = element.parent;
+						this.writeChildrenHtml.call( element, writer, isChildrenFiltered ? null : filter );
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				// The element may have been changed, so update the local
+				// references.
+				attributes = element.attributes;
+			}
+			// Open element tag.
+			writer.openTag( writeName, attributes );
+			// Copy all attributes to an array.
+			var attribsArray = [];
+			// Iterate over the attributes twice since filters may alter
+			// other attributes.
+			for ( var i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
+				for ( a in attributes ) {
+					newAttrName = a;
+					value = attributes[ a ];
+					if ( i == 1 )
+						attribsArray.push( [ a, value ] );
+					else if ( filter ) {
+						while ( true ) {
+							if ( !( newAttrName = filter.onAttributeName( a ) ) ) {
+								delete attributes[ a ];
+								break;
+							} else if ( newAttrName != a ) {
+								delete attributes[ a ];
+								a = newAttrName;
+								continue;
+							} else
+								break;
+						}
+						if ( newAttrName ) {
+							if ( ( value = filter.onAttribute( element, newAttrName, value ) ) === false )
+								delete attributes[ newAttrName ];
+							else
+								attributes[ newAttrName ] = value;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Sort the attributes by name.
+			if ( writer.sortAttributes )
+				attribsArray.sort( sortAttribs );
+			// Send the attributes.
+			var len = attribsArray.length;
+			for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
+				var attrib = attribsArray[ i ];
+				writer.attribute( attrib[ 0 ], attrib[ 1 ] );
+			}
+			// Close the tag.
+			writer.openTagClose( writeName, element.isEmpty );
+			if ( !element.isEmpty ) {
+				this.writeChildrenHtml.call( element, writer, isChildrenFiltered ? null : filter );
+				// Close the element.
+				writer.closeTag( writeName );
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Send children of this element to the writer.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter} writer The writer to which write the HTML.
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter} filter
+		 */
+		writeChildrenHtml: function( writer, filter ) {
+			// Send children.
+			CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype.writeChildrenHtml.apply( this, arguments );
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/filter.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/filter.js
index 5d16292..e462695 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/filter.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/filter.js
@@ -1,288 +1,251 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
-	{
-		$ : function( rules )
-		{
-			this._ =
-			{
-				elementNames : [],
-				attributeNames : [],
-				elements : { $length : 0 },
-				attributes : { $length : 0 }
-			};
-			if ( rules )
-				this.addRules( rules, 10 );
-		},
-		proto :
-		{
-			addRules : function( rules, priority )
-			{
-				if ( typeof priority != 'number' )
-					priority = 10;
-				// Add the elementNames.
-				addItemsToList( this._.elementNames, rules.elementNames, priority );
-				// Add the attributeNames.
-				addItemsToList( this._.attributeNames, rules.attributeNames, priority );
-				// Add the elements.
-				addNamedItems( this._.elements, rules.elements, priority );
-				// Add the attributes.
-				addNamedItems( this._.attributes, rules.attributes, priority );
-				// Add the text.
-				this._.text = transformNamedItem( this._.text, rules.text, priority ) || this._.text;
-				// Add the comment.
-				this._.comment = transformNamedItem( this._.comment, rules.comment, priority ) || this._.comment;
-				// Add root fragment.
-				this._.root = transformNamedItem( this._.root, rules.root, priority ) || this._.root;
-			},
-			onElementName : function( name )
-			{
-				return filterName( name, this._.elementNames );
-			},
-			onAttributeName : function( name )
-			{
-				return filterName( name, this._.attributeNames );
-			},
-			onText : function( text )
-			{
-				var textFilter = this._.text;
-				return textFilter ? textFilter.filter( text ) : text;
-			},
-			onComment : function( commentText, comment )
-			{
-				var textFilter = this._.comment;
-				return textFilter ? textFilter.filter( commentText, comment ) : commentText;
-			},
-			onFragment : function( element )
-			{
-				var rootFilter = this._.root;
-				return rootFilter ? rootFilter.filter( element ) : element;
-			},
-			onElement : function( element )
-			{
-				// We must apply filters set to the specific element name as
-				// well as those set to the generic $ name. So, add both to an
-				// array and process them in a small loop.
-				var filters = [ this._.elements[ '^' ], this._.elements[ element.name ], this._.elements.$ ],
-					filter, ret;
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
-				{
-					filter = filters[ i ];
-					if ( filter )
-					{
-						ret = filter.filter( element, this );
-						if ( ret === false )
-							return null;
-						if ( ret && ret != element )
-							return this.onNode( ret );
-						// The non-root element has been dismissed by one of the filters.
-						if ( element.parent && !element.name )
-							break;
-					}
-				}
-				return element;
-			},
-			onNode : function( node )
-			{
-				var type = node.type;
-				return type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? this.onElement( node ) :
-					type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( this.onText( node.value ) ) :
-					type == CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT ? new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment( this.onComment( node.value ) ):
-					null;
-			},
-			onAttribute : function( element, name, value )
-			{
-				var filter = this._.attributes[ name ];
-				if ( filter )
-				{
-					var ret = filter.filter( value, element, this );
-					if ( ret === false )
-						return false;
-					if ( typeof ret != 'undefined' )
-						return ret;
-				}
-				return value;
-			}
-		}
-	});
-	function filterName( name, filters )
-	{
-		for ( var i = 0 ; name && i < filters.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			var filter = filters[ i ];
-			name = name.replace( filter[ 0 ], filter[ 1 ] );
-		}
-		return name;
-	}
-	function addItemsToList( list, items, priority )
-	{
-		if ( typeof items == 'function' )
-			items = [ items ];
-		var i, j,
-			listLength = list.length,
-			itemsLength = items && items.length;
-		if ( itemsLength )
-		{
-			// Find the index to insert the items at.
-			for ( i = 0 ; i < listLength && list[ i ].pri < priority ; i++ )
-			{ /*jsl:pass*/ }
-			// Add all new items to the list at the specific index.
-			for ( j = itemsLength - 1 ; j >= 0 ; j-- )
-			{
-				var item = items[ j ];
-				if ( item )
-				{
-					item.pri = priority;
-					list.splice( i, 0, item );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	function addNamedItems( hashTable, items, priority )
-	{
-		if ( items )
-		{
-			for ( var name in items )
-			{
-				var current = hashTable[ name ];
-				hashTable[ name ] =
-					transformNamedItem(
-						current,
-						items[ name ],
-						priority );
-				if ( !current )
-					hashTable.$length++;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	function transformNamedItem( current, item, priority )
-	{
-		if ( item )
-		{
-			item.pri = priority;
-			if ( current )
-			{
-				// If the current item is not an Array, transform it.
-				if ( !current.splice )
-				{
-					if ( current.pri > priority )
-						current = [ item, current ];
-					else
-						current = [ current, item ];
-					current.filter = callItems;
-				}
-				else
-					addItemsToList( current, item, priority );
-				return current;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				item.filter = item;
-				return item;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Invoke filters sequentially on the array, break the iteration
-	// when it doesn't make sense to continue anymore.
-	function callItems( currentEntry )
-	{
-		var isNode = currentEntry.type
-			|| currentEntry instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment;
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			// Backup the node info before filtering.
-			if ( isNode )
-			{
-				var orgType = currentEntry.type,
-						orgName = currentEntry.name;
-			}
-			var item = this[ i ],
-				ret = item.apply( window, arguments );
-			if ( ret === false )
-				return ret;
-			// We're filtering node (element/fragment).
-			if ( isNode )
-			{
-				// No further filtering if it's not anymore
-				// fitable for the subsequent filters.
-				if ( ret && ( ret.name != orgName
-					|| ret.type != orgType ) )
-				{
-					return ret;
-				}
-			}
-			// Filtering value (nodeName/textValue/attrValue).
-			else
-			{
-				// No further filtering if it's not
-				// any more values.
-				if ( typeof ret != 'string' )
-					return ret;
-			}
-			ret != undefined && ( currentEntry = ret );
-		}
-		return currentEntry;
-	}
-// "entities" plugin
-	text : function( text )
-	{
-		// TODO : Process entities.
-		return text.toUpperCase();
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	/**
+	 * TODO
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @todo we need examples...
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+		/**
+		 * @constructor Creates a filter class instance.
+		 * @todo param
+		 */
+		$: function( rules ) {
+			this._ = {
+				elementNames: [],
+				attributeNames: [],
+				elements: { $length: 0 },
+				attributes: { $length: 0 }
+			};
+			if ( rules )
+				this.addRules( rules, 10 );
+		},
+		proto: {
+			addRules: function( rules, priority ) {
+				if ( typeof priority != 'number' )
+					priority = 10;
+				// Add the elementNames.
+				addItemsToList( this._.elementNames, rules.elementNames, priority );
+				// Add the attributeNames.
+				addItemsToList( this._.attributeNames, rules.attributeNames, priority );
+				// Add the elements.
+				addNamedItems( this._.elements, rules.elements, priority );
+				// Add the attributes.
+				addNamedItems( this._.attributes, rules.attributes, priority );
+				// Add the text.
+				this._.text = transformNamedItem( this._.text, rules.text, priority ) || this._.text;
+				// Add the comment.
+				this._.comment = transformNamedItem( this._.comment, rules.comment, priority ) || this._.comment;
+				// Add root node rules.
+				this._.root = transformNamedItem( this._.root, rules.root, priority ) || this._.root;
+			},
+			onElementName: function( name ) {
+				return filterName( name, this._.elementNames );
+			},
+			onAttributeName: function( name ) {
+				return filterName( name, this._.attributeNames );
+			},
+			onText: function( text ) {
+				var textFilter = this._.text;
+				return textFilter ? textFilter.filter( text ) : text;
+			},
+			onComment: function( commentText, comment ) {
+				var textFilter = this._.comment;
+				return textFilter ? textFilter.filter( commentText, comment ) : commentText;
+			},
+			onRoot: function( element ) {
+				var rootFilter = this._.root;
+				return rootFilter ? rootFilter.filter( element ) : element;
+			},
+			onElement: function( element ) {
+				// We must apply filters set to the specific element name as
+				// well as those set to the generic $ name. So, add both to an
+				// array and process them in a small loop.
+				var filters = [ this._.elements[ '^' ], this._.elements[ element.name ], this._.elements.$ ],
+					filter, ret;
+				for ( var i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
+					filter = filters[ i ];
+					if ( filter ) {
+						ret = filter.filter( element, this );
+						if ( ret === false )
+							return null;
+						if ( ret && ret != element )
+							return this.onNode( ret );
+						// The non-root element has been dismissed by one of the filters.
+						if ( element.parent && !element.name )
+							break;
+					}
+				}
+				return element;
+			},
+			onNode: function( node ) {
+				var type = node.type;
+				return type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? this.onElement( node ) : type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( this.onText( node.value ) ) : type == CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT ? new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment( this.onComment( node.value ) ) : null;
+			},
+			onAttribute: function( element, name, value ) {
+				var filter = this._.attributes[ name ];
+				if ( filter ) {
+					var ret = filter.filter( value, element, this );
+					if ( ret === false )
+						return false;
+					if ( typeof ret != 'undefined' )
+						return ret;
+				}
+				return value;
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	function filterName( name, filters ) {
+		for ( var i = 0; name && i < filters.length; i++ ) {
+			var filter = filters[ i ];
+			name = name.replace( filter[ 0 ], filter[ 1 ] );
+		}
+		return name;
+	}
+	function addItemsToList( list, items, priority ) {
+		if ( typeof items == 'function' )
+			items = [ items ];
+		var i, j,
+			listLength = list.length,
+			itemsLength = items && items.length;
+		if ( itemsLength ) {
+			// Find the index to insert the items at.
+			for ( i = 0; i < listLength && list[ i ].pri < priority; i++ ) {
+				/*jsl:pass*/
+			}
+			// Add all new items to the list at the specific index.
+			for ( j = itemsLength - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) {
+				var item = items[ j ];
+				if ( item ) {
+					item.pri = priority;
+					list.splice( i, 0, item );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function addNamedItems( hashTable, items, priority ) {
+		if ( items ) {
+			for ( var name in items ) {
+				var current = hashTable[ name ];
+				hashTable[ name ] = transformNamedItem( current, items[ name ], priority );
+				if ( !current )
+					hashTable.$length++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function transformNamedItem( current, item, priority ) {
+		if ( item ) {
+			item.pri = priority;
+			if ( current ) {
+				// If the current item is not an Array, transform it.
+				if ( !current.splice ) {
+					if ( current.pri > priority )
+						current = [ item, current ];
+					else
+						current = [ current, item ];
+					current.filter = callItems;
+				} else
+					addItemsToList( current, item, priority );
+				return current;
+			} else {
+				item.filter = item;
+				return item;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Invoke filters sequentially on the array, break the iteration
+	// when it doesn't make sense to continue anymore.
+	function callItems( currentEntry ) {
+		var isNode = currentEntry.type || currentEntry instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment;
+		for ( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) {
+			// Backup the node info before filtering.
+			if ( isNode ) {
+				var orgType = currentEntry.type,
+					orgName = currentEntry.name;
+			}
+			var item = this[ i ],
+				ret = item.apply( window, arguments );
+			if ( ret === false )
+				return ret;
+			// We're filtering node (element/fragment).
+			if ( isNode ) {
+				// No further filtering if it's not anymore
+				// fitable for the subsequent filters.
+				if ( ret && ( ret.name != orgName || ret.type != orgType ) ) {
+					return ret;
+				}
+			}
+			// Filtering value (nodeName/textValue/attrValue).
+			else {
+				// No further filtering if it's not
+				// any more values.
+				if ( typeof ret != 'string' )
+					return ret;
+			}
+			ret != undefined && ( currentEntry = ret );
+		}
+		return currentEntry;
+	}
+// "entities" plugin
+	text : function( text )
+	{
+		// TODO : Process entities.
+		return text.toUpperCase();
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/fragment.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/fragment.js
index d31b050..a11b00a 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/fragment.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/fragment.js
@@ -1,497 +1,527 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * A lightweight representation of an HTML DOM structure.
- * @constructor
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment = function()
-	/**
-	 * The nodes contained in the root of this fragment.
-	 * @type Array
-	 * @example
-	 * var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( '<b>Sample</b> Text' );
-	 * alert( fragment.children.length );  "2"
-	 */
-	this.children = [];
-	/**
-	 * Get the fragment parent. Should always be null.
-	 * @type Object
-	 * @default null
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	this.parent = null;
-	/** @private */
-	this._ =
-	{
-		isBlockLike : true,
-		hasInlineStarted : false
-	};
-	// Elements which the end tag is marked as optional in the HTML 4.01 DTD
-	// (expect empty elements).
-	var optionalClose = {colgroup:1,dd:1,dt:1,li:1,option:1,p:1,td:1,tfoot:1,th:1,thead:1,tr:1};
-	// Block-level elements whose internal structure should be respected during
-	// parser fixing.
-	var nonBreakingBlocks = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(
-			{table:1,ul:1,ol:1,dl:1},
-			CKEDITOR.dtd.table, CKEDITOR.dtd.ul, CKEDITOR.dtd.ol, CKEDITOR.dtd.dl ),
-		listBlocks = CKEDITOR.dtd.$list, listItems = CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem;
-	/**
-	 * Creates a {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment} from an HTML string.
-	 * @param {String} fragmentHtml The HTML to be parsed, filling the fragment.
-	 * @param {Number} [fixForBody=false] Wrap body with specified element if needed.
-	 * @returns CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment The fragment created.
-	 * @example
-	 * var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( '<b>Sample</b> Text' );
-	 * alert( fragment.children[0].name );  "b"
-	 * alert( fragment.children[1].value );  " Text"
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml = function( fragmentHtml, fixForBody )
-	{
-		var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser(),
-			html = [],
-			fragment = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment(),
-			pendingInline = [],
-			pendingBRs = [],
-			currentNode = fragment,
-		    // Indicate we're inside a <pre> element, spaces should be touched differently.
-			inPre = false,
-			returnPoint;
-		function checkPending( newTagName )
-		{
-			var pendingBRsSent;
-			if ( pendingInline.length > 0 )
-			{
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < pendingInline.length ; i++ )
-				{
-					var pendingElement = pendingInline[ i ],
-						pendingName = pendingElement.name,
-						pendingDtd = CKEDITOR.dtd[ pendingName ],
-						currentDtd = currentNode.name && CKEDITOR.dtd[ currentNode.name ];
-					if ( ( !currentDtd || currentDtd[ pendingName ] ) && ( !newTagName || !pendingDtd || pendingDtd[ newTagName ] || !CKEDITOR.dtd[ newTagName ] ) )
-					{
-						if ( !pendingBRsSent )
-						{
-							sendPendingBRs();
-							pendingBRsSent = 1;
-						}
-						// Get a clone for the pending element.
-						pendingElement = pendingElement.clone();
-						// Add it to the current node and make it the current,
-						// so the new element will be added inside of it.
-						pendingElement.parent = currentNode;
-						currentNode = pendingElement;
-						// Remove the pending element (back the index by one
-						// to properly process the next entry).
-						pendingInline.splice( i, 1 );
-						i--;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		function sendPendingBRs( brsToIgnore )
-		{
-			while ( pendingBRs.length - ( brsToIgnore || 0 ) > 0 )
-				currentNode.add( pendingBRs.shift() );
-		}
-		function addElement( element, target, enforceCurrent )
-		{
-			target = target || currentNode || fragment;
-			// If the target is the fragment and this element can't go inside
-			// body (if fixForBody).
-			if ( fixForBody && !target.type )
-			{
-				var elementName, realElementName;
-				if ( element.attributes
-					 && ( realElementName =
-						  element.attributes[ '_cke_real_element_type' ] ) )
-					elementName = realElementName;
-				else
-					elementName =  element.name;
-				if ( elementName
-						&& !( elementName in CKEDITOR.dtd.$body )
-						&& !( elementName in CKEDITOR.dtd.$nonBodyContent )  )
-				{
-					var savedCurrent = currentNode;
-					// Create a <p> in the fragment.
-					currentNode = target;
-					parser.onTagOpen( fixForBody, {} );
-					// The new target now is the <p>.
-					target = currentNode;
-					if ( enforceCurrent )
-						currentNode = savedCurrent;
-				}
-			}
-			// Rtrim empty spaces on block end boundary. (#3585)
-			if ( element._.isBlockLike
-				 && element.name != 'pre' )
-			{
-				var length = element.children.length,
-					lastChild = element.children[ length - 1 ],
-					text;
-				if ( lastChild && lastChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-				{
-					if ( !( text = CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim( lastChild.value ) ) )
-						element.children.length = length -1;
-					else
-						lastChild.value = text;
-				}
-			}
-			target.add( element );
-			if ( element.returnPoint )
-			{
-				currentNode = element.returnPoint;
-				delete element.returnPoint;
-			}
-		}
-		parser.onTagOpen = function( tagName, attributes, selfClosing )
-		{
-			var element = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( tagName, attributes );
-			// "isEmpty" will be always "false" for unknown elements, so we
-			// must force it if the parser has identified it as a selfClosing tag.
-			if ( element.isUnknown && selfClosing )
-				element.isEmpty = true;
-			// This is a tag to be removed if empty, so do not add it immediately.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ tagName ] )
-			{
-				pendingInline.push( element );
-				return;
-			}
-			else if ( tagName == 'pre' )
-				inPre = true;
-			else if ( tagName == 'br' && inPre )
-			{
-				currentNode.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( '\n' ) );
-				return;
-			}
-			if ( tagName == 'br' )
-			{
-				pendingBRs.push( element );
-				return;
-			}
-			var currentName = currentNode.name;
-			var currentDtd = currentName
-				&& ( CKEDITOR.dtd[ currentName ]
-					|| ( currentNode._.isBlockLike ? CKEDITOR.dtd.div : CKEDITOR.dtd.span ) );
-			// If the element cannot be child of the current element.
-			if ( currentDtd   // Fragment could receive any elements.
-				 && !element.isUnknown && !currentNode.isUnknown && !currentDtd[ tagName ] )
-			{
-				var reApply = false,
-					addPoint;   // New position to start adding nodes.
-				// Fixing malformed nested lists by moving it into a previous list item. (#3828)
-				if ( tagName in listBlocks
-					&& currentName in listBlocks )
-				{
-					var children = currentNode.children,
-						lastChild = children[ children.length - 1 ];
-					// Establish the list item if it's not existed.
-					if ( !( lastChild && lastChild.name in listItems ) )
-						addElement( ( lastChild = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'li' ) ), currentNode );
-					returnPoint = currentNode, addPoint = lastChild;
-				}
-				// If the element name is the same as the current element name,
-				// then just close the current one and append the new one to the
-				// parent. This situation usually happens with <p>, <li>, <dt> and
-				// <dd>, specially in IE. Do not enter in this if block in this case.
-				else if ( tagName == currentName )
-				{
-					addElement( currentNode, currentNode.parent );
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					if ( nonBreakingBlocks[ currentName ] )
-					{
-						if ( !returnPoint )
-							returnPoint = currentNode;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						addElement( currentNode, currentNode.parent, true );
-						if ( !optionalClose[ currentName ] )
-						{
-							// The current element is an inline element, which
-							// cannot hold the new one. Put it in the pending list,
-							// and try adding the new one after it.
-							pendingInline.unshift( currentNode );
-						}
-					}
-					reApply = true;
-				}
-				if ( addPoint )
-					currentNode = addPoint;
-				// Try adding it to the return point, or the parent element.
-				else
-					currentNode = currentNode.returnPoint || currentNode.parent;
-				if ( reApply )
-				{
-					parser.onTagOpen.apply( this, arguments );
-					return;
-				}
-			}
-			checkPending( tagName );
-			sendPendingBRs();
-			element.parent = currentNode;
-			element.returnPoint = returnPoint;
-			returnPoint = 0;
-			if ( element.isEmpty )
-				addElement( element );
-			else
-				currentNode = element;
-		};
-		parser.onTagClose = function( tagName )
-		{
-			// Check if there is any pending tag to be closed.
-			for ( var i = pendingInline.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-			{
-				// If found, just remove it from the list.
-				if ( tagName == pendingInline[ i ].name )
-				{
-					pendingInline.splice( i, 1 );
-					return;
-				}
-			}
-			var pendingAdd = [],
-				newPendingInline = [],
-				candidate = currentNode;
-			while ( candidate.type && candidate.name != tagName )
-			{
-				// If this is an inline element, add it to the pending list, if we're
-				// really closing one of the parents element later, they will continue
-				// after it.
-				if ( !candidate._.isBlockLike )
-					newPendingInline.unshift( candidate );
-				// This node should be added to it's parent at this point. But,
-				// it should happen only if the closing tag is really closing
-				// one of the nodes. So, for now, we just cache it.
-				pendingAdd.push( candidate );
-				candidate = candidate.parent;
-			}
-			if ( candidate.type )
-			{
-				// Add all elements that have been found in the above loop.
-				for ( i = 0 ; i < pendingAdd.length ; i++ )
-				{
-					var node = pendingAdd[ i ];
-					addElement( node, node.parent );
-				}
-				currentNode = candidate;
-				if ( currentNode.name == 'pre' )
-					inPre = false;
-				if ( candidate._.isBlockLike )
-					sendPendingBRs();
-				addElement( candidate, candidate.parent );
-				// The parent should start receiving new nodes now, except if
-				// addElement changed the currentNode.
-				if ( candidate == currentNode )
-					currentNode = currentNode.parent;
-				pendingInline = pendingInline.concat( newPendingInline );
-			}
-			if ( tagName == 'body' )
-				fixForBody = false;
-		};
-		parser.onText = function( text )
-		{
-			// Trim empty spaces at beginning of element contents except <pre>.
-			if ( !currentNode._.hasInlineStarted && !inPre )
-			{
-				text = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( text );
-				if ( text.length === 0 )
-					return;
-			}
-			sendPendingBRs();
-			checkPending();
-			if ( fixForBody
-				 && ( !currentNode.type || currentNode.name == 'body' )
-				 && CKEDITOR.tools.trim( text ) )
-			{
-				this.onTagOpen( fixForBody, {} );
-			}
-			// Shrinking consequential spaces into one single for all elements
-			// text contents.
-			if ( !inPre )
-				text = text.replace( /[\t\r\n ]{2,}|[\t\r\n]/g, ' ' );
-			currentNode.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( text ) );
-		};
-		parser.onCDATA = function( cdata )
-		{
-			currentNode.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.cdata( cdata ) );
-		};
-		parser.onComment = function( comment )
-		{
-			currentNode.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment( comment ) );
-		};
-		// Parse it.
-		parser.parse( fragmentHtml );
-		// Send all pending BRs except one, which we consider a unwanted bogus. (#5293)
-		sendPendingBRs( !CKEDITOR.env.ie && 1 );
-		// Close all pending nodes.
-		while ( currentNode.type )
-		{
-			var parent = currentNode.parent,
-				node = currentNode;
-			if ( fixForBody
-				 && ( !parent.type || parent.name == 'body' )
-				 && !CKEDITOR.dtd.$body[ node.name ] )
-			{
-				currentNode = parent;
-				parser.onTagOpen( fixForBody, {} );
-				parent = currentNode;
-			}
-			parent.add( node );
-			currentNode = parent;
-		}
-		return fragment;
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype =
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Adds a node to this fragment.
-		 * @param {Object} node The node to be added. It can be any of of the
-		 *		following types: {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element},
-		 *		{@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text} and
-		 *		{@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment}.
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		add : function( node )
-		{
-			var len = this.children.length,
-				previous = len > 0 && this.children[ len - 1 ] || null;
-			if ( previous )
-			{
-				// If the block to be appended is following text, trim spaces at
-				// the right of it.
-				if ( node._.isBlockLike && previous.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-				{
-					previous.value = CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim( previous.value );
-					// If we have completely cleared the previous node.
-					if ( previous.value.length === 0 )
-					{
-						// Remove it from the list and add the node again.
-						this.children.pop();
-						this.add( node );
-						return;
-					}
-				}
-				previous.next = node;
-			}
-			node.previous = previous;
-			node.parent = this;
-			this.children.push( node );
-			this._.hasInlineStarted = node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !node._.isBlockLike );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Writes the fragment HTML to a CKEDITOR.htmlWriter.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlWriter} writer The writer to which write the HTML.
-		 * @example
-		 * var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlWriter();
-		 * var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( '<P><B>Example' );
-		 * fragment.writeHtml( writer )
-		 * alert( writer.getHtml() );  "<p><b>Example</b></p>"
-		 */
-		writeHtml : function( writer, filter )
-		{
-			var isChildrenFiltered;
-			this.filterChildren = function()
-			{
-				var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();
-				this.writeChildrenHtml.call( this, writer, filter, true );
-				var html = writer.getHtml();
-				this.children = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( html ).children;
-				isChildrenFiltered = 1;
-			};
-			// Filtering the root fragment before anything else.
-			!this.name && filter && filter.onFragment( this );
-			this.writeChildrenHtml( writer, isChildrenFiltered ? null : filter );
-		},
-		writeChildrenHtml : function( writer, filter )
-		{
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.children.length ; i++ )
-				this.children[i].writeHtml( writer, filter );
-		}
-	};
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * A lightweight representation of an HTML DOM structure.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @constructor Creates a fragment class instance.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment = function() {
+	/**
+	 * The nodes contained in the root of this fragment.
+	 *
+	 *		var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( '<b>Sample</b> Text' );
+	 *		alert( fragment.children.length ); // 2
+	 */
+	this.children = [];
+	/**
+	 * Get the fragment parent. Should always be null.
+	 *
+	 * @property {Object} [=null]
+	 */
+	this.parent = null;
+	/** @private */
+	this._ = {
+		isBlockLike: true,
+		hasInlineStarted: false
+	};
+(function() {
+	// Block-level elements whose internal structure should be respected during
+	// parser fixing.
+	var nonBreakingBlocks = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( { table:1,ul:1,ol:1,dl:1 }, CKEDITOR.dtd.table, CKEDITOR.dtd.ul, CKEDITOR.dtd.ol, CKEDITOR.dtd.dl );
+	var listBlocks = { ol:1,ul:1 };
+	// Dtd of the fragment element, basically it accept anything except for intermediate structure, e.g. orphan <li>.
+	var rootDtd = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, { html:1 }, CKEDITOR.dtd.html, CKEDITOR.dtd.body, CKEDITOR.dtd.head, { style:1,script:1 } );
+	function isRemoveEmpty( node ) {
+		// Empty link is to be removed when empty but not anchor. (#7894)
+		return node.name == 'a' && node.attributes.href || CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ node.name ];
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment} from an HTML string.
+	 *
+	 *		var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( '<b>Sample</b> Text' );
+	 *		alert( fragment.children[ 0 ].name );		// 'b'
+	 *		alert( fragment.children[ 1 ].value );	// ' Text'
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @param {String} fragmentHtml The HTML to be parsed, filling the fragment.
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element/String} [parent] Optional contextual
+	 * element which makes the content been parsed as the content of this element.
+	 * @param {String/Boolean} [fixingBlock] When `parent` is a block limit element,
+	 * and the param is a string value other than `false`, it is to
+	 * avoid having block-less content as the direct children of parent by wrapping
+	 * the content with a block element of the specified tag, e.g.
+	 * when `fixingBlock` specified as `p`, the content `<body><i>foo</i></body>`
+	 * will be fixed into `<body><p><i>foo</i></p></body>`.
+	 * @returns CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment The fragment created.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml = function( fragmentHtml, parent, fixingBlock ) {
+		var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
+		var root = parent instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element ? parent : typeof parent == 'string' ? new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( parent ) : new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment();
+		var pendingInline = [],
+			pendingBRs = [],
+			currentNode = root,
+			// Indicate we're inside a <textarea> element, spaces should be touched differently.
+			inTextarea = root.name == 'textarea',
+			// Indicate we're inside a <pre> element, spaces should be touched differently.
+			inPre = root.name == 'pre';
+		function checkPending( newTagName ) {
+			var pendingBRsSent;
+			if ( pendingInline.length > 0 ) {
+				for ( var i = 0; i < pendingInline.length; i++ ) {
+					var pendingElement = pendingInline[ i ],
+						pendingName = pendingElement.name,
+						pendingDtd = CKEDITOR.dtd[ pendingName ],
+						currentDtd = currentNode.name && CKEDITOR.dtd[ currentNode.name ];
+					if ( ( !currentDtd || currentDtd[ pendingName ] ) && ( !newTagName || !pendingDtd || pendingDtd[ newTagName ] || !CKEDITOR.dtd[ newTagName ] ) ) {
+						if ( !pendingBRsSent ) {
+							sendPendingBRs();
+							pendingBRsSent = 1;
+						}
+						// Get a clone for the pending element.
+						pendingElement = pendingElement.clone();
+						// Add it to the current node and make it the current,
+						// so the new element will be added inside of it.
+						pendingElement.parent = currentNode;
+						currentNode = pendingElement;
+						// Remove the pending element (back the index by one
+						// to properly process the next entry).
+						pendingInline.splice( i, 1 );
+						i--;
+					} else {
+						// Some element of the same type cannot be nested, flat them,
+						// e.g. <a href="#">foo<a href="#">bar</a></a>. (#7894)
+						if ( pendingName == currentNode.name )
+							addElement( currentNode, currentNode.parent, 1 ), i--;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function sendPendingBRs() {
+			while ( pendingBRs.length )
+				addElement( pendingBRs.shift(), currentNode );
+		}
+		// Rtrim empty spaces on block end boundary. (#3585)
+		function removeTailWhitespace( element ) {
+			if ( element._.isBlockLike && element.name != 'pre' && element.name != 'textarea' ) {
+				var length = element.children.length,
+					lastChild = element.children[ length - 1 ],
+					text;
+				if ( lastChild && lastChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+					if ( !( text = CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim( lastChild.value ) ) )
+						element.children.length = length - 1;
+					else
+						lastChild.value = text;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Beside of simply append specified element to target, this function also takes
+		// care of other dirty lifts like forcing block in body, trimming spaces at
+		// the block boundaries etc.
+		//
+		// @param {Element} element  The element to be added as the last child of {@link target}.
+		// @param {Element} target The parent element to relieve the new node.
+		// @param {Boolean} [moveCurrent=false] Don't change the "currentNode" global unless
+		// there's a return point node specified on the element, otherwise move current onto {@link target} node.
+		//
+		function addElement( element, target, moveCurrent ) {
+			target = target || currentNode || root;
+			// Current element might be mangled by fix body below,
+			// save it for restore later.
+			var savedCurrent = currentNode;
+			// Ignore any element that has already been added.
+			if ( element.previous === undefined ) {
+				if ( checkAutoParagraphing( target, element ) ) {
+					// Create a <p> in the fragment.
+					currentNode = target;
+					parser.onTagOpen( fixingBlock, {} );
+					// The new target now is the <p>.
+					element.returnPoint = target = currentNode;
+				}
+				removeTailWhitespace( element );
+				// Avoid adding empty inline.
+				if ( !( isRemoveEmpty( element ) && !element.children.length ) )
+					target.add( element );
+				if ( element.name == 'pre' )
+					inPre = false;
+				if ( element.name == 'textarea' )
+					inTextarea = false;
+			}
+			if ( element.returnPoint ) {
+				currentNode = element.returnPoint;
+				delete element.returnPoint;
+			} else
+				currentNode = moveCurrent ? target : savedCurrent;
+		}
+		// Auto paragraphing should happen when inline content enters the root element.
+		function checkAutoParagraphing( parent, node ) {
+			// Check for parent that can contain block.
+			if ( ( parent == root || parent.name == 'body' ) && fixingBlock &&
+					 ( !parent.name || CKEDITOR.dtd[ parent.name ][ fixingBlock ] ) )
+			{
+				var name, realName;
+				if ( node.attributes && ( realName = node.attributes[ 'data-cke-real-element-type' ] ) )
+					name = realName;
+				else
+					name = node.name;
+				// Text node, inline elements are subjected, except for <script>/<style>.
+				return name && name in CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline &&
+				       !( name in CKEDITOR.dtd.head ) &&
+				       !node.isOrphan ||
+				       node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT;
+			}
+		}
+		// Judge whether two element tag names are likely the siblings from the same
+		// structural element.
+		function possiblySibling( tag1, tag2 ) {
+			if ( tag1 in CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem || tag1 in CKEDITOR.dtd.$tableContent )
+				return tag1 == tag2 || tag1 == 'dt' && tag2 == 'dd' || tag1 == 'dd' && tag2 == 'dt';
+			return false;
+		}
+		parser.onTagOpen = function( tagName, attributes, selfClosing, optionalClose ) {
+			var element = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( tagName, attributes );
+			// "isEmpty" will be always "false" for unknown elements, so we
+			// must force it if the parser has identified it as a selfClosing tag.
+			if ( element.isUnknown && selfClosing )
+				element.isEmpty = true;
+			// Check for optional closed elements, including browser quirks and manually opened blocks.
+			element.isOptionalClose = optionalClose;
+			// This is a tag to be removed if empty, so do not add it immediately.
+			if ( isRemoveEmpty( element ) ) {
+				pendingInline.push( element );
+				return;
+			} else if ( tagName == 'pre' )
+				inPre = true;
+			else if ( tagName == 'br' && inPre ) {
+				currentNode.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( '\n' ) );
+				return;
+			} else if ( tagName == 'textarea' )
+				inTextarea = true;
+			if ( tagName == 'br' ) {
+				pendingBRs.push( element );
+				return;
+			}
+			while ( 1 ) {
+				var currentName = currentNode.name;
+				var currentDtd = currentName ? ( CKEDITOR.dtd[ currentName ] || ( currentNode._.isBlockLike ? CKEDITOR.dtd.div : CKEDITOR.dtd.span ) ) : rootDtd;
+				// If the element cannot be child of the current element.
+				if ( !element.isUnknown && !currentNode.isUnknown && !currentDtd[ tagName ] ) {
+					// Current node doesn't have a close tag, time for a close
+					// as this element isn't fit in. (#7497)
+					if ( currentNode.isOptionalClose )
+						parser.onTagClose( currentName );
+					// Fixing malformed nested lists by moving it into a previous list item. (#3828)
+					else if ( tagName in listBlocks && currentName in listBlocks ) {
+						var children = currentNode.children,
+							lastChild = children[ children.length - 1 ];
+						// Establish the list item if it's not existed.
+						if ( !( lastChild && lastChild.name == 'li' ) )
+							addElement( ( lastChild = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'li' ) ), currentNode );
+						!element.returnPoint && ( element.returnPoint = currentNode );
+						currentNode = lastChild;
+					}
+					// Establish new list root for orphan list items, but NOT to create
+					// new list for the following ones, fix them instead. (#6975)
+					// <dl><dt>foo<dd>bar</dl>
+					// <ul><li>foo<li>bar</ul>
+					else if ( tagName in CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem &&
+							!possiblySibling( tagName, currentName ) ) {
+						parser.onTagOpen( tagName == 'li' ? 'ul' : 'dl', {}, 0, 1 );
+					}
+					// We're inside a structural block like table and list, AND the incoming element
+					// is not of the same type (e.g. <td>td1<td>td2</td>), we simply add this new one before it,
+					// and most importantly, return back to here once this element is added,
+					// e.g. <table><tr><td>td1</td><p>p1</p><td>td2</td></tr></table>
+					else if ( currentName in nonBreakingBlocks &&
+							!possiblySibling( tagName, currentName ) ) {
+						!element.returnPoint && ( element.returnPoint = currentNode );
+						currentNode = currentNode.parent;
+					} else {
+						// The current element is an inline element, which
+						// need to be continued even after the close, so put
+						// it in the pending list.
+						if ( currentName in CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline )
+							pendingInline.unshift( currentNode );
+						// The most common case where we just need to close the
+						// current one and append the new one to the parent.
+						if ( currentNode.parent )
+							addElement( currentNode, currentNode.parent, 1 );
+						// We've tried our best to fix the embarrassment here, while
+						// this element still doesn't find it's parent, mark it as
+						// orphan and show our tolerance to it.
+						else {
+							element.isOrphan = 1;
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				} else
+					break;
+			}
+			checkPending( tagName );
+			sendPendingBRs();
+			element.parent = currentNode;
+			if ( element.isEmpty )
+				addElement( element );
+			else
+				currentNode = element;
+		};
+		parser.onTagClose = function( tagName ) {
+			// Check if there is any pending tag to be closed.
+			for ( var i = pendingInline.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+				// If found, just remove it from the list.
+				if ( tagName == pendingInline[ i ].name ) {
+					pendingInline.splice( i, 1 );
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			var pendingAdd = [],
+				newPendingInline = [],
+				candidate = currentNode;
+			while ( candidate != root && candidate.name != tagName ) {
+				// If this is an inline element, add it to the pending list, if we're
+				// really closing one of the parents element later, they will continue
+				// after it.
+				if ( !candidate._.isBlockLike )
+					newPendingInline.unshift( candidate );
+				// This node should be added to it's parent at this point. But,
+				// it should happen only if the closing tag is really closing
+				// one of the nodes. So, for now, we just cache it.
+				pendingAdd.push( candidate );
+				// Make sure return point is properly restored.
+				candidate = candidate.returnPoint || candidate.parent;
+			}
+			if ( candidate != root ) {
+				// Add all elements that have been found in the above loop.
+				for ( i = 0; i < pendingAdd.length; i++ ) {
+					var node = pendingAdd[ i ];
+					addElement( node, node.parent );
+				}
+				currentNode = candidate;
+				if ( candidate._.isBlockLike )
+					sendPendingBRs();
+				addElement( candidate, candidate.parent );
+				// The parent should start receiving new nodes now, except if
+				// addElement changed the currentNode.
+				if ( candidate == currentNode )
+					currentNode = currentNode.parent;
+				pendingInline = pendingInline.concat( newPendingInline );
+			}
+			if ( tagName == 'body' )
+				fixingBlock = false;
+		};
+		parser.onText = function( text ) {
+			// Trim empty spaces at beginning of text contents except <pre> and <textarea>.
+			if ( ( !currentNode._.hasInlineStarted || pendingBRs.length ) && !inPre && !inTextarea ) {
+				text = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( text );
+				if ( text.length === 0 )
+					return;
+			}
+			var currentName = currentNode.name,
+				currentDtd = currentName ? ( CKEDITOR.dtd[ currentName ] || ( currentNode._.isBlockLike ? CKEDITOR.dtd.div : CKEDITOR.dtd.span ) ) : rootDtd;
+			// Fix orphan text in list/table. (#8540) (#8870)
+			if ( !inTextarea && !currentDtd[ '#' ] && currentName in nonBreakingBlocks ) {
+				parser.onTagOpen( currentName in listBlocks ? 'li' : currentName == 'dl' ? 'dd' : currentName == 'table' ? 'tr' : currentName == 'tr' ? 'td' : '' );
+				parser.onText( text );
+				return;
+			}
+			sendPendingBRs();
+			checkPending();
+			// Shrinking consequential spaces into one single for all elements
+			// text contents.
+			if ( !inPre && !inTextarea )
+				text = text.replace( /[\t\r\n ]{2,}|[\t\r\n]/g, ' ' );
+			text = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( text );
+			if ( checkAutoParagraphing( currentNode, text ) )
+				this.onTagOpen( fixingBlock, {}, 0, 1 );
+			currentNode.add( text );
+		};
+		parser.onCDATA = function( cdata ) {
+			currentNode.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.cdata( cdata ) );
+		};
+		parser.onComment = function( comment ) {
+			sendPendingBRs();
+			checkPending();
+			currentNode.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment( comment ) );
+		};
+		// Parse it.
+		parser.parse( fragmentHtml );
+		// Send all pending BRs except one, which we consider a unwanted bogus. (#5293)
+		sendPendingBRs( !CKEDITOR.env.ie && 1 );
+		// Close all pending nodes, make sure return point is properly restored.
+		while ( currentNode != root )
+			addElement( currentNode, currentNode.parent, 1 );
+		removeTailWhitespace( root );
+		return root;
+	};
+	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * The node type. This is a constant value set to {@link CKEDITOR#NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT}.
+		 *
+		 * @readonly
+		 * @property {Number} [=CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT]
+		 */
+		/**
+		 * Adds a node to this fragment.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element/CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text/CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment} node
+		 * The node to be added.
+		 * @param {Number} [index] From where the insertion happens.
+		 */
+		add: function( node, index ) {
+			isNaN( index ) && ( index = this.children.length );
+			var previous = index > 0 ? this.children[ index - 1 ] : null;
+			if ( previous ) {
+				// If the block to be appended is following text, trim spaces at
+				// the right of it.
+				if ( node._.isBlockLike && previous.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+					previous.value = CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim( previous.value );
+					// If we have completely cleared the previous node.
+					if ( previous.value.length === 0 ) {
+						// Remove it from the list and add the node again.
+						this.children.pop();
+						this.add( node );
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				previous.next = node;
+			}
+			node.previous = previous;
+			node.parent = this;
+			this.children.splice( index, 0, node );
+			if ( !this._.hasInlineStarted )
+				this._.hasInlineStarted = node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !node._.isBlockLike );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Writes the fragment HTML to a {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter}.
+		 *
+		 *		var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlWriter();
+		 *		var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( '<P><B>Example' );
+		 *		fragment.writeHtml( writer );
+		 *		alert( writer.getHtml() ); // '<p><b>Example</b></p>'
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter} writer The writer to which write the HTML.
+		 */
+		writeHtml: function( writer, filter ) {
+			var isChildrenFiltered;
+			this.filterChildren = function() {
+				var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();
+				this.writeChildrenHtml.call( this, writer, filter );
+				var html = writer.getHtml();
+				this.children = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( html ).children;
+				isChildrenFiltered = 1;
+			};
+			// Apply the root filter.
+			filter && filter.onRoot( this );
+			this.writeChildrenHtml( writer, isChildrenFiltered ? null : filter );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Write and filtering the child nodes of this fragment.
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter} writer The writer to which write the HTML.
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter} filter The filter to use when writing the HTML.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [filterRoot] Whether to apply the "root" filter rule specified in the `filter`.
+		 */
+		writeChildrenHtml: function( writer, filter, filterRoot ) {
+			// Filtering root if enforced.
+			if ( filterRoot && !this.parent && filter )
+				filter.onRoot( this );
+			for ( var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++ )
+				this.children[ i ].writeHtml( writer, filter );
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/text.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/text.js
index 0d63ac9..e24aef8 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/text.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/htmlparser/text.js
@@ -1,55 +1,52 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	var spacesRegex = /[\t\r\n ]{2,}|[\t\r\n]/g;
-	/**
-	 * A lightweight representation of HTML text.
-	 * @constructor
-	 * @example
-	 */
- 	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text = function( value )
-	{
-		/**
-		 * The text value.
-		 * @type String
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		this.value = value;
-		/** @private */
-		this._ =
-		{
-			isBlockLike : false
-		};
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text.prototype =
-	{
-		/**
-		 * The node type. This is a constant value set to {@link CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT}.
-		 * @type Number
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		/**
-		 * Writes the HTML representation of this text to a CKEDITOR.htmlWriter.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlWriter} writer The writer to which write the HTML.
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		writeHtml : function( writer, filter )
-		{
-			var text = this.value;
-			if ( filter && !( text = filter.onText( text, this ) ) )
-				return;
-			writer.text( text );
-		}
-	};
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	/**
+	 * A lightweight representation of HTML text.
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @constructor Creates a text class instance.
+	 * @param {String} value The text node value.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text = function( value ) {
+		/**
+		 * The text value.
+		 *
+		 * @property {String}
+		 */
+		this.value = value;
+		/** @private */
+		this._ = {
+			isBlockLike: false
+		};
+	};
+	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * The node type. This is a constant value set to {@link CKEDITOR#NODE_TEXT}.
+		 *
+		 * @readonly
+		 * @property {Number} [=CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT]
+		 */
+		/**
+		 * Writes the HTML representation of this text to a {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter}.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter} writer The writer to which write the HTML.
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter} filter
+		 */
+		writeHtml: function( writer, filter ) {
+			var text = this.value;
+			if ( filter && !( text = filter.onText( text, this ) ) )
+				return;
+			writer.text( text );
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/imagecacher.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/imagecacher.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0704556..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/imagecacher.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	var loaded = {};
-	var loadImage = function( image, callback )
-	{
-		var doCallback = function()
-			{
-				img.removeAllListeners();
-				loaded[ image ] = 1;
-				callback();
-			};
-		var img = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'img' );
-		img.on( 'load', doCallback );
-		img.on( 'error', doCallback );
-		img.setAttribute( 'src', image );
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Load images into the browser cache.
-	 * @namespace
-	 * @example
-	 */
- 	CKEDITOR.imageCacher =
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Loads one or more images.
-		 * @param {Array} images The URLs for the images to be loaded.
-		 * @param {Function} callback The function to be called once all images
-		 *		are loaded.
-		 */
-		load : function( images, callback )
-		{
-			var pendingCount = images.length;
-			var checkPending = function()
-			{
-				if ( --pendingCount === 0 )
-					callback();
-			};
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < images.length ; i++ )
-			{
-				var image = images[ i ];
-				if ( loaded[ image ] )
-					checkPending();
-				else
-					loadImage( image, checkPending );
-			}
-		}
-	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/keystrokehandler.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/keystrokehandler.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a77691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/keystrokehandler.js
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * Controls keystrokes typing in an editor instance.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @constructor Creates a keystrokeHandler class instance.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.keystrokeHandler = function( editor ) {
+	if ( editor.keystrokeHandler )
+		return editor.keystrokeHandler;
+	/**
+	 * List of keystrokes associated to commands. Each entry points to the
+	 * command to be executed.
+	 *
+	 * Since CKEditor 4 there's no need to modify this property directly during the runtime.
+	 * Use {@link CKEDITOR.editor#setKeystroke} instead.
+	 */
+	this.keystrokes = {};
+	/**
+	 * List of keystrokes that should be blocked if not defined at
+	 * {@link #keystrokes}. In this way it is possible to block the default
+	 * browser behavior for those keystrokes.
+	 */
+	this.blockedKeystrokes = {};
+	this._ = {
+		editor: editor
+	};
+	return this;
+(function() {
+	var cancel;
+	var onKeyDown = function( event ) {
+			// The DOM event object is passed by the "data" property.
+			event = event.data;
+			var keyCombination = event.getKeystroke();
+			var command = this.keystrokes[ keyCombination ];
+			var editor = this._.editor;
+			cancel = ( editor.fire( 'key', { keyCode: keyCombination } ) === false );
+			if ( !cancel ) {
+				if ( command ) {
+					var data = { from: 'keystrokeHandler' };
+					cancel = ( editor.execCommand( command, data ) !== false );
+				}
+				if ( !cancel )
+					cancel = !!this.blockedKeystrokes[ keyCombination ];
+			}
+			if ( cancel )
+				event.preventDefault( true );
+			return !cancel;
+		};
+	var onKeyPress = function( event ) {
+			if ( cancel ) {
+				cancel = false;
+				event.data.preventDefault( true );
+			}
+		};
+	CKEDITOR.keystrokeHandler.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Attaches this keystroke handle to a DOM object. Keystrokes typed
+		 * over this object will get handled by this keystrokeHandler.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.domObject} domObject The DOM object to attach to.
+		 */
+		attach: function( domObject ) {
+			// For most browsers, it is enough to listen to the keydown event
+			// only.
+			domObject.on( 'keydown', onKeyDown, this );
+			// Some browsers instead, don't cancel key events in the keydown, but in the
+			// keypress. So we must do a longer trip in those cases.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera || ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.mac ) )
+				domObject.on( 'keypress', onKeyPress, this );
+		}
+	};
+ * A list associating keystrokes to editor commands. Each element in the list
+ * is an array where the first item is the keystroke, and the second is the
+ * name of the command to be executed.
+ *
+ * This setting should be used to define (as well as to overwrite or remove) keystrokes
+ * set by plugins (like `link` and `basicstyles`). If you want to set a keystroke
+ * for your plugin or during the runtime, use {@link CKEDITOR.editor#setKeystroke} instead.
+ *
+ * Since default keystrokes are set by {@link CKEDITOR.editor#setKeystroke}
+ * method, by default `config.keystrokes` is an empty array.
+ *
+ * See {@link CKEDITOR.editor#setKeystroke} documentation for more details
+ * regarding the start up order.
+ *
+ *		// Change default CTRL + L keystroke for 'link' command to CTRL + SHIFT + L.
+ *		config.keystrokes = [
+ *			...
+ *			[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 76, 'link' ],	// CTRL + SHIFT + L
+ *			...
+ *		];
+ *
+ * To reset a particular keystroke, the following approach can be used:
+ *
+ *		// Disable default CTRL + L keystroke which executes link command by default.
+ *		config.keystrokes = [
+ *			...
+ *			[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 76, null ],						// CTRL + L
+ *			...
+ *		];
+ *
+ * To reset all default keystrokes an {@link CKEDITOR#instanceReady} callback should be
+ * used. This is since editor defaults are merged rather than overwritten by
+ * user keystrokes.
+ *
+ * **Note**: This can be potentially harmful for an editor. Avoid this unless you're
+ * aware of the consequences.
+ *
+ *		// Reset all default keystrokes.
+ *		config.on.instanceReady = function() {
+ *			this.keystrokeHandler.keystrokes = [];
+ *		};
+ *
+ * @cfg {Array} [keystrokes=[]]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * Fired when any keyboard key (or combination) is pressed into the editing area.
+ *
+ * @event key
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param data
+ * @param {Number} data.keyCode A number representing the key code (or combination).
+ * It is the sum of the current key code and the {@link CKEDITOR#CTRL}, {@link CKEDITOR#SHIFT}
+ * and {@link CKEDITOR#ALT} constants, if those are pressed.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/lang.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/lang.js
index add9982..044000c 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/lang.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/lang.js
@@ -1,152 +1,89 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	var loadedLangs = {};
-	CKEDITOR.lang =
-	{
-		/**
-		 * The list of languages available in the editor core.
-		 * @type Object
-		 * @example
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.lang.en );  // "true"
-		 */
-		languages :
-		{
-			'af'	: 1,
-			'ar'	: 1,
-			'bg'	: 1,
-			'bn'	: 1,
-			'bs'	: 1,
-			'ca'	: 1,
-			'cs'	: 1,
-			'cy'	: 1,
-			'da'	: 1,
-			'de'	: 1,
-			'el'	: 1,
-			'en-au'	: 1,
-			'en-ca'	: 1,
-			'en-gb'	: 1,
-			'en'	: 1,
-			'eo'	: 1,
-			'es'	: 1,
-			'et'	: 1,
-			'eu'	: 1,
-			'fa'	: 1,
-			'fi'	: 1,
-			'fo'	: 1,
-			'fr-ca'	: 1,
-			'fr'	: 1,
-			'gl'	: 1,
-			'gu'	: 1,
-			'he'	: 1,
-			'hi'	: 1,
-			'hr'	: 1,
-			'hu'	: 1,
-			'is'	: 1,
-			'it'	: 1,
-			'ja'	: 1,
-			'km'	: 1,
-			'ko'	: 1,
-			'lt'	: 1,
-			'lv'	: 1,
-			'mn'	: 1,
-			'ms'	: 1,
-			'nb'	: 1,
-			'nl'	: 1,
-			'no'	: 1,
-			'pl'	: 1,
-			'pt-br'	: 1,
-			'pt'	: 1,
-			'ro'	: 1,
-			'ru'	: 1,
-			'sk'	: 1,
-			'sl'	: 1,
-			'sr-latn'	: 1,
-			'sr'	: 1,
-			'sv'	: 1,
-			'th'	: 1,
-			'tr'	: 1,
-			'uk'	: 1,
-			'vi'	: 1,
-			'zh-cn'	: 1,
-			'zh'	: 1
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Loads a specific language file, or auto detect it. A callback is
-		 * then called when the file gets loaded.
-		 * @param {String} languageCode The code of the language file to be
-		 *		loaded. If "autoDetect" is set to true, this language will be
-		 *		used as the default one, if the detect language is not
-		 *		available in the core.
-		 * @param {Boolean} autoDetect Indicates that the function must try to
-		 *		detect the user language and load it instead.
-		 * @param {Function} callback The function to be called once the
-		 *		language file is loaded. Two parameters are passed to this
-		 *		function: the language code and the loaded language entries.
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		load : function( languageCode, defaultLanguage, callback )
-		{
-			// If no languageCode - fallback to browser or default.
-			// If languageCode - fallback to no-localized version or default.
-			if ( !languageCode || !CKEDITOR.lang.languages[ languageCode ] )
-				languageCode = this.detect( defaultLanguage, languageCode );
-			if ( !this[ languageCode ] )
-			{
-				CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( CKEDITOR.getUrl(
-					'_source/' +	// @Packager.RemoveLine
-					'lang/' + languageCode + '.js' ),
-					function()
-						{
-							callback( languageCode, this[ languageCode ] );
-						}
-						, this );
-			}
-			else
-				callback( languageCode, this[ languageCode ] );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the language that best fit the user language. For example,
-		 * suppose that the user language is "pt-br". If this language is
-		 * supported by the editor, it is returned. Otherwise, if only "pt" is
-		 * supported, it is returned instead. If none of the previous are
-		 * supported, a default language is then returned.
-		 * @param {String} defaultLanguage The default language to be returned
-		 *		if the user language is not supported.
-		 * @returns {String} The detected language code.
-		 * @example
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.lang.detect( 'en' ) );  // e.g., in a German browser: "de"
-		 */
-		detect : function( defaultLanguage, probeLanguage )
-		{
-			var languages = this.languages;
-			probeLanguage = probeLanguage || navigator.userLanguage || navigator.language;
-			var parts = probeLanguage
-					.toLowerCase()
-					.match( /([a-z]+)(?:-([a-z]+))?/ ),
-				lang = parts[1],
-				locale = parts[2];
-			if ( languages[ lang + '-' + locale ] )
-				lang = lang + '-' + locale;
-			else if ( !languages[ lang ] )
-				lang = null;
-			CKEDITOR.lang.detect = lang ?
-				function() { return lang; } :
-				function( defaultLanguage ) { return defaultLanguage; };
-			return lang || defaultLanguage;
-		}
-	};
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	var loadedLangs = {};
+	/**
+	 * Holds language related functions.
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @singleton
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.lang = {
+		/**
+		 * The list of languages available in the editor core.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.lang.en ); // 1
+		 */
+		languages: { 'af':1,'ar':1,'bg':1,'bn':1,'bs':1,'ca':1,'cs':1,'cy':1,'da':1,'de':1,'el':1,'en-au':1,'en-ca':1,'en-gb':1,'en':1,'eo':1,'es':1,'et':1,'eu':1,'fa':1,'fi':1,'fo':1,'fr-ca':1,'fr':1,'gl':1,'gu':1,'he':1,'hi':1,'hr':1,'hu':1,'is':1,'it':1,'ja':1,'ka':1,'km':1,'ko':1,'ku':1,'lt':1,'lv':1,'mn':1,'ms':1,'nb':1,'nl':1,'no':1,'pl':1,'pt-br':1,'pt':1,'ro':1,'ru':1,'sk':1,'sl':1,'sr-latn':1,'sr':1,'sv':1,'th':1,'tr':1,'uk':1,'vi':1,'zh-cn':1,'zh':1 },
+		/**
+		 * Loads a specific language file, or auto detect it. A callback is
+		 * then called when the file gets loaded.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} languageCode The code of the language file to be
+		 * loaded. If null or empty, autodetection will be performed. The
+		 * same happens if the language is not supported.
+		 * @param {String} defaultLanguage The language to be used if
+		 * languageCode is not supported or if the autodetection fails.
+		 * @param {Function} callback A function to be called once the
+		 * language file is loaded. Two parameters are passed to this
+		 * function: the language code and the loaded language entries.
+		 */
+		load: function( languageCode, defaultLanguage, callback ) {
+			// If no languageCode - fallback to browser or default.
+			// If languageCode - fallback to no-localized version or default.
+			if ( !languageCode || !CKEDITOR.lang.languages[ languageCode ] )
+				languageCode = this.detect( defaultLanguage, languageCode );
+			if ( !this[ languageCode ] ) {
+				CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( CKEDITOR.getUrl( 'lang/' + languageCode + '.js' ), function() {
+					callback( languageCode, this[ languageCode ] );
+				}, this );
+			} else
+				callback( languageCode, this[ languageCode ] );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the language that best fit the user language. For example,
+		 * suppose that the user language is "pt-br". If this language is
+		 * supported by the editor, it is returned. Otherwise, if only "pt" is
+		 * supported, it is returned instead. If none of the previous are
+		 * supported, a default language is then returned.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.lang.detect( 'en' ) ); // e.g., in a German browser: 'de'
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} defaultLanguage The default language to be returned
+		 * if the user language is not supported.
+		 * @param {String} [probeLanguage] A language code to try to use,
+		 * instead of the browser based autodetection.
+		 * @returns {String} The detected language code.
+		 */
+		detect: function( defaultLanguage, probeLanguage ) {
+			var languages = this.languages;
+			probeLanguage = probeLanguage || navigator.userLanguage || navigator.language || defaultLanguage;
+			var parts = probeLanguage.toLowerCase().match( /([a-z]+)(?:-([a-z]+))?/ ),
+				lang = parts[ 1 ],
+				locale = parts[ 2 ];
+			if ( languages[ lang + '-' + locale ] )
+				lang = lang + '-' + locale;
+			else if ( !languages[ lang ] )
+				lang = null;
+			CKEDITOR.lang.detect = lang ?
+			function() {
+				return lang;
+			} : function( defaultLanguage ) {
+				return defaultLanguage;
+			};
+			return lang || defaultLanguage;
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/loader.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/loader.js
index abeda48..be3b1e8 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/loader.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/loader.js
@@ -1,243 +1,244 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.loader} objects, which is used to
- *		load core scripts and their dependencies from _source.
- */
-if ( typeof CKEDITOR == 'undefined' )
-	CKEDITOR = {};
-if ( !CKEDITOR.loader )
-	/**
-	 * Load core scripts and their dependencies from _source.
-	 * @namespace
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.loader = (function()
-	{
-		// Table of script names and their dependencies.
-		var scripts =
-		{
-			'core/_bootstrap'		: [ 'core/config', 'core/ckeditor', 'core/plugins', 'core/scriptloader', 'core/tools', /* The following are entries that we want to force loading at the end to avoid dependence recursion */ 'core/dom/comment', 'core/dom/elementpath', 'core/dom/text', 'core/dom/rangelist' ],
-			'core/ajax'				: [ 'core/xml' ],
-			'core/ckeditor'			: [ 'core/ckeditor_basic', 'core/dom', 'core/dtd', 'core/dom/document', 'core/dom/element', 'core/editor', 'core/event', 'core/htmlparser', 'core/htmlparser/element', 'core/htmlparser/fragment', 'core/htmlparser/filter', 'core/htmlparser/basicwriter', 'core/tools' ],
-			'core/ckeditor_base'	: [],
-			'core/ckeditor_basic'	: [ 'core/editor_basic', 'core/env', 'core/event' ],
-			'core/command'			: [],
-			'core/config'			: [ 'core/ckeditor_base' ],
-			'core/dom'				: [],
-			'core/dom/comment'		: [ 'core/dom/node' ],
-			'core/dom/document'		: [ 'core/dom', 'core/dom/domobject', 'core/dom/window' ],
-			'core/dom/documentfragment'	: [ 'core/dom/element' ],
-			'core/dom/element'		: [ 'core/dom', 'core/dom/document', 'core/dom/domobject', 'core/dom/node', 'core/dom/nodelist', 'core/tools' ],
-			'core/dom/elementpath'	: [ 'core/dom/element' ],
-			'core/dom/event'		: [],
-			'core/dom/node'			: [ 'core/dom/domobject', 'core/tools' ],
-			'core/dom/nodelist'		: [ 'core/dom/node' ],
-			'core/dom/domobject'	: [ 'core/dom/event' ],
-			'core/dom/range'		: [ 'core/dom/document', 'core/dom/documentfragment', 'core/dom/element', 'core/dom/walker' ],
-			'core/dom/rangelist'    : [ 'core/dom/range' ],
-			'core/dom/text'			: [ 'core/dom/node', 'core/dom/domobject' ],
-			'core/dom/walker'		: [ 'core/dom/node' ],
-			'core/dom/window'		: [ 'core/dom/domobject' ],
-			'core/dtd'				: [ 'core/tools' ],
-			'core/editor'			: [ 'core/command', 'core/config', 'core/editor_basic', 'core/focusmanager', 'core/lang', 'core/plugins', 'core/skins', 'core/themes', 'core/tools', 'core/ui' ],
-			'core/editor_basic'		: [ 'core/event' ],
-			'core/env'				: [],
-			'core/event'			: [],
-			'core/focusmanager'		: [],
-			'core/htmlparser'		: [],
-			'core/htmlparser/comment'	: [ 'core/htmlparser' ],
-			'core/htmlparser/element'	: [ 'core/htmlparser', 'core/htmlparser/fragment' ],
-			'core/htmlparser/fragment'	: [ 'core/htmlparser', 'core/htmlparser/comment', 'core/htmlparser/text', 'core/htmlparser/cdata' ],
-			'core/htmlparser/text'		: [ 'core/htmlparser' ],
-			'core/htmlparser/cdata'		: [ 'core/htmlparser' ],
-			'core/htmlparser/filter'	: [ 'core/htmlparser' ],
-			'core/htmlparser/basicwriter': [ 'core/htmlparser' ],
-			'core/imagecacher'		: [ 'core/dom/element' ],
-			'core/lang'				: [],
-			'core/plugins'			: [ 'core/resourcemanager' ],
-			'core/resourcemanager'	: [ 'core/scriptloader', 'core/tools' ],
-			'core/scriptloader'		: [ 'core/dom/element', 'core/env' ],
-			'core/skins'			: [ 'core/imagecacher', 'core/scriptloader' ],
-			'core/themes'			: [ 'core/resourcemanager' ],
-			'core/tools'			: [ 'core/env' ],
-			'core/ui'				: [],
-			'core/xml'				: [ 'core/env' ]
-		};
-		var basePath = (function()
-		{
-			// This is a copy of CKEDITOR.basePath, but requires the script having
-			// "_source/core/loader.js".
-			if ( CKEDITOR && CKEDITOR.basePath )
-				return CKEDITOR.basePath;
-			// Find out the editor directory path, based on its <script> tag.
-			var path = '';
-			var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' );
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < scripts.length ; i++ )
-			{
-				var match = scripts[i].src.match( /(^|.*?[\\\/])(?:_source\/)?core\/loader.js(?:\?.*)?$/i );
-				if ( match )
-				{
-					path = match[1];
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			// In IE (only) the script.src string is the raw valued entered in the
-			// HTML. Other browsers return the full resolved URL instead.
-			if ( path.indexOf('://') == -1 )
-			{
-				// Absolute path.
-				if ( path.indexOf( '/' ) === 0 )
-					path = location.href.match( /^.*?:\/\/[^\/]*/ )[0] + path;
-				// Relative path.
-				else
-					path = location.href.match( /^[^\?]*\// )[0] + path;
-			}
-			return path;
-		})();
-		var timestamp = 'A8LE4JO';
-		var getUrl = function( resource )
-		{
-			if ( CKEDITOR && CKEDITOR.getUrl )
-				return CKEDITOR.getUrl( resource );
-			return basePath + resource +
-				( resource.indexOf( '?' ) >= 0 ? '&' : '?' ) +
-				't=' + timestamp;
-		};
-		var pendingLoad = [];
-		/** @lends CKEDITOR.loader */
-		return {
-			/**
-			 * The list of loaded scripts in their loading order.
-			 * @type Array
-			 * @example
-			 * // Alert the loaded script names.
-			 * alert( <b>CKEDITOR.loader.loadedScripts</b> );
-			 */
-			loadedScripts : [],
-			loadPending : function()
-			{
-				var scriptName = pendingLoad.shift();
-				if ( !scriptName )
-					return;
-				var scriptSrc = getUrl( '_source/' + scriptName + '.js' );
-				var script = document.createElement( 'script' );
-				script.type = 'text/javascript';
-				script.src = scriptSrc;
-				function onScriptLoaded()
-				{
-					// Append this script to the list of loaded scripts.
-					CKEDITOR.loader.loadedScripts.push( scriptName );
-					// Load the next.
-					CKEDITOR.loader.loadPending();
-				}
-				// We must guarantee the execution order of the scripts, so we
-				// need to load them one by one. (#4145)
-				// The following if/else block has been taken from the scriptloader core code.
-				if ( typeof(script.onreadystatechange) !== "undefined" )
-				{
-					/** @ignore */
-					script.onreadystatechange = function()
-					{
-						if ( script.readyState == 'loaded' || script.readyState == 'complete' )
-						{
-							script.onreadystatechange = null;
-							onScriptLoaded();
-						}
-					};
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					/** @ignore */
-					script.onload = function()
-					{
-						// Some browsers, such as Safari, may call the onLoad function
-						// immediately. Which will break the loading sequence. (#3661)
-						setTimeout( function() { onScriptLoaded( scriptName ); }, 0 );
-					};
-				}
-				document.body.appendChild( script );
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Loads a specific script, including its dependencies. This is not a
-			 * synchronous loading, which means that the code to be loaded will
-			 * not necessarily be available after this call.
-			 * @example
-			 * CKEDITOR.loader.load( 'core/dom/element' );
-			 */
-			load : function( scriptName, defer )
-			{
-				// Check if the script has already been loaded.
-				if ( scriptName in this.loadedScripts )
-					return;
-				// Get the script dependencies list.
-				var dependencies = scripts[ scriptName ];
-				if ( !dependencies )
-					throw 'The script name"' + scriptName + '" is not defined.';
-				// Mark the script as loaded, even before really loading it, to
-				// avoid cross references recursion.
-				this.loadedScripts[ scriptName ] = true;
-				// Load all dependencies first.
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < dependencies.length ; i++ )
-					this.load( dependencies[ i ], true );
-				var scriptSrc = getUrl( '_source/' + scriptName + '.js' );
-				// Append the <script> element to the DOM.
-				// If the page is fully loaded, we can't use document.write
-				// but if the script is run while the body is loading then it's safe to use it
-				// Unfortunately, Firefox <3.6 doesn't support document.readyState, so it won't get this improvement
-				if ( document.body && (!document.readyState || document.readyState == 'complete') )
-				{
-					pendingLoad.push( scriptName );
-					if ( !defer )
-						this.loadPending();
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					// Append this script to the list of loaded scripts.
-					this.loadedScripts.push( scriptName );
-					document.write( '<script src="' + scriptSrc + '" type="text/javascript"><\/script>' );
-				}
-			}
-		};
-	})();
-// Check if any script has been defined for autoload.
-if ( CKEDITOR._autoLoad )
-	CKEDITOR.loader.load( CKEDITOR._autoLoad );
-	delete CKEDITOR._autoLoad;
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.loader} objects, which is used to
+ *		load core scripts and their dependencies from _source.
+ */
+if ( typeof CKEDITOR == 'undefined' )
+	CKEDITOR = {};
+if ( !CKEDITOR.loader ) {
+	/**
+	 * Load core scripts and their dependencies from _source.
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @singleton
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.loader = (function() {
+		// Table of script names and their dependencies.
+		var scripts = {
+			'_bootstrap': [ 'config', 'creators/inline', 'creators/themedui', 'editable', 'ckeditor', 'plugins', 'scriptloader', 'style', 'tools', /* The following are entries that we want to force loading at the end to avoid dependence recursion */ 'dom/comment', 'dom/elementpath', 'dom/text', 'dom/rangelist', 'skin' ],
+			'ckeditor': [ 'ckeditor_basic', 'dom', 'dtd', 'dom/document', 'dom/element', 'dom/iterator', 'editor', 'event', 'htmldataprocessor', 'htmlparser', 'htmlparser/element', 'htmlparser/fragment', 'htmlparser/filter', 'htmlparser/basicwriter', 'template', 'tools' ],
+			'ckeditor_base': [],
+			'ckeditor_basic': [ 'editor_basic', 'env', 'event' ],
+			'command': [],
+			'config': [ 'ckeditor_base' ],
+			'dom': [],
+			'dom/comment': [ 'dom/node' ],
+			'dom/document': [ 'dom/node', 'dom/window' ],
+			'dom/documentfragment': [ 'dom/element' ],
+			'dom/element': [ 'dom', 'dom/document', 'dom/domobject', 'dom/node', 'dom/nodelist', 'tools' ],
+			'dom/elementpath': [ 'dom/element' ],
+			'dom/event': [],
+			'dom/iterator': [ 'dom/range' ],
+			'dom/node': [ 'dom/domobject', 'tools' ],
+			'dom/nodelist': [ 'dom/node' ],
+			'dom/domobject': [ 'dom/event' ],
+			'dom/range': [ 'dom/document', 'dom/documentfragment', 'dom/element', 'dom/walker' ],
+			'dom/rangelist': [ 'dom/range' ],
+			'dom/text': [ 'dom/node', 'dom/domobject' ],
+			'dom/walker': [ 'dom/node' ],
+			'dom/window': [ 'dom/domobject' ],
+			'dtd': [ 'tools' ],
+			'editable': [ 'editor', 'tools' ],
+			'editor': [ 'command', 'config', 'editor_basic', 'focusmanager', 'keystrokehandler', 'lang', 'plugins', 'tools', 'ui' ],
+			'editor_basic': [ 'event' ],
+			'env': [],
+			'event': [],
+			'focusmanager': [],
+			'htmldataprocessor': [ 'htmlparser', 'htmlparser/basicwriter', 'htmlparser/fragment', 'htmlparser/filter' ],
+			'htmlparser': [],
+			'htmlparser/comment': [ 'htmlparser' ],
+			'htmlparser/element': [ 'htmlparser', 'htmlparser/fragment' ],
+			'htmlparser/fragment': [ 'htmlparser', 'htmlparser/comment', 'htmlparser/text', 'htmlparser/cdata' ],
+			'htmlparser/text': [ 'htmlparser' ],
+			'htmlparser/cdata': [ 'htmlparser' ],
+			'htmlparser/filter': [ 'htmlparser' ],
+			'htmlparser/basicwriter': [ 'htmlparser' ],
+			'keystrokehandler': [ 'event' ],
+			'lang': [],
+			'plugins': [ 'resourcemanager' ],
+			'resourcemanager': [ 'scriptloader', 'tools' ],
+			'scriptloader': [ 'dom/element', 'env' ],
+			'selection': [ 'dom/range', 'dom/walker' ],
+			'skin': [],
+			'style': [ 'selection' ],
+			'template': [],
+			'tools': [ 'env' ],
+			'ui': [],
+			'creators/themedui': [],
+			'creators/inline': []
+		};
+		var basePath = (function() {
+			// This is a copy of CKEDITOR.basePath, but requires the script having
+			// "_source/loader.js".
+			if ( CKEDITOR && CKEDITOR.basePath )
+				return CKEDITOR.basePath;
+			// Find out the editor directory path, based on its <script> tag.
+			var path = '';
+			var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' );
+			for ( var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++ ) {
+				var match = scripts[ i ].src.match( /(^|.*?[\\\/])(?:_source\/)?core\/loader.js(?:\?.*)?$/i );
+				if ( match ) {
+					path = match[ 1 ];
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			// In IE (only) the script.src string is the raw valued entered in the
+			// HTML. Other browsers return the full resolved URL instead.
+			if ( path.indexOf( '://' ) == -1 ) {
+				// Absolute path.
+				if ( path.indexOf( '/' ) === 0 )
+					path = location.href.match( /^.*?:\/\/[^\/]*/ )[ 0 ] + path;
+				// Relative path.
+				else
+					path = location.href.match( /^[^\?]*\// )[ 0 ] + path;
+			}
+			return path;
+		})();
+		var timestamp = ( CKEDITOR && CKEDITOR.timestamp ) || ( new Date() ).valueOf(); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+		/*																				// %REMOVE_LINE%
+		 * The production implementation contains a fixed timestamp						// %REMOVE_LINE%
+		 * generated by the releaser													// %REMOVE_LINE%
+		var timestamp = '%TIMESTAMP%';
+		 */ // %REMOVE_LINE%
+		var getUrl = function( resource ) {
+				if ( CKEDITOR && CKEDITOR.getUrl )
+					return CKEDITOR.getUrl( resource );
+				return basePath + resource + ( resource.indexOf( '?' ) >= 0 ? '&' : '?' ) + 't=' + timestamp;
+			};
+		var pendingLoad = [];
+		return {
+			/**
+			 * The list of loaded scripts in their loading order.
+			 *
+			 *		// Alert the loaded script names.
+			 *		alert( CKEDITOR.loader.loadedScripts );
+			 */
+			loadedScripts: [],
+			/**
+			 * Table of script names and their dependencies.
+			 *
+			 * @property {Array}
+			 */
+			scripts: scripts,
+			/**
+			 * @todo
+			 */
+			loadPending: function() {
+				var scriptName = pendingLoad.shift();
+				if ( !scriptName )
+					return;
+				var scriptSrc = getUrl( 'core/' + scriptName + '.js' );
+				var script = document.createElement( 'script' );
+				script.type = 'text/javascript';
+				script.src = scriptSrc;
+				function onScriptLoaded() {
+					// Append this script to the list of loaded scripts.
+					CKEDITOR.loader.loadedScripts.push( scriptName );
+					// Load the next.
+					CKEDITOR.loader.loadPending();
+				}
+				// We must guarantee the execution order of the scripts, so we
+				// need to load them one by one. (#4145)
+				// The following if/else block has been taken from the scriptloader core code.
+				if ( typeof( script.onreadystatechange ) !== "undefined" ) {
+					/** @ignore */
+					script.onreadystatechange = function() {
+						if ( script.readyState == 'loaded' || script.readyState == 'complete' ) {
+							script.onreadystatechange = null;
+							onScriptLoaded();
+						}
+					};
+				} else {
+					/** @ignore */
+					script.onload = function() {
+						// Some browsers, such as Safari, may call the onLoad function
+						// immediately. Which will break the loading sequence. (#3661)
+						setTimeout( function() {
+							onScriptLoaded( scriptName );
+						}, 0 );
+					};
+				}
+				document.body.appendChild( script );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Loads a specific script, including its dependencies. This is not a
+			 * synchronous loading, which means that the code to be loaded will
+			 * not necessarily be available after this call.
+			 *
+			 *		CKEDITOR.loader.load( 'dom/element' );
+			 *
+			 * @param {String} scriptName
+			 * @param {Boolean} [defer=false]
+			 * @todo params
+			 */
+			load: function( scriptName, defer ) {
+				// Check if the script has already been loaded.
+				if ( scriptName in this.loadedScripts )
+					return;
+				// Get the script dependencies list.
+				var dependencies = scripts[ scriptName ];
+				if ( !dependencies )
+					throw 'The script name"' + scriptName + '" is not defined.';
+				// Mark the script as loaded, even before really loading it, to
+				// avoid cross references recursion.
+				this.loadedScripts[ scriptName ] = true;
+				// Load all dependencies first.
+				for ( var i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++ )
+					this.load( dependencies[ i ], true );
+				var scriptSrc = getUrl( 'core/' + scriptName + '.js' );
+				// Append the <script> element to the DOM.
+				// If the page is fully loaded, we can't use document.write
+				// but if the script is run while the body is loading then it's safe to use it
+				// Unfortunately, Firefox <3.6 doesn't support document.readyState, so it won't get this improvement
+				if ( document.body && ( !document.readyState || document.readyState == 'complete' ) ) {
+					pendingLoad.push( scriptName );
+					if ( !defer )
+						this.loadPending();
+				} else {
+					// Append this script to the list of loaded scripts.
+					this.loadedScripts.push( scriptName );
+					document.write( '<script src="' + scriptSrc + '" type="text/javascript"><\/script>' );
+				}
+			}
+		};
+	})();
+// Check if any script has been defined for autoload.
+if ( CKEDITOR._autoLoad ) {
+	CKEDITOR.loader.load( CKEDITOR._autoLoad );
+	delete CKEDITOR._autoLoad;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/plugindefinition.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/plugindefinition.js
index 2a78d28..b0e8944 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/plugindefinition.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/plugindefinition.js
@@ -1,66 +1,79 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the "virtual" {@link CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition} class, which
- *		contains the defintion of a plugin. This file is for documentation
- *		purposes only.
- */
- * (Virtual Class) Do not call this constructor. This class is not really part
- *		of the API. It just illustrates the features of plugin objects to be
- *		passed to the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.add} function.
- * @name CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition
- * @constructor
- * @example
- */
- * A list of plugins that are required by this plugin. Note that this property
- * doesn't guarantee the loading order of the plugins.
- * @name CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition.prototype.requires
- * @type Array
- * @example
- * CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sample',
- * {
- *     requires : [ 'button', 'selection' ]
- * });
- */
- /**
- * Function called on initialization of every editor instance created in the
- * page before the init() call task. The beforeInit function will be called for
- * all plugins, after that the init function is called for all of them. This
- * feature makes it possible to initialize things that could be used in the
- * init function of other plugins.
- * @name CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition.prototype.beforeInit
- * @function
- * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance being initialized.
- * @example
- * CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sample',
- * {
- *     beforeInit : function( editor )
- *     {
- *         alert( 'Editor "' + editor.name + '" is to be initialized!' );
- *     }
- * });
- */
- /**
- * Function called on initialization of every editor instance created in the
- * page.
- * @name CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition.prototype.init
- * @function
- * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance being initialized.
- * @example
- * CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sample',
- * {
- *     init : function( editor )
- *     {
- *         alert( 'Editor "' + editor.name + '" is being initialized!' );
- *     }
- * });
- */
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the "virtual" {@link CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition} class, which
+ *		contains the defintion of a plugin. This file is for documentation
+ *		purposes only.
+ */
+ * Virtual class which just illustrates the features of plugin objects to be
+ * passed to the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins#add} method.
+ *
+ * This class is not really part of the API, so don't call its constructor.
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition
+ * @abstract
+ */
+ * A list of plugins that are required by this plugin. Note that this property
+ * doesn't guarantee the loading order of the plugins.
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sample', {
+ *			requires: [ 'button', 'selection' ]
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @property {Array} requires
+ */
+ * A list of language files available for this plugin. These files are stored inside
+ * the `lang` directory, which is inside the plugin directory, follow the name
+ * pattern of `langCode.js`, and contain a language definition created with
+ * {@link CKEDITOR.plugins#setLang}.
+ *
+ * While the plugin is being loaded, the editor checks this list to see if
+ * a language file of the current editor language ({@link CKEDITOR.editor#langCode})
+ * is available, and if so, loads it. Otherwise, the file represented by the first list item
+ * in the list is loaded.
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sample', {
+ *			lang: [ 'en', 'fr' ]
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @property {Array} lang
+ */
+ * Function called on initialization of every editor instance created in the
+ * page before the `init()` call task. The beforeInit function will be called for
+ * all plugins, after that the init function is called for all of them. This
+ * feature makes it possible to initialize things that could be used in the
+ * init function of other plugins.
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sample', {
+ *			beforeInit: function( editor ) {
+ *				alert( 'Editor "' + editor.name + '" is to be initialized!' );
+ *			}
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @method beforeInit
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance being initialized.
+ */
+ * Function called on initialization of every editor instance created in the page.
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sample', {
+ *			init: function( editor ) {
+ *				alert( 'Editor "' + editor.name + '" is being initialized!' );
+ *			}
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @method init
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance being initialized.
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/plugins.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/plugins.js
index 77f04a4..9393cab 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/plugins.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/plugins.js
@@ -1,85 +1,114 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins} object, which is used to
- *		manage plugins registration and loading.
- */
- * Manages plugins registration and loading.
- * @namespace
- * @augments CKEDITOR.resourceManager
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.plugins = new CKEDITOR.resourceManager(
-	'_source/' +	// @Packager.RemoveLine
-	'plugins/', 'plugin' );
-CKEDITOR.plugins.load = CKEDITOR.tools.override( CKEDITOR.plugins.load, function( originalLoad )
-	{
-		return function( name, callback, scope )
-		{
-			var allPlugins = {};
-			var loadPlugins = function( names )
-			{
-				originalLoad.call( this, names, function( plugins )
-					{
-						CKEDITOR.tools.extend( allPlugins, plugins );
-						var requiredPlugins = [];
-						for ( var pluginName in plugins )
-						{
-							var plugin = plugins[ pluginName ],
-								requires = plugin && plugin.requires;
-							if ( requires )
-							{
-								for ( var i = 0 ; i < requires.length ; i++ )
-								{
-									if ( !allPlugins[ requires[ i ] ] )
-										requiredPlugins.push( requires[ i ] );
-								}
-							}
-						}
-						if ( requiredPlugins.length )
-							loadPlugins.call( this, requiredPlugins );
-						else
-						{
-							// Call the "onLoad" function for all plugins.
-							for ( pluginName in allPlugins )
-							{
-								plugin = allPlugins[ pluginName ];
-								if ( plugin.onLoad && !plugin.onLoad._called )
-								{
-									plugin.onLoad();
-									plugin.onLoad._called = 1;
-								}
-							}
-							// Call the callback.
-							if ( callback )
-								callback.call( scope || window, allPlugins );
-						}
-					}
-					, this);
-			};
-			loadPlugins.call( this, name );
-		};
-	});
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang = function( pluginName, languageCode, languageEntries )
-	var plugin = this.get( pluginName ),
-		pluginLang = plugin.lang || ( plugin.lang = {} );
-	pluginLang[ languageCode ] = languageEntries;
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins} object, which is used to
+ *		manage plugins registration and loading.
+ */
+ * Manages plugins registration and loading.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.resourceManager
+ * @singleton
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins = new CKEDITOR.resourceManager( 'plugins/', 'plugin' );
+CKEDITOR.plugins.load = CKEDITOR.tools.override( CKEDITOR.plugins.load, function( originalLoad ) {
+	var initialized = {};
+	return function( name, callback, scope ) {
+		var allPlugins = {};
+		var loadPlugins = function( names ) {
+				originalLoad.call( this, names, function( plugins ) {
+					CKEDITOR.tools.extend( allPlugins, plugins );
+					var requiredPlugins = [];
+					for ( var pluginName in plugins ) {
+						var plugin = plugins[ pluginName ],
+							requires = plugin && plugin.requires;
+						if ( !initialized[ pluginName ] ) {
+							// Register all icons eventually defined by this plugin.
+							if ( plugin.icons ) {
+								var icons = plugin.icons.split( ',' );
+								for ( var ic = 0 ; ic < icons.length ; ic++ ) {
+									CKEDITOR.skin.addIcon( icons[ ic ], plugin.path + 'icons/' + icons[ ic ] + '.png' );
+								}
+							}
+							initialized[ pluginName ] = 1;
+						}
+						if ( requires ) {
+							// Trasnform it into an array, if it's not one.
+							if ( requires.split )
+								requires = requires.split( ',' );
+							for ( var i = 0; i < requires.length; i++ ) {
+								if ( !allPlugins[ requires[ i ] ] )
+									requiredPlugins.push( requires[ i ] );
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if ( requiredPlugins.length )
+						loadPlugins.call( this, requiredPlugins );
+					else {
+						// Call the "onLoad" function for all plugins.
+						for ( pluginName in allPlugins ) {
+							plugin = allPlugins[ pluginName ];
+							if ( plugin.onLoad && !plugin.onLoad._called ) {
+								// Make it possible to return false from plugin::onLoad to disable it.
+								if ( plugin.onLoad() === false )
+									delete allPlugins[ pluginName ];
+								plugin.onLoad._called = 1;
+							}
+						}
+						// Call the callback.
+						if ( callback )
+							callback.call( scope || window, allPlugins );
+					}
+				}, this );
+			};
+		loadPlugins.call( this, name );
+	};
+ * Loads a specific language file, or auto detect it. A callback is
+ * then called when the file gets loaded.
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'myPlugin', 'en', {
+ *			title: 'My plugin',
+ *			selectOption: 'Please select an option'
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @param {String} pluginName The name of the plugin to which the provided translation
+ * should be attached.
+ * @param {String} languageCode The code of the language translation provided.
+ * @param {Object} languageEntries An object that contains pairs of label and
+ * the respective translation.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang = function( pluginName, languageCode, languageEntries ) {
+	var plugin = this.get( pluginName ),
+		pluginLangEntries = plugin.langEntries || ( plugin.langEntries = {} ),
+		pluginLang = plugin.lang || ( plugin.lang = [] );
+	if ( pluginLang.split )
+		pluginLang = pluginLang.split( ',' );
+	if ( CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( pluginLang, languageCode ) == -1 )
+		pluginLang.push( languageCode );
+	pluginLangEntries[ languageCode ] = languageEntries;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/resourcemanager.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/resourcemanager.js
index a38433e..bce061c 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/resourcemanager.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/resourcemanager.js
@@ -1,238 +1,215 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.resourceManager} class, which is
- *		the base for resource managers, like plugins and themes.
- */
- /**
- * Base class for resource managers, like plugins and themes. This class is not
- * intended to be used out of the CKEditor core code.
- * @param {String} basePath The path for the resources folder.
- * @param {String} fileName The name used for resource files.
- * @namespace
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.resourceManager = function( basePath, fileName )
-	/**
-	 * The base directory containing all resources.
-	 * @name CKEDITOR.resourceManager.prototype.basePath
-	 * @type String
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	this.basePath = basePath;
-	/**
-	 * The name used for resource files.
-	 * @name CKEDITOR.resourceManager.prototype.fileName
-	 * @type String
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	this.fileName = fileName;
-	/**
-	 * Contains references to all resources that have already been registered
-	 * with {@link #add}.
-	 * @name CKEDITOR.resourceManager.prototype.registered
-	 * @type Object
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	this.registered = {};
-	/**
-	 * Contains references to all resources that have already been loaded
-	 * with {@link #load}.
-	 * @name CKEDITOR.resourceManager.prototype.loaded
-	 * @type Object
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	this.loaded = {};
-	/**
-	 * Contains references to all resources that have already been registered
-	 * with {@link #addExternal}.
-	 * @name CKEDITOR.resourceManager.prototype.externals
-	 * @type Object
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	this.externals = {};
-	/**
-	 * @private
-	 */
-	this._ =
-	{
-		// List of callbacks waiting for plugins to be loaded.
-		waitingList : {}
-	};
-CKEDITOR.resourceManager.prototype =
-	/**
-	 * Registers a resource.
-	 * @param {String} name The resource name.
-	 * @param {Object} [definition] The resource definition.
-	 * @example
-	 * CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sample', { ... plugin definition ... } );
-	 * @see CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition
-	 */
-	add : function( name, definition )
-	{
-		if ( this.registered[ name ] )
-			throw '[CKEDITOR.resourceManager.add] The resource name "' + name + '" is already registered.';
-		CKEDITOR.fire( name + CKEDITOR.tools.capitalize( this.fileName ) + 'Ready',
-				this.registered[ name ] = definition || {} );
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Gets the definition of a specific resource.
-	 * @param {String} name The resource name.
-	 * @type Object
-	 * @example
-	 * var definition = <b>CKEDITOR.plugins.get( 'sample' )</b>;
-	 */
-	get : function( name )
-	{
-		return this.registered[ name ] || null;
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Get the folder path for a specific loaded resource.
-	 * @param {String} name The resource name.
-	 * @type String
-	 * @example
-	 * alert( <b>CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath( 'sample' )</b> );  // "<editor path>/plugins/sample/"
-	 */
-	getPath : function( name )
-	{
-		var external = this.externals[ name ];
-		return CKEDITOR.getUrl( ( external && external.dir ) || this.basePath + name + '/' );
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Get the file path for a specific loaded resource.
-	 * @param {String} name The resource name.
-	 * @type String
-	 * @example
-	 * alert( <b>CKEDITOR.plugins.getFilePath( 'sample' )</b> );  // "<editor path>/plugins/sample/plugin.js"
-	 */
-	getFilePath : function( name )
-	{
-		var external = this.externals[ name ];
-		return CKEDITOR.getUrl(
-				this.getPath( name ) +
-				( ( external && ( typeof external.file == 'string' ) ) ? external.file : this.fileName + '.js' ) );
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Registers one or more resources to be loaded from an external path
-	 * instead of the core base path.
-	 * @param {String} names The resource names, separated by commas.
-	 * @param {String} path The path of the folder containing the resource.
-	 * @param {String} [fileName] The resource file name. If not provided, the
-	 *		default name is used; If provided with a empty string, will implicitly indicates that {@param path}
-	 * 		is already the full path.
-	 * @example
-	 * // Loads a plugin from '/myplugin/samples/plugin.js'.
-	 * CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'sample', '/myplugins/sample/' );
-	 * @example
-	 * // Loads a plugin from '/myplugin/samples/my_plugin.js'.
-	 * CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'sample', '/myplugins/sample/', 'my_plugin.js' );
-	 * @example
-	 * // Loads a plugin from '/myplugin/samples/my_plugin.js'.
-	 * CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'sample', '/myplugins/sample/my_plugin.js', '' );
-	 */
-	addExternal : function( names, path, fileName )
-	{
-		names = names.split( ',' );
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < names.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			var name = names[ i ];
-			this.externals[ name ] =
-			{
-				dir : path,
-				file : fileName
-			};
-		}
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Loads one or more resources.
-	 * @param {String|Array} name The name of the resource to load. It may be a
-	 *		string with a single resource name, or an array with several names.
-	 * @param {Function} callback A function to be called when all resources
-	 *		are loaded. The callback will receive an array containing all
-	 *		loaded names.
-	 * @param {Object} [scope] The scope object to be used for the callback
-	 *		call.
-	 * @example
-	 * <b>CKEDITOR.plugins.load</b>( 'myplugin', function( plugins )
-	 *     {
-	 *         alert( plugins['myplugin'] );  // "object"
-	 *     });
-	 */
-	load : function( names, callback, scope )
-	{
-		// Ensure that we have an array of names.
-		if ( !CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( names ) )
-			names = names ? [ names ] : [];
-		var loaded = this.loaded,
-			registered = this.registered,
-			urls = [],
-			urlsNames = {},
-			resources = {};
-		// Loop through all names.
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < names.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			var name = names[ i ];
-			if ( !name )
-				continue;
-			// If not available yet.
-			if ( !loaded[ name ] && !registered[ name ] )
-			{
-				var url = this.getFilePath( name );
-				urls.push( url );
-				if ( !( url in urlsNames ) )
-					urlsNames[ url ] = [];
-				urlsNames[ url ].push( name );
-			}
-			else
-				resources[ name ] = this.get( name );
-		}
-		CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( urls, function( completed, failed )
-			{
-				if ( failed.length )
-				{
-					throw '[CKEDITOR.resourceManager.load] Resource name "' + urlsNames[ failed[ 0 ] ].join( ',' )
-						+ '" was not found at "' + failed[ 0 ] + '".';
-				}
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < completed.length ; i++ )
-				{
-					var nameList = urlsNames[ completed[ i ] ];
-					for ( var j = 0 ; j < nameList.length ; j++ )
-					{
-						var name = nameList[ j ];
-						resources[ name ] = this.get( name );
-						loaded[ name ] = 1;
-					}
-				}
-				callback.call( scope, resources );
-			}
-			, this);
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.resourceManager} class, which is
+ *		the base for resource managers, like plugins.
+ */
+ * Base class for resource managers, like plugins. This class is not
+ * intended to be used out of the CKEditor core code.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @constructor Creates a resourceManager class instance.
+ * @param {String} basePath The path for the resources folder.
+ * @param {String} fileName The name used for resource files.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.resourceManager = function( basePath, fileName ) {
+	/**
+	 * The base directory containing all resources.
+	 *
+	 * @property {String}
+	 */
+	this.basePath = basePath;
+	/**
+	 * The name used for resource files.
+	 *
+	 * @property {String}
+	 */
+	this.fileName = fileName;
+	/**
+	 * Contains references to all resources that have already been registered
+	 * with {@link #add}.
+	 */
+	this.registered = {};
+	/**
+	 * Contains references to all resources that have already been loaded
+	 * with {@link #load}.
+	 */
+	this.loaded = {};
+	/**
+	 * Contains references to all resources that have already been registered
+	 * with {@link #addExternal}.
+	 */
+	this.externals = {};
+	/**
+	 * @private
+	 */
+	this._ = {
+		// List of callbacks waiting for plugins to be loaded.
+		waitingList: {}
+	};
+CKEDITOR.resourceManager.prototype = {
+	/**
+	 * Registers a resource.
+	 *
+	 *		CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sample', { ... plugin definition ... } );
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} name The resource name.
+	 * @param {Object} [definition] The resource definition.
+	 * @see CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition
+	 */
+	add: function( name, definition ) {
+		if ( this.registered[ name ] )
+			throw '[CKEDITOR.resourceManager.add] The resource name "' + name + '" is already registered.';
+		var resource = this.registered[ name ] = definition || {};
+		resource.name = name;
+		resource.path = this.getPath( name );
+		CKEDITOR.fire( name + CKEDITOR.tools.capitalize( this.fileName ) + 'Ready', resource );
+		return this.get( name );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets the definition of a specific resource.
+	 *
+	 *		var definition = CKEDITOR.plugins.get( 'sample' );
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} name The resource name.
+	 * @returns {Object} The registered object.
+	 */
+	get: function( name ) {
+		return this.registered[ name ] || null;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Get the folder path for a specific loaded resource.
+	 *
+	 *		alert( CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath( 'sample' ) ); // '<editor path>/plugins/sample/'
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} name The resource name.
+	 * @returns {String}
+	 */
+	getPath: function( name ) {
+		var external = this.externals[ name ];
+		return CKEDITOR.getUrl( ( external && external.dir ) || this.basePath + name + '/' );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Get the file path for a specific loaded resource.
+	 *
+	 *		alert( CKEDITOR.plugins.getFilePath( 'sample' ) ); // '<editor path>/plugins/sample/plugin.js'
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} name The resource name.
+	 * @returns {String}
+	 */
+	getFilePath: function( name ) {
+		var external = this.externals[ name ];
+		return CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.getPath( name ) + ( ( external && ( typeof external.file == 'string' ) ) ? external.file : this.fileName + '.js' ) );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Registers one or more resources to be loaded from an external path
+	 * instead of the core base path.
+	 *
+	 *		// Loads a plugin from '/myplugin/samples/plugin.js'.
+	 *		CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'sample', '/myplugins/sample/' );
+	 *
+	 *		// Loads a plugin from '/myplugin/samples/my_plugin.js'.
+	 *		CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'sample', '/myplugins/sample/', 'my_plugin.js' );
+	 *
+	 *		// Loads a plugin from '/myplugin/samples/my_plugin.js'.
+	 *		CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'sample', '/myplugins/sample/my_plugin.js', '' );
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} names The resource names, separated by commas.
+	 * @param {String} path The path of the folder containing the resource.
+	 * @param {String} [fileName] The resource file name. If not provided, the
+	 * default name is used. If provided with a empty string, will implicitly indicates that `path` argument
+	 * is already the full path.
+	 */
+	addExternal: function( names, path, fileName ) {
+		names = names.split( ',' );
+		for ( var i = 0; i < names.length; i++ ) {
+			var name = names[ i ];
+			this.externals[ name ] = {
+				dir: path,
+				file: fileName
+			};
+		}
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Loads one or more resources.
+	 *
+	 *		CKEDITOR.plugins.load( 'myplugin', function( plugins ) {
+	 *			alert( plugins[ 'myplugin' ] ); // object
+	 *		} );
+	 *
+	 * @param {String/Array} name The name of the resource to load. It may be a
+	 * string with a single resource name, or an array with several names.
+	 * @param {Function} callback A function to be called when all resources
+	 * are loaded. The callback will receive an array containing all loaded names.
+	 * @param {Object} [scope] The scope object to be used for the callback call.
+	 */
+	load: function( names, callback, scope ) {
+		// Ensure that we have an array of names.
+		if ( !CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( names ) )
+			names = names ? [ names ] : [];
+		var loaded = this.loaded,
+			registered = this.registered,
+			urls = [],
+			urlsNames = {},
+			resources = {};
+		// Loop through all names.
+		for ( var i = 0; i < names.length; i++ ) {
+			var name = names[ i ];
+			if ( !name )
+				continue;
+			// If not available yet.
+			if ( !loaded[ name ] && !registered[ name ] ) {
+				var url = this.getFilePath( name );
+				urls.push( url );
+				if ( !( url in urlsNames ) )
+					urlsNames[ url ] = [];
+				urlsNames[ url ].push( name );
+			} else
+				resources[ name ] = this.get( name );
+		}
+		CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( urls, function( completed, failed ) {
+			if ( failed.length ) {
+				throw '[CKEDITOR.resourceManager.load] Resource name "' + urlsNames[ failed[ 0 ] ].join( ',' )
+					+ '" was not found at "' + failed[ 0 ] + '".';
+			}
+			for ( var i = 0; i < completed.length; i++ ) {
+				var nameList = urlsNames[ completed[ i ] ];
+				for ( var j = 0; j < nameList.length; j++ ) {
+					var name = nameList[ j ];
+					resources[ name ] = this.get( name );
+					loaded[ name ] = 1;
+				}
+			}
+			callback.call( scope, resources );
+		}, this );
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/scriptloader.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/scriptloader.js
index 0ad7d86..1602052 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/scriptloader.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/scriptloader.js
@@ -1,198 +1,157 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.scriptLoader} object, used to load scripts
- *		asynchronously.
- */
- * Load scripts asynchronously.
- * @namespace
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.scriptLoader = (function()
-	var uniqueScripts = {};
-	var waitingList = {};
-	return /** @lends CKEDITOR.scriptLoader */ {
-		/**
-		 * Loads one or more external script checking if not already loaded
-		 * previously by this function.
-		 * @param {String|Array} scriptUrl One or more URLs pointing to the
-		 *		scripts to be loaded.
-		 * @param {Function} [callback] A function to be called when the script
-		 *		is loaded and executed. If a string is passed to "scriptUrl", a
-		 *		boolean parameter is passed to the callback, indicating the
-		 *		success of the load. If an array is passed instead, two array
-		 *		parameters are passed to the callback; the first contains the
-		 *		URLs that have been properly loaded, and the second the failed
-		 *		ones.
-		 * @param {Object} [scope] The scope ("this" reference) to be used for
-		 *		the callback call. Default to {@link CKEDITOR}.
-		 * @param {Boolean} [noCheck] Indicates that the script must be loaded
-		 *		anyway, not checking if it has already loaded.
-		 * @example
-		 * CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( '/myscript.js' );
-		 * @example
-		 * CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( '/myscript.js', function( success )
-		 *     {
-		 *         // Alerts "true" if the script has been properly loaded.
-		 *         // HTTP error 404 should return "false".
-		 *         alert( success );
-		 *     });
-		 * @example
-		 * CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( [ '/myscript1.js', '/myscript2.js' ], function( completed, failed )
-		 *     {
-		 *         alert( 'Number of scripts loaded: ' + completed.length );
-		 *         alert( 'Number of failures: ' + failed.length );
-		 *     });
-		 */
-		load : function( scriptUrl, callback, scope, noCheck, showBusy )
-		{
-			var isString = ( typeof scriptUrl == 'string' );
-			if ( isString )
-				scriptUrl = [ scriptUrl ];
-			if ( !scope )
-				scope = CKEDITOR;
-			var scriptCount = scriptUrl.length,
-				completed = [],
-				failed = [];
-			var doCallback = function( success )
-			{
-				if ( callback )
-				{
-					if ( isString )
-						callback.call( scope, success );
-					else
-						callback.call( scope, completed, failed );
-				}
-			};
-			if ( scriptCount === 0 )
-			{
-				doCallback( true );
-				return;
-			}
-			var checkLoaded = function( url, success )
-			{
-				( success ? completed : failed ).push( url );
-				if ( --scriptCount <= 0 )
-				{
-					showBusy && CKEDITOR.document.getDocumentElement().removeStyle( 'cursor' );
-					doCallback( success );
-				}
-			};
-			var onLoad = function( url, success )
-			{
-				// Mark this script as loaded.
-				uniqueScripts[ url ] = 1;
-				// Get the list of callback checks waiting for this file.
-				var waitingInfo = waitingList[ url ];
-				delete waitingList[ url ];
-				// Check all callbacks waiting for this file.
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < waitingInfo.length ; i++ )
-					waitingInfo[ i ]( url, success );
-			};
-			var loadScript = function( url )
-			{
-				if ( noCheck !== true && uniqueScripts[ url ] )
-				{
-					checkLoaded( url, true );
-					return;
-				}
-				var waitingInfo = waitingList[ url ] || ( waitingList[ url ] = [] );
-				waitingInfo.push( checkLoaded );
-				// Load it only for the first request.
-				if ( waitingInfo.length > 1 )
-					return;
-				// Create the <script> element.
-				var script = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'script' );
-				script.setAttributes( {
-					type : 'text/javascript',
-					src : url } );
-				if ( callback )
-				{
-					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-					{
-						// FIXME: For IE, we are not able to return false on error (like 404).
-						/** @ignore */
-						script.$.onreadystatechange = function ()
-						{
-							if ( script.$.readyState == 'loaded' || script.$.readyState == 'complete' )
-							{
-								script.$.onreadystatechange = null;
-								onLoad( url, true );
-							}
-						};
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						/** @ignore */
-						script.$.onload = function()
-						{
-							// Some browsers, such as Safari, may call the onLoad function
-							// immediately. Which will break the loading sequence. (#3661)
-							setTimeout( function() { onLoad( url, true ); }, 0 );
-						};
-						// FIXME: Opera and Safari will not fire onerror.
-						/** @ignore */
-						script.$.onerror = function()
-						{
-							onLoad( url, false );
-						};
-					}
-				}
-				// Append it to <head>.
-				script.appendTo( CKEDITOR.document.getHead() );
-				CKEDITOR.fire( 'download', url );		// @Packager.RemoveLine
-			};
-			showBusy && CKEDITOR.document.getDocumentElement().setStyle( 'cursor', 'wait' );
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < scriptCount ; i++ )
-			{
-				loadScript( scriptUrl[ i ] );
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Executes a JavaScript code into the current document.
-		 * @param {String} code The code to be executed.
-		 * @example
-		 * CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.loadCode( 'var x = 10;' );
-		 * alert( x );  // "10"
-		 */
-		loadCode : function( code )
-		{
-			// Create the <script> element.
-			var script = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'script' );
-			script.setAttribute( 'type', 'text/javascript' );
-			script.appendText( code );
-			// Append it to <head>.
-			script.appendTo( CKEDITOR.document.getHead() );
-		}
-	};
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.scriptLoader} object, used to load scripts
+ *		asynchronously.
+ */
+ * Load scripts asynchronously.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @singleton
+ */
+CKEDITOR.scriptLoader = (function() {
+	var uniqueScripts = {},
+		waitingList = {};
+	return {
+		/**
+		 * Loads one or more external script checking if not already loaded
+		 * previously by this function.
+		 *
+		 *		CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( '/myscript.js' );
+		 *
+		 *		CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( '/myscript.js', function( success ) {
+		 *			// Alerts true if the script has been properly loaded.
+		 *			// HTTP error 404 should return false.
+		 *			alert( success );
+		 *		} );
+		 *
+		 *		CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( [ '/myscript1.js', '/myscript2.js' ], function( completed, failed ) {
+		 *			alert( 'Number of scripts loaded: ' + completed.length );
+		 *			alert( 'Number of failures: ' + failed.length );
+		 *		} );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String/Array} scriptUrl One or more URLs pointing to the
+		 * scripts to be loaded.
+		 * @param {Function} [callback] A function to be called when the script
+		 * is loaded and executed. If a string is passed to `scriptUrl`, a
+		 * boolean parameter is passed to the callback, indicating the
+		 * success of the load. If an array is passed instead, two arrays
+		 * parameters are passed to the callback - the first contains the
+		 * URLs that have been properly loaded and the second the failed ones.
+		 * @param {Object} [scope] The scope (`this` reference) to be used for
+		 * the callback call. Defaults to {@link CKEDITOR}.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [showBusy] Changes the cursor of the document while
+		 * the script is loaded.
+		 */
+		load: function( scriptUrl, callback, scope, showBusy ) {
+			var isString = ( typeof scriptUrl == 'string' );
+			if ( isString )
+				scriptUrl = [ scriptUrl ];
+			if ( !scope )
+				scope = CKEDITOR;
+			var scriptCount = scriptUrl.length,
+				completed = [],
+				failed = [];
+			var doCallback = function( success ) {
+					if ( callback ) {
+						if ( isString )
+							callback.call( scope, success );
+						else
+							callback.call( scope, completed, failed );
+					}
+				};
+			if ( scriptCount === 0 ) {
+				doCallback( true );
+				return;
+			}
+			var checkLoaded = function( url, success ) {
+					( success ? completed : failed ).push( url );
+					if ( --scriptCount <= 0 ) {
+						showBusy && CKEDITOR.document.getDocumentElement().removeStyle( 'cursor' );
+						doCallback( success );
+					}
+				};
+			var onLoad = function( url, success ) {
+					// Mark this script as loaded.
+					uniqueScripts[ url ] = 1;
+					// Get the list of callback checks waiting for this file.
+					var waitingInfo = waitingList[ url ];
+					delete waitingList[ url ];
+					// Check all callbacks waiting for this file.
+					for ( var i = 0; i < waitingInfo.length; i++ )
+						waitingInfo[ i ]( url, success );
+				};
+			var loadScript = function( url ) {
+					if ( uniqueScripts[ url ] ) {
+						checkLoaded( url, true );
+						return;
+					}
+					var waitingInfo = waitingList[ url ] || ( waitingList[ url ] = [] );
+					waitingInfo.push( checkLoaded );
+					// Load it only for the first request.
+					if ( waitingInfo.length > 1 )
+						return;
+					// Create the <script> element.
+					var script = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'script' );
+					script.setAttributes({
+						type: 'text/javascript',
+						src: url } );
+					if ( callback ) {
+						if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+							// FIXME: For IE, we are not able to return false on error (like 404).
+							script.$.onreadystatechange = function() {
+								if ( script.$.readyState == 'loaded' || script.$.readyState == 'complete' ) {
+									script.$.onreadystatechange = null;
+									onLoad( url, true );
+								}
+							};
+						} else {
+							script.$.onload = function() {
+								// Some browsers, such as Safari, may call the onLoad function
+								// immediately. Which will break the loading sequence. (#3661)
+								setTimeout( function() {
+									onLoad( url, true );
+								}, 0 );
+							};
+							// FIXME: Opera and Safari will not fire onerror.
+							script.$.onerror = function() {
+								onLoad( url, false );
+							};
+						}
+					}
+					// Append it to <head>.
+					script.appendTo( CKEDITOR.document.getHead() );
+					CKEDITOR.fire( 'download', url ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				};
+			showBusy && CKEDITOR.document.getDocumentElement().setStyle( 'cursor', 'wait' );
+			for ( var i = 0; i < scriptCount; i++ ) {
+				loadScript( scriptUrl[ i ] );
+			}
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/selection.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/selection.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6740d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/selection.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1658 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	// #### checkSelectionChange : START
+	// The selection change check basically saves the element parent tree of
+	// the current node and check it on successive requests. If there is any
+	// change on the tree, then the selectionChange event gets fired.
+	function checkSelectionChange() {
+		// Editor may have no selection at all.
+		var sel = this.getSelection( 1 );
+		if ( sel.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE )
+			return;
+		this.fire( 'selectionCheck', sel );
+		var currentPath = this.elementPath();
+		if ( !currentPath.compare( this._.selectionPreviousPath ) ) {
+			this._.selectionPreviousPath = currentPath;
+			this.fire( 'selectionChange', { selection: sel, path: currentPath } );
+		}
+	}
+	var checkSelectionChangeTimer, checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending;
+	function checkSelectionChangeTimeout() {
+		// Firing the "OnSelectionChange" event on every key press started to
+		// be too slow. This function guarantees that there will be at least
+		// 200ms delay between selection checks.
+		checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending = true;
+		if ( checkSelectionChangeTimer )
+			return;
+		checkSelectionChangeTimeoutExec.call( this );
+		checkSelectionChangeTimer = CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( checkSelectionChangeTimeoutExec, 200, this );
+	}
+	function checkSelectionChangeTimeoutExec() {
+		checkSelectionChangeTimer = null;
+		if ( checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending ) {
+			// Call this with a timeout so the browser properly moves the
+			// selection after the mouseup. It happened that the selection was
+			// being moved after the mouseup when clicking inside selected text
+			// with Firefox.
+			CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( checkSelectionChange, 0, this );
+			checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending = false;
+		}
+	}
+	// #### checkSelectionChange : END
+	var isVisible = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.invisible( 1 );
+	function rangeRequiresFix( range ) {
+		function isTextCt( node, isAtEnd ) {
+			if ( !node || node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
+				return false;
+			var testRng = range.clone();
+			return testRng[ 'moveToElementEdit' + ( isAtEnd ? 'End' : 'Start' ) ]( node );
+		}
+		// Range root must be the editable element, it's to avoid creating filler char
+		// on any temporary internal selection.
+		if ( !( range.root instanceof CKEDITOR.editable ) ) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		var ct = range.startContainer;
+		var previous = range.getPreviousNode( isVisible, null, ct ),
+			next = range.getNextNode( isVisible, null, ct );
+		// Any adjacent text container may absorb the cursor, e.g.
+		// <p><strong>text</strong>^foo</p>
+		// <p>foo^<strong>text</strong></p>
+		// <div>^<p>foo</p></div>
+		if ( isTextCt( previous ) || isTextCt( next, 1 ) )
+			return true;
+		// Empty block/inline element is also affected. <span>^</span>, <p>^</p> (#7222)
+		if ( !( previous || next ) && !( ct.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ct.isBlockBoundary() && ct.getBogus() ) )
+			return true;
+		return false;
+	}
+	function createFillingChar( element ) {
+		removeFillingChar( element, false );
+		var fillingChar = element.getDocument().createText( '\u200B' );
+		element.setCustomData( 'cke-fillingChar', fillingChar );
+		return fillingChar;
+	}
+	function getFillingChar( element ) {
+		return element.getCustomData( 'cke-fillingChar' );
+	}
+	// Checks if a filling char has been used, eventualy removing it (#1272).
+	function checkFillingChar( element ) {
+		var fillingChar = getFillingChar( element );
+		if ( fillingChar ) {
+			// Use this flag to avoid removing the filling char right after
+			// creating it.
+			if ( fillingChar.getCustomData( 'ready' ) )
+				removeFillingChar( element );
+			else
+				fillingChar.setCustomData( 'ready', 1 );
+		}
+	}
+	function removeFillingChar( element, keepSelection ) {
+		var fillingChar = element && element.removeCustomData( 'cke-fillingChar' );
+		if ( fillingChar ) {
+			// Text selection position might get mangled by
+			// subsequent dom modification, save it now for restoring. (#8617)
+			if ( keepSelection !== false )
+			{
+				var bm,
+					doc = element.getDocument(),
+					sel = doc.getSelection().getNative(),
+					// Be error proof.
+					range = sel && sel.type != 'None' && sel.getRangeAt( 0 );
+				if ( fillingChar.getLength() > 1 && range && range.intersectsNode( fillingChar.$ ) ) {
+					bm = [ sel.anchorOffset, sel.focusOffset ];
+					// Anticipate the offset change brought by the removed char.
+					var startAffected = sel.anchorNode == fillingChar.$ && sel.anchorOffset > 0,
+						endAffected = sel.focusNode == fillingChar.$ && sel.focusOffset > 0;
+					startAffected && bm[ 0 ]--;
+					endAffected && bm[ 1 ]--;
+					// Revert the bookmark order on reverse selection.
+					isReversedSelection( sel ) && bm.unshift( bm.pop() );
+				}
+			}
+			// We can't simply remove the filling node because the user
+			// will actually enlarge it when typing, so we just remove the
+			// invisible char from it.
+			fillingChar.setText( fillingChar.getText().replace( /\u200B/g, '' ) );
+			// Restore the bookmark.
+			if ( bm ) {
+				var rng = sel.getRangeAt( 0 );
+				rng.setStart( rng.startContainer, bm[ 0 ] );
+				rng.setEnd( rng.startContainer, bm[ 1 ] );
+				sel.removeAllRanges();
+				sel.addRange( rng );
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function isReversedSelection( sel ) {
+		if ( !sel.isCollapsed ) {
+			var range = sel.getRangeAt( 0 );
+			// Potentially alter an reversed selection range.
+			range.setStart( sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset );
+			range.setEnd( sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset );
+			return range.collapsed;
+		}
+	}
+	// Setup all editor instances for the necessary selection hooks.
+	CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceCreated', function( ev ) {
+		var editor = ev.editor;
+		/**
+		 * @event selectionChange
+		 *
+		 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ 		 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ 		 * @param data
+ 		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.selection} data.selection
+ 		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath} data.path
+		 */
+		editor.define( 'selectionChange', { errorProof:1 } );
+		editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
+			var doc = editor.document,
+				outerDoc = CKEDITOR.document,
+				editable = editor.editable(),
+				body = doc.getBody(),
+				html = doc.getDocumentElement();
+			var isInline = editable.isInline();
+			// Browsers could loose the selection once the editable lost focus,
+			// in such case we need to reproduce it by saving a locked selection
+			// and restoring it upon focus gain.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.opera || isInline ) {
+				var restoreSel;
+				// Plays the magic here to restore/save dom selection on editable focus/blur.
+				editable.attachListener( editable, 'focus', function() {
+					editor.unlockSelection( restoreSel );
+					restoreSel = 0;
+				}, null, null, -1 );
+				var lastSel;
+				// Save a fresh copy of the selection.
+				function saveSel() {
+					lastSel = editor.getSelection( 1 );
+					lastSel.lock();
+				}
+				// For old IEs, we can retrieve the last correct DOM selection upon the "beforedeactivate" event.
+				// For the rest, a more frequent check is required for each selection change made.
+				if ( isMSSelection )
+					editable.attachListener( editable, 'beforedeactivate', saveSel, null, null, -1 );
+				else
+					editable.attachListener( editor, 'selectionCheck', saveSel, null, null, -1 );
+				editable.attachListener( editable, 'blur', function() {
+					editor.lockSelection( lastSel );
+					restoreSel = 1;
+				}, null, null, -1 );
+				// Disable selection restoring when clicking in.
+				editable.attachListener( editable, 'mousedown', function() {
+					restoreSel = 0;
+				});
+			}
+			// The following selection related fixes applies to only framed editable.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && !isInline ) {
+				var scroll;
+				editable.attachListener( editable, 'mousedown', function( evt ) {
+					// IE scrolls document to top on right mousedown
+					// when editor has no focus, remember this scroll
+					// position and revert it before context menu opens. (#5778)
+					if ( evt.data.$.button == 2 ) {
+						var sel = editor.document.$.selection;
+						if ( sel.type == 'None' )
+							scroll = editor.window.getScrollPosition();
+					}
+				});
+				editable.attachListener( editable, 'mouseup', function( evt ) {
+					// Restore recorded scroll position when needed on right mouseup.
+					if ( evt.data.$.button == 2 && scroll ) {
+						editor.document.$.documentElement.scrollLeft = scroll.x;
+						editor.document.$.documentElement.scrollTop = scroll.y;
+					}
+					scroll = null;
+				});
+				// When content doc is in standards mode, IE doesn't focus the editor when
+				// clicking at the region below body (on html element) content, we emulate
+				// the normal behavior on old IEs. (#1659, #7932)
+				if ( doc.$.compatMode != 'BackCompat' ) {
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) {
+						function moveRangeToPoint( range, x, y ) {
+							// Error prune in IE7. (#9034, #9110)
+							try { range.moveToPoint( x, y ); } catch ( e ) {}
+						}
+						html.on( 'mousedown', function( evt ) {
+							evt = evt.data;
+							// Expand the text range along with mouse move.
+							function onHover( evt ) {
+								evt = evt.data.$;
+								if ( textRng ) {
+									// Read the current cursor.
+									var rngEnd = body.$.createTextRange();
+									moveRangeToPoint( rngEnd, evt.x, evt.y );
+									// Handle drag directions.
+									textRng.setEndPoint(
+										startRng.compareEndPoints( 'StartToStart', rngEnd ) < 0 ?
+										'EndToEnd' : 'StartToStart', rngEnd );
+									// Update selection with new range.
+									textRng.select();
+								}
+							}
+							function removeListeners() {
+								outerDoc.removeListener( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
+								html.removeListener( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
+							}
+							function onSelectEnd() {
+								html.removeListener( 'mousemove', onHover );
+								removeListeners();
+								// Make it in effect on mouse up. (#9022)
+								textRng.select();
+							}
+							// We're sure that the click happens at the region
+							// below body, but not on scrollbar.
+							if ( evt.getTarget().is( 'html' ) &&
+									 evt.$.y < html.$.clientHeight &&
+									 evt.$.x < html.$.clientWidth ) {
+								// Start to build the text range.
+								var textRng = body.$.createTextRange();
+								moveRangeToPoint( textRng, evt.$.x, evt.$.y );
+								// Records the dragging start of the above text range.
+								var startRng = textRng.duplicate();
+								html.on( 'mousemove', onHover );
+								outerDoc.on( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
+								html.on( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
+							}
+						});
+					}
+					// It's much simpler for IE8+, we just need to reselect the reported range.
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.version > 7 ) {
+						html.on( 'mousedown', function( evt ) {
+							if ( evt.data.getTarget().is( 'html' ) ) {
+								// Limit the text selection mouse move inside of editable. (#9715)
+								outerDoc.on( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
+								html.on( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
+							}
+						});
+						function removeListeners() {
+							outerDoc.removeListener( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
+							html.removeListener( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
+						}
+						function onSelectEnd() {
+							removeListeners();
+							// The event is not fired when clicking on the scrollbars,
+							// so we can safely check the following to understand
+							// whether the empty space following <body> has been clicked.
+								var sel = CKEDITOR.document.$.selection,
+									range = sel.createRange();
+								// The selection range is reported on host, but actually it should applies to the content doc.
+								if ( sel.type != 'None' && range.parentElement().ownerDocument == doc.$ )
+									range.select();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// We check the selection change:
+			// 1. Upon "selectionchange" event from the editable element. (which might be faked event fired by our code)
+			// 2. After the accomplish of keyboard and mouse events.
+			editable.attachListener( editable, 'selectionchange', checkSelectionChange, editor );
+			editable.attachListener( editable, 'keyup', checkSelectionChangeTimeout, editor );
+			// Always fire the selection change on focus gain.
+			editable.attachListener( editable, 'focus', function() {
+				editor.forceNextSelectionCheck();
+				editor.selectionChange( 1 );
+			});
+			// #9699: On Webkit&Gecko in inline editor and on Opera in framed editor we have to check selection
+			// when it was changed by dragging and releasing mouse button outside editable. Dragging (mousedown)
+			// has to be initialized in editable, but for mouseup we listen on document element.
+			// On Opera, listening on document element, helps even if mouse button is released outside iframe.
+			if ( editable.isInline() ? ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit || CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) : CKEDITOR.env.opera ) {
+				var mouseDown;
+				editable.attachListener( editable, 'mousedown', function() {
+					mouseDown = 1;
+				});
+				editable.attachListener( doc.getDocumentElement(), 'mouseup', function() {
+					if ( mouseDown )
+						checkSelectionChangeTimeout.call( editor );
+					mouseDown = 0;
+				});
+			}
+			// In all other cases listen on simple mouseup over editable, as we did before #9699.
+			else
+				editable.attachListener( editable, 'mouseup', checkSelectionChangeTimeout, editor );
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
+				// Before keystroke is handled by editor, check to remove the filling char.
+				doc.on( 'keydown', function( evt ) {
+					var key = evt.data.getKey();
+					// Remove the filling char before some keys get
+					// executed, so they'll not get blocked by it.
+					switch ( key ) {
+						case 13: // ENTER
+						case 33: // PAGEUP
+						case 34: // PAGEDOWN
+						case 35: // HOME
+						case 36: // END
+						case 37: // LEFT-ARROW
+						case 39: // RIGHT-ARROW
+						case 8: // BACKSPACE
+						case 45: // INS
+						case 46: // DEl
+							removeFillingChar( editor.editable() );
+					}
+				}, null, null, -1 );
+			}
+		});
+		// Clear the cached range path before unload. (#7174)
+		editor.on( 'contentDomUnload', editor.forceNextSelectionCheck, editor );
+		// Check selection change on data reload.
+		editor.on( 'dataReady', function() {
+			editor.selectionChange( 1 );
+		});
+		function clearSelection() {
+			var sel = editor.getSelection();
+			sel && sel.removeAllRanges();
+		}
+		// Clear dom selection before editable destroying to fix some browser
+		// craziness.
+		// IE9 might cease to work if there's an object selection inside the iframe (#7639).
+		CKEDITOR.env.ie9Compat && editor.on( 'beforeDestroy', clearSelection, null, null, 9 );
+		// Webkit's selection will mess up after the data loading.
+		CKEDITOR.env.webkit && editor.on( 'setData', clearSelection );
+		// Invalidate locked selection when unloading DOM (e.g. after setData). (#9521)
+		editor.on( 'contentDomUnload', function() {
+			editor.unlockSelection();
+		});
+	});
+	CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( evt ) {
+		var editor = evt.editor,
+			editable = editor.editable();
+		// On WebKit only, we need a special "filling" char on some situations
+		// (#1272). Here we set the events that should invalidate that char.
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
+			editor.on( 'selectionChange', function() {
+				checkFillingChar( editable );
+			}, null, null, -1 );
+			editor.on( 'beforeSetMode', function() {
+				removeFillingChar( editable );
+			}, null, null, -1 );
+			var fillingCharBefore, resetSelection;
+			function beforeData() {
+				var doc = editor.document,
+					fillingChar = getFillingChar( editable );
+				if ( fillingChar ) {
+					// If cursor is right blinking by side of the filler node, save it for restoring,
+					// as the following text substitution will blind it. (#7437)
+					var sel = doc.$.defaultView.getSelection();
+					if ( sel.type == 'Caret' && sel.anchorNode == fillingChar.$ )
+						resetSelection = 1;
+					fillingCharBefore = fillingChar.getText();
+					fillingChar.setText( fillingCharBefore.replace( /\u200B/g, '' ) );
+				}
+			}
+			function afterData() {
+				var doc = editor.document,
+					fillingChar = getFillingChar( editable );
+				if ( fillingChar ) {
+					fillingChar.setText( fillingCharBefore );
+					if ( resetSelection ) {
+						doc.$.defaultView.getSelection().setPosition( fillingChar.$, fillingChar.getLength() );
+						resetSelection = 0;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			editor.on( 'beforeUndoImage', beforeData );
+			editor.on( 'afterUndoImage', afterData );
+			editor.on( 'beforeGetData', beforeData, null, null, 0 );
+			editor.on( 'getData', afterData );
+		}
+	});
+	/**
+	 * Check the selection change in editor and potentially fires
+	 * the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#event-selectionChange} event.
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+	 * @param {Boolean} [checkNow=false] Force the check to happen immediately
+	 * instead of coming with a timeout delay (default).
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.selectionChange = function( checkNow ) {
+		( checkNow ? checkSelectionChange : checkSelectionChangeTimeout ).call( this );
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Retrieve the editor selection in scope of  editable element.
+	 *
+	 * **Note:** Since the native browser selection provides only one single
+	 * selection at a time per document, so if editor's editable element has lost focus,
+	 * this method will return a null value unless the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#lockSelection}
+	 * has been called beforehand so the saved selection is retrieved.
+	 *
+	 *		var selection = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getSelection();
+	 *		alert( selection.getType() );
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+	 * @param {Boolean} forceRealSelection
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.selection} A selection object or null if not available for the moment.
+	 * @todo param
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.getSelection = function( forceRealSelection ) {
+		// Check if there exists a locked selection.
+		if ( this._.savedSelection && !forceRealSelection )
+			return this._.savedSelection;
+		// Editable element might be absent.
+		var editable = this.editable();
+		return editable ? new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( editable ) : null;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Locks the selection made in the editor in order to make it possible to
+	 * manipulate it without browser interference. A locked selection is
+	 * cached and remains unchanged until it is released with the
+	 * {@link CKEDITOR.editor#unlockSelection} method.
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.selection} [sel] Specify the selection to be locked.
+	 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if selection was locked.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.lockSelection = function( sel ) {
+			sel = sel || this.getSelection( 1 );
+			if ( sel.getType() != CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE ) {
+				!sel.isLocked && sel.lock();
+				this._.savedSelection = sel;
+				return true;
+			}
+		return false;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Unlocks the selection made in the editor and locked with the
+	 * {@link CKEDITOR.editor#unlockSelection} method. An unlocked selection
+	 * is no longer cached and can be changed.
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+	 * @param {Boolean} [restore] If set to `true`, the selection is
+	 * restored back to the selection saved earlier by using the
+	 * {@link CKEDITOR.dom.selection#lock} method.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.unlockSelection = function( restore ) {
+		var sel = this._.savedSelection;
+		if ( sel ) {
+			sel.unlock( restore );
+			delete this._.savedSelection;
+			return true;
+		}
+		return false;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * @method
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.forceNextSelectionCheck = function() {
+		delete this._.selectionPreviousPath;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Gets the current selection in context of the document's body element.
+	 *
+	 *		var selection = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.document.getSelection();
+	 *		alert( selection.getType() );
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.dom.document
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.selection} A selection object.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype.getSelection = function() {
+		return new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( this );
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Select this range as the only one with {@link CKEDITOR.dom.selection#selectRanges}.
+	 *
+	 * @method
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.selection}
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.dom.range
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype.select = function() {
+		var sel = this.root instanceof CKEDITOR.editable ? this.root.editor.getSelection() : new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( this.root );
+		sel.selectRanges( [ this ] );
+		return sel;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * No selection.
+	 *
+	 *		if ( editor.getSelection().getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE )
+	 *			alert( 'Nothing is selected' );
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 * @property {Number} [=1]
+	 * @member CKEDITOR
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * A text or a collapsed selection.
+	 *
+	 *		if ( editor.getSelection().getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT )
+	 *			alert( 'A text is selected' );
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 * @property {Number} [=2]
+	 * @member CKEDITOR
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Element selection.
+	 *
+	 *		if ( editor.getSelection().getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT )
+	 *			alert( 'An element is selected' );
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 * @property {Number} [=3]
+	 * @member CKEDITOR
+	 */
+	var isMSSelection = typeof window.getSelection != 'function';
+	/**
+	 * Manipulates the selection within a DOM element, if the current browser selection
+	 * spans outside of the element, an empty selection object is returned.
+	 *
+	 *		var sel = new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( CKEDITOR.document );
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @constructor Creates a selection class instance.
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.document} target The DOM document/element that the DOM selection
+	 * is restrained to, only selection spans within the target element is considered as valid.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.dom.selection = function( target ) {
+		var isElement = target instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element;
+		this.document = target instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.document ? target : target.getDocument();
+		this.root = isElement ? target : this.document.getBody();
+		this.isLocked = 0;
+		this._ = {
+			cache: {}
+		};
+		// On WebKit, it may happen that we've already have focus
+		// on the editable element while still having no selection
+		// available. We normalize it here by replicating the
+		// behavior of other browsers.
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
+			var sel = this.document.getWindow().$.getSelection();
+			if ( sel.type == 'None' && this.document.getActive().equals( this.root ) || sel.type == 'Caret' && sel.anchorNode.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT ) {
+				var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.root );
+				range.moveToPosition( this.root, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
+				var nativeRange = this.document.$.createRange();
+				nativeRange.setStart( range.startContainer.$, range.startOffset );
+				nativeRange.collapse( 1 );
+				sel.addRange( nativeRange );
+			}
+		}
+		// Check whether browser focus is really inside of the editable element.
+		var nativeSel = this.getNative(),
+			rangeParent;
+		if ( nativeSel ) {
+			if ( nativeSel.getRangeAt ) {
+				range = nativeSel.rangeCount && nativeSel.getRangeAt( 0 );
+				rangeParent = range && new CKEDITOR.dom.node( range.commonAncestorContainer );
+			}
+			// For old IEs.
+			else {
+				// Sometimes, mostly when selection is close to the table or hr,
+				// IE throws "Unspecified error".
+				try {
+					range = nativeSel.createRange();
+				} catch ( err ) {}
+				rangeParent = range && CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( range.item && range.item( 0 ) || range.parentElement() );
+			}
+		}
+		// Selection out of concerned range, empty the selection.
+		if ( !( rangeParent && ( this.root.equals( rangeParent ) || this.root.contains( rangeParent ) ) ) ) {
+			this._.cache.type = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE;
+			this._.cache.startElement = null;
+			this._.cache.selectedElement = null;
+			this._.cache.selectedText = '';
+			this._.cache.ranges = new CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList();
+		}
+		return this;
+	};
+	var styleObjectElements = { img:1,hr:1,li:1,table:1,tr:1,td:1,th:1,embed:1,object:1,ol:1,ul:1,a:1,input:1,form:1,select:1,textarea:1,button:1,fieldset:1,thead:1,tfoot:1 };
+	CKEDITOR.dom.selection.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Gets the native selection object from the browser.
+		 *
+		 *		var selection = editor.getSelection().getNative();
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Object} The native browser selection object.
+		 */
+		getNative: function() {
+			if ( this._.cache.nativeSel !== undefined )
+				return this._.cache.nativeSel;
+			return ( this._.cache.nativeSel = isMSSelection ? this.document.$.selection : this.document.getWindow().$.getSelection() );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets the type of the current selection. The following values are
+		 * available:
+		 *
+		 * * {@link CKEDITOR#SELECTION_NONE} (1): No selection.
+		 * * {@link CKEDITOR#SELECTION_TEXT} (2): A text or a collapsed selection is selected.
+		 * * {@link CKEDITOR#SELECTION_ELEMENT} (3): An element is selected.
+		 *
+		 * Example:
+		 *
+		 *		if ( editor.getSelection().getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT )
+		 *			alert( 'A text is selected' );
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @returns {Number} One of the following constant values: {@link CKEDITOR#SELECTION_NONE},
+		 */
+		getType: isMSSelection ?
+		function() {
+			var cache = this._.cache;
+			if ( cache.type )
+				return cache.type;
+			try {
+				var sel = this.getNative(),
+					ieType = sel.type;
+				if ( ieType == 'Text' )
+				if ( ieType == 'Control' )
+				// It is possible that we can still get a text range
+				// object even when type == 'None' is returned by IE.
+				// So we'd better check the object returned by
+				// createRange() rather than by looking at the type.
+				if ( sel.createRange().parentElement() )
+			} catch ( e ) {}
+			return ( cache.type = type );
+		} : function() {
+			var cache = this._.cache;
+			if ( cache.type )
+				return cache.type;
+			var sel = this.getNative();
+			if ( !( sel && sel.rangeCount ) )
+			else if ( sel.rangeCount == 1 ) {
+				// Check if the actual selection is a control (IMG,
+				// TABLE, HR, etc...).
+				var range = sel.getRangeAt( 0 ),
+					startContainer = range.startContainer;
+				if ( startContainer == range.endContainer && startContainer.nodeType == 1 && ( range.endOffset - range.startOffset ) == 1 && styleObjectElements[ startContainer.childNodes[ range.startOffset ].nodeName.toLowerCase() ] ) {
+				}
+			}
+			return ( cache.type = type );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Retrieves the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range} instances that represent the current selection.
+		 *
+		 * Note: Some browsers return multiple ranges even for a continuous selection. Firefox, for example, returns
+		 * one range for each table cell when one or more table rows are selected.
+		 *
+		 *		var ranges = selection.getRanges();
+		 *		alert( ranges.length );
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @param {Boolean} [onlyEditables] If set to `true`, this function retrives editable ranges only.
+		 * @returns {Array} Range instances that represent the current selection.
+		 */
+		getRanges: (function() {
+			var func = isMSSelection ? ( function() {
+				function getNodeIndex( node ) {
+					return new CKEDITOR.dom.node( node ).getIndex();
+				}
+				// Finds the container and offset for a specific boundary
+				// of an IE range.
+				var getBoundaryInformation = function( range, start ) {
+						// Creates a collapsed range at the requested boundary.
+						range = range.duplicate();
+						range.collapse( start );
+						// Gets the element that encloses the range entirely.
+						var parent = range.parentElement(),
+							doc = parent.ownerDocument;
+						// Empty parent element, e.g. <i>^</i>
+						if ( !parent.hasChildNodes() )
+							return { container: parent, offset: 0 };
+						var siblings = parent.children,
+							child, sibling,
+							testRange = range.duplicate(),
+							startIndex = 0,
+							endIndex = siblings.length - 1,
+							index = -1,
+							position, distance, container;
+						// Binary search over all element childs to test the range to see whether
+						// range is right on the boundary of one element.
+						while ( startIndex <= endIndex ) {
+							index = Math.floor( ( startIndex + endIndex ) / 2 );
+							child = siblings[ index ];
+							testRange.moveToElementText( child );
+							position = testRange.compareEndPoints( 'StartToStart', range );
+							if ( position > 0 )
+								endIndex = index - 1;
+							else if ( position < 0 )
+								startIndex = index + 1;
+							else {
+								// IE9 report wrong measurement with compareEndPoints when range anchors between two BRs.
+								// e.g. <p>text<br />^<br /></p> (#7433)
+								if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie9Compat && child.tagName == 'BR' ) {
+									// "Fall back" to w3c selection.
+									var sel = doc.defaultView.getSelection();
+									return {
+										container: sel[ start ? 'anchorNode' : 'focusNode' ],
+										offset: sel[ start ? 'anchorOffset' : 'focusOffset' ] };
+								} else
+									return { container: parent, offset: getNodeIndex( child ) };
+							}
+						}
+						// All childs are text nodes,
+						// or to the right hand of test range are all text nodes. (#6992)
+						if ( index == -1 || index == siblings.length - 1 && position < 0 ) {
+							// Adapt test range to embrace the entire parent contents.
+							testRange.moveToElementText( parent );
+							testRange.setEndPoint( 'StartToStart', range );
+							// IE report line break as CRLF with range.text but
+							// only LF with textnode.nodeValue, normalize them to avoid
+							// breaking character counting logic below. (#3949)
+							distance = testRange.text.replace( /(\r\n|\r)/g, '\n' ).length;
+							siblings = parent.childNodes;
+							// Actual range anchor right beside test range at the boundary of text node.
+							if ( !distance ) {
+								child = siblings[ siblings.length - 1 ];
+								if ( child.nodeType != CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
+									return { container: parent, offset: siblings.length };
+								else
+									return { container: child, offset: child.nodeValue.length };
+							}
+							// Start the measuring until distance overflows, meanwhile count the text nodes.
+							var i = siblings.length;
+							while ( distance > 0 && i > 0 ) {
+								sibling = siblings[ --i ];
+								if ( sibling.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+									container = sibling;
+									distance -= sibling.nodeValue.length;
+								}
+							}
+							return { container: container, offset: -distance };
+						}
+						// Test range was one offset beyond OR behind the anchored text node.
+						else {
+							// Adapt one side of test range to the actual range
+							// for measuring the offset between them.
+							testRange.collapse( position > 0 ? true : false );
+							testRange.setEndPoint( position > 0 ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToStart', range );
+							// IE report line break as CRLF with range.text but
+							// only LF with textnode.nodeValue, normalize them to avoid
+							// breaking character counting logic below. (#3949)
+							distance = testRange.text.replace( /(\r\n|\r)/g, '\n' ).length;
+							// Actual range anchor right beside test range at the inner boundary of text node.
+							if ( !distance )
+								return { container: parent, offset: getNodeIndex( child ) + ( position > 0 ? 0 : 1 ) };
+							// Start the measuring until distance overflows, meanwhile count the text nodes.
+							while ( distance > 0 ) {
+								try {
+									sibling = child[ position > 0 ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling' ];
+									if ( sibling.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+										distance -= sibling.nodeValue.length;
+										container = sibling;
+									}
+									child = sibling;
+								}
+								// Measurement in IE could be somtimes wrong because of <select> element. (#4611)
+								catch ( e ) {
+									return { container: parent, offset: getNodeIndex( child ) };
+								}
+							}
+							return { container: container, offset: position > 0 ? -distance : container.nodeValue.length + distance };
+						}
+					};
+				return function() {
+					// IE doesn't have range support (in the W3C way), so we
+					// need to do some magic to transform selections into
+					// CKEDITOR.dom.range instances.
+					var sel = this.getNative(),
+						nativeRange = sel && sel.createRange(),
+						type = this.getType(),
+						range;
+					if ( !sel )
+						return [];
+					if ( type == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT ) {
+						range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.root );
+						var boundaryInfo = getBoundaryInformation( nativeRange, true );
+						range.setStart( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( boundaryInfo.container ), boundaryInfo.offset );
+						boundaryInfo = getBoundaryInformation( nativeRange );
+						range.setEnd( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( boundaryInfo.container ), boundaryInfo.offset );
+						// Correct an invalid IE range case on empty list item. (#5850)
+						if ( range.endContainer.getPosition( range.startContainer ) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_PRECEDING && range.endOffset <= range.startContainer.getIndex() ) {
+							range.collapse();
+						}
+						return [ range ];
+					} else if ( type == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT ) {
+						var retval = [];
+						for ( var i = 0; i < nativeRange.length; i++ ) {
+							var element = nativeRange.item( i ),
+								parentElement = element.parentNode,
+								j = 0;
+							range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.root );
+							for ( ; j < parentElement.childNodes.length && parentElement.childNodes[ j ] != element; j++ ) {
+								/*jsl:pass*/
+							}
+							range.setStart( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( parentElement ), j );
+							range.setEnd( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( parentElement ), j + 1 );
+							retval.push( range );
+						}
+						return retval;
+					}
+					return [];
+				};
+			})() : function() {
+					// On browsers implementing the W3C range, we simply
+					// tranform the native ranges in CKEDITOR.dom.range
+					// instances.
+					var ranges = [],
+						range,
+						sel = this.getNative();
+					if ( !sel )
+						return ranges;
+					for ( var i = 0; i < sel.rangeCount; i++ ) {
+						var nativeRange = sel.getRangeAt( i );
+						range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.root );
+						range.setStart( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( nativeRange.startContainer ), nativeRange.startOffset );
+						range.setEnd( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( nativeRange.endContainer ), nativeRange.endOffset );
+						ranges.push( range );
+					}
+					return ranges;
+				};
+			return function( onlyEditables ) {
+				var cache = this._.cache;
+				if ( cache.ranges && !onlyEditables )
+					return cache.ranges;
+				else if ( !cache.ranges )
+					cache.ranges = new CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList( func.call( this ) );
+				// Split range into multiple by read-only nodes.
+				if ( onlyEditables ) {
+					var ranges = cache.ranges;
+					for ( var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++ ) {
+						var range = ranges[ i ];
+						// Drop range spans inside one ready-only node.
+						var parent = range.getCommonAncestor();
+						if ( parent.isReadOnly() )
+							ranges.splice( i, 1 );
+						if ( range.collapsed )
+							continue;
+						// Range may start inside a non-editable element,
+						// replace the range start after it.
+						if ( range.startContainer.isReadOnly() ) {
+							var current = range.startContainer,
+								isElement;
+							while ( current ) {
+								isElement = current.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT;
+								if ( ( isElement && current.is( 'body' ) ) || !current.isReadOnly() )
+									break;
+								if ( isElement && current.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' ) == 'false' )
+									range.setStartAfter( current );
+								current = current.getParent();
+							}
+						}
+						var startContainer = range.startContainer,
+							endContainer = range.endContainer,
+							startOffset = range.startOffset,
+							endOffset = range.endOffset,
+							walkerRange = range.clone();
+						// Enlarge range start/end with text node to avoid walker
+						// being DOM destructive, it doesn't interfere our checking
+						// of elements below as well.
+						if ( startContainer && startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+							if ( startOffset >= startContainer.getLength() )
+								walkerRange.setStartAfter( startContainer );
+							else
+								walkerRange.setStartBefore( startContainer );
+						}
+						if ( endContainer && endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+							if ( !endOffset )
+								walkerRange.setEndBefore( endContainer );
+							else
+								walkerRange.setEndAfter( endContainer );
+						}
+						// Looking for non-editable element inside the range.
+						var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
+						walker.evaluator = function( node ) {
+							if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.isReadOnly() ) {
+								var newRange = range.clone();
+								range.setEndBefore( node );
+								// Drop collapsed range around read-only elements,
+								// it make sure the range list empty when selecting
+								// only non-editable elements.
+								if ( range.collapsed )
+									ranges.splice( i--, 1 );
+								// Avoid creating invalid range.
+								if ( !( node.getPosition( walkerRange.endContainer ) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_CONTAINS ) ) {
+									newRange.setStartAfter( node );
+									if ( !newRange.collapsed )
+										ranges.splice( i + 1, 0, newRange );
+								}
+								return true;
+							}
+							return false;
+						};
+						walker.next();
+					}
+				}
+				return cache.ranges;
+			};
+		})(),
+		/**
+		 * Gets the DOM element in which the selection starts.
+		 *
+		 *		var element = editor.getSelection().getStartElement();
+		 *		alert( element.getName() );
+		 *
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The element at the beginning of the selection.
+		 */
+		getStartElement: function() {
+			var cache = this._.cache;
+			if ( cache.startElement !== undefined )
+				return cache.startElement;
+			var node;
+			switch ( this.getType() ) {
+					return this.getSelectedElement();
+					var range = this.getRanges()[ 0 ];
+					if ( range ) {
+						if ( !range.collapsed ) {
+							range.optimize();
+							// Decrease the range content to exclude particial
+							// selected node on the start which doesn't have
+							// visual impact. ( #3231 )
+							while ( 1 ) {
+								var startContainer = range.startContainer,
+									startOffset = range.startOffset;
+								// Limit the fix only to non-block elements.(#3950)
+								if ( startOffset == ( startContainer.getChildCount ? startContainer.getChildCount() : startContainer.getLength() ) && !startContainer.isBlockBoundary() )
+									range.setStartAfter( startContainer );
+								else
+									break;
+							}
+							node = range.startContainer;
+							if ( node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+								return node.getParent();
+							node = node.getChild( range.startOffset );
+							if ( !node || node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+								node = range.startContainer;
+							else {
+								var child = node.getFirst();
+								while ( child && child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+									node = child;
+									child = child.getFirst();
+								}
+							}
+						} else {
+							node = range.startContainer;
+							if ( node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+								node = node.getParent();
+						}
+						node = node.$;
+					}
+			}
+			return cache.startElement = ( node ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element( node ) : null );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets the currently selected element.
+		 *
+		 *		var element = editor.getSelection().getSelectedElement();
+		 *		alert( element.getName() );
+		 *
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The selected element. Null if no
+		 * selection is available or the selection type is not {@link CKEDITOR#SELECTION_ELEMENT}.
+		 */
+		getSelectedElement: function() {
+			var cache = this._.cache;
+			if ( cache.selectedElement !== undefined )
+				return cache.selectedElement;
+			var self = this;
+			var node = CKEDITOR.tools.tryThese(
+			// Is it native IE control type selection?
+			function() {
+				return self.getNative().createRange().item( 0 );
+			},
+			// Figure it out by checking if there's a single enclosed
+			// node of the range.
+			function() {
+				var range = self.getRanges()[ 0 ],
+					enclosed, selected;
+				// Check first any enclosed element, e.g. <ul>[<li><a href="#">item</a></li>]</ul>
+				for ( var i = 2; i && !( ( enclosed = range.getEnclosedNode() ) && ( enclosed.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) && styleObjectElements[ enclosed.getName() ] && ( selected = enclosed ) ); i-- ) {
+					// Then check any deep wrapped element, e.g. [<b><i><img /></i></b>]
+					range.shrink( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT );
+				}
+				return selected.$;
+			});
+			return cache.selectedElement = ( node ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element( node ) : null );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Retrieves the text contained within the range. An empty string is returned for non-text selection.
+		 *
+		 *		var text = editor.getSelection().getSelectedText();
+		 *		alert( text );
+		 *
+		 * @since 3.6.1
+		 * @returns {String} A string of text within the current selection.
+		 */
+		getSelectedText: function() {
+			var cache = this._.cache;
+			if ( cache.selectedText !== undefined )
+				return cache.selectedText;
+			var nativeSel = this.getNative(),
+				text = isMSSelection ? nativeSel.type == 'Control' ? '' : nativeSel.createRange().text : nativeSel.toString();
+			return ( cache.selectedText = text );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Locks the selection made in the editor in order to make it possible to
+		 * manipulate it without browser interference. A locked selection is
+		 * cached and remains unchanged until it is released with the {@link #unlock} method.
+		 *
+		 *		editor.getSelection().lock();
+		 */
+		lock: function() {
+			// Call all cacheable function.
+			this.getRanges();
+			this.getStartElement();
+			this.getSelectedElement();
+			this.getSelectedText();
+			// The native selection is not available when locked.
+			this._.cache.nativeSel = null;
+			this.isLocked = 1;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		unlock: function( restore ) {
+			if ( !this.isLocked )
+				return;
+			if ( restore ) {
+				var selectedElement = this.getSelectedElement(),
+					ranges = !selectedElement && this.getRanges();
+			}
+			this.isLocked = 0;
+			this.reset();
+			if ( restore ) {
+				// Saved selection may be outdated (e.g. anchored in offline nodes).
+				// Avoid getting broken by such.
+				var common = selectedElement || ranges[ 0 ].getCommonAncestor();
+				if ( !( common && common.getAscendant( 'body', 1 ) ) )
+					return;
+				if ( selectedElement )
+					this.selectElement( selectedElement );
+				else
+					this.selectRanges( ranges );
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Clears the selection cache.
+		 *
+		 *		editor.getSelection().reset();
+		 */
+		reset: function() {
+			this._.cache = {};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Makes the current selection of type {@link CKEDITOR#SELECTION_ELEMENT} by enclosing the specified element.
+		 *
+		 *		var element = editor.document.getById( 'sampleElement' );
+		 *		editor.getSelection().selectElement( element );
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The element to enclose in the selection.
+		 */
+		selectElement: function( element ) {
+			var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.root );
+			range.setStartBefore( element );
+			range.setEndAfter( element );
+			this.selectRanges( [ range ] );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Clears the original selection and adds the specified ranges to the document selection.
+		 *
+		 * 		// Move selection to the end of the editable element.
+		 *		var range = editor.createRange();
+		 *		range.moveToPosition( range.root, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+		 *		editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ ranges ] );
+		 *
+		 * @param {Array} ranges An array of {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range} instances
+		 * representing ranges to be added to the document.
+		 */
+		selectRanges: function( ranges ) {
+			if ( !ranges.length )
+				return;
+			// Refresh the locked selection.
+			if ( this.isLocked ) {
+				// making a new DOM selection will force the focus on editable in certain situation,
+				// we have to save the currently focused element for later recovery.
+				var focused = CKEDITOR.document.getActive();
+				this.unlock();
+				this.selectRanges( ranges );
+				this.lock();
+				// Return to the previously focused element.
+				!focused.equals( this.root ) && focused.focus();
+				return;
+			}
+			if ( isMSSelection ) {
+				var notWhitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ),
+					fillerTextRegex = /\ufeff|\u00a0/,
+					nonCells = { table:1,tbody:1,tr:1 };
+				if ( ranges.length > 1 ) {
+					// IE doesn't accept multiple ranges selection, so we join all into one.
+					var last = ranges[ ranges.length - 1 ];
+					ranges[ 0 ].setEnd( last.endContainer, last.endOffset );
+				}
+				var range = ranges[ 0 ];
+				var collapsed = range.collapsed,
+					isStartMarkerAlone, dummySpan, ieRange;
+				// Try to make a object selection, be careful with selecting phase element in IE
+				// will breaks the selection in non-framed environment.
+				var selected = range.getEnclosedNode();
+				if ( selected && selected.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && selected.getName() in styleObjectElements && !( selected.is( 'a' ) && selected.getText() ) ) {
+					try {
+						ieRange = selected.$.createControlRange();
+						ieRange.addElement( selected.$ );
+						ieRange.select();
+						return;
+					} catch ( er ) {}
+				}
+				// IE doesn't support selecting the entire table row/cell, move the selection into cells, e.g.
+				// <table><tbody><tr>[<td>cell</b></td>... => <table><tbody><tr><td>[cell</td>...
+				if ( range.startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && range.startContainer.getName() in nonCells || range.endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && range.endContainer.getName() in nonCells ) {
+					range.shrink( CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, true );
+				}
+				var bookmark = range.createBookmark();
+				// Create marker tags for the start and end boundaries.
+				var startNode = bookmark.startNode;
+				var endNode;
+				if ( !collapsed )
+					endNode = bookmark.endNode;
+				// Create the main range which will be used for the selection.
+				ieRange = range.document.$.body.createTextRange();
+				// Position the range at the start boundary.
+				ieRange.moveToElementText( startNode.$ );
+				ieRange.moveStart( 'character', 1 );
+				if ( endNode ) {
+					// Create a tool range for the end.
+					var ieRangeEnd = range.document.$.body.createTextRange();
+					// Position the tool range at the end.
+					ieRangeEnd.moveToElementText( endNode.$ );
+					// Move the end boundary of the main range to match the tool range.
+					ieRange.setEndPoint( 'EndToEnd', ieRangeEnd );
+					ieRange.moveEnd( 'character', -1 );
+				} else {
+					// The isStartMarkerAlone logic comes from V2. It guarantees that the lines
+					// will expand and that the cursor will be blinking on the right place.
+					// Actually, we are using this flag just to avoid using this hack in all
+					// situations, but just on those needed.
+					var next = startNode.getNext( notWhitespaces );
+					var inPre = startNode.hasAscendant( 'pre' );
+					isStartMarkerAlone = ( !( next && next.getText && next.getText().match( fillerTextRegex ) ) // already a filler there?
+					&& ( inPre || !startNode.hasPrevious() || ( startNode.getPrevious().is && startNode.getPrevious().is( 'br' ) ) ) );
+					// Append a temporary <span></span> before the selection.
+					// This is needed to avoid IE destroying selections inside empty
+					// inline elements, like <b></b> (#253).
+					// It is also needed when placing the selection right after an inline
+					// element to avoid the selection moving inside of it.
+					dummySpan = range.document.createElement( 'span' );
+					dummySpan.setHtml( '' ); // Zero Width No-Break Space (U+FEFF). See #1359.
+					dummySpan.insertBefore( startNode );
+					if ( isStartMarkerAlone ) {
+						// To expand empty blocks or line spaces after <br>, we need
+						// instead to have any char, which will be later deleted using the
+						// selection.
+						// \ufeff = Zero Width No-Break Space (U+FEFF). (#1359)
+						range.document.createText( '\ufeff' ).insertBefore( startNode );
+					}
+				}
+				// Remove the markers (reset the position, because of the changes in the DOM tree).
+				range.setStartBefore( startNode );
+				startNode.remove();
+				if ( collapsed ) {
+					if ( isStartMarkerAlone ) {
+						// Move the selection start to include the temporary \ufeff.
+						ieRange.moveStart( 'character', -1 );
+						ieRange.select();
+						// Remove our temporary stuff.
+						range.document.$.selection.clear();
+					} else
+						ieRange.select();
+					range.moveToPosition( dummySpan, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
+					dummySpan.remove();
+				} else {
+					range.setEndBefore( endNode );
+					endNode.remove();
+					ieRange.select();
+				}
+			} else {
+				var sel = this.getNative();
+				// getNative() returns null if iframe is "display:none" in FF. (#6577)
+				if ( !sel )
+					return;
+				// Opera: The above hack work around a *visually wrong* text selection that
+				// happens in certain situation. (#6874, #9447)
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera ) {
+					var nativeRng = this.document.$.createRange();
+					nativeRng.selectNodeContents( this.root.$ );
+					sel.addRange( nativeRng );
+				}
+				this.removeAllRanges();
+				for ( var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++ ) {
+					// Joining sequential ranges introduced by
+					// readonly elements protection.
+					if ( i < ranges.length - 1 ) {
+						var left = ranges[ i ],
+							right = ranges[ i + 1 ],
+							between = left.clone();
+						between.setStart( left.endContainer, left.endOffset );
+						between.setEnd( right.startContainer, right.startOffset );
+						// Don't confused by Firefox adjancent multi-ranges
+						// introduced by table cells selection.
+						if ( !between.collapsed ) {
+							between.shrink( CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, true );
+							var ancestor = between.getCommonAncestor(),
+								enclosed = between.getEnclosedNode();
+							// The following cases has to be considered:
+							// 1. <span contenteditable="false">[placeholder]</span>
+							// 2. <input contenteditable="false"  type="radio"/> (#6621)
+							if ( ancestor.isReadOnly() || enclosed && enclosed.isReadOnly() ) {
+								right.setStart( left.startContainer, left.startOffset );
+								ranges.splice( i--, 1 );
+								continue;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					range = ranges[ i ];
+					var nativeRange = this.document.$.createRange();
+					var startContainer = range.startContainer;
+					// In Opera, we have some cases when a collapsed text selection cursor will be moved out of the
+					// anchor node:
+					// 1. Inside of any empty inline. (#4657)
+					// 2. In adjacent to any inline element.
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera && range.collapsed && startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+						var leftSib = startContainer.getChild( range.startOffset - 1 ),
+							rightSib = startContainer.getChild( range.startOffset );
+						if ( !leftSib && !rightSib && startContainer.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty ) ||
+								 leftSib && leftSib.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ||
+								 rightSib && rightSib.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+							range.insertNode( this.document.createText( '' ) );
+							range.collapse( 1 );
+						}
+					}
+					if ( range.collapsed && CKEDITOR.env.webkit && rangeRequiresFix( range ) ) {
+						// Append a zero-width space so WebKit will not try to
+						// move the selection by itself (#1272).
+						var fillingChar = createFillingChar( this.root );
+						range.insertNode( fillingChar );
+						next = fillingChar.getNext();
+						// If the filling char is followed by a <br>, whithout
+						// having something before it, it'll not blink.
+						// Let's remove it in this case.
+						if ( next && !fillingChar.getPrevious() && next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && next.getName() == 'br' ) {
+							removeFillingChar( this.root );
+							range.moveToPosition( next, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
+						} else
+							range.moveToPosition( fillingChar, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
+					}
+					nativeRange.setStart( range.startContainer.$, range.startOffset );
+					try {
+						nativeRange.setEnd( range.endContainer.$, range.endOffset );
+					} catch ( e ) {
+						// There is a bug in Firefox implementation (it would be too easy
+						// otherwise). The new start can't be after the end (W3C says it can).
+						// So, let's create a new range and collapse it to the desired point.
+						if ( e.toString().indexOf( 'NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE' ) >= 0 ) {
+							range.collapse( 1 );
+							nativeRange.setEnd( range.endContainer.$, range.endOffset );
+						} else
+							throw e;
+					}
+					// Select the range.
+					sel.addRange( nativeRange );
+				}
+			}
+			this.reset();
+			// Fakes the IE DOM event "selectionchange" on editable.
+			this.root.fire( 'selectionchange' );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a bookmark for each range of this selection (from {@link #getRanges})
+		 * by calling the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range#createBookmark} method,
+		 * with extra care taken to avoid interference among those ranges. The arguments
+		 * received are the same as with the underlying range method.
+		 *
+		 *		var bookmarks = editor.getSelection().createBookmarks();
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Array} Array of bookmarks for each range.
+		 */
+		createBookmarks: function( serializable ) {
+			return this.getRanges().createBookmarks( serializable );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a bookmark for each range of this selection (from {@link #getRanges})
+		 * by calling the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range#createBookmark2} method,
+		 * with extra care taken to avoid interference among those ranges. The arguments
+		 * received are the same as with the underlying range method.
+		 *
+		 *		var bookmarks = editor.getSelection().createBookmarks2();
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Array} Array of bookmarks for each range.
+		 */
+		createBookmarks2: function( normalized ) {
+			return this.getRanges().createBookmarks2( normalized );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Selects the virtual ranges denoted by the bookmarks by calling {@link #selectRanges}.
+		 *
+		 *		var bookmarks = editor.getSelection().createBookmarks();
+		 *		editor.getSelection().selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
+		 *
+		 * @param {Array} bookmarks The bookmarks representing ranges to be selected.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.selection} This selection object, after the ranges were selected.
+		 */
+		selectBookmarks: function( bookmarks ) {
+			var ranges = [];
+			for ( var i = 0; i < bookmarks.length; i++ ) {
+				var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.root );
+				range.moveToBookmark( bookmarks[ i ] );
+				ranges.push( range );
+			}
+			this.selectRanges( ranges );
+			return this;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Retrieves the common ancestor node of the first range and the last range.
+		 *
+		 *		var ancestor = editor.getSelection().getCommonAncestor();
+		 *
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The common ancestor of the selection.
+		 */
+		getCommonAncestor: function() {
+			var ranges = this.getRanges(),
+				startNode = ranges[ 0 ].startContainer,
+				endNode = ranges[ ranges.length - 1 ].endContainer;
+			return startNode.getCommonAncestor( endNode );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Moves the scrollbar to the starting position of the current selection.
+		 *
+		 *		editor.getSelection().scrollIntoView();
+		 */
+		scrollIntoView: function() {
+			// Scrolls the first range into view.
+			if ( this.type != CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE )
+				this.getRanges()[ 0 ].scrollIntoView();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Remove all the selection ranges from the document.
+		 */
+		removeAllRanges: function() {
+			var nativ = this.getNative();
+			try { nativ && nativ[ isMSSelection ? 'empty' : 'removeAllRanges' ](); }
+			catch(er){}
+			this.reset();
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/skin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/skin.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6cbf66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/skin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.skin} class, which is used to manage skin parts.
+ */
+(function() {
+	var cssLoaded = {};
+	function getName() {
+		return CKEDITOR.skinName.split( ',' )[ 0 ];
+	}
+	function getConfigPath() {
+		return CKEDITOR.getUrl( CKEDITOR.skinName.split( ',' )[ 1 ] || ( 'skins/' + getName() + '/' ) );
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Manages the loading of skin parts among all editor instances.
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @singleton
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.skin = {
+		/**
+		 * Returns the root path of the skin directory.
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		path: getConfigPath,
+		/**
+		 * Load a skin part onto the page, do nothing if the part is already loaded.
+		 *
+		 * **Note:** The "editor" part is always auto loaded upon instance creation,
+		 * thus this function is mainly used to **lazy load** other part of the skin
+		 * which don't have to present until been requested.
+		 *
+		 *		// Load the dialog part.
+		 *		editor.skin.loadPart( 'dialog' );
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} part Name of skin part CSS file resides in the skin directory.
+		 * @param {Function} fn The provided callback function which is invoked after part is loaded.
+		 */
+		loadPart: function( part, fn ) {
+			if ( CKEDITOR.skin.name != getName() ) {
+				CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( CKEDITOR.getUrl( getConfigPath() + 'skin.js' ), function() {
+					loadCss( part, fn );
+				});
+			} else
+				loadCss( part, fn );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Retrieve the real URL of a (CSS) skin part.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} part
+		 */
+		getPath: function( part ) {
+			return CKEDITOR.getUrl( getCssPath( part ) );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * List of registered icons. To add new icons to this list, use {@link #addIcon}.
+		 */
+		icons: {},
+		/**
+		 * Registers an icon.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} name The icon name.
+		 * @param {String} path The path to reach the icon image file.
+		 * @param {Number} [offset] The vertical offset position of the icon, if
+		 * available inside a strip image.
+		 */
+		addIcon: function( name, path, offset ) {
+			name = name.toLowerCase();
+			if ( !this.icons[ name ] ) {
+				this.icons[ name ] = {
+					path: path,
+					offset: offset || 0
+				};
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Get the CSS background styles to be used to render an specific icon.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} name The icon name, as registered with {@link #addIcon}.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [rtl] Indicates that the RTL version of the icon is
+		 * to be used, if available.
+		 * @param {String} [overridePath] The path to reach the icon image file. It
+		 * overrides the path defined by the named icon, if available, and is
+		 * used if the named icon was not registered.
+		 * @param {Number} [overrideOffset] The vertical offset position of the
+		 * icon. It overrides the offset defined by the named icon, if
+		 * available, and is used if the named icon was not registered.
+		 */
+		getIconStyle: function( name, rtl, overridePath, overrideOffset ) {
+			var icon, path, offset;
+			if ( name ) {
+				name = name.toLowerCase();
+				// If we're in RTL, try to get the RTL version of the icon.
+				if ( rtl )
+					icon = this.icons[ name + '-rtl' ];
+				// If not in LTR or no RTL version available, get the generic one.
+				if ( !icon )
+					icon = this.icons[ name ];
+			}
+			path = overridePath || ( icon && icon.path ) || '';
+			offset = overrideOffset || ( icon && icon.offset );
+			return path &&
+				( 'background-image:url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( path ) + ');background-position:0 ' + offset + 'px;' );
+		}
+	};
+	function getCssPath( part ) {
+			// Check for ua-specific version of skin part.
+			var uas = CKEDITOR.skin[ 'ua_' + part ], env = CKEDITOR.env;
+			if ( uas ) {
+				// Having versioned UA checked first.
+				uas = uas.split( ',' ).sort( function ( a, b ) { return a > b ? -1 : 1; } );
+				// Loop through all ua entries, checking is any of them match the current ua.
+				for ( var i = 0, ua; i < uas.length; i++ ) {
+					ua = uas[ i ];
+					if ( env.ie ) {
+						if ( ( ua.replace( /^ie/, '' ) == env.version ) || ( env.quirks && ua == 'iequirks' ) )
+							ua = 'ie';
+					}
+					if ( env[ ua ] ) {
+						part += '_' + uas[ i ];
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return CKEDITOR.getUrl( getConfigPath() + part + '.css' );
+	}
+	function loadCss( part, callback ) {
+		// Avoid reload.
+		if ( !cssLoaded[ part ] ) {
+			CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet( getCssPath( part ) );
+			cssLoaded[ part ] = 1;
+		}
+		// CSS loading should not be blocking.
+		callback && callback();
+	}
+	CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.editor.prototype, {
+		/**
+		 * @method
+		 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		getUiColor: function() {
+			return this.uiColor;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @method
+		 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		setUiColor: function( color ) {
+			var uiStyle = getStylesheet( CKEDITOR.document );
+			return ( this.setUiColor = function( color ) {
+				var chameleon = CKEDITOR.skin.chameleon;
+				var replace = [ [ uiColorRegexp, color ] ];
+				this.uiColor = color;
+				// Update general style.
+				updateStylesheets( [ uiStyle ], chameleon( this, 'editor' ), replace );
+				// Update panel styles.
+				updateStylesheets( uiColorMenus, chameleon( this, 'panel' ), replace );
+			}).call( this, color );
+		}
+	});
+	var uiColorStylesheetId = 'cke_ui_color',
+		uiColorMenus = [],
+		uiColorRegexp = /\$color/g;
+	function getStylesheet( document ) {
+		var node = document.getById( uiColorStylesheetId );
+		if ( !node ) {
+			node = document.getHead().append( 'style' );
+			node.setAttribute( "id", uiColorStylesheetId );
+			node.setAttribute( "type", "text/css" );
+		}
+		return node;
+	}
+	function updateStylesheets( styleNodes, styleContent, replace ) {
+		var r, i, content;
+		// We have to split CSS declarations for webkit.
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
+			styleContent = styleContent.split( '}' ).slice( 0, -1 );
+			for ( i = 0; i < styleContent.length; i++ )
+				styleContent[ i ] = styleContent[ i ].split( '{' );
+		}
+		for ( var id = 0; id < styleNodes.length; id++ ) {
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
+				for ( i = 0; i < styleContent.length; i++ ) {
+					content = styleContent[ i ][ 1 ];
+					for ( r = 0; r < replace.length; r++ )
+						content = content.replace( replace[ r ][ 0 ], replace[ r ][ 1 ] );
+					styleNodes[ id ].$.sheet.addRule( styleContent[ i ][ 0 ], content );
+				}
+			} else {
+				content = styleContent;
+				for ( r = 0; r < replace.length; r++ )
+					content = content.replace( replace[ r ][ 0 ], replace[ r ][ 1 ] );
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+					styleNodes[ id ].$.styleSheet.cssText += content;
+				else
+					styleNodes[ id ].$.innerHTML += content;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceLoaded', function( evt ) {
+		// The chameleon feature is not for IE quirks.
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks )
+			return;
+		var editor = evt.editor,
+			showCallback = function( event ) {
+				var panel = event.data[ 0 ] || event.data;
+				var iframe = panel.element.getElementsByTag( 'iframe' ).getItem( 0 ).getFrameDocument();
+				// Add stylesheet if missing.
+				if ( !iframe.getById( 'cke_ui_color' ) ) {
+					var node = getStylesheet( iframe );
+					uiColorMenus.push( node );
+					var color = editor.getUiColor();
+					// Set uiColor for new panel.
+					if ( color ) {
+						updateStylesheets( [ node ], CKEDITOR.skin.chameleon( editor, 'panel' ), [ [ uiColorRegexp, color ] ] );
+					}
+				}
+			};
+		editor.on( 'panelShow', showCallback );
+		editor.on( 'menuShow', showCallback );
+		// Apply UI color if specified in config.
+		if ( editor.config.uiColor )
+			editor.setUiColor( editor.config.uiColor );
+	});
+ * List of file names, with each one matches a browser agent string cited from
+ * {@link CKEDITOR.env}, the corresponding skin part file will be loaded in addition
+ * to the "main" skin file for a particular browser.
+ *
+ * **Note:** For each of the defined skin parts must have
+ * the corresponding CSS file with the same name as UA inside of
+ * the skin directory.
+ *
+ * @property ua
+ * @todo type?
+ */
+ /**
+  * Current skin name.
+  *
+  * @property {String} name
+  * @todo
+  */
+ * The editor skin name. Note that is is not possible to have editors with
+ * different skin settings in the same page. In such case, just one of the
+ * skins will be used for all editors.
+ *
+ * This is a shortcut to {@link CKEDITOR#skinName}.
+ *
+ * It is possible to install skins outside the default `skin` folder in the
+ * editor installation. In that case, the absolute URL path to that folder
+ * should be provided, separated by a comma (`'skin_name,skin_path'`).
+ *
+ *		config.skin = 'moono';
+ *
+ *		config.skin = 'myskin,/customstuff/myskin/';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} skin
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * A function that support the chameleon (skin color switch) feature, providing
+ * the skin colors styles update to be apply in runtime.
+ *
+ * **Note:** the embedded `$color` variable is to be substituted by a concrete UI color.
+ *
+ * @method chameleon
+ * @param {String} editor The editor instance upon color changes impact.
+ * @param {String} part Name of the skin part where the color changes take place.
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/skins.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/skins.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b31373e..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/skins.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.skins} object, which is used to
- *		manage skins loading.
- */
- * Manages skins loading.
- * @namespace
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.skins = (function()
-	// Holds the list of loaded skins.
-	var loaded = {};
-	var preloaded = {};
-	var paths = {};
-	var loadPart = function( editor, skinName, part, callback )
-	{
-		// Get the skin definition.
-		var skinDefinition = loaded[ skinName ];
-		if ( !editor.skin )
-		{
-			editor.skin = skinDefinition;
-			// Trigger init function if any.
-			if ( skinDefinition.init )
-				skinDefinition.init( editor );
-		}
-		var appendSkinPath = function( fileNames )
-		{
-			for ( var n = 0 ; n < fileNames.length ; n++ )
-			{
-				fileNames[ n ] = CKEDITOR.getUrl( paths[ skinName ] + fileNames[ n ] );
-			}
-		};
-		function fixCSSTextRelativePath( cssStyleText, baseUrl )
-		{
-			return cssStyleText.replace( /url\s*\(([\s'"]*)(.*?)([\s"']*)\)/g,
-					function( match, opener, path, closer )
-					{
-						if ( /^\/|^\w?:/.test( path ) )
-							return match;
-						else
-							return 'url(' + baseUrl + opener +  path + closer + ')';
-					} );
-		}
-		// Check if we need to preload images from it.
-		if ( !preloaded[ skinName ] )
-		{
-			var preload = skinDefinition.preload;
-			if ( preload && preload.length > 0 )
-			{
-				appendSkinPath( preload );
-				CKEDITOR.imageCacher.load( preload, function()
-					{
-						preloaded[ skinName ] = 1;
-						loadPart( editor, skinName, part, callback );
-					} );
-				return;
-			}
-			// Mark it as preloaded.
-			preloaded[ skinName ] = 1;
-		}
-		// Get the part definition.
-		part = skinDefinition[ part ];
-		var partIsLoaded = !part || !!part._isLoaded;
-		// Call the callback immediately if already loaded.
-		if ( partIsLoaded )
-			callback && callback();
-		else
-		{
-			// Put the callback in a queue.
-			var pending = part._pending || ( part._pending = [] );
-			pending.push( callback );
-			// We may have more than one skin part load request. Just the first
-			// one must do the loading job.
-			if ( pending.length > 1 )
-				return;
-			// Check whether the "css" and "js" properties have been defined
-			// for that part.
-			var cssIsLoaded = !part.css || !part.css.length;
-			var jsIsLoaded = !part.js || !part.js.length;
-			// This is the function that will trigger the callback calls on
-			// load.
-			var checkIsLoaded = function()
-			{
-				if ( cssIsLoaded && jsIsLoaded )
-				{
-					// Mark the part as loaded.
-					part._isLoaded = 1;
-					// Call all pending callbacks.
-					for ( var i = 0 ; i < pending.length ; i++ )
-					{
-						if ( pending[ i ] )
-							pending[ i ]();
-					}
-				}
-			};
-			// Load the "css" pieces.
-			if ( !cssIsLoaded )
-			{
-				var cssPart = part.css;
-				if ( CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( cssPart ) )
-				{
-					appendSkinPath( cssPart );
-					for ( var c = 0 ; c < cssPart.length ; c++ )
-						CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet( cssPart[ c ] );
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					cssPart = fixCSSTextRelativePath(
-								cssPart, CKEDITOR.getUrl( paths[ skinName ] ) );
-					// Processing Inline CSS part.
-					CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleText( cssPart );
-				}
-				part.css = cssPart;
-				cssIsLoaded = 1;
-			}
-			// Load the "js" pieces.
-			if ( !jsIsLoaded )
-			{
-				appendSkinPath( part.js );
-				CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( part.js, function()
-					{
-						jsIsLoaded = 1;
-						checkIsLoaded();
-					});
-			}
-			// We may have nothing to load, so check it immediately.
-			checkIsLoaded();
-		}
-	};
-	return /** @lends CKEDITOR.skins */ {
-		/**
-		 * Registers a skin definition.
-		 * @param {String} skinName The skin name.
-		 * @param {Object} skinDefinition The skin definition.
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		add : function( skinName, skinDefinition )
-		{
-			loaded[ skinName ] = skinDefinition;
-			skinDefinition.skinPath = paths[ skinName ]
-				|| ( paths[ skinName ] =
-						CKEDITOR.getUrl(
-							'_source/' +	// @Packager.RemoveLine
-							'skins/' + skinName + '/' ) );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Loads a skin part. Skins are defined in parts, which are basically
-		 * separated CSS files. This function is mainly used by the core code and
-		 * should not have much use out of it.
-		 * @param {String} skinName The name of the skin to be loaded.
-		 * @param {String} skinPart The skin part to be loaded. Common skin parts
-		 *		are "editor" and "dialog".
-		 * @param {Function} [callback] A function to be called once the skin
-		 *		part files are loaded.
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		load : function( editor, skinPart, callback )
-		{
-			var skinName = editor.skinName,
-				skinPath = editor.skinPath;
-			if ( loaded[ skinName ] )
-				loadPart( editor, skinName, skinPart, callback );
-			else
-			{
-				paths[ skinName ] = skinPath;
-				CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( CKEDITOR.getUrl( skinPath + 'skin.js' ), function()
-						{
-							 loadPart( editor, skinName, skinPart, callback );
-						});
-			}
-		}
-	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/style.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/style.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9b8fea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/style.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1558 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * Registers a function to be called whenever the selection position changes in the
+ * editing area. The current state is passed to the function. The possible
+ * states are {@link CKEDITOR#TRISTATE_ON} and {@link CKEDITOR#TRISTATE_OFF}.
+ *
+ *		// Create a style object for the <b> element.
+ *		var style = new CKEDITOR.style( { element: 'b' } );
+ *		var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
+ *		editor.attachStyleStateChange( style, function( state ) {
+ *			if ( state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON )
+ *				alert( 'The current state for the B element is ON' );
+ *			else
+ *				alert( 'The current state for the B element is OFF' );
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.style} style The style to be watched.
+ * @param {Function} callback The function to be called.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.attachStyleStateChange = function( style, callback ) {
+	// Try to get the list of attached callbacks.
+	var styleStateChangeCallbacks = this._.styleStateChangeCallbacks;
+	// If it doesn't exist, it means this is the first call. So, let's create
+	// all the structure to manage the style checks and the callback calls.
+	if ( !styleStateChangeCallbacks ) {
+		// Create the callbacks array.
+		styleStateChangeCallbacks = this._.styleStateChangeCallbacks = [];
+		// Attach to the selectionChange event, so we can check the styles at
+		// that point.
+		this.on( 'selectionChange', function( ev ) {
+			// Loop throw all registered callbacks.
+			for ( var i = 0; i < styleStateChangeCallbacks.length; i++ ) {
+				var callback = styleStateChangeCallbacks[ i ];
+				// Check the current state for the style defined for that
+				// callback.
+				var currentState = callback.style.checkActive( ev.data.path ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
+				// Call the callback function, passing the current
+				// state to it.
+				callback.fn.call( this, currentState );
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	// Save the callback info, so it can be checked on the next occurrence of
+	// selectionChange.
+	styleStateChangeCallbacks.push( { style: style, fn: callback } );
+(function() {
+	var blockElements = { address:1,div:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1,p:1,pre:1,section:1,header:1,footer:1,nav:1,article:1,aside:1,figure:1,dialog:1,hgroup:1,time:1,meter:1,menu:1,command:1,keygen:1,output:1,progress:1,details:1,datagrid:1,datalist:1 },
+		objectElements = { a:1,embed:1,hr:1,img:1,li:1,object:1,ol:1,table:1,td:1,tr:1,th:1,ul:1,dl:1,dt:1,dd:1,form:1,audio:1,video:1 };
+	var semicolonFixRegex = /\s*(?:;\s*|$)/,
+		varRegex = /#\((.+?)\)/g;
+	var notBookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( 0, 1 ),
+		nonWhitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( 1 );
+	/**
+	 * TODO...
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @constructor Creates a style class instance.
+	 * @param styleDefinition
+	 * @param variablesValues
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.style = function( styleDefinition, variablesValues ) {
+		// Inline style text as attribute should be converted
+		// to styles object.
+		var attrs = styleDefinition.attributes;
+		if ( attrs && attrs.style ) {
+			styleDefinition.styles = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {},
+				styleDefinition.styles, CKEDITOR.tools.parseCssText( attrs.style ) );
+			delete attrs.style;
+		}
+		if ( variablesValues ) {
+			styleDefinition = CKEDITOR.tools.clone( styleDefinition );
+			replaceVariables( styleDefinition.attributes, variablesValues );
+			replaceVariables( styleDefinition.styles, variablesValues );
+		}
+		var element = this.element = styleDefinition.element ?
+		                             (typeof styleDefinition.element == 'string' ?
+		                              styleDefinition.element.toLowerCase() :
+		                              styleDefinition.element ) : '*';
+		this.type = styleDefinition.type ||
+		            (blockElements[ element ] ? CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK :
+		             objectElements[ element ] ? CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT :
+		             CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE );
+		// If the 'element' property is an object with a set of possible element, it will be applied like an object style: only to existing elements
+		if ( typeof this.element == 'object' )
+			this.type = CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT;
+		this._ = {
+			definition: styleDefinition
+		};
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Apply the style upon the editor's current selection.
+	 *
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.style} style
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.applyStyle = function( style ) {
+		applyStyleOnSelection.call( style, this.getSelection() );
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Remove the style from the editor's current selection.
+	 *
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.style} style
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.removeStyle = function( style ) {
+		applyStyleOnSelection.call( style, this.getSelection(), 1 );
+	};
+	CKEDITOR.style.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.document} document
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		apply: function( document ) {
+			applyStyleOnSelection.call( this, document.getSelection() );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.document} document
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		remove: function( document ) {
+			applyStyleOnSelection.call( this, document.getSelection(), 1 );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} range
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		applyToRange: function( range ) {
+			return ( this.applyToRange =
+			         this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE ? applyInlineStyle :
+			         this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK ? applyBlockStyle :
+			         this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ? applyObjectStyle :
+			         null ).call( this, range );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} range
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		removeFromRange: function( range ) {
+			return ( this.removeFromRange =
+			         this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE ? removeInlineStyle :
+			         this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK ? removeBlockStyle :
+			         this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ? removeObjectStyle :
+			         null ).call( this, range );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		applyToObject: function( element ) {
+			setupElement( element, this );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Get the style state inside an element path.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath} elementPath
+		 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the element is active in the path.
+		 */
+		checkActive: function( elementPath ) {
+			switch ( this.type ) {
+					return this.checkElementRemovable( elementPath.block || elementPath.blockLimit, true );
+					var elements = elementPath.elements;
+					for ( var i = 0, element; i < elements.length; i++ ) {
+						element = elements[ i ];
+						if ( this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE && ( element == elementPath.block || element == elementPath.blockLimit ) )
+							continue;
+						if ( this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ) {
+							var name = element.getName();
+							if ( !( typeof this.element == 'string' ? name == this.element : name in this.element ) )
+								continue;
+						}
+						if ( this.checkElementRemovable( element, true ) )
+							return true;
+					}
+			}
+			return false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Whether this style can be applied at the element path.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath} elementPath
+		 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if this style can be applied at the element path.
+		 */
+		checkApplicable: function( elementPath ) {
+			switch ( this.type ) {
+					break;
+					return elementPath.contains( this.element );
+			}
+			return true;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Check if the element matches the current style definition.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element
+		 * @param {Boolean} fullMatch
+		 * @returns {Boolean}
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		checkElementMatch: function( element, fullMatch ) {
+			var def = this._.definition;
+			if ( !element || !def.ignoreReadonly && element.isReadOnly() )
+				return false;
+			var attribs,
+				name = element.getName();
+			// If the element name is the same as the style name.
+			if ( typeof this.element == 'string' ? name == this.element : name in this.element ) {
+				// If no attributes are defined in the element.
+				if ( !fullMatch && !element.hasAttributes() )
+					return true;
+				attribs = getAttributesForComparison( def );
+				if ( attribs._length ) {
+					for ( var attName in attribs ) {
+						if ( attName == '_length' )
+							continue;
+						var elementAttr = element.getAttribute( attName ) || '';
+						// Special treatment for 'style' attribute is required.
+						if ( attName == 'style' ?
+						     compareCssText( attribs[ attName ], elementAttr ) :
+						     attribs[ attName ] == elementAttr )
+						{
+							if ( !fullMatch )
+								return true;
+						} else if ( fullMatch )
+							return false;
+					}
+					if ( fullMatch )
+						return true;
+				} else
+					return true;
+			}
+			return false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Checks if an element, or any of its attributes, is removable by the
+		 * current style definition.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element
+		 * @param {Boolean} fullMatch
+		 * @returns {Boolean}
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		checkElementRemovable: function( element, fullMatch ) {
+			// Check element matches the style itself.
+			if ( this.checkElementMatch( element, fullMatch ) )
+				return true;
+			// Check if the element matches the style overrides.
+			var override = getOverrides( this )[ element.getName() ];
+			if ( override ) {
+				var attribs, attName;
+				// If no attributes have been defined, remove the element.
+				if ( !( attribs = override.attributes ) )
+					return true;
+				for ( var i = 0; i < attribs.length; i++ ) {
+					attName = attribs[ i ][ 0 ];
+					var actualAttrValue = element.getAttribute( attName );
+					if ( actualAttrValue ) {
+						var attValue = attribs[ i ][ 1 ];
+						// Remove the attribute if:
+						//    - The override definition value is null;
+						//    - The override definition value is a string that
+						//      matches the attribute value exactly.
+						//    - The override definition value is a regex that
+						//      has matches in the attribute value.
+						if ( attValue === null ||
+						     ( typeof attValue == 'string' &&
+						       actualAttrValue == attValue ) ||
+						     attValue.test( actualAttrValue ) )
+							return true;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Builds the preview HTML based on the styles definition.
+		 *
+		 * @param label
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		buildPreview: function( label ) {
+			var styleDefinition = this._.definition,
+				html = [],
+				elementName = styleDefinition.element;
+			// Avoid <bdo> in the preview.
+			if ( elementName == 'bdo' )
+				elementName = 'span';
+			html = [ '<', elementName ];
+			// Assign all defined attributes.
+			var attribs = styleDefinition.attributes;
+			if ( attribs ) {
+				for ( var att in attribs ) {
+					html.push( ' ', att, '="', attribs[ att ], '"' );
+				}
+			}
+			// Assign the style attribute.
+			var cssStyle = CKEDITOR.style.getStyleText( styleDefinition );
+			if ( cssStyle )
+				html.push( ' style="', cssStyle, '"' );
+			html.push( '>', ( label || styleDefinition.name ), '</', elementName, '>' );
+			return html.join( '' );
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Build the cssText based on the styles definition.
+	 *
+	 * @static
+	 * @param styleDefinition
+	 * @returns {String}
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.style.getStyleText = function( styleDefinition ) {
+		// If we have already computed it, just return it.
+		var stylesDef = styleDefinition._ST;
+		if ( stylesDef )
+			return stylesDef;
+		stylesDef = styleDefinition.styles;
+		// Builds the StyleText.
+		var stylesText = ( styleDefinition.attributes && styleDefinition.attributes[ 'style' ] ) || '',
+			specialStylesText = '';
+		if ( stylesText.length )
+			stylesText = stylesText.replace( semicolonFixRegex, ';' );
+		for ( var style in stylesDef ) {
+			var styleVal = stylesDef[ style ],
+				text = ( style + ':' + styleVal ).replace( semicolonFixRegex, ';' );
+			// Some browsers don't support 'inherit' property value, leave them intact. (#5242)
+			if ( styleVal == 'inherit' )
+				specialStylesText += text;
+			else
+				stylesText += text;
+		}
+		// Browsers make some changes to the style when applying them. So, here
+		// we normalize it to the browser format.
+		if ( stylesText.length )
+			stylesText = CKEDITOR.tools.normalizeCssText( stylesText, true );
+		stylesText += specialStylesText;
+		// Return it, saving it to the next request.
+		return ( styleDefinition._ST = stylesText );
+	};
+	// Gets the parent element which blocks the styling for an element. This
+	// can be done through read-only elements (contenteditable=false) or
+	// elements with the "data-nostyle" attribute.
+	function getUnstylableParent( element, root ) {
+		var unstylable, editable;
+		while ( ( element = element.getParent() ) ) {
+			if ( element.equals( root ) )
+				break;
+			if ( element.getAttribute( 'data-nostyle' ) )
+				unstylable = element;
+			else if ( !editable ) {
+				var contentEditable = element.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' );
+				if ( contentEditable == 'false' )
+					unstylable = element;
+				else if ( contentEditable == 'true' )
+					editable = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		return unstylable;
+	}
+	function applyInlineStyle( range ) {
+		var document = range.document;
+		if ( range.collapsed ) {
+			// Create the element to be inserted in the DOM.
+			var collapsedElement = getElement( this, document );
+			// Insert the empty element into the DOM at the range position.
+			range.insertNode( collapsedElement );
+			// Place the selection right inside the empty element.
+			range.moveToPosition( collapsedElement, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+			return;
+		}
+		var elementName = this.element;
+		var def = this._.definition;
+		var isUnknownElement;
+		// Indicates that fully selected read-only elements are to be included in the styling range.
+		var ignoreReadonly = def.ignoreReadonly,
+			includeReadonly = ignoreReadonly || def.includeReadonly;
+		// If the read-only inclusion is not available in the definition, try
+		// to get it from the root data (most often it's the editable).
+		if ( includeReadonly == undefined )
+			includeReadonly = range.root.getCustomData( 'cke_includeReadonly' );
+		// Get the DTD definition for the element. Defaults to "span".
+		var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd[ elementName ] || ( isUnknownElement = true, CKEDITOR.dtd.span );
+		// Expand the range.
+		range.enlarge( CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_INLINE, 1 );
+		range.trim();
+		// Get the first node to be processed and the last, which concludes the
+		// processing.
+		var boundaryNodes = range.createBookmark(),
+			firstNode = boundaryNodes.startNode,
+			lastNode = boundaryNodes.endNode;
+		var currentNode = firstNode;
+		var styleRange;
+		if ( !ignoreReadonly ) {
+			// Check if the boundaries are inside non stylable elements.
+			var root = range.getCommonAncestor(),
+				firstUnstylable = getUnstylableParent( firstNode, root ),
+				lastUnstylable = getUnstylableParent( lastNode, root );
+			// If the first element can't be styled, we'll start processing right
+			// after its unstylable root.
+			if ( firstUnstylable )
+				currentNode = firstUnstylable.getNextSourceNode( true );
+			// If the last element can't be styled, we'll stop processing on its
+			// unstylable root.
+			if ( lastUnstylable )
+				lastNode = lastUnstylable;
+		}
+		// Do nothing if the current node now follows the last node to be processed.
+		if ( currentNode.getPosition( lastNode ) == CKEDITOR.POSITION_FOLLOWING )
+			currentNode = 0;
+		while ( currentNode ) {
+			var applyStyle = false;
+			if ( currentNode.equals( lastNode ) ) {
+				currentNode = null;
+				applyStyle = true;
+			} else {
+				var nodeType = currentNode.type;
+				var nodeName = nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? currentNode.getName() : null;
+				var nodeIsReadonly = nodeName && ( currentNode.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' ) == 'false' );
+				var nodeIsNoStyle = nodeName && currentNode.getAttribute( 'data-nostyle' );
+				if ( nodeName && currentNode.data( 'cke-bookmark' ) ) {
+					currentNode = currentNode.getNextSourceNode( true );
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Check if the current node can be a child of the style element.
+				if ( !nodeName ||
+				     ( dtd[ nodeName ] && !nodeIsNoStyle &&
+				       ( !nodeIsReadonly || includeReadonly ) &&
+				       ( currentNode.getPosition( lastNode ) |
+				       ( !def.childRule || def.childRule( currentNode ) ) ) ) {
+					var currentParent = currentNode.getParent();
+					// Check if the style element can be a child of the current
+					// node parent or if the element is not defined in the DTD.
+					if ( currentParent &&
+					     ( ( currentParent.getDtd() ||
+					         CKEDITOR.dtd.span )[ elementName ] || isUnknownElement ) &&
+					     ( !def.parentRule || def.parentRule( currentParent ) ) ) {
+						// This node will be part of our range, so if it has not
+						// been started, place its start right before the node.
+						// In the case of an element node, it will be included
+						// only if it is entirely inside the range.
+						if ( !styleRange &&
+						     ( !nodeName || !CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ nodeName ] ||
+						       ( currentNode.getPosition( lastNode ) |
+						         CKEDITOR.POSITION_IS_CONTAINED ) ) ) {
+							styleRange = range.clone();
+							styleRange.setStartBefore( currentNode );
+						}
+						// Non element nodes, readonly elements, or empty
+						// elements can be added completely to the range.
+						if ( nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || nodeIsReadonly ||
+						     ( nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
+						       !currentNode.getChildCount() ) ) {
+							var includedNode = currentNode;
+							var parentNode;
+							// This node is about to be included completelly, but,
+							// if this is the last node in its parent, we must also
+							// check if the parent itself can be added completelly
+							// to the range, otherwise apply the style immediately.
+							while ( ( applyStyle = !includedNode.getNext( notBookmark ) ) &&
+							        ( parentNode = includedNode.getParent(), dtd[ parentNode.getName() ] ) &&
+							        ( parentNode.getPosition( firstNode ) |
+							        ( !def.childRule || def.childRule( parentNode ) ) ) {
+								includedNode = parentNode;
+							}
+							styleRange.setEndAfter( includedNode );
+						}
+					} else
+						applyStyle = true;
+				} else
+					applyStyle = true;
+				// Get the next node to be processed.
+				currentNode = currentNode.getNextSourceNode( nodeIsNoStyle || nodeIsReadonly && !includeReadonly );
+			}
+			// Apply the style if we have something to which apply it.
+			if ( applyStyle && styleRange && !styleRange.collapsed ) {
+				// Build the style element, based on the style object definition.
+				var styleNode = getElement( this, document ),
+					styleHasAttrs = styleNode.hasAttributes();
+				// Get the element that holds the entire range.
+				var parent = styleRange.getCommonAncestor();
+				var removeList = {
+					styles: {},
+					attrs: {},
+					// Styles cannot be removed.
+					blockedStyles: {},
+					// Attrs cannot be removed.
+					blockedAttrs: {}
+				};
+				var attName, styleName, value;
+				// Loop through the parents, removing the redundant attributes
+				// from the element to be applied.
+				while ( styleNode && parent ) {
+					if ( parent.getName() == elementName ) {
+						for ( attName in def.attributes ) {
+							if ( removeList.blockedAttrs[ attName ] || !( value = parent.getAttribute( styleName ) ) )
+								continue;
+							if ( styleNode.getAttribute( attName ) == value )
+								removeList.attrs[ attName ] = 1;
+							else
+								removeList.blockedAttrs[ attName ] = 1;
+						}
+						for ( styleName in def.styles ) {
+							if ( removeList.blockedStyles[ styleName ] || !( value = parent.getStyle( styleName ) ) )
+								continue;
+							if ( styleNode.getStyle( styleName ) == value )
+								removeList.styles[ styleName ] = 1;
+							else
+								removeList.blockedStyles[ styleName ] = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					parent = parent.getParent();
+				}
+				for ( attName in removeList.attrs )
+					styleNode.removeAttribute( attName );
+				for ( styleName in removeList.styles )
+					styleNode.removeStyle( styleName );
+				if ( styleHasAttrs && !styleNode.hasAttributes() )
+					styleNode = null;
+				if ( styleNode ) {
+					// Move the contents of the range to the style element.
+					styleRange.extractContents().appendTo( styleNode );
+					// Here we do some cleanup, removing all duplicated
+					// elements from the style element.
+					removeFromInsideElement.call( this, styleNode );
+					// Insert it into the range position (it is collapsed after
+					// extractContents.
+					styleRange.insertNode( styleNode );
+					// Let's merge our new style with its neighbors, if possible.
+					styleNode.mergeSiblings();
+					// As the style system breaks text nodes constantly, let's normalize
+					// things for performance.
+					// With IE, some paragraphs get broken when calling normalize()
+					// repeatedly. Also, for IE, we must normalize body, not documentElement.
+					// IE is also known for having a "crash effect" with normalize().
+					// We should try to normalize with IE too in some way, somewhere.
+					if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+						styleNode.$.normalize();
+				}
+				// Style already inherit from parents, left just to clear up any internal overrides. (#5931)
+				else {
+					styleNode = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
+					styleRange.extractContents().appendTo( styleNode );
+					styleRange.insertNode( styleNode );
+					removeFromInsideElement.call( this, styleNode );
+					styleNode.remove( true );
+				}
+				// Style applied, let's release the range, so it gets
+				// re-initialization in the next loop.
+				styleRange = null;
+			}
+		}
+		// Remove the bookmark nodes.
+		range.moveToBookmark( boundaryNodes );
+		// Minimize the result range to exclude empty text nodes. (#5374)
+		range.shrink( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_TEXT );
+	}
+	function removeInlineStyle( range ) {
+		// Make sure our range has included all "collpased" parent inline nodes so
+		// that our operation logic can be simpler.
+		range.enlarge( CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_INLINE, 1 );
+		var bookmark = range.createBookmark(),
+			startNode = bookmark.startNode;
+		if ( range.collapsed ) {
+			var startPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( startNode.getParent(), range.root ),
+				// The topmost element in elementspatch which we should jump out of.
+				boundaryElement;
+			for ( var i = 0, element; i < startPath.elements.length && ( element = startPath.elements[ i ] ); i++ ) {
+				// 1. If it's collaped inside text nodes, try to remove the style from the whole element.
+				//
+				// 2. Otherwise if it's collapsed on element boundaries, moving the selection
+				//  outside the styles instead of removing the whole tag,
+				//  also make sure other inner styles were well preserverd.(#3309)
+				if ( element == startPath.block || element == startPath.blockLimit )
+					break;
+				if ( this.checkElementRemovable( element ) ) {
+					var isStart;
+					if ( range.collapsed && ( range.checkBoundaryOfElement( element, CKEDITOR.END ) || ( isStart = range.checkBoundaryOfElement( element, CKEDITOR.START ) ) ) ) {
+						boundaryElement = element;
+						boundaryElement.match = isStart ? 'start' : 'end';
+					} else {
+						/*
+						 * Before removing the style node, there may be a sibling to the style node
+						 * that's exactly the same to the one to be removed. To the user, it makes
+						 * no difference that they're separate entities in the DOM tree. So, merge
+						 * them before removal.
+						 */
+						element.mergeSiblings();
+						if ( element.getName() == this.element )
+							removeFromElement.call( this, element );
+						else
+							removeOverrides( element, getOverrides( this )[ element.getName() ] );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Re-create the style tree after/before the boundary element,
+			// the replication start from bookmark start node to define the
+			// new range.
+			if ( boundaryElement ) {
+				var clonedElement = startNode;
+				for ( i = 0;; i++ ) {
+					var newElement = startPath.elements[ i ];
+					if ( newElement.equals( boundaryElement ) )
+						break;
+					// Avoid copying any matched element.
+					else if ( newElement.match )
+						continue;
+					else
+						newElement = newElement.clone();
+					newElement.append( clonedElement );
+					clonedElement = newElement;
+				}
+				clonedElement[ boundaryElement.match == 'start' ? 'insertBefore' : 'insertAfter' ]( boundaryElement );
+			}
+		} else {
+			// Now our range isn't collapsed. Lets walk from the start node to the end
+			// node via DFS and remove the styles one-by-one.
+			var endNode = bookmark.endNode,
+				me = this;
+			// Find out the style ancestor that needs to be broken down at startNode
+			// and endNode.
+			function breakNodes() {
+				var startPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( startNode.getParent() ),
+					endPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( endNode.getParent() ),
+					breakStart = null,
+					breakEnd = null;
+				for ( var i = 0; i < startPath.elements.length; i++ ) {
+					var element = startPath.elements[ i ];
+					if ( element == startPath.block || element == startPath.blockLimit )
+						break;
+					if ( me.checkElementRemovable( element ) )
+						breakStart = element;
+				}
+				for ( i = 0; i < endPath.elements.length; i++ ) {
+					element = endPath.elements[ i ];
+					if ( element == endPath.block || element == endPath.blockLimit )
+						break;
+					if ( me.checkElementRemovable( element ) )
+						breakEnd = element;
+				}
+				if ( breakEnd )
+					endNode.breakParent( breakEnd );
+				if ( breakStart )
+					startNode.breakParent( breakStart );
+			}
+			breakNodes();
+			// Now, do the DFS walk.
+			var currentNode = startNode;
+			while ( !currentNode.equals( endNode ) ) {
+				// Need to get the next node first because removeFromElement() can remove
+				// the current node from DOM tree.
+				var nextNode = currentNode.getNextSourceNode();
+				if ( currentNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && this.checkElementRemovable( currentNode ) ) {
+					// Remove style from element or overriding element.
+					if ( currentNode.getName() == this.element )
+						removeFromElement.call( this, currentNode );
+					else
+						removeOverrides( currentNode, getOverrides( this )[ currentNode.getName() ] );
+					// removeFromElement() may have merged the next node with something before
+					// the startNode via mergeSiblings(). In that case, the nextNode would
+					// contain startNode and we'll have to call breakNodes() again and also
+					// reassign the nextNode to something after startNode.
+					if ( nextNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && nextNode.contains( startNode ) ) {
+						breakNodes();
+						nextNode = startNode.getNext();
+					}
+				}
+				currentNode = nextNode;
+			}
+		}
+		range.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
+	}
+	function applyObjectStyle( range ) {
+		// Selected or parent element. (#9651)
+		var start = range.getEnclosedNode() || range.getCommonAncestor( false, true ),
+			element = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( start, range.root ).contains( this.element, 1 );
+		element && !element.isReadOnly() && setupElement( element, this );
+	}
+	function removeObjectStyle( range ) {
+		var parent = range.getCommonAncestor( true, true ),
+			element = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( parent, range.root ).contains( this.element, 1 );
+		if ( !element )
+			return;
+		var style = this,
+			def = style._.definition,
+			attributes = def.attributes;
+		// Remove all defined attributes.
+		if ( attributes ) {
+			for ( var att in attributes ) {
+				element.removeAttribute( att, attributes[ att ] );
+			}
+		}
+		// Assign all defined styles.
+		if ( def.styles ) {
+			for ( var i in def.styles ) {
+				if ( !def.styles.hasOwnProperty( i ) )
+					continue;
+				element.removeStyle( i );
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function applyBlockStyle( range ) {
+		// Serializible bookmarks is needed here since
+		// elements may be merged.
+		var bookmark = range.createBookmark( true );
+		var iterator = range.createIterator();
+		iterator.enforceRealBlocks = true;
+		// make recognize <br /> tag as a separator in ENTER_BR mode (#5121)
+		if ( this._.enterMode )
+			iterator.enlargeBr = ( this._.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR );
+		var block;
+		var doc = range.document;
+		var previousPreBlock;
+		while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph() ) ) // Only one =
+		{
+			if ( !block.isReadOnly() ) {
+				var newBlock = getElement( this, doc, block );
+				replaceBlock( block, newBlock );
+			}
+		}
+		range.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
+	}
+	function removeBlockStyle( range ) {
+		// Serializible bookmarks is needed here since
+		// elements may be merged.
+		var bookmark = range.createBookmark( 1 );
+		var iterator = range.createIterator();
+		iterator.enforceRealBlocks = true;
+		iterator.enlargeBr = this._.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
+		var block;
+		while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph() ) ) {
+			if ( this.checkElementRemovable( block ) ) {
+				// <pre> get special treatment.
+				if ( block.is( 'pre' ) ) {
+					var newBlock = this._.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ? null :
+					               range.document.createElement( this._.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div' );
+					newBlock && block.copyAttributes( newBlock );
+					replaceBlock( block, newBlock );
+				} else
+					removeFromElement.call( this, block );
+			}
+		}
+		range.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
+	}
+	// Replace the original block with new one, with special treatment
+	// for <pre> blocks to make sure content format is well preserved, and merging/splitting adjacent
+	// when necessary. (#3188)
+	function replaceBlock( block, newBlock ) {
+		// Block is to be removed, create a temp element to
+		// save contents.
+		var removeBlock = !newBlock;
+		if ( removeBlock ) {
+			newBlock = block.getDocument().createElement( 'div' );
+			block.copyAttributes( newBlock );
+		}
+		var newBlockIsPre = newBlock && newBlock.is( 'pre' );
+		var blockIsPre = block.is( 'pre' );
+		var isToPre = newBlockIsPre && !blockIsPre;
+		var isFromPre = !newBlockIsPre && blockIsPre;
+		if ( isToPre )
+			newBlock = toPre( block, newBlock );
+		else if ( isFromPre )
+			// Split big <pre> into pieces before start to convert.
+			newBlock = fromPres( removeBlock ? [ block.getHtml() ] : splitIntoPres( block ), newBlock );
+		else
+			block.moveChildren( newBlock );
+		newBlock.replace( block );
+		if ( newBlockIsPre ) {
+			// Merge previous <pre> blocks.
+			mergePre( newBlock );
+		} else if ( removeBlock )
+			removeNoAttribsElement( newBlock );
+	}
+	// Merge a <pre> block with a previous sibling if available.
+	function mergePre( preBlock ) {
+		var previousBlock;
+		if ( !( ( previousBlock = preBlock.getPrevious( nonWhitespaces ) ) && previousBlock.is && previousBlock.is( 'pre' ) ) )
+			return;
+		// Merge the previous <pre> block contents into the current <pre>
+		// block.
+		//
+		// Another thing to be careful here is that currentBlock might contain
+		// a '\n' at the beginning, and previousBlock might contain a '\n'
+		// towards the end. These new lines are not normally displayed but they
+		// become visible after merging.
+		var mergedHtml = replace( previousBlock.getHtml(), /\n$/, '' ) + '\n\n' +
+			replace( preBlock.getHtml(), /^\n/, '' );
+		// Krugle: IE normalizes innerHTML from <pre>, breaking whitespaces.
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+			preBlock.$.outerHTML = '<pre>' + mergedHtml + '</pre>';
+		else
+			preBlock.setHtml( mergedHtml );
+		previousBlock.remove();
+	}
+	// Split into multiple <pre> blocks separated by double line-break.
+	function splitIntoPres( preBlock ) {
+		// Exclude the ones at header OR at tail,
+		// and ignore bookmark content between them.
+		var duoBrRegex = /(\S\s*)\n(?:\s|(<span[^>]+data-cke-bookmark.*?\/span>))*\n(?!$)/gi,
+			blockName = preBlock.getName(),
+			splitedHtml = replace( preBlock.getOuterHtml(), duoBrRegex, function( match, charBefore, bookmark ) {
+				return charBefore + '</pre>' + bookmark + '<pre>';
+			});
+		var pres = [];
+		splitedHtml.replace( /<pre\b.*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/pre>/gi, function( match, preContent ) {
+			pres.push( preContent );
+		});
+		return pres;
+	}
+	// Wrapper function of String::replace without considering of head/tail bookmarks nodes.
+	function replace( str, regexp, replacement ) {
+		var headBookmark = '',
+			tailBookmark = '';
+		str = str.replace( /(^<span[^>]+data-cke-bookmark.*?\/span>)|(<span[^>]+data-cke-bookmark.*?\/span>$)/gi, function( str, m1, m2 ) {
+			m1 && ( headBookmark = m1 );
+			m2 && ( tailBookmark = m2 );
+			return '';
+		});
+		return headBookmark + str.replace( regexp, replacement ) + tailBookmark;
+	}
+	// Converting a list of <pre> into blocks with format well preserved.
+	function fromPres( preHtmls, newBlock ) {
+		var docFrag;
+		if ( preHtmls.length > 1 )
+			docFrag = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( newBlock.getDocument() );
+		for ( var i = 0; i < preHtmls.length; i++ ) {
+			var blockHtml = preHtmls[ i ];
+			// 1. Trim the first and last line-breaks immediately after and before <pre>,
+			// they're not visible.
+			blockHtml = blockHtml.replace( /(\r\n|\r)/g, '\n' );
+			blockHtml = replace( blockHtml, /^[ \t]*\n/, '' );
+			blockHtml = replace( blockHtml, /\n$/, '' );
+			// 2. Convert spaces or tabs at the beginning or at the end to  
+			blockHtml = replace( blockHtml, /^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/g, function( match, offset, s ) {
+				if ( match.length == 1 ) // one space, preserve it
+				return ' ';
+				else if ( !offset ) // beginning of block
+				return CKEDITOR.tools.repeat( ' ', match.length - 1 ) + ' ';
+				else // end of block
+				return ' ' + CKEDITOR.tools.repeat( ' ', match.length - 1 );
+			});
+			// 3. Convert \n to <BR>.
+			// 4. Convert contiguous (i.e. non-singular) spaces or tabs to  
+			blockHtml = blockHtml.replace( /\n/g, '<br>' );
+			blockHtml = blockHtml.replace( /[ \t]{2,}/g, function( match ) {
+				return CKEDITOR.tools.repeat( ' ', match.length - 1 ) + ' ';
+			});
+			if ( docFrag ) {
+				var newBlockClone = newBlock.clone();
+				newBlockClone.setHtml( blockHtml );
+				docFrag.append( newBlockClone );
+			} else
+				newBlock.setHtml( blockHtml );
+		}
+		return docFrag || newBlock;
+	}
+	// Converting from a non-PRE block to a PRE block in formatting operations.
+	function toPre( block, newBlock ) {
+		var bogus = block.getBogus();
+		bogus && bogus.remove();
+		// First trim the block content.
+		var preHtml = block.getHtml();
+		// 1. Trim head/tail spaces, they're not visible.
+		preHtml = replace( preHtml, /(?:^[ \t\n\r]+)|(?:[ \t\n\r]+$)/g, '' );
+		// 2. Delete ANSI whitespaces immediately before and after <BR> because
+		//    they are not visible.
+		preHtml = preHtml.replace( /[ \t\r\n]*(<br[^>]*>)[ \t\r\n]*/gi, '$1' );
+		// 3. Compress other ANSI whitespaces since they're only visible as one
+		//    single space previously.
+		// 4. Convert   to spaces since   is no longer needed in <PRE>.
+		preHtml = preHtml.replace( /([ \t\n\r]+| )/g, ' ' );
+		// 5. Convert any <BR /> to \n. This must not be done earlier because
+		//    the \n would then get compressed.
+		preHtml = preHtml.replace( /<br\b[^>]*>/gi, '\n' );
+		// Krugle: IE normalizes innerHTML to <pre>, breaking whitespaces.
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+			var temp = block.getDocument().createElement( 'div' );
+			temp.append( newBlock );
+			newBlock.$.outerHTML = '<pre>' + preHtml + '</pre>';
+			newBlock.copyAttributes( temp.getFirst() );
+			newBlock = temp.getFirst().remove();
+		} else
+			newBlock.setHtml( preHtml );
+		return newBlock;
+	}
+	// Removes a style from an element itself, don't care about its subtree.
+	function removeFromElement( element ) {
+		var def = this._.definition,
+			attributes = def.attributes,
+			styles = def.styles,
+			overrides = getOverrides( this )[ element.getName() ],
+			// If the style is only about the element itself, we have to remove the element.
+			removeEmpty = CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty( attributes ) && CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty( styles );
+		// Remove definition attributes/style from the elemnt.
+		for ( var attName in attributes ) {
+			// The 'class' element value must match (#1318).
+			if ( ( attName == 'class' || this._.definition.fullMatch ) && element.getAttribute( attName ) != normalizeProperty( attName, attributes[ attName ] ) )
+				continue;
+			removeEmpty = element.hasAttribute( attName );
+			element.removeAttribute( attName );
+		}
+		for ( var styleName in styles ) {
+			// Full match style insist on having fully equivalence. (#5018)
+			if ( this._.definition.fullMatch && element.getStyle( styleName ) != normalizeProperty( styleName, styles[ styleName ], true ) )
+				continue;
+			removeEmpty = removeEmpty || !!element.getStyle( styleName );
+			element.removeStyle( styleName );
+		}
+		// Remove overrides, but don't remove the element if it's a block element
+		removeOverrides( element, overrides, blockElements[ element.getName() ] );
+		if ( removeEmpty ) {
+			if ( this._.definition.alwaysRemoveElement )
+				removeNoAttribsElement( element, 1 );
+			else {
+				!CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ element.getName() ] || this._.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR && !element.hasAttributes() ? removeNoAttribsElement( element ) : element.renameNode( this._.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div' );
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Removes a style from inside an element.
+	function removeFromInsideElement( element ) {
+		var def = this._.definition,
+			attribs = def.attributes,
+			styles = def.styles,
+			overrides = getOverrides( this ),
+			innerElements = element.getElementsByTag( this.element );
+		for ( var i = innerElements.count(); --i >= 0; )
+			removeFromElement.call( this, innerElements.getItem( i ) );
+		// Now remove any other element with different name that is
+		// defined to be overriden.
+		for ( var overrideElement in overrides ) {
+			if ( overrideElement != this.element ) {
+				innerElements = element.getElementsByTag( overrideElement );
+				for ( i = innerElements.count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+					var innerElement = innerElements.getItem( i );
+					removeOverrides( innerElement, overrides[ overrideElement ] );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Remove overriding styles/attributes from the specific element.
+	// Note: Remove the element if no attributes remain.
+	// @param {Object} element
+	// @param {Object} overrides
+	// @param {Boolean} Don't remove the element
+	function removeOverrides( element, overrides, dontRemove ) {
+		var attributes = overrides && overrides.attributes;
+		if ( attributes ) {
+			for ( var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++ ) {
+				var attName = attributes[ i ][ 0 ],
+					actualAttrValue;
+				if ( ( actualAttrValue = element.getAttribute( attName ) ) ) {
+					var attValue = attributes[ i ][ 1 ];
+					// Remove the attribute if:
+					//    - The override definition value is null ;
+					//    - The override definition valie is a string that
+					//      matches the attribute value exactly.
+					//    - The override definition value is a regex that
+					//      has matches in the attribute value.
+					if ( attValue === null || ( attValue.test && attValue.test( actualAttrValue ) ) || ( typeof attValue == 'string' && actualAttrValue == attValue ) )
+						element.removeAttribute( attName );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if ( !dontRemove )
+			removeNoAttribsElement( element );
+	}
+	// If the element has no more attributes, remove it.
+	function removeNoAttribsElement( element, forceRemove ) {
+		// If no more attributes remained in the element, remove it,
+		// leaving its children.
+		if ( !element.hasAttributes() || forceRemove ) {
+			if ( CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ element.getName() ] ) {
+				var previous = element.getPrevious( nonWhitespaces ),
+					next = element.getNext( nonWhitespaces );
+				if ( previous && ( previous.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || !previous.isBlockBoundary( { br:1 } ) ) )
+					element.append( 'br', 1 );
+				if ( next && ( next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || !next.isBlockBoundary( { br:1 } ) ) )
+					element.append( 'br' );
+				element.remove( true );
+			} else {
+				// Removing elements may open points where merging is possible,
+				// so let's cache the first and last nodes for later checking.
+				var firstChild = element.getFirst();
+				var lastChild = element.getLast();
+				element.remove( true );
+				if ( firstChild ) {
+					// Check the cached nodes for merging.
+					firstChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && firstChild.mergeSiblings();
+					if ( lastChild && !firstChild.equals( lastChild ) && lastChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+						lastChild.mergeSiblings();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function getElement( style, targetDocument, element ) {
+		var el,
+			def = style._.definition,
+			elementName = style.element;
+		// The "*" element name will always be a span for this function.
+		if ( elementName == '*' )
+			elementName = 'span';
+		// Create the element.
+		el = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( elementName, targetDocument );
+		// #6226: attributes should be copied before the new ones are applied
+		if ( element )
+			element.copyAttributes( el );
+		el = setupElement( el, style );
+		// Avoid ID duplication.
+		if ( targetDocument.getCustomData( 'doc_processing_style' ) && el.hasAttribute( 'id' ) )
+			el.removeAttribute( 'id' );
+		else
+			targetDocument.setCustomData( 'doc_processing_style', 1 );
+		return el;
+	}
+	function setupElement( el, style ) {
+		var def = style._.definition,
+			attributes = def.attributes,
+			styles = CKEDITOR.style.getStyleText( def );
+		// Assign all defined attributes.
+		if ( attributes ) {
+			for ( var att in attributes ) {
+				el.setAttribute( att, attributes[ att ] );
+			}
+		}
+		// Assign all defined styles.
+		if ( styles )
+			el.setAttribute( 'style', styles );
+		return el;
+	}
+	function replaceVariables( list, variablesValues ) {
+		for ( var item in list ) {
+			list[ item ] = list[ item ].replace( varRegex, function( match, varName ) {
+				return variablesValues[ varName ];
+			});
+		}
+	}
+	// Returns an object that can be used for style matching comparison.
+	// Attributes names and values are all lowercased, and the styles get
+	// merged with the style attribute.
+	function getAttributesForComparison( styleDefinition ) {
+		// If we have already computed it, just return it.
+		var attribs = styleDefinition._AC;
+		if ( attribs )
+			return attribs;
+		attribs = {};
+		var length = 0;
+		// Loop through all defined attributes.
+		var styleAttribs = styleDefinition.attributes;
+		if ( styleAttribs ) {
+			for ( var styleAtt in styleAttribs ) {
+				length++;
+				attribs[ styleAtt ] = styleAttribs[ styleAtt ];
+			}
+		}
+		// Includes the style definitions.
+		var styleText = CKEDITOR.style.getStyleText( styleDefinition );
+		if ( styleText ) {
+			if ( !attribs[ 'style' ] )
+				length++;
+			attribs[ 'style' ] = styleText;
+		}
+		// Appends the "length" information to the object.
+		attribs._length = length;
+		// Return it, saving it to the next request.
+		return ( styleDefinition._AC = attribs );
+	}
+	// Get the the collection used to compare the elements and attributes,
+	// defined in this style overrides, with other element. All information in
+	// it is lowercased.
+	// @param {CKEDITOR.style} style
+	function getOverrides( style ) {
+		if ( style._.overrides )
+			return style._.overrides;
+		var overrides = ( style._.overrides = {} ),
+			definition = style._.definition.overrides;
+		if ( definition ) {
+			// The override description can be a string, object or array.
+			// Internally, well handle arrays only, so transform it if needed.
+			if ( !CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( definition ) )
+				definition = [ definition ];
+			// Loop through all override definitions.
+			for ( var i = 0; i < definition.length; i++ ) {
+				var override = definition[ i ];
+				var elementName;
+				var overrideEl;
+				var attrs;
+				// If can be a string with the element name.
+				if ( typeof override == 'string' )
+					elementName = override.toLowerCase();
+				// Or an object.
+				else {
+					elementName = override.element ? override.element.toLowerCase() : style.element;
+					attrs = override.attributes;
+				}
+				// We can have more than one override definition for the same
+				// element name, so we attempt to simply append information to
+				// it if it already exists.
+				overrideEl = overrides[ elementName ] || ( overrides[ elementName ] = {} );
+				if ( attrs ) {
+					// The returning attributes list is an array, because we
+					// could have different override definitions for the same
+					// attribute name.
+					var overrideAttrs = ( overrideEl.attributes = overrideEl.attributes || new Array() );
+					for ( var attName in attrs ) {
+						// Each item in the attributes array is also an array,
+						// where [0] is the attribute name and [1] is the
+						// override value.
+						overrideAttrs.push( [ attName.toLowerCase(), attrs[ attName ] ] );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return overrides;
+	}
+	// Make the comparison of attribute value easier by standardizing it.
+	function normalizeProperty( name, value, isStyle ) {
+		var temp = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
+		temp[ isStyle ? 'setStyle' : 'setAttribute' ]( name, value );
+		return temp[ isStyle ? 'getStyle' : 'getAttribute' ]( name );
+	}
+	// Compare two bunch of styles, with the speciality that value 'inherit'
+	// is treated as a wildcard which will match any value.
+	// @param {Object/String} source
+	// @param {Object/String} target
+	function compareCssText( source, target ) {
+		typeof source == 'string' && ( source = CKEDITOR.tools.parseCssText( source ) );
+		typeof target == 'string' && ( target = CKEDITOR.tools.parseCssText( target, true ) );
+		for ( var name in source ) {
+			if ( !( name in target && ( target[ name ] == source[ name ] || source[ name ] == 'inherit' || target[ name ] == 'inherit' ) ) ) {
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	function applyStyleOnSelection( selection, remove ) {
+		var doc = selection.document,
+			ranges = selection.getRanges(),
+			func = remove ? this.removeFromRange : this.applyToRange,
+			range;
+		var iterator = ranges.createIterator();
+		while ( ( range = iterator.getNextRange() ) )
+			func.call( this, range );
+		selection.selectRanges( ranges );
+		doc.removeCustomData( 'doc_processing_style' );
+	}
+ * @class
+ * @todo
+ */
+CKEDITOR.styleCommand = function( style ) {
+	this.style = style;
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
+ * @todo
+ */
+CKEDITOR.styleCommand.prototype.exec = function( editor ) {
+	editor.focus();
+	if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF )
+		editor.applyStyle( this.style );
+	else if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON )
+		editor.removeStyle( this.style );
+ * Manages styles registration and loading. See also {@link CKEDITOR.config#stylesSet}.
+ *
+ *		// The set of styles for the <b>Styles</b> combo.
+ *		CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add( 'default', [
+ *			// Block Styles
+ *			{ name: 'Blue Title',		element: 'h3',		styles: { 'color': 'Blue' } },
+ *			{ name: 'Red Title',		element: 'h3',		styles: { 'color': 'Red' } },
+ *
+ *			// Inline Styles
+ *			{ name: 'Marker: Yellow',	element: 'span',	styles: { 'background-color': 'Yellow' } },
+ *			{ name: 'Marker: Green',	element: 'span',	styles: { 'background-color': 'Lime' } },
+ *
+ *			// Object Styles
+ *			{
+ *				name: 'Image on Left',
+ *				element: 'img',
+ *				attributes: {
+ *					style: 'padding: 5px; margin-right: 5px',
+ *					border: '2',
+ *					align: 'left'
+ *				}
+ *			}
+ *		] );
+ *
+ * @since 3.2
+ * @class
+ * @singleton
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.resourceManager
+ */
+CKEDITOR.stylesSet = new CKEDITOR.resourceManager( '', 'stylesSet' );
+// Backward compatibility (#5025).
+CKEDITOR.addStylesSet = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add, CKEDITOR.stylesSet );
+CKEDITOR.loadStylesSet = function( name, url, callback ) {
+	CKEDITOR.stylesSet.addExternal( name, url, '' );
+	CKEDITOR.stylesSet.load( name, callback );
+ * Gets the current styleSet for this instance.
+ *
+ *		editor.getStylesSet( function( stylesDefinitions ) {} );
+ *
+ * @param {Function} callback The function to be called with the styles data.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.getStylesSet = function( callback ) {
+	if ( !this._.stylesDefinitions ) {
+		var editor = this,
+			// Respect the backwards compatible definition entry
+			configStyleSet = editor.config.stylesCombo_stylesSet || editor.config.stylesSet || 'default';
+		// #5352 Allow to define the styles directly in the config object
+		if ( configStyleSet instanceof Array ) {
+			editor._.stylesDefinitions = configStyleSet;
+			callback( configStyleSet );
+			return;
+		}
+		var partsStylesSet = configStyleSet.split( ':' ),
+			styleSetName = partsStylesSet[ 0 ],
+			externalPath = partsStylesSet[ 1 ];
+		CKEDITOR.stylesSet.addExternal( styleSetName, externalPath ? partsStylesSet.slice( 1 ).join( ':' ) : CKEDITOR.getUrl( 'styles.js' ), '' );
+		CKEDITOR.stylesSet.load( styleSetName, function( stylesSet ) {
+			editor._.stylesDefinitions = stylesSet[ styleSetName ];
+			callback( editor._.stylesDefinitions );
+		});
+	} else
+		callback( this._.stylesDefinitions );
+ * Indicates that fully selected read-only elements will be included when
+ * applying the style (for inline styles only).
+ *
+ * @since 3.5
+ * @property {Boolean} [includeReadonly=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.style
+ */
+ * Indicates that any matches element of this style will be eventually removed
+ * when calling {@link CKEDITOR.editor#removeStyle}.
+ *
+ * @since 4.0
+ * @property {Boolean} [alwaysRemoveElement=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.style
+ */
+ * Disables inline styling on read-only elements.
+ *
+ * @since 3.5
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [disableReadonlyStyling=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * The "styles definition set" to use in the editor. They will be used in the
+ * styles combo and the style selector of the div container.
+ *
+ * The styles may be defined in the page containing the editor, or can be
+ * loaded on demand from an external file. In the second case, if this setting
+ * contains only a name, the styles definition file will be loaded from the
+ * `styles` folder inside the styles plugin folder.
+ *
+ * Otherwise, this setting has the `name:url` syntax, making it
+ * possible to set the URL from which loading the styles file.
+ *
+ * Previously this setting was available as `config.stylesCombo_stylesSet`.
+ *
+ *		// Load from the styles' styles folder (mystyles.js file).
+ *		config.stylesSet = 'mystyles';
+ *
+ *		// Load from a relative URL.
+ *		config.stylesSet = 'mystyles:/editorstyles/styles.js';
+ *
+ *		// Load from a full URL.
+ *		config.stylesSet = 'mystyles:http://www.example.com/editorstyles/styles.js';
+ *
+ *		// Load from a list of definitions.
+ *		config.stylesSet = [
+ *			{ name: 'Strong Emphasis', element: 'strong' },
+ *			{ name: 'Emphasis', element: 'em' },
+ *			...
+ *		];
+ *
+ * @since 3.3
+ * @cfg {String/Array} [stylesSet='default']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/template.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/template.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a213e36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/template.js
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.template} class, which represents
+ * an UI template for an editor instance.
+ */
+(function() {
+	var cache = {};
+	/**
+	 * Lightweight template used to build the output string from variables.
+	 *
+	 *		// HTML template for presenting a label UI.
+	 *		var tpl = new CKEDITOR.template( '<div class="{cls}">{label}</div>' );
+	 *		alert( tpl.output( { cls: 'cke-label', label: 'foo'} ) ); // '<div class="cke-label">foo</div>'
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @constructor Creates a template class instance.
+	 * @param {String} source The template source.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.template = function( source ) {
+		// Builds an optimized function body for the output() method, focused on performance.
+		// For example, if we have this "source":
+		//	'<div style="{style}">{editorName}</div>'
+		// ... the resulting function body will be (apart from the "buffer" handling):
+		//	return [ '<div style="', data['style'] == undefined ? '{style}' : data['style'], '">', data['editorName'] == undefined ? '{editorName}' : data['editorName'], '</div>' ].join('');
+		// Try to read from the cache.
+		if ( cache[ source ] )
+			this.output = cache[ source ];
+		else {
+			var fn = source
+			// Escape all quotation marks (").
+			.replace( /'/g, "\\'" )
+			// Inject the template keys replacement.
+			.replace( /{([^}]+)}/g, function( m, key ) {
+				return "',data['" + key + "']==undefined?'{" + key + "}':data['" + key + "'],'";
+			});
+			fn = "return buffer?buffer.push('" + fn + "'):['" + fn + "'].join('');";
+			this.output = cache[ source ] = Function( 'data', 'buffer', fn );
+		}
+	};
+ * Processes the template, filling its variables with the provided data.
+ *
+ * @method output
+ * @param {Object} data An object containing properties which values will be
+ * used to fill the template variables. The property names must match the
+ * template variables names. Variables without matching properties will be
+ * kept untouched.
+ * @param {Array} [buffer] An array into which the output data will be pushed into.
+ * The number of entries appended to the array is unknown.
+ * @returns {String/Number} If `buffer` has not been provided, the processed
+ * template output data, otherwise the new length of `buffer`.
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/themes.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/themes.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b20fdcb..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/themes.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.themes} object, which is used to
- *		manage themes registration and loading.
- */
- * Manages themes registration and loading.
- * @namespace
- * @augments CKEDITOR.resourceManager
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.themes = new CKEDITOR.resourceManager(
-	'_source/'+		// @Packager.RemoveLine
-	'themes/', 'theme' );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/tools.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/tools.js
index a1bff9a..ffe4ffc 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/tools.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/tools.js
@@ -1,747 +1,853 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.tools} object, which contains
- *		utility functions.
- */
-	var functions = [];
-	CKEDITOR.on( 'reset', function()
-		{
-			functions = [];
-		});
-	/**
-	 * Utility functions.
-	 * @namespace
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.tools =
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Compare the elements of two arrays.
-		 * @param {Array} arrayA An array to be compared.
-		 * @param {Array} arrayB The other array to be compared.
-		 * @returns {Boolean} "true" is the arrays have the same lenght and
-		 *		their elements match.
-		 * @example
-		 * var a = [ 1, 'a', 3 ];
-		 * var b = [ 1, 3, 'a' ];
-		 * var c = [ 1, 'a', 3 ];
-		 * var d = [ 1, 'a', 3, 4 ];
-		 *
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.arrayCompare( a, b ) );  // false
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.arrayCompare( a, c ) );  // true
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.arrayCompare( a, d ) );  // false
-		 */
-		arrayCompare : function( arrayA, arrayB )
-		{
-			if ( !arrayA && !arrayB )
-				return true;
-			if ( !arrayA || !arrayB || arrayA.length != arrayB.length )
-				return false;
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < arrayA.length ; i++ )
-			{
-				if ( arrayA[ i ] != arrayB[ i ] )
-					return false;
-			}
-			return true;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Creates a deep copy of an object.
-		 * Attention: there is no support for recursive references.
-		 * @param {Object} object The object to be cloned.
-		 * @returns {Object} The object clone.
-		 * @example
-		 * var obj =
-		 *     {
-		 *         name : 'John',
-		 *         cars :
-		 *             {
-		 *                 Mercedes : { color : 'blue' },
-		 *                 Porsche : { color : 'red' }
-		 *             }
-		 *     };
-		 * var clone = CKEDITOR.tools.clone( obj );
-		 * clone.name = 'Paul';
-		 * clone.cars.Porsche.color = 'silver';
-		 * alert( obj.name );	// John
-		 * alert( clone.name );	// Paul
-		 * alert( obj.cars.Porsche.color );	// red
-		 * alert( clone.cars.Porsche.color );	// silver
-		 */
-		clone : function( obj )
-		{
-			var clone;
-			// Array.
-			if ( obj && ( obj instanceof Array ) )
-			{
-				clone = [];
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < obj.length ; i++ )
-					clone[ i ] = this.clone( obj[ i ] );
-				return clone;
-			}
-			// "Static" types.
-			if ( obj === null
-				|| ( typeof( obj ) != 'object' )
-				|| ( obj instanceof String )
-				|| ( obj instanceof Number )
-				|| ( obj instanceof Boolean )
-				|| ( obj instanceof Date )
-				|| ( obj instanceof RegExp) )
-			{
-				return obj;
-			}
-			// Objects.
-			clone = new obj.constructor();
-			for ( var propertyName in obj )
-			{
-				var property = obj[ propertyName ];
-				clone[ propertyName ] = this.clone( property );
-			}
-			return clone;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Turn the first letter of string to upper-case.
-		 * @param {String} str
-		 */
-		capitalize: function( str )
-		{
-			return str.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + str.substring( 1 ).toLowerCase();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Copy the properties from one object to another. By default, properties
-		 * already present in the target object <strong>are not</strong> overwritten.
-		 * @param {Object} target The object to be extended.
-		 * @param {Object} source[,souce(n)] The objects from which copy
-		 *		properties. Any number of objects can be passed to this function.
-		 * @param {Boolean} [overwrite] If 'true' is specified it indicates that
-		 *            properties already present in the target object could be
-		 *            overwritten by subsequent objects.
-		 * @param {Object} [properties] Only properties within the specified names
-		 *            list will be received from the source object.
-		 * @returns {Object} the extended object (target).
-		 * @example
-		 * // Create the sample object.
-		 * var myObject =
-		 * {
-		 *     prop1 : true
-		 * };
-		 *
-		 * // Extend the above object with two properties.
-		 * CKEDITOR.tools.extend( myObject,
-		 *     {
-		 *         prop2 : true,
-		 *         prop3 : true
-		 *     } );
-		 *
-		 * // Alert "prop1", "prop2" and "prop3".
-		 * for ( var p in myObject )
-		 *     alert( p );
-		 */
-		extend : function( target )
-		{
-			var argsLength = arguments.length,
-				overwrite, propertiesList;
-			if ( typeof ( overwrite = arguments[ argsLength - 1 ] ) == 'boolean')
-				argsLength--;
-			else if ( typeof ( overwrite = arguments[ argsLength - 2 ] ) == 'boolean' )
-			{
-				propertiesList = arguments [ argsLength -1 ];
-				argsLength-=2;
-			}
-			for ( var i = 1 ; i < argsLength ; i++ )
-			{
-				var source = arguments[ i ];
-				for ( var propertyName in source )
-				{
-					// Only copy existed fields if in overwrite mode.
-					if ( overwrite === true || target[ propertyName ] == undefined )
-					{
-						// Only copy  specified fields if list is provided.
-						if ( !propertiesList || ( propertyName in propertiesList ) )
-							target[ propertyName ] = source[ propertyName ];
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return target;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Creates an object which is an instance of a class which prototype is a
-		 * predefined object. All properties defined in the source object are
-		 * automatically inherited by the resulting object, including future
-		 * changes to it.
-		 * @param {Object} source The source object to be used as the prototype for
-		 *		the final object.
-		 * @returns {Object} The resulting copy.
-		 */
-		prototypedCopy : function( source )
-		{
-			var copy = function()
-			{};
-			copy.prototype = source;
-			return new copy();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Checks if an object is an Array.
-		 * @param {Object} object The object to be checked.
-		 * @type Boolean
-		 * @returns <i>true</i> if the object is an Array, otherwise <i>false</i>.
-		 * @example
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( [] ) );      // "true"
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( 'Test' ) );  // "false"
-		 */
-		isArray : function( object )
-		{
-			return ( !!object && object instanceof Array );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Whether the object contains no properties of it's own.
- 		 * @param object
-		 */
-		isEmpty : function ( object )
-		{
-			for ( var i in object )
-			{
-				if ( object.hasOwnProperty( i ) )
-					return false;
-			}
-			return true;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Transforms a CSS property name to its relative DOM style name.
-		 * @param {String} cssName The CSS property name.
-		 * @returns {String} The transformed name.
-		 * @example
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle( 'background-color' ) );  // "backgroundColor"
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle( 'float' ) );             // "cssFloat"
-		 */
-		cssStyleToDomStyle : ( function()
-		{
-			var test = document.createElement( 'div' ).style;
-			var cssFloat = ( typeof test.cssFloat != 'undefined' ) ? 'cssFloat'
-				: ( typeof test.styleFloat != 'undefined' ) ? 'styleFloat'
-				: 'float';
-			return function( cssName )
-			{
-				if ( cssName == 'float' )
-					return cssFloat;
-				else
-				{
-					return cssName.replace( /-./g, function( match )
-						{
-							return match.substr( 1 ).toUpperCase();
-						});
-				}
-			};
-		} )(),
-		/**
-		 * Build the HTML snippet of a set of <style>/<link>.
-		 * @param css {String|Array} Each of which are url (absolute) of a CSS file or
-		 * a trunk of style text.
-		 */
-		buildStyleHtml : function ( css )
-		{
-			css = [].concat( css );
-			var item, retval = [];
-			for ( var i = 0; i < css.length; i++ )
-			{
-				item = css[ i ];
-				// Is CSS style text ?
-				if ( /@import|[{}]/.test(item) )
-					retval.push('<style>' + item + '</style>');
-				else
-					retval.push('<link type="text/css" rel=stylesheet href="' + item + '">');
-			}
-			return retval.join( '' );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Replace special HTML characters in a string with their relative HTML
-		 * entity values.
-		 * @param {String} text The string to be encoded.
-		 * @returns {String} The encode string.
-		 * @example
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( 'A > B & C < D' ) );  // "A &gt; B &amp; C &lt; D"
-		 */
-		htmlEncode : function( text )
-		{
-			var standard = function( text )
-			{
-				var span = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
-				span.setText( text );
-				return span.getHtml();
-			};
-			var fix1 = ( standard( '\n' ).toLowerCase() == '<br>' ) ?
-				function( text )
-				{
-					// #3874 IE and Safari encode line-break into <br>
-					return standard( text ).replace( /<br>/gi, '\n' );
-				} :
-				standard;
-			var fix2 = ( standard( '>' ) == '>' ) ?
-				function( text )
-				{
-					// WebKit does't encode the ">" character, which makes sense, but
-					// it's different than other browsers.
-					return fix1( text ).replace( />/g, '>' );
-				} :
-				fix1;
-			var fix3 = ( standard( '  ' ) == '  ' ) ?
-				function( text )
-				{
-					// #3785 IE8 changes spaces (>= 2) to  
-					return fix2( text ).replace( / /g, ' ' );
-				} :
-				fix2;
-			this.htmlEncode = fix3;
-			return this.htmlEncode( text );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Replace special HTML characters in HTMLElement's attribute with their relative HTML entity values.
-		 * @param {String} The attribute's value to be encoded.
-		 * @returns {String} The encode value.
-		 * @example
-		 * element.setAttribute( 'title', '<a " b >' );
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncodeAttr( element.getAttribute( 'title' ) );  // ">a " b <"
-		 */
-		htmlEncodeAttr : function( text )
-		{
-			return text.replace( /"/g, '"' ).replace( /</g, '<' ).replace( />/g, '>' );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Replace characters can't be represented through CSS Selectors string
-		 * by CSS Escape Notation where the character escape sequence consists
-		 * of a backslash character (\) followed by the orginal characters.
-		 * Ref: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#grammar
-		 * @param cssSelectText
-		 * @return the escaped selector text.
-		 */
-		escapeCssSelector : function( cssSelectText )
-		{
-			return cssSelectText.replace( /[\s#:.,$*^\[\]()~=+>]/g, '\\$&' );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets a unique number for this CKEDITOR execution session. It returns
-		 * progressive numbers starting at 1.
-		 * @function
-		 * @returns {Number} A unique number.
-		 * @example
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.<b>getNextNumber()</b> );  // "1" (e.g.)
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.<b>getNextNumber()</b> );  // "2"
-		 */
-		getNextNumber : (function()
-		{
-			var last = 0;
-			return function()
-			{
-				return ++last;
-			};
-		})(),
-		/**
-		 * Gets a unique ID for CKEditor's interface elements. It returns a
-		 * string with the "cke_" prefix and a progressive number.
-		 * @function
-		 * @returns {String} A unique ID.
-		 * @example
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.<b>getNextId()</b> );  // "cke_1" (e.g.)
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.<b>getNextId()</b> );  // "cke_2"
-		 */
-		getNextId : function()
-		{
-			return 'cke_' + this.getNextNumber();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Creates a function override.
-		 * @param {Function} originalFunction The function to be overridden.
-		 * @param {Function} functionBuilder A function that returns the new
-		 *		function. The original function reference will be passed to this
-		 *		function.
-		 * @returns {Function} The new function.
-		 * @example
-		 * var example =
-		 * {
-		 *     myFunction : function( name )
-		 *     {
-		 *         alert( 'Name: ' + name );
-		 *     }
-		 * };
-		 *
-		 * example.myFunction = CKEDITOR.tools.override( example.myFunction, function( myFunctionOriginal )
-		 *     {
-		 *         return function( name )
-		 *             {
-		 *                 alert( 'Override Name: ' + name );
-		 *                 myFunctionOriginal.call( this, name );
-		 *             };
-		 *     });
-		 */
-		override : function( originalFunction, functionBuilder )
-		{
-			return functionBuilder( originalFunction );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Executes a function after specified delay.
-		 * @param {Function} func The function to be executed.
-		 * @param {Number} [milliseconds] The amount of time (millisecods) to wait
-		 *		to fire the function execution. Defaults to zero.
-		 * @param {Object} [scope] The object to hold the function execution scope
-		 *		(the "this" object). By default the "window" object.
-		 * @param {Object|Array} [args] A single object, or an array of objects, to
-		 *		pass as arguments to the function.
-		 * @param {Object} [ownerWindow] The window that will be used to set the
-		 *		timeout. By default the current "window".
-		 * @returns {Object} A value that can be used to cancel the function execution.
-		 * @example
-		 * CKEDITOR.tools.<b>setTimeout(
-		 *     function()
-		 *     {
-		 *         alert( 'Executed after 2 seconds' );
-		 *     },
-		 *     2000 )</b>;
-		 */
-		setTimeout : function( func, milliseconds, scope, args, ownerWindow )
-		{
-			if ( !ownerWindow )
-				ownerWindow = window;
-			if ( !scope )
-				scope = ownerWindow;
-			return ownerWindow.setTimeout(
-				function()
-				{
-					if ( args )
-						func.apply( scope, [].concat( args ) ) ;
-					else
-						func.apply( scope ) ;
-				},
-				milliseconds || 0 );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Remove spaces from the start and the end of a string. The following
-		 * characters are removed: space, tab, line break, line feed.
-		 * @function
-		 * @param {String} str The text from which remove the spaces.
-		 * @returns {String} The modified string without the boundary spaces.
-		 * @example
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.trim( '  example ' );  // "example"
-		 */
-		trim : (function()
-		{
-			// We are not using \s because we don't want "non-breaking spaces" to be caught.
-			var trimRegex = /(?:^[ \t\n\r]+)|(?:[ \t\n\r]+$)/g;
-			return function( str )
-			{
-				return str.replace( trimRegex, '' ) ;
-			};
-		})(),
-		/**
-		 * Remove spaces from the start (left) of a string. The following
-		 * characters are removed: space, tab, line break, line feed.
-		 * @function
-		 * @param {String} str The text from which remove the spaces.
-		 * @returns {String} The modified string excluding the removed spaces.
-		 * @example
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( '  example ' );  // "example "
-		 */
-		ltrim : (function()
-		{
-			// We are not using \s because we don't want "non-breaking spaces" to be caught.
-			var trimRegex = /^[ \t\n\r]+/g;
-			return function( str )
-			{
-				return str.replace( trimRegex, '' ) ;
-			};
-		})(),
-		/**
-		 * Remove spaces from the end (right) of a string. The following
-		 * characters are removed: space, tab, line break, line feed.
-		 * @function
-		 * @param {String} str The text from which remove the spaces.
-		 * @returns {String} The modified string excluding the removed spaces.
-		 * @example
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( '  example ' );  // "  example"
-		 */
-		rtrim : (function()
-		{
-			// We are not using \s because we don't want "non-breaking spaces" to be caught.
-			var trimRegex = /[ \t\n\r]+$/g;
-			return function( str )
-			{
-				return str.replace( trimRegex, '' ) ;
-			};
-		})(),
-		/**
-		 * Returns the index of an element in an array.
-		 * @param {Array} array The array to be searched.
-		 * @param {Object} entry The element to be found.
-		 * @returns {Number} The (zero based) index of the first entry that matches
-		 *		the entry, or -1 if not found.
-		 * @example
-		 * var letters = [ 'a', 'b', 0, 'c', false ];
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( letters, '0' ) );  "-1" because 0 !== '0'
-		 * alert( CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( letters, false ) );  "4" because 0 !== false
-		 */
-		indexOf :
-			// #2514: We should try to use Array.indexOf if it does exist.
-			( Array.prototype.indexOf ) ?
-				function( array, entry )
-					{
-						return array.indexOf( entry );
-					}
-			:
-				function( array, entry )
-				{
-					for ( var i = 0, len = array.length ; i < len ; i++ )
-					{
-						if ( array[ i ] === entry )
-							return i;
-					}
-					return -1;
-				},
-		/**
-		 * Creates a function that will always execute in the context of a
-		 * specified object.
-		 * @param {Function} func The function to be executed.
-		 * @param {Object} obj The object to which bind the execution context.
-		 * @returns {Function} The function that can be used to execute the
-		 *		"func" function in the context of "obj".
-		 * @example
-		 * var obj = { text : 'My Object' };
-		 *
-		 * function alertText()
-		 * {
-		 *     alert( this.text );
-		 * }
-		 *
-		 * var newFunc = <b>CKEDITOR.tools.bind( alertText, obj )</b>;
-		 * newFunc();  // Alerts "My Object".
-		 */
-		bind : function( func, obj )
-		{
-			return function() { return func.apply( obj, arguments ); };
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Class creation based on prototype inheritance, with supports of the
-		 * following features:
-		 * <ul>
-		 * <li> Static fields </li>
-		 * <li> Private fields </li>
-		 * <li> Public (prototype) fields </li>
-		 * <li> Chainable base class constructor </li>
-		 * </ul>
-		 * @param {Object} definition The class definition object.
-		 * @returns {Function} A class-like JavaScript function.
-		 */
-		createClass : function( definition )
-		{
-			var $ = definition.$,
-				baseClass = definition.base,
-				privates = definition.privates || definition._,
-				proto = definition.proto,
-				statics = definition.statics;
-			if ( privates )
-			{
-				var originalConstructor = $;
-				$ = function()
-				{
-					// Create (and get) the private namespace.
-					var _ = this._ || ( this._ = {} );
-					// Make some magic so "this" will refer to the main
-					// instance when coding private functions.
-					for ( var privateName in privates )
-					{
-						var priv = privates[ privateName ];
-						_[ privateName ] =
-							( typeof priv == 'function' ) ? CKEDITOR.tools.bind( priv, this ) : priv;
-					}
-					originalConstructor.apply( this, arguments );
-				};
-			}
-			if ( baseClass )
-			{
-				$.prototype = this.prototypedCopy( baseClass.prototype );
-				$.prototype.constructor = $;
-				$.prototype.base = function()
-				{
-					this.base = baseClass.prototype.base;
-					baseClass.apply( this, arguments );
-					this.base = arguments.callee;
-				};
-			}
-			if ( proto )
-				this.extend( $.prototype, proto, true );
-			if ( statics )
-				this.extend( $, statics, true );
-			return $;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Creates a function reference that can be called later using
-		 * CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction. This approach is specially useful to
-		 * make DOM attribute function calls to JavaScript defined functions.
-		 * @param {Function} fn The function to be executed on call.
-		 * @param {Object} [scope] The object to have the context on "fn" execution.
-		 * @returns {Number} A unique reference to be used in conjuction with
-		 *		CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction.
-		 * @example
-		 * var ref = <b>CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction</b>(
-		 *     function()
-		 *     {
-		 *         alert( 'Hello!');
-		 *     });
-		 * CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( ref );  // Hello!
-		 */
-		addFunction : function( fn, scope )
-		{
-			return functions.push( function()
-				{
-					fn.apply( scope || this, arguments );
-				}) - 1;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Removes the function reference created with {@see CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction}.
-		 * @param {Number} ref The function reference created with
-		 *		CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction.
-		 */
-		removeFunction : function( ref )
-		{
-			functions[ ref ] = null;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Executes a function based on the reference created with
-		 * CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction.
-		 * @param {Number} ref The function reference created with
-		 *		CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction.
-		 * @param {[Any,[Any,...]} params Any number of parameters to be passed
-		 *		to the executed function.
-		 * @returns {Any} The return value of the function.
-		 * @example
-		 * var ref = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(
-		 *     function()
-		 *     {
-		 *         alert( 'Hello!');
-		 *     });
-		 * <b>CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( ref )</b>;  // Hello!
-		 */
-		callFunction : function( ref )
-		{
-			var fn = functions[ ref ];
-			return fn && fn.apply( window, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Append the 'px' length unit to the size if it's missing.
-		 * @param length
-		 */
-		cssLength : (function()
-		{
-			var decimalRegex = /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/;
-			return function( length )
-			{
-				return length + ( decimalRegex.test( length ) ? 'px' : '' );
-			};
-		})(),
-		/**
-		 * String specified by {@param str} repeats {@param times} times.
-		 * @param str
-		 * @param times
-		 */
-		repeat : function( str, times )
-		{
-			return new Array( times + 1 ).join( str );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Return the first successfully executed function's return value that
-		 * doesn't throw any exception.
-		 */
-		tryThese : function()
-		{
-			var returnValue;
-			for ( var i = 0, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++ )
-			{
-				var lambda = arguments[i];
-				try
-				{
-					returnValue = lambda();
-					break;
-				}
-				catch (e) {}
-			}
-			return returnValue;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Generate a combined key from a series of params.
-		 * @param {String} subKey One or more string used as sub keys.
-		 * @example
-		 * var key = CKEDITOR.tools.genKey( 'key1', 'key2', 'key3' );
-		 * alert( key );		// "key1-key2-key3".
-		 */
-		genKey : function()
-		{
-			return Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ).join( '-' );
-		}
-	};
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.tools} object, which contains
+ *		utility functions.
+ */
+(function() {
+	var functions = [],
+		cssVendorPrefix =
+			CKEDITOR.env.gecko ? '-moz-' :
+			CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? '-webkit-' :
+			CKEDITOR.env.opera ? '-o-' :
+			CKEDITOR.env.ie ? '-ms-' :
+			'';
+	CKEDITOR.on( 'reset', function() {
+		functions = [];
+	});
+	/**
+	 * Utility functions.
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @singleton
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.tools = {
+		/**
+		 * Compare the elements of two arrays.
+		 *
+		 *		var a = [ 1, 'a', 3 ];
+		 *		var b = [ 1, 3, 'a' ];
+		 *		var c = [ 1, 'a', 3 ];
+		 *		var d = [ 1, 'a', 3, 4 ];
+		 *
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.arrayCompare( a, b ) );  // false
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.arrayCompare( a, c ) );  // true
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.arrayCompare( a, d ) );  // false
+		 *
+		 * @param {Array} arrayA An array to be compared.
+		 * @param {Array} arrayB The other array to be compared.
+		 * @returns {Boolean} "true" is the arrays have the same lenght and
+		 * their elements match.
+		 */
+		arrayCompare: function( arrayA, arrayB ) {
+			if ( !arrayA && !arrayB )
+				return true;
+			if ( !arrayA || !arrayB || arrayA.length != arrayB.length )
+				return false;
+			for ( var i = 0; i < arrayA.length; i++ ) {
+				if ( arrayA[ i ] != arrayB[ i ] )
+					return false;
+			}
+			return true;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a deep copy of an object.
+		 *
+		 * **Note**: there is no support for recursive references.
+		 *
+		 *		var obj = {
+		 *			name: 'John',
+		 *			cars: {
+		 *				Mercedes: { color: 'blue' },
+		 *				Porsche: { color: 'red' }
+		 *			}
+		 *		};
+		 *		var clone = CKEDITOR.tools.clone( obj );
+		 *		clone.name = 'Paul';
+		 *		clone.cars.Porsche.color = 'silver';
+		 *
+		 *		alert( obj.name );					// 'John'
+		 *		alert( clone.name );				// 'Paul'
+		 *		alert( obj.cars.Porsche.color );	// 'red'
+		 *		alert( clone.cars.Porsche.color );	// 'silver'
+		 *
+		 * @param {Object} object The object to be cloned.
+		 * @returns {Object} The object clone.
+		 */
+		clone: function( obj ) {
+			var clone;
+			// Array.
+			if ( obj && ( obj instanceof Array ) ) {
+				clone = [];
+				for ( var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++ )
+					clone[ i ] = this.clone( obj[ i ] );
+				return clone;
+			}
+			// "Static" types.
+			if ( obj === null || ( typeof( obj ) != 'object' ) || ( obj instanceof String ) || ( obj instanceof Number ) || ( obj instanceof Boolean ) || ( obj instanceof Date ) || ( obj instanceof RegExp ) ) {
+				return obj;
+			}
+			// Objects.
+			clone = new obj.constructor();
+			for ( var propertyName in obj ) {
+				var property = obj[ propertyName ];
+				clone[ propertyName ] = this.clone( property );
+			}
+			return clone;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Turn the first letter of string to upper-case.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} str
+		 * @returns {String}
+		 */
+		capitalize: function( str ) {
+			return str.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + str.substring( 1 ).toLowerCase();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Copy the properties from one object to another. By default, properties
+		 * already present in the target object **are not** overwritten.
+		 *
+		 *		// Create the sample object.
+		 *		var myObject = {
+		 *			prop1: true
+		 *		};
+		 *
+		 *		// Extend the above object with two properties.
+		 *		CKEDITOR.tools.extend( myObject, {
+		 *			prop2: true,
+		 *			prop3: true
+		 *		} );
+		 *
+		 *		// Alert 'prop1', 'prop2' and 'prop3'.
+		 *		for ( var p in myObject )
+		 *			alert( p );
+		 *
+		 * @param {Object} target The object to be extended.
+		 * @param {Object...} source The object(s) from which copy
+		 * properties. Any number of objects can be passed to this function.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [overwrite] If 'true' is specified it indicates that
+		 * properties already present in the target object could be
+		 * overwritten by subsequent objects.
+		 * @param {Object} [properties] Only properties within the specified names
+		 * list will be received from the source object.
+		 * @returns {Object} the extended object (target).
+		 */
+		extend: function( target ) {
+			var argsLength = arguments.length,
+				overwrite, propertiesList;
+			if ( typeof( overwrite = arguments[ argsLength - 1 ] ) == 'boolean' )
+				argsLength--;
+			else if ( typeof( overwrite = arguments[ argsLength - 2 ] ) == 'boolean' ) {
+				propertiesList = arguments[ argsLength - 1 ];
+				argsLength -= 2;
+			}
+			for ( var i = 1; i < argsLength; i++ ) {
+				var source = arguments[ i ];
+				for ( var propertyName in source ) {
+					// Only copy existed fields if in overwrite mode.
+					if ( overwrite === true || target[ propertyName ] == undefined ) {
+						// Only copy  specified fields if list is provided.
+						if ( !propertiesList || ( propertyName in propertiesList ) )
+							target[ propertyName ] = source[ propertyName ];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return target;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates an object which is an instance of a class which prototype is a
+		 * predefined object. All properties defined in the source object are
+		 * automatically inherited by the resulting object, including future
+		 * changes to it.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Object} source The source object to be used as the prototype for
+		 * the final object.
+		 * @returns {Object} The resulting copy.
+		 */
+		prototypedCopy: function( source ) {
+			var copy = function() {};
+			copy.prototype = source;
+			return new copy();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Checks if an object is an Array.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( [] ) );		// true
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( 'Test' ) );	// false
+		 *
+		 * @param {Object} object The object to be checked.
+		 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the object is an Array, otherwise `false`.
+		 */
+		isArray: function( object ) {
+			return ( !!object && object instanceof Array );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Whether the object contains no properties of it's own.
+		 *
+		 * @param object
+		 * @returns {Boolean}
+		 */
+		isEmpty: function( object ) {
+			for ( var i in object ) {
+				if ( object.hasOwnProperty( i ) )
+					return false;
+			}
+			return true;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Generate object or string containing vendor specific and vendor free CSS properties.
+		 *
+		 *		CKEDITOR.tools.cssVendorPrefix( 'border-radius', '0', true );
+		 *		// On Firefox: '-moz-border-radius:0;border-radius:0'
+		 *		// On Chrome: '-webkit-border-radius:0;border-radius:0'
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} property The CSS property name.
+		 * @param {String} value The CSS value.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [asString=false] If `true`, then returned value will be a CSS string.
+		 * @returns {Object/String} The object containing CSS properties or its stringified version.
+		 */
+		cssVendorPrefix: function( property, value, asString ) {
+			if ( asString )
+				return cssVendorPrefix + property + ':' + value + ';' + property + ':' + value;
+			var ret = {};
+			ret[ property ] = value;
+			ret[ cssVendorPrefix + property ] = value;
+			return ret;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Transforms a CSS property name to its relative DOM style name.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle( 'background-color' ) );	// 'backgroundColor'
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle( 'float' ) );				// 'cssFloat'
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @param {String} cssName The CSS property name.
+		 * @returns {String} The transformed name.
+		 */
+		cssStyleToDomStyle: (function() {
+			var test = document.createElement( 'div' ).style;
+			var cssFloat = ( typeof test.cssFloat != 'undefined' ) ? 'cssFloat' : ( typeof test.styleFloat != 'undefined' ) ? 'styleFloat' : 'float';
+			return function( cssName ) {
+				if ( cssName == 'float' )
+					return cssFloat;
+				else {
+					return cssName.replace( /-./g, function( match ) {
+						return match.substr( 1 ).toUpperCase();
+					});
+				}
+			};
+		})(),
+		/**
+		 * Build the HTML snippet of a set of `<style>/<link>`.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String/Array} css Each of which are url (absolute) of a CSS file or
+		 * a trunk of style text.
+		 * @returns {String}
+		 */
+		buildStyleHtml: function( css ) {
+			css = [].concat( css );
+			var item,
+				retval = [];
+			for ( var i = 0; i < css.length; i++ ) {
+				if ( ( item = css[ i ] ) ) {
+					// Is CSS style text ?
+					if ( /@import|[{}]/.test( item ) )
+						retval.push( '<style>' + item + '</style>' );
+					else
+						retval.push( '<link type="text/css" rel=stylesheet href="' + item + '">' );
+				}
+			}
+			return retval.join( '' );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Replace special HTML characters in a string with their relative HTML
+		 * entity values.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( 'A > B & C < D' ) ); // 'A > B & C < D'
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} text The string to be encoded.
+		 * @returns {String} The encode string.
+		 */
+		htmlEncode: function( text ) {
+			return String( text ).replace( /&/g, '&' ).replace( />/g, '>' ).replace( /</g, '<' );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Replace special HTML characters in HTMLElement's attribute with their relative HTML entity values.
+		 *
+		 *		element.setAttribute( 'title', '<a " b >' );
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncodeAttr( element.getAttribute( 'title' ) ); // '>a " b <'
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} The attribute's value to be encoded.
+		 * @returns {String} The encode value.
+		 */
+		htmlEncodeAttr: function( text ) {
+			return text.replace( /"/g, '"' ).replace( /</g, '<' ).replace( />/g, '>' );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Gets a unique number for this CKEDITOR execution session. It returns
+		 * progressive numbers starting at 1.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber() ); // (e.g.) 1
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber() ); // 2
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @returns {Number} A unique number.
+		 */
+		getNextNumber: (function() {
+			var last = 0;
+			return function() {
+				return ++last;
+			};
+		})(),
+		/**
+		 * Gets a unique ID for CKEditor's interface elements. It returns a
+		 * string with the "cke_" prefix and a progressive number.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() ); // (e.g.) 'cke_1'
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() ); // 'cke_2'
+		 *
+		 * @returns {String} A unique ID.
+		 */
+		getNextId: function() {
+			return 'cke_' + this.getNextNumber();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a function override.
+		 *
+		 *		var obj = {
+		 *			myFunction: function( name ) {
+		 *				alert( 'Name: ' + name );
+		 *			}
+		 *		};
+		 *
+		 *		obj.myFunction = CKEDITOR.tools.override( obj.myFunction, function( myFunctionOriginal ) {
+		 *			return function( name ) {
+		 *				alert( 'Overriden name: ' + name );
+		 *				myFunctionOriginal.call( this, name );
+		 *			};
+		 *		} );
+		 *
+		 * @param {Function} originalFunction The function to be overridden.
+		 * @param {Function} functionBuilder A function that returns the new
+		 * function. The original function reference will be passed to this function.
+		 * @returns {Function} The new function.
+		 */
+		override: function( originalFunction, functionBuilder ) {
+			var newFn = functionBuilder( originalFunction );
+			newFn.prototype = originalFunction.prototype;
+			return newFn;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes a function after specified delay.
+		 *
+		 *		CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() {
+		 *			alert( 'Executed after 2 seconds' );
+		 *		}, 2000 );
+		 *
+		 * @param {Function} func The function to be executed.
+		 * @param {Number} [milliseconds=0] The amount of time (millisecods) to wait
+		 * to fire the function execution.
+		 * @param {Object} [scope=window] The object to hold the function execution scope
+		 * (the `this` object).
+		 * @param {Object/Array} [args] A single object, or an array of objects, to
+		 * pass as arguments to the function.
+		 * @param {Object} [ownerWindow=window] The window that will be used to set the
+		 * timeout.
+		 * @returns {Object} A value that can be used to cancel the function execution.
+		 */
+		setTimeout: function( func, milliseconds, scope, args, ownerWindow ) {
+			if ( !ownerWindow )
+				ownerWindow = window;
+			if ( !scope )
+				scope = ownerWindow;
+			return ownerWindow.setTimeout( function() {
+				if ( args )
+					func.apply( scope, [].concat( args ) );
+				else
+					func.apply( scope );
+			}, milliseconds || 0 );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Remove spaces from the start and the end of a string. The following
+		 * characters are removed: space, tab, line break, line feed.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.trim( '  example ' ); // 'example'
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @param {String} str The text from which remove the spaces.
+		 * @returns {String} The modified string without the boundary spaces.
+		 */
+		trim: (function() {
+			// We are not using \s because we don't want "non-breaking spaces" to be caught.
+			var trimRegex = /(?:^[ \t\n\r]+)|(?:[ \t\n\r]+$)/g;
+			return function( str ) {
+				return str.replace( trimRegex, '' );
+			};
+		})(),
+		/**
+		 * Remove spaces from the start (left) of a string. The following
+		 * characters are removed: space, tab, line break, line feed.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( '  example ' ); // 'example '
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @param {String} str The text from which remove the spaces.
+		 * @returns {String} The modified string excluding the removed spaces.
+		 */
+		ltrim: (function() {
+			// We are not using \s because we don't want "non-breaking spaces" to be caught.
+			var trimRegex = /^[ \t\n\r]+/g;
+			return function( str ) {
+				return str.replace( trimRegex, '' );
+			};
+		})(),
+		/**
+		 * Remove spaces from the end (right) of a string. The following
+		 * characters are removed: space, tab, line break, line feed.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( '  example ' ); // '  example'
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @param {String} str The text from which remove the spaces.
+		 * @returns {String} The modified string excluding the removed spaces.
+		 */
+		rtrim: (function() {
+			// We are not using \s because we don't want "non-breaking spaces" to be caught.
+			var trimRegex = /[ \t\n\r]+$/g;
+			return function( str ) {
+				return str.replace( trimRegex, '' );
+			};
+		})(),
+		/**
+		 * Returns the index of an element in an array.
+		 *
+		 *		var letters = [ 'a', 'b', 0, 'c', false ];
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( letters, '0' ) );		// -1 because 0 !== '0'
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( letters, false ) );		// 4 because 0 !== false
+		 *
+		 * @param {Array} array The array to be searched.
+		 * @param {Object/Function} value The element to be found. Can be an
+		 * evaluation function which receives a single parameter call for
+		 * each entry in the array, returning `true` if the entry matches.
+		 * @returns {Number} The (zero based) index of the first entry that matches
+		 * the entry, or `-1` if not found.
+		 */
+		indexOf: function( array, value ) {
+			if ( typeof value == 'function' ) {
+				for ( var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++ ) {
+					if ( value( array[ i ] ) )
+						return i;
+				}
+			} else if ( array.indexOf ) {
+				return array.indexOf( value );
+			} else {
+				for ( i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++ ) {
+					if ( array[ i ] === value )
+						return i;
+				}
+			}
+			return -1;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Returns the index of an element in an array.
+		 *
+		 *		var obj = { prop: true };
+		 *		var letters = [ 'a', 'b', 0, obj, false ];
+		 *
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( letters, '0' ) ); // null
+		 *		alert( CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( letters, function( value ) {
+		 *			// Return true when passed value has property 'prop'.
+		 *			return value && 'prop' in value;
+		 *		} ) );											// obj
+		 *
+		 * @param {Array} array The array to be searched.
+		 * @param {Object/Function} value The element to be found. Can be an
+		 * evaluation function which receives a single parameter call for
+		 * each entry in the array, returning `true` if the entry matches.
+		 * @returns Object The value that was found in an array.
+		 */
+		search: function( array, value ) {
+			var index = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( array, value );
+			return index >= 0 ? array[ index ] : null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a function that will always execute in the context of a
+		 * specified object.
+		 *
+		 *		var obj = { text: 'My Object' };
+		 *
+		 *		function alertText() {
+		 *			alert( this.text );
+		 *		}
+		 *
+		 *		var newFunc = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( alertText, obj );
+		 *		newFunc(); // Alerts 'My Object'.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Function} func The function to be executed.
+		 * @param {Object} obj The object to which bind the execution context.
+		 * @returns {Function} The function that can be used to execute the
+		 * `func` function in the context of `obj`.
+		 */
+		bind: function( func, obj ) {
+			return function() {
+				return func.apply( obj, arguments );
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Class creation based on prototype inheritance, with supports of the
+		 * following features:
+		 *
+		 * * Static fields
+		 * * Private fields
+		 * * Public (prototype) fields
+		 * * Chainable base class constructor
+		 *
+		 * @param {Object} definition The class definition object.
+		 * @returns {Function} A class-like JavaScript function.
+		 */
+		createClass: function( definition ) {
+			var $ = definition.$,
+				baseClass = definition.base,
+				privates = definition.privates || definition._,
+				proto = definition.proto,
+				statics = definition.statics;
+			// Create the constructor, if not present in the definition.
+			!$ && ( $ = function() {
+				baseClass && this.base.apply( this, arguments );
+			});
+			if ( privates ) {
+				var originalConstructor = $;
+				$ = function() {
+					// Create (and get) the private namespace.
+					var _ = this._ || ( this._ = {} );
+					// Make some magic so "this" will refer to the main
+					// instance when coding private functions.
+					for ( var privateName in privates ) {
+						var priv = privates[ privateName ];
+						_[ privateName ] = ( typeof priv == 'function' ) ? CKEDITOR.tools.bind( priv, this ) : priv;
+					}
+					originalConstructor.apply( this, arguments );
+				};
+			}
+			if ( baseClass ) {
+				$.prototype = this.prototypedCopy( baseClass.prototype );
+				$.prototype.constructor = $;
+				// Super references.
+				$.base = baseClass;
+				$.baseProto = baseClass.prototype;
+				// Super constructor.
+				$.prototype.base = function() {
+					this.base = baseClass.prototype.base;
+					baseClass.apply( this, arguments );
+					this.base = arguments.callee;
+				};
+			}
+			if ( proto )
+				this.extend( $.prototype, proto, true );
+			if ( statics )
+				this.extend( $, statics, true );
+			return $;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Creates a function reference that can be called later using
+		 * {@link #callFunction}. This approach is specially useful to
+		 * make DOM attribute function calls to JavaScript defined functions.
+		 *
+		 *		var ref = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function() {
+		 *			alert( 'Hello!');
+		 *		} );
+		 *		CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( ref ); // 'Hello!'
+		 *
+		 * @param {Function} fn The function to be executed on call.
+		 * @param {Object} [scope] The object to have the context on `fn` execution.
+		 * @returns {Number} A unique reference to be used in conjuction with
+		 * {@link #callFunction}.
+		 */
+		addFunction: function( fn, scope ) {
+			return functions.push( function() {
+				return fn.apply( scope || this, arguments );
+			}) - 1;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Removes the function reference created with {@link #addFunction}.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Number} ref The function reference created with
+		 * {@link #addFunction}.
+		 */
+		removeFunction: function( ref ) {
+			functions[ ref ] = null;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Executes a function based on the reference created with {@link #addFunction}.
+		 *
+		 *		var ref = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function() {
+		 *			alert( 'Hello!');
+		 *		} );
+		 *		CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( ref ); // 'Hello!'
+		 *
+		 * @param {Number} ref The function reference created with {@link #addFunction}.
+		 * @param {Mixed} params Any number of parameters to be passed to the executed function.
+		 * @returns {Mixed} The return value of the function.
+		 */
+		callFunction: function( ref ) {
+			var fn = functions[ ref ];
+			return fn && fn.apply( window, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Append the `px` length unit to the size if it's missing.
+		 *
+		 *		var cssLength = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength;
+		 *		cssLength( 42 );		// '42px'
+		 *		cssLength( '42' );		// '42px'
+		 *		cssLength( '42px' );	// '42px'
+		 *		cssLength( '42%' );		// '42%'
+		 *		cssLength( 'bold' );	// 'bold'
+		 *		cssLength( false );		// ''
+		 *		cssLength( NaN );		// ''
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @param {Number/String/Boolean} length
+		 */
+		cssLength: (function() {
+			var pixelRegex = /^-?\d+\.?\d*px$/,
+				lengthTrimmed;
+			return function( length ) {
+				lengthTrimmed = CKEDITOR.tools.trim( length + '' ) + 'px';
+				if ( pixelRegex.test( lengthTrimmed ) )
+					return lengthTrimmed;
+				else
+					return length || '';
+			};
+		})(),
+		/**
+		 * Convert the specified CSS length value to the calculated pixel length inside this page.
+		 *
+		 * **Note:** Percentage based value is left intact.
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @param {String} cssLength CSS length value.
+		 */
+		convertToPx: (function() {
+			var calculator;
+			return function( cssLength ) {
+				if ( !calculator ) {
+					calculator = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div style="position:absolute;left:-9999px;' +
+						'top:-9999px;margin:0px;padding:0px;border:0px;"' +
+						'></div>', CKEDITOR.document );
+					CKEDITOR.document.getBody().append( calculator );
+				}
+				if ( !( /%$/ ).test( cssLength ) ) {
+					calculator.setStyle( 'width', cssLength );
+					return calculator.$.clientWidth;
+				}
+				return cssLength;
+			};
+		})(),
+		/**
+		 * String specified by `str` repeats `times` times.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} str
+		 * @param {Number} times
+		 * @returns {String}
+		 */
+		repeat: function( str, times ) {
+			return new Array( times + 1 ).join( str );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Return the first successfully executed function's return value that
+		 * doesn't throw any exception.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Function...} fn
+		 * @returns {Mixed}
+		 */
+		tryThese: function() {
+			var returnValue;
+			for ( var i = 0, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++ ) {
+				var lambda = arguments[ i ];
+				try {
+					returnValue = lambda();
+					break;
+				} catch ( e ) {}
+			}
+			return returnValue;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Generate a combined key from a series of params.
+		 *
+		 *		var key = CKEDITOR.tools.genKey( 'key1', 'key2', 'key3' );
+		 *		alert( key ); // 'key1-key2-key3'.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} subKey One or more string used as sub keys.
+		 * @returns {String}
+		 */
+		genKey: function() {
+			return Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ).join( '-' );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Create A "deferred" function which will not run immediately,
+		 * rather runs as soon as the interpreter’s call stack is empty.
+		 * Behaves much like window.setTimeout with a delay.
+		 *
+		 * **Note:** The return value of the original function will loose.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Function} fn The callee function.
+		 * @returns {Function} The new deferred function.
+		 */
+		defer: function( fn ) {
+			return function() {
+				var args = arguments,
+					self = this;
+				window.setTimeout( function() {
+					fn.apply( self, args );
+				}, 0 );
+			};
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Try to avoid differences in the style attribute.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} styleText The style data to be normalized.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [nativeNormalize=false] Parse the data using the browser.
+		 * @returns {String} The normalized value.
+		 */
+		normalizeCssText: function( styleText, nativeNormalize ) {
+			var props = [],
+				name,
+				parsedProps = CKEDITOR.tools.parseCssText( styleText, true, nativeNormalize );
+			for ( name in parsedProps )
+				props.push( name + ':' + parsedProps[ name ] );
+			props.sort();
+			return props.length ? ( props.join( ';' ) + ';' ) : '';
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Find and convert `rgb(x,x,x)` colors definition to hexadecimal notation.
+		 * @param {String} styleText The style data (or just a string containing rgb colors) to be converted.
+		 * @returns {String} The style data with rgb colors converted to hexadecimal equivalents.
+		 */
+		convertRgbToHex: function( styleText ) {
+			return styleText.replace( /(?:rgb\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\))/gi, function( match, red, green, blue ) {
+				var color = [ red, green, blue ];
+				// Add padding zeros if the hex value is less than 0x10.
+				for ( var i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+					color[ i ] = ( '0' + parseInt( color[ i ], 10 ).toString( 16 ) ).slice( -2 );
+				return '#' + color.join( '' );
+			});
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Turn inline style text properties into one hash.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} styleText The style data to be parsed.
+		 * @param {Boolean} [normalize=false] Normalize properties and values
+		 * (e.g. trim spaces, convert to lower case).
+		 * @param {Boolean} [nativeNormalize=false] Parse the data using the browser.
+		 * @returns {String} The object containing parsed properties.
+		 */
+		parseCssText: function( styleText, normalize, nativeNormalize ) {
+			var retval = {};
+			if ( nativeNormalize ) {
+				// Injects the style in a temporary span object, so the browser parses it,
+				// retrieving its final format.
+				var temp = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
+				temp.setAttribute( 'style', styleText );
+				styleText = CKEDITOR.tools.convertRgbToHex( temp.getAttribute( 'style' ) || '' );
+			}
+			// IE will leave a single semicolon when failed to parse the style text. (#3891)
+			if ( !styleText || styleText == ';' )
+				return retval;
+			styleText.replace( /"/g, '"' ).replace( /\s*([^:;\s]+)\s*:\s*([^;]+)\s*(?=;|$)/g, function( match, name, value ) {
+				if ( normalize ) {
+					name = name.toLowerCase();
+					// Normalize font-family property, ignore quotes and being case insensitive. (#7322)
+					// http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-fonts/#font-family-the-font-family-property
+					if ( name == 'font-family' )
+						value = value.toLowerCase().replace( /["']/g, '' ).replace( /\s*,\s*/g, ',' );
+					value = CKEDITOR.tools.trim( value );
+				}
+				retval[ name ] = value;
+			});
+			return retval;
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ui.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ui.js
index 0a66c2e..77e645a 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ui.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/ui.js
@@ -1,116 +1,168 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * Contains UI features related to an editor instance.
- * @constructor
- * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.ui = function( editor )
-	if ( editor.ui )
-		return editor.ui;
-	/**
-	 * Object used to hold private stuff.
-	 * @private
-	 */
-	this._ =
-	{
-		handlers : {},
-		items : {},
-		editor : editor
-	};
-	return this;
-CKEDITOR.ui.prototype =
-	/**
-	 * Adds a UI item to the items collection. These items can be later used in
-	 * the interface.
-	 * @param {String} name The UI item name.
-	 * @param {Object} type The item type.
-	 * @param {Object} definition The item definition. The properties of this
-	 *		object depend on the item type.
-	 * @example
-	 * // Add a new button named "MyBold".
-	 * editorInstance.ui.add( 'MyBold', CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON,
-	 *     {
-	 *         label : 'My Bold',
-	 *         command : 'bold'
-	 *     });
-	 */
-	add : function( name, type, definition )
-	{
-		this._.items[ name ] =
-		{
-			type : type,
-			// The name of {@link CKEDITOR.command} which associate with this UI.
-			command : definition.command || null,
-			args : Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 2 )
-		};
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Gets a UI object.
-	 * @param {String} name The UI item hame.
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	create : function( name )
-	{
-		var item	= this._.items[ name ],
-			handler	= item && this._.handlers[ item.type ],
-			command = item && item.command && this._.editor.getCommand( item.command );
-		var result = handler && handler.create.apply( this, item.args );
-		// Add reference inside command object.
-		if ( command )
-			command.uiItems.push( result );
-		return result;
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Adds a handler for a UI item type. The handler is responsible for
-	 * transforming UI item definitions in UI objects.
-	 * @param {Object} type The item type.
-	 * @param {Object} handler The handler definition.
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	addHandler : function( type, handler )
-	{
-		this._.handlers[ type ] = handler;
-	}
- * (Virtual Class) Do not call this constructor. This class is not really part
- *		of the API. It just illustrates the features of hanlder objects to be
- *		passed to the {@link CKEDITOR.ui.prototype.addHandler} function.
- * @name CKEDITOR.ui.handlerDefinition
- * @constructor
- * @example
- */
- /**
- * Transforms an item definition into an UI item object.
- * @name CKEDITOR.handlerDefinition.prototype.create
- * @function
- * @param {Object} definition The item definition.
- * @example
- * editorInstance.ui.addHandler( CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON,
- *     {
- *         create : function( definition )
- *         {
- *             return new CKEDITOR.ui.button( definition );
- *         }
- *     });
- */
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * Contains UI features related to an editor instance.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @mixins CKEDITOR.event
+ * @constructor Creates an ui class instance.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.ui = function( editor ) {
+	if ( editor.ui )
+		return editor.ui;
+	this.items = {};
+	this.instances = {};
+	this.editor = editor;
+	/**
+	 * Object used to hold private stuff.
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 */
+	this._ = {
+		handlers: {}
+	};
+	return this;
+CKEDITOR.ui.prototype = {
+	/**
+	 * Adds a UI item to the items collection. These items can be later used in
+	 * the interface.
+	 *
+	 *		// Add a new button named 'MyBold'.
+	 *		editorInstance.ui.add( 'MyBold', CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON, {
+	 *			label: 'My Bold',
+	 *			command: 'bold'
+	 *		} );
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} name The UI item name.
+	 * @param {Object} type The item type.
+	 * @param {Object} definition The item definition. The properties of this
+	 * object depend on the item type.
+	 */
+	add: function( name, type, definition ) {
+		// Compensate the unique name of this ui item to definition.
+		definition.name = name.toLowerCase();
+		var item = this.items[ name ] = {
+			type: type,
+			// The name of {@link CKEDITOR.command} which associate with this UI.
+			command: definition.command || null,
+			args: Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 2 )
+		};
+		CKEDITOR.tools.extend( item, definition );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Retrieve the created ui objects by name.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} name The name of the UI definition.
+	 */
+	get: function( name ) {
+		return this.instances[ name ];
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Gets a UI object.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} name The UI item hame.
+	 * @returns {Object} The UI element.
+	 */
+	create: function( name ) {
+		var item = this.items[ name ],
+			handler = item && this._.handlers[ item.type ],
+			command = item && item.command && this.editor.getCommand( item.command );
+		var result = handler && handler.create.apply( this, item.args );
+		this.instances[ name ] = result;
+		// Add reference inside command object.
+		if ( command )
+			command.uiItems.push( result );
+		if ( result && !result.type )
+			result.type = item.type;
+		return result;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Adds a handler for a UI item type. The handler is responsible for
+	 * transforming UI item definitions in UI objects.
+	 *
+	 * @param {Object} type The item type.
+	 * @param {Object} handler The handler definition.
+	 */
+	addHandler: function( type, handler ) {
+		this._.handlers[ type ] = handler;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Returns the unique DOM element that represents one editor's UI part, as
+	 * the editor UI is made completely decoupled from DOM (no DOM reference hold),
+	 * this method is mainly used to retrieve the rendered DOM part by name.
+	 *
+	 *		// Hide the bottom space in the UI.
+	 *		var bottom = editor.ui.getSpace( 'bottom' );
+	 *		bottom.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} name The space name.
+	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The element that represents the space.
+	 */
+	space: function( name ) {
+		return CKEDITOR.document.getById( this.spaceId( name ) );
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Generate the HTML ID from a specific UI space name.
+	 *
+	 * @param name
+	 * @todo param and return types?
+	 */
+	spaceId: function( name ) {
+		return this.editor.id + '_' + name;
+	}
+CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( CKEDITOR.ui );
+ * Internal event fired when a new UI element is ready.
+ *
+ * @event ready
+ * @param {Object} data The new element.
+ */
+ * Virtual class which just illustrates the features of handler objects to be
+ * passed to the {@link CKEDITOR.ui#addHandler} function.
+ * This class is not really part of the API, so don't call its constructor.
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.ui.handlerDefinition
+ */
+ * Transforms an item definition into an UI item object.
+ *
+ *		editorInstance.ui.addHandler( CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON, {
+ *			create: function( definition ) {
+ *				return new CKEDITOR.ui.button( definition );
+ *			}
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @method create
+ * @param {Object} definition The item definition.
+ * @returns {Object} The UI element.
+ * @todo We lack the "UI element" abstract super class.
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/xml.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/xml.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1824e96..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/core/xml.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.xml} class, which represents a
- *		loaded XML document.
- */
- * Represents a loaded XML document.
- * @constructor
- * @param {object|string} xmlObjectOrData A native XML (DOM document) object or
- *		a string containing the XML definition to be loaded.
- * @example
- * var xml = <b>new CKEDITOR.xml( '<books><book title="My Book" /></books>' )</b>;
- */
-CKEDITOR.xml = function( xmlObjectOrData )
-	var baseXml = null;
-	if ( typeof xmlObjectOrData == 'object' )
-		baseXml = xmlObjectOrData;
-	else
-	{
-		var data = ( xmlObjectOrData || '' ).replace( / /g, '\xA0' );
-		if ( window.DOMParser )
-			baseXml = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString( data, 'text/xml' );
-		else if ( window.ActiveXObject )
-		{
-			try { baseXml = new ActiveXObject( 'MSXML2.DOMDocument' ); }
-			catch(e)
-			{
-				try { baseXml = new ActiveXObject( 'Microsoft.XmlDom' ); } catch(e) {}
-			}
-			if ( baseXml )
-			{
-				baseXml.async = false;
-				baseXml.resolveExternals = false;
-				baseXml.validateOnParse = false;
-				baseXml.loadXML( data );
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * The native XML (DOM document) used by the class instance.
-	 * @type object
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	this.baseXml = baseXml;
-CKEDITOR.xml.prototype =
-	/**
-	 * Get a single node from the XML document, based on a XPath query.
-	 * @param {String} xpath The XPath query to execute.
-	 * @param {Object} [contextNode] The XML DOM node to be used as the context
-	 *		for the XPath query. The document root is used by default.
-	 * @returns {Object} A XML node element or null if the query has no results.
-	 * @example
-	 * // Create the XML instance.
-	 * var xml = new CKEDITOR.xml( '<list><item id="test1" /><item id="test2" /></list>' );
-	 * // Get the first <item> node.
-	 * var itemNode = <b>xml.selectSingleNode( 'list/item' )</b>;
-	 * // Alert "item".
-	 * alert( itemNode.nodeName );
-	 */
-	selectSingleNode : function( xpath, contextNode )
-	{
-		var baseXml = this.baseXml;
-		if ( contextNode || ( contextNode = baseXml ) )
-		{
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie || contextNode.selectSingleNode )	// IE
-				return contextNode.selectSingleNode( xpath );
-			else if ( baseXml.evaluate )							// Others
-			{
-				var result = baseXml.evaluate( xpath, contextNode, null, 9, null);
-				return ( result && result.singleNodeValue ) || null;
-			}
-		}
-		return null;
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Gets a list node from the XML document, based on a XPath query.
-	 * @param {String} xpath The XPath query to execute.
-	 * @param {Object} [contextNode] The XML DOM node to be used as the context
-	 *		for the XPath query. The document root is used by default.
-	 * @returns {ArrayLike} An array containing all matched nodes. The array will
-	 *		be empty if the query has no results.
-	 * @example
-	 * // Create the XML instance.
-	 * var xml = new CKEDITOR.xml( '<list><item id="test1" /><item id="test2" /></list>' );
-	 * // Get the first <item> node.
-	 * var itemNodes = xml.selectSingleNode( 'list/item' );
-	 * // Alert "item" twice, one for each <item>.
-	 * for ( var i = 0 ; i < itemNodes.length ; i++ )
-	 *     alert( itemNodes[i].nodeName );
-	 */
-	selectNodes : function( xpath, contextNode )
-	{
-		var baseXml = this.baseXml,
-			nodes = [];
-		if ( contextNode || ( contextNode = baseXml ) )
-		{
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie || contextNode.selectNodes )		// IE
-				return contextNode.selectNodes( xpath );
-			else if ( baseXml.evaluate )							// Others
-			{
-				var result = baseXml.evaluate( xpath, contextNode, null, 5, null);
-				if ( result )
-				{
-					var node;
-					while ( ( node = result.iterateNext() ) )
-						nodes.push( node );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return nodes;
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Gets the string representation of hte inner contents of a XML node,
-	 * based on a XPath query.
-	 * @param {String} xpath The XPath query to execute.
-	 * @param {Object} [contextNode] The XML DOM node to be used as the context
-	 *		for the XPath query. The document root is used by default.
-	 * @returns {String} The textual representation of the inner contents of
-	 *		the node or null if the query has no results.
-	 * @example
-	 * // Create the XML instance.
-	 * var xml = new CKEDITOR.xml( '<list><item id="test1" /><item id="test2" /></list>' );
-	 * // Alert "<item id="test1" /><item id="test2" />".
-	 * alert( xml.getInnerXml( 'list' ) );
-	 */
-	getInnerXml : function( xpath, contextNode )
-	{
-		var node = this.selectSingleNode( xpath, contextNode ),
-			xml = [];
-		if ( node )
-		{
-			node = node.firstChild;
-			while ( node )
-			{
-				if ( node.xml )				// IE
-					xml.push( node.xml );
-				else if ( window.XMLSerializer )	// Others
-					xml.push( ( new XMLSerializer() ).serializeToString( node ) );
-				node = node.nextSibling;
-			}
-		}
-		return xml.length ? xml.join( '' ) : null;
-	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/_languages.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/_languages.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b29f18..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/_languages.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-var CKEDITOR_LANGS = (function()
-	var langs =
-	{
-		af		: 'Afrikaans',
-		ar		: 'Arabic',
-		bg		: 'Bulgarian',
-		bn		: 'Bengali/Bangla',
-		bs		: 'Bosnian',
-		ca		: 'Catalan',
-		cs		: 'Czech',
-		cy		: 'Welsh',
-		da		: 'Danish',
-		de		: 'German',
-		el		: 'Greek',
-		en		: 'English',
-		'en-au'	: 'English (Australia)',
-		'en-ca'	: 'English (Canadian)',
-		'en-gb'	: 'English (United Kingdom)',
-		eo		: 'Esperanto',
-		es		: 'Spanish',
-		et		: 'Estonian',
-		eu		: 'Basque',
-		fa		: 'Persian',
-		fi		: 'Finnish',
-		fo		: 'Faroese',
-		fr		: 'French',
-		'fr-ca'	: 'French (Canada)',
-		gl		: 'Galician',
-		gu		: 'Gujarati',
-		he		: 'Hebrew',
-		hi		: 'Hindi',
-		hr		: 'Croatian',
-		hu		: 'Hungarian',
-		is		: 'Icelandic',
-		it		: 'Italian',
-		ja		: 'Japanese',
-		km		: 'Khmer',
-		ko		: 'Korean',
-		lt		: 'Lithuanian',
-		lv		: 'Latvian',
-		mn		: 'Mongolian',
-		ms		: 'Malay',
-		nb		: 'Norwegian Bokmal',
-		nl		: 'Dutch',
-		no		: 'Norwegian',
-		pl		: 'Polish',
-		pt		: 'Portuguese (Portugal)',
-		'pt-br'	: 'Portuguese (Brazil)',
-		ro		: 'Romanian',
-		ru		: 'Russian',
-		sk		: 'Slovak',
-		sl		: 'Slovenian',
-		sr		: 'Serbian (Cyrillic)',
-		'sr-latn'	: 'Serbian (Latin)',
-		sv		: 'Swedish',
-		th		: 'Thai',
-		tr		: 'Turkish',
-		uk		: 'Ukrainian',
-		vi		: 'Vietnamese',
-		zh		: 'Chinese Traditional',
-		'zh-cn'	: 'Chinese Simplified'
-	};
-	var langsArray = [];
-	for ( var code in langs )
-	{
-		langsArray.push( { code : code, name : langs[ code ] } );
-	}
-	langsArray.sort( function( a, b )
-		{
-			return ( a.name < b.name ) ? -1 : 1;
-		});
-	return langsArray;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/_translationstatus.txt b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/_translationstatus.txt
index 28e77a7..8cfcdd3 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/_translationstatus.txt
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/_translationstatus.txt
@@ -1,60 +1,63 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-af.js      Found: 287 Missing: 244
-ar.js      Found: 451 Missing: 80
-bg.js      Found: 280 Missing: 251
-bn.js      Found: 281 Missing: 250
-bs.js      Found: 187 Missing: 344
-ca.js      Found: 490 Missing: 41
-cs.js      Found: 411 Missing: 120
-cy.js      Found: 452 Missing: 79
-da.js      Found: 404 Missing: 127
-de.js      Found: 528 Missing: 3
-el.js      Found: 286 Missing: 245
-en-au.js   Found: 369 Missing: 162
-en-ca.js   Found: 369 Missing: 162
-en-gb.js   Found: 370 Missing: 161
-eo.js      Found: 259 Missing: 272
-es.js      Found: 524 Missing: 7
-et.js      Found: 301 Missing: 230
-eu.js      Found: 403 Missing: 128
-fa.js      Found: 302 Missing: 229
-fi.js      Found: 518 Missing: 13
-fo.js      Found: 420 Missing: 111
-fr-ca.js   Found: 301 Missing: 230
-fr.js      Found: 403 Missing: 128
-gl.js      Found: 283 Missing: 248
-gu.js      Found: 300 Missing: 231
-he.js      Found: 531 Missing: 0
-hi.js      Found: 302 Missing: 229
-hr.js      Found: 404 Missing: 127
-hu.js      Found: 445 Missing: 86
-is.js      Found: 307 Missing: 224
-it.js      Found: 404 Missing: 127
-ja.js      Found: 413 Missing: 118
-km.js      Found: 275 Missing: 256
-ko.js      Found: 293 Missing: 238
-lt.js      Found: 306 Missing: 225
-lv.js      Found: 283 Missing: 248
-mn.js      Found: 300 Missing: 231
-ms.js      Found: 265 Missing: 266
-nb.js      Found: 470 Missing: 61
-nl.js      Found: 531 Missing: 0
-no.js      Found: 470 Missing: 61
-pl.js      Found: 411 Missing: 120
-pt-br.js   Found: 524 Missing: 7
-pt.js      Found: 282 Missing: 249
-ro.js      Found: 301 Missing: 230
-ru.js      Found: 467 Missing: 64
-sk.js      Found: 302 Missing: 229
-sl.js      Found: 410 Missing: 121
-sr-latn.js Found: 276 Missing: 255
-sr.js      Found: 275 Missing: 256
-sv.js      Found: 299 Missing: 232
-th.js      Found: 287 Missing: 244
-tr.js      Found: 524 Missing: 7
-uk.js      Found: 404 Missing: 127
-vi.js      Found: 481 Missing: 50
-zh-cn.js   Found: 531 Missing: 0
-zh.js      Found: 404 Missing: 127
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+af.js      Found: 62 Missing: 4
+ar.js      Found: 51 Missing: 15
+bg.js      Found: 58 Missing: 8
+bn.js      Found: 40 Missing: 26
+bs.js      Found: 29 Missing: 37
+ca.js      Found: 61 Missing: 5
+cs.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+cy.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+da.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+de.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+el.js      Found: 59 Missing: 7
+en-au.js   Found: 38 Missing: 28
+en-ca.js   Found: 37 Missing: 29
+en-gb.js   Found: 61 Missing: 5
+eo.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+es.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+et.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+eu.js      Found: 48 Missing: 18
+fa.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+fi.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+fo.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+fr-ca.js   Found: 42 Missing: 24
+fr.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+gl.js      Found: 40 Missing: 26
+gu.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+he.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+hi.js      Found: 43 Missing: 23
+hr.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+hu.js      Found: 63 Missing: 3
+is.js      Found: 41 Missing: 25
+it.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+ja.js      Found: 62 Missing: 4
+ka.js      Found: 62 Missing: 4
+km.js      Found: 40 Missing: 26
+ko.js      Found: 40 Missing: 26
+lt.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+lv.js      Found: 40 Missing: 26
+mk.js      Found: 0 Missing: 66
+mn.js      Found: 40 Missing: 26
+ms.js      Found: 39 Missing: 27
+nb.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+nl.js      Found: 65 Missing: 1
+no.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+pl.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+pt-br.js   Found: 66 Missing: 0
+pt.js      Found: 52 Missing: 14
+ro.js      Found: 61 Missing: 5
+ru.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+sk.js      Found: 49 Missing: 17
+sl.js      Found: 48 Missing: 18
+sr-latn.js Found: 40 Missing: 26
+sr.js      Found: 40 Missing: 26
+sv.js      Found: 62 Missing: 4
+th.js      Found: 40 Missing: 26
+tr.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+ug.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+uk.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+vi.js      Found: 66 Missing: 0
+zh-cn.js   Found: 66 Missing: 0
+zh.js      Found: 58 Missing: 8
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/af.js
index 5ff01ee..e9d3315 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/af.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/af.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Afrikaans language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['af'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Source',
-	newPage			: 'Nuwe Bladsy',
-	save			: 'Bewaar',
-	preview			: 'Voorskou',
-	cut				: 'Uitsny ',
-	copy			: 'Kopieer',
-	paste			: 'Byvoeg',
-	print			: 'Druk',
-	underline		: 'Onderstreep',
-	bold			: 'Vet',
-	italic			: 'Skuins',
-	selectAll		: 'Selekteer alles',
-	removeFormat	: 'Formaat verweider',
-	strike			: 'Gestreik',
-	subscript		: 'Subscript',
-	superscript		: 'Superscript',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Horisontale lyn byvoeg',
-	pagebreak		: 'Bladsy breek byvoeg',
-	unlink			: 'Skakel verweider',
-	undo			: 'Ont-skep',
-	redo			: 'Her-skep',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Server deurblaai',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokol',
-		upload			: 'Oplaai',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Stuur dit na die Server',
-		image			: 'Beeld',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Form',
-		checkbox		: 'HakBox',
-		radio			: 'PuntBox',
-		textField		: 'Byvoegbare karakter strook',
-		textarea		: 'Byvoegbare karakter area',
-		hiddenField		: 'Blinde strook',
-		button			: 'Knop',
-		select			: 'Opklapbare keuse strook',
-		imageButton		: 'Beeld knop',
-		notSet			: '<geen instelling>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Naam',
-		langDir			: 'Taal rigting',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Links na regs (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Regs na links (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Taal kode',
-		longDescr		: 'Lang beskreiwing URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Skakel Tiepe',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Voorbeveelings Titel',
-		cssStyle		: 'Styl',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Kanseleer',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'Ingewikkeld',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Spesiaale Karakter byvoeg',
-		title		: 'Kies spesiale karakter',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Skakel byvoeg/verander',
-		other 		: '<ander>',
-		menu		: 'Verander skakel',
-		title		: 'Skakel',
-		info		: 'Skakel informasie',
-		target		: 'Mikpunt',
-		upload		: 'Oplaai',
-		advanced	: 'Ingewikkeld',
-		type		: 'Skakel soort',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Skakel na plekhouers in text',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<raam>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup venster>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Mikpunt Venster Naam',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Popup Venster Naam',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Popup Venster Geaartheid',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Status Balk',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Adres Balk',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Gereedskap Balk',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menu Balk',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Voll Skerm (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Gleibalkstuk',
-		popupDependent	: 'Afhanklik (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Weite',
-		popupLeft		: 'Links Posisie',
-		popupHeight		: 'Hoogde',
-		popupTop		: 'Bo Posisie',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Taal rigting',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Links na regs (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Regs na links (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Toegang sleutel',
-		name			: 'Naam',
-		langCode		: 'Taal rigting',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tab Index',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Voorbeveelings Titel',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Voorbeveelings inhoud soort',
-		cssClasses		: 'Skakel Tiepe',
-		charset			: 'Geskakelde voorbeeld karakterstel',
-		styles			: 'Styl',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Kies \'n plekhouer',
-		anchorName		: 'Volgens plekhouer naam',
-		anchorId		: 'Volgens element Id',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-Mail Adres',
-		emailSubject	: 'Boodskap Opskrif',
-		emailBody		: 'Boodskap Inhoud',
-		noAnchors		: '(Geen plekhouers beskikbaar in dokument}',
-		noUrl			: 'Voeg asseblief die URL in',
-		noEmail			: 'Voeg asseblief die e-mail adres in'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Plekhouer byvoeg/verander',
-		menu		: 'Plekhouer eienskappe',
-		title		: 'Plekhouer eienskappe',
-		name		: 'Plekhouer Naam',
-		errorName	: 'Voltooi die plekhouer naam asseblief'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace', // MISSING
-		find				: 'Vind',
-		replace				: 'Vervang',
-		findWhat			: 'Soek wat:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Vervang met:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Die gespesifiseerde karakters word nie gevind nie.',
-		matchCase			: 'Vergelyk karakter skryfweise',
-		matchWord			: 'Vergelyk komplete woord',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Vervang alles',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabel',
-		title		: 'Tabel eienskappe',
-		menu		: 'Tabel eienskappe',
-		deleteTable	: 'Tabel verweider',
-		rows		: 'Reie',
-		columns		: 'Kolome',
-		border		: 'Kant groote',
-		align		: 'Parideering',
-		alignLeft	: 'Links',
-		alignCenter	: 'Middel',
-		alignRight	: 'Regs',
-		width		: 'Weite',
-		widthPx		: 'pixels',
-		widthPc		: 'percent',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Hoogde',
-		cellSpace	: 'Cell spasieering',
-		cellPad		: 'Cell buffer',
-		caption		: 'Beskreiwing',
-		summary		: 'Opsomming',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cell',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After', // MISSING
-			deleteCell		: 'Cell verweider',
-			merge			: 'Cell verenig',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right', // MISSING
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down', // MISSING
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally', // MISSING
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically', // MISSING
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Ry',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After', // MISSING
-			deleteRow		: 'Ry verweider'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Kolom',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After', // MISSING
-			deleteColumn	: 'Kolom verweider'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Knop eienskappe',
-		text		: 'Karakters (Waarde)',
-		type		: 'Soort',
-		typeBtn		: 'Knop',
-		typeSbm		: 'Indien',
-		typeRst		: 'Reset'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'HakBox eienskappe',
-		radioTitle	: 'PuntBox eienskappe',
-		value		: 'Waarde',
-		selected	: 'Uitgekies'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Form eienskappe',
-		menu		: 'Form eienskappe',
-		action		: 'Aksie',
-		method		: 'Metode',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Opklapbare keuse strook eienskappe',
-		selectInfo	: 'Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Beskikbare Opsies',
-		value		: 'Waarde',
-		size		: 'Grote',
-		lines		: 'lyne',
-		chkMulti	: 'Laat meerere keuses toe',
-		opText		: 'Karakters',
-		opValue		: 'Waarde',
-		btnAdd		: 'Byvoeg',
-		btnModify	: 'Verander',
-		btnUp		: 'Op',
-		btnDown		: 'Af',
-		btnSetValue : 'Stel as uitgekiesde waarde',
-		btnDelete	: 'Verweider'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Karakter area eienskappe',
-		cols		: 'Kolom',
-		rows		: 'Reie'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Karakter strook eienskappe',
-		name		: 'Naam',
-		value		: 'Waarde',
-		charWidth	: 'Karakter weite',
-		maxChars	: 'Maximale karakters',
-		type		: 'Soort',
-		typeText	: 'Karakters',
-		typePass	: 'Wagwoord'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Blinde strook eienskappe',
-		name	: 'Naam',
-		value	: 'Waarde'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Beeld eienskappe',
-		titleButton	: 'Beeld knop eienskappe',
-		menu		: 'Beeld eienskappe',
-		infoTab		: 'Beeld informasie',
-		btnUpload	: 'Stuur dit na die Server',
-		upload		: 'Uplaai',
-		alt			: 'Alternatiewe beskrywing',
-		width		: 'Weidte',
-		height		: 'Hoogde',
-		lockRatio	: 'Behou preporsie',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Herstel groote',
-		border		: 'Kant',
-		hSpace		: 'HSpasie',
-		vSpace		: 'VSpasie',
-		align		: 'Paradeer',
-		alignLeft	: 'Links',
-		alignRight	: 'Regs',
-		alertUrl	: 'Voeg asseblief Beeld URL in.',
-		linkTab		: 'Skakel',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash eienskappe',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Flash eienskappe',
-		chkPlay			: 'Automaties Speel',
-		chkLoop			: 'Herhaling',
-		chkMenu			: 'Laat Flash Menu toe',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Scale',
-		scaleAll		: 'Wys alles',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Geen kante',
-		scaleFit		: 'Presiese pas',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Paradeer',
-		alignLeft		: 'Links',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs Onder',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs Middel',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Baseline',
-		alignBottom		: 'Onder',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Middel',
-		alignRight		: 'Regs',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Text Bo',
-		alignTop		: 'Bo',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Agtergrond kleur',
-		width			: 'Weidte',
-		height			: 'Hoogde',
-		hSpace			: 'HSpasie',
-		vSpace			: 'VSpasie',
-		validateSrc		: 'Voeg asseblief die URL in',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Spelling nagaan',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Nie in woordeboek nie',
-		changeTo		: 'Verander na',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignoreer',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignoreer na-volgende',
-		btnReplace		: 'Vervang',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'vervang na-volgende',
-		btnUndo			: 'Ont-skep',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Geen voorstel -',
-		progress		: 'Spelling word beproef...',
-		noMispell		: 'Spellproef kompleet: Geen foute',
-		noChanges		: 'Spellproef kompleet: Geen woord veranderings',
-		oneChange		: 'Spellproef kompleet: Een woord verander',
-		manyChanges		: 'Spellproef kompleet: %1 woorde verander',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Geen Spellproefer geinstaleer nie. Wil U dit aflaai?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smiley',
-		title	: 'Voeg Smiley by',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Genommerde lys',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Gepunkte lys',
-	indent			: 'Paradeering verleng',
-	outdent			: 'Paradeering verkort',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Links rig',
-		center	: 'Rig Middel',
-		right	: 'Regs rig',
-		block	: 'Blok paradeer'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Byvoeg',
-		cutError	: 'U browser se sekuriteit instelling behinder die uitsny aksie. Gebruik asseblief die sleutel kombenasie(Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'U browser se sekuriteit instelling behinder die kopieerings aksie. Gebruik asseblief die sleutel kombenasie(Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Voeg asseblief die inhoud in die gegewe box by met sleutel kombenasie(<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) en druk <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Van Word af byvoeg',
-		title			: 'Van Word af byvoeg',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Voeg slegs karakters by',
-		title	: 'Voeg slegs karakters by'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Templates',
-		title			: 'Inhoud Templates',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Vervang bestaande inhoud',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Kies die template om te gebruik in die editor<br>(Inhoud word vervang!):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Geen templates gedefinieerd)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Styl',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Karakter formaat',
-		panelTitle	: 'Karakter formaat',
-		tag_p		: 'Normaal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Geformateerd',
-		tag_address	: 'Adres',
-		tag_h1		: 'Opskrif 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Opskrif 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Opskrif 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Opskrif 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Opskrif 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Opskrif 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normaal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Karakters',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Karakters'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Karakter grote',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Karakter grote'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Karakter kleur',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Agtergrond kleur',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automaties',
-		more			: 'Meer Kleure...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Afrikaans language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'af' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Teksverwerker',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Druk op ALT 0 vir hulp',
+		browseServer: 'Blaai op bediener',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokol',
+		upload: 'Oplaai',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Stuur na bediener',
+		image: 'Afbeelding',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Vorm',
+		checkbox: 'Merkhokkie',
+		radio: 'Radioknoppie',
+		textField: 'Teksveld',
+		textarea: 'Teks-area',
+		hiddenField: 'Blinde veld',
+		button: 'Knop',
+		select: 'Keuseveld',
+		imageButton: 'Afbeeldingsknop',
+		notSet: '<geen instelling>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Naam',
+		langDir: 'Skryfrigting',
+		langDirLtr: 'Links na regs (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Regs na links (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Taalkode',
+		longDescr: 'Lang beskrywing URL',
+		cssClass: 'CSS klasse',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Aanbevole titel',
+		cssStyle: 'Styl',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Kanselleer',
+		close: 'Sluit',
+		preview: 'Voorbeeld',
+		resize: 'Sleep om te herskaal',
+		generalTab: 'Algemeen',
+		advancedTab: 'Gevorderd',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Hierdie waarde is nie \'n getal nie.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Alle wysiginge sal verlore gaan. Is u seker dat u \'n nuwe bladsy wil laai?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Sommige opsies is gewysig. Is u seker dat u hierdie dialoogvenster wil sluit?',
+		options: 'Opsies',
+		target: 'Doel',
+		targetNew: 'Nuwe venster (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Boonste venster (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Selfde venster (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Oorspronklike venster (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Links na Regs (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Regs na Links (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Styl',
+		cssClasses: 'CSS klasse',
+		width: 'Breedte',
+		height: 'Hoogte',
+		align: 'Oplyn',
+		alignLeft: 'Links',
+		alignRight: 'Regs',
+		alignCenter: 'Sentreer',
+		alignTop: 'Bo',
+		alignMiddle: 'Middel',
+		alignBottom: 'Onder',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Hoogte moet \'n getal wees',
+		invalidWidth: 'Breedte moet \'n getal wees.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, nie beskikbaar nie</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ar.js
index dea0dec..58b7c18 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ar.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ar.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Arabic language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['ar'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'rtl',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'المصدر',
-	newPage			: 'صفحة جديدة',
-	save			: 'حفظ',
-	preview			: 'معاينة الصفحة',
-	cut				: 'قص',
-	copy			: 'نسخ',
-	paste			: 'لصق',
-	print			: 'طباعة',
-	underline		: 'تسطير',
-	bold			: 'غامق',
-	italic			: 'مائل',
-	selectAll		: 'تحديد الكل',
-	removeFormat	: 'إزالة التنسيقات',
-	strike			: 'يتوسطه خط',
-	subscript		: 'منخفض',
-	superscript		: 'مرتفع',
-	horizontalrule	: 'خط فاصل',
-	pagebreak		: 'إدخال صفحة جديدة',
-	unlink			: 'إزالة رابط',
-	undo			: 'تراجع',
-	redo			: 'إعادة',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'تصفح',
-		url				: 'الرابط',
-		protocol		: 'البروتوكول',
-		upload			: 'رفع',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'أرسل',
-		image			: 'صورة',
-		flash			: 'فلاش',
-		form			: 'نموذج',
-		checkbox		: 'خانة إختيار',
-		radio			: 'زر اختيار',
-		textField		: 'مربع نص',
-		textarea		: 'مساحة نصية',
-		hiddenField		: 'إدراج حقل خفي',
-		button			: 'زر ضغط',
-		select			: 'اختار',
-		imageButton		: 'زر صورة',
-		notSet			: '<بدون تحديد>',
-		id				: 'الرقم',
-		name			: 'الاسم',
-		langDir			: 'إتجاه النص',
-		langDirLtr		: 'اليسار لليمين (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'اليمين لليسار (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'رمز اللغة',
-		longDescr		: 'الوصف التفصيلى',
-		cssClass		: 'فئات التنسيق',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'عنوان التقرير',
-		cssStyle		: 'نمط',
-		ok				: 'موافق',
-		cancel			: 'إلغاء الأمر',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'عام',
-		advancedTab		: 'متقدم',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'لايوجد نتيجة',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'ستفقد أي متغييرات اذا لم تقم بحفظها اولا. هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد صفحة جديدة؟',
-		confirmCancel	: 'بعض الخيارات قد تغيرت. هل أنت متأكد من إغلاق مربع النص؟',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, غير متاح</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'إدراج  خاص.ِ',
-		title		: 'اختر الخواص',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'رابط',
-		other 		: '<أخرى>',
-		menu		: 'تحرير رابط',
-		title		: 'إرتباط تشعبي',
-		info		: 'معلومات الرابط',
-		target		: 'هدف الرابط',
-		upload		: 'رفع',
-		advanced	: 'متقدم',
-		type		: 'نوع الربط',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'مكان في هذا المستند',
-		toEmail		: 'بريد إلكتروني',
-		targetFrame		: '<إطار>',
-		targetPopup		: '<نافذة منبثقة>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'اسم الإطار المستهدف',
-		targetPopupName	: 'اسم النافذة المنبثقة',
-		popupFeatures	: 'خصائص النافذة المنبثقة',
-		popupResizable	: 'قابلة التشكيل',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'شريط الحالة',
-		popupLocationBar: 'شريط العنوان',
-		popupToolbar	: 'شريط الأدوات',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'القوائم الرئيسية',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'ملئ الشاشة (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'أشرطة التمرير',
-		popupDependent	: 'تابع (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'العرض',
-		popupLeft		: 'التمركز لليسار',
-		popupHeight		: 'الإرتفاع',
-		popupTop		: 'التمركز للأعلى',
-		id				: 'هوية',
-		langDir			: 'إتجاه النص',
-		langDirLTR		: 'اليسار لليمين (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'اليمين لليسار (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'مفاتيح الإختصار',
-		name			: 'الاسم',
-		langCode		: 'كود النص',
-		tabIndex		: 'الترتيب',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'عنوان التقرير',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'نوع التقرير',
-		cssClasses		: 'فئات التنسيق',
-		charset			: 'ترميز المادة المطلوبة',
-		styles			: 'نمط',
-		selectAnchor	: 'اختر علامة مرجعية',
-		anchorName		: 'حسب الاسم',
-		anchorId		: 'حسب رقم العنصر',
-		emailAddress	: 'عنوان البريد إلكتروني',
-		emailSubject	: 'موضوع الرسالة',
-		emailBody		: 'محتوى الرسالة',
-		noAnchors		: '(لا توجد علامات مرجعية في هذا المستند)',
-		noUrl			: 'من فضلك أدخل عنوان الموقع الذي يشير إليه الرابط',
-		noEmail			: 'من فضلك أدخل عنوان البريد الإلكتروني'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'إشارة مرجعية',
-		menu		: 'تحرير الإشارة المرجعية',
-		title		: 'خصائص الإشارة المرجعية',
-		name		: 'اسم الإشارة المرجعية',
-		errorName	: 'الرجاء كتابة اسم الإشارة المرجعية'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'بحث واستبدال',
-		find				: 'بحث',
-		replace				: 'إستبدال',
-		findWhat			: 'البحث بـ:',
-		replaceWith			: 'إستبدال بـ:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'لم يتم العثور على النص المحدد.',
-		matchCase			: 'مطابقة حالة الأحرف',
-		matchWord			: 'مطابقة بالكامل',
-		matchCyclic			: 'مطابقة دورية',
-		replaceAll			: 'إستبدال الكل',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: 'تم استبدال 1% من الحالات '
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'جدول',
-		title		: 'خصائص الجدول',
-		menu		: 'خصائص الجدول',
-		deleteTable	: 'حذف الجدول',
-		rows		: 'صفوف',
-		columns		: 'أعمدة',
-		border		: 'الحدود',
-		align		: 'المحاذاة',
-		alignLeft	: 'يسار',
-		alignCenter	: 'وسط',
-		alignRight	: 'يمين',
-		width		: 'العرض',
-		widthPx		: 'بكسل',
-		widthPc		: 'بالمئة',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'الإرتفاع',
-		cellSpace	: 'تباعد الخلايا',
-		cellPad		: 'المسافة البادئة',
-		caption		: 'الوصف',
-		summary		: 'الخلاصة',
-		headers		: 'العناوين',
-		headersNone		: 'بدون',
-		headersColumn	: 'العمود الأول',
-		headersRow		: 'الصف الأول',
-		headersBoth		: 'كلاهما',
-		invalidRows		: 'عدد الصفوف يجب أن يكون عدداً أكبر من صفر.',
-		invalidCols		: 'عدد الأعمدة يجب أن يكون عدداً أكبر من صفر.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'حجم الحد يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'عرض الجدول يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'ارتفاع الجدول يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'المسافة بين الخلايا يجب أن تكون عدداً.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'المسافة البادئة يجب أن تكون عدداً',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'خلية',
-			insertBefore	: 'إدراج خلية قبل',
-			insertAfter		: 'إدراج خلية بعد',
-			deleteCell		: 'حذف خلية',
-			merge			: 'دمج خلايا',
-			mergeRight		: 'دمج لليمين',
-			mergeDown		: 'دمج للأسفل',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'تقسيم الخلية أفقياً',
-			splitVertical	: 'تقسيم الخلية عمودياً',
-			title			: 'خصائص الخلية',
-			cellType		: 'نوع الخلية',
-			rowSpan			: 'امتداد الصفوف',
-			colSpan			: 'امتداد الأعمدة',
-			wordWrap		: 'التفاف النص',
-			hAlign			: 'محاذاة أفقية',
-			vAlign			: 'محاذاة رأسية',
-			alignTop		: 'أعلى',
-			alignMiddle		: 'وسط',
-			alignBottom		: 'أسفل',
-			alignBaseline	: 'خط القاعدة',
-			bgColor			: 'لون الخلفية',
-			borderColor		: 'لون الحدود',
-			data			: 'بيانات',
-			header			: 'عنوان',
-			yes				: 'نعم',
-			no				: 'لا',
-			invalidWidth	: 'عرض الخلية يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'ارتفاع الخلية يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'امتداد الصفوف يجب أن يكون عدداً صحيحاً.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'امتداد الأعمدة يجب أن يكون عدداً صحيحاً.',
-			chooseColor		: 'اختر'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'صف',
-			insertBefore	: 'إدراج صف قبل',
-			insertAfter		: 'إدراج صف بعد',
-			deleteRow		: 'حذف صفوف'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'عمود',
-			insertBefore	: 'إدراج عمود قبل',
-			insertAfter		: 'إدراج عمود بعد',
-			deleteColumn	: 'حذف أعمدة'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'خصائص زر الضغط',
-		text		: 'القيمة/التسمية',
-		type		: 'نوع الزر',
-		typeBtn		: 'زر',
-		typeSbm		: 'إرسال',
-		typeRst		: 'إعادة تعيين'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'خصائص خانة الإختيار',
-		radioTitle	: 'خصائص زر الخيار',
-		value		: 'القيمة',
-		selected	: 'محدد'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'خصائص النموذج',
-		menu		: 'خصائص النموذج',
-		action		: 'اسم الملف',
-		method		: 'الأسلوب',
-		encoding	: 'تشفير'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'خصائص اختيار الحقل',
-		selectInfo	: 'اختار معلومات',
-		opAvail		: 'الخيارات المتاحة',
-		value		: 'القيمة',
-		size		: 'الحجم',
-		lines		: 'الأسطر',
-		chkMulti	: 'السماح بتحديدات متعددة',
-		opText		: 'النص',
-		opValue		: 'القيمة',
-		btnAdd		: 'إضافة',
-		btnModify	: 'تعديل',
-		btnUp		: 'أعلى',
-		btnDown		: 'أسفل',
-		btnSetValue : 'إجعلها محددة',
-		btnDelete	: 'إزالة'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'خصائص مساحة النص',
-		cols		: 'الأعمدة',
-		rows		: 'الصفوف'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'خصائص مربع النص',
-		name		: 'الاسم',
-		value		: 'القيمة',
-		charWidth	: 'عرض السمات',
-		maxChars	: 'اقصى عدد للسمات',
-		type		: 'نوع المحتوى',
-		typeText	: 'نص',
-		typePass	: 'كلمة مرور'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'خصائص الحقل المخفي',
-		name	: 'الاسم',
-		value	: 'القيمة'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'خصائص الصورة',
-		titleButton	: 'خصائص زر الصورة',
-		menu		: 'خصائص الصورة',
-		infoTab		: 'معلومات الصورة',
-		btnUpload	: 'أرسلها للخادم',
-		upload		: 'رفع',
-		alt			: 'عنوان الصورة',
-		width		: 'العرض',
-		height		: 'الإرتفاع',
-		lockRatio	: 'تناسق الحجم',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'إستعادة الحجم الأصلي',
-		border		: 'سمك الحدود',
-		hSpace		: 'تباعد أفقي',
-		vSpace		: 'تباعد عمودي',
-		align		: 'محاذاة',
-		alignLeft	: 'يسار',
-		alignRight	: 'يمين',
-		alertUrl	: 'فضلاً أكتب الموقع الذي توجد عليه هذه الصورة.',
-		linkTab		: 'الرابط',
-		button2Img	: 'هل تريد تحويل زر الصورة المختار إلى صورة بسيطة؟',
-		img2Button	: 'هل تريد تحويل الصورة المختارة إلى زر صورة؟',
-		urlMissing	: 'عنوان مصدر الصورة مفقود',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'خصائص الفلاش',
-		propertiesTab	: 'الخصائص',
-		title			: 'خصائص فيلم الفلاش',
-		chkPlay			: 'تشغيل تلقائي',
-		chkLoop			: 'تكرار',
-		chkMenu			: 'تمكين قائمة فيلم الفلاش',
-		chkFull			: 'ملء الشاشة',
- 		scale			: 'الحجم',
-		scaleAll		: 'إظهار الكل',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'بلا حدود',
-		scaleFit		: 'ضبط تام',
-		access			: 'دخول النص البرمجي',
-		accessAlways	: 'دائماً',
-		accessSameDomain: 'نفس النطاق',
-		accessNever		: 'مطلقاً',
-		align			: 'محاذاة',
-		alignLeft		: 'يسار',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'أسفل النص',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'وسط السطر',
-		alignBaseline	: 'على السطر',
-		alignBottom		: 'أسفل',
-		alignMiddle		: 'وسط',
-		alignRight		: 'يمين',
-		alignTextTop	: 'أعلى النص',
-		alignTop		: 'أعلى',
-		quality			: 'جودة',
-		qualityBest		: 'أفضل',
-		qualityHigh		: 'عالية',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'عالية تلقائياً',
-		qualityMedium	: 'متوسطة',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'منخفضة تلقائياً',
-		qualityLow		: 'منخفضة',
-		windowModeWindow: 'نافذة',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'غير شفاف',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'شفاف',
-		windowMode		: 'وضع النافذة',
-		flashvars		: 'متغيرات الفلاش',
-		bgcolor			: 'لون الخلفية',
-		width			: 'العرض',
-		height			: 'الإرتفاع',
-		hSpace			: 'تباعد أفقي',
-		vSpace			: 'تباعد عمودي',
-		validateSrc		: 'فضلاً أدخل عنوان الموقع الذي يشير إليه الرابط',
-		validateWidth	: 'العرض يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
-		validateHeight	: 'الارتفاع يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace يجب أن يكون عدداً.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'تدقيق إملائي',
-		title			: 'التدقيق الإملائي',
-		notAvailable	: 'عفواً، ولكن هذه الخدمة غير متاحة الان',
-		errorLoading	: 'خطأ في تحميل تطبيق خدمة الاستضافة: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'ليست في القاموس',
-		changeTo		: 'التغيير إلى',
-		btnIgnore		: 'تجاهل',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'تجاهل الكل',
-		btnReplace		: 'تغيير',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'تغيير الكل',
-		btnUndo			: 'تراجع',
-		noSuggestions	: '- لا توجد إقتراحات -',
-		progress		: 'جاري التدقيق الاملائى',
-		noMispell		: 'تم التدقيق الإملائي: لم يتم العثور على أي أخطاء إملائية',
-		noChanges		: 'تم التدقيق الإملائي: لم يتم تغيير أي كلمة',
-		oneChange		: 'تم التدقيق الإملائي: تم تغيير كلمة واحدة فقط',
-		manyChanges		: 'تم إكمال التدقيق الإملائي: تم تغيير %1 من كلمات',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'المدقق الإملائي (الإنجليزي) غير مثبّت. هل تود تحميله الآن؟'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'ابتسامات',
-		title	: 'إدراج ابتسامات',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : 'عنصر 1%'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'ادخال/حذف تعداد رقمي',
-	bulletedlist	: 'ادخال/حذف تعداد نقطي',
-	indent			: 'زيادة المسافة البادئة',
-	outdent			: 'إنقاص المسافة البادئة',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'محاذاة إلى اليسار',
-		center	: 'توسيط',
-		right	: 'محاذاة إلى اليمين',
-		block	: 'ضبط'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'اقتباس',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'لصق',
-		cutError	: 'الإعدادات الأمنية للمتصفح الذي تستخدمه تمنع القص التلقائي. فضلاً إستخدم لوحة المفاتيح لفعل ذلك (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'الإعدادات الأمنية للمتصفح الذي تستخدمه تمنع النسخ التلقائي. فضلاً إستخدم لوحة المفاتيح لفعل ذلك (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'الصق داخل الصندوق بإستخدام زرائر (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) في لوحة المفاتيح، ثم اضغط زر  <STRONG>موافق</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'نظراً لإعدادات الأمان الخاصة بمتصفحك، لن يتمكن هذا المحرر من الوصول لمحتوى حافظتك، لذلك يجب عليك لصق المحتوى مرة أخرى في هذه النافذة.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'يبدو أن النص المراد لصقه منسوخ من برنامج وورد. هل تود تنظيفه قبل الشروع في عملية اللصق؟',
-		toolbar			: 'لصق من وورد',
-		title			: 'لصق من وورد',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'لصق كنص بسيط',
-		title	: 'لصق كنص بسيط'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'القوالب',
-		title			: 'قوالب المحتوى',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'استبدال المحتوى',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'اختر القالب الذي تود وضعه في المحرر',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(لم يتم تعريف أي قالب)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'مخطط تفصيلي',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'أنماط',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'أنماط الفقرة',
-		panelTitle2	: 'أنماط مضمنة',
-		panelTitle3	: 'أنماط الكائن'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'تنسيق',
-		panelTitle	: 'تنسيق الفقرة',
-		tag_p		: 'عادي',
-		tag_pre		: 'منسّق',
-		tag_address	: 'عنوان',
-		tag_h1		: 'العنوان 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'العنوان  2',
-		tag_h3		: 'العنوان  3',
-		tag_h4		: 'العنوان  4',
-		tag_h5		: 'العنوان  5',
-		tag_h6		: 'العنوان  6',
-		tag_div		: 'عادي (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'خط',
-		voiceLabel	: 'حجم الخط',
-		panelTitle	: 'حجم الخط'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'حجم الخط',
-		voiceLabel	: 'حجم الخط',
-		panelTitle	: 'حجم الخط'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'لون النص',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'لون الخلفية',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'تلقائي',
-		more			: 'ألوان إضافية...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'أسود',
-		'800000' : 'كستنائي',
-		'8B4513' : 'بني فاتح',
-		'2F4F4F' : 'رمادي أردوازي غامق',
-		'008080' : 'أزرق مخضر',
-		'000080' : 'أزرق داكن',
-		'4B0082' : 'كحلي',
-		'696969' : 'رمادي داكن',
-		'B22222' : 'طوبي',
-		'A52A2A' : 'بني',
-		'DAA520' : 'ذهبي داكن',
-		'006400' : 'أخضر داكن',
-		'40E0D0' : 'فيروزي',
-		'0000CD' : 'أزرق متوسط',
-		'800080' : 'بنفسجي غامق',
-		'808080' : 'رمادي',
-		'F00' : 'أحمر',
-		'FF8C00' : 'برتقالي داكن',
-		'FFD700' : 'ذهبي',
-		'008000' : 'أخضر',
-		'0FF' : 'تركواز',
-		'00F' : 'أزرق',
-		'EE82EE' : 'بنفسجي',
-		'A9A9A9' : 'رمادي شاحب',
-		'FFA07A' : 'برتقالي وردي',
-		'FFA500' : 'برتقالي',
-		'FFFF00' : 'أصفر',
-		'00FF00' : 'ليموني',
-		'AFEEEE' : 'فيروزي شاحب',
-		'ADD8E6' : 'أزرق فاتح',
-		'DDA0DD' : 'بنفسجي فاتح',
-		'D3D3D3' : 'رمادي فاتح',
-		'FFF0F5' : 'وردي فاتح',
-		'FAEBD7' : 'أبيض عتيق',
-		'FFFFE0' : 'أصفر فاتح',
-		'F0FFF0' : 'أبيض مائل للأخضر',
-		'F0FFFF' : 'سماوي',
-		'F0F8FF' : 'لبني',
-		'E6E6FA' : 'أرجواني',
-		'FFF' : 'أبيض'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'تدقيق إملائي أثناء الكتابة',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'تفعيل SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'تعطيل SCAYT',
-		about			: 'عن SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'تثبيت SCAYT',
-		options			: 'خيارات',
-		langs			: 'لغات',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'المزيد من المقترحات',
-		ignore			: 'تجاهل',
-		ignoreAll		: 'تجاهل الكل',
-		addWord			: 'إضافة كلمة',
-		emptyDic		: 'اسم القاموس يجب ألا يكون فارغاً.',
-		optionsTab		: 'خيارات',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'لغات',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'قواميس',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'عن'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'عن CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'عن CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'للحصول على معلومات الترخيص ، يرجى زيارة موقعنا على شبكة الانترنت:',
-		copy		: 'حقوق النشر © $1. جميع الحقوق محفوظة.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'تكبير',
-	minimize : 'تصغير',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'إرساء',
-		flash	: 'رسم متحرك بالفلاش',
-		div		: 'فاصل صفحة',
-		unknown	: 'كائن غير معروف'
-	},
-	resize : 'اسحب لتغيير الحجم',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'اختر لون',
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'إلقاء الضوء',
-		selected	: 'مُختار',
-		clear		: 'مسح'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Arabic language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'ar' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'rtl',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'تصفح',
+		url: 'الرابط',
+		protocol: 'البروتوكول',
+		upload: 'رفع',
+		uploadSubmit: 'أرسل',
+		image: 'صورة',
+		flash: 'فلاش',
+		form: 'نموذج',
+		checkbox: 'خانة إختيار',
+		radio: 'زر اختيار',
+		textField: 'مربع نص',
+		textarea: 'مساحة نصية',
+		hiddenField: 'إدراج حقل خفي',
+		button: 'زر ضغط',
+		select: 'اختار',
+		imageButton: 'زر صورة',
+		notSet: '<بدون تحديد>',
+		id: 'الرقم',
+		name: 'الاسم',
+		langDir: 'إتجاه النص',
+		langDirLtr: 'اليسار لليمين (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'اليمين لليسار (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'رمز اللغة',
+		longDescr: 'الوصف التفصيلى',
+		cssClass: 'فئات التنسيق',
+		advisoryTitle: 'عنوان التقرير',
+		cssStyle: 'نمط',
+		ok: 'موافق',
+		cancel: 'إلغاء الأمر',
+		close: 'أغلق',
+		preview: 'استعراض',
+		resize: 'اسحب لتغيير الحجم',
+		generalTab: 'عام',
+		advancedTab: 'متقدم',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'لايوجد نتيجة',
+		confirmNewPage: 'ستفقد أي متغييرات اذا لم تقم بحفظها اولا. هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد صفحة جديدة؟',
+		confirmCancel: 'بعض الخيارات قد تغيرت. هل أنت متأكد من إغلاق مربع النص؟',
+		options: 'خيارات',
+		target: 'هدف الرابط',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'اليسار لليمين (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'اليمين لليسار (RTL)',
+		styles: 'نمط',
+		cssClasses: 'فئات التنسيق',
+		width: 'العرض',
+		height: 'الإرتفاع',
+		align: 'محاذاة',
+		alignLeft: 'يسار',
+		alignRight: 'يمين',
+		alignCenter: 'وسط',
+		alignTop: 'أعلى',
+		alignMiddle: 'وسط',
+		alignBottom: 'أسفل',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'الارتفاع يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
+		invalidWidth: 'العرض يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, غير متاح</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/bg.js
index 4e531ad..809240f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/bg.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/bg.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Bulgarian language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['bg'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Код',
-	newPage			: 'Нова страница',
-	save			: 'Запази',
-	preview			: 'Предварителен изглед',
-	cut				: 'Изрежи',
-	copy			: 'Запамети',
-	paste			: 'Вмъкни',
-	print			: 'Печат',
-	underline		: 'Подчертан',
-	bold			: 'Удебелен',
-	italic			: 'Курсив',
-	selectAll		: 'Селектирай всичко',
-	removeFormat	: 'Изтрий форматирането',
-	strike			: 'Зачертан',
-	subscript		: 'Индекс за база',
-	superscript		: 'Индекс за степен',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Вмъкни хоризонтална линия',
-	pagebreak		: 'Вмъкни нов ред',
-	unlink			: 'Изтрий връзка',
-	undo			: 'Отмени',
-	redo			: 'Повтори',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Разгледай сървъра',
-		url				: 'Пълен път (URL)',
-		protocol		: 'Протокол',
-		upload			: 'Качи',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Прати към сървъра',
-		image			: 'Изображение',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Формуляр',
-		checkbox		: 'Поле за отметка',
-		radio			: 'Поле за опция',
-		textField		: 'Текстово поле',
-		textarea		: 'Текстова област',
-		hiddenField		: 'Скрито поле',
-		button			: 'Бутон',
-		select			: 'Падащо меню с опции',
-		imageButton		: 'Бутон-изображение',
-		notSet			: '<не е настроен>',
-		id				: 'Идентификатор',
-		name			: 'Име',
-		langDir			: 'посока на речта',
-		langDirLtr		: 'От ляво на дясно',
-		langDirRtl		: 'От дясно на ляво',
-		langCode		: 'Код на езика',
-		longDescr		: 'Описание на връзката',
-		cssClass		: 'Клас от стиловите таблици',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Препоръчително заглавие',
-		cssStyle		: 'Стил',
-		ok				: 'ОК',
-		cancel			: 'Отказ',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'Подробности...',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Вмъкни специален символ',
-		title		: 'Изберете специален символ',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Добави/Редактирай връзка',
-		other 		: '<друг>',
-		menu		: 'Редактирай връзка',
-		title		: 'Връзка',
-		info		: 'Информация за връзката',
-		target		: 'Цел',
-		upload		: 'Качи',
-		advanced	: 'Подробности...',
-		type		: 'Вид на връзката',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Котва в текущата страница',
-		toEmail		: 'Е-поща',
-		targetFrame		: '<рамка>',
-		targetPopup		: '<дъщерен прозорец>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Име на целевия прозорец',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Име на дъщерния прозорец',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Параметри на дъщерния прозорец',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Поле за статус',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Поле за адрес',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Панел с бутони',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Меню',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Голям екран (MS IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Плъзгач',
-		popupDependent	: 'Зависим (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Ширина',
-		popupLeft		: 'Координати - X',
-		popupHeight		: 'Височина',
-		popupTop		: 'Координати - Y',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'посока на речта',
-		langDirLTR		: 'От ляво на дясно',
-		langDirRTL		: 'От дясно на ляво',
-		acccessKey		: 'Бърз клавиш',
-		name			: 'Име',
-		langCode		: 'посока на речта',
-		tabIndex		: 'Ред на достъп',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Препоръчително заглавие',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Препоръчителен тип на съдържанието',
-		cssClasses		: 'Клас от стиловите таблици',
-		charset			: 'Тип на свързания ресурс',
-		styles			: 'Стил',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Изберете котва',
-		anchorName		: 'По име на котвата',
-		anchorId		: 'По идентификатор на елемент',
-		emailAddress	: 'Адрес за е-поща',
-		emailSubject	: 'Тема на писмото',
-		emailBody		: 'Текст на писмото',
-		noAnchors		: '(Няма котви в текущия документ)',
-		noUrl			: 'Моля, напишете пълния път (URL)',
-		noEmail			: 'Моля, напишете адреса за е-поща'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Добави/Редактирай котва',
-		menu		: 'Параметри на котвата',
-		title		: 'Параметри на котвата',
-		name		: 'Име на котвата',
-		errorName	: 'Моля, въведете име на котвата'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace', // MISSING
-		find				: 'Търси',
-		replace				: 'Замести',
-		findWhat			: 'Търси:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Замести с:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Указания текст не беше намерен.',
-		matchCase			: 'Със същия регистър',
-		matchWord			: 'Търси същата дума',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Замести всички',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Таблица',
-		title		: 'Параметри на таблицата',
-		menu		: 'Параметри на таблицата',
-		deleteTable	: 'Изтрий таблицата',
-		rows		: 'Редове',
-		columns		: 'Колони',
-		border		: 'Размер на рамката',
-		align		: 'Подравняване',
-		alignLeft	: 'Ляво',
-		alignCenter	: 'Център',
-		alignRight	: 'Дясно',
-		width		: 'Ширина',
-		widthPx		: 'пиксели',
-		widthPc		: 'проценти',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Височина',
-		cellSpace	: 'Разстояние между клетките',
-		cellPad		: 'Отстъп на съдържанието в клетките',
-		caption		: 'Заглавие',
-		summary		: 'Резюме',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cell', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After', // MISSING
-			deleteCell		: 'Изтрий клетките',
-			merge			: 'Обедини клетките',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right', // MISSING
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down', // MISSING
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally', // MISSING
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically', // MISSING
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Row', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After', // MISSING
-			deleteRow		: 'Изтрий редовете'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Column', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After', // MISSING
-			deleteColumn	: 'Изтрий колоните'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Параметри на бутона',
-		text		: 'Текст (Стойност)',
-		type		: 'Тип',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button', // MISSING
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit', // MISSING
-		typeRst		: 'Reset' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Параметри на полето за отметка',
-		radioTitle	: 'Параметри на полето за опция',
-		value		: 'Стойност',
-		selected	: 'Отметнато'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Параметри на формуляра',
-		menu		: 'Параметри на формуляра',
-		action		: 'Действие',
-		method		: 'Метод',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Параметри на падащото меню с опции',
-		selectInfo	: 'Информация',
-		opAvail		: 'Възможни опции',
-		value		: 'Стойност',
-		size		: 'Размер',
-		lines		: 'линии',
-		chkMulti	: 'Разрешено множествено селектиране',
-		opText		: 'Текст',
-		opValue		: 'Стойност',
-		btnAdd		: 'Добави',
-		btnModify	: 'Промени',
-		btnUp		: 'Нагоре',
-		btnDown		: 'Надолу',
-		btnSetValue : 'Настрой като избрана стойност',
-		btnDelete	: 'Изтрий'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Параметри на текстовата област',
-		cols		: 'Колони',
-		rows		: 'Редове'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Параметри на текстовото-поле',
-		name		: 'Име',
-		value		: 'Стойност',
-		charWidth	: 'Ширина на символите',
-		maxChars	: 'Максимум символи',
-		type		: 'Тип',
-		typeText	: 'Текст',
-		typePass	: 'Парола'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Параметри на скритото поле',
-		name	: 'Име',
-		value	: 'Стойност'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Параметри на изображението',
-		titleButton	: 'Параметри на бутона-изображение',
-		menu		: 'Параметри на изображението',
-		infoTab		: 'Информация за изображението',
-		btnUpload	: 'Прати към сървъра',
-		upload		: 'Качи',
-		alt			: 'Алтернативен текст',
-		width		: 'Ширина',
-		height		: 'Височина',
-		lockRatio	: 'Запази пропорцията',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Възстанови размера',
-		border		: 'Рамка',
-		hSpace		: 'Хоризонтален отстъп',
-		vSpace		: 'Вертикален отстъп',
-		align		: 'Подравняване',
-		alignLeft	: 'Ляво',
-		alignRight	: 'Дясно',
-		alertUrl	: 'Моля, въведете пълния път до изображението',
-		linkTab		: 'Връзка',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Параметри на Flash обекта',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Параметри на Flash обекта',
-		chkPlay			: 'Автоматично стартиране',
-		chkLoop			: 'Ново стартиране след завършването',
-		chkMenu			: 'Разрешено Flash меню',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Оразмеряване',
-		scaleAll		: 'Покажи целия обект',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Без рамка',
-		scaleFit		: 'Според мястото',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Подравняване',
-		alignLeft		: 'Ляво',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Най-долу',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Точно по средата',
-		alignBaseline	: 'По базовата линия',
-		alignBottom		: 'Долу',
-		alignMiddle		: 'По средата',
-		alignRight		: 'Дясно',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Върху текста',
-		alignTop		: 'Отгоре',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Цвят на фона',
-		width			: 'Ширина',
-		height			: 'Височина',
-		hSpace			: 'Хоризонтален отстъп',
-		vSpace			: 'Вертикален отстъп',
-		validateSrc		: 'Моля, напишете пълния път (URL)',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Провери правописа',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Липсва в речника',
-		changeTo		: 'Промени на',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Игнорирай',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Игнорирай всички',
-		btnReplace		: 'Замести',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Замести всички',
-		btnUndo			: 'Отмени',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Няма предложения -',
-		progress		: 'Извършване на проверката за правопис...',
-		noMispell		: 'Проверката за правопис завършена: не са открити правописни грешки',
-		noChanges		: 'Проверката за правопис завършена: няма променени думи',
-		oneChange		: 'Проверката за правопис завършена: една дума е променена',
-		manyChanges		: 'Проверката за правопис завършена: %1 думи са променени',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Инструментът за проверка на правопис не е инсталиран. Желаете ли да го инсталирате ?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Усмивка',
-		title	: 'Добави усмивка',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Нумериран списък',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Ненумериран списък',
-	indent			: 'Увеличи отстъпа',
-	outdent			: 'Намали отстъпа',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Подравняване в ляво',
-		center	: 'Подравнявне в средата',
-		right	: 'Подравняване в дясно',
-		block	: 'Двустранно подравняване'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Вмъкни',
-		cutError	: 'Настройките за сигурност на вашия бразуър не разрешават на редактора да изпълни изрязването. За целта използвайте клавиатурата (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Настройките за сигурност на вашия бразуър не разрешават на редактора да изпълни запаметяването. За целта използвайте клавиатурата (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Вмъкнете тук съдъжанието с клавиатуарата (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) и натиснете <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Вмъкни от MS Word',
-		title			: 'Вмъкни от MS Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Вмъкни като чист текст',
-		title	: 'Вмъкни като чист текст'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Шаблони',
-		title			: 'Шаблони',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Изберете шаблон <br>(текущото съдържание на редактора ще бъде загубено):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Няма дефинирани шаблони)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Стил',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Формат',
-		panelTitle	: 'Формат',
-		tag_p		: 'Нормален',
-		tag_pre		: 'Форматиран',
-		tag_address	: 'Адрес',
-		tag_h1		: 'Заглавие 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Заглавие 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Заглавие 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Заглавие 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Заглавие 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Заглавие 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Параграф (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Шрифт',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Шрифт'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Размер',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Размер'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Цвят на текста',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Цвят на фона',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'По подразбиране',
-		more			: 'Други цветове...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Bulgarian language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'bg' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Текстов редактор за форматиран текст',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'натиснете ALT 0 за помощ',
+		browseServer: 'Избор от сървъра',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Протокол',
+		upload: 'Качване',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Изпращане към сървъра',
+		image: 'Снимка',
+		flash: 'Флаш',
+		form: 'Форма',
+		checkbox: 'Поле за избор',
+		radio: 'Радио бутон',
+		textField: 'Текстово поле',
+		textarea: 'Текстова зона',
+		hiddenField: 'Скрито поле',
+		button: 'Бутон',
+		select: 'Поле за избор',
+		imageButton: 'Бутон за снимка',
+		notSet: '<не е избрано>',
+		id: 'ID',
+		name: 'Име',
+		langDir: 'Посока на езика',
+		langDirLtr: 'Ляво на дясно (ЛнД)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Дясно на ляво (ДнЛ)',
+		langCode: 'Код на езика',
+		longDescr: 'Уеб адрес за дълго описание',
+		cssClass: 'Класове за CSS',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Препоръчително заглавие',
+		cssStyle: 'Стил',
+		ok: 'ОК',
+		cancel: 'Отказ',
+		close: 'Затвори',
+		preview: 'Преглед',
+		resize: 'Влачете за да оразмерите',
+		generalTab: 'Общо',
+		advancedTab: 'Разширено',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Тази стойност не е число',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Всички незапазени промени ще бъдат изгубени. Сигурни ли сте, че желаете да заредите нова страница?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Някои от опциите са променени. Сигурни ли сте, че желаете да затворите прозореца?',
+		options: 'Опции',
+		target: 'Цел',
+		targetNew: 'Нов прозорец (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Горна позиция (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Текущия прозорец (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Основен прозорец (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Ляво на дясно (ЛнД)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Дясно на ляво (ДнЛ)',
+		styles: 'Стил',
+		cssClasses: 'Класове за CSS',
+		width: 'Ширина',
+		height: 'Височина',
+		align: 'Подравняване',
+		alignLeft: 'Ляво',
+		alignRight: 'Дясно',
+		alignCenter: 'Център',
+		alignTop: 'Горе',
+		alignMiddle: 'По средата',
+		alignBottom: 'Долу',
+		invalidValue	: 'Невалидна стойност.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Височината трябва да е число.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Ширина требе да е число.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Стойността на полето "%1" трябва да бъде положително число с или без валидна CSS измервателна единица (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Стойността на полето "%1" трябва да бъде положително число с или без валидна HTML измервателна единица (px or %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Стойността на стилa трябва да съдържат една или повече двойки във формат "name : value", разделени с двоеточие.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Въведете числена стойност в пиксели или друга валидна CSS единица (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, недостъпно</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/bn.js
index aaba3de..8916a4a 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/bn.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/bn.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Bengali/Bangla language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['bn'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'সোর্স',
-	newPage			: 'নতুন পেজ',
-	save			: 'সংরক্ষন কর',
-	preview			: 'প্রিভিউ',
-	cut				: 'কাট',
-	copy			: 'কপি',
-	paste			: 'পেস্ট',
-	print			: 'প্রিন্ট',
-	underline		: 'আন্ডারলাইন',
-	bold			: 'বোল্ড',
-	italic			: 'ইটালিক',
-	selectAll		: 'সব সিলেক্ট কর',
-	removeFormat	: 'ফরমেট সরাও',
-	strike			: 'স্ট্রাইক থ্রু',
-	subscript		: 'অধোলেখ',
-	superscript		: 'অভিলেখ',
-	horizontalrule	: 'রেখা যুক্ত কর',
-	pagebreak		: 'পেজ ব্রেক',
-	unlink			: 'লিংক সরাও',
-	undo			: 'আনডু',
-	redo			: 'রি-ডু',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'ব্রাউজ সার্ভার',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'প্রোটোকল',
-		upload			: 'আপলোড',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'ইহাকে সার্ভারে প্রেরন কর',
-		image			: 'ছবির লেবেল যুক্ত কর',
-		flash			: 'ফ্লাশ লেবেল যুক্ত কর',
-		form			: 'ফর্ম',
-		checkbox		: 'চেক বাক্স',
-		radio			: 'রেডিও বাটন',
-		textField		: 'টেক্সট ফীল্ড',
-		textarea		: 'টেক্সট এরিয়া',
-		hiddenField		: 'গুপ্ত ফীল্ড',
-		button			: 'বাটন',
-		select			: 'বাছাই ফীল্ড',
-		imageButton		: 'ছবির বাটন',
-		notSet			: '<সেট নেই>',
-		id				: 'আইডি',
-		name			: 'নাম',
-		langDir			: 'ভাষা লেখার দিক',
-		langDirLtr		: 'বাম থেকে ডান (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'ডান থেকে বাম (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'ভাষা কোড',
-		longDescr		: 'URL এর লম্বা বর্ণনা',
-		cssClass		: 'স্টাইল-শীট ক্লাস',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'পরামর্শ শীর্ষক',
-		cssStyle		: 'স্টাইল',
-		ok				: 'ওকে',
-		cancel			: 'বাতিল',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'এডভান্সড',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'বিশেষ অক্ষর যুক্ত কর',
-		title		: 'বিশেষ ক্যারেক্টার বাছাই কর',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'লিংক যুক্ত কর',
-		other 		: '<other>', // MISSING
-		menu		: 'লিংক সম্পাদন',
-		title		: 'লিংক',
-		info		: 'লিংক তথ্য',
-		target		: 'টার্গেট',
-		upload		: 'আপলোড',
-		advanced	: 'এডভান্সড',
-		type		: 'লিংক প্রকার',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'এই পেজে নোঙর কর',
-		toEmail		: 'ইমেইল',
-		targetFrame		: '<ফ্রেম>',
-		targetPopup		: '<পপআপ উইন্ডো>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'টার্গেট ফ্রেমের নাম',
-		targetPopupName	: 'পপআপ উইন্ডোর নাম',
-		popupFeatures	: 'পপআপ উইন্ডো ফীচার সমূহ',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'স্ট্যাটাস বার',
-		popupLocationBar: 'লোকেশন বার',
-		popupToolbar	: 'টুল বার',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'মেন্যু বার',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'পূর্ণ পর্দা জুড়ে (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'স্ক্রল বার',
-		popupDependent	: 'ডিপেন্ডেন্ট (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'প্রস্থ',
-		popupLeft		: 'বামের পজিশন',
-		popupHeight		: 'দৈর্ঘ্য',
-		popupTop		: 'ডানের পজিশন',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'ভাষা লেখার দিক',
-		langDirLTR		: 'বাম থেকে ডান (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'ডান থেকে বাম (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'এক্সেস কী',
-		name			: 'নাম',
-		langCode		: 'ভাষা লেখার দিক',
-		tabIndex		: 'ট্যাব ইন্ডেক্স',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'পরামর্শ শীর্ষক',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'পরামর্শ কন্টেন্টের প্রকার',
-		cssClasses		: 'স্টাইল-শীট ক্লাস',
-		charset			: 'লিংক রিসোর্স ক্যারেক্টর সেট',
-		styles			: 'স্টাইল',
-		selectAnchor	: 'নোঙর বাছাই',
-		anchorName		: 'নোঙরের নাম দিয়ে',
-		anchorId		: 'নোঙরের আইডি দিয়ে',
-		emailAddress	: 'ইমেইল ঠিকানা',
-		emailSubject	: 'মেসেজের বিষয়',
-		emailBody		: 'মেসেজের দেহ',
-		noAnchors		: '(No anchors available in the document)', // MISSING
-		noUrl			: 'অনুগ্রহ করে URL লিংক টাইপ করুন',
-		noEmail			: 'অনুগ্রহ করে ইমেইল এড্রেস টাইপ করুন'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'নোঙ্গর',
-		menu		: 'নোঙর প্রোপার্টি',
-		title		: 'নোঙর প্রোপার্টি',
-		name		: 'নোঙরের নাম',
-		errorName	: 'নোঙরের নাম টাইপ করুন'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace', // MISSING
-		find				: 'খোজো',
-		replace				: 'রিপ্লেস',
-		findWhat			: 'যা খুঁজতে হবে:',
-		replaceWith			: 'যার সাথে বদলাতে হবে:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'আপনার উল্লেখিত টেকস্ট পাওয়া যায়নি',
-		matchCase			: 'কেস মিলাও',
-		matchWord			: 'পুরা শব্দ মেলাও',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'সব বদলে দাও',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'টেবিলের লেবেল যুক্ত কর',
-		title		: 'টেবিল প্রোপার্টি',
-		menu		: 'টেবিল প্রোপার্টি',
-		deleteTable	: 'টেবিল ডিলীট কর',
-		rows		: 'রো',
-		columns		: 'কলাম',
-		border		: 'বর্ডার সাইজ',
-		align		: 'এলাইনমেন্ট',
-		alignLeft	: 'বামে',
-		alignCenter	: 'মাঝখানে',
-		alignRight	: 'ডানে',
-		width		: 'প্রস্থ',
-		widthPx		: 'পিক্সেল',
-		widthPc		: 'শতকরা',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'দৈর্ঘ্য',
-		cellSpace	: 'সেল স্পেস',
-		cellPad		: 'সেল প্যাডিং',
-		caption		: 'শীর্ষক',
-		summary		: 'সারাংশ',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'সেল',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After', // MISSING
-			deleteCell		: 'সেল মুছে দাও',
-			merge			: 'সেল জোড়া দাও',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right', // MISSING
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down', // MISSING
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally', // MISSING
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically', // MISSING
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'রো',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After', // MISSING
-			deleteRow		: 'রো মুছে দাও'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'কলাম',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After', // MISSING
-			deleteColumn	: 'কলাম মুছে দাও'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'বাটন প্রোপার্টি',
-		text		: 'টেক্সট (ভ্যালু)',
-		type		: 'প্রকার',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button', // MISSING
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit', // MISSING
-		typeRst		: 'Reset' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'চেক বক্স প্রোপার্টি',
-		radioTitle	: 'রেডিও বাটন প্রোপার্টি',
-		value		: 'ভ্যালু',
-		selected	: 'সিলেক্টেড'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'ফর্ম প্রোপার্টি',
-		menu		: 'ফর্ম প্রোপার্টি',
-		action		: 'একশ্যন',
-		method		: 'পদ্ধতি',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'বাছাই ফীল্ড প্রোপার্টি',
-		selectInfo	: 'তথ্য',
-		opAvail		: 'অন্যান্য বিকল্প',
-		value		: 'ভ্যালু',
-		size		: 'সাইজ',
-		lines		: 'লাইন সমূহ',
-		chkMulti	: 'একাধিক সিলেকশন এলাউ কর',
-		opText		: 'টেক্সট',
-		opValue		: 'ভ্যালু',
-		btnAdd		: 'যুক্ত',
-		btnModify	: 'বদলে দাও',
-		btnUp		: 'উপর',
-		btnDown		: 'নীচে',
-		btnSetValue : 'বাছাই করা ভ্যালু হিসেবে সেট কর',
-		btnDelete	: 'ডিলীট'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'টেক্সট এরিয়া প্রোপার্টি',
-		cols		: 'কলাম',
-		rows		: 'রো'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'টেক্সট ফীল্ড প্রোপার্টি',
-		name		: 'নাম',
-		value		: 'ভ্যালু',
-		charWidth	: 'ক্যারেক্টার প্রশস্ততা',
-		maxChars	: 'সর্বাধিক ক্যারেক্টার',
-		type		: 'টাইপ',
-		typeText	: 'টেক্সট',
-		typePass	: 'পাসওয়ার্ড'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'গুপ্ত ফীল্ড প্রোপার্টি',
-		name	: 'নাম',
-		value	: 'ভ্যালু'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'ছবির প্রোপার্টি',
-		titleButton	: 'ছবি বাটন প্রোপার্টি',
-		menu		: 'ছবির প্রোপার্টি',
-		infoTab		: 'ছবির তথ্য',
-		btnUpload	: 'ইহাকে সার্ভারে প্রেরন কর',
-		upload		: 'আপলোড',
-		alt			: 'বিকল্প টেক্সট',
-		width		: 'প্রস্থ',
-		height		: 'দৈর্ঘ্য',
-		lockRatio	: 'অনুপাত লক কর',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'সাইজ পূর্বাবস্থায় ফিরিয়ে দাও',
-		border		: 'বর্ডার',
-		hSpace		: 'হরাইজন্টাল স্পেস',
-		vSpace		: 'ভার্টিকেল স্পেস',
-		align		: 'এলাইন',
-		alignLeft	: 'বামে',
-		alignRight	: 'ডানে',
-		alertUrl	: 'অনুগ্রহক করে ছবির URL টাইপ করুন',
-		linkTab		: 'লিংক',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'ফ্লাশ প্রোপার্টি',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'ফ্ল্যাশ প্রোপার্টি',
-		chkPlay			: 'অটো প্লে',
-		chkLoop			: 'লূপ',
-		chkMenu			: 'ফ্ল্যাশ মেনু এনাবল কর',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'স্কেল',
-		scaleAll		: 'সব দেখাও',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'কোনো বর্ডার নেই',
-		scaleFit		: 'নিখুঁত ফিট',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'এলাইন',
-		alignLeft		: 'বামে',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs নীচে',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs উপর',
-		alignBaseline	: 'মূল রেখা',
-		alignBottom		: 'নীচে',
-		alignMiddle		: 'মধ্য',
-		alignRight		: 'ডানে',
-		alignTextTop	: 'টেক্সট উপর',
-		alignTop		: 'উপর',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'বেকগ্রাউন্ড রং',
-		width			: 'প্রস্থ',
-		height			: 'দৈর্ঘ্য',
-		hSpace			: 'হরাইজন্টাল স্পেস',
-		vSpace			: 'ভার্টিকেল স্পেস',
-		validateSrc		: 'অনুগ্রহ করে URL লিংক টাইপ করুন',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'বানান চেক',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'শব্দকোষে নেই',
-		changeTo		: 'এতে বদলাও',
-		btnIgnore		: 'ইগনোর কর',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'সব ইগনোর কর',
-		btnReplace		: 'বদলে দাও',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'সব বদলে দাও',
-		btnUndo			: 'আন্ডু',
-		noSuggestions	: '- কোন সাজেশন নেই -',
-		progress		: 'বানান পরীক্ষা চলছে...',
-		noMispell		: 'বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: কোন ভুল বানান পাওয়া যায়নি',
-		noChanges		: 'বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: কোন শব্দ পরিবর্তন করা হয়নি',
-		oneChange		: 'বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: একটি মাত্র শব্দ পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে',
-		manyChanges		: 'বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: %1 গুলো শব্দ বদলে গ্যাছে',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'বানান পরীক্ষক ইনস্টল করা নেই। আপনি কি এখনই এটা ডাউনলোড করতে চান?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'স্মাইলী',
-		title	: 'স্মাইলী যুক্ত কর',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'সাংখ্যিক লিস্টের লেবেল',
-	bulletedlist	: 'বুলেট লিস্ট লেবেল',
-	indent			: 'ইনডেন্ট বাড়াও',
-	outdent			: 'ইনডেন্ট কমাও',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'বা দিকে ঘেঁষা',
-		center	: 'মাঝ বরাবর ঘেষা',
-		right	: 'ডান দিকে ঘেঁষা',
-		block	: 'ব্লক জাস্টিফাই'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'পেস্ট',
-		cutError	: 'আপনার ব্রাউজারের সুরক্ষা সেটিংস এডিটরকে অটোমেটিক কাট করার অনুমতি দেয়নি। দয়া করে এই কাজের জন্য কিবোর্ড ব্যবহার করুন (Ctrl/Cmd+X)।',
-		copyError	: 'আপনার ব্রাউজারের সুরক্ষা সেটিংস এডিটরকে অটোমেটিক কপি করার অনুমতি দেয়নি। দয়া করে এই কাজের জন্য কিবোর্ড ব্যবহার করুন (Ctrl/Cmd+C)।',
-		pasteMsg	: 'অনুগ্রহ করে নীচের বাক্সে কিবোর্ড ব্যবহার করে (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) পেস্ট করুন এবং <STRONG>OK</STRONG> চাপ দিন',
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'পেস্ট (শব্দ)',
-		title			: 'পেস্ট (শব্দ)',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'সাদা টেক্সট হিসেবে পেস্ট কর',
-		title	: 'সাদা টেক্সট হিসেবে পেস্ট কর'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'টেমপ্লেট',
-		title			: 'কনটেন্ট টেমপ্লেট',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'অনুগ্রহ করে এডিটরে ওপেন করার জন্য টেমপ্লেট বাছাই করুন<br>(আসল কনটেন্ট হারিয়ে যাবে):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(কোন টেমপ্লেট ডিফাইন করা নেই)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'স্টাইল',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'ফন্ট ফরমেট',
-		panelTitle	: 'ফন্ট ফরমেট',
-		tag_p		: 'সাধারণ',
-		tag_pre		: 'ফর্মেটেড',
-		tag_address	: 'ঠিকানা',
-		tag_h1		: 'শীর্ষক ১',
-		tag_h2		: 'শীর্ষক ২',
-		tag_h3		: 'শীর্ষক ৩',
-		tag_h4		: 'শীর্ষক ৪',
-		tag_h5		: 'শীর্ষক ৫',
-		tag_h6		: 'শীর্ষক ৬',
-		tag_div		: 'শীর্ষক (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'ফন্ট',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'ফন্ট'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'সাইজ',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'সাইজ'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'টেক্স্ট রং',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'বেকগ্রাউন্ড রং',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'অটোমেটিক',
-		more			: 'আরও রং...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Bengali/Bangla language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'bn' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'ব্রাউজ সার্ভার',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'প্রোটোকল',
+		upload: 'আপলোড',
+		uploadSubmit: 'ইহাকে সার্ভারে প্রেরন কর',
+		image: 'ছবির লেবেল যুক্ত কর',
+		flash: 'ফ্লাশ লেবেল যুক্ত কর',
+		form: 'ফর্ম',
+		checkbox: 'চেক বাক্স',
+		radio: 'রেডিও বাটন',
+		textField: 'টেক্সট ফীল্ড',
+		textarea: 'টেক্সট এরিয়া',
+		hiddenField: 'গুপ্ত ফীল্ড',
+		button: 'বাটন',
+		select: 'বাছাই ফীল্ড',
+		imageButton: 'ছবির বাটন',
+		notSet: '<সেট নেই>',
+		id: 'আইডি',
+		name: 'নাম',
+		langDir: 'ভাষা লেখার দিক',
+		langDirLtr: 'বাম থেকে ডান (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'ডান থেকে বাম (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'ভাষা কোড',
+		longDescr: 'URL এর লম্বা বর্ণনা',
+		cssClass: 'স্টাইল-শীট ক্লাস',
+		advisoryTitle: 'পরামর্শ শীর্ষক',
+		cssStyle: 'স্টাইল',
+		ok: 'ওকে',
+		cancel: 'বাতিল',
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: 'প্রিভিউ',
+		resize: 'Resize', // MISSING
+		generalTab: 'General', // MISSING
+		advancedTab: 'এডভান্সড',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
+		options: 'Options', // MISSING
+		target: 'টার্গেট',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'বাম থেকে ডান (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'ডান থেকে বাম (RTL)',
+		styles: 'স্টাইল',
+		cssClasses: 'স্টাইল-শীট ক্লাস',
+		width: 'প্রস্থ',
+		height: 'দৈর্ঘ্য',
+		align: 'এলাইন',
+		alignLeft: 'বামে',
+		alignRight: 'ডানে',
+		alignCenter: 'মাঝখানে',
+		alignTop: 'উপর',
+		alignMiddle: 'মধ্য',
+		alignBottom: 'নীচে',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/bs.js
index bca41e6..ee83e82 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/bs.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/bs.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Bosnian language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['bs'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'HTML kôd',
-	newPage			: 'Novi dokument',
-	save			: 'Snimi',
-	preview			: 'Prikaži',
-	cut				: 'Izreži',
-	copy			: 'Kopiraj',
-	paste			: 'Zalijepi',
-	print			: 'Å tampaj',
-	underline		: 'Podvuci',
-	bold			: 'Boldiraj',
-	italic			: 'Ukosi',
-	selectAll		: 'Selektuj sve',
-	removeFormat	: 'Poništi format',
-	strike			: 'Precrtaj',
-	subscript		: 'Subscript',
-	superscript		: 'Superscript',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Ubaci horizontalnu liniju',
-	pagebreak		: 'Insert Page Break for Printing', // MISSING
-	unlink			: 'Izbriši link',
-	undo			: 'Vrati',
-	redo			: 'Ponovi',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Browse Server', // MISSING
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokol',
-		upload			: 'Å alji',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Å alji na server',
-		image			: 'Slika',
-		flash			: 'Flash', // MISSING
-		form			: 'Form', // MISSING
-		checkbox		: 'Checkbox', // MISSING
-		radio			: 'Radio Button', // MISSING
-		textField		: 'Text Field', // MISSING
-		textarea		: 'Textarea', // MISSING
-		hiddenField		: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
-		button			: 'Button', // MISSING
-		select			: 'Selection Field', // MISSING
-		imageButton		: 'Image Button', // MISSING
-		notSet			: '<nije podešeno>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Naziv',
-		langDir			: 'Smjer pisanja',
-		langDirLtr		: 'S lijeva na desno (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'S desna na lijevo (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Jezièni kôd',
-		longDescr		: 'Dugaèki opis URL-a',
-		cssClass		: 'Klase CSS stilova',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory title',
-		cssStyle		: 'Stil',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Odustani',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'Naprednije',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Ubaci specijalni karater',
-		title		: 'Izaberi specijalni karakter',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Ubaci/Izmjeni link',
-		other 		: '<other>', // MISSING
-		menu		: 'Izmjeni link',
-		title		: 'Link',
-		info		: 'Link info',
-		target		: 'Prozor',
-		upload		: 'Å alji',
-		advanced	: 'Naprednije',
-		type		: 'Tip linka',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Sidro na ovoj stranici',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<frejm>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup prozor>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Target Frame Name', // MISSING
-		targetPopupName	: 'Naziv popup prozora',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Moguænosti popup prozora',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Statusna traka',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Traka za lokaciju',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Traka sa alatima',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Izborna traka',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Cijeli ekran (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Scroll traka',
-		popupDependent	: 'Ovisno (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Å irina',
-		popupLeft		: 'Lijeva pozicija',
-		popupHeight		: 'Visina',
-		popupTop		: 'Gornja pozicija',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Smjer pisanja',
-		langDirLTR		: 'S lijeva na desno (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'S desna na lijevo (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Pristupna tipka',
-		name			: 'Naziv',
-		langCode		: 'Smjer pisanja',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tab indeks',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory title',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Advisory vrsta sadržaja',
-		cssClasses		: 'Klase CSS stilova',
-		charset			: 'Linked Resource Charset',
-		styles			: 'Stil',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Izaberi sidro',
-		anchorName		: 'Po nazivu sidra',
-		anchorId		: 'Po Id-u elementa',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-Mail Adresa',
-		emailSubject	: 'Subjekt poruke',
-		emailBody		: 'Poruka',
-		noAnchors		: '(Nema dostupnih sidra na stranici)',
-		noUrl			: 'Molimo ukucajte URL link',
-		noEmail			: 'Molimo ukucajte e-mail adresu'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		menu		: 'Edit Anchor', // MISSING
-		title		: 'Anchor Properties', // MISSING
-		name		: 'Anchor Name', // MISSING
-		errorName	: 'Please type the anchor name' // MISSING
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace', // MISSING
-		find				: 'Naði',
-		replace				: 'Zamjeni',
-		findWhat			: 'Naði šta:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Zamjeni sa:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Traženi tekst nije pronaðen.',
-		matchCase			: 'Uporeðuj velika/mala slova',
-		matchWord			: 'Uporeðuj samo cijelu rijeè',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Zamjeni sve',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabela',
-		title		: 'Svojstva tabele',
-		menu		: 'Svojstva tabele',
-		deleteTable	: 'Delete Table', // MISSING
-		rows		: 'Redova',
-		columns		: 'Kolona',
-		border		: 'Okvir',
-		align		: 'Poravnanje',
-		alignLeft	: 'Lijevo',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centar',
-		alignRight	: 'Desno',
-		width		: 'Å irina',
-		widthPx		: 'piksela',
-		widthPc		: 'posto',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Visina',
-		cellSpace	: 'Razmak æelija',
-		cellPad		: 'Uvod æelija',
-		caption		: 'Naslov',
-		summary		: 'Summary', // MISSING
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cell', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After', // MISSING
-			deleteCell		: 'Briši æelije',
-			merge			: 'Spoji æelije',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right', // MISSING
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down', // MISSING
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally', // MISSING
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically', // MISSING
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Row', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After', // MISSING
-			deleteRow		: 'Briši redove'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Column', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After', // MISSING
-			deleteColumn	: 'Briši kolone'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Button Properties', // MISSING
-		text		: 'Text (Value)', // MISSING
-		type		: 'Type', // MISSING
-		typeBtn		: 'Button', // MISSING
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit', // MISSING
-		typeRst		: 'Reset' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Checkbox Properties', // MISSING
-		radioTitle	: 'Radio Button Properties', // MISSING
-		value		: 'Value', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Form Properties', // MISSING
-		menu		: 'Form Properties', // MISSING
-		action		: 'Action', // MISSING
-		method		: 'Method', // MISSING
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Selection Field Properties', // MISSING
-		selectInfo	: 'Select Info', // MISSING
-		opAvail		: 'Available Options', // MISSING
-		value		: 'Value', // MISSING
-		size		: 'Size', // MISSING
-		lines		: 'lines', // MISSING
-		chkMulti	: 'Allow multiple selections', // MISSING
-		opText		: 'Text', // MISSING
-		opValue		: 'Value', // MISSING
-		btnAdd		: 'Add', // MISSING
-		btnModify	: 'Modify', // MISSING
-		btnUp		: 'Up', // MISSING
-		btnDown		: 'Down', // MISSING
-		btnSetValue : 'Set as selected value', // MISSING
-		btnDelete	: 'Delete' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Textarea Properties', // MISSING
-		cols		: 'Columns', // MISSING
-		rows		: 'Rows' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Text Field Properties', // MISSING
-		name		: 'Name', // MISSING
-		value		: 'Value', // MISSING
-		charWidth	: 'Character Width', // MISSING
-		maxChars	: 'Maximum Characters', // MISSING
-		type		: 'Type', // MISSING
-		typeText	: 'Text', // MISSING
-		typePass	: 'Password' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Hidden Field Properties', // MISSING
-		name	: 'Name', // MISSING
-		value	: 'Value' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Svojstva slike',
-		titleButton	: 'Image Button Properties', // MISSING
-		menu		: 'Svojstva slike',
-		infoTab		: 'Info slike',
-		btnUpload	: 'Å alji na server',
-		upload		: 'Å alji',
-		alt			: 'Tekst na slici',
-		width		: 'Å irina',
-		height		: 'Visina',
-		lockRatio	: 'Zakljuèaj odnos',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Resetuj dimenzije',
-		border		: 'Okvir',
-		hSpace		: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace		: 'VSpace',
-		align		: 'Poravnanje',
-		alignLeft	: 'Lijevo',
-		alignRight	: 'Desno',
-		alertUrl	: 'Molimo ukucajte URL od slike.',
-		linkTab		: 'Link', // MISSING
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash Properties', // MISSING
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Flash Properties', // MISSING
-		chkPlay			: 'Auto Play', // MISSING
-		chkLoop			: 'Loop', // MISSING
-		chkMenu			: 'Enable Flash Menu', // MISSING
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Scale', // MISSING
-		scaleAll		: 'Show all', // MISSING
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'No Border', // MISSING
-		scaleFit		: 'Exact Fit', // MISSING
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Poravnanje',
-		alignLeft		: 'Lijevo',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs dole',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs sredina',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Bazno',
-		alignBottom		: 'Dno',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Sredina',
-		alignRight		: 'Desno',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Vrh teksta',
-		alignTop		: 'Vrh',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Boja pozadine',
-		width			: 'Å irina',
-		height			: 'Visina',
-		hSpace			: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace			: 'VSpace',
-		validateSrc		: 'Molimo ukucajte URL link',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Check Spelling', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Not in dictionary', // MISSING
-		changeTo		: 'Change to', // MISSING
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		btnReplace		: 'Replace', // MISSING
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Replace All', // MISSING
-		btnUndo			: 'Undo', // MISSING
-		noSuggestions	: '- No suggestions -', // MISSING
-		progress		: 'Spell check in progress...', // MISSING
-		noMispell		: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found', // MISSING
-		noChanges		: 'Spell check complete: No words changed', // MISSING
-		oneChange		: 'Spell check complete: One word changed', // MISSING
-		manyChanges		: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed', // MISSING
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?' // MISSING
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smješko',
-		title	: 'Ubaci smješka',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Numerisana lista',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Lista',
-	indent			: 'Poveæaj uvod',
-	outdent			: 'Smanji uvod',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Lijevo poravnanje',
-		center	: 'Centralno poravnanje',
-		right	: 'Desno poravnanje',
-		block	: 'Puno poravnanje'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Zalijepi',
-		cutError	: 'Sigurnosne postavke vašeg pretraživaèa ne dozvoljavaju operacije automatskog rezanja. Molimo koristite kraticu na tastaturi (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Sigurnosne postavke Vašeg pretraživaèa ne dozvoljavaju operacije automatskog kopiranja. Molimo koristite kraticu na tastaturi (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK', // MISSING
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Zalijepi iz Word-a',
-		title			: 'Zalijepi iz Word-a',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Zalijepi kao obièan tekst',
-		title	: 'Zalijepi kao obièan tekst'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Templates', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Content Templates', // MISSING
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Please select the template to open in the editor', // MISSING
-		emptyListMsg	: '(No templates defined)' // MISSING
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stil',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Format',
-		panelTitle	: 'Format',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatted',
-		tag_address	: 'Address',
-		tag_h1		: 'Heading 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Heading 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Heading 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Heading 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Heading 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Heading 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)' // MISSING
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Font',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Font'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Velièina',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Velièina'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Boja teksta',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Boja pozadine',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatska',
-		more			: 'Više boja...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Bosnian language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'bs' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'Browse Server', // MISSING
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokol',
+		upload: 'Å alji',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Å alji na server',
+		image: 'Slika',
+		flash: 'Flash', // MISSING
+		form: 'Form', // MISSING
+		checkbox: 'Checkbox', // MISSING
+		radio: 'Radio Button', // MISSING
+		textField: 'Text Field', // MISSING
+		textarea: 'Textarea', // MISSING
+		hiddenField: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
+		button: 'Button',
+		select: 'Selection Field', // MISSING
+		imageButton: 'Image Button', // MISSING
+		notSet: '<nije podešeno>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Naziv',
+		langDir: 'Smjer pisanja',
+		langDirLtr: 'S lijeva na desno (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'S desna na lijevo (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Jezièni kôd',
+		longDescr: 'Dugaèki opis URL-a',
+		cssClass: 'Klase CSS stilova',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Advisory title',
+		cssStyle: 'Stil',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Odustani',
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: 'Prikaži',
+		resize: 'Resize', // MISSING
+		generalTab: 'General', // MISSING
+		advancedTab: 'Naprednije',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
+		options: 'Options', // MISSING
+		target: 'Prozor',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'S lijeva na desno (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'S desna na lijevo (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Stil',
+		cssClasses: 'Klase CSS stilova',
+		width: 'Å irina',
+		height: 'Visina',
+		align: 'Poravnanje',
+		alignLeft: 'Lijevo',
+		alignRight: 'Desno',
+		alignCenter: 'Centar',
+		alignTop: 'Vrh',
+		alignMiddle: 'Sredina',
+		alignBottom: 'Dno',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ca.js
index ca828cd..85e027b 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ca.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ca.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Catalan language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['ca'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Editor de text enriquit, %1, prem ALT 0 per obtenir ajuda.',
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Barra d\'eines',
-	editor	: 'Editor de text enriquit',
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Codi font',
-	newPage			: 'Nova pàgina',
-	save			: 'Desa',
-	preview			: 'Visualització prèvia',
-	cut				: 'Retalla',
-	copy			: 'Copia',
-	paste			: 'Enganxa',
-	print			: 'Imprimeix',
-	underline		: 'Subratllat',
-	bold			: 'Negreta',
-	italic			: 'Cursiva',
-	selectAll		: 'Selecciona-ho tot',
-	removeFormat	: 'Elimina Format',
-	strike			: 'Barrat',
-	subscript		: 'Subíndex',
-	superscript		: 'Superíndex',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Insereix línia horitzontal',
-	pagebreak		: 'Insereix salt de pàgina',
-	unlink			: 'Elimina l\'enllaç',
-	undo			: 'Desfés',
-	redo			: 'Refés',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Veure servidor',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protocol',
-		upload			: 'Puja',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Envia-la al servidor',
-		image			: 'Imatge',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Formulari',
-		checkbox		: 'Casella de verificació',
-		radio			: 'Botó d\'opció',
-		textField		: 'Camp de text',
-		textarea		: 'Àrea de text',
-		hiddenField		: 'Camp ocult',
-		button			: 'Botó',
-		select			: 'Camp de selecció',
-		imageButton		: 'Botó d\'imatge',
-		notSet			: '<no definit>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Nom',
-		langDir			: 'Direcció de l\'idioma',
-		langDirLtr		: 'D\'esquerra a dreta (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'De dreta a esquerra (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Codi d\'idioma',
-		longDescr		: 'Descripció llarga de la URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Classes del full d\'estil',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Títol consultiu',
-		cssStyle		: 'Estil',
-		ok				: 'D\'acord',
-		cancel			: 'Cancel·la',
-		close			: 'Tanca',
-		preview			: 'Previsualitza',
-		generalTab		: 'General',
-		advancedTab		: 'Avançat',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Aquest valor no és un número.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Els canvis en aquest contingut que no es desin es perdran. Esteu segur que voleu carregar una pàgina nova?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Algunes opcions s\'han canviat. Esteu segur que voleu tancar la finestra de diàleg?',
-		options			: 'Opcions',
-		target			: 'Destí',
-		targetNew		: 'Nova finestra (_blank)',
-		targetTop		: 'Finestra major (_top)',
-		targetSelf		: 'Mateixa finestra (_self)',
-		targetParent	: 'Finestra pare (_parent)',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, no disponible</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Insereix caràcter especial',
-		title		: 'Selecciona el caràcter especial',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Insereix/Edita enllaç',
-		other 		: '<altre>',
-		menu		: 'Edita l\'enllaç',
-		title		: 'Enllaç',
-		info		: 'Informació de l\'enllaç',
-		target		: 'Destí',
-		upload		: 'Puja',
-		advanced	: 'Avançat',
-		type		: 'Tipus d\'enllaç',
-		toUrl		: 'URL',
-		toAnchor	: 'Àncora en aquesta pàgina',
-		toEmail		: 'Correu electrònic',
-		targetFrame		: '<marc>',
-		targetPopup		: '<finestra emergent>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Nom del marc de destí',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Nom finestra popup',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Característiques finestra popup',
-		popupResizable	: 'Redimensionable',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Barra d\'estat',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Barra d\'adreça',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Barra d\'eines',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Barra de menú',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Pantalla completa (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Barres d\'scroll',
-		popupDependent	: 'Depenent (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Amplada',
-		popupLeft		: 'Posició esquerra',
-		popupHeight		: 'Alçada',
-		popupTop		: 'Posició dalt',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Direcció de l\'idioma',
-		langDirLTR		: 'D\'esquerra a dreta (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'De dreta a esquerra (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Clau d\'accés',
-		name			: 'Nom',
-		langCode		: 'Direcció de l\'idioma',
-		tabIndex		: 'Index de Tab',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Títol consultiu',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Tipus de contingut consultiu',
-		cssClasses		: 'Classes del full d\'estil',
-		charset			: 'Conjunt de caràcters font enllaçat',
-		styles			: 'Estil',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Selecciona una àncora',
-		anchorName		: 'Per nom d\'àncora',
-		anchorId		: 'Per Id d\'element',
-		emailAddress	: 'Adreça de correu electrònic',
-		emailSubject	: 'Assumpte del missatge',
-		emailBody		: 'Cos del missatge',
-		noAnchors		: '(No hi ha àncores disponibles en aquest document)',
-		noUrl			: 'Si us plau, escrigui l\'enllaç URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Si us plau, escrigui l\'adreça correu electrònic'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Insereix/Edita àncora',
-		menu		: 'Propietats de l\'àncora',
-		title		: 'Propietats de l\'àncora',
-		name		: 'Nom de l\'àncora',
-		errorName	: 'Si us plau, escriviu el nom de l\'ancora'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Cerca i reemplaça',
-		find				: 'Cerca',
-		replace				: 'Reemplaça',
-		findWhat			: 'Cerca:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Remplaça amb:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'El text especificat no s\'ha trobat.',
-		matchCase			: 'Distingeix majúscules/minúscules',
-		matchWord			: 'Només paraules completes',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic',
-		replaceAll			: 'Reemplaça-ho tot',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 ocurrència/es reemplaçada/es.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Taula',
-		title		: 'Propietats de la taula',
-		menu		: 'Propietats de la taula',
-		deleteTable	: 'Suprimeix la taula',
-		rows		: 'Files',
-		columns		: 'Columnes',
-		border		: 'Mida vora',
-		align		: 'Alineació',
-		alignLeft	: 'Esquerra',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centre',
-		alignRight	: 'Dreta',
-		width		: 'Amplada',
-		widthPx		: 'píxels',
-		widthPc		: 'percentatge',
-		widthUnit	: 'unitat d\'amplada',
-		height		: 'Alçada',
-		cellSpace	: 'Espaiat de cel·les',
-		cellPad		: 'Encoixinament de cel·les',
-		caption		: 'Títol',
-		summary		: 'Resum',
-		headers		: 'Capçaleres',
-		headersNone		: 'Cap',
-		headersColumn	: 'Primera columna',
-		headersRow		: 'Primera fila',
-		headersBoth		: 'Ambdues',
-		invalidRows		: 'El nombre de files ha de ser un nombre major que 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'El nombre de columnes ha de ser un nombre major que 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'El gruix de la vora ha de ser un nombre.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'L\'amplada de la taula  ha de ser un nombre.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'L\'alçada de la taula  ha de ser un nombre.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'L\'espaiat de cel·la  ha de ser un nombre.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'L\'encoixinament de cel·la  ha de ser un nombre.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cel·la',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insereix cel·la abans de',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insereix cel·la darrera',
-			deleteCell		: 'Suprimeix les cel·les',
-			merge			: 'Fusiona les cel·les',
-			mergeRight		: 'Fusiona cap a la dreta',
-			mergeDown		: 'Fusiona cap avall',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Divideix la cel·la horitzontalment',
-			splitVertical	: 'Divideix la cel·la verticalment',
-			title			: 'Propertiat de la cel·la',
-			cellType		: 'Tipus de cel·la',
-			rowSpan			: 'Expansió de files',
-			colSpan			: 'Expansió de columnes',
-			wordWrap		: 'Ajustar al contingut',
-			hAlign			: 'Aliniació Horizontal',
-			vAlign			: 'Aliniació Vertical',
-			alignTop		: 'A dalt',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Al mig',
-			alignBottom		: 'A baix',
-			alignBaseline	: 'A la línia base',
-			bgColor			: 'Color de fons',
-			borderColor		: 'Color de la vora',
-			data			: 'Data',
-			header			: 'Capçalera',
-			yes				: 'Sí',
-			no				: 'No',
-			invalidWidth	: 'L\'amplada de cel·la ha de ser un nombre.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'L\'alçada de cel·la ha de ser un nombre.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'L\'expansió de files ha de ser un nombre enter.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'L\'expansió de columnes ha de ser un nombre enter.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Trieu'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Fila',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insereix fila abans de',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insereix fila darrera',
-			deleteRow		: 'Suprimeix una fila'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Columna',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insereix columna abans de',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insereix columna darrera',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Suprimeix una columna'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propietats del botó',
-		text		: 'Text (Valor)',
-		type		: 'Tipus',
-		typeBtn		: 'Botó',
-		typeSbm		: 'Transmet formulari',
-		typeRst		: 'Reinicia formulari'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Propietats de la casella de verificació',
-		radioTitle	: 'Propietats del botó d\'opció',
-		value		: 'Valor',
-		selected	: 'Seleccionat'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propietats del formulari',
-		menu		: 'Propietats del formulari',
-		action		: 'Acció',
-		method		: 'Mètode',
-		encoding	: 'Codificació'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propietats del camp de selecció',
-		selectInfo	: 'Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Opcions disponibles',
-		value		: 'Valor',
-		size		: 'Mida',
-		lines		: 'Línies',
-		chkMulti	: 'Permet múltiples seleccions',
-		opText		: 'Text',
-		opValue		: 'Valor',
-		btnAdd		: 'Afegeix',
-		btnModify	: 'Modifica',
-		btnUp		: 'Amunt',
-		btnDown		: 'Avall',
-		btnSetValue : 'Selecciona per defecte',
-		btnDelete	: 'Elimina'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propietats de l\'àrea de text',
-		cols		: 'Columnes',
-		rows		: 'Files'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propietats del camp de text',
-		name		: 'Nom',
-		value		: 'Valor',
-		charWidth	: 'Amplada',
-		maxChars	: 'Nombre màxim de caràcters',
-		type		: 'Tipus',
-		typeText	: 'Text',
-		typePass	: 'Contrasenya'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Propietats del camp ocult',
-		name	: 'Nom',
-		value	: 'Valor'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propietats de la imatge',
-		titleButton	: 'Propietats del botó d\'imatge',
-		menu		: 'Propietats de la imatge',
-		infoTab		: 'Informació de la imatge',
-		btnUpload	: 'Envia-la al servidor',
-		upload		: 'Puja',
-		alt			: 'Text alternatiu',
-		width		: 'Amplada',
-		height		: 'Alçada',
-		lockRatio	: 'Bloqueja les proporcions',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Desbloqueja el ràtio',
-		resetSize	: 'Restaura la mida',
-		border		: 'Vora',
-		hSpace		: 'Espaiat horit.',
-		vSpace		: 'Espaiat vert.',
-		align		: 'Alineació',
-		alignLeft	: 'Ajusta a l\'esquerra',
-		alignRight	: 'Ajusta a la dreta',
-		alertUrl	: 'Si us plau, escriviu la URL de la imatge',
-		linkTab		: 'Enllaç',
-		button2Img	: 'Voleu transformar el botó d\'imatge seleccionat en una simple imatge?',
-		img2Button	: 'Voleu transformar la imatge seleccionada en un botó d\'imatge?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Falta la URL de la imatge.',
-		validateWidth	: 'L\'amplada ha de ser un nombre enter.',
-		validateHeight	: 'L\'alçada ha de ser un nombre enter.',
-		validateBorder	: 'La vora ha de ser un nombre enter.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace ha de ser un nombre enter.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace ha de ser un nombre enter.'
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Propietats del Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Propietats',
-		title			: 'Propietats del Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Reprodució automàtica',
-		chkLoop			: 'Bucle',
-		chkMenu			: 'Habilita menú Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Permetre la pantalla completa',
- 		scale			: 'Escala',
-		scaleAll		: 'Mostra-ho tot',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Sense vores',
-		scaleFit		: 'Mida exacta',
-		access			: 'Accés a scripts',
-		accessAlways	: 'Sempre',
-		accessSameDomain: 'El mateix domini',
-		accessNever		: 'Mai',
-		align			: 'Alineació',
-		alignLeft		: 'Ajusta a l\'esquerra',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs Bottom',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs Middle',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Baseline',
-		alignBottom		: 'Bottom',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Middle',
-		alignRight		: 'Ajusta a la dreta',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Text Top',
-		alignTop		: 'Top',
-		quality			: 'Qualitat',
-		qualityBest		: 'La millor',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Alta',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Alta automàtica',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Mitjana',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Baixa automàtica',
-		qualityLow		: 'Baixa',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Finestra',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaca',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent',
-		windowMode		: 'Mode de la finestra',
-		flashvars		: 'Variables de Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Color de Fons',
-		width			: 'Amplada',
-		height			: 'Alçada',
-		hSpace			: 'Espaiat horit.',
-		vSpace			: 'Espaiat vert.',
-		validateSrc		: 'Si us plau, escrigui l\'enllaç URL',
-		validateWidth	: 'L\'amplada ha de ser un nombre.',
-		validateHeight	: 'L\'alçada ha de ser un nombre.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'L\'espaiat horitzonatal ha de ser un nombre.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'L\'espaiat vertical ha de ser un nombre.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Revisa l\'ortografia',
-		title			: 'Comprova l\'ortografia',
-		notAvailable	: 'El servei no es troba disponible ara.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Error carregant el servidor: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'No és al diccionari',
-		changeTo		: 'Reemplaça amb',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignora',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignora-les totes',
-		btnReplace		: 'Canvia',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Canvia-les totes',
-		btnUndo			: 'Desfés',
-		noSuggestions	: 'Cap suggeriment',
-		progress		: 'Verificació ortogràfica en curs...',
-		noMispell		: 'Verificació ortogràfica acabada: no hi ha cap paraula mal escrita',
-		noChanges		: 'Verificació ortogràfica: no s\'ha canviat cap paraula',
-		oneChange		: 'Verificació ortogràfica: s\'ha canviat una paraula',
-		manyChanges		: 'Verificació ortogràfica: s\'han canviat %1 paraules',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Verificació ortogràfica no instal·lada. Voleu descarregar-ho ara?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Icona',
-		title	: 'Insereix una icona',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path',
-		eleTitle : '%1 element'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Llista numerada',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Llista de pics',
-	indent			: 'Augmenta el sagnat',
-	outdent			: 'Redueix el sagnat',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Alinia a l\'esquerra',
-		center	: 'Centrat',
-		right	: 'Alinia a la dreta',
-		block	: 'Justificat'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Bloc de cita',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Enganxa',
-		cutError	: 'La seguretat del vostre navegador no permet executar automàticament les operacions de retallar. Si us plau, utilitzeu el teclat (Ctrl+X).',
-		copyError	: 'La seguretat del vostre navegador no permet executar automàticament les operacions de copiar. Si us plau, utilitzeu el teclat (Ctrl+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Si us plau, enganxeu dins del següent camp utilitzant el teclat (<STRONG>Ctrl+V</STRONG>) i premeu <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'A causa de la configuració de seguretat del vostre navegador, l\'editor no pot accedir al porta-retalls directament. Enganxeu-ho un altre cop en aquesta finestra.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Àrea d\'enganxat'
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'El text que voleu enganxar sembla provenir de Word. Voleu netejar aquest text abans que sigui enganxat?',
-		toolbar			: 'Enganxa des del Word',
-		title			: 'Enganxa des del Word',
-		error			: 'No ha estat possible netejar les dades enganxades degut a un error intern'
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Enganxa com a text no formatat',
-		title	: 'Enganxa com a text no formatat'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Plantilles',
-		title			: 'Contingut plantilles',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Reemplaça el contingut actual',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Si us plau, seleccioneu la plantilla per obrir a l\'editor<br>(el contingut actual no serà enregistrat):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(No hi ha plantilles definides)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Mostra els blocs',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Estil',
-		panelTitle	: 'Estils de format',
-		panelTitle1	: 'Estils de bloc',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Estils incrustats',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Estils d\'objecte'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Format',
-		panelTitle	: 'Format',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatejat',
-		tag_address	: 'Adreça',
-		tag_h1		: 'Encapçalament 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Encapçalament 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Encapçalament 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Encapçalament 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Encapçalament 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Encapçalament 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Crea un contenidor Div',
-		toolbar				: 'Crea un contenidor Div',
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Classes de la fulla d\'estils',
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Estil',
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id',
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Codi d\'idioma',
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Estil en línia',
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Títol de guia',
-		langDirLabel		: 'Direcció de l\'idioma',
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'D\'esquerra a dreta (LTR)',
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'De dreta a esquerra (RTL)',
-		edit				: 'Edita Div',
-		remove				: 'Elimina Div'
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Tipus de lletra',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Tipus de lletra',
-		panelTitle	: 'Tipus de lletra'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Mida',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Mida de la lletra',
-		panelTitle	: 'Mida'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Color de Text',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Color de Fons',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors',
-		auto			: 'Automàtic',
-		more			: 'Més colors...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Negre',
-		'800000' : 'Granat',
-		'8B4513' : 'Marró sella',
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Gris pissarra fosca',
-		'008080' : 'Blau xarxet',
-		'000080' : 'Blau marí',
-		'4B0082' : 'Indi',
-		'696969' : 'Gris intens',
-		'B22222' : 'Maó',
-		'A52A2A' : 'Marró (web)',
-		'DAA520' : 'Solidago',
-		'006400' : 'Verd fosc',
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquesa',
-		'0000CD' : 'Atzur',
-		'800080' : 'Lila',
-		'808080' : 'Gris',
-		'F00' : 'Vermell',
-		'FF8C00' : 'Taronja fosc',
-		'FFD700' : 'Or',
-		'008000' : 'Verd',
-		'0FF' : 'Cian',
-		'00F' : 'Blau',
-		'EE82EE' : 'Lavanda rosat',
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Gris clar',
-		'FFA07A' : 'Salmó clar',
-		'FFA500' : 'Taronja',
-		'FFFF00' : 'Groc',
-		'00FF00' : 'Verd llima',
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Blau pàlid',
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Blau clar',
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Pruna',
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Gris clar',
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavanda rosat',
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Blanc antic',
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Groc clar',
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Verd pàlid',
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Blau cel pàlid',
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Cian pàlid',
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavanda',
-		'FFF' : 'Blanc'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Habilitat l\'SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'Deshabilita SCAYT',
-		about			: 'Quant a l\'SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'Commuta l\'SCAYT',
-		options			: 'Opcions',
-		langs			: 'Idiomes',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Més suggerències',
-		ignore			: 'Ignora',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignora\'ls tots',
-		addWord			: 'Afegeix una paraula',
-		emptyDic		: 'El nom del diccionari no hauria d\'estar buit.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Opcions',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Idiomes',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Diccionaris',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'Quant a'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'Quan al CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'Quan al CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'Per informació sobre llicències visiteu el web:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximitza',
-	minimize : 'Minimitza',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Àncora',
-		flash	: 'Animació Flash',
-		div		: 'Salt de pàgina',
-		unknown	: 'Objecte desconegut'
-	},
-	resize : 'Arrossegueu per redimensionar',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Selecciona el color',
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Destacat',
-		selected	: 'Seleccionat',
-		clear		: 'Neteja'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Redueix la barra d\'eines',
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Amplia la barra d\'eines',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Catalan language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'ca' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Editor de text enriquit',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Premeu ALT 0 per ajuda',
+		browseServer: 'Veure servidor',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protocol',
+		upload: 'Puja',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Envia-la al servidor',
+		image: 'Imatge',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Formulari',
+		checkbox: 'Casella de verificació',
+		radio: 'Botó d\'opció',
+		textField: 'Camp de text',
+		textarea: 'Àrea de text',
+		hiddenField: 'Camp ocult',
+		button: 'Botó',
+		select: 'Camp de selecció',
+		imageButton: 'Botó d\'imatge',
+		notSet: '<no definit>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Nom',
+		langDir: 'Direcció de l\'idioma',
+		langDirLtr: 'D\'esquerra a dreta (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'De dreta a esquerra (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Codi d\'idioma',
+		longDescr: 'Descripció llarga de la URL',
+		cssClass: 'Classes del full d\'estil',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Títol consultiu',
+		cssStyle: 'Estil',
+		ok: 'D\'acord',
+		cancel: 'Cancel·la',
+		close: 'Tanca',
+		preview: 'Previsualitza',
+		resize: 'Arrossegueu per redimensionar',
+		generalTab: 'General',
+		advancedTab: 'Avançat',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Aquest valor no és un número.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Els canvis en aquest contingut que no es desin es perdran. Esteu segur que voleu carregar una pàgina nova?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Algunes opcions s\'han canviat. Esteu segur que voleu tancar la finestra de diàleg?',
+		options: 'Opcions',
+		target: 'Destí',
+		targetNew: 'Nova finestra (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Finestra major (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Mateixa finestra (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Finestra pare (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'D\'esquerra a dreta (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'De dreta a esquerra (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Estil',
+		cssClasses: 'Classes del full d\'estil',
+		width: 'Amplada',
+		height: 'Alçada',
+		align: 'Alineació',
+		alignLeft: 'Ajusta a l\'esquerra',
+		alignRight: 'Ajusta a la dreta',
+		alignCenter: 'Centre',
+		alignTop: 'Superior',
+		alignMiddle: 'Centre',
+		alignBottom: 'Inferior',
+		invalidValue	: 'Valor no vàlid.',
+		invalidHeight: 'L\'alçada ha de ser un nombre.',
+		invalidWidth: 'L\'amplada ha de ser un nombre.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'El valor especificat per als "%1" camps ha de ser un número positiu amb o sense unitat de mesura vàlida de CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt o pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'El valor especificat per als "%1" camps ha de ser un número positiu amb o sense unitat de mesura vàlida d\'HTML (px o %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'El valor especificat per l\'estil en línia ha de constar d\'una o més tuples amb el format "name: value", separats per punt i coma.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Introduïu un número per un valor en píxels o un número amb una unitat vàlida de CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt o pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, no disponible</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/cs.js
index f7b5f8c..78bb5b5 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/cs.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/cs.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Czech language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['cs'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Zdroj',
-	newPage			: 'Nová stránka',
-	save			: 'Uložit',
-	preview			: 'Náhled',
-	cut				: 'Vyjmout',
-	copy			: 'Kopírovat',
-	paste			: 'Vložit',
-	print			: 'Tisk',
-	underline		: 'Podtržené',
-	bold			: 'Tučné',
-	italic			: 'Kurzíva',
-	selectAll		: 'Vybrat vše',
-	removeFormat	: 'Odstranit formátování',
-	strike			: 'Přeškrtnuté',
-	subscript		: 'Dolní index',
-	superscript		: 'Horní index',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Vložit vodorovnou linku',
-	pagebreak		: 'Vložit konec stránky',
-	unlink			: 'Odstranit odkaz',
-	undo			: 'Zpět',
-	redo			: 'Znovu',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Vybrat na serveru',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokol',
-		upload			: 'Odeslat',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Odeslat na server',
-		image			: 'Obrázek',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Formulář',
-		checkbox		: 'Zaškrtávací políčko',
-		radio			: 'Přepínač',
-		textField		: 'Textové pole',
-		textarea		: 'Textová oblast',
-		hiddenField		: 'Skryté pole',
-		button			: 'Tlačítko',
-		select			: 'Seznam',
-		imageButton		: 'Obrázkové tlačítko',
-		notSet			: '<nenastaveno>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Jméno',
-		langDir			: 'Orientace jazyka',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Zleva do prava (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Zprava do leva (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Kód jazyka',
-		longDescr		: 'Dlouhý popis URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Třída stylu',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Pomocný titulek',
-		cssStyle		: 'Styl',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Storno',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Obecné',
-		advancedTab		: 'Rozšířené',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Zadaná hodnota není číselná.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Jakékoliv neuložené změny obsahu budou ztraceny. Skutečně chete otevrít novou stránku?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Některá z nastavení byla změněna. Skutečně chete zavřít dialogové okno?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, nedostupné</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Vložit speciální znaky',
-		title		: 'Výběr speciálního znaku',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Vložit/změnit odkaz',
-		other 		: '<jiný>',
-		menu		: 'Změnit odkaz',
-		title		: 'Odkaz',
-		info		: 'Informace o odkazu',
-		target		: 'Cíl',
-		upload		: 'Odeslat',
-		advanced	: 'Rozšířené',
-		type		: 'Typ odkazu',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Kotva v této stránce',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<rámec>',
-		targetPopup		: '<vyskakovací okno>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Název cílového rámu',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Název vyskakovacího okna',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Vlastnosti vyskakovacího okna',
-		popupResizable	: 'Umožňující měnit velikost',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Stavový řádek',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Panel umístění',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Panel nástrojů',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Panel nabídky',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Celá obrazovka (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Posuvníky',
-		popupDependent	: 'Závislost (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Šířka',
-		popupLeft		: 'Levý okraj',
-		popupHeight		: 'Výška',
-		popupTop		: 'Horní okraj',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Orientace jazyka',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Zleva do prava (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Zprava do leva (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Přístupový klíč',
-		name			: 'Jméno',
-		langCode		: 'Orientace jazyka',
-		tabIndex		: 'Pořadí prvku',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Pomocný titulek',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Pomocný typ obsahu',
-		cssClasses		: 'Třída stylu',
-		charset			: 'Přiřazená znaková sada',
-		styles			: 'Styl',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Vybrat kotvu',
-		anchorName		: 'Podle jména kotvy',
-		anchorId		: 'Podle Id objektu',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-Mailová adresa',
-		emailSubject	: 'Předmět zprávy',
-		emailBody		: 'Tělo zprávy',
-		noAnchors		: '(Ve stránce není definována žádná kotva!)',
-		noUrl			: 'Zadejte prosím URL odkazu',
-		noEmail			: 'Zadejte prosím e-mailovou adresu'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Vložít/změnit záložku',
-		menu		: 'Vlastnosti záložky',
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti záložky',
-		name		: 'Název záložky',
-		errorName	: 'Zadejte prosím název záložky'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Najít a nahradit',
-		find				: 'Hledat',
-		replace				: 'Nahradit',
-		findWhat			: 'Co hledat:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Čím nahradit:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Hledaný text nebyl nalezen.',
-		matchCase			: 'Rozlišovat velikost písma',
-		matchWord			: 'Pouze celá slova',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Procházet opakovaně',
-		replaceAll			: 'Nahradit vše',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 nahrazení.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabulka',
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti tabulky',
-		menu		: 'Vlastnosti tabulky',
-		deleteTable	: 'Smazat tabulku',
-		rows		: 'Řádky',
-		columns		: 'Sloupce',
-		border		: 'Ohraničení',
-		align		: 'Zarovnání',
-		alignLeft	: 'Vlevo',
-		alignCenter	: 'Na střed',
-		alignRight	: 'Vpravo',
-		width		: 'Šířka',
-		widthPx		: 'bodů',
-		widthPc		: 'procent',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Výška',
-		cellSpace	: 'Vzdálenost buněk',
-		cellPad		: 'Odsazení obsahu v buňce',
-		caption		: 'Popis',
-		summary		: 'Souhrn',
-		headers		: 'Záhlaví',
-		headersNone		: 'Žádné',
-		headersColumn	: 'První sloupec',
-		headersRow		: 'První řádek',
-		headersBoth		: 'Obojí',
-		invalidRows		: 'Počet řádků musí být číslo větší než 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Počet sloupců musí být číslo větší než 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Zdaná velikost okraje musí být číselná.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Zadaná šířka tabulky musí být číselná.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'zadaná výška tabulky musí být číselná.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Zadaná vzdálenost buněk musí být číselná.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Zadané odsazení obsahu v buňce musí být číselné.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Buňka',
-			insertBefore	: 'Vložit buňku před',
-			insertAfter		: 'Vložit buňku za',
-			deleteCell		: 'Smazat buňky',
-			merge			: 'Sloučit buňky',
-			mergeRight		: 'Sloučit doprava',
-			mergeDown		: 'Sloučit dolů',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Rozdělit buňky vodorovně',
-			splitVertical	: 'Rozdělit buňky svisle',
-			title			: 'Vlastnosti buňky',
-			cellType		: 'Typ buňky',
-			rowSpan			: 'Spojit řádky',
-			colSpan			: 'Spojit sloupce',
-			wordWrap		: 'Zalamování',
-			hAlign			: 'Vodorovné zarovnání',
-			vAlign			: 'Svislé zarovnání',
-			alignTop		: 'Nahoru',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Doprostřed',
-			alignBottom		: 'Dolů',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Na účaří',
-			bgColor			: 'Barva pozadí',
-			borderColor		: 'Barva okraje',
-			data			: 'Data',
-			header			: 'Hlavička',
-			yes				: 'Ano',
-			no				: 'Ne',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Zadaná šířka buňky musí být číslená.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Zadaná výška buňky musí být číslená.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Zadaný počet sloučených řádků musí být celé číslo.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Zadaný počet sloučených sloupců musí být celé číslo.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Výběr'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Řádek',
-			insertBefore	: 'Vložit řádek před',
-			insertAfter		: 'Vložit řádek za',
-			deleteRow		: 'Smazat řádky'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Sloupec',
-			insertBefore	: 'Vložit sloupec před',
-			insertAfter		: 'Vložit sloupec za',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Smazat sloupec'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti tlačítka',
-		text		: 'Popisek',
-		type		: 'Typ',
-		typeBtn		: 'Tlačítko',
-		typeSbm		: 'Odeslat',
-		typeRst		: 'Obnovit'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Vlastnosti zaškrtávacího políčka',
-		radioTitle	: 'Vlastnosti přepínače',
-		value		: 'Hodnota',
-		selected	: 'Zaškrtnuto'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti formuláře',
-		menu		: 'Vlastnosti formuláře',
-		action		: 'Akce',
-		method		: 'Metoda',
-		encoding	: 'Kódování'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti seznamu',
-		selectInfo	: 'Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Dostupná nastavení',
-		value		: 'Hodnota',
-		size		: 'Velikost',
-		lines		: 'Řádků',
-		chkMulti	: 'Povolit mnohonásobné výběry',
-		opText		: 'Text',
-		opValue		: 'Hodnota',
-		btnAdd		: 'Přidat',
-		btnModify	: 'Změnit',
-		btnUp		: 'Nahoru',
-		btnDown		: 'Dolů',
-		btnSetValue : 'Nastavit jako vybranou hodnotu',
-		btnDelete	: 'Smazat'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti textové oblasti',
-		cols		: 'Sloupců',
-		rows		: 'Řádků'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti textového pole',
-		name		: 'Název',
-		value		: 'Hodnota',
-		charWidth	: 'Šířka ve znacích',
-		maxChars	: 'Maximální počet znaků',
-		type		: 'Typ',
-		typeText	: 'Text',
-		typePass	: 'Heslo'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Vlastnosti skrytého pole',
-		name	: 'Název',
-		value	: 'Hodnota'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti obrázku',
-		titleButton	: 'Vlastností obrázkového tlačítka',
-		menu		: 'Vlastnosti obrázku',
-		infoTab		: 'Informace o obrázku',
-		btnUpload	: 'Odeslat na server',
-		upload		: 'Odeslat',
-		alt			: 'Alternativní text',
-		width		: 'Šířka',
-		height		: 'Výška',
-		lockRatio	: 'Zámek',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Původní velikost',
-		border		: 'Okraje',
-		hSpace		: 'H-mezera',
-		vSpace		: 'V-mezera',
-		align		: 'Zarovnání',
-		alignLeft	: 'Vlevo',
-		alignRight	: 'Vpravo',
-		alertUrl	: 'Zadejte prosím URL obrázku',
-		linkTab		: 'Odkaz',
-		button2Img	: 'Skutečně chcete převést zvolené obrázkové tlačítko na obyčejný obrázek?',
-		img2Button	: 'Skutečně chcete převést zvolený obrázek na obrázkové tlačítko?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Zadané URL zdroje obrázku nebylo nalezeno.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Vlastnosti Flashe',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Vlastnosti',
-		title			: 'Vlastnosti Flashe',
-		chkPlay			: 'Automatické spuštění',
-		chkLoop			: 'Opakování',
-		chkMenu			: 'Nabídka Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Povolit celoobrazovkový režim',
- 		scale			: 'Zobrazit',
-		scaleAll		: 'Zobrazit vše',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Bez okraje',
-		scaleFit		: 'Přizpůsobit',
-		access			: 'Přístup ke skriptu',
-		accessAlways	: 'Vždy',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Ve stejné doméně',
-		accessNever		: 'Nikdy',
-		align			: 'Zarovnání',
-		alignLeft		: 'Vlevo',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Zcela dolů',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Doprostřed',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Na účaří',
-		alignBottom		: 'Dolů',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Na střed',
-		alignRight		: 'Vpravo',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Na horní okraj textu',
-		alignTop		: 'Nahoru',
-		quality			: 'Kvalita',
-		qualityBest		: 'Nejlepší',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Vysoká',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Vysoká - auto',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Střední',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Nízká - auto',
-		qualityLow		: 'Nejnižší',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Okno',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Neprůhledné',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Průhledné',
-		windowMode		: 'Režim okna',
-		flashvars		: 'Proměnné pro Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Barva pozadí',
-		width			: 'Šířka',
-		height			: 'Výška',
-		hSpace			: 'H-mezera',
-		vSpace			: 'V-mezera',
-		validateSrc		: 'Zadejte prosím URL odkazu',
-		validateWidth	: 'Zadaná šířka musí být číslo.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Zadaná výška musí být číslo.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'Zadaná H-mezera musí být číslo.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'Zadaná V-mezera musí být číslo.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Zkontrolovat pravopis',
-		title			: 'Kontrola pravopisu',
-		notAvailable	: 'Omlouváme se, ale služba nyní není dostupná.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Chyba nahrávání služby aplikace z: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Není ve slovníku',
-		changeTo		: 'Změnit na',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Přeskočit',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Přeskakovat vše',
-		btnReplace		: 'Zaměnit',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Zaměňovat vše',
-		btnUndo			: 'Zpět',
-		noSuggestions	: '- žádné návrhy -',
-		progress		: 'Probíhá kontrola pravopisu...',
-		noMispell		: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončena: Žádné pravopisné chyby nenalezeny',
-		noChanges		: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončena: Beze změn',
-		oneChange		: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončena: Jedno slovo změněno',
-		manyChanges		: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončena: %1 slov změněno',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Kontrola pravopisu není nainstalována. Chcete ji nyní stáhnout?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smajlíky',
-		title	: 'Vkládání smajlíků',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 objekt'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Číslování',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Odrážky',
-	indent			: 'Zvětšit odsazení',
-	outdent			: 'Zmenšit odsazení',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Zarovnat vlevo',
-		center	: 'Zarovnat na střed',
-		right	: 'Zarovnat vpravo',
-		block	: 'Zarovnat do bloku'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Citace',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vložit',
-		cutError	: 'Bezpečnostní nastavení Vašeho prohlížeče nedovolují editoru spustit funkci pro vyjmutí zvoleného textu do schránky. Prosím vyjměte zvolený text do schránky pomocí klávesnice (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Bezpečnostní nastavení Vašeho prohlížeče nedovolují editoru spustit funkci pro kopírování zvoleného textu do schránky. Prosím zkopírujte zvolený text do schránky pomocí klávesnice (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Do následujícího pole vložte požadovaný obsah pomocí klávesnice (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) a stiskněte <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Z důvodů nastavení bezpečnosti Vašeho prohlížeče nemůže editor přistupovat přímo do schránky. Obsah schránky prosím vložte znovu do tohoto okna.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Jak je vidět, vkládaný text je kopírován z Wordu. Chcete jej před vložením vyčistit?',
-		toolbar			: 'Vložit z Wordu',
-		title			: 'Vložit z Wordu',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Vložit jako čistý text',
-		title	: 'Vložit jako čistý text'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Å ablony',
-		title			: 'Å ablony obsahu',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Nahradit aktuální obsah',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Prosím zvolte šablonu pro otevření v editoru<br>(aktuální obsah editoru bude ztracen):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Není definována žádná šablona)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Ukázat bloky',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Styl',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Blokové styly',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Řádkové styly',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Objektové styly'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Formát',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formát',
-		tag_p		: 'Normální',
-		tag_pre		: 'Naformátováno',
-		tag_address	: 'Adresa',
-		tag_h1		: 'Nadpis 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Nadpis 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Nadpis 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Nadpis 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Nadpis 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Nadpis 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normální (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Písmo',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Písmo',
-		panelTitle	: 'Písmo'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Velikost',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Velikost písma',
-		panelTitle	: 'Velikost'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Barva textu',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Barva pozadí',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automaticky',
-		more			: 'Více barev...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Kontrola pravopisu během psaní (SCAYT)',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Zapnout SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'Vypnout SCAYT',
-		about			: 'O aplikaci SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'Vypínač SCAYT',
-		options			: 'Nastavení',
-		langs			: 'Jazyky',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Více návrhů',
-		ignore			: 'Přeskočit',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Přeskočit vše',
-		addWord			: 'Přidat slovo',
-		emptyDic		: 'Název slovníku nesmí být prázdný.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Nastavení',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Jazyky',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Slovníky',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'O aplikaci'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'O aplikaci CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'O aplikaci CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'Pro informace o lincenci navštivte naši webovou stránku:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximalizovat',
-	minimize : 'Minimalizovat',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Záložka',
-		flash	: 'Flash animace',
-		div		: 'Zalomení stránky',
-		unknown	: 'Neznámý objekt'
-	},
-	resize : 'Uchopit pro změnu velikosti',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Výběr barvy',
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Zvýraznit',
-		selected	: 'Vybráno',
-		clear		: 'Vyčistit'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Czech language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'cs' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Textový editor',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Stiskněte ALT 0 pro nápovědu',
+		browseServer: 'Vybrat na serveru',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokol',
+		upload: 'Odeslat',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Odeslat na server',
+		image: 'Obrázek',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Formulář',
+		checkbox: 'Zaškrtávací políčko',
+		radio: 'Přepínač',
+		textField: 'Textové pole',
+		textarea: 'Textová oblast',
+		hiddenField: 'Skryté pole',
+		button: 'Tlačítko',
+		select: 'Seznam',
+		imageButton: 'Obrázkové tlačítko',
+		notSet: '<nenastaveno>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Jméno',
+		langDir: 'Směr jazyka',
+		langDirLtr: 'Zleva doprava (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Zprava doleva (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Kód jazyka',
+		longDescr: 'Dlouhý popis URL',
+		cssClass: 'Třída stylu',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Pomocný titulek',
+		cssStyle: 'Styl',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Zrušit',
+		close: 'Zavřít',
+		preview: 'Náhled',
+		resize: 'Uchopit pro změnu velikosti',
+		generalTab: 'Obecné',
+		advancedTab: 'Rozšířené',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Zadaná hodnota není číselná.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Jakékoliv neuložené změny obsahu budou ztraceny. Skutečně chcete otevřít novou stránku?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Některá z nastavení byla změněna. Skutečně chcete zavřít dialogové okno?',
+		options: 'Nastavení',
+		target: 'Cíl',
+		targetNew: 'Nové okno (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Okno nejvyšší úrovně (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Stejné okno (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Rodičovské okno (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Zleva doprava (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Zprava doleva (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Styly',
+		cssClasses: 'Třídy stylů',
+		width: 'Šířka',
+		height: 'Výška',
+		align: 'Zarovnání',
+		alignLeft: 'Vlevo',
+		alignRight: 'Vpravo',
+		alignCenter: 'Na střed',
+		alignTop: 'Nahoru',
+		alignMiddle: 'Na střed',
+		alignBottom: 'Dolů',
+		invalidValue	: 'Neplatná hodnota.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Zadaná výška musí být číslo.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Šířka musí být číslo.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Hodnota určená pro pole "%1" musí být kladné číslo bez nebo s platnou jednotkou míry CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, nebo pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Hodnota určená pro pole "%1" musí být kladné číslo bez nebo s platnou jednotkou míry HTML (px nebo %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Hodnota určená pro řádkový styl se musí skládat z jedné nebo více n-tic ve formátu "název : hodnota", oddělené středníky',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Zadejte číslo jako hodnotu v pixelech nebo číslo s platnou jednotkou CSS (px, %, v cm, mm, em, ex, pt, nebo pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, nedostupné</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/cy.js
index 89813d4..c5ffbaa 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/cy.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/cy.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Welsh language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['cy'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Tarddle',
-	newPage			: 'Tudalen newydd',
-	save			: 'Cadw',
-	preview			: 'Rhagolwg',
-	cut				: 'Torri',
-	copy			: 'Copïo',
-	paste			: 'Gludo',
-	print			: 'Argraffu',
-	underline		: 'Tanlinellu',
-	bold			: 'Bras',
-	italic			: 'Italig',
-	selectAll		: 'Dewis Popeth',
-	removeFormat	: 'Tynnu Fformat',
-	strike			: 'Llinell Trwyddo',
-	subscript		: 'Is-sgript',
-	superscript		: 'Uwchsgript',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Mewnosod Llinell Lorweddol',
-	pagebreak		: 'Mewnosod Toriad Tudalen i Argraffu',
-	unlink			: 'Datgysylltu',
-	undo			: 'Dadwneud',
-	redo			: 'Ailadrodd',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Pori\'r Gweinydd',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protocol',
-		upload			: 'Lanlwytho',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Anfon i\'r Gweinydd',
-		image			: 'Delwedd',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Ffurflen',
-		checkbox		: 'Blwch ticio',
-		radio			: 'Botwm Radio',
-		textField		: 'Maes Testun',
-		textarea		: 'Ardal Testun',
-		hiddenField		: 'Maes Cudd',
-		button			: 'Botwm',
-		select			: 'Maes Dewis',
-		imageButton		: 'Botwm Delwedd',
-		notSet			: '<heb osod>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Name',
-		langDir			: 'Cyfeiriad Iaith',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Chwith i\'r Dde (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Dde i\'r Chwith (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Cod Iaith',
-		longDescr		: 'URL Disgrifiad Hir',
-		cssClass		: 'Dosbarth Dalen Arddull',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Teitl Cynghorol',
-		cssStyle		: 'Arddull',
-		ok				: 'Iawn',
-		cancel			: 'Diddymu',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Cyffredinol',
-		advancedTab		: 'Uwch',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Nid yw\'r gwerth hwn yn rhif.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Byddwch yn colli unrhyw newidiadau i\'r cynnwys sydd heb eu cadw. A ydych am barhau i lwytho tudalen newydd?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Mae rhai o\'r opsiynau wedi\'u newid. A ydych wir am gau\'r deialog?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, ddim ar gael</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Mewnosod Nodau Arbennig',
-		title		: 'Dewis Nod Arbennig',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Dolen',
-		other 		: '<eraill>',
-		menu		: 'Golygu Dolen',
-		title		: 'Dolen',
-		info		: 'Gwyb ar y Ddolen',
-		target		: 'Targed',
-		upload		: 'Lanlwytho',
-		advanced	: 'Uwch',
-		type		: 'Math y Ddolen',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Dolen at angor yn y testun',
-		toEmail		: 'E-bost',
-		targetFrame		: '<ffrâm>',
-		targetPopup		: '<ffenestr bop>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Enw Ffrâm y Targed',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Enw Ffenestr Bop',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Nodweddion Ffenestr Bop',
-		popupResizable	: 'Ailfeintiol',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Bar Statws',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Bar Safle',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Bar Offer',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Dewislen',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Sgrin Llawn (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Barrau Sgrolio',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dibynnol (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Lled',
-		popupLeft		: 'Safle Chwith',
-		popupHeight		: 'Uchder',
-		popupTop		: 'Safle Top',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Cyfeiriad Iaith',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Chwith i\'r Dde (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Dde i\'r Chwith (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Allwedd Mynediad',
-		name			: 'Enw',
-		langCode		: 'Cod Iaith',
-		tabIndex		: 'Indecs Tab',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Teitl Cynghorol',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Math y Cynnwys Cynghorol',
-		cssClasses		: 'Dosbarthiadau Dalen Arddull',
-		charset			: 'Set nodau\'r Adnodd Cysylltiedig',
-		styles			: 'Arddull',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Dewiswch Angor',
-		anchorName		: 'Gan Enw\'r Angor',
-		anchorId		: 'Gan Id yr Elfen',
-		emailAddress	: 'Cyfeiriad E-Bost',
-		emailSubject	: 'Testun y Message Subject',
-		emailBody		: 'Pwnc y Neges',
-		noAnchors		: '(Dim angorau ar gael yn y ddogfen)',
-		noUrl			: 'Teipiwch URL y ddolen',
-		noEmail			: 'Teipiwch gyfeiriad yr e-bost'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Angor',
-		menu		: 'Golygwch yr Angor',
-		title		: 'Priodweddau\'r Angor',
-		name		: 'Enw\'r Angor',
-		errorName	: 'Teipiwch enw\'r angor'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Chwilio ac Amnewid',
-		find				: 'Chwilio',
-		replace				: 'Amnewid',
-		findWhat			: 'Chwilio\'r term:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Amnewid gyda:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Nid oedd y testun wedi\'i ddarganfod.',
-		matchCase			: 'Cyfateb i\'r cas',
-		matchWord			: 'Cyfateb gair cyfan',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Cyfateb cylchol',
-		replaceAll			: 'Amnewid pob un',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: 'Amnewidiwyd %1 achlysur.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabl',
-		title		: 'Nodweddion Tabl',
-		menu		: 'Nodweddion Tabl',
-		deleteTable	: 'Dileu Tabl',
-		rows		: 'Rhesi',
-		columns		: 'Colofnau',
-		border		: 'Maint yr Ymyl',
-		align		: 'Aliniad',
-		alignLeft	: 'Chwith',
-		alignCenter	: 'Canol',
-		alignRight	: 'Dde',
-		width		: 'Lled',
-		widthPx		: 'picsel',
-		widthPc		: 'y cant',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Uchder',
-		cellSpace	: 'Bylchu\'r gell',
-		cellPad		: 'Padio\'r gell',
-		caption		: 'Pennawd',
-		summary		: 'Crynodeb',
-		headers		: 'Penynnau',
-		headersNone		: 'Dim',
-		headersColumn	: 'Colofn gyntaf',
-		headersRow		: 'Rhes gyntaf',
-		headersBoth		: 'Y Ddau',
-		invalidRows		: 'Mae\'n rhaid cael o leiaf un rhes.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Mae\'n rhaid cael o leiaf un golofn.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Mae\'n rhaid i faint yr ymyl fod yn rhif.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Mae\'n rhaid i led y tabl fod yn rhif.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Mae\'n rhaid i uchder y tabl fod yn rhif.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Mae\'n rhaid i fylchiad y gell fod yn rhif.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Mae\'n rhaid i badiad y gell fod yn rhif.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cell',
-			insertBefore	: 'Mewnosod Cell Cyn',
-			insertAfter		: 'Mewnosod Cell Ar Ôl',
-			deleteCell		: 'Dileu Celloedd',
-			merge			: 'Cyfuno Celloedd',
-			mergeRight		: 'Cyfuno i\'r Dde',
-			mergeDown		: 'Cyfuno i Lawr',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Hollti\'r Gell yn Lorweddol',
-			splitVertical	: 'Hollti\'r Gell yn Fertigol',
-			title			: 'Priodweddau\'r Gell',
-			cellType		: 'Math y Gell',
-			rowSpan			: 'Rhychwant Rhesi',
-			colSpan			: 'Rhychwant Colofnau',
-			wordWrap		: 'Lapio Geiriau',
-			hAlign			: 'Aliniad Llorweddol',
-			vAlign			: 'Aliniad Fertigol',
-			alignTop		: 'Top',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Canol',
-			alignBottom		: 'Gwaelod',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baslinell',
-			bgColor			: 'Lliw Cefndir',
-			borderColor		: 'Lliw Ymyl',
-			data			: 'Data',
-			header			: 'Pennyn',
-			yes				: 'Ie',
-			no				: 'Na',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Mae\'n rhaid i led y gell fod yn rhif.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Mae\'n rhaid i uchder y gell fod yn rhif.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Mae\'n rhaid i rychwant y rhesi fod yn gyfanrif.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Mae\'n rhaid i rychwant y colofnau fod yn gyfanrif.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Rhes',
-			insertBefore	: 'Mewnosod Rhes Cyn',
-			insertAfter		: 'Mewnosod Rhes Ar Ôl',
-			deleteRow		: 'Dileu Rhesi'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Colofn',
-			insertBefore	: 'Mewnosod Colofn Cyn',
-			insertAfter		: 'Mewnosod Colofn Ar Ôl',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Dileu Colofnau'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Priodweddau Botymau',
-		text		: 'Testun (Gwerth)',
-		type		: 'Math',
-		typeBtn		: 'Botwm',
-		typeSbm		: 'Gyrru',
-		typeRst		: 'Ailosod'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Priodweddau Blwch Ticio',
-		radioTitle	: 'Priodweddau Botwm Radio',
-		value		: 'Gwerth',
-		selected	: 'Dewiswyd'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Priodweddau Ffurflen',
-		menu		: 'Priodweddau Ffurflen',
-		action		: 'Gweithred',
-		method		: 'Dull',
-		encoding	: 'Amgodio'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Priodweddau Maes Dewis',
-		selectInfo	: 'Gwyb Dewis',
-		opAvail		: 'Opsiynau ar Gael',
-		value		: 'Gwerth',
-		size		: 'Maint',
-		lines		: 'llinellau',
-		chkMulti	: 'Caniatàu aml-ddewisiadau',
-		opText		: 'Testun',
-		opValue		: 'Gwerth',
-		btnAdd		: 'Ychwanegu',
-		btnModify	: 'Newid',
-		btnUp		: 'Lan',
-		btnDown		: 'Lawr',
-		btnSetValue : 'Gosod fel gwerth a ddewiswyd',
-		btnDelete	: 'Dileu'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Priodweddau Ardal Testun',
-		cols		: 'Colofnau',
-		rows		: 'Rhesi'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Priodweddau Maes Testun',
-		name		: 'Enw',
-		value		: 'Gwerth',
-		charWidth	: 'Lled Nod',
-		maxChars	: 'Uchafswm y Nodau',
-		type		: 'Math',
-		typeText	: 'Testun',
-		typePass	: 'Cyfrinair'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Priodweddau Maes Cudd',
-		name	: 'Enw',
-		value	: 'Gwerth'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Priodweddau Delwedd',
-		titleButton	: 'Priodweddau Botwm Delwedd',
-		menu		: 'Priodweddau Delwedd',
-		infoTab		: 'Gwyb Delwedd',
-		btnUpload	: 'Anfon i\'r Gweinydd',
-		upload		: 'lanlwytho',
-		alt			: 'Testun Amgen',
-		width		: 'Lled',
-		height		: 'Uchder',
-		lockRatio	: 'Cloi Cymhareb',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Ailosod Maint',
-		border		: 'Ymyl',
-		hSpace		: 'BwlchLl',
-		vSpace		: 'BwlchF',
-		align		: 'Alinio',
-		alignLeft	: 'Chwith',
-		alignRight	: 'Dde',
-		alertUrl	: 'Rhowch URL y ddelwedd',
-		linkTab		: 'Dolen',
-		button2Img	: 'Ydych am drawsffurfio\'r botwm ddelwedd hwn ar ddelwedd syml?',
-		img2Button	: 'Ydych am drawsffurfio\'r ddelwedd hon ar fotwm delwedd?',
-		urlMissing	: 'URL tarddle\'r ddelwedd ar goll.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Priodweddau Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Priodweddau',
-		title			: 'Priodweddau Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'AwtoChwarae',
-		chkLoop			: 'Lwpio',
-		chkMenu			: 'Galluogi Dewislen Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Caniatàu Sgrin Llawn',
- 		scale			: 'Graddfa',
-		scaleAll		: 'Dangos pob',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Dim Ymyl',
-		scaleFit		: 'Ffit Union',
-		access			: 'Mynediad Sgript',
-		accessAlways	: 'Pob amser',
-		accessSameDomain: 'R\'un parth',
-		accessNever		: 'Byth',
-		align			: 'Alinio',
-		alignLeft		: 'Chwith',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Gwaelod Abs',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Canol Abs',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Baslinell',
-		alignBottom		: 'Gwaelod',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Canol',
-		alignRight		: 'Dde',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Testun Top',
-		alignTop		: 'Top',
-		quality			: 'Ansawdd',
-		qualityBest		: 'Gorau',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Uchel',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Uchel Awto',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Canolig',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Isel Awto',
-		qualityLow		: 'Isel',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Ffenestr',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Afloyw',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Tryloyw',
-		windowMode		: 'Modd ffenestr',
-		flashvars		: 'Newidynnau ar gyfer Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Lliw cefndir',
-		width			: 'Lled',
-		height			: 'Uchder',
-		hSpace			: 'BwlchLl',
-		vSpace			: 'BwlchF',
-		validateSrc		: 'Ni all yr URL fod yn wag.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Rhaid i\'r Lled fod yn rhif.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Rhaid i\'r Uchder fod yn rhif.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'Rhaid i\'r BwlchLl fod yn rhif.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'Rhaid i\'r BwlchF fod yn rhif.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Gwirio Sillafu',
-		title			: 'Gwirio Sillafu',
-		notAvailable	: 'Nid yw\'r gwasanaeth hwn ar gael yn bresennol.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Nid i\'w gael yn y geiriadur',
-		changeTo		: 'Newid i',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Anwybyddu Un',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Anwybyddu Pob',
-		btnReplace		: 'Amnewid Un',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Amnewid Pob',
-		btnUndo			: 'Dadwneud',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Dim awgrymiadau -',
-		progress		: 'Gwirio sillafu yn ar y gweill...',
-		noMispell		: 'Gwirio sillafu wedi gorffen: Dim camsillaf.',
-		noChanges		: 'Gwirio sillafu wedi gorffen: Dim newidiadau',
-		oneChange		: 'Gwirio sillafu wedi gorffen: Newidiwyd 1 gair',
-		manyChanges		: 'Gwirio sillafu wedi gorffen: Newidiwyd %1 gair',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Gwirydd sillafu heb ei arsefydlu. A ydych am ei lawrlwytho nawr?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Gwenoglun',
-		title	: 'Mewnosod Gwenoglun',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : 'Elfen %1'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Mewnosod/Tynnu Rhestr Rhifol',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Mewnosod/Tynnu Rhestr Bwled',
-	indent			: 'Cynyddu\'r Mewnoliad',
-	outdent			: 'Lleihau\'r Mewnoliad',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Alinio i\'r Chwith',
-		center	: 'Alinio i\'r Canol',
-		right	: 'Alinio i\'r Dde',
-		block	: 'Aliniad Bloc'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Dyfyniad bloc',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Gludo',
-		cutError	: 'Nid yw gosodiadau diogelwch eich porwr yn caniatàu\'r golygydd i gynnal \'gweithredoedd torri\' yn awtomatig. Defnyddiwch y bysellfwrdd (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Nid yw gosodiadau diogelwch eich porwr yn caniatàu\'r golygydd i gynnal \'gweithredoedd copïo\' yn awtomatig. Defnyddiwch y bysellfwrdd (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Gludwch i mewn i\'r blwch canlynol gan ddefnyddio\'r bysellfwrdd (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) a phwyso <strong>Iawn</strong>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Oherwydd gosodiadau diogelwch eich porwr, nid yw\'r porwr yn gallu ennill mynediad i\'r data ar y clipfwrdd yn uniongyrchol. Mae angen i chi ei ludo eto i\'r ffenestr hon.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Gludo o Word',
-		title			: 'Gludo o Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Gludo fel testun plaen',
-		title	: 'Gludo fel Testun Plaen'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Templedi',
-		title			: 'Templedi Cynnwys',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Amnewid y cynnwys go iawn',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Dewiswch dempled i\'w agor yn y golygydd',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Dim templedi wedi\'u diffinio)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Dangos Blociau',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Arddulliau',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Arddulliau Bloc',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Arddulliau Mewnol',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Arddulliau Gwrthrych'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Fformat',
-		panelTitle	: 'Fformat Paragraff',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Wedi\'i Fformatio',
-		tag_address	: 'Cyfeiriad',
-		tag_h1		: 'Pennawd 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Pennawd 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Pennawd 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Pennawd 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Pennawd 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Pennawd 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Ffont',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Ffont',
-		panelTitle	: 'Enw\'r Ffont'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Maint',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Maint y Ffont',
-		panelTitle	: 'Maint y Ffont'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Lliw Testun',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Lliw Cefndir',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Awtomatig',
-		more			: 'Mwy o Liwiau...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Du',
-		'800000' : 'Marwn',
-		'8B4513' : 'Brown Cyfrwy',
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Llechen Tywyll',
-		'008080' : 'Corhwyad',
-		'000080' : 'Nefi',
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo',
-		'696969' : 'Llwyd Pwl',
-		'B22222' : 'Bric Tân',
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown',
-		'DAA520' : 'Rhoden Aur',
-		'006400' : 'Gwyrdd Tywyll',
-		'40E0D0' : 'Gwyrddlas',
-		'0000CD' : 'Glas Canolig',
-		'800080' : 'Porffor',
-		'808080' : 'Llwyd',
-		'F00' : 'Coch',
-		'FF8C00' : 'Oren Tywyll',
-		'FFD700' : 'Aur',
-		'008000' : 'Gwyrdd',
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan',
-		'00F' : 'Glas',
-		'EE82EE' : 'Fioled',
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Llwyd Tywyll',
-		'FFA07A' : 'Samwn Golau',
-		'FFA500' : 'Oren',
-		'FFFF00' : 'Melyn',
-		'00FF00' : 'Leim',
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Gwyrddlas Golau',
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Glas Golau',
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Eirinen',
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Llwyd Golau',
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Gwrid Lafant',
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Gwyn Hynafol',
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Melyn Golau',
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Melwn Gwyrdd Golau',
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Aswr',
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Glas Alys',
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lafant',
-		'FFF' : 'Gwyn'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Gwirio\'r Sillafu Wrth Deipio',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Galluogi SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'Analluogi SCAYT',
-		about			: 'Ynghylch SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'Togl SCAYT',
-		options			: 'Opsiynau',
-		langs			: 'Ieithoedd',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Awgrymiadau pellach',
-		ignore			: 'Anwybyddu',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Anwybyddu pob',
-		addWord			: 'Ychwanegu Gair',
-		emptyDic		: 'Ni ddylai enw\'r geiriadur fod yn wag.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Opsiynau',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Ieithoedd',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Geiriaduron',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'Ynghylch'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'Ynghylch CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'Ynghylch CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'Am wybodaeth ynghylch trwyddedau, ewch i\'n gwefan:',
-		copy		: 'Hawlfraint © $1. Cedwir pob hawl.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Mwyhau',
-	minimize : 'Lleihau',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Angor',
-		flash	: 'Animeiddiant Flash',
-		div		: 'Toriad Tudalen',
-		unknown	: 'Gwrthrych Anhysbys'
-	},
-	resize : 'Llusgo i ailfeintio',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Dewis lliw',
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Uwcholeuo',
-		selected	: 'Dewiswyd',
-		clear		: 'Clirio'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Cyfangu\'r Bar Offer',
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Ehangu\'r Bar Offer',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Welsh language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'cy' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Golygydd Testun Cyfoethog',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Gwasgwch ALT 0 am gymorth',
+		browseServer: 'Pori\'r Gweinydd',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protocol',
+		upload: 'Lanlwytho',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Anfon i\'r Gweinydd',
+		image: 'Delwedd',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Ffurflen',
+		checkbox: 'Blwch ticio',
+		radio: 'Botwm Radio',
+		textField: 'Maes Testun',
+		textarea: 'Ardal Testun',
+		hiddenField: 'Maes Cudd',
+		button: 'Botwm',
+		select: 'Maes Dewis',
+		imageButton: 'Botwm Delwedd',
+		notSet: '<heb osod>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Name',
+		langDir: 'Cyfeiriad Iaith',
+		langDirLtr: 'Chwith i\'r Dde (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Dde i\'r Chwith (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Cod Iaith',
+		longDescr: 'URL Disgrifiad Hir',
+		cssClass: 'Dosbarth Dalen Arddull',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Teitl Cynghorol',
+		cssStyle: 'Arddull',
+		ok: 'Iawn',
+		cancel: 'Diddymu',
+		close: 'Cau',
+		preview: 'Rhagolwg',
+		resize: 'Llusgo i ailfeintio',
+		generalTab: 'Cyffredinol',
+		advancedTab: 'Uwch',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Nid yw\'r gwerth hwn yn rhif.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Byddwch yn colli unrhyw newidiadau i\'r cynnwys sydd heb eu cadw. A ydych am barhau i lwytho tudalen newydd?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Mae rhai o\'r opsiynau wedi\'u newid. A ydych wir am gau\'r deialog?',
+		options: 'Opsiynau',
+		target: 'Targed',
+		targetNew: 'Ffenest Newydd (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Ffenest ar y Brig (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Yr un Ffenest (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Ffenest y Rhiant (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Chwith i\'r Dde (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Dde i\'r Chwith (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Arddull',
+		cssClasses: 'Dosbarthiadau Ffeil Ddiwyg',
+		width: 'Lled',
+		height: 'Uchder',
+		align: 'Alinio',
+		alignLeft: 'Chwith',
+		alignRight: 'Dde',
+		alignCenter: 'Canol',
+		alignTop: 'Brig',
+		alignMiddle: 'Canol',
+		alignBottom: 'Gwaelod',
+		invalidValue	: 'Gwerth annilys.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Rhaid i\'r Uchder fod yn rhif.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Rhaid i\'r Lled fod yn rhif.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Mae\'n rhaid i\'r gwerth ar gyfer maes "%1" fod yn rhif positif gyda neu heb uned fesuriad CSS dilys (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, neu pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Mae\'n rhaid i\'r gwerth ar gyfer maes "%1" fod yn rhif positif gyda neu heb uned fesuriad HTML dilys (px neu %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Mae\'n rhaid i\'r gwerth ar gyfer arddull mewn-llinell gynnwys un set neu fwy ar y fformat "enw:gwerth", wedi\'u gwahanu gyda hanner colon.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Rhowch rif ar gyfer gwerth mewn picsel neu rhif gydag uned CSS dilys (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, pt neu pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, ddim ar gael</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/da.js
index f0789bf..ae34c87 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/da.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/da.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Danish language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['da'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Kilde',
-	newPage			: 'Ny side',
-	save			: 'Gem',
-	preview			: 'Vis eksempel',
-	cut				: 'Klip',
-	copy			: 'Kopiér',
-	paste			: 'Indsæt',
-	print			: 'Udskriv',
-	underline		: 'Understreget',
-	bold			: 'Fed',
-	italic			: 'Kursiv',
-	selectAll		: 'Vælg alt',
-	removeFormat	: 'Fjern formatering',
-	strike			: 'Gennemstreget',
-	subscript		: 'Sænket skrift',
-	superscript		: 'Hævet skrift',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Indsæt vandret streg',
-	pagebreak		: 'Indsæt sideskift',
-	unlink			: 'Fjern hyperlink',
-	undo			: 'Fortryd',
-	redo			: 'Annullér fortryd',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Gennemse...',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokol',
-		upload			: 'Upload',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Upload',
-		image			: 'Indsæt billede',
-		flash			: 'Indsæt Flash',
-		form			: 'Indsæt formular',
-		checkbox		: 'Indsæt afkrydsningsfelt',
-		radio			: 'Indsæt alternativknap',
-		textField		: 'Indsæt tekstfelt',
-		textarea		: 'Indsæt tekstboks',
-		hiddenField		: 'Indsæt skjult felt',
-		button			: 'Indsæt knap',
-		select			: 'Indsæt liste',
-		imageButton		: 'Indsæt billedknap',
-		notSet			: '<intet valgt>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Navn',
-		langDir			: 'Tekstretning',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Fra venstre mod højre (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Fra højre mod venstre (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Sprogkode',
-		longDescr		: 'Udvidet beskrivelse',
-		cssClass		: 'Typografiark (CSS)',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Titel',
-		cssStyle		: 'Typografi (CSS)',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Annullér',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Generelt',
-		advancedTab		: 'Avanceret',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Værdien er ikke et tal.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Alt indhold, der ikke er blevet gemt, vil gå tabt. Er du sikker på, at du vil indlæse en ny side?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Nogle af indstillingerne er blevet ændret. Er du sikker på, at du vil lukke vinduet?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, ikke tilgængelig</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Indsæt symbol',
-		title		: 'Vælg symbol',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Indsæt/redigér hyperlink',
-		other 		: '<anden>',
-		menu		: 'Redigér hyperlink',
-		title		: 'Egenskaber for hyperlink',
-		info		: 'Generelt',
-		target		: 'MÃ¥l',
-		upload		: 'Upload',
-		advanced	: 'Avanceret',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Bogmærke på denne side',
-		toEmail		: 'E-mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<ramme>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup vindue>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Destinationsvinduets navn',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Popup vinduets navn',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Egenskaber for popup',
-		popupResizable	: 'Justérbar',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Statuslinje',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Adresselinje',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Værktøjslinje',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menulinje',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Fuld skærm (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Scrollbar',
-		popupDependent	: 'Koblet/dependent (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Bredde',
-		popupLeft		: 'Position fra venstre',
-		popupHeight		: 'Højde',
-		popupTop		: 'Position fra toppen',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Tekstretning',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Fra venstre mod højre (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Fra højre mod venstre (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Genvejstast',
-		name			: 'Navn',
-		langCode		: 'Tekstretning',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tabulator indeks',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Titel',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Indholdstype',
-		cssClasses		: 'Typografiark',
-		charset			: 'Tegnsæt',
-		styles			: 'Typografi',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Vælg et anker',
-		anchorName		: 'Efter anker navn',
-		anchorId		: 'Efter element Id',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-mail adresse',
-		emailSubject	: 'Emne',
-		emailBody		: 'Besked',
-		noAnchors		: '(Ingen bogmærker i dokumentet)',
-		noUrl			: 'Indtast hyperlink URL!',
-		noEmail			: 'Indtast e-mail adresse!'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Indsæt/redigér bogmærke',
-		menu		: 'Egenskaber for bogmærke',
-		title		: 'Egenskaber for bogmærke',
-		name		: 'Bogmærke navn',
-		errorName	: 'Indtast bogmærke navn'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Søg og erstat',
-		find				: 'Søg',
-		replace				: 'Erstat',
-		findWhat			: 'Søg efter:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Erstat med:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Søgeteksten blev ikke fundet',
-		matchCase			: 'Forskel på store og små bogstaver',
-		matchWord			: 'Kun hele ord',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyklisk',
-		replaceAll			: 'Erstat alle',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 forekomst(er) erstattet.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabel',
-		title		: 'Egenskaber for tabel',
-		menu		: 'Egenskaber for tabel',
-		deleteTable	: 'Slet tabel',
-		rows		: 'Rækker',
-		columns		: 'Kolonner',
-		border		: 'Rammebredde',
-		align		: 'Justering',
-		alignLeft	: 'Venstrestillet',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centreret',
-		alignRight	: 'Højrestillet',
-		width		: 'Bredde',
-		widthPx		: 'pixels',
-		widthPc		: 'procent',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Højde',
-		cellSpace	: 'Celleafstand',
-		cellPad		: 'Cellemargen',
-		caption		: 'Titel',
-		summary		: 'Resumé',
-		headers		: 'Header',
-		headersNone		: 'Ingen',
-		headersColumn	: 'Første kolonne',
-		headersRow		: 'Første række',
-		headersBoth		: 'Begge',
-		invalidRows		: 'Antallet af rækker skal være større end 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Antallet af kolonner skal være større end 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Rammetykkelse skal være et tal.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Tabelbredde skal være et tal.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Tabelhøjde skal være et tal.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Celleafstand skal være et tal.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cellemargen skal være et tal.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Celle',
-			insertBefore	: 'Indsæt celle før',
-			insertAfter		: 'Indsæt celle efter',
-			deleteCell		: 'Slet celle',
-			merge			: 'Flet celler',
-			mergeRight		: 'Flet til højre',
-			mergeDown		: 'Flet nedad',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Del celle vandret',
-			splitVertical	: 'Del celle lodret',
-			title			: 'Celleegenskaber',
-			cellType		: 'Celletype',
-			rowSpan			: 'Række span (rows span)',
-			colSpan			: 'Kolonne span (columns span)',
-			wordWrap		: 'Tekstombrydning',
-			hAlign			: 'Vandret justering',
-			vAlign			: 'Lodret justering',
-			alignTop		: 'Top',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Midt',
-			alignBottom		: 'Bund',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Grundlinje',
-			bgColor			: 'Baggrundsfarve',
-			borderColor		: 'Rammefarve',
-			data			: 'Data',
-			header			: 'Header',
-			yes				: 'Ja',
-			no				: 'Nej',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cellebredde skal være et tal.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cellehøjde skal være et tal.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Række span skal være et heltal.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Kolonne span skal være et heltal.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Række',
-			insertBefore	: 'Indsæt række før',
-			insertAfter		: 'Indsæt række efter',
-			deleteRow		: 'Slet række'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Kolonne',
-			insertBefore	: 'Indsæt kolonne før',
-			insertAfter		: 'Indsæt kolonne efter',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Slet kolonne'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaber for knap',
-		text		: 'Tekst',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeBtn		: 'Knap',
-		typeSbm		: 'Send',
-		typeRst		: 'Nulstil'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Egenskaber for afkrydsningsfelt',
-		radioTitle	: 'Egenskaber for alternativknap',
-		value		: 'Værdi',
-		selected	: 'Valgt'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaber for formular',
-		menu		: 'Egenskaber for formular',
-		action		: 'Handling',
-		method		: 'Metode',
-		encoding	: 'Kodning (encoding)'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaber for liste',
-		selectInfo	: 'Generelt',
-		opAvail		: 'Valgmuligheder',
-		value		: 'Værdi',
-		size		: 'Størrelse',
-		lines		: 'Linjer',
-		chkMulti	: 'Tillad flere valg',
-		opText		: 'Tekst',
-		opValue		: 'Værdi',
-		btnAdd		: 'Tilføj',
-		btnModify	: 'Redigér',
-		btnUp		: 'Op',
-		btnDown		: 'Ned',
-		btnSetValue : 'Sæt som valgt',
-		btnDelete	: 'Slet'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaber for tekstboks',
-		cols		: 'Kolonner',
-		rows		: 'Rækker'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaber for tekstfelt',
-		name		: 'Navn',
-		value		: 'Værdi',
-		charWidth	: 'Bredde (tegn)',
-		maxChars	: 'Max. antal tegn',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeText	: 'Tekst',
-		typePass	: 'Adgangskode'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Egenskaber for skjult felt',
-		name	: 'Navn',
-		value	: 'Værdi'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaber for billede',
-		titleButton	: 'Egenskaber for billedknap',
-		menu		: 'Egenskaber for billede',
-		infoTab		: 'Generelt',
-		btnUpload	: 'Upload',
-		upload		: 'Upload',
-		alt			: 'Alternativ tekst',
-		width		: 'Bredde',
-		height		: 'Højde',
-		lockRatio	: 'Lås størrelsesforhold',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Nulstil størrelse',
-		border		: 'Ramme',
-		hSpace		: 'Vandret margen',
-		vSpace		: 'Lodret margen',
-		align		: 'Justering',
-		alignLeft	: 'Venstre',
-		alignRight	: 'Højre',
-		alertUrl	: 'Indtast stien til billedet',
-		linkTab		: 'Hyperlink',
-		button2Img	: 'Vil du lave billedknappen om til et almindeligt billede?',
-		img2Button	: 'Vil du lave billedet om til en billedknap?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Egenskaber for Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Egenskaber',
-		title			: 'Egenskaber for Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Automatisk afspilning',
-		chkLoop			: 'Gentagelse',
-		chkMenu			: 'Vis Flash menu',
-		chkFull			: 'Tillad fuldskærm',
- 		scale			: 'Skalér',
-		scaleAll		: 'Vis alt',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Ingen ramme',
-		scaleFit		: 'Tilpas størrelse',
-		access			: 'Script adgang',
-		accessAlways	: 'Altid',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Samme domæne',
-		accessNever		: 'Aldrig',
-		align			: 'Justering',
-		alignLeft		: 'Venstre',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Absolut nederst',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Absolut centreret',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Grundlinje',
-		alignBottom		: 'Nederst',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Centreret',
-		alignRight		: 'Højre',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Toppen af teksten',
-		alignTop		: 'Øverst',
-		quality			: 'Kvalitet',
-		qualityBest		: 'Bedste',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Høj',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto høj',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto lav',
-		qualityLow		: 'Lav',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Vindue',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Gennemsigtig (opaque)',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent',
-		windowMode		: 'Vinduestilstand',
-		flashvars		: 'Variabler for Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Baggrundsfarve',
-		width			: 'Bredde',
-		height			: 'Højde',
-		hSpace			: 'Vandret margen',
-		vSpace			: 'Lodret margen',
-		validateSrc		: 'Indtast hyperlink URL!',
-		validateWidth	: 'Bredde skal være et tal.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Højde skal være et tal.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'Vandret margen skal være et tal.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'Lodret margen skal være et tal.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Stavekontrol',
-		title			: 'Stavekontrol',
-		notAvailable	: 'Stavekontrol er desværre ikke tilgængelig.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Fejl ved indlæsning af host: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Ikke i ordbogen',
-		changeTo		: 'Forslag',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignorér',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignorér alle',
-		btnReplace		: 'Erstat',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Erstat alle',
-		btnUndo			: 'Tilbage',
-		noSuggestions	: '(ingen forslag)',
-		progress		: 'Stavekontrollen arbejder...',
-		noMispell		: 'Stavekontrol færdig: Ingen fejl fundet',
-		noChanges		: 'Stavekontrol færdig: Ingen ord ændret',
-		oneChange		: 'Stavekontrol færdig: Et ord ændret',
-		manyChanges		: 'Stavekontrol færdig: %1 ord ændret',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Stavekontrol ikke installeret. Vil du installere den nu?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smiley',
-		title	: 'Vælg smiley',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Talopstilling',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Punktopstilling',
-	indent			: 'Forøg indrykning',
-	outdent			: 'Formindsk indrykning',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Venstrestillet',
-		center	: 'Centreret',
-		right	: 'Højrestillet',
-		block	: 'Lige margener'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Blokcitat',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Indsæt',
-		cutError	: 'Din browsers sikkerhedsindstillinger tillader ikke editoren at få automatisk adgang til udklipsholderen.<br><br>Brug i stedet tastaturet til at klippe teksten (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Din browsers sikkerhedsindstillinger tillader ikke editoren at få automatisk adgang til udklipsholderen.<br><br>Brug i stedet tastaturet til at kopiere teksten (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Indsæt i feltet herunder (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) og klik på <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Din browsers sikkerhedsindstillinger tillader ikke editoren at få automatisk adgang til udklipsholderen.<br><br>Du skal indsætte udklipsholderens indhold i dette vindue igen.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Den tekst du forsøger at indsætte ser ud til at komme fra Word. Vil du rense teksten før den indsættes?',
-		toolbar			: 'Indsæt fra Word',
-		title			: 'Indsæt fra Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Indsæt som ikke-formateret tekst',
-		title	: 'Indsæt som ikke-formateret tekst'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Skabeloner',
-		title			: 'Indholdsskabeloner',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Erstat det faktiske indhold',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Vælg den skabelon, som skal åbnes i editoren (nuværende indhold vil blive overskrevet):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Der er ikke defineret nogen skabelon)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Vis afsnitsmærker',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Typografi',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block typografi',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline typografi',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object typografi'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Formatering',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatering',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formateret',
-		tag_address	: 'Adresse',
-		tag_h1		: 'Overskrift 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Overskrift 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Overskrift 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Overskrift 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Overskrift 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Overskrift 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Skrifttype',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Skrifttype',
-		panelTitle	: 'Skrifttype'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Skriftstørrelse',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Skriftstørrelse',
-		panelTitle	: 'Skriftstørrelse'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Tekstfarve',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Baggrundsfarve',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatisk',
-		more			: 'Flere farver...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Stavekontrol mens du skriver',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Aktivér SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'Deaktivér SCAYT',
-		about			: 'Om SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'Skift/toggle SCAYT',
-		options			: 'Indstillinger',
-		langs			: 'Sprog',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Flere forslag',
-		ignore			: 'Ignorér',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignorér alle',
-		addWord			: 'Tilføj ord',
-		emptyDic		: 'Ordbogsnavn må ikke være tom.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Indstillinger',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Sprog',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Ordbøger',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'Om'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'Om CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'Om CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'For informationer omkring licens, se venligst vores hjemmeside (på engelsk):',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximér',
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anker',
-		flash	: 'Flashanimation',
-		div		: 'Sideskift',
-		unknown	: 'Ukendt objekt'
-	},
-	resize : 'Træk for at skalere',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Danish language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'da' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Tryk ALT 0 for hjælp',
+		browseServer: 'Gennemse...',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokol',
+		upload: 'Upload',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Upload',
+		image: 'Indsæt billede',
+		flash: 'Indsæt Flash',
+		form: 'Indsæt formular',
+		checkbox: 'Indsæt afkrydsningsfelt',
+		radio: 'Indsæt alternativknap',
+		textField: 'Indsæt tekstfelt',
+		textarea: 'Indsæt tekstboks',
+		hiddenField: 'Indsæt skjult felt',
+		button: 'Indsæt knap',
+		select: 'Indsæt liste',
+		imageButton: 'Indsæt billedknap',
+		notSet: '<intet valgt>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Navn',
+		langDir: 'Tekstretning',
+		langDirLtr: 'Fra venstre mod højre (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Fra højre mod venstre (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Sprogkode',
+		longDescr: 'Udvidet beskrivelse',
+		cssClass: 'Typografiark (CSS)',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Titel',
+		cssStyle: 'Typografi (CSS)',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Annullér',
+		close: 'Luk',
+		preview: 'Forhåndsvisning',
+		resize: 'Træk for at skalere',
+		generalTab: 'Generelt',
+		advancedTab: 'Avanceret',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Værdien er ikke et tal.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Alt indhold, der ikke er blevet gemt, vil gå tabt. Er du sikker på, at du vil indlæse en ny side?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Nogle af indstillingerne er blevet ændret. Er du sikker på, at du vil lukke vinduet?',
+		options: 'Vis muligheder',
+		target: 'MÃ¥l',
+		targetNew: 'Nyt vindue (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Øverste vindue (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Samme vindue (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Samme vindue (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Venstre til højre (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Højre til venstre (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Style',
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheetklasser',
+		width: 'Bredde',
+		height: 'Højde',
+		align: 'Justering',
+		alignLeft: 'Venstre',
+		alignRight: 'Højre',
+		alignCenter: 'Centreret',
+		alignTop: 'Øverst',
+		alignMiddle: 'Centreret',
+		alignBottom: 'Nederst',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Højde skal være et tal.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Bredde skal være et tal.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Værdien specificeret for "%1" feltet skal være et positivt nummer med eller uden en CSS måleenhed  (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, eller pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Værdien specificeret for "%1" feltet skal være et positivt nummer med eller uden en CSS måleenhed  (px eller %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Værdien specificeret for inline style skal indeholde en eller flere elementer med et format som "name:value", separeret af semikoloner',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Indsæt en numerisk værdi i pixel eller nummer med en gyldig CSS værdi (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, ikke tilgængelig</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/de.js
index 2d09650..efdb542 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/de.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/de.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * German language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['de'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Quellcode',
-	newPage			: 'Neue Seite',
-	save			: 'Speichern',
-	preview			: 'Vorschau',
-	cut				: 'Ausschneiden',
-	copy			: 'Kopieren',
-	paste			: 'Einfügen',
-	print			: 'Drucken',
-	underline		: 'Unterstrichen',
-	bold			: 'Fett',
-	italic			: 'Kursiv',
-	selectAll		: 'Alles auswählen',
-	removeFormat	: 'Formatierungen entfernen',
-	strike			: 'Durchgestrichen',
-	subscript		: 'Tiefgestellt',
-	superscript		: 'Hochgestellt',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Horizontale Linie einfügen',
-	pagebreak		: 'Seitenumbruch einfügen',
-	unlink			: 'Link entfernen',
-	undo			: 'Rückgängig',
-	redo			: 'Wiederherstellen',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Server durchsuchen',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokoll',
-		upload			: 'Upload',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Zum Server senden',
-		image			: 'Bild',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Formular',
-		checkbox		: 'Checkbox',
-		radio			: 'Radiobutton',
-		textField		: 'Textfeld einzeilig',
-		textarea		: 'Textfeld mehrzeilig',
-		hiddenField		: 'verstecktes Feld',
-		button			: 'Klickbutton',
-		select			: 'Auswahlfeld',
-		imageButton		: 'Bildbutton',
-		notSet			: '<nichts>',
-		id				: 'ID',
-		name			: 'Name',
-		langDir			: 'Schreibrichtung',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Links nach Rechts (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Rechts nach Links (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Sprachenkürzel',
-		longDescr		: 'Langform URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Stylesheet Klasse',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Titel Beschreibung',
-		cssStyle		: 'Style',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Abbrechen',
-		close			: 'Schließen',
-		preview			: 'Vorschau',
-		generalTab		: 'Allgemein',
-		advancedTab		: 'Erweitert',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Dieser Wert ist keine Nummer.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen gehen verlohren. Sind sie sicher die neue Seite zu laden?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Einige Optionen wurden geändert. Wollen Sie den Dialog dennoch schließen?',
-		options			: 'Optionen',
-		target			: 'Zielseite',
-		targetNew		: 'Neues Fenster (_blank)',
-		targetTop		: 'Oberstes Fenster (_top)',
-		targetSelf		: 'Gleiches Fenster (_self)',
-		targetParent	: 'Oberes Fenster (_parent)',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Links nach Rechts (LNR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Rechts nach Links (RNL)',
-		styles			: 'Style',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Klasse',
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, nicht verfügbar</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Optionen'
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Sonderzeichen einfügen/editieren',
-		title		: 'Sonderzeichen auswählen',
-		options : 'Sonderzeichen Optionen'
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Link einfügen/editieren',
-		other 		: '<andere>',
-		menu		: 'Link editieren',
-		title		: 'Link',
-		info		: 'Link-Info',
-		target		: 'Zielseite',
-		upload		: 'Upload',
-		advanced	: 'Erweitert',
-		type		: 'Link-Typ',
-		toUrl		: 'URL',
-		toAnchor	: 'Anker in dieser Seite',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<Frame>',
-		targetPopup		: '<Pop-up Fenster>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Ziel-Fenster-Name',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Pop-up Fenster-Name',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Pop-up Fenster-Eigenschaften',
-		popupResizable	: 'Größe änderbar',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Statusleiste',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Adress-Leiste',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Werkzeugleiste',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menü-Leiste',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Vollbild (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Rollbalken',
-		popupDependent	: 'Abhängig (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Breite',
-		popupLeft		: 'Linke Position',
-		popupHeight		: 'Höhe',
-		popupTop		: 'Obere Position',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Schreibrichtung',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Links nach Rechts (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Rechts nach Links (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Zugriffstaste',
-		name			: 'Name',
-		langCode		: 'Schreibrichtung',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tab-Index',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Titel Beschreibung',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Inhaltstyp',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Klasse',
-		charset			: 'Ziel-Zeichensatz',
-		styles			: 'Style',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Anker auswählen',
-		anchorName		: 'nach Anker Name',
-		anchorId		: 'nach Element Id',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-Mail Addresse',
-		emailSubject	: 'Betreffzeile',
-		emailBody		: 'Nachrichtentext',
-		noAnchors		: '(keine Anker im Dokument vorhanden)',
-		noUrl			: 'Bitte geben Sie die Link-URL an',
-		noEmail			: 'Bitte geben Sie e-Mail Adresse an'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Anker einfügen/editieren',
-		menu		: 'Anker-Eigenschaften',
-		title		: 'Anker-Eigenschaften',
-		name		: 'Anker Name',
-		errorName	: 'Bitte geben Sie den Namen des Ankers ein'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Nummerierte Listen-Eigenschaften',
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Listen-Eigenschaften',
-		type				: 'Typ',
-		start				: 'Start',
-		validateStartNumber				:'List Startnummer muss eine ganze Zahl sein.',
-		circle				: 'Ring',
-		disc				: 'Kreis',
-		square				: 'Quadrat',
-		none				: 'Keine',
-		notset				: '<nicht gesetzt>',
-		armenian			: 'Armenisch Nummerierung',
-		georgian			: 'Georgisch Nummerierung (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
-		lowerRoman			: 'Klein römisch (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
-		upperRoman			: 'Groß römisch (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Klein alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
-		upperAlpha			: 'Groß alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
-		lowerGreek			: 'Klein griechisch (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
-		decimal				: 'Dezimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Dezimal mit führende  Null (01, 02, 03, etc.)'
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Suchen und Ersetzen',
-		find				: 'Suchen',
-		replace				: 'Ersetzen',
-		findWhat			: 'Suche nach:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Ersetze mit:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Der gesuchte Text wurde nicht gefunden.',
-		matchCase			: 'Groß-Kleinschreibung beachten',
-		matchWord			: 'Nur ganze Worte suchen',
-		matchCyclic			: 'zyklische suche',
-		replaceAll			: 'Alle Ersetzen',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 vorkommen ersetzt.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabelle',
-		title		: 'Tabellen-Eigenschaften',
-		menu		: 'Tabellen-Eigenschaften',
-		deleteTable	: 'Tabelle löschen',
-		rows		: 'Zeile',
-		columns		: 'Spalte',
-		border		: 'Rahmen',
-		align		: 'Ausrichtung',
-		alignLeft	: 'Links',
-		alignCenter	: 'Zentriert',
-		alignRight	: 'Rechts',
-		width		: 'Breite',
-		widthPx		: 'Pixel',
-		widthPc		: '%',
-		widthUnit	: 'Breite Einheit',
-		height		: 'Höhe',
-		cellSpace	: 'Zellenabstand außen',
-		cellPad		: 'Zellenabstand innen',
-		caption		: 'Ãœberschrift',
-		summary		: 'Inhaltsübersicht',
-		headers		: 'Headers',
-		headersNone		: 'Keine',
-		headersColumn	: 'Erste Spalte',
-		headersRow		: 'Erste Zeile',
-		headersBoth		: 'Beide',
-		invalidRows		: 'Die Anzahl der Zeilen muß größer als 0 sein.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Die Anzahl der Spalten muß größer als 0 sein..',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Die Rahmenbreite muß eine Zahl sein.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Die Tabellenbreite muss eine Zahl sein.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Die Tabellenbreite muß eine Zahl sein.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Der Zellenabstand außen muß eine Zahl sein.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Der Zellenabstand innen muß eine Zahl sein.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Zelle',
-			insertBefore	: 'Zelle davor einfügen',
-			insertAfter		: 'Zelle danach einfügen',
-			deleteCell		: 'Zelle löschen',
-			merge			: 'Zellen verbinden',
-			mergeRight		: 'nach rechts verbinden',
-			mergeDown		: 'nach unten verbinden',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Zelle horizontal teilen',
-			splitVertical	: 'Zelle vertikal teilen',
-			title			: 'Zellen Eigenschaften',
-			cellType		: 'Zellart',
-			rowSpan			: 'Anzahl Zeilen verbinden',
-			colSpan			: 'Anzahl Spalten verbinden',
-			wordWrap		: 'Zeilenumbruch',
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontale Ausrichtung',
-			vAlign			: 'Vertikale Ausrichtung',
-			alignTop		: 'Oben',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Mitte',
-			alignBottom		: 'Unten',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Grundlinie',
-			bgColor			: 'Hintergrundfarbe',
-			borderColor		: 'Rahmenfarbe',
-			data			: 'Daten',
-			header			: 'Ãœberschrift',
-			yes				: 'Ja',
-			no				: 'Nein',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Zellenbreite muß eine Zahl sein.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Zellenhöhe muß eine Zahl sein.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: '"Anzahl Zeilen verbinden" muss eine Ganzzahl sein.',
-			invalidColSpan	: '"Anzahl Spalten verbinden" muss eine Ganzzahl sein.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Wählen'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Zeile',
-			insertBefore	: 'Zeile oberhalb einfügen',
-			insertAfter		: 'Zeile unterhalb einfügen',
-			deleteRow		: 'Zeile entfernen'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Spalte',
-			insertBefore	: 'Spalte links davor einfügen',
-			insertAfter		: 'Spalte rechts danach einfügen',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Spalte löschen'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Button-Eigenschaften',
-		text		: 'Text (Wert)',
-		type		: 'Typ',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button',
-		typeSbm		: 'Absenden',
-		typeRst		: 'Zurücksetzen'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Checkbox-Eigenschaften',
-		radioTitle	: 'Optionsfeld-Eigenschaften',
-		value		: 'Wert',
-		selected	: 'ausgewählt'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Formular-Eigenschaften',
-		menu		: 'Formular-Eigenschaften',
-		action		: 'Action',
-		method		: 'Method',
-		encoding	: 'Zeichenkodierung'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Auswahlfeld-Eigenschaften',
-		selectInfo	: 'Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Mögliche Optionen',
-		value		: 'Wert',
-		size		: 'Größe',
-		lines		: 'Linien',
-		chkMulti	: 'Erlaube Mehrfachauswahl',
-		opText		: 'Text',
-		opValue		: 'Wert',
-		btnAdd		: 'Hinzufügen',
-		btnModify	: 'Ändern',
-		btnUp		: 'Hoch',
-		btnDown		: 'Runter',
-		btnSetValue : 'Setze als Standardwert',
-		btnDelete	: 'Entfernen'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Textfeld (mehrzeilig) Eigenschaften',
-		cols		: 'Spalten',
-		rows		: 'Reihen'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Textfeld (einzeilig) Eigenschaften',
-		name		: 'Name',
-		value		: 'Wert',
-		charWidth	: 'Zeichenbreite',
-		maxChars	: 'Max. Zeichen',
-		type		: 'Typ',
-		typeText	: 'Text',
-		typePass	: 'Passwort'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Verstecktes Feld-Eigenschaften',
-		name	: 'Name',
-		value	: 'Wert'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Bild-Eigenschaften',
-		titleButton	: 'Bildbutton-Eigenschaften',
-		menu		: 'Bild-Eigenschaften',
-		infoTab		: 'Bild-Info',
-		btnUpload	: 'Zum Server senden',
-		upload		: 'Hochladen',
-		alt			: 'Alternativer Text',
-		width		: 'Breite',
-		height		: 'Höhe',
-		lockRatio	: 'Größenverhältnis beibehalten',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Ratio Freischalten',
-		resetSize	: 'Größe zurücksetzen',
-		border		: 'Rahmen',
-		hSpace		: 'Horizontal-Abstand',
-		vSpace		: 'Vertikal-Abstand',
-		align		: 'Ausrichtung',
-		alignLeft	: 'Links',
-		alignRight	: 'Rechts',
-		alertUrl	: 'Bitte geben Sie die Bild-URL an',
-		linkTab		: 'Link',
-		button2Img	: 'Möchten Sie den gewählten Bild-Button in ein einfaches Bild umwandeln?',
-		img2Button	: 'Möchten Sie das gewählten Bild in einen Bild-Button umwandeln?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Imagequelle URL fehlt.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Breite muß eine ganze Zahl sein.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Höhe muß eine ganze Zahl sein.',
-		validateBorder	: 'Rahmen muß eine ganze Zahl sein.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'Horizontal-Abstand muß eine ganze Zahl sein.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'Vertikal-Abstand must be a whole number.'
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash-Eigenschaften',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Eigenschaften',
-		title			: 'Flash-Eigenschaften',
-		chkPlay			: 'autom. Abspielen',
-		chkLoop			: 'Endlosschleife',
-		chkMenu			: 'Flash-Menü aktivieren',
-		chkFull			: 'Vollbildmodus erlauben',
- 		scale			: 'Skalierung',
-		scaleAll		: 'Alles anzeigen',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'ohne Rand',
-		scaleFit		: 'Passgenau',
-		access			: 'Skript Zugang',
-		accessAlways	: 'Immer',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Gleiche Domain',
-		accessNever		: 'Nie',
-		align			: 'Ausrichtung',
-		alignLeft		: 'Links',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs Unten',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs Mitte',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Baseline',
-		alignBottom		: 'Unten',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Mitte',
-		alignRight		: 'Rechts',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Text Oben',
-		alignTop		: 'Oben',
-		quality			: 'Qualität',
-		qualityBest		: 'Beste',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Hoch',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto Hoch',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Niedrig',
-		qualityLow		: 'Niedrig',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Fenster',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Deckend',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent',
-		windowMode		: 'Fenster Modus',
-		flashvars		: 'Variablen für Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Hintergrundfarbe',
-		width			: 'Breite',
-		height			: 'Höhe',
-		hSpace			: 'Horizontal-Abstand',
-		vSpace			: 'Vertikal-Abstand',
-		validateSrc		: 'Bitte geben Sie die Link-URL an',
-		validateWidth	: 'Breite muss eine Zahl sein.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Höhe muss eine Zahl sein.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace muss eine Zahl sein.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace muss eine Zahl sein.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Rechtschreibprüfung',
-		title			: 'Rechtschreibprüfung',
-		notAvailable	: 'Entschuldigung, aber dieser Dienst steht im Moment nicht zur verfügung.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Fehler beim laden des Dienstanbieters: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Nicht im Wörterbuch',
-		changeTo		: 'Ändern in',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignorieren',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Alle Ignorieren',
-		btnReplace		: 'Ersetzen',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Alle Ersetzen',
-		btnUndo			: 'Rückgängig',
-		noSuggestions	: ' - keine Vorschläge - ',
-		progress		: 'Rechtschreibprüfung läuft...',
-		noMispell		: 'Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - keine Fehler gefunden',
-		noChanges		: 'Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - keine Worte geändert',
-		oneChange		: 'Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - ein Wort geändert',
-		manyChanges		: 'Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - %1 Wörter geändert',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Rechtschreibprüfung nicht installiert. Möchten Sie sie jetzt herunterladen?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smiley',
-		title	: 'Smiley auswählen',
-		options : 'Smiley Optionen'
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements Pfad',
-		eleTitle : '%1 Element'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Nummerierte Liste',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Liste',
-	indent			: 'Einzug erhöhen',
-	outdent			: 'Einzug verringern',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Linksbündig',
-		center	: 'Zentriert',
-		right	: 'Rechtsbündig',
-		block	: 'Blocksatz'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Zitatblock',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Einfügen',
-		cutError	: 'Die Sicherheitseinstellungen Ihres Browsers lassen es nicht zu, den Text automatisch auszuschneiden. Bitte benutzen Sie die System-Zwischenablage über STRG-X (ausschneiden) und STRG-V (einfügen).',
-		copyError	: 'Die Sicherheitseinstellungen Ihres Browsers lassen es nicht zu, den Text automatisch kopieren. Bitte benutzen Sie die System-Zwischenablage über STRG-C (kopieren).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Bitte fügen Sie den Text in der folgenden Box über die Tastatur (mit <STRONG>Strg+V</STRONG>) ein und bestätigen Sie mit <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Aufgrund von Sicherheitsbeschränkungen Ihres Browsers kann der Editor nicht direkt auf die Zwischenablage zugreifen. Bitte fügen Sie den Inhalt erneut in diesem Fenster ein.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Einfügebereich'
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Der Text, den Sie einfügen möchten, scheint aus MS-Word kopiert zu sein. Möchten Sie ihn zuvor bereinigen lassen?',
-		toolbar			: 'aus MS-Word einfügen',
-		title			: 'aus MS-Word einfügen',
-		error			: 'Aufgrund eines internen Fehlers war es nicht möglich die eingefügten Daten zu bereinigen'
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Als Text einfügen',
-		title	: 'Als Text einfügen'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Vorlagen',
-		title			: 'Vorlagen',
-		options : 'Vorlagen Optionen',
-		insertOption	: 'Aktuellen Inhalt ersetzen',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Klicken Sie auf eine Vorlage, um sie im Editor zu öffnen (der aktuelle Inhalt wird dabei gelöscht!):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(keine Vorlagen definiert)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Blöcke anzeigen',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stil',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatierungenstil',
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Stilart',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Stilart',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Objekt Stilart'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Format',
-		panelTitle	: 'Format',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatiert',
-		tag_address	: 'Addresse',
-		tag_h1		: 'Ãœberschrift 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Ãœberschrift 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Ãœberschrift 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Ãœberschrift 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Ãœberschrift 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Ãœberschrift 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Div Container erzeugen',
-		toolbar				: 'Div Container erzeugen',
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Klasse',
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Stil',
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id',
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Sprache Code',
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style',
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Beratungs Titel',
-		langDirLabel		: 'Sprache Richtung',
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Links nach Rechs (LTR)',
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Rechs nach Links (RTL)',
-		edit				: 'Div Bearbeiten',
-		remove				: 'Div Entfernen'
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Schriftart',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Schriftart',
-		panelTitle	: 'Schriftart'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Größe',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Schrifgröße',
-		panelTitle	: 'Größe'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Textfarbe',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Hintergrundfarbe',
-		panelTitle		: 'Farben',
-		auto			: 'Automatisch',
-		more			: 'Weitere Farben...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Schwarz',
-		'800000' : 'Kastanienbraun',
-		'8B4513' : 'Braun',
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dunkles Schiefergrau',
-		'008080' : 'Blaugrün',
-		'000080' : 'Navy',
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo',
-		'696969' : 'Dunkelgrau',
-		'B22222' : 'Ziegelrot',
-		'A52A2A' : 'Braun',
-		'DAA520' : 'Goldgelb',
-		'006400' : 'Dunkelgrün',
-		'40E0D0' : 'Türkis',
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blau',
-		'800080' : 'Lila',
-		'808080' : 'Grau',
-		'F00' : 'Rot',
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dunkelorange',
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold',
-		'008000' : 'Grün',
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan',
-		'00F' : 'Blau',
-		'EE82EE' : 'Hellviolett',
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dunkelgrau',
-		'FFA07A' : 'Helles Lachsrosa',
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange',
-		'FFFF00' : 'Gelb',
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime',
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Blaß-Türkis',
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Hellblau',
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Pflaumenblau',
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Hellgrau',
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavendel',
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antik Weiß',
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Hellgelb',
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honigtau',
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azurblau',
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blau',
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavendel',
-		'FFF' : 'Weiß'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Rechtschreibprüfung während der Texteingabe',
-		opera_title		: 'Nicht von Opera unterstützt',
-		enable			: 'SCAYT einschalten',
-		disable			: 'SCAYT ausschalten',
-		about			: 'Ãœber SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'SCAYT umschalten',
-		options			: 'Optionen',
-		langs			: 'Sprachen',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Mehr Vorschläge',
-		ignore			: 'Ignorieren',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Alle ignorieren',
-		addWord			: 'Wort hinzufügen',
-		emptyDic		: 'Wörterbuchname sollte leer sein.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Optionen',
-		allCaps			: 'Groß geschriebenen Wörter ignorieren',
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Domain-Namen ignorieren',
-		mixedCase		: 'Wörter mit gemischte Setzkasten ignorieren',
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Wörter mit Zahlen ignorieren',
-		languagesTab	: 'Sprachen',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Wörterbücher',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Wörterbuchname',
-		dic_create		: 'Erzeugen',
-		dic_restore		: 'Wiederherstellen',
-		dic_delete		: 'Löschen',
-		dic_rename		: 'Umbenennen',
-		dic_info		: 'Anfangs wird das Benutzerwörterbuch in einem Cookie gespeichert. Allerdings sind Cookies in der Größe begrenzt. Wenn das Benutzerwörterbuch bis zu einem Punkt wächst, wo es nicht mehr in einem Cookie gespeichert werden kann, wird das Benutzerwörterbuch auf dem Server gespeichert. Um Ihr persönliches Wörterbuch auf dem Server zu speichern, müssen Sie einen Namen für das Wörterbuch angeben. Falls  Sie schon ein gespeicherte Wörterbuch haben, geben Sie bitte dessen Namen ein und klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Wiederherstellen.',
-		aboutTab		: 'Ãœber'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'Ãœber CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'Ãœber CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'Für Informationen Liztenzbestimmungen besuchen sie bitte unsere Webseite:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximieren',
-	minimize : 'Minimieren',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anker',
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation',
-		div		: 'Seitenumbruch',
-		unknown	: 'Unbekanntes Objekt'
-	},
-	resize : 'Zum Vergrößern ziehen',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Farbe wählen',
-		options	:	'Farbeoptionen',
-		highlight	: 'Hervorheben',
-		selected	: 'Ausgewählte Farbe',
-		clear		: 'Entfernen'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Symbolleiste einklappen',
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Symbolleiste ausklappen',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Leserichtung von Links nach Rechts',
-		rtl : 'Leserichtung von Rechts nach Links'
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * German language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'de' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'WYSIWYG-Editor',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Drücken Sie ALT 0 für Hilfe',
+		browseServer: 'Server durchsuchen',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokoll',
+		upload: 'Hochladen',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Zum Server senden',
+		image: 'Bild',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Formular',
+		checkbox: 'Checkbox',
+		radio: 'Radiobutton',
+		textField: 'Textfeld einzeilig',
+		textarea: 'Textfeld mehrzeilig',
+		hiddenField: 'Verstecktes Feld',
+		button: 'Klickbutton',
+		select: 'Auswahlfeld',
+		imageButton: 'Bildbutton',
+		notSet: '<nichts>',
+		id: 'ID',
+		name: 'Name',
+		langDir: 'Schreibrichtung',
+		langDirLtr: 'Links nach Rechts (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Rechts nach Links (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Sprachenkürzel',
+		longDescr: 'Langform URL',
+		cssClass: 'Stylesheet Klasse',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Titel Beschreibung',
+		cssStyle: 'Style',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Abbrechen',
+		close: 'Schließen',
+		preview: 'Vorschau',
+		resize: 'Zum Vergrößern ziehen',
+		generalTab: 'Allgemein',
+		advancedTab: 'Erweitert',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Dieser Wert ist keine Nummer.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen gehen verlohren. Sind Sie sicher die neue Seite zu laden?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Einige Optionen wurden geändert. Wollen Sie den Dialog dennoch schließen?',
+		options: 'Optionen',
+		target: 'Zielseite',
+		targetNew: 'Neues Fenster (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Oberstes Fenster (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Gleiches Fenster (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Oberes Fenster (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Links nach Rechts (LNR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Rechts nach Links (RNL)',
+		styles: 'Style',
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Klasse',
+		width: 'Breite',
+		height: 'Höhe',
+		align: 'Ausrichtung',
+		alignLeft: 'Links',
+		alignRight: 'Rechts',
+		alignCenter: 'Zentriert',
+		alignTop: 'Oben',
+		alignMiddle: 'Mitte',
+		alignBottom: 'Unten',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Höhe muss eine Zahl sein.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Breite muss eine Zahl sein.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Wert spezifiziert für "%1" Feld muss ein positiver numerischer Wert sein mit oder ohne korrekte CSS Messeinheit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt oder pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Wert spezifiziert für "%1" Feld muss ein positiver numerischer Wert sein mit oder ohne korrekte HTML Messeinheit (px oder %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Wert spezifiziert für inline Stilart muss enthalten ein oder mehr Tupels mit dem Format "Name : Wert" getrennt mit Semikolons.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Gebe eine Zahl ein für ein Wert in pixels oder eine Zahl mit einer korrekten CSS Messeinheit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt oder pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, nicht verfügbar</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/el.js
index c889b3a..e988428 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/el.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/el.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Greek language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['el'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'HTML κώδικας',
-	newPage			: 'Νέα Σελίδα',
-	save			: 'Αποθήκευση',
-	preview			: 'Προεπισκόπιση',
-	cut				: 'Αποκοπή',
-	copy			: 'Αντιγραφή',
-	paste			: 'Επικόλληση',
-	print			: 'Εκτύπωση',
-	underline		: 'Υπογράμμιση',
-	bold			: 'Έντονα',
-	italic			: 'Πλάγια',
-	selectAll		: 'Επιλογή όλων',
-	removeFormat	: 'Αφαίρεση Μορφοποίησης',
-	strike			: 'Διαγράμμιση',
-	subscript		: 'Δείκτης',
-	superscript		: 'Εκθέτης',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Εισαγωγή Οριζόντιας Γραμμής',
-	pagebreak		: 'Εισαγωγή τέλους σελίδας',
-	unlink			: 'Αφαίρεση Συνδέσμου (Link)',
-	undo			: 'Αναίρεση',
-	redo			: 'Επαναφορά',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Εξερεύνηση διακομιστή',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Προτόκολο',
-		upload			: 'Αποστολή',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Αποστολή στον Διακομιστή',
-		image			: 'Εικόνα',
-		flash			: 'Εισαγωγή Flash',
-		form			: 'Φόρμα',
-		checkbox		: 'Κουτί επιλογής',
-		radio			: 'Κουμπί Radio',
-		textField		: 'Πεδίο κειμένου',
-		textarea		: 'Περιοχή κειμένου',
-		hiddenField		: 'Κρυφό πεδίο',
-		button			: 'Κουμπί',
-		select			: 'Πεδίο επιλογής',
-		imageButton		: 'Κουμπί εικόνας',
-		notSet			: '<χωρίς>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Όνομα',
-		langDir			: 'Κατεύθυνση κειμένου',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Αριστερά προς Δεξιά (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Δεξιά προς Αριστερά (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Κωδικός Γλώσσας',
-		longDescr		: 'Αναλυτική περιγραφή URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Συμβουλευτικός τίτλος',
-		cssStyle		: 'Στύλ',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Ακύρωση',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'Για προχωρημένους',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Εισαγωγή Ειδικού Συμβόλου',
-		title		: 'Επιλέξτε ένα Ειδικό Σύμβολο',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Εισαγωγή/Μεταβολή Συνδέσμου (Link)',
-		other 		: '<άλλος>',
-		menu		: 'Μεταβολή Συνδέσμου (Link)',
-		title		: 'Σύνδεσμος (Link)',
-		info		: 'Link',
-		target		: 'Παράθυρο Στόχος (Target)',
-		upload		: 'Αποστολή',
-		advanced	: 'Για προχωρημένους',
-		type		: 'Τύπος συνδέσμου (Link)',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Άγκυρα σε αυτή τη σελίδα',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<πλαίσιο>',
-		targetPopup		: '<παράθυρο popup>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Όνομα πλαισίου στόχου',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Όνομα Popup Window',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Επιλογές Popup Window',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Μπάρα Status',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Μπάρα Τοποθεσίας',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Μπάρα Εργαλείων',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Μπάρα Menu',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Ολόκληρη η Οθόνη (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Μπάρες Κύλισης',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dependent (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Πλάτος',
-		popupLeft		: 'Τοποθεσία Αριστερής Άκρης',
-		popupHeight		: 'Ύψος',
-		popupTop		: 'Τοποθεσία Πάνω Άκρης',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Κατεύθυνση κειμένου',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Αριστερά προς Δεξιά (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Δεξιά προς Αριστερά (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Συντόμευση (Access Key)',
-		name			: 'Όνομα',
-		langCode		: 'Κατεύθυνση κειμένου',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tab Index',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Συμβουλευτικός τίτλος',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Συμβουλευτικός τίτλος περιεχομένου',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		charset			: 'Linked Resource Charset',
-		styles			: 'Στύλ',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Επιλέξτε μια άγκυρα',
-		anchorName		: 'Βάσει του Ονόματος (Name) της άγκυρας',
-		anchorId		: 'Βάσει του Element Id',
-		emailAddress	: 'Διεύθυνση Ηλεκτρονικού Ταχυδρομείου',
-		emailSubject	: 'Θέμα Μηνύματος',
-		emailBody		: 'Κείμενο Μηνύματος',
-		noAnchors		: '(Δεν υπάρχουν άγκυρες στο κείμενο)',
-		noUrl			: 'Εισάγετε την τοποθεσία (URL) του υπερσυνδέσμου (Link)',
-		noEmail			: 'Εισάγετε την διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Εισαγωγή/επεξεργασία Anchor',
-		menu		: 'Ιδιότητες άγκυρας',
-		title		: 'Ιδιότητες άγκυρας',
-		name		: 'Όνομα άγκυρας',
-		errorName	: 'Παρακαλούμε εισάγετε όνομα άγκυρας'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace', // MISSING
-		find				: 'Αναζήτηση',
-		replace				: 'Αντικατάσταση',
-		findWhat			: 'Αναζήτηση:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Αντικατάσταση με:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Το κείμενο δεν βρέθηκε.',
-		matchCase			: 'Έλεγχος πεζών/κεφαλαίων',
-		matchWord			: 'Εύρεση πλήρους λέξης',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Αντικατάσταση Όλων',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Πίνακας',
-		title		: 'Ιδιότητες Πίνακα',
-		menu		: 'Ιδιότητες Πίνακα',
-		deleteTable	: 'Διαγραφή πίνακα',
-		rows		: 'Γραμμές',
-		columns		: 'Κολώνες',
-		border		: 'Μέγεθος Περιθωρίου',
-		align		: 'Στοίχιση',
-		alignLeft	: 'Αριστερά',
-		alignCenter	: 'Κέντρο',
-		alignRight	: 'Δεξιά',
-		width		: 'Πλάτος',
-		widthPx		: 'pixels',
-		widthPc		: '%',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Ύψος',
-		cellSpace	: 'Απόσταση κελιών',
-		cellPad		: 'Γέμισμα κελιών',
-		caption		: 'Υπέρτιτλος',
-		summary		: 'Περίληψη',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Κελί',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After', // MISSING
-			deleteCell		: 'Διαγραφή Κελιών',
-			merge			: 'Ενοποίηση Κελιών',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right', // MISSING
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down', // MISSING
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally', // MISSING
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically', // MISSING
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Σειρά',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After', // MISSING
-			deleteRow		: 'Διαγραφή Γραμμών'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Στήλη',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After', // MISSING
-			deleteColumn	: 'Διαγραφή Κολωνών'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Ιδιότητες κουμπιού',
-		text		: 'Κείμενο (Τιμή)',
-		type		: 'Τύπος',
-		typeBtn		: 'Κουμπί',
-		typeSbm		: 'Καταχώρηση',
-		typeRst		: 'Επαναφορά'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Ιδιότητες κουμπιού επιλογής',
-		radioTitle	: 'Ιδιότητες κουμπιού radio',
-		value		: 'Τιμή',
-		selected	: 'Επιλεγμένο'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Ιδιότητες φόρμας',
-		menu		: 'Ιδιότητες φόρμας',
-		action		: 'Δράση',
-		method		: 'Μάθοδος',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Ιδιότητες πεδίου επιλογής',
-		selectInfo	: 'Πληροφορίες',
-		opAvail		: 'Διαθέσιμες επιλογές',
-		value		: 'Τιμή',
-		size		: 'Μέγεθος',
-		lines		: 'γραμμές',
-		chkMulti	: 'Πολλαπλές επιλογές',
-		opText		: 'Κείμενο',
-		opValue		: 'Τιμή',
-		btnAdd		: 'Προσθήκη',
-		btnModify	: 'Αλλαγή',
-		btnUp		: 'Πάνω',
-		btnDown		: 'Κάτω',
-		btnSetValue : 'Προεπιλεγμένη επιλογή',
-		btnDelete	: 'Διαγραφή'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Ιδιότητες περιοχής κειμένου',
-		cols		: 'Στήλες',
-		rows		: 'Σειρές'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Ιδιότητες πεδίου κειμένου',
-		name		: 'Όνομα',
-		value		: 'Τιμή',
-		charWidth	: 'Μήκος χαρακτήρων',
-		maxChars	: 'Μέγιστοι χαρακτήρες',
-		type		: 'Τύπος',
-		typeText	: 'Κείμενο',
-		typePass	: 'Κωδικός'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Ιδιότητες κρυφού πεδίου',
-		name	: 'Όνομα',
-		value	: 'Τιμή'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Ιδιότητες Εικόνας',
-		titleButton	: 'Ιδιότητες κουμπιού εικόνας',
-		menu		: 'Ιδιότητες Εικόνας',
-		infoTab		: 'Πληροφορίες Εικόνας',
-		btnUpload	: 'Αποστολή στον Διακομιστή',
-		upload		: 'Αποστολή',
-		alt			: 'Εναλλακτικό Κείμενο (ALT)',
-		width		: 'Πλάτος',
-		height		: 'Ύψος',
-		lockRatio	: 'Κλείδωμα Αναλογίας',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Επαναφορά Αρχικού Μεγέθους',
-		border		: 'Περιθώριο',
-		hSpace		: 'Οριζόντιος Χώρος (HSpace)',
-		vSpace		: 'Κάθετος Χώρος (VSpace)',
-		align		: 'Ευθυγράμμιση (Align)',
-		alignLeft	: 'Αριστερά',
-		alignRight	: 'Δεξιά (Right)',
-		alertUrl	: 'Εισάγετε την τοποθεσία (URL) της εικόνας',
-		linkTab		: 'Σύνδεσμος',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Ιδιότητες Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Ιδιότητες flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Αυτόματη έναρξη',
-		chkLoop			: 'Επανάληψη',
-		chkMenu			: 'Ενεργοποίηση Flash Menu',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Κλίμακα',
-		scaleAll		: 'Εμφάνιση όλων',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Χωρίς όρια',
-		scaleFit		: 'Ακριβής εφαρμογή',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Ευθυγράμμιση (Align)',
-		alignLeft		: 'Αριστερά',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Απόλυτα Κάτω (Abs Bottom)',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Απόλυτα στη Μέση (Abs Middle)',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Γραμμή Βάσης (Baseline)',
-		alignBottom		: 'Κάτω (Bottom)',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Μέση (Middle)',
-		alignRight		: 'Δεξιά (Right)',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Κορυφή Κειμένου (Text Top)',
-		alignTop		: 'Πάνω (Top)',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Χρώμα Υποβάθρου',
-		width			: 'Πλάτος',
-		height			: 'Ύψος',
-		hSpace			: 'Οριζόντιος Χώρος (HSpace)',
-		vSpace			: 'Κάθετος Χώρος (VSpace)',
-		validateSrc		: 'Εισάγετε την τοποθεσία (URL) του υπερσυνδέσμου (Link)',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Ορθογραφικός έλεγχος',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Δεν υπάρχει στο λεξικό',
-		changeTo		: 'Αλλαγή σε',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Αγνόηση',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Αγνόηση όλων',
-		btnReplace		: 'Αντικατάσταση',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Αντικατάσταση όλων',
-		btnUndo			: 'Αναίρεση',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Δεν υπάρχουν προτάσεις -',
-		progress		: 'Ορθογραφικός έλεγχος σε εξέλιξη...',
-		noMispell		: 'Ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος ολοκληρώθηκε: Δεν βρέθηκαν λάθη',
-		noChanges		: 'Ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος ολοκληρώθηκε: Δεν άλλαξαν λέξεις',
-		oneChange		: 'Ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος ολοκληρώθηκε: Μια λέξη άλλαξε',
-		manyChanges		: 'Ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος ολοκληρώθηκε: %1 λέξεις άλλαξαν',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Δεν υπάρχει εγκατεστημένος ορθογράφος. Θέλετε να τον κατεβάσετε τώρα;'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smiley',
-		title	: 'Επιλέξτε ένα Smiley',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Λίστα με Αριθμούς',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Λίστα με Bullets',
-	indent			: 'Αύξηση Εσοχής',
-	outdent			: 'Μείωση Εσοχής',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Στοίχιση Αριστερά',
-		center	: 'Στοίχιση στο Κέντρο',
-		right	: 'Στοίχιση Δεξιά',
-		block	: 'Πλήρης Στοίχιση (Block)'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Επικόλληση',
-		cutError	: 'Οι ρυθμίσεις ασφαλείας του φυλλομετρητή σας δεν επιτρέπουν την επιλεγμένη εργασία αποκοπής. Χρησιμοποιείστε το πληκτρολόγιο (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Οι ρυθμίσεις ασφαλείας του φυλλομετρητή σας δεν επιτρέπουν την επιλεγμένη εργασία αντιγραφής. Χρησιμοποιείστε το πληκτρολόγιο (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Παρακαλώ επικολήστε στο ακόλουθο κουτί χρησιμοποιόντας το πληκτρολόγιο (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) και πατήστε <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Επικόλληση από το Word',
-		title			: 'Επικόλληση από το Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Επικόλληση ως Απλό Κείμενο',
-		title	: 'Επικόλληση ως Απλό Κείμενο'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Πρότυπα',
-		title			: 'Πρότυπα περιεχομένου',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Αντικατάσταση υπάρχοντων περιεχομένων',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε πρότυπο για εισαγωγή στο πρόγραμμα<br>(τα υπάρχοντα περιεχόμενα θα χαθούν):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Δεν έχουν καθοριστεί πρότυπα)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Στυλ',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Μορφή Γραμματοσειράς',
-		panelTitle	: 'Μορφή Γραμματοσειράς',
-		tag_p		: 'Κανονικό',
-		tag_pre		: 'Μορφοποιημένο',
-		tag_address	: 'Διεύθυνση',
-		tag_h1		: 'Επικεφαλίδα 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Επικεφαλίδα 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Επικεφαλίδα 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Επικεφαλίδα 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Επικεφαλίδα 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Επικεφαλίδα 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)' // MISSING
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Γραμματοσειρά',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Γραμματοσειρά'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Μέγεθος',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Μέγεθος'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Χρώμα Γραμμάτων',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Χρώμα Υποβάθρου',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Αυτόματο',
-		more			: 'Περισσότερα χρώματα...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Greek language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'el' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Επεξεργαστής Πλούσιου Κειμένου',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Πατήστε το ALT 0 για βοήθεια',
+		browseServer: 'Εξερεύνηση διακομιστή',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Πρωτόκολλο',
+		upload: 'Ανέβασμα',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Αποστολή στον Διακομιστή',
+		image: 'Εικόνα',
+		flash: 'Εισαγωγή Flash',
+		form: 'Φόρμα',
+		checkbox: 'Κουτί επιλογής',
+		radio: 'Κουμπί επιλογής',
+		textField: 'Πεδίο κειμένου',
+		textarea: 'Περιοχή κειμένου',
+		hiddenField: 'Κρυφό πεδίο',
+		button: 'Κουμπί',
+		select: 'Πεδίο επιλογής',
+		imageButton: 'Κουμπί εικόνας',
+		notSet: '<δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Όνομα',
+		langDir: 'Κατεύθυνση κειμένου',
+		langDirLtr: 'Αριστερά προς Δεξιά (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Δεξιά προς Αριστερά (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Κωδικός Γλώσσας',
+		longDescr: 'Αναλυτική περιγραφή URL',
+		cssClass: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Ενδεικτικός τίτλος',
+		cssStyle: 'Μορφή κειμένου',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Ακύρωση',
+		close: 'Κλείσιμο',
+		preview: 'Προεπισκόπηση',
+		resize: 'Σύρσιμο για αλλαγή μεγέθους',
+		generalTab: 'Γενικά',
+		advancedTab: 'Για προχωρημένους',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Αυτή η τιμή δεν είναι αριθμός.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Οι όποιες αλλαγές στο περιεχόμενο θα χαθούν. Είσαστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να φορτώσετε μια νέα σελίδα;',
+		confirmCancel: 'Μερικές επιλογές έχουν αλλάξει. Είσαστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να κλείσετε το παράθυρο διαλόγου;',
+		options: 'Επιλογές',
+		target: 'Προορισμός',
+		targetNew: 'Νέο Παράθυρο (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Αρχική Περιοχή (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Ίδια Περιοχή (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Γονεϊκό Παράθυρο (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Αριστερά προς Δεξιά (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Δεξιά προς Αριστερά (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Μορφή',
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		width: 'Πλάτος',
+		height: 'Ύψος',
+		align: 'Στοίχιση',
+		alignLeft: 'Αριστερά',
+		alignRight: 'Δεξιά',
+		alignCenter: 'Κέντρο',
+		alignTop: 'Πάνω',
+		alignMiddle: 'Μέση',
+		alignBottom: 'Κάτω',
+		invalidValue	: 'Μη έγκυρη τιμή.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Το ύψος πρέπει να είναι ένας αριθμός.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Το πλάτος πρέπει να είναι ένας αριθμός.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Η τιμή που ορίζεται για το πεδίο "%1" πρέπει να είναι ένας θετικός αριθμός με ή χωρίς μια έγκυρη μονάδα μέτρησης CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, ή pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Η τιμή που ορίζεται για το πεδίο "%1" πρέπει να είναι ένας θετικός αριθμός με ή χωρίς μια έγκυρη μονάδα μέτρησης HTML (px or %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Η τιμή για το εν σειρά στυλ πρέπει να περιέχει ένα ή περισσότερα ζεύγη με την μορφή "όνομα: τιμή" διαχωρισμένα με Ελληνικό ερωτηματικό.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Εισάγεται μια τιμή σε pixel ή έναν αριθμό μαζί με μια έγκυρη μονάδα μέτρησης CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, ή pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, δεν είναι διαθέσιμο</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en-au.js
index 9ef341a..622b537 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en-au.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en-au.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * English (Australia) language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['en-au'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Source',
-	newPage			: 'New Page',
-	save			: 'Save',
-	preview			: 'Preview',
-	cut				: 'Cut',
-	copy			: 'Copy',
-	paste			: 'Paste',
-	print			: 'Print',
-	underline		: 'Underline',
-	bold			: 'Bold',
-	italic			: 'Italic',
-	selectAll		: 'Select All',
-	removeFormat	: 'Remove Format',
-	strike			: 'Strike Through',
-	subscript		: 'Subscript',
-	superscript		: 'Superscript',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Insert Horizontal Line',
-	pagebreak		: 'Insert Page Break for Printing',
-	unlink			: 'Unlink',
-	undo			: 'Undo',
-	redo			: 'Redo',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Browse Server',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protocol',
-		upload			: 'Upload',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Send it to the Server',
-		image			: 'Image',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Form',
-		checkbox		: 'Checkbox',
-		radio			: 'Radio Button',
-		textField		: 'Text Field',
-		textarea		: 'Textarea',
-		hiddenField		: 'Hidden Field',
-		button			: 'Button',
-		select			: 'Selection Field',
-		imageButton		: 'Image Button',
-		notSet			: '<not set>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Name',
-		langDir			: 'Language Direction',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Language Code',
-		longDescr		: 'Long Description URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory Title',
-		cssStyle		: 'Style',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Cancel',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General',
-		advancedTab		: 'Advanced',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Insert Special Character',
-		title		: 'Select Special Character',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Link',
-		other 		: '<other>',
-		menu		: 'Edit Link',
-		title		: 'Link',
-		info		: 'Link Info',
-		target		: 'Target',
-		upload		: 'Upload',
-		advanced	: 'Advanced',
-		type		: 'Link Type',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Link to anchor in the text',
-		toEmail		: 'E-mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<frame>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup window>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Target Frame Name',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Popup Window Name',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Popup Window Features',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Status Bar',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Location Bar',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Toolbar',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menu Bar',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Full Screen (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Scroll Bars',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dependent (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Width',
-		popupLeft		: 'Left Position',
-		popupHeight		: 'Height',
-		popupTop		: 'Top Position',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Language Direction',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Access Key',
-		name			: 'Name',
-		langCode		: 'Language Code',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tab Index',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory Title',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Advisory Content Type',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		charset			: 'Linked Resource Charset',
-		styles			: 'Style',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Select an Anchor',
-		anchorName		: 'By Anchor Name',
-		anchorId		: 'By Element Id',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-Mail Address',
-		emailSubject	: 'Message Subject',
-		emailBody		: 'Message Body',
-		noAnchors		: '(No anchors available in the document)',
-		noUrl			: 'Please type the link URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Please type the e-mail address'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Anchor',
-		menu		: 'Edit Anchor',
-		title		: 'Anchor Properties',
-		name		: 'Anchor Name',
-		errorName	: 'Please type the anchor name'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace',
-		find				: 'Find',
-		replace				: 'Replace',
-		findWhat			: 'Find what:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Replace with:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'The specified text was not found.',
-		matchCase			: 'Match case',
-		matchWord			: 'Match whole word',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic',
-		replaceAll			: 'Replace All',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Table',
-		title		: 'Table Properties',
-		menu		: 'Table Properties',
-		deleteTable	: 'Delete Table',
-		rows		: 'Rows',
-		columns		: 'Columns',
-		border		: 'Border size',
-		align		: 'Alignment',
-		alignLeft	: 'Left',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centre',
-		alignRight	: 'Right',
-		width		: 'Width',
-		widthPx		: 'pixels',
-		widthPc		: 'percent',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Height',
-		cellSpace	: 'Cell spacing',
-		cellPad		: 'Cell padding',
-		caption		: 'Caption',
-		summary		: 'Summary',
-		headers		: 'Headers',
-		headersNone		: 'None',
-		headersColumn	: 'First column',
-		headersRow		: 'First Row',
-		headersBoth		: 'Both',
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cell',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After',
-			deleteCell		: 'Delete Cells',
-			merge			: 'Merge Cells',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right',
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically',
-			title			: 'Cell Properties',
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type',
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span',
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span',
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap',
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment',
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment',
-			alignTop		: 'Top',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle',
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline',
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color',
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color',
-			data			: 'Data',
-			header			: 'Header',
-			yes				: 'Yes',
-			no				: 'No',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Row',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After',
-			deleteRow		: 'Delete Rows'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Column',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Delete Columns'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Button Properties',
-		text		: 'Text (Value)',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button',
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit',
-		typeRst		: 'Reset'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Checkbox Properties',
-		radioTitle	: 'Radio Button Properties',
-		value		: 'Value',
-		selected	: 'Selected'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Form Properties',
-		menu		: 'Form Properties',
-		action		: 'Action',
-		method		: 'Method',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Selection Field Properties',
-		selectInfo	: 'Select Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Available Options',
-		value		: 'Value',
-		size		: 'Size',
-		lines		: 'lines',
-		chkMulti	: 'Allow multiple selections',
-		opText		: 'Text',
-		opValue		: 'Value',
-		btnAdd		: 'Add',
-		btnModify	: 'Modify',
-		btnUp		: 'Up',
-		btnDown		: 'Down',
-		btnSetValue : 'Set as selected value',
-		btnDelete	: 'Delete'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Textarea Properties',
-		cols		: 'Columns',
-		rows		: 'Rows'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Text Field Properties',
-		name		: 'Name',
-		value		: 'Value',
-		charWidth	: 'Character Width',
-		maxChars	: 'Maximum Characters',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeText	: 'Text',
-		typePass	: 'Password'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Hidden Field Properties',
-		name	: 'Name',
-		value	: 'Value'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Image Properties',
-		titleButton	: 'Image Button Properties',
-		menu		: 'Image Properties',
-		infoTab		: 'Image Info',
-		btnUpload	: 'Send it to the Server',
-		upload		: 'Upload',
-		alt			: 'Alternative Text',
-		width		: 'Width',
-		height		: 'Height',
-		lockRatio	: 'Lock Ratio',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Reset Size',
-		border		: 'Border',
-		hSpace		: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace		: 'VSpace',
-		align		: 'Align',
-		alignLeft	: 'Left',
-		alignRight	: 'Right',
-		alertUrl	: 'Please type the image URL',
-		linkTab		: 'Link',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?',
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash Properties',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties',
-		title			: 'Flash Properties',
-		chkPlay			: 'Auto Play',
-		chkLoop			: 'Loop',
-		chkMenu			: 'Enable Flash Menu',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen',
- 		scale			: 'Scale',
-		scaleAll		: 'Show all',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'No Border',
-		scaleFit		: 'Exact Fit',
-		access			: 'Script Access',
-		accessAlways	: 'Always',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain',
-		accessNever		: 'Never',
-		align			: 'Align',
-		alignLeft		: 'Left',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs Bottom',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs Middle',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Baseline',
-		alignBottom		: 'Bottom',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Middle',
-		alignRight		: 'Right',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Text Top',
-		alignTop		: 'Top',
-		quality			: 'Quality',
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode',
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Background colour',
-		width			: 'Width',
-		height			: 'Height',
-		hSpace			: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace			: 'VSpace',
-		validateSrc		: 'URL must not be empty.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Check Spelling',
-		title			: 'Spell Check',
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Not in dictionary',
-		changeTo		: 'Change to',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignore',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignore All',
-		btnReplace		: 'Replace',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Replace All',
-		btnUndo			: 'Undo',
-		noSuggestions	: '- No suggestions -',
-		progress		: 'Spell check in progress...',
-		noMispell		: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
-		noChanges		: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
-		oneChange		: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
-		manyChanges		: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smiley',
-		title	: 'Insert a Smiley',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Insert/Remove Numbered List',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Insert/Remove Bulleted List',
-	indent			: 'Increase Indent',
-	outdent			: 'Decrease Indent',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Left Justify',
-		center	: 'Centre Justify',
-		right	: 'Right Justify',
-		block	: 'Block Justify'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Paste',
-		cutError	: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK',
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Paste from Word',
-		title			: 'Paste from Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Paste as plain text',
-		title	: 'Paste as Plain Text'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Templates',
-		title			: 'Content Templates',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Replace actual contents',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Please select the template to open in the editor',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(No templates defined)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Styles',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Format',
-		panelTitle	: 'Paragraph Format',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatted',
-		tag_address	: 'Address',
-		tag_h1		: 'Heading 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Heading 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Heading 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Heading 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Heading 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Heading 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Font',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Font Name'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Size',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Font Size'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Text Colour',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Background Colour',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatic',
-		more			: 'More Colours...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize',
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * English (Australia) language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'en-au' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'Browse Server',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protocol',
+		upload: 'Upload',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Send it to the Server',
+		image: 'Image',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Form',
+		checkbox: 'Checkbox',
+		radio: 'Radio Button',
+		textField: 'Text Field',
+		textarea: 'Textarea',
+		hiddenField: 'Hidden Field',
+		button: 'Button',
+		select: 'Selection Field',
+		imageButton: 'Image Button',
+		notSet: '<not set>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Name',
+		langDir: 'Language Direction',
+		langDirLtr: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Language Code',
+		longDescr: 'Long Description URL',
+		cssClass: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Advisory Title',
+		cssStyle: 'Style',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Cancel',
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: 'Preview',
+		resize: 'Resize', // MISSING
+		generalTab: 'General',
+		advancedTab: 'Advanced',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?',
+		options: 'Options', // MISSING
+		target: 'Target',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Style',
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		width: 'Width', // MISSING
+		height: 'Height', // MISSING
+		align: 'Align',
+		alignLeft: 'Left', // MISSING
+		alignRight: 'Right', // MISSING
+		alignCenter: 'Centre',
+		alignTop: 'Top', // MISSING
+		alignMiddle: 'Middle', // MISSING
+		alignBottom: 'Bottom', // MISSING
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en-ca.js
index 40dd11e..305f028 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en-ca.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * English (Canadian) language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['en-ca'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Source',
-	newPage			: 'New Page',
-	save			: 'Save',
-	preview			: 'Preview',
-	cut				: 'Cut',
-	copy			: 'Copy',
-	paste			: 'Paste',
-	print			: 'Print',
-	underline		: 'Underline',
-	bold			: 'Bold',
-	italic			: 'Italic',
-	selectAll		: 'Select All',
-	removeFormat	: 'Remove Format',
-	strike			: 'Strike Through',
-	subscript		: 'Subscript',
-	superscript		: 'Superscript',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Insert Horizontal Line',
-	pagebreak		: 'Insert Page Break for Printing',
-	unlink			: 'Unlink',
-	undo			: 'Undo',
-	redo			: 'Redo',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Browse Server',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protocol',
-		upload			: 'Upload',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Send it to the Server',
-		image			: 'Image',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Form',
-		checkbox		: 'Checkbox',
-		radio			: 'Radio Button',
-		textField		: 'Text Field',
-		textarea		: 'Textarea',
-		hiddenField		: 'Hidden Field',
-		button			: 'Button',
-		select			: 'Selection Field',
-		imageButton		: 'Image Button',
-		notSet			: '<not set>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Name',
-		langDir			: 'Language Direction',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Language Code',
-		longDescr		: 'Long Description URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory Title',
-		cssStyle		: 'Style',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Cancel',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General',
-		advancedTab		: 'Advanced',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Insert Special Character',
-		title		: 'Select Special Character',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Link',
-		other 		: '<other>',
-		menu		: 'Edit Link',
-		title		: 'Link',
-		info		: 'Link Info',
-		target		: 'Target',
-		upload		: 'Upload',
-		advanced	: 'Advanced',
-		type		: 'Link Type',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Link to anchor in the text',
-		toEmail		: 'E-mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<frame>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup window>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Target Frame Name',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Popup Window Name',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Popup Window Features',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Status Bar',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Location Bar',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Toolbar',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menu Bar',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Full Screen (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Scroll Bars',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dependent (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Width',
-		popupLeft		: 'Left Position',
-		popupHeight		: 'Height',
-		popupTop		: 'Top Position',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Language Direction',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Access Key',
-		name			: 'Name',
-		langCode		: 'Language Code',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tab Index',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory Title',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Advisory Content Type',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		charset			: 'Linked Resource Charset',
-		styles			: 'Style',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Select an Anchor',
-		anchorName		: 'By Anchor Name',
-		anchorId		: 'By Element Id',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-Mail Address',
-		emailSubject	: 'Message Subject',
-		emailBody		: 'Message Body',
-		noAnchors		: '(No anchors available in the document)',
-		noUrl			: 'Please type the link URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Please type the e-mail address'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Anchor',
-		menu		: 'Edit Anchor',
-		title		: 'Anchor Properties',
-		name		: 'Anchor Name',
-		errorName	: 'Please type the anchor name'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace',
-		find				: 'Find',
-		replace				: 'Replace',
-		findWhat			: 'Find what:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Replace with:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'The specified text was not found.',
-		matchCase			: 'Match case',
-		matchWord			: 'Match whole word',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic',
-		replaceAll			: 'Replace All',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Table',
-		title		: 'Table Properties',
-		menu		: 'Table Properties',
-		deleteTable	: 'Delete Table',
-		rows		: 'Rows',
-		columns		: 'Columns',
-		border		: 'Border size',
-		align		: 'Alignment',
-		alignLeft	: 'Left',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centre',
-		alignRight	: 'Right',
-		width		: 'Width',
-		widthPx		: 'pixels',
-		widthPc		: 'percent',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Height',
-		cellSpace	: 'Cell spacing',
-		cellPad		: 'Cell padding',
-		caption		: 'Caption',
-		summary		: 'Summary',
-		headers		: 'Headers',
-		headersNone		: 'None',
-		headersColumn	: 'First column',
-		headersRow		: 'First Row',
-		headersBoth		: 'Both',
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cell',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After',
-			deleteCell		: 'Delete Cells',
-			merge			: 'Merge Cells',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right',
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically',
-			title			: 'Cell Properties',
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type',
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span',
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span',
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap',
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment',
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment',
-			alignTop		: 'Top',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle',
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline',
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color',
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color',
-			data			: 'Data',
-			header			: 'Header',
-			yes				: 'Yes',
-			no				: 'No',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Row',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After',
-			deleteRow		: 'Delete Rows'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Column',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Delete Columns'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Button Properties',
-		text		: 'Text (Value)',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button',
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit',
-		typeRst		: 'Reset'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Checkbox Properties',
-		radioTitle	: 'Radio Button Properties',
-		value		: 'Value',
-		selected	: 'Selected'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Form Properties',
-		menu		: 'Form Properties',
-		action		: 'Action',
-		method		: 'Method',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Selection Field Properties',
-		selectInfo	: 'Select Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Available Options',
-		value		: 'Value',
-		size		: 'Size',
-		lines		: 'lines',
-		chkMulti	: 'Allow multiple selections',
-		opText		: 'Text',
-		opValue		: 'Value',
-		btnAdd		: 'Add',
-		btnModify	: 'Modify',
-		btnUp		: 'Up',
-		btnDown		: 'Down',
-		btnSetValue : 'Set as selected value',
-		btnDelete	: 'Delete'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Textarea Properties',
-		cols		: 'Columns',
-		rows		: 'Rows'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Text Field Properties',
-		name		: 'Name',
-		value		: 'Value',
-		charWidth	: 'Character Width',
-		maxChars	: 'Maximum Characters',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeText	: 'Text',
-		typePass	: 'Password'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Hidden Field Properties',
-		name	: 'Name',
-		value	: 'Value'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Image Properties',
-		titleButton	: 'Image Button Properties',
-		menu		: 'Image Properties',
-		infoTab		: 'Image Info',
-		btnUpload	: 'Send it to the Server',
-		upload		: 'Upload',
-		alt			: 'Alternative Text',
-		width		: 'Width',
-		height		: 'Height',
-		lockRatio	: 'Lock Ratio',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Reset Size',
-		border		: 'Border',
-		hSpace		: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace		: 'VSpace',
-		align		: 'Align',
-		alignLeft	: 'Left',
-		alignRight	: 'Right',
-		alertUrl	: 'Please type the image URL',
-		linkTab		: 'Link',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?',
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash Properties',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties',
-		title			: 'Flash Properties',
-		chkPlay			: 'Auto Play',
-		chkLoop			: 'Loop',
-		chkMenu			: 'Enable Flash Menu',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen',
- 		scale			: 'Scale',
-		scaleAll		: 'Show all',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'No Border',
-		scaleFit		: 'Exact Fit',
-		access			: 'Script Access',
-		accessAlways	: 'Always',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain',
-		accessNever		: 'Never',
-		align			: 'Align',
-		alignLeft		: 'Left',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs Bottom',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs Middle',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Baseline',
-		alignBottom		: 'Bottom',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Middle',
-		alignRight		: 'Right',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Text Top',
-		alignTop		: 'Top',
-		quality			: 'Quality',
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode',
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Background colour',
-		width			: 'Width',
-		height			: 'Height',
-		hSpace			: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace			: 'VSpace',
-		validateSrc		: 'URL must not be empty.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Check Spelling',
-		title			: 'Spell Check',
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Not in dictionary',
-		changeTo		: 'Change to',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignore',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignore All',
-		btnReplace		: 'Replace',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Replace All',
-		btnUndo			: 'Undo',
-		noSuggestions	: '- No suggestions -',
-		progress		: 'Spell check in progress...',
-		noMispell		: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
-		noChanges		: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
-		oneChange		: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
-		manyChanges		: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smiley',
-		title	: 'Insert a Smiley',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Insert/Remove Numbered List',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Insert/Remove Bulleted List',
-	indent			: 'Increase Indent',
-	outdent			: 'Decrease Indent',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Left Justify',
-		center	: 'Centre Justify',
-		right	: 'Right Justify',
-		block	: 'Block Justify'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Paste',
-		cutError	: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK',
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Paste from Word',
-		title			: 'Paste from Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Paste as plain text',
-		title	: 'Paste as Plain Text'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Templates',
-		title			: 'Content Templates',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Replace actual contents',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Please select the template to open in the editor',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(No templates defined)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Styles',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Format',
-		panelTitle	: 'Paragraph Format',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatted',
-		tag_address	: 'Address',
-		tag_h1		: 'Heading 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Heading 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Heading 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Heading 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Heading 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Heading 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Font',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Font Name'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Size',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Font Size'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Text Colour',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Background Colour',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatic',
-		more			: 'More Colours...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize',
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * English (Canadian) language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'en-ca' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'Browse Server',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protocol',
+		upload: 'Upload',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Send it to the Server',
+		image: 'Image',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Form',
+		checkbox: 'Checkbox',
+		radio: 'Radio Button',
+		textField: 'Text Field',
+		textarea: 'Textarea',
+		hiddenField: 'Hidden Field',
+		button: 'Button',
+		select: 'Selection Field',
+		imageButton: 'Image Button',
+		notSet: '<not set>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Name',
+		langDir: 'Language Direction',
+		langDirLtr: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Language Code',
+		longDescr: 'Long Description URL',
+		cssClass: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Advisory Title',
+		cssStyle: 'Style',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Cancel',
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: 'Preview',
+		resize: 'Resize', // MISSING
+		generalTab: 'General',
+		advancedTab: 'Advanced',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?',
+		options: 'Options', // MISSING
+		target: 'Target',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Style',
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		width: 'Width', // MISSING
+		height: 'Height', // MISSING
+		align: 'Align',
+		alignLeft: 'Left', // MISSING
+		alignRight: 'Right', // MISSING
+		alignCenter: 'Centre',
+		alignTop: 'Top', // MISSING
+		alignMiddle: 'Middle', // MISSING
+		alignBottom: 'Bottom', // MISSING
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en-gb.js
index c0779db..e4e180f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en-gb.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * English (United Kingdom) language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['en-gb'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Source',
-	newPage			: 'New Page',
-	save			: 'Save',
-	preview			: 'Preview',
-	cut				: 'Cut',
-	copy			: 'Copy',
-	paste			: 'Paste',
-	print			: 'Print',
-	underline		: 'Underline',
-	bold			: 'Bold',
-	italic			: 'Italic',
-	selectAll		: 'Select All',
-	removeFormat	: 'Remove Format',
-	strike			: 'Strike Through',
-	subscript		: 'Subscript',
-	superscript		: 'Superscript',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Insert Horizontal Line',
-	pagebreak		: 'Insert Page Break for Printing',
-	unlink			: 'Unlink',
-	undo			: 'Undo',
-	redo			: 'Redo',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Browse Server',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protocol',
-		upload			: 'Upload',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Send it to the Server',
-		image			: 'Image',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Form',
-		checkbox		: 'Checkbox',
-		radio			: 'Radio Button',
-		textField		: 'Text Field',
-		textarea		: 'Textarea',
-		hiddenField		: 'Hidden Field',
-		button			: 'Button',
-		select			: 'Selection Field',
-		imageButton		: 'Image Button',
-		notSet			: '<not set>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Name',
-		langDir			: 'Language Direction',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Language Code',
-		longDescr		: 'Long Description URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory Title',
-		cssStyle		: 'Style',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Cancel',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General',
-		advancedTab		: 'Advanced',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Insert Special Character',
-		title		: 'Select Special Character',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Link',
-		other 		: '<other>',
-		menu		: 'Edit Link',
-		title		: 'Link',
-		info		: 'Link Info',
-		target		: 'Target',
-		upload		: 'Upload',
-		advanced	: 'Advanced',
-		type		: 'Link Type',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Link to anchor in the text',
-		toEmail		: 'E-mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<frame>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup window>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Target Frame Name',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Popup Window Name',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Popup Window Features',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Status Bar',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Location Bar',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Toolbar',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menu Bar',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Full Screen (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Scroll Bars',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dependent (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Width',
-		popupLeft		: 'Left Position',
-		popupHeight		: 'Height',
-		popupTop		: 'Top Position',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Language Direction',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Access Key',
-		name			: 'Name',
-		langCode		: 'Language Code',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tab Index',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory Title',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Advisory Content Type',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		charset			: 'Linked Resource Charset',
-		styles			: 'Style',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Select an Anchor',
-		anchorName		: 'By Anchor Name',
-		anchorId		: 'By Element Id',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-Mail Address',
-		emailSubject	: 'Message Subject',
-		emailBody		: 'Message Body',
-		noAnchors		: '(No anchors available in the document)',
-		noUrl			: 'Please type the link URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Please type the e-mail address'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Anchor',
-		menu		: 'Edit Anchor',
-		title		: 'Anchor Properties',
-		name		: 'Anchor Name',
-		errorName	: 'Please type the anchor name'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace',
-		find				: 'Find',
-		replace				: 'Replace',
-		findWhat			: 'Find what:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Replace with:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'The specified text was not found.',
-		matchCase			: 'Match case',
-		matchWord			: 'Match whole word',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic',
-		replaceAll			: 'Replace All',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Table',
-		title		: 'Table Properties',
-		menu		: 'Table Properties',
-		deleteTable	: 'Delete Table',
-		rows		: 'Rows',
-		columns		: 'Columns',
-		border		: 'Border size',
-		align		: 'Alignment',
-		alignLeft	: 'Left',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centre',
-		alignRight	: 'Right',
-		width		: 'Width',
-		widthPx		: 'pixels',
-		widthPc		: 'percent',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Height',
-		cellSpace	: 'Cell spacing',
-		cellPad		: 'Cell padding',
-		caption		: 'Caption',
-		summary		: 'Summary',
-		headers		: 'Headers',
-		headersNone		: 'None',
-		headersColumn	: 'First column',
-		headersRow		: 'First Row',
-		headersBoth		: 'Both',
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cell',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After',
-			deleteCell		: 'Delete Cells',
-			merge			: 'Merge Cells',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right',
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically',
-			title			: 'Cell Properties',
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type',
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span',
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span',
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap',
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment',
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment',
-			alignTop		: 'Top',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle',
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline',
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color',
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color',
-			data			: 'Data',
-			header			: 'Header',
-			yes				: 'Yes',
-			no				: 'No',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Row',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After',
-			deleteRow		: 'Delete Rows'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Column',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Delete Columns'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Button Properties',
-		text		: 'Text (Value)',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button',
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit',
-		typeRst		: 'Reset'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Checkbox Properties',
-		radioTitle	: 'Radio Button Properties',
-		value		: 'Value',
-		selected	: 'Selected'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Form Properties',
-		menu		: 'Form Properties',
-		action		: 'Action',
-		method		: 'Method',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Selection Field Properties',
-		selectInfo	: 'Select Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Available Options',
-		value		: 'Value',
-		size		: 'Size',
-		lines		: 'lines',
-		chkMulti	: 'Allow multiple selections',
-		opText		: 'Text',
-		opValue		: 'Value',
-		btnAdd		: 'Add',
-		btnModify	: 'Modify',
-		btnUp		: 'Up',
-		btnDown		: 'Down',
-		btnSetValue : 'Set as selected value',
-		btnDelete	: 'Delete'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Textarea Properties',
-		cols		: 'Columns',
-		rows		: 'Rows'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Text Field Properties',
-		name		: 'Name',
-		value		: 'Value',
-		charWidth	: 'Character Width',
-		maxChars	: 'Maximum Characters',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeText	: 'Text',
-		typePass	: 'Password'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Hidden Field Properties',
-		name	: 'Name',
-		value	: 'Value'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Image Properties',
-		titleButton	: 'Image Button Properties',
-		menu		: 'Image Properties',
-		infoTab		: 'Image Info',
-		btnUpload	: 'Send it to the Server',
-		upload		: 'Upload',
-		alt			: 'Alternative Text',
-		width		: 'Width',
-		height		: 'Height',
-		lockRatio	: 'Lock Ratio',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Reset Size',
-		border		: 'Border',
-		hSpace		: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace		: 'VSpace',
-		align		: 'Align',
-		alignLeft	: 'Left',
-		alignRight	: 'Right',
-		alertUrl	: 'Please type the image URL',
-		linkTab		: 'Link',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?',
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash Properties',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties',
-		title			: 'Flash Properties',
-		chkPlay			: 'Auto Play',
-		chkLoop			: 'Loop',
-		chkMenu			: 'Enable Flash Menu',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen',
- 		scale			: 'Scale',
-		scaleAll		: 'Show all',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'No Border',
-		scaleFit		: 'Exact Fit',
-		access			: 'Script Access',
-		accessAlways	: 'Always',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain',
-		accessNever		: 'Never',
-		align			: 'Align',
-		alignLeft		: 'Left',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs Bottom',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs Middle',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Baseline',
-		alignBottom		: 'Bottom',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Middle',
-		alignRight		: 'Right',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Text Top',
-		alignTop		: 'Top',
-		quality			: 'Quality',
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode',
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Background colour',
-		width			: 'Width',
-		height			: 'Height',
-		hSpace			: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace			: 'VSpace',
-		validateSrc		: 'URL must not be empty.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Check Spelling',
-		title			: 'Spell Check',
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Not in dictionary',
-		changeTo		: 'Change to',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignore',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignore All',
-		btnReplace		: 'Replace',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Replace All',
-		btnUndo			: 'Undo',
-		noSuggestions	: '- No suggestions -',
-		progress		: 'Spell check in progress...',
-		noMispell		: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
-		noChanges		: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
-		oneChange		: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
-		manyChanges		: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smiley',
-		title	: 'Insert a Smiley',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Insert/Remove Numbered List',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Insert/Remove Bulleted List',
-	indent			: 'Increase Indent',
-	outdent			: 'Decrease Indent',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Left Justify',
-		center	: 'Centre Justify',
-		right	: 'Right Justify',
-		block	: 'Block Justify'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Paste',
-		cutError	: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK',
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area'
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Paste from Word',
-		title			: 'Paste from Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Paste as plain text',
-		title	: 'Paste as Plain Text'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Templates',
-		title			: 'Content Templates',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Replace actual contents',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Please select the template to open in the editor',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(No templates defined)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Styles',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Format',
-		panelTitle	: 'Paragraph Format',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatted',
-		tag_address	: 'Address',
-		tag_h1		: 'Heading 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Heading 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Heading 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Heading 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Heading 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Heading 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Font',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Font Name'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Size',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Font Size'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Text Colour',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Background Colour',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatic',
-		more			: 'More Colours...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize',
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * English (United Kingdom) language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'en-gb' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'Browse Server',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protocol',
+		upload: 'Upload',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Send it to the Server',
+		image: 'Image',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Form',
+		checkbox: 'Checkbox',
+		radio: 'Radio Button',
+		textField: 'Text Field',
+		textarea: 'Textarea',
+		hiddenField: 'Hidden Field',
+		button: 'Button',
+		select: 'Selection Field',
+		imageButton: 'Image Button',
+		notSet: '<not set>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Name',
+		langDir: 'Language Direction',
+		langDirLtr: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Language Code',
+		longDescr: 'Long Description URL',
+		cssClass: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Advisory Title',
+		cssStyle: 'Style',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Cancel',
+		close: 'Close',
+		preview: 'Preview',
+		resize: 'Drag to resize',
+		generalTab: 'General',
+		advancedTab: 'Advanced',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?',
+		options: 'Options',
+		target: 'Target',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Style',
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		width: 'Width',
+		height: 'Height',
+		align: 'Align',
+		alignLeft: 'Left',
+		alignRight: 'Right',
+		alignCenter: 'Centre',
+		alignTop: 'Top',
+		alignMiddle: 'Middle',
+		alignBottom: 'Bottom',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en.js
index fee64f9..44a25e5 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/en.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the English
- *		language. This is the base file for all translations.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['en'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.',
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar',
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor',
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Source',
-	newPage			: 'New Page',
-	save			: 'Save',
-	preview			: 'Preview',
-	cut				: 'Cut',
-	copy			: 'Copy',
-	paste			: 'Paste',
-	print			: 'Print',
-	underline		: 'Underline',
-	bold			: 'Bold',
-	italic			: 'Italic',
-	selectAll		: 'Select All',
-	removeFormat	: 'Remove Format',
-	strike			: 'Strike Through',
-	subscript		: 'Subscript',
-	superscript		: 'Superscript',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Insert Horizontal Line',
-	pagebreak		: 'Insert Page Break for Printing',
-	unlink			: 'Unlink',
-	undo			: 'Undo',
-	redo			: 'Redo',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Browse Server',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protocol',
-		upload			: 'Upload',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Send it to the Server',
-		image			: 'Image',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Form',
-		checkbox		: 'Checkbox',
-		radio			: 'Radio Button',
-		textField		: 'Text Field',
-		textarea		: 'Textarea',
-		hiddenField		: 'Hidden Field',
-		button			: 'Button',
-		select			: 'Selection Field',
-		imageButton		: 'Image Button',
-		notSet			: '<not set>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Name',
-		langDir			: 'Language Direction',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Language Code',
-		longDescr		: 'Long Description URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory Title',
-		cssStyle		: 'Style',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Cancel',
-		close			: 'Close',
-		preview			: 'Preview',
-		generalTab		: 'General',
-		advancedTab		: 'Advanced',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?',
-		options			: 'Options',
-		target			: 'Target',
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)',
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)',
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)',
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
-		styles			: 'Style',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options'
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Insert Special Character',
-		title		: 'Select Special Character',
-		options : 'Special Character Options'
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Link',
-		other 		: '<other>',
-		menu		: 'Edit Link',
-		title		: 'Link',
-		info		: 'Link Info',
-		target		: 'Target',
-		upload		: 'Upload',
-		advanced	: 'Advanced',
-		type		: 'Link Type',
-		toUrl		: 'URL',
-		toAnchor	: 'Link to anchor in the text',
-		toEmail		: 'E-mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<frame>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup window>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Target Frame Name',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Popup Window Name',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Popup Window Features',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Status Bar',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Location Bar',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Toolbar',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menu Bar',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Full Screen (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Scroll Bars',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dependent (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Width',
-		popupLeft		: 'Left Position',
-		popupHeight		: 'Height',
-		popupTop		: 'Top Position',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Language Direction',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Access Key',
-		name			: 'Name',
-		langCode		: 'Language Code',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tab Index',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory Title',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Advisory Content Type',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		charset			: 'Linked Resource Charset',
-		styles			: 'Style',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Select an Anchor',
-		anchorName		: 'By Anchor Name',
-		anchorId		: 'By Element Id',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-Mail Address',
-		emailSubject	: 'Message Subject',
-		emailBody		: 'Message Body',
-		noAnchors		: '(No anchors available in the document)',
-		noUrl			: 'Please type the link URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Please type the e-mail address'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Anchor',
-		menu		: 'Edit Anchor',
-		title		: 'Anchor Properties',
-		name		: 'Anchor Name',
-		errorName	: 'Please type the anchor name'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties',
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties',
-		type				: 'Type',
-		start				: 'Start',
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.',
-		circle				: 'Circle',
-		disc				: 'Disc',
-		square				: 'Square',
-		none				: 'None',
-		notset				: '<not set>',
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering',
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)'
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace',
-		find				: 'Find',
-		replace				: 'Replace',
-		findWhat			: 'Find what:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Replace with:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'The specified text was not found.',
-		matchCase			: 'Match case',
-		matchWord			: 'Match whole word',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic',
-		replaceAll			: 'Replace All',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Table',
-		title		: 'Table Properties',
-		menu		: 'Table Properties',
-		deleteTable	: 'Delete Table',
-		rows		: 'Rows',
-		columns		: 'Columns',
-		border		: 'Border size',
-		align		: 'Alignment',
-		alignLeft	: 'Left',
-		alignCenter	: 'Center',
-		alignRight	: 'Right',
-		width		: 'Width',
-		widthPx		: 'pixels',
-		widthPc		: 'percent',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit',
-		height		: 'Height',
-		cellSpace	: 'Cell spacing',
-		cellPad		: 'Cell padding',
-		caption		: 'Caption',
-		summary		: 'Summary',
-		headers		: 'Headers',
-		headersNone		: 'None',
-		headersColumn	: 'First column',
-		headersRow		: 'First Row',
-		headersBoth		: 'Both',
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cell',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After',
-			deleteCell		: 'Delete Cells',
-			merge			: 'Merge Cells',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right',
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically',
-			title			: 'Cell Properties',
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type',
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span',
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span',
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap',
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment',
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment',
-			alignTop		: 'Top',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle',
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline',
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color',
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color',
-			data			: 'Data',
-			header			: 'Header',
-			yes				: 'Yes',
-			no				: 'No',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Row',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After',
-			deleteRow		: 'Delete Rows'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Column',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Delete Columns'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Button Properties',
-		text		: 'Text (Value)',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button',
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit',
-		typeRst		: 'Reset'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Checkbox Properties',
-		radioTitle	: 'Radio Button Properties',
-		value		: 'Value',
-		selected	: 'Selected'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Form Properties',
-		menu		: 'Form Properties',
-		action		: 'Action',
-		method		: 'Method',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Selection Field Properties',
-		selectInfo	: 'Select Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Available Options',
-		value		: 'Value',
-		size		: 'Size',
-		lines		: 'lines',
-		chkMulti	: 'Allow multiple selections',
-		opText		: 'Text',
-		opValue		: 'Value',
-		btnAdd		: 'Add',
-		btnModify	: 'Modify',
-		btnUp		: 'Up',
-		btnDown		: 'Down',
-		btnSetValue : 'Set as selected value',
-		btnDelete	: 'Delete'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Textarea Properties',
-		cols		: 'Columns',
-		rows		: 'Rows'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Text Field Properties',
-		name		: 'Name',
-		value		: 'Value',
-		charWidth	: 'Character Width',
-		maxChars	: 'Maximum Characters',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeText	: 'Text',
-		typePass	: 'Password'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Hidden Field Properties',
-		name	: 'Name',
-		value	: 'Value'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Image Properties',
-		titleButton	: 'Image Button Properties',
-		menu		: 'Image Properties',
-		infoTab		: 'Image Info',
-		btnUpload	: 'Send it to the Server',
-		upload		: 'Upload',
-		alt			: 'Alternative Text',
-		width		: 'Width',
-		height		: 'Height',
-		lockRatio	: 'Lock Ratio',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio',
-		resetSize	: 'Reset Size',
-		border		: 'Border',
-		hSpace		: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace		: 'VSpace',
-		align		: 'Align',
-		alignLeft	: 'Left',
-		alignRight	: 'Right',
-		alertUrl	: 'Please type the image URL',
-		linkTab		: 'Link',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?',
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.',
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.'
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash Properties',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties',
-		title			: 'Flash Properties',
-		chkPlay			: 'Auto Play',
-		chkLoop			: 'Loop',
-		chkMenu			: 'Enable Flash Menu',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen',
- 		scale			: 'Scale',
-		scaleAll		: 'Show all',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'No Border',
-		scaleFit		: 'Exact Fit',
-		access			: 'Script Access',
-		accessAlways	: 'Always',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain',
-		accessNever		: 'Never',
-		align			: 'Align',
-		alignLeft		: 'Left',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs Bottom',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs Middle',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Baseline',
-		alignBottom		: 'Bottom',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Middle',
-		alignRight		: 'Right',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Text Top',
-		alignTop		: 'Top',
-		quality			: 'Quality',
-		qualityBest		: 'Best',
-		qualityHigh		: 'High',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low',
-		qualityLow		: 'Low',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent',
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode',
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Background color',
-		width			: 'Width',
-		height			: 'Height',
-		hSpace			: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace			: 'VSpace',
-		validateSrc		: 'URL must not be empty.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Check Spelling',
-		title			: 'Spell Check',
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Not in dictionary',
-		changeTo		: 'Change to',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignore',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignore All',
-		btnReplace		: 'Replace',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Replace All',
-		btnUndo			: 'Undo',
-		noSuggestions	: '- No suggestions -',
-		progress		: 'Spell check in progress...',
-		noMispell		: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
-		noChanges		: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
-		oneChange		: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
-		manyChanges		: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smiley',
-		title	: 'Insert a Smiley',
-		options : 'Smiley Options'
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path',
-		eleTitle : '%1 element'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Insert/Remove Numbered List',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Insert/Remove Bulleted List',
-	indent			: 'Increase Indent',
-	outdent			: 'Decrease Indent',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Left Justify',
-		center	: 'Center Justify',
-		right	: 'Right Justify',
-		block	: 'Block Justify'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Paste',
-		cutError	: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK',
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area'
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',
-		toolbar			: 'Paste from Word',
-		title			: 'Paste from Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Paste as plain text',
-		title	: 'Paste as Plain Text'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Templates',
-		title			: 'Content Templates',
-		options : 'Template Options',
-		insertOption	: 'Replace actual contents',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Please select the template to open in the editor',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(No templates defined)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Styles',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles',
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Format',
-		panelTitle	: 'Paragraph Format',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatted',
-		tag_address	: 'Address',
-		tag_h1		: 'Heading 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Heading 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Heading 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Heading 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Heading 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Heading 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container',
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container',
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style',
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id',
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code',
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style',
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title',
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction',
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
-		edit				: 'Edit Div',
-		remove				: 'Remove Div'
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Font',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font',
-		panelTitle	: 'Font Name'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Size',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size',
-		panelTitle	: 'Font Size'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Text Color',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Background Color',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors',
-		auto			: 'Automatic',
-		more			: 'More Colors...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black',
-		'800000' : 'Maroon',
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown',
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray',
-		'008080' : 'Teal',
-		'000080' : 'Navy',
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo',
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray',
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick',
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown',
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod',
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green',
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise',
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue',
-		'800080' : 'Purple',
-		'808080' : 'Gray',
-		'F00' : 'Red',
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange',
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold',
-		'008000' : 'Green',
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan',
-		'00F' : 'Blue',
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet',
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray',
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon',
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange',
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow',
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime',
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise',
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue',
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum',
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey',
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush',
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White',
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow',
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew',
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure',
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue',
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender',
-		'FFF' : 'White'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera',
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT',
-		about			: 'About SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT',
-		options			: 'Options',
-		langs			: 'Languages',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions',
-		ignore			: 'Ignore',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All',
-		addWord			: 'Add Word',
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Options',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words',
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names',
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers',
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name',
-		dic_create		: 'Create',
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore',
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete',
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename',
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',
-		aboutTab		: 'About'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize',
-	minimize : 'Minimize',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor',
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation',
-		div		: 'Page Break',
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object'
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color',
-		options	:	'Color Options',
-		highlight	: 'Highlight',
-		selected	: 'Selected Color',
-		clear		: 'Clear'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar',
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right',
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left'
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object for the English
+ *		language. This is the base file for all translations.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'en' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help',
+		browseServer: 'Browse Server',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protocol',
+		upload: 'Upload',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Send it to the Server',
+		image: 'Image',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Form',
+		checkbox: 'Checkbox',
+		radio: 'Radio Button',
+		textField: 'Text Field',
+		textarea: 'Textarea',
+		hiddenField: 'Hidden Field',
+		button: 'Button',
+		select: 'Selection Field',
+		imageButton: 'Image Button',
+		notSet: '<not set>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Name',
+		langDir: 'Language Direction',
+		langDirLtr: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Language Code',
+		longDescr: 'Long Description URL',
+		cssClass: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Advisory Title',
+		cssStyle: 'Style',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Cancel',
+		close: 'Close',
+		preview: 'Preview',
+		resize: 'Resize',
+		generalTab: 'General',
+		advancedTab: 'Advanced',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?',
+		options: 'Options',
+		target: 'Target',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Style',
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		width: 'Width',
+		height: 'Height',
+		align: 'Alignment',
+		alignLeft: 'Left',
+		alignRight: 'Right',
+		alignCenter: 'Center',
+		alignTop: 'Top',
+		alignMiddle: 'Middle',
+		alignBottom: 'Bottom',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/eo.js
index d36c7f1..040047c 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/eo.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/eo.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Esperanto language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['eo'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Fonto',
-	newPage			: 'Nova Paĝo',
-	save			: 'Sekurigi',
-	preview			: 'Vidigi Aspekton',
-	cut				: 'Eltondi',
-	copy			: 'Kopii',
-	paste			: 'Interglui',
-	print			: 'Presi',
-	underline		: 'Substreko',
-	bold			: 'Grasa',
-	italic			: 'Kursiva',
-	selectAll		: 'Elekti ĉion',
-	removeFormat	: 'Forigi Formaton',
-	strike			: 'Trastreko',
-	subscript		: 'Subskribo',
-	superscript		: 'Superskribo',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Enmeti Horizonta Linio',
-	pagebreak		: 'Insert Page Break for Printing', // MISSING
-	unlink			: 'Forigi Ligilon',
-	undo			: 'Malfari',
-	redo			: 'Refari',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Foliumi en la Servilo',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokolo',
-		upload			: 'Alŝuti',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Sendu al Servilo',
-		image			: 'Bildo',
-		flash			: 'Flash', // MISSING
-		form			: 'Formularo',
-		checkbox		: 'Markobutono',
-		radio			: 'Radiobutono',
-		textField		: 'Teksta kampo',
-		textarea		: 'Teksta Areo',
-		hiddenField		: 'Kaŝita Kampo',
-		button			: 'Butono',
-		select			: 'Elekta Kampo',
-		imageButton		: 'Bildbutono',
-		notSet			: '<DefaÅ­lta>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Nomo',
-		langDir			: 'Skribdirekto',
-		langDirLtr		: 'De maldekstro dekstren (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'De dekstro maldekstren (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Lingva Kodo',
-		longDescr		: 'URL de Longa Priskribo',
-		cssClass		: 'Klasoj de Stilfolioj',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Indika Titolo',
-		cssStyle		: 'Stilo',
-		ok				: 'Akcepti',
-		cancel			: 'Rezigni',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'Speciala',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Enmeti Specialan Signon',
-		title		: 'Enmeti Specialan Signon',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Enmeti/Ŝanĝi Ligilon',
-		other 		: '<other>', // MISSING
-		menu		: 'Modifier Ligilon',
-		title		: 'Ligilo',
-		info		: 'Informoj pri la Ligilo',
-		target		: 'Celo',
-		upload		: 'Alŝuti',
-		advanced	: 'Speciala',
-		type		: 'Tipo de Ligilo',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Ankri en tiu ĉi paĝo',
-		toEmail		: 'Retpoŝto',
-		targetFrame		: '<kadro>',
-		targetPopup		: '<ŝprucfenestro>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Nomo de Kadro',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Nomo de Åœprucfenestro',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Atributoj de la Åœprucfenestro',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Statobreto',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Adresobreto',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Ilobreto',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menubreto',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Tutekrane (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Rulumlisteloj',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dependa (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Larĝo',
-		popupLeft		: 'Pozicio de Maldekstro',
-		popupHeight		: 'Alto',
-		popupTop		: 'Pozicio de Supro',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Skribdirekto',
-		langDirLTR		: 'De maldekstro dekstren (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'De dekstro maldekstren (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Fulmoklavo',
-		name			: 'Nomo',
-		langCode		: 'Skribdirekto',
-		tabIndex		: 'Taba Ordo',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Indika Titolo',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Indika Enhavotipo',
-		cssClasses		: 'Klasoj de Stilfolioj',
-		charset			: 'Signaro de la Ligita Rimedo',
-		styles			: 'Stilo',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Elekti Ankron',
-		anchorName		: 'Per Ankronomo',
-		anchorId		: 'Per Elementidentigilo',
-		emailAddress	: 'Retadreso',
-		emailSubject	: 'Temlinio',
-		emailBody		: 'Mesaĝa korpo',
-		noAnchors		: '<Ne disponeblas ankroj en la dokumento>',
-		noUrl			: 'Bonvolu entajpi la URL-on',
-		noEmail			: 'Bonvolu entajpi la retadreson'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Enmeti/Ŝanĝi Ankron',
-		menu		: 'Ankraj Atributoj',
-		title		: 'Ankraj Atributoj',
-		name		: 'Ankra Nomo',
-		errorName	: 'Bv tajpi la ankran nomon'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace', // MISSING
-		find				: 'Serĉi',
-		replace				: 'AnstataÅ­igi',
-		findWhat			: 'Serĉi:',
-		replaceWith			: 'AnstataÅ­igi per:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'La celteksto ne estas trovita.',
-		matchCase			: 'Kongruigi Usklecon',
-		matchWord			: 'Tuta Vorto',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Anstataŭigi Ĉiun',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabelo',
-		title		: 'Atributoj de Tabelo',
-		menu		: 'Atributoj de Tabelo',
-		deleteTable	: 'Delete Table', // MISSING
-		rows		: 'Linioj',
-		columns		: 'Kolumnoj',
-		border		: 'Bordero',
-		align		: 'Äœisrandigo',
-		alignLeft	: 'Maldekstre',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centre',
-		alignRight	: 'Dekstre',
-		width		: 'Larĝo',
-		widthPx		: 'Bitbilderoj',
-		widthPc		: 'elcentoj',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Alto',
-		cellSpace	: 'Interspacigo de Ĉeloj',
-		cellPad		: 'Ĉirkaŭenhava Plenigado',
-		caption		: 'Titolo',
-		summary		: 'Summary', // MISSING
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cell', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After', // MISSING
-			deleteCell		: 'Forigi Ĉelojn',
-			merge			: 'Kunfandi Ĉelojn',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right', // MISSING
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down', // MISSING
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally', // MISSING
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically', // MISSING
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Row', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After', // MISSING
-			deleteRow		: 'Forigi Liniojn'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Column', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After', // MISSING
-			deleteColumn	: 'Forigi Kolumnojn'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Butonaj Atributoj',
-		text		: 'Teksto (Valoro)',
-		type		: 'Tipo',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button', // MISSING
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit', // MISSING
-		typeRst		: 'Reset' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Markobutonaj Atributoj',
-		radioTitle	: 'Radiobutonaj Atributoj',
-		value		: 'Valoro',
-		selected	: 'Elektita'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Formularaj Atributoj',
-		menu		: 'Formularaj Atributoj',
-		action		: 'Ago',
-		method		: 'Metodo',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Atributoj de Elekta Kampo',
-		selectInfo	: 'Select Info', // MISSING
-		opAvail		: 'Elektoj Disponeblaj',
-		value		: 'Valoro',
-		size		: 'Grando',
-		lines		: 'Linioj',
-		chkMulti	: 'Permesi Plurajn Elektojn',
-		opText		: 'Teksto',
-		opValue		: 'Valoro',
-		btnAdd		: 'Aldoni',
-		btnModify	: 'Modifi',
-		btnUp		: 'Supren',
-		btnDown		: 'Malsupren',
-		btnSetValue : 'Agordi kiel Elektitan Valoron',
-		btnDelete	: 'Forigi'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Atributoj de Teksta Areo',
-		cols		: 'Kolumnoj',
-		rows		: 'Vicoj'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Atributoj de Teksta Kampo',
-		name		: 'Nomo',
-		value		: 'Valoro',
-		charWidth	: 'Signolarĝo',
-		maxChars	: 'Maksimuma Nombro da Signoj',
-		type		: 'Tipo',
-		typeText	: 'Teksto',
-		typePass	: 'Pasvorto'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Atributoj de Kaŝita Kampo',
-		name	: 'Nomo',
-		value	: 'Valoro'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Atributoj de Bildo',
-		titleButton	: 'Bildbutonaj Atributoj',
-		menu		: 'Atributoj de Bildo',
-		infoTab		: 'Informoj pri Bildo',
-		btnUpload	: 'Sendu al Servilo',
-		upload		: 'Alŝuti',
-		alt			: 'AnstataÅ­iga Teksto',
-		width		: 'Larĝo',
-		height		: 'Alto',
-		lockRatio	: 'Konservi Proporcion',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Origina Grando',
-		border		: 'Bordero',
-		hSpace		: 'HSpaco',
-		vSpace		: 'VSpaco',
-		align		: 'Äœisrandigo',
-		alignLeft	: 'Maldekstre',
-		alignRight	: 'Dekstre',
-		alertUrl	: 'Bonvolu tajpi la URL de la bildo',
-		linkTab		: 'Link', // MISSING
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash Properties', // MISSING
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Flash Properties', // MISSING
-		chkPlay			: 'Auto Play', // MISSING
-		chkLoop			: 'Loop', // MISSING
-		chkMenu			: 'Enable Flash Menu', // MISSING
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Scale', // MISSING
-		scaleAll		: 'Show all', // MISSING
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'No Border', // MISSING
-		scaleFit		: 'Exact Fit', // MISSING
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Äœisrandigo',
-		alignLeft		: 'Maldekstre',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs Malsupre',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs Centre',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Je Malsupro de Teksto',
-		alignBottom		: 'Malsupre',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Centre',
-		alignRight		: 'Dekstre',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Je Supro de Teksto',
-		alignTop		: 'Supre',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Fona Koloro',
-		width			: 'Larĝo',
-		height			: 'Alto',
-		hSpace			: 'HSpaco',
-		vSpace			: 'VSpaco',
-		validateSrc		: 'Bonvolu entajpi la URL-on',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Literumada Kontrolilo',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Ne trovita en la vortaro',
-		changeTo		: 'Ŝanĝi al',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Malatenti',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Malatenti Ĉiun',
-		btnReplace		: 'AnstataÅ­igi',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Anstataŭigi Ĉiun',
-		btnUndo			: 'Malfari',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Neniu propono -',
-		progress		: 'Literumkontrolado daÅ­ras...',
-		noMispell		: 'Literumkontrolado finita: neniu fuŝo trovita',
-		noChanges		: 'Literumkontrolado finita: neniu vorto ŝanĝita',
-		oneChange		: 'Literumkontrolado finita: unu vorto ŝanĝita',
-		manyChanges		: 'Literumkontrolado finita: %1 vortoj ŝanĝitaj',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Literumada Kontrolilo ne instalita. Ĉu vi volas elŝuti ĝin nun?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Mienvinjeto',
-		title	: 'Enmeti Mienvinjeton',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Numera Listo',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Bula Listo',
-	indent			: 'Pligrandigi Krommarĝenon',
-	outdent			: 'Malpligrandigi Krommarĝenon',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Maldekstrigi',
-		center	: 'Centrigi',
-		right	: 'Dekstrigi',
-		block	: 'Äœisrandigi AmbaÅ­flanke'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Interglui',
-		cutError	: 'La sekurecagordo de via TTT-legilo ne permesas, ke la redaktilo faras eltondajn operaciojn. Bonvolu uzi la klavaron por tio (Ctrl/Cmd-X).',
-		copyError	: 'La sekurecagordo de via TTT-legilo ne permesas, ke la redaktilo faras kopiajn operaciojn. Bonvolu uzi la klavaron por tio (Ctrl/Cmd-C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK', // MISSING
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Interglui el Word',
-		title			: 'Interglui el Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Interglui kiel Tekston',
-		title	: 'Interglui kiel Tekston'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Templates', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Content Templates', // MISSING
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Please select the template to open in the editor', // MISSING
-		emptyListMsg	: '(No templates defined)' // MISSING
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stilo',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Formato',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formato',
-		tag_p		: 'Normala',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatita',
-		tag_address	: 'Adreso',
-		tag_h1		: 'Titolo 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Titolo 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Titolo 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Titolo 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Titolo 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Titolo 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Paragrafo (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Tiparo',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Tiparo'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Grando',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Grando'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Teksta Koloro',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Fona Koloro',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'AÅ­tomata',
-		more			: 'Pli da Koloroj...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Esperanto language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'eo' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Redaktilo por Riĉiga Teksto',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Premu ALT 0 por helpilo',
+		browseServer: 'Foliumi en la Servilo',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokolo',
+		upload: 'Alŝuti',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Sendu al Servilo',
+		image: 'Bildo',
+		flash: 'Flaŝo',
+		form: 'Formularo',
+		checkbox: 'Markobutono',
+		radio: 'Radiobutono',
+		textField: 'Teksta kampo',
+		textarea: 'Teksta Areo',
+		hiddenField: 'Kaŝita Kampo',
+		button: 'Butono',
+		select: 'Elekta Kampo',
+		imageButton: 'Bildbutono',
+		notSet: '<DefaÅ­lta>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Nomo',
+		langDir: 'Skribdirekto',
+		langDirLtr: 'De maldekstro dekstren (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'De dekstro maldekstren (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Lingva Kodo',
+		longDescr: 'URL de Longa Priskribo',
+		cssClass: 'Klasoj de Stilfolioj',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Priskriba Titolo',
+		cssStyle: 'Stilo',
+		ok: 'Akcepti',
+		cancel: 'Rezigni',
+		close: 'Fermi',
+		preview: 'Vidigi Aspekton',
+		resize: 'Movigi por ŝanĝi la grandon',
+		generalTab: 'Äœenerala',
+		advancedTab: 'Speciala',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Tiu valoro ne estas nombro.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'La neregistritaj ŝanĝoj estas perdotaj. Ĉu vi certas, ke vi volas ŝargi novan paĝon?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Iuj opcioj esta ŝanĝitaj. Ĉu vi certas, ke vi volas fermi la dialogon?',
+		options: 'Opcioj',
+		target: 'Celo',
+		targetNew: 'Nova Fenestro (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Supra Fenestro (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Sama Fenestro (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Patra Fenestro (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'De maldekstro dekstren (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'De dekstro maldekstren (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Stilo',
+		cssClasses: 'Stilfoliaj Klasoj',
+		width: 'Larĝo',
+		height: 'Alto',
+		align: 'Äœisrandigo',
+		alignLeft: 'Maldekstre',
+		alignRight: 'Dekstre',
+		alignCenter: 'Centre',
+		alignTop: 'Supre',
+		alignMiddle: 'Centre',
+		alignBottom: 'Malsupre',
+		invalidValue	: 'Nevalida Valoro',
+		invalidHeight: 'Alto devas esti nombro.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Larĝo devas esti nombro.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'La valoro indikita por la "%1" kampo devas esti pozitiva nombro kun aÅ­ sen valida CSSmezurunuo (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'La valoro indikita por la "%1" kampo devas esti pozitiva nombro kun aÅ­ sen valida HTMLmezurunuo (px or %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'La valoro indikita por la enlinia stilo devas konsisti el unu aÅ­ pluraj elementoj kun la formato de "nomo : valoro", apartigitaj per punktokomoj.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Entajpu nombron por rastrumera valoro aÅ­ nombron kun valida CSSunuo (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, nehavebla</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/es.js
index 5df3017..0da40be 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/es.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/es.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Spanish language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['es'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Editor de texto, %1, pulse ALT 0 para ayuda.',
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Barra de herramientas',
-	editor	: 'Editor de texto enriquecido',
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Fuente HTML',
-	newPage			: 'Nueva Página',
-	save			: 'Guardar',
-	preview			: 'Vista Previa',
-	cut				: 'Cortar',
-	copy			: 'Copiar',
-	paste			: 'Pegar',
-	print			: 'Imprimir',
-	underline		: 'Subrayado',
-	bold			: 'Negrita',
-	italic			: 'Cursiva',
-	selectAll		: 'Seleccionar Todo',
-	removeFormat	: 'Eliminar Formato',
-	strike			: 'Tachado',
-	subscript		: 'Subíndice',
-	superscript		: 'Superíndice',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Insertar Línea Horizontal',
-	pagebreak		: 'Insertar Salto de Página',
-	unlink			: 'Eliminar Vínculo',
-	undo			: 'Deshacer',
-	redo			: 'Rehacer',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Ver Servidor',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protocolo',
-		upload			: 'Cargar',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Enviar al Servidor',
-		image			: 'Imagen',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Formulario',
-		checkbox		: 'Casilla de Verificación',
-		radio			: 'Botones de Radio',
-		textField		: 'Campo de Texto',
-		textarea		: 'Area de Texto',
-		hiddenField		: 'Campo Oculto',
-		button			: 'Botón',
-		select			: 'Campo de Selección',
-		imageButton		: 'Botón Imagen',
-		notSet			: '<No definido>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Nombre',
-		langDir			: 'Orientación',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Izquierda a Derecha (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Derecha a Izquierda (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Cód. de idioma',
-		longDescr		: 'Descripción larga URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Clases de hojas de estilo',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Título',
-		cssStyle		: 'Estilo',
-		ok				: 'Aceptar',
-		cancel			: 'Cancelar',
-		close			: 'Cerrar',
-		preview			: 'Previsualización',
-		generalTab		: 'General',
-		advancedTab		: 'Avanzado',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'El valor no es un número.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Cualquier cambio que no se haya guardado se perderá.\r\n¿Está seguro de querer crear una nueva página?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Algunas de las opciones se han cambiado.\r\n¿Está seguro de querer cerrar el diálogo?',
-		options			: 'Opciones',
-		target			: 'Destino',
-		targetNew		: 'Nueva ventana (_blank)',
-		targetTop		: 'Ventana principal (_top)',
-		targetSelf		: 'Misma ventana (_self)',
-		targetParent	: 'Ventana padre (_parent)',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, no disponible</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Opciones del menú contextual'
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Insertar Caracter Especial',
-		title		: 'Seleccione un caracter especial',
-		options : 'Opciones de caracteres especiales'
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Insertar/Editar Vínculo',
-		other 		: '<otro>',
-		menu		: 'Editar Vínculo',
-		title		: 'Vínculo',
-		info		: 'Información de Vínculo',
-		target		: 'Destino',
-		upload		: 'Cargar',
-		advanced	: 'Avanzado',
-		type		: 'Tipo de vínculo',
-		toUrl		: 'URL',
-		toAnchor	: 'Referencia en esta página',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<marco>',
-		targetPopup		: '<ventana emergente>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Nombre del Marco Destino',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Nombre de Ventana Emergente',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Características de Ventana Emergente',
-		popupResizable	: 'Redimensionable',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Barra de Estado',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Barra de ubicación',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Barra de Herramientas',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Barra de Menú',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Pantalla Completa (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Barras de desplazamiento',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dependiente (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Anchura',
-		popupLeft		: 'Posición Izquierda',
-		popupHeight		: 'Altura',
-		popupTop		: 'Posición Derecha',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Orientación',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Izquierda a Derecha (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Derecha a Izquierda (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Clave de Acceso',
-		name			: 'Nombre',
-		langCode		: 'Código idioma',
-		tabIndex		: 'Indice de tabulación',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Título',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Tipo de Contenido',
-		cssClasses		: 'Clases de hojas de estilo',
-		charset			: 'Fuente de caracteres vinculado',
-		styles			: 'Estilo',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Seleccionar una referencia',
-		anchorName		: 'Por Nombre de Referencia',
-		anchorId		: 'Por ID de elemento',
-		emailAddress	: 'Dirección de E-Mail',
-		emailSubject	: 'Título del Mensaje',
-		emailBody		: 'Cuerpo del Mensaje',
-		noAnchors		: '(No hay referencias disponibles en el documento)',
-		noUrl			: 'Por favor tipee el vínculo URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Por favor tipee la dirección de e-mail'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Referencia',
-		menu		: 'Propiedades de Referencia',
-		title		: 'Propiedades de Referencia',
-		name		: 'Nombre de la Referencia',
-		errorName	: 'Por favor, complete el nombre de la Referencia'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Propiedades de lista numerada',
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Propiedades de viñetas',
-		type				: 'Tipo',
-		start				: 'Inicio',
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Círculo',
-		disc				: 'Disco',
-		square				: 'Cuadrado',
-		none				: 'Ninguno',
-		notset				: '<sin establecer>',
-		armenian			: 'Numeración armenia',
-		georgian			: 'Numeración georgiana (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
-		lowerRoman			: 'Números romanos en minúsculas (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
-		upperRoman			: 'Números romanos en mayúsculas (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Alfabeto en minúsculas (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
-		upperAlpha			: 'Alfabeto en mayúsculas  (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
-		lowerGreek			: 'Letras griegas (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal con cero inicial (01, 02, 03, etc.)'
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Buscar y Reemplazar',
-		find				: 'Buscar',
-		replace				: 'Reemplazar',
-		findWhat			: 'Texto a buscar:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Reemplazar con:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'El texto especificado no ha sido encontrado.',
-		matchCase			: 'Coincidir may/min',
-		matchWord			: 'Coincidir toda la palabra',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Buscar en todo el contenido',
-		replaceAll			: 'Reemplazar Todo',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: 'La expresión buscada ha sido reemplazada %1 veces.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabla',
-		title		: 'Propiedades de Tabla',
-		menu		: 'Propiedades de Tabla',
-		deleteTable	: 'Eliminar Tabla',
-		rows		: 'Filas',
-		columns		: 'Columnas',
-		border		: 'Tamaño de Borde',
-		align		: 'Alineación',
-		alignLeft	: 'Izquierda',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centrado',
-		alignRight	: 'Derecha',
-		width		: 'Anchura',
-		widthPx		: 'pixeles',
-		widthPc		: 'porcentaje',
-		widthUnit	: 'unidad de la anchura',
-		height		: 'Altura',
-		cellSpace	: 'Esp. e/celdas',
-		cellPad		: 'Esp. interior',
-		caption		: 'Título',
-		summary		: 'Síntesis',
-		headers		: 'Encabezados',
-		headersNone		: 'Ninguno',
-		headersColumn	: 'Primera columna',
-		headersRow		: 'Primera fila',
-		headersBoth		: 'Ambas',
-		invalidRows		: 'El número de filas debe ser un número mayor que 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'El número de columnas debe ser un número mayor que 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'El tamaño del borde debe ser un número.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'La anchura de tabla debe ser un número.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'La altura de tabla debe ser un número.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'El espaciado entre celdas debe ser un número.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'El espaciado interior debe ser un número.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Celda',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insertar celda a la izquierda',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insertar celda a la derecha',
-			deleteCell		: 'Eliminar Celdas',
-			merge			: 'Combinar Celdas',
-			mergeRight		: 'Combinar a la derecha',
-			mergeDown		: 'Combinar hacia abajo',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Dividir la celda horizontalmente',
-			splitVertical	: 'Dividir la celda verticalmente',
-			title			: 'Propiedades de celda',
-			cellType		: 'Tipo de Celda',
-			rowSpan			: 'Expandir filas',
-			colSpan			: 'Expandir columnas',
-			wordWrap		: 'Ajustar al contenido',
-			hAlign			: 'Alineación Horizontal',
-			vAlign			: 'Alineación Vertical',
-			alignTop		: 'Arriba',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Medio',
-			alignBottom		: 'Abajo',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Linea de base',
-			bgColor			: 'Color de fondo',
-			borderColor		: 'Color de borde',
-			data			: 'Datos',
-			header			: 'Encabezado',
-			yes				: 'Sí',
-			no				: 'No',
-			invalidWidth	: 'La anchura de celda debe ser un número.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'La altura de celda debe ser un número.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'La expansión de filas debe ser un número entero.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'La expansión de columnas debe ser un número entero.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Elegir'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Fila',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insertar fila en la parte superior',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insertar fila en la parte inferior',
-			deleteRow		: 'Eliminar Filas'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Columna',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insertar columna a la izquierda',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insertar columna a la derecha',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Eliminar Columnas'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propiedades de Botón',
-		text		: 'Texto (Valor)',
-		type		: 'Tipo',
-		typeBtn		: 'Boton',
-		typeSbm		: 'Enviar',
-		typeRst		: 'Reestablecer'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Propiedades de Casilla',
-		radioTitle	: 'Propiedades de Botón de Radio',
-		value		: 'Valor',
-		selected	: 'Seleccionado'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propiedades de Formulario',
-		menu		: 'Propiedades de Formulario',
-		action		: 'Acción',
-		method		: 'Método',
-		encoding	: 'Codificación'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propiedades de Campo de Selección',
-		selectInfo	: 'Información',
-		opAvail		: 'Opciones disponibles',
-		value		: 'Valor',
-		size		: 'Tamaño',
-		lines		: 'Lineas',
-		chkMulti	: 'Permitir múltiple selección',
-		opText		: 'Texto',
-		opValue		: 'Valor',
-		btnAdd		: 'Agregar',
-		btnModify	: 'Modificar',
-		btnUp		: 'Subir',
-		btnDown		: 'Bajar',
-		btnSetValue : 'Establecer como predeterminado',
-		btnDelete	: 'Eliminar'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propiedades de Area de Texto',
-		cols		: 'Columnas',
-		rows		: 'Filas'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propiedades de Campo de Texto',
-		name		: 'Nombre',
-		value		: 'Valor',
-		charWidth	: 'Caracteres de ancho',
-		maxChars	: 'Máximo caracteres',
-		type		: 'Tipo',
-		typeText	: 'Texto',
-		typePass	: 'Contraseña'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Propiedades de Campo Oculto',
-		name	: 'Nombre',
-		value	: 'Valor'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propiedades de Imagen',
-		titleButton	: 'Propiedades de Botón de Imagen',
-		menu		: 'Propiedades de Imagen',
-		infoTab		: 'Información de Imagen',
-		btnUpload	: 'Enviar al Servidor',
-		upload		: 'Cargar',
-		alt			: 'Texto Alternativo',
-		width		: 'Anchura',
-		height		: 'Altura',
-		lockRatio	: 'Proporcional',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Desbloquear el proporcional',
-		resetSize	: 'Tamaño Original',
-		border		: 'Borde',
-		hSpace		: 'Esp.Horiz',
-		vSpace		: 'Esp.Vert',
-		align		: 'Alineación',
-		alignLeft	: 'Izquierda',
-		alignRight	: 'Derecha',
-		alertUrl	: 'Por favor escriba la URL de la imagen',
-		linkTab		: 'Vínculo',
-		button2Img	: '¿Desea convertir el botón de imagen en una simple imagen?',
-		img2Button	: '¿Desea convertir la imagen en un botón de imagen?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Debe indicar la URL de la imagen.',
-		validateWidth	: 'La anchura debe ser un número.',
-		validateHeight	: 'La altura debe ser un número.',
-		validateBorder	: 'El borde debe ser un número.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'El espaciado horizontal debe ser un número.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'El espaciado vertical debe ser un número.'
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Propiedades de Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Propiedades',
-		title			: 'Propiedades de Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Autoejecución',
-		chkLoop			: 'Repetir',
-		chkMenu			: 'Activar Menú Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Permitir pantalla completa',
- 		scale			: 'Escala',
-		scaleAll		: 'Mostrar todo',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Sin Borde',
-		scaleFit		: 'Ajustado',
-		access			: 'Acceso de scripts',
-		accessAlways	: 'Siempre',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Mismo dominio',
-		accessNever		: 'Nunca',
-		align			: 'Alineación',
-		alignLeft		: 'Izquierda',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs inferior',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs centro',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Línea de base',
-		alignBottom		: 'Pie',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Centro',
-		alignRight		: 'Derecha',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Tope del texto',
-		alignTop		: 'Tope',
-		quality			: 'Calidad',
-		qualityBest		: 'La mejor',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Alta',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto Alta',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Media',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Baja',
-		qualityLow		: 'Baja',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Ventana',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaco',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparente',
-		windowMode		: 'WindowMode',
-		flashvars		: 'Opciones',
-		bgcolor			: 'Color de Fondo',
-		width			: 'Anchura',
-		height			: 'Altura',
-		hSpace			: 'Esp.Horiz',
-		vSpace			: 'Esp.Vert',
-		validateSrc		: 'Por favor escriba el vínculo URL',
-		validateWidth	: 'Anchura debe ser un número.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Altura debe ser un número.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'Esp.Horiz debe ser un número.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'Esp.Vert debe ser un número.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Ortografía',
-		title			: 'Comprobar ortografía',
-		notAvailable	: 'Lo sentimos pero el servicio no está disponible.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Error cargando la aplicación del servidor: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'No se encuentra en el Diccionario',
-		changeTo		: 'Cambiar a',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignorar',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignorar Todo',
-		btnReplace		: 'Reemplazar',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Reemplazar Todo',
-		btnUndo			: 'Deshacer',
-		noSuggestions	: '- No hay sugerencias -',
-		progress		: 'Control de Ortografía en progreso...',
-		noMispell		: 'Control finalizado: no se encontraron errores',
-		noChanges		: 'Control finalizado: no se ha cambiado ninguna palabra',
-		oneChange		: 'Control finalizado: se ha cambiado una palabra',
-		manyChanges		: 'Control finalizado: se ha cambiado %1 palabras',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Módulo de Control de Ortografía no instalado.\r\n¿Desea descargarlo ahora?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Emoticonos',
-		title	: 'Insertar un Emoticon',
-		options : 'Opciones de emoticonos'
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Ruta de los elementos',
-		eleTitle : '%1 elemento'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Numeración',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Viñetas',
-	indent			: 'Aumentar Sangría',
-	outdent			: 'Disminuir Sangría',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Alinear a Izquierda',
-		center	: 'Centrar',
-		right	: 'Alinear a Derecha',
-		block	: 'Justificado'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Cita',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Pegar',
-		cutError	: 'La configuración de seguridad de este navegador no permite la ejecución automática de operaciones de cortado.\r\nPor favor use el teclado (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'La configuración de seguridad de este navegador no permite la ejecución automática de operaciones de copiado.\r\nPor favor use el teclado (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Por favor pegue dentro del cuadro utilizando el teclado (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>);\r\nluego presione <STRONG>Aceptar</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Debido a la configuración de seguridad de su navegador, el editor no tiene acceso al portapapeles.\r\nEs necesario que lo pegue de nuevo en esta ventana.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Zona de pegado'
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'El texto que desea parece provenir de Word.\r\n¿Desea depurarlo antes de pegarlo?',
-		toolbar			: 'Pegar desde Word',
-		title			: 'Pegar desde Word',
-		error			: 'No ha sido posible limpiar los datos debido a un error interno'
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Pegar como Texto Plano',
-		title	: 'Pegar como Texto Plano'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Plantillas',
-		title			: 'Contenido de Plantillas',
-		options : 'Opciones de plantillas',
-		insertOption	: 'Reemplazar el contenido actual',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Por favor selecciona la plantilla a abrir en el editor<br>(el contenido actual se perderá):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(No hay plantillas definidas)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Mostrar bloques',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Estilo',
-		panelTitle	: 'Estilos para formatear',
-		panelTitle1	: 'Estilos de párrafo',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Estilos de carácter',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Estilos de objeto'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Formato',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formato',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Con formato',
-		tag_address	: 'Dirección',
-		tag_h1		: 'Encabezado 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Encabezado 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Encabezado 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Encabezado 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Encabezado 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Encabezado 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Crear contenedor DIV',
-		toolbar				: 'Crear contenedor DIV',
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Clase de hoja de estilos',
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Estilo',
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id',
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Codigo de idioma',
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Estilo',
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Título',
-		langDirLabel		: 'Orientación',
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Izquierda a Derecha (LTR)',
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Derecha a Izquierda (RTL)',
-		edit				: 'Editar Div',
-		remove				: 'Quitar Div'
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Fuente',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Fuente',
-		panelTitle	: 'Fuente'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Tamaño',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Tamaño de fuente',
-		panelTitle	: 'Tamaño'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Color de Texto',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Color de Fondo',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colores',
-		auto			: 'Automático',
-		more			: 'Más Colores...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Negro',
-		'800000' : 'Marrón oscuro',
-		'8B4513' : 'Marrón tierra',
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Pizarra Oscuro',
-		'008080' : 'Azul verdoso',
-		'000080' : 'Azul marino',
-		'4B0082' : 'Añil',
-		'696969' : 'Gris oscuro',
-		'B22222' : 'Ladrillo',
-		'A52A2A' : 'Marrón',
-		'DAA520' : 'Oro oscuro',
-		'006400' : 'Verde oscuro',
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquesa',
-		'0000CD' : 'Azul medio-oscuro',
-		'800080' : 'Púrpura',
-		'808080' : 'Gris',
-		'F00' : 'Rojo',
-		'FF8C00' : 'Naranja oscuro',
-		'FFD700' : 'Oro',
-		'008000' : 'Verde',
-		'0FF' : 'Cian',
-		'00F' : 'Azul',
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violeta',
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Gris medio',
-		'FFA07A' : 'Salmón claro',
-		'FFA500' : 'Naranja',
-		'FFFF00' : 'Amarillo',
-		'00FF00' : 'Lima',
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Turquesa claro',
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Azul claro',
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Violeta claro',
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Gris claro',
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavanda rojizo',
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Blanco antiguo',
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Amarillo claro',
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Miel',
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azul celeste',
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Azul pálido',
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavanda',
-		'FFF' : 'Blanco'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Comprobar Ortografía Mientras Escribe',
-		opera_title		: 'No soportado en Opera',
-		enable			: 'Activar Corrector',
-		disable			: 'Desactivar Corrector',
-		about			: 'Acerca de Corrector',
-		toggle			: 'Cambiar Corrector',
-		options			: 'Opciones',
-		langs			: 'Idiomas',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Más sugerencias',
-		ignore			: 'Ignorar',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignorar Todas',
-		addWord			: 'Añadir palabra',
-		emptyDic		: 'El nombre del diccionario no puede estar en blanco.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Opciones',
-		allCaps			: 'Omitir palabras en MAYÚSCULAS',
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Omitir nombres de dominio',
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignorar palabras con combinación de mayúsculas y minúsculas',
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Omitir palabras con números',
-		languagesTab	: 'Idiomas',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Diccionarios',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Nombre del diccionario',
-		dic_create		: 'Crear',
-		dic_restore		: 'Recuperar',
-		dic_delete		: 'Borrar',
-		dic_rename		: 'Renombrar',
-		dic_info		: 'Inicialmente el Diccionario de usuario se guarda en una Cookie. Sin embargo, las cookies están limitadas en tamaño. Cuando el diccionario crece a un punto en el que no se puede guardar en una Cookie, el diccionario puede ser almacenado en nuestro servidor. Para almacenar su diccionario personalizado en nuestro servidor debe especificar un nombre para su diccionario. Si ya ha guardado un diccionaro, por favor, escriba su nombre y pulse el botón Recuperar',
-		aboutTab		: 'Acerca de'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'Acerca de CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'Acerca de CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'Para información de licencia, por favor visite nuestro sitio web:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Todos los derechos reservados.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximizar',
-	minimize : 'Minimizar',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Ancla',
-		flash	: 'Animación flash',
-		div		: 'Salto de página',
-		unknown	: 'Objeto desconocido'
-	},
-	resize : 'Arrastre para redimensionar',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Elegir color',
-		options	:	'Opciones de colores',
-		highlight	: 'Muestra',
-		selected	: 'Elegido',
-		clear		: 'Borrar'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Contraer barra de herramientas',
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expandir barra de herramientas',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Spanish language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'es' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Editor de texto enriquecido',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Pulse ALT 0 para ayuda',
+		browseServer: 'Ver Servidor',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protocolo',
+		upload: 'Cargar',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Enviar al Servidor',
+		image: 'Imagen',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Formulario',
+		checkbox: 'Casilla de Verificación',
+		radio: 'Botones de Radio',
+		textField: 'Campo de Texto',
+		textarea: 'Area de Texto',
+		hiddenField: 'Campo Oculto',
+		button: 'Botón',
+		select: 'Campo de Selección',
+		imageButton: 'Botón Imagen',
+		notSet: '<No definido>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Nombre',
+		langDir: 'Orientación',
+		langDirLtr: 'Izquierda a Derecha (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Derecha a Izquierda (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Cód. de idioma',
+		longDescr: 'Descripción larga URL',
+		cssClass: 'Clases de hojas de estilo',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Título',
+		cssStyle: 'Estilo',
+		ok: 'Aceptar',
+		cancel: 'Cancelar',
+		close: 'Cerrar',
+		preview: 'Previsualización',
+		resize: 'Arrastre para redimensionar',
+		generalTab: 'General',
+		advancedTab: 'Avanzado',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'El valor no es un número.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Cualquier cambio que no se haya guardado se perderá.\r\n¿Está seguro de querer crear una nueva página?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Algunas de las opciones se han cambiado.\r\n¿Está seguro de querer cerrar el diálogo?',
+		options: 'Opciones',
+		target: 'Destino',
+		targetNew: 'Nueva ventana (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Ventana principal (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Misma ventana (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Ventana padre (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Izquierda a derecha (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Derecha a izquierda (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Estilos',
+		cssClasses: 'Clase de la hoja de estilos',
+		width: 'Anchura',
+		height: 'Altura',
+		align: 'Alineación',
+		alignLeft: 'Izquierda',
+		alignRight: 'Derecha',
+		alignCenter: 'Centrado',
+		alignTop: 'Tope',
+		alignMiddle: 'Centro',
+		alignBottom: 'Pie',
+		invalidValue	: 'Valor no válido',
+		invalidHeight: 'Altura debe ser un número.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Anchura debe ser un número.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'El valor especificado para el campo "%1" debe ser un número positivo, incluyendo optionalmente una unidad de medida CSS válida (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, o pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'El valor especificado para el campo "%1" debe ser un número positivo, incluyendo optionalmente una unidad de medida HTML válida (px o %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'El valor especificado para el estilo debe consistir en uno o más pares con el formato "nombre: valor", separados por punto y coma.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Introduca un número para el valor en pixels o un número con una unidad de medida CSS válida (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, o pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, no disponible</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/et.js
index 4b62f54..c71c34a 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/et.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/et.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Estonian language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['et'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Lähtekood',
-	newPage			: 'Uus leht',
-	save			: 'Salvesta',
-	preview			: 'Eelvaade',
-	cut				: 'Lõika',
-	copy			: 'Kopeeri',
-	paste			: 'Kleebi',
-	print			: 'Prindi',
-	underline		: 'Allajoonitud',
-	bold			: 'Paks',
-	italic			: 'Kursiiv',
-	selectAll		: 'Vali kõik',
-	removeFormat	: 'Eemalda vorming',
-	strike			: 'Läbijoonitud',
-	subscript		: 'Allindeks',
-	superscript		: 'Ãœlaindeks',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Sisesta horisontaaljoon',
-	pagebreak		: 'Sisesta lehevahetuskoht',
-	unlink			: 'Eemalda link',
-	undo			: 'Võta tagasi',
-	redo			: 'Korda toimingut',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Sirvi serverit',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokoll',
-		upload			: 'Lae üles',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Saada serverissee',
-		image			: 'Pilt',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Vorm',
-		checkbox		: 'Märkeruut',
-		radio			: 'Raadionupp',
-		textField		: 'Tekstilahter',
-		textarea		: 'Tekstiala',
-		hiddenField		: 'Varjatud lahter',
-		button			: 'Nupp',
-		select			: 'Valiklahter',
-		imageButton		: 'Piltnupp',
-		notSet			: '<määramata>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Nimi',
-		langDir			: 'Keele suund',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Vasakult paremale (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Paremalt vasakule (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Keele kood',
-		longDescr		: 'Pikk kirjeldus URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Stiilistiku klassid',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Juhendav tiitel',
-		cssStyle		: 'Laad',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Loobu',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'Täpsemalt',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Sisesta erimärk',
-		title		: 'Vali erimärk',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Sisesta link / Muuda linki',
-		other 		: '<muu>',
-		menu		: 'Muuda linki',
-		title		: 'Link',
-		info		: 'Lingi info',
-		target		: 'Sihtkoht',
-		upload		: 'Lae üles',
-		advanced	: 'Täpsemalt',
-		type		: 'Lingi tüüp',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Ankur sellel lehel',
-		toEmail		: 'E-post',
-		targetFrame		: '<raam>',
-		targetPopup		: '<hüpikaken>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Sihtmärk raami nimi',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Hüpikakna nimi',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Hüpikakna omadused',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Olekuriba',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Aadressiriba',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Tööriistariba',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menüüriba',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Täisekraan (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Kerimisribad',
-		popupDependent	: 'Sõltuv (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Laius',
-		popupLeft		: 'Vasak asukoht',
-		popupHeight		: 'Kõrgus',
-		popupTop		: 'Ãœlemine asukoht',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Keele suund',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Vasakult paremale (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Paremalt vasakule (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Juurdepääsu võti',
-		name			: 'Nimi',
-		langCode		: 'Keele suund',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tab indeks',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Juhendav tiitel',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Juhendava sisu tüüp',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stiilistiku klassid',
-		charset			: 'Lingitud ressurssi märgistik',
-		styles			: 'Laad',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Vali ankur',
-		anchorName		: 'Ankru nime järgi',
-		anchorId		: 'Elemendi id järgi',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-posti aadress',
-		emailSubject	: 'Sõnumi teema',
-		emailBody		: 'Sõnumi tekst',
-		noAnchors		: '(Selles dokumendis ei ole ankruid)',
-		noUrl			: 'Palun kirjuta lingi URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Palun kirjuta E-Posti aadress'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Sisesta ankur / Muuda ankrut',
-		menu		: 'Ankru omadused',
-		title		: 'Ankru omadused',
-		name		: 'Ankru nimi',
-		errorName	: 'Palun sisest ankru nimi'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Otsi ja asenda',
-		find				: 'Otsi',
-		replace				: 'Asenda',
-		findWhat			: 'Leia mida:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Asenda millega:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Valitud teksti ei leitud.',
-		matchCase			: 'Erista suur- ja väiketähti',
-		matchWord			: 'Otsi terviklike sõnu',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Asenda kõik',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabel',
-		title		: 'Tabeli atribuudid',
-		menu		: 'Tabeli atribuudid',
-		deleteTable	: 'Kustuta tabel',
-		rows		: 'Read',
-		columns		: 'Veerud',
-		border		: 'Joone suurus',
-		align		: 'Joondus',
-		alignLeft	: 'Vasak',
-		alignCenter	: 'Kesk',
-		alignRight	: 'Parem',
-		width		: 'Laius',
-		widthPx		: 'pikslit',
-		widthPc		: 'protsenti',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Kõrgus',
-		cellSpace	: 'Lahtri vahe',
-		cellPad		: 'Lahtri täidis',
-		caption		: 'Tabeli tiitel',
-		summary		: 'Kokkuvõte',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Lahter',
-			insertBefore	: 'Sisesta lahter enne',
-			insertAfter		: 'Sisesta lahter peale',
-			deleteCell		: 'Eemalda lahtrid',
-			merge			: 'Ãœhenda lahtrid',
-			mergeRight		: 'Ãœhenda paremale',
-			mergeDown		: 'Ãœhenda alla',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Poolita lahter horisontaalselt',
-			splitVertical	: 'Poolita lahter vertikaalselt',
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Rida',
-			insertBefore	: 'Sisesta rida enne',
-			insertAfter		: 'Sisesta rida peale',
-			deleteRow		: 'Eemalda read'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Veerg',
-			insertBefore	: 'Sisesta veerg enne',
-			insertAfter		: 'Sisesta veerg peale',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Eemalda veerud'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Nupu omadused',
-		text		: 'Tekst (väärtus)',
-		type		: 'Tüüp',
-		typeBtn		: 'Nupp',
-		typeSbm		: 'Saada',
-		typeRst		: 'Lähtesta'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Märkeruudu omadused',
-		radioTitle	: 'Raadionupu omadused',
-		value		: 'Väärtus',
-		selected	: 'Valitud'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vormi omadused',
-		menu		: 'Vormi omadused',
-		action		: 'Toiming',
-		method		: 'Meetod',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Valiklahtri omadused',
-		selectInfo	: 'Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Võimalikud valikud',
-		value		: 'Väärtus',
-		size		: 'Suurus',
-		lines		: 'ridu',
-		chkMulti	: 'Võimalda mitu valikut',
-		opText		: 'Tekst',
-		opValue		: 'Väärtus',
-		btnAdd		: 'Lisa',
-		btnModify	: 'Muuda',
-		btnUp		: 'Ãœles',
-		btnDown		: 'Alla',
-		btnSetValue : 'Sea valitud olekuna',
-		btnDelete	: 'Kustuta'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Tekstiala omadused',
-		cols		: 'Veerge',
-		rows		: 'Ridu'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Tekstilahtri omadused',
-		name		: 'Nimi',
-		value		: 'Väärtus',
-		charWidth	: 'Laius (tähemärkides)',
-		maxChars	: 'Maksimaalselt tähemärke',
-		type		: 'Tüüp',
-		typeText	: 'Tekst',
-		typePass	: 'Parool'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Varjatud lahtri omadused',
-		name	: 'Nimi',
-		value	: 'Väärtus'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Pildi atribuudid',
-		titleButton	: 'Piltnupu omadused',
-		menu		: 'Pildi atribuudid',
-		infoTab		: 'Pildi info',
-		btnUpload	: 'Saada serverissee',
-		upload		: 'Lae üles',
-		alt			: 'Alternatiivne tekst',
-		width		: 'Laius',
-		height		: 'Kõrgus',
-		lockRatio	: 'Lukusta kuvasuhe',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Lähtesta suurus',
-		border		: 'Joon',
-		hSpace		: 'H. vaheruum',
-		vSpace		: 'V. vaheruum',
-		align		: 'Joondus',
-		alignLeft	: 'Vasak',
-		alignRight	: 'Paremale',
-		alertUrl	: 'Palun kirjuta pildi URL',
-		linkTab		: 'Link',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash omadused',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Flash omadused',
-		chkPlay			: 'Automaatne start ',
-		chkLoop			: 'Korduv',
-		chkMenu			: 'Võimalda flash menüü',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Mastaap',
-		scaleAll		: 'Näita kõike',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Äärist ei ole',
-		scaleFit		: 'Täpne sobivus',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Joondus',
-		alignLeft		: 'Vasak',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs alla',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs keskele',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Baasjoonele',
-		alignBottom		: 'Alla',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Keskele',
-		alignRight		: 'Paremale',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Tekstit üles',
-		alignTop		: 'Ãœles',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Tausta värv',
-		width			: 'Laius',
-		height			: 'Kõrgus',
-		hSpace			: 'H. vaheruum',
-		vSpace			: 'V. vaheruum',
-		validateSrc		: 'Palun kirjuta lingi URL',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Kontrolli õigekirja',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Puudub sõnastikust',
-		changeTo		: 'Muuda',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignoreeri',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignoreeri kõiki',
-		btnReplace		: 'Asenda',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Asenda kõik',
-		btnUndo			: 'Võta tagasi',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Soovitused puuduvad -',
-		progress		: 'Toimub õigekirja kontroll...',
-		noMispell		: 'Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: õigekirjuvigu ei leitud',
-		noChanges		: 'Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: ühtegi sõna ei muudetud',
-		oneChange		: 'Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: üks sõna muudeti',
-		manyChanges		: 'Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: %1 sõna muudetud',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Õigekirja kontrollija ei ole installeeritud. Soovid sa selle alla laadida?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Emotikon',
-		title	: 'Sisesta emotikon',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Nummerdatud loetelu',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Punktiseeritud loetelu',
-	indent			: 'Suurenda taanet',
-	outdent			: 'Vähenda taanet',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Vasakjoondus',
-		center	: 'Keskjoondus',
-		right	: 'Paremjoondus',
-		block	: 'Rööpjoondus'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Blokktsitaat',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Kleebi',
-		cutError	: 'Sinu veebisirvija turvaseaded ei luba redaktoril automaatselt lõigata. Palun kasutage selleks klaviatuuri klahvikombinatsiooni (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Sinu veebisirvija turvaseaded ei luba redaktoril automaatselt kopeerida. Palun kasutage selleks klaviatuuri klahvikombinatsiooni (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Palun kleebi järgnevasse kasti kasutades klaviatuuri klahvikombinatsiooni (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) ja vajuta seejärel <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Sinu veebisirvija turvaseadete tõttu, ei oma redaktor otsest ligipääsu lõikelaua andmetele. Sa pead kleepima need uuesti siia aknasse.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Kleebi Wordist',
-		title			: 'Kleebi Wordist',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Kleebi tavalise tekstina',
-		title	: 'Kleebi tavalise tekstina'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Å abloon',
-		title			: 'Sisu Å¡abloonid',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Asenda tegelik sisu',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Palun vali šabloon, et avada see redaktoris<br />(praegune sisu läheb kaotsi):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Ãœhtegi Å¡ablooni ei ole defineeritud)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Näita blokke',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Laad',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Vorming',
-		panelTitle	: 'Vorming',
-		tag_p		: 'Tavaline',
-		tag_pre		: 'Vormindatud',
-		tag_address	: 'Aadress',
-		tag_h1		: 'Pealkiri 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Pealkiri 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Pealkiri 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Pealkiri 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Pealkiri 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Pealkiri 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Tavaline (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Kiri',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Kiri'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Suurus',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Suurus'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Teksti värv',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Tausta värv',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automaatne',
-		more			: 'Rohkem värve...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Estonian language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'et' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rikkalik tekstiredaktor',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Abi saamiseks vajuta ALT 0',
+		browseServer: 'Serveri sirvimine',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokoll',
+		upload: 'Laadi üles',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Saada serverisse',
+		image: 'Pilt',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Vorm',
+		checkbox: 'Märkeruut',
+		radio: 'Raadionupp',
+		textField: 'Tekstilahter',
+		textarea: 'Tekstiala',
+		hiddenField: 'Varjatud lahter',
+		button: 'Nupp',
+		select: 'Valiklahter',
+		imageButton: 'Piltnupp',
+		notSet: '<määramata>',
+		id: 'ID',
+		name: 'Nimi',
+		langDir: 'Keele suund',
+		langDirLtr: 'Vasakult paremale (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Paremalt vasakule (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Keele kood',
+		longDescr: 'Pikk kirjeldus URL',
+		cssClass: 'Stiilistiku klassid',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Soovituslik pealkiri',
+		cssStyle: 'Laad',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Loobu',
+		close: 'Sulge',
+		preview: 'Eelvaade',
+		resize: 'Suuruse muutmiseks lohista',
+		generalTab: 'Ãœldine',
+		advancedTab: 'Täpsemalt',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'See väärtus pole number.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Kõik salvestamata muudatused lähevad kaotsi. Kas oled kindel, et tahad laadida uue lehe?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Mõned valikud on muudetud. Kas oled kindel, et tahad dialoogi sulgeda?',
+		options: 'Valikud',
+		target: 'Sihtkoht',
+		targetNew: 'Uus aken (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Kõige ülemine aken (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Sama aken (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Vanemaken (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Vasakult paremale (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Paremalt vasakule (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Stiili',
+		cssClasses: 'Stiililehe klassid',
+		width: 'Laius',
+		height: 'Kõrgus',
+		align: 'Joondus',
+		alignLeft: 'Vasak',
+		alignRight: 'Paremale',
+		alignCenter: 'Kesk',
+		alignTop: 'Ãœles',
+		alignMiddle: 'Keskele',
+		alignBottom: 'Alla',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Kõrgus peab olema number.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Laius peab olema number.',
+		invalidCssLength: '"%1" välja jaoks määratud väärtus peab olema positiivne täisarv CSS ühikuga (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt või pc) või ilma.',
+		invalidHtmlLength: '"%1" välja jaoks määratud väärtus peab olema positiivne täisarv HTML ühikuga (px või %) või ilma.',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Reasisese stiili määrangud peavad koosnema paarisväärtustest (tuples), mis on semikoolonitega eraldatult järgnevas vormingus: "nimi : väärtus".',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Sisesta väärtus pikslites või number koos sobiva CSS-i ühikuga (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt või pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, pole saadaval</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/eu.js
index 6278e13..d4eb6b2 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/eu.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/eu.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Basque language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['eu'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'HTML Iturburua',
-	newPage			: 'Orrialde Berria',
-	save			: 'Gorde',
-	preview			: 'Aurrebista',
-	cut				: 'Ebaki',
-	copy			: 'Kopiatu',
-	paste			: 'Itsatsi',
-	print			: 'Inprimatu',
-	underline		: 'Azpimarratu',
-	bold			: 'Lodia',
-	italic			: 'Etzana',
-	selectAll		: 'Hautatu dena',
-	removeFormat	: 'Kendu Formatua',
-	strike			: 'Marratua',
-	subscript		: 'Azpi-indize',
-	superscript		: 'Goi-indize',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Txertatu Marra Horizontala',
-	pagebreak		: 'Txertatu Orrialde-jauzia',
-	unlink			: 'Kendu Esteka',
-	undo			: 'Desegin',
-	redo			: 'Berregin',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Zerbitzaria arakatu',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokoloa',
-		upload			: 'Gora kargatu',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Zerbitzarira bidalia',
-		image			: 'Irudia',
-		flash			: 'Flasha',
-		form			: 'Formularioa',
-		checkbox		: 'Kontrol-laukia',
-		radio			: 'Aukera-botoia',
-		textField		: 'Testu Eremua',
-		textarea		: 'Testu-area',
-		hiddenField		: 'Ezkutuko Eremua',
-		button			: 'Botoia',
-		select			: 'Hautespen Eremua',
-		imageButton		: 'Irudi Botoia',
-		notSet			: '<Ezarri gabe>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Izena',
-		langDir			: 'Hizkuntzaren Norabidea',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Ezkerretik Eskumara(LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Eskumatik Ezkerrera (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Hizkuntza Kodea',
-		longDescr		: 'URL Deskribapen Luzea',
-		cssClass		: 'Estilo-orriko Klaseak',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Izenburua',
-		cssStyle		: 'Estiloa',
-		ok				: 'Ados',
-		cancel			: 'Utzi',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Orokorra',
-		advancedTab		: 'Aurreratua',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Balio hau ez da zenbaki bat.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Eduki honetan gorde gabe dauden aldaketak galduko dira. Ziur zaude orri berri bat kargatu nahi duzula?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Aukera batzuk aldatu egin dira. Ziur zaude elkarrizketa-koadroa itxi nahi duzula?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, erabilezina</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Txertatu Karaktere Berezia',
-		title		: 'Karaktere Berezia Aukeratu',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Txertatu/Editatu Esteka',
-		other 		: '<other>', // MISSING
-		menu		: 'Aldatu Esteka',
-		title		: 'Esteka',
-		info		: 'Estekaren Informazioa',
-		target		: 'Target (Helburua)',
-		upload		: 'Gora kargatu',
-		advanced	: 'Aurreratua',
-		type		: 'Esteka Mota',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Aingura orrialde honetan',
-		toEmail		: 'ePosta',
-		targetFrame		: '<marko>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup leihoa>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Marko Helburuaren Izena',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Popup Leihoaren Izena',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Popup Leihoaren Ezaugarriak',
-		popupResizable	: 'Tamaina Aldakorra',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Egoera Barra',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Kokaleku Barra',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Tresna Barra',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menu Barra',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Pantaila Osoa (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Korritze Barrak',
-		popupDependent	: 'Menpekoa (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Zabalera',
-		popupLeft		: 'Ezkerreko  Posizioa',
-		popupHeight		: 'Altuera',
-		popupTop		: 'Goiko Posizioa',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Hizkuntzaren Norabidea',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Ezkerretik Eskumara(LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Eskumatik Ezkerrera (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Sarbide-gakoa',
-		name			: 'Izena',
-		langCode		: 'Hizkuntzaren Norabidea',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tabulazio Indizea',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Izenburua',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Eduki Mota (Content Type)',
-		cssClasses		: 'Estilo-orriko Klaseak',
-		charset			: 'Estekatutako Karaktere Multzoa',
-		styles			: 'Estiloa',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Aingura bat hautatu',
-		anchorName		: 'Aingura izenagatik',
-		anchorId		: 'Elementuaren ID-gatik',
-		emailAddress	: 'ePosta Helbidea',
-		emailSubject	: 'Mezuaren Gaia',
-		emailBody		: 'Mezuaren Gorputza',
-		noAnchors		: '(Ez daude aingurak eskuragarri dokumentuan)',
-		noUrl			: 'Mesedez URL esteka idatzi',
-		noEmail			: 'Mesedez ePosta helbidea idatzi'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Aingura',
-		menu		: 'Ainguraren Ezaugarriak',
-		title		: 'Ainguraren Ezaugarriak',
-		name		: 'Ainguraren Izena',
-		errorName	: 'Idatzi ainguraren izena'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Bilatu eta Ordeztu',
-		find				: 'Bilatu',
-		replace				: 'Ordezkatu',
-		findWhat			: 'Zer bilatu:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Zerekin ordeztu:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Idatzitako testua ez da topatu.',
-		matchCase			: 'Maiuskula/minuskula',
-		matchWord			: 'Esaldi osoa bilatu',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Bilaketa ziklikoa',
-		replaceAll			: 'Ordeztu Guztiak',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: 'Zenbat aldiz ordeztua: %1'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Taula',
-		title		: 'Taularen Ezaugarriak',
-		menu		: 'Taularen Ezaugarriak',
-		deleteTable	: 'Ezabatu Taula',
-		rows		: 'Lerroak',
-		columns		: 'Zutabeak',
-		border		: 'Ertzaren Zabalera',
-		align		: 'Lerrokatu',
-		alignLeft	: 'Ezkerrean',
-		alignCenter	: 'Erdian',
-		alignRight	: 'Eskuman',
-		width		: 'Zabalera',
-		widthPx		: 'pixel',
-		widthPc		: 'ehuneko',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Altuera',
-		cellSpace	: 'Gelaxka arteko tartea',
-		cellPad		: 'Gelaxken betegarria',
-		caption		: 'Epigrafea',
-		summary		: 'Laburpena',
-		headers		: 'Goiburuak',
-		headersNone		: 'Bat ere ez',
-		headersColumn	: 'Lehen zutabea',
-		headersRow		: 'Lehen lerroa',
-		headersBoth		: 'Biak',
-		invalidRows		: 'Lerro kopurua 0 baino handiagoa den zenbakia izan behar da.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Zutabe kopurua 0 baino handiagoa den zenbakia izan behar da.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Ertzaren tamaina zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Taularen zabalera zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Taularen altuera zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Gelaxka arteko tartea zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Gelaxken betegarria zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Gelaxka',
-			insertBefore	: 'Txertatu Gelaxka Aurretik',
-			insertAfter		: 'Txertatu Gelaxka Ostean',
-			deleteCell		: 'Kendu Gelaxkak',
-			merge			: 'Batu Gelaxkak',
-			mergeRight		: 'Elkartu Eskumara',
-			mergeDown		: 'Elkartu Behera',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Banatu Gelaxkak Horizontalki',
-			splitVertical	: 'Banatu Gelaxkak Bertikalki',
-			title			: 'Gelaxken Ezaugarriak',
-			cellType		: 'Gelaxka Mota',
-			rowSpan			: 'Hedatutako Lerroak',
-			colSpan			: 'Hedatutako Zutabeak',
-			wordWrap		: 'Itzulbira',
-			hAlign			: 'Lerrokatze Horizontala',
-			vAlign			: 'Lerrokatze Bertikala',
-			alignTop		: 'Goian',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Erdian',
-			alignBottom		: 'Behean',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Oinarri-lerroan',
-			bgColor			: 'Fondoaren Kolorea',
-			borderColor		: 'Ertzaren Kolorea',
-			data			: 'Data',
-			header			: 'Goiburua',
-			yes				: 'Bai',
-			no				: 'Ez',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Gelaxkaren zabalera zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Gelaxkaren altuera zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Lerroen hedapena zenbaki osoa izan behar da.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Zutabeen hedapena zenbaki osoa izan behar da.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Lerroa',
-			insertBefore	: 'Txertatu Lerroa Aurretik',
-			insertAfter		: 'Txertatu Lerroa Ostean',
-			deleteRow		: 'Ezabatu Lerroak'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Zutabea',
-			insertBefore	: 'Txertatu Zutabea Aurretik',
-			insertAfter		: 'Txertatu Zutabea Ostean',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Ezabatu Zutabeak'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Botoiaren Ezaugarriak',
-		text		: 'Testua (Balorea)',
-		type		: 'Mota',
-		typeBtn		: 'Botoia',
-		typeSbm		: 'Bidali',
-		typeRst		: 'Garbitu'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Kontrol-laukiko Ezaugarriak',
-		radioTitle	: 'Aukera-botoiaren Ezaugarriak',
-		value		: 'Balorea',
-		selected	: 'Hautatuta'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Formularioaren Ezaugarriak',
-		menu		: 'Formularioaren Ezaugarriak',
-		action		: 'Ekintza',
-		method		: 'Metodoa',
-		encoding	: 'Kodeketa'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Hautespen Eremuaren Ezaugarriak',
-		selectInfo	: 'Informazioa',
-		opAvail		: 'Aukera Eskuragarriak',
-		value		: 'Balorea',
-		size		: 'Tamaina',
-		lines		: 'lerro kopurura',
-		chkMulti	: 'Hautaketa anitzak baimendu',
-		opText		: 'Testua',
-		opValue		: 'Balorea',
-		btnAdd		: 'Gehitu',
-		btnModify	: 'Aldatu',
-		btnUp		: 'Gora',
-		btnDown		: 'Behera',
-		btnSetValue : 'Aukeratutako balorea ezarri',
-		btnDelete	: 'Ezabatu'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Testu-arearen Ezaugarriak',
-		cols		: 'Zutabeak',
-		rows		: 'Lerroak'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Testu Eremuaren Ezaugarriak',
-		name		: 'Izena',
-		value		: 'Balorea',
-		charWidth	: 'Zabalera',
-		maxChars	: 'Zenbat karaktere gehienez',
-		type		: 'Mota',
-		typeText	: 'Testua',
-		typePass	: 'Pasahitza'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Ezkutuko Eremuaren Ezaugarriak',
-		name	: 'Izena',
-		value	: 'Balorea'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Irudi Ezaugarriak',
-		titleButton	: 'Irudi Botoiaren Ezaugarriak',
-		menu		: 'Irudi Ezaugarriak',
-		infoTab		: 'Irudi informazioa',
-		btnUpload	: 'Zerbitzarira bidalia',
-		upload		: 'Gora Kargatu',
-		alt			: 'Ordezko Testua',
-		width		: 'Zabalera',
-		height		: 'Altuera',
-		lockRatio	: 'Erlazioa Blokeatu',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Tamaina Berrezarri',
-		border		: 'Ertza',
-		hSpace		: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace		: 'VSpace',
-		align		: 'Lerrokatu',
-		alignLeft	: 'Ezkerrera',
-		alignRight	: 'Eskuman',
-		alertUrl	: 'Mesedez Irudiaren URLa idatzi',
-		linkTab		: 'Esteka',
-		button2Img	: 'Aukeratutako irudi botoia, irudi normal batean eraldatu nahi duzu?',
-		img2Button	: 'Aukeratutako irudia, irudi botoi batean eraldatu nahi duzu?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flasharen Ezaugarriak',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Ezaugarriak',
-		title			: 'Flasharen Ezaugarriak',
-		chkPlay			: 'Automatikoki Erreproduzitu',
-		chkLoop			: 'Begizta',
-		chkMenu			: 'Flasharen Menua Gaitu',
-		chkFull			: 'Onartu Pantaila osoa',
- 		scale			: 'Eskalatu',
-		scaleAll		: 'Dena erakutsi',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Ertzik gabe',
-		scaleFit		: 'Doitu',
-		access			: 'Scriptak baimendu',
-		accessAlways	: 'Beti',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Domeinu berdinekoak',
-		accessNever		: 'Inoiz ere ez',
-		align			: 'Lerrokatu',
-		alignLeft		: 'Ezkerrera',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs Behean',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs Erdian',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Oinan',
-		alignBottom		: 'Behean',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Erdian',
-		alignRight		: 'Eskuman',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Testua Goian',
-		alignTop		: 'Goian',
-		quality			: 'Kalitatea',
-		qualityBest		: 'Hoberena',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Altua',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto Altua',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Ertaina',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Baxua',
-		qualityLow		: 'Baxua',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Leihoa',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opakoa',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Gardena',
-		windowMode		: 'Leihoaren modua',
-		flashvars		: 'Flash Aldagaiak',
-		bgcolor			: 'Atzeko kolorea',
-		width			: 'Zabalera',
-		height			: 'Altuera',
-		hSpace			: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace			: 'VSpace',
-		validateSrc		: 'Mesedez URL esteka idatzi',
-		validateWidth	: 'Zabalera zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Altuera zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace zenbaki bat izan behar da.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Ortografia',
-		title			: 'Ortografia zuzenketa',
-		notAvailable	: 'Barkatu baina momentu honetan zerbitzua ez dago erabilgarri.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Errorea gertatu da aplikazioa zerbitzaritik kargatzean: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Ez dago hiztegian',
-		changeTo		: 'Honekin ordezkatu',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ezikusi',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Denak Ezikusi',
-		btnReplace		: 'Ordezkatu',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Denak Ordezkatu',
-		btnUndo			: 'Desegin',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Iradokizunik ez -',
-		progress		: 'Zuzenketa ortografikoa martxan...',
-		noMispell		: 'Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: Akatsik ez',
-		noChanges		: 'Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: Ez da ezer aldatu',
-		oneChange		: 'Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: Hitz bat aldatu da',
-		manyChanges		: 'Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: %1 hitz aldatu dira',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Zuzentzaile ortografikoa ez dago instalatuta. Deskargatu nahi duzu?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Aurpegierak',
-		title	: 'Aurpegiera Sartu',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 elementua'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Zenbakidun Zerrenda',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Buletdun Zerrenda',
-	indent			: 'Handitu Koska',
-	outdent			: 'Txikitu Koska',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Lerrokatu Ezkerrean',
-		center	: 'Lerrokatu Erdian',
-		right	: 'Lerrokatu Eskuman',
-		block	: 'Justifikatu'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Aipamen blokea',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Itsatsi',
-		cutError	: 'Zure web nabigatzailearen segurtasun ezarpenak testuak automatikoki moztea ez dute baimentzen. Mesedez teklatua erabili ezazu (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Zure web nabigatzailearen segurtasun ezarpenak testuak automatikoki kopiatzea ez dute baimentzen. Mesedez teklatua erabili ezazu (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Mesedez teklatua erabilita (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) ondorego eremuan testua itsatsi eta <STRONG>OK</STRONG> sakatu.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Nabigatzailearen segurtasun ezarpenak direla eta, editoreak ezin du arbela zuzenean erabili. Leiho honetan berriro itsatsi behar duzu.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Itsatsi nahi duzun testua Wordetik hartua dela dirudi. Itsatsi baino lehen garbitu nahi duzu?',
-		toolbar			: 'Itsatsi Word-etik',
-		title			: 'Itsatsi Word-etik',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Testu Arrunta bezala Itsatsi',
-		title	: 'Testu Arrunta bezala Itsatsi'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Txantiloiak',
-		title			: 'Eduki Txantiloiak',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Ordeztu oraingo edukiak',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Mesedez txantiloia aukeratu editorean kargatzeko<br>(orain dauden edukiak galduko dira):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Ez dago definitutako txantiloirik)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Blokeak erakutsi',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Estiloa',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Bloke Estiloak',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Estiloak',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Objektu Estiloak'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Formatua',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatua',
-		tag_p		: 'Arrunta',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formateatua',
-		tag_address	: 'Helbidea',
-		tag_h1		: 'Izenburua 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Izenburua 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Izenburua 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Izenburua 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Izenburua 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Izenburua 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Paragrafoa (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Letra-tipoa',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Letra-tipoa',
-		panelTitle	: 'Letra-tipoa'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Tamaina',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Tamaina',
-		panelTitle	: 'Tamaina'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Testu Kolorea',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Atzeko kolorea',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatikoa',
-		more			: 'Kolore gehiago...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Ortografia Zuzenketa Idatzi Ahala (SCAYT)',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Gaitu SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'Desgaitu SCAYT',
-		about			: 'SCAYTi buruz',
-		toggle			: 'SCAYT aldatu',
-		options			: 'Aukerak',
-		langs			: 'Hizkuntzak',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Iradokizun gehiago',
-		ignore			: 'Baztertu',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Denak baztertu',
-		addWord			: 'Hitza Gehitu',
-		emptyDic		: 'Hiztegiaren izena ezin da hutsik egon.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Aukerak',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Hizkuntzak',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Hiztegiak',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'Honi buruz'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'CKEditor(r)i buruz',
-		dlgTitle	: 'CKEditor(r)i buruz',
-		moreInfo	: 'Lizentziari buruzko informazioa gure webgunean:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Eskubide guztiak erreserbaturik.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximizatu',
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Aingura',
-		flash	: 'Flash Animazioa',
-		div		: 'Orrialde Saltoa',
-		unknown	: 'Objektu ezezaguna'
-	},
-	resize : 'Arrastatu tamaina aldatzeko',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Basque language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'eu' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'Zerbitzaria arakatu',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokoloa',
+		upload: 'Gora kargatu',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Zerbitzarira bidalia',
+		image: 'Irudia',
+		flash: 'Flasha',
+		form: 'Formularioa',
+		checkbox: 'Kontrol-laukia',
+		radio: 'Aukera-botoia',
+		textField: 'Testu Eremua',
+		textarea: 'Testu-area',
+		hiddenField: 'Ezkutuko Eremua',
+		button: 'Botoia',
+		select: 'Hautespen Eremua',
+		imageButton: 'Irudi Botoia',
+		notSet: '<Ezarri gabe>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Izena',
+		langDir: 'Hizkuntzaren Norabidea',
+		langDirLtr: 'Ezkerretik Eskumara(LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Eskumatik Ezkerrera (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Hizkuntza Kodea',
+		longDescr: 'URL Deskribapen Luzea',
+		cssClass: 'Estilo-orriko Klaseak',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Izenburua',
+		cssStyle: 'Estiloa',
+		ok: 'Ados',
+		cancel: 'Utzi',
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: 'Aurrebista',
+		resize: 'Arrastatu tamaina aldatzeko',
+		generalTab: 'Orokorra',
+		advancedTab: 'Aurreratua',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Balio hau ez da zenbaki bat.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Eduki honetan gorde gabe dauden aldaketak galduko dira. Ziur zaude orri berri bat kargatu nahi duzula?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Aukera batzuk aldatu egin dira. Ziur zaude elkarrizketa-koadroa itxi nahi duzula?',
+		options: 'Aukerak',
+		target: 'Target (Helburua)',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'Ezkerretik Eskumara(LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Eskumatik Ezkerrera (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Estiloa',
+		cssClasses: 'Estilo-orriko Klaseak',
+		width: 'Zabalera',
+		height: 'Altuera',
+		align: 'Lerrokatu',
+		alignLeft: 'Ezkerrera',
+		alignRight: 'Eskuman',
+		alignCenter: 'Erdian',
+		alignTop: 'Goian',
+		alignMiddle: 'Erdian',
+		alignBottom: 'Behean',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Altuera zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Zabalera zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, erabilezina</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fa.js
index ba731d4..49b7e2c 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fa.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fa.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Persian language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['fa'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'rtl',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'منبع',
-	newPage			: 'برگهٴ تازه',
-	save			: 'ذخیره',
-	preview			: 'پیشنمایش',
-	cut				: 'برش',
-	copy			: 'کپی',
-	paste			: 'چسباندن',
-	print			: 'چاپ',
-	underline		: 'خطزیردار',
-	bold			: 'درشت',
-	italic			: 'خمیده',
-	selectAll		: 'گزینش همه',
-	removeFormat	: 'برداشتن فرمت',
-	strike			: 'میانخط',
-	subscript		: 'زیرنویس',
-	superscript		: 'بالانویس',
-	horizontalrule	: 'گنجاندن خط ِافقی',
-	pagebreak		: 'گنجاندن شکستگی ِپایان ِبرگه',
-	unlink			: 'برداشتن پیوند',
-	undo			: 'واچیدن',
-	redo			: 'بازچیدن',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'فهرستنمایی سرور',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'پروتکل',
-		upload			: 'انتقال به سرور',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'به سرور بفرست',
-		image			: 'تصویر',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'فرم',
-		checkbox		: 'خانهٴ گزینهای',
-		radio			: 'دکمهٴ رادیویی',
-		textField		: 'فیلد متنی',
-		textarea		: 'ناحیهٴ متنی',
-		hiddenField		: 'فیلد پنهان',
-		button			: 'دکمه',
-		select			: 'فیلد چندگزینهای',
-		imageButton		: 'دکمهٴ تصویری',
-		notSet			: '<تعیننشده>',
-		id				: 'شناسه',
-		name			: 'نام',
-		langDir			: 'جهتنمای زبان',
-		langDirLtr		: 'چپ به راست (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'راست به چپ (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'کد زبان',
-		longDescr		: 'URL توصیف طولانی',
-		cssClass		: 'کلاسهای شیوهنامه(Stylesheet)',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'عنوان کمکی',
-		cssStyle		: 'شیوه(style)',
-		ok				: 'پذیرش',
-		cancel			: 'انصراف',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'پیشرفته',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'گنجاندن نویسهٴ ویژه',
-		title		: 'گزینش نویسهٴویژه',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'گنجاندن/ویرایش ِپیوند',
-		other 		: '<سایر>',
-		menu		: 'ویرایش پیوند',
-		title		: 'پیوند',
-		info		: 'اطلاعات پیوند',
-		target		: 'مقصد',
-		upload		: 'انتقال به سرور',
-		advanced	: 'پیشرفته',
-		type		: 'نوع پیوند',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'لنگر در همین صفحه',
-		toEmail		: 'پست الکترونیکی',
-		targetFrame		: '<فریم>',
-		targetPopup		: '<پنجرهٴ پاپاپ>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'نام فریم مقصد',
-		targetPopupName	: 'نام پنجرهٴ پاپاپ',
-		popupFeatures	: 'ویژگیهای پنجرهٴ پاپاپ',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'نوار وضعیت',
-		popupLocationBar: 'نوار موقعیت',
-		popupToolbar	: 'نوارابزار',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'نوار منو',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'تمامصفحه (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'میلههای پیمایش',
-		popupDependent	: 'وابسته (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'پهنا',
-		popupLeft		: 'موقعیت ِچپ',
-		popupHeight		: 'درازا',
-		popupTop		: 'موقعیت ِبالا',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'جهتنمای زبان',
-		langDirLTR		: 'چپ به راست (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'راست به چپ (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'کلید دستیابی',
-		name			: 'نام',
-		langCode		: 'جهتنمای زبان',
-		tabIndex		: 'نمایهٴ دسترسی با Tab',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'عنوان کمکی',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'نوع محتوای کمکی',
-		cssClasses		: 'کلاسهای شیوهنامه(Stylesheet)',
-		charset			: 'نویسهگان منبع ِپیوندشده',
-		styles			: 'شیوه(style)',
-		selectAnchor	: 'یک لنگر برگزینید',
-		anchorName		: 'با نام لنگر',
-		anchorId		: 'با شناسهٴ المان',
-		emailAddress	: 'نشانی پست الکترونیکی',
-		emailSubject	: 'موضوع پیام',
-		emailBody		: 'متن پیام',
-		noAnchors		: '(در این سند لنگری دردسترس نیست)',
-		noUrl			: 'لطفا URL پیوند را بنویسید',
-		noEmail			: 'لطفا نشانی پست الکترونیکی را بنویسید'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'گنجاندن/ویرایش ِلنگر',
-		menu		: 'ویژگیهای لنگر',
-		title		: 'ویژگیهای لنگر',
-		name		: 'نام لنگر',
-		errorName	: 'لطفا نام لنگر را بنویسید'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'جستجو و جایگزینی',
-		find				: 'جستجو',
-		replace				: 'جایگزینی',
-		findWhat			: 'چهچیز را مییابید:',
-		replaceWith			: 'جایگزینی با:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'متن موردنظر یافت نشد.',
-		matchCase			: 'همسانی در بزرگی و کوچکی نویسهها',
-		matchWord			: 'همسانی با واژهٴ کامل',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'جایگزینی همهٴ یافتهها',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'جدول',
-		title		: 'ویژگیهای جدول',
-		menu		: 'ویژگیهای جدول',
-		deleteTable	: 'پاککردن جدول',
-		rows		: 'سطرها',
-		columns		: 'ستونها',
-		border		: 'اندازهٴ لبه',
-		align		: 'چینش',
-		alignLeft	: 'Ú†Ù¾',
-		alignCenter	: 'وسط',
-		alignRight	: 'راست',
-		width		: 'پهنا',
-		widthPx		: 'پیکسل',
-		widthPc		: 'درصد',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'درازا',
-		cellSpace	: 'فاصلهٴ میان سلولها',
-		cellPad		: 'فاصلهٴ پرشده در سلول',
-		caption		: 'عنوان',
-		summary		: 'خلاصه',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'سلول',
-			insertBefore	: 'افزودن سلول قبل از',
-			insertAfter		: 'افزودن سلول بعد از',
-			deleteCell		: 'حذف سلولها',
-			merge			: 'ادغام سلولها',
-			mergeRight		: 'ادغام به راست',
-			mergeDown		: 'ادغام به پایین',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'جدا کردن افقی سلول',
-			splitVertical	: 'جدا کردن عمودی سلول',
-			title			: 'ویژگیهای سلول',
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'سطر',
-			insertBefore	: 'افزودن سطر قبل از',
-			insertAfter		: 'افزودن سطر بعد از',
-			deleteRow		: 'حذف سطرها'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'ستون',
-			insertBefore	: 'افزودن ستون قبل از',
-			insertAfter		: 'افزودن ستون بعد از',
-			deleteColumn	: 'حذف ستونها'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'ویژگیهای دکمه',
-		text		: 'متن (مقدار)',
-		type		: 'نوع',
-		typeBtn		: 'دکمه',
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit',
-		typeRst		: 'بازنشانی (Reset)'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'ویژگیهای خانهٴ گزینهای',
-		radioTitle	: 'ویژگیهای دکمهٴ رادیویی',
-		value		: 'مقدار',
-		selected	: 'برگزیده'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'ویژگیهای فرم',
-		menu		: 'ویژگیهای فرم',
-		action		: 'رویداد',
-		method		: 'متد',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'ویژگیهای فیلد چندگزینهای',
-		selectInfo	: 'اطلاعات',
-		opAvail		: 'گزینههای دردسترس',
-		value		: 'مقدار',
-		size		: 'اندازه',
-		lines		: 'خطوط',
-		chkMulti	: 'گزینش چندگانه فراهم باشد',
-		opText		: 'متن',
-		opValue		: 'مقدار',
-		btnAdd		: 'افزودن',
-		btnModify	: 'ویرایش',
-		btnUp		: 'بالا',
-		btnDown		: 'پائین',
-		btnSetValue : 'تنظیم به عنوان مقدار ِبرگزیده',
-		btnDelete	: 'پاککردن'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'ویژگیهای ناحیهٴ متنی',
-		cols		: 'ستونها',
-		rows		: 'سطرها'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'ویژگیهای فیلد متنی',
-		name		: 'نام',
-		value		: 'مقدار',
-		charWidth	: 'پهنای نویسه',
-		maxChars	: 'بیشینهٴ نویسهها',
-		type		: 'نوع',
-		typeText	: 'متن',
-		typePass	: 'گذرواژه'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'ویژگیهای فیلد پنهان',
-		name	: 'نام',
-		value	: 'مقدار'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'ویژگیهای تصویر',
-		titleButton	: 'ویژگیهای دکمهٴ تصویری',
-		menu		: 'ویژگیهای تصویر',
-		infoTab		: 'اطلاعات تصویر',
-		btnUpload	: 'به سرور بفرست',
-		upload		: 'انتقال به سرور',
-		alt			: 'متن جایگزین',
-		width		: 'پهنا',
-		height		: 'درازا',
-		lockRatio	: 'قفلکردن ِنسبت',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'بازنشانی اندازه',
-		border		: 'لبه',
-		hSpace		: 'فاصلهٴ افقی',
-		vSpace		: 'فاصلهٴ عمودی',
-		align		: 'چینش',
-		alignLeft	: 'Ú†Ù¾',
-		alignRight	: 'راست',
-		alertUrl	: 'لطفا URL تصویر را بنویسید',
-		linkTab		: 'پیوند',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'ویژگیهای Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'ویژگیهای Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'آغاز ِخودکار',
-		chkLoop			: 'اجرای پیاپی',
-		chkMenu			: 'دردسترسبودن منوی Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'مقیاس',
-		scaleAll		: 'نمایش همه',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'بدون کران',
-		scaleFit		: 'جایگیری کامل',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'چینش',
-		alignLeft		: 'Ú†Ù¾',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'پائین مطلق',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'وسط مطلق',
-		alignBaseline	: 'خطپایه',
-		alignBottom		: 'پائین',
-		alignMiddle		: 'وسط',
-		alignRight		: 'راست',
-		alignTextTop	: 'متن بالا',
-		alignTop		: 'بالا',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'رنگ پسزمینه',
-		width			: 'پهنا',
-		height			: 'درازا',
-		hSpace			: 'فاصلهٴ افقی',
-		vSpace			: 'فاصلهٴ عمودی',
-		validateSrc		: 'لطفا URL پیوند را بنویسید',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'بررسی املا',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'در واژهنامه یافت نشد',
-		changeTo		: 'تغییر به',
-		btnIgnore		: 'چشمپوشی',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'چشمپوشی همه',
-		btnReplace		: 'جایگزینی',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'جایگزینی همه',
-		btnUndo			: 'واچینش',
-		noSuggestions	: '- پیشنهادی نیست -',
-		progress		: 'بررسی املا در حال انجام...',
-		noMispell		: 'بررسی املا انجام شد. هیچ غلطاملائی یافت نشد',
-		noChanges		: 'بررسی املا انجام شد. هیچ واژهای تغییر نیافت',
-		oneChange		: 'بررسی املا انجام شد. یک واژه تغییر یافت',
-		manyChanges		: 'بررسی املا انجام شد. %1 واژه تغییر یافت',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'بررسیکنندهٴ املا نصب نشده است. آیا میخواهید آن را هماکنون دریافت کنید؟'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'خندانک',
-		title	: 'گنجاندن خندانک',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'فهرست شمارهدار',
-	bulletedlist	: 'فهرست نقطهای',
-	indent			: 'افزایش تورفتگی',
-	outdent			: 'کاهش تورفتگی',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'چپچین',
-		center	: 'میانچین',
-		right	: 'راستچین',
-		block	: 'بلوکچین'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'بلوک نقل قول',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'چسباندن',
-		cutError	: 'تنظیمات امنیتی مرورگر شما اجازه نمیدهد که ویرایشگر به طور خودکار عملکردهای برش را انجام دهد. لطفا با دکمههای صفحهکلید این کار را انجام دهید (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'تنظیمات امنیتی مرورگر شما اجازه نمیدهد که ویرایشگر به طور خودکار عملکردهای کپیکردن را انجام دهد. لطفا با دکمههای صفحهکلید این کار را انجام دهید (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'لطفا متن را با کلیدهای (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) در این جعبهٴ متنی بچسبانید و <STRONG>پذیرش</STRONG> را بزنید.',
-		securityMsg	: 'به خاطر تنظیمات امنیتی مرورگر شما، ویرایشگر نمیتواند دسترسی مستقیم به دادههای clipboard داشته باشد. شما باید دوباره آنرا در این پنجره بچسبانید.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'چسباندن از Word',
-		title			: 'چسباندن از Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'چسباندن به عنوان متن ِساده',
-		title	: 'چسباندن به عنوان متن ِساده'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'الگوها',
-		title			: 'الگوهای محتویات',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'محتویات کنونی جایگزین شوند',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'لطفا الگوی موردنظر را برای بازکردن در ویرایشگر برگزینید<br>(محتویات کنونی از دست خواهند رفت):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(الگوئی تعریف نشده است)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'نمایش بلوکها',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'سبک',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'فرمت',
-		panelTitle	: 'فرمت',
-		tag_p		: 'نرمال',
-		tag_pre		: 'فرمتشده',
-		tag_address	: 'آدرس',
-		tag_h1		: 'سرنویس 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'سرنویس 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'سرنویس 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'سرنویس 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'سرنویس 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'سرنویس 6',
-		tag_div		: 'بند'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'قلم',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'قلم'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'اندازه',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'اندازه'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'رنگ متن',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'رنگ پسزمینه',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'خودکار',
-		more			: 'رنگهای بیشتر...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object for the
+ * Persian language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'fa' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'rtl',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'ویرایشگر متن غنی',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'کلید Alt+0 را برای راهنمایی بفشارید',
+		browseServer: 'فهرستنمایی سرور',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'پروتکل',
+		upload: 'انتقال به سرور',
+		uploadSubmit: 'به سرور بفرست',
+		image: 'تصویر',
+		flash: 'فلش',
+		form: 'فرم',
+		checkbox: 'خانهٴ گزینهای',
+		radio: 'دکمهٴ رادیویی',
+		textField: 'فیلد متنی',
+		textarea: 'ناحیهٴ متنی',
+		hiddenField: 'فیلد پنهان',
+		button: 'دکمه',
+		select: 'فیلد چندگزینهای',
+		imageButton: 'دکمهٴ تصویری',
+		notSet: '<تعین نشده>',
+		id: 'شناسه',
+		name: 'نام',
+		langDir: 'جهتنمای زبان',
+		langDirLtr: 'چپ به راست (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'راست به چپ (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'کد زبان',
+		longDescr: 'URL توصیف طولانی',
+		cssClass: 'کلاسهای شیوهنامه(Stylesheet)',
+		advisoryTitle: 'عنوان کمکی',
+		cssStyle: 'شیوه(style)',
+		ok: 'پذیرش',
+		cancel: 'انصراف',
+		close: 'بستن',
+		preview: 'پیشنمایش',
+		resize: 'کشیدن برای تغییر اندازه',
+		generalTab: 'عمومی',
+		advancedTab: 'پیشرفته',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'این مقدار یک عدد نیست.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'هر تغییر ایجاد شدهی ذخیره نشده از بین خواهد رفت. آیا اطمینان دارید که قصد بارگیری صفحه جدیدی را دارید؟',
+		confirmCancel: 'برخی از گزینهها تغییر کردهاند. آیا واقعا قصد بستن این پنجره را دارید؟',
+		options: 'گزینهها',
+		target: 'مسیر',
+		targetNew: 'پنجره جدید (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'بالاترین پنجره (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'همان پنجره (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'پنجره والد (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'چپ به راست (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'راست به چپ (RTL)',
+		styles: 'سبک',
+		cssClasses: 'کلاسهای شیوهنامه',
+		width: 'پهنا',
+		height: 'درازا',
+		align: 'چینش',
+		alignLeft: 'Ú†Ù¾',
+		alignRight: 'راست',
+		alignCenter: 'وسط',
+		alignTop: 'بالا',
+		alignMiddle: 'وسط',
+		alignBottom: 'پائین',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'ارتفاع باید یک عدد باشد.',
+		invalidWidth: 'پهنا باید یک عدد باشد.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'عدد تعیین شده برای فیلد "%1" باید یک عدد مثبت با یا بدون یک واحد اندازه گیری CSS معتبر باشد (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'عدد تعیین شده برای فیلد "%1" باید یک عدد مثبت با یا بدون یک واحد اندازه گیری HTML معتبر باشد (px or %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'عدد تعیین شده برای سبک درونخطی(Inline Style) باید دارای یک یا چند چندتایی با شکلی شبیه "name : value" که باید با یک ","(semi-colons) از هم جدا شوند.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'یک عدد برای یک مقدار بر حسب پیکسل و یا یک عدد با یک واحد CSS معتبر وارد کنید (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">، غیر قابل دسترس</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fi.js
index 77ce319..8111a35 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fi.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fi.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Finnish language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['fi'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rikastekstieditori, %1, paina ALT 0 nähdäksesi ohjeen.',
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Työkalupalkki',
-	editor	: 'Rikastekstieditori',
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Koodi',
-	newPage			: 'Tyhjennä',
-	save			: 'Tallenna',
-	preview			: 'Esikatsele',
-	cut				: 'Leikkaa',
-	copy			: 'Kopioi',
-	paste			: 'Liitä',
-	print			: 'Tulosta',
-	underline		: 'Alleviivattu',
-	bold			: 'Lihavoitu',
-	italic			: 'Kursivoitu',
-	selectAll		: 'Valitse kaikki',
-	removeFormat	: 'Poista muotoilu',
-	strike			: 'Yliviivattu',
-	subscript		: 'Alaindeksi',
-	superscript		: 'Yläindeksi',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Lisää murtoviiva',
-	pagebreak		: 'Lisää sivun vaihto',
-	unlink			: 'Poista linkki',
-	undo			: 'Kumoa',
-	redo			: 'Toista',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Selaa palvelinta',
-		url				: 'Osoite',
-		protocol		: 'Protokolla',
-		upload			: 'Lisää tiedosto',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Lähetä palvelimelle',
-		image			: 'Kuva',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Lomake',
-		checkbox		: 'Valintaruutu',
-		radio			: 'Radiopainike',
-		textField		: 'Tekstikenttä',
-		textarea		: 'Tekstilaatikko',
-		hiddenField		: 'Piilokenttä',
-		button			: 'Painike',
-		select			: 'Valintakenttä',
-		imageButton		: 'Kuvapainike',
-		notSet			: '<ei asetettu>',
-		id				: 'Tunniste',
-		name			: 'Nimi',
-		langDir			: 'Kielen suunta',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Vasemmalta oikealle (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Oikealta vasemmalle (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Kielikoodi',
-		longDescr		: 'Pitkän kuvauksen URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Tyyliluokat',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Avustava otsikko',
-		cssStyle		: 'Tyyli',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Peruuta',
-		close			: 'Sulje',
-		preview			: 'Esikatselu',
-		generalTab		: 'Yleinen',
-		advancedTab		: 'Lisäominaisuudet',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Arvon pitää olla numero.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Kaikki tallentamattomat muutokset tähän sisältöön menetetään. Oletko varma, että haluat ladata uuden sivun?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Jotkut asetuksista on muuttuneet. Oletko varma, että haluat sulkea valintaikkunan?',
-		options			: 'Asetukset',
-		target			: 'Kohde',
-		targetNew		: 'Uusi ikkuna (_blank)',
-		targetTop		: 'Päällimmäinen ikkuna (_top)',
-		targetSelf		: 'Sama ikkuna (_self)',
-		targetParent	: 'Ylemmän tason ikkuna (_parent)',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, ei saatavissa</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Lisää erikoismerkki',
-		title		: 'Valitse erikoismerkki',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Lisää linkki/muokkaa linkkiä',
-		other 		: '<muu>',
-		menu		: 'Muokkaa linkkiä',
-		title		: 'Linkki',
-		info		: 'Linkin tiedot',
-		target		: 'Kohde',
-		upload		: 'Lisää tiedosto',
-		advanced	: 'Lisäominaisuudet',
-		type		: 'Linkkityyppi',
-		toUrl		: 'Osoite',
-		toAnchor	: 'Ankkuri tässä sivussa',
-		toEmail		: 'Sähköposti',
-		targetFrame		: '<kehys>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup ikkuna>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Kohdekehyksen nimi',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Popup ikkunan nimi',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Popup ikkunan ominaisuudet',
-		popupResizable	: 'Venytettävä',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Tilarivi',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Osoiterivi',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Vakiopainikkeet',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Valikkorivi',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Täysi ikkuna (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Vierityspalkit',
-		popupDependent	: 'Riippuva (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Leveys',
-		popupLeft		: 'Vasemmalta (px)',
-		popupHeight		: 'Korkeus',
-		popupTop		: 'Ylhäältä (px)',
-		id				: 'Tunniste',
-		langDir			: 'Kielen suunta',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Vasemmalta oikealle (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Oikealta vasemmalle (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Pikanäppäin',
-		name			: 'Nimi',
-		langCode		: 'Kielen suunta',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tabulaattori indeksi',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Avustava otsikko',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Avustava sisällön tyyppi',
-		cssClasses		: 'Tyyliluokat',
-		charset			: 'Linkitetty kirjaimisto',
-		styles			: 'Tyyli',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Valitse ankkuri',
-		anchorName		: 'Ankkurin nimen mukaan',
-		anchorId		: 'Ankkurin ID:n mukaan',
-		emailAddress	: 'Sähköpostiosoite',
-		emailSubject	: 'Aihe',
-		emailBody		: 'Viesti',
-		noAnchors		: '(Ei ankkureita tässä dokumentissa)',
-		noUrl			: 'Linkille on kirjoitettava URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Kirjoita sähköpostiosoite'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Lisää ankkuri/muokkaa ankkuria',
-		menu		: 'Ankkurin ominaisuudet',
-		title		: 'Ankkurin ominaisuudet',
-		name		: 'Nimi',
-		errorName	: 'Ankkurille on kirjoitettava nimi'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numeroidun listan ominaisuudet',
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Numeroimattoman listan ominaisuudet',
-		type				: 'Tyyppi',
-		start				: 'Alku',
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Ympyrä',
-		disc				: 'Levy',
-		square				: 'Neliö',
-		none				: 'Ei mikään',
-		notset				: '<ei asetettu>',
-		armenian			: 'Armeenialainen numerointi',
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Pienet roomalaiset (i, ii, iii, iv, v, jne.)',
-		upperRoman			: 'Isot roomalaiset (I, II, III, IV, V, jne.)',
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Pienet aakkoset (a, b, c, d, e, jne.)',
-		upperAlpha			: 'Isot aakkoset (A, B, C, D, E, jne.)',
-		lowerGreek			: 'Pienet kreikkalaiset (alpha, beta, gamma, jne.)',
-		decimal				: 'Desimaalit (1, 2, 3, jne.)',
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Desimaalit, alussa nolla (01, 02, 03, jne.)'
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Etsi ja korvaa',
-		find				: 'Etsi',
-		replace				: 'Korvaa',
-		findWhat			: 'Etsi mitä:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Korvaa tällä:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Etsittyä tekstiä ei löytynyt.',
-		matchCase			: 'Sama kirjainkoko',
-		matchWord			: 'Koko sana',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Kierrä ympäri',
-		replaceAll			: 'Korvaa kaikki',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 esiintymä(ä) korvattu.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Taulu',
-		title		: 'Taulun ominaisuudet',
-		menu		: 'Taulun ominaisuudet',
-		deleteTable	: 'Poista taulu',
-		rows		: 'Rivit',
-		columns		: 'Sarakkeet',
-		border		: 'Rajan paksuus',
-		align		: 'Kohdistus',
-		alignLeft	: 'Vasemmalle',
-		alignCenter	: 'Keskelle',
-		alignRight	: 'Oikealle',
-		width		: 'Leveys',
-		widthPx		: 'pikseliä',
-		widthPc		: 'prosenttia',
-		widthUnit	: 'leveysyksikkö',
-		height		: 'Korkeus',
-		cellSpace	: 'Solujen väli',
-		cellPad		: 'Solujen sisennys',
-		caption		: 'Otsikko',
-		summary		: 'Yhteenveto',
-		headers		: 'Ylätunnisteet',
-		headersNone		: 'Ei',
-		headersColumn	: 'Ensimmäinen sarake',
-		headersRow		: 'Ensimmäinen rivi',
-		headersBoth		: 'Molemmat',
-		invalidRows		: 'Rivien määrän täytyy olla suurempi kuin 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Sarakkeiden määrän täytyy olla suurempi kuin 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Reunan koon täytyy olla numero.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Taulun leveyden täytyy olla numero.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Taulun korkeuden täytyy olla numero.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Solujen välin täytyy olla numero.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Solujen sisennyksen täytyy olla numero.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Solu',
-			insertBefore	: 'Lisää solu eteen',
-			insertAfter		: 'Lisää solu perään',
-			deleteCell		: 'Poista solut',
-			merge			: 'Yhdistä solut',
-			mergeRight		: 'Yhdistä oikealla olevan kanssa',
-			mergeDown		: 'Yhdistä alla olevan kanssa',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Jaa solu vaakasuunnassa',
-			splitVertical	: 'Jaa solu pystysuunnassa',
-			title			: 'Solun ominaisuudet',
-			cellType		: 'Solun tyyppi',
-			rowSpan			: 'Rivin jatkuvuus',
-			colSpan			: 'Solun jatkuvuus',
-			wordWrap		: 'Rivitys',
-			hAlign			: 'Horisontaali kohdistus',
-			vAlign			: 'Vertikaali kohdistus',
-			alignTop		: 'Ylös',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Keskelle',
-			alignBottom		: 'Alas',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Alas (teksti)',
-			bgColor			: 'Taustan väri',
-			borderColor		: 'Reunan väri',
-			data			: 'Data',
-			header			: 'Ylätunniste',
-			yes				: 'Kyllä',
-			no				: 'Ei',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Solun leveyden täytyy olla numero.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Solun korkeuden täytyy olla numero.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rivin jatkuvuuden täytyy olla kokonaisluku.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Solun jatkuvuuden täytyy olla kokonaisluku.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Valitse'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Rivi',
-			insertBefore	: 'Lisää rivi yläpuolelle',
-			insertAfter		: 'Lisää rivi alapuolelle',
-			deleteRow		: 'Poista rivit'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Sarake',
-			insertBefore	: 'Lisää sarake vasemmalle',
-			insertAfter		: 'Lisää sarake oikealle',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Poista sarakkeet'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Painikkeen ominaisuudet',
-		text		: 'Teksti (arvo)',
-		type		: 'Tyyppi',
-		typeBtn		: 'Painike',
-		typeSbm		: 'Lähetä',
-		typeRst		: 'Tyhjennä'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Valintaruudun ominaisuudet',
-		radioTitle	: 'Radiopainikkeen ominaisuudet',
-		value		: 'Arvo',
-		selected	: 'Valittu'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Lomakkeen ominaisuudet',
-		menu		: 'Lomakkeen ominaisuudet',
-		action		: 'Toiminto',
-		method		: 'Tapa',
-		encoding	: 'Enkoodaus'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Valintakentän ominaisuudet',
-		selectInfo	: 'Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Ominaisuudet',
-		value		: 'Arvo',
-		size		: 'Koko',
-		lines		: 'Rivit',
-		chkMulti	: 'Salli usea valinta',
-		opText		: 'Teksti',
-		opValue		: 'Arvo',
-		btnAdd		: 'Lisää',
-		btnModify	: 'Muuta',
-		btnUp		: 'Ylös',
-		btnDown		: 'Alas',
-		btnSetValue : 'Aseta valituksi',
-		btnDelete	: 'Poista'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Tekstilaatikon ominaisuudet',
-		cols		: 'Sarakkeita',
-		rows		: 'Rivejä'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Tekstikentän ominaisuudet',
-		name		: 'Nimi',
-		value		: 'Arvo',
-		charWidth	: 'Leveys',
-		maxChars	: 'Maksimi merkkimäärä',
-		type		: 'Tyyppi',
-		typeText	: 'Teksti',
-		typePass	: 'Salasana'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Piilokentän ominaisuudet',
-		name	: 'Nimi',
-		value	: 'Arvo'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Kuvan ominaisuudet',
-		titleButton	: 'Kuvapainikkeen ominaisuudet',
-		menu		: 'Kuvan ominaisuudet',
-		infoTab		: 'Kuvan tiedot',
-		btnUpload	: 'Lähetä palvelimelle',
-		upload		: 'Lisää kuva',
-		alt			: 'Vaihtoehtoinen teksti',
-		width		: 'Leveys',
-		height		: 'Korkeus',
-		lockRatio	: 'Lukitse suhteet',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Vapauta suhteet',
-		resetSize	: 'Alkuperäinen koko',
-		border		: 'Kehys',
-		hSpace		: 'Vaakatila',
-		vSpace		: 'Pystytila',
-		align		: 'Kohdistus',
-		alignLeft	: 'Vasemmalle',
-		alignRight	: 'Oikealle',
-		alertUrl	: 'Kirjoita kuvan osoite (URL)',
-		linkTab		: 'Linkki',
-		button2Img	: 'Haluatko muuntaa valitun kuvanäppäimen kuvaksi?',
-		img2Button	: 'Haluatko muuntaa valitun kuvan kuvanäppäimeksi?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Kuvan lähdeosoite puuttuu.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Leveyden täytyy olla kokonaisluku.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Korkeuden täytyy olla kokonaisluku.',
-		validateBorder	: 'Kehyksen täytyy olla kokonaisluku.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace-määrityksen täytyy olla kokonaisluku.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace-määrityksen täytyy olla kokonaisluku.'
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash-ominaisuudet',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Ominaisuudet',
-		title			: 'Flash ominaisuudet',
-		chkPlay			: 'Automaattinen käynnistys',
-		chkLoop			: 'Toisto',
-		chkMenu			: 'Näytä Flash-valikko',
-		chkFull			: 'Salli kokoruututila',
- 		scale			: 'Levitä',
-		scaleAll		: 'Näytä kaikki',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Ei rajaa',
-		scaleFit		: 'Tarkka koko',
-		access			: 'Skriptien pääsy',
-		accessAlways	: 'Aina',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Sama verkkotunnus',
-		accessNever		: 'Ei koskaan',
-		align			: 'Kohdistus',
-		alignLeft		: 'Vasemmalle',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Aivan alas',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Aivan keskelle',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Alas (teksti)',
-		alignBottom		: 'Alas',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Keskelle',
-		alignRight		: 'Oikealle',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Ylös (teksti)',
-		alignTop		: 'Ylös',
-		quality			: 'Laatu',
-		qualityBest		: 'Paras',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Korkea',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Automaattinen korkea',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Keskitaso',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Automaattinen matala',
-		qualityLow		: 'Matala',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Ikkuna',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Läpinäkyvyys',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Läpinäkyvä',
-		windowMode		: 'Ikkuna tila',
-		flashvars		: 'Muuttujat Flash:lle',
-		bgcolor			: 'Taustaväri',
-		width			: 'Leveys',
-		height			: 'Korkeus',
-		hSpace			: 'Vaakatila',
-		vSpace			: 'Pystytila',
-		validateSrc		: 'Linkille on kirjoitettava URL',
-		validateWidth	: 'Leveyden täytyy olla numero.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Korkeuden täytyy olla numero.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'Vaakatilan täytyy olla numero.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'Pystytilan täytyy olla numero.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Tarkista oikeinkirjoitus',
-		title			: 'Oikoluku',
-		notAvailable	: 'Valitettavasti oikoluku ei ole käytössä tällä hetkellä.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Virhe ladattaessa oikolukupalvelua isännältä: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Ei sanakirjassa',
-		changeTo		: 'Vaihda',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Jätä huomioimatta',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Jätä kaikki huomioimatta',
-		btnReplace		: 'Korvaa',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Korvaa kaikki',
-		btnUndo			: 'Kumoa',
-		noSuggestions	: 'Ei ehdotuksia',
-		progress		: 'Tarkistus käynnissä...',
-		noMispell		: 'Tarkistus valmis: Ei virheitä',
-		noChanges		: 'Tarkistus valmis: Yhtään sanaa ei muutettu',
-		oneChange		: 'Tarkistus valmis: Yksi sana muutettiin',
-		manyChanges		: 'Tarkistus valmis: %1 sanaa muutettiin',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistusta ei ole asennettu. Haluatko ladata sen nyt?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Hymiö',
-		title	: 'Lisää hymiö',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elementin polku',
-		eleTitle : '%1 elementti'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Numerointi',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Luottelomerkit',
-	indent			: 'Suurenna sisennystä',
-	outdent			: 'Pienennä sisennystä',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Tasaa vasemmat reunat',
-		center	: 'Keskitä',
-		right	: 'Tasaa oikeat reunat',
-		block	: 'Tasaa molemmat reunat'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Lainaus',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Liitä',
-		cutError	: 'Selaimesi turva-asetukset eivät salli editorin toteuttaa leikkaamista. Käytä näppäimistöä leikkaamiseen (Ctrl+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Selaimesi turva-asetukset eivät salli editorin toteuttaa kopioimista. Käytä näppäimistöä kopioimiseen (Ctrl+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Liitä painamalla (<STRONG>Ctrl+V</STRONG>) ja painamalla <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Selaimesi turva-asetukset eivät salli editorin käyttää leikepöytää suoraan. Sinun pitää suorittaa liittäminen tässä ikkunassa.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Leikealue'
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Liittämäsi teksti näyttäisi olevan Word-dokumentista. Haluatko siivota sen ennen liittämistä? (Suositus: Kyllä)',
-		toolbar			: 'Liitä Word-dokumentista',
-		title			: 'Liitä Word-dokumentista',
-		error			: 'Liitetyn tiedon siivoaminen ei onnistunut sisäisen virheen takia'
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Liitä tekstinä',
-		title	: 'Liitä tekstinä'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Pohjat',
-		title			: 'Sisältöpohjat',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Korvaa editorin koko sisältö',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Valitse pohja editoriin<br>(aiempi sisältö menetetään):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Ei määriteltyjä pohjia)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Näytä elementit',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Tyyli',
-		panelTitle	: 'Muotoilujen tyylit',
-		panelTitle1	: 'Lohkojen tyylit',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Rivinsisäiset tyylit',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Objektien tyylit'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Muotoilu',
-		panelTitle	: 'Muotoilu',
-		tag_p		: 'Normaali',
-		tag_pre		: 'Muotoiltu',
-		tag_address	: 'Osoite',
-		tag_h1		: 'Otsikko 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Otsikko 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Otsikko 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Otsikko 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Otsikko 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Otsikko 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normaali (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Luo div-kehikko',
-		toolbar				: 'Luo div-kehikko',
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Tyylitiedoston luokat',
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Tyyli',
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id',
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Kielen koodi',
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Sisätyyli',
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Ohjeistava otsikko',
-		langDirLabel		: 'Kielen suunta',
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Vasemmalta oikealle (LTR)',
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Oikealta vasemmalle (RTL)',
-		edit				: 'Muokkaa Diviä',
-		remove				: 'Poista Div'
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Kirjaisinlaji',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Kirjaisinlaji',
-		panelTitle	: 'Kirjaisinlaji'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Koko',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Kirjaisimen koko',
-		panelTitle	: 'Koko'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Tekstiväri',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Taustaväri',
-		panelTitle		: 'Värit',
-		auto			: 'Automaattinen',
-		more			: 'Lisää värejä...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Musta',
-		'800000' : 'Kastanjanruskea',
-		'8B4513' : 'Satulanruskea',
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Tumma liuskekivenharmaa',
-		'008080' : 'Sinivihreä',
-		'000080' : 'Laivastonsininen',
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigonsininen',
-		'696969' : 'Tummanharmaa',
-		'B22222' : 'Tiili',
-		'A52A2A' : 'Ruskea',
-		'DAA520' : 'Kultapiisku',
-		'006400' : 'Tummanvihreä',
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turkoosi',
-		'0000CD' : 'Keskisininen',
-		'800080' : 'Purppura',
-		'808080' : 'Harmaa',
-		'F00' : 'Punainen',
-		'FF8C00' : 'Tumma oranssi',
-		'FFD700' : 'Kulta',
-		'008000' : 'Vihreä',
-		'0FF' : 'Syaani',
-		'00F' : 'Sininen',
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violetti',
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Tummanharmaa',
-		'FFA07A' : 'Vaaleanlohenpunainen',
-		'FFA500' : 'Oranssi',
-		'FFFF00' : 'Keltainen',
-		'00FF00' : 'Limetin vihreä',
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Haalea turkoosi',
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Vaaleansininen',
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Luumu',
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Vaaleanharmaa',
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Laventelinpunainen',
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antiikinvalkoinen',
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Vaaleankeltainen',
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Hunajameloni',
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Asurinsininen',
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue -sininen',
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavanteli',
-		'FFF' : 'Valkoinen'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Oikolue kirjoitettaessa',
-		opera_title		: 'Opera ei tue tätä ominaisuutta',
-		enable			: 'Ota käyttöön oikoluku kirjoitettaessa',
-		disable			: 'Poista käytöstä oikoluku kirjoitetaessa',
-		about			: 'Tietoja oikoluvusta kirjoitetaessa',
-		toggle			: 'Vaihda oikoluku kirjoittaessa tilaa',
-		options			: 'Asetukset',
-		langs			: 'Kielet',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Lisää ehdotuksia',
-		ignore			: 'Ohita',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ohita kaikki',
-		addWord			: 'Lisää sana',
-		emptyDic		: 'Sanakirjan nimi on annettava.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Asetukset',
-		allCaps			: 'Ohita sanat, jotka on kirjoitettu kokonaan isoilla kirjaimilla',
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ohita verkkotunnukset',
-		mixedCase		: 'Ohita sanat, joissa on sekoitettu isoja ja pieniä kirjaimia',
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ohita sanat, joissa on numeroita',
-		languagesTab	: 'Kielet',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Sanakirjat',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Sanakirjan nimi',
-		dic_create		: 'Luo',
-		dic_restore		: 'Palauta',
-		dic_delete		: 'Poista',
-		dic_rename		: 'Nimeä uudelleen',
-		dic_info		: 'Oletuksena sanakirjat tallennetaan evästeeseen, mutta evästeiden koko on kuitenkin rajallinen. Sanakirjan kasvaessa niin suureksi, ettei se enää mahdu evästeeseen, sanakirja täytyy tallentaa palvelimellemme. Tallentaaksesi sanakirjasi palvelimellemme tulee sinun antaa sille nimi. Jos olet jo tallentanut sanakirjan, anna sen nimi ja klikkaa Palauta-painiketta',
-		aboutTab		: 'Tietoa'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'Tietoa CKEditorista',
-		dlgTitle	: 'Tietoa CKEditorista',
-		moreInfo	: 'Lisenssitiedot löytyvät kotisivuiltamme:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Kaikki oikeuden pidätetään.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Suurenna',
-	minimize : 'Pienennä',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Ankkuri',
-		flash	: 'Flash animaatio',
-		div		: 'Sivun vaihto',
-		unknown	: 'Tuntematon objekti'
-	},
-	resize : 'Raahaa muuttaaksesi kokoa',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Valitse väri',
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Korostus',
-		selected	: 'Valittu',
-		clear		: 'Poista'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Kutista työkalupalkki',
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Laajenna työkalupalkki',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object for the
+ * Finnish language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'fi' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rikastekstieditori',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Paina ALT 0 nähdäksesi ohjeen',
+		browseServer: 'Selaa palvelinta',
+		url: 'Osoite',
+		protocol: 'Protokolla',
+		upload: 'Lisää tiedosto',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Lähetä palvelimelle',
+		image: 'Kuva',
+		flash: 'Flash-animaatio',
+		form: 'Lomake',
+		checkbox: 'Valintaruutu',
+		radio: 'Radiopainike',
+		textField: 'Tekstikenttä',
+		textarea: 'Tekstilaatikko',
+		hiddenField: 'Piilokenttä',
+		button: 'Painike',
+		select: 'Valintakenttä',
+		imageButton: 'Kuvapainike',
+		notSet: '<ei asetettu>',
+		id: 'Tunniste',
+		name: 'Nimi',
+		langDir: 'Kielen suunta',
+		langDirLtr: 'Vasemmalta oikealle (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Oikealta vasemmalle (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Kielikoodi',
+		longDescr: 'Pitkän kuvauksen URL',
+		cssClass: 'Tyyliluokat',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Avustava otsikko',
+		cssStyle: 'Tyyli',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Peruuta',
+		close: 'Sulje',
+		preview: 'Esikatselu',
+		resize: 'Raahaa muuttaaksesi kokoa',
+		generalTab: 'Yleinen',
+		advancedTab: 'Lisäominaisuudet',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Arvon pitää olla numero.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Kaikki tallentamattomat muutokset tähän sisältöön menetetään. Oletko varma, että haluat ladata uuden sivun?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Jotkut asetuksista on muuttuneet. Oletko varma, että haluat sulkea valintaikkunan?',
+		options: 'Asetukset',
+		target: 'Kohde',
+		targetNew: 'Uusi ikkuna (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Päällimmäinen ikkuna (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Sama ikkuna (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Ylemmän tason ikkuna (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Vasemmalta oikealle (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Oikealta vasemmalle (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Tyyli',
+		cssClasses: 'Tyylitiedoston luokat',
+		width: 'Leveys',
+		height: 'Korkeus',
+		align: 'Kohdistus',
+		alignLeft: 'Vasemmalle',
+		alignRight: 'Oikealle',
+		alignCenter: 'Keskelle',
+		alignTop: 'Ylös',
+		alignMiddle: 'Keskelle',
+		alignBottom: 'Alas',
+		invalidValue	: 'Virheellinen arvo.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Korkeuden täytyy olla numero.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Leveyden täytyy olla numero.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Kentän "%1" arvon täytyy olla positiivinen luku CSS mittayksikön (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt tai pc) kanssa tai ilman.',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Kentän "%1" arvon täytyy olla positiivinen luku HTML mittayksikön (px tai %) kanssa tai ilman.',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Tyylille annetun arvon täytyy koostua yhdestä tai useammasta "nimi : arvo" parista, jotka ovat eroteltuna toisistaan puolipisteillä.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Anna numeroarvo pikseleinä tai numeroarvo CSS mittayksikön kanssa (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, tai pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, ei saatavissa</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fo.js
index 93d2c99..efc81dc 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fo.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fo.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Faroese language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['fo'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Kelda',
-	newPage			: 'Nýggj síða',
-	save			: 'Goym',
-	preview			: 'Frumsýning',
-	cut				: 'Kvett',
-	copy			: 'Avrita',
-	paste			: 'Innrita',
-	print			: 'Prenta',
-	underline		: 'Undirstrikað',
-	bold			: 'Feit skrift',
-	italic			: 'Skráskrift',
-	selectAll		: 'Markera alt',
-	removeFormat	: 'Strika sniðgeving',
-	strike			: 'Yvirstrikað',
-	subscript		: 'Lækkað skrift',
-	superscript		: 'Hækkað skrift',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Ger vatnrætta linju',
-	pagebreak		: 'Ger síðuskift',
-	unlink			: 'Strika tilknýti',
-	undo			: 'Angra',
-	redo			: 'Vend aftur',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Ambætarakagi',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokoll',
-		upload			: 'Send til ambætaran',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Send til ambætaran',
-		image			: 'Myndir',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Formur',
-		checkbox		: 'Flugubein',
-		radio			: 'Radioknøttur',
-		textField		: 'Tekstteigur',
-		textarea		: 'Tekstumráði',
-		hiddenField		: 'Fjaldur teigur',
-		button			: 'Knøttur',
-		select			: 'Valskrá',
-		imageButton		: 'Myndaknøttur',
-		notSet			: '<ikki sett>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Navn',
-		langDir			: 'Tekstkós',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Frá vinstru til høgru (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Frá høgru til vinstru (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Málkoda',
-		longDescr		: 'Víðkað URL frágreiðing',
-		cssClass		: 'Typografi klassar',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Vegleiðandi heiti',
-		cssStyle		: 'Typografi',
-		ok				: 'Góðkent',
-		cancel			: 'Avlýst',
-		close			: 'Lat aftur',
-		preview			: 'Frumsýn',
-		generalTab		: 'Generelt',
-		advancedTab		: 'Fjølbroytt',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Hetta er ikki eitt tal.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Allar ikki goymdar broytingar í hesum innihaldi hvørva. Skal nýggj síða lesast kortini?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Nakrir valmøguleikar eru broyttir. Ert tú vísur í, at dialogurin skal latast aftur?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'Nýtt vindeyga (_blank)',
-		targetTop		: 'Vindeyga ovast (_top)',
-		targetSelf		: 'Sama vindeyga (_self)',
-		targetParent	: 'Upphavligt vindeyga (_parent)',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, ikki tøkt</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Set inn sertekn',
-		title		: 'Vel sertekn',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Ger/broyt tilknýti',
-		other 		: '<other>', // MISSING
-		menu		: 'Broyt tilknýti',
-		title		: 'Tilknýti',
-		info		: 'Tilknýtis upplýsingar',
-		target		: 'Target', // MISSING
-		upload		: 'Send til ambætaran',
-		advanced	: 'Fjølbroytt',
-		type		: 'Tilknýtisslag',
-		toUrl		: 'URL',
-		toAnchor	: 'Tilknýti til marknastein í tekstinum',
-		toEmail		: 'Teldupostur',
-		targetFrame		: '<ramma>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup vindeyga>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Vís navn vindeygans',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Popup vindeygans navn',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Popup vindeygans víðkaðu eginleikar',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Støðufrágreiðingarbjálki',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Adressulinja',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Amboðsbjálki',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Skrábjálki',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Fullur skermur (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Rullibjálki',
-		popupDependent	: 'Bundið (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Breidd',
-		popupLeft		: 'Frástøða frá vinstru',
-		popupHeight		: 'Hædd',
-		popupTop		: 'Frástøða frá íerva',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Tekstkós',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Frá vinstru til høgru (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Frá høgru til vinstru (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Snarvegisknappur',
-		name			: 'Navn',
-		langCode		: 'Tekstkós',
-		tabIndex		: 'Inntriv indeks',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Vegleiðandi heiti',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Vegleiðandi innihaldsslag',
-		cssClasses		: 'Typografi klassar',
-		charset			: 'Atknýtt teknsett',
-		styles			: 'Typografi',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Vel ein marknastein',
-		anchorName		: 'Eftir navni á marknasteini',
-		anchorId		: 'Eftir element Id',
-		emailAddress	: 'Teldupost-adressa',
-		emailSubject	: 'Evni',
-		emailBody		: 'Breyðtekstur',
-		noAnchors		: '(Eingir marknasteinar eru í hesum dokumentið)',
-		noUrl			: 'Vinarliga skriva tilknýti (URL)',
-		noEmail			: 'Vinarliga skriva teldupost-adressu'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Ger/broyt marknastein',
-		menu		: 'Eginleikar fyri marknastein',
-		title		: 'Eginleikar fyri marknastein',
-		name		: 'Heiti marknasteinsins',
-		errorName	: 'Vinarliga rita marknasteinsins heiti'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Finn og broyt',
-		find				: 'Leita',
-		replace				: 'Yvirskriva',
-		findWhat			: 'Finn:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Yvirskriva við:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Leititeksturin varð ikki funnin',
-		matchCase			: 'Munur á stórum og smáum bókstavum',
-		matchWord			: 'Bert heil orð',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Yvirskriva alt',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 úrslit broytt.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabell',
-		title		: 'Eginleikar fyri tabell',
-		menu		: 'Eginleikar fyri tabell',
-		deleteTable	: 'Strika tabell',
-		rows		: 'Røðir',
-		columns		: 'Kolonnur',
-		border		: 'Bordabreidd',
-		align		: 'Justering',
-		alignLeft	: 'Vinstrasett',
-		alignCenter	: 'Miðsett',
-		alignRight	: 'Høgrasett',
-		width		: 'Breidd',
-		widthPx		: 'pixels',
-		widthPc		: 'prosent',
-		widthUnit	: 'breiddar unit',
-		height		: 'Hædd',
-		cellSpace	: 'Fjarstøða millum meskar',
-		cellPad		: 'Meskubreddi',
-		caption		: 'Tabellfrágreiðing',
-		summary		: 'Samandráttur',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'Eingin',
-		headersColumn	: 'Fyrsta kolonna',
-		headersRow		: 'Fyrsta rað',
-		headersBoth		: 'Báðir',
-		invalidRows		: 'Talið av røðum má vera eitt tal størri enn 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Talið av kolonnum má vera eitt tal størri enn 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Borda-stødd má vera eitt tal.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Tabell-breidd má vera eitt tal.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Tabell-hædd má vera eitt tal.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing má vera eitt tal.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding má vera eitt tal.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Meski',
-			insertBefore	: 'Set meska inn áðrenn',
-			insertAfter		: 'Set meska inn aftaná',
-			deleteCell		: 'Strika meskar',
-			merge			: 'Flætta meskar',
-			mergeRight		: 'Flætta meskar til høgru',
-			mergeDown		: 'Flætta saman',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Kloyv meska vatnrætt',
-			splitVertical	: 'Kloyv meska loddrætt',
-			title			: 'Mesku eginleikar',
-			cellType		: 'Mesku slag',
-			rowSpan			: 'Ræð spenni',
-			colSpan			: 'Kolonnu spenni',
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horisontal plasering',
-			vAlign			: 'Loddrøtt plasering',
-			alignTop		: 'Top',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Miðja',
-			alignBottom		: 'Botnur',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Basislinja',
-			bgColor			: 'Bakgrundslitur',
-			borderColor		: 'Bordalitur',
-			data			: 'Data',
-			header			: 'Header',
-			yes				: 'Ja',
-			no				: 'Nei',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Meskubreidd má vera eitt tal.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Meskuhædd má vera eitt tal.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Raðspennið má vera eitt heiltal.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Kolonnuspennið má vera eitt heiltal.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Vel'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Rað',
-			insertBefore	: 'Set rað inn áðrenn',
-			insertAfter		: 'Set rað inn aftaná',
-			deleteRow		: 'Strika røðir'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Kolonna',
-			insertBefore	: 'Set kolonnu inn áðrenn',
-			insertAfter		: 'Set kolonnu inn aftaná',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Strika kolonnur'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eginleikar fyri knøtt',
-		text		: 'Tekstur',
-		type		: 'Slag',
-		typeBtn		: 'Knøttur',
-		typeSbm		: 'Send',
-		typeRst		: 'Nullstilla'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Eginleikar fyri flugubein',
-		radioTitle	: 'Eginleikar fyri radioknøtt',
-		value		: 'Virði',
-		selected	: 'Valt'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eginleikar fyri Form',
-		menu		: 'Eginleikar fyri Form',
-		action		: 'Hending',
-		method		: 'Háttur',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eginleikar fyri valskrá',
-		selectInfo	: 'Upplýsingar',
-		opAvail		: 'Tøkir møguleikar',
-		value		: 'Virði',
-		size		: 'Stødd',
-		lines		: 'Linjur',
-		chkMulti	: 'Loyv fleiri valmøguleikum samstundis',
-		opText		: 'Tekstur',
-		opValue		: 'Virði',
-		btnAdd		: 'Legg afturat',
-		btnModify	: 'Broyt',
-		btnUp		: 'Upp',
-		btnDown		: 'Niður',
-		btnSetValue : 'Set sum valt virði',
-		btnDelete	: 'Strika'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eginleikar fyri tekstumráði',
-		cols		: 'kolonnur',
-		rows		: 'røðir'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eginleikar fyri tekstteig',
-		name		: 'Navn',
-		value		: 'Virði',
-		charWidth	: 'Breidd (sjónlig tekn)',
-		maxChars	: 'Mest loyvdu tekn',
-		type		: 'Slag',
-		typeText	: 'Tekstur',
-		typePass	: 'Loyniorð'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Eginleikar fyri fjaldan teig',
-		name	: 'Navn',
-		value	: 'Virði'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Myndaeginleikar',
-		titleButton	: 'Eginleikar fyri myndaknøtt',
-		menu		: 'Myndaeginleikar',
-		infoTab		: 'Myndaupplýsingar',
-		btnUpload	: 'Send til ambætaran',
-		upload		: 'Send',
-		alt			: 'Alternativur tekstur',
-		width		: 'Breidd',
-		height		: 'Hædd',
-		lockRatio	: 'Læs lutfallið',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Lutfallið ikki læst',
-		resetSize	: 'Upprunastødd',
-		border		: 'Bordi',
-		hSpace		: 'Høgri breddi',
-		vSpace		: 'Vinstri breddi',
-		align		: 'Justering',
-		alignLeft	: 'Vinstra',
-		alignRight	: 'Høgra',
-		alertUrl	: 'Rita slóðina til myndina',
-		linkTab		: 'Tilknýti',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'URL til mynd manglar.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Breidd má vera eitt heiltal.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Hædd má vera eitt heiltal.',
-		validateBorder	: 'Bordi má vera eitt heiltal.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace má vera eitt heiltal.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace má vera eitt heiltal.'
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash eginleikar',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Eginleikar',
-		title			: 'Flash eginleikar',
-		chkPlay			: 'Avspælingin byrjar sjálv',
-		chkLoop			: 'Endurspæl',
-		chkMenu			: 'Ger Flash skrá virkna',
-		chkFull			: 'Loyv fullan skerm',
- 		scale			: 'Skalering',
-		scaleAll		: 'Vís alt',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Eingin bordi',
-		scaleFit		: 'Neyv skalering',
-		access			: 'Script atgongd',
-		accessAlways	: 'Altíð',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Sama navnaøki',
-		accessNever		: 'Ongantíð',
-		align			: 'Justering',
-		alignLeft		: 'Vinstra',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs botnur',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs miðja',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Basislinja',
-		alignBottom		: 'Botnur',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Miðja',
-		alignRight		: 'Høgra',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Tekst toppur',
-		alignTop		: 'Ovast',
-		quality			: 'Góðska',
-		qualityBest		: 'Besta',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Høg',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto høg',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Meðal',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Lág',
-		qualityLow		: 'Lág',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Ikki transparent',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent',
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variablar fyri Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Bakgrundslitur',
-		width			: 'Breidd',
-		height			: 'Hædd',
-		hSpace			: 'Høgri breddi',
-		vSpace			: 'Vinstri breddi',
-		validateSrc		: 'Vinarliga skriva tilknýti (URL)',
-		validateWidth	: 'Breidd má vera eitt tal.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Hædd má vera eitt tal.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace má vera eitt tal.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace má vera eitt tal.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Kanna stavseting',
-		title			: 'Kanna stavseting',
-		notAvailable	: 'Tíverri, ikki tøkt í løtuni.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Feilur við innlesing av application service host: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Finst ikki í orðabókini',
-		changeTo		: 'Broyt til',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Forfjóna',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Forfjóna alt',
-		btnReplace		: 'Yvirskriva',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Yvirskriva alt',
-		btnUndo			: 'Angra',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Einki uppskot -',
-		progress		: 'Rættstavarin arbeiðir...',
-		noMispell		: 'Rættstavarain liðugur: Eingin feilur funnin',
-		noChanges		: 'Rættstavarain liðugur: Einki orð varð broytt',
-		oneChange		: 'Rættstavarain liðugur: Eitt orð er broytt',
-		manyChanges		: 'Rættstavarain liðugur: %1 orð broytt',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Rættstavarin er ikki tøkur í tekstviðgeranum. Vilt tú heinta hann nú?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smiley',
-		title	: 'Vel Smiley',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Slóð til elementir',
-		eleTitle : '%1 element'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Talmerktur listi',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Punktmerktur listi',
-	indent			: 'Økja reglubrotarinntriv',
-	outdent			: 'Minka reglubrotarinntriv',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Vinstrasett',
-		center	: 'Miðsett',
-		right	: 'Høgrasett',
-		block	: 'Javnir tekstkantar'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Blockquote',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Innrita',
-		cutError	: 'Trygdaruppseting alnótskagans forðar tekstviðgeranum í at kvetta tekstin. Vinarliga nýt knappaborðið til at kvetta tekstin (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Trygdaruppseting alnótskagans forðar tekstviðgeranum í at avrita tekstin. Vinarliga nýt knappaborðið til at avrita tekstin (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Vinarliga koyr tekstin í hendan rútin við knappaborðinum (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) og klikk á <strong>Góðtak</strong>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Trygdaruppseting alnótskagans forðar tekstviðgeranum í beinleiðis atgongd til avritingarminnið. Tygum mugu royna aftur í hesum rútinum.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Teksturin, tú roynir at seta inn, sýnist at stava frá Word. Skal teksturin reinsast fyrst?',
-		toolbar			: 'Innrita frá Word',
-		title			: 'Innrita frá Word',
-		error			: 'Tað eyðnaðist ikki at reinsa tekstin vegna ein internan feil'
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Innrita som reinan tekst',
-		title	: 'Innrita som reinan tekst'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Skabelónir',
-		title			: 'Innihaldsskabelónir',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Yvirskriva núverandi innihald',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Vinarliga vel ta skabelón, ið skal opnast í tekstviðgeranum<br>(Hetta yvirskrivar núverandi innihald):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Ongar skabelónir tøkar)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Vís blokkar',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Typografi',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatterings stílir',
-		panelTitle1	: 'Blokk stílir',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline stílir',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object stílir'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Skriftsnið',
-		panelTitle	: 'Skriftsnið',
-		tag_p		: 'Vanligt',
-		tag_pre		: 'Sniðgivið',
-		tag_address	: 'Adressa',
-		tag_h1		: 'Yvirskrift 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Yvirskrift 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Yvirskrift 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Yvirskrift 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Yvirskrift 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Yvirskrift 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)' // MISSING
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Ger Div Container',
-		toolbar				: 'Ger Div Container',
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style',
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id',
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code',
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style',
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title',
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction',
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Vinstru til høgru (LTR)',
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Høgru til vinstru (RTL)',
-		edit				: 'Redigera Div',
-		remove				: 'Strika Div'
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Skrift',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Skrift'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Skriftstødd',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Skriftstødd'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Tekstlitur',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Bakgrundslitur',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatiskt',
-		more			: 'Fleiri litir...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Kanna stavseting, meðan tú skrivar',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT',
-		about			: 'Um SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT',
-		options			: 'Uppseting',
-		langs			: 'Tungumál',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Fleiri tilráðingar',
-		ignore			: 'Ignorera',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignorera alt',
-		addWord			: 'Legg orð afturat',
-		emptyDic		: 'Heiti á orðabók eigur ikki at vera tómt.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Uppseting',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Tungumál',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Orðabøkur',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'Um'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'Um CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'Um CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'Licens upplýsingar finnast á heimasíðu okkara:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maksimera',
-	minimize : 'Minimera',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Síðuskift',
-		unknown	: 'Ókent Object'
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag fyri at broyta stødd',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vel lit',
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Faroese language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'fo' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Trýst ALT og 0 fyri vegleiðing',
+		browseServer: 'Ambætarakagi',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokoll',
+		upload: 'Send til ambætaran',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Send til ambætaran',
+		image: 'Myndir',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Formur',
+		checkbox: 'Flugubein',
+		radio: 'Radioknøttur',
+		textField: 'Tekstteigur',
+		textarea: 'Tekstumráði',
+		hiddenField: 'Fjaldur teigur',
+		button: 'Knøttur',
+		select: 'Valskrá',
+		imageButton: 'Myndaknøttur',
+		notSet: '<ikki sett>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Navn',
+		langDir: 'Tekstkós',
+		langDirLtr: 'Frá vinstru til høgru (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Frá høgru til vinstru (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Málkoda',
+		longDescr: 'Víðkað URL frágreiðing',
+		cssClass: 'Typografi klassar',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Vegleiðandi heiti',
+		cssStyle: 'Typografi',
+		ok: 'Góðkent',
+		cancel: 'Avlýst',
+		close: 'Lat aftur',
+		preview: 'Frumsýn',
+		resize: 'Drag fyri at broyta stødd',
+		generalTab: 'Generelt',
+		advancedTab: 'Fjølbroytt',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Hetta er ikki eitt tal.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Allar ikki goymdar broytingar í hesum innihaldið hvørva. Skal nýggj síða lesast kortini?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Nakrir valmøguleikar eru broyttir. Ert tú vísur í, at dialogurin skal latast aftur?',
+		options: 'Options',
+		target: 'Target',
+		targetNew: 'Nýtt vindeyga (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Vindeyga ovast (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Sama vindeyga (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Upphavligt vindeyga (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Frá vinstru til høgru (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Frá høgru til vinstru (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Style',
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		width: 'Breidd',
+		height: 'Hædd',
+		align: 'Justering',
+		alignLeft: 'Vinstra',
+		alignRight: 'Høgra',
+		alignCenter: 'Miðsett',
+		alignTop: 'Ovast',
+		alignMiddle: 'Miðja',
+		alignBottom: 'Botnur',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Hædd má vera eitt tal.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Breidd má vera eitt tal.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Virðið sett í "%1" feltið má vera eitt positivt tal, við ella uttan gyldugum CSS mátieind (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, ella pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Virðið sett í "%1" feltiðield má vera eitt positivt tal, við ella uttan gyldugum CSS mátieind (px ella %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Virði specifiserað fyri inline style má hava eitt ella fleiri pør (tuples) skrivað sum "name : value", hvørt parið sundurskilt við semi-colon.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Skriva eitt tal fyri eitt virði í pixels ella eitt tal við gyldigum CSS eind (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, ella pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, ikki tøkt</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fr-ca.js
index 988135c..5c88f52 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fr-ca.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Canadian French language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['fr-ca'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Source',
-	newPage			: 'Nouvelle page',
-	save			: 'Sauvegarder',
-	preview			: 'Previsualiser',
-	cut				: 'Couper',
-	copy			: 'Copier',
-	paste			: 'Coller',
-	print			: 'Imprimer',
-	underline		: 'Souligné',
-	bold			: 'Gras',
-	italic			: 'Italique',
-	selectAll		: 'Tout sélectionner',
-	removeFormat	: 'Supprimer le formatage',
-	strike			: 'Barrer',
-	subscript		: 'Indice',
-	superscript		: 'Exposant',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Insérer un séparateur',
-	pagebreak		: 'Insérer un saut de page',
-	unlink			: 'Supprimer le lien',
-	undo			: 'Annuler',
-	redo			: 'Refaire',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Parcourir le serveur',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protocole',
-		upload			: 'Télécharger',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Envoyer sur le serveur',
-		image			: 'Image',
-		flash			: 'Animation Flash',
-		form			: 'Formulaire',
-		checkbox		: 'Case à cocher',
-		radio			: 'Bouton radio',
-		textField		: 'Champ texte',
-		textarea		: 'Zone de texte',
-		hiddenField		: 'Champ caché',
-		button			: 'Bouton',
-		select			: 'Champ de sélection',
-		imageButton		: 'Bouton image',
-		notSet			: '<Par défaut>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Nom',
-		langDir			: 'Sens d\'écriture',
-		langDirLtr		: 'De gauche à droite (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'De droite à gauche (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Code langue',
-		longDescr		: 'URL de description longue',
-		cssClass		: 'Classes de feuilles de style',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Titre',
-		cssStyle		: 'Style',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Annuler',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Général',
-		advancedTab		: 'Avancée',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Insérer un caractère spécial',
-		title		: 'Insérer un caractère spécial',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Insérer/modifier le lien',
-		other 		: '<other>', // MISSING
-		menu		: 'Modifier le lien',
-		title		: 'Propriétés du lien',
-		info		: 'Informations sur le lien',
-		target		: 'Destination',
-		upload		: 'Télécharger',
-		advanced	: 'Avancée',
-		type		: 'Type de lien',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Ancre dans cette page',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<Cadre>',
-		targetPopup		: '<fenêtre popup>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Nom du cadre de destination',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Nom de la fenêtre popup',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Caractéristiques de la fenêtre popup',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Barre d\'état',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Barre d\'adresses',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Barre d\'outils',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Barre de menu',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Plein écran (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Barres de défilement',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dépendante (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Largeur',
-		popupLeft		: 'Position à partir de la gauche',
-		popupHeight		: 'Hauteur',
-		popupTop		: 'Position à partir du haut',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Sens d\'écriture',
-		langDirLTR		: 'De gauche à droite (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'De droite à gauche (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Équivalent clavier',
-		name			: 'Nom',
-		langCode		: 'Sens d\'écriture',
-		tabIndex		: 'Ordre de tabulation',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Titre',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Type de contenu',
-		cssClasses		: 'Classes de feuilles de style',
-		charset			: 'Encodage de caractère',
-		styles			: 'Style',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Sélectionner une ancre',
-		anchorName		: 'Par nom',
-		anchorId		: 'Par id',
-		emailAddress	: 'Adresse E-Mail',
-		emailSubject	: 'Sujet du message',
-		emailBody		: 'Corps du message',
-		noAnchors		: '(Pas d\'ancre disponible dans le document)',
-		noUrl			: 'Veuillez saisir l\'URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Veuillez saisir l\'adresse e-mail'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Insérer/modifier l\'ancre',
-		menu		: 'Propriétés de l\'ancre',
-		title		: 'Propriétés de l\'ancre',
-		name		: 'Nom de l\'ancre',
-		errorName	: 'Veuillez saisir le nom de l\'ancre'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Chercher et Remplacer',
-		find				: 'Chercher',
-		replace				: 'Remplacer',
-		findWhat			: 'Rechercher:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Remplacer par:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Le texte indiqué est introuvable.',
-		matchCase			: 'Respecter la casse',
-		matchWord			: 'Mot entier',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Tout remplacer',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tableau',
-		title		: 'Propriétés du tableau',
-		menu		: 'Propriétés du tableau',
-		deleteTable	: 'Supprimer le tableau',
-		rows		: 'Lignes',
-		columns		: 'Colonnes',
-		border		: 'Taille de la bordure',
-		align		: 'Alignement',
-		alignLeft	: 'Gauche',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centré',
-		alignRight	: 'Droite',
-		width		: 'Largeur',
-		widthPx		: 'pixels',
-		widthPc		: 'pourcentage',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Hauteur',
-		cellSpace	: 'Espacement',
-		cellPad		: 'Contour',
-		caption		: 'Titre',
-		summary		: 'Résumé',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cellule',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insérer une cellule avant',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insérer une cellule après',
-			deleteCell		: 'Supprimer des cellules',
-			merge			: 'Fusionner les cellules',
-			mergeRight		: 'Fusionner à droite',
-			mergeDown		: 'Fusionner en bas',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Scinder la cellule horizontalement',
-			splitVertical	: 'Scinder la cellule verticalement',
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Ligne',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insérer une ligne avant',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insérer une ligne après',
-			deleteRow		: 'Supprimer des lignes'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Colonne',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insérer une colonne avant',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insérer une colonne après',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Supprimer des colonnes'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriétés du bouton',
-		text		: 'Texte (Valeur)',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeBtn		: 'Bouton',
-		typeSbm		: 'Soumettre',
-		typeRst		: 'Réinitialiser'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Propriétés de la case à cocher',
-		radioTitle	: 'Propriétés du bouton radio',
-		value		: 'Valeur',
-		selected	: 'Sélectionné'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriétés du formulaire',
-		menu		: 'Propriétés du formulaire',
-		action		: 'Action',
-		method		: 'Méthode',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriétés de la liste/du menu',
-		selectInfo	: 'Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Options disponibles',
-		value		: 'Valeur',
-		size		: 'Taille',
-		lines		: 'lignes',
-		chkMulti	: 'Sélection multiple',
-		opText		: 'Texte',
-		opValue		: 'Valeur',
-		btnAdd		: 'Ajouter',
-		btnModify	: 'Modifier',
-		btnUp		: 'Monter',
-		btnDown		: 'Descendre',
-		btnSetValue : 'Valeur sélectionnée',
-		btnDelete	: 'Supprimer'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriétés de la zone de texte',
-		cols		: 'Colonnes',
-		rows		: 'Lignes'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriétés du champ texte',
-		name		: 'Nom',
-		value		: 'Valeur',
-		charWidth	: 'Largeur en caractères',
-		maxChars	: 'Nombre maximum de caractères',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeText	: 'Texte',
-		typePass	: 'Mot de passe'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Propriétés du champ caché',
-		name	: 'Nom',
-		value	: 'Valeur'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriétés de l\'image',
-		titleButton	: 'Propriétés du bouton image',
-		menu		: 'Propriétés de l\'image',
-		infoTab		: 'Informations sur l\'image',
-		btnUpload	: 'Envoyer sur le serveur',
-		upload		: 'Télécharger',
-		alt			: 'Texte de remplacement',
-		width		: 'Largeur',
-		height		: 'Hauteur',
-		lockRatio	: 'Garder les proportions',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Taille originale',
-		border		: 'Bordure',
-		hSpace		: 'Espacement horizontal',
-		vSpace		: 'Espacement vertical',
-		align		: 'Alignement',
-		alignLeft	: 'Gauche',
-		alignRight	: 'Droite',
-		alertUrl	: 'Veuillez saisir l\'URL de l\'image',
-		linkTab		: 'Lien',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Propriétés de l\'animation Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Propriétés de l\'animation Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Lecture automatique',
-		chkLoop			: 'Boucle',
-		chkMenu			: 'Activer le menu Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Affichage',
-		scaleAll		: 'Par défaut (tout montrer)',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Sans bordure',
-		scaleFit		: 'Ajuster aux dimensions',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Alignement',
-		alignLeft		: 'Gauche',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs Bas',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs Milieu',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Bas du texte',
-		alignBottom		: 'Bas',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Milieu',
-		alignRight		: 'Droite',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Haut du texte',
-		alignTop		: 'Haut',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Couleur de fond',
-		width			: 'Largeur',
-		height			: 'Hauteur',
-		hSpace			: 'Espacement horizontal',
-		vSpace			: 'Espacement vertical',
-		validateSrc		: 'Veuillez saisir l\'URL',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Orthographe',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Pas dans le dictionnaire',
-		changeTo		: 'Changer en',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignorer',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignorer tout',
-		btnReplace		: 'Remplacer',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Remplacer tout',
-		btnUndo			: 'Annuler',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Pas de suggestion -',
-		progress		: 'Vérification d\'orthographe en cours...',
-		noMispell		: 'Vérification d\'orthographe terminée: pas d\'erreur trouvée',
-		noChanges		: 'Vérification d\'orthographe terminée: Pas de modifications',
-		oneChange		: 'Vérification d\'orthographe terminée: Un mot modifié',
-		manyChanges		: 'Vérification d\'orthographe terminée: %1 mots modifiés',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Le Correcteur d\'orthographe n\'est pas installé. Souhaitez-vous le télécharger maintenant?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Emoticon',
-		title	: 'Insérer un Emoticon',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Liste numérotée',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Liste à puces',
-	indent			: 'Augmenter le retrait',
-	outdent			: 'Diminuer le retrait',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Aligner à gauche',
-		center	: 'Centrer',
-		right	: 'Aligner à Droite',
-		block	: 'Texte justifié'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Citation',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Coller',
-		cutError	: 'Les paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur empêchent l\'éditeur de couper automatiquement vos données. Veuillez utiliser les équivalents claviers (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Les paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur empêchent l\'éditeur de copier automatiquement vos données. Veuillez utiliser les équivalents claviers (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Veuillez coller dans la zone ci-dessous en utilisant le clavier (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) et appuyer sur <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'A cause des paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur, l\'éditeur ne peut accéder au presse-papier directement. Vous devez coller à nouveau le contenu dans cette fenêtre.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Coller en tant que Word (formaté)',
-		title			: 'Coller en tant que Word (formaté)',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Coller comme texte',
-		title	: 'Coller comme texte'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Modèles',
-		title			: 'Modèles de contenu',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Remplacer tout le contenu actuel',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Sélectionner le modèle à ouvrir dans l\'éditeur<br>(le contenu actuel sera remplacé):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Aucun modèle disponible)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Afficher les blocs',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Style',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Format',
-		panelTitle	: 'Format',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formaté',
-		tag_address	: 'Adresse',
-		tag_h1		: 'En-tête 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'En-tête 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'En-tête 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'En-tête 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'En-tête 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'En-tête 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Police',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Police'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Taille',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Taille'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Couleur de caractère',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Couleur de fond',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatique',
-		more			: 'Plus de couleurs...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Canadian French language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'fr-ca' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Prem ALT 0 per obtenir ajuda',
+		browseServer: 'Parcourir le serveur',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protocole',
+		upload: 'Télécharger',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Envoyer sur le serveur',
+		image: 'Image',
+		flash: 'Animation Flash',
+		form: 'Formulaire',
+		checkbox: 'Case à cocher',
+		radio: 'Bouton radio',
+		textField: 'Champ texte',
+		textarea: 'Zone de texte',
+		hiddenField: 'Champ caché',
+		button: 'Bouton',
+		select: 'Champ de sélection',
+		imageButton: 'Bouton image',
+		notSet: '<Par défaut>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Nom',
+		langDir: 'Sens d\'écriture',
+		langDirLtr: 'De gauche à droite (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'De droite à gauche (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Code langue',
+		longDescr: 'URL de description longue',
+		cssClass: 'Classes de feuilles de style',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Titre',
+		cssStyle: 'Style',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Annuler',
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: 'Previsualiser',
+		resize: 'Resize', // MISSING
+		generalTab: 'Général',
+		advancedTab: 'Avancée',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
+		options: 'Options', // MISSING
+		target: 'Destination',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'De gauche à droite (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'De droite à gauche (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Style',
+		cssClasses: 'Classes de feuilles de style',
+		width: 'Largeur',
+		height: 'Hauteur',
+		align: 'Alignement',
+		alignLeft: 'Gauche',
+		alignRight: 'Droite',
+		alignCenter: 'Centré',
+		alignTop: 'Haut',
+		alignMiddle: 'Milieu',
+		alignBottom: 'Bas',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fr.js
index bfeb70a..efe9833 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fr.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/fr.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * French language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['fr'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Source',
-	newPage			: 'Nouvelle page',
-	save			: 'Enregistrer',
-	preview			: 'Aperçu',
-	cut				: 'Couper',
-	copy			: 'Copier',
-	paste			: 'Coller',
-	print			: 'Imprimer',
-	underline		: 'Souligné',
-	bold			: 'Gras',
-	italic			: 'Italique',
-	selectAll		: 'Tout sélectionner',
-	removeFormat	: 'Supprimer la mise en forme',
-	strike			: 'Barré',
-	subscript		: 'Indice',
-	superscript		: 'Exposant',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Ligne horizontale',
-	pagebreak		: 'Saut de page',
-	unlink			: 'Supprimer le lien',
-	undo			: 'Annuler',
-	redo			: 'Rétablir',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Explorer le serveur',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protocole',
-		upload			: 'Envoyer',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Envoyer sur le serveur',
-		image			: 'Image',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Formulaire',
-		checkbox		: 'Case à cocher',
-		radio			: 'Bouton Radio',
-		textField		: 'Champ texte',
-		textarea		: 'Zone de texte',
-		hiddenField		: 'Champ caché',
-		button			: 'Bouton',
-		select			: 'Liste déroulante',
-		imageButton		: 'Bouton image',
-		notSet			: '<non défini>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Nom',
-		langDir			: 'Sens d\'écriture',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Gauche à droite (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Droite à gauche (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Code de langue',
-		longDescr		: 'URL de description longue (longdesc => malvoyant)',
-		cssClass		: 'Classe CSS',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Description (title)',
-		cssStyle		: 'Style',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Annuler',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Général',
-		advancedTab		: 'Avancé',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Cette valeur n\'est pas un nombre.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Les changements non sauvegardés seront perdus. Etes-vous sûr de vouloir charger une nouvelle page?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Certaines options ont été modifiées. Etes-vous sûr de vouloir fermer?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, Indisponible</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Insérer un caractère spécial',
-		title		: 'Sélectionnez un caractère',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Lien',
-		other 		: '<autre>',
-		menu		: 'Editer le lien',
-		title		: 'Lien',
-		info		: 'Infos sur le lien',
-		target		: 'Cible',
-		upload		: 'Envoyer',
-		advanced	: 'Avancé',
-		type		: 'Type de lien',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Transformer le lien en ancre dans le texte',
-		toEmail		: 'E-mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<cadre>',
-		targetPopup		: '<fenêtre popup>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Nom du Cadre destination',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Nom de la fenêtre popup',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Options de la fenêtre popup',
-		popupResizable	: 'Redimensionnable',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Barre de status',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Barre d\'adresse',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Barre d\'outils',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Barre de menu',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Plein écran (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Barres de défilement',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dépendante (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Largeur',
-		popupLeft		: 'Position gauche',
-		popupHeight		: 'Hauteur',
-		popupTop		: 'Position haute',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Sens d\'écriture',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Gauche à droite',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Droite à gauche',
-		acccessKey		: 'Touche d\'accessibilité',
-		name			: 'Nom',
-		langCode		: 'Code de langue',
-		tabIndex		: 'Index de tabulation',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Description (title)',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Type de contenu (ex: text/html)',
-		cssClasses		: 'Classe du CSS',
-		charset			: 'Charset de la cible',
-		styles			: 'Style',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Sélectionner l\'ancre',
-		anchorName		: 'Par nom d\'ancre',
-		anchorId		: 'Par ID d\'élément',
-		emailAddress	: 'Adresse E-Mail',
-		emailSubject	: 'Sujet du message',
-		emailBody		: 'Corps du message',
-		noAnchors		: '(Aucune ancre disponible dans ce document)',
-		noUrl			: 'Veuillez entrer l\'adresse du lien',
-		noEmail			: 'Veuillez entrer l\'adresse e-mail'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Ancre',
-		menu		: 'Editer l\'ancre',
-		title		: 'Propriétés de l\'ancre',
-		name		: 'Nom de l\'ancre',
-		errorName	: 'Veuillez entrer le nom de l\'ancre'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Trouver et remplacer',
-		find				: 'Trouver',
-		replace				: 'Remplacer',
-		findWhat			: 'Expression à trouver: ',
-		replaceWith			: 'Remplacer par: ',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Le texte spécifié ne peut être trouvé.',
-		matchCase			: 'Respecter la casse',
-		matchWord			: 'Mot entier uniquement',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Boucler',
-		replaceAll			: 'Remplacer tout',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replacée(s).'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tableau',
-		title		: 'Propriétés du tableau',
-		menu		: 'Propriétés du tableau',
-		deleteTable	: 'Supprimer le tableau',
-		rows		: 'Lignes',
-		columns		: 'Colonnes',
-		border		: 'Taille de la bordure',
-		align		: 'Alignement du contenu',
-		alignLeft	: 'Gauche',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centré',
-		alignRight	: 'Droite',
-		width		: 'Largeur',
-		widthPx		: 'pixels',
-		widthPc		: '% pourcents',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Hauteur',
-		cellSpace	: 'Espacement des cellules',
-		cellPad		: 'Marge interne des cellules',
-		caption		: 'Titre du tableau',
-		summary		: 'Résumé (description)',
-		headers		: 'En-Têtes',
-		headersNone		: 'Aucunes',
-		headersColumn	: 'Première colonne',
-		headersRow		: 'Première ligne',
-		headersBoth		: 'Les deux',
-		invalidRows		: 'Le nombre de lignes doit être supérieur à 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Le nombre de colonnes doit être supérieur à 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'La taille de la bordure doit être un nombre.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'La largeur du tableau doit être un nombre.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'La hauteur du tableau doit être un nombre.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'L\'espacement des cellules doit être un nombre.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'La marge intérieure des cellules doit être un nombre.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cellule',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insérer une cellule avant',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insérer une cellule après',
-			deleteCell		: 'Supprimer les cellules',
-			merge			: 'Fusionner les cellules',
-			mergeRight		: 'Fusionner à droite',
-			mergeDown		: 'Fusionner en bas',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Fractionner horizontalement',
-			splitVertical	: 'Fractionner verticalement',
-			title			: 'Propriétés de Cellule',
-			cellType		: 'Type de Cellule',
-			rowSpan			: 'Fusion de Lignes',
-			colSpan			: 'Fusion de Colonnes',
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Alignement Horizontal',
-			vAlign			: 'Alignement Vertical',
-			alignTop		: 'Haut',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Milieu',
-			alignBottom		: 'Bas',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Bas du texte',
-			bgColor			: 'Couleur d\'arrière-plan',
-			borderColor		: 'Couleur de Bordure',
-			data			: 'Données',
-			header			: 'Entête',
-			yes				: 'Oui',
-			no				: 'Non',
-			invalidWidth	: 'La Largeur de Cellule doit être un nombre.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'La Hauteur de Cellule doit être un nombre.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'La fusion de lignes doit être un nombre entier.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'La fusion de colonnes doit être un nombre entier.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Ligne',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insérer une ligne avant',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insérer une ligne après',
-			deleteRow		: 'Supprimer les lignes'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Colonnes',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insérer une colonne avant',
-			insertAfter		: 'Insérer une colonne après',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Supprimer les colonnes'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriétés du bouton',
-		text		: 'Texte (Value)',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeBtn		: 'Bouton',
-		typeSbm		: 'Validation (submit)',
-		typeRst		: 'Remise à zéro'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Propriétés de la case à cocher',
-		radioTitle	: 'Propriétés du bouton Radio',
-		value		: 'Valeur',
-		selected	: 'Sélectionné'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriétés du formulaire',
-		menu		: 'Propriétés du formulaire',
-		action		: 'Action',
-		method		: 'Méthode',
-		encoding	: 'Encodage'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriétés du menu déroulant',
-		selectInfo	: 'Informations sur le menu déroulant',
-		opAvail		: 'Options disponibles',
-		value		: 'Valeur',
-		size		: 'Taille',
-		lines		: 'Lignes',
-		chkMulti	: 'Permettre les sélections multiples',
-		opText		: 'Texte',
-		opValue		: 'Valeur',
-		btnAdd		: 'Ajouter',
-		btnModify	: 'Modifier',
-		btnUp		: 'Haut',
-		btnDown		: 'Bas',
-		btnSetValue : 'Définir comme valeur sélectionnée',
-		btnDelete	: 'Supprimer'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriétés de la zone de texte',
-		cols		: 'Colonnes',
-		rows		: 'Lignes'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriétés du champ texte',
-		name		: 'Nom',
-		value		: 'Valeur',
-		charWidth	: 'Taille des caractères',
-		maxChars	: 'Nombre maximum de caractères',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeText	: 'Texte',
-		typePass	: 'Mot de passe'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Propriétés du champ caché',
-		name	: 'Nom',
-		value	: 'Valeur'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriétés de l\'image',
-		titleButton	: 'Propriétés du bouton image',
-		menu		: 'Propriétés de l\'image',
-		infoTab		: 'Informations sur l\'image',
-		btnUpload	: 'Envoyer sur le serveur',
-		upload		: 'Envoyer',
-		alt			: 'Texte de remplacement',
-		width		: 'Largeur',
-		height		: 'Hauteur',
-		lockRatio	: 'Garder les proportions',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Taille d\'origine',
-		border		: 'Bordure',
-		hSpace		: 'Espacement horizontal',
-		vSpace		: 'Espacement vertical',
-		align		: 'Alignement',
-		alignLeft	: 'Gauche',
-		alignRight	: 'Droite',
-		alertUrl	: 'Veuillez entrer l\'adresse de l\'image',
-		linkTab		: 'Lien',
-		button2Img	: 'Voulez-vous transformer le bouton image sélectionné en simple image?',
-		img2Button	: 'Voulez-vous transformer l\'image en bouton image?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Propriétés du Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Propriétés',
-		title			: 'Propriétés du Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Jouer automatiquement',
-		chkLoop			: 'Boucle',
-		chkMenu			: 'Activer le menu Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Permettre le plein écran',
- 		scale			: 'Echelle',
-		scaleAll		: 'Afficher tout',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Pas de bordure',
-		scaleFit		: 'Taille d\'origine',
-		access			: 'Accès aux scripts',
-		accessAlways	: 'Toujours',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Même domaine',
-		accessNever		: 'Jamais',
-		align			: 'Alignement',
-		alignLeft		: 'Gauche',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Bas absolu',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Milieu absolu',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Bas du texte',
-		alignBottom		: 'Bas',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Milieu',
-		alignRight		: 'Droite',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Haut du texte',
-		alignTop		: 'Haut',
-		quality			: 'Qualité',
-		qualityBest		: 'Meilleure',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Haute',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Haute Auto',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Moyenne',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Basse Auto',
-		qualityLow		: 'Basse',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Fenêtre',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent',
-		windowMode		: 'Mode fenêtre',
-		flashvars		: 'Variables du Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Couleur d\'arrière-plan',
-		width			: 'Largeur',
-		height			: 'Hauteur',
-		hSpace			: 'Espacement horizontal',
-		vSpace			: 'Espacement vertical',
-		validateSrc		: 'L\'adresse ne doit pas être vide.',
-		validateWidth	: 'La largeur doit être un nombre.',
-		validateHeight	: 'La hauteur doit être un nombre.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'L\'espacement horizontal doit être un nombre.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'L\'espacement vertical doit être un nombre.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Vérifier l\'orthographe',
-		title			: 'Vérifier l\'orthographe',
-		notAvailable	: 'Désolé, le service est indisponible actuellement.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Erreur du chargement du service depuis l\'hôte : %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'N\'existe pas dans le dictionnaire',
-		changeTo		: 'Modifier pour',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignorer',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignorer tout',
-		btnReplace		: 'Remplacer',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Remplacer tout',
-		btnUndo			: 'Annuler',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Aucune suggestion -',
-		progress		: 'Vérification de l\'orthographe en cours...',
-		noMispell		: 'Vérification de l\'orthographe terminée : aucune erreur trouvée',
-		noChanges		: 'Vérification de l\'orthographe terminée : Aucun mot corrigé',
-		oneChange		: 'Vérification de l\'orthographe terminée : Un seul mot corrigé',
-		manyChanges		: 'Vérification de l\'orthographe terminée : %1 mots corrigés',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'La vérification d\'orthographe n\'est pas installée. Voulez-vous la télécharger maintenant?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Emoticon',
-		title	: 'Insérer un émoticon',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 éléments'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Insérer/Supprimer la liste numérotée',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Insérer/Supprimer la liste à puces',
-	indent			: 'Augmenter le retrait (tabulation)',
-	outdent			: 'Diminuer le retrait (tabulation)',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Aligner à gauche',
-		center	: 'Centrer',
-		right	: 'Aligner à droite',
-		block	: 'Justifier'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Citation',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Coller',
-		cutError	: 'Les paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur ne permettent pas à l\'éditeur d\'exécuter automatiquement l\'opération "couper". Veuillez utiliser le raccourci clavier (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Les paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur ne permettent pas à l\'éditeur d\'exécuter automatiquement des opérations de copie. Veuillez utiliser le raccourci clavier (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Veuillez coller le texte dans la zone suivante en utilisant le raccourci clavier (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) et cliquez sur OK',
-		securityMsg	: 'A cause des paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur, l\'éditeur n\'est pas en mesure d\'accéder directement à vos données contenues dans le presse-papier. Vous devriez réessayer de coller les données dans la fenêtre.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Le texte à coller semble provenir de Word. Désirez-vous le nettoyer avant de coller?',
-		toolbar			: 'Coller depuis Word',
-		title			: 'Coller depuis Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Coller comme texte sans mise en forme',
-		title	: 'Coller comme texte sans mise en forme'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Modèles',
-		title			: 'Contenu des modèles',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Remplacer le contenu actuel',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Veuillez sélectionner le modèle pour l\'ouvrir dans l\'éditeur',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Aucun modèle disponible)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Afficher les blocs',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Styles',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Styles de blocs',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Styles en ligne',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Styles d\'objet'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Format',
-		panelTitle	: 'Format de paragraphe',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formaté',
-		tag_address	: 'Adresse',
-		tag_h1		: 'Titre 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Titre 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Titre 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Titre 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Titre 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Titre 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Police',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Police',
-		panelTitle	: 'Style de police'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Taille',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Taille de police',
-		panelTitle	: 'Taille de police'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Couleur de texte',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Couleur d\'arrière plan',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatique',
-		more			: 'Plus de couleurs...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Vérification d\'Orthographe en Cours de Frappe (SCAYT: Spell Check As You Type)',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Activer SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'Désactiver SCAYT',
-		about			: 'A propos de SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'Activer/Désactiver SCAYT',
-		options			: 'Options',
-		langs			: 'Langues',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Plus de suggestions',
-		ignore			: 'Ignorer',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignorer Tout',
-		addWord			: 'Ajouter le mot',
-		emptyDic		: 'Le nom du dictionnaire ne devrait pas être vide.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Options',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Langues',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionnaires',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'A propos de'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'A propos de CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'A propos de CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'Pour les informations de licence, veuillez visiter notre site web:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Tous droits réservés.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Agrandir',
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Ancre',
-		flash	: 'Animation Flash',
-		div		: 'Saut de Page',
-		unknown	: 'Objet Inconnu'
-	},
-	resize : 'Glisser pour modifier la taille',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * French language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'fr' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Éditeur de Texte Enrichi',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Appuyez sur ALT-0 pour l\'aide',
+		browseServer: 'Explorer le serveur',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protocole',
+		upload: 'Envoyer',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Envoyer sur le serveur',
+		image: 'Image',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Formulaire',
+		checkbox: 'Case à cocher',
+		radio: 'Bouton Radio',
+		textField: 'Champ texte',
+		textarea: 'Zone de texte',
+		hiddenField: 'Champ caché',
+		button: 'Bouton',
+		select: 'Liste déroulante',
+		imageButton: 'Bouton image',
+		notSet: '<non défini>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Nom',
+		langDir: 'Sens d\'écriture',
+		langDirLtr: 'Gauche à droite (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Droite à gauche (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Code de langue',
+		longDescr: 'URL de description longue (longdesc => malvoyant)',
+		cssClass: 'Classe CSS',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Description (title)',
+		cssStyle: 'Style',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Annuler',
+		close: 'Fermer',
+		preview: 'Aperçu',
+		resize: 'Déplacer pour modifier la taille',
+		generalTab: 'Général',
+		advancedTab: 'Avancé',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Cette valeur n\'est pas un nombre.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Les changements non sauvegardés seront perdus. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir charger une nouvelle page?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Certaines options ont été modifiées. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir fermer?',
+		options: 'Options',
+		target: 'Cible (Target)',
+		targetNew: 'Nouvelle fenêtre (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Fenêtre supérieure (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Même fenêtre (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Fenêtre parent (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Gauche à Droite (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Droite à Gauche (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Style',
+		cssClasses: 'Classes de style',
+		width: 'Largeur',
+		height: 'Hauteur',
+		align: 'Alignement',
+		alignLeft: 'Gauche',
+		alignRight: 'Droite',
+		alignCenter: 'Centré',
+		alignTop: 'Haut',
+		alignMiddle: 'Milieu',
+		alignBottom: 'Bas',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'La hauteur doit être un nombre.',
+		invalidWidth: 'La largeur doit être un nombre.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'La valeur spécifiée pour le champ "%1" doit être un nombre positif avec ou sans unité de mesure CSS valide (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'La valeur spécifiée pour le champ "%1" doit être un nombre positif avec ou sans unité de mesure HTML valide (px or %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'La valeur spécifiée pour le style inline doit être composée d\'un ou plusieurs couples de valeur au format "nom : valeur", separés par des points-virgules.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Entrer un nombre pour une valeur en pixels ou un nombre avec une unité de mesure CSS valide (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, Indisponible</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/gl.js
index 7754ae1..8a7928d 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/gl.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/gl.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Galician language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['gl'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Código Fonte',
-	newPage			: 'Nova Páxina',
-	save			: 'Gardar',
-	preview			: 'Vista Previa',
-	cut				: 'Cortar',
-	copy			: 'Copiar',
-	paste			: 'Pegar',
-	print			: 'Imprimir',
-	underline		: 'Sub-raiado',
-	bold			: 'Negrita',
-	italic			: 'Cursiva',
-	selectAll		: 'Seleccionar todo',
-	removeFormat	: 'Eliminar Formato',
-	strike			: 'Tachado',
-	subscript		: 'Subíndice',
-	superscript		: 'Superíndice',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Inserir Liña Horizontal',
-	pagebreak		: 'Inserir Salto de Páxina',
-	unlink			: 'Eliminar Ligazón',
-	undo			: 'Desfacer',
-	redo			: 'Refacer',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Navegar no Servidor',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protocolo',
-		upload			: 'Carregar',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Enviar ó Servidor',
-		image			: 'Imaxe',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Formulario',
-		checkbox		: 'Cadro de Verificación',
-		radio			: 'Botón de Radio',
-		textField		: 'Campo de Texto',
-		textarea		: 'Área de Texto',
-		hiddenField		: 'Campo Oculto',
-		button			: 'Botón',
-		select			: 'Campo de Selección',
-		imageButton		: 'Botón de Imaxe',
-		notSet			: '<non definido>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Nome',
-		langDir			: 'Orientación do Idioma',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Esquerda a Dereita (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Dereita a Esquerda (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Código do Idioma',
-		longDescr		: 'Descrición Completa da URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Clases da Folla de Estilos',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Título',
-		cssStyle		: 'Estilo',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Cancelar',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'Advanzado',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Inserir Carácter Especial',
-		title		: 'Seleccione Caracter Especial',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Inserir/Editar Ligazón',
-		other 		: '<outro>',
-		menu		: 'Editar Ligazón',
-		title		: 'Ligazón',
-		info		: 'Información da Ligazón',
-		target		: 'Destino',
-		upload		: 'Carregar',
-		advanced	: 'Advanzado',
-		type		: 'Tipo de Ligazón',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Referencia nesta páxina',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<frame>',
-		targetPopup		: '<Xanela Emerxente>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Nome do Marco Destino',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Nome da Xanela Emerxente',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Características da Xanela Emerxente',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Barra de Estado',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Barra de Localización',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Barra de Ferramentas',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Barra de Menú',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'A Toda Pantalla (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Barras de Desplazamento',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dependente (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Largura',
-		popupLeft		: 'Posición Esquerda',
-		popupHeight		: 'Altura',
-		popupTop		: 'Posición dende Arriba',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Orientación do Idioma',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Esquerda a Dereita (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Dereita a Esquerda (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Chave de Acceso',
-		name			: 'Nome',
-		langCode		: 'Orientación do Idioma',
-		tabIndex		: 'Índice de Tabulación',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Título',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Tipo de Contido',
-		cssClasses		: 'Clases da Folla de Estilos',
-		charset			: 'Fonte de Caracteres Vinculado',
-		styles			: 'Estilo',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Seleccionar unha Referencia',
-		anchorName		: 'Por Nome de Referencia',
-		anchorId		: 'Por Element Id',
-		emailAddress	: 'Enderezo de E-Mail',
-		emailSubject	: 'Asunto do Mensaxe',
-		emailBody		: 'Corpo do Mensaxe',
-		noAnchors		: '(Non hai referencias disponibles no documento)',
-		noUrl			: 'Por favor, escriba a ligazón URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Por favor, escriba o enderezo de e-mail'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Inserir/Editar Referencia',
-		menu		: 'Propriedades da Referencia',
-		title		: 'Propriedades da Referencia',
-		name		: 'Nome da Referencia',
-		errorName	: 'Por favor, escriba o nome da referencia'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace', // MISSING
-		find				: 'Procurar',
-		replace				: 'Substituir',
-		findWhat			: 'Texto a procurar:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Substituir con:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Non te atopou o texto indicado.',
-		matchCase			: 'Coincidir Mai./min.',
-		matchWord			: 'Coincidir con toda a palabra',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Substitiur Todo',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabla',
-		title		: 'Propiedades da Táboa',
-		menu		: 'Propiedades da Táboa',
-		deleteTable	: 'Borrar Táboa',
-		rows		: 'Filas',
-		columns		: 'Columnas',
-		border		: 'Tamaño do Borde',
-		align		: 'Aliñamento',
-		alignLeft	: 'Esquerda',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centro',
-		alignRight	: 'Ereita',
-		width		: 'Largura',
-		widthPx		: 'pixels',
-		widthPc		: 'percent',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Altura',
-		cellSpace	: 'Marxe entre Celas',
-		cellPad		: 'Marxe interior',
-		caption		: 'Título',
-		summary		: 'Sumario',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cela',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After', // MISSING
-			deleteCell		: 'Borrar Cela',
-			merge			: 'Unir Celas',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right', // MISSING
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down', // MISSING
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally', // MISSING
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically', // MISSING
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Fila',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After', // MISSING
-			deleteRow		: 'Borrar Filas'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Columna',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After', // MISSING
-			deleteColumn	: 'Borrar Columnas'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriedades do Botón',
-		text		: 'Texto (Valor)',
-		type		: 'Tipo',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button', // MISSING
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit', // MISSING
-		typeRst		: 'Reset' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Propriedades do Cadro de Verificación',
-		radioTitle	: 'Propriedades do Botón de Radio',
-		value		: 'Valor',
-		selected	: 'Seleccionado'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriedades do Formulario',
-		menu		: 'Propriedades do Formulario',
-		action		: 'Acción',
-		method		: 'Método',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriedades do Campo de Selección',
-		selectInfo	: 'Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Opcións Disponibles',
-		value		: 'Valor',
-		size		: 'Tamaño',
-		lines		: 'liñas',
-		chkMulti	: 'Permitir múltiples seleccións',
-		opText		: 'Texto',
-		opValue		: 'Valor',
-		btnAdd		: 'Engadir',
-		btnModify	: 'Modificar',
-		btnUp		: 'Subir',
-		btnDown		: 'Baixar',
-		btnSetValue : 'Definir como valor por defecto',
-		btnDelete	: 'Borrar'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriedades da Área de Texto',
-		cols		: 'Columnas',
-		rows		: 'Filas'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriedades do Campo de Texto',
-		name		: 'Nome',
-		value		: 'Valor',
-		charWidth	: 'Tamaño do Caracter',
-		maxChars	: 'Máximo de Caracteres',
-		type		: 'Tipo',
-		typeText	: 'Texto',
-		typePass	: 'Chave'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Propriedades do Campo Oculto',
-		name	: 'Nome',
-		value	: 'Valor'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriedades da Imaxe',
-		titleButton	: 'Propriedades do Botón de Imaxe',
-		menu		: 'Propriedades da Imaxe',
-		infoTab		: 'Información da Imaxe',
-		btnUpload	: 'Enviar ó Servidor',
-		upload		: 'Carregar',
-		alt			: 'Texto Alternativo',
-		width		: 'Largura',
-		height		: 'Altura',
-		lockRatio	: 'Proporcional',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Tamaño Orixinal',
-		border		: 'Límite',
-		hSpace		: 'Esp. Horiz.',
-		vSpace		: 'Esp. Vert.',
-		align		: 'Aliñamento',
-		alignLeft	: 'Esquerda',
-		alignRight	: 'Dereita',
-		alertUrl	: 'Por favor, escriba a URL da imaxe',
-		linkTab		: 'Ligazón',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Propriedades Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Propriedades Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Auto Execución',
-		chkLoop			: 'Bucle',
-		chkMenu			: 'Activar Menú Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Escalar',
-		scaleAll		: 'Amosar Todo',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Sen Borde',
-		scaleFit		: 'Encaixar axustando',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Aliñamento',
-		alignLeft		: 'Esquerda',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs Inferior',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs Centro',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Liña Base',
-		alignBottom		: 'Pé',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Centro',
-		alignRight		: 'Dereita',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Tope do Texto',
-		alignTop		: 'Tope',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Cor do Fondo',
-		width			: 'Largura',
-		height			: 'Altura',
-		hSpace			: 'Esp. Horiz.',
-		vSpace			: 'Esp. Vert.',
-		validateSrc		: 'Por favor, escriba a ligazón URL',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Corrección Ortográfica',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Non está no diccionario',
-		changeTo		: 'Cambiar a',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignorar',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignorar Todas',
-		btnReplace		: 'Substituir',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Substituir Todas',
-		btnUndo			: 'Desfacer',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Sen candidatos -',
-		progress		: 'Corrección ortográfica en progreso...',
-		noMispell		: 'Corrección ortográfica rematada: Non se atoparon erros',
-		noChanges		: 'Corrección ortográfica rematada: Non se substituiu nengunha verba',
-		oneChange		: 'Corrección ortográfica rematada: Unha verba substituida',
-		manyChanges		: 'Corrección ortográfica rematada: %1 verbas substituidas',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'O corrector ortográfico non está instalado. ¿Quere descargalo agora?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smiley',
-		title	: 'Inserte un Smiley',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Lista Numerada',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Marcas',
-	indent			: 'Aumentar Sangría',
-	outdent			: 'Disminuir Sangría',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Aliñar á Esquerda',
-		center	: 'Centrado',
-		right	: 'Aliñar á Dereita',
-		block	: 'Xustificado'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Pegar',
-		cutError	: 'Os axustes de seguridade do seu navegador non permiten que o editor realice automáticamente as tarefas de corte. Por favor, use o teclado para iso (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Os axustes de seguridade do seu navegador non permiten que o editor realice automáticamente as tarefas de copia. Por favor, use o teclado para iso (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Por favor, pegue dentro do seguinte cadro usando o teclado (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) e pulse <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Pegar dende Word',
-		title			: 'Pegar dende Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Pegar como texto plano',
-		title	: 'Pegar como texto plano'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Plantillas',
-		title			: 'Plantillas de Contido',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Por favor, seleccione a plantilla a abrir no editor<br>(o contido actual perderase):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Non hai plantillas definidas)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Estilo',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Formato',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formato',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formateado',
-		tag_address	: 'Enderezo',
-		tag_h1		: 'Enacabezado 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Encabezado 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Encabezado 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Encabezado 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Encabezado 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Encabezado 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Paragraph (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Tipo',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Tipo'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Tamaño',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Tamaño'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Cor do Texto',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Cor do Fondo',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automático',
-		more			: 'Máis Cores...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Galician language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'gl' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Editor de texto enriquecido',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Prema ALT 0 para obter axuda',
+		browseServer: 'Ver servidor',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protocolo',
+		upload: 'Cargar',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Enviar ao servidor',
+		image: 'Imaxe',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Formulario',
+		checkbox: 'Campo de verificación',
+		radio: 'Botón de radio',
+		textField: 'Campo de texto',
+		textarea: 'Área de texto',
+		hiddenField: 'Campo oculto',
+		button: 'Botón',
+		select: 'Campo de selección',
+		imageButton: 'Botón de imaxe',
+		notSet: '<non definido>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Nome',
+		langDir: 'Orientación do idioma',
+		langDirLtr: 'Esquerda a dereita (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Dereita a esquerda (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Código do idioma',
+		longDescr: 'Descrición completa da URL',
+		cssClass: 'Clases da folla de estilos',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Título',
+		cssStyle: 'Estilo',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Cancelar',
+		close: 'Pechar',
+		preview: 'Previsualizar',
+		resize: 'Redimensionar',
+		generalTab: 'Xeral',
+		advancedTab: 'Advanzado',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Este valor non é un número.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Calquera cambio que non gardara neste contido perderase.\r\nEstá seguro que quere cargar a nova páxina?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Algunhas das opcións foron cambiadas.\r\nEsta seguro que quere pechar o diálogo??',
+		options: 'Opcións',
+		target: 'Obxectivo',
+		targetNew: 'Nova xaneal (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Xanela principal (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Mesma xanela (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Xanela superior (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Esquerda a dereita (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Dereita a esquerda (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Estilo',
+		cssClasses: 'Clases da folla de estilos',
+		width: 'Ancho',
+		height: 'Alto',
+		align: 'Aliñamento',
+		alignLeft: 'Esquerda',
+		alignRight: 'Dereita',
+		alignCenter: 'Centro',
+		alignTop: 'Arriba',
+		alignMiddle: 'Centro',
+		alignBottom: 'Pé',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'O alto debe ser un número.',
+		invalidWidth: 'O ancho debe ser un número.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'O valor especificado para o campo "%1" debe ser un número positivo con ou sen unha unidade medida CSS válida (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'O valor especificado para o campo "%1" debe ser un número positivo con ou sen unha unidade de medida HTML válidoa (px or %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'O valor especificado no estilo en liña debe consistir nunha ou máis tuplas co formato "nome : valor", separadas por punto e coma.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Escriba un número para o valor en píxeles ou un número con unha unidade CSS válida (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, non dispoñíbel</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/gu.js
index 9f8af5d..5060222 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/gu.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/gu.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Gujarati language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['gu'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'મૂળ કે પ્રાથમિક દસ્તાવેજ',
-	newPage			: 'નવુ પાનું',
-	save			: 'સેવ',
-	preview			: 'પૂર્વદર્શન',
-	cut				: 'કાપવું',
-	copy			: 'નકલ',
-	paste			: 'પેસ્ટ',
-	print			: 'પ્રિન્ટ',
-	underline		: 'અન્ડર્લાઇન, નીચે લીટી',
-	bold			: 'બોલ્ડ/સ્પષ્ટ',
-	italic			: 'ઇટેલિક, ત્રાંસા',
-	selectAll		: 'બઘું પસંદ કરવું',
-	removeFormat	: 'ફૉર્મટ કાઢવું',
-	strike			: 'છેકી નાખવું',
-	subscript		: 'એક ચિહ્નની નીચે કરેલું બીજું ચિહ્ન',
-	superscript		: 'એક ચિહ્ન ઉપર કરેલું બીજું ચિહ્ન.',
-	horizontalrule	: 'સમસ્તરીય રેખા ઇન્સર્ટ/દાખલ કરવી',
-	pagebreak		: 'ઇન્સર્ટ પેજબ્રેક/પાનાને અલગ કરવું/દાખલ કરવું',
-	unlink			: 'લિંક કાઢવી',
-	undo			: 'રદ કરવું; પહેલાં હતી એવી સ્થિતિ પાછી લાવવી',
-	redo			: 'રિડૂ; પછી હતી એવી સ્થિતિ પાછી લાવવી',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'સર્વર બ્રાઉઝ કરો',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'પ્રોટોકૉલ',
-		upload			: 'અપલોડ',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'આ સર્વરને મોકલવું',
-		image			: 'ચિત્ર',
-		flash			: 'ફ્લૅશ',
-		form			: 'ફૉર્મ/પત્રક',
-		checkbox		: 'ચેક બોક્સ',
-		radio			: 'રેડિઓ બટન',
-		textField		: 'ટેક્સ્ટ ફીલ્ડ, શબ્દ ક્ષેત્ર',
-		textarea		: 'ટેક્સ્ટ એરિઆ, શબ્દ વિસ્તાર',
-		hiddenField		: 'ગુપ્ત ક્ષેત્ર',
-		button			: 'બટન',
-		select			: 'પસંદગી ક્ષેત્ર',
-		imageButton		: 'ચિત્ર બટન',
-		notSet			: '<સેટ નથી>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'નામ',
-		langDir			: 'ભાષા લેખવાની પદ્ધતિ',
-		langDirLtr		: 'ડાબે થી જમણે (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'જમણે થી ડાબે (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'ભાષા કોડ',
-		longDescr		: 'વધારે માહિતી માટે URL',
-		cssClass		: 'સ્ટાઇલ-શીટ ક્લાસ',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'મુખ્ય મથાળું',
-		cssStyle		: 'સ્ટાઇલ',
-		ok				: 'ઠીક છે',
-		cancel			: 'રદ કરવું',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'અડ્વાન્સડ',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'વિશિષ્ટ અક્ષર ઇન્સર્ટ/દાખલ કરવું',
-		title		: 'સ્પેશિઅલ વિશિષ્ટ અક્ષર પસંદ કરો',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'લિંક ઇન્સર્ટ/દાખલ કરવી',
-		other 		: '<other>', // MISSING
-		menu		: ' લિંક એડિટ/માં ફેરફાર કરવો',
-		title		: 'લિંક',
-		info		: 'લિંક ઇન્ફૉ ટૅબ',
-		target		: 'ટાર્ગેટ/લક્ષ્ય',
-		upload		: 'અપલોડ',
-		advanced	: 'અડ્વાન્સડ',
-		type		: 'લિંક પ્રકાર',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'આ પેજનો ઍંકર',
-		toEmail		: 'ઈ-મેલ',
-		targetFrame		: '<ફ્રેમ>',
-		targetPopup		: '<પૉપ-અપ વિન્ડો>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'ટાર્ગેટ ફ્રેમ નું નામ',
-		targetPopupName	: 'પૉપ-અપ વિન્ડો નું નામ',
-		popupFeatures	: 'પૉપ-અપ વિન્ડો ફીચરસૅ',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'સ્ટૅટસ બાર',
-		popupLocationBar: 'લોકેશન બાર',
-		popupToolbar	: 'ટૂલ બાર',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'મેન્યૂ બાર',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'ફુલ સ્ક્રીન (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'સ્ક્રોલ બાર',
-		popupDependent	: 'ડિપેન્ડન્ટ (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'પહોળાઈ',
-		popupLeft		: 'ડાબી બાજુ',
-		popupHeight		: 'ઊંચાઈ',
-		popupTop		: 'જમણી બાજુ',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'ભાષા લેખવાની પદ્ધતિ',
-		langDirLTR		: 'ડાબે થી જમણે (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'જમણે થી ડાબે (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'ઍક્સેસ કી',
-		name			: 'નામ',
-		langCode		: 'ભાષા લેખવાની પદ્ધતિ',
-		tabIndex		: 'ટૅબ ઇન્ડેક્સ',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'મુખ્ય મથાળું',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'મુખ્ય કન્ટેન્ટ પ્રકાર',
-		cssClasses		: 'સ્ટાઇલ-શીટ ક્લાસ',
-		charset			: 'લિંક રિસૉર્સ કૅરિક્ટર સેટ',
-		styles			: 'સ્ટાઇલ',
-		selectAnchor	: 'ઍંકર પસંદ કરો',
-		anchorName		: 'ઍંકર નામથી પસંદ કરો',
-		anchorId		: 'ઍંકર એલિમન્ટ Id થી પસંદ કરો',
-		emailAddress	: 'ઈ-મેલ સરનામું',
-		emailSubject	: 'ઈ-મેલ વિષય',
-		emailBody		: 'સંદેશ',
-		noAnchors		: '(ડૉક્યુમન્ટમાં ઍંકરની સંખ્યા)',
-		noUrl			: 'લિંક  URL ટાઇપ કરો',
-		noEmail			: 'ઈ-મેલ સરનામું ટાઇપ કરો'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'ઍંકર ઇન્સર્ટ/દાખલ કરવી',
-		menu		: 'ઍંકરના ગુણ',
-		title		: 'ઍંકરના ગુણ',
-		name		: 'ઍંકરનું નામ',
-		errorName	: 'ઍંકરનું નામ ટાઈપ કરો'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'શોધવું અને બદલવું',
-		find				: 'શોધવું',
-		replace				: 'રિપ્લેસ/બદલવું',
-		findWhat			: 'આ શોધો',
-		replaceWith			: 'આનાથી બદલો',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'તમે શોધેલી ટેક્સ્ટ નથી મળી',
-		matchCase			: 'કેસ સરખા રાખો',
-		matchWord			: 'બઘા શબ્દ સરખા રાખો',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'બઘા બદલી ',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'ટેબલ, કોઠો',
-		title		: 'ટેબલ, કોઠાનું મથાળું',
-		menu		: 'ટેબલ, કોઠાનું મથાળું',
-		deleteTable	: 'કોઠો ડિલીટ/કાઢી નાખવું',
-		rows		: 'પંક્તિના ખાના',
-		columns		: 'કૉલમ/ઊભી કટાર',
-		border		: 'કોઠાની બાજુ(બોર્ડર) સાઇઝ',
-		align		: 'અલાઇનમન્ટ/ગોઠવાયેલું ',
-		alignLeft	: 'ડાબી બાજુ',
-		alignCenter	: 'મધ્ય સેન્ટર',
-		alignRight	: 'જમણી બાજુ',
-		width		: 'પહોળાઈ',
-		widthPx		: 'પિકસલ',
-		widthPc		: 'પ્રતિશત',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'ઊંચાઈ',
-		cellSpace	: 'સેલ અંતર',
-		cellPad		: 'સેલ પૅડિંગ',
-		caption		: 'મથાળું/કૅપ્શન ',
-		summary		: 'ટૂંકો એહેવાલ',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'કોષના ખાના',
-			insertBefore	: 'પહેલાં કોષ ઉમેરવો',
-			insertAfter		: 'પછી કોષ ઉમેરવો',
-			deleteCell		: 'કોષ ડિલીટ/કાઢી નાખવો',
-			merge			: 'કોષ ભેગા કરવા',
-			mergeRight		: 'જમણી બાજુ ભેગા કરવા',
-			mergeDown		: 'નીચે ભેગા કરવા',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'કોષને સમસ્તરીય વિભાજન કરવું',
-			splitVertical	: 'કોષને સીધું ને ઊભું વિભાજન કરવું',
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'પંક્તિના ખાના',
-			insertBefore	: 'પહેલાં પંક્તિ ઉમેરવી',
-			insertAfter		: 'પછી પંક્તિ ઉમેરવી',
-			deleteRow		: 'પંક્તિઓ ડિલીટ/કાઢી નાખવી'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'કૉલમ/ઊભી કટાર',
-			insertBefore	: 'પહેલાં કૉલમ/ઊભી કટાર ઉમેરવી',
-			insertAfter		: 'પછી કૉલમ/ઊભી કટાર ઉમેરવી',
-			deleteColumn	: 'કૉલમ/ઊભી કટાર ડિલીટ/કાઢી નાખવી'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'બટનના ગુણ',
-		text		: 'ટેક્સ્ટ (વૅલ્યૂ)',
-		type		: 'પ્રકાર',
-		typeBtn		: 'બટન',
-		typeSbm		: 'સબ્મિટ',
-		typeRst		: 'રિસેટ'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'ચેક બોક્સ ગુણ',
-		radioTitle	: 'રેડિઓ બટનના ગુણ',
-		value		: 'વૅલ્યૂ',
-		selected	: 'સિલેક્ટેડ'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'ફૉર્મ/પત્રકના ગુણ',
-		menu		: 'ફૉર્મ/પત્રકના ગુણ',
-		action		: 'ક્રિયા',
-		method		: 'પદ્ધતિ',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'પસંદગી ક્ષેત્રના ગુણ',
-		selectInfo	: 'સૂચના',
-		opAvail		: 'ઉપલબ્ધ વિકલ્પ',
-		value		: 'વૅલ્યૂ',
-		size		: 'સાઇઝ',
-		lines		: 'લીટીઓ',
-		chkMulti	: 'એકથી વધારે પસંદ કરી શકો',
-		opText		: 'ટેક્સ્ટ',
-		opValue		: 'વૅલ્યૂ',
-		btnAdd		: 'ઉમેરવું',
-		btnModify	: 'બદલવું',
-		btnUp		: 'ઉપર',
-		btnDown		: 'નીચે',
-		btnSetValue : 'પસંદ કરલી વૅલ્યૂ સેટ કરો',
-		btnDelete	: 'રદ કરવું'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'ટેક્સ્ટ એઅરિઆ, શબ્દ વિસ્તારના ગુણ',
-		cols		: 'કૉલમ/ઊભી કટાર',
-		rows		: 'પંક્તિઓ'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'ટેક્સ્ટ ફીલ્ડ, શબ્દ ક્ષેત્રના ગુણ',
-		name		: 'નામ',
-		value		: 'વૅલ્યૂ',
-		charWidth	: 'કેરેક્ટરની પહોળાઈ',
-		maxChars	: 'અધિકતમ કેરેક્ટર',
-		type		: 'ટાઇપ',
-		typeText	: 'ટેક્સ્ટ',
-		typePass	: 'પાસવર્ડ'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'ગુપ્ત ક્ષેત્રના ગુણ',
-		name	: 'નામ',
-		value	: 'વૅલ્યૂ'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'ચિત્રના ગુણ',
-		titleButton	: 'ચિત્ર બટનના ગુણ',
-		menu		: 'ચિત્રના ગુણ',
-		infoTab		: 'ચિત્ર ની જાણકારી',
-		btnUpload	: 'આ સર્વરને મોકલવું',
-		upload		: 'અપલોડ',
-		alt			: 'ઑલ્ટર્નટ ટેક્સ્ટ',
-		width		: 'પહોળાઈ',
-		height		: 'ઊંચાઈ',
-		lockRatio	: 'લૉક ગુણોત્તર',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'રીસેટ સાઇઝ',
-		border		: 'બોર્ડર',
-		hSpace		: 'સમસ્તરીય જગ્યા',
-		vSpace		: 'લંબરૂપ જગ્યા',
-		align		: 'લાઇનદોરીમાં ગોઠવવું',
-		alignLeft	: 'ડાબી બાજુ ગોઠવવું',
-		alignRight	: 'જમણી',
-		alertUrl	: 'ચિત્રની URL ટાઇપ કરો',
-		linkTab		: 'લિંક',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'ફ્લૅશના ગુણ',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'ફ્લૅશ ગુણ',
-		chkPlay			: 'ઑટો/સ્વયં પ્લે',
-		chkLoop			: 'લૂપ',
-		chkMenu			: 'ફ્લૅશ મેન્યૂ નો પ્રયોગ કરો',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'સ્કેલ',
-		scaleAll		: 'સ્કેલ ઓલ/બધુ બતાવો',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'સ્કેલ બોર્ડર વગર',
-		scaleFit		: 'સ્કેલ એકદમ ફીટ',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'લાઇનદોરીમાં ગોઠવવું',
-		alignLeft		: 'ડાબી બાજુ ગોઠવવું',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs નીચે',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs ઉપર',
-		alignBaseline	: 'આધાર લીટી',
-		alignBottom		: 'નીચે',
-		alignMiddle		: 'વચ્ચે',
-		alignRight		: 'જમણી',
-		alignTextTop	: 'ટેક્સ્ટ ઉપર',
-		alignTop		: 'ઉપર',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'બૅકગ્રાઉન્ડ રંગ,',
-		width			: 'પહોળાઈ',
-		height			: 'ઊંચાઈ',
-		hSpace			: 'સમસ્તરીય જગ્યા',
-		vSpace			: 'લંબરૂપ જગ્યા',
-		validateSrc		: 'લિંક  URL ટાઇપ કરો',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'જોડણી (સ્પેલિંગ) તપાસવી',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'શબ્દકોશમાં નથી',
-		changeTo		: 'આનાથી બદલવું',
-		btnIgnore		: 'ઇગ્નોર/અવગણના કરવી',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'બધાની ઇગ્નોર/અવગણના કરવી',
-		btnReplace		: 'બદલવું',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'બધા બદલી કરો',
-		btnUndo			: 'અન્ડૂ',
-		noSuggestions	: '- કઇ સજેશન નથી -',
-		progress		: 'શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક ચાલુ છે...',
-		noMispell		: 'શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક પૂર્ણ: ખોટી જોડણી મળી નથી',
-		noChanges		: 'શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક પૂર્ણ: એકપણ શબ્દ બદલયો નથી',
-		oneChange		: 'શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક પૂર્ણ: એક શબ્દ બદલયો છે',
-		manyChanges		: 'શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક પૂર્ણ: %1 શબ્દ બદલયા છે',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'સ્પેલ-ચેકર ઇન્સ્ટોલ નથી. શું તમે ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માંગો છો?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'સ્માઇલી',
-		title	: 'સ્માઇલી  પસંદ કરો',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'સંખ્યાંકન સૂચિ',
-	bulletedlist	: 'બુલેટ સૂચિ',
-	indent			: 'ઇન્ડેન્ટ, લીટીના આરંભમાં જગ્યા વધારવી',
-	outdent			: 'ઇન્ડેન્ટ લીટીના આરંભમાં જગ્યા ઘટાડવી',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'ડાબી બાજુએ/બાજુ તરફ',
-		center	: 'સંકેંદ્રણ/સેંટરિંગ',
-		right	: 'જમણી બાજુએ/બાજુ તરફ',
-		block	: 'બ્લૉક, અંતરાય જસ્ટિફાઇ'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'બ્લૉક-કોટ, અવતરણચિહ્નો',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'પેસ્ટ',
-		cutError	: 'તમારા બ્રાઉઝર ની સુરક્ષિત સેટિંગસ કટ કરવાની પરવાનગી નથી આપતી. (Ctrl/Cmd+X) નો ઉપયોગ કરો.',
-		copyError	: 'તમારા બ્રાઉઝર ની સુરક્ષિત સેટિંગસ કોપી કરવાની પરવાનગી નથી આપતી.  (Ctrl/Cmd+C) का प्रयोग करें।',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Ctrl/Cmd+V નો પ્રયોગ કરી પેસ્ટ કરો',
-		securityMsg	: 'તમારા બ્રાઉઝર ની સુરક્ષિત સેટિંગસના કારણે,એડિટર તમારા કિલ્પબોર્ડ ડેટા ને કોપી નથી કરી શકતો. તમારે આ વિન્ડોમાં ફરીથી પેસ્ટ કરવું પડશે.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'પેસ્ટ (વડૅ ટેક્સ્ટ)',
-		title			: 'પેસ્ટ (વડૅ ટેક્સ્ટ)',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'પેસ્ટ (ટેક્સ્ટ)',
-		title	: 'પેસ્ટ (ટેક્સ્ટ)'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'ટેમ્પ્લેટ',
-		title			: 'કન્ટેન્ટ ટેમ્પ્લેટ',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'મૂળ શબ્દને બદલો',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'એડિટરમાં ઓપન કરવા ટેમ્પ્લેટ પસંદ કરો (વર્તમાન કન્ટેન્ટ સેવ નહીં થાય):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(કોઈ ટેમ્પ્લેટ ડિફાઇન નથી)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'બ્લૉક બતાવવું',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'શૈલી/રીત',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'ફૉન્ટ ફૉર્મટ, રચનાની શૈલી',
-		panelTitle	: 'ફૉન્ટ ફૉર્મટ, રચનાની શૈલી',
-		tag_p		: 'સામાન્ય',
-		tag_pre		: 'ફૉર્મટેડ',
-		tag_address	: 'સરનામું',
-		tag_h1		: 'શીર્ષક 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'શીર્ષક 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'શીર્ષક 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'શીર્ષક 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'શીર્ષક 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'શીર્ષક 6',
-		tag_div		: 'શીર્ષક (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'ફૉન્ટ',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'ફૉન્ટ'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'ફૉન્ટ સાઇઝ/કદ',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'ફૉન્ટ સાઇઝ/કદ'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'શબ્દનો રંગ',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'બૅકગ્રાઉન્ડ રંગ,',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'સ્વચાલિત',
-		more			: 'ઔર રંગ...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Gujarati language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'gu' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'રીચ ટેક્ષ્ત્ એડીટર',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'પ્રેસ ALT 0 મદદ માટ',
+		browseServer: 'સર્વર બ્રાઉઝ કરો',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'પ્રોટોકૉલ',
+		upload: 'અપલોડ',
+		uploadSubmit: 'આ સર્વરને મોકલવું',
+		image: 'ચિત્ર',
+		flash: 'ફ્લૅશ',
+		form: 'ફૉર્મ/પત્રક',
+		checkbox: 'ચેક બોક્સ',
+		radio: 'રેડિઓ બટન',
+		textField: 'ટેક્સ્ટ ફીલ્ડ, શબ્દ ક્ષેત્ર',
+		textarea: 'ટેક્સ્ટ એરિઆ, શબ્દ વિસ્તાર',
+		hiddenField: 'ગુપ્ત ક્ષેત્ર',
+		button: 'બટન',
+		select: 'પસંદગી ક્ષેત્ર',
+		imageButton: 'ચિત્ર બટન',
+		notSet: '<સેટ નથી>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'નામ',
+		langDir: 'ભાષા લેખવાની પદ્ધતિ',
+		langDirLtr: 'ડાબે થી જમણે (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'જમણે થી ડાબે (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'ભાષા કોડ',
+		longDescr: 'વધારે માહિતી માટે URL',
+		cssClass: 'સ્ટાઇલ-શીટ ક્લાસ',
+		advisoryTitle: 'મુખ્ય મથાળું',
+		cssStyle: 'સ્ટાઇલ',
+		ok: 'ઠીક છે',
+		cancel: 'રદ કરવું',
+		close: 'બંધ કરવું',
+		preview: 'જોવું',
+		resize: 'ખેંચી ને યોગ્ય કરવું',
+		generalTab: 'જનરલ',
+		advancedTab: 'અડ્વાન્સડ',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'આ રકમ આકડો નથી.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'સવે કાર્ય વગરનું ફકરો ખોવાઈ જશે. તમને ખાતરી છે કે તમને નવું પાનું ખોલવું છે?',
+		confirmCancel: 'ઘણા વિકલ્પો બદલાયા છે. તમારે આ બોક્ષ્ બંધ કરવું છે?',
+		options: 'વિકલ્પો',
+		target: 'લક્ષ્ય',
+		targetNew: 'નવી વિન્ડો (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'ઉપરની વિન્ડો (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'એજ વિન્ડો (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'પેરનટ વિન્ડો (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'ડાબે થી જમણે (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'જમણે થી ડાબે (RTL)',
+		styles: 'શૈલી',
+		cssClasses: 'શૈલી કલાસીસ',
+		width: 'પહોળાઈ',
+		height: 'ઊંચાઈ',
+		align: 'લાઇનદોરીમાં ગોઠવવું',
+		alignLeft: 'ડાબી બાજુ ગોઠવવું',
+		alignRight: 'જમણી',
+		alignCenter: 'મધ્ય સેન્ટર',
+		alignTop: 'ઉપર',
+		alignMiddle: 'વચ્ચે',
+		alignBottom: 'નીચે',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'ઉંચાઈ એક આંકડો હોવો જોઈએ.',
+		invalidWidth: 'પોહળ ઈ એક આંકડો હોવો જોઈએ.',
+		invalidCssLength: '"%1" ની વેલ્યુ એક પોસીટીવ આંકડો હોવો જોઈએ અથવા CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc) વગર.',
+		invalidHtmlLength: '"%1" ની વેલ્યુ એક પોસીટીવ આંકડો હોવો જોઈએ અથવા HTML measurement unit (px or %) વગર.',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'ઈનલાઈન  સ્ટાઈલ ની વેલ્યુ  "name : value" ના ફોર્મેટ માં હોવી જોઈએ, વચ્ચે સેમી-કોલોન જોઈએ.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'પિક્ષ્લ્ નો આંકડો CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc) માં નાખો.',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, નથી મળતું</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/he.js
index 029ecd1..6ea51f1 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/he.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/he.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Hebrew language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['he'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'rtl',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'עורך טקסט עשיר, %1, לחץ אלט (ALT) + 0 לעזרה.',
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'סרגל הכלים',
-	editor	: 'עורך טקסט עשיר',
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'מקור',
-	newPage			: 'דף חדש',
-	save			: 'שמירה',
-	preview			: 'תצוגה מקדימה',
-	cut				: 'גזירה',
-	copy			: 'העתקה',
-	paste			: 'הדבקה',
-	print			: 'הדפסה',
-	underline		: 'קו תחתון',
-	bold			: 'מודגש',
-	italic			: 'נטוי',
-	selectAll		: 'בחירת הכל',
-	removeFormat	: 'הסרת העיצוב',
-	strike			: 'כתיב מחוק',
-	subscript		: 'כתיב תחתון',
-	superscript		: 'כתיב עליון',
-	horizontalrule	: 'הוספת קו אופקי',
-	pagebreak		: 'הוספת שבירת דף',
-	unlink			: 'הסרת הקישור',
-	undo			: 'ביטול צעד אחרון',
-	redo			: 'חזרה על צעד אחרון',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'סייר השרת',
-		url				: 'כתובת (URL)',
-		protocol		: 'פרוטוקול',
-		upload			: 'העלאה',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'שליחה לשרת',
-		image			: 'תמונה',
-		flash			: 'פלאש',
-		form			: 'טופס',
-		checkbox		: 'תיבת סימון',
-		radio			: 'לחצן אפשרויות',
-		textField		: 'שדה טקסט',
-		textarea		: 'איזור טקסט',
-		hiddenField		: 'שדה חבוי',
-		button			: 'כפתור',
-		select			: 'שדה בחירה',
-		imageButton		: 'כפתור תמונה',
-		notSet			: '<לא נקבע>',
-		id				: 'זיהוי (ID)',
-		name			: 'שם',
-		langDir			: 'כיוון שפה',
-		langDirLtr		: 'שמאל לימין (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'ימין לשמאל (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'קוד שפה',
-		longDescr		: 'קישור לתיאור מפורט',
-		cssClass		: 'מחלקת עיצוב (CSS Class)',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'כותרת מוצעת',
-		cssStyle		: 'סגנון',
-		ok				: 'אישור',
-		cancel			: 'ביטול',
-		close			: 'סגירה',
-		preview			: 'תצוגה מקדימה',
-		generalTab		: 'כללי',
-		advancedTab		: 'אפשרויות מתקדמות',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'הערך חייב להיות מספרי.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'כל השינויים שלא נשמרו יאבדו. האם להעלות דף חדש?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'חלק מהאפשרויות שונו, האם לסגור את הדיאלוג?',
-		options			: 'אפשרויות',
-		target			: 'מטרה',
-		targetNew		: 'חלון חדש (_blank)',
-		targetTop		: 'החלון העליון ביותר (_top)',
-		targetSelf		: 'אותו חלון (_self)',
-		targetParent	: 'חלון האב (_parent)',
-		langDirLTR		: 'שמאל לימין (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'ימין לשמאל (RTL)',
-		styles			: 'סגנון',
-		cssClasses		: 'מחלקות גליונות סגנון',
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, לא זמין</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'אפשרויות תפריט ההקשר'
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'הוספת תו מיוחד',
-		title		: 'בחירת תו מיוחד',
-		options : 'אפשרויות תווים מיוחדים'
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'הוספת/עריכת קישור',
-		other 		: '<אחר>',
-		menu		: 'מאפייני קישור',
-		title		: 'קישור',
-		info		: 'מידע על הקישור',
-		target		: 'מטרה',
-		upload		: 'העלאה',
-		advanced	: 'אפשרויות מתקדמות',
-		type		: 'סוג קישור',
-		toUrl		: 'כתובת (URL)',
-		toAnchor	: 'עוגן בעמוד זה',
-		toEmail		: 'דוא"ל',
-		targetFrame		: '<מסגרת>',
-		targetPopup		: '<חלון קופץ>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'שם מסגרת היעד',
-		targetPopupName	: 'שם החלון הקופץ',
-		popupFeatures	: 'תכונות החלון הקופץ',
-		popupResizable	: 'שינוי גודל',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'סרגל חיווי',
-		popupLocationBar: 'סרגל כתובת',
-		popupToolbar	: 'סרגל הכלים',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'סרגל תפריט',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'מסך מלא (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'ניתן לגלילה',
-		popupDependent	: 'תלוי (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'רוחב',
-		popupLeft		: 'מיקום צד שמאל',
-		popupHeight		: 'גובה',
-		popupTop		: 'מיקום צד עליון',
-		id				: 'זיהוי (ID)',
-		langDir			: 'כיוון שפה',
-		langDirLTR		: 'שמאל לימין (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'ימין לשמאל (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'מקש גישה',
-		name			: 'שם',
-		langCode		: 'קוד שפה',
-		tabIndex		: 'מספר טאב',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'כותרת מוצעת',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Content Type מוצע',
-		cssClasses		: 'גיליונות עיצוב קבוצות',
-		charset			: 'קידוד המשאב המקושר',
-		styles			: 'סגנון',
-		selectAnchor	: 'בחירת עוגן',
-		anchorName		: 'עפ"י שם העוגן',
-		anchorId		: 'עפ"י זיהוי (ID) האלמנט',
-		emailAddress	: 'כתובת הדוא"ל',
-		emailSubject	: 'נושא ההודעה',
-		emailBody		: 'גוף ההודעה',
-		noAnchors		: '(אין עוגנים זמינים בדף)',
-		noUrl			: 'יש להקליד את כתובת הקישור (URL)',
-		noEmail			: 'יש להקליד את כתובת הדוא"ל'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'הוספת/עריכת נקודת עיגון',
-		menu		: 'מאפייני נקודת עיגון',
-		title		: 'מאפייני נקודת עיגון',
-		name		: 'שם לנקודת עיגון',
-		errorName	: 'יש להקליד שם לנקודת עיגון'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'תכונות רשימה ממוספרת',
-		bulletedTitle		: 'תכונות רשימת תבליטים',
-		type				: 'סוג',
-		start				: 'תחילת מספור',
-		validateStartNumber				:'שדה תחילת המספור חייב להכיל מספר שלם.',
-		circle				: 'עיגול ריק',
-		disc				: 'עיגול מלא',
-		square				: 'ריבוע',
-		none				: 'ללא',
-		notset				: '<לא נקבע>',
-		armenian			: 'ספרות ארמניות',
-		georgian			: 'ספרות גיאורגיות (an, ban, gan וכו\')',
-		lowerRoman			: 'ספירה רומית באותיות קטנות (i, ii, iii, iv, v וכו\')',
-		upperRoman			: 'ספירה רומיות באותיות גדולות (I, II, III, IV, V וכו\')',
-		lowerAlpha			: 'אותיות אנגליות קטנות (a, b, c, d, e וכו\')',
-		upperAlpha			: 'אותיות אנגליות גדולות (A, B, C, D, E וכו\')',
-		lowerGreek			: 'אותיות יווניות קטנות (alpha, beta, gamma וכו\')',
-		decimal				: 'ספרות (1, 2, 3 וכו\')',
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'ספרות עם 0 בהתחלה (01, 02, 03 וכו\')'
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'חיפוש והחלפה',
-		find				: 'חיפוש',
-		replace				: 'החלפה',
-		findWhat			: 'חיפוש מחרוזת:',
-		replaceWith			: 'החלפה במחרוזת:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'הטקסט המבוקש לא נמצא.',
-		matchCase			: 'הבחנה בין אותיות רשיות לקטנות (Case)',
-		matchWord			: 'התאמה למילה המלאה',
-		matchCyclic			: 'התאמה מחזורית',
-		replaceAll			: 'החלפה בכל העמוד',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 טקסטים הוחלפו.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'טבלה',
-		title		: 'מאפייני טבלה',
-		menu		: 'מאפייני טבלה',
-		deleteTable	: 'מחק טבלה',
-		rows		: 'שורות',
-		columns		: 'עמודות',
-		border		: 'גודל מסגרת',
-		align		: 'יישור',
-		alignLeft	: 'שמאל',
-		alignCenter	: 'מרכז',
-		alignRight	: 'ימין',
-		width		: 'רוחב',
-		widthPx		: 'פיקסלים',
-		widthPc		: 'אחוז',
-		widthUnit	: 'יחידת רוחב',
-		height		: 'גובה',
-		cellSpace	: 'מרווח תא',
-		cellPad		: 'ריפוד תא',
-		caption		: 'כיתוב',
-		summary		: 'תקציר',
-		headers		: 'כותרות',
-		headersNone		: 'אין',
-		headersColumn	: 'עמודה ראשונה',
-		headersRow		: 'שורה ראשונה',
-		headersBoth		: 'שניהם',
-		invalidRows		: 'שדה מספר השורות חייב להיות מספר גדול מ 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'שדה מספר העמודות חייב להיות מספר גדול מ 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'שדה גודל המסגרת חייב להיות מספר.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'שדה רוחב הטבלה חייב להיות מספר.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'שדה גובה הטבלה חייב להיות מספר.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'שדה ריווח התאים חייב להיות מספר.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'שדה ריפוד התאים חייב להיות מספר.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'מאפייני תא',
-			insertBefore	: 'הוספת תא לפני',
-			insertAfter		: 'הוספת תא אחרי',
-			deleteCell		: 'מחיקת תאים',
-			merge			: 'מיזוג תאים',
-			mergeRight		: 'מזג ימינה',
-			mergeDown		: 'מזג למטה',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'פיצול תא אופקית',
-			splitVertical	: 'פיצול תא אנכית',
-			title			: 'תכונות התא',
-			cellType		: 'סוג התא',
-			rowSpan			: 'מתיחת השורות',
-			colSpan			: 'מתיחת התאים',
-			wordWrap		: 'מניעת גלישת שורות',
-			hAlign			: 'יישור אופקי',
-			vAlign			: 'יישור אנכי',
-			alignTop		: 'למעלה',
-			alignMiddle		: 'מרכז',
-			alignBottom		: 'למטה',
-			alignBaseline	: 'שורת בסיס',
-			bgColor			: 'צבע רקע',
-			borderColor		: 'צבע מסגרת',
-			data			: 'מידע',
-			header			: 'כותרת',
-			yes				: 'כן',
-			no				: 'לא',
-			invalidWidth	: 'שדה רוחב התא חייב להיות מספר.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'שדה גובה התא חייב להיות מספר.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'שדה מתיחת השורות חייב להיות מספר שלם.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'שדה מתיחת העמודות חייב להיות מספר שלם.',
-			chooseColor		: 'בחר'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'שורה',
-			insertBefore	: 'הוספת שורה לפני',
-			insertAfter		: 'הוספת שורה אחרי',
-			deleteRow		: 'מחיקת שורות'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'עמודה',
-			insertBefore	: 'הוספת עמודה לפני',
-			insertAfter		: 'הוספת עמודה אחרי',
-			deleteColumn	: 'מחיקת עמודות'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'מאפייני כפתור',
-		text		: 'טקסט (ערך)',
-		type		: 'סוג',
-		typeBtn		: 'כפתור',
-		typeSbm		: 'שליחה',
-		typeRst		: 'איפוס'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'מאפייני תיבת סימון',
-		radioTitle	: 'מאפייני לחצן אפשרויות',
-		value		: 'ערך',
-		selected	: 'מסומן'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'מאפיני טופס',
-		menu		: 'מאפיני טופס',
-		action		: 'שלח אל',
-		method		: 'סוג שליחה',
-		encoding	: 'קידוד'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'מאפייני שדה בחירה',
-		selectInfo	: 'מידע',
-		opAvail		: 'אפשרויות זמינות',
-		value		: 'ערך',
-		size		: 'גודל',
-		lines		: 'שורות',
-		chkMulti	: 'איפשור בחירות מרובות',
-		opText		: 'טקסט',
-		opValue		: 'ערך',
-		btnAdd		: 'הוספה',
-		btnModify	: 'שינוי',
-		btnUp		: 'למעלה',
-		btnDown		: 'למטה',
-		btnSetValue : 'קביעה כברירת מחדל',
-		btnDelete	: 'מחיקה'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'מאפייני איזור טקסט',
-		cols		: 'עמודות',
-		rows		: 'שורות'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'מאפייני שדה טקסט',
-		name		: 'שם',
-		value		: 'ערך',
-		charWidth	: 'רוחב לפי תווים',
-		maxChars	: 'מקסימום תווים',
-		type		: 'סוג',
-		typeText	: 'טקסט',
-		typePass	: 'סיסמה'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'מאפיני שדה חבוי',
-		name	: 'שם',
-		value	: 'ערך'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'מאפייני התמונה',
-		titleButton	: 'מאפיני כפתור תמונה',
-		menu		: 'תכונות התמונה',
-		infoTab		: 'מידע על התמונה',
-		btnUpload	: 'שליחה לשרת',
-		upload		: 'העלאה',
-		alt			: 'טקסט חלופי',
-		width		: 'רוחב',
-		height		: 'גובה',
-		lockRatio	: 'נעילת היחס',
-		unlockRatio	: 'ביטול נעילת היחס',
-		resetSize	: 'איפוס הגודל',
-		border		: 'מסגרת',
-		hSpace		: 'מרווח אופקי',
-		vSpace		: 'מרווח אנכי',
-		align		: 'יישור',
-		alignLeft	: 'לשמאל',
-		alignRight	: 'לימין',
-		alertUrl	: 'יש להקליד את כתובת התמונה',
-		linkTab		: 'קישור',
-		button2Img	: 'האם להפוך את תמונת הכפתור לתמונה פשוטה?',
-		img2Button	: 'האם להפוך את התמונה לכפתור תמונה?',
-		urlMissing	: 'כתובת התמונה חסרה.',
-		validateWidth	: 'שדה הרוחב חייב להיות מספר שלם.',
-		validateHeight	: 'שדה הגובה חייב להיות מספר שלם.',
-		validateBorder	: 'שדה המסגרת חייב להיות מספר שלם.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'שדה המרווח האופקי חייב להיות מספר שלם.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'שדה המרווח האנכי חייב להיות מספר שלם.'
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'מאפייני פלאש',
-		propertiesTab	: 'מאפיינים',
-		title			: 'מאפיני פלאש',
-		chkPlay			: 'ניגון אוטומטי',
-		chkLoop			: 'לולאה',
-		chkMenu			: 'אפשר תפריט פלאש',
-		chkFull			: 'אפשר חלון מלא',
- 		scale			: 'גודל',
-		scaleAll		: 'הצג הכל',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'ללא גבולות',
-		scaleFit		: 'התאמה מושלמת',
-		access			: 'גישת סקריפט',
-		accessAlways	: 'תמיד',
-		accessSameDomain: 'דומיין זהה',
-		accessNever		: 'אף פעם',
-		align			: 'יישור',
-		alignLeft		: 'לשמאל',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'לתחתית האבסולוטית',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'מרכוז אבסולוטי',
-		alignBaseline	: 'לקו התחתית',
-		alignBottom		: 'לתחתית',
-		alignMiddle		: 'לאמצע',
-		alignRight		: 'לימין',
-		alignTextTop	: 'לראש הטקסט',
-		alignTop		: 'למעלה',
-		quality			: 'איכות',
-		qualityBest		: 'מעולה',
-		qualityHigh		: 'גבוהה',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'גבוהה אוטומטית',
-		qualityMedium	: 'ממוצעת',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'נמוכה אוטומטית',
-		qualityLow		: 'נמוכה',
-		windowModeWindow: 'חלון',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'אטום',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'שקוף',
-		windowMode		: 'מצב חלון',
-		flashvars		: 'משתנים לפלאש',
-		bgcolor			: 'צבע רקע',
-		width			: 'רוחב',
-		height			: 'גובה',
-		hSpace			: 'מרווח אופקי',
-		vSpace			: 'מרווח אנכי',
-		validateSrc		: 'יש להקליד את כתובת סרטון הפלאש (URL)',
-		validateWidth	: 'הרוחב חייב להיות מספר.',
-		validateHeight	: 'הגובה חייב להיות מספר.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'המרווח האופקי חייב להיות מספר.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'המרווח האנכי חייב להיות מספר.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'בדיקת איות',
-		title			: 'בדיקת איות',
-		notAvailable	: 'לא נמצא שירות זמין.',
-		errorLoading	: 'שגיאה בהעלאת השירות: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'לא נמצא במילון',
-		changeTo		: 'שינוי ל',
-		btnIgnore		: 'התעלמות',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'התעלמות מהכל',
-		btnReplace		: 'החלפה',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'החלפת הכל',
-		btnUndo			: 'החזרה',
-		noSuggestions	: '- אין הצעות -',
-		progress		: 'בודק האיות בתהליך בדיקה....',
-		noMispell		: 'בדיקות איות הסתיימה: לא נמצאו שגיאות כתיב',
-		noChanges		: 'בדיקות איות הסתיימה: לא שונתה אף מילה',
-		oneChange		: 'בדיקות איות הסתיימה: שונתה מילה אחת',
-		manyChanges		: 'בדיקות איות הסתיימה: %1 מילים שונו',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'בודק האיות לא מותקן, האם להורידו?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'סמיילי',
-		title	: 'הוספת סמיילי',
-		options : 'אפשרויות סמיילים'
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'עץ האלמנטים',
-		eleTitle : '%1 אלמנט'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'רשימה ממוספרת',
-	bulletedlist	: 'רשימת נקודות',
-	indent			: 'הגדלת הזחה',
-	outdent			: 'הקטנת הזחה',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'יישור לשמאל',
-		center	: 'מרכוז',
-		right	: 'יישור לימין',
-		block	: 'יישור לשוליים'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'בלוק ציטוט',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'הדבקה',
-		cutError	: 'הגדרות האבטחה בדפדפן שלך לא מאפשרות לעורך לבצע פעולות גזירה אוטומטיות. יש להשתמש במקלדת לשם כך (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'הגדרות האבטחה בדפדפן שלך לא מאפשרות לעורך לבצע פעולות העתקה אוטומטיות. יש להשתמש במקלדת לשם כך (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'נא להדביק בתוך הקופסה באמצעות (<b>Ctrl/Cmd+V</b>) וללחוץ על <b>אישור</b>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'עקב הגדרות אבטחה בדפדפן, לא ניתן לגשת אל לוח הגזירים (Clipboard) בצורה ישירה. נא להדביק שוב בחלון זה.',
-		pasteArea	: 'איזור הדבקה'
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'נראה הטקסט שבכוונתך להדביק מקורו בקובץ וורד. האם ברצונך לנקות אותו טרם ההדבקה?',
-		toolbar			: 'הדבקה מ-Word',
-		title			: 'הדבקה מ-Word',
-		error			: 'לא ניתן היה לנקות את המידע בשל תקלה פנימית.'
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'הדבקה כטקסט פשוט',
-		title	: 'הדבקה כטקסט פשוט'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'תבניות',
-		title			: 'תביות תוכן',
-		options : 'אפשרויות התבניות',
-		insertOption	: 'החלפת תוכן ממשי',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'יש לבחור תבנית לפתיחה בעורך.<br />התוכן המקורי ימחק:',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(לא הוגדרו תבניות)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'הצגת בלוקים',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'סגנון',
-		panelTitle	: 'סגנונות פורמט',
-		panelTitle1	: 'סגנונות בלוק',
-		panelTitle2	: 'סגנונות רצף',
-		panelTitle3	: 'סגנונות אובייקט'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'עיצוב',
-		panelTitle	: 'עיצוב',
-		tag_p		: 'נורמלי',
-		tag_pre		: 'קוד',
-		tag_address	: 'כתובת',
-		tag_h1		: 'כותרת',
-		tag_h2		: 'כותרת 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'כותרת 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'כותרת 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'כותרת 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'כותרת 6',
-		tag_div		: 'נורמלי (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'יצירת מיכל (Div)',
-		toolbar				: 'יצירת מיכל (Div)',
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'מחלקת עיצוב',
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'סגנון',
-		IdInputLabel		: 'מזהה (ID)',
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: 'קוד שפה',
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'סגנון פנימי',
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'כותרת מוצעת',
-		langDirLabel		: 'כיוון שפה',
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'שמאל לימין (LTR)',
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'ימין לשמאל (RTL)',
-		edit				: 'עריכת מיכל (Div)',
-		remove				: 'הסרת מיכל (Div)'
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'גופן',
-		voiceLabel	: 'גופן',
-		panelTitle	: 'גופן'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'גודל',
-		voiceLabel	: 'גודל',
-		panelTitle	: 'גודל'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'צבע טקסט',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'צבע רקע',
-		panelTitle		: 'צבעים',
-		auto			: 'אוטומטי',
-		more			: 'צבעים נוספים...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'שחור',
-		'800000' : 'סגול כהה',
-		'8B4513' : 'חום בהיר',
-		'2F4F4F' : 'אפור צפחה',
-		'008080' : 'כחול-ירוק',
-		'000080' : 'כחול-סגול',
-		'4B0082' : 'אינדיגו',
-		'696969' : 'אפור מעומעם',
-		'B22222' : 'אדום-חום',
-		'A52A2A' : 'חום',
-		'DAA520' : 'כתום זהב',
-		'006400' : 'ירוק כהה',
-		'40E0D0' : 'טורקיז',
-		'0000CD' : 'כחול בינוני',
-		'800080' : 'סגול',
-		'808080' : 'אפור',
-		'F00' : 'אדום',
-		'FF8C00' : 'כתום כהה',
-		'FFD700' : 'זהב',
-		'008000' : 'ירוק',
-		'0FF' : 'ציאן',
-		'00F' : 'כחול',
-		'EE82EE' : 'סגלגל',
-		'A9A9A9' : 'אפור כהה',
-		'FFA07A' : 'כתום-וורוד',
-		'FFA500' : 'כתום',
-		'FFFF00' : 'צהוב',
-		'00FF00' : 'ליים',
-		'AFEEEE' : 'טורקיז בהיר',
-		'ADD8E6' : 'כחול בהיר',
-		'DDA0DD' : 'שזיף',
-		'D3D3D3' : 'אפור בהיר',
-		'FFF0F5' : 'לבנדר מסמיק',
-		'FAEBD7' : 'לבן עתיק',
-		'FFFFE0' : 'צהוב בהיר',
-		'F0FFF0' : 'טל דבש',
-		'F0FFFF' : 'תכלת',
-		'F0F8FF' : 'כחול טיפת מים',
-		'E6E6FA' : 'לבנדר',
-		'FFF' : 'לבן'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'בדיקת איות בזמן כתיבה (SCAYT)',
-		opera_title		: 'לא זמין בדפדפן אופרה',
-		enable			: 'אפשר SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'בטל SCAYT',
-		about			: 'אודות SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'שינוי SCAYT',
-		options			: 'אפשרויות',
-		langs			: 'שפות',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'הצעות נוספות',
-		ignore			: 'התעלמות',
-		ignoreAll		: 'התעלמות מהכל',
-		addWord			: 'הוספת מילה',
-		emptyDic		: 'יש לבחור מילון.',
-		optionsTab		: 'אפשרויות',
-		allCaps			: 'התעלם ממילים שכל אותיותיהן גדולות',
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'התעלם משמות מתחם',
-		mixedCase		: 'התעלם ממילים עם אותיות גדולות וקטנות ביחד',
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'התעלם ממילים עם מספרים',
-		languagesTab	: 'שפות',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'מילון',
-		dic_field_name	: 'שם המילון',
-		dic_create		: 'יצירה',
-		dic_restore		: 'שחזור',
-		dic_delete		: 'מחיקה',
-		dic_rename		: 'שינוי שם',
-		dic_info		: 'בהתחלה מילון המשתמש מאוחסן בעוגיה, אך עוגיות מוגבלות במקום. כאשר המילון מגיע לגודל בו הוא אינו יכול להתאכסן בעוגיה, המילון צריך להתאכסן בשרתנו. לשם כך עליך לתת שם למילון. אם כבר יש לך מילון מאוחסן, יש להכניס את שמו וללחוץ על כפתור השחזור.',
-		aboutTab		: 'אודות'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'אודות CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'אודות CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'למידע נוסף בקרו באתרנו:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. כל הזכויות שמורות.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'הגדלה למקסימום',
-	minimize : 'הקטנה למינימום',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'עוגן',
-		flash	: 'סרטון פלאש',
-		div		: 'שבירת דף',
-		unknown	: 'אובייקט לא ידוע'
-	},
-	resize : 'יש לגרור בכדי לשנות את הגודל',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'בחירת צבע',
-		options	:	'אפשרויות צבע',
-		highlight	: 'סימון',
-		selected	: 'בחירה',
-		clear		: 'ניקוי'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'מזעור סרגל כלים',
-	toolbarExpand	: 'הרחבת סרגל כלים',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'כיוון טקסט משמאל לימין (LTR)',
-		rtl : 'כיוון טקסט מימין לשמאל (RTL)'
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Hebrew language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'he' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'rtl',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'עורך טקסט עשיר',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'לחץ אלט ALT + 0 לעזרה',
+		browseServer: 'סייר השרת',
+		url: 'כתובת (URL)',
+		protocol: 'פרוטוקול',
+		upload: 'העלאה',
+		uploadSubmit: 'שליחה לשרת',
+		image: 'תמונה',
+		flash: 'פלאש',
+		form: 'טופס',
+		checkbox: 'תיבת סימון',
+		radio: 'לחצן אפשרויות',
+		textField: 'שדה טקסט',
+		textarea: 'איזור טקסט',
+		hiddenField: 'שדה חבוי',
+		button: 'כפתור',
+		select: 'שדה בחירה',
+		imageButton: 'כפתור תמונה',
+		notSet: '<לא נקבע>',
+		id: 'זיהוי (ID)',
+		name: 'שם',
+		langDir: 'כיוון שפה',
+		langDirLtr: 'שמאל לימין (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'ימין לשמאל (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'קוד שפה',
+		longDescr: 'קישור לתיאור מפורט',
+		cssClass: 'מחלקת עיצוב (CSS Class)',
+		advisoryTitle: 'כותרת מוצעת',
+		cssStyle: 'סגנון',
+		ok: 'אישור',
+		cancel: 'ביטול',
+		close: 'סגירה',
+		preview: 'תצוגה מקדימה',
+		resize: 'יש לגרור בכדי לשנות את הגודל',
+		generalTab: 'כללי',
+		advancedTab: 'אפשרויות מתקדמות',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'הערך חייב להיות מספרי.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'כל השינויים שלא נשמרו יאבדו. האם להעלות דף חדש?',
+		confirmCancel: 'חלק מהאפשרויות שונו, האם לסגור את הדיאלוג?',
+		options: 'אפשרויות',
+		target: 'מטרה',
+		targetNew: 'חלון חדש (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'החלון העליון ביותר (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'אותו חלון (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'חלון האב (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'שמאל לימין (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'ימין לשמאל (RTL)',
+		styles: 'סגנון',
+		cssClasses: 'מחלקות גליונות סגנון',
+		width: 'רוחב',
+		height: 'גובה',
+		align: 'יישור',
+		alignLeft: 'לשמאל',
+		alignRight: 'לימין',
+		alignCenter: 'מרכז',
+		alignTop: 'למעלה',
+		alignMiddle: 'לאמצע',
+		alignBottom: 'לתחתית',
+		invalidValue	: 'ערך לא חוקי.',
+		invalidHeight: 'הגובה חייב להיות מספר.',
+		invalidWidth: 'הרוחב חייב להיות מספר.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'הערך שצוין לשדה "%1" חייב להיות מספר חיובי עם או ללא יחידת מידה חוקית של CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, או pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'הערך שצוין לשדה "%1" חייב להיות מספר חיובי עם או ללא יחידת מידה חוקית של HTML (px או %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'הערך שצויין לשדה הסגנון חייב להכיל זוג ערכים אחד או יותר בפורמט "שם : ערך", מופרדים על ידי נקודה-פסיק.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'יש להכניס מספר המייצג פיקסלים או מספר עם יחידת גליונות סגנון תקינה (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, לא זמין</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/hi.js
index 8959e10..e15389d 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/hi.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/hi.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Hindi language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['hi'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'सोर्स',
-	newPage			: 'नया पेज',
-	save			: 'सेव',
-	preview			: 'प्रीव्यू',
-	cut				: 'कट',
-	copy			: 'कॉपी',
-	paste			: 'पेस्ट',
-	print			: 'प्रिन्ट',
-	underline		: 'रेखांकण',
-	bold			: 'बोल्ड',
-	italic			: 'इटैलिक',
-	selectAll		: 'सब सॅलॅक्ट करें',
-	removeFormat	: 'फ़ॉर्मैट हटायें',
-	strike			: 'स्ट्राइक थ्रू',
-	subscript		: 'अधोलेख',
-	superscript		: 'अभिलेख',
-	horizontalrule	: 'हॉरिज़ॉन्टल रेखा इन्सर्ट करें',
-	pagebreak		: 'पेज ब्रेक इन्सर्ट् करें',
-	unlink			: 'लिंक हटायें',
-	undo			: 'अन्डू',
-	redo			: 'रीडू',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'सर्वर ब्राउज़ करें',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'प्रोटोकॉल',
-		upload			: 'अपलोड',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'इसे सर्वर को भेजें',
-		image			: 'तस्वीर',
-		flash			: 'फ़्लैश',
-		form			: 'फ़ॉर्म',
-		checkbox		: 'चॅक बॉक्स',
-		radio			: 'रेडिओ बटन',
-		textField		: 'टेक्स्ट फ़ील्ड',
-		textarea		: 'टेक्स्ट एरिया',
-		hiddenField		: 'गुप्त फ़ील्ड',
-		button			: 'बटन',
-		select			: 'चुनाव फ़ील्ड',
-		imageButton		: 'तस्वीर बटन',
-		notSet			: '<सॅट नहीं>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'नाम',
-		langDir			: 'भाषा लिखने की दिशा',
-		langDirLtr		: 'बायें से दायें (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'दायें से बायें (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'भाषा कोड',
-		longDescr		: 'अधिक विवरण के लिए URL',
-		cssClass		: 'स्टाइल-शीट क्लास',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'परामर्श शीर्शक',
-		cssStyle		: 'स्टाइल',
-		ok				: 'ठीक है',
-		cancel			: 'रद्द करें',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'सामान्य',
-		advancedTab		: 'ऍड्वान्स्ड',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'विशेष करॅक्टर इन्सर्ट करें',
-		title		: 'विशेष करॅक्टर चुनें',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'लिंक इन्सर्ट/संपादन',
-		other 		: '<अन्य>',
-		menu		: 'लिंक संपादन',
-		title		: 'लिंक',
-		info		: 'लिंक  ',
-		target		: 'टार्गेट',
-		upload		: 'अपलोड',
-		advanced	: 'ऍड्वान्स्ड',
-		type		: 'लिंक प्रकार',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'इस पेज का ऐंकर',
-		toEmail		: 'ई-मेल',
-		targetFrame		: '<फ़्रेम>',
-		targetPopup		: '<पॉप-अप विन्डो>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'टार्गेट फ़्रेम का नाम',
-		targetPopupName	: 'पॉप-अप विन्डो का नाम',
-		popupFeatures	: 'पॉप-अप विन्डो फ़ीचर्स',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'स्टेटस बार',
-		popupLocationBar: 'लोकेशन बार',
-		popupToolbar	: 'टूल बार',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'मॅन्यू बार',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'फ़ुल स्क्रीन (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'स्क्रॉल बार',
-		popupDependent	: 'डिपेन्डॅन्ट (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'चौड़ाई',
-		popupLeft		: 'बायीं तरफ',
-		popupHeight		: 'ऊँचाई',
-		popupTop		: 'दायीं तरफ',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'भाषा लिखने की दिशा',
-		langDirLTR		: 'बायें से दायें (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'दायें से बायें (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'ऍक्सॅस की',
-		name			: 'नाम',
-		langCode		: 'भाषा लिखने की दिशा',
-		tabIndex		: 'टैब इन्डॅक्स',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'परामर्श शीर्शक',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'परामर्श कन्टॅन्ट प्रकार',
-		cssClasses		: 'स्टाइल-शीट क्लास',
-		charset			: 'लिंक रिसोर्स करॅक्टर सॅट',
-		styles			: 'स्टाइल',
-		selectAnchor	: 'ऐंकर चुनें',
-		anchorName		: 'ऐंकर नाम से',
-		anchorId		: 'ऍलीमॅन्ट Id से',
-		emailAddress	: 'ई-मेल पता',
-		emailSubject	: 'संदेश विषय',
-		emailBody		: 'संदेश',
-		noAnchors		: '(डॉक्यूमॅन्ट में ऐंकर्स की संख्या)',
-		noUrl			: 'लिंक URL टाइप करें',
-		noEmail			: 'ई-मेल पता टाइप करें'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'ऐंकर इन्सर्ट/संपादन',
-		menu		: 'ऐंकर प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		title		: 'ऐंकर प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		name		: 'ऐंकर का नाम',
-		errorName	: 'ऐंकर का नाम टाइप करें'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'खोजें और बदलें',
-		find				: 'खोजें',
-		replace				: 'रीप्लेस',
-		findWhat			: 'यह खोजें:',
-		replaceWith			: 'इससे रिप्लेस करें:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'आपके द्वारा दिया गया टेक्स्ट नहीं मिला',
-		matchCase			: 'केस मिलायें',
-		matchWord			: 'पूरा शब्द मिलायें',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'सभी रिप्लेस करें',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'टेबल',
-		title		: 'टेबल प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		menu		: 'टेबल प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		deleteTable	: 'टेबल डिलीट करें',
-		rows		: 'पंक्तियाँ',
-		columns		: 'कालम',
-		border		: 'बॉर्डर साइज़',
-		align		: 'ऍलाइन्मॅन्ट',
-		alignLeft	: 'दायें',
-		alignCenter	: 'बीच में',
-		alignRight	: 'बायें',
-		width		: 'चौड़ाई',
-		widthPx		: 'पिक्सैल',
-		widthPc		: 'प्रतिशत',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'ऊँचाई',
-		cellSpace	: 'सैल अंतर',
-		cellPad		: 'सैल पैडिंग',
-		caption		: 'शीर्षक',
-		summary		: 'सारांश',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'खाना',
-			insertBefore	: 'पहले सैल डालें',
-			insertAfter		: 'बाद में सैल डालें',
-			deleteCell		: 'सैल डिलीट करें',
-			merge			: 'सैल मिलायें',
-			mergeRight		: 'बाँया विलय',
-			mergeDown		: 'नीचे विलय करें',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'सैल को क्षैतिज स्थिति में विभाजित करें',
-			splitVertical	: 'सैल को लम्बाकार में विभाजित करें',
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'पंक्ति',
-			insertBefore	: 'पहले पंक्ति डालें',
-			insertAfter		: 'बाद में पंक्ति डालें',
-			deleteRow		: 'पंक्तियाँ डिलीट करें'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'कालम',
-			insertBefore	: 'पहले कालम डालें',
-			insertAfter		: 'बाद में कालम डालें',
-			deleteColumn	: 'कालम डिलीट करें'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'बटन प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		text		: 'टेक्स्ट (वैल्यू)',
-		type		: 'प्रकार',
-		typeBtn		: 'बटन',
-		typeSbm		: 'सब्मिट',
-		typeRst		: 'रिसेट'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'चॅक बॉक्स प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		radioTitle	: 'रेडिओ बटन प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		value		: 'वैल्यू',
-		selected	: 'सॅलॅक्टॅड'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'फ़ॉर्म प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		menu		: 'फ़ॉर्म प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		action		: 'क्रिया',
-		method		: 'तरीका',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'चुनाव फ़ील्ड प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		selectInfo	: 'सूचना',
-		opAvail		: 'उपलब्ध विकल्प',
-		value		: 'वैल्यू',
-		size		: 'साइज़',
-		lines		: 'पंक्तियाँ',
-		chkMulti	: 'एक से ज्यादा विकल्प चुनने दें',
-		opText		: 'टेक्स्ट',
-		opValue		: 'वैल्यू',
-		btnAdd		: 'जोड़ें',
-		btnModify	: 'बदलें',
-		btnUp		: 'ऊपर',
-		btnDown		: 'नीचे',
-		btnSetValue : 'चुनी गई वैल्यू सॅट करें',
-		btnDelete	: 'डिलीट'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'टेक्स्त एरिया प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		cols		: 'कालम',
-		rows		: 'पंक्तियां'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'टेक्स्ट फ़ील्ड प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		name		: 'नाम',
-		value		: 'वैल्यू',
-		charWidth	: 'करॅक्टर की चौढ़ाई',
-		maxChars	: 'अधिकतम करॅक्टर',
-		type		: 'टाइप',
-		typeText	: 'टेक्स्ट',
-		typePass	: 'पास्वर्ड'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'गुप्त फ़ील्ड प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		name	: 'नाम',
-		value	: 'वैल्यू'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'तस्वीर प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		titleButton	: 'तस्वीर बटन प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		menu		: 'तस्वीर प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		infoTab		: 'तस्वीर की जानकारी',
-		btnUpload	: 'इसे सर्वर को भेजें',
-		upload		: 'अपलोड',
-		alt			: 'वैकल्पिक टेक्स्ट',
-		width		: 'चौड़ाई',
-		height		: 'ऊँचाई',
-		lockRatio	: 'लॉक अनुपात',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'रीसॅट साइज़',
-		border		: 'बॉर्डर',
-		hSpace		: 'हॉरिज़ॉन्टल स्पेस',
-		vSpace		: 'वर्टिकल स्पेस',
-		align		: 'ऍलाइन',
-		alignLeft	: 'दायें',
-		alignRight	: 'दायें',
-		alertUrl	: 'तस्वीर का URL टाइप करें ',
-		linkTab		: 'लिंक',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'फ़्लैश प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'फ़्लैश प्रॉपर्टीज़',
-		chkPlay			: 'ऑटो प्ले',
-		chkLoop			: 'लूप',
-		chkMenu			: 'फ़्लैश मॅन्यू का प्रयोग करें',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'स्केल',
-		scaleAll		: 'सभी दिखायें',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'कोई बॉर्डर नहीं',
-		scaleFit		: 'बिल्कुल फ़िट',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'ऍलाइन',
-		alignLeft		: 'दायें',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs नीचे',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs ऊपर',
-		alignBaseline	: 'मूल रेखा',
-		alignBottom		: 'नीचे',
-		alignMiddle		: 'मध्य',
-		alignRight		: 'दायें',
-		alignTextTop	: 'टेक्स्ट ऊपर',
-		alignTop		: 'ऊपर',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'बैक्ग्राउन्ड रंग',
-		width			: 'चौड़ाई',
-		height			: 'ऊँचाई',
-		hSpace			: 'हॉरिज़ॉन्टल स्पेस',
-		vSpace			: 'वर्टिकल स्पेस',
-		validateSrc		: 'लिंक URL टाइप करें',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'वर्तनी (स्पेलिंग) जाँच',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'शब्दकोश में नहीं',
-		changeTo		: 'इसमें बदलें',
-		btnIgnore		: 'इग्नोर',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'सभी इग्नोर करें',
-		btnReplace		: 'रिप्लेस',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'सभी रिप्लेस करें',
-		btnUndo			: 'अन्डू',
-		noSuggestions	: '- कोई सुझाव नहीं -',
-		progress		: 'वर्तनी की जाँच (स्पॅल-चॅक) जारी है...',
-		noMispell		: 'वर्तनी की जाँच : कोई गलत वर्तनी (स्पॅलिंग) नहीं पाई गई',
-		noChanges		: 'वर्तनी की जाँच :कोई शब्द नहीं बदला गया',
-		oneChange		: 'वर्तनी की जाँच : एक शब्द बदला गया',
-		manyChanges		: 'वर्तनी की जाँच : %1 शब्द बदले गये',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'स्पॅल-चॅकर इन्स्टाल नहीं किया गया है। क्या आप इसे डाउनलोड करना चाहेंगे?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'स्माइली',
-		title	: 'स्माइली इन्सर्ट करें',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'अंकीय सूची',
-	bulletedlist	: 'बुलॅट सूची',
-	indent			: 'इन्डॅन्ट बढ़ायें',
-	outdent			: 'इन्डॅन्ट कम करें',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'बायीं तरफ',
-		center	: 'बीच में',
-		right	: 'दायीं तरफ',
-		block	: 'ब्लॉक जस्टीफ़ाई'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'ब्लॉक-कोट',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'पेस्ट',
-		cutError	: 'आपके ब्राउज़र की सुरक्षा सॅटिन्ग्स ने कट करने की अनुमति नहीं प्रदान की है। (Ctrl/Cmd+X) का प्रयोग करें।',
-		copyError	: 'आपके ब्राआउज़र की सुरक्षा सॅटिन्ग्स ने कॉपी करने की अनुमति नहीं प्रदान की है। (Ctrl/Cmd+C) का प्रयोग करें।',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Ctrl/Cmd+V का प्रयोग करके पेस्ट करें और ठीक है करें.',
-		securityMsg	: 'आपके ब्राउज़र की सुरक्षा आपके ब्राउज़र की सुरKश सैटिंग के कारण, एडिटर आपके क्लिपबोर्ड डेटा को नहीं पा सकता है. आपको उसे इस विन्डो में दोबारा पेस्ट करना होगा.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'पेस्ट (वर्ड से)',
-		title			: 'पेस्ट (वर्ड से)',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'पेस्ट (सादा टॅक्स्ट)',
-		title	: 'पेस्ट (सादा टॅक्स्ट)'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'टॅम्प्लेट',
-		title			: 'कन्टेन्ट टॅम्प्लेट',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'मूल शब्दों को बदलें',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'ऍडिटर में ओपन करने हेतु टॅम्प्लेट चुनें(वर्तमान कन्टॅन्ट सेव नहीं होंगे):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(कोई टॅम्प्लेट डिफ़ाइन नहीं किया गया है)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'ब्लॉक दिखायें',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'स्टाइल',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'फ़ॉर्मैट',
-		panelTitle	: 'फ़ॉर्मैट',
-		tag_p		: 'साधारण',
-		tag_pre		: 'फ़ॉर्मैटॅड',
-		tag_address	: 'पता',
-		tag_h1		: 'शीर्षक 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'शीर्षक 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'शीर्षक 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'शीर्षक 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'शीर्षक 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'शीर्षक 6',
-		tag_div		: 'शीर्षक (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'फ़ॉन्ट',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'फ़ॉन्ट'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'साइज़',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'साइज़'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'टेक्स्ट रंग',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'बैक्ग्राउन्ड रंग',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'स्वचालित',
-		more			: 'और रंग...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Hindi language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'hi' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'रिच टेक्स्ट एडिटर',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'मदद के लिये ALT 0 दबाए',
+		browseServer: 'सर्वर ब्राउज़ करें',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'प्रोटोकॉल',
+		upload: 'अपलोड',
+		uploadSubmit: 'इसे सर्वर को भेजें',
+		image: 'तस्वीर',
+		flash: 'फ़्लैश',
+		form: 'फ़ॉर्म',
+		checkbox: 'चॅक बॉक्स',
+		radio: 'रेडिओ बटन',
+		textField: 'टेक्स्ट फ़ील्ड',
+		textarea: 'टेक्स्ट एरिया',
+		hiddenField: 'गुप्त फ़ील्ड',
+		button: 'बटन',
+		select: 'चुनाव फ़ील्ड',
+		imageButton: 'तस्वीर बटन',
+		notSet: '<सॅट नहीं>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'नाम',
+		langDir: 'भाषा लिखने की दिशा',
+		langDirLtr: 'बायें से दायें (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'दायें से बायें (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'भाषा कोड',
+		longDescr: 'अधिक विवरण के लिए URL',
+		cssClass: 'स्टाइल-शीट क्लास',
+		advisoryTitle: 'परामर्श शीर्शक',
+		cssStyle: 'स्टाइल',
+		ok: 'ठीक है',
+		cancel: 'रद्द करें',
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: 'प्रीव्यू',
+		resize: 'Resize', // MISSING
+		generalTab: 'सामान्य',
+		advancedTab: 'ऍड्वान्स्ड',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
+		options: 'Options', // MISSING
+		target: 'टार्गेट',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'बायें से दायें (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'दायें से बायें (RTL)',
+		styles: 'स्टाइल',
+		cssClasses: 'स्टाइल-शीट क्लास',
+		width: 'चौड़ाई',
+		height: 'ऊँचाई',
+		align: 'ऍलाइन',
+		alignLeft: 'दायें',
+		alignRight: 'दायें',
+		alignCenter: 'बीच में',
+		alignTop: 'ऊपर',
+		alignMiddle: 'मध्य',
+		alignBottom: 'नीचे',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/hr.js
index 7f489fd..e1af941 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/hr.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/hr.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Croatian language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['hr'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Kôd',
-	newPage			: 'Nova stranica',
-	save			: 'Snimi',
-	preview			: 'Pregledaj',
-	cut				: 'Izreži',
-	copy			: 'Kopiraj',
-	paste			: 'Zalijepi',
-	print			: 'Ispiši',
-	underline		: 'Potcrtano',
-	bold			: 'Podebljaj',
-	italic			: 'Ukosi',
-	selectAll		: 'Odaberi sve',
-	removeFormat	: 'Ukloni formatiranje',
-	strike			: 'Precrtano',
-	subscript		: 'Subscript',
-	superscript		: 'Superscript',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Ubaci vodoravnu liniju',
-	pagebreak		: 'Ubaci prijelom stranice',
-	unlink			: 'Ukloni link',
-	undo			: 'Poništi',
-	redo			: 'Ponovi',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Pretraži server',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokol',
-		upload			: 'Pošalji',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Pošalji na server',
-		image			: 'Slika',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Form',
-		checkbox		: 'Checkbox',
-		radio			: 'Radio Button',
-		textField		: 'Text Field',
-		textarea		: 'Textarea',
-		hiddenField		: 'Hidden Field',
-		button			: 'Button',
-		select			: 'Selection Field',
-		imageButton		: 'Image Button',
-		notSet			: '<nije postavljeno>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Naziv',
-		langDir			: 'Smjer jezika',
-		langDirLtr		: 'S lijeva na desno (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'S desna na lijevo (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Kôd jezika',
-		longDescr		: 'Dugački opis URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Stylesheet klase',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory naslov',
-		cssStyle		: 'Stil',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Poništi',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Općenito',
-		advancedTab		: 'Napredno',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Ova vrijednost nije broj.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Sve napravljene promjene će biti izgubljene ukoliko ih niste snimili. Sigurno želite učitati novu stranicu?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Neke od opcija su promjenjene. Sigurno želite zatvoriti ovaj prozor?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, nedostupno</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Ubaci posebne znakove',
-		title		: 'Odaberite posebni karakter',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Ubaci/promijeni link',
-		other 		: '<drugi>',
-		menu		: 'Promijeni link',
-		title		: 'Link',
-		info		: 'Link Info',
-		target		: 'Meta',
-		upload		: 'Pošalji',
-		advanced	: 'Napredno',
-		type		: 'Link vrsta',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Sidro na ovoj stranici',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<okvir>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup prozor>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Ime ciljnog okvira',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Naziv popup prozora',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Mogućnosti popup prozora',
-		popupResizable	: 'Promjenjiva veličina',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Statusna traka',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Traka za lokaciju',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Traka s alatima',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Izborna traka',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Cijeli ekran (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Scroll traka',
-		popupDependent	: 'Ovisno (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Å irina',
-		popupLeft		: 'Lijeva pozicija',
-		popupHeight		: 'Visina',
-		popupTop		: 'Gornja pozicija',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Smjer jezika',
-		langDirLTR		: 'S lijeva na desno (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'S desna na lijevo (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Pristupna tipka',
-		name			: 'Naziv',
-		langCode		: 'Smjer jezika',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tab Indeks',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory naslov',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Advisory vrsta sadržaja',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet klase',
-		charset			: 'Kodna stranica povezanih resursa',
-		styles			: 'Stil',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Odaberi sidro',
-		anchorName		: 'Po nazivu sidra',
-		anchorId		: 'Po Id elementa',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-Mail adresa',
-		emailSubject	: 'Naslov',
-		emailBody		: 'Sadržaj poruke',
-		noAnchors		: '(Nema dostupnih sidra)',
-		noUrl			: 'Molimo upišite URL link',
-		noEmail			: 'Molimo upišite e-mail adresu'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Ubaci/promijeni sidro',
-		menu		: 'Svojstva sidra',
-		title		: 'Svojstva sidra',
-		name		: 'Ime sidra',
-		errorName	: 'Molimo unesite ime sidra'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Pronađi i zamijeni',
-		find				: 'Pronađi',
-		replace				: 'Zamijeni',
-		findWhat			: 'Pronađi:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Zamijeni s:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Traženi tekst nije pronađen.',
-		matchCase			: 'Usporedi mala/velika slova',
-		matchWord			: 'Usporedi cijele riječi',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Usporedi kružno',
-		replaceAll			: 'Zamijeni sve',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: 'Zamijenjeno %1 pojmova.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tablica',
-		title		: 'Svojstva tablice',
-		menu		: 'Svojstva tablice',
-		deleteTable	: 'Izbriši tablicu',
-		rows		: 'Redova',
-		columns		: 'Kolona',
-		border		: 'Veličina okvira',
-		align		: 'Poravnanje',
-		alignLeft	: 'Lijevo',
-		alignCenter	: 'Središnje',
-		alignRight	: 'Desno',
-		width		: 'Å irina',
-		widthPx		: 'piksela',
-		widthPc		: 'postotaka',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Visina',
-		cellSpace	: 'Prostornost ćelija',
-		cellPad		: 'Razmak ćelija',
-		caption		: 'Naslov',
-		summary		: 'Sažetak',
-		headers		: 'Zaglavlje',
-		headersNone		: 'Ništa',
-		headersColumn	: 'Prva kolona',
-		headersRow		: 'Prvi red',
-		headersBoth		: 'Oba',
-		invalidRows		: 'Broj redova mora biti broj veći od 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Broj kolona mora biti broj veći od 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Debljina ruba mora biti broj.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Å irina tablice mora biti broj.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Visina tablice mora biti broj.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Prostornost ćelija mora biti broj.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Razmak ćelija mora biti broj.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Ćelija',
-			insertBefore	: 'Ubaci ćeliju prije',
-			insertAfter		: 'Ubaci ćeliju poslije',
-			deleteCell		: 'Izbriši ćelije',
-			merge			: 'Spoji ćelije',
-			mergeRight		: 'Spoji desno',
-			mergeDown		: 'Spoji dolje',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Podijeli ćeliju vodoravno',
-			splitVertical	: 'Podijeli ćeliju okomito',
-			title			: 'Svojstva ćelije',
-			cellType		: 'Vrsta ćelije',
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span',
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span',
-			wordWrap		: 'Prelazak u novi red',
-			hAlign			: 'Vodoravno poravnanje',
-			vAlign			: 'Okomito poravnanje',
-			alignTop		: 'Vrh',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Sredina',
-			alignBottom		: 'Dolje',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Osnovna linija',
-			bgColor			: 'Boja pozadine',
-			borderColor		: 'Boja ruba',
-			data			: 'Podatak',
-			header			: 'Zaglavlje',
-			yes				: 'Da',
-			no				: 'ne',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Širina ćelije mora biti broj.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Visina ćelije mora biti broj.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span mora biti cijeli broj.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span mora biti cijeli broj.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Red',
-			insertBefore	: 'Ubaci red prije',
-			insertAfter		: 'Ubaci red poslije',
-			deleteRow		: 'Izbriši redove'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Kolona',
-			insertBefore	: 'Ubaci kolonu prije',
-			insertAfter		: 'Ubaci kolonu poslije',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Izbriši kolone'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Image Button svojstva',
-		text		: 'Tekst (vrijednost)',
-		type		: 'Vrsta',
-		typeBtn		: 'Gumb',
-		typeSbm		: 'Pošalji',
-		typeRst		: 'Poništi'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Checkbox svojstva',
-		radioTitle	: 'Radio Button svojstva',
-		value		: 'Vrijednost',
-		selected	: 'Odabrano'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Form svojstva',
-		menu		: 'Form svojstva',
-		action		: 'Akcija',
-		method		: 'Metoda',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Selection svojstva',
-		selectInfo	: 'Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Dostupne opcije',
-		value		: 'Vrijednost',
-		size		: 'Veličina',
-		lines		: 'linija',
-		chkMulti	: 'Dozvoli višestruki odabir',
-		opText		: 'Tekst',
-		opValue		: 'Vrijednost',
-		btnAdd		: 'Dodaj',
-		btnModify	: 'Promijeni',
-		btnUp		: 'Gore',
-		btnDown		: 'Dolje',
-		btnSetValue : 'Postavi kao odabranu vrijednost',
-		btnDelete	: 'Obriši'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Textarea svojstva',
-		cols		: 'Kolona',
-		rows		: 'Redova'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Text Field svojstva',
-		name		: 'Ime',
-		value		: 'Vrijednost',
-		charWidth	: 'Å irina',
-		maxChars	: 'Najviše karaktera',
-		type		: 'Vrsta',
-		typeText	: 'Tekst',
-		typePass	: 'Å ifra'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Hidden Field svojstva',
-		name	: 'Ime',
-		value	: 'Vrijednost'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Svojstva slika',
-		titleButton	: 'Image Button svojstva',
-		menu		: 'Svojstva slika',
-		infoTab		: 'Info slike',
-		btnUpload	: 'Pošalji na server',
-		upload		: 'Pošalji',
-		alt			: 'Alternativni tekst',
-		width		: 'Å irina',
-		height		: 'Visina',
-		lockRatio	: 'Zaključaj odnos',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Obriši veličinu',
-		border		: 'Okvir',
-		hSpace		: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace		: 'VSpace',
-		align		: 'Poravnaj',
-		alignLeft	: 'Lijevo',
-		alignRight	: 'Desno',
-		alertUrl	: 'Unesite URL slike',
-		linkTab		: 'Link',
-		button2Img	: 'Želite li promijeniti odabrani gumb u jednostavnu sliku?',
-		img2Button	: 'Želite li promijeniti odabranu sliku u gumb?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash svojstva',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Svojstva',
-		title			: 'Flash svojstva',
-		chkPlay			: 'Auto Play',
-		chkLoop			: 'Ponavljaj',
-		chkMenu			: 'Omogući Flash izbornik',
-		chkFull			: 'Omogući Fullscreen',
- 		scale			: 'Omjer',
-		scaleAll		: 'Prikaži sve',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Bez okvira',
-		scaleFit		: 'Točna veličina',
-		access			: 'Script Access',
-		accessAlways	: 'Uvijek',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Ista domena',
-		accessNever		: 'Nikad',
-		align			: 'Poravnaj',
-		alignLeft		: 'Lijevo',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs dolje',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs sredina',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Bazno',
-		alignBottom		: 'Dolje',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Sredina',
-		alignRight		: 'Desno',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Vrh teksta',
-		alignTop		: 'Vrh',
-		quality			: 'Kvaliteta',
-		qualityBest		: 'Best',
-		qualityHigh		: 'High',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low',
-		qualityLow		: 'Low',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent',
-		windowMode		: 'Vrsta prozora',
-		flashvars		: 'Varijable za Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Boja pozadine',
-		width			: 'Å irina',
-		height			: 'Visina',
-		hSpace			: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace			: 'VSpace',
-		validateSrc		: 'Molimo upišite URL link',
-		validateWidth	: 'Å irina mora biti broj.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Visina mora biti broj.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace mora biti broj.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace mora biti broj.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Provjeri pravopis',
-		title			: 'Provjera pravopisa',
-		notAvailable	: 'Žao nam je, ali usluga trenutno nije dostupna.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Greška učitavanja aplikacije: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Nije u rječniku',
-		changeTo		: 'Promijeni u',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Zanemari',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Zanemari sve',
-		btnReplace		: 'Zamijeni',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Zamijeni sve',
-		btnUndo			: 'Vrati',
-		noSuggestions	: '-Nema preporuke-',
-		progress		: 'Provjera u tijeku...',
-		noMispell		: 'Provjera završena: Nema grešaka',
-		noChanges		: 'Provjera završena: Nije napravljena promjena',
-		oneChange		: 'Provjera završena: Jedna riječ promjenjena',
-		manyChanges		: 'Provjera završena: Promijenjeno %1 riječi',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Provjera pravopisa nije instalirana. Želite li skinuti provjeru pravopisa?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smješko',
-		title	: 'Ubaci smješka',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Brojčana lista',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Obična lista',
-	indent			: 'Pomakni udesno',
-	outdent			: 'Pomakni ulijevo',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Lijevo poravnanje',
-		center	: 'Središnje poravnanje',
-		right	: 'Desno poravnanje',
-		block	: 'Blok poravnanje'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Blockquote',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Zalijepi',
-		cutError	: 'Sigurnosne postavke Vašeg pretraživača ne dozvoljavaju operacije automatskog izrezivanja. Molimo koristite kraticu na tipkovnici (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Sigurnosne postavke Vašeg pretraživača ne dozvoljavaju operacije automatskog kopiranja. Molimo koristite kraticu na tipkovnici (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Molimo zaljepite unutar doljnjeg okvira koristeći tipkovnicu (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) i kliknite <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Zbog sigurnosnih postavki Vašeg pretraživača, editor nema direktan pristup Vašem međuspremniku. Potrebno je ponovno zalijepiti tekst u ovaj prozor.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Tekst koji želite zalijepiti čini se da je kopiran iz Worda. Želite li prije očistiti tekst?',
-		toolbar			: 'Zalijepi iz Worda',
-		title			: 'Zalijepi iz Worda',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Zalijepi kao čisti tekst',
-		title	: 'Zalijepi kao čisti tekst'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Predlošci',
-		title			: 'Predlošci sadržaja',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Zamijeni trenutne sadržaje',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Molimo odaberite predložak koji želite otvoriti<br>(stvarni sadržaj će biti izgubljen):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Nema definiranih predložaka)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Prikaži blokove',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stil',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block stilovi',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline stilovi',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object stilovi'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Format',
-		panelTitle	: 'Format',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatirano',
-		tag_address	: 'Address',
-		tag_h1		: 'Heading 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Heading 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Heading 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Heading 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Heading 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Heading 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Font',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font',
-		panelTitle	: 'Font'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Veličina',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Veličina slova',
-		panelTitle	: 'Veličina'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Boja teksta',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Boja pozadine',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatski',
-		more			: 'Više boja...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Provjeri pravopis tijekom tipkanja (SCAYT)',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Omogući SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'Onemogući SCAYT',
-		about			: 'O SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'Omoguću/Onemogući SCAYT',
-		options			: 'Opcije',
-		langs			: 'Jezici',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Više prijedloga',
-		ignore			: 'Zanemari',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Zanemari sve',
-		addWord			: 'Dodaj riječ',
-		emptyDic		: 'Naziv rječnika ne smije biti prazno.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Opcije',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Jezici',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Rječnici',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'O SCAYT'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'O CKEditoru',
-		dlgTitle	: 'O CKEditoru',
-		moreInfo	: 'Za informacije o licencama posjetite našu web stranicu:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Povećaj',
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Sidro',
-		flash	: 'Flash animacija',
-		div		: 'Prijelom stranice',
-		unknown	: 'Nepoznati objekt'
-	},
-	resize : 'Povuci za promjenu veličine',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Croatian language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'hr' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Bogati uređivač teksta',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Pritisni ALT 0 za pomoć',
+		browseServer: 'Pretraži server',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokol',
+		upload: 'Pošalji',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Pošalji na server',
+		image: 'Slika',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Form',
+		checkbox: 'Checkbox',
+		radio: 'Radio Button',
+		textField: 'Text Field',
+		textarea: 'Textarea',
+		hiddenField: 'Hidden Field',
+		button: 'Button',
+		select: 'Selection Field',
+		imageButton: 'Image Button',
+		notSet: '<nije postavljeno>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Naziv',
+		langDir: 'Smjer jezika',
+		langDirLtr: 'S lijeva na desno (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'S desna na lijevo (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Kôd jezika',
+		longDescr: 'Dugački opis URL',
+		cssClass: 'Stylesheet klase',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Advisory naslov',
+		cssStyle: 'Stil',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Poništi',
+		close: 'Zatvori',
+		preview: 'Pregledaj',
+		resize: 'Povuci za promjenu veličine',
+		generalTab: 'Općenito',
+		advancedTab: 'Napredno',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Ova vrijednost nije broj.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Sve napravljene promjene će biti izgubljene ukoliko ih niste snimili. Sigurno želite učitati novu stranicu?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Neke od opcija su promjenjene. Sigurno želite zatvoriti ovaj prozor?',
+		options: 'Opcije',
+		target: 'Odredište',
+		targetNew: 'Novi prozor (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Vršni prozor (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Isti prozor (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Roditeljski prozor (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'S lijeva na desno (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'S desna na lijevo (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Stil',
+		cssClasses: 'Klase stilova',
+		width: 'Å irina',
+		height: 'Visina',
+		align: 'Poravnaj',
+		alignLeft: 'Lijevo',
+		alignRight: 'Desno',
+		alignCenter: 'Središnje',
+		alignTop: 'Vrh',
+		alignMiddle: 'Sredina',
+		alignBottom: 'Dolje',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Visina mora biti broj.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Å irina mora biti broj.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Vrijednost određena za "%1" polje mora biti pozitivni broj sa ili bez važećih CSS mjernih jedinica (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt ili pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Vrijednost određena za "%1" polje mora biti pozitivni broj sa ili bez važećih HTML mjernih jedinica (px ili %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Vrijednost za linijski stil mora sadržavati jednu ili više definicija s formatom "naziv:vrijednost", odvojenih točka-zarezom.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Unesite broj za vrijednost u pikselima ili broj s važećim CSS mjernim jedinicama (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt ili pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, nedostupno</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/hu.js
index cb9f465..80e0a29 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/hu.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/hu.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Hungarian language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['hu'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Forráskód',
-	newPage			: 'Új oldal',
-	save			: 'Mentés',
-	preview			: 'Előnézet',
-	cut				: 'Kivágás',
-	copy			: 'Másolás',
-	paste			: 'Beillesztés',
-	print			: 'Nyomtatás',
-	underline		: 'Aláhúzott',
-	bold			: 'Félkövér',
-	italic			: 'DÅ‘lt',
-	selectAll		: 'Mindent kijelöl',
-	removeFormat	: 'Formázás eltávolítása',
-	strike			: 'Áthúzott',
-	subscript		: 'Alsó index',
-	superscript		: 'Felső index',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Elválasztóvonal beillesztése',
-	pagebreak		: 'Oldaltörés beillesztése',
-	unlink			: 'Hivatkozás törlése',
-	undo			: 'Visszavonás',
-	redo			: 'Ismétlés',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Böngészés a szerveren',
-		url				: 'Hivatkozás',
-		protocol		: 'Protokoll',
-		upload			: 'Feltöltés',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Küldés a szerverre',
-		image			: 'Kép',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Å°rlap',
-		checkbox		: 'Jelölőnégyzet',
-		radio			: 'Választógomb',
-		textField		: 'Szövegmező',
-		textarea		: 'Szövegterület',
-		hiddenField		: 'Rejtettmező',
-		button			: 'Gomb',
-		select			: 'Legördülő lista',
-		imageButton		: 'Képgomb',
-		notSet			: '<nincs beállítva>',
-		id				: 'Azonosító',
-		name			: 'Név',
-		langDir			: 'Írás iránya',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Balról jobbra',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Jobbról balra',
-		langCode		: 'Nyelv kódja',
-		longDescr		: 'Részletes leírás webcíme',
-		cssClass		: 'Stíluskészlet',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Súgócimke',
-		cssStyle		: 'Stílus',
-		ok				: 'Rendben',
-		cancel			: 'Mégsem',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Általános',
-		advancedTab		: 'További opciók',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'A mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Minden nem mentett változás el fog veszni! Biztosan be szeretné tölteni az oldalt?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Az űrlap tartalma megváltozott, ám a változásokat nem rögzítette. Biztosan be szeretné zárni az űrlapot?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Speciális karakter beillesztése',
-		title		: 'Speciális karakter választása',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Hivatkozás beillesztése/módosítása',
-		other 		: '<más>',
-		menu		: 'Hivatkozás módosítása',
-		title		: 'Hivatkozás tulajdonságai',
-		info		: 'Alaptulajdonságok',
-		target		: 'Tartalom megjelenítése',
-		upload		: 'Feltöltés',
-		advanced	: 'További opciók',
-		type		: 'Hivatkozás típusa',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Horgony az oldalon',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<keretben>',
-		targetPopup		: '<felugró ablakban>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Keret neve',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Felugró ablak neve',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Felugró ablak jellemzői',
-		popupResizable	: 'Átméretezés',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Állapotsor',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Címsor',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Eszköztár',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menü sor',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Teljes képernyő (csak IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Gördítősáv',
-		popupDependent	: 'Szülőhöz kapcsolt (csak Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Szélesség',
-		popupLeft		: 'Bal pozíció',
-		popupHeight		: 'Magasság',
-		popupTop		: 'Felső pozíció',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Írás iránya',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Balról jobbra',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Jobbról balra',
-		acccessKey		: 'Billentyűkombináció',
-		name			: 'Név',
-		langCode		: 'Írás iránya',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tabulátor index',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Súgócimke',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Súgó tartalomtípusa',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stíluskészlet',
-		charset			: 'Hivatkozott tartalom kódlapja',
-		styles			: 'Stílus',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Horgony választása',
-		anchorName		: 'Horgony név szerint',
-		anchorId		: 'Azonosító szerint',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-Mail cím',
-		emailSubject	: 'Üzenet tárgya',
-		emailBody		: 'Ãœzenet',
-		noAnchors		: '(Nincs horgony a dokumentumban)',
-		noUrl			: 'Adja meg a hivatkozás webcímét',
-		noEmail			: 'Adja meg az E-Mail címet'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Horgony beillesztése/szerkesztése',
-		menu		: 'Horgony tulajdonságai',
-		title		: 'Horgony tulajdonságai',
-		name		: 'Horgony neve',
-		errorName	: 'Kérem adja meg a horgony nevét'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Keresés és csere',
-		find				: 'Keresés',
-		replace				: 'Csere',
-		findWhat			: 'Keresett szöveg:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Csere erre:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'A keresett szöveg nem található.',
-		matchCase			: 'kis- és nagybetű megkülönböztetése',
-		matchWord			: 'csak ha ez a teljes szó',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Ciklikus keresés',
-		replaceAll			: 'Az összes cseréje',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 egyezőség cserélve.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Táblázat',
-		title		: 'Táblázat tulajdonságai',
-		menu		: 'Táblázat tulajdonságai',
-		deleteTable	: 'Táblázat törlése',
-		rows		: 'Sorok',
-		columns		: 'Oszlopok',
-		border		: 'Szegélyméret',
-		align		: 'Igazítás',
-		alignLeft	: 'Balra',
-		alignCenter	: 'Középre',
-		alignRight	: 'Jobbra',
-		width		: 'Szélesség',
-		widthPx		: 'képpont',
-		widthPc		: 'százalék',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Magasság',
-		cellSpace	: 'Cella térköz',
-		cellPad		: 'Cella belső margó',
-		caption		: 'Felirat',
-		summary		: 'Leírás',
-		headers		: 'Fejlécek',
-		headersNone		: 'Nincsenek',
-		headersColumn	: 'Első oszlop',
-		headersRow		: 'Első sor',
-		headersBoth		: 'Mindkettő',
-		invalidRows		: 'A sorok számának nagyobbnak kell lenni mint 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Az oszlopok számának nagyobbnak kell lenni mint 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'A szegélyméret mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'A szélesség mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'A magasság mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'A cella térköz mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'A cella belső margó mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cella',
-			insertBefore	: 'Beszúrás balra',
-			insertAfter		: 'Beszúrás jobbra',
-			deleteCell		: 'Cellák törlése',
-			merge			: 'Cellák egyesítése',
-			mergeRight		: 'Cellák egyesítése jobbra',
-			mergeDown		: 'Cellák egyesítése lefelé',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Cellák szétválasztása vízszintesen',
-			splitVertical	: 'Cellák szétválasztása függőlegesen',
-			title			: 'Cella tulajdonságai',
-			cellType		: 'Cella típusa',
-			rowSpan			: 'Függőleges egyesítés',
-			colSpan			: 'Vízszintes egyesítés',
-			wordWrap		: 'Hosszú sorok törése',
-			hAlign			: 'Vízszintes igazítás',
-			vAlign			: 'Függőleges igazítás',
-			alignTop		: 'Fel',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Középre',
-			alignBottom		: 'Le',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Alapvonalra',
-			bgColor			: 'Háttér színe',
-			borderColor		: 'Keret színe',
-			data			: 'Adat',
-			header			: 'Fejléc',
-			yes				: 'Igen',
-			no				: 'Nem',
-			invalidWidth	: 'A szélesség mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'A magasság mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'A függőleges egyesítés mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'A vízszintes egyesítés mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Sor',
-			insertBefore	: 'Beszúrás fölé',
-			insertAfter		: 'Beszúrás alá',
-			deleteRow		: 'Sorok törlése'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Oszlop',
-			insertBefore	: 'Beszúrás balra',
-			insertAfter		: 'Beszúrás jobbra',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Oszlopok törlése'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Gomb tulajdonságai',
-		text		: 'Szöveg (Érték)',
-		type		: 'Típus',
-		typeBtn		: 'Gomb',
-		typeSbm		: 'Küldés',
-		typeRst		: 'Alaphelyzet'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Jelölőnégyzet tulajdonságai',
-		radioTitle	: 'Választógomb tulajdonságai',
-		value		: 'Érték',
-		selected	: 'Kiválasztott'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Űrlap tulajdonságai',
-		menu		: 'Űrlap tulajdonságai',
-		action		: 'Adatfeldolgozást végző hivatkozás',
-		method		: 'Adatküldés módja',
-		encoding	: 'Kódolás'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Legördülő lista tulajdonságai',
-		selectInfo	: 'Alaptulajdonságok',
-		opAvail		: 'Elérhető opciók',
-		value		: 'Érték',
-		size		: 'Méret',
-		lines		: 'sor',
-		chkMulti	: 'több sor is kiválasztható',
-		opText		: 'Szöveg',
-		opValue		: 'Érték',
-		btnAdd		: 'Hozzáad',
-		btnModify	: 'Módosít',
-		btnUp		: 'Fel',
-		btnDown		: 'Le',
-		btnSetValue : 'Legyen az alapértelmezett érték',
-		btnDelete	: 'Töröl'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Szövegterület tulajdonságai',
-		cols		: 'Karakterek száma egy sorban',
-		rows		: 'Sorok száma'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Szövegmező tulajdonságai',
-		name		: 'Név',
-		value		: 'Érték',
-		charWidth	: 'Megjelenített karakterek száma',
-		maxChars	: 'Maximális karakterszám',
-		type		: 'Típus',
-		typeText	: 'Szöveg',
-		typePass	: 'Jelszó'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Rejtett mező tulajdonságai',
-		name	: 'Név',
-		value	: 'Érték'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Kép tulajdonságai',
-		titleButton	: 'Képgomb tulajdonságai',
-		menu		: 'Kép tulajdonságai',
-		infoTab		: 'Alaptulajdonságok',
-		btnUpload	: 'Küldés a szerverre',
-		upload		: 'Feltöltés',
-		alt			: 'Buborék szöveg',
-		width		: 'Szélesség',
-		height		: 'Magasság',
-		lockRatio	: 'Arány megtartása',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Eredeti méret',
-		border		: 'Keret',
-		hSpace		: 'Vízsz. táv',
-		vSpace		: 'Függ. táv',
-		align		: 'Igazítás',
-		alignLeft	: 'Bal',
-		alignRight	: 'Jobbra',
-		alertUrl	: 'Töltse ki a kép webcímét',
-		linkTab		: 'Hivatkozás',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash tulajdonságai',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Tulajdonságok',
-		title			: 'Flash tulajdonságai',
-		chkPlay			: 'Automata lejátszás',
-		chkLoop			: 'Folyamatosan',
-		chkMenu			: 'Flash menü engedélyezése',
-		chkFull			: 'Teljes képernyő engedélyezése',
- 		scale			: 'Méretezés',
-		scaleAll		: 'Mindent mutat',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Keret nélkül',
-		scaleFit		: 'Teljes kitöltés',
-		access			: 'Szkript hozzáférés',
-		accessAlways	: 'Mindig',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Azonos domainről',
-		accessNever		: 'Soha',
-		align			: 'Igazítás',
-		alignLeft		: 'Bal',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Legaljára',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Közepére',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Alapvonalhoz',
-		alignBottom		: 'Aljára',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Középre',
-		alignRight		: 'Jobbra',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Szöveg tetejére',
-		alignTop		: 'Tetejére',
-		quality			: 'Minőség',
-		qualityBest		: 'Legjobb',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Jó',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Automata jó',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Közepes',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Automata gyenge',
-		qualityLow		: 'Gyenge',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent',
-		windowMode		: 'Ablak mód',
-		flashvars		: 'Flash változók',
-		bgcolor			: 'Háttérszín',
-		width			: 'Szélesség',
-		height			: 'Magasság',
-		hSpace			: 'Vízsz. táv',
-		vSpace			: 'Függ. táv',
-		validateSrc		: 'Adja meg a hivatkozás webcímét',
-		validateWidth	: 'A szélesség mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
-		validateHeight	: 'A magasság mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'A vízszintes távolsűág mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'A függőleges távolsűág mezőbe csak számokat írhat.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés',
-		title			: 'Helyesírás ellenörző',
-		notAvailable	: 'Sajnálom, de a szolgáltatás jelenleg nem elérhető.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Hiba a szolgáltatás host betöltése közben: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Nincs a szótárban',
-		changeTo		: 'Módosítás',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Kihagyja',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Mindet kihagyja',
-		btnReplace		: 'Csere',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Összes cseréje',
-		btnUndo			: 'Visszavonás',
-		noSuggestions	: 'Nincs javaslat',
-		progress		: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés folyamatban...',
-		noMispell		: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés kész: Nem találtam hibát',
-		noChanges		: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés kész: Nincs változtatott szó',
-		oneChange		: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés kész: Egy szó cserélve',
-		manyChanges		: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés kész: %1 szó cserélve',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'A helyesírás-ellenőrző nincs telepítve. Szeretné letölteni most?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Hangulatjelek',
-		title	: 'Hangulatjel beszúrása',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 elem'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Számozás',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Felsorolás',
-	indent			: 'Behúzás növelése',
-	outdent			: 'Behúzás csökkentése',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Balra',
-		center	: 'Középre',
-		right	: 'Jobbra',
-		block	: 'Sorkizárt'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Idézet blokk',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Beillesztés',
-		cutError	: 'A böngésző biztonsági beállításai nem engedélyezik a szerkesztőnek, hogy végrehajtsa a kivágás műveletet. Használja az alábbi billentyűkombinációt (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'A böngésző biztonsági beállításai nem engedélyezik a szerkesztőnek, hogy végrehajtsa a másolás műveletet. Használja az alábbi billentyűkombinációt (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Másolja be az alábbi mezőbe a <STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG> billentyűk lenyomásával, majd nyomjon <STRONG>Rendben</STRONG>-t.',
-		securityMsg	: 'A böngésző biztonsági beállításai miatt a szerkesztő nem képes hozzáférni a vágólap adataihoz. Illeszd be újra ebben az ablakban.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Beillesztés Word-ből',
-		title			: 'Beillesztés Word-ből',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Beillesztés formázatlan szövegként',
-		title	: 'Beillesztés formázatlan szövegként'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Sablonok',
-		title			: 'Elérhető sablonok',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Kicseréli a jelenlegi tartalmat',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Válassza ki melyik sablon nyíljon meg a szerkesztőben<br>(a jelenlegi tartalom elveszik):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Nincs sablon megadva)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Blokkok megjelenítése',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stílus',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Blokk stílusok',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline stílusok',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Objektum stílusok'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Formátum',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formátum',
-		tag_p		: 'Normál',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formázott',
-		tag_address	: 'Címsor',
-		tag_h1		: 'Fejléc 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Fejléc 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Fejléc 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Fejléc 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Fejléc 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Fejléc 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Bekezdés (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Betűtípus',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Betűtípus',
-		panelTitle	: 'Betűtípus'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Méret',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Betűméret',
-		panelTitle	: 'Méret'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Betűszín',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Háttérszín',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatikus',
-		more			: 'További színek...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Fekete',
-		'800000' : 'Bordó',
-		'8B4513' : 'Barna',
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Sötét türkiz',
-		'008080' : 'Türkiz',
-		'000080' : 'Király kék',
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigó kék',
-		'696969' : 'Szürke',
-		'B22222' : 'Tégla vörös',
-		'A52A2A' : 'Vörös',
-		'DAA520' : 'Arany sárga',
-		'006400' : 'Sötét zöld',
-		'40E0D0' : 'Türkiz',
-		'0000CD' : 'Kék',
-		'800080' : 'Lila',
-		'808080' : 'Szürke',
-		'F00' : 'Piros',
-		'FF8C00' : 'Sötét narancs',
-		'FFD700' : 'Arany',
-		'008000' : 'Zöld',
-		'0FF' : 'Türkiz',
-		'00F' : 'Kék',
-		'EE82EE' : 'Rózsaszín',
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Sötét szürke',
-		'FFA07A' : 'Lazac',
-		'FFA500' : 'Narancs',
-		'FFFF00' : 'Citromsárga',
-		'00FF00' : 'Neon zöld',
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Világos türkiz',
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Világos kék',
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Világos lila',
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Világos szürke',
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush',
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Törtfehér',
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Világos sárga',
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Menta',
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azúr kék',
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Halvány kék',
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender',
-		'FFF' : 'Fehér'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Helyesírás ellenőrzés gépelés közben',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'SCAYT engedélyezése',
-		disable			: 'SCAYT letiltása',
-		about			: 'SCAYT névjegy',
-		toggle			: 'SCAYT kapcsolása',
-		options			: 'Beállítások',
-		langs			: 'Nyelvek',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'További javaslatok',
-		ignore			: 'Kihagy',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Összes kihagyása',
-		addWord			: 'Szó hozzáadása',
-		emptyDic		: 'A szótár nevét meg kell adni.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Beállítások',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Nyelvek',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Szótár',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'Névjegy'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'CKEditor névjegy',
-		dlgTitle	: 'CKEditor névjegy',
-		moreInfo	: 'Licenszelési információkért kérjük látogassa meg weboldalunkat:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Minden jog fenntartva.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Teljes méret',
-	minimize : 'Kis méret',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Horgony',
-		flash	: 'Flash animáció',
-		div		: 'Oldaltörés',
-		unknown	: 'Ismeretlen objektum'
-	},
-	resize : 'Húzza az átméretezéshez',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Válasszon színt',
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Nagyítás',
-		selected	: 'Kiválasztott',
-		clear		: 'Ürítés'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Hungarian language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'hu' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'HTML szerkesztő',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'Böngészés a szerveren',
+		url: 'Hivatkozás',
+		protocol: 'Protokoll',
+		upload: 'Feltöltés',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Küldés a szerverre',
+		image: 'Kép',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Å°rlap',
+		checkbox: 'Jelölőnégyzet',
+		radio: 'Választógomb',
+		textField: 'Szövegmező',
+		textarea: 'Szövegterület',
+		hiddenField: 'Rejtettmező',
+		button: 'Gomb',
+		select: 'Legördülő lista',
+		imageButton: 'Képgomb',
+		notSet: '<nincs beállítva>',
+		id: 'Azonosító',
+		name: 'Név',
+		langDir: 'Írás iránya',
+		langDirLtr: 'Balról jobbra',
+		langDirRtl: 'Jobbról balra',
+		langCode: 'Nyelv kódja',
+		longDescr: 'Részletes leírás webcíme',
+		cssClass: 'Stíluskészlet',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Súgócimke',
+		cssStyle: 'Stílus',
+		ok: 'Rendben',
+		cancel: 'Mégsem',
+		close: 'Bezárás',
+		preview: 'Előnézet',
+		resize: 'Húzza az átméretezéshez',
+		generalTab: 'Általános',
+		advancedTab: 'További opciók',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'A mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Minden nem mentett változás el fog veszni! Biztosan be szeretné tölteni az oldalt?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Az űrlap tartalma megváltozott, ám a változásokat nem rögzítette. Biztosan be szeretné zárni az űrlapot?',
+		options: 'Beállítások',
+		target: 'Cél',
+		targetNew: 'Új ablak (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Legfelső ablak (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Aktuális ablakban (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Szülő ablak (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Balról jobbra (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Jobbról balra (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Stílus',
+		cssClasses: 'Stíluslap osztály',
+		width: 'Szélesség',
+		height: 'Magasság',
+		align: 'Igazítás',
+		alignLeft: 'Bal',
+		alignRight: 'Jobbra',
+		alignCenter: 'Középre',
+		alignTop: 'Tetejére',
+		alignMiddle: 'Középre',
+		alignBottom: 'Aljára',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'A magasság mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
+		invalidWidth: 'A szélesség mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
+		invalidCssLength: '"%1"-hez megadott érték csakis egy pozitív szám lehet, esetleg egy érvényes CSS egységgel megjelölve(px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt vagy pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: '"%1"-hez megadott érték csakis egy pozitív szám lehet, esetleg egy érvényes HTML egységgel megjelölve(px vagy %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, nem elérhető</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/is.js
index 49883a8..8862534 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/is.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/is.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Icelandic language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['is'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Kóði',
-	newPage			: 'Ný síða',
-	save			: 'Vista',
-	preview			: 'Forskoða',
-	cut				: 'Klippa',
-	copy			: 'Afrita',
-	paste			: 'Líma',
-	print			: 'Prenta',
-	underline		: 'Undirstrikað',
-	bold			: 'Feitletrað',
-	italic			: 'Skáletrað',
-	selectAll		: 'Velja allt',
-	removeFormat	: 'Fjarlægja snið',
-	strike			: 'Yfirstrikað',
-	subscript		: 'Niðurskrifað',
-	superscript		: 'Uppskrifað',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Lóðrétt lína',
-	pagebreak		: 'Setja inn síðuskil',
-	unlink			: 'Fjarlægja stiklu',
-	undo			: 'Afturkalla',
-	redo			: 'Hætta við afturköllun',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Fletta í skjalasafni',
-		url				: 'Vefslóð',
-		protocol		: 'Samskiptastaðall',
-		upload			: 'Senda upp',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Hlaða upp',
-		image			: 'Setja inn mynd',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Setja inn innsláttarform',
-		checkbox		: 'Setja inn hökunarreit',
-		radio			: 'Setja inn valhnapp',
-		textField		: 'Setja inn textareit',
-		textarea		: 'Setja inn textasvæði',
-		hiddenField		: 'Setja inn falið svæði',
-		button			: 'Setja inn hnapp',
-		select			: 'Setja inn lista',
-		imageButton		: 'Setja inn myndahnapp',
-		notSet			: '<ekkert valið>',
-		id				: 'Auðkenni',
-		name			: 'Nafn',
-		langDir			: 'Lesstefna',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Frá vinstri til hægri (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Frá hægri til vinstri (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Tungumálakóði',
-		longDescr		: 'Nánari lýsing',
-		cssClass		: 'Stílsniðsflokkur',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Titill',
-		cssStyle		: 'Stíll',
-		ok				: 'Í lagi',
-		cancel			: 'Hætta við',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Almennt',
-		advancedTab		: 'Tæknilegt',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Setja inn merki',
-		title		: 'Velja tákn',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Stofna/breyta stiklu',
-		other 		: '<annar>',
-		menu		: 'Breyta stiklu',
-		title		: 'Stikla',
-		info		: 'Almennt',
-		target		: 'Mark',
-		upload		: 'Senda upp',
-		advanced	: 'Tæknilegt',
-		type		: 'Stikluflokkur',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Bókamerki á þessari síðu',
-		toEmail		: 'Netfang',
-		targetFrame		: '<rammi>',
-		targetPopup		: '<sprettigluggi>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Nafn markglugga',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Nafn sprettiglugga',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Eigindi sprettiglugga',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Stöðustika',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Fanglína',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Verkfærastika',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Vallína',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Heilskjár (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Skrunstikur',
-		popupDependent	: 'Háð venslum (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Breidd',
-		popupLeft		: 'Fjarlægð frá vinstri',
-		popupHeight		: 'Hæð',
-		popupTop		: 'Fjarlægð frá efri brún',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Lesstefna',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Frá vinstri til hægri (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Frá hægri til vinstri (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Skammvalshnappur',
-		name			: 'Nafn',
-		langCode		: 'Lesstefna',
-		tabIndex		: 'Raðnúmer innsláttarreits',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Titill',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Tegund innihalds',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stílsniðsflokkur',
-		charset			: 'Táknróf',
-		styles			: 'Stíll',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Veldu akkeri',
-		anchorName		: 'Eftir akkerisnafni',
-		anchorId		: 'Eftir auðkenni einingar',
-		emailAddress	: 'Netfang',
-		emailSubject	: 'Efni',
-		emailBody		: 'Meginmál',
-		noAnchors		: '<Engin bókamerki á skrá>',
-		noUrl			: 'Sláðu inn veffang stiklunnar!',
-		noEmail			: 'Sláðu inn netfang!'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Stofna/breyta kaflamerki',
-		menu		: 'Eigindi kaflamerkis',
-		title		: 'Eigindi kaflamerkis',
-		name		: 'Nafn bókamerkis',
-		errorName	: 'Sláðu inn nafn bókamerkis!'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Finna og skipta',
-		find				: 'Leita',
-		replace				: 'Skipta út',
-		findWhat			: 'Leita að:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Skipta út fyrir:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Leitartexti fannst ekki!',
-		matchCase			: 'Gera greinarmun á¡ há¡- og lágstöfum',
-		matchWord			: 'Aðeins heil orð',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Skipta út allsstaðar',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tafla',
-		title		: 'Eigindi töflu',
-		menu		: 'Eigindi töflu',
-		deleteTable	: 'Fella töflu',
-		rows		: 'Raðir',
-		columns		: 'Dálkar',
-		border		: 'Breidd ramma',
-		align		: 'Jöfnun',
-		alignLeft	: 'Vinstrijafnað',
-		alignCenter	: 'Miðjað',
-		alignRight	: 'Hægrijafnað',
-		width		: 'Breidd',
-		widthPx		: 'myndeindir',
-		widthPc		: 'prósent',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Hæð',
-		cellSpace	: 'Bil milli reita',
-		cellPad		: 'Reitaspássía',
-		caption		: 'Titill',
-		summary		: 'Áfram',
-		headers		: 'Fyrirsagnir',
-		headersNone		: 'Engar',
-		headersColumn	: 'Fyrsti dálkur',
-		headersRow		: 'Fyrsta röð',
-		headersBoth		: 'Hvort tveggja',
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Reitur',
-			insertBefore	: 'Skjóta inn reiti fyrir aftan',
-			insertAfter		: 'Skjóta inn reiti fyrir framan',
-			deleteCell		: 'Fella reit',
-			merge			: 'Sameina reiti',
-			mergeRight		: 'Sameina til hægri',
-			mergeDown		: 'Sameina niður á við',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Kljúfa reit lárétt',
-			splitVertical	: 'Kljúfa reit lóðrétt',
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Röð',
-			insertBefore	: 'Skjóta inn röð fyrir ofan',
-			insertAfter		: 'Skjóta inn röð fyrir neðan',
-			deleteRow		: 'Eyða röð'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Dálkur',
-			insertBefore	: 'Skjóta inn dálki vinstra megin',
-			insertAfter		: 'Skjóta inn dálki hægra megin',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Fella dálk'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eigindi hnapps',
-		text		: 'Texti',
-		type		: 'Gerð',
-		typeBtn		: 'Hnappur',
-		typeSbm		: 'Staðfesta',
-		typeRst		: 'Hreinsa'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Eigindi markreits',
-		radioTitle	: 'Eigindi valhnapps',
-		value		: 'Gildi',
-		selected	: 'Valið'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eigindi innsláttarforms',
-		menu		: 'Eigindi innsláttarforms',
-		action		: 'Aðgerð',
-		method		: 'Aðferð',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eigindi lista',
-		selectInfo	: 'Upplýsingar',
-		opAvail		: 'Kostir',
-		value		: 'Gildi',
-		size		: 'Stærð',
-		lines		: 'línur',
-		chkMulti	: 'Leyfa fleiri kosti',
-		opText		: 'Texti',
-		opValue		: 'Gildi',
-		btnAdd		: 'Bæta við',
-		btnModify	: 'Breyta',
-		btnUp		: 'Upp',
-		btnDown		: 'Niður',
-		btnSetValue : 'Merkja sem valið',
-		btnDelete	: 'Eyða'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eigindi textasvæðis',
-		cols		: 'Dálkar',
-		rows		: 'Línur'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eigindi textareits',
-		name		: 'Nafn',
-		value		: 'Gildi',
-		charWidth	: 'Breidd (leturtákn)',
-		maxChars	: 'Hámarksfjöldi leturtákna',
-		type		: 'Gerð',
-		typeText	: 'Texti',
-		typePass	: 'Lykilorð'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Eigindi falins svæðis',
-		name	: 'Nafn',
-		value	: 'Gildi'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eigindi myndar',
-		titleButton	: 'Eigindi myndahnapps',
-		menu		: 'Eigindi myndar',
-		infoTab		: 'Almennt',
-		btnUpload	: 'Hlaða upp',
-		upload		: 'Hlaða upp',
-		alt			: 'Baklægur texti',
-		width		: 'Breidd',
-		height		: 'Hæð',
-		lockRatio	: 'Festa stærðarhlutfall',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Reikna stærð',
-		border		: 'Rammi',
-		hSpace		: 'Vinstri bil',
-		vSpace		: 'Hægri bil',
-		align		: 'Jöfnun',
-		alignLeft	: 'Vinstri',
-		alignRight	: 'Hægri',
-		alertUrl	: 'Sláðu inn slóðina að myndinni',
-		linkTab		: 'Stikla',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Eigindi Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Eigindi Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Sjálfvirk spilun',
-		chkLoop			: 'Endurtekning',
-		chkMenu			: 'Sýna Flash-valmynd',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Skali',
-		scaleAll		: 'Sýna allt',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Án ramma',
-		scaleFit		: 'Fella skala að stærð',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Jöfnun',
-		alignLeft		: 'Vinstri',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs neðst',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs miðjuð',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Grunnlína',
-		alignBottom		: 'Neðst',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Miðjuð',
-		alignRight		: 'Hægri',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Efri brún texta',
-		alignTop		: 'Efst',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Bakgrunnslitur',
-		width			: 'Breidd',
-		height			: 'Hæð',
-		hSpace			: 'Vinstri bil',
-		vSpace			: 'Hægri bil',
-		validateSrc		: 'Sláðu inn veffang stiklunnar!',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Villuleit',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Ekki í orðabókinni',
-		changeTo		: 'Tillaga',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Hunsa',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Hunsa allt',
-		btnReplace		: 'Skipta',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Skipta öllu',
-		btnUndo			: 'Til baka',
-		noSuggestions	: '- engar tillögur -',
-		progress		: 'Villuleit í gangi...',
-		noMispell		: 'Villuleit lokið: Engin villa fannst',
-		noChanges		: 'Villuleit lokið: Engu orði breytt',
-		oneChange		: 'Villuleit lokið: Einu orði breytt',
-		manyChanges		: 'Villuleit lokið: %1 orðum breytt',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Villuleit ekki sett upp.<br>Viltu setja hana upp?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Svipur',
-		title	: 'Velja svip',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Númeraður listi',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Punktalisti',
-	indent			: 'Minnka inndrátt',
-	outdent			: 'Auka inndrátt',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Vinstrijöfnun',
-		center	: 'Miðja texta',
-		right	: 'Hægrijöfnun',
-		block	: 'Jafna báðum megin'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Inndráttur',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Líma',
-		cutError	: 'Öryggisstillingar vafrans þíns leyfa ekki klippingu texta með músaraðgerð. Notaðu lyklaborðið í klippa (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Öryggisstillingar vafrans þíns leyfa ekki afritun texta með músaraðgerð. Notaðu lyklaborðið í afrita (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Límdu í svæðið hér að neðan og (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) og smelltu á <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Vegna öryggisstillinga í vafranum þínum fær ritillinn ekki beinan aðgang að klippuborðinu. Þú verður að líma innihaldið aftur inn í þennan glugga.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Líma úr Word',
-		title			: 'Líma úr Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Líma sem ósniðinn texta',
-		title	: 'Líma sem ósniðinn texta'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Sniðmát',
-		title			: 'Innihaldssniðmát',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Skipta út raunverulegu innihaldi',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Veldu sniðmát til að opna í ritlinum.<br>(Núverandi innihald víkur fyrir því!):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Ekkert sniðmát er skilgreint!)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Sýna blokkir',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stílflokkur',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stílsnið',
-		panelTitle	: 'Stílsnið',
-		tag_p		: 'Venjulegt letur',
-		tag_pre		: 'Forsniðið',
-		tag_address	: 'Vistfang',
-		tag_h1		: 'Fyrirsögn 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Fyrirsögn 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Fyrirsögn 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Fyrirsögn 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Fyrirsögn 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Fyrirsögn 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Venjulegt (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Leturgerð ',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Leturgerð '
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Leturstærð ',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Leturstærð '
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Litur texta',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Bakgrunnslitur',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Sjálfval',
-		more			: 'Fleiri liti...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Icelandic language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'is' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'Fletta í skjalasafni',
+		url: 'Vefslóð',
+		protocol: 'Samskiptastaðall',
+		upload: 'Senda upp',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Hlaða upp',
+		image: 'Setja inn mynd',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Setja inn innsláttarform',
+		checkbox: 'Setja inn hökunarreit',
+		radio: 'Setja inn valhnapp',
+		textField: 'Setja inn textareit',
+		textarea: 'Setja inn textasvæði',
+		hiddenField: 'Setja inn falið svæði',
+		button: 'Setja inn hnapp',
+		select: 'Setja inn lista',
+		imageButton: 'Setja inn myndahnapp',
+		notSet: '<ekkert valið>',
+		id: 'Auðkenni',
+		name: 'Nafn',
+		langDir: 'Lesstefna',
+		langDirLtr: 'Frá vinstri til hægri (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Frá hægri til vinstri (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Tungumálakóði',
+		longDescr: 'Nánari lýsing',
+		cssClass: 'Stílsniðsflokkur',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Titill',
+		cssStyle: 'Stíll',
+		ok: 'Í lagi',
+		cancel: 'Hætta við',
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: 'Forskoða',
+		resize: 'Resize', // MISSING
+		generalTab: 'Almennt',
+		advancedTab: 'Tæknilegt',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
+		options: 'Options', // MISSING
+		target: 'Mark',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'Frá vinstri til hægri (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Frá hægri til vinstri (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Stíll',
+		cssClasses: 'Stílsniðsflokkur',
+		width: 'Breidd',
+		height: 'Hæð',
+		align: 'Jöfnun',
+		alignLeft: 'Vinstri',
+		alignRight: 'Hægri',
+		alignCenter: 'Miðjað',
+		alignTop: 'Efst',
+		alignMiddle: 'Miðjuð',
+		alignBottom: 'Neðst',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/it.js
index 1177a13..36e8f34 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/it.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/it.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Italian language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['it'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Codice Sorgente',
-	newPage			: 'Nuova pagina vuota',
-	save			: 'Salva',
-	preview			: 'Anteprima',
-	cut				: 'Taglia',
-	copy			: 'Copia',
-	paste			: 'Incolla',
-	print			: 'Stampa',
-	underline		: 'Sottolineato',
-	bold			: 'Grassetto',
-	italic			: 'Corsivo',
-	selectAll		: 'Seleziona tutto',
-	removeFormat	: 'Elimina formattazione',
-	strike			: 'Barrato',
-	subscript		: 'Pedice',
-	superscript		: 'Apice',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Inserisci riga orizzontale',
-	pagebreak		: 'Inserisci interruzione di pagina',
-	unlink			: 'Elimina collegamento',
-	undo			: 'Annulla',
-	redo			: 'Ripristina',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Cerca sul server',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protocollo',
-		upload			: 'Carica',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Invia al server',
-		image			: 'Immagine',
-		flash			: 'Oggetto Flash',
-		form			: 'Modulo',
-		checkbox		: 'Checkbox',
-		radio			: 'Radio Button',
-		textField		: 'Campo di testo',
-		textarea		: 'Area di testo',
-		hiddenField		: 'Campo nascosto',
-		button			: 'Bottone',
-		select			: 'Menu di selezione',
-		imageButton		: 'Bottone immagine',
-		notSet			: '<non impostato>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Nome',
-		langDir			: 'Direzione scrittura',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Da Sinistra a Destra (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Da Destra a Sinistra (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Codice Lingua',
-		longDescr		: 'URL descrizione estesa',
-		cssClass		: 'Nome classe CSS',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Titolo',
-		cssStyle		: 'Stile',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Annulla',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Generale',
-		advancedTab		: 'Avanzate',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Il valore inserito non è un numero.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Ogni modifica non salvata sarà persa. Sei sicuro di voler caricare una nuova pagina?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Alcune delle opzioni sono state cambiate. Sei sicuro di voler chiudere la finestra di dialogo?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, non disponibile</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Inserisci carattere speciale',
-		title		: 'Seleziona carattere speciale',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Inserisci/Modifica collegamento',
-		other 		: '<altro>',
-		menu		: 'Modifica collegamento',
-		title		: 'Collegamento',
-		info		: 'Informazioni collegamento',
-		target		: 'Destinazione',
-		upload		: 'Carica',
-		advanced	: 'Avanzate',
-		type		: 'Tipo di Collegamento',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Ancora nella pagina',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<riquadro>',
-		targetPopup		: '<finestra popup>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Nome del riquadro di destinazione',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Nome finestra popup',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Caratteristiche finestra popup',
-		popupResizable	: 'Ridimensionabile',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Barra di stato',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Barra degli indirizzi',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Barra degli strumenti',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Barra del menu',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'A tutto schermo (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Barre di scorrimento',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dipendente (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Larghezza',
-		popupLeft		: 'Posizione da sinistra',
-		popupHeight		: 'Altezza',
-		popupTop		: 'Posizione dall\'alto',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Direzione scrittura',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Da Sinistra a Destra (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Da Destra a Sinistra (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Scorciatoia<br />da tastiera',
-		name			: 'Nome',
-		langCode		: 'Direzione scrittura',
-		tabIndex		: 'Ordine di tabulazione',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Titolo',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Tipo della risorsa collegata',
-		cssClasses		: 'Nome classe CSS',
-		charset			: 'Set di caretteri della risorsa collegata',
-		styles			: 'Stile',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Scegli Ancora',
-		anchorName		: 'Per Nome',
-		anchorId		: 'Per id elemento',
-		emailAddress	: 'Indirizzo E-Mail',
-		emailSubject	: 'Oggetto del messaggio',
-		emailBody		: 'Corpo del messaggio',
-		noAnchors		: '(Nessuna ancora disponibile nel documento)',
-		noUrl			: 'Devi inserire l\'URL del collegamento',
-		noEmail			: 'Devi inserire un\'indirizzo e-mail'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Inserisci/Modifica Ancora',
-		menu		: 'Proprietà ancora',
-		title		: 'Proprietà ancora',
-		name		: 'Nome ancora',
-		errorName	: 'Inserici il nome dell\'ancora'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Cerca e Sostituisci',
-		find				: 'Trova',
-		replace				: 'Sostituisci',
-		findWhat			: 'Trova:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Sostituisci con:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'L\'elemento cercato non è stato trovato.',
-		matchCase			: 'Maiuscole/minuscole',
-		matchWord			: 'Solo parole intere',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Ricerca ciclica',
-		replaceAll			: 'Sostituisci tutto',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occorrenza(e) sostituite.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabella',
-		title		: 'Proprietà tabella',
-		menu		: 'Proprietà tabella',
-		deleteTable	: 'Cancella Tabella',
-		rows		: 'Righe',
-		columns		: 'Colonne',
-		border		: 'Dimensione bordo',
-		align		: 'Allineamento',
-		alignLeft	: 'Sinistra',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centrato',
-		alignRight	: 'Destra',
-		width		: 'Larghezza',
-		widthPx		: 'pixel',
-		widthPc		: 'percento',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Altezza',
-		cellSpace	: 'Spaziatura celle',
-		cellPad		: 'Padding celle',
-		caption		: 'Intestazione',
-		summary		: 'Indice',
-		headers		: 'Intestazione',
-		headersNone		: 'Nessuna',
-		headersColumn	: 'Prima Colonna',
-		headersRow		: 'Prima Riga',
-		headersBoth		: 'Entrambe',
-		invalidRows		: 'Il numero di righe dev\'essere un numero maggiore di 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Il numero di colonne dev\'essere un numero maggiore di 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'La dimensione del bordo dev\'essere un numero.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'La larghezza della tabella dev\'essere un numero.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'L\'altezza della tabella dev\'essere un numero.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'La spaziatura tra le celle dev\'essere un numero.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Il pagging delle celle dev\'essere un numero',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cella',
-			insertBefore	: 'Inserisci Cella Prima',
-			insertAfter		: 'Inserisci Cella Dopo',
-			deleteCell		: 'Elimina celle',
-			merge			: 'Unisce celle',
-			mergeRight		: 'Unisci a Destra',
-			mergeDown		: 'Unisci in Basso',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Dividi Cella Orizzontalmente',
-			splitVertical	: 'Dividi Cella Verticalmente',
-			title			: 'Proprietà della cella',
-			cellType		: 'Tipo di cella',
-			rowSpan			: 'Su più righe',
-			colSpan			: 'Su più colonne',
-			wordWrap		: 'Ritorno a capo',
-			hAlign			: 'Allineamento orizzontale',
-			vAlign			: 'Allineamento verticale',
-			alignTop		: 'In Alto',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Al Centro',
-			alignBottom		: 'In Basso',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Linea Base',
-			bgColor			: 'Colore di Sfondo',
-			borderColor		: 'Colore del Bordo',
-			data			: 'Dati',
-			header			: 'Intestazione',
-			yes				: 'Si',
-			no				: 'No',
-			invalidWidth	: 'La larghezza della cella dev\'essere un numero.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'L\'altezza della cella dev\'essere un numero.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Il numero di righe dev\'essere un numero intero.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Il numero di colonne dev\'essere un numero intero.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Riga',
-			insertBefore	: 'Inserisci Riga Prima',
-			insertAfter		: 'Inserisci Riga Dopo',
-			deleteRow		: 'Elimina righe'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Colonna',
-			insertBefore	: 'Inserisci Colonna Prima',
-			insertAfter		: 'Inserisci Colonna Dopo',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Elimina colonne'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Proprietà bottone',
-		text		: 'Testo (Value)',
-		type		: 'Tipo',
-		typeBtn		: 'Bottone',
-		typeSbm		: 'Invio',
-		typeRst		: 'Annulla'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Proprietà checkbox',
-		radioTitle	: 'Proprietà radio button',
-		value		: 'Valore',
-		selected	: 'Selezionato'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Proprietà modulo',
-		menu		: 'Proprietà modulo',
-		action		: 'Azione',
-		method		: 'Metodo',
-		encoding	: 'Codifica'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Proprietà menu di selezione',
-		selectInfo	: 'Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Opzioni disponibili',
-		value		: 'Valore',
-		size		: 'Dimensione',
-		lines		: 'righe',
-		chkMulti	: 'Permetti selezione multipla',
-		opText		: 'Testo',
-		opValue		: 'Valore',
-		btnAdd		: 'Aggiungi',
-		btnModify	: 'Modifica',
-		btnUp		: 'Su',
-		btnDown		: 'Gi',
-		btnSetValue : 'Imposta come predefinito',
-		btnDelete	: 'Rimuovi'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Proprietà area di testo',
-		cols		: 'Colonne',
-		rows		: 'Righe'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Proprietà campo di testo',
-		name		: 'Nome',
-		value		: 'Valore',
-		charWidth	: 'Larghezza',
-		maxChars	: 'Numero massimo di caratteri',
-		type		: 'Tipo',
-		typeText	: 'Testo',
-		typePass	: 'Password'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Proprietà campo nascosto',
-		name	: 'Nome',
-		value	: 'Valore'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Proprietà immagine',
-		titleButton	: 'Proprietà bottone immagine',
-		menu		: 'Proprietà immagine',
-		infoTab		: 'Informazioni immagine',
-		btnUpload	: 'Invia al server',
-		upload		: 'Carica',
-		alt			: 'Testo alternativo',
-		width		: 'Larghezza',
-		height		: 'Altezza',
-		lockRatio	: 'Blocca rapporto',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Reimposta dimensione',
-		border		: 'Bordo',
-		hSpace		: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace		: 'VSpace',
-		align		: 'Allineamento',
-		alignLeft	: 'Sinistra',
-		alignRight	: 'Destra',
-		alertUrl	: 'Devi inserire l\'URL per l\'immagine',
-		linkTab		: 'Collegamento',
-		button2Img	: 'Vuoi trasformare il bottone immagine selezionato in un\'immagine semplice?',
-		img2Button	: 'Vuoi trasferomare l\'immagine selezionata in un bottone immagine?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Proprietà Oggetto Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Proprietà',
-		title			: 'Proprietà Oggetto Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Avvio Automatico',
-		chkLoop			: 'Riavvio automatico',
-		chkMenu			: 'Abilita Menu di Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Permetti la modalità tutto schermo',
- 		scale			: 'Ridimensiona',
-		scaleAll		: 'Mostra Tutto',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Senza Bordo',
-		scaleFit		: 'Dimensione Esatta',
-		access			: 'Accesso Script',
-		accessAlways	: 'Sempre',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Solo stesso dominio',
-		accessNever		: 'Mai',
-		align			: 'Allineamento',
-		alignLeft		: 'Sinistra',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'In basso assoluto',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Centrato assoluto',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Linea base',
-		alignBottom		: 'In Basso',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Centrato',
-		alignRight		: 'Destra',
-		alignTextTop	: 'In alto al testo',
-		alignTop		: 'In Alto',
-		quality			: 'Qualità',
-		qualityBest		: 'Massima',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Alta',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Alta Automatica',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Intermedia',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Bassa Automatica',
-		qualityLow		: 'Bassa',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Finestra',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaca',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Trasparente',
-		windowMode		: 'Modalità finestra',
-		flashvars		: 'Variabili per Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Colore sfondo',
-		width			: 'Larghezza',
-		height			: 'Altezza',
-		hSpace			: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace			: 'VSpace',
-		validateSrc		: 'Devi inserire l\'URL del collegamento',
-		validateWidth	: 'La Larghezza dev\'essere un numero',
-		validateHeight	: 'L\'altezza dev\'essere un numero',
-		validateHSpace	: 'L\'HSpace dev\'essere un numero.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'Il VSpace dev\'essere un numero.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Correttore ortografico',
-		title			: 'Controllo ortografico',
-		notAvailable	: 'Il servizio non è momentaneamente disponibile.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Errore nel caricamento dell\'host col servizio applicativo: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Non nel dizionario',
-		changeTo		: 'Cambia in',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignora',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignora tutto',
-		btnReplace		: 'Cambia',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Cambia tutto',
-		btnUndo			: 'Annulla',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Nessun suggerimento -',
-		progress		: 'Controllo ortografico in corso',
-		noMispell		: 'Controllo ortografico completato: nessun errore trovato',
-		noChanges		: 'Controllo ortografico completato: nessuna parola cambiata',
-		oneChange		: 'Controllo ortografico completato: 1 parola cambiata',
-		manyChanges		: 'Controllo ortografico completato: %1 parole cambiate',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Contollo ortografico non installato. Lo vuoi scaricare ora?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Emoticon',
-		title	: 'Inserisci emoticon',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 elemento'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Elenco numerato',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Elenco puntato',
-	indent			: 'Aumenta rientro',
-	outdent			: 'Riduci rientro',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Allinea a sinistra',
-		center	: 'Centra',
-		right	: 'Allinea a destra',
-		block	: 'Giustifica'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Citazione',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Incolla',
-		cutError	: 'Le impostazioni di sicurezza del browser non permettono di tagliare automaticamente il testo. Usa la tastiera (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Le impostazioni di sicurezza del browser non permettono di copiare automaticamente il testo. Usa la tastiera (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Incolla il testo all\'interno dell\'area sottostante usando la scorciatoia di tastiere (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) e premi <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'A causa delle impostazioni di sicurezza del browser,l\'editor non è in grado di accedere direttamente agli appunti. E\' pertanto necessario incollarli di nuovo in questa finestra.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Il testo da incollare sembra provenire da Word. Desideri pulirlo prima di incollare?',
-		toolbar			: 'Incolla da Word',
-		title			: 'Incolla da Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Incolla come testo semplice',
-		title	: 'Incolla come testo semplice'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Modelli',
-		title			: 'Contenuto dei modelli',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Cancella il contenuto corrente',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Seleziona il modello da aprire nell\'editor<br />(il contenuto attuale verrà eliminato):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Nessun modello definito)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Visualizza Blocchi',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stile',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Stili per blocchi',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Stili in linea',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Stili per oggetti'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Formato',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formato',
-		tag_p		: 'Normale',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formattato',
-		tag_address	: 'Indirizzo',
-		tag_h1		: 'Titolo 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Titolo 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Titolo 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Titolo 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Titolo 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Titolo 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Paragrafo (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Font',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font',
-		panelTitle	: 'Font'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Dimensione',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Dimensione Font',
-		panelTitle	: 'Dimensione'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Colore testo',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Colore sfondo',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatico',
-		more			: 'Altri colori...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Controllo Ortografico Mentre Scrivi',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Abilita COMS',
-		disable			: 'Disabilita COMS',
-		about			: 'About COMS',
-		toggle			: 'Inverti abilitazione SCOMS',
-		options			: 'Opzioni',
-		langs			: 'Lingue',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Altri suggerimenti',
-		ignore			: 'Ignora',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignora tutti',
-		addWord			: 'Aggiungi Parola',
-		emptyDic		: 'Il nome del dizionario non può essere vuoto.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Opzioni',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Lingue',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dizionari',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'Per le informazioni sulla licenza si prega di visitare il nostro sito:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Tutti i diritti riservati.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Massimizza',
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Ancora',
-		flash	: 'Animazione Flash',
-		div		: 'Interruzione di Pagina',
-		unknown	: 'Oggetto sconosciuto'
-	},
-	resize : 'Trascina per ridimensionare',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Italian language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'it' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Premi ALT 0 per aiuto',
+		browseServer: 'Cerca sul server',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protocollo',
+		upload: 'Carica',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Invia al server',
+		image: 'Immagine',
+		flash: 'Oggetto Flash',
+		form: 'Modulo',
+		checkbox: 'Checkbox',
+		radio: 'Radio Button',
+		textField: 'Campo di testo',
+		textarea: 'Area di testo',
+		hiddenField: 'Campo nascosto',
+		button: 'Bottone',
+		select: 'Menu di selezione',
+		imageButton: 'Bottone immagine',
+		notSet: '<non impostato>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Nome',
+		langDir: 'Direzione scrittura',
+		langDirLtr: 'Da Sinistra a Destra (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Da Destra a Sinistra (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Codice Lingua',
+		longDescr: 'URL descrizione estesa',
+		cssClass: 'Nome classe CSS',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Titolo',
+		cssStyle: 'Stile',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Annulla',
+		close: 'Chiudi',
+		preview: 'Anteprima',
+		resize: 'Trascina per ridimensionare',
+		generalTab: 'Generale',
+		advancedTab: 'Avanzate',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Il valore inserito non è un numero.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Ogni modifica non salvata sarà persa. Sei sicuro di voler caricare una nuova pagina?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Alcune delle opzioni sono state cambiate. Sei sicuro di voler chiudere la finestra di dialogo?',
+		options: 'Opzioni',
+		target: 'Destinazione',
+		targetNew: 'Nuova finestra (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Finestra in primo piano (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Stessa finestra (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Finestra Padre (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Da sinistra a destra (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Da destra a sinistra (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Stile',
+		cssClasses: 'Classi di stile',
+		width: 'Larghezza',
+		height: 'Altezza',
+		align: 'Allineamento',
+		alignLeft: 'Sinistra',
+		alignRight: 'Destra',
+		alignCenter: 'Centrato',
+		alignTop: 'In Alto',
+		alignMiddle: 'Centrato',
+		alignBottom: 'In Basso',
+		invalidValue	: 'Valore non valido.',
+		invalidHeight: 'L\'altezza dev\'essere un numero',
+		invalidWidth: 'La Larghezza dev\'essere un numero',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Il valore indicato per il campo "%1" deve essere un numero positivo con o senza indicazione di una valida unità di misura per le classi CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, o pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Il valore indicato per il campo "%1" deve essere un numero positivo con o senza indicazione di una valida unità di misura per le pagine HTML (px o %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Il valore specificato per lo stile inline deve consistere in una o più tuple con il formato di "name : value", separati da semicolonne.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Inserisci un numero per il valore in pixel oppure un numero con una valida unità CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, ex, pt, o pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, non disponibile</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ja.js
index a006c8b..78eed72 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ja.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ja.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Japanese language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['ja'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'ソース',
-	newPage			: '新しいページ',
-	save			: '保存',
-	preview			: 'プレビュー',
-	cut				: '切り取り',
-	copy			: 'コピー',
-	paste			: '貼り付け',
-	print			: '印刷',
-	underline		: '下線',
-	bold			: '太字',
-	italic			: '斜体',
-	selectAll		: 'すべて選択',
-	removeFormat	: 'フォーマット削除',
-	strike			: '打ち消し線',
-	subscript		: '添え字',
-	superscript		: '上付き文字',
-	horizontalrule	: '横罫線',
-	pagebreak		: '改ページ挿入',
-	unlink			: 'リンク削除',
-	undo			: '元に戻す',
-	redo			: 'やり直し',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'サーバーブラウザー',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'プロトコル',
-		upload			: 'アップロード',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'サーバーに送信',
-		image			: 'イメージ',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'フォーム',
-		checkbox		: 'チェックボックス',
-		radio			: 'ラジオボタン',
-		textField		: '1行テキスト',
-		textarea		: 'テキストエリア',
-		hiddenField		: '不可視フィールド',
-		button			: 'ボタン',
-		select			: '選択フィールド',
-		imageButton		: '画像ボタン',
-		notSet			: '<なし>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Name属性',
-		langDir			: '文字表記の方向',
-		langDirLtr		: '左から右 (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: '右から左 (RTL)',
-		langCode		: '言語コード',
-		longDescr		: 'longdesc属性(長文説明)',
-		cssClass		: 'スタイルシートクラス',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Title属性',
-		cssStyle		: 'スタイルシート',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'キャンセル',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: '全般',
-		advancedTab		: '高度な設定',
-		validateNumberFailed : '値が数ではありません',
-		confirmNewPage	: '変更内容を保存せず、 新しいページを開いてもよろしいでしょうか?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'オプション設定を変更しました。ダイアログを閉じてもよろしいでしょうか?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, 利用不可能</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: '特殊文字挿入',
-		title		: '特殊文字選択',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'リンク挿入/編集',
-		other 		: '<その他の>',
-		menu		: 'リンク編集',
-		title		: 'ハイパーリンク',
-		info		: 'ハイパーリンク 情報',
-		target		: 'ターゲット',
-		upload		: 'アップロード',
-		advanced	: '高度な設定',
-		type		: 'リンクタイプ',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'このページのアンカー',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<フレーム>',
-		targetPopup		: '<ポップアップウィンドウ>',
-		targetFrameName	: '目的のフレーム名',
-		targetPopupName	: 'ポップアップウィンドウ名',
-		popupFeatures	: 'ポップアップウィンドウ特徴',
-		popupResizable	: 'サイズ可変',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'ステータスバー',
-		popupLocationBar: 'ロケーションバー',
-		popupToolbar	: 'ツールバー',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'メニューバー',
-		popupFullScreen	: '全画面モード(IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'スクロールバー',
-		popupDependent	: '開いたウィンドウに連動して閉じる (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'å¹…',
-		popupLeft		: '左端からの座標で指定',
-		popupHeight		: '高さ',
-		popupTop		: '上端からの座標で指定',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: '文字表記の方向',
-		langDirLTR		: '左から右 (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: '右から左 (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'アクセスキー',
-		name			: 'Name属性',
-		langCode		: '文字表記の方向',
-		tabIndex		: 'タブインデックス',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Title属性',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Content Type属性',
-		cssClasses		: 'スタイルシートクラス',
-		charset			: 'リンクcharset属性',
-		styles			: 'スタイルシート',
-		selectAnchor	: 'アンカーを選択',
-		anchorName		: 'アンカー名',
-		anchorId		: 'エレメントID',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-Mail アドレス',
-		emailSubject	: '件名',
-		emailBody		: '本文',
-		noAnchors		: '(ドキュメントにおいて利用可能なアンカーはありません。)',
-		noUrl			: 'リンクURLを入力してください。',
-		noEmail			: 'メールアドレスを入力してください。'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'アンカー挿入/編集',
-		menu		: 'アンカー プロパティ',
-		title		: 'アンカー プロパティ',
-		name		: 'アンカー名',
-		errorName	: 'アンカー名を必ず入力してください。'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: '検索して置換',
-		find				: '検索',
-		replace				: '置き換え',
-		findWhat			: '検索する文字列:',
-		replaceWith			: '置換えする文字列:',
-		notFoundMsg			: '指定された文字列は見つかりませんでした。',
-		matchCase			: '大文字と小文字を区別する',
-		matchWord			: '単語単位で探す',
-		matchCyclic			: '一周する',
-		replaceAll			: 'すべて置換え',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 個置換しました。'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'テーブル',
-		title		: 'テーブル プロパティ',
-		menu		: 'テーブル プロパティ',
-		deleteTable	: 'テーブル削除',
-		rows		: '行',
-		columns		: '列',
-		border		: 'ボーダーサイズ',
-		align		: 'テーブルの整列',
-		alignLeft	: 'å·¦',
-		alignCenter	: '中央',
-		alignRight	: '右',
-		width		: 'å¹…',
-		widthPx		: 'ピクセル',
-		widthPc		: 'パーセント',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: '高さ',
-		cellSpace	: 'セル内余白',
-		cellPad		: 'セル内間隔',
-		caption		: 'キャプション',
-		summary		: 'テーブルの概要',
-		headers		: 'テーブルヘッダ(th)',
-		headersNone		: 'なし',
-		headersColumn	: '初めの列のみ',
-		headersRow		: '初めの行のみ',
-		headersBoth		: '両方',
-		invalidRows		: '行は0より大きな数値で入力してください。',
-		invalidCols		: '列は0より大きな数値で入力してください。',
-		invalidBorder	: 'ボーダーサイズは数値で入力してください。',
-		invalidWidth	: '幅は数値で入力してください。',
-		invalidHeight	: '高さは数値で入力してください。',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'セル内余白は数値で入力してください。',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'セル内間隔は数値で入力してください。',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'セル',
-			insertBefore	: 'セルの前に挿入',
-			insertAfter		: 'セルの後に挿入',
-			deleteCell		: 'セル削除',
-			merge			: 'セル結合',
-			mergeRight		: '右に結合',
-			mergeDown		: '下に結合',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'セルを水平方向分割',
-			splitVertical	: 'セルを垂直方向に分割',
-			title			: 'セルプロパティ',
-			cellType		: 'セルタイプ',
-			rowSpan			: '縦幅(行数)',
-			colSpan			: '横幅(列数)',
-			wordWrap		: '折り返し',
-			hAlign			: 'セル横の整列',
-			vAlign			: 'セル縦の整列',
-			alignTop		: '上',
-			alignMiddle		: '中央',
-			alignBottom		: '下',
-			alignBaseline	: 'ベースライン',
-			bgColor			: '背景色',
-			borderColor		: 'ボーダーカラー',
-			data			: 'テーブルデータ(td)',
-			header			: 'テーブルヘッダ(th)',
-			yes				: 'Yes',
-			no				: 'No',
-			invalidWidth	: 'セル幅は数値で入力してください。',
-			invalidHeight	: 'セル高さは数値で入力してください。',
-			invalidRowSpan	: '縦幅(行数)は数値で入力してください。',
-			invalidColSpan	: '横幅(列数)は数値で入力してください。',
-			chooseColor		: '色の選択'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: '行',
-			insertBefore	: '行の前に挿入',
-			insertAfter		: '行の後に挿入',
-			deleteRow		: '行削除'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'カラム',
-			insertBefore	: 'カラムの前に挿入',
-			insertAfter		: 'カラムの後に挿入',
-			deleteColumn	: '列削除'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'ボタン プロパティ',
-		text		: 'テキスト (値)',
-		type		: 'タイプ',
-		typeBtn		: 'ボタン',
-		typeSbm		: '送信',
-		typeRst		: 'リセット'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'チェックボックス プロパティ',
-		radioTitle	: 'ラジオボタン プロパティ',
-		value		: '値',
-		selected	: '選択済み'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'フォーム プロパティ',
-		menu		: 'フォーム プロパティ',
-		action		: 'アクション',
-		method		: 'メソッド',
-		encoding	: 'エンコーディング'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: '選択フィールド プロパティ',
-		selectInfo	: '情報',
-		opAvail		: '利用可能なオプション',
-		value		: '選択項目値',
-		size		: 'サイズ',
-		lines		: '行',
-		chkMulti	: '複数項目選択を許可',
-		opText		: '選択項目名',
-		opValue		: '値',
-		btnAdd		: '追加',
-		btnModify	: '編集',
-		btnUp		: '上へ',
-		btnDown		: '下へ',
-		btnSetValue : '選択した値を設定',
-		btnDelete	: '削除'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'テキストエリア プロパティ',
-		cols		: '列',
-		rows		: '行'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: '1行テキスト プロパティ',
-		name		: '名前',
-		value		: '値',
-		charWidth	: 'サイズ',
-		maxChars	: '最大長',
-		type		: 'タイプ',
-		typeText	: 'テキスト',
-		typePass	: 'パスワード入力'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: '不可視フィールド プロパティ',
-		name	: '名前',
-		value	: '値'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'イメージ プロパティ',
-		titleButton	: '画像ボタン プロパティ',
-		menu		: 'イメージ プロパティ',
-		infoTab		: 'イメージ 情報',
-		btnUpload	: 'サーバーに送信',
-		upload		: 'アップロード',
-		alt			: '代替テキスト',
-		width		: 'å¹…',
-		height		: '高さ',
-		lockRatio	: 'ロック比率',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'サイズリセット',
-		border		: 'ボーダー',
-		hSpace		: '横間隔',
-		vSpace		: '縦間隔',
-		align		: '行揃え',
-		alignLeft	: 'å·¦',
-		alignRight	: '右',
-		alertUrl	: 'イメージのURLを入力してください。',
-		linkTab		: 'リンク',
-		button2Img	: '選択したボタンを画像に置き換えますか?',
-		img2Button	: '選択した画像をボタンに置き換えますか?',
-		urlMissing	: 'イメージのURLを入力してください。',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash プロパティ',
-		propertiesTab	: 'プロパティ',
-		title			: 'Flash プロパティ',
-		chkPlay			: '再生',
-		chkLoop			: 'ループ再生',
-		chkMenu			: 'Flashメニュー可能',
-		chkFull			: 'フルスクリーン許可',
- 		scale			: '拡大縮小設定',
-		scaleAll		: 'すべて表示',
-		scaleNoBorder	: '外が見えない様に拡大',
-		scaleFit		: '上下左右にフィット',
-		access			: 'スプリクトアクセス(AllowScriptAccess)',
-		accessAlways	: 'すべての場合に通信可能(Always)',
-		accessSameDomain: '同一ドメインのみに通信可能(Same domain)',
-		accessNever		: 'すべての場合に通信不可能(Never)',
-		align			: '行揃え',
-		alignLeft		: 'å·¦',
-		alignAbsBottom	: '下部(絶対的)',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: '中央(絶対的)',
-		alignBaseline	: 'ベースライン',
-		alignBottom		: '下',
-		alignMiddle		: '中央',
-		alignRight		: '右',
-		alignTextTop	: 'テキスト上部',
-		alignTop		: '上',
-		quality			: '画質',
-		qualityBest		: '品質優先',
-		qualityHigh		: '高',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: '自動/高',
-		qualityMedium	: '中',
-		qualityAutoLow	: '自動/低',
-		qualityLow		: '低',
-		windowModeWindow: '標準',
-		windowModeOpaque: '背景を不透明設定',
-		windowModeTransparent : '背景を透過設定',
-		windowMode		: 'ウィンドウモード',
-		flashvars		: 'フラッシュに渡す変数(FlashVars)',
-		bgcolor			: '背景色',
-		width			: 'å¹…',
-		height			: '高さ',
-		hSpace			: '横間隔',
-		vSpace			: '縦間隔',
-		validateSrc		: 'リンクURLを入力してください。',
-		validateWidth	: '幅は数値で入力してください。',
-		validateHeight	: '高さは数値で入力してください。',
-		validateHSpace	: '横間隔は数値で入力してください。',
-		validateVSpace	: '縦間隔は数値で入力してください。'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'スペルチェック',
-		title			: 'スペルチェック',
-		notAvailable	: '申し訳ありません、現在サービスを利用することができません',
-		errorLoading	: 'アプリケーションサービスホスト読込みエラー: %s.',
-		notInDic		: '辞書にありません',
-		changeTo		: '変更',
-		btnIgnore		: '無視',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'すべて無視',
-		btnReplace		: '置換',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'すべて置換',
-		btnUndo			: 'やり直し',
-		noSuggestions	: '- 該当なし -',
-		progress		: 'スペルチェック処理中...',
-		noMispell		: 'スペルチェック完了: スペルの誤りはありませんでした',
-		noChanges		: 'スペルチェック完了: 語句は変更されませんでした',
-		oneChange		: 'スペルチェック完了: 1語句変更されました',
-		manyChanges		: 'スペルチェック完了: %1 語句変更されました',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'スペルチェッカーがインストールされていません。今すぐダウンロードしますか?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: '絵文字',
-		title	: '顔文字挿入',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 エレメント'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: '段落番号',
-	bulletedlist	: '箇条書き',
-	indent			: 'インデント',
-	outdent			: 'インデント解除',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: '左揃え',
-		center	: '中央揃え',
-		right	: '右揃え',
-		block	: '両端揃え'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'ブロック引用',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: '貼り付け',
-		cutError	: 'ブラウザーのセキュリティ設定によりエディタの切り取り操作が自動で実行することができません。実行するには手動でキーボードの(Ctrl/Cmd+X)を使用してください。',
-		copyError	: 'ブラウザーのセキュリティ設定によりエディタのコピー操作が自動で実行することができません。実行するには手動でキーボードの(Ctrl/Cmd+C)を使用してください。',
-		pasteMsg	: 'キーボード(<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>)を使用して、次の入力エリア内で貼って、<STRONG>OK</STRONG>を押してください。',
-		securityMsg	: 'ブラウザのセキュリティ設定により、エディタはクリップボード・データに直接アクセスすることができません。このウィンドウは貼り付け操作を行う度に表示されます。',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: '貼り付けを行うテキストは、ワード文章からコピーされようとしています。貼り付ける前にクリーニングを行いますか?',
-		toolbar			: 'ワード文章から貼り付け',
-		title			: 'ワード文章から貼り付け',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'プレーンテキスト貼り付け',
-		title	: 'プレーンテキスト貼り付け'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'テンプレート(雛形)',
-		title			: 'テンプレート内容',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: '現在のエディタの内容と置換えをします',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'エディターで使用するテンプレートを選択してください。<br>(現在のエディタの内容は失われます):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(テンプレートが定義されていません)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'ブロック表示',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'スタイル',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'ブロックスタイル',
-		panelTitle2	: 'インラインスタイル',
-		panelTitle3	: 'オブジェクトスタイル'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'フォーマット',
-		panelTitle	: 'フォーマット',
-		tag_p		: '標準',
-		tag_pre		: '書式付き',
-		tag_address	: 'アドレス',
-		tag_h1		: '見出し 1',
-		tag_h2		: '見出し 2',
-		tag_h3		: '見出し 3',
-		tag_h4		: '見出し 4',
-		tag_h5		: '見出し 5',
-		tag_h6		: '見出し 6',
-		tag_div		: '標準 (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'フォント',
-		voiceLabel	: 'フォント',
-		panelTitle	: 'フォント'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'サイズ',
-		voiceLabel	: 'フォントサイズ',
-		panelTitle	: 'サイズ'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'テキスト色',
-		bgColorTitle	: '背景色',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: '自動',
-		more			: 'その他の色...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'スペルチェック設定(SCAYT)',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'SCAYT有効',
-		disable			: 'SCAYT無効',
-		about			: 'SCAYTバージョン',
-		toggle			: 'SCAYT切替',
-		options			: 'オプション',
-		langs			: '言語',
-		moreSuggestions	: '他の候補',
-		ignore			: '無視',
-		ignoreAll		: 'すべて無視',
-		addWord			: '語句追加',
-		emptyDic		: '辞書名は必ず入力してください',
-		optionsTab		: 'オプション',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: '言語',
-		dictionariesTab	: '辞書',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'バージョン情報'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'CKEditorバージョン情報',
-		dlgTitle	: 'CKEditorバージョン情報',
-		moreInfo	: 'ライセンス情報の詳細はウェブサイトにて確認してください:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'
-	},
-	maximize : '最大化',
-	minimize : '最小化',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'アンカー',
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation',
-		div		: 'Page Break',
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object'
-	},
-	resize : 'ドラッグしてリサイズ',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: '色選択',
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'ハイライト',
-		selected	: '選択された色',
-		clear		: 'クリア'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'ツールバーを閉じる',
-	toolbarExpand	: 'ツールバーを開く',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Japanese language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'ja' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'リッチテキストエディタ',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'ヘルプは ALT 0 を押してください',
+		browseServer: 'サーバーブラウザー',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'プロトコル',
+		upload: 'アップロード',
+		uploadSubmit: 'サーバーに送信',
+		image: 'イメージ',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'フォーム',
+		checkbox: 'チェックボックス',
+		radio: 'ラジオボタン',
+		textField: '1行テキスト',
+		textarea: 'テキストエリア',
+		hiddenField: '不可視フィールド',
+		button: 'ボタン',
+		select: '選択フィールド',
+		imageButton: '画像ボタン',
+		notSet: '<なし>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Name属性',
+		langDir: '文字表記の方向',
+		langDirLtr: '左から右 (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: '右から左 (RTL)',
+		langCode: '言語コード',
+		longDescr: 'longdesc属性(長文説明)',
+		cssClass: 'スタイルシートクラス',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Title属性',
+		cssStyle: 'スタイルシート',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'キャンセル',
+		close: '閉じる',
+		preview: 'プレビュー',
+		resize: 'ドラッグしてリサイズ',
+		generalTab: '全般',
+		advancedTab: '高度な設定',
+		validateNumberFailed: '値が数ではありません',
+		confirmNewPage: '変更内容を保存せず、 新しいページを開いてもよろしいでしょうか?',
+		confirmCancel: 'オプション設定を変更しました。ダイアログを閉じてもよろしいでしょうか?',
+		options: 'オプション',
+		target: 'ターゲット',
+		targetNew: '新しいウィンドウ (_空白)',
+		targetTop: '最上部ウィンドウ (_トップ)',
+		targetSelf: '同じウィンドウ (_同一)',
+		targetParent: '親ウィンドウ (_親)',
+		langDirLTR: '左から右 (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: '右から左 (RTL)',
+		styles: 'スタイル',
+		cssClasses: 'スタイルシートクラス',
+		width: 'å¹…',
+		height: '高さ',
+		align: '行揃え',
+		alignLeft: 'å·¦',
+		alignRight: '右',
+		alignCenter: '中央',
+		alignTop: '上',
+		alignMiddle: '中央',
+		alignBottom: '下',
+		invalidValue	: '不正な値です。',
+		invalidHeight: '高さは数値で入力してください。',
+		invalidWidth: '幅は数値で入力してください。',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'ピクセル数もしくはCSSにセットできる数値を入力してください。(px,%,in,cm,mm,em,ex,pt,or pc)',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, 利用不可能</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fba7d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the Georgian
+ *		language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'ka' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'ტექსტის რედაქტორი',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'დააჭირეთ ALT 0-ს დახმარების მისაღებად',
+		browseServer: 'სერვერზე დათვალიერება',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'პროტოკოლი',
+		upload: 'ატვირთვა',
+		uploadSubmit: 'სერვერზე გაგზავნა',
+		image: 'სურათი',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'ფორმა',
+		checkbox: 'მონიშვნის ღილაკი',
+		radio: 'ამორჩევის ღილაკი',
+		textField: 'ტექსტური ველი',
+		textarea: 'ტექსტური არე',
+		hiddenField: 'მალული ველი',
+		button: 'ღილაკი',
+		select: 'არჩევის ველი',
+		imageButton: 'სურათიანი ღილაკი',
+		notSet: '<არაფერი>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'სახელი',
+		langDir: 'ენის მიმართულება',
+		langDirLtr: 'მარცხნიდან მარჯვნივ (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'მარჯვნიდან მარცხნივ (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'ენის კოდი',
+		longDescr: 'დიდი აღწერის URL',
+		cssClass: 'CSS კლასი',
+		advisoryTitle: 'სათაური',
+		cssStyle: 'CSS სტილი',
+		ok: 'დიახ',
+		cancel: 'გაუქმება',
+		close: 'დახურვა',
+		preview: 'გადახედვა',
+		resize: 'გაწიე ზომის შესაცვლელად',
+		generalTab: 'ინფორმაცია',
+		advancedTab: 'გაფართოებული',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'ეს მნიშვნელობა არაა რიცხვი.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'ამ დოკუმენტში ყველა ჩაუწერელი ცვლილება დაიკარგება. დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ ახალი გვერდის ჩატვირთვა გინდათ?',
+		confirmCancel: 'ზოგიერთი პარამეტრი შეცვლილია, დარწმუნებულილ ხართ რომ ფანჯრის დახურვა გსურთ?',
+		options: 'პარამეტრები',
+		target: 'გახსნის ადგილი',
+		targetNew: 'ახალი ფანჯარა (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'ზედა ფანჯარა (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'იგივე ფანჯარა (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'მშობელი ფანჯარა (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'მარცხნიდან მარჯვნივ (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'მარჯვნიდან მარცხნივ (RTL)',
+		styles: 'სტილი',
+		cssClasses: 'CSS კლასი',
+		width: 'სიგანე',
+		height: 'სიმაღლე',
+		align: 'სწორება',
+		alignLeft: 'მარცხენა',
+		alignRight: 'მარჯვენა',
+		alignCenter: 'შუა',
+		alignTop: 'ზემოთა',
+		alignMiddle: 'შუა',
+		alignBottom: 'ქვემოთა',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'სიმაღლე რიცხვით უნდა იყოს წარმოდგენილი.',
+		invalidWidth: 'სიგანე რიცხვით უნდა იყოს წარმოდგენილი.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, მიუწვდომელია</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/km.js
index d0c2afa..46e2d64 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/km.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/km.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Khmer language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['km'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'កូត',
-	newPage			: 'ទំព័រថ្មី',
-	save			: 'រក្សាទុក',
-	preview			: 'មើលសាកល្បង',
-	cut				: 'កាត់យក',
-	copy			: 'ចំលងយក',
-	paste			: 'ចំលងដាក់',
-	print			: 'បោះពុម្ភ',
-	underline		: 'ដិតបន្ទាត់ពីក្រោមអក្សរ',
-	bold			: 'អក្សរដិតធំ',
-	italic			: 'អក្សរផ្តេក',
-	selectAll		: 'ជ្រើសរើសទាំងអស់',
-	removeFormat	: 'លប់ចោល ការរចនា',
-	strike			: 'ដិតបន្ទាត់ពាក់កណ្តាលអក្សរ',
-	subscript		: 'អក្សរតូចក្រោម',
-	superscript		: 'អក្សរតូចលើ',
-	horizontalrule	: 'បន្ថែមបន្ទាត់ផ្តេក',
-	pagebreak		: 'បន្ថែម ការផ្តាច់ទំព័រ',
-	unlink			: 'លប់ឈ្នាប់',
-	undo			: 'សារឡើងវិញ',
-	redo			: 'ធ្វើឡើងវិញ',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'មើល',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'ប្រូតូកូល',
-		upload			: 'ទាញយក',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'បញ្ជូនទៅកាន់ម៉ាស៊ីនផ្តល់សេវា',
-		image			: 'រូបភាព',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'បែបបទ',
-		checkbox		: 'ប្រអប់ជ្រើសរើស',
-		radio			: 'ប៉ូតុនរង្វង់មូល',
-		textField		: 'ជួរសរសេរអត្ថបទ',
-		textarea		: 'តំបន់សរសេរអត្ថបទ',
-		hiddenField		: 'ជួរលាក់',
-		button			: 'ប៉ូតុន',
-		select			: 'ជួរជ្រើសរើស',
-		imageButton		: 'ប៉ូតុនរូបភាព',
-		notSet			: '<មិនមែន>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'ឈ្មោះ',
-		langDir			: 'ទិសដៅភាសា',
-		langDirLtr		: 'ពីឆ្វេងទៅស្តាំ(LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'ពីស្តាំទៅឆ្វេង(RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'លេខកូតភាសា',
-		longDescr		: 'អធិប្បាយ URL វែង',
-		cssClass		: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'ចំណងជើង ប្រឹក្សា',
-		cssStyle		: 'ម៉ូត',
-		ok				: 'យល់ព្រម',
-		cancel			: 'មិនយល់ព្រម',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'កំរិតខ្ពស់',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'បន្ថែមអក្សរពិសេស',
-		title		: 'តូអក្សរពិសេស',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'បន្ថែម/កែប្រែ ឈ្នាប់',
-		other 		: '<other>', // MISSING
-		menu		: 'កែប្រែឈ្នាប់',
-		title		: 'ឈ្នាប់',
-		info		: 'ពត៌មានអំពីឈ្នាប់',
-		target		: 'គោលដៅ',
-		upload		: 'ទាញយក',
-		advanced	: 'កំរិតខ្ពស់',
-		type		: 'ប្រភេទឈ្នាប់',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'យុថ្កានៅក្នុងទំព័រនេះ',
-		toEmail		: 'អ៊ីមែល',
-		targetFrame		: '<ហ្វ្រេម>',
-		targetPopup		: '<វីនដូវ លោត>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'ឈ្មោះហ្រ្វេមដែលជាគោលដៅ',
-		targetPopupName	: 'ឈ្មោះវីនដូវលោត',
-		popupFeatures	: 'លក្ខណះរបស់វីនដូលលោត',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'របា ពត៌មាន',
-		popupLocationBar: 'របា ទីតាំង',
-		popupToolbar	: 'របា ឩបករណ៍',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'របា មឺនុយ',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'អេក្រុងពេញ(IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'របា ទាញ',
-		popupDependent	: 'អាស្រ័យលើ (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'ទទឹង',
-		popupLeft		: 'ទីតាំងខាងឆ្វេង',
-		popupHeight		: 'កំពស់',
-		popupTop		: 'ទីតាំងខាងលើ',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'ទិសដៅភាសា',
-		langDirLTR		: 'ពីឆ្វេងទៅស្តាំ(LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'ពីស្តាំទៅឆ្វេង(RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'ឃី សំរាប់ចូល',
-		name			: 'ឈ្មោះ',
-		langCode		: 'ទិសដៅភាសា',
-		tabIndex		: 'លេខ Tab',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'ចំណងជើង ប្រឹក្សា',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'ប្រភេទអត្ថបទ ប្រឹក្សា',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		charset			: 'លេខកូតអក្សររបស់ឈ្នាប់',
-		styles			: 'ម៉ូត',
-		selectAnchor	: 'ជ្រើសរើសយុថ្កា',
-		anchorName		: 'តាមឈ្មោះរបស់យុថ្កា',
-		anchorId		: 'តាម Id',
-		emailAddress	: 'អ៊ីមែល',
-		emailSubject	: 'ចំណងជើងអត្ថបទ',
-		emailBody		: 'អត្ថបទ',
-		noAnchors		: '(No anchors available in the document)', // MISSING
-		noUrl			: 'សូមសរសេរ អាស័យដ្ឋាន URL',
-		noEmail			: 'សូមសរសេរ អាស័យដ្ឋាន អ៊ីមែល'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'បន្ថែម/កែប្រែ យុថ្កា',
-		menu		: 'ការកំណត់យុថ្កា',
-		title		: 'ការកំណត់យុថ្កា',
-		name		: 'ឈ្មោះយុទ្ធថ្កា',
-		errorName	: 'សូមសរសេរ ឈ្មោះយុទ្ធថ្កា'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace', // MISSING
-		find				: 'ស្វែងរក',
-		replace				: 'ជំនួស',
-		findWhat			: 'ស្វែងរកអ្វី:',
-		replaceWith			: 'ជំនួសជាមួយ:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'ពាក្យនេះ រកមិនឃើញទេ ។',
-		matchCase			: 'ករណ៉ត្រូវរក',
-		matchWord			: 'ត្រូវពាក្យទាំងអស់',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'ជំនួសទាំងអស់',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'តារាង',
-		title		: 'ការកំណត់ តារាង',
-		menu		: 'ការកំណត់ តារាង',
-		deleteTable	: 'លប់តារាង',
-		rows		: 'ជួរផ្តេក',
-		columns		: 'ជួរឈរ',
-		border		: 'ទំហំស៊ុម',
-		align		: 'ការកំណត់ទីតាំង',
-		alignLeft	: 'ខាងឆ្វេង',
-		alignCenter	: 'កណ្តាល',
-		alignRight	: 'ខាងស្តាំ',
-		width		: 'ទទឹង',
-		widthPx		: 'ភីកសែល',
-		widthPc		: 'ភាគរយ',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'កំពស់',
-		cellSpace	: 'គំលាតសែល',
-		cellPad		: 'គែមសែល',
-		caption		: 'ចំណងជើង',
-		summary		: 'សេចក្តីសង្ខេប',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cell', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After', // MISSING
-			deleteCell		: 'លប់សែល',
-			merge			: 'បញ្ជូលសែល',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right', // MISSING
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down', // MISSING
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally', // MISSING
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically', // MISSING
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Row', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After', // MISSING
-			deleteRow		: 'លប់ជួរផ្តេក'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Column', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After', // MISSING
-			deleteColumn	: 'លប់ជួរឈរ'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'ការកំណត់ ប៉ូតុន',
-		text		: 'អត្ថបទ(តំលៃ)',
-		type		: 'ប្រភេទ',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button', // MISSING
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit', // MISSING
-		typeRst		: 'Reset' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'ការកំណត់ប្រអប់ជ្រើសរើស',
-		radioTitle	: 'ការកំណត់ប៉ូតុនរង្វង់',
-		value		: 'តំលៃ',
-		selected	: 'បានជ្រើសរើស'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'ការកំណត់បែបបទ',
-		menu		: 'ការកំណត់បែបបទ',
-		action		: 'សកម្មភាព',
-		method		: 'វិធី',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'ការកំណត់ជួរជ្រើសរើស',
-		selectInfo	: 'ពត៌មាន',
-		opAvail		: 'ការកំណត់ជ្រើសរើស ដែលអាចកំណត់បាន',
-		value		: 'តំលៃ',
-		size		: 'ទំហំ',
-		lines		: 'បន្ទាត់',
-		chkMulti	: 'អនុញ្ញាតអោយជ្រើសរើសច្រើន',
-		opText		: 'ពាក្យ',
-		opValue		: 'តំលៃ',
-		btnAdd		: 'បន្ថែម',
-		btnModify	: 'ផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',
-		btnUp		: 'លើ',
-		btnDown		: 'ក្រោម',
-		btnSetValue : 'Set as selected value', // MISSING
-		btnDelete	: 'លប់'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'ការកំណត់កន្លែងសរសេរអត្ថបទ',
-		cols		: 'ជូរឈរ',
-		rows		: 'ជូរផ្តេក'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'ការកំណត់ជួរអត្ថបទ',
-		name		: 'ឈ្មោះ',
-		value		: 'តំលៃ',
-		charWidth	: 'ទទឹង អក្សរ',
-		maxChars	: 'អក្សរអតិបរិមា',
-		type		: 'ប្រភេទ',
-		typeText	: 'ពាក្យ',
-		typePass	: 'ពាក្យសំងាត់'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'ការកំណត់ជួរលាក់',
-		name	: 'ឈ្មោះ',
-		value	: 'តំលៃ'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'ការកំណត់រូបភាព',
-		titleButton	: 'ការកំណត់ប៉ូតុនរូបភាព',
-		menu		: 'ការកំណត់រូបភាព',
-		infoTab		: 'ពត៌មានអំពីរូបភាព',
-		btnUpload	: 'បញ្ជូនទៅកាន់ម៉ាស៊ីនផ្តល់សេវា',
-		upload		: 'ទាញយក',
-		alt			: 'អត្ថបទជំនួស',
-		width		: 'ទទឹង',
-		height		: 'កំពស់',
-		lockRatio	: 'អត្រាឡុក',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'កំណត់ទំហំឡើងវិញ',
-		border		: 'ស៊ុម',
-		hSpace		: 'គំលាតទទឹង',
-		vSpace		: 'គំលាតបណ្តោយ',
-		align		: 'កំណត់ទីតាំង',
-		alignLeft	: 'ខាងឆ្វង',
-		alignRight	: 'ខាងស្តាំ',
-		alertUrl	: 'សូមសរសេរងាស័យដ្ឋានរបស់រូបភាព',
-		linkTab		: 'ឈ្នាប់',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'ការកំណត់ Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'ការកំណត់ Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'លេងដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្ត',
-		chkLoop			: 'ចំនួនដង',
-		chkMenu			: 'បង្ហាញ មឺនុយរបស់ Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'ទំហំ',
-		scaleAll		: 'បង្ហាញទាំងអស់',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'មិនបង្ហាញស៊ុម',
-		scaleFit		: 'ត្រូវល្មម',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'កំណត់ទីតាំង',
-		alignLeft		: 'ខាងឆ្វង',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs Bottom', // MISSING
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs Middle', // MISSING
-		alignBaseline	: 'បន្ទាត់ជាមូលដ្ឋាន',
-		alignBottom		: 'ខាងក្រោម',
-		alignMiddle		: 'កណ្តាល',
-		alignRight		: 'ខាងស្តាំ',
-		alignTextTop	: 'លើអត្ថបទ',
-		alignTop		: 'ខាងលើ',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'ពណ៌ផ្ទៃខាងក្រោយ',
-		width			: 'ទទឹង',
-		height			: 'កំពស់',
-		hSpace			: 'គំលាតទទឹង',
-		vSpace			: 'គំលាតបណ្តោយ',
-		validateSrc		: 'សូមសរសេរ អាស័យដ្ឋាន URL',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'ពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'គ្មានក្នុងវចនានុក្រម',
-		changeTo		: 'ផ្លាស់ប្តូរទៅ',
-		btnIgnore		: 'មិនផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'មិនផ្លាស់ប្តូរ ទាំងអស់',
-		btnReplace		: 'ជំនួស',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'ជំនួសទាំងអស់',
-		btnUndo			: 'សារឡើងវិញ',
-		noSuggestions	: '- គ្មានសំណើរ -',
-		progress		: 'កំពុងពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ...',
-		noMispell		: 'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: គ្មានកំហុស',
-		noChanges		: 'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: ពុំមានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',
-		oneChange		: 'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: ពាក្យមួយត្រូចបានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',
-		manyChanges		: 'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: %1 ពាក្យបានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'ពុំមានកម្មវិធីពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ ។ តើចង់ទាញយកពីណា?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'រូបភាព',
-		title	: 'បញ្ជូលរូបភាព',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'បញ្ជីជាអក្សរ',
-	bulletedlist	: 'បញ្ជីជារង្វង់មូល',
-	indent			: 'បន្ថែមការចូលបន្ទាត់',
-	outdent			: 'បន្ថយការចូលបន្ទាត់',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'តំរឹមឆ្វេង',
-		center	: 'តំរឹមកណ្តាល',
-		right	: 'តំរឹមស្តាំ',
-		block	: 'តំរឹមសងខាង'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'ចំលងដាក់',
-		cutError	: 'ការកំណត់សុវត្ថភាពរបស់កម្មវិធីរុករករបស់លោកអ្នក នេះ\u200bមិនអាចធ្វើកម្មវិធីតាក់តែងអត្ថបទ កាត់អត្ថបទយកដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តបានឡើយ ។ សូមប្រើប្រាស់បន្សំ ឃីដូចនេះ  (Ctrl/Cmd+X) ។',
-		copyError	: 'ការកំណត់សុវត្ថភាពរបស់កម្មវិធីរុករករបស់លោកអ្នក នេះ\u200bមិនអាចធ្វើកម្មវិធីតាក់តែងអត្ថបទ ចំលងអត្ថបទយកដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តបានឡើយ ។ សូមប្រើប្រាស់បន្សំ ឃីដូចនេះ (Ctrl/Cmd+C)។',
-		pasteMsg	: 'សូមចំលងអត្ថបទទៅដាក់ក្នុងប្រអប់ដូចខាងក្រោមដោយប្រើប្រាស់ ឃី \u200b(<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) ហើយចុច <STRONG>OK</STRONG> ។',
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'ចំលងដាក់ពី Word',
-		title			: 'ចំលងដាក់ពី Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'ចំលងដាក់អត្ថបទធម្មតា',
-		title	: 'ចំលងដាក់អត្ថបទធម្មតា'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'ឯកសារគំរូ',
-		title			: 'ឯកសារគំរូ របស់អត្ថន័យ',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'សូមជ្រើសរើសឯកសារគំរូ ដើម្បីបើកនៅក្នុងកម្មវិធីតាក់តែងអត្ថបទ<br>(អត្ថបទនឹងបាត់បង់):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(ពុំមានឯកសារគំរូត្រូវបានកំណត់)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'ម៉ូត',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'រចនា',
-		panelTitle	: 'រចនា',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatted',
-		tag_address	: 'Address',
-		tag_h1		: 'Heading 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Heading 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Heading 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Heading 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Heading 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Heading 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'ហ្វុង',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'ហ្វុង'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'ទំហំ',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'ទំហំ'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'ពណ៌អក្សរ',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'ពណ៌ផ្ទៃខាងក្រោយ',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'ស្វ័យប្រវត្ត',
-		more			: 'ពណ៌ផ្សេងទៀត..'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Khmer language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'km' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'មើល',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'ប្រូតូកូល',
+		upload: 'ទាញយក',
+		uploadSubmit: 'បញ្ជូនទៅកាន់ម៉ាស៊ីនផ្តល់សេវា',
+		image: 'រូបភាព',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'បែបបទ',
+		checkbox: 'ប្រអប់ជ្រើសរើស',
+		radio: 'ប៉ូតុនរង្វង់មូល',
+		textField: 'ជួរសរសេរអត្ថបទ',
+		textarea: 'តំបន់សរសេរអត្ថបទ',
+		hiddenField: 'ជួរលាក់',
+		button: 'ប៉ូតុន',
+		select: 'ជួរជ្រើសរើស',
+		imageButton: 'ប៉ូតុនរូបភាព',
+		notSet: '<មិនមែន>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'ឈ្មោះ',
+		langDir: 'ទិសដៅភាសា',
+		langDirLtr: 'ពីឆ្វេងទៅស្តាំ(LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'ពីស្តាំទៅឆ្វេង(RTL)',
+		langCode: 'លេខកូតភាសា',
+		longDescr: 'អធិប្បាយ URL វែង',
+		cssClass: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		advisoryTitle: 'ចំណងជើង ប្រឹក្សា',
+		cssStyle: 'ម៉ូត',
+		ok: 'យល់ព្រម',
+		cancel: 'មិនយល់ព្រម',
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: 'មើលសាកល្បង',
+		resize: 'Resize', // MISSING
+		generalTab: 'General', // MISSING
+		advancedTab: 'កំរិតខ្ពស់',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
+		options: 'Options', // MISSING
+		target: 'គោលដៅ',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'ពីឆ្វេងទៅស្តាំ(LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'ពីស្តាំទៅឆ្វេង(RTL)',
+		styles: 'ម៉ូត',
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		width: 'ទទឹង',
+		height: 'កំពស់',
+		align: 'កំណត់ទីតាំង',
+		alignLeft: 'ខាងឆ្វង',
+		alignRight: 'ខាងស្តាំ',
+		alignCenter: 'កណ្តាល',
+		alignTop: 'ខាងលើ',
+		alignMiddle: 'កណ្តាល',
+		alignBottom: 'ខាងក្រោម',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ko.js
index 07bbf80..9a251e5 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ko.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ko.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Korean language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['ko'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: '소스',
-	newPage			: '새 문서',
-	save			: '저장하기',
-	preview			: '미리보기',
-	cut				: '잘라내기',
-	copy			: '복사하기',
-	paste			: '붙여넣기',
-	print			: '인쇄하기',
-	underline		: '밑줄',
-	bold			: '진하게',
-	italic			: '이텔릭',
-	selectAll		: '전체선택',
-	removeFormat	: '포맷 지우기',
-	strike			: '취소선',
-	subscript		: '아래 첨자',
-	superscript		: '위 첨자',
-	horizontalrule	: '수평선 삽입',
-	pagebreak		: 'Insert Page Break for Printing', // MISSING
-	unlink			: '링크 삭제',
-	undo			: '취소',
-	redo			: '재실행',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: '서버 보기',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: '프로토콜',
-		upload			: '업로드',
-		uploadSubmit	: '서버로 전송',
-		image			: '이미지',
-		flash			: '플래쉬',
-		form			: '폼',
-		checkbox		: '체크박스',
-		radio			: '라디오버튼',
-		textField		: '입력필드',
-		textarea		: '입력영역',
-		hiddenField		: '숨김필드',
-		button			: '버튼',
-		select			: '펼침목록',
-		imageButton		: '이미지버튼',
-		notSet			: '<설정되지 않음>',
-		id				: 'ID',
-		name			: 'Name',
-		langDir			: '쓰기 방향',
-		langDirLtr		: '왼쪽에서 오른쪽 (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: '오른쪽에서 왼쪽 (RTL)',
-		langCode		: '언어 코드',
-		longDescr		: 'URL 설명',
-		cssClass		: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory Title',
-		cssStyle		: 'Style',
-		ok				: '예',
-		cancel			: '아니오',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: '자세히',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: '특수문자 삽입',
-		title		: '특수문자 선택',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: '링크 삽입/변경',
-		other 		: '<기타>',
-		menu		: '링크 수정',
-		title		: '링크',
-		info		: '링크 정보',
-		target		: '타겟',
-		upload		: '업로드',
-		advanced	: '자세히',
-		type		: '링크 종류',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: '책갈피',
-		toEmail		: '이메일',
-		targetFrame		: '<프레임>',
-		targetPopup		: '<팝업창>',
-		targetFrameName	: '타겟 프레임 이름',
-		targetPopupName	: '팝업창 이름',
-		popupFeatures	: '팝업창 설정',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: '상태바',
-		popupLocationBar: '주소표시줄',
-		popupToolbar	: '툴바',
-		popupMenuBar	: '메뉴바',
-		popupFullScreen	: '전체화면 (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: '스크롤바',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dependent (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: '너비',
-		popupLeft		: '왼쪽 위치',
-		popupHeight		: '높이',
-		popupTop		: '윗쪽 위치',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: '쓰기 방향',
-		langDirLTR		: '왼쪽에서 오른쪽 (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: '오른쪽에서 왼쪽 (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: '엑세스 키',
-		name			: 'Name',
-		langCode		: '쓰기 방향',
-		tabIndex		: '탭 순서',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory Title',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Advisory Content Type',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes',
-		charset			: 'Linked Resource Charset',
-		styles			: 'Style',
-		selectAnchor	: '책갈피 선택',
-		anchorName		: '책갈피 이름',
-		anchorId		: '책갈피 ID',
-		emailAddress	: '이메일 주소',
-		emailSubject	: '제목',
-		emailBody		: 'ë‚´ìš©',
-		noAnchors		: '(문서에 책갈피가 없습니다.)',
-		noUrl			: '링크 URL을 입력하십시요.',
-		noEmail			: '이메일주소를 입력하십시요.'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: '책갈피 삽입/변경',
-		menu		: '책갈피 속성',
-		title		: '책갈피 속성',
-		name		: '책갈피 이름',
-		errorName	: '책갈피 이름을 입력하십시요.'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: '찾기 & 바꾸기',
-		find				: '찾기',
-		replace				: '바꾸기',
-		findWhat			: '찾을 문자열:',
-		replaceWith			: '바꿀 문자열:',
-		notFoundMsg			: '문자열을 찾을 수 없습니다.',
-		matchCase			: '대소문자 구분',
-		matchWord			: '온전한 단어',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: '모두 바꾸기',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: '표',
-		title		: '표 설정',
-		menu		: '표 설정',
-		deleteTable	: '표 삭제',
-		rows		: '가로줄',
-		columns		: '세로줄',
-		border		: '테두리 크기',
-		align		: 'ì •ë ¬',
-		alignLeft	: '왼쪽',
-		alignCenter	: '가운데',
-		alignRight	: '오른쪽',
-		width		: '너비',
-		widthPx		: '픽셀',
-		widthPc		: '퍼센트',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: '높이',
-		cellSpace	: '셀 간격',
-		cellPad		: '셀 여백',
-		caption		: '캡션',
-		summary		: 'Summary', // MISSING
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: '셀/칸(Cell)',
-			insertBefore	: '앞에 셀/칸 삽입',
-			insertAfter		: '뒤에 셀/칸 삽입',
-			deleteCell		: '셀 삭제',
-			merge			: '셀 합치기',
-			mergeRight		: '오른쪽 뭉치기',
-			mergeDown		: '왼쪽 뭉치기',
-			splitHorizontal	: '수평 나누기',
-			splitVertical	: '수직 나누기',
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'í–‰(Row)',
-			insertBefore	: '앞에 행 삽입',
-			insertAfter		: '뒤에 행 삽입',
-			deleteRow		: '가로줄 삭제'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'ì—´(Column)',
-			insertBefore	: '앞에 열 삽입',
-			insertAfter		: '뒤에 열 삽입',
-			deleteColumn	: '세로줄 삭제'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: '버튼 속성',
-		text		: '버튼글자(값)',
-		type		: '버튼종류',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button', // MISSING
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit', // MISSING
-		typeRst		: 'Reset' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : '체크박스 속성',
-		radioTitle	: '라디오버튼 속성',
-		value		: 'ê°’',
-		selected	: '선택됨'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: '폼 속성',
-		menu		: '폼 속성',
-		action		: '실행경로(Action)',
-		method		: '방법(Method)',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: '펼침목록 속성',
-		selectInfo	: 'ì •ë³´',
-		opAvail		: '선택옵션',
-		value		: 'ê°’',
-		size		: '세로크기',
-		lines		: '줄',
-		chkMulti	: '여러항목 선택 허용',
-		opText		: '이름',
-		opValue		: 'ê°’',
-		btnAdd		: '추가',
-		btnModify	: '변경',
-		btnUp		: '위로',
-		btnDown		: '아래로',
-		btnSetValue : '선택된것으로 설정',
-		btnDelete	: '삭제'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: '입력영역 속성',
-		cols		: '칸수',
-		rows		: '줄수'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: '입력필드 속성',
-		name		: '이름',
-		value		: 'ê°’',
-		charWidth	: '글자 너비',
-		maxChars	: '최대 글자수',
-		type		: '종류',
-		typeText	: '문자열',
-		typePass	: '비밀번호'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: '숨김필드 속성',
-		name	: '이름',
-		value	: 'ê°’'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: '이미지 설정',
-		titleButton	: '이미지버튼 속성',
-		menu		: '이미지 설정',
-		infoTab		: '이미지 정보',
-		btnUpload	: '서버로 전송',
-		upload		: '업로드',
-		alt			: '이미지 설명',
-		width		: '너비',
-		height		: '높이',
-		lockRatio	: '비율 유지',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: '원래 크기로',
-		border		: '테두리',
-		hSpace		: '수평여백',
-		vSpace		: '수직여백',
-		align		: 'ì •ë ¬',
-		alignLeft	: '왼쪽',
-		alignRight	: '오른쪽',
-		alertUrl	: '이미지 URL을 입력하십시요',
-		linkTab		: '링크',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: '플래쉬 속성',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: '플래쉬 등록정보',
-		chkPlay			: '자동재생',
-		chkLoop			: '반복',
-		chkMenu			: '플래쉬메뉴 가능',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: '영역',
-		scaleAll		: '모두보기',
-		scaleNoBorder	: '경계선없음',
-		scaleFit		: '영역자동조절',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'ì •ë ¬',
-		alignLeft		: '왼쪽',
-		alignAbsBottom	: '줄아래(Abs Bottom)',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: '줄중간(Abs Middle)',
-		alignBaseline	: '기준선',
-		alignBottom		: '아래',
-		alignMiddle		: '중간',
-		alignRight		: '오른쪽',
-		alignTextTop	: '글자상단',
-		alignTop		: '위',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: '배경 색상',
-		width			: '너비',
-		height			: '높이',
-		hSpace			: '수평여백',
-		vSpace			: '수직여백',
-		validateSrc		: '링크 URL을 입력하십시요.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: '철자검사',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: '사전에 없는 단어',
-		changeTo		: '변경할 단어',
-		btnIgnore		: '건너뜀',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: '모두 건너뜀',
-		btnReplace		: '변경',
-		btnReplaceAll	: '모두 변경',
-		btnUndo			: '취소',
-		noSuggestions	: '- 추천단어 없음 -',
-		progress		: '철자검사를 진행중입니다...',
-		noMispell		: '철자검사 완료: 잘못된 철자가 없습니다.',
-		noChanges		: '철자검사 완료: 변경된 단어가 없습니다.',
-		oneChange		: '철자검사 완료: 단어가 변경되었습니다.',
-		manyChanges		: '철자검사 완료: %1 단어가 변경되었습니다.',
-		ieSpellDownload	: '철자 검사기가 철치되지 않았습니다. 지금 다운로드하시겠습니까?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: '아이콘',
-		title	: '아이콘 삽입',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: '순서있는 목록',
-	bulletedlist	: '순서없는 목록',
-	indent			: '들여쓰기',
-	outdent			: '내어쓰기',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: '왼쪽 정렬',
-		center	: '가운데 정렬',
-		right	: '오른쪽 정렬',
-		block	: '양쪽 맞춤'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: '붙여넣기',
-		cutError	: '브라우저의 보안설정때문에 잘라내기 기능을 실행할 수 없습니다. 키보드 명령을 사용하십시요. (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: '브라우저의 보안설정때문에 복사하기 기능을 실행할 수 없습니다. 키보드 명령을 사용하십시요.  (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: '키보드의 (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) 를 이용해서 상자안에 붙여넣고 <STRONG>OK</STRONG> 를 누르세요.',
-		securityMsg	: '브러우저 보안 설정으로 인해, 클립보드의 자료를 직접 접근할 수 없습니다. 이 창에 다시 붙여넣기 하십시오.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'MS Word 형식에서 붙여넣기',
-		title			: 'MS Word 형식에서 붙여넣기',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: '텍스트로 붙여넣기',
-		title	: '텍스트로 붙여넣기'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: '템플릿',
-		title			: '내용 템플릿',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: '현재 내용 바꾸기',
-		selectPromptMsg	: '에디터에서 사용할 템플릿을 선택하십시요.<br>(지금까지 작성된 내용은 사라집니다.):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(템플릿이 없습니다.)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: '스타일',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: '포맷',
-		panelTitle	: '포맷',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatted',
-		tag_address	: 'Address',
-		tag_h1		: 'Heading 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Heading 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Heading 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Heading 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Heading 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Heading 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)' // MISSING
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: '폰트',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: '폰트'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: '글자 크기',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: '글자 크기'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: '글자 색상',
-		bgColorTitle	: '배경 색상',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: '기본색상',
-		more			: '색상선택...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Korean language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'ko' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: '서버 보기',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: '프로토콜',
+		upload: '업로드',
+		uploadSubmit: '서버로 전송',
+		image: '이미지',
+		flash: '플래쉬',
+		form: '폼',
+		checkbox: '체크박스',
+		radio: '라디오버튼',
+		textField: '입력필드',
+		textarea: '입력영역',
+		hiddenField: '숨김필드',
+		button: '버튼',
+		select: '펼침목록',
+		imageButton: '이미지버튼',
+		notSet: '<설정되지 않음>',
+		id: 'ID',
+		name: 'Name',
+		langDir: '쓰기 방향',
+		langDirLtr: '왼쪽에서 오른쪽 (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: '오른쪽에서 왼쪽 (RTL)',
+		langCode: '언어 코드',
+		longDescr: 'URL 설명',
+		cssClass: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Advisory Title',
+		cssStyle: 'Style',
+		ok: '예',
+		cancel: '아니오',
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: '미리보기',
+		resize: 'Resize', // MISSING
+		generalTab: 'General', // MISSING
+		advancedTab: '자세히',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
+		options: 'Options', // MISSING
+		target: '타겟',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: '왼쪽에서 오른쪽 (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: '오른쪽에서 왼쪽 (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Style',
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		width: '너비',
+		height: '높이',
+		align: 'ì •ë ¬',
+		alignLeft: '왼쪽',
+		alignRight: '오른쪽',
+		alignCenter: '가운데',
+		alignTop: '위',
+		alignMiddle: '중간',
+		alignBottom: '아래',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25935d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+* @fileOverview 
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'ku' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'rtl',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'سەرنووسەی دەقی بەپیت',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'کلیکی ALT له‌گه‌ڵ 0 بکه‌ بۆ یارمه‌تی',
+		browseServer: 'هێنانی ڕاژە',
+		url: 'ناونیشانی بەستەر',
+		protocol: 'پڕۆتۆکۆڵ',
+		upload: 'بارکردن',
+		uploadSubmit: 'ناردنی بۆ ڕاژە',
+		image: 'ÙˆÛŽÙ†Û•',
+		flash: 'فلاش',
+		form: 'داڕشتە',
+		checkbox: 'خانەی نیشانکردن',
+		radio: 'جێگرەوەی دوگمە',
+		textField: 'خانەی دەق',
+		textarea: 'ڕووبەری دەق',
+		hiddenField: 'شاردنەوی خانە',
+		button: 'دوگمە',
+		select: 'هەڵبژاردەی خانە',
+		imageButton: 'دوگمەی وێنە',
+		notSet: '<هیچ دانەدراوە>',
+		id: 'ناسنامە',
+		name: 'ناو',
+		langDir: 'ئاراستەی زمان',
+		langDirLtr: 'چەپ بۆ ڕاست (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'ڕاست بۆ چەپ (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'هێمای زمان',
+		longDescr: 'پێناسەی درێژی بەستەر',
+		cssClass: 'شێوازی چینی په‌ڕە',
+		advisoryTitle: 'ڕاوێژکاری سەردێڕ',
+		cssStyle: 'شێواز',
+		ok: 'باشە',
+		cancel: 'هەڵوەشاندن',
+		close: 'داخستن',
+		preview: 'پێشبینین',
+		resize: 'گۆڕینی ئەندازە',
+		generalTab: 'گشتی',
+		advancedTab: 'په‌ره‌سه‌ندوو',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'ئەم نرخە ژمارە نیه، تکایە نرخێکی ژمارە بنووسە.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'سەرجەم گۆڕانکاریەکان و پێکهاتەکانی ناوەووە لەدەست دەدەی گەر بێتوو پاشکەوتی نەکەی یەکەم جار، تۆ هەر دڵنیایی لەکردنەوەی پەنجەرەکی نوێ؟',
+		confirmCancel: 'هەندێك هەڵبژاردە گۆڕدراوە. تۆ دڵنیایی له‌داخستنی ئەم دیالۆگە؟',
+		options: 'هەڵبژاردە',
+		target: 'ئامانج',
+		targetNew: 'پەنجەرەیه‌کی نوێ (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'لووتکەی پەنجەرە (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'لەهەمان پەنجەرە (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'پەنجەرەی باوان (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'چەپ بۆ ڕاست (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'ڕاست بۆ چەپ (RTL)',
+		styles: 'شێواز',
+		cssClasses: 'شێوازی چینی پەڕە',
+		width: 'پانی',
+		height: 'درێژی',
+		align: 'ڕێککەرەوە',
+		alignLeft: 'Ú†Û•Ù¾',
+		alignRight: 'ڕاست',
+		alignCenter: 'ناوەڕاست',
+		alignTop: 'سەرەوە',
+		alignMiddle: 'ناوەند',
+		alignBottom: 'ژێرەوە',
+		invalidValue	: 'نرخێکی نادرووست.',
+		invalidHeight: 'درێژی دەبێت ژمارە بێت.',
+		invalidWidth: 'پانی دەبێت ژمارە بێت.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'ئەم نرخەی دراوە بۆ خانەی "%1" دەبێت ژمارەکی درووست بێت یان بێ ناونیشانی ئامرازی (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, یان pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'ئەم نرخەی دراوە بۆ خانەی "%1" دەبێت ژمارەکی درووست بێت یان بێ ناونیشانی ئامرازی HTML (px یان %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'دانه‌ی نرخی شێوازی ناوهێڵ ده‌بێت پێکهاتبێت له‌یه‌ك یان زیاتری داڕشته‌ "ناو : نرخ", جیاکردنه‌وه‌ی به‌فاریزه‌وخاڵ',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'ژماره‌یه‌ك بنووسه‌ بۆ نرخی piksel یان ئامرازێکی درووستی CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, یان pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, ئامادە نیە</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/lt.js
index b2e21e7..262816c 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/lt.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/lt.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Lithuanian language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['lt'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Å altinis',
-	newPage			: 'Naujas puslapis',
-	save			: 'IÅ¡saugoti',
-	preview			: 'Peržiūra',
-	cut				: 'IÅ¡kirpti',
-	copy			: 'Kopijuoti',
-	paste			: 'Įdėti',
-	print			: 'Spausdinti',
-	underline		: 'Pabrauktas',
-	bold			: 'Pusjuodis',
-	italic			: 'Kursyvas',
-	selectAll		: 'Pažymėti viską',
-	removeFormat	: 'Panaikinti formatÄ…',
-	strike			: 'Perbrauktas',
-	subscript		: 'Apatinis indeksas',
-	superscript		: 'Viršutinis indeksas',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Įterpti horizontalią liniją',
-	pagebreak		: 'Įterpti puslapių skirtuką',
-	unlink			: 'Panaikinti nuorodÄ…',
-	undo			: 'Atšaukti',
-	redo			: 'Atstatyti',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Naršyti po serverį',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokolas',
-		upload			: 'Siųsti',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Siųsti į serverį',
-		image			: 'Vaizdas',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Forma',
-		checkbox		: 'Žymimasis langelis',
-		radio			: 'Žymimoji akutė',
-		textField		: 'Teksto laukas',
-		textarea		: 'Teksto sritis',
-		hiddenField		: 'Nerodomas laukas',
-		button			: 'Mygtukas',
-		select			: 'Atrankos laukas',
-		imageButton		: 'Vaizdinis mygtukas',
-		notSet			: '<nÄ—ra nustatyta>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Vardas',
-		langDir			: 'Teksto kryptis',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Iš kairės į dešinę (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Iš dešinės į kairę (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Kalbos kodas',
-		longDescr		: 'Ilgas aprašymas URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Stilių lentelės klasės',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Konsultacinė antraštė',
-		cssStyle		: 'Stilius',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Nutraukti',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Bendros savybÄ—s',
-		advancedTab		: 'Papildomas',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Įterpti specialų simbolį',
-		title		: 'Pasirinkite specialų simbolį',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Įterpti/taisyti nuorodą',
-		other 		: '<kitas>',
-		menu		: 'Taisyti nuorodÄ…',
-		title		: 'Nuoroda',
-		info		: 'Nuorodos informacija',
-		target		: 'Paskirties vieta',
-		upload		: 'Siųsti',
-		advanced	: 'Papildomas',
-		type		: 'Nuorodos tipas',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Žymė šiame puslapyje',
-		toEmail		: 'El.paštas',
-		targetFrame		: '<kadras>',
-		targetPopup		: '<išskleidžiamas langas>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Paskirties kadro vardas',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Paskirties lango vardas',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Išskleidžiamo lango savybės',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'BÅ«senos juosta',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Adreso juosta',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Mygtukų juosta',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Meniu juosta',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Visas ekranas (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Slinkties juostos',
-		popupDependent	: 'Priklausomas (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Plotis',
-		popupLeft		: 'KairÄ— pozicija',
-		popupHeight		: 'Aukštis',
-		popupTop		: 'Viršutinė pozicija',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Teksto kryptis',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Iš kairės į dešinę (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Iš dešinės į kairę (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Prieigos raktas',
-		name			: 'Vardas',
-		langCode		: 'Teksto kryptis',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tabuliavimo indeksas',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Konsultacinė antraštė',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Konsultacinio turinio tipas',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stilių lentelės klasės',
-		charset			: 'Susietų išteklių simbolių lentelė',
-		styles			: 'Stilius',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Pasirinkite žymę',
-		anchorName		: 'Pagal žymės vardą',
-		anchorId		: 'Pagal žymės Id',
-		emailAddress	: 'El.pašto adresas',
-		emailSubject	: 'Žinutės tema',
-		emailBody		: 'Žinutės turinys',
-		noAnchors		: '(Šiame dokumente žymių nėra)',
-		noUrl			: 'Prašome įvesti nuorodos URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Prašome įvesti el.pašto adresą'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Įterpti/modifikuoti žymę',
-		menu		: 'Žymės savybės',
-		title		: 'Žymės savybės',
-		name		: 'Žymės vardas',
-		errorName	: 'Prašome įvesti žymės vardą'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Surasti ir pakeisti',
-		find				: 'Rasti',
-		replace				: 'Pakeisti',
-		findWhat			: 'Surasti tekstÄ…:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Pakeisti tekstu:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Nurodytas tekstas nerastas.',
-		matchCase			: 'Skirti didžiąsias ir mažąsias raides',
-		matchWord			: 'Atitikti pilną žodį',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Pakeisti viskÄ…',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'LentelÄ—',
-		title		: 'LentelÄ—s savybÄ—s',
-		menu		: 'LentelÄ—s savybÄ—s',
-		deleteTable	: 'Å alinti lentelÄ™',
-		rows		: 'EilutÄ—s',
-		columns		: 'Stulpeliai',
-		border		: 'RÄ—melio dydis',
-		align		: 'Lygiuoti',
-		alignLeft	: 'KairÄ™',
-		alignCenter	: 'CentrÄ…',
-		alignRight	: 'Dešinę',
-		width		: 'Plotis',
-		widthPx		: 'taškais',
-		widthPc		: 'procentais',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Aukštis',
-		cellSpace	: 'Tarpas tarp langelių',
-		cellPad		: 'Trapas nuo langelio rÄ—mo iki teksto',
-		caption		: 'Antraštė',
-		summary		: 'Santrauka',
-		headers		: 'Antraštės',
-		headersNone		: 'NÄ—ra',
-		headersColumn	: 'Pirmas stulpelis',
-		headersRow		: 'Pirma eilutÄ—',
-		headersBoth		: 'Abu',
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Langelis',
-			insertBefore	: 'Įterpti langelį prieš',
-			insertAfter		: 'Įterpti langelį po',
-			deleteCell		: 'Å alinti langelius',
-			merge			: 'Sujungti langelius',
-			mergeRight		: 'Sujungti su dešine',
-			mergeDown		: 'Sujungti su apačia',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Skaidyti langelį horizontaliai',
-			splitVertical	: 'Skaidyti langelį vertikaliai',
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'EilutÄ—',
-			insertBefore	: 'Įterpti eilutę prieš',
-			insertAfter		: 'Įterpti eilutę po',
-			deleteRow		: 'Å alinti eilutes'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Stulpelis',
-			insertBefore	: 'Įterpti stulpelį prieš',
-			insertAfter		: 'Įterpti stulpelį po',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Å alinti stulpelius'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Mygtuko savybÄ—s',
-		text		: 'Tekstas (Reikšmė)',
-		type		: 'Tipas',
-		typeBtn		: 'Mygtukas',
-		typeSbm		: 'Siųsti',
-		typeRst		: 'IÅ¡valyti'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Žymimojo langelio savybės',
-		radioTitle	: 'Žymimosios akutės savybės',
-		value		: 'Reikšmė',
-		selected	: 'Pažymėtas'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Formos savybÄ—s',
-		menu		: 'Formos savybÄ—s',
-		action		: 'Veiksmas',
-		method		: 'Metodas',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Atrankos lauko savybÄ—s',
-		selectInfo	: 'Informacija',
-		opAvail		: 'Galimos parinktys',
-		value		: 'Reikšmė',
-		size		: 'Dydis',
-		lines		: 'eilučių',
-		chkMulti	: 'Leisti daugeriopÄ… atrankÄ…',
-		opText		: 'Tekstas',
-		opValue		: 'Reikšmė',
-		btnAdd		: 'Įtraukti',
-		btnModify	: 'Modifikuoti',
-		btnUp		: 'Aukštyn',
-		btnDown		: 'Žemyn',
-		btnSetValue : 'Laikyti pažymėta reikšme',
-		btnDelete	: 'Trinti'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Teksto srities savybÄ—s',
-		cols		: 'Ilgis',
-		rows		: 'Plotis'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Teksto lauko savybÄ—s',
-		name		: 'Vardas',
-		value		: 'Reikšmė',
-		charWidth	: 'Ilgis simboliais',
-		maxChars	: 'Maksimalus simbolių skaičius',
-		type		: 'Tipas',
-		typeText	: 'Tekstas',
-		typePass	: 'Slaptažodis'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Nerodomo lauko savybÄ—s',
-		name	: 'Vardas',
-		value	: 'Reikšmė'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vaizdo savybÄ—s',
-		titleButton	: 'Vaizdinio mygtuko savybÄ—s',
-		menu		: 'Vaizdo savybÄ—s',
-		infoTab		: 'Vaizdo informacija',
-		btnUpload	: 'Siųsti į serverį',
-		upload		: 'Nusiųsti',
-		alt			: 'Alternatyvus Tekstas',
-		width		: 'Plotis',
-		height		: 'Aukštis',
-		lockRatio	: 'IÅ¡laikyti proporcijÄ…',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Atstatyti dydį',
-		border		: 'RÄ—melis',
-		hSpace		: 'Hor.ErdvÄ—',
-		vSpace		: 'Vert.ErdvÄ—',
-		align		: 'Lygiuoti',
-		alignLeft	: 'KairÄ™',
-		alignRight	: 'Dešinę',
-		alertUrl	: 'Prašome įvesti vaizdo URL',
-		linkTab		: 'Nuoroda',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash savybÄ—s',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Flash savybÄ—s',
-		chkPlay			: 'Automatinis paleidimas',
-		chkLoop			: 'Ciklas',
-		chkMenu			: 'Leisti Flash meniu',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Mastelis',
-		scaleAll		: 'Rodyti visÄ…',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Be rÄ—melio',
-		scaleFit		: 'Tikslus atitikimas',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Lygiuoti',
-		alignLeft		: 'KairÄ™',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Absoliučią apačią',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Absoliutų vidurį',
-		alignBaseline	: 'ApatinÄ™ linijÄ…',
-		alignBottom		: 'Apačią',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Vidurį',
-		alignRight		: 'Dešinę',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Teksto viršūnę',
-		alignTop		: 'Viršūnę',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Fono spalva',
-		width			: 'Plotis',
-		height			: 'Aukštis',
-		hSpace			: 'Hor.ErdvÄ—',
-		vSpace			: 'Vert.ErdvÄ—',
-		validateSrc		: 'Prašome įvesti nuorodos URL',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Rašybos tikrinimas',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Žodyne nerastas',
-		changeTo		: 'Pakeisti į',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignoruoti',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignoruoti visus',
-		btnReplace		: 'Pakeisti',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Pakeisti visus',
-		btnUndo			: 'Atšaukti',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Nėra pasiūlymų -',
-		progress		: 'Vyksta rašybos tikrinimas...',
-		noMispell		: 'Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas: Nerasta rašybos klaidų',
-		noChanges		: 'Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas: Nėra pakeistų žodžių',
-		oneChange		: 'Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas: Vienas žodis pakeistas',
-		manyChanges		: 'Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas: Pakeista %1 žodžių',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Rašybos tikrinimas neinstaliuotas. Ar Jūs norite jį dabar atsisiųsti?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Veideliai',
-		title	: 'Įterpti veidelį',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Numeruotas sąrašas',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Suženklintas sąrašas',
-	indent			: 'Padidinti įtrauką',
-	outdent			: 'Sumažinti įtrauką',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Lygiuoti kairÄ™',
-		center	: 'Centruoti',
-		right	: 'Lygiuoti dešinę',
-		block	: 'Lygiuoti abi puses'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Citata',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Įdėti',
-		cutError	: 'Jūsų naršyklės saugumo nustatymai neleidžia redaktoriui automatiškai įvykdyti iškirpimo operacijų. Tam prašome naudoti klaviatūrą (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Jūsų naršyklės saugumo nustatymai neleidžia redaktoriui automatiškai įvykdyti kopijavimo operacijų. Tam prašome naudoti klaviatūrą (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Žemiau esančiame įvedimo lauke įdėkite tekstą, naudodami klaviatūrą (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) ir paspauskite mygtuką <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Dėl jūsų naršyklės saugumo nustatymų, redaktorius negali tiesiogiai pasiekti laikinosios atminties. Jums reikia nukopijuoti dar kartą į šį langą.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Įdėti iš Word',
-		title			: 'Įdėti iš Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Įdėti kaip gryną tekstą',
-		title	: 'Įdėti kaip gryną tekstą'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Å ablonai',
-		title			: 'Turinio Å¡ablonai',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Pakeisti dabartinį turinį pasirinktu šablonu',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Pasirinkite norimÄ… Å¡ablonÄ…<br>(<b>DÄ—mesio!</b> esamas turinys bus prarastas):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Šablonų sąrašas tuščias)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Rodyti blokus',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stilius',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Å rifto formatas',
-		panelTitle	: 'Å rifto formatas',
-		tag_p		: 'Normalus',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formuotas',
-		tag_address	: 'Kreipinio',
-		tag_h1		: 'Antraštinis 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Antraštinis 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Antraštinis 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Antraštinis 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Antraštinis 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Antraštinis 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)' // MISSING
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Å riftas',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Å riftas'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Å rifto dydis',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Å rifto dydis'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Teksto spalva',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Fono spalva',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatinis',
-		more			: 'Daugiau spalvų...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object for the
+ * Lithuanian language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'lt' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Pilnas redaktorius',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Spauskite ALT 0 dÄ—l pagalbos',
+		browseServer: 'Naršyti po serverį',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokolas',
+		upload: 'Siųsti',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Siųsti į serverį',
+		image: 'Vaizdas',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Forma',
+		checkbox: 'Žymimasis langelis',
+		radio: 'Žymimoji akutė',
+		textField: 'Teksto laukas',
+		textarea: 'Teksto sritis',
+		hiddenField: 'Nerodomas laukas',
+		button: 'Mygtukas',
+		select: 'Atrankos laukas',
+		imageButton: 'Vaizdinis mygtukas',
+		notSet: '<nÄ—ra nustatyta>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Vardas',
+		langDir: 'Teksto kryptis',
+		langDirLtr: 'Iš kairės į dešinę (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Iš dešinės į kairę (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Kalbos kodas',
+		longDescr: 'Ilgas aprašymas URL',
+		cssClass: 'Stilių lentelės klasės',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Konsultacinė antraštė',
+		cssStyle: 'Stilius',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Nutraukti',
+		close: 'Uždaryti',
+		preview: 'Peržiūrėti',
+		resize: 'Pavilkite, kad pakeistumėte dydį',
+		generalTab: 'Bendros savybÄ—s',
+		advancedTab: 'Papildomas',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Ši reikšmė nėra skaičius.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Visas neišsaugotas turinys bus prarastas. Ar tikrai norite įkrauti naują puslapį?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Kai kurie parametrai pasikeitė. Ar tikrai norite užverti langą?',
+		options: 'Parametrai',
+		target: 'TikslinÄ— nuoroda',
+		targetNew: 'Naujas langas (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Viršutinis langas (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Esamas langas (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Paskutinis langas (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Iš kairės į dešinę (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Iš dešinės į kairę (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Stilius',
+		cssClasses: 'Stilių klasės',
+		width: 'Plotis',
+		height: 'Aukštis',
+		align: 'Lygiuoti',
+		alignLeft: 'KairÄ™',
+		alignRight: 'Dešinę',
+		alignCenter: 'CentrÄ…',
+		alignTop: 'Viršūnę',
+		alignMiddle: 'Vidurį',
+		alignBottom: 'Apačią',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Aukštis turi būti nurodytas skaičiais.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Plotis turi būti nurodytas skaičiais.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Reikšmė nurodyta "%1" laukui, turi būti teigiamas skaičius su arba be tinkamo CSS matavimo vieneto (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt arba pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Reikšmė nurodyta "%1" laukui, turi būti teigiamas skaičius su arba be tinkamo HTML matavimo vieneto (px arba %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Reikšmė nurodyta vidiniame stiliuje turi būti sudaryta iš vieno šių reikšmių "vardas : reikšmė", atskirta kabliataškiais.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Įveskite reikšmę pikseliais arba skaičiais su tinkamu CSS vienetu (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt arba pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, netinkamas</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/lv.js
index 9fdd249..e016990 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/lv.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/lv.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Latvian language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['lv'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'HTML kods',
-	newPage			: 'Jauna lapa',
-	save			: 'Saglabāt',
-	preview			: 'Pārskatīt',
-	cut				: 'Izgriezt',
-	copy			: 'Kopēt',
-	paste			: 'Ievietot',
-	print			: 'Drukāt',
-	underline		: 'Apakšsvītra',
-	bold			: 'Treknu Å¡riftu',
-	italic			: 'Slīprakstā',
-	selectAll		: 'Iezīmēt visu',
-	removeFormat	: 'Noņemt stilus',
-	strike			: 'Pārsvītrots',
-	subscript		: 'Zemrakstā',
-	superscript		: 'Augšrakstā',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Ievietot horizontālu Atdalītājsvītru',
-	pagebreak		: 'Ievietot lapas pārtraukumu',
-	unlink			: 'Noņemt hipersaiti',
-	undo			: 'Atcelt',
-	redo			: 'Atkārtot',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Skatīt servera saturu',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokols',
-		upload			: 'Augšupielādēt',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Nosūtīt serverim',
-		image			: 'Attēls',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Forma',
-		checkbox		: 'Atzīmēšanas kastīte',
-		radio			: 'Izvēles poga',
-		textField		: 'Teksta rinda',
-		textarea		: 'Teksta laukums',
-		hiddenField		: 'Paslēpta teksta rinda',
-		button			: 'Poga',
-		select			: 'Iezīmēšanas lauks',
-		imageButton		: 'Attēlpoga',
-		notSet			: '<nav iestatīts>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Nosaukums',
-		langDir			: 'Valodas lasīšanas virziens',
-		langDirLtr		: 'No kreisās uz labo (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'No labās uz kreiso (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Valodas kods',
-		longDescr		: 'Gara apraksta Hipersaite',
-		cssClass		: 'Stilu saraksta klases',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Konsultatīvs virsraksts',
-		cssStyle		: 'Stils',
-		ok				: 'Darīts!',
-		cancel			: 'Atcelt',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'Izvērstais',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Ievietot speciālo simbolu',
-		title		: 'Ievietot īpašu simbolu',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Ievietot/Labot hipersaiti',
-		other 		: '<cits>',
-		menu		: 'Labot hipersaiti',
-		title		: 'Hipersaite',
-		info		: 'Hipersaites informācija',
-		target		: 'MÄ“rÄ·is',
-		upload		: 'Augšupielādēt',
-		advanced	: 'Izvērstais',
-		type		: 'Hipersaites tips',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Iezīme šajā lapā',
-		toEmail		: 'E-pasts',
-		targetFrame		: '<ietvars>',
-		targetPopup		: '<uznirstošā logā>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'MÄ“rÄ·a ietvara nosaukums',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Uznirstošā loga nosaukums',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Uznirstošā loga nosaukums īpašības',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Statusa josla',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Atrašanās vietas josla',
-		popupToolbar	: 'RÄ«ku josla',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Izvēlnes josla',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Pilnā ekrānā (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Ritjoslas',
-		popupDependent	: 'Atkarīgs (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Platums',
-		popupLeft		: 'Kreisā koordināte',
-		popupHeight		: 'Augstums',
-		popupTop		: 'Augšējā koordināte',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Valodas lasīšanas virziens',
-		langDirLTR		: 'No kreisās uz labo (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'No labās uz kreiso (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Pieejas kods',
-		name			: 'Nosaukums',
-		langCode		: 'Valodas lasīšanas virziens',
-		tabIndex		: 'Ciļņu indekss',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Konsultatīvs virsraksts',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Konsultatīvs satura tips',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stilu saraksta klases',
-		charset			: 'Pievienotā resursa kodu tabula',
-		styles			: 'Stils',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Izvēlēties iezīmi',
-		anchorName		: 'Pēc iezīmes nosaukuma',
-		anchorId		: 'PÄ“c elementa ID',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-pasta adrese',
-		emailSubject	: 'Ziņas tēma',
-		emailBody		: 'Ziņas saturs',
-		noAnchors		: '(Šajā dokumentā nav iezīmju)',
-		noUrl			: 'Lūdzu norādi hipersaiti',
-		noEmail			: 'Lūdzu norādi e-pasta adresi'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Ievietot/Labot iezīmi',
-		menu		: 'Iezīmes īpašības',
-		title		: 'Iezīmes īpašības',
-		name		: 'Iezīmes nosaukums',
-		errorName	: 'Lūdzu norādiet iezīmes nosaukumu'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace', // MISSING
-		find				: 'Meklēt',
-		replace				: 'Nomainīt',
-		findWhat			: 'Meklēt:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Nomainīt uz:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Norādītā frāze netika atrasta.',
-		matchCase			: 'Reģistrjūtīgs',
-		matchWord			: 'Jāsakrīt pilnībā',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Aizvietot visu',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabula',
-		title		: 'Tabulas īpašības',
-		menu		: 'Tabulas īpašības',
-		deleteTable	: 'Dzēst tabulu',
-		rows		: 'Rindas',
-		columns		: 'Kolonnas',
-		border		: 'Rāmja izmērs',
-		align		: 'Novietojums',
-		alignLeft	: 'Pa kreisi',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centrēti',
-		alignRight	: 'Pa labi',
-		width		: 'Platums',
-		widthPx		: 'pikseļos',
-		widthPc		: 'procentuāli',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Augstums',
-		cellSpace	: 'Rūtiņu atstatums',
-		cellPad		: 'Rūtiņu nobīde',
-		caption		: 'Leģenda',
-		summary		: 'Anotācija',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Å Å«na',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After', // MISSING
-			deleteCell		: 'Dzēst rūtiņas',
-			merge			: 'Apvienot rūtiņas',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right', // MISSING
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down', // MISSING
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally', // MISSING
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically', // MISSING
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Rinda',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After', // MISSING
-			deleteRow		: 'Dzēst rindas'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Kolonna',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After', // MISSING
-			deleteColumn	: 'Dzēst kolonnas'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Pogas īpašības',
-		text		: 'Teksts (vērtība)',
-		type		: 'Tips',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button', // MISSING
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit', // MISSING
-		typeRst		: 'Reset' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Atzīmēšanas kastītes īpašības',
-		radioTitle	: 'Izvēles poga īpašības',
-		value		: 'Vērtība',
-		selected	: 'Iezīmēts'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Formas īpašības',
-		menu		: 'Formas īpašības',
-		action		: 'Darbība',
-		method		: 'Metode',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Iezīmēšanas lauka īpašības',
-		selectInfo	: 'Informācija',
-		opAvail		: 'Pieejamās iespējas',
-		value		: 'Vērtība',
-		size		: 'Izmērs',
-		lines		: 'rindas',
-		chkMulti	: 'Atļaut vairākus iezīmējumus',
-		opText		: 'Teksts',
-		opValue		: 'Vērtība',
-		btnAdd		: 'Pievienot',
-		btnModify	: 'Veikt izmaiņas',
-		btnUp		: 'Augšup',
-		btnDown		: 'Lejup',
-		btnSetValue : 'Noteikt kā iezīmēto vērtību',
-		btnDelete	: 'Dzēst'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Teksta laukuma īpašības',
-		cols		: 'Kolonnas',
-		rows		: 'Rindas'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Teksta rindas  īpašības',
-		name		: 'Nosaukums',
-		value		: 'Vērtība',
-		charWidth	: 'Simbolu platums',
-		maxChars	: 'Simbolu maksimālais daudzums',
-		type		: 'Tips',
-		typeText	: 'Teksts',
-		typePass	: 'Parole'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Paslēptās teksta rindas īpašības',
-		name	: 'Nosaukums',
-		value	: 'Vērtība'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Attēla īpašības',
-		titleButton	: 'Attēlpogas īpašības',
-		menu		: 'Attēla īpašības',
-		infoTab		: 'Informācija par attēlu',
-		btnUpload	: 'Nosūtīt serverim',
-		upload		: 'Augšupielādēt',
-		alt			: 'Alternatīvais teksts',
-		width		: 'Platums',
-		height		: 'Augstums',
-		lockRatio	: 'Nemainīga Augstuma/Platuma attiecība',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Atjaunot sākotnējo izmēru',
-		border		: 'Rāmis',
-		hSpace		: 'Horizontālā telpa',
-		vSpace		: 'Vertikālā telpa',
-		align		: 'Nolīdzināt',
-		alignLeft	: 'Pa kreisi',
-		alignRight	: 'Pa labi',
-		alertUrl	: 'Lūdzu norādīt attēla hipersaiti',
-		linkTab		: 'Hipersaite',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash īpašības',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Flash īpašības',
-		chkPlay			: 'Automātiska atskaņošana',
-		chkLoop			: 'Nepārtraukti',
-		chkMenu			: 'Atļaut Flash izvēlni',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Mainīt izmēru',
-		scaleAll		: 'Rādīt visu',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Bez rāmja',
-		scaleFit		: 'Precīzs izmērs',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Nolīdzināt',
-		alignLeft		: 'Pa kreisi',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Absolūti apakšā',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Absolūti vertikāli centrēts',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Pamatrindā',
-		alignBottom		: 'Apakšā',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Vertikāli centrēts',
-		alignRight		: 'Pa labi',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Teksta augšā',
-		alignTop		: 'Augšā',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Fona krāsa',
-		width			: 'Platums',
-		height			: 'Augstums',
-		hSpace			: 'Horizontālā telpa',
-		vSpace			: 'Vertikālā telpa',
-		validateSrc		: 'Lūdzu norādi hipersaiti',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaude',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Netika atrasts vārdnīcā',
-		changeTo		: 'Nomainīt uz',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignorēt',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignorēt visu',
-		btnReplace		: 'Aizvietot',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Aizvietot visu',
-		btnUndo			: 'Atcelt',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Nav ieteikumu -',
-		progress		: 'Notiek pareizrakstības pārbaude...',
-		noMispell		: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaude pabeigta: kļūdas netika atrastas',
-		noChanges		: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaude pabeigta: nekas netika labots',
-		oneChange		: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaude pabeigta: 1 vārds izmainīts',
-		manyChanges		: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaude pabeigta: %1 vārdi tika mainīti',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaudītājs nav pievienots. Vai vēlaties to lejupielādēt tagad?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smaidiņi',
-		title	: 'Ievietot smaidiņu',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Numurēts saraksts',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Izcelts saraksts',
-	indent			: 'Palielināt atkāpi',
-	outdent			: 'Samazināt atkāpi',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Izlīdzināt pa kreisi',
-		center	: 'Izlīdzināt pret centru',
-		right	: 'Izlīdzināt pa labi',
-		block	: 'Izlīdzināt malas'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Ievietot',
-		cutError	: 'Jūsu pārlūkprogrammas drošības iestatījumi nepieļauj editoram automātiski veikt izgriešanas darbību.  Lūdzu, izmantojiet (Ctrl/Cmd+X, lai veiktu šo darbību.',
-		copyError	: 'Jūsu pārlūkprogrammas drošības iestatījumi nepieļauj editoram automātiski veikt kopēšanas darbību.  Lūdzu, izmantojiet (Ctrl/Cmd+C), lai veiktu šo darbību.',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Lūdzu, ievietojiet tekstu šajā laukumā, izmantojot klaviatūru (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) un apstipriniet ar <STRONG>Darīts!</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Ievietot no Worda',
-		title			: 'Ievietot no Worda',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Ievietot kā vienkāršu tekstu',
-		title	: 'Ievietot kā vienkāršu tekstu'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Sagataves',
-		title			: 'Satura sagataves',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Lūdzu, norādiet sagatavi, ko atvērt editorā<br>(patreizējie dati tiks zaudēti):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Nav norādītas sagataves)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stils',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Formāts',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formāts',
-		tag_p		: 'Normāls teksts',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatēts teksts',
-		tag_address	: 'Adrese',
-		tag_h1		: 'Virsraksts 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Virsraksts 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Virsraksts 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Virsraksts 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Virsraksts 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Virsraksts 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Rindkopa (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Å rifts',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Å rifts'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Izmērs',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Izmērs'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Teksta krāsa',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Fona krāsa',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automātiska',
-		more			: 'Plašāka palete...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Latvian language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'lv' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Bagātinātā teksta redaktors',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Palīdzībai, nospiediet ALT 0 ',
+		browseServer: 'Skatīt servera saturu',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokols',
+		upload: 'Augšupielādēt',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Nosūtīt serverim',
+		image: 'Attēls',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Forma',
+		checkbox: 'Atzīmēšanas kastīte',
+		radio: 'Izvēles poga',
+		textField: 'Teksta rinda',
+		textarea: 'Teksta laukums',
+		hiddenField: 'Paslēpta teksta rinda',
+		button: 'Poga',
+		select: 'Iezīmēšanas lauks',
+		imageButton: 'Attēlpoga',
+		notSet: '<nav iestatīts>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Nosaukums',
+		langDir: 'Valodas lasīšanas virziens',
+		langDirLtr: 'No kreisās uz labo (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'No labās uz kreiso (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Valodas kods',
+		longDescr: 'Gara apraksta Hipersaite',
+		cssClass: 'Stilu saraksta klases',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Konsultatīvs virsraksts',
+		cssStyle: 'Stils',
+		ok: 'Darīts!',
+		cancel: 'Atcelt',
+		close: 'Aizvērt',
+		preview: 'Priekšskatījums',
+		resize: 'MÄ“rogot',
+		generalTab: 'Vispārīgi',
+		advancedTab: 'Izvērstais',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Šī vērtība nav skaitlis',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Jebkuras nesaglabātās izmaiņas tiks zaudētas. Vai tiešām vēlaties atvērt jaunu lapu?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Daži no uzstādījumiem ir mainīti. Vai tiešām vēlaties aizvērt šo dialogu?',
+		options: 'Uzstādījumi',
+		target: 'MÄ“rÄ·is',
+		targetNew: 'Jauns logs (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Virsējais logs (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Tas pats logs (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Avota logs (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Kreisais uz Labo (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Labais uz Kreiso (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Stils',
+		cssClasses: 'Stilu klases',
+		width: 'Platums',
+		height: 'Augstums',
+		align: 'Nolīdzināt',
+		alignLeft: 'Pa kreisi',
+		alignRight: 'Pa labi',
+		alignCenter: 'Centrēti',
+		alignTop: 'Augšā',
+		alignMiddle: 'Vertikāli centrēts',
+		alignBottom: 'Apakšā',
+		invalidValue	: 'Nekorekta vērtība',
+		invalidHeight: 'Augstumam jābūt skaitlim.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Platumam jābūt skaitlim',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Laukam "%1" norādītajai vērtībai jābūt pozitīvam skaitlim ar vai bez korektām CSS mērvienībām (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, vai pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Laukam "%1" norādītajai vērtībai jābūt pozitīvam skaitlim ar vai bez korektām HTML mērvienībām (px vai %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Iekļautajā stilā norādītajai vērtībai jāsastāv no viena vai vairākiem pāriem pēc forma\'ta "nosaukums: vērtība", atdalītiem ar semikolu.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Ievadiet vērtību pikseļos vai skaitli ar derīgu CSS mērvienību (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, vai pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, nav pieejams</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f47fd34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+* @fileOverview 
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'mk' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr', // MISSING
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'Browse Server', // MISSING
+		url: 'URL', // MISSING
+		protocol: 'Protocol', // MISSING
+		upload: 'Upload', // MISSING
+		uploadSubmit: 'Send it to the Server', // MISSING
+		image: 'Image', // MISSING
+		flash: 'Flash', // MISSING
+		form: 'Form', // MISSING
+		checkbox: 'Checkbox', // MISSING
+		radio: 'Radio Button', // MISSING
+		textField: 'Text Field', // MISSING
+		textarea: 'Textarea', // MISSING
+		hiddenField: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
+		button: 'Button',
+		select: 'Selection Field', // MISSING
+		imageButton: 'Image Button', // MISSING
+		notSet: '<not set>',
+		id: 'Id', // MISSING
+		name: 'Name',
+		langDir: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+		langDirLtr: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+		langDirRtl: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+		langCode: 'Language Code', // MISSING
+		longDescr: 'Long Description URL', // MISSING
+		cssClass: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+		advisoryTitle: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+		cssStyle: 'Style', // MISSING
+		ok: 'OK', // MISSING
+		cancel: 'Cancel', // MISSING
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: 'Preview', // MISSING
+		resize: 'Resize', // MISSING
+		generalTab: 'Општо',
+		advancedTab: 'Advanced', // MISSING
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
+		options: 'Options', // MISSING
+		target: 'Target', // MISSING
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+		langDirRTL: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+		styles: 'Style', // MISSING
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+		width: 'Width', // MISSING
+		height: 'Height', // MISSING
+		align: 'Alignment', // MISSING
+		alignLeft: 'Left', // MISSING
+		alignRight: 'Right', // MISSING
+		alignCenter: 'Center', // MISSING
+		alignTop: 'Top', // MISSING
+		alignMiddle: 'Middle', // MISSING
+		alignBottom: 'Bottom', // MISSING
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/mn.js
index b579edd..200ccbb 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/mn.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/mn.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Mongolian language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['mn'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Код',
-	newPage			: 'Шинэ хуудас',
-	save			: 'Хадгалах',
-	preview			: 'Уридчлан харах',
-	cut				: 'Хайчлах',
-	copy			: 'Хуулах',
-	paste			: 'Буулгах',
-	print			: 'Хэвлэх',
-	underline		: 'Доогуур нь зураастай болгох',
-	bold			: 'Тод бүдүүн',
-	italic			: 'Налуу',
-	selectAll		: 'Бүгдийг нь сонгох',
-	removeFormat	: 'Формат авч хаях',
-	strike			: 'Дундуур нь зураастай болгох',
-	subscript		: 'Суурь болгох',
-	superscript		: 'Зэрэг болгох',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Хөндлөн зураас оруулах',
-	pagebreak		: 'Хуудас тусгаарлагч оруулах',
-	unlink			: 'Линк авч хаях',
-	undo			: 'Хүчингүй болгох',
-	redo			: 'Өмнөх үйлдлээ сэргээх',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Сервер харуулах',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Протокол',
-		upload			: 'Хуулах',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Үүнийг сервэррүү илгээ',
-		image			: 'Зураг',
-		flash			: 'Флаш',
-		form			: 'Форм',
-		checkbox		: 'Чекбокс',
-		radio			: 'Радио товч',
-		textField		: 'Техт талбар',
-		textarea		: 'Техт орчин',
-		hiddenField		: 'Нууц талбар',
-		button			: 'Товч',
-		select			: 'Сонгогч талбар',
-		imageButton		: 'Зурагтай товч',
-		notSet			: '<Оноохгүй>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Нэр',
-		langDir			: 'Хэлний чиглэл',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Зүүнээс баруун (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Баруунаас зүүн (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Хэлний код',
-		longDescr		: 'URL-ын тайлбар',
-		cssClass		: 'Stylesheet классууд',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Зөвлөлдөх гарчиг',
-		cssStyle		: 'Загвар',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Болих',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'Нэмэлт',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Онцгой тэмдэгт оруулах',
-		title		: 'Онцгой тэмдэгт сонгох',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Линк Оруулах/Засварлах',
-		other 		: '<other>', // MISSING
-		menu		: 'Холбоос засварлах',
-		title		: 'Линк',
-		info		: 'Линкийн мэдээлэл',
-		target		: 'Байрлал',
-		upload		: 'Хуулах',
-		advanced	: 'Нэмэлт',
-		type		: 'Линкийн төрөл',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Энэ хуудасандах холбоос',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<Агуулах хүрээ>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup цонх>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Очих фремын нэр',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Popup цонхны нэр',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Popup цонхны онцлог',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Статус хэсэг',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Location хэсэг',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Багажны хэсэг',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Meню хэсэг',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Цонх дүүргэх (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Скрол хэсэгүүд',
-		popupDependent	: 'Хамаатай (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Өргөн',
-		popupLeft		: 'Зүүн байрлал',
-		popupHeight		: 'Өндөр',
-		popupTop		: 'Дээд байрлал',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Хэлний чиглэл',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Зүүнээс баруун (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Баруунаас зүүн (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Холбох түлхүүр',
-		name			: 'Нэр',
-		langCode		: 'Хэлний чиглэл',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tab индекс',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Зөвлөлдөх гарчиг',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Зөвлөлдөх төрлийн агуулга',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet классууд',
-		charset			: 'Тэмдэгт оноох нөөцөд холбогдсон',
-		styles			: 'Загвар',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Холбоос сонгох',
-		anchorName		: 'Холбоосын нэрээр',
-		anchorId		: 'Элемэнт Id-гаар',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-Mail Хаяг',
-		emailSubject	: 'Message гарчиг',
-		emailBody		: 'Message-ийн агуулга',
-		noAnchors		: '(Баримт бичиг холбоосгүй байна)',
-		noUrl			: 'Линк URL-ээ төрөлжүүлнэ үү',
-		noEmail			: 'Е-mail хаягаа төрөлжүүлнэ үү'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Холбоос Оруулах/Засварлах',
-		menu		: 'Холбоос шинж чанар',
-		title		: 'Холбоос шинж чанар',
-		name		: 'Холбоос нэр',
-		errorName	: 'Холбоос төрөл оруулна уу'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Хай мөн Дарж бич',
-		find				: 'Хайх',
-		replace				: 'Солих',
-		findWhat			: 'Хайх үг/үсэг:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Солих үг:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Хайсан текст олсонгүй.',
-		matchCase			: 'Тэнцэх төлөв',
-		matchWord			: 'Тэнцэх бүтэн үг',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Бүгдийг нь Солих',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Хүснэгт',
-		title		: 'Хүснэгт',
-		menu		: 'Хүснэгт',
-		deleteTable	: 'Хүснэгт устгах',
-		rows		: 'Мөр',
-		columns		: 'Багана',
-		border		: 'Хүрээний хэмжээ',
-		align		: 'Эгнээ',
-		alignLeft	: 'Зүүн талд',
-		alignCenter	: 'Төвд',
-		alignRight	: 'Баруун талд',
-		width		: 'Өргөн',
-		widthPx		: 'цэг',
-		widthPc		: 'хувь',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Өндөр',
-		cellSpace	: 'Нүх хоорондын зай (spacing)',
-		cellPad		: 'Нүх доторлох(padding)',
-		caption		: 'Тайлбар',
-		summary		: 'Тайлбар',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Нүх/зай',
-			insertBefore	: 'Нүх/зай өмнө нь оруулах',
-			insertAfter		: 'Нүх/зай дараа нь оруулах',
-			deleteCell		: 'Нүх устгах',
-			merge			: 'Нүх нэгтэх',
-			mergeRight		: 'Баруун тийш нэгтгэх',
-			mergeDown		: 'Доош нэгтгэх',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Нүх/зайг босоогоор нь тусгаарлах',
-			splitVertical	: 'Нүх/зайг хөндлөнгөөр нь тусгаарлах',
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Мөр',
-			insertBefore	: 'Мөр өмнө нь оруулах',
-			insertAfter		: 'Мөр дараа нь оруулах',
-			deleteRow		: 'Мөр устгах'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Багана',
-			insertBefore	: 'Багана өмнө нь оруулах',
-			insertAfter		: 'Багана дараа нь оруулах',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Багана устгах'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Товчны шинж чанар',
-		text		: 'Тэкст (Утга)',
-		type		: 'Төрөл',
-		typeBtn		: 'Товч',
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit',
-		typeRst		: 'Болих'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Чекбоксны шинж чанар',
-		radioTitle	: 'Радио товчны шинж чанар',
-		value		: 'Утга',
-		selected	: 'Сонгогдсон'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Форм шинж чанар',
-		menu		: 'Форм шинж чанар',
-		action		: 'Үйлдэл',
-		method		: 'Арга',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Согогч талбарын шинж чанар',
-		selectInfo	: 'Мэдээлэл',
-		opAvail		: 'Идвэхтэй сонголт',
-		value		: 'Утга',
-		size		: 'Хэмжээ',
-		lines		: 'Мөр',
-		chkMulti	: 'Олон сонголт зөвшөөрөх',
-		opText		: 'Тэкст',
-		opValue		: 'Утга',
-		btnAdd		: 'Нэмэх',
-		btnModify	: 'Өөрчлөх',
-		btnUp		: 'Дээш',
-		btnDown		: 'Доош',
-		btnSetValue : 'Сонгогдсан утга оноох',
-		btnDelete	: 'Устгах'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Текст орчны шинж чанар',
-		cols		: 'Багана',
-		rows		: 'Мөр'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Текст талбарын шинж чанар',
-		name		: 'Нэр',
-		value		: 'Утга',
-		charWidth	: 'Тэмдэгтын өргөн',
-		maxChars	: 'Хамгийн их тэмдэгт',
-		type		: 'Төрөл',
-		typeText	: 'Текст',
-		typePass	: 'Нууц үг'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Нууц талбарын шинж чанар',
-		name	: 'Нэр',
-		value	: 'Утга'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Зураг',
-		titleButton	: 'Зурган товчны шинж чанар',
-		menu		: 'Зураг',
-		infoTab		: 'Зурагны мэдээлэл',
-		btnUpload	: 'Үүнийг сервэррүү илгээ',
-		upload		: 'Хуулах',
-		alt			: 'Тайлбар текст',
-		width		: 'Өргөн',
-		height		: 'Өндөр',
-		lockRatio	: 'Радио түгжих',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'хэмжээ дахин оноох',
-		border		: 'Хүрээ',
-		hSpace		: 'Хөндлөн зай',
-		vSpace		: 'Босоо зай',
-		align		: 'Эгнээ',
-		alignLeft	: 'Зүүн',
-		alignRight	: 'Баруун',
-		alertUrl	: 'Зурагны URL-ын төрлийн сонгоно уу',
-		linkTab		: 'Линк',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Флаш шинж чанар',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Флаш  шинж чанар',
-		chkPlay			: 'Автоматаар тоглох',
-		chkLoop			: 'Давтах',
-		chkMenu			: 'Флаш цэс идвэхжүүлэх',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Өргөгтгөх',
-		scaleAll		: 'Бүгдийг харуулах',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Хүрээгүй',
-		scaleFit		: 'Яг тааруулах',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Эгнээ',
-		alignLeft		: 'Зүүн',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs доод талд',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs Дунд талд',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Baseline',
-		alignBottom		: 'Доод талд',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Дунд талд',
-		alignRight		: 'Баруун',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Текст дээр',
-		alignTop		: 'Дээд талд',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Фонны өнгө',
-		width			: 'Өргөн',
-		height			: 'Өндөр',
-		hSpace			: 'Хөндлөн зай',
-		vSpace			: 'Босоо зай',
-		validateSrc		: 'Линк URL-ээ төрөлжүүлнэ үү',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Үгийн дүрэх шалгах',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Толь бичиггүй',
-		changeTo		: 'Өөрчлөх',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Зөвшөөрөх',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Бүгдийг зөвшөөрөх',
-		btnReplace		: 'Дарж бичих',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Бүгдийг Дарж бичих',
-		btnUndo			: 'Буцаах',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Тайлбаргүй -',
-		progress		: 'Дүрэм шалгаж байгаа үйл явц...',
-		noMispell		: 'Дүрэм шалгаад дууссан: Алдаа олдсонгүй',
-		noChanges		: 'Дүрэм шалгаад дууссан: үг өөрчлөгдөөгүй',
-		oneChange		: 'Дүрэм шалгаад дууссан: 1 үг өөрчлөгдсөн',
-		manyChanges		: 'Дүрэм шалгаад дууссан: %1 үг өөрчлөгдсөн',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Дүрэм шалгагч суугаагүй байна. Татаж авахыг хүсч байна уу?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Тодорхойлолт',
-		title	: 'Тодорхойлолт оруулах',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Дугаарлагдсан жагсаалт',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Цэгтэй жагсаалт',
-	indent			: 'Догол мөр хасах',
-	outdent			: 'Догол мөр нэмэх',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Зүүн талд байрлуулах',
-		center	: 'Төвд байрлуулах',
-		right	: 'Баруун талд байрлуулах',
-		block	: 'Блок хэлбэрээр байрлуулах'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Хайрцаглах',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Буулгах',
-		cutError	: 'Таны browser-ын хамгаалалтын тохиргоо editor-д автоматаар хайчлах үйлдэлийг зөвшөөрөхгүй байна. (Ctrl/Cmd+X) товчны хослолыг ашиглана уу.',
-		copyError	: 'Таны browser-ын хамгаалалтын тохиргоо editor-д автоматаар хуулах үйлдэлийг зөвшөөрөхгүй байна. (Ctrl/Cmd+C) товчны хослолыг ашиглана уу.',
-		pasteMsg	: '(<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) товчийг ашиглан paste хийнэ үү. Мөн <strong>OK</strong> дар.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Таны үзүүлэгч/browser/-н хамгаалалтын тохиргооноос болоод editor clipboard өгөгдөлрүү шууд хандах боломжгүй. Энэ цонход дахин paste хийхийг оролд.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Word-оос буулгах',
-		title			: 'Word-оос буулгах',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Plain Text-ээс буулгах',
-		title	: 'Plain Text-ээс буулгах'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Загварууд',
-		title			: 'Загварын агуулга',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Одоогийн агууллагыг дарж бичих',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Загварыг нээж editor-рүү сонгож оруулна уу<br />(Одоогийн агууллагыг устаж магадгүй):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Загвар тодорхойлогдоогүй байна)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Block-уудыг үзүүлэх',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Загвар',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Формат',
-		panelTitle	: 'Формат',
-		tag_p		: 'Хэвийн',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatted',
-		tag_address	: 'Хаяг',
-		tag_h1		: 'Heading 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Heading 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Heading 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Heading 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Heading 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Heading 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Paragraph (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Фонт',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Фонт'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Хэмжээ',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Хэмжээ'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Фонтны өнгө',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Фонны өнгө',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Автоматаар',
-		more			: 'Нэмэлт өнгөнүүд...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Mongolian language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'mn' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Хэлбэрт бичвэр боловсруулагч',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'Сервер харуулах',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Протокол',
+		upload: 'Хуулах',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Үүнийг сервэррүү илгээ',
+		image: 'Зураг',
+		flash: 'Флаш',
+		form: 'Форм',
+		checkbox: 'Чекбокс',
+		radio: 'Радио товч',
+		textField: 'Техт талбар',
+		textarea: 'Техт орчин',
+		hiddenField: 'Нууц талбар',
+		button: 'Товч',
+		select: 'Сонгогч талбар',
+		imageButton: 'Зурагтай товч',
+		notSet: '<Оноохгүй>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Нэр',
+		langDir: 'Хэлний чиглэл',
+		langDirLtr: 'Зүүнээс баруун (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Баруунаас зүүн (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Хэлний код',
+		longDescr: 'URL-ын тайлбар',
+		cssClass: 'Stylesheet классууд',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Зөвлөлдөх гарчиг',
+		cssStyle: 'Загвар',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Болих',
+		close: 'Хаах',
+		preview: 'Уридчлан харах',
+		resize: 'Resize', // MISSING
+		generalTab: 'Ерөнхий',
+		advancedTab: 'Нэмэлт',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
+		options: 'Сонголт',
+		target: 'Бай',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'Зүүн талаас баруун тийшээ (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Баруун талаас зүүн тийшээ (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Загвар',
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheet классууд',
+		width: 'Өргөн',
+		height: 'Өндөр',
+		align: 'Эгнээ',
+		alignLeft: 'Зүүн',
+		alignRight: 'Баруун',
+		alignCenter: 'Төвд',
+		alignTop: 'Дээд талд',
+		alignMiddle: 'Дунд талд',
+		alignBottom: 'Доод талд',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Өндөр нь тоо байх ёстой.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Өргөн нь тоо байх ёстой.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ms.js
index e3398c4..5767df4 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ms.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ms.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Malay language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['ms'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Sumber',
-	newPage			: 'Helaian Baru',
-	save			: 'Simpan',
-	preview			: 'Prebiu',
-	cut				: 'Potong',
-	copy			: 'Salin',
-	paste			: 'Tampal',
-	print			: 'Cetak',
-	underline		: 'Underline',
-	bold			: 'Bold',
-	italic			: 'Italic',
-	selectAll		: 'Pilih Semua',
-	removeFormat	: 'Buang Format',
-	strike			: 'Strike Through',
-	subscript		: 'Subscript',
-	superscript		: 'Superscript',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Masukkan Garisan Membujur',
-	pagebreak		: 'Insert Page Break for Printing', // MISSING
-	unlink			: 'Buang Sambungan',
-	undo			: 'Batalkan',
-	redo			: 'Ulangkan',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Browse Server',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokol',
-		upload			: 'Muat Naik',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Hantar ke Server',
-		image			: 'Gambar',
-		flash			: 'Flash', // MISSING
-		form			: 'Borang',
-		checkbox		: 'Checkbox',
-		radio			: 'Butang Radio',
-		textField		: 'Text Field',
-		textarea		: 'Textarea',
-		hiddenField		: 'Field Tersembunyi',
-		button			: 'Butang',
-		select			: 'Field Pilihan',
-		imageButton		: 'Butang Bergambar',
-		notSet			: '<tidak di set>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Nama',
-		langDir			: 'Arah Tulisan',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Kiri ke Kanan (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Kanan ke Kiri (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Kod Bahasa',
-		longDescr		: 'Butiran Panjang URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Kelas-kelas Stylesheet',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Tajuk Makluman',
-		cssStyle		: 'Stail',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Batal',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'Advanced',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Masukkan Huruf Istimewa',
-		title		: 'Sila pilih huruf istimewa',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Masukkan/Sunting Sambungan',
-		other 		: '<lain>',
-		menu		: 'Sunting Sambungan',
-		title		: 'Sambungan',
-		info		: 'Butiran Sambungan',
-		target		: 'Sasaran',
-		upload		: 'Muat Naik',
-		advanced	: 'Advanced',
-		type		: 'Jenis Sambungan',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Pautan dalam muka surat ini',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<bingkai>',
-		targetPopup		: '<tetingkap popup>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Nama Bingkai Sasaran',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Nama Tetingkap Popup',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Ciri Tetingkap Popup',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Bar Status',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Bar Lokasi',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Toolbar',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Bar Menu',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Skrin Penuh (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Bar-bar skrol',
-		popupDependent	: 'Bergantungan (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Lebar',
-		popupLeft		: 'Posisi Kiri',
-		popupHeight		: 'Tinggi',
-		popupTop		: 'Posisi Atas',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Arah Tulisan',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Kiri ke Kanan (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Kanan ke Kiri (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Kunci Akses',
-		name			: 'Nama',
-		langCode		: 'Arah Tulisan',
-		tabIndex		: 'Indeks Tab ',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Tajuk Makluman',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Jenis Kandungan Makluman',
-		cssClasses		: 'Kelas-kelas Stylesheet',
-		charset			: 'Linked Resource Charset',
-		styles			: 'Stail',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Sila pilih pautan',
-		anchorName		: 'dengan menggunakan nama pautan',
-		anchorId		: 'dengan menggunakan ID elemen',
-		emailAddress	: 'Alamat E-Mail',
-		emailSubject	: 'Subjek Mesej',
-		emailBody		: 'Isi Kandungan Mesej',
-		noAnchors		: '(Tiada pautan terdapat dalam dokumen ini)',
-		noUrl			: 'Sila taip sambungan URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Sila taip alamat e-mail'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Masukkan/Sunting Pautan',
-		menu		: 'Ciri-ciri Pautan',
-		title		: 'Ciri-ciri Pautan',
-		name		: 'Nama Pautan',
-		errorName	: 'Sila taip nama pautan'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace', // MISSING
-		find				: 'Cari',
-		replace				: 'Ganti',
-		findWhat			: 'Perkataan yang dicari:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Diganti dengan:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Text yang dicari tidak dijumpai.',
-		matchCase			: 'Padanan case huruf',
-		matchWord			: 'Padana Keseluruhan perkataan',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Ganti semua',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Jadual',
-		title		: 'Ciri-ciri Jadual',
-		menu		: 'Ciri-ciri Jadual',
-		deleteTable	: 'Delete Table', // MISSING
-		rows		: 'Barisan',
-		columns		: 'Jaluran',
-		border		: 'Saiz Border',
-		align		: 'Penjajaran',
-		alignLeft	: 'Kiri',
-		alignCenter	: 'Tengah',
-		alignRight	: 'Kanan',
-		width		: 'Lebar',
-		widthPx		: 'piksel-piksel',
-		widthPc		: 'peratus',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Tinggi',
-		cellSpace	: 'Ruangan Antara Sel',
-		cellPad		: 'Tambahan Ruang Sel',
-		caption		: 'Keterangan',
-		summary		: 'Summary', // MISSING
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cell', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After', // MISSING
-			deleteCell		: 'Buangkan Sel-sel',
-			merge			: 'Cantumkan Sel-sel',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right', // MISSING
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down', // MISSING
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally', // MISSING
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically', // MISSING
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Row', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After', // MISSING
-			deleteRow		: 'Buangkan Baris'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Column', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After', // MISSING
-			deleteColumn	: 'Buangkan Lajur'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Ciri-ciri Butang',
-		text		: 'Teks (Nilai)',
-		type		: 'Jenis',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button', // MISSING
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit', // MISSING
-		typeRst		: 'Reset' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Ciri-ciri Checkbox',
-		radioTitle	: 'Ciri-ciri Butang Radio',
-		value		: 'Nilai',
-		selected	: 'Dipilih'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Ciri-ciri Borang',
-		menu		: 'Ciri-ciri Borang',
-		action		: 'Tindakan borang',
-		method		: 'Cara borang dihantar',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Ciri-ciri Selection Field',
-		selectInfo	: 'Select Info', // MISSING
-		opAvail		: 'Pilihan sediada',
-		value		: 'Nilai',
-		size		: 'Saiz',
-		lines		: 'garisan',
-		chkMulti	: 'Benarkan pilihan pelbagai',
-		opText		: 'Teks',
-		opValue		: 'Nilai',
-		btnAdd		: 'Tambah Pilihan',
-		btnModify	: 'Ubah Pilihan',
-		btnUp		: 'Naik ke atas',
-		btnDown		: 'Turun ke bawah',
-		btnSetValue : 'Set sebagai nilai terpilih',
-		btnDelete	: 'Padam'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Ciri-ciri Textarea',
-		cols		: 'Lajur',
-		rows		: 'Baris'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Ciri-ciri Text Field',
-		name		: 'Nama',
-		value		: 'Nilai',
-		charWidth	: 'Lebar isian',
-		maxChars	: 'Isian Maksimum',
-		type		: 'Jenis',
-		typeText	: 'Teks',
-		typePass	: 'Kata Laluan'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Ciri-ciri Field Tersembunyi',
-		name	: 'Nama',
-		value	: 'Nilai'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Ciri-ciri Imej',
-		titleButton	: 'Ciri-ciri Butang Bergambar',
-		menu		: 'Ciri-ciri Imej',
-		infoTab		: 'Info Imej',
-		btnUpload	: 'Hantar ke Server',
-		upload		: 'Muat Naik',
-		alt			: 'Text Alternatif',
-		width		: 'Lebar',
-		height		: 'Tinggi',
-		lockRatio	: 'Tetapkan Nisbah',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Saiz Set Semula',
-		border		: 'Border',
-		hSpace		: 'Ruang Melintang',
-		vSpace		: 'Ruang Menegak',
-		align		: 'Jajaran',
-		alignLeft	: 'Kiri',
-		alignRight	: 'Kanan',
-		alertUrl	: 'Sila taip URL untuk fail gambar',
-		linkTab		: 'Sambungan',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash Properties', // MISSING
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Flash Properties', // MISSING
-		chkPlay			: 'Auto Play', // MISSING
-		chkLoop			: 'Loop', // MISSING
-		chkMenu			: 'Enable Flash Menu', // MISSING
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Scale', // MISSING
-		scaleAll		: 'Show all', // MISSING
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'No Border', // MISSING
-		scaleFit		: 'Exact Fit', // MISSING
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Jajaran',
-		alignLeft		: 'Kiri',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Bawah Mutlak',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Pertengahan Mutlak',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Garis Dasar',
-		alignBottom		: 'Bawah',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Pertengahan',
-		alignRight		: 'Kanan',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Atas Text',
-		alignTop		: 'Atas',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Warna Latarbelakang',
-		width			: 'Lebar',
-		height			: 'Tinggi',
-		hSpace			: 'Ruang Melintang',
-		vSpace			: 'Ruang Menegak',
-		validateSrc		: 'Sila taip sambungan URL',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Semak Ejaan',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Tidak terdapat didalam kamus',
-		changeTo		: 'Tukarkan kepada',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Biar',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Biarkan semua',
-		btnReplace		: 'Ganti',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Gantikan Semua',
-		btnUndo			: 'Batalkan',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Tiada cadangan -',
-		progress		: 'Pemeriksaan ejaan sedang diproses...',
-		noMispell		: 'Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: Tiada salah ejaan',
-		noChanges		: 'Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: Tiada perkataan diubah',
-		oneChange		: 'Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: Satu perkataan telah diubah',
-		manyChanges		: 'Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: %1 perkataan diubah',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Pemeriksa ejaan tidak dipasang. Adakah anda mahu muat turun sekarang?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smiley',
-		title	: 'Masukkan Smiley',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Senarai bernombor',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Senarai tidak bernombor',
-	indent			: 'Tambahkan Inden',
-	outdent			: 'Kurangkan Inden',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Jajaran Kiri',
-		center	: 'Jajaran Tengah',
-		right	: 'Jajaran Kanan',
-		block	: 'Jajaran Blok'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Tampal',
-		cutError	: 'Keselamatan perisian browser anda tidak membenarkan operasi suntingan text/imej. Sila gunakan papan kekunci (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Keselamatan perisian browser anda tidak membenarkan operasi salinan text/imej. Sila gunakan papan kekunci (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK', // MISSING
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Tampal dari Word',
-		title			: 'Tampal dari Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Tampal sebagai text biasa',
-		title	: 'Tampal sebagai text biasa'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Templat',
-		title			: 'Templat Kandungan',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Sila pilih templat untuk dibuka oleh editor<br>(kandungan sebenar akan hilang):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Tiada Templat Disimpan)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stail',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Format',
-		panelTitle	: 'Format',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Telah Diformat',
-		tag_address	: 'Alamat',
-		tag_h1		: 'Heading 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Heading 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Heading 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Heading 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Heading 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Heading 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Perenggan (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Font',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Font'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Saiz',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Saiz'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Warna Text',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Warna Latarbelakang',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Otomatik',
-		more			: 'Warna lain-lain...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Malay language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'ms' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'Browse Server',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokol',
+		upload: 'Muat Naik',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Hantar ke Server',
+		image: 'Gambar',
+		flash: 'Flash', // MISSING
+		form: 'Borang',
+		checkbox: 'Checkbox',
+		radio: 'Butang Radio',
+		textField: 'Text Field',
+		textarea: 'Textarea',
+		hiddenField: 'Field Tersembunyi',
+		button: 'Butang',
+		select: 'Field Pilihan',
+		imageButton: 'Butang Bergambar',
+		notSet: '<tidak di set>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Nama',
+		langDir: 'Arah Tulisan',
+		langDirLtr: 'Kiri ke Kanan (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Kanan ke Kiri (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Kod Bahasa',
+		longDescr: 'Butiran Panjang URL',
+		cssClass: 'Kelas-kelas Stylesheet',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Tajuk Makluman',
+		cssStyle: 'Stail',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Batal',
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: 'Prebiu',
+		resize: 'Resize', // MISSING
+		generalTab: 'General', // MISSING
+		advancedTab: 'Advanced',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
+		options: 'Options', // MISSING
+		target: 'Sasaran',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'Kiri ke Kanan (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Kanan ke Kiri (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Stail',
+		cssClasses: 'Kelas-kelas Stylesheet',
+		width: 'Lebar',
+		height: 'Tinggi',
+		align: 'Jajaran',
+		alignLeft: 'Kiri',
+		alignRight: 'Kanan',
+		alignCenter: 'Tengah',
+		alignTop: 'Atas',
+		alignMiddle: 'Pertengahan',
+		alignBottom: 'Bawah',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/nb.js
index 6baf3d8..7097a4a 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/nb.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/nb.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Norwegian Bokmål language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['nb'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rikteksteditor, %1, trykk ALT 0 for hjelp.',
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Verktøylinje',
-	editor	: 'Rikteksteditor',
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Kilde',
-	newPage			: 'Ny Side',
-	save			: 'Lagre',
-	preview			: 'Forhåndsvis',
-	cut				: 'Klipp ut',
-	copy			: 'Kopier',
-	paste			: 'Lim inn',
-	print			: 'Skriv ut',
-	underline		: 'Understrek',
-	bold			: 'Fet',
-	italic			: 'Kursiv',
-	selectAll		: 'Merk alt',
-	removeFormat	: 'Fjern format',
-	strike			: 'Gjennomstrek',
-	subscript		: 'Senket skrift',
-	superscript		: 'Hevet skrift',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Sett inn horisontal linje',
-	pagebreak		: 'Sett inn sideskift',
-	unlink			: 'Fjern lenke',
-	undo			: 'Angre',
-	redo			: 'Gjør om',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Bla igjennom server',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokoll',
-		upload			: 'Last opp',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Send det til serveren',
-		image			: 'Bilde',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Skjema',
-		checkbox		: 'Avmerkingsboks',
-		radio			: 'Alternativknapp',
-		textField		: 'Tekstboks',
-		textarea		: 'Tekstområde',
-		hiddenField		: 'Skjult felt',
-		button			: 'Knapp',
-		select			: 'Rullegardinliste',
-		imageButton		: 'Bildeknapp',
-		notSet			: '<ikke satt>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Navn',
-		langDir			: 'Språkretning',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Venstre til høyre (VTH)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Høyre til venstre (HTV)',
-		langCode		: 'Språkkode',
-		longDescr		: 'Utvidet beskrivelse',
-		cssClass		: 'Stilarkklasser',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Tittel',
-		cssStyle		: 'Stil',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Avbryt',
-		close			: 'Lukk',
-		preview			: 'Forhåndsvis',
-		generalTab		: 'Generelt',
-		advancedTab		: 'Avansert',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Denne verdien er ikke ett nummer',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Alle endringer som er gjort i dette innholdet vil bli tapt. Er du sikker på at du vil laste en ny side?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Noen av valgene har blitt endret. Er du sikker på at du vil lukke dialogen?',
-		options			: 'Valg',
-		target			: 'MÃ¥l',
-		targetNew		: 'Nytt vindu (_blank)',
-		targetTop		: 'Hele vindu (_top)',
-		targetSelf		: 'Samme vindu (_self)',
-		targetParent	: 'Foreldrevindu (_parent)',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, utilgjenglig</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Sett inn spesielt tegn',
-		title		: 'Velg spesielt tegn',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Sett inn/Rediger lenke',
-		other 		: '<other>', // MISSING
-		menu		: 'Rediger lenke',
-		title		: 'Lenke',
-		info		: 'Lenkeinfo',
-		target		: 'MÃ¥l',
-		upload		: 'Last opp',
-		advanced	: 'Avansert',
-		type		: 'Lenketype',
-		toUrl		: 'URL',
-		toAnchor	: 'Lenke til anker i teksten',
-		toEmail		: 'E-post',
-		targetFrame		: '<ramme>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup vindu>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'MÃ¥lramme',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Navn på popup-vindus',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Egenskaper for popup-vindu',
-		popupResizable	: 'Skalérbar',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Statuslinje',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Adresselinje',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Verktøylinje',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menylinje',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Full skjerm (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Scrollbar',
-		popupDependent	: 'Avhenging (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Bredde',
-		popupLeft		: 'Venstre posisjon',
-		popupHeight		: 'Høyde',
-		popupTop		: 'Topp-posisjon',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Språkretning',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Venstre til høyre (VTH)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Høyre til venstre (HTV)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Aksessknapp',
-		name			: 'Navn',
-		langCode		: 'Språkretning',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tab Indeks',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Tittel',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Type',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stilarkklasser',
-		charset			: 'Lenket språkkart',
-		styles			: 'Stil',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Velg et anker',
-		anchorName		: 'Anker etter navn',
-		anchorId		: 'Element etter ID',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-postadresse',
-		emailSubject	: 'Meldingsemne',
-		emailBody		: 'Melding',
-		noAnchors		: '(Ingen anker i dokumentet)',
-		noUrl			: 'Vennligst skriv inn lenkens url',
-		noEmail			: 'Vennligst skriv inn e-postadressen'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Sett inn/Rediger anker',
-		menu		: 'Egenskaper for anker',
-		title		: 'Egenskaper for anker',
-		name		: 'Ankernavn',
-		errorName	: 'Vennligst skriv inn ankernavnet'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Søk og erstatt',
-		find				: 'Søk',
-		replace				: 'Erstatt',
-		findWhat			: 'Søk etter:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Erstatt med:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Fant ikke søketeksten.',
-		matchCase			: 'Skill mellom store og små bokstaver',
-		matchWord			: 'Bare hele ord',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Søk i hele dokumentet',
-		replaceAll			: 'Erstatt alle',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 tilfelle erstattet.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabell',
-		title		: 'Egenskaper for tabell',
-		menu		: 'Egenskaper for tabell',
-		deleteTable	: 'Slett tabell',
-		rows		: 'Rader',
-		columns		: 'Kolonner',
-		border		: 'Rammestørrelse',
-		align		: 'Justering',
-		alignLeft	: 'Venstre',
-		alignCenter	: 'Midtjuster',
-		alignRight	: 'Høyre',
-		width		: 'Bredde',
-		widthPx		: 'piksler',
-		widthPc		: 'prosent',
-		widthUnit	: 'Bredde-enhet',
-		height		: 'Høyde',
-		cellSpace	: 'Cellemarg',
-		cellPad		: 'Cellepolstring',
-		caption		: 'Tittel',
-		summary		: 'Sammendrag',
-		headers		: 'Overskrifter',
-		headersNone		: 'Ingen',
-		headersColumn	: 'Første kolonne',
-		headersRow		: 'Første rad',
-		headersBoth		: 'Begge',
-		invalidRows		: 'Antall rader må være ett tall større enn 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Antall kolonner må være ett tall større enn 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Rammestørrelse må være ett tall.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Tabellbredde må være ett nummer.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Tabellhøyde må være ett nummer.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cellemellomrom må være ett nummer.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cellefyll må være ett nummer.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Celle',
-			insertBefore	: 'Sett inn celle før',
-			insertAfter		: 'Sett inn celle etter',
-			deleteCell		: 'Slett celler',
-			merge			: 'Slå sammen celler',
-			mergeRight		: 'Slå sammen høyre',
-			mergeDown		: 'Slå sammen ned',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Del celle horisontalt',
-			splitVertical	: 'Del celle vertikalt',
-			title			: 'Celleegenskaper',
-			cellType		: 'Celletype',
-			rowSpan			: 'Radspenn',
-			colSpan			: 'Kolonnespenn',
-			wordWrap		: 'Tekstbrytning',
-			hAlign			: 'Horisontal justering',
-			vAlign			: 'Vertikal justering',
-			alignTop		: 'Topp',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Midten',
-			alignBottom		: 'Bunnen',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Grunnlinje',
-			bgColor			: 'Bakgrunnsfarge',
-			borderColor		: 'Rammefarge',
-			data			: 'Data',
-			header			: 'Overskrift',
-			yes				: 'Ja',
-			no				: 'Nei',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cellebredde må være ett nummer',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cellehøyde må være ett nummer',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Radspenn må være ett nummer.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Kolonnespenn må være ett nummer.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Velg'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Rader',
-			insertBefore	: 'Sett inn rad før',
-			insertAfter		: 'Sett inn rad etter',
-			deleteRow		: 'Slett rader'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Kolonne',
-			insertBefore	: 'Sett inn kolonne før',
-			insertAfter		: 'Sett inn kolonne etter',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Slett kolonner'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaper for knapp',
-		text		: 'Tekst (verdi)',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeBtn		: 'Knapp',
-		typeSbm		: 'Send',
-		typeRst		: 'Nullstill'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Egenskaper for avmerkingsboks',
-		radioTitle	: 'Egenskaper for alternativknapp',
-		value		: 'Verdi',
-		selected	: 'Valgt'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaper for skjema',
-		menu		: 'Egenskaper for skjema',
-		action		: 'Handling',
-		method		: 'Metode',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaper for rullegardinliste',
-		selectInfo	: 'Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Tilgjenglige alternativer',
-		value		: 'Verdi',
-		size		: 'Størrelse',
-		lines		: 'Linjer',
-		chkMulti	: 'Tillat flervalg',
-		opText		: 'Tekst',
-		opValue		: 'Verdi',
-		btnAdd		: 'Legg til',
-		btnModify	: 'Endre',
-		btnUp		: 'Opp',
-		btnDown		: 'Ned',
-		btnSetValue : 'Sett som valgt',
-		btnDelete	: 'Slett'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaper for tekstområde',
-		cols		: 'Kolonner',
-		rows		: 'Rader'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaper for tekstfelt',
-		name		: 'Navn',
-		value		: 'Verdi',
-		charWidth	: 'Tegnbredde',
-		maxChars	: 'Maks antall tegn',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeText	: 'Tekst',
-		typePass	: 'Passord'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Egenskaper for skjult felt',
-		name	: 'Navn',
-		value	: 'Verdi'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Bildeegenskaper',
-		titleButton	: 'Egenskaper for bildeknapp',
-		menu		: 'Bildeegenskaper',
-		infoTab		: 'Bildeinformasjon',
-		btnUpload	: 'Send det til serveren',
-		upload		: 'Last opp',
-		alt			: 'Alternativ tekst',
-		width		: 'Bredde',
-		height		: 'Høyde',
-		lockRatio	: 'LÃ¥s forhold',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Ikke lås forhold',
-		resetSize	: 'Tilbakestill størrelse',
-		border		: 'Ramme',
-		hSpace		: 'HMarg',
-		vSpace		: 'VMarg',
-		align		: 'Juster',
-		alignLeft	: 'Venstre',
-		alignRight	: 'Høyre',
-		alertUrl	: 'Vennligst skriv bilde-urlen',
-		linkTab		: 'Lenke',
-		button2Img	: 'Vil du endre den valgte bildeknappen til ett vanlig bilde?',
-		img2Button	: 'Vil du endre det valgte bildet til en bildeknapp?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Bildets adresse mangler.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Bredde må være ett nummer.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Høyde må være ett nummer.',
-		validateBorder	: 'Ramme må være ett nummer.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace må være ett nummer.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace må være ett nummer.'
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Egenskaper for Flash-objekt',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Egenskaper',
-		title			: 'Flash-egenskaper',
-		chkPlay			: 'Autospill',
-		chkLoop			: 'Loop',
-		chkMenu			: 'Slå på Flash-meny',
-		chkFull			: 'Tillat fullskjerm',
- 		scale			: 'Skaler',
-		scaleAll		: 'Vis alt',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Ingen ramme',
-		scaleFit		: 'Skaler til å passe',
-		access			: 'Scripttilgang',
-		accessAlways	: 'Alltid',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Samme domene',
-		accessNever		: 'Aldri',
-		align			: 'Juster',
-		alignLeft		: 'Venstre',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs bunn',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs midten',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Bunnlinje',
-		alignBottom		: 'Bunn',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Midten',
-		alignRight		: 'Høyre',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Tekst topp',
-		alignTop		: 'Topp',
-		quality			: 'Kvalitet',
-		qualityBest		: 'Best',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Høy',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto Høy',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Lav',
-		qualityLow		: 'Lav',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Vindu',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Gjennomsiktig',
-		windowMode		: 'Vindu modus',
-		flashvars		: 'Variabler for flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Bakgrunnsfarge',
-		width			: 'Bredde',
-		height			: 'Høyde',
-		hSpace			: 'HMarg',
-		vSpace			: 'VMarg',
-		validateSrc		: 'Vennligst skriv inn lenkens url',
-		validateWidth	: 'Bredde må være ett nummer.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Høyde må være ett nummer',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace må være ett nummer.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace må være ett nummer.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Stavekontroll',
-		title			: 'Stavekontroll',
-		notAvailable	: 'Beklager, tjenesten er utilgjenglig nå.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Feil under lasting av applicationstjeneste tjener: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Ikke i ordboken',
-		changeTo		: 'Endre til',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignorer',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignorer alle',
-		btnReplace		: 'Erstatt',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Erstatt alle',
-		btnUndo			: 'Angre',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Ingen forslag -',
-		progress		: 'Stavekontroll pågår...',
-		noMispell		: 'Stavekontroll fullført: ingen feilstavinger funnet',
-		noChanges		: 'Stavekontroll fullført: ingen ord endret',
-		oneChange		: 'Stavekontroll fullført: Ett ord endret',
-		manyChanges		: 'Stavekontroll fullført: %1 ord endret',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Stavekontroll er ikke installert. Vil du laste den ned nå?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smil',
-		title	: 'Sett inn smil',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Element-sti',
-		eleTitle : '%1 element'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Nummerert liste',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Uordnet liste',
-	indent			: 'Øk nivå',
-	outdent			: 'Senk nivå',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Venstrejuster',
-		center	: 'Midtjuster',
-		right	: 'Høyrejuster',
-		block	: 'Blokkjuster'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Blockquote',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Lim inn',
-		cutError	: 'Din nettlesers sikkerhetsinstillinger tillater ikke automatisk klipping av tekst. Vennligst bruk snareveien (Ctrl+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Din nettlesers sikkerhetsinstillinger tillater ikke automatisk kopiering av tekst. Vennligst bruk snareveien (Ctrl+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Vennligst lim inn i den følgende boksen med tastaturet (<STRONG>Ctrl+V</STRONG>) og trykk <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Din nettlesers sikkerhetsinstillinger gir ikke redigeringsverktøyet direkte tilgang til utklippstavlen. Du må lime det igjen i dette vinduet.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Innlimingsområde'
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Teksten du limer inn ser ut til å være kopiert fra Word. Vil du renske den før du limer den inn?',
-		toolbar			: 'Lim inn fra Word',
-		title			: 'Lim inn fra Word',
-		error			: 'Det var ikke mulig å renske den innlimte teksten på grunn av en intern feil'
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Lim inn som ren tekst',
-		title	: 'Lim inn som ren tekst'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Maler',
-		title			: 'Innholdsmaler',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Erstatt faktisk innold',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Velg malen du vil åpne<br>(innholdet du har skrevet blir tapt!):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Ingen maler definert)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Vis blokker',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stil',
-		panelTitle	: 'Stilformater',
-		panelTitle1	: 'Blokkstiler',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inlinestiler',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Objektstiler'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Format',
-		panelTitle	: 'Format',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatert',
-		tag_address	: 'Adresse',
-		tag_h1		: 'Tittel 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Tittel 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Tittel 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Tittel 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Tittel 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Tittel 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Sett inn Div Container',
-		toolbar				: 'Sett inn Div Container',
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stilark-klasser',
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Stil',
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id',
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Språk-kode',
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inlinestiler',
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Språkretning',
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Venstre til høyre (VTH)',
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Høyre til venstre (HTV)',
-		edit				: 'Rediger Div',
-		remove				: 'Fjern Div'
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Skrift',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font',
-		panelTitle	: 'Skrift'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Størrelse',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Størrelse',
-		panelTitle	: 'Størrelse'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Tekstfarge',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Bakgrunnsfarge',
-		panelTitle		: 'Farger',
-		auto			: 'Automatisk',
-		more			: 'Flere farger...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Svart',
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Marine',
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Svak grå',
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brun',
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Mørk grå',
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turkis',
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blå',
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Grå',
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Mørk oransje',
-		'FFD700' : 'gull',
-		'008000' : 'Grønn',
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blå',
-		'EE82EE' : 'Fiolett',
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Mørk grå',
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Oransje',
-		'FFFF00' : 'gul',
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Lys Blå',
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plomme',
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Lys grå',
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antikk-hvit',
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Lys gul',
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'Hvit'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Stavekontroll mens du skriver',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Slå på SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'Slå av SCAYT',
-		about			: 'Om SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'Veksle SCAYT',
-		options			: 'Valg',
-		langs			: 'Språk',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Flere forslag',
-		ignore			: 'Ignorer',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignorer Alle',
-		addWord			: 'Legg til ord',
-		emptyDic		: 'Ordboknavn skal ikke være tom',
-		optionsTab		: 'Valg',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Språk',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Ordbøker',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'Om'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'Om CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'Om CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'For lisensieringsinformasjon vennligst besøk vårt nettsted:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Alle rettigheter reservert.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maksimer',
-	minimize : 'Minimer',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anker',
-		flash	: 'Flash Animasjon',
-		div		: 'Sideskift',
-		unknown	: 'Ukjent objekt'
-	},
-	resize : 'Dra for å skalere',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Velg farge',
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Merk',
-		selected	: 'Valgt',
-		clear		: 'Tøm'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Slå sammen verktøylinje',
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Vis verktøylinje',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Norwegian Bokmål language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'nb' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rikteksteditor',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Trykk ALT 0 for hjelp',
+		browseServer: 'Bla igjennom server',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokoll',
+		upload: 'Last opp',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Send det til serveren',
+		image: 'Bilde',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Skjema',
+		checkbox: 'Avmerkingsboks',
+		radio: 'Alternativknapp',
+		textField: 'Tekstboks',
+		textarea: 'Tekstområde',
+		hiddenField: 'Skjult felt',
+		button: 'Knapp',
+		select: 'Rullegardinliste',
+		imageButton: 'Bildeknapp',
+		notSet: '<ikke satt>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Navn',
+		langDir: 'Språkretning',
+		langDirLtr: 'Venstre til høyre (VTH)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Høyre til venstre (HTV)',
+		langCode: 'Språkkode',
+		longDescr: 'Utvidet beskrivelse',
+		cssClass: 'Stilarkklasser',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Tittel',
+		cssStyle: 'Stil',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Avbryt',
+		close: 'Lukk',
+		preview: 'Forhåndsvis',
+		resize: 'Dra for å skalere',
+		generalTab: 'Generelt',
+		advancedTab: 'Avansert',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Denne verdien er ikke et tall.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Alle ulagrede endringer som er gjort i dette innholdet vil bli tapt. Er du sikker på at du vil laste en ny side?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Noen av valgene har blitt endret. Er du sikker på at du vil lukke dialogen?',
+		options: 'Valg',
+		target: 'MÃ¥l',
+		targetNew: 'Nytt vindu (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Hele vindu (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Samme vindu (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Foreldrevindu (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Venstre til høyre (VTH)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Høyre til venstre (HTV)',
+		styles: 'Stil',
+		cssClasses: 'Stilarkklasser',
+		width: 'Bredde',
+		height: 'Høyde',
+		align: 'Juster',
+		alignLeft: 'Venstre',
+		alignRight: 'Høyre',
+		alignCenter: 'Midtjuster',
+		alignTop: 'Topp',
+		alignMiddle: 'Midten',
+		alignBottom: 'Bunn',
+		invalidValue	: 'Ugyldig verdi.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Høyde må være et tall.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Bredde må være et tall.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Den angitte verdien for feltet "%1" må være et positivt tall med eller uten en gyldig CSS-målingsenhet (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, eller pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Den angitte verdien for feltet "%1" må være et positivt tall med eller uten en gyldig HTML-målingsenhet (px eller %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Verdi angitt for inline stil må bestå av en eller flere sett med formatet "navn : verdi", separert med semikolon',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Skriv inn et tall for en piksel-verdi eller et tall med en gyldig CSS-enhet (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, eller pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, utilgjenglig</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/nl.js
index 3f70730..755be89 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/nl.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/nl.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Dutch language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['nl'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Tekstverwerker, %1, druk op ALT 0 voor hulp.',
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Werkbalk',
-	editor	: 'Tekstverwerker',
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Code',
-	newPage			: 'Nieuwe pagina',
-	save			: 'Opslaan',
-	preview			: 'Voorbeeld',
-	cut				: 'Knippen',
-	copy			: 'Kopiëren',
-	paste			: 'Plakken',
-	print			: 'Printen',
-	underline		: 'Onderstreept',
-	bold			: 'Vet',
-	italic			: 'Schuingedrukt',
-	selectAll		: 'Alles selecteren',
-	removeFormat	: 'Opmaak verwijderen',
-	strike			: 'Doorhalen',
-	subscript		: 'Subscript',
-	superscript		: 'Superscript',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Horizontale lijn invoegen',
-	pagebreak		: 'Pagina-einde invoegen',
-	unlink			: 'Link verwijderen',
-	undo			: 'Ongedaan maken',
-	redo			: 'Opnieuw uitvoeren',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Bladeren op server',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protocol',
-		upload			: 'Upload',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Naar server verzenden',
-		image			: 'Afbeelding',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Formulier',
-		checkbox		: 'Aanvinkvakje',
-		radio			: 'Selectievakje',
-		textField		: 'Tekstveld',
-		textarea		: 'Tekstvak',
-		hiddenField		: 'Verborgen veld',
-		button			: 'Knop',
-		select			: 'Selectieveld',
-		imageButton		: 'Afbeeldingsknop',
-		notSet			: '<niet ingevuld>',
-		id				: 'Kenmerk',
-		name			: 'Naam',
-		langDir			: 'Schrijfrichting',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Links naar rechts (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Rechts naar links (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Taalcode',
-		longDescr		: 'Lange URL-omschrijving',
-		cssClass		: 'Stylesheet-klassen',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Aanbevolen titel',
-		cssStyle		: 'Stijl',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Annuleren',
-		close			: 'Sluiten',
-		preview			: 'Voorbeeld',
-		generalTab		: 'Algemeen',
-		advancedTab		: 'Geavanceerd',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Deze waarde is geen geldig getal.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Alle aangebrachte wijzigingen gaan verloren. Weet u zeker dat u een nieuwe pagina wilt openen?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Enkele opties zijn gewijzigd. Weet u zeker dat u dit dialoogvenster wilt sluiten?',
-		options			: 'Opties',
-		target			: 'Doel',
-		targetNew		: 'Nieuw venster (_blank)',
-		targetTop		: 'Hele venster (_top)',
-		targetSelf		: 'Zelfde venster (_self)',
-		targetParent	: 'Origineel venster (_parent)',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Links naar rechts (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Rechts naar links (RTL)',
-		styles			: 'Stijlen',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet klassen',
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, niet beschikbaar</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context menu opties'
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Speciaal teken invoegen',
-		title		: 'Selecteer speciaal teken',
-		options : 'Speciale tekens opties'
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Link invoegen/wijzigen',
-		other 		: '<ander>',
-		menu		: 'Link wijzigen',
-		title		: 'Link',
-		info		: 'Linkomschrijving',
-		target		: 'Doel',
-		upload		: 'Upload',
-		advanced	: 'Geavanceerd',
-		type		: 'Linktype',
-		toUrl		: 'URL',
-		toAnchor	: 'Interne link in pagina',
-		toEmail		: 'E-mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<frame>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup window>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Naam doelframe',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Naam popupvenster',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Instellingen popupvenster',
-		popupResizable	: 'Herschaalbaar',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Statusbalk',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Locatiemenu',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Menubalk',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menubalk',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Volledig scherm (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Schuifbalken',
-		popupDependent	: 'Afhankelijk (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Breedte',
-		popupLeft		: 'Positie links',
-		popupHeight		: 'Hoogte',
-		popupTop		: 'Positie boven',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Schrijfrichting',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Links naar rechts (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Rechts naar links (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Toegangstoets',
-		name			: 'Naam',
-		langCode		: 'Schrijfrichting',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tabvolgorde',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Aanbevolen titel',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Aanbevolen content-type',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet-klassen',
-		charset			: 'Karakterset van gelinkte bron',
-		styles			: 'Stijl',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Kies een interne link',
-		anchorName		: 'Op naam interne link',
-		anchorId		: 'Op kenmerk interne link',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-mailadres',
-		emailSubject	: 'Onderwerp bericht',
-		emailBody		: 'Inhoud bericht',
-		noAnchors		: '(Geen interne links in document gevonden)',
-		noUrl			: 'Geef de link van de URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Geef een e-mailadres'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Interne link',
-		menu		: 'Eigenschappen interne link',
-		title		: 'Eigenschappen interne link',
-		name		: 'Naam interne link',
-		errorName	: 'Geef de naam van de interne link op'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Eigenschappen genummerde lijst',
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Eigenschappen lijst met opsommingstekens',
-		type				: 'Type',
-		start				: 'Start',
-		validateStartNumber				:'Starnummer van de lijst moet een heel nummer zijn.',
-		circle				: 'Cirkel',
-		disc				: 'Schijf',
-		square				: 'Vierkant',
-		none				: 'Geen',
-		notset				: '<niet gezet>',
-		armenian			: 'Armeense numering',
-		georgian			: 'Greorgische numering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
-		lowerRoman			: 'Romeins kleine letters (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
-		upperRoman			: 'Romeins hoofdletters (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Kleine letters (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
-		upperAlpha			: 'Hoofdletters (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
-		lowerGreek			: 'Grieks kleine letters (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
-		decimal				: 'Cijfers (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Cijfers beginnen met nul (01, 02, 03, etc.)'
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Zoeken en vervangen',
-		find				: 'Zoeken',
-		replace				: 'Vervangen',
-		findWhat			: 'Zoeken naar:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Vervangen met:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'De opgegeven tekst is niet gevonden.',
-		matchCase			: 'Hoofdlettergevoelig',
-		matchWord			: 'Hele woord moet voorkomen',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Doorlopend zoeken',
-		replaceAll			: 'Alles vervangen',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 resulaten vervangen.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabel',
-		title		: 'Eigenschappen tabel',
-		menu		: 'Eigenschappen tabel',
-		deleteTable	: 'Tabel verwijderen',
-		rows		: 'Rijen',
-		columns		: 'Kolommen',
-		border		: 'Breedte rand',
-		align		: 'Uitlijning',
-		alignLeft	: 'Links',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centreren',
-		alignRight	: 'Rechts',
-		width		: 'Breedte',
-		widthPx		: 'pixels',
-		widthPc		: 'procent',
-		widthUnit	: 'eenheid breedte',
-		height		: 'Hoogte',
-		cellSpace	: 'Afstand tussen cellen',
-		cellPad		: 'Ruimte in de cel',
-		caption		: 'Naam',
-		summary		: 'Samenvatting',
-		headers		: 'Koppen',
-		headersNone		: 'Geen',
-		headersColumn	: 'Eerste kolom',
-		headersRow		: 'Eerste rij',
-		headersBoth		: 'Beide',
-		invalidRows		: 'Het aantal rijen moet een getal zijn groter dan 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Het aantal kolommen moet een getal zijn groter dan 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'De rand breedte moet een getal zijn.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'De tabel breedte moet een getal zijn.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'De tabel hoogte moet een getal zijn.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Afstand tussen cellen moet een getal zijn.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Ruimte in de cel moet een getal zijn.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cel',
-			insertBefore	: 'Voeg cel in voor',
-			insertAfter		: 'Voeg cel in achter',
-			deleteCell		: 'Cellen verwijderen',
-			merge			: 'Cellen samenvoegen',
-			mergeRight		: 'Voeg samen naar rechts',
-			mergeDown		: 'Voeg samen naar beneden',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Splits cellen horizontaal',
-			splitVertical	: 'Splits cellen verticaal',
-			title			: 'Cel eigenschappen',
-			cellType		: 'Cel type',
-			rowSpan			: 'Rijen samenvoegen',
-			colSpan			: 'Kolommen samenvoegen',
-			wordWrap		: 'Automatische terugloop',
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontale uitlijning',
-			vAlign			: 'Verticale uitlijning',
-			alignTop		: 'Boven',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Midden',
-			alignBottom		: 'Onder',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Basislijn',
-			bgColor			: 'Achtergrondkleur',
-			borderColor		: 'Kleur rand',
-			data			: 'Inhoud',
-			header			: 'Kop',
-			yes				: 'Ja',
-			no				: 'Nee',
-			invalidWidth	: 'De celbreedte moet een getal zijn.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'De celhoogte moet een getal zijn.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rijen samenvoegen moet een heel getal zijn.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Kolommen samenvoegen moet een heel getal zijn.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Kies'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Rij',
-			insertBefore	: 'Voeg rij in voor',
-			insertAfter		: 'Voeg rij in achter',
-			deleteRow		: 'Rijen verwijderen'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Kolom',
-			insertBefore	: 'Voeg kolom in voor',
-			insertAfter		: 'Voeg kolom in achter',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Kolommen verwijderen'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eigenschappen knop',
-		text		: 'Tekst (waarde)',
-		type		: 'Soort',
-		typeBtn		: 'Knop',
-		typeSbm		: 'Versturen',
-		typeRst		: 'Leegmaken'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Eigenschappen aanvinkvakje',
-		radioTitle	: 'Eigenschappen selectievakje',
-		value		: 'Waarde',
-		selected	: 'Geselecteerd'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eigenschappen formulier',
-		menu		: 'Eigenschappen formulier',
-		action		: 'Actie',
-		method		: 'Methode',
-		encoding	: 'Codering'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eigenschappen selectieveld',
-		selectInfo	: 'Informatie',
-		opAvail		: 'Beschikbare opties',
-		value		: 'Waarde',
-		size		: 'Grootte',
-		lines		: 'Regels',
-		chkMulti	: 'Gecombineerde selecties toestaan',
-		opText		: 'Tekst',
-		opValue		: 'Waarde',
-		btnAdd		: 'Toevoegen',
-		btnModify	: 'Wijzigen',
-		btnUp		: 'Omhoog',
-		btnDown		: 'Omlaag',
-		btnSetValue : 'Als geselecteerde waarde instellen',
-		btnDelete	: 'Verwijderen'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eigenschappen tekstvak',
-		cols		: 'Kolommen',
-		rows		: 'Rijen'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eigenschappen tekstveld',
-		name		: 'Naam',
-		value		: 'Waarde',
-		charWidth	: 'Breedte (tekens)',
-		maxChars	: 'Maximum aantal tekens',
-		type		: 'Soort',
-		typeText	: 'Tekst',
-		typePass	: 'Wachtwoord'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Eigenschappen verborgen veld',
-		name	: 'Naam',
-		value	: 'Waarde'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Eigenschappen afbeelding',
-		titleButton	: 'Eigenschappen afbeeldingsknop',
-		menu		: 'Eigenschappen afbeelding',
-		infoTab		: 'Informatie afbeelding',
-		btnUpload	: 'Naar server verzenden',
-		upload		: 'Upload',
-		alt			: 'Alternatieve tekst',
-		width		: 'Breedte',
-		height		: 'Hoogte',
-		lockRatio	: 'Afmetingen vergrendelen',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Afmetingen ontgrendelen',
-		resetSize	: 'Afmetingen resetten',
-		border		: 'Rand',
-		hSpace		: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace		: 'VSpace',
-		align		: 'Uitlijning',
-		alignLeft	: 'Links',
-		alignRight	: 'Rechts',
-		alertUrl	: 'Geef de URL van de afbeelding',
-		linkTab		: 'Link',
-		button2Img	: 'Wilt u de geselecteerde afbeeldingsknop vervangen door een eenvoudige afbeelding?',
-		img2Button	: 'Wilt u de geselecteerde afbeelding vervangen door een afbeeldingsknop?',
-		urlMissing	: 'De URL naar de afbeelding ontbreekt.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Breedte moet een heel nummer zijn.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Hoogte moet een heel nummer zijn.',
-		validateBorder	: 'Rand moet een heel nummer zijn.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace moet een heel nummer zijn.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace moet een heel nummer zijn.'
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Eigenschappen Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Eigenschappen',
-		title			: 'Eigenschappen Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Automatisch afspelen',
-		chkLoop			: 'Herhalen',
-		chkMenu			: 'Flashmenu\'s inschakelen',
-		chkFull			: 'Schermvullend toestaan',
- 		scale			: 'Schaal',
-		scaleAll		: 'Alles tonen',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Geen rand',
-		scaleFit		: 'Precies passend',
-		access			: 'Script toegang',
-		accessAlways	: 'Altijd',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Zelfde domeinnaam',
-		accessNever		: 'Nooit',
-		align			: 'Uitlijning',
-		alignLeft		: 'Links',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Absoluut-onder',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Absoluut-midden',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Basislijn',
-		alignBottom		: 'Beneden',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Midden',
-		alignRight		: 'Rechts',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Boven tekst',
-		alignTop		: 'Boven',
-		quality			: 'Kwaliteit',
-		qualityBest		: 'Beste',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Hoog',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Automatisch hoog',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Gemiddeld',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Automatisch laag',
-		qualityLow		: 'Laag',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Venster',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Ondoorzichtig',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Doorzichtig',
-		windowMode		: 'Venster modus',
-		flashvars		: 'Variabelen voor Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Achtergrondkleur',
-		width			: 'Breedte',
-		height			: 'Hoogte',
-		hSpace			: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace			: 'VSpace',
-		validateSrc		: 'Geef de link van de URL',
-		validateWidth	: 'De breedte moet een getal zijn.',
-		validateHeight	: 'De hoogte moet een getal zijn.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'De HSpace moet een getal zijn.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'De VSpace moet een getal zijn.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Spellingscontrole',
-		title			: 'Spellingscontrole',
-		notAvailable	: 'Excuses, deze dienst is momenteel niet beschikbaar.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Er is een fout opgetreden bij het laden van de diesnt: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Niet in het woordenboek',
-		changeTo		: 'Wijzig in',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Negeren',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Alles negeren',
-		btnReplace		: 'Vervangen',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Alles vervangen',
-		btnUndo			: 'Ongedaan maken',
-		noSuggestions	: '-Geen suggesties-',
-		progress		: 'Bezig met spellingscontrole...',
-		noMispell		: 'Klaar met spellingscontrole: geen fouten gevonden',
-		noChanges		: 'Klaar met spellingscontrole: geen woorden aangepast',
-		oneChange		: 'Klaar met spellingscontrole: één woord aangepast',
-		manyChanges		: 'Klaar met spellingscontrole: %1 woorden aangepast',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'De spellingscontrole niet geïnstalleerd. Wilt u deze nu downloaden?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smiley',
-		title	: 'Smiley invoegen',
-		options : 'Smiley opties'
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elementenpad',
-		eleTitle : '%1 element'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Genummerde lijst',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Opsomming',
-	indent			: 'Inspringen vergroten',
-	outdent			: 'Inspringen verkleinen',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Links uitlijnen',
-		center	: 'Centreren',
-		right	: 'Rechts uitlijnen',
-		block	: 'Uitvullen'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Citaatblok',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Plakken',
-		cutError	: 'De beveiligingsinstelling van de browser verhinderen het automatisch knippen. Gebruik de sneltoets Ctrl/Cmd+X van het toetsenbord.',
-		copyError	: 'De beveiligingsinstelling van de browser verhinderen het automatisch kopiëren. Gebruik de sneltoets Ctrl/Cmd+C van het toetsenbord.',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Plak de tekst in het volgende vak gebruik makend van uw toetsenbord (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) en klik op <strong>OK</strong>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Door de beveiligingsinstellingen van uw browser is het niet mogelijk om direct vanuit het klembord in de editor te plakken. Middels opnieuw plakken in dit venster kunt u de tekst alsnog plakken in de editor.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Plakgebied'
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'De tekst die u plakte lijkt gekopieerd te zijn vanuit Word. Wilt u de tekst opschonen voordat deze geplakt wordt?',
-		toolbar			: 'Plakken als Word-gegevens',
-		title			: 'Plakken als Word-gegevens',
-		error			: 'Het was niet mogelijk om de geplakte tekst op te schonen door een interne fout'
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Plakken als platte tekst',
-		title	: 'Plakken als platte tekst'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Sjablonen',
-		title			: 'Inhoud sjabonen',
-		options : 'Template opties',
-		insertOption	: 'Vervang de huidige inhoud',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Selecteer het sjabloon dat in de editor geopend moet worden (de actuele inhoud gaat verloren):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Geen sjablonen gedefinieerd)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Toon blokken',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stijl',
-		panelTitle	: 'Opmaakstijlen',
-		panelTitle1	: 'Blok stijlen',
-		panelTitle2	: 'In-line stijlen',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object stijlen'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Opmaak',
-		panelTitle	: 'Opmaak',
-		tag_p		: 'Normaal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Met opmaak',
-		tag_address	: 'Adres',
-		tag_h1		: 'Kop 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Kop 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Kop 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Kop 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Kop 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Kop 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normaal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Div aanmaken',
-		toolbar				: 'Div aanmaken',
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet klassen',
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Stijl',
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id',
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Taalcode',
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline stijl',
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'informatieve titel',
-		langDirLabel		: 'Schrijfrichting',
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Links naar rechts (LTR)',
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Rechts naar links (RTL)',
-		edit				: 'Div wijzigen',
-		remove				: 'Div verwijderen'
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Lettertype',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Lettertype',
-		panelTitle	: 'Lettertype'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Lettergrootte',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Lettergrootte',
-		panelTitle	: 'Lettergrootte'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Tekstkleur',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Achtergrondkleur',
-		panelTitle		: 'Kleuren',
-		auto			: 'Automatisch',
-		more			: 'Meer kleuren...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Zwart',
-		'800000' : 'Kastanjebruin',
-		'8B4513' : 'Chocoladebruin',
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Donkerleigrijs',
-		'008080' : 'Blauwgroen',
-		'000080' : 'Marine',
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo',
-		'696969' : 'Donkergrijs',
-		'B22222' : 'Baksteen',
-		'A52A2A' : 'Bruin',
-		'DAA520' : 'Donkergeel',
-		'006400' : 'Donkergroen',
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise',
-		'0000CD' : 'Middenblauw',
-		'800080' : 'Paars',
-		'808080' : 'Grijs',
-		'F00' : 'Rood',
-		'FF8C00' : 'Donkeroranje',
-		'FFD700' : 'Goud',
-		'008000' : 'Groen',
-		'0FF' : 'Cyaan',
-		'00F' : 'Blauw',
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet',
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Donkergrijs',
-		'FFA07A' : 'Lichtzalm',
-		'FFA500' : 'Oranje',
-		'FFFF00' : 'Geel',
-		'00FF00' : 'Felgroen',
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Lichtturquoise',
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Lichtblauw',
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Pruim',
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Lichtgrijs',
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Linnen',
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Ivoor',
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Lichtgeel',
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honingdauw',
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azuur',
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Licht hemelsblauw',
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavendel',
-		'FFF' : 'Wit'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Controleer de spelling tijdens het typen',
-		opera_title		: 'Niet ondersteund door Opera',
-		enable			: 'SCAYT inschakelen',
-		disable			: 'SCAYT uitschakelen',
-		about			: 'Over SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'SCAYT in/uitschakelen',
-		options			: 'Opties',
-		langs			: 'Talen',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Meer suggesties',
-		ignore			: 'Negeren',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Alles negeren',
-		addWord			: 'Woord toevoegen',
-		emptyDic		: 'De naam van het woordenboek mag niet leeg zijn.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Opties',
-		allCaps			: 'Negeer woorden helemaal in hoofdletters',
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Negeer domeinnamen',
-		mixedCase		: 'Negeer woorden met hoofd- en kleine letters',
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Negeer woorden met cijfers',
-		languagesTab	: 'Talen',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Woordenboeken',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Naam woordenboek',
-		dic_create		: 'Aanmaken',
-		dic_restore		: 'Terugzetten',
-		dic_delete		: 'Verwijderen',
-		dic_rename		: 'Hernoemen',
-		dic_info		: 'Initieel wordt het gebruikerswoordenboek opgeslagen in een cookie. Cookies zijn echter beperkt in grootte. Zodra het gebruikerswoordenboek het punt bereikt waarop het niet meer in een cookie opgeslagen kan worden, dan wordt het woordenboek op de server opgeslagen. Om je persoonlijke woordenboek op je eigen server op te slaan, moet je een mapnaam opgeven. Indien je al een woordenboek hebt opgeslagen, typ dan de naam en klik op de Terugzetten knop.',
-		aboutTab		: 'Over'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'Over CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'Over CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'Voor licentie informatie, bezoek onze website:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Alle rechten voorbehouden.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximaliseren',
-	minimize : 'Minimaliseren',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anker',
-		flash	: 'Flash animatie',
-		div		: 'Pagina einde',
-		unknown	: 'Onbekend object'
-	},
-	resize : 'Sleep om te herschalen',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Selecteer kleur',
-		options	:	'Kleuropties',
-		highlight	: 'Actief',
-		selected	: 'Geselecteerd',
-		clear		: 'Wissen'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Werkbalk inklappen',
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Werkbalk uitklappen',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Schrijfrichting van links naar rechts',
-		rtl : 'Schrijfrichting van rechts naar links'
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object for the
+ * Dutch language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'nl' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Tekstverwerker',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Druk ALT 0 voor hulp',
+		browseServer: 'Bladeren op server',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protocol',
+		upload: 'Upload',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Naar server verzenden',
+		image: 'Afbeelding',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Formulier',
+		checkbox: 'Aanvinkvakje',
+		radio: 'Selectievakje',
+		textField: 'Tekstveld',
+		textarea: 'Tekstvak',
+		hiddenField: 'Verborgen veld',
+		button: 'Knop',
+		select: 'Selectieveld',
+		imageButton: 'Afbeeldingsknop',
+		notSet: '<niet ingevuld>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Naam',
+		langDir: 'Schrijfrichting',
+		langDirLtr: 'Links naar rechts (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Rechts naar links (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Taalcode',
+		longDescr: 'Lange URL-omschrijving',
+		cssClass: 'Stylesheet-klassen',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Adviserende titel',
+		cssStyle: 'Stijl',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Annuleren',
+		close: 'Sluiten',
+		preview: 'Voorbeeld',
+		resize: 'Sleep om te herschalen',
+		generalTab: 'Algemeen',
+		advancedTab: 'Geavanceerd',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Deze waarde is geen geldig getal.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Alle aangebrachte wijzigingen gaan verloren. Weet u zeker dat u een nieuwe pagina wilt openen?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Enkele opties zijn gewijzigd. Weet u zeker dat u dit dialoogvenster wilt sluiten?',
+		options: 'Opties',
+		target: 'Doelvenster',
+		targetNew: 'Nieuw venster (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Hele venster (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Zelfde venster (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Origineel venster (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Links naar rechts (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Rechts naar links (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Stijl',
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheet klassen',
+		width: 'Breedte',
+		height: 'Hoogte',
+		align: 'Uitlijning',
+		alignLeft: 'Links',
+		alignRight: 'Rechts',
+		alignCenter: 'Centreren',
+		alignTop: 'Boven',
+		alignMiddle: 'Midden',
+		alignBottom: 'Onder',
+		invalidValue	: 'Ongeldige waarde.',
+		invalidHeight: 'De hoogte moet een getal zijn.',
+		invalidWidth: 'De breedte moet een getal zijn.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Waarde in veld "%1" moet een positief nummer zijn, met of zonder een geldige CSS meeteenheid (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt of pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Waarde in veld "%1" moet een positief nummer zijn, met of zonder een geldige HTML meeteenheid (px of %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Waarde voor de online stijl moet bestaan uit een of meerdere tupels met het formaat "naam : waarde", gescheiden door puntkomma\'s.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Geef een nummer in voor een waarde in pixels of geef een nummer in met een geldige CSS eenheid (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, of pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, niet beschikbaar</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/no.js
index db293dd..3310e9f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/no.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/no.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Norwegian language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['no'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rikteksteditor, %1, trykk ALT 0 for hjelp.',
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Verktøylinje',
-	editor	: 'Rikteksteditor',
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Kilde',
-	newPage			: 'Ny Side',
-	save			: 'Lagre',
-	preview			: 'Forhåndsvis',
-	cut				: 'Klipp ut',
-	copy			: 'Kopier',
-	paste			: 'Lim inn',
-	print			: 'Skriv ut',
-	underline		: 'Understrek',
-	bold			: 'Fet',
-	italic			: 'Kursiv',
-	selectAll		: 'Merk alt',
-	removeFormat	: 'Fjern format',
-	strike			: 'Gjennomstrek',
-	subscript		: 'Senket skrift',
-	superscript		: 'Hevet skrift',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Sett inn horisontal linje',
-	pagebreak		: 'Sett inn sideskift',
-	unlink			: 'Fjern lenke',
-	undo			: 'Angre',
-	redo			: 'Gjør om',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Bla igjennom server',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokoll',
-		upload			: 'Last opp',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Send det til serveren',
-		image			: 'Bilde',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Skjema',
-		checkbox		: 'Avmerkingsboks',
-		radio			: 'Alternativknapp',
-		textField		: 'Tekstboks',
-		textarea		: 'Tekstområde',
-		hiddenField		: 'Skjult felt',
-		button			: 'Knapp',
-		select			: 'Rullegardinliste',
-		imageButton		: 'Bildeknapp',
-		notSet			: '<ikke satt>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Navn',
-		langDir			: 'Språkretning',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Venstre til høyre (VTH)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Høyre til venstre (HTV)',
-		langCode		: 'Språkkode',
-		longDescr		: 'Utvidet beskrivelse',
-		cssClass		: 'Stilarkklasser',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Tittel',
-		cssStyle		: 'Stil',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Avbryt',
-		close			: 'Lukk',
-		preview			: 'Forhåndsvis',
-		generalTab		: 'Generelt',
-		advancedTab		: 'Avansert',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Denne verdien er ikke ett nummer',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Alle endringer som er gjort i dette innholdet vil bli tapt. Er du sikker på at du vil laste en ny side?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Noen av valgene har blitt endret. Er du sikker på at du vil lukke dialogen?',
-		options			: 'Valg',
-		target			: 'MÃ¥l',
-		targetNew		: 'Nytt vindu (_blank)',
-		targetTop		: 'Hele vindu (_top)',
-		targetSelf		: 'Samme vindu (_self)',
-		targetParent	: 'Foreldrevindu (_parent)',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, utilgjenglig</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Sett inn spesielt tegn',
-		title		: 'Velg spesielt tegn',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Sett inn/Rediger lenke',
-		other 		: '<other>', // MISSING
-		menu		: 'Rediger lenke',
-		title		: 'Lenke',
-		info		: 'Lenkeinfo',
-		target		: 'MÃ¥l',
-		upload		: 'Last opp',
-		advanced	: 'Avansert',
-		type		: 'Lenketype',
-		toUrl		: 'URL',
-		toAnchor	: 'Lenke til anker i teksten',
-		toEmail		: 'E-post',
-		targetFrame		: '<ramme>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup vindu>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'MÃ¥lramme',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Navn på popup-vindus',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Egenskaper for popup-vindu',
-		popupResizable	: 'Skalérbar',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Statuslinje',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Adresselinje',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Verktøylinje',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menylinje',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Full skjerm (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Scrollbar',
-		popupDependent	: 'Avhenging (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Bredde',
-		popupLeft		: 'Venstre posisjon',
-		popupHeight		: 'Høyde',
-		popupTop		: 'Topp-posisjon',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Språkretning',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Venstre til høyre (VTH)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Høyre til venstre (HTV)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Aksessknapp',
-		name			: 'Navn',
-		langCode		: 'Språkretning',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tab Indeks',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Tittel',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Type',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stilarkklasser',
-		charset			: 'Lenket språkkart',
-		styles			: 'Stil',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Velg et anker',
-		anchorName		: 'Anker etter navn',
-		anchorId		: 'Element etter ID',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-postadresse',
-		emailSubject	: 'Meldingsemne',
-		emailBody		: 'Melding',
-		noAnchors		: '(Ingen anker i dokumentet)',
-		noUrl			: 'Vennligst skriv inn lenkens url',
-		noEmail			: 'Vennligst skriv inn e-postadressen'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Sett inn/Rediger anker',
-		menu		: 'Egenskaper for anker',
-		title		: 'Egenskaper for anker',
-		name		: 'Ankernavn',
-		errorName	: 'Vennligst skriv inn ankernavnet'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Søk og erstatt',
-		find				: 'Søk',
-		replace				: 'Erstatt',
-		findWhat			: 'Søk etter:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Erstatt med:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Fant ikke søketeksten.',
-		matchCase			: 'Skill mellom store og små bokstaver',
-		matchWord			: 'Bare hele ord',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Søk i hele dokumentet',
-		replaceAll			: 'Erstatt alle',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 tilfelle erstattet.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabell',
-		title		: 'Egenskaper for tabell',
-		menu		: 'Egenskaper for tabell',
-		deleteTable	: 'Slett tabell',
-		rows		: 'Rader',
-		columns		: 'Kolonner',
-		border		: 'Rammestørrelse',
-		align		: 'Justering',
-		alignLeft	: 'Venstre',
-		alignCenter	: 'Midtjuster',
-		alignRight	: 'Høyre',
-		width		: 'Bredde',
-		widthPx		: 'piksler',
-		widthPc		: 'prosent',
-		widthUnit	: 'Bredde-enhet',
-		height		: 'Høyde',
-		cellSpace	: 'Cellemarg',
-		cellPad		: 'Cellepolstring',
-		caption		: 'Tittel',
-		summary		: 'Sammendrag',
-		headers		: 'Overskrifter',
-		headersNone		: 'Ingen',
-		headersColumn	: 'Første kolonne',
-		headersRow		: 'Første rad',
-		headersBoth		: 'Begge',
-		invalidRows		: 'Antall rader må være ett tall større enn 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Antall kolonner må være ett tall større enn 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Rammestørrelse må være ett tall.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Tabellbredde må være ett nummer.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Tabellhøyde må være ett nummer.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cellemellomrom må være ett nummer.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cellefyll må være ett nummer.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Celle',
-			insertBefore	: 'Sett inn celle før',
-			insertAfter		: 'Sett inn celle etter',
-			deleteCell		: 'Slett celler',
-			merge			: 'Slå sammen celler',
-			mergeRight		: 'Slå sammen høyre',
-			mergeDown		: 'Slå sammen ned',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Del celle horisontalt',
-			splitVertical	: 'Del celle vertikalt',
-			title			: 'Celleegenskaper',
-			cellType		: 'Celletype',
-			rowSpan			: 'Radspenn',
-			colSpan			: 'Kolonnespenn',
-			wordWrap		: 'Tekstbrytning',
-			hAlign			: 'Horisontal justering',
-			vAlign			: 'Vertikal justering',
-			alignTop		: 'Topp',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Midten',
-			alignBottom		: 'Bunnen',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Grunnlinje',
-			bgColor			: 'Bakgrunnsfarge',
-			borderColor		: 'Rammefarge',
-			data			: 'Data',
-			header			: 'Overskrift',
-			yes				: 'Ja',
-			no				: 'Nei',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cellebredde må være ett nummer',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cellehøyde må være ett nummer',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Radspenn må være ett nummer.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Kolonnespenn må være ett nummer.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Velg'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Rader',
-			insertBefore	: 'Sett inn rad før',
-			insertAfter		: 'Sett inn rad etter',
-			deleteRow		: 'Slett rader'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Kolonne',
-			insertBefore	: 'Sett inn kolonne før',
-			insertAfter		: 'Sett inn kolonne etter',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Slett kolonner'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaper for knapp',
-		text		: 'Tekst (verdi)',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeBtn		: 'Knapp',
-		typeSbm		: 'Send',
-		typeRst		: 'Nullstill'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Egenskaper for avmerkingsboks',
-		radioTitle	: 'Egenskaper for alternativknapp',
-		value		: 'Verdi',
-		selected	: 'Valgt'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaper for skjema',
-		menu		: 'Egenskaper for skjema',
-		action		: 'Handling',
-		method		: 'Metode',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaper for rullegardinliste',
-		selectInfo	: 'Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Tilgjenglige alternativer',
-		value		: 'Verdi',
-		size		: 'Størrelse',
-		lines		: 'Linjer',
-		chkMulti	: 'Tillat flervalg',
-		opText		: 'Tekst',
-		opValue		: 'Verdi',
-		btnAdd		: 'Legg til',
-		btnModify	: 'Endre',
-		btnUp		: 'Opp',
-		btnDown		: 'Ned',
-		btnSetValue : 'Sett som valgt',
-		btnDelete	: 'Slett'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaper for tekstområde',
-		cols		: 'Kolonner',
-		rows		: 'Rader'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaper for tekstfelt',
-		name		: 'Navn',
-		value		: 'Verdi',
-		charWidth	: 'Tegnbredde',
-		maxChars	: 'Maks antall tegn',
-		type		: 'Type',
-		typeText	: 'Tekst',
-		typePass	: 'Passord'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Egenskaper for skjult felt',
-		name	: 'Navn',
-		value	: 'Verdi'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Bildeegenskaper',
-		titleButton	: 'Egenskaper for bildeknapp',
-		menu		: 'Bildeegenskaper',
-		infoTab		: 'Bildeinformasjon',
-		btnUpload	: 'Send det til serveren',
-		upload		: 'Last opp',
-		alt			: 'Alternativ tekst',
-		width		: 'Bredde',
-		height		: 'Høyde',
-		lockRatio	: 'LÃ¥s forhold',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Ikke lås forhold',
-		resetSize	: 'Tilbakestill størrelse',
-		border		: 'Ramme',
-		hSpace		: 'HMarg',
-		vSpace		: 'VMarg',
-		align		: 'Juster',
-		alignLeft	: 'Venstre',
-		alignRight	: 'Høyre',
-		alertUrl	: 'Vennligst skriv bilde-urlen',
-		linkTab		: 'Lenke',
-		button2Img	: 'Vil du endre den valgte bildeknappen til ett vanlig bilde?',
-		img2Button	: 'Vil du endre det valgte bildet til en bildeknapp?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Bildets adresse mangler.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Bredde må være ett nummer.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Høyde må være ett nummer.',
-		validateBorder	: 'Ramme må være ett nummer.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace må være ett nummer.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace må være ett nummer.'
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Egenskaper for Flash-objekt',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Egenskaper',
-		title			: 'Flash-egenskaper',
-		chkPlay			: 'Autospill',
-		chkLoop			: 'Loop',
-		chkMenu			: 'Slå på Flash-meny',
-		chkFull			: 'Tillat fullskjerm',
- 		scale			: 'Skaler',
-		scaleAll		: 'Vis alt',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Ingen ramme',
-		scaleFit		: 'Skaler til å passe',
-		access			: 'Scripttilgang',
-		accessAlways	: 'Alltid',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Samme domene',
-		accessNever		: 'Aldri',
-		align			: 'Juster',
-		alignLeft		: 'Venstre',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs bunn',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs midten',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Bunnlinje',
-		alignBottom		: 'Bunn',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Midten',
-		alignRight		: 'Høyre',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Tekst topp',
-		alignTop		: 'Topp',
-		quality			: 'Kvalitet',
-		qualityBest		: 'Best',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Høy',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto Høy',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Lav',
-		qualityLow		: 'Lav',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Vindu',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Gjennomsiktig',
-		windowMode		: 'Vindu modus',
-		flashvars		: 'Variabler for flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Bakgrunnsfarge',
-		width			: 'Bredde',
-		height			: 'Høyde',
-		hSpace			: 'HMarg',
-		vSpace			: 'VMarg',
-		validateSrc		: 'Vennligst skriv inn lenkens url',
-		validateWidth	: 'Bredde må være ett nummer.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Høyde må være ett nummer',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace må være ett nummer.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace må være ett nummer.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Stavekontroll',
-		title			: 'Stavekontroll',
-		notAvailable	: 'Beklager, tjenesten er utilgjenglig nå.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Feil under lasting av applicationstjeneste tjener: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Ikke i ordboken',
-		changeTo		: 'Endre til',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignorer',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignorer alle',
-		btnReplace		: 'Erstatt',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Erstatt alle',
-		btnUndo			: 'Angre',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Ingen forslag -',
-		progress		: 'Stavekontroll pågår...',
-		noMispell		: 'Stavekontroll fullført: ingen feilstavinger funnet',
-		noChanges		: 'Stavekontroll fullført: ingen ord endret',
-		oneChange		: 'Stavekontroll fullført: Ett ord endret',
-		manyChanges		: 'Stavekontroll fullført: %1 ord endret',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Stavekontroll er ikke installert. Vil du laste den ned nå?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smil',
-		title	: 'Sett inn smil',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Element-sti',
-		eleTitle : '%1 element'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Nummerert liste',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Uordnet liste',
-	indent			: 'Øk nivå',
-	outdent			: 'Senk nivå',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Venstrejuster',
-		center	: 'Midtjuster',
-		right	: 'Høyrejuster',
-		block	: 'Blokkjuster'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Blockquote',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Lim inn',
-		cutError	: 'Din nettlesers sikkerhetsinstillinger tillater ikke automatisk klipping av tekst. Vennligst bruk snareveien (Ctrl+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Din nettlesers sikkerhetsinstillinger tillater ikke automatisk kopiering av tekst. Vennligst bruk snareveien (Ctrl+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Vennligst lim inn i den følgende boksen med tastaturet (<STRONG>Ctrl+V</STRONG>) og trykk <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Din nettlesers sikkerhetsinstillinger gir ikke redigeringsverktøyet direkte tilgang til utklippstavlen. Du må lime det igjen i dette vinduet.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Innlimingsområde'
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Teksten du limer inn ser ut til å være kopiert fra Word. Vil du renske den før du limer den inn?',
-		toolbar			: 'Lim inn fra Word',
-		title			: 'Lim inn fra Word',
-		error			: 'Det var ikke mulig å renske den innlimte teksten på grunn av en intern feil'
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Lim inn som ren tekst',
-		title	: 'Lim inn som ren tekst'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Maler',
-		title			: 'Innholdsmaler',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Erstatt faktisk innold',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Velg malen du vil åpne<br>(innholdet du har skrevet blir tapt!):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Ingen maler definert)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Vis blokker',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stil',
-		panelTitle	: 'Stilformater',
-		panelTitle1	: 'Blokkstiler',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inlinestiler',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Objektstiler'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Format',
-		panelTitle	: 'Format',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatert',
-		tag_address	: 'Adresse',
-		tag_h1		: 'Tittel 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Tittel 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Tittel 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Tittel 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Tittel 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Tittel 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Sett inn Div Container',
-		toolbar				: 'Sett inn Div Container',
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stilark-klasser',
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Stil',
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id',
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Språk-kode',
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inlinestiler',
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Språkretning',
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Venstre til høyre (VTH)',
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Høyre til venstre (HTV)',
-		edit				: 'Rediger Div',
-		remove				: 'Fjern Div'
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Skrift',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font',
-		panelTitle	: 'Skrift'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Størrelse',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Størrelse',
-		panelTitle	: 'Størrelse'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Tekstfarge',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Bakgrunnsfarge',
-		panelTitle		: 'Farger',
-		auto			: 'Automatisk',
-		more			: 'Flere farger...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Svart',
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Marine',
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Svak grå',
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brun',
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Mørk grå',
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turkis',
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blå',
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Grå',
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Mørk oransje',
-		'FFD700' : 'gull',
-		'008000' : 'Grønn',
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blå',
-		'EE82EE' : 'Fiolett',
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Mørk grå',
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Oransje',
-		'FFFF00' : 'gul',
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Lys Blå',
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plomme',
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Lys grå',
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antikk-hvit',
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Lys gul',
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'Hvit'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Stavekontroll mens du skriver',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Slå på SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'Slå av SCAYT',
-		about			: 'Om SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'Veksle SCAYT',
-		options			: 'Valg',
-		langs			: 'Språk',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Flere forslag',
-		ignore			: 'Ignorer',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignorer Alle',
-		addWord			: 'Legg til ord',
-		emptyDic		: 'Ordboknavn skal ikke være tom',
-		optionsTab		: 'Valg',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Språk',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Ordbøker',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'Om'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'Om CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'Om CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'For lisensieringsinformasjon vennligst besøk vårt nettsted:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Alle rettigheter reservert.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maksimer',
-	minimize : 'Minimer',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anker',
-		flash	: 'Flash Animasjon',
-		div		: 'Sideskift',
-		unknown	: 'Ukjent objekt'
-	},
-	resize : 'Dra for å skalere',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Velg farge',
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Merk',
-		selected	: 'Valgt',
-		clear		: 'Tøm'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Slå sammen verktøylinje',
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Vis verktøylinje',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Norwegian language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'no' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rikteksteditor',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Trykk ALT 0 for hjelp',
+		browseServer: 'Bla igjennom server',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokoll',
+		upload: 'Last opp',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Send det til serveren',
+		image: 'Bilde',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Skjema',
+		checkbox: 'Avmerkingsboks',
+		radio: 'Alternativknapp',
+		textField: 'Tekstboks',
+		textarea: 'Tekstområde',
+		hiddenField: 'Skjult felt',
+		button: 'Knapp',
+		select: 'Rullegardinliste',
+		imageButton: 'Bildeknapp',
+		notSet: '<ikke satt>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Navn',
+		langDir: 'Språkretning',
+		langDirLtr: 'Venstre til høyre (VTH)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Høyre til venstre (HTV)',
+		langCode: 'Språkkode',
+		longDescr: 'Utvidet beskrivelse',
+		cssClass: 'Stilarkklasser',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Tittel',
+		cssStyle: 'Stil',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Avbryt',
+		close: 'Lukk',
+		preview: 'Forhåndsvis',
+		resize: 'Dra for å skalere',
+		generalTab: 'Generelt',
+		advancedTab: 'Avansert',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Denne verdien er ikke et tall.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Alle ulagrede endringer som er gjort i dette innholdet vil bli tapt. Er du sikker på at du vil laste en ny side?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Noen av valgene har blitt endret. Er du sikker på at du vil lukke dialogen?',
+		options: 'Valg',
+		target: 'MÃ¥l',
+		targetNew: 'Nytt vindu (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Hele vindu (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Samme vindu (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Foreldrevindu (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Venstre til høyre (VTH)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Høyre til venstre (HTV)',
+		styles: 'Stil',
+		cssClasses: 'Stilarkklasser',
+		width: 'Bredde',
+		height: 'Høyde',
+		align: 'Juster',
+		alignLeft: 'Venstre',
+		alignRight: 'Høyre',
+		alignCenter: 'Midtjuster',
+		alignTop: 'Topp',
+		alignMiddle: 'Midten',
+		alignBottom: 'Bunn',
+		invalidValue	: 'Ugyldig verdi.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Høyde må være et tall.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Bredde må være et tall.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Den angitte verdien for feltet "%1" må være et positivt tall med eller uten en gyldig CSS-målingsenhet (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, eller pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Den angitte verdien for feltet "%1" må være et positivt tall med eller uten en gyldig HTML-målingsenhet (px eller %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Verdi angitt for inline stil må bestå av en eller flere sett med formatet "navn : verdi", separert med semikolon',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Skriv inn et tall for en piksel-verdi eller et tall med en gyldig CSS-enhet (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, eller pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, utilgjenglig</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/pl.js
index ac8df6a..b84c62d 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/pl.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/pl.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Polish language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['pl'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Źródło dokumentu',
-	newPage			: 'Nowa strona',
-	save			: 'Zapisz',
-	preview			: 'PodglÄ…d',
-	cut				: 'Wytnij',
-	copy			: 'Kopiuj',
-	paste			: 'Wklej',
-	print			: 'Drukuj',
-	underline		: 'Podkreślenie',
-	bold			: 'Pogrubienie',
-	italic			: 'Kursywa',
-	selectAll		: 'Zaznacz wszystko',
-	removeFormat	: 'Usuń formatowanie',
-	strike			: 'Przekreślenie',
-	subscript		: 'Indeks dolny',
-	superscript		: 'Indeks górny',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Wstaw poziomÄ… liniÄ™',
-	pagebreak		: 'Wstaw odstęp',
-	unlink			: 'Usuń hiperłącze',
-	undo			: 'Cofnij',
-	redo			: 'Ponów',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'PrzeglÄ…daj',
-		url				: 'Adres URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokół',
-		upload			: 'Wyślij',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Wyślij',
-		image			: 'Obrazek',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Formularz',
-		checkbox		: 'Pole wyboru (checkbox)',
-		radio			: 'Pole wyboru (radio)',
-		textField		: 'Pole tekstowe',
-		textarea		: 'Obszar tekstowy',
-		hiddenField		: 'Pole ukryte',
-		button			: 'Przycisk',
-		select			: 'Lista wyboru',
-		imageButton		: 'Przycisk-obrazek',
-		notSet			: '<nie ustawione>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Nazwa',
-		langDir			: 'Kierunek tekstu',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Od lewej do prawej (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Od prawej do lewej (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Kod języka',
-		longDescr		: 'Długi opis hiperłącza',
-		cssClass		: 'Nazwa klasy CSS',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Opis obiektu docelowego',
-		cssStyle		: 'Styl',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Anuluj',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Ogólne',
-		advancedTab		: 'Zaawansowane',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Ta wartość nie jest liczbą.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Wszystkie niezapisane zmiany zostaną utracone. Czy na pewno wczytać nową stronę?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Pewne opcje zostały zmienione. Czy na pewno zamknąć okno dialogowe?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, niedostępne</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Wstaw znak specjalny',
-		title		: 'Wybierz znak specjalny',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Wstaw/edytuj hiperłącze',
-		other 		: '<inny>',
-		menu		: 'Edytuj hiperłącze',
-		title		: 'Hiperłącze',
-		info		: 'Informacje ',
-		target		: 'Cel',
-		upload		: 'Wyślij',
-		advanced	: 'Zaawansowane',
-		type		: 'Typ hiperłącza',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Odnośnik wewnątrz strony',
-		toEmail		: 'Adres e-mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<ramka>',
-		targetPopup		: '<wyskakujÄ…ce okno>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Nazwa Ramki Docelowej',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Nazwa wyskakujÄ…cego okna',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Właściwości wyskakującego okna',
-		popupResizable	: 'Skalowalny',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Pasek statusu',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Pasek adresu',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Pasek narzędzi',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Pasek menu',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Pełny ekran (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Paski przewijania',
-		popupDependent	: 'Okno zależne (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Szerokość',
-		popupLeft		: 'Pozycja w poziomie',
-		popupHeight		: 'Wysokość',
-		popupTop		: 'Pozycja w pionie',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Kierunek tekstu',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Od lewej do prawej (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Od prawej do lewej (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Klawisz dostępu',
-		name			: 'Nazwa',
-		langCode		: 'Kierunek tekstu',
-		tabIndex		: 'Indeks tabeli',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Opis obiektu docelowego',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Typ MIME obiektu docelowego',
-		cssClasses		: 'Nazwa klasy CSS',
-		charset			: 'Kodowanie znaków obiektu docelowego',
-		styles			: 'Styl',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Wybierz etykietÄ™',
-		anchorName		: 'Wg etykiety',
-		anchorId		: 'Wg identyfikatora elementu',
-		emailAddress	: 'Adres e-mail',
-		emailSubject	: 'Temat',
-		emailBody		: 'Treść',
-		noAnchors		: '(W dokumencie nie zdefiniowano żadnych etykiet)',
-		noUrl			: 'Podaj adres URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Podaj adres e-mail'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Wstaw/edytuj kotwicÄ™',
-		menu		: 'Właściwości kotwicy',
-		title		: 'Właściwości kotwicy',
-		name		: 'Nazwa kotwicy',
-		errorName	: 'Wpisz nazwÄ™ kotwicy'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Znajdź i zamień',
-		find				: 'Znajdź',
-		replace				: 'Zamień',
-		findWhat			: 'Znajdź:',
-		replaceWith			: 'ZastÄ…p przez:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Nie znaleziono szukanego hasła.',
-		matchCase			: 'Uwzględnij wielkość liter',
-		matchWord			: 'Całe słowa',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Cykliczne dopasowanie',
-		replaceAll			: 'ZastÄ…p wszystko',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 wystąpień zastąpionych.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabela',
-		title		: 'Właściwości tabeli',
-		menu		: 'Właściwości tabeli',
-		deleteTable	: 'Usuń tabelę',
-		rows		: 'Liczba wierszy',
-		columns		: 'Liczba kolumn',
-		border		: 'Grubość ramki',
-		align		: 'Wyrównanie',
-		alignLeft	: 'Do lewej',
-		alignCenter	: 'Do środka',
-		alignRight	: 'Do prawej',
-		width		: 'Szerokość',
-		widthPx		: 'piksele',
-		widthPc		: '%',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Wysokość',
-		cellSpace	: 'Odstęp pomiędzy komórkami',
-		cellPad		: 'Margines wewnętrzny komórek',
-		caption		: 'Tytuł',
-		summary		: 'Podsumowanie',
-		headers		: 'Nagłowki',
-		headersNone		: 'Brak',
-		headersColumn	: 'Pierwsza kolumna',
-		headersRow		: 'Pierwszy wiersz',
-		headersBoth		: 'Oba',
-		invalidRows		: 'Liczba wierszy musi być liczbą większą niż 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Liczba kolumn musi być liczbą większą niż 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Liczba obramowań musi być liczbą.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Szerokość tabeli musi być liczbą.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Wysokość tabeli musi być liczbą.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Odstęp komórek musi być liczbą.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Dopełnienie komórek musi być liczbą.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Komórka',
-			insertBefore	: 'Wstaw komórkę z lewej',
-			insertAfter		: 'Wstaw komórkę z prawej',
-			deleteCell		: 'Usuń komórki',
-			merge			: 'Połącz komórki',
-			mergeRight		: 'Połącz z komórką z prawej',
-			mergeDown		: 'Połącz z komórką poniżej',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Podziel komórkę poziomo',
-			splitVertical	: 'Podziel komórkę pionowo',
-			title			: 'Właściwości komórki',
-			cellType		: 'Typ komórki',
-			rowSpan			: 'Scalenie wierszy',
-			colSpan			: 'Scalenie komórek',
-			wordWrap		: 'Zawijanie słów',
-			hAlign			: 'Wyrównanie poziome',
-			vAlign			: 'Wyrównanie pionowe',
-			alignTop		: 'Góra',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Åšrodek',
-			alignBottom		: 'Dół',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Linia bazowa',
-			bgColor			: 'Kolor tła',
-			borderColor		: 'Kolor obramowania',
-			data			: 'Dane',
-			header			: 'Nagłowek',
-			yes				: 'Tak',
-			no				: 'Nie',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Szerokość komórki musi być liczbą.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Wysokość komórki musi być liczbą.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Scalenie wierszy musi być liczbą całkowitą.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Scalenie komórek musi być liczbą całkowitą.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Wybierz'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Wiersz',
-			insertBefore	: 'Wstaw wiersz powyżej',
-			insertAfter		: 'Wstaw wiersz poniżej',
-			deleteRow		: 'Usuń wiersze'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Kolumna',
-			insertBefore	: 'Wstaw kolumnÄ™ z lewej',
-			insertAfter		: 'Wstaw kolumnÄ™ z prawej',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Usuń kolumny'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Właściwości przycisku',
-		text		: 'Tekst (Wartość)',
-		type		: 'Typ',
-		typeBtn		: 'Przycisk',
-		typeSbm		: 'Wyślij',
-		typeRst		: 'Wyzeruj'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Właściwości pola wyboru (checkbox)',
-		radioTitle	: 'Właściwości pola wyboru (radio)',
-		value		: 'Wartość',
-		selected	: 'Zaznaczone'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Właściwości formularza',
-		menu		: 'Właściwości formularza',
-		action		: 'Akcja',
-		method		: 'Metoda',
-		encoding	: 'Kodowanie'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Właściwości listy wyboru',
-		selectInfo	: 'Informacje',
-		opAvail		: 'Dostępne opcje',
-		value		: 'Wartość',
-		size		: 'Rozmiar',
-		lines		: 'linii',
-		chkMulti	: 'Wielokrotny wybór',
-		opText		: 'Tekst',
-		opValue		: 'Wartość',
-		btnAdd		: 'Dodaj',
-		btnModify	: 'Zmień',
-		btnUp		: 'Do góry',
-		btnDown		: 'Do dołu',
-		btnSetValue : 'Ustaw wartość zaznaczoną',
-		btnDelete	: 'Usuń'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Właściwości obszaru tekstowego',
-		cols		: 'Kolumnu',
-		rows		: 'Wiersze'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Właściwości pola tekstowego',
-		name		: 'Nazwa',
-		value		: 'Wartość',
-		charWidth	: 'Szerokość w znakach',
-		maxChars	: 'Max. szerokość',
-		type		: 'Typ',
-		typeText	: 'Tekst',
-		typePass	: 'Hasło'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Właściwości pola ukrytego',
-		name	: 'Nazwa',
-		value	: 'Wartość'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Właściwości obrazka',
-		titleButton	: 'Właściwości przycisku obrazka',
-		menu		: 'Właściwości obrazka',
-		infoTab		: 'Informacje o obrazku',
-		btnUpload	: 'Wyślij',
-		upload		: 'Wyślij',
-		alt			: 'Tekst zastępczy',
-		width		: 'Szerokość',
-		height		: 'Wysokość',
-		lockRatio	: 'Zablokuj proporcje',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Przywróć rozmiar',
-		border		: 'Ramka',
-		hSpace		: 'Odstęp poziomy',
-		vSpace		: 'Odstęp pionowy',
-		align		: 'Wyrównaj',
-		alignLeft	: 'Do lewej',
-		alignRight	: 'Do prawej',
-		alertUrl	: 'Podaj adres obrazka.',
-		linkTab		: 'Hiperłącze',
-		button2Img	: 'Czy chcesz przekonwertować zaznaczony przycisk graficzny do zwykłego obrazka?',
-		img2Button	: 'Czy chcesz przekonwertować zaznaczony obrazek do przycisku graficznego?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Podaj adres URL obrazka.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Właściwości elementu Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Właściwości',
-		title			: 'Właściwości elementu Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Autoodtwarzanie',
-		chkLoop			: 'Pętla',
-		chkMenu			: 'WÅ‚Ä…cz menu',
-		chkFull			: 'Dopuść pełny ekran',
- 		scale			: 'Skaluj',
-		scaleAll		: 'Pokaż wszystko',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Bez Ramki',
-		scaleFit		: 'Dokładne dopasowanie',
-		access			: 'Dostęp skryptów',
-		accessAlways	: 'Zawsze',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Ta sama domena',
-		accessNever		: 'Nigdy',
-		align			: 'Wyrównaj',
-		alignLeft		: 'Do lewej',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Do dołu',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Do środka w pionie',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Do linii bazowej',
-		alignBottom		: 'Do dołu',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Do środka',
-		alignRight		: 'Do prawej',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Do góry tekstu',
-		alignTop		: 'Do góry',
-		quality			: 'Jakość',
-		qualityBest		: 'Najlepsza',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Wysoka',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto wysoka',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Åšrednia',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto niska',
-		qualityLow		: 'Niska',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Okno',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Nieprzeźroczyste',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Przeźroczyste',
-		windowMode		: 'Tryb okna',
-		flashvars		: 'Zmienne dla Flasha',
-		bgcolor			: 'Kolor tła',
-		width			: 'Szerokość',
-		height			: 'Wysokość',
-		hSpace			: 'Odstęp poziomy',
-		vSpace			: 'Odstęp pionowy',
-		validateSrc		: 'Podaj adres URL',
-		validateWidth	: 'Szerokość musi być liczbą.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Wysokość musi być liczbą.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'Odstęp poziomy musi być liczbą.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'Odstęp pionowy musi być liczbą.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Sprawdź pisownię',
-		title			: 'Sprawdź pisownię',
-		notAvailable	: 'Przepraszamy, ale usługa jest obecnie niedostępna.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Błąd wczytywania hosta aplikacji usługi: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Słowa nie ma w słowniku',
-		changeTo		: 'Zmień na',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignoruj',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignoruj wszystkie',
-		btnReplace		: 'Zmień',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Zmień wszystkie',
-		btnUndo			: 'Cofnij',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Brak sugestii -',
-		progress		: 'Trwa sprawdzanie...',
-		noMispell		: 'Sprawdzanie zakończone: nie znaleziono błędów',
-		noChanges		: 'Sprawdzanie zakończone: nie zmieniono żadnego słowa',
-		oneChange		: 'Sprawdzanie zakończone: zmieniono jedno słowo',
-		manyChanges		: 'Sprawdzanie zakończone: zmieniono %l słów',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Słownik nie jest zainstalowany. Chcesz go ściągnąć?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Emotikona',
-		title	: 'Wstaw emotikonÄ™',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : 'element %1'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Lista numerowana',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Lista wypunktowana',
-	indent			: 'Zwiększ wcięcie',
-	outdent			: 'Zmniejsz wcięcie',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Wyrównaj do lewej',
-		center	: 'Wyrównaj do środka',
-		right	: 'Wyrównaj do prawej',
-		block	: 'Wyrównaj do lewej i prawej'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Cytat',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Wklej',
-		cutError	: 'Ustawienia bezpieczeństwa Twojej przeglądarki nie pozwalają na automatyczne wycinanie tekstu. Użyj skrótu klawiszowego Ctrl/Cmd+X.',
-		copyError	: 'Ustawienia bezpieczeństwa Twojej przeglądarki nie pozwalają na automatyczne kopiowanie tekstu. Użyj skrótu klawiszowego Ctrl/Cmd+C.',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Proszę wkleić w poniższym polu używając klawiaturowego skrótu (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) i kliknąć <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Zabezpieczenia przeglądarki uniemożliwiają wklejenie danych bezpośrednio do edytora. Proszę dane wkleić ponownie w tym okienku.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Tekst, który chcesz wkleić, prawdopodobnie pochodzi z programu Word. Czy chcesz go wyczyścic przed wklejeniem?',
-		toolbar			: 'Wklej z Worda',
-		title			: 'Wklej z Worda',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Wklej jako czysty tekst',
-		title	: 'Wklej jako czysty tekst'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Szablony',
-		title			: 'Szablony zawartości',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Zastąp aktualną zawartość',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Wybierz szablon do otwarcia w edytorze<br>(obecna zawartość okna edytora zostanie utracona):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Brak zdefiniowanych szablonów)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Pokaż bloki',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Styl',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Style blokowe',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Style liniowe',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Style obiektowe'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Format',
-		panelTitle	: 'Format',
-		tag_p		: 'Normalny',
-		tag_pre		: 'Tekst sformatowany',
-		tag_address	: 'Adres',
-		tag_h1		: 'Nagłówek 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Nagłówek 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Nagłówek 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Nagłówek 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Nagłówek 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Nagłówek 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normalny (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Czcionka',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Czcionka',
-		panelTitle	: 'Czcionka'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Rozmiar',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Rozmiar czcionki',
-		panelTitle	: 'Rozmiar'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Kolor tekstu',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Kolor tła',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatycznie',
-		more			: 'Więcej kolorów...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Sprawdź pisownię podczas pisania (SCAYT)',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'WÅ‚Ä…cz SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'Wyłącz SCAYT',
-		about			: 'Na temat SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'Przełącz SCAYT',
-		options			: 'Opcje',
-		langs			: 'Języki',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Więcej sugestii',
-		ignore			: 'Ignoruj',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignoruj wszystkie',
-		addWord			: 'Dodaj słowo',
-		emptyDic		: 'Nazwa słownika nie może być pusta.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Opcje',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Języki',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'SÅ‚owniki',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'Na temat SCAYT'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'Na temat CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'Na temat CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'Informacje na temat licencji można znaleźć na naszej stronie:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maksymalizuj',
-	minimize : 'Minimalizuj',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Kotwica',
-		flash	: 'Animacja Flash',
-		div		: 'Separator stron',
-		unknown	: 'Nieznany obiekt'
-	},
-	resize : 'Przeciągnij, aby zmienić rozmiar',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Wybierz kolor',
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Zaznacz',
-		selected	: 'Wybrany',
-		clear		: 'Wyczyść'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object for the
+ * Polish language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'pl' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Edytor tekstu sformatowanego',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'W celu uzyskania pomocy naciśnij ALT 0',
+		browseServer: 'PrzeglÄ…daj',
+		url: 'Adres URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokół',
+		upload: 'Wyślij',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Wyślij',
+		image: 'Obrazek',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Formularz',
+		checkbox: 'Pole wyboru (checkbox)',
+		radio: 'Przycisk opcji (radio)',
+		textField: 'Pole tekstowe',
+		textarea: 'Obszar tekstowy',
+		hiddenField: 'Pole ukryte',
+		button: 'Przycisk',
+		select: 'Lista wyboru',
+		imageButton: 'Przycisk graficzny',
+		notSet: '<nie ustawiono>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Nazwa',
+		langDir: 'Kierunek tekstu',
+		langDirLtr: 'Od lewej do prawej (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Od prawej do lewej (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Kod języka',
+		longDescr: 'Adres URL długiego opisu',
+		cssClass: 'Nazwa klasy CSS',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Opis obiektu docelowego',
+		cssStyle: 'Styl',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Anuluj',
+		close: 'Zamknij',
+		preview: 'PodglÄ…d',
+		resize: 'Przeciągnij, aby zmienić rozmiar',
+		generalTab: 'Ogólne',
+		advancedTab: 'Zaawansowane',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Ta wartość nie jest liczbą.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Wszystkie niezapisane zmiany zostaną utracone. Czy na pewno wczytać nową stronę?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Pewne opcje zostały zmienione. Czy na pewno zamknąć okno dialogowe?',
+		options: 'Opcje',
+		target: 'Obiekt docelowy',
+		targetNew: 'Nowe okno (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Okno najwyżej w hierarchii (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'To samo okno (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Okno nadrzędne (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Od lewej do prawej (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Od prawej do lewej (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Style',
+		cssClasses: 'Klasy arkusza stylów',
+		width: 'Szerokość',
+		height: 'Wysokość',
+		align: 'Wyrównaj',
+		alignLeft: 'Do lewej',
+		alignRight: 'Do prawej',
+		alignCenter: 'Do środka',
+		alignTop: 'Do góry',
+		alignMiddle: 'Do środka',
+		alignBottom: 'Do dołu',
+		invalidValue	: 'Nieprawidłowa wartość.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Wysokość musi być liczbą.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Szerokość musi być liczbą.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Wartość podana dla pola "%1" musi być liczbą dodatnią bez jednostki lub z poprawną jednostką długości zgodną z CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt lub pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Wartość podana dla pola "%1" musi być liczbą dodatnią bez jednostki lub z poprawną jednostką długości zgodną z HTML (px lub %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Wartość podana dla stylu musi składać się z jednej lub większej liczby krotek w formacie "nazwa : wartość", rozdzielonych średnikami.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Wpisz liczbę dla wartości w pikselach lub liczbę wraz z jednostką długości zgodną z CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt lub pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, niedostępne</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/pt-br.js
index 80a8a2c..7e795ce 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/pt-br.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -1,757 +1,104 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-* @fileOverview
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['pt-br'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Editor de Texto, %1, pressione ALT 0 para obter ajuda.',
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Barra de Ferramentas',
-	editor	: 'Editor de Texto',
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Código-Fonte',
-	newPage			: 'Novo',
-	save			: 'Salvar',
-	preview			: 'Visualizar',
-	cut				: 'Recortar',
-	copy			: 'Copiar',
-	paste			: 'Colar',
-	print			: 'Imprimir',
-	underline		: 'Sublinhado',
-	bold			: 'Negrito',
-	italic			: 'Itálico',
-	selectAll		: 'Selecionar Tudo',
-	removeFormat	: 'Remover Formatação',
-	strike			: 'Tachado',
-	subscript		: 'Subscrito',
-	superscript		: 'Sobrescrito',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Inserir Linha Horizontal',
-	pagebreak		: 'Inserir Quebra de Página',
-	unlink			: 'Remover Link',
-	undo			: 'Desfazer',
-	redo			: 'Refazer',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Localizar no Servidor',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protocolo',
-		upload			: 'Enviar ao Servidor',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Enviar para o Servidor',
-		image			: 'Imagem',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Formulário',
-		checkbox		: 'Caixa de Seleção',
-		radio			: 'Botão de Opção',
-		textField		: 'Caixa de Texto',
-		textarea		: 'Área de Texto',
-		hiddenField		: 'Campo Oculto',
-		button			: 'Botão',
-		select			: 'Caixa de Listagem',
-		imageButton		: 'Botão de Imagem',
-		notSet			: '<não ajustado>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Nome',
-		langDir			: 'Direção do idioma',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Esquerda para Direita (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Direita para Esquerda (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Idioma',
-		longDescr		: 'Descrição da URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Classe de CSS',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Título',
-		cssStyle		: 'Estilos',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Cancelar',
-		close			: 'Fechar',
-		preview			: 'Visualizar',
-		generalTab		: 'Geral',
-		advancedTab		: 'Avançado',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Este valor não é um número.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Todas as mudanças não salvas serão perdidas. Tem certeza de que quer abrir uma nova página?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Algumas opções foram alteradas. Tem certeza de que quer fechar a caixa de diálogo?',
-		options			: 'Opções',
-		target			: 'Destino',
-		targetNew		: 'Nova Janela (_blank)',
-		targetTop		: 'Janela de Cima (_top)',
-		targetSelf		: 'Mesma Janela (_self)',
-		targetParent	: 'Janela Pai (_parent)',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, indisponível</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Opções Menu de Contexto'
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Inserir Caractere Especial',
-		title		: 'Selecione um Caractere Especial',
-		options : 'Opções de Caractere Especial'
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Inserir/Editar Link',
-		other 		: '<outro>',
-		menu		: 'Editar Link',
-		title		: 'Editar Link',
-		info		: 'Informações',
-		target		: 'Destino',
-		upload		: 'Enviar ao Servidor',
-		advanced	: 'Avançado',
-		type		: 'Tipo de hiperlink',
-		toUrl		: 'URL',
-		toAnchor	: 'Âncora nesta página',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<frame>',
-		targetPopup		: '<janela popup>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Nome do Frame de Destino',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Nome da Janela Pop-up',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Propriedades da Janela Pop-up',
-		popupResizable	: 'Redimensionável',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Barra de Status',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Barra de Endereços',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Barra de Ferramentas',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Barra de Menus',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Modo Tela Cheia (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Barras de Rolagem',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dependente (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Largura',
-		popupLeft		: 'Esquerda',
-		popupHeight		: 'Altura',
-		popupTop		: 'Topo',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Direção do idioma',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Esquerda para Direita (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Direita para Esquerda (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Chave de Acesso',
-		name			: 'Nome',
-		langCode		: 'Direção do idioma',
-		tabIndex		: 'Índice de Tabulação',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Título',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Tipo de Conteúdo',
-		cssClasses		: 'Classe de CSS',
-		charset			: 'Charset do Link',
-		styles			: 'Estilos',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Selecione uma âncora',
-		anchorName		: 'Nome da âncora',
-		anchorId		: 'Id da âncora',
-		emailAddress	: 'Endereço E-Mail',
-		emailSubject	: 'Assunto da Mensagem',
-		emailBody		: 'Corpo da Mensagem',
-		noAnchors		: '(Não há âncoras no documento)',
-		noUrl			: 'Por favor, digite o endereço do Link',
-		noEmail			: 'Por favor, digite o endereço de e-mail'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Inserir/Editar Âncora',
-		menu		: 'Formatar Âncora',
-		title		: 'Formatar Âncora',
-		name		: 'Nome da Âncora',
-		errorName	: 'Por favor, digite o nome da âncora'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Propriedades da Lista Numerada',
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Propriedades da Lista sem Numeros',
-		type				: 'Tipo',
-		start				: 'Início',
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Círculo',
-		disc				: 'Disco',
-		square				: 'Quadrado',
-		none				: 'Nenhum',
-		notset				: '<não definido>',
-		armenian			: 'Numeração Armêna',
-		georgian			: 'Numeração da Geórgia (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
-		lowerRoman			: 'Numeração Romana minúscula (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
-		upperRoman			: 'Numeração Romana maiúscula (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Numeração Alfabética minúscula (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
-		upperAlpha			: 'Numeração Alfabética Maiúscula (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
-		lowerGreek			: 'Numeração Grega minúscula (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
-		decimal				: 'Numeração Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Numeração Decimal com zeros (01, 02, 03, etc.)'
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Localizar e Substituir',
-		find				: 'Localizar',
-		replace				: 'Substituir',
-		findWhat			: 'Procurar por:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Substituir por:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'O texto especificado não foi encontrado.',
-		matchCase			: 'Coincidir Maiúsculas/Minúsculas',
-		matchWord			: 'Coincidir a palavra inteira',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Coincidir cíclico',
-		replaceAll			: 'Substituir Tudo',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 ocorrência(s) substituída(s).'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabela',
-		title		: 'Formatar Tabela',
-		menu		: 'Formatar Tabela',
-		deleteTable	: 'Apagar Tabela',
-		rows		: 'Linhas',
-		columns		: 'Colunas',
-		border		: 'Borda',
-		align		: 'Alinhamento',
-		alignLeft	: 'Esquerda',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centralizado',
-		alignRight	: 'Direita',
-		width		: 'Largura',
-		widthPx		: 'pixels',
-		widthPc		: '%',
-		widthUnit	: 'unidade largura',
-		height		: 'Altura',
-		cellSpace	: 'Espaçamento',
-		cellPad		: 'Margem interna',
-		caption		: 'Legenda',
-		summary		: 'Resumo',
-		headers		: 'Cabeçalho',
-		headersNone		: 'Nenhum',
-		headersColumn	: 'Primeira coluna',
-		headersRow		: 'Primeira linha',
-		headersBoth		: 'Ambos',
-		invalidRows		: 'O número de linhas tem que ser um número maior que 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'O número de colunas tem que ser um número maior que 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'O tamanho da borda tem que ser um número.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'A largura da tabela tem que ser um número.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'A altura da tabela tem que ser um número.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'O espaçamento das células tem que ser um número.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'A margem interna das células tem que ser um número.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Célula',
-			insertBefore	: 'Inserir célula a esquerda',
-			insertAfter		: 'Inserir célula a direita',
-			deleteCell		: 'Remover Células',
-			merge			: 'Mesclar Células',
-			mergeRight		: 'Mesclar com célula a direita',
-			mergeDown		: 'Mesclar com célula abaixo',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Dividir célula horizontalmente',
-			splitVertical	: 'Dividir célula verticalmente',
-			title			: 'Propriedades da célula',
-			cellType		: 'Tipo de célula',
-			rowSpan			: 'Linhas cobertas',
-			colSpan			: 'Colunas cobertas',
-			wordWrap		: 'Quebra de palavra',
-			hAlign			: 'Alinhamento horizontal',
-			vAlign			: 'Alinhamento vertical',
-			alignTop		: 'Alinhar no topo',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Centralizado verticalmente',
-			alignBottom		: 'Alinhar na base',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Patamar de alinhamento',
-			bgColor			: 'Cor de fundo',
-			borderColor		: 'Cor das bordas',
-			data			: 'Dados',
-			header			: 'Cabeçalho',
-			yes				: 'Sim',
-			no				: 'Não',
-			invalidWidth	: 'A largura da célula tem que ser um número.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'A altura da célula tem que ser um número.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Linhas cobertas tem que ser um número inteiro.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Colunas cobertas tem que ser um número inteiro.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Escolher'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Linha',
-			insertBefore	: 'Inserir linha acima',
-			insertAfter		: 'Inserir linha abaixo',
-			deleteRow		: 'Remover Linhas'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Coluna',
-			insertBefore	: 'Inserir coluna a esquerda',
-			insertAfter		: 'Inserir coluna a direita',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Remover Colunas'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Formatar Botão',
-		text		: 'Texto (Valor)',
-		type		: 'Tipo',
-		typeBtn		: 'Botão',
-		typeSbm		: 'Enviar',
-		typeRst		: 'Limpar'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Formatar Caixa de Seleção',
-		radioTitle	: 'Formatar Botão de Opção',
-		value		: 'Valor',
-		selected	: 'Selecionado'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Formatar Formulário',
-		menu		: 'Formatar Formulário',
-		action		: 'Ação',
-		method		: 'Método',
-		encoding	: 'Codificação'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Formatar Caixa de Listagem',
-		selectInfo	: 'Informações',
-		opAvail		: 'Opções disponíveis',
-		value		: 'Valor',
-		size		: 'Tamanho',
-		lines		: 'linhas',
-		chkMulti	: 'Permitir múltiplas seleções',
-		opText		: 'Texto',
-		opValue		: 'Valor',
-		btnAdd		: 'Adicionar',
-		btnModify	: 'Modificar',
-		btnUp		: 'Para cima',
-		btnDown		: 'Para baixo',
-		btnSetValue : 'Definir como selecionado',
-		btnDelete	: 'Remover'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Formatar Área de Texto',
-		cols		: 'Colunas',
-		rows		: 'Linhas'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Formatar Caixa de Texto',
-		name		: 'Nome',
-		value		: 'Valor',
-		charWidth	: 'Comprimento (em caracteres)',
-		maxChars	: 'Número Máximo de Caracteres',
-		type		: 'Tipo',
-		typeText	: 'Texto',
-		typePass	: 'Senha'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Formatar Campo Oculto',
-		name	: 'Nome',
-		value	: 'Valor'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Formatar Imagem',
-		titleButton	: 'Formatar Botão de Imagem',
-		menu		: 'Formatar Imagem',
-		infoTab		: 'Informações da Imagem',
-		btnUpload	: 'Enviar para o Servidor',
-		upload		: 'Enviar',
-		alt			: 'Texto Alternativo',
-		width		: 'Largura',
-		height		: 'Altura',
-		lockRatio	: 'Travar Proporções',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Destravar Proporções',
-		resetSize	: 'Redefinir para o Tamanho Original',
-		border		: 'Borda',
-		hSpace		: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace		: 'VSpace',
-		align		: 'Alinhamento',
-		alignLeft	: 'Esquerda',
-		alignRight	: 'Direita',
-		alertUrl	: 'Por favor, digite a URL da imagem.',
-		linkTab		: 'Link',
-		button2Img	: 'Deseja transformar o botão de imagem em uma imagem comum?',
-		img2Button	: 'Deseja transformar a imagem em um botão de imagem?',
-		urlMissing	: 'URL da imagem está faltando.',
-		validateWidth	: 'A largura deve ser um número inteiro.',
-		validateHeight	: 'A altura deve ser um número inteiro.',
-		validateBorder	: 'A borda deve ser um número inteiro.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'O HSpace deve ser um número inteiro.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'O VSpace deve ser um número inteiro.'
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Propriedades do Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Propriedades',
-		title			: 'Propriedades do Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Tocar Automaticamente',
-		chkLoop			: 'Tocar Infinitamente',
-		chkMenu			: 'Habilita Menu Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Permitir tela cheia',
- 		scale			: 'Escala',
-		scaleAll		: 'Mostrar tudo',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Sem Borda',
-		scaleFit		: 'Escala Exata',
-		access			: 'Acesso ao script',
-		accessAlways	: 'Sempre',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Acessar Mesmo Domínio',
-		accessNever		: 'Nunca',
-		align			: 'Alinhamento',
-		alignLeft		: 'Esquerda',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Inferior Absoluto',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Centralizado Absoluto',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Baseline',
-		alignBottom		: 'Inferior',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Centralizado',
-		alignRight		: 'Direita',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Superior Absoluto',
-		alignTop		: 'Superior',
-		quality			: 'Qualidade',
-		qualityBest		: 'Qualidade Melhor',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Qualidade Alta',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Qualidade Alta Automática',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Qualidade Média',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Qualidade Baixa Automática',
-		qualityLow		: 'Qualidade Baixa',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Janela',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaca',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparente',
-		windowMode		: 'Modo da janela',
-		flashvars		: 'Variáveis do Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Cor do Plano de Fundo',
-		width			: 'Largura',
-		height			: 'Altura',
-		hSpace			: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace			: 'VSpace',
-		validateSrc		: 'Por favor, digite o endereço do link',
-		validateWidth	: 'A largura tem que ser um número.',
-		validateHeight	: 'A altura tem que ser um número',
-		validateHSpace	: 'O HSpace tem que ser um número',
-		validateVSpace	: 'O VSpace tem que ser um número.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Verificar Ortografia',
-		title			: 'Corretor Ortográfico',
-		notAvailable	: 'Desculpe, o serviço não está disponível no momento.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Erro carregando servidor de aplicação: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Não encontrada',
-		changeTo		: 'Alterar para',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignorar uma vez',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignorar Todas',
-		btnReplace		: 'Alterar',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Alterar Todas',
-		btnUndo			: 'Desfazer',
-		noSuggestions	: '-sem sugestões de ortografia-',
-		progress		: 'Verificação ortográfica em andamento...',
-		noMispell		: 'Verificação encerrada: Não foram encontrados erros de ortografia',
-		noChanges		: 'Verificação ortográfica encerrada: Não houve alterações',
-		oneChange		: 'Verificação ortográfica encerrada: Uma palavra foi alterada',
-		manyChanges		: 'Verificação ortográfica encerrada: %1 palavras foram alteradas',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'A verificação ortográfica não foi instalada. Você gostaria de realizar o download agora?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Emoticon',
-		title	: 'Inserir Emoticon',
-		options : 'Opções de Emoticons'
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Caminho dos Elementos',
-		eleTitle : 'Elemento %1'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Lista numerada',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Lista sem números',
-	indent			: 'Aumentar Recuo',
-	outdent			: 'Diminuir Recuo',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Alinhar Esquerda',
-		center	: 'Centralizar',
-		right	: 'Alinhar Direita',
-		block	: 'Justificado'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Citação',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Colar',
-		cutError	: 'As configurações de segurança do seu navegador não permitem que o editor execute operações de recortar automaticamente. Por favor, utilize o teclado para recortar (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'As configurações de segurança do seu navegador não permitem que o editor execute operações de copiar automaticamente. Por favor, utilize o teclado para copiar (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Transfira o link usado na caixa usando o teclado com (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) e <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'As configurações de segurança do seu navegador não permitem que o editor acesse os dados da área de transferência diretamente. Por favor cole o conteúdo manualmente nesta janela.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Área para Colar'
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'O texto que você deseja colar parece ter sido copiado do Word. Você gostaria de remover a formatação antes de colar?',
-		toolbar			: 'Colar do Word',
-		title			: 'Colar do Word',
-		error			: 'Não foi possível limpar os dados colados devido a um erro interno'
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Colar como Texto sem Formatação',
-		title	: 'Colar como Texto sem Formatação'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Modelos de layout',
-		title			: 'Modelo de layout de conteúdo',
-		options : 'Opções de Template',
-		insertOption	: 'Substituir o conteúdo atual',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Selecione um modelo de layout para ser aberto no editor<br>(o conteúdo atual será perdido):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Não foram definidos modelos de layout)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Mostrar blocos de código',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Estilo',
-		panelTitle	: 'Estilos de Formatação',
-		panelTitle1	: 'Estilos de bloco',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Estilos de texto corrido',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Estilos de objeto'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Formatação',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatação',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatado',
-		tag_address	: 'Endereço',
-		tag_h1		: 'Título 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Título 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Título 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Título 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Título 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Título 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Criar Container de DIV',
-		toolbar				: 'Criar Container de DIV',
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Classes de CSS',
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Estilo',
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id',
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: 'Código de Idioma',
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Estilo Inline',
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Título Consulta',
-		langDirLabel		: 'Direção da Escrita',
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Esquerda para Direita (LTR)',
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Direita para Esquerda (RTL)',
-		edit				: 'Editar Div',
-		remove				: 'Remover Div'
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Fonte',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Fonte',
-		panelTitle	: 'Fonte'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Tamanho',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Tamanho da fonte',
-		panelTitle	: 'Tamanho'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Cor do Texto',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Cor do Plano de Fundo',
-		panelTitle		: 'Cores',
-		auto			: 'Automático',
-		more			: 'Mais Cores...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Preto',
-		'800000' : 'Foquete',
-		'8B4513' : 'Marrom 1',
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Cinza 1',
-		'008080' : 'Cerceta',
-		'000080' : 'Azul Marinho',
-		'4B0082' : 'Índigo',
-		'696969' : 'Cinza 2',
-		'B22222' : 'Tijolo de Fogo',
-		'A52A2A' : 'Marrom 2',
-		'DAA520' : 'Vara Dourada',
-		'006400' : 'Verde Escuro',
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquesa',
-		'0000CD' : 'Azul Médio',
-		'800080' : 'Roxo',
-		'808080' : 'Cinza 3',
-		'F00' : 'Vermelho',
-		'FF8C00' : 'Laranja Escuro',
-		'FFD700' : 'Dourado',
-		'008000' : 'Verde',
-		'0FF' : 'Ciano',
-		'00F' : 'Azul',
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violeta',
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Cinza Escuro',
-		'FFA07A' : 'Salmão Claro',
-		'FFA500' : 'Laranja',
-		'FFFF00' : 'Amarelo',
-		'00FF00' : 'Lima',
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Turquesa Pálido',
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Azul Claro',
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Ameixa',
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Cinza Claro',
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavanda 1',
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Branco Antiguidade',
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Amarelo Claro',
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Orvalho',
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure',
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Azul Alice',
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavanda 2',
-		'FFF' : 'Branco'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Correção ortográfica durante a digitação',
-		opera_title		: 'Não suportado no Opera',
-		enable			: 'Habilitar correção ortográfica durante a digitação',
-		disable			: 'Desabilitar correção ortográfica durante a digitação',
-		about			: 'Sobre a correção ortográfica durante a digitação',
-		toggle			: 'Ativar/desativar correção ortográfica durante a digitação',
-		options			: 'Opções',
-		langs			: 'Idiomas',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Mais sugestões',
-		ignore			: 'Ignorar',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignorar todas',
-		addWord			: 'Adicionar palavra',
-		emptyDic		: 'O nome do dicionário não deveria estar vazio.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Opções',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignorar palavras maiúsculas',
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignorar nomes de domínio',
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignorar palavras com maiúsculas e minúsculas misturadas',
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignorar palavras com números',
-		languagesTab	: 'Idiomas',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dicionários',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Nome do Dicionário',
-		dic_create		: 'Criar',
-		dic_restore		: 'Restaurar',
-		dic_delete		: 'Excluir',
-		dic_rename		: 'Renomear',
-		dic_info		: 'Inicialmente, o dicionário do usuário fica armazenado em um Cookie. Porém, Cookies tem tamanho limitado, portanto quand o dicionário do usuário atingir o tamanho limite poderá ser armazenado no nosso servidor. Para armazenar seu dicionário pessoal no nosso servidor deverá especificar um nome para ele. Se já tiver um dicionário armazenado por favor especifique o seu nome e clique em Restaurar.',
-		aboutTab		: 'Sobre'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'Sobre o CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'Sobre o CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'Para informações sobre a licença por favor visite o nosso site:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Todos os direitos reservados.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximizar',
-	minimize : 'Minimize',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Âncora',
-		flash	: 'Animação em Flash',
-		div		: 'Quebra de página',
-		unknown	: 'Objeto desconhecido'
-	},
-	resize : 'Arraste para redimensionar',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Selecione uma cor',
-		options	:	'Opções de Cor',
-		highlight	: 'Grifar',
-		selected	: 'Cor Selecionada',
-		clear		: 'Limpar'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Diminuir Barra de Ferramentas',
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Aumentar Barra de Ferramentas',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+* @fileOverview
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'pt-br' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Editor de Texto',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Pressione ALT+0 para ajuda',
+		browseServer: 'Localizar no Servidor',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protocolo',
+		upload: 'Enviar ao Servidor',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Enviar para o Servidor',
+		image: 'Imagem',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Formulário',
+		checkbox: 'Caixa de Seleção',
+		radio: 'Botão de Opção',
+		textField: 'Caixa de Texto',
+		textarea: 'Área de Texto',
+		hiddenField: 'Campo Oculto',
+		button: 'Botão',
+		select: 'Caixa de Listagem',
+		imageButton: 'Botão de Imagem',
+		notSet: '<não ajustado>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Nome',
+		langDir: 'Direção do idioma',
+		langDirLtr: 'Esquerda para Direita (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Direita para Esquerda (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Idioma',
+		longDescr: 'Descrição da URL',
+		cssClass: 'Classe de CSS',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Título',
+		cssStyle: 'Estilos',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Cancelar',
+		close: 'Fechar',
+		preview: 'Visualizar',
+		resize: 'Arraste para redimensionar',
+		generalTab: 'Geral',
+		advancedTab: 'Avançado',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Este valor não é um número.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Todas as mudanças não salvas serão perdidas. Tem certeza de que quer abrir uma nova página?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Algumas opções foram alteradas. Tem certeza de que quer fechar a caixa de diálogo?',
+		options: 'Opções',
+		target: 'Destino',
+		targetNew: 'Nova Janela (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Janela de Cima (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Mesma Janela (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Janela Pai (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Esquerda para Direita (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Direita para Esquerda (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Estilo',
+		cssClasses: 'Classes',
+		width: 'Largura',
+		height: 'Altura',
+		align: 'Alinhamento',
+		alignLeft: 'Esquerda',
+		alignRight: 'Direita',
+		alignCenter: 'Centralizado',
+		alignTop: 'Superior',
+		alignMiddle: 'Centralizado',
+		alignBottom: 'Inferior',
+		invalidValue	: 'Valor inválido.',
+		invalidHeight: 'A altura tem que ser um número',
+		invalidWidth: 'A largura tem que ser um número.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'O valor do campo "%1" deve ser um número positivo opcionalmente seguido por uma válida unidade de medida de CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'O valor do campo "%1" deve ser um número positivo opcionalmente seguido por uma válida unidade de medida de HTML (px or %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'O valor válido para estilo deve conter uma ou mais tuplas no formato "nome : valor", separados por ponto e vírgula.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Insira um número para valor em pixels ou um número seguido de uma válida unidade de medida de CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, indisponível</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/pt.js
index 2153a8b..f0182a5 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/pt.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/pt.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Portuguese language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['pt'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Fonte',
-	newPage			: 'Nova Página',
-	save			: 'Guardar',
-	preview			: 'Pré-visualizar',
-	cut				: 'Cortar',
-	copy			: 'Copiar',
-	paste			: 'Colar',
-	print			: 'Imprimir',
-	underline		: 'Sublinhado',
-	bold			: 'Negrito',
-	italic			: 'Itálico',
-	selectAll		: 'Seleccionar Tudo',
-	removeFormat	: 'Eliminar Formato',
-	strike			: 'Rasurado',
-	subscript		: 'Superior à Linha',
-	superscript		: 'Inferior à Linha',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Inserir Linha Horizontal',
-	pagebreak		: 'Inserir Quebra de Página',
-	unlink			: 'Eliminar Hiperligação',
-	undo			: 'Anular',
-	redo			: 'Repetir',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Navegar no Servidor',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protocolo',
-		upload			: 'Carregar',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Enviar para o Servidor',
-		image			: 'Imagem',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Formulário',
-		checkbox		: 'Caixa de Verificação',
-		radio			: 'Botão de Opção',
-		textField		: 'Campo de Texto',
-		textarea		: 'Área de Texto',
-		hiddenField		: 'Campo Escondido',
-		button			: 'Botão',
-		select			: 'Caixa de Combinação',
-		imageButton		: 'Botão de Imagem',
-		notSet			: '<Não definido>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Nome',
-		langDir			: 'Orientação de idioma',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Esquerda à Direita (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Direita a Esquerda (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Código de Idioma',
-		longDescr		: 'Descrição Completa do URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Classes de Estilo de Folhas Classes',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Título',
-		cssStyle		: 'Estilo',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Cancelar',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'Avançado',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Inserir Caracter Especial',
-		title		: 'Seleccione um caracter especial',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Inserir/Editar Hiperligação',
-		other 		: '<outro>',
-		menu		: 'Editar Hiperligação',
-		title		: 'Hiperligação',
-		info		: 'Informação de Hiperligação',
-		target		: 'Destino',
-		upload		: 'Carregar',
-		advanced	: 'Avançado',
-		type		: 'Tipo de Hiperligação',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Referência a esta página',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<Frame>',
-		targetPopup		: '<Janela de popup>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Nome do Frame Destino',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Nome da Janela de Popup',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Características de Janela de Popup',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Barra de Estado',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Barra de localização',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Barra de Ferramentas',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Barra de Menu',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Janela Completa (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Barras de deslocamento',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dependente (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Largura',
-		popupLeft		: 'Posição Esquerda',
-		popupHeight		: 'Altura',
-		popupTop		: 'Posição Direita',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Orientação de idioma',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Esquerda à Direita (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Direita a Esquerda (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Chave de Acesso',
-		name			: 'Nome',
-		langCode		: 'Orientação de idioma',
-		tabIndex		: 'Índice de Tubulação',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Título',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Tipo de Conteúdo',
-		cssClasses		: 'Classes de Estilo de Folhas Classes',
-		charset			: 'Fonte de caracteres vinculado',
-		styles			: 'Estilo',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Seleccionar una referência',
-		anchorName		: 'Por Nome de Referência',
-		anchorId		: 'Por ID de elemento',
-		emailAddress	: 'Endereço de E-Mail',
-		emailSubject	: 'Título de Mensagem',
-		emailBody		: 'Corpo da Mensagem',
-		noAnchors		: '(Não há referências disponíveis no documento)',
-		noUrl			: 'Por favor introduza a hiperligação URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Por favor introduza o endereço de e-mail'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: ' Inserir/Editar Âncora',
-		menu		: 'Propriedades da Âncora',
-		title		: 'Propriedades da Âncora',
-		name		: 'Nome da Âncora',
-		errorName	: 'Por favor, introduza o nome da âncora'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace', // MISSING
-		find				: 'Procurar',
-		replace				: 'Substituir',
-		findWhat			: 'Texto a Procurar:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Substituir por:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'O texto especificado não foi encontrado.',
-		matchCase			: 'Maiúsculas/Minúsculas',
-		matchWord			: 'Coincidir com toda a palavra',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Substituir Tudo',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabela',
-		title		: 'Propriedades da Tabela',
-		menu		: 'Propriedades da Tabela',
-		deleteTable	: 'Eliminar Tabela',
-		rows		: 'Linhas',
-		columns		: 'Colunas',
-		border		: 'Tamanho do Limite',
-		align		: 'Alinhamento',
-		alignLeft	: 'Esquerda',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centrado',
-		alignRight	: 'Direita',
-		width		: 'Largura',
-		widthPx		: 'pixeis',
-		widthPc		: 'percentagem',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Altura',
-		cellSpace	: 'Esp. e/células',
-		cellPad		: 'Esp. interior',
-		caption		: 'Título',
-		summary		: 'Sumário',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Célula',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After', // MISSING
-			deleteCell		: 'Eliminar Célula',
-			merge			: 'Unir Células',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right', // MISSING
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down', // MISSING
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally', // MISSING
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically', // MISSING
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Linha',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After', // MISSING
-			deleteRow		: 'Eliminar Linhas'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Coluna',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After', // MISSING
-			deleteColumn	: 'Eliminar Coluna'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriedades do Botão',
-		text		: 'Texto (Valor)',
-		type		: 'Tipo',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button', // MISSING
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit', // MISSING
-		typeRst		: 'Reset' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Propriedades da Caixa de Verificação',
-		radioTitle	: 'Propriedades do Botão de Opção',
-		value		: 'Valor',
-		selected	: 'Seleccionado'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriedades do Formulário',
-		menu		: 'Propriedades do Formulário',
-		action		: 'Acção',
-		method		: 'Método',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriedades da Caixa de Combinação',
-		selectInfo	: 'Informação',
-		opAvail		: 'Opções Possíveis',
-		value		: 'Valor',
-		size		: 'Tamanho',
-		lines		: 'linhas',
-		chkMulti	: 'Permitir selecções múltiplas',
-		opText		: 'Texto',
-		opValue		: 'Valor',
-		btnAdd		: 'Adicionar',
-		btnModify	: 'Modificar',
-		btnUp		: 'Para cima',
-		btnDown		: 'Para baixo',
-		btnSetValue : 'Definir um valor por defeito',
-		btnDelete	: 'Apagar'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriedades da Área de Texto',
-		cols		: 'Colunas',
-		rows		: 'Linhas'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriedades do Campo de Texto',
-		name		: 'Nome',
-		value		: 'Valor',
-		charWidth	: 'Tamanho do caracter',
-		maxChars	: 'Nr. Máximo de Caracteres',
-		type		: 'Tipo',
-		typeText	: 'Texto',
-		typePass	: 'Palavra-chave'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Propriedades do Campo Escondido',
-		name	: 'Nome',
-		value	: 'Valor'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Propriedades da Imagem',
-		titleButton	: 'Propriedades do Botão de imagens',
-		menu		: 'Propriedades da Imagem',
-		infoTab		: 'Informação da Imagem',
-		btnUpload	: 'Enviar para o Servidor',
-		upload		: 'Carregar',
-		alt			: 'Texto Alternativo',
-		width		: 'Largura',
-		height		: 'Altura',
-		lockRatio	: 'Proporcional',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Tamanho Original',
-		border		: 'Limite',
-		hSpace		: 'Esp.Horiz',
-		vSpace		: 'Esp.Vert',
-		align		: 'Alinhamento',
-		alignLeft	: 'Esquerda',
-		alignRight	: 'Direita',
-		alertUrl	: 'Por favor introduza o URL da imagem',
-		linkTab		: 'Hiperligação',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Propriedades do Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Propriedades do Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Reproduzir automaticamente',
-		chkLoop			: 'Loop',
-		chkMenu			: 'Permitir Menu do Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Escala',
-		scaleAll		: 'Mostrar tudo',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Sem Limites',
-		scaleFit		: 'Tamanho Exacto',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Alinhamento',
-		alignLeft		: 'Esquerda',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs inferior',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs centro',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Linha de base',
-		alignBottom		: 'Fundo',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Centro',
-		alignRight		: 'Direita',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Topo do texto',
-		alignTop		: 'Topo',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Cor de Fundo',
-		width			: 'Largura',
-		height			: 'Altura',
-		hSpace			: 'Esp.Horiz',
-		vSpace			: 'Esp.Vert',
-		validateSrc		: 'Por favor introduza a hiperligação URL',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Verificação Ortográfica',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Não está num directório',
-		changeTo		: 'Mudar para',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignorar',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignorar Tudo',
-		btnReplace		: 'Substituir',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Substituir Tudo',
-		btnUndo			: 'Anular',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Sem sugestões -',
-		progress		: 'Verificação ortográfica em progresso…',
-		noMispell		: 'Verificação ortográfica completa: não foram encontrados erros',
-		noChanges		: 'Verificação ortográfica completa: não houve alteração de palavras',
-		oneChange		: 'Verificação ortográfica completa: uma palavra alterada',
-		manyChanges		: 'Verificação ortográfica completa: %1 palavras alteradas',
-		ieSpellDownload	: ' Verificação ortográfica não instalada. Quer descarregar agora?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Emoticons',
-		title	: 'Inserir um Emoticon',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Numeração',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Marcas',
-	indent			: 'Aumentar Avanço',
-	outdent			: 'Diminuir Avanço',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Alinhar à Esquerda',
-		center	: 'Alinhar ao Centro',
-		right	: 'Alinhar à Direita',
-		block	: 'Justificado'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Colar',
-		cutError	: 'A configuração de segurança do navegador não permite a execução automática de operações de cortar. Por favor use o teclado (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'A configuração de segurança do navegador não permite a execução automática de operações de copiar. Por favor use o teclado (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Por favor, cole dentro da seguinte caixa usando o teclado (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) e prima <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Colar do Word',
-		title			: 'Colar do Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Colar como Texto Simples',
-		title	: 'Colar como Texto Simples'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Modelos',
-		title			: 'Modelo de Conteúdo',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Por favor, seleccione o modelo a abrir no editor<br>(o conteúdo actual será perdido):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Sem modelos definidos)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Estilo',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Formato',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formato',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatado',
-		tag_address	: 'Endereço',
-		tag_h1		: 'Título 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Título 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Título 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Título 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Título 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Título 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)' // MISSING
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Tipo de Letra',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Tipo de Letra'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Tamanho',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Tamanho'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Cor do Texto',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Cor de Fundo',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automático',
-		more			: 'Mais Cores...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Portuguese language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'pt' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Editor de texto enriquecido',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'Navegar no Servidor',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protocolo',
+		upload: 'Carregar',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Enviar para o Servidor',
+		image: 'Imagem',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Formulário',
+		checkbox: 'Caixa de Verificação',
+		radio: 'Botão de Opção',
+		textField: 'Campo de Texto',
+		textarea: 'Área de Texto',
+		hiddenField: 'Campo Escondido',
+		button: 'Botão',
+		select: 'Caixa de Combinação',
+		imageButton: 'Botão de Imagem',
+		notSet: '<Não definido>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Nome',
+		langDir: 'Orientação de idioma',
+		langDirLtr: 'Esquerda à Direita (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Direita a Esquerda (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Código de Idioma',
+		longDescr: 'Descrição Completa do URL',
+		cssClass: 'Classes de Estilo de Folhas Classes',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Título',
+		cssStyle: 'Estilo',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Cancelar',
+		close: 'Fechar',
+		preview: 'Pré-visualização',
+		resize: 'Arraste para redimensionar',
+		generalTab: 'Geral',
+		advancedTab: 'Avançado',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
+		options: 'Opções',
+		target: 'Alvo',
+		targetNew: 'Nova Janela (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Janela superior (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Mesma janela (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'Esquerda à Direita (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Direita para Esquerda (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Estilo',
+		cssClasses: 'Classes de Estilo de Folhas Classes',
+		width: 'Largura',
+		height: 'Altura',
+		align: 'Alinhamento',
+		alignLeft: 'Esquerda',
+		alignRight: 'Direita',
+		alignCenter: 'Centrado',
+		alignTop: 'Topo',
+		alignMiddle: 'Centro',
+		alignBottom: 'Fundo',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ro.js
index ad949ff..2c1b58e 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ro.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ro.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Romanian language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['ro'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Sursa',
-	newPage			: 'Pagină nouă',
-	save			: 'Salvează',
-	preview			: 'Previzualizare',
-	cut				: 'Taie',
-	copy			: 'Copiază',
-	paste			: 'Adaugă',
-	print			: 'Printează',
-	underline		: 'Subliniat (underline)',
-	bold			: 'ÃŽngroÅŸat (bold)',
-	italic			: 'ÃŽnclinat (italic)',
-	selectAll		: 'Selectează tot',
-	removeFormat	: 'Înlătură formatarea',
-	strike			: 'Tăiat (strike through)',
-	subscript		: 'Indice (subscript)',
-	superscript		: 'Putere (superscript)',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Inserează linie orizontă',
-	pagebreak		: 'Inserează separator de pagină (Page Break)',
-	unlink			: 'Înlătură link (legătură web)',
-	undo			: 'Starea anterioară (undo)',
-	redo			: 'Starea ulterioară (redo)',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Răsfoieşte server',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protocol',
-		upload			: 'Încarcă',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Trimite la server',
-		image			: 'Imagine',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Formular (Form)',
-		checkbox		: 'Bifă (Checkbox)',
-		radio			: 'Buton radio (RadioButton)',
-		textField		: 'Câmp text (TextField)',
-		textarea		: 'Suprafaţă text (Textarea)',
-		hiddenField		: 'Câmp ascuns (HiddenField)',
-		button			: 'Buton',
-		select			: 'Câmp selecţie (SelectionField)',
-		imageButton		: 'Buton imagine (ImageButton)',
-		notSet			: '<nesetat>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Nume',
-		langDir			: 'Direcţia cuvintelor',
-		langDirLtr		: 'stânga-dreapta (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'dreapta-stânga (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Codul limbii',
-		longDescr		: 'Descrierea lungă URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Clasele cu stilul paginii (CSS)',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Titlul consultativ',
-		cssStyle		: 'Stil',
-		ok				: 'Bine',
-		cancel			: 'Anulare',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'Avansat',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Inserează caracter special',
-		title		: 'Selectează caracter special',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Inserează/Editează link (legătură web)',
-		other 		: '<alt>',
-		menu		: 'Editează Link',
-		title		: 'Link (Legătură web)',
-		info		: 'Informaţii despre link (Legătură web)',
-		target		: 'Ţintă (Target)',
-		upload		: 'Încarcă',
-		advanced	: 'Avansat',
-		type		: 'Tipul link-ului (al legăturii web)',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Ancoră în această pagină',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<frame>',
-		targetPopup		: '<fereastra popup>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Numele frame-ului ţintă',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Numele ferestrei popup',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Proprietăţile ferestrei popup',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Bara de status',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Bara de locaţie',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Bara de opţiuni',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Bara de meniu',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Tot ecranul (Full Screen)(IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Scroll Bars',
-		popupDependent	: 'Dependent (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Lăţime',
-		popupLeft		: 'Poziţia la stânga',
-		popupHeight		: 'Înălţime',
-		popupTop		: 'Poziţia la dreapta',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Direcţia cuvintelor',
-		langDirLTR		: 'stânga-dreapta (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'dreapta-stânga (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Tasta de acces',
-		name			: 'Nume',
-		langCode		: 'Direcţia cuvintelor',
-		tabIndex		: 'Indexul tabului',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Titlul consultativ',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Tipul consultativ al titlului',
-		cssClasses		: 'Clasele cu stilul paginii (CSS)',
-		charset			: 'Setul de caractere al resursei legate',
-		styles			: 'Stil',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Selectaţi o ancoră',
-		anchorName		: 'după numele ancorei',
-		anchorId		: 'după Id-ul elementului',
-		emailAddress	: 'Adresă de e-mail',
-		emailSubject	: 'Subiectul mesajului',
-		emailBody		: 'Conţinutul mesajului',
-		noAnchors		: '(Nicio ancoră disponibilă în document)',
-		noUrl			: 'Vă rugăm să scrieţi URL-ul',
-		noEmail			: 'Vă rugăm să scrieţi adresa de e-mail'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Inserează/Editează ancoră',
-		menu		: 'Proprietăţi ancoră',
-		title		: 'Proprietăţi ancoră',
-		name		: 'Numele ancorei',
-		errorName	: 'Vă rugăm scrieţi numele ancorei'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Găseşte şi înlocuieşte',
-		find				: 'Găseşte',
-		replace				: 'ÃŽnlocuieÅŸte',
-		findWhat			: 'Găseşte:',
-		replaceWith			: 'ÃŽnlocuieÅŸte cu:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Textul specificat nu a fost găsit.',
-		matchCase			: 'DeosebeÅŸte majuscule de minuscule (Match case)',
-		matchWord			: 'Doar cuvintele întregi',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'ÃŽnlocuieÅŸte tot',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabel',
-		title		: 'Proprietăţile tabelului',
-		menu		: 'Proprietăţile tabelului',
-		deleteTable	: 'Åžterge tabel',
-		rows		: 'Linii',
-		columns		: 'Coloane',
-		border		: 'Mărimea marginii',
-		align		: 'Aliniament',
-		alignLeft	: 'Stânga',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centru',
-		alignRight	: 'Dreapta',
-		width		: 'Lăţime',
-		widthPx		: 'pixeli',
-		widthPc		: 'procente',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Înălţime',
-		cellSpace	: 'Spaţiu între celule',
-		cellPad		: 'Spaţiu în cadrul celulei',
-		caption		: 'Titlu (Caption)',
-		summary		: 'Rezumat',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Celulă',
-			insertBefore	: 'Inserează celulă înainte',
-			insertAfter		: 'Inserează celulă după',
-			deleteCell		: 'Åžterge celule',
-			merge			: 'UneÅŸte celule',
-			mergeRight		: 'UneÅŸte la dreapta',
-			mergeDown		: 'UneÅŸte jos',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Împarte celula pe orizontală',
-			splitVertical	: 'Împarte celula pe verticală',
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Linie',
-			insertBefore	: 'Inserează linie înainte',
-			insertAfter		: 'Inserează linie după',
-			deleteRow		: 'Åžterge linii'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Coloană',
-			insertBefore	: 'Inserează coloană înainte',
-			insertAfter		: 'Inserează coloană după',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Åžterge celule'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Proprietăţi buton',
-		text		: 'Text (Valoare)',
-		type		: 'Tip',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button',
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit',
-		typeRst		: 'Reset'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Proprietăţi bifă (Checkbox)',
-		radioTitle	: 'Proprietăţi buton radio (Radio Button)',
-		value		: 'Valoare',
-		selected	: 'Selectat'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Proprietăţi formular (Form)',
-		menu		: 'Proprietăţi formular (Form)',
-		action		: 'Acţiune',
-		method		: 'Metodă',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Proprietăţi câmp selecţie (Selection Field)',
-		selectInfo	: 'Informaţii',
-		opAvail		: 'Opţiuni disponibile',
-		value		: 'Valoare',
-		size		: 'Mărime',
-		lines		: 'linii',
-		chkMulti	: 'Permite selecţii multiple',
-		opText		: 'Text',
-		opValue		: 'Valoare',
-		btnAdd		: 'Adaugă',
-		btnModify	: 'Modifică',
-		btnUp		: 'Sus',
-		btnDown		: 'Jos',
-		btnSetValue : 'Setează ca valoare selectată',
-		btnDelete	: 'Åžterge'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Proprietăţi suprafaţă text (Textarea)',
-		cols		: 'Coloane',
-		rows		: 'Linii'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Proprietăţi câmp text (Text Field)',
-		name		: 'Nume',
-		value		: 'Valoare',
-		charWidth	: 'Lărgimea caracterului',
-		maxChars	: 'Caractere maxime',
-		type		: 'Tip',
-		typeText	: 'Text',
-		typePass	: 'Parolă'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Proprietăţi câmp ascuns (Hidden Field)',
-		name	: 'Nume',
-		value	: 'Valoare'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Proprietăţile imaginii',
-		titleButton	: 'Proprietăţi buton imagine (Image Button)',
-		menu		: 'Proprietăţile imaginii',
-		infoTab		: 'Informaţii despre imagine',
-		btnUpload	: 'Trimite la server',
-		upload		: 'Încarcă',
-		alt			: 'Text alternativ',
-		width		: 'Lăţime',
-		height		: 'Înălţime',
-		lockRatio	: 'Păstrează proporţiile',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Resetează mărimea',
-		border		: 'Margine',
-		hSpace		: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace		: 'VSpace',
-		align		: 'Aliniere',
-		alignLeft	: 'Stânga',
-		alignRight	: 'Dreapta',
-		alertUrl	: 'Vă rugăm să scrieţi URL-ul imaginii',
-		linkTab		: 'Link (Legătură web)',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Proprietăţile flash-ului',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Proprietăţile flash-ului',
-		chkPlay			: 'Rulează automat',
-		chkLoop			: 'Repetă (Loop)',
-		chkMenu			: 'Activează meniul flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Scală',
-		scaleAll		: 'Arată tot',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Fără margini (No border)',
-		scaleFit		: 'PotriveÅŸte',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Aliniere',
-		alignLeft		: 'Stânga',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Jos absolut (Abs Bottom)',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Mijloc absolut (Abs Middle)',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Linia de jos (Baseline)',
-		alignBottom		: 'Jos',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Mijloc',
-		alignRight		: 'Dreapta',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Text sus',
-		alignTop		: 'Sus',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Coloarea fundalului',
-		width			: 'Lăţime',
-		height			: 'Înălţime',
-		hSpace			: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace			: 'VSpace',
-		validateSrc		: 'Vă rugăm să scrieţi URL-ul',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Verifică text',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Nu e în dicţionar',
-		changeTo		: 'Schimbă în',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignoră',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignoră toate',
-		btnReplace		: 'ÃŽnlocuieÅŸte',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'ÃŽnlocuieÅŸte tot',
-		btnUndo			: 'Starea anterioară (undo)',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Fără sugestii -',
-		progress		: 'Verificarea textului în desfăşurare...',
-		noMispell		: 'Verificarea textului terminată: Nicio greşeală găsită',
-		noChanges		: 'Verificarea textului terminată: Niciun cuvânt modificat',
-		oneChange		: 'Verificarea textului terminată: Un cuvânt modificat',
-		manyChanges		: 'Verificarea textului terminată: 1% cuvinte modificate',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Unealta pentru verificat textul (Spell checker) neinstalată. Doriţi să o descărcaţi acum?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Figură expresivă (Emoticon)',
-		title	: 'Inserează o figură expresivă (Emoticon)',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Listă numerotată',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Listă cu puncte',
-	indent			: 'CreÅŸte indentarea',
-	outdent			: 'Scade indentarea',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Aliniere la stânga',
-		center	: 'Aliniere centrală',
-		right	: 'Aliniere la dreapta',
-		block	: 'Aliniere în bloc (Block Justify)'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Citat',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Adaugă',
-		cutError	: 'Setările de securitate ale navigatorului (browser) pe care îl folosiţi nu permit editorului să execute automat operaţiunea de tăiere. Vă rugăm folosiţi tastatura (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Setările de securitate ale navigatorului (browser) pe care îl folosiţi nu permit editorului să execute automat operaţiunea de copiere. Vă rugăm folosiţi tastatura (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Vă rugăm adăugaţi în căsuţa următoare folosind tastatura (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) şi apăsaţi <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Din cauza setărilor de securitate ale programului dvs. cu care navigaţi pe internet (browser), editorul nu poate accesa direct datele din clipboard. Va trebui să adăugaţi din nou datele în această fereastră.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Adaugă din Word',
-		title			: 'Adaugă din Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Adaugă ca text simplu (Plain Text)',
-		title	: 'Adaugă ca text simplu (Plain Text)'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Template-uri (ÅŸabloane)',
-		title			: 'Template-uri (şabloane) de conţinut',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'ÃŽnlocuieÅŸte cuprinsul actual',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Vă rugăm selectaţi template-ul (şablonul) ce se va deschide în editor<br>(conţinutul actual va fi pierdut):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Niciun template (ÅŸablon) definit)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Arată blocurile',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stil',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Formatare',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatare',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatted',
-		tag_address	: 'Address',
-		tag_h1		: 'Heading 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Heading 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Heading 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Heading 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Heading 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Heading 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Font',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Font'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Mărime',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Mărime'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Culoarea textului',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Coloarea fundalului',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatic',
-		more			: 'Mai multe culori...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Romanian language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'ro' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Apasă ALT 0 pentru ajutor',
+		browseServer: 'Răsfoieşte server',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protocol',
+		upload: 'Încarcă',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Trimite la server',
+		image: 'Imagine',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Formular (Form)',
+		checkbox: 'Bifă (Checkbox)',
+		radio: 'Buton radio (RadioButton)',
+		textField: 'Câmp text (TextField)',
+		textarea: 'Suprafaţă text (Textarea)',
+		hiddenField: 'Câmp ascuns (HiddenField)',
+		button: 'Buton',
+		select: 'Câmp selecţie (SelectionField)',
+		imageButton: 'Buton imagine (ImageButton)',
+		notSet: '<nesetat>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Nume',
+		langDir: 'Direcţia cuvintelor',
+		langDirLtr: 'stânga-dreapta (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'dreapta-stânga (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Codul limbii',
+		longDescr: 'Descrierea lungă URL',
+		cssClass: 'Clasele cu stilul paginii (CSS)',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Titlul consultativ',
+		cssStyle: 'Stil',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Anulare',
+		close: 'ÃŽnchide',
+		preview: 'Previzualizare',
+		resize: 'Trage pentru a redimensiona',
+		generalTab: 'General',
+		advancedTab: 'Avansat',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Această valoare nu este un număr.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Orice modificări nesalvate ale acestui conținut, vor fi pierdute. Sigur doriți încărcarea unei noi pagini?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Câteva opțiuni au fost schimbate. Sigur doriți să închideți dialogul?',
+		options: 'Opțiuni',
+		target: 'Țintă',
+		targetNew: 'Fereastră nouă (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'În aceeași fereastră (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Stânga spre Dreapta (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Dreapta spre Stânga (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Stil',
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+		width: 'Lăţime',
+		height: 'Înălţime',
+		align: 'Aliniere',
+		alignLeft: 'Mărește Bara',
+		alignRight: 'Dreapta',
+		alignCenter: 'Centru',
+		alignTop: 'Sus',
+		alignMiddle: 'Mijloc',
+		alignBottom: 'Jos',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Înălțimea trebuie să fie un număr.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Lățimea trebuie să fie un număr.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ru.js
index 6300802..bf2df37 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ru.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ru.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Russian language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['ru'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Источник',
-	newPage			: 'Новая страница',
-	save			: 'Сохранить',
-	preview			: 'Предварительный просмотр',
-	cut				: 'Вырезать',
-	copy			: 'Копировать',
-	paste			: 'Вставить',
-	print			: 'Печать',
-	underline		: 'Подчеркнутый',
-	bold			: 'Жирный',
-	italic			: 'Курсив',
-	selectAll		: 'Выделить все',
-	removeFormat	: 'Убрать форматирование',
-	strike			: 'Зачеркнутый',
-	subscript		: 'Подстрочный индекс',
-	superscript		: 'Надстрочный индекс',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Вставить горизонтальную линию',
-	pagebreak		: 'Вставить разрыв страницы',
-	unlink			: 'Убрать ссылку',
-	undo			: 'Отменить',
-	redo			: 'Повторить',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Просмотреть на сервере',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Протокол',
-		upload			: 'Закачать',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Послать на сервер',
-		image			: 'Изображение',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Форма',
-		checkbox		: 'Флаговая кнопка',
-		radio			: 'Кнопка выбора',
-		textField		: 'Текстовое поле',
-		textarea		: 'Текстовая область',
-		hiddenField		: 'Скрытое поле',
-		button			: 'Кнопка',
-		select			: 'Список',
-		imageButton		: 'Кнопка с изображением',
-		notSet			: '<не определено>',
-		id				: 'Идентификатор',
-		name			: 'Имя',
-		langDir			: 'Направление языка',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Слева на право (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Справа на лево (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Язык',
-		longDescr		: 'Длинное описание URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Класс CSS',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Заголовок',
-		cssStyle		: 'Стиль CSS',
-		ok				: 'ОК',
-		cancel			: 'Отмена',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Информация',
-		advancedTab		: 'Расширенный',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Это значение не является числом.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Все несохраненные изменения будут утеряны. Вы уверены, что хотите перейти на другую страницу?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Некоторые опции были изменены. Вы уверены, что хотите закрыть диалог?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, недоступно</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Вставить специальный символ',
-		title		: 'Выберите специальный символ',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Вставить/Редактировать ссылку',
-		other 		: '<другой>',
-		menu		: 'Вставить ссылку',
-		title		: 'Ссылка',
-		info		: 'Информация ссылки',
-		target		: 'Цель',
-		upload		: 'Закачать',
-		advanced	: 'Расширенный',
-		type		: 'Тип ссылки',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Якорь на эту страницу',
-		toEmail		: 'Эл. почта',
-		targetFrame		: '<фрейм>',
-		targetPopup		: '<всплывающее окно>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Имя целевого фрейма',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Имя всплывающего окна',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Свойства всплывающего окна',
-		popupResizable	: 'Изменяемый размер',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Строка состояния',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Панель локации',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Панель инструментов',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Панель меню',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Полный экран (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Полосы прокрутки',
-		popupDependent	: 'Зависимый (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Ширина',
-		popupLeft		: 'Позиция слева',
-		popupHeight		: 'Высота',
-		popupTop		: 'Позиция сверху',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Направление языка',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Слева направо (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Справа налево (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Горячая клавиша',
-		name			: 'Имя',
-		langCode		: 'Код языка',
-		tabIndex		: 'Последовательность перехода',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Заголовок',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Тип содержимого',
-		cssClasses		: 'Класс CSS',
-		charset			: 'Кодировка',
-		styles			: 'Стиль CSS',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Выберите якорь',
-		anchorName		: 'По имени якоря',
-		anchorId		: 'По идентификатору элемента',
-		emailAddress	: 'Адрес эл. почты',
-		emailSubject	: 'Заголовок сообщения',
-		emailBody		: 'Тело сообщения',
-		noAnchors		: '(Нет якорей доступных в этом документе)',
-		noUrl			: 'Пожалуйста, введите URL ссылки',
-		noEmail			: 'Пожалуйста, введите адрес эл. почты'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Вставить/Редактировать якорь',
-		menu		: 'Свойства якоря',
-		title		: 'Свойства якоря',
-		name		: 'Имя якоря',
-		errorName	: 'Пожалуйста, введите имя якоря'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Найти и заменить',
-		find				: 'Найти',
-		replace				: 'Заменить',
-		findWhat			: 'Найти:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Заменить на:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Указанный текст не найден.',
-		matchCase			: 'Учитывать регистр',
-		matchWord			: 'Только слово целиком',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Начинать с начала после достижения конца',
-		replaceAll			: 'Заменить все',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 совпадение(й) заменено.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Таблица',
-		title		: 'Свойства таблицы',
-		menu		: 'Свойства таблицы',
-		deleteTable	: 'Удалить таблицу',
-		rows		: 'Строки',
-		columns		: 'Колонки',
-		border		: 'Размер бордюра',
-		align		: 'Выравнивание',
-		alignLeft	: 'Слева',
-		alignCenter	: 'По центру',
-		alignRight	: 'Справа',
-		width		: 'Ширина',
-		widthPx		: 'пикселей',
-		widthPc		: 'процентов',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Высота',
-		cellSpace	: 'Промежуток (spacing)',
-		cellPad		: 'Отступ (padding)',
-		caption		: 'Заголовок',
-		summary		: 'Резюме',
-		headers		: 'Заголовки',
-		headersNone		: 'Нет',
-		headersColumn	: 'Первый столбец',
-		headersRow		: 'Первая строка',
-		headersBoth		: 'Оба варианта',
-		invalidRows		: 'Число строк должно быть больше 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Число столбцов должно быть больше 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Ширина бордюра должна быть числом.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Ширина таблицы должна быть числом.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Высота таблицы должна быть числом.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Размер промежутков (cellspacing) между ячейками должны быть числом.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Отступы внутри ячеек (cellpadding) должны быть числом.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Ячейка',
-			insertBefore	: 'Вставить ячейку до',
-			insertAfter		: 'Вставить ячейку после',
-			deleteCell		: 'Удалить ячейки',
-			merge			: 'Объединить ячейки',
-			mergeRight		: 'Объединить с правой',
-			mergeDown		: 'Объединить с нижней',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Разбить ячейку горизонтально',
-			splitVertical	: 'Разбить ячейку вертикально',
-			title			: 'Свойства ячейки',
-			cellType		: 'Тип ячейки',
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span',
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span',
-			wordWrap		: 'Перенос по словам',
-			hAlign			: 'Выравнивание по горизонтали',
-			vAlign			: 'Выравнивание по вертикали',
-			alignTop		: 'По верху',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Посередине',
-			alignBottom		: 'По низу',
-			alignBaseline	: 'По базовой линии',
-			bgColor			: 'Цвет фона',
-			borderColor		: 'Цвет границы',
-			data			: 'Данные',
-			header			: 'Заголовок',
-			yes				: 'Да',
-			no				: 'Нет',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Ширина ячейки должна быть числом.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Высота ячейки должна быть числом.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Выберите'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Строка',
-			insertBefore	: 'Вставить строку до',
-			insertAfter		: 'Вставить строку после',
-			deleteRow		: 'Удалить строки'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Колонка',
-			insertBefore	: 'Вставить колонку до',
-			insertAfter		: 'Вставить колонку после',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Удалить колонки'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Свойства кнопки',
-		text		: 'Текст (Значение)',
-		type		: 'Тип',
-		typeBtn		: 'Кнопка',
-		typeSbm		: 'Отправить',
-		typeRst		: 'Сбросить'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Свойства флаговой кнопки',
-		radioTitle	: 'Свойства кнопки выбора',
-		value		: 'Значение',
-		selected	: 'Выбранная'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Свойства формы',
-		menu		: 'Свойства формы',
-		action		: 'Действие',
-		method		: 'Метод',
-		encoding	: 'Кодировка'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Свойства списка',
-		selectInfo	: 'Информация',
-		opAvail		: 'Доступные варианты',
-		value		: 'Значение',
-		size		: 'Размер',
-		lines		: 'линии',
-		chkMulti	: 'Разрешить множественный выбор',
-		opText		: 'Текст',
-		opValue		: 'Значение',
-		btnAdd		: 'Добавить',
-		btnModify	: 'Модифицировать',
-		btnUp		: 'Вверх',
-		btnDown		: 'Вниз',
-		btnSetValue : 'Установить как выбранное значение',
-		btnDelete	: 'Удалить'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Свойства текстовой области',
-		cols		: 'Колонки',
-		rows		: 'Строки'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Свойства текстового поля',
-		name		: 'Имя',
-		value		: 'Значение',
-		charWidth	: 'Ширина',
-		maxChars	: 'Макс. кол-во символов',
-		type		: 'Тип',
-		typeText	: 'Текст',
-		typePass	: 'Пароль'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Свойства скрытого поля',
-		name	: 'Имя',
-		value	: 'Значение'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Свойства изображения',
-		titleButton	: 'Свойства кнопки с изображением',
-		menu		: 'Свойства изображения',
-		infoTab		: 'Информация о изображении',
-		btnUpload	: 'Отправить на сервер',
-		upload		: 'Закачать',
-		alt			: 'Альтернативный текст',
-		width		: 'Ширина',
-		height		: 'Высота',
-		lockRatio	: 'Сохранять пропорции',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Сбросить размер',
-		border		: 'Бордюр',
-		hSpace		: 'Горизонтальный отступ',
-		vSpace		: 'Вертикальный отступ',
-		align		: 'Выравнивание',
-		alignLeft	: 'По левому краю',
-		alignRight	: 'По правому краю',
-		alertUrl	: 'Пожалуйста, введите URL изображения',
-		linkTab		: 'Ссылка',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?',
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Отсутствует URL картинки.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Свойства Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Свойства',
-		title			: 'Свойства Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Авто проигрывание',
-		chkLoop			: 'Повтор',
-		chkMenu			: 'Включить меню Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'разрешить полноэкранный режим',
- 		scale			: 'Масштабировать',
-		scaleAll		: 'Показывать все',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Без бордюра',
-		scaleFit		: 'Точное совпадение',
-		access			: 'Область доступа скрипта',
-		accessAlways	: 'Всегда',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Тот же домен',
-		accessNever		: 'Никогда',
-		align			: 'Выравнивание',
-		alignLeft		: 'По левому краю',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Абс понизу',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Абс посередине',
-		alignBaseline	: 'По базовой линии',
-		alignBottom		: 'Понизу',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Посередине',
-		alignRight		: 'По правому краю',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Текст наверху',
-		alignTop		: 'По верху',
-		quality			: 'Качество',
-		qualityBest		: 'Лучшее',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Высокое',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Высокое (авто)',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Среднее',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Низкое (авто)',
-		qualityLow		: 'Низкое',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Окно',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Непрозрачный',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Прозрачный',
-		windowMode		: 'Оконный режим',
-		flashvars		: 'Переменные для Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Цвет фона',
-		width			: 'Ширина',
-		height			: 'Высота',
-		hSpace			: 'Горизонтальный отступ',
-		vSpace			: 'Вертикальный отступ',
-		validateSrc		: 'Пожалуйста, введите URL ссылки',
-		validateWidth	: 'Ширина задается числом.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Высота задается числом.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'Горизонтальный отступ задается числом.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'Вертикальный отступ задается числом.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Проверить орфографию',
-		title			: 'Проверка правописания',
-		notAvailable	: 'Извините, сервис сейчас недоступен.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Ошибка при загрузке служебного хоста приложения: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Нет в словаре',
-		changeTo		: 'Заменить на',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Игнорировать',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Игнорировать все',
-		btnReplace		: 'Заменить',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Заменить все',
-		btnUndo			: 'Отменить',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Нет предположений -',
-		progress		: 'Идет проверка орфографии...',
-		noMispell		: 'Проверка орфографии закончена: ошибок не найдено',
-		noChanges		: 'Проверка орфографии закончена: ни одного слова не изменено',
-		oneChange		: 'Проверка орфографии закончена: одно слово изменено',
-		manyChanges		: 'Проверка орфографии закончена: 1% слов изменено',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Модуль проверки орфографии не установлен. Хотите скачать его сейчас?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Смайлик',
-		title	: 'Вставить смайлик',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 элемент'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Нумерованный список',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Маркированный список',
-	indent			: 'Увеличить отступ',
-	outdent			: 'Уменьшить отступ',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'По левому краю',
-		center	: 'По центру',
-		right	: 'По правому краю',
-		block	: 'По ширине'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Цитата',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Вставить',
-		cutError	: 'Настройки безопасности вашего браузера не позволяют редактору автоматически выполнять операции вырезания. Пожалуйста, используйте клавиатуру для этого (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Настройки безопасности вашего браузера не позволяют редактору автоматически выполнять операции копирования. Пожалуйста, используйте клавиатуру для этого (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Пожалуйста, вставьте текст в прямоугольник, используя сочетание клавиш (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>), и нажмите <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'По причине настроек безопасности браузера, редактор не имеет доступа к данным буфера обмена напрямую. Вам необходимо вставить текст снова в это окно.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Текст, который вы хотите вставить, похож на копируемый из Word. Вы хотите очистить его перед вставкой?',
-		toolbar			: 'Вставить из Word',
-		title			: 'Вставить из Word',
-		error			: 'Невозможно очистить вставленные данные из-за внутренней ошибки'
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Вставить только текст',
-		title	: 'Вставить только текст'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Шаблоны',
-		title			: 'Шаблоны содержимого',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Заменить текущее содержание',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Пожалуйста, выберете шаблон для открытия в редакторе<br>(текущее содержимое будет потеряно):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Ни одного шаблона не определено)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Показать блоки',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Стиль',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Стили объекта'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Форматирование',
-		panelTitle	: 'Форматирование',
-		tag_p		: 'Нормальный',
-		tag_pre		: 'Форматированный',
-		tag_address	: 'Адрес',
-		tag_h1		: 'Заголовок 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Заголовок 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Заголовок 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Заголовок 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Заголовок 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Заголовок 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Нормальный (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Создать Div-контейнер',
-		toolbar				: 'Создать Div-контейнер',
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Классы таблицы стилей',
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Стиль',
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id',
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: 'Код языка',
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Локальный стиль',
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title',
-		langDirLabel		: 'Направление письма',
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Слева направо (LTR)',
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Справа налево (RTL)',
-		edit				: 'Редактировать Div',
-		remove				: 'Убрать Div'
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Шрифт',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Шрифт',
-		panelTitle	: 'Шрифт'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Размер',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Размер шрифта',
-		panelTitle	: 'Размер'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Цвет текста',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Цвет фона',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Автоматический',
-		more			: 'Цвета...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Черный',
-		'800000' : 'Бордовый',
-		'8B4513' : 'Старой кожи',
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Темный синевато-серый',
-		'008080' : 'Чайный',
-		'000080' : 'Темно-синиый',
-		'4B0082' : 'Индиго',
-		'696969' : 'Грязно-серый',
-		'B22222' : 'Огнеупорный кирпич',
-		'A52A2A' : 'Коричневый',
-		'DAA520' : 'Красное золото',
-		'006400' : 'Темно-зеленый',
-		'40E0D0' : 'Бирюзовый',
-		'0000CD' : 'Синий',
-		'800080' : 'Пурпурный',
-		'808080' : 'Серый',
-		'F00' : 'Красный',
-		'FF8C00' : 'Темно-оранжевый',
-		'FFD700' : 'Золотой',
-		'008000' : 'Зеленый',
-		'0FF' : 'Морской волны',
-		'00F' : 'Голубой',
-		'EE82EE' : 'Фиолетовый',
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Темно-серый',
-		'FFA07A' : 'Светлый оранжево-розовый',
-		'FFA500' : 'Оранжевый',
-		'FFFF00' : 'Желтый',
-		'00FF00' : 'Известковый',
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Бледно-бирюзовый',
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Свелто-синий',
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Сливовый',
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Светло-серый',
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Бледный розово-лиловый ',
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Античный белый',
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Светло-желтый',
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Свежего меда',
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Лазурь',
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Бледно-голубой',
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Бледно-лиловый',
-		'FFF' : 'Белый'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Проверка Орфографии по Мере Ввода',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Включить ПОМВ',
-		disable			: 'Отключить ПОМВ',
-		about			: 'О ПОМВ',
-		toggle			: 'Переключить ПОМВ',
-		options			: 'Настройки',
-		langs			: 'Языки',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Больше вариантов',
-		ignore			: 'Пропустить',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Пропустить всё',
-		addWord			: 'Добавить слово',
-		emptyDic		: 'Имя словаря должно быть не пустым.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Настройки',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Языки',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Словари',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'О словарях'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'О программе CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'О программе CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'По вопросам лицензирования обращайтесь на наш сайт:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Все права защищены.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Максимизировать',
-	minimize : 'Минимизировать',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Якорь',
-		flash	: 'Flash-анимация',
-		div		: 'Разрыв страницы',
-		unknown	: 'Неизвестный объект'
-	},
-	resize : 'Перетащите для изменения размера',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Выберите цвет',
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Выделить',
-		selected	: 'Выбранное',
-		clear		: 'Очистить'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Свернуть панель инструментов',
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Развернуть панель инструментов',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object for the
+ * Russian language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'ru' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Визуальный редактор текста',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'нажмите ALT-0 для открытия справки',
+		browseServer: 'Выбор на сервере',
+		url: 'Ссылка',
+		protocol: 'Протокол',
+		upload: 'Загрузка',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Загрузить на сервер',
+		image: 'Изображение',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Форма',
+		checkbox: 'Флаговая кнопка',
+		radio: 'Кнопка выбора',
+		textField: 'Текстовое поле',
+		textarea: 'Многострочное текстовое поле',
+		hiddenField: 'Скрытое поле',
+		button: 'Кнопка',
+		select: 'Список выбора',
+		imageButton: 'Изображение-кнопка',
+		notSet: '<не указано>',
+		id: 'Идентификатор',
+		name: 'Имя',
+		langDir: 'Направление текста',
+		langDirLtr: 'Слева направо (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Справа налево (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Код языка',
+		longDescr: 'Длинное описание ссылки',
+		cssClass: 'Класс CSS',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Заголовок',
+		cssStyle: 'Стиль',
+		ok: 'ОК',
+		cancel: 'Отмена',
+		close: 'Закрыть',
+		preview: 'Предпросмотр',
+		resize: 'Перетащите для изменения размера',
+		generalTab: 'Основное',
+		advancedTab: 'Дополнительно',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Это значение не является числом.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Несохранённые изменения будут потеряны! Вы действительно желаете перейти на другую страницу?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Некоторые параметры были изменены. Вы уверены, что желаете закрыть без сохранения?',
+		options: 'Параметры',
+		target: 'Цель',
+		targetNew: 'Новое окно (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Главное окно (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Текущее окно (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Родительское окно (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Слева направо (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Справа налево (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Стиль',
+		cssClasses: 'Классы CSS',
+		width: 'Ширина',
+		height: 'Высота',
+		align: 'Выравнивание',
+		alignLeft: 'По левому краю',
+		alignRight: 'По правому краю',
+		alignCenter: 'По центру',
+		alignTop: 'По верху',
+		alignMiddle: 'По середине',
+		alignBottom: 'По низу',
+		invalidValue	: 'Недопустимое значение.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Высота задается числом.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Ширина задается числом.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Значение, указанное в поле "%1", должно быть положительным целым числом. Допускается указание единиц меры CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt или pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Значение, указанное в поле "%1", должно быть положительным целым числом. Допускается указание единиц меры HTML (px или %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Значение, указанное для стиля элемента, должно состоять из одной или нескольких пар данных в формате "параметр : значение", разделённых точкой с запятой.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Введите значение в пикселях, либо число с корректной единицей меры CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt или pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, недоступно</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sk.js
index b2cea43..2a4c7f6 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sk.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sk.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Slovak language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['sk'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Zdroj',
-	newPage			: 'Nová stránka',
-	save			: 'Uložiť',
-	preview			: 'Náhľad',
-	cut				: 'Vystrihnúť',
-	copy			: 'Kopírovať',
-	paste			: 'Vložiť',
-	print			: 'Tlač',
-	underline		: 'Podčiarknuté',
-	bold			: 'Tučné',
-	italic			: 'Kurzíva',
-	selectAll		: 'Vybrať všetko',
-	removeFormat	: 'Odstrániť formátovanie',
-	strike			: 'Prečiarknuté',
-	subscript		: 'Dolný index',
-	superscript		: 'Horný index',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Vložiť vodorovnú čiaru',
-	pagebreak		: 'Vložiť oddeľovač stránky',
-	unlink			: 'Odstrániť odkaz',
-	undo			: 'Späť',
-	redo			: 'Znovu',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Prechádzať server',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokol',
-		upload			: 'Odoslať',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Odoslať na server',
-		image			: 'Obrázok',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Formulár',
-		checkbox		: 'Zaškrtávacie políčko',
-		radio			: 'Prepínač',
-		textField		: 'Textové pole',
-		textarea		: 'Textová oblasť',
-		hiddenField		: 'Skryté pole',
-		button			: 'Tlačidlo',
-		select			: 'Rozbaľovací zoznam',
-		imageButton		: 'Obrázkové tlačidlo',
-		notSet			: '<nenastavené>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Meno',
-		langDir			: 'Orientácia jazyka',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Zľava doprava (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Sprava doľava (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Kód jazyka',
-		longDescr		: 'Dlhý popis URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Trieda štýlu',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Pomocný titulok',
-		cssStyle		: 'Štýl',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Zrušiť',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Hlavné',
-		advancedTab		: 'Rozšírené',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Vložiť špeciálne znaky',
-		title		: 'Výber špeciálneho znaku',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Vložiť/zmeniť odkaz',
-		other 		: '<iný>',
-		menu		: 'Zmeniť odkaz',
-		title		: 'Odkaz',
-		info		: 'Informácie o odkaze',
-		target		: 'Cieľ',
-		upload		: 'Odoslať',
-		advanced	: 'Rozšírené',
-		type		: 'Typ odkazu',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Kotva v tejto stránke',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<rámec>',
-		targetPopup		: '<vyskakovacie okno>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Meno rámu cieľa',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Názov vyskakovacieho okna',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Vlastnosti vyskakovacieho okna',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Stavový riadok',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Panel umiestnenia',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Panel nástrojov',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Panel ponuky',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Celá obrazovka (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Posuvníky',
-		popupDependent	: 'Závislosť (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Šírka',
-		popupLeft		: 'Ľavý okraj',
-		popupHeight		: 'Výška',
-		popupTop		: 'Horný okraj',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Orientácia jazyka',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Zľava doprava (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Sprava doľava (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Prístupový kľúč',
-		name			: 'Meno',
-		langCode		: 'Orientácia jazyka',
-		tabIndex		: 'Poradie prvku',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Pomocný titulok',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Pomocný typ obsahu',
-		cssClasses		: 'Trieda štýlu',
-		charset			: 'Priradená znaková sada',
-		styles			: 'Štýl',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Vybrať kotvu',
-		anchorName		: 'Podľa mena kotvy',
-		anchorId		: 'Podľa Id objektu',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-Mailová adresa',
-		emailSubject	: 'Predmet správy',
-		emailBody		: 'Telo správy',
-		noAnchors		: '(V stránke nie je definovaná žiadna kotva)',
-		noUrl			: 'Zadajte prosím URL odkazu',
-		noEmail			: 'Zadajte prosím e-mailovú adresu'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Vložiť/zmeniť kotvu',
-		menu		: 'Vlastnosti kotvy',
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti kotvy',
-		name		: 'Meno kotvy',
-		errorName	: 'Zadajte prosím meno kotvy'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Nájsť a nahradiť',
-		find				: 'Hľadať',
-		replace				: 'Nahradiť',
-		findWhat			: 'Čo hľadať:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Čím nahradiť:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Hľadaný text nebol nájdený.',
-		matchCase			: 'Rozlišovať malé/veľké písmená',
-		matchWord			: 'Len celé slová',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Nahradiť všetko',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabuľka',
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti tabuľky',
-		menu		: 'Vlastnosti tabuľky',
-		deleteTable	: 'Vymazať tabuľku',
-		rows		: 'Riadky',
-		columns		: 'Stĺpce',
-		border		: 'Ohraničenie',
-		align		: 'Zarovnanie',
-		alignLeft	: 'Vľavo',
-		alignCenter	: 'Na stred',
-		alignRight	: 'Vpravo',
-		width		: 'Šírka',
-		widthPx		: 'pixelov',
-		widthPc		: 'percent',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Výška',
-		cellSpace	: 'Vzdialenosť buniek',
-		cellPad		: 'Odsadenie obsahu',
-		caption		: 'Popis',
-		summary		: 'Prehľad',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Bunka',
-			insertBefore	: 'Vložiť bunku pred',
-			insertAfter		: 'Vložiť bunku za',
-			deleteCell		: 'Vymazať bunky',
-			merge			: 'Zlúčiť bunky',
-			mergeRight		: 'Zlúčiť doprava',
-			mergeDown		: 'Zlúčiť dole',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Rozdeliť bunky horizontálne',
-			splitVertical	: 'Rozdeliť bunky vertikálne',
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Riadok',
-			insertBefore	: 'Vložiť riadok za',
-			insertAfter		: 'Vložiť riadok pred',
-			deleteRow		: 'Vymazať riadok'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Stĺpec',
-			insertBefore	: 'Vložiť stĺpec za',
-			insertAfter		: 'Vložiť stĺpec pred',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Zmazať stĺpec'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti tlačidla',
-		text		: 'Text',
-		type		: 'Typ',
-		typeBtn		: 'Tlačidlo',
-		typeSbm		: 'Odoslať',
-		typeRst		: 'Vymazať'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Vlastnosti zaškrtávacieho políčka',
-		radioTitle	: 'Vlastnosti prepínača',
-		value		: 'Hodnota',
-		selected	: 'Vybrané'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti formulára',
-		menu		: 'Vlastnosti formulára',
-		action		: 'Akcie',
-		method		: 'Metóda',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti rozbaľovacieho zoznamu',
-		selectInfo	: 'Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Dostupné možnosti',
-		value		: 'Hodnota',
-		size		: 'Veľkosť',
-		lines		: 'riadkov',
-		chkMulti	: 'Povoliť viacnásobný výber',
-		opText		: 'Text',
-		opValue		: 'Hodnota',
-		btnAdd		: 'Pridať',
-		btnModify	: 'Zmeniť',
-		btnUp		: 'Hore',
-		btnDown		: 'Dole',
-		btnSetValue : 'Nastaviť ako vybranú hodnotu',
-		btnDelete	: 'Zmazať'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti textovej oblasti',
-		cols		: 'Stĺpce',
-		rows		: 'Riadky'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti textového poľa',
-		name		: 'Názov',
-		value		: 'Hodnota',
-		charWidth	: 'Šírka pola (znakov)',
-		maxChars	: 'Maximálny počet znakov',
-		type		: 'Typ',
-		typeText	: 'Text',
-		typePass	: 'Heslo'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Vlastnosti skrytého poľa',
-		name	: 'Názov',
-		value	: 'Hodnota'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vlastnosti obrázku',
-		titleButton	: 'Vlastnosti obrázkového tlačidla',
-		menu		: 'Vlastnosti obrázku',
-		infoTab		: 'Informácie o obrázku',
-		btnUpload	: 'Odoslať na server',
-		upload		: 'Odoslať',
-		alt			: 'Alternatívny text',
-		width		: 'Šírka',
-		height		: 'Výška',
-		lockRatio	: 'Zámok',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Pôvodná veľkosť',
-		border		: 'Okraje',
-		hSpace		: 'H-medzera',
-		vSpace		: 'V-medzera',
-		align		: 'Zarovnanie',
-		alignLeft	: 'Vľavo',
-		alignRight	: 'Vpravo',
-		alertUrl	: 'Zadajte prosím URL obrázku',
-		linkTab		: 'Odkaz',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Vlastnosti Flashu',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Vlastnosti Flashu',
-		chkPlay			: 'Automatické prehrávanie',
-		chkLoop			: 'Opakovanie',
-		chkMenu			: 'Povoliť Flash Menu',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Mierka',
-		scaleAll		: 'Zobraziť mierku',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Bez okrajov',
-		scaleFit		: 'Roztiahnuť na celé',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Zarovnanie',
-		alignLeft		: 'Vľavo',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Úplne dole',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Do stredu',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Na základňu',
-		alignBottom		: 'Dole',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Na stred',
-		alignRight		: 'Vpravo',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Na horný okraj textu',
-		alignTop		: 'Nahor',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Farba pozadia',
-		width			: 'Šírka',
-		height			: 'Výška',
-		hSpace			: 'H-medzera',
-		vSpace			: 'V-medzera',
-		validateSrc		: 'Zadajte prosím URL odkazu',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Kontrola pravopisu',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Nie je v slovníku',
-		changeTo		: 'Zmeniť na',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignorovať',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignorovať všetko',
-		btnReplace		: 'Prepísat',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Prepísat všetko',
-		btnUndo			: 'Späť',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Žiadny návrh -',
-		progress		: 'Prebieha kontrola pravopisu...',
-		noMispell		: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: bez chýb',
-		noChanges		: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: žiadne slová nezmenené',
-		oneChange		: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: zmenené jedno slovo',
-		manyChanges		: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: zmenených %1 slov',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Kontrola pravopisu nie je naištalovaná. Chcete ju hneď stiahnuť?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smajlíky',
-		title	: 'Vkladanie smajlíkov',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Číslovanie',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Odrážky',
-	indent			: 'Zväčšiť odsadenie',
-	outdent			: 'Zmenšiť odsadenie',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Zarovnať vľavo',
-		center	: 'Zarovnať na stred',
-		right	: 'Zarovnať vpravo',
-		block	: 'Zarovnať do bloku'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Citácia',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Vložiť',
-		cutError	: 'Bezpečnostné nastavenia Vášho prehliadača nedovoľujú editoru spustiť funkciu pre vystrihnutie zvoleného textu do schránky. Prosím vystrihnite zvolený text do schránky pomocou klávesnice (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Bezpečnostné nastavenia Vášho prehliadača nedovoľujú editoru spustiť funkciu pre kopírovanie zvoleného textu do schránky. Prosím skopírujte zvolený text do schránky pomocou klávesnice (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Prosím vložte nasledovný rámček použitím klávesnice (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) a stlačte <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Bezpečnostné nastavenia Vášho prehliadača nedovoľujú editoru pristupovať priamo k datám v schránke. Musíte ich vložiť znovu do tohto okna.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Vložiť z Wordu',
-		title			: 'Vložiť z Wordu',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Vložiť ako čistý text',
-		title	: 'Vložiť ako čistý text'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Šablóny',
-		title			: 'Šablóny obsahu',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Nahradiť aktuálny obsah',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Prosím vyberte šablóny na otvorenie v editore<br>(súšasný obsah bude stratený):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(žiadne šablóny nenájdené)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Ukázať bloky',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Štýl',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Formát',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formát',
-		tag_p		: 'Normálny',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formátovaný',
-		tag_address	: 'Adresa',
-		tag_h1		: 'Nadpis 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Nadpis 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Nadpis 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Nadpis 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Nadpis 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Nadpis 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Odsek (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Písmo',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Písmo'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Veľkosť',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Veľkosť'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Farba textu',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Farba pozadia',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automaticky',
-		more			: 'Viac farieb...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Slovak language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'sk' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Editor formátovaného textu',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Stlačte ALT 0 pre nápovedu',
+		browseServer: 'Prechádzať server',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokol',
+		upload: 'Odoslať',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Odoslať na server',
+		image: 'Obrázok',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Formulár',
+		checkbox: 'Zaškrtávacie políčko',
+		radio: 'Prepínač',
+		textField: 'Textové pole',
+		textarea: 'Textová oblasť',
+		hiddenField: 'Skryté pole',
+		button: 'Tlačidlo',
+		select: 'Rozbaľovací zoznam',
+		imageButton: 'Obrázkové tlačidlo',
+		notSet: '<nenastavené>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Meno',
+		langDir: 'Orientácia jazyka',
+		langDirLtr: 'Zľava doprava (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Sprava doľava (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Kód jazyka',
+		longDescr: 'Dlhý popis URL',
+		cssClass: 'Trieda štýlu',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Pomocný titulok',
+		cssStyle: 'Štýl',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Zrušiť',
+		close: 'Zatvorit',
+		preview: 'Náhľad',
+		resize: 'Zmeniť veľkosť',
+		generalTab: 'Hlavné',
+		advancedTab: 'Rozšírené',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Hodnota nieje číslo.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Prajete si načítat novú stránku? Všetky neuložené zmeny budú stratené. ',
+		confirmCancel: 'Niektore možnosti boli zmenené. Naozaj chcete zavrieť okno?',
+		options: 'Možnosti',
+		target: 'Cieľ',
+		targetNew: 'Nové okno (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Najvrchnejšie okno (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'To isté okno (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Rodičovské okno (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Zľava doprava (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Sprava doľava (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Štýl',
+		cssClasses: 'Triedy štýlu',
+		width: 'Šírka',
+		height: 'Výška',
+		align: 'Zarovnanie',
+		alignLeft: 'Vľavo',
+		alignRight: 'Vpravo',
+		alignCenter: 'Na stred',
+		alignTop: 'Nahor',
+		alignMiddle: 'Na stred',
+		alignBottom: 'Dole',
+		invalidValue	: 'Neplatná hodnota.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Výška musí byť číslo.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Šírka musí byť číslo.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Špecifikovaná hodnota pre pole "%1" musí byť kladné číslo s alebo bez platnej CSS mernej jednotky (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt alebo pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Špecifikovaná hodnota pre pole "%1" musí byť kladné číslo s alebo bez platnej HTML mernej jednotky (px alebo %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Zadaná hodnota pre inline štýl musí pozostávať s jedného, alebo viac dvojíc formátu "názov: hodnota", oddelených bodkočiarkou.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Vložte číslo pre hodnotu v pixeloch alebo číslo so správnou CSS jednotou (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, nedostupný</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sl.js
index 8bb40b7..8526855 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sl.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sl.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Slovenian language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['sl'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Izvorna koda',
-	newPage			: 'Nova stran',
-	save			: 'Shrani',
-	preview			: 'Predogled',
-	cut				: 'Izreži',
-	copy			: 'Kopiraj',
-	paste			: 'Prilepi',
-	print			: 'Natisni',
-	underline		: 'Podčrtano',
-	bold			: 'Krepko',
-	italic			: 'Ležeče',
-	selectAll		: 'Izberi vse',
-	removeFormat	: 'Odstrani oblikovanje',
-	strike			: 'Prečrtano',
-	subscript		: 'Podpisano',
-	superscript		: 'Nadpisano',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Vstavi vodoravno črto',
-	pagebreak		: 'Vstavi prelom strani',
-	unlink			: 'Odstrani povezavo',
-	undo			: 'Razveljavi',
-	redo			: 'Ponovi',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Prebrskaj na strežniku',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokol',
-		upload			: 'Prenesi',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Pošlji na strežnik',
-		image			: 'Slika',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Obrazec',
-		checkbox		: 'Potrditveno polje',
-		radio			: 'Izbirno polje',
-		textField		: 'Vnosno polje',
-		textarea		: 'Vnosno območje',
-		hiddenField		: 'Skrito polje',
-		button			: 'Gumb',
-		select			: 'Spustni seznam',
-		imageButton		: 'Gumb s sliko',
-		notSet			: '<ni postavljen>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Ime',
-		langDir			: 'Smer jezika',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Od leve proti desni (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Od desne proti levi (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Oznaka jezika',
-		longDescr		: 'Dolg opis URL-ja',
-		cssClass		: 'Razred stilne predloge',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Predlagani naslov',
-		cssStyle		: 'Slog',
-		ok				: 'V redu',
-		cancel			: 'Prekliči',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Splošno',
-		advancedTab		: 'Napredno',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Ta vrednost ni Å¡tevilo.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Vse neshranjene spremembe te vsebine bodo izgubljene. Ali gotovo želiš naložiti novo stran?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Nekaj možnosti je bilo spremenjenih. Ali gotovo želiš zapreti okno?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, nedosegljiv</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Vstavi posebni znak',
-		title		: 'Izberi posebni znak',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Vstavi/uredi povezavo',
-		other 		: '<drug>',
-		menu		: 'Uredi povezavo',
-		title		: 'Povezava',
-		info		: 'Podatki o povezavi',
-		target		: 'Cilj',
-		upload		: 'Prenesi',
-		advanced	: 'Napredno',
-		type		: 'Vrsta povezave',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Zaznamek na tej strani',
-		toEmail		: 'Elektronski naslov',
-		targetFrame		: '<okvir>',
-		targetPopup		: '<pojavno okno>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Ime ciljnega okvirja',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Ime pojavnega okna',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Značilnosti pojavnega okna',
-		popupResizable	: 'Spremenljive velikosti',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Vrstica stanja',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Naslovna vrstica',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Orodna vrstica',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menijska vrstica',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Celozaslonska slika (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Drsniki',
-		popupDependent	: 'Podokno (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Å irina',
-		popupLeft		: 'Lega levo',
-		popupHeight		: 'Višina',
-		popupTop		: 'Lega na vrhu',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Smer jezika',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Od leve proti desni (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Od desne proti levi (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Vstopno geslo',
-		name			: 'Ime',
-		langCode		: 'Smer jezika',
-		tabIndex		: 'Å tevilka tabulatorja',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Predlagani naslov',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Predlagani tip vsebine (content-type)',
-		cssClasses		: 'Razred stilne predloge',
-		charset			: 'Kodna tabela povezanega vira',
-		styles			: 'Slog',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Izberi zaznamek',
-		anchorName		: 'Po imenu zaznamka',
-		anchorId		: 'Po ID-ju elementa',
-		emailAddress	: 'Elektronski naslov',
-		emailSubject	: 'Predmet sporočila',
-		emailBody		: 'Vsebina sporočila',
-		noAnchors		: '(V tem dokumentu ni zaznamkov)',
-		noUrl			: 'Vnesite URL povezave',
-		noEmail			: 'Vnesite elektronski naslov'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Vstavi/uredi zaznamek',
-		menu		: 'Lastnosti zaznamka',
-		title		: 'Lastnosti zaznamka',
-		name		: 'Ime zaznamka',
-		errorName	: 'Prosim vnesite ime zaznamka'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Najdi in zamenjaj',
-		find				: 'Najdi',
-		replace				: 'Zamenjaj',
-		findWhat			: 'Najdi:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Zamenjaj z:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Navedeno besedilo ni bilo najdeno.',
-		matchCase			: 'Razlikuj velike in male črke',
-		matchWord			: 'Samo cele besede',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Primerjaj znake v cirilici',
-		replaceAll			: 'Zamenjaj vse',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 pojavitev je bilo zamenjano.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabela',
-		title		: 'Lastnosti tabele',
-		menu		: 'Lastnosti tabele',
-		deleteTable	: 'Izbriši tabelo',
-		rows		: 'Vrstice',
-		columns		: 'Stolpci',
-		border		: 'Velikost obrobe',
-		align		: 'Poravnava',
-		alignLeft	: 'Levo',
-		alignCenter	: 'Sredinsko',
-		alignRight	: 'Desno',
-		width		: 'Å irina',
-		widthPx		: 'pik',
-		widthPc		: 'procentov',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Višina',
-		cellSpace	: 'Razmik med celicami',
-		cellPad		: 'Polnilo med celicami',
-		caption		: 'Naslov',
-		summary		: 'Povzetek',
-		headers		: 'Glave',
-		headersNone		: 'Brez',
-		headersColumn	: 'Prvi stolpec',
-		headersRow		: 'Prva vrstica',
-		headersBoth		: 'Oboje',
-		invalidRows		: 'Število vrstic mora biti večje od 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Število stolpcev mora biti večje od 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Å irina obrobe mora biti Å¡tevilo.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Å irina tabele mora biti Å¡tevilo.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Višina tabele mora biti število.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Razmik med celicami mora biti Å¡tevilo.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Zamik celic mora biti Å¡tevilo',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Celica',
-			insertBefore	: 'Vstavi celico pred',
-			insertAfter		: 'Vstavi celico za',
-			deleteCell		: 'Izbriši celice',
-			merge			: 'Združi celice',
-			mergeRight		: 'Združi desno',
-			mergeDown		: 'Druži navzdol',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Razdeli celico vodoravno',
-			splitVertical	: 'Razdeli celico navpično',
-			title			: 'Lastnosti celice',
-			cellType		: 'Vrsta celice',
-			rowSpan			: 'Razpon vrstic',
-			colSpan			: 'Razpon stolpcev',
-			wordWrap		: 'Prelom besedila',
-			hAlign			: 'Vodoravna poravnava',
-			vAlign			: 'Navpična poravnava',
-			alignTop		: 'Vrh',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Sredina',
-			alignBottom		: 'Dno',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Osnovnica',
-			bgColor			: 'Barva ozadja',
-			borderColor		: 'Barva obrobe',
-			data			: 'Podatki',
-			header			: 'Glava',
-			yes				: 'Da',
-			no				: 'Ne',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Å irina celice mora biti Å¡tevilo.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Višina celice mora biti število.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Razpon vrstic mora biti celo Å¡tevilo.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Razpon stolpcev mora biti celo Å¡tevilo.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Izberi'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Vrstica',
-			insertBefore	: 'Vstavi vrstico pred',
-			insertAfter		: 'Vstavi vrstico za',
-			deleteRow		: 'Izbriši vrstice'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Stolpec',
-			insertBefore	: 'Vstavi stolpec pred',
-			insertAfter		: 'Vstavi stolpec za',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Izbriši stolpce'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Lastnosti gumba',
-		text		: 'Besedilo (Vrednost)',
-		type		: 'Tip',
-		typeBtn		: 'Gumb',
-		typeSbm		: 'Potrdi',
-		typeRst		: 'Ponastavi'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Lastnosti potrditvenega polja',
-		radioTitle	: 'Lastnosti izbirnega polja',
-		value		: 'Vrednost',
-		selected	: 'Izbrano'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Lastnosti obrazca',
-		menu		: 'Lastnosti obrazca',
-		action		: 'Akcija',
-		method		: 'Metoda',
-		encoding	: 'Kodiranje znakov'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Lastnosti spustnega seznama',
-		selectInfo	: 'Podatki',
-		opAvail		: 'Razpoložljive izbire',
-		value		: 'Vrednost',
-		size		: 'Velikost',
-		lines		: 'vrstic',
-		chkMulti	: 'Dovoli izbor večih vrstic',
-		opText		: 'Besedilo',
-		opValue		: 'Vrednost',
-		btnAdd		: 'Dodaj',
-		btnModify	: 'Spremeni',
-		btnUp		: 'Gor',
-		btnDown		: 'Dol',
-		btnSetValue : 'Postavi kot privzeto izbiro',
-		btnDelete	: 'Izbriši'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Lastnosti vnosnega območja',
-		cols		: 'Stolpcev',
-		rows		: 'Vrstic'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Lastnosti vnosnega polja',
-		name		: 'Ime',
-		value		: 'Vrednost',
-		charWidth	: 'Dolžina',
-		maxChars	: 'Največje število znakov',
-		type		: 'Tip',
-		typeText	: 'Besedilo',
-		typePass	: 'Geslo'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Lastnosti skritega polja',
-		name	: 'Ime',
-		value	: 'Vrednost'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Lastnosti slike',
-		titleButton	: 'Lastnosti gumba s sliko',
-		menu		: 'Lastnosti slike',
-		infoTab		: 'Podatki o sliki',
-		btnUpload	: 'Pošlji na strežnik',
-		upload		: 'Pošlji',
-		alt			: 'Nadomestno besedilo',
-		width		: 'Å irina',
-		height		: 'Višina',
-		lockRatio	: 'Zakleni razmerje',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Ponastavi velikost',
-		border		: 'Obroba',
-		hSpace		: 'Vodoravni razmik',
-		vSpace		: 'Navpični razmik',
-		align		: 'Poravnava',
-		alignLeft	: 'Levo',
-		alignRight	: 'Desno',
-		alertUrl	: 'Vnesite URL slike',
-		linkTab		: 'Povezava',
-		button2Img	: 'Želiš pretvoriti izbrani gumb s sliko v preprosto sliko?',
-		img2Button	: 'Želiš pretvoriti izbrano sliko v gumb s sliko?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Manjka vir (URL) slike.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Lastnosti Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Lastnosti',
-		title			: 'Lastnosti Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Samodejno predvajaj',
-		chkLoop			: 'Ponavljanje',
-		chkMenu			: 'Omogoči Flash Meni',
-		chkFull			: 'Dovoli celozaslonski način',
- 		scale			: 'Povečava',
-		scaleAll		: 'Pokaži vse',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Brez obrobe',
-		scaleFit		: 'Natančno prileganje',
-		access			: 'Dostop skript',
-		accessAlways	: 'Vedno',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Samo ista domena',
-		accessNever		: 'Nikoli',
-		align			: 'Poravnava',
-		alignLeft		: 'Levo',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Popolnoma na dno',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Popolnoma v sredino',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Na osnovno črto',
-		alignBottom		: 'Na dno',
-		alignMiddle		: 'V sredino',
-		alignRight		: 'Desno',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Besedilo na vrh',
-		alignTop		: 'Na vrh',
-		quality			: 'Kakovost',
-		qualityBest		: 'Najvišja',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Visoka',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Samodejno visoka',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Srednja',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Samodejno nizka',
-		qualityLow		: 'Nizka',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Okno',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Motno',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Prosojno',
-		windowMode		: 'Vrsta okna',
-		flashvars		: 'Spremenljivke za Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Barva ozadja',
-		width			: 'Å irina',
-		height			: 'Višina',
-		hSpace			: 'Vodoravni razmik',
-		vSpace			: 'Navpični razmik',
-		validateSrc		: 'Vnesite URL povezave',
-		validateWidth	: 'Å irina mora biti Å¡tevilo.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Višina mora biti število.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'Vodoravni razmik mora biti Å¡tevilo.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'Navpični razmik mora biti število.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Preveri črkovanje',
-		title			: 'ÄŒrkovalnik',
-		notAvailable	: 'Oprostite, storitev trenutno ni dosegljiva.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Napaka pri nalaganju storitve programa na naslovu %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Ni v slovarju',
-		changeTo		: 'Spremeni v',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Prezri',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Prezri vse',
-		btnReplace		: 'Zamenjaj',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Zamenjaj vse',
-		btnUndo			: 'Razveljavi',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Ni predlogov -',
-		progress		: 'Preverjanje črkovanja se izvaja...',
-		noMispell		: 'Črkovanje je končano: Brez napak',
-		noChanges		: 'Črkovanje je končano: Nobena beseda ni bila spremenjena',
-		oneChange		: 'Črkovanje je končano: Spremenjena je bila ena beseda',
-		manyChanges		: 'Črkovanje je končano: Spremenjenih je bilo %1 besed',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Črkovalnik ni nameščen. Ali ga želite prenesti sedaj?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smeško',
-		title	: 'Vstavi smeška',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Oštevilčen seznam',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Označen seznam',
-	indent			: 'Povečaj zamik',
-	outdent			: 'Zmanjšaj zamik',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Leva poravnava',
-		center	: 'Sredinska poravnava',
-		right	: 'Desna poravnava',
-		block	: 'Obojestranska poravnava'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Citat',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Prilepi',
-		cutError	: 'Varnostne nastavitve brskalnika ne dopuščajo samodejnega izrezovanja. Uporabite kombinacijo tipk na tipkovnici (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Varnostne nastavitve brskalnika ne dopuščajo samodejnega kopiranja. Uporabite kombinacijo tipk na tipkovnici (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Prosim prilepite v sleči okvir s pomočjo tipkovnice (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) in pritisnite <STRONG>V redu</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Zaradi varnostnih nastavitev vašega brskalnika urejevalnik ne more neposredno dostopati do odložišča. Vsebino odložišča ponovno prilepite v to okno.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Prilepi iz Worda',
-		title			: 'Prilepi iz Worda',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Prilepi kot golo besedilo',
-		title	: 'Prilepi kot golo besedilo'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Predloge',
-		title			: 'Vsebinske predloge',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Zamenjaj trenutno vsebino',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Izberite predlogo, ki jo želite odpreti v urejevalniku<br>(trenutna vsebina bo izgubljena):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Ni pripravljenih predlog)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Prikaži ograde',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Slog',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Slogi odstavkov',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Slogi besedila',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Slogi objektov'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Oblika',
-		panelTitle	: 'Oblika',
-		tag_p		: 'Navaden',
-		tag_pre		: 'Oblikovan',
-		tag_address	: 'Napis',
-		tag_h1		: 'Naslov 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Naslov 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Naslov 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Naslov 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Naslov 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Naslov 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Navaden (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Pisava',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Pisava',
-		panelTitle	: 'Pisava'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Velikost',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Velikost',
-		panelTitle	: 'Velikost'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Barva besedila',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Barva ozadja',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Samodejno',
-		more			: 'Več barv...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'ÄŒrkovanje med tipkanjem',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Omogoči SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'Onemogoči SCAYT',
-		about			: 'O storitvi SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'Preklopi SCAYT',
-		options			: 'Možnosti',
-		langs			: 'Jeziki',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Več predlogov',
-		ignore			: 'Prezri',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Prezri vse',
-		addWord			: 'Dodaj besedo',
-		emptyDic		: 'Ime slovarja ne more biti prazno.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Možnosti',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Jeziki',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Slovarji',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'O storitvi'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'O programu CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'O programu CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'Za informacijo o licenci prostim obiščite našo spletno stran:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Vse pravice pridržane.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maksimiraj',
-	minimize : 'Minimiraj',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Sidro',
-		flash	: 'Flash animacija',
-		div		: 'Prelom strani',
-		unknown	: 'Neznan objekt'
-	},
-	resize : 'Potegni za spremembo velikosti',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Izberi barvo',
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Poudarjeno',
-		selected	: 'Izbrano',
-		clear		: 'Počisti'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Slovenian language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'sl' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'Prebrskaj na strežniku',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokol',
+		upload: 'Prenesi',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Pošlji na strežnik',
+		image: 'Slika',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Obrazec',
+		checkbox: 'Potrditveno polje',
+		radio: 'Izbirno polje',
+		textField: 'Vnosno polje',
+		textarea: 'Vnosno območje',
+		hiddenField: 'Skrito polje',
+		button: 'Gumb',
+		select: 'Spustni seznam',
+		imageButton: 'Gumb s sliko',
+		notSet: '<ni postavljen>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Ime',
+		langDir: 'Smer jezika',
+		langDirLtr: 'Od leve proti desni (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Od desne proti levi (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Oznaka jezika',
+		longDescr: 'Dolg opis URL-ja',
+		cssClass: 'Razred stilne predloge',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Predlagani naslov',
+		cssStyle: 'Slog',
+		ok: 'V redu',
+		cancel: 'Prekliči',
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: 'Predogled',
+		resize: 'Potegni za spremembo velikosti',
+		generalTab: 'Splošno',
+		advancedTab: 'Napredno',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Ta vrednost ni Å¡tevilo.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Vse neshranjene spremembe te vsebine bodo izgubljene. Ali gotovo želiš naložiti novo stran?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Nekaj možnosti je bilo spremenjenih. Ali gotovo želiš zapreti okno?',
+		options: 'Možnosti',
+		target: 'Cilj',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'Od leve proti desni (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Od desne proti levi (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Slog',
+		cssClasses: 'Razred stilne predloge',
+		width: 'Å irina',
+		height: 'Višina',
+		align: 'Poravnava',
+		alignLeft: 'Levo',
+		alignRight: 'Desno',
+		alignCenter: 'Sredinsko',
+		alignTop: 'Na vrh',
+		alignMiddle: 'V sredino',
+		alignBottom: 'Na dno',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Višina mora biti število.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Å irina mora biti Å¡tevilo.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, nedosegljiv</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sr-latn.js
index 4a1b16d..f07df54 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sr-latn.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Serbian (Latin) language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['sr-latn'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Kôd',
-	newPage			: 'Nova stranica',
-	save			: 'Sačuvaj',
-	preview			: 'Izgled stranice',
-	cut				: 'Iseci',
-	copy			: 'Kopiraj',
-	paste			: 'Zalepi',
-	print			: 'Å tampa',
-	underline		: 'Podvučeno',
-	bold			: 'Podebljano',
-	italic			: 'Kurziv',
-	selectAll		: 'Označi sve',
-	removeFormat	: 'Ukloni formatiranje',
-	strike			: 'Precrtano',
-	subscript		: 'Indeks',
-	superscript		: 'Stepen',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Unesi horizontalnu liniju',
-	pagebreak		: 'Insert Page Break for Printing', // MISSING
-	unlink			: 'Ukloni link',
-	undo			: 'Poni�ti akciju',
-	redo			: 'Ponovi akciju',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Pretraži server',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokol',
-		upload			: 'Pošalji',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Pošalji na server',
-		image			: 'Slika',
-		flash			: 'Fleš',
-		form			: 'Forma',
-		checkbox		: 'Polje za potvrdu',
-		radio			: 'Radio-dugme',
-		textField		: 'Tekstualno polje',
-		textarea		: 'Zona teksta',
-		hiddenField		: 'Skriveno polje',
-		button			: 'Dugme',
-		select			: 'Izborno polje',
-		imageButton		: 'Dugme sa slikom',
-		notSet			: '<nije postavljeno>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Naziv',
-		langDir			: 'Smer jezika',
-		langDirLtr		: 'S leva na desno (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'S desna na levo (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Kôd jezika',
-		longDescr		: 'Pun opis URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Stylesheet klase',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory naslov',
-		cssStyle		: 'Stil',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Otkaži',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'Napredni tagovi',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Unesi specijalni karakter',
-		title		: 'Odaberite specijalni karakter',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Unesi/izmeni link',
-		other 		: '<остало>',
-		menu		: 'Izmeni link',
-		title		: 'Link',
-		info		: 'Link Info',
-		target		: 'Meta',
-		upload		: 'Pošalji',
-		advanced	: 'Napredni tagovi',
-		type		: 'Vrsta linka',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Sidro na ovoj stranici',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Mail',
-		targetFrame		: '<okvir>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup prozor>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Naziv odredišnog frejma',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Naziv popup prozora',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Mogućnosti popup prozora',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Statusna linija',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Lokacija',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Toolbar',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Kontekstni meni',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Prikaz preko celog ekrana (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Scroll bar',
-		popupDependent	: 'Zavisno (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Å irina',
-		popupLeft		: 'Od leve ivice ekrana (px)',
-		popupHeight		: 'Visina',
-		popupTop		: 'Od vrha ekrana (px)',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Smer jezika',
-		langDirLTR		: 'S leva na desno (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'S desna na levo (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Pristupni taster',
-		name			: 'Naziv',
-		langCode		: 'Smer jezika',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tab indeks',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory naslov',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Advisory vrsta sadržaja',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet klase',
-		charset			: 'Linked Resource Charset',
-		styles			: 'Stil',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Odaberi sidro',
-		anchorName		: 'Po nazivu sidra',
-		anchorId		: 'Po Id-ju elementa',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-Mail adresa',
-		emailSubject	: 'Naslov',
-		emailBody		: 'Sadržaj poruke',
-		noAnchors		: '(Nema dostupnih sidra)',
-		noUrl			: 'Unesite URL linka',
-		noEmail			: 'Otkucajte adresu elektronske pote'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Unesi/izmeni sidro',
-		menu		: 'Osobine sidra',
-		title		: 'Osobine sidra',
-		name		: 'Ime sidra',
-		errorName	: 'Unesite ime sidra'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace', // MISSING
-		find				: 'Pretraga',
-		replace				: 'Zamena',
-		findWhat			: 'Pronadi:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Zameni sa:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Traženi tekst nije pronađen.',
-		matchCase			: 'Razlikuj mala i velika slova',
-		matchWord			: 'Uporedi cele reci',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Zameni sve',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabela',
-		title		: 'Osobine tabele',
-		menu		: 'Osobine tabele',
-		deleteTable	: 'Delete Table', // MISSING
-		rows		: 'Redova',
-		columns		: 'Kolona',
-		border		: 'Veličina okvira',
-		align		: 'Ravnanje',
-		alignLeft	: 'Levo',
-		alignCenter	: 'Sredina',
-		alignRight	: 'Desno',
-		width		: 'Å irina',
-		widthPx		: 'piksela',
-		widthPc		: 'procenata',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Visina',
-		cellSpace	: 'Ćelijski prostor',
-		cellPad		: 'Razmak ćelija',
-		caption		: 'Naslov tabele',
-		summary		: 'Summary', // MISSING
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cell', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After', // MISSING
-			deleteCell		: 'Obriši ćelije',
-			merge			: 'Spoj celije',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right', // MISSING
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down', // MISSING
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally', // MISSING
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically', // MISSING
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Row', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After', // MISSING
-			deleteRow		: 'Obriši redove'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Column', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After', // MISSING
-			deleteColumn	: 'Obriši kolone'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Osobine dugmeta',
-		text		: 'Tekst (vrednost)',
-		type		: 'Tip',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button', // MISSING
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit', // MISSING
-		typeRst		: 'Reset' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Osobine polja za potvrdu',
-		radioTitle	: 'Osobine radio-dugmeta',
-		value		: 'Vrednost',
-		selected	: 'Označeno'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Osobine forme',
-		menu		: 'Osobine forme',
-		action		: 'Akcija',
-		method		: 'Metoda',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Osobine izbornog polja',
-		selectInfo	: 'Info',
-		opAvail		: 'Dostupne opcije',
-		value		: 'Vrednost',
-		size		: 'Veličina',
-		lines		: 'linija',
-		chkMulti	: 'Dozvoli višestruku selekciju',
-		opText		: 'Tekst',
-		opValue		: 'Vrednost',
-		btnAdd		: 'Dodaj',
-		btnModify	: 'Izmeni',
-		btnUp		: 'Gore',
-		btnDown		: 'Dole',
-		btnSetValue : 'Podesi kao označenu vrednost',
-		btnDelete	: 'Obriši'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Osobine zone teksta',
-		cols		: 'Broj kolona',
-		rows		: 'Broj redova'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Osobine tekstualnog polja',
-		name		: 'Naziv',
-		value		: 'Vrednost',
-		charWidth	: 'Å irina (karaktera)',
-		maxChars	: 'Maksimalno karaktera',
-		type		: 'Tip',
-		typeText	: 'Tekst',
-		typePass	: 'Lozinka'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Osobine skrivenog polja',
-		name	: 'Naziv',
-		value	: 'Vrednost'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Osobine slika',
-		titleButton	: 'Osobine dugmeta sa slikom',
-		menu		: 'Osobine slika',
-		infoTab		: 'Info slike',
-		btnUpload	: 'Pošalji na server',
-		upload		: 'Pošalji',
-		alt			: 'Alternativni tekst',
-		width		: 'Å irina',
-		height		: 'Visina',
-		lockRatio	: 'Zaključaj odnos',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Resetuj veličinu',
-		border		: 'Okvir',
-		hSpace		: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace		: 'VSpace',
-		align		: 'Ravnanje',
-		alignLeft	: 'Levo',
-		alignRight	: 'Desno',
-		alertUrl	: 'Unesite URL slike',
-		linkTab		: 'Link',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Osobine fleša',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Osobine fleša',
-		chkPlay			: 'Automatski start',
-		chkLoop			: 'Ponavljaj',
-		chkMenu			: 'Uključi fleš meni',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Skaliraj',
-		scaleAll		: 'Prikaži sve',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Bez ivice',
-		scaleFit		: 'Popuni površinu',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Ravnanje',
-		alignLeft		: 'Levo',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs dole',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs sredina',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Bazno',
-		alignBottom		: 'Dole',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Sredina',
-		alignRight		: 'Desno',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Vrh teksta',
-		alignTop		: 'Vrh',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Boja pozadine',
-		width			: 'Å irina',
-		height			: 'Visina',
-		hSpace			: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace			: 'VSpace',
-		validateSrc		: 'Unesite URL linka',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Proveri spelovanje',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Nije u rečniku',
-		changeTo		: 'Izmeni',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignoriši',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignoriši sve',
-		btnReplace		: 'Zameni',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Zameni sve',
-		btnUndo			: 'Vrati akciju',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Bez sugestija -',
-		progress		: 'Provera spelovanja u toku...',
-		noMispell		: 'Provera spelovanja završena: greške nisu pronadene',
-		noChanges		: 'Provera spelovanja završena: Nije izmenjena nijedna rec',
-		oneChange		: 'Provera spelovanja završena: Izmenjena je jedna reč',
-		manyChanges		: 'Provera spelovanja završena: %1 reč(i) je izmenjeno',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Provera spelovanja nije instalirana. Da li želite da je skinete sa Interneta?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smajli',
-		title	: 'Unesi smajlija',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Nabrojiva lista',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Nenabrojiva lista',
-	indent			: 'Uvećaj levu marginu',
-	outdent			: 'Smanji levu marginu',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Levo ravnanje',
-		center	: 'Centriran tekst',
-		right	: 'Desno ravnanje',
-		block	: 'Obostrano ravnanje'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Zalepi',
-		cutError	: 'Sigurnosna podešavanja Vašeg pretraživača ne dozvoljavaju operacije automatskog isecanja teksta. Molimo Vas da koristite prečicu sa tastature (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Sigurnosna podešavanja Vašeg pretraživača ne dozvoljavaju operacije automatskog kopiranja teksta. Molimo Vas da koristite prečicu sa tastature (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Molimo Vas da zalepite unutar donje povrine koristeći tastaturnu prečicu (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) i da pritisnete <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Zalepi iz Worda',
-		title			: 'Zalepi iz Worda',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Zalepi kao čist tekst',
-		title	: 'Zalepi kao čist tekst'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Obrasci',
-		title			: 'Obrasci za sadržaj',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Molimo Vas da odaberete obrazac koji ce biti primenjen na stranicu (trenutni sadržaj ce biti obrisan):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Nema definisanih obrazaca)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Stil',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Format',
-		panelTitle	: 'Format',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatirano',
-		tag_address	: 'Adresa',
-		tag_h1		: 'Naslov 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Naslov 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Naslov 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Naslov 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Naslov 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Naslov 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)' // MISSING
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Font',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Font'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Veličina fonta',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Veličina fonta'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Boja teksta',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Boja pozadine',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatski',
-		more			: 'Više boja...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Serbian (Latin) language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'sr-latn' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'Pretraži server',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokol',
+		upload: 'Pošalji',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Pošalji na server',
+		image: 'Slika',
+		flash: 'Fleš',
+		form: 'Forma',
+		checkbox: 'Polje za potvrdu',
+		radio: 'Radio-dugme',
+		textField: 'Tekstualno polje',
+		textarea: 'Zona teksta',
+		hiddenField: 'Skriveno polje',
+		button: 'Dugme',
+		select: 'Izborno polje',
+		imageButton: 'Dugme sa slikom',
+		notSet: '<nije postavljeno>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Naziv',
+		langDir: 'Smer jezika',
+		langDirLtr: 'S leva na desno (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'S desna na levo (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Kôd jezika',
+		longDescr: 'Pun opis URL',
+		cssClass: 'Stylesheet klase',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Advisory naslov',
+		cssStyle: 'Stil',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Otkaži',
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: 'Izgled stranice',
+		resize: 'Resize', // MISSING
+		generalTab: 'General', // MISSING
+		advancedTab: 'Napredni tagovi',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
+		options: 'Options', // MISSING
+		target: 'Meta',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'S leva na desno (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'S desna na levo (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Stil',
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheet klase',
+		width: 'Å irina',
+		height: 'Visina',
+		align: 'Ravnanje',
+		alignLeft: 'Levo',
+		alignRight: 'Desno',
+		alignCenter: 'Sredina',
+		alignTop: 'Vrh',
+		alignMiddle: 'Sredina',
+		alignBottom: 'Dole',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sr.js
index 8106f4d..5f86c05 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sr.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sr.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Serbian (Cyrillic) language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['sr'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Kôд',
-	newPage			: 'Нова страница',
-	save			: 'Сачувај',
-	preview			: 'Изглед странице',
-	cut				: 'Исеци',
-	copy			: 'Копирај',
-	paste			: 'Залепи',
-	print			: 'Штампа',
-	underline		: 'Подвучено',
-	bold			: 'Подебљано',
-	italic			: 'Курзив',
-	selectAll		: 'Означи све',
-	removeFormat	: 'Уклони форматирање',
-	strike			: 'Прецртано',
-	subscript		: 'Индекс',
-	superscript		: 'Степен',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Унеси хоризонталну линију',
-	pagebreak		: 'Insert Page Break for Printing', // MISSING
-	unlink			: 'Уклони линк',
-	undo			: 'Поништи акцију',
-	redo			: 'Понови акцију',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Претражи сервер',
-		url				: 'УРЛ',
-		protocol		: 'Протокол',
-		upload			: 'Пошаљи',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Пошаљи на сервер',
-		image			: 'Слика',
-		flash			: 'Флеш елемент',
-		form			: 'Форма',
-		checkbox		: 'Поље за потврду',
-		radio			: 'Радио-дугме',
-		textField		: 'Текстуално поље',
-		textarea		: 'Зона текста',
-		hiddenField		: 'Скривено поље',
-		button			: 'Дугме',
-		select			: 'Изборно поље',
-		imageButton		: 'Дугме са сликом',
-		notSet			: '<није постављено>',
-		id				: 'Ид',
-		name			: 'Назив',
-		langDir			: 'Смер језика',
-		langDirLtr		: 'С лева на десно (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'С десна на лево (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Kôд језика',
-		longDescr		: 'Пун опис УРЛ',
-		cssClass		: 'Stylesheet класе',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory наслов',
-		cssStyle		: 'Стил',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Oткажи',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'Напредни тагови',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Унеси специјални карактер',
-		title		: 'Одаберите специјални карактер',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Унеси/измени линк',
-		other 		: '<other>', // MISSING
-		menu		: 'Промени линк',
-		title		: 'Линк',
-		info		: 'Линк инфо',
-		target		: 'Meтa',
-		upload		: 'Пошаљи',
-		advanced	: 'Напредни тагови',
-		type		: 'Врста линка',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Сидро на овој страници',
-		toEmail		: 'Eлектронска пошта',
-		targetFrame		: '<оквир>',
-		targetPopup		: '<искачући прозор>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Назив одредишног фрејма',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Назив искачућег прозора',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Могућности искачућег прозора',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Статусна линија',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Локација',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Toolbar',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Контекстни мени',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Приказ преко целог екрана (ИE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Скрол бар',
-		popupDependent	: 'Зависно (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Ширина',
-		popupLeft		: 'Од леве ивице екрана (пиксела)',
-		popupHeight		: 'Висина',
-		popupTop		: 'Од врха екрана (пиксела)',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Смер језика',
-		langDirLTR		: 'С лева на десно (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'С десна на лево (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Приступни тастер',
-		name			: 'Назив',
-		langCode		: 'Смер језика',
-		tabIndex		: 'Таб индекс',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Advisory наслов',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Advisory врста садржаја',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet класе',
-		charset			: 'Linked Resource Charset',
-		styles			: 'Стил',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Одабери сидро',
-		anchorName		: 'По називу сидра',
-		anchorId		: 'Пo Ид-jу елемента',
-		emailAddress	: 'Адреса електронске поште',
-		emailSubject	: 'Наслов',
-		emailBody		: 'Садржај поруке',
-		noAnchors		: '(Нема доступних сидра)',
-		noUrl			: 'Унесите УРЛ линка',
-		noEmail			: 'Откуцајте адресу електронске поште'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Унеси/измени сидро',
-		menu		: 'Особине сидра',
-		title		: 'Особине сидра',
-		name		: 'Име сидра',
-		errorName	: 'Молимо Вас да унесете име сидра'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace', // MISSING
-		find				: 'Претрага',
-		replace				: 'Замена',
-		findWhat			: 'Пронађи:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Замени са:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Тражени текст није пронађен.',
-		matchCase			: 'Разликуј велика и мала слова',
-		matchWord			: 'Упореди целе речи',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Замени све',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Табела',
-		title		: 'Особине табеле',
-		menu		: 'Особине табеле',
-		deleteTable	: 'Delete Table', // MISSING
-		rows		: 'Редова',
-		columns		: 'Kолона',
-		border		: 'Величина оквира',
-		align		: 'Равнање',
-		alignLeft	: 'Лево',
-		alignCenter	: 'Средина',
-		alignRight	: 'Десно',
-		width		: 'Ширина',
-		widthPx		: 'пиксела',
-		widthPc		: 'процената',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Висина',
-		cellSpace	: 'Ћелијски простор',
-		cellPad		: 'Размак ћелија',
-		caption		: 'Наслов табеле',
-		summary		: 'Summary', // MISSING
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cell', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After', // MISSING
-			deleteCell		: 'Обриши ћелије',
-			merge			: 'Спој ћелије',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right', // MISSING
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down', // MISSING
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally', // MISSING
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically', // MISSING
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Row', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After', // MISSING
-			deleteRow		: 'Обриши редове'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Column', // MISSING
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After', // MISSING
-			deleteColumn	: 'Обриши колоне'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Особине дугмета',
-		text		: 'Текст (вредност)',
-		type		: 'Tип',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button', // MISSING
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit', // MISSING
-		typeRst		: 'Reset' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Особине поља за потврду',
-		radioTitle	: 'Особине радио-дугмета',
-		value		: 'Вредност',
-		selected	: 'Означено'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Особине форме',
-		menu		: 'Особине форме',
-		action		: 'Aкција',
-		method		: 'Mетода',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Особине изборног поља',
-		selectInfo	: 'Инфо',
-		opAvail		: 'Доступне опције',
-		value		: 'Вредност',
-		size		: 'Величина',
-		lines		: 'линија',
-		chkMulti	: 'Дозволи вишеструку селекцију',
-		opText		: 'Текст',
-		opValue		: 'Вредност',
-		btnAdd		: 'Додај',
-		btnModify	: 'Измени',
-		btnUp		: 'Горе',
-		btnDown		: 'Доле',
-		btnSetValue : 'Подеси као означену вредност',
-		btnDelete	: 'Обриши'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Особине зоне текста',
-		cols		: 'Број колона',
-		rows		: 'Број редова'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Особине текстуалног поља',
-		name		: 'Назив',
-		value		: 'Вредност',
-		charWidth	: 'Ширина (карактера)',
-		maxChars	: 'Максимално карактера',
-		type		: 'Тип',
-		typeText	: 'Текст',
-		typePass	: 'Лозинка'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Особине скривеног поља',
-		name	: 'Назив',
-		value	: 'Вредност'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Особине слика',
-		titleButton	: 'Особине дугмета са сликом',
-		menu		: 'Особине слика',
-		infoTab		: 'Инфо слике',
-		btnUpload	: 'Пошаљи на сервер',
-		upload		: 'Пошаљи',
-		alt			: 'Алтернативни текст',
-		width		: 'Ширина',
-		height		: 'Висина',
-		lockRatio	: 'Закључај однос',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Ресетуј величину',
-		border		: 'Оквир',
-		hSpace		: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace		: 'VSpace',
-		align		: 'Равнање',
-		alignLeft	: 'Лево',
-		alignRight	: 'Десно',
-		alertUrl	: 'Унесите УРЛ слике',
-		linkTab		: 'Линк',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Особине Флеша',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Особине флеша',
-		chkPlay			: 'Аутоматски старт',
-		chkLoop			: 'Понављај',
-		chkMenu			: 'Укључи флеш мени',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Скалирај',
-		scaleAll		: 'Прикажи све',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Без ивице',
-		scaleFit		: 'Попуни површину',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Равнање',
-		alignLeft		: 'Лево',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Abs доле',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Abs средина',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Базно',
-		alignBottom		: 'Доле',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Средина',
-		alignRight		: 'Десно',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Врх текста',
-		alignTop		: 'Врх',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Боја позадине',
-		width			: 'Ширина',
-		height			: 'Висина',
-		hSpace			: 'HSpace',
-		vSpace			: 'VSpace',
-		validateSrc		: 'Унесите УРЛ линка',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Провери спеловање',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Није у речнику',
-		changeTo		: 'Измени',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Игнориши',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Игнориши све',
-		btnReplace		: 'Замени',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Замени све',
-		btnUndo			: 'Врати акцију',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Без сугестија -',
-		progress		: 'Провера спеловања у току...',
-		noMispell		: 'Провера спеловања завршена: грешке нису пронађене',
-		noChanges		: 'Провера спеловања завршена: Није измењена ниједна реч',
-		oneChange		: 'Провера спеловања завршена: Измењена је једна реч',
-		manyChanges		: 'Провера спеловања завршена:  %1 реч(и) је измењено',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Провера спеловања није инсталирана. Да ли желите да је скинете са Интернета?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Смајли',
-		title	: 'Унеси смајлија',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Набројиву листу',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Ненабројива листа',
-	indent			: 'Увећај леву маргину',
-	outdent			: 'Смањи леву маргину',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Лево равнање',
-		center	: 'Центриран текст',
-		right	: 'Десно равнање',
-		block	: 'Обострано равнање'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Залепи',
-		cutError	: 'Сигурносна подешавања Вашег претраживача не дозвољавају операције аутоматског исецања текста. Молимо Вас да користите пречицу са тастатуре (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Сигурносна подешавања Вашег претраживача не дозвољавају операције аутоматског копирања текста. Молимо Вас да користите пречицу са тастатуре (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Молимо Вас да залепите унутар доње површине користећи тастатурну пречицу (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) и да притиснете <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Залепи из Worda',
-		title			: 'Залепи из Worda',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Залепи као чист текст',
-		title	: 'Залепи као чист текст'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Обрасци',
-		title			: 'Обрасци за садржај',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Молимо Вас да одаберете образац који ће бити примењен на страницу (тренутни садржај ће бити обрисан):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Нема дефинисаних образаца)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Стил',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Формат',
-		panelTitle	: 'Формат',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatirano',
-		tag_address	: 'Adresa',
-		tag_h1		: 'Heading 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Heading 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Heading 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Heading 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Heading 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Heading 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)' // MISSING
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Фонт',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Фонт'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Величина фонта',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Величина фонта'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Боја текста',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Боја позадине',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Аутоматски',
-		more			: 'Више боја...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Serbian (Cyrillic) language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'sr' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'Претражи сервер',
+		url: 'УРЛ',
+		protocol: 'Протокол',
+		upload: 'Пошаљи',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Пошаљи на сервер',
+		image: 'Слика',
+		flash: 'Флеш елемент',
+		form: 'Форма',
+		checkbox: 'Поље за потврду',
+		radio: 'Радио-дугме',
+		textField: 'Текстуално поље',
+		textarea: 'Зона текста',
+		hiddenField: 'Скривено поље',
+		button: 'Дугме',
+		select: 'Изборно поље',
+		imageButton: 'Дугме са сликом',
+		notSet: '<није постављено>',
+		id: 'Ид',
+		name: 'Назив',
+		langDir: 'Смер језика',
+		langDirLtr: 'С лева на десно (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'С десна на лево (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Kôд језика',
+		longDescr: 'Пун опис УРЛ',
+		cssClass: 'Stylesheet класе',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Advisory наслов',
+		cssStyle: 'Стил',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Oткажи',
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: 'Изглед странице',
+		resize: 'Resize', // MISSING
+		generalTab: 'General', // MISSING
+		advancedTab: 'Напредни тагови',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
+		options: 'Options', // MISSING
+		target: 'Meтa',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'С лева на десно (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'С десна на лево (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Стил',
+		cssClasses: 'Stylesheet класе',
+		width: 'Ширина',
+		height: 'Висина',
+		align: 'Равнање',
+		alignLeft: 'Лево',
+		alignRight: 'Десно',
+		alignCenter: 'Средина',
+		alignTop: 'Врх',
+		alignMiddle: 'Средина',
+		alignBottom: 'Доле',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sv.js
index 1512afc..bf40690 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sv.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/sv.js
@@ -1,758 +1,104 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Swedish language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['sv'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Källa',
-	newPage			: 'Ny sida',
-	save			: 'Spara',
-	preview			: 'Förhandsgranska',
-	cut				: 'Klipp ut',
-	copy			: 'Kopiera',
-	paste			: 'Klistra in',
-	print			: 'Skriv ut',
-	underline		: 'Understruken',
-	bold			: 'Fet',
-	italic			: 'Kursiv',
-	selectAll		: 'Markera allt',
-	removeFormat	: 'Radera formatering',
-	strike			: 'Genomstruken',
-	subscript		: 'Nedsänkta tecken',
-	superscript		: 'Upphöjda tecken',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Infoga horisontal linje',
-	pagebreak		: 'Infoga sidbrytning',
-	unlink			: 'Radera länk',
-	undo			: 'Ã…ngra',
-	redo			: 'Gör om',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Bläddra på server',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokoll',
-		upload			: 'Ladda upp',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Skicka till server',
-		image			: 'Bild',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Formulär',
-		checkbox		: 'Kryssruta',
-		radio			: 'Alternativknapp',
-		textField		: 'Textfält',
-		textarea		: 'Textruta',
-		hiddenField		: 'Dolt fält',
-		button			: 'Knapp',
-		select			: 'Flervalslista',
-		imageButton		: 'Bildknapp',
-		notSet			: '<ej angivet>',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		name			: 'Namn',
-		langDir			: 'Språkriktning',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Vänster till Höger (VTH)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Höger till Vänster (HTV)',
-		langCode		: 'Språkkod',
-		longDescr		: 'URL-beskrivning',
-		cssClass		: 'Stylesheet class',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Titel',
-		cssStyle		: 'Style',
-		ok				: 'OK',
-		cancel			: 'Avbryt',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'Avancerad',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Klistra in utökat tecken',
-		title		: 'Välj utökat tecken',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Infoga/Redigera länk',
-		other 		: '<annan>',
-		menu		: 'Redigera länk',
-		title		: 'Länk',
-		info		: 'Länkinformation',
-		target		: 'MÃ¥l',
-		upload		: 'Ladda upp',
-		advanced	: 'Avancerad',
-		type		: 'Länktyp',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Ankare i sidan',
-		toEmail		: 'E-post',
-		targetFrame		: '<ram>',
-		targetPopup		: '<popup-fönster>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'MÃ¥lets ramnamn',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Popup-fönstrets namn',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Popup-fönstrets egenskaper',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Statusfält',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Adressfält',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Verktygsfält',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menyfält',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Helskärm (endast IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Scrolllista',
-		popupDependent	: 'Beroende (endest Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Bredd',
-		popupLeft		: 'Position från vänster',
-		popupHeight		: 'Höjd',
-		popupTop		: 'Position från sidans topp',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'Språkriktning',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Vänster till Höger (VTH)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Höger till Vänster (HTV)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Behörighetsnyckel',
-		name			: 'Namn',
-		langCode		: 'Språkriktning',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tabindex',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Titel',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Innehållstyp',
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet class',
-		charset			: 'Teckenuppställning',
-		styles			: 'Style',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Välj ett ankare',
-		anchorName		: 'efter ankarnamn',
-		anchorId		: 'efter objektid',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-postadress',
-		emailSubject	: 'Ämne',
-		emailBody		: 'Innehåll',
-		noAnchors		: '(Inga ankare kunde hittas)',
-		noUrl			: 'Var god ange länkens URL',
-		noEmail			: 'Var god ange E-postadress'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Infoga/Redigera ankarlänk',
-		menu		: 'Egenskaper för ankarlänk',
-		title		: 'Egenskaper för ankarlänk',
-		name		: 'Ankarnamn',
-		errorName	: 'Var god ange ett ankarnamn'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Sök och ersätt',
-		find				: 'Sök',
-		replace				: 'Ersätt',
-		findWhat			: 'Sök efter:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Ersätt med:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Angiven text kunde ej hittas.',
-		matchCase			: 'Skiftläge',
-		matchWord			: 'Inkludera hela ord',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'Ersätt alla',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tabell',
-		title		: 'Tabellegenskaper',
-		menu		: 'Tabellegenskaper',
-		deleteTable	: 'Radera tabell',
-		rows		: 'Rader',
-		columns		: 'Kolumner',
-		border		: 'Kantstorlek',
-		align		: 'Justering',
-		alignLeft	: 'Vänster',
-		alignCenter	: 'Centrerad',
-		alignRight	: 'Höger',
-		width		: 'Bredd',
-		widthPx		: 'pixlar',
-		widthPc		: 'procent',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Höjd',
-		cellSpace	: 'Cellavstånd',
-		cellPad		: 'Cellutfyllnad',
-		caption		: 'Rubrik',
-		summary		: 'Sammanfattning',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cell',
-			insertBefore	: 'Lägg till Cell Före',
-			insertAfter		: 'Lägg till Cell Efter',
-			deleteCell		: 'Radera celler',
-			merge			: 'Sammanfoga celler',
-			mergeRight		: 'Sammanfoga Höger',
-			mergeDown		: 'Sammanfoga Ner',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Dela Cell Horisontellt',
-			splitVertical	: 'Dela Cell Vertikalt',
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Rad',
-			insertBefore	: 'Lägg till Rad Före',
-			insertAfter		: 'Lägg till Rad Efter',
-			deleteRow		: 'Radera rad'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Kolumn',
-			insertBefore	: 'Lägg till Kolumn Före',
-			insertAfter		: 'Lägg till Kolumn Efter',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Radera kolumn'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaper för knapp',
-		text		: 'Text (Värde)',
-		type		: 'Typ',
-		typeBtn		: 'Knapp',
-		typeSbm		: 'Skicka',
-		typeRst		: 'Återställ'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Egenskaper för kryssruta',
-		radioTitle	: 'Egenskaper för alternativknapp',
-		value		: 'Värde',
-		selected	: 'Vald'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaper för formulär',
-		menu		: 'Egenskaper för formulär',
-		action		: 'Funktion',
-		method		: 'Metod',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaper för flervalslista',
-		selectInfo	: 'Information',
-		opAvail		: 'Befintliga val',
-		value		: 'Värde',
-		size		: 'Storlek',
-		lines		: 'Linjer',
-		chkMulti	: 'Tillåt flerval',
-		opText		: 'Text',
-		opValue		: 'Värde',
-		btnAdd		: 'Lägg till',
-		btnModify	: 'Redigera',
-		btnUp		: 'Upp',
-		btnDown		: 'Ner',
-		btnSetValue : 'Markera som valt värde',
-		btnDelete	: 'Radera'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaper för textruta',
-		cols		: 'Kolumner',
-		rows		: 'Rader'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Egenskaper för textfält',
-		name		: 'Namn',
-		value		: 'Värde',
-		charWidth	: 'Teckenbredd',
-		maxChars	: 'Max antal tecken',
-		type		: 'Typ',
-		typeText	: 'Text',
-		typePass	: 'Lösenord'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Egenskaper för dolt fält',
-		name	: 'Namn',
-		value	: 'Värde'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Bildegenskaper',
-		titleButton	: 'Egenskaper för bildknapp',
-		menu		: 'Bildegenskaper',
-		infoTab		: 'Bildinformation',
-		btnUpload	: 'Skicka till server',
-		upload		: 'Ladda upp',
-		alt			: 'Alternativ text',
-		width		: 'Bredd',
-		height		: 'Höjd',
-		lockRatio	: 'Lås höjd/bredd förhållanden',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Återställ storlek',
-		border		: 'Kant',
-		hSpace		: 'Horis. marginal',
-		vSpace		: 'Vert. marginal',
-		align		: 'Justering',
-		alignLeft	: 'Vänster',
-		alignRight	: 'Höger',
-		alertUrl	: 'Var god och ange bildens URL',
-		linkTab		: 'Länk',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flashegenskaper',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'Flashegenskaper',
-		chkPlay			: 'Automatisk uppspelning',
-		chkLoop			: 'Upprepa/Loopa',
-		chkMenu			: 'Aktivera Flashmeny',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'Skala',
-		scaleAll		: 'Visa allt',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Ingen ram',
-		scaleFit		: 'Exakt passning',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'Justering',
-		alignLeft		: 'Vänster',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Absolut nederkant',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Absolut centrering',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Baslinje',
-		alignBottom		: 'Nederkant',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Mitten',
-		alignRight		: 'Höger',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Text överkant',
-		alignTop		: 'Överkant',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'Bakgrundsfärg',
-		width			: 'Bredd',
-		height			: 'Höjd',
-		hSpace			: 'Horis. marginal',
-		vSpace			: 'Vert. marginal',
-		validateSrc		: 'Var god ange länkens URL',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Stavningskontroll',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'Saknas i ordlistan',
-		changeTo		: 'Ändra till',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ignorera',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ignorera alla',
-		btnReplace		: 'Ersätt',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Ersätt alla',
-		btnUndo			: 'Ã…ngra',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Förslag saknas -',
-		progress		: 'Stavningskontroll pågår...',
-		noMispell		: 'Stavningskontroll slutförd: Inga stavfel påträffades.',
-		noChanges		: 'Stavningskontroll slutförd: Inga ord rättades.',
-		oneChange		: 'Stavningskontroll slutförd: Ett ord rättades.',
-		manyChanges		: 'Stavningskontroll slutförd: %1 ord rättades.',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Stavningskontrollen är ej installerad. Vill du göra det nu?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Smiley',
-		title	: 'Infoga smiley',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Numrerad lista',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Punktlista',
-	indent			: 'Öka indrag',
-	outdent			: 'Minska indrag',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Vänsterjustera',
-		center	: 'Centrera',
-		right	: 'Högerjustera',
-		block	: 'Justera till marginaler'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Klistra in',
-		cutError	: 'Säkerhetsinställningar i Er webläsare tillåter inte åtgården Klipp ut. Använd (Ctrl/Cmd+X) istället.',
-		copyError	: 'Säkerhetsinställningar i Er webläsare tillåter inte åtgården Kopiera. Använd (Ctrl/Cmd+C) istället',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Var god och klistra in Er text i rutan nedan genom att använda (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) klicka sen på <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'På grund av din webläsares säkerhetsinställningar kan verktyget inte få åtkomst till urklippsdatan. Var god och använd detta fönster istället.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'Klistra in från Word',
-		title			: 'Klistra in från Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Klistra in som vanlig text',
-		title	: 'Klistra in som vanlig text'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Sidmallar',
-		title			: 'Sidmallar',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Ersätt aktuellt innehåll',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Var god välj en mall att använda med editorn<br>(allt nuvarande innehåll raderas):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Ingen mall är vald)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Anpassad stil',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Teckenformat',
-		panelTitle	: 'Teckenformat',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formaterad',
-		tag_address	: 'Adress',
-		tag_h1		: 'Rubrik 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Rubrik 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Rubrik 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Rubrik 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Rubrik 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Rubrik 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Normal (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Typsnitt',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Typsnitt'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Storlek',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'Storlek'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Textfärg',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Bakgrundsfärg',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Automatisk',
-		more			: 'Fler färger...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+* @fileOverview
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'sv' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Tryck ALT 0 för hjälp',
+		browseServer: 'Bläddra på server',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokoll',
+		upload: 'Ladda upp',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Skicka till server',
+		image: 'Bild',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Formulär',
+		checkbox: 'Kryssruta',
+		radio: 'Alternativknapp',
+		textField: 'Textfält',
+		textarea: 'Textruta',
+		hiddenField: 'Dolt fält',
+		button: 'Knapp',
+		select: 'Flervalslista',
+		imageButton: 'Bildknapp',
+		notSet: '<ej angivet>',
+		id: 'Id',
+		name: 'Namn',
+		langDir: 'Språkriktning',
+		langDirLtr: 'Vänster till Höger (VTH)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Höger till Vänster (HTV)',
+		langCode: 'Språkkod',
+		longDescr: 'URL-beskrivning',
+		cssClass: 'Stilmall',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Titel',
+		cssStyle: 'Stilmall',
+		ok: 'OK',
+		cancel: 'Avbryt',
+		close: 'Stäng',
+		preview: 'Förhandsgranska',
+		resize: 'Dra för att ändra storlek',
+		generalTab: 'Allmänt',
+		advancedTab: 'Avancerad',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Värdet är inte ett nummer.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Alla ändringar i innehållet kommer att förloras. Är du säker på att du vill ladda en ny sida?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Några av de alternativ har ändrats. Är du säker på att stänga dialogrutan?',
+		options: 'Alternativ',
+		target: 'MÃ¥l',
+		targetNew: 'Nytt fönster (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Översta fönstret (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Samma fönster (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Föregående fönster (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Vänster till höger (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Höger till vänster (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Stil',
+		cssClasses: 'Stilmallar',
+		width: 'Bredd',
+		height: 'Höjd',
+		align: 'Justering',
+		alignLeft: 'Vänster',
+		alignRight: 'Höger',
+		alignCenter: 'Centrerad',
+		alignTop: 'Överkant',
+		alignMiddle: 'Mitten',
+		alignBottom: 'Nederkant',
+		invalidValue	: 'Felaktigt värde.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Höjd måste vara ett nummer.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Bredd måste vara ett nummer.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Värdet för fältet "%1" måste vara ett positivt nummer med eller utan CSS-mätenheter (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, eller pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'rdet för fältet "%1" måste vara ett positivt nummer med eller utan godkända HTML-mätenheter (px eller %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Det angivna värdet för style måste innehålla en eller flera tupler separerade med semikolon i följande format: "name : value"',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Ange ett nummer i pixlar eller ett nummer men godkänd CSS-mätenhet (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, eller pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, Ej tillgänglig</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/th.js
index e80aa97..7ab842d 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/th.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/th.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Thai language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['th'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'ดูรหัส HTML',
-	newPage			: 'สร้างหน้าเอกสารใหม่',
-	save			: 'บันทึก',
-	preview			: 'ดูหน้าเอกสารตัวอย่าง',
-	cut				: 'ตัด',
-	copy			: 'สำเนา',
-	paste			: 'วาง',
-	print			: 'สั่งพิมพ์',
-	underline		: 'ตัวขีดเส้นใต้',
-	bold			: 'ตัวหนา',
-	italic			: 'ตัวเอียง',
-	selectAll		: 'เลือกทั้งหมด',
-	removeFormat	: 'ล้างรูปแบบ',
-	strike			: 'ตัวขีดเส้นทับ',
-	subscript		: 'ตัวห้อย',
-	superscript		: 'ตัวยก',
-	horizontalrule	: 'แทรกเส้นคั่นบรรทัด',
-	pagebreak		: 'แทรกตัวแบ่งหน้า Page Break',
-	unlink			: 'ลบ ลิงค์',
-	undo			: 'ยกเลิกคำสั่ง',
-	redo			: 'ทำซ้ำคำสั่ง',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'เปิดหน้าต่างจัดการไฟล์อัพโหลด',
-		url				: 'ที่อยู่อ้างอิง URL',
-		protocol		: 'โปรโตคอล',
-		upload			: 'อัพโหลดไฟล์',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'อัพโหลดไฟล์ไปเก็บไว้ที่เครื่องแม่ข่าย (เซิร์ฟเวอร์)',
-		image			: 'รูปภาพ',
-		flash			: 'ไฟล์ Flash',
-		form			: 'แบบฟอร์ม',
-		checkbox		: 'เช็คบ๊อก',
-		radio			: 'เรดิโอบัตตอน',
-		textField		: 'เท็กซ์ฟิลด์',
-		textarea		: 'เท็กซ์แอเรีย',
-		hiddenField		: 'ฮิดเดนฟิลด์',
-		button			: 'ปุ่ม',
-		select			: 'แถบตัวเลือก',
-		imageButton		: 'ปุ่มแบบรูปภาพ',
-		notSet			: '<ไม่ระบุ>',
-		id				: 'ไอดี',
-		name			: 'ชื่อ',
-		langDir			: 'การเขียน-อ่านภาษา',
-		langDirLtr		: 'จากซ้ายไปขวา (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'จากขวามาซ้าย (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'รหัสภาษา',
-		longDescr		: 'คำอธิบายประกอบ URL',
-		cssClass		: 'คลาสของไฟล์กำหนดลักษณะการแสดงผล',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'คำเกริ่นนำ',
-		cssStyle		: 'ลักษณะการแสดงผล',
-		ok				: 'ตกลง',
-		cancel			: 'ยกเลิก',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'General', // MISSING
-		advancedTab		: 'ขั้นสูง',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
-		confirmCancel	: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'แทรกตัวอักษรพิเศษ',
-		title		: 'แทรกตัวอักษรพิเศษ',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'แทรก/แก้ไข ลิงค์',
-		other 		: '<อื่น ๆ>',
-		menu		: 'แก้ไข ลิงค์',
-		title		: 'ลิงค์เชื่อมโยงเว็บ อีเมล์ รูปภาพ หรือไฟล์อื่นๆ',
-		info		: 'รายละเอียด',
-		target		: 'การเปิดหน้าลิงค์',
-		upload		: 'อัพโหลดไฟล์',
-		advanced	: 'ขั้นสูง',
-		type		: 'ประเภทของลิงค์',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'จุดเชื่อมโยง (Anchor)',
-		toEmail		: 'ส่งอีเมล์ (E-Mail)',
-		targetFrame		: '<เปิดในเฟรม>',
-		targetPopup		: '<เปิดหน้าจอเล็ก (Pop-up)>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'ชื่อทาร์เก็ตเฟรม',
-		targetPopupName	: 'ระบุชื่อหน้าจอเล็ก (Pop-up)',
-		popupFeatures	: 'คุณสมบัติของหน้าจอเล็ก (Pop-up)',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable', // MISSING
-		popupStatusBar	: 'แสดงแถบสถานะ',
-		popupLocationBar: 'แสดงที่อยู่ของไฟล์',
-		popupToolbar	: 'แสดงแถบเครื่องมือ',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'แสดงแถบเมนู',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'แสดงเต็มหน้าจอ (IE5.5++ เท่านั้น)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'แสดงแถบเลื่อน',
-		popupDependent	: 'แสดงเต็มหน้าจอ (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'กว้าง',
-		popupLeft		: 'พิกัดซ้าย (Left Position)',
-		popupHeight		: 'สูง',
-		popupTop		: 'พิกัดบน (Top Position)',
-		id				: 'Id', // MISSING
-		langDir			: 'การเขียน-อ่านภาษา',
-		langDirLTR		: 'จากซ้ายไปขวา (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'จากขวามาซ้าย (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'แอคเซส คีย์',
-		name			: 'ชื่อ',
-		langCode		: 'การเขียน-อ่านภาษา',
-		tabIndex		: 'ลำดับของ แท็บ',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'คำเกริ่นนำ',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'ชนิดของคำเกริ่นนำ',
-		cssClasses		: 'คลาสของไฟล์กำหนดลักษณะการแสดงผล',
-		charset			: 'ลิงค์เชื่อมโยงไปยังชุดตัวอักษร',
-		styles			: 'ลักษณะการแสดงผล',
-		selectAnchor	: 'ระบุข้อมูลของจุดเชื่อมโยง (Anchor)',
-		anchorName		: 'ชื่อ',
-		anchorId		: 'ไอดี',
-		emailAddress	: 'อีเมล์ (E-Mail)',
-		emailSubject	: 'หัวเรื่อง',
-		emailBody		: 'ข้อความ',
-		noAnchors		: '(ยังไม่มีจุดเชื่อมโยงภายในหน้าเอกสารนี้)',
-		noUrl			: 'กรุณาระบุที่อยู่อ้างอิงออนไลน์ (URL)',
-		noEmail			: 'กรุณาระบุอีเมล์ (E-mail)'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'แทรก/แก้ไข Anchor',
-		menu		: 'รายละเอียด Anchor',
-		title		: 'รายละเอียด Anchor',
-		name		: 'ชื่อ Anchor',
-		errorName	: 'กรุณาระบุชื่อของ Anchor'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Find and Replace', // MISSING
-		find				: 'ค้นหา',
-		replace				: 'ค้นหาและแทนที่',
-		findWhat			: 'ค้นหาคำว่า:',
-		replaceWith			: 'แทนที่ด้วย:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'ไม่พบคำที่ค้นหา.',
-		matchCase			: 'ตัวโหญ่-เล็ก ต้องตรงกัน',
-		matchWord			: 'ต้องตรงกันทุกคำ',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Match cyclic', // MISSING
-		replaceAll			: 'แทนที่ทั้งหมดที่พบ',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'ตาราง',
-		title		: 'คุณสมบัติของ ตาราง',
-		menu		: 'คุณสมบัติของ ตาราง',
-		deleteTable	: 'ลบตาราง',
-		rows		: 'แถว',
-		columns		: 'สดมน์',
-		border		: 'ขนาดเส้นขอบ',
-		align		: 'การจัดตำแหน่ง',
-		alignLeft	: 'ชิดซ้าย',
-		alignCenter	: 'กึ่งกลาง',
-		alignRight	: 'ชิดขวา',
-		width		: 'กว้าง',
-		widthPx		: 'จุดสี',
-		widthPc		: 'เปอร์เซ็น',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'สูง',
-		cellSpace	: 'ระยะแนวนอนน',
-		cellPad		: 'ระยะแนวตั้ง',
-		caption		: 'หัวเรื่องของตาราง',
-		summary		: 'สรุปความ',
-		headers		: 'Headers', // MISSING
-		headersNone		: 'None', // MISSING
-		headersColumn	: 'First column', // MISSING
-		headersRow		: 'First Row', // MISSING
-		headersBoth		: 'Both', // MISSING
-		invalidRows		: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidCols		: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
-		invalidBorder	: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidWidth	: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidHeight	: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Cell spacing must be a number.', // MISSING
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Cell padding must be a number.', // MISSING
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'ช่องตาราง',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Cell Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Cell After', // MISSING
-			deleteCell		: 'ลบช่อง',
-			merge			: 'ผสานช่อง',
-			mergeRight		: 'Merge Right', // MISSING
-			mergeDown		: 'Merge Down', // MISSING
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Split Cell Horizontally', // MISSING
-			splitVertical	: 'Split Cell Vertically', // MISSING
-			title			: 'Cell Properties', // MISSING
-			cellType		: 'Cell Type', // MISSING
-			rowSpan			: 'Rows Span', // MISSING
-			colSpan			: 'Columns Span', // MISSING
-			wordWrap		: 'Word Wrap', // MISSING
-			hAlign			: 'Horizontal Alignment', // MISSING
-			vAlign			: 'Vertical Alignment', // MISSING
-			alignTop		: 'Top', // MISSING
-			alignMiddle		: 'Middle', // MISSING
-			alignBottom		: 'Bottom', // MISSING
-			alignBaseline	: 'Baseline', // MISSING
-			bgColor			: 'Background Color', // MISSING
-			borderColor		: 'Border Color', // MISSING
-			data			: 'Data', // MISSING
-			header			: 'Header', // MISSING
-			yes				: 'Yes', // MISSING
-			no				: 'No', // MISSING
-			invalidWidth	: 'Cell width must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidHeight	: 'Cell height must be a number.', // MISSING
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'แถว',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Row Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Row After', // MISSING
-			deleteRow		: 'ลบแถว'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'คอลัมน์',
-			insertBefore	: 'Insert Column Before', // MISSING
-			insertAfter		: 'Insert Column After', // MISSING
-			deleteColumn	: 'ลบสดมน์'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'รายละเอียดของ ปุ่ม',
-		text		: 'ข้อความ (ค่าตัวแปร)',
-		type		: 'ข้อความ',
-		typeBtn		: 'Button',
-		typeSbm		: 'Submit',
-		typeRst		: 'Reset'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'คุณสมบัติของ เช็คบ๊อก',
-		radioTitle	: 'คุณสมบัติของ เรดิโอบัตตอน',
-		value		: 'ค่าตัวแปร',
-		selected	: 'เลือกเป็นค่าเริ่มต้น'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'คุณสมบัติของ แบบฟอร์ม',
-		menu		: 'คุณสมบัติของ แบบฟอร์ม',
-		action		: 'แอคชั่น',
-		method		: 'เมธอด',
-		encoding	: 'Encoding' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'คุณสมบัติของ แถบตัวเลือก',
-		selectInfo	: 'อินโฟ',
-		opAvail		: 'รายการตัวเลือก',
-		value		: 'ค่าตัวแปร',
-		size		: 'ขนาด',
-		lines		: 'บรรทัด',
-		chkMulti	: 'เลือกหลายค่าได้',
-		opText		: 'ข้อความ',
-		opValue		: 'ค่าตัวแปร',
-		btnAdd		: 'เพิ่ม',
-		btnModify	: 'แก้ไข',
-		btnUp		: 'บน',
-		btnDown		: 'ล่าง',
-		btnSetValue : 'เลือกเป็นค่าเริ่มต้น',
-		btnDelete	: 'ลบ'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'คุณสมบัติของ เท็กแอเรีย',
-		cols		: 'สดมภ์',
-		rows		: 'แถว'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'คุณสมบัติของ เท็กซ์ฟิลด์',
-		name		: 'ชื่อ',
-		value		: 'ค่าตัวแปร',
-		charWidth	: 'ความกว้าง',
-		maxChars	: 'จำนวนตัวอักษรสูงสุด',
-		type		: 'ชนิด',
-		typeText	: 'ข้อความ',
-		typePass	: 'รหัสผ่าน'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'คุณสมบัติของ ฮิดเดนฟิลด์',
-		name	: 'ชื่อ',
-		value	: 'ค่าตัวแปร'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'คุณสมบัติของ รูปภาพ',
-		titleButton	: 'คุณสมบัติของ ปุ่มแบบรูปภาพ',
-		menu		: 'คุณสมบัติของ รูปภาพ',
-		infoTab		: 'ข้อมูลของรูปภาพ',
-		btnUpload	: 'อัพโหลดไฟล์ไปเก็บไว้ที่เครื่องแม่ข่าย (เซิร์ฟเวอร์)',
-		upload		: 'อัพโหลดไฟล์',
-		alt			: 'คำประกอบรูปภาพ',
-		width		: 'ความกว้าง',
-		height		: 'ความสูง',
-		lockRatio	: 'กำหนดอัตราส่วน กว้าง-สูง แบบคงที่',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'กำหนดรูปเท่าขนาดจริง',
-		border		: 'ขนาดขอบรูป',
-		hSpace		: 'ระยะแนวนอน',
-		vSpace		: 'ระยะแนวตั้ง',
-		align		: 'การจัดวาง',
-		alignLeft	: 'ชิดซ้าย',
-		alignRight	: 'ชิดขวา',
-		alertUrl	: 'กรุณาระบุที่อยู่อ้างอิงออนไลน์ของไฟล์รูปภาพ (URL)',
-		linkTab		: 'ลิ้งค์',
-		button2Img	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
-		img2Button	: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'คุณสมบัติของไฟล์ Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Properties', // MISSING
-		title			: 'คุณสมบัติของไฟล์ Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'เล่นอัตโนมัติ Auto Play',
-		chkLoop			: 'เล่นวนรอบ Loop',
-		chkMenu			: 'ให้ใช้งานเมนูของ Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
- 		scale			: 'อัตราส่วน Scale',
-		scaleAll		: 'แสดงให้เห็นทั้งหมด Show all',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'ไม่แสดงเส้นขอบ No Border',
-		scaleFit		: 'แสดงให้พอดีกับพื้นที่ Exact Fit',
-		access			: 'Script Access', // MISSING
-		accessAlways	: 'Always', // MISSING
-		accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
-		accessNever		: 'Never', // MISSING
-		align			: 'การจัดวาง',
-		alignLeft		: 'ชิดซ้าย',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'ชิดด้านล่างสุด',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'กึ่งกลาง',
-		alignBaseline	: 'ชิดบรรทัด',
-		alignBottom		: 'ชิดด้านล่าง',
-		alignMiddle		: 'กึ่งกลางแนวตั้ง',
-		alignRight		: 'ชิดขวา',
-		alignTextTop	: 'ใต้ตัวอักษร',
-		alignTop		: 'บนสุด',
-		quality			: 'Quality', // MISSING
-		qualityBest		: 'Best', // MISSING
-		qualityHigh		: 'High', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Auto High', // MISSING
-		qualityMedium	: 'Medium', // MISSING
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
-		qualityLow		: 'Low', // MISSING
-		windowModeWindow: 'Window', // MISSING
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent', // MISSING
-		windowMode		: 'Window mode', // MISSING
-		flashvars		: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
-		bgcolor			: 'สีพื้นหลัง',
-		width			: 'ความกว้าง',
-		height			: 'ความสูง',
-		hSpace			: 'ระยะแนวนอน',
-		vSpace			: 'ระยะแนวตั้ง',
-		validateSrc		: 'กรุณาระบุที่อยู่อ้างอิงออนไลน์ (URL)',
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'ตรวจการสะกดคำ',
-		title			: 'Spell Check', // MISSING
-		notAvailable	: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.', // MISSING
-		errorLoading	: 'Error loading application service host: %s.', // MISSING
-		notInDic		: 'ไม่พบในดิกชันนารี',
-		changeTo		: 'แก้ไขเป็น',
-		btnIgnore		: 'ยกเว้น',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'ยกเว้นทั้งหมด',
-		btnReplace		: 'แทนที่',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'แทนที่ทั้งหมด',
-		btnUndo			: 'ยกเลิก',
-		noSuggestions	: '- ไม่มีคำแนะนำใดๆ -',
-		progress		: 'กำลังตรวจสอบคำสะกด...',
-		noMispell		: 'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น: ไม่พบคำสะกดผิด',
-		noChanges		: 'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น: ไม่มีการแก้คำใดๆ',
-		oneChange		: 'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น: แก้ไข1คำ',
-		manyChanges		: 'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น:: แก้ไข %1 คำ',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'ไม่ได้ติดตั้งระบบตรวจสอบคำสะกด. ต้องการติดตั้งไหมครับ?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'รูปสื่ออารมณ์',
-		title	: 'แทรกสัญลักษณ์สื่ออารมณ์',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 element' // MISSING
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'ลำดับรายการแบบตัวเลข',
-	bulletedlist	: 'ลำดับรายการแบบสัญลักษณ์',
-	indent			: 'เพิ่มระยะย่อหน้า',
-	outdent			: 'ลดระยะย่อหน้า',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'จัดชิดซ้าย',
-		center	: 'จัดกึ่งกลาง',
-		right	: 'จัดชิดขวา',
-		block	: 'จัดพอดีหน้ากระดาษ'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Block Quote', // MISSING
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'วาง',
-		cutError	: 'ไม่สามารถตัดข้อความที่เลือกไว้ได้เนื่องจากการกำหนดค่าระดับความปลอดภัย. กรุณาใช้ปุ่มลัดเพื่อวางข้อความแทน (กดปุ่ม Ctrl/Cmd และตัว X พร้อมกัน).',
-		copyError	: 'ไม่สามารถสำเนาข้อความที่เลือกไว้ได้เนื่องจากการกำหนดค่าระดับความปลอดภัย. กรุณาใช้ปุ่มลัดเพื่อวางข้อความแทน (กดปุ่ม Ctrl/Cmd และตัว C พร้อมกัน).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'กรุณาใช้คีย์บอร์ดเท่านั้น โดยกดปุ๋ม (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd และ V</strong>)พร้อมๆกัน และกด <strong>OK</strong>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
-		toolbar			: 'วางสำเนาจากตัวอักษรเวิร์ด',
-		title			: 'วางสำเนาจากตัวอักษรเวิร์ด',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'วางแบบตัวอักษรธรรมดา',
-		title	: 'วางแบบตัวอักษรธรรมดา'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'เทมเพลต',
-		title			: 'เทมเพลตของส่วนเนื้อหาเว็บไซต์',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'แทนที่เนื้อหาเว็บไซต์ที่เลือก',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'กรุณาเลือก เทมเพลต เพื่อนำไปแก้ไขในอีดิตเตอร์<br />(เนื้อหาส่วนนี้จะหายไป):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(ยังไม่มีการกำหนดเทมเพลต)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Show Blocks', // MISSING
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'ลักษณะ',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'รูปแบบ',
-		panelTitle	: 'รูปแบบ',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Formatted',
-		tag_address	: 'Address',
-		tag_h1		: 'Heading 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Heading 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Heading 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Heading 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Heading 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Heading 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Paragraph (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'แบบอักษร',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'แบบอักษร'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'ขนาด',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size', // MISSING
-		panelTitle	: 'ขนาด'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'สีตัวอักษร',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'สีพื้นหลัง',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'สีอัตโนมัติ',
-		more			: 'เลือกสีอื่นๆ...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		disable			: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
-		about			: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
-		toggle			: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		langs			: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		moreSuggestions	: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
-		ignore			: 'Ignore', // MISSING
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
-		addWord			: 'Add Word', // MISSING
-		emptyDic		: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
-		optionsTab		: 'Options', // MISSING
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Languages', // MISSING
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'About' // MISSING
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		dlgTitle	: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
-		moreInfo	: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.' // MISSING
-	},
-	maximize : 'Maximize', // MISSING
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Anchor', // MISSING
-		flash	: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
-		div		: 'Page Break', // MISSING
-		unknown	: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
-	},
-	resize : 'Drag to resize', // MISSING
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Thai language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'th' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Press ALT 0 for help', // MISSING
+		browseServer: 'เปิดหน้าต่างจัดการไฟล์อัพโหลด',
+		url: 'ที่อยู่อ้างอิง URL',
+		protocol: 'โปรโตคอล',
+		upload: 'อัพโหลดไฟล์',
+		uploadSubmit: 'อัพโหลดไฟล์ไปเก็บไว้ที่เครื่องแม่ข่าย (เซิร์ฟเวอร์)',
+		image: 'รูปภาพ',
+		flash: 'ไฟล์ Flash',
+		form: 'แบบฟอร์ม',
+		checkbox: 'เช็คบ๊อก',
+		radio: 'เรดิโอบัตตอน',
+		textField: 'เท็กซ์ฟิลด์',
+		textarea: 'เท็กซ์แอเรีย',
+		hiddenField: 'ฮิดเดนฟิลด์',
+		button: 'ปุ่ม',
+		select: 'แถบตัวเลือก',
+		imageButton: 'ปุ่มแบบรูปภาพ',
+		notSet: '<ไม่ระบุ>',
+		id: 'ไอดี',
+		name: 'ชื่อ',
+		langDir: 'การเขียน-อ่านภาษา',
+		langDirLtr: 'จากซ้ายไปขวา (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'จากขวามาซ้าย (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'รหัสภาษา',
+		longDescr: 'คำอธิบายประกอบ URL',
+		cssClass: 'คลาสของไฟล์กำหนดลักษณะการแสดงผล',
+		advisoryTitle: 'คำเกริ่นนำ',
+		cssStyle: 'ลักษณะการแสดงผล',
+		ok: 'ตกลง',
+		cancel: 'ยกเลิก',
+		close: 'Close', // MISSING
+		preview: 'ดูหน้าเอกสารตัวอย่าง',
+		resize: 'Resize', // MISSING
+		generalTab: 'General', // MISSING
+		advancedTab: 'ขั้นสูง',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'This value is not a number.', // MISSING
+		confirmNewPage: 'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?', // MISSING
+		confirmCancel: 'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?', // MISSING
+		options: 'Options', // MISSING
+		target: 'การเปิดหน้าลิงค์',
+		targetNew: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
+		targetTop: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
+		targetSelf: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
+		targetParent: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
+		langDirLTR: 'จากซ้ายไปขวา (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'จากขวามาซ้าย (RTL)',
+		styles: 'ลักษณะการแสดงผล',
+		cssClasses: 'คลาสของไฟล์กำหนดลักษณะการแสดงผล',
+		width: 'ความกว้าง',
+		height: 'ความสูง',
+		align: 'การจัดวาง',
+		alignLeft: 'ชิดซ้าย',
+		alignRight: 'ชิดขวา',
+		alignCenter: 'กึ่งกลาง',
+		alignTop: 'บนสุด',
+		alignMiddle: 'กึ่งกลางแนวตั้ง',
+		alignBottom: 'ชิดด้านล่าง',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Height must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidWidth: 'Width must be a number.', // MISSING
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/tr.js
index f0135f0..e87d09a 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/tr.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/tr.js
@@ -1,757 +1,104 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-* @fileOverview
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['tr'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Zengin metin editörü, %1, yardım için ALT 0 tuşuna basın.',
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar',
-	editor	: 'Zengin Metin Editörü',
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Kaynak',
-	newPage			: 'Yeni Sayfa',
-	save			: 'Kaydet',
-	preview			: 'Ön İzleme',
-	cut				: 'Kes',
-	copy			: 'Kopyala',
-	paste			: 'Yapıştır',
-	print			: 'Yazdır',
-	underline		: 'Altı Çizgili',
-	bold			: 'Kalın',
-	italic			: 'Ä°talik',
-	selectAll		: 'Tümünü Seç',
-	removeFormat	: 'Biçimi Kaldır',
-	strike			: 'Üstü Çizgili',
-	subscript		: 'Alt Simge',
-	superscript		: 'Ãœst Simge',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Yatay Satır Ekle',
-	pagebreak		: 'Sayfa Sonu Ekle',
-	unlink			: 'Köprü Kaldır',
-	undo			: 'Geri Al',
-	redo			: 'Tekrarla',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Sunucuyu Gez',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Protokol',
-		upload			: 'Karşıya Yükle',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Sunucuya Yolla',
-		image			: 'Resim',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Form',
-		checkbox		: 'Onay Kutusu',
-		radio			: 'Seçenek Düğmesi',
-		textField		: 'Metin GiriÅŸi',
-		textarea		: 'Çok Satırlı Metin',
-		hiddenField		: 'Gizli Veri',
-		button			: 'Düğme',
-		select			: 'Seçim Menüsü',
-		imageButton		: 'Resimli Düğme',
-		notSet			: '<tanımlanmamış>',
-		id				: 'Kimlik',
-		name			: 'Ad',
-		langDir			: 'Dil Yönü',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Soldan SaÄŸa (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'SaÄŸdan Sola (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Dil Kodlaması',
-		longDescr		: 'Uzun Tanımlı URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Biçem Sayfası Sınıfları',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Danışma Başlığı',
-		cssStyle		: 'Biçem',
-		ok				: 'Tamam',
-		cancel			: 'Ä°ptal',
-		close			: 'Kapat',
-		preview			: 'Ön gösterim',
-		generalTab		: 'Genel',
-		advancedTab		: 'GeliÅŸmiÅŸ',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Bu değer sayı değildir.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'İceriğiniz kayıt edilmediğinden dolayı kaybolacaktır. Yeni bir sayfa yüklemek istediğinize eminsiniz?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Bazı seçenekler değişmiştir. Dialog penceresini kapatmak istediğinize eminmisiniz?',
-		options			: 'Seçenekler',
-		target			: 'Hedef',
-		targetNew		: 'Yeni Pencere (_blank)',
-		targetTop		: 'Enüst Pencere (_top)',
-		targetSelf		: 'Aynı Pencere (_self)',
-		targetParent	: 'Ana Pencere (_parent)',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, hazır değildir</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'İçerik Menüsü Seçenekleri'
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Özel Karakter Ekle',
-		title		: 'Özel Karakter Seç',
-		options : 'Özel Karakter Seçenekleri'
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Link Ekle/Düzenle',
-		other 		: '<diÄŸer>',
-		menu		: 'Link Düzenle',
-		title		: 'Link',
-		info		: 'Link Bilgisi',
-		target		: 'Hedef',
-		upload		: 'Karşıya Yükle',
-		advanced	: 'GeliÅŸmiÅŸ',
-		type		: 'Link Türü',
-		toUrl		: 'URL',
-		toAnchor	: 'Bu sayfada çapa',
-		toEmail		: 'E-Posta',
-		targetFrame		: '<çerçeve>',
-		targetPopup		: '<yeni açılan pencere>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Hedef Çerçeve Adı',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Yeni Açılan Pencere Adı',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Yeni Açılan Pencere Özellikleri',
-		popupResizable	: 'Resizable',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Durum Çubuğu',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Yer Çubuğu',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Araç Çubuğu',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Menü Çubuğu',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Tam Ekran (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Kaydırma Çubukları',
-		popupDependent	: 'Bağımlı (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'GeniÅŸlik',
-		popupLeft		: 'Sola Göre Konum',
-		popupHeight		: 'Yükseklik',
-		popupTop		: 'Yukarıya Göre Konum',
-		id				: 'Id',
-		langDir			: 'Dil Yönü',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Soldan SaÄŸa (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'SaÄŸdan Sola (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'EriÅŸim TuÅŸu',
-		name			: 'Ad',
-		langCode		: 'Dil Yönü',
-		tabIndex		: 'Sekme Ä°ndeksi',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Danışma Başlığı',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Danışma İçerik Türü',
-		cssClasses		: 'Biçem Sayfası Sınıfları',
-		charset			: 'Bağlı Kaynak Karakter Gurubu',
-		styles			: 'Biçem',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Bağlantı Seç',
-		anchorName		: 'Bağlantı Adı ile',
-		anchorId		: 'Eleman Kimlik Numarası ile',
-		emailAddress	: 'E-Posta Adresi',
-		emailSubject	: 'Ä°leti Konusu',
-		emailBody		: 'İleti Gövdesi',
-		noAnchors		: '(Bu belgede hiç çapa yok)',
-		noUrl			: 'Lütfen Link URL\'sini yazın',
-		noEmail			: 'Lütfen E-posta adresini yazın'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Bağlantı Ekle/Düzenle',
-		menu		: 'Bağlantı Özellikleri',
-		title		: 'Bağlantı Özellikleri',
-		name		: 'Bağlantı Adı',
-		errorName	: 'Lütfen bağlantı için ad giriniz'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Sayılandırılmış Liste Özellikleri',
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Simgeli Liste Özellikleri',
-		type				: 'Tipi',
-		start				: 'BaÅŸla',
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Daire',
-		disc				: 'Disk',
-		square				: 'Kare',
-		none				: 'Yok',
-		notset				: '<ayarlanmamış>',
-		armenian			: 'Ermenice sayılandırma',
-		georgian			: 'Gürcüce numaralandırma (an, ban, gan, vs.)',
-		lowerRoman			: 'Küçük Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, vs.)',
-		upperRoman			: 'Büyük Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, vs.)',
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Küçük Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, vs.)',
-		upperAlpha			: 'Büyük Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, vs.)',
-		lowerGreek			: 'Küçük Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, vs.)',
-		decimal				: 'Ondalık (1, 2, 3, vs.)',
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Başı sıfırlı ondalık (01, 02, 03, vs.)'
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Bul ve DeÄŸiÅŸtir',
-		find				: 'Bul',
-		replace				: 'DeÄŸiÅŸtir',
-		findWhat			: 'Aranan:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Bununla deÄŸiÅŸtir:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Belirtilen yazı bulunamadı.',
-		matchCase			: 'Büyük/küçük harf duyarlı',
-		matchWord			: 'Kelimenin tamamı uysun',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Eşleşen döngü',
-		replaceAll			: 'Tümünü Değiştir',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 bulunanlardan deÄŸiÅŸtirildi.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Tablo',
-		title		: 'Tablo Özellikleri',
-		menu		: 'Tablo Özellikleri',
-		deleteTable	: 'Tabloyu Sil',
-		rows		: 'Satırlar',
-		columns		: 'Sütunlar',
-		border		: 'Kenar Kalınlığı',
-		align		: 'Hizalama',
-		alignLeft	: 'Sol',
-		alignCenter	: 'Merkez',
-		alignRight	: 'SaÄŸ',
-		width		: 'GeniÅŸlik',
-		widthPx		: 'piksel',
-		widthPc		: 'yüzde',
-		widthUnit	: 'geniÅŸlik birimi',
-		height		: 'Yükseklik',
-		cellSpace	: 'Izgara kalınlığı',
-		cellPad		: 'Izgara yazı arası',
-		caption		: 'Başlık',
-		summary		: 'Özet',
-		headers		: 'Başlıklar',
-		headersNone		: 'Yok',
-		headersColumn	: 'İlk Sütun',
-		headersRow		: 'İlk Satır',
-		headersBoth		: 'Her Ä°kisi',
-		invalidRows		: 'Satır sayısı 0 sayısından büyük olmalıdır.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Sütün sayısı 0 sayısından büyük olmalıdır.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Çerceve büyüklüklüğü sayı olmalıdır.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Tablo genişliği sayı olmalıdır.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Tablo yüksekliği sayı olmalıdır.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Hücre boşluğu (spacing) sayı olmalıdır.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Hücre aralığı (padding) sayı olmalıdır.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Hücre',
-			insertBefore	: 'Hücre Ekle - Önce',
-			insertAfter		: 'Hücre Ekle - Sonra',
-			deleteCell		: 'Hücre Sil',
-			merge			: 'Hücreleri Birleştir',
-			mergeRight		: 'BirleÅŸtir - SaÄŸdaki Ä°le ',
-			mergeDown		: 'Birleştir - Aşağıdaki İle ',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Hücreyi Yatay Böl',
-			splitVertical	: 'Hücreyi Dikey Böl',
-			title			: 'Hücre Özellikleri',
-			cellType		: 'Hücre Tipi',
-			rowSpan			: 'Satırlar Mesafesi (Span)',
-			colSpan			: 'Sütünlar Mesafesi (Span)',
-			wordWrap		: 'Kelime Kaydırma',
-			hAlign			: 'Düşey Hizalama',
-			vAlign			: 'YataÅŸ Hizalama',
-			alignTop		: 'Ãœst',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Orta',
-			alignBottom		: 'Alt',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Tabana',
-			bgColor			: 'Arkaplan Rengi',
-			borderColor		: 'Çerçeve Rengi',
-			data			: 'Veri',
-			header			: 'Başlık',
-			yes				: 'Evet',
-			no				: 'Hayır',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Hücre genişliği sayı olmalıdır.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Hücre yüksekliği sayı olmalıdır.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Satırların mesafesi tam sayı olmalıdır.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Sütünların mesafesi tam sayı olmalıdır.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Seçiniz'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Satır',
-			insertBefore	: 'Satır Ekle - Önce',
-			insertAfter		: 'Satır Ekle - Sonra',
-			deleteRow		: 'Satır Sil'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Sütun',
-			insertBefore	: 'Kolon Ekle - Önce',
-			insertAfter		: 'Kolon Ekle - Sonra',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Sütun Sil'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Düğme Özellikleri',
-		text		: 'Metin (DeÄŸer)',
-		type		: 'Tip',
-		typeBtn		: 'Düğme',
-		typeSbm		: 'Gönder',
-		typeRst		: 'Sıfırla'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Onay Kutusu Özellikleri',
-		radioTitle	: 'Seçenek Düğmesi Özellikleri',
-		value		: 'DeÄŸer',
-		selected	: 'Seçili'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Form Özellikleri',
-		menu		: 'Form Özellikleri',
-		action		: 'Ä°ÅŸlem',
-		method		: 'Yöntem',
-		encoding	: 'Kodlama'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Seçim Menüsü Özellikleri',
-		selectInfo	: 'Bilgi',
-		opAvail		: 'Mevcut Seçenekler',
-		value		: 'DeÄŸer',
-		size		: 'Boyut',
-		lines		: 'satır',
-		chkMulti	: 'Çoklu seçime izin ver',
-		opText		: 'Metin',
-		opValue		: 'DeÄŸer',
-		btnAdd		: 'Ekle',
-		btnModify	: 'Düzenle',
-		btnUp		: 'Yukarı',
-		btnDown		: 'Aşağı',
-		btnSetValue : 'Seçili değer olarak ata',
-		btnDelete	: 'Sil'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Çok Satırlı Metin Özellikleri',
-		cols		: 'Sütunlar',
-		rows		: 'Satırlar'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Metin Girişi Özellikleri',
-		name		: 'Ad',
-		value		: 'DeÄŸer',
-		charWidth	: 'Karakter GeniÅŸliÄŸi',
-		maxChars	: 'En Fazla Karakter',
-		type		: 'Tür',
-		typeText	: 'Metin',
-		typePass	: 'Åžifre'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Gizli Veri Özellikleri',
-		name	: 'Ad',
-		value	: 'DeÄŸer'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Resim Özellikleri',
-		titleButton	: 'Resimli Düğme Özellikleri',
-		menu		: 'Resim Özellikleri',
-		infoTab		: 'Resim Bilgisi',
-		btnUpload	: 'Sunucuya Yolla',
-		upload		: 'Karşıya Yükle',
-		alt			: 'Alternatif Yazı',
-		width		: 'GeniÅŸlik',
-		height		: 'Yükseklik',
-		lockRatio	: 'Oranı Kilitle',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Kilitli Oran',
-		resetSize	: 'Boyutu Başa Döndür',
-		border		: 'Kenar',
-		hSpace		: 'Yatay BoÅŸluk',
-		vSpace		: 'Dikey BoÅŸluk',
-		align		: 'Hizalama',
-		alignLeft	: 'Sol',
-		alignRight	: 'SaÄŸ',
-		alertUrl	: 'Lütfen resmin URL\'sini yazınız',
-		linkTab		: 'Köprü',
-		button2Img	: 'Seçili resim butonunu basit resime çevirmek istermisiniz?',
-		img2Button	: 'Seçili olan resimi, resimli butona çevirmek istermisiniz?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Resmin URL kaynağı eksiktir.',
-		validateWidth	: 'Genişlik tam sayı olmalıdır.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Yükseklik tam sayı olmalıdır.',
-		validateBorder	: 'Çerçeve tam sayı olmalıdır.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace tam sayı olmalıdır.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace tam sayı olmalıdır.'
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash Özellikleri',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Özellikler',
-		title			: 'Flash Özellikleri',
-		chkPlay			: 'Otomatik Oynat',
-		chkLoop			: 'Döngü',
-		chkMenu			: 'Flash Menüsünü Kullan',
-		chkFull			: 'Tam ekrana Ä°zinver',
- 		scale			: 'Boyutlandır',
-		scaleAll		: 'Hepsini Göster',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Kenar Yok',
-		scaleFit		: 'Tam Sığdır',
-		access			: 'Kod Ä°zni',
-		accessAlways	: 'Herzaman',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Aynı domain',
-		accessNever		: 'Asla',
-		align			: 'Hizalama',
-		alignLeft		: 'Sol',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Tam Altı',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Tam Ortası',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Taban Çizgisi',
-		alignBottom		: 'Alt',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Orta',
-		alignRight		: 'SaÄŸ',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Yazı Tepeye',
-		alignTop		: 'Tepe',
-		quality			: 'Kalite',
-		qualityBest		: 'En iyi',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Yüksek',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Otomatik Yükseklik',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Orta',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Otomatik Düşüklük',
-		qualityLow		: 'Düşük',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Pencere',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Opak',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Åžeffaf',
-		windowMode		: 'Pencere modu',
-		flashvars		: 'Flash DeÄŸerleri',
-		bgcolor			: 'Arka Renk',
-		width			: 'GeniÅŸlik',
-		height			: 'Yükseklik',
-		hSpace			: 'Yatay BoÅŸluk',
-		vSpace			: 'Dikey BoÅŸluk',
-		validateSrc		: 'Lütfen köprü URL\'sini yazın',
-		validateWidth	: 'Genişlik bir sayı olmalıdır.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Yükseklik sayı olmalıdır.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace sayı olmalıdır.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace sayı olmalıdır.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Yazım Denetimi',
-		title			: 'Yazımı Denetle',
-		notAvailable	: 'Üzügünüz, bu servis şuanda hizmet dışıdır.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Uygulamada yüklerken hata oluştu: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Sözlükte Yok',
-		changeTo		: 'Åžuna deÄŸiÅŸtir:',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Yoksay',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Tümünü Yoksay',
-		btnReplace		: 'DeÄŸiÅŸtir',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Tümünü Değiştir',
-		btnUndo			: 'Geri Al',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Öneri Yok -',
-		progress		: 'Yazım denetimi işlemde...',
-		noMispell		: 'Yazım denetimi tamamlandı: Yanlış yazıma rastlanmadı',
-		noChanges		: 'Yazım denetimi tamamlandı: Hiçbir kelime değiştirilmedi',
-		oneChange		: 'Yazım denetimi tamamlandı: Bir kelime değiştirildi',
-		manyChanges		: 'Yazım denetimi tamamlandı: %1 kelime değiştirildi',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Yazım denetimi yüklenmemiş. Şimdi yüklemek ister misiniz?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Ä°fade',
-		title	: 'Ä°fade Ekle',
-		options : 'İfade Seçenekleri'
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elementlerin yolu',
-		eleTitle : '%1 element'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Numaralı Liste',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Simgeli Liste',
-	indent			: 'Sekme Arttır',
-	outdent			: 'Sekme Azalt',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Sola Dayalı',
-		center	: 'Ortalanmış',
-		right	: 'Sağa Dayalı',
-		block	: 'İki Kenara Yaslanmış'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Blok OluÅŸtur',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Yapıştır',
-		cutError	: 'Gezgin yazılımınızın güvenlik ayarları düzenleyicinin otomatik kesme işlemine izin vermiyor. İşlem için (Ctrl/Cmd+X) tuşlarını kullanın.',
-		copyError	: 'Gezgin yazılımınızın güvenlik ayarları düzenleyicinin otomatik kopyalama işlemine izin vermiyor. İşlem için (Ctrl/Cmd+C) tuşlarını kullanın.',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Lütfen aşağıdaki kutunun içine yapıştırın. (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) ve <STRONG>Tamam</STRONG> butonunu tıklayın.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Gezgin yazılımınızın güvenlik ayarları düzenleyicinin direkt olarak panoya erişimine izin vermiyor. Bu pencere içine tekrar yapıştırmalısınız..',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area'
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Yapıştırmaya çalıştığınız metin Word\'den kopyalanmıştır. Yapıştırmadan önce silmek istermisiniz?',
-		toolbar			: 'Word\'den Yapıştır',
-		title			: 'Word\'den Yapıştır',
-		error			: 'Yapıştırmadaki veri bilgisi hata düzelene kadar silinmeyecektir'
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Düz Metin Olarak Yapıştır',
-		title	: 'Düz Metin Olarak Yapıştır'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Åžablonlar',
-		title			: 'İçerik Şablonları',
-		options : 'Şablon Seçenekleri',
-		insertOption	: 'Mevcut içerik ile değiştir',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Düzenleyicide açmak için lütfen bir şablon seçin.<br>(hali hazırdaki içerik kaybolacaktır.):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Belirli bir şablon seçilmedi)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Blokları Göster',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Biçem',
-		panelTitle	: 'Stilleri Düzenliyor',
-		panelTitle1	: 'Blok Stilleri',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline Stilleri',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Nesne Stilleri'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Biçim',
-		panelTitle	: 'Biçim',
-		tag_p		: 'Normal',
-		tag_pre		: 'Biçimli',
-		tag_address	: 'Adres',
-		tag_h1		: 'Başlık 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Başlık 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Başlık 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Başlık 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Başlık 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Başlık 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Paragraf (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Div İçeriği Oluştur',
-		toolbar				: 'Div İçeriği Oluştur',
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stilltipi Sınıfı',
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Stil',
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id',
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Dil Kodu',
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Stili',
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Tavsiye Başlığı',
-		langDirLabel		: 'Dil Yönü',
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Soldan saÄŸa (LTR)',
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'SaÄŸdan sola (RTL)',
-		edit				: 'Div Düzenle',
-		remove				: 'Div Kaldır'
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Yazı Türü',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font',
-		panelTitle	: 'Yazı Türü'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Boyut',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Font Size',
-		panelTitle	: 'Boyut'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Yazı Rengi',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Arka Renk',
-		panelTitle		: 'Renkler',
-		auto			: 'Otomatik',
-		more			: 'DiÄŸer renkler...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Siyah',
-		'800000' : 'Kestane',
-		'8B4513' : 'Koyu Kahverengi',
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Koyu KurÅŸuni Gri',
-		'008080' : 'Teal',
-		'000080' : 'Mavi',
-		'4B0082' : 'Çivit Mavisi',
-		'696969' : 'Silik Gri',
-		'B22222' : 'Ateş Tuğlası',
-		'A52A2A' : 'Kahverengi',
-		'DAA520' : 'Altun Sırık',
-		'006400' : 'Koyu YeÅŸil',
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turkuaz',
-		'0000CD' : 'Orta Mavi',
-		'800080' : 'Pembe',
-		'808080' : 'Gri',
-		'F00' : 'Kırmızı',
-		'FF8C00' : 'Koyu Portakal',
-		'FFD700' : 'Altın',
-		'008000' : 'YeÅŸil',
-		'0FF' : 'Ciyan',
-		'00F' : 'Mavi',
-		'EE82EE' : 'MenekÅŸe',
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Koyu Gri',
-		'FFA07A' : 'Açık Sarımsı',
-		'FFA500' : 'Portakal',
-		'FFFF00' : 'Sarı',
-		'00FF00' : 'Açık Yeşil',
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Sönük Turkuaz',
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Açık Mavi',
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Mor',
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Açık Gri',
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Eflatun Pembe',
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antik Beyaz',
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Açık Sarı',
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Balsarısı',
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Gök Mavisi',
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Reha Mavi',
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Eflatun',
-		'FFF' : 'Beyaz'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'GirmiÅŸ olduÄŸunuz kelime denetimi',
-		opera_title		: 'Opera tarafından desteklenmemektedir',
-		enable			: 'SCAYT etkinleÅŸtir',
-		disable			: 'SCAYT pasifleÅŸtir',
-		about			: 'SCAYT hakkında',
-		toggle			: 'SCAYT deÄŸiÅŸtir',
-		options			: 'Seçenekler',
-		langs			: 'Diller',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Daha fazla öneri',
-		ignore			: 'Yoksay',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Tümünü Yoksay',
-		addWord			: 'Kelime Ekle',
-		emptyDic		: 'Sözlük adı boş olamaz.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Seçenekler',
-		allCaps			: 'Tüm büyük küçük kelimeleri yoksay',
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Domain adlarını yoksay',
-		mixedCase		: 'Karışık büyüklük ile Sözcükler yoksay',
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Sayılarla Kelimeler yoksay',
-		languagesTab	: 'Diller',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Sözlükler',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Sözlük adı',
-		dic_create		: 'OluÅŸtur',
-		dic_restore		: 'Geri al',
-		dic_delete		: 'Sil',
-		dic_rename		: 'Yeniden adlandır',
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type it\'s name and click the Restore button.',
-		aboutTab		: 'Hakkında'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'CKEditor Hakkında',
-		dlgTitle	: 'CKEditor Hakkında',
-		moreInfo	: 'Lisanslama hakkında daha fazla bilgi almak için lütfen sitemizi ziyaret edin:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Tüm hakları saklıdır.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Büyült',
-	minimize : 'Küçült',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Bağlantı',
-		flash	: 'Flash Animasyonu',
-		div		: 'Sayfa Kesimi',
-		unknown	: 'Bilinmeyen Nesne'
-	},
-	resize : 'Boyutlandırmak için sürükle',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Renk seç',
-		options	:	'Renk Seçenekleri',
-		highlight	: 'Ä°ÅŸaretle',
-		selected	: 'Seçilmiş',
-		clear		: 'Temizle'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Toolbar\'ı topla',
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Toolbar\'ı aç',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+* @fileOverview
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'tr' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Zengin Metin Editörü',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Yardım için ALT 0 tuşuna basın',
+		browseServer: 'Sunucuyu Gez',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Protokol',
+		upload: 'Karşıya Yükle',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Sunucuya Yolla',
+		image: 'Resim',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Form',
+		checkbox: 'Onay Kutusu',
+		radio: 'Seçenek Düğmesi',
+		textField: 'Metin GiriÅŸi',
+		textarea: 'Çok Satırlı Metin',
+		hiddenField: 'Gizli Veri',
+		button: 'Düğme',
+		select: 'Seçim Menüsü',
+		imageButton: 'Resimli Düğme',
+		notSet: '<tanımlanmamış>',
+		id: 'Kimlik',
+		name: 'Ad',
+		langDir: 'Dil Yönü',
+		langDirLtr: 'Soldan SaÄŸa (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'SaÄŸdan Sola (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Dil Kodlaması',
+		longDescr: 'Uzun Tanımlı URL',
+		cssClass: 'Biçem Sayfası Sınıfları',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Danışma Başlığı',
+		cssStyle: 'Biçem',
+		ok: 'Tamam',
+		cancel: 'Ä°ptal',
+		close: 'Kapat',
+		preview: 'Ön gösterim',
+		resize: 'Boyutlandırmak için sürükle',
+		generalTab: 'Genel',
+		advancedTab: 'GeliÅŸmiÅŸ',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Bu değer sayı değildir.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'İceriğiniz kayıt edilmediğinden dolayı kaybolacaktır. Yeni bir sayfa yüklemek istediğinize eminsiniz?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Bazı seçenekler değişmiştir. Dialog penceresini kapatmak istediğinize eminmisiniz?',
+		options: 'Seçenekler',
+		target: 'Hedef',
+		targetNew: 'Yeni Pencere (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Enüst Pencere (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Aynı Pencere (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Ana Pencere (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Soldan SaÄŸa (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'SaÄŸdan Sola (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Stil',
+		cssClasses: 'Stil sayfası Sınıfı',
+		width: 'GeniÅŸlik',
+		height: 'Yükseklik',
+		align: 'Hizalama',
+		alignLeft: 'Sol',
+		alignRight: 'SaÄŸ',
+		alignCenter: 'Merkez',
+		alignTop: 'Tepe',
+		alignMiddle: 'Orta',
+		alignBottom: 'Alt',
+		invalidValue	: 'Geçersiz değer.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Yükseklik sayı olmalıdır.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Genişlik bir sayı olmalıdır.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Belirttiğiniz sayı "%1" alanı için pozitif bir sayı CSS birim değeri olmalıdır (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, veya pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Belirttiğiniz sayı "%1" alanı için pozitif bir sayı HTML birim değeri olmalıdır (px veya %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Noktalı virgülle ayrılmış: "değer adı," inline stil için belirtilen değer biçiminde bir veya daha fazla dizilerden oluşmalıdır.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Pikseller için bir numara girin veya geçerli bir CSS numarası (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, veya pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, hazır değildir</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24c4368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+* @fileOverview 
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'ug' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'rtl',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'تەھرىرلىگۈچ',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'ALT+0 نى بېسىپ ياردەمنى كۆرۈڭ',
+		browseServer: 'كۆرسىتىش مۇلازىمېتىر',
+		url: 'ئەسلى ھۆججەت',
+		protocol: 'كېلىشىم',
+		upload: 'يۈكلە',
+		uploadSubmit: 'مۇلازىمېتىرغا يۈكلە',
+		image: 'سۈرەت',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'جەدۋەل',
+		checkbox: 'كۆپ تاللاش رامكىسى',
+		radio: 'يەككە تاللاش توپچىسى',
+		textField: 'يەككە قۇر تېكىست',
+		textarea: 'كۆپ قۇر تېكىست',
+		hiddenField: 'يوشۇرۇن دائىرە',
+		button: 'توپچا',
+		select: 'تىزىم/تىزىملىك',
+		imageButton: 'سۈرەت دائىرە',
+		notSet: '‹تەڭشەلمىگەن›',
+		id: 'ID',
+		name: 'ئات',
+		langDir: 'تىل يۆنىلىشى',
+		langDirLtr: 'سولدىن ئوڭغا (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'ئوڭدىن سولغا (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'تىل كودى',
+		longDescr: 'تەپسىلىي چۈشەندۈرۈش ئادرېسى',
+		cssClass: 'ئۇسلۇب خىلىنىڭ ئاتى',
+		advisoryTitle: 'ماۋزۇ',
+		cssStyle: 'قۇر ئىچىدىكى ئۇسلۇبى',
+		ok: 'جەزملە',
+		cancel: 'ۋاز كەچ',
+		close: 'تاقا',
+		preview: 'ئالدىن كۆزەت',
+		resize: 'چوڭلۇقىنى ئۆزگەرت',
+		generalTab: 'ئادەتتىكى',
+		advancedTab: 'ئالىي',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'سان پىچىمىدا كىرگۈزۈش زۆرۈر',
+		confirmNewPage: 'نۆۋەتتىكى پۈتۈك مەزمۇنى ساقلانمىدى، يېڭى پۈتۈك قۇرامسىز؟',
+		confirmCancel: 'قىسمەن ئۆزگەرتىش ساقلانمىدى، بۇ سۆزلەشكۈنى تاقامسىز؟',
+		options: 'تاللانما',
+		target: 'نىشان كۆزنەك',
+		targetNew: 'يېڭى كۆزنەك (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'پۈتۈن بەت (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'مەزكۇر كۆزنەك (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'ئاتا كۆزنەك (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'سولدىن ئوڭغا (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'ئوڭدىن سولغا (RTL)',
+		styles: 'ئۇسلۇبلار',
+		cssClasses: 'ئۇسلۇب خىللىرى',
+		width: 'كەڭلىك',
+		height: 'ئېگىزلىك',
+		align: 'توغرىلىنىشى',
+		alignLeft: 'سول',
+		alignRight: 'ئوڭ',
+		alignCenter: 'ئوتتۇرا',
+		alignTop: 'ئۈستى',
+		alignMiddle: 'ئوتتۇرا',
+		alignBottom: 'ئاستى',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'ئېگىزلىك چوقۇم رەقەم پىچىمىدا بولۇشى زۆرۈر',
+		invalidWidth: 'كەڭلىك چوقۇم رەقەم پىچىمىدا بولۇشى زۆرۈر',
+		invalidCssLength: 'بۇ سۆز بۆلىكى چوقۇم مۇۋاپىق بولغان CSS ئۇزۇنلۇق قىممىتى بولۇشى زۆرۈر، بىرلىكى (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt ياكى pc)',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'بۇ سۆز بۆلىكى چوقۇم بىرىكمە HTML ئۇزۇنلۇق قىممىتى بولۇشى كېرەك. ئۆز ئىچىگە ئالىدىغان بىرلىك (px ياكى %)',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'ئىچكى باغلانما ئۇسلۇبى چوقۇم چېكىتلىك پەش بىلەن ئايرىلغان بىر ياكى كۆپ «خاسلىق ئاتى:خاسلىق قىممىتى» پىچىمىدا بولۇشى لازىم',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'بۇ سۆز بۆلىكى بىرىكمە CSS ئۇزۇنلۇق قىممىتى بولۇشى كېرەك. ئۆز ئىچىگە ئالىدىغان بىرلىك (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt ياكى pc)',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class=\\\\"cke_accessibility\\\\">، ئىشلەتكىلى بولمايدۇ</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/uk.js
index be479cd..bb7dd1f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/uk.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/uk.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Ukrainian language. Translated by Alexander Pervak.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['uk'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Джерело',
-	newPage			: 'Нова сторінка',
-	save			: 'Зберегти',
-	preview			: 'Попередній перегляд',
-	cut				: 'Вирізати',
-	copy			: 'Копіювати',
-	paste			: 'Вставити',
-	print			: 'Друк',
-	underline		: 'Підкреслений',
-	bold			: 'Жирний',
-	italic			: 'Курсив',
-	selectAll		: 'Виділити все',
-	removeFormat	: 'Прибрати форматування',
-	strike			: 'Закреслений',
-	subscript		: 'Підрядковий індекс',
-	superscript		: 'Надрядковий индекс',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Вставити горизонтальну лінію',
-	pagebreak		: 'Вставити розривши сторінки',
-	unlink			: 'Знищити посилання',
-	undo			: 'Повернути',
-	redo			: 'Повторити',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Передивитися на сервері',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Протокол',
-		upload			: 'Закачати',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Надіслати на сервер',
-		image			: 'Зображення',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Форма',
-		checkbox		: 'Флагова кнопка',
-		radio			: 'Кнопка вибору',
-		textField		: 'Текстове поле',
-		textarea		: 'Текстова область',
-		hiddenField		: 'Приховане поле',
-		button			: 'Кнопка',
-		select			: 'Список',
-		imageButton		: 'Кнопка із зображенням',
-		notSet			: '<не визначено>',
-		id				: 'Ідентифікатор',
-		name			: 'Им\'я',
-		langDir			: 'Напрямок мови',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Зліва на право (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Зправа на ліво (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Мова',
-		longDescr		: 'Довгий опис URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Клас CSS',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Заголовок',
-		cssStyle		: 'Стиль CSS',
-		ok				: 'ОК',
-		cancel			: 'Скасувати',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: 'Загальна',
-		advancedTab		: 'Розширений',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Значення не є числом.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Всі не збережені зміни будуть втрачені. Ви впевнені, що хочете завантажити нову сторінку?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Деякі опції були змінені. Закрити вікно?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, не доступне</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Вставити спеціальний символ',
-		title		: 'Оберіть спеціальний символ',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Вставити/Редагувати посилання',
-		other 		: '<інший>',
-		menu		: 'Вставити посилання',
-		title		: 'Посилання',
-		info		: 'Інформація посилання',
-		target		: 'Ціль',
-		upload		: 'Закачати',
-		advanced	: 'Розширений',
-		type		: 'Тип посилання',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: 'Якір на цю сторінку',
-		toEmail		: 'Эл. пошта',
-		targetFrame		: '<фрейм>',
-		targetPopup		: '<спливаюче вікно>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Ім\'я целевого фрейма',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Ім\'я спливаючого вікна',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Властивості спливаючого вікна',
-		popupResizable	: 'Масштабоване',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Строка статусу',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Панель локації',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Панель інструментів',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Панель меню',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Повний екран (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Полоси прокрутки',
-		popupDependent	: 'Залежний (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Ширина',
-		popupLeft		: 'Позиція зліва',
-		popupHeight		: 'Висота',
-		popupTop		: 'Позиція зверху',
-		id				: 'Ідентифікатор (Id)',
-		langDir			: 'Напрямок мови',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Зліва на право (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Зправа на ліво (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Гаряча клавіша',
-		name			: 'Им\'я',
-		langCode		: 'Напрямок мови',
-		tabIndex		: 'Послідовність переходу',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Заголовок',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Тип вмісту',
-		cssClasses		: 'Клас CSS',
-		charset			: 'Кодировка',
-		styles			: 'Стиль CSS',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Оберіть якір',
-		anchorName		: 'За ім\'ям якоря',
-		anchorId		: 'За ідентифікатором елемента',
-		emailAddress	: 'Адреса ел. пошти',
-		emailSubject	: 'Тема листа',
-		emailBody		: 'Тіло повідомлення',
-		noAnchors		: '(Немає якорів доступних в цьому документі)',
-		noUrl			: 'Будь ласка, занесіть URL посилання',
-		noEmail			: 'Будь ласка, занесіть адрес эл. почты'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Вставити/Редагувати якір',
-		menu		: 'Властивості якоря',
-		title		: 'Властивості якоря',
-		name		: 'Ім\'я якоря',
-		errorName	: 'Будь ласка, занесіть ім\'я якоря'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Знайти і замінити',
-		find				: 'Пошук',
-		replace				: 'Заміна',
-		findWhat			: 'Шукати:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Замінити на:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Вказаний текст не знайдений.',
-		matchCase			: 'Враховувати регістр',
-		matchWord			: 'Збіг цілих слів',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Циклічна заміна',
-		replaceAll			: 'Замінити все',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 співпадінь(я) замінено.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Таблиця',
-		title		: 'Властивості таблиці',
-		menu		: 'Властивості таблиці',
-		deleteTable	: 'Видалити таблицю',
-		rows		: 'Строки',
-		columns		: 'Колонки',
-		border		: 'Розмір бордюра',
-		align		: 'Вирівнювання',
-		alignLeft	: 'Зліва',
-		alignCenter	: 'По центру',
-		alignRight	: 'Зправа',
-		width		: 'Ширина',
-		widthPx		: 'пікселів',
-		widthPc		: 'відсотків',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: 'Висота',
-		cellSpace	: 'Проміжок (spacing)',
-		cellPad		: 'Відступ (padding)',
-		caption		: 'Заголовок',
-		summary		: 'Резюме',
-		headers		: 'Заголовки',
-		headersNone		: 'Жодного',
-		headersColumn	: 'Перша колонка',
-		headersRow		: 'Перший рядок',
-		headersBoth		: 'Обидва',
-		invalidRows		: 'Кількість рядків повинна бути числом більше за 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Кількість колонок повинна бути числом більше за  0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Розмір бордюра повинен бути числом.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Ширина таблиці повинна бути числом.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Висота таблиці повинна бути числом.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Проміжок (spacing) комірки повинен бути числом.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Відступ (padding) комірки повинен бути числом.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Осередок',
-			insertBefore	: 'Вставити комірку до',
-			insertAfter		: 'Вставити комірку після',
-			deleteCell		: 'Видалити комірки',
-			merge			: 'Об\'єднати комірки',
-			mergeRight		: 'Об\'єднати зправа',
-			mergeDown		: 'Об\'єднати до низу',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Розділити комірку по горизонталі',
-			splitVertical	: 'Розділити комірку по вертикалі',
-			title			: 'Властивості комірки',
-			cellType		: 'Тип комірки',
-			rowSpan			: 'Обєднання рядків (Rows Span)',
-			colSpan			: 'Обєднання стовпчиків (Columns Span)',
-			wordWrap		: 'Авто згортання тексту (Word Wrap)',
-			hAlign			: 'Горизонтальне вирівнювання',
-			vAlign			: 'Вертикальне вирівнювання',
-			alignTop		: 'До верху',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Посередині',
-			alignBottom		: 'До низу',
-			alignBaseline	: 'По базовій лінії',
-			bgColor			: 'Колір фону',
-			borderColor		: 'Колір бордюру',
-			data			: 'Дані',
-			header			: 'Заголовок',
-			yes				: 'Так',
-			no				: 'Ні',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Ширина комірки повинна бути числом.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Висота комірки повинна бути числом.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Кількість обєднуваних рядків повинна бути цілим числом.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Кількість обєднуваних стовпчиків повинна бути цілим числом.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Рядок',
-			insertBefore	: 'Вставити рядок до',
-			insertAfter		: 'Вставити рядок після',
-			deleteRow		: 'Видалити строки'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Колонка',
-			insertBefore	: 'Вставити колонку до',
-			insertAfter		: 'Вставити колонку після',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Видалити колонки'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Властивості кнопки',
-		text		: 'Текст (Значення)',
-		type		: 'Тип',
-		typeBtn		: 'Кнопка',
-		typeSbm		: 'Відправити',
-		typeRst		: 'Скинути'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Властивості флагової кнопки',
-		radioTitle	: 'Властивості кнопки вибору',
-		value		: 'Значення',
-		selected	: 'Обрана'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Властивості форми',
-		menu		: 'Властивості форми',
-		action		: 'Дія',
-		method		: 'Метод',
-		encoding	: 'Кодування'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Властивості списку',
-		selectInfo	: 'Інфо',
-		opAvail		: 'Доступні варіанти',
-		value		: 'Значення',
-		size		: 'Розмір',
-		lines		: 'лінії',
-		chkMulti	: 'Дозволити обрання декількох позицій',
-		opText		: 'Текст',
-		opValue		: 'Значення',
-		btnAdd		: 'Добавити',
-		btnModify	: 'Змінити',
-		btnUp		: 'Вгору',
-		btnDown		: 'Вниз',
-		btnSetValue : 'Встановити як вибране значення',
-		btnDelete	: 'Видалити'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Властивості текстової області',
-		cols		: 'Колонки',
-		rows		: 'Строки'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Властивості текстового поля',
-		name		: 'Ім\'я',
-		value		: 'Значення',
-		charWidth	: 'Ширина',
-		maxChars	: 'Макс. кіл-ть символів',
-		type		: 'Тип',
-		typeText	: 'Текст',
-		typePass	: 'Пароль'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Властивості прихованого поля',
-		name	: 'Ім\'я',
-		value	: 'Значення'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Властивості зображення',
-		titleButton	: 'Властивості кнопки із зображенням',
-		menu		: 'Властивості зображення',
-		infoTab		: 'Інформація про изображении',
-		btnUpload	: 'Надіслати на сервер',
-		upload		: 'Закачати',
-		alt			: 'Альтернативний текст',
-		width		: 'Ширина',
-		height		: 'Висота',
-		lockRatio	: 'Зберегти пропорції',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: 'Скинути розмір',
-		border		: 'Бордюр',
-		hSpace		: 'Горизонтальний відступ',
-		vSpace		: 'Вертикальний відступ',
-		align		: 'Вирівнювання',
-		alignLeft	: 'По лівому краю',
-		alignRight	: 'По правому краю',
-		alertUrl	: 'Будь ласка, введіть URL зображення',
-		linkTab		: 'Посилання',
-		button2Img	: 'Ви хочете перетворити обрану кнопку-зображення на просте зображення?',
-		img2Button	: 'Ви хочете перетворити обране зображення на кнопку-зображення?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Властивості Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Властивості',
-		title			: 'Властивості Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Авто програвання',
-		chkLoop			: 'Зациклити',
-		chkMenu			: 'Дозволити меню Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Дозволити повноекранний перегляд',
- 		scale			: 'Масштаб',
-		scaleAll		: 'Показати всі',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Без рамки',
-		scaleFit		: 'Дійсний розмір',
-		access			: 'Доступ до скрипта',
-		accessAlways	: 'Завжди',
-		accessSameDomain: 'З того ж домена',
-		accessNever		: 'Ніколи',
-		align			: 'Вирівнювання',
-		alignLeft		: 'По лівому краю',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Абс по низу',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Абс по середині',
-		alignBaseline	: 'По базовій лінії',
-		alignBottom		: 'По низу',
-		alignMiddle		: 'По середині',
-		alignRight		: 'По правому краю',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Текст на верху',
-		alignTop		: 'По верху',
-		quality			: 'Якість',
-		qualityBest		: 'Відмінна',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Висока',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Авто відмінна',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Середня',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Авто низька',
-		qualityLow		: 'Низька',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Вікно',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Непрозорість (Opaque)',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Прозорість (Transparent)',
-		windowMode		: 'Режим вікна',
-		flashvars		: 'Змінні Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Колір фону',
-		width			: 'Ширина',
-		height			: 'Висота',
-		hSpace			: 'Горизонтальний відступ',
-		vSpace			: 'Вертикальний відступ',
-		validateSrc		: 'Будь ласка, занесіть URL посилання',
-		validateWidth	: 'Ширина повинна бути числом.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Висота повинна бути числом.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace повинна бути числом.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace повинна бути числом.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Перевірити орфографію',
-		title			: 'Перевірка орфографії',
-		notAvailable	: 'Вибачте, але сервіс наразі недоступний.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Помилка завантаження : %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Не має в словнику',
-		changeTo		: 'Замінити на',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Ігнорувати',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Ігнорувати все',
-		btnReplace		: 'Замінити',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Замінити все',
-		btnUndo			: 'Назад',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Немає припущень -',
-		progress		: 'Виконується перевірка орфографії...',
-		noMispell		: 'Перевірку орфографії завершено: помилок не знайдено',
-		noChanges		: 'Перевірку орфографії завершено: жодне слово не змінено',
-		oneChange		: 'Перевірку орфографії завершено: змінено одно слово',
-		manyChanges		: 'Перевірку орфографії завершено: 1% слів змінено',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Модуль перевірки орфографії не встановлено. Бажаєтн завантажити його зараз?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Смайлик',
-		title	: 'Вставити смайлик',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 елемент'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Нумерований список',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Маркований список',
-	indent			: 'Збільшити відступ',
-	outdent			: 'Зменшити відступ',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'По лівому краю',
-		center	: 'По центру',
-		right	: 'По правому краю',
-		block	: 'По ширині'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Цитата',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Вставити',
-		cutError	: 'Настройки безпеки вашого браузера не дозволяють редактору автоматично виконувати операції вирізування. Будь ласка, використовуйте клавіатуру для цього (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Настройки безпеки вашого браузера не дозволяють редактору автоматично виконувати операції копіювання. Будь ласка, використовуйте клавіатуру для цього (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Будь ласка, вставте з буфера обміну в цю область, користуючись комбінацією клавіш (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) та натисніть <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Редактор не може отримати прямий доступ до буферу обміну у зв\'язку з налаштуваннями вашого браузера. Вам потрібно вставити інформацію повторно в це вікно.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Текст, що ви хочете вставити, схожий на копійований з Word. Ви хочете очистити його перед вставкою?',
-		toolbar			: 'Вставити з Word',
-		title			: 'Вставити з Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Вставити тільки текст',
-		title	: 'Вставити тільки текст'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Шаблони',
-		title			: 'Шаблони змісту',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: 'Замінити поточний вміст',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Оберіть, будь ласка, шаблон для відкриття в редакторі<br>(поточний зміст буде втрачено):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Не визначено жодного шаблону)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Показувати блоки',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Стиль',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: 'Block стилі',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Inline стилі',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Object стилі'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Форматування',
-		panelTitle	: 'Форматування',
-		tag_p		: 'Нормальний',
-		tag_pre		: 'Форматований',
-		tag_address	: 'Адреса',
-		tag_h1		: 'Заголовок 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Заголовок 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Заголовок 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Заголовок 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Заголовок 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Заголовок 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Нормальний (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Шрифт',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Шрифт',
-		panelTitle	: 'Шрифт'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Розмір',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Розмір шрифта',
-		panelTitle	: 'Розмір'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Колір тексту',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Колір фону',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: 'Автоматичний',
-		more			: 'Кольори...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Перефірка орфографії по мірі набору',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: 'Включити SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'Відключити SCAYT',
-		about			: 'Про SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'Перемкнути SCAYT',
-		options			: 'Опції',
-		langs			: 'Мови',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Більше пропозицій',
-		ignore			: 'Ігнорувати',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Ігнорувати всі',
-		addWord			: 'Додати слово',
-		emptyDic		: 'Назва словника повинна бути заповнена.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Опції',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: 'Мови',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Словники',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'Про'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'Про CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'Про CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'Щодо інформації з ліцензування завітайте до нашого сайту:',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. Всі права застережено.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Максимізувати',
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Якір',
-		flash	: 'Flash анімація',
-		div		: 'Розрив сторінки',
-		unknown	: 'Невідомий об`єкт'
-	},
-	resize : 'Пересувайте для зміни розміру',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Ukrainian language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'uk' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Текстовий редактор',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'натисніть ALT 0 для довідки',
+		browseServer: 'Огляд',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Протокол',
+		upload: 'Надіслати',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Надіслати на сервер',
+		image: 'Зображення',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Форма',
+		checkbox: 'Галочка',
+		radio: 'Кнопка вибору',
+		textField: 'Текстове поле',
+		textarea: 'Текстова область',
+		hiddenField: 'Приховане поле',
+		button: 'Кнопка',
+		select: 'Список',
+		imageButton: 'Кнопка із зображенням',
+		notSet: '<не визначено>',
+		id: 'Ідентифікатор',
+		name: 'Ім\'я',
+		langDir: 'Напрямок мови',
+		langDirLtr: 'Зліва направо (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Справа наліво (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Код мови',
+		longDescr: 'Довгий опис URL',
+		cssClass: 'Клас CSS',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Заголовок',
+		cssStyle: 'Стиль CSS',
+		ok: 'ОК',
+		cancel: 'Скасувати',
+		close: 'Закрити',
+		preview: 'Попередній перегляд',
+		resize: 'Потягніть для зміни розмірів',
+		generalTab: 'Основне',
+		advancedTab: 'Додаткове',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Значення не є цілим числом.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Всі незбережені зміни будуть втрачені. Ви впевнені, що хочете завантажити нову сторінку?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Деякі опції змінено. Закрити вікно без збереження змін?',
+		options: 'Опції',
+		target: 'Ціль',
+		targetNew: 'Нове вікно (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Поточне вікно (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Поточний фрейм/вікно (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Батьківський фрейм/вікно (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Зліва направо (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Справа наліво (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Стиль CSS',
+		cssClasses: 'Клас CSS',
+		width: 'Ширина',
+		height: 'Висота',
+		align: 'Вирівнювання',
+		alignLeft: 'По лівому краю',
+		alignRight: 'По правому краю',
+		alignCenter: 'По центру',
+		alignTop: 'По верхньому краю',
+		alignMiddle: 'По середині',
+		alignBottom: 'По нижньому краю',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Висота повинна бути цілим числом.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Ширина повинна бути цілим числом.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Значення, вказане для "%1" в полі повинно бути позитивним числом або без дійсного виміру CSS блоку (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Значення, вказане для "%1" в полі повинно бути позитивним числом або без дійсного виміру HTML блоку (px or %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Значення, вказане для вбудованого стилю повинне складатися з одного чи кількох кортежів у форматі "ім\'я : значення", розділених крапкою з комою.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Введіть номер значення в пікселях або число з дійсною одиниці CSS (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, не доступне</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/vi.js
index f569ba9..cacec58 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/vi.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/vi.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Vietnamese language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['vi'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Bộ soạn thảo, %1, nhấn ALT + 0 để xem hướng dẫn.',
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Thanh công cụ',
-	editor	: 'Bộ soạn thảo',
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: 'Mã HTML',
-	newPage			: 'Trang má»›i',
-	save			: 'LÆ°u',
-	preview			: 'Xem trÆ°á»›c',
-	cut				: 'Cắt',
-	copy			: 'Sao chép',
-	paste			: 'Dán',
-	print			: 'In',
-	underline		: 'Gạch chân',
-	bold			: 'Đậm',
-	italic			: 'Nghiêng',
-	selectAll		: 'Chọn tất cả',
-	removeFormat	: 'Xoá định dạng',
-	strike			: 'Gạch xuyên ngang',
-	subscript		: 'Chỉ số dưới',
-	superscript		: 'Chỉ số trên',
-	horizontalrule	: 'Chèn đường phân cách ngang',
-	pagebreak		: 'Chèn ngắt trang',
-	unlink			: 'Xoá liên kết',
-	undo			: 'Khôi phục thao tác',
-	redo			: 'Làm lại thao tác',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: 'Duyệt trên máy chủ',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: 'Giao thức',
-		upload			: 'Tải lên',
-		uploadSubmit	: 'Tải lên máy chủ',
-		image			: 'Hình ảnh',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: 'Biểu mẫu',
-		checkbox		: 'Nút kiểm',
-		radio			: 'Nút chọn',
-		textField		: 'Trường văn bản',
-		textarea		: 'Vùng văn bản',
-		hiddenField		: 'Trường ẩn',
-		button			: 'Nút',
-		select			: 'Ô chọn',
-		imageButton		: 'Nút hình ảnh',
-		notSet			: '<không thiết lập>',
-		id				: 'Định danh',
-		name			: 'Tên',
-		langDir			: 'Hướng ngôn ngữ',
-		langDirLtr		: 'Trái sang phải (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: 'Phải sang trái (RTL)',
-		langCode		: 'Mã ngôn ngữ',
-		longDescr		: 'Mô tả URL',
-		cssClass		: 'Lá»›p Stylesheet',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Nhan đề hướng dẫn',
-		cssStyle		: 'Kiểu (style)',
-		ok				: 'Đồng ý',
-		cancel			: 'Bỏ qua',
-		close			: 'Đóng',
-		preview			: 'Xem trÆ°á»›c',
-		generalTab		: 'Tab chung',
-		advancedTab		: 'Tab mở rộng',
-		validateNumberFailed : 'Giá trị này không phải là số.',
-		confirmNewPage	: 'Mọi thay đổi không được lưu lại, nội dung này sẽ bị mất. Bạn có chắc chắn muốn tải một trang mới?',
-		confirmCancel	: 'Một vài tùy chọn đã bị thay đổi. Bạn có chắc chắn muốn đóng hộp thoại?',
-		options			: 'Tùy chọn',
-		target			: 'Đích đến',
-		targetNew		: 'Cửa sổ mới (_blank)',
-		targetTop		: 'Cửa sổ trên cùng (_top)',
-		targetSelf		: 'Tại trang (_self)',
-		targetParent	: 'Cửa sổ cha (_parent)',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, không có</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Tùy chọn menu bổ xung'
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Chèn ký tự đặc biệt',
-		title		: 'Hãy chọn ký tự đặc biệt',
-		options : 'Tùy chọn các ký tự đặc biệt'
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Chèn/Sửa liên kết',
-		other 		: '<khác>',
-		menu		: 'Sửa liên kết',
-		title		: 'Liên kết',
-		info		: 'Thông tin liên kết',
-		target		: 'Đích',
-		upload		: 'Tải lên',
-		advanced	: 'Mở rộng',
-		type		: 'Kiểu liên kết',
-		toUrl		: 'URL',
-		toAnchor	: 'Neo trong trang này',
-		toEmail		: 'Thư điện tử',
-		targetFrame		: '<khung>',
-		targetPopup		: '<cửa sổ popup>',
-		targetFrameName	: 'Tên khung đích',
-		targetPopupName	: 'Tên cửa sổ Popup',
-		popupFeatures	: 'Đặc điểm của cửa sổ Popup',
-		popupResizable	: 'Có thể thay đổi kích cỡ',
-		popupStatusBar	: 'Thanh trạng thái',
-		popupLocationBar: 'Thanh vị trí',
-		popupToolbar	: 'Thanh công cụ',
-		popupMenuBar	: 'Thanh Menu',
-		popupFullScreen	: 'Toàn màn hình (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: 'Thanh cuá»™n',
-		popupDependent	: 'Phụ thuộc (Netscape)',
-		popupWidth		: 'Rá»™ng',
-		popupLeft		: 'Vị trí bên trái',
-		popupHeight		: 'Cao',
-		popupTop		: 'Vị trí phía trên',
-		id				: 'Định danh',
-		langDir			: 'Hướng ngôn ngữ',
-		langDirLTR		: 'Trái sang phải (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: 'Phải sang trái (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: 'Phím hỗ trợ truy cập',
-		name			: 'Tên',
-		langCode		: 'Mã ngôn ngữ',
-		tabIndex		: 'Chỉ số của Tab',
-		advisoryTitle	: 'Nhan đề hướng dẫn',
-		advisoryContentType	: 'Nội dung hướng dẫn',
-		cssClasses		: 'Lá»›p Stylesheet',
-		charset			: 'Bảng mã của tài nguyên được liên kết đến',
-		styles			: 'Kiểu (style)',
-		selectAnchor	: 'Chọn một điểm neo',
-		anchorName		: 'Theo tên điểm neo',
-		anchorId		: 'Theo định danh thành phần',
-		emailAddress	: 'Thư điện tử',
-		emailSubject	: 'Tiêu đề thông điệp',
-		emailBody		: 'Nội dung thông điệp',
-		noAnchors		: '(Không có điểm neo nào trong tài liệu)',
-		noUrl			: 'Hãy đưa vào đường dẫn liên kết (URL)',
-		noEmail			: 'Hãy đưa vào địa chỉ thư điện tử'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Chèn/Sửa điểm neo',
-		menu		: 'Thuộc tính điểm neo',
-		title		: 'Thuộc tính điểm neo',
-		name		: 'Tên của điểm neo',
-		errorName	: 'Hãy nhập vào tên của điểm neo'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Thuộc tính danh sách có thứ tự',
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Thuộc tính danh sách không thứ tự',
-		type				: 'Kiểu loại',
-		start				: 'Bắt đầu',
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Khuyên tròn',
-		disc				: 'Hình đĩa',
-		square				: 'Hình vuông',
-		none				: 'Không gì cả',
-		notset				: '<không thiết lập>',
-		armenian			: 'Số theo kiểu Armenian',
-		georgian			: 'Số theo kiểu Georgian (an, ban, gan...)',
-		lowerRoman			: 'Số La Mã kiểu thường (i, ii, iii, iv, v...)',
-		upperRoman			: 'Số La Mã kiểu HOA (I, II, III, IV, V...)',
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Kiểu abc thường (a, b, c, d, e...)',
-		upperAlpha			: 'Kiểu ABC HOA (A, B, C, D, E...)',
-		lowerGreek			: 'Kiểu Hy Lạp (alpha, beta, gamma...)',
-		decimal				: 'Kiểu số (1, 2, 3 ...)',
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Kiểu số (01, 02, 03...)'
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: 'Tìm kiếm và thay thế',
-		find				: 'Tìm kiếm',
-		replace				: 'Thay thế',
-		findWhat			: 'Tìm chuỗi:',
-		replaceWith			: 'Thay bằng:',
-		notFoundMsg			: 'Không tìm thấy chuỗi cần tìm.',
-		matchCase			: 'Phân biệt chữ hoa/thường',
-		matchWord			: 'Giống toàn bộ từ',
-		matchCyclic			: 'Giống một phần',
-		replaceAll			: 'Thay thế tất cả',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '%1 vị trí đã được thay thế.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: 'Bảng',
-		title		: 'Thuộc tính bảng',
-		menu		: 'Thuộc tính bảng',
-		deleteTable	: 'Xóa bảng',
-		rows		: 'Số hàng',
-		columns		: 'Số cột',
-		border		: 'Kích thước đường viền',
-		align		: 'Canh lề',
-		alignLeft	: 'Trái',
-		alignCenter	: 'Giữa',
-		alignRight	: 'Phải',
-		width		: 'Rá»™ng',
-		widthPx		: 'Điểm ảnh (px)',
-		widthPc		: 'Phần trăm (%)',
-		widthUnit	: 'Đơn vị',
-		height		: 'Chiều cao',
-		cellSpace	: 'Khoảng cách giữa các ô',
-		cellPad		: 'Khoảng đệm giữ ô và nội dung',
-		caption		: 'Đầu đề',
-		summary		: 'Tóm lược',
-		headers		: 'Đầu đề',
-		headersNone		: 'Không có',
-		headersColumn	: 'Cột đầu tiên',
-		headersRow		: 'Hàng đầu tiên',
-		headersBoth		: 'Cả hai',
-		invalidRows		: 'Số lượng hàng phải là một số lớn hơn 0.',
-		invalidCols		: 'Số lượng cột phải là một số lớn hơn 0.',
-		invalidBorder	: 'Kích cỡ của đường biên phải là một số nguyên.',
-		invalidWidth	: 'Chiều rộng của bảng phải là một số nguyên.',
-		invalidHeight	: 'Chiều cao của bảng phải là một số nguyên.',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: 'Khoảng cách giữa các ô phải là một số nguyên.',
-		invalidCellPadding	: 'Khoảng đệm giữa ô và nội dung phải là một số nguyên.',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Ô',
-			insertBefore	: 'Chèn ô Phía trước',
-			insertAfter		: 'Chèn ô Phía sau',
-			deleteCell		: 'Xoá ô',
-			merge			: 'Kết hợp ô',
-			mergeRight		: 'Kết hợp sang phải',
-			mergeDown		: 'Kết hợp xuống dưới',
-			splitHorizontal	: 'Phân tách ô theo chiều ngang',
-			splitVertical	: 'Phân tách ô theo chiều dọc',
-			title			: 'Thuộc tính của ô',
-			cellType		: 'Kiểu của ô',
-			rowSpan			: 'Kết hợp hàng',
-			colSpan			: 'Kết hợp cột',
-			wordWrap		: 'Chữ liền hàng',
-			hAlign			: 'Canh lề ngang',
-			vAlign			: 'Canh lề dọc',
-			alignTop		: 'Trên cùng',
-			alignMiddle		: 'Chính giữa',
-			alignBottom		: 'Dưới cùng',
-			alignBaseline	: 'Đường cơ sở',
-			bgColor			: 'Màu nền',
-			borderColor		: 'Màu viền',
-			data			: 'Dữ liệu',
-			header			: 'Đầu đề',
-			yes				: 'Có',
-			no				: 'Không',
-			invalidWidth	: 'Chiều rộng của ô phải là một số nguyên.',
-			invalidHeight	: 'Chiều cao của ô phải là một số nguyên.',
-			invalidRowSpan	: 'Số hàng kết hợp phải là một số nguyên.',
-			invalidColSpan	: 'Số cột kết hợp phải là một số nguyên.',
-			chooseColor		: 'Chọn màu'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Hàng',
-			insertBefore	: 'Chèn hàng phía trước',
-			insertAfter		: 'Chèn hàng phía sau',
-			deleteRow		: 'Xoá hàng'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: 'Cá»™t',
-			insertBefore	: 'Chèn cột phía trước',
-			insertAfter		: 'Chèn cột phía sau',
-			deleteColumn	: 'Xoá cột'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: 'Thuộc tính của nút',
-		text		: 'Chuỗi hiển thị (giá trị)',
-		type		: 'Kiểu',
-		typeBtn		: 'Nút bấm',
-		typeSbm		: 'Nút gửi',
-		typeRst		: 'Nút nhập lại'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : 'Thuộc tính nút kiểm',
-		radioTitle	: 'Thuộc tính nút chọn',
-		value		: 'Giá trị',
-		selected	: 'Được chọn'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: 'Thuộc tính biểu mẫu',
-		menu		: 'Thuộc tính biểu mẫu',
-		action		: 'Hành động',
-		method		: 'Phương thức',
-		encoding	: 'Bảng mã'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: 'Thuộc tính ô chọn',
-		selectInfo	: 'Thông tin',
-		opAvail		: 'Các tùy chọn có thể sử dụng',
-		value		: 'Giá trị',
-		size		: 'Kích cỡ',
-		lines		: 'dòng',
-		chkMulti	: 'Cho phép chọn nhiều',
-		opText		: 'Văn bản',
-		opValue		: 'Giá trị',
-		btnAdd		: 'Thêm',
-		btnModify	: 'Thay đổi',
-		btnUp		: 'Lên',
-		btnDown		: 'Xuống',
-		btnSetValue : 'Giá trị được chọn',
-		btnDelete	: 'Nút xoá'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: 'Thuộc tính vùng văn bản',
-		cols		: 'Số cột',
-		rows		: 'Số hàng'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: 'Thuộc tính trường văn bản',
-		name		: 'Tên',
-		value		: 'Giá trị',
-		charWidth	: 'Độ rộng của ký tự',
-		maxChars	: 'Số ký tự tối đa',
-		type		: 'Kiểu',
-		typeText	: 'Ký tự',
-		typePass	: 'Mật khẩu'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: 'Thuộc tính trường ẩn',
-		name	: 'Tên',
-		value	: 'Giá trị'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: 'Thuộc tính của ảnh',
-		titleButton	: 'Thuộc tính nút của ảnh',
-		menu		: 'Thuộc tính của ảnh',
-		infoTab		: 'Thông tin của ảnh',
-		btnUpload	: 'Tải lên máy chủ',
-		upload		: 'Tải lên',
-		alt			: 'Chú thích ảnh',
-		width		: 'Chiều rộng',
-		height		: 'chiều cao',
-		lockRatio	: 'Giữ nguyên tỷ lệ',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Phá bỏ tỷ lệ',
-		resetSize	: 'Kích thước gốc',
-		border		: 'Đường viền',
-		hSpace		: 'Khoảng đệm ngang',
-		vSpace		: 'Khoảng đệm dọc',
-		align		: 'Vị trí',
-		alignLeft	: 'Bên trái',
-		alignRight	: 'Bên phải',
-		alertUrl	: 'Hãy đưa vào đường dẫn của ảnh',
-		linkTab		: 'Tab liên kết',
-		button2Img	: 'Bạn có muốn chuyển nút bấm bằng ảnh được chọn thành ảnh?',
-		img2Button	: 'Bạn có muốn chuyển đổi ảnh được chọn thành nút bấm bằng ảnh?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Thiếu đường dẫn hình ảnh',
-		validateWidth	: 'Chiều rộng của ảnh phải là một số nguyên dương',
-		validateHeight	: 'Chiều cao của ảnh phải là một số nguyên dương',
-		validateBorder	: 'Chiều rộng của đường viền phải là một số nguyên dương',
-		validateHSpace	: 'Khoảng đệm ngang phải là một số nguyên dương',
-		validateVSpace	: 'Khoảng đệm dọc phải là một số nguyên dương'
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Thuộc tính Flash',
-		propertiesTab	: 'Thuộc tính',
-		title			: 'Thuộc tính Flash',
-		chkPlay			: 'Tự động chạy',
-		chkLoop			: 'Lặp',
-		chkMenu			: 'Cho phép bật menu của Flash',
-		chkFull			: 'Cho phép toàn màn hình',
- 		scale			: 'Tỷ lệ',
-		scaleAll		: 'Hiển thị tất cả',
-		scaleNoBorder	: 'Không đường viền',
-		scaleFit		: 'Vừa vặn',
-		access			: 'Truy cập mã',
-		accessAlways	: 'Luôn luôn',
-		accessSameDomain: 'Cùng tên miền',
-		accessNever		: 'Không bao giờ',
-		align			: 'Vị trí',
-		alignLeft		: 'Trái',
-		alignAbsBottom	: 'Dưới tuyệt đối',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: 'Giữa tuyệt đối',
-		alignBaseline	: 'Đường cơ sở',
-		alignBottom		: 'DÆ°á»›i',
-		alignMiddle		: 'Giữa',
-		alignRight		: 'Phải',
-		alignTextTop	: 'Phía trên chữ',
-		alignTop		: 'Trên',
-		quality			: 'Chất lượng',
-		qualityBest		: 'Tốt nhất',
-		qualityHigh		: 'Cao',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: 'Cao tá»± Ä‘á»™ng',
-		qualityMedium	: 'Trung bình',
-		qualityAutoLow	: 'Thấp tự động',
-		qualityLow		: 'Thấp',
-		windowModeWindow: 'Cửa sổ',
-		windowModeOpaque: 'Mờ đục',
-		windowModeTransparent : 'Trong suốt',
-		windowMode		: 'Chế độ cửa sổ',
-		flashvars		: 'Các biến số dành cho Flash',
-		bgcolor			: 'Màu nền',
-		width			: 'Rá»™ng',
-		height			: 'Cao',
-		hSpace			: 'Khoảng đệm ngang',
-		vSpace			: 'Khoảng đệm dọc',
-		validateSrc		: 'Hãy đưa vào đường dẫn liên kết',
-		validateWidth	: 'Chiều rộng phải là số nguyên.',
-		validateHeight	: 'Chiều cao phải là số nguyên.',
-		validateHSpace	: 'Khoảng đệm ngang phải là số nguyên.',
-		validateVSpace	: 'Khoảng đệm dọc phải là số nguyên.'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: 'Kiểm tra chính tả',
-		title			: 'Kiểm tra chính tả',
-		notAvailable	: 'Xin lỗi, dịch vụ này hiện tại không có.',
-		errorLoading	: 'Lỗi khi đang nạp dịch vụ ứng dụng: %s.',
-		notInDic		: 'Không có trong từ điển',
-		changeTo		: 'Chuyển thành',
-		btnIgnore		: 'Bỏ qua',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: 'Bỏ qua tất cả',
-		btnReplace		: 'Thay thế',
-		btnReplaceAll	: 'Thay thế tất cả',
-		btnUndo			: 'Phục hồi lại',
-		noSuggestions	: '- Không đưa ra gợi ý về từ -',
-		progress		: 'Đang tiến hành kiểm tra chính tả...',
-		noMispell		: 'Hoàn tất kiểm tra chính tả: Không có lỗi chính tả',
-		noChanges		: 'Hoàn tất kiểm tra chính tả: Không có từ nào được thay đổi',
-		oneChange		: 'Hoàn tất kiểm tra chính tả: Một từ đã được thay đổi',
-		manyChanges		: 'Hoàn tất kiểm tra chính tả: %1 từ đã được thay đổi',
-		ieSpellDownload	: 'Chức năng kiểm tra chính tả chưa được cài đặt. Bạn có muốn tải về ngay bây giờ?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: 'Hình biểu lộ cảm xúc (mặt cười)',
-		title	: 'Chèn hình biểu lộ cảm xúc (mặt cười)',
-		options : 'Tùy chọn hình  biểu lộ cảm xúc'
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Nhãn thành phần',
-		eleTitle : '%1 thành phần'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: 'Danh sách có thứ tự',
-	bulletedlist	: 'Danh sách không thứ tự',
-	indent			: 'Dịch vào trong',
-	outdent			: 'Dịch ra ngoài',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: 'Canh trái',
-		center	: 'Canh giữa',
-		right	: 'Canh phải',
-		block	: 'Canh đều'
-	},
-	blockquote : 'Khối trích dẫn',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: 'Dán',
-		cutError	: 'Các thiết lập bảo mật của trình duyệt không cho phép trình biên tập tự động thực thi lệnh cắt. Hãy sử dụng bàn phím cho lệnh này (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
-		copyError	: 'Các thiết lập bảo mật của trình duyệt không cho phép trình biên tập tự động thực thi lệnh sao chép. Hãy sử dụng bàn phím cho lệnh này (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
-		pasteMsg	: 'Hãy dán nội dung vào trong khung bên dưới, sử dụng tổ hợp phím (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) và nhấn vào nút <STRONG>Đồng ý</STRONG>.',
-		securityMsg	: 'Do thiết lập bảo mật của trình duyệt nên trình biên tập không thể truy cập trực tiếp vào nội dung đã sao chép. Bạn cần phải dán lại nội dung vào cửa sổ này.',
-		pasteArea	: 'Khu vực dán'
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: 'Văn bản bạn muốn dán có kèm định dạng của Word. Bạn có muốn loại bỏ định dạng Word trước khi dán?',
-		toolbar			: 'Dán với định dạng Word',
-		title			: 'Dán với định dạng Word',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: 'Dán theo định dạng văn bản thuần',
-		title	: 'Dán theo định dạng văn bản thuần'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: 'Mẫu dựng sẵn',
-		title			: 'Nội dung Mẫu dựng sẵn',
-		options : 'Tùy chọn mẫu dựng sẵn',
-		insertOption	: 'Thay thế nội dung hiện tại',
-		selectPromptMsg	: 'Hãy chọn mẫu dựng sẵn để mở trong trình biên tập<br>(nội dung hiện tại sẽ bị mất):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(Không có mẫu dựng sẵn nào được định nghĩa)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : 'Hiển thị các khối',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: 'Kiểu',
-		panelTitle	: 'Phong cách định dạng',
-		panelTitle1	: 'Kiểu khối',
-		panelTitle2	: 'Kiểu trực tiếp',
-		panelTitle3	: 'Kiểu đối tượng'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: 'Định dạng',
-		panelTitle	: 'Định dạng',
-		tag_p		: 'Bình thường (P)',
-		tag_pre		: 'Đã thiết lập',
-		tag_address	: 'Address',
-		tag_h1		: 'Heading 1',
-		tag_h2		: 'Heading 2',
-		tag_h3		: 'Heading 3',
-		tag_h4		: 'Heading 4',
-		tag_h5		: 'Heading 5',
-		tag_h6		: 'Heading 6',
-		tag_div		: 'Bình thường (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Tạo khối các thành phần',
-		toolbar				: 'Tạo khối các thành phần',
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Các lớp CSS',
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Kiểu (style)',
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Định danh (id)',
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: 'Mã ngôn ngữ',
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Kiểu nội dòng',
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Nhan đề hướng dẫn',
-		langDirLabel		: 'Hướng ngôn ngữ',
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Trái sang phải (LTR)',
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Phải qua trái (RTL)',
-		edit				: 'Chỉnh sửa',
-		remove				: 'Xóa bỏ'
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'Phông',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Phông',
-		panelTitle	: 'Phông'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: 'Cỡ chữ',
-		voiceLabel	: 'Kích cỡ phông',
-		panelTitle	: 'Cỡ chữ'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: 'Màu chữ',
-		bgColorTitle	: 'Màu nền',
-		panelTitle		: 'Màu sắc',
-		auto			: 'Tá»± Ä‘á»™ng',
-		more			: 'Màu khác...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: 'Kiểm tra chính tả ngay khi gõ chữ (SCAYT)',
-		opera_title		: 'Không hỗ trợ trên trình duyệt Opera',
-		enable			: 'Bật SCAYT',
-		disable			: 'Tắt SCAYT',
-		about			: 'Thông tin về SCAYT',
-		toggle			: 'Bật tắt SCAYT',
-		options			: 'Tùy chọn',
-		langs			: 'Ngôn ngữ',
-		moreSuggestions	: 'Đề xuất thêm',
-		ignore			: 'Bỏ qua',
-		ignoreAll		: 'Bỏ qua tất cả',
-		addWord			: 'Thêm từ',
-		emptyDic		: 'Tên của từ điển không được để trống.',
-		optionsTab		: 'Tùy chọn',
-		allCaps			: 'Không phân biệt chữ HOA chữ thường',
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Bỏ qua tên miền',
-		mixedCase		: 'Không phân biệt loại chữ',
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Không phân biệt chữ và số',
-		languagesTab	: 'Tab ngôn ngữ',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'Từ điển',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Tên từ điển',
-		dic_create		: 'Tạo',
-		dic_restore		: 'Phục hồi',
-		dic_delete		: 'Xóa',
-		dic_rename		: 'Thay tên',
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: 'Thông tin'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: 'Thông tin về CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: 'Thông tin về CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: 'Vui lòng ghé thăm trang web của chúng tôi để có thông tin về giấy phép:',
-		copy		: 'Bản quyền © $1. Giữ toàn quyền.'
-	},
-	maximize : 'Phóng to tối đa',
-	minimize : 'Thu nhỏ',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: 'Điểm neo',
-		flash	: 'Flash',
-		div		: 'Ngắt trang',
-		unknown	: 'Đối tượng không rõ ràng'
-	},
-	resize : 'Kéo rê để thay đổi kích cỡ',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Chọn màu',
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Màu chọn',
-		selected	: 'Màu đã chọn',
-		clear		: 'Xóa bỏ'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Thu gọn thanh công cụ',
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Mở rộng thnah công cụ',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Vietnamese language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'vi' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: 'Bộ soạn thảo',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: 'Nhấn ALT + 0 để được giúp đỡ',
+		browseServer: 'Duyệt trên máy chủ',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: 'Giao thức',
+		upload: 'Tải lên',
+		uploadSubmit: 'Tải lên máy chủ',
+		image: 'Hình ảnh',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: 'Biểu mẫu',
+		checkbox: 'Nút kiểm',
+		radio: 'Nút chọn',
+		textField: 'Trường văn bản',
+		textarea: 'Vùng văn bản',
+		hiddenField: 'Trường ẩn',
+		button: 'Nút',
+		select: 'Ô chọn',
+		imageButton: 'Nút hình ảnh',
+		notSet: '<không thiết lập>',
+		id: 'Định danh',
+		name: 'Tên',
+		langDir: 'Hướng ngôn ngữ',
+		langDirLtr: 'Trái sang phải (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: 'Phải sang trái (RTL)',
+		langCode: 'Mã ngôn ngữ',
+		longDescr: 'Mô tả URL',
+		cssClass: 'Lá»›p Stylesheet',
+		advisoryTitle: 'Nhan đề hướng dẫn',
+		cssStyle: 'Kiểu (style)',
+		ok: 'Đồng ý',
+		cancel: 'Bỏ qua',
+		close: 'Đóng',
+		preview: 'Xem trÆ°á»›c',
+		resize: 'Kéo rê để thay đổi kích cỡ',
+		generalTab: 'Tab chung',
+		advancedTab: 'Tab mở rộng',
+		validateNumberFailed: 'Giá trị này không phải là số.',
+		confirmNewPage: 'Mọi thay đổi không được lưu lại, nội dung này sẽ bị mất. Bạn có chắc chắn muốn tải một trang mới?',
+		confirmCancel: 'Một vài tùy chọn đã bị thay đổi. Bạn có chắc chắn muốn đóng hộp thoại?',
+		options: 'Tùy chọn',
+		target: 'Đích đến',
+		targetNew: 'Cửa sổ mới (_blank)',
+		targetTop: 'Cửa sổ trên cùng (_top)',
+		targetSelf: 'Tại trang (_self)',
+		targetParent: 'Cửa sổ cha (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: 'Trái sang phải (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: 'Phải sang trái (RTL)',
+		styles: 'Kiểu',
+		cssClasses: 'Lá»›p CSS',
+		width: 'Chiều rộng',
+		height: 'chiều cao',
+		align: 'Vị trí',
+		alignLeft: 'Trái',
+		alignRight: 'Phải',
+		alignCenter: 'Giữa',
+		alignTop: 'Trên',
+		alignMiddle: 'Giữa',
+		alignBottom: 'DÆ°á»›i',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: 'Chiều cao phải là số nguyên.',
+		invalidWidth: 'Chiều rộng phải là số nguyên.',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Giá trị quy định cho trường "%1" phải là một số dương có hoặc không có một đơn vị đo CSS hợp lệ (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, hoặc pc).',
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Giá trị quy định cho trường "%1" phải là một số dương có hoặc không có một đơn vị đo HTML hợp lệ (px hoặc %).',
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Giá trị quy định cho kiểu nội tuyến phải bao gồm một hoặc nhiều dữ liệu với định dạng "tên:giá trị", cách nhau bằng dấu chấm phẩy.',
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Nhập một giá trị theo pixel hoặc một số với một đơn vị CSS hợp lệ (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, hoặc pc).',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, không có</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/zh-cn.js
index 4312e4f..815d817 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/zh-cn.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Chinese Simplified language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['zh-cn'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : '所见即所得编辑器, %1, 按 ALT+0 查看帮助。',
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: '工具栏',
-	editor	: '所见即所得编辑器',
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: '源码',
-	newPage			: '新建',
-	save			: '保存',
-	preview			: '预览',
-	cut				: '剪切',
-	copy			: '复制',
-	paste			: '粘贴',
-	print			: '打印',
-	underline		: '下划线',
-	bold			: '加粗',
-	italic			: '倾斜',
-	selectAll		: '全选',
-	removeFormat	: '清除格式',
-	strike			: '删除线',
-	subscript		: '下标',
-	superscript		: '上标',
-	horizontalrule	: '插入水平线',
-	pagebreak		: '插入分页符',
-	unlink			: '取消超链接',
-	undo			: '撤消',
-	redo			: '重做',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: '浏览服务器',
-		url				: '源文件',
-		protocol		: '协议',
-		upload			: '上传',
-		uploadSubmit	: '上传到服务器上',
-		image			: '图象',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: '表单',
-		checkbox		: '复选框',
-		radio			: '单选按钮',
-		textField		: '单行文本',
-		textarea		: '多行文本',
-		hiddenField		: '隐藏域',
-		button			: '按钮',
-		select			: '列表/菜单',
-		imageButton		: '图像域',
-		notSet			: '<没有设置>',
-		id				: 'ID',
-		name			: '名称',
-		langDir			: '语言方向',
-		langDirLtr		: '从左到右 (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: '从右到左 (RTL)',
-		langCode		: '语言代码',
-		longDescr		: '详细说明地址',
-		cssClass		: '样式类名称',
-		advisoryTitle	: '标题',
-		cssStyle		: '行内样式',
-		ok				: '确定',
-		cancel			: '取消',
-		close			: '关闭',
-		preview			: '预览',
-		generalTab		: '常规',
-		advancedTab		: '高级',
-		validateNumberFailed : '需要输入数字格式',
-		confirmNewPage	: '当前文档内容未保存,是否确认新建文档?',
-		confirmCancel	: '部分修改尚未保存,是否确认关闭对话框?',
-		options			: '选项',
-		target			: '目标窗口',
-		targetNew		: '新窗口 (_blank)',
-		targetTop		: '整页 (_top)',
-		targetSelf		: '本窗口 (_self)',
-		targetParent	: '父窗口 (_parent)',
-		langDirLTR		: '从左到右 (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: '从右到左 (RTL)',
-		styles			: '样式',
-		cssClasses		: '样式类',
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, 不可用</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : '快捷菜单选项'
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: '插入特殊符号',
-		title		: '选择特殊符号',
-		options : '特殊符号选项'
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: '插入/编辑超链接',
-		other 		: '<其他>',
-		menu		: '编辑超链接',
-		title		: '超链接',
-		info		: '超链接信息',
-		target		: '目标',
-		upload		: '上传',
-		advanced	: '高级',
-		type		: '超链接类型',
-		toUrl		: '地址',
-		toAnchor	: '页内锚点链接',
-		toEmail		: '电子邮件',
-		targetFrame		: '<框架>',
-		targetPopup		: '<弹出窗口>',
-		targetFrameName	: '目标框架名称',
-		targetPopupName	: '弹出窗口名称',
-		popupFeatures	: '弹出窗口属性',
-		popupResizable	: '可缩放',
-		popupStatusBar	: '状态栏',
-		popupLocationBar: '地址栏',
-		popupToolbar	: '工具栏',
-		popupMenuBar	: '菜单栏',
-		popupFullScreen	: '全屏 (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: '滚动条',
-		popupDependent	: '依附 (NS)',
-		popupWidth		: '宽',
-		popupLeft		: 'å·¦',
-		popupHeight		: '高',
-		popupTop		: '右',
-		id				: 'ID',
-		langDir			: '语言方向',
-		langDirLTR		: '从左到右 (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: '从右到左 (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: '访问键',
-		name			: '名称',
-		langCode		: '语言代码',
-		tabIndex		: 'Tab 键次序',
-		advisoryTitle	: '标题',
-		advisoryContentType	: '内容类型',
-		cssClasses		: '样式类名称',
-		charset			: '字符编码',
-		styles			: '行内样式',
-		selectAnchor	: '选择一个锚点',
-		anchorName		: '按锚点名称',
-		anchorId		: '按锚点 ID',
-		emailAddress	: '地址',
-		emailSubject	: '主题',
-		emailBody		: '内容',
-		noAnchors		: '(此文档没有可用的锚点)',
-		noUrl			: '请输入超链接地址',
-		noEmail			: '请输入电子邮件地址'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: '插入/编辑锚点链接',
-		menu		: '锚点链接属性',
-		title		: '锚点链接属性',
-		name		: '锚点名称',
-		errorName	: '请输入锚点名称'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: '编号列表属性',
-		bulletedTitle		: '项目列表属性',
-		type				: '标记类型',
-		start				: '开始序号',
-		validateStartNumber				:'列表开始序号必须为整数格式',
-		circle				: '空心圆',
-		disc				: '实心圆',
-		square				: '实心方块',
-		none				: '无标记',
-		notset				: '<没有设置>',
-		armenian			: '传统的亚美尼亚编号方式',
-		georgian			: '传统的乔治亚编号方式(an, ban, gan, 等)',
-		lowerRoman			: '小写罗马数字(i, ii, iii, iv, v, 等)',
-		upperRoman			: '大写罗马数字(I, II, III, IV, V, 等)',
-		lowerAlpha			: '小写英文字母(a, b, c, d, e, 等)',
-		upperAlpha			: '大写英文字母(A, B, C, D, E, 等)',
-		lowerGreek			: '小写希腊字母(alpha, beta, gamma, 等)',
-		decimal				: 'æ•°å­— (1, 2, 3, ç­‰)',
-		decimalLeadingZero	: '0开头的数字标记(01, 02, 03, 等)'
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: '查找和替换',
-		find				: '查找',
-		replace				: '替换',
-		findWhat			: '查找:',
-		replaceWith			: '替换:',
-		notFoundMsg			: '指定文本没有找到',
-		matchCase			: '区分大小写',
-		matchWord			: '全字匹配',
-		matchCyclic			: '循环匹配',
-		replaceAll			: '全部替换',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '共完成 %1 处替换.'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: '表格',
-		title		: '表格属性',
-		menu		: '表格属性',
-		deleteTable	: '删除表格',
-		rows		: '行数',
-		columns		: '列数',
-		border		: '边框',
-		align		: '对齐',
-		alignLeft	: '左对齐',
-		alignCenter	: '居中',
-		alignRight	: '右对齐',
-		width		: '宽度',
-		widthPx		: '像素',
-		widthPc		: '百分比',
-		widthUnit	: '宽度单位',
-		height		: '高度',
-		cellSpace	: '间距',
-		cellPad		: '边距',
-		caption		: '标题',
-		summary		: '摘要',
-		headers		: '标题单元格',
-		headersNone		: 'æ— ',
-		headersColumn	: '第一列',
-		headersRow		: '第一行',
-		headersBoth		: '第一列和第一行',
-		invalidRows		: '指定的列数必须大于零',
-		invalidCols		: '指定的行数必须大于零',
-		invalidBorder	: '边框粗细必须为数字格式',
-		invalidWidth	: '表格宽度必须为数字格式',
-		invalidHeight	: '表格高度必须为数字格式',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: '单元格间距必须为数字格式',
-		invalidCellPadding	: '单元格填充必须为数字格式',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: '单元格',
-			insertBefore	: '在左侧插入单元格',
-			insertAfter		: '在右侧插入单元格',
-			deleteCell		: '删除单元格',
-			merge			: '合并单元格',
-			mergeRight		: '向右合并单元格',
-			mergeDown		: '向下合并单元格',
-			splitHorizontal	: '水平拆分单元格',
-			splitVertical	: '垂直拆分单元格',
-			title			: '单元格属性',
-			cellType		: '单元格类型',
-			rowSpan			: '纵跨行数',
-			colSpan			: '横跨列数',
-			wordWrap		: '自动换行',
-			hAlign			: '水平对齐',
-			vAlign			: '垂直对齐',
-			alignTop		: '顶端',
-			alignMiddle		: '中间',
-			alignBottom		: '底部',
-			alignBaseline	: '基线',
-			bgColor			: '背景颜色',
-			borderColor		: '边框颜色',
-			data			: '数据',
-			header			: '表头',
-			yes				: '是',
-			no				: '否',
-			invalidWidth	: '单元格宽度必须为数字格式',
-			invalidHeight	: '单元格高度必须为数字格式',
-			invalidRowSpan	: '行跨度必须为整数格式',
-			invalidColSpan	: '列跨度必须为整数格式',
-			chooseColor		: '选择'
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: '行',
-			insertBefore	: '在上方插入行',
-			insertAfter		: '在下方插入行',
-			deleteRow		: '删除行'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: '列',
-			insertBefore	: '在左侧插入列',
-			insertAfter		: '在右侧插入列',
-			deleteColumn	: '删除列'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: '按钮属性',
-		text		: '标签(值)',
-		type		: '类型',
-		typeBtn		: '按钮',
-		typeSbm		: '提交',
-		typeRst		: '重设'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : '复选框属性',
-		radioTitle	: '单选按钮属性',
-		value		: '选定值',
-		selected	: '已勾选'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: '表单属性',
-		menu		: '表单属性',
-		action		: '动作',
-		method		: '方法',
-		encoding	: '表单编码'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: '菜单/列表属性',
-		selectInfo	: '选择信息',
-		opAvail		: '可选项',
-		value		: '值',
-		size		: '高度',
-		lines		: '行',
-		chkMulti	: '允许多选',
-		opText		: '选项文本',
-		opValue		: '选项值',
-		btnAdd		: '添加',
-		btnModify	: '修改',
-		btnUp		: '上移',
-		btnDown		: '下移',
-		btnSetValue : '设为初始选定',
-		btnDelete	: '删除'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: '多行文本属性',
-		cols		: '字符宽度',
-		rows		: '行数'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: '单行文本属性',
-		name		: '名称',
-		value		: '初始值',
-		charWidth	: '字符宽度',
-		maxChars	: '最多字符数',
-		type		: '类型',
-		typeText	: '文本',
-		typePass	: '密码'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: '隐藏域属性',
-		name	: '名称',
-		value	: '初始值'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: '图象属性',
-		titleButton	: '图像域属性',
-		menu		: '图象属性',
-		infoTab		: '图象',
-		btnUpload	: '上传到服务器上',
-		upload		: '上传',
-		alt			: '替换文本',
-		width		: '宽度',
-		height		: '高度',
-		lockRatio	: '锁定比例',
-		unlockRatio	: '不锁定比例',
-		resetSize	: '原始尺寸',
-		border		: '边框大小',
-		hSpace		: '水平间距',
-		vSpace		: '垂直间距',
-		align		: '对齐方式',
-		alignLeft	: '左对齐',
-		alignRight	: '右对齐',
-		alertUrl	: '请输入图象地址',
-		linkTab		: '链接',
-		button2Img	: '确定要把当前按钮改变为图像吗?',
-		img2Button	: '确定要把当前图像改变为按钮吗?',
-		urlMissing	: '缺少图像源文件地址',
-		validateWidth	: '图像宽度必须为整数格式',
-		validateHeight	: '图像高度必须为整数格式',
-		validateBorder	: '边框大小必须为整数格式',
-		validateHSpace	: '水平间距必须为整数格式',
-		validateVSpace	: '垂直间距必须为整数格式'
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash 属性',
-		propertiesTab	: '属性',
-		title			: '标题',
-		chkPlay			: '自动播放',
-		chkLoop			: '循环',
-		chkMenu			: '启用 Flash 菜单',
-		chkFull			: '启用全屏',
- 		scale			: '缩放',
-		scaleAll		: '全部显示',
-		scaleNoBorder	: '无边框',
-		scaleFit		: '严格匹配',
-		access			: '允许脚本访问',
-		accessAlways	: '总是',
-		accessSameDomain: '同域',
-		accessNever		: '从不',
-		align			: '对齐方式',
-		alignLeft		: '左对齐',
-		alignAbsBottom	: '绝对底部',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: '绝对居中',
-		alignBaseline	: '基线',
-		alignBottom		: '底部',
-		alignMiddle		: '居中',
-		alignRight		: '右对齐',
-		alignTextTop	: '文本上方',
-		alignTop		: '顶端',
-		quality			: '质量',
-		qualityBest		: '最好',
-		qualityHigh		: '高',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: '高(自动)',
-		qualityMedium	: '中(自动)',
-		qualityAutoLow	: '低(自动)',
-		qualityLow		: '低',
-		windowModeWindow: '窗体',
-		windowModeOpaque: '不透明',
-		windowModeTransparent : '透明',
-		windowMode		: '窗体模式',
-		flashvars		: 'Flash 变量',
-		bgcolor			: '背景颜色',
-		width			: '宽度',
-		height			: '高度',
-		hSpace			: '水平间距',
-		vSpace			: '垂直间距',
-		validateSrc		: '请输入源文件地址',
-		validateWidth	: '宽度必须为数字格式',
-		validateHeight	: '高度必须为数字格式',
-		validateHSpace	: '水平间距必须为数字格式',
-		validateVSpace	: '垂直间距必须为数字格式'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: '拼写检查',
-		title			: '拼写检查',
-		notAvailable	: '抱歉, 服务目前暂不可用',
-		errorLoading	: '加载应该服务主机时出错: %s.',
-		notInDic		: '没有在字典里',
-		changeTo		: '更改为',
-		btnIgnore		: '忽略',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: '全部忽略',
-		btnReplace		: '替换',
-		btnReplaceAll	: '全部替换',
-		btnUndo			: '撤消',
-		noSuggestions	: '- 没有建议 -',
-		progress		: '正在进行拼写检查...',
-		noMispell		: '拼写检查完成: 没有发现拼写错误',
-		noChanges		: '拼写检查完成: 没有更改任何单词',
-		oneChange		: '拼写检查完成: 更改了一个单词',
-		manyChanges		: '拼写检查完成: 更改了 %1 个单词',
-		ieSpellDownload	: '拼写检查插件还没安装, 你是否想现在就下载?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: '表情符',
-		title	: '插入表情图标',
-		options : '表情图标选项'
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : '元素路径',
-		eleTitle : '%1 元素'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: '编号列表',
-	bulletedlist	: '项目列表',
-	indent			: '增加缩进量',
-	outdent			: '减少缩进量',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: '左对齐',
-		center	: '居中',
-		right	: '右对齐',
-		block	: '两端对齐'
-	},
-	blockquote : '块引用',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: '粘贴',
-		cutError	: '您的浏览器安全设置不允许编辑器自动执行剪切操作, 请使用键盘快捷键(Ctrl/Cmd+X)来完成',
-		copyError	: '您的浏览器安全设置不允许编辑器自动执行复制操作, 请使用键盘快捷键(Ctrl/Cmd+C)来完成',
-		pasteMsg	: '请使用键盘快捷键(<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>)把内容粘贴到下面的方框里,再按 <STRONG>确定</STRONG>',
-		securityMsg	: '因为你的浏览器的安全设置原因, 本编辑器不能直接访问你的剪贴板内容, 你需要在本窗口重新粘贴一次',
-		pasteArea	: '粘贴区域'
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: '您要粘贴的内容好像是来自 MS Word, 是否要清除 MS Word 格式后再粘贴?',
-		toolbar			: '从 MS Word 粘贴',
-		title			: '从 MS Word 粘贴',
-		error			: '由于内部错误无法清理要粘贴的数据'
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: '粘贴为无格式文本',
-		title	: '粘贴为无格式文本'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: '模板',
-		title			: '内容模板',
-		options : '模板选项',
-		insertOption	: '替换当前内容',
-		selectPromptMsg	: '请选择编辑器内容模板:',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(没有模板)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : '显示区块',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: '样式',
-		panelTitle	: '样式',
-		panelTitle1	: '块级元素样式',
-		panelTitle2	: '内联元素样式',
-		panelTitle3	: '对象元素样式'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: '格式',
-		panelTitle	: '格式',
-		tag_p		: '普通',
-		tag_pre		: '已编排格式',
-		tag_address	: '地址',
-		tag_h1		: '标题 1',
-		tag_h2		: '标题 2',
-		tag_h3		: '标题 3',
-		tag_h4		: '标题 4',
-		tag_h5		: '标题 5',
-		tag_h6		: '标题 6',
-		tag_div		: '段落(DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: '创建 DIV 容器',
-		toolbar				: '创建 DIV 容器',
-		cssClassInputLabel	: '样式类名称',
-		styleSelectLabel	: '样式',
-		IdInputLabel		: 'ID',
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: '语言代码',
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: '行内样式',
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: '标题',
-		langDirLabel		: '语言方向',
-		langDirLTRLabel		: '从左到右 (LTR)',
-		langDirRTLLabel		: '从右到左 (RTL)',
-		edit				: '编辑 DIV',
-		remove				: '移除 DIV'
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: '字体',
-		voiceLabel	: '字体',
-		panelTitle	: '字体'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: '大小',
-		voiceLabel	: '文字大小',
-		panelTitle	: '大小'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: '文本颜色',
-		bgColorTitle	: '背景颜色',
-		panelTitle		: '颜色',
-		auto			: '自动',
-		more			: '其它颜色...'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : '黑',
-		'800000' : '褐红',
-		'8B4513' : '深褐',
-		'2F4F4F' : '墨绿',
-		'008080' : '绿松石',
-		'000080' : '海军蓝',
-		'4B0082' : '靛蓝',
-		'696969' : '暗灰',
-		'B22222' : '砖红',
-		'A52A2A' : '褐',
-		'DAA520' : '金黄',
-		'006400' : '深绿',
-		'40E0D0' : '蓝绿',
-		'0000CD' : '中蓝',
-		'800080' : 'ç´«',
-		'808080' : '灰',
-		'F00' : '红',
-		'FF8C00' : '深橙',
-		'FFD700' : '金',
-		'008000' : '绿',
-		'0FF' : '青',
-		'00F' : '蓝',
-		'EE82EE' : 'ç´«ç½—å…°',
-		'A9A9A9' : '深灰',
-		'FFA07A' : '亮橙',
-		'FFA500' : 'æ©™',
-		'FFFF00' : '黄',
-		'00FF00' : '水绿',
-		'AFEEEE' : '粉蓝',
-		'ADD8E6' : '亮蓝',
-		'DDA0DD' : '梅红',
-		'D3D3D3' : '淡灰',
-		'FFF0F5' : '淡紫红',
-		'FAEBD7' : '古董白',
-		'FFFFE0' : '淡黄',
-		'F0FFF0' : '蜜白',
-		'F0FFFF' : '天蓝',
-		'F0F8FF' : '淡蓝',
-		'E6E6FA' : 'æ·¡ç´«',
-		'FFF' : '白'
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: '即时拼写检查',
-		opera_title		: '不支持 Opera 浏览器',
-		enable			: '启用即时拼写检查',
-		disable			: '禁用即时拼写检查',
-		about			: '关于即时拼写检查',
-		toggle			: '暂停/启用即时拼写检查',
-		options			: '选项',
-		langs			: '语言',
-		moreSuggestions	: '更多拼写建议',
-		ignore			: '忽略',
-		ignoreAll		: '全部忽略',
-		addWord			: '添加单词',
-		emptyDic		: '字典名不应为空.',
-		optionsTab		: '选项',
-		allCaps			: '忽略所有大写单词',
-		ignoreDomainNames : '忽略域名',
-		mixedCase		: '忽略大小写混合的单词',
-		mixedWithDigits	: '忽略带数字的单词',
-		languagesTab	: '语言',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'å­—å…¸',
-		dic_field_name	: '字典名称',
-		dic_create		: '创建',
-		dic_restore		: '还原',
-		dic_delete		: '删除',
-		dic_rename		: '重命名',
-		dic_info		: '一开始用户词典储存在 Cookie 中, 但是 Cookies 的容量是有限的, 当用户词典增长到超出 Cookie 限制时就无法再储存了, 这时您可以将词典储存到我们的服务器上. 要把您的个人词典到储存到我们的服务器上的话, 需要为您的词典指定一个名称, 如果您在我们的服务器上已经有储存有一个词典, 请输入词典名称并按还原按钮.',
-		aboutTab		: '关于'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: '关于CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: '关于CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: '访问我们的网站以获取更多关于协议的信息',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'
-	},
-	maximize : '全屏',
-	minimize : '最小化',
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: '锚点',
-		flash	: 'Flash 动画',
-		div		: '分页',
-		unknown	: '未知对象'
-	},
-	resize : '拖拽以改变尺寸',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: '选择颜色',
-		options	:	'颜色选项',
-		highlight	: '高亮',
-		selected	: '选择颜色',
-		clear		: '清除'
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: '折叠工具栏',
-	toolbarExpand	: '展开工具栏',
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : '文字方向为从左至右',
-		rtl : '文字方向为从右至左'
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Chinese Simplified language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'zh-cn' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: '所见即所得编辑器',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: '按 ALT+0 获得帮助',
+		browseServer: '浏览服务器',
+		url: '源文件',
+		protocol: '协议',
+		upload: '上传',
+		uploadSubmit: '上传到服务器上',
+		image: '图象',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: '表单',
+		checkbox: '复选框',
+		radio: '单选按钮',
+		textField: '单行文本',
+		textarea: '多行文本',
+		hiddenField: '隐藏域',
+		button: '按钮',
+		select: '列表/菜单',
+		imageButton: '图像域',
+		notSet: '<没有设置>',
+		id: 'ID',
+		name: '名称',
+		langDir: '语言方向',
+		langDirLtr: '从左到右 (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: '从右到左 (RTL)',
+		langCode: '语言代码',
+		longDescr: '详细说明地址',
+		cssClass: '样式类名称',
+		advisoryTitle: '标题',
+		cssStyle: '行内样式',
+		ok: '确定',
+		cancel: '取消',
+		close: '关闭',
+		preview: '预览',
+		resize: '拖拽以改变尺寸',
+		generalTab: '常规',
+		advancedTab: '高级',
+		validateNumberFailed: '需要输入数字格式',
+		confirmNewPage: '当前文档内容未保存,是否确认新建文档?',
+		confirmCancel: '部分修改尚未保存,是否确认关闭对话框?',
+		options: '选项',
+		target: '目标窗口',
+		targetNew: '新窗口 (_blank)',
+		targetTop: '整页 (_top)',
+		targetSelf: '本窗口 (_self)',
+		targetParent: '父窗口 (_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: '从左到右 (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: '从右到左 (RTL)',
+		styles: '样式',
+		cssClasses: '样式类',
+		width: '宽度',
+		height: '高度',
+		align: '对齐方式',
+		alignLeft: '左对齐',
+		alignRight: '右对齐',
+		alignCenter: '居中',
+		alignTop: '顶端',
+		alignMiddle: '居中',
+		alignBottom: '底部',
+		invalidValue	: '无效的值。',
+		invalidHeight: '高度必须为数字格式',
+		invalidWidth: '宽度必须为数字格式',
+		invalidCssLength: '该字段必须为合式的CSS长度值,包括单位(px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt 或 pc)',
+		invalidHtmlLength: '该字段必须为合式的HTML长度值,包括单位(px 或 %)',
+		invalidInlineStyle: '内联样式必须为格式是以分号分隔的一个或多个“属性名 : 属性值”',
+		cssLengthTooltip: '该字段必须为合式的CSS长度值,包括单位(px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt 或 pc)',
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, 不可用</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/zh.js
index 809f612..69ef9d6 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/zh.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/lang/zh.js
@@ -1,758 +1,105 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
- * Chinese Traditional language.
- */
-   @type String
-   @example
- * Constains the dictionary of language entries.
- * @namespace
- */
-CKEDITOR.lang['zh'] =
-	/**
-	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
-	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
-	 * languages (like English).
-	 * @default 'ltr'
-	 */
-	dir : 'ltr',
-	/*
-	 * Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
-	 * of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
-	 */
-	editorTitle : 'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.', // MISSING
-	// ARIA descriptions.
-	toolbar	: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
-	editor	: 'Rich Text Editor', // MISSING
-	// Toolbar buttons without dialogs.
-	source			: '原始碼',
-	newPage			: '開新檔案',
-	save			: '儲存',
-	preview			: '預覽',
-	cut				: '剪下',
-	copy			: '複製',
-	paste			: '貼上',
-	print			: '列印',
-	underline		: '底線',
-	bold			: 'ç²—é«”',
-	italic			: '斜體',
-	selectAll		: '全選',
-	removeFormat	: '清除格式',
-	strike			: '刪除線',
-	subscript		: '下標',
-	superscript		: '上標',
-	horizontalrule	: '插入水平線',
-	pagebreak		: '插入分頁符號',
-	unlink			: '移除超連結',
-	undo			: '復原',
-	redo			: '重複',
-	// Common messages and labels.
-	common :
-	{
-		browseServer	: '瀏覽伺服器端',
-		url				: 'URL',
-		protocol		: '通訊協定',
-		upload			: '上傳',
-		uploadSubmit	: '上傳至伺服器',
-		image			: '影像',
-		flash			: 'Flash',
-		form			: '表單',
-		checkbox		: '核取方塊',
-		radio			: '選項按鈕',
-		textField		: '文字方塊',
-		textarea		: '文字區域',
-		hiddenField		: '隱藏欄位',
-		button			: '按鈕',
-		select			: '清單/選單',
-		imageButton		: '影像按鈕',
-		notSet			: '<尚未設定>',
-		id				: 'ID',
-		name			: '名稱',
-		langDir			: '語言方向',
-		langDirLtr		: '由左而右 (LTR)',
-		langDirRtl		: '由右而左 (RTL)',
-		langCode		: '語言代碼',
-		longDescr		: '詳細 URL',
-		cssClass		: '樣式表類別',
-		advisoryTitle	: '標題',
-		cssStyle		: '樣式',
-		ok				: '確定',
-		cancel			: '取消',
-		close			: 'Close', // MISSING
-		preview			: 'Preview', // MISSING
-		generalTab		: '一般',
-		advancedTab		: '進階',
-		validateNumberFailed : '需要輸入數字格式',
-		confirmNewPage	: '現存的修改尚未儲存,要開新檔案?',
-		confirmCancel	: '部份選項尚未儲存,要關閉對話盒?',
-		options			: 'Options', // MISSING
-		target			: 'Target', // MISSING
-		targetNew		: 'New Window (_blank)', // MISSING
-		targetTop		: 'Topmost Window (_top)', // MISSING
-		targetSelf		: 'Same Window (_self)', // MISSING
-		targetParent	: 'Parent Window (_parent)', // MISSING
-		langDirLTR		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTL		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		styles			: 'Style', // MISSING
-		cssClasses		: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
-		unavailable		: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, 已關閉</span>'
-	},
-	contextmenu :
-	{
-		options : 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Special char dialog.
-	specialChar		:
-	{
-		toolbar		: '插入特殊符號',
-		title		: '請選擇特殊符號',
-		options : 'Special Character Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Link dialog.
-	link :
-	{
-		toolbar		: '插入/編輯超連結',
-		other 		: '<其他>',
-		menu		: '編輯超連結',
-		title		: '超連結',
-		info		: '超連結資訊',
-		target		: '目標',
-		upload		: '上傳',
-		advanced	: '進階',
-		type		: '超連接類型',
-		toUrl		: 'URL', // MISSING
-		toAnchor	: '本頁錨點',
-		toEmail		: '電子郵件',
-		targetFrame		: '<框架>',
-		targetPopup		: '<快顯視窗>',
-		targetFrameName	: '目標框架名稱',
-		targetPopupName	: '快顯視窗名稱',
-		popupFeatures	: '快顯視窗屬性',
-		popupResizable	: '可縮放',
-		popupStatusBar	: '狀態列',
-		popupLocationBar: '網址列',
-		popupToolbar	: '工具列',
-		popupMenuBar	: '選單列',
-		popupFullScreen	: '全螢幕 (IE)',
-		popupScrollBars	: '捲軸',
-		popupDependent	: '從屬 (NS)',
-		popupWidth		: '寬',
-		popupLeft		: 'å·¦',
-		popupHeight		: '高',
-		popupTop		: '右',
-		id				: 'ID',
-		langDir			: '語言方向',
-		langDirLTR		: '由左而右 (LTR)',
-		langDirRTL		: '由右而左 (RTL)',
-		acccessKey		: '存取鍵',
-		name			: '名稱',
-		langCode		: '語言方向',
-		tabIndex		: '定位順序',
-		advisoryTitle	: '標題',
-		advisoryContentType	: '內容類型',
-		cssClasses		: '樣式表類別',
-		charset			: '連結資源之編碼',
-		styles			: '樣式',
-		selectAnchor	: '請選擇錨點',
-		anchorName		: '依錨點名稱',
-		anchorId		: '依元件 ID',
-		emailAddress	: '電子郵件',
-		emailSubject	: '郵件主旨',
-		emailBody		: '郵件內容',
-		noAnchors		: '(本文件尚無可用之錨點)',
-		noUrl			: '請輸入欲連結的 URL',
-		noEmail			: '請輸入電子郵件位址'
-	},
-	// Anchor dialog
-	anchor :
-	{
-		toolbar		: '插入/編輯錨點',
-		menu		: '錨點屬性',
-		title		: '錨點屬性',
-		name		: '錨點名稱',
-		errorName	: '請輸入錨點名稱'
-	},
-	// List style dialog
-	list:
-	{
-		numberedTitle		: 'Numbered List Properties', // MISSING
-		bulletedTitle		: 'Bulleted List Properties', // MISSING
-		type				: 'Type', // MISSING
-		start				: 'Start', // MISSING
-		validateStartNumber				:'List start number must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		circle				: 'Circle', // MISSING
-		disc				: 'Disc', // MISSING
-		square				: 'Square', // MISSING
-		none				: 'None', // MISSING
-		notset				: '<not set>', // MISSING
-		armenian			: 'Armenian numbering', // MISSING
-		georgian			: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerRoman			: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperRoman			: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerAlpha			: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)', // MISSING
-		upperAlpha			: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)', // MISSING
-		lowerGreek			: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimal				: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)', // MISSING
-		decimalLeadingZero	: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Find And Replace Dialog
-	findAndReplace :
-	{
-		title				: '尋找與取代',
-		find				: '尋找',
-		replace				: '取代',
-		findWhat			: '尋找:',
-		replaceWith			: '取代:',
-		notFoundMsg			: '未找到指定的文字。',
-		matchCase			: '大小寫須相符',
-		matchWord			: '全字相符',
-		matchCyclic			: '循環搜索',
-		replaceAll			: '全部取代',
-		replaceSuccessMsg	: '共完成 %1 次取代'
-	},
-	// Table Dialog
-	table :
-	{
-		toolbar		: '表格',
-		title		: '表格屬性',
-		menu		: '表格屬性',
-		deleteTable	: '刪除表格',
-		rows		: '列數',
-		columns		: '欄數',
-		border		: '邊框',
-		align		: '對齊',
-		alignLeft	: '靠左對齊',
-		alignCenter	: '置中',
-		alignRight	: '靠右對齊',
-		width		: '寬度',
-		widthPx		: '像素',
-		widthPc		: '百分比',
-		widthUnit	: 'width unit', // MISSING
-		height		: '高度',
-		cellSpace	: '間距',
-		cellPad		: '內距',
-		caption		: '標題',
-		summary		: '摘要',
-		headers		: '標題',
-		headersNone		: '無標題',
-		headersColumn	: '第一欄',
-		headersRow		: '第一列',
-		headersBoth		: '第一欄和第一列',
-		invalidRows		: '必須有一或更多的列',
-		invalidCols		: '必須有一或更多的欄',
-		invalidBorder	: '邊框大小必須為數字格式',
-		invalidWidth	: '表格寬度必須為數字格式',
-		invalidHeight	: '表格高度必須為數字格式',
-		invalidCellSpacing	: '儲存格間距必須為數字格式',
-		invalidCellPadding	: '儲存格內距必須為數字格式',
-		cell :
-		{
-			menu			: '儲存格',
-			insertBefore	: '向左插入儲存格',
-			insertAfter		: '向右插入儲存格',
-			deleteCell		: '刪除儲存格',
-			merge			: '合併儲存格',
-			mergeRight		: '向右合併儲存格',
-			mergeDown		: '向下合併儲存格',
-			splitHorizontal	: '橫向分割儲存格',
-			splitVertical	: '縱向分割儲存格',
-			title			: '儲存格屬性',
-			cellType		: '儲存格類別',
-			rowSpan			: '儲存格列數',
-			colSpan			: '儲存格欄數',
-			wordWrap		: '自動換行',
-			hAlign			: '水平對齊',
-			vAlign			: '垂直對齊',
-			alignTop		: '向上對齊',
-			alignMiddle		: '置中對齊',
-			alignBottom		: '向下對齊',
-			alignBaseline	: '基線對齊',
-			bgColor			: '背景顏色',
-			borderColor		: '邊框顏色',
-			data			: '數據',
-			header			: '標題',
-			yes				: '是',
-			no				: '否',
-			invalidWidth	: '儲存格寬度必須為數字格式',
-			invalidHeight	: '儲存格高度必須為數字格式',
-			invalidRowSpan	: '儲存格列數必須為整數格式',
-			invalidColSpan	: '儲存格欄數度必須為整數格式',
-			chooseColor		: 'Choose' // MISSING
-		},
-		row :
-		{
-			menu			: '列',
-			insertBefore	: '向上插入列',
-			insertAfter		: '向下插入列',
-			deleteRow		: '刪除列'
-		},
-		column :
-		{
-			menu			: '欄',
-			insertBefore	: '向左插入欄',
-			insertAfter		: '向右插入欄',
-			deleteColumn	: '刪除欄'
-		}
-	},
-	// Button Dialog.
-	button :
-	{
-		title		: '按鈕屬性',
-		text		: '顯示文字 (值)',
-		type		: 'é¡žåž‹',
-		typeBtn		: '按鈕 (Button)',
-		typeSbm		: '送出 (Submit)',
-		typeRst		: '重設 (Reset)'
-	},
-	// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
-	checkboxAndRadio :
-	{
-		checkboxTitle : '核取方塊屬性',
-		radioTitle	: '選項按鈕屬性',
-		value		: '選取值',
-		selected	: '已選取'
-	},
-	// Form Dialog.
-	form :
-	{
-		title		: '表單屬性',
-		menu		: '表單屬性',
-		action		: '動作',
-		method		: '方法',
-		encoding	: '表單編碼'
-	},
-	// Select Field Dialog.
-	select :
-	{
-		title		: '清單/選單屬性',
-		selectInfo	: '資訊',
-		opAvail		: '可用選項',
-		value		: '值',
-		size		: '大小',
-		lines		: '行',
-		chkMulti	: '可多選',
-		opText		: '顯示文字',
-		opValue		: '選取值',
-		btnAdd		: '新增',
-		btnModify	: '修改',
-		btnUp		: '上移',
-		btnDown		: '下移',
-		btnSetValue : '設為預設值',
-		btnDelete	: '刪除'
-	},
-	// Textarea Dialog.
-	textarea :
-	{
-		title		: '文字區域屬性',
-		cols		: '字元寬度',
-		rows		: '列數'
-	},
-	// Text Field Dialog.
-	textfield :
-	{
-		title		: '文字方塊屬性',
-		name		: '名稱',
-		value		: '值',
-		charWidth	: '字元寬度',
-		maxChars	: '最多字元數',
-		type		: 'é¡žåž‹',
-		typeText	: '文字',
-		typePass	: '密碼'
-	},
-	// Hidden Field Dialog.
-	hidden :
-	{
-		title	: '隱藏欄位屬性',
-		name	: '名稱',
-		value	: '值'
-	},
-	// Image Dialog.
-	image :
-	{
-		title		: '影像屬性',
-		titleButton	: '影像按鈕屬性',
-		menu		: '影像屬性',
-		infoTab		: '影像資訊',
-		btnUpload	: '上傳至伺服器',
-		upload		: '上傳',
-		alt			: '替代文字',
-		width		: '寬度',
-		height		: '高度',
-		lockRatio	: '等比例',
-		unlockRatio	: 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING
-		resetSize	: '重設為原大小',
-		border		: '邊框',
-		hSpace		: '水平距離',
-		vSpace		: '垂直距離',
-		align		: '對齊',
-		alignLeft	: '靠左對齊',
-		alignRight	: '靠右對齊',
-		alertUrl	: '請輸入影像 URL',
-		linkTab		: '超連結',
-		button2Img	: '要把影像按鈕改成影像嗎?',
-		img2Button	: '要把影像改成影像按鈕嗎?',
-		urlMissing	: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
-		validateWidth	: 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHeight	: 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateBorder	: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateHSpace	: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
-		validateVSpace	: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
-	},
-	// Flash Dialog
-	flash :
-	{
-		properties		: 'Flash 屬性',
-		propertiesTab	: '屬性',
-		title			: 'Flash 屬性',
-		chkPlay			: '自動播放',
-		chkLoop			: '重複',
-		chkMenu			: '開啟選單',
-		chkFull			: '啟動全螢幕顯示',
- 		scale			: '縮放',
-		scaleAll		: '全部顯示',
-		scaleNoBorder	: '無邊框',
-		scaleFit		: '精確符合',
-		access			: '允許腳本訪問',
-		accessAlways	: '永遠',
-		accessSameDomain: '相同域名',
-		accessNever		: '永不',
-		align			: '對齊',
-		alignLeft		: '靠左對齊',
-		alignAbsBottom	: '絕對下方',
-		alignAbsMiddle	: '絕對中間',
-		alignBaseline	: '基準線',
-		alignBottom		: '靠下對齊',
-		alignMiddle		: '置中對齊',
-		alignRight		: '靠右對齊',
-		alignTextTop	: '文字上方',
-		alignTop		: '靠上對齊',
-		quality			: '質素',
-		qualityBest		: '最好',
-		qualityHigh		: '高',
-		qualityAutoHigh	: '高(自動)',
-		qualityMedium	: '中(自動)',
-		qualityAutoLow	: '低(自動)',
-		qualityLow		: '低',
-		windowModeWindow: '視窗',
-		windowModeOpaque: '不透明',
-		windowModeTransparent : '透明',
-		windowMode		: '視窗模式',
-		flashvars		: 'Flash 變數',
-		bgcolor			: '背景顏色',
-		width			: '寬度',
-		height			: '高度',
-		hSpace			: '水平距離',
-		vSpace			: '垂直距離',
-		validateSrc		: '請輸入欲連結的 URL',
-		validateWidth	: '寬度必須為數字格式',
-		validateHeight	: '高度必須為數字格式',
-		validateHSpace	: '水平間距必須為數字格式',
-		validateVSpace	: '垂直間距必須為數字格式'
-	},
-	// Speller Pages Dialog
-	spellCheck :
-	{
-		toolbar			: '拼字檢查',
-		title			: '拼字檢查',
-		notAvailable	: '抱歉,服務目前暫不可用',
-		errorLoading	: '無法聯系侍服器: %s.',
-		notInDic		: '不在字典中',
-		changeTo		: '更改為',
-		btnIgnore		: '忽略',
-		btnIgnoreAll	: '全部忽略',
-		btnReplace		: '取代',
-		btnReplaceAll	: '全部取代',
-		btnUndo			: '復原',
-		noSuggestions	: '- 無建議值 -',
-		progress		: '進行拼字檢查中…',
-		noMispell		: '拼字檢查完成:未發現拼字錯誤',
-		noChanges		: '拼字檢查完成:未更改任何單字',
-		oneChange		: '拼字檢查完成:更改了 1 個單字',
-		manyChanges		: '拼字檢查完成:更改了 %1 個單字',
-		ieSpellDownload	: '尚未安裝拼字檢查元件。您是否想要現在下載?'
-	},
-	smiley :
-	{
-		toolbar	: '表情符號',
-		title	: '插入表情符號',
-		options : 'Smiley Options' // MISSING
-	},
-	elementsPath :
-	{
-		eleLabel : 'Elements path', // MISSING
-		eleTitle : '%1 元素'
-	},
-	numberedlist	: '編號清單',
-	bulletedlist	: '項目清單',
-	indent			: '增加縮排',
-	outdent			: '減少縮排',
-	justify :
-	{
-		left	: '靠左對齊',
-		center	: '置中',
-		right	: '靠右對齊',
-		block	: '左右對齊'
-	},
-	blockquote : '引用文字',
-	clipboard :
-	{
-		title		: '貼上',
-		cutError	: '瀏覽器的安全性設定不允許編輯器自動執行剪下動作。請使用快捷鍵 (Ctrl/Cmd+X) 剪下。',
-		copyError	: '瀏覽器的安全性設定不允許編輯器自動執行複製動作。請使用快捷鍵 (Ctrl/Cmd+C) 複製。',
-		pasteMsg	: '請使用快捷鍵 (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) 貼到下方區域中並按下 <strong>確定</strong>',
-		securityMsg	: '因為瀏覽器的安全性設定,本編輯器無法直接存取您的剪貼簿資料,請您自行在本視窗進行貼上動作。',
-		pasteArea	: 'Paste Area' // MISSING
-	},
-	pastefromword :
-	{
-		confirmCleanup	: '您想貼上的文字似乎是自 Word 複製而來,請問您是否要先清除 Word 的格式後再行貼上?',
-		toolbar			: '自 Word 貼上',
-		title			: '自 Word 貼上',
-		error			: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error' // MISSING
-	},
-	pasteText :
-	{
-		button	: '貼為純文字格式',
-		title	: '貼為純文字格式'
-	},
-	templates :
-	{
-		button			: '樣版',
-		title			: '內容樣版',
-		options : 'Template Options', // MISSING
-		insertOption	: '取代原有內容',
-		selectPromptMsg	: '請選擇欲開啟的樣版<br> (原有的內容將會被清除):',
-		emptyListMsg	: '(無樣版)'
-	},
-	showBlocks : '顯示區塊',
-	stylesCombo :
-	{
-		label		: '樣式',
-		panelTitle	: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
-		panelTitle1	: '塊級元素樣式',
-		panelTitle2	: '內聯元素樣式',
-		panelTitle3	: '物件元素樣式'
-	},
-	format :
-	{
-		label		: '格式',
-		panelTitle	: '格式',
-		tag_p		: '一般',
-		tag_pre		: '已格式化',
-		tag_address	: '位址',
-		tag_h1		: '標題 1',
-		tag_h2		: '標題 2',
-		tag_h3		: '標題 3',
-		tag_h4		: '標題 4',
-		tag_h5		: '標題 5',
-		tag_h6		: '標題 6',
-		tag_div		: '一般 (DIV)'
-	},
-	div :
-	{
-		title				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		toolbar				: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
-		cssClassInputLabel	: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
-		styleSelectLabel	: 'Style', // MISSING
-		IdInputLabel		: 'Id', // MISSING
-		languageCodeInputLabel	: ' Language Code', // MISSING
-		inlineStyleInputLabel	: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
-		advisoryTitleInputLabel	: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
-		langDirLabel		: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
-		langDirLTRLabel		: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
-		langDirRTLLabel		: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
-		edit				: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
-		remove				: 'Remove Div' // MISSING
-  	},
-	font :
-	{
-		label		: 'å­—é«”',
-		voiceLabel	: 'å­—é«”',
-		panelTitle	: 'å­—é«”'
-	},
-	fontSize :
-	{
-		label		: '大小',
-		voiceLabel	: '文字大小',
-		panelTitle	: '大小'
-	},
-	colorButton :
-	{
-		textColorTitle	: '文字顏色',
-		bgColorTitle	: '背景顏色',
-		panelTitle		: 'Colors', // MISSING
-		auto			: '自動',
-		more			: '更多顏色…'
-	},
-	colors :
-	{
-		'000' : 'Black', // MISSING
-		'800000' : 'Maroon', // MISSING
-		'8B4513' : 'Saddle Brown', // MISSING
-		'2F4F4F' : 'Dark Slate Gray', // MISSING
-		'008080' : 'Teal', // MISSING
-		'000080' : 'Navy', // MISSING
-		'4B0082' : 'Indigo', // MISSING
-		'696969' : 'Dark Gray', // MISSING
-		'B22222' : 'Fire Brick', // MISSING
-		'A52A2A' : 'Brown', // MISSING
-		'DAA520' : 'Golden Rod', // MISSING
-		'006400' : 'Dark Green', // MISSING
-		'40E0D0' : 'Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'0000CD' : 'Medium Blue', // MISSING
-		'800080' : 'Purple', // MISSING
-		'808080' : 'Gray', // MISSING
-		'F00' : 'Red', // MISSING
-		'FF8C00' : 'Dark Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFD700' : 'Gold', // MISSING
-		'008000' : 'Green', // MISSING
-		'0FF' : 'Cyan', // MISSING
-		'00F' : 'Blue', // MISSING
-		'EE82EE' : 'Violet', // MISSING
-		'A9A9A9' : 'Dim Gray', // MISSING
-		'FFA07A' : 'Light Salmon', // MISSING
-		'FFA500' : 'Orange', // MISSING
-		'FFFF00' : 'Yellow', // MISSING
-		'00FF00' : 'Lime', // MISSING
-		'AFEEEE' : 'Pale Turquoise', // MISSING
-		'ADD8E6' : 'Light Blue', // MISSING
-		'DDA0DD' : 'Plum', // MISSING
-		'D3D3D3' : 'Light Grey', // MISSING
-		'FFF0F5' : 'Lavender Blush', // MISSING
-		'FAEBD7' : 'Antique White', // MISSING
-		'FFFFE0' : 'Light Yellow', // MISSING
-		'F0FFF0' : 'Honeydew', // MISSING
-		'F0FFFF' : 'Azure', // MISSING
-		'F0F8FF' : 'Alice Blue', // MISSING
-		'E6E6FA' : 'Lavender', // MISSING
-		'FFF' : 'White' // MISSING
-	},
-	scayt :
-	{
-		title			: '即時拼寫檢查',
-		opera_title		: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
-		enable			: '啟用即時拼寫檢查',
-		disable			: '關閉即時拼寫檢查',
-		about			: '關於即時拼寫檢查',
-		toggle			: '啟用/關閉即時拼寫檢查',
-		options			: '選項',
-		langs			: '語言',
-		moreSuggestions	: '更多拼寫建議',
-		ignore			: '忽略',
-		ignoreAll		: '全部忽略',
-		addWord			: '添加單詞',
-		emptyDic		: '字典名不應為空.',
-		optionsTab		: '選項',
-		allCaps			: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
-		ignoreDomainNames : 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
-		mixedCase		: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
-		mixedWithDigits	: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
-		languagesTab	: '語言',
-		dictionariesTab	: 'å­—å…¸',
-		dic_field_name	: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
-		dic_create		: 'Create', // MISSING
-		dic_restore		: 'Restore', // MISSING
-		dic_delete		: 'Delete', // MISSING
-		dic_rename		: 'Rename', // MISSING
-		dic_info		: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
-		aboutTab		: '關於'
-	},
-	about :
-	{
-		title		: '關於 CKEditor',
-		dlgTitle	: '關於 CKEditor',
-		moreInfo	: '訪問我們的網站以獲取更多關於協議的信息',
-		copy		: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'
-	},
-	maximize : '最大化',
-	minimize : 'Minimize', // MISSING
-	fakeobjects :
-	{
-		anchor	: '錨點',
-		flash	: 'Flash å‹•ç•«',
-		div		: '分頁',
-		unknown	: '不明物件'
-	},
-	resize : '拖拽改變大小',
-	colordialog :
-	{
-		title		: 'Select color', // MISSING
-		options	:	'Color Options', // MISSING
-		highlight	: 'Highlight', // MISSING
-		selected	: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
-		clear		: 'Clear' // MISSING
-	},
-	toolbarCollapse	: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
-	toolbarExpand	: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
-	bidi :
-	{
-		ltr : 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
-		rtl : 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
+ * Chinese Traditional language.
+ */
+   @type String
+   @example
+ * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
+ * @namespace
+ */
+CKEDITOR.lang[ 'zh' ] = {
+	/**
+	 * The language reading direction. Possible values are "rtl" for
+	 * Right-To-Left languages (like Arabic) and "ltr" for Left-To-Right
+	 * languages (like English).
+	 * @default 'ltr'
+	 */
+	dir: 'ltr',
+	// ARIA description.
+	editor: '富文本編輯器',
+	// Common messages and labels.
+	common: {
+		// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
+		// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
+		editorHelp: '按 ALT+0 以獲得幫助',
+		browseServer: '瀏覽伺服器端',
+		url: 'URL',
+		protocol: '通訊協定',
+		upload: '上傳',
+		uploadSubmit: '上傳至伺服器',
+		image: '影像',
+		flash: 'Flash',
+		form: '表單',
+		checkbox: '核取方塊',
+		radio: '選項按鈕',
+		textField: '文字方塊',
+		textarea: '文字區域',
+		hiddenField: '隱藏欄位',
+		button: '按鈕',
+		select: '清單/選單',
+		imageButton: '影像按鈕',
+		notSet: '<尚未設定>',
+		id: 'ID',
+		name: '名稱',
+		langDir: '語言方向',
+		langDirLtr: '由左而右 (LTR)',
+		langDirRtl: '由右而左 (RTL)',
+		langCode: '語言代碼',
+		longDescr: '詳細 URL',
+		cssClass: '樣式表類別',
+		advisoryTitle: '標題',
+		cssStyle: '樣式',
+		ok: '確定',
+		cancel: '取消',
+		close: '关闭',
+		preview: '预览',
+		resize: '拖拽改變大小',
+		generalTab: '一般',
+		advancedTab: '進階',
+		validateNumberFailed: '需要輸入數字格式',
+		confirmNewPage: '現存的修改尚未儲存,要開新檔案?',
+		confirmCancel: '部份選項尚未儲存,要關閉對話盒?',
+		options: '选项',
+		target: '目标',
+		targetNew: '新窗口(_blank)',
+		targetTop: '整页(_top)',
+		targetSelf: '本窗口(_self)',
+		targetParent: '父窗口(_parent)',
+		langDirLTR: '由左而右 (LTR)',
+		langDirRTL: '由右而左 (RTL)',
+		styles: '樣式',
+		cssClasses: '樣式表類別',
+		width: '寬度',
+		height: '高度',
+		align: '對齊',
+		alignLeft: '靠左對齊',
+		alignRight: '靠右對齊',
+		alignCenter: '置中',
+		alignTop: '靠上對齊',
+		alignMiddle: '置中對齊',
+		alignBottom: '靠下對齊',
+		invalidValue	: 'Invalid value.', // MISSING
+		invalidHeight: '高度必須為數字格式',
+		invalidWidth: '寬度必須為數字格式',
+		invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', // MISSING
+		invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', // MISSING
+		cssLengthTooltip: 'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', // MISSING
+		// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
+		unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, 已關閉</span>'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/a11yhelp.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/a11yhelp.js
index 3348f93..f8a6f81 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/a11yhelp.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/a11yhelp.js
@@ -1,78 +1,76 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'a11yHelp', function( editor )
-	var lang = editor.lang.accessibilityHelp,
-		id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'a11yHelp', function( editor ) {
+	var lang = editor.lang.a11yhelp,
+		id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId();
 	// CharCode <-> KeyChar.
-	var keyMap =
-	{
-		8 : "BACKSPACE",
-		9 : "TAB" ,
-		13 : "ENTER" ,
-		16 : "SHIFT" ,
-		17 : "CTRL" ,
-		18 : "ALT" ,
-		19 : "PAUSE" ,
-		20 : "CAPSLOCK" ,
-		27 : "ESCAPE" ,
-		33 : "PAGE UP" ,
-		34 : "PAGE DOWN" ,
-		35 : "END" ,
-		36 : "HOME" ,
-		37 : "LEFT ARROW" ,
-		38 : "UP ARROW" ,
-		39 : "RIGHT ARROW" ,
-		40 : "DOWN ARROW" ,
-		45 : "INSERT" ,
-		46 : "DELETE" ,
-		91 : "LEFT WINDOW KEY" ,
-		92 : "RIGHT WINDOW KEY" ,
-		93 : "SELECT KEY" ,
-		96 : "NUMPAD  0" ,
-		97 : "NUMPAD  1" ,
-		98 : "NUMPAD  2" ,
-		99 : "NUMPAD  3" ,
-		100 : "NUMPAD  4" ,
-		101 : "NUMPAD  5" ,
-		102 : "NUMPAD  6" ,
-		103 : "NUMPAD  7" ,
-		104 : "NUMPAD  8" ,
-		105 : "NUMPAD  9" ,
-		106 : "MULTIPLY" ,
-		107 : "ADD" ,
-		109 : "SUBTRACT" ,
-		110 : "DECIMAL POINT" ,
-		111 : "DIVIDE" ,
-		112 : "F1" ,
-		113 : "F2" ,
-		114 : "F3" ,
-		115 : "F4" ,
-		116 : "F5" ,
-		117 : "F6" ,
-		118 : "F7" ,
-		119 : "F8" ,
-		120 : "F9" ,
-		121 : "F10" ,
-		122 : "F11" ,
-		123 : "F12" ,
-		144 : "NUM LOCK" ,
-		145 : "SCROLL LOCK" ,
-		186 : "SEMI-COLON" ,
-		187 : "EQUAL SIGN" ,
-		188 : "COMMA" ,
-		189 : "DASH" ,
-		190 : "PERIOD" ,
-		191 : "FORWARD SLASH" ,
-		192 : "GRAVE ACCENT" ,
-		219 : "OPEN BRACKET" ,
-		220 : "BACK SLASH" ,
-		221 : "CLOSE BRAKET" ,
-		222 : "SINGLE QUOTE"
+	var keyMap = {
+		8: "BACKSPACE",
+		9: "TAB",
+		13: "ENTER",
+		16: "SHIFT",
+		17: "CTRL",
+		18: "ALT",
+		19: "PAUSE",
+		20: "CAPSLOCK",
+		27: "ESCAPE",
+		33: "PAGE UP",
+		34: "PAGE DOWN",
+		35: "END",
+		36: "HOME",
+		37: "LEFT ARROW",
+		38: "UP ARROW",
+		39: "RIGHT ARROW",
+		40: "DOWN ARROW",
+		45: "INSERT",
+		46: "DELETE",
+		93: "SELECT KEY",
+		96: "NUMPAD  0",
+		97: "NUMPAD  1",
+		98: "NUMPAD  2",
+		99: "NUMPAD  3",
+		100: "NUMPAD  4",
+		101: "NUMPAD  5",
+		102: "NUMPAD  6",
+		103: "NUMPAD  7",
+		104: "NUMPAD  8",
+		105: "NUMPAD  9",
+		106: "MULTIPLY",
+		107: "ADD",
+		109: "SUBTRACT",
+		110: "DECIMAL POINT",
+		111: "DIVIDE",
+		112: "F1",
+		113: "F2",
+		114: "F3",
+		115: "F4",
+		116: "F5",
+		117: "F6",
+		118: "F7",
+		119: "F8",
+		120: "F9",
+		121: "F10",
+		122: "F11",
+		123: "F12",
+		144: "NUM LOCK",
+		145: "SCROLL LOCK",
+		186: "SEMI-COLON",
+		187: "EQUAL SIGN",
+		188: "COMMA",
+		189: "DASH",
+		190: "PERIOD",
+		191: "FORWARD SLASH",
+		192: "GRAVE ACCENT",
+		219: "OPEN BRACKET",
+		220: "BACK SLASH",
+		221: "CLOSE BRAKET",
+		222: "SINGLE QUOTE"
 	// Modifier keys override.
@@ -83,50 +81,46 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'a11yHelp', function( editor )
 	// Sort in desc.
-	function representKeyStroke( keystroke )
-	{
-		var quotient,
-				modifier,
-				presentation = [];
+	function representKeyStroke( keystroke ) {
+		var quotient, modifier,
+			presentation = [];
-		for ( var i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( var i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++ ) {
 			modifier = modifiers[ i ];
 			quotient = keystroke / modifiers[ i ];
-			if ( quotient > 1 && quotient <= 2 )
-			{
+			if ( quotient > 1 && quotient <= 2 ) {
 				keystroke -= modifier;
 				presentation.push( keyMap[ modifier ] );
-		presentation.push( keyMap[ keystroke ]
-			|| String.fromCharCode( keystroke ) );
+		presentation.push( keyMap[ keystroke ] || String.fromCharCode( keystroke ) );
 		return presentation.join( '+' );
 	var variablesPattern = /\$\{(.*?)\}/g;
-	function replaceVariables( match, name )
-	{
-		var keystrokes = editor.config.keystrokes,
-				definition,
-				length = keystrokes.length;
-		for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ )
-		{
-			definition = keystrokes[ i ];
-			if ( definition[ 1 ] == name )
-				break;
-		}
-		return representKeyStroke( definition[ 0 ] );
-	}
+	var replaceVariables = (function() {
+		// Swaps keystrokes with their commands in object literal.
+		// This makes searching keystrokes by command much easier.
+		var keystrokesByCode = editor.keystrokeHandler.keystrokes,
+			keystrokesByName = {};
+		for ( var i in keystrokesByCode )
+			keystrokesByName[ keystrokesByCode[ i ] ] = i;
+		return function( match, name ) {
+			// Return the keystroke representation or leave match untouched
+			// if there's no keystroke for such command.
+			return keystrokesByName[ name ] ? representKeyStroke( keystrokesByName[ name ] ) : match;
+		};
+	})();
 	// Create the help list directly from lang file entries.
-	function buildHelpContents()
-	{
-		var pageTpl = '<div class="cke_accessibility_legend" role="document" aria-labelledby="cke_' + id + '_arialbl" tabIndex="-1">%1</div>' +
-				'<span id="cke_' + id + '_arialbl" class="cke_voice_label">' + lang.contents + ' </span>',
+	function buildHelpContents() {
+		var pageTpl = '<div class="cke_accessibility_legend" role="document" aria-labelledby="' + id + '_arialbl" tabIndex="-1">%1</div>' +
+				'<span id="' + id + '_arialbl" class="cke_voice_label">' + lang.contents + ' </span>',
 			sectionTpl = '<h1>%1</h1><dl>%2</dl>',
 			itemTpl = '<dt>%1</dt><dd>%2</dd>';
@@ -134,20 +128,23 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'a11yHelp', function( editor )
 			sections = lang.legend,
 			sectionLength = sections.length;
-		for ( var i = 0; i < sectionLength; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( var i = 0; i < sectionLength; i++ ) {
 			var section = sections[ i ],
 				sectionHtml = [],
 				items = section.items,
 				itemsLength = items.length;
-			for ( var j = 0; j < itemsLength; j++ )
-			{
+			for ( var j = 0; j < itemsLength; j++ ) {
 				var item = items[ j ],
-					itemHtml;
-				itemHtml = itemTpl.replace( '%1', item.name ).
-					replace( '%2', item.legend.replace( variablesPattern, replaceVariables ) );
-				sectionHtml.push( itemHtml );
+					itemLegend = item.legend.replace( variablesPattern, replaceVariables );
+				// (#9765) If some commands haven't been replaced in the legend,
+				// most likely their keystrokes are unavailable and we shouldn't include
+				// them in our help list.
+				if ( itemLegend.match( variablesPattern ) )
+					continue;
+				sectionHtml.push( itemTpl.replace( '%1', item.name ).replace( '%2', itemLegend ) );
 			pageHtml.push( sectionTpl.replace( '%1', section.name ).replace( '%2', sectionHtml.join( '' ) ) );
@@ -157,55 +154,64 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'a11yHelp', function( editor )
 	return {
-		title : lang.title,
-		minWidth : 600,
-		minHeight : 400,
-		contents : [
+		title: lang.title,
+		minWidth: 600,
+		minHeight: 400,
+		contents: [
-				id : 'info',
-				label : editor.lang.common.generalTab,
-				expand : true,
-				elements :
-				[
-					{
-						type : 'html',
-						id : 'legends',
-						focus : function() {},
-						html : buildHelpContents() +
-							'<style type="text/css">' +
-							'.cke_accessibility_legend' +
-							'{' +
-								'width:600px;' +
-								'height:400px;' +
-								'padding-right:5px;' +
-								'overflow-y:auto;' +
-								'overflow-x:hidden;' +
-							'}' +
-							'.cke_accessibility_legend h1' +
-							'{' +
-								'font-size: 20px;' +
-								'border-bottom: 1px solid #AAA;' +
-								'margin: 5px 0px 15px;' +
-							'}' +
-							'.cke_accessibility_legend dl' +
-							'{' +
-								'margin-left: 5px;' +
-							'}' +
-							'.cke_accessibility_legend dt' +
-							'{' +
-								'font-size: 13px;' +
-								'font-weight: bold;' +
-							'}' +
-							'.cke_accessibility_legend dd' +
-							'{' +
-								'white-space:normal;' +
-								'margin:10px' +
-							'}' +
-						'</style>'
-					}
-				]
+			id: 'info',
+			label: editor.lang.common.generalTab,
+			expand: true,
+			elements: [
+				{
+				type: 'html',
+				id: 'legends',
+				style: 'white-space:normal;',
+				focus: function() { this.getElement().focus(); },
+				html: buildHelpContents() + '<style type="text/css">' +
+					'.cke_accessibility_legend' +
+					'{' +
+						'width:600px;' +
+						'height:400px;' +
+						'padding-right:5px;' +
+						'overflow-y:auto;' +
+						'overflow-x:hidden;' +
+					'}' +
+					// Some adjustments are to be done for IE6 and Quirks to work "properly" (#5757)
+					'.cke_browser_quirks .cke_accessibility_legend,' +
+					'.cke_browser_ie6 .cke_accessibility_legend' +
+					'{' +
+						'height:390px' +
+					'}' +
+					// Override non-wrapping white-space rule in reset css.
+					'.cke_accessibility_legend *' +
+					'{' +
+						'white-space:normal;' +
+					'}' +
+					'.cke_accessibility_legend h1' +
+					'{' +
+						'font-size: 20px;' +
+						'border-bottom: 1px solid #AAA;' +
+						'margin: 5px 0px 15px;' +
+					'}' +
+					'.cke_accessibility_legend dl' +
+					'{' +
+						'margin-left: 5px;' +
+					'}' +
+					'.cke_accessibility_legend dt' +
+					'{' +
+						'font-size: 13px;' +
+						'font-weight: bold;' +
+					'}' +
+					'.cke_accessibility_legend dd' +
+					'{' +
+						'margin:10px' +
+					'}' +
+					'</style>'
+			]
+		}
-		buttons : [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ]
+		buttons: [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/_translationstatus.txt b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/_translationstatus.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7c92d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/_translationstatus.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+cs.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+cy.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+da.js      Found: 12 Missing: 18
+de.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+el.js      Found: 25 Missing: 5
+eo.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+fa.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+fi.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+fr.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+gu.js      Found: 12 Missing: 18
+he.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+it.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+mk.js      Found: 5 Missing: 25
+nb.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+nl.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+no.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+pt-br.js   Found: 30 Missing: 0
+ro.js      Found: 6 Missing: 24
+tr.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+ug.js      Found: 27 Missing: 3
+vi.js      Found: 6 Missing: 24
+zh-cn.js   Found: 30 Missing: 0
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c79ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'ar', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions', // MISSING
+	contents: 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.', // MISSING
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'عام',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Toolbar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e514905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'bg', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions', // MISSING
+	contents: 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.', // MISSING
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Общо',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Toolbar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..704d8b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'ca', {
+	title: 'Instruccions d\'Accessibilitat',
+	contents: 'Continguts de l\'Ajuda. Per tancar aquest quadre de diàleg premi ESC.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'General',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor de barra d\'eines',
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor de quadre de diàleg',
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor de menú contextual',
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor de caixa de llista',
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor de barra de ruta de l\'element',
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Ordres',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Desfer ordre',
+			legend: 'Premi ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Refer ordre',
+			legend: 'Premi ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Ordre negreta',
+			legend: 'Prem ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Ordre cursiva',
+			legend: 'Prem ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Ordre subratllat',
+			legend: 'Prem ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Ordre enllaç',
+			legend: 'Prem ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Ordre amagar barra d\'eines',
+			legend: 'Prem ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Ajuda d\'accessibilitat',
+			legend: 'Prem ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff851ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'cs', {
+	title: 'Instrukce pro přístupnost',
+	contents: 'Obsah nápovědy. Pro uzavření tohoto dialogu stiskněte klávesu ESC.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Obecné',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Panel nástrojů editoru',
+			legend: 'Stiskněte${toolbarFocus} k procházení panelu nástrojů. Přejděte na další a předchozí skupiny pomocí TAB a SHIFT-TAB. Přechod na další a předchozí tlačítko panelu nástrojů je pomocí ŠIPKA VPRAVO nebo ŠIPKA VLEVO. Stisknutím mezerníku nebo klávesy ENTER tlačítko aktivujete.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Dialogové okno editoru',
+			legend: 'Uvnitř dialogového okna stiskněte TAB pro přesunutí na další pole, stiskněte SHIFT + TAB pro přesun na předchozí pole, stiskněte ENTER pro odeslání dialogu, stiskněte ESC pro jeho zrušení. Pro dialogová okna, která mají mnoho karet stiskněte ALT + F10 pr oprocházení seznamu karet. Pak se přesuňte na další kartu pomocí TAB nebo ŠIPKA VPRAVO. Pro přesun na předchozí stiskněte SHIFT + TAB nebo ŠIPKA VLEVO. Stiskněte MEZERNÍK nebo ENTER pro vybrání stránky karet.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Kontextové menu editoru',
+			legend: 'Stiskněte ${contextMenu} nebo klávesu APPLICATION k otevření kontextového menu. Pak se přesuňte na další možnost menu pomocí TAB nebo ŠIPKY DOLŮ. Přesuňte se na předchozí možnost pomocí  SHIFT+TAB nebo ŠIPKY NAHORU. Stiskněte MEZERNÍK nebo ENTER pro zvolení možnosti menu. Podmenu současné možnosti otevřete pomocí MEZERNÍKU nebo ENTER či ŠIPKY DOLEVA. Kontextové menu uzavřete stiskem ESC.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Rámeček seznamu editoru',
+			legend: 'Uvnitř rámečku seznamu se přesunete na další položku menu pomocí TAB nebo ŠIPKA DOLŮ. Na předchozí položku se přesunete SHIFT + TAB nebo ŠIPKA NAHORU. Stiskněte MEZERNÍK nebo ENTER pro zvolení možnosti seznamu. Stiskněte ESC pro uzavření seznamu.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Lišta cesty prvku v editoru',
+			legend: 'Stiskněte ${elementsPathFocus} pro procházení lišty cesty prvku. Na další tlačítko prvku se přesunete pomocí TAB nebo ŠIPKA VPRAVO. Na předchozí položku se přesunete pomocí SHIFT + TAB nebo ŠIPKA VLEVO. Stiskněte MEZERNÍK nebo ENTER pro vybrání prvku v editoru.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Příkazy',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Příkaz Zpět',
+			legend: 'Stiskněte ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Příkaz Znovu',
+			legend: 'Stiskněte ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Příkaz Tučné',
+			legend: 'Stiskněte ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Příkaz Kurzíva',
+			legend: 'Stiskněte ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Příkaz Podtržení',
+			legend: 'Stiskněte ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Příkaz Odkaz',
+			legend: 'Stiskněte ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Příkaz Skrýt panel nástrojů',
+			legend: 'Stiskněte ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Nápověda přístupnosti',
+			legend: 'Stiskněte ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eac8b01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'cy', {
+	title: 'Canllawiau Hygyrchedd',
+	contents: 'Cynnwys Cymorth. I gau y deialog hwn, pwyswch ESC.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Cyffredinol',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Bar Offer y Golygydd',
+			legend: 'Pwyswch $ {toolbarFocus} i fynd at y bar offer. Symudwch i\'r grŵp bar offer nesaf a blaenorol gyda TAB a SHIFT-TAB. Symudwch i\'r botwm bar offer nesaf a blaenorol gyda SAETH DDE neu SAETH CHWITH. Pwyswch SPACE neu ENTER i wneud botwm y bar offer yn weithredol.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Deialog y Golygydd',
+			legend: 'Tu mewn i\'r deialog, pwyswch TAB i fynd i\'r maes nesaf ar y deialog, pwyswch SHIFT + TAB i symud i faes blaenorol, pwyswch ENTER i gyflwyno\'r deialog, pwyswch ESC i ddiddymu\'r deialog. Ar gyfer deialogau sydd â thudalennau aml-tab, pwyswch ALT + F10 i lywio\'r tab-restr. Yna symudwch i\'r tab nesaf gyda TAB neu SAETH DDE. Symudwch i dab blaenorol gyda SHIFT + TAB neu\'r SAETH CHWITH. Pwyswch SPACE neu ENTER i ddewis y dudalen tab.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Dewislen Cyd-destun y Golygydd',
+			legend: 'Pwyswch $ {contextMenu} neu\'r ALLWEDD \'APPLICATION\' i agor y ddewislen cyd-destun. Yna symudwch i\'r opsiwn ddewislen nesaf gyda\'r TAB neu\'r SAETH I LAWR. Symudwch i\'r opsiwn blaenorol gyda SHIFT + TAB neu\'r SAETH I FYNY. Pwyswch SPACE neu ENTER i ddewis yr opsiwn ddewislen. Agorwch is-dewislen yr opsiwn cyfredol gyda SPACE neu ENTER neu SAETH DDE. Ewch yn ôl i\'r eitem ar y ddewislen uwch gydag ESC neu SAETH CHWITH. Ceuwch y ddewislen cyd-destun gydag ESC.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Blwch Rhestr y Golygydd',
+			legend: 'Tu mewn rhestr-bocs, ewch i\'r eitem rhestr nesaf gyda TAB neu\'r SAETH I LAWR. Symudwch i restr eitem flaenorol gyda SHIFT + TAB neu SAETH I FYNY. Pwyswch SPACE neu ENTER i ddewis yr opsiwn o\'r rhestr. Pwyswch ESC i gau\'r rhestr.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Bar Llwybr Elfen y Golygydd',
+			legend: 'Pwyswch $ {elementsPathFocus} i fynd i\'r elfennau llwybr bar. Symudwch i fotwm yr elfen nesaf gyda TAB neu SAETH DDE. Symudwch i fotwm blaenorol gyda SHIFT + TAB neu SAETH CHWITH. Pwyswch SPACE neu ENTER i ddewis yr elfen yn y golygydd.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Gorchmynion',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Gorchymyn dadwneud',
+			legend: 'Pwyswch ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Gorchymyn ailadrodd',
+			legend: 'Pwyswch ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Gorchymyn Bras',
+			legend: 'Pwyswch ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Gorchymyn italig',
+			legend: 'Pwyswch ${italig}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Gorchymyn tanlinellu',
+			legend: 'Pwyso ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Gorchymyn dolen',
+			legend: 'Pwyswch ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Gorchymyn Cwympo\'r Dewislen',
+			legend: 'Pwyswch ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Cymorth Hygyrchedd',
+			legend: 'Pwyswch ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7f98d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'da', {
+	title: 'Tilgængelighedsinstrukser',
+	contents: 'Onlinehjælp. For at lukke dette vindue klik ESC',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Generelt',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor værktøjslinje',
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Kommandoer',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Fortryd kommando',
+			legend: 'Klik på ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Gentag kommando',
+			legend: 'Klik ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Klik ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Klik ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Klik ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Kilk ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bdff35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'de', {
+	title: 'Barrierefreiheitinformationen',
+	contents: 'Hilfeinhalt. Um den Dialog zu schliessen die Taste \'ESC\' drücken.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Allgemein',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Symbolleiste',
+			legend: 'Drücken Sie ${toolbarFocus} auf der Symbolleiste. Gehen Sie zur nächsten oder vorherigen Symbolleistengruppe mit TAB und SHIFT-TAB. Gehen Sie zur nächsten oder vorherigen Symbolleiste auf die Schaltfläche mit dem RECHTS- oder LINKS-Pfeil. Drücken Sie die Leertaste oder Eingabetaste, um die Schaltfläche in der Symbolleiste aktivieren.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog',
+			legend: 'Innerhalb des Dialogs drücken Sie TAB um zum nächsten Dialogfeld zu gelangen, drücken Sie SHIFT-TAG um zum vorherigen Feld zu wechseln, drücken Sie ENTER um den Dialog abzusenden und ESC um den Dialog zu abzubrechen. Um zwischen den Reitern innerhalb eines Dialogs zu wechseln drücken sie ALT-F10. Um zum nächsten Reiter zu gelangen können Sie TAB oder die rechte Pfeiltaste. Zurück gelangt man mit SHIFT-TAB oder der linken Pfeiltaste. Mit der Leertaste oder Enter kann man den Reiter auswählen.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Kontextmenü',
+			legend: 'Dürcken Sie ${contextMenu} oder die Anwendungstaste um das Kontextmenü zu öffnen. Man kann die Pfeiltasten zum Wechsel benutzen. Mit der Leertaste oder der Enter-Taste kann man den Menüpunkt aufrufen. Schliessen Sie das Kontextmenü mit der ESC-Taste.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Listen',
+			legend: 'Innerhalb einer Listenbox kann man mit der TAB-Taste oder den Pfeilrunter-Taste den nächsten Menüeintrag wählen. Mit der Shift-TAB Tastenkombination oder der Pfeilhoch-Taste gelangt man zum vorherigen Menüpunkt. Mit der Leertaste oder Enter kann man den Menüpunkt auswählen. Drücken Sie ESC zum Verlassen des Menüs.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Elementpfadleiste',
+			legend: 'Drücken Sie ${elementsPathFocus} um sich durch die Pfadleiste zu bewegen. Um zum nächsten Element zu gelangen drücken Sie TAB oder die Pfeilrechts-Taste. Zum vorherigen Element gelangen Sie mit der SHIFT-TAB oder der Pfeillinks-Taste. Drücken Sie die Leertaste oder Enter um das Element auszuwählen.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Befehle',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Wiederholen Befehl',
+			legend: 'Drücken Sie ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Rückgängig Befehl',
+			legend: 'Drücken Sie ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Fettschrift Befehl',
+			legend: 'Drücken Sie ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Italic Befehl',
+			legend: 'Drücken Sie ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Unterstreichung Befehl',
+			legend: 'Drücken Sie ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Link Befehl',
+			legend: 'Drücken Sie ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Symbolleiste zuammenklappen Befehl',
+			legend: 'Drücken Sie ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Eingabehilfen',
+			legend: 'Drücken Sie ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c85cf73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'el', {
+	title: 'Οδηγίες Προσβασιμότητας',
+	contents: 'Περιεχόμενα Βοήθειας. Πατήστε ESC για κλείσιμο.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Γενικά',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Εργαλειοθήκη Επεξεργαστή',
+			legend: 'Πατήστε ${toolbarFocus} για να περιηγηθείτε στην γραμμή εργαλείων. Μετακινηθείτε ανάμεσα στις ομάδες της γραμμής εργαλείων με TAB και Shift-TAB. Μετακινηθείτε ανάμεσα στα κουμπία εργαλείων με ΔΕΞΙ και ΑΡΙΣΤΕΡΟ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Πατήστε ΚΕΝΟ ή ENTER για να ενεργοποιήσετε το ενεργό κουμπί εργαλείου.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Παράθυρο Διαλόγου Επεξεργαστή',
+			legend: 'Μέσα σε ένα παράθυρο διαλόγου, πατήστε TAB για να μεταβείτε στο επόμενο πεδίο ή SHIFT + TAB για να μεταβείτε στο προηγούμενο. Πατήστε ENTER για να υποβάλετε την φόρμα. Πατήστε ESC για να ακυρώσετε την διαδικασία της φόρμας. Για παράθυρα διαλόγων που έχουν πολλές σελίδες σε καρτέλες πατήστε ALT + F10 για να μεταβείτε στην λίστα των καρτέλων. Στην συνέχεια μπορείτε να μεταβείτε στην επόμενη καρτέλα πατώντας TAB ή RIGHT ARROW. Μπορείτε να μεταβείτε στην προηγούμενη καρτέλα πατώντας SHIFT + TAB ή LEFT ARROW. Πατήστε SPACE ή ENTER για να επιλέξετε την καρτέλα για προβολή.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Αναδυόμενο Μενού Επεξεργαστή',
+			legend: 'Πατήστε ${contextMenu} ή APPLICATION KEY για να ανοίξετε το αναδυόμενο μενού. Μετά μετακινηθείτε στην επόμενη επιλογή του μενού με  TAB ή ΚΑΤΩ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Μετακινηθείτε στην προηγούμενη επιλογή με SHIFT+TAB ή ΠΑΝΩ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Πατήστε ΔΙΑΣΤΗΜΑ ή ENTER για να επιλέξετε το τρέχων στοιχείο. Ανοίξτε το αναδυόμενο μενού της τρέχουσας επιλογής με ΔΙΑΣΤΗΜΑ ή ENTER ή ΔΕΞΙ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Μεταβείτε πίσω στο αρχικό στοιχείο μενού με ESC ή ΑΡΙΣΤΕΡΟ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Κλείστε το αναδυόμενο μενού με ESC.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Κουτί Λίστας Επεξεργαστών',
+			legend: 'Μέσα σε ένα κουτί λίστας, μετακινηθείτε στο επόμενο στοιχείο με TAB ή ΚΑΤΩ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Μετακινηθείτε στο προηγούμενο στοιχείο με SHIFT + TAB ή ΠΑΝΩ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Πατήστε ΔΙΑΣΤΗΜΑ ή ENTER για να επιλέξετε ένα στοιχείο. Πατήστε ESC για να κλείσετε το κουτί της λίστας.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Μπάρα Διαδρομών Στοιχείων Επεξεργαστή',
+			legend: 'Πατήστε ${elementsPathFocus} για να περιηγηθείτε στην μπάρα διαδρομών στοιχείων του επεξεργαστή. Μετακινηθείτε στο κουμπί του επόμενου στοιχείου με το TAB ή το ΔΕΞΙ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Μετακινηθείτε στο κουμπί του προηγούμενου στοιχείου με το SHIFT+TAB ή το ΑΡΙΣΤΕΡΟ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Πατήστε ΔΙΑΣΤΗΜΑ ή ENTER για να επιλέξετε το στοιχείο στον επεξεργαστή.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Εντολές',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Εντολή αναίρεσης',
+			legend: 'Πατήστε ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Εντολή επανάληψης',
+			legend: 'Πατήστε ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Εντολή έντονης γραφής',
+			legend: 'Πατήστε ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Εντολή πλάγιας γραφής',
+			legend: 'Πατήστε ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Εντολή υπογράμμισης',
+			legend: 'Πατήστε ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Εντολή συνδέσμου',
+			legend: 'Πατήστε ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Εντολή Σύμπτηξης Εργαλειοθήκης',
+			legend: 'Πατήστε ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.'  // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.'  // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Βοήθεια Προσβασιμότητας',
+			legend: 'Πατήστε ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76ae08a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'en', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions',
+	contents: 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'General',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Toolbar',
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. ' +
+				'Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. ' +
+				'Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. ' +
+				'Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog',
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. ' +
+				'For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. ' +
+				'Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. ' +
+				'Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. ' +
+				'Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu',
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. ' +
+				'Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. ' +
+				'Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. ' +
+				'Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. ' +
+				'Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. ' +
+				'Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. ' +
+				'Close context menu with ESC.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box',
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. ' +
+				'Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. ' +
+				'Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. ' +
+				'Press ESC to close the list-box.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar',
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. ' +
+				'Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. ' +
+				'Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. ' +
+				'Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command',
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command',
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command',
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command',
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command',
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command',
+			legend: 'Press ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command',
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command',
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, ' +
+				'for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command',
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, ' +
+				'for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help',
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e38a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'eo', {
+	title: 'Uzindikoj pri atingeblo',
+	contents: 'Helpilenhavo. Por fermi tiun dialogon, premu la ESKAPAN klavon.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Ĝeneralaĵoj',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Ilbreto de la redaktilo',
+			legend: 'Premu ${toolbarFocus} por atingi la ilbreton. Moviĝu al la sekva aŭ antaŭa grupoj de la ilbreto per la klavoj TABA kaj MAJUSKLIGA-TABA. Moviĝu al la sekva aŭ antaŭa butonoj de la ilbreto per la klavoj SAGO DEKSTREN kaj SAGO MALDEKSTREN. Premu la SPACETklavon aŭ la ENENklavon por aktivigi la ilbretbutonon.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Redaktildialogo',
+			legend: 'En dialogo, premu la TABAN klavon por navigi al la sekva dialogkampo, premu la MAJUSKLIGAN + TABAN klavojn por reveni al la antaŭa kampo, premu la ENENklavon por sendi la dialogon, premu la ESKAPAN klavon por nuligi la dialogon. Por dialogoj kun pluraj retpaĝoj sub langetoj, premu ALT + F10 por navigi al la langetlisto. Poste moviĝu al la sekva langeto per la klavo TABA aŭ SAGO DEKSTREN. Moviĝu al la antaŭa langeto per la klavoj MAJUSKLIGA + TABA aŭ  SAGO MALDEKSTREN. Premu la SPACETklavon aŭ la ENENklavon por selekti la langetretpaĝon.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Kunteksta menuo de la redaktilo',
+			legend: 'Premu ${contextMenu} aŭ entajpu la KLAVKOMBINAĴON por malfermi la kuntekstan menuon. Poste moviĝu al la sekva opcio de la menuo per la klavoj TABA aŭ SAGO SUBEN. Moviĝu al la antaŭa opcio per la klavoj MAJUSKLGA + TABA aŭ SAGO SUPREN. Premu la SPACETklavon aŭ ENENklavon por selekti la menuopcion. Malfermu la submenuon de la kuranta opcio per la SPACETklavo aŭ la ENENklavo aŭ la SAGO DEKSTREN. Revenu al la elemento de la patra menuo per la klavoj ESKAPA aŭ SAGO MALDEKSTREN. Fermu la kuntekstan menuon per la ESKAPA klavo.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Fallisto de la redaktilo',
+			legend: 'En fallisto, moviĝu al la sekva listelemento per la klavoj TABA aŭ SAGO SUBEN. Moviĝu al la antaŭa listelemento per la klavoj MAJUSKLIGA + TABA aŭ SAGO SUPREN. Premu la SPACETklavon aŭ ENENklavon por selekti la opcion en la listo. Premu la ESKAPAN klavon por fermi la falmenuon.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Breto indikanta la vojon al la redaktilelementoj',
+			legend: 'Premu ${elementsPathFocus} por navigi al la breto indikanta la vojon al la redaktilelementoj. Moviĝu al la butono de la sekva elemento per la klavoj TABA aŭ SAGO DEKSTREN. Moviĝu al la butono de la antaŭa elemento per la klavoj MAJUSKLIGA + TABA aŭ SAGO MALDEKSTREN. Premu la SPACETklavon aŭ ENENklavon por selekti la elementon en la redaktilo.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Komandoj',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Komando malfari',
+			legend: 'Premu ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Komando refari',
+			legend: 'Premu ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Komando grasa',
+			legend: 'Premu ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Komando kursiva',
+			legend: 'Premu ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Komando substreki',
+			legend: 'Premu ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Komando ligilo',
+			legend: 'Premu ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Komando faldi la ilbreton',
+			legend: 'Premu ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Helpilo pri atingeblo',
+			legend: 'Premu ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a5a555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'es', {
+	title: 'Instrucciones de acceso',
+	contents: 'Ayuda. Para cerrar presione ESC.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'General',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Barra de herramientas del editor',
+			legend: 'Presiona ${toolbarFocus} para navegar por la barra de herramientas. Para moverse por los distintos grupos de herramientas usa las teclas TAB y MAY-TAB. Para moverse por las distintas herramientas usa FLECHA DERECHA o FECHA IZQUIERDA. Presiona "espacio" o "intro" para activar la herramienta.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor de diálogo',
+			legend: 'Dentro de un cuadro de diálogo, presione la tecla TAB para desplazarse al campo siguiente del cuadro de diálogo, pulse SHIFT + TAB para desplazarse al campo anterior, pulse ENTER para presentar cuadro de diálogo, pulse la tecla ESC para cancelar el diálogo. Para los diálogos que tienen varias páginas, presione ALT + F10 para navegar a la pestaña de la lista. Luego pasar a la siguiente pestaña con TAB o FLECHA DERECHA. Para ir a la ficha anterior con SHIFT + TAB o FLECHA IZQUIERDA. Presione ESPACIO o ENTRAR para seleccionar la página de ficha.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8fc392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'et', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions', // MISSING
+	contents: 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.', // MISSING
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Ãœldine',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Toolbar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..841ebf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'fa', {
+	title: 'دستورالعملهای دسترسی',
+	contents: 'راهنمای فهرست مطالب. برای بستن این کادر محاورهای ESC را فشار دهید.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'عمومی',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'نوار ابزار ویرایشگر',
+			legend: '${toolbarFocus} را برای باز کردن نوار ابزار بفشارید. با کلید Tab و Shif-Tab در مجموعه نوار ابزار بعدی و قبلی حرکت کنید. برای حرکت در کلید نوار ابزار قبلی و بعدی با کلید جهتنمای راست و چپ جابجا شوید. کلید Space یا Enter را برای فعال کردن کلید نوار ابزار بفشارید.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'پنجره محاورهای ویرایشگر',
+			legend: 'در داخل یک پنجره محاورهای، کلید Tab را بفشارید تا به پنجرهی بعدی بروید، Shift+Tab برای حرکت به فیلد قبلی، فشردن Enter برای ثبت اطلاعات پنجره، فشردن Esc برای لغو پنجره محاورهای و برای پنجرههایی که چندین برگه دارند، فشردن Alt+F10 جهت رفتن به Tab-List. در نهایت حرکت به برگه بعدی با Tab یا کلید جهتنمای راست. حرکت به برگه قبلی با Shift+Tab یا کلید جهتنمای چپ. فشردن Space یا Enter برای انتخاب یک برگه.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'منوی متنی ویرایشگر',
+			legend: '${contextMenu} یا کلید برنامههای کاربردی را برای باز کردن منوی متن را بفشارید. سپس میتوانید برای حرکت به گزینه بعدی منو با کلید Tab و یا کلید جهتنمای پایین جابجا شوید. حرکت به گزینه قبلی با Shift+Tab یا کلید جهتنمای بالا. فشردن Space یا Enter برای انتخاب یک گزینه از منو. باز کردن زیر شاخه گزینه منو جاری با کلید Space یا Enter و یا کلید جهتنمای راست و چپ. بازگشت به منوی والد با کلید Esc یا کلید جهتنمای چپ. بستن منوی متن با Esc.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'جعبه فهرست ویرایشگر',
+			legend: 'در داخل جعبه لیست، قلم دوم از اقلام لیست بعدی را با TAB و یا Arrow Down حرکت دهید. انتقال به قلم دوم از اقلام لیست قبلی را با SHIFT + TAB یا UP ARROW. کلید Space یا ENTER را برای انتخاب گزینه لیست بفشارید. کلید ESC را برای بستن جعبه لیست بفشارید.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'ویرایشگر عنصر نوار راه',
+			legend: 'برای رفتن به مسیر عناصر ${elementsPathFocus} را بفشارید. حرکت به کلید عنصر بعدی با کلید Tab یا  کلید جهتنمای راست. برگشت به کلید قبلی با Shift+Tab یا کلید جهتنمای چپ. فشردن Space یا Enter برای انتخاب یک عنصر در ویرایشگر.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'فرمانها',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'بازگشت فرمان',
+			legend: 'فشردن ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'انجام مجدد فرمان',
+			legend: 'فشردن ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'فرمان متن درشت',
+			legend: 'فشردن ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'فرمان متن کج',
+			legend: 'فشردن ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'فرمان متن زیرخطدار',
+			legend: 'فشردن ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'فرمان پیوند',
+			legend: 'فشردن ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'بستن نوار ابزار فرمان',
+			legend: 'فشردن ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'راهنمای دسترسی',
+			legend: 'فشردن ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ace34f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'fi', {
+	title: 'Saavutettavuus ohjeet',
+	contents: 'Ohjeen sisällöt. Sulkeaksesi tämän dialogin paina ESC.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Yleinen',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editorin työkalupalkki',
+			legend: 'Paina ${toolbarFocus} siirtyäksesi työkalupalkkiin. Siirry seuraavaan ja edelliseen työkalupalkin ryhmään TAB ja SHIFT-TAB näppäimillä. Siirry seuraavaan ja edelliseen työkalupainikkeeseen käyttämällä NUOLI OIKEALLE tai NUOLI VASEMMALLE näppäimillä. Paina VÄLILYÖNTI tai ENTER näppäintä aktivoidaksesi työkalupainikkeen.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editorin dialogi',
+			legend: 'Dialogin sisällä, painamalla TAB siirryt seuraavaan dialogin kenttään, painamalla SHIFT+TAB siirryt aiempaan kenttään, painamalla ENTER lähetät dialogin, painamalla ESC peruutat dialogin. Dialogeille joissa on useita välilehtiä, paina ALT+F10 siirtyäksesi välillehtilistaan. Siirtyäksesi seuraavaan välilehteen paina TAB tai NUOLI OIKEALLE. Siirry edelliseen välilehteen painamalla SHIFT+TAB tai nuoli vasemmalle. Paina VÄLILYÖNTI tai ENTER valitaksesi välilehden.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editorin oheisvalikko',
+			legend: 'Paina ${contextMenu} tai SOVELLUSPAINIKETTA avataksesi oheisvalikon. Liiku seuraavaan valikon vaihtoehtoon TAB tai NUOLI ALAS näppäimillä. Siirry edelliseen vaihtoehtoon SHIFT+TAB tai NUOLI YLÖS näppäimillä. Paina VÄLILYÖNTI tai ENTER valitaksesi valikon kohdan. Avataksesi nykyisen kohdan alivalikon paina VÄLILYÖNTI tai ENTER tai NUOLI OIKEALLE painiketta. Siirtyäksesi takaisin valikon ylemmälle tasolle paina ESC tai NUOLI vasemmalle. Oheisvalikko suljetaan ESC painikkeella.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editorin listalaatikko',
+			legend: 'Listalaatikon sisällä siirry seuraavaan listan kohtaan TAB tai NUOLI ALAS painikkeilla. Siirry edelliseen listan kohtaan SHIFT+TAB tai NUOLI YLÖS painikkeilla. Paina VÄLILYÖNTI tai ENTER valitaksesi listan vaihtoehdon. Paina ESC sulkeaksesi listalaatikon.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editorin elementtipolun palkki',
+			legend: 'Paina ${elementsPathFocus} siirtyäksesi elementtipolun palkkiin. Siirry seuraavaan elementtipainikkeeseen TAB tai NUOLI OIKEALLE painikkeilla. Siirry aiempaan painikkeeseen SHIFT+TAB tai NUOLI VASEMMALLE painikkeilla. Paina VÄLILYÖNTI tai ENTER valitaksesi elementin editorissa.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Komennot',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Peruuta komento',
+			legend: 'Paina ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Tee uudelleen komento',
+			legend: 'Paina ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Lihavoi komento',
+			legend: 'Paina ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Kursivoi komento',
+			legend: 'Paina ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Alleviivaa komento',
+			legend: 'Paina ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Linkki komento',
+			legend: 'Paina ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Pienennä työkalupalkki komento',
+			legend: 'Paina ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Saavutettavuus ohjeet',
+			legend: 'Paina ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c47115d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'fr', {
+	title: 'Instructions pour l\'accessibilité',
+	contents: 'Contenu de l\'aide. Pour fermer ce dialogue, appuyez sur la touche ESC (Echappement).',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Général',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Barre d\'outils de l\'éditeur',
+			legend: 'Appuyer sur ${toolbarFocus} pour accéder à la barre d\'outils. Se déplacer vers les groupes suivant ou précédent de la barre d\'outil avec les touches TAB et SHIFT-TAB. Se déplacer vers les boutons suivant ou précédent de la barre d\'outils avec les touches FLECHE DROITE et FLECHE GAUCHE. Appuyer sur la barre d\'espace ou la touche ENTRER pour activer le bouton de barre d\'outils.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Dialogue de léditeur',
+			legend: 'A l\'intérieur d\'un dialogue, appuyer sur la touche TAB pour naviguer jusqu\'au champ de dalogue suivant, appuyez sur les touches SHIFT + TAB pour revenir au champ précédent, appuyez sur la touche ENTRER pour soumettre le dialogue, appuyer sur la touche ESC pour annuler le dialogue. Pour les dialogues avec plusieurs pages d\'onglets, appuyer sur ALT + F10 pour naviguer jusqu\'à la liste des onglets. Puis se déplacer vers l\'onglet suivant avec la touche TAB ou FLECHE DROITE. Se déplacer vers l\'onglet précédent avec les touches SHIFT + TAB ou FLECHE GAUCHE. Appuyer sur la barre d\'espace ou la touche ENTRER pour sélectionner la page de l\'onglet.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Menu contextuel de l\'éditeur',
+			legend: 'Appuyer sur ${contextMenu} ou entrer le RACCOURCI CLAVIER pour ouvrir le menu contextuel. Puis se déplacer vers l\'option suivante du menu avec les touches TAB ou FLECHE BAS. Se déplacer vers l\'option précédente avec les touches  SHIFT+TAB ou FLECHE HAUT. appuyer sur la BARRE D\'ESPACE ou la touche ENTREE pour sélectionner l\'option du menu. Oovrir le sous-menu de l\'option courante avec la BARRE D\'ESPACE ou les touches ENTREE ou FLECHE DROITE. Revenir à l\'élément de menu parent avec les touches ESC ou FLECHE GAUCHE. Fermer le menu contextuel avec ESC.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Zone de liste en menu déroulant de l\'éditeur',
+			legend: 'A l\'intérieur d\'une liste en menu déroulant, se déplacer vers l\'élément suivant de la liste avec les touches TAB ou FLECHE BAS. Se déplacer vers l\'élément précédent de la liste avec les touches SHIFT + TAB ou FLECHE HAUT. Appuyer sur la BARRE D\'ESPACE ou sur ENTREE pour sélectionner l\'option dans la liste. Appuyer sur ESC pour fermer le menu déroulant.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Barre d\'emplacement des éléments de léditeur',
+			legend: 'Appuyer sur ${elementsPathFocus} pour naviguer vers la barre d\'emplacement des éléments de léditeur. Se déplacer vers le bouton d\'élément suivant avec les touches TAB ou FLECHE DROITE. Se déplacer vers le bouton d\'élément précédent avec les touches SHIFT+TAB ou FLECHE GAUCHE. Appuyer sur la BARRE D\'ESPACE ou sur ENTREE pour sélectionner l\'élément dans l\'éditeur.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commandes',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Commande défaire',
+			legend: 'Appuyer sur ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Commande refaire',
+			legend: 'Appuyer sur ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Commande gras',
+			legend: 'Appuyer sur ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Commande italique',
+			legend: 'Appuyer sur ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Commande souligné',
+			legend: 'Appuyer sur ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Commande lien',
+			legend: 'Appuyer sur ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Commande enrouler la barre d\'outils',
+			legend: 'Appuyer sur ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Aide Accessibilité',
+			legend: 'Appuyer sur ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..027e32b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'gu', {
+	title: 'એક્ક્ષેબિલિટી ની વિગતો',
+	contents: 'હેલ્પ. આ બંધ કરવા ESC દબાવો.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'જનરલ',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'એડિટર ટૂલબાર',
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'એડિટર ડાયલોગ',
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'કમાંડસ',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'અન્ડું કમાંડ',
+			legend: '$ દબાવો {undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'ફરી કરો કમાંડ',
+			legend: '$ દબાવો {redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'બોલ્દનો કમાંડ',
+			legend: '$ દબાવો {bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef74da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'he', {
+	title: 'הוראות נגישות',
+	contents: 'הוראות נגישות. לסגירה לחץ אסקייפ (ESC).',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'כללי',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'סרגל הכלים',
+			legend: 'לחץ על ${toolbarFocus} כדי לנווט לסרגל הכלים. עבור לכפתור הבא עם מקש הטאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. עבור לכפתור הקודם עם מקש השיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ ימני. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי להפעיל את הכפתור הנבחר.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'דיאלוגים (חלונות תשאול)',
+			legend: 'בתוך דיאלוג, לחץ טאב (TAB) כדי לנווט לשדה הבא, לחץ שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) כדי לנווט לשדה הקודם, לחץ אנטר (ENTER) כדי לשלוח את הדיאלוג, לחץ אסקייפ (ESC) כדי לבטל. בתוך דיאלוגים בעלי מספר טאבים (לשוניות), לחץ אלט (ALT) + F10 כדי לנווט לשורת הטאבים. נווט לטאב הבא עם טאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. עבור לטאב הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי להיכנס לטאב.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'תפריט ההקשר (Context Menu)',
+			legend: 'לחץ ${contextMenu} או APPLICATION KEYכדי לפתוח את תפריט ההקשר. עבור לאפשרות הבאה עם טאב (TAB) או חץ למטה. עבור לאפשרות הקודמת עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ למעלה. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי לבחור את האפשרות. פתח את תת התפריט (Sub-menu) של האפשרות הנוכחית עם רווח או אנטר (ENTER) או חץ שמאלי. חזור לתפריט האב עם אסקייפ (ESC) או חץ שמאלי. סגור את תפריט ההקשר עם אסקייפ (ESC).'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'תפריטים צפים (List boxes)',
+			legend: 'בתוך תפריט צף, עבור לפריט הבא עם טאב (TAB) או חץ למטה. עבור לתפריט הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) or חץ עליון. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'עץ אלמנטים (Elements Path)',
+			legend: 'לחץ ${elementsPathFocus} כדי לנווט לעץ האלמנטים. עבור לפריט הבא עם טאב (TAB) או חץ ימני. עבור לפריט הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי לבחור את האלמנט בעורך.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'פקודות',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' ביטול צעד אחרון',
+			legend: 'לחץ ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' חזרה על צעד אחרון',
+			legend: 'לחץ ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' הדגשה',
+			legend: 'לחץ ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' הטייה',
+			legend: 'לחץ ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' הוספת קו תחתון',
+			legend: 'לחץ ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' הוספת לינק',
+			legend: 'לחץ ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' כיווץ סרגל הכלים',
+			legend: 'לחץ ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' הוראות נגישות',
+			legend: 'לחץ ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53be27e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'hi', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions', // MISSING
+	contents: 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.', // MISSING
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'सामान्य',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Toolbar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49e9601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'hr', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions', // MISSING
+	contents: 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.', // MISSING
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Općenito',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Toolbar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd42e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'hu', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions', // MISSING
+	contents: 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.', // MISSING
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Általános',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Toolbar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d63abda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'it', {
+	title: 'Istruzioni di Accessibilità',
+	contents: 'Contenuti di Aiuto. Per chiudere questa finestra premi ESC.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Generale',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Barra degli strumenti Editor',
+			legend: 'Premi ${toolbarFocus} per navigare fino alla barra degli strumenti. Muoviti tra i gruppi della barra degli strumenti con i tasti Tab e Maiusc-Tab. Spostati tra il successivo ed il precedente pulsante della barra degli strumenti usando le frecce direzionali Destra e Sinistra. Premi Spazio o Invio per attivare il pulsante della barra degli strumenti.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Finestra Editor',
+			legend: 'All\'interno di una finestra di dialogo, premi Tab per navigare fino al campo successivo della finestra di dialogo, premi Maiusc-Tab per tornare al campo precedente, premi Invio per inviare la finestra di dialogo, premi Esc per uscire. Per le finestre che hanno schede multiple, premi Alt+F10 per navigare nella lista delle schede. Quindi spostati alla scheda successiva con il tasto Tab oppure con la Freccia Destra. Torna alla scheda precedente con Maiusc+Tab oppure con la Freccia Sinistra. Premi Spazio o Invio per scegliere la scheda.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Menù contestuale Editor',
+			legend: 'Premi ${contextMenu} o TASTO APPLICAZIONE per aprire il menu contestuale. Dunque muoviti all\'opzione successiva del menu con il tasto TAB o con la Freccia Sotto. Muoviti all\'opzione precedente con  MAIUSC+TAB o con Freccia Sopra. Premi SPAZIO o INVIO per scegliere l\'opzione di menu. Apri il sottomenu dell\'opzione corrente con SPAZIO o INVIO oppure con la Freccia Destra. Torna indietro al menu superiore con ESC oppure Freccia Sinistra. Chiudi il menu contestuale con ESC.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Box Lista Editor',
+			legend: 'Dentro un box-lista, muoviti al prossimo elemento della lista con TAB o con la Freccia direzionale giù. Spostati all\'elemento precedente con MAIUSC+TAB oppure con Freccia direzionale sopra. Premi SPAZIO o INVIO per scegliere l\'opzione della lista. Premi ESC per chiudere il box-lista.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Barra percorso elementi editor',
+			legend: 'Premi ${elementsPathFocus} per navigare tra gli elementi della barra percorso. Muoviti al prossimo pulsante di elemento con TAB o la Freccia direzionale destra. Muoviti al pulsante precedente con MAIUSC+TAB o la Freccia Direzionale Sinistra. Premi SPAZIO o INVIO per scegliere l\'elemento nell\'editor.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Comandi',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Annulla comando',
+			legend: 'Premi ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Ripeti comando',
+			legend: 'Premi ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Comando Grassetto',
+			legend: 'Premi ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Comando Corsivo',
+			legend: 'Premi ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Comando Sottolineato',
+			legend: 'Premi ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Comando Link',
+			legend: 'Premi ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Comando riduci barra degli strumenti',
+			legend: 'Premi ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Aiuto Accessibilità',
+			legend: 'Premi ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e15645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'ja', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions', // MISSING
+	contents: 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.', // MISSING
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: '全般',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Toolbar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e20f2cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'ku', {
+	title: 'ڕێنمای لەبەردەستدابوون',
+	contents: 'پێکهاتەی یارمەتی. کلیك ESC بۆ داخستنی ئەم دیالۆگه.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'گشتی',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'تووڵامرازی ده‌ستكاریكه‌ر',
+			legend: 'کلیك ${toolbarFocus} بۆ ڕابەری تووڵامراز. بۆ گواستنەوەی پێشوو داهاتووی گرووپی تووڵامرازی داگرتنی کلیلی TAB له‌گه‌ڵ‌ SHIFT-TAB. بۆ گواستنەوەی پێشوو داهاتووی دووگمەی تووڵامرازی لەڕێی کلیلی تیری دەستی ڕاست یان کلیلی تیری دەستی چەپ. کلیکی کلیلی SPACE یان ENTER بۆ چالاککردنی دووگمەی تووڵامراز.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'دیالۆگی ده‌ستكاریكه‌ر',
+			legend: 'لەهەمانکاتدا کەتۆ لەدیالۆگی, کلیکی کلیلی TAB بۆ ڕابەری خانەی دیالۆگێکی تر, داگرتنی کلیلی SHIFT + TAB بۆ گواستنەوەی بۆ خانەی پێشووتر, کلیكی کلیلی ENTER بۆ ڕازیکردنی دیالۆگەکە, کلیكی کلیلی ESC بۆ هەڵوەشاندنەوەی دیالۆگەکە. بۆ دیالۆگی لەبازدەری (تابی) زیاتر, کلیكی کلیلی ALT + F10 بۆ ڕابه‌ری لیستی بازده‌ره‌کان. بۆ چوونه‌ بازده‌ری تابی داهاتوو کلیكی کلیلی TAB یان کلیلی تیری ده‌ستی ڕاست. بۆچوونه‌ بازده‌ری تابی پێشوو داگرتنی کلیلی SHIFT + TAB یان کلیلی تیری ده‌ستی چه‌پ. کلیی کلیلی SPACE یان ENTER بۆ هه‌ڵبژاردنی بازده‌ر (تاب).'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'پێڕستی سه‌رنووسه‌ر',
+			legend: 'کلیك ${contextMenu} یان دوگمه‌ی لیسته‌(Menu) بۆ کردنه‌وه‌ی لیسته‌ی ده‌ق. بۆ چوونه‌ هه‌ڵبژارده‌یه‌کی تر له‌ لیسته‌ کلیکی کلیلی TAB یان کلیلی تیری ڕوو له‌خواره‌وه‌ بۆ چوون بۆ هه‌ڵبژارده‌ی پێشوو کلیکی کلیلی SHIFT+TAB یان کلیلی تیری ڕوو له‌ سه‌ره‌وه. داگرتنی کلیلی SPACE یان ENTER بۆ هه‌ڵبژاردنی هه‌ڵبژارده‌ی لیسته‌. بۆ کردنه‌وه‌ی لقی ژێر لیسته‌ له‌هه‌ڵبژارده‌ی لیسته‌ کلیکی کلیلی SPACE یان ENTER یان کلیلی تیری ده‌ستی ڕاست. بۆ گه‌ڕانه‌وه بۆ سه‌ره‌وه‌ی لیسته‌ کلیکی کلیلی ESC یان کلیلی تیری ده‌ستی چه‌پ. بۆ داخستنی لیسته‌ کلیكی کلیلی ESC بکه.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'لیستی سنووقی سه‌رنووسه‌ر',
+			legend: 'له‌ناو سنوقی لیست, چۆن بۆ هه‌ڵنبژارده‌ی لیستێکی تر کلیکی کلیلی TAB یان کلیلی تیری ڕوو له‌خوار. چوون بۆ هه‌ڵبژارده‌ی لیستی پێشوو کلیکی کلیلی SHIFT + TAB یان کلیلی تیری ڕوو له‌سه‌ره‌وه‌. کلیکی کلیلی SPACE یان ENTER بۆ دیاریکردنی ‌هه‌ڵبژارده‌ی لیست. کلیکی کلیلی ESC بۆ داخستنی سنوقی لیست.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'تووڵامرازی توخم',
+			legend: 'کلیك ${elementsPathFocus} بۆ ڕابه‌ری تووڵامرازی توخمه‌کان. چوون بۆ دوگمه‌ی توخمێکی تر کلیکی کلیلی TAB یان کلیلی تیری ده‌ستی ڕاست. چوون بۆ دوگمه‌ی توخمی پێشوو کلیلی SHIFT+TAB یان کلیکی کلیلی تیری ده‌ستی چه‌پ. داگرتنی کلیلی SPACE یان ENTER بۆ دیاریکردنی توخمه‌که‌ له‌سه‌رنووسه.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'فه‌رمانه‌کان',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'فه‌رمانی پووچکردنه‌وه',
+			legend: 'کلیك ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'فه‌رمانی هه‌ڵگه‌ڕانه‌وه',
+			legend: 'کلیك ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'فه‌رمانی ده‌قی قه‌ڵه‌و',
+			legend: 'کلیك ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'فه‌رمانی ده‌قی لار',
+			legend: 'کلیك ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'فه‌رمانی ژێرهێڵ',
+			legend: 'کلیك ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'فه‌رمانی به‌سته‌ر',
+			legend: 'کلیك ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'شارده‌نه‌وه‌ی تووڵامراز',
+			legend: 'کلیك ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'ده‌ستپێگه‌یشتنی یارمه‌تی',
+			legend: 'کلیك ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7662f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'lt', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions', // MISSING
+	contents: 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.', // MISSING
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Bendros savybÄ—s',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Toolbar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2584d96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'lv', {
+	title: 'Pieejamības instrukcija',
+	contents: 'Palīdzības saturs. Lai aizvērtu ciet šo dialogu nospiediet ESC.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Galvenais',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Redaktora rīkjosla',
+			legend: 'Nospiediet ${toolbarFocus} lai pārvietotos uz rīkjoslu. Lai pārvietotos uz nākošo vai iepriekšējo rīkjoslas grupu izmantojiet pogu TAB un SHIFT+TAB.  Lai pārvietotos uz nākošo vai iepriekšējo rīkjoslas pogu izmantojiet Kreiso vai Labo bultiņu. Nospiediet Atstarpi vai ENTER lai aktivizētu rīkjosla pogu.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Redaktora dialoga  logs',
+			legend: 'Dialoga logā nospiediet pogu TAB lai pārvietotos uz nākošo dialoga loga lauku, nospiediet SHIFT+TAB lai atgrieztos iepriekšējā laukā, nospiediet ENTER lai apstiprinātu dialoga datus, nospiediet ESC lai aizvērtu šo dialogu. Dialogam kuram ir vairākas cilnes, nospiediet ALT+F10 lai pārvietotos uz nepieciešamo cilni.  Lai pārvietotos uz nākošo cilni izmantojiet pogu TAB vai Labo bultiņu. Lai pārvietotos uz iepriekšējo cilni nospiediet SHIFT+TAB vai kreiso bultiņu. Nospiediet SPACE vai ENTER lai izvēlētos lapas cilni.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Redaktora satura izvēle',
+			legend: 'Nospiediet ${contextMenu} vai APPLICATION KEY lai atvērtu satura izvēlni. Lai pārvietotos uz nākošo izvēlnes opciju izmantojiet pogu TAB vai pogu Bultiņu uz leju. Lai pārvietotos uz iepriekšējo opciju izmantojiet  SHIFT+TAB vai pogu Bultiņa uz augšu. Nospiediet SPACE vai ENTER lai izvelētos izvēlnes opciju. Atveriet tekošajā opcija apakšizvēlni ar SAPCE vai ENTER ka ari to var izdarīt ar Labo bultiņu. Lai atgrieztos atpakaļ uz sakuma izvēlni nospiediet ESC vai Kreiso bultiņu. Lai aizvērtu ciet izvēlnes saturu nospiediet ESC.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Redaktora saraksta lauks',
+			legend: 'Saraksta laukā, lai pārvietotos uz nākošo saraksta elementu nospiediet TAB vai pogu Bultiņa uz leju. Lai pārvietotos uz iepriekšējo saraksta elementu nospiediet SHIFT+TAB vai pogu Bultiņa uz augšu. Nospiediet SPACE vai ENTER lai izvēlētos saraksta opcijas. Nospiediet ESC lai aizvērtu saraksta lauku. '
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Redaktora elementa ceļa josla',
+			legend: 'Nospiediet ${elementsPathFocus} lai pārvietotos uz  elementa ceļa joslu. Lai pārvietotos uz nākošo elementa pogu izmantojiet TAB vai Labo bultiņu. Lai pārvietotos uz iepriekšējo elementa pogu  izmantojiet SHIFT + TAB vai Kreiso bultiņu. Nospiediet SPACE vai ENTER lai izvēlētos elementu redaktorā.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Komandas',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Komanda atcelt darbību',
+			legend: 'Nospiediet ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Komanda atkārtot darbību',
+			legend: 'Nospiediet ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Treknraksta komanda',
+			legend: 'Nospiediet ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Kursīva komanda',
+			legend: 'Nospiediet ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Apakšsvītras komanda ',
+			legend: 'Nospiediet ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Hipersaites komanda',
+			legend: 'Nospiediet ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Rīkjoslas aizvēršanas komanda',
+			legend: 'Nospiediet ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Pieejamības palīdzība',
+			legend: 'Nospiediet ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79efad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'mk', {
+	title: 'Инструкции за пристапност',
+	contents: 'Содржина на делот за помош. За да го затворите овој дијалот притиснете ESC.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Општо',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Мени за едиторот',
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Дијалот за едиторот',
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcc2c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'mn', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions', // MISSING
+	contents: 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.', // MISSING
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Ерөнхий',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Toolbar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd62690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'nb', {
+	title: 'Instruksjoner for tilgjengelighet',
+	contents: 'Innhold for hjelp. Trykk ESC for å lukke denne dialogen.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Generelt',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Verktøylinje for editor',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${toolbarFocus} for å navigere til verktøylinjen. Flytt til neste og forrige verktøylinjegruppe med TAB og SHIFT-TAB. Flytt til neste og forrige verktøylinjeknapp med HØYRE PILTAST og VENSTRE PILTAST. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å aktivere verktøylinjeknappen.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Dialog for editor',
+			legend: 'Mens du er i en dialog, trykk TAB for å navigere til neste dialogfelt, press SHIFT + TAB for å flytte til forrige felt, trykk ENTER for å akseptere dialogen, trykk ESC for å avbryte dialogen. For dialoger med flere faner, trykk ALT + F10 for å navigere til listen over faner. Gå til neste fane med TAB eller HØYRE PILTAST. Gå til forrige fane med SHIFT + TAB eller VENSTRE PILTAST. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge fanen.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Kontekstmeny for editor',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${contextMenu} eller MENYKNAPP for å åpne kontekstmeny. Gå til neste alternativ i menyen med TAB eller PILTAST NED. Gå til forrige alternativ med SHIFT+TAB eller PILTAST OPP. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge menyalternativet. Åpne undermenyen på valgt alternativ med MELLOMROM eller ENTER eller HØYRE PILTAST. Gå tilbake til overordnet menyelement med ESC eller VENSTRE PILTAST. Lukk kontekstmenyen med ESC.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Listeboks for editor',
+			legend: 'I en listeboks, gå til neste alternativ i listen med TAB eller PILTAST NED. Gå til forrige alternativ i listen med SHIFT + TAB eller PILTAST OPP. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge alternativet i listen. Trykk ESC for å lukke listeboksen.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Verktøylinje for elementsti',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${elementsPathFocus} for å navigere til verktøylinjen som viser elementsti. Gå til neste elementknapp med TAB eller HØYRE PILTAST. Gå til forrige elementknapp med SHIFT+TAB eller VENSTRE PILTAST. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge elementet i editoren.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Kommandoer',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Angre',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Gjør om',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Fet tekst',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Kursiv tekst',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Understreking',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Link',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Skjul verktøylinje',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Hjelp for tilgjengelighet',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00ebb4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'nl', {
+	title: 'Toegankelijkheidsinstructies',
+	contents: 'Help inhoud. Druk op ESC om dit dialoog te sluiten.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Algemeen',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Werkbalk tekstverwerker',
+			legend: 'Druk op ${toolbarFocus} om naar de werkbalk te navigeren. Om te schakelen naar de volgende en vorige werkbalkgroep, gebruik TAB en SHIFT+TAB. Om te schakelen naar de volgende en vorige werkbalkknop, gebruik de PIJL RECHTS en PIJL LINKS. Druk op SPATIE of ENTER om een werkbalkknop te activeren.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Dialoog tekstverwerker',
+			legend: 'In een dialoogvenster, druk op TAB om te navigeren naar het volgende veld. Druk op SHIFT+TAB om naar het vorige veld te navigeren. Druk op ENTER om het dialoogvenster te verzenden. Druk op ESC om het dialoogvenster te sluiten. Voor dialoogvensters met meerdere tabbladen, druk op ALT+F10 om naar de tabset te navigeren. Schakel naar het volgende tabblad met TAB of PIJL RECHTS. Schakel naar het vorige tabblad met SHIFT+TAB of PIJL LINKS. Druk op SPATIE of ENTER om het tabblad te selecteren.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Contextmenu tekstverwerker',
+			legend: 'Druk op ${contextMenu} of APPLICATION KEY om het contextmenu te openen. Schakel naar de volgende menuoptie met TAB of PIJL OMLAAG. Schakel naar de vorige menuoptie met SHIFT+TAB of PIJL OMHOOG. Druk op SPATIE of ENTER om een menuoptie te selecteren. Op een submenu van de huidige optie met SPATIE, ENTER of PIJL RECHTS. Ga terug naar de bovenliggende menuoptie met ESC of PIJL LINKS. Sluit het contextmenu met ESC.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Keuzelijst tekstverwerker',
+			legend: 'In een keuzelijst, schakel naar het volgende item met TAB of PIJL OMLAAG. Schakel naar het vorige item met SHIFT+TAB of PIJL OMHOOG. Druk op SPATIE of ENTER om het item te selecteren. Druk op ESC om de keuzelijst te sluiten.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Elementenpad werkbalk tekstverwerker',
+			legend: 'Druk op ${elementsPathFocus} om naar het elementenpad te navigeren. Om te schakelen naar het volgende element, gebruik TAB of PIJL RECHTS. Om te schakelen naar het vorige element, gebruik SHIFT+TAB or PIJL LINKS. Druk op SPATIE of ENTER om een element te selecteren in de tekstverwerker.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Opdrachten',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Ongedaan maken opdracht',
+			legend: 'Druk op ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Opnieuw uitvoeren opdracht',
+			legend: 'Druk op ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Vetgedrukt opdracht',
+			legend: 'Druk up ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Cursief opdracht',
+			legend: 'Druk op ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Onderstrepen opdracht',
+			legend: 'Druk op ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Link opdracht',
+			legend: 'Druk op ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Werkbalk inklappen opdracht',
+			legend: 'Druk op ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Toegankelijkheidshulp',
+			legend: 'Druk op ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6721638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'no', {
+	title: 'Instruksjoner for tilgjengelighet',
+	contents: 'Innhold for hjelp. Trykk ESC for å lukke denne dialogen.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Generelt',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Verktøylinje for editor',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${toolbarFocus} for å navigere til verktøylinjen. Flytt til neste og forrige verktøylinjegruppe med TAB og SHIFT-TAB. Flytt til neste og forrige verktøylinjeknapp med HØYRE PILTAST og VENSTRE PILTAST. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å aktivere verktøylinjeknappen.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Dialog for editor',
+			legend: 'Mens du er i en dialog, trykk TAB for å navigere til neste dialogfelt, press SHIFT + TAB for å flytte til forrige felt, trykk ENTER for å akseptere dialogen, trykk ESC for å avbryte dialogen. For dialoger med flere faner, trykk ALT + F10 for å navigere til listen over faner. Gå til neste fane med TAB eller HØYRE PILTAST. Gå til forrige fane med SHIFT + TAB eller VENSTRE PILTAST. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge fanen.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Kontekstmeny for editor',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${contextMenu} eller MENYKNAPP for å åpne kontekstmeny. Gå til neste alternativ i menyen med TAB eller PILTAST NED. Gå til forrige alternativ med SHIFT+TAB eller PILTAST OPP. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge menyalternativet. Åpne undermenyen på valgt alternativ med MELLOMROM eller ENTER eller HØYRE PILTAST. Gå tilbake til overordnet menyelement med ESC eller VENSTRE PILTAST. Lukk kontekstmenyen med ESC.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Listeboks for editor',
+			legend: 'I en listeboks, gå til neste alternativ i listen med TAB eller PILTAST NED. Gå til forrige alternativ i listen med SHIFT + TAB eller PILTAST OPP. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge alternativet i listen. Trykk ESC for å lukke listeboksen.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Verktøylinje for elementsti',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${elementsPathFocus} for å navigere til verktøylinjen som viser elementsti. Gå til neste elementknapp med TAB eller HØYRE PILTAST. Gå til forrige elementknapp med SHIFT+TAB eller VENSTRE PILTAST. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge elementet i editoren.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Kommandoer',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Angre',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Gjør om',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Fet tekst',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Kursiv tekst',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Understreking',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Link',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Skjul verktøylinje',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Hjelp for tilgjengelighet',
+			legend: 'Trykk ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36aa82b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'pl', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions', // MISSING
+	contents: 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.', // MISSING
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Ogólne',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Toolbar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7d90ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'pt-br', {
+	title: 'Instruções de Acessibilidade',
+	contents: 'Conteúdo da Ajuda. Para fechar este diálogo pressione ESC.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Geral',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Barra de Ferramentas do Editor',
+			legend: 'Pressione ${toolbarFocus} para navegar para a barra de ferramentas. Mova para o anterior ou próximo grupo de ferramentas com TAB e SHIFT-TAB. Mova para o anterior ou próximo botão com SETA PARA DIREITA or SETA PARA ESQUERDA. Pressione ESPAÇO ou ENTER para ativar o botão da barra de ferramentas.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Diálogo do Editor',
+			legend: 'Dentro de um diálogo, pressione TAB para navegar para o próximo campo, pressione SHIFT + TAB para mover para o campo anterior, pressione ENTER para enviar o diálogo, pressione ESC para cancelar o diálogo. Para diálogos que tem múltiplas abas, pressione ALT + F10 para navegar para a lista de abas, então mova para a próxima aba com SHIFT + TAB ou SETA PARA ESQUERDA. Pressione ESPAÇO ou ENTER para selecionar a aba.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Menu de Contexto do Editor',
+			legend: 'Pressione ${contextMenu} ou TECLA DE MENU para abrir o menu de contexto, então mova para a próxima opção com TAB ou SETA PARA BAIXO. Mova para a anterior com SHIFT+TAB ou SETA PARA CIMA. Pressione ESPAÇO ou ENTER para selecionar a opção do menu. Abra o submenu da opção atual com ESPAÇO ou ENTER ou SETA PARA DIREITA. Volte para o menu pai com ESC ou SETA PARA ESQUERDA. Feche o menu de contexto com ESC.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Caixa de Lista do Editor',
+			legend: 'Dentro de uma caixa de lista, mova para o próximo item com TAB ou SETA PARA BAIXO. Mova para o item anterior com SHIFT + TAB ou SETA PARA CIMA. Pressione ESPAÇO ou ENTER para selecionar uma opção na lista. Pressione ESC para fechar a caixa de lista.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Barra de Caminho do Elementos do Editor',
+			legend: 'Pressione ${elementsPathFocus} para a barra de caminho dos elementos. Mova para o próximo botão de elemento com TAB ou SETA PARA DIREITA. Mova para o botão anterior com  SHIFT+TAB ou SETA PARA ESQUERDA. Pressione ESPAÇO ou ENTER para selecionar o elemento no editor.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Comandos',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Comando Desfazer',
+			legend: 'Pressione ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Comando Refazer',
+			legend: 'Pressione ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Comando Negrito',
+			legend: 'Pressione ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Comando Itálico',
+			legend: 'Pressione ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Comando Sublinhado',
+			legend: 'Pressione ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Comando Link',
+			legend: 'Pressione ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Comando Fechar Barra de Ferramentas',
+			legend: 'Pressione ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Ajuda de Acessibilidade',
+			legend: 'Pressione ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d441130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'pt', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions', // MISSING
+	contents: 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.', // MISSING
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Geral',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Toolbar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d0c813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'ro', {
+	title: 'Instrucțiuni de accesibilitate',
+	contents: 'Cuprins. Pentru a închide acest dialog, apăsați tasta ESC.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'General',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editează bara.',
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Dialog editor',
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor meniu contextual',
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a9ed17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'ru', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions', // MISSING
+	contents: 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.', // MISSING
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Основное',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Toolbar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3833e19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'sk', {
+	title: 'Inštrukcie prístupnosti',
+	contents: 'Pomocný obsah. Pre zatvorenie tohto okna, stlačte ESC.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'VÅ¡eobecne',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Lišta nástrojov editora',
+			legend: 'Stlačte ${toolbarFocus} pre navigáciu na lištu nástrojov. Medzi ďalšou a predchádzajúcou lištou nástrojov sa pohybujete s TAB a SHIFT-TAB. Medzi ďalším a predchádzajúcim tlačidlom na lište nástrojov sa pohybujete s pravou šípkou a ľavou šípkou. Stlačte medzerník alebo ENTER pre aktiváciu tlačidla lišty nástrojov.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editorový dialóg',
+			legend: 'V dialogu, stlačte TAB pre navigáciu na ďalšie dialógové pole, stlačte STIFT + TAB pre presun na predchádzajúce pole, stlačte ENTER pre odoslanie dialógu, stlačte ESC pre zrušenie dialógu. Pre dialógy, ktoré majú viac záložiek, stlačte ALT + F10 pre navigácou do zoznamu záložiek. Potom sa posúvajte k ďalšej žáložke pomocou TAB alebo pravou šípkou. Pre presun k predchádzajúcej záložke, stlačte SHIFT + TAB alebo ľavú šípku. Stlačte medzerník alebo ENTER pre vybranie záložky.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editorové kontextové menu',
+			legend: 'Stlačte ${contextMenu} alebo APPLICATION KEY pre otvorenie kontextového menu. Potom sa presúvajte na ďalšie možnosti menu s TAB alebo dolnou šípkou. Presunte sa k predchádzajúcej možnosti s SHIFT + TAB alebo hornou šípkou. Stlačte medzerník alebo ENTER pre výber možnosti menu. Otvorte pod-menu danej možnosti s medzerníkom, alebo ENTER, alebo pravou šípkou. Vráťte sa späť do položky rodičovského menu s ESC alebo ľavou šípkou. Zatvorte kontextové menu s ESC.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editorov box zoznamu',
+			legend: 'V boxe zoznamu, presuňte sa na ďalšiu položku v zozname s TAB alebo dolnou šípkou. Presuňte sa k predchádzajúcej položke v zozname so SHIFT + TAB alebo hornou šípkou. Stlačte medzerník alebo ENTER pre výber možnosti zoznamu. Stlačte ESC pre zatvorenie boxu zoznamu.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editorove pásmo cesty prvku',
+			legend: 'Stlačte ${elementsPathFocus} pre navigovanie na pásmo cesty elementu. Presuňte sa na tlačidlo ďalšieho prvku s TAB alebo pravou šípkou. Presuňte sa k predchádzajúcemu tlačidlu s SHIFT + TAB alebo ľavou šípkou. Stlačte medzerník alebo ENTER pre výber prvku v editore.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Príkazy',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Vrátiť príkazy',
+			legend: 'Stlačte ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Nanovo vrátiť príkaz',
+			legend: 'Stlačte ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Príkaz na stučnenie',
+			legend: 'Stlačte ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Príkaz na kurzívu',
+			legend: 'Stlačte ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Príkaz na podčiarknutie',
+			legend: 'Stlačte ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Príkaz na odkaz',
+			legend: 'Stlačte ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Príkaz na zbalenie lišty nástrojov',
+			legend: 'Stlačte ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Pomoc prístupnosti',
+			legend: 'Stlačte ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad46ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'sl', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions', // MISSING
+	contents: 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.', // MISSING
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Splošno',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Toolbar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa456ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'sv', {
+	title: 'Hjälpmedelsinstruktioner',
+	contents: 'Hjälpinnehåll. För att stänga denna dialogruta trycker du på ESC.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Allmänt',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor verktygsfält',
+			legend: 'Tryck på $ {toolbarFocus} för att navigera till verktygsfältet. Flytta till nästa och föregående verktygsfältsgrupp med TAB och SHIFT-TAB. Flytta till nästa och föregående knapp i verktygsfältet med HÖGERPIL eller VÄNSTERPIL. Tryck Space eller ENTER för att aktivera knappen i verktygsfältet.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Dialogeditor',
+			legend: 'Inuti en dialogruta, tryck TAB för att navigera till nästa fält i dialogrutan. Du trycker SKIFT + TAB för att flytta till föregående fält. Tryck ENTER för att skicka. Du avbryter och stänger dialogen med ESC. För dialogrutor som har flera flikar, tryck ALT + F10 navigera till fliklistan. Flytta sedan till nästa flik med HÖGERPIL. Flytta till föregående flik med SHIFT + TAB eller VÄNSTERPIL. Tryck Space eller ENTER för att välja fliken.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor för innehållsmeny',
+			legend: 'Tryck på $ {contextMenu} eller PROGRAMTANGENTEN för att öppna snabbmenyn. Flytta sedan till nästa menyalternativ med TAB eller NEDPIL. Flytta till föregående alternativ med SHIFT + TABB eller UPPIL. Tryck Space eller ENTER för att välja menyalternativ. Öppna undermeny av nuvarande alternativ med SPACE eller ENTER eller HÖGERPIL. Gå tillbaka till överordnade menyalternativ med ESC eller VÄNSTERPIL. Stäng snabbmenyn med ESC.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor för List Box',
+			legend: 'Inuti en list-box, gå till nästa listobjekt med TAB eller NEDPIL. Flytta till föregående listobjekt med SHIFT + TAB eller UPPIL. Tryck Space eller ENTER för att välja listan alternativet. Tryck ESC för att stänga listan-boxen.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor för elementens sökväg',
+			legend: 'Tryck på $ {elementsPathFocus} för att navigera till verktygsfältet för elementens sökvägar. Flytta till nästa elementknapp med TAB eller HÖGERPIL. Flytta till föregående knapp med SKIFT + TAB eller VÄNSTERPIL. Tryck Space eller ENTER för att välja element i redigeraren.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Kommandon',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Kommandot ångra',
+			legend: 'Tryck på ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Kommandot gör om',
+			legend: 'Tryck på ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Kommandot fet stil',
+			legend: 'Tryck på ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Kommandot kursiv',
+			legend: 'Tryck på ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Kommandot understruken',
+			legend: 'Tryck på ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'kommandot länk',
+			legend: 'Tryck på ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Verktygsfält Dölj kommandot',
+			legend: 'Tryck på ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Hjälp om hjälpmedel',
+			legend: 'Tryck på $ {a11yHelp}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71fd4c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'tr', {
+	title: 'Erişilebilirlik Talimatları',
+	contents: 'Yardım içeriği. Bu pencereyi kapatmak için ESC tuşuna basın.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Genel',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Araç Çubuğu Editörü',
+			legend: 'Araç çubuğunda gezinmek için ${toolbarFocus} basın. TAB ve SHIFT-TAB ile önceki ve sonraki araç çubuğu grubuna taşıyın. SAĞ OK veya SOL OK ile önceki ve sonraki bir araç çubuğu düğmesini hareket ettirin. SPACE tuşuna basın veya araç çubuğu düğmesini etkinleştirmek için ENTER tuşna basın.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Dialog Editörü',
+			legend: 'Dialog penceresi içinde, sonraki iletişim alanına gitmek için SEKME tuşuna basın, önceki alana geçmek için SHIFT + TAB tuşuna basın, pencereyi göndermek için ENTER tuşuna basın, dialog penceresini iptal etmek için ESC tuşuna basın. Birden çok sekme sayfaları olan diyalogların, sekme listesine gitmek için ALT + F10 tuşlarına basın. Sonra TAB veya SAĞ OK sonraki sekmeye taşıyın. SHIFT + TAB veya SOL OK ile önceki sekmeye geçin. Sekme sayfayı seçmek için SPACE veya ENTER tuşuna basın.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'İçerik Menü Editörü',
+			legend: 'İçerik menüsünü açmak için ${contextMenu} veya UYGULAMA TUŞU\'na basın. Daha sonra SEKME veya AŞAĞI OK ile bir sonraki menü seçeneği taşıyın. SHIFT + TAB veya YUKARI OK ile önceki seçeneğe gider. Menü seçeneğini seçmek için SPACE veya ENTER tuşuna basın. Seçili seçeneğin alt menüsünü SPACE ya da ENTER veya SAĞ OK açın. Üst menü öğesini geçmek için ESC veya SOL OK ile geri dönün. ESC ile bağlam menüsünü kapatın.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Liste Kutusu Editörü',
+			legend: 'Liste kutusu içinde, bir sonraki liste öğesine SEKME VEYA AŞAĞI OK ile taşıyın. SHIFT + TAB veya YUKARI önceki liste öğesi taşıyın. Liste seçeneği seçmek için SPACE veya ENTER tuşuna basın. Liste kutusunu kapatmak için ESC tuşuna basın.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Element Yol Çubuğu Editörü',
+			legend: 'Elementlerin yol çubuğunda gezinmek için ${ElementsPathFocus} basın. SEKME veya SAĞ OK ile sonraki element düğmesine taşıyın. SHIFT + TAB veya SOL OK önceki düğmeye hareket ettirin. Editör içindeki elementi seçmek için ENTER veya SPACE tuşuna basın.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Komutlar',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Komutu geri al',
+			legend: '${undo} basın'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Tekrar komutu uygula',
+			legend: '${redo} basın'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Kalın komut',
+			legend: '${bold} basın'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Ä°talik komutu',
+			legend: '${italic} basın'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Alttan çizgi komutu',
+			legend: '${underline} basın'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bağlantı komutu',
+			legend: '${link} basın'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Araç çubuğu Toplama komutu',
+			legend: '${toolbarCollapse} basın'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Erişilebilirlik Yardımı',
+			legend: '${a11yHelp} basın'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..884768f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'ug', {
+	title: 'قوشۇمچە چۈشەندۈرۈش',
+	contents: 'ياردەم مەزمۇنى. بۇ سۆزلەشكۈنى ياپماقچى بولسىڭىز ESC نى بېسىڭ.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'ئادەتتىكى',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'قورال بالداق تەھرىر',
+			legend: '${toolbarFocus} بېسىلسا قورال بالداققا يېتەكلەيدۇ، TAB ياكى SHIFT+TAB ئارقىلىق قورال بالداق گۇرۇپپىسى تاللىنىدۇ، ئوڭ سول يا ئوقتا توپچا تاللىنىدۇ، بوشلۇق ياكى Enter كۇنۇپكىسىدا تاللانغان توپچىنى قوللىنىدۇ.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'تەھرىرلىگۈچ سۆزلەشكۈسى',
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'تەھرىرلىگۈچ تىل مۇھىت تىزىملىكى',
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'تەھرىرلىگۈچ تىزىمى',
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'تەھرىرلىگۈچ ئېلېمېنت يول بالداق',
+			legend: '${elementsPathFocus} بېسىلسا ئېلېمېنت يول بالداققا يېتەكلەيدۇ، TAB ياكى ئوڭ يا ئوقتا كېيىنكى ئېلېمېنت تاللىنىدۇ،  SHIFT+TAB ياكى سول يا ئوقتا ئالدىنقى ئېلېمېنت تاللىنىدۇ،  بوشلۇق ياكى Enter كۇنۇپكىسىدا تەھرىرلىگۈچتىكى ئېلېمېنت تاللىنىدۇ.'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'بۇيرۇق',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'بۇيرۇقتىن يېنىۋال',
+			legend: '${undo} نى بېسىڭ'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'قايتىلاش بۇيرۇقى',
+			legend: '${redo} نى بېسىڭ'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'توملىتىش بۇيرۇقى',
+			legend: '${bold} نى بېسىڭ'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'يانتۇ بۇيرۇقى',
+			legend: '${italic} نى بېسىڭ'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'ئاستى سىزىق بۇيرۇقى',
+			legend: '${underline} نى بېسىڭ'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'ئۇلانما بۇيرۇقى',
+			legend: '${link} نى بېسىڭ'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'قورال بالداق قاتلاش بۇيرۇقى',
+			legend: '${toolbarCollapse} نى بېسىڭ'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'توسالغۇسىز لايىھە چۈشەندۈرۈشى',
+			legend: '${a11yHelp} نى بېسىڭ'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..391ead1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'uk', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions', // MISSING
+	contents: 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.', // MISSING
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Основне',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Toolbar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Dialog', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Context Menu', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e30b98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'vi', {
+	title: 'Accessibility Instructions',
+	contents: 'Nội dung Hỗ trợ. Nhấn ESC để đóng hộp thoại.',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: 'Chung',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: 'Thanh công cụ soạn th',
+			legend: 'Nhấn ${toolbarFocus} để điều hướng đến thanh công cụ. Nhấn TAB và SHIFT-TAB để chuyển đến nhóm thanh công cụ khác. Nhấn MŨI TÊN PHẢI hoặc MŨI TÊN TRÁI để chuyển sang nút khác trên thanh công cụ. Nhấn PHÍM CÁCH hoặc ENTER để kích hoạt nút trên thanh công c.'
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Hộp thoại Biên t',
+			legend: 'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Trình đơn Ngữ cảnh cBộ soạn thảo',
+			legend: 'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor List Box', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: 'Editor Element Path Bar', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: 'Commands', // MISSING
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' Undo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${undo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Redo command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${redo}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Bold command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${bold}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Italic command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${italic}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Underline command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${underline}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Link command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${link}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Toolbar Collapse command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Accessibility Help', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${a11yHelp}' // MISSING
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca65220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'zh-cn', {
+	title: '辅助说明',
+	contents: '帮助内容。要关闭此对话框请按 ESC 键。',
+	legend: [
+		{
+		name: '常规',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: '编辑器工具栏',
+			legend: '按 ${toolbarFocus} 导航到工具栏,使用 TAB 键或 SHIFT+TAB 组合键选择工具栏组,使用左右箭头键选择按钮,按空格键或回车键以应用选中的按钮。'
+		},
+			{
+			name: '编辑器对话框',
+			legend: '在对话框内,TAB 键移动到下一个字段,SHIFT + TAB 组合键移动到上一个字段,ENTER 键提交对话框,ESC 键取消对话框。对于有多标签的对话框,用ALT + F10来移到标签列表。然后用 TAB 键或者向右箭头来移动到下一个标签;SHIFT + TAB 组合键或者向左箭头移动到上一个标签。用 SPACE 键或者 ENTER 键选择标签。'
+		},
+			{
+			name: '编辑器上下文菜单',
+			legend: '用 ${contextMenu}或者 应用程序键 打开上下文菜单。然后用 TAB 键或者下箭头键来移动到下一个菜单项;SHIFT + TAB 组合键或者上箭头键移动到上一个菜单项。用 SPACE 键或者 ENTER 键选择菜单项。用 SPACE 键,ENTER 键或者右箭头键打开子菜单。返回菜单用 ESC 键或者左箭头键。用 ESC 键关闭上下文菜单。'
+		},
+			{
+			name: '编辑器列表框',
+			legend: '在列表框中,移到下一列表项用 TAB 键或者下箭头键。移到上一列表项用SHIFT + TAB 组合键或者上箭头键,用 SPACE 键或者 ENTER 键选择列表项。用 ESC 键收起列表框。'
+		},
+			{
+			name: '编辑器元素路径栏',
+			legend: '按 ${elementsPathFocus} 以导航到元素路径栏,使用 TAB 键或右箭头键选择下一个元素,使用 SHIFT+TAB 组合键或左箭头键选择上一个元素,按空格键或回车键以选定编辑器里的元素。'
+		}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		name: '命令',
+		items: [
+			{
+			name: ' 撤消命令',
+			legend: '按 ${undo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' 重做命令',
+			legend: '按 ${redo}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' 加粗命令',
+			legend: '按 ${bold}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' 倾斜命令',
+			legend: '按 ${italic}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' 下划线命令',
+			legend: '按 ${underline}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' 链接命令',
+			legend: '按 ${link}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' 工具栏折叠命令',
+			legend: '按 ${toolbarCollapse}'
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access previous focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' Access next focus space command', // MISSING
+			legend: 'Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces.' // MISSING
+		},
+			{
+			name: ' 无障碍设计说明',
+			legend: '按 ${a11yHelp}'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/lang/en.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b01885a..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/lang/en.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'en',
-	accessibilityHelp :
-	{
-		title : 'Accessibility Instructions',
-		contents : 'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.',
-		legend :
-		[
-			{
-				name : 'General',
-				items :
-						[
-							{
-								name : 'Editor Toolbar',
-								legend:
-									'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. ' +
-									'Move to next toolbar button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. ' +
-									'Move to previous button with SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. ' +
-									'Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.'
-							},
-							{
-								name : 'Editor Dialog',
-								legend :
-									'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. ' +
-									'For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. ' +
-									'Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. ' +
-									'Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. ' +
-									'Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.'
-							},
-							{
-								name : 'Editor Context Menu',
-								legend :
-									'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. ' +
-									'Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. ' +
-									'Move to previous option with  SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. ' +
-									'Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. ' +
-									'Open sub-menu of current option wtih SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. ' +
-									'Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. ' +
-									'Close context menu with ESC.'
-							},
-							{
-								name : 'Editor List Box',
-								legend :
-									'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. ' +
-									'Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. ' +
-									'Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. ' +
-									'Press ESC to close the list-box.'
-							},
-							{
-								name : 'Editor Element Path Bar',
-								legend :
-									'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. ' +
-									'Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. ' +
-									'Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. ' +
-									'Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.'
-							}
-						]
-			},
-			{
-				name : 'Commands',
-				items :
-						[
-							{
-								name : ' Undo command',
-								legend : 'Press ${undo}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' Redo command',
-								legend : 'Press ${redo}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' Bold command',
-								legend : 'Press ${bold}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' Italic command',
-								legend : 'Press ${italic}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' Underline command',
-								legend : 'Press ${underline}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' Link command',
-								legend : 'Press ${link}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' Toolbar Collapse command',
-								legend : 'Press ${toolbarCollapse}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' Accessibility Help',
-								legend : 'Press ${a11yHelp}'
-							}
-						]
-			}
-		]
-	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/lang/he.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f53639..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/lang/he.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'he',
-	accessibilityHelp :
-	{
-		title : 'הוראות נגישות',
-		contents : 'הוראות נגישות. לסגירה לחץ אסקייפ (ESC).',
-		legend :
-		[
-			{
-				name : 'כללי',
-				items :
-						[
-							{
-								name : 'סרגל הכלים',
-								legend:
-									'לחץ על ${toolbarFocus} כדי לנווט לסרגל הכלים. ' +
-									'עבור לכפתור הבא עם מקש הטאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. ' +
-									'עבור לכפתור הקודם עם מקש השיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ ימני. ' +
-									'לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי להפעיל את הכפתור הנבחר.'
-							},
-							{
-								name : 'דיאלוגים (חלונות תשאול)',
-								legend :
-									'בתוך דיאלוג, לחץ טאב (TAB) כדי לנווט לשדה הבא, לחץ שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) כדי לנווט לשדה הקודם, לחץ אנטר (ENTER) כדי לשלוח את הדיאלוג, לחץ אסקייפ (ESC) כדי לבטל. ' +
-									'בתוך דיאלוגים בעלי מספר טאבים (לשוניות), לחץ אלט (ALT) + F10 כדי לנווט לשורת הטאבים. ' +
-									'נווט לטאב הבא עם טאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. ' +
-									'עבור לטאב הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. ' +
-									'לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי להיכנס לטאב.'
-							},
-							{
-								name : 'תפריט ההקשר (Context Menu)',
-								legend :
-									'לחץ ${contextMenu} או APPLICATION KEYכדי לפתוח את תפריט ההקשר. ' +
-									'עבור לאפשרות הבאה עם טאב (TAB) או חץ למטה. ' +
-									'עבור לאפשרות הקודמת עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ למעלה. ' +
-									'לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי לבחור את האפשרות. ' +
-									'פתח את תת התפריט (Sub-menu) של האפשרות הנוכחית עם רווח או אנטר (ENTER) או חץ שמאלי. ' +
-									'חזור לתפריט האב עם אסקייפ (ESC) או חץ שמאלי. ' +
-									'סגור את תפריט ההקשר עם אסקייפ (ESC).'
-							},
-							{
-								name : 'תפריטים צפים (List boxes)',
-								legend :
-									'בתוך תפריט צף, עבור לפריט הבא עם טאב (TAB) או חץ למטה. ' +
-									'עבור לתפריט הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) or חץ עליון. ' +
-									'Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. ' +
-									'Press ESC to close the list-box.'
-							},
-							{
-								name : 'עץ אלמנטים (Elements Path)',
-								legend :
-									'לחץ ${elementsPathFocus} כדי לנווט לעץ האלמנטים. ' +
-									'עבור לפריט הבא עם טאב (TAB) או חץ ימני. ' +
-									'עבור לפריט הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. ' +
-									'לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי לבחור את האלמנט בעורך.'
-							}
-						]
-			},
-			{
-				name : 'פקודות',
-				items :
-						[
-							{
-								name : ' ביטול צעד אחרון',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${undo}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' חזרה על צעד אחרון',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${redo}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' הדגשה',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${bold}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' הטייה',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${italic}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' הוספת קו תחתון',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${underline}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' הוספת לינק',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${link}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' כיווץ סרגל הכלים',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${toolbarCollapse}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' הוראות נגישות',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${a11yHelp}'
-							}
-						]
-			}
-		]
-	}
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'a11yhelp', 'he',
-	accessibilityHelp :
-	{
-		title : 'הוראות נגישות',
-		contents : 'הוראות נגישות. לסגירה לחץ אסקייפ (ESC).',
-		legend :
-		[
-			{
-				name : 'כללי',
-				items :
-						[
-							{
-								name : 'סרגל הכלים',
-								legend:
-									'לחץ על ${toolbarFocus} כדי לנווט לסרגל הכלים. ' +
-									'עבור לכפתור הבא עם מקש הטאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. ' +
-									'עבור לכפתור הקודם עם מקש השיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ ימני. ' +
-									'לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי להפעיל את הכפתור הנבחר.'
-							},
-							{
-								name : 'דיאלוגים (חלונות תשאול)',
-								legend :
-									'בתוך דיאלוג, לחץ טאב (TAB) כדי לנווט לשדה הבא, לחץ שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) כדי לנווט לשדה הקודם, לחץ אנטר (ENTER) כדי לשלוח את הדיאלוג, לחץ אסקייפ (ESC) כדי לבטל. ' +
-									'בתוך דיאלוגים בעלי מספר טאבים (לשוניות), לחץ אלט (ALT) + F10 כדי לנווט לשורת הטאבים. ' +
-									'נווט לטאב הבא עם טאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. ' +
-									'עבור לטאב הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. ' +
-									'לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי להיכנס לטאב.'
-							},
-							{
-								name : 'תפריט ההקשר (Context Menu)',
-								legend :
-									'לחץ ${contextMenu} או APPLICATION KEYכדי לפתוח את תפריט ההקשר. ' +
-									'עבור לאפשרות הבאה עם טאב (TAB) או חץ למטה. ' +
-									'עבור לאפשרות הקודמת עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ למעלה. ' +
-									'לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי לבחור את האפשרות. ' +
-									'פתח את תת התפריט (Sub-menu) של האפשרות הנוכחית עם רווח או אנטר (ENTER) או חץ שמאלי. ' +
-									'חזור לתפריט האב עם אסקייפ (ESC) או חץ שמאלי. ' +
-									'סגור את תפריט ההקשר עם אסקייפ (ESC).'
-							},
-							{
-								name : 'תפריטים צפים (List boxes)',
-								legend :
-									'בתוך תפריט צף, עבור לפריט הבא עם טאב (TAB) או חץ למטה. ' +
-									'עבור לתפריט הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) or חץ עליון. ' +
-									'Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. ' +
-									'Press ESC to close the list-box.'
-							},
-							{
-								name : 'עץ אלמנטים (Elements Path)',
-								legend :
-									'לחץ ${elementsPathFocus} כדי לנווט לעץ האלמנטים. ' +
-									'עבור לפריט הבא עם טאב (TAB) או חץ ימני. ' +
-									'עבור לפריט הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. ' +
-									'לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי לבחור את האלמנט בעורך.'
-							}
-						]
-			},
-			{
-				name : 'פקודות',
-				items :
-						[
-							{
-								name : ' ביטול צעד אחרון',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${undo}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' חזרה על צעד אחרון',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${redo}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' הדגשה',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${bold}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' הטייה',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${italic}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' הוספת קו תחתון',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${underline}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' הוספת לינק',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${link}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' כיווץ סרגל הכלים',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${toolbarCollapse}'
-							},
-							{
-								name : ' הוראות נגישות',
-								legend : 'לחץ ${a11yHelp}'
-							}
-						]
-			}
-		]
-	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/plugin.js
index 293bab3..467908a 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/plugin.js
@@ -1,45 +1,44 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
  * @fileOverview Plugin definition for the a11yhelp, which provides a dialog
  * with accessibility related help.
+(function() {
 	var pluginName = 'a11yhelp',
 		commandName = 'a11yHelp';
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( pluginName,
-	{
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( pluginName, {
+		requires: 'dialog',
 		// List of available localizations.
-		availableLangs : { en:1, he:1 },
+		availableLangs: { en:1,ar:1,bg:1,ca:1,et:1,cs:1,cy:1,da:1,de:1,el:1,eo:1,es:1,fa:1,fi:1,fr:1,gu:1,he:1,hi:1,hr:1,hu:1,it:1,ja:1,ku:1,lt:1,lv:1,mk:1,mn:1,nb:1,nl:1,no:1,pl:1,pt:1,'pt-br':1,ro:1,ru:1,sk:1,sl:1,sv:1,tr:1,ug:1,uk:1,vi:1,'zh-cn':1 },
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
+		init: function( editor ) {
 			var plugin = this;
-			editor.addCommand( commandName,
-				{
-					exec : function()
-					{
-						var langCode = editor.langCode;
-						langCode = plugin.availableLangs[ langCode ] ? langCode : 'en';
+			editor.addCommand( commandName, {
+				exec: function() {
+					var langCode = editor.langCode;
+					langCode =
+						plugin.availableLangs[ langCode ] ? langCode :
+						plugin.availableLangs[ langCode.replace( /-.*/, '' ) ] ? langCode.replace( /-.*/, '' ) :
+						'en';
-						CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(
-								CKEDITOR.getUrl( plugin.path + 'lang/' + langCode + '.js' ),
-								function()
-								{
-									CKEDITOR.tools.extend( editor.lang, plugin.lang[ langCode ] );
-									editor.openDialog( commandName );
-								});
-					},
-					modes : { wysiwyg:1, source:1 },
-					canUndo : false
-				});
+					CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( CKEDITOR.getUrl( plugin.path + 'dialogs/lang/' + langCode + '.js' ), function() {
+						editor.lang.a11yhelp = plugin.langEntries[ langCode ];
+						editor.openDialog( commandName );
+					});
+				},
+				modes: { wysiwyg:1,source:1 },
+				readOnly: 1,
+				canUndo: false
+			});
+			editor.setKeystroke( CKEDITOR.ALT + 48 /*0*/, 'a11yHelp' );
 			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( commandName, this.path + 'dialogs/a11yhelp.js' );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/dialogs/about.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/dialogs/about.js
index 509762e..8c1f2e1 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/dialogs/about.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/dialogs/about.js
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'about', function( editor )
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'about', function( editor ) {
 	var lang = editor.lang.about;
 	return {
-		title : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? lang.dlgTitle : lang.title,
-		minWidth : 390,
-		minHeight : 230,
-		contents : [
+		title: CKEDITOR.env.ie ? lang.dlgTitle : lang.title,
+		minWidth: 390,
+		minHeight: 230,
+		contents: [
-				id : 'tab1',
-				label : '',
-				title : '',
-				expand : true,
-				padding : 0,
-				elements :
-				[
-					{
-						type : 'html',
-						html :
-							'<style type="text/css">' +
-								'.cke_about_container' +
-								'{' +
-									'color:#000 !important;' +
-									'padding:10px 10px 0;' +
-									'margin-top:5px' +
-								'}' +
-								'.cke_about_container p' +
-								'{' +
-									'margin: 0 0 10px;' +
-								'}' +
-								'.cke_about_container .cke_about_logo' +
-								'{' +
-									'height:81px;' +
-									'background-color:#fff;' +
-									'background-image:url(' + CKEDITOR.plugins.get( 'about' ).path + 'dialogs/logo_ckeditor.png);' +
-									'background-position:center; ' +
-									'background-repeat:no-repeat;' +
-									'margin-bottom:10px;' +
-								'}' +
-								'.cke_about_container a' +
-								'{' +
-									'cursor:pointer !important;' +
-									'color:blue !important;' +
-									'text-decoration:underline !important;' +
-								'}' +
-							'</style>' +
-							'<div class="cke_about_container">' +
-								'<div class="cke_about_logo"></div>' +
-								'<p>' +
-									'CKEditor ' + CKEDITOR.version + ' (revision ' + CKEDITOR.revision + ')<br>' +
-									'<a href="http://ckeditor.com/">http://ckeditor.com</a>' +
-								'</p>' +
-								'<p>' +
-									lang.moreInfo + '<br>' +
-									'<a href="http://ckeditor.com/license">http://ckeditor.com/license</a>' +
-								'</p>' +
-								'<p>' +
-									lang.copy.replace( '$1', '<a href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico Knabben' ) +
-								'</p>' +
-							'</div>'
-					}
-				]
+			id: 'tab1',
+			label: '',
+			title: '',
+			expand: true,
+			padding: 0,
+			elements: [
+				{
+				type: 'html',
+				html: '<style type="text/css">' +
+					'.cke_about_container' +
+					'{' +
+						'color:#000 !important;' +
+						'padding:10px 10px 0;' +
+						'margin-top:5px' +
+					'}' +
+					'.cke_about_container p' +
+					'{' +
+						'margin: 0 0 10px;' +
+					'}' +
+					'.cke_about_container .cke_about_logo' +
+					'{' +
+						'height:81px;' +
+						'background-color:#fff;' +
+						'background-image:url(' + CKEDITOR.plugins.get( 'about' ).path + 'dialogs/logo_ckeditor.png);' +
+						'background-position:center; ' +
+						'background-repeat:no-repeat;' +
+						'margin-bottom:10px;' +
+					'}' +
+					'.cke_about_container a' +
+					'{' +
+						'cursor:pointer !important;' +
+						'color:#00B2CE !important;' +
+						'text-decoration:underline !important;' +
+					'}' +
+					'</style>' +
+					'<div class="cke_about_container">' +
+					'<div class="cke_about_logo"></div>' +
+					'<p>' +
+						'CKEditor ' + CKEDITOR.version + ' (revision ' + CKEDITOR.revision + ')<br>' +
+						'<a href="http://ckeditor.com/">http://ckeditor.com</a>' +
+					'</p>' +
+					'<p>' +
+						lang.help.replace( '$1', '<a href="http://docs.ckeditor.com/user">' + lang.userGuide + '</a>' ) +
+					'</p>' +
+					'<p>' +
+						lang.moreInfo + '<br>' +
+						'<a href="http://ckeditor.com/about/license">http://ckeditor.com/about/license</a>' +
+					'</p>' +
+					'<p>' +
+						lang.copy.replace( '$1', '<a href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico Knabben' ) +
+					'</p>' +
+					'</div>'
+			]
+		}
-		buttons : [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ]
+		buttons: [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ]
-} );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/dialogs/logo_ckeditor.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/dialogs/logo_ckeditor.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad01902
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/dialogs/logo_ckeditor.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/icons/about.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/icons/about.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..621298a
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/icons/about.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5684ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'af', {
+	copy: 'Kopiereg © $1. Alle regte voorbehou.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Info oor CKEditor',
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'Vir lisensie-informasie, besoek asb. ons webwerf:',
+	title: 'Info oor CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9714bc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'ar', {
+	copy: 'حقوق النشر © $1. جميع الحقوق محفوظة.',
+	dlgTitle: 'عن CKEditor',
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'للحصول على معلومات الترخيص ، يرجى زيارة موقعنا على شبكة الانترنت:',
+	title: 'عن CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afaf9ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'bg', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Относно CKEditor',
+	help: 'Проверете $1 за помощ.',
+	moreInfo: 'За лицензионна информация моля посетете сайта ни:',
+	title: 'Относно CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dee9eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'bn', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f3ecc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'bs', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d23fd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'ca', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Tots els drets reservats.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Quant al CKEditor',
+	help: 'Premeu $1 per obtenir ajuda.',
+	moreInfo: 'Per informació sobre llicències visiteu el web:',
+	title: 'Quant al CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'Manual d\'usuari de CKEditor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fa354f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'cs', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.',
+	dlgTitle: 'O aplikaci CKEditor',
+	help: 'Prohlédněte si $1 pro nápovědu.',
+	moreInfo: 'Pro informace o lincenci navštivte naši webovou stránku:',
+	title: 'O aplikaci CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'Uživatelská příručka CKEditor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..145c790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'cy', {
+	copy: 'Hawlfraint © $1. Cedwir pob hawl.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Ynghylch CKEditor',
+	help: 'Gwirio $1 am gymorth.',
+	moreInfo: 'Am wybodaeth ynghylch trwyddedau, ewch i\'n gwefan:',
+	title: 'Ynghylch CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'Canllawiau Defnyddiwr CKEditor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53a4556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'da', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Om CKEditor',
+	help: 'Se $1 for at få hjælp.',
+	moreInfo: 'For informationer omkring licens, se venligst vores hjemmeside (på engelsk):',
+	title: 'Om CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor-brugermanual'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8867fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'de', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Ãœber CKEditor',
+	help: 'Prüfe $1 für Hilfe.',
+	moreInfo: 'Für Informationen über unsere Lizenzbestimmungen besuchen sie bitte unsere Webseite:',
+	title: 'Ãœber CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor Benutzerhandbuch'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d868e6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'el', {
+	copy: 'Πνευματικά δικαιώματα © $1 Με επιφύλαξη παντός δικαιώματος.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Περί του CKEditor',
+	help: 'Ελέγξτε το $1 για βοήθεια.',
+	moreInfo: 'Για πληροφορίες αδειών παρακαλούμε επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα μας:',
+	title: 'Περί του CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85154b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'en-au', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.',
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor',
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:',
+	title: 'About CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79b8916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'en-ca', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.',
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor',
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:',
+	title: 'About CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f545d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'en-gb', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.',
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor',
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:',
+	title: 'About CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a254e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'en', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.',
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor',
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.',
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:',
+	title: 'About CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f393bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'eo', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Ĉiuj rajtoj rezervitaj.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Pri CKEditor',
+	help: 'Kontroli $1 por helpo.',
+	moreInfo: 'Por informoj pri licenco, bonvolu viziti nian retpaĝaron:',
+	title: 'Pri CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor Uzindikoj'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..307061f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'es', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Todos los derechos reservados.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Acerca de CKEditor',
+	help: 'Lea la  $1 para resolver sus dudas.',
+	moreInfo: 'Para información de licencia, por favor visite nuestro sitio web:',
+	title: 'Acerca de CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'Guía de usuario de CKEditor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd152bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'et', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Kõik õigused kaitstud.',
+	dlgTitle: 'CKEditorist',
+	help: 'Abi jaoks vaata $1.',
+	moreInfo: 'Litsentsi andmed leiab meie veebilehelt:',
+	title: 'CKEditorist',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditori kasutusjuhendit'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..989b02f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'eu', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Eskubide guztiak erreserbaturik.',
+	dlgTitle: 'CKEditor(r)i buruz',
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'Lizentziari buruzko informazioa gure webgunean:',
+	title: 'CKEditor(r)i buruz',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bd04a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'fa', {
+	copy: 'حق نشر © $1. کلیه حقوق محفوظ است.',
+	dlgTitle: 'درباره CKEditor',
+	help: 'بررسی $1 برای راهنمایی.',
+	moreInfo: 'برای کسب اطلاعات مجوز لطفا به وب سایت ما مراجعه کنید:',
+	title: 'درباره CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'راهنمای کاربران CKEditor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b194641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'fi', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Kaikki oikeuden pidätetään.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Tietoa CKEditorista',
+	help: 'Katso ohjeet: $1.',
+	moreInfo: 'Lisenssitiedot löytyvät kotisivuiltamme:',
+	title: 'Tietoa CKEditorista',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditorin käyttäjäopas'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6373204
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'fo', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Um CKEditor',
+	help: 'Kekka $1 fyri hjálp.',
+	moreInfo: 'Licens upplýsingar finnast á heimasíðu okkara:',
+	title: 'Um CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor Brúkaravegleiðing'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e47340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'fr-ca', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1249e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'fr', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Tous droits réservés.',
+	dlgTitle: 'À propos de CKEditor',
+	help: 'Consulter $1 pour l\'aide.',
+	moreInfo: 'Pour les informations de licence, veuillez visiter notre site web:',
+	title: 'À propos de CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'Guide de l\'utilisateur CKEditor en anglais'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f3e521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'gl', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2937f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'gu', {
+	copy: 'કોપીરાઈટ © $1. ઓલ રાઈટ્સ ',
+	dlgTitle: 'CKEditor વિષે',
+	help: 'મદદ માટે $1 તપાસો',
+	moreInfo: 'લાયસનસની માહિતી માટે અમારી વેબ સાઈટ',
+	title: 'CKEditor વિષે',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor યુઝર્સ ગાઈડ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaa416a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'he', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. כל הזכויות שמורות.',
+	dlgTitle: 'אודות CKEditor',
+	help: 'היכנסו ל$1 לעזרה.',
+	moreInfo: 'למידע נוסף בקרו באתרנו:',
+	title: 'אודות CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'מדריך המשתמש של CKEditor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63b98a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'hi', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f150c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'hr', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.',
+	dlgTitle: 'O CKEditoru',
+	help: 'Provjeri $1 za pomoć.',
+	moreInfo: 'Za informacije o licencama posjetite našu web stranicu:',
+	title: 'O CKEditoru',
+	userGuide: 'Vodič za CKEditor korisnike'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cae577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'hu', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Minden jog fenntartva.',
+	dlgTitle: 'CKEditor névjegy',
+	help: 'Itt találsz segítséget: $1',
+	moreInfo: 'Licenszelési információkért kérjük látogassa meg weboldalunkat:',
+	title: 'CKEditor névjegy',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor Felhasználói útmutató'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba23759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'is', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae54a97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'it', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Tutti i diritti riservati.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Riguardo CKEditor',
+	help: 'Vedi $1 per l\'aiuto.',
+	moreInfo: 'Per le informazioni sulla licenza si prega di visitare il nostro sito:',
+	title: 'Riguardo CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'Guida Utente CKEditor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb50d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'ja', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.',
+	dlgTitle: 'CKEditorバージョン情報',
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'ライセンス情報の詳細はウェブサイトにて確認してください:',
+	title: 'CKEditorバージョン情報',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7af251f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'ka', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. ყველა უფლება დაცულია.',
+	dlgTitle: 'CKEditor-ის შესახებ',
+	help: 'დახმარებისთვის იხილეთ $1.',
+	moreInfo: 'ლიცენზიის ინფორმაციისთვის ეწვიეთ ჩვენს საიტს:',
+	title: 'CKEditor-ის შესახებ',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor-ის მომხმარებლის სახელმძღვანელო'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2292aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'km', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b27428f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'ko', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..015c712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'ku', {
+	copy: 'مافی لهبهرگرتنهوهی © $1. گشتی پارێزراوه.',
+	dlgTitle: 'دهربارهی CKEditor',
+	help: 'سهیری $1 بکه بۆ یارمهتی.',
+	moreInfo: 'بۆ زانیاری زیاتری مۆڵهت, تکایه سهردانی ماڵپهڕهکهمان بکه:',
+	title: 'دهربارهی CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'ڕێپیشاندهری CKEditors'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e74ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'lt', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Visos teiss saugomos.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Apie CKEditor',
+	help: 'Patikrinkite $1 dÄ—l pagalbos.',
+	moreInfo: 'Dėl licencijavimo apsilankykite mūsų svetainėje:',
+	title: 'Apie CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor Vartotojo Gidas'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57cd675
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'lv', {
+	copy: 'KopÄ“Å¡anas tiesÄ«bas © $1. Visas tiesÄ«bas rezervÄ“tas.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Par CKEditor',
+	help: 'Pārbaudiet $1 palīdzībai.',
+	moreInfo: 'Informācijai par licenzēšanu apmeklējiet mūsu mājas lapu:',
+	title: 'Par CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor Lietotāja pamācība'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f32c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'mk', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa4c341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'mn', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b37a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'ms', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f475bc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'nb', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Alle rettigheter reservert.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Om CKEditor',
+	help: 'Se $1 for hjelp.',
+	moreInfo: 'For lisensieringsinformasjon, vennligst besøk vårt nettsted:',
+	title: 'Om CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditors brukerveiledning'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e0e2ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'nl', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Alle rechten voorbehouden.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Over CKEditor',
+	help: 'Bekijk de $1 voor hulp.',
+	moreInfo: 'Voor licentie informatie, bezoek onze website:',
+	title: 'Over CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor gebruiksaanwijzing'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2581e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'no', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Alle rettigheter reservert.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Om CKEditor',
+	help: 'Se $1 for hjelp.',
+	moreInfo: 'For lisensieringsinformasjon, vennligst besøk vårt nettsted:',
+	title: 'Om CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditors brukerveiledning'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1e0fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'pl', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Informacje o programie CKEditor',
+	help: 'Pomoc znajdziesz w $1.',
+	moreInfo: 'Informacje na temat licencji można znaleźć na naszej stronie:',
+	title: 'Informacje o programie CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'podręczniku użytkownika programu CKEditor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f76858e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'pt-br', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Todos os direitos reservados.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Sobre o CKEditor',
+	help: 'Verifique o $1 para obter ajuda.',
+	moreInfo: 'Para informações sobre a licença por favor visite o nosso site:',
+	title: 'Sobre o CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'Guia do Usuário do CKEditor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b64790c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'pt', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ebdb7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'ro', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7ff798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'ru', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Все права защищены.',
+	dlgTitle: 'О CKEditor',
+	help: '$1 содержит подробную справку по использованию.',
+	moreInfo: 'Для получения информации о лицензии, пожалуйста, перейдите на наш сайт:',
+	title: 'О CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'Руководство пользователя CKEditor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfff21f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'sk', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. VÅ¡etky práva vyhradené.',
+	dlgTitle: 'O CKEditor-e',
+	help: 'Zaškrtnite $1 pre pomoc.',
+	moreInfo: 'Pre informácie o licenciách, prosíme, navštívte našu web stránku:',
+	title: 'O CKEditor-e',
+	userGuide: 'Používateľská príručka KCEditor-a'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9ca6f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'sl', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Vse pravice pridržane.',
+	dlgTitle: 'O programu CKEditor',
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'Za informacijo o licenci prostim obiščite našo spletno stran:',
+	title: 'O programu CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4148f1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'sr-latn', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08e93c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'sr', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b72a246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'sv', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Alla rättigheter reserverade.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Om CKEditor',
+	help: 'Se $1 för hjälp.',
+	moreInfo: 'För information av licenciering besök vår hemsida:',
+	title: 'Om CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56359f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'th', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.', // MISSING
+	dlgTitle: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: 'For licensing information please visit our web site:', // MISSING
+	title: 'About CKEditor', // MISSING
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8dd680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'tr', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Tüm hakları saklıdır.',
+	dlgTitle: 'CKEditor Hakkında',
+	help: 'Yardım için $1 kontrol edin.',
+	moreInfo: 'Lisanslama hakkında daha fazla bilgi almak için lütfen sitemizi ziyaret edin:',
+	title: 'CKEditor Hakkında',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor Kullanıcı Kılavuzu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddd684c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'ug', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. نەشر ھوقۇقىغا ئىگە',
+	dlgTitle: 'CKEditor ھەققىدە',
+	help: '$1 نى زىيارەت قىلىپ ياردەمگە ئېرىشىڭ',
+	moreInfo: 'تور تۇرايىمىزنى زىيارەت قىلىپ كېلىشىمگە ئائىت تېخىمۇ كۆپ ئۇچۇرغا ئېرىشىڭ',
+	title: 'CKEditor ھەققىدە',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor ئىشلەتكۈچى قوللانمىسى'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..930aeb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'uk', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. Всі права застережено.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Про CKEditor',
+	help: 'Перевірте $1 для допомоги.',
+	moreInfo: 'Щодо інформації з ліцензування завітайте на наш сайт:',
+	title: 'Про CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'Інструкція Користувача для CKEditor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ed8bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'vi', {
+	copy: 'Bản quyền © $1. Giữ toàn quyền.',
+	dlgTitle: 'Thông tin về CKEditor',
+	help: 'Kiểm tra $1 để được giúp đỡ.',
+	moreInfo: 'Vui lòng ghé thăm trang web của chúng tôi để có thông tin về giấy phép:',
+	title: 'Thông tin về CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'Hướng dẫn sử dụng CKEditor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fee113f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'zh-cn', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. 版权所有。',
+	dlgTitle: '关于CKEditor',
+	help: '请访问 $1 以获取帮助.',
+	moreInfo: '访问我们的网站以获取更多关于协议的信息',
+	title: '关于CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor 用户向导'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe09bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'about', 'zh', {
+	copy: 'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.',
+	dlgTitle: '關於 CKEditor',
+	help: 'Check $1 for help.', // MISSING
+	moreInfo: '訪問我們的網站以獲取更多關於協議的信息',
+	title: '關於 CKEditor',
+	userGuide: 'CKEditor User\'s Guide'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/plugin.js
index 71c172f..706d94f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/about/plugin.js
@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'about',
-	requires : [ 'dialog' ],
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'about', {
+	requires: 'dialog',
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	icons: 'about', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	init: function( editor ) {
 		var command = editor.addCommand( 'about', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'about' ) );
-		command.modes = { wysiwyg:1, source:1 };
+		command.modes = { wysiwyg:1,source:1 };
 		command.canUndo = false;
+		command.readOnly = 1;
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'About',
-			{
-				label : editor.lang.about.title,
-				command : 'about'
-			});
+		editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'About', {
+			label: editor.lang.about.title,
+			command: 'about',
+			toolbar: 'about'
+		});
 		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'about', this.path + 'dialogs/about.js' );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/autogrow/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/autogrow/plugin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cd3fc3d..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/autogrow/plugin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @file AutoGrow plugin
- */
-	var resizeEditor = function( editor )
-	{
-		var doc = editor.document,
-			currentHeight = editor.window.getViewPaneSize().height,
-			newHeight;
-		// We can not use documentElement to calculate the height for IE (#6061).
-		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			newHeight = doc.getBody().$.scrollHeight + 24;
-		else
-			newHeight = doc.getDocumentElement().$.offsetHeight;
-		var min = editor.config.autoGrow_minHeight,
-			max = editor.config.autoGrow_maxHeight;
-		( min == undefined ) && ( editor.config.autoGrow_minHeight = min = 200 );
-		if ( min )
-			newHeight = Math.max( newHeight, min );
-		if ( max )
-			newHeight = Math.min( newHeight, max );
-		if ( newHeight != currentHeight )
-		{
-			newHeight = editor.fire( 'autoGrow', { currentHeight : currentHeight, newHeight : newHeight } ).newHeight;
-			editor.resize( editor.container.getStyle( 'width' ), newHeight, true );
-		}
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'autogrow',
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			for ( var eventName in { contentDom:1, key:1, selectionChange:1, insertElement:1 } )
-			{
-				editor.on( eventName, function( evt )
-				{
-					// Some time is required for insertHtml, and it gives other events better performance as well.
-					if ( evt.editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' )
-						setTimeout( function(){ resizeEditor( evt.editor ); }, 100 );
-				});
-			}
-		}
-	});
- * The minimum height to which the editor can reach using AutoGrow.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.autoGrow_minHeight
- * @type Number
- * @default 200
- * @since 3.4
- * @example
- * config.autoGrow_minHeight = 300;
- */
- * The maximum height to which the editor can reach using AutoGrow. Zero means unlimited.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.autoGrow_maxHeight
- * @type Number
- * @default 0
- * @since 3.4
- * @example
- * config.autoGrow_maxHeight = 400;
- */
- * Fired when the AutoGrow plugin is about to change the size of the editor.
- * @name CKEDITOR#autogrow
- * @event
- * @param {Number} data.currentHeight The current height of the editor (before the resizing).
- * @param {Number} data.newHeight The new height of the editor (after the resizing). It can be changed
- *				to determine another height to be used instead.
- */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/icons/bold.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/icons/bold.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbfc0c9
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/icons/bold.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/icons/italic.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/icons/italic.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..058d8cc
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/icons/italic.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd2d547
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/icons/strike.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38a431d
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/icons/subscript.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77c696f
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/icons/superscript.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/icons/underline.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/icons/underline.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5fb04c
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/icons/underline.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce62df9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'af', {
+	bold: 'Vet',
+	italic: 'Skuins',
+	strike: 'Deurstreep',
+	subscript: 'Onderskrif',
+	superscript: 'Bo-skrif',
+	underline: 'Onderstreep'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b21e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'ar', {
+	bold: 'غامق',
+	italic: 'مائل',
+	strike: 'يتوسطه خط',
+	subscript: 'منخفض',
+	superscript: 'مرتفع',
+	underline: 'تسطير'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98a5171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'bg', {
+	bold: 'Удебелен',
+	italic: 'Наклонен',
+	strike: 'Зачертан текст',
+	subscript: 'Индексиран текст',
+	superscript: 'Суперскрипт',
+	underline: 'Подчертан'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..881b6b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'bn', {
+	bold: 'বোল্ড',
+	italic: 'ইটালিক',
+	strike: 'স্ট্রাইক থ্রু',
+	subscript: 'অধোলেখ',
+	superscript: 'অভিলেখ',
+	underline: 'আন্ডারলাইন'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40389a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'bs', {
+	bold: 'Boldiraj',
+	italic: 'Ukosi',
+	strike: 'Precrtaj',
+	subscript: 'Subscript',
+	superscript: 'Superscript',
+	underline: 'Podvuci'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9484a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'ca', {
+	bold: 'Negreta',
+	italic: 'Cursiva',
+	strike: 'Barrat',
+	subscript: 'Subíndex',
+	superscript: 'Superíndex',
+	underline: 'Subratllat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0ef6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'cs', {
+	bold: 'Tučné',
+	italic: 'Kurzíva',
+	strike: 'Přeškrtnuté',
+	subscript: 'Dolní index',
+	superscript: 'Horní index',
+	underline: 'Podtržené'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e3b3ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'cy', {
+	bold: 'Bras',
+	italic: 'Italig',
+	strike: 'Llinell Trwyddo',
+	subscript: 'Is-sgript',
+	superscript: 'Uwchsgript',
+	underline: 'Tanlinellu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3de5ce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'da', {
+	bold: 'Fed',
+	italic: 'Kursiv',
+	strike: 'Gennemstreget',
+	subscript: 'Sænket skrift',
+	superscript: 'Hævet skrift',
+	underline: 'Understreget'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e6989b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'de', {
+	bold: 'Fett',
+	italic: 'Kursiv',
+	strike: 'Durchgestrichen',
+	subscript: 'Tiefgestellt',
+	superscript: 'Hochgestellt',
+	underline: 'Unterstrichen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..889bafd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'el', {
+	bold: 'Έντονα',
+	italic: 'Πλάγια',
+	strike: 'Διαγράμμιση',
+	subscript: 'Δείκτης',
+	superscript: 'Εκθέτης',
+	underline: 'Υπογράμμιση'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1eca3ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'en-au', {
+	bold: 'Bold',
+	italic: 'Italic',
+	strike: 'Strike Through',
+	subscript: 'Subscript',
+	superscript: 'Superscript',
+	underline: 'Underline'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c9a199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'en-ca', {
+	bold: 'Bold',
+	italic: 'Italic',
+	strike: 'Strike Through',
+	subscript: 'Subscript',
+	superscript: 'Superscript',
+	underline: 'Underline'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a648904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'en-gb', {
+	bold: 'Bold',
+	italic: 'Italic',
+	strike: 'Strike Through',
+	subscript: 'Subscript',
+	superscript: 'Superscript',
+	underline: 'Underline'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61b0946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'en', {
+	bold: 'Bold',
+	italic: 'Italic',
+	strike: 'Strike Through',
+	subscript: 'Subscript',
+	superscript: 'Superscript',
+	underline: 'Underline'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79e3e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'eo', {
+	bold: 'Grasa',
+	italic: 'Kursiva',
+	strike: 'Trastreko',
+	subscript: 'Suba indico',
+	superscript: 'Supra indico',
+	underline: 'Substreko'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a211689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'es', {
+	bold: 'Negrita',
+	italic: 'Cursiva',
+	strike: 'Tachado',
+	subscript: 'Subíndice',
+	superscript: 'Superíndice',
+	underline: 'Subrayado'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fd9c88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'et', {
+	bold: 'Paks',
+	italic: 'Kursiiv',
+	strike: 'Läbijoonitud',
+	subscript: 'Allindeks',
+	superscript: 'Ãœlaindeks',
+	underline: 'Allajoonitud'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b11679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'eu', {
+	bold: 'Lodia',
+	italic: 'Etzana',
+	strike: 'Marratua',
+	subscript: 'Azpi-indize',
+	superscript: 'Goi-indize',
+	underline: 'Azpimarratu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd26df9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'fa', {
+	bold: 'درشت',
+	italic: 'خمیده',
+	strike: 'میانخط',
+	subscript: 'زیرنویس',
+	superscript: 'بالانویس',
+	underline: 'زیرخطدار'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c310cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'fi', {
+	bold: 'Lihavoitu',
+	italic: 'Kursivoitu',
+	strike: 'Yliviivattu',
+	subscript: 'Alaindeksi',
+	superscript: 'Yläindeksi',
+	underline: 'Alleviivattu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c8b842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'fo', {
+	bold: 'Feit skrift',
+	italic: 'Skráskrift',
+	strike: 'Yvirstrikað',
+	subscript: 'Lækkað skrift',
+	superscript: 'Hækkað skrift',
+	underline: 'Undirstrikað'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9241e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'fr-ca', {
+	bold: 'Gras',
+	italic: 'Italique',
+	strike: 'Barrer',
+	subscript: 'Indice',
+	superscript: 'Exposant',
+	underline: 'Souligné'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..050f12e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'fr', {
+	bold: 'Gras',
+	italic: 'Italique',
+	strike: 'Barré',
+	subscript: 'Indice',
+	superscript: 'Exposant',
+	underline: 'Souligné'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a95090b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'gl', {
+	bold: 'Negrita',
+	italic: 'Cursiva',
+	strike: 'Tachado',
+	subscript: 'Subíndice',
+	superscript: 'Superíndice',
+	underline: 'Sub-raiado'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e84133d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'gu', {
+	bold: 'બોલ્ડ/સ્પષ્ટ',
+	italic: 'ઇટેલિક, ત્રાંસા',
+	strike: 'છેકી નાખવું',
+	subscript: 'એક ચિહ્નની નીચે કરેલું બીજું ચિહ્ન',
+	superscript: 'એક ચિહ્ન ઉપર કરેલું બીજું ચિહ્ન.',
+	underline: 'અન્ડર્લાઇન, નીચે લીટી'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3390f91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'he', {
+	bold: 'מודגש',
+	italic: 'נטוי',
+	strike: 'כתיב מחוק',
+	subscript: 'כתיב תחתון',
+	superscript: 'כתיב עליון',
+	underline: 'קו תחתון'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e96bc4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'hi', {
+	bold: 'बोल्ड',
+	italic: 'इटैलिक',
+	strike: 'स्ट्राइक थ्रू',
+	subscript: 'अधोलेख',
+	superscript: 'अभिलेख',
+	underline: 'रेखांकण'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3488864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'hr', {
+	bold: 'Podebljaj',
+	italic: 'Ukosi',
+	strike: 'Precrtano',
+	subscript: 'Subscript',
+	superscript: 'Superscript',
+	underline: 'Potcrtano'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c8a1c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'hu', {
+	bold: 'Félkövér',
+	italic: 'DÅ‘lt',
+	strike: 'Áthúzott',
+	subscript: 'Alsó index',
+	superscript: 'Felső index',
+	underline: 'Aláhúzott'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7051bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'is', {
+	bold: 'Feitletrað',
+	italic: 'Skáletrað',
+	strike: 'Yfirstrikað',
+	subscript: 'Niðurskrifað',
+	superscript: 'Uppskrifað',
+	underline: 'Undirstrikað'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85362e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'it', {
+	bold: 'Grassetto',
+	italic: 'Corsivo',
+	strike: 'Barrato',
+	subscript: 'Pedice',
+	superscript: 'Apice',
+	underline: 'Sottolineato'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fcdd02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'ja', {
+	bold: '太字',
+	italic: '斜体',
+	strike: '打ち消し線',
+	subscript: '添え字',
+	superscript: '上付き文字',
+	underline: '下線'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c99700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'ka', {
+	bold: 'მსხვილი',
+	italic: 'დახრილი',
+	strike: 'გადახაზული',
+	subscript: 'ინდექსი',
+	superscript: 'ხარისხი',
+	underline: 'გახაზული'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f7d29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'km', {
+	bold: 'អក្សរដិតធំ',
+	italic: 'អក្សរផ្តេក',
+	strike: 'ដិតបន្ទាត់ពាក់កណ្តាលអក្សរ',
+	subscript: 'អក្សរតូចក្រោម',
+	superscript: 'អក្សរតូចលើ',
+	underline: 'ដិតបន្ទាត់ពីក្រោមអក្សរ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e20262c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'ko', {
+	bold: '진하게',
+	italic: '이텔릭',
+	strike: '취소선',
+	subscript: '아래 첨자',
+	superscript: '위 첨자',
+	underline: '밑줄'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53aff0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'ku', {
+	bold: 'Ù‚Û•ÚµÛ•Ùˆ',
+	italic: 'لار',
+	strike: 'لێدان',
+	subscript: 'ژێرنووس',
+	superscript: 'سەرنووس',
+	underline: 'ژێرهێڵ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f699c1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'lt', {
+	bold: 'Pusjuodis',
+	italic: 'Kursyvas',
+	strike: 'Perbrauktas',
+	subscript: 'Apatinis indeksas',
+	superscript: 'Viršutinis indeksas',
+	underline: 'Pabrauktas'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51c64ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'lv', {
+	bold: 'Treknināts',
+	italic: 'Kursīvs',
+	strike: 'Pārsvītrots',
+	subscript: 'Apakšrakstā',
+	superscript: 'Augšrakstā',
+	underline: 'Pasvītrots'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d13009c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'mk', {
+	bold: 'Bold', // MISSING
+	italic: 'Italic', // MISSING
+	strike: 'Strike Through', // MISSING
+	subscript: 'Subscript', // MISSING
+	superscript: 'Superscript', // MISSING
+	underline: 'Underline' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3e40a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'mn', {
+	bold: 'Тод бүдүүн',
+	italic: 'Налуу',
+	strike: 'Дундуур нь зураастай болгох',
+	subscript: 'Суурь болгох',
+	superscript: 'Зэрэг болгох',
+	underline: 'Доогуур нь зураастай болгох'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e658946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'ms', {
+	bold: 'Bold',
+	italic: 'Italic',
+	strike: 'Strike Through',
+	subscript: 'Subscript',
+	superscript: 'Superscript',
+	underline: 'Underline'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b13f144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'nb', {
+	bold: 'Fet',
+	italic: 'Kursiv',
+	strike: 'Gjennomstreking',
+	subscript: 'Senket skrift',
+	superscript: 'Hevet skrift',
+	underline: 'Understreking'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6517ea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'nl', {
+	bold: 'Vet',
+	italic: 'Cursief',
+	strike: 'Doorhalen',
+	subscript: 'Subscript',
+	superscript: 'Superscript',
+	underline: 'Onderstreept'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0df088c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'no', {
+	bold: 'Fet',
+	italic: 'Kursiv',
+	strike: 'Gjennomstreking',
+	subscript: 'Senket skrift',
+	superscript: 'Hevet skrift',
+	underline: 'Understreking'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cb188d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'pl', {
+	bold: 'Pogrubienie',
+	italic: 'Kursywa',
+	strike: 'Przekreślenie',
+	subscript: 'Indeks dolny',
+	superscript: 'Indeks górny',
+	underline: 'Podkreślenie'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e23a9f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'pt-br', {
+	bold: 'Negrito',
+	italic: 'Itálico',
+	strike: 'Tachado',
+	subscript: 'Subscrito',
+	superscript: 'Sobrescrito',
+	underline: 'Sublinhado'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7585228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'pt', {
+	bold: 'Negrito',
+	italic: 'Itálico',
+	strike: 'Rasurado',
+	subscript: 'Superior à Linha',
+	superscript: 'Inferior à Linha',
+	underline: 'Sublinhado'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9812442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'ro', {
+	bold: 'ÃŽngroÅŸat (bold)',
+	italic: 'ÃŽnclinat (italic)',
+	strike: 'Tăiat (strike through)',
+	subscript: 'Indice (subscript)',
+	superscript: 'Putere (superscript)',
+	underline: 'Subliniat (underline)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15b449c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'ru', {
+	bold: 'Полужирный',
+	italic: 'Курсив',
+	strike: 'Зачеркнутый',
+	subscript: 'Подстрочный индекс',
+	superscript: 'Надстрочный индекс',
+	underline: 'Подчеркнутый'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49400df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'sk', {
+	bold: 'Tučné',
+	italic: 'Kurzíva',
+	strike: 'Prečiarknuté',
+	subscript: 'Dolný index',
+	superscript: 'Horný index',
+	underline: 'Podčiarknuté'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92aea3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'sl', {
+	bold: 'Krepko',
+	italic: 'Ležeče',
+	strike: 'Prečrtano',
+	subscript: 'Podpisano',
+	superscript: 'Nadpisano',
+	underline: 'Podčrtano'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e872d18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'sr-latn', {
+	bold: 'Podebljano',
+	italic: 'Kurziv',
+	strike: 'Precrtano',
+	subscript: 'Indeks',
+	superscript: 'Stepen',
+	underline: 'Podvučeno'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3195b04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'sr', {
+	bold: 'Подебљано',
+	italic: 'Курзив',
+	strike: 'Прецртано',
+	subscript: 'Индекс',
+	superscript: 'Степен',
+	underline: 'Подвучено'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4c699c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'sv', {
+	bold: 'Fet',
+	italic: 'Kursiv',
+	strike: 'Genomstruken',
+	subscript: 'Nedsänkta tecken',
+	superscript: 'Upphöjda tecken',
+	underline: 'Understruken'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6f5372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'th', {
+	bold: 'ตัวหนา',
+	italic: 'ตัวเอียง',
+	strike: 'ตัวขีดเส้นทับ',
+	subscript: 'ตัวห้อย',
+	superscript: 'ตัวยก',
+	underline: 'ตัวขีดเส้นใต้'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6174ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'tr', {
+	bold: 'Kalın',
+	italic: 'Ä°talik',
+	strike: 'Üstü Çizgili',
+	subscript: 'Alt Simge',
+	superscript: 'Ãœst Simge',
+	underline: 'Altı Çizgili'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d67074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'ug', {
+	bold: 'توم',
+	italic: 'يانتۇ',
+	strike: 'ئۆچۈرۈش سىزىقى',
+	subscript: 'تۆۋەن ئىندېكس',
+	superscript: 'يۇقىرى ئىندېكس',
+	underline: 'ئاستى سىزىق'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb61855
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'uk', {
+	bold: 'Жирний',
+	italic: 'Курсив',
+	strike: 'Закреслений',
+	subscript: 'Нижній індекс',
+	superscript: 'Верхній індекс',
+	underline: 'Підкреслений'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1546152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'vi', {
+	bold: 'Đậm',
+	italic: 'Nghiêng',
+	strike: 'Gạch xuyên ngang',
+	subscript: 'Chỉ số dưới',
+	superscript: 'Chỉ số trên',
+	underline: 'Gạch chân'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68a8916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'zh-cn', {
+	bold: '加粗',
+	italic: '倾斜',
+	strike: '删除线',
+	subscript: '下标',
+	superscript: '上标',
+	underline: '下划线'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53cfe16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'basicstyles', 'zh', {
+	bold: 'ç²—é«”',
+	italic: '斜體',
+	strike: '刪除線',
+	subscript: '下標',
+	superscript: '上標',
+	underline: '底線'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/plugin.js
index 0b2f25e..e99e575 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/basicstyles/plugin.js
@@ -1,101 +1,141 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'basicstyles',
-	requires : [ 'styles', 'button' ],
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'basicstyles', {
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	icons: 'bold,italic,underline,strike,subscript,superscript', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	init: function( editor ) {
+		var order = 0;
 		// All buttons use the same code to register. So, to avoid
 		// duplications, let's use this tool function.
-		var addButtonCommand = function( buttonName, buttonLabel, commandName, styleDefiniton )
-		{
-			var style = new CKEDITOR.style( styleDefiniton );
+		var addButtonCommand = function( buttonName, buttonLabel, commandName, styleDefiniton ) {
+				// Disable the command if no definition is configured.
+				if ( !styleDefiniton )
+					return;
+				var style = new CKEDITOR.style( styleDefiniton );
-			editor.attachStyleStateChange( style, function( state )
-				{
-					editor.getCommand( commandName ).setState( state );
+				// Listen to contextual style activation.
+				editor.attachStyleStateChange( style, function( state ) {
+					!editor.readOnly && editor.getCommand( commandName ).setState( state );
-			editor.addCommand( commandName, new CKEDITOR.styleCommand( style ) );
+				// Create the command that can be used to apply the style.
+				editor.addCommand( commandName, new CKEDITOR.styleCommand( style ) );
-			editor.ui.addButton( buttonName,
-				{
-					label : buttonLabel,
-					command : commandName
-				});
-		};
+				// Register the button, if the button plugin is loaded.
+				if ( editor.ui.addButton ) {
+					editor.ui.addButton( buttonName, {
+						label: buttonLabel,
+						command: commandName,
+						toolbar: 'basicstyles,' + ( order += 10 )
+					});
+				}
+			};
+		var config = editor.config,
+			lang = editor.lang.basicstyles;
-		var config = editor.config;
-		var lang = editor.lang;
+		addButtonCommand( 'Bold', lang.bold, 'bold', config.coreStyles_bold );
+		addButtonCommand( 'Italic', lang.italic, 'italic', config.coreStyles_italic );
+		addButtonCommand( 'Underline', lang.underline, 'underline', config.coreStyles_underline );
+		addButtonCommand( 'Strike', lang.strike, 'strike', config.coreStyles_strike );
+		addButtonCommand( 'Subscript', lang.subscript, 'subscript', config.coreStyles_subscript );
+		addButtonCommand( 'Superscript', lang.superscript, 'superscript', config.coreStyles_superscript );
-		addButtonCommand( 'Bold'		, lang.bold			, 'bold'		, config.coreStyles_bold );
-		addButtonCommand( 'Italic'		, lang.italic		, 'italic'		, config.coreStyles_italic );
-		addButtonCommand( 'Underline'	, lang.underline	, 'underline'	, config.coreStyles_underline );
-		addButtonCommand( 'Strike'		, lang.strike		, 'strike'		, config.coreStyles_strike );
-		addButtonCommand( 'Subscript'	, lang.subscript	, 'subscript'	, config.coreStyles_subscript );
-		addButtonCommand( 'Superscript'	, lang.superscript	, 'superscript'	, config.coreStyles_superscript );
+		editor.setKeystroke( [
+			[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 66 /*B*/, 'bold' ],
+			[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 73 /*I*/, 'italic' ],
+			[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 85 /*U*/, 'underline' ]
+			] );
 // Basic Inline Styles.
- * The style definition to be used to apply the bold style in the text.
- * @type Object
- * @example
- * config.coreStyles_bold = { element : 'b', overrides : 'strong' };
- * @example
- * config.coreStyles_bold = { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Bold'} };
+ * The style definition that applies the **bold** style to the text.
+ *
+ *		config.coreStyles_bold = { element: 'b', overrides: 'strong' };
+ *
+ *		config.coreStyles_bold = {
+ *			element: 'span',
+ *			attributes: { 'class': 'Bold' }
+ *		};
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_bold = { element : 'strong', overrides : 'b' };
+CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_bold = { element: 'strong', overrides: 'b' };
- * The style definition to be used to apply the italic style in the text.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'em', overrides : 'i' }
- * @example
- * config.coreStyles_italic = { element : 'i', overrides : 'em' };
- * @example
- * CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_italic = { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Italic'} };
+ * The style definition that applies the *italics* style to the text.
+ *
+ *		config.coreStyles_italic = { element: 'i', overrides: 'em' };
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_italic = {
+ *			element: 'span',
+ *			attributes: { 'class': 'Italic' }
+ *		};
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_italic = { element : 'em', overrides : 'i' };
+CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_italic = { element: 'em', overrides: 'i' };
- * The style definition to be used to apply the underline style in the text.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'u' }
- * @example
- * CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_underline = { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Underline'}};
+ * The style definition that applies the <u>underline</u> style to the text.
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_underline = {
+ *			element: 'span',
+ *			attributes: { 'class': 'Underline' }
+ *		};
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_underline = { element : 'u' };
+CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_underline = { element: 'u' };
- * The style definition to be used to apply the strike style in the text.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'strike' }
- * @example
- * CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_strike = { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'StrikeThrough'}, overrides : 'strike' };
+ * The style definition that applies the <strike>strike-through</strike> style to the text.
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_strike = {
+ *			element: 'span',
+ *			attributes: { 'class': 'StrikeThrough' },
+ *			overrides: 'strike'
+ *		};
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_strike = { element : 'strike' };
+CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_strike = { element: 'strike' };
- * The style definition to be used to apply the subscript style in the text.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'sub' }
- * @example
- * CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_subscript = { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Subscript'}, overrides : 'sub' };
+ * The style definition that applies the subscript style to the text.
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_subscript = {
+ *			element: 'span',
+ *			attributes: { 'class': 'Subscript' },
+ *			overrides: 'sub'
+ *		};
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_subscript = { element : 'sub' };
+CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_subscript = { element: 'sub' };
- * The style definition to be used to apply the superscript style in the text.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'sup' }
- * @example
- * CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_superscript = { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Superscript'}, overrides : 'sup' };
+ * The style definition that applies the superscript style to the text.
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_superscript = {
+ *			element: 'span',
+ *			attributes: { 'class': 'Superscript' },
+ *			overrides: 'sup'
+ *		};
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_superscript = { element : 'sup' };
+CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_superscript = { element: 'sup' };
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/icons/bidiltr.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/icons/bidiltr.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b89022
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/icons/bidiltr.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/icons/bidirtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/icons/bidirtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27dea25
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/icons/bidirtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..175fea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'af', {
+	ltr: 'Skryfrigting van links na regs',
+	rtl: 'Skryfrigting van regs na links'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bb89c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'ar', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b90c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'bg', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62d8733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'bn', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92e2a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'bs', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f657f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'ca', {
+	ltr: 'Direcció del text d\'esquerra a dreta',
+	rtl: 'Direcció del text de dreta a esquerra'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7811166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'cs', {
+	ltr: 'Směr textu zleva doprava',
+	rtl: 'Směr textu zprava doleva'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85554ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'cy', {
+	ltr: 'Cyfeiriad testun o\'r chwith i\'r dde',
+	rtl: 'Cyfeiriad testun o\'r dde i\'r chwith'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..349523b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'da', {
+	ltr: 'Tekstretning fra venstre til højre',
+	rtl: 'Tekstretning fra højre til venstre'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b19453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'de', {
+	ltr: 'Leserichtung von Links nach Rechts',
+	rtl: 'Leserichtung von Rechts nach Links'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91eb43d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'el', {
+	ltr: 'Διεύθυνση κειμένου από αριστερά στα δεξιά',
+	rtl: 'Διεύθυνση κειμένου από δεξιά στα αριστερά'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22e4dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'en-au', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abe76d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'en-ca', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82894e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'en-gb', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right',
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a49b65c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'en', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right',
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3096cc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'eo', {
+	ltr: 'Tekstdirekto de maldekstre dekstren',
+	rtl: 'Tekstdirekto de dekstre maldekstren'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af9ea7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'es', {
+	ltr: 'Dirección del texto de izquierda a derecha',
+	rtl: 'Dirección del texto de derecha a izquierda'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27e5029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'et', {
+	ltr: 'Teksti suund vasakult paremale',
+	rtl: 'Teksti suund paremalt vasakule'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0a8ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'eu', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67a27f614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'fa', {
+	ltr: 'نوشتار متن از چپ به راست',
+	rtl: 'نوشتار متن از راست به چپ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a77f5d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'fi', {
+	ltr: 'Tekstin suunta vasemmalta oikealle',
+	rtl: 'Tekstin suunta oikealta vasemmalle'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deb0344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'fo', {
+	ltr: 'Tekstkós frá vinstru til høgru',
+	rtl: 'Tekstkós frá høgru til vinstru'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55d64aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'fr-ca', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13250de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'fr', {
+	ltr: 'Direction du texte de la gauche vers la droite',
+	rtl: 'Direction du texte de la droite vers la gauche'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d85fbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'gl', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ea4030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'gu', {
+	ltr: 'ટેક્ષ્ત્ ની દિશા ડાબે થી જમણે',
+	rtl: 'ટેક્ષ્ત્ ની દિશા જમણે થી ડાબે'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5de64c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'he', {
+	ltr: 'כיוון טקסט משמאל לימין (LTR)',
+	rtl: 'כיוון טקסט מימין לשמאל (RTL)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78934f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'hi', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b1a90b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'hr', {
+	ltr: 'Smjer teksta s lijeva na desno',
+	rtl: 'Smjer teksta s desna na lijevo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab251b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'hu', {
+	ltr: 'Szöveg iránya balról jobbra',
+	rtl: 'Szöveg iránya jobbról balra'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1979ab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'is', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a38f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'it', {
+	ltr: 'Direzione del testo da sinistra verso destra',
+	rtl: 'Direzione del testo da destra verso sinistra'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..570faa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'ja', {
+	ltr: 'テキストの向き : 左から右へ',
+	rtl: 'テキストの向き : 右から左へ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3696483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'ka', {
+	ltr: 'ტექსტის მიმართულება მარცხნიდან მარჯვნივ',
+	rtl: 'ტექსტის მიმართულება მარჯვნიდან მარცხნივ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..510c2c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'km', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a5ca3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'ko', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02e8290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'ku', {
+	ltr: 'ئاراستهی نووسه لهچهپ بۆ ڕاست',
+	rtl: 'ئاراستهی نووسه لهڕاست بۆ چهپ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b765dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'lt', {
+	ltr: 'Tekstas iš kairės į dešinę',
+	rtl: 'Tekstas iš dešinės į kairę'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..736d225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'lv', {
+	ltr: 'Teksta virziens no kreisās uz labo',
+	rtl: 'Teksta virziens no labās uz kreiso'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..298c377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'mk', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..271a4d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'mn', {
+	ltr: 'Зүүнээс баруун тийш бичлэг',
+	rtl: 'Баруунаас зүүн тийш бичлэг'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c4eefe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'ms', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d187dcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'nb', {
+	ltr: 'Tekstretning fra venstre til høyre',
+	rtl: 'Tekstretning fra høyre til venstre'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da314d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'nl', {
+	ltr: 'Schrijfrichting van links naar rechts',
+	rtl: 'Schrijfrichting van rechts naar links'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da11d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'no', {
+	ltr: 'Tekstretning fra venstre til høyre',
+	rtl: 'Tekstretning fra høyre til venstre'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c40fdcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'pl', {
+	ltr: 'Kierunek tekstu od lewej strony do prawej',
+	rtl: 'Kierunek tekstu od prawej strony do lewej'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5f04aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'pt-br', {
+	ltr: 'Direção do texto da esquerda para a direita',
+	rtl: 'Direção do texto da direita para a esquerda'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a252f7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'pt', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebada41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'ro', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84b005a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'ru', {
+	ltr: 'Направление текста слева направо',
+	rtl: 'Направление текста справа налево'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c0e6a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'sk', {
+	ltr: 'Smer textu zľava doprava',
+	rtl: 'Smer textu sprava doľava'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b27255c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'sl', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cdb676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'sr-latn', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cd9a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'sr', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ac8612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'sv', {
+	ltr: 'Text riktning från vänster till höger',
+	rtl: 'Text riktning från höger till vänster'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4ab9de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'th', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..523ff50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'tr', {
+	ltr: 'Metin yönü soldan sağa',
+	rtl: 'Metin yönü sağdan sola'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8605e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'ug', {
+	ltr: 'تېكىست يۆنىلىشى سولدىن ئوڭغا',
+	rtl: 'تېكىست يۆنىلىشى ئوڭدىن سولغا'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b0e82f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'uk', {
+	ltr: 'Напрямок тексту зліва направо',
+	rtl: 'Напрямок тексту справа наліво'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..715403e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'vi', {
+	ltr: 'Văn bản hướng từ trái sang phải',
+	rtl: 'Văn bản hướng từ phải sang trái'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98990dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'zh-cn', {
+	ltr: '文字方向为从左至右',
+	rtl: '文字方向为从右至左'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b0f703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'bidi', 'zh', {
+	ltr: 'Text direction from left to right', // MISSING
+	rtl: 'Text direction from right to left' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/plugin.js
index 6c5d8a6..3647e5d 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/bidi/plugin.js
@@ -1,247 +1,300 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	var guardElements = { table:1, ul:1, ol:1, blockquote:1, div:1 };
-	var directSelectionGuardElements = {};
-	CKEDITOR.tools.extend( directSelectionGuardElements, guardElements, { tr:1, p:1, div:1, li:1 } );
-	function onSelectionChange( evt )
-	{
-		var editor = evt.editor,
-			path = evt.data.path;
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	var guardElements = { table:1,ul:1,ol:1,blockquote:1,div:1 },
+		directSelectionGuardElements = {},
+		// All guard elements which can have a direction applied on them.
+		allGuardElements = {};
+	CKEDITOR.tools.extend( directSelectionGuardElements, guardElements, { tr:1,p:1,div:1,li:1 } );
+	CKEDITOR.tools.extend( allGuardElements, directSelectionGuardElements, { td:1 } );
+	function setToolbarStates( editor, path ) {
 		var useComputedState = editor.config.useComputedState,
 		useComputedState = useComputedState === undefined || useComputedState;
-		if ( useComputedState )
-		{
-			var selection = editor.getSelection(),
-				ranges = selection.getRanges();
+		// We can use computedState provided by the browser or traverse parents manually.
+		if ( !useComputedState )
+			selectedElement = getElementForDirection( path.lastElement, editor.editable() );
-			selectedElement = ranges && ranges[ 0 ].getEnclosedNode();
+		selectedElement = selectedElement || path.block || path.blockLimit;
-			// If this is not our element of interest, apply to fully selected elements from guardElements.
-			if ( !selectedElement || selectedElement
-					&& !( selectedElement.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && selectedElement.getName() in directSelectionGuardElements )
-				)
-				selectedElement = getFullySelected( selection, guardElements );
+		// If we're having BODY here, user probably done CTRL+A, let's try to get the enclosed node, if any.
+		if ( selectedElement.equals( editor.editable() ) ) {
+			var enclosedNode = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[ 0 ].getEnclosedNode();
+			enclosedNode && enclosedNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ( selectedElement = enclosedNode );
-		selectedElement = selectedElement || path.block || path.blockLimit;
-		if ( !selectedElement || selectedElement.getName() == 'body' )
+		if ( !selectedElement )
-		var selectionDir = useComputedState ?
-			selectedElement.getComputedStyle( 'direction' ) :
-			selectedElement.getStyle( 'direction' ) || selectedElement.getAttribute( 'dir' );
+		var selectionDir = useComputedState ? selectedElement.getComputedStyle( 'direction' ) : selectedElement.getStyle( 'direction' ) || selectedElement.getAttribute( 'dir' );
 		editor.getCommand( 'bidirtl' ).setState( selectionDir == 'rtl' ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
 		editor.getCommand( 'bidiltr' ).setState( selectionDir == 'ltr' ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
+	}
+	function handleMixedDirContent( editor, path ) {
+		var directionNode = path.block || path.blockLimit || editor.editable();
+		var pathDir = directionNode.getDirection( 1 );
+		if ( pathDir != ( editor._.selDir || editor.lang.dir ) ) {
+			editor._.selDir = pathDir;
+			editor.fire( 'contentDirChanged', pathDir );
+		}
+	}
-		var chromeRoot = editor.container.getChild( 1 );
+	// Returns element with possibility of applying the direction.
+	// @param node
+	function getElementForDirection( node, root ) {
+		while ( node && !( node.getName() in allGuardElements || node.equals( root ) ) ) {
+			var parent = node.getParent();
+			if ( !parent )
+				break;
-		if ( selectionDir != editor.lang.dir )
-			chromeRoot.addClass( 'cke_mixed_dir_content' );
-		else
-			chromeRoot.removeClass( 'cke_mixed_dir_content' );
+			node = parent;
+		}
+		return node;
-	function switchDir( element, dir, editor )
-	{
-		var dirBefore = element.getComputedStyle( 'direction' ),
-			currentDir = element.getStyle( 'direction' ) || element.getAttribute( 'dir' ) || '';
+	function switchDir( element, dir, editor, database ) {
+		if ( element.isReadOnly() || element.equals( editor.editable() ) )
+			return;
+		// Mark this element as processed by switchDir.
+		CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, element, 'bidi_processed', 1 );
+		// Check whether one of the ancestors has already been styled.
+		var parent = element,
+			editable = editor.editable();
+		while ( ( parent = parent.getParent() ) && !parent.equals( editable ) ) {
+			if ( parent.getCustomData( 'bidi_processed' ) ) {
+				// Ancestor style must dominate.
+				element.removeStyle( 'direction' );
+				element.removeAttribute( 'dir' );
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		var useComputedState = ( 'useComputedState' in editor.config ) ? editor.config.useComputedState : 1;
+		var elementDir = useComputedState ? element.getComputedStyle( 'direction' ) : element.getStyle( 'direction' ) || element.hasAttribute( 'dir' );
+		// Stop if direction is same as present.
+		if ( elementDir == dir )
+			return;
+		// Clear direction on this element.
 		element.removeStyle( 'direction' );
-		if ( currentDir.toLowerCase() == dir )
+		// Do the second check when computed state is ON, to check
+		// if we need to apply explicit direction on this element.
+		if ( useComputedState ) {
 			element.removeAttribute( 'dir' );
-		else
+			if ( dir != element.getComputedStyle( 'direction' ) )
+				element.setAttribute( 'dir', dir );
+		} else
+			// Set new direction for this element.
 			element.setAttribute( 'dir', dir );
-		// If the element direction changed, we need to switch the margins of
-		// the element and all its children, so it will get really reflected
-		// like a mirror. (#5910)
-		var dirAfter = element.getComputedStyle( 'direction' );
-		if ( dirAfter != dirBefore )
-		{
-			var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( element.getDocument() );
-			range.setStartBefore( element );
-			range.setEndAfter( element );
-			var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
-			var node;
-			while ( ( node = walker.next() ) )
-			{
-				if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-				{
-					// A child with dir defined is to be ignored.
-					if ( !node.equals( element ) && node.hasAttribute( 'dir' ) )
-					{
-						range.setStartAfter( node );
-						walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
-						continue;
-					}
+		editor.forceNextSelectionCheck();
-					// Switch the margins.
-					var marginLeft = node.getStyle( 'margin-right' ),
-						marginRight = node.getStyle( 'margin-left' );
+		return;
+	}
-					marginLeft ? node.setStyle( 'margin-left', marginLeft ) : node.removeStyle( 'margin-left' );
-					marginRight ? node.setStyle( 'margin-right', marginRight ) : node.removeStyle( 'margin-right' );
-				}
-			}
-		}
+	function getFullySelected( range, elements, enterMode ) {
+		var ancestor = range.getCommonAncestor( false, true );
-		editor.forceNextSelectionCheck();
-	}
+		range = range.clone();
+		if ( range.checkBoundaryOfElement( ancestor, CKEDITOR.START ) && range.checkBoundaryOfElement( ancestor, CKEDITOR.END ) ) {
+			var parent;
+			while ( ancestor && ancestor.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ( parent = ancestor.getParent() ) && parent.getChildCount() == 1 && !( ancestor.getName() in elements ) )
+				ancestor = parent;
-	function getFullySelected( selection, elements )
-	{
-		var selectedElement = selection.getCommonAncestor();
-		while( selectedElement.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-				&& !( selectedElement.getName() in elements )
-				&& selectedElement.getParent().getChildCount() == 1
-			)
-			selectedElement = selectedElement.getParent();
-		return selectedElement.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-			&& ( selectedElement.getName() in elements )
-			&& selectedElement;
+			return ancestor.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ( ancestor.getName() in elements ) && ancestor;
+		}
-	function bidiCommand( dir )
-	{
-		return function( editor )
-		{
-			var selection = editor.getSelection(),
-				enterMode = editor.config.enterMode,
-				ranges = selection.getRanges();
-			if ( ranges && ranges.length )
-			{
-				// Apply do directly selected elements from guardElements.
-				var selectedElement = ranges[ 0 ].getEnclosedNode();
-				// If this is not our element of interest, apply to fully selected elements from guardElements.
-				if ( !selectedElement || selectedElement
-						&& !( selectedElement.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && selectedElement.getName() in directSelectionGuardElements )
-					)
-					selectedElement = getFullySelected( selection, guardElements );
-				if ( selectedElement )
-				{
-					if ( !selectedElement.isReadOnly() )
-						switchDir( selectedElement, dir, editor );
-				}
-				else
-				{
+	function bidiCommand( dir ) {
+		return {
+			// It applies to a "block-like" context.
+			context: 'p',
+			refresh: function( editor, path ) {
+				setToolbarStates( editor, path );
+				handleMixedDirContent( editor, path );
+			},
+			exec: function( editor ) {
+				var selection = editor.getSelection(),
+					enterMode = editor.config.enterMode,
+					ranges = selection.getRanges();
+				if ( ranges && ranges.length ) {
+					var database = {};
 					// Creates bookmarks for selection, as we may split some blocks.
 					var bookmarks = selection.createBookmarks();
-					var iterator,
-						block;
+					var rangeIterator = ranges.createIterator(),
+						range,
+						i = 0;
+					while ( ( range = rangeIterator.getNextRange( 1 ) ) ) {
+						// Apply do directly selected elements from guardElements.
+						var selectedElement = range.getEnclosedNode();
+						// If this is not our element of interest, apply to fully selected elements from guardElements.
+						if ( !selectedElement || selectedElement && !( selectedElement.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && selectedElement.getName() in directSelectionGuardElements ) )
+							selectedElement = getFullySelected( range, guardElements, enterMode );
+						selectedElement && switchDir( selectedElement, dir, editor, database );
+						var iterator, block;
-					for ( var i = ranges.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-					{
-						// Array of elements processed as guardElements.
-						var processedElements = [];
 						// Walker searching for guardElements.
-						var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( ranges[ i ] );
-						walker.evaluator = function( node ){
-							return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-								&& node.getName() in guardElements
-								&& !( node.getName() == ( enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ) ? 'p' : 'div'
-									&& node.getParent().type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-									&& node.getParent().getName() == 'blockquote'
-								);
+						var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
+						var start = bookmarks[ i ].startNode,
+							end = bookmarks[ i++ ].endNode;
+						walker.evaluator = function( node ) {
+							return !!( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.getName() in guardElements && !( node.getName() == ( enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div' ) && node.getParent().type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.getParent().getName() == 'blockquote' )
+							// Element must be fully included in the range as well. (#6485).
 						while ( ( block = walker.next() ) )
-						{
-							switchDir( block, dir, editor );
-							processedElements.push( block );
-						}
+							switchDir( block, dir, editor, database );
-						iterator = ranges[ i ].createIterator();
+						iterator = range.createIterator();
 						iterator.enlargeBr = enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
 						while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph( enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div' ) ) )
-						{
-							if ( block.isReadOnly() )
-								continue;
-							var _break = 0;
-							// Check if block have been already processed by the walker above.
-							for ( var ii = 0; ii < processedElements.length; ii++ )
-							{
-								var parent = block.getParent();
-								while( parent && parent.getName() != 'body' )
-								{
-									if ( ( parent.$.isSameNode && parent.$.isSameNode( processedElements[ ii ].$ ) )
-											|| parent.$ == processedElements[ ii ].$ )
-									{
-										_break = 1;
-										break;
-									}
-									parent = parent.getParent();
-								}
-								if ( _break )
-									break;
-							}
-							if ( !_break )
-							{
-								switchDir( block, dir, editor );
-							}
-						}
+							switchDir( block, dir, editor, database );
+					CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers( database );
 					// Restore selection position.
 					selection.selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
-				}
-				editor.focus();
+					editor.focus();
+				}
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'bidi',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'styles', 'button' ],
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'bidi', {
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'bidiltr,bidirtl', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			if ( editor.blockless )
+				return;
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
 			// All buttons use the same code to register. So, to avoid
 			// duplications, let's use this tool function.
-			var addButtonCommand = function( buttonName, buttonLabel, commandName, commandExec )
-			{
-				editor.addCommand( commandName, new CKEDITOR.command( editor, { exec : commandExec }) );
-				editor.ui.addButton( buttonName,
-					{
-						label : buttonLabel,
-						command : commandName
+			function addButtonCommand( buttonName, buttonLabel, commandName, commandDef, order ) {
+				editor.addCommand( commandName, new CKEDITOR.command( editor, commandDef ) );
+				if ( editor.ui.addButton ) {
+					editor.ui.addButton( buttonName, {
+						label: buttonLabel,
+						command: commandName,
+						toolbar: 'bidi,' + order
-			};
+				}
+			}
 			var lang = editor.lang.bidi;
-			addButtonCommand( 'BidiLtr', lang.ltr, 'bidiltr', bidiCommand( 'ltr' ) );
-			addButtonCommand( 'BidiRtl', lang.rtl, 'bidirtl', bidiCommand( 'rtl' ) );
+			if ( editor.ui.addToolbarGroup )
+				editor.ui.addToolbarGroup( 'bidi', 'align', 'paragraph' );
-			editor.on( 'selectionChange', onSelectionChange );
+			addButtonCommand( 'BidiLtr', lang.ltr, 'bidiltr', bidiCommand( 'ltr' ), 10 );
+			addButtonCommand( 'BidiRtl', lang.rtl, 'bidirtl', bidiCommand( 'rtl' ), 20 );
+			editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
+				editor.document.on( 'dirChanged', function( evt ) {
+					editor.fire( 'dirChanged', {
+						node: evt.data,
+						dir: evt.data.getDirection( 1 )
+					});
+				});
+			});
+			// Indicate that the current selection is in different direction than the UI.
+			editor.on( 'contentDirChanged', function( evt ) {
+				var func = ( editor.lang.dir != evt.data ? 'add' : 'remove' ) + 'Class';
+				var toolbar = editor.ui.space( editor.config.toolbarLocation );
+				if ( toolbar )
+					toolbar[ func ]( 'cke_mixed_dir_content' );
+			});
+	// If the element direction changed, we need to switch the margins of
+	// the element and all its children, so it will get really reflected
+	// like a mirror. (#5910)
+	function isOffline( el ) {
+		var html = el.getDocument().getBody().getParent();
+		while ( el ) {
+			if ( el.equals( html ) )
+				return false;
+			el = el.getParent();
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	function dirChangeNotifier( org ) {
+		var isAttribute = org == elementProto.setAttribute,
+			isRemoveAttribute = org == elementProto.removeAttribute,
+			dirStyleRegexp = /\bdirection\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*(:?$|;)/;
+		return function( name, val ) {
+			if ( !this.isReadOnly() ) {
+				var orgDir;
+				if ( ( name == ( isAttribute || isRemoveAttribute ? 'dir' : 'direction' ) || name == 'style' && ( isRemoveAttribute || dirStyleRegexp.test( val ) ) ) && !isOffline( this ) ) {
+					orgDir = this.getDirection( 1 );
+					var retval = org.apply( this, arguments );
+					if ( orgDir != this.getDirection( 1 ) ) {
+						this.getDocument().fire( 'dirChanged', this );
+						return retval;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return org.apply( this, arguments );
+		};
+	}
+	var elementProto = CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype,
+		methods = [ 'setStyle', 'removeStyle', 'setAttribute', 'removeAttribute' ];
+	for ( var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++ )
+		elementProto[ methods[ i ] ] = CKEDITOR.tools.override( elementProto[ methods[ i ] ], dirChangeNotifier );
+ * Fired when the language direction of an element is changed.
+ *
+ * @event dirChanged
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param data
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} data.node The element that is being changed.
+ * @param {String} data.dir The new direction.
+ */
+ * Fired when the language direction in the specific cursor position is changed
+ *
+ * @event contentDirChanged
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param {String} data The direction in the current position.
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/icons/blockquote.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/icons/blockquote.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..517e6e2
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/icons/blockquote.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e49b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'af', {
+	toolbar: 'Sitaatblok'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4608efa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'ar', {
+	toolbar: 'اقتباس'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1a6926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'bg', {
+	toolbar: 'Блок за цитат'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4feb460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'bn', {
+	toolbar: 'Block Quote' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a75a5ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'bs', {
+	toolbar: 'Block Quote' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c94506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Bloc de cita'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c35a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'cs', {
+	toolbar: 'Citace'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c53362f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'cy', {
+	toolbar: 'Dyfyniad bloc'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2604638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'da', {
+	toolbar: 'Blokcitat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b03678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'de', {
+	toolbar: 'Zitatblock'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1222c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'el', {
+	toolbar: 'Περιοχή Παράθεσης'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2d0fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'en-au', {
+	toolbar: 'Block Quote'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63d1472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'en-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Block Quote'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7cffe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'en-gb', {
+	toolbar: 'Block Quote'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e1ace0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'en', {
+	toolbar: 'Block Quote'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37c255d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'eo', {
+	toolbar: 'Citaĵo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fc8a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'es', {
+	toolbar: 'Cita'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dff7315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'et', {
+	toolbar: 'Blokktsitaat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90f9a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'eu', {
+	toolbar: 'Aipamen blokea'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eb4d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'fa', {
+	toolbar: 'بلوک نقل قول'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66d261e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'fi', {
+	toolbar: 'Lainaus'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b79f1c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'fo', {
+	toolbar: 'Blockquote'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9203504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'fr-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Citation'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..896db27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'fr', {
+	toolbar: 'Citation'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8994af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'gl', {
+	toolbar: 'Block Quote' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee69590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'gu', {
+	toolbar: 'બ્લૉક-કોટ, અવતરણચિહ્નો'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..943a62c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'he', {
+	toolbar: 'בלוק ציטוט'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cbb90e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'hi', {
+	toolbar: 'ब्लॉक-कोट'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87c212e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'hr', {
+	toolbar: 'Blockquote'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed46c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'hu', {
+	toolbar: 'Idézet blokk'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a40d766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'is', {
+	toolbar: 'Inndráttur'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06799e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'it', {
+	toolbar: 'Citazione'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dfb059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'ja', {
+	toolbar: 'ブロック引用'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..081d963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'ka', {
+	toolbar: 'ციტატა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83462e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'km', {
+	toolbar: 'Block Quote' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d1f6c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'ko', {
+	toolbar: 'Block Quote' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6821fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'ku', {
+	toolbar: 'بەربەستکردنی وتەی وەرگیراو'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..722009e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'lt', {
+	toolbar: 'Citata'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc6358c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'lv', {
+	toolbar: 'Bloka citāts'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e04a57e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'mk', {
+	toolbar: 'Block Quote' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dbe05e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'mn', {
+	toolbar: 'Ишлэл хэсэг'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53c314d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'ms', {
+	toolbar: 'Block Quote' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a7ad58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'nb', {
+	toolbar: 'Sitatblokk'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fbb18a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'nl', {
+	toolbar: 'Citaatblok'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ababd17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'no', {
+	toolbar: 'Sitatblokk'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4e169f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'pl', {
+	toolbar: 'Cytat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..641b7be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'pt-br', {
+	toolbar: 'Citação'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18b5f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'pt', {
+	toolbar: 'Bloco de citação'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c83376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'ro', {
+	toolbar: 'Citat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a1c48b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'ru', {
+	toolbar: 'Цитата'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63bc95b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'sk', {
+	toolbar: 'Citácia'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cacbb26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'sl', {
+	toolbar: 'Citat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df6d594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'sr-latn', {
+	toolbar: 'Block Quote' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0eae8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'sr', {
+	toolbar: 'Block Quote' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64bd73d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'sv', {
+	toolbar: 'Blockcitat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e00047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'th', {
+	toolbar: 'Block Quote' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68d993a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'tr', {
+	toolbar: 'Blok OluÅŸtur'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4a7abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'ug', {
+	toolbar: 'بۆلەك نەقىل'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d654a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'uk', {
+	toolbar: 'Цитата'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f68cc30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'vi', {
+	toolbar: 'Khối trích dẫn'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51cf190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'zh-cn', {
+	toolbar: '块引用'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2640c73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'blockquote', 'zh', {
+	toolbar: '引用文字'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/plugin.js
index 128e267..d55da7d 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/blockquote/plugin.js
@@ -1,53 +1,22 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @file Blockquote.
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	function getState( editor, path )
-	{
-		var firstBlock = path.block || path.blockLimit;
-		if ( !firstBlock || firstBlock.getName() == 'body' )
-		// See if the first block has a blockquote parent.
-		if ( firstBlock.getAscendant( 'blockquote', true ) )
-	}
-	function onSelectionChange( evt )
-	{
-		var editor = evt.editor,
-			command = editor.getCommand( 'blockquote' );
-		command.state = getState( editor, evt.data.path );
-		command.fire( 'state' );
-	}
-	function noBlockLeft( bqBlock )
-	{
-		for ( var i = 0, length = bqBlock.getChildCount(), child ; i < length && ( child = bqBlock.getChild( i ) ) ; i++ )
-		{
+(function() {
+	function noBlockLeft( bqBlock ) {
+		for ( var i = 0, length = bqBlock.getChildCount(), child; i < length && ( child = bqBlock.getChild( i ) ); i++ ) {
 			if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && child.isBlockBoundary() )
 				return false;
 		return true;
-	var commandObject =
-	{
-		exec : function( editor )
-		{
+	var commandObject = {
+		exec: function( editor ) {
 			var state = editor.getCommand( 'blockquote' ).state,
 				selection = editor.getSelection(),
-				range = selection && selection.getRanges( true )[0];
+				range = selection && selection.getRanges( true )[ 0 ];
 			if ( !range )
@@ -57,35 +26,25 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			// Kludge for #1592: if the bookmark nodes are in the beginning of
 			// blockquote, then move them to the nearest block element in the
 			// blockquote.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			{
-				var bookmarkStart = bookmarks[0].startNode,
-					bookmarkEnd = bookmarks[0].endNode,
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+				var bookmarkStart = bookmarks[ 0 ].startNode,
+					bookmarkEnd = bookmarks[ 0 ].endNode,
-				if ( bookmarkStart && bookmarkStart.getParent().getName() == 'blockquote' )
-				{
+				if ( bookmarkStart && bookmarkStart.getParent().getName() == 'blockquote' ) {
 					cursor = bookmarkStart;
-					while ( ( cursor = cursor.getNext() ) )
-					{
-						if ( cursor.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
-								cursor.isBlockBoundary() )
-						{
+					while ( ( cursor = cursor.getNext() ) ) {
+						if ( cursor.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && cursor.isBlockBoundary() ) {
 							bookmarkStart.move( cursor, true );
-				if ( bookmarkEnd
-						&& bookmarkEnd.getParent().getName() == 'blockquote' )
-				{
+				if ( bookmarkEnd && bookmarkEnd.getParent().getName() == 'blockquote' ) {
 					cursor = bookmarkEnd;
-					while ( ( cursor = cursor.getPrevious() ) )
-					{
-						if ( cursor.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
-								cursor.isBlockBoundary() )
-						{
+					while ( ( cursor = cursor.getPrevious() ) ) {
+						if ( cursor.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && cursor.isBlockBoundary() ) {
 							bookmarkEnd.move( cursor );
@@ -95,16 +54,15 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			var iterator = range.createIterator(),
+			iterator.enlargeBr = editor.config.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
-			if ( state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF )
-			{
+			if ( state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF ) {
 				var paragraphs = [];
 				while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph() ) )
 					paragraphs.push( block );
 				// If no paragraphs, create one from the current selection position.
-				if ( paragraphs.length < 1 )
-				{
+				if ( paragraphs.length < 1 ) {
 					var para = editor.document.createElement( editor.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div' ),
 						firstBookmark = bookmarks.shift();
 					range.insertNode( para );
@@ -118,24 +76,22 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				// Make sure all paragraphs have the same parent.
-				var commonParent = paragraphs[0].getParent(),
+				var commonParent = paragraphs[ 0 ].getParent(),
 					tmp = [];
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < paragraphs.length ; i++ )
-				{
-					block = paragraphs[i];
+				for ( var i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++ ) {
+					block = paragraphs[ i ];
 					commonParent = commonParent.getCommonAncestor( block.getParent() );
 				// The common parent must not be the following tags: table, tbody, tr, ol, ul.
-				var denyTags = { table : 1, tbody : 1, tr : 1, ol : 1, ul : 1 };
+				var denyTags = { table:1,tbody:1,tr:1,ol:1,ul:1 };
 				while ( denyTags[ commonParent.getName() ] )
 					commonParent = commonParent.getParent();
 				// Reconstruct the block list to be processed such that all resulting blocks
 				// satisfy parentNode.equals( commonParent ).
 				var lastBlock = null;
-				while ( paragraphs.length > 0 )
-				{
+				while ( paragraphs.length > 0 ) {
 					block = paragraphs.shift();
 					while ( !block.getParent().equals( commonParent ) )
 						block = block.getParent();
@@ -146,46 +102,36 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				// If any of the selected blocks is a blockquote, remove it to prevent
 				// nested blockquotes.
-				while ( tmp.length > 0 )
-				{
+				while ( tmp.length > 0 ) {
 					block = tmp.shift();
-					if ( block.getName() == 'blockquote' )
-					{
+					if ( block.getName() == 'blockquote' ) {
 						var docFrag = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( editor.document );
-						while ( block.getFirst() )
-						{
+						while ( block.getFirst() ) {
 							docFrag.append( block.getFirst().remove() );
 							paragraphs.push( docFrag.getLast() );
 						docFrag.replace( block );
-					}
-					else
+					} else
 						paragraphs.push( block );
 				// Now we have all the blocks to be included in a new blockquote node.
 				var bqBlock = editor.document.createElement( 'blockquote' );
-				bqBlock.insertBefore( paragraphs[0] );
-				while ( paragraphs.length > 0 )
-				{
+				bqBlock.insertBefore( paragraphs[ 0 ] );
+				while ( paragraphs.length > 0 ) {
 					block = paragraphs.shift();
 					bqBlock.append( block );
-			}
-			else if ( state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON )
-			{
+			} else if ( state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ) {
 				var moveOutNodes = [],
 					database = {};
-				while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph() ) )
-				{
+				while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph() ) ) {
 					var bqParent = null,
 						bqChild = null;
-					while ( block.getParent() )
-					{
-						if ( block.getParent().getName() == 'blockquote' )
-						{
+					while ( block.getParent() ) {
+						if ( block.getParent().getName() == 'blockquote' ) {
 							bqParent = block.getParent();
 							bqChild = block;
@@ -195,8 +141,7 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					// Remember the blocks that were recorded down in the moveOutNodes array
 					// to prevent duplicates.
-					if ( bqParent && bqChild && !bqChild.getCustomData( 'blockquote_moveout' ) )
-					{
+					if ( bqParent && bqChild && !bqChild.getCustomData( 'blockquote_moveout' ) ) {
 						moveOutNodes.push( bqChild );
 						CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, bqChild, 'blockquote_moveout', true );
@@ -208,8 +153,7 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					processedBlockquoteBlocks = [];
 				database = {};
-				while ( moveOutNodes.length > 0 )
-				{
+				while ( moveOutNodes.length > 0 ) {
 					var node = moveOutNodes.shift();
 					bqBlock = node.getParent();
@@ -220,15 +164,13 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 						node.remove().insertBefore( bqBlock );
 					else if ( !node.getNext() )
 						node.remove().insertAfter( bqBlock );
-					else
-					{
+					else {
 						node.breakParent( node.getParent() );
 						processedBlockquoteBlocks.push( node.getNext() );
 					// Remember the blockquote node so we can clear it later (if it becomes empty).
-					if ( !bqBlock.getCustomData( 'blockquote_processed' ) )
-					{
+					if ( !bqBlock.getCustomData( 'blockquote_processed' ) ) {
 						processedBlockquoteBlocks.push( bqBlock );
 						CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, bqBlock, 'blockquote_processed', true );
@@ -239,30 +181,24 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers( database );
 				// Clear blockquote nodes that have become empty.
-				for ( i = processedBlockquoteBlocks.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-				{
-					bqBlock = processedBlockquoteBlocks[i];
+				for ( i = processedBlockquoteBlocks.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+					bqBlock = processedBlockquoteBlocks[ i ];
 					if ( noBlockLeft( bqBlock ) )
-				if ( editor.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR )
-				{
+				if ( editor.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ) {
 					var firstTime = true;
-					while ( movedNodes.length )
-					{
+					while ( movedNodes.length ) {
 						node = movedNodes.shift();
-						if ( node.getName() == 'div' )
-						{
+						if ( node.getName() == 'div' ) {
 							docFrag = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( editor.document );
-							var needBeginBr = firstTime && node.getPrevious() &&
-									!( node.getPrevious().type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.getPrevious().isBlockBoundary() );
+							var needBeginBr = firstTime && node.getPrevious() && !( node.getPrevious().type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.getPrevious().isBlockBoundary() );
 							if ( needBeginBr )
 								docFrag.append( editor.document.createElement( 'br' ) );
-							var needEndBr = node.getNext() &&
-								!( node.getNext().type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.getNext().isBlockBoundary() );
+							var needEndBr = node.getNext() && !( node.getNext().type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.getNext().isBlockBoundary() );
 							while ( node.getFirst() )
 								node.getFirst().remove().appendTo( docFrag );
@@ -278,24 +214,31 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			selection.selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
-		}
-	};
+		},
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'blockquote',
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			editor.addCommand( 'blockquote', commandObject );
+		refresh: function( editor, path ) {
+			// Check if inside of blockquote.
+			var firstBlock = path.block || path.blockLimit;
+			this.setState( editor.elementPath( firstBlock ).contains( 'blockquote', 1 ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
+		},
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'Blockquote',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.blockquote,
-					command : 'blockquote'
-				} );
+		context: 'blockquote'
+	};
-			editor.on( 'selectionChange', onSelectionChange );
-		},
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'blockquote', {
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'blockquote', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			if ( editor.blockless )
+				return;
-		requires : [ 'domiterator' ]
-	} );
+			editor.addCommand( 'blockquote', commandObject );
+			editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'Blockquote', {
+				label: editor.lang.blockquote.toolbar,
+				command: 'blockquote',
+				toolbar: 'blocks,10'
+			});
+		}
+	});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/button/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/button/plugin.js
index f16e192..735c0cd 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/button/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/button/plugin.js
@@ -1,277 +1,327 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'button',
-	beforeInit : function( editor )
-	{
-		editor.ui.addHandler( CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON, CKEDITOR.ui.button.handler );
-	}
- * Button UI element.
- * @constant
- * @example
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * Represents a button UI element. This class should not be called directly. To
- * create new buttons use {@link CKEDITOR.ui.prototype.addButton} instead.
- * @constructor
- * @param {Object} definition The button definition.
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.ui.button = function( definition )
-	// Copy all definition properties to this object.
-	CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, definition,
-		// Set defaults.
-		{
-			title		: definition.label,
-			className	: definition.className || ( definition.command && 'cke_button_' + definition.command ) || '',
-			click		: definition.click || function( editor )
-				{
-					editor.execCommand( definition.command );
-				}
-		});
-	this._ = {};
+(function() {
+	var template = '<a id="{id}"' +
+		' class="cke_button cke_button__{name} cke_button_{state} {cls}"' +
+		( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version >= 10900 && !CKEDITOR.env.hc ? '' : '" href="javascript:void(\'{titleJs}\')"' ) +
+		' title="{title}"' +
+		' tabindex="-1"' +
+		' hidefocus="true"' +
+		' role="button"' +
+		' aria-labelledby="{id}_label"' +
+		' aria-haspopup="{hasArrow}"';
+	// Some browsers don't cancel key events in the keydown but in the
+	// keypress.
+	// TODO: Check if really needed for Gecko+Mac.
+	if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera || ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.mac ) )
+		template += ' onkeypress="return false;"';
+	// With Firefox, we need to force the button to redraw, otherwise it
+	// will remain in the focus state.
+	if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
+		template += ' onblur="this.style.cssText = this.style.cssText;"';
+	template += ' onkeydown="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({keydownFn},event);"' +
+		' onfocus="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({focusFn},event);" ' +
+		' onmousedown="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({mousedownFn},event);" ' +
+		( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'onclick="return false;" onmouseup' : 'onclick' ) + // #188
+			'="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({clickFn},this);return false;">' +
+		'<span class="cke_button_icon cke_button__{iconName}_icon" style="{style}"';
+	template += '> </span>' +
+		'<span id="{id}_label" class="cke_button_label cke_button__{name}_label">{label}</span>' +
+		'{arrowHtml}' +
+		'</a>';
+	var templateArrow = '<span class="cke_button_arrow">' +
+	( CKEDITOR.env.hc ? '▼' : '' ) +
+		'</span>';
+	var btnArrowTpl = CKEDITOR.addTemplate( 'buttonArrow', templateArrow ),
+		btnTpl = CKEDITOR.addTemplate( 'button', template );
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'button', {
+		beforeInit: function( editor ) {
+			editor.ui.addHandler( CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON, CKEDITOR.ui.button.handler );
+		}
+	});
- * Transforms a button definition in a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.button} instance.
- * @type Object
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.ui.button.handler =
-	create : function( definition )
-	{
-		return new CKEDITOR.ui.button( definition );
-	}
-CKEDITOR.ui.button.prototype =
-	canGroup : true,
+	/**
+	 * Button UI element.
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 * @property {String} [='button']
+	 * @member CKEDITOR
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON = 'button';
-	 * Renders the button.
-	 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance which this button is
-	 *		to be used by.
-	 * @param {Array} output The output array to which append the HTML relative
-	 *		to this button.
-	 * @example
+	 * Represents a button UI element. This class should not be called directly. To
+	 * create new buttons use {@link CKEDITOR.ui#addButton} instead.
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @constructor Creates a button class instance.
+	 * @param {Object} definition The button definition.
-	render : function( editor, output )
-	{
-		var env = CKEDITOR.env,
-			id = this._.id = 'cke_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(),
-			classes = '',
-			command = this.command, // Get the command name.
-			clickFn,
-			index;
-		this._.editor = editor;
-		var instance =
+	CKEDITOR.ui.button = function( definition ) {
+		CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, definition,
+		// Set defaults.
-			id : id,
-			button : this,
-			editor : editor,
-			focus : function()
-			{
-				var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( id );
-				element.focus();
-			},
-			execute : function()
-			{
-				this.button.click( editor );
+			title: definition.label,
+			click: definition.click ||
+			function( editor ) {
+				editor.execCommand( definition.command );
-		};
-		instance.clickFn = clickFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( instance.execute, instance );
+		});
-		instance.index = index = CKEDITOR.ui.button._.instances.push( instance ) - 1;
+		this._ = {};
+	};
-		if ( this.modes )
-		{
-			editor.on( 'mode', function()
-				{
-					this.setState( this.modes[ editor.mode ] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
-				}, this);
+	/**
+	 * Represents button handler object.
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @singleton
+	 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.handlerDefinition
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.ui.button.handler = {
+		/**
+		 * Transforms a button definition in a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.button} instance.
+		 *
+		 * @member CKEDITOR.ui.button.handler
+		 * @param {Object} definition
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.button}
+		 */
+		create: function( definition ) {
+			return new CKEDITOR.ui.button( definition );
-		else if ( command )
-		{
-			// Get the command instance.
-			command = editor.getCommand( command );
+	};
+	/** @class CKEDITOR.ui.button */
+	CKEDITOR.ui.button.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Renders the button.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance which this button is
+		 * to be used by.
+		 * @param {Array} output The output array to which append the HTML relative
+		 * to this button.
+		 */
+		render: function( editor, output ) {
+			var env = CKEDITOR.env,
+				id = this._.id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(),
+				stateName = '',
+				command = this.command,
+				// Get the command name.
+				clickFn;
+			this._.editor = editor;
+			var instance = {
+				id: id,
+				button: this,
+				editor: editor,
+				focus: function() {
+					var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( id );
+					element.focus();
+				},
+				execute: function() {
+					this.button.click( editor );
+				},
+				attach: function( editor ) {
+					this.button.attach( editor );
+				}
+			};
-			if ( command )
-			{
-				command.on( 'state', function()
-					{
-						this.setState( command.state );
-					}, this);
+			var keydownFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( ev ) {
+				if ( instance.onkey ) {
+					ev = new CKEDITOR.dom.event( ev );
+					return ( instance.onkey( instance, ev.getKeystroke() ) !== false );
+				}
+			});
+			var focusFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( ev ) {
+				var retVal;
+				if ( instance.onfocus )
+					retVal = ( instance.onfocus( instance, new CKEDITOR.dom.event( ev ) ) !== false );
+				// FF2: prevent focus event been bubbled up to editor container, which caused unexpected editor focus.
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 )
+					ev.preventBubble();
+				return retVal;
+			});
+			var selLocked = 0;
+			var mousedownFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function() {
+				// Opera: lock to prevent loosing editable text selection when clicking on button.
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera ) {
+					var edt = editor.editable();
+					if ( edt.isInline() && edt.hasFocus ) {
+						editor.lockSelection();
+						selLocked = 1;
+					}
+				}
+			});
-				classes += 'cke_' + (
-					command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ? 'on' :
-					command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ? 'disabled' :
-					'off' );
-			}
-		}
+			instance.clickFn = clickFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function() {
-		if ( !command )
-			classes	+= 'cke_off';
-		if ( this.className )
-			classes += ' ' + this.className;
-		output.push(
-			'<span class="cke_button">',
-			'<a id="', id, '"' +
-				' class="', classes, '"',
-				env.gecko && env.version >= 10900 && !env.hc  ? '' : '" href="javascript:void(\''+ ( this.title || '' ).replace( "'", '' )+ '\')"',
-				' title="', this.title, '"' +
-				' tabindex="-1"' +
-				' hidefocus="true"' +
-			    ' role="button"' +
-				' aria-labelledby="' + id + '_label"' +
-				( this.hasArrow ?  ' aria-haspopup="true"' : '' ) );
-		// Some browsers don't cancel key events in the keydown but in the
-		// keypress.
-		// TODO: Check if really needed for Gecko+Mac.
-		if ( env.opera || ( env.gecko && env.mac ) )
-		{
-			output.push(
-				' onkeypress="return false;"' );
-		}
+				// Restore locked selection in Opera.
+				if ( selLocked ) {
+					editor.unlockSelection( 1 );
+					selLocked = 0;
+				}
-		// With Firefox, we need to force the button to redraw, otherwise it
-		// will remain in the focus state.
-		if ( env.gecko )
-		{
-			output.push(
-				' onblur="this.style.cssText = this.style.cssText;"' );
-		}
+				instance.execute();
+			});
-		output.push(
-				' onkeydown="return CKEDITOR.ui.button._.keydown(', index, ', event);"' +
-				' onfocus="return CKEDITOR.ui.button._.focus(', index, ', event);"' +
-				' onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', clickFn, ', this); return false;">' +
-					'<span class="cke_icon"' );
-		if ( this.icon )
-		{
-			var offset = ( this.iconOffset || 0 ) * -16;
-			output.push( ' style="background-image:url(', CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.icon ), ');background-position:0 ' + offset + 'px;"' );
-		}
+			// Indicate a mode sensitive button.
+			if ( this.modes ) {
+				var modeStates = {};
-		output.push(
-					'> </span>' +
-					'<span id="', id, '_label" class="cke_label">', this.label, '</span>' );
+				function updateState() {
+					// "this" is a CKEDITOR.ui.button instance.
-		if ( this.hasArrow )
-		{
-			output.push(
-					'<span class="cke_buttonarrow">'
-					+ ( CKEDITOR.env.hc ? '▼' : ' ' )
-					+ '</span>' );
-		}
+					var mode = editor.mode;
-		output.push(
-			'</a>',
-			'</span>' );
+					if ( mode ) {
+						// Restore saved button state.
+						var state = this.modes[ mode ] ? modeStates[ mode ] != undefined ? modeStates[ mode ] : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED;
-		if ( this.onRender )
-			this.onRender();
+						this.setState( editor.readOnly && !this.readOnly ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED : state );
+					}
+				}
-		return instance;
-	},
+				editor.on( 'beforeModeUnload', function() {
+					if ( editor.mode && this._.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
+						modeStates[ editor.mode ] = this._.state;
+				}, this );
-	setState : function( state )
-	{
-		if ( this._.state == state )
-			return false;
+				editor.on( 'mode', updateState, this );
-		this._.state = state;
+				// If this button is sensitive to readOnly state, update it accordingly.
+				!this.readOnly && editor.on( 'readOnly', updateState, this );
+			} else if ( command ) {
+				// Get the command instance.
+				command = editor.getCommand( command );
-		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( this._.id );
+				if ( command ) {
+					command.on( 'state', function() {
+						this.setState( command.state );
+					}, this );
-		if ( element )
-		{
-			element.setState( state );
-				element.setAttribute( 'aria-disabled', true ) :
-				element.removeAttribute( 'aria-disabled' );
+					stateName += ( command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ? 'on' : command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ? 'disabled' : 'off' );
+				}
+			}
-				element.setAttribute( 'aria-pressed', true ) :
-				element.removeAttribute( 'aria-pressed' );
+			// For button that has text-direction awareness on selection path.
+			if ( this.directional ) {
+				editor.on( 'contentDirChanged', function( evt ) {
+					var el = CKEDITOR.document.getById( this._.id ),
+						icon = el.getFirst();
-			return true;
-		}
-		else
-			return false;
-	}
- * Handles a button click.
- * @private
- */
-CKEDITOR.ui.button._ =
-	instances : [],
+					var pathDir = evt.data;
-	keydown : function( index, ev )
-	{
-		var instance = CKEDITOR.ui.button._.instances[ index ];
+					// Make a minor direction change to become style-able for the skin icon.
+					if ( pathDir !=  editor.lang.dir )
+						el.addClass( 'cke_' + pathDir );
+					else
+						el.removeClass( 'cke_ltr' ).removeClass( 'cke_rtl' );
-		if ( instance.onkey )
-		{
-			ev = new CKEDITOR.dom.event( ev );
-			return ( instance.onkey( instance, ev.getKeystroke() ) !== false );
+					// Inline style update for the plugin icon.
+					icon.setAttribute( 'style', CKEDITOR.skin.getIconStyle( iconName, pathDir == 'rtl', this.icon, this.iconOffset ) );
+				}, this );
+			}
+			if ( !command )
+				stateName += 'off';
+			var name = this.name || this.command,
+				iconName = name;
+			// Check if we're pointing to an icon defined by another command. (#9555)
+			if ( this.icon && !( /\./ ).test( this.icon ) ) {
+				iconName = this.icon;
+				this.icon = null;
+			}
+			var params = {
+				id: id,
+				name: name,
+				iconName: iconName,
+				label: this.label,
+				cls: this.className || '',
+				state: stateName,
+				title: this.title,
+				titleJs: env.gecko && env.version >= 10900 && !env.hc ? '' : ( this.title || '' ).replace( "'", '' ),
+				hasArrow: this.hasArrow ? 'true' : 'false',
+				keydownFn: keydownFn,
+				mousedownFn: mousedownFn,
+				focusFn: focusFn,
+				clickFn: clickFn,
+				style: CKEDITOR.skin.getIconStyle( iconName, ( editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' ), this.icon, this.iconOffset ),
+				arrowHtml: this.hasArrow ? btnArrowTpl.output() : ''
+			};
+			btnTpl.output( params, output );
+			if ( this.onRender )
+				this.onRender();
+			return instance;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		setState: function( state ) {
+			if ( this._.state == state )
+				return false;
+			this._.state = state;
+			var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( this._.id );
+			if ( element ) {
+				element.setState( state, 'cke_button' );
+					element.setAttribute( 'aria-disabled', true ) :
+					element.removeAttribute( 'aria-disabled' );
+				state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ?
+					element.setAttribute( 'aria-pressed', true ) :
+					element.removeAttribute( 'aria-pressed' );
+				return true;
+			} else
+				return false;
-	},
-	focus : function( index, ev )
-	{
-		var instance = CKEDITOR.ui.button._.instances[ index ],
-			retVal;
-		if ( instance.onfocus )
-			retVal = ( instance.onfocus( instance, new CKEDITOR.dom.event( ev ) ) !== false );
-		// FF2: prevent focus event been bubbled up to editor container, which caused unexpected editor focus.
-		if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 )
-			ev.preventBubble();
-		return retVal;
-	}
- * Adds a button definition to the UI elements list.
- * @param {String} The button name.
- * @param {Object} The button definition.
- * @example
- * editorInstance.ui.addButton( 'MyBold',
- *     {
- *         label : 'My Bold',
- *         command : 'bold'
- *     });
- */
-CKEDITOR.ui.prototype.addButton = function( name, definition )
-	this.add( name, CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON, definition );
-CKEDITOR.on( 'reset', function()
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.ui.button._.instances = [];
-	});
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Adds a button definition to the UI elements list.
+	 *
+	 *		editorInstance.ui.addButton( 'MyBold', {
+	 *			label: 'My Bold',
+	 *			command: 'bold',
+	 *			toolbar: 'basicstyles,1'
+	 *		} );
+	 *
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.ui
+	 * @param {String} name The button name.
+	 * @param {Object} definition The button definition.
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.ui.prototype.addButton = function( name, definition ) {
+		this.add( name, CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON, definition );
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/dev/clipboard.html b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/dev/clipboard.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f9f050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/dev/clipboard.html
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+	<meta charset="utf-8">
+	<title>Clipboard playground – CKEditor Sample</title>
+	<script src="../../../ckeditor.js"></script>
+	<link href="../../../samples/sample.css" rel="stylesheet">
+	<style>
+body {
+	margin: 0;
+#editables, #console
+	width: 48%;
+#editable {
+	padding: 5px 10px;
+#console {
+	position: fixed;
+	top: 10px;
+	right: 30px;
+	height: 500px;
+	border: solid 3px #555;
+	overflow: auto;
+#console > p {
+	border-bottom: solid 1px #555;
+	margin: 0;
+	padding: 0 5px;
+	background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
+	-webkit-transition: background-color 1s;
+	-moz-transition: background-color 1s;
+	-o-transition: background-color 1s;
+	-ms-transition: background-color 1s;
+	transition: background-color 1s;
+#console > p.old {
+	background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+#console time, #console .prompt {
+	padding: 0 5px;
+	display: inline-block;
+#console time {
+	background: #999;
+	background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5 );
+	color: #FFF;
+	margin-left: -5px;
+#console .prompt {
+	background: #DDD;
+	background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1 );
+	min-width: 200px;
+.someClass {
+	color: blue;
+.specChar {
+	color: #777;
+	background-color: #EEE;
+	background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
+	font-size: 0.8em;
+	border-radius: 2px;
+	padding: 1px;
+	</style>
+	<h1 class="samples">
+		CKEditor Sample — clipboard plugin playground
+	</h1>
+	<div id="editables">
+		<p>
+			<label for="editor1">
+				Editor 1:</label>
+			<textarea cols="80" id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10"><p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="http://ckeditor.com/">CKEditor</a>.</p></textarea>
+		</p>
+		<p>
+			<label for="editor2">
+				Editor 2:</label>
+			<textarea cols="80" id="editor2" name="editor2" rows="10"><p>This is more <strong class="MsoNormal">sample text</strong>.</p></textarea>
+		</p>
+		<p>
+			<label for="editor3">
+				Editor 3:</label>
+			<textarea cols="80" id="editor3" name="editor3" rows="10"><p>This editor <strong>forces pasting in text mode</strong> by listening for "beforePaste" event.</p></textarea>
+		</p>
+		<p>
+			<label for="editor4">
+				Editor 4:</label>
+			<textarea cols="80" id="editor4" name="editor4" rows="10"><p>This editor <strong>forces pasting in text mode</strong> by "forcePasteAsPlainText" config option.</p></textarea>
+		</p>
+		<p>
+			<label for="editor5">
+				Editor 5:</label>
+			<textarea cols="80" id="editor5" name="editor5" rows="10">Editor with autoParagraphing set to off.</textarea>
+		</p>
+		<div id="editor6" contenteditable="true" style="font-family: Georgia; font-size: 14px">
+			<h1>Editor 6</h1>
+			<p>Content content content.</p>
+			<p class="someClass">Styled by <code>.someClass</code>.</p>
+		</div>
+	</div>
+	<div id="console">
+	</div>
+	<script>
+( function()
+	'use strict';
+	var log = window.__log = function( title, msg )
+	{
+		var msgEl = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'p' ),
+			consoleEl = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'console' ),
+			time = new Date().toString().match( /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/ )[ 0 ],
+			format = function( tpl )
+			{
+				return tpl.replace( /{time}/g, time ).replace( '{title}', title ).replace( '{msg}', msg || '' );
+			};
+		window.console && console.log && console.log( format( '[{time}] {title}: {msg}' ) );
+		msg = ( msg || '' ).replace( /\r/g, '{\\r}' ).replace( /\n/g, '{\\n}' ).replace( /\t/g, '{\\t}' );
+		msg = CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( msg );
+		msg = msg.replace( /\{(\\\w)\}/g, '<code class="specChar">$1</code>' );
+		msgEl.setHtml( format( '<time datetime="{time}">{time}</time><span class="prompt">{title}</span> {msg}' ) );
+		consoleEl.append( msgEl );
+		consoleEl.$.scrollTop = consoleEl.$.scrollHeight;
+		setTimeout( function () { msgEl.addClass( 'old' ); }, 250 );
+	};
+	var observe = function( editor, num )
+	{
+		var p = 'EDITOR ' + num + ' > ';
+		editor.on( 'paste', function( event )
+			{
+				log( p + 'paste(prior:-1)', event.data.type + ' - "' + event.data.dataValue + '"' );
+			}, null, null, -1 );
+		editor.on( 'paste', function( event )
+			{
+				log( p + 'paste(prior:10)', event.data.type + ' - "' + event.data.dataValue + '"' );
+			});
+		editor.on( 'paste', function( event )
+			{
+				log( p + 'paste(prior:999)', event.data.type + ' - "' + event.data.dataValue + '"' );
+			}, null, null, 999 );
+		editor.on( 'beforePaste', function( event )
+			{
+				log( p + 'beforePaste', event.data.type );
+			});
+		editor.on( 'beforePaste', function( event )
+			{
+				log( p + 'beforePaste(prior:999)', event.data.type );
+			}, null, null, 999 );
+		editor.on( 'afterPaste', function( event )
+			{
+				log( p + 'afterPaste' );
+			});
+		editor.on( 'copy', function( event )
+			{
+				log( p + 'copy' );
+			});
+		editor.on( 'cut', function( event )
+			{
+				log( p + 'cut' );
+			});
+	};
+	CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
+	var config =
+		{
+			height : 120,
+			toolbar : 'Custom',
+			toolbar_Custom :
+			[
+				{ name: 'custom', items : [ 'Source','Bold','Italic','Underline','-','Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Undo','Redo' ] }
+			]
+		},
+		editor1 = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', config ),
+		editor2 = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor2', config ),
+		editor3 = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor3', config ),
+		editor4 = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor4', CKEDITOR.tools.extend( { forcePasteAsPlainText : true }, config ) ),
+		editor5 = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor5', CKEDITOR.tools.extend( { autoParagraph : false }, config ) ),
+		editor6 = CKEDITOR.inline( document.getElementById( 'editor6' ), config );
+	editor3.on( 'beforePaste', function( evt )
+		{
+			evt.data.type = 'text';
+		});
+	observe( editor1, 1 );
+	observe( editor2, 2 );
+	observe( editor3, 3 );
+	observe( editor4, 4 );
+	observe( editor5, 5 );
+	observe( editor6, 6 );
+	</script>
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/dialogs/paste.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/dialogs/paste.js
index b37d8fd..dc11193 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/dialogs/paste.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/dialogs/paste.js
@@ -1,50 +1,43 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'paste', function( editor )
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'paste', function( editor ) {
 	var lang = editor.lang.clipboard;
 	var isCustomDomain = CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain();
-	function onPasteFrameLoad( win )
-	{
-		var doc =  new CKEDITOR.dom.document( win.document ),
-			docElement = doc.$;
+	function onPasteFrameLoad( win ) {
+		var doc = new CKEDITOR.dom.document( win.document ),
+			body = doc.getBody(),
+			script = doc.getById( 'cke_actscrpt' );
-		doc.getById( "cke_actscrpt" ).remove();
+		script && script.remove();
-		CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
-			docElement.body.contentEditable = "true" :
-			docElement.designMode = "on";
+		body.setAttribute( 'contenteditable', true );
 		// IE before version 8 will leave cursor blinking inside the document after
 		// editor blurred unless we clean up the selection. (#4716)
-		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 8 )
-		{
-			doc.getWindow().on( 'blur', function()
-			{
-				docElement.selection.empty();
-			} );
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 8 ) {
+			doc.getWindow().on( 'blur', function() {
+				doc.$.selection.empty();
+			});
-		doc.on( "keydown", function( e )
-		{
+		doc.on( 'keydown', function( e ) {
 			var domEvent = e.data,
 				key = domEvent.getKeystroke(),
-			switch( key )
-			{
-				case 27 :
+			switch ( key ) {
+				case 27:
 					processed = 1;
-				case 9 :
-				case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 :
-					this.changeFocus( true );
+				case 9:
+				case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9:
+					this.changeFocus( 1 );
 					processed = 1;
@@ -52,154 +45,181 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'paste', function( editor )
 		}, this );
 		editor.fire( 'ariaWidget', new CKEDITOR.dom.element( win.frameElement ) );
+		// Handle pending focus.
+		if ( doc.getWindow().getFrame().removeCustomData( 'pendingFocus' ) )
+			body.focus();
+	// If pasteDialogCommit wasn't canceled by e.g. editor.getClipboardData
+	// then fire paste event.
+	// Do not use editor#paste, because it would start from beforePaste event.
+	editor.on( 'pasteDialogCommit', function( evt ) {
+		if ( evt.data )
+			editor.fire( 'paste', { type: 'auto', dataValue: evt.data } );
+	}, null, null, 1000 );
 	return {
-		title : lang.title,
+		title: lang.title,
-		minWidth : CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ? 370 : 350,
-		minHeight : CKEDITOR.env.quirks ? 250 : 245,
-		onShow : function()
-		{
+		minWidth: CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ? 370 : 350,
+		minHeight: CKEDITOR.env.quirks ? 250 : 245,
+		onShow: function() {
 			// FIREFOX BUG: Force the browser to render the dialog to make the to-be-
 			// inserted iframe editable. (#3366)
-			var htmlToLoad =
-				'<html dir="' + editor.config.contentsLangDirection + '"' +
-				' lang="' + ( editor.config.contentsLanguage || editor.langCode ) + '">' +
-					'<head><style>body { margin: 3px; height: 95%; } </style></head><body>' +
-					'<script id="cke_actscrpt" type="text/javascript">' +
-					'window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( ' + CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( onPasteFrameLoad, this ) + ', this );' +
-					'</script></body>' +
-				'</html>';
-			var iframe = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(
-						'<iframe' +
+			this.setupContent();
+			// Set dialog title to the custom value (set e.g. in editor.openDialog callback) and reset this value.
+			// If custom title not set, use default one.
+			this.parts.title.setHtml( this.customTitle || lang.title );
+			this.customTitle = null;
+		},
+		onLoad: function() {
+			if ( ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) && editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' )
+				this.parts.contents.setStyle( 'overflow', 'hidden' );
+		},
+		onOk: function() {
+			this.commitContent();
+		},
+		contents: [
+			{
+			id: 'general',
+			label: editor.lang.common.generalTab,
+			elements: [
+				{
+				type: 'html',
+				id: 'securityMsg',
+				html: '<div style="white-space:normal;width:340px">' + lang.securityMsg + '</div>'
+			},
+				{
+				type: 'html',
+				id: 'pasteMsg',
+				html: '<div style="white-space:normal;width:340px">' + lang.pasteMsg + '</div>'
+			},
+				{
+				type: 'html',
+				id: 'editing_area',
+				style: 'width:100%;height:100%',
+				html: '',
+				focus: function() {
+					var iframe = this.getInputElement(),
+						doc = iframe.getFrameDocument(),
+						body = doc.getBody();
+					// Frame content may not loaded at the moment.
+					if ( !body || body.isReadOnly() )
+						iframe.setCustomData( 'pendingFocus', 1 );
+					else
+						body.focus();
+				},
+				setup: function() {
+					var dialog = this.getDialog();
+					var htmlToLoad = '<html dir="' + editor.config.contentsLangDirection + '"' +
+						' lang="' + ( editor.config.contentsLanguage || editor.langCode ) + '">' +
+						'<head><style>body{margin:3px;height:95%}</style></head><body>' +
+						'<script id="cke_actscrpt" type="text/javascript">' +
+						'window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( onPasteFrameLoad, dialog ) + ',this);' +
+						'</script></body>' +
+						'</html>';
+					var src =
+							CKEDITOR.env.air ?
+								'javascript:void(0)' :
+							isCustomDomain ?
+								'javascript:void((function(){' +
+									'document.open();' +
+									'document.domain=\'' + document.domain + '\';' +
+									'document.close();' +
+								'})())"'
+							: '';
+					var iframe = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<iframe' +
 						' class="cke_pasteframe"' +
 						' frameborder="0" ' +
 						' allowTransparency="true"' +
-						// Support for custom document.domain in IE.
-						( isCustomDomain ?
-							' src="javascript:void((function(){' +
-								'document.open();' +
-								'document.domain=\'' + document.domain + '\';' +
-								'document.close();' +
-							'})())"' : '' ) +
+						' src="' + src + '"' +
 						' role="region"' +
 						' aria-label="' + lang.pasteArea + '"' +
-						' aria-describedby="' + this.getContentElement( 'general', 'pasteMsg' ).domId + '"' +
+						' aria-describedby="' + dialog.getContentElement( 'general', 'pasteMsg' ).domId + '"' +
 						' aria-multiple="true"' +
 						'></iframe>' );
-			iframe.on( 'load', function( e )
-			{
-				e.removeListener();
-				var doc = iframe.getFrameDocument().$;
-				// Custom domain handling is needed after each document.open().
-				doc.open();
-				if ( isCustomDomain )
-					doc.domain = document.domain;
-				doc.write( htmlToLoad );
-				doc.close();
-			}, this );
-			iframe.setCustomData( 'dialog', this );
-			var field = this.getContentElement( 'general', 'editing_area' ),
-				container = field.getElement();
-			container.setHtml( '' );
-			container.append( iframe );
-			// IE need a redirect on focus to make
-			// the cursor blinking inside iframe. (#5461)
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			{
-				var focusGrabber = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<span tabindex="-1" style="position:absolute;" role="presentation"></span>' );
-				focusGrabber.on( 'focus', function()
-				{
-					iframe.$.contentWindow.focus();
-				});
-				container.append( focusGrabber );
+					iframe.on( 'load', function( e ) {
+						e.removeListener();
-				// Override focus handler on field.
-				field.focus = function()
-				{
-					focusGrabber.focus();
-					this.fire( 'focus' );
-				};
-			}
+						var doc = iframe.getFrameDocument();
+						doc.write( htmlToLoad );
-			field.getInputElement = function(){ return iframe; };
+						editor.focusManager.add( doc.getBody() );
-			// Force container to scale in IE.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			{
-				container.setStyle( 'display', 'block' );
-				container.setStyle( 'height', ( iframe.$.offsetHeight + 2 ) + 'px' );
-			}
-		},
+						if ( CKEDITOR.env.air )
+							onPasteFrameLoad.call( this, doc.getWindow().$ );
+					}, dialog );
-		onHide : function()
-		{
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-				this.getParentEditor().document.getBody().$.contentEditable = 'true';
-		},
+					iframe.setCustomData( 'dialog', dialog );
-		onLoad : function()
-		{
-			if ( ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) && editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' )
-				this.parts.contents.setStyle( 'overflow', 'hidden' );
-		},
+					var container = this.getElement();
+					container.setHtml( '' );
+					container.append( iframe );
-		onOk : function()
-		{
-			var container = this.getContentElement( 'general', 'editing_area' ).getElement(),
-				iframe = container.getElementsByTag( 'iframe' ).getItem( 0 ),
-				editor = this.getParentEditor(),
-				html = iframe.$.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;
+					// IE need a redirect on focus to make
+					// the cursor blinking inside iframe. (#5461)
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+						var focusGrabber = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<span tabindex="-1" style="position:absolute" role="presentation"></span>' );
+						focusGrabber.on( 'focus', function() {
+							iframe.$.contentWindow.focus();
+						});
+						container.append( focusGrabber );
-			setTimeout( function(){
-				editor.fire( 'paste', { 'html' : html } );
-			}, 0 );
+						// Override focus handler on field.
+						this.focus = function() {
+							focusGrabber.focus();
+							this.fire( 'focus' );
+						};
+					}
-		},
+					this.getInputElement = function() {
+						return iframe;
+					};
-		contents : [
-			{
-				id : 'general',
-				label : editor.lang.common.generalTab,
-				elements : [
-					{
-						type : 'html',
-						id : 'securityMsg',
-						html : '<div style="white-space:normal;width:340px;">' + lang.securityMsg + '</div>'
-					},
-					{
-						type : 'html',
-						id : 'pasteMsg',
-						html : '<div style="white-space:normal;width:340px;">'+lang.pasteMsg +'</div>'
-					},
-					{
-						type : 'html',
-						id : 'editing_area',
-						style : 'width: 100%; height: 100%;',
-						html : '',
-						focus : function()
-						{
-							var win = this.getInputElement().$.contentWindow;
-							// #3291 : JAWS needs the 500ms delay to detect that the editor iframe
-							// iframe is no longer editable. So that it will put the focus into the
-							// Paste from Word dialog's editable area instead.
-							setTimeout( function()
-							{
-								win.focus();
-							}, 500 );
-						}
+					// Force container to scale in IE.
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+						container.setStyle( 'display', 'block' );
+						container.setStyle( 'height', ( iframe.$.offsetHeight + 2 ) + 'px' );
-				]
+				},
+				commit: function( data ) {
+					var editor = this.getDialog().getParentEditor(),
+						body = this.getInputElement().getFrameDocument().getBody(),
+						bogus = body.getBogus(),
+						html;
+					bogus && bogus.remove();
+					// Saving the contents so changes until paste is complete will not take place (#7500)
+					html = body.getHtml();
+					// Opera needs some time to think about what has happened and what it should do now.
+					setTimeout( function() {
+						editor.fire( 'pasteDialogCommit', html );
+					}, 0 );
+				}
+			]
+		}
+ * Internal event to pass paste dialog's data to the listeners.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @event pasteDialogCommit
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/copy-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/copy-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bbc023
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/copy-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/copy.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/copy.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bbc023
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/copy.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/cut-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/cut-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4016d7e
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/cut-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/cut.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/cut.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4016d7e
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/cut.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/paste-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/paste-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c74bee
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/paste-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/paste.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/paste.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c74bee
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/icons/paste.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..628c627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'af', {
+	copy: 'Kopiëer',
+	copyError: 'U blaaier se sekuriteitsinstelling belet die kopiëringsaksie. Gebruik die sleutelbordkombinasie (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Knip',
+	cutError: 'U blaaier se sekuriteitsinstelling belet die outomatiese knip-aksie. Gebruik die sleutelbordkombinasie (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Plak',
+	pasteArea: 'Plak-area',
+	pasteMsg: 'Plak die teks in die volgende teks-area met die sleutelbordkombinasie (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) en druk <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Weens u blaaier se sekuriteitsinstelling is data op die knipbord nie toeganklik nie. U kan dit eers weer in hierdie venster plak.',
+	title: 'Byvoeg'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..918a0df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'ar', {
+	copy: 'نسخ',
+	copyError: 'الإعدادات الأمنية للمتصفح الذي تستخدمه تمنع النسخ التلقائي. فضلاً إستخدم لوحة المفاتيح لفعل ذلك (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'قص',
+	cutError: 'الإعدادات الأمنية للمتصفح الذي تستخدمه تمنع القص التلقائي. فضلاً إستخدم لوحة المفاتيح لفعل ذلك (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'لصق',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'الصق داخل الصندوق بإستخدام زرائر (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) في لوحة المفاتيح، ثم اضغط زر  <STRONG>موافق</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'نظراً لإعدادات الأمان الخاصة بمتصفحك، لن يتمكن هذا المحرر من الوصول لمحتوى حافظتك، لذلك يجب عليك لصق المحتوى مرة أخرى في هذه النافذة.',
+	title: 'لصق'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a77602a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'bg', {
+	copy: 'Копирай',
+	copyError: 'Настройките за сигурност на вашия бразуър не разрешават на редактора да изпълни запаметяването. За целта използвайте клавиатурата (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Отрежи',
+	cutError: 'Настройките за сигурност на Вашия браузър не позволяват на редактора автоматично да изъплни действията за отрязване. Моля ползвайте клавиатурните команди за целта (ctrl+x).',
+	paste: 'Вмъкни',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'Вмъкнете тук съдъжанието с клавиатуарата (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) и натиснете <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
+	title: 'Вмъкни'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5f1daf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'bn', {
+	copy: 'কপি',
+	copyError: 'আপনার ব্রাউজারের সুরক্ষা সেটিংস এডিটরকে অটোমেটিক কপি করার অনুমতি দেয়নি। দয়া করে এই কাজের জন্য কিবোর্ড ব্যবহার করুন (Ctrl/Cmd+C)।',
+	cut: 'কাট',
+	cutError: 'আপনার ব্রাউজারের সুরক্ষা সেটিংস এডিটরকে অটোমেটিক কাট করার অনুমতি দেয়নি। দয়া করে এই কাজের জন্য কিবোর্ড ব্যবহার করুন (Ctrl/Cmd+X)।',
+	paste: 'পেস্ট',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'অনুগ্রহ করে নীচের বাক্সে কিবোর্ড ব্যবহার করে (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) পেস্ট করুন এবং <STRONG>OK</STRONG> চাপ দিন',
+	securityMsg: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
+	title: 'পেস্ট'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f06217d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'bs', {
+	copy: 'Kopiraj',
+	copyError: 'Sigurnosne postavke Vašeg pretraživaèa ne dozvoljavaju operacije automatskog kopiranja. Molimo koristite kraticu na tastaturi (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Izreži',
+	cutError: 'Sigurnosne postavke vašeg pretraživaèa ne dozvoljavaju operacije automatskog rezanja. Molimo koristite kraticu na tastaturi (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Zalijepi',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK', // MISSING
+	securityMsg: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
+	title: 'Zalijepi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c778092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'ca', {
+	copy: 'Copia',
+	copyError: 'La seguretat del vostre navegador no permet executar automàticament les operacions de copiar. Si us plau, utilitzeu el teclat (Ctrl+C).',
+	cut: 'Retalla',
+	cutError: 'La seguretat del vostre navegador no permet executar automàticament les operacions de retallar. Si us plau, utilitzeu el teclat (Ctrl+X).',
+	paste: 'Enganxa',
+	pasteArea: 'Àrea d\'enganxat',
+	pasteMsg: 'Si us plau, enganxeu dins del següent camp utilitzant el teclat (<STRONG>Ctrl+V</STRONG>) i premeu <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'A causa de la configuració de seguretat del vostre navegador, l\'editor no pot accedir al porta-retalls directament. Enganxeu-ho un altre cop en aquesta finestra.',
+	title: 'Enganxa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52dce96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'cs', {
+	copy: 'Kopírovat',
+	copyError: 'Bezpečnostní nastavení vašeho prohlížeče nedovolují editoru spustit funkci pro kopírování zvoleného textu do schránky. Prosím zkopírujte zvolený text do schránky pomocí klávesnice (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Vyjmout',
+	cutError: 'Bezpečnostní nastavení vašeho prohlížeče nedovolují editoru spustit funkci pro vyjmutí zvoleného textu do schránky. Prosím vyjměte zvolený text do schránky pomocí klávesnice (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Vložit',
+	pasteArea: 'Oblast vkládání',
+	pasteMsg: 'Do následujícího pole vložte požadovaný obsah pomocí klávesnice (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) a stiskněte <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Z důvodů nastavení bezpečnosti vašeho prohlížeče nemůže editor přistupovat přímo do schránky. Obsah schránky prosím vložte znovu do tohoto okna.',
+	title: 'Vložit'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ba7ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'cy', {
+	copy: 'Copïo',
+	copyError: 'Nid yw gosodiadau diogelwch eich porwr yn caniatàu\'r golygydd i gynnal \'gweithredoedd copïo\' yn awtomatig. Defnyddiwch y bysellfwrdd (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Torri',
+	cutError: 'Nid yw gosodiadau diogelwch eich porwr yn caniatàu\'r golygydd i gynnal \'gweithredoedd torri\' yn awtomatig. Defnyddiwch y bysellfwrdd (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Gludo',
+	pasteArea: 'Ardal Gludo',
+	pasteMsg: 'Gludwch i mewn i\'r blwch canlynol gan ddefnyddio\'r bysellfwrdd (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) a phwyso <strong>Iawn</strong>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Oherwydd gosodiadau diogelwch eich porwr, nid yw\'r porwr yn gallu ennill mynediad i\'r data ar y clipfwrdd yn uniongyrchol. Mae angen i chi ei ludo eto i\'r ffenestr hon.',
+	title: 'Gludo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baec4f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'da', {
+	copy: 'Kopiér',
+	copyError: 'Din browsers sikkerhedsindstillinger tillader ikke editoren at få automatisk adgang til udklipsholderen.<br><br>Brug i stedet tastaturet til at kopiere teksten (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Klip',
+	cutError: 'Din browsers sikkerhedsindstillinger tillader ikke editoren at få automatisk adgang til udklipsholderen.<br><br>Brug i stedet tastaturet til at klippe teksten (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Indsæt',
+	pasteArea: 'Indsæt område',
+	pasteMsg: 'Indsæt i feltet herunder (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) og klik på <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Din browsers sikkerhedsindstillinger tillader ikke editoren at få automatisk adgang til udklipsholderen.<br><br>Du skal indsætte udklipsholderens indhold i dette vindue igen.',
+	title: 'Indsæt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cd1964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'de', {
+	copy: 'Kopieren',
+	copyError: 'Die Sicherheitseinstellungen Ihres Browsers lassen es nicht zu, den Text automatisch kopieren. Bitte benutzen Sie die System-Zwischenablage über STRG-C (kopieren).',
+	cut: 'Ausschneiden',
+	cutError: 'Die Sicherheitseinstellungen Ihres Browsers lassen es nicht zu, den Text automatisch auszuschneiden. Bitte benutzen Sie die System-Zwischenablage über STRG-X (ausschneiden) und STRG-V (einfügen).',
+	paste: 'Einfügen',
+	pasteArea: 'Einfügebereich',
+	pasteMsg: 'Bitte fügen Sie den Text in der folgenden Box über die Tastatur (mit <STRONG>Strg+V</STRONG>) ein und bestätigen Sie mit <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Aufgrund von Sicherheitsbeschränkungen Ihres Browsers kann der Editor nicht direkt auf die Zwischenablage zugreifen. Bitte fügen Sie den Inhalt erneut in diesem Fenster ein.',
+	title: 'Einfügen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e44a4be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'el', {
+	copy: 'Αντιγραφή',
+	copyError: 'Οι ρυθμίσεις ασφαλείας του φυλλομετρητή σας δεν επιτρέπουν την επιλεγμένη εργασία αντιγραφής. Χρησιμοποιείστε το πληκτρολόγιο (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Αποκοπή',
+	cutError: 'Οι ρυθμίσεις ασφαλείας του φυλλομετρητή σας δεν επιτρέπουν την επιλεγμένη εργασία αποκοπής. Χρησιμοποιείστε το πληκτρολόγιο (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Επικόλληση',
+	pasteArea: 'Περιοχή Επικόλλησης',
+	pasteMsg: 'Παρακαλώ επικολήστε στο ακόλουθο κουτί χρησιμοποιόντας το πληκτρολόγιο (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) και πατήστε OK.',
+	securityMsg: 'Λόγων των ρυθμίσεων ασφάλειας του περιηγητή σας, ο επεξεργαστής δεν μπορεί να έχει πρόσβαση στην μνήμη επικόλλησης. Χρειάζεται να επικολλήσετε ξανά σε αυτό το παράθυρο.',
+	title: 'Επικόλληση'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f6a7c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'en-au', {
+	copy: 'Copy',
+	copyError: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Cut',
+	cutError: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Paste',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK',
+	securityMsg: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',
+	title: 'Paste'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8462c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'en-ca', {
+	copy: 'Copy',
+	copyError: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Cut',
+	cutError: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Paste',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK',
+	securityMsg: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',
+	title: 'Paste'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98b19d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'en-gb', {
+	copy: 'Copy',
+	copyError: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Cut',
+	cutError: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Paste',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area',
+	pasteMsg: 'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK',
+	securityMsg: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',
+	title: 'Paste'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bab47f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'en', {
+	copy: 'Copy',
+	copyError: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Cut',
+	cutError: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Paste',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area',
+	pasteMsg: 'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK',
+	securityMsg: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',
+	title: 'Paste'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf5b057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'eo', {
+	copy: 'Kopii',
+	copyError: 'La sekurecagordo de via TTT-legilo ne permesas, ke la redaktilo faras kopiajn operaciojn. Bonvolu uzi la klavaron por tio (Ctrl/Cmd-C).',
+	cut: 'Eltondi',
+	cutError: 'La sekurecagordo de via TTT-legilo ne permesas, ke la redaktilo faras eltondajn operaciojn. Bonvolu uzi la klavaron por tio (Ctrl/Cmd-X).',
+	paste: 'Interglui',
+	pasteArea: 'Intergluoareo',
+	pasteMsg: 'Bonvolu glui la tekston en la jenan areon per uzado de la klavaro (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) kaj premu OK',
+	securityMsg: 'Pro la sekurecagordo de via TTT-legilo, la redaktilo ne povas rekte atingi viajn datenojn en la poŝo. Bonvolu denove interglui la datenojn en tiun fenestron.',
+	title: 'Interglui'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd590e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'es', {
+	copy: 'Copiar',
+	copyError: 'La configuración de seguridad de este navegador no permite la ejecución automática de operaciones de copiado.\r\nPor favor use el teclado (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Cortar',
+	cutError: 'La configuración de seguridad de este navegador no permite la ejecución automática de operaciones de cortado.\r\nPor favor use el teclado (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Pegar',
+	pasteArea: 'Zona de pegado',
+	pasteMsg: 'Por favor pegue dentro del cuadro utilizando el teclado (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>);\r\nluego presione <STRONG>Aceptar</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Debido a la configuración de seguridad de su navegador, el editor no tiene acceso al portapapeles.\r\nEs necesario que lo pegue de nuevo en esta ventana.',
+	title: 'Pegar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14eb0a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'et', {
+	copy: 'Kopeeri',
+	copyError: 'Sinu veebisirvija turvaseaded ei luba redaktoril automaatselt kopeerida. Palun kasutage selleks klaviatuuri klahvikombinatsiooni (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Lõika',
+	cutError: 'Sinu veebisirvija turvaseaded ei luba redaktoril automaatselt lõigata. Palun kasutage selleks klaviatuuri klahvikombinatsiooni (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Aseta',
+	pasteArea: 'Asetamise ala',
+	pasteMsg: 'Palun aseta tekst järgnevasse kasti kasutades klaviatuuri klahvikombinatsiooni (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) ja vajuta seejärel <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Sinu veebisirvija turvaseadete tõttu ei oma redaktor otsest ligipääsu lõikelaua andmetele. Sa pead asetama need uuesti siia aknasse.',
+	title: 'Asetamine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3b9159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'eu', {
+	copy: 'Kopiatu',
+	copyError: 'Zure web nabigatzailearen segurtasun ezarpenak testuak automatikoki kopiatzea ez dute baimentzen. Mesedez teklatua erabili ezazu (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Ebaki',
+	cutError: 'Zure web nabigatzailearen segurtasun ezarpenak testuak automatikoki moztea ez dute baimentzen. Mesedez teklatua erabili ezazu (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Itsatsi',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'Mesedez teklatua erabilita (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) ondorego eremuan testua itsatsi eta <STRONG>OK</STRONG> sakatu.',
+	securityMsg: 'Nabigatzailearen segurtasun ezarpenak direla eta, editoreak ezin du arbela zuzenean erabili. Leiho honetan berriro itsatsi behar duzu.',
+	title: 'Itsatsi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57f3ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'fa', {
+	copy: 'کپی',
+	copyError: 'تنظیمات امنیتی مرورگر شما اجازه نمیدهد که ویرایشگر به طور خودکار عملکردهای کپی کردن را انجام دهد. لطفا با دکمههای صفحه کلید این کار را انجام دهید (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'برش',
+	cutError: 'تنظیمات امنیتی مرورگر شما اجازه نمیدهد که ویرایشگر به طور خودکار عملکردهای برش را انجام دهد. لطفا با دکمههای صفحه کلید این کار را انجام دهید (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'چسباندن',
+	pasteArea: 'محل چسباندن',
+	pasteMsg: 'لطفا متن را با کلیدهای (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) در این جعبهٴ متنی بچسبانید و <STRONG>پذیرش</STRONG> را بزنید.',
+	securityMsg: 'به خاطر تنظیمات امنیتی مرورگر شما، ویرایشگر نمیتواند دسترسی مستقیم به دادههای clipboard داشته باشد. شما باید دوباره آنرا در این پنجره بچسبانید.',
+	title: 'چسباندن'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80ebfe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'fi', {
+	copy: 'Kopioi',
+	copyError: 'Selaimesi turva-asetukset eivät salli editorin toteuttaa kopioimista. Käytä näppäimistöä kopioimiseen (Ctrl+C).',
+	cut: 'Leikkaa',
+	cutError: 'Selaimesi turva-asetukset eivät salli editorin toteuttaa leikkaamista. Käytä näppäimistöä leikkaamiseen (Ctrl+X).',
+	paste: 'Liitä',
+	pasteArea: 'Leikealue',
+	pasteMsg: 'Liitä painamalla (<STRONG>Ctrl+V</STRONG>) ja painamalla <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Selaimesi turva-asetukset eivät salli editorin käyttää leikepöytää suoraan. Sinun pitää suorittaa liittäminen tässä ikkunassa.',
+	title: 'Liitä'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b60231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'fo', {
+	copy: 'Avrita',
+	copyError: 'Trygdaruppseting alnótskagans forðar tekstviðgeranum í at avrita tekstin. Vinarliga nýt knappaborðið til at avrita tekstin (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Kvett',
+	cutError: 'Trygdaruppseting alnótskagans forðar tekstviðgeranum í at kvetta tekstin. Vinarliga nýt knappaborðið til at kvetta tekstin (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Innrita',
+	pasteArea: 'Avritingarumráði',
+	pasteMsg: 'Vinarliga koyr tekstin í hendan rútin við knappaborðinum (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) og klikk á <strong>Góðtak</strong>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Trygdaruppseting alnótskagans forðar tekstviðgeranum í beinleiðis atgongd til avritingarminnið. Tygum mugu royna aftur í hesum rútinum.',
+	title: 'Innrita'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aefec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'fr-ca', {
+	copy: 'Copier',
+	copyError: 'Les paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur empêchent l\'éditeur de copier automatiquement vos données. Veuillez utiliser les équivalents claviers (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Couper',
+	cutError: 'Les paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur empêchent l\'éditeur de couper automatiquement vos données. Veuillez utiliser les équivalents claviers (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Coller',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'Veuillez coller dans la zone ci-dessous en utilisant le clavier (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) et appuyer sur <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'A cause des paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur, l\'éditeur ne peut accéder au presse-papier directement. Vous devez coller à nouveau le contenu dans cette fenêtre.',
+	title: 'Coller'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c233bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'fr', {
+	copy: 'Copier',
+	copyError: 'Les paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur ne permettent pas à l\'éditeur d\'exécuter automatiquement des opérations de copie. Veuillez utiliser le raccourci clavier (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Couper',
+	cutError: 'Les paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur ne permettent pas à l\'éditeur d\'exécuter automatiquement l\'opération "couper". Veuillez utiliser le raccourci clavier (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Coller',
+	pasteArea: 'Coller la zone',
+	pasteMsg: 'Veuillez coller le texte dans la zone suivante en utilisant le raccourci clavier (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) et cliquez sur OK.',
+	securityMsg: 'A cause des paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur, l\'éditeur n\'est pas en mesure d\'accéder directement à vos données contenues dans le presse-papier. Vous devriez réessayer de coller les données dans la fenêtre.',
+	title: 'Coller'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f29ebd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'gl', {
+	copy: 'Copiar',
+	copyError: 'Os axustes de seguridade do seu navegador non permiten que o editor realice automáticamente as tarefas de copia. Por favor, use o teclado para iso (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Cortar',
+	cutError: 'Os axustes de seguridade do seu navegador non permiten que o editor realice automáticamente as tarefas de corte. Por favor, use o teclado para iso (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Pegar',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'Por favor, pegue dentro do seguinte cadro usando o teclado (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) e pulse <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
+	title: 'Pegar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faeeca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'gu', {
+	copy: 'નકલ',
+	copyError: 'તમારા બ્રાઉઝર ની સુરક્ષિત સેટિંગસ કોપી કરવાની પરવાનગી નથી આપતી.  (Ctrl/Cmd+C) का प्रयोग करें।',
+	cut: 'કાપવું',
+	cutError: 'તમારા બ્રાઉઝર ની સુરક્ષિત સેટિંગસ કટ કરવાની પરવાનગી નથી આપતી. (Ctrl/Cmd+X) નો ઉપયોગ કરો.',
+	paste: 'પેસ્ટ',
+	pasteArea: 'પેસ્ટ કરવાની જગ્યા',
+	pasteMsg: 'Ctrl/Cmd+V નો પ્રયોગ કરી પેસ્ટ કરો',
+	securityMsg: 'તમારા બ્રાઉઝર ની સુરક્ષિત સેટિંગસના કારણે,એડિટર તમારા કિલ્પબોર્ડ ડેટા ને કોપી નથી કરી શકતો. તમારે આ વિન્ડોમાં ફરીથી પેસ્ટ કરવું પડશે.',
+	title: 'પેસ્ટ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ece283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'he', {
+	copy: 'העתקה',
+	copyError: 'הגדרות האבטחה בדפדפן שלך לא מאפשרות לעורך לבצע פעולות העתקה אוטומטיות. יש להשתמש במקלדת לשם כך (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'גזירה',
+	cutError: 'הגדרות האבטחה בדפדפן שלך לא מאפשרות לעורך לבצע פעולות גזירה אוטומטיות. יש להשתמש במקלדת לשם כך (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'הדבקה',
+	pasteArea: 'איזור הדבקה',
+	pasteMsg: 'נא להדביק בתוך הקופסה באמצעות (<b>Ctrl/Cmd+V</b>) וללחוץ על <b>אישור</b>.',
+	securityMsg: 'עקב הגדרות אבטחה בדפדפן, לא ניתן לגשת אל לוח הגזירים (Clipboard) בצורה ישירה. נא להדביק שוב בחלון זה.',
+	title: 'הדבקה'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ac2d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'hi', {
+	copy: 'कॉपी',
+	copyError: 'आपके ब्राआउज़र की सुरक्षा सॅटिन्ग्स ने कॉपी करने की अनुमति नहीं प्रदान की है। (Ctrl/Cmd+C) का प्रयोग करें।',
+	cut: 'कट',
+	cutError: 'आपके ब्राउज़र की सुरक्षा सॅटिन्ग्स ने कट करने की अनुमति नहीं प्रदान की है। (Ctrl/Cmd+X) का प्रयोग करें।',
+	paste: 'पेस्ट',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'Ctrl/Cmd+V का प्रयोग करके पेस्ट करें और ठीक है करें.',
+	securityMsg: 'आपके ब्राउज़र की सुरक्षा आपके ब्राउज़र की सुरKश सैटिंग के कारण, एडिटर आपके क्लिपबोर्ड डेटा को नहीं पा सकता है. आपको उसे इस विन्डो में दोबारा पेस्ट करना होगा.',
+	title: 'पेस्ट'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c01abad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'hr', {
+	copy: 'Kopiraj',
+	copyError: 'Sigurnosne postavke Vašeg pretraživača ne dozvoljavaju operacije automatskog kopiranja. Molimo koristite kraticu na tipkovnici (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Izreži',
+	cutError: 'Sigurnosne postavke Vašeg pretraživača ne dozvoljavaju operacije automatskog izrezivanja. Molimo koristite kraticu na tipkovnici (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Zalijepi',
+	pasteArea: 'Prostor za ljepljenje',
+	pasteMsg: 'Molimo zaljepite unutar doljnjeg okvira koristeći tipkovnicu (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) i kliknite <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Zbog sigurnosnih postavki Vašeg pretraživača, editor nema direktan pristup Vašem međuspremniku. Potrebno je ponovno zalijepiti tekst u ovaj prozor.',
+	title: 'Zalijepi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d8350f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'hu', {
+	copy: 'Másolás',
+	copyError: 'A böngésző biztonsági beállításai nem engedélyezik a szerkesztőnek, hogy végrehajtsa a másolás műveletet. Használja az alábbi billentyűkombinációt (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	cut: 'Kivágás',
+	cutError: 'A böngésző biztonsági beállításai nem engedélyezik a szerkesztőnek, hogy végrehajtsa a kivágás műveletet. Használja az alábbi billentyűkombinációt (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Beillesztés',
+	pasteArea: 'Beszúrás mező',
+	pasteMsg: 'Másolja be az alábbi mezőbe a <STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG> billentyűk lenyomásával, majd nyomjon <STRONG>Rendben</STRONG>-t.',
+	securityMsg: 'A böngésző biztonsági beállításai miatt a szerkesztő nem képes hozzáférni a vágólap adataihoz. Illeszd be újra ebben az ablakban.',
+	title: 'Beillesztés'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5c7483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'is', {
+	copy: 'Afrita',
+	copyError: 'Öryggisstillingar vafrans þíns leyfa ekki afritun texta með músaraðgerð. Notaðu lyklaborðið í afrita (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Klippa',
+	cutError: 'Öryggisstillingar vafrans þíns leyfa ekki klippingu texta með músaraðgerð. Notaðu lyklaborðið í klippa (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Líma',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'Límdu í svæðið hér að neðan og (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) og smelltu á <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Vegna öryggisstillinga í vafranum þínum fær ritillinn ekki beinan aðgang að klippuborðinu. Þú verður að líma innihaldið aftur inn í þennan glugga.',
+	title: 'Líma'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d63ca5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'it', {
+	copy: 'Copia',
+	copyError: 'Le impostazioni di sicurezza del browser non permettono di copiare automaticamente il testo. Usa la tastiera (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Taglia',
+	cutError: 'Le impostazioni di sicurezza del browser non permettono di tagliare automaticamente il testo. Usa la tastiera (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Incolla',
+	pasteArea: 'Incolla',
+	pasteMsg: 'Incolla il testo all\'interno dell\'area sottostante usando la scorciatoia di tastiere (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) e premi <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'A causa delle impostazioni di sicurezza del browser,l\'editor non è in grado di accedere direttamente agli appunti. E\' pertanto necessario incollarli di nuovo in questa finestra.',
+	title: 'Incolla'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fc1a49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'ja', {
+	copy: 'コピー',
+	copyError: 'ブラウザーのセキュリティ設定によりエディタのコピー操作が自動で実行することができません。実行するには手動でキーボードの(Ctrl/Cmd+C)を使用してください。',
+	cut: '切り取り',
+	cutError: 'ブラウザーのセキュリティ設定によりエディタの切り取り操作が自動で実行することができません。実行するには手動でキーボードの(Ctrl/Cmd+X)を使用してください。',
+	paste: '貼り付け',
+	pasteArea: '貼り付け場所',
+	pasteMsg: 'キーボード(<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>)を使用して、次の入力エリア内で貼って、<STRONG>OK</STRONG>を押してください。',
+	securityMsg: 'ブラウザのセキュリティ設定により、エディタはクリップボード・データに直接アクセスすることができません。このウィンドウは貼り付け操作を行う度に表示されます。',
+	title: '貼り付け'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9cbd11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'ka', {
+	copy: 'ასლი',
+	copyError: 'თქვენი ბროუზერის უსაფრთხოების პარამეტრები არ იძლევა ასლის ოპერაციის ავტომატურად განხორციელების საშუალებას. გამოიყენეთ კლავიატურა ამისთვის (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'ამოჭრა',
+	cutError: 'თქვენი ბროუზერის უსაფრთხოების პარამეტრები არ იძლევა ამოჭრის ოპერაციის ავტომატურად განხორციელების საშუალებას. გამოიყენეთ კლავიატურა ამისთვის (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'ჩასმა',
+	pasteArea: 'ჩასმის არე',
+	pasteMsg: 'ჩასვით ამ არის შიგნით კლავიატურის გამოყენებით (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) და დააჭირეთ OK-ს',
+	securityMsg: 'თქვენი ბროუზერის უსაფრთხოების პარამეტრები არ იძლევა clipboard-ის მონაცემების წვდომის უფლებას. კიდევ უნდა ჩასვათ ტექსტი ამ ფანჯარაში.',
+	title: 'ჩასმა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c8401f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'km', {
+	copy: 'ចំលងយក',
+	copyError: 'ការកំណត់សុវត្ថភាពរបស់កម្មវិធីរុករករបស់លោកអ្នក នេះ\u200bមិនអាចធ្វើកម្មវិធីតាក់តែងអត្ថបទ ចំលងអត្ថបទយកដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តបានឡើយ ។ សូមប្រើប្រាស់បន្សំ ឃីដូចនេះ (Ctrl/Cmd+C)។',
+	cut: 'កាត់យក',
+	cutError: 'ការកំណត់សុវត្ថភាពរបស់កម្មវិធីរុករករបស់លោកអ្នក នេះ\u200bមិនអាចធ្វើកម្មវិធីតាក់តែងអត្ថបទ កាត់អត្ថបទយកដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តបានឡើយ ។ សូមប្រើប្រាស់បន្សំ ឃីដូចនេះ  (Ctrl/Cmd+X) ។',
+	paste: 'ចំលងដាក់',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'សូមចំលងអត្ថបទទៅដាក់ក្នុងប្រអប់ដូចខាងក្រោមដោយប្រើប្រាស់ ឃី \u200b(<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) ហើយចុច <STRONG>OK</STRONG> ។',
+	securityMsg: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
+	title: 'ចំលងដាក់'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad4651f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'ko', {
+	copy: '복사하기',
+	copyError: '브라우저의 보안설정때문에 복사하기 기능을 실행할 수 없습니다. 키보드 명령을 사용하십시요.  (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: '잘라내기',
+	cutError: '브라우저의 보안설정때문에 잘라내기 기능을 실행할 수 없습니다. 키보드 명령을 사용하십시요. (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: '붙여넣기',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: '키보드의 (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) 를 이용해서 상자안에 붙여넣고 <STRONG>OK</STRONG> 를 누르세요.',
+	securityMsg: '브러우저 보안 설정으로 인해, 클립보드의 자료를 직접 접근할 수 없습니다. 이 창에 다시 붙여넣기 하십시오.',
+	title: '붙여넣기'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b20e730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'ku', {
+	copy: 'لەبەرگرنتەوه',
+	copyError: 'پارێزی وێبگەڕەکەت ڕێگهنادات بەسەرنووسەکە لە لکاندنی دەقی خۆکار. تکایە لەبری ئەمە ئەم فەرمانە بەکاربهێنە بەداگرتنی کلیلی (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'بڕین',
+	cutError: 'پارێزی وێبگەڕەکەت ڕێگهنادات بە سەرنووسەکە لهبڕینی خۆکار. تکایە لەبری ئەمە ئەم فەرمانە بەکاربهێنە بەداگرتنی کلیلی (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'لکاندن',
+	pasteArea: 'ناوچهی لکاندن',
+	pasteMsg: 'تکایه بیلکێنه لهناوهوهی ئهم سنوقه لهڕێی تهختهکلیلهکهت بهباکارهێنانی کلیلی (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) دووای کلیکی باشه بکه.',
+	securityMsg: 'بههۆی شێوهپێدانی پارێزی وێبگهڕهکهت، سهرنووسهکه ناتوانێت دهستبگهیهنێت بهههڵگیراوهکه ڕاستهوخۆ. بۆیه پێویسته دووباره بیلکێنیت لهم پهنجهرهیه.',
+	title: 'لکاندن'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59ea0ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'lt', {
+	copy: 'Kopijuoti',
+	copyError: 'Jūsų naršyklės saugumo nustatymai neleidžia redaktoriui automatiškai įvykdyti kopijavimo operacijų. Tam prašome naudoti klaviatūrą (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'IÅ¡kirpti',
+	cutError: 'Jūsų naršyklės saugumo nustatymai neleidžia redaktoriui automatiškai įvykdyti iškirpimo operacijų. Tam prašome naudoti klaviatūrą (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Įdėti',
+	pasteArea: 'Įkelti dalį',
+	pasteMsg: 'Žemiau esančiame įvedimo lauke įdėkite tekstą, naudodami klaviatūrą (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) ir paspauskite mygtuką <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Dėl jūsų naršyklės saugumo nustatymų, redaktorius negali tiesiogiai pasiekti laikinosios atminties. Jums reikia nukopijuoti dar kartą į šį langą.',
+	title: 'Įdėti'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e33464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'lv', {
+	copy: 'Kopēt',
+	copyError: 'Jūsu pārlūkprogrammas drošības iestatījumi nepieļauj redaktoram automātiski veikt kopēšanas darbību.  Lūdzu, izmantojiet (Ctrl/Cmd+C), lai veiktu šo darbību.',
+	cut: 'Izgriezt',
+	cutError: 'Jūsu pārlūkprogrammas drošības iestatījumi nepieļauj redaktoram automātiski veikt izgriezšanas darbību.  Lūdzu, izmantojiet (Ctrl/Cmd+X), lai veiktu šo darbību.',
+	paste: 'Ielīmēt',
+	pasteArea: 'Ielīmēšanas zona',
+	pasteMsg: 'Lūdzu, ievietojiet tekstu šajā laukumā, izmantojot klaviatūru (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) un apstipriniet ar <STRONG>Darīts!</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Jūsu pārlūka drošības uzstādījumu dēļ, nav iespējams tieši piekļūt jūsu starpliktuvei. Jums jāielīmē atkārtoti šajā logā.',
+	title: 'Ievietot'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..768ec33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'mk', {
+	copy: 'Copy', // MISSING
+	copyError: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).', // MISSING
+	cut: 'Cut', // MISSING
+	cutError: 'Your browser security settings don\'t permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).', // MISSING
+	paste: 'Paste', // MISSING
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK', // MISSING
+	securityMsg: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
+	title: 'Paste' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f9ad64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'mn', {
+	copy: 'Хуулах',
+	copyError: 'Таны browser-ын хамгаалалтын тохиргоо editor-д автоматаар хуулах үйлдэлийг зөвшөөрөхгүй байна. (Ctrl/Cmd+C) товчны хослолыг ашиглана уу.',
+	cut: 'Хайчлах',
+	cutError: 'Таны browser-ын хамгаалалтын тохиргоо editor-д автоматаар хайчлах үйлдэлийг зөвшөөрөхгүй байна. (Ctrl/Cmd+X) товчны хослолыг ашиглана уу.',
+	paste: 'Буулгах',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: '(<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) товчийг ашиглан paste хийнэ үү. Мөн <strong>OK</strong> дар.',
+	securityMsg: 'Таны үзүүлэгч/browser/-н хамгаалалтын тохиргооноос болоод editor clipboard өгөгдөлрүү шууд хандах боломжгүй. Энэ цонход дахин paste хийхийг оролд.',
+	title: 'Буулгах'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c870679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'ms', {
+	copy: 'Salin',
+	copyError: 'Keselamatan perisian browser anda tidak membenarkan operasi salinan text/imej. Sila gunakan papan kekunci (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Potong',
+	cutError: 'Keselamatan perisian browser anda tidak membenarkan operasi suntingan text/imej. Sila gunakan papan kekunci (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Tampal',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK', // MISSING
+	securityMsg: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
+	title: 'Tampal'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2174dd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'nb', {
+	copy: 'Kopier',
+	copyError: 'Din nettlesers sikkerhetsinstillinger tillater ikke automatisk kopiering av tekst. Vennligst bruk snarveien (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Klipp ut',
+	cutError: 'Din nettlesers sikkerhetsinstillinger tillater ikke automatisk utklipping av tekst. Vennligst bruk snarveien (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Lim inn',
+	pasteArea: 'Innlimingsområde',
+	pasteMsg: 'Vennligst lim inn i følgende boks med tastaturet (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) og trykk <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Din nettlesers sikkerhetsinstillinger gir ikke redigeringsverktøyet direkte tilgang til utklippstavlen. Du må derfor lime det inn på nytt i dette vinduet.',
+	title: 'Lim inn'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a93656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'nl', {
+	copy: 'Kopiëren',
+	copyError: 'De beveiligingsinstelling van de browser verhinderen het automatisch kopiëren. Gebruik de sneltoets Ctrl/Cmd+C van het toetsenbord.',
+	cut: 'Knippen',
+	cutError: 'De beveiligingsinstelling van de browser verhinderen het automatisch knippen. Gebruik de sneltoets Ctrl/Cmd+X van het toetsenbord.',
+	paste: 'Plakken',
+	pasteArea: 'Plakgebied',
+	pasteMsg: 'Plak de tekst in het volgende vak gebruikmakend van uw toetsenbord (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) en klik op OK.',
+	securityMsg: 'Door de beveiligingsinstellingen van uw browser is het niet mogelijk om direct vanuit het klembord in de editor te plakken. Middels opnieuw plakken in dit venster kunt u de tekst alsnog plakken in de editor.',
+	title: 'Plakken'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9930a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'no', {
+	copy: 'Kopier',
+	copyError: 'Din nettlesers sikkerhetsinstillinger tillater ikke automatisk kopiering av tekst. Vennligst bruk snarveien (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Klipp ut',
+	cutError: 'Din nettlesers sikkerhetsinstillinger tillater ikke automatisk utklipping av tekst. Vennligst bruk snarveien (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Lim inn',
+	pasteArea: 'Innlimingsområde',
+	pasteMsg: 'Vennligst lim inn i følgende boks med tastaturet (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) og trykk <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Din nettlesers sikkerhetsinstillinger gir ikke redigeringsverktøyet direkte tilgang til utklippstavlen. Du må derfor lime det inn på nytt i dette vinduet.',
+	title: 'Lim inn'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..254eb5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'pl', {
+	copy: 'Kopiuj',
+	copyError: 'Ustawienia bezpieczeństwa Twojej przeglądarki nie pozwalają na automatyczne kopiowanie tekstu. Użyj skrótu klawiszowego Ctrl/Cmd+C.',
+	cut: 'Wytnij',
+	cutError: 'Ustawienia bezpieczeństwa Twojej przeglądarki nie pozwalają na automatyczne wycinanie tekstu. Użyj skrótu klawiszowego Ctrl/Cmd+X.',
+	paste: 'Wklej',
+	pasteArea: 'Obszar wklejania',
+	pasteMsg: 'Wklej tekst w poniższym polu, używając skrótu klawiaturowego (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>), i kliknij <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Zabezpieczenia przeglądarki uniemożliwiają wklejenie danych bezpośrednio do edytora. Proszę ponownie wkleić dane w tym oknie.',
+	title: 'Wklej'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61df2eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'pt-br', {
+	copy: 'Copiar',
+	copyError: 'As configurações de segurança do seu navegador não permitem que o editor execute operações de copiar automaticamente. Por favor, utilize o teclado para copiar (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Recortar',
+	cutError: 'As configurações de segurança do seu navegador não permitem que o editor execute operações de recortar automaticamente. Por favor, utilize o teclado para recortar (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Colar',
+	pasteArea: 'Área para Colar',
+	pasteMsg: 'Transfira o link usado na caixa usando o teclado com (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) e <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'As configurações de segurança do seu navegador não permitem que o editor acesse os dados da área de transferência diretamente. Por favor cole o conteúdo manualmente nesta janela.',
+	title: 'Colar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08b81f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'pt', {
+	copy: 'Copiar',
+	copyError: 'A configuração de segurança do navegador não permite a execução automática de operações de copiar. Por favor use o teclado (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Cortar',
+	cutError: 'A configuração de segurança do navegador não permite a execução automática de operações de cortar. Por favor use o teclado (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Colar',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'Por favor, cole dentro da seguinte caixa usando o teclado (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) e prima <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
+	title: 'Colar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27da9b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'ro', {
+	copy: 'Copiază',
+	copyError: 'Setările de securitate ale navigatorului (browser) pe care îl folosiţi nu permit editorului să execute automat operaţiunea de copiere. Vă rugăm folosiţi tastatura (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Taie',
+	cutError: 'Setările de securitate ale navigatorului (browser) pe care îl folosiţi nu permit editorului să execute automat operaţiunea de tăiere. Vă rugăm folosiţi tastatura (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Adaugă',
+	pasteArea: 'Suprafața de adăugare',
+	pasteMsg: 'Vă rugăm adăugaţi în căsuţa următoare folosind tastatura (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) şi apăsaţi OK',
+	securityMsg: 'Din cauza setărilor de securitate ale programului dvs. cu care navigaţi pe internet (browser), editorul nu poate accesa direct datele din clipboard. Va trebui să adăugaţi din nou datele în această fereastră.',
+	title: 'Adaugă'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e4cf4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'ru', {
+	copy: 'Копировать',
+	copyError: 'Настройки безопасности вашего браузера не разрешают редактору выполнять операции по копированию текста. Пожалуйста, используйте для этого клавиатуру (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Вырезать',
+	cutError: 'Настройки безопасности вашего браузера не разрешают редактору выполнять операции по вырезке текста. Пожалуйста, используйте для этого клавиатуру (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Вставить',
+	pasteArea: 'Зона для вставки',
+	pasteMsg: 'Пожалуйста, вставьте текст в зону ниже, используя клавиатуру (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) и нажмите кнопку "OK".',
+	securityMsg: 'Настройки безопасности вашего браузера не разрешают редактору напрямую обращаться к буферу обмена. Вы должны вставить текст снова в это окно.',
+	title: 'Вставить'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb0fb61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'sk', {
+	copy: 'Kopírovať',
+	copyError: 'Bezpečnostné nastavenia Vášho prehliadača nedovoľujú editoru automaticky spustiť operáciu kopírovania. Prosím, použite na to klávesnicu (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Vystrihnúť',
+	cutError: 'Bezpečnostné nastavenia Vášho prehliadača nedovoľujú editoru automaticky spustiť operáciu vystrihnutia. Prosím, použite na to klávesnicu (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Vložiť',
+	pasteArea: 'Miesto pre vloženie',
+	pasteMsg: 'Prosím, vložte nasledovný rámček použitím klávesnice (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) a stlačte OK.',
+	securityMsg: 'Kvôli vašim bezpečnostným nastaveniam prehliadača editor nie je schopný pristupovať k vašej schránke na kopírovanie priamo. Vložte to preto do tohto okna.',
+	title: 'Vložiť'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8146b51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'sl', {
+	copy: 'Kopiraj',
+	copyError: 'Varnostne nastavitve brskalnika ne dopuščajo samodejnega kopiranja. Uporabite kombinacijo tipk na tipkovnici (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Izreži',
+	cutError: 'Varnostne nastavitve brskalnika ne dopuščajo samodejnega izrezovanja. Uporabite kombinacijo tipk na tipkovnici (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Prilepi',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'Prosim prilepite v sleči okvir s pomočjo tipkovnice (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) in pritisnite <STRONG>V redu</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Zaradi varnostnih nastavitev vašega brskalnika urejevalnik ne more neposredno dostopati do odložišča. Vsebino odložišča ponovno prilepite v to okno.',
+	title: 'Prilepi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72dab32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'sr-latn', {
+	copy: 'Kopiraj',
+	copyError: 'Sigurnosna podešavanja Vašeg pretraživača ne dozvoljavaju operacije automatskog kopiranja teksta. Molimo Vas da koristite prečicu sa tastature (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Iseci',
+	cutError: 'Sigurnosna podešavanja Vašeg pretraživača ne dozvoljavaju operacije automatskog isecanja teksta. Molimo Vas da koristite prečicu sa tastature (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Zalepi',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'Molimo Vas da zalepite unutar donje povrine koristeći tastaturnu prečicu (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) i da pritisnete <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
+	title: 'Zalepi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f705dce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'sr', {
+	copy: 'Копирај',
+	copyError: 'Сигурносна подешавања Вашег претраживача не дозвољавају операције аутоматског копирања текста. Молимо Вас да користите пречицу са тастатуре (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Исеци',
+	cutError: 'Сигурносна подешавања Вашег претраживача не дозвољавају операције аутоматског исецања текста. Молимо Вас да користите пречицу са тастатуре (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Залепи',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'Молимо Вас да залепите унутар доње површине користећи тастатурну пречицу (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) и да притиснете <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
+	title: 'Залепи'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fac834d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'sv', {
+	copy: 'Kopiera',
+	copyError: 'Säkerhetsinställningar i Er webläsare tillåter inte åtgården Kopiera. Använd (Ctrl/Cmd+C) istället',
+	cut: 'Klipp ut',
+	cutError: 'Säkerhetsinställningar i Er webläsare tillåter inte åtgården Klipp ut. Använd (Ctrl/Cmd+X) istället.',
+	paste: 'Klistra in',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area',
+	pasteMsg: 'Var god och klistra in Er text i rutan nedan genom att använda (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) klicka sen på <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'På grund av din webbläsares säkerhetsinställningar kan verktyget inte få åtkomst till urklippsdatan. Var god och använd detta fönster istället.',
+	title: 'Klistra in'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4455b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'th', {
+	copy: 'สำเนา',
+	copyError: 'ไม่สามารถสำเนาข้อความที่เลือกไว้ได้เนื่องจากการกำหนดค่าระดับความปลอดภัย. กรุณาใช้ปุ่มลัดเพื่อวางข้อความแทน (กดปุ่ม Ctrl/Cmd และตัว C พร้อมกัน).',
+	cut: 'ตัด',
+	cutError: 'ไม่สามารถตัดข้อความที่เลือกไว้ได้เนื่องจากการกำหนดค่าระดับความปลอดภัย. กรุณาใช้ปุ่มลัดเพื่อวางข้อความแทน (กดปุ่ม Ctrl/Cmd และตัว X พร้อมกัน).',
+	paste: 'วาง',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: 'กรุณาใช้คีย์บอร์ดเท่านั้น โดยกดปุ๋ม (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd และ V</strong>)พร้อมๆกัน และกด <strong>OK</strong>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.', // MISSING
+	title: 'วาง'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfb27d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'tr', {
+	copy: 'Kopyala',
+	copyError: 'Gezgin yazılımınızın güvenlik ayarları düzenleyicinin otomatik kopyalama işlemine izin vermiyor. İşlem için (Ctrl/Cmd+C) tuşlarını kullanın.',
+	cut: 'Kes',
+	cutError: 'Gezgin yazılımınızın güvenlik ayarları düzenleyicinin otomatik kesme işlemine izin vermiyor. İşlem için (Ctrl/Cmd+X) tuşlarını kullanın.',
+	paste: 'Yapıştır',
+	pasteArea: 'Yapıştırma Alanı',
+	pasteMsg: 'Lütfen aşağıdaki kutunun içine yapıştırın. (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) ve <STRONG>Tamam</STRONG> butonunu tıklayın.',
+	securityMsg: 'Gezgin yazılımınızın güvenlik ayarları düzenleyicinin direkt olarak panoya erişimine izin vermiyor. Bu pencere içine tekrar yapıştırmalısınız..',
+	title: 'Yapıştır'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43c6b56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'ug', {
+	copy: 'نەشر ھوقۇقىغا ئىگە بەلگىسى',
+	copyError: 'تور كۆرگۈڭىزنىڭ بىخەتەرلىك تەڭشىكى تەھرىرلىگۈچنىڭ كۆچۈر مەشغۇلاتىنى ئۆزلۈكىدىن ئىجرا قىلىشىغا يول قويمايدۇ، ھەرپتاختا تېز كۇنۇپكا (Ctrl/Cmd+C) ئارقىلىق تاماملاڭ',
+	cut: 'كەس',
+	cutError: 'تور كۆرگۈڭىزنىڭ بىخەتەرلىك تەڭشىكى تەھرىرلىگۈچنىڭ كەس مەشغۇلاتىنى ئۆزلۈكىدىن ئىجرا قىلىشىغا يول قويمايدۇ، ھەرپتاختا تېز كۇنۇپكا (Ctrl/Cmd+X) ئارقىلىق تاماملاڭ',
+	paste: 'چاپلا',
+	pasteArea: 'چاپلاش دائىرىسى',
+	pasteMsg: 'ھەرپتاختا تېز كۇنۇپكا (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) نى ئىشلىتىپ مەزمۇننى تۆۋەندىكى رامكىغا كۆچۈرۈڭ، ئاندىن <STRONG>جەزملە</STRONG>نى بېسىڭ',
+	securityMsg: 'توركۆرگۈڭىزنىڭ بىخەتەرلىك تەڭشىكى سەۋەبىدىن بۇ تەھرىرلىگۈچ چاپلاش تاختىسىدىكى مەزمۇننى بىۋاستە زىيارەت قىلالمايدۇ، بۇ كۆزنەكتە قايتا بىر قېتىم چاپلىشىڭىز كېرەك.',
+	title: 'چاپلا'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1521cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'uk', {
+	copy: 'Копіювати',
+	copyError: 'Налаштування безпеки Вашого браузера не дозволяють редактору автоматично виконувати операції копіювання. Будь ласка, використовуйте клавіатуру для цього (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Вирізати',
+	cutError: 'Налаштування безпеки Вашого браузера не дозволяють редактору автоматично виконувати операції вирізування. Будь ласка, використовуйте клавіатуру для цього (Ctrl/Cmd+X)',
+	paste: 'Вставити',
+	pasteArea: 'Область вставки',
+	pasteMsg: 'Будь ласка, вставте інформацію з буфера обміну в цю область, користуючись комбінацією клавіш (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>), та натисніть <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Редактор не може отримати прямий доступ до буферу обміну у зв\'язку з налаштуваннями Вашого браузера. Вам потрібно вставити інформацію в це вікно.',
+	title: 'Вставити'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b42b58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'vi', {
+	copy: 'Sao chép',
+	copyError: 'Các thiết lập bảo mật của trình duyệt không cho phép trình biên tập tự động thực thi lệnh sao chép. Hãy sử dụng bàn phím cho lệnh này (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
+	cut: 'Cắt',
+	cutError: 'Các thiết lập bảo mật của trình duyệt không cho phép trình biên tập tự động thực thi lệnh cắt. Hãy sử dụng bàn phím cho lệnh này (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
+	paste: 'Dán',
+	pasteArea: 'Khu vực dán',
+	pasteMsg: 'Hãy dán nội dung vào trong khung bên dưới, sử dụng tổ hợp phím (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) và nhấn vào nút <STRONG>Đồng ý</STRONG>.',
+	securityMsg: 'Do thiết lập bảo mật của trình duyệt nên trình biên tập không thể truy cập trực tiếp vào nội dung đã sao chép. Bạn cần phải dán lại nội dung vào cửa sổ này.',
+	title: 'Dán'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00920cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'zh-cn', {
+	copy: '复制',
+	copyError: '您的浏览器安全设置不允许编辑器自动执行复制操作, 请使用键盘快捷键(Ctrl/Cmd+C)来完成',
+	cut: '剪切',
+	cutError: '您的浏览器安全设置不允许编辑器自动执行剪切操作, 请使用键盘快捷键(Ctrl/Cmd+X)来完成',
+	paste: '粘贴',
+	pasteArea: '粘贴区域',
+	pasteMsg: '请使用键盘快捷键(<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>)把内容粘贴到下面的方框里,再按 <STRONG>确定</STRONG>',
+	securityMsg: '因为您的浏览器的安全设置原因, 本编辑器不能直接访问您的剪贴板内容, 你需要在本窗口重新粘贴一次。',
+	title: '粘贴'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96cda9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'clipboard', 'zh', {
+	copy: '複製',
+	copyError: '瀏覽器的安全性設定不允許編輯器自動執行複製動作。請使用快捷鍵 (Ctrl/Cmd+C) 複製。',
+	cut: '剪下',
+	cutError: '瀏覽器的安全性設定不允許編輯器自動執行剪下動作。請使用快捷鍵 (Ctrl/Cmd+X) 剪下。',
+	paste: '貼上',
+	pasteArea: 'Paste Area', // MISSING
+	pasteMsg: '請使用快捷鍵 (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) 貼到下方區域中並按下 <strong>確定</strong>',
+	securityMsg: '因為瀏覽器的安全性設定,本編輯器無法直接存取您的剪貼簿資料,請您自行在本視窗進行貼上動作。',
+	title: '貼上'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/plugin.js
index 9dc230e..3011f49 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/plugin.js
@@ -1,412 +1,1203 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @file Clipboard support
+ * @ignore
+ * File overview: Clipboard support.
-	// Tries to execute any of the paste, cut or copy commands in IE. Returns a
-	// boolean indicating that the operation succeeded.
-	var execIECommand = function( editor, command )
-	{
-		var doc = editor.document,
-			body = doc.getBody();
-		var	enabled = false;
-		var onExec = function()
-		{
-			enabled = true;
+// -- CTRL+C
+//		* browser's default behaviour
+// -- CTRL+V
+//		* listen onKey (onkeydown)
+//		* simulate 'beforepaste' for non-IEs on editable
+//		* simulate 'paste' for Fx2/Opera on editable
+//		* listen 'onpaste' on editable ('onbeforepaste' for IE)
+//		* fire 'beforePaste' on editor
+//		* !canceled && getClipboardDataByPastebin
+//		* fire 'paste' on editor
+//		* !canceled && fire 'afterPaste' on editor
+// -- CTRL+X
+//		* listen onKey (onkeydown)
+//		* fire 'saveSnapshot' on editor
+//		* browser's default behaviour
+//		* deferred second 'saveSnapshot' event
+// -- Copy command
+//		* tryToCutCopy
+//			* execCommand
+//		* !success && alert
+// -- Cut command
+//		* fixCut
+//		* tryToCutCopy
+//			* execCommand
+//		* !success && alert
+// -- Paste command
+//		* fire 'paste' on editable ('beforepaste' for IE)
+//		* !canceled && execCommand 'paste'
+//		* !success && fire 'pasteDialog' on editor
+// -- Paste from native context menu & menubar
+//		(Fx & Webkits are handled in 'paste' default listner.
+//		Opera cannot be handled at all because it doesn't fire any events
+//		Special treatment is needed for IE, for which is this part of doc)
+//		* listen 'onpaste'
+//		* cancel native event
+//		* fire 'beforePaste' on editor
+//		* !canceled && getClipboardDataByPastebin
+//		* execIECommand( 'paste' ) -> this fires another 'paste' event, so cancel it
+//		* fire 'paste' on editor
+//		* !canceled && fire 'afterPaste' on editor
+// -- Possible dataValue types: auto, text, html.
+// -- Possible dataValue contents:
+//		* text (possible \n\r)
+//		* htmlified text (text + br,div,p - no presentional markup & attrs - depends on browser)
+//		* html
+// -- Possible flags:
+//		* htmlified - if true then content is a HTML even if no markup inside. This flag is set
+//			for content from editable pastebins, because they 'htmlify' pasted content.
+// -- Type: auto:
+//		* content: htmlified text ->	filter, unify text markup (brs, ps, divs), set type: text
+//		* content: html ->				filter, set type: html
+// -- Type: text:
+//		* content: htmlified text ->	filter, unify text markup
+//		* content: html ->				filter, strip presentional markup, unify text markup
+// -- Type: html:
+//		* content: htmlified text ->	filter, unify text markup
+//		* content: html ->				filter
+// -- Phases:
+//		* filtering (priorities 3-5) - e.g. pastefromword filters
+//		* content type sniffing (priority 6)
+//		* markup transformations for text (priority 6)
+'use strict';
+(function() {
+	// Register the plugin.
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'clipboard', {
+		requires: 'dialog',
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'copy,copy-rtl,cut,cut-rtl,paste,paste-rtl', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			var textificationFilter;
+			initClipboard( editor );
+			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'paste', CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'dialogs/paste.js' ) );
+			editor.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {
+				var data = evt.data.dataValue,
+					blockElements = CKEDITOR.dtd.$block;
+				// Filter webkit garbage.
+				if ( data.indexOf( 'Apple-' ) > -1 ) {
+					// Replace special webkit's   with simple space, because webkit
+					// produces them even for normal spaces.
+					data = data.replace( /<span class="Apple-converted-space"> <\/span>/gi, ' ' );
+					// Strip <span> around white-spaces when not in forced 'html' content type.
+					// This spans are created only when pasting plain text into Webkit,
+					// but for safety reasons remove them always.
+					if ( evt.data.type != 'html' )
+						data = data.replace( /<span class="Apple-tab-span"[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/span>/gi, function( all, spaces ) {
+						// Replace tabs with 4 spaces like Fx does.
+						return spaces.replace( /\t/g, '    ' );
+					});
+					// This br is produced only when copying & pasting HTML content.
+					if ( data.indexOf( '<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">' ) > -1 ) {
+						evt.data.startsWithEOL = 1;
+						evt.data.preSniffing = 'html'; // Mark as not text.
+						data = data.replace( /<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">/, '' );
+					}
+					// Remove all other classes.
+					data = data.replace( /(<[^>]+) class="Apple-[^"]*"/gi, '$1' );
+				}
+				// Strip editable that was copied from inside. (#9534)
+				if ( data.match( /^<[^<]+cke_(editable|contents)/i ) ) {
+					var tmp,
+						editable_wrapper,
+						wrapper = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div' );
+					wrapper.setHtml( data );
+					// Verify for sure and check for nested editor UI parts. (#9675)
+					while ( wrapper.getChildCount() == 1 &&
+							( tmp = wrapper.getFirst() ) &&
+							tmp.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&	// Make sure first-child is element.
+							( tmp.hasClass( 'cke_editable' ) || tmp.hasClass( 'cke_contents' ) ) ) {
+						wrapper = editable_wrapper = tmp;
+					}
+					// If editable wrapper was found strip it and bogus <br> (added on FF).
+					if ( editable_wrapper )
+						data = editable_wrapper.getHtml().replace( /<br>$/i, '' );
+				}
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+					//   <p> -> <p> (br.cke-pasted-remove will be removed later)
+					data = data.replace( /^ (?: |\r\n)?<(\w+)/g, function( match, elementName ) {
+						if ( elementName.toLowerCase() in blockElements ) {
+							evt.data.preSniffing = 'html'; // Mark as not a text.
+							return '<' + elementName;
+						}
+						return match;
+					});
+				} else if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
+					// </p><div><br></div> -> </p><br>
+					// We don't mark br, because this situation can happen for htmlified text too.
+					data = data.replace( /<\/(\w+)><div><br><\/div>$/, function( match, elementName ) {
+						if ( elementName in blockElements ) {
+							evt.data.endsWithEOL = 1;
+							return '</' + elementName + '>';
+						}
+						return match;
+					});
+				} else if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {
+					// Firefox adds bogus <br> when user pasted text followed by space(s).
+					data = data.replace( /(\s)<br>$/, '$1' );
+				}
+				evt.data.dataValue = data;
+			}, null, null, 3 );
+			editor.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {
+				var dataObj = evt.data,
+					type = dataObj.type,
+					data = dataObj.dataValue,
+					trueType,
+					// Default is 'html'.
+					defaultType = editor.config.clipboard_defaultContentType || 'html';
+				// If forced type is 'html' we don't need to know true data type.
+				if ( type == 'html' || dataObj.preSniffing == 'html' )
+					trueType = 'html';
+				else
+					trueType = recogniseContentType( data );
+				// Unify text markup.
+				if ( trueType == 'htmlifiedtext' )
+					data = htmlifiedTextHtmlification( editor.config, data );
+				// Strip presentional markup & unify text markup.
+				else if ( type == 'text' && trueType == 'html' ) {
+					// Init filter only if needed and cache it.
+					data = htmlTextification( editor.config, data, textificationFilter || ( textificationFilter = getTextificationFilter( editor ) ) );
+				}
+				if ( dataObj.startsWithEOL )
+					data = '<br data-cke-eol="1">' + data;
+				if ( dataObj.endsWithEOL )
+					data += '<br data-cke-eol="1">';
+				if ( type == 'auto' )
+					type = ( trueType == 'html' || defaultType == 'html' ) ? 'html' : 'text';
+				dataObj.type = type;
+				dataObj.dataValue = data;
+				delete dataObj.preSniffing;
+				delete dataObj.startsWithEOL;
+				delete dataObj.endsWithEOL;
+			}, null, null, 6 );
+			// Inserts processed data into the editor at the end of the
+			// events chain.
+			editor.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {
+				var data = evt.data;
+				editor.insertHtml( data.dataValue, data.type );
+				// Deferr 'afterPaste' so all other listeners for 'paste' will be fired first.
+				setTimeout( function() {
+					editor.fire( 'afterPaste' );
+				}, 0 );
+			}, null, null, 1000 );
+			editor.on( 'pasteDialog', function( evt ) {
+				// TODO it's possible that this setTimeout is not needed any more,
+				// because of changes introduced in the same commit as this comment.
+				// Editor.getClipboardData adds listner to the dialog's events which are
+				// fired after a while (not like 'showDialog').
+				setTimeout( function() {
+					// Open default paste dialog.
+					editor.openDialog( 'paste', evt.data );
+				}, 0 );
+			});
+		}
+	});
+	function initClipboard( editor ) {
+		var preventBeforePasteEvent = 0,
+			preventPasteEvent = 0,
+			inReadOnly = 0,
+			// Safari doesn't like 'beforepaste' event - it sometimes doesn't
+			// properly handles ctrl+c. Probably some race-condition between events.
+			// Chrome and Firefox works well with both events, so better to use 'paste'
+			// which will handle pasting from e.g. browsers' menu bars.
+			// IE7/8 doesn't like 'paste' event for which it's throwing random errors.
+			mainPasteEvent = CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'beforepaste' : 'paste';
+		addListeners();
+		addButtonsCommands();
+		/**
+		 * Gets clipboard data by directly accessing the clipboard (IE only) or opening paste dialog.
+		 *
+		 *		editor.getClipboardData( { title: 'Get my data' }, function( data ) {
+		 *			if ( data )
+		 *				alert( data.type + ' ' + data.dataValue );
+		 *		} );
+		 *
+		 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+		 * @param {Object} options
+		 * @param {String} [options.title] Title of paste dialog.
+		 * @param {Function} callback Function that will be executed with `data.type` and `data.dataValue`
+		 * or `null` if none of the capturing method succeeded.
+		 */
+		editor.getClipboardData = function( options, callback ) {
+			var beforePasteNotCanceled = false,
+				dataType = 'auto',
+				dialogCommited = false;
+			// Options are optional - args shift.
+			if ( !callback ) {
+				callback = options;
+				options = null;
+			}
+			// Listen with maximum priority to handle content before everyone else.
+			// This callback will handle paste event that will be fired if direct
+			// access to the clipboard succeed in IE.
+			editor.on( 'paste', onPaste, null, null, 0 );
+			// Listen at the end of listeners chain to see if event wasn't canceled
+			// and to retrieve modified data.type.
+			editor.on( 'beforePaste', onBeforePaste, null, null, 1000 );
+			// getClipboardDataDirectly() will fire 'beforePaste' synchronously, so we can
+			// check if it was canceled and if any listener modified data.type.
+			// If command didn't succeed (only IE allows to access clipboard and only if
+			// user agrees) open and handle paste dialog.
+			if ( getClipboardDataDirectly() === false ) {
+				// Direct access to the clipboard wasn't successful so remove listener.
+				editor.removeListener( 'paste', onPaste );
+				// If beforePaste was canceled do not open dialog.
+				// Add listeners only if dialog really opened. 'pasteDialog' can be canceled.
+				if ( beforePasteNotCanceled && editor.fire( 'pasteDialog', onDialogOpen ) ) {
+					editor.on( 'pasteDialogCommit', onDialogCommit );
+					// 'dialogHide' will be fired after 'pasteDialogCommit'.
+					editor.on( 'dialogHide', function( evt ) {
+						evt.removeListener();
+						evt.data.removeListener( 'pasteDialogCommit', onDialogCommit );
+						// Because Opera has to wait a while in pasteDialog we have to wait here.
+						setTimeout( function() {
+							// Notify even if user canceled dialog (clicked 'cancel', ESC, etc).
+							if ( !dialogCommited )
+								callback( null );
+						}, 10 );
+					});
+				} else
+					callback( null );
+			}
+			function onPaste( evt ) {
+				evt.removeListener();
+				evt.cancel();
+				callback( evt.data );
+			}
+			function onBeforePaste( evt ) {
+				evt.removeListener();
+				beforePasteNotCanceled = true;
+				dataType = evt.data.type;
+			}
+			function onDialogCommit( evt ) {
+				evt.removeListener();
+				// Cancel pasteDialogCommit so paste dialog won't automatically fire
+				// 'paste' evt by itself.
+				evt.cancel();
+				dialogCommited = true;
+				callback( { type: dataType, dataValue: evt.data } );
+			}
+			function onDialogOpen() {
+				this.customTitle = ( options && options.title );
+			}
-		// The following seems to be the only reliable way to detect that
-		// clipboard commands are enabled in IE. It will fire the
-		// onpaste/oncut/oncopy events only if the security settings allowed
-		// the command to execute.
-		body.on( command, onExec );
+		function addButtonsCommands() {
+			addButtonCommand( 'Cut', 'cut', createCutCopyCmd( 'cut' ), 10, 1 );
+			addButtonCommand( 'Copy', 'copy', createCutCopyCmd( 'copy' ), 20, 4 );
+			addButtonCommand( 'Paste', 'paste', createPasteCmd(), 30, 8 );
+			function addButtonCommand( buttonName, commandName, command, toolbarOrder, ctxMenuOrder ) {
+				var lang = editor.lang.clipboard[ commandName ];
+				editor.addCommand( commandName, command );
+				editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( buttonName, {
+					label: lang,
+					command: commandName,
+					toolbar: 'clipboard,' + toolbarOrder
+				});
+				// If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu item.
+				if ( editor.addMenuItems ) {
+					editor.addMenuItem( commandName, {
+						label: lang,
+						command: commandName,
+						group: 'clipboard',
+						order: ctxMenuOrder
+					});
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function addListeners() {
+			editor.on( 'key', onKey );
+			editor.on( 'contentDom', addListenersToEditable );
+			// For improved performance, we're checking the readOnly state on selectionChange instead of hooking a key event for that.
+			editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( evt ) {
+				inReadOnly = evt.data.selection.getRanges()[ 0 ].checkReadOnly();
+				setToolbarStates();
+			});
+			// If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners.
+			if ( editor.contextMenu ) {
+				editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection ) {
+					inReadOnly = selection.getRanges()[ 0 ].checkReadOnly();
+					return {
+						cut: stateFromNamedCommand( 'Cut' ),
+						copy: stateFromNamedCommand( 'Copy' ),
+						paste: stateFromNamedCommand( 'Paste' )
+					};
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		// Add events listeners to editable.
+		function addListenersToEditable() {
+			var editable = editor.editable();
+			// We'll be catching all pasted content in one line, regardless of whether
+			// it's introduced by a document command execution (e.g. toolbar buttons) or
+			// user paste behaviors (e.g. CTRL+V).
+			editable.on( mainPasteEvent, function( evt ) {
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && preventBeforePasteEvent )
+					return;
+				// If you've just asked yourself why preventPasteEventNow() is not here, but
+				// in listener for CTRL+V and exec method of 'paste' command
+				// you've asked the same question we did.
+				//
+				// THE ANSWER:
+				//
+				// First thing to notice - this answer makes sense only for IE,
+				// because other browsers don't listen for 'paste' event.
+				//
+				// What would happen if we move preventPasteEventNow() here?
+				// For:
+				// * CTRL+V - IE fires 'beforepaste', so we prevent 'paste' and pasteDataFromClipboard(). OK.
+				// * editor.execCommand( 'paste' ) - we fire 'beforepaste', so we prevent
+				//		'paste' and pasteDataFromClipboard() and doc.execCommand( 'Paste' ). OK.
+				// * native context menu - IE fires 'beforepaste', so we prevent 'paste', but unfortunately
+				//		on IE we fail with pasteDataFromClipboard() here, because of... we don't know why, but
+				//		we just fail, so... we paste nothing. FAIL.
+				// * native menu bar - the same as for native context menu.
+				//
+				// But don't you know any way to distinguish first two cases from last two?
+				// Only one - special flag set in CTRL+V handler and exec method of 'paste'
+				// command. And that's what we did using preventPasteEventNow().
+				pasteDataFromClipboard( evt );
+			});
+			// It's not possible to clearly handle all four paste methods (ctrl+v, native menu bar
+			// native context menu, editor's command) in one 'paste/beforepaste' event in IE.
+			//
+			// For ctrl+v & editor's command it's easy to handle pasting in 'beforepaste' listener,
+			// so we do this. For another two methods it's better to use 'paste' event.
+			//
+			// 'paste' is always being fired after 'beforepaste' (except of weird one on opening native
+			// context menu), so for two methods handled in 'beforepaste' we're canceling 'paste'
+			// using preventPasteEvent state.
+			//
+			// 'paste' event in IE is being fired before getClipboardDataByPastebin executes its callback.
+			//
+			// QUESTION: Why didn't you handle all 4 paste methods in handler for 'paste'?
+			//		Wouldn't this just be simpler?
+			// ANSWER: Then we would have to evt.data.preventDefault() only for native
+			//		context menu and menu bar pastes. The same with execIECommand().
+			//		That would force us to mark CTRL+V and editor's paste command with
+			//		special flag, other than preventPasteEvent. But we still would have to
+			//		have preventPasteEvent for the second event fired by execIECommand.
+			//		Code would be longer and not cleaner.
+			CKEDITOR.env.ie && editable.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {
+				if ( preventPasteEvent )
+					return;
+				// Cancel next 'paste' event fired by execIECommand( 'paste' )
+				// at the end of this callback.
+				preventPasteEventNow();
+				// Prevent native paste.
+				evt.data.preventDefault();
-		// IE6/7: document.execCommand has problem to paste into positioned element.
-		( CKEDITOR.env.version > 7 ? doc.$ : doc.$.selection.createRange() ) [ 'execCommand' ]( command );
+				pasteDataFromClipboard( evt );
-		body.removeListener( command, onExec );
+				// Force IE to paste content into pastebin so pasteDataFromClipboard will work.
+				if ( !execIECommand( 'paste' ) )
+					editor.openDialog( 'paste' );
+			});
+			// [IE] Dismiss the (wrong) 'beforepaste' event fired on context/toolbar menu open. (#7953)
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+				editable.on( 'contextmenu', preventBeforePasteEventNow, null, null, 0 );
-		return enabled;
-	};
+				editable.on( 'beforepaste', function( evt ) {
+					if ( evt.data && !evt.data.$.ctrlKey )
+						preventBeforePasteEventNow();
+				}, null, null, 0 );
-	// Attempts to execute the Cut and Copy operations.
-	var tryToCutCopy =
-		CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
-			function( editor, type )
-			{
-				return execIECommand( editor, type );
-		:		// !IE.
-			function( editor, type )
-			{
-				try
-				{
-					// Other browsers throw an error if the command is disabled.
-					return editor.document.$.execCommand( type );
+			editable.on( 'beforecut', function() {
+				!preventBeforePasteEvent && fixCut( editor );
+			});
+			editable.on( 'mouseup', function() {
+				setTimeout( function() {
+					setToolbarStates();
+				}, 0 );
+			});
+			editable.on( 'keyup', setToolbarStates );
+		}
+		// Create object representing Cut or Copy commands.
+		function createCutCopyCmd( type ) {
+			return {
+				type: type,
+				canUndo: type == 'cut', // We can't undo copy to clipboard.
+				startDisabled: true,
+				exec: function( data ) {
+					// Attempts to execute the Cut and Copy operations.
+					function tryToCutCopy( type ) {
+						if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+							return execIECommand( type );
+						// non-IEs part
+						try {
+							// Other browsers throw an error if the command is disabled.
+							return editor.document.$.execCommand( type, false, null );
+						} catch ( e ) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+					this.type == 'cut' && fixCut();
+					var success = tryToCutCopy( this.type );
+					if ( !success )
+						alert( editor.lang.clipboard[ this.type + 'Error' ] ); // Show cutError or copyError.
+					return success;
-				catch( e )
-				{
-					return false;
+			};
+		}
+		function createPasteCmd() {
+			return {
+				// Snapshots are done manually by editable.insertXXX methods.
+				canUndo: false,
+				async: true,
+				exec: function( editor, data ) {
+					var fire = function( data, withBeforePaste ) {
+							data && firePasteEvents( data.type, data.dataValue, !!withBeforePaste );
+							editor.fire( 'afterCommandExec', {
+								name: 'paste',
+								command: cmd,
+								returnValue: !!data
+							});
+						},
+						cmd = this;
+					// Check data precisely - don't open dialog on empty string.
+					if ( typeof data == 'string' )
+						fire( { type: 'auto', dataValue: data }, 1 );
+					else
+						editor.getClipboardData( fire );
+		}
+		function preventPasteEventNow() {
+			preventPasteEvent = 1;
+			// For safety reason we should wait longer than 0/1ms.
+			// We don't know how long execution of quite complex getClipboardData will take
+			// and in for example 'paste' listner execCommand() (which fires 'paste') is called
+			// after getClipboardData finishes.
+			// Luckily, it's impossible to immediately fire another 'paste' event we want to handle,
+			// because we only handle there native context menu and menu bar.
+			setTimeout( function() {
+				preventPasteEvent = 0;
+			}, 100 );
+		}
+		function preventBeforePasteEventNow() {
+			preventBeforePasteEvent = 1;
+			setTimeout( function() {
+				preventBeforePasteEvent = 0;
+			}, 10 );
+		}
-	// A class that represents one of the cut or copy commands.
-	var cutCopyCmd = function( type )
-	{
-		this.type = type;
-		this.canUndo = ( this.type == 'cut' );		// We can't undo copy to clipboard.
-	};
+		// Tries to execute any of the paste, cut or copy commands in IE. Returns a
+		// boolean indicating that the operation succeeded.
+		// @param {String} command *LOWER CASED* name of command ('paste', 'cut', 'copy').
+		function execIECommand( command ) {
+			var doc = editor.document,
+				body = doc.getBody(),
+				enabled = false,
+				onExec = function() {
+					enabled = true;
+				};
-	cutCopyCmd.prototype =
-	{
-		exec : function( editor, data )
-		{
-			this.type == 'cut' && fixCut( editor );
+			// The following seems to be the only reliable way to detect that
+			// clipboard commands are enabled in IE. It will fire the
+			// onpaste/oncut/oncopy events only if the security settings allowed
+			// the command to execute.
+			body.on( command, onExec );
-			var success = tryToCutCopy( editor, this.type );
+			// IE6/7: document.execCommand has problem to paste into positioned element.
+			( CKEDITOR.env.version > 7 ? doc.$ : doc.$.selection.createRange() )[ 'execCommand' ]( command );
-			if ( !success )
-				alert( editor.lang.clipboard[ this.type + 'Error' ] );		// Show cutError or copyError.
+			body.removeListener( command, onExec );
-			return success;
+			return enabled;
-	};
-	// Paste command.
-	var pasteCmd =
-	{
-		canUndo : false,
-		exec :
-			CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
-				function( editor )
-				{
-					// Prevent IE from pasting at the begining of the document.
-					editor.focus();
-					if ( !editor.document.getBody().fire( 'beforepaste' )
-						 && !execIECommand( editor, 'paste' ) )
-					{
-						editor.fire( 'pasteDialog' );
-						return false;
+		function firePasteEvents( type, data, withBeforePaste ) {
+			var eventData = { type: type };
+			if ( withBeforePaste ) {
+				// Fire 'beforePaste' event so clipboard flavor get customized
+				// by other plugins.
+				if ( !editor.fire( 'beforePaste', eventData ) )
+					return false; // Event canceled
+			}
+			// The very last guard to make sure the paste has successfully happened.
+			// This check should be done after firing 'beforePaste' because for native paste
+			// 'beforePaste' is by default fired even for empty clipboard.
+			if ( !data )
+				return false;
+			// Reuse eventData.type because the default one could be changed by beforePaste listeners.
+			eventData.dataValue = data;
+			return editor.fire( 'paste', eventData );
+		}
+		// Cutting off control type element in IE standards breaks the selection entirely. (#4881)
+		function fixCut() {
+			if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.quirks )
+				return;
+			var sel = editor.getSelection(),
+				control, range, dummy;
+			if ( ( sel.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT ) && ( control = sel.getSelectedElement() ) ) {
+				range = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ];
+				dummy = editor.document.createText( '' );
+				dummy.insertBefore( control );
+				range.setStartBefore( dummy );
+				range.setEndAfter( control );
+				sel.selectRanges( [ range ] );
+				// Clear up the fix if the paste wasn't succeeded.
+				setTimeout( function() {
+					// Element still online?
+					if ( control.getParent() ) {
+						dummy.remove();
+						sel.selectElement( control );
+				}, 0 );
+			}
+		}
+		// Allow to peek clipboard content by redirecting the
+		// pasting content into a temporary bin and grab the content of it.
+		function getClipboardDataByPastebin( evt, callback ) {
+			var doc = editor.document,
+				editable = editor.editable(),
+				cancel = function( evt ) {
+					evt.cancel();
+				},
+				ff3x = CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version <= 10902;
+			// Avoid recursions on 'paste' event or consequent paste too fast. (#5730)
+			if ( doc.getById( 'cke_pastebin' ) )
+				return;
+			var sel = editor.getSelection();
+			var bms = sel.createBookmarks();
+			// Create container to paste into.
+			// For rich content we prefer to use "body" since it holds
+			// the least possibility to be splitted by pasted content, while this may
+			// breaks the text selection on a frame-less editable, "div" would be
+			// the best one in that case.
+			// In another case on old IEs moving the selection into a "body" paste bin causes error panic.
+			// Body can't be also used for Opera which fills it with <br>
+			// what is indistinguishable from pasted <br> (copying <br> in Opera isn't possible,
+			// but it can be copied from other browser).
+			var pastebin = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(
+				editable.is( 'body' ) && !( CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.opera ) ? 'body' : 'div', doc );
+			pastebin.setAttribute( 'id', 'cke_pastebin' );
+			// Append bogus to prevent Opera from doing this. (#9522)
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera )
+				pastebin.appendBogus();
+			var containerOffset = 0,
+				win = doc.getWindow();
+			// Seems to be the only way to avoid page scroll in Fx 3.x.
+			if ( ff3x ) {
+				pastebin.insertAfter( bms[ 0 ].startNode );
+				pastebin.setStyle( 'display', 'inline' );
+			} else {
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
+					// It's better to paste close to the real paste destination, so inherited styles
+					// (which Webkits will try to compensate by styling span) differs less from the destination's one.
+					editable.append( pastebin );
+					// Style pastebin like .cke_editable, to minimize differences between origin and destination. (#9754)
+					pastebin.addClass( 'cke_editable' );
+					// Compensate position of offsetParent.
+					containerOffset = ( editable.is( 'body' ) ? editable : CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( pastebin.$.offsetParent ) ).getDocumentPosition().y;
+				} else {
+					// Opera and IE doesn't allow to append to html element.
+					editable.getAscendant( CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.opera ? 'body' : 'html', 1 ).append( pastebin );
-			:
-				function( editor )
-				{
-					try
-					{
-						if ( !editor.document.getBody().fire( 'beforepaste' )
-							 && !editor.document.$.execCommand( 'Paste', false, null ) )
-						{
-							throw 0;
-						}
-					}
-					catch ( e )
-					{
-						setTimeout( function()
-							{
-								editor.fire( 'pasteDialog' );
-							}, 0 );
-						return false;
+				pastebin.setStyles({
+					position: 'absolute',
+					// Position the bin at the top (+10 for safety) of viewport to avoid any subsequent document scroll.
+					top: ( win.getScrollPosition().y - containerOffset + 10 ) + 'px',
+					width: '1px',
+					// Caret has to fit in that height, otherwise browsers like Chrome & Opera will scroll window to show it.
+					// Set height equal to viewport's height - 20px (safety gaps), minimum 1px.
+					height: Math.max( 1, win.getViewPaneSize().height - 20 ) + 'px',
+					overflow: 'hidden',
+					// Reset styles that can mess up pastebin position.
+					margin: 0,
+					padding: 0
+				});
+			}
+			// Check if the paste bin now establishes new editing host.
+			var isEditingHost = pastebin.getParent().isReadOnly();
+			if ( isEditingHost ) {
+				// Hide the paste bin.
+				pastebin.setOpacity( 0 );
+				// And make it editable.
+				pastebin.setAttribute( 'contenteditable', true );
+			}
+			// Transparency is not enough since positioned non-editing host always shows
+			// resize handler, pull it off the screen instead.
+			else
+				pastebin.setStyle( editor.config.contentsLangDirection == 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right', '-1000px' );
+			editor.on( 'selectionChange', cancel, null, null, 0 );
+			// Temporarily move selection to the pastebin.
+			isEditingHost && pastebin.focus();
+			var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( pastebin );
+			range.selectNodeContents( pastebin );
+			var selPastebin = range.select();
+			// If non-native paste is executed, IE will open security alert and blur editable.
+			// Editable will then lock selection inside itself and after accepting security alert
+			// this selection will be restored. We overwrite stored selection, so it's restored
+			// in pastebin. (#9552)
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+				var blurListener = editable.once( 'blur', function( evt ) {
+					editor.lockSelection( selPastebin );
+				} );
+			}
+			var scrollTop = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getScrollPosition().y;
+			// Wait a while and grab the pasted contents.
+			setTimeout( function() {
+				// Restore main window's scroll position which could have been changed
+				// by browser in cases described in #9771.
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit || CKEDITOR.env.opera )
+					CKEDITOR.document[ CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? 'getBody' : 'getDocumentElement' ]().$.scrollTop = scrollTop;
+				// Blur will be fired only on non-native paste. In other case manually remove listener.
+				blurListener && blurListener.removeListener();
+				// Restore properly the document focus. (#8849)
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+					editable.focus();
+				// IE7: selection must go before removing pastebin. (#8691)
+				sel.selectBookmarks( bms );
+				pastebin.remove();
+				// Grab the HTML contents.
+				// We need to look for a apple style wrapper on webkit it also adds
+				// a div wrapper if you copy/paste the body of the editor.
+				// Remove hidden div and restore selection.
+				var bogusSpan;
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit && ( bogusSpan = pastebin.getFirst() ) && ( bogusSpan.is && bogusSpan.hasClass( 'Apple-style-span' ) ) )
+					pastebin = bogusSpan;
+				editor.removeListener( 'selectionChange', cancel );
+				callback( pastebin.getHtml() );
+			}, 0 );
+		}
+		// Try to get content directly from clipboard, without native event
+		// being fired before. In other words - synthetically get clipboard data
+		// if it's possible.
+		// mainPasteEvent will be fired, so if forced native paste:
+		// * worked, getClipboardDataByPastebin will grab it,
+		// * didn't work, pastebin will be empty and editor#paste won't be fired.
+		function getClipboardDataDirectly() {
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+				// Prevent IE from pasting at the begining of the document.
+				editor.focus();
+				// Command will be handled by 'beforepaste', but as
+				// execIECommand( 'paste' ) will fire also 'paste' event
+				// we're canceling it.
+				preventPasteEventNow();
+				// #9247: Lock focus to prevent IE from hiding toolbar for inline editor.
+				var focusManager = editor.focusManager;
+				focusManager.lock();
+				if ( editor.editable().fire( mainPasteEvent ) && !execIECommand( 'paste' ) ) {
+					focusManager.unlock();
+					return false;
+				}
+				focusManager.unlock();
+			} else {
+				try {
+					if ( editor.editable().fire( mainPasteEvent ) && !editor.document.$.execCommand( 'Paste', false, null ) ) {
+						throw 0;
+				} catch ( e ) {
+					return false;
-	};
-	// Listens for some clipboard related keystrokes, so they get customized.
-	var onKey = function( event )
-	{
-		if ( this.mode != 'wysiwyg' )
-			return;
-		switch ( event.data.keyCode )
-		{
-			// Paste
-			case CKEDITOR.CTRL + 86 :		// CTRL+V
-			case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 45 :		// SHIFT+INS
-				var body = this.document.getBody();
-				// Simulate 'beforepaste' event for all none-IEs.
-				if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie && body.fire( 'beforepaste' ) )
-					event.cancel();
-				// Simulate 'paste' event for Opera/Firefox2.
-				else if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera
-						 || CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 )
-					body.fire( 'paste' );
+			}
+			return true;
+		}
+		// Listens for some clipboard related keystrokes, so they get customized.
+		// Needs to be bind to keydown event.
+		function onKey( event ) {
+			if ( editor.mode != 'wysiwyg' )
-			// Cut
-			case CKEDITOR.CTRL + 88 :		// CTRL+X
-			case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 46 :		// SHIFT+DEL
+			switch ( event.data.keyCode ) {
+				// Paste
+				case CKEDITOR.CTRL + 86: // CTRL+V
+				case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 45: // SHIFT+INS
+					var editable = editor.editable();
+					// Cancel 'paste' event because ctrl+v is for IE handled
+					// by 'beforepaste'.
+					preventPasteEventNow();
-				// Save Undo snapshot.
-				var editor = this;
-				this.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );		// Save before paste
-				setTimeout( function()
-					{
-						editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );		// Save after paste
+					// Simulate 'beforepaste' event for all none-IEs.
+					!CKEDITOR.env.ie && editable.fire( 'beforepaste' );
+					// Simulate 'paste' event for Opera/Firefox2.
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera || CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 )
+						editable.fire( 'paste' );
+					return;
+					// Cut
+				case CKEDITOR.CTRL + 88: // CTRL+X
+				case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 46: // SHIFT+DEL
+					// Save Undo snapshot.
+					editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' ); // Save before cut
+					setTimeout( function() {
+						editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' ); // Save after cut
 					}, 0 );
-		}
-	};
-	// Allow to peek clipboard content by redirecting the
-	// pasting content into a temporary bin and grab the content of it.
-	function getClipboardData( evt, mode, callback )
-	{
-		var doc = this.document;
-		// Avoid recursions on 'paste' event for IE.
-		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && doc.getById( 'cke_pastebin' ) )
-			return;
-		// If the browser supports it, get the data directly
-		if (mode == 'text' && evt.data && evt.data.$.clipboardData)
-		{
-			// evt.data.$.clipboardData.types contains all the flavours in Mac's Safari, but not on windows.
-			var plain = evt.data.$.clipboardData.getData( 'text/plain' );
-			if (plain)
-			{
-				evt.data.preventDefault();
-				callback( plain );
-				return;
-		var sel = this.getSelection(),
-			range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( doc );
-		// Create container to paste into
-		var pastebin = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( mode == 'text' ? 'textarea' : CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? 'body' : 'div', doc );
-		pastebin.setAttribute( 'id', 'cke_pastebin' );
-		// Safari requires a filler node inside the div to have the content pasted into it. (#4882)
-		CKEDITOR.env.webkit && pastebin.append( doc.createText( '\xa0' ) );
-		doc.getBody().append( pastebin );
-		pastebin.setStyles(
-			{
-				position : 'absolute',
-				// Position the bin exactly at the position of the selected element
-				// to avoid any subsequent document scroll.
-				top : sel.getStartElement().getDocumentPosition().y + 'px',
-				width : '1px',
-				height : '1px',
-				overflow : 'hidden'
+		function pasteDataFromClipboard( evt ) {
+			// Default type is 'auto', but can be changed by beforePaste listeners.
+			var eventData = { type: 'auto' };
+			// Fire 'beforePaste' event so clipboard flavor get customized by other plugins.
+			// If 'beforePaste' is canceled continue executing getClipboardDataByPastebin and then do nothing
+			// (do not fire 'paste', 'afterPaste' events). This way we can grab all - synthetically
+			// and natively pasted content and prevent its insertion into editor
+			// after canceling 'beforePaste' event.
+			var beforePasteNotCanceled = editor.fire( 'beforePaste', eventData );
+			getClipboardDataByPastebin( evt, function( data ) {
+				// Clean up.
+				data = data.replace( /<span[^>]+data-cke-bookmark[^<]*?<\/span>/ig, '' );
+				// Fire remaining events (without beforePaste)
+				beforePasteNotCanceled && firePasteEvents( eventData.type, data, 0, 1 );
+		}
-		// It's definitely a better user experience if we make the paste-bin pretty unnoticed
-		// by pulling it off the screen.
-		pastebin.setStyle( this.config.contentsLangDirection == 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right', '-1000px' );
+		function setToolbarStates() {
+			if ( editor.mode != 'wysiwyg' )
+				return;
-		var bms = sel.createBookmarks();
+			var pasteState = stateFromNamedCommand( 'Paste' );
-		// Turn off design mode temporarily before give focus to the paste bin.
-		if ( mode == 'text' )
-		{
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			{
-				var ieRange = doc.getBody().$.createTextRange();
-				ieRange.moveToElementText( pastebin.$ );
-				ieRange.execCommand( 'Paste' );
-				evt.data.preventDefault();
+			editor.getCommand( 'cut' ).setState( stateFromNamedCommand( 'Cut' ) );
+			editor.getCommand( 'copy' ).setState( stateFromNamedCommand( 'Copy' ) );
+			editor.getCommand( 'paste' ).setState( pasteState );
+			editor.fire( 'pasteState', pasteState );
+		}
+		function stateFromNamedCommand( command ) {
+			var retval;
+			if ( inReadOnly && command in { Paste:1,Cut:1 } )
+			if ( command == 'Paste' ) {
+				// IE Bug: queryCommandEnabled('paste') fires also 'beforepaste(copy/cut)',
+				// guard to distinguish from the ordinary sources (either
+				// keyboard paste or execCommand) (#4874).
+				CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( preventBeforePasteEvent = 1 );
+				try {
+					// Always return true for Webkit (which always returns false)
+					retval = editor.document.$.queryCommandEnabled( command ) || CKEDITOR.env.webkit;
+				} catch ( er ) {}
+				preventBeforePasteEvent = 0;
-			else
-			{
-				doc.$.designMode = 'off';
-				pastebin.$.focus();
+			// Cut, Copy - check if the selection is not empty
+			else {
+				var sel = editor.getSelection(),
+					ranges = sel.getRanges();
+				retval = sel.type != CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE && !( ranges.length == 1 && ranges[ 0 ].collapsed );
-		else
-		{
-			range.setStartAt( pastebin, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
-			range.setEndAt( pastebin, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
-			range.select( true );
-		}
+	}
-		// Wait a while and grab the pasted contents
-		window.setTimeout( function()
-		{
-			mode == 'text' && !CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( doc.$.designMode = 'on' );
-			pastebin.remove();
-			// Grab the HTML contents.
-			// We need to look for a apple style wrapper on webkit it also adds
-			// a div wrapper if you copy/paste the body of the editor.
-			// Remove hidden div and restore selection.
-			var bogusSpan;
-			pastebin = ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit
-						 && ( bogusSpan = pastebin.getFirst() )
-						 && ( bogusSpan.is && bogusSpan.hasClass( 'Apple-style-span' ) ) ?
-							bogusSpan : pastebin );
-			sel.selectBookmarks( bms );
-			callback( pastebin[ 'get' + ( mode == 'text' ? 'Value' : 'Html' ) ]() );
-		}, 0 );
+	// Returns:
+	// * 'htmlifiedtext' if content looks like transformed by browser from plain text.
+	//		See clipboard/paste.html TCs for more info.
+	// * 'html' if it is not 'htmlifiedtext'.
+	function recogniseContentType( data ) {
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
+			// Plain text or ( <div><br></div> and text inside <div> ).
+			if ( !data.match( /^[^<]*$/g ) && !data.match( /^(<div><br( ?\/)?><\/div>|<div>[^<]*<\/div>)*$/gi ) )
+				return 'html';
+		} else if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+			// Text and <br> or ( text and <br> in <p> - paragraphs can be separated by new \r\n ).
+			if ( !data.match( /^([^<]|<br( ?\/)?>)*$/gi ) && !data.match( /^(<p>([^<]|<br( ?\/)?>)*<\/p>|(\r\n))*$/gi ) )
+				return 'html';
+		} else if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko || CKEDITOR.env.opera ) {
+			// Text or <br>.
+			if ( !data.match( /^([^<]|<br( ?\/)?>)*$/gi ) )
+				return 'html';
+		} else
+			return 'html';
+		return 'htmlifiedtext';
-	// Cutting off control type element in IE standards breaks the selection entirely. (#4881)
-	function fixCut( editor )
-	{
-		if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie || editor.document.$.compatMode == 'BackCompat' )
-			return;
-		var sel = editor.getSelection();
-		var control;
-		if( ( sel.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT ) && ( control = sel.getSelectedElement() ) )
-		{
-			var range = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ];
-			var dummy = editor.document.createText( '' );
-			dummy.insertBefore( control );
-			range.setStartBefore( dummy );
-			range.setEndAfter( control );
-			sel.selectRanges( [ range ] );
-			// Clear up the fix if the paste wasn't succeeded.
-			setTimeout( function()
-			{
-				// Element still online?
-				if ( control.getParent() )
-				{
-					dummy.remove();
-					sel.selectElement( control );
-				}
-			}, 0 );
+	// This function transforms what browsers produce when
+	// pasting plain text into editable element (see clipboard/paste.html TCs
+	// for more info) into correct HTML (similar to that produced by text2Html).
+	function htmlifiedTextHtmlification( config, data ) {
+		function repeatParagraphs( repeats ) {
+			// Repeat blocks floor((n+1)/2) times.
+			// Even number of repeats - add <br> at the beginning of last <p>.
+			return CKEDITOR.tools.repeat( '</p><p>', ~~ ( repeats / 2 ) ) + ( repeats % 2 == 1 ? '<br>' : '' );
+		}
+			// Replace adjacent white-spaces (EOLs too - Fx sometimes keeps them) with one space.
+		data = data.replace( /\s+/g, ' ' )
+			// Remove spaces from between tags.
+			.replace( /> +</g, '><' )
+			// Normalize XHTML syntax and upper cased <br> tags.
+			.replace( /<br ?\/>/gi, '<br>' );
+		// IE - lower cased tags.
+		data = data.replace( /<\/?[A-Z]+>/g, function( match ) {
+			return match.toLowerCase();
+		});
+		// Don't touch single lines (no <br|p|div>) - nothing to do here.
+		if ( data.match( /^[^<]$/ ) )
+			return data;
+		// Webkit.
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit && data.indexOf( '<div>' ) > -1 ) {
+				// One line break at the beginning - insert <br>
+			data = data.replace( /^(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>)(?!$|(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>))/g, '<br>' )
+				// Two or more - reduce number of new lines by one.
+				.replace( /^(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>){2}(?!$)/g, '<div></div>' );
+			// Two line breaks create one paragraph in Webkit.
+			if ( data.match( /<div>(<br>|)<\/div>/ ) ) {
+				data = '<p>' + data.replace( /(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>)+/g, function( match ) {
+					return repeatParagraphs( match.split( '</div><div>' ).length + 1 );
+				}) + '</p>';
+			}
+			// One line break create br.
+			data = data.replace( /<\/div><div>/g, '<br>' );
+			// Remove remaining divs.
+			data = data.replace( /<\/?div>/g, '' );
+		}
+		// Opera and Firefox and enterMode != BR.
+		if ( ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko || CKEDITOR.env.opera ) && config.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ) {
+			// Remove bogus <br> - Fx generates two <brs> for one line break.
+			// For two line breaks it still produces two <brs>, but it's better to ignore this case than the first one.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
+				data = data.replace( /^<br><br>$/, '<br>' );
+			// This line satisfy edge case when for Opera we have two line breaks
+			//data = data.replace( /)
+			if ( data.indexOf( '<br><br>' ) > -1 ) {
+				// Two line breaks create one paragraph, three - 2, four - 3, etc.
+				data = '<p>' + data.replace( /(<br>){2,}/g, function( match ) {
+					return repeatParagraphs( match.length / 4 );
+				}) + '</p>';
+			}
+		return switchEnterMode( config, data );
-	// Register the plugin.
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'clipboard',
-		{
-			requires : [ 'dialog', 'htmldataprocessor' ],
-			init : function( editor )
-			{
-				// Inserts processed data into the editor at the end of the
-				// events chain.
-				editor.on( 'paste', function( evt )
-					{
-						var data = evt.data;
-						if ( data[ 'html' ] )
-							editor.insertHtml( data[ 'html' ] );
-						else if ( data[ 'text' ] )
-							editor.insertText( data[ 'text' ] );
-					}, null, null, 1000 );
-				editor.on( 'pasteDialog', function( evt )
-					{
-						setTimeout( function()
-						{
-							// Open default paste dialog.
-							editor.openDialog( 'paste' );
-						}, 0 );
-					});
+	// Filter can be editor dependent.
+	function getTextificationFilter( editor ) {
+		var filter = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter();
-				function addButtonCommand( buttonName, commandName, command, ctxMenuOrder )
-				{
-					var lang = editor.lang[ commandName ];
-					editor.addCommand( commandName, command );
-					editor.ui.addButton( buttonName,
-						{
-							label : lang,
-							command : commandName
-						});
-					// If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu item.
-					if ( editor.addMenuItems )
-					{
-						editor.addMenuItem( commandName,
-							{
-								label : lang,
-								command : commandName,
-								group : 'clipboard',
-								order : ctxMenuOrder
-							});
-					}
+		// Elements which creates vertical breaks (have vert margins) - took from HTML5 spec.
+		// http://dev.w3.org/html5/markup/Overview.html#toc
+		var replaceWithParaIf = { blockquote:1,dl:1,fieldset:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1,ol:1,p:1,table:1,ul:1 },
+			// All names except of <br>.
+			stripInlineIf = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({ br: 0 }, CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline ),
+			// What's finally allowed (cke:br will be removed later).
+			allowedIf = { p:1,br:1,'cke:br':1 },
+			knownIf = CKEDITOR.dtd,
+			// All names that will be removed (with content).
+			removeIf = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( { area:1,basefont:1,embed:1,iframe:1,map:1,object:1,param:1 }, CKEDITOR.dtd.$nonBodyContent, CKEDITOR.dtd.$cdata );
+		var flattenTableCell = function( element ) {
+				delete element.name;
+				element.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( ' ' ) );
+			},
+			// Squash adjacent headers into one. <h1>A</h1><h2>B</h2> -> <h1>A<br>B</h1><h2></h2>
+			// Empty ones will be removed later.
+			squashHeader = function( element ) {
+				var next = element,
+					br, el;
+				while ( ( next = next.next ) && next.name && next.name.match( /^h\d$/ ) ) {
+					// TODO shitty code - waitin' for htmlParse.element fix.
+					br = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'cke:br' );
+					br.isEmpty = true;
+					element.add( br );
+					while ( ( el = next.children.shift() ) )
+						element.add( el );
+			};
-				addButtonCommand( 'Cut', 'cut', new cutCopyCmd( 'cut' ), 1 );
-				addButtonCommand( 'Copy', 'copy', new cutCopyCmd( 'copy' ), 4 );
-				addButtonCommand( 'Paste', 'paste', pasteCmd, 8 );
-				CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'paste', CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'dialogs/paste.js' ) );
-				editor.on( 'key', onKey, editor );
-				var mode = editor.config.forcePasteAsPlainText ? 'text' : 'html';
-				// We'll be catching all pasted content in one line, regardless of whether the
-				// it's introduced by a document command execution (e.g. toolbar buttons) or
-				// user paste behaviors. (e.g. Ctrl-V)
-				editor.on( 'contentDom', function()
-				{
-					var body = editor.document.getBody();
-					body.on( ( (mode == 'text' && CKEDITOR.env.ie) || CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) ? 'paste' : 'beforepaste',
-						function( evt )
-						{
-							if ( depressBeforeEvent )
-								return;
-							getClipboardData.call( editor, evt, mode, function ( data )
-							{
-								// The very last guard to make sure the
-								// paste has successfully happened.
-								if ( !data )
-									return;
-								var dataTransfer = {};
-								dataTransfer[ mode ] = data;
-								editor.fire( 'paste', dataTransfer );
-							} );
-						});
-					body.on( 'beforecut', function() { !depressBeforeEvent && fixCut( editor ); } );
-				});
+		filter.addRules({
+			elements: {
+				h1: squashHeader,
+				h2: squashHeader,
+				h3: squashHeader,
+				h4: squashHeader,
+				h5: squashHeader,
+				h6: squashHeader,
+				img: function( element ) {
+					var alt = CKEDITOR.tools.trim( element.attributes.alt || '' ),
+						txt = ' ';
+					// Replace image with its alt if it doesn't look like an url or is empty.
+					if ( alt && !alt.match( /(^http|\.(jpe?g|gif|png))/i ) )
+						txt = ' [' + alt + '] ';
+					return new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( txt );
+				},
-				// If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners.
-				if ( editor.contextMenu )
-				{
-					var depressBeforeEvent;
-					function stateFromNamedCommand( command )
-					{
-						// IE Bug: queryCommandEnabled('paste') fires also 'beforepaste(copy/cut)',
-						// guard to distinguish from the ordinary sources( either
-						// keyboard paste or execCommand ) (#4874).
-						CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( depressBeforeEvent = 1 );
-						var retval = editor.document.$.queryCommandEnabled( command ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED;
-						depressBeforeEvent = 0;
-						return retval;
+				td: flattenTableCell,
+				th: flattenTableCell,
+				$: function( element ) {
+					var initialName = element.name,
+						br;
+					// Remove entirely.
+					if ( removeIf[ initialName ] )
+						return false;
+					// Remove all attributes.
+					delete element.attributes;
+					// Pass brs.
+					if ( initialName == 'br' )
+						return element;
+					// Elements that we want to replace with paragraphs.
+					if ( replaceWithParaIf[ initialName ] )
+						element.name = 'p';
+					// Elements that we want to strip (tags only, without the content).
+					else if ( stripInlineIf[ initialName ] )
+						delete element.name;
+					// Surround other known element with <brs> and strip tags.
+					else if ( knownIf[ initialName ] ) {
+						// TODO shitty code - waitin' for htmlParse.element fix.
+						br = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'cke:br' );
+						br.isEmpty = true;
+						// Replace hrs (maybe sth else too?) with only one br.
+						if ( CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[ initialName ] )
+							return br;
+						element.add( br, 0 );
+						br = br.clone();
+						br.isEmpty = true;
+						element.add( br );
+						delete element.name;
-					editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection )
-						{
-							var readOnly = selection.getCommonAncestor().isReadOnly();
-							return {
-								cut : !readOnly && stateFromNamedCommand( 'Cut' ),
-								copy : stateFromNamedCommand( 'Copy' ),
-								paste : !readOnly && ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : stateFromNamedCommand( 'Paste' ) )
-							};
-						});
+					// Final cleanup - if we can still find some not allowed elements then strip their names.
+					if ( !allowedIf[ element.name ] )
+						delete element.name;
+					return element;
+		return filter;
+	}
+	function htmlTextification( config, data, filter ) {
+		var fragment = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( data ),
+			writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();
+		fragment.writeHtml( writer, filter );
+		data = writer.getHtml();
+		// Cleanup cke:brs.
+		data = data.replace( /\s*(<\/?[a-z:]+ ?\/?>)\s*/g, '$1' )	// Remove spaces around tags.
+			.replace( /(<cke:br \/>){2,}/g, '<cke:br />' )			// Join multiple adjacent cke:brs
+			.replace( /(<cke:br \/>)(<\/?p>|<br \/>)/g, '$2' )		// Strip cke:brs adjacent to original brs or ps.
+			.replace( /(<\/?p>|<br \/>)(<cke:br \/>)/g, '$1' )
+			.replace( /<(cke:)?br( \/)?>/g, '<br>' )				// Finally - rename cke:brs to brs and fix <br /> to <br>.
+			.replace( /<p><\/p>/g, '' );							// Remove empty paragraphs.
+		// Fix nested ps. E.g.:
+		// <p>A<p>B<p>C</p>D<p>E</p>F</p>G
+		// <p>A</p><p>B</p><p>C</p><p>D</p><p>E</p><p>F</p>G
+		var nested = 0;
+		data = data.replace( /<\/?p>/g, function( match ) {
+			if ( match == '<p>' ) {
+				if ( ++nested > 1 )
+					return '</p><p>';
+			} else {
+				if ( --nested > 0 )
+					return '</p><p>';
+			}
+			return match;
+		}).replace( /<p><\/p>/g, '' ); // Step before: </p></p> -> </p><p></p><p>. Fix this here.
+		return switchEnterMode( config, data );
+	}
+	function switchEnterMode( config, data ) {
+		if ( config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ) {
+			data = data.replace( /(<\/p><p>)+/g, function( match ) {
+				return CKEDITOR.tools.repeat( '<br>', match.length / 7 * 2 );
+			}).replace( /<\/?p>/g, '' );
+		} else if ( config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ) {
+			data = data.replace( /<(\/)?p>/g, '<$1div>' );
+		}
+		return data;
+	}
+ * The default content type is used when pasted data cannot be clearly recognized as HTML or text.
+ *
+ * For example: `'foo'` may come from a plain text editor or a website. It isn't possible to recognize content
+ * type in this case, so default will be used. However, it's clear that `'<b>example</b> text'` is an HTML
+ * and its origin is webpage, email or other rich text editor.
+ *
+ * **Note:** If content type is text, then styles of context of paste are preserved.
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.clipboard_defaultContentType = 'text';
+ *
+ * @since 4.0
+ * @cfg {'html'/'text'} [clipboard_defaultContentType='html']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
  * Fired when a clipboard operation is about to be taken into the editor.
  * Listeners can manipulate the data to be pasted before having it effectively
  * inserted into the document.
- * @name CKEDITOR.editor#paste
+ *
  * @since 3.1
- * @event
- * @param {String} [data.html] The HTML data to be pasted. If not available, e.data.text will be defined.
- * @param {String} [data.text] The plain text data to be pasted, available when plain text operations are to used. If not available, e.data.html will be defined.
+ * @event paste
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param data
+ * @param {String} data.type Type of data in `data.dataValue`. Usually `html` or `text`, but for listeners
+ * with priority less than 6 it may be also `auto`, what means that content type hasn't been recognised yet
+ * (this will be done by content type sniffer that listens with priority 6).
+ * @param {String} data.dataValue HTML to be pasted.
+ */
+ * Internal event to open the Paste dialog.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @event pasteDialog
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param {Function} [data] Callback that will be passed to {@link CKEDITOR.editor#openDialog}.
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/icons/bgcolor.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/icons/bgcolor.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ae1ef3
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/icons/bgcolor.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/icons/textcolor.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/icons/textcolor.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0c7b8f
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/icons/textcolor.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2410b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'af', {
+	auto: 'Outomaties',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Agtergrondkleur',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Swart',
+		'800000': 'Meroen',
+		'8B4513': 'Sjokoladebruin',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Donkerleisteengrys',
+		'008080': 'Blougroen',
+		'000080': 'Vlootblou',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Donkergrys',
+		B22222: 'Rooibaksteen',
+		A52A2A: 'Bruin',
+		DAA520: 'Donkergeel',
+		'006400': 'Donkergroen',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turkoois',
+		'0000CD': 'Middelblou',
+		'800080': 'Pers',
+		'808080': 'Grys',
+		F00: 'Rooi',
+		FF8C00: 'Donkeroranje',
+		FFD700: 'Goud',
+		'008000': 'Groen',
+		'0FF': 'Siaan',
+		'00F': 'Blou',
+		EE82EE: 'Viooltjieblou',
+		A9A9A9: 'Donkergrys',
+		FFA07A: 'Ligsalm',
+		FFA500: 'Oranje',
+		FFFF00: 'Geel',
+		'00FF00': 'Lemmetjie',
+		AFEEEE: 'Ligturkoois',
+		ADD8E6: 'Ligblou',
+		DDA0DD: 'Pruim',
+		D3D3D3: 'Liggrys',
+		FFF0F5: 'Linne',
+		FAEBD7: 'Ivoor',
+		FFFFE0: 'Liggeel',
+		F0FFF0: 'Heuningdou',
+		F0FFFF: 'Asuur',
+		F0F8FF: 'Ligte hemelsblou',
+		E6E6FA: 'Laventel',
+		FFF: 'Wit'
+	},
+	more: 'Meer Kleure...',
+	panelTitle: 'Kleure',
+	textColorTitle: 'Tekskleur'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6ec5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'ar', {
+	auto: 'تلقائي',
+	bgColorTitle: 'لون الخلفية',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'أسود',
+		'800000': 'كستنائي',
+		'8B4513': 'بني فاتح',
+		'2F4F4F': 'رمادي أردوازي غامق',
+		'008080': 'أزرق مخضر',
+		'000080': 'أزرق داكن',
+		'4B0082': 'كحلي',
+		'696969': 'رمادي داكن',
+		B22222: 'طوبي',
+		A52A2A: 'بني',
+		DAA520: 'ذهبي داكن',
+		'006400': 'أخضر داكن',
+		'40E0D0': 'فيروزي',
+		'0000CD': 'أزرق متوسط',
+		'800080': 'بنفسجي غامق',
+		'808080': 'رمادي',
+		F00: 'أحمر',
+		FF8C00: 'برتقالي داكن',
+		FFD700: 'ذهبي',
+		'008000': 'أخضر',
+		'0FF': 'تركواز',
+		'00F': 'أزرق',
+		EE82EE: 'بنفسجي',
+		A9A9A9: 'رمادي شاحب',
+		FFA07A: 'برتقالي وردي',
+		FFA500: 'برتقالي',
+		FFFF00: 'أصفر',
+		'00FF00': 'ليموني',
+		AFEEEE: 'فيروزي شاحب',
+		ADD8E6: 'أزرق فاتح',
+		DDA0DD: 'بنفسجي فاتح',
+		D3D3D3: 'رمادي فاتح',
+		FFF0F5: 'وردي فاتح',
+		FAEBD7: 'أبيض عتيق',
+		FFFFE0: 'أصفر فاتح',
+		F0FFF0: 'أبيض مائل للأخضر',
+		F0FFFF: 'سماوي',
+		F0F8FF: 'لبني',
+		E6E6FA: 'أرجواني',
+		FFF: 'أبيض'
+	},
+	more: 'ألوان إضافية...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'لون النص'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3c9e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'bg', {
+	auto: 'Автоматично',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Фонов цвят',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Черно',
+		'800000': 'Кестеняво',
+		'8B4513': 'Светлокафяво',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Индиго',
+		'696969': 'Тъмно сиво',
+		B22222: 'Огнено червено',
+		A52A2A: 'Кафяво',
+		DAA520: 'Златисто',
+		'006400': 'Тъмно зелено',
+		'40E0D0': 'Тюркуазено',
+		'0000CD': 'Средно синьо',
+		'800080': 'Пурпурно',
+		'808080': 'Сиво',
+		F00: 'Червено',
+		FF8C00: 'Тъмно оранжево',
+		FFD700: 'Златно',
+		'008000': 'Зелено',
+		'0FF': 'Светло синьо',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'Още цветове',
+	panelTitle: 'Цветове',
+	textColorTitle: 'Цвят на шрифт'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b993f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'bn', {
+	auto: 'অটোমেটিক',
+	bgColorTitle: 'বেকগ্রাউন্ড রং',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'আরও রং...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'টেক্স্ট রং'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa37d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'bs', {
+	auto: 'Automatska',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Boja pozadine',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'Više boja...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Boja teksta'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62bc11b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'ca', {
+	auto: 'Automàtic',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Color de Fons',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Negre',
+		'800000': 'Granat',
+		'8B4513': 'Marró sella',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Gris pissarra fosca',
+		'008080': 'Blau xarxet',
+		'000080': 'Blau marí',
+		'4B0082': 'Indi',
+		'696969': 'Gris intens',
+		B22222: 'Maó',
+		A52A2A: 'Marró (web)',
+		DAA520: 'Solidago',
+		'006400': 'Verd fosc',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquesa',
+		'0000CD': 'Atzur',
+		'800080': 'Lila',
+		'808080': 'Gris',
+		F00: 'Vermell',
+		FF8C00: 'Taronja fosc',
+		FFD700: 'Or',
+		'008000': 'Verd',
+		'0FF': 'Cian',
+		'00F': 'Blau',
+		EE82EE: 'Lavanda rosat',
+		A9A9A9: 'Gris clar',
+		FFA07A: 'Salmó clar',
+		FFA500: 'Taronja',
+		FFFF00: 'Groc',
+		'00FF00': 'Verd llima',
+		AFEEEE: 'Blau pàlid',
+		ADD8E6: 'Blau clar',
+		DDA0DD: 'Pruna',
+		D3D3D3: 'Gris clar',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavanda rosat',
+		FAEBD7: 'Blanc antic',
+		FFFFE0: 'Groc clar',
+		F0FFF0: 'Verd pàlid',
+		F0FFFF: 'Blau cel pàlid',
+		F0F8FF: 'Cian pàlid',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavanda',
+		FFF: 'Blanc'
+	},
+	more: 'Més colors...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Color de Text'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d239dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'cs', {
+	auto: 'Automaticky',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Barva pozadí',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Černá',
+		'800000': 'Kaštanová',
+		'8B4513': 'Sedlová hněď',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Tmavě bledě šedá',
+		'008080': 'Čírka',
+		'000080': 'Námořnická modř',
+		'4B0082': 'Inkoustová',
+		'696969': 'Tmavě šedá',
+		B22222: 'Pálená cihla',
+		A52A2A: 'Hnědá',
+		DAA520: 'Zlatý prut',
+		'006400': 'Tmavě zelená',
+		'40E0D0': 'Tyrkisová',
+		'0000CD': 'Středně modrá',
+		'800080': 'Purpurová',
+		'808080': 'Šedá',
+		F00: 'Červená',
+		FF8C00: 'Tmavě oranžová',
+		FFD700: 'Zlatá',
+		'008000': 'Zelená',
+		'0FF': 'Azurová',
+		'00F': 'Modrá',
+		EE82EE: 'Fialová',
+		A9A9A9: 'Kalně šedá',
+		FFA07A: 'Světle lososová',
+		FFA500: 'Oranžová',
+		FFFF00: 'Žlutá',
+		'00FF00': 'Limetková',
+		AFEEEE: 'Bledě tyrkisová',
+		ADD8E6: 'Světle modrá',
+		DDA0DD: 'Švestková',
+		D3D3D3: 'Světle šedá',
+		FFF0F5: 'Levandulově ruměnná',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antická bílá',
+		FFFFE0: 'Světle žlutá',
+		F0FFF0: 'Medová rosa',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azurová',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alenčina modrá',
+		E6E6FA: 'Levandulová',
+		FFF: 'Bílá'
+	},
+	more: 'Více barev...',
+	panelTitle: 'Barvy',
+	textColorTitle: 'Barva textu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8250f0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'cy', {
+	auto: 'Awtomatig',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Lliw Cefndir',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Du',
+		'800000': 'Marwn',
+		'8B4513': 'Brown Cyfrwy',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Llechen Tywyll',
+		'008080': 'Corhwyad',
+		'000080': 'Nefi',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Llwyd Pwl',
+		B22222: 'Bric Tân',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Rhoden Aur',
+		'006400': 'Gwyrdd Tywyll',
+		'40E0D0': 'Gwyrddlas',
+		'0000CD': 'Glas Canolig',
+		'800080': 'Porffor',
+		'808080': 'Llwyd',
+		F00: 'Coch',
+		FF8C00: 'Oren Tywyll',
+		FFD700: 'Aur',
+		'008000': 'Gwyrdd',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Glas',
+		EE82EE: 'Fioled',
+		A9A9A9: 'Llwyd Tywyll',
+		FFA07A: 'Samwn Golau',
+		FFA500: 'Oren',
+		FFFF00: 'Melyn',
+		'00FF00': 'Leim',
+		AFEEEE: 'Gwyrddlas Golau',
+		ADD8E6: 'Glas Golau',
+		DDA0DD: 'Eirinen',
+		D3D3D3: 'Llwyd Golau',
+		FFF0F5: 'Gwrid Lafant',
+		FAEBD7: 'Gwyn Hynafol',
+		FFFFE0: 'Melyn Golau',
+		F0FFF0: 'Melwn Gwyrdd Golau',
+		F0FFFF: 'Aswr',
+		F0F8FF: 'Glas Alys',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lafant',
+		FFF: 'Gwyn'
+	},
+	more: 'Mwy o Liwiau...',
+	panelTitle: 'Lliwiau',
+	textColorTitle: 'Lliw Testun'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f38acb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'da', {
+	auto: 'Automatisk',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Baggrundsfarve',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Sort',
+		'800000': 'Mørkerød',
+		'8B4513': 'Mørk orange',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Grå',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Mørkegrå',
+		B22222: 'Scarlet / Rød',
+		A52A2A: 'Brun',
+		DAA520: 'Guld',
+		'006400': 'Mørkegrøn',
+		'40E0D0': 'Tyrkis',
+		'0000CD': 'Mellemblå',
+		'800080': 'Lilla',
+		'808080': 'Grå',
+		F00: 'Rød',
+		FF8C00: 'Mørk orange',
+		FFD700: 'Guld',
+		'008000': 'Grøn',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blå',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Matgrå',
+		FFA07A: 'Laksefarve',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Gul',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Mat tyrkis',
+		ADD8E6: 'Lyseblå',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Lysegrå',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antikhvid',
+		FFFFE0: 'Lysegul',
+		F0FFF0: 'Gul / Beige',
+		F0FFFF: 'Himmeblå',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavendel',
+		FFF: 'Hvid'
+	},
+	more: 'Flere farver...',
+	panelTitle: 'Farver',
+	textColorTitle: 'Tekstfarve'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d6c773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'de', {
+	auto: 'Automatisch',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Hintergrundfarbe',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Schwarz',
+		'800000': 'Kastanienbraun',
+		'8B4513': 'Braun',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dunkles Schiefergrau',
+		'008080': 'Blaugrün',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dunkelgrau',
+		B22222: 'Ziegelrot',
+		A52A2A: 'Braun',
+		DAA520: 'Goldgelb',
+		'006400': 'Dunkelgrün',
+		'40E0D0': 'Türkis',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blau',
+		'800080': 'Lila',
+		'808080': 'Grau',
+		F00: 'Rot',
+		FF8C00: 'Dunkelorange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Grün',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blau',
+		EE82EE: 'Hellviolett',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dunkelgrau',
+		FFA07A: 'Helles Lachsrosa',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Gelb',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Blaß-Türkis',
+		ADD8E6: 'Hellblau',
+		DDA0DD: 'Pflaumenblau',
+		D3D3D3: 'Hellgrau',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavendel',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antik Weiß',
+		FFFFE0: 'Hellgelb',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honigtau',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azurblau',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blau',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavendel',
+		FFF: 'Weiß'
+	},
+	more: 'Weitere Farben...',
+	panelTitle: 'Farben',
+	textColorTitle: 'Textfarbe'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9ed1a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'el', {
+	auto: 'Αυτόματα',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Χρώμα Φόντου',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Μαύρο',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Μώβ',
+		'808080': 'Γκρί',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'Περισσότερα χρώματα...',
+	panelTitle: 'Χρώματα',
+	textColorTitle: 'Χρώμα Κειμένου'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..625157c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'en-au', {
+	auto: 'Automatic',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Background Colour',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'More Colours...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Text Colour'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a15545a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'en-ca', {
+	auto: 'Automatic',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Background Colour',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'More Colours...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Text Colour'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40d1370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'en-gb', {
+	auto: 'Automatic',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Background Colour',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Grey',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Grey',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Grey',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Grey',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'More Colours...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colours',
+	textColorTitle: 'Text Colour'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64d0360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'en', {
+	auto: 'Automatic',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Background Color',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'More Colors...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Text Color'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9935c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'eo', {
+	auto: 'AÅ­tomata',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Fona Koloro',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Nigra',
+		'800000': 'Kaŝtankolora',
+		'8B4513': 'Mezbruna',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Ardezgriza',
+		'008080': 'Marĉanaskolora',
+		'000080': 'Maristblua',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigokolora',
+		'696969': 'Malhelgriza',
+		B22222: 'Brikruĝa',
+		A52A2A: 'Bruna',
+		DAA520: 'Senbrilorkolora',
+		'006400': 'Malhelverda',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turkisblua',
+		'0000CD': 'Reĝblua',
+		'800080': 'Purpura',
+		'808080': 'Griza',
+		F00: 'Ruĝa',
+		FF8C00: 'Malheloranĝkolora',
+		FFD700: 'Orkolora',
+		'008000': 'Verda',
+		'0FF': 'Verdblua',
+		'00F': 'Blua',
+		EE82EE: 'Viola',
+		A9A9A9: 'Mezgriza',
+		FFA07A: 'Salmokolora',
+		FFA500: 'Oranĝkolora',
+		FFFF00: 'Flava',
+		'00FF00': 'Limetkolora',
+		AFEEEE: 'Helturkiskolora',
+		ADD8E6: 'Helblua',
+		DDA0DD: 'Prunkolora',
+		D3D3D3: 'Helgriza',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavendkolora vangoŝminko',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antikvablanka',
+		FFFFE0: 'Helflava',
+		F0FFF0: 'Vintromelonkolora',
+		F0FFFF: 'Lazura',
+		F0F8FF: 'Aliceblua',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavendkolora',
+		FFF: 'Blanka'
+	},
+	more: 'Pli da Koloroj...',
+	panelTitle: 'Koloroj',
+	textColorTitle: 'Teksta Koloro'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26d679e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'es', {
+	auto: 'Automático',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Color de Fondo',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Negro',
+		'800000': 'Marrón oscuro',
+		'8B4513': 'Marrón tierra',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Pizarra Oscuro',
+		'008080': 'Azul verdoso',
+		'000080': 'Azul marino',
+		'4B0082': 'Añil',
+		'696969': 'Gris oscuro',
+		B22222: 'Ladrillo',
+		A52A2A: 'Marrón',
+		DAA520: 'Oro oscuro',
+		'006400': 'Verde oscuro',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquesa',
+		'0000CD': 'Azul medio-oscuro',
+		'800080': 'Púrpura',
+		'808080': 'Gris',
+		F00: 'Rojo',
+		FF8C00: 'Naranja oscuro',
+		FFD700: 'Oro',
+		'008000': 'Verde',
+		'0FF': 'Cian',
+		'00F': 'Azul',
+		EE82EE: 'Violeta',
+		A9A9A9: 'Gris medio',
+		FFA07A: 'Salmón claro',
+		FFA500: 'Naranja',
+		FFFF00: 'Amarillo',
+		'00FF00': 'Lima',
+		AFEEEE: 'Turquesa claro',
+		ADD8E6: 'Azul claro',
+		DDA0DD: 'Violeta claro',
+		D3D3D3: 'Gris claro',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavanda rojizo',
+		FAEBD7: 'Blanco antiguo',
+		FFFFE0: 'Amarillo claro',
+		F0FFF0: 'Miel',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azul celeste',
+		F0F8FF: 'Azul pálido',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavanda',
+		FFF: 'Blanco'
+	},
+	more: 'Más Colores...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colores',
+	textColorTitle: 'Color de Texto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7f22ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'et', {
+	auto: 'Automaatne',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Tausta värv',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Must',
+		'800000': 'Kastanpruun',
+		'8B4513': 'Sadulapruun',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Tume paehall',
+		'008080': 'Sinakasroheline',
+		'000080': 'Meresinine',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigosinine',
+		'696969': 'Tumehall',
+		B22222: 'Å amottkivi',
+		A52A2A: 'Pruun',
+		DAA520: 'Kuldkollane',
+		'006400': 'Tumeroheline',
+		'40E0D0': 'Türkiissinine',
+		'0000CD': 'Keskmine sinine',
+		'800080': 'Lilla',
+		'808080': 'Hall',
+		F00: 'Punanae',
+		FF8C00: 'Tumeoranž',
+		FFD700: 'Kuldne',
+		'008000': 'Roheline',
+		'0FF': 'Tsüaniidsinine',
+		'00F': 'Sinine',
+		EE82EE: 'Violetne',
+		A9A9A9: 'Tuhm hall',
+		FFA07A: 'Hele lõhe',
+		FFA500: 'Oranž',
+		FFFF00: 'Kollane',
+		'00FF00': 'Lubja hall',
+		AFEEEE: 'Kahvatu türkiis',
+		ADD8E6: 'Helesinine',
+		DDA0DD: 'Ploomililla',
+		D3D3D3: 'Helehall',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavendlipunane',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antiikvalge',
+		FFFFE0: 'Helekollane',
+		F0FFF0: 'Meloniroheline',
+		F0FFFF: 'Taevasinine',
+		F0F8FF: 'Beebisinine',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavendel',
+		FFF: 'Valge'
+	},
+	more: 'Rohkem värve...',
+	panelTitle: 'Värvid',
+	textColorTitle: 'Teksti värv'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d6ebcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'eu', {
+	auto: 'Automatikoa',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Atzeko kolorea',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'Kolore gehiago...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Testu Kolorea'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6810b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'fa', {
+	auto: 'خودکار',
+	bgColorTitle: 'رنگ پسزمینه',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'سیاه',
+		'800000': 'خرمایی',
+		'8B4513': 'قهوهای شکلاتی',
+		'2F4F4F': 'ارغوانی مایل به خاکستری',
+		'008080': 'آبی مایل به خاکستری',
+		'000080': 'آبی سیر',
+		'4B0082': 'نیلی',
+		'696969': 'خاکستری تیره',
+		B22222: 'آتش آجری',
+		A52A2A: 'قهوهای',
+		DAA520: 'میلهی طلایی',
+		'006400': 'سبز تیره',
+		'40E0D0': 'فیروزهای',
+		'0000CD': 'آبی روشن',
+		'800080': 'ارغوانی',
+		'808080': 'خاکستری',
+		F00: 'قرمز',
+		FF8C00: 'نارنجی پررنگ',
+		FFD700: 'طلایی',
+		'008000': 'سبز',
+		'0FF': 'آبی مایل به سبز',
+		'00F': 'آبی',
+		EE82EE: 'بنفش',
+		A9A9A9: 'خاکستری مات',
+		FFA07A: 'صورتی کدر روشن',
+		FFA500: 'نارنجی',
+		FFFF00: 'زرد',
+		'00FF00': 'فسفری',
+		AFEEEE: 'فیروزهای رنگ پریده',
+		ADD8E6: 'آبی کمرنگ',
+		DDA0DD: 'آلویی',
+		D3D3D3: 'خاکستری روشن',
+		FFF0F5: 'بنفش کمرنگ',
+		FAEBD7: 'عتیقه سفید',
+		FFFFE0: 'زرد روشن',
+		F0FFF0: 'عسلی',
+		F0FFFF: 'لاجوردی',
+		F0F8FF: 'آبی براق',
+		E6E6FA: 'بنفش کمرنگ',
+		FFF: 'سفید'
+	},
+	more: 'رنگهای بیشتر...',
+	panelTitle: 'رنگها',
+	textColorTitle: 'رنگ متن'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04a9f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'fi', {
+	auto: 'Automaattinen',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Taustaväri',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Musta',
+		'800000': 'Kastanjanruskea',
+		'8B4513': 'Satulanruskea',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Tumma liuskekivenharmaa',
+		'008080': 'Sinivihreä',
+		'000080': 'Laivastonsininen',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigonsininen',
+		'696969': 'Tummanharmaa',
+		B22222: 'Tiili',
+		A52A2A: 'Ruskea',
+		DAA520: 'Kultapiisku',
+		'006400': 'Tummanvihreä',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turkoosi',
+		'0000CD': 'Keskisininen',
+		'800080': 'Purppura',
+		'808080': 'Harmaa',
+		F00: 'Punainen',
+		FF8C00: 'Tumma oranssi',
+		FFD700: 'Kulta',
+		'008000': 'Vihreä',
+		'0FF': 'Syaani',
+		'00F': 'Sininen',
+		EE82EE: 'Violetti',
+		A9A9A9: 'Tummanharmaa',
+		FFA07A: 'Vaaleanlohenpunainen',
+		FFA500: 'Oranssi',
+		FFFF00: 'Keltainen',
+		'00FF00': 'Limetin vihreä',
+		AFEEEE: 'Haalea turkoosi',
+		ADD8E6: 'Vaaleansininen',
+		DDA0DD: 'Luumu',
+		D3D3D3: 'Vaaleanharmaa',
+		FFF0F5: 'Laventelinpunainen',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antiikinvalkoinen',
+		FFFFE0: 'Vaaleankeltainen',
+		F0FFF0: 'Hunajameloni',
+		F0FFFF: 'Asurinsininen',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue -sininen',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavanteli',
+		FFF: 'Valkoinen'
+	},
+	more: 'Lisää värejä...',
+	panelTitle: 'Värit',
+	textColorTitle: 'Tekstiväri'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bff99df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'fo', {
+	auto: 'Automatiskt',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Bakgrundslitur',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Svart',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saðilsbrúnt',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Myrkagrátt',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brúnt',
+		DAA520: 'Gullstavur',
+		'006400': 'Myrkagrønt',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Meðal blátt',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Grátt',
+		F00: 'Reytt',
+		FF8C00: 'Myrkt appelsingult',
+		FFD700: 'Gull',
+		'008000': 'Grønt',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blátt',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Døkt grátt',
+		FFA07A: 'Ljósur laksur',
+		FFA500: 'Appelsingult',
+		FFFF00: 'Gult',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Ljósablátt',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Ljósagrátt',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Klassiskt hvítt',
+		FFFFE0: 'Ljósagult',
+		F0FFF0: 'Hunangsdøggur',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blátt',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'Hvítt'
+	},
+	more: 'Fleiri litir...',
+	panelTitle: 'Litir',
+	textColorTitle: 'Tekstlitur'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfa548d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'fr-ca', {
+	auto: 'Automatique',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Couleur de fond',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'Plus de couleurs...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Couleur de caractère'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1809b2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'fr', {
+	auto: 'Automatique',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Couleur d\'arrière plan',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Noir',
+		'800000': 'Marron',
+		'8B4513': 'Brun moyen',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Vert sombre',
+		'008080': 'Canard',
+		'000080': 'Bleu marine',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Gris foncé',
+		B22222: 'Rouge brique',
+		A52A2A: 'Brun',
+		DAA520: 'Or terni',
+		'006400': 'Vert foncé',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Bleu royal',
+		'800080': 'Pourpre',
+		'808080': 'Gris',
+		F00: 'Rouge',
+		FF8C00: 'Orange foncé',
+		FFD700: 'Or',
+		'008000': 'Vert',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Bleu',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Gris moyen',
+		FFA07A: 'Saumon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Jaune',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Turquoise clair',
+		ADD8E6: 'Bleu clair',
+		DDA0DD: 'Prune',
+		D3D3D3: 'Gris clair',
+		FFF0F5: 'Fard Lavande',
+		FAEBD7: 'Blanc antique',
+		FFFFE0: 'Jaune clair',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azur',
+		F0F8FF: 'Bleu Alice',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavande',
+		FFF: 'Blanc'
+	},
+	more: 'Plus de couleurs...',
+	panelTitle: 'Couleurs',
+	textColorTitle: 'Couleur de texte'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be94609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'gl', {
+	auto: 'Automático',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Cor do Fondo',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'Máis Cores...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Cor do Texto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..977e9d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'gu', {
+	auto: 'સ્વચાલિત',
+	bgColorTitle: 'બૅકગ્રાઉન્ડ રંગ,',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'કાળો',
+		'800000': 'મરુન',
+		'8B4513': 'છીક',
+		'2F4F4F': 'ડાર્ક સ્લેટ ગ્રે ',
+		'008080': 'ટીલ',
+		'000080': 'નેવી',
+		'4B0082': 'જામલી',
+		'696969': 'ડાર્ક ગ્રે',
+		B22222: 'ઈટ',
+		A52A2A: 'બ્રાઉન',
+		DAA520: 'ગોલ્ડન રોડ',
+		'006400': 'ડાર્ક લીલો',
+		'40E0D0': 'ટ્રકોઈસ',
+		'0000CD': 'મધ્યમ વાદળી',
+		'800080': 'પર્પલ',
+		'808080': 'ગ્રે',
+		F00: 'લાલ',
+		FF8C00: 'ડાર્ક ઓરંજ',
+		FFD700: 'ગોલ્ડ',
+		'008000': 'ગ્રીન',
+		'0FF': 'સાયન',
+		'00F': 'વાદળી',
+		EE82EE: 'વાયોલેટ',
+		A9A9A9: 'ડીમ ',
+		FFA07A: 'લાઈટ સાલમન',
+		FFA500: 'ઓરંજ',
+		FFFF00: 'પીળો',
+		'00FF00': 'લાઈમ',
+		AFEEEE: 'પેલ કોઈસ',
+		ADD8E6: 'લાઈટ બ્લુ',
+		DDA0DD: 'પલ્મ',
+		D3D3D3: 'લાઈટ ગ્રે',
+		FFF0F5: 'લવંડર ',
+		FAEBD7: 'એન્ટીક સફેદ',
+		FFFFE0: 'લાઈટ પીળો',
+		F0FFF0: 'હનીડઉય',
+		F0FFFF: 'અઝુરે',
+		F0F8FF: 'એલીસ બ્લુ',
+		E6E6FA: 'લવંડર',
+		FFF: 'સફેદ'
+	},
+	more: 'ઔર રંગ...',
+	panelTitle: 'રંગ',
+	textColorTitle: 'શબ્દનો રંગ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6912352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'he', {
+	auto: 'אוטומטי',
+	bgColorTitle: 'צבע רקע',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'שחור',
+		'800000': 'סגול כהה',
+		'8B4513': 'חום בהיר',
+		'2F4F4F': 'אפור צפחה',
+		'008080': 'כחול-ירוק',
+		'000080': 'כחול-סגול',
+		'4B0082': 'אינדיגו',
+		'696969': 'אפור מעומעם',
+		B22222: 'אדום-חום',
+		A52A2A: 'חום',
+		DAA520: 'כתום זהב',
+		'006400': 'ירוק כהה',
+		'40E0D0': 'טורקיז',
+		'0000CD': 'כחול בינוני',
+		'800080': 'סגול',
+		'808080': 'אפור',
+		F00: 'אדום',
+		FF8C00: 'כתום כהה',
+		FFD700: 'זהב',
+		'008000': 'ירוק',
+		'0FF': 'ציאן',
+		'00F': 'כחול',
+		EE82EE: 'סגלגל',
+		A9A9A9: 'אפור כהה',
+		FFA07A: 'כתום-וורוד',
+		FFA500: 'כתום',
+		FFFF00: 'צהוב',
+		'00FF00': 'ליים',
+		AFEEEE: 'טורקיז בהיר',
+		ADD8E6: 'כחול בהיר',
+		DDA0DD: 'שזיף',
+		D3D3D3: 'אפור בהיר',
+		FFF0F5: 'לבנדר מסמיק',
+		FAEBD7: 'לבן עתיק',
+		FFFFE0: 'צהוב בהיר',
+		F0FFF0: 'טל דבש',
+		F0FFFF: 'תכלת',
+		F0F8FF: 'כחול טיפת מים',
+		E6E6FA: 'לבנדר',
+		FFF: 'לבן'
+	},
+	more: 'צבעים נוספים...',
+	panelTitle: 'צבעים',
+	textColorTitle: 'צבע טקסט'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a503e60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'hi', {
+	auto: 'स्वचालित',
+	bgColorTitle: 'बैक्ग्राउन्ड रंग',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'और रंग...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'टेक्स्ट रंग'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b043961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'hr', {
+	auto: 'Automatski',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Boja pozadine',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Crna',
+		'800000': 'Kesten',
+		'8B4513': 'Smeđa',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Tamno siva',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Mornarska',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Tamno siva',
+		B22222: 'Vatrena cigla',
+		A52A2A: 'Smeđa',
+		DAA520: 'Zlatna',
+		'006400': 'Tamno zelena',
+		'40E0D0': 'Tirkizna',
+		'0000CD': 'Srednje plava',
+		'800080': 'Ljubičasta',
+		'808080': 'Siva',
+		F00: 'Crvena',
+		FF8C00: 'Tamno naranđasta',
+		FFD700: 'Zlatna',
+		'008000': 'Zelena',
+		'0FF': 'Cijan',
+		'00F': 'Plava',
+		EE82EE: 'Ljubičasta',
+		A9A9A9: 'Mutno siva',
+		FFA07A: 'Svijetli losos',
+		FFA500: 'Naranđasto',
+		FFFF00: 'Žuto',
+		'00FF00': 'Limun',
+		AFEEEE: 'Blijedo tirkizna',
+		ADD8E6: 'Svijetlo plava',
+		DDA0DD: 'Å ljiva',
+		D3D3D3: 'Svijetlo siva',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavanda rumeno',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antikno bijela',
+		FFFFE0: 'Svijetlo žuta',
+		F0FFF0: 'Med',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azurna',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice plava',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavanda',
+		FFF: 'Bijela'
+	},
+	more: 'Više boja...',
+	panelTitle: 'Boje',
+	textColorTitle: 'Boja teksta'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06c52a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'hu', {
+	auto: 'Automatikus',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Háttérszín',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Fekete',
+		'800000': 'Bordó',
+		'8B4513': 'Barna',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Sötét türkiz',
+		'008080': 'Türkiz',
+		'000080': 'Király kék',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigó kék',
+		'696969': 'Szürke',
+		B22222: 'Tégla vörös',
+		A52A2A: 'Vörös',
+		DAA520: 'Arany sárga',
+		'006400': 'Sötét zöld',
+		'40E0D0': 'Türkiz',
+		'0000CD': 'Kék',
+		'800080': 'Lila',
+		'808080': 'Szürke',
+		F00: 'Piros',
+		FF8C00: 'Sötét narancs',
+		FFD700: 'Arany',
+		'008000': 'Zöld',
+		'0FF': 'Türkiz',
+		'00F': 'Kék',
+		EE82EE: 'Rózsaszín',
+		A9A9A9: 'Sötét szürke',
+		FFA07A: 'Lazac',
+		FFA500: 'Narancs',
+		FFFF00: 'Citromsárga',
+		'00FF00': 'Neon zöld',
+		AFEEEE: 'Világos türkiz',
+		ADD8E6: 'Világos kék',
+		DDA0DD: 'Világos lila',
+		D3D3D3: 'Világos szürke',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Törtfehér',
+		FFFFE0: 'Világos sárga',
+		F0FFF0: 'Menta',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azúr kék',
+		F0F8FF: 'Halvány kék',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'Fehér'
+	},
+	more: 'További színek...',
+	panelTitle: 'Színek',
+	textColorTitle: 'Betűszín'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..727e897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'is', {
+	auto: 'Sjálfval',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Bakgrunnslitur',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'Fleiri liti...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Litur texta'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c8a93c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'it', {
+	auto: 'Automatico',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Colore sfondo',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Nero',
+		'800000': 'Marrone Castagna',
+		'8B4513': 'Marrone Cuoio',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Grigio Fumo di Londra',
+		'008080': 'Acquamarina',
+		'000080': 'Blu Oceano',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Grigio Scuro',
+		B22222: 'Giallo Fiamma',
+		A52A2A: 'Marrone',
+		DAA520: 'Giallo Mimosa',
+		'006400': 'Verde Scuro',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turchese',
+		'0000CD': 'Blue Scuro',
+		'800080': 'Viola',
+		'808080': 'Grigio',
+		F00: 'Rosso',
+		FF8C00: 'Arancio Scuro',
+		FFD700: 'Oro',
+		'008000': 'Verde',
+		'0FF': 'Ciano',
+		'00F': 'Blu',
+		EE82EE: 'Violetto',
+		A9A9A9: 'Grigio Scuro',
+		FFA07A: 'Salmone',
+		FFA500: 'Arancio',
+		FFFF00: 'Giallo',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Turchese Chiaro',
+		ADD8E6: 'Blu Chiaro',
+		DDA0DD: 'Rosso Ciliegia',
+		D3D3D3: 'Grigio Chiaro',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavanda Chiara',
+		FAEBD7: 'Bianco Antico',
+		FFFFE0: 'Giallo Chiaro',
+		F0FFF0: 'Verde Mela',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azzurro',
+		F0F8FF: 'Celeste',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavanda',
+		FFF: 'Bianco'
+	},
+	more: 'Altri colori...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colori',
+	textColorTitle: 'Colore testo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e383b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'ja', {
+	auto: '自動',
+	bgColorTitle: '背景色',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'その他の色...',
+	panelTitle: '色',
+	textColorTitle: 'テキスト色'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1d0896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'ka', {
+	auto: 'ავტომატური',
+	bgColorTitle: 'ფონის ფერი',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'შავი',
+		'800000': 'მუქი შინდისფერი',
+		'8B4513': 'ყავისფერი',
+		'2F4F4F': 'მოლურჯო ნაცრისფერი',
+		'008080': 'ჩამქრალი ლურჯი',
+		'000080': 'მუქი ლურჯი',
+		'4B0082': 'იასამნისფერი',
+		'696969': 'მუქი ნაცრისფერი',
+		B22222: 'აგურისფერი',
+		A52A2A: 'მუქი ყავისფერი',
+		DAA520: 'მოყვითალო',
+		'006400': 'მუქი მწვანე',
+		'40E0D0': 'ცისფერი',
+		'0000CD': 'ზომიერად ლურჯი',
+		'800080': 'იისფერი',
+		'808080': 'ნაცრისფერი',
+		F00: 'წითელი',
+		FF8C00: 'მუქი სტაფილოსფერი',
+		FFD700: 'ოქროსფერი',
+		'008000': 'მწვანე',
+		'0FF': 'ღია ცისფერი',
+		'00F': 'ლურჯი',
+		EE82EE: 'იისფერი',
+		A9A9A9: 'ბაცი ნაცრისფერი',
+		FFA07A: 'ჩამქრალი ვარდისფერი',
+		FFA500: 'სტაფილოსფერი',
+		FFFF00: 'ყვითელი',
+		'00FF00': 'ლურჯი',
+		AFEEEE: 'ცისფერი',
+		ADD8E6: 'ღია ლურჯი',
+		DDA0DD: 'ღია იისფერი',
+		D3D3D3: 'ღია ნაცრისფერი',
+		FFF0F5: 'ღია ვარდისფერი',
+		FAEBD7: 'ღია ყავისფერი',
+		FFFFE0: 'ნათელი ყვითელი',
+		F0FFF0: 'ღია მწვანე',
+		F0FFFF: 'ღია ცისფერი 2',
+		F0F8FF: 'ღია ცისფერი 3',
+		E6E6FA: 'ღია იისფერი 2',
+		FFF: 'თეთრი'
+	},
+	more: 'მეტი ფერი...',
+	panelTitle: 'ფერები',
+	textColorTitle: 'ტექსტის ფერი'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f0613f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'km', {
+	auto: 'ស្វ័យប្រវត្ត',
+	bgColorTitle: 'ពណ៌ផ្ទៃខាងក្រោយ',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'ពណ៌ផ្សេងទៀត..',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'ពណ៌អក្សរ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ea8c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'ko', {
+	auto: '기본색상',
+	bgColorTitle: '배경 색상',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: '색상선택...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: '글자 색상'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6683cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'ku', {
+	auto: 'خۆکار',
+	bgColorTitle: 'ڕهنگی پاشبنهما',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'ڕهش',
+		'800000': 'سۆرو ماڕوونی',
+		'8B4513': 'ماڕوونی',
+		'2F4F4F': 'سهوزی تاریك',
+		'008080': 'سهوزو شین',
+		'000080': 'شینی تۆخ',
+		'4B0082': 'مۆری تۆخ',
+		'696969': 'ڕهساسی تۆخ',
+		B22222: 'سۆری تۆخ',
+		A52A2A: 'قاوهیی',
+		DAA520: 'قاوهیی بریسکهدار',
+		'006400': 'سهوزی تۆخ',
+		'40E0D0': 'شینی ناتۆخی بریسکهدار',
+		'0000CD': 'شینی مامناوهند',
+		'800080': 'پهمبهیی',
+		'808080': 'ڕهساسی',
+		F00: 'سۆر',
+		FF8C00: 'نارهنجی تۆخ',
+		FFD700: 'زهرد',
+		'008000': 'سهوز',
+		'0FF': 'شینی ئاسمانی',
+		'00F': 'شین',
+		EE82EE: 'پهمهیی',
+		A9A9A9: 'ڕهساسی ناتۆخ',
+		FFA07A: 'نارهنجی ناتۆخ',
+		FFA500: 'نارهنجی',
+		FFFF00: 'زهرد',
+		'00FF00': 'سهوز',
+		AFEEEE: 'شینی ناتۆخ',
+		ADD8E6: 'شینی زۆر ناتۆخ',
+		DDA0DD: 'پهمهیی ناتۆخ',
+		D3D3D3: 'ڕهساسی بریسکهدار',
+		FFF0F5: 'جهرگی زۆر ناتۆخ',
+		FAEBD7: 'جهرگی ناتۆخ',
+		FFFFE0: 'سپی ناتۆخ',
+		F0FFF0: 'ههنگوینی ناتۆخ',
+		F0FFFF: 'شینێکی زۆر ناتۆخ',
+		F0F8FF: 'شینێکی ئاسمانی زۆر ناتۆخ',
+		E6E6FA: 'شیری',
+		FFF: 'سپی'
+	},
+	more: 'ڕهنگی زیاتر...',
+	panelTitle: 'ڕهنگهکان',
+	textColorTitle: 'ڕهنگی دهق'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8b8b9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'lt', {
+	auto: 'Automatinis',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Fono spalva',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Juoda',
+		'800000': 'Kaštoninė',
+		'8B4513': 'Tamsiai ruda',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Pilka tamsaus Å¡iferio',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Karinis',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Tamsiai pilka',
+		B22222: 'Ugnies',
+		A52A2A: 'Ruda',
+		DAA520: 'Aukso',
+		'006400': 'Tamsiai žalia',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'VidutinÄ— mÄ—lyna',
+		'800080': 'VioletinÄ—',
+		'808080': 'Pilka',
+		F00: 'Raudona',
+		FF8C00: 'Tamsiai oranžinė',
+		FFD700: 'AuksinÄ—',
+		'008000': 'Žalia',
+		'0FF': 'Žydra',
+		'00F': 'MÄ—lyna',
+		EE82EE: 'VioletinÄ—',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Oranžinė',
+		FFFF00: 'Geltona',
+		'00FF00': 'Citrinų',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Å viesiai mÄ—lyna',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Å viesiai pilka',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Å viesiai geltona',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'Balta'
+	},
+	more: 'Daugiau spalvų...',
+	panelTitle: 'Spalva',
+	textColorTitle: 'Teksto spalva'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f89c7e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'lv', {
+	auto: 'Automātiska',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Fona krāsa',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Melns',
+		'800000': 'Sarkanbrūns',
+		'8B4513': 'Sedlu brūns',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Tumšas tāfeles pelēks',
+		'008080': 'Zili-zaļš',
+		'000080': 'JÅ«ras',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Tumši pelēks',
+		B22222: 'Ķieģeļsarkans',
+		A52A2A: 'Brūns',
+		DAA520: 'Zelta',
+		'006400': 'Tumši zaļš',
+		'40E0D0': 'Tirkīzs',
+		'0000CD': 'Vidēji zils',
+		'800080': 'Purpurs',
+		'808080': 'Pelēks',
+		F00: 'Sarkans',
+		FF8C00: 'Tumši oranžs',
+		FFD700: 'Zelta',
+		'008000': 'Zaļš',
+		'0FF': 'Tumšzils',
+		'00F': 'Zils',
+		EE82EE: 'Violets',
+		A9A9A9: 'Pelēks',
+		FFA07A: 'Gaiši laškrāsas',
+		FFA500: 'Oranžs',
+		FFFF00: 'Dzeltens',
+		'00FF00': 'Laima',
+		AFEEEE: 'Gaiši tirkīza',
+		ADD8E6: 'Gaiši zils',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plūmju',
+		D3D3D3: 'Gaiši pelēks',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavandas sārts',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antīki balts',
+		FFFFE0: 'Gaiši dzeltens',
+		F0FFF0: 'Meduspile',
+		F0FFFF: 'Debesszils',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alises zils',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavanda',
+		FFF: 'Balts'
+	},
+	more: 'Plašāka palete...',
+	panelTitle: 'Krāsa',
+	textColorTitle: 'Teksta krāsa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ec4c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'mk', {
+	auto: 'Automatic', // MISSING
+	bgColorTitle: 'Background Color',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'More Colors...', // MISSING
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Text Color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76a86f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'mn', {
+	auto: 'Автоматаар',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Дэвсгэр өнгө',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Хар',
+		'800000': 'Хүрэн',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Саарал',
+		F00: 'Улаан',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Алт',
+		'008000': 'Ногоон',
+		'0FF': 'Цэнхэр',
+		'00F': 'Ð¥Ó©Ñ…',
+		EE82EE: 'Ягаан',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Улбар шар',
+		FFFF00: 'Шар',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Цайвар саарал',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'Цагаан'
+	},
+	more: 'Нэмэлт өнгөнүүд...',
+	panelTitle: 'Өнгөнүүд',
+	textColorTitle: 'Бичвэрийн өнгө'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed5ffb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'ms', {
+	auto: 'Otomatik',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Warna Latarbelakang',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'Warna lain-lain...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Warna Text'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..735963e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'nb', {
+	auto: 'Automatisk',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Bakgrunnsfarge',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Svart',
+		'800000': 'Rødbrun',
+		'8B4513': 'Salbrun',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Grønnsvart',
+		'008080': 'Blågrønn',
+		'000080': 'Marineblått',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Mørk grå',
+		B22222: 'Mørkerød',
+		A52A2A: 'Brun',
+		DAA520: 'Lys brun',
+		'006400': 'Mørk grønn',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turkis',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium blå',
+		'800080': 'Purpur',
+		'808080': 'Grå',
+		F00: 'Rød',
+		FF8C00: 'Mørk oransje',
+		FFD700: 'Gull',
+		'008000': 'Grønn',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blå',
+		EE82EE: 'Fiolett',
+		A9A9A9: 'Svak grå',
+		FFA07A: 'Rosa-oransje',
+		FFA500: 'Oransje',
+		FFFF00: 'Gul',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Svak turkis',
+		ADD8E6: 'Lys Blå',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plomme',
+		D3D3D3: 'Lys grå',
+		FFF0F5: 'Svak lavendelrosa',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antikk-hvit',
+		FFFFE0: 'Lys gul',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honningmelon',
+		F0FFFF: 'Svakt asurblått',
+		F0F8FF: 'Svak cyan',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavendel',
+		FFF: 'Hvit'
+	},
+	more: 'Flere farger...',
+	panelTitle: 'Farger',
+	textColorTitle: 'Tekstfarge'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc62778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'nl', {
+	auto: 'Automatisch',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Achtergrondkleur',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Zwart',
+		'800000': 'Kastanjebruin',
+		'8B4513': 'Chocoladebruin',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Donkerleigrijs',
+		'008080': 'Blauwgroen',
+		'000080': 'Marine',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Donkergrijs',
+		B22222: 'Baksteen',
+		A52A2A: 'Bruin',
+		DAA520: 'Donkergeel',
+		'006400': 'Donkergroen',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Middenblauw',
+		'800080': 'Paars',
+		'808080': 'Grijs',
+		F00: 'Rood',
+		FF8C00: 'Donkeroranje',
+		FFD700: 'Goud',
+		'008000': 'Groen',
+		'0FF': 'Cyaan',
+		'00F': 'Blauw',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Donkergrijs',
+		FFA07A: 'Lichtzalm',
+		FFA500: 'Oranje',
+		FFFF00: 'Geel',
+		'00FF00': 'Felgroen',
+		AFEEEE: 'Lichtturquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Lichtblauw',
+		DDA0DD: 'Pruim',
+		D3D3D3: 'Lichtgrijs',
+		FFF0F5: 'Linnen',
+		FAEBD7: 'Ivoor',
+		FFFFE0: 'Lichtgeel',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honingdauw',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azuur',
+		F0F8FF: 'Licht hemelsblauw',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavendel',
+		FFF: 'Wit'
+	},
+	more: 'Meer kleuren...',
+	panelTitle: 'Kleuren',
+	textColorTitle: 'Tekstkleur'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f875b81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'no', {
+	auto: 'Automatisk',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Bakgrunnsfarge',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Svart',
+		'800000': 'Rødbrun',
+		'8B4513': 'Salbrun',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Grønnsvart',
+		'008080': 'Blågrønn',
+		'000080': 'Marineblått',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Mørk grå',
+		B22222: 'Mørkerød',
+		A52A2A: 'Brun',
+		DAA520: 'Lys brun',
+		'006400': 'Mørk grønn',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turkis',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium blå',
+		'800080': 'Purpur',
+		'808080': 'Grå',
+		F00: 'Rød',
+		FF8C00: 'Mørk oransje',
+		FFD700: 'Gull',
+		'008000': 'Grønn',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blå',
+		EE82EE: 'Fiolett',
+		A9A9A9: 'Svak grå',
+		FFA07A: 'Rosa-oransje',
+		FFA500: 'Oransje',
+		FFFF00: 'Gul',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Svak turkis',
+		ADD8E6: 'Lys Blå',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plomme',
+		D3D3D3: 'Lys grå',
+		FFF0F5: 'Svak lavendelrosa',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antikk-hvit',
+		FFFFE0: 'Lys gul',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honningmelon',
+		F0FFFF: 'Svakt asurblått',
+		F0F8FF: 'Svak cyan',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavendel',
+		FFF: 'Hvit'
+	},
+	more: 'Flere farger...',
+	panelTitle: 'Farger',
+	textColorTitle: 'Tekstfarge'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8eac37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'pl', {
+	auto: 'Automatycznie',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Kolor tła',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Czarny',
+		'800000': 'Kasztanowy',
+		'8B4513': 'Czekoladowy',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Ciemnografitowy',
+		'008080': 'Morski',
+		'000080': 'Granatowy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indygo',
+		'696969': 'Ciemnoszary',
+		B22222: 'Czerwień żelazowa',
+		A52A2A: 'BrÄ…zowy',
+		DAA520: 'Ciemnozłoty',
+		'006400': 'Ciemnozielony',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turkusowy',
+		'0000CD': 'Ciemnoniebieski',
+		'800080': 'Purpurowy',
+		'808080': 'Szary',
+		F00: 'Czerwony',
+		FF8C00: 'Ciemnopomarańczowy',
+		FFD700: 'ZÅ‚oty',
+		'008000': 'Zielony',
+		'0FF': 'Cyjan',
+		'00F': 'Niebieski',
+		EE82EE: 'Fioletowy',
+		A9A9A9: 'Przygaszony szary',
+		FFA07A: 'Łososiowy',
+		FFA500: 'Pomarańczowy',
+		FFFF00: 'Żółty',
+		'00FF00': 'Limonkowy',
+		AFEEEE: 'Bladoturkusowy',
+		ADD8E6: 'Jasnoniebieski',
+		DDA0DD: 'Åšliwkowy',
+		D3D3D3: 'Jasnoszary',
+		FFF0F5: 'Jasnolawendowy',
+		FAEBD7: 'Kremowobiały',
+		FFFFE0: 'Jasnożółty',
+		F0FFF0: 'Bladozielony',
+		F0FFFF: 'Jasnolazurowy',
+		F0F8FF: 'Jasnobłękitny',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lawendowy',
+		FFF: 'Biały'
+	},
+	more: 'Więcej kolorów...',
+	panelTitle: 'Kolory',
+	textColorTitle: 'Kolor tekstu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eca20f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'pt-br', {
+	auto: 'Automático',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Cor do Plano de Fundo',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Preto',
+		'800000': 'Foquete',
+		'8B4513': 'Marrom 1',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Cinza 1',
+		'008080': 'Cerceta',
+		'000080': 'Azul Marinho',
+		'4B0082': 'Índigo',
+		'696969': 'Cinza 2',
+		B22222: 'Tijolo de Fogo',
+		A52A2A: 'Marrom 2',
+		DAA520: 'Vara Dourada',
+		'006400': 'Verde Escuro',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquesa',
+		'0000CD': 'Azul Médio',
+		'800080': 'Roxo',
+		'808080': 'Cinza 3',
+		F00: 'Vermelho',
+		FF8C00: 'Laranja Escuro',
+		FFD700: 'Dourado',
+		'008000': 'Verde',
+		'0FF': 'Ciano',
+		'00F': 'Azul',
+		EE82EE: 'Violeta',
+		A9A9A9: 'Cinza Escuro',
+		FFA07A: 'Salmão Claro',
+		FFA500: 'Laranja',
+		FFFF00: 'Amarelo',
+		'00FF00': 'Lima',
+		AFEEEE: 'Turquesa Pálido',
+		ADD8E6: 'Azul Claro',
+		DDA0DD: 'Ameixa',
+		D3D3D3: 'Cinza Claro',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavanda 1',
+		FAEBD7: 'Branco Antiguidade',
+		FFFFE0: 'Amarelo Claro',
+		F0FFF0: 'Orvalho',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Azul Alice',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavanda 2',
+		FFF: 'Branco'
+	},
+	more: 'Mais Cores...',
+	panelTitle: 'Cores',
+	textColorTitle: 'Cor do Texto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c99c819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'pt', {
+	auto: 'Automático',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Cor de Fundo',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'Mais Cores...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Cor do Texto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..762877b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'ro', {
+	auto: 'Automatic',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Coloarea fundalului',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'Mai multe culori...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Culoarea textului'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..248e4b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'ru', {
+	auto: 'Автоматически',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Цвет фона',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Чёрный',
+		'800000': 'Бордовый',
+		'8B4513': 'Кожано-коричневый',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Темный синевато-серый',
+		'008080': 'Сине-зелёный',
+		'000080': 'Тёмно-синий',
+		'4B0082': 'Индиго',
+		'696969': 'Тёмно-серый',
+		B22222: 'Кирпичный',
+		A52A2A: 'Коричневый',
+		DAA520: 'Золотисто-берёзовый',
+		'006400': 'Темно-зелёный',
+		'40E0D0': 'Бирюзовый',
+		'0000CD': 'Умеренно синий',
+		'800080': 'Пурпурный',
+		'808080': 'Серый',
+		F00: 'Красный',
+		FF8C00: 'Темно-оранжевый',
+		FFD700: 'Золотистый',
+		'008000': 'Зелёный',
+		'0FF': 'Васильковый',
+		'00F': 'Синий',
+		EE82EE: 'Фиолетовый',
+		A9A9A9: 'Тускло-серый',
+		FFA07A: 'Светло-лососевый',
+		FFA500: 'Оранжевый',
+		FFFF00: 'Жёлтый',
+		'00FF00': 'Лайма',
+		AFEEEE: 'Бледно-синий',
+		ADD8E6: 'Свелто-голубой',
+		DDA0DD: 'Сливовый',
+		D3D3D3: 'Светло-серый',
+		FFF0F5: 'Розово-лавандовый',
+		FAEBD7: 'Античный белый',
+		FFFFE0: 'Светло-жёлтый',
+		F0FFF0: 'Медвяной росы',
+		F0FFFF: 'Лазурный',
+		F0F8FF: 'Бледно-голубой',
+		E6E6FA: 'Лавандовый',
+		FFF: 'Белый'
+	},
+	more: 'Ещё цвета...',
+	panelTitle: 'Цвета',
+	textColorTitle: 'Цвет текста'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9839c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'sk', {
+	auto: 'Automaticky',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Farba pozadia',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'ÄŒierna',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Sedlová hnedá',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Tmavo bridlicovo sivá',
+		'008080': 'Modrozelená',
+		'000080': 'Tmavomodrá',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Tmavá sivá',
+		B22222: 'Ohňová tehlová',
+		A52A2A: 'Hnedá',
+		DAA520: 'Zlatobyľ',
+		'006400': 'Tmavá zelená',
+		'40E0D0': 'Tyrkysová',
+		'0000CD': 'Stredná modrá',
+		'800080': 'Purpurová',
+		'808080': 'Sivá',
+		F00: 'Červená',
+		FF8C00: 'Tmavá oranžová',
+		FFD700: 'Zlatá',
+		'008000': 'Zelená',
+		'0FF': 'Azúrová',
+		'00F': 'Modrá',
+		EE82EE: 'Fialová',
+		A9A9A9: 'Tmavá sivá',
+		FFA07A: 'Svetlo lososová',
+		FFA500: 'Oranžová',
+		FFFF00: 'Žltá',
+		'00FF00': 'Vápenná',
+		AFEEEE: 'Svetlo tyrkysová',
+		ADD8E6: 'Svetlo modrá',
+		DDA0DD: 'Slivková',
+		D3D3D3: 'Svetlo sivá',
+		FFF0F5: 'Levanduľovo červená',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antická biela',
+		FFFFE0: 'Svetlo žltá',
+		F0FFF0: 'Medová',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azúrová',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alicovo modrá',
+		E6E6FA: 'Levanduľová',
+		FFF: 'Biela'
+	},
+	more: 'Viac farieb...',
+	panelTitle: 'Farby',
+	textColorTitle: 'Farba textu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df8b303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'sl', {
+	auto: 'Samodejno',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Barva ozadja',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'Več barv...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Barva besedila'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8815da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'sr-latn', {
+	auto: 'Automatski',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Boja pozadine',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'Više boja...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Boja teksta'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..765970a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'sr', {
+	auto: 'Аутоматски',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Боја позадине',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'Више боја...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'Боја текста'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f10242
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'sv', {
+	auto: 'Automatisk',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Bakgrundsfärg',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Svart',
+		'800000': 'Rödbrun',
+		'8B4513': 'Mörkbrun',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Skiffergrå',
+		'008080': 'Kricka',
+		'000080': 'Marinblå',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Mörkgrå',
+		B22222: 'Tegelsten',
+		A52A2A: 'Brun',
+		DAA520: 'Mörk guld',
+		'006400': 'Mörkgrön',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turkos',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium blå',
+		'800080': 'Lila',
+		'808080': 'Grå',
+		F00: 'Röd',
+		FF8C00: 'Mörkorange',
+		FFD700: 'Guld',
+		'008000': 'Grön',
+		'0FF': 'Turkos',
+		'00F': 'Blå',
+		EE82EE: 'Violett',
+		A9A9A9: 'Matt grå',
+		FFA07A: 'Laxrosa',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Gul',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Ljusturkos',
+		ADD8E6: 'Ljusblå',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plommon',
+		D3D3D3: 'Ljusgrå',
+		FFF0F5: 'Ljus lavender',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antikvit',
+		FFFFE0: 'Ljusgul',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honung',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azurblå',
+		F0F8FF: 'Aliceblå',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'Vit'
+	},
+	more: 'Fler färger...',
+	panelTitle: 'Färger',
+	textColorTitle: 'Textfärg'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1424151
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'th', {
+	auto: 'สีอัตโนมัติ',
+	bgColorTitle: 'สีพื้นหลัง',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: 'เลือกสีอื่นๆ...',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: 'สีตัวอักษร'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8e88ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'tr', {
+	auto: 'Otomatik',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Arka Renk',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Siyah',
+		'800000': 'Kestane',
+		'8B4513': 'Koyu Kahverengi',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Koyu KurÅŸuni Gri',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Mavi',
+		'4B0082': 'Çivit Mavisi',
+		'696969': 'Silik Gri',
+		B22222: 'Ateş Tuğlası',
+		A52A2A: 'Kahverengi',
+		DAA520: 'Altun Sırık',
+		'006400': 'Koyu YeÅŸil',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turkuaz',
+		'0000CD': 'Orta Mavi',
+		'800080': 'Pembe',
+		'808080': 'Gri',
+		F00: 'Kırmızı',
+		FF8C00: 'Koyu Portakal',
+		FFD700: 'Altın',
+		'008000': 'YeÅŸil',
+		'0FF': 'Ciyan',
+		'00F': 'Mavi',
+		EE82EE: 'MenekÅŸe',
+		A9A9A9: 'Koyu Gri',
+		FFA07A: 'Açık Sarımsı',
+		FFA500: 'Portakal',
+		FFFF00: 'Sarı',
+		'00FF00': 'Açık Yeşil',
+		AFEEEE: 'Sönük Turkuaz',
+		ADD8E6: 'Açık Mavi',
+		DDA0DD: 'Mor',
+		D3D3D3: 'Açık Gri',
+		FFF0F5: 'Eflatun Pembe',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antik Beyaz',
+		FFFFE0: 'Açık Sarı',
+		F0FFF0: 'Balsarısı',
+		F0FFFF: 'Gök Mavisi',
+		F0F8FF: 'Reha Mavi',
+		E6E6FA: 'Eflatun',
+		FFF: 'Beyaz'
+	},
+	more: 'DiÄŸer renkler...',
+	panelTitle: 'Renkler',
+	textColorTitle: 'Yazı Rengi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4de709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'ug', {
+	auto: 'ئۆزلۈكىدىن',
+	bgColorTitle: 'تەگلىك رەڭگى',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'قارا',
+		'800000': 'قىزغۇچ سېرىق',
+		'8B4513': 'توق قوڭۇر',
+		'2F4F4F': 'قارامتۇل يېشىل',
+		'008080': 'كۆكۈش يېشىل',
+		'000080': 'قارامتۇل كۆك',
+		'4B0082': 'كۆكۈش كۈلرەڭ',
+		'696969': 'قارامتۇل كۈلرەڭ',
+		B22222: 'خىش قىزىل',
+		A52A2A: 'قوڭۇر',
+		DAA520: 'ئالتۇن سېرىق',
+		'006400': 'توق يېشىل',
+		'40E0D0': 'كۆكۈچ يېشىل',
+		'0000CD': 'ئوتتۇراھال كۆك',
+		'800080': 'بىنەپشە',
+		'808080': 'كۈلرەڭ',
+		F00: 'قىزىل',
+		FF8C00: 'توق قىزغۇچ سېرىق',
+		FFD700: 'ئالتۇن',
+		'008000': 'يېشىل',
+		'0FF': 'يېشىل كۆك',
+		'00F': 'ÙƒÛ†Ùƒ',
+		EE82EE: 'قىزغۇچ بىنەپشە',
+		A9A9A9: 'توق كۈلرەڭ',
+		FFA07A: 'كاۋا چېچىكى سېرىق',
+		FFA500: 'قىزغۇچ سېرىق',
+		FFFF00: 'سېرىق',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'سۇس ھاۋا رەڭ',
+		ADD8E6: 'ئوچۇق كۆك',
+		DDA0DD: 'قىزغۇچ بىنەپشە',
+		D3D3D3: 'سۇس كۆكۈچ كۈلرەڭ',
+		FFF0F5: 'سۇس قىزغۇچ بىنەپشە',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'سۇس سېرىق',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'ئاسمان كۆكى',
+		F0F8FF: 'سۇس كۆك',
+		E6E6FA: 'سۇس بىنەپشە',
+		FFF: 'ئاق'
+	},
+	more: 'باشقا رەڭ',
+	panelTitle: 'رەڭ',
+	textColorTitle: 'تېكىست رەڭگى'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24d25f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'uk', {
+	auto: 'Авто',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Колір фону',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Чорний',
+		'800000': 'Бордовий',
+		'8B4513': 'Коричневий',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Темний сіро-зелений',
+		'008080': 'Морської хвилі',
+		'000080': 'Сливовий',
+		'4B0082': 'Індиго',
+		'696969': 'Темносірий',
+		B22222: 'Темночервоний',
+		A52A2A: 'Каштановий',
+		DAA520: 'Бежевий',
+		'006400': 'Темнозелений',
+		'40E0D0': 'Бірюзовий',
+		'0000CD': 'Темносиній',
+		'800080': 'Пурпурний',
+		'808080': 'Сірий',
+		F00: 'Червоний',
+		FF8C00: 'Темнооранжевий',
+		FFD700: 'Жовтий',
+		'008000': 'Зелений',
+		'0FF': 'Синьо-зелений',
+		'00F': 'Синій',
+		EE82EE: 'Фіолетовий',
+		A9A9A9: 'Світлосірий',
+		FFA07A: 'Рожевий',
+		FFA500: 'Оранжевий',
+		FFFF00: 'Яскравожовтий',
+		'00FF00': 'Салатовий',
+		AFEEEE: 'Світлобірюзовий',
+		ADD8E6: 'Блакитний',
+		DDA0DD: 'Світлофіолетовий',
+		D3D3D3: 'Сріблястий',
+		FFF0F5: 'Світлорожевий',
+		FAEBD7: 'Світлооранжевий',
+		FFFFE0: 'Світложовтий',
+		F0FFF0: 'Світлозелений',
+		F0FFFF: 'Світлий синьо-зелений',
+		F0F8FF: 'Світлоблакитний',
+		E6E6FA: 'Лавандовий',
+		FFF: 'Білий'
+	},
+	more: 'Кольори...',
+	panelTitle: 'Кольори',
+	textColorTitle: 'Колір тексту'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43e453e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'vi', {
+	auto: 'Tá»± Ä‘á»™ng',
+	bgColorTitle: 'Màu nền',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Đen',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Nâu',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Xám',
+		F00: 'Đỏ',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Vàng',
+		'008000': 'Xanh lá cây',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Xanh da trời',
+		EE82EE: 'Tím',
+		A9A9A9: 'Xám tối',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Màu cam',
+		FFFF00: 'Vàng',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'Trắng'
+	},
+	more: 'Màu khác...',
+	panelTitle: 'Màu sắc',
+	textColorTitle: 'Màu chữ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f6df57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'zh-cn', {
+	auto: '自动',
+	bgColorTitle: '背景颜色',
+	colors: {
+		'000': '黑',
+		'800000': '褐红',
+		'8B4513': '深褐',
+		'2F4F4F': '墨绿',
+		'008080': '绿松石',
+		'000080': '海军蓝',
+		'4B0082': '靛蓝',
+		'696969': '暗灰',
+		B22222: '砖红',
+		A52A2A: '褐',
+		DAA520: '金黄',
+		'006400': '深绿',
+		'40E0D0': '蓝绿',
+		'0000CD': '中蓝',
+		'800080': 'ç´«',
+		'808080': '灰',
+		F00: '红',
+		FF8C00: '深橙',
+		FFD700: '金',
+		'008000': '绿',
+		'0FF': '青',
+		'00F': '蓝',
+		EE82EE: 'ç´«ç½—å…°',
+		A9A9A9: '深灰',
+		FFA07A: '亮橙',
+		FFA500: 'æ©™',
+		FFFF00: '黄',
+		'00FF00': '水绿',
+		AFEEEE: '粉蓝',
+		ADD8E6: '亮蓝',
+		DDA0DD: '梅红',
+		D3D3D3: '淡灰',
+		FFF0F5: '淡紫红',
+		FAEBD7: '古董白',
+		FFFFE0: '淡黄',
+		F0FFF0: '蜜白',
+		F0FFFF: '天蓝',
+		F0F8FF: '淡蓝',
+		E6E6FA: 'æ·¡ç´«',
+		FFF: '白'
+	},
+	more: '其它颜色...',
+	panelTitle: '颜色',
+	textColorTitle: '文本颜色'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e77ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colorbutton', 'zh', {
+	auto: '自動',
+	bgColorTitle: '背景顏色',
+	colors: {
+		'000': 'Black',
+		'800000': 'Maroon',
+		'8B4513': 'Saddle Brown',
+		'2F4F4F': 'Dark Slate Gray',
+		'008080': 'Teal',
+		'000080': 'Navy',
+		'4B0082': 'Indigo',
+		'696969': 'Dark Gray',
+		B22222: 'Fire Brick',
+		A52A2A: 'Brown',
+		DAA520: 'Golden Rod',
+		'006400': 'Dark Green',
+		'40E0D0': 'Turquoise',
+		'0000CD': 'Medium Blue',
+		'800080': 'Purple',
+		'808080': 'Gray',
+		F00: 'Red',
+		FF8C00: 'Dark Orange',
+		FFD700: 'Gold',
+		'008000': 'Green',
+		'0FF': 'Cyan',
+		'00F': 'Blue',
+		EE82EE: 'Violet',
+		A9A9A9: 'Dim Gray',
+		FFA07A: 'Light Salmon',
+		FFA500: 'Orange',
+		FFFF00: 'Yellow',
+		'00FF00': 'Lime',
+		AFEEEE: 'Pale Turquoise',
+		ADD8E6: 'Light Blue',
+		DDA0DD: 'Plum',
+		D3D3D3: 'Light Grey',
+		FFF0F5: 'Lavender Blush',
+		FAEBD7: 'Antique White',
+		FFFFE0: 'Light Yellow',
+		F0FFF0: 'Honeydew',
+		F0FFFF: 'Azure',
+		F0F8FF: 'Alice Blue',
+		E6E6FA: 'Lavender',
+		FFF: 'White'
+	},
+	more: '更多顏色…',
+	panelTitle: 'Colors',
+	textColorTitle: '文字顏色'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/plugin.js
index 305c44d..0d5e3bd 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colorbutton/plugin.js
@@ -1,139 +1,161 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'colorbutton',
-	requires : [ 'panelbutton', 'floatpanel', 'styles' ],
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
+ * @fileOverview The "colorbutton" plugin that makes it possible to assign
+ *               text and background colors to editor contents.
+ *
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'colorbutton', {
+	requires: 'panelbutton,floatpanel',
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	icons: 'bgcolor,textcolor', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	init: function( editor ) {
 		var config = editor.config,
-			lang = editor.lang.colorButton;
+			lang = editor.lang.colorbutton;
 		var clickFn;
-		if ( !CKEDITOR.env.hc )
-		{
-			addButton( 'TextColor', 'fore', lang.textColorTitle );
-			addButton( 'BGColor', 'back', lang.bgColorTitle );
+		if ( !CKEDITOR.env.hc ) {
+			addButton( 'TextColor', 'fore', lang.textColorTitle, 10 );
+			addButton( 'BGColor', 'back', lang.bgColorTitle, 20 );
-		function addButton( name, type, title )
-		{
-			editor.ui.add( name, CKEDITOR.UI_PANELBUTTON,
-				{
-					label : title,
-					title : title,
-					className : 'cke_button_' + name.toLowerCase(),
-					modes : { wysiwyg : 1 },
-					panel :
-					{
-						css : editor.skin.editor.css,
-						attributes : { role : 'listbox', 'aria-label' : lang.panelTitle }
-					},
-					onBlock : function( panel, block )
-					{
-						block.autoSize = true;
-						block.element.addClass( 'cke_colorblock' );
-						block.element.setHtml( renderColors( panel, type ) );
-						// The block should not have scrollbars (#5933, #6056)
-						block.element.getDocument().getBody().setStyle( 'overflow', 'hidden' );
-						var keys = block.keys;
-						var rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl';
-						keys[ rtl ? 37 : 39 ]	= 'next';					// ARROW-RIGHT
-						keys[ 40 ]	= 'next';					// ARROW-DOWN
-						keys[ 9 ]	= 'next';					// TAB
-						keys[ rtl ? 39 : 37 ]	= 'prev';					// ARROW-LEFT
-						keys[ 38 ]	= 'prev';					// ARROW-UP
-						keys[ CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 ]	= 'prev';	// SHIFT + TAB
-						keys[ 32 ]	= 'click';					// SPACE
+		function addButton( name, type, title, order ) {
+			var colorBoxId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_colorBox';
+			editor.ui.add( name, CKEDITOR.UI_PANELBUTTON, {
+				label: title,
+				title: title,
+				modes: { wysiwyg:1 },
+				editorFocus: 1,
+				toolbar: 'colors,' + order,
+				panel: {
+					css: CKEDITOR.skin.getPath( 'editor' ),
+					attributes: { role: 'listbox', 'aria-label': lang.panelTitle }
+				},
+				onBlock: function( panel, block ) {
+					block.autoSize = true;
+					block.element.addClass( 'cke_colorblock' );
+					block.element.setHtml( renderColors( panel, type, colorBoxId ) );
+					// The block should not have scrollbars (#5933, #6056)
+					block.element.getDocument().getBody().setStyle( 'overflow', 'hidden' );
+					CKEDITOR.ui.fire( 'ready', this );
+					var keys = block.keys;
+					var rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl';
+					keys[ rtl ? 37 : 39 ] = 'next'; // ARROW-RIGHT
+					keys[ 40 ] = 'next'; // ARROW-DOWN
+					keys[ 9 ] = 'next'; // TAB
+					keys[ rtl ? 39 : 37 ] = 'prev'; // ARROW-LEFT
+					keys[ 38 ] = 'prev'; // ARROW-UP
+					keys[ CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 ] = 'prev'; // SHIFT + TAB
+					keys[ 32 ] = 'click'; // SPACE
+				},
+				// The automatic colorbox should represent the real color (#6010)
+				onOpen: function() {
+					var selection = editor.getSelection(),
+						block = selection && selection.getStartElement(),
+						path = editor.elementPath( block ),
+						color;
+					// Find the closest block element.
+					block = path.block || path.blockLimit || editor.document.getBody();
+					// The background color might be transparent. In that case, look up the color in the DOM tree.
+					do {
+						color = block && block.getComputedStyle( type == 'back' ? 'background-color' : 'color' ) || 'transparent';
-				});
+					while ( type == 'back' && color == 'transparent' && block && ( block = block.getParent() ) );
+					// The box should never be transparent.
+					if ( !color || color == 'transparent' )
+						color = '#ffffff';
+					this._.panel._.iframe.getFrameDocument().getById( colorBoxId ).setStyle( 'background-color', color );
+					return color;
+				}
+			});
-		function renderColors( panel, type )
-		{
+		function renderColors( panel, type, colorBoxId ) {
 			var output = [],
-				colors = config.colorButton_colors.split( ',' ),
-				total = colors.length + ( config.colorButton_enableMore ? 2 : 1 );
-			var clickFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( color, type )
-				{
-					if ( color == '?' )
-					{
-						var applyColorStyle = arguments.callee;
-						function onColorDialogClose( evt )
-						{
-							this.removeListener( 'ok', onColorDialogClose );
-							this.removeListener( 'cancel', onColorDialogClose );
-							evt.name == 'ok' && applyColorStyle( this.getContentElement( 'picker', 'selectedColor' ).getValue(), type );
-						}
-						editor.openDialog( 'colordialog', function()
-						{
-							this.on( 'ok', onColorDialogClose );
-							this.on( 'cancel', onColorDialogClose );
-						} );
-						return;
+				colors = config.colorButton_colors.split( ',' );
+			var clickFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( color, type ) {
+				if ( color == '?' ) {
+					var applyColorStyle = arguments.callee;
+					function onColorDialogClose( evt ) {
+						this.removeListener( 'ok', onColorDialogClose );
+						this.removeListener( 'cancel', onColorDialogClose );
+						evt.name == 'ok' && applyColorStyle( this.getContentElement( 'picker', 'selectedColor' ).getValue(), type );
-					editor.focus();
+					editor.openDialog( 'colordialog', function() {
+						this.on( 'ok', onColorDialogClose );
+						this.on( 'cancel', onColorDialogClose );
+					});
-					panel.hide();
+					return;
+				}
+				editor.focus();
-					editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+				panel.hide();
-					// Clean up any conflicting style within the range.
-					new CKEDITOR.style( config['colorButton_' + type + 'Style'], { color : 'inherit' } ).remove( editor.document );
+				editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-					if ( color )
-					{
-						var colorStyle = config['colorButton_' + type + 'Style'];
+				// Clean up any conflicting style within the range.
+				editor.removeStyle( new CKEDITOR.style( config[ 'colorButton_' + type + 'Style' ], { color: 'inherit' } ) );
-						colorStyle.childRule = type == 'back' ?
-							// It's better to apply background color as the innermost style. (#3599)
-							function(){ return false; } :
-							// Fore color style must be applied inside links instead of around it.
-							function( element ){ return element.getName() != 'a'; };
+				if ( color ) {
+					var colorStyle = config[ 'colorButton_' + type + 'Style' ];
-						new CKEDITOR.style( colorStyle, { color : color } ).apply( editor.document );
-					}
+					colorStyle.childRule = type == 'back' ?
+					function( element ) {
+						// It's better to apply background color as the innermost style. (#3599)
+						// Except for "unstylable elements". (#6103)
+						return isUnstylable( element );
+					} : function( element ) {
+						// Fore color style must be applied inside links instead of around it. (#4772,#6908)
+						return !( element.is( 'a' ) || element.getElementsByTag( 'a' ).count() ) || isUnstylable( element );
+					};
+					editor.applyStyle( new CKEDITOR.style( colorStyle, { color: color } ) );
+				}
-					editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-				});
+				editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+			});
 			// Render the "Automatic" button.
-			output.push(
-				'<a class="cke_colorauto" _cke_focus=1 hidefocus=true' +
-					' title="', lang.auto, '"' +
-					' onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', clickFn, ',null,\'', type, '\');return false;"' +
-					' href="javascript:void(\'', lang.auto, '\')"' +
-					' role="option" aria-posinset="1" aria-setsize="', total, '">' +
-					'<table role="presentation" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%">' +
-						'<tr>' +
-							'<td>' +
-								'<span class="cke_colorbox" style="background-color:#000"></span>' +
-							'</td>' +
-							'<td colspan=7 align=center>',
-								lang.auto,
-							'</td>' +
-						'</tr>' +
-					'</table>' +
+			output.push( '<a class="cke_colorauto" _cke_focus=1 hidefocus=true' +
+				' title="', lang.auto, '"' +
+				' onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', clickFn, ',null,\'', type, '\');return false;"' +
+				' href="javascript:void(\'', lang.auto, '\')"' +
+				' role="option">' +
+				'<table role="presentation" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%">' +
+					'<tr>' +
+						'<td>' +
+							'<span class="cke_colorbox" id="', colorBoxId, '"></span>' +
+						'</td>' +
+						'<td colspan=7 align=center>', lang.auto, '</td>' +
+					'</tr>' +
+				'</table>' +
 				'</a>' +
 				'<table role="presentation" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%">' );
 			// Render the color boxes.
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < colors.length ; i++ )
-			{
+			for ( var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++ ) {
 				if ( ( i % 8 ) === 0 )
 					output.push( '</tr><tr>' );
@@ -144,108 +166,108 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'colorbutton',
 				// The data can be only a color code (without #) or colorName + color code
 				// If only a color code is provided, then the colorName is the color with the hash
 				// Convert the color from RGB to RRGGBB for better compatibility with IE and <font>. See #5676
-				if (!parts[1])
+				if ( !parts[ 1 ] )
 					colorName = '#' + colorName.replace( /^(.)(.)(.)$/, '$1$1$2$2$3$3' );
-				var colorLabel = editor.lang.colors[ colorCode ] || colorCode;
-				output.push(
-					'<td>' +
-						'<a class="cke_colorbox" _cke_focus=1 hidefocus=true' +
-							' title="', colorLabel, '"' +
-							' onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', clickFn, ',\'', colorName, '\',\'', type, '\'); return false;"' +
-							' href="javascript:void(\'', colorLabel, '\')"' +
-							' role="option" aria-posinset="', ( i + 2 ), '" aria-setsize="', total, '">' +
-							'<span class="cke_colorbox" style="background-color:#', colorCode, '"></span>' +
-						'</a>' +
+				var colorLabel = editor.lang.colorbutton.colors[ colorCode ] || colorCode;
+				output.push( '<td>' +
+					'<a class="cke_colorbox" _cke_focus=1 hidefocus=true' +
+						' title="', colorLabel, '"' +
+						' onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', clickFn, ',\'', colorName, '\',\'', type, '\'); return false;"' +
+						' href="javascript:void(\'', colorLabel, '\')"' +
+						' role="option">' +
+						'<span class="cke_colorbox" style="background-color:#', colorCode, '"></span>' +
+					'</a>' +
 					'</td>' );
 			// Render the "More Colors" button.
-			if ( config.colorButton_enableMore )
-			{
-				output.push(
-					'</tr>' +
+			if ( editor.plugins.colordialog && config.colorButton_enableMore === undefined || config.colorButton_enableMore ) {
+				output.push( '</tr>' +
 					'<tr>' +
 						'<td colspan=8 align=center>' +
 							'<a class="cke_colormore" _cke_focus=1 hidefocus=true' +
 								' title="', lang.more, '"' +
 								' onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', clickFn, ',\'?\',\'', type, '\');return false;"' +
-								' href="javascript:void(\'', lang.more, '\')"',
-								' role="option" aria-posinset="', total, '" aria-setsize="', total, '">',
-								lang.more,
-							'</a>' +
-						'</td>' );	// It is later in the code.
+								' href="javascript:void(\'', lang.more, '\')"', ' role="option">', lang.more, '</a>' +
+						'</td>' ); // tr is later in the code.
 			output.push( '</tr></table>' );
 			return output.join( '' );
+		function isUnstylable( ele ) {
+			return ( ele.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' ) == 'false' ) || ele.getAttribute( 'data-nostyle' );
+		}
- * Whether to enable the "More Colors..." button in the color selectors.
- * @default false
- * @type Boolean
- * @example
- * config.colorButton_enableMore = false;
+ * Whether to enable the **More Colors*** button in the color selectors.
+ *
+ *		config.colorButton_enableMore = false;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [colorButton_enableMore=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.colorButton_enableMore = true;
- * Defines the colors to be displayed in the color selectors. It's a string
- * containing the hexadecimal notation for HTML colors, without the "#" prefix.
+ * Defines the colors to be displayed in the color selectors. This is a string
+ * containing hexadecimal notation for HTML colors, without the `'#'` prefix.
+ *
+ * **Since 3.3:** A color name may optionally be defined by prefixing the entries with
+ * a name and the slash character. For example, `'FontColor1/FF9900'` will be
+ * displayed as the color `#FF9900` in the selector, but will be output as `'FontColor1'`.
- * Since 3.3: A name may be optionally defined by prefixing the entries with the
- * name and the slash character. For example, "FontColor1/FF9900" will be
- * displayed as the color #FF9900 in the selector, but will be outputted as "FontColor1".
- * @type String
- * @default '000,800000,8B4513,2F4F4F,008080,000080,4B0082,696969,B22222,A52A2A,DAA520,006400,40E0D0,0000CD,800080,808080,F00,FF8C00,FFD700,008000,0FF,00F,EE82EE,A9A9A9,FFA07A,FFA500,FFFF00,00FF00,AFEEEE,ADD8E6,DDA0DD,D3D3D3,FFF0F5,FAEBD7,FFFFE0,F0FFF0,F0FFFF,F0F8FF,E6E6FA,FFF'
- * @example
- * // Brazil colors only.
- * config.colorButton_colors = '00923E,F8C100,28166F';
- * @example
- * config.colorButton_colors = 'FontColor1/FF9900,FontColor2/0066CC,FontColor3/F00'
+ *		// Brazil colors only.
+ *		config.colorButton_colors = '00923E,F8C100,28166F';
+ *
+ *		config.colorButton_colors = 'FontColor1/FF9900,FontColor2/0066CC,FontColor3/F00';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [colorButton_colors=see source]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.colorButton_colors =
-	'000,800000,8B4513,2F4F4F,008080,000080,4B0082,696969,' +
+CKEDITOR.config.colorButton_colors = '000,800000,8B4513,2F4F4F,008080,000080,4B0082,696969,' +
 	'B22222,A52A2A,DAA520,006400,40E0D0,0000CD,800080,808080,' +
 	'F00,FF8C00,FFD700,008000,0FF,00F,EE82EE,A9A9A9,' +
 	'FFA07A,FFA500,FFFF00,00FF00,AFEEEE,ADD8E6,DDA0DD,D3D3D3,' +
- * Holds the style definition to be used to apply the text foreground color.
- * @type Object
- * @example
- * // This is basically the default setting value.
- * config.colorButton_foreStyle =
- *     {
- *         element : 'span',
- *         styles : { 'color' : '#(color)' }
- *     };
+ * Stores the style definition that applies the text foreground color.
+ *
+ *		// This is actually the default value.
+ *		config.colorButton_foreStyle = {
+ *			element: 'span',
+ *			styles: { color: '#(color)' }
+ *		};
+ *
+ * @cfg [colorButton_foreStyle=see source]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.colorButton_foreStyle =
-	{
-		element		: 'span',
-		styles		: { 'color' : '#(color)' },
-		overrides	: [ { element : 'font', attributes : { 'color' : null } } ]
-	};
+CKEDITOR.config.colorButton_foreStyle = {
+	element: 'span',
+	styles: { 'color': '#(color)' },
+	overrides: [ {
+		element: 'font', attributes: { 'color': null }
+	}]
- * Holds the style definition to be used to apply the text background color.
- * @type Object
- * @example
- * // This is basically the default setting value.
- * config.colorButton_backStyle =
- *     {
- *         element : 'span',
- *         styles : { 'background-color' : '#(color)' }
- *     };
+ * Stores the style definition that applies the text background color.
+ *
+ *		// This is actually the default value.
+ *		config.colorButton_backStyle = {
+ *			element: 'span',
+ *			styles: { 'background-color': '#(color)' }
+ *		};
+ *
+ * @cfg [colorButton_backStyle=see source]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.colorButton_backStyle =
-	{
-		element		: 'span',
-		styles		: { 'background-color' : '#(color)' }
-	};
+CKEDITOR.config.colorButton_backStyle = {
+	element: 'span',
+	styles: { 'background-color': '#(color)' }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/dialogs/colordialog.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/dialogs/colordialog.js
index 4454d19..7021434 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/dialogs/colordialog.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/dialogs/colordialog.js
@@ -1,340 +1,340 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'colordialog', function( editor )
-	{
-		// Define some shorthands.
-		var $el = CKEDITOR.dom.element,
-			$doc = CKEDITOR.document,
-			$tools = CKEDITOR.tools,
-			lang = editor.lang.colordialog;
-		// Reference the dialog.
-		var dialog;
-		function spacer()
-		{
-			return {
-				type : 'html',
-				html : ' '
-			};
-		}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-		function clearSelected()
-		{
-			$doc.getById( selHiColorId ).removeStyle( 'background-color' );
-			dialog.getContentElement( 'picker', 'selectedColor' ).setValue( '' );
-		}
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'colordialog', function( editor ) {
+	// Define some shorthands.
+	var $el = CKEDITOR.dom.element,
+		$doc = CKEDITOR.document,
+		lang = editor.lang.colordialog;
+	// Reference the dialog.
+	var dialog;
-		function updateSelected( evt )
-		{
-			if ( ! (evt instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.event ) )
-				evt = new CKEDITOR.dom.event( evt );
+	var spacer = {
+		type: 'html',
+		html: ' '
+	};
+	var selected;
+	function clearSelected() {
+		$doc.getById( selHiColorId ).removeStyle( 'background-color' );
+		dialog.getContentElement( 'picker', 'selectedColor' ).setValue( '' );
+		selected && selected.removeAttribute( 'aria-selected' );
+		selected = null;
+	}
-			var target = evt.getTarget(),
-					color;
+	function updateSelected( evt ) {
+		var target = evt.data.getTarget(),
+			color;
-			if ( target.getName() == 'a' && ( color = target.getChild( 0 ).getHtml() ) )
-				dialog.getContentElement( 'picker', 'selectedColor' ).setValue( color );
+		if ( target.getName() == 'td' && ( color = target.getChild( 0 ).getHtml() ) ) {
+			selected = target;
+			selected.setAttribute( 'aria-selected', true );
+			dialog.getContentElement( 'picker', 'selectedColor' ).setValue( color );
+	}
-		function updateHighlight( event )
-		{
-			if ( ! (event instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.event ) )
-				event = event.data;
+	// Basing black-white decision off of luma scheme using the Rec. 709 version
+	function whiteOrBlack( color ) {
+		color = color.replace( /^#/, '' );
+		for ( var i = 0, rgb = []; i <= 2; i++ )
+			rgb[ i ] = parseInt( color.substr( i * 2, 2 ), 16 );
+		var luma = ( 0.2126 * rgb[ 0 ] ) + ( 0.7152 * rgb[ 1 ] ) + ( 0.0722 * rgb[ 2 ] );
+		return '#' + ( luma >= 165 ? '000' : 'fff' );
+	}
-			var target = event.getTarget(),
-					color;
+	// Distinguish focused and hover states.
+	var focused, hovered;
-			if ( target.getName() == 'a' && ( color = target.getChild( 0 ).getHtml() ) )
-			{
-				$doc.getById( hicolorId ).setStyle( 'background-color', color );
-				$doc.getById( hicolorTextId ).setHtml( color );
+	// Apply highlight style.
+	function updateHighlight( event ) {
+		// Convert to event.
+		!event.name && ( event = new CKEDITOR.event( event ) );
+		var isFocus = !( /mouse/ ).test( event.name ),
+			target = event.data.getTarget(),
+			color;
+		if ( target.getName() == 'td' && ( color = target.getChild( 0 ).getHtml() ) ) {
+			removeHighlight( event );
+			isFocus ? focused = target : hovered = target;
+			// Apply outline style to show focus.
+			if ( isFocus ) {
+				target.setStyle( 'border-color', whiteOrBlack( color ) );
+				target.setStyle( 'border-style', 'dotted' );
+			$doc.getById( hicolorId ).setStyle( 'background-color', color );
+			$doc.getById( hicolorTextId ).setHtml( color );
+	}
+	function clearHighlight() {
+		var color = focused.getChild( 0 ).getHtml();
+		focused.setStyle( 'border-color', color );
+		focused.setStyle( 'border-style', 'solid' );
+		$doc.getById( hicolorId ).removeStyle( 'background-color' );
+		$doc.getById( hicolorTextId ).setHtml( ' ' );
+		focused = null;
+	}
-		function clearHighlight()
-		{
+	// Remove previously focused style.
+	function removeHighlight( event ) {
+		var isFocus = !( /mouse/ ).test( event.name ),
+			target = isFocus && focused;
+		if ( target ) {
+			var color = target.getChild( 0 ).getHtml();
+			target.setStyle( 'border-color', color );
+			target.setStyle( 'border-style', 'solid' );
+		}
+		if ( !( focused || hovered ) ) {
 			$doc.getById( hicolorId ).removeStyle( 'background-color' );
 			$doc.getById( hicolorTextId ).setHtml( ' ' );
+	}
-		var onMouseout = $tools.addFunction( clearHighlight );
-		var onClick = updateSelected,
-				onClickHandler = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( onClick );
-		var onFocus = updateHighlight,
-				onBlur = clearHighlight;
+	function onKeyStrokes( evt ) {
+		var domEvt = evt.data;
-		var onKeydownHandler = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( ev )
-		{
-			ev = new CKEDITOR.dom.event( ev );
-			var element = ev.getTarget();
-			var relative, nodeToMove;
-			var keystroke = ev.getKeystroke();
-			var rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl';
+		var element = domEvt.getTarget();
+		var relative, nodeToMove;
+		var keystroke = domEvt.getKeystroke(),
+			rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl';
-			switch ( keystroke )
-			{
-				// UP-ARROW
-				case 38 :
-					// relative is TR
-					if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getPrevious() ) )
-					{
-						nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [element.getParent().getIndex(), 0] );
-						nodeToMove.focus();
-						onBlur( ev, element );
-						onFocus( ev, nodeToMove );
-					}
-					ev.preventDefault();
-					break;
+		switch ( keystroke ) {
+			// UP-ARROW
+			case 38:
+				// relative is TR
+				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getPrevious() ) ) {
+					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [ element.getIndex() ] );
+					nodeToMove.focus();
+				}
+				domEvt.preventDefault();
+				break;
 				// DOWN-ARROW
-				case 40 :
-					// relative is TR
-					if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getNext() ) )
-					{
-						nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [ element.getParent().getIndex(), 0 ] );
-						if ( nodeToMove && nodeToMove.type == 1 )
-						{
-							nodeToMove.focus();
-							onBlur( ev, element );
-							onFocus( ev, nodeToMove );
-						}
+			case 40:
+				// relative is TR
+				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getNext() ) ) {
+					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [ element.getIndex() ] );
+					if ( nodeToMove && nodeToMove.type == 1 ) {
+						nodeToMove.focus();
-					ev.preventDefault();
-					break;
+				}
+				domEvt.preventDefault();
+				break;
 				// SPACE
-				// ENTER is already handled as onClick
-				case 32 :
-					onClick( ev );
-					ev.preventDefault();
-					break;
+				// ENTER
+			case 32:
+			case 13:
+				updateSelected( evt );
+				domEvt.preventDefault();
+				break;
-				case rtl ? 37 : 39 :
-					// relative is TD
-					if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getNext() ) )
-					{
-						nodeToMove = relative.getChild( 0 );
-						if ( nodeToMove.type == 1 )
-						{
-							nodeToMove.focus();
-							onBlur( ev, element );
-							onFocus( ev, nodeToMove );
-							ev.preventDefault( true );
-						}
-						else
-							onBlur( null, element );
-					}
-					// relative is TR
-					else if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getNext() ) )
-					{
-						nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [ 0, 0 ] );
-						if ( nodeToMove && nodeToMove.type == 1 )
-						{
-							nodeToMove.focus();
-							onBlur( ev, element );
-							onFocus( ev, nodeToMove );
-							ev.preventDefault( true );
-						}
-						else
-							onBlur( null, element );
-					}
-					break;
-				// LEFT-ARROW
-				case rtl ? 39 : 37 :
-					// relative is TD
-					if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getPrevious() ) )
-					{
-						nodeToMove = relative.getChild( 0 );
+			case rtl ? 37:
+				39 :
+				// relative is TD
+				if ( ( nodeToMove = element.getNext() ) ) {
+					if ( nodeToMove.type == 1 ) {
-						onBlur( ev, element );
-						onFocus( ev, nodeToMove );
-						ev.preventDefault( true );
+						domEvt.preventDefault( true );
-					// relative is TR
-					else if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getPrevious() ) )
-					{
-						nodeToMove = relative.getLast().getChild( 0 );
+				}
+				// relative is TR
+				else if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getNext() ) ) {
+					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [ 0 ] );
+					if ( nodeToMove && nodeToMove.type == 1 ) {
-						onBlur( ev, element );
-						onFocus( ev, nodeToMove );
-						ev.preventDefault( true );
+						domEvt.preventDefault( true );
-					else
-						onBlur( null, element );
-					break;
-				default :
-					// Do not stop not handled events.
-					return;
-			}
-		});
+				}
+				break;
-		function createColorTable()
-		{
-			// Create the base colors array.
-			var aColors = ['00','33','66','99','cc','ff'];
+				// LEFT-ARROW
+			case rtl ? 39:
+				37 :
+				// relative is TD
+				if ( ( nodeToMove = element.getPrevious() ) ) {
+					nodeToMove.focus();
+					domEvt.preventDefault( true );
+				}
+				// relative is TR
+				else if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getPrevious() ) ) {
+					nodeToMove = relative.getLast();
+					nodeToMove.focus();
+					domEvt.preventDefault( true );
+				}
+				break;
+			default:
+				// Do not stop not handled events.
+				return;
+		}
+	}
-			// This function combines two ranges of three values from the color array into a row.
-			function appendColorRow( rangeA, rangeB )
-			{
-				for ( var i = rangeA ; i < rangeA + 3 ; i++ )
-				{
-					var row = table.$.insertRow(-1);
+	function createColorTable() {
+		table = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<table tabIndex="-1" aria-label="' + lang.options + '"' +
+			' role="grid" style="border-collapse:separate;" cellspacing="0">' +
+			'<caption class="cke_voice_label">' + lang.options + '</caption>' +
+			'<tbody role="presentation"></tbody></table>' );
-					for ( var j = rangeB ; j < rangeB + 3 ; j++ )
-					{
-						for ( var n = 0 ; n < 6 ; n++ )
-						{
-							appendColorCell( row, '#' + aColors[j] + aColors[n] + aColors[i] );
-						}
+		table.on( 'mouseover', updateHighlight );
+		table.on( 'mouseout', removeHighlight );
+		// Create the base colors array.
+		var aColors = [ '00', '33', '66', '99', 'cc', 'ff' ];
+		// This function combines two ranges of three values from the color array into a row.
+		function appendColorRow( rangeA, rangeB ) {
+			for ( var i = rangeA; i < rangeA + 3; i++ ) {
+				var row = new $el( table.$.insertRow( -1 ) );
+				row.setAttribute( 'role', 'row' );
+				for ( var j = rangeB; j < rangeB + 3; j++ ) {
+					for ( var n = 0; n < 6; n++ ) {
+						appendColorCell( row.$, '#' + aColors[ j ] + aColors[ n ] + aColors[ i ] );
+		}
-			// This function create a single color cell in the color table.
-			function appendColorCell( targetRow, color )
-			{
-				var cell = new $el( targetRow.insertCell( -1 ) );
-				cell.setAttribute( 'class', 'ColorCell' );
-				cell.setStyle( 'background-color', color );
-				cell.setStyle( 'width', '15px' );
-				cell.setStyle( 'height', '15px' );
-				var index = cell.$.cellIndex + 1 + 18 * targetRow.rowIndex;
-				cell.append( CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(
-						'<a href="javascript: void(0);" role="option"' +
-						' aria-posinset="' + index + '"' +
-						' aria-setsize="' + 13 * 18 + '"' +
-						' style="cursor: pointer;display:block;width:100%;height:100% " title="'+ CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( color )+ '"' +
-						' onkeydown="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( ' + onKeydownHandler + ', event, this )"' +
-						' onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + onClickHandler + ', event, this ); return false;"' +
-						' tabindex="-1"><span class="cke_voice_label">' + color + '</span> </a>', CKEDITOR.document ) );
-			}
+		// This function create a single color cell in the color table.
+		function appendColorCell( targetRow, color ) {
+			var cell = new $el( targetRow.insertCell( -1 ) );
+			cell.setAttribute( 'class', 'ColorCell' );
+			cell.setAttribute( 'tabIndex', -1 );
+			cell.setAttribute( 'role', 'gridcell' );
-			appendColorRow( 0, 0 );
-			appendColorRow( 3, 0 );
-			appendColorRow( 0, 3 );
-			appendColorRow( 3, 3 );
+			cell.on( 'keydown', onKeyStrokes );
+			cell.on( 'click', updateSelected );
+			cell.on( 'focus', updateHighlight );
+			cell.on( 'blur', removeHighlight );
-			// Create the last row.
-			var oRow = table.$.insertRow(-1) ;
+			cell.setStyle( 'background-color', color );
+			cell.setStyle( 'border', '1px solid ' + color );
-			// Create the gray scale colors cells.
-			for ( var n = 0 ; n < 6 ; n++ )
-			{
-				appendColorCell( oRow, '#' + aColors[n] + aColors[n] + aColors[n] ) ;
-			}
+			cell.setStyle( 'width', '14px' );
+			cell.setStyle( 'height', '14px' );
-			// Fill the row with black cells.
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-			{
-				appendColorCell( oRow, '#000000' ) ;
-			}
+			var colorLabel = numbering( 'color_table_cell' );
+			cell.setAttribute( 'aria-labelledby', colorLabel );
+			cell.append( CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<span id="' + colorLabel + '" class="cke_voice_label">' + color + '</span>', CKEDITOR.document ) );
-		var table = new $el( 'table' );
-		createColorTable();
+		appendColorRow( 0, 0 );
+		appendColorRow( 3, 0 );
+		appendColorRow( 0, 3 );
+		appendColorRow( 3, 3 );
-		var numbering = function( id )
-			{
-				return CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_' + id;
-			},
-			hicolorId = numbering( 'hicolor' ),
-			hicolorTextId = numbering( 'hicolortext' ),
-			selHiColorId = numbering( 'selhicolor' ),
-			tableLabelId = numbering( 'color_table_label' );
-		return {
-			title : lang.title,
-			minWidth : 360,
-			minHeight : 220,
-			onLoad : function()
+		// Create the last row.
+		var oRow = new $el( table.$.insertRow( -1 ) );
+		oRow.setAttribute( 'role', 'row' );
+		// Create the gray scale colors cells.
+		for ( var n = 0; n < 6; n++ ) {
+			appendColorCell( oRow.$, '#' + aColors[ n ] + aColors[ n ] + aColors[ n ] );
+		}
+		// Fill the row with black cells.
+		for ( var i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+			appendColorCell( oRow.$, '#000000' );
+		}
+	}
+	var numbering = function( id ) {
+			return CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_' + id;
+		},
+		hicolorId = numbering( 'hicolor' ),
+		hicolorTextId = numbering( 'hicolortext' ),
+		selHiColorId = numbering( 'selhicolor' ),
+		table;
+	createColorTable();
+	return {
+		title: lang.title,
+		minWidth: 360,
+		minHeight: 220,
+		onLoad: function() {
+			// Update reference.
+			dialog = this;
+		},
+		onHide: function() {
+			clearSelected();
+			clearHighlight();
+		},
+		contents: [
-				// Update reference.
-				dialog = this;
-			},
-			contents : [
+			id: 'picker',
+			label: lang.title,
+			accessKey: 'I',
+			elements: [
-					id : 'picker',
-					label : lang.title,
-					accessKey : 'I',
-					elements :
-					[
+				type: 'hbox',
+				padding: 0,
+				widths: [ '70%', '10%', '30%' ],
+				children: [
+					{
+					type: 'html',
+					html: '<div></div>',
+					onLoad: function() {
+						CKEDITOR.document.getById( this.domId ).append( table );
+					},
+					focus: function() {
+						// Restore the previously focused cell,
+						// otherwise put the initial focus on the first table cell.
+						( focused || this.getElement().getElementsByTag( 'td' ).getItem( 0 ) ).focus();
+					}
+				},
+					spacer,
+				{
+					type: 'vbox',
+					padding: 0,
+					widths: [ '70%', '5%', '25%' ],
+					children: [
-							type : 'hbox',
-							padding : 0,
-							widths : [ '70%', '10%', '30%' ],
-							children :
-							[
-								{
-									type : 'html',
-									html : '<table role="listbox" aria-labelledby="' + tableLabelId + '" onmouseout="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( ' + onMouseout + ' );">' + table.getHtml() + '</table>' +
-												'<span id="' + tableLabelId + '" class="cke_voice_label">' + lang.options +'</span>',
-									onLoad : function()
-									{
-										var table = CKEDITOR.document.getById( this.domId );
-										table.on( 'mouseover', updateHighlight );
-									},
-									focus: function()
-									{
-										var firstColor = this.getElement().getElementsByTag( 'a' ).getItem( 0 );
-										firstColor.focus();
-									}
-								},
-								spacer(),
-								{
-									type : 'vbox',
-									padding : 0,
-									widths : [ '70%', '5%', '25%' ],
-									children :
-									[
-										{
-											type : 'html',
-											html : '<span>' + lang.highlight +'</span>\
+						type: 'html',
+						html: '<span>' + lang.highlight + '</span>\
 												<div id="' + hicolorId + '" style="border: 1px solid; height: 74px; width: 74px;"></div>\
 												<div id="' + hicolorTextId + '"> </div><span>' + lang.selected + '</span>\
 												<div id="' + selHiColorId + '" style="border: 1px solid; height: 20px; width: 74px;"></div>'
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'text',
-											label : lang.selected,
-											labelStyle: 'display:none',
-											id : 'selectedColor',
-											style : 'width: 74px',
-											onChange : function()
-											{
-												// Try to update color preview with new value. If fails, then set it no none.
-												try
-												{
-													$doc.getById( selHiColorId ).setStyle( 'background-color', this.getValue() );
-												}
-												catch ( e )
-												{
-													clearSelected();
-												}
-											}
-										},
-										spacer(),
-										{
-											type : 'button',
-											id : 'clear',
-											style : 'margin-top: 5px',
-											label : lang.clear,
-											onClick : clearSelected
-										}
-									]
-								}
-							]
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'text',
+						label: lang.selected,
+						labelStyle: 'display:none',
+						id: 'selectedColor',
+						style: 'width: 74px',
+						onChange: function() {
+							// Try to update color preview with new value. If fails, then set it no none.
+							try {
+								$doc.getById( selHiColorId ).setStyle( 'background-color', this.getValue() );
+							} catch ( e ) {
+								clearSelected();
+							}
+					},
+						spacer,
+					{
+						type: 'button',
+						id: 'clear',
+						style: 'margin-top: 5px',
+						label: lang.clear,
+						onClick: clearSelected
+					}
+				]
+			}
-		};
-	}
-	);
+		}
+		]
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..003c466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'af', {
+	clear: 'Herstel',
+	highlight: 'Aktief',
+	options: 'Kleuropsies',
+	selected: 'Geselekteer',
+	title: 'Kies kleur'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0aeba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'ar', {
+	clear: 'مسح',
+	highlight: 'إلقاء الضوء',
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'مُختار',
+	title: 'اختر لون'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7089825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'bg', {
+	clear: 'Изчистване',
+	highlight: 'Осветяване',
+	options: 'Цветови опции',
+	selected: 'Изберете цвят',
+	title: 'Изберете цвят'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c486aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'bn', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0e4708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'bs', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..374f1e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'ca', {
+	clear: 'Neteja',
+	highlight: 'Destacat',
+	options: 'Opcions del color',
+	selected: 'Seleccionat',
+	title: 'Selecciona el color'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a953390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'cs', {
+	clear: 'Vyčistit',
+	highlight: 'Zvýraznit',
+	options: 'Nastavení barvy',
+	selected: 'Vybráno',
+	title: 'Výběr barvy'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..370ea00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'cy', {
+	clear: 'Clirio',
+	highlight: 'Uwcholeuo',
+	options: 'Opsiynau Lliw',
+	selected: 'Dewiswyd',
+	title: 'Dewis lliw'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40d5c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'da', {
+	clear: 'Nulstil',
+	highlight: 'Markér',
+	options: 'Farvemuligheder',
+	selected: 'Valgt farve',
+	title: 'Vælg farve'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8279db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'de', {
+	clear: 'Entfernen',
+	highlight: 'Hervorheben',
+	options: 'Farbeoptionen',
+	selected: 'Ausgewählte Farbe',
+	title: 'Farbe wählen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e48e59e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'el', {
+	clear: 'Καθαρισμός',
+	highlight: 'Σήμανση',
+	options: 'Επιλογές Χρωμάτων',
+	selected: 'Επιλεγμένο Χρώμα',
+	title: 'Επιλογή Χρώματος'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..366d2bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'en-au', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..468dc77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'en-ca', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcabdad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'en-gb', {
+	clear: 'Clear',
+	highlight: 'Highlight',
+	options: 'Colour Options',
+	selected: 'Selected Colour',
+	title: 'Select colour'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8158878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'en', {
+	clear: 'Clear',
+	highlight: 'Highlight',
+	options: 'Color Options',
+	selected: 'Selected Color',
+	title: 'Select color'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d412ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'eo', {
+	clear: 'Forigi',
+	highlight: 'Detaloj',
+	options: 'Opcioj pri koloroj',
+	selected: 'Selektita koloro',
+	title: 'Selekti koloron'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f9d945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'es', {
+	clear: 'Borrar',
+	highlight: 'Muestra',
+	options: 'Opciones de colores',
+	selected: 'Elegido',
+	title: 'Elegir color'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed8b4b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'et', {
+	clear: 'Eemalda',
+	highlight: 'Näidis',
+	options: 'Värvi valikud',
+	selected: 'Valitud värv',
+	title: 'Värvi valimine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac661f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'eu', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0fa9a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'fa', {
+	clear: 'پاک کردن',
+	highlight: 'متمایز',
+	options: 'گزینههای رنگ',
+	selected: 'رنگ انتخاب شده',
+	title: 'انتخاب رنگ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c2b847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'fi', {
+	clear: 'Poista',
+	highlight: 'Korostus',
+	options: 'Värin ominaisuudet',
+	selected: 'Valittu',
+	title: 'Valitse väri'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..796ff9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'fo', {
+	clear: 'Strika',
+	highlight: 'Framheva',
+	options: 'Litmøguleikar',
+	selected: 'Valdur litur',
+	title: 'Vel lit'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae7bc3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'fr-ca', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a5663e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'fr', {
+	clear: 'Effacer',
+	highlight: 'Détails',
+	options: 'Option des couleurs',
+	selected: 'Couleur choisie',
+	title: 'Choisir une couleur'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3166ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'gl', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2668384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'gu', {
+	clear: 'સાફ કરવું',
+	highlight: 'હાઈઈટ',
+	options: 'રંગના વિકલ્પ',
+	selected: 'પસંદ કરેલો રંગ',
+	title: 'રંગ પસંદ કરો'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..277c3ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'he', {
+	clear: 'ניקוי',
+	highlight: 'סימון',
+	options: 'אפשרויות צבע',
+	selected: 'בחירה',
+	title: 'בחירת צבע'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2ebbd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'hi', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a1cd54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'hr', {
+	clear: 'Očisti',
+	highlight: 'Istaknuto',
+	options: 'Opcije boje',
+	selected: 'Odabrana boja',
+	title: 'Odaberi boju'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9734ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'hu', {
+	clear: 'Ürítés',
+	highlight: 'Nagyítás',
+	options: 'Szín opciók',
+	selected: 'Kiválasztott',
+	title: 'Válasszon színt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b7866d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'is', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3af8b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'it', {
+	clear: 'cancella',
+	highlight: 'Evidenzia',
+	options: 'Opzioni colore',
+	selected: 'Seleziona il colore',
+	title: 'Selezionare il colore'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb249b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'ja', {
+	clear: 'クリア',
+	highlight: 'ハイライト',
+	options: 'カラーオプション',
+	selected: '選択された色',
+	title: '色選択'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a446966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'ka', {
+	clear: 'გასუფთავება',
+	highlight: 'ჩვენება',
+	options: 'ფერის პარამეტრები',
+	selected: 'არჩეული ფერი',
+	title: 'ფერის შეცვლა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0e6378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'km', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..171e426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'ko', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9894a8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'ku', {
+	clear: 'پاککردنهوه',
+	highlight: 'نیشانکردن',
+	options: 'ههڵبژاردهی ڕهنگهکان',
+	selected: 'ههڵبژاردرا',
+	title: 'ههڵبژاردنی ڕهنگ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c193f6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'lt', {
+	clear: 'IÅ¡valyti',
+	highlight: 'Paryškinti',
+	options: 'Spalvos nustatymai',
+	selected: 'Pasirinkta spalva',
+	title: 'Pasirinkite spalvÄ…'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..206cc42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'lv', {
+	clear: 'Notīrīt',
+	highlight: 'Paraugs',
+	options: 'Krāsas uzstādījumi',
+	selected: 'Izvēlētā krāsa',
+	title: 'Izvēlies krāsu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d510f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'mk', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dfa915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'mn', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc091a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'ms', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95fbfaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'nb', {
+	clear: 'Tøm',
+	highlight: 'Merk',
+	options: 'Alternativer for farge',
+	selected: 'Valgt',
+	title: 'Velg farge'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00d09e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'nl', {
+	clear: 'Wissen',
+	highlight: 'Actief',
+	options: 'Kleuropties',
+	selected: 'Geselecteerde kleur',
+	title: 'Selecteer kleur'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8e3f19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'no', {
+	clear: 'Tøm',
+	highlight: 'Merk',
+	options: 'Alternativer for farge',
+	selected: 'Valgt',
+	title: 'Velg farge'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66d9f55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'pl', {
+	clear: 'Wyczyść',
+	highlight: 'Zaznacz',
+	options: 'Opcje koloru',
+	selected: 'Wybrany',
+	title: 'Wybierz kolor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8b52a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'pt-br', {
+	clear: 'Limpar',
+	highlight: 'Grifar',
+	options: 'Opções de Cor',
+	selected: 'Cor Selecionada',
+	title: 'Selecione uma Cor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12e0b6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'pt', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b332a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'ro', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..809707c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'ru', {
+	clear: 'Очистить',
+	highlight: 'Под курсором',
+	options: 'Настройки цвета',
+	selected: 'Выбранный цвет',
+	title: 'Выберите цвет'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf4174f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'sk', {
+	clear: 'Vyčistiť',
+	highlight: 'Zvýrazniť',
+	options: 'Možnosti farby',
+	selected: 'Vybraná farba',
+	title: 'Vyberte farbu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc841d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'sl', {
+	clear: 'Počisti',
+	highlight: 'Poudarjeno',
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Izbrano',
+	title: 'Izberi barvo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb328f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'sr-latn', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0d14b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'sr', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f456cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'sv', {
+	clear: 'Rensa',
+	highlight: 'Markera',
+	options: 'Färgalternativ',
+	selected: 'Vald färg',
+	title: 'Välj färg'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68c2c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'th', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..139b4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'tr', {
+	clear: 'Temizle',
+	highlight: 'Ä°ÅŸaretle',
+	options: 'Renk Seçenekleri',
+	selected: 'Seçilmiş',
+	title: 'Renk seç'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0907db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'ug', {
+	clear: 'تازىلا',
+	highlight: 'يورۇت',
+	options: 'رەڭ تاللانمىسى',
+	selected: 'رەڭ تاللاڭ',
+	title: 'رەڭ تاللاڭ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3f5fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'uk', {
+	clear: 'Очистити',
+	highlight: 'Колір, на який вказує курсор',
+	options: 'Опції кольорів',
+	selected: 'Обраний колір',
+	title: 'Обрати колір'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f873bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'vi', {
+	clear: 'Xóa bỏ',
+	highlight: 'Màu chọn',
+	options: 'Tùy chọn màu',
+	selected: 'Màu đã chọn',
+	title: 'Chọn màu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fa1b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'zh-cn', {
+	clear: '清除',
+	highlight: '高亮',
+	options: '颜色选项',
+	selected: '选择颜色',
+	title: '选择颜色'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1ef8ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'colordialog', 'zh', {
+	clear: 'Clear', // MISSING
+	highlight: 'Highlight', // MISSING
+	options: 'Color Options', // MISSING
+	selected: 'Selected Color', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select color' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/plugin.js
index 7006d68..ea7b010 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/plugin.js
@@ -1,13 +1,65 @@
-( function()
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.colordialog =
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			editor.addCommand( 'colordialog', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'colordialog' ) );
-			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'colordialog', this.path + 'dialogs/colordialog.js' );
-		}
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'colordialog', CKEDITOR.plugins.colordialog );
-} )();
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.colordialog = {
+	requires: 'dialog',
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	init: function( editor ) {
+		editor.addCommand( 'colordialog', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'colordialog' ) );
+		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'colordialog', this.path + 'dialogs/colordialog.js' );
+		/**
+		 * Open up color dialog and to receive the selected color.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Function} callback The callback when color dialog is closed
+		 * @param {String} callback.color The color value received if selected on the dialog.
+		 * @param [scope] The scope in which the callback will be bound.
+		 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+		 */
+		editor.getColorFromDialog = function( callback, scope ) {
+			var onClose = function( evt ) {
+				releaseHandlers( this );
+				var color = evt.name == 'ok' ? this.getValueOf( 'picker', 'selectedColor' ) : null;
+				callback.call( scope, color );
+			};
+			var releaseHandlers = function( dialog ) {
+				dialog.removeListener( 'ok', onClose );
+				dialog.removeListener( 'cancel', onClose );
+			};
+			var bindToDialog = function( dialog ) {
+				dialog.on( 'ok', onClose );
+				dialog.on( 'cancel', onClose );
+			};
+			editor.execCommand( 'colordialog' );
+			if ( editor._.storedDialogs && editor._.storedDialogs.colordialog )
+				bindToDialog( editor._.storedDialogs.colordialog );
+			else {
+				CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( e ) {
+					if ( e.data.name != 'colordialog' )
+						return;
+					var definition = e.data.definition;
+					e.removeListener();
+					definition.onLoad = CKEDITOR.tools.override( definition.onLoad,
+						function( orginal ) {
+							return function() {
+								bindToDialog( this );
+								definition.onLoad = orginal;
+								if ( typeof orginal == 'function' )
+									orginal.call( this );
+							};
+						} );
+				} );
+			}
+		};
+	}
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'colordialog', CKEDITOR.plugins.colordialog );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43291e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'af', {
+	options: 'Konteks Spyskaart-opsies'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c072a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'ar', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc9a530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'bg', {
+	options: 'Опции на контекстното меню'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4070e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'bn', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6f0575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'bs', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..928017d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'ca', {
+	options: 'Opcions del menú contextual'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..703e8b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'cs', {
+	options: 'Nastavení kontextové nabídky'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e229cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'cy', {
+	options: 'Opsiynau Dewislen Cyd-destun'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..467b689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'da', {
+	options: 'Muligheder for hjælpemenu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bd2271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'de', {
+	options: 'Kontextmenü Optionen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0576340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'el', {
+	options: 'Επιλογές Αναδυόμενου Μενού'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb73d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'en-au', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f79665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'en-ca', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb2c8f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'en-gb', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9a8104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'en', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ba2e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'eo', {
+	options: 'Opcioj de Kunteksta Menuo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e871a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'es', {
+	options: 'Opciones del menú contextual'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20af0ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'et', {
+	options: 'Kontekstimenüü valikud'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e9b1ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'eu', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c177a6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'fa', {
+	options: 'گزینههای منوی زمینه'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d146d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'fi', {
+	options: 'Pikavalikon ominaisuudet'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51121b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'fo', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f697446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'fr-ca', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2dde08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'fr', {
+	options: 'Options du menu contextuel'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9290cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'gl', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d845c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'gu', {
+	options: 'કોન્તેક્ષ્ત્ મેનુના વિકલ્પો'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b9cc9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'he', {
+	options: 'אפשרויות תפריט ההקשר'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaac8a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'hi', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e917e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'hr', {
+	options: 'Opcije izbornika'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0379317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'hu', {
+	options: 'Helyi menü opciók'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..391f92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'is', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9624c40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'it', {
+	options: 'Opzioni del menù contestuale'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6725b8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'ja', {
+	options: 'コンテキストメニューオプション'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99dd0d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'ka', {
+	options: 'კონტექსტური მენიუს პარამეტრები'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0136c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'km', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34f718c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'ko', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c5ba28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'ku', {
+	options: 'هەڵبژاردەی لیستەی کلیکی دەستی ڕاست'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5458e72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'lt', {
+	options: 'Kontekstinio meniu parametrai'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1613d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'lv', {
+	options: 'Uznirstošās izvēlnes uzstādījumi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ba0de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'mk', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30d2587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'mn', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30d5b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'ms', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f44e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'nb', {
+	options: 'Alternativer for høyreklikkmeny'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ce76b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'nl', {
+	options: 'Contextmenu opties'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92c0d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'no', {
+	options: 'Alternativer for høyreklikkmeny'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..493e903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'pl', {
+	options: 'Opcje menu kontekstowego'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..672b7cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'pt-br', {
+	options: 'Opções Menu de Contexto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f23342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'pt', {
+	options: 'Menu de opções de contexto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d07e624
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'ro', {
+	options: 'Opțiuni Meniu Contextual'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d0563c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'ru', {
+	options: 'Параметры контекстного меню'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5684591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'sk', {
+	options: 'Možnosti kontextového menu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..128a905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'sl', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4bfd41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'sr-latn', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4580cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'sr', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..755947e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'sv', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa6b097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'th', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77ec969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'tr', {
+	options: 'İçerik Menüsü Seçenekleri'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a86d3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'ug', {
+	options: 'قىسقا يول تىزىملىك تاللانمىسى'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f78d37b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'uk', {
+	options: 'Опції контекстного меню'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21e021b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'vi', {
+	options: 'Tùy chọn menu bổ xung'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0aa7ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'zh-cn', {
+	options: '快捷菜单选项'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8362c39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'contextmenu', 'zh', {
+	options: 'Context Menu Options' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/plugin.js
index b009dee..70f47a7 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/contextmenu/plugin.js
@@ -1,276 +1,166 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'contextmenu',
-	requires : [ 'menu' ],
-	beforeInit : function( editor )
-	{
-		editor.contextMenu = new CKEDITOR.plugins.contextMenu( editor );
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-		editor.addCommand( 'contextMenu',
-			{
-				exec : function()
-					{
-						editor.contextMenu.show( editor.document.getBody() );
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'contextmenu', {
+	requires: 'menu',
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	// Make sure the base class (CKEDITOR.menu) is loaded before it (#3318).
+	onLoad: function() {
+		CKEDITOR.plugins.contextMenu = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+			base: CKEDITOR.menu,
+			$: function( editor ) {
+				this.base.call( this, editor, {
+					panel: {
+						className: 'cke_menu_panel',
+						attributes: {
+							'aria-label': editor.lang.contextmenu.options
+						}
-			});
-	}
-CKEDITOR.plugins.contextMenu = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
-	$ : function( editor )
-	{
-		this.id = 'cke_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
-		this.editor = editor;
-		this._.listeners = [];
-		this._.functionId = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( commandName )
-			{
-				this._.panel.hide();
-				editor.focus();
-				editor.execCommand( commandName );
+				});
-			this);
-		this.definition =
-		{
-			panel:
-			{
-				className : editor.skinClass + ' cke_contextmenu',
-				attributes :
-				{
-					'aria-label' : editor.lang.contextmenu.options
-				}
-			}
-		};
-	},
+			proto: {
+				addTarget: function( element, nativeContextMenuOnCtrl ) {
+					// Opera doesn't support 'contextmenu' event, we have duo approaches employed here:
+					// 1. Inherit the 'button override' hack we introduced in v2 (#4530), while this require the Opera browser
+					//  option 'Allow script to detect context menu/right click events' to be always turned on.
+					// 2. Considering the fact that ctrl/meta key is not been occupied
+					//  for multiple range selecting (like Gecko), we use this key
+					//  combination as a fallback for triggering context-menu. (#4530)
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera && !( 'oncontextmenu' in document.body ) ) {
+						var contextMenuOverrideButton;
+						element.on( 'mousedown', function( evt ) {
+							evt = evt.data;
+							if ( evt.$.button != 2 ) {
+								if ( evt.getKeystroke() == CKEDITOR.CTRL + 1 )
+									element.fire( 'contextmenu', evt );
+								return;
+							}
+							if ( nativeContextMenuOnCtrl && ( CKEDITOR.env.mac ? evt.$.metaKey : evt.$.ctrlKey ) )
+								return;
+							var target = evt.getTarget();
+							if ( !contextMenuOverrideButton ) {
+								var ownerDoc = target.getDocument();
+								contextMenuOverrideButton = ownerDoc.createElement( 'input' );
+								contextMenuOverrideButton.$.type = 'button';
+								ownerDoc.getBody().append( contextMenuOverrideButton );
+							}
+							contextMenuOverrideButton.setAttribute( 'style', 'position:absolute;top:' + ( evt.$.clientY - 2 ) +
+								'px;left:' + ( evt.$.clientX - 2 ) +
+								'px;width:5px;height:5px;opacity:0.01' );
+						});
+						element.on( 'mouseup', function( evt ) {
+							if ( contextMenuOverrideButton ) {
+								contextMenuOverrideButton.remove();
+								contextMenuOverrideButton = undefined;
+								// Simulate 'contextmenu' event.
+								element.fire( 'contextmenu', evt.data );
+							}
+						});
+					}
-	_ :
-	{
-		onMenu : function( offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY )
-		{
-			var menu = this._.menu,
-				editor = this.editor;
+					element.on( 'contextmenu', function( event ) {
+						var domEvent = event.data;
-			if ( menu )
-			{
-				menu.hide();
-				menu.removeAll();
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				menu = this._.menu = new CKEDITOR.menu( editor, this.definition );
-				menu.onClick = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function( item )
-				{
-					menu.hide();
+						if ( nativeContextMenuOnCtrl &&
+						// Safari on Windows always show 'ctrlKey' as true in 'contextmenu' event,
+						// which make this property unreliable. (#4826)
+						( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? holdCtrlKey : ( CKEDITOR.env.mac ? domEvent.$.metaKey : domEvent.$.ctrlKey ) ) )
+							return;
-					if ( item.onClick )
-						item.onClick();
-					else if ( item.command )
-						editor.execCommand( item.command );
-				}, this );
+						// Cancel the browser context menu.
+						domEvent.preventDefault();
-				menu.onEscape = function( keystroke )
-				{
-					var parent = this.parent;
-					// 1. If it's sub-menu, restore the last focused item
-					// of upper level menu.
-					// 2. In case of a top-menu, close it.
-					if ( parent )
-					{
-						parent._.panel.hideChild();
-						// Restore parent block item focus.
-						var parentBlock = parent._.panel._.panel._.currentBlock,
-							parentFocusIndex =  parentBlock._.focusIndex;
-						parentBlock._.markItem( parentFocusIndex );
-					}
-					else if ( keystroke == 27 )
-					{
-						this.hide();
-						editor.focus();
-					}
-					return false;
-				};
-			}
+						var doc = domEvent.getTarget().getDocument(),
+							offsetParent = domEvent.getTarget().getDocument().getDocumentElement(),
+							fromFrame = !doc.equals( CKEDITOR.document ),
+							scroll = doc.getWindow().getScrollPosition(),
+							offsetX = fromFrame ? domEvent.$.clientX : domEvent.$.pageX || scroll.x + domEvent.$.clientX,
+							offsetY = fromFrame ? domEvent.$.clientY : domEvent.$.pageY || scroll.y + domEvent.$.clientY;
-			var listeners = this._.listeners,
-				includedItems = [];
+						CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() {
+							this.open( offsetParent, null, offsetX, offsetY );
-			var selection = this.editor.getSelection(),
-				element = selection && selection.getStartElement();
+							// IE needs a short while to allow selection change before opening menu. (#7908)
+						}, CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 200 : 0, this );
+					}, this );
-			menu.onHide = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function()
-				{
-					menu.onHide = null;
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera ) {
+						// 'contextmenu' event triggered by Windows menu key is unpreventable,
+						// cancel the key event itself. (#6534)
+						element.on( 'keypress', function( evt ) {
+							var domEvent = evt.data;
-					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-					{
-						var selection = editor.getSelection();
-						selection && selection.unlock();
+							if ( domEvent.$.keyCode === 0 )
+								domEvent.preventDefault();
+						});
-					this.onHide && this.onHide();
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
+						var holdCtrlKey,
+							onKeyDown = function( event ) {
+								holdCtrlKey = CKEDITOR.env.mac ? event.data.$.metaKey : event.data.$.ctrlKey;
+							},
+							resetOnKeyUp = function() {
+								holdCtrlKey = 0;
+							};
+						element.on( 'keydown', onKeyDown );
+						element.on( 'keyup', resetOnKeyUp );
+						element.on( 'contextmenu', resetOnKeyUp );
+					}
-				this );
-			// Call all listeners, filling the list of items to be displayed.
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < listeners.length ; i++ )
-			{
-				var listenerItems = listeners[ i ]( element, selection );
+				open: function( offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY ) {
+					this.editor.focus();
+					offsetParent = offsetParent || CKEDITOR.document.getDocumentElement();
-				if ( listenerItems )
-				{
-					for ( var itemName in listenerItems )
-					{
-						var item = this.editor.getMenuItem( itemName );
+					// #9362: Force selection check to update commands' states in the new context.
+					this.editor.selectionChange( 1 );
-						if ( item )
-						{
-							item.state = listenerItems[ itemName ];
-							menu.add( item );
-						}
-					}
+					this.show( offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY );
-			// Don't show context menu with zero items.
-			menu.items.length && menu.show( offsetParent, corner || ( editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' ? 2 : 1 ), offsetX, offsetY );
-		}
+		});
-	proto :
-	{
-		addTarget : function( element, nativeContextMenuOnCtrl )
-		{
-			// Opera doesn't support 'contextmenu' event, we have duo approaches employed here:
-			// 1. Inherit the 'button override' hack we introduced in v2 (#4530), while this require the Opera browser
-			//  option 'Allow script to detect context menu/right click events' to be always turned on.
-			// 2. Considering the fact that ctrl/meta key is not been occupied
-			//  for multiple range selecting (like Gecko), we use this key
-			//  combination as a fallback for triggering context-menu. (#4530)
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera )
-			{
-				var contextMenuOverrideButton;
-				element.on( 'mousedown', function( evt )
-				{
-					evt = evt.data;
-					if ( evt.$.button != 2 )
-					{
-						if ( evt.getKeystroke() == CKEDITOR.CTRL + 1 )
-							element.fire( 'contextmenu', evt );
-						return;
-					}
-					if ( nativeContextMenuOnCtrl
-						 && ( CKEDITOR.env.mac ? evt.$.metaKey : evt.$.ctrlKey ) )
-						return;
-					var target = evt.getTarget();
-					if ( !contextMenuOverrideButton )
-					{
-						var ownerDoc =  target.getDocument();
-						contextMenuOverrideButton = ownerDoc.createElement( 'input' ) ;
-						contextMenuOverrideButton.$.type = 'button' ;
-						ownerDoc.getBody().append( contextMenuOverrideButton ) ;
-					}
-					contextMenuOverrideButton.setAttribute( 'style', 'position:absolute;top:' + ( evt.$.clientY - 2 ) +
-						'px;left:' + ( evt.$.clientX - 2 ) +
-						'px;width:5px;height:5px;opacity:0.01' );
-				} );
-				element.on( 'mouseup', function ( evt )
-				{
-					if ( contextMenuOverrideButton )
-					{
-						contextMenuOverrideButton.remove();
-						contextMenuOverrideButton = undefined;
-						// Simulate 'contextmenu' event.
-						element.fire( 'contextmenu', evt.data );
-					}
-				} );
-			}
-			element.on( 'contextmenu', function( event )
-				{
-					var domEvent = event.data;
-					if ( nativeContextMenuOnCtrl &&
-					     // Safari on Windows always show 'ctrlKey' as true in 'contextmenu' event,
-						// which make this property unreliable. (#4826)
-					     ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? holdCtrlKey : ( CKEDITOR.env.mac ? domEvent.$.metaKey : domEvent.$.ctrlKey ) ) )
-						return;
-					// Cancel the browser context menu.
-					domEvent.preventDefault();
-					var offsetParent = domEvent.getTarget().getDocument().getDocumentElement(),
-						offsetX = domEvent.$.clientX,
-						offsetY = domEvent.$.clientY;
-					CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function()
-						{
-							this.show( offsetParent, null, offsetX, offsetY );
-						},
-						0, this );
-				},
-				this );
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
-			{
-				var holdCtrlKey,
-					onKeyDown = function( event )
-					{
-						holdCtrlKey = CKEDITOR.env.mac ? event.data.$.metaKey : event.data.$.ctrlKey ;
-					},
-					resetOnKeyUp = function()
-					{
-						holdCtrlKey = 0;
-					};
-				element.on( 'keydown', onKeyDown );
-				element.on( 'keyup', resetOnKeyUp );
-				element.on( 'contextmenu', resetOnKeyUp );
-			}
-		},
-		addListener : function( listenerFn )
-		{
-			this._.listeners.push( listenerFn );
-		},
+	beforeInit: function( editor ) {
+		var contextMenu = editor.contextMenu = new CKEDITOR.plugins.contextMenu( editor );
-		show : function( offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY )
-		{
-			this.editor.focus();
+		editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
+			contextMenu.addTarget( editor.editable(), editor.config.browserContextMenuOnCtrl !== false );
+		});
-			// Selection will be unavailable after context menu shows up
-			// in IE, lock it now.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			{
-				var selection = this.editor.getSelection();
-				selection && selection.lock();
+		editor.addCommand( 'contextMenu', {
+			exec: function() {
+				editor.contextMenu.open( editor.document.getBody() );
+		});
-			this._.onMenu( offsetParent || CKEDITOR.document.getDocumentElement(), corner, offsetX || 0, offsetY || 0 );
-		}
+		editor.setKeystroke( CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 121 /*F10*/, 'contextMenu' );
+		editor.setKeystroke( CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 121 /*F10*/, 'contextMenu' );
- * Whether to show the browser native context menu when the CTRL or the
- * META (Mac) key is pressed while opening the context menu.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.browserContextMenuOnCtrl
+ * Whether to show the browser native context menu when the *Ctrl* or
+ * *Meta* (Mac) key is pressed on opening the context menu with the
+ * right mouse button click or the *Menu* key.
+ *
+ *		config.browserContextMenuOnCtrl = false;
+ *
  * @since 3.0.2
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.browserContextMenuOnCtrl = false;
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [browserContextMenuOnCtrl=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/dialogDefinition.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/dialogDefinition.js
index a3094f6..5efdbbc 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/dialogDefinition.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/dialogDefinition.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
  * @fileOverview Defines the "virtual" dialog, dialog content and dialog button
@@ -9,307 +9,989 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * The definition of a dialog window.
+ *
  * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties
  * that developers can use to define and create dialogs.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinition
- * @constructor
- * @example
- * // There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
- * // object with the appropriate properties.
- *
- * CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'testOnly', function( editor )
- *       {
- *           return {
- *               title : 'Test Dialog',
- *               resizable : CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH,
- *               minWidth : 500,
- *               minHeight : 400,
- *               contents : [
- *                   {
- *                       id : 'tab1',
- *                       label : 'First Tab',
- *                       title : 'First Tab Title',
- *                       accessKey : 'Q',
- *                       elements : [
- *                           {
- *                               type : 'text',
- *                               label : 'Test Text 1',
- *                               id : 'testText1',
- *                               'default' : 'hello world!'
- *                           }
- *                       ]
- *                    }
- *               ]
- *           };
- *       });
+ *
+ *		// There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
+ *		// object with the appropriate properties.
+ *
+ *		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'testOnly', function( editor ) {
+ *			return {
+ *				title:			'Test Dialog',
+ *				minWidth:		500,
+ *				minHeight:		400,
+ *				contents: [
+ *					{
+ *						id:			'tab1',
+ *						label:		'First Tab',
+ *						title:		'First Tab Title',
+ *						accessKey:	'Q',
+ *						elements: [
+ *							{
+ *								type:			'text',
+ *								label:			'Test Text 1',
+ *								id:				'testText1',
+ *								'default':		'hello world!'
+ *							}
+ *						]
+ *					}
+ *				]
+ *			};
+ *		} );
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition
  * The dialog title, displayed in the dialog's header. Required.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinition.prototype.title
- * @field
- * @type String
- * @example
+ *
+ * @property {String} title
  * How the dialog can be resized, must be one of the four contents defined below.
- * <br /><br />
- * <strong>CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_NONE</strong><br />
- * <strong>CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_WIDTH</strong><br />
- * <strong>CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_HEIGHT</strong><br />
- * <strong>CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH</strong><br />
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinition.prototype.resizable
- * @field
- * @type Number
- * @example
+ *
+ *
+ * @property {Number} [resizable=CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_NONE]
  * The minimum width of the dialog, in pixels.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinition.prototype.minWidth
- * @field
- * @type Number
- * @default 600
- * @example
+ *
+ * @property {Number} [minWidth=600]
  * The minimum height of the dialog, in pixels.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinition.prototype.minHeight
- * @field
- * @type Number
- * @default 400
- * @example
+ *
+ * @property {Number} [minHeight=400]
+ */
+ * The initial width of the dialog, in pixels.
+ *
+ * @since 3.5.3
+ * @property {Number} [width=CKEDITOR.dialog.definition#minWidth]
+ */
+ * The initial height of the dialog, in pixels.
+ *
+ * @since 3.5.3
+ * @property {Number} [height=CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.minHeight]
  * The buttons in the dialog, defined as an array of
- * {@link CKEDITOR.dialog.buttonDefinition} objects.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinition.prototype.buttons
- * @field
- * @type Array
- * @default [ CKEDITOR.dialog.okButton, CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ]
- * @example
+ * {@link CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.button} objects.
+ *
+ * @property {Array} [buttons=[ CKEDITOR.dialog.okButton, CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ]]
  * The contents in the dialog, defined as an array of
- * {@link CKEDITOR.dialog.contentDefinition} objects. Required.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinition.prototype.contents
- * @field
- * @type Array
- * @example
+ * {@link CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.content} objects. Required.
+ *
+ * @property {Array} contents
  * The function to execute when OK is pressed.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinition.prototype.onOk
- * @field
- * @type Function
- * @example
+ *
+ * @property {Function} onOk
  * The function to execute when Cancel is pressed.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinition.prototype.onCancel
- * @field
- * @type Function
- * @example
+ *
+ * @property {Function} onCancel
  * The function to execute when the dialog is displayed for the first time.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinition.prototype.onLoad
- * @field
- * @type Function
- * @example
+ *
+ * @property {Function} onLoad
+ */
+ * The function to execute when the dialog is loaded (executed every time the dialog is opened).
+ *
+ * @property {Function} onShow
  * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties
  * that developers can use to define and create dialog content pages.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.contentDefinition
- * @constructor
- * @example
- * // There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
- * // object with the appropriate properties.
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.content.
  * The id of the content page.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.contentDefinition.prototype.id
- * @field
- * @type String
- * @example
+ *
+ * @property {String} id
  * The tab label of the content page.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.contentDefinition.prototype.label
- * @field
- * @type String
- * @example
+ *
+ * @property {String} label
  * The popup message of the tab label.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.contentDefinition.prototype.title
- * @field
- * @type String
- * @example
+ *
+ * @property {String} title
  * The CTRL hotkey for switching to the tab.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.contentDefinition.prototype.accessKey
- * @field
- * @type String
- * @example
- * contentDefinition.accessKey = 'Q';	// Switch to this page when CTRL-Q is pressed.
+ *
+ *		contentDefinition.accessKey = 'Q'; // Switch to this page when CTRL-Q is pressed.
+ *
+ * @property {String} accessKey
  * The UI elements contained in this content page, defined as an array of
- * {@link CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} objects.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.contentDefinition.prototype.elements
- * @field
- * @type Array
- * @example
+ * {@link CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} objects.
+ *
+ * @property {Array} elements
+ * The definition of user interface element (textarea, radio etc).
+ *
  * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties
- * that developers can use to define and create dialog buttons.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.buttonDefinition
- * @constructor
- * @example
- * // There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
- * // object with the appropriate properties.
+ * that developers can use to define and create dialog UI elements.
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement
+ * @see CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement
- * The id of the dialog button. Required.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.buttonDefinition.prototype.id
- * @type String
- * @field
- * @example
+ * The id of the UI element.
+ *
+ * @property {String} id
- * The label of the dialog button. Required.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.buttonDefinition.prototype.label
- * @type String
- * @field
- * @example
+ * The type of the UI element. Required.
+ *
+ * @property {String} type
- * The popup message of the dialog button.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.buttonDefinition.prototype.title
- * @type String
- * @field
- * @example
+ * The popup label of the UI element.
+ *
+ * @property {String} title
- * The CTRL hotkey for the button.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.buttonDefinition.prototype.accessKey
- * @type String
- * @field
- * @example
- * exitButton.accessKey = 'X';		// Button will be pressed when user presses CTRL-X
+ * CSS class names to append to the UI element.
+ *
+ * @property {String} className
- * Whether the button is disabled.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.buttonDefinition.prototype.disabled
- * @type Boolean
- * @field
- * @default false
- * @example
+ * Inline CSS classes to append to the UI element.
+ *
+ * @property {String} style
+ */
+ * Horizontal alignment (in container) of the UI element.
+ *
+ * @property {String} align
+ */
+ * Function to execute the first time the UI element is displayed.
+ *
+ * @property {Function} onLoad
+ */
+ * Function to execute whenever the UI element's parent dialog is displayed.
+ *
+ * @property {Function} onShow
+ */
+ * Function to execute whenever the UI element's parent dialog is closed.
+ *
+ * @property {Function} onHide
+ */
+ * Function to execute whenever the UI element's parent
+ * dialog's {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#setupContent} method is executed.
+ * It usually takes care of the respective UI element as a standalone element.
+ *
+ * @property {Function} setup
- * The function to execute when the button is clicked.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.buttonDefinition.prototype.onClick
- * @type Function
- * @field
- * @example
+ * Function to execute whenever the UI element's parent
+ * dialog's {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#commitContent} method is executed.
+ * It usually takes care of the respective UI element as a standalone element.
+ *
+ * @property {Function} commit
+// ----- hbox -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Horizontal layout box for dialog UI elements, auto-expends to available width of container.
+ *
+ * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties
+ * that developers can use to define and create horizontal layouts.
+ *
+ * Once the dialog is opened, the created element becomes a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox} object and can be accessed with {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#getContentElement}.
+ *
+ *		// There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
+ *		// object with the appropriate properties.
+ *
+ *		// Example:
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'hbox',
+ *			widths: [ '25%', '25%', '50%' ],
+ *			children: [
+ *				{
+ *					type: 'text',
+ *					id: 'id1',
+ *					width: '40px',
+ *				},
+ *				{
+ *					type: 'text',
+ *					id: 'id2',
+ *					width: '40px',
+ *				},
+ *				{
+ *					type: 'text',
+ *					id: 'id3'
+ *				}
+ *			]
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.hbox
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement
+ */
+ * Array of {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement} objects inside this container.
+ *
+ * @property {Array} children
+ */
+ * (Optional) The widths of child cells.
+ *
+ * @property {Array} widths
+ */
+ * (Optional) The height of the layout.
+ *
+ * @property {Number} height
+ */
+ * The CSS styles to apply to this element.
+ *
+ * @property {String} styles
+ */
+ * (Optional) The padding width inside child cells. Example: 0, 1.
+ *
+ * @property {Number} padding
+ */
+ * (Optional) The alignment of the whole layout. Example: center, top.
+ *
+ * @property {String} align
+ */
+// ----- vbox -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Vertical layout box for dialog UI elements.
+ *
+ * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties
+ * that developers can use to define and create vertical layouts.
+ *
+ * Once the dialog is opened, the created element becomes a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.vbox} object and can
+ * be accessed with {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#getContentElement}.
+ *
+ *		// There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
+ *		// object with the appropriate properties.
+ *
+ *		// Example:
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'vbox',
+ *			align: 'right',
+ *			width: '200px',
+ *			children: [
+ *				{
+ *					type: 'text',
+ *					id: 'age',
+ *					label: 'Age'
+ *				},
+ *				{
+ *					type: 'text',
+ *					id: 'sex',
+ *					label: 'Sex'
+ *				},
+ *				{
+ *					type: 'text',
+ *					id: 'nationality',
+ *					label: 'Nationality'
+ *				}
+ *			]
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.vbox
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement
+ */
+ * Array of {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement} objects inside this container.
+ *
+ * @property {Array} children
+ */
+ * (Optional) The width of the layout.
+ *
+ * @property {Array} width
+ */
+ * (Optional) The heights of individual cells.
+ *
+ * @property {Number} heights
+ */
+ * The CSS styles to apply to this element.
+ *
+ * @property {String} styles
+ */
+ * (Optional) The padding width inside child cells. Example: 0, 1.
+ *
+ * @property {Number} padding
+ */
+ * (Optional) The alignment of the whole layout. Example: center, top.
+ *
+ * @property {String} align
+ */
+ * (Optional) Whether the layout should expand vertically to fill its container.
+ *
+ * @property {Boolean} expand
+ */
+// ----- labeled element ------------------------------------------------------
+ * The definition of labeled user interface element (textarea, textInput etc).
+ *
  * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties
  * that developers can use to define and create dialog UI elements.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition
- * @constructor
- * @see CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement
- * @example
- * // There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
- * // object with the appropriate properties.
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.labeledElement
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement
+ * @see CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement
- * The id of the UI element.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition.prototype.id
- * @field
- * @type String
- * @example
+ * The label of the UI element.
+ *
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'text',
+ *			label: 'My Label'
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @property {String} label
- * The type of the UI element. Required.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition.prototype.type
- * @field
- * @type String
- * @example
+ * (Optional) Specify the layout of the label. Set to `'horizontal'` for horizontal layout.
+ * The default layout is vertical.
+ *
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'text',
+ *			label: 'My Label',
+ *			labelLayout: 'horizontal'
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @property {String} labelLayout
- * The popup label of the UI element.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition.prototype.title
- * @field
- * @type String
- * @example
+ * (Optional) Applies only to horizontal layouts: a two elements array of lengths to specify the widths of the
+ * label and the content element. See also {@link CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.labeledElement#labelLayout}.
+ *
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'text',
+ *			label: 'My Label',
+ *			labelLayout: 'horizontal',
+ *			widths: [100, 200]
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @property {Array} widths
- * CSS class names to append to the UI element.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition.prototype.className
- * @field
- * @type String
- * @example
+ * Specify the inline style of the uiElement label.
+ *
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'text',
+ *			label: 'My Label',
+ *			labelStyle: 'color: red'
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @property {String} labelStyle
- * Inline CSS classes to append to the UI element.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition.prototype.style
- * @field
- * @type String
- * @example
+ * Specify the inline style of the input element.
+ *
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'text',
+ *			label: 'My Label',
+ *			inputStyle: 'text-align: center'
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @since 3.6.1
+ * @property {String} inputStyle
- * Function to execute the first time the UI element is displayed.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition.prototype.onLoad
- * @field
- * @type Function
- * @example
+ * Specify the inline style of the input element container.
+ *
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'text',
+ *			label: 'My Label',
+ *			controlStyle: 'width: 3em'
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @since 3.6.1
+ * @property {String} controlStyle
+// ----- button ---------------------------------------------------------------
- * Function to execute whenever the UI element's parent dialog is displayed.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition.prototype.onShow
- * @field
- * @type Function
- * @example
+ * The definition of a button.
+ *
+ * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties
+ * that developers can use to define and create buttons.
+ *
+ * Once the dialog is opened, the created element becomes a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button} object
+ * and can be accessed with {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#getContentElement}.
+ *
+ * For a complete example of dialog definition, please check {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#add}.
+ *
+ *		// There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
+ *		// object with the appropriate properties.
+ *
+ *		// Example:
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'button',
+ *			id: 'buttonId',
+ *			label: 'Click me',
+ *			title: 'My title',
+ *			onClick: function() {
+ *				// this = CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button
+ *				alert( 'Clicked: ' + this.id );
+ *			}
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.button
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement
- * Function to execute whenever the UI element's parent dialog is closed.
- * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition.prototype.onHide
- * @field
- * @type Function
- * @example
+ * Whether the button is disabled.
+ *
+ * @property {Boolean} disabled
+ */
+ * The label of the UI element.
+ *
+ * @property {String} label
+ */
+// ----- checkbox ------
+ * The definition of a checkbox element.
+ *
+ * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties
+ * that developers can use to define and create groups of checkbox buttons.
+ *
+ * Once the dialog is opened, the created element becomes a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox} object
+ * and can be accessed with {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#getContentElement}.
+ *
+ * For a complete example of dialog definition, please check {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#add}.
+ *
+ *		// There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
+ *		// object with the appropriate properties.
+ *
+ *		// Example:
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'checkbox',
+ *			id: 'agree',
+ *			label: 'I agree',
+ *			'default': 'checked',
+ *			onClick: function() {
+ *				// this = CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox
+ *				alert( 'Checked: ' + this.getValue() );
+ *			}
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.checkbox
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement
+ */
+ * (Optional) The validation function.
+ *
+ * @property {Function} validate
+ */
+ * The label of the UI element.
+ *
+ * @property {String} label
+ */
+ * The default state.
+ *
+ * @property {String} [default='' (unchecked)]
+ */
+// ----- file -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * The definition of a file upload input.
+ *
+ * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties
+ * that developers can use to define and create file upload elements.
+ *
+ * Once the dialog is opened, the created element becomes a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file} object
+ * and can be accessed with {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#getContentElement}.
+ *
+ * For a complete example of dialog definition, please check {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#add}.
+ *
+ *		// There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
+ *		// object with the appropriate properties.
+ *
+ *		// Example:
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'file',
+ *			id: 'upload',
+ *			label: 'Select file from your computer',
+ *			size: 38
+ *		},
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'fileButton',
+ *			id: 'fileId',
+ *			label: 'Upload file',
+ *			'for': [ 'tab1', 'upload' ],
+ *			filebrowser: {
+ *				onSelect: function( fileUrl, data ) {
+ *					alert( 'Successfully uploaded: ' + fileUrl );
+ *				}
+ *			}
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.file
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.labeledElement
+ */
+ * (Optional) The validation function.
+ *
+ * @property {Function} validate
+ */
+ * (Optional) The action attribute of the form element associated with this file upload input.
+ * If empty, CKEditor will use path to server connector for currently opened folder.
+ *
+ * @property {String} action
+ */
+ * The size of the UI element.
+ *
+ * @property {Number} size
+ */
+// ----- fileButton -----------------------------------------------------------
+ * The definition of a button for submitting the file in a file upload input.
+ *
+ * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties
+ * that developers can use to define and create a button for submitting the file in a file upload input.
+ *
+ * Once the dialog is opened, the created element becomes a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.fileButton} object
+ * and can be accessed with {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#getContentElement}.
+ *
+ * For a complete example of dialog definition, please check {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#add}.
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.fileButton
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement
+ */
+ * (Optional) The validation function.
+ *
+ * @property {Function} validate
+ */
+ * The label of the UI element.
+ *
+ * @property {String} label
+ */
+ * The instruction for CKEditor how to deal with file upload.
+ * By default, the file and fileButton elements will not work "as expected" if this attribute is not set.
+ *
+ *		// Update field with id 'txtUrl' in the 'tab1' tab when file is uploaded.
+ *		filebrowser: 'tab1:txtUrl'
+ *
+ *		// Call custom onSelect function when file is successfully uploaded.
+ *		filebrowser: {
+ *			onSelect: function( fileUrl, data ) {
+ *				alert( 'Successfully uploaded: ' + fileUrl );
+ *			}
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @property {String} filebrowser/Object
+ */
+ * An array that contains pageId and elementId of the file upload input element for which this button is created.
+ *
+ *		[ pageId, elementId ]
+ *
+ * @property {String} for
+ */
+// ----- html -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * The definition of a raw HTML element.
+ *
+ * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties
+ * that developers can use to define and create elements made from raw HTML code.
+ *
+ * Once the dialog is opened, the created element becomes a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.html} object
+ * and can be accessed with {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#getContentElement}.
+ *
+ * For a complete example of dialog definition, please check {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#add}.
+ * To access HTML elements use {@link CKEDITOR.dom.document#getById}.
+ *
+ *		// There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
+ *		// object with the appropriate properties.
+ *
+ *		// Example 1:
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'html',
+ *			html: '<h3>This is some sample HTML content.</h3>'
+ *		}
+ *
+ *		// Example 2:
+ *		// Complete sample with document.getById() call when the "Ok" button is clicked.
+ *		var dialogDefinition = {
+ *			title: 'Sample dialog',
+ *			minWidth: 300,
+ *			minHeight: 200,
+ *			onOk: function() {
+ *				// "this" is now a CKEDITOR.dialog object.
+ *				var document = this.getElement().getDocument();
+ *				// document = CKEDITOR.dom.document
+ *				var element = <b>document.getById( 'myDiv' );</b>
+ *				if ( element )
+ *					alert( element.getHtml() );
+ *			},
+ *			contents: [
+ *				{
+ *					id: 'tab1',
+ *					label: '',
+ *					title: '',
+ *					elements: [
+ *						{
+ *							type: 'html',
+ *							html: '<div id="myDiv">Sample <b>text</b>.</div><div id="otherId">Another div.</div>'
+ *						}
+ *					]
+ *				}
+ *			],
+ *			buttons: [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton, CKEDITOR.dialog.okButton ]
+ *		};
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.html
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement
+ */
+ * (Required) HTML code of this element.
+ *
+ * @property {String} html
+ */
+// ----- radio ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * The definition of a radio group.
+ *
+ * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties
+ * that developers can use to define and create groups of radio buttons.
+ *
+ * Once the dialog is opened, the created element becomes a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.radio} object
+ * and can be accessed with {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#getContentElement}.
+ *
+ * For a complete example of dialog definition, please check {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#add}.
+ *
+ *		// There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
+ *		// object with the appropriate properties.
+ *
+ *		// Example:
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'radio',
+ *			id: 'country',
+ *			label: 'Which country is bigger',
+ *			items: [ [ 'France', 'FR' ], [ 'Germany', 'DE' ] ],
+ *			style: 'color: green',
+ *			'default': 'DE',
+ *			onClick: function() {
+ *				// this = CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.radio
+ *				alert( 'Current value: ' + this.getValue() );
+ *			}
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.radio
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.labeledElement
+ */
+ * The default value.
+ *
+ * @property {String} default
+ */
+ * (Optional) The validation function.
+ *
+ * @property {Function} validate
+ */
+ * An array of options. Each option is a 1- or 2-item array of format `[ 'Description', 'Value' ]`.
+ * If `'Value'` is missing, then the value would be assumed to be the same as the description.
+ *
+ * @property {Array} items
+ */
+// ----- selectElement --------------------------------------------------------
+ * The definition of a select element.
+ *
+ * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties
+ * that developers can use to define and create select elements.
+ *
+ * Once the dialog is opened, the created element becomes a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.select} object
+ * and can be accessed with {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#getContentElement}.
+ *
+ * For a complete example of dialog definition, please check {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#add}.
+ *
+ *		// There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
+ *		// object with the appropriate properties.
+ *
+ *		// Example:
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'select',
+ *			id: 'sport',
+ *			label: 'Select your favourite sport',
+ *			items: [ [ 'Basketball' ], [ 'Baseball' ], [ 'Hockey' ], [ 'Football' ] ],
+ *			'default': 'Football',
+ *			onChange: function( api ) {
+ *				// this = CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.select
+ *				alert( 'Current value: ' + this.getValue() );
+ *			}
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.select
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.labeledElement
+ */
+ * The default value.
+ *
+ * @property {String} default
+ */
+ * (Optional) The validation function.
+ *
+ * @property {Function} validate
+ */
+ * An array of options. Each option is a 1- or 2-item array of format `[ 'Description', 'Value' ]`.
+ * If `'Value'` is missing, then the value would be assumed to be the same as the description.
+ *
+ * @property {Array} items
+ */
+ * (Optional) Set this to true if you'd like to have a multiple-choice select box.
+ *
+ * @property {Boolean} [multiple=false]
+ */
+ * (Optional) The number of items to display in the select box.
+ *
+ * @property {Number} size
+ */
+// ----- textInput ------------------------------------------------------------
+ * The definition of a text field (single line).
+ *
+ * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties
+ * that developers can use to define and create text fields.
+ *
+ * Once the dialog is opened, the created element becomes a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textInput} object
+ * and can be accessed with {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#getContentElement}.
+ *
+ * For a complete example of dialog definition, please check {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#add}.
+ *
+ *		// There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
+ *		// object with the appropriate properties.
+ *
+ *		{
+ *			type: 'text',
+ *			id: 'name',
+ *			label: 'Your name',
+ *			'default': '',
+ *			validate: function() {
+ *				if ( !this.getValue() ) {
+ *					api.openMsgDialog( '', 'Name cannot be empty.' );
+ *					return false;
+ *				}
+ *			}
+ *		}
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.textInput
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.labeledElement
+ */
+ * The default value.
+ *
+ * @property {String} default
+ */
+ * (Optional) The maximum length.
+ *
+ * @property {Number} maxLength
+ */
+ * (Optional) The size of the input field.
+ *
+ * @property {Number} size
+ */
+ * (Optional) The validation function.
+ *
+ * @property {Function} validate
+ */
+// ----- textarea -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * The definition of a text field (multiple lines).
+ *
+ * This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties
+ * that developers can use to define and create textarea.
+ *
+ * Once the dialog is opened, the created element becomes a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textarea} object
+ * and can be accessed with {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#getContentElement}.
+ *
+ * For a complete example of dialog definition, please check {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#add}.
+ *
+* 		// There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
+* 		// object with the appropriate properties.
+* 		// Example:
+* 		{
+* 			type: 'textarea',
+* 			id: 'message',
+* 			label: 'Your comment',
+* 			'default': '',
+* 			validate: function() {
+* 				if ( this.getValue().length < 5 ) {
+* 					api.openMsgDialog( 'The comment is too short.' );
+* 					return false;
+* 				}
+* 			}
+* 		}
+ *
+ * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.textarea
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.labeledElement
+ */
+ * The number of rows.
+ *
+ * @property {Number} rows
+ */
+ * The number of columns.
+ *
+ * @property {Number} cols
+ */
+ * (Optional) The validation function.
+ *
+ * @property {Function} validate
+ */
+ * The default value.
+ *
+ * @property {String} default
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/plugin.js
index d708616..6d20620 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/plugin.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
  * @fileOverview The floating dialog plugin.
@@ -9,43 +9,53 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  * No resize for this dialog.
- * @constant
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=0]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
  * Only allow horizontal resizing for this dialog, disable vertical resizing.
- * @constant
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=1]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
  * Only allow vertical resizing for this dialog, disable horizontal resizing.
- * @constant
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=2]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
  * Allow the dialog to be resized in both directions.
- * @constant
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {Number} [=3]
+ * @member CKEDITOR
-	function isTabVisible( tabId )
-	{
+(function() {
+	var cssLength = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength;
+	function isTabVisible( tabId ) {
 		return !!this._.tabs[ tabId ][ 0 ].$.offsetHeight;
-	function getPreviousVisibleTab()
-	{
+	function getPreviousVisibleTab() {
 		var tabId = this._.currentTabId,
 			length = this._.tabIdList.length,
 			tabIndex = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( this._.tabIdList, tabId ) + length;
-		for ( var i = tabIndex - 1 ; i > tabIndex - length ; i-- )
-		{
+		for ( var i = tabIndex - 1; i > tabIndex - length; i-- ) {
 			if ( isTabVisible.call( this, this._.tabIdList[ i % length ] ) )
 				return this._.tabIdList[ i % length ];
@@ -53,14 +63,12 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 		return null;
-	function getNextVisibleTab()
-	{
+	function getNextVisibleTab() {
 		var tabId = this._.currentTabId,
 			length = this._.tabIdList.length,
 			tabIndex = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( this._.tabIdList, tabId );
-		for ( var i = tabIndex + 1 ; i < tabIndex + length ; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( var i = tabIndex + 1; i < tabIndex + length; i++ ) {
 			if ( isTabVisible.call( this, this._.tabIdList[ i % length ] ) )
 				return this._.tabIdList[ i % length ];
@@ -69,22 +77,16 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
-	function clearOrRecoverTextInputValue( container, isRecover )
-	{
+	function clearOrRecoverTextInputValue( container, isRecover ) {
 		var inputs = container.$.getElementsByTagName( 'input' );
-		for ( var i = 0, length = inputs.length; i < length ; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( var i = 0, length = inputs.length; i < length; i++ ) {
 			var item = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( inputs[ i ] );
-			if ( item.getAttribute( 'type' ).toLowerCase() == 'text' )
-			{
-				if ( isRecover )
-				{
+			if ( item.getAttribute( 'type' ).toLowerCase() == 'text' ) {
+				if ( isRecover ) {
 					item.setAttribute( 'value', item.getCustomData( 'fake_value' ) || '' );
 					item.removeCustomData( 'fake_value' );
-				}
-				else
-				{
+				} else {
 					item.setCustomData( 'fake_value', item.getAttribute( 'value' ) );
 					item.setAttribute( 'value', '' );
@@ -92,22 +94,128 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
+	// Handle dialog element validation state UI changes.
+	function handleFieldValidated( isValid, msg ) {
+		var input = this.getInputElement();
+		if ( input ) {
+			isValid ? input.removeAttribute( 'aria-invalid' ) : input.setAttribute( 'aria-invalid', true );
+		}
+		if ( !isValid ) {
+			if ( this.select )
+				this.select();
+			else
+				this.focus();
+		}
+		msg && alert( msg );
+		this.fire( 'validated', { valid: isValid, msg: msg } );
+	}
+	function resetField() {
+		var input = this.getInputElement();
+		input && input.removeAttribute( 'aria-invalid' );
+	}
+	var templateSource = '<div class="cke cke_reset_all {editorId} {editorDialogClass}' +
+		'" dir="{langDir}"' +
+		' lang="{langCode}"' +
+		' role="application"' +
+		'>' +
+		'<table class="cke_dialog ' + CKEDITOR.env.cssClass + ' cke_{langDir}"' +
+			' aria-labelledby="cke_dialog_title_{id}"' +
+			' style="position:absolute" role="dialog">' +
+			'<tr><td role="presentation">' +
+			'<div class="cke_dialog_body" role="presentation">' +
+				'<div id="cke_dialog_title_{id}" class="cke_dialog_title" role="presentation"></div>' +
+				'<a id="cke_dialog_close_button_{id}" class="cke_dialog_close_button" href="javascript:void(0)" title="{closeTitle}" role="button"><span class="cke_label">X</span></a>' +
+				'<div id="cke_dialog_tabs_{id}" class="cke_dialog_tabs" role="tablist"></div>' +
+				'<table class="cke_dialog_contents" role="presentation">' +
+				'<tr>' +
+					'<td id="cke_dialog_contents_{id}" class="cke_dialog_contents_body" role="presentation"></td>' +
+				'</tr>' +
+				'<tr>' +
+					'<td id="cke_dialog_footer_{id}" class="cke_dialog_footer" role="presentation"></td>' +
+				'</tr>' +
+				'</table>' +
+			'</div>' +
+			'</td></tr>' +
+		'</table>' +
+		'</div>';
+	function buildDialog( editor ) {
+		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( CKEDITOR.addTemplate( 'dialog', templateSource ).output({
+			id: CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(),
+			editorId: editor.id,
+			langDir: editor.lang.dir,
+			langCode: editor.langCode,
+			editorDialogClass: 'cke_editor_' + editor.name.replace( /\./g, '\\.' ) + '_dialog',
+			closeTitle: editor.lang.common.close
+		}));
+		// TODO: Change this to getById(), so it'll support custom templates.
+		var body = element.getChild( [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ),
+			title = body.getChild( 0 ),
+			close = body.getChild( 1 );
+		// IFrame shim for dialog that masks activeX in IE. (#7619)
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) {
+			var isCustomDomain = CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain(),
+				src = 'javascript:void(function(){' + encodeURIComponent( 'document.open();' + ( isCustomDomain ? ( 'document.domain="' + document.domain + '";' ) : '' ) + 'document.close();' ) + '}())',
+				iframe = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<iframe' +
+					' frameBorder="0"' +
+					' class="cke_iframe_shim"' +
+					' src="' + src + '"' +
+					' tabIndex="-1"' +
+					'></iframe>' );
+			iframe.appendTo( body.getParent() );
+		}
+		// Make the Title and Close Button unselectable.
+		title.unselectable();
+		close.unselectable();
+		return {
+			element: element,
+			parts: {
+				dialog: element.getChild( 0 ),
+				title: title,
+				close: close,
+				tabs: body.getChild( 2 ),
+				contents: body.getChild( [ 3, 0, 0, 0 ] ),
+				footer: body.getChild( [ 3, 0, 1, 0 ] )
+			}
+		};
+	}
 	 * This is the base class for runtime dialog objects. An instance of this
 	 * class represents a single named dialog for a single editor instance.
+	 *
+	 *		var dialogObj = new CKEDITOR.dialog( editor, 'smiley' );
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @constructor Creates a dialog class instance.
 	 * @param {Object} editor The editor which created the dialog.
 	 * @param {String} dialogName The dialog's registered name.
-	 * @constructor
-	 * @example
-	 * var dialogObj = new CKEDITOR.dialog( editor, 'smiley' );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog = function( editor, dialogName )
-	{
+	CKEDITOR.dialog = function( editor, dialogName ) {
 		// Load the dialog definition.
-		var definition = CKEDITOR.dialog._.dialogDefinitions[ dialogName ];
+		var definition = CKEDITOR.dialog._.dialogDefinitions[ dialogName ],
+			defaultDefinition = CKEDITOR.tools.clone( defaultDialogDefinition ),
+			buttonsOrder = editor.config.dialog_buttonsOrder || 'OS',
+			dir = editor.lang.dir,
+			tabsToRemove = {},
+			i, processed, stopPropagation;
+		if ( ( buttonsOrder == 'OS' && CKEDITOR.env.mac ) || // The buttons in MacOS Apps are in reverse order (#4750)
+		( buttonsOrder == 'rtl' && dir == 'ltr' ) || ( buttonsOrder == 'ltr' && dir == 'rtl' ) )
+			defaultDefinition.buttons.reverse();
 		// Completes the definition with the default values.
-		definition = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( definition( editor ), defaultDialogDefinition );
+		definition = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( definition( editor ), defaultDefinition );
 		// Clone a functionally independent copy for this dialog.
 		definition = CKEDITOR.tools.clone( definition );
@@ -116,68 +224,86 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 		// functions.
 		definition = new definitionObject( this, definition );
 		var doc = CKEDITOR.document;
-		var themeBuilt = editor.theme.buildDialog( editor );
+		var themeBuilt = buildDialog( editor );
 		// Initialize some basic parameters.
-		this._ =
-		{
-			editor : editor,
-			element : themeBuilt.element,
-			name : dialogName,
-			contentSize : { width : 0, height : 0 },
-			size : { width : 0, height : 0 },
-			updateSize : false,
-			contents : {},
-			buttons : {},
-			accessKeyMap : {},
+		this._ = {
+			editor: editor,
+			element: themeBuilt.element,
+			name: dialogName,
+			contentSize: { width: 0, height: 0 },
+			size: { width: 0, height: 0 },
+			contents: {},
+			buttons: {},
+			accessKeyMap: {},
 			// Initialize the tab and page map.
-			tabs : {},
-			tabIdList : [],
-			currentTabId : null,
-			currentTabIndex : null,
-			pageCount : 0,
-			lastTab : null,
-			tabBarMode : false,
+			tabs: {},
+			tabIdList: [],
+			currentTabId: null,
+			currentTabIndex: null,
+			pageCount: 0,
+			lastTab: null,
+			tabBarMode: false,
 			// Initialize the tab order array for input widgets.
-			focusList : [],
-			currentFocusIndex : 0,
-			hasFocus : false
+			focusList: [],
+			currentFocusIndex: 0,
+			hasFocus: false
 		this.parts = themeBuilt.parts;
-		CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function()
-			{
-				editor.fire( 'ariaWidget', this.parts.contents );
-			},
-			0, this );
+		CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() {
+			editor.fire( 'ariaWidget', this.parts.contents );
+		}, 0, this );
 		// Set the startup styles for the dialog, avoiding it enlarging the
 		// page size on the dialog creation.
-		this.parts.dialog.setStyles(
-			{
-				position : CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ? 'absolute' : 'fixed',
-				top : 0,
-				left: 0,
-				visibility : 'hidden'
-			});
+		var startStyles = {
+			position: CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ? 'absolute' : 'fixed',
+			top: 0,
+			visibility: 'hidden'
+		};
+		startStyles[ dir == 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left' ] = 0;
+		this.parts.dialog.setStyles( startStyles );
 		// Call the CKEDITOR.event constructor to initialize this instance.
 		CKEDITOR.event.call( this );
 		// Fire the "dialogDefinition" event, making it possible to customize
 		// the dialog definition.
-		this.definition = definition = CKEDITOR.fire( 'dialogDefinition',
-			{
-				name : dialogName,
-				definition : definition
+		this.definition = definition = CKEDITOR.fire( 'dialogDefinition', {
+			name: dialogName,
+			definition: definition
+		}, editor ).definition;
+		// Cache tabs that should be removed.
+		if ( !( 'removeDialogTabs' in editor._ ) && editor.config.removeDialogTabs ) {
+			var removeContents = editor.config.removeDialogTabs.split( ';' );
+			for ( i = 0; i < removeContents.length; i++ ) {
+				var parts = removeContents[ i ].split( ':' );
+				if ( parts.length == 2 ) {
+					var removeDialogName = parts[ 0 ];
+					if ( !tabsToRemove[ removeDialogName ] )
+						tabsToRemove[ removeDialogName ] = [];
+					tabsToRemove[ removeDialogName ].push( parts[ 1 ] );
+				}
-			, editor ).definition;
+			editor._.removeDialogTabs = tabsToRemove;
+		}
+		// Remove tabs of this dialog.
+		if ( editor._.removeDialogTabs && ( tabsToRemove = editor._.removeDialogTabs[ dialogName ] ) ) {
+			for ( i = 0; i < tabsToRemove.length; i++ )
+				definition.removeContents( tabsToRemove[ i ] );
+		}
 		// Initialize load, show, hide, ok and cancel events.
 		if ( definition.onLoad )
 			this.on( 'load', definition.onLoad );
@@ -188,120 +314,97 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 		if ( definition.onHide )
 			this.on( 'hide', definition.onHide );
-		if ( definition.onOk )
-		{
-			this.on( 'ok', function( evt )
-				{
-					// Dialog confirm might probably introduce content changes (#5415).
+		if ( definition.onOk ) {
+			this.on( 'ok', function( evt ) {
+				// Dialog confirm might probably introduce content changes (#5415).
+				editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+				setTimeout( function() {
 					editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-					setTimeout( function () { editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' ); }, 0 );
-					if ( definition.onOk.call( this, evt ) === false )
-						evt.data.hide = false;
-				});
+				}, 0 );
+				if ( definition.onOk.call( this, evt ) === false )
+					evt.data.hide = false;
+			});
-		if ( definition.onCancel )
-		{
-			this.on( 'cancel', function( evt )
-				{
-					if ( definition.onCancel.call( this, evt ) === false )
-						evt.data.hide = false;
-				});
+		if ( definition.onCancel ) {
+			this.on( 'cancel', function( evt ) {
+				if ( definition.onCancel.call( this, evt ) === false )
+					evt.data.hide = false;
+			});
 		var me = this;
 		// Iterates over all items inside all content in the dialog, calling a
 		// function for each of them.
-		var iterContents = function( func )
-		{
-			var contents = me._.contents,
-				stop = false;
-			for ( var i in contents )
-			{
-				for ( var j in contents[i] )
-				{
-					stop = func.call( this, contents[i][j] );
-					if ( stop )
-						return;
+		var iterContents = function( func ) {
+				var contents = me._.contents,
+					stop = false;
+				for ( var i in contents ) {
+					for ( var j in contents[ i ] ) {
+						stop = func.call( this, contents[ i ][ j ] );
+						if ( stop )
+							return;
+					}
-			}
-		};
+			};
-		this.on( 'ok', function( evt )
-			{
-				iterContents( function( item )
-					{
-						if ( item.validate )
-						{
-							var isValid = item.validate( this );
-							if ( typeof isValid == 'string' )
-							{
-								alert( isValid );
-								isValid = false;
-							}
-							if ( isValid === false )
-							{
-								if ( item.select )
-									item.select();
-								else
-									item.focus();
-								evt.data.hide = false;
-								evt.stop();
-								return true;
-							}
-						}
-					});
-			}, this, null, 0 );
-		this.on( 'cancel', function( evt )
-			{
-				iterContents( function( item )
-					{
-						if ( item.isChanged() )
-						{
-							if ( !confirm( editor.lang.common.confirmCancel ) )
-								evt.data.hide = false;
-							return true;
-						}
-					});
-			}, this, null, 0 );
+		this.on( 'ok', function( evt ) {
+			iterContents( function( item ) {
+				if ( item.validate ) {
+					var retval = item.validate( this ),
+						invalid = typeof( retval ) == 'string' || retval === false;
-		this.parts.close.on( 'click', function( evt )
-				{
-					if ( this.fire( 'cancel', { hide : true } ).hide !== false )
-						this.hide();
-					evt.data.preventDefault();
-				}, this );
+					if ( invalid ) {
+						evt.data.hide = false;
+						evt.stop();
+					}
+					handleFieldValidated.call( item, !invalid, typeof retval == 'string' ? retval : undefined );
+					return invalid;
+				}
+			});
+		}, this, null, 0 );
+		this.on( 'cancel', function( evt ) {
+			iterContents( function( item ) {
+				if ( item.isChanged() ) {
+					if ( !confirm( editor.lang.common.confirmCancel ) )
+						evt.data.hide = false;
+					return true;
+				}
+			});
+		}, this, null, 0 );
+		this.parts.close.on( 'click', function( evt ) {
+			if ( this.fire( 'cancel', { hide: true } ).hide !== false )
+				this.hide();
+			evt.data.preventDefault();
+		}, this );
 		// Sort focus list according to tab order definitions.
-		function setupFocus()
-		{
+		function setupFocus() {
 			var focusList = me._.focusList;
-			focusList.sort( function( a, b )
-				{
-					// Mimics browser tab order logics;
-					if ( a.tabIndex != b.tabIndex )
-						return b.tabIndex - a.tabIndex;
-					//  Sort is not stable in some browsers,
-					// fall-back the comparator to 'focusIndex';
-					else
-						return a.focusIndex - b.focusIndex;
-				});
+			focusList.sort( function( a, b ) {
+				// Mimics browser tab order logics;
+				if ( a.tabIndex != b.tabIndex )
+					return b.tabIndex - a.tabIndex;
+				//  Sort is not stable in some browsers,
+				// fall-back the comparator to 'focusIndex';
+				else
+					return a.focusIndex - b.focusIndex;
+			});
 			var size = focusList.length;
 			for ( var i = 0; i < size; i++ )
 				focusList[ i ].focusIndex = i;
-		function changeFocus( forward )
-		{
-			var focusList = me._.focusList,
-				offset = forward ? 1 : -1;
+		function changeFocus( offset ) {
+			var focusList = me._.focusList;
+			offset = offset || 0;
 			if ( focusList.length < 1 )
@@ -309,20 +412,18 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 			// Trigger the 'blur' event of  any input element before anything,
 			// since certain UI updates may depend on it.
-			try
-			{
+			try {
 				focusList[ current ].getInputElement().$.blur();
-			}
-			catch( e ){}
+			} catch ( e ) {}
 			var startIndex = ( current + offset + focusList.length ) % focusList.length,
 				currentIndex = startIndex;
-			while ( !focusList[ currentIndex ].isFocusable() )
-			{
+			while ( offset && !focusList[ currentIndex ].isFocusable() ) {
 				currentIndex = ( currentIndex + offset + focusList.length ) % focusList.length;
 				if ( currentIndex == startIndex )
 			focusList[ currentIndex ].focus();
 			// Select whole field content.
@@ -332,160 +433,147 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 		this.changeFocus = changeFocus;
-		var processed;
-		function focusKeydownHandler( evt )
-		{
+		function keydownHandler( evt ) {
 			// If I'm not the top dialog, ignore.
 			if ( me != CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop )
 			var keystroke = evt.data.getKeystroke(),
-				rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl';
+				rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl',
+				button;
+			processed = stopPropagation = 0;
-			processed = 0;
-			if ( keystroke == 9 || keystroke == CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 )
-			{
+			if ( keystroke == 9 || keystroke == CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 ) {
 				var shiftPressed = ( keystroke == CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 );
 				// Handling Tab and Shift-Tab.
-				if ( me._.tabBarMode )
-				{
+				if ( me._.tabBarMode ) {
 					// Change tabs.
 					var nextId = shiftPressed ? getPreviousVisibleTab.call( me ) : getNextVisibleTab.call( me );
 					me.selectPage( nextId );
 					me._.tabs[ nextId ][ 0 ].focus();
-				}
-				else
-				{
+				} else {
 					// Change the focus of inputs.
-					changeFocus( !shiftPressed );
+					changeFocus( shiftPressed ? -1 : 1 );
 				processed = 1;
-			}
-			else if ( keystroke == CKEDITOR.ALT + 121 && !me._.tabBarMode && me.getPageCount() > 1 )
-			{
+			} else if ( keystroke == CKEDITOR.ALT + 121 && !me._.tabBarMode && me.getPageCount() > 1 ) {
 				// Alt-F10 puts focus into the current tab item in the tab bar.
 				me._.tabBarMode = true;
 				me._.tabs[ me._.currentTabId ][ 0 ].focus();
 				processed = 1;
-			}
-			else if ( ( keystroke == 37 || keystroke == 39 ) && me._.tabBarMode )
-			{
+			} else if ( ( keystroke == 37 || keystroke == 39 ) && me._.tabBarMode ) {
 				// Arrow keys - used for changing tabs.
 				nextId = ( keystroke == ( rtl ? 39 : 37 ) ? getPreviousVisibleTab.call( me ) : getNextVisibleTab.call( me ) );
 				me.selectPage( nextId );
 				me._.tabs[ nextId ][ 0 ].focus();
 				processed = 1;
-			}
-			else if ( ( keystroke == 13 || keystroke == 32 ) && me._.tabBarMode )
-			{
+			} else if ( ( keystroke == 13 || keystroke == 32 ) && me._.tabBarMode ) {
 				this.selectPage( this._.currentTabId );
 				this._.tabBarMode = false;
 				this._.currentFocusIndex = -1;
-				changeFocus( true );
+				changeFocus( 1 );
 				processed = 1;
+			// If user presses enter key in a text box, it implies clicking OK for the dialog.
+			else if ( keystroke == 13 /*ENTER*/ ) {
+				// Don't do that for a target that handles ENTER.
+				var target = evt.data.getTarget();
+				if ( !target.is( 'a', 'button', 'select', 'textarea' ) && ( !target.is( 'input' ) || target.$.type != 'button' ) ) {
+					button = this.getButton( 'ok' );
+					button && CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( button.click, 0, button );
+					processed = 1;
+				}
+				stopPropagation = 1; // Always block the propagation (#4269)
+			} else if ( keystroke == 27 /*ESC*/ ) {
+				button = this.getButton( 'cancel' );
+				// If there's a Cancel button, click it, else just fire the cancel event and hide the dialog.
+				if ( button )
+					CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( button.click, 0, button );
+				else {
+					if ( this.fire( 'cancel', { hide: true } ).hide !== false )
+						this.hide();
+				}
+				stopPropagation = 1; // Always block the propagation (#4269)
+			} else
+				return;
-			if ( processed )
-			{
-				evt.stop();
-				evt.data.preventDefault();
-			}
+			keypressHandler( evt );
-		function focusKeyPressHandler( evt )
-		{
-			processed && evt.data.preventDefault();
+		function keypressHandler( evt ) {
+			if ( processed )
+				evt.data.preventDefault( 1 );
+			else if ( stopPropagation )
+				evt.data.stopPropagation();
 		var dialogElement = this._.element;
+		editor.focusManager.add( dialogElement, 1 );
 		// Add the dialog keyboard handlers.
-		this.on( 'show', function()
-			{
-				dialogElement.on( 'keydown', focusKeydownHandler, this, null, 0 );
-				// Some browsers instead, don't cancel key events in the keydown, but in the
-				// keypress. So we must do a longer trip in those cases. (#4531)
-				if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera || ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.mac ) )
-					dialogElement.on( 'keypress', focusKeyPressHandler, this );
-			} );
-		this.on( 'hide', function()
-			{
-				dialogElement.removeListener( 'keydown', focusKeydownHandler );
-				if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera || ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.mac ) )
-					dialogElement.removeListener( 'keypress', focusKeyPressHandler );
-			} );
-		this.on( 'iframeAdded', function( evt )
-			{
-				var doc = new CKEDITOR.dom.document( evt.data.iframe.$.contentWindow.document );
-				doc.on( 'keydown', focusKeydownHandler, this, null, 0 );
-			} );
+		this.on( 'show', function() {
+			dialogElement.on( 'keydown', keydownHandler, this );
+			// Some browsers instead, don't cancel key events in the keydown, but in the
+			// keypress. So we must do a longer trip in those cases. (#4531,#8985)
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera || CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
+				dialogElement.on( 'keypress', keypressHandler, this );
+		});
+		this.on( 'hide', function() {
+			dialogElement.removeListener( 'keydown', keydownHandler );
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera || CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
+				dialogElement.removeListener( 'keypress', keypressHandler );
+			// Reset fields state when closing dialog.
+			iterContents( function( item ) {
+				resetField.apply( item );
+			});
+		});
+		this.on( 'iframeAdded', function( evt ) {
+			var doc = new CKEDITOR.dom.document( evt.data.iframe.$.contentWindow.document );
+			doc.on( 'keydown', keydownHandler, this, null, 0 );
+		});
 		// Auto-focus logic in dialog.
-		this.on( 'show', function()
-			{
-				// Setup tabIndex on showing the dialog instead of on loading
-				// to allow dynamic tab order happen in dialog definition.
-				setupFocus();
-				if ( editor.config.dialog_startupFocusTab
-					&& me._.pageCount > 1 )
-				{
-					me._.tabBarMode = true;
-					me._.tabs[ me._.currentTabId ][ 0 ].focus();
-				}
-				else if ( !this._.hasFocus )
-				{
-					this._.currentFocusIndex = -1;
+		this.on( 'show', function() {
+			// Setup tabIndex on showing the dialog instead of on loading
+			// to allow dynamic tab order happen in dialog definition.
+			setupFocus();
-					// Decide where to put the initial focus.
-					if ( definition.onFocus )
-					{
-						var initialFocus = definition.onFocus.call( this );
-						// Focus the field that the user specified.
-						initialFocus && initialFocus.focus();
-					}
-					// Focus the first field in layout order.
-					else
-						changeFocus( true );
+			if ( editor.config.dialog_startupFocusTab && me._.pageCount > 1 ) {
+				me._.tabBarMode = true;
+				me._.tabs[ me._.currentTabId ][ 0 ].focus();
+			} else if ( !this._.hasFocus ) {
+				this._.currentFocusIndex = -1;
-					/*
-					 * IE BUG: If the initial focus went into a non-text element (e.g. button),
-					 * then IE would still leave the caret inside the editing area.
-					 */
-					if ( this._.editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' && CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-					{
-						var $selection = editor.document.$.selection,
-							$range = $selection.createRange();
-						if ( $range )
-						{
-							if ( $range.parentElement && $range.parentElement().ownerDocument == editor.document.$
-							  || $range.item && $range.item( 0 ).ownerDocument == editor.document.$ )
-							{
-								var $myRange = document.body.createTextRange();
-								$myRange.moveToElementText( this.getElement().getFirst().$ );
-								$myRange.collapse( true );
-								$myRange.select();
-							}
-						}
-					}
+				// Decide where to put the initial focus.
+				if ( definition.onFocus ) {
+					var initialFocus = definition.onFocus.call( this );
+					// Focus the field that the user specified.
+					initialFocus && initialFocus.focus();
-			}, this, null, 0xffffffff );
+				// Focus the first field in layout order.
+				else
+					changeFocus( 1 );
+			}
+		}, this, null, 0xffffffff );
 		// IE6 BUG: Text fields and text areas are only half-rendered the first time the dialog appears in IE6 (#2661).
 		// This is still needed after [2708] and [2709] because text fields in hidden TR tags are still broken.
-		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat )
-		{
-			this.on( 'load', function( evt )
-					{
-						var outer = this.getElement(),
-							inner = outer.getFirst();
-						inner.remove();
-						inner.appendTo( outer );
-					}, this );
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) {
+			this.on( 'load', function( evt ) {
+				var outer = this.getElement(),
+					inner = outer.getFirst();
+				inner.remove();
+				inner.appendTo( outer );
+			}, this );
 		initDragAndDrop( this );
@@ -495,197 +583,209 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 		( new CKEDITOR.dom.text( definition.title, CKEDITOR.document ) ).appendTo( this.parts.title );
 		// Insert the tabs and contents.
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < definition.contents.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			var page = definition.contents[i];
+		for ( i = 0; i < definition.contents.length; i++ ) {
+			var page = definition.contents[ i ];
 			page && this.addPage( page );
-		this.parts['tabs'].on( 'click', function( evt )
-				{
-					var target = evt.data.getTarget();
-					// If we aren't inside a tab, bail out.
-					if ( target.hasClass( 'cke_dialog_tab' ) )
-					{
-						// Get the ID of the tab, without the 'cke_' prefix and the unique number suffix.
-						var id = target.$.id;
-						this.selectPage( id.substring( 4, id.lastIndexOf( '_' ) ) );
-						if ( this._.tabBarMode )
-						{
-							this._.tabBarMode = false;
-							this._.currentFocusIndex = -1;
-							changeFocus( true );
-						}
-						evt.data.preventDefault();
-					}
-				}, this );
+		this.parts[ 'tabs' ].on( 'click', function( evt ) {
+			var target = evt.data.getTarget();
+			// If we aren't inside a tab, bail out.
+			if ( target.hasClass( 'cke_dialog_tab' ) ) {
+				// Get the ID of the tab, without the 'cke_' prefix and the unique number suffix.
+				var id = target.$.id;
+				this.selectPage( id.substring( 4, id.lastIndexOf( '_' ) ) );
+				if ( this._.tabBarMode ) {
+					this._.tabBarMode = false;
+					this._.currentFocusIndex = -1;
+					changeFocus( 1 );
+				}
+				evt.data.preventDefault();
+			}
+		}, this );
 		// Insert buttons.
 		var buttonsHtml = [],
-			buttons = CKEDITOR.dialog._.uiElementBuilders.hbox.build( this,
-				{
-					type : 'hbox',
-					className : 'cke_dialog_footer_buttons',
-					widths : [],
-					children : definition.buttons
-				}, buttonsHtml ).getChild();
+			buttons = CKEDITOR.dialog._.uiElementBuilders.hbox.build( this, {
+				type: 'hbox',
+				className: 'cke_dialog_footer_buttons',
+				widths: [],
+				children: definition.buttons
+			}, buttonsHtml ).getChild();
 		this.parts.footer.setHtml( buttonsHtml.join( '' ) );
-		for ( i = 0 ; i < buttons.length ; i++ )
-			this._.buttons[ buttons[i].id ] = buttons[i];
+		for ( i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++ )
+			this._.buttons[ buttons[ i ].id ] = buttons[ i ];
 	// Focusable interface. Use it via dialog.addFocusable.
-	function Focusable( dialog, element, index )
-	{
+	function Focusable( dialog, element, index ) {
 		this.element = element;
 		this.focusIndex = index;
 		// TODO: support tabIndex for focusables.
 		this.tabIndex = 0;
-		this.isFocusable = function()
-		{
+		this.isFocusable = function() {
 			return !element.getAttribute( 'disabled' ) && element.isVisible();
-		this.focus = function()
-		{
+		this.focus = function() {
 			dialog._.currentFocusIndex = this.focusIndex;
 		// Bind events
-		element.on( 'keydown', function( e )
-			{
-				if ( e.data.getKeystroke() in { 32:1, 13:1 }  )
-					this.fire( 'click' );
-			} );
-		element.on( 'focus', function()
-			{
-				this.fire( 'mouseover' );
-			} );
-		element.on( 'blur', function()
-			{
-				this.fire( 'mouseout' );
-			} );
+		element.on( 'keydown', function( e ) {
+			if ( e.data.getKeystroke() in { 32:1,13:1 } )
+				this.fire( 'click' );
+		});
+		element.on( 'focus', function() {
+			this.fire( 'mouseover' );
+		});
+		element.on( 'blur', function() {
+			this.fire( 'mouseout' );
+		});
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.prototype =
-	{
-		destroy : function()
-		{
+	// Re-layout the dialog on window resize.
+	function resizeWithWindow( dialog ) {
+		var win = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow();
+		function resizeHandler() { dialog.layout(); }
+		win.on( 'resize', resizeHandler );
+		dialog.on( 'hide', function() { win.removeListener( 'resize', resizeHandler ); } );
+	}
+	CKEDITOR.dialog.prototype = {
+		destroy: function() {
 		 * Resizes the dialog.
+		 *
+		 *		dialogObj.resize( 800, 640 );
+		 *
+		 * @method
 		 * @param {Number} width The width of the dialog in pixels.
 		 * @param {Number} height The height of the dialog in pixels.
-		 * @function
-		 * @example
-		 * dialogObj.resize( 800, 640 );
-		resize : (function()
-		{
-			return function( width, height )
-			{
+		resize: (function() {
+			return function( width, height ) {
 				if ( this._.contentSize && this._.contentSize.width == width && this._.contentSize.height == height )
-				CKEDITOR.dialog.fire( 'resize',
-					{
-						dialog : this,
-						skin : this._.editor.skinName,
-						width : width,
-						height : height
-					}, this._.editor );
+				CKEDITOR.dialog.fire( 'resize', {
+					dialog: this,
+					width: width,
+					height: height
+				}, this._.editor );
+				this.fire( 'resize', {
+					width: width,
+					height: height
+				}, this._.editor );
+				var contents = this.parts.contents;
+				contents.setStyles({
+					width: width + 'px',
+					height: height + 'px'
+				});
+				// Update dialog position when dimension get changed in RTL.
+				if ( this._.editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' && this._.position )
+					this._.position.x = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getViewPaneSize().width - this._.contentSize.width - parseInt( this._.element.getFirst().getStyle( 'right' ), 10 );
-				this._.contentSize = { width : width, height : height };
-				this._.updateSize = true;
+				this._.contentSize = { width: width, height: height };
 		 * Gets the current size of the dialog in pixels.
-		 * @returns {Object} An object with "width" and "height" properties.
-		 * @example
+		 *
 		 * var width = dialogObj.getSize().width;
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Object}
+		 * @returns {Number} return.width
+		 * @returns {Number} return.height
-		getSize : function()
-		{
-			if ( !this._.updateSize )
-				return this._.size;
+		getSize: function() {
 			var element = this._.element.getFirst();
-			var size = this._.size = { width : element.$.offsetWidth || 0, height : element.$.offsetHeight || 0};
-			// If either the offsetWidth or offsetHeight is 0, the element isn't visible.
-			this._.updateSize = !size.width || !size.height;
-			return size;
+			return { width: element.$.offsetWidth || 0, height: element.$.offsetHeight || 0 };
-		 * Moves the dialog to an (x, y) coordinate relative to the window.
-		 * @function
+		 * Moves the dialog to an `(x, y)` coordinate relative to the window.
+		 *
+		 * dialogObj.move( 10, 40 );
+		 *
+		 * @method
 		 * @param {Number} x The target x-coordinate.
 		 * @param {Number} y The target y-coordinate.
-		 * @example
-		 * dialogObj.move( 10, 40 );
+		 * @param {Boolean} save Flag indicate whether the dialog position should be remembered on next open up.
-		move : (function()
-		{
-			var isFixed;
-			return function( x, y )
-			{
-				// The dialog may be fixed positioned or absolute positioned. Ask the
-				// browser what is the current situation first.
-				var element = this._.element.getFirst();
-				if ( isFixed === undefined )
-					isFixed = element.getComputedStyle( 'position' ) == 'fixed';
-				if ( isFixed && this._.position && this._.position.x == x && this._.position.y == y )
-					return;
+		move: function( x, y, save ) {
+			// The dialog may be fixed positioned or absolute positioned. Ask the
+			// browser what is the current situation first.
+			var element = this._.element.getFirst(), rtl = this._.editor.lang.dir == 'rtl';
+			var isFixed = element.getComputedStyle( 'position' ) == 'fixed';
+			// (#8888) In some cases of a very small viewport, dialog is incorrectly
+			// positioned in IE7. It also happens that it remains sticky and user cannot
+			// scroll down/up to reveal dialog's content below/above the viewport; this is
+			// cumbersome.
+			// The only way to fix this is to move mouse out of the browser and
+			// go back to see that dialog position is automagically fixed. No events,
+			// no style change - pure magic. This is a IE7 rendering issue, which can be
+			// fixed with dummy style redraw on each move.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+				element.setStyle( 'zoom', '100%' );
+			if ( isFixed && this._.position && this._.position.x == x && this._.position.y == y )
+				return;
-				// Save the current position.
-				this._.position = { x : x, y : y };
+			// Save the current position.
+			this._.position = { x: x, y: y };
-				// If not fixed positioned, add scroll position to the coordinates.
-				if ( !isFixed )
-				{
-					var scrollPosition = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getScrollPosition();
-					x += scrollPosition.x;
-					y += scrollPosition.y;
-				}
+			// If not fixed positioned, add scroll position to the coordinates.
+			if ( !isFixed ) {
+				var scrollPosition = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getScrollPosition();
+				x += scrollPosition.x;
+				y += scrollPosition.y;
+			}
-				element.setStyles(
-						{
-							'left'	: ( x > 0 ? x : 0 ) + 'px',
-							'top'	: ( y > 0 ? y : 0 ) + 'px'
-						});
-			};
-		})(),
+			// Translate coordinate for RTL.
+			if ( rtl ) {
+				var dialogSize = this.getSize(), viewPaneSize = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getViewPaneSize();
+				x = viewPaneSize.width - dialogSize.width - x;
+			}
+			var styles = { 'top': ( y > 0 ? y : 0 ) + 'px' };
+			styles[ rtl ? 'right' : 'left' ] = ( x > 0 ? x : 0 ) + 'px';
+			element.setStyles( styles );
+			save && ( this._.moved = 1 );
+		},
 		 * Gets the dialog's position in the window.
-		 * @returns {Object} An object with "x" and "y" properties.
-		 * @example
-		 * var dialogX = dialogObj.getPosition().x;
+		 *
+		 *		var dialogX = dialogObj.getPosition().x;
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Object}
+		 * @returns {Number} return.x
+		 * @returns {Number} return.y
-		getPosition : function(){ return CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, this._.position ); },
+		getPosition: function() {
+			return CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, this._.position );
+		},
 		 * Shows the dialog box.
-		 * @example
-		 * dialogObj.show();
+		 *
+		 *		dialogObj.show();
-		show : function()
-		{
-			var editor = this._.editor;
-			if ( editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' && CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			{
-				var selection = editor.getSelection();
-				selection && selection.lock();
-			}
+		show: function() {
 			// Insert the dialog's element to the root document.
 			var element = this._.element;
 			var definition = this.definition;
@@ -695,25 +795,23 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 				element.setStyle( 'display', 'block' );
 			// FIREFOX BUG: Fix vanishing caret for Firefox 2 or Gecko 1.8.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 )
-			{
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 ) {
 				var dialogElement = this.parts.dialog;
 				dialogElement.setStyle( 'position', 'absolute' );
-				setTimeout( function()
-					{
-						dialogElement.setStyle( 'position', 'fixed' );
-					}, 0 );
+				setTimeout( function() {
+					dialogElement.setStyle( 'position', 'fixed' );
+				}, 0 );
 			// First, set the dialog to an appropriate size.
-			this.resize( definition.minWidth, definition.minHeight );
+			this.resize( this._.contentSize && this._.contentSize.width || definition.width || definition.minWidth, this._.contentSize && this._.contentSize.height || definition.height || definition.minHeight );
 			// Reset all inputs back to their default value.
 			// Select the first tab by default.
-			this.selectPage( this.definition.contents[0].id );
+			this.selectPage( this.definition.contents[ 0 ].id );
 			// Set z-index.
 			if ( CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentZIndex === null )
@@ -721,120 +819,162 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 			this._.element.getFirst().setStyle( 'z-index', CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentZIndex += 10 );
 			// Maintain the dialog ordering and dialog cover.
-			// Also register key handlers if first dialog.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop === null )
-			{
+			if ( CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop === null ) {
 				CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop = this;
 				this._.parentDialog = null;
 				showCover( this._.editor );
-				element.on( 'keydown', accessKeyDownHandler );
-				element.on( CKEDITOR.env.opera ? 'keypress' : 'keyup', accessKeyUpHandler );
-				// Prevent some keys from bubbling up. (#4269)
-				for ( var event in { keyup :1, keydown :1, keypress :1 } )
-					element.on( event, preventKeyBubbling );
-			}
-			else
-			{
+			} else {
 				this._.parentDialog = CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop;
 				var parentElement = this._.parentDialog.getElement().getFirst();
-				parentElement.$.style.zIndex  -= Math.floor( this._.editor.config.baseFloatZIndex / 2 );
+				parentElement.$.style.zIndex -= Math.floor( this._.editor.config.baseFloatZIndex / 2 );
 				CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop = this;
-			// Register the Esc hotkeys.
-			registerAccessKey( this, this, '\x1b', null, function()
-					{
-						this.getButton( 'cancel' ) && this.getButton( 'cancel' ).click();
-					} );
+			element.on( 'keydown', accessKeyDownHandler );
+			element.on( CKEDITOR.env.opera ? 'keypress' : 'keyup', accessKeyUpHandler );
 			// Reset the hasFocus state.
 			this._.hasFocus = false;
-			// Rearrange the dialog to the middle of the window.
-			CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function()
-				{
-					var viewSize = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getViewPaneSize();
-					var dialogSize = this.getSize();
+			CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() {
+				this.layout();
+				resizeWithWindow( this );
-					// We're using definition size for initial position because of
-					// offten corrupted data in offsetWidth at this point. (#4084)
-					this.move( ( viewSize.width - definition.minWidth ) / 2, ( viewSize.height - dialogSize.height ) / 2 );
+				this.parts.dialog.setStyle( 'visibility', '' );
-					this.parts.dialog.setStyle( 'visibility', '' );
+				// Execute onLoad for the first show.
+				this.fireOnce( 'load', {} );
+				CKEDITOR.ui.fire( 'ready', this );
-					// Execute onLoad for the first show.
-					this.fireOnce( 'load', {} );
-					this.fire( 'show', {} );
-					this._.editor.fire( 'dialogShow', this );
+				this.fire( 'show', {} );
+				this._.editor.fire( 'dialogShow', this );
-					// Save the initial values of the dialog.
-					this.foreach( function( contentObj ) { contentObj.setInitValue && contentObj.setInitValue(); } );
+				if ( !this._.parentDialog )
+					this._.editor.focusManager.lock();
-				},
-				100, this );
+				// Save the initial values of the dialog.
+				this.foreach( function( contentObj ) {
+					contentObj.setInitValue && contentObj.setInitValue();
+				});
+			}, 100, this );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Rearrange the dialog to its previous position or the middle of the window.
+		 *
+		 * @since 3.5
+		 */
+		layout: function() {
+			var el = this.parts.dialog;
+			var dialogSize = this.getSize();
+			var win = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow(),
+					viewSize = win.getViewPaneSize();
+			var posX = ( viewSize.width - dialogSize.width ) / 2,
+				posY = ( viewSize.height - dialogSize.height ) / 2;
+			// Switch to absolute position when viewport is smaller than dialog size.
+			if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) {
+				if ( dialogSize.height + ( posY > 0 ? posY : 0 ) > viewSize.height ||
+						 dialogSize.width + ( posX > 0 ? posX : 0 ) > viewSize.width )
+					el.setStyle( 'position', 'absolute' );
+				else
+					el.setStyle( 'position', 'fixed' );
+			}
+			this.move( this._.moved ? this._.position.x : posX,
+					this._.moved ? this._.position.y : posY );
 		 * Executes a function for each UI element.
+		 *
 		 * @param {Function} fn Function to execute for each UI element.
 		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog} The current dialog object.
-		foreach : function( fn )
-		{
-			for ( var i in this._.contents )
-			{
-				for ( var j in this._.contents[i] )
-					fn( this._.contents[i][j] );
+		foreach: function( fn ) {
+			for ( var i in this._.contents ) {
+				for ( var j in this._.contents[ i ] )
+					fn.call( this, this._.contents[ i ][ j ] );
 			return this;
 		 * Resets all input values in the dialog.
-		 * @example
-		 * dialogObj.reset();
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog} The current dialog object.
+		 *
+		 *		dialogObj.reset();
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @chainable
-		reset : (function()
-		{
-			var fn = function( widget ){ if ( widget.reset ) widget.reset( 1 ); };
-			return function(){ this.foreach( fn ); return this; };
+		reset: (function() {
+			var fn = function( widget ) {
+					if ( widget.reset )
+						widget.reset( 1 );
+				};
+			return function() {
+				this.foreach( fn );
+				return this;
+			};
-		setupContent : function()
-		{
+		/**
+		 * Calls the {@link CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement#setup} method of each
+		 * of the UI elements, with the arguments passed through it.
+		 * It is usually being called when the dialog is opened, to put the initial value inside the field.
+		 *
+		 *		dialogObj.setupContent();
+		 *
+		 *		var timestamp = ( new Date() ).valueOf();
+		 *		dialogObj.setupContent( timestamp );
+		 */
+		setupContent: function() {
 			var args = arguments;
-			this.foreach( function( widget )
-				{
-					if ( widget.setup )
-						widget.setup.apply( widget, args );
-				});
+			this.foreach( function( widget ) {
+				if ( widget.setup )
+					widget.setup.apply( widget, args );
+			});
-		commitContent : function()
-		{
+		/**
+		 * Calls the {@link CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement#commit} method of each
+		 * of the UI elements, with the arguments passed through it.
+		 * It is usually being called when the user confirms the dialog, to process the values.
+		 *
+		 *		dialogObj.commitContent();
+		 *
+		 *		var timestamp = ( new Date() ).valueOf();
+		 *		dialogObj.commitContent( timestamp );
+		 */
+		commitContent: function() {
 			var args = arguments;
-			this.foreach( function( widget )
-				{
-					if ( widget.commit )
-						widget.commit.apply( widget, args );
-				});
+			this.foreach( function( widget ) {
+				// Make sure IE triggers "change" event on last focused input before closing the dialog. (#7915)
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && this._.currentFocusIndex == widget.focusIndex )
+					widget.getInputElement().$.blur();
+				if ( widget.commit )
+					widget.commit.apply( widget, args );
+			});
 		 * Hides the dialog box.
-		 * @example
-		 * dialogObj.hide();
+		 *
+		 *		dialogObj.hide();
-		hide : function()
-		{
+		hide: function() {
 			if ( !this.parts.dialog.isVisible() )
 			this.fire( 'hide', {} );
 			this._.editor.fire( 'dialogHide', this );
+			// Reset the tab page.
+			this.selectPage( this._.tabIdList[ 0 ] );
 			var element = this._.element;
 			element.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
 			this.parts.dialog.setStyle( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
@@ -842,68 +982,59 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 			unregisterAccessKey( this );
 			// Close any child(top) dialogs first.
-			while( CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop != this )
+			while ( CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop != this )
 			// Maintain dialog ordering and remove cover if needed.
 			if ( !this._.parentDialog )
-				hideCover();
-			else
-			{
+				hideCover( this._.editor );
+			else {
 				var parentElement = this._.parentDialog.getElement().getFirst();
 				parentElement.setStyle( 'z-index', parseInt( parentElement.$.style.zIndex, 10 ) + Math.floor( this._.editor.config.baseFloatZIndex / 2 ) );
 			CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop = this._.parentDialog;
 			// Deduct or clear the z-index.
-			if ( !this._.parentDialog )
-			{
+			if ( !this._.parentDialog ) {
 				CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentZIndex = null;
 				// Remove access key handlers.
 				element.removeListener( 'keydown', accessKeyDownHandler );
 				element.removeListener( CKEDITOR.env.opera ? 'keypress' : 'keyup', accessKeyUpHandler );
-				// Remove bubbling-prevention handler. (#4269)
-				for ( var event in { keyup :1, keydown :1, keypress :1 } )
-					element.removeListener( event, preventKeyBubbling );
 				var editor = this._.editor;
-				if ( editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' && CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-				{
-					var selection = editor.getSelection();
-					selection && selection.unlock( true );
-				}
-			}
-			else
+				// Give a while before unlock, waiting for focus to return to the editable. (#172)
+				setTimeout( function() { editor.focusManager.unlock(); }, 0 );
+			} else
 				CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentZIndex -= 10;
 			delete this._.parentDialog;
 			// Reset the initial values of the dialog.
-			this.foreach( function( contentObj ) { contentObj.resetInitValue && contentObj.resetInitValue(); } );
+			this.foreach( function( contentObj ) {
+				contentObj.resetInitValue && contentObj.resetInitValue();
+			});
 		 * Adds a tabbed page into the dialog.
+		 *
 		 * @param {Object} contents Content definition.
-		 * @example
-		addPage : function( contents )
-		{
+		addPage: function( contents ) {
 			var pageHtml = [],
 				titleHtml = contents.label ? ' title="' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( contents.label ) + '"' : '',
 				elements = contents.elements,
-				vbox = CKEDITOR.dialog._.uiElementBuilders.vbox.build( this,
-						{
-							type : 'vbox',
-							className : 'cke_dialog_page_contents',
-							children : contents.elements,
-							expand : !!contents.expand,
-							padding : contents.padding,
-							style : contents.style || 'width: 100%; height: 100%;'
-						}, pageHtml );
+				vbox = CKEDITOR.dialog._.uiElementBuilders.vbox.build( this, {
+					type: 'vbox',
+					className: 'cke_dialog_page_contents',
+					children: contents.elements,
+					expand: !!contents.expand,
+					padding: contents.padding,
+					style: contents.style || 'width: 100%;'
+				}, pageHtml );
 			// Create the HTML for the tab and the content block.
 			var page = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( pageHtml.join( '' ) );
@@ -911,7 +1042,7 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 			var env = CKEDITOR.env;
 			var tabId = 'cke_' + contents.id + '_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(),
-				 tab = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( [
+				tab = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( [
 					'<a class="cke_dialog_tab"',
 						( this._.pageCount > 0 ? ' cke_last' : 'cke_first' ),
@@ -923,7 +1054,7 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 						' role="tab">',
-				].join( '' ) );
+					].join( '' ) );
 			page.setAttribute( 'aria-labelledby', tabId );
@@ -938,8 +1069,7 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 				children = vbox.getChild();
-			while ( ( cursor = children.shift() ) )
-			{
+			while ( ( cursor = children.shift() ) ) {
 				contentMap[ cursor.id ] = cursor;
 				if ( typeof( cursor.getChild ) == 'function' )
 					children.push.apply( children, cursor.getChild() );
@@ -954,84 +1084,75 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 			this.parts.tabs.append( tab );
 			// Add access key handlers if access key is defined.
-			if ( contents.accessKey )
-			{
-				registerAccessKey( this, this, 'CTRL+' + contents.accessKey,
-					tabAccessKeyDown, tabAccessKeyUp );
+			if ( contents.accessKey ) {
+				registerAccessKey( this, this, 'CTRL+' + contents.accessKey, tabAccessKeyDown, tabAccessKeyUp );
 				this._.accessKeyMap[ 'CTRL+' + contents.accessKey ] = contents.id;
 		 * Activates a tab page in the dialog by its id.
+		 *
+		 *		dialogObj.selectPage( 'tab_1' );
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} id The id of the dialog tab to be activated.
-		 * @example
-		 * dialogObj.selectPage( 'tab_1' );
-		selectPage : function( id )
-		{
+		selectPage: function( id ) {
 			if ( this._.currentTabId == id )
 			// Returning true means that the event has been canceled
-			if ( this.fire( 'selectPage', { page : id, currentPage : this._.currentTabId } ) === true )
+			if ( this.fire( 'selectPage', { page: id, currentPage: this._.currentTabId } ) === true )
 			// Hide the non-selected tabs and pages.
-			for ( var i in this._.tabs )
-			{
-				var tab = this._.tabs[i][0],
-					page = this._.tabs[i][1];
-				if ( i != id )
-				{
+			for ( var i in this._.tabs ) {
+				var tab = this._.tabs[ i ][ 0 ],
+					page = this._.tabs[ i ][ 1 ];
+				if ( i != id ) {
 					tab.removeClass( 'cke_dialog_tab_selected' );
 				page.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', i != id );
-			var selected = this._.tabs[id];
-			selected[0].addClass( 'cke_dialog_tab_selected' );
-			// [IE] a unvisible input[type='text'] will enlarge it's width
-			// if it's value is long when it show( #5649 )
-			// so we clear it's value before it shows and then recover it
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat )
-			{
-				clearOrRecoverTextInputValue( selected[1] );
-				selected[1].show();
-				setTimeout( function()
-				{
-					clearOrRecoverTextInputValue( selected[1], true );
+			var selected = this._.tabs[ id ];
+			selected[ 0 ].addClass( 'cke_dialog_tab_selected' );
+			// [IE] an invisible input[type='text'] will enlarge it's width
+			// if it's value is long when it shows, so we clear it's value
+			// before it shows and then recover it (#5649)
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat ) {
+				clearOrRecoverTextInputValue( selected[ 1 ] );
+				selected[ 1 ].show();
+				setTimeout( function() {
+					clearOrRecoverTextInputValue( selected[ 1 ], 1 );
 				}, 0 );
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				selected[1].show();
-			}
+			} else
+				selected[ 1 ].show();
 			this._.currentTabId = id;
 			this._.currentTabIndex = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( this._.tabIdList, id );
-		// Dialog state-specific style updates.
-		updateStyle : function()
-		{
+		/**
+		 * Dialog state-specific style updates.
+		 */
+		updateStyle: function() {
 			// If only a single page shown, a different style is used in the central pane.
 			this.parts.dialog[ ( this._.pageCount === 1 ? 'add' : 'remove' ) + 'Class' ]( 'cke_single_page' );
 		 * Hides a page's tab away from the dialog.
+		 *
+		 *		dialog.hidePage( 'tab_3' );
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} id The page's Id.
-		 * @example
-		 * dialog.hidePage( 'tab_3' );
-		hidePage : function( id )
-		{
-			var tab = this._.tabs[id] && this._.tabs[id][0];
-			if ( !tab || this._.pageCount == 1 )
+		hidePage: function( id ) {
+			var tab = this._.tabs[ id ] && this._.tabs[ id ][ 0 ];
+			if ( !tab || this._.pageCount == 1 || !tab.isVisible() )
 			// Switch to other tab first when we're hiding the active tab.
 			else if ( id == this._.currentTabId )
@@ -1044,13 +1165,13 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 		 * Unhides a page's tab.
+		 *
+		 *		dialog.showPage( 'tab_2' );
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} id The page's Id.
-		 * @example
-		 * dialog.showPage( 'tab_2' );
-		showPage : function( id )
-		{
-			var tab = this._.tabs[id] && this._.tabs[id][0];
+		showPage: function( id ) {
+			var tab = this._.tabs[ id ] && this._.tabs[ id ][ 0 ];
 			if ( !tab )
@@ -1060,130 +1181,131 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 		 * Gets the root DOM element of the dialog.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The <span> element containing this dialog.
-		 * @example
-		 * var dialogElement = dialogObj.getElement().getFirst();
-		 * dialogElement.setStyle( 'padding', '5px' );
+		 *
+		 *		var dialogElement = dialogObj.getElement().getFirst();
+		 *		dialogElement.setStyle( 'padding', '5px' );
+		 *
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The `<span>` element containing this dialog.
-		getElement : function()
-		{
+		getElement: function() {
 			return this._.element;
 		 * Gets the name of the dialog.
+		 *
+		 *		var dialogName = dialogObj.getName();
+		 *
 		 * @returns {String} The name of this dialog.
-		 * @example
-		 * var dialogName = dialogObj.getName();
-		getName : function()
-		{
+		getName: function() {
 			return this._.name;
 		 * Gets a dialog UI element object from a dialog page.
+		 *
+		 *		dialogObj.getContentElement( 'tabId', 'elementId' ).setValue( 'Example' );
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} pageId id of dialog page.
 		 * @param {String} elementId id of UI element.
-		 * @example
 		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement} The dialog UI element.
-		getContentElement : function( pageId, elementId )
-		{
+		getContentElement: function( pageId, elementId ) {
 			var page = this._.contents[ pageId ];
 			return page && page[ elementId ];
 		 * Gets the value of a dialog UI element.
+		 *
+		 *		alert( dialogObj.getValueOf( 'tabId', 'elementId' ) );
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} pageId id of dialog page.
 		 * @param {String} elementId id of UI element.
-		 * @example
 		 * @returns {Object} The value of the UI element.
-		getValueOf : function( pageId, elementId )
-		{
+		getValueOf: function( pageId, elementId ) {
 			return this.getContentElement( pageId, elementId ).getValue();
 		 * Sets the value of a dialog UI element.
+		 *
+		 *		dialogObj.setValueOf( 'tabId', 'elementId', 'Example' );
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} pageId id of the dialog page.
 		 * @param {String} elementId id of the UI element.
 		 * @param {Object} value The new value of the UI element.
-		 * @example
-		setValueOf : function( pageId, elementId, value )
-		{
+		setValueOf: function( pageId, elementId, value ) {
 			return this.getContentElement( pageId, elementId ).setValue( value );
 		 * Gets the UI element of a button in the dialog's button row.
+		 *
+		 *		@returns {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button} The button object.
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} id The id of the button.
-		 * @example
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button} The button object.
-		getButton : function( id )
-		{
+		getButton: function( id ) {
 			return this._.buttons[ id ];
 		 * Simulates a click to a dialog button in the dialog's button row.
+		 *
+		 * @returns The return value of the dialog's `click` event.
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} id The id of the button.
-		 * @example
-		 * @returns The return value of the dialog's "click" event.
-		click : function( id )
-		{
+		click: function( id ) {
 			return this._.buttons[ id ].click();
 		 * Disables a dialog button.
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} id The id of the button.
-		 * @example
-		disableButton : function( id )
-		{
+		disableButton: function( id ) {
 			return this._.buttons[ id ].disable();
 		 * Enables a dialog button.
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} id The id of the button.
-		 * @example
-		enableButton : function( id )
-		{
+		enableButton: function( id ) {
 			return this._.buttons[ id ].enable();
 		 * Gets the number of pages in the dialog.
+		 *
 		 * @returns {Number} Page count.
-		getPageCount : function()
-		{
+		getPageCount: function() {
 			return this._.pageCount;
 		 * Gets the editor instance which opened this dialog.
+		 *
 		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} Parent editor instances.
-		getParentEditor : function()
-		{
+		getParentEditor: function() {
 			return this._.editor;
 		 * Gets the element that was selected when opening the dialog, if any.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The element that was selected, or null.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The element that was selected, or `null`.
-		getSelectedElement : function()
-		{
+		getSelectedElement: function() {
 			return this.getParentEditor().getSelection().getSelectedElement();
@@ -1194,326 +1316,358 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 		 * @param {Number} [index]
 		addFocusable: function( element, index ) {
-			if ( typeof index == 'undefined' )
-			{
+			if ( typeof index == 'undefined' ) {
 				index = this._.focusList.length;
 				this._.focusList.push( new Focusable( this, element, index ) );
-			}
-			else
-			{
+			} else {
 				this._.focusList.splice( index, 0, new Focusable( this, element, index ) );
-				for ( var i = index + 1 ; i < this._.focusList.length ; i++ )
+				for ( var i = index + 1; i < this._.focusList.length; i++ )
 					this._.focusList[ i ].focusIndex++;
-	CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dialog,
+	CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dialog, {
-		 * @lends CKEDITOR.dialog
+		 * Registers a dialog.
+		 *
+		 *		// Full sample plugin, which does not only register a dialog window but also adds an item to the context menu.
+		 *		// To open the dialog window, choose "Open dialog" in the context menu.
+		 *		CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'myplugin', {
+		 *			init: function( editor ) {
+		 *				editor.addCommand( 'mydialog',new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'mydialog' ) );
+		 *
+		 *				if ( editor.contextMenu ) {
+		 *					editor.addMenuGroup( 'mygroup', 10 );
+		 *					editor.addMenuItem( 'My Dialog', {
+		 *						label: 'Open dialog',
+		 *						command: 'mydialog',
+		 *						group: 'mygroup'
+		 *					} );
+		 *					editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element ) {
+		 *						return { 'My Dialog': CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+		 *					} );
+		 *				}
+		 *
+		 *				CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'mydialog', function( api ) {
+		 *					// CKEDITOR.dialog.definition
+		 *					var dialogDefinition = {
+		 *						title: 'Sample dialog',
+		 *						minWidth: 390,
+		 *						minHeight: 130,
+		 *						contents: [
+		 *							{
+		 *								id: 'tab1',
+		 *								label: 'Label',
+		 *								title: 'Title',
+		 *								expand: true,
+		 *								padding: 0,
+		 *								elements: [
+		 *									{
+		 *										type: 'html',
+		 *										html: '<p>This is some sample HTML content.</p>'
+		 *									},
+		 *									{
+		 *										type: 'textarea',
+		 *										id: 'textareaId',
+		 *										rows: 4,
+		 *										cols: 40
+		 *									}
+		 *								]
+		 *							}
+		 *						],
+		 *						buttons: [ CKEDITOR.dialog.okButton, CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ],
+		 *						onOk: function() {
+		 *							// "this" is now a CKEDITOR.dialog object.
+		 *							// Accessing dialog elements:
+		 *							var textareaObj = this.getContentElement( 'tab1', 'textareaId' );
+		 *							alert( "You have entered: " + textareaObj.getValue() );
+		 *						}
+		 *					};
+		 *
+		 *					return dialogDefinition;
+		 *				} );
+		 *			}
+		 *		} );
+		 *
+		 *		CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', { extraPlugins: 'myplugin' } );
+		 *
+		 * @static
+		 * @param {String} name The dialog's name.
+		 * @param {Function/String} dialogDefinition
+		 * A function returning the dialog's definition, or the URL to the `.js` file holding the function.
+		 * The function should accept an argument `editor` which is the current editor instance, and
+		 * return an object conforming to {@link CKEDITOR.dialog.definition}.
+		 * @see CKEDITOR.dialog.definition
-		{
-			/**
-			 * Registers a dialog.
-			 * @param {String} name The dialog's name.
-			 * @param {Function|String} dialogDefinition
-			 * A function returning the dialog's definition, or the URL to the .js file holding the function.
-			 * The function should accept an argument "editor" which is the current editor instance, and
-			 * return an object conforming to {@link CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinition}.
-			 * @example
-			 * @see CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinition
-			 */
-			add : function( name, dialogDefinition )
-			{
-				// Avoid path registration from multiple instances override definition.
-				if ( !this._.dialogDefinitions[name]
-					|| typeof  dialogDefinition == 'function' )
-					this._.dialogDefinitions[name] = dialogDefinition;
-			},
+		add: function( name, dialogDefinition ) {
+			// Avoid path registration from multiple instances override definition.
+			if ( !this._.dialogDefinitions[ name ] || typeof dialogDefinition == 'function' )
+				this._.dialogDefinitions[ name ] = dialogDefinition;
+		},
-			exists : function( name )
-			{
-				return !!this._.dialogDefinitions[ name ];
-			},
+		/**
+		 * @static
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		exists: function( name ) {
+			return !!this._.dialogDefinitions[ name ];
+		},
-			getCurrent : function()
-			{
-				return CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop;
-			},
+		/**
+		 * @static
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		getCurrent: function() {
+			return CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop;
+		},
-			/**
-			 * The default OK button for dialogs. Fires the "ok" event and closes the dialog if the event succeeds.
-			 * @static
-			 * @field
-			 * @example
-			 * @type Function
-			 */
-			okButton : (function()
-			{
-				var retval = function( editor, override )
-				{
+		/**
+		 * The default OK button for dialogs. Fires the `ok` event and closes the dialog if the event succeeds.
+		 *
+		 * @static
+		 * @method
+		 */
+		okButton: (function() {
+			var retval = function( editor, override ) {
 					override = override || {};
-					return CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {
-						id : 'ok',
-						type : 'button',
-						label : editor.lang.common.ok,
-						'class' : 'cke_dialog_ui_button_ok',
-						onClick : function( evt )
-						{
+					return CKEDITOR.tools.extend({
+						id: 'ok',
+						type: 'button',
+						label: editor.lang.common.ok,
+						'class': 'cke_dialog_ui_button_ok',
+						onClick: function( evt ) {
 							var dialog = evt.data.dialog;
-							if ( dialog.fire( 'ok', { hide : true } ).hide !== false )
+							if ( dialog.fire( 'ok', { hide: true } ).hide !== false )
 					}, override, true );
-				retval.type = 'button';
-				retval.override = function( override )
-				{
-					return CKEDITOR.tools.extend( function( editor ){ return retval( editor, override ); },
-							{ type : 'button' }, true );
-				};
-				return retval;
-			})(),
+			retval.type = 'button';
+			retval.override = function( override ) {
+				return CKEDITOR.tools.extend( function( editor ) {
+					return retval( editor, override );
+				}, { type: 'button' }, true );
+			};
+			return retval;
+		})(),
-			/**
-			 * The default cancel button for dialogs. Fires the "cancel" event and closes the dialog if no UI element value changed.
-			 * @static
-			 * @field
-			 * @example
-			 * @type Function
-			 */
-			cancelButton : (function()
-			{
-				var retval = function( editor, override )
-				{
+		/**
+		 * The default cancel button for dialogs. Fires the `cancel` event and
+		 * closes the dialog if no UI element value changed.
+		 *
+		 * @static
+		 * @method
+		 */
+		cancelButton: (function() {
+			var retval = function( editor, override ) {
 					override = override || {};
-					return CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {
-						id : 'cancel',
-						type : 'button',
-						label : editor.lang.common.cancel,
-						'class' : 'cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel',
-						onClick : function( evt )
-						{
+					return CKEDITOR.tools.extend({
+						id: 'cancel',
+						type: 'button',
+						label: editor.lang.common.cancel,
+						'class': 'cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel',
+						onClick: function( evt ) {
 							var dialog = evt.data.dialog;
-							if ( dialog.fire( 'cancel', { hide : true } ).hide !== false )
+							if ( dialog.fire( 'cancel', { hide: true } ).hide !== false )
 					}, override, true );
-				retval.type = 'button';
-				retval.override = function( override )
-				{
-					return CKEDITOR.tools.extend( function( editor ){ return retval( editor, override ); },
-							{ type : 'button' }, true );
-				};
-				return retval;
-			})(),
+			retval.type = 'button';
+			retval.override = function( override ) {
+				return CKEDITOR.tools.extend( function( editor ) {
+					return retval( editor, override );
+				}, { type: 'button' }, true );
+			};
+			return retval;
+		})(),
-			/**
-			 * Registers a dialog UI element.
-			 * @param {String} typeName The name of the UI element.
-			 * @param {Function} builder The function to build the UI element.
-			 * @example
-			 */
-			addUIElement : function( typeName, builder )
-			{
-				this._.uiElementBuilders[ typeName ] = builder;
-			}
-		});
+		/**
+		 * Registers a dialog UI element.
+		 *
+		 * @static
+		 * @param {String} typeName The name of the UI element.
+		 * @param {Function} builder The function to build the UI element.
+		 */
+		addUIElement: function( typeName, builder ) {
+			this._.uiElementBuilders[ typeName ] = builder;
+		}
+	});
-	CKEDITOR.dialog._ =
-	{
-		uiElementBuilders : {},
+	CKEDITOR.dialog._ = {
+		uiElementBuilders: {},
-		dialogDefinitions : {},
+		dialogDefinitions: {},
-		currentTop : null,
+		currentTop: null,
-		currentZIndex : null
+		currentZIndex: null
 	// "Inherit" (copy actually) from CKEDITOR.event.
 	CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( CKEDITOR.dialog );
-	CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( CKEDITOR.dialog.prototype, true );
-	var defaultDialogDefinition =
-	{
-		minWidth : 600,
-		minHeight : 400,
-		buttons : [ CKEDITOR.dialog.okButton, CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ]
-	};
+	CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( CKEDITOR.dialog.prototype );
-	// The buttons in MacOS Apps are in reverse order #4750
-	CKEDITOR.env.mac && defaultDialogDefinition.buttons.reverse();
-	// Tool function used to return an item from an array based on its id
-	// property.
-	var getById = function( array, id, recurse )
-	{
-		for ( var i = 0, item ; ( item = array[ i ] ) ; i++ )
-		{
-			if ( item.id == id )
-				return item;
-			if ( recurse && item[ recurse ] )
-			{
-				var retval = getById( item[ recurse ], id, recurse ) ;
-				if ( retval )
-					return retval;
-			}
-		}
-		return null;
-	};
-	// Tool function used to add an item into an array.
-	var addById = function( array, newItem, nextSiblingId, recurse, nullIfNotFound )
-	{
-		if ( nextSiblingId )
-		{
-			for ( var i = 0, item ; ( item = array[ i ] ) ; i++ )
-			{
-				if ( item.id == nextSiblingId )
-				{
-					array.splice( i, 0, newItem );
-					return newItem;
-				}
+	var defaultDialogDefinition = {
+		minWidth: 600,
+		minHeight: 400,
+		buttons: [ CKEDITOR.dialog.okButton, CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ]
+	};
-				if ( recurse && item[ recurse ] )
-				{
-					var retval = addById( item[ recurse ], newItem, nextSiblingId, recurse, true );
+	// Tool function used to return an item from an array based on its id
+	// property.
+	var getById = function( array, id, recurse ) {
+			for ( var i = 0, item;
+			( item = array[ i ] ); i++ ) {
+				if ( item.id == id )
+					return item;
+				if ( recurse && item[ recurse ] ) {
+					var retval = getById( item[ recurse ], id, recurse );
 					if ( retval )
 						return retval;
+			return null;
+		};
-			if ( nullIfNotFound )
-				return null;
-		}
+	// Tool function used to add an item into an array.
+	var addById = function( array, newItem, nextSiblingId, recurse, nullIfNotFound ) {
+			if ( nextSiblingId ) {
+				for ( var i = 0, item;
+				( item = array[ i ] ); i++ ) {
+					if ( item.id == nextSiblingId ) {
+						array.splice( i, 0, newItem );
+						return newItem;
+					}
-		array.push( newItem );
-		return newItem;
-	};
+					if ( recurse && item[ recurse ] ) {
+						var retval = addById( item[ recurse ], newItem, nextSiblingId, recurse, true );
+						if ( retval )
+							return retval;
+					}
+				}
+				if ( nullIfNotFound )
+					return null;
+			}
+			array.push( newItem );
+			return newItem;
+		};
 	// Tool function used to remove an item from an array based on its id.
-	var removeById = function( array, id, recurse )
-	{
-		for ( var i = 0, item ; ( item = array[ i ] ) ; i++ )
-		{
-			if ( item.id == id )
-				return array.splice( i, 1 );
-			if ( recurse && item[ recurse ] )
-			{
-				var retval = removeById( item[ recurse ], id, recurse );
-				if ( retval )
-					return retval;
+	var removeById = function( array, id, recurse ) {
+			for ( var i = 0, item;
+			( item = array[ i ] ); i++ ) {
+				if ( item.id == id )
+					return array.splice( i, 1 );
+				if ( recurse && item[ recurse ] ) {
+					var retval = removeById( item[ recurse ], id, recurse );
+					if ( retval )
+						return retval;
+				}
-		}
-		return null;
-	};
+			return null;
+		};
-	 * This class is not really part of the API. It is the "definition" property value
-	 * passed to "dialogDefinition" event handlers.
-	 * @constructor
-	 * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinitionObject
-	 * @extends CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinition
-	 * @example
-	 * CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( evt )
-	 * 	{
-	 * 		var definition = evt.data.definition;
-	 * 		var content = definition.getContents( 'page1' );
-	 * 		...
-	 * 	} );
+	 * This class is not really part of the API. It is the `definition` property value
+	 * passed to `dialogDefinition` event handlers.
+	 *
+	 *		CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( evt ) {
+	 *			var definition = evt.data.definition;
+	 *			var content = definition.getContents( 'page1' );
+	 * 			// ...
+	 *		} );
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definitionObject
+	 * @extends CKEDITOR.dialog.definition
+	 * @constructor Creates a definitionObject class instance.
-	var definitionObject = function( dialog, dialogDefinition )
-	{
-		// TODO : Check if needed.
-		this.dialog = dialog;
+	var definitionObject = function( dialog, dialogDefinition ) {
+			// TODO : Check if needed.
+			this.dialog = dialog;
-		// Transform the contents entries in contentObjects.
-		var contents = dialogDefinition.contents;
-		for ( var i = 0, content ; ( content = contents[i] ) ; i++ )
-			contents[ i ] = content && new contentObject( dialog, content );
+			// Transform the contents entries in contentObjects.
+			var contents = dialogDefinition.contents;
+			for ( var i = 0, content;
+			( content = contents[ i ] ); i++ )
+				contents[ i ] = content && new contentObject( dialog, content );
-		CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, dialogDefinition );
-	};
+			CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, dialogDefinition );
+		};
-	definitionObject.prototype =
-	/** @lends CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinitionObject.prototype */
-	{
+	definitionObject.prototype = {
 		 * Gets a content definition.
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} id The id of the content definition.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.contentDefinition} The content definition
-		 *		matching id.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.content} The content definition matching id.
-		getContents : function( id )
-		{
+		getContents: function( id ) {
 			return getById( this.contents, id );
 		 * Gets a button definition.
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} id The id of the button definition.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.buttonDefinition} The button definition
-		 *		matching id.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.button} The button definition matching id.
-		getButton : function( id )
-		{
+		getButton: function( id ) {
 			return getById( this.buttons, id );
 		 * Adds a content definition object under this dialog definition.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.contentDefinition} contentDefinition The
-		 *		content definition.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.content} contentDefinition The
+		 * content definition.
 		 * @param {String} [nextSiblingId] The id of an existing content
-		 *		definition which the new content definition will be inserted
-		 *		before. Omit if the new content definition is to be inserted as
-		 *		the last item.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.contentDefinition} The inserted content
-		 *		definition.
+		 * definition which the new content definition will be inserted
+		 * before. Omit if the new content definition is to be inserted as
+		 * the last item.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.content} The inserted content definition.
-		addContents : function( contentDefinition, nextSiblingId )
-		{
+		addContents: function( contentDefinition, nextSiblingId ) {
 			return addById( this.contents, contentDefinition, nextSiblingId );
 		 * Adds a button definition object under this dialog definition.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.buttonDefinition} buttonDefinition The
-		 *		button definition.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.button} buttonDefinition The
+		 * button definition.
 		 * @param {String} [nextSiblingId] The id of an existing button
-		 *		definition which the new button definition will be inserted
-		 *		before. Omit if the new button definition is to be inserted as
-		 *		the last item.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.buttonDefinition} The inserted button
-		 *		definition.
+		 * definition which the new button definition will be inserted
+		 * before. Omit if the new button definition is to be inserted as
+		 * the last item.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.button} The inserted button definition.
-		addButton : function( buttonDefinition, nextSiblingId )
-		{
+		addButton: function( buttonDefinition, nextSiblingId ) {
 			return addById( this.buttons, buttonDefinition, nextSiblingId );
 		 * Removes a content definition from this dialog definition.
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} id The id of the content definition to be removed.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.contentDefinition} The removed content
-		 *		definition.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.content} The removed content definition.
-		removeContents : function( id )
-		{
+		removeContents: function( id ) {
 			removeById( this.contents, id );
 		 * Removes a button definition from the dialog definition.
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} id The id of the button definition to be removed.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.buttonDefinition} The removed button
-		 *		definition.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.button} The removed button definition.
-		removeButton : function( id )
-		{
+		removeButton: function( id ) {
 			removeById( this.buttons, id );
@@ -1521,85 +1675,76 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 	 * This class is not really part of the API. It is the template of the
 	 * objects representing content pages inside the
-	 * CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinitionObject.
-	 * @constructor
-	 * @name CKEDITOR.dialog.contentDefinitionObject
-	 * @example
-	 * CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( evt )
-	 * 	{
-	 * 		var definition = evt.data.definition;
-	 * 		var content = definition.getContents( 'page1' );
-	 *		content.remove( 'textInput1' );
-	 * 		...
-	 * 	} );
+	 * CKEDITOR.dialog.definitionObject.
+	 *
+	 *		CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( evt ) {
+	 *			var definition = evt.data.definition;
+	 *			var content = definition.getContents( 'page1' );
+	 *			content.remove( 'textInput1' );
+	 *			// ...
+	 *		} );
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 * @class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.contentObject
+	 * @constructor Creates a contentObject class instance.
-	function contentObject( dialog, contentDefinition )
-	{
-		this._ =
-		{
-			dialog : dialog
+	function contentObject( dialog, contentDefinition ) {
+		this._ = {
+			dialog: dialog
 		CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, contentDefinition );
-	contentObject.prototype =
-	/** @lends CKEDITOR.dialog.contentDefinitionObject.prototype */
-	{
+	contentObject.prototype = {
 		 * Gets a UI element definition under the content definition.
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} id The id of the UI element definition.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition}
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement}
-		get : function( id )
-		{
+		get: function( id ) {
 			return getById( this.elements, id, 'children' );
 		 * Adds a UI element definition to the content definition.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition The
-		 *		UI elemnet definition to be added.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition The
+		 * UI elemnet definition to be added.
 		 * @param {String} nextSiblingId The id of an existing UI element
-		 *		definition which the new UI element definition will be inserted
-		 *		before. Omit if the new button definition is to be inserted as
-		 *		the last item.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} The element
-		 *		definition inserted.
+		 * definition which the new UI element definition will be inserted
+		 * before. Omit if the new button definition is to be inserted as
+		 * the last item.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} The element definition inserted.
-		add : function( elementDefinition, nextSiblingId )
-		{
+		add: function( elementDefinition, nextSiblingId ) {
 			return addById( this.elements, elementDefinition, nextSiblingId, 'children' );
 		 * Removes a UI element definition from the content definition.
-		 * @param {String} id The id of the UI element definition to be
-		 *		removed.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} The element
-		 *		definition removed.
-		 * @example
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} id The id of the UI element definition to be removed.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} The element definition removed.
-		remove : function( id )
-		{
+		remove: function( id ) {
 			removeById( this.elements, id, 'children' );
-	function initDragAndDrop( dialog )
-	{
+	function initDragAndDrop( dialog ) {
 		var lastCoords = null,
 			abstractDialogCoords = null,
 			element = dialog.getElement().getFirst(),
 			editor = dialog.getParentEditor(),
 			magnetDistance = editor.config.dialog_magnetDistance,
-			margins = editor.skin.margins || [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
+			margins = CKEDITOR.skin.margins || [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
 		if ( typeof magnetDistance == 'undefined' )
 			magnetDistance = 20;
-		function mouseMoveHandler( evt )
-		{
+		function mouseMoveHandler( evt ) {
 			var dialogSize = dialog.getSize(),
 				viewPaneSize = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getViewPaneSize(),
 				x = evt.data.$.screenX,
@@ -1608,204 +1753,169 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 				dy = y - lastCoords.y,
 				realX, realY;
-			lastCoords = { x : x, y : y };
+			lastCoords = { x: x, y: y };
 			abstractDialogCoords.x += dx;
 			abstractDialogCoords.y += dy;
-			if ( abstractDialogCoords.x + margins[3] < magnetDistance )
-				realX = - margins[3];
-			else if ( abstractDialogCoords.x - margins[1] > viewPaneSize.width - dialogSize.width - magnetDistance )
-				realX = viewPaneSize.width - dialogSize.width + margins[1];
+			if ( abstractDialogCoords.x + margins[ 3 ] < magnetDistance )
+				realX = -margins[ 3 ];
+			else if ( abstractDialogCoords.x - margins[ 1 ] > viewPaneSize.width - dialogSize.width - magnetDistance )
+				realX = viewPaneSize.width - dialogSize.width + ( editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' ? 0 : margins[ 1 ] );
 				realX = abstractDialogCoords.x;
-			if ( abstractDialogCoords.y + margins[0] < magnetDistance )
-				realY = - margins[0];
-			else if ( abstractDialogCoords.y - margins[2] > viewPaneSize.height - dialogSize.height - magnetDistance )
-				realY = viewPaneSize.height - dialogSize.height + margins[2];
+			if ( abstractDialogCoords.y + margins[ 0 ] < magnetDistance )
+				realY = -margins[ 0 ];
+			else if ( abstractDialogCoords.y - margins[ 2 ] > viewPaneSize.height - dialogSize.height - magnetDistance )
+				realY = viewPaneSize.height - dialogSize.height + margins[ 2 ];
 				realY = abstractDialogCoords.y;
-			dialog.move( realX, realY );
+			dialog.move( realX, realY, 1 );
-		function mouseUpHandler( evt )
-		{
+		function mouseUpHandler( evt ) {
 			CKEDITOR.document.removeListener( 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler );
 			CKEDITOR.document.removeListener( 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler );
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat )
-			{
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) {
 				var coverDoc = currentCover.getChild( 0 ).getFrameDocument();
 				coverDoc.removeListener( 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler );
 				coverDoc.removeListener( 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler );
-		dialog.parts.title.on( 'mousedown', function( evt )
-			{
-				dialog._.updateSize = true;
+		dialog.parts.title.on( 'mousedown', function( evt ) {
+			lastCoords = { x: evt.data.$.screenX, y: evt.data.$.screenY };
-				lastCoords = { x : evt.data.$.screenX, y : evt.data.$.screenY };
-				CKEDITOR.document.on( 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler );
-				CKEDITOR.document.on( 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler );
-				abstractDialogCoords = dialog.getPosition();
+			CKEDITOR.document.on( 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler );
+			CKEDITOR.document.on( 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler );
+			abstractDialogCoords = dialog.getPosition();
-				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat )
-				{
-					var coverDoc = currentCover.getChild( 0 ).getFrameDocument();
-					coverDoc.on( 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler );
-					coverDoc.on( 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler );
-				}
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) {
+				var coverDoc = currentCover.getChild( 0 ).getFrameDocument();
+				coverDoc.on( 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler );
+				coverDoc.on( 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler );
+			}
-				evt.data.preventDefault();
-			}, dialog );
+			evt.data.preventDefault();
+		}, dialog );
-	function initResizeHandles( dialog )
-	{
-		var definition = dialog.definition,
-			minWidth = definition.minWidth || 0,
-			minHeight = definition.minHeight || 0,
-			resizable = definition.resizable,
-			margins = dialog.getParentEditor().skin.margins || [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
-		function topSizer( coords, dy )
-		{
-			coords.y += dy;
-		}
+	function initResizeHandles( dialog ) {
+		var def = dialog.definition,
+			resizable = def.resizable;
-		function rightSizer( coords, dx )
-		{
-			coords.x2 += dx;
-		}
+		if ( resizable == CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_NONE )
+			return;
-		function bottomSizer( coords, dy )
-		{
-			coords.y2 += dy;
-		}
+		var editor = dialog.getParentEditor();
+		var wrapperWidth, wrapperHeight, viewSize, origin, startSize, dialogCover;
-		function leftSizer( coords, dx )
-		{
-			coords.x += dx;
-		}
+		var mouseDownFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( $event ) {
+			startSize = dialog.getSize();
-		var lastCoords = null,
-			abstractDialogCoords = null,
-			magnetDistance = dialog._.editor.config.magnetDistance,
-			parts = [ 'tl', 't', 'tr', 'l', 'r', 'bl', 'b', 'br' ];
+			var content = dialog.parts.contents,
+				iframeDialog = content.$.getElementsByTagName( 'iframe' ).length;
-		function mouseDownHandler( evt )
-		{
-			var partName = evt.listenerData.part, size = dialog.getSize();
-			abstractDialogCoords = dialog.getPosition();
-			CKEDITOR.tools.extend( abstractDialogCoords,
-				{
-					x2 : abstractDialogCoords.x + size.width,
-					y2 : abstractDialogCoords.y + size.height
-				} );
-			lastCoords = { x : evt.data.$.screenX, y : evt.data.$.screenY };
-			CKEDITOR.document.on( 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler, dialog, { part : partName } );
-			CKEDITOR.document.on( 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler, dialog, { part : partName } );
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat )
-			{
-				var coverDoc = currentCover.getChild( 0 ).getFrameDocument();
-				coverDoc.on( 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler, dialog, { part : partName } );
-				coverDoc.on( 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler, dialog, { part : partName } );
+			// Shim to help capturing "mousemove" over iframe.
+			if ( iframeDialog ) {
+				dialogCover = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div class="cke_dialog_resize_cover" style="height: 100%; position: absolute; width: 100%;"></div>' );
+				content.append( dialogCover );
-			evt.data.preventDefault();
-		}
+			// Calculate the offset between content and chrome size.
+			wrapperHeight = startSize.height - dialog.parts.contents.getSize( 'height', !( CKEDITOR.env.gecko || CKEDITOR.env.opera || CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ) );
+			wrapperWidth = startSize.width - dialog.parts.contents.getSize( 'width', 1 );
-		function mouseMoveHandler( evt )
-		{
-			var x = evt.data.$.screenX,
-				y = evt.data.$.screenY,
-				dx = x - lastCoords.x,
-				dy = y - lastCoords.y,
-				viewPaneSize = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getViewPaneSize(),
-				partName = evt.listenerData.part;
+			origin = { x: $event.screenX, y: $event.screenY };
-			if ( partName.search( 't' ) != -1 )
-				topSizer( abstractDialogCoords, dy );
-			if ( partName.search( 'l' ) != -1 )
-				leftSizer( abstractDialogCoords, dx );
-			if ( partName.search( 'b' ) != -1 )
-				bottomSizer( abstractDialogCoords, dy );
-			if ( partName.search( 'r' ) != -1 )
-				rightSizer( abstractDialogCoords, dx );
+			viewSize = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getViewPaneSize();
-			lastCoords = { x : x, y : y };
+			CKEDITOR.document.on( 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler );
+			CKEDITOR.document.on( 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler );
-			var realX, realY, realX2, realY2;
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) {
+				var coverDoc = currentCover.getChild( 0 ).getFrameDocument();
+				coverDoc.on( 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler );
+				coverDoc.on( 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler );
+			}
-			if ( abstractDialogCoords.x + margins[3] < magnetDistance )
-				realX = - margins[3];
-			else if ( partName.search( 'l' ) != -1 && abstractDialogCoords.x2 - abstractDialogCoords.x < minWidth + magnetDistance )
-				realX = abstractDialogCoords.x2 - minWidth;
-			else
-				realX = abstractDialogCoords.x;
+			$event.preventDefault && $event.preventDefault();
+		});
-			if ( abstractDialogCoords.y + margins[0] < magnetDistance )
-				realY = - margins[0];
-			else if ( partName.search( 't' ) != -1 && abstractDialogCoords.y2 - abstractDialogCoords.y < minHeight + magnetDistance )
-				realY = abstractDialogCoords.y2 - minHeight;
-			else
-				realY = abstractDialogCoords.y;
+		// Prepend the grip to the dialog.
+		dialog.on( 'load', function() {
+			var direction = '';
+			if ( resizable == CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_WIDTH )
+				direction = ' cke_resizer_horizontal';
+			else if ( resizable == CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_HEIGHT )
+				direction = ' cke_resizer_vertical';
+			var resizer = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(
+				'<div' +
+				' class="cke_resizer' + direction + ' cke_resizer_' + editor.lang.dir + '"' +
+				' title="' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.common.resize ) + '"' +
+				' onmousedown="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + mouseDownFn + ', event )">' +
+				( editor.lang.dir == 'ltr' ? '\u25E2' : '\u25E3' ) +
+				'</div>' );
+			dialog.parts.footer.append( resizer, 1 );
+		});
+		editor.on( 'destroy', function() {
+			CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( mouseDownFn );
+		});
-			if ( abstractDialogCoords.x2 - margins[1] > viewPaneSize.width - magnetDistance )
-				realX2 = viewPaneSize.width + margins[1] ;
-			else if ( partName.search( 'r' ) != -1 && abstractDialogCoords.x2 - abstractDialogCoords.x < minWidth + magnetDistance )
-				realX2 = abstractDialogCoords.x + minWidth;
-			else
-				realX2 = abstractDialogCoords.x2;
+		function mouseMoveHandler( evt ) {
+			var rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl',
+				dx = ( evt.data.$.screenX - origin.x ) * ( rtl ? -1 : 1 ),
+				dy = evt.data.$.screenY - origin.y,
+				width = startSize.width,
+				height = startSize.height,
+				internalWidth = width + dx * ( dialog._.moved ? 1 : 2 ),
+				internalHeight = height + dy * ( dialog._.moved ? 1 : 2 ),
+				element = dialog._.element.getFirst(),
+				right = rtl && element.getComputedStyle( 'right' ),
+				position = dialog.getPosition();
-			if ( abstractDialogCoords.y2 - margins[2] > viewPaneSize.height - magnetDistance )
-				realY2= viewPaneSize.height + margins[2] ;
-			else if ( partName.search( 'b' ) != -1 && abstractDialogCoords.y2 - abstractDialogCoords.y < minHeight + magnetDistance )
-				realY2 = abstractDialogCoords.y + minHeight;
-			else
-				realY2 = abstractDialogCoords.y2 ;
+			if ( position.y + internalHeight > viewSize.height )
+				internalHeight = viewSize.height - position.y;
+			if ( ( rtl ? right : position.x ) + internalWidth > viewSize.width )
+				internalWidth = viewSize.width - ( rtl ? right : position.x );
-			dialog.move( realX, realY );
-			dialog.resize( realX2 - realX, realY2 - realY );
+			// Make sure the dialog will not be resized to the wrong side when it's in the leftmost position for RTL.
+			if ( ( resizable == CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_WIDTH || resizable == CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH ) )
+				width = Math.max( def.minWidth || 0, internalWidth - wrapperWidth );
+				height = Math.max( def.minHeight || 0, internalHeight - wrapperHeight );
+			dialog.resize( width, height );
+			if ( !dialog._.moved )
+				dialog.layout();
-		function mouseUpHandler( evt )
-		{
+		function mouseUpHandler() {
 			CKEDITOR.document.removeListener( 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler );
 			CKEDITOR.document.removeListener( 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler );
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat )
-			{
+			if ( dialogCover ) {
+				dialogCover.remove();
+				dialogCover = null;
+			}
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) {
 				var coverDoc = currentCover.getChild( 0 ).getFrameDocument();
 				coverDoc.removeListener( 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler );
 				coverDoc.removeListener( 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler );
-// TODO : Simplify the resize logic, having just a single resize grip <div>.
-//		var widthTest = /[lr]/,
-//			heightTest = /[tb]/;
-//		for ( var i = 0 ; i < parts.length ; i++ )
-//		{
-//			var element = dialog.parts[ parts[i] + '_resize' ];
-//			if ( resizable == CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_NONE ||
-//					resizable == CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_HEIGHT && widthTest.test( parts[i] ) ||
-//			  		resizable == CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_WIDTH && heightTest.test( parts[i] ) )
-//			{
-//				element.hide();
-//				continue;
-//			}
-//			element.on( 'mousedown', mouseDownHandler, dialog, { part : parts[i] } );
-//		}
 	var resizeCover;
@@ -1814,57 +1924,54 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 	var covers = {},
-	function showCover( editor )
-	{
+	function cancelEvent( ev ) {
+		ev.data.preventDefault( 1 );
+	}
+	function showCover( editor ) {
 		var win = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow();
-		var backgroundColorStyle = editor.config.dialog_backgroundCoverColor || 'white',
-			backgroundCoverOpacity = editor.config.dialog_backgroundCoverOpacity,
-			baseFloatZIndex = editor.config.baseFloatZIndex,
-			coverKey = CKEDITOR.tools.genKey(
-					backgroundColorStyle,
-					backgroundCoverOpacity,
-					baseFloatZIndex ),
+		var config = editor.config,
+			backgroundColorStyle = config.dialog_backgroundCoverColor || 'white',
+			backgroundCoverOpacity = config.dialog_backgroundCoverOpacity,
+			baseFloatZIndex = config.baseFloatZIndex,
+			coverKey = CKEDITOR.tools.genKey( backgroundColorStyle, backgroundCoverOpacity, baseFloatZIndex ),
 			coverElement = covers[ coverKey ];
-		if ( !coverElement )
-		{
+		if ( !coverElement ) {
 			var html = [
-					'<div style="position: ', ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ? 'absolute' : 'fixed' ),
-					'; z-index: ', baseFloatZIndex,
-					'; top: 0px; left: 0px; ',
-					( !CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ? 'background-color: ' + backgroundColorStyle : '' ),
-					'" class="cke_dialog_background_cover">'
+				'<div tabIndex="-1" style="position: ', ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ? 'absolute' : 'fixed' ),
+				'; z-index: ', baseFloatZIndex,
+				'; top: 0px; left: 0px; ',
+				( !CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ? 'background-color: ' + backgroundColorStyle : '' ),
+				'" class="cke_dialog_background_cover">'
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat )
-			{
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) {
 				// Support for custom document.domain in IE.
 				var isCustomDomain = CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain(),
 					iframeHtml = '<html><body style=\\\'background-color:' + backgroundColorStyle + ';\\\'></body></html>';
-				html.push(
-					'<iframe' +
-						' hidefocus="true"' +
-						' frameborder="0"' +
-						' id="cke_dialog_background_iframe"' +
-						' src="javascript:' );
+				html.push( '<iframe' +
+					' hidefocus="true"' +
+					' frameborder="0"' +
+					' id="cke_dialog_background_iframe"' +
+					' src="javascript:' );
 				html.push( 'void((function(){' +
-								'document.open();' +
-								( isCustomDomain ? 'document.domain=\'' + document.domain + '\';' : '' ) +
-								'document.write( \'' + iframeHtml + '\' );' +
-								'document.close();' +
-							'})())' );
-				html.push(
-						'"' +
-						' style="' +
-							'position:absolute;' +
-							'left:0;' +
-							'top:0;' +
-							'width:100%;' +
-							'height: 100%;' +
-							'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0)">' +
+					'document.open();' +
+					( isCustomDomain ? 'document.domain=\'' + document.domain + '\';' : '' ) +
+					'document.write( \'' + iframeHtml + '\' );' +
+					'document.close();' +
+					'})())' );
+				html.push( '"' +
+					' style="' +
+						'position:absolute;' +
+						'left:0;' +
+						'top:0;' +
+						'width:100%;' +
+						'height: 100%;' +
+						'filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0)">' +
 					'</iframe>' );
@@ -1873,83 +1980,85 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 			coverElement = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( html.join( '' ) );
 			coverElement.setOpacity( backgroundCoverOpacity != undefined ? backgroundCoverOpacity : 0.5 );
+			coverElement.on( 'keydown', cancelEvent );
+			coverElement.on( 'keypress', cancelEvent );
+			coverElement.on( 'keyup', cancelEvent );
 			coverElement.appendTo( CKEDITOR.document.getBody() );
 			covers[ coverKey ] = coverElement;
-		}
-		else
-			coverElement.	show();
+		} else
+			coverElement.show();
+		// Makes the dialog cover a focus holder as well.
+		editor.focusManager.add( coverElement );
 		currentCover = coverElement;
-		var resizeFunc = function()
-		{
-			var size = win.getViewPaneSize();
-			coverElement.setStyles(
-				{
-					width : size.width + 'px',
-					height : size.height + 'px'
-				} );
-		};
+		var resizeFunc = function() {
+				var size = win.getViewPaneSize();
+				coverElement.setStyles({
+					width: size.width + 'px',
+					height: size.height + 'px'
+				});
+			};
-		var scrollFunc = function()
-		{
-			var pos = win.getScrollPosition(),
-				cursor = CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop;
-			coverElement.setStyles(
-					{
-						left : pos.x + 'px',
-						top : pos.y + 'px'
-					});
+		var scrollFunc = function() {
+				var pos = win.getScrollPosition(),
+					cursor = CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop;
+				coverElement.setStyles({
+					left: pos.x + 'px',
+					top: pos.y + 'px'
+				});
-			do
-			{
-				var dialogPos = cursor.getPosition();
-				cursor.move( dialogPos.x, dialogPos.y );
-			} while ( ( cursor = cursor._.parentDialog ) );
-		};
+				if ( cursor ) {
+					do {
+						var dialogPos = cursor.getPosition();
+						cursor.move( dialogPos.x, dialogPos.y );
+					} while ( ( cursor = cursor._.parentDialog ) );
+				}
+			};
 		resizeCover = resizeFunc;
 		win.on( 'resize', resizeFunc );
-		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat )
-		{
+		// Using Safari/Mac, focus must be kept where it is (#7027)
+		if ( !( CKEDITOR.env.mac && CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) )
+			coverElement.focus();
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) {
 			// IE BUG: win.$.onscroll assignment doesn't work.. it must be window.onscroll.
 			// So we need to invent a really funny way to make it work.
-			var myScrollHandler = function()
-				{
+			var myScrollHandler = function() {
 					arguments.callee.prevScrollHandler.apply( this, arguments );
-			win.$.setTimeout( function()
-				{
-					myScrollHandler.prevScrollHandler = window.onscroll || function(){};
-					window.onscroll = myScrollHandler;
-				}, 0 );
+			win.$.setTimeout( function() {
+				myScrollHandler.prevScrollHandler = window.onscroll ||
+				function() {};
+				window.onscroll = myScrollHandler;
+			}, 0 );
-	function hideCover()
-	{
+	function hideCover( editor ) {
 		if ( !currentCover )
+		editor.focusManager.remove( currentCover );
 		var win = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow();
 		win.removeListener( 'resize', resizeCover );
-		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat )
-		{
-			win.$.setTimeout( function()
-				{
-					var prevScrollHandler = window.onscroll && window.onscroll.prevScrollHandler;
-					window.onscroll = prevScrollHandler || null;
-				}, 0 );
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) {
+			win.$.setTimeout( function() {
+				var prevScrollHandler = window.onscroll && window.onscroll.prevScrollHandler;
+				window.onscroll = prevScrollHandler || null;
+			}, 0 );
 		resizeCover = null;
-	function removeCovers()
-	{
+	function removeCovers() {
 		for ( var coverId in covers )
 			covers[ coverId ].remove();
 		covers = {};
@@ -1957,139 +2066,119 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 	var accessKeyProcessors = {};
-	var accessKeyDownHandler = function( evt )
-	{
-		var ctrl = evt.data.$.ctrlKey || evt.data.$.metaKey,
-			alt = evt.data.$.altKey,
-			shift = evt.data.$.shiftKey,
-			key = String.fromCharCode( evt.data.$.keyCode ),
-			keyProcessor = accessKeyProcessors[( ctrl ? 'CTRL+' : '' ) + ( alt ? 'ALT+' : '') + ( shift ? 'SHIFT+' : '' ) + key];
+	var accessKeyDownHandler = function( evt ) {
+			var ctrl = evt.data.$.ctrlKey || evt.data.$.metaKey,
+				alt = evt.data.$.altKey,
+				shift = evt.data.$.shiftKey,
+				key = String.fromCharCode( evt.data.$.keyCode ),
+				keyProcessor = accessKeyProcessors[ ( ctrl ? 'CTRL+' : '' ) + ( alt ? 'ALT+' : '' ) + ( shift ? 'SHIFT+' : '' ) + key ];
-		if ( !keyProcessor || !keyProcessor.length )
-			return;
+			if ( !keyProcessor || !keyProcessor.length )
+				return;
-		keyProcessor = keyProcessor[keyProcessor.length - 1];
-		keyProcessor.keydown && keyProcessor.keydown.call( keyProcessor.uiElement, keyProcessor.dialog, keyProcessor.key );
-		evt.data.preventDefault();
-	};
+			keyProcessor = keyProcessor[ keyProcessor.length - 1 ];
+			keyProcessor.keydown && keyProcessor.keydown.call( keyProcessor.uiElement, keyProcessor.dialog, keyProcessor.key );
+			evt.data.preventDefault();
+		};
-	var accessKeyUpHandler = function( evt )
-	{
-		var ctrl = evt.data.$.ctrlKey || evt.data.$.metaKey,
-			alt = evt.data.$.altKey,
-			shift = evt.data.$.shiftKey,
-			key = String.fromCharCode( evt.data.$.keyCode ),
-			keyProcessor = accessKeyProcessors[( ctrl ? 'CTRL+' : '' ) + ( alt ? 'ALT+' : '') + ( shift ? 'SHIFT+' : '' ) + key];
+	var accessKeyUpHandler = function( evt ) {
+			var ctrl = evt.data.$.ctrlKey || evt.data.$.metaKey,
+				alt = evt.data.$.altKey,
+				shift = evt.data.$.shiftKey,
+				key = String.fromCharCode( evt.data.$.keyCode ),
+				keyProcessor = accessKeyProcessors[ ( ctrl ? 'CTRL+' : '' ) + ( alt ? 'ALT+' : '' ) + ( shift ? 'SHIFT+' : '' ) + key ];
-		if ( !keyProcessor || !keyProcessor.length )
-			return;
+			if ( !keyProcessor || !keyProcessor.length )
+				return;
-		keyProcessor = keyProcessor[keyProcessor.length - 1];
-		if ( keyProcessor.keyup )
-		{
-			keyProcessor.keyup.call( keyProcessor.uiElement, keyProcessor.dialog, keyProcessor.key );
-			evt.data.preventDefault();
-		}
-	};
+			keyProcessor = keyProcessor[ keyProcessor.length - 1 ];
+			if ( keyProcessor.keyup ) {
+				keyProcessor.keyup.call( keyProcessor.uiElement, keyProcessor.dialog, keyProcessor.key );
+				evt.data.preventDefault();
+			}
+		};
-	var registerAccessKey = function( uiElement, dialog, key, downFunc, upFunc )
-	{
-		var procList = accessKeyProcessors[key] || ( accessKeyProcessors[key] = [] );
-		procList.push( {
-				uiElement : uiElement,
-				dialog : dialog,
-				key : key,
-				keyup : upFunc || uiElement.accessKeyUp,
-				keydown : downFunc || uiElement.accessKeyDown
-			} );
-	};
+	var registerAccessKey = function( uiElement, dialog, key, downFunc, upFunc ) {
+			var procList = accessKeyProcessors[ key ] || ( accessKeyProcessors[ key ] = [] );
+			procList.push({
+				uiElement: uiElement,
+				dialog: dialog,
+				key: key,
+				keyup: upFunc || uiElement.accessKeyUp,
+				keydown: downFunc || uiElement.accessKeyDown
+			});
+		};
-	var unregisterAccessKey = function( obj )
-	{
-		for ( var i in accessKeyProcessors )
-		{
-			var list = accessKeyProcessors[i];
-			for ( var j = list.length - 1 ; j >= 0 ; j-- )
-			{
-				if ( list[j].dialog == obj || list[j].uiElement == obj )
-					list.splice( j, 1 );
+	var unregisterAccessKey = function( obj ) {
+			for ( var i in accessKeyProcessors ) {
+				var list = accessKeyProcessors[ i ];
+				for ( var j = list.length - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) {
+					if ( list[ j ].dialog == obj || list[ j ].uiElement == obj )
+						list.splice( j, 1 );
+				}
+				if ( list.length === 0 )
+					delete accessKeyProcessors[ i ];
-			if ( list.length === 0 )
-				delete accessKeyProcessors[i];
-		}
-	};
-	var tabAccessKeyUp = function( dialog, key )
-	{
-		if ( dialog._.accessKeyMap[key] )
-			dialog.selectPage( dialog._.accessKeyMap[key] );
-	};
+		};
-	var tabAccessKeyDown = function( dialog, key )
-	{
-	};
+	var tabAccessKeyUp = function( dialog, key ) {
+			if ( dialog._.accessKeyMap[ key ] )
+				dialog.selectPage( dialog._.accessKeyMap[ key ] );
+		};
-	var preventKeyBubblingKeys = { 27 :1, 13 :1 };
-	var preventKeyBubbling = function( e )
-	{
-		if ( e.data.getKeystroke() in preventKeyBubblingKeys )
-			e.data.stopPropagation();
-	};
+	var tabAccessKeyDown = function( dialog, key ) {};
-	(function()
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.ui.dialog =
-		{
+	(function() {
+		CKEDITOR.ui.dialog = {
 			 * The base class of all dialog UI elements.
-			 * @constructor
+			 *
+			 * @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement
+			 * @constructor Creates a uiElement class instance.
 			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog Parent dialog object.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition Element
-			 * definition. Accepted fields:
-			 * <ul>
-			 * 	<li><strong>id</strong> (Required) The id of the UI element. See {@link
-			 * 	CKEDITOR.dialog#getContentElement}</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>type</strong> (Required) The type of the UI element. The
-			 * 	value to this field specifies which UI element class will be used to
-			 * 	generate the final widget.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>title</strong> (Optional) The popup tooltip for the UI
-			 * 	element.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>hidden</strong> (Optional) A flag that tells if the element
-			 * 	should be initially visible.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>className</strong> (Optional) Additional CSS class names
-			 * 	to add to the UI element. Separated by space.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>style</strong> (Optional) Additional CSS inline styles
-			 * 	to add to the UI element. A semicolon (;) is required after the last
-			 * 	style declaration.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>accessKey</strong> (Optional) The alphanumeric access key
-			 * 	for this element. Access keys are automatically prefixed by CTRL.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>on*</strong> (Optional) Any UI element definition field that
-			 * 	starts with <em>on</em> followed immediately by a capital letter and
-			 * 	probably more letters is an event handler. Event handlers may be further
-			 * 	divided into registered event handlers and DOM event handlers. Please
-			 * 	refer to {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement#registerEvents} and
-			 * 	{@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement#eventProcessors} for more
-			 * 	information.</li>
-			 * </ul>
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition Element
+			 * definition.
+			 *
+			 * Accepted fields:
+			 *
+			 * * `id` (Required) The id of the UI element. See {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#getContentElement}.
+			 * * `type` (Required) The type of the UI element. The
+			 *     value to this field specifies which UI element class will be used to
+			 *     generate the final widget.
+			 * * `title` (Optional) The popup tooltip for the UI
+			 *     element.
+			 * * `hidden` (Optional) A flag that tells if the element
+			 *     should be initially visible.
+			 * * `className` (Optional) Additional CSS class names
+			 *     to add to the UI element. Separated by space.
+			 * * `style` (Optional) Additional CSS inline styles
+			 *     to add to the UI element. A semicolon (;) is required after the last
+			 *     style declaration.
+			 * * `accessKey` (Optional) The alphanumeric access key
+			 *     for this element. Access keys are automatically prefixed by CTRL.
+			 * * `on*` (Optional) Any UI element definition field that
+			 *     starts with `on` followed immediately by a capital letter and
+			 *     probably more letters is an event handler. Event handlers may be further
+			 *     divided into registered event handlers and DOM event handlers. Please
+			 *     refer to {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement#registerEvents} and
+			 *     {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement#eventProcessors} for more information.
+			 *
 			 * @param {Array} htmlList
 			 * List of HTML code to be added to the dialog's content area.
-			 * @param {Function|String} nodeNameArg
+			 * @param {Function/String} [nodeNameArg='div']
 			 * A function returning a string, or a simple string for the node name for
-			 * the root DOM node. Default is 'div'.
-			 * @param {Function|Object} stylesArg
+			 * the root DOM node.
+			 * @param {Function/Object} [stylesArg={}]
 			 * A function returning an object, or a simple object for CSS styles applied
-			 * to the DOM node. Default is empty object.
-			 * @param {Function|Object} attributesArg
+			 * to the DOM node.
+			 * @param {Function/Object} [attributesArg={}]
 			 * A fucntion returning an object, or a simple object for attributes applied
-			 * to the DOM node. Default is empty object.
-			 * @param {Function|String} contentsArg
+			 * to the DOM node.
+			 * @param {Function/String} [contentsArg='']
 			 * A function returning a string, or a simple string for the HTML code inside
 			 * the root DOM node. Default is empty string.
-			 * @example
-			uiElement : function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList, nodeNameArg, stylesArg, attributesArg, contentsArg )
-			{
+			uiElement: function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList, nodeNameArg, stylesArg, attributesArg, contentsArg ) {
 				if ( arguments.length < 4 )
@@ -2111,16 +2200,18 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 					classes[ 'cke_dialog_ui_' + elementDefinition.type ] = 1;
 				if ( elementDefinition.className )
 					classes[ elementDefinition.className ] = 1;
-				var attributeClasses = ( attributes['class'] && attributes['class'].split ) ? attributes['class'].split( ' ' ) : [];
-				for ( i = 0 ; i < attributeClasses.length ; i++ )
-				{
-					if ( attributeClasses[i] )
-						classes[ attributeClasses[i] ] = 1;
+				if ( elementDefinition.disabled )
+					classes[ 'cke_disabled' ] = 1;
+				var attributeClasses = ( attributes[ 'class' ] && attributes[ 'class' ].split ) ? attributes[ 'class' ].split( ' ' ) : [];
+				for ( i = 0; i < attributeClasses.length; i++ ) {
+					if ( attributeClasses[ i ] )
+						classes[ attributeClasses[ i ] ] = 1;
 				var finalClasses = [];
 				for ( i in classes )
 					finalClasses.push( i );
-				attributes['class'] = finalClasses.join( ' ' );
+				attributes[ 'class' ] = finalClasses.join( ' ' );
 				// Set the popup tooltop.
 				if ( elementDefinition.title )
@@ -2128,13 +2219,20 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 				// Write the inline CSS styles.
 				var styleStr = ( elementDefinition.style || '' ).split( ';' );
+				// Element alignment support.
+				if ( elementDefinition.align ) {
+					var align = elementDefinition.align;
+					styles[ 'margin-left' ] = align == 'left' ? 0 : 'auto';
+					styles[ 'margin-right' ] = align == 'right' ? 0 : 'auto';
+				}
 				for ( i in styles )
-					styleStr.push( i + ':' + styles[i] );
+					styleStr.push( i + ':' + styles[ i ] );
 				if ( elementDefinition.hidden )
 					styleStr.push( 'display:none' );
-				for ( i = styleStr.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-				{
-					if ( styleStr[i] === '' )
+				for ( i = styleStr.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+					if ( styleStr[ i ] === '' )
 						styleStr.splice( i, 1 );
 				if ( styleStr.length > 0 )
@@ -2142,7 +2240,7 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 				// Write the attributes.
 				for ( i in attributes )
-					html.push( i + '="' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( attributes[i] ) + '" ');
+					html.push( i + '="' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( attributes[ i ] ) + '" ' );
 				// Write the content HTML.
 				html.push( '>', innerHTML, '</', nodeName, '>' );
@@ -2154,10 +2252,29 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 				// Override isChanged if it is defined in element definition.
 				if ( typeof( elementDefinition.isChanged ) == 'boolean' )
-					this.isChanged = function(){ return elementDefinition.isChanged; };
+					this.isChanged = function() {
+					return elementDefinition.isChanged;
+				};
 				if ( typeof( elementDefinition.isChanged ) == 'function' )
 					this.isChanged = elementDefinition.isChanged;
+				// Overload 'get(set)Value' on definition.
+				if ( typeof( elementDefinition.setValue ) == 'function' ) {
+					this.setValue = CKEDITOR.tools.override( this.setValue, function( org ) {
+						return function( val ) {
+							org.call( this, elementDefinition.setValue.call( this, val ) );
+						};
+					});
+				}
+				if ( typeof( elementDefinition.getValue ) == 'function' ) {
+					this.getValue = CKEDITOR.tools.override( this.getValue, function( org ) {
+						return function() {
+							return elementDefinition.getValue.call( this, org.call( this ) );
+						};
+					});
+				}
 				// Add events.
 				CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( this );
@@ -2166,29 +2283,33 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 					registerAccessKey( this, dialog, 'CTRL+' + elementDefinition.accessKey );
 				var me = this;
-				dialog.on( 'load', function()
-					{
-						if ( me.getInputElement() )
-						{
-							me.getInputElement().on( 'focus', function()
-								{
-									dialog._.tabBarMode = false;
-									dialog._.hasFocus = true;
-									me.fire( 'focus' );
-								}, me );
-						}
-					} );
+				dialog.on( 'load', function() {
+					var input = me.getInputElement();
+					if ( input ) {
+						var focusClass = me.type in { 'checkbox':1,'ratio':1 } && CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 8 ? 'cke_dialog_ui_focused' : '';
+						input.on( 'focus', function() {
+							dialog._.tabBarMode = false;
+							dialog._.hasFocus = true;
+							me.fire( 'focus' );
+							focusClass && this.addClass( focusClass );
+						});
+						input.on( 'blur', function() {
+							me.fire( 'blur' );
+							focusClass && this.removeClass( focusClass );
+						});
+					}
+				});
 				// Register the object as a tab focus if it can be included.
-				if ( this.keyboardFocusable )
-				{
+				if ( this.keyboardFocusable ) {
 					this.tabIndex = elementDefinition.tabIndex || 0;
 					this.focusIndex = dialog._.focusList.push( this ) - 1;
-					this.on( 'focus', function()
-						{
-							dialog._.currentFocusIndex = me.focusIndex;
-						} );
+					this.on( 'focus', function() {
+						dialog._.currentFocusIndex = me.focusIndex;
+					});
 				// Completes this object with everything we have in the
@@ -2198,32 +2319,27 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 			 * Horizontal layout box for dialog UI elements, auto-expends to available width of container.
-			 * @constructor
+			 *
+			 * @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox
 			 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog
-			 * Parent dialog object.
+			 * @constructor Creates a hbox class instance.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog Parent dialog object.
 			 * @param {Array} childObjList
-			 * Array of {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement} objects inside this
-			 * container.
+			 * Array of {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement} objects inside this container.
 			 * @param {Array} childHtmlList
 			 * Array of HTML code that correspond to the HTML output of all the
 			 * objects in childObjList.
 			 * @param {Array} htmlList
 			 * Array of HTML code that this element will output to.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition
 			 * The element definition. Accepted fields:
-			 * <ul>
-			 * 	<li><strong>widths</strong> (Optional) The widths of child cells.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>height</strong> (Optional) The height of the layout.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>padding</strong> (Optional) The padding width inside child
-			 * 	 cells.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>align</strong> (Optional) The alignment of the whole layout
-			 * 	</li>
-			 * </ul>
-			 * @example
+			 *
+			 * * `widths` (Optional) The widths of child cells.
+			 * * `height` (Optional) The height of the layout.
+			 * * `padding` (Optional) The padding width inside child cells.
+			 * * `align` (Optional) The alignment of the whole layout.
-			hbox : function( dialog, childObjList, childHtmlList, htmlList, elementDefinition )
-			{
+			hbox: function( dialog, childObjList, childHtmlList, htmlList, elementDefinition ) {
 				if ( arguments.length < 4 )
@@ -2235,82 +2351,67 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 					styles = {},
 				/** @ignore */
-				var innerHTML = function()
-				{
-					var html = [ '<tbody><tr class="cke_dialog_ui_hbox">' ];
-					for ( i = 0 ; i < childHtmlList.length ; i++ )
-					{
-						var className = 'cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child',
-							styles = [];
-						if ( i === 0 )
-							className = 'cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first';
-						if ( i == childHtmlList.length - 1 )
-							className = 'cke_dialog_ui_hbox_last';
-						html.push( '<td class="', className, '" role="presentation" ' );
-						if ( widths )
-						{
-							if ( widths[i] )
-								styles.push( 'width:' + CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( widths[i] ) );
+				var innerHTML = function() {
+						var html = [ '<tbody><tr class="cke_dialog_ui_hbox">' ];
+						for ( i = 0; i < childHtmlList.length; i++ ) {
+							var className = 'cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child',
+								styles = [];
+							if ( i === 0 )
+								className = 'cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first';
+							if ( i == childHtmlList.length - 1 )
+								className = 'cke_dialog_ui_hbox_last';
+							html.push( '<td class="', className, '" role="presentation" ' );
+							if ( widths ) {
+								if ( widths[ i ] )
+									styles.push( 'width:' + cssLength( widths[ i ] ) );
+							} else
+								styles.push( 'width:' + Math.floor( 100 / childHtmlList.length ) + '%' );
+							if ( height )
+								styles.push( 'height:' + cssLength( height ) );
+							if ( elementDefinition && elementDefinition.padding != undefined )
+								styles.push( 'padding:' + cssLength( elementDefinition.padding ) );
+							// In IE Quirks alignment has to be done on table cells. (#7324)
+							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks && children[ i ].align )
+								styles.push( 'text-align:' + children[ i ].align );
+							if ( styles.length > 0 )
+								html.push( 'style="' + styles.join( '; ' ) + '" ' );
+							html.push( '>', childHtmlList[ i ], '</td>' );
-						else
-							styles.push( 'width:' + Math.floor( 100 / childHtmlList.length ) + '%' );
-						if ( height )
-							styles.push( 'height:' + CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( height ) );
-						if ( elementDefinition && elementDefinition.padding != undefined )
-							styles.push( 'padding:' + CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( elementDefinition.padding ) );
-						if ( styles.length > 0 )
-							html.push( 'style="' + styles.join('; ') + '" ' );
-						html.push( '>', childHtmlList[i], '</td>' );
-					}
-					html.push( '</tr></tbody>' );
-					return html.join( '' );
-				};
+						html.push( '</tr></tbody>' );
+						return html.join( '' );
+					};
-				var attribs = { role : 'presentation' };
+				var attribs = { role: 'presentation' };
 				elementDefinition && elementDefinition.align && ( attribs.align = elementDefinition.align );
-				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call(
-					this,
-					dialog,
-					elementDefinition || { type : 'hbox' },
-					htmlList,
-					'table',
-					styles,
-					attribs,
-					innerHTML );
+				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition || { type: 'hbox' }, htmlList, 'table', styles, attribs, innerHTML );
 			 * Vertical layout box for dialog UI elements.
-			 * @constructor
+			 *
+			 * @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.vbox
 			 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog
-			 * Parent dialog object.
+			 * @constructor Creates a vbox class instance.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog Parent dialog object.
 			 * @param {Array} childObjList
-			 * Array of {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement} objects inside this
-			 * container.
+			 * Array of {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement} objects inside this container.
 			 * @param {Array} childHtmlList
 			 * Array of HTML code that correspond to the HTML output of all the
 			 * objects in childObjList.
-			 * @param {Array} htmlList
-			 * Array of HTML code that this element will output to.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition
+			 * @param {Array} htmlList Array of HTML code that this element will output to.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition
 			 * The element definition. Accepted fields:
-			 * <ul>
-			 * 	<li><strong>width</strong> (Optional) The width of the layout.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>heights</strong> (Optional) The heights of individual cells.
-			 * 	</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>align</strong> (Optional) The alignment of the layout.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>padding</strong> (Optional) The padding width inside child
-			 * 	cells.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>expand</strong> (Optional) Whether the layout should expand
-			 * 	vertically to fill its container.</li>
-			 * </ul>
-			 * @example
+			 *
+			 * * `width` (Optional) The width of the layout.
+			 * * `heights` (Optional) The heights of individual cells.
+			 * * `align` (Optional) The alignment of the layout.
+			 * * `padding` (Optional) The padding width inside child cells.
+			 * * `expand` (Optional) Whether the layout should expand
+			 *     vertically to fill its container.
-			vbox : function( dialog, childObjList, childHtmlList, htmlList, elementDefinition )
-			{
-				if (arguments.length < 3 )
+			vbox: function( dialog, childObjList, childHtmlList, htmlList, elementDefinition ) {
+				if ( arguments.length < 3 )
 				this._ || ( this._ = {} );
@@ -2319,136 +2420,138 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 					width = elementDefinition && elementDefinition.width || null,
 					heights = elementDefinition && elementDefinition.heights || null;
 				/** @ignore */
-				var innerHTML = function()
-				{
-					var html = [ '<table role="presentation" cellspacing="0" border="0" ' ];
-					html.push( 'style="' );
-					if ( elementDefinition && elementDefinition.expand )
-						html.push( 'height:100%;' );
-					html.push( 'width:' + CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( width || '100%' ), ';' );
-					html.push( '"' );
-					html.push( 'align="', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(
+				var innerHTML = function() {
+						var html = [ '<table role="presentation" cellspacing="0" border="0" ' ];
+						html.push( 'style="' );
+						if ( elementDefinition && elementDefinition.expand )
+							html.push( 'height:100%;' );
+						html.push( 'width:' + cssLength( width || '100%' ), ';' );
+						html.push( '"' );
+						html.push( 'align="', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(
 						( elementDefinition && elementDefinition.align ) || ( dialog.getParentEditor().lang.dir == 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right' ) ), '" ' );
-					html.push( '><tbody>' );
-					for ( var i = 0 ; i < childHtmlList.length ; i++ )
-					{
-						var styles = [];
-						html.push( '<tr><td role="presentation" ' );
-						if ( width )
-							styles.push( 'width:' + CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( width || '100%' ) );
-						if ( heights )
-							styles.push( 'height:' + CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( heights[i] ) );
-						else if ( elementDefinition && elementDefinition.expand )
-							styles.push( 'height:' + Math.floor( 100 / childHtmlList.length ) + '%' );
-						if ( elementDefinition && elementDefinition.padding != undefined )
-							styles.push( 'padding:' + CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( elementDefinition.padding ) );
-						if ( styles.length > 0 )
-							html.push( 'style="', styles.join( '; ' ), '" ' );
-						html.push( ' class="cke_dialog_ui_vbox_child">', childHtmlList[i], '</td></tr>' );
-					}
-					html.push( '</tbody></table>' );
-					return html.join( '' );
-				};
-				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition || { type : 'vbox' }, htmlList, 'div', null, { role : 'presentation' }, innerHTML );
+						html.push( '><tbody>' );
+						for ( var i = 0; i < childHtmlList.length; i++ ) {
+							var styles = [];
+							html.push( '<tr><td role="presentation" ' );
+							if ( width )
+								styles.push( 'width:' + cssLength( width || '100%' ) );
+							if ( heights )
+								styles.push( 'height:' + cssLength( heights[ i ] ) );
+							else if ( elementDefinition && elementDefinition.expand )
+								styles.push( 'height:' + Math.floor( 100 / childHtmlList.length ) + '%' );
+							if ( elementDefinition && elementDefinition.padding != undefined )
+								styles.push( 'padding:' + cssLength( elementDefinition.padding ) );
+							// In IE Quirks alignment has to be done on table cells. (#7324)
+							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks && children[ i ].align )
+								styles.push( 'text-align:' + children[ i ].align );
+							if ( styles.length > 0 )
+								html.push( 'style="', styles.join( '; ' ), '" ' );
+							html.push( ' class="cke_dialog_ui_vbox_child">', childHtmlList[ i ], '</td></tr>' );
+						}
+						html.push( '</tbody></table>' );
+						return html.join( '' );
+					};
+				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition || { type: 'vbox' }, htmlList, 'div', null, { role: 'presentation' }, innerHTML );
-	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.prototype =
-	{
+	/** @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement */
+	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.prototype = {
 		 * Gets the root DOM element of this dialog UI object.
+		 *
+		 *		uiElement.getElement().hide();
+		 *
 		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} Root DOM element of UI object.
-		 * @example
-		 * uiElement.getElement().hide();
-		getElement : function()
-		{
+		getElement: function() {
 			return CKEDITOR.document.getById( this.domId );
 		 * Gets the DOM element that the user inputs values.
-		 * This function is used by setValue(), getValue() and focus(). It should
+		 *
+		 * This function is used by {@link #setValue}, {@link #getValue} and {@link #focus}. It should
 		 * be overrided in child classes where the input element isn't the root
 		 * element.
+		 *
+		 *		var rawValue = textInput.getInputElement().$.value;
+		 *
 		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The element where the user input values.
-		 * @example
-		 * var rawValue = textInput.getInputElement().$.value;
-		getInputElement : function()
-		{
+		getInputElement: function() {
 			return this.getElement();
 		 * Gets the parent dialog object containing this UI element.
+		 *
+		 *		var dialog = uiElement.getDialog();
+		 *
 		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog} Parent dialog object.
-		 * @example
-		 * var dialog = uiElement.getDialog();
-		getDialog : function()
-		{
+		getDialog: function() {
 			return this._.dialog;
 		 * Sets the value of this dialog UI object.
+		 *
+		 *		uiElement.setValue( 'Dingo' );
+		 *
+		 * @chainable
 		 * @param {Object} value The new value.
-		 * @param {Boolean} noChangeEvent Internal commit, to supress 'change' event on this element.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElement} The current UI element.
-		 * @example
-		 * uiElement.setValue( 'Dingo' );
+		 * @param {Boolean} noChangeEvent Internal commit, to supress `change` event on this element.
-		setValue : function( value, noChangeEvent )
-		{
+		setValue: function( value, noChangeEvent ) {
 			this.getInputElement().setValue( value );
-			!noChangeEvent && this.fire( 'change', { value : value } );
+			!noChangeEvent && this.fire( 'change', { value: value } );
 			return this;
 		 * Gets the current value of this dialog UI object.
+		 *
+		 *		var myValue = uiElement.getValue();
+		 *
 		 * @returns {Object} The current value.
-		 * @example
-		 * var myValue = uiElement.getValue();
-		getValue : function()
-		{
+		getValue: function() {
 			return this.getInputElement().getValue();
 		 * Tells whether the UI object's value has changed.
-		 * @returns {Boolean} true if changed, false if not changed.
-		 * @example
-		 * if ( uiElement.isChanged() )
-		 *   confirm( 'Value changed! Continue?' );
+		 *
+		 *		if ( uiElement.isChanged() )
+		 *			confirm( 'Value changed! Continue?' );
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if changed, `false` if not changed.
-		isChanged : function()
-		{
+		isChanged: function() {
 			// Override in input classes.
 			return false;
 		 * Selects the parent tab of this element. Usually called by focus() or overridden focus() methods.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElement} The current UI element.
-		 * @example
-		 * focus : function()
-		 * {
-		 * 		this.selectParentTab();
-		 * 		// do something else.
-		 * }
+		 *
+		 *		focus : function() {
+		 *			this.selectParentTab();
+		 *			// do something else.
+		 *		}
+		 *
+		 * @chainable
-		selectParentTab : function()
-		{
+		selectParentTab: function() {
 			var element = this.getInputElement(),
 				cursor = element,
-			while ( ( cursor = cursor.getParent() ) && cursor.$.className.search( 'cke_dialog_page_contents' ) == -1 )
-			{ /*jsl:pass*/ }
+			while ( ( cursor = cursor.getParent() ) && cursor.$.className.search( 'cke_dialog_page_contents' ) == -1 ) {
+				/*jsl:pass*/
+			}
 			// Some widgets don't have parent tabs (e.g. OK and Cancel buttons).
 			if ( !cursor )
@@ -2463,60 +2566,53 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 		 * Puts the focus to the UI object. Switches tabs if the UI object isn't in the active tab page.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElement} The current UI element.
-		 * @example
-		 * uiElement.focus();
+		 *
+		 *		uiElement.focus();
+		 *
+		 * @chainable
-		focus : function()
-		{
+		focus: function() {
 			return this;
-		 * Registers the on* event handlers defined in the element definition.
+		 * Registers the `on*` event handlers defined in the element definition.
+		 *
 		 * The default behavior of this function is:
-		 * <ol>
-		 *  <li>
-		 *  	If the on* event is defined in the class's eventProcesors list,
-		 *  	then the registration is delegated to the corresponding function
-		 *  	in the eventProcessors list.
-		 *  </li>
-		 *  <li>
-		 *  	If the on* event is not defined in the eventProcessors list, then
-		 *  	register the event handler under the corresponding DOM event of
-		 *  	the UI element's input DOM element (as defined by the return value
-		 *  	of {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement#getInputElement}).
-		 *  </li>
-		 * </ol>
+		 *
+		 * 1. If the on* event is defined in the class's eventProcesors list,
+		 *     then the registration is delegated to the corresponding function
+		 *     in the eventProcessors list.
+		 * 2. If the on* event is not defined in the eventProcessors list, then
+		 *     register the event handler under the corresponding DOM event of
+		 *     the UI element's input DOM element (as defined by the return value
+		 *     of {@link #getInputElement}).
+		 *
 		 * This function is only called at UI element instantiation, but can
 		 * be overridded in child classes if they require more flexibility.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} definition The UI element
+		 *
+		 * @chainable
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} definition The UI element
 		 * definition.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElement} The current UI element.
-		 * @example
-		registerEvents : function( definition )
-		{
+		registerEvents: function( definition ) {
 			var regex = /^on([A-Z]\w+)/,
-			var registerDomEvent = function( uiElement, dialog, eventName, func )
-			{
-				dialog.on( 'load', function()
-				{
-					uiElement.getInputElement().on( eventName, func, uiElement );
-				});
-			};
+			var registerDomEvent = function( uiElement, dialog, eventName, func ) {
+					dialog.on( 'load', function() {
+						uiElement.getInputElement().on( eventName, func, uiElement );
+					});
+				};
-			for ( var i in definition )
-			{
+			for ( var i in definition ) {
 				if ( !( match = i.match( regex ) ) )
-				if ( this.eventProcessors[i] )
-					this.eventProcessors[i].call( this, this._.dialog, definition[i] );
+				if ( this.eventProcessors[ i ] )
+					this.eventProcessors[ i ].call( this, this._.dialog, definition[ i ] );
-					registerDomEvent( this, this._.dialog, match[1].toLowerCase(), definition[i] );
+					registerDomEvent( this, this._.dialog, match[ 1 ].toLowerCase(), definition[ i ] );
 			return this;
@@ -2525,181 +2621,162 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 		 * The event processor list used by
 		 * {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement#getInputElement} at UI element
-		 * instantiation. The default list defines three on* events:
-		 * <ol>
-		 *  <li>onLoad - Called when the element's parent dialog opens for the
-		 *  first time</li>
-		 *  <li>onShow - Called whenever the element's parent dialog opens.</li>
-		 *  <li>onHide - Called whenever the element's parent dialog closes.</li>
-		 * </ol>
-		 * @field
-		 * @type Object
-		 * @example
-		 * // This connects the 'click' event in CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button to onClick
-		 * // handlers in the UI element's definitions.
-		 * CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button.eventProcessors = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {},
-		 *   CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.prototype.eventProcessors,
-		 *   { onClick : function( dialog, func ) { this.on( 'click', func ); } },
-		 *   true );
+		 * instantiation. The default list defines three `on*` events:
+		 *
+		 * 1. `onLoad` - Called when the element's parent dialog opens for the
+		 *     first time.
+		 * 2. `onShow` - Called whenever the element's parent dialog opens.
+		 * 3. `onHide` - Called whenever the element's parent dialog closes.
+		 *
+		 *		// This connects the 'click' event in CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button to onClick
+		 *		// handlers in the UI element's definitions.
+		 *		CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button.eventProcessors = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {},
+		 *			CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.prototype.eventProcessors,
+		 *			{ onClick : function( dialog, func ) { this.on( 'click', func ); } },
+		 *			true
+		 *		);
+		 *
+		 * @property {Object}
-		eventProcessors :
-		{
-			onLoad : function( dialog, func )
-			{
+		eventProcessors: {
+			onLoad: function( dialog, func ) {
 				dialog.on( 'load', func, this );
-			onShow : function( dialog, func )
-			{
+			onShow: function( dialog, func ) {
 				dialog.on( 'show', func, this );
-			onHide : function( dialog, func )
-			{
+			onHide: function( dialog, func ) {
 				dialog.on( 'hide', func, this );
 		 * The default handler for a UI element's access key down event, which
-		 * tries to put focus to the UI element.<br />
+		 * tries to put focus to the UI element.
+		 *
 		 * Can be overridded in child classes for more sophisticaed behavior.
+		 *
 		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog The parent dialog object.
 		 * @param {String} key The key combination pressed. Since access keys
-		 * are defined to always include the CTRL key, its value should always
-		 * include a 'CTRL+' prefix.
-		 * @example
+		 * are defined to always include the `CTRL` key, its value should always
+		 * include a `'CTRL+'` prefix.
-		accessKeyDown : function( dialog, key )
-		{
+		accessKeyDown: function( dialog, key ) {
 		 * The default handler for a UI element's access key up event, which
-		 * does nothing.<br />
+		 * does nothing.
+		 *
 		 * Can be overridded in child classes for more sophisticated behavior.
+		 *
 		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog The parent dialog object.
 		 * @param {String} key The key combination pressed. Since access keys
-		 * are defined to always include the CTRL key, its value should always
-		 * include a 'CTRL+' prefix.
-		 * @example
+		 * are defined to always include the `CTRL` key, its value should always
+		 * include a `'CTRL+'` prefix.
-		accessKeyUp : function( dialog, key )
-		{
-		},
+		accessKeyUp: function( dialog, key ) {},
 		 * Disables a UI element.
-		 * @example
-		disable : function()
-		{
-			var element = this.getInputElement();
-			element.setAttribute( 'disabled', 'true' );
+		disable: function() {
+			var element = this.getElement(),
+				input = this.getInputElement();
+			input.setAttribute( 'disabled', 'true' );
 			element.addClass( 'cke_disabled' );
 		 * Enables a UI element.
-		 * @example
-		enable : function()
-		{
-			var element = this.getInputElement();
-			element.removeAttribute( 'disabled' );
+		enable: function() {
+			var element = this.getElement(),
+				input = this.getInputElement();
+			input.removeAttribute( 'disabled' );
 			element.removeClass( 'cke_disabled' );
 		 * Determines whether an UI element is enabled or not.
+		 *
 		 * @returns {Boolean} Whether the UI element is enabled.
-		 * @example
-		isEnabled : function()
-		{
-			return !this.getInputElement().getAttribute( 'disabled' );
+		isEnabled: function() {
+			return !this.getElement().hasClass( 'cke_disabled' );
 		 * Determines whether an UI element is visible or not.
+		 *
 		 * @returns {Boolean} Whether the UI element is visible.
-		 * @example
-		isVisible : function()
-		{
+		isVisible: function() {
 			return this.getInputElement().isVisible();
 		 * Determines whether an UI element is focus-able or not.
 		 * Focus-able is defined as being both visible and enabled.
+		 *
 		 * @returns {Boolean} Whether the UI element can be focused.
-		 * @example
-		isFocusable : function()
-		{
+		isFocusable: function() {
 			if ( !this.isEnabled() || !this.isVisible() )
 				return false;
 			return true;
-	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement,
+	/** @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox */
+	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement, {
-		 * @lends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox.prototype
+		 * Gets a child UI element inside this container.
+		 *
+		 *		var checkbox = hbox.getChild( [0,1] );
+		 *		checkbox.setValue( true );
+		 *
+		 * @param {Array/Number} indices An array or a single number to indicate the child's
+		 * position in the container's descendant tree. Omit to get all the children in an array.
+		 * @returns {Array/CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement} Array of all UI elements in the container
+		 * if no argument given, or the specified UI element if indices is given.
-		{
-			/**
-			 * Gets a child UI element inside this container.
-			 * @param {Array|Number} indices An array or a single number to indicate the child's
-			 * position in the container's descendant tree. Omit to get all the children in an array.
-			 * @returns {Array|CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement} Array of all UI elements in the container
-			 * if no argument given, or the specified UI element if indices is given.
-			 * @example
-			 * var checkbox = hbox.getChild( [0,1] );
-			 * checkbox.setValue( true );
-			 */
-			getChild : function( indices )
-			{
-				// If no arguments, return a clone of the children array.
-				if ( arguments.length < 1 )
-					return this._.children.concat();
-				// If indices isn't array, make it one.
-				if ( !indices.splice )
-					indices = [ indices ];
-				// Retrieve the child element according to tree position.
-				if ( indices.length < 2 )
-					return this._.children[ indices[0] ];
-				else
-					return ( this._.children[ indices[0] ] && this._.children[ indices[0] ].getChild ) ?
-						this._.children[ indices[0] ].getChild( indices.slice( 1, indices.length ) ) :
-						null;
-			}
-		}, true );
+		getChild: function( indices ) {
+			// If no arguments, return a clone of the children array.
+			if ( arguments.length < 1 )
+				return this._.children.concat();
+			// If indices isn't array, make it one.
+			if ( !indices.splice )
+				indices = [ indices ];
+			// Retrieve the child element according to tree position.
+			if ( indices.length < 2 )
+				return this._.children[ indices[ 0 ] ];
+			else
+				return ( this._.children[ indices[ 0 ] ] && this._.children[ indices[ 0 ] ].getChild ) ? this._.children[ indices[ 0 ] ].getChild( indices.slice( 1, indices.length ) ) : null;
+		}
+	}, true );
 	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.vbox.prototype = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox();
-	(function()
-	{
+	(function() {
 		var commonBuilder = {
-			build : function( dialog, elementDefinition, output )
-			{
+			build: function( dialog, elementDefinition, output ) {
 				var children = elementDefinition.children,
 					childHtmlList = [],
 					childObjList = [];
-				for ( var i = 0 ; ( i < children.length && ( child = children[i] ) ) ; i++ )
-				{
+				for ( var i = 0;
+				( i < children.length && ( child = children[ i ] ) ); i++ ) {
 					var childHtml = [];
 					childHtmlList.push( childHtml );
 					childObjList.push( CKEDITOR.dialog._.uiElementBuilders[ child.type ].build( dialog, child, childHtml ) );
-				return new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog[elementDefinition.type]( dialog, childObjList, childHtmlList, output, elementDefinition );
+				return new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog[ elementDefinition.type ]( dialog, childObjList, childHtmlList, output, elementDefinition );
@@ -2709,308 +2786,406 @@ CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH = 3;
 	 * Generic dialog command. It opens a specific dialog when executed.
-	 * @constructor
-	 * @augments CKEDITOR.commandDefinition
-	 * @param {string} dialogName The name of the dialog to open when executing
-	 *		this command.
-	 * @example
-	 * // Register the "link" command, which opens the "link" dialog.
-	 * editor.addCommand( 'link', <b>new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'link' )</b> );
+	 *
+	 *		// Register the "link" command, which opens the "link" dialog.
+	 *		editor.addCommand( 'link', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'link' ) );
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @constructor Creates a dialogCommand class instance.
+	 * @extends CKEDITOR.commandDefinition
+	 * @param {String} dialogName The name of the dialog to open when executing
+	 * this command.
-	CKEDITOR.dialogCommand = function( dialogName )
-	{
+	CKEDITOR.dialogCommand = function( dialogName, ext ) {
 		this.dialogName = dialogName;
+		CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, ext, true );
-	CKEDITOR.dialogCommand.prototype =
-	{
-		/** @ignore */
-		exec : function( editor )
-		{
-			editor.openDialog( this.dialogName );
+	CKEDITOR.dialogCommand.prototype = {
+		exec: function( editor ) {
+			// Special treatment for Opera. (#8031)
+			CKEDITOR.env.opera ? CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() {
+				editor.openDialog( this.dialogName );
+			}, 0, this ) : editor.openDialog( this.dialogName );
 		// Dialog commands just open a dialog ui, thus require no undo logic,
 		// undo support should dedicate to specific dialog implementation.
 		canUndo: false,
-		editorFocus : CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.webkit
+		editorFocus: CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.webkit
-	(function()
-	{
+	(function() {
 		var notEmptyRegex = /^([a]|[^a])+$/,
 			integerRegex = /^\d*$/,
-			numberRegex = /^\d*(?:\.\d+)?$/;
+			numberRegex = /^\d*(?:\.\d+)?$/,
+			htmlLengthRegex = /^(((\d*(\.\d+))|(\d*))(px|\%)?)?$/,
+			cssLengthRegex = /^(((\d*(\.\d+))|(\d*))(px|em|ex|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|\%)?)?$/i,
+			inlineStyleRegex = /^(\s*[\w-]+\s*:\s*[^:;]+(?:;|$))*$/;
-		CKEDITOR.dialog.validate =
-		{
-			functions : function()
-			{
-				return function()
-				{
+		CKEDITOR.dialog.validate = {
+			functions: function() {
+				var args = arguments;
+				return function() {
 					 * It's important for validate functions to be able to accept the value
 					 * as argument in addition to this.getValue(), so that it is possible to
 					 * combine validate functions together to make more sophisticated
 					 * validators.
-					var value = this && this.getValue ? this.getValue() : arguments[0];
+					var value = this && this.getValue ? this.getValue() : args[ 0 ];
 					var msg = undefined,
 						relation = CKEDITOR.VALIDATE_AND,
-						functions = [], i;
+						functions = [],
+						i;
-					for ( i = 0 ; i < arguments.length ; i++ )
-					{
-						if ( typeof( arguments[i] ) == 'function' )
-							functions.push( arguments[i] );
+					for ( i = 0; i < args.length; i++ ) {
+						if ( typeof( args[ i ] ) == 'function' )
+							functions.push( args[ i ] );
-					if ( i < arguments.length && typeof( arguments[i] ) == 'string' )
-					{
-						msg = arguments[i];
+					if ( i < args.length && typeof( args[ i ] ) == 'string' ) {
+						msg = args[ i ];
-					if ( i < arguments.length && typeof( arguments[i]) == 'number' )
-						relation = arguments[i];
+					if ( i < args.length && typeof( args[ i ] ) == 'number' )
+						relation = args[ i ];
 					var passed = ( relation == CKEDITOR.VALIDATE_AND ? true : false );
-					for ( i = 0 ; i < functions.length ; i++ )
-					{
+					for ( i = 0; i < functions.length; i++ ) {
 						if ( relation == CKEDITOR.VALIDATE_AND )
-							passed = passed && functions[i]( value );
+							passed = passed && functions[ i ]( value );
-							passed = passed || functions[i]( value );
-					}
-					if ( !passed )
-					{
-						if ( msg !== undefined )
-							alert( msg );
-						if ( this && ( this.select || this.focus ) )
-							( this.select || this.focus )();
-						return false;
+							passed = passed || functions[ i ]( value );
-					return true;
+					return !passed ? msg : true;
-			regex : function( regex, msg )
-			{
+			regex: function( regex, msg ) {
 				 * Can be greatly shortened by deriving from functions validator if code size
 				 * turns out to be more important than performance.
-				return function()
-				{
-					var value = this && this.getValue ? this.getValue() : arguments[0];
-					if ( !regex.test( value ) )
-					{
-						if ( msg !== undefined )
-							alert( msg );
-						if ( this && ( this.select || this.focus ) )
-						{
-							if ( this.select )
-								this.select();
-							else
-								this.focus();
-						}
-						return false;
-					}
-					return true;
+				return function() {
+					var value = this && this.getValue ? this.getValue() : arguments[ 0 ];
+					return !regex.test( value ) ? msg : true;
-			notEmpty : function( msg )
-			{
+			notEmpty: function( msg ) {
 				return this.regex( notEmptyRegex, msg );
-			integer : function( msg )
-			{
+			integer: function( msg ) {
 				return this.regex( integerRegex, msg );
-			'number' : function( msg )
-			{
+			'number': function( msg ) {
 				return this.regex( numberRegex, msg );
-			equals : function( value, msg )
-			{
-				return this.functions( function( val ){ return val == value; }, msg );
+			'cssLength': function( msg ) {
+				return this.functions( function( val ) {
+					return cssLengthRegex.test( CKEDITOR.tools.trim( val ) );
+				}, msg );
+			},
+			'htmlLength': function( msg ) {
+				return this.functions( function( val ) {
+					return htmlLengthRegex.test( CKEDITOR.tools.trim( val ) );
+				}, msg );
+			},
+			'inlineStyle': function( msg ) {
+				return this.functions( function( val ) {
+					return inlineStyleRegex.test( CKEDITOR.tools.trim( val ) );
+				}, msg );
+			},
+			equals: function( value, msg ) {
+				return this.functions( function( val ) {
+					return val == value;
+				}, msg );
-			notEqual : function( value, msg )
-			{
-				return this.functions( function( val ){ return val != value; }, msg );
+			notEqual: function( value, msg ) {
+				return this.functions( function( val ) {
+					return val != value;
+				}, msg );
-	CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceDestroyed', function( evt )
-	{
-		// Remove dialog cover on last instance destroy.
-		if ( CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty( CKEDITOR.instances ) )
-		{
-			var currentTopDialog;
-			while ( ( currentTopDialog = CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop ) )
-				currentTopDialog.hide();
-			removeCovers();
-		}
+		CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceDestroyed', function( evt ) {
+			// Remove dialog cover on last instance destroy.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty( CKEDITOR.instances ) ) {
+				var currentTopDialog;
+				while ( ( currentTopDialog = CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop ) )
+					currentTopDialog.hide();
+				removeCovers();
+			}
-		var dialogs = evt.editor._.storedDialogs;
-		for ( var name in dialogs )
-			dialogs[ name ].destroy();
+			var dialogs = evt.editor._.storedDialogs;
+			for ( var name in dialogs )
+				dialogs[ name ].destroy();
-	});
+		});
-// Extend the CKEDITOR.editor class with dialog specific functions.
-CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.editor.prototype,
-	/** @lends CKEDITOR.editor.prototype */
-	{
+	// Extend the CKEDITOR.editor class with dialog specific functions.
+	CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.editor.prototype, {
 		 * Loads and opens a registered dialog.
+		 *
+		 *		CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.openDialog( 'smiley' );
+		 *
+		 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
 		 * @param {String} dialogName The registered name of the dialog.
 		 * @param {Function} callback The function to be invoked after dialog instance created.
-		 * @see CKEDITOR.dialog.add
-		 * @example
-		 * CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.openDialog( 'smiley' );
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog} The dialog object corresponding to the dialog displayed. null if the dialog name is not registered.
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dialog} The dialog object corresponding to the dialog displayed.
+		 * `null` if the dialog name is not registered.
+		 * @see CKEDITOR.dialog#add
-		openDialog : function( dialogName, callback )
-		{
-			var dialogDefinitions = CKEDITOR.dialog._.dialogDefinitions[ dialogName ],
-					dialogSkin = this.skin.dialog;
+		openDialog: function( dialogName, callback ) {
+			var dialog = null, dialogDefinitions = CKEDITOR.dialog._.dialogDefinitions[ dialogName ];
+			if ( CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop === null )
+				showCover( this );
 			// If the dialogDefinition is already loaded, open it immediately.
-			if ( typeof dialogDefinitions == 'function' && dialogSkin._isLoaded )
-			{
-				var storedDialogs = this._.storedDialogs ||
-					( this._.storedDialogs = {} );
+			if ( typeof dialogDefinitions == 'function' ) {
+				var storedDialogs = this._.storedDialogs || ( this._.storedDialogs = {} );
-				var dialog = storedDialogs[ dialogName ] ||
-					( storedDialogs[ dialogName ] = new CKEDITOR.dialog( this, dialogName ) );
+				dialog = storedDialogs[ dialogName ] || ( storedDialogs[ dialogName ] = new CKEDITOR.dialog( this, dialogName ) );
 				callback && callback.call( dialog, dialog );
-				return dialog;
-			}
-			else if ( dialogDefinitions == 'failed' )
+			} else if ( dialogDefinitions == 'failed' ) {
+				hideCover( this );
 				throw new Error( '[CKEDITOR.dialog.openDialog] Dialog "' + dialogName + '" failed when loading definition.' );
+			} else if ( typeof dialogDefinitions == 'string' ) {
-			// Not loaded? Load the .js file first.
-			var body = CKEDITOR.document.getBody(),
-				cursor = body.$.style.cursor,
-				me = this;
-			body.setStyle( 'cursor', 'wait' );
-			function onDialogFileLoaded( success )
-			{
-				var dialogDefinition = CKEDITOR.dialog._.dialogDefinitions[ dialogName ],
-						skin = me.skin.dialog;
-				// Check if both skin part and definition is loaded.
-				if ( !skin._isLoaded || loadDefinition && typeof success == 'undefined' )
-					return;
-				// In case of plugin error, mark it as loading failed.
-				if ( typeof dialogDefinition != 'function' )
-					CKEDITOR.dialog._.dialogDefinitions[ dialogName ] = 'failed';
-				me.openDialog( dialogName, callback );
-				body.setStyle( 'cursor', cursor );
-			}
+				CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( CKEDITOR.getUrl( dialogDefinitions ),
+					function() {
+						var dialogDefinition = CKEDITOR.dialog._.dialogDefinitions[ dialogName ];
+						// In case of plugin error, mark it as loading failed.
+						if ( typeof dialogDefinition != 'function' )
+							CKEDITOR.dialog._.dialogDefinitions[ dialogName ] = 'failed';
-			if ( typeof dialogDefinitions == 'string' )
-			{
-				var loadDefinition = 1;
-				CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( CKEDITOR.getUrl( dialogDefinitions ), onDialogFileLoaded );
+						this.openDialog( dialogName, callback );
+					}, this, 0, 1 );
-			CKEDITOR.skins.load( this, 'dialog', onDialogFileLoaded );
+			CKEDITOR.skin.loadPart( 'dialog' );
-			return null;
+			return dialog;
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'dialog',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'dialogui' ]
-	});
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'dialog', {
+	requires: 'dialogui',
+	init: function( editor ) {
+		editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
+			var editable = editor.editable();
+			// Open dialog on double-clicks.
+			editable.attachListener( editable, 'dblclick', function( evt ) {
+				if ( editor.readOnly )
+					return false;
+				var data = { element: evt.data.getTarget() };
+				editor.fire( 'doubleclick', data );
+				data.dialog && editor.openDialog( data.dialog );
+				return 1;
+			});
+		});
+	}
 // Dialog related configurations.
- * The color of the dialog background cover. It should be a valid CSS color
- * string.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.dialog_backgroundCoverColor
- * @type String
- * @default 'white'
- * @example
- * config.dialog_backgroundCoverColor = 'rgb(255, 254, 253)';
+ * The color of the dialog background cover. It should be a valid CSS color string.
+ *
+ *		config.dialog_backgroundCoverColor = 'rgb(255, 254, 253)';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [dialog_backgroundCoverColor='white']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
  * The opacity of the dialog background cover. It should be a number within the
- * range [0.0, 1.0].
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.dialog_backgroundCoverOpacity
- * @type Number
- * @default 0.5
- * @example
- * config.dialog_backgroundCoverOpacity = 0.7;
+ * range `[0.0, 1.0]`.
+ *
+ *		config.dialog_backgroundCoverOpacity = 0.7;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [dialog_backgroundCoverOpacity=0.5]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
  * If the dialog has more than one tab, put focus into the first tab as soon as dialog is opened.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.dialog_startupFocusTab
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- * @example
- * config.dialog_startupFocusTab = true;
+ *
+ *		config.dialog_startupFocusTab = true;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [dialog_startupFocusTab=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
  * The distance of magnetic borders used in moving and resizing dialogs,
  * measured in pixels.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.dialog_magnetDistance
- * @type Number
- * @default 20
- * @example
- * config.dialog_magnetDistance = 30;
+ *
+ *		config.dialog_magnetDistance = 30;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [dialog_magnetDistance=20]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * The guideline to follow when generating the dialog buttons. There are 3 possible options:
+ *
+ * * `'OS'` - the buttons will be displayed in the default order of the user's OS;
+ * * `'ltr'` - for Left-To-Right order;
+ * * `'rtl'` - for Right-To-Left order.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ *		config.dialog_buttonsOrder = 'rtl';
+ *
+ * @since 3.5
+ * @cfg {String} [dialog_buttonsOrder='OS']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * The dialog contents to removed. It's a string composed by dialog name and tab name with a colon between them.
+ *
+ * Separate each pair with semicolon (see example).
+ *
+ * **Note:** All names are case-sensitive.
+ *
+ * **Note:** Be cautious when specifying dialog tabs that are mandatory,
+ * like `'info'`, dialog functionality might be broken because of this!
+ *
+ *		config.removeDialogTabs = 'flash:advanced;image:Link';
+ *
+ * @since 3.5
+ * @cfg {String} [removeDialogTabs='']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
  * Fired when a dialog definition is about to be used to create a dialog into
  * an editor instance. This event makes it possible to customize the definition
  * before creating it.
- * <p>Note that this event is called only the first time a specific dialog is
+ *
+ * Note that this event is called only the first time a specific dialog is
  * opened. Successive openings will use the cached dialog, and this event will
- * not get fired.</p>
- * @name CKEDITOR#dialogDefinition
- * @event
- * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinition} data The dialog defination that
- *		is being loaded.
- * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance that will use the
- *		dialog.
+ * not get fired.
+ *
+ * @event dialogDefinition
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition} data The dialog defination that
+ * is being loaded.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance that will use the dialog.
+ */
+ * Fired when a tab is going to be selected in a dialog.
+ *
+ * @event selectPage
+ * @member CKEDITOR.dialog
+ * @param data
+ * @param {String} data.page The id of the page that it's gonna be selected.
+ * @param {String} data.currentPage The id of the current page.
+ */
+ * Fired when the user tries to dismiss a dialog.
+ *
+ * @event cancel
+ * @member CKEDITOR.dialog
+ * @param data
+ * @param {Boolean} data.hide Whether the event should proceed or not.
+ */
+ * Fired when the user tries to confirm a dialog.
+ *
+ * @event ok
+ * @member CKEDITOR.dialog
+ * @param data
+ * @param {Boolean} data.hide Whether the event should proceed or not.
+ */
+ * Fired when a dialog is shown.
+ *
+ * @event show
+ * @member CKEDITOR.dialog
+ */
+ * Fired when a dialog is shown.
+ *
+ * @event dialogShow
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
+ * Fired when a dialog is hidden.
+ *
+ * @event hide
+ * @member CKEDITOR.dialog
+ */
+ * Fired when a dialog is hidden.
+ *
+ * @event dialogHide
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
+ * Fired when a dialog is being resized. The event is fired on
+ * both the {@link CKEDITOR.dialog} object and the dialog instance
+ * since 3.5.3, previously it's available only in the global object.
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @event resize
+ * @member CKEDITOR.dialog
+ * @param data
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} data.dialog The dialog being resized (if
+ * it's fired on the dialog itself, this parameter isn't sent).
+ * @param {String} data.skin The skin name.
+ * @param {Number} data.width The new width.
+ * @param {Number} data.height The new height.
- * Fired when a tab is going to be selected in a dialog
- * @name dialog#selectPage
- * @event
- * @param String page The id of the page that it's gonna be selected.
- * @param String currentPage The id of the current page.
+ * Fired when a dialog is being resized. The event is fired on
+ * both the {@link CKEDITOR.dialog} object and the dialog instance
+ * since 3.5.3, previously it's available only in the global object.
+ *
+ * @since 3.5
+ * @event resize
+ * @member CKEDITOR.dialog
+ * @param data
+ * @param {Number} data.width The new width.
+ * @param {Number} data.height The new height.
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/samples/assets/my_dialog.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/samples/assets/my_dialog.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e54bac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/samples/assets/my_dialog.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'myDialog', function( editor ) {
+	return {
+		title: 'My Dialog',
+		minWidth: 400,
+		minHeight: 200,
+		contents: [
+			{
+				id: 'tab1',
+				label: 'First Tab',
+				title: 'First Tab',
+				elements: [
+					{
+						id: 'input1',
+						type: 'text',
+						label: 'Text Field'
+					},
+					{
+						id: 'select1',
+						type: 'select',
+						label: 'Select Field',
+						items: [
+							[ 'option1', 'value1' ],
+							[ 'option2', 'value2' ]
+						]
+					}
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				id: 'tab2',
+				label: 'Second Tab',
+				title: 'Second Tab',
+				elements: [
+					{
+						id: 'button1',
+						type: 'button',
+						label: 'Button Field'
+					}
+				]
+			}
+		]
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/samples/dialog.html b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/samples/dialog.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0027684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/samples/dialog.html
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+	<title>Using API to Customize Dialog Windows — CKEditor Sample</title>
+	<meta charset="utf-8">
+	<script src="../../../ckeditor.js"></script>
+	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../samples/sample.css">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-name" content="Using the JavaScript API to customize dialog windows">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-group" content="Advanced Samples">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-description" content="Using the dialog windows API to customize dialog windows without changing the original editor code.">
+	<style>
+		.cke_button__mybutton_icon
+		{
+			display: none !important;
+		}
+		.cke_button__mybutton_label
+		{
+			display: inline !important;
+		}
+	</style>
+	<script>
+		CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceCreated', function( ev ){
+			var editor = ev.editor;
+			// Listen for the "pluginsLoaded" event, so we are sure that the
+			// "dialog" plugin has been loaded and we are able to do our
+			// customizations.
+			editor.on( 'pluginsLoaded', function() {
+				// If our custom dialog has not been registered, do that now.
+				if ( !CKEDITOR.dialog.exists( 'myDialog' ) ) {
+					// We need to do the following trick to find out the dialog
+					// definition file URL path. In the real world, you would simply
+					// point to an absolute path directly, like "/mydir/mydialog.js".
+					var href = document.location.href.split( '/' );
+					href.pop();
+					href.push( 'assets/my_dialog.js' );
+					href = href.join( '/' );
+					// Finally, register the dialog.
+					CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'myDialog', href );
+				}
+				// Register the command used to open the dialog.
+				editor.addCommand( 'myDialogCmd', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'myDialog' ) );
+				// Add the a custom toolbar buttons, which fires the above
+				// command..
+				editor.ui.add( 'MyButton', CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON, {
+					label: 'My Dialog',
+					command: 'myDialogCmd'
+				});
+			});
+		});
+		// When opening a dialog, its "definition" is created for it, for
+		// each editor instance. The "dialogDefinition" event is then
+		// fired. We should use this event to make customizations to the
+		// definition of existing dialogs.
+		CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( ev ) {
+			// Take the dialog name and its definition from the event data.
+			var dialogName = ev.data.name;
+			var dialogDefinition = ev.data.definition;
+			// Check if the definition is from the dialog we're
+			// interested on (the "Link" dialog).
+			if ( dialogName == 'myDialog' && ev.editor.name == 'editor2' ) {
+				// Get a reference to the "Link Info" tab.
+				var infoTab = dialogDefinition.getContents( 'tab1' );
+				// Add a new text field to the "tab1" tab page.
+				infoTab.add( {
+					type: 'text',
+					label: 'My Custom Field',
+					id: 'customField',
+					'default': 'Sample!',
+					validate: function() {
+						if ( ( /\d/ ).test( this.getValue() ) )
+							return 'My Custom Field must not contain digits';
+					}
+				});
+				// Remove the "select1" field from the "tab1" tab.
+				infoTab.remove( 'select1' );
+				// Set the default value for "input1" field.
+				var input1 = infoTab.get( 'input1' );
+				input1[ 'default' ] = 'www.example.com';
+				// Remove the "tab2" tab page.
+				dialogDefinition.removeContents( 'tab2' );
+				// Add a new tab to the "Link" dialog.
+				dialogDefinition.addContents( {
+					id: 'customTab',
+					label: 'My Tab',
+					accessKey: 'M',
+					elements: [
+						{
+							id: 'myField1',
+							type: 'text',
+							label: 'My Text Field'
+						},
+						{
+							id: 'myField2',
+							type: 'text',
+							label: 'Another Text Field'
+						}
+					]
+				});
+				// Provide the focus handler to start initial focus in "customField" field.
+				dialogDefinition.onFocus = function() {
+					var urlField = this.getContentElement( 'tab1', 'customField' );
+					urlField.select();
+				};
+			}
+		});
+		var config = {
+			extraPlugins: 'dialog',
+			toolbar: [ [ 'MyButton' ] ]
+		};
+	</script>
+	<h1 class="samples">
+		<a href="../../../samples/index.html">CKEditor Samples</a> » Using CKEditor Dialog API
+	</h1>
+	<div class="description">
+		<p>
+			This sample shows how to use the
+			<a class="samples" href="http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.dialog">CKEditor Dialog API</a>
+			to customize CKEditor dialog windows without changing the original editor code.
+			The following customizations are being done in the example below:
+		</p>
+		<p>
+			For details on how to create this setup check the source code of this sample page.
+		</p>
+	</div>
+	<p>A custom dialog is added to the editors using the <code>pluginsLoaded</code> event, from an external <a target="_blank" href="assets/my_dialog.js">dialog definition file</a>:</p>
+	<ol>
+		<li><strong>Creating a custom dialog window</strong> – "My Dialog" dialog window opened with the "My Dialog" toolbar button.</li>
+		<li><strong>Creating a custom button</strong> – Add button to open the dialog with "My Dialog" toolbar button.</li>
+	</ol>
+	<textarea cols="80" id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10"><p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="http://ckeditor.com/">CKEditor</a>.</p></textarea>
+	<script>
+		// Replace the <textarea id="editor1"> with an CKEditor instance.
+		CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', config );
+	</script>
+	<p>The below editor modify the dialog definition of the above added dialog using the <code>dialogDefinition</code> event:</p>
+	<ol>
+		<li><strong>Adding dialog tab</strong> – Add new tab "My Tab" to dialog window.</li>
+		<li><strong>Removing a dialog window tab</strong> – Remove "Second Tab" page from the dialog window.</li>
+		<li><strong>Adding dialog window fields</strong> – Add "My Custom Field" to the dialog window.</li>
+		<li><strong>Removing dialog window field</strong> – Remove "Select Field" selection field from the dialog window.</li>
+		<li><strong>Setting default values for dialog window fields</strong> – Set default value of "Text Field" text field. </li>
+		<li><strong>Setup initial focus for dialog window</strong> – Put initial focus on "My Custom Field" text field. </li>
+	</ol>
+	<textarea cols="80" id="editor2" name="editor2" rows="10"><p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="http://ckeditor.com/">CKEditor</a>.</p></textarea>
+	<script>
+		// Replace the <textarea id="editor1"> with an CKEditor instance.
+		CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor2', config );
+	</script>
+	<div id="footer">
+		<hr>
+		<p>
+			CKEditor - The text editor for the Internet - <a class="samples" href="http://ckeditor.com/">http://ckeditor.com</a>
+		</p>
+		<p id="copy">
+			Copyright © 2003-2013, <a class="samples" href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico
+			Knabben. All rights reserved.
+		</p>
+	</div>
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialogadvtab/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialogadvtab/plugin.js
index 5feec9c..cd7b5f5 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialogadvtab/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialogadvtab/plugin.js
@@ -1,207 +1,169 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-function setupAdvParams( element )
-	var attrName = this.att;
-	var value = element && element.hasAttribute( attrName ) && element.getAttribute( attrName ) || '';
-	if ( value !== undefined )
-		this.setValue( value );
-function commitAdvParams()
-	// Dialogs may use different parameters in the commit list, so, by
-	// definition, we take the first CKEDITOR.dom.element available.
-	var element;
-	for ( var i = 0 ; i < arguments.length ; i++ )
-	{
-		if ( arguments[ i ] instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element )
-		{
-			element = arguments[ i ];
-			break;
-		}
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	function setupAdvParams( element ) {
+		var attrName = this.att;
-	if ( element )
-	{
-		var attrName = this.att,
-			value = this.getValue();
+		var value = element && element.hasAttribute( attrName ) && element.getAttribute( attrName ) || '';
-		if ( value )
-			element.setAttribute( attrName, value );
-		else
-			element.removeAttribute( attrName, value );
+		if ( value !== undefined )
+			this.setValue( value );
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'dialogadvtab',
-	/**
-	 *
-	 * @param tabConfig
-	 * id, dir, classes, styles
-	 */
-	createAdvancedTab : function( editor, tabConfig )
-	{
-		if ( !tabConfig )
-			tabConfig = { id:1, dir:1, classes:1, styles:1 };
-		var lang = editor.lang.common;
-		var result =
-		{
-			id : 'advanced',
-			label : lang.advancedTab,
-			title : lang.advancedTab,
-			elements :
-				[
-					{
-						type : 'vbox',
-						padding : 1,
-						children : []
-					}
-				]
-		};
-		var contents = [];
+	function commitAdvParams() {
+		// Dialogs may use different parameters in the commit list, so, by
+		// definition, we take the first CKEDITOR.dom.element available.
+		var element;
-		if ( tabConfig.id || tabConfig.dir )
-		{
-			if ( tabConfig.id )
-			{
-				contents.push(
-					{
-						id : 'advId',
-						att : 'id',
-						type : 'text',
-						label : lang.id,
-						setup : setupAdvParams,
-						commit : commitAdvParams
-					});
+		for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
+			if ( arguments[ i ] instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element ) {
+				element = arguments[ i ];
+				break;
+		}
+		if ( element ) {
+			var attrName = this.att,
+				value = this.getValue();
-			if ( tabConfig.dir )
-			{
-				contents.push(
+			if ( value )
+				element.setAttribute( attrName, value );
+			else
+				element.removeAttribute( attrName, value );
+		}
+	}
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'dialogadvtab', {
+		requires : 'dialog',
+		// @param tabConfig
+		// id, dir, classes, styles
+		createAdvancedTab: function( editor, tabConfig ) {
+			if ( !tabConfig )
+				tabConfig = { id:1,dir:1,classes:1,styles:1 };
+			var lang = editor.lang.common;
+			var result = {
+				id: 'advanced',
+				label: lang.advancedTab,
+				title: lang.advancedTab,
+				elements: [
-						id : 'advLangDir',
-						att : 'dir',
-						type : 'select',
-						label : lang.langDir,
-						'default' : '',
-						style : 'width:100%',
-						items :
-						[
+					type: 'vbox',
+					padding: 1,
+					children: []
+				}
+				]
+			};
+			var contents = [];
+			if ( tabConfig.id || tabConfig.dir ) {
+				if ( tabConfig.id ) {
+					contents.push({
+						id: 'advId',
+						att: 'id',
+						type: 'text',
+						label: lang.id,
+						setup: setupAdvParams,
+						commit: commitAdvParams
+					});
+				}
+				if ( tabConfig.dir ) {
+					contents.push({
+						id: 'advLangDir',
+						att: 'dir',
+						type: 'select',
+						label: lang.langDir,
+						'default': '',
+						style: 'width:100%',
+						items: [
 							[ lang.notSet, '' ],
 							[ lang.langDirLTR, 'ltr' ],
 							[ lang.langDirRTL, 'rtl' ]
-						],
-						setup : setupAdvParams,
-						commit : commitAdvParams
+							],
+						setup: setupAdvParams,
+						commit: commitAdvParams
-			}
+				}
-			result.elements[ 0 ].children.push(
-				{
-					type : 'hbox',
-					widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-					children : [].concat( contents )
+				result.elements[ 0 ].children.push({
+					type: 'hbox',
+					widths: [ '50%', '50%' ],
+					children: [].concat( contents )
-		}
+			}
-		if ( tabConfig.styles || tabConfig.classes )
-		{
-			contents = [];
+			if ( tabConfig.styles || tabConfig.classes ) {
+				contents = [];
-			if ( tabConfig.styles )
-			{
-				contents.push(
-					{
-						id : 'advStyles',
-						att : 'style',
-						type : 'text',
-						label : lang.styles,
-						'default' : '',
+				if ( tabConfig.styles ) {
+					contents.push({
+						id: 'advStyles',
+						att: 'style',
+						type: 'text',
+						label: lang.styles,
+						'default': '',
-						onChange : function(){},
+						validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.inlineStyle( lang.invalidInlineStyle ),
+						onChange: function() {},
-						getStyle : function( name, defaultValue )
-						{
-							var match = this.getValue().match( new RegExp( name + '\\s*:\s*([^;]*)', 'i') );
+						getStyle: function( name, defaultValue ) {
+							var match = this.getValue().match( new RegExp( '(?:^|;)\\s*' + name + '\\s*:\\s*([^;]*)', 'i' ) );
 							return match ? match[ 1 ] : defaultValue;
-						updateStyle : function( name, value )
-						{
+						updateStyle: function( name, value ) {
 							var styles = this.getValue();
-							// Remove the current value.
-							if ( styles )
-							{
-								styles = styles
-									.replace( new RegExp( '\\s*' + name + '\s*:[^;]*(?:$|;\s*)', 'i' ), '' )
-									.replace( /^[;\s]+/, '' )
-									.replace( /\s+$/, '' );
-							}
-							if ( value )
-							{
-								styles && !(/;\s*$/).test( styles ) && ( styles += '; ' );
-								styles += name + ': ' + value;
-							}
-							this.setValue( styles, true );
+							var tmp = editor.document.createElement( 'span' );
+							tmp.setAttribute( 'style', styles );
+							tmp.setStyle( name, value );
+							styles = CKEDITOR.tools.normalizeCssText( tmp.getAttribute( 'style' ) );
+							this.setValue( styles, 1 );
-						setup : setupAdvParams,
+						setup: setupAdvParams,
-						commit : commitAdvParams
+						commit: commitAdvParams
-			}
+				}
-			if ( tabConfig.classes )
-			{
-				contents.push(
-					{
-						type : 'hbox',
-						widths : [ '45%', '55%' ],
-						children :
-						[
+				if ( tabConfig.classes ) {
+					contents.push({
+						type: 'hbox',
+						widths: [ '45%', '55%' ],
+						children: [
-								id : 'advCSSClasses',
-								att : 'class',
-								type : 'text',
-								label : lang.cssClasses,
-								'default' : '',
-								setup : setupAdvParams,
-								commit : commitAdvParams
-							}
+							id: 'advCSSClasses',
+							att: 'class',
+							type: 'text',
+							label: lang.cssClasses,
+							'default': '',
+							setup: setupAdvParams,
+							commit: commitAdvParams
+						}
-			}
+				}
-			result.elements[ 0 ].children.push(
-				{
-					type : 'hbox',
-					widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-					children : [].concat( contents )
+				result.elements[ 0 ].children.push({
+					type: 'hbox',
+					widths: [ '50%', '50%' ],
+					children: [].concat( contents )
-		}
+			}
-		return result;
-	}
+			return result;
+		}
+	});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialogui/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialogui/plugin.js
index 7875b5b..66fceec 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialogui/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/dialogui/plugin.js
@@ -1,230 +1,193 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-/** @fileoverview The "dialogui" plugin. */
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'dialogui' );
-	var initPrivateObject = function( elementDefinition )
-	{
-		this._ || ( this._ = {} );
-		this._['default'] = this._.initValue = elementDefinition['default'] || '';
-		this._.required = elementDefinition[ 'required' ] || false;
-		var args = [ this._ ];
-		for ( var i = 1 ; i < arguments.length ; i++ )
-			args.push( arguments[i] );
-		args.push( true );
-		CKEDITOR.tools.extend.apply( CKEDITOR.tools, args );
-		return this._;
-	},
-	textBuilder =
-	{
-		build : function( dialog, elementDefinition, output )
-		{
-			return new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textInput( dialog, elementDefinition, output );
-		}
-	},
-	commonBuilder =
-	{
-		build : function( dialog, elementDefinition, output )
-		{
-			return new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog[elementDefinition.type]( dialog, elementDefinition, output );
-		}
-	},
-	containerBuilder =
-	{
-		build : function( dialog, elementDefinition, output )
-		{
-			var children = elementDefinition.children,
-				child,
-				childHtmlList = [],
-				childObjList = [];
-			for ( var i = 0 ; ( i < children.length && ( child = children[i] ) ) ; i++ )
-			{
-				var childHtml = [];
-				childHtmlList.push( childHtml );
-				childObjList.push( CKEDITOR.dialog._.uiElementBuilders[ child.type ].build( dialog, child, childHtml ) );
-			}
-			return new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog[ elementDefinition.type ]( dialog, childObjList, childHtmlList, output, elementDefinition );
-		}
-	},
-	commonPrototype =
-	{
-		isChanged : function()
-		{
-			return this.getValue() != this.getInitValue();
-		},
-		reset : function( noChangeEvent )
-		{
-			this.setValue( this.getInitValue(), noChangeEvent );
-		},
-		setInitValue : function()
-		{
-			this._.initValue = this.getValue();
-		},
-		resetInitValue : function()
-		{
-			this._.initValue = this._['default'];
-		},
-		getInitValue : function()
-		{
-			return this._.initValue;
-		}
-	},
-	commonEventProcessors = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.prototype.eventProcessors,
-		{
-			onChange : function( dialog, func )
-			{
-				if ( !this._.domOnChangeRegistered )
-				{
-					dialog.on( 'load', function()
-						{
-							this.getInputElement().on( 'change', function()
-							{
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview The "dialogui" plugin.
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'dialogui', {
+	onLoad: function() {
+		var initPrivateObject = function( elementDefinition ) {
+				this._ || ( this._ = {} );
+				this._[ 'default' ] = this._.initValue = elementDefinition[ 'default' ] || '';
+				this._.required = elementDefinition[ 'required' ] || false;
+				var args = [ this._ ];
+				for ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ )
+					args.push( arguments[ i ] );
+				args.push( true );
+				CKEDITOR.tools.extend.apply( CKEDITOR.tools, args );
+				return this._;
+			},
+			textBuilder = {
+				build: function( dialog, elementDefinition, output ) {
+					return new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textInput( dialog, elementDefinition, output );
+				}
+			},
+			commonBuilder = {
+				build: function( dialog, elementDefinition, output ) {
+					return new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog[ elementDefinition.type ]( dialog, elementDefinition, output );
+				}
+			},
+			containerBuilder = {
+				build: function( dialog, elementDefinition, output ) {
+					var children = elementDefinition.children,
+						child,
+						childHtmlList = [],
+						childObjList = [];
+					for ( var i = 0;
+					( i < children.length && ( child = children[ i ] ) ); i++ ) {
+						var childHtml = [];
+						childHtmlList.push( childHtml );
+						childObjList.push( CKEDITOR.dialog._.uiElementBuilders[ child.type ].build( dialog, child, childHtml ) );
+					}
+					return new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog[ elementDefinition.type ]( dialog, childObjList, childHtmlList, output, elementDefinition );
+				}
+			},
+			commonPrototype = {
+				isChanged: function() {
+					return this.getValue() != this.getInitValue();
+				},
+				reset: function( noChangeEvent ) {
+					this.setValue( this.getInitValue(), noChangeEvent );
+				},
+				setInitValue: function() {
+					this._.initValue = this.getValue();
+				},
+				resetInitValue: function() {
+					this._.initValue = this._[ 'default' ];
+				},
+				getInitValue: function() {
+					return this._.initValue;
+				}
+			},
+			commonEventProcessors = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.prototype.eventProcessors, {
+				onChange: function( dialog, func ) {
+					if ( !this._.domOnChangeRegistered ) {
+						dialog.on( 'load', function() {
+							this.getInputElement().on( 'change', function() {
 								// Make sure 'onchange' doesn't get fired after dialog closed. (#5719)
 								if ( !dialog.parts.dialog.isVisible() )
-								this.fire( 'change', { value : this.getValue() } );
+								this.fire( 'change', { value: this.getValue() } );
 							}, this );
 						}, this );
-					this._.domOnChangeRegistered = true;
+						this._.domOnChangeRegistered = true;
+					}
+					this.on( 'change', func );
+			}, true ),
+			eventRegex = /^on([A-Z]\w+)/,
+			cleanInnerDefinition = function( def ) {
+				// An inner UI element should not have the parent's type, title or events.
+				for ( var i in def ) {
+					if ( eventRegex.test( i ) || i == 'title' || i == 'type' )
+						delete def[ i ];
+				}
+				return def;
+			};
-				this.on( 'change', func );
-			}
-		}, true ),
-	eventRegex = /^on([A-Z]\w+)/,
-	cleanInnerDefinition = function( def )
-	{
-		// An inner UI element should not have the parent's type, title or events.
-		for ( var i in def )
-		{
-			if ( eventRegex.test( i ) || i == 'title' || i == 'type' )
-				delete def[i];
-		}
-		return def;
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.ui.dialog,
-		/** @lends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog */
-		{
+		CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.ui.dialog, {
 			 * Base class for all dialog elements with a textual label on the left.
-			 * @constructor
-			 * @example
+			 *
+			 * @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement
 			 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog
-			 * Parent dialog object.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition
+			 * @constructor Creates a labeledElement class instance.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog Parent dialog object.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition
 			 * The element definition. Accepted fields:
-			 * <ul>
-			 * 	<li><strong>label</strong> (Required) The label string.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>labelLayout</strong> (Optional) Put 'horizontal' here if the
-			 * 	label element is to be layed out horizontally. Otherwise a vertical
-			 * 	layout will be used.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>widths</strong> (Optional) This applies only for horizontal
-			 * 	layouts - an 2-element array of lengths to specify the widths of the
-			 * 	label and the content element.</li>
-			 * </ul>
-			 * @param {Array} htmlList
-			 * List of HTML code to output to.
+			 *
+			 * * `label` (Required) The label string.
+			 * * `labelLayout` (Optional) Put 'horizontal' here if the
+			 *     label element is to be layed out horizontally. Otherwise a vertical
+			 *     layout will be used.
+			 * * `widths` (Optional) This applies only for horizontal
+			 *     layouts - an 2-element array of lengths to specify the widths of the
+			 *     label and the content element.
+			 *
+			 * @param {Array} htmlList List of HTML code to output to.
 			 * @param {Function} contentHtml
 			 * A function returning the HTML code string to be added inside the content
 			 * cell.
-			labeledElement : function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList, contentHtml )
-			{
+			labeledElement: function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList, contentHtml ) {
 				if ( arguments.length < 4 )
 				var _ = initPrivateObject.call( this, elementDefinition );
 				_.labelId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_label';
 				var children = this._.children = [];
-				/** @ignore */
-				var innerHTML = function()
-				{
-					var html = [],
-						requiredClass = elementDefinition.required ? ' cke_required' : '' ;
-					if ( elementDefinition.labelLayout != 'horizontal' )
-						html.push( '<label class="cke_dialog_ui_labeled_label' + requiredClass + '" ',
-								' id="'+  _.labelId + '"',
-								' for="' + _.inputId + '"',
-								' style="' + elementDefinition.labelStyle + '">',
-								elementDefinition.label,
-								'</label>',
-								'<div class="cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content" role="presentation">',
-								contentHtml.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition ),
-								'</div>' );
-					else
-					{
-						var hboxDefinition = {
-							type : 'hbox',
-							widths : elementDefinition.widths,
-							padding : 0,
-							children :
-							[
-								{
-									type : 'html',
-									html : '<label class="cke_dialog_ui_labeled_label' + requiredClass + '"' +
+				var innerHTML = function() {
+						var html = [],
+							requiredClass = elementDefinition.required ? ' cke_required' : '';
+						if ( elementDefinition.labelLayout != 'horizontal' )
+						html.push( '<label class="cke_dialog_ui_labeled_label' + requiredClass + '" ', ' id="' + _.labelId + '"', ( _.inputId ? ' for="' + _.inputId + '"' : '' ), ( elementDefinition.labelStyle ? ' style="' + elementDefinition.labelStyle + '"' : '' ) + '>', elementDefinition.label, '</label>', '<div class="cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content"' + ( elementDefinition.controlStyle ? ' style="' + elementDefinition.controlStyle + '"' : '' ) + ' role="presentation">', contentHtml.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition ), '</div>' );
+						else {
+							var hboxDefinition = {
+								type: 'hbox',
+								widths: elementDefinition.widths,
+								padding: 0,
+								children: [
+									{
+									type: 'html',
+									html: '<label class="cke_dialog_ui_labeled_label' + requiredClass + '"' +
 										' id="' + _.labelId + '"' +
 										' for="' + _.inputId + '"' +
-										' style="' + elementDefinition.labelStyle + '">' +
-										   CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( elementDefinition.label ) +
+										( elementDefinition.labelStyle ? ' style="' + elementDefinition.labelStyle + '"' : '' ) + '>' +
+											CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( elementDefinition.label ) +
-								{
-									type : 'html',
-									html : '<span class="cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content">' +
+									{
+									type: 'html',
+									html: '<span class="cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content"' + ( elementDefinition.controlStyle ? ' style="' + elementDefinition.controlStyle + '"' : '' ) + '>' +
 										contentHtml.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition ) +
-							]
-						};
-						CKEDITOR.dialog._.uiElementBuilders.hbox.build( dialog, hboxDefinition, html );
-					}
-					return html.join( '' );
-				};
-				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList, 'div', null, { role : 'presentation' }, innerHTML );
+								]
+							};
+							CKEDITOR.dialog._.uiElementBuilders.hbox.build( dialog, hboxDefinition, html );
+						}
+						return html.join( '' );
+					};
+				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList, 'div', null, { role: 'presentation' }, innerHTML );
 			 * A text input with a label. This UI element class represents both the
 			 * single-line text inputs and password inputs in dialog boxes.
-			 * @constructor
-			 * @example
+			 *
+			 * @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textInput
 			 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog
-			 * Parent dialog object.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition
+			 * @constructor Creates a textInput class instance.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog Parent dialog object.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition
 			 * The element definition. Accepted fields:
-			 * <ul>
-			 * 	<li><strong>default</strong> (Optional) The default value.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>validate</strong> (Optional) The validation function. </li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>maxLength</strong> (Optional) The maximum length of text box
-			 * 	contents.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>size</strong> (Optional) The size of the text box. This is
-			 * 	usually overridden by the size defined by the skin, however.</li>
-			 * </ul>
-			 * @param {Array} htmlList
-			 * List of HTML code to output to.
+			 *
+			 * * `default` (Optional) The default value.
+			 * * `validate` (Optional) The validation function.
+			 * * `maxLength` (Optional) The maximum length of text box contents.
+			 * * `size` (Optional) The size of the text box. This is
+			 *     usually overridden by the size defined by the skin, however.
+			 *
+			 * @param {Array} htmlList List of HTML code to output to.
-			textInput : function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList )
-			{
+			textInput: function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList ) {
 				if ( arguments.length < 3 )
 				initPrivateObject.call( this, elementDefinition );
 				var domId = this._.inputId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_textInput',
-					attributes = { 'class' : 'cke_dialog_ui_input_' + elementDefinition.type, id : domId, type : 'text' },
+					attributes = { 'class': 'cke_dialog_ui_input_' + elementDefinition.type, id: domId, type: elementDefinition.type },
 				// Set the validator, if any.
@@ -237,77 +200,70 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'dialogui' );
 				if ( elementDefinition.size )
 					attributes.size = elementDefinition.size;
-				if ( elementDefinition.controlStyle )
-					attributes.style = elementDefinition.controlStyle;
+				if ( elementDefinition.inputStyle )
+					attributes.style = elementDefinition.inputStyle;
 				// If user presses Enter in a text box, it implies clicking OK for the dialog.
-				var me = this, keyPressedOnMe = false;
-				dialog.on( 'load', function()
-					{
-						me.getInputElement().on( 'keydown', function( evt )
-							{
-								if ( evt.data.getKeystroke() == 13 )
-									keyPressedOnMe = true;
-							} );
-						// Lower the priority this 'keyup' since 'ok' will close the dialog.(#3749)
-						me.getInputElement().on( 'keyup', function( evt )
-							{
-								if ( evt.data.getKeystroke() == 13 && keyPressedOnMe )
-								{
-									dialog.getButton( 'ok' ) && setTimeout( function ()
-									{
-										dialog.getButton( 'ok' ).click();
-									}, 0 );
-									keyPressedOnMe = false;
-								}
-							}, null, null, 1000 );
-					} );
+				var me = this,
+					keyPressedOnMe = false;
+				dialog.on( 'load', function() {
+					me.getInputElement().on( 'keydown', function( evt ) {
+						if ( evt.data.getKeystroke() == 13 )
+							keyPressedOnMe = true;
+					});
+					// Lower the priority this 'keyup' since 'ok' will close the dialog.(#3749)
+					me.getInputElement().on( 'keyup', function( evt ) {
+						if ( evt.data.getKeystroke() == 13 && keyPressedOnMe ) {
+							dialog.getButton( 'ok' ) && setTimeout( function() {
+								dialog.getButton( 'ok' ).click();
+							}, 0 );
+							keyPressedOnMe = false;
+						}
+					}, null, null, 1000 );
+				});
-				/** @ignore */
-				var innerHTML = function()
-				{
-					// IE BUG: Text input fields in IE at 100% would exceed a <td> or inline
-					// container's width, so need to wrap it inside a <div>.
-					var html = [ '<div class="cke_dialog_ui_input_', elementDefinition.type, '" role="presentation"' ];
-					if ( elementDefinition.width )
-						html.push( 'style="width:'+ elementDefinition.width +'" ' );
-					html.push( '><input ' );
-					attributes[ 'aria-labelledby' ] = this._.labelId;
-					this._.required && ( attributes[ 'aria-required' ] = this._.required );
-					for ( var i in attributes )
-						html.push( i + '="' + attributes[i] + '" ' );
-					html.push( ' /></div>' );
-					return html.join( '' );
-				};
+				var innerHTML = function() {
+						// IE BUG: Text input fields in IE at 100% would exceed a <td> or inline
+						// container's width, so need to wrap it inside a <div>.
+						var html = [ '<div class="cke_dialog_ui_input_', elementDefinition.type, '" role="presentation"' ];
+						if ( elementDefinition.width )
+							html.push( 'style="width:' + elementDefinition.width + '" ' );
+						html.push( '><input ' );
+						attributes[ 'aria-labelledby' ] = this._.labelId;
+						this._.required && ( attributes[ 'aria-required' ] = this._.required );
+						for ( var i in attributes )
+							html.push( i + '="' + attributes[ i ] + '" ' );
+						html.push( ' /></div>' );
+						return html.join( '' );
+					};
 				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList, innerHTML );
 			 * A text area with a label on the top or left.
-			 * @constructor
+			 *
+			 * @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textarea
 			 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement
-			 * @example
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog
-			 * Parent dialog object.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition
+			 * @constructor Creates a textarea class instance.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog Parent dialog object.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition
+			 *
 			 * The element definition. Accepted fields:
-			 * <ul>
-			 * 	<li><strong>rows</strong> (Optional) The number of rows displayed.
-			 * 	Defaults to 5 if not defined.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>cols</strong> (Optional) The number of cols displayed.
-			 * 	Defaults to 20 if not defined. Usually overridden by skins.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>default</strong> (Optional) The default value.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>validate</strong> (Optional) The validation function. </li>
-			 * </ul>
-			 * @param {Array} htmlList
-			 * List of HTML code to output to.
+			 *
+			 * * `rows` (Optional) The number of rows displayed.
+			 *     Defaults to 5 if not defined.
+			 * * `cols` (Optional) The number of cols displayed.
+			 *     Defaults to 20 if not defined. Usually overridden by skins.
+			 * * `default` (Optional) The default value.
+			 * * `validate` (Optional) The validation function.
+			 *
+			 * @param {Array} htmlList List of HTML code to output to.
-			textarea : function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList )
-			{
+			textarea: function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList ) {
 				if ( arguments.length < 3 )
@@ -323,157 +279,143 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'dialogui' );
 				attributes.rows = elementDefinition.rows || 5;
 				attributes.cols = elementDefinition.cols || 20;
-				/** @ignore */
-				var innerHTML = function()
-				{
-					attributes[ 'aria-labelledby' ] = this._.labelId;
-					this._.required && ( attributes[ 'aria-required' ] = this._.required );
-					var html = [ '<div class="cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea" role="presentation"><textarea class="cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea" id="', domId, '" ' ];
-					for ( var i in attributes )
-						html.push( i + '="' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( attributes[i] ) + '" ' );
-					html.push( '>', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( me._['default'] ), '</textarea></div>' );
-					return html.join( '' );
-				};
+				if ( typeof elementDefinition.inputStyle != 'undefined' )
+					attributes.style = elementDefinition.inputStyle;
+				var innerHTML = function() {
+						attributes[ 'aria-labelledby' ] = this._.labelId;
+						this._.required && ( attributes[ 'aria-required' ] = this._.required );
+						var html = [ '<div class="cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea" role="presentation"><textarea class="cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea" id="', domId, '" ' ];
+						for ( var i in attributes )
+							html.push( i + '="' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( attributes[ i ] ) + '" ' );
+						html.push( '>', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( me._[ 'default' ] ), '</textarea></div>' );
+						return html.join( '' );
+					};
 				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList, innerHTML );
 			 * A single checkbox with a label on the right.
-			 * @constructor
+			 *
+			 * @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox
 			 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement
-			 * @example
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog
-			 * Parent dialog object.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition
+			 * @constructor Creates a checkbox class instance.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog Parent dialog object.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition
 			 * The element definition. Accepted fields:
-			 * <ul>
-			 * 	<li><strong>checked</strong> (Optional) Whether the checkbox is checked
-			 * 	on instantiation. Defaults to false.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>validate</strong> (Optional) The validation function.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>label</strong> (Optional) The checkbox label.</li>
-			 * </ul>
-			 * @param {Array} htmlList
-			 * List of HTML code to output to.
+			 *
+			 * * `checked` (Optional) Whether the checkbox is checked
+			 *     on instantiation. Defaults to false.
+			 * * `validate` (Optional) The validation function.
+			 * * `label` (Optional) The checkbox label.
+			 *
+			 * @param {Array} htmlList List of HTML code to output to.
-			checkbox : function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList )
-			{
+			checkbox: function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList ) {
 				if ( arguments.length < 3 )
-				var _ = initPrivateObject.call( this, elementDefinition, { 'default' : !!elementDefinition[ 'default' ] } );
+				var _ = initPrivateObject.call( this, elementDefinition, { 'default': !!elementDefinition[ 'default' ] } );
 				if ( elementDefinition.validate )
 					this.validate = elementDefinition.validate;
-				/** @ignore */
-				var innerHTML = function()
-				{
-					var myDefinition = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, elementDefinition,
-							{
-								id : elementDefinition.id ? elementDefinition.id + '_checkbox' : CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_checkbox'
-							}, true ),
-						html = [];
-					var labelId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_label';
-					var attributes = { 'class' : 'cke_dialog_ui_checkbox_input', type : 'checkbox', 'aria-labelledby' : labelId };
-					cleanInnerDefinition( myDefinition );
-					if ( elementDefinition[ 'default' ] )
-						attributes.checked = 'checked';
-					if (typeof myDefinition.controlStyle != 'undefined')
-						myDefinition.style = myDefinition.controlStyle;
-					_.checkbox = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement( dialog, myDefinition, html, 'input', null, attributes );
-					html.push( ' <label id="', labelId, '" for="', attributes.id, '">',
-							CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( elementDefinition.label ),
-							'</label>' );
-					return html.join( '' );
-				};
+				var innerHTML = function() {
+						var myDefinition = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, elementDefinition, {
+							id: elementDefinition.id ? elementDefinition.id + '_checkbox' : CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_checkbox'
+						}, true ),
+							html = [];
+						var labelId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_label';
+						var attributes = { 'class': 'cke_dialog_ui_checkbox_input', type: 'checkbox', 'aria-labelledby': labelId };
+						cleanInnerDefinition( myDefinition );
+						if ( elementDefinition[ 'default' ] )
+							attributes.checked = 'checked';
+						if ( typeof myDefinition.inputStyle != 'undefined' )
+							myDefinition.style = myDefinition.inputStyle;
+						_.checkbox = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement( dialog, myDefinition, html, 'input', null, attributes );
+						html.push( ' <label id="', labelId, '" for="', attributes.id, '"' + ( elementDefinition.labelStyle ? ' style="' + elementDefinition.labelStyle + '"' : '' ) + '>', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( elementDefinition.label ), '</label>' );
+						return html.join( '' );
+					};
 				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList, 'span', null, null, innerHTML );
 			 * A group of radio buttons.
-			 * @constructor
-			 * @example
+			 *
+			 * @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.radio
 			 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog
-			 * Parent dialog object.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition
+			 * @constructor Creates a radio class instance.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog Parent dialog object.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition
 			 * The element definition. Accepted fields:
-			 * <ul>
-			 * 	<li><strong>default</strong> (Required) The default value.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>validate</strong> (Optional) The validation function.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>items</strong> (Required) An array of options. Each option
-			 * 	is a 1- or 2-item array of format [ 'Description', 'Value' ]. If 'Value'
-			 * 	is missing, then the value would be assumed to be the same as the
-			 * 	description.</li>
-			 * </ul>
-			 * @param {Array} htmlList
-			 * List of HTML code to output to.
+			 *
+			 * * `default` (Required) The default value.
+			 * * `validate` (Optional) The validation function.
+			 * * `items` (Required) An array of options. Each option
+			 *     is a 1- or 2-item array of format `[ 'Description', 'Value' ]`. If `'Value'`
+			 *     is missing, then the value would be assumed to be the same as the description.
+			 *
+			 * @param {Array} htmlList List of HTML code to output to.
-			radio : function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList )
-			{
-				if ( arguments.length < 3)
+			radio: function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList ) {
+				if ( arguments.length < 3 )
 				initPrivateObject.call( this, elementDefinition );
-				if ( !this._['default'] )
-					this._['default'] = this._.initValue = elementDefinition.items[0][1];
+				if ( !this._[ 'default' ] )
+					this._[ 'default' ] = this._.initValue = elementDefinition.items[ 0 ][ 1 ];
 				if ( elementDefinition.validate )
 					this.validate = elementDefinition.valdiate;
-				var children = [], me = this;
+				var children = [],
+					me = this;
-				/** @ignore */
-				var innerHTML = function()
-				{
-					var inputHtmlList = [], html = [],
-						commonAttributes = { 'class' : 'cke_dialog_ui_radio_item', 'aria-labelledby' : this._.labelId },
-						commonName = elementDefinition.id ? elementDefinition.id + '_radio' : CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_radio';
-					for ( var i = 0 ; i < elementDefinition.items.length ; i++ )
-					{
-						var item = elementDefinition.items[i],
-							title = item[2] !== undefined ? item[2] : item[0],
-							value = item[1] !== undefined ? item[1] : item[0],
-							inputId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_radio_input',
-							labelId = inputId + '_label',
-							inputDefinition = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, elementDefinition,
-									{
-										id : inputId,
-										title : null,
-										type : null
-									}, true ),
-							labelDefinition = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, inputDefinition,
-									{
-										title : title
-									}, true ),
-							inputAttributes =
-							{
-								type : 'radio',
-								'class' : 'cke_dialog_ui_radio_input',
-								name : commonName,
-								value : value,
-								'aria-labelledby' : labelId
-							},
-							inputHtml = [];
-						if ( me._['default'] == value )
-							inputAttributes.checked = 'checked';
-						cleanInnerDefinition( inputDefinition );
-						cleanInnerDefinition( labelDefinition );
-						if (typeof inputDefinition.controlStyle != 'undefined')
-							inputDefinition.style = inputDefinition.controlStyle;
-						children.push( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement( dialog, inputDefinition, inputHtml, 'input', null, inputAttributes ) );
-						inputHtml.push( ' ' );
-						new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement( dialog, labelDefinition, inputHtml, 'label', null, { id : labelId, 'for' : inputAttributes.id },
-							   item[0] );
-						inputHtmlList.push( inputHtml.join( '' ) );
-					}
-					new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox( dialog, [], inputHtmlList, html );
-					return html.join( '' );
-				};
+				var innerHTML = function() {
+						var inputHtmlList = [],
+							html = [],
+							commonAttributes = { 'class': 'cke_dialog_ui_radio_item', 'aria-labelledby': this._.labelId },
+							commonName = elementDefinition.id ? elementDefinition.id + '_radio' : CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_radio';
+						for ( var i = 0; i < elementDefinition.items.length; i++ ) {
+							var item = elementDefinition.items[ i ],
+								title = item[ 2 ] !== undefined ? item[ 2 ] : item[ 0 ],
+								value = item[ 1 ] !== undefined ? item[ 1 ] : item[ 0 ],
+								inputId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_radio_input',
+								labelId = inputId + '_label',
+								inputDefinition = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, elementDefinition, {
+									id: inputId,
+									title: null,
+									type: null
+								}, true ),
+								labelDefinition = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, inputDefinition, {
+									title: title
+								}, true ),
+								inputAttributes = {
+									type: 'radio',
+									'class': 'cke_dialog_ui_radio_input',
+									name: commonName,
+									value: value,
+									'aria-labelledby': labelId
+								},
+								inputHtml = [];
+							if ( me._[ 'default' ] == value )
+								inputAttributes.checked = 'checked';
+							cleanInnerDefinition( inputDefinition );
+							cleanInnerDefinition( labelDefinition );
+							if ( typeof inputDefinition.inputStyle != 'undefined' )
+								inputDefinition.style = inputDefinition.inputStyle;
+							children.push( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement( dialog, inputDefinition, inputHtml, 'input', null, inputAttributes ) );
+							inputHtml.push( ' ' );
+							new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement( dialog, labelDefinition, inputHtml, 'label', null, { id: labelId, 'for': inputAttributes.id }, item[ 0 ] );
+							inputHtmlList.push( inputHtml.join( '' ) );
+						}
+						new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox( dialog, children, inputHtmlList, html );
+						return html.join( '' );
+					};
 				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList, innerHTML );
 				this._.children = children;
@@ -481,30 +423,28 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'dialogui' );
 			 * A button with a label inside.
-			 * @constructor
-			 * @example
+			 *
+			 * @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button
 			 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog
-			 * Parent dialog object.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition
+			 * @constructor Creates a button class instance.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog Parent dialog object.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition
 			 * The element definition. Accepted fields:
-			 * <ul>
-			 * 	<li><strong>label</strong> (Required) The button label.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>disabled</strong> (Optional) Set to true if you want the
-			 * 	button to appear in disabled state.</li>
-			 * </ul>
-			 * @param {Array} htmlList
-			 * List of HTML code to output to.
+			 *
+			 * * `label` (Required) The button label.
+			 * * `disabled` (Optional) Set to true if you want the
+			 *     button to appear in disabled state.
+			 *
+			 * @param {Array} htmlList List of HTML code to output to.
-			button : function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList )
-			{
+			button: function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList ) {
 				if ( !arguments.length )
 				if ( typeof elementDefinition == 'function' )
 					elementDefinition = elementDefinition( dialog.getParentEditor() );
-				initPrivateObject.call( this, elementDefinition, { disabled : elementDefinition.disabled || false } );
+				initPrivateObject.call( this, elementDefinition, { disabled: elementDefinition.disabled || false } );
 				// Add OnClick event to this input.
 				CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( this );
@@ -512,82 +452,64 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'dialogui' );
 				var me = this;
 				// Register an event handler for processing button clicks.
-				dialog.on( 'load', function( eventInfo )
-					{
-						var element = this.getElement();
-						(function()
-						{
-							element.on( 'click', function( evt )
-								{
-									me.fire( 'click', { dialog : me.getDialog() } );
-									evt.data.preventDefault();
-								} );
-							element.on( 'keydown', function( evt )
-								{
-									if ( evt.data.getKeystroke() in { 32:1 } )
-									{
-										me.click();
-										evt.data.preventDefault();
-									}
-								} );
-						})();
+				dialog.on( 'load', function( eventInfo ) {
+					var element = this.getElement();
-						element.unselectable();
-					}, this );
+					(function() {
+						element.on( 'click', me.click, me );
+						element.on( 'keydown', function( evt ) {
+							if ( evt.data.getKeystroke() in { 32:1 } ) {
+								me.click();
+								evt.data.preventDefault();
+							}
+						});
+					})();
+					element.unselectable();
+				}, this );
 				var outerDefinition = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, elementDefinition );
 				delete outerDefinition.style;
 				var labelId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_label';
-				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call(
-					this,
-					dialog,
-					outerDefinition,
-					htmlList,
-					'a',
-					null,
-					{
-						style : elementDefinition.style,
-						href : 'javascript:void(0)',
-						title : elementDefinition.label,
-						hidefocus : 'true',
-						'class' : elementDefinition['class'],
-						role : 'button',
-						'aria-labelledby' : labelId
-					},
-					'<span id="' + labelId + '" class="cke_dialog_ui_button">' +
-						CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( elementDefinition.label ) +
-					'</span>' );
+				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call( this, dialog, outerDefinition, htmlList, 'a', null, {
+					style: elementDefinition.style,
+					href: 'javascript:void(0)',
+					title: elementDefinition.label,
+					hidefocus: 'true',
+					'class': elementDefinition[ 'class' ],
+					role: 'button',
+					'aria-labelledby': labelId
+				}, '<span id="' + labelId + '" class="cke_dialog_ui_button">' +
+											CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( elementDefinition.label ) +
+										'</span>' );
 			 * A select box.
+			 *
+			 * @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.select
 			 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement
-			 * @example
-			 * @constructor
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog
-			 * Parent dialog object.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition
+			 * @constructor Creates a button class instance.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog Parent dialog object.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition
 			 * The element definition. Accepted fields:
-			 * <ul>
-			 * 	<li><strong>default</strong> (Required) The default value.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>validate</strong> (Optional) The validation function.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>items</strong> (Required) An array of options. Each option
-			 * 	is a 1- or 2-item array of format [ 'Description', 'Value' ]. If 'Value'
-			 * 	is missing, then the value would be assumed to be the same as the
-			 * 	description.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>multiple</strong> (Optional) Set this to true if you'd like
-			 * 	to have a multiple-choice select box.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>size</strong> (Optional) The number of items to display in
-			 * 	the select box.</li>
-			 * </ul>
-			 * @param {Array} htmlList
-			 * List of HTML code to output to.
+			 *
+			 * * `default` (Required) The default value.
+			 * * `validate` (Optional) The validation function.
+			 * * `items` (Required) An array of options. Each option
+			 *     is a 1- or 2-item array of format `[ 'Description', 'Value' ]`. If `'Value'`
+			 *     is missing, then the value would be assumed to be the same as the
+			 *     description.
+			 * * `multiple` (Optional) Set this to true if you'd like
+			 *     to have a multiple-choice select box.
+			 * * `size` (Optional) The number of items to display in
+			 *     the select box.
+			 *
+			 * @param {Array} htmlList List of HTML code to output to.
-			select : function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList )
-			{
+			select: function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList ) {
 				if ( arguments.length < 3 )
@@ -597,134 +519,128 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'dialogui' );
 					this.validate = elementDefinition.validate;
 				_.inputId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_select';
-				/** @ignore */
-				var innerHTML = function()
-				{
-					var myDefinition = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, elementDefinition,
-							{
-								id : elementDefinition.id ? elementDefinition.id + '_select' : CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_select'
-							}, true ),
-						html = [],
-						innerHTML = [],
-						attributes = { 'id' : _.inputId, 'class' : 'cke_dialog_ui_input_select', 'aria-labelledby' : this._.labelId };
-					// Add multiple and size attributes from element definition.
-					if ( elementDefinition.size != undefined )
-						attributes.size = elementDefinition.size;
-					if ( elementDefinition.multiple != undefined )
-						attributes.multiple = elementDefinition.multiple;
-					cleanInnerDefinition( myDefinition );
-					for ( var i = 0, item ; i < elementDefinition.items.length && ( item = elementDefinition.items[i] ) ; i++ )
-					{
-						innerHTML.push( '<option value="',
-							CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( item[1] !== undefined ? item[1] : item[0] ), '" /> ',
-							CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( item[0] ) );
-					}
-					if (typeof myDefinition.controlStyle != 'undefined')
-						myDefinition.style = myDefinition.controlStyle;
+				var innerHTML = function() {
+						var myDefinition = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, elementDefinition, {
+							id: elementDefinition.id ? elementDefinition.id + '_select' : CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_select'
+						}, true ),
+							html = [],
+							innerHTML = [],
+							attributes = { 'id': _.inputId, 'class': 'cke_dialog_ui_input_select', 'aria-labelledby': this._.labelId };
+						html.push( '<div class="cke_dialog_ui_input_', elementDefinition.type, '" role="presentation"' );
+						if ( elementDefinition.width )
+							html.push( 'style="width:' + elementDefinition.width + '" ' );
+						html.push( '>' );
+						// Add multiple and size attributes from element definition.
+						if ( elementDefinition.size != undefined )
+							attributes.size = elementDefinition.size;
+						if ( elementDefinition.multiple != undefined )
+							attributes.multiple = elementDefinition.multiple;
+						cleanInnerDefinition( myDefinition );
+						for ( var i = 0, item; i < elementDefinition.items.length && ( item = elementDefinition.items[ i ] ); i++ ) {
+							innerHTML.push( '<option value="', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( item[ 1 ] !== undefined ? item[ 1 ] : item[ 0 ] ).replace( /"/g, '"' ), '" /> ', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( item[ 0 ] ) );
+						}
-					_.select = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement( dialog, myDefinition, html, 'select', null, attributes, innerHTML.join( '' ) );
-					return html.join( '' );
-				};
+						if ( typeof myDefinition.inputStyle != 'undefined' )
+							myDefinition.style = myDefinition.inputStyle;
+						_.select = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement( dialog, myDefinition, html, 'select', null, attributes, innerHTML.join( '' ) );
+						html.push( '</div>' );
+						return html.join( '' );
+					};
 				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList, innerHTML );
 			 * A file upload input.
+			 *
+			 * @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file
 			 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement
-			 * @example
-			 * @constructor
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog
-			 * Parent dialog object.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition
+			 * @constructor Creates a file class instance.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog Parent dialog object.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition
 			 * The element definition. Accepted fields:
-			 * <ul>
-			 * 	<li><strong>validate</strong> (Optional) The validation function.</li>
-			 * </ul>
-			 * @param {Array} htmlList
-			 * List of HTML code to output to.
+			 *
+			 * * `validate` (Optional) The validation function.
+			 *
+			 * @param {Array} htmlList List of HTML code to output to.
-			file : function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList )
-			{
+			file: function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList ) {
 				if ( arguments.length < 3 )
-				if ( elementDefinition['default'] === undefined )
-					elementDefinition['default'] = '';
+				if ( elementDefinition[ 'default' ] === undefined )
+					elementDefinition[ 'default' ] = '';
-				var _ = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( initPrivateObject.call( this, elementDefinition ), { definition : elementDefinition, buttons : [] } );
+				var _ = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( initPrivateObject.call( this, elementDefinition ), { definition: elementDefinition, buttons: [] } );
 				if ( elementDefinition.validate )
 					this.validate = elementDefinition.validate;
 				/** @ignore */
-				var innerHTML = function()
-				{
-					_.frameId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_fileInput';
+				var innerHTML = function() {
+						_.frameId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_fileInput';
-					// Support for custom document.domain in IE.
-					var isCustomDomain = CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain();
-					var html = [
-						'<iframe' +
-							' frameborder="0"' +
-							' allowtransparency="0"' +
-							' class="cke_dialog_ui_input_file"' +
-							' id="', _.frameId, '"' +
-							' title="', elementDefinition.label, '"' +
-							' src="javascript:void(' ];
-					html.push(
-							isCustomDomain ?
-								'(function(){' +
-									'document.open();' +
-									'document.domain=\'' + document.domain + '\';' +
-									'document.close();' +
-								'})()'
+						// Support for custom document.domain in IE.
+						var isCustomDomain = CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain();
+						var html = [
+							'<iframe' +
+								' frameborder="0"' +
+								' allowtransparency="0"' +
+								' class="cke_dialog_ui_input_file"' +
+								' role="presentation"' +
+								' id="', _.frameId, '"' +
+								' title="', elementDefinition.label, '"' +
+								' src="javascript:void(' ];
+						html.push( isCustomDomain ? '(function(){' +
+							'document.open();' +
+							'document.domain=\'' + document.domain + '\';' +
+							'document.close();' +
+							'})()'
-								'0' );
+							'0' );
-					html.push(
-							')">' +
-						'</iframe>' );
+						html.push( ')">' +
+							'</iframe>' );
-					return html.join( '' );
-				};
+						return html.join( '' );
+					};
 				// IE BUG: Parent container does not resize to contain the iframe automatically.
-				dialog.on( 'load', function()
-					{
-						var iframe = CKEDITOR.document.getById( _.frameId ),
-							contentDiv = iframe.getParent();
-						contentDiv.addClass( 'cke_dialog_ui_input_file' );
-					} );
+				dialog.on( 'load', function() {
+					var iframe = CKEDITOR.document.getById( _.frameId ),
+						contentDiv = iframe.getParent();
+					contentDiv.addClass( 'cke_dialog_ui_input_file' );
+				});
 				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList, innerHTML );
 			 * A button for submitting the file in a file upload input.
+			 *
+			 * @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.fileButton
 			 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button
-			 * @example
-			 * @constructor
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog
-			 * Parent dialog object.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition
+			 * @constructor Creates a fileButton class instance.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog Parent dialog object.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition
 			 * The element definition. Accepted fields:
-			 * <ul>
-			 * 	<li><strong>for</strong> (Required) The file input's page and element Id
-			 * 	to associate to, in a 2-item array format: [ 'page_id', 'element_id' ].
-			 * 	</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>validate</strong> (Optional) The validation function.</li>
-			 * </ul>
-			 * @param {Array} htmlList
-			 * List of HTML code to output to.
+			 *
+			 * * `for` (Required) The file input's page and element Id
+			 *     to associate to, in a 2-item array format: `[ 'page_id', 'element_id' ]`.
+			 * * `validate` (Optional) The validation function.
+			 *
+			 * @param {Array} htmlList List of HTML code to output to.
-			fileButton : function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList )
-			{
+			fileButton: function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList ) {
 				if ( arguments.length < 3 )
@@ -737,45 +653,40 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'dialogui' );
 				var myDefinition = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, elementDefinition );
 				var onClick = myDefinition.onClick;
 				myDefinition.className = ( myDefinition.className ? myDefinition.className + ' ' : '' ) + 'cke_dialog_ui_button';
-				myDefinition.onClick = function( evt )
-				{
-					var target = elementDefinition[ 'for' ];		// [ pageId, elementId ]
-					if ( !onClick || onClick.call( this, evt ) !== false )
-					{
-						dialog.getContentElement( target[0], target[1] ).submit();
+				myDefinition.onClick = function( evt ) {
+					var target = elementDefinition[ 'for' ]; // [ pageId, elementId ]
+					if ( !onClick || onClick.call( this, evt ) !== false ) {
+						dialog.getContentElement( target[ 0 ], target[ 1 ] ).submit();
-				dialog.on( 'load', function()
-						{
-							dialog.getContentElement( elementDefinition[ 'for' ][0], elementDefinition[ 'for' ][1] )._.buttons.push( me );
-						} );
+				dialog.on( 'load', function() {
+					dialog.getContentElement( elementDefinition[ 'for' ][ 0 ], elementDefinition[ 'for' ][ 1 ] )._.buttons.push( me );
+				});
 				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button.call( this, dialog, myDefinition, htmlList );
-			html : (function()
-			{
+			html: (function() {
 				var myHtmlRe = /^\s*<[\w:]+\s+([^>]*)?>/,
 					theirHtmlRe = /^(\s*<[\w:]+(?:\s+[^>]*)?)((?:.|\r|\n)+)$/,
 					emptyTagRe = /\/$/;
 				 * A dialog element made from raw HTML code.
+				 *
+				 * @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.html
 				 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement
-				 * @name CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.html
+				 * @constructor Creates a html class instance.
 				 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog Parent dialog object.
-				 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition Element definition.
+				 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition Element definition.
 				 * Accepted fields:
-				 * <ul>
-				 * 	<li><strong>html</strong> (Required) HTML code of this element.</li>
-				 * </ul>
+				 *
+				 * * `html` (Required) HTML code of this element.
+				 *
 				 * @param {Array} htmlList List of HTML code to be added to the dialog's content area.
-				 * @example
-				 * @constructor
-				return function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList )
-				{
+				return function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList ) {
 					if ( arguments.length < 3 )
@@ -790,17 +701,13 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'dialogui' );
 					// Look for focus function in definition.
 					var focus = elementDefinition.focus;
-					if ( focus )
-					{
-						var oldFocus = this.focus;
-						this.focus = function()
-						{
-							oldFocus.call( this );
+					if ( focus ) {
+						this.focus = function() {
+							this.selectParentTab();
 							typeof focus == 'function' && focus.call( this );
 							this.fire( 'focus' );
-						if ( elementDefinition.isFocusable )
-						{
+						if ( elementDefinition.isFocusable ) {
 							var oldIsFocusable = this.isFocusable;
 							this.isFocusable = oldIsFocusable;
@@ -814,709 +721,649 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'dialogui' );
 					myMatch = myHtml.match( myHtmlRe );
 					theirMatch = theirHtml.match( theirHtmlRe ) || [ '', '', '' ];
-					if ( emptyTagRe.test( theirMatch[1] ) )
-					{
-						theirMatch[1] = theirMatch[1].slice( 0, -1 );
-						theirMatch[2] = '/' + theirMatch[2];
+					if ( emptyTagRe.test( theirMatch[ 1 ] ) ) {
+						theirMatch[ 1 ] = theirMatch[ 1 ].slice( 0, -1 );
+						theirMatch[ 2 ] = '/' + theirMatch[ 2 ];
-					htmlList.push( [ theirMatch[1], ' ', myMatch[1] || '', theirMatch[2] ].join( '' ) );
+					htmlList.push( [ theirMatch[ 1 ], ' ', myMatch[ 1 ] || '', theirMatch[ 2 ] ].join( '' ) );
 			 * Form fieldset for grouping dialog UI elements.
-			 * @constructor
+			 *
+			 * @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.fieldset
 			 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement
+			 * @constructor Creates a fieldset class instance.
 			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog Parent dialog object.
 			 * @param {Array} childObjList
-			 * Array of {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement} objects inside this
-			 * container.
-			 * @param {Array} childHtmlList
-			 * Array of HTML code that correspond to the HTML output of all the
+			 * Array of {@link CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement} objects inside this container.
+			 * @param {Array} childHtmlList Array of HTML code that correspond to the HTML output of all the
 			 * objects in childObjList.
-			 * @param {Array} htmlList
-			 * Array of HTML code that this element will output to.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition
+			 * @param {Array} htmlList Array of HTML code that this element will output to.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition
 			 * The element definition. Accepted fields:
-			 * <ul>
-			 * 	<li><strong>label</strong> (Optional) The legend of the this fieldset.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>children</strong> (Required) An array of dialog field definitions which will be grouped inside this fieldset. </li>
-			 * </ul>
+			 *
+			 * * `label` (Optional) The legend of the this fieldset.
+			 * * `children` (Required) An array of dialog field definitions which will be grouped inside this fieldset.
+			 *
-			fieldset : function( dialog, childObjList, childHtmlList, htmlList, elementDefinition )
-			{
+			fieldset: function( dialog, childObjList, childHtmlList, htmlList, elementDefinition ) {
 				var legendLabel = elementDefinition.label;
 				/** @ignore */
-				var innerHTML = function()
-				{
-					var html = [];
-					legendLabel && html.push( '<legend>' + legendLabel + '</legend>' );
-					for ( var i = 0; i < childHtmlList.length; i++ )
-						html.push( childHtmlList[ i ] );
-					return html.join( '' );
-				};
+				var innerHTML = function() {
+						var html = [];
+						legendLabel && html.push( '<legend' +
+							( elementDefinition.labelStyle ? ' style="' + elementDefinition.labelStyle + '"' : '' ) +
+							'>' + legendLabel + '</legend>' );
+						for ( var i = 0; i < childHtmlList.length; i++ )
+							html.push( childHtmlList[ i ] );
+						return html.join( '' );
+					};
-				this._ = { children : childObjList };
+				this._ = { children: childObjList };
 				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList, 'fieldset', null, null, innerHTML );
 		}, true );
-	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.html.prototype = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement;
+		CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.html.prototype = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement;
-	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement,
-			/** @lends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement.prototype */
-			{
-				/**
-				 * Sets the label text of the element.
-				 * @param {String} label The new label text.
-				 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement} The current labeled element.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				setLabel : function( label )
-				{
-					var node = CKEDITOR.document.getById( this._.labelId );
-					if ( node.getChildCount() < 1 )
-						( new CKEDITOR.dom.text( label, CKEDITOR.document ) ).appendTo( node );
-					else
-						node.getChild( 0 ).$.nodeValue = label;
-					return this;
-				},
+		/** @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement */
+		CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement, {
+			/**
+			 * Sets the label text of the element.
+			 *
+			 * @param {String} label The new label text.
+			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement} The current labeled element.
+			 */
+			setLabel: function( label ) {
+				var node = CKEDITOR.document.getById( this._.labelId );
+				if ( node.getChildCount() < 1 )
+				( new CKEDITOR.dom.text( label, CKEDITOR.document ) ).appendTo( node );
+				else
+					node.getChild( 0 ).$.nodeValue = label;
+				return this;
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Retrieves the current label text of the elment.
-				 * @returns {String} The current label text.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				getLabel : function()
-				{
-					var node = CKEDITOR.document.getById( this._.labelId );
-					if ( !node || node.getChildCount() < 1 )
-						return '';
-					else
-						return node.getChild( 0 ).getText();
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Retrieves the current label text of the elment.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {String} The current label text.
+			 */
+			getLabel: function() {
+				var node = CKEDITOR.document.getById( this._.labelId );
+				if ( !node || node.getChildCount() < 1 )
+					return '';
+				else
+					return node.getChild( 0 ).getText();
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Defines the onChange event for UI element definitions.
-				 * @field
-				 * @type Object
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				eventProcessors : commonEventProcessors
-			}, true );
+			/**
+			 * Defines the onChange event for UI element definitions.
+			 * @property {Object}
+			 */
+			eventProcessors: commonEventProcessors
+		}, true );
-	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement,
-			/** @lends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button.prototype */
-			{
-				/**
-				 * Simulates a click to the button.
-				 * @example
-				 * @returns {Object} Return value of the 'click' event.
-				 */
-				click : function()
-				{
-					if ( !this._.disabled )
-						return this.fire( 'click', { dialog : this._.dialog } );
-					this.getElement().$.blur();
-					return false;
-				},
+		/** @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button */
+		CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement, {
+			/**
+			 * Simulates a click to the button.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {Object} Return value of the `click` event.
+			 */
+			click: function() {
+				if ( !this._.disabled )
+					return this.fire( 'click', { dialog: this._.dialog } );
+				return false;
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Enables the button.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				enable : function()
-				{
-					this._.disabled = false;
-					var element = this.getElement();
-					element && element.removeClass( 'disabled' );
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Enables the button.
+			 */
+			enable: function() {
+				this._.disabled = false;
+				var element = this.getElement();
+				element && element.removeClass( 'cke_disabled' );
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Disables the button.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				disable : function()
-				{
-					this._.disabled = true;
-					this.getElement().addClass( 'disabled' );
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Disables the button.
+			 */
+			disable: function() {
+				this._.disabled = true;
+				this.getElement().addClass( 'cke_disabled' );
+			},
-				isVisible : function()
-				{
-					return this.getElement().getFirst().isVisible();
-				},
+			/**
+			 * @todo
+			 */
+			isVisible: function() {
+				return this.getElement().getFirst().isVisible();
+			},
-				isEnabled : function()
-				{
-					return !this._.disabled;
-				},
+			/**
+			 * @todo
+			 */
+			isEnabled: function() {
+				return !this._.disabled;
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Defines the onChange event and onClick for button element definitions.
-				 * @field
-				 * @type Object
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				eventProcessors : CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.prototype.eventProcessors,
-					{
-						/** @ignore */
-						onClick : function( dialog, func )
-						{
-							this.on( 'click', func );
-						}
-					}, true ),
+			/**
+			 * Defines the onChange event and onClick for button element definitions.
+			 *
+			 * @property {Object}
+			 */
+			eventProcessors: CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.prototype.eventProcessors, {
+				onClick: function( dialog, func ) {
+					this.on( 'click', function() {
+						func.apply( this, arguments );
+					});
+				}
+			}, true ),
-				/**
-				 * Handler for the element's access key up event. Simulates a click to
-				 * the button.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				accessKeyUp : function()
-				{
-					this.click();
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Handler for the element's access key up event. Simulates a click to
+			 * the button.
+			 */
+			accessKeyUp: function() {
+				this.click();
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Handler for the element's access key down event. Simulates a mouse
-				 * down to the button.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				accessKeyDown : function()
-				{
-					this.focus();
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Handler for the element's access key down event. Simulates a mouse
+			 * down to the button.
+			 */
+			accessKeyDown: function() {
+				this.focus();
+			},
-				keyboardFocusable : true
-			}, true );
+			keyboardFocusable: true
+		}, true );
-	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textInput.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement,
-			/** @lends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textInput.prototype */
-			{
-				/**
-				 * Gets the text input DOM element under this UI object.
-				 * @example
-				 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The DOM element of the text input.
-				 */
-				getInputElement : function()
-				{
-					return CKEDITOR.document.getById( this._.inputId );
-				},
+		/** @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textInput */
+		CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textInput.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement, {
+			/**
+			 * Gets the text input DOM element under this UI object.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The DOM element of the text input.
+			 */
+			getInputElement: function() {
+				return CKEDITOR.document.getById( this._.inputId );
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Puts focus into the text input.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				focus : function()
-				{
-					var me = this.selectParentTab();
-					// GECKO BUG: setTimeout() is needed to workaround invisible selections.
-					setTimeout( function()
-						{
-							var element = me.getInputElement();
-							element && element.$.focus();
-						}, 0 );
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Puts focus into the text input.
+			 */
+			focus: function() {
+				var me = this.selectParentTab();
+				// GECKO BUG: setTimeout() is needed to workaround invisible selections.
+				setTimeout( function() {
+					var element = me.getInputElement();
+					element && element.$.focus();
+				}, 0 );
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Selects all the text in the text input.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				select : function()
-				{
-					var me = this.selectParentTab();
-					// GECKO BUG: setTimeout() is needed to workaround invisible selections.
-					setTimeout( function()
-						{
-							var e = me.getInputElement();
-							if ( e )
-							{
-								e.$.focus();
-								e.$.select();
-							}
-						}, 0 );
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Selects all the text in the text input.
+			 */
+			select: function() {
+				var me = this.selectParentTab();
+				// GECKO BUG: setTimeout() is needed to workaround invisible selections.
+				setTimeout( function() {
+					var e = me.getInputElement();
+					if ( e ) {
+						e.$.focus();
+						e.$.select();
+					}
+				}, 0 );
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Handler for the text input's access key up event. Makes a select()
-				 * call to the text input.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				accessKeyUp : function()
-				{
-					this.select();
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Handler for the text input's access key up event. Makes a `select()`
+			 * call to the text input.
+			 */
+			accessKeyUp: function() {
+				this.select();
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Sets the value of this text input object.
-				 * @param {Object} value The new value.
-				 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textInput} The current UI element.
-				 * @example
-				 * uiElement.setValue( 'Blamo' );
-				 */
-				setValue : function( value )
-				{
-					!value && ( value = '' );
-					return CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.prototype.setValue.apply( this, arguments );
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Sets the value of this text input object.
+			 *
+			 *		uiElement.setValue( 'Blamo' );
+			 *
+			 * @param {Object} value The new value.
+			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textInput} The current UI element.
+			 */
+			setValue: function( value ) {
+				!value && ( value = '' );
+				return CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.prototype.setValue.apply( this, arguments );
+			},
-				keyboardFocusable : true
-			}, commonPrototype, true );
+			keyboardFocusable: true
+		}, commonPrototype, true );
-	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textarea.prototype = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textInput();
+		CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textarea.prototype = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textInput();
-	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.select.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement,
-			/** @lends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.select.prototype */
-			{
-				/**
-				 * Gets the DOM element of the select box.
-				 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The <select> element of this UI
-				 * element.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				getInputElement : function()
-				{
-					return this._.select.getElement();
-				},
+		/** @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.select */
+		CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.select.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement, {
+			/**
+			 * Gets the DOM element of the select box.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The `<select>` element of this UI element.
+			 */
+			getInputElement: function() {
+				return this._.select.getElement();
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Adds an option to the select box.
-				 * @param {String} label Option label.
-				 * @param {String} value (Optional) Option value, if not defined it'll be
-				 * assumed to be the same as the label.
-				 * @param {Number} index (Optional) Position of the option to be inserted
-				 * to. If not defined the new option will be inserted to the end of list.
-				 * @example
-				 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.select} The current select UI element.
-				 */
-				add : function( label, value, index )
-				{
-					var option = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'option', this.getDialog().getParentEditor().document ),
-						selectElement = this.getInputElement().$;
-					option.$.text = label;
-					option.$.value = ( value === undefined || value === null ) ? label : value;
-					if ( index === undefined || index === null )
-					{
-						if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-							selectElement.add( option.$ );
-						else
-							selectElement.add( option.$, null );
-					}
+			/**
+			 * Adds an option to the select box.
+			 *
+			 * @param {String} label Option label.
+			 * @param {String} value (Optional) Option value, if not defined it'll be
+			 * assumed to be the same as the label.
+			 * @param {Number} index (Optional) Position of the option to be inserted
+			 * to. If not defined the new option will be inserted to the end of list.
+			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.select} The current select UI element.
+			 */
+			add: function( label, value, index ) {
+				var option = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'option', this.getDialog().getParentEditor().document ),
+					selectElement = this.getInputElement().$;
+				option.$.text = label;
+				option.$.value = ( value === undefined || value === null ) ? label : value;
+				if ( index === undefined || index === null ) {
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+						selectElement.add( option.$ );
-						selectElement.add( option.$, index );
-					return this;
-				},
+						selectElement.add( option.$, null );
+				} else
+					selectElement.add( option.$, index );
+				return this;
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Removes an option from the selection list.
-				 * @param {Number} index Index of the option to be removed.
-				 * @example
-				 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.select} The current select UI element.
-				 */
-				remove : function( index )
-				{
-					var selectElement = this.getInputElement().$;
-					selectElement.remove( index );
-					return this;
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Removes an option from the selection list.
+			 *
+			 * @param {Number} index Index of the option to be removed.
+			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.select} The current select UI element.
+			 */
+			remove: function( index ) {
+				var selectElement = this.getInputElement().$;
+				selectElement.remove( index );
+				return this;
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Clears all options out of the selection list.
-				 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.select} The current select UI element.
-				 */
-				clear : function()
-				{
-					var selectElement = this.getInputElement().$;
-					while ( selectElement.length > 0 )
-						selectElement.remove( 0 );
-					return this;
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Clears all options out of the selection list.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.select} The current select UI element.
+			 */
+			clear: function() {
+				var selectElement = this.getInputElement().$;
+				while ( selectElement.length > 0 )
+					selectElement.remove( 0 );
+				return this;
+			},
-				keyboardFocusable : true
-			}, commonPrototype, true );
+			keyboardFocusable: true
+		}, commonPrototype, true );
-	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement,
-			/** @lends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox.prototype */
-			{
-				/**
-				 * Gets the checkbox DOM element.
-				 * @example
-				 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The DOM element of the checkbox.
-				 */
-				getInputElement : function()
-				{
-					return this._.checkbox.getElement();
-				},
+		/** @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox */
+		CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement, {
+			/**
+			 * Gets the checkbox DOM element.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The DOM element of the checkbox.
+			 */
+			getInputElement: function() {
+				return this._.checkbox.getElement();
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Sets the state of the checkbox.
-				 * @example
-				 * @param {Boolean} true to tick the checkbox, false to untick it.
-				 * @param {Boolean} noChangeEvent Internal commit, to supress 'change' event on this element.
-				 */
-				setValue : function( checked, noChangeEvent )
-				{
-					this.getInputElement().$.checked = checked;
-					!noChangeEvent && this.fire( 'change', { value : checked } );
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Sets the state of the checkbox.
+			 *
+			 * @param {Boolean} `true` to tick the checkbox, `false` to untick it.
+			 * @param {Boolean} noChangeEvent Internal commit, to supress `change` event on this element.
+			 */
+			setValue: function( checked, noChangeEvent ) {
+				this.getInputElement().$.checked = checked;
+				!noChangeEvent && this.fire( 'change', { value: checked } );
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Gets the state of the checkbox.
-				 * @example
-				 * @returns {Boolean} true means the checkbox is ticked, false means it's not ticked.
-				 */
-				getValue : function()
-				{
-					return this.getInputElement().$.checked;
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Gets the state of the checkbox.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {Boolean} true means the checkbox is ticked, false means it's not ticked.
+			 */
+			getValue: function() {
+				return this.getInputElement().$.checked;
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Handler for the access key up event. Toggles the checkbox.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				accessKeyUp : function()
-				{
-					this.setValue( !this.getValue() );
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Handler for the access key up event. Toggles the checkbox.
+			 */
+			accessKeyUp: function() {
+				this.setValue( !this.getValue() );
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Defines the onChange event for UI element definitions.
-				 * @field
-				 * @type Object
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				eventProcessors :
-				{
-					onChange : function( dialog, func )
-					{
-						if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-							return commonEventProcessors.onChange.apply( this, arguments );
-						else
-						{
-							dialog.on( 'load', function()
-								{
-									var element = this._.checkbox.getElement();
-									element.on( 'propertychange', function( evt )
-										{
-											evt = evt.data.$;
-											if ( evt.propertyName == 'checked' )
-												this.fire( 'change', { value : element.$.checked } );
-										}, this );
-								}, this );
-							this.on( 'change', func );
-						}
-						return null;
+			/**
+			 * Defines the onChange event for UI element definitions.
+			 *
+			 * @property {Object}
+			 */
+			eventProcessors: {
+				onChange: function( dialog, func ) {
+					if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie || ( CKEDITOR.env.version > 8 ) )
+						return commonEventProcessors.onChange.apply( this, arguments );
+					else {
+						dialog.on( 'load', function() {
+							var element = this._.checkbox.getElement();
+							element.on( 'propertychange', function( evt ) {
+								evt = evt.data.$;
+								if ( evt.propertyName == 'checked' )
+									this.fire( 'change', { value: element.$.checked } );
+							}, this );
+						}, this );
+						this.on( 'change', func );
-				},
+					return null;
+				}
+			},
-				keyboardFocusable : true
-			}, commonPrototype, true );
+			keyboardFocusable: true
+		}, commonPrototype, true );
-	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.radio.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement,
-			/** @lends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.radio.prototype */
-			{
-				/**
-				 * Checks one of the radio buttons in this button group.
-				 * @example
-				 * @param {String} value The value of the button to be chcked.
-				 * @param {Boolean} noChangeEvent Internal commit, to supress 'change' event on this element.
-				 */
-				setValue : function( value, noChangeEvent )
-				{
-					var children = this._.children,
-						item;
-					for ( var i = 0 ; ( i < children.length ) && ( item = children[i] ) ; i++ )
-						item.getElement().$.checked = ( item.getValue() == value );
-					!noChangeEvent && this.fire( 'change', { value : value } );
-				},
+		/** @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.radio */
+		CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.radio.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement, {
+			/**
+			 * Checks one of the radio buttons in this button group.
+			 *
+			 * @param {String} value The value of the button to be chcked.
+			 * @param {Boolean} noChangeEvent Internal commit, to supress `change` event on this element.
+			 */
+			setValue: function( value, noChangeEvent ) {
+				var children = this._.children,
+					item;
+				for ( var i = 0;
+				( i < children.length ) && ( item = children[ i ] ); i++ )
+					item.getElement().$.checked = ( item.getValue() == value );
+				!noChangeEvent && this.fire( 'change', { value: value } );
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Gets the value of the currently checked radio button.
-				 * @example
-				 * @returns {String} The currently checked button's value.
-				 */
-				getValue : function()
-				{
-					var children = this._.children;
-					for ( var i = 0 ; i < children.length ; i++ )
-					{
-						if ( children[i].getElement().$.checked )
-							return children[i].getValue();
-					}
-					return null;
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Gets the value of the currently checked radio button.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {String} The currently checked button's value.
+			 */
+			getValue: function() {
+				var children = this._.children;
+				for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) {
+					if ( children[ i ].getElement().$.checked )
+						return children[ i ].getValue();
+				}
+				return null;
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Handler for the access key up event. Focuses the currently
-				 * selected radio button, or the first radio button if none is
-				 * selected.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				accessKeyUp : function()
-				{
-					var children = this._.children, i;
-					for ( i = 0 ; i < children.length ; i++ )
-					{
-						if ( children[i].getElement().$.checked )
-						{
-							children[i].getElement().focus();
-							return;
-						}
+			/**
+			 * Handler for the access key up event. Focuses the currently
+			 * selected radio button, or the first radio button if none is selected.
+			 */
+			accessKeyUp: function() {
+				var children = this._.children,
+					i;
+				for ( i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) {
+					if ( children[ i ].getElement().$.checked ) {
+						children[ i ].getElement().focus();
+						return;
-					children[0].getElement().focus();
-				},
+				}
+				children[ 0 ].getElement().focus();
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Defines the onChange event for UI element definitions.
-				 * @field
-				 * @type Object
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				eventProcessors :
-				{
-					onChange : function( dialog, func )
-					{
-						if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-							return commonEventProcessors.onChange.apply( this, arguments );
-						else
-						{
-							dialog.on( 'load', function()
-								{
-									var children = this._.children, me = this;
-									for ( var i = 0 ; i < children.length ; i++ )
-									{
-										var element = children[i].getElement();
-										element.on( 'propertychange', function( evt )
-											{
-												evt = evt.data.$;
-												if ( evt.propertyName == 'checked' && this.$.checked )
-													me.fire( 'change', { value : this.getAttribute( 'value' ) } );
-											} );
-									}
-								}, this );
-							this.on( 'change', func );
-						}
-						return null;
+			/**
+			 * Defines the onChange event for UI element definitions.
+			 *
+			 * @property {Object}
+			 */
+			eventProcessors: {
+				onChange: function( dialog, func ) {
+					if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+						return commonEventProcessors.onChange.apply( this, arguments );
+					else {
+						dialog.on( 'load', function() {
+							var children = this._.children,
+								me = this;
+							for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) {
+								var element = children[ i ].getElement();
+								element.on( 'propertychange', function( evt ) {
+									evt = evt.data.$;
+									if ( evt.propertyName == 'checked' && this.$.checked )
+										me.fire( 'change', { value: this.getAttribute( 'value' ) } );
+								});
+							}
+						}, this );
+						this.on( 'change', func );
-				},
+					return null;
+				}
+			},
-				keyboardFocusable : true
-			}, commonPrototype, true );
+			keyboardFocusable: true
+		}, commonPrototype, true );
-	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement,
-			commonPrototype,
-			/** @lends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file.prototype */
-			{
-				/**
-				 * Gets the <input> element of this file input.
-				 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The file input element.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				getInputElement : function()
-				{
-					var frameDocument = CKEDITOR.document.getById( this._.frameId ).getFrameDocument();
-					return frameDocument.$.forms.length > 0 ?
-						new CKEDITOR.dom.element( frameDocument.$.forms[0].elements[0] ) :
-						this.getElement();
-				},
+		/** @class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file */
+		CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement, commonPrototype, {
+			/**
+			 * Gets the `<input>` element of this file input.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The file input element.
+			 */
+			getInputElement: function() {
+				var frameDocument = CKEDITOR.document.getById( this._.frameId ).getFrameDocument();
+				return frameDocument.$.forms.length > 0 ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element( frameDocument.$.forms[ 0 ].elements[ 0 ] ) : this.getElement();
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Uploads the file in the file input.
-				 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file} This object.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				submit : function()
-				{
-					this.getInputElement().getParent().$.submit();
-					return this;
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Uploads the file in the file input.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file} This object.
+			 */
+			submit: function() {
+				this.getInputElement().getParent().$.submit();
+				return this;
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Get the action assigned to the form.
-				 * @returns {String} The value of the action.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				getAction : function()
-				{
-					return this.getInputElement().getParent().$.action;
-				},
+			/**
+			 * Get the action assigned to the form.
+			 *
+			 * @returns {String} The value of the action.
+			 */
+			getAction: function() {
+				return this.getInputElement().getParent().$.action;
+			},
-				/**
-				 * The events must be applied on the inner input element, and
-				 * that must be done when the iframe & form has been loaded
-				 */
-				registerEvents : function( definition )
-				{
-					var regex = /^on([A-Z]\w+)/,
-						match;
-					var registerDomEvent = function( uiElement, dialog, eventName, func )
-					{
-						uiElement.on( 'formLoaded', function()
-						{
+			/**
+			 * The events must be applied on the inner input element, and
+			 * that must be done when the iframe & form has been loaded.
+			 */
+			registerEvents: function( definition ) {
+				var regex = /^on([A-Z]\w+)/,
+					match;
+				var registerDomEvent = function( uiElement, dialog, eventName, func ) {
+						uiElement.on( 'formLoaded', function() {
 							uiElement.getInputElement().on( eventName, func, uiElement );
-					for ( var i in definition )
-					{
-						if ( !( match = i.match( regex ) ) )
-							continue;
+				for ( var i in definition ) {
+					if ( !( match = i.match( regex ) ) )
+						continue;
-						if ( this.eventProcessors[i] )
-							this.eventProcessors[i].call( this, this._.dialog, definition[i] );
-						else
-							registerDomEvent( this, this._.dialog, match[1].toLowerCase(), definition[i] );
-					}
+					if ( this.eventProcessors[ i ] )
+						this.eventProcessors[ i ].call( this, this._.dialog, definition[ i ] );
+					else
+						registerDomEvent( this, this._.dialog, match[ 1 ].toLowerCase(), definition[ i ] );
+				}
-					return this;
-				},
+				return this;
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Redraws the file input and resets the file path in the file input.
-				 * The redraw logic is necessary because non-IE browsers tend to clear
-				 * the <iframe> containing the file input after closing the dialog.
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				reset : function()
-				{
-					var frameElement = CKEDITOR.document.getById( this._.frameId ),
-						frameDocument = frameElement.getFrameDocument(),
-						elementDefinition = this._.definition,
-						buttons = this._.buttons,
-						callNumber = this.formLoadedNumber,
-						unloadNumber = this.formUnloadNumber,
-						langDir = this._.dialog._.editor.lang.dir,
-						langCode = this._.dialog._.editor.langCode;
-					// The callback function for the iframe, but we must call tools.addFunction only once
-					// so we store the function number in this.formLoadedNumber
-					if (!callNumber)
-					{
-						callNumber = this.formLoadedNumber = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(
-							function()
-							{
-								// Now we can apply the events to the input type=file
-								this.fire( 'formLoaded' ) ;
-							}, this ) ;
-						// Remove listeners attached to the content of the iframe (the file input)
-						unloadNumber = this.formUnloadNumber = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(
-							function()
-							{
-								this.getInputElement().clearCustomData();
-							}, this ) ;
-						this.getDialog()._.editor.on( 'destroy', function()
-								{
-									CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( callNumber );
-									CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( unloadNumber );
-								} );
-					}
+			/**
+			 * Redraws the file input and resets the file path in the file input.
+			 * The redraw logic is necessary because non-IE browsers tend to clear
+			 * the `<iframe>` containing the file input after closing the dialog.
+			 */
+			reset: function() {
+				var _ = this._,
+					frameElement = CKEDITOR.document.getById( _.frameId ),
+					frameDocument = frameElement.getFrameDocument(),
+					elementDefinition = _.definition,
+					buttons = _.buttons,
+					callNumber = this.formLoadedNumber,
+					unloadNumber = this.formUnloadNumber,
+					langDir = _.dialog._.editor.lang.dir,
+					langCode = _.dialog._.editor.langCode;
+				// The callback function for the iframe, but we must call tools.addFunction only once
+				// so we store the function number in this.formLoadedNumber
+				if ( !callNumber ) {
+					callNumber = this.formLoadedNumber = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function() {
+						// Now we can apply the events to the input type=file
+						this.fire( 'formLoaded' );
+					}, this );
-					function generateFormField()
-					{
-						frameDocument.$.open();
+					// Remove listeners attached to the content of the iframe (the file input)
+					unloadNumber = this.formUnloadNumber = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function() {
+						this.getInputElement().clearCustomData();
+					}, this );
-						// Support for custom document.domain in IE.
-						if ( CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain() )
-							frameDocument.$.domain = document.domain;
-						var size = '';
-						if ( elementDefinition.size )
-							size = elementDefinition.size - ( CKEDITOR.env.ie  ? 7 : 0 );	// "Browse" button is bigger in IE.
-						frameDocument.$.write( [ '<html dir="' + langDir + '" lang="' + langCode + '"><head><title></title></head><body style="margin: 0; overflow: hidden; background: transparent;">',
-								'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" dir="' + langDir + '" lang="' + langCode + '" action="',
-								CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( elementDefinition.action ),
-								'">',
-								'<input type="file" name="',
-								CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( elementDefinition.id || 'cke_upload' ),
-								'" size="',
-								CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( size > 0 ? size : "" ),
-								'" />',
-								'</form>',
-								'</body></html>',
-								'<script>window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + callNumber + ');',
-								'window.onbeforeunload = function() {window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + unloadNumber + ')}</script>' ].join( '' ) );
-						frameDocument.$.close();
-						for ( var i = 0 ; i < buttons.length ; i++ )
-							buttons[i].enable();
-					}
+					this.getDialog()._.editor.on( 'destroy', function() {
+						CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( callNumber );
+						CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( unloadNumber );
+					});
+				}
-					// #3465: Wait for the browser to finish rendering the dialog first.
-					if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
-						setTimeout( generateFormField, 500 );
-					else
-						generateFormField();
-				},
+				function generateFormField() {
+					frameDocument.$.open();
-				getValue : function()
-				{
-					return this.getInputElement().$.value;
-				},
+					// Support for custom document.domain in IE.
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain() )
+						frameDocument.$.domain = document.domain;
+					var size = '';
+					if ( elementDefinition.size )
+						size = elementDefinition.size - ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 7 : 0 ); // "Browse" button is bigger in IE.
+				var inputId = _.frameId + '_input';
+					frameDocument.$.write( [ '<html dir="' + langDir + '" lang="' + langCode + '"><head><title></title></head><body style="margin: 0; overflow: hidden; background: transparent;">',
+														'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" dir="' + langDir + '" lang="' + langCode + '" action="',
+														CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( elementDefinition.action ),
+														'">',
+													// Replicate the field label inside of iframe.
+																	'<label id="', _.labelId, '" for="', inputId, '" style="display:none">',
+													CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( elementDefinition.label ),
+													'</label>',
+													'<input id="', inputId, '" aria-labelledby="', _.labelId, '" type="file" name="',
+														CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( elementDefinition.id || 'cke_upload' ),
+														'" size="',
+														CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( size > 0 ? size : "" ),
+														'" />',
+														'</form>',
+														'</body></html>',
+														'<script>window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + callNumber + ');',
+														'window.onbeforeunload = function() {window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + unloadNumber + ')}</script>' ].join( '' ) );
+					frameDocument.$.close();
+					for ( var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++ )
+						buttons[ i ].enable();
+				}
-				/***
-				 * The default value of input type="file" is an empty string, but during initialization
-				 * of this UI element, the iframe still isn't ready so it can't be read from that object
-				 * Setting it manually prevents later issues about the current value ("") being different
-				 * of the initial value (undefined as it asked for .value of a div)
-				 */
-				setInitValue : function()
-				{
-					this._.initValue = '';
-				},
+				// #3465: Wait for the browser to finish rendering the dialog first.
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
+					setTimeout( generateFormField, 500 );
+				else
+					generateFormField();
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Defines the onChange event for UI element definitions.
-				 * @field
-				 * @type Object
-				 * @example
-				 */
-				eventProcessors :
-				{
-					onChange : function( dialog, func )
-					{
-						// If this method is called several times (I'm not sure about how this can happen but the default
-						// onChange processor includes this protection)
-						// In order to reapply to the new element, the property is deleted at the beggining of the registerEvents method
-						if ( !this._.domOnChangeRegistered )
-						{
-							// By listening for the formLoaded event, this handler will get reapplied when a new
-							// form is created
-							this.on( 'formLoaded', function()
-							{
-								this.getInputElement().on( 'change', function(){ this.fire( 'change', { value : this.getValue() } ); }, this );
-							}, this );
-							this._.domOnChangeRegistered = true;
-						}
+			getValue: function() {
+				return this.getInputElement().$.value || '';
+			},
-						this.on( 'change', func );
+			/***
+			 * The default value of input `type="file"` is an empty string, but during initialization
+			 * of this UI element, the iframe still isn't ready so it can't be read from that object
+			 * Setting it manually prevents later issues about the current value (`''`) being different
+			 * of the initial value (undefined as it asked for `.value` of a div).
+			 */
+			setInitValue: function() {
+				this._.initValue = '';
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Defines the onChange event for UI element definitions.
+			 *
+			 * @propert {Object}
+			 */
+			eventProcessors: {
+				onChange: function( dialog, func ) {
+					// If this method is called several times (I'm not sure about how this can happen but the default
+					// onChange processor includes this protection)
+					// In order to reapply to the new element, the property is deleted at the beggining of the registerEvents method
+					if ( !this._.domOnChangeRegistered ) {
+						// By listening for the formLoaded event, this handler will get reapplied when a new
+						// form is created
+						this.on( 'formLoaded', function() {
+							this.getInputElement().on( 'change', function() {
+								this.fire( 'change', { value: this.getValue() } );
+							}, this );
+						}, this );
+						this._.domOnChangeRegistered = true;
-				},
-				keyboardFocusable : true
-			}, true );
-	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.fileButton.prototype = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button;
-	CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.fieldset.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.clone( CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox.prototype );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'text', textBuilder );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'password', textBuilder );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'textarea', commonBuilder );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'checkbox', commonBuilder );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'radio', commonBuilder );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'button', commonBuilder );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'select', commonBuilder );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'file', commonBuilder );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'fileButton', commonBuilder );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'html', commonBuilder );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'fieldset', containerBuilder );
+					this.on( 'change', func );
+				}
+			},
+			keyboardFocusable: true
+		}, true );
+		CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.fileButton.prototype = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button;
+		CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.fieldset.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.clone( CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox.prototype );
+		CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'text', textBuilder );
+		CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'password', textBuilder );
+		CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'textarea', commonBuilder );
+		CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'checkbox', commonBuilder );
+		CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'radio', commonBuilder );
+		CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'button', commonBuilder );
+		CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'select', commonBuilder );
+		CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'file', commonBuilder );
+		CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'fileButton', commonBuilder );
+		CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'html', commonBuilder );
+		CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'fieldset', containerBuilder );
+	}
+ * Fired when the value of the uiElement is changed.
+ *
+ * @event change
+ * @member CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement
+ */
+ * Fired when the inner frame created by the element is ready.
+ * Each time the button is used or the dialog is loaded a new
+ * form might be created.
+ *
+ * @event formLoaded
+ * @member CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.fileButton
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/dialogs/div.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/dialogs/div.js
index cf865f7..9b34b53 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/dialogs/div.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/dialogs/div.js
@@ -1,62 +1,45 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	/**
-	 * Add to collection with DUP examination.
-	 * @param {Object} collection
-	 * @param {Object} element
-	 * @param {Object} database
-	 */
-	function addSafely( collection, element, database )
-	{
+(function() {
+	// Add to collection with DUP examination.
+	// @param {Object} collection
+	// @param {Object} element
+	// @param {Object} database
+	function addSafely( collection, element, database ) {
 		// 1. IE doesn't support customData on text nodes;
 		// 2. Text nodes never get chance to appear twice;
-		if ( !element.is || !element.getCustomData( 'block_processed' ) )
-		{
+		if ( !element.is || !element.getCustomData( 'block_processed' ) ) {
 			element.is && CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, element, 'block_processed', true );
 			collection.push( element );
-	function getNonEmptyChildren( element )
-	{
+	function getNonEmptyChildren( element ) {
 		var retval = [];
 		var children = element.getChildren();
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < children.count() ; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( var i = 0; i < children.count(); i++ ) {
 			var child = children.getItem( i );
-			if ( ! ( child.type === CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT
-				&& ( /^[ \t\n\r]+$/ ).test( child.getText() ) ) )
+			if ( !( child.type === CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && ( /^[ \t\n\r]+$/ ).test( child.getText() ) ) )
 				retval.push( child );
 		return retval;
-	/**
-	 * Dialog reused by both 'creatediv' and 'editdiv' commands.
-	 * @param {Object} editor
-	 * @param {String} command	The command name which indicate what the current command is.
-	 */
-	function divDialog( editor, command )
-	{
+	// Dialog reused by both 'creatediv' and 'editdiv' commands.
+	// @param {Object} editor
+	// @param {String} command	The command name which indicate what the current command is.
+	function divDialog( editor, command ) {
 		// Definition of elements at which div operation should stopped.
-		var divLimitDefinition = ( function(){
+		var divLimitDefinition = (function() {
 			// Customzie from specialize blockLimit elements
 			var definition = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, CKEDITOR.dtd.$blockLimit );
-			// Exclude 'div' itself.
-			delete definition.div;
-			// Exclude 'td' and 'th' when 'wrapping table'
-			if ( editor.config.div_wrapTable )
-			{
+			if ( editor.config.div_wrapTable ) {
 				delete definition.td;
 				delete definition.th;
@@ -66,51 +49,37 @@
 		// DTD of 'div' element
 		var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd.div;
-		/**
-		 * Get the first div limit element on the element's path.
-		 * @param {Object} element
-		 */
-		function getDivLimitElement( element )
-		{
-			var pathElements = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( element ).elements;
-			var divLimit;
-			for ( var i = 0; i < pathElements.length ; i++ )
-			{
-				if ( pathElements[ i ].getName() in divLimitDefinition )
-				{
-					divLimit = pathElements[ i ];
-					break;
-				}
+		// Get the first div limit element on the element's path.
+		// @param {Object} element
+		function getDivContainer( element ) {
+			var container = editor.elementPath( element ).blockLimit;
+			// Dont stop at 'td' and 'th' when div should wrap entire table.
+			if ( editor.config.div_wrapTable && container.is( [ 'td', 'th' ] ) ) {
+				var parentPath = editor.elementPath( container.getParent() );
+				container = parentPath.blockLimit;
-			return divLimit;
+			return container;
-		/**
-		 * Init all fields' setup/commit function.
-		 * @memberof divDialog
-		 */
-		function setupFields()
-		{
-			this.foreach( function( field )
-			{
+		// Init all fields' setup/commit function.
+		// @memberof divDialog
+		function setupFields() {
+			this.foreach( function( field ) {
 				// Exclude layout container elements
-				if ( /^(?!vbox|hbox)/.test( field.type ) )
-				{
-					if ( !field.setup )
-					{
+				if ( /^(?!vbox|hbox)/.test( field.type ) ) {
+					if ( !field.setup ) {
 						// Read the dialog fields values from the specified
 						// element attributes.
-						field.setup = function( element )
-						{
-							field.setValue( element.getAttribute( field.id ) || '' );
+						field.setup = function( element ) {
+							field.setValue( element.getAttribute( field.id ) || '', 1 );
-					if ( !field.commit )
-					{
+					if ( !field.commit ) {
 						// Set element attributes assigned by the dialog
 						// fields.
-						field.commit = function( element )
-						{
+						field.commit = function( element ) {
 							var fieldValue = this.getValue();
 							// ignore default element attribute values
 							if ( 'dir' == field.id && element.getComputedStyle( 'direction' ) == fieldValue )
@@ -123,25 +92,23 @@
-			} );
+			});
-		/**
-		 * Wrapping 'div' element around appropriate blocks among the selected ranges.
-		 * @param {Object} editor
-		 */
-		function createDiv( editor )
-		{
+		// Wrapping 'div' element around appropriate blocks among the selected ranges.
+		// @param {Object} editor
+		function createDiv( editor ) {
 			// new adding containers OR detected pre-existed containers.
 			var containers = [];
 			// node markers store.
 			var database = {};
 			// All block level elements which contained by the ranges.
-			var containedBlocks = [], block;
+			var containedBlocks = [],
+				block;
 			// Get all ranges from the selection.
-			var selection = editor.document.getSelection();
-			var ranges = selection.getRanges();
+			var selection = editor.getSelection(),
+				ranges = selection.getRanges();
 			var bookmarks = selection.createBookmarks();
 			var i, iterator;
@@ -149,22 +116,17 @@
 			var blockTag = editor.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'p';
 			// collect all included elements from dom-iterator
-			for ( i = 0 ; i < ranges.length ; i++ )
-			{
+			for ( i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++ ) {
 				iterator = ranges[ i ].createIterator();
-				while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph() ) )
-				{
+				while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph() ) ) {
 					// include contents of blockLimit elements.
-					if ( block.getName() in divLimitDefinition )
-					{
-						var j, childNodes = block.getChildren();
-						for ( j = 0 ; j < childNodes.count() ; j++ )
-							addSafely( containedBlocks, childNodes.getItem( j ) , database );
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						// Bypass dtd disallowed elements.
-						while ( !dtd[ block.getName() ] && block.getName() != 'body' )
+					if ( block.getName() in divLimitDefinition ) {
+						var j,
+							childNodes = block.getChildren();
+						for ( j = 0; j < childNodes.count(); j++ )
+							addSafely( containedBlocks, childNodes.getItem( j ), database );
+					} else {
+						while ( !dtd[ block.getName() ] && !block.equals( ranges[ i ].root ) )
 							block = block.getParent();
 						addSafely( containedBlocks, block, database );
@@ -176,20 +138,18 @@
 			var blockGroups = groupByDivLimit( containedBlocks );
 			var ancestor, blockEl, divElement;
-			for ( i = 0 ; i < blockGroups.length ; i++ )
-			{
+			for ( i = 0; i < blockGroups.length; i++ ) {
 				var currentNode = blockGroups[ i ][ 0 ];
 				// Calculate the common parent node of all contained elements.
 				ancestor = currentNode.getParent();
-				for ( j = 1 ; j < blockGroups[ i ].length; j++ )
+				for ( j = 1; j < blockGroups[ i ].length; j++ )
 					ancestor = ancestor.getCommonAncestor( blockGroups[ i ][ j ] );
 				divElement = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div', editor.document );
 				// Normalize the blocks in each group to a common parent.
-				for ( j = 0; j < blockGroups[ i ].length ; j++ )
-				{
+				for ( j = 0; j < blockGroups[ i ].length; j++ ) {
 					currentNode = blockGroups[ i ][ j ];
 					while ( !currentNode.getParent().equals( ancestor ) )
@@ -201,13 +161,11 @@
 				// Wrapped blocks counting
 				var fixedBlock = null;
-				for ( j = 0 ; j < blockGroups[ i ].length ; j++ )
-				{
+				for ( j = 0; j < blockGroups[ i ].length; j++ ) {
 					currentNode = blockGroups[ i ][ j ];
 					// Avoid DUP elements introduced by grouping.
-					if ( !( currentNode.getCustomData && currentNode.getCustomData( 'block_processed' ) ) )
-					{
+					if ( !( currentNode.getCustomData && currentNode.getCustomData( 'block_processed' ) ) ) {
 						currentNode.is && CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, currentNode, 'block_processed', true );
 						// Establish new container, wrapping all elements in this group.
@@ -226,54 +184,40 @@
 			return containers;
-		function getDiv( editor )
-		{
-			var path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( editor.getSelection().getStartElement() ),
-				blockLimit = path.blockLimit,
-				div = blockLimit && blockLimit.getAscendant( 'div', true );
-			return div;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Divide a set of nodes to different groups by their path's blocklimit element.
-		 * Note: the specified nodes should be in source order naturally, which mean they are supposed to producea by following class:
-		 *  * CKEDITOR.dom.range.Iterator
-		 *  * CKEDITOR.dom.domWalker
-		 *  @return {Array []} the grouped nodes
-		 */
-		function groupByDivLimit( nodes )
-		{
+		// Divide a set of nodes to different groups by their path's blocklimit element.
+		// Note: the specified nodes should be in source order naturally, which mean they are supposed to producea by following class:
+		//  * CKEDITOR.dom.range.Iterator
+		//  * CKEDITOR.dom.domWalker
+		// @returns {Array[]} the grouped nodes
+		function groupByDivLimit( nodes ) {
 			var groups = [],
 				lastDivLimit = null,
 				path, block;
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < nodes.length ; i++ )
-			{
-				block = nodes[i];
-				var limit = getDivLimitElement( block );
-				if ( !limit.equals( lastDivLimit ) )
-				{
-					lastDivLimit = limit ;
-					groups.push( [] ) ;
+			for ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
+				block = nodes[ i ];
+				var limit = getDivContainer( block );
+				if ( !limit.equals( lastDivLimit ) ) {
+					lastDivLimit = limit;
+					groups.push( [] );
-				groups[ groups.length - 1 ].push( block ) ;
+				groups[ groups.length - 1 ].push( block );
 			return groups;
 		// Synchronous field values to other impacted fields is required, e.g. div styles
 		// change should also alter inline-style text.
-		function commitInternally( targetFields )
-		{
+		function commitInternally( targetFields ) {
 			var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-				 element = dialog._element && dialog._element.clone()
-						 || new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div', editor.document );
+				element = dialog._element && dialog._element.clone() || new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div', editor.document );
 			// Commit this field and broadcast to target fields.
 			this.commit( element, true );
 			targetFields = [].concat( targetFields );
-			var length = targetFields.length, field;
-			for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ )
-			{
+			var length = targetFields.length,
+				field;
+			for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
 				field = dialog.getContentElement.apply( dialog, targetFields[ i ].split( ':' ) );
 				field && field.setup && field.setup( element, true );
@@ -281,181 +225,156 @@
 		// Registered 'CKEDITOR.style' instances.
-		var styles = {} ;
-		/**
-		 * Hold a collection of created block container elements.
-		 */
+		var styles = {};
+		// Hold a collection of created block container elements.
 		var containers = [];
-		/**
-		 * @type divDialog
-		 */
+		// @type divDialog
 		return {
-			title : editor.lang.div.title,
-			minWidth : 400,
-			minHeight : 165,
-			contents :
-			[
-			{
-				id :'info',
-				label :editor.lang.common.generalTab,
-				title :editor.lang.common.generalTab,
-				elements :
-				[
+			title: editor.lang.div.title,
+			minWidth: 400,
+			minHeight: 165,
+			contents: [
+				{
+				id: 'info',
+				label: editor.lang.common.generalTab,
+				title: editor.lang.common.generalTab,
+				elements: [
-						type :'hbox',
-						widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-						children :
-						[
-							{
-								id :'elementStyle',
-								type :'select',
-								style :'width: 100%;',
-								label :editor.lang.div.styleSelectLabel,
-								'default' : '',
-								// Options are loaded dynamically.
-								items :
-								[
-									[ editor.lang.common.notSet , '' ]
-								],
-								onChange : function()
-								{
-									commitInternally.call( this, [ 'info:class', 'advanced:dir', 'advanced:style' ] );
-								},
-								setup : function( element )
-								{
-									for ( var name in styles )
-										styles[ name ].checkElementRemovable( element, true ) && this.setValue( name );
-								},
-								commit: function( element )
-								{
-									var styleName;
-									if ( ( styleName = this.getValue() ) )
-									{
-										var style = styles[ styleName ];
-										var customData = element.getCustomData( 'elementStyle' ) || '';
-										style.applyToObject( element );
-										element.setCustomData( 'elementStyle', customData + style._.definition.attributes.style );
-									}
-								}
-							},
-							{
-								id :'class',
-								type :'text',
-								label :editor.lang.common.cssClass,
-								'default' : ''
+					type: 'hbox',
+					widths: [ '50%', '50%' ],
+					children: [
+						{
+						id: 'elementStyle',
+						type: 'select',
+						style: 'width: 100%;',
+						label: editor.lang.div.styleSelectLabel,
+						'default': '',
+						// Options are loaded dynamically.
+						items: [
+							[ editor.lang.common.notSet, '' ]
+							],
+						onChange: function() {
+							commitInternally.call( this, [ 'info:elementStyle', 'info:class', 'advanced:dir', 'advanced:style' ] );
+						},
+						setup: function( element ) {
+							for ( var name in styles )
+								styles[ name ].checkElementRemovable( element, true ) && this.setValue( name, 1 );
+						},
+						commit: function( element ) {
+							var styleName;
+							if ( ( styleName = this.getValue() ) ) {
+								var style = styles[ styleName ];
+								style.applyToObject( element );
-						]
+							else
+								element.removeAttribute( 'style' );
+						}
+					},
+						{
+						id: 'class',
+						type: 'text',
+						label: editor.lang.common.cssClass,
+						'default': ''
+					]
+				}
-			{
-					id :'advanced',
-					label :editor.lang.common.advancedTab,
-					title :editor.lang.common.advancedTab,
-					elements :
-					[
+				{
+				id: 'advanced',
+				label: editor.lang.common.advancedTab,
+				title: editor.lang.common.advancedTab,
+				elements: [
-						type :'vbox',
-						padding :1,
-						children :
-						[
-							{
-								type :'hbox',
-								widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-								children :
-								[
-									{
-										type :'text',
-										id :'id',
-										label :editor.lang.common.id,
-										'default' : ''
-									},
-									{
-										type :'text',
-										id :'lang',
-										label :editor.lang.link.langCode,
-										'default' : ''
-									}
-								]
-							},
+					type: 'vbox',
+					padding: 1,
+					children: [
+						{
+						type: 'hbox',
+						widths: [ '50%', '50%' ],
+						children: [
-								type :'hbox',
-								children :
-								[
-										{
-											type :'text',
-											id :'style',
-											style :'width: 100%;',
-											label :editor.lang.common.cssStyle,
-											'default' : '',
-											commit : function( element )
-											{
-												// Merge with 'elementStyle', which is of higher priority.
-												var merged = this.getValue() + ( element.getCustomData( 'elementStyle' ) || '' );
-												element.setAttribute( 'style', merged );
-											}
-										}
-								]
-							},
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'id',
+							label: editor.lang.common.id,
+							'default': ''
+						},
-								type :'hbox',
-								children :
-								[
-										{
-											type :'text',
-											id :'title',
-											style :'width: 100%;',
-											label :editor.lang.common.advisoryTitle,
-											'default' : ''
-										}
-								]
-							},
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'lang',
+							label: editor.lang.common.langCode,
+							'default': ''
+						}
+						]
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'hbox',
+						children: [
-								type :'select',
-								id :'dir',
-								style :'width: 100%;',
-								label :editor.lang.common.langDir,
-								'default' : '',
-								items :
-								[
-									[ editor.lang.common.notSet , '' ],
-									[
-										editor.lang.common.langDirLtr,
-										'ltr'
-									],
-									[
-										editor.lang.common.langDirRtl,
-										'rtl'
-									]
-								]
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'style',
+							style: 'width: 100%;',
+							label: editor.lang.common.cssStyle,
+							'default': '',
+							commit: function( element ) {
+								element.setAttribute( 'style', this.getValue() );
+						}
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'hbox',
+						children: [
+							{
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'title',
+							style: 'width: 100%;',
+							label: editor.lang.common.advisoryTitle,
+							'default': ''
+						}
+						]
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'select',
+						id: 'dir',
+						style: 'width: 100%;',
+						label: editor.lang.common.langDir,
+						'default': '',
+						items: [
+							[ editor.lang.common.notSet, '' ],
+							[
+							editor.lang.common.langDirLtr,
+							'ltr'
+							],
+							[
+							editor.lang.common.langDirRtl,
+							'rtl'
+							]
+							]
+				]
+			}
-			onLoad : function()
-			{
-				setupFields.call(this);
+			onLoad: function() {
+				setupFields.call( this );
 				// Preparing for the 'elementStyle' field.
 				var dialog = this,
-					 stylesField = this.getContentElement( 'info', 'elementStyle' );
+					stylesField = this.getContentElement( 'info', 'elementStyle' );
-				 // Reuse the 'stylescombo' plugin's styles definition.
-				editor.getStylesSet( function( stylesDefinitions )
-				{
+				// Reuse the 'stylescombo' plugin's styles definition.
+				editor.getStylesSet( function( stylesDefinitions ) {
 					var styleName;
-					if ( stylesDefinitions )
-					{
+					if ( stylesDefinitions ) {
 						// Digg only those styles that apply to 'div'.
-						for ( var i = 0 ; i < stylesDefinitions.length ; i++ )
-						{
+						for ( var i = 0; i < stylesDefinitions.length; i++ ) {
 							var styleDefinition = stylesDefinitions[ i ];
-							if ( styleDefinition.element && styleDefinition.element == 'div' )
-							{
+							if ( styleDefinition.element && styleDefinition.element == 'div' ) {
 								styleName = styleDefinition.name;
 								styles[ styleName ] = new CKEDITOR.style( styleDefinition );
@@ -470,25 +389,23 @@
 					// it if no options are available at all.
 					stylesField[ stylesField.items.length > 1 ? 'enable' : 'disable' ]();
-					// Now setup the field value manually.
-					setTimeout( function() { stylesField.setup( dialog._element ); }, 0 );
-				} );
+					// Now setup the field value manually if dialog was opened on element. (#9689)
+					setTimeout( function() {
+						dialog._element && stylesField.setup( dialog._element );
+					}, 0 );
+				});
-			onShow : function()
-			{
+			onShow: function() {
 				// Whether always create new container regardless of existed
 				// ones.
-				if ( command == 'editdiv' )
-				{
+				if ( command == 'editdiv' ) {
 					// Try to discover the containers that already existed in
 					// ranges
-					var div = getDiv( editor );
 					// update dialog field values
-					div && this.setupContent( this._element = div );
+					this.setupContent( this._element = CKEDITOR.plugins.div.getSurroundDiv( editor ) );
-			onOk : function()
-			{
+			onOk: function() {
 				if ( command == 'editdiv' )
 					containers = [ this._element ];
@@ -496,8 +413,7 @@
 				// Update elements attributes
 				var size = containers.length;
-				for ( var i = 0; i < size; i++ )
-				{
+				for ( var i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
 					this.commitContent( containers[ i ] );
 					// Remove empty 'style' attribute.
@@ -506,8 +422,7 @@
-			onHide : function()
-			{
+			onHide: function() {
 				// Remove style only when editing existing DIV. (#6315)
 				if ( command == 'editdiv' )
 					this._element.removeCustomData( 'elementStyle' );
@@ -516,20 +431,19 @@
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'creatediv', function( editor )
-		{
-			return divDialog( editor, 'creatediv' );
-		} );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'editdiv', function( editor )
-		{
-			return divDialog( editor, 'editdiv' );
-		} );
-} )();
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.div_wrapTable
- * Whether to wrap the whole table instead of indivisual cells when created 'div' in table cell.
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- * @example config.div_wrapTable = true;
+	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'creatediv', function( editor ) {
+		return divDialog( editor, 'creatediv' );
+	});
+	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'editdiv', function( editor ) {
+		return divDialog( editor, 'editdiv' );
+	});
+ * Whether to wrap the whole table instead of indivisual cells when created `<div>` in table cell.
+ *
+ *		config.div_wrapTable = true;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [div_wrapTable=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/icons/creatediv.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/icons/creatediv.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca859e7
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/icons/creatediv.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f046d83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'af', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Aanbevole Titel',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'CSS klasse',
+	edit: 'Wysig Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inlyn Styl',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Links na regs (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Skryfrigting',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Regs na links (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Taalkode',
+	remove: 'Verwyder Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Styl',
+	title: 'Skep Div houer',
+	toolbar: 'Skep Div houer'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9084a83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'ar', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'هوية',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'عنوان التقرير',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'فئات التنسيق',
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'اليسار لليمين (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'إتجاه النص',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'اليمين لليسار (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'نمط',
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a32d46a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'bg', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'ID',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Препоръчително заглавие',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Класове за CSS',
+	edit: 'Промяна на Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Ляво на Дясно (ЛнД)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Посока на езика',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Дясно на Ляво (ДнЛ)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Код на езика',
+	remove: 'Премахване на Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Стил',
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1af07f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'bn', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style', // MISSING
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4491e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'bs', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style', // MISSING
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..683f09b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'ca', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Títol de guia',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Classes de la fulla d\'estils',
+	edit: 'Edita Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Estil en línia',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'D\'esquerra a dreta (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Direcció de l\'idioma',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'De dreta a esquerra (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Codi d\'idioma',
+	remove: 'Elimina Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Estil',
+	title: 'Crea un contenidor Div',
+	toolbar: 'Crea un contenidor Div'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fef7428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'cs', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Nápovědní titulek',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Třídy stylů',
+	edit: 'Změnit Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Vnitřní styly',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Zleva doprava (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Směr jazyka',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Zprava doleva (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Kód jazyka',
+	remove: 'Odstranit Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Styly',
+	title: 'Vytvořit Div kontejner',
+	toolbar: 'Vytvořit Div kontejner'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98ff9db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'cy', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Teitl Cynghorol',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Dosbarthiadau Ffeil Ddiwyg',
+	edit: 'Golygu Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Arddull Mewn Llinell',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Chwith i\'r Dde (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Cyfeiriad yr Iaith',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Dde i\'r Chwith (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Cod Iaith',
+	remove: 'Tynnu Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Arddull',
+	title: 'Creu Cynhwysydd Div',
+	toolbar: 'Creu Cynhwysydd Div'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17405bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'da', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Vejledende titel',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Typografiark',
+	edit: 'Rediger Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Venstre til højre (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Sprogretning',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Højre til venstre (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Sprogkode',
+	remove: 'Slet Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style',
+	title: 'Opret Div Container',
+	toolbar: 'Opret Div Container'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..242877c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'de', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Tooltip',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Klasse',
+	edit: 'Div bearbeiten',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Stil',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Links nach Rechs (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Sprache Richtung',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Rechs nach Links (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'Sprachenkürzel',
+	remove: 'Div entfernen',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style',
+	title: 'Div Container erzeugen',
+	toolbar: 'Div Container erzeugen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e08d392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'el', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Ενδεικτικός Τίτλος',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+	edit: 'Επεξεργασία Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Στυλ Εν Σειρά',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Αριστερά προς Δεξιά (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Κατεύθυνση Κειμένου',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Δεξιά προς Αριστερά (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'Κωδικός Γλώσσας',
+	remove: 'Διαγραφή Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Μορφή',
+	title: 'Δημιουργεία Div',
+	toolbar: 'Δημιουργεία Div'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0fcb12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'en-au', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style', // MISSING
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cfce16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'en-ca', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style', // MISSING
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..082584b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'en-gb', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+	edit: 'Edit Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code',
+	remove: 'Remove Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style',
+	title: 'Create Div Container',
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b042e2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'en', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+	edit: 'Edit Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code',
+	remove: 'Remove Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style',
+	title: 'Create Div Container',
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..723f40b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'eo', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Priskriba Titolo',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stilfolioklasoj',
+	edit: 'Redakti Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Enlinia stilo',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Maldekstre dekstren (angle LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Skribdirekto',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Dekstre maldekstren (angle RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Lingvokodo',
+	remove: 'Forigi Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Stilo',
+	title: 'Krei DIV ujon',
+	toolbar: 'Krei DIV ujon'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15f5d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'es', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Título',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Clase de hoja de estilos',
+	edit: 'Editar Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Estilo',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Izquierda a Derecha (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Orientación',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Derecha a Izquierda (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Codigo de idioma',
+	remove: 'Quitar Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Estilo',
+	title: 'Crear contenedor DIV',
+	toolbar: 'Crear contenedor DIV'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d50b733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'et', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'ID',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Soovitatav pealkiri',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stiililehe klassid',
+	edit: 'Muuda Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Reasisene stiil',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Vasakult paremale (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Keele suund',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Paremalt vasakule (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Keelekood',
+	remove: 'Eemalda Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Stiil',
+	title: 'Div-konteineri loomine',
+	toolbar: 'Div-konteineri loomine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e9ab92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'eu', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style', // MISSING
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a376c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'fa', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'شناسه',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'عنوان مشاوره',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'کلاسهای شیوهنامه',
+	edit: 'ویرایش Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'سبک درونخطی(Inline Style)',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'چپ به راست (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'جهت نوشتاری زبان',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'راست به چپ (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' کد زبان',
+	remove: 'حذف Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'سبک',
+	title: 'ایجاد یک محل DIV',
+	toolbar: 'ایجاد یک محل DIV'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..558a20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'fi', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Ohjeistava otsikko',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Tyylitiedoston luokat',
+	edit: 'Muokkaa Diviä',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Sisätyyli',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Vasemmalta oikealle (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Kielen suunta',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Oikealta vasemmalle (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Kielen koodi',
+	remove: 'Poista Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Tyyli',
+	title: 'Luo div-kehikko',
+	toolbar: 'Luo div-kehikko'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b3a78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'fo', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+	edit: 'Redigera Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Vinstru til høgru (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Høgru til vinstru (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code',
+	remove: 'Strika Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style',
+	title: 'Ger Div Container',
+	toolbar: 'Ger Div Container'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fa7e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'fr-ca', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style', // MISSING
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a71496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'fr', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Classe CSS',
+	edit: 'Éditer la DIV',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Style en ligne',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Gauche à droite (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Sens d\'écriture',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Droite à gauche (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'Code de langue',
+	remove: 'Enlever la DIV',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style',
+	title: 'Créer un container DIV',
+	toolbar: 'Créer un container DIV'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50803d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'gl', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style', // MISSING
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4027a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'gu', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'એડવાઈઝર શીર્ષક',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'સ્ટાઈલશીટ કલાસીસ',
+	edit: 'ડીવીમાં ફેરફાર કરવો',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'ઈનલાઈન પદ્ધતિ',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'ડાબે થી જમણે (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'ભાષાની દિશા',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'જમણે થી ડાબે (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'ભાષાનો કોડ',
+	remove: 'ડીવી કાઢી કાઢવું',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'સ્ટાઈલ',
+	title: 'Div કન્ટેનર બનાવુંવું',
+	toolbar: 'Div કન્ટેનર બનાવુંવું'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a63e3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'he', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'מזהה (ID)',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'כותרת מוצעת',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'מחלקת עיצוב',
+	edit: 'עריכת מיכל (Div)',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'סגנון פנימי',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'שמאל לימין (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'כיוון שפה',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'ימין לשמאל (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'קוד שפה',
+	remove: 'הסרת מיכל (Div)',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'סגנון',
+	title: 'יצירת מיכל (Div)',
+	toolbar: 'יצירת מיכל (Div)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..510efcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'hi', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'परामर्श शीर्शक',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'स्टाइल-शीट क्लास',
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'बायें से दायें (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'भाषा लिखने की दिशा',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'दायें से बायें (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'स्टाइल',
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..084b478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'hr', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Savjetodavni naslov',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Klase stilova',
+	edit: 'Uredi DIV',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Stil u liniji',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'S lijeva na desno (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Smjer jezika',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'S desna na lijevo (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'Jezični kod',
+	remove: 'Ukloni DIV',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Stil',
+	title: 'Napravi DIV kontejner',
+	toolbar: 'Napravi DIV kontejner'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..605b241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'hu', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Azonosító',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Tipp szöveg',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stíluslap osztály',
+	edit: 'DIV szerkesztése',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline stílus',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Balról jobbra (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Nyelvi irány',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Jobbról balra (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Nyelv kódja',
+	remove: 'DIV eltávolítása',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Stílus',
+	title: 'DIV tároló létrehozása',
+	toolbar: 'DIV tároló létrehozása'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e845c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'is', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style', // MISSING
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..062a2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'it', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Titolo Avviso',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Classi di stile',
+	edit: 'Modifica DIV',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Stile Inline',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Da sinistra a destra (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Direzione di scrittura',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Da destra a sinistra (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'Codice lingua',
+	remove: 'Rimuovi DIV',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Stile',
+	title: 'Crea DIV contenitore',
+	toolbar: 'Crea DIV contenitore'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fface6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'ja', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Title属性',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'スタイルシートクラス',
+	edit: 'Divコンテナ 編集',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'インラインスタイル',
+	langDirLTRLabel: '左から右 (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: '文字表記の方向',
+	langDirRTLLabel: '右から左 (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' 言語コード',
+	remove: 'Divコンテナ 削除',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'スタイル',
+	title: 'Divコンテナ',
+	toolbar: 'Divコンテナ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20f424f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'ka', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'სათაური',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'CSS კლასები',
+	edit: 'Div-ის რედაქტირება',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'თანდართული სტილი',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'მარცხნიდან მარჯვნიც (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'ენის მინართულება',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'მარჯვნიდან მარცხნივ (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'ენის კოდი',
+	remove: 'Div-ის წაშლა',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'სტილი',
+	title: 'Div კონტეინერის შექმნა',
+	toolbar: 'Div კონტეინერის შექმნა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7141aaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'km', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style', // MISSING
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f62889b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'ko', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style', // MISSING
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c6ccc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'ku', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'ناسنامه',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'سهردێڕ',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'شێوازی چینی پهڕه',
+	edit: 'چاکسازی Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'شێوازی ناوهێڵ',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'چهپ بۆ ڕاست (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'ئاراستهی زمان',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'ڕاست بۆ چهپ (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'هێمای زمان',
+	remove: 'لابردنی Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'شێواز',
+	title: 'دانانی لهخۆگری Div',
+	toolbar: 'دانانی لهخۆگری Div'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb87059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'lt', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Patariamas pavadinimas',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stilių klasės',
+	edit: 'Redaguoti Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Vidiniai stiliai',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Iš kairės į dešinę (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Kalbos nurodymai',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Iš dešinės į kairę (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Kalbos kodas',
+	remove: 'Pašalinti Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Stilius',
+	title: 'Sukurti Div elementÄ…',
+	toolbar: 'Sukurti Div elementÄ…'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f446bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'lv', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Konsultatīvs virsraksts',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stilu klases',
+	edit: 'Labot Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Iekļautais stils',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Kreisais uz Labo (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Valodas virziens',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Labais uz kreiso (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'Valodas kods',
+	remove: 'Noņemt Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Stils',
+	title: 'Izveidot div konteineri',
+	toolbar: 'Izveidot div konteineri'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3ae2d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'mk', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style', // MISSING
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..269be95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'mn', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Зөвлөлдөх гарчиг',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet классууд',
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Зүүн талаас баруун тишээ (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Хэлний чиглэл',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Баруун талаас зүүн тишээ (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Загвар',
+	title: 'Div гэдэг хэсэг бий болгох',
+	toolbar: 'Div гэдэг хэсэг бий болгох'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba1ab31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'ms', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style', // MISSING
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf1aee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'nb', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Tittel',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stilark-klasser',
+	edit: 'Rediger Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inlinestiler',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Venstre til høyre (VTH)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Språkretning',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Høyre til venstre (HTV)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Språkkode',
+	remove: 'Fjern Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Stil',
+	title: 'Sett inn Div Container',
+	toolbar: 'Sett inn Div Container'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91a8282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'nl', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Adviserende titel',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet klassen',
+	edit: 'Div wijzigen',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline stijl',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Links naar rechts (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Schrijfrichting',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Rechts naar links (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Taalcode',
+	remove: 'Div verwijderen',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Stijl',
+	title: 'Div aanmaken',
+	toolbar: 'Div aanmaken'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7712363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'no', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Tittel',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stilark-klasser',
+	edit: 'Rediger Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inlinestiler',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Venstre til høyre (VTH)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Språkretning',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Høyre til venstre (HTV)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Språkkode',
+	remove: 'Fjern Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Stil',
+	title: 'Sett inn Div Container',
+	toolbar: 'Sett inn Div Container'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90303c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'pl', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Opis obiektu docelowego',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Klasy arkusza stylów',
+	edit: 'Edytuj pojemnik Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Style liniowe',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Od lewej do prawej (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Kierunek tekstu',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Od prawej do lewej (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'Kod języka',
+	remove: 'Usuń pojemnik Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Styl',
+	title: 'Utwórz pojemnik Div',
+	toolbar: 'Utwórz pojemnik Div'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2995fca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'pt-br', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Título Consulta',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Classes de CSS',
+	edit: 'Editar Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Estilo Inline',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Esquerda para Direita (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Direção da Escrita',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Direita para Esquerda (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'Código de Idioma',
+	remove: 'Remover Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Estilo',
+	title: 'Criar Container de DIV',
+	toolbar: 'Criar Container de DIV'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c078daf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'pt', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'ID',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Título',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Classes de Estilo de Folhas Classes',
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Esquerda à Direita (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Orientação de idioma',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Direita a Esquerda (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Estilo',
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e3c1cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'ro', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Titlul consultativ',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Clasele cu stilul paginii (CSS)',
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'stânga-dreapta (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Direcţia cuvintelor',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'dreapta-stânga (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'Codul limbii',
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Stil',
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ce24c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'ru', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Идентификатор',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Заголовок',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Классы CSS',
+	edit: 'Редактировать контейнер',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Стиль элемента',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Слева направо (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Направление текста',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Справа налево (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'Код языка',
+	remove: 'Удалить контейнер',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Стиль',
+	title: 'Создать Div-контейнер',
+	toolbar: 'Создать Div-контейнер'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38b65ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'sk', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Pomocný titulok',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Triedy štýlu',
+	edit: 'Upraviť Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline štýl',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Zľava doprava (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Smer jazyka',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Zprava doľava (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'Kód jazyka',
+	remove: 'Odstrániť Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Štýl',
+	title: 'Vytvoriť Div kontajner',
+	toolbar: 'Vytvoriť Div kontajner'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b83807c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'sl', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Predlagani naslov',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Razred stilne predloge',
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Od leve proti desni (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Smer jezika',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Od desne proti levi (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Slog',
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bae981a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'sr-latn', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style', // MISSING
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca61042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'sr', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style', // MISSING
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4d49c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'sv', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'RÃ¥dgivande titel',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stilmallar',
+	edit: 'Redigera Div',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Vänster till Höger (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Språkriktning',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Höger till vänster (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Språkkod',
+	remove: 'Ta bort Div',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Stil',
+	title: 'Skapa Div container',
+	toolbar: 'Skapa Div container'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd2be6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'th', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'ไอดี',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'คำเกริ่นนำ',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'คลาสของไฟล์กำหนดลักษณะการแสดงผล',
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'จากซ้ายไปขวา (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'การเขียน-อ่านภาษา',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'จากขวามาซ้าย (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'ลักษณะการแสดงผล',
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cf8dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'tr', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Tavsiye Başlığı',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stilltipi Sınıfı',
+	edit: 'Div Düzenle',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Stili',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Soldan saÄŸa (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Dil Yönü',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'SaÄŸdan sola (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Dil Kodu',
+	remove: 'Div Kaldır',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Stil',
+	title: 'Div İçeriği Oluştur',
+	toolbar: 'Div İçeriği Oluştur'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95824f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'ug', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'ID',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'ماۋزۇ',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'ئۇسلۇب تىپىنىڭ ئاتى',
+	edit: 'DIV تەھرىر',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'قۇر ئىچىدىكى ئۇسلۇبى',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'سولدىن ئوڭغا (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'تىل يۆنىلىشى',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'ئوڭدىن سولغا (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'تىل كودى',
+	remove: 'DIV چىقىرىۋەت',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'ئۇسلۇب',
+	title: 'DIV قاچا قۇر',
+	toolbar: 'DIV قاچا قۇر'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38b602d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'uk', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Ідентифікатор',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Зміст випливаючої підказки',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Клас CSS',
+	edit: 'Редагувати блок',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Вписаний стиль',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Зліва направо (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Напрямок мови',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Справа наліво (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'Код мови',
+	remove: 'Видалити блок',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Стиль CSS',
+	title: 'Створити блок-контейнер',
+	toolbar: 'Створити блок-контейнер'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d150f0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'vi', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Định danh (id)',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Nhan đề hướng dẫn',
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Các lớp CSS',
+	edit: 'Chỉnh sửa',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Kiểu nội dòng',
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Trái sang phải (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: 'Hướng ngôn ngữ',
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Phải qua trái (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: 'Mã ngôn ngữ',
+	remove: 'Xóa bỏ',
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Kiểu (style)',
+	title: 'Tạo khối các thành phần',
+	toolbar: 'Tạo khối các thành phần'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e4b28b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'zh-cn', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'ID',
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: '标题',
+	cssClassInputLabel: '样式类名称',
+	edit: '编辑 DIV',
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: '行内样式',
+	langDirLTRLabel: '从左到右 (LTR)',
+	langDirLabel: '语言方向',
+	langDirRTLLabel: '从右到左 (RTL)',
+	languageCodeInputLabel: '语言代码',
+	remove: '移除 DIV',
+	styleSelectLabel: '样式',
+	title: '创建 DIV 容器',
+	toolbar: '创建 DIV 容器'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b3f426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'div', 'zh', {
+	IdInputLabel: 'Id', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitleInputLabel: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	cssClassInputLabel: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	edit: 'Edit Div', // MISSING
+	inlineStyleInputLabel: 'Inline Style', // MISSING
+	langDirLTRLabel: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirLabel: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirRTLLabel: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	languageCodeInputLabel: ' Language Code', // MISSING
+	remove: 'Remove Div', // MISSING
+	styleSelectLabel: 'Style', // MISSING
+	title: 'Create Div Container', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Create Div Container' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/plugin.js
index 158070f..4fa10cf 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/div/plugin.js
@@ -1,121 +1,118 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
  * @fileOverview The "div" plugin. It wraps the selected block level elements with a 'div' element with specified styles and attributes.
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'div',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'editingblock', 'domiterator', 'styles' ],
+(function() {
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'div', {
+		requires: 'dialog',
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'creatediv', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			if ( editor.blockless )
+				return;
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
 			var lang = editor.lang.div;
-			editor.addCommand( 'creatediv', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'creatediv' ) );
+			editor.addCommand( 'creatediv', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'creatediv', {
+				contextSensitive: true,
+				refresh: function( editor, path ) {
+					var context = editor.config.div_wrapTable ? path.root : path.blockLimit;
+					this.setState( 'div' in context.getDtd() ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
+				}
+			}));
 			editor.addCommand( 'editdiv', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'editdiv' ) );
-			editor.addCommand( 'removediv',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						var selection = editor.getSelection(),
-							ranges = selection && selection.getRanges(),
-							range,
-							bookmarks = selection.createBookmarks(),
-							walker,
-							toRemove = [];
-						function findDiv( node )
-						{
-							var path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( node ),
-								blockLimit = path.blockLimit,
-								div = blockLimit.is( 'div' ) && blockLimit;
-							if ( div && !div.getAttribute( '_cke_div_added' ) )
-							{
-								toRemove.push( div );
-								div.setAttribute( '_cke_div_added' );
-							}
+			editor.addCommand( 'removediv', {
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					var selection = editor.getSelection(),
+						ranges = selection && selection.getRanges(),
+						range,
+						bookmarks = selection.createBookmarks(),
+						walker,
+						toRemove = [];
+					function findDiv( node ) {
+						var div = CKEDITOR.plugins.div.getSurroundDiv( editor, node );
+						if ( div && !div.data( 'cke-div-added' ) ) {
+							toRemove.push( div );
+							div.data( 'cke-div-added' );
+					}
-						for ( var i = 0 ; i < ranges.length ; i++ )
-						{
-							range = ranges[ i ];
-							if ( range.collapsed )
-								findDiv( selection.getStartElement() );
-							else
-							{
-								walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
-								walker.evaluator = findDiv;
-								walker.lastForward();
-							}
+					for ( var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++ ) {
+						range = ranges[ i ];
+						if ( range.collapsed )
+							findDiv( selection.getStartElement() );
+						else {
+							walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
+							walker.evaluator = findDiv;
+							walker.lastForward();
+					}
-						for ( i = 0 ; i < toRemove.length ; i++ )
-							toRemove[ i ].remove( true );
+					for ( i = 0; i < toRemove.length; i++ )
+						toRemove[ i ].remove( true );
-						selection.selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
+					selection.selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
+				}
+			});
+			editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'CreateDiv', {
+				label: lang.toolbar,
+				command: 'creatediv',
+				toolbar: 'blocks,50'
+			});
+			if ( editor.addMenuItems ) {
+				editor.addMenuItems({
+					editdiv: {
+						label: lang.edit,
+						command: 'editdiv',
+						group: 'div',
+						order: 1
+					},
+					removediv: {
+						label: lang.remove,
+						command: 'removediv',
+						group: 'div',
+						order: 5
-				} );
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'CreateDiv',
-			{
-				label : lang.toolbar,
-				command :'creatediv'
-			} );
-			if ( editor.addMenuItems )
-			{
-				editor.addMenuItems(
-					{
-						editdiv :
-						{
-							label : lang.edit,
-							command : 'editdiv',
-							group : 'div',
-							order : 1
-						},
-						removediv:
-						{
-							label : lang.remove,
-							command : 'removediv',
-							group : 'div',
-							order : 5
-						}
-					} );
-				if ( editor.contextMenu )
-				{
-					editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection )
-						{
-							if ( !element || element.isReadOnly())
-								return null;
-							var elementPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( element ),
-								blockLimit = elementPath.blockLimit;
-							if ( blockLimit && blockLimit.getAscendant( 'div', true ) )
-							{
-								return {
-									editdiv : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
-									removediv : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
-								};
-							}
+				});
+				if ( editor.contextMenu ) {
+					editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element ) {
+						if ( !element || element.isReadOnly() )
 							return null;
-						} );
+						if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.div.getSurroundDiv( editor ) ) {
+							return {
+								editdiv: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
+								removediv: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
+							};
+						}
+						return null;
+					});
 			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'creatediv', this.path + 'dialogs/div.js' );
 			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'editdiv', this.path + 'dialogs/div.js' );
-	} );
+	});
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.div = {
+		getSurroundDiv: function( editor, start ) {
+			var path = editor.elementPath( start );
+			return editor.elementPath( path.blockLimit ).contains( 'div', 1 );
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/domiterator/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/domiterator/plugin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f0b1835..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/domiterator/plugin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @file DOM iterator, which iterates over list items, lines and paragraphs.
- */
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'domiterator' );
-	/**
-	 * @name CKEDITOR.dom.iterator
-	 */
-	function iterator( range )
-	{
-		if ( arguments.length < 1 )
-			return;
-		this.range = range;
-		this.forceBrBreak = false;
-		// Whether include <br>s into the enlarged range.(#3730).
-		this.enlargeBr = true;
-		this.enforceRealBlocks = false;
-		this._ || ( this._ = {} );
-	}
-	var beginWhitespaceRegex = /^[\r\n\t ]+$/,
-		isBookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark();
-	iterator.prototype = {
-		getNextParagraph : function( blockTag )
-		{
-			// The block element to be returned.
-			var block;
-			// The range object used to identify the paragraph contents.
-			var range;
-			// Indicats that the current element in the loop is the last one.
-			var isLast;
-			// Indicate at least one of the range boundaries is inside a preformat block.
-			var touchPre;
-			// Instructs to cleanup remaining BRs.
-			var removePreviousBr, removeLastBr;
-			// This is the first iteration. Let's initialize it.
-			if ( !this._.lastNode )
-			{
-				range = this.range.clone();
-				// Shrink the range to exclude harmful "noises" (#4087, #4450, #5435).
-				range.shrink( CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, true );
-				touchPre = range.endContainer.hasAscendant( 'pre', true )
-					|| range.startContainer.hasAscendant( 'pre', true );
-				range.enlarge( this.forceBrBreak && !touchPre || !this.enlargeBr ?
-				var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range ),
-					ignoreBookmarkTextEvaluator = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( true, true );
-				// Avoid anchor inside bookmark inner text.
-				walker.evaluator = ignoreBookmarkTextEvaluator;
-				this._.nextNode = walker.next();
-				// TODO: It's better to have walker.reset() used here.
-				walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
-				walker.evaluator = ignoreBookmarkTextEvaluator;
-				var lastNode = walker.previous();
-				this._.lastNode = lastNode.getNextSourceNode( true );
-				// We may have an empty text node at the end of block due to [3770].
-				// If that node is the lastNode, it would cause our logic to leak to the
-				// next block.(#3887)
-				if ( this._.lastNode &&
-						this._.lastNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT &&
-						!CKEDITOR.tools.trim( this._.lastNode.getText( ) ) &&
-						this._.lastNode.getParent().isBlockBoundary() )
-				{
-					var testRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( range.document );
-					testRange.moveToPosition( this._.lastNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
-					if ( testRange.checkEndOfBlock() )
-					{
-						var path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( testRange.endContainer );
-						var lastBlock = path.block || path.blockLimit;
-						this._.lastNode = lastBlock.getNextSourceNode( true );
-					}
-				}
-				// Probably the document end is reached, we need a marker node.
-				if ( !this._.lastNode )
-				{
-					this._.lastNode = this._.docEndMarker = range.document.createText( '' );
-					this._.lastNode.insertAfter( lastNode );
-				}
-				// Let's reuse this variable.
-				range = null;
-			}
-			var currentNode = this._.nextNode;
-			lastNode = this._.lastNode;
-			this._.nextNode = null;
-			while ( currentNode )
-			{
-				// closeRange indicates that a paragraph boundary has been found,
-				// so the range can be closed.
-				var closeRange = false,
-						parentPre = currentNode.hasAscendant( 'pre' );
-				// includeNode indicates that the current node is good to be part
-				// of the range. By default, any non-element node is ok for it.
-				var includeNode = ( currentNode.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ),
-					continueFromSibling = false;
-				// If it is an element node, let's check if it can be part of the
-				// range.
-				if ( !includeNode )
-				{
-					var nodeName = currentNode.getName();
-					if ( currentNode.isBlockBoundary( this.forceBrBreak &&
-							!parentPre && { br : 1 } ) )
-					{
-						// <br> boundaries must be part of the range. It will
-						// happen only if ForceBrBreak.
-						if ( nodeName == 'br' )
-							includeNode = true;
-						else if ( !range && !currentNode.getChildCount() && nodeName != 'hr' )
-						{
-							// If we have found an empty block, and haven't started
-							// the range yet, it means we must return this block.
-							block = currentNode;
-							isLast = currentNode.equals( lastNode );
-							break;
-						}
-						// The range must finish right before the boundary,
-						// including possibly skipped empty spaces. (#1603)
-						if ( range )
-						{
-							range.setEndAt( currentNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
-							// The found boundary must be set as the next one at this
-							// point. (#1717)
-							if ( nodeName != 'br' )
-								this._.nextNode = currentNode;
-						}
-						closeRange = true;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						// If we have child nodes, let's check them.
-						if ( currentNode.getFirst() )
-						{
-							// If we don't have a range yet, let's start it.
-							if ( !range )
-							{
-								range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.range.document );
-								range.setStartAt( currentNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
-							}
-							currentNode = currentNode.getFirst();
-							continue;
-						}
-						includeNode = true;
-					}
-				}
-				else if ( currentNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-				{
-					// Ignore normal whitespaces (i.e. not including   or
-					// other unicode whitespaces) before/after a block node.
-					if ( beginWhitespaceRegex.test( currentNode.getText() ) )
-						includeNode = false;
-				}
-				// The current node is good to be part of the range and we are
-				// starting a new range, initialize it first.
-				if ( includeNode && !range )
-				{
-					range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.range.document );
-					range.setStartAt( currentNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
-				}
-				// The last node has been found.
-				isLast = ( ( !closeRange || includeNode ) && currentNode.equals( lastNode ) );
-				// If we are in an element boundary, let's check if it is time
-				// to close the range, otherwise we include the parent within it.
-				if ( range && !closeRange )
-				{
-					while ( !currentNode.getNext() && !isLast )
-					{
-						var parentNode = currentNode.getParent();
-						if ( parentNode.isBlockBoundary( this.forceBrBreak
-								&& !parentPre && { br : 1 } ) )
-						{
-							closeRange = true;
-							isLast = isLast || ( parentNode.equals( lastNode) );
-							break;
-						}
-						currentNode = parentNode;
-						includeNode = true;
-						isLast = ( currentNode.equals( lastNode ) );
-						continueFromSibling = true;
-					}
-				}
-				// Now finally include the node.
-				if ( includeNode )
-					range.setEndAt( currentNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
-				currentNode = currentNode.getNextSourceNode( continueFromSibling, null, lastNode );
-				isLast = !currentNode;
-				// We have found a block boundary. Let's close the range and move out of the
-				// loop.
-				if ( isLast || ( closeRange && range ) )
-						break;
-			}
-			// Now, based on the processed range, look for (or create) the block to be returned.
-			if ( !block )
-			{
-				// If no range has been found, this is the end.
-				if ( !range )
-				{
-					this._.docEndMarker && this._.docEndMarker.remove();
-					this._.nextNode = null;
-					return null;
-				}
-				var startPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.startContainer );
-				var startBlockLimit = startPath.blockLimit,
-					checkLimits = { div : 1, th : 1, td : 1 };
-				block = startPath.block;
-				if ( !block
-						&& !this.enforceRealBlocks
-						&& checkLimits[ startBlockLimit.getName() ]
-						&& range.checkStartOfBlock()
-						&& range.checkEndOfBlock() )
-					block = startBlockLimit;
-				else if ( !block || ( this.enforceRealBlocks && block.getName() == 'li' ) )
-				{
-					// Create the fixed block.
-					block = this.range.document.createElement( blockTag || 'p' );
-					// Move the contents of the temporary range to the fixed block.
-					range.extractContents().appendTo( block );
-					block.trim();
-					// Insert the fixed block into the DOM.
-					range.insertNode( block );
-					removePreviousBr = removeLastBr = true;
-				}
-				else if ( block.getName() != 'li' )
-				{
-					// If the range doesn't includes the entire contents of the
-					// block, we must split it, isolating the range in a dedicated
-					// block.
-					if ( !range.checkStartOfBlock() || !range.checkEndOfBlock() )
-					{
-						// The resulting block will be a clone of the current one.
-						block = block.clone( false );
-						// Extract the range contents, moving it to the new block.
-						range.extractContents().appendTo( block );
-						block.trim();
-						// Split the block. At this point, the range will be in the
-						// right position for our intents.
-						var splitInfo = range.splitBlock();
-						removePreviousBr = !splitInfo.wasStartOfBlock;
-						removeLastBr = !splitInfo.wasEndOfBlock;
-						// Insert the new block into the DOM.
-						range.insertNode( block );
-					}
-				}
-				else if ( !isLast )
-				{
-					// LIs are returned as is, with all their children (due to the
-					// nested lists). But, the next node is the node right after
-					// the current range, which could be an <li> child (nested
-					// lists) or the next sibling <li>.
-					this._.nextNode = ( block.equals( lastNode ) ? null :
-						range.getBoundaryNodes().endNode.getNextSourceNode( true, null, lastNode ) );
-				}
-			}
-			if ( removePreviousBr )
-			{
-				var previousSibling = block.getPrevious();
-				if ( previousSibling && previousSibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-				{
-					if ( previousSibling.getName() == 'br' )
-						previousSibling.remove();
-					else if ( previousSibling.getLast() && previousSibling.getLast().$.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'br' )
-						previousSibling.getLast().remove();
-				}
-			}
-			if ( removeLastBr )
-			{
-				// Ignore bookmark nodes.(#3783)
-				var bookmarkGuard = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( false, true );
-				var lastChild = block.getLast();
-				if ( lastChild && lastChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && lastChild.getName() == 'br' )
-				{
-					// Take care not to remove the block expanding <br> in non-IE browsers.
-					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie
-						 || lastChild.getPrevious( bookmarkGuard )
-						 || lastChild.getNext( bookmarkGuard ) )
-						lastChild.remove();
-				}
-			}
-			// Get a reference for the next element. This is important because the
-			// above block can be removed or changed, so we can rely on it for the
-			// next interation.
-			if ( !this._.nextNode )
-			{
-				this._.nextNode = ( isLast || block.equals( lastNode ) ) ? null :
-					block.getNextSourceNode( true, null, lastNode );
-			}
-			return block;
-		}
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype.createIterator = function()
-	{
-		return new iterator( this );
-	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/editingblock/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/editingblock/plugin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dbb92c..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/editingblock/plugin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview The default editing block plugin, which holds the editing area
- *		and source view.
- */
-	var getMode = function( editor, mode )
-	{
-		return editor._.modes && editor._.modes[ mode || editor.mode ];
-	};
-	// This is a semaphore used to avoid recursive calls between
-	// the following data handling functions.
-	var isHandlingData;
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'editingblock',
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			if ( !editor.config.editingBlock )
-				return;
-			editor.on( 'themeSpace', function( event )
-				{
-					if ( event.data.space == 'contents' )
-						event.data.html += '<br>';
-				});
-			editor.on( 'themeLoaded', function()
-				{
-					editor.fireOnce( 'editingBlockReady' );
-				});
-			editor.on( 'uiReady', function()
-				{
-					editor.setMode( editor.config.startupMode );
-				});
-			editor.on( 'afterSetData', function()
-				{
-					if ( !isHandlingData )
-					{
-						function setData()
-						{
-							isHandlingData = true;
-							getMode( editor ).loadData( editor.getData() );
-							isHandlingData = false;
-						}
-						if ( editor.mode )
-							setData();
-						else
-						{
-							editor.on( 'mode', function()
-								{
-									setData();
-									editor.removeListener( 'mode', arguments.callee );
-								});
-						}
-					}
-				});
-			editor.on( 'beforeGetData', function()
-				{
-					if ( !isHandlingData && editor.mode )
-					{
-						isHandlingData = true;
-						editor.setData( getMode( editor ).getData() );
-						isHandlingData = false;
-					}
-				});
-			editor.on( 'getSnapshot', function( event )
-				{
-					if ( editor.mode )
-						event.data = getMode( editor ).getSnapshotData();
-				});
-			editor.on( 'loadSnapshot', function( event )
-				{
-					if ( editor.mode )
-						getMode( editor ).loadSnapshotData( event.data );
-				});
-			// For the first "mode" call, we'll also fire the "instanceReady"
-			// event.
-			editor.on( 'mode', function( event )
-				{
-					// Do that once only.
-					event.removeListener();
-					// Redirect the focus into editor for webkit. (#5713)
-					CKEDITOR.env.webkit && editor.container.on( 'focus', function()
-						{
-							editor.focus();
-						});
-					if ( editor.config.startupFocus )
-						editor.focus();
-					// Fire instanceReady for both the editor and CKEDITOR, but
-					// defer this until the whole execution has completed
-					// to guarantee the editor is fully responsible.
-					setTimeout( function(){
-						editor.fireOnce( 'instanceReady' );
-						CKEDITOR.fire( 'instanceReady', null, editor );
-					}, 0 );
-				});
-		}
-	});
-	/**
-	 * The current editing mode. An editing mode is basically a viewport for
-	 * editing or content viewing. By default the possible values for this
-	 * property are "wysiwyg" and "source".
-	 * @type String
-	 * @example
-	 * alert( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.mode );  // "wysiwyg" (e.g.)
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.mode = '';
-	/**
-	 * Registers an editing mode. This function is to be used mainly by plugins.
-	 * @param {String} mode The mode name.
-	 * @param {Object} modeEditor The mode editor definition.
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.addMode = function( mode, modeEditor )
-	{
-		modeEditor.name = mode;
-		( this._.modes || ( this._.modes = {} ) )[ mode ] = modeEditor;
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Sets the current editing mode in this editor instance.
-	 * @param {String} mode A registered mode name.
-	 * @example
-	 * // Switch to "source" view.
-	 * CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.setMode( 'source' );
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.setMode = function( mode )
-	{
-		var data,
-			holderElement = this.getThemeSpace( 'contents' ),
-			isDirty = this.checkDirty();
-		// Unload the previous mode.
-		if ( this.mode )
-		{
-			if ( mode == this.mode )
-				return;
-			this.fire( 'beforeModeUnload' );
-			var currentMode = getMode( this );
-			data = currentMode.getData();
-			currentMode.unload( holderElement );
-			this.mode = '';
-		}
-		holderElement.setHtml( '' );
-		// Load required mode.
-		var modeEditor = getMode( this, mode );
-		if ( !modeEditor )
-			throw '[CKEDITOR.editor.setMode] Unknown mode "' + mode + '".';
-		if ( !isDirty )
-		{
-			this.on( 'mode', function()
-				{
-					this.resetDirty();
-					this.removeListener( 'mode', arguments.callee );
-				});
-		}
-		modeEditor.load( holderElement, ( typeof data ) != 'string'  ? this.getData() : data);
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Moves the selection focus to the editing are space in the editor.
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.focus = function()
-	{
-		var mode = getMode( this );
-		if ( mode )
-			mode.focus();
-	};
- * The mode to load at the editor startup. It depends on the plugins
- * loaded. By default, the "wysiwyg" and "source" modes are available.
- * @type String
- * @default 'wysiwyg'
- * @example
- * config.startupMode = 'source';
- */
-CKEDITOR.config.startupMode = 'wysiwyg';
- * Sets whether the editor should have the focus when the page loads.
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- * @example
- * config.startupFocus = true;
- */
-CKEDITOR.config.startupFocus = false;
- * Whether to render or not the editing block area in the editor interface.
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.editingBlock = false;
- */
-CKEDITOR.config.editingBlock = true;
- * Fired when a CKEDITOR instance is created, fully initialized and ready for interaction.
- * @name CKEDITOR#instanceReady
- * @event
- * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance that has been created.
- */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdc8c89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'af', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elemente-pad',
+	eleTitle: '%1 element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f761be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'ar', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: 'عنصر 1%'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43d4950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'bg', {
+	eleLabel: 'Път за елементите',
+	eleTitle: '%1 елемент'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb2b4d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'bn', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fbe1a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'bs', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c091572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'ca', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path',
+	eleTitle: '%1 element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3087cf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'cs', {
+	eleLabel: 'Cesta objektu',
+	eleTitle: '%1 objekt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc4e37b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'cy', {
+	eleLabel: 'Llwybr elfennau',
+	eleTitle: 'Elfen %1'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dab67e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'da', {
+	eleLabel: 'Sti på element',
+	eleTitle: '%1 element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fcfe85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'de', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements Pfad',
+	eleTitle: '%1 Element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b718fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'el', {
+	eleLabel: 'Διαδρομή στοιχείων',
+	eleTitle: '%1 στοιχείο'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cacb1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'en-au', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfc7c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'en-ca', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d33d8bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'en-gb', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path',
+	eleTitle: '%1 element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab34706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'en', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path',
+	eleTitle: '%1 element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d2227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'eo', {
+	eleLabel: 'Vojo al Elementoj',
+	eleTitle: '%1 elementoj'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ad9153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'es', {
+	eleLabel: 'Ruta de los elementos',
+	eleTitle: '%1 elemento'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c65896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'et', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elementide asukoht',
+	eleTitle: '%1 element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21c2f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'eu', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 elementua'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ecdab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'fa', {
+	eleLabel: 'مسیر عناصر',
+	eleTitle: '%1 عنصر'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cde658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'fi', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elementin polku',
+	eleTitle: '%1 elementti'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbbe9db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'fo', {
+	eleLabel: 'Slóð til elementir',
+	eleTitle: '%1 element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76d3712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'fr-ca', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abc1514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'fr', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path',
+	eleTitle: '%1 éléments'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dd8524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'gl', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0233690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'gu', {
+	eleLabel: 'એલીમેન્ટ્સ નો ',
+	eleTitle: 'એલીમેન્ટ %1'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a9c6ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'he', {
+	eleLabel: 'עץ האלמנטים',
+	eleTitle: '%1 אלמנט'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56abbb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'hi', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83f06a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'hr', {
+	eleLabel: 'Putanja elemenata',
+	eleTitle: '%1 element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e75b273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'hu', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elem utak',
+	eleTitle: '%1 elem'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a732d88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'is', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e26916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'it', {
+	eleLabel: 'Percorso degli elementi',
+	eleTitle: '%1 elemento'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caf4703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'ja', {
+	eleLabel: 'エレメントパス',
+	eleTitle: '%1 エレメント'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeb397f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'ka', {
+	eleLabel: 'ელემეტის გზა',
+	eleTitle: '%1 ელემენტი'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0881d61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'km', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d370b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'ko', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3390e6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'ku', {
+	eleLabel: 'ڕێڕهوی توخمهکان',
+	eleTitle: '%1 توخم'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cd1af6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'lt', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elemento kelias',
+	eleTitle: '%1 elementas'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..016273a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'lv', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elementa ceļš',
+	eleTitle: '%1 elements'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31ba8a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'mk', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da87e11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'mn', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d12681d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'ms', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be5ca65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'nb', {
+	eleLabel: 'Element-sti',
+	eleTitle: '%1 element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d1fe9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'nl', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elementenpad',
+	eleTitle: '%1 element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95328a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'no', {
+	eleLabel: 'Element-sti',
+	eleTitle: '%1 element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de3e915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'pl', {
+	eleLabel: 'Ścieżka elementów',
+	eleTitle: 'element %1'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af8b371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'pt-br', {
+	eleLabel: 'Caminho dos Elementos',
+	eleTitle: 'Elemento %1'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f6f465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'pt', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34d9ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'ro', {
+	eleLabel: 'Calea elementelor',
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac67f77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'ru', {
+	eleLabel: 'Путь элементов',
+	eleTitle: 'Элемент %1'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e50a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'sk', {
+	eleLabel: 'Cesta prvkov',
+	eleTitle: '%1 prvok'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d449a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'sl', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c27a873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'sr-latn', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1f9014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'sr', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..734f112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'sv', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elementets sökväg',
+	eleTitle: '%1 element'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1760022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'th', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 element' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fb292a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'tr', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elementlerin yolu',
+	eleTitle: '%1 elementi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9af8c05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'ug', {
+	eleLabel: 'ئېلېمېنت يولى',
+	eleTitle: '%1 ئېلېمېنت'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c299c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'uk', {
+	eleLabel: 'Шлях',
+	eleTitle: '%1 елемент'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9836145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'vi', {
+	eleLabel: 'Nhãn thành phần',
+	eleTitle: '%1 thành phần'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a5b23e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'zh-cn', {
+	eleLabel: '元素路径',
+	eleTitle: '%1 元素'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6544813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'elementspath', 'zh', {
+	eleLabel: 'Elements path', // MISSING
+	eleTitle: '%1 元素'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/plugin.js
index 47e7c47..6464120 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/plugin.js
@@ -1,206 +1,220 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
  * @fileOverview The "elementspath" plugin. It shows all elements in the DOM
  *		parent tree relative to the current selection in the editing area.
-	var commands =
-	{
-		toolbarFocus :
-		{
-			exec : function( editor )
-			{
+(function() {
+	var commands = {
+		toolbarFocus: {
+			editorFocus: false,
+			readOnly: 1,
+			exec: function( editor ) {
 				var idBase = editor._.elementsPath.idBase;
 				var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( idBase + '0' );
-				if ( element )
-					element.focus();
+				// Make the first button focus accessible for IE. (#3417)
+				// Adobe AIR instead need while of delay.
+				element && element.focus( CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.air );
-	var emptyHtml = '<span class="cke_empty"> </span>';
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'elementspath',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'selection' ],
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			var spaceId = 'cke_path_' + editor.name;
+	var emptyHtml = '<span class="cke_path_empty"> </span>';
+	var extra = '';
+	// Some browsers don't cancel key events in the keydown but in the
+	// keypress.
+	// TODO: Check if really needed for Gecko+Mac.
+	if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera || ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.mac ) )
+		extra += ' onkeypress="return false;"';
+	// With Firefox, we need to force the button to redraw, otherwise it
+	// will remain in the focus state.
+	if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
+		extra += ' onblur="this.style.cssText = this.style.cssText;"';
+	var pathItemTpl = CKEDITOR.addTemplate( 'pathItem', '<a' +
+		' id="{id}"' +
+		' href="{jsTitle}"' +
+		' tabindex="-1"' +
+		' class="cke_path_item"' +
+		' title="{label}"' +
+		( ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 ) ? ' onfocus="event.preventBubble();"' : '' ) +
+		extra +
+		' hidefocus="true" ' +
+		' onkeydown="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({keyDownFn},{index}, event );"' +
+		' onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({clickFn},{index}); return false;"' +
+		' role="button" aria-label="{label}">' +
+		'{text}' +
+		'</a>' );
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'elementspath', {
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			// Elements path isn't available in inline mode.
+			if ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE )
+				return;
+			var spaceId = editor.ui.spaceId( 'path' );
 			var spaceElement;
-			var getSpaceElement = function()
-			{
-				if ( !spaceElement )
-					spaceElement = CKEDITOR.document.getById( spaceId );
-				return spaceElement;
-			};
+			var getSpaceElement = function() {
+					if ( !spaceElement )
+						spaceElement = CKEDITOR.document.getById( spaceId );
+					return spaceElement;
+				};
 			var idBase = 'cke_elementspath_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber() + '_';
-			editor._.elementsPath = { idBase : idBase, filters : [] };
+			editor._.elementsPath = { idBase: idBase, filters: [] };
-			editor.on( 'themeSpace', function( event )
-				{
-					if ( event.data.space == 'bottom' )
-					{
-						event.data.html +=
-							'<span id="' + spaceId + '_label" class="cke_voice_label">' + editor.lang.elementsPath.eleLabel + '</span>' +
-							'<div id="' + spaceId + '" class="cke_path" role="group" aria-labelledby="' + spaceId + '_label">' + emptyHtml + '</div>';
-					}
-				});
-			editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( ev )
-				{
-					var env = CKEDITOR.env,
-						selection = ev.data.selection,
-						element = selection.getStartElement(),
-						html = [],
-						editor = ev.editor,
-						elementsList = editor._.elementsPath.list = [],
-						filters = editor._.elementsPath.filters;
-					while ( element )
-					{
-						var ignore = 0;
-						for ( var i = 0; i < filters.length; i++ )
-						{
-							if ( filters[ i ]( element ) === false )
-							{
-								ignore = 1;
-								break;
-							}
-						}
+			editor.on( 'uiSpace', function( event ) {
+				if ( event.data.space == 'bottom' ) {
+					event.data.html += '<span id="' + spaceId + '_label" class="cke_voice_label">' + editor.lang.elementspath.eleLabel + '</span>' +
+						'<span id="' + spaceId + '" class="cke_path" role="group" aria-labelledby="' + spaceId + '_label">' + emptyHtml + '</span>';
+				}
+			});
-						if ( !ignore )
-						{
-							var index = elementsList.push( element ) - 1;
-							var name;
-							if ( element.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) )
-								name = element.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' );
-							else
-								name = element.getName();
-							// Use this variable to add conditional stuff to the
-							// HTML (because we are doing it in reverse order... unshift).
-							var extra = '';
-							// Some browsers don't cancel key events in the keydown but in the
-							// keypress.
-							// TODO: Check if really needed for Gecko+Mac.
-							if ( env.opera || ( env.gecko && env.mac ) )
-								extra += ' onkeypress="return false;"';
-							// With Firefox, we need to force the button to redraw, otherwise it
-							// will remain in the focus state.
-							if ( env.gecko )
-								extra += ' onblur="this.style.cssText = this.style.cssText;"';
-							var label = editor.lang.elementsPath.eleTitle.replace( /%1/, name );
-							html.unshift(
-								'<a' +
-									' id="', idBase, index, '"' +
-									' href="javascript:void(\'', name, '\')"' +
-									' tabindex="-1"' +
-									' title="', label, '"' +
-									( ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 ) ?
-									' onfocus="event.preventBubble();"' : '' ) +
-									' hidefocus="true" ' +
-									' onkeydown="return CKEDITOR._.elementsPath.keydown(\'', editor.name, '\',', index, ', event);"' +
-									extra ,
-									' onclick="return CKEDITOR._.elementsPath.click(\'', editor.name, '\',', index, ');"',
-									' role="button" aria-labelledby="' + idBase + index + '_label">',
-										name,
-										'<span id="', idBase, index, '_label" class="cke_label">' + label + '</span>',
-								'</a>' );
+			// Register the ui element to the focus manager.
+			editor.on( 'uiReady', function() {
+				var element = editor.ui.space( 'path' );
+				element && editor.focusManager.add( element, 1 );
+			});
-						}
-						if ( name == 'body' )
+			function onClick( elementIndex ) {
+				editor.focus();
+				var element = editor._.elementsPath.list[ elementIndex ];
+				if ( element.equals( editor.editable() ) ) {
+					var range = editor.createRange();
+					range.selectNodeContents( element );
+					range.select();
+				} else
+					editor.getSelection().selectElement( element );
+			}
+			var onClickHanlder = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( onClick );
+			var onKeyDownHandler = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( elementIndex, ev ) {
+				var idBase = editor._.elementsPath.idBase,
+					element;
+				ev = new CKEDITOR.dom.event( ev );
+				var rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl';
+				switch ( ev.getKeystroke() ) {
+					case rtl ? 39:
+						37 : // LEFT-ARROW
+					case 9: // TAB
+						element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( idBase + ( elementIndex + 1 ) );
+						if ( !element )
+							element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( idBase + '0' );
+						element.focus();
+						return false;
+					case rtl ? 37:
+						39 : // RIGHT-ARROW
+					case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9: // SHIFT + TAB
+						element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( idBase + ( elementIndex - 1 ) );
+						if ( !element )
+							element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( idBase + ( editor._.elementsPath.list.length - 1 ) );
+						element.focus();
+						return false;
+					case 27: // ESC
+						editor.focus();
+						return false;
+					case 13: // ENTER	// Opera
+					case 32: // SPACE
+						onClick( elementIndex );
+						return false;
+				}
+				return true;
+			});
+			editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( ev ) {
+				var env = CKEDITOR.env,
+					editable = editor.editable(),
+					selection = ev.data.selection,
+					element = selection.getStartElement(),
+					html = [],
+					elementsList = editor._.elementsPath.list = [],
+					filters = editor._.elementsPath.filters;
+				while ( element ) {
+					var ignore = 0,
+						name;
+					if ( element.data( 'cke-display-name' ) )
+						name = element.data( 'cke-display-name' );
+					else if ( element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) )
+						name = element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' );
+					else
+						name = element.getName();
+					for ( var i = 0; i < filters.length; i++ ) {
+						var ret = filters[ i ]( element, name );
+						if ( ret === false ) {
+							ignore = 1;
+						}
+						name = ret || name;
+					}
+					if ( !ignore ) {
+						var index = elementsList.push( element ) - 1,
+							label = editor.lang.elementspath.eleTitle.replace( /%1/, name );
+						var item = pathItemTpl.output({
+							id: idBase + index,
+							label: label,
+							text: name,
+							jsTitle: 'javascript:void(\'' + name + '\')',
+							index: index,
+							keyDownFn: onKeyDownHandler,
+							clickFn: onClickHanlder
+						});
+						html.unshift( item );
-						element = element.getParent();
-					getSpaceElement().setHtml( html.join('') + emptyHtml );
-				});
+					if ( element.equals( editable ) )
+						break;
+					element = element.getParent();
+				}
+				var space = getSpaceElement();
+				space.setHtml( html.join( '' ) + emptyHtml );
+				editor.fire( 'elementsPathUpdate', { space: space } );
+			});
+			function empty() {
+				spaceElement && spaceElement.setHtml( emptyHtml );
+				delete editor._.elementsPath.list;
+			}
-			editor.on( 'contentDomUnload', function()
-				{
-					// If the spaceElement hasn't been initialized, don't try to do it at this time
-					// Only reuse existing reference.
-					spaceElement && spaceElement.setHtml( emptyHtml );
-				});
+			editor.on( 'readOnly', empty );
+			editor.on( 'contentDomUnload', empty );
 			editor.addCommand( 'elementsPathFocus', commands.toolbarFocus );
+			editor.setKeystroke( CKEDITOR.ALT + 122 /*F11*/, 'elementsPathFocus' );
- * Handles the click on an element in the element path.
- * @private
+ * Fired when the contents of the elementsPath are changed.
+ *
+ * @event elementsPathUpdate
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param data
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} data.space The elementsPath container.
-CKEDITOR._.elementsPath =
-	click : function( instanceName, elementIndex )
-	{
-		var editor = CKEDITOR.instances[ instanceName ];
-		editor.focus();
-		var element = editor._.elementsPath.list[ elementIndex ];
-		editor.getSelection().selectElement( element );
-		return false;
-	},
-	keydown : function( instanceName, elementIndex, ev )
-	{
-		var instance = CKEDITOR.ui.button._.instances[ elementIndex ];
-		var editor = CKEDITOR.instances[ instanceName ];
-		var idBase = editor._.elementsPath.idBase;
-		var element;
-		ev = new CKEDITOR.dom.event( ev );
-		var rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl';
-		switch ( ev.getKeystroke() )
-		{
-			case rtl ? 39 : 37 :					// LEFT-ARROW
-			case 9 :					// TAB
-				element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( idBase + ( elementIndex + 1 ) );
-				if ( !element )
-					element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( idBase + '0' );
-				element.focus();
-				return false;
-			case rtl ? 37 : 39 :					// RIGHT-ARROW
-			case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 :	// SHIFT + TAB
-				element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( idBase + ( elementIndex - 1 ) );
-				if ( !element )
-					element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( idBase + ( editor._.elementsPath.list.length - 1 ) );
-				element.focus();
-				return false;
-			case 27 :					// ESC
-				editor.focus();
-				return false;
-			case 13 :					// ENTER	// Opera
-			case 32 :					// SPACE
-				this.click( instanceName, elementIndex );
-				return false;
-			//default :
-			//	alert( ev.getKeystroke() );
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/enterkey/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/enterkey/plugin.js
index f383fb4..4c077c3 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/enterkey/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/enterkey/plugin.js
@@ -1,26 +1,40 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'enterkey',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'keystrokes', 'indent' ],
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			var specialKeys = editor.specialKeys;
-			specialKeys[ 13 ] = enter;
-			specialKeys[ CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 13 ] = shiftEnter;
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'enterkey', {
+		// TODO: should not depend on a particular format plugin.
+		requires: 'indent',
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			editor.addCommand( 'enter', { modes:{wysiwyg:1 },
+				editorFocus: false,
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					enter( editor );
+				}
+			});
+			editor.addCommand( 'shiftEnter', { modes:{wysiwyg:1 },
+				editorFocus: false,
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					shiftEnter( editor );
+				}
+			});
+			editor.setKeystroke( [
+				[ 13, 'enter' ],
+				[ CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 13, 'shiftEnter' ]
+				] );
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.enterkey =
-	{
-		enterBlock : function( editor, mode, range, forceMode )
-		{
+	var whitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
+		bookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark();
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.enterkey = {
+		enterBlock: function( editor, mode, range, forceMode ) {
 			// Get the range for the current selection.
 			range = range || getRange( editor );
@@ -31,17 +45,41 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			var doc = range.document;
-			// Exit the list when we're inside an empty list item block. (#5376)
-			if ( range.checkStartOfBlock() && range.checkEndOfBlock() )
-			{
-				var path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.startContainer ),
-						block = path.block;
+			var atBlockStart = range.checkStartOfBlock(),
+				atBlockEnd = range.checkEndOfBlock(),
+				path = editor.elementPath( range.startContainer ),
+				block = path.block;
-				if ( block && ( block.is( 'li' ) || block.getParent().is( 'li' ) ) )
-				{
+			// Exit the list when we're inside an empty list item block. (#5376)
+			if ( atBlockStart && atBlockEnd ) {
+				// Exit the list when we're inside an empty list item block. (#5376)
+				if ( block && ( block.is( 'li' ) || block.getParent().is( 'li' ) ) ) {
 					editor.execCommand( 'outdent' );
+				if ( block && block.getParent().is( 'blockquote' ) ) {
+					block.breakParent( block.getParent() );
+					// If we were at the start of <blockquote>, there will be an empty element before it now.
+					if ( !block.getPrevious().getFirst( CKEDITOR.dom.walker.invisible( 1 ) ) )
+						block.getPrevious().remove();
+					// If we were at the end of <blockquote>, there will be an empty element after it now.
+					if ( !block.getNext().getFirst( CKEDITOR.dom.walker.invisible( 1 ) ) )
+						block.getNext().remove();
+					range.moveToElementEditStart( block );
+					range.select();
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			// Don't split <pre> if we're in the middle of it, act as shift enter key.
+			else if ( block && block.is( 'pre' ) ) {
+				if ( !atBlockEnd ) {
+					enterBr( editor, mode, range, forceMode );
+					return;
+				}
 			// Determine the block element to be used.
@@ -54,68 +92,76 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			// Get the current blocks.
-			var previousBlock	= splitInfo.previousBlock,
-				nextBlock		= splitInfo.nextBlock;
+			var previousBlock = splitInfo.previousBlock,
+				nextBlock = splitInfo.nextBlock;
-			var isStartOfBlock	= splitInfo.wasStartOfBlock,
-				isEndOfBlock	= splitInfo.wasEndOfBlock;
+			var isStartOfBlock = splitInfo.wasStartOfBlock,
+				isEndOfBlock = splitInfo.wasEndOfBlock;
 			var node;
 			// If this is a block under a list item, split it as well. (#1647)
-			if ( nextBlock )
-			{
+			if ( nextBlock ) {
 				node = nextBlock.getParent();
-				if ( node.is( 'li' ) )
-				{
+				if ( node.is( 'li' ) ) {
 					nextBlock.breakParent( node );
-					nextBlock.move( nextBlock.getNext(), true );
+					nextBlock.move( nextBlock.getNext(), 1 );
-			}
-			else if ( previousBlock && ( node = previousBlock.getParent() ) && node.is( 'li' ) )
-			{
+			} else if ( previousBlock && ( node = previousBlock.getParent() ) && node.is( 'li' ) ) {
 				previousBlock.breakParent( node );
-				range.moveToElementEditStart( previousBlock.getNext() );
+				node = previousBlock.getNext();
+				range.moveToElementEditStart( node );
 				previousBlock.move( previousBlock.getPrevious() );
 			// If we have both the previous and next blocks, it means that the
 			// boundaries were on separated blocks, or none of them where on the
 			// block limits (start/end).
-			if ( !isStartOfBlock && !isEndOfBlock )
-			{
+			if ( !isStartOfBlock && !isEndOfBlock ) {
 				// If the next block is an <li> with another list tree as the first
 				// child, we'll need to append a filler (<br>/NBSP) or the list item
 				// wouldn't be editable. (#1420)
-				if ( nextBlock.is( 'li' )
-					 && ( node = nextBlock.getFirst( CKEDITOR.dom.walker.invisible( true ) ) )
-					 && node.is && node.is( 'ul', 'ol' ) )
-					( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? doc.createText( '\xa0' ) : doc.createElement( 'br' ) ).insertBefore( node );
+				if ( nextBlock.is( 'li' ) ) {
+					var walkerRange = range.clone();
+					walkerRange.selectNodeContents( nextBlock );
+					var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
+					walker.evaluator = function( node ) {
+						return !( bookmark( node ) || whitespaces( node ) || node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline && !( node.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty ) );
+					};
+					node = walker.next();
+					if ( node && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.is( 'ul', 'ol' ) ) {
+						( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? doc.createText( '\xa0' ) : doc.createElement( 'br' ) ).insertBefore( node );
+					}
+				}
 				// Move the selection to the end block.
 				if ( nextBlock )
 					range.moveToElementEditStart( nextBlock );
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				var newBlock;
+			} else {
+				var newBlock, newBlockDir;
-				if ( previousBlock )
-				{
+				if ( previousBlock ) {
 					// Do not enter this block if it's a header tag, or we are in
 					// a Shift+Enter (#77). Create a new block element instead
 					// (later in the code).
-					if ( previousBlock.is( 'li' ) || !headerTagRegex.test( previousBlock.getName() ) )
-					{
+					if ( previousBlock.is( 'li' ) || !( headerTagRegex.test( previousBlock.getName() ) || previousBlock.is( 'pre' ) ) ) {
 						// Otherwise, duplicate the previous block.
 						newBlock = previousBlock.clone();
-				}
-				else if ( nextBlock )
+				} else if ( nextBlock )
 					newBlock = nextBlock.clone();
-				if ( !newBlock )
-					newBlock = doc.createElement( blockTag );
+				if ( !newBlock ) {
+					// We have already created a new list item. (#6849)
+					if ( node && node.is( 'li' ) )
+						newBlock = node;
+					else {
+						newBlock = doc.createElement( blockTag );
+						if ( previousBlock && ( newBlockDir = previousBlock.getDirection() ) )
+							newBlock.setAttribute( 'dir', newBlockDir );
+					}
+				}
 				// Force the enter block unless we're talking of a list item.
 				else if ( forceMode && !newBlock.is( 'li' ) )
 					newBlock.renameNode( blockTag );
@@ -124,17 +170,14 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				// before hitting enter, so the same styles will be available in
 				// the new block.
 				var elementPath = splitInfo.elementPath;
-				if ( elementPath )
-				{
-					for ( var i = 0, len = elementPath.elements.length ; i < len ; i++ )
-					{
+				if ( elementPath ) {
+					for ( var i = 0, len = elementPath.elements.length; i < len; i++ ) {
 						var element = elementPath.elements[ i ];
 						if ( element.equals( elementPath.block ) || element.equals( elementPath.blockLimit ) )
-						if ( CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ element.getName() ] )
-						{
+						if ( CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ element.getName() ] ) {
 							element = element.clone();
 							newBlock.moveChildren( element );
 							newBlock.append( element );
@@ -145,15 +188,19 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-				range.insertNode( newBlock );
+				if ( !newBlock.getParent() )
+					range.insertNode( newBlock );
+				// list item start number should not be duplicated (#7330), but we need
+				// to remove the attribute after it's onto the DOM tree because of old IEs (#7581).
+				newBlock.is( 'li' ) && newBlock.removeAttribute( 'value' );
 				// This is tricky, but to make the new block visible correctly
 				// we must select it.
 				// The previousBlock check has been included because it may be
 				// empty if we have fixed a block-less space (like ENTER into an
 				// empty table cell).
-				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && isStartOfBlock && ( !isEndOfBlock || !previousBlock.getChildCount() ) )
-				{
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && isStartOfBlock && ( !isEndOfBlock || !previousBlock.getChildCount() ) ) {
 					// Move the selection to the new block.
 					range.moveToElementEditStart( isEndOfBlock ? previousBlock : newBlock );
@@ -161,36 +208,13 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				// Move the selection to the new block.
 				range.moveToElementEditStart( isStartOfBlock && !isEndOfBlock ? nextBlock : newBlock );
-		}
-			if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			{
-				if ( nextBlock )
-				{
-					// If we have split the block, adds a temporary span at the
-					// range position and scroll relatively to it.
-					var tmpNode = doc.createElement( 'span' );
-					// We need some content for Safari.
-					tmpNode.setHtml( ' ' );
-					range.insertNode( tmpNode );
-					tmpNode.scrollIntoView();
-					range.deleteContents();
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					// We may use the above scroll logic for the new block case
-					// too, but it gives some weird result with Opera.
-					newBlock.scrollIntoView();
-				}
+			range.scrollIntoView();
-		enterBr : function( editor, mode, range, forceMode )
-		{
+		enterBr: function( editor, mode, range, forceMode ) {
 			// Get the range for the current selection.
 			range = range || getRange( editor );
@@ -213,86 +237,70 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			var isPre = false;
-			if ( !forceMode && startBlockTag == 'li' )
-			{
+			if ( !forceMode && startBlockTag == 'li' ) {
 				enterBlock( editor, mode, range, forceMode );
 			// If we are at the end of a header block.
-			if ( !forceMode && isEndOfBlock && headerTagRegex.test( startBlockTag ) )
-			{
-				// Insert a <br> after the current paragraph.
-				doc.createElement( 'br' ).insertAfter( startBlock );
-				// A text node is required by Gecko only to make the cursor blink.
-				if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
-					doc.createText( '' ).insertAfter( startBlock );
-				// IE has different behaviors regarding position.
-			}
-			else
-			{
+			if ( !forceMode && isEndOfBlock && headerTagRegex.test( startBlockTag ) ) {
+				var newBlock, newBlockDir;
+				if ( ( newBlockDir = startBlock.getDirection() ) ) {
+					newBlock = doc.createElement( 'div' );
+					newBlock.setAttribute( 'dir', newBlockDir );
+					newBlock.insertAfter( startBlock );
+					range.setStart( newBlock, 0 );
+				} else {
+					// Insert a <br> after the current paragraph.
+					doc.createElement( 'br' ).insertAfter( startBlock );
+					// A text node is required by Gecko only to make the cursor blink.
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
+						doc.createText( '' ).insertAfter( startBlock );
+					// IE has different behaviors regarding position.
+				}
+			} else {
 				var lineBreak;
-				isPre = ( startBlockTag == 'pre' );
-				// Gecko prefers <br> as line-break inside <pre> (#4711).
-				if ( isPre && !CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
-					lineBreak = doc.createText( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? '\r' : '\n' );
+				// IE<8 prefers text node as line-break inside of <pre> (#4711).
+				if ( startBlockTag == 'pre' && CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 8 )
+					lineBreak = doc.createText( '\r' );
 					lineBreak = doc.createElement( 'br' );
 				range.insertNode( lineBreak );
-				// A text node is required by Gecko only to make the cursor blink.
-				// We need some text inside of it, so the bogus <br> is properly
-				// created.
-				if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+				// IE has different behavior regarding position.
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+					range.setStartAt( lineBreak, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
+				else {
+					// A text node is required by Gecko only to make the cursor blink.
+					// We need some text inside of it, so the bogus <br> is properly
+					// created.
 					doc.createText( '\ufeff' ).insertAfter( lineBreak );
-				// If we are at the end of a block, we must be sure the bogus node is available in that block.
-				if ( isEndOfBlock && !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-					lineBreak.getParent().appendBogus();
+					// If we are at the end of a block, we must be sure the bogus node is available in that block.
+					if ( isEndOfBlock )
+						lineBreak.getParent().appendBogus();
-				// Now we can remove the text node contents, so the caret doesn't
-				// stop on it.
-				if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+					// Now we can remove the text node contents, so the caret doesn't
+					// stop on it.
 					lineBreak.getNext().$.nodeValue = '';
-				// IE has different behavior regarding position.
-				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-					range.setStartAt( lineBreak, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
-				else
-					range.setStartAt( lineBreak.getNext(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
-				// Scroll into view, for non IE.
-				if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-				{
-					var dummy = null;
-					// BR is not positioned in Opera and Webkit.
-					if ( !CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
-					{
-						dummy = doc.createElement( 'span' );
-						// We need have some contents for Webkit to position it
-						// under parent node. ( #3681)
-						dummy.setHtml(' ');
-					}
-					else
-						dummy = doc.createElement( 'br' );
+					range.setStartAt( lineBreak.getNext(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
-					dummy.insertBefore( lineBreak.getNext() );
-					dummy.scrollIntoView();
-					dummy.remove();
 			// This collapse guarantees the cursor will be blinking.
 			range.collapse( true );
-			range.select( isPre );
+			range.select();
+			range.scrollIntoView();
@@ -301,8 +309,7 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		enterBlock = plugin.enterBlock,
 		headerTagRegex = /^h[1-6]$/;
-	function shiftEnter( editor )
-	{
+	function shiftEnter( editor ) {
 		// Only effective within document.
 		if ( editor.mode != 'wysiwyg' )
 			return false;
@@ -310,18 +317,10 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		// 1. We want to enforce the mode to be respected, instead
 		// of cloning the current block. (#77)
-		// 2. Always perform a block break when inside <pre> (#5402).
-		if ( editor.getSelection().getStartElement().hasAscendant( 'pre', true ) )
-		{
-			setTimeout( function() { enterBlock( editor, editor.config.enterMode, null, true ); }, 0 );
-			return true;
-		}
-		else
-			return enter( editor, editor.config.shiftEnterMode, true );
+		return enter( editor, editor.config.shiftEnterMode, 1 );
-	function enter( editor, mode, forceMode )
-	{
+	function enter( editor, mode, forceMode ) {
 		forceMode = editor.config.forceEnterMode || forceMode;
 		// Only effective within document.
@@ -331,29 +330,33 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		if ( !mode )
 			mode = editor.config.enterMode;
-		// Use setTimout so the keys get cancelled immediatelly.
-		setTimeout( function()
-			{
-				editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );	// Save undo step.
-				if ( mode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR || editor.getSelection().getStartElement().hasAscendant( 'pre', true ) )
-					enterBr( editor, mode, null, forceMode );
-				else
-					enterBlock( editor, mode, null, forceMode );
+		// Check path block specialities:
+		// 1. Cannot be a un-splittable element, e.g. table caption;
+		// 2. Must not be the editable element itself. (blockless)
+		var path = editor.elementPath();
+		if ( !path.isContextFor( 'p' ) ) {
+			forceMode = 1;
+		}
-			}, 0 );
+		editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' ); // Save undo step.
+		if ( mode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR )
+			enterBr( editor, mode, null, forceMode );
+		else
+			enterBlock( editor, mode, null, forceMode );
+		editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
 		return true;
-	function getRange( editor )
-	{
+	function getRange( editor ) {
 		// Get the selection ranges.
 		var ranges = editor.getSelection().getRanges( true );
 		// Delete the contents of all ranges except the first one.
-		for ( var i = ranges.length - 1 ; i > 0 ; i-- )
-		{
+		for ( var i = ranges.length - 1; i > 0; i-- ) {
 			ranges[ i ].deleteContents();
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/enterkey/samples/enterkey.html b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/enterkey/samples/enterkey.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2b19b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/enterkey/samples/enterkey.html
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+	<title>ENTER Key Configuration — CKEditor Sample</title>
+	<meta charset="utf-8">
+	<script src="../../../ckeditor.js"></script>
+	<link href="../../../samples/sample.css" rel="stylesheet">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-name" content="Using the "Enter" key in CKEditor">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-group" content="Advanced Samples">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-description" content="Configuring the behavior of <em>Enter</em> and <em>Shift+Enter</em> keys.">
+	<script>
+		var editor;
+		function changeEnter() {
+			// If we already have an editor, let's destroy it first.
+			if ( editor )
+				editor.destroy( true );
+			// Create the editor again, with the appropriate settings.
+			editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
+				extraPlugins: 'enterkey',
+				enterMode: Number( document.getElementById( 'xEnter' ).value ),
+				shiftEnterMode: Number( document.getElementById( 'xShiftEnter' ).value )
+			});
+		}
+		window.onload = changeEnter;
+	</script>
+	<h1 class="samples">
+		<a href="../../../samples/index.html">CKEditor Samples</a> » ENTER Key Configuration
+	</h1>
+	<div class="description">
+		<p>
+			This sample shows how to configure the <em>Enter</em> and <em>Shift+Enter</em> keys
+			to perform actions specified in the
+			<a class="samples" href="http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-enterMode"><code>enterMode</code></a>
+			and <a class="samples" href="http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-shiftEnterMode"><code>shiftEnterMode</code></a>
+			parameters, respectively.
+	 		You can choose from the following options:
+		</p>
+		<ul class="samples">
+			<li><strong><code>ENTER_P</code></strong> – new <code><p></code> paragraphs are created;</li>
+			<li><strong><code>ENTER_BR</code></strong> – lines are broken with <code><br></code> elements;</li>
+			<li><strong><code>ENTER_DIV</code></strong> – new <code><div></code> blocks are created.</li>
+		</ul>
+		<p>
+			The sample code below shows how to configure CKEditor to create a <code><div></code> block when <em>Enter</em> key is pressed.
+		</p>
+<pre class="samples">
+CKEDITOR.replace( '<em>textarea_id</em>', {
+	<strong>enterMode: CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV</strong>
+		<p>
+			Note that <code><em>textarea_id</em></code> in the code above is the <code>id</code> attribute of
+			the <code><textarea></code> element to be replaced.
+		</p>
+	</div>
+	<div style="float: left; margin-right: 20px">
+		When <em>Enter</em> is pressed:<br>
+		<select id="xEnter" onchange="changeEnter();">
+			<option selected="selected" value="1">Create a new <P> (recommended)</option>
+			<option value="3">Create a new <DIV></option>
+			<option value="2">Break the line with a <BR></option>
+		</select>
+	</div>
+	<div style="float: left">
+		When <em>Shift+Enter</em> is pressed:<br>
+		<select id="xShiftEnter" onchange="changeEnter();">
+			<option value="1">Create a new <P></option>
+			<option value="3">Create a new <DIV></option>
+			<option selected="selected" value="2">Break the line with a <BR> (recommended)</option>
+		</select>
+	</div>
+	<br style="clear: both">
+	<form action="../../../samples/sample_posteddata.php" method="post">
+		<p>
+			<br>
+			<textarea cols="80" id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10">This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="http://ckeditor.com/">CKEditor</a>.</textarea>
+		</p>
+		<p>
+			<input type="submit" value="Submit">
+		</p>
+	</form>
+	<div id="footer">
+		<hr>
+		<p>
+			CKEditor - The text editor for the Internet - <a class="samples" href="http://ckeditor.com/">http://ckeditor.com</a>
+		</p>
+		<p id="copy">
+			Copyright © 2003-2013, <a class="samples" href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico
+			Knabben. All rights reserved.
+		</p>
+	</div>
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/entities/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/entities/plugin.js
index ce0f34e..f0a31a1 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/entities/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/entities/plugin.js
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
 	// Base HTML entities.
-	var htmlbase = 'nbsp,gt,lt,quot';
+	var htmlbase = 'nbsp,gt,lt,amp';
 	var entities =
-		// Latin-1 Entities
-		'iexcl,cent,pound,curren,yen,brvbar,sect,uml,copy,ordf,laquo,' +
+	// Latin-1 Entities
+	'quot,iexcl,cent,pound,curren,yen,brvbar,sect,uml,copy,ordf,laquo,' +
 		'not,shy,reg,macr,deg,plusmn,sup2,sup3,acute,micro,para,middot,' +
 		'cedil,sup1,ordm,raquo,frac14,frac12,frac34,iquest,times,divide,' +
@@ -28,8 +27,7 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 	// Latin Letters Entities
-	var latin =
-		'Agrave,Aacute,Acirc,Atilde,Auml,Aring,AElig,Ccedil,Egrave,Eacute,' +
+	var latin = 'Agrave,Aacute,Acirc,Atilde,Auml,Aring,AElig,Ccedil,Egrave,Eacute,' +
 		'Ecirc,Euml,Igrave,Iacute,Icirc,Iuml,ETH,Ntilde,Ograve,Oacute,Ocirc,' +
 		'Otilde,Ouml,Oslash,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucirc,Uuml,Yacute,THORN,szlig,' +
 		'agrave,aacute,acirc,atilde,auml,aring,aelig,ccedil,egrave,eacute,' +
@@ -38,44 +36,40 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 	// Greek Letters Entities.
-	var greek =
-		'Alpha,Beta,Gamma,Delta,Epsilon,Zeta,Eta,Theta,Iota,Kappa,Lambda,Mu,' +
+	var greek = 'Alpha,Beta,Gamma,Delta,Epsilon,Zeta,Eta,Theta,Iota,Kappa,Lambda,Mu,' +
 		'Nu,Xi,Omicron,Pi,Rho,Sigma,Tau,Upsilon,Phi,Chi,Psi,Omega,alpha,' +
 		'beta,gamma,delta,epsilon,zeta,eta,theta,iota,kappa,lambda,mu,nu,xi,' +
 		'omicron,pi,rho,sigmaf,sigma,tau,upsilon,phi,chi,psi,omega,thetasym,' +
-	/**
-	 * Create a mapping table between one character and it's entity form from a list of entity names.
-	 * @param reverse {Boolean} Whether create a reverse map from the entity string form to actual character.
-	 */
-	function buildTable( entities, reverse )
-	{
+	// Create a mapping table between one character and its entity form from a list of entity names.
+	// @param reverse {Boolean} Whether to create a reverse map from the entity string form to an actual character.
+	function buildTable( entities, reverse ) {
 		var table = {},
 			regex = [];
 		// Entities that the browsers DOM don't transform to the final char
 		// automatically.
-		var specialTable =
-			{
-				nbsp	: '\u00A0',		// IE | FF
-				shy		: '\u00AD',		// IE
-				gt		: '\u003E',		// IE | FF |   --   | Opera
-				lt		: '\u003C'		// IE | FF | Safari | Opera
-			};
-		entities = entities.replace( /\b(nbsp|shy|gt|lt|amp)(?:,|$)/g, function( match, entity )
-			{
-				var org = reverse ? '&' + entity + ';' : specialTable[ entity ],
-					result = reverse ? specialTable[ entity ] : '&' + entity + ';';
-				table[ org ] = result;
-				regex.push( org );
-				return '';
-			});
-		if ( !reverse )
-		{
+		var specialTable = {
+			nbsp: '\u00A0', // IE | FF
+			shy: '\u00AD', // IE
+			gt: '\u003E', // IE | FF |   --   | Opera
+			lt: '\u003C', // IE | FF | Safari | Opera
+			amp: '\u0026', // ALL
+			apos: '\u0027', // IE
+			quot: '\u0022' // IE
+		};
+		entities = entities.replace( /\b(nbsp|shy|gt|lt|amp|apos|quot)(?:,|$)/g, function( match, entity ) {
+			var org = reverse ? '&' + entity + ';' : specialTable[ entity ],
+				result = reverse ? specialTable[ entity ] : '&' + entity + ';';
+			table[ org ] = result;
+			regex.push( org );
+			return '';
+		});
+		if ( !reverse && entities ) {
 			// Transforms the entities string into an array.
 			entities = entities.split( ',' );
@@ -88,8 +82,7 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			div = null;
 			// Add all chars to the table.
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < chars.length ; i++ )
-			{
+			for ( var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++ ) {
 				var charAt = chars.charAt( i );
 				table[ charAt ] = '&' + entities[ i ] + ';';
 				regex.push( charAt );
@@ -101,127 +94,143 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		return table;
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'entities',
-	{
-		afterInit : function( editor )
-		{
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'entities', {
+		afterInit: function( editor ) {
 			var config = editor.config;
 			var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
 				htmlFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.htmlFilter;
-			if ( htmlFilter )
-			{
+			if ( htmlFilter ) {
 				// Mandatory HTML base entities.
-				var selectedEntities = htmlbase;
+				var selectedEntities = [];
+				if ( config.basicEntities !== false )
+					selectedEntities.push( htmlbase );
+				if ( config.entities ) {
+					if ( selectedEntities.length )
+						selectedEntities.push( entities );
-				if ( config.entities )
-				{
-					selectedEntities += ',' + entities;
 					if ( config.entities_latin )
-						selectedEntities += ',' + latin;
+						selectedEntities.push( latin );
 					if ( config.entities_greek )
-						selectedEntities += ',' + greek;
+						selectedEntities.push( greek );
 					if ( config.entities_additional )
-						selectedEntities += ',' + config.entities_additional;
+						selectedEntities.push( config.entities_additional );
-				var entitiesTable = buildTable( selectedEntities );
+				var entitiesTable = buildTable( selectedEntities.join( ',' ) );
-				// Create the Regex used to find entities in the text.
-				var entitiesRegex = '[' + entitiesTable.regex + ']';
+				// Create the Regex used to find entities in the text, leave it matches nothing if entities are empty.
+				var entitiesRegex = entitiesTable.regex ? '[' + entitiesTable.regex + ']' : 'a^';
 				delete entitiesTable.regex;
 				if ( config.entities && config.entities_processNumerical )
-					entitiesRegex = '[^ -~]|' + entitiesRegex ;
+					entitiesRegex = '[^ -~]|' + entitiesRegex;
 				entitiesRegex = new RegExp( entitiesRegex, 'g' );
-				function getEntity( character )
-				{
-					return config.entities_processNumerical == 'force' || !entitiesTable[ character ] ?
-						   '&#' + character.charCodeAt(0) + ';'
-							: entitiesTable[ character ];
+				function getEntity( character ) {
+					return config.entities_processNumerical == 'force' || !entitiesTable[ character ] ? '&#' + character.charCodeAt( 0 ) + ';'
+						: entitiesTable[ character ];
 				// Decode entities that the browsers has transformed
 				// at first place.
-				var baseEntitiesTable = buildTable( [ htmlbase, 'shy' ].join( ',' ) , true ),
+				var baseEntitiesTable = buildTable( [ htmlbase, 'shy' ].join( ',' ), true ),
 					baseEntitiesRegex = new RegExp( baseEntitiesTable.regex, 'g' );
-				function getChar( character )
-				{
+				function getChar( character ) {
 					return baseEntitiesTable[ character ];
-				htmlFilter.addRules(
-					{
-						text : function( text )
-						{
-							return text.replace( baseEntitiesRegex, getChar )
-									.replace( entitiesRegex, getEntity );
-						}
-					});
+				htmlFilter.addRules({
+					text: function( text ) {
+						return text.replace( baseEntitiesRegex, getChar ).replace( entitiesRegex, getEntity );
+					}
+				});
+ * Whether to escape basic HTML entities in the document, including:
+ *
+ * * `nbsp`
+ * * `gt`
+ * * `lt`
+ * * `amp`
+ *
+ * **Note:** It should not be subject to change unless when outputting a non-HTML data format like BBCode.
+ *
+ *		config.basicEntities = false;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [basicEntities=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+CKEDITOR.config.basicEntities = true;
  * Whether to use HTML entities in the output.
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.entities = false;
+ *
+ *		config.entities = false;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [entities=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 CKEDITOR.config.entities = true;
- * Whether to convert some Latin characters (Latin alphabet No. 1, ISO 8859-1)
- * to HTML entities. The list of entities can be found at the
- * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/entities.html#h-24.2.1">W3C HTML 4.01 Specification, section 24.2.1</a>.
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.entities_latin = false;
+ * Whether to convert some Latin characters (Latin alphabet No. 1, ISO 8859-1)
+ * to HTML entities. The list of entities can be found in the
+ * [W3C HTML 4.01 Specification, section 24.2.1](http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/entities.html#h-24.2.1).
+ *
+ *		config.entities_latin = false;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [entities_latin=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 CKEDITOR.config.entities_latin = true;
  * Whether to convert some symbols, mathematical symbols, and Greek letters to
  * HTML entities. This may be more relevant for users typing text written in Greek.
- * The list of entities can be found at the
- * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/entities.html#h-24.3.1">W3C HTML 4.01 Specification, section 24.3.1</a>.
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.entities_greek = false;
+ * The list of entities can be found in the
+ * [W3C HTML 4.01 Specification, section 24.3.1(http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/entities.html#h-24.3.1).
+ *
+ *		config.entities_greek = false;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [entities_greek=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 CKEDITOR.config.entities_greek = true;
- * Whether to convert all remaining characters, not comprised in the ASCII
- * character table, to their relative decimal numeric representation of HTML entity.
- * When specified as the value 'force', it will simply convert all entities into the above form.
- * For example, the phrase "This is Chinese: 汉语." is outputted
- * as "This is Chinese: &#27721;&#35821;."
- * @type Boolean
- * @type Boolean|String
- * @default false
- * @example
- * config.entities_processNumerical = true;
- * config.entities_processNumerical = 'force';		//Convert from " " into " ";
+ * Whether to convert all remaining characters not included in the ASCII
+ * character table to their relative decimal numeric representation of HTML entity.
+ * When set to `force`, it will convert all entities into this format.
+ *
+ * For example the phrase `'This is Chinese: 汉语.'` is output
+ * as `'This is Chinese: 汉语.'`
+ *
+ *		config.entities_processNumerical = true;
+ *		config.entities_processNumerical = 'force'; // Converts from ' ' into ' ';
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean/String} [entities_processNumerical=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.entities_processNumerical = false;
- * An additional list of entities to be used. It's a string containing each
- * entry separated by a comma. Entities names or number must be used, exclusing
- * the "&" preffix and the ";" termination.
- * @default '#39'  // The single quote (') character.
- * @type String
- * @example
+ * A comma separated list of  additional entities to be used. Entity names
+ * or numbers must be used in a form that excludes the `'&'` prefix and the `';'` ending.
+ *
+ *		config.entities_additional = '#1049'; // Adds Cyrillic capital letter Short I (Й).
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [entities_additional='#39' (The single quote (') character)]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 CKEDITOR.config.entities_additional = '#39';
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/images/spacer.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/images/spacer.gif
similarity index 100%
copy from share/static/RichText/images/spacer.gif
copy to devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/images/spacer.gif
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8356b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'af', {
+	anchor: 'Anker',
+	flash: 'Flash animasie',
+	hiddenfield: 'Verborge veld',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Onbekende objek'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e60b6b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'ar', {
+	anchor: 'إرساء',
+	flash: 'رسم متحرك بالفلاش',
+	hiddenfield: 'إدراج حقل خفي',
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'كائن غير معروف'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2dc388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'bg', {
+	anchor: 'Кука',
+	flash: 'Флаш анимация',
+	hiddenfield: 'Скрито поле',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Неизвестен обект'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22bda0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'bn', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor', // MISSING
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0640244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'bs', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor', // MISSING
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9f8f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'ca', {
+	anchor: 'Àncora',
+	flash: 'Animació Flash',
+	hiddenfield: 'Camp ocult',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Objecte desconegut'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ba75ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'cs', {
+	anchor: 'Záložka',
+	flash: 'Flash animace',
+	hiddenfield: 'Skryté pole',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Neznámý objekt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a24c2a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'cy', {
+	anchor: 'Angor',
+	flash: 'Animeiddiant Flash',
+	hiddenfield: 'Maes Cudd',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Gwrthrych Anhysbys'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20ecb44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'da', {
+	anchor: 'Anker',
+	flash: 'Flashanimation',
+	hiddenfield: 'Skjult felt',
+	iframe: 'Iframe',
+	unknown: 'Ukendt objekt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ed6549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'de', {
+	anchor: 'Anker',
+	flash: 'Flash Animation',
+	hiddenfield: 'Verstecktes Feld',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Unbekanntes Objekt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6134a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'el', {
+	anchor: 'Εισαγωγή/επεξεργασία Άγκυρας',
+	flash: 'Ταινία Flash',
+	hiddenfield: 'Κρυφό πεδίο',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Άγνωστο Αντικείμενο'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfd004e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'en-au', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor', // MISSING
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3feb78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'en-ca', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor', // MISSING
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc7abab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'en-gb', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor',
+	flash: 'Flash Animation',
+	hiddenfield: 'Hidden Field',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a061c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'en', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor',
+	flash: 'Flash Animation',
+	hiddenfield: 'Hidden Field',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..455bb3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'eo', {
+	anchor: 'Ankro',
+	flash: 'FlaŝAnimacio',
+	hiddenfield: 'Kaŝita kampo',
+	iframe: 'Enlinia Kadro (IFrame)',
+	unknown: 'Nekonata objekto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a76e1e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'es', {
+	anchor: 'Ancla',
+	flash: 'Animación flash',
+	hiddenfield: 'Campo oculto',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Objeto desconocido'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d1011b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'et', {
+	anchor: 'Ankur',
+	flash: 'Flashi animatsioon',
+	hiddenfield: 'Varjatud väli',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Tundmatu objekt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..993914b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'eu', {
+	anchor: 'Aingura',
+	flash: 'Flash Animazioa',
+	hiddenfield: 'Ezkutuko Eremua',
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Objektu ezezaguna'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..514e779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'fa', {
+	anchor: 'لنگر',
+	flash: 'انیمشن فلش',
+	hiddenfield: 'فیلد پنهان',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'شیء ناشناخته'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2653e18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'fi', {
+	anchor: 'Ankkuri',
+	flash: 'Flash animaatio',
+	hiddenfield: 'Piilokenttä',
+	iframe: 'IFrame-kehys',
+	unknown: 'Tuntematon objekti'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd59c5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'fo', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor',
+	flash: 'Flash Animation',
+	hiddenfield: 'Fjaldur teigur',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Ókent Object'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4ac1c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'fr-ca', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor', // MISSING
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0faf2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'fr', {
+	anchor: 'Ancre',
+	flash: 'Animation Flash',
+	hiddenfield: 'Champ caché',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Objet inconnu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bae3992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'gl', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor', // MISSING
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35ac03b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'gu', {
+	anchor: 'અનકર',
+	flash: 'ફ્લેશ ',
+	hiddenfield: 'હિડન ',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'અનનોન ઓબ્જેક્ટ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82404e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'he', {
+	anchor: 'עוגן',
+	flash: 'סרטון פלאש',
+	hiddenfield: 'שדה חבוי',
+	iframe: 'חלון פנימי (iframe)',
+	unknown: 'אובייקט לא ידוע'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c4e447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'hi', {
+	anchor: 'ऐंकर इन्सर्ट/संपादन',
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'गुप्त फ़ील्ड',
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c6effe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'hr', {
+	anchor: 'Sidro',
+	flash: 'Flash animacija',
+	hiddenfield: 'Sakriveno polje',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Nepoznati objekt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97efb5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'hu', {
+	anchor: 'Horgony',
+	flash: 'Flash animáció',
+	hiddenfield: 'Rejtett mezõ',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Ismeretlen objektum'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d888796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'is', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor', // MISSING
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3ce95c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'it', {
+	anchor: 'Ancora',
+	flash: 'Animazione Flash',
+	hiddenfield: 'Campo Nascosto',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Oggetto sconosciuto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..680ba4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'ja', {
+	anchor: 'アンカー',
+	flash: 'Flash Animation',
+	hiddenfield: '不可視フィールド',
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..917ccc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'ka', {
+	anchor: 'ღუზა',
+	flash: 'Flash ანიმაცია',
+	hiddenfield: 'მალული ველი',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'უცნობი ობიექტი'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..429ad3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'km', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor', // MISSING
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5981474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'ko', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor', // MISSING
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..475f770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'ku', {
+	anchor: 'لهنگهر',
+	flash: 'فلاش',
+	hiddenfield: 'شاردنهوهی خانه',
+	iframe: 'لهچوارچێوه',
+	unknown: 'بهرکارێکی نهناسراو'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de4f3b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'lt', {
+	anchor: 'Žymė',
+	flash: 'Flash animacija',
+	hiddenfield: 'PaslÄ—ptas laukas',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Nežinomas objektas'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1fef1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'lv', {
+	anchor: 'Iezīme',
+	flash: 'Flash animācija',
+	hiddenfield: 'Slēpts lauks',
+	iframe: 'Iframe',
+	unknown: 'Nezināms objekts'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec634f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'mk', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor',
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d21d358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'mn', {
+	anchor: 'Зангуу',
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Нууц талбар',
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92bf160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'ms', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor', // MISSING
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7eeca12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'nb', {
+	anchor: 'Anker',
+	flash: 'Flash-animasjon',
+	hiddenfield: 'Skjult felt',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Ukjent objekt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2878b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'nl', {
+	anchor: 'Interne link',
+	flash: 'Flash animatie',
+	hiddenfield: 'Verborgen veld',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Onbekend object'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da9a533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'no', {
+	anchor: 'Anker',
+	flash: 'Flash-animasjon',
+	hiddenfield: 'Skjult felt',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Ukjent objekt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a57361b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'pl', {
+	anchor: 'Kotwica',
+	flash: 'Animacja Flash',
+	hiddenfield: 'Pole ukryte',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Nieznany obiekt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd2164c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'pt-br', {
+	anchor: 'Âncora',
+	flash: 'Animação em Flash',
+	hiddenfield: 'Campo Oculto',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Objeto desconhecido'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a245fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'pt', {
+	anchor: ' Inserir/Editar Âncora',
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Campo Escondido',
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ee8220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'ro', {
+	anchor: 'Inserează/Editează ancoră',
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Câmp ascuns (HiddenField)',
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd6fafe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'ru', {
+	anchor: 'Якорь',
+	flash: 'Flash анимация',
+	hiddenfield: 'Скрытое поле',
+	iframe: 'iFrame',
+	unknown: 'Неизвестный объект'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d25ae31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'sk', {
+	anchor: 'Kotva',
+	flash: 'Flash animácia',
+	hiddenfield: 'Skryté pole',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Neznámy objekt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f402f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'sl', {
+	anchor: 'Sidro',
+	flash: 'Flash animacija',
+	hiddenfield: 'Skrito polje',
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Neznan objekt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23f1c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'sr-latn', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor', // MISSING
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce71cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'sr', {
+	anchor: 'Anchor', // MISSING
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'Hidden Field', // MISSING
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abe8547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'sv', {
+	anchor: 'Ankare',
+	flash: 'Flashanimation',
+	hiddenfield: 'Gömt fält',
+	iframe: 'iFrame',
+	unknown: 'Okänt objekt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7387166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'th', {
+	anchor: 'แทรก/แก้ไข Anchor',
+	flash: 'Flash Animation', // MISSING
+	hiddenfield: 'ฮิดเดนฟิลด์',
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: 'Unknown Object' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f2b8f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'tr', {
+	anchor: 'Bağlantı',
+	flash: 'Flash Animasyonu',
+	hiddenfield: 'Gizli Alan',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Bilinmeyen Nesne'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..378a9d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'ug', {
+	anchor: 'لەڭگەرلىك نۇقتا',
+	flash: 'Flash جانلاندۇرۇم',
+	hiddenfield: 'يوشۇرۇن دائىرە',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'يوچۇن نەڭ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebfb680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'uk', {
+	anchor: 'Якір',
+	flash: 'Flash-анімація',
+	hiddenfield: 'Приховані Поля',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Невідомий об\'єкт'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..444e05c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'vi', {
+	anchor: 'Điểm neo',
+	flash: 'Flash',
+	hiddenfield: 'Trường ẩn',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: 'Đối tượng không rõ ràng'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..761c1eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'zh-cn', {
+	anchor: '锚点',
+	flash: 'Flash 动画',
+	hiddenfield: '隐藏域',
+	iframe: 'IFrame',
+	unknown: '未知对象'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e86274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'fakeobjects', 'zh', {
+	anchor: '錨點',
+	flash: 'Flash å‹•ç•«',
+	hiddenfield: '隱藏欄位',
+	iframe: 'IFrame', // MISSING
+	unknown: '不明物件'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/plugin.js
index 0b173c2..be2d00e 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/plugin.js
@@ -1,43 +1,49 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	var htmlFilterRules =
-	{
-		elements :
-		{
-			$ : function( element )
-			{
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	var cssStyle = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.cssStyle,
+		cssLength = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength;
+	var cssLengthRegex = /^((?:\d*(?:\.\d+))|(?:\d+))(.*)?$/i;
+	// Replacing the former CSS length value with the later one, with
+	// adjustment to the length  unit.
+	function replaceCssLength( length1, length2 ) {
+		var parts1 = cssLengthRegex.exec( length1 ),
+			parts2 = cssLengthRegex.exec( length2 );
+		// Omit pixel length unit when necessary,
+		// e.g. replaceCssLength( 10, '20px' ) -> 20
+		if ( parts1 ) {
+			if ( !parts1[ 2 ] && parts2[ 2 ] == 'px' )
+				return parts2[ 1 ];
+			if ( parts1[ 2 ] == 'px' && !parts2[ 2 ] )
+				return parts2[ 1 ] + 'px';
+		}
+		return length2;
+	}
+	var htmlFilterRules = {
+		elements: {
+			$: function( element ) {
 				var attributes = element.attributes,
-					realHtml = attributes && attributes._cke_realelement,
+					realHtml = attributes && attributes[ 'data-cke-realelement' ],
 					realFragment = realHtml && new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( decodeURIComponent( realHtml ) ),
 					realElement = realFragment && realFragment.children[ 0 ];
-				// If we have width/height in the element, we must move it into
-				// the real element.
-				if ( realElement && element.attributes._cke_resizable )
-				{
-					var style = element.attributes.style;
-					if ( style )
-					{
-						// Get the width from the style.
-						var match = /(?:^|\s)width\s*:\s*(\d+)/i.exec( style ),
-							width = match && match[1];
-						// Get the height from the style.
-						match = /(?:^|\s)height\s*:\s*(\d+)/i.exec( style );
-						var height = match && match[1];
+				// Width/height in the fake object are subjected to clone into the real element.
+				if ( realElement && element.attributes[ 'data-cke-resizable' ] ) {
+					var styles = new cssStyle( element ).rules,
+						realAttrs = realElement.attributes,
+						width = styles.width,
+						height = styles.height;
-						if ( width )
-							realElement.attributes.width = width;
-						if ( height )
-							realElement.attributes.height = height;
-					}
+					width && ( realAttrs.width = replaceCssLength( realAttrs.width, width ) );
+					height && ( realAttrs.height = replaceCssLength( realAttrs.height, height ) );
 				return realElement;
@@ -45,12 +51,10 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'fakeobjects',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'htmlwriter' ],
+	var plugin = CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'fakeobjects', {
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
-		afterInit : function( editor )
-		{
+		afterInit: function( editor ) {
 			var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
 				htmlFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.htmlFilter;
@@ -58,65 +62,111 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				htmlFilter.addRules( htmlFilterRules );
-CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.createFakeElement = function( realElement, className, realElementType, isResizable )
-	var lang = this.lang.fakeobjects;
-	var attributes =
-	{
-		'class' : className,
-		src : CKEDITOR.getUrl( 'images/spacer.gif' ),
-		_cke_realelement : encodeURIComponent( realElement.getOuterHtml() ),
-		_cke_real_node_type : realElement.type,
-		alt : lang[ realElementType ] || lang.unknown,
-		align : realElement.getAttribute( 'align' ) || ''
-	};
-	if ( realElementType )
-		attributes._cke_real_element_type = realElementType;
-	if ( isResizable )
-		attributes._cke_resizable = isResizable;
-	return this.document.createElement( 'img', { attributes : attributes } );
+	/**
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.createFakeElement = function( realElement, className, realElementType, isResizable ) {
+		var lang = this.lang.fakeobjects,
+			label = lang[ realElementType ] || lang.unknown;
+		var attributes = {
+			'class': className,
+			'data-cke-realelement': encodeURIComponent( realElement.getOuterHtml() ),
+			'data-cke-real-node-type': realElement.type,
+			alt: label,
+			title: label,
+			align: realElement.getAttribute( 'align' ) || ''
+		};
+		// Do not set "src" on high-contrast so the alt text is displayed. (#8945)
+		if ( !CKEDITOR.env.hc )
+			attributes.src = CKEDITOR.getUrl( plugin.path + 'images/spacer.gif' );
+		if ( realElementType )
+			attributes[ 'data-cke-real-element-type' ] = realElementType;
+		if ( isResizable ) {
+			attributes[ 'data-cke-resizable' ] = isResizable;
+			var fakeStyle = new cssStyle();
+			var width = realElement.getAttribute( 'width' ),
+				height = realElement.getAttribute( 'height' );
+			width && ( fakeStyle.rules.width = cssLength( width ) );
+			height && ( fakeStyle.rules.height = cssLength( height ) );
+			fakeStyle.populate( attributes );
+		}
-CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.createFakeParserElement = function( realElement, className, realElementType, isResizable )
-	var lang = this.lang.fakeobjects,
-		html;
+		return this.document.createElement( 'img', { attributes: attributes } );
+	};
-	var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();
-	realElement.writeHtml( writer );
-	html = writer.getHtml();
+	/**
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.createFakeParserElement = function( realElement, className, realElementType, isResizable ) {
+		var lang = this.lang.fakeobjects,
+			label = lang[ realElementType ] || lang.unknown,
+			html;
+		var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();
+		realElement.writeHtml( writer );
+		html = writer.getHtml();
+		var attributes = {
+			'class': className,
+			'data-cke-realelement': encodeURIComponent( html ),
+			'data-cke-real-node-type': realElement.type,
+			alt: label,
+			title: label,
+			align: realElement.attributes.align || ''
+		};
+		// Do not set "src" on high-contrast so the alt text is displayed. (#8945)
+		if ( !CKEDITOR.env.hc )
+			attributes.src = CKEDITOR.getUrl( plugin.path + 'images/spacer.gif' );
+		if ( realElementType )
+			attributes[ 'data-cke-real-element-type' ] = realElementType;
+		if ( isResizable ) {
+			attributes[ 'data-cke-resizable' ] = isResizable;
+			var realAttrs = realElement.attributes,
+				fakeStyle = new cssStyle();
+			var width = realAttrs.width,
+				height = realAttrs.height;
+			width != undefined && ( fakeStyle.rules.width = cssLength( width ) );
+			height != undefined && ( fakeStyle.rules.height = cssLength( height ) );
+			fakeStyle.populate( attributes );
+		}
-	var attributes =
-	{
-		'class' : className,
-		src : CKEDITOR.getUrl( 'images/spacer.gif' ),
-		_cke_realelement : encodeURIComponent( html ),
-		_cke_real_node_type : realElement.type,
-		alt : lang[ realElementType ] || lang.unknown,
-		align : realElement.attributes.align || ''
+		return new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'img', attributes );
-	if ( realElementType )
-		attributes._cke_real_element_type = realElementType;
+	/**
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.restoreRealElement = function( fakeElement ) {
+		if ( fakeElement.data( 'cke-real-node-type' ) != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+			return null;
-	if ( isResizable )
-		attributes._cke_resizable = isResizable;
+		var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( decodeURIComponent( fakeElement.data( 'cke-realelement' ) ), this.document );
-	return new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'img', attributes );
+		if ( fakeElement.data( 'cke-resizable' ) ) {
+			var width = fakeElement.getStyle( 'width' ),
+				height = fakeElement.getStyle( 'height' );
-CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.restoreRealElement = function( fakeElement )
-	if ( fakeElement.getAttribute( '_cke_real_node_type' ) != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-		return null;
+			width && element.setAttribute( 'width', replaceCssLength( element.getAttribute( 'width' ), width ) );
+			height && element.setAttribute( 'height', replaceCssLength( element.getAttribute( 'height' ), height ) );
+		}
+		return element;
+	};
-	return CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(
-		decodeURIComponent( fakeElement.getAttribute( '_cke_realelement' ) ),
-		this.document );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/filebrowser/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/filebrowser/plugin.js
index 176ce05..e607f03 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/filebrowser/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/filebrowser/plugin.js
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @fileOverview The "filebrowser" plugin, it adds support for file uploads and
+ * @fileOverview The "filebrowser" plugin that adds support for file uploads and
  *               browsing.
- * When file is selected inside of the file browser or uploaded, its url is
- * inserted automatically to a field, which is described in the 'filebrowser'
- * attribute. To specify field that should be updated, pass the tab id and
- * element id, separated with a colon.
+ * When a file is uploaded or selected inside the file browser, its URL is
+ * inserted automatically into a field defined in the <code>filebrowser</code>
+ * attribute. In order to specify a field that should be updated, pass the tab ID and
+ * the element ID, separated with a colon.<br /><br />
- * Example 1: (Browse)
+ * <strong>Example 1: (Browse)</strong>
  * <pre>
  * {
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  * }
  * </pre>
- * If you set the 'filebrowser' attribute on any element other than
- * 'fileButton', the 'Browse' action will be triggered.
+ * If you set the <code>filebrowser</code> attribute for an element other than
+ * the <code>fileButton</code>, the <code>Browse</code> action will be triggered.<br /><br />
- * Example 2: (Quick Upload)
+ * <strong>Example 2: (Quick Upload)</strong>
  * <pre>
  * {
@@ -38,23 +38,23 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  * }
  * </pre>
- * If you set the 'filebrowser' attribute on a fileButton element, the
- * 'QuickUpload' action will be executed.
+ * If you set the <code>filebrowser</code> attribute for a <code>fileButton</code>
+ * element, the <code>QuickUpload</code> action will be executed.<br /><br />
- * Filebrowser plugin also supports more advanced configuration (through
- * javascript object).
+ * The filebrowser plugin also supports more advanced configuration performed through
+ * a JavaScript object.
  * The following settings are supported:
- * <pre>
- *  [action] - Browse or QuickUpload
- *  [target] - field to update, tabId:elementId
- *  [params] - additional arguments to be passed to the server connector (optional)
- *  [onSelect] - function to execute when file is selected/uploaded (optional)
- *  [url] - the URL to be called (optional)
- * </pre>
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><code>action</code> – <code>Browse</code> or <code>QuickUpload</code>.</li>
+ * <li><code>target</code> – the field to update in the <code><em>tabId:elementId</em></code> format.</li>
+ * <li><code>params</code> – additional arguments to be passed to the server connector (optional).</li>
+ * <li><code>onSelect</code> – a function to execute when the file is selected/uploaded (optional).</li>
+ * <li><code>url</code> – the URL to be called (optional).</li>
+ * </ul>
- * Example 3: (Quick Upload)
+ * <strong>Example 3: (Quick Upload)</strong>
  * <pre>
  * {
@@ -63,16 +63,16 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  * 	id : 'buttonId',
  * 	filebrowser :
  * 	{
- * 		action : 'QuickUpload', //required
- * 		target : 'tab1:elementId', //required
- * 		params : //optional
+ * 		action : 'QuickUpload', // required
+ * 		target : 'tab1:elementId', // required
+ * 		params : // optional
  * 		{
  * 			type : 'Files',
  * 			currentFolder : '/folder/'
  * 		},
- * 		onSelect : function( fileUrl, errorMessage ) //optional
+ * 		onSelect : function( fileUrl, errorMessage ) // optional
  * 		{
- * 			// Do not call the built-in selectFuntion
+ * 			// Do not call the built-in selectFuntion.
  * 			// return false;
  * 		}
  * 	},
@@ -80,14 +80,16 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  * }
  * </pre>
- * Suppose we have a file element with id 'myFile', text field with id
- * 'elementId' and a fileButton. If filebowser.url is not specified explicitly,
- * form action will be set to 'filebrowser[DialogName]UploadUrl' or, if not
- * specified, to 'filebrowserUploadUrl'. Additional parameters from 'params'
- * object will be added to the query string. It is possible to create your own
- * uploadHandler and cancel the built-in updateTargetElement command.
+ * Suppose you have a file element with an ID of <code>myFile</code>, a text
+ * field with an ID of <code>elementId</code> and a <code>fileButton</code>.
+ * If the <code>filebowser.url</code> attribute is not specified explicitly,
+ * the form action will be set to <code>filebrowser[<em>DialogWindowName</em>]UploadUrl</code>
+ * or, if not specified, to <code>filebrowserUploadUrl</code>. Additional parameters
+ * from the <code>params</code> object will be added to the query string. It is
+ * possible to create your own <code>uploadHandler</code> and cancel the built-in
+ * <code>updateTargetElement</code> command.<br /><br />
- * Example 4: (Browse)
+ * <strong>Example 4: (Browse)</strong>
  * <pre>
  * {
@@ -103,31 +105,27 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  * }
  * </pre>
- * In this example, after pressing a button, file browser will be opened in a
- * popup. If we don't specify filebrowser.url attribute,
- * 'filebrowser[DialogName]BrowseUrl' or 'filebrowserBrowseUrl' will be used.
- * After selecting a file in a file browser, an element with id 'elementId' will
- * be updated. Just like in the third example, a custom 'onSelect' function may be
- * defined.
+ * In this example, when the button is pressed, the file browser will be opened in a
+ * popup window. If you do not specify the <code>filebrowser.url</code> attribute,
+ * <code>filebrowser[<em>DialogName</em>]BrowseUrl</code> or
+ * <code>filebrowserBrowseUrl</code> will be used. After selecting a file in the file
+ * browser, an element with an ID of <code>elementId</code> will be updated. Just
+ * like in the third example, a custom <code>onSelect</code> function may be defined.
-( function()
-	/**
-	 * Adds (additional) arguments to given url.
-	 *
-	 * @param {String}
-	 *            url The url.
-	 * @param {Object}
-	 *            params Additional parameters.
-	 */
-	function addQueryString( url, params )
-	{
+(function() {
+	// Adds (additional) arguments to given url.
+	//
+	// @param {String}
+	//            url The url.
+	// @param {Object}
+	//            params Additional parameters.
+	function addQueryString( url, params ) {
 		var queryString = [];
 		if ( !params )
 			return url;
-		else
-		{
+		else {
 			for ( var i in params )
 				queryString.push( i + "=" + encodeURIComponent( params[ i ] ) );
@@ -135,37 +133,29 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		return url + ( ( url.indexOf( "?" ) != -1 ) ? "&" : "?" ) + queryString.join( "&" );
-	/**
-	 * Make a string's first character uppercase.
-	 *
-	 * @param {String}
-	 *            str String.
-	 */
-	function ucFirst( str )
-	{
+	// Make a string's first character uppercase.
+	//
+	// @param {String}
+	//            str String.
+	function ucFirst( str ) {
 		str += '';
 		var f = str.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase();
 		return f + str.substr( 1 );
-	/**
-	 * The onlick function assigned to the 'Browse Server' button. Opens the
-	 * file browser and updates target field when file is selected.
-	 *
-	 * @param {CKEDITOR.event}
-	 *            evt The event object.
-	 */
-	function browseServer( evt )
-	{
+	// The onlick function assigned to the 'Browse Server' button. Opens the
+	// file browser and updates target field when file is selected.
+	//
+	// @param {CKEDITOR.event}
+	//            evt The event object.
+	function browseServer( evt ) {
 		var dialog = this.getDialog();
 		var editor = dialog.getParentEditor();
 		editor._.filebrowserSe = this;
-		var width = editor.config[ 'filebrowser' + ucFirst( dialog.getName() ) + 'WindowWidth' ]
-				|| editor.config.filebrowserWindowWidth || '80%';
-		var height = editor.config[ 'filebrowser' + ucFirst( dialog.getName() ) + 'WindowHeight' ]
-				|| editor.config.filebrowserWindowHeight || '70%';
+		var width = editor.config[ 'filebrowser' + ucFirst( dialog.getName() ) + 'WindowWidth' ] || editor.config.filebrowserWindowWidth || '80%';
+		var height = editor.config[ 'filebrowser' + ucFirst( dialog.getName() ) + 'WindowHeight' ] || editor.config.filebrowserWindowHeight || '70%';
 		var params = this.filebrowser.params || {};
 		params.CKEditor = editor.name;
@@ -174,19 +164,17 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			params.langCode = editor.langCode;
 		var url = addQueryString( this.filebrowser.url, params );
-		editor.popup( url, width, height, editor.config.fileBrowserWindowFeatures );
+		// TODO: V4: Remove backward compatibility (#8163).
+		editor.popup( url, width, height, editor.config.filebrowserWindowFeatures || editor.config.fileBrowserWindowFeatures );
-	/**
-	 * The onlick function assigned to the 'Upload' button. Makes the final
-	 * decision whether form is really submitted and updates target field when
-	 * file is uploaded.
-	 *
-	 * @param {CKEDITOR.event}
-	 *            evt The event object.
-	 */
-	function uploadFile( evt )
-	{
+	// The onlick function assigned to the 'Upload' button. Makes the final
+	// decision whether form is really submitted and updates target field when
+	// file is uploaded.
+	//
+	// @param {CKEDITOR.event}
+	//            evt The event object.
+	function uploadFile( evt ) {
 		var dialog = this.getDialog();
 		var editor = dialog.getParentEditor();
@@ -202,17 +190,14 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		return true;
-	/**
-	 * Setups the file element.
-	 *
-	 * @param {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file}
-	 *            fileInput The file element used during file upload.
-	 * @param {Object}
-	 *            filebrowser Object containing filebrowser settings assigned to
-	 *            the fileButton associated with this file element.
-	 */
-	function setupFileElement( editor, fileInput, filebrowser )
-	{
+	// Setups the file element.
+	//
+	// @param {CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file}
+	//            fileInput The file element used during file upload.
+	// @param {Object}
+	//            filebrowser Object containing filebrowser settings assigned to
+	//            the fileButton associated with this file element.
+	function setupFileElement( editor, fileInput, filebrowser ) {
 		var params = filebrowser.params || {};
 		params.CKEditor = editor.name;
 		params.CKEditorFuncNum = editor._.filebrowserFn;
@@ -223,64 +208,60 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		fileInput.filebrowser = filebrowser;
-	/**
-	 * Traverse through the content definition and attach filebrowser to
-	 * elements with 'filebrowser' attribute.
-	 *
-	 * @param String
-	 *            dialogName Dialog name.
-	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinitionObject}
-	 *            definition Dialog definition.
-	 * @param {Array}
-	 *            elements Array of {@link CKEDITOR.dialog.contentDefinition}
-	 *            objects.
-	 */
-	function attachFileBrowser( editor, dialogName, definition, elements )
-	{
+	// Traverse through the content definition and attach filebrowser to
+	// elements with 'filebrowser' attribute.
+	//
+	// @param String
+	//            dialogName Dialog name.
+	// @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definitionObject}
+	//            definition Dialog definition.
+	// @param {Array}
+	//            elements Array of {@link CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.content}
+	//            objects.
+	function attachFileBrowser( editor, dialogName, definition, elements ) {
 		var element, fileInput;
-		for ( var i in elements )
-		{
+		for ( var i in elements ) {
 			element = elements[ i ];
-			if ( element.type == 'hbox' || element.type == 'vbox' )
+			if ( element.type == 'hbox' || element.type == 'vbox' || element.type == 'fieldset' )
 				attachFileBrowser( editor, dialogName, definition, element.children );
 			if ( !element.filebrowser )
-			if ( typeof element.filebrowser == 'string' )
-			{
-				var fb =
-				{
-					action : ( element.type == 'fileButton' ) ? 'QuickUpload' : 'Browse',
-					target : element.filebrowser
+			if ( typeof element.filebrowser == 'string' ) {
+				var fb = {
+					action: ( element.type == 'fileButton' ) ? 'QuickUpload' : 'Browse',
+					target: element.filebrowser
 				element.filebrowser = fb;
-			if ( element.filebrowser.action == 'Browse' )
-			{
-				var url = element.filebrowser.url || editor.config[ 'filebrowser' + ucFirst( dialogName ) + 'BrowseUrl' ]
-							|| editor.config.filebrowserBrowseUrl;
+			if ( element.filebrowser.action == 'Browse' ) {
+				var url = element.filebrowser.url;
+				if ( url === undefined ) {
+					url = editor.config[ 'filebrowser' + ucFirst( dialogName ) + 'BrowseUrl' ];
+					if ( url === undefined )
+						url = editor.config.filebrowserBrowseUrl;
+				}
-				if ( url )
-				{
+				if ( url ) {
 					element.onClick = browseServer;
 					element.filebrowser.url = url;
 					element.hidden = false;
-			}
-			else if ( element.filebrowser.action == 'QuickUpload' && element[ 'for' ] )
-			{
-				url =  element.filebrowser.url || editor.config[ 'filebrowser' + ucFirst( dialogName ) + 'UploadUrl' ]
-							|| editor.config.filebrowserUploadUrl;
+			} else if ( element.filebrowser.action == 'QuickUpload' && element[ 'for' ] ) {
+				url = element.filebrowser.url;
+				if ( url === undefined ) {
+					url = editor.config[ 'filebrowser' + ucFirst( dialogName ) + 'UploadUrl' ];
+					if ( url === undefined )
+						url = editor.config.filebrowserUploadUrl;
+				}
-				if ( url )
-				{
+				if ( url ) {
 					var onClick = element.onClick;
-					element.onClick = function( evt )
-					{
+					element.onClick = function( evt ) {
 						// "element" here means the definition object, so we need to find the correct
 						// button to scope the event call
 						var sender = evt.sender;
@@ -298,49 +279,38 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	/**
-	 * Updates the target element with the url of uploaded/selected file.
-	 *
-	 * @param {String}
-	 *            url The url of a file.
-	 */
-	function updateTargetElement( url, sourceElement )
-	{
+	// Updates the target element with the url of uploaded/selected file.
+	//
+	// @param {String}
+	//            url The url of a file.
+	function updateTargetElement( url, sourceElement ) {
 		var dialog = sourceElement.getDialog();
 		var targetElement = sourceElement.filebrowser.target || null;
-		url = url.replace( /#/g, '%23' );
 		// If there is a reference to targetElement, update it.
-		if ( targetElement )
-		{
+		if ( targetElement ) {
 			var target = targetElement.split( ':' );
 			var element = dialog.getContentElement( target[ 0 ], target[ 1 ] );
-			if ( element )
-			{
+			if ( element ) {
 				element.setValue( url );
 				dialog.selectPage( target[ 0 ] );
-	/**
-	 * Returns true if filebrowser is configured in one of the elements.
-	 *
-	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.dialogDefinitionObject}
-	 *            definition Dialog definition.
-	 * @param String
-	 *            tabId The tab id where element(s) can be found.
-	 * @param String
-	 *            elementId The element id (or ids, separated with a semicolon) to check.
-	 */
-	function isConfigured( definition, tabId, elementId )
-	{
-		if ( elementId.indexOf( ";" ) !== -1 )
-		{
+	// Returns true if filebrowser is configured in one of the elements.
+	//
+	// @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definitionObject}
+	//            definition Dialog definition.
+	// @param String
+	//            tabId The tab id where element(s) can be found.
+	// @param String
+	//            elementId The element id (or ids, separated with a semicolon) to check.
+	function isConfigured( definition, tabId, elementId ) {
+		if ( elementId.indexOf( ";" ) !== -1 ) {
 			var ids = elementId.split( ";" );
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < ids.length ; i++ )
-			{
-				if ( isConfigured( definition, tabId, ids[i]) )
+			for ( var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++ ) {
+				if ( isConfigured( definition, tabId, ids[ i ] ) )
 					return true;
 			return false;
@@ -350,8 +320,7 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		return ( elementFileBrowser && elementFileBrowser.url );
-	function setUrl( fileUrl, data )
-	{
+	function setUrl( fileUrl, data ) {
 		var dialog = this._.filebrowserSe.getDialog(),
 			targetInput = this._.filebrowserSe[ 'for' ],
 			onSelect = this._.filebrowserSe.filebrowser.onSelect;
@@ -373,119 +342,153 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			updateTargetElement( fileUrl, this._.filebrowserSe );
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'filebrowser',
-	{
-		init : function( editor, pluginPath )
-		{
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'filebrowser', {
+		requires: 'popup',
+		init: function( editor, pluginPath ) {
 			editor._.filebrowserFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( setUrl, editor );
+			editor.on( 'destroy', function() {
+				CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( this._.filebrowserFn );
+			});
-	} );
+	});
-	CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( evt )
-	{
+	CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( evt ) {
 		var definition = evt.data.definition,
 		// Associate filebrowser to elements with 'filebrowser' attribute.
-		for ( var i in definition.contents )
-		{
-			if ( ( element = definition.contents[ i ] ) )
-			{
+		for ( var i in definition.contents ) {
+			if ( ( element = definition.contents[ i ] ) ) {
 				attachFileBrowser( evt.editor, evt.data.name, definition, element.elements );
-				if ( element.hidden && element.filebrowser )
-				{
+				if ( element.hidden && element.filebrowser ) {
 					element.hidden = !isConfigured( definition, element[ 'id' ], element.filebrowser );
-	} );
+	});
-} )();
- * The location of an external file browser, that should be launched when "Browse Server" button is pressed.
- * If configured, the "Browse Server" button will appear in Link, Image and Flash dialogs.
- * @see The <a href="http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/Developers_Guide/File_Browser_(Uploader)">File Browser/Uploader</a> documentation.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserBrowseUrl
+ * The location of an external file browser that should be launched when the **Browse Server**
+ * button is pressed. If configured, the **Browse Server** button will appear in the
+ * **Link**, **Image**, and **Flash** dialog windows.
+ *
+ * See the [File Browser/Uploader](http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/Developers_Guide/File_Browser_(Uploader\)) documentation.
+ *
+ *		config.filebrowserBrowseUrl = '/browser/browse.php';
+ *
  * @since 3.0
- * @type String
- * @default '' (empty string = disabled)
- * @example
- * config.filebrowserBrowseUrl = '/browser/browse.php';
+ * @cfg {String} [filebrowserBrowseUrl='' (empty string = disabled)]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * The location of a script that handles file uploads.
- * If set, the "Upload" tab will appear in "Link", "Image" and "Flash" dialogs.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserUploadUrl
- * @see The <a href="http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/Developers_Guide/File_Browser_(Uploader)">File Browser/Uploader</a> documentation.
+ * The location of the script that handles file uploads.
+ * If set, the **Upload** tab will appear in the **Link**, **Image**,
+ * and **Flash** dialog windows.
+ *
+ * See the [File Browser/Uploader](http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/Developers_Guide/File_Browser_(Uploader\)) documentation.
+ *
+ *		config.filebrowserUploadUrl = '/uploader/upload.php';
+ *
  * @since 3.0
- * @type String
- * @default '' (empty string = disabled)
- * @example
- * config.filebrowserUploadUrl = '/uploader/upload.php';
+ * @cfg {String} [filebrowserUploadUrl='' (empty string = disabled)]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * The location of an external file browser, that should be launched when "Browse Server" button is pressed in the Image dialog.
- * If not set, CKEditor will use {@link CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserBrowseUrl}.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl
+ * The location of an external file browser that should be launched when the **Browse Server**
+ * button is pressed in the **Image** dialog window.
+ *
+ * If not set, CKEditor will use {@link CKEDITOR.config#filebrowserBrowseUrl}.
+ *
+ *		config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl = '/browser/browse.php?type=Images';
+ *
  * @since 3.0
- * @type String
- * @default '' (empty string = disabled)
- * @example
- * config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl = '/browser/browse.php?type=Images';
+ * @cfg {String} [filebrowserImageBrowseUrl='' (empty string = disabled)]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * The location of an external file browser, that should be launched when "Browse Server" button is pressed in the Flash dialog.
- * If not set, CKEditor will use {@link CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserBrowseUrl}.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl
+ * The location of an external file browser that should be launched when the **Browse Server**
+ * button is pressed in the **Flash** dialog window.
+ *
+ * If not set, CKEditor will use {@link CKEDITOR.config#filebrowserBrowseUrl}.
+ *
+ *		config.filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl = '/browser/browse.php?type=Flash';
+ *
  * @since 3.0
- * @type String
- * @default '' (empty string = disabled)
- * @example
- * config.filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl = '/browser/browse.php?type=Flash';
+ * @cfg {String} [filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl='' (empty string = disabled)]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * The location of a script that handles file uploads in the Image dialog.
- * If not set, CKEditor will use {@link CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserUploadUrl}.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserImageUploadUrl
+ * The location of the script that handles file uploads in the **Image** dialog window.
+ *
+ * If not set, CKEditor will use {@link CKEDITOR.config#filebrowserUploadUrl}.
+ *
+ *		config.filebrowserImageUploadUrl = '/uploader/upload.php?type=Images';
+ *
  * @since 3.0
- * @type String
- * @default '' (empty string = disabled)
- * @example
- * config.filebrowserImageUploadUrl = '/uploader/upload.php?type=Images';
+ * @cfg {String} [filebrowserImageUploadUrl='' (empty string = disabled)]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * The location of a script that handles file uploads in the Flash dialog.
- * If not set, CKEditor will use {@link CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserUploadUrl}.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserFlashUploadUrl
+ * The location of the script that handles file uploads in the **Flash** dialog window.
+ *
+ * If not set, CKEditor will use {@link CKEDITOR.config#filebrowserUploadUrl}.
+ *
+ *		config.filebrowserFlashUploadUrl = '/uploader/upload.php?type=Flash';
+ *
  * @since 3.0
- * @type String
- * @default '' (empty string = disabled)
- * @example
- * config.filebrowserFlashUploadUrl = '/uploader/upload.php?type=Flash';
+ * @cfg {String} filebrowserFlashUploadUrl='' (empty string = disabled)]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * The location of an external file browser, that should be launched when "Browse Server" button is pressed in the Link tab of Image dialog.
- * If not set, CKEditor will use {@link CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserBrowseUrl}.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserImageBrowseLinkUrl
+ * The location of an external file browser that should be launched when the **Browse Server**
+ * button is pressed in the **Link** tab of the **Image** dialog window.
+ *
+ * If not set, CKEditor will use {@link CKEDITOR.config#filebrowserBrowseUrl}.
+ *
+ *		config.filebrowserImageBrowseLinkUrl = '/browser/browse.php';
+ *
  * @since 3.2
- * @type String
- * @default '' (empty string = disabled)
- * @example
- * config.filebrowserImageBrowseLinkUrl = '/browser/browse.php';
+ * @cfg {String} [filebrowserImageBrowseLinkUrl='' (empty string = disabled)]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * The "features" to use in the file browser popup window.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserWindowFeatures
+ * The features to use in the file browser popup window.
+ *
+ *		config.filebrowserWindowFeatures = 'resizable=yes,scrollbars=no';
+ *
  * @since 3.4.1
- * @type String
- * @default 'location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,dependent=yes,minimizable=no,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'
- * @example
- * config.filebrowserWindowFeatures = 'resizable=yes,scrollbars=no';
+ * @cfg {String} [filebrowserWindowFeatures='location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,dependent=yes,minimizable=no,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * The width of the file browser popup window. It can be a number denoting a value in
+ * pixels or a percent string.
+ *
+ *		config.filebrowserWindowWidth = 750;
+ *
+ *		config.filebrowserWindowWidth = '50%';
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number/String} [filebrowserWindowWidth='80%']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * The height of the file browser popup window. It can be a number denoting a value in
+ * pixels or a percent string.
+ *
+ *		config.filebrowserWindowHeight = 580;
+ *
+ *		config.filebrowserWindowHeight = '50%';
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number/String} [filebrowserWindowHeight='70%']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/dialogs/find.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/dialogs/find.js
index bc9f8a4..a7168c7 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/dialogs/find.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/dialogs/find.js
@@ -1,818 +1,718 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
 	var isReplace;
-	function findEvaluator( node )
-	{
+	function findEvaluator( node ) {
 		return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && node.getLength() > 0 && ( !isReplace || !node.isReadOnly() );
-	/**
-	 * Elements which break characters been considered as sequence.
-	*/
-	function nonCharactersBoundary( node )
-	{
-		return !( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.isBlockBoundary(
-			CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty, CKEDITOR.dtd.$nonEditable ) ) );
+	// Elements which break characters been considered as sequence.
+	function nonCharactersBoundary( node ) {
+		return !( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.isBlockBoundary( CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty, CKEDITOR.dtd.$nonEditable ) ) );
-	/**
-	 * Get the cursor object which represent both current character and it's dom
-	 * position thing.
-	 */
-	var cursorStep = function()
-	{
-		return {
-			textNode : this.textNode,
-			offset : this.offset,
-			character : this.textNode ?
-				this.textNode.getText().charAt( this.offset ) : null,
-			hitMatchBoundary : this._.matchBoundary
+	// Get the cursor object which represent both current character and it's dom
+	// position thing.
+	var cursorStep = function() {
+			return {
+				textNode: this.textNode,
+				offset: this.offset,
+				character: this.textNode ? this.textNode.getText().charAt( this.offset ) : null,
+				hitMatchBoundary: this._.matchBoundary
+			};
-	};
 	var pages = [ 'find', 'replace' ],
 		fieldsMapping = [
-		[ 'txtFindFind', 'txtFindReplace' ],
-		[ 'txtFindCaseChk', 'txtReplaceCaseChk' ],
-		[ 'txtFindWordChk', 'txtReplaceWordChk' ],
-		[ 'txtFindCyclic', 'txtReplaceCyclic' ] ];
-	/**
-	 * Synchronize corresponding filed values between 'replace' and 'find' pages.
-	 * @param {String} currentPageId	The page id which receive values.
-	 */
-	function syncFieldsBetweenTabs( currentPageId )
-	{
-		var sourceIndex, targetIndex,
-			sourceField, targetField;
+			[ 'txtFindFind', 'txtFindReplace' ],
+			[ 'txtFindCaseChk', 'txtReplaceCaseChk' ],
+			[ 'txtFindWordChk', 'txtReplaceWordChk' ],
+			[ 'txtFindCyclic', 'txtReplaceCyclic' ] ];
+	// Synchronize corresponding filed values between 'replace' and 'find' pages.
+	// @param {String} currentPageId	The page id which receive values.
+	function syncFieldsBetweenTabs( currentPageId ) {
+		var sourceIndex, targetIndex, sourceField, targetField;
 		sourceIndex = currentPageId === 'find' ? 1 : 0;
 		targetIndex = 1 - sourceIndex;
-		var i, l = fieldsMapping.length;
-		for ( i = 0 ; i < l ; i++ )
-		{
-			sourceField = this.getContentElement( pages[ sourceIndex ],
-					fieldsMapping[ i ][ sourceIndex ] );
-			targetField = this.getContentElement( pages[ targetIndex ],
-					fieldsMapping[ i ][ targetIndex ] );
+		var i,
+			l = fieldsMapping.length;
+		for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
+			sourceField = this.getContentElement( pages[ sourceIndex ], fieldsMapping[ i ][ sourceIndex ] );
+			targetField = this.getContentElement( pages[ targetIndex ], fieldsMapping[ i ][ targetIndex ] );
 			targetField.setValue( sourceField.getValue() );
-	var findDialog = function( editor, startupPage )
-	{
-		// Style object for highlights: (#5018)
-		// 1. Defined as full match style to avoid compromising ordinary text color styles.
-		// 2. Must be apply onto inner-most text to avoid conflicting with ordinary text color styles visually.
-		var highlightStyle = new CKEDITOR.style( CKEDITOR.tools.extend( { fullMatch : true, childRule : function(){ return false; } },
-			editor.config.find_highlight ) );
-		/**
-		 * Iterator which walk through the specified range char by char. By
-		 * default the walking will not stop at the character boundaries, until
-		 * the end of the range is encountered.
-		 * @param { CKEDITOR.dom.range } range
-		 * @param {Boolean} matchWord Whether the walking will stop at character boundary.
-		 */
-		var characterWalker = function( range , matchWord )
-		{
-			var walker =
-				new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
-			walker.guard = matchWord ? nonCharactersBoundary : null;
-			walker[ 'evaluator' ] = findEvaluator;
-			walker.breakOnFalse = true;
-			this._ = {
-				matchWord : matchWord,
-				walker : walker,
-				matchBoundary : false
-			};
-		};
-		characterWalker.prototype = {
-			next : function()
-			{
-				return this.move();
-			},
-			back : function()
-			{
-				return this.move( true );
-			},
-			move : function( rtl )
-			{
-				var currentTextNode = this.textNode;
-				// Already at the end of document, no more character available.
-				if (  currentTextNode === null )
-					return cursorStep.call( this );
+	var findDialog = function( editor, startupPage ) {
+			// Style object for highlights: (#5018)
+			// 1. Defined as full match style to avoid compromising ordinary text color styles.
+			// 2. Must be apply onto inner-most text to avoid conflicting with ordinary text color styles visually.
+			var highlightStyle = new CKEDITOR.style( CKEDITOR.tools.extend({
+				attributes: { 'data-cke-highlight':1 },
+				fullMatch: 1, ignoreReadonly: 1, childRule: function() {
+					return 0;
+				} }, editor.config.find_highlight, true ) );
+			// Iterator which walk through the specified range char by char. By
+			// default the walking will not stop at the character boundaries, until
+			// the end of the range is encountered.
+			// @param { CKEDITOR.dom.range } range
+			// @param {Boolean} matchWord Whether the walking will stop at character boundary.
+			var characterWalker = function( range, matchWord ) {
+					var self = this;
+					var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
+					walker.guard = matchWord ? nonCharactersBoundary : function( node ) {
+						!nonCharactersBoundary( node ) && ( self._.matchBoundary = true );
+					};
+					walker[ 'evaluator' ] = findEvaluator;
+					walker.breakOnFalse = 1;
+					if ( range.startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
+						this.textNode = range.startContainer;
+						this.offset = range.startOffset - 1;
+					}
-				this._.matchBoundary = false;
+					this._ = {
+						matchWord: matchWord,
+						walker: walker,
+						matchBoundary: false
+					};
+				};
-				// There are more characters in the text node, step forward.
-				if ( currentTextNode
-				    && rtl
-					&& this.offset > 0 )
-				{
-					this.offset--;
-					return cursorStep.call( this );
-				}
-				else if ( currentTextNode
-					&& this.offset < currentTextNode.getLength() - 1 )
-				{
-					this.offset++;
-					return cursorStep.call( this );
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					currentTextNode = null;
-					// At the end of the text node, walking foward for the next.
-					while ( !currentTextNode )
-					{
-						currentTextNode =
-							this._.walker[ rtl ? 'previous' : 'next' ].call( this._.walker );
-						// Stop searching if we're need full word match OR
-						// already reach document end.
-						if ( this._.matchWord && !currentTextNode
-							 ||this._.walker._.end )
-							break;
+			characterWalker.prototype = {
+				next: function() {
+					return this.move();
+				},
-						// Marking as match character boundaries.
-						if ( !currentTextNode
-						   && !nonCharactersBoundary( this._.walker.current ) )
-							this._.matchBoundary = true;
+				back: function() {
+					return this.move( true );
+				},
+				move: function( rtl ) {
+					var currentTextNode = this.textNode;
+					// Already at the end of document, no more character available.
+					if ( currentTextNode === null )
+						return cursorStep.call( this );
+					this._.matchBoundary = false;
+					// There are more characters in the text node, step forward.
+					if ( currentTextNode && rtl && this.offset > 0 ) {
+						this.offset--;
+						return cursorStep.call( this );
+					} else if ( currentTextNode && this.offset < currentTextNode.getLength() - 1 ) {
+						this.offset++;
+						return cursorStep.call( this );
+					} else {
+						currentTextNode = null;
+						// At the end of the text node, walking foward for the next.
+						while ( !currentTextNode ) {
+							currentTextNode = this._.walker[ rtl ? 'previous' : 'next' ].call( this._.walker );
+							// Stop searching if we're need full word match OR
+							// already reach document end.
+							if ( this._.matchWord && !currentTextNode || this._.walker._.end )
+								break;
+						}
+						// Found a fresh text node.
+						this.textNode = currentTextNode;
+						if ( currentTextNode )
+							this.offset = rtl ? currentTextNode.getLength() - 1 : 0;
+						else
+							this.offset = 0;
-					// Found a fresh text node.
-					this.textNode = currentTextNode;
-					if ( currentTextNode )
-						this.offset = rtl ? currentTextNode.getLength() - 1 : 0;
-					else
-						this.offset = 0;
-				}
-				return cursorStep.call( this );
-			}
-		};
+					return cursorStep.call( this );
+				}
-		/**
-		 * A range of cursors which represent a trunk of characters which try to
-		 * match, it has the same length as the pattern  string.
-		 */
-		var characterRange = function( characterWalker, rangeLength )
-		{
-			this._ = {
-				walker : characterWalker,
-				cursors : [],
-				rangeLength : rangeLength,
-				highlightRange : null,
-				isMatched : false
-		};
-		characterRange.prototype = {
-			 * Translate this range to {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range}
+			 * A range of cursors which represent a trunk of characters which try to
+			 * match, it has the same length as the pattern  string.
+			 *
+			 * **Note:** This class isn't accessible from global scope.
+			 *
+			 * @private
+			 * @class CKEDITOR.plugins.find.characterRange
+			 * @constructor Creates a characterRange class instance.
-			toDomRange : function()
-			{
-				var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );
-				var cursors = this._.cursors;
-				if ( cursors.length < 1 )
-				{
-					var textNode = this._.walker.textNode;
-					if ( textNode )
+			var characterRange = function( characterWalker, rangeLength ) {
+					this._ = {
+						walker: characterWalker,
+						cursors: [],
+						rangeLength: rangeLength,
+						highlightRange: null,
+						isMatched: 0
+					};
+				};
+			characterRange.prototype = {
+				/**
+				 * Translate this range to {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range}.
+				 */
+				toDomRange: function() {
+					var range = editor.createRange();
+					var cursors = this._.cursors;
+					if ( cursors.length < 1 ) {
+						var textNode = this._.walker.textNode;
+						if ( textNode )
 							range.setStartAfter( textNode );
-					else
-						return null;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					var first = cursors[0],
+						else
+							return null;
+					} else {
+						var first = cursors[ 0 ],
 							last = cursors[ cursors.length - 1 ];
-					range.setStart( first.textNode, first.offset );
-					range.setEnd( last.textNode, last.offset + 1 );
-				}
+						range.setStart( first.textNode, first.offset );
+						range.setEnd( last.textNode, last.offset + 1 );
+					}
-				return range;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Reflect the latest changes from dom range.
-			 */
-			updateFromDomRange : function( domRange )
-			{
-				var cursor,
+					return range;
+				},
+				/**
+				 * Reflect the latest changes from dom range.
+				 */
+				updateFromDomRange: function( domRange ) {
+					var cursor,
 						walker = new characterWalker( domRange );
-				this._.cursors = [];
-				do
-				{
-					cursor = walker.next();
-					if ( cursor.character )
-						this._.cursors.push( cursor );
-				}
-				while ( cursor.character );
-				this._.rangeLength = this._.cursors.length;
-			},
+					this._.cursors = [];
+					do {
+						cursor = walker.next();
+						if ( cursor.character ) this._.cursors.push( cursor );
+					}
+					while ( cursor.character );
+					this._.rangeLength = this._.cursors.length;
+				},
-			setMatched : function()
-			{
-				this._.isMatched = true;
-			},
+				setMatched: function() {
+					this._.isMatched = true;
+				},
-			clearMatched : function()
-			{
-				this._.isMatched = false;
-			},
+				clearMatched: function() {
+					this._.isMatched = false;
+				},
-			isMatched : function()
-			{
-				return this._.isMatched;
-			},
+				isMatched: function() {
+					return this._.isMatched;
+				},
-			/**
-			 * Hightlight the current matched chunk of text.
-			 */
-			highlight : function()
-			{
-				// Do not apply if nothing is found.
-				if ( this._.cursors.length < 1 )
-					return;
-				// Remove the previous highlight if there's one.
-				if ( this._.highlightRange )
-					this.removeHighlight();
-				// Apply the highlight.
-				var range = this.toDomRange(),
-					bookmark = range.createBookmark();
-				highlightStyle.applyToRange( range );
-				range.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
-				this._.highlightRange = range;
-				// Scroll the editor to the highlighted area.
-				var element = range.startContainer;
-				if ( element.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-					element = element.getParent();
-				element.scrollIntoView();
-				// Update the character cursors.
-				this.updateFromDomRange( range );
-			},
+				/**
+				 * Hightlight the current matched chunk of text.
+				 */
+				highlight: function() {
+					// Do not apply if nothing is found.
+					if ( this._.cursors.length < 1 )
+						return;
+					// Remove the previous highlight if there's one.
+					if ( this._.highlightRange )
+						this.removeHighlight();
+					// Apply the highlight.
+					var range = this.toDomRange(),
+						bookmark = range.createBookmark();
+					highlightStyle.applyToRange( range );
+					range.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
+					this._.highlightRange = range;
+					// Scroll the editor to the highlighted area.
+					var element = range.startContainer;
+					if ( element.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+						element = element.getParent();
+					element.scrollIntoView();
+					// Update the character cursors.
+					this.updateFromDomRange( range );
+				},
-			/**
-			 * Remove highlighted find result.
-			 */
-			removeHighlight : function()
-			{
-				if ( !this._.highlightRange )
-					return;
-				var bookmark = this._.highlightRange.createBookmark();
-				highlightStyle.removeFromRange( this._.highlightRange );
-				this._.highlightRange.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
-				this.updateFromDomRange( this._.highlightRange );
-				this._.highlightRange = null;
-			},
-			isReadOnly : function()
-			{
-				if ( !this._.highlightRange )
-					return 0;
+				/**
+				 * Remove highlighted find result.
+				 */
+				removeHighlight: function() {
+					if ( !this._.highlightRange )
+						return;
+					var bookmark = this._.highlightRange.createBookmark();
+					highlightStyle.removeFromRange( this._.highlightRange );
+					this._.highlightRange.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
+					this.updateFromDomRange( this._.highlightRange );
+					this._.highlightRange = null;
+				},
-				return this._.highlightRange.startContainer.isReadOnly();
-			},
+				isReadOnly: function() {
+					if ( !this._.highlightRange )
+						return 0;
-			moveBack : function()
-			{
-				var retval = this._.walker.back(),
-					cursors = this._.cursors;
+					return this._.highlightRange.startContainer.isReadOnly();
+				},
-				if ( retval.hitMatchBoundary )
-					this._.cursors = cursors = [];
+				moveBack: function() {
+					var retval = this._.walker.back(),
+						cursors = this._.cursors;
-				cursors.unshift( retval );
-				if ( cursors.length > this._.rangeLength )
-					cursors.pop();
+					if ( retval.hitMatchBoundary )
+						this._.cursors = cursors = [];
-				return retval;
-			},
+					cursors.unshift( retval );
+					if ( cursors.length > this._.rangeLength )
+						cursors.pop();
-			moveNext : function()
-			{
-				var retval = this._.walker.next(),
-					cursors = this._.cursors;
+					return retval;
+				},
-				// Clear the cursors queue if we've crossed a match boundary.
-				if ( retval.hitMatchBoundary )
-					this._.cursors = cursors = [];
+				moveNext: function() {
+					var retval = this._.walker.next(),
+						cursors = this._.cursors;
-				cursors.push( retval );
-				if ( cursors.length > this._.rangeLength )
-					cursors.shift();
+					// Clear the cursors queue if we've crossed a match boundary.
+					if ( retval.hitMatchBoundary )
+						this._.cursors = cursors = [];
-				return retval;
-			},
+					cursors.push( retval );
+					if ( cursors.length > this._.rangeLength )
+						cursors.shift();
-			getEndCharacter : function()
-			{
-				var cursors = this._.cursors;
-				if ( cursors.length < 1 )
-					return null;
+					return retval;
+				},
+				getEndCharacter: function() {
+					var cursors = this._.cursors;
+					if ( cursors.length < 1 )
+						return null;
-				return cursors[ cursors.length - 1 ].character;
-			},
+					return cursors[ cursors.length - 1 ].character;
+				},
-			getNextCharacterRange : function( maxLength )
-			{
-				var lastCursor,
-						nextRangeWalker,
+				getNextCharacterRange: function( maxLength ) {
+					var lastCursor, nextRangeWalker,
 						cursors = this._.cursors;
-				if ( ( lastCursor = cursors[ cursors.length - 1 ] ) && lastCursor.textNode )
-					nextRangeWalker = new characterWalker( getRangeAfterCursor( lastCursor ) );
-				// In case it's an empty range (no cursors), figure out next range from walker (#4951).
-				else
-					nextRangeWalker = this._.walker;
+					if ( ( lastCursor = cursors[ cursors.length - 1 ] ) && lastCursor.textNode )
+						nextRangeWalker = new characterWalker( getRangeAfterCursor( lastCursor ) );
+					// In case it's an empty range (no cursors), figure out next range from walker (#4951).
+					else
+						nextRangeWalker = this._.walker;
+					return new characterRange( nextRangeWalker, maxLength );
+				},
-				return new characterRange( nextRangeWalker, maxLength );
-			},
+				getCursors: function() {
+					return this._.cursors;
+				}
+			};
-			getCursors : function()
-			{
-				return this._.cursors;
+			// The remaining document range after the character cursor.
+			function getRangeAfterCursor( cursor, inclusive ) {
+				var range = editor.createRange();
+				range.setStart( cursor.textNode, ( inclusive ? cursor.offset : cursor.offset + 1 ) );
+				range.setEndAt( editor.editable(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+				return range;
-		};
+			// The document range before the character cursor.
+			function getRangeBeforeCursor( cursor ) {
+				var range = editor.createRange();
+				range.setStartAt( editor.editable(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
+				range.setEnd( cursor.textNode, cursor.offset );
+				return range;
+			}
-		// The remaining document range after the character cursor.
-		function getRangeAfterCursor( cursor , inclusive )
-		{
-			var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range();
-			range.setStart( cursor.textNode,
-						   ( inclusive ? cursor.offset : cursor.offset + 1 ) );
-			range.setEndAt( editor.document.getBody(),
-			return range;
-		}
+			var KMP_NOMATCH = 0,
+				KMP_ADVANCED = 1,
+				KMP_MATCHED = 2;
+			// Examination the occurrence of a word which implement KMP algorithm.
+			var kmpMatcher = function( pattern, ignoreCase ) {
+					var overlap = [ -1 ];
+					if ( ignoreCase )
+						pattern = pattern.toLowerCase();
+					for ( var i = 0; i < pattern.length; i++ ) {
+						overlap.push( overlap[ i ] + 1 );
+						while ( overlap[ i + 1 ] > 0 && pattern.charAt( i ) != pattern.charAt( overlap[ i + 1 ] - 1 ) )
+							overlap[ i + 1 ] = overlap[ overlap[ i + 1 ] - 1 ] + 1;
+					}
-		// The document range before the character cursor.
-		function getRangeBeforeCursor( cursor )
-		{
-			var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range();
-			range.setStartAt( editor.document.getBody(),
-			range.setEnd( cursor.textNode, cursor.offset );
-			return range;
-		}
+					this._ = {
+						overlap: overlap,
+						state: 0,
+						ignoreCase: !!ignoreCase,
+						pattern: pattern
+					};
+				};
+			kmpMatcher.prototype = {
+				feedCharacter: function( c ) {
+					if ( this._.ignoreCase )
+						c = c.toLowerCase();
+					while ( true ) {
+						if ( c == this._.pattern.charAt( this._.state ) ) {
+							this._.state++;
+							if ( this._.state == this._.pattern.length ) {
+								this._.state = 0;
+								return KMP_MATCHED;
+							}
+							return KMP_ADVANCED;
+						} else if ( !this._.state )
+							return KMP_NOMATCH;
+						else
+							this._.state = this._.overlap[ this._.state ];
+					}
-		var KMP_NOMATCH = 0,
-			KMP_MATCHED = 2;
-		/**
-		 * Examination the occurrence of a word which implement KMP algorithm.
-		 */
-		var kmpMatcher = function( pattern, ignoreCase )
-		{
-			var overlap = [ -1 ];
-			if ( ignoreCase )
-				pattern = pattern.toLowerCase();
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < pattern.length ; i++ )
-			{
-				overlap.push( overlap[i] + 1 );
-				while ( overlap[ i + 1 ] > 0
-					&& pattern.charAt( i ) != pattern
-						.charAt( overlap[ i + 1 ] - 1 ) )
-					overlap[ i + 1 ] = overlap[ overlap[ i + 1 ] - 1 ] + 1;
-			}
+					return null;
+				},
-			this._ = {
-				overlap : overlap,
-				state : 0,
-				ignoreCase : !!ignoreCase,
-				pattern : pattern
+				reset: function() {
+					this._.state = 0;
+				}
-		};
-		kmpMatcher.prototype =
-		{
-			feedCharacter : function( c )
-			{
-				if ( this._.ignoreCase )
-					c = c.toLowerCase();
+			var wordSeparatorRegex = /[.,"'?!;: \u0085\u00a0\u1680\u280e\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000]/;
-				while ( true )
-				{
-					if ( c == this._.pattern.charAt( this._.state ) )
-					{
-						this._.state++;
-						if ( this._.state == this._.pattern.length )
-						{
-							this._.state = 0;
-							return KMP_MATCHED;
-						}
-						return KMP_ADVANCED;
+			var isWordSeparator = function( c ) {
+					if ( !c )
+						return true;
+					var code = c.charCodeAt( 0 );
+					return ( code >= 9 && code <= 0xd ) || ( code >= 0x2000 && code <= 0x200a ) || wordSeparatorRegex.test( c );
+				};
+			var finder = {
+				searchRange: null,
+				matchRange: null,
+				find: function( pattern, matchCase, matchWord, matchCyclic, highlightMatched, cyclicRerun ) {
+					if ( !this.matchRange )
+						this.matchRange = new characterRange( new characterWalker( this.searchRange ), pattern.length );
+					else {
+						this.matchRange.removeHighlight();
+						this.matchRange = this.matchRange.getNextCharacterRange( pattern.length );
-					else if ( !this._.state )
-						return KMP_NOMATCH;
-					else
-						this._.state = this._.overlap[ this._.state ];
-				}
-				return null;
-			},
+					var matcher = new kmpMatcher( pattern, !matchCase ),
+						matchState = KMP_NOMATCH,
+						character = '%';
+					while ( character !== null ) {
+						this.matchRange.moveNext();
+						while ( ( character = this.matchRange.getEndCharacter() ) ) {
+							matchState = matcher.feedCharacter( character );
+							if ( matchState == KMP_MATCHED )
+								break;
+							if ( this.matchRange.moveNext().hitMatchBoundary )
+								matcher.reset();
+						}
-			reset : function()
-			{
-				this._.state = 0;
-			}
-		};
+						if ( matchState == KMP_MATCHED ) {
+							if ( matchWord ) {
+								var cursors = this.matchRange.getCursors(),
+									tail = cursors[ cursors.length - 1 ],
+									head = cursors[ 0 ];
-		var wordSeparatorRegex =
-		/[.,"'?!;: \u0085\u00a0\u1680\u280e\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000]/;
-		var isWordSeparator = function( c )
-		{
-			if ( !c )
-				return true;
-			var code = c.charCodeAt( 0 );
-			return ( code >= 9 && code <= 0xd )
-				|| ( code >= 0x2000 && code <= 0x200a )
-				|| wordSeparatorRegex.test( c );
-		};
+								var rangeBefore = getRangeBeforeCursor( head ),
+									rangeAfter = getRangeAfterCursor( tail );
-		var finder = {
-			searchRange : null,
-			matchRange : null,
-			find : function( pattern, matchCase, matchWord, matchCyclic, highlightMatched, cyclicRerun )
-			{
-				if ( !this.matchRange )
-					this.matchRange =
-						new characterRange(
-							new characterWalker( this.searchRange ),
-							pattern.length );
-				else
-				{
-					this.matchRange.removeHighlight();
-					this.matchRange = this.matchRange.getNextCharacterRange( pattern.length );
-				}
+								// The word boundary checks requires to trim the text nodes. (#9036)
+								rangeBefore.trim();
+								rangeAfter.trim();
-				var matcher = new kmpMatcher( pattern, !matchCase ),
-					matchState = KMP_NOMATCH,
-					character = '%';
+								var headWalker = new characterWalker( rangeBefore, true ),
+									tailWalker = new characterWalker( rangeAfter, true );
-				while ( character !== null )
-				{
-					this.matchRange.moveNext();
-					while ( ( character = this.matchRange.getEndCharacter() ) )
-					{
-						matchState = matcher.feedCharacter( character );
-						if ( matchState == KMP_MATCHED )
-							break;
-						if ( this.matchRange.moveNext().hitMatchBoundary )
-							matcher.reset();
+								if ( !( isWordSeparator( headWalker.back().character ) && isWordSeparator( tailWalker.next().character ) ) )
+									continue;
+							}
+							this.matchRange.setMatched();
+							if ( highlightMatched !== false )
+								this.matchRange.highlight();
+							return true;
+						}
-					if ( matchState == KMP_MATCHED )
-					{
-						if ( matchWord )
-						{
-							var cursors = this.matchRange.getCursors(),
-								tail = cursors[ cursors.length - 1 ],
-								head = cursors[ 0 ];
+					this.matchRange.clearMatched();
+					this.matchRange.removeHighlight();
+					// Clear current session and restart with the default search
+					// range.
+					// Re-run the finding once for cyclic.(#3517)
+					if ( matchCyclic && !cyclicRerun ) {
+						this.searchRange = getSearchRange( 1 );
+						this.matchRange = null;
+						return arguments.callee.apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ).concat( [ true ] ) );
+					}
-							var headWalker = new characterWalker( getRangeBeforeCursor( head ), true ),
-								tailWalker = new characterWalker( getRangeAfterCursor( tail ), true );
+					return false;
+				},
-							if ( ! ( isWordSeparator( headWalker.back().character )
-										&& isWordSeparator( tailWalker.next().character ) ) )
-								continue;
+				// Record how much replacement occurred toward one replacing.
+				replaceCounter: 0,
+				replace: function( dialog, pattern, newString, matchCase, matchWord, matchCyclic, isReplaceAll ) {
+					isReplace = 1;
+					// Successiveness of current replace/find.
+					var result = 0;
+					// 1. Perform the replace when there's already a match here.
+					// 2. Otherwise perform the find but don't replace it immediately.
+					if ( this.matchRange && this.matchRange.isMatched() && !this.matchRange._.isReplaced && !this.matchRange.isReadOnly() ) {
+						// Turn off highlight for a while when saving snapshots.
+						this.matchRange.removeHighlight();
+						var domRange = this.matchRange.toDomRange();
+						var text = editor.document.createText( newString );
+						if ( !isReplaceAll ) {
+							// Save undo snaps before and after the replacement.
+							var selection = editor.getSelection();
+							selection.selectRanges( [ domRange ] );
+							editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+						}
+						domRange.deleteContents();
+						domRange.insertNode( text );
+						if ( !isReplaceAll ) {
+							selection.selectRanges( [ domRange ] );
+							editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-						this.matchRange.setMatched();
-						if ( highlightMatched !== false )
+						this.matchRange.updateFromDomRange( domRange );
+						if ( !isReplaceAll )
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-				this.matchRange.clearMatched();
-				this.matchRange.removeHighlight();
-				// Clear current session and restart with the default search
-				// range.
-				// Re-run the finding once for cyclic.(#3517)
-				if ( matchCyclic && !cyclicRerun )
-				{
-					this.searchRange = getSearchRange( true );
-					this.matchRange = null;
-					return arguments.callee.apply( this,
-						Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ).concat( [ true ] ) );
-				}
+						this.matchRange._.isReplaced = true;
+						this.replaceCounter++;
+						result = 1;
+					} else
+						result = this.find( pattern, matchCase, matchWord, matchCyclic, !isReplaceAll );
-				return false;
-			},
+					isReplace = 0;
-			/**
-			 * Record how much replacement occurred toward one replacing.
-			 */
-			replaceCounter : 0,
-			replace : function( dialog, pattern, newString, matchCase, matchWord,
-				matchCyclic , isReplaceAll )
-			{
-				isReplace = 1;
-				// Successiveness of current replace/find.
-				var result = false;
-				// 1. Perform the replace when there's already a match here.
-				// 2. Otherwise perform the find but don't replace it immediately.
-				if ( this.matchRange && this.matchRange.isMatched()
-						&& !this.matchRange._.isReplaced && !this.matchRange.isReadOnly() )
-				{
-					// Turn off highlight for a while when saving snapshots.
-					this.matchRange.removeHighlight();
-					var domRange = this.matchRange.toDomRange();
-					var text = editor.document.createText( newString );
-					if ( !isReplaceAll )
-					{
-						// Save undo snaps before and after the replacement.
-						var selection = editor.getSelection();
-						selection.selectRanges( [ domRange ] );
-						editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-					}
-					domRange.deleteContents();
-					domRange.insertNode( text );
-					if ( !isReplaceAll )
-					{
-						selection.selectRanges( [ domRange ] );
-						editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-					}
-					this.matchRange.updateFromDomRange( domRange );
-					if ( !isReplaceAll )
-						this.matchRange.highlight();
-					this.matchRange._.isReplaced = true;
-					this.replaceCounter++;
-					result = true;
+					return result;
-				else
-					result = this.find( pattern, matchCase, matchWord, matchCyclic, !isReplaceAll );
-				isReplace = 0;
+			};
-				return result;
+			// The range in which find/replace happened, receive from user
+			// selection prior.
+			function getSearchRange( isDefault ) {
+				var searchRange,
+					sel = editor.getSelection(),
+					editable = editor.editable();
+				if ( sel && !isDefault ) {
+					searchRange = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ].clone();
+					searchRange.collapse( true );
+				} else {
+					searchRange = editor.createRange();
+					searchRange.setStartAt( editable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
+				}
+				searchRange.setEndAt( editable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+				return searchRange;
-		};
-		/**
-		 * The range in which find/replace happened, receive from user
-		 * selection prior.
-		 */
-		function getSearchRange( isDefault )
-		{
-			var searchRange,
-				sel = editor.getSelection(),
-				body = editor.document.getBody();
-			if ( sel && !isDefault )
-			{
-				searchRange = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ].clone();
-				searchRange.collapse( true );
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				searchRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range();
-				searchRange.setStartAt( body, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
-			}
-			searchRange.setEndAt( body, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
-			return searchRange;
-		}
-		return {
-			title : editor.lang.findAndReplace.title,
-			minWidth : 350,
-			minHeight : 165,
-			buttons : [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ],		//Cancel button only.
-			contents : [
-				{
-					id : 'find',
-					label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.find,
-					title : editor.lang.findAndReplace.find,
-					accessKey : '',
-					elements : [
+			var lang = editor.lang.find;
+			return {
+				title: lang.title,
+				minWidth: 350,
+				minHeight: 170,
+				buttons: [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ], // Cancel button only.
+				contents: [
+					{
+					id: 'find',
+					label: lang.find,
+					title: lang.find,
+					accessKey: '',
+					elements: [
-							type : 'hbox',
-							widths : [ '230px', '90px' ],
-							children :
-							[
-								{
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'txtFindFind',
-									label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.findWhat,
-									isChanged : false,
-									labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-									accessKey : 'F'
-								},
-								{
-									type : 'button',
-									align : 'left',
-									style : 'width:100%',
-									label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.find,
-									onClick : function()
-									{
-										var dialog = this.getDialog();
-										if ( !finder.find( dialog.getValueOf( 'find', 'txtFindFind' ),
-													dialog.getValueOf( 'find', 'txtFindCaseChk' ),
-													dialog.getValueOf( 'find', 'txtFindWordChk' ),
-													dialog.getValueOf( 'find', 'txtFindCyclic' ) ) )
-											alert( editor.lang.findAndReplace
-												.notFoundMsg );
-									}
-								}
-							]
+						type: 'hbox',
+						widths: [ '230px', '90px' ],
+						children: [
+							{
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'txtFindFind',
+							label: lang.findWhat,
+							isChanged: false,
+							labelLayout: 'horizontal',
+							accessKey: 'F'
+							{
+							type: 'button',
+							id: 'btnFind',
+							align: 'left',
+							style: 'width:100%',
+							label: lang.find,
+							onClick: function() {
+								var dialog = this.getDialog();
+								if ( !finder.find( dialog.getValueOf( 'find', 'txtFindFind' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'find', 'txtFindCaseChk' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'find', 'txtFindWordChk' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'find', 'txtFindCyclic' ) ) )
+									alert( lang.notFoundMsg );
+							}
+						}
+						]
+					},
-							type : 'vbox',
-							padding : 0,
-							children :
-							[
+						type: 'fieldset',
+						label: CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( lang.findOptions ),
+						style: 'margin-top:29px',
+						children: [
+							{
+							type: 'vbox',
+							padding: 0,
+							children: [
-									type : 'checkbox',
-									id : 'txtFindCaseChk',
-									isChanged : false,
-									style : 'margin-top:28px',
-									label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.matchCase
-								},
+								type: 'checkbox',
+								id: 'txtFindCaseChk',
+								isChanged: false,
+								label: lang.matchCase
+							},
-									type : 'checkbox',
-									id : 'txtFindWordChk',
-									isChanged : false,
-									label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.matchWord
-								},
+								type: 'checkbox',
+								id: 'txtFindWordChk',
+								isChanged: false,
+								label: lang.matchWord
+							},
-									type : 'checkbox',
-									id : 'txtFindCyclic',
-									isChanged : false,
-									'default' : true,
-									label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.matchCyclic
-								}
+								type: 'checkbox',
+								id: 'txtFindCyclic',
+								isChanged: false,
+								'default': true,
+								label: lang.matchCyclic
+							}
+						]
+					}
-				{
-					id : 'replace',
-					label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.replace,
-					accessKey : 'M',
-					elements : [
+					{
+					id: 'replace',
+					label: lang.replace,
+					accessKey: 'M',
+					elements: [
-							type : 'hbox',
-							widths : [ '230px', '90px' ],
-							children :
-							[
-								{
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'txtFindReplace',
-									label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.findWhat,
-									isChanged : false,
-									labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-									accessKey : 'F'
-								},
-								{
-									type : 'button',
-									align : 'left',
-									style : 'width:100%',
-									label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.replace,
-									onClick : function()
-									{
-										var dialog = this.getDialog();
-										if ( !finder.replace( dialog,
-													dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtFindReplace' ),
-													dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplace' ),
-													dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplaceCaseChk' ),
-													dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplaceWordChk' ),
-													dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplaceCyclic' ) ) )
-											alert( editor.lang.findAndReplace
-												.notFoundMsg );
-									}
-								}
-							]
+						type: 'hbox',
+						widths: [ '230px', '90px' ],
+						children: [
+							{
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'txtFindReplace',
+							label: lang.findWhat,
+							isChanged: false,
+							labelLayout: 'horizontal',
+							accessKey: 'F'
+							{
+							type: 'button',
+							id: 'btnFindReplace',
+							align: 'left',
+							style: 'width:100%',
+							label: lang.replace,
+							onClick: function() {
+								var dialog = this.getDialog();
+								if ( !finder.replace( dialog, dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtFindReplace' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplace' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplaceCaseChk' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplaceWordChk' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplaceCyclic' ) ) )
+									alert( lang.notFoundMsg );
+							}
+						}
+						]
+					},
-							type : 'hbox',
-							widths : [ '230px', '90px' ],
-							children :
-							[
-								{
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'txtReplace',
-									label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.replaceWith,
-									isChanged : false,
-									labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-									accessKey : 'R'
-								},
-								{
-									type : 'button',
-									align : 'left',
-									style : 'width:100%',
-									label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.replaceAll,
-									isChanged : false,
-									onClick : function()
-									{
-										var dialog = this.getDialog();
-										var replaceNums;
-										finder.replaceCounter = 0;
-										// Scope to full document.
-										finder.searchRange = getSearchRange( true );
-										if ( finder.matchRange )
-										{
-											finder.matchRange.removeHighlight();
-											finder.matchRange = null;
-										}
-										editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-										while ( finder.replace( dialog,
-											dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtFindReplace' ),
-											dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplace' ),
-											dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplaceCaseChk' ),
-											dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplaceWordChk' ),
-											false, true ) )
-										{ /*jsl:pass*/ }
-										if ( finder.replaceCounter )
-										{
-											alert( editor.lang.findAndReplace.replaceSuccessMsg.replace( /%1/, finder.replaceCounter ) );
-											editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-										}
-										else
-											alert( editor.lang.findAndReplace.notFoundMsg );
-									}
-								}
-							]
+						type: 'hbox',
+						widths: [ '230px', '90px' ],
+						children: [
+							{
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'txtReplace',
+							label: lang.replaceWith,
+							isChanged: false,
+							labelLayout: 'horizontal',
+							accessKey: 'R'
+							{
+							type: 'button',
+							id: 'btnReplaceAll',
+							align: 'left',
+							style: 'width:100%',
+							label: lang.replaceAll,
+							isChanged: false,
+							onClick: function() {
+								var dialog = this.getDialog();
+								var replaceNums;
+								finder.replaceCounter = 0;
+								// Scope to full document.
+								finder.searchRange = getSearchRange( 1 );
+								if ( finder.matchRange ) {
+									finder.matchRange.removeHighlight();
+									finder.matchRange = null;
+								}
+								editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+								while ( finder.replace( dialog, dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtFindReplace' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplace' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplaceCaseChk' ), dialog.getValueOf( 'replace', 'txtReplaceWordChk' ), false, true ) ) {
+									/*jsl:pass*/
+								}
+								if ( finder.replaceCounter ) {
+									alert( lang.replaceSuccessMsg.replace( /%1/, finder.replaceCounter ) );
+									editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+								} else
+									alert( lang.notFoundMsg );
+							}
+						}
+						]
+					},
-							type : 'vbox',
-							padding : 0,
-							children :
-							[
+						type: 'fieldset',
+						label: CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( lang.findOptions ),
+						children: [
+							{
+							type: 'vbox',
+							padding: 0,
+							children: [
-									type : 'checkbox',
-									id : 'txtReplaceCaseChk',
-									isChanged : false,
-									label : editor.lang.findAndReplace
-										.matchCase
-								},
+								type: 'checkbox',
+								id: 'txtReplaceCaseChk',
+								isChanged: false,
+								label: lang.matchCase
+							},
-									type : 'checkbox',
-									id : 'txtReplaceWordChk',
-									isChanged : false,
-									label : editor.lang.findAndReplace
-										.matchWord
-								},
+								type: 'checkbox',
+								id: 'txtReplaceWordChk',
+								isChanged: false,
+								label: lang.matchWord
+							},
-									type : 'checkbox',
-									id : 'txtReplaceCyclic',
-									isChanged : false,
-									'default' : true,
-									label : editor.lang.findAndReplace
-										.matchCyclic
-								}
+								type: 'checkbox',
+								id: 'txtReplaceCyclic',
+								isChanged: false,
+								'default': true,
+								label: lang.matchCyclic
+							}
+						]
+					}
-			],
-			onLoad : function()
-			{
-				var dialog = this;
-				//keep track of the current pattern field in use.
-				var patternField, wholeWordChkField;
-				//Ignore initial page select on dialog show
-				var isUserSelect = false;
-				this.on('hide', function()
-						{
-							isUserSelect = false;
-						} );
-				this.on('show', function()
-						{
-							isUserSelect = true;
-						} );
-				this.selectPage = CKEDITOR.tools.override( this.selectPage, function( originalFunc )
-					{
-						return function( pageId )
-						{
+				],
+				onLoad: function() {
+					var dialog = this;
+					// Keep track of the current pattern field in use.
+					var patternField, wholeWordChkField;
+					// Ignore initial page select on dialog show
+					var isUserSelect = 0;
+					this.on( 'hide', function() {
+						isUserSelect = 0;
+					});
+					this.on( 'show', function() {
+						isUserSelect = 1;
+					});
+					this.selectPage = CKEDITOR.tools.override( this.selectPage, function( originalFunc ) {
+						return function( pageId ) {
 							originalFunc.call( dialog, pageId );
 							var currPage = dialog._.tabs[ pageId ];
@@ -820,66 +720,66 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 							patternFieldId = pageId === 'find' ? 'txtFindFind' : 'txtFindReplace';
 							wholeWordChkFieldId = pageId === 'find' ? 'txtFindWordChk' : 'txtReplaceWordChk';
-							patternField = dialog.getContentElement( pageId,
-								patternFieldId );
-							wholeWordChkField = dialog.getContentElement( pageId,
-								wholeWordChkFieldId );
+							patternField = dialog.getContentElement( pageId, patternFieldId );
+							wholeWordChkField = dialog.getContentElement( pageId, wholeWordChkFieldId );
-							// prepare for check pattern text filed 'keyup' event
-							if ( !currPage.initialized )
-							{
-								patternFieldInput = CKEDITOR.document
-									.getById( patternField._.inputId );
+							// Prepare for check pattern text filed 'keyup' event
+							if ( !currPage.initialized ) {
+								patternFieldInput = CKEDITOR.document.getById( patternField._.inputId );
 								currPage.initialized = true;
+							// Synchronize fields on tab switch.
 							if ( isUserSelect )
-								// synchronize fields on tab switch.
 								syncFieldsBetweenTabs.call( this, pageId );
-					} );
-			},
-			onShow : function()
-			{
-				// Establish initial searching start position.
-				finder.searchRange = getSearchRange();
-				this.selectPage( startupPage );
-			},
-			onHide : function()
-			{
-				var range;
-				if ( finder.matchRange && finder.matchRange.isMatched() )
-				{
-					finder.matchRange.removeHighlight();
-					editor.focus();
-					range = finder.matchRange.toDomRange();
-					if ( range )
-						editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ range ] );
-				}
+					});
-				// Clear current session before dialog close
-				delete finder.matchRange;
-			},
-			onFocus : function()
-			{
-				if ( startupPage == 'replace' )
-					return this.getContentElement( 'replace', 'txtFindReplace' );
-				else
-					return this.getContentElement( 'find', 'txtFindFind' );
-			}
+				},
+				onShow: function() {
+					// Establish initial searching start position.
+					finder.searchRange = getSearchRange();
+					// Fill in the find field with selected text.
+					var selectedText = this.getParentEditor().getSelection().getSelectedText(),
+						patternFieldId = ( startupPage == 'find' ? 'txtFindFind' : 'txtFindReplace' );
+					var field = this.getContentElement( startupPage, patternFieldId );
+					field.setValue( selectedText );
+					field.select();
+					this.selectPage( startupPage );
+					this[ ( startupPage == 'find' && this._.editor.readOnly ? 'hide' : 'show' ) + 'Page' ]( 'replace' );
+				},
+				onHide: function() {
+					var range;
+					if ( finder.matchRange && finder.matchRange.isMatched() ) {
+						finder.matchRange.removeHighlight();
+						editor.focus();
+						range = finder.matchRange.toDomRange();
+						if ( range )
+							editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ range ] );
+					}
+					// Clear current session before dialog close
+					delete finder.matchRange;
+				},
+				onFocus: function() {
+					if ( startupPage == 'replace' )
+						return this.getContentElement( 'replace', 'txtFindReplace' );
+					else
+						return this.getContentElement( 'find', 'txtFindFind' );
+				}
+			};
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'find', function( editor )
-		{
-			return findDialog( editor, 'find' );
-		});
+	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'find', function( editor ) {
+		return findDialog( editor, 'find' );
+	});
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'replace', function( editor )
-		{
-			return findDialog( editor, 'replace' );
-		});
+	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'replace', function( editor ) {
+		return findDialog( editor, 'replace' );
+	});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/icons/find-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/icons/find-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d8b9f8
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/icons/find-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/icons/find.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/icons/find.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d8b9f8
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/icons/find.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/icons/replace.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/icons/replace.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92f79c4
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/icons/replace.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ca8437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'af', {
+	find: 'Soek',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Soek na:',
+	matchCase: 'Hoof/kleinletter sensitief',
+	matchCyclic: 'Soek deurlopend',
+	matchWord: 'Hele woord moet voorkom',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Teks nie gevind nie.',
+	replace: 'Vervang',
+	replaceAll: 'Vervang alles',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 voorkoms(te) vervang.',
+	replaceWith: 'Vervang met:',
+	title: 'Soek en vervang'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bffd332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'ar', {
+	find: 'بحث',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'البحث بـ:',
+	matchCase: 'مطابقة حالة الأحرف',
+	matchCyclic: 'مطابقة دورية',
+	matchWord: 'مطابقة بالكامل',
+	notFoundMsg: 'لم يتم العثور على النص المحدد.',
+	replace: 'إستبدال',
+	replaceAll: 'إستبدال الكل',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: 'تم استبدال 1% من الحالات ',
+	replaceWith: 'إستبدال بـ:',
+	title: 'بحث واستبدال'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82c1381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'bg', {
+	find: 'Търсене',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Търси за:',
+	matchCase: 'Съвпадение',
+	matchCyclic: 'Циклично съвпадение',
+	matchWord: 'Съвпадение с дума',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Указаният текст не е намерен.',
+	replace: 'Препокриване',
+	replaceAll: 'Препокрий всички',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Препокрива с:',
+	title: 'Търсене и препокриване'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19e2bc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'bn', {
+	find: 'খোজো',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'যা খুঁজতে হবে:',
+	matchCase: 'কেস মিলাও',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'পুরা শব্দ মেলাও',
+	notFoundMsg: 'আপনার উল্লেখিত টেকস্ট পাওয়া যায়নি',
+	replace: 'রিপ্লেস',
+	replaceAll: 'সব বদলে দাও',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'যার সাথে বদলাতে হবে:',
+	title: 'Find and Replace'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ade954d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'bs', {
+	find: 'Naði',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Naði šta:',
+	matchCase: 'Uporeðuj velika/mala slova',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Uporeðuj samo cijelu rijeè',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Traženi tekst nije pronaðen.',
+	replace: 'Zamjeni',
+	replaceAll: 'Zamjeni sve',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Zamjeni sa:',
+	title: 'Find and Replace'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e4fdd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'ca', {
+	find: 'Cerca',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Cerca:',
+	matchCase: 'Distingeix majúscules/minúscules',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Només paraules completes',
+	notFoundMsg: 'El text especificat no s\'ha trobat.',
+	replace: 'Reemplaça',
+	replaceAll: 'Reemplaça-ho tot',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 ocurrència/es reemplaçada/es.',
+	replaceWith: 'Remplaça amb:',
+	title: 'Cerca i reemplaça'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eed0e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'cs', {
+	find: 'Hledat',
+	findOptions: 'Možnosti hledání',
+	findWhat: 'Co hledat:',
+	matchCase: 'Rozlišovat velikost písma',
+	matchCyclic: 'Procházet opakovaně',
+	matchWord: 'Pouze celá slova',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Hledaný text nebyl nalezen.',
+	replace: 'Nahradit',
+	replaceAll: 'Nahradit vše',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 nahrazení.',
+	replaceWith: 'Čím nahradit:',
+	title: 'Najít a nahradit'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dfcfd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'cy', {
+	find: 'Chwilio',
+	findOptions: 'Chwilio Opsiynau',
+	findWhat: 'Chwilio\'r term:',
+	matchCase: 'Cyfateb i\'r cas',
+	matchCyclic: 'Cyfateb cylchol',
+	matchWord: 'Cyfateb gair cyfan',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Nid oedd y testun wedi\'i ddarganfod.',
+	replace: 'Amnewid',
+	replaceAll: 'Amnewid pob un',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: 'Amnewidiwyd %1 achlysur.',
+	replaceWith: 'Amnewid gyda:',
+	title: 'Chwilio ac Amnewid'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f66324a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'da', {
+	find: 'Søg',
+	findOptions: 'Find muligheder',
+	findWhat: 'Søg efter:',
+	matchCase: 'Forskel på store og små bogstaver',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyklisk',
+	matchWord: 'Kun hele ord',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Søgeteksten blev ikke fundet',
+	replace: 'Erstat',
+	replaceAll: 'Erstat alle',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 forekomst(er) erstattet.',
+	replaceWith: 'Erstat med:',
+	title: 'Søg og erstat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33568c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'de', {
+	find: 'Suchen',
+	findOptions: 'Suchoptionen',
+	findWhat: 'Suche nach:',
+	matchCase: 'Groß-Kleinschreibung beachten',
+	matchCyclic: 'Zyklische Suche',
+	matchWord: 'Nur ganze Worte suchen',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Der gesuchte Text wurde nicht gefunden.',
+	replace: 'Ersetzen',
+	replaceAll: 'Alle ersetzen',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 vorkommen ersetzt.',
+	replaceWith: 'Ersetze mit:',
+	title: 'Suchen und Ersetzen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea19720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'el', {
+	find: 'Αναζήτηση',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Αναζήτηση για:',
+	matchCase: 'Έλεγχος πεζών/κεφαλαίων',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Εύρεση πλήρους λέξης',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Το κείμενο δεν βρέθηκε.',
+	replace: 'Αντικατάσταση',
+	replaceAll: 'Αντικατάσταση Όλων',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Αντικατάσταση με:',
+	title: 'Αναζήτηση και Αντικατάσταση'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d89fff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'en-au', {
+	find: 'Find',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Find what:',
+	matchCase: 'Match case',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Match whole word',
+	notFoundMsg: 'The specified text was not found.',
+	replace: 'Replace',
+	replaceAll: 'Replace All',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Replace with:',
+	title: 'Find and Replace'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1afce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'en-ca', {
+	find: 'Find',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Find what:',
+	matchCase: 'Match case',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Match whole word',
+	notFoundMsg: 'The specified text was not found.',
+	replace: 'Replace',
+	replaceAll: 'Replace All',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Replace with:',
+	title: 'Find and Replace'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73c6100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'en-gb', {
+	find: 'Find',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Find what:',
+	matchCase: 'Match case',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Match whole word',
+	notFoundMsg: 'The specified text was not found.',
+	replace: 'Replace',
+	replaceAll: 'Replace All',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Replace with:',
+	title: 'Find and Replace'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63fd86d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'en', {
+	find: 'Find',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Find what:',
+	matchCase: 'Match case',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Match whole word',
+	notFoundMsg: 'The specified text was not found.',
+	replace: 'Replace',
+	replaceAll: 'Replace All',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Replace with:',
+	title: 'Find and Replace'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d3d851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'eo', {
+	find: 'Serĉi',
+	findOptions: 'Opcioj pri Serĉado',
+	findWhat: 'Serĉi:',
+	matchCase: 'Kongruigi Usklecon',
+	matchCyclic: 'Cikla Serĉado',
+	matchWord: 'Tuta Vorto',
+	notFoundMsg: 'La celteksto ne estas trovita.',
+	replace: 'AnstataÅ­igi',
+	replaceAll: 'Anstataŭigi Ĉion',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 anstataÅ­igita(j) apero(j).',
+	replaceWith: 'AnstataÅ­igi per:',
+	title: 'Serĉi kaj Anstataŭigi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ac495c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'es', {
+	find: 'Buscar',
+	findOptions: 'Opciones de búsqueda',
+	findWhat: 'Texto a buscar:',
+	matchCase: 'Coincidir may/min',
+	matchCyclic: 'Buscar en todo el contenido',
+	matchWord: 'Coincidir toda la palabra',
+	notFoundMsg: 'El texto especificado no ha sido encontrado.',
+	replace: 'Reemplazar',
+	replaceAll: 'Reemplazar Todo',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: 'La expresión buscada ha sido reemplazada %1 veces.',
+	replaceWith: 'Reemplazar con:',
+	title: 'Buscar y Reemplazar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84e5a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'et', {
+	find: 'Otsi',
+	findOptions: 'Otsingu valikud',
+	findWhat: 'Otsitav:',
+	matchCase: 'Suur- ja väiketähtede eristamine',
+	matchCyclic: 'Jätkatakse algusest',
+	matchWord: 'Ainult terved sõnad',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Otsitud teksti ei leitud.',
+	replace: 'Asenda',
+	replaceAll: 'Asenda kõik',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 vastet asendati.',
+	replaceWith: 'Asendus:',
+	title: 'Otsimine ja asendamine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea2fa21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'eu', {
+	find: 'Bilatu',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Zer bilatu:',
+	matchCase: 'Maiuskula/minuskula',
+	matchCyclic: 'Bilaketa ziklikoa',
+	matchWord: 'Esaldi osoa bilatu',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Idatzitako testua ez da topatu.',
+	replace: 'Ordezkatu',
+	replaceAll: 'Ordeztu Guztiak',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: 'Zenbat aldiz ordeztua: %1',
+	replaceWith: 'Zerekin ordeztu:',
+	title: 'Bilatu eta Ordeztu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64387ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'fa', {
+	find: 'جستجو',
+	findOptions: 'گزینههای جستجو',
+	findWhat: 'چه چیز را مییابید:',
+	matchCase: 'همسانی در بزرگی و کوچکی نویسهها',
+	matchCyclic: 'همسانی با چرخه',
+	matchWord: 'همسانی با واژهٴ کامل',
+	notFoundMsg: 'متن موردنظر یافت نشد.',
+	replace: 'جایگزینی',
+	replaceAll: 'جایگزینی همهٴ یافتهها',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 رخداد جایگزین شد.',
+	replaceWith: 'جایگزینی با:',
+	title: 'جستجو و جایگزینی'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8543fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'fi', {
+	find: 'Etsi',
+	findOptions: 'Hakuasetukset',
+	findWhat: 'Etsi mitä:',
+	matchCase: 'Sama kirjainkoko',
+	matchCyclic: 'Kierrä ympäri',
+	matchWord: 'Koko sana',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Etsittyä tekstiä ei löytynyt.',
+	replace: 'Korvaa',
+	replaceAll: 'Korvaa kaikki',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 esiintymä(ä) korvattu.',
+	replaceWith: 'Korvaa tällä:',
+	title: 'Etsi ja korvaa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6f7fbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'fo', {
+	find: 'Leita',
+	findOptions: 'Finn møguleikar',
+	findWhat: 'Finn:',
+	matchCase: 'Munur á stórum og smáum bókstavum',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Bert heil orð',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Leititeksturin varð ikki funnin',
+	replace: 'Yvirskriva',
+	replaceAll: 'Yvirskriva alt',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 úrslit broytt.',
+	replaceWith: 'Yvirskriva við:',
+	title: 'Finn og broyt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1d2d70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'fr-ca', {
+	find: 'Chercher',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Rechercher:',
+	matchCase: 'Respecter la casse',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Mot entier',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Le texte indiqué est introuvable.',
+	replace: 'Remplacer',
+	replaceAll: 'Tout remplacer',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Remplacer par:',
+	title: 'Chercher et Remplacer'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c7d1a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'fr', {
+	find: 'Trouver',
+	findOptions: 'Options de recherche',
+	findWhat: 'Expression à trouver: ',
+	matchCase: 'Respecter la casse',
+	matchCyclic: 'Boucler',
+	matchWord: 'Mot entier uniquement',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Le texte spécifié ne peut être trouvé.',
+	replace: 'Remplacer',
+	replaceAll: 'Remplacer tout',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replacée(s).',
+	replaceWith: 'Remplacer par: ',
+	title: 'Trouver et remplacer'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baeeace
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'gl', {
+	find: 'Procurar',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Texto a procurar:',
+	matchCase: 'Coincidir Mai./min.',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Coincidir con toda a palabra',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Non te atopou o texto indicado.',
+	replace: 'Substituir',
+	replaceAll: 'Substitiur Todo',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Substituir con:',
+	title: 'Find and Replace'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3900353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'gu', {
+	find: 'શોધવું',
+	findOptions: 'વીકલ્પ શોધો',
+	findWhat: 'આ શોધો',
+	matchCase: 'કેસ સરખા રાખો',
+	matchCyclic: 'સરખાવવા બધા',
+	matchWord: 'બઘા શબ્દ સરખા રાખો',
+	notFoundMsg: 'તમે શોધેલી ટેક્સ્ટ નથી મળી',
+	replace: 'રિપ્લેસ/બદલવું',
+	replaceAll: 'બઘા બદલી ',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 ફેરફારો બાદલાયા છે.',
+	replaceWith: 'આનાથી બદલો',
+	title: 'શોધવું અને બદલવું'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c08593b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'he', {
+	find: 'חיפוש',
+	findOptions: 'אפשרויות חיפוש',
+	findWhat: 'חיפוש מחרוזת:',
+	matchCase: 'הבחנה בין אותיות רשיות לקטנות (Case)',
+	matchCyclic: 'התאמה מחזורית',
+	matchWord: 'התאמה למילה המלאה',
+	notFoundMsg: 'הטקסט המבוקש לא נמצא.',
+	replace: 'החלפה',
+	replaceAll: 'החלפה בכל העמוד',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 טקסטים הוחלפו.',
+	replaceWith: 'החלפה במחרוזת:',
+	title: 'חיפוש והחלפה'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aaf8a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'hi', {
+	find: 'खोजें',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'यह खोजें:',
+	matchCase: 'केस मिलायें',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'पूरा शब्द मिलायें',
+	notFoundMsg: 'आपके द्वारा दिया गया टेक्स्ट नहीं मिला',
+	replace: 'रीप्लेस',
+	replaceAll: 'सभी रिप्लेस करें',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'इससे रिप्लेस करें:',
+	title: 'खोजें और बदलें'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a28c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'hr', {
+	find: 'Pronađi',
+	findOptions: 'Opcije traženja',
+	findWhat: 'Pronađi:',
+	matchCase: 'Usporedi mala/velika slova',
+	matchCyclic: 'Usporedi kružno',
+	matchWord: 'Usporedi cijele riječi',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Traženi tekst nije pronađen.',
+	replace: 'Zamijeni',
+	replaceAll: 'Zamijeni sve',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: 'Zamijenjeno %1 pojmova.',
+	replaceWith: 'Zamijeni s:',
+	title: 'Pronađi i zamijeni'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90eaeb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'hu', {
+	find: 'Keresés',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Keresett szöveg:',
+	matchCase: 'kis- és nagybetű megkülönböztetése',
+	matchCyclic: 'Ciklikus keresés',
+	matchWord: 'csak ha ez a teljes szó',
+	notFoundMsg: 'A keresett szöveg nem található.',
+	replace: 'Csere',
+	replaceAll: 'Az összes cseréje',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 egyezőség cserélve.',
+	replaceWith: 'Csere erre:',
+	title: 'Keresés és csere'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..601bcce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'is', {
+	find: 'Leita',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Leita að:',
+	matchCase: 'Gera greinarmun á¡ há¡- og lágstöfum',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Aðeins heil orð',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Leitartexti fannst ekki!',
+	replace: 'Skipta út',
+	replaceAll: 'Skipta út allsstaðar',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Skipta út fyrir:',
+	title: 'Finna og skipta'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ecb056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'it', {
+	find: 'Trova',
+	findOptions: 'Opzioni di ricerca',
+	findWhat: 'Trova:',
+	matchCase: 'Maiuscole/minuscole',
+	matchCyclic: 'Ricerca ciclica',
+	matchWord: 'Solo parole intere',
+	notFoundMsg: 'L\'elemento cercato non è stato trovato.',
+	replace: 'Sostituisci',
+	replaceAll: 'Sostituisci tutto',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occorrenza(e) sostituite.',
+	replaceWith: 'Sostituisci con:',
+	title: 'Cerca e Sostituisci'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f69f57c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'ja', {
+	find: '検索',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: '検索する文字列:',
+	matchCase: '大文字と小文字を区別する',
+	matchCyclic: '一周する',
+	matchWord: '単語単位で探す',
+	notFoundMsg: '指定された文字列は見つかりませんでした。',
+	replace: '置き換え',
+	replaceAll: 'すべて置換え',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 個置換しました。',
+	replaceWith: '置換えする文字列:',
+	title: '検索して置換'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5c95cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'ka', {
+	find: 'ძებნა',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'საძიებელი ტექსტი:',
+	matchCase: 'დიდი და პატარა ასოების დამთხვევა',
+	matchCyclic: 'დოკუმენტის ბოლოში გასვლის მერე თავიდან დაწყება',
+	matchWord: 'მთელი სიტყვის დამთხვევა',
+	notFoundMsg: 'მითითებული ტექსტი არ მოიძებნა.',
+	replace: 'შეცვლა',
+	replaceAll: 'ყველას შეცვლა',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 მოძებნილი შეიცვალა.',
+	replaceWith: 'შეცვლის ტექსტი:',
+	title: 'ძებნა და შეცვლა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7d978f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'km', {
+	find: 'ស្វែងរក',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'ស្វែងរកអ្វី:',
+	matchCase: 'ករណ៉ត្រូវរក',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'ត្រូវពាក្យទាំងអស់',
+	notFoundMsg: 'ពាក្យនេះ រកមិនឃើញទេ ។',
+	replace: 'ជំនួស',
+	replaceAll: 'ជំនួសទាំងអស់',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'ជំនួសជាមួយ:',
+	title: 'Find and Replace'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7f4b23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'ko', {
+	find: '찾기',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: '찾을 문자열:',
+	matchCase: '대소문자 구분',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: '온전한 단어',
+	notFoundMsg: '문자열을 찾을 수 없습니다.',
+	replace: '바꾸기',
+	replaceAll: '모두 바꾸기',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: '바꿀 문자열:',
+	title: '찾기 & 바꾸기'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a65e98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'ku', {
+	find: 'گهڕان',
+	findOptions: 'ههڵبژاردهکانی گهڕان',
+	findWhat: 'گهڕان بهدووای:',
+	matchCase: 'جیاکردنهوه لهنێوان پیتی گهورهو بچووك',
+	matchCyclic: 'گهڕان لهههموو پهڕهکه',
+	matchWord: 'تهنها ههموو وشهکه',
+	notFoundMsg: 'هیچ دهقه گهڕانێك نهدۆزراوه.',
+	replace: 'لهبریدانان',
+	replaceAll: 'لهبریدانانی ههمووی',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: ' پێشهاته(ی) لهبری دانرا. %1',
+	replaceWith: 'لهبریدانان به:',
+	title: 'گهڕان وه لهبریدانان'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba9f3f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'lt', {
+	find: 'Rasti',
+	findOptions: 'Paieškos nustatymai',
+	findWhat: 'Surasti tekstÄ…:',
+	matchCase: 'Skirti didžiąsias ir mažąsias raides',
+	matchCyclic: 'Sutampantis cikliškumas',
+	matchWord: 'Atitikti pilną žodį',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Nurodytas tekstas nerastas.',
+	replace: 'Pakeisti',
+	replaceAll: 'Pakeisti viskÄ…',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 sutapimas(ų) buvo pakeisti.',
+	replaceWith: 'Pakeisti tekstu:',
+	title: 'Surasti ir pakeisti'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6cec41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'lv', {
+	find: 'Meklēt',
+	findOptions: 'Meklēt uzstādījumi',
+	findWhat: 'Meklēt:',
+	matchCase: 'Reģistrjūtīgs',
+	matchCyclic: 'Sakrist cikliski',
+	matchWord: 'Jāsakrīt pilnībā',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Norādītā frāze netika atrasta.',
+	replace: 'Nomainīt',
+	replaceAll: 'Aizvietot visu',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 gadījums(i) aizvietoti',
+	replaceWith: 'Nomainīt uz:',
+	title: 'Meklēt un aizvietot'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a49ff2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'mk', {
+	find: 'Find',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Find what:',
+	matchCase: 'Match case',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Match whole word',
+	notFoundMsg: 'The specified text was not found.',
+	replace: 'Replace',
+	replaceAll: 'Replace All',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Replace with:',
+	title: 'Find and Replace'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8b8bd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'mn', {
+	find: 'Хайх',
+	findOptions: 'Хайх сонголтууд',
+	findWhat: 'Хайх үг/үсэг:',
+	matchCase: 'Тэнцэх төлөв',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Тэнцэх бүтэн үг',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Хайсан бичвэрийг олсонгүй.',
+	replace: 'Орлуулах',
+	replaceAll: 'Бүгдийг нь солих',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Солих үг:',
+	title: 'Хайж орлуулах'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8a5837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'ms', {
+	find: 'Cari',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Perkataan yang dicari:',
+	matchCase: 'Padanan case huruf',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Padana Keseluruhan perkataan',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Text yang dicari tidak dijumpai.',
+	replace: 'Ganti',
+	replaceAll: 'Ganti semua',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Diganti dengan:',
+	title: 'Find and Replace'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74b6699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'nb', {
+	find: 'Søk',
+	findOptions: 'Søkealternativer',
+	findWhat: 'Søk etter:',
+	matchCase: 'Skill mellom store og små bokstaver',
+	matchCyclic: 'Søk i hele dokumentet',
+	matchWord: 'Bare hele ord',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Fant ikke søketeksten.',
+	replace: 'Erstatt',
+	replaceAll: 'Erstatt alle',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 tilfelle(r) erstattet.',
+	replaceWith: 'Erstatt med:',
+	title: 'Søk og erstatt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..793665e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'nl', {
+	find: 'Zoeken',
+	findOptions: 'Zoekopties',
+	findWhat: 'Zoeken naar:',
+	matchCase: 'Hoofdlettergevoelig',
+	matchCyclic: 'Doorlopend zoeken',
+	matchWord: 'Hele woord moet voorkomen',
+	notFoundMsg: 'De opgegeven tekst is niet gevonden.',
+	replace: 'Vervangen',
+	replaceAll: 'Alles vervangen',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 resultaten vervangen.',
+	replaceWith: 'Vervangen met:',
+	title: 'Zoeken en vervangen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b295a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'no', {
+	find: 'Søk',
+	findOptions: 'Søkealternativer',
+	findWhat: 'Søk etter:',
+	matchCase: 'Skill mellom store og små bokstaver',
+	matchCyclic: 'Søk i hele dokumentet',
+	matchWord: 'Bare hele ord',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Fant ikke søketeksten.',
+	replace: 'Erstatt',
+	replaceAll: 'Erstatt alle',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 tilfelle(r) erstattet.',
+	replaceWith: 'Erstatt med:',
+	title: 'Søk og erstatt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cebdd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'pl', {
+	find: 'Znajdź',
+	findOptions: 'Opcje wyszukiwania',
+	findWhat: 'Znajdź:',
+	matchCase: 'Uwzględnij wielkość liter',
+	matchCyclic: 'Cykliczne dopasowanie',
+	matchWord: 'Całe słowa',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Nie znaleziono szukanego hasła.',
+	replace: 'Zamień',
+	replaceAll: 'Zamień wszystko',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 wystąpień zastąpionych.',
+	replaceWith: 'ZastÄ…p przez:',
+	title: 'Znajdź i zamień'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c15ffc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'pt-br', {
+	find: 'Localizar',
+	findOptions: 'Opções',
+	findWhat: 'Procurar por:',
+	matchCase: 'Coincidir Maiúsculas/Minúsculas',
+	matchCyclic: 'Coincidir cíclico',
+	matchWord: 'Coincidir a palavra inteira',
+	notFoundMsg: 'O texto especificado não foi encontrado.',
+	replace: 'Substituir',
+	replaceAll: 'Substituir Tudo',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 ocorrência(s) substituída(s).',
+	replaceWith: 'Substituir por:',
+	title: 'Localizar e Substituir'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..097177e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'pt', {
+	find: 'Procurar',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Texto a Procurar:',
+	matchCase: 'Maiúsculas/Minúsculas',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Coincidir com toda a palavra',
+	notFoundMsg: 'O texto especificado não foi encontrado.',
+	replace: 'Substituir',
+	replaceAll: 'Substituir Tudo',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Substituir por:',
+	title: 'Find and Replace'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24eeceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'ro', {
+	find: 'Găseşte',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Găseşte:',
+	matchCase: 'DeosebeÅŸte majuscule de minuscule (Match case)',
+	matchCyclic: 'Potrivește ciclic',
+	matchWord: 'Doar cuvintele întregi',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Textul specificat nu a fost găsit.',
+	replace: 'ÃŽnlocuieÅŸte',
+	replaceAll: 'ÃŽnlocuieÅŸte tot',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 căutări înlocuite.',
+	replaceWith: 'ÃŽnlocuieÅŸte cu:',
+	title: 'Găseşte şi înlocuieşte'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fafb6a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'ru', {
+	find: 'Найти',
+	findOptions: 'Опции поиска',
+	findWhat: 'Найти:',
+	matchCase: 'Учитывать регистр',
+	matchCyclic: 'По всему тексту',
+	matchWord: 'Только слово целиком',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Искомый текст не найден.',
+	replace: 'Заменить',
+	replaceAll: 'Заменить всё',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: 'Успешно заменено %1 раз(а).',
+	replaceWith: 'Заменить на:',
+	title: 'Поиск и замена'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9693c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'sk', {
+	find: 'Hľadať',
+	findOptions: 'Nájsť možnosti',
+	findWhat: 'Čo hľadať:',
+	matchCase: 'Rozlišovať malé a veľké písmená',
+	matchCyclic: 'Cykliť zhodu',
+	matchWord: 'Len celé slová',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Hľadaný text nebol nájdený.',
+	replace: 'Nahradiť',
+	replaceAll: 'Nahradiť všetko',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 výskyt(ov) nahradených.',
+	replaceWith: 'Čím nahradiť:',
+	title: 'Nájsť a nahradiť'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd23496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'sl', {
+	find: 'Najdi',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Najdi:',
+	matchCase: 'Razlikuj velike in male črke',
+	matchCyclic: 'Primerjaj znake v cirilici',
+	matchWord: 'Samo cele besede',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Navedeno besedilo ni bilo najdeno.',
+	replace: 'Zamenjaj',
+	replaceAll: 'Zamenjaj vse',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 pojavitev je bilo zamenjano.',
+	replaceWith: 'Zamenjaj z:',
+	title: 'Najdi in zamenjaj'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..760cb0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'sr-latn', {
+	find: 'Pretraga',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Pronadi:',
+	matchCase: 'Razlikuj mala i velika slova',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Uporedi cele reci',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Traženi tekst nije pronađen.',
+	replace: 'Zamena',
+	replaceAll: 'Zameni sve',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Zameni sa:',
+	title: 'Find and Replace'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..175f7dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'sr', {
+	find: 'Претрага',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Пронађи:',
+	matchCase: 'Разликуј велика и мала слова',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'Упореди целе речи',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Тражени текст није пронађен.',
+	replace: 'Замена',
+	replaceAll: 'Замени све',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'Замени са:',
+	title: 'Find and Replace'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8de57e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'sv', {
+	find: 'Sök',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'Sök efter:',
+	matchCase: 'Skiftläge',
+	matchCyclic: 'Matcha cykliska',
+	matchWord: 'Inkludera hela ord',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Angiven text kunde ej hittas.',
+	replace: 'Ersätt',
+	replaceAll: 'Ersätt alla',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 förekomst(er) ersatta.',
+	replaceWith: 'Ersätt med:',
+	title: 'Sök och ersätt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca215c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'th', {
+	find: 'ค้นหา',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: 'ค้นหาคำว่า:',
+	matchCase: 'ตัวโหญ่-เล็ก ต้องตรงกัน',
+	matchCyclic: 'Match cyclic',
+	matchWord: 'ต้องตรงกันทุกคำ',
+	notFoundMsg: 'ไม่พบคำที่ค้นหา.',
+	replace: 'ค้นหาและแทนที่',
+	replaceAll: 'แทนที่ทั้งหมดที่พบ',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 occurrence(s) replaced.',
+	replaceWith: 'แทนที่ด้วย:',
+	title: 'Find and Replace'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d9d191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'tr', {
+	find: 'Bul',
+	findOptions: 'Seçenekleri Bul',
+	findWhat: 'Aranan:',
+	matchCase: 'Büyük/küçük harf duyarlı',
+	matchCyclic: 'Eşleşen döngü',
+	matchWord: 'Kelimenin tamamı uysun',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Belirtilen yazı bulunamadı.',
+	replace: 'DeÄŸiÅŸtir',
+	replaceAll: 'Tümünü Değiştir',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 bulunanlardan deÄŸiÅŸtirildi.',
+	replaceWith: 'Bununla deÄŸiÅŸtir:',
+	title: 'Bul ve DeÄŸiÅŸtir'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5310a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'ug', {
+	find: 'ئىزدە',
+	findOptions: 'ئىزدەش تاللانمىسى',
+	findWhat: 'ئىزدە:',
+	matchCase: 'چوڭ كىچىك ھەرپنى پەرقلەندۈر',
+	matchCyclic: 'ئايلانما ماسلىشىش',
+	matchWord: 'پۈتۈن سۆز ماسلىشىش',
+	notFoundMsg: 'بەلگىلەنگەن تېكىستنى تاپالمىدى',
+	replace: 'ئالماشتۇر',
+	replaceAll: 'ھەممىنى ئالماشتۇر',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: 'جەمئى %1 جايدىكى ئالماشتۇرۇش تاماملاندى',
+	replaceWith: 'ئالماشتۇر:',
+	title: 'ئىزدەپ ئالماشتۇر'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..860197c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'uk', {
+	find: 'Пошук',
+	findOptions: 'Параметри Пошуку',
+	findWhat: 'Шукати:',
+	matchCase: 'Враховувати регістр',
+	matchCyclic: 'Циклічна заміна',
+	matchWord: 'Збіг цілих слів',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Вказаний текст не знайдено.',
+	replace: 'Заміна',
+	replaceAll: 'Замінити все',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 співпадінь(ня) замінено.',
+	replaceWith: 'Замінити на:',
+	title: 'Знайти і замінити'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d4b148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'vi', {
+	find: 'Tìm kiếm',
+	findOptions: 'Tìm tùy chọn',
+	findWhat: 'Tìm chuỗi:',
+	matchCase: 'Phân biệt chữ hoa/thường',
+	matchCyclic: 'Giống một phần',
+	matchWord: 'Giống toàn bộ từ',
+	notFoundMsg: 'Không tìm thấy chuỗi cần tìm.',
+	replace: 'Thay thế',
+	replaceAll: 'Thay thế tất cả',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '%1 vị trí đã được thay thế.',
+	replaceWith: 'Thay bằng:',
+	title: 'Tìm kiếm và thay thế'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64aec7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'zh-cn', {
+	find: '查找',
+	findOptions: '查找选项',
+	findWhat: '查找:',
+	matchCase: '区分大小写',
+	matchCyclic: '循环匹配',
+	matchWord: '全字匹配',
+	notFoundMsg: '指定文本没有找到',
+	replace: '替换',
+	replaceAll: '全部替换',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '共完成 %1 处替换.',
+	replaceWith: '替换:',
+	title: '查找和替换'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46112fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'find', 'zh', {
+	find: '尋找',
+	findOptions: 'Find Options',
+	findWhat: '尋找:',
+	matchCase: '大小寫須相符',
+	matchCyclic: '循環搜索',
+	matchWord: '全字相符',
+	notFoundMsg: '未找到指定的文字。',
+	replace: '取代',
+	replaceAll: '全部取代',
+	replaceSuccessMsg: '共完成 %1 次取代',
+	replaceWith: '取代:',
+	title: '尋找與取代'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/plugin.js
index 7b4ceca..704e151 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/find/plugin.js
@@ -1,46 +1,50 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'find',
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
-		var forms = CKEDITOR.plugins.find;
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'Find',
-			{
-				label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.find,
-				command : 'find'
-			});
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'find', {
+	requires: 'dialog',
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	icons: 'find,find-rtl,replace', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	init: function( editor ) {
 		var findCommand = editor.addCommand( 'find', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'find' ) );
 		findCommand.canUndo = false;
+		findCommand.readOnly = 1;
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'Replace',
-			{
-				label : editor.lang.findAndReplace.replace,
-				command : 'replace'
-			});
 		var replaceCommand = editor.addCommand( 'replace', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'replace' ) );
 		replaceCommand.canUndo = false;
-		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'find',	this.path + 'dialogs/find.js' );
-		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'replace',	this.path + 'dialogs/find.js' );
-	},
+		if ( editor.ui.addButton ) {
+			editor.ui.addButton( 'Find', {
+				label: editor.lang.find.find,
+				command: 'find',
+				toolbar: 'find,10'
+			});
+			editor.ui.addButton( 'Replace', {
+				label: editor.lang.find.replace,
+				command: 'replace',
+				toolbar: 'find,20'
+			});
+		}
-	requires : [ 'styles' ]
-} );
+		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'find', this.path + 'dialogs/find.js' );
+		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'replace', this.path + 'dialogs/find.js' );
+	}
  * Defines the style to be used to highlight results with the find dialog.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'span', styles : { 'background-color' : '#004', 'color' : '#fff' } }
- * @example
- * // Highlight search results with blue on yellow.
- * config.find_highlight =
- *     {
- *         element : 'span',
- *         styles : { 'background-color' : '#ff0', 'color' : '#00f' }
- *     };
+ *
+ *		// Highlight search results with blue on yellow.
+ *		config.find_highlight = {
+ *			element: 'span',
+ *			styles: { 'background-color': '#ff0', color: '#00f' }
+ *		};
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.find_highlight = { element : 'span', styles : { 'background-color' : '#004', 'color' : '#fff' } };
+CKEDITOR.config.find_highlight = {
+	element: 'span', styles: { 'background-color': '#004', color: '#fff' } };
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/dialogs/flash.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/dialogs/flash.js
index 861cc34..be02767 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/dialogs/flash.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/dialogs/flash.js
@@ -1,116 +1,150 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-	/*
-	 * It is possible to set things in three different places.
-	 * 1. As attributes in the object tag.
-	 * 2. As param tags under the object tag.
-	 * 3. As attributes in the embed tag.
-	 * It is possible for a single attribute to be present in more than one place.
-	 * So let's define a mapping between a sementic attribute and its syntactic
-	 * equivalents.
-	 * Then we'll set and retrieve attribute values according to the mapping,
-	 * instead of having to check and set each syntactic attribute every time.
-	 *
-	 * Reference: http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn_12701
-	 */
+(function() {
+	// It is possible to set things in three different places.
+	// 1. As attributes in the object tag.
+	// 2. As param tags under the object tag.
+	// 3. As attributes in the embed tag.
+	// It is possible for a single attribute to be present in more than one place.
+	// So let's define a mapping between a sementic attribute and its syntactic
+	// equivalents.
+	// Then we'll set and retrieve attribute values according to the mapping,
+	// instead of having to check and set each syntactic attribute every time.
+	//
+	// Reference: http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn_12701
-	var attributesMap =
-	{
-		id : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name :  'id' } ],
-		classid : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'classid' } ],
-		codebase : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'codebase'} ],
-		pluginspage : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'pluginspage' } ],
-		src : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_PARAM, name : 'movie' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'src' } ],
-		name : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'name' } ],
-		align : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'align' } ],
-		title : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'title' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'title' } ],
-		'class' : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'class' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'class'} ],
-		width : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'width' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'width' } ],
-		height : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'height' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'height' } ],
-		hSpace : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'hSpace' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'hSpace' } ],
-		vSpace : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'vSpace' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'vSpace' } ],
-		style : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'style' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'style' } ],
-		type : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'type' } ]
+	var attributesMap = {
+		id: [ {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name: 'id'
+		}],
+		classid: [ {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name: 'classid'
+		}],
+		codebase: [ {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name: 'codebase'
+		}],
+		pluginspage: [ {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name: 'pluginspage'
+		}],
+		src: [ {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_PARAM, name: 'movie'
+		}, {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name: 'src'
+		}, {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name: 'data'
+		}],
+		name: [ {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name: 'name'
+		}],
+		align: [ {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name: 'align'
+		}],
+		'class': [ {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name: 'class'
+		}, {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name: 'class'
+		}],
+		width: [ {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name: 'width'
+		}, {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name: 'width'
+		}],
+		height: [ {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name: 'height'
+		}, {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name: 'height'
+		}],
+		hSpace: [ {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name: 'hSpace'
+		}, {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name: 'hSpace'
+		}],
+		vSpace: [ {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name: 'vSpace'
+		}, {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name: 'vSpace'
+		}],
+		style: [ {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name: 'style'
+		}, {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name: 'style'
+		}],
+		type: [ {
+			type: ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name: 'type'
+		}]
-	var names = [ 'play', 'loop', 'menu', 'quality', 'scale', 'salign', 'wmode', 'bgcolor', 'base', 'flashvars', 'allowScriptAccess',
-		'allowFullScreen' ];
-	for ( var i = 0 ; i < names.length ; i++ )
-		attributesMap[ names[i] ] = [ { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : names[i] }, { type : ATTRTYPE_PARAM, name : names[i] } ];
+	var names = [ 'play', 'loop', 'menu', 'quality', 'scale', 'salign', 'wmode', 'bgcolor', 'base', 'flashvars', 'allowScriptAccess', 'allowFullScreen' ];
+	for ( var i = 0; i < names.length; i++ )
+		attributesMap[ names[ i ] ] = [ {
+		type: ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name: names[ i ]
+	}, {
+		type: ATTRTYPE_PARAM, name: names[ i ]
+	}];
 	names = [ 'allowFullScreen', 'play', 'loop', 'menu' ];
-	for ( i = 0 ; i < names.length ; i++ )
-		attributesMap[ names[i] ][0]['default'] = attributesMap[ names[i] ][1]['default'] = true;
+	for ( i = 0; i < names.length; i++ )
+		attributesMap[ names[ i ] ][ 0 ][ 'default' ] = attributesMap[ names[ i ] ][ 1 ][ 'default' ] = true;
-	function loadValue( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap )
-	{
+	var defaultToPixel = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength;
+	function loadValue( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap ) {
 		var attributes = attributesMap[ this.id ];
 		if ( !attributes )
 		var isCheckbox = ( this instanceof CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox );
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < attributes.length ; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++ ) {
 			var attrDef = attributes[ i ];
-			switch ( attrDef.type )
-			{
+			switch ( attrDef.type ) {
 					if ( !objectNode )
-					if ( objectNode.getAttribute( attrDef.name ) !== null )
-					{
+					if ( objectNode.getAttribute( attrDef.name ) !== null ) {
 						var value = objectNode.getAttribute( attrDef.name );
 						if ( isCheckbox )
 							this.setValue( value.toLowerCase() == 'true' );
 							this.setValue( value );
-					}
-					else if ( isCheckbox )
+					} else if ( isCheckbox )
 						this.setValue( !!attrDef[ 'default' ] );
 					if ( !objectNode )
-					if ( attrDef.name in paramMap )
-					{
+					if ( attrDef.name in paramMap ) {
 						value = paramMap[ attrDef.name ];
 						if ( isCheckbox )
 							this.setValue( value.toLowerCase() == 'true' );
 							this.setValue( value );
-					}
-					else if ( isCheckbox )
+					} else if ( isCheckbox )
 						this.setValue( !!attrDef[ 'default' ] );
 					if ( !embedNode )
-					if ( embedNode.getAttribute( attrDef.name ) )
-					{
+					if ( embedNode.getAttribute( attrDef.name ) ) {
 						value = embedNode.getAttribute( attrDef.name );
 						if ( isCheckbox )
 							this.setValue( value.toLowerCase() == 'true' );
 							this.setValue( value );
-					}
-					else if ( isCheckbox )
+					} else if ( isCheckbox )
 						this.setValue( !!attrDef[ 'default' ] );
-	function commitValue( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap )
-	{
+	function commitValue( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap ) {
 		var attributes = attributesMap[ this.id ];
 		if ( !attributes )
@@ -118,13 +152,12 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		var isRemove = ( this.getValue() === '' ),
 			isCheckbox = ( this instanceof CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox );
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < attributes.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			var attrDef = attributes[i];
-			switch ( attrDef.type )
-			{
+		for ( var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++ ) {
+			var attrDef = attributes[ i ];
+			switch ( attrDef.type ) {
-					if ( !objectNode )
+					// Avoid applying the data attribute when not needed (#7733)
+					if ( !objectNode || ( attrDef.name == 'data' && embedNode && !objectNode.hasAttribute( 'data' ) ) )
 					var value = this.getValue();
 					if ( isRemove || isCheckbox && value === attrDef[ 'default' ] )
@@ -136,19 +169,15 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					if ( !objectNode )
 					value = this.getValue();
-					if ( isRemove || isCheckbox && value === attrDef[ 'default' ] )
-					{
+					if ( isRemove || isCheckbox && value === attrDef[ 'default' ] ) {
 						if ( attrDef.name in paramMap )
 							paramMap[ attrDef.name ].remove();
-					}
-					else
-					{
+					} else {
 						if ( attrDef.name in paramMap )
 							paramMap[ attrDef.name ].setAttribute( 'value', value );
-						else
-						{
+						else {
 							var param = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<cke:param></cke:param>', objectNode.getDocument() );
-							param.setAttributes( { name : attrDef.name, value : value } );
+							param.setAttributes({ name: attrDef.name, value: value } );
 							if ( objectNode.getChildCount() < 1 )
 								param.appendTo( objectNode );
@@ -160,7 +189,7 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					if ( !embedNode )
 					value = this.getValue();
-					if ( isRemove || isCheckbox && value === attrDef[ 'default' ])
+					if ( isRemove || isCheckbox && value === attrDef[ 'default' ] )
 						embedNode.removeAttribute( attrDef.name );
 						embedNode.setAttribute( attrDef.name, value );
@@ -168,50 +197,46 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'flash', function( editor )
-	{
+	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'flash', function( editor ) {
 		var makeObjectTag = !editor.config.flashEmbedTagOnly,
 			makeEmbedTag = editor.config.flashAddEmbedTag || editor.config.flashEmbedTagOnly;
 		var previewPreloader,
-			previewAreaHtml = '<div>' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.common.preview ) +'<br>' +
+			previewAreaHtml = '<div>' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.common.preview ) + '<br>' +
 			'<div id="cke_FlashPreviewLoader' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber() + '" style="display:none"><div class="loading"> </div></div>' +
 			'<div id="cke_FlashPreviewBox' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber() + '" class="FlashPreviewBox"></div></div>';
 		return {
-			title : editor.lang.flash.title,
-			minWidth : 420,
-			minHeight : 310,
-			onShow : function()
-			{
+			title: editor.lang.flash.title,
+			minWidth: 420,
+			minHeight: 310,
+			onShow: function() {
 				// Clear previously saved elements.
 				this.fakeImage = this.objectNode = this.embedNode = null;
 				previewPreloader = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'embed', editor.document );
 				// Try to detect any embed or object tag that has Flash parameters.
 				var fakeImage = this.getSelectedElement();
-				if ( fakeImage && fakeImage.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) && fakeImage.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) == 'flash' )
-				{
+				if ( fakeImage && fakeImage.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) && fakeImage.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) == 'flash' ) {
 					this.fakeImage = fakeImage;
 					var realElement = editor.restoreRealElement( fakeImage ),
-						objectNode = null, embedNode = null, paramMap = {};
-					if ( realElement.getName() == 'cke:object' )
-					{
+						objectNode = null,
+						embedNode = null,
+						paramMap = {};
+					if ( realElement.getName() == 'cke:object' ) {
 						objectNode = realElement;
 						var embedList = objectNode.getElementsByTag( 'embed', 'cke' );
 						if ( embedList.count() > 0 )
 							embedNode = embedList.getItem( 0 );
 						var paramList = objectNode.getElementsByTag( 'param', 'cke' );
-						for ( var i = 0, length = paramList.count() ; i < length ; i++ )
-						{
+						for ( var i = 0, length = paramList.count(); i < length; i++ ) {
 							var item = paramList.getItem( i ),
 								name = item.getAttribute( 'name' ),
 								value = item.getAttribute( 'value' );
 							paramMap[ name ] = value;
-					}
-					else if ( realElement.getName() == 'cke:embed' )
+					} else if ( realElement.getName() == 'cke:embed' )
 						embedNode = realElement;
 					this.objectNode = objectNode;
@@ -220,479 +245,411 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					this.setupContent( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap, fakeImage );
-			onOk : function()
-			{
+			onOk: function() {
 				// If there's no selected object or embed, create one. Otherwise, reuse the
 				// selected object and embed nodes.
 				var objectNode = null,
 					embedNode = null,
 					paramMap = null;
-				if ( !this.fakeImage )
-				{
-					if ( makeObjectTag )
-					{
+				if ( !this.fakeImage ) {
+					if ( makeObjectTag ) {
 						objectNode = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<cke:object></cke:object>', editor.document );
 						var attributes = {
-							classid : 'clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000',
-							codebase : 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0'
+							classid: 'clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000',
+							codebase: 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0'
 						objectNode.setAttributes( attributes );
-					if ( makeEmbedTag )
-					{
+					if ( makeEmbedTag ) {
 						embedNode = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<cke:embed></cke:embed>', editor.document );
-						embedNode.setAttributes(
-							{
-								type : 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
-								pluginspage : 'http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'
-							} );
+						embedNode.setAttributes({
+							type: 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
+							pluginspage: 'http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'
+						});
 						if ( objectNode )
 							embedNode.appendTo( objectNode );
-				}
-				else
-				{
+				} else {
 					objectNode = this.objectNode;
 					embedNode = this.embedNode;
 				// Produce the paramMap if there's an object tag.
-				if ( objectNode )
-				{
+				if ( objectNode ) {
 					paramMap = {};
 					var paramList = objectNode.getElementsByTag( 'param', 'cke' );
-					for ( var i = 0, length = paramList.count() ; i < length ; i++ )
+					for ( var i = 0, length = paramList.count(); i < length; i++ )
 						paramMap[ paramList.getItem( i ).getAttribute( 'name' ) ] = paramList.getItem( i );
 				// A subset of the specified attributes/styles
 				// should also be applied on the fake element to
 				// have better visual effect. (#5240)
-				var extraStyles = {}, extraAttributes = {};
+				var extraStyles = {},
+					extraAttributes = {};
 				this.commitContent( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap, extraStyles, extraAttributes );
 				// Refresh the fake image.
 				var newFakeImage = editor.createFakeElement( objectNode || embedNode, 'cke_flash', 'flash', true );
 				newFakeImage.setAttributes( extraAttributes );
 				newFakeImage.setStyles( extraStyles );
-				if ( this.fakeImage )
-				{
+				if ( this.fakeImage ) {
 					newFakeImage.replace( this.fakeImage );
 					editor.getSelection().selectElement( newFakeImage );
-				}
-				else
+				} else
 					editor.insertElement( newFakeImage );
-			onHide : function()
-			{
+			onHide: function() {
 				if ( this.preview )
-					this.preview.setHtml('');
+					this.preview.setHtml( '' );
-			contents : [
+			contents: [
-					id : 'info',
-					label : editor.lang.common.generalTab,
-					accessKey : 'I',
-					elements :
-					[
+				id: 'info',
+				label: editor.lang.common.generalTab,
+				accessKey: 'I',
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+					{
+					type: 'vbox',
+					padding: 0,
+					children: [
-							type : 'vbox',
-							padding : 0,
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-									type : 'hbox',
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-									children :
-									[
-										{
-											id : 'src',
-											type : 'text',
-											label : editor.lang.common.url,
-											required : true,
-											validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( editor.lang.flash.validateSrc ),
-											setup : loadValue,
-											commit : commitValue,
-											onLoad : function()
-											{
-												var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-												updatePreview = function( src ){
-													// Query the preloader to figure out the url impacted by based href.
-													previewPreloader.setAttribute( 'src', src );
-													dialog.preview.setHtml( '<embed height="100%" width="100%" src="'
-														+ CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( previewPreloader.getAttribute( 'src' ) )
-														+ '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>' );
-												};
-												// Preview element
-												dialog.preview = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'preview' ).getElement().getChild( 3 );
+						type: 'hbox',
+						widths: [ '280px', '110px' ],
+						align: 'right',
+						children: [
+							{
+							id: 'src',
+							type: 'text',
+							label: editor.lang.common.url,
+							required: true,
+							validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( editor.lang.flash.validateSrc ),
+							setup: loadValue,
+							commit: commitValue,
+							onLoad: function() {
+								var dialog = this.getDialog(),
+									updatePreview = function( src ) {
+										// Query the preloader to figure out the url impacted by based href.
+										previewPreloader.setAttribute( 'src', src );
+										dialog.preview.setHtml( '<embed height="100%" width="100%" src="' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( previewPreloader.getAttribute( 'src' ) )
+											+ '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>' );
+									};
+								// Preview element
+								dialog.preview = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'preview' ).getElement().getChild( 3 );
-												// Sync on inital value loaded.
-												this.on( 'change', function( evt ){
+								// Sync on inital value loaded.
+								this.on( 'change', function( evt ) {
-														if ( evt.data && evt.data.value )
-															updatePreview( evt.data.value );
-													} );
-												// Sync when input value changed.
-												this.getInputElement().on( 'change', function( evt ){
+									if ( evt.data && evt.data.value )
+										updatePreview( evt.data.value );
+								});
+								// Sync when input value changed.
+								this.getInputElement().on( 'change', function( evt ) {
-													updatePreview( this.getValue() );
-												}, this );
-											}
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'button',
-											id : 'browse',
-											filebrowser : 'info:src',
-											hidden : true,
-											// v-align with the 'src' field.
-											// TODO: We need something better than a fixed size here.
-											style : 'display:inline-block;margin-top:10px;',
-											label : editor.lang.common.browseServer
-										}
-									]
-								}
-							]
+									updatePreview( this.getValue() );
+								}, this );
+							}
+							{
+							type: 'button',
+							id: 'browse',
+							filebrowser: 'info:src',
+							hidden: true,
+							// v-align with the 'src' field.
+							// TODO: We need something better than a fixed size here.
+							style: 'display:inline-block;margin-top:10px;',
+							label: editor.lang.common.browseServer
+						}
+						]
+					}
+					]
+				},
+					{
+					type: 'hbox',
+					widths: [ '25%', '25%', '25%', '25%', '25%' ],
+					children: [
-							type : 'hbox',
-							widths : [ '25%', '25%', '25%', '25%', '25%' ],
-							children :
-							[
-								{
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'width',
-									style : 'width:95px',
-									label : editor.lang.flash.width,
-									validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.flash.validateWidth ),
-									setup : function( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap, fakeImage )
-									{
-										loadValue.apply( this, arguments );
-										if ( fakeImage )
-										{
-											var fakeImageWidth = parseInt( fakeImage.$.style.width, 10 );
-											if ( !isNaN( fakeImageWidth ) )
-												this.setValue( fakeImageWidth );
-										}
-									},
-									commit : function( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap, extraStyles )
-									{
-										commitValue.apply( this, arguments );
-										if ( this.getValue() )
-											extraStyles.width = this.getValue() + 'px';
-									}
-								},
-								{
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'height',
-									style : 'width:95px',
-									label : editor.lang.flash.height,
-									validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.flash.validateHeight ),
-									setup : function( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap, fakeImage )
-									{
-										loadValue.apply( this, arguments );
-										if ( fakeImage )
-										{
-											var fakeImageHeight = parseInt( fakeImage.$.style.height, 10 );
-											if ( !isNaN( fakeImageHeight ) )
-												this.setValue( fakeImageHeight );
-										}
-									},
-									commit : function( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap, extraStyles )
-									{
-										commitValue.apply( this, arguments );
-										if ( this.getValue() )
-											extraStyles.height = this.getValue() + 'px';
-									}
-								},
-								{
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'hSpace',
-									style : 'width:95px',
-									label : editor.lang.flash.hSpace,
-									validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.flash.validateHSpace ),
-									setup : loadValue,
-									commit : commitValue
-								},
-								{
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'vSpace',
-									style : 'width:95px',
-									label : editor.lang.flash.vSpace,
-									validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.flash.validateVSpace ),
-									setup : loadValue,
-									commit : commitValue
-								}
-							]
-						},
+						type: 'text',
+						id: 'width',
+						style: 'width:95px',
+						label: editor.lang.common.width,
+						validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.htmlLength( editor.lang.common.invalidHtmlLength.replace( '%1', editor.lang.common.width ) ),
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'text',
+						id: 'height',
+						style: 'width:95px',
+						label: editor.lang.common.height,
+						validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.htmlLength( editor.lang.common.invalidHtmlLength.replace( '%1', editor.lang.common.height ) ),
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'text',
+						id: 'hSpace',
+						style: 'width:95px',
+						label: editor.lang.flash.hSpace,
+						validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.flash.validateHSpace ),
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'text',
+						id: 'vSpace',
+						style: 'width:95px',
+						label: editor.lang.flash.vSpace,
+						validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.flash.validateVSpace ),
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					}
+					]
+				},
+					{
+					type: 'vbox',
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-							type : 'vbox',
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-									type : 'html',
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-									html : previewAreaHtml
-								}
-							]
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+						type: 'html',
+						id: 'preview',
+						style: 'width:95%;',
+						html: previewAreaHtml
+					}
+				}
+				]
+			},
+				{
+				id: 'Upload',
+				hidden: true,
+				filebrowser: 'uploadButton',
+				label: editor.lang.common.upload,
+				elements: [
+					{
+					type: 'file',
+					id: 'upload',
+					label: editor.lang.common.upload,
+					size: 38
+					{
+					type: 'fileButton',
+					id: 'uploadButton',
+					label: editor.lang.common.uploadSubmit,
+					filebrowser: 'info:src',
+					'for': [ 'Upload', 'upload' ]
+				}
+				]
+			},
-					id : 'Upload',
-					hidden : true,
-					filebrowser : 'uploadButton',
-					label : editor.lang.common.upload,
-					elements :
-					[
+				id: 'properties',
+				label: editor.lang.flash.propertiesTab,
+				elements: [
+					{
+					type: 'hbox',
+					widths: [ '50%', '50%' ],
+					children: [
-							type : 'file',
-							id : 'upload',
-							label : editor.lang.common.upload,
-							size : 38
-						},
+						id: 'scale',
+						type: 'select',
+						label: editor.lang.flash.scale,
+						'default': '',
+						style: 'width : 100%;',
+						items: [
+							[ editor.lang.common.notSet, '' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.scaleAll, 'showall' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.scaleNoBorder, 'noborder' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.scaleFit, 'exactfit' ]
+							],
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					},
+						{
+						id: 'allowScriptAccess',
+						type: 'select',
+						label: editor.lang.flash.access,
+						'default': '',
+						style: 'width : 100%;',
+						items: [
+							[ editor.lang.common.notSet, '' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.accessAlways, 'always' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.accessSameDomain, 'samedomain' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.accessNever, 'never' ]
+							],
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					}
+					]
+				},
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+					type: 'hbox',
+					widths: [ '50%', '50%' ],
+					children: [
+						{
+						id: 'wmode',
+						type: 'select',
+						label: editor.lang.flash.windowMode,
+						'default': '',
+						style: 'width : 100%;',
+						items: [
+							[ editor.lang.common.notSet, '' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.windowModeWindow, 'window' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.windowModeOpaque, 'opaque' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.windowModeTransparent, 'transparent' ]
+							],
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					},
+						{
+						id: 'quality',
+						type: 'select',
+						label: editor.lang.flash.quality,
+						'default': 'high',
+						style: 'width : 100%;',
+						items: [
+							[ editor.lang.common.notSet, '' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.qualityBest, 'best' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.qualityHigh, 'high' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.qualityAutoHigh, 'autohigh' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.qualityMedium, 'medium' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.qualityAutoLow, 'autolow' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.qualityLow, 'low' ]
+							],
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					}
+					]
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+					type: 'hbox',
+					widths: [ '50%', '50%' ],
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-							type : 'fileButton',
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-							label : editor.lang.common.uploadSubmit,
-							filebrowser : 'info:src',
-							'for' : [ 'Upload', 'upload' ]
+						id: 'align',
+						type: 'select',
+						label: editor.lang.common.align,
+						'default': '',
+						style: 'width : 100%;',
+						items: [
+							[ editor.lang.common.notSet, '' ],
+							[ editor.lang.common.alignLeft, 'left' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.alignAbsBottom, 'absBottom' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.alignAbsMiddle, 'absMiddle' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.alignBaseline, 'baseline' ],
+							[ editor.lang.common.alignBottom, 'bottom' ],
+							[ editor.lang.common.alignMiddle, 'middle' ],
+							[ editor.lang.common.alignRight, 'right' ],
+							[ editor.lang.flash.alignTextTop, 'textTop' ],
+							[ editor.lang.common.alignTop, 'top' ]
+							],
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: function( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap, extraStyles, extraAttributes ) {
+							var value = this.getValue();
+							commitValue.apply( this, arguments );
+							value && ( extraAttributes.align = value );
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'html',
+						html: '<div></div>'
+					}
-				{
-					id : 'properties',
-					label : editor.lang.flash.propertiesTab,
-					elements :
-					[
+					{
+					type: 'fieldset',
+					label: CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.flash.flashvars ),
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-							type : 'hbox',
-							widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-							children :
-							[
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-									id : 'scale',
-									type : 'select',
-									label : editor.lang.flash.scale,
-									'default' : '',
-									style : 'width : 100%;',
-									items :
-									[
-										[ editor.lang.common.notSet , ''],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.scaleAll, 'showall' ],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.scaleNoBorder, 'noborder' ],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.scaleFit, 'exactfit' ]
-									],
-									setup : loadValue,
-									commit : commitValue
-								},
-								{
-									id : 'allowScriptAccess',
-									type : 'select',
-									label : editor.lang.flash.access,
-									'default' : '',
-									style : 'width : 100%;',
-									items :
-									[
-										[ editor.lang.common.notSet , ''],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.accessAlways, 'always' ],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.accessSameDomain, 'samedomain' ],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.accessNever, 'never' ]
-									],
-									setup : loadValue,
-									commit : commitValue
-								}
-							]
+						type: 'vbox',
+						padding: 0,
+						children: [
+							{
+							type: 'checkbox',
+							id: 'menu',
+							label: editor.lang.flash.chkMenu,
+							'default': true,
+							setup: loadValue,
+							commit: commitValue
-						{
-							type : 'hbox',
-							widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-							children :
-							[
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-									id : 'wmode',
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-									label : editor.lang.flash.windowMode,
-									'default' : '',
-									style : 'width : 100%;',
-									items :
-									[
-										[ editor.lang.common.notSet , '' ],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.windowModeWindow, 'window' ],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.windowModeOpaque, 'opaque' ],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.windowModeTransparent, 'transparent' ]
-									],
-									setup : loadValue,
-									commit : commitValue
-								},
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-									id : 'quality',
-									type : 'select',
-									label : editor.lang.flash.quality,
-									'default' : 'high',
-									style : 'width : 100%;',
-									items :
-									[
-										[ editor.lang.common.notSet , '' ],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.qualityBest, 'best' ],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.qualityHigh, 'high' ],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.qualityAutoHigh, 'autohigh' ],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.qualityMedium, 'medium' ],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.qualityAutoLow, 'autolow' ],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.qualityLow, 'low' ]
-									],
-									setup : loadValue,
-									commit : commitValue
-								}
-							]
+							{
+							type: 'checkbox',
+							id: 'play',
+							label: editor.lang.flash.chkPlay,
+							'default': true,
+							setup: loadValue,
+							commit: commitValue
-						{
-							type : 'hbox',
-							widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-							children :
-							[
-								{
-									id : 'align',
-									type : 'select',
-									label : editor.lang.flash.align,
-									'default' : '',
-									style : 'width : 100%;',
-									items :
-									[
-										[ editor.lang.common.notSet , ''],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.alignLeft , 'left'],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.alignAbsBottom , 'absBottom'],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.alignAbsMiddle , 'absMiddle'],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.alignBaseline , 'baseline'],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.alignBottom , 'bottom'],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.alignMiddle , 'middle'],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.alignRight , 'right'],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.alignTextTop , 'textTop'],
-										[ editor.lang.flash.alignTop , 'top']
-									],
-									setup : loadValue,
-									commit : function( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap, extraStyles, extraAttributes )
-									{
-										var value = this.getValue();
-										commitValue.apply( this, arguments );
-										value && ( extraAttributes.align = value );
-									}
-								},
-								{
-									type : 'html',
-									html : '<div></div>'
-								}
-							]
+							{
+							type: 'checkbox',
+							id: 'loop',
+							label: editor.lang.flash.chkLoop,
+							'default': true,
+							setup: loadValue,
+							commit: commitValue
-						{
-							type : 'fieldset',
-							label : CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.flash.flashvars ),
-							children :
-							[
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-									padding : 0,
-									children :
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-											label : editor.lang.flash.chkMenu,
-											'default' : true,
-											setup : loadValue,
-											commit : commitValue
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'checkbox',
-											id : 'play',
-											label : editor.lang.flash.chkPlay,
-											'default' : true,
-											setup : loadValue,
-											commit : commitValue
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'checkbox',
-											id : 'loop',
-											label : editor.lang.flash.chkLoop,
-											'default' : true,
-											setup : loadValue,
-											commit : commitValue
-										},
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-											type : 'checkbox',
-											id : 'allowFullScreen',
-											label : editor.lang.flash.chkFull,
-											'default' : true,
-											setup : loadValue,
-											commit : commitValue
-										}
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-								}
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+							{
+							type: 'checkbox',
+							id: 'allowFullScreen',
+							label: editor.lang.flash.chkFull,
+							'default': true,
+							setup: loadValue,
+							commit: commitValue
+						]
+					}
-				},
+				}
+				]
+			},
-					id : 'advanced',
-					label : editor.lang.common.advancedTab,
-					elements :
-					[
+				id: 'advanced',
+				label: editor.lang.common.advancedTab,
+				elements: [
+					{
+					type: 'hbox',
+					children: [
-							type : 'hbox',
-							widths : [ '45%', '55%' ],
-							children :
-							[
-								{
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'id',
-									label : editor.lang.common.id,
-									setup : loadValue,
-									commit : commitValue
-								},
-								{
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'title',
-									label : editor.lang.common.advisoryTitle,
-									setup : loadValue,
-									commit : commitValue
-								}
-							]
-						},
+						type: 'text',
+						id: 'id',
+						label: editor.lang.common.id,
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					}
+					]
+				},
+					{
+					type: 'hbox',
+					widths: [ '45%', '55%' ],
+					children: [
-							type : 'hbox',
-							widths : [ '45%', '55%' ],
-							children :
-							[
-								{
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'bgcolor',
-									label : editor.lang.flash.bgcolor,
-									setup : loadValue,
-									commit : commitValue
-								},
-								{
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'class',
-									label : editor.lang.common.cssClass,
-									setup : loadValue,
-									commit : commitValue
-								}
-							]
-						},
+						type: 'text',
+						id: 'bgcolor',
+						label: editor.lang.flash.bgcolor,
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					},
-							type : 'text',
-							id : 'style',
-							label : editor.lang.common.cssStyle,
-							setup : loadValue,
-							commit : commitValue
-						}
+						type: 'text',
+						id: 'class',
+						label: editor.lang.common.cssClass,
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					}
+				},
+					{
+					type: 'text',
+					id: 'style',
+					validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.inlineStyle( editor.lang.common.invalidInlineStyle ),
+					label: editor.lang.common.cssStyle,
+					setup: loadValue,
+					commit: commitValue
+				]
+			}
-	} );
+	});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/icons/flash.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/icons/flash.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..042beae
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/icons/flash.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/images/placeholder.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/images/placeholder.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bc6caa
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/images/placeholder.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30e1279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'af', {
+	access: 'Skrip toegang',
+	accessAlways: 'Altyd',
+	accessNever: 'Nooit',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Selfde domeinnaam',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Absoluut-onder',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Absoluut-middel',
+	alignBaseline: 'Basislyn',
+	alignTextTop: 'Teks bo',
+	bgcolor: 'Agtergrondkleur',
+	chkFull: 'Laat volledige skerm toe',
+	chkLoop: 'Herhaal',
+	chkMenu: 'Flash spyskaart aan',
+	chkPlay: 'Speel outomaties',
+	flashvars: 'Veranderlikes vir Flash',
+	hSpace: 'HSpasie',
+	properties: 'Flash eienskappe',
+	propertiesTab: 'Eienskappe',
+	quality: 'Kwaliteit',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Outomaties hoog',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Outomaties laag',
+	qualityBest: 'Beste',
+	qualityHigh: 'Hoog',
+	qualityLow: 'Laag',
+	qualityMedium: 'Gemiddeld',
+	scale: 'Skaal',
+	scaleAll: 'Wys alles',
+	scaleFit: 'Presiese pas',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Geen rand',
+	title: 'Flash eienskappe',
+	vSpace: 'VSpasie',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpasie moet \'n heelgetal wees.',
+	validateSrc: 'Voeg die URL in',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpasie moet \'n heelgetal wees.',
+	windowMode: 'Venster modus',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Ondeursigtig',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Deursigtig',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Venster'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43efa1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'ar', {
+	access: 'دخول النص البرمجي',
+	accessAlways: 'دائماً',
+	accessNever: 'مطلقاً',
+	accessSameDomain: 'نفس النطاق',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'أسفل النص',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'وسط السطر',
+	alignBaseline: 'على السطر',
+	alignTextTop: 'أعلى النص',
+	bgcolor: 'لون الخلفية',
+	chkFull: 'ملء الشاشة',
+	chkLoop: 'تكرار',
+	chkMenu: 'تمكين قائمة فيلم الفلاش',
+	chkPlay: 'تشغيل تلقائي',
+	flashvars: 'متغيرات الفلاش',
+	hSpace: 'تباعد أفقي',
+	properties: 'خصائص الفلاش',
+	propertiesTab: 'الخصائص',
+	quality: 'جودة',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'عالية تلقائياً',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'منخفضة تلقائياً',
+	qualityBest: 'أفضل',
+	qualityHigh: 'عالية',
+	qualityLow: 'منخفضة',
+	qualityMedium: 'متوسطة',
+	scale: 'الحجم',
+	scaleAll: 'إظهار الكل',
+	scaleFit: 'ضبط تام',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'بلا حدود',
+	title: 'خصائص فيلم الفلاش',
+	vSpace: 'تباعد عمودي',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
+	validateSrc: 'فضلاً أدخل عنوان الموقع الذي يشير إليه الرابط',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
+	windowMode: 'وضع النافذة',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'غير شفاف',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'شفاف',
+	windowModeWindow: 'نافذة'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23c26f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'bg', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Винаги',
+	accessNever: 'Никога',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Същият домейн',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Най-долу',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Точно по средата',
+	alignBaseline: 'Базова линия',
+	alignTextTop: 'Върху текста',
+	bgcolor: 'Цвят на фона',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: 'Цикъл',
+	chkMenu: 'Разрешено Flash меню',
+	chkPlay: 'Авто. пускане',
+	flashvars: 'Променливи за Флаш',
+	hSpace: 'Хоризонтален отстъп',
+	properties: 'Настройки за флаш',
+	propertiesTab: 'Настройки',
+	quality: 'Качество',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Авто. високо',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Авто. ниско',
+	qualityBest: 'Отлично',
+	qualityHigh: 'Високо',
+	qualityLow: 'Ниско',
+	qualityMedium: 'Средно',
+	scale: 'Оразмеряване',
+	scaleAll: 'Показва всичко',
+	scaleFit: 'Според мястото',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Без рамка',
+	title: 'Настройки за флаш',
+	vSpace: 'Вертикален отстъп',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: 'Уеб адреса не трябва да е празен.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Режим на прозореца',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Плътност',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Прозрачност',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Прозорец'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60d74a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'bn', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Always', // MISSING
+	accessNever: 'Never', // MISSING
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs নীচে',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs উপর',
+	alignBaseline: 'মূল রেখা',
+	alignTextTop: 'টেক্সট উপর',
+	bgcolor: 'বেকগ্রাউন্ড রং',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: 'লূপ',
+	chkMenu: 'ফ্ল্যাশ মেনু এনাবল কর',
+	chkPlay: 'অটো প্লে',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'হরাইজন্টাল স্পেস',
+	properties: 'ফ্লাশ প্রোপার্টি',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties', // MISSING
+	quality: 'Quality', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'স্কেল',
+	scaleAll: 'সব দেখাও',
+	scaleFit: 'নিখুঁত ফিট',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'কোনো বর্ডার নেই',
+	title: 'ফ্ল্যাশ প্রোপার্টি',
+	vSpace: 'ভার্টিকেল স্পেস',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: 'অনুগ্রহ করে URL লিংক টাইপ করুন',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Window mode', // MISSING
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7454a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'bs', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Always', // MISSING
+	accessNever: 'Never', // MISSING
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs dole',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs sredina',
+	alignBaseline: 'Bazno',
+	alignTextTop: 'Vrh teksta',
+	bgcolor: 'Boja pozadine',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: 'Loop', // MISSING
+	chkMenu: 'Enable Flash Menu', // MISSING
+	chkPlay: 'Auto Play', // MISSING
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	properties: 'Flash Properties', // MISSING
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties', // MISSING
+	quality: 'Quality', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'Scale', // MISSING
+	scaleAll: 'Show all', // MISSING
+	scaleFit: 'Exact Fit', // MISSING
+	scaleNoBorder: 'No Border', // MISSING
+	title: 'Flash Properties', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: 'Molimo ukucajte URL link',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Window mode', // MISSING
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da2272e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'ca', {
+	access: 'Accés a scripts',
+	accessAlways: 'Sempre',
+	accessNever: 'Mai',
+	accessSameDomain: 'El mateix domini',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs Bottom',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs Middle',
+	alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+	alignTextTop: 'Text Top',
+	bgcolor: 'Color de Fons',
+	chkFull: 'Permetre la pantalla completa',
+	chkLoop: 'Bucle',
+	chkMenu: 'Habilita menú Flash',
+	chkPlay: 'Reprodució automàtica',
+	flashvars: 'Variables de Flash',
+	hSpace: 'Espaiat horit.',
+	properties: 'Propietats del Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Propietats',
+	quality: 'Qualitat',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Alta automàtica',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Baixa automàtica',
+	qualityBest: 'La millor',
+	qualityHigh: 'Alta',
+	qualityLow: 'Baixa',
+	qualityMedium: 'Mitjana',
+	scale: 'Escala',
+	scaleAll: 'Mostra-ho tot',
+	scaleFit: 'Mida exacta',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Sense vores',
+	title: 'Propietats del Flash',
+	vSpace: 'Espaiat vert.',
+	validateHSpace: 'L\'espaiat horitzonatal ha de ser un nombre.',
+	validateSrc: 'Si us plau, escrigui l\'enllaç URL',
+	validateVSpace: 'L\'espaiat vertical ha de ser un nombre.',
+	windowMode: 'Mode de la finestra',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaca',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Finestra'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..836a6c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'cs', {
+	access: 'Přístup ke skriptu',
+	accessAlways: 'Vždy',
+	accessNever: 'Nikdy',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Ve stejné doméně',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Zcela dolů',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Doprostřed',
+	alignBaseline: 'Na účaří',
+	alignTextTop: 'Na horní okraj textu',
+	bgcolor: 'Barva pozadí',
+	chkFull: 'Povolit celoobrazovkový režim',
+	chkLoop: 'Opakování',
+	chkMenu: 'Nabídka Flash',
+	chkPlay: 'Automatické spuštění',
+	flashvars: 'Proměnné pro Flash',
+	hSpace: 'Horizontální mezera',
+	properties: 'Vlastnosti Flashe',
+	propertiesTab: 'Vlastnosti',
+	quality: 'Kvalita',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Vysoká - auto',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Nízká - auto',
+	qualityBest: 'Nejlepší',
+	qualityHigh: 'Vysoká',
+	qualityLow: 'Nejnižší',
+	qualityMedium: 'Střední',
+	scale: 'Zobrazit',
+	scaleAll: 'Zobrazit vše',
+	scaleFit: 'Přizpůsobit',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Bez okraje',
+	title: 'Vlastnosti Flashe',
+	vSpace: 'Vertikální mezera',
+	validateHSpace: 'Zadaná horizontální mezera musí být číslo.',
+	validateSrc: 'Zadejte prosím URL odkazu',
+	validateVSpace: 'Zadaná vertikální mezera musí být číslo.',
+	windowMode: 'Režim okna',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Neprůhledné',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Průhledné',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Okno'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ff0929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'cy', {
+	access: 'Mynediad Sgript',
+	accessAlways: 'Pob amser',
+	accessNever: 'Byth',
+	accessSameDomain: 'R\'un parth',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Gwaelod Abs',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Canol Abs',
+	alignBaseline: 'Baslinell',
+	alignTextTop: 'Testun Top',
+	bgcolor: 'Lliw cefndir',
+	chkFull: 'Caniatàu Sgrin Llawn',
+	chkLoop: 'Lwpio',
+	chkMenu: 'Galluogi Dewislen Flash',
+	chkPlay: 'AwtoChwarae',
+	flashvars: 'Newidynnau ar gyfer Flash',
+	hSpace: 'BwlchLl',
+	properties: 'Priodweddau Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Priodweddau',
+	quality: 'Ansawdd',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Uchel Awto',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Isel Awto',
+	qualityBest: 'Gorau',
+	qualityHigh: 'Uchel',
+	qualityLow: 'Isel',
+	qualityMedium: 'Canolig',
+	scale: 'Graddfa',
+	scaleAll: 'Dangos pob',
+	scaleFit: 'Ffit Union',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Dim Ymyl',
+	title: 'Priodweddau Flash',
+	vSpace: 'BwlchF',
+	validateHSpace: 'Rhaid i\'r BwlchLl fod yn rhif.',
+	validateSrc: 'Ni all yr URL fod yn wag.',
+	validateVSpace: 'Rhaid i\'r BwlchF fod yn rhif.',
+	windowMode: 'Modd ffenestr',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Afloyw',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Tryloyw',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Ffenestr'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab64aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'da', {
+	access: 'Scriptadgang',
+	accessAlways: 'Altid',
+	accessNever: 'Aldrig',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Samme domæne',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Absolut nederst',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Absolut centreret',
+	alignBaseline: 'Grundlinje',
+	alignTextTop: 'Toppen af teksten',
+	bgcolor: 'Baggrundsfarve',
+	chkFull: 'Tillad fuldskærm',
+	chkLoop: 'Gentagelse',
+	chkMenu: 'Vis Flash-menu',
+	chkPlay: 'Automatisk afspilning',
+	flashvars: 'Variabler for Flash',
+	hSpace: 'Vandret margen',
+	properties: 'Egenskaber for Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Egenskaber',
+	quality: 'Kvalitet',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto høj',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto lav',
+	qualityBest: 'Bedste',
+	qualityHigh: 'Høj',
+	qualityLow: 'Lav',
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium',
+	scale: 'Skalér',
+	scaleAll: 'Vis alt',
+	scaleFit: 'Tilpas størrelse',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Ingen ramme',
+	title: 'Egenskaber for Flash',
+	vSpace: 'Lodret margen',
+	validateHSpace: 'Vandret margen skal være et tal.',
+	validateSrc: 'Indtast hyperlink URL!',
+	validateVSpace: 'Lodret margen skal være et tal.',
+	windowMode: 'Vinduestilstand',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Gennemsigtig (opaque)',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Vindue'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cd35a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'de', {
+	access: 'Skript Zugang',
+	accessAlways: 'Immer',
+	accessNever: 'Nie',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Gleiche Domain',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs Unten',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs Mitte',
+	alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+	alignTextTop: 'Text Oben',
+	bgcolor: 'Hintergrundfarbe',
+	chkFull: 'Vollbildmodus erlauben',
+	chkLoop: 'Endlosschleife',
+	chkMenu: 'Flash-Menü aktivieren',
+	chkPlay: 'Automatisch Abspielen',
+	flashvars: 'Variablen für Flash',
+	hSpace: 'Horizontal-Abstand',
+	properties: 'Flash-Eigenschaften',
+	propertiesTab: 'Eigenschaften',
+	quality: 'Qualität',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto Hoch',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Niedrig',
+	qualityBest: 'Beste',
+	qualityHigh: 'Hoch',
+	qualityLow: 'Niedrig',
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium',
+	scale: 'Skalierung',
+	scaleAll: 'Alles anzeigen',
+	scaleFit: 'Passgenau',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Ohne Rand',
+	title: 'Flash-Eigenschaften',
+	vSpace: 'Vertikal-Abstand',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace muss eine Zahl sein.',
+	validateSrc: 'Bitte geben Sie die Link-URL an',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace muss eine Zahl sein.',
+	windowMode: 'Fenster Modus',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Deckend',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Fenster'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f43874
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'el', {
+	access: 'Πρόσβαση Script',
+	accessAlways: 'Πάντα',
+	accessNever: 'Ποτέ',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Ίδιο όνομα τομέα',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Απόλυτα Κάτω',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Απόλυτα στη Μέση',
+	alignBaseline: 'Γραμμή Βάσης',
+	alignTextTop: 'Κορυφή Κειμένου',
+	bgcolor: 'Χρώμα Υποβάθρου',
+	chkFull: 'Να Επιτρέπεται η Προβολή σε Πλήρη Οθόνη',
+	chkLoop: 'Επανάληψη',
+	chkMenu: 'Ενεργοποίηση Flash Menu',
+	chkPlay: 'Αυτόματη Εκτέλεση',
+	flashvars: 'Μεταβλητές για Flash',
+	hSpace: 'Οριζόντιο Διάστημα',
+	properties: 'Ιδιότητες Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Ιδιότητες',
+	quality: 'Ποιότητα',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Αυτόματη Υψηλή',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Αυτόματη Χαμηλή',
+	qualityBest: 'Καλύτερη',
+	qualityHigh: 'Υψηλή',
+	qualityLow: 'Χαμηλή',
+	qualityMedium: 'Μεσαία',
+	scale: 'Μεγέθυνση',
+	scaleAll: 'Εμφάνιση όλων',
+	scaleFit: 'Ακριβές Μέγεθος',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Χωρίς Περίγραμμα',
+	title: 'Ιδιότητες Flash',
+	vSpace: 'Κάθετο Διάστημα',
+	validateHSpace: 'Το HSpace πρέπει να είναι αριθμός.',
+	validateSrc: 'Εισάγετε την τοποθεσία (URL) του υπερσυνδέσμου (Link)',
+	validateVSpace: 'Το VSpace πρέπει να είναι αριθμός.',
+	windowMode: 'Τρόπος λειτουργίας παραθύρου.',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Συμπαγές',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Διάφανο',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Παράθυρο'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41c4441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'en-au', {
+	access: 'Script Access',
+	accessAlways: 'Always',
+	accessNever: 'Never',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs Bottom',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs Middle',
+	alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+	alignTextTop: 'Text Top',
+	bgcolor: 'Background colour',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen',
+	chkLoop: 'Loop',
+	chkMenu: 'Enable Flash Menu',
+	chkPlay: 'Auto Play',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	properties: 'Flash Properties',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties',
+	quality: 'Quality',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'Scale',
+	scaleAll: 'Show all',
+	scaleFit: 'Exact Fit',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'No Border',
+	title: 'Flash Properties',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.',
+	validateSrc: 'URL must not be empty.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.',
+	windowMode: 'Window mode',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48de47a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'en-ca', {
+	access: 'Script Access',
+	accessAlways: 'Always',
+	accessNever: 'Never',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs Bottom',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs Middle',
+	alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+	alignTextTop: 'Text Top',
+	bgcolor: 'Background colour',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen',
+	chkLoop: 'Loop',
+	chkMenu: 'Enable Flash Menu',
+	chkPlay: 'Auto Play',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	properties: 'Flash Properties',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties',
+	quality: 'Quality',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'Scale',
+	scaleAll: 'Show all',
+	scaleFit: 'Exact Fit',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'No Border',
+	title: 'Flash Properties',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.',
+	validateSrc: 'URL must not be empty.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.',
+	windowMode: 'Window mode',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ed07c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'en-gb', {
+	access: 'Script Access',
+	accessAlways: 'Always',
+	accessNever: 'Never',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs Bottom',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs Middle',
+	alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+	alignTextTop: 'Text Top',
+	bgcolor: 'Background colour',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen',
+	chkLoop: 'Loop',
+	chkMenu: 'Enable Flash Menu',
+	chkPlay: 'Auto Play',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	properties: 'Flash Properties',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties',
+	quality: 'Quality',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low',
+	qualityBest: 'Best',
+	qualityHigh: 'High',
+	qualityLow: 'Low',
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium',
+	scale: 'Scale',
+	scaleAll: 'Show all',
+	scaleFit: 'Exact Fit',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'No Border',
+	title: 'Flash Properties',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.',
+	validateSrc: 'URL must not be empty.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.',
+	windowMode: 'Window mode',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d478800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'en', {
+	access: 'Script Access',
+	accessAlways: 'Always',
+	accessNever: 'Never',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs Bottom',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs Middle',
+	alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+	alignTextTop: 'Text Top',
+	bgcolor: 'Background color',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen',
+	chkLoop: 'Loop',
+	chkMenu: 'Enable Flash Menu',
+	chkPlay: 'Auto Play',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	properties: 'Flash Properties',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties',
+	quality: 'Quality',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low',
+	qualityBest: 'Best',
+	qualityHigh: 'High',
+	qualityLow: 'Low',
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium',
+	scale: 'Scale',
+	scaleAll: 'Show all',
+	scaleFit: 'Exact Fit',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'No Border',
+	title: 'Flash Properties',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.',
+	validateSrc: 'URL must not be empty.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.',
+	windowMode: 'Window mode',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7f9344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'eo', {
+	access: 'Atingi skriptojn',
+	accessAlways: 'Ĉiam',
+	accessNever: 'Neniam',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Sama domajno',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Absoluta Malsupro',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Absoluta Centro',
+	alignBaseline: 'TekstoMalsupro',
+	alignTextTop: 'TekstoSupro',
+	bgcolor: 'Fona Koloro',
+	chkFull: 'Permesi tutekranon',
+	chkLoop: 'Iteracio',
+	chkMenu: 'Ebligi flaŝmenuon',
+	chkPlay: 'AÅ­tomata legado',
+	flashvars: 'Variabloj por Flaŝo',
+	hSpace: 'Horizontala Spaco',
+	properties: 'Flaŝatributoj',
+	propertiesTab: 'Atributoj',
+	quality: 'Kvalito',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'AÅ­tomate alta',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'AÅ­tomate malalta',
+	qualityBest: 'Plej bona',
+	qualityHigh: 'Alta',
+	qualityLow: 'Malalta',
+	qualityMedium: 'Meza',
+	scale: 'Skalo',
+	scaleAll: 'Montri ĉion',
+	scaleFit: 'Origina grando',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Neniu bordero',
+	title: 'Flaŝatributoj',
+	vSpace: 'Vertikala Spaco',
+	validateHSpace: 'Horizontala Spaco devas esti nombro.',
+	validateSrc: 'Bonvolu entajpi la retadreson (URL)',
+	validateVSpace: 'Vertikala Spaco devas esti nombro.',
+	windowMode: 'Fenestra reĝimo',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaka',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Travidebla',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Fenestro'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77693bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'es', {
+	access: 'Acceso de scripts',
+	accessAlways: 'Siempre',
+	accessNever: 'Nunca',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Mismo dominio',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs inferior',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs centro',
+	alignBaseline: 'Línea de base',
+	alignTextTop: 'Tope del texto',
+	bgcolor: 'Color de Fondo',
+	chkFull: 'Permitir pantalla completa',
+	chkLoop: 'Repetir',
+	chkMenu: 'Activar Menú Flash',
+	chkPlay: 'Autoejecución',
+	flashvars: 'Opciones',
+	hSpace: 'Esp.Horiz',
+	properties: 'Propiedades de Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Propiedades',
+	quality: 'Calidad',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto Alta',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Baja',
+	qualityBest: 'La mejor',
+	qualityHigh: 'Alta',
+	qualityLow: 'Baja',
+	qualityMedium: 'Media',
+	scale: 'Escala',
+	scaleAll: 'Mostrar todo',
+	scaleFit: 'Ajustado',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Sin Borde',
+	title: 'Propiedades de Flash',
+	vSpace: 'Esp.Vert',
+	validateHSpace: 'Esp.Horiz debe ser un número.',
+	validateSrc: 'Por favor escriba el vínculo URL',
+	validateVSpace: 'Esp.Vert debe ser un número.',
+	windowMode: 'WindowMode',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaco',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparente',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Ventana'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ae6b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'et', {
+	access: 'Skriptide ligipääs',
+	accessAlways: 'Kõigile',
+	accessNever: 'Mitte ühelegi',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Samalt domeenilt',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs alla',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs keskele',
+	alignBaseline: 'Baasjoonele',
+	alignTextTop: 'Tekstist üles',
+	bgcolor: 'Tausta värv',
+	chkFull: 'Täisekraan lubatud',
+	chkLoop: 'Korduv',
+	chkMenu: 'Flashi menüü lubatud',
+	chkPlay: 'Automaatne start ',
+	flashvars: 'Flashi muutujad',
+	hSpace: 'H. vaheruum',
+	properties: 'Flashi omadused',
+	propertiesTab: 'Omadused',
+	quality: 'Kvaliteet',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Automaatne kõrge',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Automaatne madal',
+	qualityBest: 'Parim',
+	qualityHigh: 'Kõrge',
+	qualityLow: 'Madal',
+	qualityMedium: 'Keskmine',
+	scale: 'Mastaap',
+	scaleAll: 'Näidatakse kõike',
+	scaleFit: 'Täpne sobivus',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Äärist ei ole',
+	title: 'Flashi omadused',
+	vSpace: 'V. vaheruum',
+	validateHSpace: 'H. vaheruum peab olema number.',
+	validateSrc: 'Palun kirjuta lingi URL',
+	validateVSpace: 'V. vaheruum peab olema number.',
+	windowMode: 'Akna režiim',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Läbipaistmatu',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Läbipaistev',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Aken'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af8349e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'eu', {
+	access: 'Scriptak baimendu',
+	accessAlways: 'Beti',
+	accessNever: 'Inoiz ere ez',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Domeinu berdinekoak',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs Behean',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs Erdian',
+	alignBaseline: 'Oinan',
+	alignTextTop: 'Testua Goian',
+	bgcolor: 'Atzeko kolorea',
+	chkFull: 'Onartu Pantaila osoa',
+	chkLoop: 'Begizta',
+	chkMenu: 'Flasharen Menua Gaitu',
+	chkPlay: 'Automatikoki Erreproduzitu',
+	flashvars: 'Flash Aldagaiak',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	properties: 'Flasharen Ezaugarriak',
+	propertiesTab: 'Ezaugarriak',
+	quality: 'Kalitatea',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto Altua',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Baxua',
+	qualityBest: 'Hoberena',
+	qualityHigh: 'Altua',
+	qualityLow: 'Baxua',
+	qualityMedium: 'Ertaina',
+	scale: 'Eskalatu',
+	scaleAll: 'Dena erakutsi',
+	scaleFit: 'Doitu',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Ertzik gabe',
+	title: 'Flasharen Ezaugarriak',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
+	validateSrc: 'Mesedez URL esteka idatzi',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
+	windowMode: 'Leihoaren modua',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opakoa',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Gardena',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Leihoa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a730eac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'fa', {
+	access: 'دسترسی به اسکریپت',
+	accessAlways: 'همیشه',
+	accessNever: 'هرگز',
+	accessSameDomain: 'همان دامنه',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'پائین مطلق',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'وسط مطلق',
+	alignBaseline: 'خط پایه',
+	alignTextTop: 'متن بالا',
+	bgcolor: 'رنگ پسزمینه',
+	chkFull: 'اجازه تمام صفحه',
+	chkLoop: 'اجرای پیاپی',
+	chkMenu: 'در دسترس بودن منوی فلش',
+	chkPlay: 'آغاز خودکار',
+	flashvars: 'مقادیر برای فلش',
+	hSpace: 'فاصلهٴ افقی',
+	properties: 'ویژگیهای فلش',
+	propertiesTab: 'ویژگیها',
+	quality: 'کیفیت',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'بالا - خودکار',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'پایین - خودکار',
+	qualityBest: 'بهترین',
+	qualityHigh: 'بالا',
+	qualityLow: 'پایین',
+	qualityMedium: 'متوسط',
+	scale: 'مقیاس',
+	scaleAll: 'نمایش همه',
+	scaleFit: 'جایگیری کامل',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'بدون کران',
+	title: 'ویژگیهای فلش',
+	vSpace: 'فاصلهٴ عمودی',
+	validateHSpace: 'مقدار فاصلهگذاری افقی باید یک عدد باشد.',
+	validateSrc: 'لطفا URL پیوند را بنویسید',
+	validateVSpace: 'مقدار فاصلهگذاری عمودی باید یک عدد باشد.',
+	windowMode: 'حالت پنجره',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'مات',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'شفاف',
+	windowModeWindow: 'پنجره'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73f1a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'fi', {
+	access: 'Skriptien pääsy',
+	accessAlways: 'Aina',
+	accessNever: 'Ei koskaan',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Sama verkkotunnus',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Aivan alas',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Aivan keskelle',
+	alignBaseline: 'Alas (teksti)',
+	alignTextTop: 'Ylös (teksti)',
+	bgcolor: 'Taustaväri',
+	chkFull: 'Salli kokoruututila',
+	chkLoop: 'Toisto',
+	chkMenu: 'Näytä Flash-valikko',
+	chkPlay: 'Automaattinen käynnistys',
+	flashvars: 'Muuttujat Flash:lle',
+	hSpace: 'Vaakatila',
+	properties: 'Flash-ominaisuudet',
+	propertiesTab: 'Ominaisuudet',
+	quality: 'Laatu',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Automaattinen korkea',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Automaattinen matala',
+	qualityBest: 'Paras',
+	qualityHigh: 'Korkea',
+	qualityLow: 'Matala',
+	qualityMedium: 'Keskitaso',
+	scale: 'Levitä',
+	scaleAll: 'Näytä kaikki',
+	scaleFit: 'Tarkka koko',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Ei rajaa',
+	title: 'Flash ominaisuudet',
+	vSpace: 'Pystytila',
+	validateHSpace: 'Vaakatilan täytyy olla numero.',
+	validateSrc: 'Linkille on kirjoitettava URL',
+	validateVSpace: 'Pystytilan täytyy olla numero.',
+	windowMode: 'Ikkuna tila',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Läpinäkyvyys',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Läpinäkyvä',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Ikkuna'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58037c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'fo', {
+	access: 'Script atgongd',
+	accessAlways: 'Altíð',
+	accessNever: 'Ongantíð',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Sama navnaøki',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs botnur',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs miðja',
+	alignBaseline: 'Basislinja',
+	alignTextTop: 'Tekst toppur',
+	bgcolor: 'Bakgrundslitur',
+	chkFull: 'Loyv fullan skerm',
+	chkLoop: 'Endurspæl',
+	chkMenu: 'Ger Flash skrá virkna',
+	chkPlay: 'Avspælingin byrjar sjálv',
+	flashvars: 'Variablar fyri Flash',
+	hSpace: 'Høgri breddi',
+	properties: 'Flash eginleikar',
+	propertiesTab: 'Eginleikar',
+	quality: 'Góðska',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto høg',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Lág',
+	qualityBest: 'Besta',
+	qualityHigh: 'Høg',
+	qualityLow: 'Lág',
+	qualityMedium: 'Meðal',
+	scale: 'Skalering',
+	scaleAll: 'Vís alt',
+	scaleFit: 'Neyv skalering',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Eingin bordi',
+	title: 'Flash eginleikar',
+	vSpace: 'Vinstri breddi',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace má vera eitt tal.',
+	validateSrc: 'Vinarliga skriva tilknýti (URL)',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace má vera eitt tal.',
+	windowMode: 'Slag av rúti',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Ikki transparent',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Rútur'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07b88ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'fr-ca', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Always', // MISSING
+	accessNever: 'Never', // MISSING
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs Bas',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs Milieu',
+	alignBaseline: 'Bas du texte',
+	alignTextTop: 'Haut du texte',
+	bgcolor: 'Couleur de fond',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: 'Boucle',
+	chkMenu: 'Activer le menu Flash',
+	chkPlay: 'Lecture automatique',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'Espacement horizontal',
+	properties: 'Propriétés de l\'animation Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties', // MISSING
+	quality: 'Quality', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'Affichage',
+	scaleAll: 'Par défaut (tout montrer)',
+	scaleFit: 'Ajuster aux dimensions',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Sans bordure',
+	title: 'Propriétés de l\'animation Flash',
+	vSpace: 'Espacement vertical',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: 'Veuillez saisir l\'URL',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Window mode', // MISSING
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7841048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'fr', {
+	access: 'Accès aux scripts',
+	accessAlways: 'Toujours',
+	accessNever: 'Jamais',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Même domaine',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Bas absolu',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Milieu absolu',
+	alignBaseline: 'Bas du texte',
+	alignTextTop: 'Haut du texte',
+	bgcolor: 'Couleur d\'arrière-plan',
+	chkFull: 'Permettre le plein écran',
+	chkLoop: 'Boucle',
+	chkMenu: 'Activer le menu Flash',
+	chkPlay: 'Jouer automatiquement',
+	flashvars: 'Variables du Flash',
+	hSpace: 'Espacement horizontal',
+	properties: 'Propriétés du Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Propriétés',
+	quality: 'Qualité',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Haute Auto',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Basse Auto',
+	qualityBest: 'Meilleure',
+	qualityHigh: 'Haute',
+	qualityLow: 'Basse',
+	qualityMedium: 'Moyenne',
+	scale: 'Echelle',
+	scaleAll: 'Afficher tout',
+	scaleFit: 'Taille d\'origine',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Pas de bordure',
+	title: 'Propriétés du Flash',
+	vSpace: 'Espacement vertical',
+	validateHSpace: 'L\'espacement horizontal doit être un nombre.',
+	validateSrc: 'L\'adresse ne doit pas être vide.',
+	validateVSpace: 'L\'espacement vertical doit être un nombre.',
+	windowMode: 'Mode fenêtre',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Fenêtre'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e6b5d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'gl', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Always', // MISSING
+	accessNever: 'Never', // MISSING
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs Inferior',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs Centro',
+	alignBaseline: 'Liña Base',
+	alignTextTop: 'Tope do Texto',
+	bgcolor: 'Cor do Fondo',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: 'Bucle',
+	chkMenu: 'Activar Menú Flash',
+	chkPlay: 'Auto Execución',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'Esp. Horiz.',
+	properties: 'Propriedades Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties', // MISSING
+	quality: 'Quality', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'Escalar',
+	scaleAll: 'Amosar Todo',
+	scaleFit: 'Encaixar axustando',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Sen Borde',
+	title: 'Propriedades Flash',
+	vSpace: 'Esp. Vert.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: 'Por favor, escriba a ligazón URL',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Window mode', // MISSING
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a79ed22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'gu', {
+	access: 'સ્ક્રીપ્ટ એક્સેસ',
+	accessAlways: 'હમેશાં',
+	accessNever: 'નહી',
+	accessSameDomain: 'એજ ડોમેન',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs નીચે',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs ઉપર',
+	alignBaseline: 'આધાર લીટી',
+	alignTextTop: 'ટેક્સ્ટ ઉપર',
+	bgcolor: 'બૅકગ્રાઉન્ડ રંગ,',
+	chkFull: 'ફૂલ સ્ક્રીન કરવું',
+	chkLoop: 'લૂપ',
+	chkMenu: 'ફ્લૅશ મેન્યૂ નો પ્રયોગ કરો',
+	chkPlay: 'ઑટો/સ્વયં પ્લે',
+	flashvars: 'ફલેશ ના વિકલ્પો',
+	hSpace: 'સમસ્તરીય જગ્યા',
+	properties: 'ફ્લૅશના ગુણ',
+	propertiesTab: 'ગુણ',
+	quality: 'ગુણધર્મ',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'ઓટો ઊંચું',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'ઓટો નીચું',
+	qualityBest: 'શ્રેષ્ઠ',
+	qualityHigh: 'ઊંચું',
+	qualityLow: 'નીચું',
+	qualityMedium: 'મધ્યમ',
+	scale: 'સ્કેલ',
+	scaleAll: 'સ્કેલ ઓલ/બધુ બતાવો',
+	scaleFit: 'સ્કેલ એકદમ ફીટ',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'સ્કેલ બોર્ડર વગર',
+	title: 'ફ્લૅશ ગુણ',
+	vSpace: 'લંબરૂપ જગ્યા',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace આંકડો હોવો જોઈએ.',
+	validateSrc: 'લિંક  URL ટાઇપ કરો',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace આંકડો હોવો જોઈએ.',
+	windowMode: 'વિન્ડો મોડ',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'અપારદર્શક',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'પારદર્શક',
+	windowModeWindow: 'વિન્ડો'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0596c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'he', {
+	access: 'גישת סקריפט',
+	accessAlways: 'תמיד',
+	accessNever: 'אף פעם',
+	accessSameDomain: 'דומיין זהה',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'לתחתית האבסולוטית',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'מרכוז אבסולוטי',
+	alignBaseline: 'לקו התחתית',
+	alignTextTop: 'לראש הטקסט',
+	bgcolor: 'צבע רקע',
+	chkFull: 'אפשר חלון מלא',
+	chkLoop: 'לולאה',
+	chkMenu: 'אפשר תפריט פלאש',
+	chkPlay: 'ניגון אוטומטי',
+	flashvars: 'משתנים לפלאש',
+	hSpace: 'מרווח אופקי',
+	properties: 'מאפייני פלאש',
+	propertiesTab: 'מאפיינים',
+	quality: 'איכות',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'גבוהה אוטומטית',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'נמוכה אוטומטית',
+	qualityBest: 'מעולה',
+	qualityHigh: 'גבוהה',
+	qualityLow: 'נמוכה',
+	qualityMedium: 'ממוצעת',
+	scale: 'גודל',
+	scaleAll: 'הצג הכל',
+	scaleFit: 'התאמה מושלמת',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'ללא גבולות',
+	title: 'מאפיני פלאש',
+	vSpace: 'מרווח אנכי',
+	validateHSpace: 'המרווח האופקי חייב להיות מספר.',
+	validateSrc: 'יש להקליד את כתובת סרטון הפלאש (URL)',
+	validateVSpace: 'המרווח האנכי חייב להיות מספר.',
+	windowMode: 'מצב חלון',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'אטום',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'שקוף',
+	windowModeWindow: 'חלון'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29a076c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'hi', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Always', // MISSING
+	accessNever: 'Never', // MISSING
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs नीचे',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs ऊपर',
+	alignBaseline: 'मूल रेखा',
+	alignTextTop: 'टेक्स्ट ऊपर',
+	bgcolor: 'बैक्ग्राउन्ड रंग',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: 'लूप',
+	chkMenu: 'फ़्लैश मॅन्यू का प्रयोग करें',
+	chkPlay: 'ऑटो प्ले',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'हॉरिज़ॉन्टल स्पेस',
+	properties: 'फ़्लैश प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties', // MISSING
+	quality: 'Quality', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'स्केल',
+	scaleAll: 'सभी दिखायें',
+	scaleFit: 'बिल्कुल फ़िट',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'कोई बॉर्डर नहीं',
+	title: 'फ़्लैश प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+	vSpace: 'वर्टिकल स्पेस',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: 'लिंक URL टाइप करें',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Window mode', // MISSING
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a69b1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'hr', {
+	access: 'Script Access',
+	accessAlways: 'Uvijek',
+	accessNever: 'Nikad',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Ista domena',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs dolje',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs sredina',
+	alignBaseline: 'Bazno',
+	alignTextTop: 'Vrh teksta',
+	bgcolor: 'Boja pozadine',
+	chkFull: 'Omogući Fullscreen',
+	chkLoop: 'Ponavljaj',
+	chkMenu: 'Omogući Flash izbornik',
+	chkPlay: 'Auto Play',
+	flashvars: 'Varijable za Flash',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	properties: 'Flash svojstva',
+	propertiesTab: 'Svojstva',
+	quality: 'Kvaliteta',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low',
+	qualityBest: 'Best',
+	qualityHigh: 'High',
+	qualityLow: 'Low',
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium',
+	scale: 'Omjer',
+	scaleAll: 'Prikaži sve',
+	scaleFit: 'Točna veličina',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Bez okvira',
+	title: 'Flash svojstva',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace mora biti broj.',
+	validateSrc: 'Molimo upišite URL link',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace mora biti broj.',
+	windowMode: 'Vrsta prozora',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aae3e93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'hu', {
+	access: 'Szkript hozzáférés',
+	accessAlways: 'Mindig',
+	accessNever: 'Soha',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Azonos domainről',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Legaljára',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Közepére',
+	alignBaseline: 'Alapvonalhoz',
+	alignTextTop: 'Szöveg tetejére',
+	bgcolor: 'Háttérszín',
+	chkFull: 'Teljes képernyő engedélyezése',
+	chkLoop: 'Folyamatosan',
+	chkMenu: 'Flash menü engedélyezése',
+	chkPlay: 'Automata lejátszás',
+	flashvars: 'Flash változók',
+	hSpace: 'Vízsz. táv',
+	properties: 'Flash tulajdonságai',
+	propertiesTab: 'Tulajdonságok',
+	quality: 'Minőség',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Automata jó',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Automata gyenge',
+	qualityBest: 'Legjobb',
+	qualityHigh: 'Jó',
+	qualityLow: 'Gyenge',
+	qualityMedium: 'Közepes',
+	scale: 'Méretezés',
+	scaleAll: 'Mindent mutat',
+	scaleFit: 'Teljes kitöltés',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Keret nélkül',
+	title: 'Flash tulajdonságai',
+	vSpace: 'Függ. táv',
+	validateHSpace: 'A vízszintes távolsűág mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
+	validateSrc: 'Adja meg a hivatkozás webcímét',
+	validateVSpace: 'A függőleges távolsűág mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
+	windowMode: 'Ablak mód',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3f01ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'is', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Always', // MISSING
+	accessNever: 'Never', // MISSING
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs neðst',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs miðjuð',
+	alignBaseline: 'Grunnlína',
+	alignTextTop: 'Efri brún texta',
+	bgcolor: 'Bakgrunnslitur',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: 'Endurtekning',
+	chkMenu: 'Sýna Flash-valmynd',
+	chkPlay: 'Sjálfvirk spilun',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'Vinstri bil',
+	properties: 'Eigindi Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties', // MISSING
+	quality: 'Quality', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'Skali',
+	scaleAll: 'Sýna allt',
+	scaleFit: 'Fella skala að stærð',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Án ramma',
+	title: 'Eigindi Flash',
+	vSpace: 'Hægri bil',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: 'Sláðu inn veffang stiklunnar!',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Window mode', // MISSING
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a02c90a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'it', {
+	access: 'Accesso Script',
+	accessAlways: 'Sempre',
+	accessNever: 'Mai',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Solo stesso dominio',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'In basso assoluto',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Centrato assoluto',
+	alignBaseline: 'Linea base',
+	alignTextTop: 'In alto al testo',
+	bgcolor: 'Colore sfondo',
+	chkFull: 'Permetti la modalità tutto schermo',
+	chkLoop: 'Riavvio automatico',
+	chkMenu: 'Abilita Menu di Flash',
+	chkPlay: 'Avvio Automatico',
+	flashvars: 'Variabili per Flash',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	properties: 'Proprietà Oggetto Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Proprietà',
+	quality: 'Qualità',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Alta Automatica',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Bassa Automatica',
+	qualityBest: 'Massima',
+	qualityHigh: 'Alta',
+	qualityLow: 'Bassa',
+	qualityMedium: 'Intermedia',
+	scale: 'Ridimensiona',
+	scaleAll: 'Mostra Tutto',
+	scaleFit: 'Dimensione Esatta',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Senza Bordo',
+	title: 'Proprietà Oggetto Flash',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateHSpace: 'L\'HSpace dev\'essere un numero.',
+	validateSrc: 'Devi inserire l\'URL del collegamento',
+	validateVSpace: 'Il VSpace dev\'essere un numero.',
+	windowMode: 'Modalità finestra',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaca',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Trasparente',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Finestra'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48cf6e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'ja', {
+	access: 'スプリクトアクセス(AllowScriptAccess)',
+	accessAlways: 'すべての場合に通信可能(Always)',
+	accessNever: 'すべての場合に通信不可能(Never)',
+	accessSameDomain: '同一ドメインのみに通信可能(Same domain)',
+	alignAbsBottom: '下部(絶対的)',
+	alignAbsMiddle: '中央(絶対的)',
+	alignBaseline: 'ベースライン',
+	alignTextTop: 'テキスト上部',
+	bgcolor: '背景色',
+	chkFull: 'フルスクリーン許可',
+	chkLoop: 'ループ再生',
+	chkMenu: 'Flashメニュー可能',
+	chkPlay: '再生',
+	flashvars: 'フラッシュに渡す変数(FlashVars)',
+	hSpace: '横間隔',
+	properties: 'Flash プロパティ',
+	propertiesTab: 'プロパティ',
+	quality: '画質',
+	qualityAutoHigh: '自動/高',
+	qualityAutoLow: '自動/低',
+	qualityBest: '品質優先',
+	qualityHigh: '高',
+	qualityLow: '低',
+	qualityMedium: '中',
+	scale: '拡大縮小設定',
+	scaleAll: 'すべて表示',
+	scaleFit: '上下左右にフィット',
+	scaleNoBorder: '外が見えない様に拡大',
+	title: 'Flash プロパティ',
+	vSpace: '縦間隔',
+	validateHSpace: '横間隔は数値で入力してください。',
+	validateSrc: 'リンクURLを入力してください。',
+	validateVSpace: '縦間隔は数値で入力してください。',
+	windowMode: 'ウィンドウモード',
+	windowModeOpaque: '背景を不透明設定',
+	windowModeTransparent: '背景を透過設定',
+	windowModeWindow: '標準'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d93ea95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'ka', {
+	access: 'სკრიპტის წვდომა',
+	accessAlways: 'ყოველთვის',
+	accessNever: 'არასდროს',
+	accessSameDomain: 'იგივე დომენი',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'ჩარჩოს ქვემოთა ნაწილის სწორება ტექსტისთვის',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'ჩარჩოს შუა ნაწილის სწორება ტექსტისთვის',
+	alignBaseline: 'საბაზისო ხაზის სწორება',
+	alignTextTop: 'ტექსტი ზემოდან',
+	bgcolor: 'ფონის ფერი',
+	chkFull: 'მთელი ეკრანის დაშვება',
+	chkLoop: 'ჩაციკლვა',
+	chkMenu: 'Flash-ის მენიუს დაშვება',
+	chkPlay: 'ავტო გაშვება',
+	flashvars: 'ცვლადები Flash-ისთვის',
+	hSpace: 'ჰორიზ. სივრცე',
+	properties: 'Flash-ის პარამეტრები',
+	propertiesTab: 'პარამეტრები',
+	quality: 'ხარისხი',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'მაღალი (ავტომატური)',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'ძალიან დაბალი',
+	qualityBest: 'საუკეთესო',
+	qualityHigh: 'მაღალი',
+	qualityLow: 'დაბალი',
+	qualityMedium: 'საშუალო',
+	scale: 'მასშტაბირება',
+	scaleAll: 'ყველაფრის ჩვენება',
+	scaleFit: 'ზუსტი ჩასმა',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'ჩარჩოს გარეშე',
+	title: 'Flash-ის პარამეტრები',
+	vSpace: 'ვერტ. სივრცე',
+	validateHSpace: 'ჰორიზონტალური სივრცე არ უნდა იყოს ცარიელი.',
+	validateSrc: 'URL არ უნდა იყოს ცარიელი.',
+	validateVSpace: 'ვერტიკალური სივრცე არ უნდა იყოს ცარიელი.',
+	windowMode: 'ფანჯრის რეჟიმი',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'გაუმჭვირვალე',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'გამჭვირვალე',
+	windowModeWindow: 'ფანჯარა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0771e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'km', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Always', // MISSING
+	accessNever: 'Never', // MISSING
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs Bottom', // MISSING
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs Middle', // MISSING
+	alignBaseline: 'បន្ទាត់ជាមូលដ្ឋាន',
+	alignTextTop: 'លើអត្ថបទ',
+	bgcolor: 'ពណ៌ផ្ទៃខាងក្រោយ',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: 'ចំនួនដង',
+	chkMenu: 'បង្ហាញ មឺនុយរបស់ Flash',
+	chkPlay: 'លេងដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្ត',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'គំលាតទទឹង',
+	properties: 'ការកំណត់ Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties', // MISSING
+	quality: 'Quality', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'ទំហំ',
+	scaleAll: 'បង្ហាញទាំងអស់',
+	scaleFit: 'ត្រូវល្មម',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'មិនបង្ហាញស៊ុម',
+	title: 'ការកំណត់ Flash',
+	vSpace: 'គំលាតបណ្តោយ',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: 'សូមសរសេរ អាស័យដ្ឋាន URL',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Window mode', // MISSING
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..326ebfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'ko', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Always', // MISSING
+	accessNever: 'Never', // MISSING
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
+	alignAbsBottom: '줄아래(Abs Bottom)',
+	alignAbsMiddle: '줄중간(Abs Middle)',
+	alignBaseline: '기준선',
+	alignTextTop: '글자상단',
+	bgcolor: '배경 색상',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: '반복',
+	chkMenu: '플래쉬메뉴 가능',
+	chkPlay: '자동재생',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
+	hSpace: '수평여백',
+	properties: '플래쉬 속성',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties', // MISSING
+	quality: 'Quality', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: '영역',
+	scaleAll: '모두보기',
+	scaleFit: '영역자동조절',
+	scaleNoBorder: '경계선없음',
+	title: '플래쉬 등록정보',
+	vSpace: '수직여백',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: '링크 URL을 입력하십시요.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Window mode', // MISSING
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f550280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'ku', {
+	access: 'دهستپێگهیشتنی نووسراو',
+	accessAlways: 'ههمیشه',
+	accessNever: 'ههرگیز',
+	accessSameDomain: 'ههمان دۆمهین',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'له ژێرهوه',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'لهناوهند',
+	alignBaseline: 'هێڵەبنەڕەت',
+	alignTextTop: 'دهق لهسهرهوه',
+	bgcolor: 'ڕهنگی پاشبنهما',
+	chkFull: 'ڕێپێدان به پڕ بهپڕی شاشه',
+	chkLoop: 'گرێ',
+	chkMenu: 'چالاککردنی لیستهی فلاش',
+	chkPlay: 'پێکردنی یان لێدانی خۆکار',
+	flashvars: 'گۆڕاوهکان بۆ فلاش',
+	hSpace: 'بۆشایی ئاسۆیی',
+	properties: 'خاسیهتی فلاش',
+	propertiesTab: 'خاسیهت',
+	quality: 'جۆرایهتی',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'بهرزی خۆکار',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'نزمی خۆکار',
+	qualityBest: 'باشترین',
+	qualityHigh: 'بهرزی',
+	qualityLow: 'نزم',
+	qualityMedium: 'مامناوهند',
+	scale: 'پێوانه',
+	scaleAll: 'نیشاندانی ههموو',
+	scaleFit: 'بهوردی بگونجێت',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'بێ پهراوێز',
+	title: 'خاسیهتی فلاش',
+	vSpace: 'بۆشایی ئهستونی',
+	validateHSpace: 'بۆشایی ئاسۆیی دهبێت ژماره بێت.',
+	validateSrc: 'ناونیشانی بهستهر نابێت خاڵی بێت',
+	validateVSpace: 'بۆشایی ئهستونی دهبێت ژماره بێت.',
+	windowMode: 'شێوازی پهنجهره',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'ناڕوون',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'ڕۆشن',
+	windowModeWindow: 'پهنجهره'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42f867e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'lt', {
+	access: 'Skripto priÄ—jimas',
+	accessAlways: 'Visada',
+	accessNever: 'Niekada',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Tas pats domenas',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Absoliučią apačią',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Absoliutų vidurį',
+	alignBaseline: 'ApatinÄ™ linijÄ…',
+	alignTextTop: 'Teksto viršūnę',
+	bgcolor: 'Fono spalva',
+	chkFull: 'Leisti per visÄ… ekranÄ…',
+	chkLoop: 'Ciklas',
+	chkMenu: 'Leisti Flash meniu',
+	chkPlay: 'Automatinis paleidimas',
+	flashvars: 'Flash kintamieji',
+	hSpace: 'Hor.ErdvÄ—',
+	properties: 'Flash savybÄ—s',
+	propertiesTab: 'Nustatymai',
+	quality: 'KokybÄ—',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Automatiškai Gera',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Automatiškai Žema',
+	qualityBest: 'Geriausia',
+	qualityHigh: 'Gera',
+	qualityLow: 'Žema',
+	qualityMedium: 'VidutinÄ—',
+	scale: 'Mastelis',
+	scaleAll: 'Rodyti visÄ…',
+	scaleFit: 'Tikslus atitikimas',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Be rÄ—melio',
+	title: 'Flash savybÄ—s',
+	vSpace: 'Vert.ErdvÄ—',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace turi būti skaičius.',
+	validateSrc: 'Prašome įvesti nuorodos URL',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace turi būti skaičius.',
+	windowMode: 'Lango režimas',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Nepermatomas',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Permatomas',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Langas'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3152774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'lv', {
+	access: 'Skripta pieeja',
+	accessAlways: 'Vienmēr',
+	accessNever: 'Nekad',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Tas pats domēns',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Absolūti apakšā',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Absolūti vertikāli centrēts',
+	alignBaseline: 'Pamatrindā',
+	alignTextTop: 'Teksta augšā',
+	bgcolor: 'Fona krāsa',
+	chkFull: 'Pilnekrāns',
+	chkLoop: 'Nepārtraukti',
+	chkMenu: 'Atļaut Flash izvēlni',
+	chkPlay: 'Automātiska atskaņošana',
+	flashvars: 'Flash mainīgie',
+	hSpace: 'Horizontālā telpa',
+	properties: 'Flash īpašības',
+	propertiesTab: 'Uzstādījumi',
+	quality: 'Kvalitāte',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Automātiski Augsta',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Automātiski Zema',
+	qualityBest: 'Labākā',
+	qualityHigh: 'Augsta',
+	qualityLow: 'Zema',
+	qualityMedium: 'Vidēja',
+	scale: 'Mainīt izmēru',
+	scaleAll: 'Rādīt visu',
+	scaleFit: 'Precīzs izmērs',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Bez rāmja',
+	title: 'Flash īpašības',
+	vSpace: 'Vertikālā telpa',
+	validateHSpace: 'Hspace jābūt skaitlim',
+	validateSrc: 'Lūdzu norādi hipersaiti',
+	validateVSpace: 'Vspace jābūt skaitlim',
+	windowMode: 'Loga režīms',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Necaurspīdīgs',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Caurspīdīgs',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Logs'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aea4cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'mk', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Always', // MISSING
+	accessNever: 'Never', // MISSING
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs Bottom', // MISSING
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs Middle', // MISSING
+	alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+	alignTextTop: 'Text Top', // MISSING
+	bgcolor: 'Background color', // MISSING
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: 'Loop', // MISSING
+	chkMenu: 'Enable Flash Menu', // MISSING
+	chkPlay: 'Auto Play', // MISSING
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'HSpace', // MISSING
+	properties: 'Flash Properties', // MISSING
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties', // MISSING
+	quality: 'Quality', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'Scale', // MISSING
+	scaleAll: 'Show all', // MISSING
+	scaleFit: 'Exact Fit', // MISSING
+	scaleNoBorder: 'No Border', // MISSING
+	title: 'Flash Properties', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'VSpace', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: 'URL must not be empty.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Window mode', // MISSING
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03de403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'mn', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Онцлогууд',
+	accessNever: 'Хэзээ ч үгүй',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Байнга',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs доод талд',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs Дунд талд',
+	alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+	alignTextTop: 'Текст дээр',
+	bgcolor: 'Дэвсгэр өнгө',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: 'Давтах',
+	chkMenu: 'Флаш цэс идвэхжүүлэх',
+	chkPlay: 'Автоматаар тоглох',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'Хөндлөн зай',
+	properties: 'Флаш шинж чанар',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties', // MISSING
+	quality: 'Quality', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'Өргөгтгөх',
+	scaleAll: 'Бүгдийг харуулах',
+	scaleFit: 'Яг тааруулах',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Хүрээгүй',
+	title: 'Флаш  шинж чанар',
+	vSpace: 'Босоо зай',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: 'Линк URL-ээ төрөлжүүлнэ үү',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Window mode', // MISSING
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..996ac52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'ms', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Always', // MISSING
+	accessNever: 'Never', // MISSING
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Bawah Mutlak',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Pertengahan Mutlak',
+	alignBaseline: 'Garis Dasar',
+	alignTextTop: 'Atas Text',
+	bgcolor: 'Warna Latarbelakang',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: 'Loop', // MISSING
+	chkMenu: 'Enable Flash Menu', // MISSING
+	chkPlay: 'Auto Play', // MISSING
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'Ruang Melintang',
+	properties: 'Flash Properties', // MISSING
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties', // MISSING
+	quality: 'Quality', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'Scale', // MISSING
+	scaleAll: 'Show all', // MISSING
+	scaleFit: 'Exact Fit', // MISSING
+	scaleNoBorder: 'No Border', // MISSING
+	title: 'Flash Properties', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'Ruang Menegak',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: 'Sila taip sambungan URL',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Window mode', // MISSING
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..120db4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'nb', {
+	access: 'Scripttilgang',
+	accessAlways: 'Alltid',
+	accessNever: 'Aldri',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Samme domene',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs bunn',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs midten',
+	alignBaseline: 'Bunnlinje',
+	alignTextTop: 'Tekst topp',
+	bgcolor: 'Bakgrunnsfarge',
+	chkFull: 'Tillat fullskjerm',
+	chkLoop: 'Loop',
+	chkMenu: 'Slå på Flash-meny',
+	chkPlay: 'Autospill',
+	flashvars: 'Variabler for flash',
+	hSpace: 'HMarg',
+	properties: 'Egenskaper for Flash-objekt',
+	propertiesTab: 'Egenskaper',
+	quality: 'Kvalitet',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto høy',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto lav',
+	qualityBest: 'Best',
+	qualityHigh: 'Høy',
+	qualityLow: 'Lav',
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium',
+	scale: 'Skaler',
+	scaleAll: 'Vis alt',
+	scaleFit: 'Skaler til å passe',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Ingen ramme',
+	title: 'Flash-egenskaper',
+	vSpace: 'VMarg',
+	validateHSpace: 'HMarg må være et tall.',
+	validateSrc: 'Vennligst skriv inn lenkens url.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VMarg må være et tall.',
+	windowMode: 'Vindumodus',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Gjennomsiktig',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Vindu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d5bcfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'nl', {
+	access: 'Script toegang',
+	accessAlways: 'Altijd',
+	accessNever: 'Nooit',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Zelfde domeinnaam',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Absoluut-onder',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Absoluut-midden',
+	alignBaseline: 'Basislijn',
+	alignTextTop: 'Boven tekst',
+	bgcolor: 'Achtergrondkleur',
+	chkFull: 'Schermvullend toestaan',
+	chkLoop: 'Herhalen',
+	chkMenu: 'Flashmenu\'s inschakelen',
+	chkPlay: 'Automatisch afspelen',
+	flashvars: 'Variabelen voor Flash',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	properties: 'Eigenschappen Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Eigenschappen',
+	quality: 'Kwaliteit',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Automatisch hoog',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Automatisch laag',
+	qualityBest: 'Beste',
+	qualityHigh: 'Hoog',
+	qualityLow: 'Laag',
+	qualityMedium: 'Gemiddeld',
+	scale: 'Schaal',
+	scaleAll: 'Alles tonen',
+	scaleFit: 'Precies passend',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Geen rand',
+	title: 'Eigenschappen Flash',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateHSpace: 'De HSpace moet een getal zijn.',
+	validateSrc: 'De URL mag niet leeg zijn.',
+	validateVSpace: 'De VSpace moet een getal zijn.',
+	windowMode: 'Venster modus',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Ondoorzichtig',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Doorzichtig',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Venster'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..928dc26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'no', {
+	access: 'Scripttilgang',
+	accessAlways: 'Alltid',
+	accessNever: 'Aldri',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Samme domene',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs bunn',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs midten',
+	alignBaseline: 'Bunnlinje',
+	alignTextTop: 'Tekst topp',
+	bgcolor: 'Bakgrunnsfarge',
+	chkFull: 'Tillat fullskjerm',
+	chkLoop: 'Loop',
+	chkMenu: 'Slå på Flash-meny',
+	chkPlay: 'Autospill',
+	flashvars: 'Variabler for flash',
+	hSpace: 'HMarg',
+	properties: 'Egenskaper for Flash-objekt',
+	propertiesTab: 'Egenskaper',
+	quality: 'Kvalitet',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto høy',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto lav',
+	qualityBest: 'Best',
+	qualityHigh: 'Høy',
+	qualityLow: 'Lav',
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium',
+	scale: 'Skaler',
+	scaleAll: 'Vis alt',
+	scaleFit: 'Skaler til å passe',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Ingen ramme',
+	title: 'Flash-egenskaper',
+	vSpace: 'VMarg',
+	validateHSpace: 'HMarg må være et tall.',
+	validateSrc: 'Vennligst skriv inn lenkens url.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VMarg må være et tall.',
+	windowMode: 'Vindumodus',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Gjennomsiktig',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Vindu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9a0b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'pl', {
+	access: 'Dostęp skryptów',
+	accessAlways: 'Zawsze',
+	accessNever: 'Nigdy',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Ta sama domena',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Do dołu',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Do środka w pionie',
+	alignBaseline: 'Do linii bazowej',
+	alignTextTop: 'Do góry tekstu',
+	bgcolor: 'Kolor tła',
+	chkFull: 'Zezwól na pełny ekran',
+	chkLoop: 'Pętla',
+	chkMenu: 'WÅ‚Ä…cz menu',
+	chkPlay: 'Autoodtwarzanie',
+	flashvars: 'Zmienne obiektu Flash',
+	hSpace: 'Odstęp poziomy',
+	properties: 'Właściwości obiektu Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Właściwości',
+	quality: 'Jakość',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto wysoka',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto niska',
+	qualityBest: 'Najlepsza',
+	qualityHigh: 'Wysoka',
+	qualityLow: 'Niska',
+	qualityMedium: 'Åšrednia',
+	scale: 'Skaluj',
+	scaleAll: 'Pokaż wszystko',
+	scaleFit: 'Dokładne dopasowanie',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Bez obramowania',
+	title: 'Właściwości obiektu Flash',
+	vSpace: 'Odstęp pionowy',
+	validateHSpace: 'Odstęp poziomy musi być liczbą.',
+	validateSrc: 'Podaj adres URL',
+	validateVSpace: 'Odstęp pionowy musi być liczbą.',
+	windowMode: 'Tryb okna',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Nieprzezroczyste',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Przezroczyste',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Okno'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d240be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'pt-br', {
+	access: 'Acesso ao script',
+	accessAlways: 'Sempre',
+	accessNever: 'Nunca',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Acessar Mesmo Domínio',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Inferior Absoluto',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Centralizado Absoluto',
+	alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+	alignTextTop: 'Superior Absoluto',
+	bgcolor: 'Cor do Plano de Fundo',
+	chkFull: 'Permitir tela cheia',
+	chkLoop: 'Tocar Infinitamente',
+	chkMenu: 'Habilita Menu Flash',
+	chkPlay: 'Tocar Automaticamente',
+	flashvars: 'Variáveis do Flash',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	properties: 'Propriedades do Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Propriedades',
+	quality: 'Qualidade',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Qualidade Alta Automática',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Qualidade Baixa Automática',
+	qualityBest: 'Qualidade Melhor',
+	qualityHigh: 'Qualidade Alta',
+	qualityLow: 'Qualidade Baixa',
+	qualityMedium: 'Qualidade Média',
+	scale: 'Escala',
+	scaleAll: 'Mostrar tudo',
+	scaleFit: 'Escala Exata',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Sem Borda',
+	title: 'Propriedades do Flash',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateHSpace: 'O HSpace tem que ser um número',
+	validateSrc: 'Por favor, digite o endereço do link',
+	validateVSpace: 'O VSpace tem que ser um número.',
+	windowMode: 'Modo da janela',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaca',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparente',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Janela'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e36e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'pt', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Always', // MISSING
+	accessNever: 'Never', // MISSING
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs inferior',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs centro',
+	alignBaseline: 'Linha de base',
+	alignTextTop: 'Topo do texto',
+	bgcolor: 'Cor de Fundo',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: 'Loop',
+	chkMenu: 'Permitir Menu do Flash',
+	chkPlay: 'Reproduzir automaticamente',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'Esp.Horiz',
+	properties: 'Propriedades do Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties', // MISSING
+	quality: 'Quality', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'Escala',
+	scaleAll: 'Mostrar tudo',
+	scaleFit: 'Tamanho Exacto',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Sem Limites',
+	title: 'Propriedades do Flash',
+	vSpace: 'Esp.Vert',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: 'Por favor introduza a hiperligação URL',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Window mode', // MISSING
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..812ce37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'ro', {
+	access: 'Acces script',
+	accessAlways: 'ÃŽntotdeauna',
+	accessNever: 'Niciodată',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Același domeniu',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Jos absolut (Abs Bottom)',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Mijloc absolut (Abs Middle)',
+	alignBaseline: 'Linia de jos (Baseline)',
+	alignTextTop: 'Text sus',
+	bgcolor: 'Coloarea fundalului',
+	chkFull: 'Permite pe tot ecranul',
+	chkLoop: 'Repetă (Loop)',
+	chkMenu: 'Activează meniul flash',
+	chkPlay: 'Rulează automat',
+	flashvars: 'Variabile pentru flash',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	properties: 'Proprietăţile flashului',
+	propertiesTab: 'Proprietăți',
+	quality: 'Calitate',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto înaltă',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Joasă',
+	qualityBest: 'Cea mai bună',
+	qualityHigh: 'Înaltă',
+	qualityLow: 'Joasă',
+	qualityMedium: 'Medie',
+	scale: 'Scală',
+	scaleAll: 'Arată tot',
+	scaleFit: 'PotriveÅŸte',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Fără bordură (No border)',
+	title: 'Proprietăţile flashului',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateHSpace: 'Hspace trebuie să fie un număr.',
+	validateSrc: 'Vă rugăm să scrieţi URL-ul',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace trebuie să fie un număr',
+	windowMode: 'Mod fereastră',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opacă',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparentă',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Fereastră'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe050f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'ru', {
+	access: 'Доступ к скриптам',
+	accessAlways: 'Всегда',
+	accessNever: 'Никогда',
+	accessSameDomain: 'В том же домене',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'По низу текста',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'По середине текста',
+	alignBaseline: 'По базовой линии',
+	alignTextTop: 'По верху текста',
+	bgcolor: 'Цвет фона',
+	chkFull: 'Разрешить полноэкранный режим',
+	chkLoop: 'Повторять',
+	chkMenu: 'Включить меню Flash',
+	chkPlay: 'Автоматическое воспроизведение',
+	flashvars: 'Переменные для Flash',
+	hSpace: 'Гориз. отступ',
+	properties: 'Свойства Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Свойства',
+	quality: 'Качество',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Запуск на высоком',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Запуск на низком',
+	qualityBest: 'Лучшее',
+	qualityHigh: 'Высокое',
+	qualityLow: 'Низкое',
+	qualityMedium: 'Среднее',
+	scale: 'Масштабировать',
+	scaleAll: 'Пропорционально',
+	scaleFit: 'Заполнять',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Заходить за границы',
+	title: 'Свойства Flash',
+	vSpace: 'Вертик. отступ',
+	validateHSpace: 'Горизонтальный отступ задается числом.',
+	validateSrc: 'Вы должны ввести ссылку',
+	validateVSpace: 'Вертикальный отступ задается числом.',
+	windowMode: 'Взаимодействие с окном',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Непрозрачный',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Прозрачный',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Обычный'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bc1f8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'sk', {
+	access: 'Prístup skriptu',
+	accessAlways: 'Vždy',
+	accessNever: 'Nikdy',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Rovnaká doména',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Úplne dole',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Do stredu',
+	alignBaseline: 'Na základnú čiaru',
+	alignTextTop: 'Na horný okraj textu',
+	bgcolor: 'Farba pozadia',
+	chkFull: 'Povoliť zobrazenie na celú obrazovku (fullscreen)',
+	chkLoop: 'Opakovanie',
+	chkMenu: 'Povoliť Flash Menu',
+	chkPlay: 'Automatické prehrávanie',
+	flashvars: 'Premenné pre Flash',
+	hSpace: 'H-medzera',
+	properties: 'Vlastnosti Flashu',
+	propertiesTab: 'Vlastnosti',
+	quality: 'Kvalita',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Automaticky vysoká',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Automaticky nízka',
+	qualityBest: 'Najlepšia',
+	qualityHigh: 'Vysoká',
+	qualityLow: 'Nízka',
+	qualityMedium: 'Stredná',
+	scale: 'Mierka',
+	scaleAll: 'Zobraziť všetko',
+	scaleFit: 'Roztiahnuť, aby sedelo presne',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Bez okrajov',
+	title: 'Vlastnosti Flashu',
+	vSpace: 'V-medzera',
+	validateHSpace: 'H-medzera musí byť číslo.',
+	validateSrc: 'URL nesmie byť prázdne.',
+	validateVSpace: 'V-medzera musí byť číslo',
+	windowMode: 'Mód okna',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Nepriehľadný',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Priehľadný',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Okno'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29848ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'sl', {
+	access: 'Dostop skript',
+	accessAlways: 'Vedno',
+	accessNever: 'Nikoli',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Samo ista domena',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Popolnoma na dno',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Popolnoma v sredino',
+	alignBaseline: 'Na osnovno črto',
+	alignTextTop: 'Besedilo na vrh',
+	bgcolor: 'Barva ozadja',
+	chkFull: 'Dovoli celozaslonski način',
+	chkLoop: 'Ponavljanje',
+	chkMenu: 'Omogoči Flash Meni',
+	chkPlay: 'Samodejno predvajaj',
+	flashvars: 'Spremenljivke za Flash',
+	hSpace: 'Vodoravni razmik',
+	properties: 'Lastnosti Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Lastnosti',
+	quality: 'Kakovost',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Samodejno visoka',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Samodejno nizka',
+	qualityBest: 'Najvišja',
+	qualityHigh: 'Visoka',
+	qualityLow: 'Nizka',
+	qualityMedium: 'Srednja',
+	scale: 'Povečava',
+	scaleAll: 'Pokaži vse',
+	scaleFit: 'Natančno prileganje',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Brez obrobe',
+	title: 'Lastnosti Flash',
+	vSpace: 'Navpični razmik',
+	validateHSpace: 'Vodoravni razmik mora biti Å¡tevilo.',
+	validateSrc: 'Vnesite URL povezave',
+	validateVSpace: 'Navpični razmik mora biti število.',
+	windowMode: 'Vrsta okna',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Motno',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Prosojno',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Okno'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ca651f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'sr-latn', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Always', // MISSING
+	accessNever: 'Never', // MISSING
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs dole',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs sredina',
+	alignBaseline: 'Bazno',
+	alignTextTop: 'Vrh teksta',
+	bgcolor: 'Boja pozadine',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: 'Ponavljaj',
+	chkMenu: 'Uključi fleš meni',
+	chkPlay: 'Automatski start',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	properties: 'Osobine fleša',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties', // MISSING
+	quality: 'Quality', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'Skaliraj',
+	scaleAll: 'Prikaži sve',
+	scaleFit: 'Popuni površinu',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Bez ivice',
+	title: 'Osobine fleša',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: 'Unesite URL linka',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Window mode', // MISSING
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94607dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'sr', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Always', // MISSING
+	accessNever: 'Never', // MISSING
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Abs доле',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs средина',
+	alignBaseline: 'Базно',
+	alignTextTop: 'Врх текста',
+	bgcolor: 'Боја позадине',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: 'Понављај',
+	chkMenu: 'Укључи флеш мени',
+	chkPlay: 'Аутоматски старт',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	properties: 'Особине Флеша',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties', // MISSING
+	quality: 'Quality', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'Скалирај',
+	scaleAll: 'Прикажи све',
+	scaleFit: 'Попуни површину',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Без ивице',
+	title: 'Особине флеша',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: 'Унесите УРЛ линка',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Window mode', // MISSING
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f09ccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'sv', {
+	access: 'Script-tillgång',
+	accessAlways: 'Alltid',
+	accessNever: 'Aldrig',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Samma domän',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Absolut nederkant',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Absolut centrering',
+	alignBaseline: 'Baslinje',
+	alignTextTop: 'Text överkant',
+	bgcolor: 'Bakgrundsfärg',
+	chkFull: 'Tillåt helskärm',
+	chkLoop: 'Upprepa/Loopa',
+	chkMenu: 'Aktivera Flashmeny',
+	chkPlay: 'Automatisk uppspelning',
+	flashvars: 'Variabler för Flash',
+	hSpace: 'Horis. marginal',
+	properties: 'Flashegenskaper',
+	propertiesTab: 'Egenskaper',
+	quality: 'Kvalitet',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto Hög',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto LÃ¥g',
+	qualityBest: 'Bäst',
+	qualityHigh: 'Hög',
+	qualityLow: 'LÃ¥g',
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium',
+	scale: 'Skala',
+	scaleAll: 'Visa allt',
+	scaleFit: 'Exakt passning',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Ingen ram',
+	title: 'Flashegenskaper',
+	vSpace: 'Vert. marginal',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace måste vara ett nummer.',
+	validateSrc: 'Var god ange länkens URL',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace måste vara ett nummer.',
+	windowMode: 'Fönsterläge',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Fönster'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23fc1f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'th', {
+	access: 'Script Access', // MISSING
+	accessAlways: 'Always', // MISSING
+	accessNever: 'Never', // MISSING
+	accessSameDomain: 'Same domain', // MISSING
+	alignAbsBottom: 'ชิดด้านล่างสุด',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'กึ่งกลาง',
+	alignBaseline: 'ชิดบรรทัด',
+	alignTextTop: 'ใต้ตัวอักษร',
+	bgcolor: 'สีพื้นหลัง',
+	chkFull: 'Allow Fullscreen', // MISSING
+	chkLoop: 'เล่นวนรอบ Loop',
+	chkMenu: 'ให้ใช้งานเมนูของ Flash',
+	chkPlay: 'เล่นอัตโนมัติ Auto Play',
+	flashvars: 'Variables for Flash', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'ระยะแนวนอน',
+	properties: 'คุณสมบัติของไฟล์ Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Properties', // MISSING
+	quality: 'Quality', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Auto High', // MISSING
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Auto Low', // MISSING
+	qualityBest: 'Best', // MISSING
+	qualityHigh: 'High', // MISSING
+	qualityLow: 'Low', // MISSING
+	qualityMedium: 'Medium', // MISSING
+	scale: 'อัตราส่วน Scale',
+	scaleAll: 'แสดงให้เห็นทั้งหมด Show all',
+	scaleFit: 'แสดงให้พอดีกับพื้นที่ Exact Fit',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'ไม่แสดงเส้นขอบ No Border',
+	title: 'คุณสมบัติของไฟล์ Flash',
+	vSpace: 'ระยะแนวตั้ง',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	validateSrc: 'กรุณาระบุที่อยู่อ้างอิงออนไลน์ (URL)',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a number.', // MISSING
+	windowMode: 'Window mode', // MISSING
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opaque', // MISSING
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Transparent', // MISSING
+	windowModeWindow: 'Window' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7076f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'tr', {
+	access: 'Kod Ä°zni',
+	accessAlways: 'Herzaman',
+	accessNever: 'Asla',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Aynı domain',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Tam Altı',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Tam Ortası',
+	alignBaseline: 'Taban Çizgisi',
+	alignTextTop: 'Yazı Tepeye',
+	bgcolor: 'Arka Renk',
+	chkFull: 'Tam ekrana Ä°zinver',
+	chkLoop: 'Döngü',
+	chkMenu: 'Flash Menüsünü Kullan',
+	chkPlay: 'Otomatik Oynat',
+	flashvars: 'Flash DeÄŸerleri',
+	hSpace: 'Yatay BoÅŸluk',
+	properties: 'Flash Özellikleri',
+	propertiesTab: 'Özellikler',
+	quality: 'Kalite',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Otomatik Yükseklik',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Otomatik Düşüklük',
+	qualityBest: 'En iyi',
+	qualityHigh: 'Yüksek',
+	qualityLow: 'Düşük',
+	qualityMedium: 'Orta',
+	scale: 'Boyutlandır',
+	scaleAll: 'Hepsini Göster',
+	scaleFit: 'Tam Sığdır',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Kenar Yok',
+	title: 'Flash Özellikleri',
+	vSpace: 'Dikey BoÅŸluk',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace sayı olmalıdır.',
+	validateSrc: 'Lütfen köprü URL\'sini yazın',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace sayı olmalıdır.',
+	windowMode: 'Pencere modu',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Opak',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Åžeffaf',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Pencere'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31e4303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'ug', {
+	access: 'قوليازما زىيارەتكە يول قوي',
+	accessAlways: 'ھەمىشە',
+	accessNever: 'ھەرگىز',
+	accessSameDomain: 'ئوخشاش دائىرىدە',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'مۇتلەق ئاستى',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'مۇتلەق ئوتتۇرا',
+	alignBaseline: 'ئاساسىي سىزىق',
+	alignTextTop: 'تېكىست ئۈستىدە',
+	bgcolor: 'تەگلىك رەڭگى',
+	chkFull: 'پۈتۈن ئېكراننى قوزغات',
+	chkLoop: 'دەۋرىي',
+	chkMenu: 'Flash تىزىملىكنى قوزغات',
+	chkPlay: 'ئۆزلۈكىدىن چال',
+	flashvars: 'Flash  ئۆزگەرگۈچى',
+	hSpace: 'توغرىسىغا ئارىلىق',
+	properties: 'Flash خاسلىق',
+	propertiesTab: 'خاسلىق',
+	quality: 'سۈپەت',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'يۇقىرى (ئاپتوماتىك)',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'تۆۋەن (ئاپتوماتىك)',
+	qualityBest: 'ئەڭ ياخشى',
+	qualityHigh: 'يۇقىرى',
+	qualityLow: 'تۆۋەن',
+	qualityMedium: 'ئوتتۇرا (ئاپتوماتىك)',
+	scale: 'نىسبىتى',
+	scaleAll: 'ھەممىنى كۆرسەت',
+	scaleFit: 'قەتئىي ماسلىشىش',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'گىرۋەك يوق',
+	title: 'ماۋزۇ',
+	vSpace: 'بويىغا ئارىلىق',
+	validateHSpace: 'توغرىسىغا ئارىلىق چوقۇم سان بولىدۇ',
+	validateSrc: 'ئەسلى ھۆججەت ئادرېسىنى كىرگۈزۈڭ',
+	validateVSpace: 'بويىغا ئارىلىق چوقۇم سان بولىدۇ',
+	windowMode: 'كۆزنەك ھالىتى',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'خىرە',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'سۈزۈك',
+	windowModeWindow: 'كۆزنەك گەۋدىسى'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..570e039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'uk', {
+	access: 'Доступ до скрипта',
+	accessAlways: 'Завжди',
+	accessNever: 'Ніколи',
+	accessSameDomain: 'З того ж домена',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'По нижньому краю (abs)',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'По середині (abs)',
+	alignBaseline: 'По базовій лінії',
+	alignTextTop: 'Текст по верхньому краю',
+	bgcolor: 'Колір фону',
+	chkFull: 'Дозволити повноекранний перегляд',
+	chkLoop: 'Циклічно',
+	chkMenu: 'Дозволити меню Flash',
+	chkPlay: 'Автопрогравання',
+	flashvars: 'Змінні Flash',
+	hSpace: 'Гориз. відступ',
+	properties: 'Властивості Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Властивості',
+	quality: 'Якість',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Автом. відмінна',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Автом. низька',
+	qualityBest: 'Відмінна',
+	qualityHigh: 'Висока',
+	qualityLow: 'Низька',
+	qualityMedium: 'Середня',
+	scale: 'Масштаб',
+	scaleAll: 'Показати все',
+	scaleFit: 'Поч. розмір',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Без рамки',
+	title: 'Властивості Flash',
+	vSpace: 'Верт. відступ',
+	validateHSpace: 'Гориз. відступ повинен бути цілим числом.',
+	validateSrc: 'Будь ласка, вкажіть URL посилання',
+	validateVSpace: 'Верт. відступ повинен бути цілим числом.',
+	windowMode: 'Віконний режим',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Непрозорість',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Прозорість',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Вікно'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88a4e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'vi', {
+	access: 'Truy cập mã',
+	accessAlways: 'Luôn luôn',
+	accessNever: 'Không bao giờ',
+	accessSameDomain: 'Cùng tên miền',
+	alignAbsBottom: 'Dưới tuyệt đối',
+	alignAbsMiddle: 'Giữa tuyệt đối',
+	alignBaseline: 'Đường cơ sở',
+	alignTextTop: 'Phía trên chữ',
+	bgcolor: 'Màu nền',
+	chkFull: 'Cho phép toàn màn hình',
+	chkLoop: 'Lặp',
+	chkMenu: 'Cho phép bật menu của Flash',
+	chkPlay: 'Tự động chạy',
+	flashvars: 'Các biến số dành cho Flash',
+	hSpace: 'Khoảng đệm ngang',
+	properties: 'Thuộc tính Flash',
+	propertiesTab: 'Thuộc tính',
+	quality: 'Chất lượng',
+	qualityAutoHigh: 'Cao tá»± Ä‘á»™ng',
+	qualityAutoLow: 'Thấp tự động',
+	qualityBest: 'Tốt nhất',
+	qualityHigh: 'Cao',
+	qualityLow: 'Thấp',
+	qualityMedium: 'Trung bình',
+	scale: 'Tỷ lệ',
+	scaleAll: 'Hiển thị tất cả',
+	scaleFit: 'Vừa vặn',
+	scaleNoBorder: 'Không đường viền',
+	title: 'Thuộc tính Flash',
+	vSpace: 'Khoảng đệm dọc',
+	validateHSpace: 'Khoảng đệm ngang phải là số nguyên.',
+	validateSrc: 'Hãy đưa vào đường dẫn liên kết',
+	validateVSpace: 'Khoảng đệm dọc phải là số nguyên.',
+	windowMode: 'Chế độ cửa sổ',
+	windowModeOpaque: 'Mờ đục',
+	windowModeTransparent: 'Trong suốt',
+	windowModeWindow: 'Cửa sổ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..346bc32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'zh-cn', {
+	access: '允许脚本访问',
+	accessAlways: '总是',
+	accessNever: '从不',
+	accessSameDomain: '同域',
+	alignAbsBottom: '绝对底部',
+	alignAbsMiddle: '绝对居中',
+	alignBaseline: '基线',
+	alignTextTop: '文本上方',
+	bgcolor: '背景颜色',
+	chkFull: '启用全屏',
+	chkLoop: '循环',
+	chkMenu: '启用 Flash 菜单',
+	chkPlay: '自动播放',
+	flashvars: 'Flash 变量',
+	hSpace: '水平间距',
+	properties: 'Flash 属性',
+	propertiesTab: '属性',
+	quality: '质量',
+	qualityAutoHigh: '高(自动)',
+	qualityAutoLow: '低(自动)',
+	qualityBest: '最好',
+	qualityHigh: '高',
+	qualityLow: '低',
+	qualityMedium: '中(自动)',
+	scale: '缩放',
+	scaleAll: '全部显示',
+	scaleFit: '严格匹配',
+	scaleNoBorder: '无边框',
+	title: '标题',
+	vSpace: '垂直间距',
+	validateHSpace: '水平间距必须为数字格式',
+	validateSrc: '请输入源文件地址',
+	validateVSpace: '垂直间距必须为数字格式',
+	windowMode: '窗体模式',
+	windowModeOpaque: '不透明',
+	windowModeTransparent: '透明',
+	windowModeWindow: '窗体'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c050899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'flash', 'zh', {
+	access: '允許腳本訪問',
+	accessAlways: '永遠',
+	accessNever: '永不',
+	accessSameDomain: '相同域名',
+	alignAbsBottom: '絕對下方',
+	alignAbsMiddle: '絕對中間',
+	alignBaseline: '基準線',
+	alignTextTop: '文字上方',
+	bgcolor: '背景顏色',
+	chkFull: '啟動全螢幕顯示',
+	chkLoop: '重複',
+	chkMenu: '開啟選單',
+	chkPlay: '自動播放',
+	flashvars: 'Flash 變數',
+	hSpace: '水平距離',
+	properties: 'Flash 屬性',
+	propertiesTab: '屬性',
+	quality: '質素',
+	qualityAutoHigh: '高(自動)',
+	qualityAutoLow: '低(自動)',
+	qualityBest: '最好',
+	qualityHigh: '高',
+	qualityLow: '低',
+	qualityMedium: '中(自動)',
+	scale: '縮放',
+	scaleAll: '全部顯示',
+	scaleFit: '精確符合',
+	scaleNoBorder: '無邊框',
+	title: 'Flash 屬性',
+	vSpace: '垂直距離',
+	validateHSpace: '水平間距必須為數字格式',
+	validateSrc: '請輸入欲連結的 URL',
+	validateVSpace: '垂直間距必須為數字格式',
+	windowMode: '視窗模式',
+	windowModeOpaque: '不透明',
+	windowModeTransparent: '透明',
+	windowModeWindow: '視窗'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/plugin.js
index 65e76c5..5250bde 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/flash/plugin.js
@@ -1,58 +1,27 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	var flashFilenameRegex = /\.swf(?:$|\?)/i,
-		numberRegex = /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/;
-	function cssifyLength( length )
-	{
-		if ( numberRegex.test( length ) )
-			return length + 'px';
-		return length;
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	var flashFilenameRegex = /\.swf(?:$|\?)/i;
-	function isFlashEmbed( element )
-	{
+	function isFlashEmbed( element ) {
 		var attributes = element.attributes;
 		return ( attributes.type == 'application/x-shockwave-flash' || flashFilenameRegex.test( attributes.src || '' ) );
-	function createFakeElement( editor, realElement )
-	{
-		var fakeElement = editor.createFakeParserElement( realElement, 'cke_flash', 'flash', true ),
-			fakeStyle = fakeElement.attributes.style || '';
-		var width = realElement.attributes.width,
-			height = realElement.attributes.height;
-		if ( typeof width != 'undefined' )
-			fakeStyle = fakeElement.attributes.style = fakeStyle + 'width:' + cssifyLength( width ) + ';';
-		if ( typeof height != 'undefined' )
-			fakeStyle = fakeElement.attributes.style = fakeStyle + 'height:' + cssifyLength( height ) + ';';
-		return fakeElement;
+	function createFakeElement( editor, realElement ) {
+		return editor.createFakeParserElement( realElement, 'cke_flash', 'flash', true );
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'flash',
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			editor.addCommand( 'flash', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'flash' ) );
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'Flash',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.common.flash,
-					command : 'flash'
-				});
-			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'flash', this.path + 'dialogs/flash.js' );
-			editor.addCss(
-				'img.cke_flash' +
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'flash', {
+		requires: 'dialog,fakeobjects',
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'flash', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		onLoad: function() {
+			CKEDITOR.addCss( 'img.cke_flash' +
 				'{' +
 					'background-image: url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'images/placeholder.png' ) + ');' +
 					'background-position: center center;' +
@@ -63,112 +32,105 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+		},
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			editor.addCommand( 'flash', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'flash' ) );
+			editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'Flash', {
+				label: editor.lang.common.flash,
+				command: 'flash',
+				toolbar: 'insert,20'
+			});
+			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'flash', this.path + 'dialogs/flash.js' );
 			// If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu items.
-			if ( editor.addMenuItems )
-			{
-				editor.addMenuItems(
-					{
-						flash :
-						{
-							label : editor.lang.flash.properties,
-							command : 'flash',
-							group : 'flash'
-						}
-					});
+			if ( editor.addMenuItems ) {
+				editor.addMenuItems({
+					flash: {
+						label: editor.lang.flash.properties,
+						command: 'flash',
+						group: 'flash'
+					}
+				});
-			editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt )
-				{
-					var element = evt.data.element;
+			editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt ) {
+				var element = evt.data.element;
-					if ( element.is( 'img' ) && element.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) == 'flash' )
-						evt.data.dialog = 'flash';
-				});
+				if ( element.is( 'img' ) && element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) == 'flash' )
+					evt.data.dialog = 'flash';
+			});
 			// If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners.
-			if ( editor.contextMenu )
-			{
-				editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection )
-					{
-						if ( element && element.is( 'img' ) && !element.isReadOnly()
-								&& element.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) == 'flash' )
-							return { flash : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
-					});
+			if ( editor.contextMenu ) {
+				editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection ) {
+					if ( element && element.is( 'img' ) && !element.isReadOnly() && element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) == 'flash' )
+						return { flash: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+				});
-		afterInit : function( editor )
-		{
+		afterInit: function( editor ) {
 			var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
 				dataFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.dataFilter;
-			if ( dataFilter )
-			{
-				dataFilter.addRules(
-					{
-						elements :
-						{
-							'cke:object' : function( element )
-							{
-								var attributes = element.attributes,
-									classId = attributes.classid && String( attributes.classid ).toLowerCase();
-								if ( !classId )
-								{
-									// Look for the inner <embed>
-									for ( var i = 0 ; i < element.children.length ; i++ )
-									{
-										if ( element.children[ i ].name == 'cke:embed' )
-										{
-											if ( !isFlashEmbed( element.children[ i ] ) )
-												return null;
-											return createFakeElement( editor, element );
-										}
+			if ( dataFilter ) {
+				dataFilter.addRules({
+					elements: {
+						'cke:object': function( element ) {
+							var attributes = element.attributes,
+								classId = attributes.classid && String( attributes.classid ).toLowerCase();
+							if ( !classId && !isFlashEmbed( element ) ) {
+								// Look for the inner <embed>
+								for ( var i = 0; i < element.children.length; i++ ) {
+									if ( element.children[ i ].name == 'cke:embed' ) {
+										if ( !isFlashEmbed( element.children[ i ] ) )
+											return null;
+										return createFakeElement( editor, element );
-									return null;
+								return null;
+							}
-								return createFakeElement( editor, element );
-							},
+							return createFakeElement( editor, element );
+						},
-							'cke:embed' : function( element )
-							{
-								if ( !isFlashEmbed( element ) )
-									return null;
+						'cke:embed': function( element ) {
+							if ( !isFlashEmbed( element ) )
+								return null;
-								return createFakeElement( editor, element );
-							}
+							return createFakeElement( editor, element );
-					},
-					5);
+					}
+				}, 5 );
-		},
-		requires : [ 'fakeobjects' ]
+		}
-CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.config,
+CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.config, {
-	 * Save as EMBED tag only. This tag is unrecommended.
-	 * @type Boolean
-	 * @default false
+	 * Save as `<embed>` tag only. This tag is unrecommended.
+	 *
+	 * @cfg {Boolean} [flashEmbedTagOnly=false]
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.config
-	flashEmbedTagOnly : false,
+	flashEmbedTagOnly: false,
-	 * Add EMBED tag as alternative: <object&gt<embed&gt</embed&gt</object&gt
-	 * @type Boolean
-	 * @default false
+	 * Add `<embed>` tag as alternative: `<object><embed></embed></object>`.
+	 *
+	 * @cfg {Boolean} [flashAddEmbedTag=false]
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.config
-	flashAddEmbedTag : true,
+	flashAddEmbedTag: true,
-	 * Use embedTagOnly and addEmbedTag values on edit.
-	 * @type Boolean
-	 * @default false
+	 * Use {@link #flashEmbedTagOnly} and {@link #flashAddEmbedTag} values on edit.
+	 *
+	 * @cfg {Boolean} [flashConvertOnEdit=false]
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.config
-	flashConvertOnEdit : false
-} );
+	flashConvertOnEdit: false
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/floatingspace/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/floatingspace/plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d1ef3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/floatingspace/plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	var floatSpaceTpl = CKEDITOR.addTemplate( 'floatcontainer', '<div' +
+		' id="cke_{name}"' +
+		' class="cke {id} cke_reset_all cke_chrome cke_editor_{name} cke_float cke_{langDir} ' + CKEDITOR.env.cssClass + '"' +
+		' dir="{langDir}"' +
+		' title="' + ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ? ' ' : '' ) + '"' +
+		' lang="{langCode}"' +
+		' role="application"' +
+		' style="{style}"' +
+		'>' +
+			'<div class="cke_inner">' +
+				'<div id="{topId}" class="cke_top" role="presentation">{content}</div>' +
+			'</div>' +
+		'</div>' );
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'floatingspace', {
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
+				attach( editor );
+			});
+		}
+	});
+	var win = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow();
+	var pixelate = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength;
+	function scrollOffset( side ) {
+		var pageOffset = side == 'left' ? 'pageXOffset' : 'pageYOffset',
+			docScrollOffset = side == 'left' ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop';
+		return ( pageOffset in win.$ ) ? win.$[ pageOffset ] : CKEDITOR.document.$.documentElement[ docScrollOffset ];
+	}
+	function attach( editor ) {
+		// Indicates the vertical aligning mode.
+		var mode;
+		// Allow minor adjustments of the float space from custom configs.
+		var config = editor.config;
+		var dockedOffsetX = config.floatSpaceDockedOffsetX || 0,
+			dockedOffsetY = config.floatSpaceDockedOffsetY || 0,
+			pinnedOffsetX = config.floatSpacePinnedOffsetX || 0,
+			pinnedOffsetY = config.floatSpacePinnedOffsetY || 0;
+		var layout = function( evt ) {
+				// Update the float space position.
+				function updatePos( pos, prop, val ) {
+					floatSpace.setStyle( prop, pixelate( val ) );
+					floatSpace.setStyle( 'position', pos );
+				}
+				// Change the current mode and update float space position accordingly.
+				function changeMode( newMode ) {
+					var editorPos = editable.getDocumentPosition();
+					switch ( newMode ) {
+						case 'top':
+							updatePos( 'absolute', 'top', editorPos.y - spaceHeight - dockedOffsetY );
+							break;
+						case 'pin':
+							updatePos( 'fixed', 'top', pinnedOffsetY );
+							break;
+						case 'bottom':
+							updatePos( 'absolute', 'top', editorPos.y + ( editorRect.height || editorRect.bottom - editorRect.top ) + dockedOffsetY );
+							break;
+					}
+					mode = newMode;
+				}
+				// Show up the space on focus gain.
+				evt.name == 'focus' && floatSpace.show();
+				// Reset the horizontal position for below measurement.
+				floatSpace.removeStyle( 'left' );
+				floatSpace.removeStyle( 'right' );
+				// Compute the screen position from the TextRectangle object would
+				// be very simple, even though the "width"/"height" property is not
+				// available for all, it's safe to figure that out from the rest.
+				// http://help.dottoro.com/ljgupwlp.php
+				var editable = editor.editable(),
+					spaceRect = floatSpace.getClientRect(),
+					editorRect = editable.getClientRect(),
+					spaceHeight = spaceRect.height,
+					pageScrollX = scrollOffset( 'left' );
+				// We initialize it as pin mode.
+				if ( !mode ) {
+					mode = 'pin';
+					changeMode( 'pin' );
+					// Call for a refresh to the actual layout.
+					layout( evt );
+					return;
+				}
+				// Pin the space element while page scrolls down to pull it off the view port.
+				else if ( mode == 'top' && spaceRect.top < pinnedOffsetY )
+					changeMode( 'pin' );
+				else if ( mode == 'pin' ) {
+					// Restore into docked top from pin.
+					if ( editorRect.top > dockedOffsetY + spaceHeight )
+						changeMode( 'top' );
+					// Docked the space below editable when page scrolls down and the space masks
+					// the final few lines of the content.
+					else if ( editorRect.bottom - spaceRect.bottom < spaceHeight )
+						changeMode( 'bottom' );
+				} else if ( mode == 'bottom' ) {
+					// Jump to top mode. ( with pin mode skipped)
+					if ( editorRect.top > dockedOffsetY + spaceHeight )
+						changeMode( 'top' );
+					// Restore into pin mode from docked bottom.
+					else if ( editorRect.bottom > 2 * spaceHeight + pinnedOffsetY )
+						changeMode( 'pin' );
+				}
+				var viewRect = win.getViewPaneSize();
+				var mid = viewRect.width / 2;
+				var alignSide =
+							( editorRect.left > 0 && editorRect.right < viewRect.width &&
+								editorRect.width > spaceRect.width ) ?
+							( editor.config.contentsLangDirection == 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left' ) :
+							( mid - editorRect.left > editorRect.right - mid ? 'left' :
+							 'right' ),
+					offset;
+				// (#9769) If viewport width is less than space width,
+				// make sure space never cross the left boundary of the viewport.
+				// In other words: top-left corner of the space is always visible.
+				if ( spaceRect.width > viewRect.width ) {
+					alignSide = 'left';
+					offset = 0;
+				}
+				else {
+					if ( alignSide == 'left' ) {
+						// If the space rect fits into viewport, align it
+						// to the left edge of editor:
+						//
+						// +------------------------ Viewport -+
+						// |                                   |
+						// |   +------------- Space -+         |
+						// |   |                     |         |
+						// |   +---------------------+         |
+						// |   +------------------ Editor -+   |
+						// |   |                           |   |
+						//
+						if ( editorRect.left > 0 )
+							offset = editorRect.left;
+						// If the left part of the editor is cut off by the left
+						// edge of the viewport, stick the space to the viewport:
+						//
+						//       +------------------------ Viewport -+
+						//       |                                   |
+						//       +---------------- Space -+          |
+						//       |                        |          |
+						//       +------------------------+          |
+						//  +----|------------- Editor -+            |
+						//  |    |                      |            |
+						//
+						else
+							offset = 0;
+					}
+					else {
+						// If the space rect fits into viewport, align it
+						// to the right edge of editor:
+						//
+						// +------------------------ Viewport -+
+						// |                                   |
+						// |         +------------- Space -+   |
+						// |         |                     |   |
+						// |         +---------------------+   |
+						// |   +------------------ Editor -+   |
+						// |   |                           |   |
+						//
+						if ( editorRect.right < viewRect.width )
+							offset = viewRect.width - editorRect.right;
+						// If the right part of the editor is cut off by the right
+						// edge of the viewport, stick the space to the viewport:
+						//
+						// +------------------------ Viewport -+
+						// |                                   |
+						// |             +------------- Space -+
+						// |             |                     |
+						// |             +---------------------+
+						// |                 +-----------------|- Editor -+
+						// |                 |                 |          |
+						//
+						else
+							offset = 0;
+					}
+					// (#9769) Finally, stick the space to the opposite side of
+					// the viewport when it's cut off horizontally on the left/right
+					// side like below.
+					//
+					// This trick reveals cut off space in some edge cases and
+					// hence it improves accessibility.
+					//
+					// +------------------------ Viewport -+
+					// |                                   |
+					// |              +--------------------|-- Space -+
+					// |              |                    |          |
+					// |              +--------------------|----------+
+					// |              +------- Editor -+   |
+					// |              |                |   |
+					//
+					//				becomes:
+					//
+					// +------------------------ Viewport -+
+					// |                                   |
+					// |   +----------------------- Space -+
+					// |   |                               |
+					// |   +-------------------------------+
+					// |              +------- Editor -+   |
+					// |              |                |   |
+					//
+					if ( offset + spaceRect.width > viewRect.width ) {
+						alignSide = alignSide == 'left' ? 'right' : 'left';
+						offset = 0;
+					}
+				}
+				floatSpace.setStyle( alignSide, pixelate( ( mode == 'pin' ? pinnedOffsetX : dockedOffsetX ) + offset + ( mode == 'pin' ? 0 : pageScrollX ) ) );
+			};
+		var body = CKEDITOR.document.getBody();
+		var vars = {
+			id : editor.id,
+			name: editor.name,
+			langDir: editor.lang.dir,
+			langCode: editor.langCode
+		};
+		// Get the HTML for the predefined spaces.
+		var topHtml = editor.fire( 'uiSpace', { space: 'top', html: '' } ).html;
+		if ( topHtml ) {
+			var floatSpace = body.append( CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( floatSpaceTpl.output( CKEDITOR.tools.extend({
+				topId: editor.ui.spaceId( 'top' ),
+				content: topHtml,
+				style: 'display:none;z-index:' + ( editor.config.baseFloatZIndex - 1 )
+			}, vars ) ) ) );
+			// There's no need for the floatSpace to be selectable.
+			floatSpace.unselectable();
+			// Prevent clicking on non-buttons area of the space from blurring editor.
+			floatSpace.on( 'mousedown', function( evt ) {
+				evt = evt.data;
+				if ( !evt.getTarget().hasAscendant( 'a', 1 ) )
+					evt.preventDefault();
+			});
+			editor.on( 'focus', function( evt ) {
+				layout( evt );
+				win.on( 'scroll', layout );
+				win.on( 'resize', layout );
+			});
+			editor.on( 'blur', function() {
+				floatSpace.hide();
+				win.removeListener( 'scroll', layout );
+				win.removeListener( 'resize', layout );
+			});
+			editor.on( 'destroy', function() {
+				win.removeListener( 'scroll', layout );
+				win.removeListener( 'resize', layout );
+				floatSpace.clearCustomData();
+				floatSpace.remove();
+			});
+			// Handle initial focus.
+			if ( editor.focusManager.hasFocus )
+				floatSpace.show();
+			// Register this UI space to the focus manager.
+			editor.focusManager.add( floatSpace, 1 );
+		}
+	}
+ * Along with {@link #floatSpaceDockedOffsetY} it defines the
+ * amount of offset (in pixels) between float space and the editable left/right
+ * boundaries when space element is docked at either side of the editable.
+ *
+ *		config.floatSpaceDockedOffsetX = 10;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [floatSpaceDockedOffsetX=0]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * Along with {@link #floatSpaceDockedOffsetX} it defines the
+ * amount of offset (in pixels) between float space and the editable top/bottom
+ * boundaries when space element is docked at either side of the editable.
+ *
+ *		config.floatSpaceDockedOffsetY = 10;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [floatSpaceDockedOffsetY=0]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * Along with {@link #floatSpacePinnedOffsetY} it defines the
+ * amount of offset (in pixels) between float space and the view port boundaries
+ * when space element is pinned.
+ *
+ *		config.floatSpacePinnedOffsetX = 20;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [floatSpacePinnedOffsetX=0]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * Along with {@link #floatSpacePinnedOffsetX} it defines the
+ * amount of offset (in pixels) between float space and the view port boundaries
+ * when space element is pinned.
+ *
+ *		config.floatSpacePinnedOffsetY = 20;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [floatSpacePinnedOffsetY=0]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/floatpanel/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/floatpanel/plugin.js
index 178459e..f861b93 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/floatpanel/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/floatpanel/plugin.js
@@ -1,119 +1,165 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'floatpanel',
-	requires : [ 'panel' ]
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'floatpanel', {
+	requires: 'panel'
+(function() {
 	var panels = {};
-	var isShowing = false;
-	function getPanel( editor, doc, parentElement, definition, level )
-	{
+	function getPanel( editor, doc, parentElement, definition, level ) {
 		// Generates the panel key: docId-eleId-skinName-langDir[-uiColor][-CSSs][-level]
-		var key =
-			doc.getUniqueId() +
-			'-' + parentElement.getUniqueId() +
-			'-' + editor.skinName +
-			'-' + editor.lang.dir +
-			( ( editor.uiColor && ( '-' + editor.uiColor ) ) || '' ) +
-			( ( definition.css && ( '-' + definition.css ) ) || '' ) +
-			( ( level && ( '-' + level ) ) || '' );
-		var panel = panels[ key ];
-		if ( !panel )
-		{
+		var key = CKEDITOR.tools.genKey( doc.getUniqueId(), parentElement.getUniqueId(), editor.lang.dir, editor.uiColor || '', definition.css || '', level || '' ),
+			panel = panels[ key ];
+		if ( !panel ) {
 			panel = panels[ key ] = new CKEDITOR.ui.panel( doc, definition );
-			panel.element = parentElement.append( CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( panel.renderHtml( editor ), doc ) );
+			panel.element = parentElement.append( CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( panel.render( editor ), doc ) );
-			panel.element.setStyles(
-				{
-					display : 'none',
-					position : 'absolute'
-				});
+			panel.element.setStyles({
+				display: 'none',
+				position: 'absolute'
+			});
 		return panel;
-	CKEDITOR.ui.floatPanel = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
-	{
-		$ : function( editor, parentElement, definition, level )
-		{
-			definition.forceIFrame = true;
+	/**
+	 * Represents a floating panel UI element.
+	 *
+	 * It's reused by rich combos, color combos, menus, etc.
+	 * and it renders its content using {@link CKEDITOR.ui.panel}.
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.ui.floatPanel = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+		/**
+		 * Creates a floatPanel class instance.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} parentElement
+		 * @param {Object} definition Definition of the panel that will be floating.
+		 * @param {Number} level
+		 */
+		$: function( editor, parentElement, definition, level ) {
+			definition.forceIFrame = 1;
+			// In case of editor with floating toolbar append panels that should float
+			// to the main UI element.
+			if ( definition.toolbarRelated && editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE )
+				parentElement = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'cke_' + editor.name );
 			var doc = parentElement.getDocument(),
 				panel = getPanel( editor, doc, parentElement, definition, level || 0 ),
 				element = panel.element,
-				iframe = element.getFirst().getFirst();
+				iframe = element.getFirst(),
+				that = this;
+			// Disable native browser menu. (#4825)
+			element.disableContextMenu();
+			// Floating panels are placed outside the main editor UI, so we must
+			// make them application regions as well. (#9543)
+			element.setAttribute( 'role', 'application' );
 			this.element = element;
-			this._ =
-			{
+			this._ = {
+				editor: editor,
 				// The panel that will be floating.
-				panel : panel,
-				parentElement : parentElement,
-				definition : definition,
-				document : doc,
-				iframe : iframe,
-				children : [],
-				dir : editor.lang.dir
+				panel: panel,
+				parentElement: parentElement,
+				definition: definition,
+				document: doc,
+				iframe: iframe,
+				children: [],
+				dir: editor.lang.dir
+			editor.on( 'mode', hide );
+			editor.on( 'resize', hide );
+			// Window resize doesn't cause hide on blur. (#9800)
+			doc.getWindow().on( 'resize', hide );
+			// We need a wrapper because events implementation doesn't allow to attach
+			// one listener more than once for the same event on the same object.
+			// Remember that floatPanel#hide is shared between all instances.
+			function hide() {
+				that.hide();
+			}
-		proto :
-		{
-			addBlock : function( name, block )
-			{
+		proto: {
+			/**
+			 * @todo
+			 */
+			addBlock: function( name, block ) {
 				return this._.panel.addBlock( name, block );
-			addListBlock : function( name, multiSelect )
-			{
+			/**
+			 * @todo
+			 */
+			addListBlock: function( name, multiSelect ) {
 				return this._.panel.addListBlock( name, multiSelect );
-			getBlock : function( name )
-			{
+			/**
+			 * @todo
+			 */
+			getBlock: function( name ) {
 				return this._.panel.getBlock( name );
-			/*
-				corner (LTR):
-					1 = top-left
-					2 = top-right
-					3 = bottom-right
-					4 = bottom-left
-				corner (RTL):
-					1 = top-right
-					2 = top-left
-					3 = bottom-left
-					4 = bottom-right
+			/**
+			 * Shows panel block.
+			 *
+			 * @param {String} name
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} offsetParent Positioned parent.
+			 * @param {Number} corner
+			 *
+			 * * For LTR (left to right) oriented editor:
+			 *      * `1` = top-left
+			 *      * `2` = top-right
+			 *      * `3` = bottom-right
+			 *      * `4` = bottom-left
+			 * * For RTL (right to left):
+			 *      * `1` = top-right
+			 *      * `2` = top-left
+			 *      * `3` = bottom-left
+			 *      * `4` = bottom-right
+			 *
+			 * @param {Number} [offsetX=0]
+			 * @param {Number} [offsetY=0]
+			 * @todo what do exactly these params mean (especially corner)?
-			showBlock : function( name, offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY )
-			{
+			showBlock: function( name, offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY ) {
 				var panel = this._.panel,
 					block = panel.showBlock( name );
 				this.allowBlur( false );
-				isShowing = true;
+				// Record from where the focus is when open panel.
+				var editable = this._.editor.editable();
+				this._.returnFocus = editable.hasFocus ? editable : new CKEDITOR.dom.element( CKEDITOR.document.$.activeElement );
 				var element = this.element,
 					iframe = this._.iframe,
-					definition = this._.definition,
-					position = offsetParent.getDocumentPosition( element.getDocument() ),
-					rtl = this._.dir == 'rtl';
-				var left	= position.x + ( offsetX || 0 ),
-					top		= position.y + ( offsetY || 0 );
+					// Non IE prefer the event into a window object.
+					focused = CKEDITOR.env.ie ? iframe : new CKEDITOR.dom.window( iframe.$.contentWindow ),
+					doc = element.getDocument(),
+					positionedAncestor = this._.parentElement.getPositionedAncestor(),
+					position = offsetParent.getDocumentPosition( doc ),
+					positionedAncestorPosition = positionedAncestor ? positionedAncestor.getDocumentPosition( doc ) : { x: 0, y: 0 },
+					rtl = this._.dir == 'rtl',
+					left = position.x + ( offsetX || 0 ) - positionedAncestorPosition.x,
+					top = position.y + ( offsetY || 0 ) - positionedAncestorPosition.y;
 				// Floating panels are off by (-1px, 0px) in RTL mode. (#3438)
 				if ( rtl && ( corner == 1 || corner == 4 ) )
@@ -127,11 +173,12 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'floatpanel',
 				// Memorize offsetParent by it's ID.
 				this._.panel._.offsetParentId = offsetParent.getId();
-				element.setStyles(
-					{
-						top : '-30000px',
-						display	: ''
-					});
+				element.setStyles({
+					top: top + 'px',
+					left: 0,
+					display: ''
+				});
 				// Don't use display or visibility style because we need to
 				// calculate the rendering layout later and focus the element.
 				element.setOpacity( 0 );
@@ -139,186 +186,264 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'floatpanel',
 				// To allow the context menu to decrease back their width
 				element.getFirst().removeStyle( 'width' );
+				// Report to focus manager.
+				this._.editor.focusManager.add( focused );
 				// Configure the IFrame blur event. Do that only once.
-				if ( !this._.blurSet )
-				{
-					// Non IE prefer the event into a window object.
-					var focused = CKEDITOR.env.ie ? iframe : new CKEDITOR.dom.window( iframe.$.contentWindow );
+				if ( !this._.blurSet ) {
 					// With addEventListener compatible browsers, we must
 					// useCapture when registering the focus/blur events to
 					// guarantee they will be firing in all situations. (#3068, #3222 )
 					CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = true;
-					focused.on( 'blur', function( ev )
-						{
-							if ( !this.allowBlur() )
-								return;
-							// As we are using capture to register the listener,
-							// the blur event may get fired even when focusing
-							// inside the window itself, so we must ensure the
-							// target is out of it.
-							var target;
-							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && !this.allowBlur()
-								 || ( target = ev.data.getTarget() )
-								      && target.getName && target.getName() != 'iframe' )
-								return;
-							if ( this.visible && !this._.activeChild && !isShowing )
-								this.hide();
-						},
-						this );
-					focused.on( 'focus', function()
-						{
-							this._.focused = true;
-							this.hideChild();
-							this.allowBlur( true );
-						},
-						this );
+					focused.on( 'blur', function( ev ) {
+						// As we are using capture to register the listener,
+						// the blur event may get fired even when focusing
+						// inside the window itself, so we must ensure the
+						// target is out of it.
+						if ( !this.allowBlur() || ev.data.getPhase() != CKEDITOR.EVENT_PHASE_AT_TARGET )
+							return;
+						if ( this.visible && !this._.activeChild ) {
+							// Panel close is caused by user's navigating away the focus, e.g. click outside the panel.
+							// DO NOT restore focus in this case.
+							delete this._.returnFocus;
+							this.hide();
+						}
+					}, this );
+					focused.on( 'focus', function() {
+						this._.focused = true;
+						this.hideChild();
+						this.allowBlur( true );
+					}, this );
 					CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = false;
 					this._.blurSet = 1;
-				panel.onEscape = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function( keystroke )
-					{
-						if ( this.onEscape && this.onEscape( keystroke ) === false )
-							return false;
-					},
-					this );
+				panel.onEscape = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function( keystroke ) {
+					if ( this.onEscape && this.onEscape( keystroke ) === false )
+						return false;
+				}, this );
-				CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function()
-					{
-						if ( rtl )
-							left -= element.$.offsetWidth;
+				CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() {
+					var panelLoad = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function() {
+						var target = element;
-						var panelLoad = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function ()
-						{
-							var target = element.getFirst();
+						// Reset panel width as the new content can be narrower
+						// than the old one. (#9355)
+						target.removeStyle( 'width' );
-							if ( block.autoSize )
-							{
-								// We must adjust first the width or IE6 could include extra lines in the height computation
-								var widthNode = block.element.$;
+						if ( block.autoSize ) {
+							var panelDoc = block.element.getDocument();
+							var width = ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit? block.element : panelDoc.getBody() )[ '$' ].scrollWidth;
-								if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko || CKEDITOR.env.opera )
-									widthNode = widthNode.parentNode;
+							// Account for extra height needed due to IE quirks box model bug:
+							// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer_box_model_bug
+							// (#3426)
+							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks && width > 0 )
+								width += ( target.$.offsetWidth || 0 ) - ( target.$.clientWidth || 0 ) + 3;
-								if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-									widthNode = widthNode.document.body;
+							// Add some extra pixels to improve the appearance.
+							width += 10;
-								var width = widthNode.scrollWidth;
-								// Account for extra height needed due to IE quirks box model bug:
-								// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer_box_model_bug
-								// (#3426)
-								if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks && width > 0 )
-									width += ( target.$.offsetWidth || 0 ) - ( target.$.clientWidth || 0 );
-								// A little extra at the end.
-								// If not present, IE6 might break into the next line, but also it looks better this way
-								width += 4 ;
+							target.setStyle( 'width', width + 'px' );
-								target.setStyle( 'width', width + 'px' );
+							var height = block.element.$.scrollHeight;
-								// IE doesn't compute the scrollWidth if a filter is applied previously
-								block.element.addClass( 'cke_frameLoaded' );
+							// Account for extra height needed due to IE quirks box model bug:
+							// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer_box_model_bug
+							// (#3426)
+							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks && height > 0 )
+								height += ( target.$.offsetHeight || 0 ) - ( target.$.clientHeight || 0 ) + 3;
-								var height = block.element.$.scrollHeight;
+							target.setStyle( 'height', height + 'px' );
-								// Account for extra height needed due to IE quirks box model bug:
-								// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer_box_model_bug
-								// (#3426)
-								if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks && height > 0 )
-									height += ( target.$.offsetHeight || 0 ) - ( target.$.clientHeight || 0 );
+							// Fix IE < 8 visibility.
+							panel._.currentBlock.element.setStyle( 'display', 'none' ).removeStyle( 'display' );
+						} else
+							target.removeStyle( 'height' );
-								target.setStyle( 'height', height + 'px' );
+						// Flip panel layout horizontally in RTL with known width.
+						if ( rtl )
+							left -= element.$.offsetWidth;
-								// Fix IE < 8 visibility.
-								panel._.currentBlock.element.setStyle( 'display', 'none' ).removeStyle( 'display' );
+						// Pop the style now for measurement.
+						element.setStyle( 'left', left + 'px' );
+						/* panel layout smartly fit the viewport size. */
+						var panelElement = panel.element,
+							panelWindow = panelElement.getWindow(),
+							rect = element.$.getBoundingClientRect(),
+							viewportSize = panelWindow.getViewPaneSize();
+						// Compensation for browsers that dont support "width" and "height".
+						var rectWidth = rect.width || rect.right - rect.left,
+							rectHeight = rect.height || rect.bottom - rect.top;
+						// Check if default horizontal layout is impossible.
+						var spaceAfter = rtl ? rect.right : viewportSize.width - rect.left,
+							spaceBefore = rtl ? viewportSize.width - rect.right : rect.left;
+						if ( rtl ) {
+							if ( spaceAfter < rectWidth ) {
+								// Flip to show on right.
+								if ( spaceBefore > rectWidth )
+									left += rectWidth;
+								// Align to window left.
+								else if ( viewportSize.width > rectWidth )
+									left = left - rect.left;
+								// Align to window right, never cutting the panel at right.
+								else
+									left = left - rect.right + viewportSize.width;
+						} else if ( spaceAfter < rectWidth ) {
+							// Flip to show on left.
+							if ( spaceBefore > rectWidth )
+								left -= rectWidth;
+							// Align to window right.
+							else if ( viewportSize.width > rectWidth )
+								left = left - rect.right + viewportSize.width;
+							// Align to window left, never cutting the panel at left.
-								target.removeStyle( 'height' );
-							var panelElement = panel.element,
-								panelWindow = panelElement.getWindow(),
-								windowScroll = panelWindow.getScrollPosition(),
-								viewportSize = panelWindow.getViewPaneSize(),
-								panelSize =
-								{
-									'height' : panelElement.$.offsetHeight,
-									'width' : panelElement.$.offsetWidth
-								};
-							// If the menu is horizontal off, shift it toward
-							// the opposite language direction.
-							if ( rtl ? left < 0 : left + panelSize.width > viewportSize.width + windowScroll.x )
-								left += ( panelSize.width * ( rtl ? 1 : -1 ) );
-							// Vertical off screen is simpler.
-							if ( top + panelSize.height > viewportSize.height + windowScroll.y )
-								top -= panelSize.height;
-							// If IE is in RTL, we have troubles with absolute
-							// position and horizontal scrolls. Here we have a
-							// series of hacks to workaround it. (#6146)
-							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-							{
-								var offsetParent = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( element.$.offsetParent ),
-									scrollParent = offsetParent;
-								// Quirks returns <body>, but standards returns <html>.
-								if ( scrollParent.getName() == 'html' )
-									scrollParent = scrollParent.getDocument().getBody();
-								if ( scrollParent.getComputedStyle( 'direction' ) == 'rtl' )
-								{
-									// For IE8, there is not much logic on this, but it works.
-									if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie8Compat )
-										left -= element.getDocument().getDocumentElement().$.scrollLeft * 2;
-									else
-										left -= ( offsetParent.$.scrollWidth - offsetParent.$.clientWidth );
-								}
+								left = left - rect.left;
+						}
+						// Check if the default vertical layout is possible.
+						var spaceBelow = viewportSize.height - rect.top,
+							spaceAbove = rect.top;
+						if ( spaceBelow < rectHeight ) {
+							// Flip to show above.
+							if ( spaceAbove > rectHeight )
+								top -= rectHeight;
+							// Align to window bottom.
+							else if ( viewportSize.height > rectHeight )
+								top = top - rect.bottom + viewportSize.height;
+							// Align to top, never cutting the panel at top.
+							else
+								top = top - rect.top;
+						}
+						// If IE is in RTL, we have troubles with absolute
+						// position and horizontal scrolls. Here we have a
+						// series of hacks to workaround it. (#6146)
+						if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+							var offsetParent = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( element.$.offsetParent ),
+								scrollParent = offsetParent;
+							// Quirks returns <body>, but standards returns <html>.
+							if ( scrollParent.getName() == 'html' )
+								scrollParent = scrollParent.getDocument().getBody();
+							if ( scrollParent.getComputedStyle( 'direction' ) == 'rtl' ) {
+								// For IE8, there is not much logic on this, but it works.
+								if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie8Compat )
+									left -= element.getDocument().getDocumentElement().$.scrollLeft * 2;
+								else
+									left -= ( offsetParent.$.scrollWidth - offsetParent.$.clientWidth );
-							element.setStyles(
-								{
-									top : top + 'px',
-									left : left + 'px'
-								} );
-							element.setOpacity( 1 );
-						} , this );
-						panel.isLoaded ? panelLoad() : panel.onLoad = panelLoad;
-						// Set the panel frame focus, so the blur event gets fired.
-						CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function()
-						{
-							iframe.$.contentWindow.focus();
-							// We need this get fired manually because of unfired focus() function.
-							this.allowBlur( true );
-						}, 0, this);
-					}, 0, this);
+						}
+						// Trigger the onHide event of the previously active panel to prevent
+						// incorrect styles from being applied (#6170)
+						var innerElement = element.getFirst(),
+							activePanel;
+						if ( ( activePanel = innerElement.getCustomData( 'activePanel' ) ) )
+							activePanel.onHide && activePanel.onHide.call( this, 1 );
+						innerElement.setCustomData( 'activePanel', this );
+						element.setStyles({
+							top: top + 'px',
+							left: left + 'px'
+						});
+						element.setOpacity( 1 );
+					}, this );
+					panel.isLoaded ? panelLoad() : panel.onLoad = panelLoad;
+					// Set the panel frame focus, so the blur event gets fired.
+					CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() {
+						this.focus();
+						// We need this get fired manually because of unfired focus() function.
+						this.allowBlur( true );
+						this._.editor.fire( 'panelShow', this );
+					}, 0, this );
+				}, CKEDITOR.env.air ? 200 : 0, this );
 				this.visible = 1;
 				if ( this.onShow )
 					this.onShow.call( this );
-				isShowing = false;
-			hide : function()
-			{
-				if ( this.visible && ( !this.onHide || this.onHide.call( this ) !== true ) )
-				{
+			/**
+			 * Restores last focused element or simply focus panel window.
+			 */
+			focus: function() {
+				// Webkit requires to blur any previous focused page element, in
+				// order to properly fire the "focus" event.
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
+					var active = CKEDITOR.document.getActive();
+					!active.equals( this._.iframe ) && active.$.blur();
+				}
+				// Restore last focused element or simply focus panel window.
+				var focus = this._.lastFocused || this._.iframe.getFrameDocument().getWindow();
+				focus.focus();
+			},
+			/**
+			 * @todo
+			 */
+			blur: function() {
+				var doc = this._.iframe.getFrameDocument(),
+					active = doc.getActive();
+				active.is( 'a' ) && ( this._.lastFocused = active );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Hides panel.
+			 *
+			 * @todo
+			 */
+			hide: function( returnFocus ) {
+				if ( this.visible && ( !this.onHide || this.onHide.call( this ) !== true ) ) {
+					// Blur previously focused element. (#6671)
+					CKEDITOR.env.gecko && this._.iframe.getFrameDocument().$.activeElement.blur();
 					this.element.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
 					this.visible = 0;
+					this.element.getFirst().removeCustomData( 'activePanel' );
+					// Return focus properly. (#6247)
+					var focusReturn = returnFocus && this._.returnFocus;
+					if ( focusReturn ) {
+						// Webkit requires focus moved out panel iframe first.
+						if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit && focusReturn.type )
+							focusReturn.getWindow().$.focus();
+						focusReturn.focus();
+					}
+					delete this._.lastFocused;
+					this._.editor.fire( 'panelHide', this );
-			allowBlur : function( allow )	// Prevent editor from hiding the panel. #3222.
+			/**
+			 * @todo
+			 */
+			allowBlur: function( allow ) // Prevent editor from hiding the panel. #3222.
 				var panel = this._.panel;
 				if ( allow != undefined )
@@ -327,62 +452,81 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'floatpanel',
 				return panel.allowBlur;
-			showAsChild : function( panel, blockName, offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY )
-			{
+			/**
+			 * Shows specified panel as a child of one block of this one.
+			 *
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.ui.floatPanel} panel
+			 * @param {String} blockName
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} offsetParent Positioned parent.
+			 * @param {Number} corner
+			 *
+			 * * For LTR (left to right) oriented editor:
+			 *      * `1` = top-left
+			 *      * `2` = top-right
+			 *      * `3` = bottom-right
+			 *      * `4` = bottom-left
+			 * * For RTL (right to left):
+			 *      * `1` = top-right
+			 *      * `2` = top-left
+			 *      * `3` = bottom-left
+			 *      * `4` = bottom-right
+			 *
+			 * @param {Number} [offsetX=0]
+			 * @param {Number} [offsetY=0]
+			 * @todo
+			 */
+			showAsChild: function( panel, blockName, offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY ) {
 				// Skip reshowing of child which is already visible.
 				if ( this._.activeChild == panel && panel._.panel._.offsetParentId == offsetParent.getId() )
-				panel.onHide = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function()
-					{
-						// Use a timeout, so we give time for this menu to get
-						// potentially focused.
-						CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function()
-							{
-								if ( !this._.focused )
-									this.hide();
-							},
-							0, this );
-					},
-					this );
+				panel.onHide = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function() {
+					// Use a timeout, so we give time for this menu to get
+					// potentially focused.
+					CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() {
+						if ( !this._.focused )
+							this.hide();
+					}, 0, this );
+				}, this );
 				this._.activeChild = panel;
 				this._.focused = false;
 				panel.showBlock( blockName, offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY );
+				this.blur();
 				/* #3767 IE: Second level menu may not have borders */
-				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || ( CKEDITOR.env.ie8 && CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) )
-				{
-					setTimeout(function()
-						{
-							panel.element.getChild( 0 ).$.style.cssText += '';
-						}, 100);
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) {
+					setTimeout( function() {
+						panel.element.getChild( 0 ).$.style.cssText += '';
+					}, 100 );
-			hideChild : function()
-			{
+			/**
+			 * @todo
+			 */
+			hideChild: function( restoreFocus ) {
 				var activeChild = this._.activeChild;
-				if ( activeChild )
-				{
+				if ( activeChild ) {
 					delete activeChild.onHide;
 					delete this._.activeChild;
+					// At this point focus should be moved back to parent panel.
+					restoreFocus && this.focus();
-	CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceDestroyed', function()
-	{
+	CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceDestroyed', function() {
 		var isLastInstance = CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty( CKEDITOR.instances );
-		for ( var i in panels )
-		{
+		for ( var i in panels ) {
 			var panel = panels[ i ];
 			// Safe to destroy it since there're no more instances.(#4241)
 			if ( isLastInstance )
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f29c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'af', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Grootte',
+		voiceLabel: 'Fontgrootte',
+		panelTitle: 'Fontgrootte'
+	},
+	label: 'Font',
+	panelTitle: 'Fontnaam',
+	voiceLabel: 'Font'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b486b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'ar', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'حجم الخط',
+		voiceLabel: 'حجم الخط',
+		panelTitle: 'حجم الخط'
+	},
+	label: 'خط',
+	panelTitle: 'حجم الخط',
+	voiceLabel: 'حجم الخط'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee25bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'bg', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Размер',
+		voiceLabel: 'Размер на шрифт',
+		panelTitle: 'Размер на шрифт'
+	},
+	label: 'Шрифт',
+	panelTitle: 'Име на шрифт',
+	voiceLabel: 'Шрифт'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c8d29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'bn', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'সাইজ',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'সাইজ'
+	},
+	label: 'ফন্ট',
+	panelTitle: 'ফন্ট',
+	voiceLabel: 'ফন্ট'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dbc8a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'bs', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Velièina',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'Velièina'
+	},
+	label: 'Font',
+	panelTitle: 'Font',
+	voiceLabel: 'Font'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b57776c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'ca', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Mida',
+		voiceLabel: 'Mida de la lletra',
+		panelTitle: 'Mida'
+	},
+	label: 'Tipus de lletra',
+	panelTitle: 'Tipus de lletra',
+	voiceLabel: 'Tipus de lletra'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5457f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'cs', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Velikost',
+		voiceLabel: 'Velikost písma',
+		panelTitle: 'Velikost'
+	},
+	label: 'Písmo',
+	panelTitle: 'Písmo',
+	voiceLabel: 'Písmo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9bb32f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'cy', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Maint',
+		voiceLabel: 'Maint y Ffont',
+		panelTitle: 'Maint y Ffont'
+	},
+	label: 'Ffont',
+	panelTitle: 'Enw\'r Ffont',
+	voiceLabel: 'Ffont'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1d18fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'da', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Skriftstørrelse',
+		voiceLabel: 'Skriftstørrelse',
+		panelTitle: 'Skriftstørrelse'
+	},
+	label: 'Skrifttype',
+	panelTitle: 'Skrifttype',
+	voiceLabel: 'Skrifttype'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b40629c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'de', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Größe',
+		voiceLabel: 'Schrifgröße',
+		panelTitle: 'Größe'
+	},
+	label: 'Schriftart',
+	panelTitle: 'Schriftart',
+	voiceLabel: 'Schriftart'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3d4902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'el', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Μέγεθος',
+		voiceLabel: 'Μέγεθος γραμματοσειράς',
+		panelTitle: 'Μέγεθος Γραμματοσειράς'
+	},
+	label: 'Γραμματοσειρά',
+	panelTitle: 'Όνομα Γραμματοσειράς',
+	voiceLabel: 'Γραμματοσειρά'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed25efb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'en-au', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Size',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'Font Size'
+	},
+	label: 'Font',
+	panelTitle: 'Font Name',
+	voiceLabel: 'Font'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34d5887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'en-ca', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Size',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'Font Size'
+	},
+	label: 'Font',
+	panelTitle: 'Font Name',
+	voiceLabel: 'Font'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe6bf04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'en-gb', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Size',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'Font Size'
+	},
+	label: 'Font',
+	panelTitle: 'Font Name',
+	voiceLabel: 'Font'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..240f6e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'en', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Size',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'Font Size'
+	},
+	label: 'Font',
+	panelTitle: 'Font Name',
+	voiceLabel: 'Font'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5a6ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'eo', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Grado',
+		voiceLabel: 'Tipara grado',
+		panelTitle: 'Tipara grado'
+	},
+	label: 'Tiparo',
+	panelTitle: 'Tipara nomo',
+	voiceLabel: 'Tiparo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32dfa93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'es', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Tamaño',
+		voiceLabel: 'Tamaño de fuente',
+		panelTitle: 'Tamaño'
+	},
+	label: 'Fuente',
+	panelTitle: 'Fuente',
+	voiceLabel: 'Fuente'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a1701b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'et', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Suurus',
+		voiceLabel: 'Kirja suurus',
+		panelTitle: 'Suurus'
+	},
+	label: 'Kiri',
+	panelTitle: 'Kiri',
+	voiceLabel: 'Kiri'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5df2889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'eu', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Tamaina',
+		voiceLabel: 'Tamaina',
+		panelTitle: 'Tamaina'
+	},
+	label: 'Letra-tipoa',
+	panelTitle: 'Letra-tipoa',
+	voiceLabel: 'Letra-tipoa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfe2244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'fa', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'اندازه',
+		voiceLabel: 'اندازه قلم',
+		panelTitle: 'اندازه'
+	},
+	label: 'قلم',
+	panelTitle: 'قلم',
+	voiceLabel: 'قلم'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab53488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'fi', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Koko',
+		voiceLabel: 'Kirjaisimen koko',
+		panelTitle: 'Koko'
+	},
+	label: 'Kirjaisinlaji',
+	panelTitle: 'Kirjaisinlaji',
+	voiceLabel: 'Kirjaisinlaji'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84d05d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'fo', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Skriftstødd',
+		voiceLabel: 'Skriftstødd',
+		panelTitle: 'Skriftstødd'
+	},
+	label: 'Skrift',
+	panelTitle: 'Skrift',
+	voiceLabel: 'Skrift'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e12cc69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'fr-ca', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Taille',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'Taille'
+	},
+	label: 'Police',
+	panelTitle: 'Police',
+	voiceLabel: 'Police'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79e60cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'fr', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Taille',
+		voiceLabel: 'Taille de police',
+		panelTitle: 'Taille de police'
+	},
+	label: 'Police',
+	panelTitle: 'Style de police',
+	voiceLabel: 'Police'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b80df62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'gl', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Tamaño',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'Tamaño'
+	},
+	label: 'Tipo',
+	panelTitle: 'Tipo',
+	voiceLabel: 'Tipo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..986b40c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'gu', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'ફૉન્ટ સાઇઝ/કદ',
+		voiceLabel: 'ફોન્ટ સાઈઝ',
+		panelTitle: 'ફૉન્ટ સાઇઝ/કદ'
+	},
+	label: 'ફૉન્ટ',
+	panelTitle: 'ફૉન્ટ',
+	voiceLabel: 'ફોન્ટ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77ef2c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'he', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'גודל',
+		voiceLabel: 'גודל',
+		panelTitle: 'גודל'
+	},
+	label: 'גופן',
+	panelTitle: 'גופן',
+	voiceLabel: 'גופן'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bf8184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'hi', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'साइज़',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'साइज़'
+	},
+	label: 'फ़ॉन्ट',
+	panelTitle: 'फ़ॉन्ट',
+	voiceLabel: 'फ़ॉन्ट'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7491c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'hr', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Veličina',
+		voiceLabel: 'Veličina slova',
+		panelTitle: 'Veličina'
+	},
+	label: 'Font',
+	panelTitle: 'Font',
+	voiceLabel: 'Font'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5328ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'hu', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Méret',
+		voiceLabel: 'Betűméret',
+		panelTitle: 'Méret'
+	},
+	label: 'Betűtípus',
+	panelTitle: 'Betűtípus',
+	voiceLabel: 'Betűtípus'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5a213a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'is', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Leturstærð ',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'Leturstærð '
+	},
+	label: 'Leturgerð ',
+	panelTitle: 'Leturgerð ',
+	voiceLabel: 'Leturgerð '
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cb1f30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'it', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Dimensione',
+		voiceLabel: 'Dimensione Carattere',
+		panelTitle: 'Dimensione'
+	},
+	label: 'Carattere',
+	panelTitle: 'Carattere',
+	voiceLabel: 'Carattere'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2db80a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'ja', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'サイズ',
+		voiceLabel: 'フォントサイズ',
+		panelTitle: 'サイズ'
+	},
+	label: 'フォント',
+	panelTitle: 'フォント',
+	voiceLabel: 'フォント'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5066266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'ka', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'ზომა',
+		voiceLabel: 'ტექსტის ზომა',
+		panelTitle: 'ტექსტის ზომა'
+	},
+	label: 'ფონტი',
+	panelTitle: 'ფონტის სახელი',
+	voiceLabel: 'ფონტი'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9a16f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'km', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'ទំហំ',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'ទំហំ'
+	},
+	label: 'ហ្វុង',
+	panelTitle: 'ហ្វុង',
+	voiceLabel: 'ហ្វុង'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5481c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'ko', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: '글자 크기',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: '글자 크기'
+	},
+	label: '폰트',
+	panelTitle: '폰트',
+	voiceLabel: '폰트'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cf3b80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'ku', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'گهورهیی',
+		voiceLabel: 'گهورهیی فۆنت',
+		panelTitle: 'گهورهیی فۆنت'
+	},
+	label: 'فۆنت',
+	panelTitle: 'ناوی فۆنت',
+	voiceLabel: 'فۆنت'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f08619f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'lt', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Å rifto dydis',
+		voiceLabel: 'Å rifto dydis',
+		panelTitle: 'Å rifto dydis'
+	},
+	label: 'Å riftas',
+	panelTitle: 'Å riftas',
+	voiceLabel: 'Å riftas'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cef419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'lv', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Izmērs',
+		voiceLabel: 'Fonta izmeÅ—s',
+		panelTitle: 'Izmērs'
+	},
+	label: 'Å rifts',
+	panelTitle: 'Å rifts',
+	voiceLabel: 'Fonts'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..875867c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'mk', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Size',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'Font Size'
+	},
+	label: 'Font', // MISSING
+	panelTitle: 'Font Name', // MISSING
+	voiceLabel: 'Font' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe75e76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'mn', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Хэмжээ',
+		voiceLabel: 'Үсгийн хэмжээ',
+		panelTitle: 'Үсгийн хэмжээ'
+	},
+	label: 'Үсгийн хэлбэр',
+	panelTitle: 'Үгсийн хэлбэрийн нэр',
+	voiceLabel: 'Үгсийн хэлбэр'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5db675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'ms', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Saiz',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'Saiz'
+	},
+	label: 'Font',
+	panelTitle: 'Font',
+	voiceLabel: 'Font'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b638da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'nb', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Størrelse',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Størrelse',
+		panelTitle: 'Størrelse'
+	},
+	label: 'Skrift',
+	panelTitle: 'Skrift',
+	voiceLabel: 'Font'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d17d609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'nl', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Lettergrootte',
+		voiceLabel: 'Lettergrootte',
+		panelTitle: 'Lettergrootte'
+	},
+	label: 'Lettertype',
+	panelTitle: 'Lettertype',
+	voiceLabel: 'Lettertype'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d492bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'no', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Størrelse',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Størrelse',
+		panelTitle: 'Størrelse'
+	},
+	label: 'Skrift',
+	panelTitle: 'Skrift',
+	voiceLabel: 'Font'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fbe642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'pl', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Rozmiar',
+		voiceLabel: 'Rozmiar czcionki',
+		panelTitle: 'Rozmiar'
+	},
+	label: 'Czcionka',
+	panelTitle: 'Czcionka',
+	voiceLabel: 'Czcionka'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f5f7f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'pt-br', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Tamanho',
+		voiceLabel: 'Tamanho da fonte',
+		panelTitle: 'Tamanho'
+	},
+	label: 'Fonte',
+	panelTitle: 'Fonte',
+	voiceLabel: 'Fonte'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52256e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'pt', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Tamanho',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'Tamanho'
+	},
+	label: 'Tipo de Letra',
+	panelTitle: 'Tipo de Letra',
+	voiceLabel: 'Tipo de Letra'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3565262
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'ro', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Mărime',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'Mărime'
+	},
+	label: 'Font',
+	panelTitle: 'Font',
+	voiceLabel: 'Font'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88b602ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'ru', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Размер',
+		voiceLabel: 'Размер шрифта',
+		panelTitle: 'Размер шрифта'
+	},
+	label: 'Шрифт',
+	panelTitle: 'Шрифт',
+	voiceLabel: 'Шрифт'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6876fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'sk', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Veľkosť',
+		voiceLabel: 'Veľkosť písma',
+		panelTitle: 'Veľkosť písma'
+	},
+	label: 'Font',
+	panelTitle: 'Názov fontu',
+	voiceLabel: 'Font'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5112bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'sl', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Velikost',
+		voiceLabel: 'Velikost',
+		panelTitle: 'Velikost'
+	},
+	label: 'Pisava',
+	panelTitle: 'Pisava',
+	voiceLabel: 'Pisava'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca8a136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'sr-latn', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Veličina fonta',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'Veličina fonta'
+	},
+	label: 'Font',
+	panelTitle: 'Font',
+	voiceLabel: 'Font'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfb2124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'sr', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Величина фонта',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'Величина фонта'
+	},
+	label: 'Фонт',
+	panelTitle: 'Фонт',
+	voiceLabel: 'Фонт'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80cd5d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'sv', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Storlek',
+		voiceLabel: 'Teckenstorlek',
+		panelTitle: 'Storlek'
+	},
+	label: 'Typsnitt',
+	panelTitle: 'Typsnitt',
+	voiceLabel: 'Typsnitt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..810bd8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'th', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'ขนาด',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'ขนาด'
+	},
+	label: 'แบบอักษร',
+	panelTitle: 'แบบอักษร',
+	voiceLabel: 'แบบอักษร'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..176dffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'tr', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Boyut',
+		voiceLabel: 'Font Size',
+		panelTitle: 'Boyut'
+	},
+	label: 'Yazı Türü',
+	panelTitle: 'Yazı Türü',
+	voiceLabel: 'Font'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c8d42d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'ug', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'چوڭلۇقى',
+		voiceLabel: 'خەت چوڭلۇقى',
+		panelTitle: 'چوڭلۇقى'
+	},
+	label: 'خەت نۇسخا',
+	panelTitle: 'خەت نۇسخا',
+	voiceLabel: 'خەت نۇسخا'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..203242d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'uk', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Розмір',
+		voiceLabel: 'Розмір шрифту',
+		panelTitle: 'Розмір'
+	},
+	label: 'Шрифт',
+	panelTitle: 'Шрифт',
+	voiceLabel: 'Шрифт'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62f432a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'vi', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: 'Cỡ chữ',
+		voiceLabel: 'Kích cỡ phông',
+		panelTitle: 'Cỡ chữ'
+	},
+	label: 'Phông',
+	panelTitle: 'Phông',
+	voiceLabel: 'Phông'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95f42aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'zh-cn', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: '大小',
+		voiceLabel: '文字大小',
+		panelTitle: '大小'
+	},
+	label: '字体',
+	panelTitle: '字体',
+	voiceLabel: '字体'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7078164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'font', 'zh', {
+	fontSize: {
+		label: '大小',
+		voiceLabel: '文字大小',
+		panelTitle: '大小'
+	},
+	label: 'å­—é«”',
+	panelTitle: 'å­—é«”',
+	voiceLabel: 'å­—é«”'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/plugin.js
index 8dba467..84dce63 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/font/plugin.js
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	function addCombo( editor, comboName, styleType, lang, entries, defaultLabel, styleDefinition )
-	{
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	function addCombo( editor, comboName, styleType, lang, entries, defaultLabel, styleDefinition, order ) {
 		var config = editor.config;
 		// Gets the list of fonts from the settings.
@@ -15,12 +13,10 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		// Create style objects for all fonts.
 		var styles = {};
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < names.length ; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( var i = 0; i < names.length; i++ ) {
 			var parts = names[ i ];
-			if ( parts )
-			{
+			if ( parts ) {
 				parts = parts.split( '/' );
 				var vars = {},
@@ -30,120 +26,104 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				styles[ name ] = new CKEDITOR.style( styleDefinition, vars );
 				styles[ name ]._.definition.name = name;
-			}
-			else
+			} else
 				names.splice( i--, 1 );
-		editor.ui.addRichCombo( comboName,
-			{
-				label : lang.label,
-				title : lang.panelTitle,
-				className : 'cke_' + ( styleType == 'size' ? 'fontSize' : 'font' ),
-				panel :
-				{
-					css : editor.skin.editor.css.concat( config.contentsCss ),
-					multiSelect : false,
-					attributes : { 'aria-label' : lang.panelTitle }
-				},
-				init : function()
-				{
-					this.startGroup( lang.panelTitle );
-					for ( var i = 0 ; i < names.length ; i++ )
-					{
-						var name = names[ i ];
-						// Add the tag entry to the panel list.
-						this.add( name, styles[ name ].buildPreview(), name );
-					}
-				},
-				onClick : function( value )
-				{
-					editor.focus();
-					editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-					var style = styles[ value ];
-					if ( this.getValue() == value )
-						style.remove( editor.document );
-					else
-						style.apply( editor.document );
-					editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-				},
-				onRender : function()
-				{
-					editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( ev )
-						{
-							var currentValue = this.getValue();
-							var elementPath = ev.data.path,
-								elements = elementPath.elements;
-							// For each element into the elements path.
-							for ( var i = 0, element ; i < elements.length ; i++ )
-							{
-								element = elements[i];
-								// Check if the element is removable by any of
-								// the styles.
-								for ( var value in styles )
-								{
-									if ( styles[ value ].checkElementRemovable( element, true ) )
-									{
-										if ( value != currentValue )
-											this.setValue( value );
-										return;
-									}
-								}
-							}
+		editor.ui.addRichCombo( comboName, {
+			label: lang.label,
+			title: lang.panelTitle,
+			toolbar: 'styles,' + order,
-							// If no styles match, just empty it.
-							this.setValue( '', defaultLabel );
-						},
-						this);
+			panel: {
+				css: [ CKEDITOR.skin.getPath( 'editor' ) ].concat( config.contentsCss ),
+				multiSelect: false,
+				attributes: { 'aria-label': lang.panelTitle }
+			},
+			init: function() {
+				this.startGroup( lang.panelTitle );
+				for ( var i = 0; i < names.length; i++ ) {
+					var name = names[ i ];
+					// Add the tag entry to the panel list.
+					this.add( name, styles[ name ].buildPreview(), name );
-			});
-	}
+			},
+			onClick: function( value ) {
+				editor.focus();
+				editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+				var style = styles[ value ];
+				editor[ this.getValue() == value ? 'removeStyle' : 'applyStyle' ]( style );
+				editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+			},
+			onRender: function() {
+				editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( ev ) {
+					var currentValue = this.getValue();
+					var elementPath = ev.data.path,
+						elements = elementPath.elements;
+					// For each element into the elements path.
+					for ( var i = 0, element; i < elements.length; i++ ) {
+						element = elements[ i ];
+						// Check if the element is removable by any of
+						// the styles.
+						for ( var value in styles ) {
+							if ( styles[ value ].checkElementMatch( element, true ) ) {
+								if ( value != currentValue )
+									this.setValue( value );
+								return;
+							}
+						}
+					}
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'font',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'richcombo', 'styles' ],
+					// If no styles match, just empty it.
+					this.setValue( '', defaultLabel );
+				}, this );
+			}
+		});
+	}
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'font', {
+		requires: 'richcombo',
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
 			var config = editor.config;
-			addCombo( editor, 'Font', 'family', editor.lang.font, config.font_names, config.font_defaultLabel, config.font_style );
-			addCombo( editor, 'FontSize', 'size', editor.lang.fontSize, config.fontSize_sizes, config.fontSize_defaultLabel, config.fontSize_style );
+			addCombo( editor, 'Font', 'family', editor.lang.font, config.font_names, config.font_defaultLabel, config.font_style, 30 );
+			addCombo( editor, 'FontSize', 'size', editor.lang.font.fontSize, config.fontSize_sizes, config.fontSize_defaultLabel, config.fontSize_style, 40 );
  * The list of fonts names to be displayed in the Font combo in the toolbar.
- * Entries are separated by semi-colons (;), while it's possible to have more
+ * Entries are separated by semi-colons (`';'`), while it's possible to have more
  * than one font for each entry, in the HTML way (separated by comma).
  * A display name may be optionally defined by prefixing the entries with the
- * name and the slash character. For example, "Arial/Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
- * will be displayed as "Arial" in the list, but will be outputted as
- * "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif".
- * @type String
- * @example
- * config.font_names =
- *     'Arial/Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;' +
- *     'Times New Roman/Times New Roman, Times, serif;' +
- *     'Verdana';
- * @example
- * config.font_names = 'Arial;Times New Roman;Verdana';
+ * name and the slash character. For example, `'Arial/Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'`
+ * will be displayed as `'Arial'` in the list, but will be outputted as
+ * `'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'`.
+ *
+ *		config.font_names =
+ *			'Arial/Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;' +
+ *			'Times New Roman/Times New Roman, Times, serif;' +
+ *			'Verdana';
+ *
+ *		config.font_names = 'Arial;Times New Roman;Verdana';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [font_names=see source]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.font_names =
-	'Arial/Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;' +
+CKEDITOR.config.font_names = 'Arial/Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;' +
 	'Comic Sans MS/Comic Sans MS, cursive;' +
 	'Courier New/Courier New, Courier, monospace;' +
 	'Georgia/Georgia, serif;' +
@@ -156,79 +136,87 @@ CKEDITOR.config.font_names =
  * The text to be displayed in the Font combo is none of the available values
  * matches the current cursor position or text selection.
- * @type String
- * @example
- * // If the default site font is Arial, we may making it more explicit to the end user.
- * config.font_defaultLabel = 'Arial';
+ *
+ *		// If the default site font is Arial, we may making it more explicit to the end user.
+ *		config.font_defaultLabel = 'Arial';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [font_defaultLabel='']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 CKEDITOR.config.font_defaultLabel = '';
  * The style definition to be used to apply the font in the text.
- * @type Object
- * @example
- * // This is actually the default value for it.
- * config.font_style =
- *     {
- *         element		: 'span',
- *         styles		: { 'font-family' : '#(family)' },
- *         overrides	: [ { element : 'font', attributes : { 'face' : null } } ]
+ *
+ *		// This is actually the default value for it.
+ *		config.font_style = {
+ *			element:		'span',
+ *			styles:			{ 'font-family': '#(family)' },
+ *			overrides:		[ { element: 'font', attributes: { 'face': null } } ]
  *     };
+ *
+ * @cfg {Object} [font_style=see example]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.font_style =
-	{
-		element		: 'span',
-		styles		: { 'font-family' : '#(family)' },
-		overrides	: [ { element : 'font', attributes : { 'face' : null } } ]
-	};
+CKEDITOR.config.font_style = {
+	element: 'span',
+	styles: { 'font-family': '#(family)' },
+	overrides: [ {
+		element: 'font', attributes: { 'face': null }
+	}]
  * The list of fonts size to be displayed in the Font Size combo in the
- * toolbar. Entries are separated by semi-colons (;).
+ * toolbar. Entries are separated by semi-colons (`';'`).
- * Any kind of "CSS like" size can be used, like "12px", "2.3em", "130%",
- * "larger" or "x-small".
+ * Any kind of "CSS like" size can be used, like `'12px'`, `'2.3em'`, `'130%'`,
+ * `'larger'` or `'x-small'`.
  * A display name may be optionally defined by prefixing the entries with the
- * name and the slash character. For example, "Bigger Font/14px" will be
- * displayed as "Bigger Font" in the list, but will be outputted as "14px".
- * @type String
- * @default '8/8px;9/9px;10/10px;11/11px;12/12px;14/14px;16/16px;18/18px;20/20px;22/22px;24/24px;26/26px;28/28px;36/36px;48/48px;72/72px'
- * @example
- * config.fontSize_sizes = '16/16px;24/24px;48/48px;';
- * @example
- * config.fontSize_sizes = '12px;2.3em;130%;larger;x-small';
- * @example
- * config.fontSize_sizes = '12 Pixels/12px;Big/2.3em;30 Percent More/130%;Bigger/larger;Very Small/x-small';
+ * name and the slash character. For example, `'Bigger Font/14px'` will be
+ * displayed as `'Bigger Font'` in the list, but will be outputted as `'14px'`.
+ *
+ *		config.fontSize_sizes = '16/16px;24/24px;48/48px;';
+ *
+ *		config.fontSize_sizes = '12px;2.3em;130%;larger;x-small';
+ *
+ *		config.fontSize_sizes = '12 Pixels/12px;Big/2.3em;30 Percent More/130%;Bigger/larger;Very Small/x-small';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [fontSize_sizes=see source]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.fontSize_sizes =
-	'8/8px;9/9px;10/10px;11/11px;12/12px;14/14px;16/16px;18/18px;20/20px;22/22px;24/24px;26/26px;28/28px;36/36px;48/48px;72/72px';
+CKEDITOR.config.fontSize_sizes = '8/8px;9/9px;10/10px;11/11px;12/12px;14/14px;16/16px;18/18px;20/20px;22/22px;24/24px;26/26px;28/28px;36/36px;48/48px;72/72px';
  * The text to be displayed in the Font Size combo is none of the available
  * values matches the current cursor position or text selection.
- * @type String
- * @example
- * // If the default site font size is 12px, we may making it more explicit to the end user.
- * config.fontSize_defaultLabel = '12px';
+ *
+ *		// If the default site font size is 12px, we may making it more explicit to the end user.
+ *		config.fontSize_defaultLabel = '12px';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [fontSize_defaultLabel='']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 CKEDITOR.config.fontSize_defaultLabel = '';
  * The style definition to be used to apply the font size in the text.
- * @type Object
- * @example
- * // This is actually the default value for it.
- * config.fontSize_style =
- *     {
- *         element		: 'span',
- *         styles		: { 'font-size' : '#(size)' },
- *         overrides	: [ { element : 'font', attributes : { 'size' : null } } ]
- *     };
+ *
+ *		// This is actually the default value for it.
+ *		config.fontSize_style = {
+ *			element:		'span',
+ *			styles:			{ 'font-size': '#(size)' },
+ *			overrides:		[ { element :'font', attributes: { 'size': null } } ]
+ *		};
+ *
+ * @cfg {Object} [fontSize_style=see example]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.fontSize_style =
-	{
-		element		: 'span',
-		styles		: { 'font-size' : '#(size)' },
-		overrides	: [ { element : 'font', attributes : { 'size' : null } } ]
-	};
+CKEDITOR.config.fontSize_style = {
+	element: 'span',
+	styles: { 'font-size': '#(size)' },
+	overrides: [ {
+		element: 'font', attributes: { 'size': null }
+	}]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b15cf9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'af', {
+	label: 'Opmaak',
+	panelTitle: 'Opmaak',
+	tag_address: 'Adres',
+	tag_div: 'Normaal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Opskrif 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Opskrif 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Opskrif 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Opskrif 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Opskrif 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Opskrif 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normaal',
+	tag_pre: 'Opgemaak'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2c3a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'ar', {
+	label: 'تنسيق',
+	panelTitle: 'تنسيق الفقرة',
+	tag_address: 'عنوان',
+	tag_div: 'عادي (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'العنوان 1',
+	tag_h2: 'العنوان  2',
+	tag_h3: 'العنوان  3',
+	tag_h4: 'العنوان  4',
+	tag_h5: 'العنوان  5',
+	tag_h6: 'العنوان  6',
+	tag_p: 'عادي',
+	tag_pre: 'منسّق'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed5e1f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'bg', {
+	label: 'Формат',
+	panelTitle: 'Формат',
+	tag_address: 'Адрес',
+	tag_div: 'Параграф (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Заглавие 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Заглавие 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Заглавие 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Заглавие 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Заглавие 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Заглавие 6',
+	tag_p: 'Нормален',
+	tag_pre: 'Форматиран'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6001b08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'bn', {
+	label: 'ফন্ট ফরমেট',
+	panelTitle: 'ফন্ট ফরমেট',
+	tag_address: 'ঠিকানা',
+	tag_div: 'শীর্ষক (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'শীর্ষক ১',
+	tag_h2: 'শীর্ষক ২',
+	tag_h3: 'শীর্ষক ৩',
+	tag_h4: 'শীর্ষক ৪',
+	tag_h5: 'শীর্ষক ৫',
+	tag_h6: 'শীর্ষক ৬',
+	tag_p: 'সাধারণ',
+	tag_pre: 'ফর্মেটেড'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7defa12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'bs', {
+	label: 'Format',
+	panelTitle: 'Format',
+	tag_address: 'Address',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)', // MISSING
+	tag_h1: 'Heading 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Heading 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Heading 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Heading 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Heading 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Heading 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatted'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2ae95b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'ca', {
+	label: 'Format',
+	panelTitle: 'Format',
+	tag_address: 'Adreça',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Encapçalament 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Encapçalament 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Encapçalament 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Encapçalament 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Encapçalament 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Encapçalament 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatejat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..906f907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'cs', {
+	label: 'Formát',
+	panelTitle: 'Formát',
+	tag_address: 'Adresa',
+	tag_div: 'Normální (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Nadpis 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Nadpis 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Nadpis 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Nadpis 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Nadpis 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Nadpis 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normální',
+	tag_pre: 'Naformátováno'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40913e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'cy', {
+	label: 'Fformat',
+	panelTitle: 'Fformat Paragraff',
+	tag_address: 'Cyfeiriad',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Pennawd 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Pennawd 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Pennawd 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Pennawd 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Pennawd 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Pennawd 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Wedi\'i Fformatio'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2b116d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'da', {
+	label: 'Formatering',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatering',
+	tag_address: 'Adresse',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Overskrift 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Overskrift 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Overskrift 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Overskrift 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Overskrift 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Overskrift 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formateret'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f62b84f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'de', {
+	label: 'Format',
+	panelTitle: 'Format',
+	tag_address: 'Addresse',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Ãœberschrift 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Ãœberschrift 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Ãœberschrift 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Ãœberschrift 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Ãœberschrift 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Ãœberschrift 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatiert'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e063b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'el', {
+	label: 'Μορφοποίηση',
+	panelTitle: 'Μορφοποίηση Παραγράφου',
+	tag_address: 'Διεύθυνση',
+	tag_div: 'Κανονικό (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Επικεφαλίδα 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Επικεφαλίδα 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Επικεφαλίδα 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Επικεφαλίδα 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Επικεφαλίδα 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Επικεφαλίδα 6',
+	tag_p: 'Κανονικό',
+	tag_pre: 'Μορφοποιημένο'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93b36c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'en-au', {
+	label: 'Format',
+	panelTitle: 'Paragraph Format',
+	tag_address: 'Address',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Heading 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Heading 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Heading 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Heading 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Heading 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Heading 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatted'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa9bc01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'en-ca', {
+	label: 'Format',
+	panelTitle: 'Paragraph Format',
+	tag_address: 'Address',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Heading 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Heading 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Heading 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Heading 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Heading 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Heading 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatted'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4202b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'en-gb', {
+	label: 'Format',
+	panelTitle: 'Paragraph Format',
+	tag_address: 'Address',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Heading 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Heading 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Heading 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Heading 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Heading 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Heading 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatted'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7b176d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'en', {
+	label: 'Format',
+	panelTitle: 'Paragraph Format',
+	tag_address: 'Address',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Heading 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Heading 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Heading 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Heading 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Heading 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Heading 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatted'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9216cec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'eo', {
+	label: 'Formato',
+	panelTitle: 'ParagrafFormato',
+	tag_address: 'Adreso',
+	tag_div: 'Normala (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Titolo 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Titolo 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Titolo 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Titolo 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Titolo 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Titolo 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normala',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatita'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06d07d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'es', {
+	label: 'Formato',
+	panelTitle: 'Formato',
+	tag_address: 'Dirección',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Encabezado 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Encabezado 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Encabezado 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Encabezado 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Encabezado 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Encabezado 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Con formato'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c85c2c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'et', {
+	label: 'Vorming',
+	panelTitle: 'Vorming',
+	tag_address: 'Aadress',
+	tag_div: 'Tavaline (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Pealkiri 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Pealkiri 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Pealkiri 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Pealkiri 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Pealkiri 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Pealkiri 6',
+	tag_p: 'Tavaline',
+	tag_pre: 'Vormindatud'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af4ac0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'eu', {
+	label: 'Formatua',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatua',
+	tag_address: 'Helbidea',
+	tag_div: 'Paragrafoa (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Izenburua 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Izenburua 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Izenburua 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Izenburua 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Izenburua 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Izenburua 6',
+	tag_p: 'Arrunta',
+	tag_pre: 'Formateatua'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83f0cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'fa', {
+	label: 'فرمت',
+	panelTitle: 'فرمت',
+	tag_address: 'آدرس',
+	tag_div: 'بند',
+	tag_h1: 'سرنویس 1',
+	tag_h2: 'سرنویس 2',
+	tag_h3: 'سرنویس 3',
+	tag_h4: 'سرنویس 4',
+	tag_h5: 'سرنویس 5',
+	tag_h6: 'سرنویس 6',
+	tag_p: 'نرمال',
+	tag_pre: 'فرمت شده'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68b375a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'fi', {
+	label: 'Muotoilu',
+	panelTitle: 'Muotoilu',
+	tag_address: 'Osoite',
+	tag_div: 'Normaali (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Otsikko 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Otsikko 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Otsikko 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Otsikko 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Otsikko 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Otsikko 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normaali',
+	tag_pre: 'Muotoiltu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04b7fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'fo', {
+	label: 'Skriftsnið',
+	panelTitle: 'Skriftsnið',
+	tag_address: 'Adressa',
+	tag_div: 'Vanligt (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Yvirskrift 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Yvirskrift 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Yvirskrift 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Yvirskrift 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Yvirskrift 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Yvirskrift 6',
+	tag_p: 'Vanligt',
+	tag_pre: 'Sniðgivið'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1915a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'fr-ca', {
+	label: 'Format',
+	panelTitle: 'Format',
+	tag_address: 'Adresse',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'En-tête 1',
+	tag_h2: 'En-tête 2',
+	tag_h3: 'En-tête 3',
+	tag_h4: 'En-tête 4',
+	tag_h5: 'En-tête 5',
+	tag_h6: 'En-tête 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formaté'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f592d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'fr', {
+	label: 'Format',
+	panelTitle: 'Format de paragraphe',
+	tag_address: 'Adresse',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Titre 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Titre 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Titre 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Titre 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Titre 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Titre 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formaté'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62a8f14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'gl', {
+	label: 'Formato',
+	panelTitle: 'Formato',
+	tag_address: 'Enderezo',
+	tag_div: 'Paragraph (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Enacabezado 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Encabezado 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Encabezado 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Encabezado 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Encabezado 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Encabezado 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formateado'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e719b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'gu', {
+	label: 'ફૉન્ટ ફૉર્મટ, રચનાની શૈલી',
+	panelTitle: 'ફૉન્ટ ફૉર્મટ, રચનાની શૈલી',
+	tag_address: 'સરનામું',
+	tag_div: 'શીર્ષક (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'શીર્ષક 1',
+	tag_h2: 'શીર્ષક 2',
+	tag_h3: 'શીર્ષક 3',
+	tag_h4: 'શીર્ષક 4',
+	tag_h5: 'શીર્ષક 5',
+	tag_h6: 'શીર્ષક 6',
+	tag_p: 'સામાન્ય',
+	tag_pre: 'ફૉર્મટેડ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4cc5b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'he', {
+	label: 'עיצוב',
+	panelTitle: 'עיצוב',
+	tag_address: 'כתובת',
+	tag_div: 'נורמלי (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'כותרת',
+	tag_h2: 'כותרת 2',
+	tag_h3: 'כותרת 3',
+	tag_h4: 'כותרת 4',
+	tag_h5: 'כותרת 5',
+	tag_h6: 'כותרת 6',
+	tag_p: 'נורמלי',
+	tag_pre: 'קוד'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c6ecee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'hi', {
+	label: 'फ़ॉर्मैट',
+	panelTitle: 'फ़ॉर्मैट',
+	tag_address: 'पता',
+	tag_div: 'शीर्षक (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'शीर्षक 1',
+	tag_h2: 'शीर्षक 2',
+	tag_h3: 'शीर्षक 3',
+	tag_h4: 'शीर्षक 4',
+	tag_h5: 'शीर्षक 5',
+	tag_h6: 'शीर्षक 6',
+	tag_p: 'साधारण',
+	tag_pre: 'फ़ॉर्मैटॅड'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af8032c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'hr', {
+	label: 'Format',
+	panelTitle: 'Format',
+	tag_address: 'Address',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Heading 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Heading 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Heading 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Heading 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Heading 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Heading 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatirano'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cdb8bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'hu', {
+	label: 'Formátum',
+	panelTitle: 'Formátum',
+	tag_address: 'Címsor',
+	tag_div: 'Bekezdés (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Fejléc 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Fejléc 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Fejléc 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Fejléc 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Fejléc 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Fejléc 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normál',
+	tag_pre: 'Formázott'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5749d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'is', {
+	label: 'Stílsnið',
+	panelTitle: 'Stílsnið',
+	tag_address: 'Vistfang',
+	tag_div: 'Venjulegt (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Fyrirsögn 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Fyrirsögn 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Fyrirsögn 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Fyrirsögn 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Fyrirsögn 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Fyrirsögn 6',
+	tag_p: 'Venjulegt letur',
+	tag_pre: 'Forsniðið'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2d3d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'it', {
+	label: 'Formato',
+	panelTitle: 'Formato',
+	tag_address: 'Indirizzo',
+	tag_div: 'Paragrafo (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Titolo 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Titolo 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Titolo 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Titolo 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Titolo 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Titolo 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normale',
+	tag_pre: 'Formattato'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38b1ba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'ja', {
+	label: 'フォーマット',
+	panelTitle: 'フォーマット',
+	tag_address: 'アドレス',
+	tag_div: '標準 (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: '見出し 1',
+	tag_h2: '見出し 2',
+	tag_h3: '見出し 3',
+	tag_h4: '見出し 4',
+	tag_h5: '見出し 5',
+	tag_h6: '見出し 6',
+	tag_p: '標準',
+	tag_pre: '書式付き'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee95d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'ka', {
+	label: 'ფიორმატირება',
+	panelTitle: 'ფორმატირება',
+	tag_address: 'მისამართი',
+	tag_div: 'ჩვეულებრივი (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'სათაური 1',
+	tag_h2: 'სათაური 2',
+	tag_h3: 'სათაური 3',
+	tag_h4: 'სათაური 4',
+	tag_h5: 'სათაური 5',
+	tag_h6: 'სათაური 6',
+	tag_p: 'ჩვეულებრივი',
+	tag_pre: 'ფორმატირებული'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d26c43b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'km', {
+	label: 'រចនា',
+	panelTitle: 'រចនា',
+	tag_address: 'Address',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Heading 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Heading 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Heading 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Heading 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Heading 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Heading 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatted'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfff409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'ko', {
+	label: '포맷',
+	panelTitle: '포맷',
+	tag_address: 'Address',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)', // MISSING
+	tag_h1: 'Heading 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Heading 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Heading 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Heading 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Heading 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Heading 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatted'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cd8c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'ku', {
+	label: 'ڕازاندنهوه',
+	panelTitle: 'بهشی ڕازاندنهوه',
+	tag_address: 'ناونیشان',
+	tag_div: '(DIV)-ی ئاسایی',
+	tag_h1: 'سهرنووسهی ١',
+	tag_h2: 'سهرنووسهی ٢',
+	tag_h3: 'سهرنووسهی ٣',
+	tag_h4: 'سهرنووسهی ٤',
+	tag_h5: 'سهرنووسهی ٥',
+	tag_h6: 'سهرنووسهی ٦',
+	tag_p: 'ئاسایی',
+	tag_pre: 'شێوازکراو'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acea4b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'lt', {
+	label: 'Å rifto formatas',
+	panelTitle: 'Å rifto formatas',
+	tag_address: 'Kreipinio',
+	tag_div: 'Normalus (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Antraštinis 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Antraštinis 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Antraštinis 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Antraštinis 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Antraštinis 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Antraštinis 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normalus',
+	tag_pre: 'Formuotas'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ba2400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'lv', {
+	label: 'Formāts',
+	panelTitle: 'Formāts',
+	tag_address: 'Adrese',
+	tag_div: 'Rindkopa (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Virsraksts 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Virsraksts 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Virsraksts 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Virsraksts 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Virsraksts 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Virsraksts 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normāls teksts',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatēts teksts'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bba40fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'mk', {
+	label: 'Format', // MISSING
+	panelTitle: 'Paragraph Format', // MISSING
+	tag_address: 'Address', // MISSING
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)', // MISSING
+	tag_h1: 'Heading 1', // MISSING
+	tag_h2: 'Heading 2', // MISSING
+	tag_h3: 'Heading 3', // MISSING
+	tag_h4: 'Heading 4', // MISSING
+	tag_h5: 'Heading 5', // MISSING
+	tag_h6: 'Heading 6', // MISSING
+	tag_p: 'Normal', // MISSING
+	tag_pre: 'Formatted' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2db2674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'mn', {
+	label: 'Параргафын загвар',
+	panelTitle: 'Параргафын загвар',
+	tag_address: 'Хаяг',
+	tag_div: 'Paragraph (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Гарчиг 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Гарчиг 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Гарчиг 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Гарчиг 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Гарчиг 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Гарчиг 6',
+	tag_p: 'Хэвийн',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatted'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..072cef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'ms', {
+	label: 'Format',
+	panelTitle: 'Format',
+	tag_address: 'Alamat',
+	tag_div: 'Perenggan (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Heading 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Heading 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Heading 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Heading 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Heading 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Heading 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Telah Diformat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45e31ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'nb', {
+	label: 'Format',
+	panelTitle: 'Avsnittsformat',
+	tag_address: 'Adresse',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Overskrift 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Overskrift 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Overskrift 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Overskrift 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Overskrift 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Overskrift 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatert'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf37b09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'nl', {
+	label: 'Opmaak',
+	panelTitle: 'Opmaak',
+	tag_address: 'Adres',
+	tag_div: 'Normaal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Kop 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Kop 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Kop 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Kop 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Kop 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Kop 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normaal',
+	tag_pre: 'Met opmaak'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bc786c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'no', {
+	label: 'Format',
+	panelTitle: 'Avsnittsformat',
+	tag_address: 'Adresse',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Overskrift 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Overskrift 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Overskrift 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Overskrift 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Overskrift 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Overskrift 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatert'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa31afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'pl', {
+	label: 'Format',
+	panelTitle: 'Format',
+	tag_address: 'Adres',
+	tag_div: 'Normalny (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Nagłówek 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Nagłówek 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Nagłówek 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Nagłówek 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Nagłówek 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Nagłówek 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normalny',
+	tag_pre: 'Tekst sformatowany'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72bb30a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'pt-br', {
+	label: 'Formatação',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatação',
+	tag_address: 'Endereço',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Título 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Título 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Título 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Título 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Título 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Título 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatado'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3077dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'pt', {
+	label: 'Formato',
+	panelTitle: 'Formato',
+	tag_address: 'Endereço',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)', // MISSING
+	tag_h1: 'Título 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Título 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Título 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Título 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Título 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Título 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatado'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f069d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'ro', {
+	label: 'Formatare',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatare',
+	tag_address: 'Adresă',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Heading 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Heading 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Heading 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Heading 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Heading 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Heading 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a67879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'ru', {
+	label: 'Форматирование',
+	panelTitle: 'Форматирование',
+	tag_address: 'Адрес',
+	tag_div: 'Обычное (div)',
+	tag_h1: 'Заголовок 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Заголовок 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Заголовок 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Заголовок 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Заголовок 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Заголовок 6',
+	tag_p: 'Обычное',
+	tag_pre: 'Моноширинное'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f1b8ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'sk', {
+	label: 'Formát',
+	panelTitle: 'Formát',
+	tag_address: 'Adresa',
+	tag_div: 'Normálny (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Nadpis 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Nadpis 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Nadpis 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Nadpis 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Nadpis 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Nadpis 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normálny',
+	tag_pre: 'Formátovaný'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afc0593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'sl', {
+	label: 'Oblika',
+	panelTitle: 'Oblika',
+	tag_address: 'Napis',
+	tag_div: 'Navaden (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Naslov 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Naslov 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Naslov 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Naslov 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Naslov 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Naslov 6',
+	tag_p: 'Navaden',
+	tag_pre: 'Oblikovan'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfe1c7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'sr-latn', {
+	label: 'Format',
+	panelTitle: 'Format',
+	tag_address: 'Adresa',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)', // MISSING
+	tag_h1: 'Naslov 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Naslov 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Naslov 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Naslov 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Naslov 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Naslov 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatirano'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..548edce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'sr', {
+	label: 'Формат',
+	panelTitle: 'Формат',
+	tag_address: 'Adresa',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)', // MISSING
+	tag_h1: 'Heading 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Heading 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Heading 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Heading 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Heading 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Heading 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatirano'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8381f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'sv', {
+	label: 'Teckenformat',
+	panelTitle: 'Teckenformat',
+	tag_address: 'Adress',
+	tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Rubrik 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Rubrik 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Rubrik 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Rubrik 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Rubrik 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Rubrik 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formaterad'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1822895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'th', {
+	label: 'รูปแบบ',
+	panelTitle: 'รูปแบบ',
+	tag_address: 'Address',
+	tag_div: 'Paragraph (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Heading 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Heading 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Heading 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Heading 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Heading 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Heading 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Formatted'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff10b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'tr', {
+	label: 'Biçim',
+	panelTitle: 'Biçim',
+	tag_address: 'Adres',
+	tag_div: 'Paragraf (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Başlık 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Başlık 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Başlık 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Başlık 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Başlık 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Başlık 6',
+	tag_p: 'Normal',
+	tag_pre: 'Biçimli'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91f610e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'ug', {
+	label: 'پىچىم',
+	panelTitle: 'پىچىم',
+	tag_address: 'ئادرېس',
+	tag_div: 'ئابزاس (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'ماۋزۇ 1',
+	tag_h2: 'ماۋزۇ 2',
+	tag_h3: 'ماۋزۇ 3',
+	tag_h4: 'ماۋزۇ 4',
+	tag_h5: 'ماۋزۇ 5',
+	tag_h6: 'ماۋزۇ 6',
+	tag_p: 'ئادەتتىكى',
+	tag_pre: 'تىزىلغان پىچىم'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dad7a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'uk', {
+	label: 'Форматування',
+	panelTitle: 'Форматування параграфа',
+	tag_address: 'Адреса',
+	tag_div: 'Нормальний (div)',
+	tag_h1: 'Заголовок 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Заголовок 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Заголовок 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Заголовок 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Заголовок 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Заголовок 6',
+	tag_p: 'Нормальний',
+	tag_pre: 'Форматований'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07453e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'vi', {
+	label: 'Định dạng',
+	panelTitle: 'Định dạng',
+	tag_address: 'Address',
+	tag_div: 'Bình thường (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: 'Heading 1',
+	tag_h2: 'Heading 2',
+	tag_h3: 'Heading 3',
+	tag_h4: 'Heading 4',
+	tag_h5: 'Heading 5',
+	tag_h6: 'Heading 6',
+	tag_p: 'Bình thường (P)',
+	tag_pre: 'Đã thiết lập'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..962afc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'zh-cn', {
+	label: '格式',
+	panelTitle: '格式',
+	tag_address: '地址',
+	tag_div: '段落(DIV)',
+	tag_h1: '标题 1',
+	tag_h2: '标题 2',
+	tag_h3: '标题 3',
+	tag_h4: '标题 4',
+	tag_h5: '标题 5',
+	tag_h6: '标题 6',
+	tag_p: '普通',
+	tag_pre: '已编排格式'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..432580c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'format', 'zh', {
+	label: '格式',
+	panelTitle: '格式',
+	tag_address: '位址',
+	tag_div: '一般 (DIV)',
+	tag_h1: '標題 1',
+	tag_h2: '標題 2',
+	tag_h3: '標題 3',
+	tag_h4: '標題 4',
+	tag_h5: '標題 5',
+	tag_h6: '標題 6',
+	tag_p: '一般',
+	tag_pre: '已格式化'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/plugin.js
index bb0d997..06145ed 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/format/plugin.js
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'format',
-	requires : [ 'richcombo', 'styles' ],
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'format', {
+	requires: 'richcombo',
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	init: function( editor ) {
+		if ( editor.blockless )
+			return;
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
 		var config = editor.config,
 			lang = editor.lang.format;
@@ -17,76 +18,75 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'format',
 		// Create style objects for all defined styles.
 		var styles = {};
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < tags.length ; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++ ) {
 			var tag = tags[ i ];
 			styles[ tag ] = new CKEDITOR.style( config[ 'format_' + tag ] );
 			styles[ tag ]._.enterMode = editor.config.enterMode;
-		editor.ui.addRichCombo( 'Format',
-			{
-				label : lang.label,
-				title : lang.panelTitle,
-				className : 'cke_format',
-				panel :
-				{
-					css : editor.skin.editor.css.concat( config.contentsCss ),
-					multiSelect : false,
-					attributes : { 'aria-label' : lang.panelTitle }
-				},
-				init : function()
-				{
-					this.startGroup( lang.panelTitle );
-					for ( var tag in styles )
-					{
-						var label = lang[ 'tag_' + tag ];
-						// Add the tag entry to the panel list.
-						this.add( tag, '<' + tag + '>' + label + '</' + tag + '>', label );
-					}
-				},
+		editor.ui.addRichCombo( 'Format', {
+			label: lang.label,
+			title: lang.panelTitle,
+			toolbar: 'styles,20',
+			panel: {
+				css: [ CKEDITOR.skin.getPath( 'editor' ) ].concat( config.contentsCss ),
+				multiSelect: false,
+				attributes: { 'aria-label': lang.panelTitle }
+			},
+			init: function() {
+				this.startGroup( lang.panelTitle );
+				for ( var tag in styles ) {
+					var label = lang[ 'tag_' + tag ];
+					// Add the tag entry to the panel list.
+					this.add( tag, styles[ tag ].buildPreview( label ), label );
+				}
+			},
+			onClick: function( value ) {
+				editor.focus();
+				editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-				onClick : function( value )
-				{
-					editor.focus();
+				var style = styles[ value ],
+					elementPath = editor.elementPath();
+				editor[ style.checkActive( elementPath ) ? 'removeStyle' : 'applyStyle' ]( style );
+				// Save the undo snapshot after all changes are affected. (#4899)
+				setTimeout( function() {
 					editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+				}, 0 );
+			},
+			onRender: function() {
+				editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( ev ) {
+					var currentTag = this.getValue(),
+						elementPath = ev.data.path,
+						isEnabled = !editor.readOnly && elementPath.isContextFor( 'p' );
-					styles[ value ].apply( editor.document );
-					// Save the undo snapshot after all changes are affected. (#4899)
-					setTimeout( function()
-					{
-						editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-					}, 0 );
-				},
-				onRender : function()
-				{
-					editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( ev )
-						{
-							var currentTag = this.getValue();
-							var elementPath = ev.data.path;
-							for ( var tag in styles )
-							{
-								if ( styles[ tag ].checkActive( elementPath ) )
-								{
-									if ( tag != currentTag )
-										this.setValue( tag, editor.lang.format[ 'tag_' + tag ] );
-									return;
-								}
+					// Disable the command when selection path is "blockless".
+					this[ isEnabled ? 'enable' : 'disable' ]();
+					if ( isEnabled ) {
+						for ( var tag in styles ) {
+							if ( styles[ tag ].checkActive( elementPath ) ) {
+								if ( tag != currentTag )
+									this.setValue( tag, editor.lang.format[ 'tag_' + tag ] );
+								return;
+						}
-							// If no styles match, just empty it.
-							this.setValue( '' );
-						},
-						this);
-				}
-			});
+						// If no styles match, just empty it.
+						this.setValue( '' );
+					}
+				}, this );
+			}
+		});
@@ -94,101 +94,112 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'format',
  * A list of semi colon separated style names (by default tags) representing
  * the style definition for each entry to be displayed in the Format combo in
  * the toolbar. Each entry must have its relative definition configuration in a
- * setting named "format_(tagName)". For example, the "p" entry has its
- * definition taken from config.format_p.
- * @type String
- * @default 'p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;pre;address;div'
- * @example
- * config.format_tags = 'p;h2;h3;pre'
+ * setting named `'format_(tagName)'`. For example, the `'p'` entry has its
+ * definition taken from `config.format_p`.
+ *
+ *		config.format_tags = 'p;h2;h3;pre';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [format_tags='p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;pre;address;div']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 CKEDITOR.config.format_tags = 'p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;pre;address;div';
- * The style definition to be used to apply the "Normal" format.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'p' }
- * @example
- * config.format_p = { element : 'p', attributes : { class : 'normalPara' } };
+ * The style definition to be used to apply the `'Normal'` format.
+ *
+ *		config.format_p = { element : 'p', attributes : { 'class' : 'normalPara' } };
+ *
+ * @cfg {Object} [format_p={ element: 'p' }]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.format_p = { element : 'p' };
+CKEDITOR.config.format_p = { element: 'p' };
- * The style definition to be used to apply the "Normal (DIV)" format.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'div' }
- * @example
- * config.format_div = { element : 'div', attributes : { class : 'normalDiv' } };
+ * The style definition to be used to apply the `'Normal (DIV)'` format.
+ *
+ *		config.format_div = { element : 'div', attributes : { 'class' : 'normalDiv' } };
+ *
+ * @cfg {Object} [format_div={ element: 'div' }]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.format_div = { element : 'div' };
+CKEDITOR.config.format_div = { element: 'div' };
- * The style definition to be used to apply the "Formatted" format.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'pre' }
- * @example
- * config.format_pre = { element : 'pre', attributes : { class : 'code' } };
+ * The style definition to be used to apply the `'Formatted'` format.
+ *
+ *		config.format_pre = { element: 'pre', attributes: { 'class': 'code' } };
+ *
+ * @cfg {Object} [format_pre={ element: 'pre' }]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.format_pre = { element : 'pre' };
+CKEDITOR.config.format_pre = { element: 'pre' };
- * The style definition to be used to apply the "Address" format.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'address' }
- * @example
- * config.format_address = { element : 'address', attributes : { class : 'styledAddress' } };
+ * The style definition to be used to apply the `'Address'` format.
+ *
+ * config.format_address = { element: 'address', attributes: { 'class': 'styledAddress' } };
+ *
+ * @cfg {Object} [format_address={ element: 'address' }]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.format_address = { element : 'address' };
+CKEDITOR.config.format_address = { element: 'address' };
- * The style definition to be used to apply the "Heading 1" format.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'h1' }
- * @example
- * config.format_h1 = { element : 'h1', attributes : { class : 'contentTitle1' } };
+ * The style definition to be used to apply the ``'Heading 1'` format.
+ *
+ *		config.format_h1 = { element: 'h1', attributes: { 'class': 'contentTitle1' } };
+ *
+ * @cfg {Object} [format_h1={ element: 'h1' }]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.format_h1 = { element : 'h1' };
+CKEDITOR.config.format_h1 = { element: 'h1' };
- * The style definition to be used to apply the "Heading 1" format.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'h2' }
- * @example
- * config.format_h2 = { element : 'h2', attributes : { class : 'contentTitle2' } };
+ * The style definition to be used to apply the `'Heading 1'` format.
+ *
+ *		config.format_h2 = { element: 'h2', attributes: { 'class': 'contentTitle2' } };
+ *
+ * @cfg {Object} [format_h2={ element: 'h2' }]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.format_h2 = { element : 'h2' };
+CKEDITOR.config.format_h2 = { element: 'h2' };
- * The style definition to be used to apply the "Heading 1" format.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'h3' }
- * @example
- * config.format_h3 = { element : 'h3', attributes : { class : 'contentTitle3' } };
+ * The style definition to be used to apply the `'Heading 1'` format.
+ *
+ *		config.format_h3 = { element: 'h3', attributes: { 'class': 'contentTitle3' } };
+ *
+ * @cfg {Object} [format_h3={ element: 'h3' }]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.format_h3 = { element : 'h3' };
+CKEDITOR.config.format_h3 = { element: 'h3' };
- * The style definition to be used to apply the "Heading 1" format.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'h4' }
- * @example
- * config.format_h4 = { element : 'h4', attributes : { class : 'contentTitle4' } };
+ * The style definition to be used to apply the `'Heading 1'` format.
+ *
+ *		config.format_h4 = { element: 'h4', attributes: { 'class': 'contentTitle4' } };
+ *
+ * @cfg {Object} [format_h4={ element: 'h4' }]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.format_h4 = { element : 'h4' };
+CKEDITOR.config.format_h4 = { element: 'h4' };
- * The style definition to be used to apply the "Heading 1" format.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'h5' }
- * @example
- * config.format_h5 = { element : 'h5', attributes : { class : 'contentTitle5' } };
+ * The style definition to be used to apply the `'Heading 1'` format.
+ *
+ *		config.format_h5 = { element: 'h5', attributes: { 'class': 'contentTitle5' } };
+ *
+ * @cfg {Object} [format_h5={ element: 'h5' }]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.format_h5 = { element : 'h5' };
+CKEDITOR.config.format_h5 = { element: 'h5' };
- * The style definition to be used to apply the "Heading 1" format.
- * @type Object
- * @default { element : 'h6' }
- * @example
- * config.format_h6 = { element : 'h6', attributes : { class : 'contentTitle6' } };
+ * The style definition to be used to apply the `'Heading 1'` format.
+ *
+ *		config.format_h6 = { element: 'h6', attributes: { 'class': 'contentTitle6' } };
+ *
+ * @cfg {Object} [format_h6={ element: 'h6' }]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.format_h6 = { element : 'h6' };
+CKEDITOR.config.format_h6 = { element: 'h6' };
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/button.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/button.js
index 86cb4d7..0abc6eb 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/button.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/button.js
@@ -1,135 +1,100 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'button', function( editor )
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'button', function( editor ) {
+	function commitAttributes( element ) {
+		var val = this.getValue();
+		if ( val ) {
+			element.attributes[ this.id ] = val;
+			if ( this.id == 'name' )
+				element.attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-name' ] = val;
+		} else {
+			delete element.attributes[ this.id ];
+			if ( this.id == 'name' )
+				delete element.attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-name' ];
+		}
+	}
 	return {
-		title : editor.lang.button.title,
-		minWidth : 350,
-		minHeight : 150,
-		onShow : function()
-		{
+		title: editor.lang.forms.button.title,
+		minWidth: 350,
+		minHeight: 150,
+		onShow: function() {
 			delete this.button;
 			var element = this.getParentEditor().getSelection().getSelectedElement();
-			if ( element && element.getName() == "input" )
-			{
+			if ( element && element.is( 'input' ) ) {
 				var type = element.getAttribute( 'type' );
-				if ( type == "button" || type == "reset" || type == "submit" )
-				{
+				if ( type in { button:1,reset:1,submit:1 } ) {
 					this.button = element;
 					this.setupContent( element );
-		onOk : function()
-		{
-			var editor,
+		onOk: function() {
+			var editor = this.getParentEditor(),
 				element = this.button,
 				isInsertMode = !element;
-			if ( isInsertMode )
-			{
-				editor = this.getParentEditor();
-				element = editor.document.createElement( 'input' );
-			}
+			var fake = element ? CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( element.getOuterHtml() ).children[ 0 ] : new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'input' );
+			this.commitContent( fake );
+			var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();
+			fake.writeHtml( writer );
+			var newElement = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( writer.getHtml(), editor.document );
 			if ( isInsertMode )
-				editor.insertElement( element );
-			this.commitContent( { element : element } );
+				editor.insertElement( newElement );
+			else {
+				newElement.replace( element );
+				editor.getSelection().selectElement( newElement );
+			}
-		contents : [
+		contents: [
-				id : 'info',
-				label : editor.lang.button.title,
-				title : editor.lang.button.title,
-				elements : [
-					{
-						id : '_cke_saved_name',
-						type : 'text',
-						label : editor.lang.common.name,
-						'default' : '',
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							this.setValue(
-									element.getAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' ) ||
-									element.getAttribute( 'name' ) ||
-									'' );
-						},
-						commit : function( data )
-						{
-							var element = data.element;
-							if ( this.getValue() )
-								element.setAttribute( '_cke_saved_name', this.getValue() );
-							else
-							{
-								element.removeAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' );
-								element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
-							}
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						id : 'value',
-						type : 'text',
-						label : editor.lang.button.text,
-						accessKey : 'V',
-						'default' : '',
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'value' ) || '' );
-						},
-						commit : function( data )
-						{
-							var element = data.element;
-							if ( this.getValue() )
-								element.setAttribute( 'value', this.getValue() );
-							else
-								element.removeAttribute( 'value' );
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						id : 'type',
-						type : 'select',
-						label : editor.lang.button.type,
-						'default' : 'button',
-						accessKey : 'T',
-						items :
-						[
-							[ editor.lang.button.typeBtn, 'button' ],
-							[ editor.lang.button.typeSbm, 'submit' ],
-							[ editor.lang.button.typeRst, 'reset' ]
-						],
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'type' ) || '' );
-						},
-						commit : function( data )
-						{
-							var element = data.element;
-							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-							{
-								var elementType = element.getAttribute( 'type' );
-								var currentType = this.getValue();
-								if ( currentType != elementType )
-								{
-									var replace = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<input type="' + currentType +
-										'"></input>', editor.document );
-									element.copyAttributes( replace, { type : 1 } );
-									replace.replace( element );
-									editor.getSelection().selectElement( replace );
-									data.element = replace;
-								}
-							}
-							else
-								element.setAttribute( 'type', this.getValue() );
-						}
-					}
-				]
+			id: 'info',
+			label: editor.lang.forms.button.title,
+			title: editor.lang.forms.button.title,
+			elements: [
+				{
+				id: 'name',
+				type: 'text',
+				label: editor.lang.common.name,
+				'default': '',
+				setup: function( element ) {
+					this.setValue( element.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || element.getAttribute( 'name' ) || '' );
+				},
+				commit: commitAttributes
+			},
+				{
+				id: 'value',
+				type: 'text',
+				label: editor.lang.forms.button.text,
+				accessKey: 'V',
+				'default': '',
+				setup: function( element ) {
+					this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'value' ) || '' );
+				},
+				commit: commitAttributes
+			},
+				{
+				id: 'type',
+				type: 'select',
+				label: editor.lang.forms.button.type,
+				'default': 'button',
+				accessKey: 'T',
+				items: [
+					[ editor.lang.forms.button.typeBtn, 'button' ],
+					[ editor.lang.forms.button.typeSbm, 'submit' ],
+					[ editor.lang.forms.button.typeRst, 'reset' ]
+					],
+				setup: function( element ) {
+					this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'type' ) || '' );
+				},
+				commit: commitAttributes
+			]
+		}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/checkbox.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/checkbox.js
index 92bcddb..b24656a 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/checkbox.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/checkbox.js
@@ -1,155 +1,130 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'checkbox', function( editor )
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'checkbox', function( editor ) {
 	return {
-		title : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle,
-		minWidth : 350,
-		minHeight : 140,
-		onShow : function()
-		{
+		title: editor.lang.forms.checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle,
+		minWidth: 350,
+		minHeight: 140,
+		onShow: function() {
 			delete this.checkbox;
 			var element = this.getParentEditor().getSelection().getSelectedElement();
-			if ( element && element.getAttribute( 'type' ) == "checkbox" )
-			{
+			if ( element && element.getAttribute( 'type' ) == 'checkbox' ) {
 				this.checkbox = element;
 				this.setupContent( element );
-		onOk : function()
-		{
+		onOk: function() {
 			var editor,
 				element = this.checkbox,
 				isInsertMode = !element;
-			if ( isInsertMode )
-			{
+			if ( isInsertMode ) {
 				editor = this.getParentEditor();
 				element = editor.document.createElement( 'input' );
 				element.setAttribute( 'type', 'checkbox' );
-			}
-			if ( isInsertMode )
 				editor.insertElement( element );
-			this.commitContent( { element : element } );
+			}
+			this.commitContent({ element: element } );
-		contents : [
+		contents: [
-				id : 'info',
-				label : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle,
-				title : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle,
-				startupFocus : 'txtName',
-				elements : [
-					{
-						id : 'txtName',
-						type : 'text',
-						label : editor.lang.common.name,
-						'default' : '',
-						accessKey : 'N',
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							this.setValue(
-									element.getAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' ) ||
-									element.getAttribute( 'name' ) ||
-									'' );
-						},
-						commit : function( data )
-						{
-							var element = data.element;
+			id: 'info',
+			label: editor.lang.forms.checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle,
+			title: editor.lang.forms.checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle,
+			startupFocus: 'txtName',
+			elements: [
+				{
+				id: 'txtName',
+				type: 'text',
+				label: editor.lang.common.name,
+				'default': '',
+				accessKey: 'N',
+				setup: function( element ) {
+					this.setValue( element.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || element.getAttribute( 'name' ) || '' );
+				},
+				commit: function( data ) {
+					var element = data.element;
-							// IE failed to update 'name' property on input elements, protect it now.
-							if ( this.getValue() )
-								element.setAttribute( '_cke_saved_name', this.getValue() );
-							else
-							{
-								element.removeAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' );
-								element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
-							}
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						id : 'txtValue',
-						type : 'text',
-						label : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.value,
-						'default' : '',
-						accessKey : 'V',
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							var value = element.getAttribute( 'value' );
-							// IE Return 'on' as default attr value.
-							this.setValue(  CKEDITOR.env.ie && value == 'on' ? '' : value  );
-						},
-						commit : function( data )
-						{
-							var element = data.element,
-								value = this.getValue();
+					// IE failed to update 'name' property on input elements, protect it now.
+					if ( this.getValue() )
+						element.data( 'cke-saved-name', this.getValue() );
+					else {
+						element.data( 'cke-saved-name', false );
+						element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
+					}
+				}
+			},
+				{
+				id: 'txtValue',
+				type: 'text',
+				label: editor.lang.forms.checkboxAndRadio.value,
+				'default': '',
+				accessKey: 'V',
+				setup: function( element ) {
+					var value = element.getAttribute( 'value' );
+					// IE Return 'on' as default attr value.
+					this.setValue( CKEDITOR.env.ie && value == 'on' ? '' : value );
+				},
+				commit: function( data ) {
+					var element = data.element,
+						value = this.getValue();
-							if ( value && !( CKEDITOR.env.ie && value == 'on' ) )
-								element.setAttribute( 'value', value );
-							else
-							{
-								if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-								{
-									// Remove attribute 'value' of checkbox #4721.
-									var checkbox = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'input', element.getDocument() );
-									element.copyAttributes( checkbox, { value: 1 } );
-									checkbox.replace( element );
-									editor.getSelection().selectElement( checkbox );
-									data.element = checkbox;
-								}
-								else
-									element.removeAttribute( 'value' );
-							}
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						id : 'cmbSelected',
-						type : 'checkbox',
-						label : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.selected,
-						'default' : '',
-						accessKey : 'S',
-						value : "checked",
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'checked' ) );
-						},
-						commit : function( data )
-						{
-							var element = data.element;
+					if ( value && !( CKEDITOR.env.ie && value == 'on' ) )
+						element.setAttribute( 'value', value );
+					else {
+						if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+							// Remove attribute 'value' of checkbox (#4721).
+							var checkbox = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'input', element.getDocument() );
+							element.copyAttributes( checkbox, { value:1 } );
+							checkbox.replace( element );
+							editor.getSelection().selectElement( checkbox );
+							data.element = checkbox;
+						} else
+							element.removeAttribute( 'value' );
+					}
+				}
+			},
+				{
+				id: 'cmbSelected',
+				type: 'checkbox',
+				label: editor.lang.forms.checkboxAndRadio.selected,
+				'default': '',
+				accessKey: 'S',
+				value: "checked",
+				setup: function( element ) {
+					this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'checked' ) );
+				},
+				commit: function( data ) {
+					var element = data.element;
-							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-							{
-								var isElementChecked = !!element.getAttribute( 'checked' );
-								var isChecked = !!this.getValue();
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+						var isElementChecked = !!element.getAttribute( 'checked' ),
+							isChecked = !!this.getValue();
-								if ( isElementChecked != isChecked )
-								{
-									var replace = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<input type="checkbox"'
-										   + ( isChecked ? ' checked="checked"' : '' )
-										   + '/>', editor.document );
+						if ( isElementChecked != isChecked ) {
+							var replace = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<input type="checkbox"' + ( isChecked ? ' checked="checked"' : '' )
+								+ '/>', editor.document );
-									element.copyAttributes( replace, { type : 1, checked : 1 } );
-									replace.replace( element );
-									editor.getSelection().selectElement( replace );
-									data.element = replace;
-								}
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								var value = this.getValue();
-								if ( value )
-									element.setAttribute( 'checked', 'checked' );
-								else
-									element.removeAttribute( 'checked' );
-							}
+							element.copyAttributes( replace, { type:1,checked:1 } );
+							replace.replace( element );
+							editor.getSelection().selectElement( replace );
+							data.element = replace;
+					} else {
+						var value = this.getValue();
+						if ( value )
+							element.setAttribute( 'checked', 'checked' );
+						else
+							element.removeAttribute( 'checked' );
-				]
+				}
+			]
+		}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/form.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/form.js
index 43c29c3..58bf9a3 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/form.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/form.js
@@ -1,177 +1,151 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'form', function( editor )
-	var autoAttributes =
-	{
-		action : 1,
-		id : 1,
-		method : 1,
-		enctype : 1,
-		target : 1
-	};
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'form', function( editor ) {
+	var autoAttributes = { action:1,id:1,method:1,enctype:1,target:1 };
 	return {
-		title : editor.lang.form.title,
-		minWidth : 350,
-		minHeight : 200,
-		onShow : function()
-		{
+		title: editor.lang.forms.form.title,
+		minWidth: 350,
+		minHeight: 200,
+		onShow: function() {
 			delete this.form;
-			var element = this.getParentEditor().getSelection().getStartElement();
-			var form = element && element.getAscendant( 'form', true );
-			if ( form )
-			{
+			var path = this.getParentEditor().elementPath(),
+				form = path.contains( 'form', 1 );
+			if ( form ) {
 				this.form = form;
 				this.setupContent( form );
-		onOk : function()
-		{
+		onOk: function() {
 			var editor,
 				element = this.form,
 				isInsertMode = !element;
-			if ( isInsertMode )
-			{
+			if ( isInsertMode ) {
 				editor = this.getParentEditor();
 				element = editor.document.createElement( 'form' );
-				element.append( editor.document.createElement( 'br' ) );
+				!CKEDITOR.env.ie && element.append( editor.document.createElement( 'br' ) );
 			if ( isInsertMode )
 				editor.insertElement( element );
 			this.commitContent( element );
-		onLoad : function()
-		{
-			function autoSetup( element )
-			{
+		onLoad: function() {
+			function autoSetup( element ) {
 				this.setValue( element.getAttribute( this.id ) || '' );
-			function autoCommit( element )
-			{
+			function autoCommit( element ) {
 				if ( this.getValue() )
 					element.setAttribute( this.id, this.getValue() );
 					element.removeAttribute( this.id );
-			this.foreach( function( contentObj )
-				{
-					if ( autoAttributes[ contentObj.id ] )
-					{
-						contentObj.setup = autoSetup;
-						contentObj.commit = autoCommit;
-					}
-				} );
+			this.foreach( function( contentObj ) {
+				if ( autoAttributes[ contentObj.id ] ) {
+					contentObj.setup = autoSetup;
+					contentObj.commit = autoCommit;
+				}
+			});
-		contents : [
+		contents: [
-				id : 'info',
-				label : editor.lang.form.title,
-				title : editor.lang.form.title,
-				elements : [
+			id: 'info',
+			label: editor.lang.forms.form.title,
+			title: editor.lang.forms.form.title,
+			elements: [
+				{
+				id: 'txtName',
+				type: 'text',
+				label: editor.lang.common.name,
+				'default': '',
+				accessKey: 'N',
+				setup: function( element ) {
+					this.setValue( element.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || element.getAttribute( 'name' ) || '' );
+				},
+				commit: function( element ) {
+					if ( this.getValue() )
+						element.data( 'cke-saved-name', this.getValue() );
+					else {
+						element.data( 'cke-saved-name', false );
+						element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
+					}
+				}
+			},
+				{
+				id: 'action',
+				type: 'text',
+				label: editor.lang.forms.form.action,
+				'default': '',
+				accessKey: 'T'
+			},
+				{
+				type: 'hbox',
+				widths: [ '45%', '55%' ],
+				children: [
-						id : 'txtName',
-						type : 'text',
-						label : editor.lang.common.name,
-						'default' : '',
-						accessKey : 'N',
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							this.setValue( element.getAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' ) ||
-									element.getAttribute( 'name' ) ||
-									'' );
-						},
-						commit : function( element )
-						{
-							if ( this.getValue() )
-								element.setAttribute( '_cke_saved_name', this.getValue() );
-							else
-							{
-								element.removeAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' );
-								element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
-							}
-						}
-					},
+					id: 'id',
+					type: 'text',
+					label: editor.lang.common.id,
+					'default': '',
+					accessKey: 'I'
+				},
-						id : 'action',
-						type : 'text',
-						label : editor.lang.form.action,
-						'default' : '',
-						accessKey : 'T'
-					},
+					id: 'enctype',
+					type: 'select',
+					label: editor.lang.forms.form.encoding,
+					style: 'width:100%',
+					accessKey: 'E',
+					'default': '',
+					items: [
+						[ '' ],
+						[ 'text/plain' ],
+						[ 'multipart/form-data' ],
+						[ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ]
+						]
+				}
+				]
+			},
+				{
+				type: 'hbox',
+				widths: [ '45%', '55%' ],
+				children: [
-						type : 'hbox',
-						widths : [ '45%', '55%' ],
-						children :
-						[
-							{
-								id : 'id',
-								type : 'text',
-								label : editor.lang.common.id,
-								'default' : '',
-								accessKey : 'I'
-							},
-							{
-								id : 'enctype',
-								type : 'select',
-								label : editor.lang.form.encoding,
-								style : 'width:100%',
-								accessKey : 'E',
-								'default' : '',
-								items :
-								[
-									[ '' ],
-									[ 'text/plain' ],
-									[ 'multipart/form-data' ],
-									[ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ]
-								]
-							}
+					id: 'target',
+					type: 'select',
+					label: editor.lang.common.target,
+					style: 'width:100%',
+					accessKey: 'M',
+					'default': '',
+					items: [
+						[ editor.lang.common.notSet, '' ],
+						[ editor.lang.common.targetNew, '_blank' ],
+						[ editor.lang.common.targetTop, '_top' ],
+						[ editor.lang.common.targetSelf, '_self' ],
+						[ editor.lang.common.targetParent, '_parent' ]
-					},
+				},
-						type : 'hbox',
-						widths : [ '45%', '55%' ],
-						children :
-						[
-							{
-								id : 'target',
-								type : 'select',
-								label : editor.lang.common.target,
-								style : 'width:100%',
-								accessKey : 'M',
-								'default' : '',
-								items :
-								[
-									[ editor.lang.common.notSet, '' ],
-									[ editor.lang.common.targetNew, '_blank' ],
-									[ editor.lang.common.targetTop, '_top' ],
-									[ editor.lang.common.targetSelf, '_self' ],
-									[ editor.lang.common.targetParent, '_parent' ]
-								]
-							},
-							{
-								id : 'method',
-								type : 'select',
-								label : editor.lang.form.method,
-								accessKey : 'M',
-								'default' : 'GET',
-								items :
-								[
-									[ 'GET', 'get' ],
-									[ 'POST', 'post' ]
-								]
-							}
+					id: 'method',
+					type: 'select',
+					label: editor.lang.forms.form.method,
+					accessKey: 'M',
+					'default': 'GET',
+					items: [
+						[ 'GET', 'get' ],
+						[ 'POST', 'post' ]
-					}
+				}
+			]
+		}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/hiddenfield.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/hiddenfield.js
index 4d823b1..601a088 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/hiddenfield.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/hiddenfield.js
@@ -1,98 +1,85 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'hiddenfield', function( editor )
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'hiddenfield', function( editor ) {
 	return {
-		title : editor.lang.hidden.title,
-		hiddenField : null,
-		minWidth : 350,
-		minHeight : 110,
-		onShow : function()
-		{
+		title: editor.lang.forms.hidden.title,
+		hiddenField: null,
+		minWidth: 350,
+		minHeight: 110,
+		onShow: function() {
 			delete this.hiddenField;
 			var editor = this.getParentEditor(),
 				selection = editor.getSelection(),
 				element = selection.getSelectedElement();
-			if ( element && element.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) && element.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) == 'hiddenfield' )
-			{
+			if ( element && element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) && element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) == 'hiddenfield' ) {
 				this.hiddenField = element;
 				element = editor.restoreRealElement( this.hiddenField );
 				this.setupContent( element );
 				selection.selectElement( this.hiddenField );
-		onOk : function()
-		{
+		onOk: function() {
 			var name = this.getValueOf( 'info', '_cke_saved_name' ),
 				value = this.getValueOf( 'info', 'value' ),
 				editor = this.getParentEditor(),
-				element = CKEDITOR.env.ie ? editor.document.createElement( '<input name="' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( name ) + '">' ) : editor.document.createElement( 'input' );
+				element = CKEDITOR.env.ie && !( CKEDITOR.document.$.documentMode >= 8 ) ? editor.document.createElement( '<input name="' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( name ) + '">' ) : editor.document.createElement( 'input' );
 			element.setAttribute( 'type', 'hidden' );
 			this.commitContent( element );
 			var fakeElement = editor.createFakeElement( element, 'cke_hidden', 'hiddenfield' );
 			if ( !this.hiddenField )
 				editor.insertElement( fakeElement );
-			else
-			{
+			else {
 				fakeElement.replace( this.hiddenField );
 				editor.getSelection().selectElement( fakeElement );
 			return true;
-		contents : [
+		contents: [
-				id : 'info',
-				label : editor.lang.hidden.title,
-				title : editor.lang.hidden.title,
-				elements : [
-					{
-						id : '_cke_saved_name',
-						type : 'text',
-						label : editor.lang.hidden.name,
-						'default' : '',
-						accessKey : 'N',
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							this.setValue(
-									element.getAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' ) ||
-									element.getAttribute( 'name' ) ||
-									'' );
-						},
-						commit : function( element )
-						{
-							if ( this.getValue() )
-								element.setAttribute( 'name', this.getValue() );
-							else
-							{
-								element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
-							}
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						id : 'value',
-						type : 'text',
-						label : editor.lang.hidden.value,
-						'default' : '',
-						accessKey : 'V',
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'value' ) || '' );
-						},
-						commit : function( element )
-						{
-							if ( this.getValue() )
-								element.setAttribute( 'value', this.getValue() );
-							else
-								element.removeAttribute( 'value' );
-						}
+			id: 'info',
+			label: editor.lang.forms.hidden.title,
+			title: editor.lang.forms.hidden.title,
+			elements: [
+				{
+				id: '_cke_saved_name',
+				type: 'text',
+				label: editor.lang.forms.hidden.name,
+				'default': '',
+				accessKey: 'N',
+				setup: function( element ) {
+					this.setValue( element.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || element.getAttribute( 'name' ) || '' );
+				},
+				commit: function( element ) {
+					if ( this.getValue() )
+						element.setAttribute( 'name', this.getValue() );
+					else {
+						element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
-				]
+				}
+			},
+				{
+				id: 'value',
+				type: 'text',
+				label: editor.lang.forms.hidden.value,
+				'default': '',
+				accessKey: 'V',
+				setup: function( element ) {
+					this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'value' ) || '' );
+				},
+				commit: function( element ) {
+					if ( this.getValue() )
+						element.setAttribute( 'value', this.getValue() );
+					else
+						element.removeAttribute( 'value' );
+				}
+			]
+		}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/radio.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/radio.js
index a967388..ebdf951 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/radio.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/radio.js
@@ -1,32 +1,27 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'radio', function( editor )
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'radio', function( editor ) {
 	return {
-		title : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.radioTitle,
-		minWidth : 350,
-		minHeight : 140,
-		onShow : function()
-		{
+		title: editor.lang.forms.checkboxAndRadio.radioTitle,
+		minWidth: 350,
+		minHeight: 140,
+		onShow: function() {
 			delete this.radioButton;
 			var element = this.getParentEditor().getSelection().getSelectedElement();
-			if ( element && element.getName() == "input" && element.getAttribute( 'type' ) == "radio" )
-			{
+			if ( element && element.getName() == 'input' && element.getAttribute( 'type' ) == 'radio' ) {
 				this.radioButton = element;
 				this.setupContent( element );
-		onOk : function()
-		{
+		onOk: function() {
 			var editor,
 				element = this.radioButton,
 				isInsertMode = !element;
-			if ( isInsertMode )
-			{
+			if ( isInsertMode ) {
 				editor = this.getParentEditor();
 				element = editor.document.createElement( 'input' );
 				element.setAttribute( 'type', 'radio' );
@@ -34,102 +29,87 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'radio', function( editor )
 			if ( isInsertMode )
 				editor.insertElement( element );
-			this.commitContent( { element : element } );
+			this.commitContent({ element: element } );
-		contents : [
+		contents: [
-				id : 'info',
-				label : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.radioTitle,
-				title : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.radioTitle,
-				elements : [
-					{
-						id : 'name',
-						type : 'text',
-						label : editor.lang.common.name,
-						'default' : '',
-						accessKey : 'N',
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							this.setValue(
-									element.getAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' ) ||
-									element.getAttribute( 'name' ) ||
-									'' );
-						},
-						commit : function( data )
-						{
-							var element = data.element;
+			id: 'info',
+			label: editor.lang.forms.checkboxAndRadio.radioTitle,
+			title: editor.lang.forms.checkboxAndRadio.radioTitle,
+			elements: [
+				{
+				id: 'name',
+				type: 'text',
+				label: editor.lang.common.name,
+				'default': '',
+				accessKey: 'N',
+				setup: function( element ) {
+					this.setValue( element.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || element.getAttribute( 'name' ) || '' );
+				},
+				commit: function( data ) {
+					var element = data.element;
-							if ( this.getValue() )
-								element.setAttribute( '_cke_saved_name', this.getValue() );
-							else
-							{
-								element.removeAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' );
-								element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
-							}
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						id : 'value',
-						type : 'text',
-						label : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.value,
-						'default' : '',
-						accessKey : 'V',
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'value' ) || '' );
-						},
-						commit : function( data )
-						{
-							var element = data.element;
+					if ( this.getValue() )
+						element.data( 'cke-saved-name', this.getValue() );
+					else {
+						element.data( 'cke-saved-name', false );
+						element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
+					}
+				}
+			},
+				{
+				id: 'value',
+				type: 'text',
+				label: editor.lang.forms.checkboxAndRadio.value,
+				'default': '',
+				accessKey: 'V',
+				setup: function( element ) {
+					this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'value' ) || '' );
+				},
+				commit: function( data ) {
+					var element = data.element;
-							if ( this.getValue() )
-								element.setAttribute( 'value', this.getValue() );
-							else
-								element.removeAttribute( 'value' );
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						id : 'checked',
-						type : 'checkbox',
-						label : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.selected,
-						'default' : '',
-						accessKey : 'S',
-						value : "checked",
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'checked' ) );
-						},
-						commit : function( data )
-						{
-							var element = data.element;
+					if ( this.getValue() )
+						element.setAttribute( 'value', this.getValue() );
+					else
+						element.removeAttribute( 'value' );
+				}
+			},
+				{
+				id: 'checked',
+				type: 'checkbox',
+				label: editor.lang.forms.checkboxAndRadio.selected,
+				'default': '',
+				accessKey: 'S',
+				value: "checked",
+				setup: function( element ) {
+					this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'checked' ) );
+				},
+				commit: function( data ) {
+					var element = data.element;
-							if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-							{
-								if ( this.getValue() )
-									element.setAttribute( 'checked', 'checked' );
-								else
-									element.removeAttribute( 'checked' );
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								var isElementChecked = element.getAttribute( 'checked' );
-								var isChecked = !!this.getValue();
+					if ( !( CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.opera ) ) {
+						if ( this.getValue() )
+							element.setAttribute( 'checked', 'checked' );
+						else
+							element.removeAttribute( 'checked' );
+					} else {
+						var isElementChecked = element.getAttribute( 'checked' );
+						var isChecked = !!this.getValue();
-								if ( isElementChecked != isChecked )
-								{
-									var replace = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<input type="radio"'
-											+ ( isChecked ? ' checked="checked"' : '' )
-											+ '></input>', editor.document );
-									element.copyAttributes( replace, { type : 1, checked : 1 } );
-									replace.replace( element );
-									editor.getSelection().selectElement( replace );
-									data.element = replace;
-								}
-							}
+						if ( isElementChecked != isChecked ) {
+							var replace = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<input type="radio"' + ( isChecked ? ' checked="checked"' : '' )
+								+ '></input>', editor.document );
+							element.copyAttributes( replace, { type:1,checked:1 } );
+							replace.replace( element );
+							editor.getSelection().selectElement( replace );
+							data.element = replace;
-				]
+				}
+			]
+		}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/select.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/select.js
index 7bd91e5..53aaf58 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/select.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/select.js
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'select', function( editor )
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'select', function( editor ) {
 	// Add a new option to a SELECT object (combo or list).
-	function addOption( combo, optionText, optionValue, documentObject, index )
-	{
+	function addOption( combo, optionText, optionValue, documentObject, index ) {
 		combo = getSelect( combo );
 		var oOption;
 		if ( documentObject )
@@ -14,19 +12,16 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'select', function( editor )
 			oOption = document.createElement( "OPTION" );
-		if ( combo && oOption && oOption.getName() == 'option' )
-		{
+		if ( combo && oOption && oOption.getName() == 'option' ) {
 			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
-				if ( !isNaN( parseInt( index, 10) ) )
+				if ( !isNaN( parseInt( index, 10 ) ) )
 					combo.$.options.add( oOption.$, index );
 					combo.$.options.add( oOption.$ );
 				oOption.$.innerHTML = optionText.length > 0 ? optionText : '';
-				oOption.$.value     = optionValue;
-			}
-			else
-			{
+				oOption.$.value = optionValue;
+			} else {
 				if ( index !== null && index < combo.getChildCount() )
 					combo.getChild( index < 0 ? 0 : index ).insertBeforeMe( oOption );
@@ -35,23 +30,20 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'select', function( editor )
 				oOption.setText( optionText.length > 0 ? optionText : '' );
 				oOption.setValue( optionValue );
-		}
-		else
+		} else
 			return false;
 		return oOption;
 	// Remove all selected options from a SELECT object.
-	function removeSelectedOptions( combo )
-	{
+	function removeSelectedOptions( combo ) {
 		combo = getSelect( combo );
 		// Save the selected index
 		var iSelectedIndex = getSelectedIndex( combo );
 		// Remove all selected options.
-		for ( var i = combo.getChildren().count() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-		{
+		for ( var i = combo.getChildren().count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
 			if ( combo.getChild( i ).$.selected )
 				combo.getChild( i ).remove();
@@ -60,8 +52,7 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'select', function( editor )
 		setSelectedIndex( combo, iSelectedIndex );
 	//Modify option  from a SELECT object.
-	function modifyOption( combo, index, title, value )
-	{
+	function modifyOption( combo, index, title, value ) {
 		combo = getSelect( combo );
 		if ( index < 0 )
 			return false;
@@ -70,15 +61,15 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'select', function( editor )
 		child.setValue( value );
 		return child;
-	function removeAllOptions( combo )
-	{
+	function removeAllOptions( combo ) {
 		combo = getSelect( combo );
-		while ( combo.getChild( 0 ) && combo.getChild( 0 ).remove() )
-		{ /*jsl:pass*/ }
+		while ( combo.getChild( 0 ) && combo.getChild( 0 ).remove() ) {
+			/*jsl:pass*/
+		}
 	// Moves the selected option by a number of steps (also negative).
-	function changeOptionPosition( combo, steps, documentObject )
-	{
+	function changeOptionPosition( combo, steps, documentObject ) {
 		combo = getSelect( combo );
 		var iActualIndex = getSelectedIndex( combo );
 		if ( iActualIndex < 0 )
@@ -92,8 +83,8 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'select', function( editor )
 			return false;
 		var oOption = combo.getChild( iActualIndex ),
-			sText	= oOption.getText(),
-			sValue	= oOption.getValue();
+			sText = oOption.getText(),
+			sValue = oOption.getValue();
@@ -101,13 +92,13 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'select', function( editor )
 		setSelectedIndex( combo, iFinalIndex );
 		return oOption;
-	function getSelectedIndex( combo )
-	{
+	function getSelectedIndex( combo ) {
 		combo = getSelect( combo );
 		return combo ? combo.$.selectedIndex : -1;
-	function setSelectedIndex( combo, index )
-	{
+	function setSelectedIndex( combo, index ) {
 		combo = getSelect( combo );
 		if ( index < 0 )
 			return null;
@@ -115,42 +106,39 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'select', function( editor )
 		combo.$.selectedIndex = ( index >= count ) ? ( count - 1 ) : index;
 		return combo;
-	function getOptions( combo )
-	{
+	function getOptions( combo ) {
 		combo = getSelect( combo );
 		return combo ? combo.getChildren() : false;
-	function getSelect( obj )
-	{
-		if ( obj && obj.domId && obj.getInputElement().$ )				// Dialog element.
-			return  obj.getInputElement();
+	function getSelect( obj ) {
+		if ( obj && obj.domId && obj.getInputElement().$ ) // Dialog element.
+		return obj.getInputElement();
 		else if ( obj && obj.$ )
 			return obj;
 		return false;
 	return {
-		title : editor.lang.select.title,
-		minWidth : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 460 : 395,
-		minHeight : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 320 : 300,
-		onShow : function()
-		{
+		title: editor.lang.forms.select.title,
+		minWidth: CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 460 : 395,
+		minHeight: CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 320 : 300,
+		onShow: function() {
 			delete this.selectBox;
 			this.setupContent( 'clear' );
 			var element = this.getParentEditor().getSelection().getSelectedElement();
-			if ( element && element.getName() == "select" )
-			{
+			if ( element && element.getName() == "select" ) {
 				this.selectBox = element;
 				this.setupContent( element.getName(), element );
 				// Load Options into dialog.
 				var objOptions = getOptions( element );
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < objOptions.count() ; i++ )
+				for ( var i = 0; i < objOptions.count(); i++ )
 					this.setupContent( 'option', objOptions.getItem( i ) );
-		onOk : function()
-		{
+		onOk: function() {
 			var editor = this.getParentEditor(),
 				element = this.selectBox,
 				isInsertMode = !element;
@@ -159,398 +147,357 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'select', function( editor )
 				element = editor.document.createElement( 'select' );
 			this.commitContent( element );
-			if ( isInsertMode )
-			{
+			if ( isInsertMode ) {
 				editor.insertElement( element );
-				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-				{
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
 					var sel = editor.getSelection(),
 						bms = sel.createBookmarks();
-					setTimeout(function()
-					{
+					setTimeout( function() {
 						sel.selectBookmarks( bms );
 					}, 0 );
-		contents : [
+		contents: [
-				id : 'info',
-				label : editor.lang.select.selectInfo,
-				title : editor.lang.select.selectInfo,
-				accessKey : '',
-				elements : [
+			id: 'info',
+			label: editor.lang.forms.select.selectInfo,
+			title: editor.lang.forms.select.selectInfo,
+			accessKey: '',
+			elements: [
+				{
+				id: 'txtName',
+				type: 'text',
+				widths: [ '25%', '75%' ],
+				labelLayout: 'horizontal',
+				label: editor.lang.common.name,
+				'default': '',
+				accessKey: 'N',
+				style: 'width:350px',
+				setup: function( name, element ) {
+					if ( name == 'clear' )
+						this.setValue( this[ 'default' ] || '' );
+					else if ( name == 'select' ) {
+						this.setValue( element.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || element.getAttribute( 'name' ) || '' );
+					}
+				},
+				commit: function( element ) {
+					if ( this.getValue() )
+						element.data( 'cke-saved-name', this.getValue() );
+					else {
+						element.data( 'cke-saved-name', false );
+						element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
+					}
+				}
+			},
+				{
+				id: 'txtValue',
+				type: 'text',
+				widths: [ '25%', '75%' ],
+				labelLayout: 'horizontal',
+				label: editor.lang.forms.select.value,
+				style: 'width:350px',
+				'default': '',
+				className: 'cke_disabled',
+				onLoad: function() {
+					this.getInputElement().setAttribute( 'readOnly', true );
+				},
+				setup: function( name, element ) {
+					if ( name == 'clear' )
+						this.setValue( '' );
+					else if ( name == 'option' && element.getAttribute( 'selected' ) )
+						this.setValue( element.$.value );
+				}
+			},
+				{
+				type: 'hbox',
+				widths: [ '175px', '170px' ],
+				children: [
-						id : 'txtName',
-						type : 'text',
-						widths : [ '25%','75%' ],
-						labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-						label : editor.lang.common.name,
-						'default' : '',
-						accessKey : 'N',
-						align : 'center',
-						style : 'width:350px',
-						setup : function( name, element )
+					id: 'txtSize',
+					type: 'text',
+					labelLayout: 'horizontal',
+					label: editor.lang.forms.select.size,
+					'default': '',
+					accessKey: 'S',
+					style: 'width:175px',
+					validate: function() {
+						var func = CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.common.validateNumberFailed );
+						return ( ( this.getValue() === '' ) || func.apply( this ) );
+					},
+					setup: function( name, element ) {
+						if ( name == 'select' )
+							this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'size' ) || '' );
+						if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
+							this.getInputElement().setStyle( 'width', '86px' );
+					},
+					commit: function( element ) {
+						if ( this.getValue() )
+							element.setAttribute( 'size', this.getValue() );
+						else
+							element.removeAttribute( 'size' );
+					}
+				},
+					{
+					type: 'html',
+					html: '<span>' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.forms.select.lines ) + '</span>'
+				}
+				]
+			},
+				{
+				type: 'html',
+				html: '<span>' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.forms.select.opAvail ) + '</span>'
+			},
+				{
+				type: 'hbox',
+				widths: [ '115px', '115px', '100px' ],
+				children: [
+					{
+					type: 'vbox',
+					children: [
+						id: 'txtOptName',
+						type: 'text',
+						label: editor.lang.forms.select.opText,
+						style: 'width:115px',
+						setup: function( name, element ) {
 							if ( name == 'clear' )
-								this.setValue( this['default'] || '' );
-							else if ( name == 'select' )
-							{
-								this.setValue(
-										element.getAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' ) ||
-										element.getAttribute( 'name' ) ||
-										'' );
-							}
-						},
-						commit : function( element )
-						{
-							if ( this.getValue() )
-								element.setAttribute( '_cke_saved_name', this.getValue() );
-							else
-							{
-								element.removeAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' ) ;
-								element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
-							}
+								this.setValue( "" );
-					{
-						id : 'txtValue',
-						type : 'text',
-						widths : [ '25%','75%' ],
-						labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-						label : editor.lang.select.value,
-						style : 'width:350px',
-						'default' : '',
-						className : 'cke_disabled',
-						onLoad : function()
-							this.getInputElement().setAttribute( 'readOnly', true );
+						type: 'select',
+						id: 'cmbName',
+						label: '',
+						title: '',
+						size: 5,
+						style: 'width:115px;height:75px',
+						items: [],
+						onChange: function() {
+							var dialog = this.getDialog(),
+								values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' ),
+								optName = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptName' ),
+								optValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptValue' ),
+								iIndex = getSelectedIndex( this );
+							setSelectedIndex( values, iIndex );
+							optName.setValue( this.getValue() );
+							optValue.setValue( values.getValue() );
+						},
+						setup: function( name, element ) {
+							if ( name == 'clear' )
+								removeAllOptions( this );
+							else if ( name == 'option' )
+								addOption( this, element.getText(), element.getText(), this.getDialog().getParentEditor().document );
-						setup : function( name, element )
+						commit: function( element ) {
+							var dialog = this.getDialog(),
+								optionsNames = getOptions( this ),
+								optionsValues = getOptions( dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' ) ),
+								selectValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtValue' ).getValue();
+							removeAllOptions( element );
+							for ( var i = 0; i < optionsNames.count(); i++ ) {
+								var oOption = addOption( element, optionsNames.getItem( i ).getValue(), optionsValues.getItem( i ).getValue(), dialog.getParentEditor().document );
+								if ( optionsValues.getItem( i ).getValue() == selectValue ) {
+									oOption.setAttribute( 'selected', 'selected' );
+									oOption.selected = true;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					]
+				},
+					{
+					type: 'vbox',
+					children: [
+						id: 'txtOptValue',
+						type: 'text',
+						label: editor.lang.forms.select.opValue,
+						style: 'width:115px',
+						setup: function( name, element ) {
 							if ( name == 'clear' )
-								this.setValue( '' );
-							else if ( name == 'option' && element.getAttribute( 'selected' ) )
-								this.setValue( element.$.value );
+								this.setValue( "" );
-					{
-						type : 'hbox',
-						widths : [ '175px', '170px' ],
-						align : 'center',
-						children :
-						[
-							{
-								id : 'txtSize',
-								type : 'text',
-								align : 'center',
-								labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-								label : editor.lang.select.size,
-								'default' : '',
-								accessKey : 'S',
-								style : 'width:175px',
-								validate: function()
-								{
-									var func = CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.common.validateNumberFailed );
-									return ( ( this.getValue() === '' ) || func.apply( this ) );
-								},
-								setup : function( name, element )
-								{
-									if ( name == 'select' )
-										this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'size' ) || '' );
-									if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
-										this.getInputElement().setStyle( 'width', '86px' );
-								},
-								commit : function( element )
-								{
-									if ( this.getValue() )
-										element.setAttribute( 'size', this.getValue() );
-									else
-										element.removeAttribute( 'size' );
-								}
-							},
-							{
-								type : 'html',
-								html : '<span>' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.select.lines ) + '</span>'
+						{
+						type: 'select',
+						id: 'cmbValue',
+						label: '',
+						size: 5,
+						style: 'width:115px;height:75px',
+						items: [],
+						onChange: function() {
+							var dialog = this.getDialog(),
+								names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
+								optName = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptName' ),
+								optValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptValue' ),
+								iIndex = getSelectedIndex( this );
+							setSelectedIndex( names, iIndex );
+							optName.setValue( names.getValue() );
+							optValue.setValue( this.getValue() );
+						},
+						setup: function( name, element ) {
+							if ( name == 'clear' )
+								removeAllOptions( this );
+							else if ( name == 'option' ) {
+								var oValue = element.getValue();
+								addOption( this, oValue, oValue, this.getDialog().getParentEditor().document );
+								if ( element.getAttribute( 'selected' ) == 'selected' )
+									this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'txtValue' ).setValue( oValue );
-						]
-					},
+						}
+					}
+					]
+				},
-						type : 'html',
-						html : '<span>' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.select.opAvail ) + '</span>'
+					type: 'vbox',
+					padding: 5,
+					children: [
+						{
+						type: 'button',
+						id: 'btnAdd',
+						style: '',
+						label: editor.lang.forms.select.btnAdd,
+						title: editor.lang.forms.select.btnAdd,
+						style: 'width:100%;',
+						onClick: function() {
+							//Add new option.
+							var dialog = this.getDialog(),
+								parentEditor = dialog.getParentEditor(),
+								optName = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptName' ),
+								optValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptValue' ),
+								names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
+								values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' );
+							addOption( names, optName.getValue(), optName.getValue(), dialog.getParentEditor().document );
+							addOption( values, optValue.getValue(), optValue.getValue(), dialog.getParentEditor().document );
+							optName.setValue( "" );
+							optValue.setValue( "" );
+						}
-					{
-						type : 'hbox',
-						widths : [ '115px', '115px' ,'100px' ],
-						align : 'top',
-						children :
-						[
-							{
-								type : 'vbox',
-								children :
-								[
-									{
-										id : 'txtOptName',
-										type : 'text',
-										label : editor.lang.select.opText,
-										style : 'width:115px',
-										setup : function( name, element )
-										{
-											if ( name == 'clear' )
-												this.setValue( "" );
-										}
-									},
-									{
-										type : 'select',
-										id : 'cmbName',
-										label : '',
-										title : '',
-										size : 5,
-										style : 'width:115px;height:75px',
-										items : [],
-										onChange : function()
-										{
-											var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-												values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' ),
-												optName = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptName' ),
-												optValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptValue' ),
-												iIndex = getSelectedIndex( this );
-											setSelectedIndex( values, iIndex );
-											optName.setValue( this.getValue() );
-											optValue.setValue( values.getValue() );
-										},
-										setup : function( name, element )
-										{
-											if ( name == 'clear' )
-												removeAllOptions( this );
-											else if ( name == 'option' )
-												addOption( this, element.getText(), element.getText(),
-													this.getDialog().getParentEditor().document );
-										},
-										commit : function( element )
-										{
-											var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-												optionsNames = getOptions( this ),
-												optionsValues = getOptions( dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' ) ),
-												selectValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtValue' ).getValue();
-											removeAllOptions( element );
-											for ( var i = 0 ; i < optionsNames.count() ; i++ )
-											{
-												var oOption = addOption( element, optionsNames.getItem( i ).getValue(),
-													optionsValues.getItem( i ).getValue(), dialog.getParentEditor().document );
-												if ( optionsValues.getItem( i ).getValue() == selectValue )
-												{
-													oOption.setAttribute( 'selected', 'selected' );
-													oOption.selected = true;
-												}
-											}
-										}
-									}
-								]
-							},
-							{
-								type : 'vbox',
-								children :
-								[
-									{
-										id : 'txtOptValue',
-										type : 'text',
-										label : editor.lang.select.opValue,
-										style : 'width:115px',
-										setup : function( name, element )
-										{
-											if ( name == 'clear' )
-												this.setValue( "" );
-										}
-									},
-									{
-										type : 'select',
-										id : 'cmbValue',
-										label : '',
-										size : 5,
-										style : 'width:115px;height:75px',
-										items : [],
-										onChange : function()
-										{
-											var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-												names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
-												optName = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptName' ),
-												optValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptValue' ),
-												iIndex = getSelectedIndex( this );
-											setSelectedIndex( names, iIndex );
-											optName.setValue( names.getValue() );
-											optValue.setValue( this.getValue() );
-										},
-										setup : function( name, element )
-										{
-											if ( name == 'clear' )
-												removeAllOptions( this );
-											else if ( name == 'option' )
-											{
-												var oValue	= element.getValue();
-												addOption( this, oValue, oValue,
-													this.getDialog().getParentEditor().document );
-												if ( element.getAttribute( 'selected' ) == 'selected' )
-													this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'txtValue' ).setValue( oValue );
-											}
-										}
-									}
-								]
-							},
-							{
-								type : 'vbox',
-								padding : 5,
-								children :
-								[
-									{
-										type : 'button',
-										style : '',
-										label : editor.lang.select.btnAdd,
-										title : editor.lang.select.btnAdd,
-										style : 'width:100%;',
-										onClick : function()
-										{
-											//Add new option.
-											var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-												parentEditor = dialog.getParentEditor(),
-												optName = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptName' ),
-												optValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptValue' ),
-												names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
-												values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' );
-											addOption(names, optName.getValue(), optName.getValue(), dialog.getParentEditor().document );
-											addOption(values, optValue.getValue(), optValue.getValue(), dialog.getParentEditor().document );
-											optName.setValue( "" );
-											optValue.setValue( "" );
-										}
-									},
-									{
-										type : 'button',
-										label : editor.lang.select.btnModify,
-										title : editor.lang.select.btnModify,
-										style : 'width:100%;',
-										onClick : function()
-										{
-											//Modify selected option.
-											var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-												optName = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptName' ),
-												optValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptValue' ),
-												names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
-												values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' ),
-												iIndex = getSelectedIndex( names );
-											if ( iIndex >= 0 )
-											{
-												modifyOption( names, iIndex, optName.getValue(), optName.getValue() );
-												modifyOption( values, iIndex, optValue.getValue(), optValue.getValue() );
-											}
-										}
-									},
-									{
-										type : 'button',
-										style : 'width:100%;',
-										label : editor.lang.select.btnUp,
-										title : editor.lang.select.btnUp,
-										onClick : function()
-										{
-											//Move up.
-											var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-												names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
-												values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' );
-											changeOptionPosition( names, -1, dialog.getParentEditor().document );
-											changeOptionPosition( values, -1, dialog.getParentEditor().document );
-										}
-									},
-									{
-										type : 'button',
-										style : 'width:100%;',
-										label : editor.lang.select.btnDown,
-										title : editor.lang.select.btnDown,
-										onClick : function()
-										{
-											//Move down.
-											var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-												names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
-												values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' );
-											changeOptionPosition( names, 1, dialog.getParentEditor().document );
-											changeOptionPosition( values, 1, dialog.getParentEditor().document );
-										}
-									}
-								]
+						{
+						type: 'button',
+						id: 'btnModify',
+						label: editor.lang.forms.select.btnModify,
+						title: editor.lang.forms.select.btnModify,
+						style: 'width:100%;',
+						onClick: function() {
+							//Modify selected option.
+							var dialog = this.getDialog(),
+								optName = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptName' ),
+								optValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptValue' ),
+								names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
+								values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' ),
+								iIndex = getSelectedIndex( names );
+							if ( iIndex >= 0 ) {
+								modifyOption( names, iIndex, optName.getValue(), optName.getValue() );
+								modifyOption( values, iIndex, optValue.getValue(), optValue.getValue() );
-						]
+						}
+						{
+						type: 'button',
+						id: 'btnUp',
+						style: 'width:100%;',
+						label: editor.lang.forms.select.btnUp,
+						title: editor.lang.forms.select.btnUp,
+						onClick: function() {
+							//Move up.
+							var dialog = this.getDialog(),
+								names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
+								values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' );
+							changeOptionPosition( names, -1, dialog.getParentEditor().document );
+							changeOptionPosition( values, -1, dialog.getParentEditor().document );
+						}
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'button',
+						id: 'btnDown',
+						style: 'width:100%;',
+						label: editor.lang.forms.select.btnDown,
+						title: editor.lang.forms.select.btnDown,
+						onClick: function() {
+							//Move down.
+							var dialog = this.getDialog(),
+								names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
+								values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' );
+							changeOptionPosition( names, 1, dialog.getParentEditor().document );
+							changeOptionPosition( values, 1, dialog.getParentEditor().document );
+						}
+					}
+					]
+				}
+				]
+			},
+				{
+				type: 'hbox',
+				widths: [ '40%', '20%', '40%' ],
+				children: [
-						type : 'hbox',
-						widths : [ '40%', '20%', '40%' ],
-						children :
-						[
-							{
-								type : 'button',
-								label : editor.lang.select.btnSetValue,
-								title : editor.lang.select.btnSetValue,
-								onClick : function()
-								{
-									//Set as default value.
-									var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-										values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' ),
-										txtValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtValue' );
-									txtValue.setValue( values.getValue() );
-								}
-							},
-							{
-								type : 'button',
-								label : editor.lang.select.btnDelete,
-								title : editor.lang.select.btnDelete,
-								onClick : function()
-								{
-									// Delete option.
-									var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-										names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
-										values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' ),
-										optName = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptName' ),
-										optValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptValue' );
-									removeSelectedOptions( names );
-									removeSelectedOptions( values );
-									optName.setValue( "" );
-									optValue.setValue( "" );
-								}
-							},
-							{
-								id : 'chkMulti',
-								type : 'checkbox',
-								label : editor.lang.select.chkMulti,
-								'default' : '',
-								accessKey : 'M',
-								value : "checked",
-								setup : function( name, element )
-								{
-									if ( name == 'select' )
-										this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'multiple' ) );
-									if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
-										this.getElement().getParent().setStyle( 'vertical-align', 'middle' );
-								},
-								commit : function( element )
-								{
-									if ( this.getValue() )
-										element.setAttribute( 'multiple', this.getValue() );
-									else
-										element.removeAttribute( 'multiple' );
-								}
-							}
-						]
+					type: 'button',
+					id: 'btnSetValue',
+					label: editor.lang.forms.select.btnSetValue,
+					title: editor.lang.forms.select.btnSetValue,
+					onClick: function() {
+						//Set as default value.
+						var dialog = this.getDialog(),
+							values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' ),
+							txtValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtValue' );
+						txtValue.setValue( values.getValue() );
+					}
+				},
+					{
+					type: 'button',
+					id: 'btnDelete',
+					label: editor.lang.forms.select.btnDelete,
+					title: editor.lang.forms.select.btnDelete,
+					onClick: function() {
+						// Delete option.
+						var dialog = this.getDialog(),
+							names = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbName' ),
+							values = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbValue' ),
+							optName = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptName' ),
+							optValue = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtOptValue' );
+						removeSelectedOptions( names );
+						removeSelectedOptions( values );
+						optName.setValue( "" );
+						optValue.setValue( "" );
+				},
+					{
+					id: 'chkMulti',
+					type: 'checkbox',
+					label: editor.lang.forms.select.chkMulti,
+					'default': '',
+					accessKey: 'M',
+					value: "checked",
+					setup: function( name, element ) {
+						if ( name == 'select' )
+							this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'multiple' ) );
+						if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
+							this.getElement().getParent().setStyle( 'vertical-align', 'middle' );
+					},
+					commit: function( element ) {
+						if ( this.getValue() )
+							element.setAttribute( 'multiple', this.getValue() );
+						else
+							element.removeAttribute( 'multiple' );
+					}
+				}
+			]
+		}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/textarea.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/textarea.js
index a8ba271..87eb2f3 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/textarea.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/textarea.js
@@ -1,32 +1,27 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'textarea', function( editor )
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'textarea', function( editor ) {
 	return {
-		title : editor.lang.textarea.title,
-		minWidth : 350,
-		minHeight : 150,
-		onShow : function()
-		{
+		title: editor.lang.forms.textarea.title,
+		minWidth: 350,
+		minHeight: 220,
+		onShow: function() {
 			delete this.textarea;
 			var element = this.getParentEditor().getSelection().getSelectedElement();
-			if ( element && element.getName() == "textarea" )
-			{
+			if ( element && element.getName() == "textarea" ) {
 				this.textarea = element;
 				this.setupContent( element );
-		onOk : function()
-		{
+		onOk: function() {
 			var editor,
 				element = this.textarea,
 				isInsertMode = !element;
-			if ( isInsertMode )
-			{
+			if ( isInsertMode ) {
 				editor = this.getParentEditor();
 				element = editor.document.createElement( 'textarea' );
@@ -35,80 +30,89 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'textarea', function( editor )
 			if ( isInsertMode )
 				editor.insertElement( element );
-		contents : [
+		contents: [
-				id : 'info',
-				label : editor.lang.textarea.title,
-				title : editor.lang.textarea.title,
-				elements : [
+			id: 'info',
+			label: editor.lang.forms.textarea.title,
+			title: editor.lang.forms.textarea.title,
+			elements: [
+				{
+				id: '_cke_saved_name',
+				type: 'text',
+				label: editor.lang.common.name,
+				'default': '',
+				accessKey: 'N',
+				setup: function( element ) {
+					this.setValue( element.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || element.getAttribute( 'name' ) || '' );
+				},
+				commit: function( element ) {
+					if ( this.getValue() )
+						element.data( 'cke-saved-name', this.getValue() );
+					else {
+						element.data( 'cke-saved-name', false );
+						element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
+					}
+				}
+			},
+				{
+				type: 'hbox',
+				widths: [ '50%', '50%' ],
+				children: [
-						id : '_cke_saved_name',
-						type : 'text',
-						label : editor.lang.common.name,
-						'default' : '',
-						accessKey : 'N',
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							this.setValue(
-									element.getAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' ) ||
-									element.getAttribute( 'name' ) ||
-									'' );
-						},
-						commit : function( element )
-						{
-							if ( this.getValue() )
-								element.setAttribute( '_cke_saved_name', this.getValue() );
-							else
-							{
-								element.removeAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' );
-								element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
-							}
-						}
+					id: 'cols',
+					type: 'text',
+					label: editor.lang.forms.textarea.cols,
+					'default': '',
+					accessKey: 'C',
+					style: 'width:50px',
+					validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.common.validateNumberFailed ),
+					setup: function( element ) {
+						var value = element.hasAttribute( 'cols' ) && element.getAttribute( 'cols' );
+						this.setValue( value || '' );
+					commit: function( element ) {
+						if ( this.getValue() )
+							element.setAttribute( 'cols', this.getValue() );
+						else
+							element.removeAttribute( 'cols' );
+					}
+				},
-						id : 'cols',
-						type : 'text',
-						label : editor.lang.textarea.cols,
-						'default' : '',
-						accessKey : 'C',
-						style : 'width:50px',
-						validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.common.validateNumberFailed ),
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							var value = element.hasAttribute( 'cols' ) && element.getAttribute( 'cols' );
-							this.setValue( value || '' );
-						},
-						commit : function( element )
-						{
-							if ( this.getValue() )
-								element.setAttribute( 'cols', this.getValue() );
-							else
-								element.removeAttribute( 'cols' );
-						}
+					id: 'rows',
+					type: 'text',
+					label: editor.lang.forms.textarea.rows,
+					'default': '',
+					accessKey: 'R',
+					style: 'width:50px',
+					validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.common.validateNumberFailed ),
+					setup: function( element ) {
+						var value = element.hasAttribute( 'rows' ) && element.getAttribute( 'rows' );
+						this.setValue( value || '' );
-					{
-						id : 'rows',
-						type : 'text',
-						label : editor.lang.textarea.rows,
-						'default' : '',
-						accessKey : 'R',
-						style : 'width:50px',
-						validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.common.validateNumberFailed ),
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							var value = element.hasAttribute( 'rows' ) && element.getAttribute( 'rows' );
-							this.setValue( value || '' );
-						},
-						commit : function( element )
-						{
-							if ( this.getValue() )
-								element.setAttribute( 'rows', this.getValue() );
-							else
-								element.removeAttribute( 'rows' );
-						}
+					commit: function( element ) {
+						if ( this.getValue() )
+							element.setAttribute( 'rows', this.getValue() );
+						else
+							element.removeAttribute( 'rows' );
+				}
+			},
+				{
+				id: 'value',
+				type: 'textarea',
+				label: editor.lang.forms.textfield.value,
+				'default': '',
+				setup: function( element ) {
+					this.setValue( element.$.defaultValue );
+				},
+				commit: function( element ) {
+					element.$.value = element.$.defaultValue = this.getValue();
+				}
+			]
+		}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/textfield.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/textfield.js
index a2a4d3d..e612f9f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/textfield.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/textfield.js
@@ -1,199 +1,182 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'textfield', function( editor )
-	var autoAttributes =
-	{
-		value : 1,
-		size : 1,
-		maxLength : 1
-	};
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'textfield', function( editor ) {
+	var autoAttributes = { value:1,size:1,maxLength:1 };
-	var acceptedTypes =
-	{
-		text : 1,
-		password : 1
-	};
+	var acceptedTypes = { email:1,password:1,search:1,tel:1,text:1,url:1 };
+	function autoCommit( data ) {
+		var element = data.element;
+		var value = this.getValue();
+		value ? element.setAttribute( this.id, value ) : element.removeAttribute( this.id );
+	}
+	function autoSetup( element ) {
+		var value = element.hasAttribute( this.id ) && element.getAttribute( this.id );
+		this.setValue( value || '' );
+	}
 	return {
-		title : editor.lang.textfield.title,
-		minWidth : 350,
-		minHeight : 150,
-		onShow : function()
-		{
+		title: editor.lang.forms.textfield.title,
+		minWidth: 350,
+		minHeight: 150,
+		onShow: function() {
 			delete this.textField;
 			var element = this.getParentEditor().getSelection().getSelectedElement();
-			if ( element && element.getName() == "input" &&
-					( acceptedTypes[ element.getAttribute( 'type' ) ] || !element.getAttribute( 'type' ) ) )
-			{
+			if ( element && element.getName() == "input" && ( acceptedTypes[ element.getAttribute( 'type' ) ] || !element.getAttribute( 'type' ) ) ) {
 				this.textField = element;
 				this.setupContent( element );
-		onOk : function()
-		{
-			var editor,
+		onOk: function() {
+			var editor = this.getParentEditor(),
 				element = this.textField,
 				isInsertMode = !element;
-			if ( isInsertMode )
-			{
-				editor = this.getParentEditor();
+			if ( isInsertMode ) {
 				element = editor.document.createElement( 'input' );
 				element.setAttribute( 'type', 'text' );
-			if ( isInsertMode )
-				editor.insertElement( element );
-			this.commitContent( { element : element } );
-		},
-		onLoad : function()
-		{
-			var autoSetup = function( element )
-			{
-				var value = element.hasAttribute( this.id ) && element.getAttribute( this.id );
-				this.setValue( value || '' );
-			};
+			var data = { element: element };
-			var autoCommit = function( data )
-			{
-				var element = data.element;
-				var value = this.getValue();
+			if ( isInsertMode )
+				editor.insertElement( data.element );
-				if ( value )
-					element.setAttribute( this.id, value );
-				else
-					element.removeAttribute( this.id );
-			};
+			this.commitContent( data );
-			this.foreach( function( contentObj )
-				{
-					if ( autoAttributes[ contentObj.id ] )
-					{
+			// Element might be replaced by commitment.
+			if ( !isInsertMode )
+				editor.getSelection().selectElement( data.element );
+		},
+		onLoad: function() {
+			this.foreach( function( contentObj ) {
+				if ( contentObj.getValue ) {
+					if ( !contentObj.setup )
 						contentObj.setup = autoSetup;
+					if ( !contentObj.commit )
 						contentObj.commit = autoCommit;
-					}
-				} );
+				}
+			});
-		contents : [
+		contents: [
-				id : 'info',
-				label : editor.lang.textfield.title,
-				title : editor.lang.textfield.title,
-				elements : [
+			id: 'info',
+			label: editor.lang.forms.textfield.title,
+			title: editor.lang.forms.textfield.title,
+			elements: [
+				{
+				type: 'hbox',
+				widths: [ '50%', '50%' ],
+				children: [
-						type : 'hbox',
-						widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-						children :
-						[
-							{
-								id : '_cke_saved_name',
-								type : 'text',
-								label : editor.lang.textfield.name,
-								'default' : '',
-								accessKey : 'N',
-								setup : function( element )
-								{
-									this.setValue(
-											element.getAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' ) ||
-											element.getAttribute( 'name' ) ||
-											'' );
-								},
-								commit : function( data )
-								{
-									var element = data.element;
-									if ( this.getValue() )
-										element.setAttribute( '_cke_saved_name', this.getValue() );
-									else
-									{
-										element.removeAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' );
-										element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
-									}
-								}
-							},
-							{
-								id : 'value',
-								type : 'text',
-								label : editor.lang.textfield.value,
-								'default' : '',
-								accessKey : 'V'
-							}
-						]
+					id: '_cke_saved_name',
+					type: 'text',
+					label: editor.lang.forms.textfield.name,
+					'default': '',
+					accessKey: 'N',
+					setup: function( element ) {
+						this.setValue( element.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || element.getAttribute( 'name' ) || '' );
-					{
-						type : 'hbox',
-						widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-						children :
-						[
-							{
-								id : 'size',
-								type : 'text',
-								label : editor.lang.textfield.charWidth,
-								'default' : '',
-								accessKey : 'C',
-								style : 'width:50px',
-								validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.common.validateNumberFailed )
-							},
-							{
-								id : 'maxLength',
-								type : 'text',
-								label : editor.lang.textfield.maxChars,
-								'default' : '',
-								accessKey : 'M',
-								style : 'width:50px',
-								validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.common.validateNumberFailed )
-							}
-						],
-						onLoad : function()
-						{
-							// Repaint the style for IE7 (#6068)
-							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat )
-								this.getElement().setStyle( 'zoom', '100%' );
+					commit: function( data ) {
+						var element = data.element;
+						if ( this.getValue() )
+							element.data( 'cke-saved-name', this.getValue() );
+						else {
+							element.data( 'cke-saved-name', false );
+							element.removeAttribute( 'name' );
-					},
+					}
+				},
-						id : 'type',
-						type : 'select',
-						label : editor.lang.textfield.type,
-						'default' : 'text',
-						accessKey : 'M',
-						items :
-						[
-							[ editor.lang.textfield.typeText, 'text' ],
-							[ editor.lang.textfield.typePass, 'password' ]
-						],
-						setup : function( element )
-						{
-							this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'type' ) );
-						},
-						commit : function( data )
-						{
-							var element = data.element;
+					id: 'value',
+					type: 'text',
+					label: editor.lang.forms.textfield.value,
+					'default': '',
+					accessKey: 'V',
+					commit: function( data ) {
+						if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && !this.getValue() ) {
+							var element = data.element,
+								fresh = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'input', editor.document );
+							element.copyAttributes( fresh, { value:1 } );
+							fresh.replace( element );
+							data.element = fresh;
+						} else
+							autoCommit.call( this, data );
+					}
+				}
+				]
+			},
+				{
+				type: 'hbox',
+				widths: [ '50%', '50%' ],
+				children: [
+					{
+					id: 'size',
+					type: 'text',
+					label: editor.lang.forms.textfield.charWidth,
+					'default': '',
+					accessKey: 'C',
+					style: 'width:50px',
+					validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.common.validateNumberFailed )
+				},
+					{
+					id: 'maxLength',
+					type: 'text',
+					label: editor.lang.forms.textfield.maxChars,
+					'default': '',
+					accessKey: 'M',
+					style: 'width:50px',
+					validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.common.validateNumberFailed )
+				}
+				],
+				onLoad: function() {
+					// Repaint the style for IE7 (#6068)
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat )
+						this.getElement().setStyle( 'zoom', '100%' );
+				}
+			},
+				{
+				id: 'type',
+				type: 'select',
+				label: editor.lang.forms.textfield.type,
+				'default': 'text',
+				accessKey: 'M',
+				items: [
+					[ editor.lang.forms.textfield.typeEmail,	'email' ],
+					[ editor.lang.forms.textfield.typePass,		'password' ],
+					[ editor.lang.forms.textfield.typeSearch,	'search' ],
+					[ editor.lang.forms.textfield.typeTel,		'tel' ],
+					[ editor.lang.forms.textfield.typeText,		'text' ],
+					[ editor.lang.forms.textfield.typeUrl,		'url' ]
+					],
+				setup: function( element ) {
+					this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'type' ) );
+				},
+				commit: function( data ) {
+					var element = data.element;
-							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-							{
-								var elementType = element.getAttribute( 'type' );
-								var myType = this.getValue();
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+						var elementType = element.getAttribute( 'type' );
+						var myType = this.getValue();
-								if ( elementType != myType )
-								{
-									var replace = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<input type="' + myType + '"></input>', editor.document );
-									element.copyAttributes( replace, { type : 1 } );
-									replace.replace( element );
-									editor.getSelection().selectElement( replace );
-									data.element = replace;
-								}
-							}
-							else
-								element.setAttribute( 'type', this.getValue() );
+						if ( elementType != myType ) {
+							var replace = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<input type="' + myType + '"></input>', editor.document );
+							element.copyAttributes( replace, { type:1 } );
+							replace.replace( element );
+							data.element = replace;
-					}
-				]
+					} else
+						element.setAttribute( 'type', this.getValue() );
+				}
+			]
+		}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/button.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/button.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..966df40
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/button.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/checkbox.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/checkbox.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..156a95b
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/checkbox.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/form.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/form.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28149fb
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/form.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/hiddenfield.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/hiddenfield.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b9be1e
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/hiddenfield.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/imagebutton.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/imagebutton.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc8f825
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/imagebutton.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/radio.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/radio.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01d5fc4
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/radio.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/select-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/select-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93c824d
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/select-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/select.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/select.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28dbc36
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/select.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/textarea-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/textarea-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6efe793
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/textarea-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/textarea.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/textarea.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5858815
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/textarea.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/textfield-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/textfield-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d567352
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/textfield-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/textfield.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/textfield.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d567352
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/icons/textfield.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/images/hiddenfield.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/images/hiddenfield.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..953f643
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/images/hiddenfield.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95d23c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'af', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Knop eienskappe',
+		text: 'Teks (Waarde)',
+		type: 'Soort',
+		typeBtn: 'Knop',
+		typeSbm: 'Stuur',
+		typeRst: 'Maak leeg'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Merkhokkie eienskappe',
+		radioTitle: 'Radioknoppie eienskappe',
+		value: 'Waarde',
+		selected: 'Geselekteer'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Vorm eienskappe',
+		menu: 'Vorm eienskappe',
+		action: 'Aksie',
+		method: 'Metode',
+		encoding: 'Kodering'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Verborge veld eienskappe',
+		name: 'Naam',
+		value: 'Waarde'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Keuseveld eienskappe',
+		selectInfo: 'Info',
+		opAvail: 'Beskikbare opsies',
+		value: 'Waarde',
+		size: 'Grootte',
+		lines: 'Lyne',
+		chkMulti: 'Laat meer as een keuse toe',
+		opText: 'Teks',
+		opValue: 'Waarde',
+		btnAdd: 'Byvoeg',
+		btnModify: 'Wysig',
+		btnUp: 'Op',
+		btnDown: 'Af',
+		btnSetValue: 'Stel as geselekteerde waarde',
+		btnDelete: 'Verwyder'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Teks-area eienskappe',
+		cols: 'Kolomme',
+		rows: 'Rye'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Teksveld eienskappe',
+		name: 'Naam',
+		value: 'Waarde',
+		charWidth: 'Breedte (karakters)',
+		maxChars: 'Maksimum karakters',
+		type: 'Soort',
+		typeText: 'Teks',
+		typePass: 'Wagwoord',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..848d9a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'ar', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'خصائص زر الضغط',
+		text: 'القيمة/التسمية',
+		type: 'نوع الزر',
+		typeBtn: 'زر',
+		typeSbm: 'إرسال',
+		typeRst: 'إعادة تعيين'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'خصائص خانة الإختيار',
+		radioTitle: 'خصائص زر الخيار',
+		value: 'القيمة',
+		selected: 'محدد'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'خصائص النموذج',
+		menu: 'خصائص النموذج',
+		action: 'اسم الملف',
+		method: 'الأسلوب',
+		encoding: 'تشفير'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'خصائص الحقل المخفي',
+		name: 'الاسم',
+		value: 'القيمة'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'خصائص اختيار الحقل',
+		selectInfo: 'اختار معلومات',
+		opAvail: 'الخيارات المتاحة',
+		value: 'القيمة',
+		size: 'الحجم',
+		lines: 'الأسطر',
+		chkMulti: 'السماح بتحديدات متعددة',
+		opText: 'النص',
+		opValue: 'القيمة',
+		btnAdd: 'إضافة',
+		btnModify: 'تعديل',
+		btnUp: 'أعلى',
+		btnDown: 'أسفل',
+		btnSetValue: 'إجعلها محددة',
+		btnDelete: 'إزالة'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'خصائص مساحة النص',
+		cols: 'الأعمدة',
+		rows: 'الصفوف'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'خصائص مربع النص',
+		name: 'الاسم',
+		value: 'القيمة',
+		charWidth: 'عرض السمات',
+		maxChars: 'اقصى عدد للسمات',
+		type: 'نوع المحتوى',
+		typeText: 'نص',
+		typePass: 'كلمة مرور',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2514a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'bg', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Настройки на бутона',
+		text: 'Текст (стойност)',
+		type: 'Тип',
+		typeBtn: 'Бутон',
+		typeSbm: 'Добави',
+		typeRst: 'Нулиране'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Checkbox Properties',
+		radioTitle: 'Настройки на радиобутон',
+		value: 'Стойност',
+		selected: 'Избрано'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Настройки на формата',
+		menu: 'Настройки на формата',
+		action: 'Действие',
+		method: 'Метод',
+		encoding: 'Кодиране'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Настройки за скрито поле',
+		name: 'Име',
+		value: 'Стойност'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Selection Field Properties',
+		selectInfo: 'Select Info',
+		opAvail: 'Налични опции',
+		value: 'Стойност',
+		size: 'Размер',
+		lines: 'линии',
+		chkMulti: 'Allow multiple selections',
+		opText: 'Текст',
+		opValue: 'Стойност',
+		btnAdd: 'Добави',
+		btnModify: 'Промени',
+		btnUp: 'На горе',
+		btnDown: 'На долу',
+		btnSetValue: 'Set as selected value',
+		btnDelete: 'Изтриване'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Опции за текстовата зона',
+		cols: 'Колони',
+		rows: 'Редове'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Настройки за текстово поле',
+		name: 'Име',
+		value: 'Стойност',
+		charWidth: 'Ширина на знаците',
+		maxChars: 'Макс. знаци',
+		type: 'Тип',
+		typeText: 'Текст',
+		typePass: 'Парола',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e99703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'bn', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'বাটন প্রোপার্টি',
+		text: 'টেক্সট (ভ্যালু)',
+		type: 'প্রকার',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'চেক বক্স প্রোপার্টি',
+		radioTitle: 'রেডিও বাটন প্রোপার্টি',
+		value: 'ভ্যালু',
+		selected: 'সিলেক্টেড'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'ফর্ম প্রোপার্টি',
+		menu: 'ফর্ম প্রোপার্টি',
+		action: 'একশ্যন',
+		method: 'পদ্ধতি',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'গুপ্ত ফীল্ড প্রোপার্টি',
+		name: 'নাম',
+		value: 'ভ্যালু'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'বাছাই ফীল্ড প্রোপার্টি',
+		selectInfo: 'তথ্য',
+		opAvail: 'অন্যান্য বিকল্প',
+		value: 'ভ্যালু',
+		size: 'সাইজ',
+		lines: 'লাইন সমূহ',
+		chkMulti: 'একাধিক সিলেকশন এলাউ কর',
+		opText: 'টেক্সট',
+		opValue: 'ভ্যালু',
+		btnAdd: 'যুক্ত',
+		btnModify: 'বদলে দাও',
+		btnUp: 'উপর',
+		btnDown: 'নীচে',
+		btnSetValue: 'বাছাই করা ভ্যালু হিসেবে সেট কর',
+		btnDelete: 'ডিলীট'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'টেক্সট এরিয়া প্রোপার্টি',
+		cols: 'কলাম',
+		rows: 'রো'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'টেক্সট ফীল্ড প্রোপার্টি',
+		name: 'নাম',
+		value: 'ভ্যালু',
+		charWidth: 'ক্যারেক্টার প্রশস্ততা',
+		maxChars: 'সর্বাধিক ক্যারেক্টার',
+		type: 'টাইপ',
+		typeText: 'টেক্সট',
+		typePass: 'পাসওয়ার্ড',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa728ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'bs', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Button Properties',
+		text: 'Text (Value)',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Checkbox Properties',
+		radioTitle: 'Radio Button Properties',
+		value: 'Value',
+		selected: 'Selected'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Form Properties',
+		menu: 'Form Properties',
+		action: 'Action',
+		method: 'Method',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Hidden Field Properties',
+		name: 'Name',
+		value: 'Value'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Selection Field Properties',
+		selectInfo: 'Select Info',
+		opAvail: 'Available Options',
+		value: 'Value',
+		size: 'Size',
+		lines: 'lines',
+		chkMulti: 'Allow multiple selections',
+		opText: 'Text',
+		opValue: 'Value',
+		btnAdd: 'Add',
+		btnModify: 'Modify',
+		btnUp: 'Up',
+		btnDown: 'Down',
+		btnSetValue: 'Set as selected value',
+		btnDelete: 'Delete'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Textarea Properties',
+		cols: 'Columns',
+		rows: 'Rows'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Text Field Properties',
+		name: 'Name',
+		value: 'Value',
+		charWidth: 'Character Width',
+		maxChars: 'Maximum Characters',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeText: 'Text',
+		typePass: 'Password',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1a0ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'ca', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Propietats del botó',
+		text: 'Text (Valor)',
+		type: 'Tipus',
+		typeBtn: 'Botó',
+		typeSbm: 'Transmet formulari',
+		typeRst: 'Reinicia formulari'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Propietats de la casella de verificació',
+		radioTitle: 'Propietats del botó d\'opció',
+		value: 'Valor',
+		selected: 'Seleccionat'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Propietats del formulari',
+		menu: 'Propietats del formulari',
+		action: 'Acció',
+		method: 'Mètode',
+		encoding: 'Codificació'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Propietats del camp ocult',
+		name: 'Nom',
+		value: 'Valor'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Propietats del camp de selecció',
+		selectInfo: 'Info',
+		opAvail: 'Opcions disponibles',
+		value: 'Valor',
+		size: 'Mida',
+		lines: 'Línies',
+		chkMulti: 'Permet múltiples seleccions',
+		opText: 'Text',
+		opValue: 'Valor',
+		btnAdd: 'Afegeix',
+		btnModify: 'Modifica',
+		btnUp: 'Amunt',
+		btnDown: 'Avall',
+		btnSetValue: 'Selecciona per defecte',
+		btnDelete: 'Elimina'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Propietats de l\'àrea de text',
+		cols: 'Columnes',
+		rows: 'Files'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Propietats del camp de text',
+		name: 'Nom',
+		value: 'Valor',
+		charWidth: 'Amplada',
+		maxChars: 'Nombre màxim de caràcters',
+		type: 'Tipus',
+		typeText: 'Text',
+		typePass: 'Contrasenya',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6217ef1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'cs', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Vlastnosti tlačítka',
+		text: 'Popisek',
+		type: 'Typ',
+		typeBtn: 'Tlačítko',
+		typeSbm: 'Odeslat',
+		typeRst: 'Obnovit'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Vlastnosti zaškrtávacího políčka',
+		radioTitle: 'Vlastnosti přepínače',
+		value: 'Hodnota',
+		selected: 'Zaškrtnuto'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Vlastnosti formuláře',
+		menu: 'Vlastnosti formuláře',
+		action: 'Akce',
+		method: 'Metoda',
+		encoding: 'Kódování'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Vlastnosti skrytého pole',
+		name: 'Název',
+		value: 'Hodnota'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Vlastnosti seznamu',
+		selectInfo: 'Info',
+		opAvail: 'Dostupná nastavení',
+		value: 'Hodnota',
+		size: 'Velikost',
+		lines: 'Řádků',
+		chkMulti: 'Povolit mnohonásobné výběry',
+		opText: 'Text',
+		opValue: 'Hodnota',
+		btnAdd: 'Přidat',
+		btnModify: 'Změnit',
+		btnUp: 'Nahoru',
+		btnDown: 'Dolů',
+		btnSetValue: 'Nastavit jako vybranou hodnotu',
+		btnDelete: 'Smazat'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Vlastnosti textové oblasti',
+		cols: 'Sloupců',
+		rows: 'Řádků'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Vlastnosti textového pole',
+		name: 'Název',
+		value: 'Hodnota',
+		charWidth: 'Šířka ve znacích',
+		maxChars: 'Maximální počet znaků',
+		type: 'Typ',
+		typeText: 'Text',
+		typePass: 'Heslo',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..955fe80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'cy', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Priodweddau Botymau',
+		text: 'Testun (Gwerth)',
+		type: 'Math',
+		typeBtn: 'Botwm',
+		typeSbm: 'Gyrru',
+		typeRst: 'Ailosod'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Priodweddau Blwch Ticio',
+		radioTitle: 'Priodweddau Botwm Radio',
+		value: 'Gwerth',
+		selected: 'Dewiswyd'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Priodweddau Ffurflen',
+		menu: 'Priodweddau Ffurflen',
+		action: 'Gweithred',
+		method: 'Dull',
+		encoding: 'Amgodio'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Priodweddau Maes Cudd',
+		name: 'Enw',
+		value: 'Gwerth'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Priodweddau Maes Dewis',
+		selectInfo: 'Gwyb Dewis',
+		opAvail: 'Opsiynau ar Gael',
+		value: 'Gwerth',
+		size: 'Maint',
+		lines: 'llinellau',
+		chkMulti: 'Caniatàu aml-ddewisiadau',
+		opText: 'Testun',
+		opValue: 'Gwerth',
+		btnAdd: 'Ychwanegu',
+		btnModify: 'Newid',
+		btnUp: 'Lan',
+		btnDown: 'Lawr',
+		btnSetValue: 'Gosod fel gwerth a ddewiswyd',
+		btnDelete: 'Dileu'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Priodweddau Ardal Testun',
+		cols: 'Colofnau',
+		rows: 'Rhesi'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Priodweddau Maes Testun',
+		name: 'Enw',
+		value: 'Gwerth',
+		charWidth: 'Lled Nod',
+		maxChars: 'Uchafswm y Nodau',
+		type: 'Math',
+		typeText: 'Testun',
+		typePass: 'Cyfrinair',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc07a83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'da', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Egenskaber for knap',
+		text: 'Tekst',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeBtn: 'Knap',
+		typeSbm: 'Send',
+		typeRst: 'Nulstil'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Egenskaber for afkrydsningsfelt',
+		radioTitle: 'Egenskaber for alternativknap',
+		value: 'Værdi',
+		selected: 'Valgt'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Egenskaber for formular',
+		menu: 'Egenskaber for formular',
+		action: 'Handling',
+		method: 'Metode',
+		encoding: 'Kodning (encoding)'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Egenskaber for skjult felt',
+		name: 'Navn',
+		value: 'Værdi'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Egenskaber for liste',
+		selectInfo: 'Generelt',
+		opAvail: 'Valgmuligheder',
+		value: 'Værdi',
+		size: 'Størrelse',
+		lines: 'Linjer',
+		chkMulti: 'Tillad flere valg',
+		opText: 'Tekst',
+		opValue: 'Værdi',
+		btnAdd: 'Tilføj',
+		btnModify: 'Redigér',
+		btnUp: 'Op',
+		btnDown: 'Ned',
+		btnSetValue: 'Sæt som valgt',
+		btnDelete: 'Slet'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Egenskaber for tekstboks',
+		cols: 'Kolonner',
+		rows: 'Rækker'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Egenskaber for tekstfelt',
+		name: 'Navn',
+		value: 'Værdi',
+		charWidth: 'Bredde (tegn)',
+		maxChars: 'Max. antal tegn',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeText: 'Tekst',
+		typePass: 'Adgangskode',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8313fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'de', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Button-Eigenschaften',
+		text: 'Text (Wert)',
+		type: 'Typ',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Absenden',
+		typeRst: 'Zurücksetzen'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Checkbox-Eigenschaften',
+		radioTitle: 'Optionsfeld-Eigenschaften',
+		value: 'Wert',
+		selected: 'ausgewählt'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Formular-Eigenschaften',
+		menu: 'Formular-Eigenschaften',
+		action: 'Action',
+		method: 'Method',
+		encoding: 'Zeichenkodierung'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Verstecktes Feld-Eigenschaften',
+		name: 'Name',
+		value: 'Wert'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Auswahlfeld-Eigenschaften',
+		selectInfo: 'Info',
+		opAvail: 'Mögliche Optionen',
+		value: 'Wert',
+		size: 'Größe',
+		lines: 'Linien',
+		chkMulti: 'Erlaube Mehrfachauswahl',
+		opText: 'Text',
+		opValue: 'Wert',
+		btnAdd: 'Hinzufügen',
+		btnModify: 'Ändern',
+		btnUp: 'Hoch',
+		btnDown: 'Runter',
+		btnSetValue: 'Setze als Standardwert',
+		btnDelete: 'Entfernen'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Textfeld (mehrzeilig) Eigenschaften',
+		cols: 'Spalten',
+		rows: 'Reihen'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Textfeld (einzeilig) Eigenschaften',
+		name: 'Name',
+		value: 'Wert',
+		charWidth: 'Zeichenbreite',
+		maxChars: 'Max. Zeichen',
+		type: 'Typ',
+		typeText: 'Text',
+		typePass: 'Passwort',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2556e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'el', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Ιδιότητες Κουμπιού',
+		text: 'Κείμενο (Τιμή)',
+		type: 'Τύπος',
+		typeBtn: 'Κουμπί',
+		typeSbm: 'Υποβολή',
+		typeRst: 'Επαναφορά'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Ιδιότητες Κουτιού Επιλογής',
+		radioTitle: 'Ιδιότητες Κουμπιού Επιλογής',
+		value: 'Τιμή',
+		selected: 'Επιλεγμένο'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Ιδιότητες Φόρμας',
+		menu: 'Ιδιότητες Φόρμας',
+		action: 'Δράση',
+		method: 'Μέθοδος',
+		encoding: 'Κωδικοποίηση'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Ιδιότητες Κρυφού Πεδίου',
+		name: 'Όνομα',
+		value: 'Τιμή'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Ιδιότητες Πεδίου Επιλογής',
+		selectInfo: 'Πληροφορίες Πεδίου Επιλογής',
+		opAvail: 'Διαθέσιμες Επιλογές',
+		value: 'Τιμή',
+		size: 'Μέγεθος',
+		lines: 'γραμμές',
+		chkMulti: 'Να επιτρέπονται οι πολλαπλές επιλογές',
+		opText: 'Κείμενο',
+		opValue: 'Τιμή',
+		btnAdd: 'Προσθήκη',
+		btnModify: 'Τροποποίηση',
+		btnUp: 'Πάνω',
+		btnDown: 'Κάτω',
+		btnSetValue: 'Προεπιλογή',
+		btnDelete: 'Διαγραφή'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Ιδιότητες Περιοχής Κειμένου',
+		cols: 'Στήλες',
+		rows: 'Σειρές'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Ιδιότητες Πεδίου Κειμένου',
+		name: 'Όνομα',
+		value: 'Τιμή',
+		charWidth: 'Πλάτος Χαρακτήρων',
+		maxChars: 'Μέγιστοι χαρακτήρες',
+		type: 'Τύπος',
+		typeText: 'Κείμενο',
+		typePass: 'Κωδικός',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2ba823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'en-au', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Button Properties',
+		text: 'Text (Value)',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Checkbox Properties',
+		radioTitle: 'Radio Button Properties',
+		value: 'Value',
+		selected: 'Selected'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Form Properties',
+		menu: 'Form Properties',
+		action: 'Action',
+		method: 'Method',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Hidden Field Properties',
+		name: 'Name',
+		value: 'Value'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Selection Field Properties',
+		selectInfo: 'Select Info',
+		opAvail: 'Available Options',
+		value: 'Value',
+		size: 'Size',
+		lines: 'lines',
+		chkMulti: 'Allow multiple selections',
+		opText: 'Text',
+		opValue: 'Value',
+		btnAdd: 'Add',
+		btnModify: 'Modify',
+		btnUp: 'Up',
+		btnDown: 'Down',
+		btnSetValue: 'Set as selected value',
+		btnDelete: 'Delete'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Textarea Properties',
+		cols: 'Columns',
+		rows: 'Rows'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Text Field Properties',
+		name: 'Name',
+		value: 'Value',
+		charWidth: 'Character Width',
+		maxChars: 'Maximum Characters',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeText: 'Text',
+		typePass: 'Password',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b96d01d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'en-ca', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Button Properties',
+		text: 'Text (Value)',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Checkbox Properties',
+		radioTitle: 'Radio Button Properties',
+		value: 'Value',
+		selected: 'Selected'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Form Properties',
+		menu: 'Form Properties',
+		action: 'Action',
+		method: 'Method',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Hidden Field Properties',
+		name: 'Name',
+		value: 'Value'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Selection Field Properties',
+		selectInfo: 'Select Info',
+		opAvail: 'Available Options',
+		value: 'Value',
+		size: 'Size',
+		lines: 'lines',
+		chkMulti: 'Allow multiple selections',
+		opText: 'Text',
+		opValue: 'Value',
+		btnAdd: 'Add',
+		btnModify: 'Modify',
+		btnUp: 'Up',
+		btnDown: 'Down',
+		btnSetValue: 'Set as selected value',
+		btnDelete: 'Delete'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Textarea Properties',
+		cols: 'Columns',
+		rows: 'Rows'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Text Field Properties',
+		name: 'Name',
+		value: 'Value',
+		charWidth: 'Character Width',
+		maxChars: 'Maximum Characters',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeText: 'Text',
+		typePass: 'Password',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14e11d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'en-gb', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Button Properties',
+		text: 'Text (Value)',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Checkbox Properties',
+		radioTitle: 'Radio Button Properties',
+		value: 'Value',
+		selected: 'Selected'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Form Properties',
+		menu: 'Form Properties',
+		action: 'Action',
+		method: 'Method',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Hidden Field Properties',
+		name: 'Name',
+		value: 'Value'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Selection Field Properties',
+		selectInfo: 'Select Info',
+		opAvail: 'Available Options',
+		value: 'Value',
+		size: 'Size',
+		lines: 'lines',
+		chkMulti: 'Allow multiple selections',
+		opText: 'Text',
+		opValue: 'Value',
+		btnAdd: 'Add',
+		btnModify: 'Modify',
+		btnUp: 'Up',
+		btnDown: 'Down',
+		btnSetValue: 'Set as selected value',
+		btnDelete: 'Delete'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Textarea Properties',
+		cols: 'Columns',
+		rows: 'Rows'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Text Field Properties',
+		name: 'Name',
+		value: 'Value',
+		charWidth: 'Character Width',
+		maxChars: 'Maximum Characters',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeText: 'Text',
+		typePass: 'Password',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5825643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'en', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Button Properties',
+		text: 'Text (Value)',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Checkbox Properties',
+		radioTitle: 'Radio Button Properties',
+		value: 'Value',
+		selected: 'Selected'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Form Properties',
+		menu: 'Form Properties',
+		action: 'Action',
+		method: 'Method',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Hidden Field Properties',
+		name: 'Name',
+		value: 'Value'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Selection Field Properties',
+		selectInfo: 'Select Info',
+		opAvail: 'Available Options',
+		value: 'Value',
+		size: 'Size',
+		lines: 'lines',
+		chkMulti: 'Allow multiple selections',
+		opText: 'Text',
+		opValue: 'Value',
+		btnAdd: 'Add',
+		btnModify: 'Modify',
+		btnUp: 'Up',
+		btnDown: 'Down',
+		btnSetValue: 'Set as selected value',
+		btnDelete: 'Delete'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Textarea Properties',
+		cols: 'Columns',
+		rows: 'Rows'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Text Field Properties',
+		name: 'Name',
+		value: 'Value',
+		charWidth: 'Character Width',
+		maxChars: 'Maximum Characters',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeText: 'Text',
+		typePass: 'Password',
+		typeEmail: 'Email',
+		typeSearch: 'Search',
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number',
+		typeUrl: 'URL'
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fd5438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'eo', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Butonaj atributoj',
+		text: 'Teksto (Valoro)',
+		type: 'Tipo',
+		typeBtn: 'Butono',
+		typeSbm: 'Validigi (submit)',
+		typeRst: 'Remeti en la originstaton (Reset)'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Markobutonaj Atributoj',
+		radioTitle: 'Radiobutonaj Atributoj',
+		value: 'Valoro',
+		selected: 'Selektita'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Formularaj Atributoj',
+		menu: 'Formularaj Atributoj',
+		action: 'Ago',
+		method: 'Metodo',
+		encoding: 'Kodoprezento'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Atributoj de Kaŝita Kampo',
+		name: 'Nomo',
+		value: 'Valoro'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Atributoj de Elekta Kampo',
+		selectInfo: 'Informoj pri la rulummenuo',
+		opAvail: 'Elektoj Disponeblaj',
+		value: 'Valoro',
+		size: 'Grando',
+		lines: 'Linioj',
+		chkMulti: 'Permesi Plurajn Elektojn',
+		opText: 'Teksto',
+		opValue: 'Valoro',
+		btnAdd: 'Aldoni',
+		btnModify: 'Modifi',
+		btnUp: 'Supren',
+		btnDown: 'Malsupren',
+		btnSetValue: 'Agordi kiel Elektitan Valoron',
+		btnDelete: 'Forigi'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Atributoj de Teksta Areo',
+		cols: 'Kolumnoj',
+		rows: 'Linioj'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Atributoj de Teksta Kampo',
+		name: 'Nomo',
+		value: 'Valoro',
+		charWidth: 'Signolarĝo',
+		maxChars: 'Maksimuma Nombro da Signoj',
+		type: 'Tipo',
+		typeText: 'Teksto',
+		typePass: 'Pasvorto',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de37ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'es', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Propiedades de Botón',
+		text: 'Texto (Valor)',
+		type: 'Tipo',
+		typeBtn: 'Boton',
+		typeSbm: 'Enviar',
+		typeRst: 'Reestablecer'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Propiedades de Casilla',
+		radioTitle: 'Propiedades de Botón de Radio',
+		value: 'Valor',
+		selected: 'Seleccionado'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Propiedades de Formulario',
+		menu: 'Propiedades de Formulario',
+		action: 'Acción',
+		method: 'Método',
+		encoding: 'Codificación'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Propiedades de Campo Oculto',
+		name: 'Nombre',
+		value: 'Valor'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Propiedades de Campo de Selección',
+		selectInfo: 'Información',
+		opAvail: 'Opciones disponibles',
+		value: 'Valor',
+		size: 'Tamaño',
+		lines: 'Lineas',
+		chkMulti: 'Permitir múltiple selección',
+		opText: 'Texto',
+		opValue: 'Valor',
+		btnAdd: 'Agregar',
+		btnModify: 'Modificar',
+		btnUp: 'Subir',
+		btnDown: 'Bajar',
+		btnSetValue: 'Establecer como predeterminado',
+		btnDelete: 'Eliminar'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Propiedades de Area de Texto',
+		cols: 'Columnas',
+		rows: 'Filas'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Propiedades de Campo de Texto',
+		name: 'Nombre',
+		value: 'Valor',
+		charWidth: 'Caracteres de ancho',
+		maxChars: 'Máximo caracteres',
+		type: 'Tipo',
+		typeText: 'Texto',
+		typePass: 'Contraseña',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8903b0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'et', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Nupu omadused',
+		text: 'Tekst (väärtus)',
+		type: 'Liik',
+		typeBtn: 'Nupp',
+		typeSbm: 'Saada',
+		typeRst: 'Lähtesta'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Märkeruudu omadused',
+		radioTitle: 'Raadionupu omadused',
+		value: 'Väärtus',
+		selected: 'Märgitud'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Vormi omadused',
+		menu: 'Vormi omadused',
+		action: 'Toiming',
+		method: 'Meetod',
+		encoding: 'Kodeering'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Varjatud lahtri omadused',
+		name: 'Nimi',
+		value: 'Väärtus'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Valiklahtri omadused',
+		selectInfo: 'Info',
+		opAvail: 'Võimalikud valikud:',
+		value: 'Väärtus',
+		size: 'Suurus',
+		lines: 'ridu',
+		chkMulti: 'Võimalik mitu valikut',
+		opText: 'Tekst',
+		opValue: 'Väärtus',
+		btnAdd: 'Lisa',
+		btnModify: 'Muuda',
+		btnUp: 'Ãœles',
+		btnDown: 'Alla',
+		btnSetValue: 'Määra vaikimisi',
+		btnDelete: 'Kustuta'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Tekstiala omadused',
+		cols: 'Veerge',
+		rows: 'Ridu'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Tekstilahtri omadused',
+		name: 'Nimi',
+		value: 'Väärtus',
+		charWidth: 'Laius (tähemärkides)',
+		maxChars: 'Maksimaalselt tähemärke',
+		type: 'Liik',
+		typeText: 'Tekst',
+		typePass: 'Parool',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edbde6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'eu', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Botoiaren Ezaugarriak',
+		text: 'Testua (Balorea)',
+		type: 'Mota',
+		typeBtn: 'Botoia',
+		typeSbm: 'Bidali',
+		typeRst: 'Garbitu'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Kontrol-laukiko Ezaugarriak',
+		radioTitle: 'Aukera-botoiaren Ezaugarriak',
+		value: 'Balorea',
+		selected: 'Hautatuta'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Formularioaren Ezaugarriak',
+		menu: 'Formularioaren Ezaugarriak',
+		action: 'Ekintza',
+		method: 'Metodoa',
+		encoding: 'Kodeketa'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Ezkutuko Eremuaren Ezaugarriak',
+		name: 'Izena',
+		value: 'Balorea'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Hautespen Eremuaren Ezaugarriak',
+		selectInfo: 'Informazioa',
+		opAvail: 'Aukera Eskuragarriak',
+		value: 'Balorea',
+		size: 'Tamaina',
+		lines: 'lerro kopurura',
+		chkMulti: 'Hautaketa anitzak baimendu',
+		opText: 'Testua',
+		opValue: 'Balorea',
+		btnAdd: 'Gehitu',
+		btnModify: 'Aldatu',
+		btnUp: 'Gora',
+		btnDown: 'Behera',
+		btnSetValue: 'Aukeratutako balorea ezarri',
+		btnDelete: 'Ezabatu'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Testu-arearen Ezaugarriak',
+		cols: 'Zutabeak',
+		rows: 'Lerroak'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Testu Eremuaren Ezaugarriak',
+		name: 'Izena',
+		value: 'Balorea',
+		charWidth: 'Zabalera',
+		maxChars: 'Zenbat karaktere gehienez',
+		type: 'Mota',
+		typeText: 'Testua',
+		typePass: 'Pasahitza',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..614d550
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'fa', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'ویژگیهای دکمه',
+		text: 'متن (مقدار)',
+		type: 'نوع',
+		typeBtn: 'دکمه',
+		typeSbm: 'ثبت',
+		typeRst: 'بازنشانی (Reset)'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'ویژگیهای خانهٴ گزینهای',
+		radioTitle: 'ویژگیهای دکمهٴ رادیویی',
+		value: 'مقدار',
+		selected: 'برگزیده'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'ویژگیهای فرم',
+		menu: 'ویژگیهای فرم',
+		action: 'رویداد',
+		method: 'متد',
+		encoding: 'رمزنگاری'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'ویژگیهای فیلد پنهان',
+		name: 'نام',
+		value: 'مقدار'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'ویژگیهای فیلد چندگزینهای',
+		selectInfo: 'اطلاعات',
+		opAvail: 'گزینههای دردسترس',
+		value: 'مقدار',
+		size: 'اندازه',
+		lines: 'خطوط',
+		chkMulti: 'گزینش چندگانه فراهم باشد',
+		opText: 'متن',
+		opValue: 'مقدار',
+		btnAdd: 'افزودن',
+		btnModify: 'ویرایش',
+		btnUp: 'بالا',
+		btnDown: 'پائین',
+		btnSetValue: 'تنظیم به عنوان مقدار برگزیده',
+		btnDelete: 'پاککردن'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'ویژگیهای ناحیهٴ متنی',
+		cols: 'ستونها',
+		rows: 'سطرها'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'ویژگیهای فیلد متنی',
+		name: 'نام',
+		value: 'مقدار',
+		charWidth: 'پهنای نویسه',
+		maxChars: 'بیشینهٴ نویسهها',
+		type: 'نوع',
+		typeText: 'متن',
+		typePass: 'گذرواژه',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e705fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'fi', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Painikkeen ominaisuudet',
+		text: 'Teksti (arvo)',
+		type: 'Tyyppi',
+		typeBtn: 'Painike',
+		typeSbm: 'Lähetä',
+		typeRst: 'Tyhjennä'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Valintaruudun ominaisuudet',
+		radioTitle: 'Radiopainikkeen ominaisuudet',
+		value: 'Arvo',
+		selected: 'Valittu'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Lomakkeen ominaisuudet',
+		menu: 'Lomakkeen ominaisuudet',
+		action: 'Toiminto',
+		method: 'Tapa',
+		encoding: 'Enkoodaus'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Piilokentän ominaisuudet',
+		name: 'Nimi',
+		value: 'Arvo'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Valintakentän ominaisuudet',
+		selectInfo: 'Info',
+		opAvail: 'Ominaisuudet',
+		value: 'Arvo',
+		size: 'Koko',
+		lines: 'Rivit',
+		chkMulti: 'Salli usea valinta',
+		opText: 'Teksti',
+		opValue: 'Arvo',
+		btnAdd: 'Lisää',
+		btnModify: 'Muuta',
+		btnUp: 'Ylös',
+		btnDown: 'Alas',
+		btnSetValue: 'Aseta valituksi',
+		btnDelete: 'Poista'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Tekstilaatikon ominaisuudet',
+		cols: 'Sarakkeita',
+		rows: 'Rivejä'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Tekstikentän ominaisuudet',
+		name: 'Nimi',
+		value: 'Arvo',
+		charWidth: 'Leveys',
+		maxChars: 'Maksimi merkkimäärä',
+		type: 'Tyyppi',
+		typeText: 'Teksti',
+		typePass: 'Salasana',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb15718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'fo', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Eginleikar fyri knøtt',
+		text: 'Tekstur',
+		type: 'Slag',
+		typeBtn: 'Knøttur',
+		typeSbm: 'Send',
+		typeRst: 'Nullstilla'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Eginleikar fyri flugubein',
+		radioTitle: 'Eginleikar fyri radioknøtt',
+		value: 'Virði',
+		selected: 'Valt'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Eginleikar fyri Form',
+		menu: 'Eginleikar fyri Form',
+		action: 'Hending',
+		method: 'Háttur',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Eginleikar fyri fjaldan teig',
+		name: 'Navn',
+		value: 'Virði'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Eginleikar fyri valskrá',
+		selectInfo: 'Upplýsingar',
+		opAvail: 'Tøkir møguleikar',
+		value: 'Virði',
+		size: 'Stødd',
+		lines: 'Linjur',
+		chkMulti: 'Loyv fleiri valmøguleikum samstundis',
+		opText: 'Tekstur',
+		opValue: 'Virði',
+		btnAdd: 'Legg afturat',
+		btnModify: 'Broyt',
+		btnUp: 'Upp',
+		btnDown: 'Niður',
+		btnSetValue: 'Set sum valt virði',
+		btnDelete: 'Strika'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Eginleikar fyri tekstumráði',
+		cols: 'kolonnur',
+		rows: 'røðir'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Eginleikar fyri tekstteig',
+		name: 'Navn',
+		value: 'Virði',
+		charWidth: 'Breidd (sjónlig tekn)',
+		maxChars: 'Mest loyvdu tekn',
+		type: 'Slag',
+		typeText: 'Tekstur',
+		typePass: 'Loyniorð',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8f8f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'fr-ca', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Propriétés du bouton',
+		text: 'Texte (Valeur)',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeBtn: 'Bouton',
+		typeSbm: 'Soumettre',
+		typeRst: 'Réinitialiser'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Propriétés de la case à cocher',
+		radioTitle: 'Propriétés du bouton radio',
+		value: 'Valeur',
+		selected: 'Sélectionné'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Propriétés du formulaire',
+		menu: 'Propriétés du formulaire',
+		action: 'Action',
+		method: 'Méthode',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Propriétés du champ caché',
+		name: 'Nom',
+		value: 'Valeur'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Propriétés de la liste/du menu',
+		selectInfo: 'Info',
+		opAvail: 'Options disponibles',
+		value: 'Valeur',
+		size: 'Taille',
+		lines: 'lignes',
+		chkMulti: 'Sélection multiple',
+		opText: 'Texte',
+		opValue: 'Valeur',
+		btnAdd: 'Ajouter',
+		btnModify: 'Modifier',
+		btnUp: 'Monter',
+		btnDown: 'Descendre',
+		btnSetValue: 'Valeur sélectionnée',
+		btnDelete: 'Supprimer'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Propriétés de la zone de texte',
+		cols: 'Colonnes',
+		rows: 'Lignes'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Propriétés du champ texte',
+		name: 'Nom',
+		value: 'Valeur',
+		charWidth: 'Largeur en caractères',
+		maxChars: 'Nombre maximum de caractères',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeText: 'Texte',
+		typePass: 'Mot de passe',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cef771b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'fr', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Propriétés du bouton',
+		text: 'Texte (Value)',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeBtn: 'Bouton',
+		typeSbm: 'Validation (submit)',
+		typeRst: 'Remise à zéro'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Propriétés de la case à cocher',
+		radioTitle: 'Propriétés du bouton Radio',
+		value: 'Valeur',
+		selected: 'Sélectionné'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Propriétés du formulaire',
+		menu: 'Propriétés du formulaire',
+		action: 'Action',
+		method: 'Méthode',
+		encoding: 'Encodage'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Propriétés du champ caché',
+		name: 'Nom',
+		value: 'Valeur'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Propriétés du menu déroulant',
+		selectInfo: 'Informations sur le menu déroulant',
+		opAvail: 'Options disponibles',
+		value: 'Valeur',
+		size: 'Taille',
+		lines: 'Lignes',
+		chkMulti: 'Permettre les sélections multiples',
+		opText: 'Texte',
+		opValue: 'Valeur',
+		btnAdd: 'Ajouter',
+		btnModify: 'Modifier',
+		btnUp: 'Haut',
+		btnDown: 'Bas',
+		btnSetValue: 'Définir comme valeur sélectionnée',
+		btnDelete: 'Supprimer'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Propriétés de la zone de texte',
+		cols: 'Colonnes',
+		rows: 'Lignes'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Propriétés du champ texte',
+		name: 'Nom',
+		value: 'Valeur',
+		charWidth: 'Taille des caractères',
+		maxChars: 'Nombre maximum de caractères',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeText: 'Texte',
+		typePass: 'Mot de passe',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac5a0a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'gl', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Propriedades do Botón',
+		text: 'Texto (Valor)',
+		type: 'Tipo',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Propriedades do Cadro de Verificación',
+		radioTitle: 'Propriedades do Botón de Radio',
+		value: 'Valor',
+		selected: 'Seleccionado'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Propriedades do Formulario',
+		menu: 'Propriedades do Formulario',
+		action: 'Acción',
+		method: 'Método',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Propriedades do Campo Oculto',
+		name: 'Nome',
+		value: 'Valor'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Propriedades do Campo de Selección',
+		selectInfo: 'Info',
+		opAvail: 'Opcións Disponibles',
+		value: 'Valor',
+		size: 'Tamaño',
+		lines: 'liñas',
+		chkMulti: 'Permitir múltiples seleccións',
+		opText: 'Texto',
+		opValue: 'Valor',
+		btnAdd: 'Engadir',
+		btnModify: 'Modificar',
+		btnUp: 'Subir',
+		btnDown: 'Baixar',
+		btnSetValue: 'Definir como valor por defecto',
+		btnDelete: 'Borrar'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Propriedades da Área de Texto',
+		cols: 'Columnas',
+		rows: 'Filas'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Propriedades do Campo de Texto',
+		name: 'Nome',
+		value: 'Valor',
+		charWidth: 'Tamaño do Caracter',
+		maxChars: 'Máximo de Caracteres',
+		type: 'Tipo',
+		typeText: 'Texto',
+		typePass: 'Chave',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14dc57f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'gu', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'બટનના ગુણ',
+		text: 'ટેક્સ્ટ (વૅલ્યૂ)',
+		type: 'પ્રકાર',
+		typeBtn: 'બટન',
+		typeSbm: 'સબ્મિટ',
+		typeRst: 'રિસેટ'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'ચેક બોક્સ ગુણ',
+		radioTitle: 'રેડિઓ બટનના ગુણ',
+		value: 'વૅલ્યૂ',
+		selected: 'સિલેક્ટેડ'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'ફૉર્મ/પત્રકના ગુણ',
+		menu: 'ફૉર્મ/પત્રકના ગુણ',
+		action: 'ક્રિયા',
+		method: 'પદ્ધતિ',
+		encoding: 'અન્કોડીન્ગ'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'ગુપ્ત ક્ષેત્રના ગુણ',
+		name: 'નામ',
+		value: 'વૅલ્યૂ'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'પસંદગી ક્ષેત્રના ગુણ',
+		selectInfo: 'સૂચના',
+		opAvail: 'ઉપલબ્ધ વિકલ્પ',
+		value: 'વૅલ્યૂ',
+		size: 'સાઇઝ',
+		lines: 'લીટીઓ',
+		chkMulti: 'એકથી વધારે પસંદ કરી શકો',
+		opText: 'ટેક્સ્ટ',
+		opValue: 'વૅલ્યૂ',
+		btnAdd: 'ઉમેરવું',
+		btnModify: 'બદલવું',
+		btnUp: 'ઉપર',
+		btnDown: 'નીચે',
+		btnSetValue: 'પસંદ કરલી વૅલ્યૂ સેટ કરો',
+		btnDelete: 'રદ કરવું'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'ટેક્સ્ટ એઅરિઆ, શબ્દ વિસ્તારના ગુણ',
+		cols: 'કૉલમ/ઊભી કટાર',
+		rows: 'પંક્તિઓ'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'ટેક્સ્ટ ફીલ્ડ, શબ્દ ક્ષેત્રના ગુણ',
+		name: 'નામ',
+		value: 'વૅલ્યૂ',
+		charWidth: 'કેરેક્ટરની પહોળાઈ',
+		maxChars: 'અધિકતમ કેરેક્ટર',
+		type: 'ટાઇપ',
+		typeText: 'ટેક્સ્ટ',
+		typePass: 'પાસવર્ડ',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7eb90f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'he', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'מאפייני כפתור',
+		text: 'טקסט (ערך)',
+		type: 'סוג',
+		typeBtn: 'כפתור',
+		typeSbm: 'שליחה',
+		typeRst: 'איפוס'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'מאפייני תיבת סימון',
+		radioTitle: 'מאפייני לחצן אפשרויות',
+		value: 'ערך',
+		selected: 'מסומן'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'מאפיני טופס',
+		menu: 'מאפיני טופס',
+		action: 'שלח אל',
+		method: 'סוג שליחה',
+		encoding: 'קידוד'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'מאפיני שדה חבוי',
+		name: 'שם',
+		value: 'ערך'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'מאפייני שדה בחירה',
+		selectInfo: 'מידע',
+		opAvail: 'אפשרויות זמינות',
+		value: 'ערך',
+		size: 'גודל',
+		lines: 'שורות',
+		chkMulti: 'איפשור בחירות מרובות',
+		opText: 'טקסט',
+		opValue: 'ערך',
+		btnAdd: 'הוספה',
+		btnModify: 'שינוי',
+		btnUp: 'למעלה',
+		btnDown: 'למטה',
+		btnSetValue: 'קביעה כברירת מחדל',
+		btnDelete: 'מחיקה'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'מאפייני איזור טקסט',
+		cols: 'עמודות',
+		rows: 'שורות'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'מאפייני שדה טקסט',
+		name: 'שם',
+		value: 'ערך',
+		charWidth: 'רוחב לפי תווים',
+		maxChars: 'מקסימום תווים',
+		type: 'סוג',
+		typeText: 'טקסט',
+		typePass: 'סיסמה',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6f85ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'hi', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'बटन प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+		text: 'टेक्स्ट (वैल्यू)',
+		type: 'प्रकार',
+		typeBtn: 'बटन',
+		typeSbm: 'सब्मिट',
+		typeRst: 'रिसेट'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'चॅक बॉक्स प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+		radioTitle: 'रेडिओ बटन प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+		value: 'वैल्यू',
+		selected: 'सॅलॅक्टॅड'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'फ़ॉर्म प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+		menu: 'फ़ॉर्म प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+		action: 'क्रिया',
+		method: 'तरीका',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'गुप्त फ़ील्ड प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+		name: 'नाम',
+		value: 'वैल्यू'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'चुनाव फ़ील्ड प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+		selectInfo: 'सूचना',
+		opAvail: 'उपलब्ध विकल्प',
+		value: 'वैल्यू',
+		size: 'साइज़',
+		lines: 'पंक्तियाँ',
+		chkMulti: 'एक से ज्यादा विकल्प चुनने दें',
+		opText: 'टेक्स्ट',
+		opValue: 'वैल्यू',
+		btnAdd: 'जोड़ें',
+		btnModify: 'बदलें',
+		btnUp: 'ऊपर',
+		btnDown: 'नीचे',
+		btnSetValue: 'चुनी गई वैल्यू सॅट करें',
+		btnDelete: 'डिलीट'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'टेक्स्त एरिया प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+		cols: 'कालम',
+		rows: 'पंक्तियां'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'टेक्स्ट फ़ील्ड प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+		name: 'नाम',
+		value: 'वैल्यू',
+		charWidth: 'करॅक्टर की चौढ़ाई',
+		maxChars: 'अधिकतम करॅक्टर',
+		type: 'टाइप',
+		typeText: 'टेक्स्ट',
+		typePass: 'पास्वर्ड',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a32ed81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'hr', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Image Button svojstva',
+		text: 'Tekst (vrijednost)',
+		type: 'Vrsta',
+		typeBtn: 'Gumb',
+		typeSbm: 'Pošalji',
+		typeRst: 'Poništi'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Checkbox svojstva',
+		radioTitle: 'Radio Button svojstva',
+		value: 'Vrijednost',
+		selected: 'Odabrano'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Form svojstva',
+		menu: 'Form svojstva',
+		action: 'Akcija',
+		method: 'Metoda',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Hidden Field svojstva',
+		name: 'Ime',
+		value: 'Vrijednost'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Selection svojstva',
+		selectInfo: 'Info',
+		opAvail: 'Dostupne opcije',
+		value: 'Vrijednost',
+		size: 'Veličina',
+		lines: 'linija',
+		chkMulti: 'Dozvoli višestruki odabir',
+		opText: 'Tekst',
+		opValue: 'Vrijednost',
+		btnAdd: 'Dodaj',
+		btnModify: 'Promijeni',
+		btnUp: 'Gore',
+		btnDown: 'Dolje',
+		btnSetValue: 'Postavi kao odabranu vrijednost',
+		btnDelete: 'Obriši'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Textarea svojstva',
+		cols: 'Kolona',
+		rows: 'Redova'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Text Field svojstva',
+		name: 'Ime',
+		value: 'Vrijednost',
+		charWidth: 'Å irina',
+		maxChars: 'Najviše karaktera',
+		type: 'Vrsta',
+		typeText: 'Tekst',
+		typePass: 'Å ifra',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd0ca09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'hu', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Gomb tulajdonságai',
+		text: 'Szöveg (Érték)',
+		type: 'Típus',
+		typeBtn: 'Gomb',
+		typeSbm: 'Küldés',
+		typeRst: 'Alaphelyzet'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Jelölőnégyzet tulajdonságai',
+		radioTitle: 'Választógomb tulajdonságai',
+		value: 'Érték',
+		selected: 'Kiválasztott'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Űrlap tulajdonságai',
+		menu: 'Űrlap tulajdonságai',
+		action: 'Adatfeldolgozást végző hivatkozás',
+		method: 'Adatküldés módja',
+		encoding: 'Kódolás'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Rejtett mező tulajdonságai',
+		name: 'Név',
+		value: 'Érték'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Legördülő lista tulajdonságai',
+		selectInfo: 'Alaptulajdonságok',
+		opAvail: 'Elérhető opciók',
+		value: 'Érték',
+		size: 'Méret',
+		lines: 'sor',
+		chkMulti: 'több sor is kiválasztható',
+		opText: 'Szöveg',
+		opValue: 'Érték',
+		btnAdd: 'Hozzáad',
+		btnModify: 'Módosít',
+		btnUp: 'Fel',
+		btnDown: 'Le',
+		btnSetValue: 'Legyen az alapértelmezett érték',
+		btnDelete: 'Töröl'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Szövegterület tulajdonságai',
+		cols: 'Karakterek száma egy sorban',
+		rows: 'Sorok száma'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Szövegmező tulajdonságai',
+		name: 'Név',
+		value: 'Érték',
+		charWidth: 'Megjelenített karakterek száma',
+		maxChars: 'Maximális karakterszám',
+		type: 'Típus',
+		typeText: 'Szöveg',
+		typePass: 'Jelszó',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..941af48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'is', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Eigindi hnapps',
+		text: 'Texti',
+		type: 'Gerð',
+		typeBtn: 'Hnappur',
+		typeSbm: 'Staðfesta',
+		typeRst: 'Hreinsa'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Eigindi markreits',
+		radioTitle: 'Eigindi valhnapps',
+		value: 'Gildi',
+		selected: 'Valið'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Eigindi innsláttarforms',
+		menu: 'Eigindi innsláttarforms',
+		action: 'Aðgerð',
+		method: 'Aðferð',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Eigindi falins svæðis',
+		name: 'Nafn',
+		value: 'Gildi'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Eigindi lista',
+		selectInfo: 'Upplýsingar',
+		opAvail: 'Kostir',
+		value: 'Gildi',
+		size: 'Stærð',
+		lines: 'línur',
+		chkMulti: 'Leyfa fleiri kosti',
+		opText: 'Texti',
+		opValue: 'Gildi',
+		btnAdd: 'Bæta við',
+		btnModify: 'Breyta',
+		btnUp: 'Upp',
+		btnDown: 'Niður',
+		btnSetValue: 'Merkja sem valið',
+		btnDelete: 'Eyða'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Eigindi textasvæðis',
+		cols: 'Dálkar',
+		rows: 'Línur'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Eigindi textareits',
+		name: 'Nafn',
+		value: 'Gildi',
+		charWidth: 'Breidd (leturtákn)',
+		maxChars: 'Hámarksfjöldi leturtákna',
+		type: 'Gerð',
+		typeText: 'Texti',
+		typePass: 'Lykilorð',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d25b62b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'it', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Proprietà bottone',
+		text: 'Testo (Valore)',
+		type: 'Tipo',
+		typeBtn: 'Bottone',
+		typeSbm: 'Invio',
+		typeRst: 'Annulla'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Proprietà checkbox',
+		radioTitle: 'Proprietà radio button',
+		value: 'Valore',
+		selected: 'Selezionato'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Proprietà modulo',
+		menu: 'Proprietà modulo',
+		action: 'Azione',
+		method: 'Metodo',
+		encoding: 'Codifica'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Proprietà campo nascosto',
+		name: 'Nome',
+		value: 'Valore'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Proprietà menu di selezione',
+		selectInfo: 'Info',
+		opAvail: 'Opzioni disponibili',
+		value: 'Valore',
+		size: 'Dimensione',
+		lines: 'righe',
+		chkMulti: 'Permetti selezione multipla',
+		opText: 'Testo',
+		opValue: 'Valore',
+		btnAdd: 'Aggiungi',
+		btnModify: 'Modifica',
+		btnUp: 'Su',
+		btnDown: 'Gi',
+		btnSetValue: 'Imposta come predefinito',
+		btnDelete: 'Rimuovi'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Proprietà area di testo',
+		cols: 'Colonne',
+		rows: 'Righe'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Proprietà campo di testo',
+		name: 'Nome',
+		value: 'Valore',
+		charWidth: 'Larghezza',
+		maxChars: 'Numero massimo di caratteri',
+		type: 'Tipo',
+		typeText: 'Testo',
+		typePass: 'Password',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..580e6d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'ja', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'ボタン プロパティ',
+		text: 'テキスト (値)',
+		type: 'タイプ',
+		typeBtn: 'ボタン',
+		typeSbm: '送信',
+		typeRst: 'リセット'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'チェックボックス プロパティ',
+		radioTitle: 'ラジオボタン プロパティ',
+		value: '値',
+		selected: '選択済み'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'フォーム プロパティ',
+		menu: 'フォーム プロパティ',
+		action: 'アクション',
+		method: 'メソッド',
+		encoding: 'エンコーディング'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: '不可視フィールド プロパティ',
+		name: '名前',
+		value: '値'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: '選択フィールド プロパティ',
+		selectInfo: '情報',
+		opAvail: '利用可能なオプション',
+		value: '選択項目値',
+		size: 'サイズ',
+		lines: '行',
+		chkMulti: '複数項目選択を許可',
+		opText: '選択項目名',
+		opValue: '値',
+		btnAdd: '追加',
+		btnModify: '編集',
+		btnUp: '上へ',
+		btnDown: '下へ',
+		btnSetValue: '選択した値を設定',
+		btnDelete: '削除'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'テキストエリア プロパティ',
+		cols: '列',
+		rows: '行'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: '1行テキスト プロパティ',
+		name: '名前',
+		value: '値',
+		charWidth: 'サイズ',
+		maxChars: '最大長',
+		type: 'タイプ',
+		typeText: 'テキスト',
+		typePass: 'パスワード入力',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28eac7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'ka', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'ღილაკის პარამეტრები',
+		text: 'ტექსტი',
+		type: 'ტიპი',
+		typeBtn: 'ღილაკი',
+		typeSbm: 'გაგზავნა',
+		typeRst: 'გასუფთავება'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'მონიშვნის ღილაკის (Checkbox) პარამეტრები',
+		radioTitle: 'ასარჩევი ღილაკის (Radio) პარამეტრები',
+		value: 'ტექსტი',
+		selected: 'არჩეული'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'ფორმის პარამეტრები',
+		menu: 'ფორმის პარამეტრები',
+		action: 'ქმედება',
+		method: 'მეთოდი',
+		encoding: 'კოდირება'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'მალული ველის პარამეტრები',
+		name: 'სახელი',
+		value: 'მნიშვნელობა'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'არჩევის ველის პარამეტრები',
+		selectInfo: 'ინფორმაცია',
+		opAvail: 'შესაძლებელი ვარიანტები',
+		value: 'მნიშვნელობა',
+		size: 'ზომა',
+		lines: 'ხაზები',
+		chkMulti: 'მრავლობითი არჩევანის საშუალება',
+		opText: 'ტექსტი',
+		opValue: 'მნიშვნელობა',
+		btnAdd: 'დამატება',
+		btnModify: 'შეცვლა',
+		btnUp: 'ზემოთ',
+		btnDown: 'ქვემოთ',
+		btnSetValue: 'ამორჩეულ მნიშვნელოვნად დაყენება',
+		btnDelete: 'წაშლა'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'ტექსტური არის პარამეტრები',
+		cols: 'სვეტები',
+		rows: 'სტრიქონები'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'ტექსტური ველის პარამეტრები',
+		name: 'სახელი',
+		value: 'მნიშვნელობა',
+		charWidth: 'სიმბოლოს ზომა',
+		maxChars: 'ასოების მაქსიმალური ოდენობა',
+		type: 'ტიპი',
+		typeText: 'ტექსტი',
+		typePass: 'პაროლი',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91c8ceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'km', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'ការកំណត់ ប៉ូតុន',
+		text: 'អត្ថបទ(តំលៃ)',
+		type: 'ប្រភេទ',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'ការកំណត់ប្រអប់ជ្រើសរើស',
+		radioTitle: 'ការកំណត់ប៉ូតុនរង្វង់',
+		value: 'តំលៃ',
+		selected: 'បានជ្រើសរើស'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'ការកំណត់បែបបទ',
+		menu: 'ការកំណត់បែបបទ',
+		action: 'សកម្មភាព',
+		method: 'វិធី',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'ការកំណត់ជួរលាក់',
+		name: 'ឈ្មោះ',
+		value: 'តំលៃ'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'ការកំណត់ជួរជ្រើសរើស',
+		selectInfo: 'ពត៌មាន',
+		opAvail: 'ការកំណត់ជ្រើសរើស ដែលអាចកំណត់បាន',
+		value: 'តំលៃ',
+		size: 'ទំហំ',
+		lines: 'បន្ទាត់',
+		chkMulti: 'អនុញ្ញាតអោយជ្រើសរើសច្រើន',
+		opText: 'ពាក្យ',
+		opValue: 'តំលៃ',
+		btnAdd: 'បន្ថែម',
+		btnModify: 'ផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',
+		btnUp: 'លើ',
+		btnDown: 'ក្រោម',
+		btnSetValue: 'Set as selected value',
+		btnDelete: 'លប់'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'ការកំណត់កន្លែងសរសេរអត្ថបទ',
+		cols: 'ជូរឈរ',
+		rows: 'ជូរផ្តេក'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'ការកំណត់ជួរអត្ថបទ',
+		name: 'ឈ្មោះ',
+		value: 'តំលៃ',
+		charWidth: 'ទទឹង អក្សរ',
+		maxChars: 'អក្សរអតិបរិមា',
+		type: 'ប្រភេទ',
+		typeText: 'ពាក្យ',
+		typePass: 'ពាក្យសំងាត់',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b5117b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'ko', {
+	button: {
+		title: '버튼 속성',
+		text: '버튼글자(값)',
+		type: '버튼종류',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: '체크박스 속성',
+		radioTitle: '라디오버튼 속성',
+		value: 'ê°’',
+		selected: '선택됨'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: '폼 속성',
+		menu: '폼 속성',
+		action: '실행경로(Action)',
+		method: '방법(Method)',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: '숨김필드 속성',
+		name: '이름',
+		value: 'ê°’'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: '펼침목록 속성',
+		selectInfo: 'ì •ë³´',
+		opAvail: '선택옵션',
+		value: 'ê°’',
+		size: '세로크기',
+		lines: '줄',
+		chkMulti: '여러항목 선택 허용',
+		opText: '이름',
+		opValue: 'ê°’',
+		btnAdd: '추가',
+		btnModify: '변경',
+		btnUp: '위로',
+		btnDown: '아래로',
+		btnSetValue: '선택된것으로 설정',
+		btnDelete: '삭제'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: '입력영역 속성',
+		cols: '칸수',
+		rows: '줄수'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: '입력필드 속성',
+		name: '이름',
+		value: 'ê°’',
+		charWidth: '글자 너비',
+		maxChars: '최대 글자수',
+		type: '종류',
+		typeText: '문자열',
+		typePass: '비밀번호',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1748d61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'ku', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'خاسیهتی دوگمه',
+		text: '(نرخی) دهق',
+		type: 'جۆر',
+		typeBtn: 'دوگمه',
+		typeSbm: 'ناردن',
+		typeRst: 'ڕێکخستنهوه'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'خاسیهتی چووارگۆشی پشکنین',
+		radioTitle: 'خاسیهتی جێگرهوهی دوگمه',
+		value: 'نرخ',
+		selected: 'ههڵبژاردرا'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'خاسیهتی داڕشته',
+		menu: 'خاسیهتی داڕشته',
+		action: 'کردار',
+		method: 'Ú•ÛŽÚ¯Ù‡',
+		encoding: 'بهکۆدکهر'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'خاسیهتی خانهی شاردراوه',
+		name: 'ناو',
+		value: 'نرخ'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'ههڵبژاردهی خاسیهتی خانه',
+		selectInfo: 'زانیاری',
+		opAvail: 'ههڵبژاردهی ههبوو',
+		value: 'نرخ',
+		size: 'گهورهیی',
+		lines: 'هێڵهکان',
+		chkMulti: 'ڕێدان بهفره ههڵبژارده',
+		opText: 'دهق',
+		opValue: 'نرخ',
+		btnAdd: 'زیادکردن',
+		btnModify: 'گۆڕانکاری',
+		btnUp: 'سهرهوه',
+		btnDown: 'خوارهوه',
+		btnSetValue: 'دابنێ وهك نرخێکی ههڵبژێردراو',
+		btnDelete: 'سڕینهوه'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'خاسیهتی ڕووبهری دهق',
+		cols: 'ئهستونیهکان',
+		rows: 'ڕیزهکان'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'خاسیهتی خانهی دهق',
+		name: 'ناو',
+		value: 'نرخ',
+		charWidth: 'پانی نووسه',
+		maxChars: 'ئهوپهڕی نووسه',
+		type: 'جۆر',
+		typeText: 'دهق',
+		typePass: 'پێپهڕهوشه',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12b45ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'lt', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Mygtuko savybÄ—s',
+		text: 'Tekstas (Reikšmė)',
+		type: 'Tipas',
+		typeBtn: 'Mygtukas',
+		typeSbm: 'Siųsti',
+		typeRst: 'IÅ¡valyti'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Žymimojo langelio savybės',
+		radioTitle: 'Žymimosios akutės savybės',
+		value: 'Reikšmė',
+		selected: 'Pažymėtas'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Formos savybÄ—s',
+		menu: 'Formos savybÄ—s',
+		action: 'Veiksmas',
+		method: 'Metodas',
+		encoding: 'Kodavimas'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Nerodomo lauko savybÄ—s',
+		name: 'Vardas',
+		value: 'Reikšmė'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Atrankos lauko savybÄ—s',
+		selectInfo: 'Informacija',
+		opAvail: 'Galimos parinktys',
+		value: 'Reikšmė',
+		size: 'Dydis',
+		lines: 'eilučių',
+		chkMulti: 'Leisti daugeriopÄ… atrankÄ…',
+		opText: 'Tekstas',
+		opValue: 'Reikšmė',
+		btnAdd: 'Įtraukti',
+		btnModify: 'Modifikuoti',
+		btnUp: 'Aukštyn',
+		btnDown: 'Žemyn',
+		btnSetValue: 'Laikyti pažymėta reikšme',
+		btnDelete: 'Trinti'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Teksto srities savybÄ—s',
+		cols: 'Ilgis',
+		rows: 'Plotis'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Teksto lauko savybÄ—s',
+		name: 'Vardas',
+		value: 'Reikšmė',
+		charWidth: 'Ilgis simboliais',
+		maxChars: 'Maksimalus simbolių skaičius',
+		type: 'Tipas',
+		typeText: 'Tekstas',
+		typePass: 'Slaptažodis',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..554015c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'lv', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Pogas īpašības',
+		text: 'Teksts (vērtība)',
+		type: 'Tips',
+		typeBtn: 'Poga',
+		typeSbm: 'Nosūtīt',
+		typeRst: 'Atcelt'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Atzīmēšanas kastītes īpašības',
+		radioTitle: 'Izvēles poga īpašības',
+		value: 'Vērtība',
+		selected: 'Iezīmēts'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Formas īpašības',
+		menu: 'Formas īpašības',
+		action: 'Darbība',
+		method: 'Metode',
+		encoding: 'Kodējums'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Paslēptās teksta rindas īpašības',
+		name: 'Nosaukums',
+		value: 'Vērtība'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Iezīmēšanas lauka īpašības',
+		selectInfo: 'Informācija',
+		opAvail: 'Pieejamās iespējas',
+		value: 'Vērtība',
+		size: 'Izmērs',
+		lines: 'rindas',
+		chkMulti: 'Atļaut vairākus iezīmējumus',
+		opText: 'Teksts',
+		opValue: 'Vērtība',
+		btnAdd: 'Pievienot',
+		btnModify: 'Veikt izmaiņas',
+		btnUp: 'Augšup',
+		btnDown: 'Lejup',
+		btnSetValue: 'Noteikt kā iezīmēto vērtību',
+		btnDelete: 'Dzēst'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Teksta laukuma īpašības',
+		cols: 'Kolonnas',
+		rows: 'Rindas'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Teksta rindas  īpašības',
+		name: 'Nosaukums',
+		value: 'Vērtība',
+		charWidth: 'Simbolu platums',
+		maxChars: 'Simbolu maksimālais daudzums',
+		type: 'Tips',
+		typeText: 'Teksts',
+		typePass: 'Parole',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3819808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'mk', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Button Properties',
+		text: 'Text (Value)',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Checkbox Properties',
+		radioTitle: 'Radio Button Properties',
+		value: 'Value',
+		selected: 'Selected'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Form Properties',
+		menu: 'Form Properties',
+		action: 'Action',
+		method: 'Method',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Hidden Field Properties',
+		name: 'Name',
+		value: 'Value'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Selection Field Properties',
+		selectInfo: 'Select Info',
+		opAvail: 'Available Options',
+		value: 'Value',
+		size: 'Size',
+		lines: 'lines',
+		chkMulti: 'Allow multiple selections',
+		opText: 'Text',
+		opValue: 'Value',
+		btnAdd: 'Add',
+		btnModify: 'Modify',
+		btnUp: 'Up',
+		btnDown: 'Down',
+		btnSetValue: 'Set as selected value',
+		btnDelete: 'Delete'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Textarea Properties',
+		cols: 'Columns',
+		rows: 'Rows'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Text Field Properties',
+		name: 'Name',
+		value: 'Value',
+		charWidth: 'Character Width',
+		maxChars: 'Maximum Characters',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeText: 'Text',
+		typePass: 'Password',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cac82fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'mn', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Товчны шинж чанар',
+		text: 'Тэкст (Утга)',
+		type: 'Төрөл',
+		typeBtn: 'Товч',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Болих'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Чекбоксны шинж чанар',
+		radioTitle: 'Радио товчны шинж чанар',
+		value: 'Утга',
+		selected: 'Сонгогдсон'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Форм шинж чанар',
+		menu: 'Форм шинж чанар',
+		action: 'Үйлдэл',
+		method: 'Арга',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Нууц талбарын шинж чанар',
+		name: 'Нэр',
+		value: 'Утга'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Согогч талбарын шинж чанар',
+		selectInfo: 'Мэдээлэл',
+		opAvail: 'Идвэхтэй сонголт',
+		value: 'Утга',
+		size: 'Хэмжээ',
+		lines: 'Мөр',
+		chkMulti: 'Олон зүйл зэрэг сонгохыг зөвшөөрөх',
+		opText: 'Тэкст',
+		opValue: 'Утга',
+		btnAdd: 'Нэмэх',
+		btnModify: 'Өөрчлөх',
+		btnUp: 'Дээш',
+		btnDown: 'Доош',
+		btnSetValue: 'Сонгогдсан утга оноох',
+		btnDelete: 'Устгах'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Текст орчны шинж чанар',
+		cols: 'Багана',
+		rows: 'Мөр'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Текст талбарын шинж чанар',
+		name: 'Нэр',
+		value: 'Утга',
+		charWidth: 'Тэмдэгтын өргөн',
+		maxChars: 'Хамгийн их тэмдэгт',
+		type: 'Төрөл',
+		typeText: 'Текст',
+		typePass: 'Нууц үг',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2f88ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'ms', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Ciri-ciri Butang',
+		text: 'Teks (Nilai)',
+		type: 'Jenis',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Ciri-ciri Checkbox',
+		radioTitle: 'Ciri-ciri Butang Radio',
+		value: 'Nilai',
+		selected: 'Dipilih'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Ciri-ciri Borang',
+		menu: 'Ciri-ciri Borang',
+		action: 'Tindakan borang',
+		method: 'Cara borang dihantar',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Ciri-ciri Field Tersembunyi',
+		name: 'Nama',
+		value: 'Nilai'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Ciri-ciri Selection Field',
+		selectInfo: 'Select Info',
+		opAvail: 'Pilihan sediada',
+		value: 'Nilai',
+		size: 'Saiz',
+		lines: 'garisan',
+		chkMulti: 'Benarkan pilihan pelbagai',
+		opText: 'Teks',
+		opValue: 'Nilai',
+		btnAdd: 'Tambah Pilihan',
+		btnModify: 'Ubah Pilihan',
+		btnUp: 'Naik ke atas',
+		btnDown: 'Turun ke bawah',
+		btnSetValue: 'Set sebagai nilai terpilih',
+		btnDelete: 'Padam'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Ciri-ciri Textarea',
+		cols: 'Lajur',
+		rows: 'Baris'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Ciri-ciri Text Field',
+		name: 'Nama',
+		value: 'Nilai',
+		charWidth: 'Lebar isian',
+		maxChars: 'Isian Maksimum',
+		type: 'Jenis',
+		typeText: 'Teks',
+		typePass: 'Kata Laluan',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..328bb20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'nb', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper for knapp',
+		text: 'Tekst (verdi)',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeBtn: 'Knapp',
+		typeSbm: 'Send',
+		typeRst: 'Nullstill'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Egenskaper for avmerkingsboks',
+		radioTitle: 'Egenskaper for alternativknapp',
+		value: 'Verdi',
+		selected: 'Valgt'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper for skjema',
+		menu: 'Egenskaper for skjema',
+		action: 'Handling',
+		method: 'Metode',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper for skjult felt',
+		name: 'Navn',
+		value: 'Verdi'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper for rullegardinliste',
+		selectInfo: 'Info',
+		opAvail: 'Tilgjenglige alternativer',
+		value: 'Verdi',
+		size: 'Størrelse',
+		lines: 'Linjer',
+		chkMulti: 'Tillat flervalg',
+		opText: 'Tekst',
+		opValue: 'Verdi',
+		btnAdd: 'Legg til',
+		btnModify: 'Endre',
+		btnUp: 'Opp',
+		btnDown: 'Ned',
+		btnSetValue: 'Sett som valgt',
+		btnDelete: 'Slett'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper for tekstområde',
+		cols: 'Kolonner',
+		rows: 'Rader'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper for tekstfelt',
+		name: 'Navn',
+		value: 'Verdi',
+		charWidth: 'Tegnbredde',
+		maxChars: 'Maks antall tegn',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeText: 'Tekst',
+		typePass: 'Passord',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa58817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'nl', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Eigenschappen knop',
+		text: 'Tekst (waarde)',
+		type: 'Soort',
+		typeBtn: 'Knop',
+		typeSbm: 'Versturen',
+		typeRst: 'Leegmaken'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Eigenschappen aanvinkvakje',
+		radioTitle: 'Eigenschappen selectievakje',
+		value: 'Waarde',
+		selected: 'Geselecteerd'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Eigenschappen formulier',
+		menu: 'Eigenschappen formulier',
+		action: 'Actie',
+		method: 'Methode',
+		encoding: 'Codering'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Eigenschappen verborgen veld',
+		name: 'Naam',
+		value: 'Waarde'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Eigenschappen selectieveld',
+		selectInfo: 'Informatie',
+		opAvail: 'Beschikbare opties',
+		value: 'Waarde',
+		size: 'Grootte',
+		lines: 'Regels',
+		chkMulti: 'Gecombineerde selecties toestaan',
+		opText: 'Tekst',
+		opValue: 'Waarde',
+		btnAdd: 'Toevoegen',
+		btnModify: 'Wijzigen',
+		btnUp: 'Omhoog',
+		btnDown: 'Omlaag',
+		btnSetValue: 'Als geselecteerde waarde instellen',
+		btnDelete: 'Verwijderen'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Eigenschappen tekstvak',
+		cols: 'Kolommen',
+		rows: 'Rijen'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Eigenschappen tekstveld',
+		name: 'Naam',
+		value: 'Waarde',
+		charWidth: 'Breedte (tekens)',
+		maxChars: 'Maximum aantal tekens',
+		type: 'Soort',
+		typeText: 'Tekst',
+		typePass: 'Wachtwoord',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7a85cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'no', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper for knapp',
+		text: 'Tekst (verdi)',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeBtn: 'Knapp',
+		typeSbm: 'Send',
+		typeRst: 'Nullstill'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Egenskaper for avmerkingsboks',
+		radioTitle: 'Egenskaper for alternativknapp',
+		value: 'Verdi',
+		selected: 'Valgt'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper for skjema',
+		menu: 'Egenskaper for skjema',
+		action: 'Handling',
+		method: 'Metode',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper for skjult felt',
+		name: 'Navn',
+		value: 'Verdi'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper for rullegardinliste',
+		selectInfo: 'Info',
+		opAvail: 'Tilgjenglige alternativer',
+		value: 'Verdi',
+		size: 'Størrelse',
+		lines: 'Linjer',
+		chkMulti: 'Tillat flervalg',
+		opText: 'Tekst',
+		opValue: 'Verdi',
+		btnAdd: 'Legg til',
+		btnModify: 'Endre',
+		btnUp: 'Opp',
+		btnDown: 'Ned',
+		btnSetValue: 'Sett som valgt',
+		btnDelete: 'Slett'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper for tekstområde',
+		cols: 'Kolonner',
+		rows: 'Rader'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper for tekstfelt',
+		name: 'Navn',
+		value: 'Verdi',
+		charWidth: 'Tegnbredde',
+		maxChars: 'Maks antall tegn',
+		type: 'Type',
+		typeText: 'Tekst',
+		typePass: 'Passord',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ac63f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'pl', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Właściwości przycisku',
+		text: 'Tekst (Wartość)',
+		type: 'Typ',
+		typeBtn: 'Przycisk',
+		typeSbm: 'Wyślij',
+		typeRst: 'Wyczyść'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Właściwości pola wyboru (checkbox)',
+		radioTitle: 'Właściwości przycisku opcji (radio)',
+		value: 'Wartość',
+		selected: 'Zaznaczone'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Właściwości formularza',
+		menu: 'Właściwości formularza',
+		action: 'Akcja',
+		method: 'Metoda',
+		encoding: 'Kodowanie'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Właściwości pola ukrytego',
+		name: 'Nazwa',
+		value: 'Wartość'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Właściwości listy wyboru',
+		selectInfo: 'Informacje',
+		opAvail: 'Dostępne opcje',
+		value: 'Wartość',
+		size: 'Rozmiar',
+		lines: 'wierszy',
+		chkMulti: 'Wielokrotny wybór',
+		opText: 'Tekst',
+		opValue: 'Wartość',
+		btnAdd: 'Dodaj',
+		btnModify: 'Zmień',
+		btnUp: 'Do góry',
+		btnDown: 'Do dołu',
+		btnSetValue: 'Ustaw jako zaznaczonÄ…',
+		btnDelete: 'Usuń'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Właściwości obszaru tekstowego',
+		cols: 'Liczba kolumn',
+		rows: 'Liczba wierszy'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Właściwości pola tekstowego',
+		name: 'Nazwa',
+		value: 'Wartość',
+		charWidth: 'Szerokość w znakach',
+		maxChars: 'Szerokość maksymalna',
+		type: 'Typ',
+		typeText: 'Tekst',
+		typePass: 'Hasło',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1975f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'pt-br', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Formatar Botão',
+		text: 'Texto (Valor)',
+		type: 'Tipo',
+		typeBtn: 'Botão',
+		typeSbm: 'Enviar',
+		typeRst: 'Limpar'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Formatar Caixa de Seleção',
+		radioTitle: 'Formatar Botão de Opção',
+		value: 'Valor',
+		selected: 'Selecionado'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Formatar Formulário',
+		menu: 'Formatar Formulário',
+		action: 'Ação',
+		method: 'Método',
+		encoding: 'Codificação'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Formatar Campo Oculto',
+		name: 'Nome',
+		value: 'Valor'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Formatar Caixa de Listagem',
+		selectInfo: 'Informações',
+		opAvail: 'Opções disponíveis',
+		value: 'Valor',
+		size: 'Tamanho',
+		lines: 'linhas',
+		chkMulti: 'Permitir múltiplas seleções',
+		opText: 'Texto',
+		opValue: 'Valor',
+		btnAdd: 'Adicionar',
+		btnModify: 'Modificar',
+		btnUp: 'Para cima',
+		btnDown: 'Para baixo',
+		btnSetValue: 'Definir como selecionado',
+		btnDelete: 'Remover'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Formatar Área de Texto',
+		cols: 'Colunas',
+		rows: 'Linhas'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Formatar Caixa de Texto',
+		name: 'Nome',
+		value: 'Valor',
+		charWidth: 'Comprimento (em caracteres)',
+		maxChars: 'Número Máximo de Caracteres',
+		type: 'Tipo',
+		typeText: 'Texto',
+		typePass: 'Senha',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2056009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'pt', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Propriedades do Botão',
+		text: 'Texto (Valor)',
+		type: 'Tipo',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Propriedades da Caixa de Verificação',
+		radioTitle: 'Propriedades do Botão de Opção',
+		value: 'Valor',
+		selected: 'Seleccionado'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Propriedades do Formulário',
+		menu: 'Propriedades do Formulário',
+		action: 'Acção',
+		method: 'Método',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Propriedades do Campo Escondido',
+		name: 'Nome',
+		value: 'Valor'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Propriedades da Caixa de Combinação',
+		selectInfo: 'Informação',
+		opAvail: 'Opções Possíveis',
+		value: 'Valor',
+		size: 'Tamanho',
+		lines: 'linhas',
+		chkMulti: 'Permitir selecções múltiplas',
+		opText: 'Texto',
+		opValue: 'Valor',
+		btnAdd: 'Adicionar',
+		btnModify: 'Modificar',
+		btnUp: 'Para cima',
+		btnDown: 'Para baixo',
+		btnSetValue: 'Definir um valor por defeito',
+		btnDelete: 'Apagar'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Propriedades da Área de Texto',
+		cols: 'Colunas',
+		rows: 'Linhas'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Propriedades do Campo de Texto',
+		name: 'Nome',
+		value: 'Valor',
+		charWidth: 'Tamanho do caracter',
+		maxChars: 'Nr. Máximo de Caracteres',
+		type: 'Tipo',
+		typeText: 'Texto',
+		typePass: 'Palavra-chave',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..439e761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'ro', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Proprietăţi buton',
+		text: 'Text (Valoare)',
+		type: 'Tip',
+		typeBtn: 'Buton',
+		typeSbm: 'Trimite',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Proprietăţi bifă (Checkbox)',
+		radioTitle: 'Proprietăţi buton radio (Radio Button)',
+		value: 'Valoare',
+		selected: 'Selectat'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Proprietăţi formular (Form)',
+		menu: 'Proprietăţi formular (Form)',
+		action: 'Acţiune',
+		method: 'Metodă',
+		encoding: 'Encodare'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Proprietăţi câmp ascuns (Hidden Field)',
+		name: 'Nume',
+		value: 'Valoare'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Proprietăţi câmp selecţie (Selection Field)',
+		selectInfo: 'Informaţii',
+		opAvail: 'Opţiuni disponibile',
+		value: 'Valoare',
+		size: 'Mărime',
+		lines: 'linii',
+		chkMulti: 'Permite selecţii multiple',
+		opText: 'Text',
+		opValue: 'Valoare',
+		btnAdd: 'Adaugă',
+		btnModify: 'Modifică',
+		btnUp: 'Sus',
+		btnDown: 'Jos',
+		btnSetValue: 'Setează ca valoare selectată',
+		btnDelete: 'Åžterge'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Proprietăţi suprafaţă text (Textarea)',
+		cols: 'Coloane',
+		rows: 'Linii'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Proprietăţi câmp text (Text Field)',
+		name: 'Nume',
+		value: 'Valoare',
+		charWidth: 'Lărgimea caracterului',
+		maxChars: 'Caractere maxime',
+		type: 'Tip',
+		typeText: 'Text',
+		typePass: 'Parolă',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95bc18a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'ru', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Свойства кнопки',
+		text: 'Текст (Значение)',
+		type: 'Тип',
+		typeBtn: 'Кнопка',
+		typeSbm: 'Отправка',
+		typeRst: 'Сброс'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Свойства флаговой кнопки',
+		radioTitle: 'Свойства кнопки выбора',
+		value: 'Значение',
+		selected: 'Выбрано'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Свойства формы',
+		menu: 'Свойства формы',
+		action: 'Действие',
+		method: 'Метод',
+		encoding: 'Кодировка'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Свойства скрытого поля',
+		name: 'Имя',
+		value: 'Значение'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Свойства списка выбора',
+		selectInfo: 'Информация о списке выбора',
+		opAvail: 'Доступные варианты',
+		value: 'Значение',
+		size: 'Размер',
+		lines: 'строк(и)',
+		chkMulti: 'Разрешить выбор нескольких вариантов',
+		opText: 'Текст',
+		opValue: 'Значение',
+		btnAdd: 'Добавить',
+		btnModify: 'Изменить',
+		btnUp: 'Поднять',
+		btnDown: 'Опустить',
+		btnSetValue: 'Пометить как выбранное',
+		btnDelete: 'Удалить'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Свойства многострочного текстового поля',
+		cols: 'Колонок',
+		rows: 'Строк'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Свойства текстового поля',
+		name: 'Имя',
+		value: 'Значение',
+		charWidth: 'Ширина поля (в символах)',
+		maxChars: 'Макс. количество символов',
+		type: 'Тип содержимого',
+		typeText: 'Текст',
+		typePass: 'Пароль',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fb0f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'sk', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Vlastnosti tlačidla',
+		text: 'Text (Hodnota)',
+		type: 'Typ',
+		typeBtn: 'Tlačidlo',
+		typeSbm: 'Odoslať',
+		typeRst: 'Resetovať'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Vlastnosti zaškrtávacieho políčka',
+		radioTitle: 'Vlastnosti prepínača (radio button)',
+		value: 'Hodnota',
+		selected: 'Vybrané (selected)'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Vlastnosti formulára',
+		menu: 'Vlastnosti formulára',
+		action: 'Akcia (action)',
+		method: 'Metóda (method)',
+		encoding: 'Kódovanie (encoding)'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Vlastnosti skrytého poľa',
+		name: 'Názov (name)',
+		value: 'Hodnota'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Vlastnosti rozbaľovacieho zoznamu',
+		selectInfo: 'Informácie o výbere',
+		opAvail: 'Dostupné možnosti',
+		value: 'Hodnota',
+		size: 'Veľkosť',
+		lines: 'riadkov',
+		chkMulti: 'Povoliť viacnásobný výber',
+		opText: 'Text',
+		opValue: 'Hodnota',
+		btnAdd: 'Pridať',
+		btnModify: 'Upraviť',
+		btnUp: 'Hore',
+		btnDown: 'Dole',
+		btnSetValue: 'Nastaviť ako vybranú hodnotu',
+		btnDelete: 'Vymazať'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Vlastnosti textovej oblasti (textarea)',
+		cols: 'Stĺpcov',
+		rows: 'Riadkov'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Vlastnosti textového poľa',
+		name: 'Názov (name)',
+		value: 'Hodnota',
+		charWidth: 'Šírka poľa (podľa znakov)',
+		maxChars: 'Maximálny počet znakov',
+		type: 'Typ',
+		typeText: 'Text',
+		typePass: 'Heslo',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d41be46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'sl', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Lastnosti gumba',
+		text: 'Besedilo (Vrednost)',
+		type: 'Tip',
+		typeBtn: 'Gumb',
+		typeSbm: 'Potrdi',
+		typeRst: 'Ponastavi'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Lastnosti potrditvenega polja',
+		radioTitle: 'Lastnosti izbirnega polja',
+		value: 'Vrednost',
+		selected: 'Izbrano'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Lastnosti obrazca',
+		menu: 'Lastnosti obrazca',
+		action: 'Akcija',
+		method: 'Metoda',
+		encoding: 'Kodiranje znakov'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Lastnosti skritega polja',
+		name: 'Ime',
+		value: 'Vrednost'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Lastnosti spustnega seznama',
+		selectInfo: 'Podatki',
+		opAvail: 'Razpoložljive izbire',
+		value: 'Vrednost',
+		size: 'Velikost',
+		lines: 'vrstic',
+		chkMulti: 'Dovoli izbor večih vrstic',
+		opText: 'Besedilo',
+		opValue: 'Vrednost',
+		btnAdd: 'Dodaj',
+		btnModify: 'Spremeni',
+		btnUp: 'Gor',
+		btnDown: 'Dol',
+		btnSetValue: 'Postavi kot privzeto izbiro',
+		btnDelete: 'Izbriši'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Lastnosti vnosnega območja',
+		cols: 'Stolpcev',
+		rows: 'Vrstic'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Lastnosti vnosnega polja',
+		name: 'Ime',
+		value: 'Vrednost',
+		charWidth: 'Dolžina',
+		maxChars: 'Največje število znakov',
+		type: 'Tip',
+		typeText: 'Besedilo',
+		typePass: 'Geslo',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d7a46c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'sr-latn', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Osobine dugmeta',
+		text: 'Tekst (vrednost)',
+		type: 'Tip',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Osobine polja za potvrdu',
+		radioTitle: 'Osobine radio-dugmeta',
+		value: 'Vrednost',
+		selected: 'Označeno'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Osobine forme',
+		menu: 'Osobine forme',
+		action: 'Akcija',
+		method: 'Metoda',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Osobine skrivenog polja',
+		name: 'Naziv',
+		value: 'Vrednost'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Osobine izbornog polja',
+		selectInfo: 'Info',
+		opAvail: 'Dostupne opcije',
+		value: 'Vrednost',
+		size: 'Veličina',
+		lines: 'linija',
+		chkMulti: 'Dozvoli višestruku selekciju',
+		opText: 'Tekst',
+		opValue: 'Vrednost',
+		btnAdd: 'Dodaj',
+		btnModify: 'Izmeni',
+		btnUp: 'Gore',
+		btnDown: 'Dole',
+		btnSetValue: 'Podesi kao označenu vrednost',
+		btnDelete: 'Obriši'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Osobine zone teksta',
+		cols: 'Broj kolona',
+		rows: 'Broj redova'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Osobine tekstualnog polja',
+		name: 'Naziv',
+		value: 'Vrednost',
+		charWidth: 'Å irina (karaktera)',
+		maxChars: 'Maksimalno karaktera',
+		type: 'Tip',
+		typeText: 'Tekst',
+		typePass: 'Lozinka',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eff73f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'sr', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Особине дугмета',
+		text: 'Текст (вредност)',
+		type: 'Tип',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Особине поља за потврду',
+		radioTitle: 'Особине радио-дугмета',
+		value: 'Вредност',
+		selected: 'Означено'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Особине форме',
+		menu: 'Особине форме',
+		action: 'Aкција',
+		method: 'Mетода',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Особине скривеног поља',
+		name: 'Назив',
+		value: 'Вредност'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Особине изборног поља',
+		selectInfo: 'Инфо',
+		opAvail: 'Доступне опције',
+		value: 'Вредност',
+		size: 'Величина',
+		lines: 'линија',
+		chkMulti: 'Дозволи вишеструку селекцију',
+		opText: 'Текст',
+		opValue: 'Вредност',
+		btnAdd: 'Додај',
+		btnModify: 'Измени',
+		btnUp: 'Горе',
+		btnDown: 'Доле',
+		btnSetValue: 'Подеси као означену вредност',
+		btnDelete: 'Обриши'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Особине зоне текста',
+		cols: 'Број колона',
+		rows: 'Број редова'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Особине текстуалног поља',
+		name: 'Назив',
+		value: 'Вредност',
+		charWidth: 'Ширина (карактера)',
+		maxChars: 'Максимално карактера',
+		type: 'Тип',
+		typeText: 'Текст',
+		typePass: 'Лозинка',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfcdde9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'sv', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper för knapp',
+		text: 'Text (värde)',
+		type: 'Typ',
+		typeBtn: 'Knapp',
+		typeSbm: 'Skicka',
+		typeRst: 'Återställ'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Egenskaper för kryssruta',
+		radioTitle: 'Egenskaper för alternativknapp',
+		value: 'Värde',
+		selected: 'Vald'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper för formulär',
+		menu: 'Egenskaper för formulär',
+		action: 'Funktion',
+		method: 'Metod',
+		encoding: 'Kodning'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper för dolt fält',
+		name: 'Namn',
+		value: 'Värde'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper för flervalslista',
+		selectInfo: 'Information',
+		opAvail: 'Befintliga val',
+		value: 'Värde',
+		size: 'Storlek',
+		lines: 'Linjer',
+		chkMulti: 'Tillåt flerval',
+		opText: 'Text',
+		opValue: 'Värde',
+		btnAdd: 'Lägg till',
+		btnModify: 'Redigera',
+		btnUp: 'Upp',
+		btnDown: 'Ner',
+		btnSetValue: 'Markera som valt värde',
+		btnDelete: 'Radera'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper för textruta',
+		cols: 'Kolumner',
+		rows: 'Rader'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Egenskaper för textfält',
+		name: 'Namn',
+		value: 'Värde',
+		charWidth: 'Teckenbredd',
+		maxChars: 'Max antal tecken',
+		type: 'Typ',
+		typeText: 'Text',
+		typePass: 'Lösenord',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc2a704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'th', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'รายละเอียดของ ปุ่ม',
+		text: 'ข้อความ (ค่าตัวแปร)',
+		type: 'ข้อความ',
+		typeBtn: 'Button',
+		typeSbm: 'Submit',
+		typeRst: 'Reset'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'คุณสมบัติของ เช็คบ๊อก',
+		radioTitle: 'คุณสมบัติของ เรดิโอบัตตอน',
+		value: 'ค่าตัวแปร',
+		selected: 'เลือกเป็นค่าเริ่มต้น'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'คุณสมบัติของ แบบฟอร์ม',
+		menu: 'คุณสมบัติของ แบบฟอร์ม',
+		action: 'แอคชั่น',
+		method: 'เมธอด',
+		encoding: 'Encoding'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'คุณสมบัติของ ฮิดเดนฟิลด์',
+		name: 'ชื่อ',
+		value: 'ค่าตัวแปร'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'คุณสมบัติของ แถบตัวเลือก',
+		selectInfo: 'อินโฟ',
+		opAvail: 'รายการตัวเลือก',
+		value: 'ค่าตัวแปร',
+		size: 'ขนาด',
+		lines: 'บรรทัด',
+		chkMulti: 'เลือกหลายค่าได้',
+		opText: 'ข้อความ',
+		opValue: 'ค่าตัวแปร',
+		btnAdd: 'เพิ่ม',
+		btnModify: 'แก้ไข',
+		btnUp: 'บน',
+		btnDown: 'ล่าง',
+		btnSetValue: 'เลือกเป็นค่าเริ่มต้น',
+		btnDelete: 'ลบ'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'คุณสมบัติของ เท็กแอเรีย',
+		cols: 'สดมภ์',
+		rows: 'แถว'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'คุณสมบัติของ เท็กซ์ฟิลด์',
+		name: 'ชื่อ',
+		value: 'ค่าตัวแปร',
+		charWidth: 'ความกว้าง',
+		maxChars: 'จำนวนตัวอักษรสูงสุด',
+		type: 'ชนิด',
+		typeText: 'ข้อความ',
+		typePass: 'รหัสผ่าน',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a499d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'tr', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Düğme Özellikleri',
+		text: 'Metin (DeÄŸer)',
+		type: 'Tip',
+		typeBtn: 'Düğme',
+		typeSbm: 'Gönder',
+		typeRst: 'Sıfırla'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Onay Kutusu Özellikleri',
+		radioTitle: 'Seçenek Düğmesi Özellikleri',
+		value: 'DeÄŸer',
+		selected: 'Seçili'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Form Özellikleri',
+		menu: 'Form Özellikleri',
+		action: 'Ä°ÅŸlem',
+		method: 'Yöntem',
+		encoding: 'Kodlama'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Gizli Veri Özellikleri',
+		name: 'Ad',
+		value: 'DeÄŸer'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Seçim Menüsü Özellikleri',
+		selectInfo: 'Bilgi',
+		opAvail: 'Mevcut Seçenekler',
+		value: 'DeÄŸer',
+		size: 'Boyut',
+		lines: 'satır',
+		chkMulti: 'Çoklu seçime izin ver',
+		opText: 'Metin',
+		opValue: 'DeÄŸer',
+		btnAdd: 'Ekle',
+		btnModify: 'Düzenle',
+		btnUp: 'Yukarı',
+		btnDown: 'Aşağı',
+		btnSetValue: 'Seçili değer olarak ata',
+		btnDelete: 'Sil'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Çok Satırlı Metin Özellikleri',
+		cols: 'Sütunlar',
+		rows: 'Satırlar'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Metin Girişi Özellikleri',
+		name: 'Ad',
+		value: 'DeÄŸer',
+		charWidth: 'Karakter GeniÅŸliÄŸi',
+		maxChars: 'En Fazla Karakter',
+		type: 'Tür',
+		typeText: 'Metin',
+		typePass: 'Åžifre',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5259a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'ug', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'توپچا خاسلىقى',
+		text: 'بەلگە (قىممەت)',
+		type: 'تىپى',
+		typeBtn: 'توپچا',
+		typeSbm: 'تاپشۇر',
+		typeRst: 'ئەسلىگە قايتۇر'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'كۆپ تاللاش خاسلىقى',
+		radioTitle: 'تاق تاللاش توپچا خاسلىقى',
+		value: 'تاللىغان قىممەت',
+		selected: 'تاللانغان'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'جەدۋەل خاسلىقى',
+		menu: 'جەدۋەل خاسلىقى',
+		action: 'مەشغۇلات',
+		method: 'ئۇسۇل',
+		encoding: 'جەدۋەل كودلىنىشى'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'يوشۇرۇن دائىرە خاسلىقى',
+		name: 'ئات',
+		value: 'دەسلەپكى قىممىتى'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'جەدۋەل/تىزىم خاسلىقى',
+		selectInfo: 'ئۇچۇر تاللاڭ',
+		opAvail: 'تاللاش تۈرلىرى',
+		value: 'قىممەت',
+		size: 'ئېگىزلىكى',
+		lines: 'قۇر',
+		chkMulti: 'كۆپ تاللاشچان',
+		opText: 'تاللانما تېكىستى',
+		opValue: 'تاللانما قىممىتى',
+		btnAdd: 'قوش',
+		btnModify: 'ئۆزگەرت',
+		btnUp: 'ئۈستىگە',
+		btnDown: 'ئاستىغا',
+		btnSetValue: 'دەسلەپكى تاللانما قىممىتىگە تەڭشە',
+		btnDelete: 'ئۆچۈر'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: ' كۆپ قۇرلۇق تېكىست خاسلىقى',
+		cols: 'ھەرپ كەڭلىكى',
+		rows: 'قۇر سانى'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'تاق قۇرلۇق تېكىست خاسلىقى',
+		name: 'ئات',
+		value: 'دەسلەپكى قىممىتى',
+		charWidth: 'ھەرپ كەڭلىكى',
+		maxChars: 'ئەڭ كۆپ ھەرپ سانى',
+		type: 'تىپى',
+		typeText: 'تېكىست',
+		typePass: 'ئىم',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dab5be4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'uk', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Властивості кнопки',
+		text: 'Значення',
+		type: 'Тип',
+		typeBtn: 'Кнопка (button)',
+		typeSbm: 'Надіслати (submit)',
+		typeRst: 'Очистити (reset)'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Властивості галочки',
+		radioTitle: 'Властивості кнопки вибору',
+		value: 'Значення',
+		selected: 'Обрана'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Властивості форми',
+		menu: 'Властивості форми',
+		action: 'Дія',
+		method: 'Метод',
+		encoding: 'Кодування'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Властивості прихованого поля',
+		name: 'Ім\'я',
+		value: 'Значення'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Властивості списку',
+		selectInfo: 'Інфо',
+		opAvail: 'Доступні варіанти',
+		value: 'Значення',
+		size: 'Кількість',
+		lines: 'видимих позицій у списку',
+		chkMulti: 'Список з мультивибором',
+		opText: 'Текст',
+		opValue: 'Значення',
+		btnAdd: 'Добавити',
+		btnModify: 'Змінити',
+		btnUp: 'Вгору',
+		btnDown: 'Вниз',
+		btnSetValue: 'Встановити як обране значення',
+		btnDelete: 'Видалити'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Властивості текстової області',
+		cols: 'Стовбці',
+		rows: 'Рядки'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Властивості текстового поля',
+		name: 'Ім\'я',
+		value: 'Значення',
+		charWidth: 'Ширина',
+		maxChars: 'Макс. к-ть символів',
+		type: 'Тип',
+		typeText: 'Текст',
+		typePass: 'Пароль',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09ea2b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'vi', {
+	button: {
+		title: 'Thuộc tính của nút',
+		text: 'Chuỗi hiển thị (giá trị)',
+		type: 'Kiểu',
+		typeBtn: 'Nút bấm',
+		typeSbm: 'Nút gửi',
+		typeRst: 'Nút nhập lại'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: 'Thuộc tính nút kiểm',
+		radioTitle: 'Thuộc tính nút chọn',
+		value: 'Giá trị',
+		selected: 'Được chọn'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: 'Thuộc tính biểu mẫu',
+		menu: 'Thuộc tính biểu mẫu',
+		action: 'Hành động',
+		method: 'Phương thức',
+		encoding: 'Bảng mã'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: 'Thuộc tính trường ẩn',
+		name: 'Tên',
+		value: 'Giá trị'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: 'Thuộc tính ô chọn',
+		selectInfo: 'Thông tin',
+		opAvail: 'Các tùy chọn có thể sử dụng',
+		value: 'Giá trị',
+		size: 'Kích cỡ',
+		lines: 'dòng',
+		chkMulti: 'Cho phép chọn nhiều',
+		opText: 'Văn bản',
+		opValue: 'Giá trị',
+		btnAdd: 'Thêm',
+		btnModify: 'Thay đổi',
+		btnUp: 'Lên',
+		btnDown: 'Xuống',
+		btnSetValue: 'Giá trị được chọn',
+		btnDelete: 'Nút xoá'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: 'Thuộc tính vùng văn bản',
+		cols: 'Số cột',
+		rows: 'Số hàng'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: 'Thuộc tính trường văn bản',
+		name: 'Tên',
+		value: 'Giá trị',
+		charWidth: 'Độ rộng của ký tự',
+		maxChars: 'Số ký tự tối đa',
+		type: 'Kiểu',
+		typeText: 'Ký tự',
+		typePass: 'Mật khẩu',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf4cdde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'zh-cn', {
+	button: {
+		title: '按钮属性',
+		text: '标签(值)',
+		type: '类型',
+		typeBtn: '按钮',
+		typeSbm: '提交',
+		typeRst: '重设'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: '复选框属性',
+		radioTitle: '单选按钮属性',
+		value: '选定值',
+		selected: '已勾选'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: '表单属性',
+		menu: '表单属性',
+		action: '动作',
+		method: '方法',
+		encoding: '表单编码'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: '隐藏域属性',
+		name: '名称',
+		value: '初始值'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: '菜单/列表属性',
+		selectInfo: '选择信息',
+		opAvail: '可选项',
+		value: '值',
+		size: '高度',
+		lines: '行',
+		chkMulti: '允许多选',
+		opText: '选项文本',
+		opValue: '选项值',
+		btnAdd: '添加',
+		btnModify: '修改',
+		btnUp: '上移',
+		btnDown: '下移',
+		btnSetValue: '设为初始选定',
+		btnDelete: '删除'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: '多行文本属性',
+		cols: '字符宽度',
+		rows: '行数'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: '单行文本属性',
+		name: '名称',
+		value: '初始值',
+		charWidth: '字符宽度',
+		maxChars: '最多字符数',
+		type: '类型',
+		typeText: '文本',
+		typePass: '密码',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daebb6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'forms', 'zh', {
+	button: {
+		title: '按鈕屬性',
+		text: '顯示文字 (值)',
+		type: 'é¡žåž‹',
+		typeBtn: '按鈕 (Button)',
+		typeSbm: '送出 (Submit)',
+		typeRst: '重設 (Reset)'
+	},
+	checkboxAndRadio: {
+		checkboxTitle: '核取方塊屬性',
+		radioTitle: '選項按鈕屬性',
+		value: '選取值',
+		selected: '已選取'
+	},
+	form: {
+		title: '表單屬性',
+		menu: '表單屬性',
+		action: '動作',
+		method: '方法',
+		encoding: '表單編碼'
+	},
+	hidden: {
+		title: '隱藏欄位屬性',
+		name: '名稱',
+		value: '值'
+	},
+	select: {
+		title: '清單/選單屬性',
+		selectInfo: '資訊',
+		opAvail: '可用選項',
+		value: '值',
+		size: '大小',
+		lines: '行',
+		chkMulti: '可多選',
+		opText: '顯示文字',
+		opValue: '選取值',
+		btnAdd: '新增',
+		btnModify: '修改',
+		btnUp: '上移',
+		btnDown: '下移',
+		btnSetValue: '設為預設值',
+		btnDelete: '刪除'
+	},
+	textarea: {
+		title: '文字區域屬性',
+		cols: '字元寬度',
+		rows: '列數'
+	},
+	textfield: {
+		title: '文字方塊屬性',
+		name: '名稱',
+		value: '值',
+		charWidth: '字元寬度',
+		maxChars: '最多字元數',
+		type: 'é¡žåž‹',
+		typeText: '文字',
+		typePass: '密碼',
+		typeEmail: 'Email', // MISSING
+		typeSearch: 'Search', // MISSING
+		typeTel: 'Telephone Number', // MISSING
+		typeUrl: 'URL' // MISSING
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/plugin.js
index 7d8ea45..21d6242 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/plugin.js
@@ -1,27 +1,24 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @file Forms Plugin
+ * @fileOverview Forms Plugin
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'forms',
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
-		var lang = editor.lang;
-		editor.addCss(
-			'form' +
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'forms', {
+	requires: 'dialog,fakeobjects',
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	icons: 'button,checkbox,form,hiddenfield,imagebutton,radio,select,select-rtl,textarea,textarea-rtl,textfield', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	onLoad: function() {
+		CKEDITOR.addCss( '.cke_editable form' +
 			'{' +
 				'border: 1px dotted #FF0000;' +
 				'padding: 2px;' +
 			'}\n' );
-		editor.addCss(
-			'img.cke_hidden' +
+		CKEDITOR.addCss( 'img.cke_hidden' +
 			'{' +
 				'background-image: url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'images/hiddenfield.gif' ) + ');' +
 				'background-position: center center;' +
@@ -31,251 +28,239 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'forms',
 				'height: 16px !important;' +
 			'}' );
+	},
+	init: function( editor ) {
+		var lang = editor.lang,
+			order = 0,
+			textfieldTypes = { email:1,password:1,search:1,tel:1,text:1,url:1 };
 		// All buttons use the same code to register. So, to avoid
 		// duplications, let's use this tool function.
-		var addButtonCommand = function( buttonName, commandName, dialogFile )
-		{
-			editor.addCommand( commandName, new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( commandName ) );
-			editor.ui.addButton( buttonName,
-				{
-					label : lang.common[ buttonName.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + buttonName.slice(1) ],
-					command : commandName
+		var addButtonCommand = function( buttonName, commandName, dialogFile ) {
+				var def = {};
+				commandName == 'form' && ( def.context = 'form' );
+				editor.addCommand( commandName, new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( commandName, def ) );
+				editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( buttonName, {
+					label: lang.common[ buttonName.charAt( 0 ).toLowerCase() + buttonName.slice( 1 ) ],
+					command: commandName,
+					toolbar: 'forms,' + ( order += 10 )
-			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( commandName, dialogFile );
-		};
+				CKEDITOR.dialog.add( commandName, dialogFile );
+			};
 		var dialogPath = this.path + 'dialogs/';
-		addButtonCommand( 'Form',			'form',			dialogPath + 'form.js' );
-		addButtonCommand( 'Checkbox',		'checkbox',		dialogPath + 'checkbox.js' );
-		addButtonCommand( 'Radio',			'radio',		dialogPath + 'radio.js' );
-		addButtonCommand( 'TextField',		'textfield',	dialogPath + 'textfield.js' );
-		addButtonCommand( 'Textarea',		'textarea',		dialogPath + 'textarea.js' );
-		addButtonCommand( 'Select',			'select',		dialogPath + 'select.js' );
-		addButtonCommand( 'Button',			'button',		dialogPath + 'button.js' );
-		addButtonCommand( 'ImageButton',	'imagebutton',	CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath('image') + 'dialogs/image.js' );
-		addButtonCommand( 'HiddenField',	'hiddenfield',	dialogPath + 'hiddenfield.js' );
+		!editor.blockless && addButtonCommand( 'Form', 'form', dialogPath + 'form.js' );
+		addButtonCommand( 'Checkbox', 'checkbox', dialogPath + 'checkbox.js' );
+		addButtonCommand( 'Radio', 'radio', dialogPath + 'radio.js' );
+		addButtonCommand( 'TextField', 'textfield', dialogPath + 'textfield.js' );
+		addButtonCommand( 'Textarea', 'textarea', dialogPath + 'textarea.js' );
+		addButtonCommand( 'Select', 'select', dialogPath + 'select.js' );
+		addButtonCommand( 'Button', 'button', dialogPath + 'button.js' );
+		// If the "image" plugin is loaded.
+		var imagePlugin = CKEDITOR.plugins.get( 'image' );
+		imagePlugin && addButtonCommand( 'ImageButton', 'imagebutton', CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath( 'image' ) + 'dialogs/image.js' );
+		addButtonCommand( 'HiddenField', 'hiddenfield', dialogPath + 'hiddenfield.js' );
 		// If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu items.
-		if ( editor.addMenuItems )
-		{
-			editor.addMenuItems(
-				{
-					form :
-					{
-						label : lang.form.menu,
-						command : 'form',
-						group : 'form'
-					},
-					checkbox :
-					{
-						label : lang.checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle,
-						command : 'checkbox',
-						group : 'checkbox'
-					},
-					radio :
-					{
-						label : lang.checkboxAndRadio.radioTitle,
-						command : 'radio',
-						group : 'radio'
-					},
-					textfield :
-					{
-						label : lang.textfield.title,
-						command : 'textfield',
-						group : 'textfield'
-					},
-					hiddenfield :
-					{
-						label : lang.hidden.title,
-						command : 'hiddenfield',
-						group : 'hiddenfield'
-					},
-					imagebutton :
-					{
-						label : lang.image.titleButton,
-						command : 'imagebutton',
-						group : 'imagebutton'
-					},
-					button :
-					{
-						label : lang.button.title,
-						command : 'button',
-						group : 'button'
-					},
-					select :
-					{
-						label : lang.select.title,
-						command : 'select',
-						group : 'select'
-					},
-					textarea :
-					{
-						label : lang.textarea.title,
-						command : 'textarea',
-						group : 'textarea'
-					}
-				});
-		}
+		if ( editor.addMenuItems ) {
+			var items = {
+				checkbox: {
+					label: lang.forms.checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle,
+					command: 'checkbox',
+					group: 'checkbox'
+				},
+				radio: {
+					label: lang.forms.checkboxAndRadio.radioTitle,
+					command: 'radio',
+					group: 'radio'
+				},
+				textfield: {
+					label: lang.forms.textfield.title,
+					command: 'textfield',
+					group: 'textfield'
+				},
+				hiddenfield: {
+					label: lang.forms.hidden.title,
+					command: 'hiddenfield',
+					group: 'hiddenfield'
+				},
+				imagebutton: {
+					label: lang.image.titleButton,
+					command: 'imagebutton',
+					group: 'imagebutton'
+				},
+				button: {
+					label: lang.forms.button.title,
+					command: 'button',
+					group: 'button'
+				},
+				select: {
+					label: lang.forms.select.title,
+					command: 'select',
+					group: 'select'
+				},
+				textarea: {
+					label: lang.forms.textarea.title,
+					command: 'textarea',
+					group: 'textarea'
+				}
+			};
-		// If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners.
-		if ( editor.contextMenu )
-		{
-			editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element )
-				{
-					if ( element && element.hasAscendant( 'form', true ) && !element.isReadOnly() )
-						return { form : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
-				});
+			!editor.blockless && ( items.form = {
+				label: lang.forms.form.menu,
+				command: 'form',
+				group: 'form'
+			});
-			editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element )
-				{
-					if ( element && !element.isReadOnly() )
-					{
-						var name = element.getName();
+			editor.addMenuItems( items );
-						if ( name == 'select' )
-							return { select : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+		}
-						if ( name == 'textarea' )
-							return { textarea : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+		// If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners.
+		if ( editor.contextMenu ) {
+			!editor.blockless && editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection, path ) {
+				var form = path.contains( 'form', 1 );
+				if ( form && !form.isReadOnly() )
+					return { form: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+			});
-						if ( name == 'input' )
-						{
-							var type = element.getAttribute( 'type' );
+			editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element ) {
+				if ( element && !element.isReadOnly() ) {
+					var name = element.getName();
-							if ( type == 'text' || type == 'password' )
-								return { textfield : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+					if ( name == 'select' )
+						return { select: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
-							if ( type == 'button' || type == 'submit' || type == 'reset' )
-								return { button : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+					if ( name == 'textarea' )
+						return { textarea: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
-							if ( type == 'checkbox' )
-								return { checkbox : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+					if ( name == 'input' ) {
+						var type = element.getAttribute( 'type' ) || 'text';
+						switch ( type ) {
+							case 'button':
+							case 'submit':
+							case 'reset':
+								return { button: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
-							if ( type == 'radio' )
-								return { radio : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+							case 'checkbox':
+								return { checkbox: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
-							if ( type == 'image' )
-								return { imagebutton : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+							case 'radio':
+								return { radio: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+							case 'image':
+								return imagePlugin ? { imagebutton: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF } : null;
-						if ( name == 'img' && element.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) == 'hiddenfield' )
-							return { hiddenfield : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+						if ( textfieldTypes[ type ] )
+							return { textfield: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
-				});
-		}
-		editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt )
-			{
-				var element = evt.data.element;
-				if ( element.is( 'form' ) )
-					evt.data.dialog = 'form';
-				else if ( element.is( 'select' ) )
-					evt.data.dialog = 'select';
-				else if ( element.is( 'textarea' ) )
-					evt.data.dialog = 'textarea';
-				else if ( element.is( 'img' ) && element.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) == 'hiddenfield' )
-					evt.data.dialog = 'hiddenfield';
-				else if ( element.is( 'input' ) )
-				{
-					var type = element.getAttribute( 'type' );
-					switch ( type )
-					{
-						case 'text' : case 'password':
-							evt.data.dialog = 'textfield';
-							break;
-						case 'button' : case 'submit' : case 'reset' :
-							evt.data.dialog = 'button';
-							break;
-						case 'checkbox' :
-							evt.data.dialog = 'checkbox';
-							break;
-						case 'radio' :
-							evt.data.dialog = 'radio';
-							break;
-						case 'image' :
-							evt.data.dialog = 'imagebutton';
-							break;
-					}
+					if ( name == 'img' && element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) == 'hiddenfield' )
+						return { hiddenfield: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+		}
+		editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt ) {
+			var element = evt.data.element;
+			if ( !editor.blockless && element.is( 'form' ) )
+				evt.data.dialog = 'form';
+			else if ( element.is( 'select' ) )
+				evt.data.dialog = 'select';
+			else if ( element.is( 'textarea' ) )
+				evt.data.dialog = 'textarea';
+			else if ( element.is( 'img' ) && element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) == 'hiddenfield' )
+				evt.data.dialog = 'hiddenfield';
+			else if ( element.is( 'input' ) ) {
+				var type = element.getAttribute( 'type' ) || 'text';
+				switch ( type ) {
+					case 'button':
+					case 'submit':
+					case 'reset':
+						evt.data.dialog = 'button';
+						break;
+					case 'checkbox':
+						evt.data.dialog = 'checkbox';
+						break;
+					case 'radio':
+						evt.data.dialog = 'radio';
+						break;
+					case 'image':
+						evt.data.dialog = 'imagebutton';
+						break;
+				}
+				if ( textfieldTypes[ type ] )
+					evt.data.dialog = 'textfield';
+			}
+		});
-	afterInit : function( editor )
-	{
+	afterInit: function( editor ) {
 		var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
 			htmlFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.htmlFilter,
 			dataFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.dataFilter;
 		// Cleanup certain IE form elements default values.
-		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-		{
-			htmlFilter && htmlFilter.addRules(
-			{
-				elements :
-				{
-					input : function( input )
-					{
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+			htmlFilter && htmlFilter.addRules({
+				elements: {
+					input: function( input ) {
 						var attrs = input.attributes,
 							type = attrs.type;
+						// Old IEs don't provide type for Text inputs #5522
+						if ( !type )
+							attrs.type = 'text';
 						if ( type == 'checkbox' || type == 'radio' )
 							attrs.value == 'on' && delete attrs.value;
-			} );
+			});
-		if ( dataFilter )
-		{
-			dataFilter.addRules(
-			{
-				elements :
-				{
-					input : function( element )
-					{
+		if ( dataFilter ) {
+			dataFilter.addRules({
+				elements: {
+					input: function( element ) {
 						if ( element.attributes.type == 'hidden' )
 							return editor.createFakeParserElement( element, 'cke_hidden', 'hiddenfield' );
-			} );
+			});
-	},
-	requires : [ 'image', 'fakeobjects' ]
-} );
-if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-	CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.hasAttribute = function( name )
-	{
-		var $attr = this.$.attributes.getNamedItem( name );
-		if ( this.getName() == 'input' )
-		{
-			switch ( name )
-			{
-				case 'class' :
-					return this.$.className.length > 0;
-				case 'checked' :
-					return !!this.$.checked;
-				case 'value' :
-					var type = this.getAttribute( 'type' );
-					if ( type == 'checkbox' || type == 'radio' )
-						return this.$.value != 'on';
-					break;
-				default:
+	}
+if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+	CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.hasAttribute = CKEDITOR.tools.override( CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.hasAttribute, function( original ) {
+		return function( name ) {
+			var $attr = this.$.attributes.getNamedItem( name );
+			if ( this.getName() == 'input' ) {
+				switch ( name ) {
+					case 'class':
+						return this.$.className.length > 0;
+					case 'checked':
+						return !!this.$.checked;
+					case 'value':
+						var type = this.getAttribute( 'type' );
+						return type == 'checkbox' || type == 'radio' ? this.$.value != 'on' : this.$.value;
+				}
-		}
-		return !!( $attr && $attr.specified );
-	};
+			return original.apply( this, arguments );
+		};
+	});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/icons/horizontalrule.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/icons/horizontalrule.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73d3dc2
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/icons/horizontalrule.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..640d612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'af', {
+	toolbar: 'Horisontale lyn invoeg'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..086f0e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'ar', {
+	toolbar: 'خط فاصل'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd3348f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'bg', {
+	toolbar: 'Вмъкване на хоризонтална линия'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53a4c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'bn', {
+	toolbar: 'রেখা যুক্ত কর'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edc49e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'bs', {
+	toolbar: 'Ubaci horizontalnu liniju'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f748d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Insereix línia horitzontal'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4175220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'cs', {
+	toolbar: 'Vložit vodorovnou linku'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ecad53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'cy', {
+	toolbar: 'Mewnosod Llinell Lorweddol'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e70db72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'da', {
+	toolbar: 'Indsæt vandret streg'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bb2cf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'de', {
+	toolbar: 'Horizontale Linie einfügen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86060b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'el', {
+	toolbar: 'Εισαγωγή Οριζόντιας Γραμμής'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8010a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'en-au', {
+	toolbar: 'Insert Horizontal Line'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fda705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'en-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Insert Horizontal Line'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..405636c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'en-gb', {
+	toolbar: 'Insert Horizontal Line'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c78031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'en', {
+	toolbar: 'Insert Horizontal Line'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42ff177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'eo', {
+	toolbar: 'Enmeti Horizontalan Linion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbec612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'es', {
+	toolbar: 'Insertar Línea Horizontal'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7cb31a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'et', {
+	toolbar: 'Horisontaaljoone sisestamine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cb2e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'eu', {
+	toolbar: 'Txertatu Marra Horizontala'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fce12c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'fa', {
+	toolbar: 'گنجاندن خط افقی'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b59ef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'fi', {
+	toolbar: 'Lisää murtoviiva'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..918a6ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'fo', {
+	toolbar: 'Ger vatnrætta linju'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22a554a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'fr-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Insérer un séparateur'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c13cce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'fr', {
+	toolbar: 'Ligne horizontale'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4836671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'gl', {
+	toolbar: 'Inserir Liña Horizontal'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a4dc57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'gu', {
+	toolbar: 'સમસ્તરીય રેખા ઇન્સર્ટ/દાખલ કરવી'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7795312
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'he', {
+	toolbar: 'הוספת קו אופקי'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2887ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'hi', {
+	toolbar: 'हॉरिज़ॉन्टल रेखा इन्सर्ट करें'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc8d78c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'hr', {
+	toolbar: 'Ubaci vodoravnu liniju'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..842d6a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'hu', {
+	toolbar: 'Elválasztóvonal beillesztése'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54dd1dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'is', {
+	toolbar: 'Lóðrétt lína'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1be1bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'it', {
+	toolbar: 'Inserisci riga orizzontale'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fcce42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'ja', {
+	toolbar: '横罫線'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5fe9a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'ka', {
+	toolbar: 'ჰორიზონტალური ხაზის ჩასმა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e71308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'km', {
+	toolbar: 'បន្ថែមបន្ទាត់ផ្តេក'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f44c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'ko', {
+	toolbar: '수평선 삽입'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c258a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'ku', {
+	toolbar: 'دانانی هێلی ئاسۆیی'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ca4938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'lt', {
+	toolbar: 'Įterpti horizontalią liniją'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6423b75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'lv', {
+	toolbar: 'Ievietot horizontālu Atdalītājsvītru'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caca745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'mk', {
+	toolbar: 'Insert Horizontal Line' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f83dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'mn', {
+	toolbar: 'Хөндлөн зураас оруулах'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19165bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'ms', {
+	toolbar: 'Masukkan Garisan Membujur'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d7980c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'nb', {
+	toolbar: 'Sett inn horisontal linje'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73d7884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'nl', {
+	toolbar: 'Horizontale lijn invoegen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a79dab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'no', {
+	toolbar: 'Sett inn horisontal linje'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de63fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'pl', {
+	toolbar: 'Wstaw poziomÄ… liniÄ™'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acfa43c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'pt-br', {
+	toolbar: 'Inserir Linha Horizontal'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f41ee30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'pt', {
+	toolbar: 'Inserir Linha Horizontal'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a1b1f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'ro', {
+	toolbar: 'Inserează linie orizontală'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18f2811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'ru', {
+	toolbar: 'Вставить горизонтальную линию'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d57b47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'sk', {
+	toolbar: 'Vložiť vodorovnú čiaru'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9d8e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'sl', {
+	toolbar: 'Vstavi vodoravno črto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8b3316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'sr-latn', {
+	toolbar: 'Unesi horizontalnu liniju'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5554723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'sr', {
+	toolbar: 'Унеси хоризонталну линију'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36fdab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'sv', {
+	toolbar: 'Infoga horisontal linje'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5518ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'th', {
+	toolbar: 'แทรกเส้นคั่นบรรทัด'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cde865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'tr', {
+	toolbar: 'Yatay Satır Ekle'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f75e6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'ug', {
+	toolbar: 'توغرا سىزىق قىستۇر'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30d93ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'uk', {
+	toolbar: 'Горизонтальна лінія'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..854f5eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'vi', {
+	toolbar: 'Chèn đường phân cách ngang'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3e172d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'zh-cn', {
+	toolbar: '插入水平线'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4283633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'horizontalrule', 'zh', {
+	toolbar: '插入水平線'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/plugin.js
index a5d1edd..98745d3 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/plugin.js
@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @file Horizontal Rule plugin.
+ * @fileOverview Horizontal Rule plugin.
-	var horizontalruleCmd =
-	{
-		canUndo : false,    // The undo snapshot will be handled by 'insertElement'.
-		exec : function( editor )
-		{
-			editor.insertElement( editor.document.createElement( 'hr' ) );
+(function() {
+	var horizontalruleCmd = {
+		canUndo: false, // The undo snapshot will be handled by 'insertElement'.
+		exec: function( editor ) {
+			var hr = editor.document.createElement( 'hr' );
+			editor.insertElement( hr );
 	var pluginName = 'horizontalrule';
 	// Register a plugin named "horizontalrule".
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( pluginName,
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( pluginName, {
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'horizontalrule', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			if ( editor.blockless )
+				return;
 			editor.addCommand( pluginName, horizontalruleCmd );
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'HorizontalRule',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.horizontalrule,
-					command : pluginName
-				});
+			editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'HorizontalRule', {
+				label: editor.lang.horizontalrule.toolbar,
+				command: pluginName,
+				toolbar: 'insert,40'
+			});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmldataprocessor/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmldataprocessor/plugin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c431c03..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmldataprocessor/plugin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	// Regex to scan for   at the end of blocks, which are actually placeholders.
-	// Safari transforms the   to \xa0. (#4172)
-	var tailNbspRegex = /^[\t\r\n ]*(?: |\xa0)$/;
-	var protectedSourceMarker = '{cke_protected}';
-	// Return the last non-space child node of the block (#4344).
-	function lastNoneSpaceChild( block )
-	{
-		var lastIndex = block.children.length,
-			last = block.children[ lastIndex - 1 ];
-		while (  last && last.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( last.value ) )
-			last = block.children[ --lastIndex ];
-		return last;
-	}
-	function trimFillers( block, fromSource )
-	{
-		// If the current node is a block, and if we're converting from source or
-		// we're not in IE then search for and remove any tailing BR node.
-		//
-		// Also, any   at the end of blocks are fillers, remove them as well.
-		// (#2886)
-		var children = block.children, lastChild = lastNoneSpaceChild( block );
-		if ( lastChild )
-		{
-			if ( ( fromSource || !CKEDITOR.env.ie ) && lastChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && lastChild.name == 'br' )
-				children.pop();
-			if ( lastChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && tailNbspRegex.test( lastChild.value ) )
-				children.pop();
-		}
-	}
-	function blockNeedsExtension( block )
-	{
-		var lastChild = lastNoneSpaceChild( block );
-		return !lastChild
-			|| lastChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && lastChild.name == 'br'
-			// Some of the controls in form needs extension too,
-			// to move cursor at the end of the form. (#4791)
-			|| block.name == 'form' && lastChild.name == 'input';
-	}
-	function extendBlockForDisplay( block )
-	{
-		trimFillers( block, true );
-		if ( blockNeedsExtension( block ) )
-		{
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-				block.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( '\xa0' ) );
-			else
-				block.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'br', {} ) );
-		}
-	}
-	function extendBlockForOutput( block )
-	{
-		trimFillers( block );
-		if ( blockNeedsExtension( block ) )
-			block.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( '\xa0' ) );
-	}
-	var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd;
-	// Find out the list of block-like tags that can contain <br>.
-	var blockLikeTags = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, dtd.$block, dtd.$listItem, dtd.$tableContent );
-	for ( var i in blockLikeTags )
-	{
-		if ( ! ( 'br' in dtd[i] ) )
-			delete blockLikeTags[i];
-	}
-	// We just avoid filler in <pre> right now.
-	// TODO: Support filler for <pre>, line break is also occupy line height.
-	delete blockLikeTags.pre;
-	var defaultDataFilterRules =
-	{
-		elements : {},
-		attributeNames :
-		[
-			// Event attributes (onXYZ) must not be directly set. They can become
-			// active in the editing area (IE|WebKit).
-			[ ( /^on/ ), '_cke_pa_on' ]
-		]
-	};
-	var defaultDataBlockFilterRules = { elements : {} };
-	for ( i in blockLikeTags )
-		defaultDataBlockFilterRules.elements[ i ] = extendBlockForDisplay;
-	var defaultHtmlFilterRules =
-		{
-			elementNames :
-			[
-				// Remove the "cke:" namespace prefix.
-				[ ( /^cke:/ ), '' ],
-				// Ignore <?xml:namespace> tags.
-				[ ( /^\?xml:namespace$/ ), '' ]
-			],
-			attributeNames :
-			[
-				// Attributes saved for changes and protected attributes.
-				[ ( /^_cke_(saved|pa)_/ ), '' ],
-				// All "_cke" attributes are to be ignored.
-				[ ( /^_cke.*/ ), '' ],
-				[ 'hidefocus', '' ]
-			],
-			elements :
-			{
-				$ : function( element )
-				{
-					var attribs = element.attributes;
-					if ( attribs )
-					{
-						// Elements marked as temporary are to be ignored.
-						if ( attribs.cke_temp )
-							return false;
-						// Remove duplicated attributes - #3789.
-						var attributeNames = [ 'name', 'href', 'src' ],
-							savedAttributeName;
-						for ( var i = 0 ; i < attributeNames.length ; i++ )
-						{
-							savedAttributeName = '_cke_saved_' + attributeNames[ i ];
-							savedAttributeName in attribs && ( delete attribs[ attributeNames[ i ] ] );
-						}
-					}
-					return element;
-				},
-				embed : function( element )
-				{
-					var parent = element.parent;
-					// If the <embed> is child of a <object>, copy the width
-					// and height attributes from it.
-					if ( parent && parent.name == 'object' )
-					{
-						var parentWidth = parent.attributes.width,
-							parentHeight = parent.attributes.height;
-						parentWidth && ( element.attributes.width = parentWidth );
-						parentHeight && ( element.attributes.height = parentHeight );
-					}
-				},
-				// Restore param elements into self-closing.
-				param : function( param )
-				{
-					param.children = [];
-					param.isEmpty = true;
-					return param;
-				},
-				// Remove empty link but not empty anchor.(#3829)
-				a : function( element )
-				{
-					if ( !( element.children.length ||
-							element.attributes.name ||
-							element.attributes._cke_saved_name ) )
-					{
-						return false;
-					}
-				},
-				html : function( element )
-				{
-					delete element.attributes.contenteditable;
-					delete element.attributes[ 'class' ];
-				},
-				body : function( element )
-				{
-					delete element.attributes.spellcheck;
-					delete element.attributes.contenteditable;
-				},
-				style : function( element )
-				{
-					var child = element.children[ 0 ];
-					child && child.value && ( child.value = CKEDITOR.tools.trim( child.value ));
-					if ( !element.attributes.type )
-						element.attributes.type = 'text/css';
-				},
-				title : function( element )
-				{
-					var titleText = element.children[ 0 ];
-					titleText && ( titleText.value = element.attributes[ '_cke_title' ] || '' );
-				}
-			},
-			attributes :
-			{
-				'class' : function( value, element )
-				{
-					// Remove all class names starting with "cke_".
-					return CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( value.replace( /(?:^|\s+)cke_[^\s]*/g, '' ) ) || false;
-				}
-			},
-			comment : function( contents )
-			{
-				// If this is a comment for protected source.
-				if ( contents.substr( 0, protectedSourceMarker.length ) == protectedSourceMarker )
-				{
-					// Remove the extra marker for real comments from it.
-					if ( contents.substr( protectedSourceMarker.length, 3 ) == '{C}' )
-						contents = contents.substr( protectedSourceMarker.length + 3 );
-					else
-						contents = contents.substr( protectedSourceMarker.length );
-					return new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.cdata( decodeURIComponent( contents ) );
-				}
-				return contents;
-			}
-		};
-	var defaultHtmlBlockFilterRules = { elements : {} };
-	for ( i in blockLikeTags )
-		defaultHtmlBlockFilterRules.elements[ i ] = extendBlockForOutput;
-	if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-	{
-		// IE outputs style attribute in capital letters. We should convert
-		// them back to lower case.
-		defaultHtmlFilterRules.attributes.style = function( value, element )
-		{
-			return value.toLowerCase();
-		};
-	}
-	function protectReadOnly( element )
-	{
-		element.attributes.contenteditable = "false";
-	}
-	function unprotectReadyOnly( element )
-	{
-		delete element.attributes.contenteditable;
-	}
-	// Disable form elements editing mode provided by some browers. (#5746)
-	for ( i in { input : 1, textarea : 1 } )
-	{
-		defaultDataFilterRules.elements[ i ] = protectReadOnly;
-		defaultHtmlFilterRules.elements[ i ] = unprotectReadyOnly;
-	}
-	var protectAttributeRegex = /<((?:a|area|img|input)[\s\S]*?\s)((href|src|name)\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|(?:[^ "'>]+)))([^>]*)>/gi,
-		findSavedSrcRegex = /\s_cke_saved_src\s*=/;
-	var protectElementsRegex = /(?:<style(?=[ >])[^>]*>[\s\S]*<\/style>)|(?:<(:?link|meta|base)[^>]*>)/gi,
-		encodedElementsRegex = /<cke:encoded>([^<]*)<\/cke:encoded>/gi;
-	var protectElementNamesRegex = /(<\/?)((?:object|embed|param|html|body|head|title)[^>]*>)/gi,
-		unprotectElementNamesRegex = /(<\/?)cke:((?:html|body|head|title)[^>]*>)/gi;
-	var protectSelfClosingRegex = /<cke:(param|embed)([^>]*?)\/?>(?!\s*<\/cke:\1)/gi;
-	function protectAttributes( html )
-	{
-		return html.replace( protectAttributeRegex, function( tag, beginning, fullAttr, attrName, end )
-			{
-				// We should not rewrite the _cke_saved_src attribute (#5218)
-				if ( attrName == 'src' && findSavedSrcRegex.test( tag ) )
-					return tag;
-				else
-					return '<' + beginning + fullAttr + ' _cke_saved_' + fullAttr + end + '>';
-			});
-	}
-	function protectElements( html )
-	{
-		return html.replace( protectElementsRegex, function( match )
-			{
-				return '<cke:encoded>' + encodeURIComponent( match ) + '</cke:encoded>';
-			});
-	}
-	function unprotectElements( html )
-	{
-		return html.replace( encodedElementsRegex, function( match, encoded )
-			{
-				return decodeURIComponent( encoded );
-			});
-	}
-	function protectElementsNames( html )
-	{
-		return html.replace( protectElementNamesRegex, '$1cke:$2');
-	}
-	function unprotectElementNames( html )
-	{
-		return html.replace( unprotectElementNamesRegex, '$1$2' );
-	}
-	function protectSelfClosingElements( html )
-	{
-		return html.replace( protectSelfClosingRegex, '<cke:$1$2></cke:$1>' );
-	}
-	function protectRealComments( html )
-	{
-		return html.replace( /<!--(?!{cke_protected})[\s\S]+?-->/g, function( match )
-			{
-				return '<!--' + protectedSourceMarker +
-						'{C}' +
-						encodeURIComponent( match ).replace( /--/g, '%2D%2D' ) +
-						'-->';
-			});
-	}
-	function unprotectRealComments( html )
-	{
-		return html.replace( /<!--\{cke_protected\}\{C\}([\s\S]+?)-->/g, function( match, data )
-			{
-				return decodeURIComponent( data );
-			});
-	}
-	function protectSource( data, protectRegexes )
-	{
-		var protectedHtml = [],
-			tempRegex = /<\!--\{cke_temp(comment)?\}(\d*?)-->/g;
-		var regexes =
-			[
-				// Script tags will also be forced to be protected, otherwise
-				// IE will execute them.
-				( /<script[\s\S]*?<\/script>/gi ),
-				// <noscript> tags (get lost in IE and messed up in FF).
-				/<noscript[\s\S]*?<\/noscript>/gi
-			]
-			.concat( protectRegexes );
-		// First of any other protection, we must protect all comments
-		// to avoid loosing them (of course, IE related).
-		// Note that we use a different tag for comments, as we need to
-		// transform them when applying filters.
-		data = data.replace( (/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g), function( match )
-			{
-				return  '<!--{cke_tempcomment}' + ( protectedHtml.push( match ) - 1 ) + '-->';
-			});
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < regexes.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			data = data.replace( regexes[i], function( match )
-				{
-					match = match.replace( tempRegex, 		// There could be protected source inside another one. (#3869).
-						function( $, isComment, id )
-						{
-							return protectedHtml[ id ];
-						}
-					);
-					return  '<!--{cke_temp}' + ( protectedHtml.push( match ) - 1 ) + '-->';
-				});
-		}
-		data = data.replace( tempRegex,	function( $, isComment, id )
-			{
-				return '<!--' + protectedSourceMarker +
-						( isComment ? '{C}' : '' ) +
-						encodeURIComponent( protectedHtml[ id ] ).replace( /--/g, '%2D%2D' ) +
-						'-->';
-			}
-		);
-		return data;
-	}
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'htmldataprocessor',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'htmlwriter' ],
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor = new CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor( editor );
-			dataProcessor.writer.forceSimpleAmpersand = editor.config.forceSimpleAmpersand;
-			dataProcessor.dataFilter.addRules( defaultDataFilterRules );
-			dataProcessor.dataFilter.addRules( defaultDataBlockFilterRules );
-			dataProcessor.htmlFilter.addRules( defaultHtmlFilterRules );
-			dataProcessor.htmlFilter.addRules( defaultHtmlBlockFilterRules );
-		}
-	});
-	CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor = function( editor )
-	{
-		this.editor = editor;
-		this.writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlWriter();
-		this.dataFilter = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter();
-		this.htmlFilter = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter();
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor.prototype =
-	{
-		toHtml : function( data, fixForBody )
-		{
-			// The source data is already HTML, but we need to clean
-			// it up and apply the filter.
-			data = protectSource( data, this.editor.config.protectedSource );
-			// Before anything, we must protect the URL attributes as the
-			// browser may changing them when setting the innerHTML later in
-			// the code.
-			data = protectAttributes( data );
-			// Protect elements than can't be set inside a DIV. E.g. IE removes
-			// style tags from innerHTML. (#3710)
-			data = protectElements( data );
-			// Certain elements has problem to go through DOM operation, protect
-			// them by prefixing 'cke' namespace. (#3591)
-			data = protectElementsNames( data );
-			// All none-IE browsers ignore self-closed custom elements,
-			// protecting them into open-close. (#3591)
-			data = protectSelfClosingElements( data );
-			// Call the browser to help us fixing a possibly invalid HTML
-			// structure.
-			var div = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'div' );
-			// Add fake character to workaround IE comments bug. (#3801)
-			div.setHtml( 'a' + data );
-			data = div.getHtml().substr( 1 );
-			// Unprotect "some" of the protected elements at this point.
-			data = unprotectElementNames( data );
-			data = unprotectElements( data );
-			// Restore the comments that have been protected, in this way they
-			// can be properly filtered.
-			data = unprotectRealComments( data );
-			// Now use our parser to make further fixes to the structure, as
-			// well as apply the filter.
-			var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( data, fixForBody ),
-				writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();
-			fragment.writeHtml( writer, this.dataFilter );
-			data = writer.getHtml( true );
-			// Protect the real comments again.
-			data = protectRealComments( data );
-			return data;
-		},
-		toDataFormat : function( html, fixForBody )
-		{
-			var writer = this.writer,
-				fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( html, fixForBody );
-			writer.reset();
-			fragment.writeHtml( writer, this.htmlFilter );
-			return writer.getHtml( true );
-		}
-	};
- * Whether to force using "&" instead of "&amp;" in elements attributes
- * values. It's not recommended to change this setting for compliance with the
- * W3C XHTML 1.0 standards
- * (<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#C_12">C.12, XHTML 1.0</a>).
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- * @example
- * config.forceSimpleAmpersand = false;
- */
-CKEDITOR.config.forceSimpleAmpersand = false;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/plugin.js
index 46fadde..dc173d5 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/plugin.js
@@ -1,155 +1,160 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'htmlwriter', {
+	init: function( editor ) {
+		var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlWriter();
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'htmlwriter' );
+		writer.forceSimpleAmpersand = editor.config.forceSimpleAmpersand;
+		writer.indentationChars = editor.config.dataIndentationChars || '\t';
+		// Overwrite default basicWriter initialized in hmtlDataProcessor constructor.
+		editor.dataProcessor.writer = writer;
+	}
  * Class used to write HTML data.
- * @constructor
- * @example
- * var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlWriter();
- * writer.openTag( 'p' );
- * writer.attribute( 'class', 'MyClass' );
- * writer.openTagClose( 'p' );
- * writer.text( 'Hello' );
- * writer.closeTag( 'p' );
- * alert( writer.getHtml() );  "<p class="MyClass">Hello</p>"
+ *
+ *		var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlWriter();
+ *		writer.openTag( 'p' );
+ *		writer.attribute( 'class', 'MyClass' );
+ *		writer.openTagClose( 'p' );
+ *		writer.text( 'Hello' );
+ *		writer.closeTag( 'p' );
+ *		alert( writer.getHtml() ); // '<p class="MyClass">Hello</p>'
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @extends CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter
-CKEDITOR.htmlWriter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
-	base : CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter,
-	$ : function()
-	{
+CKEDITOR.htmlWriter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+	base: CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter,
+	/**
+	 * Creates a htmlWriter class instance.
+	 *
+	 * @constructor
+	 */
+	$: function() {
 		// Call the base contructor.
 		 * The characters to be used for each identation step.
-		 * @type String
-		 * @default "\t" (tab)
-		 * @example
-		 * // Use two spaces for indentation.
-		 * editorInstance.dataProcessor.writer.indentationChars = '  ';
+		 *
+		 *		// Use tab for indentation.
+		 *		editorInstance.dataProcessor.writer.indentationChars = '\t';
 		this.indentationChars = '\t';
-		 * The characters to be used to close "self-closing" elements, like "br" or
-		 * "img".
-		 * @type String
-		 * @default " />"
-		 * @example
-		 * // Use HTML4 notation for self-closing elements.
-		 * editorInstance.dataProcessor.writer.selfClosingEnd = '>';
+		 * The characters to be used to close "self-closing" elements, like `<br>` or `<img>`.
+		 *
+		 *		// Use HTML4 notation for self-closing elements.
+		 *		editorInstance.dataProcessor.writer.selfClosingEnd = '>';
 		this.selfClosingEnd = ' />';
 		 * The characters to be used for line breaks.
-		 * @type String
-		 * @default "\n" (LF)
-		 * @example
-		 * // Use CRLF for line breaks.
-		 * editorInstance.dataProcessor.writer.lineBreakChars = '\r\n';
+		 *
+		 *		// Use CRLF for line breaks.
+		 *		editorInstance.dataProcessor.writer.lineBreakChars = '\r\n';
 		this.lineBreakChars = '\n';
-		this.forceSimpleAmpersand = false;
-		this.sortAttributes = true;
+		this.sortAttributes = 1;
-		this._.indent = false;
+		this._.indent = 0;
 		this._.indentation = '';
+		// Indicate preformatted block context status. (#5789)
+		this._.inPre = 0;
 		this._.rules = {};
 		var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd;
-		for ( var e in CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, dtd.$nonBodyContent, dtd.$block, dtd.$listItem, dtd.$tableContent ) )
-		{
-			this.setRules( e,
-				{
-					indent : true,
-					breakBeforeOpen : true,
-					breakAfterOpen : true,
-					breakBeforeClose : !dtd[ e ][ '#' ],
-					breakAfterClose : true
-				});
+		for ( var e in CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, dtd.$nonBodyContent, dtd.$block, dtd.$listItem, dtd.$tableContent ) ) {
+			this.setRules( e, {
+				indent: !dtd[ e ][ '#' ],
+				breakBeforeOpen: 1,
+				breakBeforeClose: !dtd[ e ][ '#' ],
+				breakAfterClose: 1,
+				needsSpace: ( e in dtd.$block ) && !( e in { li:1,dt:1,dd:1 } )
+			});
-		this.setRules( 'br',
-			{
-				breakAfterOpen : true
-			});
+		this.setRules( 'br', { breakAfterOpen:1 } );
-		this.setRules( 'title',
-			{
-				indent : false,
-				breakAfterOpen : false
-			});
+		this.setRules( 'title', {
+			indent: 0,
+			breakAfterOpen: 0
+		});
-		this.setRules( 'style',
-			{
-				indent : false,
-				breakBeforeClose : true
-			});
+		this.setRules( 'style', {
+			indent: 0,
+			breakBeforeClose: 1
+		});
-		// Disable indentation on <pre>.
-		this.setRules( 'pre',
-			{
-			  indent: false
-			});
+		this.setRules( 'pre', {
+			breakAfterOpen: 1, // Keep line break after the opening tag
+			indent: 0 // Disable indentation on <pre>.
+		});
-	proto :
-	{
+	proto: {
 		 * Writes the tag opening part for a opener tag.
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes '<p'.
+		 *		writer.openTag( 'p', { class : 'MyClass', id : 'MyId' } );
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} tagName The element name for this tag.
 		 * @param {Object} attributes The attributes defined for this tag. The
-		 *		attributes could be used to inspect the tag.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes "<p".
-		 * writer.openTag( 'p', { class : 'MyClass', id : 'MyId' } );
+		 * attributes could be used to inspect the tag.
-		openTag : function( tagName, attributes )
-		{
+		openTag: function( tagName, attributes ) {
 			var rules = this._.rules[ tagName ];
+			if ( this._.afterCloser && rules && rules.needsSpace && this._.needsSpace )
+				this._.output.push( '\n' );
 			if ( this._.indent )
 			// Do not break if indenting.
-			else if ( rules && rules.breakBeforeOpen )
-			{
+			else if ( rules && rules.breakBeforeOpen ) {
 			this._.output.push( '<', tagName );
+			this._.afterCloser = 0;
 		 * Writes the tag closing part for a opener tag.
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes '>'.
+		 *		writer.openTagClose( 'p', false );
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes ' />'.
+		 *		writer.openTagClose( 'br', true );
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} tagName The element name for this tag.
 		 * @param {Boolean} isSelfClose Indicates that this is a self-closing tag,
-		 *		like "br" or "img".
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes ">".
-		 * writer.openTagClose( 'p', false );
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes " />".
-		 * writer.openTagClose( 'br', true );
+		 * like `<br>` or `<img>`.
-		openTagClose : function( tagName, isSelfClose )
-		{
+		openTagClose: function( tagName, isSelfClose ) {
 			var rules = this._.rules[ tagName ];
-			if ( isSelfClose )
+			if ( isSelfClose ) {
 				this._.output.push( this.selfClosingEnd );
-			else
-			{
+				if ( rules && rules.breakAfterClose )
+					this._.needsSpace = rules.needsSpace;
+			} else {
 				this._.output.push( '>' );
 				if ( rules && rules.indent )
@@ -158,22 +163,22 @@ CKEDITOR.htmlWriter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
 			if ( rules && rules.breakAfterOpen )
+			tagName == 'pre' && ( this._.inPre = 1 );
 		 * Writes an attribute. This function should be called after opening the
 		 * tag with {@link #openTagClose}.
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes ' class="MyClass"'.
+		 *		writer.attribute( 'class', 'MyClass' );
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} attName The attribute name.
 		 * @param {String} attValue The attribute value.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes ' class="MyClass"'.
-		 * writer.attribute( 'class', 'MyClass' );
-		attribute : function( attName, attValue )
-		{
+		attribute: function( attName, attValue ) {
-			if ( typeof attValue == 'string' )
-			{
+			if ( typeof attValue == 'string' ) {
 				this.forceSimpleAmpersand && ( attValue = attValue.replace( /&/g, '&' ) );
 				// Browsers don't always escape special character in attribute values. (#4683, #4719).
 				attValue = CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncodeAttr( attValue );
@@ -184,13 +189,13 @@ CKEDITOR.htmlWriter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
 		 * Writes a closer tag.
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes '</p>'.
+		 *		writer.closeTag( 'p' );
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} tagName The element name for this tag.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes "</p>".
-		 * writer.closeTag( 'p' );
-		closeTag : function( tagName )
-		{
+		closeTag: function( tagName ) {
 			var rules = this._.rules[ tagName ];
 			if ( rules && rules.indent )
@@ -199,31 +204,34 @@ CKEDITOR.htmlWriter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
 			if ( this._.indent )
 			// Do not break if indenting.
-			else if ( rules && rules.breakBeforeClose )
-			{
+			else if ( rules && rules.breakBeforeClose ) {
 			this._.output.push( '</', tagName, '>' );
+			tagName == 'pre' && ( this._.inPre = 0 );
-			if ( rules && rules.breakAfterClose )
+			if ( rules && rules.breakAfterClose ) {
+				this._.needsSpace = rules.needsSpace;
+			}
+			this._.afterCloser = 1;
 		 * Writes text.
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes 'Hello Word'.
+		 *		writer.text( 'Hello Word' );
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} text The text value
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes "Hello Word".
-		 * writer.text( 'Hello Word' );
-		text : function( text )
-		{
-			if ( this._.indent )
-			{
+		text: function( text ) {
+			if ( this._.indent ) {
-				text = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( text );
+				!this._.inPre && ( text = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( text ) );
 			this._.output.push( text );
@@ -231,13 +239,13 @@ CKEDITOR.htmlWriter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
 		 * Writes a comment.
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes "<!-- My comment -->".
+		 *		writer.comment( ' My comment ' );
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} comment The comment text.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes "<!-- My comment -->".
-		 * writer.comment( ' My comment ' );
-		comment : function( comment )
-		{
+		comment: function( comment ) {
 			if ( this._.indent )
@@ -246,63 +254,73 @@ CKEDITOR.htmlWriter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
 		 * Writes a line break. It uses the {@link #lineBreakChars} property for it.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes "\n" (e.g.).
-		 * writer.lineBreak();
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes '\n' (e.g.).
+		 *		writer.lineBreak();
-		lineBreak : function()
-		{
-			if ( this._.output.length > 0 )
+		lineBreak: function() {
+			if ( !this._.inPre && this._.output.length > 0 )
 				this._.output.push( this.lineBreakChars );
-			this._.indent = true;
+			this._.indent = 1;
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Writes the current indentation chars. It uses the {@link #indentationChars}
+		 * property, repeating it for the current indentation steps.
+		 *
+		 *		// Writes '\t' (e.g.).
+		 *		writer.indentation();
+		 */
+		indentation: function() {
+			if ( !this._.inPre && this._.indentation )
+				this._.output.push( this._.indentation );
+			this._.indent = 0;
-		 * Writes the current indentation chars. It uses the
-		 * {@link #indentationChars} property, repeating it for the current
-		 * indentation steps.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Writes "\t" (e.g.).
-		 * writer.indentation();
+		 * Empties the current output buffer. It also brings back the default
+		 * values of the writer flags.
+		 *
+		 *		writer.reset();
-		indentation : function()
-		{
-			this._.output.push( this._.indentation );
-			this._.indent = false;
+		reset: function() {
+			this._.output = [];
+			this._.indent = 0;
+			this._.indentation = '';
+			this._.afterCloser = 0;
+			this._.inPre = 0;
 		 * Sets formatting rules for a give element. The possible rules are:
-		 * <ul>
-		 *	<li><b>indent</b>: indent the element contents.</li>
-		 *	<li><b>breakBeforeOpen</b>: break line before the opener tag for this element.</li>
-		 *	<li><b>breakAfterOpen</b>: break line after the opener tag for this element.</li>
-		 *	<li><b>breakBeforeClose</b>: break line before the closer tag for this element.</li>
-		 *	<li><b>breakAfterClose</b>: break line after the closer tag for this element.</li>
-		 * </ul>
-		 * All rules default to "false". Each call to the function overrides
+		 * * `indent`: indent the element contents.
+		 * * `breakBeforeOpen`: break line before the opener tag for this element.
+		 * * `breakAfterOpen`: break line after the opener tag for this element.
+		 * * `breakBeforeClose`: break line before the closer tag for this element.
+		 * * `breakAfterClose`: break line after the closer tag for this element.
+		 *
+		 * All rules default to `false`. Each call to the function overrides
 		 * already present rules, leaving the undefined untouched.
-		 * By default, all elements available in the {@link CKEDITOR.dtd.$block),
-		 * {@link CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem} and {@link CKEDITOR.dtd.$tableContent}
-		 * lists have all the above rules set to "true". Additionaly, the "br"
-		 * element has the "breakAfterOpen" set to "true".
+		 * By default, all elements available in the {@link CKEDITOR.dtd#$block},
+		 * {@link CKEDITOR.dtd#$listItem} and {@link CKEDITOR.dtd#$tableContent}
+		 * lists have all the above rules set to `true`. Additionaly, the `<br>`
+		 * element has the `breakAfterOpen` set to `true`.
+		 *
+		 *		// Break line before and after "img" tags.
+		 *		writer.setRules( 'img', {
+		 *			breakBeforeOpen: true
+		 *			breakAfterOpen: true
+		 *		} );
+		 *
+		 *		// Reset the rules for the "h1" tag.
+		 *		writer.setRules( 'h1', {} );
+		 *
 		 * @param {String} tagName The element name to which set the rules.
 		 * @param {Object} rules An object containing the element rules.
-		 * @example
-		 * // Break line before and after "img" tags.
-		 * writer.setRules( 'img',
-		 *     {
-		 *         breakBeforeOpen : true
-		 *         breakAfterOpen : true
-		 *     });
-		 * @example
-		 * // Reset the rules for the "h1" tag.
-		 * writer.setRules( 'h1', {} );
-		setRules : function( tagName, rules )
-		{
+		setRules: function( tagName, rules ) {
 			var currentRules = this._.rules[ tagName ];
 			if ( currentRules )
@@ -312,3 +330,30 @@ CKEDITOR.htmlWriter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
+ * Whether to force using `'&'` instead of `'&'` in elements attributes
+ * values, it's not recommended to change this setting for compliance with the
+ * W3C XHTML 1.0 standards ([C.12, XHTML 1.0](http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#C_12)).
+ *
+ *		// Use `'&'` instead of `'&'`
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.forceSimpleAmpersand = true;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [forceSimpleAmpersand=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * The characters to be used for indenting the HTML produced by the editor.
+ * Using characters different than `' '` (space) and `'\t'` (tab) is definitely
+ * a bad idea as it'll mess the code.
+ *
+ *		// No indentation.
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.dataIndentationChars = '';
+ *
+ *		// Use two spaces for indentation.
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.dataIndentationChars = '  ';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [dataIndentationChars='\t']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/samples/assets/outputforflash/outputforflash.fla b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/samples/assets/outputforflash/outputforflash.fla
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27e68cc
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/samples/assets/outputforflash/outputforflash.fla differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/samples/assets/outputforflash/outputforflash.swf b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/samples/assets/outputforflash/outputforflash.swf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbe17b6
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/samples/assets/outputforflash/outputforflash.swf differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/samples/assets/outputforflash/swfobject.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/samples/assets/outputforflash/swfobject.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f55260e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/samples/assets/outputforflash/swfobject.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+/*	SWFObject v2.2 <http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/>
+	is released under the MIT License <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php>
+var swfobject=function(){var D="undefined",r="object",S="Shockwave Flash",W="ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash",q="application/x-shockwave-flash",R="SWFObjectExprInst",x="onreadystatechange",O=window,j=document,t=navigator,T=false,U=[h],o=[],N=[],I=[],l,Q,E,B,J=false,a=false,n,G,m=true,M=function(){var aa=typeof j.getElementById!=D&&typeof j.getElementsByTagName!=D&&typeof j.createElement!=D,ah=t.userAgent.toLowerCase(),Y=t.platform.toLowerCase(),ae=Y?/win/.test(Y):/win/.test(ah),ac=Y?/mac/.test(Y):/mac/.test(ah),af=/webkit/.test(ah)?parseFloat(ah.replace(/^.*webkit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?).*$/,"$1")):false,X=!+"\v1",ag=[0,0,0],ab=null;if(typeof t.plugins!=D&&typeof t.plugins[S]==r){ab=t.plugins[S].description;if(ab&&!(typeof t.mimeTypes!=D&&t.mimeTypes[q]&&!t.mimeTypes[q].enabledPlugin)){T=true;X=false;ab=ab.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/,"$1");ag[0]=parseInt(ab.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/,"$1"),10);ag[1]=parseInt(ab.replace(/^.*\.(.*)\s.*$/,"$1"),10);ag[2]=/[a-zA-Z]/.test(ab)?parseInt(ab.replace
 (/^.*[a-zA-Z]+(.*)$/,"$1"),10):0}}else{if(typeof O.ActiveXObject!=D){try{var ad=new ActiveXObject(W);if(ad){ab=ad.GetVariable("$version");if(ab){X=true;ab=ab.split(" ")[1].split(",");ag=[parseInt(ab[0],10),parseInt(ab[1],10),parseInt(ab[2],10)]}}}catch(Z){}}}return{w3:aa,pv:ag,wk:af,ie:X,win:ae,mac:ac}}(),k=function(){if(!M.w3){return}if((typeof j.readyState!=D&&j.readyState=="complete")||(typeof j.readyState==D&&(j.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]||j.body))){f()}if(!J){if(typeof j.addEventListener!=D){j.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",f,false)}if(M.ie&&M.win){j.attachEvent(x,function(){if(j.readyState=="complete"){j.detachEvent(x,arguments.callee);f()}});if(O==top){(function(){if(J){return}try{j.documentElement.doScroll("left")}catch(X){setTimeout(arguments.callee,0);return}f()})()}}if(M.wk){(function(){if(J){return}if(!/loaded|complete/.test(j.readyState)){setTimeout(arguments.callee,0);return}f()})()}s(f)}}();function f(){if(J){return}try{var Z=j.getElementsByTagName("
 body")[0].appendChild(C("span"));Z.parentNode.removeChild(Z)}catch(aa){return}J=true;var X=U.length;for(var Y=0;Y<X;Y++){U[Y]()}}function K(X){if(J){X()}else{U[U.length]=X}}function s(Y){if(typeof O.addEventListener!=D){O.addEventListener("load",Y,false)}else{if(typeof j.addEventListener!=D){j.addEventListener("load",Y,false)}else{if(typeof O.attachEvent!=D){i(O,"onload",Y)}else{if(typeof O.onload=="function"){var X=O.onload;O.onload=function(){X();Y()}}else{O.onload=Y}}}}}function h(){if(T){V()}else{H()}}function V(){var X=j.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];var aa=C(r);aa.setAttribute("type",q);var Z=X.appendChild(aa);if(Z){var Y=0;(function(){if(typeof Z.GetVariable!=D){var ab=Z.GetVariable("$version");if(ab){ab=ab.split(" ")[1].split(",");M.pv=[parseInt(ab[0],10),parseInt(ab[1],10),parseInt(ab[2],10)]}}else{if(Y<10){Y++;setTimeout(arguments.callee,10);return}}X.removeChild(aa);Z=null;H()})()}else{H()}}function H(){var ag=o.length;if(ag>0){for(var af=0;af<ag;af++){var Y=o[a
 f].id;var ab=o[af].callbackFn;var aa={success:false,id:Y};if(M.pv[0]>0){var ae=c(Y);if(ae){if(F(o[af].swfVersion)&&!(M.wk&&M.wk<312)){w(Y,true);if(ab){aa.success=true;aa.ref=z(Y);ab(aa)}}else{if(o[af].expressInstall&&A()){var ai={};ai.data=o[af].expressInstall;ai.width=ae.getAttribute("width")||"0";ai.height=ae.getAttribute("height")||"0";if(ae.getAttribute("class")){ai.styleclass=ae.getAttribute("class")}if(ae.getAttribute("align")){ai.align=ae.getAttribute("align")}var ah={};var X=ae.getElementsByTagName("param");var ac=X.length;for(var ad=0;ad<ac;ad++){if(X[ad].getAttribute("name").toLowerCase()!="movie"){ah[X[ad].getAttribute("name")]=X[ad].getAttribute("value")}}P(ai,ah,Y,ab)}else{p(ae);if(ab){ab(aa)}}}}}else{w(Y,true);if(ab){var Z=z(Y);if(Z&&typeof Z.SetVariable!=D){aa.success=true;aa.ref=Z}ab(aa)}}}}}function z(aa){var X=null;var Y=c(aa);if(Y&&Y.nodeName=="OBJECT"){if(typeof Y.SetVariable!=D){X=Y}else{var Z=Y.getElementsByTagName(r)[0];if(Z){X=Z}}}return X}function A(
 ){return !a&&F("6.0.65")&&(M.win||M.mac)&&!(M.wk&&M.wk<312)}function P(aa,ab,X,Z){a=true;E=Z||null;B={success:false,id:X};var ae=c(X);if(ae){if(ae.nodeName=="OBJECT"){l=g(ae);Q=null}else{l=ae;Q=X}aa.id=R;if(typeof aa.width==D||(!/%$/.test(aa.width)&&parseInt(aa.width,10)<310)){aa.width="310"}if(typeof aa.height==D||(!/%$/.test(aa.height)&&parseInt(aa.height,10)<137)){aa.height="137"}j.title=j.title.slice(0,47)+" - Flash Player Installation";var ad=M.ie&&M.win?"ActiveX":"PlugIn",ac="MMredirectURL="+O.location.toString().replace(/&/g,"%26")+"&MMplayerType="+ad+"&MMdoctitle="+j.title;if(typeof ab.flashvars!=D){ab.flashvars+="&"+ac}else{ab.flashvars=ac}if(M.ie&&M.win&&ae.readyState!=4){var Y=C("div");X+="SWFObjectNew";Y.setAttribute("id",X);ae.parentNode.insertBefore(Y,ae);ae.style.display="none";(function(){if(ae.readyState==4){ae.parentNode.removeChild(ae)}else{setTimeout(arguments.callee,10)}})()}u(aa,ab,X)}}function p(Y){if(M.ie&&M.win&&Y.readyState!=4){var X=C("div");Y.pare
 ntNode.insertBefore(X,Y);X.parentNode.replaceChild(g(Y),X);Y.style.display="none";(function(){if(Y.readyState==4){Y.parentNode.removeChild(Y)}else{setTimeout(arguments.callee,10)}})()}else{Y.parentNode.replaceChild(g(Y),Y)}}function g(ab){var aa=C("div");if(M.win&&M.ie){aa.innerHTML=ab.innerHTML}else{var Y=ab.getElementsByTagName(r)[0];if(Y){var ad=Y.childNodes;if(ad){var X=ad.length;for(var Z=0;Z<X;Z++){if(!(ad[Z].nodeType==1&&ad[Z].nodeName=="PARAM")&&!(ad[Z].nodeType==8)){aa.appendChild(ad[Z].cloneNode(true))}}}}}return aa}function u(ai,ag,Y){var X,aa=c(Y);if(M.wk&&M.wk<312){return X}if(aa){if(typeof ai.id==D){ai.id=Y}if(M.ie&&M.win){var ah="";for(var ae in ai){if(ai[ae]!=Object.prototype[ae]){if(ae.toLowerCase()=="data"){ag.movie=ai[ae]}else{if(ae.toLowerCase()=="styleclass"){ah+=' class="'+ai[ae]+'"'}else{if(ae.toLowerCase()!="classid"){ah+=" "+ae+'="'+ai[ae]+'"'}}}}}var af="";for(var ad in ag){if(ag[ad]!=Object.prototype[ad]){af+='<param name="'+ad+'" value="'+ag[ad]+'
 " />'}}aa.outerHTML='<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"'+ah+">"+af+"</object>";N[N.length]=ai.id;X=c(ai.id)}else{var Z=C(r);Z.setAttribute("type",q);for(var ac in ai){if(ai[ac]!=Object.prototype[ac]){if(ac.toLowerCase()=="styleclass"){Z.setAttribute("class",ai[ac])}else{if(ac.toLowerCase()!="classid"){Z.setAttribute(ac,ai[ac])}}}}for(var ab in ag){if(ag[ab]!=Object.prototype[ab]&&ab.toLowerCase()!="movie"){e(Z,ab,ag[ab])}}aa.parentNode.replaceChild(Z,aa);X=Z}}return X}function e(Z,X,Y){var aa=C("param");aa.setAttribute("name",X);aa.setAttribute("value",Y);Z.appendChild(aa)}function y(Y){var X=c(Y);if(X&&X.nodeName=="OBJECT"){if(M.ie&&M.win){X.style.display="none";(function(){if(X.readyState==4){b(Y)}else{setTimeout(arguments.callee,10)}})()}else{X.parentNode.removeChild(X)}}}function b(Z){var Y=c(Z);if(Y){for(var X in Y){if(typeof Y[X]=="function"){Y[X]=null}}Y.parentNode.removeChild(Y)}}function c(Z){var X=null;try{X=j.getElementById(Z)}catch(Y){}r
 eturn X}function C(X){return j.createElement(X)}function i(Z,X,Y){Z.attachEvent(X,Y);I[I.length]=[Z,X,Y]}function F(Z){var Y=M.pv,X=Z.split(".");X[0]=parseInt(X[0],10);X[1]=parseInt(X[1],10)||0;X[2]=parseInt(X[2],10)||0;return(Y[0]>X[0]||(Y[0]==X[0]&&Y[1]>X[1])||(Y[0]==X[0]&&Y[1]==X[1]&&Y[2]>=X[2]))?true:false}function v(ac,Y,ad,ab){if(M.ie&&M.mac){return}var aa=j.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];if(!aa){return}var X=(ad&&typeof ad=="string")?ad:"screen";if(ab){n=null;G=null}if(!n||G!=X){var Z=C("style");Z.setAttribute("type","text/css");Z.setAttribute("media",X);n=aa.appendChild(Z);if(M.ie&&M.win&&typeof j.styleSheets!=D&&j.styleSheets.length>0){n=j.styleSheets[j.styleSheets.length-1]}G=X}if(M.ie&&M.win){if(n&&typeof n.addRule==r){n.addRule(ac,Y)}}else{if(n&&typeof j.createTextNode!=D){n.appendChild(j.createTextNode(ac+" {"+Y+"}"))}}}function w(Z,X){if(!m){return}var Y=X?"visible":"hidden";if(J&&c(Z)){c(Z).style.visibility=Y}else{v("#"+Z,"visibility:"+Y)}}function L(Y){var Z
 =/[\\\"<>\.;]/;var X=Z.exec(Y)!=null;return X&&typeof encodeURIComponent!=D?encodeURIComponent(Y):Y}var d=function(){if(M.ie&&M.win){window.attachEvent("onunload",function(){var ac=I.length;for(var ab=0;ab<ac;ab++){I[ab][0].detachEvent(I[ab][1],I[ab][2])}var Z=N.length;for(var aa=0;aa<Z;aa++){y(N[aa])}for(var Y in M){M[Y]=null}M=null;for(var X in swfobject){swfobject[X]=null}swfobject=null})}}();return{registerObject:function(ab,X,aa,Z){if(M.w3&&ab&&X){var Y={};Y.id=ab;Y.swfVersion=X;Y.expressInstall=aa;Y.callbackFn=Z;o[o.length]=Y;w(ab,false)}else{if(Z){Z({success:false,id:ab})}}},getObjectById:function(X){if(M.w3){return z(X)}},embedSWF:function(ab,ah,ae,ag,Y,aa,Z,ad,af,ac){var X={success:false,id:ah};if(M.w3&&!(M.wk&&M.wk<312)&&ab&&ah&&ae&&ag&&Y){w(ah,false);K(function(){ae+="";ag+="";var aj={};if(af&&typeof af===r){for(var al in af){aj[al]=af[al]}}aj.data=ab;aj.width=ae;aj.height=ag;var am={};if(ad&&typeof ad===r){for(var ak in ad){am[ak]=ad[ak]}}if(Z&&typeof Z===r){for(
 var ai in Z){if(typeof am.flashvars!=D){am.flashvars+="&"+ai+"="+Z[ai]}else{am.flashvars=ai+"="+Z[ai]}}}if(F(Y)){var an=u(aj,am,ah);if(aj.id==ah){w(ah,true)}X.success=true;X.ref=an}else{if(aa&&A()){aj.data=aa;P(aj,am,ah,ac);return}else{w(ah,true)}}if(ac){ac(X)}})}else{if(ac){ac(X)}}},switchOffAutoHideShow:function(){m=false},ua:M,getFlashPlayerVersion:function(){return{major:M.pv[0],minor:M.pv[1],release:M.pv[2]}},hasFlashPlayerVersion:F,createSWF:function(Z,Y,X){if(M.w3){return u(Z,Y,X)}else{return undefined}},showExpressInstall:function(Z,aa,X,Y){if(M.w3&&A()){P(Z,aa,X,Y)}},removeSWF:function(X){if(M.w3){y(X)}},createCSS:function(aa,Z,Y,X){if(M.w3){v(aa,Z,Y,X)}},addDomLoadEvent:K,addLoadEvent:s,getQueryParamValue:function(aa){var Z=j.location.search||j.location.hash;if(Z){if(/\?/.test(Z)){Z=Z.split("?")[1]}if(aa==null){return L(Z)}var Y=Z.split("&");for(var X=0;X<Y.length;X++){if(Y[X].substring(0,Y[X].indexOf("="))==aa){return L(Y[X].substring((Y[X].indexOf("=")+1)))}}}ret
 urn""},expressInstallCallback:function(){if(a){var X=c(R);if(X&&l){X.parentNode.replaceChild(l,X);if(Q){w(Q,true);if(M.ie&&M.win){l.style.display="block"}}if(E){E(B)}}a=false}}}}();
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/samples/outputforflash.html b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/samples/outputforflash.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..987700f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/samples/outputforflash.html
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+	<title>Output for Flash — CKEditor Sample</title>
+	<meta charset="utf-8">
+	<script src="../../../ckeditor.js"></script>
+	<script src="../../../samples/sample.js"></script>
+	<script src="assets/outputforflash/swfobject.js"></script>
+	<link href="../../../samples/sample.css" rel="stylesheet">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-required-plugins" content="sourcearea">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-name" content="Output for Flash">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-group" content="Advanced Samples">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-description" content="Configuring CKEditor to produce HTML code that can be used with Adobe Flash.">
+	<style>
+		.alert
+		{
+			background: #ffa84c;
+			padding: 10px 15px;
+			font-weight: bold;
+			display: block;
+			margin-bottom: 20px;
+		}
+	</style>
+	<h1 class="samples">
+		<a href="../../../samples/index.html">CKEditor Samples</a> » Producing Flash Compliant HTML Output
+	</h1>
+	<div class="description">
+		<p>
+			This sample shows how to configure CKEditor to output
+			HTML code that can be used with
+			<a class="samples" href="http://www.adobe.com/livedocs/flash/9.0/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=LiveDocs_Parts&file=00000922.html">
+			Adobe Flash</a>.
+			The code will contain a subset of standard HTML elements like <code><b></code>,
+			<code><i></code>, and <code><p></code> as well as HTML attributes.
+		</p>
+		<p>
+			To add a CKEditor instance outputting Flash compliant HTML code, load the editor using a standard
+			JavaScript call, and define CKEditor features to use HTML elements and attributes.
+		</p>
+		<p>
+			For details on how to create this setup check the source code of this sample page.
+		</p>
+	</div>
+	<p>
+		To see how it works, create some content in the editing area of CKEditor on the left
+		and send it to the Flash object on the right side of the page by using the
+		<strong>Send to Flash</strong> button.
+	</p>
+	<table style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 0; border-collapse:collapse;">
+		<tr>
+			<td style="width: 100%">
+				<textarea cols="80" id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10"><p><b><font size="18" style="font-size:18px;">Flash and HTML</font></b></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>It is possible to have <a href="http://ckeditor.com">CKEditor</a> creating content that will be later loaded inside <b>Flash</b> objects and animations.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Flash has a few limitations when dealing with HTML:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><ul><li>It has limited support on tags.</li><li>There is no margin between block elements, like paragraphs.</li></ul></textarea>
+				<script>
+					if ( document.location.protocol == 'file:' )
+						alert( 'Warning: This samples does not work when loaded from local filesystem' +
+							'due to security restrictions implemented in Flash.' +
+							'\n\nPlease load the sample from a web server instead.' );
+					var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
+						/*
+						 * Ensure that htmlwriter plugin, which is required for this sample, is loaded.
+						 */
+						extraPlugins: 'htmlwriter',
+						height: 290,
+						width: '100%',
+						toolbar: [
+							[ 'Source', '-', 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', '-', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Link', 'Unlink' ],
+							[ 'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock' ],
+							'/',
+							[ 'Font', 'FontSize' ],
+							[ 'TextColor', '-', 'About' ]
+						],
+						/*
+						 * Style sheet for the contents
+						 */
+						contentsCss: 'body {color:#000; background-color#FFF; font-family: Arial; font-size:80%;} p, ol, ul {margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;}',
+						/*
+						 * Quirks doctype
+						 */
+						docType: '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">',
+						/*
+						 * Core styles.
+						 */
+						coreStyles_bold: { element: 'b' },
+						coreStyles_italic: { element: 'i' },
+						coreStyles_underline: { element: 'u' },
+						/*
+						 * Font face.
+						 */
+						// Define the way font elements will be applied to the document. The "font"
+						// element will be used.
+						font_style: {
+							element: 'font',
+							attributes: { 'face': '#(family)' }
+						},
+						/*
+						 * Font sizes.
+						 */
+						// The CSS part of the font sizes isn't used by Flash, it is there to get the
+						// font rendered correctly in CKEditor.
+						fontSize_sizes: '8px/8;9px/9;10px/10;11px/11;12px/12;14px/14;16px/16;18px/18;20px/20;22px/22;24px/24;26px/26;28px/28;36px/36;48px/48;72px/72',
+						fontSize_style: {
+							element: 'font',
+							attributes: { 'size': '#(size)' },
+							styles: { 'font-size': '#(size)px' }
+						} ,
+						/*
+						 * Font colors.
+						 */
+						colorButton_enableMore: true,
+						colorButton_foreStyle: {
+							element: 'font',
+							attributes: { 'color': '#(color)' }
+						},
+						colorButton_backStyle: {
+							element: 'font',
+							styles: { 'background-color': '#(color)' }
+						},
+						on: { 'instanceReady': configureFlashOutput }
+					});
+					/*
+					 * Adjust the behavior of the dataProcessor to match the
+					 * requirements of Flash
+					 */
+					function configureFlashOutput( ev ) {
+						var editor = ev.editor,
+							dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
+							htmlFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.htmlFilter;
+						// Out self closing tags the HTML4 way, like <br>.
+						dataProcessor.writer.selfClosingEnd = '>';
+						// Make output formatting match Flash expectations
+						var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd;
+						for ( var e in CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, dtd.$nonBodyContent, dtd.$block, dtd.$listItem, dtd.$tableContent ) ) {
+							dataProcessor.writer.setRules( e, {
+								indent: false,
+								breakBeforeOpen: false,
+								breakAfterOpen: false,
+								breakBeforeClose: false,
+								breakAfterClose: false
+							});
+						}
+						dataProcessor.writer.setRules( 'br', {
+							indent: false,
+							breakBeforeOpen: false,
+							breakAfterOpen: false,
+							breakBeforeClose: false,
+							breakAfterClose: false
+						});
+						// Output properties as attributes, not styles.
+						htmlFilter.addRules( {
+							elements: {
+								$: function( element ) {
+									var style, match, width, height, align;
+									// Output dimensions of images as width and height
+									if ( element.name == 'img' ) {
+										style = element.attributes.style;
+										if ( style ) {
+											// Get the width from the style.
+											match = ( /(?:^|\s)width\s*:\s*(\d+)px/i ).exec( style );
+											width = match && match[1];
+											// Get the height from the style.
+											match = ( /(?:^|\s)height\s*:\s*(\d+)px/i ).exec( style );
+											height = match && match[1];
+											if ( width ) {
+												element.attributes.style = element.attributes.style.replace( /(?:^|\s)width\s*:\s*(\d+)px;?/i , '' );
+												element.attributes.width = width;
+											}
+											if ( height ) {
+												element.attributes.style = element.attributes.style.replace( /(?:^|\s)height\s*:\s*(\d+)px;?/i , '' );
+												element.attributes.height = height;
+											}
+										}
+									}
+									// Output alignment of paragraphs using align
+									if ( element.name == 'p' ) {
+										style = element.attributes.style;
+										if ( style ) {
+											// Get the align from the style.
+											match = ( /(?:^|\s)text-align\s*:\s*(\w*);?/i ).exec( style );
+											align = match && match[1];
+											if ( align ) {
+												element.attributes.style = element.attributes.style.replace( /(?:^|\s)text-align\s*:\s*(\w*);?/i , '' );
+												element.attributes.align = align;
+											}
+										}
+									}
+									if ( element.attributes.style === '' )
+										delete element.attributes.style;
+									return element;
+								}
+							}
+						});
+					}
+					function sendToFlash() {
+						var html = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData() ;
+						// Quick fix for link color.
+						html = html.replace( /<a /g, '<font color="#0000FF"><u><a ' )
+						html = html.replace( /<\/a>/g, '</a></u></font>' )
+						var flash = document.getElementById( 'ckFlashContainer' ) ;
+						flash.setData( html ) ;
+					}
+					CKEDITOR.domReady( function() {
+						if ( !swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion( '8' ) ) {
+							CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<span class="alert">' +
+									'At least Adobe Flash Player 8 is required to run this sample. ' +
+									'You can download it from <a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer">Adobe\'s website</a>.' +
+								'</span>' ).insertBefore( editor.element );
+						}
+						swfobject.embedSWF(
+							'assets/outputforflash/outputforflash.swf',
+							'ckFlashContainer',
+							'550',
+							'400',
+							'8',
+							{ wmode: 'transparent' }
+						);
+					});
+				</script>
+				<p>
+					<input type="button" value="Send to Flash" onclick="sendToFlash();">
+				</p>
+			</td>
+			<td style="vertical-align: top; padding-left: 20px">
+				<div id="ckFlashContainer"></div>
+			</td>
+		</tr>
+	</table>
+	<div id="footer">
+		<hr>
+		<p>
+			CKEditor - The text editor for the Internet - <a class="samples" href="http://ckeditor.com/">http://ckeditor.com</a>
+		</p>
+		<p id="copy">
+			Copyright © 2003-2013, <a class="samples" href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico
+			Knabben. All rights reserved.
+		</p>
+	</div>
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/samples/outputhtml.html b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/samples/outputhtml.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dddd0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/htmlwriter/samples/outputhtml.html
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+	<title>HTML Compliant Output — CKEditor Sample</title>
+	<meta charset="utf-8">
+	<script src="../../../ckeditor.js"></script>
+	<script src="../../../samples/sample.js"></script>
+	<link href="../../../samples/sample.css" rel="stylesheet">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-required-plugins" content="sourcearea">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-name" content="Output HTML">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-group" content="Advanced Samples">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-description" content="Configuring CKEditor to produce legacy HTML 4 code.">
+	<h1 class="samples">
+		<a href="../../../samples/index.html">CKEditor Samples</a> » Producing HTML Compliant Output
+	</h1>
+	<div class="description">
+		<p>
+			This sample shows how to configure CKEditor to output valid
+			<a class="samples" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/">HTML 4.01</a> code.
+			Traditional HTML elements like <code><b></code>,
+			<code><i></code>, and <code><font></code> are used in place of
+			<code><strong></code>, <code><em></code>, and CSS styles.
+		</p>
+		<p>
+			To add a CKEditor instance outputting legacy HTML 4.01 code, load the editor using a standard
+			JavaScript call, and define CKEditor features to use the HTML compliant elements and attributes.
+		</p>
+		<p>
+			A snippet of the configuration code can be seen below; check the source of this page for
+			full definition:
+		</p>
+<pre class="samples">
+CKEDITOR.replace( '<em>textarea_id</em>', {
+	coreStyles_bold: { element: 'b' },
+	coreStyles_italic: { element: 'i' },
+	fontSize_style: {
+		element: 'font',
+		attributes: { 'size': '#(size)' }
+	}
+	...
+	</div>
+	<form action="../../../samples/sample_posteddata.php" method="post">
+		<p>
+			<label for="editor1">
+				Editor 1:
+			</label>
+			<textarea cols="80" id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10"><p>This is some <b>sample text</b>. You are using <a href="http://ckeditor.com/">CKEditor</a>.</p></textarea>
+			<script>
+				CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
+					/*
+					 * Ensure that htmlwriter plugin, which is required for this sample, is loaded.
+					 */
+					extraPlugins: 'htmlwriter',
+					/*
+					 * Style sheet for the contents
+					 */
+					contentsCss: 'body {color:#000; background-color#:FFF;}',
+					/*
+					 * Simple HTML5 doctype
+					 */
+					docType: '<!DOCTYPE HTML>',
+					/*
+					 * Core styles.
+					 */
+					coreStyles_bold: { element: 'b' },
+					coreStyles_italic: { element: 'i' },
+					coreStyles_underline: { element: 'u' },
+					coreStyles_strike: { element: 'strike' },
+					/*
+					 * Font face.
+					 */
+					// Define the way font elements will be applied to the document.
+					// The "font" element will be used.
+					font_style: {
+						element: 'font',
+						attributes: { 'face': '#(family)' }
+					},
+					/*
+					 * Font sizes.
+					 */
+					fontSize_sizes: 'xx-small/1;x-small/2;small/3;medium/4;large/5;x-large/6;xx-large/7',
+					fontSize_style: {
+						element: 'font',
+						attributes: { 'size': '#(size)' }
+					} ,
+					/*
+					 * Font colors.
+					 */
+					colorButton_enableMore: true,
+					colorButton_foreStyle: {
+						element: 'font',
+						attributes: { 'color': '#(color)' }
+					},
+					colorButton_backStyle: {
+						element: 'font',
+						styles: { 'background-color': '#(color)' }
+					},
+					/*
+					 * Styles combo.
+					 */
+					stylesSet: [
+						{ name: 'Computer Code', element: 'code' },
+						{ name: 'Keyboard Phrase', element: 'kbd' },
+						{ name: 'Sample Text', element: 'samp' },
+						{ name: 'Variable', element: 'var' },
+						{ name: 'Deleted Text', element: 'del' },
+						{ name: 'Inserted Text', element: 'ins' },
+						{ name: 'Cited Work', element: 'cite' },
+						{ name: 'Inline Quotation', element: 'q' }
+					],
+					on: { 'instanceReady': configureHtmlOutput }
+				});
+				/*
+				 * Adjust the behavior of the dataProcessor to avoid styles
+				 * and make it look like FCKeditor HTML output.
+				 */
+				function configureHtmlOutput( ev ) {
+					var editor = ev.editor,
+						dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
+						htmlFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.htmlFilter;
+					// Out self closing tags the HTML4 way, like <br>.
+					dataProcessor.writer.selfClosingEnd = '>';
+					// Make output formatting behave similar to FCKeditor
+					var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd;
+					for ( var e in CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, dtd.$nonBodyContent, dtd.$block, dtd.$listItem, dtd.$tableContent ) ) {
+						dataProcessor.writer.setRules( e, {
+							indent: true,
+							breakBeforeOpen: true,
+							breakAfterOpen: false,
+							breakBeforeClose: !dtd[ e ][ '#' ],
+							breakAfterClose: true
+						});
+					}
+					// Output properties as attributes, not styles.
+					htmlFilter.addRules( {
+						elements: {
+							$: function( element ) {
+								// Output dimensions of images as width and height
+								if ( element.name == 'img' ) {
+									var style = element.attributes.style;
+									if ( style ) {
+										// Get the width from the style.
+										var match = ( /(?:^|\s)width\s*:\s*(\d+)px/i ).exec( style ),
+											width = match && match[ 1 ];
+										// Get the height from the style.
+										match = ( /(?:^|\s)height\s*:\s*(\d+)px/i ).exec( style );
+										var height = match && match[ 1 ];
+										if ( width ) {
+											element.attributes.style = element.attributes.style.replace( /(?:^|\s)width\s*:\s*(\d+)px;?/i , '' );
+											element.attributes.width = width;
+										}
+										if ( height ) {
+											element.attributes.style = element.attributes.style.replace( /(?:^|\s)height\s*:\s*(\d+)px;?/i , '' );
+											element.attributes.height = height;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								// Output alignment of paragraphs using align
+								if ( element.name == 'p' ) {
+									style = element.attributes.style;
+									if ( style ) {
+										// Get the align from the style.
+										match = ( /(?:^|\s)text-align\s*:\s*(\w*);/i ).exec( style );
+										var align = match && match[ 1 ];
+										if ( align ) {
+											element.attributes.style = element.attributes.style.replace( /(?:^|\s)text-align\s*:\s*(\w*);?/i , '' );
+											element.attributes.align = align;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								if ( !element.attributes.style )
+									delete element.attributes.style;
+								return element;
+							}
+						},
+						attributes: {
+							style: function( value, element ) {
+								// Return #RGB for background and border colors
+								return CKEDITOR.tools.convertRgbToHex( value );
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			</script>
+		</p>
+		<p>
+			<input type="submit" value="Submit">
+		</p>
+	</form>
+	<div id="footer">
+		<hr>
+		<p>
+			CKEditor - The text editor for the Internet - <a class="samples" href="http://ckeditor.com/">http://ckeditor.com</a>
+		</p>
+		<p id="copy">
+			Copyright © 2003-2013, <a class="samples" href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico
+			Knabben. All rights reserved.
+		</p>
+	</div>
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/dialogs/iframe.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/dialogs/iframe.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db41a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/dialogs/iframe.js
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	// Map 'true' and 'false' values to match W3C's specifications
+	// http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/present/frames.html#h-16.5
+	var checkboxValues = {
+		scrolling: { 'true': 'yes', 'false': 'no' },
+		frameborder: { 'true': '1', 'false': '0' }
+	};
+	function loadValue( iframeNode ) {
+		var isCheckbox = this instanceof CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox;
+		if ( iframeNode.hasAttribute( this.id ) ) {
+			var value = iframeNode.getAttribute( this.id );
+			if ( isCheckbox )
+				this.setValue( checkboxValues[ this.id ][ 'true' ] == value.toLowerCase() );
+			else
+				this.setValue( value );
+		}
+	}
+	function commitValue( iframeNode ) {
+		var isRemove = this.getValue() === '',
+			isCheckbox = this instanceof CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox,
+			value = this.getValue();
+		if ( isRemove )
+			iframeNode.removeAttribute( this.att || this.id );
+		else if ( isCheckbox )
+			iframeNode.setAttribute( this.id, checkboxValues[ this.id ][ value ] );
+		else
+			iframeNode.setAttribute( this.att || this.id, value );
+	}
+	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'iframe', function( editor ) {
+		var iframeLang = editor.lang.iframe,
+			commonLang = editor.lang.common,
+			dialogadvtab = editor.plugins.dialogadvtab;
+		return {
+			title: iframeLang.title,
+			minWidth: 350,
+			minHeight: 260,
+			onShow: function() {
+				// Clear previously saved elements.
+				this.fakeImage = this.iframeNode = null;
+				var fakeImage = this.getSelectedElement();
+				if ( fakeImage && fakeImage.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) && fakeImage.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) == 'iframe' ) {
+					this.fakeImage = fakeImage;
+					var iframeNode = editor.restoreRealElement( fakeImage );
+					this.iframeNode = iframeNode;
+					this.setupContent( iframeNode );
+				}
+			},
+			onOk: function() {
+				var iframeNode;
+				if ( !this.fakeImage )
+					iframeNode = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'iframe' );
+				else
+					iframeNode = this.iframeNode;
+				// A subset of the specified attributes/styles
+				// should also be applied on the fake element to
+				// have better visual effect. (#5240)
+				var extraStyles = {},
+					extraAttributes = {};
+				this.commitContent( iframeNode, extraStyles, extraAttributes );
+				// Refresh the fake image.
+				var newFakeImage = editor.createFakeElement( iframeNode, 'cke_iframe', 'iframe', true );
+				newFakeImage.setAttributes( extraAttributes );
+				newFakeImage.setStyles( extraStyles );
+				if ( this.fakeImage ) {
+					newFakeImage.replace( this.fakeImage );
+					editor.getSelection().selectElement( newFakeImage );
+				} else
+					editor.insertElement( newFakeImage );
+			},
+			contents: [
+				{
+				id: 'info',
+				label: commonLang.generalTab,
+				accessKey: 'I',
+				elements: [
+					{
+					type: 'vbox',
+					padding: 0,
+					children: [
+						{
+						id: 'src',
+						type: 'text',
+						label: commonLang.url,
+						required: true,
+						validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( iframeLang.noUrl ),
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					}
+					]
+				},
+					{
+					type: 'hbox',
+					children: [
+						{
+						id: 'width',
+						type: 'text',
+						style: 'width:100%',
+						labelLayout: 'vertical',
+						label: commonLang.width,
+						validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.htmlLength( commonLang.invalidHtmlLength.replace( '%1', commonLang.width ) ),
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					},
+						{
+						id: 'height',
+						type: 'text',
+						style: 'width:100%',
+						labelLayout: 'vertical',
+						label: commonLang.height,
+						validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.htmlLength( commonLang.invalidHtmlLength.replace( '%1', commonLang.height ) ),
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					},
+						{
+						id: 'align',
+						type: 'select',
+						'default': '',
+						items: [
+							[ commonLang.notSet, '' ],
+							[ commonLang.alignLeft, 'left' ],
+							[ commonLang.alignRight, 'right' ],
+							[ commonLang.alignTop, 'top' ],
+							[ commonLang.alignMiddle, 'middle' ],
+							[ commonLang.alignBottom, 'bottom' ]
+							],
+						style: 'width:100%',
+						labelLayout: 'vertical',
+						label: commonLang.align,
+						setup: function( iframeNode, fakeImage ) {
+							loadValue.apply( this, arguments );
+							if ( fakeImage ) {
+								var fakeImageAlign = fakeImage.getAttribute( 'align' );
+								this.setValue( fakeImageAlign && fakeImageAlign.toLowerCase() || '' );
+							}
+						},
+						commit: function( iframeNode, extraStyles, extraAttributes ) {
+							commitValue.apply( this, arguments );
+							if ( this.getValue() )
+								extraAttributes.align = this.getValue();
+						}
+					}
+					]
+				},
+					{
+					type: 'hbox',
+					widths: [ '50%', '50%' ],
+					children: [
+						{
+						id: 'scrolling',
+						type: 'checkbox',
+						label: iframeLang.scrolling,
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					},
+						{
+						id: 'frameborder',
+						type: 'checkbox',
+						label: iframeLang.border,
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					}
+					]
+				},
+					{
+					type: 'hbox',
+					widths: [ '50%', '50%' ],
+					children: [
+						{
+						id: 'name',
+						type: 'text',
+						label: commonLang.name,
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					},
+						{
+						id: 'title',
+						type: 'text',
+						label: commonLang.advisoryTitle,
+						setup: loadValue,
+						commit: commitValue
+					}
+					]
+				},
+					{
+					id: 'longdesc',
+					type: 'text',
+					label: commonLang.longDescr,
+					setup: loadValue,
+					commit: commitValue
+				}
+				]
+			},
+				dialogadvtab && dialogadvtab.createAdvancedTab( editor, { id:1,classes:1,styles:1 } )
+				]
+		};
+	});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/icons/iframe.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/icons/iframe.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e357cf9
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/icons/iframe.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/images/placeholder.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/images/placeholder.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b40c7b2
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/images/placeholder.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f055e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'af', {
+	border: 'Wys rand van raam',
+	noUrl: 'Gee die iframe URL',
+	scrolling: 'Skuifbalke aan',
+	title: 'IFrame Eienskappe',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8048c59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'ar', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c483f3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'bg', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame настройки',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b9b3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'bn', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..112db70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'bs', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04fdbf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'ca', {
+	border: 'Mostra la vora del marc',
+	noUrl: 'Si us plau, introduïu la URL de l\'iframe URL',
+	scrolling: 'Activa les barrres de desplaçament',
+	title: 'Propietats IFrame',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09cc61f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'cs', {
+	border: 'Zobrazit okraj',
+	noUrl: 'Zadejte prosím URL obsahu pro IFrame',
+	scrolling: 'Zapnout posuvníky',
+	title: 'Vlastnosti IFrame',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bad29a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'cy', {
+	border: 'Dangos ymyl y ffrâm',
+	noUrl: 'Rhowch fath URL yr iframe',
+	scrolling: 'Galluogi bariau sgrolio',
+	title: 'Priodweddau IFrame',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddb4580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'da', {
+	border: 'Vis kant på rammen',
+	noUrl: 'Venligst indsæt URL på iframen',
+	scrolling: 'Aktiver scrollbars',
+	title: 'Iframe egenskaber',
+	toolbar: 'Iframe'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35976f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'de', {
+	border: 'Rahmen anzeigen',
+	noUrl: 'Bitte geben Sie die IFrame-URL an',
+	scrolling: 'Rollbalken anzeigen',
+	title: 'IFrame-Eigenschaften',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a91a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'el', {
+	border: 'Προβολή περιγράμματος πλαισίου',
+	noUrl: 'Παρακαλούμε εισάγεται το URL του iframe',
+	scrolling: 'Ενεργοποίηση μπαρών κύλισης',
+	title: 'IFrame Properties',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7b301f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'en-au', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3773163
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'en-ca', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40501c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'en-gb', {
+	border: 'Show frame border',
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL',
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars',
+	title: 'IFrame Properties',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e06861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'en', {
+	border: 'Show frame border',
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL',
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars',
+	title: 'IFrame Properties',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6682a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'eo', {
+	border: 'Montri borderon de kadro (frame)',
+	noUrl: 'Bonvolu entajpi la retadreson de la ligilo al la enlinia kadro (IFrame)',
+	scrolling: 'Ebligi rulumskalon',
+	title: 'Atributoj de la enlinia kadro (IFrame)',
+	toolbar: 'Enlinia kadro (IFrame)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67e12e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'es', {
+	border: 'Mostrar borde del marco',
+	noUrl: 'Por favor, escriba la dirección del iframe',
+	scrolling: 'Activar barras de desplazamiento',
+	title: 'Propiedades de iframe',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3104150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'et', {
+	border: 'Raami äärise näitamine',
+	noUrl: 'Vali iframe URLi liik',
+	scrolling: 'Kerimisribade lubamine',
+	title: 'IFrame omadused',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cf9e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'eu', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0281834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'fa', {
+	border: 'نمایش خطوط frame',
+	noUrl: 'لطفا مسیر URL iframe را درج کنید',
+	scrolling: 'نمایش خطکشها',
+	title: 'ویژگیهای IFrame',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3add4f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'fi', {
+	border: 'Näytä kehyksen reunat',
+	noUrl: 'Anna IFrame-kehykselle lähdeosoite (src)',
+	scrolling: 'Näytä vierityspalkit',
+	title: 'IFrame-kehyksen ominaisuudet',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame-kehys'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4fe7de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'fo', {
+	border: 'Vís frame kant',
+	noUrl: 'Vinarliga skriva URL til iframe',
+	scrolling: 'Loyv scrollbars',
+	title: 'Møguleikar fyri IFrame',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0612051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'fr-ca', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18de920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'fr', {
+	border: 'Afficher une bordure de la IFrame',
+	noUrl: 'Veuillez entrer l\'adresse du lien de la IFrame',
+	scrolling: 'Permettre à la barre de défilement',
+	title: 'Propriétés de la IFrame',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbcffee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'gl', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfc6880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'gu', {
+	border: 'ફ્રેમ બોર્ડેર બતાવવી',
+	noUrl: 'iframe URL ટાઈપ્ કરો',
+	scrolling: 'સ્ક્રોલબાર ચાલુ કરવા',
+	title: 'IFrame વિકલ્પો',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..def1d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'he', {
+	border: 'הראה מסגרת לחלון',
+	noUrl: 'יש להכניס כתובת לחלון.',
+	scrolling: 'אפשר פסי גלילה',
+	title: 'מאפייני חלון פנימי (iframe)',
+	toolbar: 'חלון פנימי (iframe)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e4e8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'hi', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea460c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'hr', {
+	border: 'Prikaži okvir IFrame-a',
+	noUrl: 'Unesite URL iframe-a',
+	scrolling: 'Omogući trake za skrolanje',
+	title: 'IFrame svojstva',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c87d6d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'hu', {
+	border: 'Legyen keret',
+	noUrl: 'Kérem írja be a iframe URL-t',
+	scrolling: 'Gördítősáv bekapcsolása',
+	title: 'IFrame Tulajdonságok',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..755c913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'is', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecd2395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'it', {
+	border: 'Mostra il bordo',
+	noUrl: 'Inserire l\'URL del campo IFrame',
+	scrolling: 'Abilita scrollbar',
+	title: 'Proprietà IFrame',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2ac066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'ja', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32d6e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'ka', {
+	border: 'ჩარჩოს გამოჩენა',
+	noUrl: 'აკრიფეთ iframe-ის URL',
+	scrolling: 'გადახვევის ზოლების დაშვება',
+	title: 'IFrame-ის პარამეტრები',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..576f2f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'km', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46d9bdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'ko', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dc48b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'ku', {
+	border: 'نیشاندانی لاکێشه بهچوواردهوری چووارچێوه',
+	noUrl: 'تکایه ناونیشانی بهستهر بنووسه بۆ چووارچێوه',
+	scrolling: 'چالاککردنی هاتووچۆپێکردن',
+	title: 'دیالۆگی چووارچێوه',
+	toolbar: 'چووارچێوه'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c30ccd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'lt', {
+	border: 'Rodyti rėmelį',
+	noUrl: 'Nurodykite iframe nuorodÄ…',
+	scrolling: 'Įjungti slankiklius',
+	title: 'IFrame nustatymai',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0108dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'lv', {
+	border: 'Rādīt rāmi',
+	noUrl: 'Norādiet iframe adresi',
+	scrolling: 'Atļaut ritjoslas',
+	title: 'IFrame uzstādījumi',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65b2e9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'mk', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b54b4a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'mn', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a340bd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'ms', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fc04f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'nb', {
+	border: 'Viss ramme rundt iframe',
+	noUrl: 'Vennligst skriv inn URL for iframe',
+	scrolling: 'Aktiver scrollefelt',
+	title: 'Egenskaper for IFrame',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43ef656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'nl', {
+	border: 'Framerand tonen',
+	noUrl: 'Geef de IFrame URL in',
+	scrolling: 'Scrollbalken inschakelen',
+	title: 'IFrame eigenschappen',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1164d5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'no', {
+	border: 'Viss ramme rundt iframe',
+	noUrl: 'Vennligst skriv inn URL for iframe',
+	scrolling: 'Aktiver scrollefelt',
+	title: 'Egenskaper for IFrame',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..986aaba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'pl', {
+	border: 'Pokaż obramowanie obiektu IFrame',
+	noUrl: 'Podaj adres URL elementu IFrame',
+	scrolling: 'WÅ‚Ä…cz paski przewijania',
+	title: 'Właściwości elementu IFrame',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3444f71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'pt-br', {
+	border: 'Mostra borda do iframe',
+	noUrl: 'Insira a URL do iframe',
+	scrolling: 'Abilita scrollbars',
+	title: 'Propriedade do IFrame',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026de13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'pt', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6605ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'ro', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02d429f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'ru', {
+	border: 'Показать границы фрейма',
+	noUrl: 'Пожалуйста, введите ссылку фрейма',
+	scrolling: 'Отображать полосы прокрутки',
+	title: 'Свойства iFrame',
+	toolbar: 'iFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c5b6cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'sk', {
+	border: 'Zobraziť rám frame-u',
+	noUrl: 'Prosím, vložte URL iframe',
+	scrolling: 'Povoliť skrolovanie',
+	title: 'Vlastnosti IFrame',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c713c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'sl', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25b08cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'sr-latn', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fd61ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'sr', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02fbecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'sv', {
+	border: 'Visa ramkant',
+	noUrl: 'Skriv in URL för iFrame',
+	scrolling: 'Aktivera rullningslister',
+	title: 'iFrame Egenskaper',
+	toolbar: 'iFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9ef9d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'th', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16a8ccf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'tr', {
+	border: 'Çerceve sınırlarını göster',
+	noUrl: 'Lütfen IFrame köprü (URL) bağlantısını yazın',
+	scrolling: 'Kaydırma çubuklarını aktif et',
+	title: 'IFrame Özellikleri',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d792d66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'ug', {
+	border: 'كاندۇك گىرۋەكلىرىنى كۆرسەت',
+	noUrl: 'كاندۇكنىڭ ئادرېسى(Url)نى كىرگۈزۈڭ',
+	scrolling: 'دومىلىما سۈرگۈچكە يول قوي',
+	title: 'IFrame خاسلىق',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame '
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e27fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'uk', {
+	border: 'Показати рамки фрейму',
+	noUrl: 'Будь ласка введіть посилання для IFrame',
+	scrolling: 'Увімкнути прокрутку',
+	title: 'Налаштування для IFrame',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31480de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'vi', {
+	border: 'Hiển thị viền khung',
+	noUrl: 'Vui lòng nhập địa chỉ iframe',
+	scrolling: 'Kích hoạt thanh cuộn',
+	title: 'Thuộc tính iframe',
+	toolbar: 'Iframe'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cc048b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'zh-cn', {
+	border: '显示框架边框',
+	noUrl: '请输入框架的 URL',
+	scrolling: '允许滚动条',
+	title: 'IFrame 属性',
+	toolbar: 'IFrame'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7790edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'iframe', 'zh', {
+	border: 'Show frame border', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING
+	scrolling: 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING
+	title: 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'IFrame' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26ff95b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'iframe', {
+		requires: 'dialog,fakeobjects',
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'iframe', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		onLoad: function() {
+			CKEDITOR.addCss( 'img.cke_iframe' +
+				'{' +
+					'background-image: url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'images/placeholder.png' ) + ');' +
+					'background-position: center center;' +
+					'background-repeat: no-repeat;' +
+					'border: 1px solid #a9a9a9;' +
+					'width: 80px;' +
+					'height: 80px;' +
+				'}'
+				);
+		},
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			var pluginName = 'iframe',
+				lang = editor.lang.iframe;
+			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( pluginName, this.path + 'dialogs/iframe.js' );
+			editor.addCommand( pluginName, new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( pluginName ) );
+			editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'Iframe', {
+				label: lang.toolbar,
+				command: pluginName,
+				toolbar: 'insert,80'
+			});
+			editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt ) {
+				var element = evt.data.element;
+				if ( element.is( 'img' ) && element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) == 'iframe' )
+					evt.data.dialog = 'iframe';
+			});
+			if ( editor.addMenuItems ) {
+				editor.addMenuItems({
+					iframe: {
+						label: lang.title,
+						command: 'iframe',
+						group: 'image'
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			// If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners.
+			if ( editor.contextMenu ) {
+				editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection ) {
+					if ( element && element.is( 'img' ) && element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) == 'iframe' )
+						return { iframe: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+				});
+			}
+		},
+		afterInit: function( editor ) {
+			var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
+				dataFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.dataFilter;
+			if ( dataFilter ) {
+				dataFilter.addRules({
+					elements: {
+						iframe: function( element ) {
+							return editor.createFakeParserElement( element, 'cke_iframe', 'iframe', true );
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+	});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframedialog/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframedialog/plugin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dcde6fe..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/iframedialog/plugin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * @fileOverview Plugin for making iframe based dialogs.
- */
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'iframedialog',
-	requires : [ 'dialog' ],
-	onLoad : function()
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.dialog.addIframe = function( name, title, src, width, height, onContentLoad )
-		{
-			var element =
-			{
-				type : 'iframe',
-				src : src,
-				width : '100%',
-				height : '100%'
-			};
-			if ( typeof( onContentLoad ) == 'function' )
-				element.onContentLoad = onContentLoad;
-			var definition =
-			{
-				title : title,
-				minWidth : width,
-				minHeight : height,
-				contents :
-				[
-					{
-						id : 'iframe',
-						label : title,
-						expand : true,
-						elements : [ element ]
-					}
-				]
-			};
-			return this.add( name, function(){ return definition; } );
-		};
-		(function()
-		{
-			/**
-			 * An iframe element.
-			 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement
-			 * @example
-			 * @constructor
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog
-			 * Parent dialog object.
-			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition
-			 * The element definition. Accepted fields:
-			 * <ul>
-			 * 	<li><strong>src</strong> (Required) The src field of the iframe. </li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>width</strong> (Required) The iframe's width.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>height</strong> (Required) The iframe's height.</li>
-			 * 	<li><strong>onContentLoad</strong> (Optional) A function to be executed
-			 * 	after the iframe's contents has finished loading.</li>
-			 * </ul>
-			 * @param {Array} htmlList
-			 * List of HTML code to output to.
-			 */
-			var iframeElement = function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList )
-			{
-				if ( arguments.length < 3 )
-					return;
-				var _ = ( this._ || ( this._ = {} ) ),
-					contentLoad = elementDefinition.onContentLoad && CKEDITOR.tools.bind( elementDefinition.onContentLoad, this ),
-					cssWidth = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( elementDefinition.width ),
-					cssHeight = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( elementDefinition.height );
-				_.frameId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber() + '_iframe';
-				// IE BUG: Parent container does not resize to contain the iframe automatically.
-				dialog.on( 'load', function()
-					{
-						var iframe = CKEDITOR.document.getById( _.frameId ),
-							parentContainer = iframe.getParent();
-						parentContainer.setStyles(
-							{
-								width : cssWidth,
-								height : cssHeight
-							} );
-					} );
-				var attributes =
-				{
-					src : '%2',
-					id : _.frameId,
-					frameborder : 0,
-					allowtransparency : true
-				};
-				var myHtml = [];
-				if ( typeof( elementDefinition.onContentLoad ) == 'function' )
-					attributes.onload = 'CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(%1);';
-				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition, myHtml, 'iframe',
-						{
-							width : cssWidth,
-							height : cssHeight
-						}, attributes, '' );
-				// Put a placeholder for the first time.
-				htmlList.push( '<div style="width:' + cssWidth + ';height:' + cssHeight + ';" id="' + this.domId + '"></div>' );
-				// Iframe elements should be refreshed whenever it is shown.
-				myHtml = myHtml.join( '' );
-				dialog.on( 'show', function()
-					{
-						var iframe = CKEDITOR.document.getById( _.frameId ),
-							parentContainer = iframe.getParent(),
-							callIndex = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( contentLoad ),
-							html = myHtml.replace( '%1', callIndex ).replace( '%2', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( elementDefinition.src ) );
-						parentContainer.setHtml( html );
-					} );
-			};
-			iframeElement.prototype = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement;
-			CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'iframe',
-				{
-					build : function( dialog, elementDefinition, output )
-					{
-						return new iframeElement( dialog, elementDefinition, output );
-					}
-				} );
-		})();
-	}
-} );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/dialogs/image.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/dialogs/image.js
index 72a4c45..08789f4 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/dialogs/image.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/dialogs/image.js
@@ -1,1396 +1,1195 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	var imageDialog = function( editor, dialogType )
-	{
-		// Load image preview.
-		var IMAGE = 1,
-			LINK = 2,
-			PREVIEW = 4,
-			CLEANUP = 8,
-			regexGetSize = /^\s*(\d+)((px)|\%)?\s*$/i,
-			regexGetSizeOrEmpty = /(^\s*(\d+)((px)|\%)?\s*$)|^$/i,
-			pxLengthRegex = /^\d+px$/;
-		var onSizeChange = function()
-		{
-			var value = this.getValue(),	// This = input element.
-				dialog = this.getDialog(),
-				aMatch  =  value.match( regexGetSize );	// Check value
-			if ( aMatch )
-			{
-				if ( aMatch[2] == '%' )			// % is allowed - > unlock ratio.
-					switchLockRatio( dialog, false );	// Unlock.
-				value = aMatch[1];
-			}
-			// Only if ratio is locked
-			if ( dialog.lockRatio )
-			{
-				var oImageOriginal = dialog.originalElement;
-				if ( oImageOriginal.getCustomData( 'isReady' ) == 'true' )
-				{
-					if ( this.id == 'txtHeight' )
-					{
-						if ( value && value != '0' )
-							value = Math.round( oImageOriginal.$.width * ( value  / oImageOriginal.$.height ) );
-						if ( !isNaN( value ) )
-							dialog.setValueOf( 'info', 'txtWidth', value );
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	var imageDialog = function( editor, dialogType ) {
+			// Load image preview.
+			var IMAGE = 1,
+				LINK = 2,
+				PREVIEW = 4,
+				CLEANUP = 8,
+				regexGetSize = /^\s*(\d+)((px)|\%)?\s*$/i,
+				regexGetSizeOrEmpty = /(^\s*(\d+)((px)|\%)?\s*$)|^$/i,
+				pxLengthRegex = /^\d+px$/;
+			var onSizeChange = function() {
+					var value = this.getValue(),
+						// This = input element.
+						dialog = this.getDialog(),
+						aMatch = value.match( regexGetSize ); // Check value
+					if ( aMatch ) {
+						if ( aMatch[ 2 ] == '%' ) // % is allowed - > unlock ratio.
+						switchLockRatio( dialog, false ); // Unlock.
+						value = aMatch[ 1 ];
-					else		//this.id = txtWidth.
-					{
-						if ( value && value != '0' )
-							value = Math.round( oImageOriginal.$.height * ( value  / oImageOriginal.$.width ) );
-						if ( !isNaN( value ) )
-							dialog.setValueOf( 'info', 'txtHeight', value );
+					// Only if ratio is locked
+					if ( dialog.lockRatio ) {
+						var oImageOriginal = dialog.originalElement;
+						if ( oImageOriginal.getCustomData( 'isReady' ) == 'true' ) {
+							if ( this.id == 'txtHeight' ) {
+								if ( value && value != '0' )
+									value = Math.round( oImageOriginal.$.width * ( value / oImageOriginal.$.height ) );
+								if ( !isNaN( value ) )
+									dialog.setValueOf( 'info', 'txtWidth', value );
+							} else //this.id = txtWidth.
+							{
+								if ( value && value != '0' )
+									value = Math.round( oImageOriginal.$.height * ( value / oImageOriginal.$.width ) );
+								if ( !isNaN( value ) )
+									dialog.setValueOf( 'info', 'txtHeight', value );
+							}
+						}
-				}
+					updatePreview( dialog );
+				};
+			var updatePreview = function( dialog ) {
+					//Don't load before onShow.
+					if ( !dialog.originalElement || !dialog.preview )
+						return 1;
+					// Read attributes and update imagePreview;
+					dialog.commitContent( PREVIEW, dialog.preview );
+					return 0;
+				};
+			// Custom commit dialog logic, where we're intended to give inline style
+			// field (txtdlgGenStyle) higher priority to avoid overwriting styles contribute
+			// by other fields.
+			function commitContent() {
+				var args = arguments;
+				var inlineStyleField = this.getContentElement( 'advanced', 'txtdlgGenStyle' );
+				inlineStyleField && inlineStyleField.commit.apply( inlineStyleField, args );
+				this.foreach( function( widget ) {
+					if ( widget.commit && widget.id != 'txtdlgGenStyle' )
+						widget.commit.apply( widget, args );
+				});
-			updatePreview( dialog );
-		};
-		var updatePreview = function( dialog )
-		{
-			//Don't load before onShow.
-			if ( !dialog.originalElement || !dialog.preview )
-				return 1;
-			// Read attributes and update imagePreview;
-			dialog.commitContent( PREVIEW, dialog.preview );
-			return 0;
-		};
-		// Custom commit dialog logic, where we're intended to give inline style
-		// field (txtdlgGenStyle) higher priority to avoid overwriting styles contribute
-		// by other fields.
-		function commitContent()
-		{
-			var args = arguments;
-			var inlineStyleField = this.getContentElement( 'advanced', 'txtdlgGenStyle' );
-			inlineStyleField && inlineStyleField.commit.apply( inlineStyleField, args );
-			this.foreach( function( widget )
-			{
-				if ( widget.commit &&  widget.id != 'txtdlgGenStyle' )
-					widget.commit.apply( widget, args );
-			});
-		}
-		// Avoid recursions.
-		var incommit;
-		// Synchronous field values to other impacted fields is required, e.g. border
-		// size change should alter inline-style text as well.
-		function commitInternally( targetFields )
-		{
-			if ( incommit )
-				return;
-			incommit = 1;
-			var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-				element = dialog.imageElement;
-			if ( element )
-			{
-				// Commit this field and broadcast to target fields.
-				this.commit( IMAGE, element );
-				targetFields = [].concat( targetFields );
-				var length = targetFields.length,
-					field;
-				for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ )
-				{
-					field = dialog.getContentElement.apply( dialog, targetFields[ i ].split( ':' ) );
-					// May cause recursion.
-					field && field.setup( IMAGE, element );
+			// Avoid recursions.
+			var incommit;
+			// Synchronous field values to other impacted fields is required, e.g. border
+			// size change should alter inline-style text as well.
+			function commitInternally( targetFields ) {
+				if ( incommit )
+					return;
+				incommit = 1;
+				var dialog = this.getDialog(),
+					element = dialog.imageElement;
+				if ( element ) {
+					// Commit this field and broadcast to target fields.
+					this.commit( IMAGE, element );
+					targetFields = [].concat( targetFields );
+					var length = targetFields.length,
+						field;
+					for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
+						field = dialog.getContentElement.apply( dialog, targetFields[ i ].split( ':' ) );
+						// May cause recursion.
+						field && field.setup( IMAGE, element );
+					}
-			}
-			incommit = 0;
-		}
-		var switchLockRatio = function( dialog, value )
-		{
-			var oImageOriginal = dialog.originalElement;
+				incommit = 0;
+			}
-			// Dialog may already closed. (#5505)
-			if( !oImageOriginal )
-				return null;
+			var switchLockRatio = function( dialog, value ) {
+					if ( !dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'ratioLock' ) )
+						return null;
+					var oImageOriginal = dialog.originalElement;
+					// Dialog may already closed. (#5505)
+					if ( !oImageOriginal )
+						return null;
+					// Check image ratio and original image ratio, but respecting user's preference.
+					if ( value == 'check' ) {
+						if ( !dialog.userlockRatio && oImageOriginal.getCustomData( 'isReady' ) == 'true' ) {
+							var width = dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'txtWidth' ),
+								height = dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'txtHeight' ),
+								originalRatio = oImageOriginal.$.width * 1000 / oImageOriginal.$.height,
+								thisRatio = width * 1000 / height;
+							dialog.lockRatio = false; // Default: unlock ratio
+							if ( !width && !height )
+								dialog.lockRatio = true;
+							else if ( !isNaN( originalRatio ) && !isNaN( thisRatio ) ) {
+								if ( Math.round( originalRatio ) == Math.round( thisRatio ) )
+									dialog.lockRatio = true;
+							}
+						}
+					} else if ( value != undefined )
+						dialog.lockRatio = value;
+					else {
+						dialog.userlockRatio = 1;
+						dialog.lockRatio = !dialog.lockRatio;
+					}
-			var ratioButton = CKEDITOR.document.getById( btnLockSizesId );
+					var ratioButton = CKEDITOR.document.getById( btnLockSizesId );
+					if ( dialog.lockRatio )
+						ratioButton.removeClass( 'cke_btn_unlocked' );
+					else
+						ratioButton.addClass( 'cke_btn_unlocked' );
-			if ( oImageOriginal.getCustomData( 'isReady' ) == 'true' )
-			{
-				if ( value == 'check' )			// Check image ratio and original image ratio.
-				{
-					var width = dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'txtWidth' ),
-						height = dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'txtHeight' ),
-						originalRatio = oImageOriginal.$.width * 1000 / oImageOriginal.$.height,
-						thisRatio = width * 1000 / height;
-					dialog.lockRatio  = false;		// Default: unlock ratio
+					ratioButton.setAttribute( 'aria-checked', dialog.lockRatio );
-					if ( !width && !height )
-						dialog.lockRatio = true;
-					else if ( !isNaN( originalRatio ) && !isNaN( thisRatio ) )
-					{
-						if ( Math.round( originalRatio ) == Math.round( thisRatio ) )
-							dialog.lockRatio = true;
+					// Ratio button hc presentation - WHITE SQUARE / BLACK SQUARE
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.hc ) {
+						var icon = ratioButton.getChild( 0 );
+						icon.setHtml( dialog.lockRatio ? CKEDITOR.env.ie ? '\u25A0' : '\u25A3' : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? '\u25A1' : '\u25A2' );
-				}
-				else if ( value != undefined )
-					dialog.lockRatio = value;
-				else
-					dialog.lockRatio = !dialog.lockRatio;
-			}
-			else if ( value != 'check' )		// I can't lock ratio if ratio is unknown.
-				dialog.lockRatio = false;
-			if ( dialog.lockRatio )
-				ratioButton.removeClass( 'cke_btn_unlocked' );
-			else
-				ratioButton.addClass( 'cke_btn_unlocked' );
-			var lang = dialog._.editor.lang.image,
-				label =  lang[  dialog.lockRatio ? 'unlockRatio' : 'lockRatio' ];
+					return dialog.lockRatio;
+				};
-			ratioButton.setAttribute( 'title', label );
-			ratioButton.getFirst().setText( label );
-			return dialog.lockRatio;
-		};
+			var resetSize = function( dialog ) {
+					var oImageOriginal = dialog.originalElement;
+					if ( oImageOriginal.getCustomData( 'isReady' ) == 'true' ) {
+						var widthField = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtWidth' ),
+							heightField = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtHeight' );
+						widthField && widthField.setValue( oImageOriginal.$.width );
+						heightField && heightField.setValue( oImageOriginal.$.height );
+					}
+					updatePreview( dialog );
+				};
-		var resetSize = function( dialog )
-		{
-			var oImageOriginal = dialog.originalElement;
-			if ( oImageOriginal.getCustomData( 'isReady' ) == 'true' )
-			{
-				dialog.setValueOf( 'info', 'txtWidth', oImageOriginal.$.width );
-				dialog.setValueOf( 'info', 'txtHeight', oImageOriginal.$.height );
-			}
-			updatePreview( dialog );
-		};
+			var setupDimension = function( type, element ) {
+					if ( type != IMAGE )
+						return;
-		var setupDimension = function( type, element )
-		{
-			if ( type != IMAGE )
-				return;
-			function checkDimension( size, defaultValue )
-			{
-				var aMatch  =  size.match( regexGetSize );
-				if ( aMatch )
-				{
-					if ( aMatch[2] == '%' )				// % is allowed.
-					{
-						aMatch[1] += '%';
-						switchLockRatio( dialog, false );	// Unlock ratio
+					function checkDimension( size, defaultValue ) {
+						var aMatch = size.match( regexGetSize );
+						if ( aMatch ) {
+							if ( aMatch[ 2 ] == '%' ) // % is allowed.
+							{
+								aMatch[ 1 ] += '%';
+								switchLockRatio( dialog, false ); // Unlock ratio
+							}
+							return aMatch[ 1 ];
+						}
+						return defaultValue;
-					return aMatch[1];
-				}
-				return defaultValue;
-			}
-			var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-				value = '',
-				dimension = (( this.id == 'txtWidth' )? 'width' : 'height' ),
-				size = element.getAttribute( dimension );
+					var dialog = this.getDialog(),
+						value = '',
+						dimension = this.id == 'txtWidth' ? 'width' : 'height',
+						size = element.getAttribute( dimension );
-			if ( size )
-				value = checkDimension( size, value );
-			value = checkDimension( element.getStyle( dimension ), value );
+					if ( size )
+						value = checkDimension( size, value );
+					value = checkDimension( element.getStyle( dimension ), value );
-			this.setValue( value );
-		};
+					this.setValue( value );
+				};
-		var previewPreloader;
+			var previewPreloader;
-		var onImgLoadEvent = function()
-		{
-			// Image is ready.
-			var original = this.originalElement;
-			original.setCustomData( 'isReady', 'true' );
-			original.removeListener( 'load', onImgLoadEvent );
-			original.removeListener( 'error', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
-			original.removeListener( 'abort', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
+			var onImgLoadEvent = function() {
+					// Image is ready.
+					var original = this.originalElement;
+					original.setCustomData( 'isReady', 'true' );
+					original.removeListener( 'load', onImgLoadEvent );
+					original.removeListener( 'error', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
+					original.removeListener( 'abort', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
-			// Hide loader
-			CKEDITOR.document.getById( imagePreviewLoaderId ).setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
+					// Hide loader
+					CKEDITOR.document.getById( imagePreviewLoaderId ).setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
-			// New image -> new domensions
-			if ( !this.dontResetSize )
-				resetSize( this );
+					// New image -> new domensions
+					if ( !this.dontResetSize )
+						resetSize( this );
-			if ( this.firstLoad )
-				CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function(){ switchLockRatio( this, 'check' ); }, 0, this );
+					if ( this.firstLoad )
+						CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() {
+						switchLockRatio( this, 'check' );
+					}, 0, this );
-			this.firstLoad = false;
-			this.dontResetSize = false;
-		};
+					this.firstLoad = false;
+					this.dontResetSize = false;
+				};
-		var onImgLoadErrorEvent = function()
-		{
-			// Error. Image is not loaded.
-			var original = this.originalElement;
-			original.removeListener( 'load', onImgLoadEvent );
-			original.removeListener( 'error', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
-			original.removeListener( 'abort', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
+			var onImgLoadErrorEvent = function() {
+					// Error. Image is not loaded.
+					var original = this.originalElement;
+					original.removeListener( 'load', onImgLoadEvent );
+					original.removeListener( 'error', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
+					original.removeListener( 'abort', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
-			// Set Error image.
-			var noimage = CKEDITOR.getUrl( editor.skinPath + 'images/noimage.png' );
+					// Set Error image.
+					var noimage = CKEDITOR.getUrl( CKEDITOR.plugins.get( 'image' ).path + 'images/noimage.png' );
-			if ( this.preview )
-				this.preview.setAttribute( 'src', noimage );
+					if ( this.preview )
+						this.preview.setAttribute( 'src', noimage );
-			// Hide loader
-			CKEDITOR.document.getById( imagePreviewLoaderId ).setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
-			switchLockRatio( this, false );	// Unlock.
-		};
+					// Hide loader
+					CKEDITOR.document.getById( imagePreviewLoaderId ).setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
+					switchLockRatio( this, false ); // Unlock.
+				};
-		var numbering = function( id )
-			{
-				return CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_' + id;
-			},
-			btnLockSizesId = numbering( 'btnLockSizes' ),
-			btnResetSizeId = numbering( 'btnResetSize' ),
-			imagePreviewLoaderId = numbering( 'ImagePreviewLoader' ),
-			imagePreviewBoxId = numbering( 'ImagePreviewBox' ),
-			previewLinkId = numbering( 'previewLink' ),
-			previewImageId = numbering( 'previewImage' );
-		return {
-			title : ( dialogType == 'image' ) ? editor.lang.image.title : editor.lang.image.titleButton,
-			minWidth : 420,
-			minHeight : 310,
-			onShow : function()
-			{
-				this.imageElement = false;
-				this.linkElement = false;
-				// Default: create a new element.
-				this.imageEditMode = false;
-				this.linkEditMode = false;
-				this.lockRatio = true;
-				this.dontResetSize = false;
-				this.firstLoad = true;
-				this.addLink = false;
-				var editor = this.getParentEditor(),
-					sel = this.getParentEditor().getSelection(),
-					element = sel.getSelectedElement(),
-					link = element && element.getAscendant( 'a' );
-				//Hide loader.
-				CKEDITOR.document.getById( imagePreviewLoaderId ).setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
-				// Create the preview before setup the dialog contents.
-				previewPreloader = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'img', editor.document );
-				this.preview = CKEDITOR.document.getById( previewImageId );
-				// Copy of the image
-				this.originalElement = editor.document.createElement( 'img' );
-				this.originalElement.setAttribute( 'alt', '' );
-				this.originalElement.setCustomData( 'isReady', 'false' );
-				if ( link )
-				{
-					this.linkElement = link;
-					this.linkEditMode = true;
-					// Look for Image element.
-					var linkChildren = link.getChildren();
-					if ( linkChildren.count() == 1 )			// 1 child.
-					{
-						var childTagName = linkChildren.getItem( 0 ).getName();
-						if ( childTagName == 'img' || childTagName == 'input' )
+			var numbering = function( id ) {
+					return CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_' + id;
+				},
+				btnLockSizesId = numbering( 'btnLockSizes' ),
+				btnResetSizeId = numbering( 'btnResetSize' ),
+				imagePreviewLoaderId = numbering( 'ImagePreviewLoader' ),
+				previewLinkId = numbering( 'previewLink' ),
+				previewImageId = numbering( 'previewImage' );
+			return {
+				title: editor.lang.image[ dialogType == 'image' ? 'title' : 'titleButton' ],
+				minWidth: 420,
+				minHeight: 360,
+				onShow: function() {
+					this.imageElement = false;
+					this.linkElement = false;
+					// Default: create a new element.
+					this.imageEditMode = false;
+					this.linkEditMode = false;
+					this.lockRatio = true;
+					this.userlockRatio = 0;
+					this.dontResetSize = false;
+					this.firstLoad = true;
+					this.addLink = false;
+					var editor = this.getParentEditor(),
+						sel = editor.getSelection(),
+						element = sel && sel.getSelectedElement(),
+						link = element && editor.elementPath( element ).contains( 'a', 1 );
+					//Hide loader.
+					CKEDITOR.document.getById( imagePreviewLoaderId ).setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
+					// Create the preview before setup the dialog contents.
+					previewPreloader = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'img', editor.document );
+					this.preview = CKEDITOR.document.getById( previewImageId );
+					// Copy of the image
+					this.originalElement = editor.document.createElement( 'img' );
+					this.originalElement.setAttribute( 'alt', '' );
+					this.originalElement.setCustomData( 'isReady', 'false' );
+					if ( link ) {
+						this.linkElement = link;
+						this.linkEditMode = true;
+						// Look for Image element.
+						var linkChildren = link.getChildren();
+						if ( linkChildren.count() == 1 ) // 1 child.
-							this.imageElement = linkChildren.getItem( 0 );
-							if ( this.imageElement.getName() == 'img' )
-								this.imageEditMode = 'img';
-							else if ( this.imageElement.getName() == 'input' )
-								this.imageEditMode = 'input';
+							var childTagName = linkChildren.getItem( 0 ).getName();
+							if ( childTagName == 'img' || childTagName == 'input' ) {
+								this.imageElement = linkChildren.getItem( 0 );
+								if ( this.imageElement.getName() == 'img' )
+									this.imageEditMode = 'img';
+								else if ( this.imageElement.getName() == 'input' )
+									this.imageEditMode = 'input';
+							}
+						// Fill out all fields.
+						if ( dialogType == 'image' )
+							this.setupContent( LINK, link );
-					// Fill out all fields.
-					if ( dialogType == 'image' )
-						this.setupContent( LINK, link );
-				}
-				if ( element && element.getName() == 'img' && !element.getAttribute( '_cke_realelement' )
-					|| element && element.getName() == 'input' && element.getAttribute( 'type' ) == 'image' )
-				{
-					this.imageEditMode = element.getName();
-					this.imageElement = element;
-				}
+					if ( element && element.getName() == 'img' && !element.data( 'cke-realelement' ) || element && element.getName() == 'input' && element.getAttribute( 'type' ) == 'image' ) {
+						this.imageEditMode = element.getName();
+						this.imageElement = element;
+					}
-				if ( this.imageEditMode )
-				{
-					// Use the original element as a buffer from  since we don't want
-					// temporary changes to be committed, e.g. if the dialog is canceled.
-					this.cleanImageElement = this.imageElement;
-					this.imageElement = this.cleanImageElement.clone( true, true );
+					if ( this.imageEditMode ) {
+						// Use the original element as a buffer from  since we don't want
+						// temporary changes to be committed, e.g. if the dialog is canceled.
+						this.cleanImageElement = this.imageElement;
+						this.imageElement = this.cleanImageElement.clone( true, true );
-					// Fill out all fields.
-					this.setupContent( IMAGE, this.imageElement );
+						// Fill out all fields.
+						this.setupContent( IMAGE, this.imageElement );
+					} else
+						this.imageElement = editor.document.createElement( 'img' );
 					// Refresh LockRatio button
-					switchLockRatio ( this, true );
-				}
-				else
-					this.imageElement =  editor.document.createElement( 'img' );
-				// Dont show preview if no URL given.
-				if ( !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( this.getValueOf( 'info', 'txtUrl' ) ) )
-				{
-					this.preview.removeAttribute( 'src' );
-					this.preview.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
-				}
-			},
-			onOk : function()
-			{
-				// Edit existing Image.
-				if ( this.imageEditMode )
-				{
-					var imgTagName = this.imageEditMode;
-					// Image dialog and Input element.
-					if ( dialogType == 'image' && imgTagName == 'input' && confirm( editor.lang.image.button2Img ) )
-					{
-						// Replace INPUT-> IMG
-						imgTagName = 'img';
-						this.imageElement = editor.document.createElement( 'img' );
-						this.imageElement.setAttribute( 'alt', '' );
-						editor.insertElement( this.imageElement );
-					}
-					// ImageButton dialog and Image element.
-					else if ( dialogType != 'image' && imgTagName == 'img' && confirm( editor.lang.image.img2Button ))
-					{
-						// Replace IMG -> INPUT
-						imgTagName = 'input';
-						this.imageElement = editor.document.createElement( 'input' );
-						this.imageElement.setAttributes(
-							{
-								type : 'image',
-								alt : ''
-							}
-						);
-						editor.insertElement( this.imageElement );
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						// Restore the original element before all commits.
-						this.imageElement = this.cleanImageElement;
-						delete this.cleanImageElement;
+					switchLockRatio( this, true );
+					// Dont show preview if no URL given.
+					if ( !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( this.getValueOf( 'info', 'txtUrl' ) ) ) {
+						this.preview.removeAttribute( 'src' );
+						this.preview.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
-				}
-				else	// Create a new image.
-				{
-					// Image dialog -> create IMG element.
-					if ( dialogType == 'image' )
-						this.imageElement = editor.document.createElement( 'img' );
-					else
+				},
+				onOk: function() {
+					// Edit existing Image.
+					if ( this.imageEditMode ) {
+						var imgTagName = this.imageEditMode;
+						// Image dialog and Input element.
+						if ( dialogType == 'image' && imgTagName == 'input' && confirm( editor.lang.image.button2Img ) ) {
+							// Replace INPUT-> IMG
+							imgTagName = 'img';
+							this.imageElement = editor.document.createElement( 'img' );
+							this.imageElement.setAttribute( 'alt', '' );
+							editor.insertElement( this.imageElement );
+						}
+						// ImageButton dialog and Image element.
+						else if ( dialogType != 'image' && imgTagName == 'img' && confirm( editor.lang.image.img2Button ) ) {
+							// Replace IMG -> INPUT
+							imgTagName = 'input';
+							this.imageElement = editor.document.createElement( 'input' );
+							this.imageElement.setAttributes({
+								type: 'image',
+								alt: ''
+							});
+							editor.insertElement( this.imageElement );
+						} else {
+							// Restore the original element before all commits.
+							this.imageElement = this.cleanImageElement;
+							delete this.cleanImageElement;
+						}
+					} else // Create a new image.
-						this.imageElement = editor.document.createElement( 'input' );
-						this.imageElement.setAttribute ( 'type' ,'image' );
+						// Image dialog -> create IMG element.
+						if ( dialogType == 'image' )
+							this.imageElement = editor.document.createElement( 'img' );
+						else {
+							this.imageElement = editor.document.createElement( 'input' );
+							this.imageElement.setAttribute( 'type', 'image' );
+						}
+						this.imageElement.setAttribute( 'alt', '' );
-					this.imageElement.setAttribute( 'alt', '' );
-				}
-				// Create a new link.
-				if ( !this.linkEditMode )
-					this.linkElement = editor.document.createElement( 'a' );
-				// Set attributes.
-				this.commitContent( IMAGE, this.imageElement );
-				this.commitContent( LINK, this.linkElement );
-				// Remove empty style attribute.
-				if ( !this.imageElement.getAttribute( 'style' ) )
-					this.imageElement.removeAttribute( 'style' );
-				// Insert a new Image.
-				if ( !this.imageEditMode )
-				{
-					if ( this.addLink )
+					// Create a new link.
+					if ( !this.linkEditMode )
+						this.linkElement = editor.document.createElement( 'a' );
+					// Set attributes.
+					this.commitContent( IMAGE, this.imageElement );
+					this.commitContent( LINK, this.linkElement );
+					// Remove empty style attribute.
+					if ( !this.imageElement.getAttribute( 'style' ) )
+						this.imageElement.removeAttribute( 'style' );
+					// Insert a new Image.
+					if ( !this.imageEditMode ) {
+						if ( this.addLink ) {
+							//Insert a new Link.
+							if ( !this.linkEditMode ) {
+								editor.insertElement( this.linkElement );
+								this.linkElement.append( this.imageElement, false );
+							} else //Link already exists, image not.
+							editor.insertElement( this.imageElement );
+						} else
+							editor.insertElement( this.imageElement );
+					} else // Image already exists.
-						//Insert a new Link.
-						if ( !this.linkEditMode )
-						{
-							editor.insertElement(this.linkElement);
-							this.linkElement.append(this.imageElement, false);
+						//Add a new link element.
+						if ( !this.linkEditMode && this.addLink ) {
+							editor.insertElement( this.linkElement );
+							this.imageElement.appendTo( this.linkElement );
+						}
+						//Remove Link, Image exists.
+						else if ( this.linkEditMode && !this.addLink ) {
+							editor.getSelection().selectElement( this.linkElement );
+							editor.insertElement( this.imageElement );
-						else	 //Link already exists, image not.
-							editor.insertElement(this.imageElement );
-					else
-						editor.insertElement( this.imageElement );
-				}
-				else		// Image already exists.
-				{
-					//Add a new link element.
-					if ( !this.linkEditMode && this.addLink )
-					{
-						editor.insertElement( this.linkElement );
-						this.imageElement.appendTo( this.linkElement );
+				},
+				onLoad: function() {
+					if ( dialogType != 'image' )
+						this.hidePage( 'Link' ); //Hide Link tab.
+					var doc = this._.element.getDocument();
+					if ( this.getContentElement( 'info', 'ratioLock' ) ) {
+						this.addFocusable( doc.getById( btnResetSizeId ), 5 );
+						this.addFocusable( doc.getById( btnLockSizesId ), 5 );
-					//Remove Link, Image exists.
-					else if ( this.linkEditMode && !this.addLink )
-					{
-						editor.getSelection().selectElement( this.linkElement );
-						editor.insertElement( this.imageElement );
+					this.commitContent = commitContent;
+				},
+				onHide: function() {
+					if ( this.preview )
+						this.commitContent( CLEANUP, this.preview );
+					if ( this.originalElement ) {
+						this.originalElement.removeListener( 'load', onImgLoadEvent );
+						this.originalElement.removeListener( 'error', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
+						this.originalElement.removeListener( 'abort', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
+						this.originalElement.remove();
+						this.originalElement = false; // Dialog is closed.
-				}
-			},
-			onLoad : function()
-			{
-				if ( dialogType != 'image' )
-					this.hidePage( 'Link' );		//Hide Link tab.
-				var doc = this._.element.getDocument();
-				this.addFocusable( doc.getById( btnResetSizeId ), 5 );
-				this.addFocusable( doc.getById( btnLockSizesId ), 5 );
-				this.commitContent = commitContent;
-			},
-			onHide : function()
-			{
-				if ( this.preview )
-					this.commitContent( CLEANUP, this.preview );
-				if ( this.originalElement )
-				{
-					this.originalElement.removeListener( 'load', onImgLoadEvent );
-					this.originalElement.removeListener( 'error', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
-					this.originalElement.removeListener( 'abort', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
-					this.originalElement.remove();
-					this.originalElement = false;		// Dialog is closed.
-				}
-				delete this.imageElement;
-			},
-			contents : [
-				{
-					id : 'info',
-					label : editor.lang.image.infoTab,
-					accessKey : 'I',
-					elements :
-					[
-						{
-							type : 'vbox',
-							padding : 0,
-							children :
-							[
-								{
-									type : 'hbox',
-									widths : [ '280px', '110px' ],
-									align : 'right',
-									children :
-									[
-										{
-											id : 'txtUrl',
-											type : 'text',
-											label : editor.lang.common.url,
-											required: true,
-											onChange : function()
-											{
-												var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-													newUrl = this.getValue();
-												//Update original image
-												if ( newUrl.length > 0 )	//Prevent from load before onShow
-												{
-													dialog = this.getDialog();
-													var original = dialog.originalElement;
-													dialog.preview.removeStyle( 'display' );
-													original.setCustomData( 'isReady', 'false' );
-													// Show loader
-													var loader = CKEDITOR.document.getById( imagePreviewLoaderId );
-													if ( loader )
-														loader.setStyle( 'display', '' );
-													original.on( 'load', onImgLoadEvent, dialog );
-													original.on( 'error', onImgLoadErrorEvent, dialog );
-													original.on( 'abort', onImgLoadErrorEvent, dialog );
-													original.setAttribute( 'src', newUrl );
-													// Query the preloader to figure out the url impacted by based href.
-													previewPreloader.setAttribute( 'src', newUrl );
-													dialog.preview.setAttribute( 'src', previewPreloader.$.src );
-													updatePreview( dialog );
-												}
-												// Dont show preview if no URL given.
-												else if ( dialog.preview )
-												{
-													dialog.preview.removeAttribute( 'src' );
-													dialog.preview.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
-												}
-											},
-											setup : function( type, element )
-											{
-												if ( type == IMAGE )
-												{
-													var url = element.getAttribute( '_cke_saved_src' ) || element.getAttribute( 'src' );
-													var field = this;
-													this.getDialog().dontResetSize = true;
-													field.setValue( url );		// And call this.onChange()
-													// Manually set the initial value.(#4191)
-													field.setInitValue();
-												}
-											},
-											commit : function( type, element )
-											{
-												if ( type == IMAGE && ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() ) )
-												{
-													element.setAttribute( '_cke_saved_src', decodeURI( this.getValue() ) );
-													element.setAttribute( 'src', decodeURI( this.getValue() ) );
-												}
-												else if ( type == CLEANUP )
-												{
-													element.setAttribute( 'src', '' );	// If removeAttribute doesn't work.
-													element.removeAttribute( 'src' );
-												}
-											},
-											validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( editor.lang.image.urlMissing )
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'button',
-											id : 'browse',
-											// v-align with the 'txtUrl' field.
-											// TODO: We need something better than a fixed size here.
-											style : 'display:inline-block;margin-top:10px;',
-											align : 'center',
-											label : editor.lang.common.browseServer,
-											hidden : true,
-											filebrowser : 'info:txtUrl'
-										}
-									]
-								}
-							]
-						},
+					delete this.imageElement;
+				},
+				contents: [
+					{
+					id: 'info',
+					label: editor.lang.image.infoTab,
+					accessKey: 'I',
+					elements: [
-							id : 'txtAlt',
-							type : 'text',
-							label : editor.lang.image.alt,
-							accessKey : 'T',
-							'default' : '',
-							onChange : function()
+						type: 'vbox',
+						padding: 0,
+						children: [
-								updatePreview( this.getDialog() );
-							},
-							setup : function( type, element )
-							{
-								if ( type == IMAGE )
-									this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'alt' ) );
-							},
-							commit : function( type, element )
-							{
-								if ( type == IMAGE )
-								{
-									if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
-										element.setAttribute( 'alt', this.getValue() );
-								}
-								else if ( type == PREVIEW )
+							type: 'hbox',
+							widths: [ '280px', '110px' ],
+							align: 'right',
+							children: [
-									element.setAttribute( 'alt', this.getValue() );
-								}
-								else if ( type == CLEANUP )
+								id: 'txtUrl',
+								type: 'text',
+								label: editor.lang.common.url,
+								required: true,
+								onChange: function() {
+									var dialog = this.getDialog(),
+										newUrl = this.getValue();
+									//Update original image
+									if ( newUrl.length > 0 ) //Prevent from load before onShow
+									{
+										dialog = this.getDialog();
+										var original = dialog.originalElement;
+										dialog.preview.removeStyle( 'display' );
+										original.setCustomData( 'isReady', 'false' );
+										// Show loader
+										var loader = CKEDITOR.document.getById( imagePreviewLoaderId );
+										if ( loader )
+											loader.setStyle( 'display', '' );
+										original.on( 'load', onImgLoadEvent, dialog );
+										original.on( 'error', onImgLoadErrorEvent, dialog );
+										original.on( 'abort', onImgLoadErrorEvent, dialog );
+										original.setAttribute( 'src', newUrl );
+										// Query the preloader to figure out the url impacted by based href.
+										previewPreloader.setAttribute( 'src', newUrl );
+										dialog.preview.setAttribute( 'src', previewPreloader.$.src );
+										updatePreview( dialog );
+									}
+									// Dont show preview if no URL given.
+									else if ( dialog.preview ) {
+										dialog.preview.removeAttribute( 'src' );
+										dialog.preview.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
+									}
+								},
+								setup: function( type, element ) {
+									if ( type == IMAGE ) {
+										var url = element.data( 'cke-saved-src' ) || element.getAttribute( 'src' );
+										var field = this;
+										this.getDialog().dontResetSize = true;
+										field.setValue( url ); // And call this.onChange()
+										// Manually set the initial value.(#4191)
+										field.setInitValue();
+									}
+								},
+								commit: function( type, element ) {
+									if ( type == IMAGE && ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() ) ) {
+										element.data( 'cke-saved-src', this.getValue() );
+										element.setAttribute( 'src', this.getValue() );
+									} else if ( type == CLEANUP ) {
+										element.setAttribute( 'src', '' ); // If removeAttribute doesn't work.
+										element.removeAttribute( 'src' );
+									}
+								},
+								validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( editor.lang.image.urlMissing )
+							},
-									element.removeAttribute( 'alt' );
-								}
+								type: 'button',
+								id: 'browse',
+								// v-align with the 'txtUrl' field.
+								// TODO: We need something better than a fixed size here.
+								style: 'display:inline-block;margin-top:10px;',
+								align: 'center',
+								label: editor.lang.common.browseServer,
+								hidden: true,
+								filebrowser: 'info:txtUrl'
+							]
+						}
+						]
+					},
+						{
+						id: 'txtAlt',
+						type: 'text',
+						label: editor.lang.image.alt,
+						accessKey: 'T',
+						'default': '',
+						onChange: function() {
+							updatePreview( this.getDialog() );
+						},
+						setup: function( type, element ) {
+							if ( type == IMAGE )
+								this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'alt' ) );
+						commit: function( type, element ) {
+							if ( type == IMAGE ) {
+								if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
+									element.setAttribute( 'alt', this.getValue() );
+							} else if ( type == PREVIEW ) {
+								element.setAttribute( 'alt', this.getValue() );
+							} else if ( type == CLEANUP ) {
+								element.removeAttribute( 'alt' );
+							}
+						}
+					},
-							type : 'hbox',
-							widths : [ '140px', '240px' ],
-							children :
-							[
+						type: 'hbox',
+						children: [
+							{
+							id: 'basic',
+							type: 'vbox',
+							children: [
-									type : 'vbox',
-									padding : 10,
-									children :
-									[
+								type: 'hbox',
+								widths: [ '50%', '50%' ],
+								children: [
+									{
+									type: 'vbox',
+									padding: 1,
+									children: [
-											type : 'hbox',
-											widths : [ '70%', '30%' ],
-											children :
-											[
-												{
-													type : 'vbox',
-													padding : 1,
-													children :
-													[
-														{
-															type : 'text',
-															width: '40px',
-															id : 'txtWidth',
-															labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-															label : editor.lang.image.width,
-															onKeyUp : onSizeChange,
-															onChange : function()
-															{
-																commitInternally.call( this, 'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle' );
-															},
-															validate : function()
-															{
-																var aMatch  =  this.getValue().match( regexGetSizeOrEmpty );
-																if ( !aMatch )
-																	alert( editor.lang.image.validateWidth );
-																return !!aMatch;
-															},
-															setup : setupDimension,
-															commit : function( type, element, internalCommit )
-															{
-																var value = this.getValue();
-																if ( type == IMAGE )
-																{
-																	if ( value )
-																		element.setStyle( 'width', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
-																	else if ( !value && this.isChanged( ) )
-																		element.removeStyle( 'width' );
-																	!internalCommit && element.removeAttribute( 'width' );
-																}
-																else if ( type == PREVIEW )
-																{
-																	var aMatch = value.match( regexGetSize );
-																	if ( !aMatch )
-																	{
-																		var oImageOriginal = this.getDialog().originalElement;
-																		if ( oImageOriginal.getCustomData( 'isReady' ) == 'true' )
-																			element.setStyle( 'width',  oImageOriginal.$.width + 'px');
-																	}
-																	else
-																		element.setStyle( 'width', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
-																}
-																else if ( type == CLEANUP )
-																{
-																	element.removeAttribute( 'width' );
-																	element.removeStyle( 'width' );
-																}
-															}
-														},
-														{
-															type : 'text',
-															id : 'txtHeight',
-															width: '40px',
-															labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-															label : editor.lang.image.height,
-															onKeyUp : onSizeChange,
-															onChange : function()
-															{
-																commitInternally.call( this, 'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle' );
-															},
-															validate : function()
-															{
-																var aMatch = this.getValue().match( regexGetSizeOrEmpty );
-																if ( !aMatch )
-																	alert( editor.lang.image.validateHeight );
-																return !!aMatch;
-															},
-															setup : setupDimension,
-															commit : function( type, element, internalCommit )
-															{
-																var value = this.getValue();
-																if ( type == IMAGE )
-																{
-																	if ( value )
-																		element.setStyle( 'height', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
-																	else if ( !value && this.isChanged( ) )
-																		element.removeStyle( 'height' );
-																	if ( !internalCommit && type == IMAGE )
-																		element.removeAttribute( 'height' );
-																}
-																else if ( type == PREVIEW )
-																{
-																	var aMatch = value.match( regexGetSize );
-																	if ( !aMatch )
-																	{
-																		var oImageOriginal = this.getDialog().originalElement;
-																		if ( oImageOriginal.getCustomData( 'isReady' ) == 'true' )
-																			element.setStyle( 'height', oImageOriginal.$.height + 'px' );
-																	}
-																	else
-																		element.setStyle( 'height',  CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
-																}
-																else if ( type == CLEANUP )
-																{
-																	element.removeAttribute( 'height' );
-																	element.removeStyle( 'height' );
-																}
-															}
-														}
-													]
-												},
-												{
-													type : 'html',
-													style : 'margin-top:10px;width:40px;height:40px;',
-													onLoad : function()
-													{
-														// Activate Reset button
-														var	resetButton = CKEDITOR.document.getById( btnResetSizeId ),
-															ratioButton = CKEDITOR.document.getById( btnLockSizesId );
-														if ( resetButton )
-														{
-															resetButton.on( 'click', function(evt)
-																{
-																	resetSize( this );
-																	evt.data.preventDefault();
-																}, this.getDialog() );
-															resetButton.on( 'mouseover', function()
-																{
-																	this.addClass( 'cke_btn_over' );
-																}, resetButton );
-															resetButton.on( 'mouseout', function()
-																{
-																	this.removeClass( 'cke_btn_over' );
-																}, resetButton );
-														}
-														// Activate (Un)LockRatio button
-														if ( ratioButton )
-														{
-															ratioButton.on( 'click', function(evt)
-																{
-																	var locked = switchLockRatio( this ),
-																		oImageOriginal = this.originalElement,
-																		width = this.getValueOf( 'info', 'txtWidth' );
-																	if ( oImageOriginal.getCustomData( 'isReady' ) == 'true' && width )
-																	{
-																		var height = oImageOriginal.$.height / oImageOriginal.$.width * width;
-																		if ( !isNaN( height ) )
-																		{
-																			this.setValueOf( 'info', 'txtHeight', Math.round( height ) );
-																			updatePreview( this );
-																		}
-																	}
-																	evt.data.preventDefault();
-																}, this.getDialog() );
-															ratioButton.on( 'mouseover', function()
-																{
-																	this.addClass( 'cke_btn_over' );
-																}, ratioButton );
-															ratioButton.on( 'mouseout', function()
-																{
-																	this.removeClass( 'cke_btn_over' );
-																}, ratioButton );
-														}
-													},
-													html : '<div>'+
-														'<a href="javascript:void(0)" tabindex="-1" title="' + editor.lang.image.unlockRatio +
-														'" class="cke_btn_locked" id="' + btnLockSizesId + '" role="button"><span class="cke_label">' + editor.lang.image.unlockRatio + '</span></a>' +
-														'<a href="javascript:void(0)" tabindex="-1" title="' + editor.lang.image.resetSize +
-														'" class="cke_btn_reset" id="' + btnResetSizeId + '" role="button"><span class="cke_label">' + editor.lang.image.resetSize + '</span></a>'+
-														'</div>'
-												}
-											]
+										type: 'text',
+										width: '40px',
+										id: 'txtWidth',
+										label: editor.lang.common.width,
+										onKeyUp: onSizeChange,
+										onChange: function() {
+											commitInternally.call( this, 'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle' );
+										},
+										validate: function() {
+											var aMatch = this.getValue().match( regexGetSizeOrEmpty ),
+												isValid = !!( aMatch && parseInt( aMatch[ 1 ], 10 ) !== 0 );
+											if ( !isValid )
+												alert( editor.lang.common.invalidWidth );
+											return isValid;
+										setup: setupDimension,
+										commit: function( type, element, internalCommit ) {
+											var value = this.getValue();
+											if ( type == IMAGE ) {
+												if ( value )
+													element.setStyle( 'width', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
+												else
+													element.removeStyle( 'width' );
+												!internalCommit && element.removeAttribute( 'width' );
+											} else if ( type == PREVIEW ) {
+												var aMatch = value.match( regexGetSize );
+												if ( !aMatch ) {
+													var oImageOriginal = this.getDialog().originalElement;
+													if ( oImageOriginal.getCustomData( 'isReady' ) == 'true' )
+														element.setStyle( 'width', oImageOriginal.$.width + 'px' );
+												} else
+													element.setStyle( 'width', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
+											} else if ( type == CLEANUP ) {
+												element.removeAttribute( 'width' );
+												element.removeStyle( 'width' );
+											}
+										}
+									},
-											type : 'vbox',
-											padding : 1,
-											children :
-											[
-												{
-													type : 'text',
-													id : 'txtBorder',
-													width: '60px',
-													labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-													label : editor.lang.image.border,
-													'default' : '',
-													onKeyUp : function()
-													{
-														updatePreview( this.getDialog() );
-													},
-													onChange : function()
-													{
-														commitInternally.call( this, 'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle' );
-													},
-													validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.image.validateBorder ),
-													setup : function( type, element )
-													{
-														if ( type == IMAGE )
-														{
-															var value,
-																borderStyle = element.getStyle( 'border-width' );
-															borderStyle = borderStyle && borderStyle.match( /^(\d+px)(?: \1 \1 \1)?$/ );
-															value = borderStyle && parseInt( borderStyle[ 1 ], 10 );
-															isNaN ( parseInt( value, 10 ) ) && ( value = element.getAttribute( 'border' ) );
-															this.setValue( value );
-														}
-													},
-													commit : function( type, element, internalCommit )
-													{
-														var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 );
-														if ( type == IMAGE || type == PREVIEW )
-														{
-															if ( !isNaN( value ) )
-															{
-																element.setStyle( 'border-width', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
-																element.setStyle( 'border-style', 'solid' );
-															}
-															else if ( !value && this.isChanged() )
-															{
-																element.removeStyle( 'border-width' );
-																element.removeStyle( 'border-style' );
-																element.removeStyle( 'border-color' );
-															}
-															if ( !internalCommit && type == IMAGE )
-																element.removeAttribute( 'border' );
-														}
-														else if ( type == CLEANUP )
-														{
-															element.removeAttribute( 'border' );
-															element.removeStyle( 'border-width' );
-															element.removeStyle( 'border-style' );
-															element.removeStyle( 'border-color' );
-														}
-													}
-												},
-												{
-													type : 'text',
-													id : 'txtHSpace',
-													width: '60px',
-													labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-													label : editor.lang.image.hSpace,
-													'default' : '',
-													onKeyUp : function()
-													{
-														updatePreview( this.getDialog() );
-													},
-													onChange : function()
-													{
-														commitInternally.call( this, 'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle' );
-													},
-													validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.image.validateHSpace ),
-													setup : function( type, element )
-													{
-														if ( type == IMAGE )
-														{
-															var value,
-																marginLeftPx,
-																marginRightPx,
-																marginLeftStyle = element.getStyle( 'margin-left' ),
-																marginRightStyle = element.getStyle( 'margin-right' );
-															marginLeftStyle = marginLeftStyle && marginLeftStyle.match( pxLengthRegex );
-															marginRightStyle = marginRightStyle && marginRightStyle.match( pxLengthRegex );
-															marginLeftPx = parseInt( marginLeftStyle, 10 );
-															marginRightPx = parseInt( marginRightStyle, 10 );
-															value = ( marginLeftPx == marginRightPx ) && marginLeftPx;
-															isNaN( parseInt( value, 10 ) ) && ( value = element.getAttribute( 'hspace' ) );
-															this.setValue( value );
-														}
-													},
-													commit : function( type, element, internalCommit )
-													{
-														var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 );
-														if ( type == IMAGE || type == PREVIEW )
-														{
-															if ( !isNaN( value ) )
-															{
-																element.setStyle( 'margin-left', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
-																element.setStyle( 'margin-right', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
-															}
-															else if ( !value && this.isChanged( ) )
-															{
-																element.removeStyle( 'margin-left' );
-																element.removeStyle( 'margin-right' );
-															}
-															if ( !internalCommit && type == IMAGE )
-																element.removeAttribute( 'hspace' );
-														}
-														else if ( type == CLEANUP )
-														{
-															element.removeAttribute( 'hspace' );
-															element.removeStyle( 'margin-left' );
-															element.removeStyle( 'margin-right' );
-														}
-													}
-												},
-												{
-													type : 'text',
-													id : 'txtVSpace',
-													width : '60px',
-													labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-													label : editor.lang.image.vSpace,
-													'default' : '',
-													onKeyUp : function()
-													{
-														updatePreview( this.getDialog() );
-													},
-													onChange : function()
-													{
-														commitInternally.call( this, 'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle' );
-													},
-													validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.image.validateVSpace ),
-													setup : function( type, element )
-													{
-														if ( type == IMAGE )
-														{
-															var value,
-																marginTopPx,
-																marginBottomPx,
-																marginTopStyle = element.getStyle( 'margin-top' ),
-																marginBottomStyle = element.getStyle( 'margin-bottom' );
-															marginTopStyle = marginTopStyle && marginTopStyle.match( pxLengthRegex );
-															marginBottomStyle = marginBottomStyle && marginBottomStyle.match( pxLengthRegex );
-															marginTopPx = parseInt( marginTopStyle, 10 );
-															marginBottomPx = parseInt( marginBottomStyle, 10 );
-															value = ( marginTopPx == marginBottomPx ) && marginTopPx;
-															isNaN ( parseInt( value, 10 ) ) && ( value = element.getAttribute( 'vspace' ) );
-															this.setValue( value );
-														}
-													},
-													commit : function( type, element, internalCommit )
-													{
-														var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 );
-														if ( type == IMAGE || type == PREVIEW )
-														{
-															if ( !isNaN( value ) )
-															{
-																element.setStyle( 'margin-top', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
-																element.setStyle( 'margin-bottom', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
-															}
-															else if ( !value && this.isChanged( ) )
-															{
-																element.removeStyle( 'margin-top' );
-																element.removeStyle( 'margin-bottom' );
-															}
-															if ( !internalCommit && type == IMAGE )
-																element.removeAttribute( 'vspace' );
-														}
-														else if ( type == CLEANUP )
-														{
-															element.removeAttribute( 'vspace' );
-															element.removeStyle( 'margin-top' );
-															element.removeStyle( 'margin-bottom' );
-														}
-													}
-												},
-												{
-													id : 'cmbAlign',
-													type : 'select',
-													labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-													widths : [ '35%','65%' ],
-													style : 'width:90px',
-													label : editor.lang.image.align,
-													'default' : '',
-													items :
-													[
-														[ editor.lang.common.notSet , ''],
-														[ editor.lang.image.alignLeft , 'left'],
-														[ editor.lang.image.alignRight , 'right']
-														// Backward compatible with v2 on setup when specified as attribute value,
-														// while these values are no more available as select options.
-														//	[ editor.lang.image.alignAbsBottom , 'absBottom'],
-														//	[ editor.lang.image.alignAbsMiddle , 'absMiddle'],
-														//  [ editor.lang.image.alignBaseline , 'baseline'],
-														//  [ editor.lang.image.alignTextTop , 'text-top'],
-														//  [ editor.lang.image.alignBottom , 'bottom'],
-														//  [ editor.lang.image.alignMiddle , 'middle'],
-														//  [ editor.lang.image.alignTop , 'top']
-													],
-													onChange : function()
-													{
-														updatePreview( this.getDialog() );
-														commitInternally.call( this, 'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle' );
-													},
-													setup : function( type, element )
-													{
-														if ( type == IMAGE )
-														{
-															var value = element.getStyle( 'float' );
-															switch( value )
-															{
-																// Ignore those unrelated values.
-																case 'inherit':
-																case 'none':
-																	value = '';
-															}
-															!value && ( value = ( element.getAttribute( 'align' ) || '' ).toLowerCase() );
-															this.setValue( value );
-														}
-													},
-													commit : function( type, element, internalCommit )
-													{
-														var value = this.getValue();
-														if ( type == IMAGE || type == PREVIEW )
-														{
-															if ( value )
-																element.setStyle( 'float', value );
-															else
-																element.removeStyle( 'float' );
-															if ( !internalCommit && type == IMAGE )
-															{
-																value = ( element.getAttribute( 'align' ) || '' ).toLowerCase();
-																switch( value )
-																{
-																	// we should remove it only if it matches "left" or "right",
-																	// otherwise leave it intact.
-																	case 'left':
-																	case 'right':
-																		element.removeAttribute( 'align' );
-																}
-															}
-														}
-														else if ( type == CLEANUP )
-															element.removeStyle( 'float' );
+										type: 'text',
+										id: 'txtHeight',
+										width: '40px',
+										label: editor.lang.common.height,
+										onKeyUp: onSizeChange,
+										onChange: function() {
+											commitInternally.call( this, 'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle' );
+										},
+										validate: function() {
+											var aMatch = this.getValue().match( regexGetSizeOrEmpty ),
+												isValid = !!( aMatch && parseInt( aMatch[ 1 ], 10 ) !== 0 );
+											if ( !isValid )
+												alert( editor.lang.common.invalidHeight );
+											return isValid;
+										},
+										setup: setupDimension,
+										commit: function( type, element, internalCommit ) {
+											var value = this.getValue();
+											if ( type == IMAGE ) {
+												if ( value )
+													element.setStyle( 'height', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
+												else
+													element.removeStyle( 'height' );
+												!internalCommit && element.removeAttribute( 'height' );
+											} else if ( type == PREVIEW ) {
+												var aMatch = value.match( regexGetSize );
+												if ( !aMatch ) {
+													var oImageOriginal = this.getDialog().originalElement;
+													if ( oImageOriginal.getCustomData( 'isReady' ) == 'true' )
+														element.setStyle( 'height', oImageOriginal.$.height + 'px' );
+												} else
+													element.setStyle( 'height', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
+											} else if ( type == CLEANUP ) {
+												element.removeAttribute( 'height' );
+												element.removeStyle( 'height' );
+											}
+										}
+									}
+									]
+								},
+									{
+									id: 'ratioLock',
+									type: 'html',
+									style: 'margin-top:30px;width:40px;height:40px;',
+									onLoad: function() {
+										// Activate Reset button
+										var resetButton = CKEDITOR.document.getById( btnResetSizeId ),
+											ratioButton = CKEDITOR.document.getById( btnLockSizesId );
+										if ( resetButton ) {
+											resetButton.on( 'click', function( evt ) {
+												resetSize( this );
+												evt.data && evt.data.preventDefault();
+											}, this.getDialog() );
+											resetButton.on( 'mouseover', function() {
+												this.addClass( 'cke_btn_over' );
+											}, resetButton );
+											resetButton.on( 'mouseout', function() {
+												this.removeClass( 'cke_btn_over' );
+											}, resetButton );
+										}
+										// Activate (Un)LockRatio button
+										if ( ratioButton ) {
+											ratioButton.on( 'click', function( evt ) {
+												var locked = switchLockRatio( this ),
+													oImageOriginal = this.originalElement,
+													width = this.getValueOf( 'info', 'txtWidth' );
+												if ( oImageOriginal.getCustomData( 'isReady' ) == 'true' && width ) {
+													var height = oImageOriginal.$.height / oImageOriginal.$.width * width;
+													if ( !isNaN( height ) ) {
+														this.setValueOf( 'info', 'txtHeight', Math.round( height ) );
+														updatePreview( this );
-											]
+												evt.data && evt.data.preventDefault();
+											}, this.getDialog() );
+											ratioButton.on( 'mouseover', function() {
+												this.addClass( 'cke_btn_over' );
+											}, ratioButton );
+											ratioButton.on( 'mouseout', function() {
+												this.removeClass( 'cke_btn_over' );
+											}, ratioButton );
-									]
+									},
+									html: '<div>' +
+										'<a href="javascript:void(0)" tabindex="-1" title="' + editor.lang.image.lockRatio +
+										'" class="cke_btn_locked" id="' + btnLockSizesId + '" role="checkbox"><span class="cke_icon"></span><span class="cke_label">' + editor.lang.image.lockRatio + '</span></a>' +
+										'<a href="javascript:void(0)" tabindex="-1" title="' + editor.lang.image.resetSize +
+										'" class="cke_btn_reset" id="' + btnResetSizeId + '" role="button"><span class="cke_label">' + editor.lang.image.resetSize + '</span></a>' +
+										'</div>'
+								}
+								]
+							},
+								{
+								type: 'vbox',
+								padding: 1,
+								children: [
+									{
+									type: 'text',
+									id: 'txtBorder',
+									width: '60px',
+									label: editor.lang.image.border,
+									'default': '',
+									onKeyUp: function() {
+										updatePreview( this.getDialog() );
+									},
+									onChange: function() {
+										commitInternally.call( this, 'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle' );
+									},
+									validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.image.validateBorder ),
+									setup: function( type, element ) {
+										if ( type == IMAGE ) {
+											var value,
+												borderStyle = element.getStyle( 'border-width' );
+											borderStyle = borderStyle && borderStyle.match( /^(\d+px)(?: \1 \1 \1)?$/ );
+											value = borderStyle && parseInt( borderStyle[ 1 ], 10 );
+											isNaN( parseInt( value, 10 ) ) && ( value = element.getAttribute( 'border' ) );
+											this.setValue( value );
+										}
+									},
+									commit: function( type, element, internalCommit ) {
+										var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 );
+										if ( type == IMAGE || type == PREVIEW ) {
+											if ( !isNaN( value ) ) {
+												element.setStyle( 'border-width', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
+												element.setStyle( 'border-style', 'solid' );
+											} else if ( !value && this.isChanged() )
+												element.removeStyle( 'border' );
+											if ( !internalCommit && type == IMAGE )
+												element.removeAttribute( 'border' );
+										} else if ( type == CLEANUP ) {
+											element.removeAttribute( 'border' );
+											element.removeStyle( 'border-width' );
+											element.removeStyle( 'border-style' );
+											element.removeStyle( 'border-color' );
+										}
+									}
+								},
+									{
+									type: 'text',
+									id: 'txtHSpace',
+									width: '60px',
+									label: editor.lang.image.hSpace,
+									'default': '',
+									onKeyUp: function() {
+										updatePreview( this.getDialog() );
+									},
+									onChange: function() {
+										commitInternally.call( this, 'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle' );
+									},
+									validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.image.validateHSpace ),
+									setup: function( type, element ) {
+										if ( type == IMAGE ) {
+											var value, marginLeftPx, marginRightPx,
+												marginLeftStyle = element.getStyle( 'margin-left' ),
+												marginRightStyle = element.getStyle( 'margin-right' );
+											marginLeftStyle = marginLeftStyle && marginLeftStyle.match( pxLengthRegex );
+											marginRightStyle = marginRightStyle && marginRightStyle.match( pxLengthRegex );
+											marginLeftPx = parseInt( marginLeftStyle, 10 );
+											marginRightPx = parseInt( marginRightStyle, 10 );
+											value = ( marginLeftPx == marginRightPx ) && marginLeftPx;
+											isNaN( parseInt( value, 10 ) ) && ( value = element.getAttribute( 'hspace' ) );
+											this.setValue( value );
+										}
+									},
+									commit: function( type, element, internalCommit ) {
+										var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 );
+										if ( type == IMAGE || type == PREVIEW ) {
+											if ( !isNaN( value ) ) {
+												element.setStyle( 'margin-left', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
+												element.setStyle( 'margin-right', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
+											} else if ( !value && this.isChanged() ) {
+												element.removeStyle( 'margin-left' );
+												element.removeStyle( 'margin-right' );
+											}
+											if ( !internalCommit && type == IMAGE )
+												element.removeAttribute( 'hspace' );
+										} else if ( type == CLEANUP ) {
+											element.removeAttribute( 'hspace' );
+											element.removeStyle( 'margin-left' );
+											element.removeStyle( 'margin-right' );
+										}
+									}
+								},
+									{
+									type: 'text',
+									id: 'txtVSpace',
+									width: '60px',
+									label: editor.lang.image.vSpace,
+									'default': '',
+									onKeyUp: function() {
+										updatePreview( this.getDialog() );
+									},
+									onChange: function() {
+										commitInternally.call( this, 'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle' );
+									},
+									validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.image.validateVSpace ),
+									setup: function( type, element ) {
+										if ( type == IMAGE ) {
+											var value, marginTopPx, marginBottomPx,
+												marginTopStyle = element.getStyle( 'margin-top' ),
+												marginBottomStyle = element.getStyle( 'margin-bottom' );
+											marginTopStyle = marginTopStyle && marginTopStyle.match( pxLengthRegex );
+											marginBottomStyle = marginBottomStyle && marginBottomStyle.match( pxLengthRegex );
+											marginTopPx = parseInt( marginTopStyle, 10 );
+											marginBottomPx = parseInt( marginBottomStyle, 10 );
+											value = ( marginTopPx == marginBottomPx ) && marginTopPx;
+											isNaN( parseInt( value, 10 ) ) && ( value = element.getAttribute( 'vspace' ) );
+											this.setValue( value );
+										}
+									},
+									commit: function( type, element, internalCommit ) {
+										var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 );
+										if ( type == IMAGE || type == PREVIEW ) {
+											if ( !isNaN( value ) ) {
+												element.setStyle( 'margin-top', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
+												element.setStyle( 'margin-bottom', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
+											} else if ( !value && this.isChanged() ) {
+												element.removeStyle( 'margin-top' );
+												element.removeStyle( 'margin-bottom' );
+											}
+											if ( !internalCommit && type == IMAGE )
+												element.removeAttribute( 'vspace' );
+										} else if ( type == CLEANUP ) {
+											element.removeAttribute( 'vspace' );
+											element.removeStyle( 'margin-top' );
+											element.removeStyle( 'margin-bottom' );
+										}
+									}
+									{
+									id: 'cmbAlign',
+									type: 'select',
+									widths: [ '35%', '65%' ],
+									style: 'width:90px',
+									label: editor.lang.common.align,
+									'default': '',
+									items: [
+										[ editor.lang.common.notSet, '' ],
+										[ editor.lang.common.alignLeft, 'left' ],
+										[ editor.lang.common.alignRight, 'right' ]
+										// Backward compatible with v2 on setup when specified as attribute value,
+										// while these values are no more available as select options.
+										//	[ editor.lang.image.alignAbsBottom , 'absBottom'],
+										//	[ editor.lang.image.alignAbsMiddle , 'absMiddle'],
+										//  [ editor.lang.image.alignBaseline , 'baseline'],
+										//  [ editor.lang.image.alignTextTop , 'text-top'],
+										//  [ editor.lang.image.alignBottom , 'bottom'],
+										//  [ editor.lang.image.alignMiddle , 'middle'],
+										//  [ editor.lang.image.alignTop , 'top']
+									],
+									onChange: function() {
+										updatePreview( this.getDialog() );
+										commitInternally.call( this, 'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle' );
+									},
+									setup: function( type, element ) {
+										if ( type == IMAGE ) {
+											var value = element.getStyle( 'float' );
+											switch ( value ) {
+												// Ignore those unrelated values.
+												case 'inherit':
+												case 'none':
+													value = '';
+											}
+											!value && ( value = ( element.getAttribute( 'align' ) || '' ).toLowerCase() );
+											this.setValue( value );
+										}
+									},
+									commit: function( type, element, internalCommit ) {
+										var value = this.getValue();
+										if ( type == IMAGE || type == PREVIEW ) {
+											if ( value )
+												element.setStyle( 'float', value );
+											else
+												element.removeStyle( 'float' );
+											if ( !internalCommit && type == IMAGE ) {
+												value = ( element.getAttribute( 'align' ) || '' ).toLowerCase();
+												switch ( value ) {
+													// we should remove it only if it matches "left" or "right",
+													// otherwise leave it intact.
+													case 'left':
+													case 'right':
+														element.removeAttribute( 'align' );
+												}
+											}
+										} else if ( type == CLEANUP )
+											element.removeStyle( 'float' );
+									}
+								}
+								]
+							}
+							]
+						},
+							{
+							type: 'vbox',
+							height: '250px',
+							children: [
-									type : 'vbox',
-									height : '250px',
-									children :
-									[
-										{
-											type : 'html',
-											style : 'width:95%;',
-											html : '<div>' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.common.preview ) +'<br>'+
-											'<div id="' + imagePreviewLoaderId + '" class="ImagePreviewLoader" style="display:none"><div class="loading"> </div></div>'+
-											'<div id="' + imagePreviewBoxId + '" class="ImagePreviewBox"><table><tr><td>'+
-											'<a href="javascript:void(0)" target="_blank" onclick="return false;" id="' + previewLinkId + '">'+
-											'<img id="' + previewImageId + '" alt="" /></a>' +
-											( editor.config.image_previewText ||
-											'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. '+
-											'Maecenas feugiat consequat diam. Maecenas metus. Vivamus diam purus, cursus a, commodo non, facilisis vitae, '+
+								type: 'html',
+								id: 'htmlPreview',
+								style: 'width:95%;',
+								html: '<div>' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.common.preview ) + '<br>' +
+									'<div id="' + imagePreviewLoaderId + '" class="ImagePreviewLoader" style="display:none"><div class="loading"> </div></div>' +
+									'<div class="ImagePreviewBox"><table><tr><td>' +
+										'<a href="javascript:void(0)" target="_blank" onclick="return false;" id="' + previewLinkId + '">' +
+										'<img id="' + previewImageId + '" alt="" /></a>' +
+										( editor.config.image_previewText || 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. ' +
+											'Maecenas feugiat consequat diam. Maecenas metus. Vivamus diam purus, cursus a, commodo non, facilisis vitae, ' +
 											'nulla. Aenean dictum lacinia tortor. Nunc iaculis, nibh non iaculis aliquam, orci felis euismod neque, sed ornare massa mauris sed velit. Nulla pretium mi et risus. Fusce mi pede, tempor id, cursus ac, ullamcorper nec, enim. Sed tortor. Curabitur molestie. Duis velit augue, condimentum at, ultrices a, luctus ut, orci. Donec pellentesque egestas eros. Integer cursus, augue in cursus faucibus, eros pede bibendum sem, in tempus tellus justo quis ligula. Etiam eget tortor. Vestibulum rutrum, est ut placerat elementum, lectus nisl aliquam velit, tempor aliquam eros nunc nonummy metus. In eros metus, gravida a, gravida sed, lobortis id, turpis. Ut ultrices, ipsum at venenatis fringilla, sem nulla lacinia tellus, eget aliquet turpis mauris non enim. Nam turpis. Suspendisse lacinia. Curabitur ac tortor ut ipsum egestas elementum. Nunc imperdiet gravida mauris.' ) +
-											'</td></tr></table></div></div>'
-										}
-									]
+									'</td></tr></table></div></div>'
+						]
+					}
-				{
-					id : 'Link',
-					label : editor.lang.link.title,
-					padding : 0,
-					elements :
-					[
+					{
+					id: 'Link',
+					label: editor.lang.image.linkTab,
+					padding: 0,
+					elements: [
-							id : 'txtUrl',
-							type : 'text',
-							label : editor.lang.common.url,
-							style : 'width: 100%',
-							'default' : '',
-							setup : function( type, element )
-							{
-								if ( type == LINK )
-								{
-									var href = element.getAttribute( '_cke_saved_href' );
-									if ( !href )
-										href = element.getAttribute( 'href' );
-									this.setValue( href );
-								}
-							},
-							commit : function( type, element )
-							{
-								if ( type == LINK )
-								{
-									if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
-									{
-										element.setAttribute( '_cke_saved_href', decodeURI( this.getValue() ) );
-										element.setAttribute( 'href', 'javascript:void(0)/*' +
-											CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber() + '*/' );
-										if ( this.getValue() || !editor.config.image_removeLinkByEmptyURL )
-											this.getDialog().addLink = true;
-									}
-								}
+						id: 'txtUrl',
+						type: 'text',
+						label: editor.lang.common.url,
+						style: 'width: 100%',
+						'default': '',
+						setup: function( type, element ) {
+							if ( type == LINK ) {
+								var href = element.data( 'cke-saved-href' );
+								if ( !href )
+									href = element.getAttribute( 'href' );
+								this.setValue( href );
+						commit: function( type, element ) {
+							if ( type == LINK ) {
+								if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() ) {
+									var url = decodeURI( this.getValue() );
+									element.data( 'cke-saved-href', url );
+									element.setAttribute( 'href', url );
+									if ( this.getValue() || !editor.config.image_removeLinkByEmptyURL )
+										this.getDialog().addLink = true;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					},
-							type : 'button',
-							id : 'browse',
-							filebrowser :
-							{
-								action : 'Browse',
-								target: 'Link:txtUrl',
-								url: editor.config.filebrowserImageBrowseLinkUrl || editor.config.filebrowserBrowseUrl
-							},
-							style : 'float:right',
-							hidden : true,
-							label : editor.lang.common.browseServer
+						type: 'button',
+						id: 'browse',
+						filebrowser: {
+							action: 'Browse',
+							target: 'Link:txtUrl',
+							url: editor.config.filebrowserImageBrowseLinkUrl
+						style: 'float:right',
+						hidden: true,
+						label: editor.lang.common.browseServer
+					},
-							id : 'cmbTarget',
-							type : 'select',
-							label : editor.lang.common.target,
-							'default' : '',
-							items :
-							[
-								[ editor.lang.common.notSet , ''],
-								[ editor.lang.common.targetNew , '_blank'],
-								[ editor.lang.common.targetTop , '_top'],
-								[ editor.lang.common.targetSelf , '_self'],
-								[ editor.lang.common.targetParent , '_parent']
+						id: 'cmbTarget',
+						type: 'select',
+						label: editor.lang.common.target,
+						'default': '',
+						items: [
+							[ editor.lang.common.notSet, '' ],
+							[ editor.lang.common.targetNew, '_blank' ],
+							[ editor.lang.common.targetTop, '_top' ],
+							[ editor.lang.common.targetSelf, '_self' ],
+							[ editor.lang.common.targetParent, '_parent' ]
-							setup : function( type, element )
-							{
-								if ( type == LINK )
-									this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'target' ) );
-							},
-							commit : function( type, element )
-							{
-								if ( type == LINK )
-								{
-									if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
-										element.setAttribute( 'target', this.getValue() );
-								}
+						setup: function( type, element ) {
+							if ( type == LINK )
+								this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'target' ) || '' );
+						},
+						commit: function( type, element ) {
+							if ( type == LINK ) {
+								if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
+									element.setAttribute( 'target', this.getValue() );
+					}
-				{
-					id : 'Upload',
-					hidden : true,
-					filebrowser : 'uploadButton',
-					label : editor.lang.image.upload,
-					elements :
-					[
+					{
+					id: 'Upload',
+					hidden: true,
+					filebrowser: 'uploadButton',
+					label: editor.lang.image.upload,
+					elements: [
-							type : 'file',
-							id : 'upload',
-							label : editor.lang.image.btnUpload,
-							style: 'height:40px',
-							size : 38
-						},
+						type: 'file',
+						id: 'upload',
+						label: editor.lang.image.btnUpload,
+						style: 'height:40px',
+						size: 38
+					},
-							type : 'fileButton',
-							id : 'uploadButton',
-							filebrowser : 'info:txtUrl',
-							label : editor.lang.image.btnUpload,
-							'for' : [ 'Upload', 'upload' ]
-						}
+						type: 'fileButton',
+						id: 'uploadButton',
+						filebrowser: 'info:txtUrl',
+						label: editor.lang.image.btnUpload,
+						'for': [ 'Upload', 'upload' ]
+					}
-				{
-					id : 'advanced',
-					label : editor.lang.common.advancedTab,
-					elements :
-					[
+					{
+					id: 'advanced',
+					label: editor.lang.common.advancedTab,
+					elements: [
-							type : 'hbox',
-							widths : [ '50%', '25%', '25%' ],
-							children :
-							[
-								{
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'linkId',
-									label : editor.lang.common.id,
-									setup : function( type, element )
-									{
-										if ( type == IMAGE )
-											this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'id' ) );
-									},
-									commit : function( type, element )
-									{
-										if ( type == IMAGE )
-										{
-											if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
-												element.setAttribute( 'id', this.getValue() );
-										}
-									}
-								},
-								{
-									id : 'cmbLangDir',
-									type : 'select',
-									style : 'width : 100px;',
-									label : editor.lang.common.langDir,
-									'default' : '',
-									items :
-									[
-										[ editor.lang.common.notSet, '' ],
-										[ editor.lang.common.langDirLtr, 'ltr' ],
-										[ editor.lang.common.langDirRtl, 'rtl' ]
-									],
-									setup : function( type, element )
-									{
-										if ( type == IMAGE )
-											this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'dir' ) );
-									},
-									commit : function( type, element )
-									{
-										if ( type == IMAGE )
-										{
-											if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
-												element.setAttribute( 'dir', this.getValue() );
-										}
-									}
-								},
-								{
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'txtLangCode',
-									label : editor.lang.common.langCode,
-									'default' : '',
-									setup : function( type, element )
-									{
-										if ( type == IMAGE )
-											this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'lang' ) );
-									},
-									commit : function( type, element )
-									{
-										if ( type == IMAGE )
-										{
-											if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
-												element.setAttribute( 'lang', this.getValue() );
-										}
-									}
+						type: 'hbox',
+						widths: [ '50%', '25%', '25%' ],
+						children: [
+							{
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'linkId',
+							label: editor.lang.common.id,
+							setup: function( type, element ) {
+								if ( type == IMAGE )
+									this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'id' ) );
+							},
+							commit: function( type, element ) {
+								if ( type == IMAGE ) {
+									if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
+										element.setAttribute( 'id', this.getValue() );
-							]
+							}
-						{
-							type : 'text',
-							id : 'txtGenLongDescr',
-							label : editor.lang.common.longDescr,
-							setup : function( type, element )
+							id: 'cmbLangDir',
+							type: 'select',
+							style: 'width : 100px;',
+							label: editor.lang.common.langDir,
+							'default': '',
+							items: [
+								[ editor.lang.common.notSet, '' ],
+								[ editor.lang.common.langDirLtr, 'ltr' ],
+								[ editor.lang.common.langDirRtl, 'rtl' ]
+								],
+							setup: function( type, element ) {
 								if ( type == IMAGE )
-									this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'longDesc' ) );
+									this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'dir' ) );
-							commit : function( type, element )
+							commit: function( type, element ) {
+								if ( type == IMAGE ) {
+									if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
+										element.setAttribute( 'dir', this.getValue() );
+								}
+							}
+						},
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'txtLangCode',
+							label: editor.lang.common.langCode,
+							'default': '',
+							setup: function( type, element ) {
 								if ( type == IMAGE )
-								{
+									this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'lang' ) );
+							},
+							commit: function( type, element ) {
+								if ( type == IMAGE ) {
 									if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
-										element.setAttribute( 'longDesc', this.getValue() );
+										element.setAttribute( 'lang', this.getValue() );
-						},
+						}
+						]
+					},
-							type : 'hbox',
-							widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-							children :
-							[
-								{
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'txtGenClass',
-									label : editor.lang.common.cssClass,
-									'default' : '',
-									setup : function( type, element )
-									{
-										if ( type == IMAGE )
-											this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'class' ) );
-									},
-									commit : function( type, element )
-									{
-										if ( type == IMAGE )
-										{
-											if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
-												element.setAttribute( 'class', this.getValue() );
-										}
-									}
-								},
-								{
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'txtGenTitle',
-									label : editor.lang.common.advisoryTitle,
-									'default' : '',
-									onChange : function()
-									{
-										updatePreview( this.getDialog() );
-									},
-									setup : function( type, element )
-									{
-										if ( type == IMAGE )
-											this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'title' ) );
-									},
-									commit : function( type, element )
-									{
-										if ( type == IMAGE )
-										{
-											if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
-												element.setAttribute( 'title', this.getValue() );
-										}
-										else if ( type == PREVIEW )
-										{
-											element.setAttribute( 'title', this.getValue() );
-										}
-										else if ( type == CLEANUP )
-										{
-											element.removeAttribute( 'title' );
-										}
-									}
-								}
-							]
+						type: 'text',
+						id: 'txtGenLongDescr',
+						label: editor.lang.common.longDescr,
+						setup: function( type, element ) {
+							if ( type == IMAGE )
+								this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'longDesc' ) );
+						commit: function( type, element ) {
+							if ( type == IMAGE ) {
+								if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
+									element.setAttribute( 'longDesc', this.getValue() );
+							}
+						}
+					},
-							type : 'text',
-							id : 'txtdlgGenStyle',
-							label : editor.lang.common.cssStyle,
-							'default' : '',
-							setup : function( type, element )
+						type: 'hbox',
+						widths: [ '50%', '50%' ],
+						children: [
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'txtGenClass',
+							label: editor.lang.common.cssClass,
+							'default': '',
+							setup: function( type, element ) {
 								if ( type == IMAGE )
-								{
-									var genStyle = element.getAttribute( 'style' );
-									if ( !genStyle && element.$.style.cssText )
-										genStyle = element.$.style.cssText;
-									this.setValue( genStyle );
-									var height = element.$.style.height,
-										width = element.$.style.width,
-										aMatchH  = ( height ? height : '' ).match( regexGetSize ),
-										aMatchW  = ( width ? width : '').match( regexGetSize );
-									this.attributesInStyle =
-									{
-										height : !!aMatchH,
-										width : !!aMatchW
-									};
-								}
+									this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'class' ) );
-							onChange : function ()
+							commit: function( type, element ) {
+								if ( type == IMAGE ) {
+									if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
+										element.setAttribute( 'class', this.getValue() );
+								}
+							}
+						},
-								commitInternally.call( this,
-									[ 'info:cmbFloat', 'info:cmbAlign',
-									  'info:txtVSpace', 'info:txtHSpace',
-									  'info:txtBorder',
-									  'info:txtWidth', 'info:txtHeight' ] );
-								updatePreview( this );
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'txtGenTitle',
+							label: editor.lang.common.advisoryTitle,
+							'default': '',
+							onChange: function() {
+								updatePreview( this.getDialog() );
-							commit : function( type, element )
-							{
-								if ( type == IMAGE && ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() ) )
-								{
-									element.setAttribute( 'style', this.getValue() );
+							setup: function( type, element ) {
+								if ( type == IMAGE )
+									this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'title' ) );
+							},
+							commit: function( type, element ) {
+								if ( type == IMAGE ) {
+									if ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() )
+										element.setAttribute( 'title', this.getValue() );
+								} else if ( type == PREVIEW ) {
+									element.setAttribute( 'title', this.getValue() );
+								} else if ( type == CLEANUP ) {
+									element.removeAttribute( 'title' );
+						]
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'text',
+						id: 'txtdlgGenStyle',
+						label: editor.lang.common.cssStyle,
+						validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.inlineStyle( editor.lang.common.invalidInlineStyle ),
+						'default': '',
+						setup: function( type, element ) {
+							if ( type == IMAGE ) {
+								var genStyle = element.getAttribute( 'style' );
+								if ( !genStyle && element.$.style.cssText )
+									genStyle = element.$.style.cssText;
+								this.setValue( genStyle );
+								var height = element.$.style.height,
+									width = element.$.style.width,
+									aMatchH = ( height ? height : '' ).match( regexGetSize ),
+									aMatchW = ( width ? width : '' ).match( regexGetSize );
+								this.attributesInStyle = {
+									height: !!aMatchH,
+									width: !!aMatchW
+								};
+							}
+						},
+						onChange: function() {
+							commitInternally.call( this, [ 'info:cmbFloat', 'info:cmbAlign',
+								'info:txtVSpace', 'info:txtHSpace',
+								'info:txtBorder',
+								'info:txtWidth', 'info:txtHeight' ] );
+							updatePreview( this );
+						},
+						commit: function( type, element ) {
+							if ( type == IMAGE && ( this.getValue() || this.isChanged() ) ) {
+								element.setAttribute( 'style', this.getValue() );
+							}
+						}
+					}
-			]
+				]
+			};
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'image', function( editor )
-		{
-			return imageDialog( editor, 'image' );
-		});
+	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'image', function( editor ) {
+		return imageDialog( editor, 'image' );
+	});
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'imagebutton', function( editor )
-		{
-			return imageDialog( editor, 'imagebutton' );
-		});
+	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'imagebutton', function( editor ) {
+		return imageDialog( editor, 'imagebutton' );
+	});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/icons/image.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/icons/image.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e07ac8
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/icons/image.png differ
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/skins/kama/images/noimage.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/images/noimage.png
similarity index 100%
rename from share/static/RichText/skins/kama/images/noimage.png
rename to devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/images/noimage.png
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ac785d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'af', {
+	alertUrl: 'Gee URL van afbeelding.',
+	alt: 'Alternatiewe teks',
+	border: 'Rand',
+	btnUpload: 'Stuur na bediener',
+	button2Img: 'Wil u die geselekteerde afbeeldingsknop vervang met \'n eenvoudige afbeelding?',
+	hSpace: 'HSpasie',
+	img2Button: 'Wil u die geselekteerde afbeelding vervang met \'n afbeeldingsknop?',
+	infoTab: 'Afbeelding informasie',
+	linkTab: 'Skakel',
+	lockRatio: 'Vaste proporsie',
+	menu: 'Afbeelding eienskappe',
+	resetSize: 'Herstel grootte',
+	title: 'Afbeelding eienskappe',
+	titleButton: 'Afbeeldingsknop eienskappe',
+	upload: 'Oplaai',
+	urlMissing: 'Die URL na die afbeelding ontbreek.',
+	vSpace: 'VSpasie',
+	validateBorder: 'Rand moet \'n heelgetal wees.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpasie moet \'n heelgetal wees.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpasie moet \'n heelgetal wees.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb90a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'ar', {
+	alertUrl: 'فضلاً أكتب الموقع الذي توجد عليه هذه الصورة.',
+	alt: 'عنوان الصورة',
+	border: 'سمك الحدود',
+	btnUpload: 'أرسلها للخادم',
+	button2Img: 'هل تريد تحويل زر الصورة المختار إلى صورة بسيطة؟',
+	hSpace: 'تباعد أفقي',
+	img2Button: 'هل تريد تحويل الصورة المختارة إلى زر صورة؟',
+	infoTab: 'معلومات الصورة',
+	linkTab: 'الرابط',
+	lockRatio: 'تناسق الحجم',
+	menu: 'خصائص الصورة',
+	resetSize: 'إستعادة الحجم الأصلي',
+	title: 'خصائص الصورة',
+	titleButton: 'خصائص زر الصورة',
+	upload: 'رفع',
+	urlMissing: 'عنوان مصدر الصورة مفقود',
+	vSpace: 'تباعد عمودي',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97099b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'bg', {
+	alertUrl: 'Моля, въведете пълния път до изображението',
+	alt: 'Алтернативен текст',
+	border: 'Рамка',
+	btnUpload: 'Изпрати я на сървъра',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'Хоризонтален отстъп',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'Инфо за снимка',
+	linkTab: 'Връзка',
+	lockRatio: 'Заключване на съотношението',
+	menu: 'Настройки за снимка',
+	resetSize: 'Нулиране на размер',
+	title: 'Настройки за снимка',
+	titleButton: 'Настойки за бутон за снимка',
+	upload: 'Качване',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'Вертикален отстъп',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cf28bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'bn', {
+	alertUrl: 'অনুগ্রহক করে ছবির URL টাইপ করুন',
+	alt: 'বিকল্প টেক্সট',
+	border: 'বর্ডার',
+	btnUpload: 'ইহাকে সার্ভারে প্রেরন কর',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'হরাইজন্টাল স্পেস',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'ছবির তথ্য',
+	linkTab: 'লিংক',
+	lockRatio: 'অনুপাত লক কর',
+	menu: 'ছবির প্রোপার্টি',
+	resetSize: 'সাইজ পূর্বাবস্থায় ফিরিয়ে দাও',
+	title: 'ছবির প্রোপার্টি',
+	titleButton: 'ছবি বাটন প্রোপার্টি',
+	upload: 'আপলোড',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'ভার্টিকেল স্পেস',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38de24d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'bs', {
+	alertUrl: 'Molimo ukucajte URL od slike.',
+	alt: 'Tekst na slici',
+	border: 'Okvir',
+	btnUpload: 'Å alji na server',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'Info slike',
+	linkTab: 'Link',
+	lockRatio: 'Zakljuèaj odnos',
+	menu: 'Svojstva slike',
+	resetSize: 'Resetuj dimenzije',
+	title: 'Svojstva slike',
+	titleButton: 'Image Button Properties', // MISSING
+	upload: 'Å alji',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ee2b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'ca', {
+	alertUrl: 'Si us plau, escriviu la URL de la imatge',
+	alt: 'Text alternatiu',
+	border: 'Vora',
+	btnUpload: 'Envia-la al servidor',
+	button2Img: 'Voleu transformar el botó d\'imatge seleccionat en una simple imatge?',
+	hSpace: 'Espaiat horit.',
+	img2Button: 'Voleu transformar la imatge seleccionada en un botó d\'imatge?',
+	infoTab: 'Informació de la imatge',
+	linkTab: 'Enllaç',
+	lockRatio: 'Bloqueja les proporcions',
+	menu: 'Propietats de la imatge',
+	resetSize: 'Restaura la mida',
+	title: 'Propietats de la imatge',
+	titleButton: 'Propietats del botó d\'imatge',
+	upload: 'Puja',
+	urlMissing: 'Falta la URL de la imatge.',
+	vSpace: 'Espaiat vert.',
+	validateBorder: 'La vora ha de ser un nombre enter.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace ha de ser un nombre enter.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace ha de ser un nombre enter.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa2639e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'cs', {
+	alertUrl: 'Zadejte prosím URL obrázku',
+	alt: 'Alternativní text',
+	border: 'Okraje',
+	btnUpload: 'Odeslat na server',
+	button2Img: 'Skutečně chcete převést zvolené obrázkové tlačítko na obyčejný obrázek?',
+	hSpace: 'Horizontální mezera',
+	img2Button: 'Skutečně chcete převést zvolený obrázek na obrázkové tlačítko?',
+	infoTab: 'Informace o obrázku',
+	linkTab: 'Odkaz',
+	lockRatio: 'Zámek',
+	menu: 'Vlastnosti obrázku',
+	resetSize: 'Původní velikost',
+	title: 'Vlastnosti obrázku',
+	titleButton: 'Vlastností obrázkového tlačítka',
+	upload: 'Odeslat',
+	urlMissing: 'Zadané URL zdroje obrázku nebylo nalezeno.',
+	vSpace: 'Vertikální mezera',
+	validateBorder: 'Okraj musí být nastaven v celých číslech.',
+	validateHSpace: 'Horizontální mezera musí být nastavena v celých číslech.',
+	validateVSpace: 'Vertikální mezera musí být nastavena v celých číslech.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d23160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'cy', {
+	alertUrl: 'Rhowch URL y ddelwedd',
+	alt: 'Testun Amgen',
+	border: 'Ymyl',
+	btnUpload: 'Anfon i\'r Gweinydd',
+	button2Img: 'Ydych am drawsffurfio\'r botwm ddelwedd hwn ar ddelwedd syml?',
+	hSpace: 'BwlchLl',
+	img2Button: 'Ydych am drawsffurfio\'r ddelwedd hon ar fotwm delwedd?',
+	infoTab: 'Gwyb Delwedd',
+	linkTab: 'Dolen',
+	lockRatio: 'Cloi Cymhareb',
+	menu: 'Priodweddau Delwedd',
+	resetSize: 'Ailosod Maint',
+	title: 'Priodweddau Delwedd',
+	titleButton: 'Priodweddau Botwm Delwedd',
+	upload: 'lanlwytho',
+	urlMissing: 'URL gwreiddiol y ddelwedd ar goll.',
+	vSpace: 'BwlchF',
+	validateBorder: 'Rhaid i\'r ymyl fod yn gyfanrif.',
+	validateHSpace: 'Rhaid i\'r HSpace fod yn gyfanrif.',
+	validateVSpace: 'Rhaid i\'r VSpace fod yn gyfanrif.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e45960d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'da', {
+	alertUrl: 'Indtast stien til billedet',
+	alt: 'Alternativ tekst',
+	border: 'Ramme',
+	btnUpload: 'Upload fil til serveren',
+	button2Img: 'Vil du lave billedknappen om til et almindeligt billede?',
+	hSpace: 'Vandret margen',
+	img2Button: 'Vil du lave billedet om til en billedknap?',
+	infoTab: 'Generelt',
+	linkTab: 'Hyperlink',
+	lockRatio: 'Lås størrelsesforhold',
+	menu: 'Egenskaber for billede',
+	resetSize: 'Nulstil størrelse',
+	title: 'Egenskaber for billede',
+	titleButton: 'Egenskaber for billedknap',
+	upload: 'Upload',
+	urlMissing: 'Kilde på billed-URL mangler',
+	vSpace: 'Lodret margen',
+	validateBorder: 'Kant skal være et helt nummer.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace skal være et helt nummer.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace skal være et helt nummer.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cffdab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'de', {
+	alertUrl: 'Bitte geben Sie die Bild-URL an',
+	alt: 'Alternativer Text',
+	border: 'Rahmen',
+	btnUpload: 'Zum Server senden',
+	button2Img: 'Möchten Sie den gewählten Bild-Button in ein einfaches Bild umwandeln?',
+	hSpace: 'Horizontal-Abstand',
+	img2Button: 'Möchten Sie das gewählten Bild in einen Bild-Button umwandeln?',
+	infoTab: 'Bild-Info',
+	linkTab: 'Link',
+	lockRatio: 'Größenverhältnis beibehalten',
+	menu: 'Bild-Eigenschaften',
+	resetSize: 'Größe zurücksetzen',
+	title: 'Bild-Eigenschaften',
+	titleButton: 'Bildbutton-Eigenschaften',
+	upload: 'Hochladen',
+	urlMissing: 'Imagequelle URL fehlt.',
+	vSpace: 'Vertikal-Abstand',
+	validateBorder: 'Rahmen muß eine ganze Zahl sein.',
+	validateHSpace: 'Horizontal-Abstand muß eine ganze Zahl sein.',
+	validateVSpace: 'Vertikal-Abstand muß eine ganze Zahl sein.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..914483f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'el', {
+	alertUrl: 'Εισάγετε την τοποθεσία (URL) της εικόνας',
+	alt: 'Εναλλακτικό Κείμενο',
+	border: 'Περίγραμμα',
+	btnUpload: 'Αποστολή στον Διακομιστή',
+	button2Img: 'Θέλετε να μετατρέψετε το επιλεγμένο κουμπί εικόνας σε απλή εικόνα;',
+	hSpace: 'Οριζόντιο Διάστημα',
+	img2Button: 'Θέλετε να μεταμορφώσετε την επιλεγμένη εικόνα που είναι πάνω σε ένα κουμπί;',
+	infoTab: 'Πληροφορίες Εικόνας',
+	linkTab: 'Σύνδεσμος',
+	lockRatio: 'Κλείδωμα Αναλογίας',
+	menu: 'Ιδιότητες Εικόνας',
+	resetSize: 'Επαναφορά Αρχικού Μεγέθους',
+	title: 'Ιδιότητες Εικόνας',
+	titleButton: 'Ιδιότητες Κουμπιού Εικόνας',
+	upload: 'Ανέβασμα',
+	urlMissing: 'Το URL πηγής για την εικόνα λείπει.',
+	vSpace: 'Κάθετο Διάστημα',
+	validateBorder: 'Το περίγραμμα πρέπει να είναι ένας ακέραιος αριθμός.',
+	validateHSpace: 'Το HSpace πρέπει να είναι ένας ακέραιος αριθμός.',
+	validateVSpace: 'Το VSpace πρέπει να είναι ένας ακέραιος αριθμός.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c75686f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'en-au', {
+	alertUrl: 'Please type the image URL',
+	alt: 'Alternative Text',
+	border: 'Border',
+	btnUpload: 'Send it to the Server',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',
+	infoTab: 'Image Info',
+	linkTab: 'Link',
+	lockRatio: 'Lock Ratio',
+	menu: 'Image Properties',
+	resetSize: 'Reset Size',
+	title: 'Image Properties',
+	titleButton: 'Image Button Properties',
+	upload: 'Upload',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2889888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'en-ca', {
+	alertUrl: 'Please type the image URL',
+	alt: 'Alternative Text',
+	border: 'Border',
+	btnUpload: 'Send it to the Server',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',
+	infoTab: 'Image Info',
+	linkTab: 'Link',
+	lockRatio: 'Lock Ratio',
+	menu: 'Image Properties',
+	resetSize: 'Reset Size',
+	title: 'Image Properties',
+	titleButton: 'Image Button Properties',
+	upload: 'Upload',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa47e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'en-gb', {
+	alertUrl: 'Please type the image URL',
+	alt: 'Alternative Text',
+	border: 'Border',
+	btnUpload: 'Send it to the Server',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',
+	infoTab: 'Image Info',
+	linkTab: 'Link',
+	lockRatio: 'Lock Ratio',
+	menu: 'Image Properties',
+	resetSize: 'Reset Size',
+	title: 'Image Properties',
+	titleButton: 'Image Button Properties',
+	upload: 'Upload',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..672a147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'en', {
+	alertUrl: 'Please type the image URL',
+	alt: 'Alternative Text',
+	border: 'Border',
+	btnUpload: 'Send it to the Server',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',
+	infoTab: 'Image Info',
+	linkTab: 'Link',
+	lockRatio: 'Lock Ratio',
+	menu: 'Image Properties',
+	resetSize: 'Reset Size',
+	title: 'Image Properties',
+	titleButton: 'Image Button Properties',
+	upload: 'Upload',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..def4918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'eo', {
+	alertUrl: 'Bonvolu tajpi la retadreson de la bildo',
+	alt: 'AnstataÅ­iga Teksto',
+	border: 'Bordero',
+	btnUpload: 'Sendu al Servilo',
+	button2Img: 'Ĉu vi volas transformi la selektitan bildbutonon en simplan bildon?',
+	hSpace: 'Horizontala Spaco',
+	img2Button: 'Ĉu vi volas transformi la selektitan bildon en bildbutonon?',
+	infoTab: 'Informoj pri Bildo',
+	linkTab: 'Ligilo',
+	lockRatio: 'Konservi Proporcion',
+	menu: 'Atributoj de Bildo',
+	resetSize: 'Origina Grando',
+	title: 'Atributoj de Bildo',
+	titleButton: 'Bildbutonaj Atributoj',
+	upload: 'Alŝuti',
+	urlMissing: 'La fontretadreso de la bildo mankas.',
+	vSpace: 'Vertikala Spaco',
+	validateBorder: 'La bordero devas esti entjera nombro.',
+	validateHSpace: 'La horizontala spaco devas esti entjera nombro.',
+	validateVSpace: 'La vertikala spaco devas esti entjera nombro.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82a83a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'es', {
+	alertUrl: 'Por favor escriba la URL de la imagen',
+	alt: 'Texto Alternativo',
+	border: 'Borde',
+	btnUpload: 'Enviar al Servidor',
+	button2Img: '¿Desea convertir el botón de imagen en una simple imagen?',
+	hSpace: 'Esp.Horiz',
+	img2Button: '¿Desea convertir la imagen en un botón de imagen?',
+	infoTab: 'Información de Imagen',
+	linkTab: 'Vínculo',
+	lockRatio: 'Proporcional',
+	menu: 'Propiedades de Imagen',
+	resetSize: 'Tamaño Original',
+	title: 'Propiedades de Imagen',
+	titleButton: 'Propiedades de Botón de Imagen',
+	upload: 'Cargar',
+	urlMissing: 'Debe indicar la URL de la imagen.',
+	vSpace: 'Esp.Vert',
+	validateBorder: 'El borde debe ser un número.',
+	validateHSpace: 'El espaciado horizontal debe ser un número.',
+	validateVSpace: 'El espaciado vertical debe ser un número.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c84474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'et', {
+	alertUrl: 'Palun kirjuta pildi URL',
+	alt: 'Alternatiivne tekst',
+	border: 'Joon',
+	btnUpload: 'Saada serverisse',
+	button2Img: 'Kas tahad teisendada valitud pildiga nupu tavaliseks pildiks?',
+	hSpace: 'H. vaheruum',
+	img2Button: 'Kas tahad teisendada valitud tavalise pildi pildiga nupuks?',
+	infoTab: 'Pildi info',
+	linkTab: 'Link',
+	lockRatio: 'Lukusta kuvasuhe',
+	menu: 'Pildi omadused',
+	resetSize: 'Lähtesta suurus',
+	title: 'Pildi omadused',
+	titleButton: 'Piltnupu omadused',
+	upload: 'Lae üles',
+	urlMissing: 'Pildi lähte-URL on puudu.',
+	vSpace: 'V. vaheruum',
+	validateBorder: 'Äärise laius peab olema täisarv.',
+	validateHSpace: 'Horisontaalne vaheruum peab olema täisarv.',
+	validateVSpace: 'Vertikaalne vaheruum peab olema täisarv.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4b6a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'eu', {
+	alertUrl: 'Mesedez Irudiaren URLa idatzi',
+	alt: 'Ordezko Testua',
+	border: 'Ertza',
+	btnUpload: 'Zerbitzarira bidalia',
+	button2Img: 'Aukeratutako irudi botoia, irudi normal batean eraldatu nahi duzu?',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	img2Button: 'Aukeratutako irudia, irudi botoi batean eraldatu nahi duzu?',
+	infoTab: 'Irudi informazioa',
+	linkTab: 'Esteka',
+	lockRatio: 'Erlazioa Blokeatu',
+	menu: 'Irudi Ezaugarriak',
+	resetSize: 'Tamaina Berrezarri',
+	title: 'Irudi Ezaugarriak',
+	titleButton: 'Irudi Botoiaren Ezaugarriak',
+	upload: 'Gora Kargatu',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af42f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'fa', {
+	alertUrl: 'لطفا URL تصویر را بنویسید',
+	alt: 'متن جایگزین',
+	border: 'لبه',
+	btnUpload: 'به سرور بفرست',
+	button2Img: 'آیا مایلید از یک تصویر ساده روی دکمه تصویری انتخاب شده استفاده کنید؟',
+	hSpace: 'فاصلهٴ افقی',
+	img2Button: 'آیا مایلید از یک دکمه تصویری روی تصویر انتخاب شده استفاده کنید؟',
+	infoTab: 'اطلاعات تصویر',
+	linkTab: 'پیوند',
+	lockRatio: 'قفل کردن نسبت',
+	menu: 'ویژگیهای تصویر',
+	resetSize: 'بازنشانی اندازه',
+	title: 'ویژگیهای تصویر',
+	titleButton: 'ویژگیهای دکمهٴ تصویری',
+	upload: 'انتقال به سرور',
+	urlMissing: 'آدرس URL اصلی تصویر یافت نشد.',
+	vSpace: 'فاصلهٴ عمودی',
+	validateBorder: 'مقدار خطوط باید یک عدد باشد.',
+	validateHSpace: 'مقدار فاصلهگذاری افقی باید یک عدد باشد.',
+	validateVSpace: 'مقدار فاصلهگذاری عمودی باید یک عدد باشد.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9bd12c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'fi', {
+	alertUrl: 'Kirjoita kuvan osoite (URL)',
+	alt: 'Vaihtoehtoinen teksti',
+	border: 'Kehys',
+	btnUpload: 'Lähetä palvelimelle',
+	button2Img: 'Haluatko muuntaa valitun kuvanäppäimen kuvaksi?',
+	hSpace: 'Vaakatila',
+	img2Button: 'Haluatko muuntaa valitun kuvan kuvanäppäimeksi?',
+	infoTab: 'Kuvan tiedot',
+	linkTab: 'Linkki',
+	lockRatio: 'Lukitse suhteet',
+	menu: 'Kuvan ominaisuudet',
+	resetSize: 'Alkuperäinen koko',
+	title: 'Kuvan ominaisuudet',
+	titleButton: 'Kuvapainikkeen ominaisuudet',
+	upload: 'Lisää kuva',
+	urlMissing: 'Kuvan lähdeosoite puuttuu.',
+	vSpace: 'Pystytila',
+	validateBorder: 'Kehyksen täytyy olla kokonaisluku.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace-määrityksen täytyy olla kokonaisluku.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace-määrityksen täytyy olla kokonaisluku.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fd63de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'fo', {
+	alertUrl: 'Rita slóðina til myndina',
+	alt: 'Alternativur tekstur',
+	border: 'Bordi',
+	btnUpload: 'Send til ambætaran',
+	button2Img: 'Skal valdi myndaknøttur gerast til vanliga mynd?',
+	hSpace: 'Høgri breddi',
+	img2Button: 'Skal valda mynd gerast til myndaknøtt?',
+	infoTab: 'Myndaupplýsingar',
+	linkTab: 'Tilknýti',
+	lockRatio: 'Læs lutfallið',
+	menu: 'Myndaeginleikar',
+	resetSize: 'Upprunastødd',
+	title: 'Myndaeginleikar',
+	titleButton: 'Eginleikar fyri myndaknøtt',
+	upload: 'Send',
+	urlMissing: 'URL til mynd manglar.',
+	vSpace: 'Vinstri breddi',
+	validateBorder: 'Bordi má vera eitt heiltal.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace má vera eitt heiltal.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace má vera eitt heiltal.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4bdfeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'fr-ca', {
+	alertUrl: 'Veuillez saisir l\'URL de l\'image',
+	alt: 'Texte de remplacement',
+	border: 'Bordure',
+	btnUpload: 'Envoyer sur le serveur',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'Espacement horizontal',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'Informations sur l\'image',
+	linkTab: 'Lien',
+	lockRatio: 'Garder les proportions',
+	menu: 'Propriétés de l\'image',
+	resetSize: 'Taille originale',
+	title: 'Propriétés de l\'image',
+	titleButton: 'Propriétés du bouton image',
+	upload: 'Télécharger',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'Espacement vertical',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..351c8d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'fr', {
+	alertUrl: 'Veuillez entrer l\'adresse de l\'image',
+	alt: 'Texte de remplacement',
+	border: 'Bordure',
+	btnUpload: 'Envoyer sur le serveur',
+	button2Img: 'Voulez-vous transformer le bouton image sélectionné en simple image?',
+	hSpace: 'Espacement horizontal',
+	img2Button: 'Voulez-vous transformer l\'image en bouton image?',
+	infoTab: 'Informations sur l\'image',
+	linkTab: 'Lien',
+	lockRatio: 'Conserver les proportions',
+	menu: 'Propriétés de l\'image',
+	resetSize: 'Taille d\'origine',
+	title: 'Propriétés de l\'image',
+	titleButton: 'Propriétés du bouton image',
+	upload: 'Envoyer',
+	urlMissing: 'L\'adresse source de l\'image est manquante.',
+	vSpace: 'Espacement vertical',
+	validateBorder: 'Bordure doit être un entier.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace doit être un entier.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace doit être un entier.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6be64f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'gl', {
+	alertUrl: 'Por favor, escriba a URL da imaxe',
+	alt: 'Texto Alternativo',
+	border: 'Límite',
+	btnUpload: 'Enviar ó Servidor',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'Esp. Horiz.',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'Información da Imaxe',
+	linkTab: 'Ligazón',
+	lockRatio: 'Proporcional',
+	menu: 'Propriedades da Imaxe',
+	resetSize: 'Tamaño Orixinal',
+	title: 'Propriedades da Imaxe',
+	titleButton: 'Propriedades do Botón de Imaxe',
+	upload: 'Carregar',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'Esp. Vert.',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4045ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'gu', {
+	alertUrl: 'ચિત્રની URL ટાઇપ કરો',
+	alt: 'ઑલ્ટર્નટ ટેક્સ્ટ',
+	border: 'બોર્ડર',
+	btnUpload: 'આ સર્વરને મોકલવું',
+	button2Img: 'તમારે ઈમેજ બટનને સાદી ઈમેજમાં બદલવું છે.',
+	hSpace: 'સમસ્તરીય જગ્યા',
+	img2Button: 'તમારે સાદી ઈમેજને ઈમેજ બટનમાં બદલવું છે.',
+	infoTab: 'ચિત્ર ની જાણકારી',
+	linkTab: 'લિંક',
+	lockRatio: 'લૉક ગુણોત્તર',
+	menu: 'ચિત્રના ગુણ',
+	resetSize: 'રીસેટ સાઇઝ',
+	title: 'ચિત્રના ગુણ',
+	titleButton: 'ચિત્ર બટનના ગુણ',
+	upload: 'અપલોડ',
+	urlMissing: 'ઈમેજની મૂળ URL છે નહી.',
+	vSpace: 'લંબરૂપ જગ્યા',
+	validateBorder: 'બોર્ડેર આંકડો હોવો જોઈએ.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpaceઆંકડો હોવો જોઈએ.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace આંકડો હોવો જોઈએ. '
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de4c833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'he', {
+	alertUrl: 'יש להקליד את כתובת התמונה',
+	alt: 'טקסט חלופי',
+	border: 'מסגרת',
+	btnUpload: 'שליחה לשרת',
+	button2Img: 'האם להפוך את תמונת הכפתור לתמונה פשוטה?',
+	hSpace: 'מרווח אופקי',
+	img2Button: 'האם להפוך את התמונה לכפתור תמונה?',
+	infoTab: 'מידע על התמונה',
+	linkTab: 'קישור',
+	lockRatio: 'נעילת היחס',
+	menu: 'תכונות התמונה',
+	resetSize: 'איפוס הגודל',
+	title: 'מאפייני התמונה',
+	titleButton: 'מאפיני כפתור תמונה',
+	upload: 'העלאה',
+	urlMissing: 'כתובת התמונה חסרה.',
+	vSpace: 'מרווח אנכי',
+	validateBorder: 'שדה המסגרת חייב להיות מספר שלם.',
+	validateHSpace: 'שדה המרווח האופקי חייב להיות מספר שלם.',
+	validateVSpace: 'שדה המרווח האנכי חייב להיות מספר שלם.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f149bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'hi', {
+	alertUrl: 'तस्वीर का URL टाइप करें ',
+	alt: 'वैकल्पिक टेक्स्ट',
+	border: 'बॉर्डर',
+	btnUpload: 'इसे सर्वर को भेजें',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'हॉरिज़ॉन्टल स्पेस',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'तस्वीर की जानकारी',
+	linkTab: 'लिंक',
+	lockRatio: 'लॉक अनुपात',
+	menu: 'तस्वीर प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+	resetSize: 'रीसॅट साइज़',
+	title: 'तस्वीर प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+	titleButton: 'तस्वीर बटन प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+	upload: 'अपलोड',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'वर्टिकल स्पेस',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f1c12c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'hr', {
+	alertUrl: 'Unesite URL slike',
+	alt: 'Alternativni tekst',
+	border: 'Okvir',
+	btnUpload: 'Pošalji na server',
+	button2Img: 'Želite li promijeniti odabrani gumb u jednostavnu sliku?',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	img2Button: 'Želite li promijeniti odabranu sliku u gumb?',
+	infoTab: 'Info slike',
+	linkTab: 'Link',
+	lockRatio: 'Zaključaj odnos',
+	menu: 'Svojstva slika',
+	resetSize: 'Obriši veličinu',
+	title: 'Svojstva slika',
+	titleButton: 'Image Button svojstva',
+	upload: 'Pošalji',
+	urlMissing: 'Nedostaje URL slike.',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateBorder: 'Okvir mora biti cijeli broj.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace mora biti cijeli broj',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace mora biti cijeli broj.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3fa8e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'hu', {
+	alertUrl: 'Töltse ki a kép webcímét',
+	alt: 'Buborék szöveg',
+	border: 'Keret',
+	btnUpload: 'Küldés a szerverre',
+	button2Img: 'A kiválasztott képgombból sima képet szeretne csinálni?',
+	hSpace: 'Vízsz. táv',
+	img2Button: 'A kiválasztott képből képgombot szeretne csinálni?',
+	infoTab: 'Alaptulajdonságok',
+	linkTab: 'Hivatkozás',
+	lockRatio: 'Arány megtartása',
+	menu: 'Kép tulajdonságai',
+	resetSize: 'Eredeti méret',
+	title: 'Kép tulajdonságai',
+	titleButton: 'Képgomb tulajdonságai',
+	upload: 'Feltöltés',
+	urlMissing: 'Hiányzik a kép URL-je',
+	vSpace: 'Függ. táv',
+	validateBorder: 'A keret méretének egész számot kell beírni!',
+	validateHSpace: 'Vízszintes távolságnak egész számot kell beírni!',
+	validateVSpace: 'Függőleges távolságnak egész számot kell beírni!'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cc1c4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'is', {
+	alertUrl: 'Sláðu inn slóðina að myndinni',
+	alt: 'Baklægur texti',
+	border: 'Rammi',
+	btnUpload: 'Hlaða upp',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'Vinstri bil',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'Almennt',
+	linkTab: 'Stikla',
+	lockRatio: 'Festa stærðarhlutfall',
+	menu: 'Eigindi myndar',
+	resetSize: 'Reikna stærð',
+	title: 'Eigindi myndar',
+	titleButton: 'Eigindi myndahnapps',
+	upload: 'Hlaða upp',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'Hægri bil',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96eea41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'it', {
+	alertUrl: 'Devi inserire l\'URL per l\'immagine',
+	alt: 'Testo alternativo',
+	border: 'Bordo',
+	btnUpload: 'Invia al server',
+	button2Img: 'Vuoi trasformare il bottone immagine selezionato in un\'immagine semplice?',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	img2Button: 'Vuoi trasferomare l\'immagine selezionata in un bottone immagine?',
+	infoTab: 'Informazioni immagine',
+	linkTab: 'Collegamento',
+	lockRatio: 'Blocca rapporto',
+	menu: 'Proprietà immagine',
+	resetSize: 'Reimposta dimensione',
+	title: 'Proprietà immagine',
+	titleButton: 'Proprietà bottone immagine',
+	upload: 'Carica',
+	urlMissing: 'Manca l\'URL dell\'immagine.',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateBorder: 'Il campo Bordo deve essere un numero intero.',
+	validateHSpace: 'Il campo HSpace deve essere un numero intero.',
+	validateVSpace: 'Il campo VSpace deve essere un numero intero.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da6ce34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'ja', {
+	alertUrl: 'イメージのURLを入力してください。',
+	alt: '代替テキスト',
+	border: 'ボーダー',
+	btnUpload: 'サーバーに送信',
+	button2Img: '選択したボタンを画像に置き換えますか?',
+	hSpace: '横間隔',
+	img2Button: '選択した画像をボタンに置き換えますか?',
+	infoTab: 'イメージ 情報',
+	linkTab: 'リンク',
+	lockRatio: 'ロック比率',
+	menu: 'イメージ プロパティ',
+	resetSize: 'サイズリセット',
+	title: 'イメージ プロパティ',
+	titleButton: '画像ボタン プロパティ',
+	upload: 'アップロード',
+	urlMissing: 'イメージのURLを入力してください。',
+	vSpace: '縦間隔',
+	validateBorder: 'ボーダーは数値で入力してください。',
+	validateHSpace: '横間隔は数値で入力してください。',
+	validateVSpace: '縦間隔は数値で入力してください。'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e5968a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'ka', {
+	alertUrl: 'აკრიფეთ სურათის URL',
+	alt: 'სანაცვლო ტექსტი',
+	border: 'ჩარჩო',
+	btnUpload: 'სერვერისთვის გაგზავნა',
+	button2Img: 'გსურთ არჩეული სურათიანი ღილაკის გადაქცევა ჩვეულებრივ ღილაკად?',
+	hSpace: 'ჰორიზონტალური სივრცე',
+	img2Button: 'გსურთ არჩეული ჩვეულებრივი ღილაკის გადაქცევა სურათიან ღილაკად?',
+	infoTab: 'სურათის ინფორმცია',
+	linkTab: 'ბმული',
+	lockRatio: 'პროპორციის შენარჩუნება',
+	menu: 'სურათის პარამეტრები',
+	resetSize: 'ზომის დაბრუნება',
+	title: 'სურათის პარამეტრები',
+	titleButton: 'სურათიანი ღილაკის პარამეტრები',
+	upload: 'ატვირთვა',
+	urlMissing: 'სურათის URL არაა შევსებული.',
+	vSpace: 'ვერტიკალური სივრცე',
+	validateBorder: 'ჩარჩო მთელი რიცხვი უნდა იყოს.',
+	validateHSpace: 'ჰორიზონტალური სივრცე მთელი რიცხვი უნდა იყოს.',
+	validateVSpace: 'ვერტიკალური სივრცე მთელი რიცხვი უნდა იყოს.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..399c99c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'km', {
+	alertUrl: 'សូមសរសេរងាស័យដ្ឋានរបស់រូបភាព',
+	alt: 'អត្ថបទជំនួស',
+	border: 'ស៊ុម',
+	btnUpload: 'បញ្ជូនទៅកាន់ម៉ាស៊ីនផ្តល់សេវា',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'គំលាតទទឹង',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'ពត៌មានអំពីរូបភាព',
+	linkTab: 'ឈ្នាប់',
+	lockRatio: 'អត្រាឡុក',
+	menu: 'ការកំណត់រូបភាព',
+	resetSize: 'កំណត់ទំហំឡើងវិញ',
+	title: 'ការកំណត់រូបភាព',
+	titleButton: 'ការកំណត់ប៉ូតុនរូបភាព',
+	upload: 'ទាញយក',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'គំលាតបណ្តោយ',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a166f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'ko', {
+	alertUrl: '이미지 URL을 입력하십시요',
+	alt: '이미지 설명',
+	border: '테두리',
+	btnUpload: '서버로 전송',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: '수평여백',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: '이미지 정보',
+	linkTab: '링크',
+	lockRatio: '비율 유지',
+	menu: '이미지 설정',
+	resetSize: '원래 크기로',
+	title: '이미지 설정',
+	titleButton: '이미지버튼 속성',
+	upload: '업로드',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: '수직여백',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ca3b24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'ku', {
+	alertUrl: 'تکایه ناونیشانی بهستهری وێنه بنووسه',
+	alt: 'جێگرهوهی دهق',
+	border: 'پهراوێز',
+	btnUpload: 'ناردنی بۆ ڕاژه',
+	button2Img: 'تۆ دهتهوێت دوگمهی وێنهی دیاریکراو بگۆڕیت بۆ وێنهکی ئاسایی؟',
+	hSpace: 'بۆشایی ئاسۆیی',
+	img2Button: 'تۆ دهتهوێت وێنهی دیاریکراو بگۆڕیت بۆ دوگمهی وێنه؟',
+	infoTab: 'زانیاری وێنه',
+	linkTab: 'بهستهر',
+	lockRatio: 'داخستنی ڕێژه',
+	menu: 'خاسیهتی وێنه',
+	resetSize: 'ڕێکخستنهوهی قهباره',
+	title: 'خاسیهتی وێنه',
+	titleButton: 'خاسیهتی دوگمهی وێنه',
+	upload: 'بارکردن',
+	urlMissing: 'سهرچاوهی بهستهری وێنه بزره',
+	vSpace: 'بۆشایی ئهستونی',
+	validateBorder: 'پهراوێز دهبێت بهتهواوی تهنها ژماره بێت.',
+	validateHSpace: 'بۆشایی ئاسۆیی دهبێت بهتهواوی تهنها ژماره بێت.',
+	validateVSpace: 'بۆشایی ئهستونی دهبێت بهتهواوی تهنها ژماره بێت.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b56ed48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'lt', {
+	alertUrl: 'Prašome įvesti vaizdo URL',
+	alt: 'Alternatyvus Tekstas',
+	border: 'RÄ—melis',
+	btnUpload: 'Siųsti į serverį',
+	button2Img: 'Ar norite mygtukÄ… paversti paprastu paveiksliuku?',
+	hSpace: 'Hor.ErdvÄ—',
+	img2Button: 'Ar norite paveiksliukÄ… paversti mygtuku?',
+	infoTab: 'Vaizdo informacija',
+	linkTab: 'Nuoroda',
+	lockRatio: 'IÅ¡laikyti proporcijÄ…',
+	menu: 'Vaizdo savybÄ—s',
+	resetSize: 'Atstatyti dydį',
+	title: 'Vaizdo savybÄ—s',
+	titleButton: 'Vaizdinio mygtuko savybÄ—s',
+	upload: 'Nusiųsti',
+	urlMissing: 'Paveiksliuko nuorodos nÄ—ra.',
+	vSpace: 'Vert.ErdvÄ—',
+	validateBorder: 'Reikšmė turi būti sveikas skaičius.',
+	validateHSpace: 'Reikšmė turi būti sveikas skaičius.',
+	validateVSpace: 'Reikšmė turi būti sveikas skaičius.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1094dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'lv', {
+	alertUrl: 'Lūdzu norādīt attēla hipersaiti',
+	alt: 'Alternatīvais teksts',
+	border: 'Rāmis',
+	btnUpload: 'Nosūtīt serverim',
+	button2Img: 'Vai vēlaties pārveidot izvēlēto attēla pogu uz attēla?',
+	hSpace: 'Horizontālā telpa',
+	img2Button: 'Vai vēlaties pārveidot izvēlēto attēlu uz attēla pogas?',
+	infoTab: 'Informācija par attēlu',
+	linkTab: 'Hipersaite',
+	lockRatio: 'Nemainīga Augstuma/Platuma attiecība',
+	menu: 'Attēla īpašības',
+	resetSize: 'Atjaunot sākotnējo izmēru',
+	title: 'Attēla īpašības',
+	titleButton: 'Attēlpogas īpašības',
+	upload: 'Augšupielādēt',
+	urlMissing: 'Trūkst attēla atrašanās adrese.',
+	vSpace: 'Vertikālā telpa',
+	validateBorder: 'Apmalei jābūt veselam skaitlim',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace jābūt veselam skaitlim',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace jābūt veselam skaitlim'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a8a2ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'mk', {
+	alertUrl: 'Please type the image URL', // MISSING
+	alt: 'Alternative Text', // MISSING
+	border: 'Border', // MISSING
+	btnUpload: 'Send it to the Server', // MISSING
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'HSpace', // MISSING
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'Image Info', // MISSING
+	linkTab: 'Link', // MISSING
+	lockRatio: 'Lock Ratio', // MISSING
+	menu: 'Image Properties', // MISSING
+	resetSize: 'Reset Size', // MISSING
+	title: 'Image Properties', // MISSING
+	titleButton: 'Image Button Properties', // MISSING
+	upload: 'Upload', // MISSING
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'VSpace', // MISSING
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c32c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'mn', {
+	alertUrl: 'Зурагны URL-ын төрлийн сонгоно уу',
+	alt: 'Зургийг орлох бичвэр',
+	border: 'Хүрээ',
+	btnUpload: 'Үүнийг сервэррүү илгээ',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'Хөндлөн зай',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'Зурагны мэдээлэл',
+	linkTab: 'Холбоос',
+	lockRatio: 'Радио түгжих',
+	menu: 'Зураг',
+	resetSize: 'хэмжээ дахин оноох',
+	title: 'Зураг',
+	titleButton: 'Зурган товчны шинж чанар',
+	upload: 'Хуулах',
+	urlMissing: 'Зургийн эх сурвалжийн хаяг (URL) байхгүй байна.',
+	vSpace: 'Босоо зай',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d01674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'ms', {
+	alertUrl: 'Sila taip URL untuk fail gambar',
+	alt: 'Text Alternatif',
+	border: 'Border',
+	btnUpload: 'Hantar ke Server',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'Ruang Melintang',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'Info Imej',
+	linkTab: 'Sambungan',
+	lockRatio: 'Tetapkan Nisbah',
+	menu: 'Ciri-ciri Imej',
+	resetSize: 'Saiz Set Semula',
+	title: 'Ciri-ciri Imej',
+	titleButton: 'Ciri-ciri Butang Bergambar',
+	upload: 'Muat Naik',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'Ruang Menegak',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..657b8fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'nb', {
+	alertUrl: 'Vennligst skriv bilde-urlen',
+	alt: 'Alternativ tekst',
+	border: 'Ramme',
+	btnUpload: 'Send det til serveren',
+	button2Img: 'Vil du endre den valgte bildeknappen til et vanlig bilde?',
+	hSpace: 'HMarg',
+	img2Button: 'Vil du endre det valgte bildet til en bildeknapp?',
+	infoTab: 'Bildeinformasjon',
+	linkTab: 'Lenke',
+	lockRatio: 'LÃ¥s forhold',
+	menu: 'Bildeegenskaper',
+	resetSize: 'Tilbakestill størrelse',
+	title: 'Bildeegenskaper',
+	titleButton: 'Egenskaper for bildeknapp',
+	upload: 'Last opp',
+	urlMissing: 'Bildets adresse mangler.',
+	vSpace: 'VMarg',
+	validateBorder: 'Ramme må være et heltall.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HMarg må være et heltall.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VMarg må være et heltall.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d3eee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'nl', {
+	alertUrl: 'Geef de URL van de afbeelding',
+	alt: 'Alternatieve tekst',
+	border: 'Rand',
+	btnUpload: 'Naar server verzenden',
+	button2Img: 'Wilt u de geselecteerde afbeeldingsknop vervangen door een eenvoudige afbeelding?',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	img2Button: 'Wilt u de geselecteerde afbeelding vervangen door een afbeeldingsknop?',
+	infoTab: 'Informatie afbeelding',
+	linkTab: 'Link',
+	lockRatio: 'Afmetingen vergrendelen',
+	menu: 'Eigenschappen afbeelding',
+	resetSize: 'Afmetingen resetten',
+	title: 'Eigenschappen afbeelding',
+	titleButton: 'Eigenschappen afbeeldingsknop',
+	upload: 'Upload',
+	urlMissing: 'De URL naar de afbeelding ontbreekt.',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateBorder: 'Rand moet een heel nummer zijn.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace moet een heel nummer zijn.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace moet een heel nummer zijn.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1d5b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'no', {
+	alertUrl: 'Vennligst skriv bilde-urlen',
+	alt: 'Alternativ tekst',
+	border: 'Ramme',
+	btnUpload: 'Send det til serveren',
+	button2Img: 'Vil du endre den valgte bildeknappen til et vanlig bilde?',
+	hSpace: 'HMarg',
+	img2Button: 'Vil du endre det valgte bildet til en bildeknapp?',
+	infoTab: 'Bildeinformasjon',
+	linkTab: 'Lenke',
+	lockRatio: 'LÃ¥s forhold',
+	menu: 'Bildeegenskaper',
+	resetSize: 'Tilbakestill størrelse',
+	title: 'Bildeegenskaper',
+	titleButton: 'Egenskaper for bildeknapp',
+	upload: 'Last opp',
+	urlMissing: 'Bildets adresse mangler.',
+	vSpace: 'VMarg',
+	validateBorder: 'Ramme må være et heltall.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HMarg må være et heltall.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VMarg må være et heltall.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d20b1bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'pl', {
+	alertUrl: 'Podaj adres obrazka.',
+	alt: 'Tekst zastępczy',
+	border: 'Obramowanie',
+	btnUpload: 'Wyślij',
+	button2Img: 'Czy chcesz przekonwertować zaznaczony przycisk graficzny do zwykłego obrazka?',
+	hSpace: 'Odstęp poziomy',
+	img2Button: 'Czy chcesz przekonwertować zaznaczony obrazek do przycisku graficznego?',
+	infoTab: 'Informacje o obrazku',
+	linkTab: 'Hiperłącze',
+	lockRatio: 'Zablokuj proporcje',
+	menu: 'Właściwości obrazka',
+	resetSize: 'Przywróć rozmiar',
+	title: 'Właściwości obrazka',
+	titleButton: 'Właściwości przycisku graficznego',
+	upload: 'Wyślij',
+	urlMissing: 'Podaj adres URL obrazka.',
+	vSpace: 'Odstęp pionowy',
+	validateBorder: 'Wartość obramowania musi być liczbą całkowitą.',
+	validateHSpace: 'Wartość odstępu poziomego musi być liczbą całkowitą.',
+	validateVSpace: 'Wartość odstępu pionowego musi być liczbą całkowitą.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f13eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'pt-br', {
+	alertUrl: 'Por favor, digite a URL da imagem.',
+	alt: 'Texto Alternativo',
+	border: 'Borda',
+	btnUpload: 'Enviar para o Servidor',
+	button2Img: 'Deseja transformar o botão de imagem em uma imagem comum?',
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	img2Button: 'Deseja transformar a imagem em um botão de imagem?',
+	infoTab: 'Informações da Imagem',
+	linkTab: 'Link',
+	lockRatio: 'Travar Proporções',
+	menu: 'Formatar Imagem',
+	resetSize: 'Redefinir para o Tamanho Original',
+	title: 'Formatar Imagem',
+	titleButton: 'Formatar Botão de Imagem',
+	upload: 'Enviar',
+	urlMissing: 'URL da imagem está faltando.',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateBorder: 'A borda deve ser um número inteiro.',
+	validateHSpace: 'O HSpace deve ser um número inteiro.',
+	validateVSpace: 'O VSpace deve ser um número inteiro.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b6514f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'pt', {
+	alertUrl: 'Por favor introduza o URL da imagem',
+	alt: 'Texto Alternativo',
+	border: 'Limite',
+	btnUpload: 'Enviar para o Servidor',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'Esp.Horiz',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'Informação da Imagem',
+	linkTab: 'Hiperligação',
+	lockRatio: 'Proporcional',
+	menu: 'Propriedades da Imagem',
+	resetSize: 'Tamanho Original',
+	title: 'Propriedades da Imagem',
+	titleButton: 'Propriedades do Botão de imagens',
+	upload: 'Carregar',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'Esp.Vert',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f04c894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'ro', {
+	alertUrl: 'Vă rugăm să scrieţi URL-ul imaginii',
+	alt: 'Text alternativ',
+	border: 'Margine',
+	btnUpload: 'Trimite la server',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'Informaţii despre imagine',
+	linkTab: 'Link (Legătură web)',
+	lockRatio: 'Păstrează proporţiile',
+	menu: 'Proprietăţile imaginii',
+	resetSize: 'Resetează mărimea',
+	title: 'Proprietăţile imaginii',
+	titleButton: 'Proprietăţi buton imagine (Image Button)',
+	upload: 'Încarcă',
+	urlMissing: 'Sursa URL a imaginii lipsește.',
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateBorder: 'Bordura trebuie să fie un număr întreg.',
+	validateHSpace: 'Hspace trebuie să fie un număr întreg.',
+	validateVSpace: 'Vspace trebuie să fie un număr întreg.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0eb7c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'ru', {
+	alertUrl: 'Пожалуйста, введите ссылку на изображение',
+	alt: 'Альтернативный текст',
+	border: 'Граница',
+	btnUpload: 'Загрузить на сервер',
+	button2Img: 'Вы желаете преобразовать это изображение-кнопку в обычное изображение?',
+	hSpace: 'Гориз. отступ',
+	img2Button: 'Вы желаете преобразовать это обычное изображение в изображение-кнопку?',
+	infoTab: 'Данные об изображении',
+	linkTab: 'Ссылка',
+	lockRatio: 'Сохранять пропорции',
+	menu: 'Свойства изображения',
+	resetSize: 'Вернуть обычные размеры',
+	title: 'Свойства изображения',
+	titleButton: 'Свойства изображения-кнопки',
+	upload: 'Загрузить',
+	urlMissing: 'Не указана ссылка на изображение.',
+	vSpace: 'Вертик. отступ',
+	validateBorder: 'Размер границ должен быть задан числом.',
+	validateHSpace: 'Горизонтальный отступ должен быть задан числом.',
+	validateVSpace: 'Вертикальный отступ должен быть задан числом.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da3c976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'sk', {
+	alertUrl: 'Zadajte prosím URL obrázka',
+	alt: 'Alternatívny text',
+	border: 'Rám (border)',
+	btnUpload: 'Odoslať to na server',
+	button2Img: 'Chcete zmeniť vybrané obrázkové tlačidlo na jednoduchý obrázok?',
+	hSpace: 'H-medzera',
+	img2Button: 'Chcete zmeniť vybraný obrázok na obrázkové tlačidlo?',
+	infoTab: 'Informácie o obrázku',
+	linkTab: 'Odkaz',
+	lockRatio: 'Pomer zámky',
+	menu: 'Vlastnosti obrázka',
+	resetSize: 'Pôvodná veľkosť',
+	title: 'Vlastnosti obrázka',
+	titleButton: 'Vlastnosti obrázkového tlačidla',
+	upload: 'Nahrať',
+	urlMissing: 'Chýba URL zdroja obrázka.',
+	vSpace: 'V-medzera',
+	validateBorder: 'Rám (border) musí byť celé číslo.',
+	validateHSpace: 'H-medzera musí byť celé číslo.',
+	validateVSpace: 'V-medzera musí byť celé číslo.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f999abf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'sl', {
+	alertUrl: 'Vnesite URL slike',
+	alt: 'Nadomestno besedilo',
+	border: 'Obroba',
+	btnUpload: 'Pošlji na strežnik',
+	button2Img: 'Želiš pretvoriti izbrani gumb s sliko v preprosto sliko?',
+	hSpace: 'Vodoravni razmik',
+	img2Button: 'Želiš pretvoriti izbrano sliko v gumb s sliko?',
+	infoTab: 'Podatki o sliki',
+	linkTab: 'Povezava',
+	lockRatio: 'Zakleni razmerje',
+	menu: 'Lastnosti slike',
+	resetSize: 'Ponastavi velikost',
+	title: 'Lastnosti slike',
+	titleButton: 'Lastnosti gumba s sliko',
+	upload: 'Pošlji',
+	urlMissing: 'Manjka vir (URL) slike.',
+	vSpace: 'Navpični razmik',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02755b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'sr-latn', {
+	alertUrl: 'Unesite URL slike',
+	alt: 'Alternativni tekst',
+	border: 'Okvir',
+	btnUpload: 'Pošalji na server',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'Info slike',
+	linkTab: 'Link',
+	lockRatio: 'Zaključaj odnos',
+	menu: 'Osobine slika',
+	resetSize: 'Resetuj veličinu',
+	title: 'Osobine slika',
+	titleButton: 'Osobine dugmeta sa slikom',
+	upload: 'Pošalji',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d780f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'sr', {
+	alertUrl: 'Унесите УРЛ слике',
+	alt: 'Алтернативни текст',
+	border: 'Оквир',
+	btnUpload: 'Пошаљи на сервер',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'HSpace',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'Инфо слике',
+	linkTab: 'Линк',
+	lockRatio: 'Закључај однос',
+	menu: 'Особине слика',
+	resetSize: 'Ресетуј величину',
+	title: 'Особине слика',
+	titleButton: 'Особине дугмета са сликом',
+	upload: 'Пошаљи',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'VSpace',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d064247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'sv', {
+	alertUrl: 'Var god och ange bildens URL',
+	alt: 'Alternativ text',
+	border: 'Kant',
+	btnUpload: 'Skicka till server',
+	button2Img: 'Vill du omvandla den valda bildknappen på en enkel bild?',
+	hSpace: 'Horis. marginal',
+	img2Button: 'Vill du omvandla den valda bildknappen på en enkel bild?',
+	infoTab: 'Bildinformation',
+	linkTab: 'Länk',
+	lockRatio: 'Lås höjd/bredd förhållanden',
+	menu: 'Bildegenskaper',
+	resetSize: 'Återställ storlek',
+	title: 'Bildegenskaper',
+	titleButton: 'Egenskaper för bildknapp',
+	upload: 'Ladda upp',
+	urlMissing: 'Bildkällans URL saknas.',
+	vSpace: 'Vert. marginal',
+	validateBorder: 'Kantlinje måste vara ett heltal.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace måste vara ett heltal.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace måste vara ett heltal.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55439d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'th', {
+	alertUrl: 'กรุณาระบุที่อยู่อ้างอิงออนไลน์ของไฟล์รูปภาพ (URL)',
+	alt: 'คำประกอบรูปภาพ',
+	border: 'ขนาดขอบรูป',
+	btnUpload: 'อัพโหลดไฟล์ไปเก็บไว้ที่เครื่องแม่ข่าย (เซิร์ฟเวอร์)',
+	button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING
+	hSpace: 'ระยะแนวนอน',
+	img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING
+	infoTab: 'ข้อมูลของรูปภาพ',
+	linkTab: 'ลิ้งค์',
+	lockRatio: 'กำหนดอัตราส่วน กว้าง-สูง แบบคงที่',
+	menu: 'คุณสมบัติของ รูปภาพ',
+	resetSize: 'กำหนดรูปเท่าขนาดจริง',
+	title: 'คุณสมบัติของ รูปภาพ',
+	titleButton: 'คุณสมบัติของ ปุ่มแบบรูปภาพ',
+	upload: 'อัพโหลดไฟล์',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: 'ระยะแนวตั้ง',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a762446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'tr', {
+	alertUrl: 'Lütfen resmin URL\'sini yazınız',
+	alt: 'Alternatif Yazı',
+	border: 'Kenar',
+	btnUpload: 'Sunucuya Yolla',
+	button2Img: 'Seçili resim butonunu basit resime çevirmek istermisiniz?',
+	hSpace: 'Yatay BoÅŸluk',
+	img2Button: 'Seçili olan resimi, resimli butona çevirmek istermisiniz?',
+	infoTab: 'Resim Bilgisi',
+	linkTab: 'Köprü',
+	lockRatio: 'Oranı Kilitle',
+	menu: 'Resim Özellikleri',
+	resetSize: 'Boyutu Başa Döndür',
+	title: 'Resim Özellikleri',
+	titleButton: 'Resimli Düğme Özellikleri',
+	upload: 'Karşıya Yükle',
+	urlMissing: 'Resmin URL kaynağı eksiktir.',
+	vSpace: 'Dikey BoÅŸluk',
+	validateBorder: 'Çerçeve tam sayı olmalıdır.',
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace tam sayı olmalıdır.',
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace tam sayı olmalıdır.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2174b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'ug', {
+	alertUrl: 'سۈرەت ئادرېسىنى كىرگۈزۈڭ',
+	alt: 'تېكىست ئالماشتۇر',
+	border: 'گىرۋەك چوڭلۇقى',
+	btnUpload: 'مۇلازىمېتىرغا يۈكلە',
+	button2Img: 'نۆۋەتتىكى توپچىنى سۈرەتكە ئۆزگەرتەمسىز؟',
+	hSpace: 'توغرىسىغا ئارىلىقى',
+	img2Button: 'نۆۋەتتىكى سۈرەتنى توپچىغا ئۆزگەرتەمسىز؟',
+	infoTab: 'سۈرەت',
+	linkTab: 'ئۇلانما',
+	lockRatio: 'نىسبەتنى قۇلۇپلا',
+	menu: 'سۈرەت خاسلىقى',
+	resetSize: 'ئەسلى چوڭلۇق',
+	title: 'سۈرەت خاسلىقى',
+	titleButton: 'سۈرەت دائىرە خاسلىقى',
+	upload: 'يۈكلە',
+	urlMissing: 'سۈرەتنىڭ ئەسلى ھۆججەت ئادرېسى كەم',
+	vSpace: 'بويىغا ئارىلىقى',
+	validateBorder: 'گىرۋەك چوڭلۇقى چوقۇم سان بولىدۇ',
+	validateHSpace: 'توغرىسىغا ئارىلىق چوقۇم پۈتۈن سان بولىدۇ',
+	validateVSpace: 'بويىغا ئارىلىق چوقۇم پۈتۈن سان بولىدۇ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e1cf36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'uk', {
+	alertUrl: 'Будь ласка, вкажіть URL зображення',
+	alt: 'Альтернативний текст',
+	border: 'Рамка',
+	btnUpload: 'Надіслати на сервер',
+	button2Img: 'Бажаєте перетворити обрану кнопку-зображення на просте зображення?',
+	hSpace: 'Гориз. відступ',
+	img2Button: 'Бажаєте перетворити обране зображення на кнопку-зображення?',
+	infoTab: 'Інформація про зображення',
+	linkTab: 'Посилання',
+	lockRatio: 'Зберегти пропорції',
+	menu: 'Властивості зображення',
+	resetSize: 'Очистити поля розмірів',
+	title: 'Властивості зображення',
+	titleButton: 'Властивості кнопки із зображенням',
+	upload: 'Надіслати',
+	urlMissing: 'Вкажіть URL зображення.',
+	vSpace: 'Верт. відступ',
+	validateBorder: 'Ширина рамки повинна бути цілим числом.',
+	validateHSpace: 'Гориз. відступ повинен бути цілим числом.',
+	validateVSpace: 'Верт. відступ повинен бути цілим числом.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c70644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'vi', {
+	alertUrl: 'Hãy đưa vào đường dẫn của ảnh',
+	alt: 'Chú thích ảnh',
+	border: 'Đường viền',
+	btnUpload: 'Tải lên máy chủ',
+	button2Img: 'Bạn có muốn chuyển nút bấm bằng ảnh được chọn thành ảnh?',
+	hSpace: 'Khoảng đệm ngang',
+	img2Button: 'Bạn có muốn chuyển đổi ảnh được chọn thành nút bấm bằng ảnh?',
+	infoTab: 'Thông tin của ảnh',
+	linkTab: 'Tab liên kết',
+	lockRatio: 'Giữ nguyên tỷ lệ',
+	menu: 'Thuộc tính của ảnh',
+	resetSize: 'Kích thước gốc',
+	title: 'Thuộc tính của ảnh',
+	titleButton: 'Thuộc tính nút của ảnh',
+	upload: 'Tải lên',
+	urlMissing: 'Thiếu đường dẫn hình ảnh',
+	vSpace: 'Khoảng đệm dọc',
+	validateBorder: 'Chiều rộng của đường viền phải là một số nguyên dương',
+	validateHSpace: 'Khoảng đệm ngang phải là một số nguyên dương',
+	validateVSpace: 'Khoảng đệm dọc phải là một số nguyên dương'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1930925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'zh-cn', {
+	alertUrl: '请输入图象地址',
+	alt: '替换文本',
+	border: '边框大小',
+	btnUpload: '上传到服务器上',
+	button2Img: '确定要把当前按钮改变为图像吗?',
+	hSpace: '水平间距',
+	img2Button: '确定要把当前图像改变为按钮吗?',
+	infoTab: '图象',
+	linkTab: '链接',
+	lockRatio: '锁定比例',
+	menu: '图象属性',
+	resetSize: '原始尺寸',
+	title: '图象属性',
+	titleButton: '图像域属性',
+	upload: '上传',
+	urlMissing: '缺少图像源文件地址',
+	vSpace: '垂直间距',
+	validateBorder: '边框大小必须为整数格式',
+	validateHSpace: '水平间距必须为整数格式',
+	validateVSpace: '垂直间距必须为整数格式'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51845ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'zh', {
+	alertUrl: '請輸入影像 URL',
+	alt: '替代文字',
+	border: '邊框',
+	btnUpload: '上傳至伺服器',
+	button2Img: '要把影像按鈕改成影像嗎?',
+	hSpace: '水平距離',
+	img2Button: '要把影像改成影像按鈕嗎?',
+	infoTab: '影像資訊',
+	linkTab: '超連結',
+	lockRatio: '等比例',
+	menu: '影像屬性',
+	resetSize: '重設為原大小',
+	title: '影像屬性',
+	titleButton: '影像按鈕屬性',
+	upload: '上傳',
+	urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING
+	vSpace: '垂直距離',
+	validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING
+	validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/plugin.js
index 6757aa3..f9b4aad 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/image/plugin.js
@@ -1,81 +1,146 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @file Image plugin
+ * @fileOverview Image plugin
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'image',
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
-		var pluginName = 'image';
+(function() {
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'image', {
+		requires: 'dialog',
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'image', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			var pluginName = 'image';
-		// Register the dialog.
-		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( pluginName, this.path + 'dialogs/image.js' );
+			// Register the dialog.
+			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( pluginName, this.path + 'dialogs/image.js' );
-		// Register the command.
-		editor.addCommand( pluginName, new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( pluginName ) );
+			// Register the command.
+			editor.addCommand( pluginName, new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( pluginName ) );
-		// Register the toolbar button.
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'Image',
-			{
-				label : editor.lang.common.image,
-				command : pluginName
+			// Register the toolbar button.
+			editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'Image', {
+				label: editor.lang.common.image,
+				command: pluginName,
+				toolbar: 'insert,10'
-		editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt )
-			{
+			editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt ) {
 				var element = evt.data.element;
-				if ( element.is( 'img' ) && !element.getAttribute( '_cke_realelement' ) )
+				if ( element.is( 'img' ) && !element.data( 'cke-realelement' ) && !element.isReadOnly() )
 					evt.data.dialog = 'image';
-		// If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu items.
-		if ( editor.addMenuItems )
-		{
-			editor.addMenuItems(
-				{
-					image :
-					{
-						label : editor.lang.image.menu,
-						command : 'image',
-						group : 'image'
+			// If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu items.
+			if ( editor.addMenuItems ) {
+				editor.addMenuItems({
+					image: {
+						label: editor.lang.image.menu,
+						command: 'image',
+						group: 'image'
-		}
+			}
-		// If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners.
-		if ( editor.contextMenu )
-		{
-			editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection )
-				{
-					if ( !element || !element.is( 'img' ) || element.getAttribute( '_cke_realelement' ) || element.isReadOnly() )
-						return null;
-					return { image : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+			// If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners.
+			if ( editor.contextMenu ) {
+				editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection ) {
+					if ( getSelectedImage( editor, element ) )
+						return { image: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+			}
+		},
+		afterInit: function( editor ) {
+			// Customize the behavior of the alignment commands. (#7430)
+			setupAlignCommand( 'left' );
+			setupAlignCommand( 'right' );
+			setupAlignCommand( 'center' );
+			setupAlignCommand( 'block' );
+			function setupAlignCommand( value ) {
+				var command = editor.getCommand( 'justify' + value );
+				if ( command ) {
+					if ( value == 'left' || value == 'right' ) {
+						command.on( 'exec', function( evt ) {
+							var img = getSelectedImage( editor ),
+								align;
+							if ( img ) {
+								align = getImageAlignment( img );
+								if ( align == value ) {
+									img.removeStyle( 'float' );
+									// Remove "align" attribute when necessary.
+									if ( value == getImageAlignment( img ) )
+										img.removeAttribute( 'align' );
+								} else
+									img.setStyle( 'float', value );
+								evt.cancel();
+							}
+						});
+					}
+					command.on( 'refresh', function( evt ) {
+						var img = getSelectedImage( editor ),
+							align;
+						if ( img ) {
+							align = getImageAlignment( img );
+							this.setState(
+							( align == value ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : ( value == 'right' || value == 'left' ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
+							evt.cancel();
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	function getSelectedImage( editor, element ) {
+		if ( !element ) {
+			var sel = editor.getSelection();
+			element = sel.getSelectedElement();
+		if ( element && element.is( 'img' ) && !element.data( 'cke-realelement' ) && !element.isReadOnly() )
+			return element;
+	}
+	function getImageAlignment( element ) {
+		var align = element.getStyle( 'float' );
+		if ( align == 'inherit' || align == 'none' )
+			align = 0;
+		if ( !align )
+			align = element.getAttribute( 'align' );
+		return align;
-} );
  * Whether to remove links when emptying the link URL field in the image dialog.
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.image_removeLinkByEmptyURL = false;
+ *
+ *		config.image_removeLinkByEmptyURL = false;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [image_removeLinkByEmptyURL=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 CKEDITOR.config.image_removeLinkByEmptyURL = true;
- *  Padding text to set off the image in preview area.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.image_previewText
- * @type String
- * @default "Lorem ipsum dolor..." placehoder text.
- * @example
- * config.image_previewText = CKEDITOR.tools.repeat( '___ ', 100 );
+ * Padding text to set off the image in preview area.
+ *
+ *		config.image_previewText = CKEDITOR.tools.repeat( '___ ', 100 );
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [image_previewText='Lorem ipsum dolor...' (placeholder text)]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/icons/indent-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/icons/indent-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c13b9a9
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/icons/indent-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/icons/indent.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/icons/indent.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7156bbb
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/icons/indent.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/icons/outdent-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/icons/outdent-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f5071b
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/icons/outdent-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/icons/outdent.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/icons/outdent.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e037b1f
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/icons/outdent.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d50ddbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'af', {
+	indent: 'Vergroot inspring',
+	outdent: 'Verklein inspring'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..069c9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'ar', {
+	indent: 'زيادة المسافة البادئة',
+	outdent: 'إنقاص المسافة البادئة'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f6dea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'bg', {
+	indent: 'Увеличаване на отстъпа',
+	outdent: 'Намаляване на отстъпа'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f1507b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'bn', {
+	indent: 'ইনডেন্ট বাড়াও',
+	outdent: 'ইনডেন্ট কমাও'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..292c4cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'bs', {
+	indent: 'Poveæaj uvod',
+	outdent: 'Smanji uvod'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5faad40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'ca', {
+	indent: 'Augmenta el sagnat',
+	outdent: 'Redueix el sagnat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e08cd1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'cs', {
+	indent: 'Zvětšit odsazení',
+	outdent: 'Zmenšit odsazení'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..126606b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'cy', {
+	indent: 'Cynyddu\'r Mewnoliad',
+	outdent: 'Lleihau\'r Mewnoliad'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddd74d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'da', {
+	indent: 'Forøg indrykning',
+	outdent: 'Formindsk indrykning'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3519163
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'de', {
+	indent: 'Einzug erhöhen',
+	outdent: 'Einzug verringern'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ee0c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'el', {
+	indent: 'Αύξηση Εσοχής',
+	outdent: 'Μείωση Εσοχής'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea7d130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'en-au', {
+	indent: 'Increase Indent',
+	outdent: 'Decrease Indent'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7732d93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'en-ca', {
+	indent: 'Increase Indent',
+	outdent: 'Decrease Indent'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1359042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'en-gb', {
+	indent: 'Increase Indent',
+	outdent: 'Decrease Indent'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eca8168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'en', {
+	indent: 'Increase Indent',
+	outdent: 'Decrease Indent'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14b3e01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'eo', {
+	indent: 'Pligrandigi Krommarĝenon',
+	outdent: 'Malpligrandigi Krommarĝenon'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dd1e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'es', {
+	indent: 'Aumentar Sangría',
+	outdent: 'Disminuir Sangría'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df8a194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'et', {
+	indent: 'Taande suurendamine',
+	outdent: 'Taande vähendamine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea5eb92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'eu', {
+	indent: 'Handitu Koska',
+	outdent: 'Txikitu Koska'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..005bc7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'fa', {
+	indent: 'افزایش تورفتگی',
+	outdent: 'کاهش تورفتگی'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7eb244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'fi', {
+	indent: 'Suurenna sisennystä',
+	outdent: 'Pienennä sisennystä'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d75791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'fo', {
+	indent: 'Økja reglubrotarinntriv',
+	outdent: 'Minka reglubrotarinntriv'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea99241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'fr-ca', {
+	indent: 'Augmenter le retrait',
+	outdent: 'Diminuer le retrait'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a305b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'fr', {
+	indent: 'Augmenter le retrait (tabulation)',
+	outdent: 'Diminuer le retrait (tabulation)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22edd66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'gl', {
+	indent: 'Aumentar Sangría',
+	outdent: 'Disminuir Sangría'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cab3260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'gu', {
+	indent: 'ઇન્ડેન્ટ, લીટીના આરંભમાં જગ્યા વધારવી',
+	outdent: 'ઇન્ડેન્ટ લીટીના આરંભમાં જગ્યા ઘટાડવી'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a12e33b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'he', {
+	indent: 'הגדלת הזחה',
+	outdent: 'הקטנת הזחה'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dd6174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'hi', {
+	indent: 'इन्डॅन्ट बढ़ायें',
+	outdent: 'इन्डॅन्ट कम करें'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46ee245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'hr', {
+	indent: 'Pomakni udesno',
+	outdent: 'Pomakni ulijevo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c76a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'hu', {
+	indent: 'Behúzás növelése',
+	outdent: 'Behúzás csökkentése'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6e88fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'is', {
+	indent: 'Minnka inndrátt',
+	outdent: 'Auka inndrátt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07f89b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'it', {
+	indent: 'Aumenta rientro',
+	outdent: 'Riduci rientro'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7c17f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'ja', {
+	indent: 'インデント',
+	outdent: 'インデント解除'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e472fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'ka', {
+	indent: 'მეტად შეწევა',
+	outdent: 'ნაკლებად შეწევა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5971eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'km', {
+	indent: 'បន្ថែមការចូលបន្ទាត់',
+	outdent: 'បន្ថយការចូលបន្ទាត់'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29beb98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'ko', {
+	indent: '들여쓰기',
+	outdent: '내어쓰기'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dced77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'ku', {
+	indent: 'زیادکردنی بۆشایی',
+	outdent: 'کەمکردنەوەی بۆشایی'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f10935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'lt', {
+	indent: 'Padidinti įtrauką',
+	outdent: 'Sumažinti įtrauką'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fabd993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'lv', {
+	indent: 'Palielināt atkāpi',
+	outdent: 'Samazināt atkāpi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46f89bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'mk', {
+	indent: 'Increase Indent', // MISSING
+	outdent: 'Decrease Indent' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e4b2f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'mn', {
+	indent: 'Догол мөр хасах',
+	outdent: 'Догол мөр нэмэх'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0a2d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'ms', {
+	indent: 'Tambahkan Inden',
+	outdent: 'Kurangkan Inden'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e344d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'nb', {
+	indent: 'Øk innrykk',
+	outdent: 'Reduser innrykk'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd7100f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'nl', {
+	indent: 'Inspringing vergroten',
+	outdent: 'Inspringing verkleinen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b95d6eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'no', {
+	indent: 'Øk innrykk',
+	outdent: 'Reduser innrykk'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a10c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'pl', {
+	indent: 'Zwiększ wcięcie',
+	outdent: 'Zmniejsz wcięcie'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f8a957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'pt-br', {
+	indent: 'Aumentar Recuo',
+	outdent: 'Diminuir Recuo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d2b7ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'pt', {
+	indent: 'Aumentar Avanço',
+	outdent: 'Diminuir Avanço'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1a9c9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'ro', {
+	indent: 'CreÅŸte indentarea',
+	outdent: 'Scade indentarea'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0643903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'ru', {
+	indent: 'Увеличить отступ',
+	outdent: 'Уменьшить отступ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acf960b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'sk', {
+	indent: 'Zväčšiť odsadenie',
+	outdent: 'Zmenšiť odsadenie'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8e8da8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'sl', {
+	indent: 'Povečaj zamik',
+	outdent: 'Zmanjšaj zamik'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fe0a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'sr-latn', {
+	indent: 'Uvećaj levu marginu',
+	outdent: 'Smanji levu marginu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d894ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'sr', {
+	indent: 'Увећај леву маргину',
+	outdent: 'Смањи леву маргину'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea56a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'sv', {
+	indent: 'Öka indrag',
+	outdent: 'Minska indrag'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2137f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'th', {
+	indent: 'เพิ่มระยะย่อหน้า',
+	outdent: 'ลดระยะย่อหน้า'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57b10ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'tr', {
+	indent: 'Sekme Arttır',
+	outdent: 'Sekme Azalt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63c962f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'ug', {
+	indent: 'تارايت',
+	outdent: 'كەڭەيت'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..765a230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'uk', {
+	indent: 'Збільшити відступ',
+	outdent: 'Зменшити відступ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0c3734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'vi', {
+	indent: 'Dịch vào trong',
+	outdent: 'Dịch ra ngoài'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15cf559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'zh-cn', {
+	indent: '增加缩进量',
+	outdent: '减少缩进量'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcfa448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'indent', 'zh', {
+	indent: '增加縮排',
+	outdent: '減少縮排'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/plugin.js
index 4c1406e..0d58fd0 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/indent/plugin.js
@@ -1,100 +1,83 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @file Increse and decrease indent commands.
+ * @fileOverview Increse and decrease indent commands.
-	var listNodeNames = { ol : 1, ul : 1 };
-	var isNotWhitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ),
+(function() {
+	var listNodeNames = { ol:1,ul:1 },
+		isNotWhitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ),
 		isNotBookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( false, true );
-	function setState( editor, state )
-	{
-		editor.getCommand( this.name ).setState( state );
-	}
-	function onSelectionChange( evt )
-	{
-		var editor = evt.editor;
-		var elementPath = evt.data.path,
-				list = elementPath && elementPath.contains( listNodeNames );
-		if ( list )
-				return setState.call( this, editor, CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
-		if ( !this.useIndentClasses && this.name == 'indent' )
-			return setState.call( this, editor, CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
-		var path = evt.data.path,
-			firstBlock = path.block || path.blockLimit;
-		if ( !firstBlock )
-			return setState.call( this, editor, CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
-		if ( this.useIndentClasses )
-		{
-			var indentClass = firstBlock.$.className.match( this.classNameRegex ),
-				indentStep = 0;
-			if ( indentClass )
-			{
-				indentClass = indentClass[1];
-				indentStep = this.indentClassMap[ indentClass ];
-			}
-			if ( ( this.name == 'outdent' && !indentStep ) ||
-					( this.name == 'indent' && indentStep == editor.config.indentClasses.length ) )
-				return setState.call( this, editor, CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
-			return setState.call( this, editor, CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			var indent = parseInt( firstBlock.getStyle( getIndentCssProperty( firstBlock ) ), 10 );
-			if ( isNaN( indent ) )
-				indent = 0;
-			if ( indent <= 0 )
-				return setState.call( this, editor, CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
-			return setState.call( this, editor, CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
-		}
-	}
-	function indentCommand( editor, name )
-	{
+	function indentCommand( editor, name ) {
 		this.name = name;
 		this.useIndentClasses = editor.config.indentClasses && editor.config.indentClasses.length > 0;
-		if ( this.useIndentClasses )
-		{
+		if ( this.useIndentClasses ) {
 			this.classNameRegex = new RegExp( '(?:^|\\s+)(' + editor.config.indentClasses.join( '|' ) + ')(?=$|\\s)' );
 			this.indentClassMap = {};
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < editor.config.indentClasses.length ; i++ )
-				this.indentClassMap[ editor.config.indentClasses[i] ] = i + 1;
+			for ( var i = 0; i < editor.config.indentClasses.length; i++ )
+				this.indentClassMap[ editor.config.indentClasses[ i ] ] = i + 1;
 		this.startDisabled = name == 'outdent';
 	// Returns the CSS property to be used for identing a given element.
-	function getIndentCssProperty( element )
-	{
-		return element.getComputedStyle( 'direction' ) == 'ltr' ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-right';
+	function getIndentCssProperty( element, dir ) {
+		return ( dir || element.getComputedStyle( 'direction' ) ) == 'ltr' ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-right';
-	function isListItem( node )
-	{
-		return node.type = CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.is( 'li' );
+	function isListItem( node ) {
+		return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.is( 'li' );
 	indentCommand.prototype = {
-		exec : function( editor )
-		{
-			var self = this, database = {};
+		// It applies to a "block-like" context.
+		context: 'p',
+		refresh: function( editor, path ) {
+			var list = path && path.contains( listNodeNames ),
+				firstBlock = path.block || path.blockLimit;
+			if ( list )
+				this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
+			else if ( !this.useIndentClasses && this.name == 'indent' )
+				this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
-			function indentList( listNode )
-			{
+			else if ( !firstBlock )
+			else if ( this.useIndentClasses ) {
+				var indentClass = firstBlock.$.className.match( this.classNameRegex ),
+					indentStep = 0;
+				if ( indentClass ) {
+					indentClass = indentClass[ 1 ];
+					indentStep = this.indentClassMap[ indentClass ];
+				}
+				if ( ( this.name == 'outdent' && !indentStep ) || ( this.name == 'indent' && indentStep == editor.config.indentClasses.length ) )
+					this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
+				else
+					this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
+			} else {
+				var indent = parseInt( firstBlock.getStyle( getIndentCssProperty( firstBlock ) ), 10 );
+				if ( isNaN( indent ) )
+					indent = 0;
+				if ( indent <= 0 )
+					this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
+				else
+					this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
+			}
+		},
+		exec: function( editor ) {
+			var self = this,
+				database = {};
+			function indentList( listNode ) {
 				// Our starting and ending points of the range might be inside some blocks under a list item...
 				// So before playing with the iterator, we need to expand the block to include the list items.
 				var startContainer = range.startContainer,
@@ -111,8 +94,7 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				var block = startContainer,
 					itemsToMove = [],
 					stopFlag = false;
-				while ( !stopFlag )
-				{
+				while ( !stopFlag ) {
 					if ( block.equals( endContainer ) )
 						stopFlag = true;
 					itemsToMove.push( block );
@@ -126,16 +108,14 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				// possible about the surrounding lists, we need to feed it the further
 				// ancestor node that is still a list.
 				var listParents = listNode.getParents( true );
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < listParents.length ; i++ )
-				{
-					if ( listParents[i].getName && listNodeNames[ listParents[i].getName() ] )
-					{
-						listNode = listParents[i];
+				for ( var i = 0; i < listParents.length; i++ ) {
+					if ( listParents[ i ].getName && listNodeNames[ listParents[ i ].getName() ] ) {
+						listNode = listParents[ i ];
 				var indentOffset = self.name == 'indent' ? 1 : -1,
-					startItem = itemsToMove[0],
+					startItem = itemsToMove[ 0 ],
 					lastItem = itemsToMove[ itemsToMove.length - 1 ];
 				// Convert the list DOM tree into a one dimensional array.
@@ -143,38 +123,35 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				// Apply indenting or outdenting on the array.
 				var baseIndent = listArray[ lastItem.getCustomData( 'listarray_index' ) ].indent;
-				for ( i = startItem.getCustomData( 'listarray_index' ); i <= lastItem.getCustomData( 'listarray_index' ); i++ )
-				{
+				for ( i = startItem.getCustomData( 'listarray_index' ); i <= lastItem.getCustomData( 'listarray_index' ); i++ ) {
 					listArray[ i ].indent += indentOffset;
 					// Make sure the newly created sublist get a brand-new element of the same type. (#5372)
-					var listRoot = listArray[ i ].parent;
-					listArray[ i ].parent = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( listRoot.getName(), listRoot.getDocument() );
+					if ( indentOffset > 0 ) {
+						var listRoot = listArray[ i ].parent;
+						listArray[ i ].parent = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( listRoot.getName(), listRoot.getDocument() );
+					}
-				for ( i = lastItem.getCustomData( 'listarray_index' ) + 1 ;
-						i < listArray.length && listArray[i].indent > baseIndent ; i++ )
-					listArray[i].indent += indentOffset;
+				for ( i = lastItem.getCustomData( 'listarray_index' ) + 1;
+				i < listArray.length && listArray[ i ].indent > baseIndent; i++ )
+					listArray[ i ].indent += indentOffset;
 				// Convert the array back to a DOM forest (yes we might have a few subtrees now).
 				// And replace the old list with the new forest.
-				var newListDir = listNode.getAttribute( 'dir' ) || listNode.getStyle( 'direction' );
-				var newList = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.arrayToList( listArray, database, null, editor.config.enterMode, newListDir );
+				var newList = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.arrayToList( listArray, database, null, editor.config.enterMode, listNode.getDirection() );
 				// Avoid nested <li> after outdent even they're visually same,
 				// recording them for later refactoring.(#3982)
-				if ( self.name == 'outdent' )
-				{
+				if ( self.name == 'outdent' ) {
 					var parentLiElement;
-					if ( ( parentLiElement = listNode.getParent() ) && parentLiElement.is( 'li' ) )
-					{
+					if ( ( parentLiElement = listNode.getParent() ) && parentLiElement.is( 'li' ) ) {
 						var children = newList.listNode.getChildren(),
 							pendingLis = [],
 							count = children.count(),
-						for ( i = count - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-						{
-							if ( ( child = children.getItem( i ) ) && child.is && child.is( 'li' )  )
+						for ( i = count - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+							if ( ( child = children.getItem( i ) ) && child.is && child.is( 'li' ) )
 								pendingLis.push( child );
@@ -184,21 +161,18 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					newList.listNode.replace( listNode );
 				// Move the nested <li> to be appeared after the parent.
-				if ( pendingLis && pendingLis.length )
-				{
-					for (  i = 0; i < pendingLis.length ; i++ )
-					{
+				if ( pendingLis && pendingLis.length ) {
+					for ( i = 0; i < pendingLis.length; i++ ) {
 						var li = pendingLis[ i ],
 							followingList = li;
 						// Nest preceding <ul>/<ol> inside current <li> if any.
-						while ( ( followingList = followingList.getNext() ) &&
-							   followingList.is &&
-							   followingList.getName() in listNodeNames )
-						{
+						while ( ( followingList = followingList.getNext() ) && followingList.is && followingList.getName() in listNodeNames ) {
 							// IE requires a filler NBSP for nested list inside empty list item,
 							// otherwise the list item will be inaccessiable. (#4476)
-							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && !li.getFirst( function( node ){ return isNotWhitespaces( node ) && isNotBookmark( node ); } ) )
+							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && !li.getFirst( function( node ) {
+								return isNotWhitespaces( node ) && isNotBookmark( node );
+							}))
 								li.append( range.document.createText( '\u00a0' ) );
 							li.append( followingList );
@@ -209,30 +183,26 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-			function indentBlock()
-			{
+			function indentBlock() {
 				var iterator = range.createIterator(),
 					enterMode = editor.config.enterMode;
 				iterator.enforceRealBlocks = true;
 				iterator.enlargeBr = enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
 				var block;
-				while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph() ) )
+				while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph( enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div' ) ) )
 					indentElement( block );
-			function indentElement( element )
-			{
+			function indentElement( element, dir ) {
 				if ( element.getCustomData( 'indent_processed' ) )
 					return false;
-				if ( self.useIndentClasses )
-				{
+				if ( self.useIndentClasses ) {
 					// Transform current class name to indent step index.
 					var indentClass = element.$.className.match( self.classNameRegex ),
-							indentStep = 0;
-					if ( indentClass )
-					{
-						indentClass = indentClass[1];
+						indentStep = 0;
+					if ( indentClass ) {
+						indentClass = indentClass[ 1 ];
 						indentStep = self.indentClassMap[ indentClass ];
@@ -248,93 +218,81 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					indentStep = Math.min( indentStep, editor.config.indentClasses.length );
 					indentStep = Math.max( indentStep, 0 );
-					var className = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( element.$.className.replace( self.classNameRegex, '' ) );
-					if ( indentStep < 1 )
-						element.$.className = className;
-					else
+					element.$.className = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( element.$.className.replace( self.classNameRegex, '' ) );
+					if ( indentStep > 0 )
 						element.addClass( editor.config.indentClasses[ indentStep - 1 ] );
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					var indentCssProperty = getIndentCssProperty( element );
-					var currentOffset = parseInt( element.getStyle( indentCssProperty ), 10 );
+				} else {
+					var indentCssProperty = getIndentCssProperty( element, dir ),
+						currentOffset = parseInt( element.getStyle( indentCssProperty ), 10 );
 					if ( isNaN( currentOffset ) )
 						currentOffset = 0;
-					currentOffset += ( self.name == 'indent' ? 1 : -1 ) * editor.config.indentOffset;
+					var indentOffset = editor.config.indentOffset || 40;
+					currentOffset += ( self.name == 'indent' ? 1 : -1 ) * indentOffset;
 					if ( currentOffset < 0 )
 						return false;
 					currentOffset = Math.max( currentOffset, 0 );
-					currentOffset = Math.ceil( currentOffset / editor.config.indentOffset ) * editor.config.indentOffset;
-					element.setStyle( indentCssProperty, currentOffset ? currentOffset + editor.config.indentUnit : '' );
+					currentOffset = Math.ceil( currentOffset / indentOffset ) * indentOffset;
+					element.setStyle( indentCssProperty, currentOffset ? currentOffset + ( editor.config.indentUnit || 'px' ) : '' );
 					if ( element.getAttribute( 'style' ) === '' )
 						element.removeAttribute( 'style' );
-				CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, element, 'indent_processed', true );
+				CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, element, 'indent_processed', 1 );
 				return true;
 			var selection = editor.getSelection(),
-				bookmarks = selection.createBookmarks( true ),
-				ranges = selection && selection.getRanges( true ),
+				bookmarks = selection.createBookmarks( 1 ),
+				ranges = selection && selection.getRanges( 1 ),
-			var skipBookmarks = function( node )
-			{
-				return ! node.hasAttribute( '_cke_bookmark' );
-			};
 			var iterator = ranges.createIterator();
-			while ( ( range = iterator.getNextRange() ) )
-			{
-				// Do not indent body. (#6138)
-				range.shrink( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT );
-				if ( range.endContainer.getName() == 'body' )
-					range.setEndAt( range.endContainer.getLast( skipBookmarks ), CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
-				var startContainer = range.startContainer,
-					endContainer = range.endContainer,
-					rangeRoot = range.getCommonAncestor(),
+			while ( ( range = iterator.getNextRange() ) ) {
+				var rangeRoot = range.getCommonAncestor(),
 					nearestListBlock = rangeRoot;
-				while ( nearestListBlock && !( nearestListBlock.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
-					listNodeNames[ nearestListBlock.getName() ] ) )
+				while ( nearestListBlock && !( nearestListBlock.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && listNodeNames[ nearestListBlock.getName() ] ) )
 					nearestListBlock = nearestListBlock.getParent();
+				// Avoid having selection enclose the entire list. (#6138)
+				// [<ul><li>...</li></ul>] =><ul><li>[...]</li></ul>
+				if ( !nearestListBlock ) {
+					var selectedNode = range.getEnclosedNode();
+					if ( selectedNode && selectedNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && selectedNode.getName() in listNodeNames ) {
+						range.setStartAt( selectedNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
+						range.setEndAt( selectedNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+						nearestListBlock = selectedNode;
+					}
+				}
 				// Avoid selection anchors under list root.
 				// <ul>[<li>...</li>]</ul> =>	<ul><li>[...]</li></ul>
-				if ( nearestListBlock && startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-					&& startContainer.getName() in listNodeNames )
-				{
+				if ( nearestListBlock && range.startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && range.startContainer.getName() in listNodeNames ) {
 					var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
 					walker.evaluator = isListItem;
 					range.startContainer = walker.next();
-				if ( nearestListBlock && endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-					&& endContainer.getName() in listNodeNames )
-				{
+				if ( nearestListBlock && range.endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && range.endContainer.getName() in listNodeNames ) {
 					walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
 					walker.evaluator = isListItem;
 					range.endContainer = walker.previous();
-				if ( nearestListBlock  )
-				{
-					var firstListItem = nearestListBlock.getFirst( function( node )
-						{
-							return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.is( 'li' );
-						}),
+				if ( nearestListBlock ) {
+					var firstListItem = nearestListBlock.getFirst( isListItem ),
+						hasMultipleItems = !!firstListItem.getNext( isListItem ),
 						rangeStart = range.startContainer,
 						indentWholeList = firstListItem.equals( rangeStart ) || firstListItem.contains( rangeStart );
-					// Indent the entire list if  cursor is inside the first list item. (#3893)
-					if ( !( indentWholeList && indentElement( nearestListBlock ) ) )
+					// Indent the entire list if cursor is inside the first list item. (#3893)
+					// Only do that for indenting or when using indent classes or when there is something to outdent. (#6141)
+					if ( !( indentWholeList && ( self.name == 'indent' || self.useIndentClasses || parseInt( nearestListBlock.getStyle( getIndentCssProperty( nearestListBlock ) ), 10 ) ) && indentElement( nearestListBlock, !hasMultipleItems && firstListItem.getDirection() ) ) )
 						indentList( nearestListBlock );
-				}
-				else
+				} else
@@ -346,102 +304,114 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'indent',
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			// Register commands.
-			var indent = new indentCommand( editor, 'indent' ),
-				outdent = new indentCommand( editor, 'outdent' );
-			editor.addCommand( 'indent', indent );
-			editor.addCommand( 'outdent', outdent );
-			// Register the toolbar buttons.
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'Indent',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.indent,
-					command : 'indent'
-				});
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'Outdent',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.outdent,
-					command : 'outdent'
-				});
-			// Register the state changing handlers.
-			editor.on( 'selectionChange', CKEDITOR.tools.bind( onSelectionChange, indent ) );
-			editor.on( 'selectionChange', CKEDITOR.tools.bind( onSelectionChange, outdent ) );
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'indent', {
+		// TODO: Remove this dependency.
+		requires: 'list',
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'indent,indent-rtl,outdent,outdent-rtl', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		onLoad: function() {
 			// [IE6/7] Raw lists are using margin instead of padding for visual indentation in wysiwyg mode. (#3893)
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat )
-			{
-				editor.addCss(
-					"ul,ol" +
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat ) {
+				CKEDITOR.addCss( ".cke_editable ul," +
+					".cke_editable ol" +
 					"{" +
 					"	margin-left: 0px;" +
 					"	padding-left: 40px;" +
 					"}" );
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			if ( editor.blockless )
+				return;
-		requires : [ 'domiterator', 'list' ]
-	} );
+			// Register commands.
+			var indent = editor.addCommand( 'indent', new indentCommand( editor, 'indent' ) ),
+				outdent = editor.addCommand( 'outdent', new indentCommand( editor, 'outdent' ) );
+			if ( editor.ui.addButton ) {
+				// Register the toolbar buttons.
+				editor.ui.addButton( 'Indent', {
+					label: editor.lang.indent.indent,
+					command: 'indent',
+					directional: true,
+					toolbar: 'indent,20'
+				});
+				editor.ui.addButton( 'Outdent', {
+					label: editor.lang.indent.outdent,
+					command: 'outdent',
+					directional: true,
+					toolbar: 'indent,10'
+				});
+			}
-CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.config,
-	{
-		indentOffset : 40,
-		indentUnit : 'px',
-		indentClasses : null
-	});
+			// Register dirChanged listener.
+			editor.on( 'dirChanged', function( e ) {
+				var range = editor.createRange();
+				range.setStartBefore( e.data.node );
+				range.setEndAfter( e.data.node );
+				var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range ),
+					node;
+				while ( ( node = walker.next() ) ) {
+					if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+						// A child with the defined dir is to be ignored.
+						if ( !node.equals( e.data.node ) && node.getDirection() ) {
+							range.setStartAfter( node );
+							walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
+							continue;
+						}
- * Size of each indentation step
- * @type Number
- * @example
- * config.indentOffset = 40;
- */
+						// Switch alignment classes.
+						var classes = editor.config.indentClasses;
+						if ( classes ) {
+							var suffix = ( e.data.dir == 'ltr' ) ? [ '_rtl', '' ] : [ '', '_rtl' ];
+							for ( var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++ ) {
+								if ( node.hasClass( classes[ i ] + suffix[ 0 ] ) ) {
+									node.removeClass( classes[ i ] + suffix[ 0 ] );
+									node.addClass( classes[ i ] + suffix[ 1 ] );
+								}
+							}
+						}
- /**
- * Unit for the indentation style
- * @type String
- * @example
- * config.indentUnit = 'px';
- */
+						// Switch the margins.
+						var marginLeft = node.getStyle( 'margin-right' ),
+							marginRight = node.getStyle( 'margin-left' );
- /**
- * List of classes to use for indenting the contents.
- * @type Array
- * @example
- * // Don't use classes for indenting. (this is the default value)
- * config.indentClasses = null;
- * @example
- * // Use the classes 'Indent1', 'Indent2', 'Indent3'
- * config.indentClasses = ['Indent1', 'Indent2', 'Indent3'];
- */
+						marginLeft ? node.setStyle( 'margin-left', marginLeft ) : node.removeStyle( 'margin-left' );
+						marginRight ? node.setStyle( 'margin-right', marginRight ) : node.removeStyle( 'margin-right' );
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	});
- * Size of each indentation step
- * @type Number
- * @default 40
- * @example
- * config.indentOffset = 4;
+ * Size of each indentation step.
+ *
+ *		config.indentOffset = 4;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [indentOffset=40]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- /**
- * Unit for the indentation style
- * @type String
- * @default 'px'
- * @example
- * config.indentUnit = 'em';
+ * Unit for the indentation style.
+ *
+ *		config.indentUnit = 'em';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [indentUnit='px']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- /**
- * List of classes to use for indenting the contents. If it's null, no classes will be used
+ * List of classes to use for indenting the contents. If it's `null`, no classes will be used
  * and instead the {@link #indentUnit} and {@link #indentOffset} properties will be used.
- * @type Array
- * default null
- * @example
- * // Use the classes 'Indent1', 'Indent2', 'Indent3'
- * config.indentClasses = ['Indent1', 'Indent2', 'Indent3'];
+ *
+ *		// Use the classes 'Indent1', 'Indent2', 'Indent3'
+ *		config.indentClasses = ['Indent1', 'Indent2', 'Indent3'];
+ *
+ * @cfg {Array} [indentClasses=null]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/icons/justifyblock.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/icons/justifyblock.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a22b5ec
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/icons/justifyblock.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/icons/justifycenter.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/icons/justifycenter.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..854a272
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/icons/justifycenter.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/icons/justifyleft.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/icons/justifyleft.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d48bab
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/icons/justifyleft.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/icons/justifyright.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/icons/justifyright.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba220ee
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/icons/justifyright.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ab5a58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'af', {
+	block: 'Uitvul',
+	center: 'Sentreer',
+	left: 'Links oplyn',
+	right: 'Regs oplyn'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5531022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'ar', {
+	block: 'ضبط',
+	center: 'توسيط',
+	left: 'محاذاة إلى اليسار',
+	right: 'محاذاة إلى اليمين'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44580b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'bg', {
+	block: 'Двустранно подравняване',
+	center: 'Център',
+	left: 'Подравни в ляво',
+	right: 'Подравни в дясно'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e28606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'bn', {
+	block: 'ব্লক জাস্টিফাই',
+	center: 'মাঝ বরাবর ঘেষা',
+	left: 'বা দিকে ঘেঁষা',
+	right: 'ডান দিকে ঘেঁষা'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..683c4d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'bs', {
+	block: 'Puno poravnanje',
+	center: 'Centralno poravnanje',
+	left: 'Lijevo poravnanje',
+	right: 'Desno poravnanje'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7497ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'ca', {
+	block: 'Justificat',
+	center: 'Centrat',
+	left: 'Alinea a l\'esquerra',
+	right: 'Alinea a la dreta'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8134d46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'cs', {
+	block: 'Zarovnat do bloku',
+	center: 'Zarovnat na střed',
+	left: 'Zarovnat vlevo',
+	right: 'Zarovnat vpravo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..106e6f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'cy', {
+	block: 'Aliniad Bloc',
+	center: 'Alinio i\'r Canol',
+	left: 'Alinio i\'r Chwith',
+	right: 'Alinio i\'r Dde'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c4bbbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'da', {
+	block: 'Lige margener',
+	center: 'Centreret',
+	left: 'Venstrestillet',
+	right: 'Højrestillet'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e730163
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'de', {
+	block: 'Blocksatz',
+	center: 'Zentriert',
+	left: 'Linksbündig',
+	right: 'Rechtsbündig'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e34f627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'el', {
+	block: 'Πλήρης Στοίχιση',
+	center: 'Στοίχιση στο Κέντρο',
+	left: 'Στοίχιση Αριστερά',
+	right: 'Στοίχιση Δεξιά'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e97c90a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'en-au', {
+	block: 'Justify',
+	center: 'Centre',
+	left: 'Align Left',
+	right: 'Align Right'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..436a26e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'en-ca', {
+	block: 'Justify',
+	center: 'Centre',
+	left: 'Align Left',
+	right: 'Align Right'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8332268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'en-gb', {
+	block: 'Justify',
+	center: 'Centre',
+	left: 'Align Left',
+	right: 'Align Right'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04114ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'en', {
+	block: 'Justify',
+	center: 'Center',
+	left: 'Align Left',
+	right: 'Align Right'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0459073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'eo', {
+	block: 'Äœisrandigi AmbaÅ­flanke',
+	center: 'Centrigi',
+	left: 'Äœisrandigi maldekstren',
+	right: 'Äœisrandigi dekstren'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a219a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'es', {
+	block: 'Justificado',
+	center: 'Centrar',
+	left: 'Alinear a Izquierda',
+	right: 'Alinear a Derecha'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9810691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'et', {
+	block: 'Rööpjoondus',
+	center: 'Keskjoondus',
+	left: 'Vasakjoondus',
+	right: 'Paremjoondus'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32a3293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'eu', {
+	block: 'Justifikatu',
+	center: 'Lerrokatu Erdian',
+	left: 'Lerrokatu Ezkerrean',
+	right: 'Lerrokatu Eskuman'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a71c32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'fa', {
+	block: 'بلوکچین',
+	center: 'میانچین',
+	left: 'چپچین',
+	right: 'راستچین'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54b6dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'fi', {
+	block: 'Tasaa molemmat reunat',
+	center: 'Keskitä',
+	left: 'Tasaa vasemmat reunat',
+	right: 'Tasaa oikeat reunat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9109cbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'fo', {
+	block: 'Javnir tekstkantar',
+	center: 'Miðsett',
+	left: 'Vinstrasett',
+	right: 'Høgrasett'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89b4264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'fr-ca', {
+	block: 'Texte justifié',
+	center: 'Centrer',
+	left: 'Aligner à gauche',
+	right: 'Aligner à Droite'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1cf28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'fr', {
+	block: 'Justifier',
+	center: 'Centrer',
+	left: 'Aligner à gauche',
+	right: 'Aligner à droite'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0d4cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'gl', {
+	block: 'Xustificado',
+	center: 'Centrado',
+	left: 'Aliñar á Esquerda',
+	right: 'Aliñar á Dereita'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d3bbd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'gu', {
+	block: 'બ્લૉક, અંતરાય જસ્ટિફાઇ',
+	center: 'સંકેંદ્રણ/સેંટરિંગ',
+	left: 'ડાબી બાજુએ/બાજુ તરફ',
+	right: 'જમણી બાજુએ/બાજુ તરફ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63efd33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'he', {
+	block: 'יישור לשוליים',
+	center: 'מרכוז',
+	left: 'יישור לשמאל',
+	right: 'יישור לימין'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5188fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'hi', {
+	block: 'ब्लॉक जस्टीफ़ाई',
+	center: 'बीच में',
+	left: 'बायीं तरफ',
+	right: 'दायीं तरफ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e071f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'hr', {
+	block: 'Blok poravnanje',
+	center: 'Središnje poravnanje',
+	left: 'Lijevo poravnanje',
+	right: 'Desno poravnanje'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d2caa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'hu', {
+	block: 'Sorkizárt',
+	center: 'Középre',
+	left: 'Balra',
+	right: 'Jobbra'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ff5f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'is', {
+	block: 'Jafna báðum megin',
+	center: 'Miðja texta',
+	left: 'Vinstrijöfnun',
+	right: 'Hægrijöfnun'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f4f20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'it', {
+	block: 'Giustifica',
+	center: 'Centra',
+	left: 'Allinea a sinistra',
+	right: 'Allinea a destra'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76af14e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'ja', {
+	block: '両端揃え',
+	center: '中央揃え',
+	left: '左揃え',
+	right: '右揃え'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2f1691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'ka', {
+	block: 'გადასწორება',
+	center: 'შუაში სწორება',
+	left: 'მარცხნივ სწორება',
+	right: 'მარჯვნივ სწორება'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9477ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'km', {
+	block: 'តំរឹមសងខាង',
+	center: 'តំរឹមកណ្តាល',
+	left: 'តំរឹមឆ្វេង',
+	right: 'តំរឹមស្តាំ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f65c8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'ko', {
+	block: '양쪽 맞춤',
+	center: '가운데 정렬',
+	left: '왼쪽 정렬',
+	right: '오른쪽 정렬'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7259019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'ku', {
+	block: 'هاوستوونی',
+	center: 'ناوهڕاست',
+	left: 'بههێڵ کردنی چهپ',
+	right: 'بههێڵ کردنی ڕاست'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaaa4f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'lt', {
+	block: 'Lygiuoti abi puses',
+	center: 'Centruoti',
+	left: 'Lygiuoti kairÄ™',
+	right: 'Lygiuoti dešinę'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b58e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'lv', {
+	block: 'Izlīdzināt malas',
+	center: 'Izlīdzināt pret centru',
+	left: 'Izlīdzināt pa kreisi',
+	right: 'Izlīdzināt pa labi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7efb399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'mk', {
+	block: 'Justify', // MISSING
+	center: 'Center', // MISSING
+	left: 'Align Left', // MISSING
+	right: 'Align Right' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6036d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'mn', {
+	block: 'Тэгшлэх',
+	center: 'Голлуулах',
+	left: 'Зүүн талд тулгах',
+	right: 'Баруун талд тулгах'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20675cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'ms', {
+	block: 'Jajaran Blok',
+	center: 'Jajaran Tengah',
+	left: 'Jajaran Kiri',
+	right: 'Jajaran Kanan'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a1bed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'nb', {
+	block: 'Blokkjuster',
+	center: 'Midtstill',
+	left: 'Venstrejuster',
+	right: 'Høyrejuster'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b696e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'nl', {
+	block: 'Uitvullen',
+	center: 'Centreren',
+	left: 'Links uitlijnen',
+	right: 'Rechts uitlijnen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..154c3d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'no', {
+	block: 'Blokkjuster',
+	center: 'Midtstill',
+	left: 'Venstrejuster',
+	right: 'Høyrejuster'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91e3643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'pl', {
+	block: 'Wyjustuj',
+	center: 'Wyśrodkuj',
+	left: 'Wyrównaj do lewej',
+	right: 'Wyrównaj do prawej'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0c2e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'pt-br', {
+	block: 'Justificado',
+	center: 'Centralizar',
+	left: 'Alinhar Esquerda',
+	right: 'Alinhar Direita'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01190eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'pt', {
+	block: 'Justificado',
+	center: 'Alinhar ao Centro',
+	left: 'Alinhar à Esquerda',
+	right: 'Alinhar à Direita'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e209a17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'ro', {
+	block: 'Aliniere în bloc (Block Justify)',
+	center: 'Aliniere centrală',
+	left: 'Aliniere la stânga',
+	right: 'Aliniere la dreapta'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e00e1dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'ru', {
+	block: 'По ширине',
+	center: 'По центру',
+	left: 'По левому краю',
+	right: 'По правому краю'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39a7d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'sk', {
+	block: 'Zarovnať do bloku',
+	center: 'Zarovnať na stred',
+	left: 'Zarovnať vľavo',
+	right: 'Zarovnať vpravo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98b9c19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'sl', {
+	block: 'Obojestranska poravnava',
+	center: 'Sredinska poravnava',
+	left: 'Leva poravnava',
+	right: 'Desna poravnava'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88363d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'sr-latn', {
+	block: 'Obostrano ravnanje',
+	center: 'Centriran tekst',
+	left: 'Levo ravnanje',
+	right: 'Desno ravnanje'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccbb719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'sr', {
+	block: 'Обострано равнање',
+	center: 'Центриран текст',
+	left: 'Лево равнање',
+	right: 'Десно равнање'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1652ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'sv', {
+	block: 'Justera till marginaler',
+	center: 'Centrera',
+	left: 'Vänsterjustera',
+	right: 'Högerjustera'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7454982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'th', {
+	block: 'จัดพอดีหน้ากระดาษ',
+	center: 'จัดกึ่งกลาง',
+	left: 'จัดชิดซ้าย',
+	right: 'จัดชิดขวา'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e3af47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'tr', {
+	block: 'İki Kenara Yaslanmış',
+	center: 'Ortalanmış',
+	left: 'Sola Dayalı',
+	right: 'Sağa Dayalı'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9244bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'ug', {
+	block: 'ئىككى تەرەپتىن توغرىلا',
+	center: 'ئوتتۇرىغا توغرىلا',
+	left: 'سولغا توغرىلا',
+	right: 'ئوڭغا توغرىلا'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdc8b88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'uk', {
+	block: 'По ширині',
+	center: 'По центру',
+	left: 'По лівому краю',
+	right: 'По правому краю'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8043811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'vi', {
+	block: 'Canh đều',
+	center: 'Canh giữa',
+	left: 'Canh trái',
+	right: 'Canh phải'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..981e4ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'zh-cn', {
+	block: '两端对齐',
+	center: '居中',
+	left: '左对齐',
+	right: '右对齐'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e42a95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'justify', 'zh', {
+	block: '左右對齊',
+	center: '置中',
+	left: '靠左對齊',
+	right: '靠右對齊'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/plugin.js
index 036434d..aa657cc 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/justify/plugin.js
@@ -1,37 +1,21 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @file Justify commands.
+ * @fileOverview Justify commands.
-	function getState( editor, path )
-	{
-		var firstBlock = path.block || path.blockLimit;
-		if ( !firstBlock || firstBlock.getName() == 'body' )
-		return ( getAlignment( firstBlock, editor.config.useComputedState ) == this.value ) ?
-	}
-	function getAlignment( element, useComputedState )
-	{
+(function() {
+	function getAlignment( element, useComputedState ) {
 		useComputedState = useComputedState === undefined || useComputedState;
 		var align;
 		if ( useComputedState )
 			align = element.getComputedStyle( 'text-align' );
-		else
-		{
-			while ( !element.hasAttribute || !( element.hasAttribute( 'align' ) || element.getStyle( 'text-align' ) ) )
-			{
+		else {
+			while ( !element.hasAttribute || !( element.hasAttribute( 'align' ) || element.getStyle( 'text-align' ) ) ) {
 				var parent = element.getParent();
 				if ( !parent )
@@ -40,41 +24,34 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			align = element.getStyle( 'text-align' ) || element.getAttribute( 'align' ) || '';
-		align && ( align = align.replace( /-moz-|-webkit-|start|auto/i, '' ) );
+		// Sometimes computed values doesn't tell.
+		align && ( align = align.replace( /(?:-(?:moz|webkit)-)?(?:start|auto)/i, '' ) );
 		!align && useComputedState && ( align = element.getComputedStyle( 'direction' ) == 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left' );
 		return align;
-	function onSelectionChange( evt )
-	{
-		var command = evt.editor.getCommand( this.name );
-		command.state = getState.call( this, evt.editor, evt.data.path );
-		command.fire( 'state' );
-	}
-	function justifyCommand( editor, name, value )
-	{
+	function justifyCommand( editor, name, value ) {
+		this.editor = editor;
 		this.name = name;
 		this.value = value;
+		this.context = 'p';
 		var classes = editor.config.justifyClasses;
-		if ( classes )
-		{
-			switch ( value )
-			{
-				case 'left' :
-					this.cssClassName = classes[0];
+		if ( classes ) {
+			switch ( value ) {
+				case 'left':
+					this.cssClassName = classes[ 0 ];
-				case 'center' :
-					this.cssClassName = classes[1];
+				case 'center':
+					this.cssClassName = classes[ 1 ];
-				case 'right' :
-					this.cssClassName = classes[2];
+				case 'right':
+					this.cssClassName = classes[ 2 ];
-				case 'justify' :
-					this.cssClassName = classes[3];
+				case 'justify':
+					this.cssClassName = classes[ 3 ];
@@ -82,9 +59,54 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+	function onDirChanged( e ) {
+		var editor = e.editor;
+		var range = editor.createRange();
+		range.setStartBefore( e.data.node );
+		range.setEndAfter( e.data.node );
+		var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range ),
+			node;
+		while ( ( node = walker.next() ) ) {
+			if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+				// A child with the defined dir is to be ignored.
+				if ( !node.equals( e.data.node ) && node.getDirection() ) {
+					range.setStartAfter( node );
+					walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Switch the alignment.
+				var classes = editor.config.justifyClasses;
+				if ( classes ) {
+					// The left align class.
+					if ( node.hasClass( classes[ 0 ] ) ) {
+						node.removeClass( classes[ 0 ] );
+						node.addClass( classes[ 2 ] );
+					}
+					// The right align class.
+					else if ( node.hasClass( classes[ 2 ] ) ) {
+						node.removeClass( classes[ 2 ] );
+						node.addClass( classes[ 0 ] );
+					}
+				}
+				// Always switch CSS margins.
+				var style = 'text-align';
+				var align = node.getStyle( style );
+				if ( align == 'left' )
+					node.setStyle( style, 'right' );
+				else if ( align == 'right' )
+					node.setStyle( style, 'left' );
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	justifyCommand.prototype = {
-		exec : function( editor )
-		{
+		exec: function( editor ) {
 			var selection = editor.getSelection(),
 				enterMode = editor.config.enterMode;
@@ -95,39 +117,31 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				ranges = selection.getRanges( true );
 			var cssClassName = this.cssClassName,
-				iterator,
-				block;
+				iterator, block;
 			var useComputedState = editor.config.useComputedState;
 			useComputedState = useComputedState === undefined || useComputedState;
-			for ( var i = ranges.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-			{
+			for ( var i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
 				iterator = ranges[ i ].createIterator();
 				iterator.enlargeBr = enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
-				while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph() ) )
-				{
+				while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph( enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div' ) ) ) {
 					block.removeAttribute( 'align' );
 					block.removeStyle( 'text-align' );
 					// Remove any of the alignment classes from the className.
-					var className = cssClassName && ( block.$.className =
-						CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( block.$.className.replace( this.cssClassRegex, '' ) ) );
+					var className = cssClassName && ( block.$.className = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( block.$.className.replace( this.cssClassRegex, '' ) ) );
-					var apply =
-						( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF ) &&
-						( !useComputedState || ( getAlignment( block, true ) != this.value ) );
+					var apply = ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF ) && ( !useComputedState || ( getAlignment( block, true ) != this.value ) );
-					if ( cssClassName )
-					{
+					if ( cssClassName ) {
 						// Append the desired class name.
 						if ( apply )
 							block.addClass( cssClassName );
 						else if ( !className )
 							block.removeAttribute( 'class' );
-					}
-					else if ( apply )
+					} else if ( apply )
 						block.setStyle( 'text-align', this.value );
@@ -136,13 +150,22 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			selection.selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
+		},
+		refresh: function( editor, path ) {
+			var firstBlock = path.block || path.blockLimit;
+			this.setState( firstBlock.getName() != 'body' && getAlignment( firstBlock, this.editor.config.useComputedState ) == this.value ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'justify',
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'justify', {
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'justifyblock,justifycenter,justifyleft,justifyright', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			if ( editor.blockless )
+				return;
 			var left = new justifyCommand( editor, 'justifyleft', 'left' ),
 				center = new justifyCommand( editor, 'justifycenter', 'center' ),
 				right = new justifyCommand( editor, 'justifyright', 'right' ),
@@ -153,38 +176,43 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			editor.addCommand( 'justifyright', right );
 			editor.addCommand( 'justifyblock', justify );
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'JustifyLeft',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.justify.left,
-					command : 'justifyleft'
-				} );
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'JustifyCenter',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.justify.center,
-					command : 'justifycenter'
-				} );
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'JustifyRight',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.justify.right,
-					command : 'justifyright'
-				} );
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'JustifyBlock',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.justify.block,
-					command : 'justifyblock'
-				} );
-			editor.on( 'selectionChange', CKEDITOR.tools.bind( onSelectionChange, left ) );
-			editor.on( 'selectionChange', CKEDITOR.tools.bind( onSelectionChange, right ) );
-			editor.on( 'selectionChange', CKEDITOR.tools.bind( onSelectionChange, center ) );
-			editor.on( 'selectionChange', CKEDITOR.tools.bind( onSelectionChange, justify ) );
-		},
+			if ( editor.ui.addButton ) {
+				editor.ui.addButton( 'JustifyLeft', {
+					label: editor.lang.justify.left,
+					command: 'justifyleft',
+					toolbar: 'align,10'
+				});
+				editor.ui.addButton( 'JustifyCenter', {
+					label: editor.lang.justify.center,
+					command: 'justifycenter',
+					toolbar: 'align,20'
+				});
+				editor.ui.addButton( 'JustifyRight', {
+					label: editor.lang.justify.right,
+					command: 'justifyright',
+					toolbar: 'align,30'
+				});
+				editor.ui.addButton( 'JustifyBlock', {
+					label: editor.lang.justify.block,
+					command: 'justifyblock',
+					toolbar: 'align,40'
+				});
+			}
-		requires : [ 'domiterator' ]
+			editor.on( 'dirChanged', onDirChanged );
+		}
-CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.config,
-	{
-		justifyClasses : null
-	} );
+ * List of classes to use for aligning the contents. If it's `null`, no classes will be used
+ * and instead the corresponding CSS values will be used.
+ *
+ * The array should contain 4 members, in the following order: left, center, right, justify.
+ *
+ *		// Use the classes 'AlignLeft', 'AlignCenter', 'AlignRight', 'AlignJustify'
+ *		config.justifyClasses = [ 'AlignLeft', 'AlignCenter', 'AlignRight', 'AlignJustify' ];
+ *
+ * @cfg {Array} [justifyClasses=null]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/keystrokes/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/keystrokes/plugin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 73c0085..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/keystrokes/plugin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-// Register a plugin named "sample".
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'keystrokes',
-	beforeInit : function( editor )
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Controls keystrokes typing in this editor instance.
-		 * @name CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.keystrokeHandler
-		 * @type CKEDITOR.keystrokeHandler
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		editor.keystrokeHandler = new CKEDITOR.keystrokeHandler( editor );
-		editor.specialKeys = {};
-	},
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
-		var keystrokesConfig	= editor.config.keystrokes,
-			blockedConfig		= editor.config.blockedKeystrokes;
-		var keystrokes			= editor.keystrokeHandler.keystrokes,
-			blockedKeystrokes	= editor.keystrokeHandler.blockedKeystrokes;
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < keystrokesConfig.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			keystrokes[ keystrokesConfig[i][0] ] = keystrokesConfig[i][1];
-		}
-		for ( i = 0 ; i < blockedConfig.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			blockedKeystrokes[ blockedConfig[i] ] = 1;
-		}
-	}
- * Controls keystrokes typing in an editor instance.
- * @constructor
- * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.keystrokeHandler = function( editor )
-	if ( editor.keystrokeHandler )
-		return editor.keystrokeHandler;
-	/**
-	 * List of keystrokes associated to commands. Each entry points to the
-	 * command to be executed.
-	 * @type Object
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	this.keystrokes = {};
-	/**
-	 * List of keystrokes that should be blocked if not defined at
-	 * {@link keystrokes}. In this way it is possible to block the default
-	 * browser behavior for those keystrokes.
-	 * @type Object
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	this.blockedKeystrokes = {};
-	this._ =
-	{
-		editor : editor
-	};
-	return this;
-	var cancel;
-	var onKeyDown = function( event )
-	{
-		// The DOM event object is passed by the "data" property.
-		event = event.data;
-		var keyCombination = event.getKeystroke();
-		var command = this.keystrokes[ keyCombination ];
-		var editor = this._.editor;
-		cancel = ( editor.fire( 'key', { keyCode : keyCombination } ) === true );
-		if ( !cancel )
-		{
-			if ( command )
-			{
-				var data = { from : 'keystrokeHandler' };
-				cancel = ( editor.execCommand( command, data ) !== false );
-			}
-			if  ( !cancel )
-			{
-				var handler = editor.specialKeys[ keyCombination ];
-				cancel = ( handler && handler( editor ) === true );
-				if ( !cancel )
-					cancel = !!this.blockedKeystrokes[ keyCombination ];
-			}
-		}
-		if ( cancel )
-			event.preventDefault( true );
-		return !cancel;
-	};
-	var onKeyPress = function( event )
-	{
-		if ( cancel )
-		{
-			cancel = false;
-			event.data.preventDefault( true );
-		}
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.keystrokeHandler.prototype =
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Attaches this keystroke handle to a DOM object. Keystrokes typed
-		 ** over this object will get handled by this keystrokeHandler.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.domObject} domObject The DOM object to attach
-		 *		to.
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		attach : function( domObject )
-		{
-			// For most browsers, it is enough to listen to the keydown event
-			// only.
-			domObject.on( 'keydown', onKeyDown, this );
-			// Some browsers instead, don't cancel key events in the keydown, but in the
-			// keypress. So we must do a longer trip in those cases.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera || ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.mac ) )
-				domObject.on( 'keypress', onKeyPress, this );
-		}
-	};
- * A list of keystrokes to be blocked if not defined in the {@link CKEDITOR.config.keystrokes}
- * setting. In this way it is possible to block the default browser behavior
- * for those keystrokes.
- * @type Array
- * @default (see example)
- * @example
- * // This is actually the default value.
- * config.blockedKeystrokes =
- * [
- *     CKEDITOR.CTRL + 66 /*B*/,
- *     CKEDITOR.CTRL + 73 /*I*/,
- *     CKEDITOR.CTRL + 85 /*U*/
- * ];
- */
-CKEDITOR.config.blockedKeystrokes =
-	CKEDITOR.CTRL + 66 /*B*/,
-	CKEDITOR.CTRL + 73 /*I*/,
-	CKEDITOR.CTRL + 85 /*U*/
- * A list associating keystrokes to editor commands. Each element in the list
- * is an array where the first item is the keystroke, and the second is the
- * name of the command to be executed.
- * @type Array
- * @default (see example)
- * @example
- * // This is actually the default value.
- * config.keystrokes =
- * [
- *     [ CKEDITOR.ALT + 121 /*F10*/, 'toolbarFocus' ],
- *     [ CKEDITOR.ALT + 122 /*F11*/, 'elementsPathFocus' ],
- *
- *     [ CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 121 /*F10*/, 'contextMenu' ],
- *
- *     [ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 90 /*Z*/, 'undo' ],
- *     [ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 89 /*Y*/, 'redo' ],
- *     [ CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 90 /*Z*/, 'redo' ],
- *
- *     [ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 76 /*L*/, 'link' ],
- *
- *     [ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 66 /*B*/, 'bold' ],
- *     [ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 73 /*I*/, 'italic' ],
- *     [ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 85 /*U*/, 'underline' ],
- *
- *     [ CKEDITOR.ALT + 109 /*-*/, 'toolbarCollapse' ]
- * ];
- */
-CKEDITOR.config.keystrokes =
-	[ CKEDITOR.ALT + 121 /*F10*/, 'toolbarFocus' ],
-	[ CKEDITOR.ALT + 122 /*F11*/, 'elementsPathFocus' ],
-	[ CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 121 /*F10*/, 'contextMenu' ],
-	[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 121 /*F10*/, 'contextMenu' ],
-	[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 90 /*Z*/, 'undo' ],
-	[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 89 /*Y*/, 'redo' ],
-	[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 90 /*Z*/, 'redo' ],
-	[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 76 /*L*/, 'link' ],
-	[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 66 /*B*/, 'bold' ],
-	[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 73 /*I*/, 'italic' ],
-	[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 85 /*U*/, 'underline' ],
-	[ CKEDITOR.ALT + 109 /*-*/, 'toolbarCollapse' ],
-	[ CKEDITOR.ALT + 48 /*0*/, 'a11yHelp' ]
- * Fired when any keyboard key (or combination) is pressed into the editing area.
- * @name CKEDITOR#key
- * @event
- * @param {Number} data.keyCode A number representing the key code (or
- *		combination). It is the sum of the current key code and the
- *		{@link CKEDITOR.CTRL}, {@link CKEDITOR.SHIFT} and {@link CKEDITOR.ALT}
- *		constants, if those are pressed.
- */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/dialogs/anchor.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/dialogs/anchor.js
index 1d28b27..daa4660 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/dialogs/anchor.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/dialogs/anchor.js
@@ -1,99 +1,120 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'anchor', function( editor )
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'anchor', function( editor ) {
 	// Function called in onShow to load selected element.
-	var loadElements = function( editor, selection, element )
-	{
-		this.editMode = true;
-		this.editObj = element;
+	var loadElements = function( element ) {
+			this._.selectedElement = element;
-		var attributeValue = this.editObj.getAttribute( 'name' );
-		if ( attributeValue )
-			this.setValueOf( 'info','txtName', attributeValue );
-		else
-			this.setValueOf( 'info','txtName', "" );
-	};
+			var attributeValue = element.data( 'cke-saved-name' );
+			this.setValueOf( 'info', 'txtName', attributeValue || '' );
+		};
+	function createFakeAnchor( editor, anchor ) {
+		return editor.createFakeElement( anchor, 'cke_anchor', 'anchor' );
+	}
 	return {
-		title : editor.lang.anchor.title,
-		minWidth : 300,
-		minHeight : 60,
-		onOk : function()
-		{
-			// Always create a new anchor, because of IE BUG.
-			var name = this.getValueOf( 'info', 'txtName' ),
-				element = CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
-				editor.document.createElement( '<a name="' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( name ) + '">' ) :
-				editor.document.createElement( 'a' );
+		title: editor.lang.link.anchor.title,
+		minWidth: 300,
+		minHeight: 60,
+		onOk: function() {
+			var name = CKEDITOR.tools.trim( this.getValueOf( 'info', 'txtName' ) );
+			var attributes = {
+				id: name,
+				name: name,
+				'data-cke-saved-name': name
+			};
-			// Move contents and attributes of old anchor to new anchor.
-			if ( this.editMode )
-			{
-				this.editObj.copyAttributes( element, { name : 1 } );
-				this.editObj.moveChildren( element );
-			}
+			if ( this._.selectedElement ) {
+				if ( this._.selectedElement.data( 'cke-realelement' ) ) {
+					var newFake = createFakeAnchor( editor, editor.document.createElement( 'a', { attributes: attributes } ) );
+					newFake.replace( this._.selectedElement );
+				} else
+					this._.selectedElement.setAttributes( attributes );
+			} else {
+				var sel = editor.getSelection(),
+					range = sel && sel.getRanges()[ 0 ];
-			// Set name.
-			element.removeAttribute( '_cke_saved_name' );
-			element.setAttribute( 'name', name );
+				// Empty anchor
+				if ( range.collapsed ) {
+					if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.synAnchorSelector )
+						attributes[ 'class' ] = 'cke_anchor_empty';
-			// Insert a new anchor.
-			var fakeElement = editor.createFakeElement( element, 'cke_anchor', 'anchor' );
-			if ( !this.editMode )
-				editor.insertElement( fakeElement );
-			else
-			{
-				fakeElement.replace( this.fakeObj );
-				editor.getSelection().selectElement( fakeElement );
+					if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.emptyAnchorFix ) {
+						attributes[ 'contenteditable' ] = 'false';
+						attributes[ 'data-cke-editable' ] = 1;
+					}
+					var anchor = editor.document.createElement( 'a', { attributes: attributes } );
+					// Transform the anchor into a fake element for browsers that need it.
+					if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.fakeAnchor )
+						anchor = createFakeAnchor( editor, anchor );
+					range.insertNode( anchor );
+				} else {
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 9 )
+						attributes[ 'class' ] = 'cke_anchor';
+					// Apply style.
+					var style = new CKEDITOR.style({ element: 'a', attributes: attributes } );
+					style.type = CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE;
+					editor.applyStyle( style );
+				}
+		},
-			return true;
+		onHide: function() {
+			delete this._.selectedElement;
-		onShow : function()
-		{
-			this.editObj = false;
-			this.fakeObj = false;
-			this.editMode = false;
-			var selection = editor.getSelection();
-			var element = selection.getSelectedElement();
-			if ( element && element.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) && element.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) == 'anchor' )
-			{
-				this.fakeObj = element;
-				element = editor.restoreRealElement( this.fakeObj );
-				loadElements.apply( this, [ editor, selection, element ] );
-				selection.selectElement( this.fakeObj );
+		onShow: function() {
+			var selection = editor.getSelection(),
+				fullySelected = selection.getSelectedElement(),
+				partialSelected;
+			// Detect the anchor under selection.
+			if ( fullySelected ) {
+				if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.fakeAnchor ) {
+					var realElement = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor( editor, fullySelected );
+					realElement && loadElements.call( this, realElement );
+					this._.selectedElement = fullySelected;
+				} else if ( fullySelected.is( 'a' ) && fullySelected.hasAttribute( 'name' ) )
+					loadElements.call( this, fullySelected );
+			} else {
+				partialSelected = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getSelectedLink( editor );
+				if ( partialSelected ) {
+					loadElements.call( this, partialSelected );
+					selection.selectElement( partialSelected );
+				}
 			this.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtName' ).focus();
-		contents : [
+		contents: [
-				id : 'info',
-				label : editor.lang.anchor.title,
-				accessKey : 'I',
-				elements :
-				[
-					{
-						type : 'text',
-						id : 'txtName',
-						label : editor.lang.anchor.name,
-						required: true,
-						validate : function()
-						{
-							if ( !this.getValue() )
-							{
-								alert( editor.lang.anchor.errorName );
-								return false;
-							}
-							return true;
-						}
+			id: 'info',
+			label: editor.lang.link.anchor.title,
+			accessKey: 'I',
+			elements: [
+				{
+				type: 'text',
+				id: 'txtName',
+				label: editor.lang.link.anchor.name,
+				required: true,
+				validate: function() {
+					if ( !this.getValue() ) {
+						alert( editor.lang.link.anchor.errorName );
+						return false;
-				]
+					return true;
+				}
+			]
+		}
-} );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/dialogs/link.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/dialogs/link.js
index 204d863..d004aab 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/dialogs/link.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/dialogs/link.js
@@ -1,81 +1,75 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'link', function( editor )
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'link', function( editor ) {
 	var plugin = CKEDITOR.plugins.link;
 	// Handles the event when the "Target" selection box is changed.
-	var targetChanged = function()
-	{
-		var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-			popupFeatures = dialog.getContentElement( 'target', 'popupFeatures' ),
-			targetName = dialog.getContentElement( 'target', 'linkTargetName' ),
-			value = this.getValue();
-		if ( !popupFeatures || !targetName )
-			return;
-		popupFeatures = popupFeatures.getElement();
-		popupFeatures.hide();
-		targetName.setValue( '' );
-		switch ( value )
- 		{
-			case 'frame' :
-				targetName.setLabel( editor.lang.link.targetFrameName );
-				targetName.getElement().show();
-				break;
-			case 'popup' :
-				popupFeatures.show();
-				targetName.setLabel( editor.lang.link.targetPopupName );
-				targetName.getElement().show();
-				break;
-			default :
-				targetName.setValue( value );
-				targetName.getElement().hide();
-				break;
- 		}
+	var targetChanged = function() {
+			var dialog = this.getDialog(),
+				popupFeatures = dialog.getContentElement( 'target', 'popupFeatures' ),
+				targetName = dialog.getContentElement( 'target', 'linkTargetName' ),
+				value = this.getValue();
+			if ( !popupFeatures || !targetName )
+				return;
+			popupFeatures = popupFeatures.getElement();
+			popupFeatures.hide();
+			targetName.setValue( '' );
+			switch ( value ) {
+				case 'frame':
+					targetName.setLabel( editor.lang.link.targetFrameName );
+					targetName.getElement().show();
+					break;
+				case 'popup':
+					popupFeatures.show();
+					targetName.setLabel( editor.lang.link.targetPopupName );
+					targetName.getElement().show();
+					break;
+				default:
+					targetName.setValue( value );
+					targetName.getElement().hide();
+					break;
+			}
-	};
+		};
 	// Handles the event when the "Type" selection box is changed.
-	var linkTypeChanged = function()
-	{
-		var dialog = this.getDialog(),
-			partIds = [ 'urlOptions', 'anchorOptions', 'emailOptions' ],
-			typeValue = this.getValue(),
-			uploadTab = dialog.definition.getContents( 'upload' ),
-			uploadInitiallyHidden = uploadTab && uploadTab.hidden;
-		if ( typeValue == 'url' )
-		{
-			if ( editor.config.linkShowTargetTab )
-				dialog.showPage( 'target' );
-			if ( !uploadInitiallyHidden )
-				dialog.showPage( 'upload' );
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			dialog.hidePage( 'target' );
-			if ( !uploadInitiallyHidden )
-				dialog.hidePage( 'upload' );
-		}
+	var linkTypeChanged = function() {
+			var dialog = this.getDialog(),
+				partIds = [ 'urlOptions', 'anchorOptions', 'emailOptions' ],
+				typeValue = this.getValue(),
+				uploadTab = dialog.definition.getContents( 'upload' ),
+				uploadInitiallyHidden = uploadTab && uploadTab.hidden;
+			if ( typeValue == 'url' ) {
+				if ( editor.config.linkShowTargetTab )
+					dialog.showPage( 'target' );
+				if ( !uploadInitiallyHidden )
+					dialog.showPage( 'upload' );
+			} else {
+				dialog.hidePage( 'target' );
+				if ( !uploadInitiallyHidden )
+					dialog.hidePage( 'upload' );
+			}
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < partIds.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			var element = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', partIds[i] );
-			if ( !element )
-				continue;
+			for ( var i = 0; i < partIds.length; i++ ) {
+				var element = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', partIds[ i ] );
+				if ( !element )
+					continue;
-			element = element.getElement().getParent().getParent();
-			if ( partIds[i] == typeValue + 'Options' )
-				element.show();
-			else
-				element.hide();
-		}
-	};
+				element = element.getElement().getParent().getParent();
+				if ( partIds[ i ] == typeValue + 'Options' )
+					element.show();
+				else
+					element.hide();
+			}
+			dialog.layout();
+		};
 	// Loads the parameters in a selected link to the link dialog fields.
 	var javascriptProtocolRegex = /^javascript:/,
@@ -88,1054 +82,963 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'link', function( editor )
 		encodedEmailLinkRegex = /^javascript:void\(location\.href='mailto:'\+String\.fromCharCode\(([^)]+)\)(?:\+'(.*)')?\)$/,
 		functionCallProtectedEmailLinkRegex = /^javascript:([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)$/;
-	var popupRegex =
-		/\s*window.open\(\s*this\.href\s*,\s*(?:'([^']*)'|null)\s*,\s*'([^']*)'\s*\)\s*;\s*return\s*false;*\s*/;
+	var popupRegex = /\s*window.open\(\s*this\.href\s*,\s*(?:'([^']*)'|null)\s*,\s*'([^']*)'\s*\)\s*;\s*return\s*false;*\s*/;
 	var popupFeaturesRegex = /(?:^|,)([^=]+)=(\d+|yes|no)/gi;
-	var parseLink = function( editor, element )
-	{
-		var href = ( element  && ( element.getAttribute( '_cke_saved_href' ) || element.getAttribute( 'href' ) ) ) || '',
-		 	javascriptMatch,
-			emailMatch,
-			anchorMatch,
-			urlMatch,
-			retval = {};
-		if ( ( javascriptMatch = href.match( javascriptProtocolRegex ) ) )
-		{
-			if ( emailProtection == 'encode' )
-			{
-				href = href.replace( encodedEmailLinkRegex,
-						function ( match, protectedAddress, rest )
-						{
-							return 'mailto:' +
-							       String.fromCharCode.apply( String, protectedAddress.split( ',' ) ) +
-							       ( rest && unescapeSingleQuote( rest ) );
-						});
+	var parseLink = function( editor, element ) {
+			var href = ( element && ( element.data( 'cke-saved-href' ) || element.getAttribute( 'href' ) ) ) || '',
+				javascriptMatch, emailMatch, anchorMatch, urlMatch,
+				retval = {};
+			if ( ( javascriptMatch = href.match( javascriptProtocolRegex ) ) ) {
+				if ( emailProtection == 'encode' ) {
+					href = href.replace( encodedEmailLinkRegex, function( match, protectedAddress, rest ) {
+						return 'mailto:' +
+							String.fromCharCode.apply( String, protectedAddress.split( ',' ) ) +
+							( rest && unescapeSingleQuote( rest ) );
+					});
+				}
+				// Protected email link as function call.
+				else if ( emailProtection ) {
+					href.replace( functionCallProtectedEmailLinkRegex, function( match, funcName, funcArgs ) {
+						if ( funcName == compiledProtectionFunction.name ) {
+							retval.type = 'email';
+							var email = retval.email = {};
+							var paramRegex = /[^,\s]+/g,
+								paramQuoteRegex = /(^')|('$)/g,
+								paramsMatch = funcArgs.match( paramRegex ),
+								paramsMatchLength = paramsMatch.length,
+								paramName, paramVal;
+							for ( var i = 0; i < paramsMatchLength; i++ ) {
+								paramVal = decodeURIComponent( unescapeSingleQuote( paramsMatch[ i ].replace( paramQuoteRegex, '' ) ) );
+								paramName = compiledProtectionFunction.params[ i ].toLowerCase();
+								email[ paramName ] = paramVal;
+							}
+							email.address = [ email.name, email.domain ].join( '@' );
+						}
+					});
+				}
-			// Protected email link as function call.
-			else if ( emailProtection )
-			{
-				href.replace( functionCallProtectedEmailLinkRegex, function( match, funcName, funcArgs )
-				{
-					if ( funcName == compiledProtectionFunction.name )
-					{
-						retval.type = 'email';
-						var email = retval.email = {};
-						var paramRegex = /[^,\s]+/g,
-							paramQuoteRegex = /(^')|('$)/g,
-							paramsMatch = funcArgs.match( paramRegex ),
-							paramsMatchLength = paramsMatch.length,
-							paramName,
-							paramVal;
+			if ( !retval.type ) {
+				if ( ( anchorMatch = href.match( anchorRegex ) ) ) {
+					retval.type = 'anchor';
+					retval.anchor = {};
+					retval.anchor.name = retval.anchor.id = anchorMatch[ 1 ];
+				}
+				// Protected email link as encoded string.
+				else if ( ( emailMatch = href.match( emailRegex ) ) ) {
+					var subjectMatch = href.match( emailSubjectRegex ),
+						bodyMatch = href.match( emailBodyRegex );
+					retval.type = 'email';
+					var email = ( retval.email = {} );
+					email.address = emailMatch[ 1 ];
+					subjectMatch && ( email.subject = decodeURIComponent( subjectMatch[ 1 ] ) );
+					bodyMatch && ( email.body = decodeURIComponent( bodyMatch[ 1 ] ) );
+				}
+				// urlRegex matches empty strings, so need to check for href as well.
+				else if ( href && ( urlMatch = href.match( urlRegex ) ) ) {
+					retval.type = 'url';
+					retval.url = {};
+					retval.url.protocol = urlMatch[ 1 ];
+					retval.url.url = urlMatch[ 2 ];
+				} else
+					retval.type = 'url';
+			}
-						for ( var i = 0; i < paramsMatchLength; i++ )
-						{
-							paramVal = decodeURIComponent( unescapeSingleQuote( paramsMatch[ i ].replace( paramQuoteRegex, '' ) ) );
-							paramName = compiledProtectionFunction.params[ i ].toLowerCase();
-							email[ paramName ] = paramVal;
+			// Load target and popup settings.
+			if ( element ) {
+				var target = element.getAttribute( 'target' );
+				retval.target = {};
+				retval.adv = {};
+				// IE BUG: target attribute is an empty string instead of null in IE if it's not set.
+				if ( !target ) {
+					var onclick = element.data( 'cke-pa-onclick' ) || element.getAttribute( 'onclick' ),
+						onclickMatch = onclick && onclick.match( popupRegex );
+					if ( onclickMatch ) {
+						retval.target.type = 'popup';
+						retval.target.name = onclickMatch[ 1 ];
+						var featureMatch;
+						while ( ( featureMatch = popupFeaturesRegex.exec( onclickMatch[ 2 ] ) ) ) {
+							// Some values should remain numbers (#7300)
+							if ( ( featureMatch[ 2 ] == 'yes' || featureMatch[ 2 ] == '1' ) && !( featureMatch[ 1 ] in { height:1,width:1,top:1,left:1 } ) )
+								retval.target[ featureMatch[ 1 ] ] = true;
+							else if ( isFinite( featureMatch[ 2 ] ) )
+								retval.target[ featureMatch[ 1 ] ] = featureMatch[ 2 ];
-						email.address = [ email.name, email.domain ].join( '@' );
-				} );
-			}
-		}
-		if ( !retval.type )
-		{
-			if ( ( anchorMatch = href.match( anchorRegex ) ) )
-			{
-				retval.type = 'anchor';
-				retval.anchor = {};
-				retval.anchor.name = retval.anchor.id = anchorMatch[1];
-			}
-			// Protected email link as encoded string.
-			else if ( ( emailMatch = href.match( emailRegex ) ) )
-			{
-				var subjectMatch = href.match( emailSubjectRegex ),
-					bodyMatch = href.match( emailBodyRegex );
-				retval.type = 'email';
-				var email = ( retval.email = {} );
-				email.address = emailMatch[ 1 ];
-				subjectMatch && ( email.subject = decodeURIComponent( subjectMatch[ 1 ] ) );
-				bodyMatch && ( email.body = decodeURIComponent( bodyMatch[ 1 ] ) );
-			}
-			// urlRegex matches empty strings, so need to check for href as well.
-			else if (  href && ( urlMatch = href.match( urlRegex ) ) )
-			{
-				retval.type = 'url';
-				retval.url = {};
-				retval.url.protocol = urlMatch[1];
-				retval.url.url = urlMatch[2];
-			}
-			else
-				retval.type = 'url';
-		}
+				} else {
+					var targetMatch = target.match( selectableTargets );
+					if ( targetMatch )
+						retval.target.type = retval.target.name = target;
+					else {
+						retval.target.type = 'frame';
+						retval.target.name = target;
+					}
+				}
-		// Load target and popup settings.
-		if ( element )
-		{
-			var target = element.getAttribute( 'target' );
-			retval.target = {};
-			retval.adv = {};
+				var me = this;
+				var advAttr = function( inputName, attrName ) {
+						var value = element.getAttribute( attrName );
+						if ( value !== null )
+							retval.adv[ inputName ] = value || '';
+					};
+				advAttr( 'advId', 'id' );
+				advAttr( 'advLangDir', 'dir' );
+				advAttr( 'advAccessKey', 'accessKey' );
-			// IE BUG: target attribute is an empty string instead of null in IE if it's not set.
-			if ( !target )
-			{
-				var onclick = element.getAttribute( '_cke_pa_onclick' ) || element.getAttribute( 'onclick' ),
-					onclickMatch = onclick && onclick.match( popupRegex );
-				if ( onclickMatch )
-				{
-					retval.target.type = 'popup';
-					retval.target.name = onclickMatch[1];
+				retval.adv.advName = element.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || element.getAttribute( 'name' ) || '';
+				advAttr( 'advLangCode', 'lang' );
+				advAttr( 'advTabIndex', 'tabindex' );
+				advAttr( 'advTitle', 'title' );
+				advAttr( 'advContentType', 'type' );
+				CKEDITOR.plugins.link.synAnchorSelector ? retval.adv.advCSSClasses = getLinkClass( element ) : advAttr( 'advCSSClasses', 'class' );
+				advAttr( 'advCharset', 'charset' );
+				advAttr( 'advStyles', 'style' );
+				advAttr( 'advRel', 'rel' );
+			}
-					var featureMatch;
-					while ( ( featureMatch = popupFeaturesRegex.exec( onclickMatch[2] ) ) )
-					{
-						if ( featureMatch[2] == 'yes' || featureMatch[2] == '1' )
-							retval.target[ featureMatch[1] ] = true;
-						else if ( isFinite( featureMatch[2] ) )
-							retval.target[ featureMatch[1] ] = featureMatch[2];
-					}
+			// Find out whether we have any anchors in the editor.
+			var anchors = retval.anchors = [],
+				i, count, item;
+			// For some browsers we set contenteditable="false" on anchors, making document.anchors not to include them, so we must traverse the links manually (#7893).
+			if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.emptyAnchorFix ) {
+				var links = editor.document.getElementsByTag( 'a' );
+				for ( i = 0, count = links.count(); i < count; i++ ) {
+					item = links.getItem( i );
+					if ( item.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || item.hasAttribute( 'name' ) )
+						anchors.push({ name: item.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || item.getAttribute( 'name' ), id: item.getAttribute( 'id' ) } );
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				var targetMatch = target.match( selectableTargets );
-				if ( targetMatch )
-					retval.target.type = retval.target.name = target;
-				else
-				{
-					retval.target.type = 'frame';
-					retval.target.name = target;
+			} else {
+				var anchorList = new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList( editor.document.$.anchors );
+				for ( i = 0, count = anchorList.count(); i < count; i++ ) {
+					item = anchorList.getItem( i );
+					anchors[ i ] = { name: item.getAttribute( 'name' ), id: item.getAttribute( 'id' ) };
-			var me = this;
-			var advAttr = function( inputName, attrName )
-			{
-				var value = element.getAttribute( attrName );
-				if ( value !== null )
-					retval.adv[ inputName ] = value || '';
-			};
-			advAttr( 'advId', 'id' );
-			advAttr( 'advLangDir', 'dir' );
-			advAttr( 'advAccessKey', 'accessKey' );
-			advAttr( 'advName', 'name' );
-			advAttr( 'advLangCode', 'lang' );
-			advAttr( 'advTabIndex', 'tabindex' );
-			advAttr( 'advTitle', 'title' );
-			advAttr( 'advContentType', 'type' );
-			advAttr( 'advCSSClasses', 'class' );
-			advAttr( 'advCharset', 'charset' );
-			advAttr( 'advStyles', 'style' );
-		}
-		// Find out whether we have any anchors in the editor.
-		// Get all IMG elements in CK document.
-		var elements = editor.document.getElementsByTag( 'img' ),
-			realAnchors = new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList( editor.document.$.anchors ),
-			anchors = retval.anchors = [];
-		for ( var i = 0; i < elements.count() ; i++ )
-		{
-			var item = elements.getItem( i );
-			if ( item.getAttribute( '_cke_realelement' ) && item.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) == 'anchor' )
-			{
-				anchors.push( editor.restoreRealElement( item ) );
+			if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.fakeAnchor ) {
+				var imgs = editor.document.getElementsByTag( 'img' );
+				for ( i = 0, count = imgs.count(); i < count; i++ ) {
+					if ( ( item = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor( editor, imgs.getItem( i ) ) ) )
+						anchors.push({ name: item.getAttribute( 'name' ), id: item.getAttribute( 'id' ) } );
+				}
-		}
-		for ( i = 0 ; i < realAnchors.count() ; i++ )
-			anchors.push( realAnchors.getItem( i ) );
+			// Record down the selected element in the dialog.
+			this._.selectedElement = element;
+			return retval;
+		};
-		for ( i = 0 ; i < anchors.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			item = anchors[ i ];
-			anchors[ i ] = { name : item.getAttribute( 'name' ), id : item.getAttribute( 'id' ) };
-		}
+	var setupParams = function( page, data ) {
+			if ( data[ page ] )
+				this.setValue( data[ page ][ this.id ] || '' );
+		};
-		// Record down the selected element in the dialog.
-		this._.selectedElement = element;
+	var setupPopupParams = function( data ) {
+			return setupParams.call( this, 'target', data );
+		};
-		return retval;
-	};
+	var setupAdvParams = function( data ) {
+			return setupParams.call( this, 'adv', data );
+		};
-	var setupParams = function( page, data )
-	{
-		if ( data[page] )
-			this.setValue( data[page][this.id] || '' );
-	};
+	var commitParams = function( page, data ) {
+			if ( !data[ page ] )
+				data[ page ] = {};
-	var setupPopupParams = function( data )
-	{
-		return setupParams.call( this, 'target', data );
-	};
+			data[ page ][ this.id ] = this.getValue() || '';
+		};
-	var setupAdvParams = function( data )
-	{
-		return setupParams.call( this, 'adv', data );
-	};
+	var commitPopupParams = function( data ) {
+			return commitParams.call( this, 'target', data );
+		};
-	var commitParams = function( page, data )
-	{
-		if ( !data[page] )
-			data[page] = {};
+	var commitAdvParams = function( data ) {
+			return commitParams.call( this, 'adv', data );
+		};
-		data[page][this.id] = this.getValue() || '';
-	};
-	var commitPopupParams = function( data )
-	{
-		return commitParams.call( this, 'target', data );
-	};
-	var commitAdvParams = function( data )
-	{
-		return commitParams.call( this, 'adv', data );
-	};
-	function unescapeSingleQuote( str )
-	{
+	function unescapeSingleQuote( str ) {
 		return str.replace( /\\'/g, '\'' );
-	function escapeSingleQuote( str )
-	{
+	function escapeSingleQuote( str ) {
 		return str.replace( /'/g, '\\$&' );
 	var emailProtection = editor.config.emailProtection || '';
 	// Compile the protection function pattern.
-	if ( emailProtection && emailProtection != 'encode' )
-	{
+	if ( emailProtection && emailProtection != 'encode' ) {
 		var compiledProtectionFunction = {};
-		emailProtection.replace( /^([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)$/, function( match, funcName, params )
-		{
+		emailProtection.replace( /^([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)$/, function( match, funcName, params ) {
 			compiledProtectionFunction.name = funcName;
 			compiledProtectionFunction.params = [];
-			params.replace( /[^,\s]+/g, function( param )
-			{
+			params.replace( /[^,\s]+/g, function( param ) {
 				compiledProtectionFunction.params.push( param );
-			} );
-		} );
+			});
+		});
-	function protectEmailLinkAsFunction( email )
-	{
+	function protectEmailLinkAsFunction( email ) {
 		var retval,
 			name = compiledProtectionFunction.name,
 			params = compiledProtectionFunction.params,
-			paramName,
-			paramValue;
+			paramName, paramValue;
 		retval = [ name, '(' ];
-		for ( var i = 0; i < params.length; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( var i = 0; i < params.length; i++ ) {
 			paramName = params[ i ].toLowerCase();
 			paramValue = email[ paramName ];
 			i > 0 && retval.push( ',' );
-			retval.push( '\'',
-						 paramValue ?
-						 escapeSingleQuote( encodeURIComponent( email[ paramName ] ) )
-						 : '',
-						 '\'');
+			retval.push( '\'', paramValue ? escapeSingleQuote( encodeURIComponent( email[ paramName ] ) ) : '', '\'' );
 		retval.push( ')' );
 		return retval.join( '' );
-	function protectEmailAddressAsEncodedString( address )
-	{
+	function protectEmailAddressAsEncodedString( address ) {
 		var charCode,
 			length = address.length,
 			encodedChars = [];
-		for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
 			charCode = address.charCodeAt( i );
 			encodedChars.push( charCode );
 		return 'String.fromCharCode(' + encodedChars.join( ',' ) + ')';
+	function getLinkClass( ele ) {
+		var className = ele.getAttribute( 'class' );
+		return className ? className.replace( /\s*(?:cke_anchor_empty|cke_anchor)(?:\s*$)?/g, '' ) : '';
+	}
+	var commonLang = editor.lang.common,
+		linkLang = editor.lang.link;
 	return {
-		title : editor.lang.link.title,
-		minWidth : 350,
-		minHeight : 230,
-		contents : [
+		title: linkLang.title,
+		minWidth: 350,
+		minHeight: 230,
+		contents: [
-				id : 'info',
-				label : editor.lang.link.info,
-				title : editor.lang.link.info,
-				elements :
-				[
+			id: 'info',
+			label: linkLang.info,
+			title: linkLang.info,
+			elements: [
+				{
+				id: 'linkType',
+				type: 'select',
+				label: linkLang.type,
+				'default': 'url',
+				items: [
+					[ linkLang.toUrl, 'url' ],
+					[ linkLang.toAnchor, 'anchor' ],
+					[ linkLang.toEmail, 'email' ]
+					],
+				onChange: linkTypeChanged,
+				setup: function( data ) {
+					if ( data.type )
+						this.setValue( data.type );
+				},
+				commit: function( data ) {
+					data.type = this.getValue();
+				}
+			},
+				{
+				type: 'vbox',
+				id: 'urlOptions',
+				children: [
-						id : 'linkType',
-						type : 'select',
-						label : editor.lang.link.type,
-						'default' : 'url',
-						items :
-						[
-							[ editor.lang.link.toUrl, 'url' ],
-							[ editor.lang.link.toAnchor, 'anchor' ],
-							[ editor.lang.link.toEmail, 'email' ]
-						],
-						onChange : linkTypeChanged,
-						setup : function( data )
+					type: 'hbox',
+					widths: [ '25%', '75%' ],
+					children: [
-							if ( data.type )
-								this.setValue( data.type );
+						id: 'protocol',
+						type: 'select',
+						label: commonLang.protocol,
+						'default': 'http://',
+						items: [
+							// Force 'ltr' for protocol names in BIDI. (#5433)
+							[ 'http://\u200E', 'http://' ],
+							[ 'https://\u200E', 'https://' ],
+							[ 'ftp://\u200E', 'ftp://' ],
+							[ 'news://\u200E', 'news://' ],
+							[ linkLang.other, '' ]
+							],
+						setup: function( data ) {
+							if ( data.url )
+								this.setValue( data.url.protocol || '' );
-						commit : function( data )
-						{
-							data.type = this.getValue();
+						commit: function( data ) {
+							if ( !data.url )
+								data.url = {};
+							data.url.protocol = this.getValue();
+						{
+						type: 'text',
+						id: 'url',
+						label: commonLang.url,
+						required: true,
+						onLoad: function() {
+							this.allowOnChange = true;
+						},
+						onKeyUp: function() {
+							this.allowOnChange = false;
+							var protocolCmb = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'protocol' ),
+								url = this.getValue(),
+								urlOnChangeProtocol = /^(http|https|ftp|news):\/\/(?=.)/i,
+								urlOnChangeTestOther = /^((javascript:)|[#\/\.\?])/i;
+							var protocol = urlOnChangeProtocol.exec( url );
+							if ( protocol ) {
+								this.setValue( url.substr( protocol[ 0 ].length ) );
+								protocolCmb.setValue( protocol[ 0 ].toLowerCase() );
+							} else if ( urlOnChangeTestOther.test( url ) )
+								protocolCmb.setValue( '' );
+							this.allowOnChange = true;
+						},
+						onChange: function() {
+							if ( this.allowOnChange ) // Dont't call on dialog load.
+							this.onKeyUp();
+						},
+						validate: function() {
+							var dialog = this.getDialog();
+							if ( dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) && dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'linkType' ) != 'url' )
+								return true;
+							if ( (/javascript\:/).test( this.getValue() ) ) {
+								alert( commonLang.invalidValue );
+								return false;
+							}
+							if ( this.getDialog().fakeObj ) // Edit Anchor.
+							return true;
+							var func = CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( linkLang.noUrl );
+							return func.apply( this );
+						},
+						setup: function( data ) {
+							this.allowOnChange = false;
+							if ( data.url )
+								this.setValue( data.url.url );
+							this.allowOnChange = true;
+						},
+						commit: function( data ) {
+							// IE will not trigger the onChange event if the mouse has been used
+							// to carry all the operations #4724
+							this.onChange();
+							if ( !data.url )
+								data.url = {};
+							data.url.url = this.getValue();
+							this.allowOnChange = false;
+						}
+					}
+					],
+					setup: function( data ) {
+						if ( !this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) )
+							this.getElement().show();
+					}
+				},
-						type : 'vbox',
-						id : 'urlOptions',
-						children :
-						[
+					type: 'button',
+					id: 'browse',
+					hidden: 'true',
+					filebrowser: 'info:url',
+					label: commonLang.browseServer
+				}
+				]
+			},
+				{
+				type: 'vbox',
+				id: 'anchorOptions',
+				width: 260,
+				align: 'center',
+				padding: 0,
+				children: [
+					{
+					type: 'fieldset',
+					id: 'selectAnchorText',
+					label: linkLang.selectAnchor,
+					setup: function( data ) {
+						if ( data.anchors.length > 0 )
+							this.getElement().show();
+						else
+							this.getElement().hide();
+					},
+					children: [
+						{
+						type: 'hbox',
+						id: 'selectAnchor',
+						children: [
-								type : 'hbox',
-								widths : [ '25%', '75%' ],
-								children :
-								[
-									{
-										id : 'protocol',
-										type : 'select',
-										label : editor.lang.common.protocol,
-										'default' : 'http://',
-										items :
-										[
-											// Force 'ltr' for protocol names in BIDI. (#5433)
-											[ 'http://\u200E', 'http://' ],
-											[ 'https://\u200E', 'https://' ],
-											[ 'ftp://\u200E', 'ftp://' ],
-											[ 'news://\u200E', 'news://' ],
-											[ editor.lang.link.other , '' ]
-										],
-										setup : function( data )
-										{
-											if ( data.url )
-												this.setValue( data.url.protocol || '' );
-										},
-										commit : function( data )
-										{
-											if ( !data.url )
-												data.url = {};
-											data.url.protocol = this.getValue();
-										}
-									},
-									{
-										type : 'text',
-										id : 'url',
-										label : editor.lang.common.url,
-										required: true,
-										onLoad : function ()
-										{
-											this.allowOnChange = true;
-										},
-										onKeyUp : function()
-										{
-											this.allowOnChange = false;
-											var	protocolCmb = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'protocol' ),
-												url = this.getValue(),
-												urlOnChangeProtocol = /^(http|https|ftp|news):\/\/(?=.)/gi,
-												urlOnChangeTestOther = /^((javascript:)|[#\/\.\?])/gi;
-											var protocol = urlOnChangeProtocol.exec( url );
-											if ( protocol )
-											{
-												this.setValue( url.substr( protocol[ 0 ].length ) );
-												protocolCmb.setValue( protocol[ 0 ].toLowerCase() );
-											}
-											else if ( urlOnChangeTestOther.test( url ) )
-												protocolCmb.setValue( '' );
-											this.allowOnChange = true;
-										},
-										onChange : function()
-										{
-											if ( this.allowOnChange )		// Dont't call on dialog load.
-												this.onKeyUp();
-										},
-										validate : function()
-										{
-											var dialog = this.getDialog();
-											if ( dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) &&
-													dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'linkType' ) != 'url' )
-												return true;
-											if ( this.getDialog().fakeObj )	// Edit Anchor.
-												return true;
-											var func = CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( editor.lang.link.noUrl );
-											return func.apply( this );
-										},
-										setup : function( data )
-										{
-											this.allowOnChange = false;
-											if ( data.url )
-												this.setValue( data.url.url );
-											this.allowOnChange = true;
-										},
-										commit : function( data )
-										{
-											// IE will not trigger the onChange event if the mouse has been used
-											// to carry all the operations #4724
-											this.onChange();
-											if ( !data.url )
-												data.url = {};
-											data.url.url = this.getValue();
-											this.allowOnChange = false;
-										}
-									}
+							type: 'select',
+							id: 'anchorName',
+							'default': '',
+							label: linkLang.anchorName,
+							style: 'width: 100%;',
+							items: [
+								[ '' ]
-								setup : function( data )
-								{
-									if ( !this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) )
-										this.getElement().show();
+							setup: function( data ) {
+								this.clear();
+								this.add( '' );
+								for ( var i = 0; i < data.anchors.length; i++ ) {
+									if ( data.anchors[ i ].name )
+										this.add( data.anchors[ i ].name );
+								if ( data.anchor )
+									this.setValue( data.anchor.name );
+								var linkType = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' );
+								if ( linkType && linkType.getValue() == 'email' )
+									this.focus();
-							{
-								type : 'button',
-								id : 'browse',
-								hidden : 'true',
-								filebrowser : 'info:url',
-								label : editor.lang.common.browseServer
+							commit: function( data ) {
+								if ( !data.anchor )
+									data.anchor = {};
+								data.anchor.name = this.getValue();
-						]
-					},
-					{
-						type : 'vbox',
-						id : 'anchorOptions',
-						width : 260,
-						align : 'center',
-						padding : 0,
-						children :
-						[
-							{
-								type : 'fieldset',
-								id : 'selectAnchorText',
-								label : editor.lang.link.selectAnchor,
-								setup : function( data )
-								{
-									if ( data.anchors.length > 0 )
-										this.getElement().show();
-									else
-										this.getElement().hide();
-								},
-								children :
-								[
-									{
-										type : 'hbox',
-										id : 'selectAnchor',
-										children :
-										[
-											{
-												type : 'select',
-												id : 'anchorName',
-												'default' : '',
-												label : editor.lang.link.anchorName,
-												style : 'width: 100%;',
-												items :
-												[
-													[ '' ]
-												],
-												setup : function( data )
-												{
-													this.clear();
-													this.add( '' );
-													for ( var i = 0 ; i < data.anchors.length ; i++ )
-													{
-														if ( data.anchors[i].name )
-															this.add( data.anchors[i].name );
-													}
-													if ( data.anchor )
-														this.setValue( data.anchor.name );
-													var linkType = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' );
-													if ( linkType && linkType.getValue() == 'email' )
-														this.focus();
-												},
-												commit : function( data )
-												{
-													if ( !data.anchor )
-														data.anchor = {};
-													data.anchor.name = this.getValue();
-												}
-											},
-											{
-												type : 'select',
-												id : 'anchorId',
-												'default' : '',
-												label : editor.lang.link.anchorId,
-												style : 'width: 100%;',
-												items :
-												[
-													[ '' ]
-												],
-												setup : function( data )
-												{
-													this.clear();
-													this.add( '' );
-													for ( var i = 0 ; i < data.anchors.length ; i++ )
-													{
-														if ( data.anchors[i].id )
-															this.add( data.anchors[i].id );
-													}
-													if ( data.anchor )
-														this.setValue( data.anchor.id );
-												},
-												commit : function( data )
-												{
-													if ( !data.anchor )
-														data.anchor = {};
-													data.anchor.id = this.getValue();
-												}
-											}
-										],
-										setup : function( data )
-										{
-											if ( data.anchors.length > 0 )
-												this.getElement().show();
-											else
-												this.getElement().hide();
-										}
-									}
-								]
-							},
+						},
-								type : 'html',
-								id : 'noAnchors',
-								style : 'text-align: center;',
-								html : '<div role="label" tabIndex="-1">' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.link.noAnchors ) + '</div>',
-								// Focus the first element defined in above html.
-								focus : true,
-								setup : function( data )
-								{
-									if ( data.anchors.length < 1 )
-										this.getElement().show();
-									else
-										this.getElement().hide();
+							type: 'select',
+							id: 'anchorId',
+							'default': '',
+							label: linkLang.anchorId,
+							style: 'width: 100%;',
+							items: [
+								[ '' ]
+								],
+							setup: function( data ) {
+								this.clear();
+								this.add( '' );
+								for ( var i = 0; i < data.anchors.length; i++ ) {
+									if ( data.anchors[ i ].id )
+										this.add( data.anchors[ i ].id );
+								if ( data.anchor )
+									this.setValue( data.anchor.id );
+							},
+							commit: function( data ) {
+								if ( !data.anchor )
+									data.anchor = {};
+								data.anchor.id = this.getValue();
+						}
-						setup : function( data )
-						{
-							if ( !this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) )
+						setup: function( data ) {
+							if ( data.anchors.length > 0 )
+								this.getElement().show();
+							else
+					}
+					]
+				},
+					{
+					type: 'html',
+					id: 'noAnchors',
+					style: 'text-align: center;',
+					html: '<div role="note" tabIndex="-1">' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( linkLang.noAnchors ) + '</div>',
+					// Focus the first element defined in above html.
+					focus: true,
+					setup: function( data ) {
+						if ( data.anchors.length < 1 )
+							this.getElement().show();
+						else
+							this.getElement().hide();
+					}
+				}
+				],
+				setup: function( data ) {
+					if ( !this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) )
+						this.getElement().hide();
+				}
+			},
+				{
+				type: 'vbox',
+				id: 'emailOptions',
+				padding: 1,
+				children: [
+					{
+					type: 'text',
+					id: 'emailAddress',
+					label: linkLang.emailAddress,
+					required: true,
+					validate: function() {
+						var dialog = this.getDialog();
+						if ( !dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) || dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'linkType' ) != 'email' )
+							return true;
+						var func = CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( linkLang.noEmail );
+						return func.apply( this );
+					setup: function( data ) {
+						if ( data.email )
+							this.setValue( data.email.address );
+						var linkType = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' );
+						if ( linkType && linkType.getValue() == 'email' )
+							this.select();
+					},
+					commit: function( data ) {
+						if ( !data.email )
+							data.email = {};
+						data.email.address = this.getValue();
+					}
+				},
-						type :  'vbox',
-						id : 'emailOptions',
-						padding : 1,
-						children :
-						[
-							{
-								type : 'text',
-								id : 'emailAddress',
-								label : editor.lang.link.emailAddress,
-								required : true,
-								validate : function()
-								{
-									var dialog = this.getDialog();
-									if ( !dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) ||
-											dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'linkType' ) != 'email' )
-										return true;
-									var func = CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( editor.lang.link.noEmail );
-									return func.apply( this );
-								},
-								setup : function( data )
-								{
-									if ( data.email )
-										this.setValue( data.email.address );
-									var linkType = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' );
-									if ( linkType && linkType.getValue() == 'email' )
-										this.select();
-								},
-								commit : function( data )
-								{
-									if ( !data.email )
-										data.email = {};
-									data.email.address = this.getValue();
-								}
-							},
-							{
-								type : 'text',
-								id : 'emailSubject',
-								label : editor.lang.link.emailSubject,
-								setup : function( data )
-								{
-									if ( data.email )
-										this.setValue( data.email.subject );
-								},
-								commit : function( data )
-								{
-									if ( !data.email )
-										data.email = {};
-									data.email.subject = this.getValue();
-								}
-							},
-							{
-								type : 'textarea',
-								id : 'emailBody',
-								label : editor.lang.link.emailBody,
-								rows : 3,
-								'default' : '',
-								setup : function( data )
-								{
-									if ( data.email )
-										this.setValue( data.email.body );
-								},
-								commit : function( data )
-								{
-									if ( !data.email )
-										data.email = {};
-									data.email.body = this.getValue();
-								}
-							}
+					type: 'text',
+					id: 'emailSubject',
+					label: linkLang.emailSubject,
+					setup: function( data ) {
+						if ( data.email )
+							this.setValue( data.email.subject );
+					},
+					commit: function( data ) {
+						if ( !data.email )
+							data.email = {};
+						data.email.subject = this.getValue();
+					}
+				},
+					{
+					type: 'textarea',
+					id: 'emailBody',
+					label: linkLang.emailBody,
+					rows: 3,
+					'default': '',
+					setup: function( data ) {
+						if ( data.email )
+							this.setValue( data.email.body );
+					},
+					commit: function( data ) {
+						if ( !data.email )
+							data.email = {};
+						data.email.body = this.getValue();
+					}
+				}
+				],
+				setup: function( data ) {
+					if ( !this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) )
+						this.getElement().hide();
+				}
+			}
+			]
+		},
+			{
+			id: 'target',
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+						[ commonLang.notSet, 'notSet' ],
+						[ linkLang.targetFrame, 'frame' ],
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+						[ commonLang.targetNew, '_blank' ],
+						[ commonLang.targetTop, '_top' ],
+						[ commonLang.targetSelf, '_self' ],
+						[ commonLang.targetParent, '_parent' ]
-						setup : function( data )
-						{
-							if ( !this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) )
-								this.getElement().hide();
-						}
+					onChange: targetChanged,
+					setup: function( data ) {
+						if ( data.target )
+							this.setValue( data.target.type || 'notSet' );
+						targetChanged.call( this );
+					},
+					commit: function( data ) {
+						if ( !data.target )
+							data.target = {};
+						data.target.type = this.getValue();
+					}
+				},
+					{
+					type: 'text',
+					id: 'linkTargetName',
+					label: linkLang.targetFrameName,
+					'default': '',
+					setup: function( data ) {
+						if ( data.target )
+							this.setValue( data.target.name );
+					},
+					commit: function( data ) {
+						if ( !data.target )
+							data.target = {};
+						data.target.name = this.getValue().replace( /\W/gi, '' );
+				}
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-				title : editor.lang.link.target,
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-									[ editor.lang.common.notSet, 'notSet' ],
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-									[ editor.lang.link.targetPopup, 'popup' ],
-									[ editor.lang.common.targetNew, '_blank' ],
-									[ editor.lang.common.targetTop, '_top' ],
-									[ editor.lang.common.targetSelf, '_self' ],
-									[ editor.lang.common.targetParent, '_parent' ]
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-								setup : function( data )
-								{
-									if ( data.target )
-										this.setValue( data.target.type );
-									targetChanged.call( this );
-								},
-								commit : function( data )
-								{
-									if ( !data.target )
-										data.target = {};
-									data.target.type = this.getValue();
-								}
-							},
+							type: 'checkbox',
+							id: 'resizable',
+							label: linkLang.popupResizable,
+							setup: setupPopupParams,
+							commit: commitPopupParams
+						},
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-								id : 'linkTargetName',
-								label : editor.lang.link.targetFrameName,
-								'default' : '',
-								setup : function( data )
-								{
-									if ( data.target )
-										this.setValue( data.target.name );
-								},
-								commit : function( data )
-								{
-									if ( !data.target )
-										data.target = {};
-									data.target.name = this.getValue().replace(/\W/gi, '');
-								}
-							}
+							type: 'checkbox',
+							id: 'status',
+							label: linkLang.popupStatusBar,
+							setup: setupPopupParams,
+							commit: commitPopupParams
+						}
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-												commit : commitPopupParams
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-												commit : commitPopupParams
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-												commit : commitPopupParams
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-												commit : commitPopupParams
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+							commit: commitPopupParams
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+							type: 'checkbox',
+							id: 'toolbar',
+							label: linkLang.popupToolbar,
+							setup: setupPopupParams,
+							commit: commitPopupParams
+						}
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+							type: 'checkbox',
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+							label: linkLang.popupFullScreen,
+							setup: setupPopupParams,
+							commit: commitPopupParams
+						}
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+							commit: commitPopupParams
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+							type: 'checkbox',
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+							setup: setupPopupParams,
+							commit: commitPopupParams
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+							commit: commitPopupParams
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+							commit: commitPopupParams
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+							commit: commitPopupParams
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+							type: 'text',
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+							label: linkLang.popupTop,
+							widths: [ '50%', '50%' ],
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+							commit: commitPopupParams
+						}
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+			id: 'upload',
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+			title: linkLang.upload,
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+				type: 'file',
+				id: 'upload',
+				label: commonLang.upload,
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+				type: 'fileButton',
+				id: 'uploadButton',
+				label: commonLang.uploadSubmit,
+				filebrowser: 'info:url',
+				'for': [ 'upload', 'upload' ]
+			}
+			]
+		},
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-				title : editor.lang.link.upload,
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-				filebrowser : 'uploadButton',
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+			id: 'advanced',
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+			title: linkLang.advanced,
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-						style: 'height:40px',
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+						type: 'text',
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+						setup: setupAdvParams,
+						commit: commitAdvParams
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+						type: 'select',
+						id: 'advLangDir',
+						label: linkLang.langDir,
+						'default': '',
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+							[ commonLang.notSet, '' ],
+							[ linkLang.langDirLTR, 'ltr' ],
+							[ linkLang.langDirRTL, 'rtl' ]
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+						commit: commitAdvParams
+						{
+						type: 'text',
+						id: 'advAccessKey',
+						width: '80px',
+						label: linkLang.acccessKey,
+						maxLength: 1,
+						setup: setupAdvParams,
+						commit: commitAdvParams
+					}
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-						label : editor.lang.common.uploadSubmit,
-						filebrowser : 'info:url',
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+						type: 'text',
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+						id: 'advName',
+						setup: setupAdvParams,
+						commit: commitAdvParams
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+						type: 'text',
+						label: linkLang.langCode,
+						id: 'advLangCode',
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+						'default': '',
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+						commit: commitAdvParams
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+						type: 'text',
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+						id: 'advTabIndex',
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+						maxLength: 5,
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+						commit: commitAdvParams
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-				label : editor.lang.link.advanced,
-				title : editor.lang.link.advanced,
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-										commit : commitAdvParams
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-										label : editor.lang.link.langDir,
-										'default' : '',
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-											[ editor.lang.common.notSet, '' ],
-											[ editor.lang.link.langDirLTR, 'ltr' ],
-											[ editor.lang.link.langDirRTL, 'rtl' ]
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-										commit : commitAdvParams
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-										commit : commitAdvParams
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-										commit : commitAdvParams
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-										type : 'text',
-										label : editor.lang.link.langCode,
-										id : 'advLangCode',
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-										commit : commitAdvParams
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-										id : 'advTabIndex',
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-										commit : commitAdvParams
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+						type: 'text',
+						label: linkLang.advisoryContentType,
+						'default': '',
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+						commit: commitAdvParams
+					}
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-										commit : commitAdvParams
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-										type : 'text',
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-										'default' : '',
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-										commit : commitAdvParams
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-										commit : commitAdvParams
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-										commit : commitAdvParams
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-										commit : commitAdvParams
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+					type: 'hbox',
+					widths: [ '45%', '55%' ],
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+						'default': '',
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+						commit: commitAdvParams
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'text',
+						label: linkLang.charset,
+						'default': '',
+						id: 'advCharset',
+						setup: setupAdvParams,
+						commit: commitAdvParams
+					]
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+					type: 'hbox',
+					widths: [ '45%', '55%' ],
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+						{
+						type: 'text',
+						label: linkLang.rel,
+						'default': '',
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+						setup: setupAdvParams,
+						commit: commitAdvParams
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'text',
+						label: linkLang.styles,
+						'default': '',
+						id: 'advStyles',
+						validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.inlineStyle( editor.lang.common.invalidInlineStyle ),
+						setup: setupAdvParams,
+						commit: commitAdvParams
+					}
+					]
+				}
+			]
+		}
-		onShow : function()
-		{
-			this.fakeObj = false;
+		onShow: function() {
 			var editor = this.getParentEditor(),
 				selection = editor.getSelection(),
 				element = null;
@@ -1143,145 +1046,132 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'link', function( editor )
 			// Fill in all the relevant fields if there's already one link selected.
 			if ( ( element = plugin.getSelectedLink( editor ) ) && element.hasAttribute( 'href' ) )
 				selection.selectElement( element );
-			else if ( ( element = selection.getSelectedElement() ) && element.is( 'img' )
-					&& element.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' )
-					&& element.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) == 'anchor' )
-			{
-				this.fakeObj = element;
-				element = editor.restoreRealElement( this.fakeObj );
-				selection.selectElement( this.fakeObj );
-			}
 				element = null;
 			this.setupContent( parseLink.apply( this, [ editor, element ] ) );
-		onOk : function()
-		{
-			var attributes = { href : 'javascript:void(0)/*' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber() + '*/' },
+		onOk: function() {
+			var attributes = {},
 				removeAttributes = [],
-				data = { href : attributes.href },
+				data = {},
 				me = this,
 				editor = this.getParentEditor();
 			this.commitContent( data );
 			// Compose the URL.
-			switch ( data.type || 'url' )
-			{
+			switch ( data.type || 'url' ) {
 				case 'url':
 					var protocol = ( data.url && data.url.protocol != undefined ) ? data.url.protocol : 'http://',
-						url = ( data.url && data.url.url ) || '';
-					attributes._cke_saved_href = ( url.indexOf( '/' ) === 0 ) ? url : protocol + url;
+						url = ( data.url && CKEDITOR.tools.trim( data.url.url ) ) || '';
+					attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] = ( url.indexOf( '/' ) === 0 ) ? url : protocol + url;
 				case 'anchor':
 					var name = ( data.anchor && data.anchor.name ),
 						id = ( data.anchor && data.anchor.id );
-					attributes._cke_saved_href = '#' + ( name || id || '' );
+					attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] = '#' + ( name || id || '' );
 				case 'email':
 					var linkHref,
-						email = data.email,
+					email = data.email,
 						address = email.address;
-					switch( emailProtection )
-					{
-						case '' :
-						case 'encode' :
-						{
-							var subject = encodeURIComponent( email.subject || '' ),
-								body = encodeURIComponent( email.body || '' );
-							// Build the e-mail parameters first.
-							var argList = [];
-							subject && argList.push( 'subject=' + subject );
-							body && argList.push( 'body=' + body );
-							argList = argList.length ? '?' + argList.join( '&' ) : '';
-							if ( emailProtection == 'encode' )
+					switch ( emailProtection ) {
+						case '':
+						case 'encode':
-								linkHref = [ 'javascript:void(location.href=\'mailto:\'+',
-											 protectEmailAddressAsEncodedString( address ) ];
-								// parameters are optional.
-								argList && linkHref.push( '+\'', escapeSingleQuote( argList ), '\'' );
-								linkHref.push( ')' );
+								var subject = encodeURIComponent( email.subject || '' ),
+									body = encodeURIComponent( email.body || '' );
+								// Build the e-mail parameters first.
+								var argList = [];
+								subject && argList.push( 'subject=' + subject );
+								body && argList.push( 'body=' + body );
+								argList = argList.length ? '?' + argList.join( '&' ) : '';
+								if ( emailProtection == 'encode' ) {
+									linkHref = [ 'javascript:void(location.href=\'mailto:\'+',
+																															protectEmailAddressAsEncodedString( address ) ];
+									// parameters are optional.
+									argList && linkHref.push( '+\'', escapeSingleQuote( argList ), '\'' );
+									linkHref.push( ')' );
+								} else
+									linkHref = [ 'mailto:', address, argList ];
+								break;
-							else
-								linkHref = [ 'mailto:', address, argList ];
-							break;
-						}
-						default :
-						{
-							// Separating name and domain.
-							var nameAndDomain = address.split( '@', 2 );
-							email.name = nameAndDomain[ 0 ];
-							email.domain = nameAndDomain[ 1 ];
+						default:
+							{
+								// Separating name and domain.
+								var nameAndDomain = address.split( '@', 2 );
+								email.name = nameAndDomain[ 0 ];
+								email.domain = nameAndDomain[ 1 ];
-							linkHref = [ 'javascript:', protectEmailLinkAsFunction( email ) ];
-						}
+								linkHref = [ 'javascript:', protectEmailLinkAsFunction( email ) ];
+							}
-					attributes._cke_saved_href = linkHref.join( '' );
+					attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] = linkHref.join( '' );
 			// Popups and target.
-			if ( data.target )
-			{
-				if ( data.target.type == 'popup' )
-				{
+			if ( data.target ) {
+				if ( data.target.type == 'popup' ) {
 					var onclickList = [ 'window.open(this.href, \'',
-							data.target.name || '', '\', \'' ];
+																			data.target.name || '', '\', \'' ];
 					var featureList = [ 'resizable', 'status', 'location', 'toolbar', 'menubar', 'fullscreen',
-							'scrollbars', 'dependent' ];
+																			'scrollbars', 'dependent' ];
 					var featureLength = featureList.length;
-					var addFeature = function( featureName )
-					{
-						if ( data.target[ featureName ] )
-							featureList.push( featureName + '=' + data.target[ featureName ] );
-					};
+					var addFeature = function( featureName ) {
+							if ( data.target[ featureName ] )
+								featureList.push( featureName + '=' + data.target[ featureName ] );
+						};
-					for ( var i = 0 ; i < featureLength ; i++ )
-						featureList[i] = featureList[i] + ( data.target[ featureList[i] ] ? '=yes' : '=no' ) ;
+					for ( var i = 0; i < featureLength; i++ )
+						featureList[ i ] = featureList[ i ] + ( data.target[ featureList[ i ] ] ? '=yes' : '=no' );
 					addFeature( 'width' );
 					addFeature( 'left' );
 					addFeature( 'height' );
 					addFeature( 'top' );
 					onclickList.push( featureList.join( ',' ), '\'); return false;' );
-					attributes[ '_cke_pa_onclick' ] = onclickList.join( '' );
-				}
-				else
-				{
+					attributes[ 'data-cke-pa-onclick' ] = onclickList.join( '' );
+					// Add the "target" attribute. (#5074)
+					removeAttributes.push( 'target' );
+				} else {
 					if ( data.target.type != 'notSet' && data.target.name )
 						attributes.target = data.target.name;
 						removeAttributes.push( 'target' );
-					removeAttributes.push( '_cke_pa_onclick', 'onclick' );
+					removeAttributes.push( 'data-cke-pa-onclick', 'onclick' );
 			// Advanced attributes.
-			if ( data.adv )
-			{
-				var advAttr = function( inputName, attrName )
-				{
-					var value = data.adv[ inputName ];
-					if ( value )
-						attributes[attrName] = value;
-					else
-						removeAttributes.push( attrName );
-				};
+			if ( data.adv ) {
+				var advAttr = function( inputName, attrName ) {
+						var value = data.adv[ inputName ];
+						if ( value )
+							attributes[ attrName ] = value;
+						else
+							removeAttributes.push( attrName );
+					};
-				if ( this._.selectedElement )
-					advAttr( 'advId', 'id' );
+				advAttr( 'advId', 'id' );
 				advAttr( 'advLangDir', 'dir' );
 				advAttr( 'advAccessKey', 'accessKey' );
-				advAttr( 'advName', 'name' );
+				if ( data.adv[ 'advName' ] )
+					attributes[ 'name' ] = attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-name' ] = data.adv[ 'advName' ];
+				else
+					removeAttributes = removeAttributes.concat( [ 'data-cke-saved-name', 'name' ] );
 				advAttr( 'advLangCode', 'lang' );
 				advAttr( 'advTabIndex', 'tabindex' );
 				advAttr( 'advTitle', 'title' );
@@ -1289,103 +1179,65 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'link', function( editor )
 				advAttr( 'advCSSClasses', 'class' );
 				advAttr( 'advCharset', 'charset' );
 				advAttr( 'advStyles', 'style' );
+				advAttr( 'advRel', 'rel' );
-			if ( !this._.selectedElement )
-			{
-				// Create element if current selection is collapsed.
-				var selection = editor.getSelection(),
-					ranges = selection.getRanges( true );
-				if ( ranges.length == 1 && ranges[0].collapsed )
-				{
+			var selection = editor.getSelection();
+			// Browser need the "href" fro copy/paste link to work. (#6641)
+			attributes.href = attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ];
+			if ( !this._.selectedElement ) {
+				var range = selection.getRanges( 1 )[ 0 ];
+				// Use link URL as text with a collapsed cursor.
+				if ( range.collapsed ) {
 					// Short mailto link text view (#5736).
-					var text = new CKEDITOR.dom.text( data.type == 'email' ?
-							data.email.address : attributes._cke_saved_href, editor.document );
-					ranges[0].insertNode( text );
-					ranges[0].selectNodeContents( text );
-					selection.selectRanges( ranges );
+					var text = new CKEDITOR.dom.text( data.type == 'email' ? data.email.address : attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ], editor.document );
+					range.insertNode( text );
+					range.selectNodeContents( text );
 				// Apply style.
-				var style = new CKEDITOR.style( { element : 'a', attributes : attributes } );
-				style.type = CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE;		// need to override... dunno why.
-				style.apply( editor.document );
-				// Id. Apply only to the first link.
-				if ( data.adv && data.adv.advId )
-				{
-					var links = this.getParentEditor().document.$.getElementsByTagName( 'a' );
-					for ( i = 0 ; i < links.length ; i++ )
-					{
-						if ( links[i].href == attributes.href )
-						{
-							links[i].id = data.adv.advId;
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
+				var style = new CKEDITOR.style({ element: 'a', attributes: attributes } );
+				style.type = CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE; // need to override... dunno why.
+				style.applyToRange( range );
+				range.select();
+			} else {
 				// We're only editing an existing link, so just overwrite the attributes.
 				var element = this._.selectedElement,
-					href = element.getAttribute( '_cke_saved_href' ),
+					href = element.data( 'cke-saved-href' ),
 					textView = element.getHtml();
-				// IE BUG: Setting the name attribute to an existing link doesn't work.
-				// Must re-create the link from weired syntax to workaround.
-				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && attributes.name != element.getAttribute( 'name' ) )
-				{
-					var newElement = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( '<a name="' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( attributes.name ) + '">',
-							editor.document );
-					selection = editor.getSelection();
-					element.moveChildren( newElement );
-					element.copyAttributes( newElement, { name : 1 } );
-					newElement.replace( element );
-					element = newElement;
-					selection.selectElement( element );
-				}
 				element.setAttributes( attributes );
 				element.removeAttributes( removeAttributes );
+				if ( data.adv && data.adv.advName && CKEDITOR.plugins.link.synAnchorSelector )
+					element.addClass( element.getChildCount() ? 'cke_anchor' : 'cke_anchor_empty' );
 				// Update text view when user changes protocol (#4612).
-				if ( href == textView || data.type == 'email' && textView.indexOf( '@' ) != -1 )
-				{
+				if ( href == textView || data.type == 'email' && textView.indexOf( '@' ) != -1 ) {
 					// Short mailto link text view (#5736).
-					element.setHtml( data.type == 'email' ?
-						data.email.address : attributes._cke_saved_href );
+					element.setHtml( data.type == 'email' ? data.email.address : attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] );
-				// Make the element display as an anchor if a name has been set.
-				if ( element.getAttribute( 'name' ) )
-					element.addClass( 'cke_anchor' );
-				else
-					element.removeClass( 'cke_anchor' );
-				if ( this.fakeObj )
-					editor.createFakeElement( element, 'cke_anchor', 'anchor' ).replace( this.fakeObj );
+				selection.selectElement( element );
 				delete this._.selectedElement;
-		onLoad : function()
-		{
+		onLoad: function() {
 			if ( !editor.config.linkShowAdvancedTab )
-				this.hidePage( 'advanced' );		//Hide Advanded tab.
+				this.hidePage( 'advanced' ); //Hide Advanded tab.
 			if ( !editor.config.linkShowTargetTab )
-				this.hidePage( 'target' );		//Hide Target tab.
+				this.hidePage( 'target' ); //Hide Target tab.
 		// Inital focus on 'url' field if link is of type URL.
-		onFocus : function()
-		{
+		onFocus: function() {
 			var linkType = this.getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ),
-					urlField;
-			if ( linkType && linkType.getValue( ) == 'url' )
-			{
+				urlField;
+			if ( linkType && linkType.getValue() == 'url' ) {
 				urlField = this.getContentElement( 'info', 'url' );
@@ -1395,26 +1247,29 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'link', function( editor )
  * The e-mail address anti-spam protection option. The protection will be
- * applied when creating or modifying e-mail links through the editor interface.<br>
+ * applied when creating or modifying e-mail links through the editor interface.
+ *
  * Two methods of protection can be choosed:
- * <ol>	<li>The e-mail parts (name, domain and any other query string) are
- *			assembled into a function call pattern. Such function must be
- *			provided by the developer in the pages that will use the contents.
- *		<li>Only the e-mail address is obfuscated into a special string that
- *			has no meaning for humans or spam bots, but which is properly
- *			rendered and accepted by the browser.</li></ol>
+ *
+ * 1. The e-mail parts (name, domain and any other query string) are
+ *     assembled into a function call pattern. Such function must be
+ *     provided by the developer in the pages that will use the contents.
+ * 2. Only the e-mail address is obfuscated into a special string that
+ *     has no meaning for humans or spam bots, but which is properly
+ *     rendered and accepted by the browser.
+ *
  * Both approaches require JavaScript to be enabled.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.emailProtection
+ *
+ *		// href="mailto:tester at ckeditor.com?subject=subject&body=body"
+ *		config.emailProtection = '';
+ *
+ *		// href="<a href=\"javascript:void(location.href=\'mailto:\'+String.fromCharCode(116,101,115,116,101,114,64,99,107,101,100,105,116,111,114,46,99,111,109)+\'?subject=subject&body=body\')\">e-mail</a>"
+ *		config.emailProtection = 'encode';
+ *
+ *		// href="javascript:mt('tester','ckeditor.com','subject','body')"
+ *		config.emailProtection = 'mt(NAME,DOMAIN,SUBJECT,BODY)';
+ *
  * @since 3.1
- * @type String
- * @default '' (empty string = disabled)
- * @example
- * // href="mailto:tester at ckeditor.com?subject=subject&body=body"
- * config.emailProtection = '';
- * @example
- * // href="<a href=\"javascript:void(location.href=\'mailto:\'+String.fromCharCode(116,101,115,116,101,114,64,99,107,101,100,105,116,111,114,46,99,111,109)+\'?subject=subject&body=body\')\">e-mail</a>"
- * config.emailProtection = 'encode';
- * @example
- * // href="javascript:mt('tester','ckeditor.com','subject','body')"
- * config.emailProtection = 'mt(NAME,DOMAIN,SUBJECT,BODY)';
+ * @cfg {String} [emailProtection='' (empty string = disabled)]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/icons/anchor-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/icons/anchor-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cde630
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/icons/anchor-rtl.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fac7f2b
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/icons/anchor.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24fa71f
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/icons/link.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/icons/unlink.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/icons/unlink.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77e97f1
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/icons/unlink.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/images/anchor.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/images/anchor.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5025df5
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/images/anchor.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ddb179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'af', {
+	acccessKey: 'Toegangsleutel',
+	advanced: 'Gevorderd',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Aanbevole inhoudstipe',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Aanbevole titel',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Anker byvoeg/verander',
+		menu: 'Anker-eienskappe',
+		title: 'Anker-eienskappe',
+		name: 'Ankernaam',
+		errorName: 'Voltooi die ankernaam asseblief',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Op element Id',
+	anchorName: 'Op ankernaam',
+	charset: 'Karakterstel van geskakelde bron',
+	cssClasses: 'CSS klasse',
+	emailAddress: 'E-posadres',
+	emailBody: 'Berig-inhoud',
+	emailSubject: 'Berig-onderwerp',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Skakel informasie',
+	langCode: 'Taalkode',
+	langDir: 'Skryfrigting',
+	langDirLTR: 'Links na regs (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Regs na links (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Wysig skakel',
+	name: 'Naam',
+	noAnchors: '(Geen ankers beskikbaar in dokument)',
+	noEmail: 'Gee die e-posadres',
+	noUrl: 'Gee die skakel se URL',
+	other: '<ander>',
+	popupDependent: 'Afhanklik (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Eienskappe van opspringvenster',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Volskerm (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Posisie links',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Adresbalk',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Spyskaartbalk',
+	popupResizable: 'Herskaalbaar',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Skuifbalke',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Statusbalk',
+	popupToolbar: 'Werkbalk',
+	popupTop: 'Posisie bo',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'Kies \'n anker',
+	styles: 'Styl',
+	tabIndex: 'Tab indeks',
+	target: 'Doel',
+	targetFrame: '<raam>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Naam van doelraam',
+	targetPopup: '<opspringvenster>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Naam van opspringvenster',
+	title: 'Skakel',
+	toAnchor: 'Anker in bladsy',
+	toEmail: 'E-pos',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Skakel invoeg/wysig',
+	type: 'Skakelsoort',
+	unlink: 'Verwyder skakel',
+	upload: 'Oplaai'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13bfe8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'ar', {
+	acccessKey: 'مفاتيح الإختصار',
+	advanced: 'متقدم',
+	advisoryContentType: 'نوع التقرير',
+	advisoryTitle: 'عنوان التقرير',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'إشارة مرجعية',
+		menu: 'تحرير الإشارة المرجعية',
+		title: 'خصائص الإشارة المرجعية',
+		name: 'اسم الإشارة المرجعية',
+		errorName: 'الرجاء كتابة اسم الإشارة المرجعية',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'حسب رقم العنصر',
+	anchorName: 'حسب الاسم',
+	charset: 'ترميز المادة المطلوبة',
+	cssClasses: 'فئات التنسيق',
+	emailAddress: 'عنوان البريد إلكتروني',
+	emailBody: 'محتوى الرسالة',
+	emailSubject: 'موضوع الرسالة',
+	id: 'هوية',
+	info: 'معلومات الرابط',
+	langCode: 'كود النص',
+	langDir: 'إتجاه النص',
+	langDirLTR: 'اليسار لليمين (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'اليمين لليسار (RTL)',
+	menu: 'تحرير رابط',
+	name: 'الاسم',
+	noAnchors: '(لا توجد علامات مرجعية في هذا المستند)',
+	noEmail: 'من فضلك أدخل عنوان البريد الإلكتروني',
+	noUrl: 'من فضلك أدخل عنوان الموقع الذي يشير إليه الرابط',
+	other: '<أخرى>',
+	popupDependent: 'تابع (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'خصائص النافذة المنبثقة',
+	popupFullScreen: 'ملئ الشاشة (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'التمركز لليسار',
+	popupLocationBar: 'شريط العنوان',
+	popupMenuBar: 'القوائم الرئيسية',
+	popupResizable: 'قابلة التشكيل',
+	popupScrollBars: 'أشرطة التمرير',
+	popupStatusBar: 'شريط الحالة',
+	popupToolbar: 'شريط الأدوات',
+	popupTop: 'التمركز للأعلى',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'اختر علامة مرجعية',
+	styles: 'نمط',
+	tabIndex: 'الترتيب',
+	target: 'هدف الرابط',
+	targetFrame: '<إطار>',
+	targetFrameName: 'اسم الإطار المستهدف',
+	targetPopup: '<نافذة منبثقة>',
+	targetPopupName: 'اسم النافذة المنبثقة',
+	title: 'إرتباط تشعبي',
+	toAnchor: 'مكان في هذا المستند',
+	toEmail: 'بريد إلكتروني',
+	toUrl: 'الرابط',
+	toolbar: 'رابط',
+	type: 'نوع الربط',
+	unlink: 'إزالة رابط',
+	upload: 'رفع'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b75faa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'bg', {
+	acccessKey: 'Ключ за достъп',
+	advanced: 'Разширено',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Препоръчителен тип на съдържанието',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Препоръчително заглавие',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Котва',
+		menu: 'Промяна на котва',
+		title: 'Настройки на котва',
+		name: 'Име на котва',
+		errorName: 'Моля въведете име на котвата',
+		remove: 'Премахване на котва'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'По ID на елемент',
+	anchorName: 'По име на котва',
+	charset: 'Тип на свързания ресурс',
+	cssClasses: 'Класове за CSS',
+	emailAddress: 'E-mail aдрес',
+	emailBody: 'Съдържание',
+	emailSubject: 'Тема',
+	id: 'ID',
+	info: 'Инфо за връзката',
+	langCode: 'Код за езика',
+	langDir: 'Посока на езика',
+	langDirLTR: 'Ляво на Дясно (ЛнД)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Дясно на Ляво (ДнЛ)',
+	menu: 'Промяна на връзка',
+	name: 'Име',
+	noAnchors: '(Няма котви в текущия документ)',
+	noEmail: 'Моля въведете e-mail aдрес',
+	noUrl: 'Моля въведете URL адреса',
+	other: '<друго>',
+	popupDependent: 'Зависимост (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Функции на изкачащ прозорец',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Цял екран (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Лява позиция',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Лента с локацията',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Лента за меню',
+	popupResizable: 'Оразмеряем',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Скролери',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Статусна лента',
+	popupToolbar: 'Лента с инструменти',
+	popupTop: 'Горна позиция',
+	rel: 'Връзка',
+	selectAnchor: 'Изберете котва',
+	styles: 'Стил',
+	tabIndex: 'Ред на достъп',
+	target: 'Цел',
+	targetFrame: '<frame>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Име на целевият прозорец',
+	targetPopup: '<изкачащ прозорец>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Име на изкачащ прозорец',
+	title: 'Връзка',
+	toAnchor: 'Връзка към котва в текста',
+	toEmail: 'E-mail',
+	toUrl: 'Уеб адрес',
+	toolbar: 'Връзка',
+	type: 'Тип на връзката',
+	unlink: 'Премахни връзката',
+	upload: 'Качване'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1addb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'bn', {
+	acccessKey: 'এক্সেস কী',
+	advanced: 'এডভান্সড',
+	advisoryContentType: 'পরামর্শ কন্টেন্টের প্রকার',
+	advisoryTitle: 'পরামর্শ শীর্ষক',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'নোঙ্গর',
+		menu: 'নোঙর প্রোপার্টি',
+		title: 'নোঙর প্রোপার্টি',
+		name: 'নোঙরের নাম',
+		errorName: 'নোঙরের নাম টাইপ করুন',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'নোঙরের আইডি দিয়ে',
+	anchorName: 'নোঙরের নাম দিয়ে',
+	charset: 'লিংক রিসোর্স ক্যারেক্টর সেট',
+	cssClasses: 'স্টাইল-শীট ক্লাস',
+	emailAddress: 'ইমেইল ঠিকানা',
+	emailBody: 'মেসেজের দেহ',
+	emailSubject: 'মেসেজের বিষয়',
+	id: 'আইডি',
+	info: 'লিংক তথ্য',
+	langCode: 'ভাষা লেখার দিক',
+	langDir: 'ভাষা লেখার দিক',
+	langDirLTR: 'বাম থেকে ডান (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'ডান থেকে বাম (RTL)',
+	menu: 'লিংক সম্পাদন',
+	name: 'নাম',
+	noAnchors: '(No anchors available in the document)', // MISSING
+	noEmail: 'অনুগ্রহ করে ইমেইল এড্রেস টাইপ করুন',
+	noUrl: 'অনুগ্রহ করে URL লিংক টাইপ করুন',
+	other: '<other>', // MISSING
+	popupDependent: 'ডিপেন্ডেন্ট (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'পপআপ উইন্ডো ফীচার সমূহ',
+	popupFullScreen: 'পূর্ণ পর্দা জুড়ে (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'বামের পজিশন',
+	popupLocationBar: 'লোকেশন বার',
+	popupMenuBar: 'মেন্যু বার',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable', // MISSING
+	popupScrollBars: 'স্ক্রল বার',
+	popupStatusBar: 'স্ট্যাটাস বার',
+	popupToolbar: 'টুল বার',
+	popupTop: 'ডানের পজিশন',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'নোঙর বাছাই',
+	styles: 'স্টাইল',
+	tabIndex: 'ট্যাব ইন্ডেক্স',
+	target: 'টার্গেট',
+	targetFrame: '<ফ্রেম>',
+	targetFrameName: 'টার্গেট ফ্রেমের নাম',
+	targetPopup: '<পপআপ উইন্ডো>',
+	targetPopupName: 'পপআপ উইন্ডোর নাম',
+	title: 'লিংক',
+	toAnchor: 'এই পেজে নোঙর কর',
+	toEmail: 'ইমেইল',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'লিংক যুক্ত কর',
+	type: 'লিংক প্রকার',
+	unlink: 'লিংক সরাও',
+	upload: 'আপলোড'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fc2aea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'bs', {
+	acccessKey: 'Pristupna tipka',
+	advanced: 'Naprednije',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Advisory vrsta sadržaja',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Advisory title',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Anchor',
+		menu: 'Edit Anchor',
+		title: 'Anchor Properties',
+		name: 'Anchor Name',
+		errorName: 'Please type the anchor name',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Po Id-u elementa',
+	anchorName: 'Po nazivu sidra',
+	charset: 'Linked Resource Charset',
+	cssClasses: 'Klase CSS stilova',
+	emailAddress: 'E-Mail Adresa',
+	emailBody: 'Poruka',
+	emailSubject: 'Subjekt poruke',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Link info',
+	langCode: 'Smjer pisanja',
+	langDir: 'Smjer pisanja',
+	langDirLTR: 'S lijeva na desno (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'S desna na lijevo (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Izmjeni link',
+	name: 'Naziv',
+	noAnchors: '(Nema dostupnih sidra na stranici)',
+	noEmail: 'Molimo ukucajte e-mail adresu',
+	noUrl: 'Molimo ukucajte URL link',
+	other: '<other>', // MISSING
+	popupDependent: 'Ovisno (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Moguænosti popup prozora',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Cijeli ekran (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Lijeva pozicija',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Traka za lokaciju',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Izborna traka',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable', // MISSING
+	popupScrollBars: 'Scroll traka',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Statusna traka',
+	popupToolbar: 'Traka sa alatima',
+	popupTop: 'Gornja pozicija',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'Izaberi sidro',
+	styles: 'Stil',
+	tabIndex: 'Tab indeks',
+	target: 'Prozor',
+	targetFrame: '<frejm>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Target Frame Name', // MISSING
+	targetPopup: '<popup prozor>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Naziv popup prozora',
+	title: 'Link',
+	toAnchor: 'Sidro na ovoj stranici',
+	toEmail: 'E-Mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Ubaci/Izmjeni link',
+	type: 'Tip linka',
+	unlink: 'Izbriši link',
+	upload: 'Å alji'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..533f97c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'ca', {
+	acccessKey: 'Clau d\'accés',
+	advanced: 'Avançat',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Tipus de contingut consultiu',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Títol consultiu',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Insereix/Edita àncora',
+		menu: 'Propietats de l\'àncora',
+		title: 'Propietats de l\'àncora',
+		name: 'Nom de l\'àncora',
+		errorName: 'Si us plau, escriviu el nom de l\'ancora',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Per Id d\'element',
+	anchorName: 'Per nom d\'àncora',
+	charset: 'Conjunt de caràcters font enllaçat',
+	cssClasses: 'Classes del full d\'estil',
+	emailAddress: 'Adreça de correu electrònic',
+	emailBody: 'Cos del missatge',
+	emailSubject: 'Assumpte del missatge',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Informació de l\'enllaç',
+	langCode: 'Direcció de l\'idioma',
+	langDir: 'Direcció de l\'idioma',
+	langDirLTR: 'D\'esquerra a dreta (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'De dreta a esquerra (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Edita l\'enllaç',
+	name: 'Nom',
+	noAnchors: '(No hi ha àncores disponibles en aquest document)',
+	noEmail: 'Si us plau, escrigui l\'adreça correu electrònic',
+	noUrl: 'Si us plau, escrigui l\'enllaç URL',
+	other: '<altre>',
+	popupDependent: 'Depenent (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Característiques finestra popup',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Pantalla completa (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Posició esquerra',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Barra d\'adreça',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Barra de menú',
+	popupResizable: 'Redimensionable',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Barres d\'scroll',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Barra d\'estat',
+	popupToolbar: 'Barra d\'eines',
+	popupTop: 'Posició dalt',
+	rel: 'Relació',
+	selectAnchor: 'Selecciona una àncora',
+	styles: 'Estil',
+	tabIndex: 'Index de Tab',
+	target: 'Destí',
+	targetFrame: '<marc>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Nom del marc de destí',
+	targetPopup: '<finestra emergent>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Nom finestra popup',
+	title: 'Enllaç',
+	toAnchor: 'Àncora en aquesta pàgina',
+	toEmail: 'Correu electrònic',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Insereix/Edita enllaç',
+	type: 'Tipus d\'enllaç',
+	unlink: 'Elimina l\'enllaç',
+	upload: 'Puja'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f48195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'cs', {
+	acccessKey: 'Přístupový klíč',
+	advanced: 'Rozšířené',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Pomocný typ obsahu',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Pomocný titulek',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Záložka',
+		menu: 'Vlastnosti záložky',
+		title: 'Vlastnosti záložky',
+		name: 'Název záložky',
+		errorName: 'Zadejte prosím název záložky',
+		remove: 'Odstranit záložku'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Podle Id objektu',
+	anchorName: 'Podle jména kotvy',
+	charset: 'Přiřazená znaková sada',
+	cssClasses: 'Třída stylu',
+	emailAddress: 'E-mailová adresa',
+	emailBody: 'Tělo zprávy',
+	emailSubject: 'Předmět zprávy',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Informace o odkazu',
+	langCode: 'Kód jazyka',
+	langDir: 'Směr jazyka',
+	langDirLTR: 'Zleva doprava (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Zprava doleva (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Změnit odkaz',
+	name: 'Jméno',
+	noAnchors: '(Ve stránce není definována žádná kotva!)',
+	noEmail: 'Zadejte prosím e-mailovou adresu',
+	noUrl: 'Zadejte prosím URL odkazu',
+	other: '<jiný>',
+	popupDependent: 'Závislost (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Vlastnosti vyskakovacího okna',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Celá obrazovka (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Levý okraj',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Panel umístění',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Panel nabídky',
+	popupResizable: 'Umožňující měnit velikost',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Posuvníky',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Stavový řádek',
+	popupToolbar: 'Panel nástrojů',
+	popupTop: 'Horní okraj',
+	rel: 'Vztah',
+	selectAnchor: 'Vybrat kotvu',
+	styles: 'Styl',
+	tabIndex: 'Pořadí prvku',
+	target: 'Cíl',
+	targetFrame: '<rámec>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Název cílového rámu',
+	targetPopup: '<vyskakovací okno>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Název vyskakovacího okna',
+	title: 'Odkaz',
+	toAnchor: 'Kotva v této stránce',
+	toEmail: 'E-mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Odkaz',
+	type: 'Typ odkazu',
+	unlink: 'Odstranit odkaz',
+	upload: 'Odeslat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c0b56b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'cy', {
+	acccessKey: 'Allwedd Mynediad',
+	advanced: 'Uwch',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Math y Cynnwys Cynghorol',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Teitl Cynghorol',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Angor',
+		menu: 'Golygwch yr Angor',
+		title: 'Priodweddau\'r Angor',
+		name: 'Enw\'r Angor',
+		errorName: 'Teipiwch enw\'r angor',
+		remove: 'Tynnwch yr Angor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Gan Id yr Elfen',
+	anchorName: 'Gan Enw\'r Angor',
+	charset: 'Set nodau\'r Adnodd Cysylltiedig',
+	cssClasses: 'Dosbarthiadau Dalen Arddull',
+	emailAddress: 'Cyfeiriad E-Bost',
+	emailBody: 'Pwnc y Neges',
+	emailSubject: 'Testun y Message Subject',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Gwyb ar y Ddolen',
+	langCode: 'Cod Iaith',
+	langDir: 'Cyfeiriad Iaith',
+	langDirLTR: 'Chwith i\'r Dde (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Dde i\'r Chwith (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Golygu Dolen',
+	name: 'Enw',
+	noAnchors: '(Dim angorau ar gael yn y ddogfen)',
+	noEmail: 'Teipiwch gyfeiriad yr e-bost',
+	noUrl: 'Teipiwch URL y ddolen',
+	other: '<eraill>',
+	popupDependent: 'Dibynnol (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Nodweddion Ffenestr Bop',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Sgrin Llawn (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Safle Chwith',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Bar Safle',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Dewislen',
+	popupResizable: 'Ailfeintiol',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Barrau Sgrolio',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Bar Statws',
+	popupToolbar: 'Bar Offer',
+	popupTop: 'Safle Top',
+	rel: 'Perthynas',
+	selectAnchor: 'Dewiswch Angor',
+	styles: 'Arddull',
+	tabIndex: 'Indecs Tab',
+	target: 'Targed',
+	targetFrame: '<ffrâm>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Enw Ffrâm y Targed',
+	targetPopup: '<ffenestr bop>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Enw Ffenestr Bop',
+	title: 'Dolen',
+	toAnchor: 'Dolen at angor yn y testun',
+	toEmail: 'E-bost',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Dolen',
+	type: 'Math y Ddolen',
+	unlink: 'Datgysylltu',
+	upload: 'Lanlwytho'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d96fef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'da', {
+	acccessKey: 'Genvejstast',
+	advanced: 'Avanceret',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Indholdstype',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Titel',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Indsæt/redigér bogmærke',
+		menu: 'Egenskaber for bogmærke',
+		title: 'Egenskaber for bogmærke',
+		name: 'Bogmærkenavn',
+		errorName: 'Indtast bogmærkenavn',
+		remove: 'Fjern bogmærke'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Efter element-Id',
+	anchorName: 'Efter ankernavn',
+	charset: 'Tegnsæt',
+	cssClasses: 'Typografiark',
+	emailAddress: 'E-mailadresse',
+	emailBody: 'Besked',
+	emailSubject: 'Emne',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Generelt',
+	langCode: 'Tekstretning',
+	langDir: 'Tekstretning',
+	langDirLTR: 'Fra venstre mod højre (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Fra højre mod venstre (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Redigér hyperlink',
+	name: 'Navn',
+	noAnchors: '(Ingen bogmærker i dokumentet)',
+	noEmail: 'Indtast e-mailadresse!',
+	noUrl: 'Indtast hyperlink-URL!',
+	other: '<anden>',
+	popupDependent: 'Koblet/dependent (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Egenskaber for popup',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Fuld skærm (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Position fra venstre',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Adresselinje',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menulinje',
+	popupResizable: 'Justérbar',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Scrollbar',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Statuslinje',
+	popupToolbar: 'Værktøjslinje',
+	popupTop: 'Position fra toppen',
+	rel: 'Relation',
+	selectAnchor: 'Vælg et anker',
+	styles: 'Typografi',
+	tabIndex: 'Tabulatorindeks',
+	target: 'MÃ¥l',
+	targetFrame: '<ramme>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Destinationsvinduets navn',
+	targetPopup: '<popup vindue>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Popupvinduets navn',
+	title: 'Egenskaber for hyperlink',
+	toAnchor: 'Bogmærke på denne side',
+	toEmail: 'E-mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Indsæt/redigér hyperlink',
+	type: 'Type',
+	unlink: 'Fjern hyperlink',
+	upload: 'Upload'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc535a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'de', {
+	acccessKey: 'Zugriffstaste',
+	advanced: 'Erweitert',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Inhaltstyp',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Titel Beschreibung',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Anker einfügen/editieren',
+		menu: 'Anker-Eigenschaften',
+		title: 'Anker-Eigenschaften',
+		name: 'Anker Name',
+		errorName: 'Bitte geben Sie den Namen des Ankers ein',
+		remove: 'Anker entfernen'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'nach Element Id',
+	anchorName: 'nach Anker Name',
+	charset: 'Ziel-Zeichensatz',
+	cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Klasse',
+	emailAddress: 'E-Mail Adresse',
+	emailBody: 'Nachrichtentext',
+	emailSubject: 'Betreffzeile',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Link-Info',
+	langCode: 'Sprachenkürzel',
+	langDir: 'Schreibrichtung',
+	langDirLTR: 'Links nach Rechts (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Rechts nach Links (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Link editieren',
+	name: 'Name',
+	noAnchors: '(keine Anker im Dokument vorhanden)',
+	noEmail: 'Bitte geben Sie e-Mail Adresse an',
+	noUrl: 'Bitte geben Sie die Link-URL an',
+	other: '<andere>',
+	popupDependent: 'Abhängig (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Pop-up Fenster-Eigenschaften',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Vollbild (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Linke Position',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Adress-Leiste',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menü-Leiste',
+	popupResizable: 'Größe änderbar',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Rollbalken',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Statusleiste',
+	popupToolbar: 'Symbolleiste',
+	popupTop: 'Obere Position',
+	rel: 'Beziehung',
+	selectAnchor: 'Anker auswählen',
+	styles: 'Style',
+	tabIndex: 'Tab-Index',
+	target: 'Zielseite',
+	targetFrame: '<Frame>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Ziel-Fenster-Name',
+	targetPopup: '<Pop-up Fenster>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Pop-up Fenster-Name',
+	title: 'Link',
+	toAnchor: 'Anker in dieser Seite',
+	toEmail: 'E-Mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Link einfügen/editieren',
+	type: 'Link-Typ',
+	unlink: 'Link entfernen',
+	upload: 'Hochladen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1590208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'el', {
+	acccessKey: 'Συντόμευση',
+	advanced: 'Για προχωρημένους',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Ενδεικτικός Τύπος Περιεχομένου',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Ενδεικτικός Τίτλος',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Εισαγωγή/επεξεργασία Άγκυρας',
+		menu: 'Ιδιότητες άγκυρας',
+		title: 'Ιδιότητες άγκυρας',
+		name: 'Όνομα άγκυρας',
+		errorName: 'Παρακαλούμε εισάγετε όνομα άγκυρας',
+		remove: 'Αφαίρεση Άγκυρας'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Βάσει του Element Id',
+	anchorName: 'Βάσει του Ονόματος της άγκυρας',
+	charset: 'Κωδικοποίηση Χαρακτήρων Προσαρτημένης Πηγής',
+	cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+	emailAddress: 'Διεύθυνση e-mail',
+	emailBody: 'Κείμενο Μηνύματος',
+	emailSubject: 'Θέμα Μηνύματος',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Πληροφορίες Συνδέσμου',
+	langCode: 'Κατεύθυνση Κειμένου',
+	langDir: 'Κατεύθυνση Κειμένου',
+	langDirLTR: 'Αριστερά προς Δεξιά (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Δεξιά προς Αριστερά (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Επεξεργασία Συνδέσμου',
+	name: 'Όνομα',
+	noAnchors: '(Δεν υπάρχουν άγκυρες στο κείμενο)',
+	noEmail: 'Εισάγετε την διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου',
+	noUrl: 'Εισάγετε την τοποθεσία (URL) του υπερσυνδέσμου (Link)',
+	other: '<άλλο>',
+	popupDependent: 'Εξαρτημένο (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Επιλογές Αναδυόμενου Παραθύρου',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Πλήρης Οθόνη (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Θέση Αριστερά',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Γραμμή Τοποθεσίας',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Γραμμή Επιλογών',
+	popupResizable: 'Προσαρμοζόμενο Μέγεθος',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Μπάρες Κύλισης',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Γραμμή Κατάστασης',
+	popupToolbar: 'Εργαλειοθήκη',
+	popupTop: 'Θέση Πάνω',
+	rel: 'Σχέση',
+	selectAnchor: 'Επιλέξτε μια άγκυρα',
+	styles: 'Μορφή',
+	tabIndex: 'Σειρά Μεταπήδησης',
+	target: 'Παράθυρο Προορισμού',
+	targetFrame: '<πλαίσιο>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Όνομα Παραθύρου Προορισμού',
+	targetPopup: '<αναδυόμενο παράθυρο>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Όνομα Αναδυόμενου Παραθύρου',
+	title: 'Σύνδεσμος',
+	toAnchor: 'Άγκυρα σε αυτή τη σελίδα',
+	toEmail: 'E-Mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Σύνδεσμος',
+	type: 'Τύπος Συνδέσμου',
+	unlink: 'Αφαίρεση Συνδέσμου (Link)',
+	upload: 'Ανέβασμα'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dde733d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'en-au', {
+	acccessKey: 'Access Key',
+	advanced: 'Advanced',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Advisory Content Type',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Advisory Title',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Anchor',
+		menu: 'Edit Anchor',
+		title: 'Anchor Properties',
+		name: 'Anchor Name',
+		errorName: 'Please type the anchor name',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'By Element Id',
+	anchorName: 'By Anchor Name',
+	charset: 'Linked Resource Charset',
+	cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+	emailAddress: 'E-Mail Address',
+	emailBody: 'Message Body',
+	emailSubject: 'Message Subject',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Link Info',
+	langCode: 'Language Code',
+	langDir: 'Language Direction',
+	langDirLTR: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Edit Link',
+	name: 'Name',
+	noAnchors: '(No anchors available in the document)',
+	noEmail: 'Please type the e-mail address',
+	noUrl: 'Please type the link URL',
+	other: '<other>',
+	popupDependent: 'Dependent (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Popup Window Features',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Full Screen (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Left Position',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Location Bar',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menu Bar',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Scroll Bars',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Status Bar',
+	popupToolbar: 'Toolbar',
+	popupTop: 'Top Position',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'Select an Anchor',
+	styles: 'Style',
+	tabIndex: 'Tab Index',
+	target: 'Target',
+	targetFrame: '<frame>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Target Frame Name',
+	targetPopup: '<popup window>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Popup Window Name',
+	title: 'Link',
+	toAnchor: 'Link to anchor in the text',
+	toEmail: 'E-mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Link',
+	type: 'Link Type',
+	unlink: 'Unlink',
+	upload: 'Upload'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1da3e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'en-ca', {
+	acccessKey: 'Access Key',
+	advanced: 'Advanced',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Advisory Content Type',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Advisory Title',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Anchor',
+		menu: 'Edit Anchor',
+		title: 'Anchor Properties',
+		name: 'Anchor Name',
+		errorName: 'Please type the anchor name',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'By Element Id',
+	anchorName: 'By Anchor Name',
+	charset: 'Linked Resource Charset',
+	cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+	emailAddress: 'E-Mail Address',
+	emailBody: 'Message Body',
+	emailSubject: 'Message Subject',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Link Info',
+	langCode: 'Language Code',
+	langDir: 'Language Direction',
+	langDirLTR: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Edit Link',
+	name: 'Name',
+	noAnchors: '(No anchors available in the document)',
+	noEmail: 'Please type the e-mail address',
+	noUrl: 'Please type the link URL',
+	other: '<other>',
+	popupDependent: 'Dependent (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Popup Window Features',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Full Screen (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Left Position',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Location Bar',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menu Bar',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Scroll Bars',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Status Bar',
+	popupToolbar: 'Toolbar',
+	popupTop: 'Top Position',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'Select an Anchor',
+	styles: 'Style',
+	tabIndex: 'Tab Index',
+	target: 'Target',
+	targetFrame: '<frame>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Target Frame Name',
+	targetPopup: '<popup window>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Popup Window Name',
+	title: 'Link',
+	toAnchor: 'Link to anchor in the text',
+	toEmail: 'E-mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Link',
+	type: 'Link Type',
+	unlink: 'Unlink',
+	upload: 'Upload'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7a822c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'en-gb', {
+	acccessKey: 'Access Key',
+	advanced: 'Advanced',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Advisory Content Type',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Advisory Title',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Anchor',
+		menu: 'Edit Anchor',
+		title: 'Anchor Properties',
+		name: 'Anchor Name',
+		errorName: 'Please type the anchor name',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'By Element Id',
+	anchorName: 'By Anchor Name',
+	charset: 'Linked Resource Charset',
+	cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+	emailAddress: 'E-Mail Address',
+	emailBody: 'Message Body',
+	emailSubject: 'Message Subject',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Link Info',
+	langCode: 'Language Code',
+	langDir: 'Language Direction',
+	langDirLTR: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Edit Link',
+	name: 'Name',
+	noAnchors: '(No anchors available in the document)',
+	noEmail: 'Please type the e-mail address',
+	noUrl: 'Please type the link URL',
+	other: '<other>',
+	popupDependent: 'Dependent (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Popup Window Features',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Full Screen (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Left Position',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Location Bar',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menu Bar',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Scroll Bars',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Status Bar',
+	popupToolbar: 'Toolbar',
+	popupTop: 'Top Position',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'Select an Anchor',
+	styles: 'Style',
+	tabIndex: 'Tab Index',
+	target: 'Target',
+	targetFrame: '<frame>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Target Frame Name',
+	targetPopup: '<popup window>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Popup Window Name',
+	title: 'Link',
+	toAnchor: 'Link to anchor in the text',
+	toEmail: 'E-mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Link',
+	type: 'Link Type',
+	unlink: 'Unlink',
+	upload: 'Upload'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b03f4f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'en', {
+	acccessKey: 'Access Key',
+	advanced: 'Advanced',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Advisory Content Type',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Advisory Title',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Anchor',
+		menu: 'Edit Anchor',
+		title: 'Anchor Properties',
+		name: 'Anchor Name',
+		errorName: 'Please type the anchor name',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'By Element Id',
+	anchorName: 'By Anchor Name',
+	charset: 'Linked Resource Charset',
+	cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+	emailAddress: 'E-Mail Address',
+	emailBody: 'Message Body',
+	emailSubject: 'Message Subject',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Link Info',
+	langCode: 'Language Code',
+	langDir: 'Language Direction',
+	langDirLTR: 'Left to Right (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Right to Left (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Edit Link',
+	name: 'Name',
+	noAnchors: '(No anchors available in the document)',
+	noEmail: 'Please type the e-mail address',
+	noUrl: 'Please type the link URL',
+	other: '<other>',
+	popupDependent: 'Dependent (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Popup Window Features',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Full Screen (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Left Position',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Location Bar',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menu Bar',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Scroll Bars',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Status Bar',
+	popupToolbar: 'Toolbar',
+	popupTop: 'Top Position',
+	rel: 'Relationship',
+	selectAnchor: 'Select an Anchor',
+	styles: 'Style',
+	tabIndex: 'Tab Index',
+	target: 'Target',
+	targetFrame: '<frame>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Target Frame Name',
+	targetPopup: '<popup window>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Popup Window Name',
+	title: 'Link',
+	toAnchor: 'Link to anchor in the text',
+	toEmail: 'E-mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Link',
+	type: 'Link Type',
+	unlink: 'Unlink',
+	upload: 'Upload'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2392b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'eo', {
+	acccessKey: 'Fulmoklavo',
+	advanced: 'Speciala',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Enhavotipo',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Priskriba Titolo',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Ankro',
+		menu: 'Enmeti/Ŝanĝi Ankron',
+		title: 'Ankraj Atributoj',
+		name: 'Ankra Nomo',
+		errorName: 'Bv entajpi la ankran nomon',
+		remove: 'Forigi Ankron'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Per Elementidentigilo',
+	anchorName: 'Per Ankronomo',
+	charset: 'Signaro de la Ligita Rimedo',
+	cssClasses: 'Klasoj de Stilfolioj',
+	emailAddress: 'Retpoŝto',
+	emailBody: 'Mesaĝa korpo',
+	emailSubject: 'Mesaĝa Temo',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Informoj pri la Ligilo',
+	langCode: 'Lingva Kodo',
+	langDir: 'Skribdirekto',
+	langDirLTR: 'De maldekstro dekstren (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'De dekstro maldekstren (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Ŝanĝi Ligilon',
+	name: 'Nomo',
+	noAnchors: '<Ne disponeblas ankroj en la dokumento>',
+	noEmail: 'Bonvolu entajpi la retpoŝtadreson',
+	noUrl: 'Bonvolu entajpi la URL-on',
+	other: '<alia>',
+	popupDependent: 'Dependa (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Atributoj de la Åœprucfenestro',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Tutekrane (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Maldekstra Pozicio',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Adresobreto',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menubreto',
+	popupResizable: 'Dimensiŝanĝebla',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Rulumskaloj',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Statobreto',
+	popupToolbar: 'Ilobreto',
+	popupTop: 'Supra Pozicio',
+	rel: 'Rilato',
+	selectAnchor: 'Elekti Ankron',
+	styles: 'Stilo',
+	tabIndex: 'Taba Indekso',
+	target: 'Celo',
+	targetFrame: '<kadro>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Nomo de CelKadro',
+	targetPopup: '<ŝprucfenestro>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Nomo de Åœprucfenestro',
+	title: 'Ligilo',
+	toAnchor: 'Ankri en tiu ĉi paĝo',
+	toEmail: 'Retpoŝto',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Enmeti/Ŝanĝi Ligilon',
+	type: 'Tipo de Ligilo',
+	unlink: 'Forigi Ligilon',
+	upload: 'Alŝuti'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed33220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'es', {
+	acccessKey: 'Tecla de Acceso',
+	advanced: 'Avanzado',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Tipo de Contenido',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Título',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Referencia',
+		menu: 'Propiedades de Referencia',
+		title: 'Propiedades de Referencia',
+		name: 'Nombre de la Referencia',
+		errorName: 'Por favor, complete el nombre de la Referencia',
+		remove: 'Quitar Referencia'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Por ID de elemento',
+	anchorName: 'Por Nombre de Referencia',
+	charset: 'Fuente de caracteres vinculado',
+	cssClasses: 'Clases de hojas de estilo',
+	emailAddress: 'Dirección de E-Mail',
+	emailBody: 'Cuerpo del Mensaje',
+	emailSubject: 'Título del Mensaje',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Información de Vínculo',
+	langCode: 'Código idioma',
+	langDir: 'Orientación',
+	langDirLTR: 'Izquierda a Derecha (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Derecha a Izquierda (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Editar Vínculo',
+	name: 'Nombre',
+	noAnchors: '(No hay referencias disponibles en el documento)',
+	noEmail: 'Por favor escriba la dirección de e-mail',
+	noUrl: 'Por favor escriba el vínculo URL',
+	other: '<otro>',
+	popupDependent: 'Dependiente (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Características de Ventana Emergente',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Pantalla Completa (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Posición Izquierda',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Barra de ubicación',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Barra de Menú',
+	popupResizable: 'Redimensionable',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Barras de desplazamiento',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Barra de Estado',
+	popupToolbar: 'Barra de Herramientas',
+	popupTop: 'Posición Derecha',
+	rel: 'Relación',
+	selectAnchor: 'Seleccionar una referencia',
+	styles: 'Estilo',
+	tabIndex: 'Indice de tabulación',
+	target: 'Destino',
+	targetFrame: '<marco>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Nombre del Marco Destino',
+	targetPopup: '<ventana emergente>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Nombre de Ventana Emergente',
+	title: 'Vínculo',
+	toAnchor: 'Referencia en esta página',
+	toEmail: 'E-Mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Insertar/Editar Vínculo',
+	type: 'Tipo de vínculo',
+	unlink: 'Eliminar Vínculo',
+	upload: 'Cargar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68d376b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'et', {
+	acccessKey: 'Juurdepääsu võti',
+	advanced: 'Täpsemalt',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Juhendava sisu tüüp',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Juhendav tiitel',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Ankru sisestamine/muutmine',
+		menu: 'Ankru omadused',
+		title: 'Ankru omadused',
+		name: 'Ankru nimi',
+		errorName: 'Palun sisesta ankru nimi',
+		remove: 'Eemalda ankur'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Elemendi id järgi',
+	anchorName: 'Ankru nime järgi',
+	charset: 'Lingitud ressursi märgistik',
+	cssClasses: 'Stiilistiku klassid',
+	emailAddress: 'E-posti aadress',
+	emailBody: 'Sõnumi tekst',
+	emailSubject: 'Sõnumi teema',
+	id: 'ID',
+	info: 'Lingi info',
+	langCode: 'Keele suund',
+	langDir: 'Keele suund',
+	langDirLTR: 'Vasakult paremale (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Paremalt vasakule (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Muuda linki',
+	name: 'Nimi',
+	noAnchors: '(Selles dokumendis pole ankruid)',
+	noEmail: 'Palun kirjuta e-posti aadress',
+	noUrl: 'Palun kirjuta lingi URL',
+	other: '<muu>',
+	popupDependent: 'Sõltuv (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Hüpikakna omadused',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Täisekraan (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Vasak asukoht',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Aadressiriba',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menüüriba',
+	popupResizable: 'Suurust saab muuta',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Kerimisribad',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Olekuriba',
+	popupToolbar: 'Tööriistariba',
+	popupTop: 'Ãœlemine asukoht',
+	rel: 'Suhe',
+	selectAnchor: 'Vali ankur',
+	styles: 'Laad',
+	tabIndex: 'Tab indeks',
+	target: 'Sihtkoht',
+	targetFrame: '<raam>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Sihtmärk raami nimi',
+	targetPopup: '<hüpikaken>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Hüpikakna nimi',
+	title: 'Link',
+	toAnchor: 'Ankur sellel lehel',
+	toEmail: 'E-post',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Lingi lisamine/muutmine',
+	type: 'Lingi liik',
+	unlink: 'Lingi eemaldamine',
+	upload: 'Lae üles'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3df2dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'eu', {
+	acccessKey: 'Sarbide-gakoa',
+	advanced: 'Aurreratua',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Eduki Mota (Content Type)',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Izenburua',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Aingura',
+		menu: 'Ainguraren Ezaugarriak',
+		title: 'Ainguraren Ezaugarriak',
+		name: 'Ainguraren Izena',
+		errorName: 'Idatzi ainguraren izena',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Elementuaren ID-gatik',
+	anchorName: 'Aingura izenagatik',
+	charset: 'Estekatutako Karaktere Multzoa',
+	cssClasses: 'Estilo-orriko Klaseak',
+	emailAddress: 'ePosta Helbidea',
+	emailBody: 'Mezuaren Gorputza',
+	emailSubject: 'Mezuaren Gaia',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Estekaren Informazioa',
+	langCode: 'Hizkuntzaren Norabidea',
+	langDir: 'Hizkuntzaren Norabidea',
+	langDirLTR: 'Ezkerretik Eskumara(LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Eskumatik Ezkerrera (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Aldatu Esteka',
+	name: 'Izena',
+	noAnchors: '(Ez daude aingurak eskuragarri dokumentuan)',
+	noEmail: 'Mesedez ePosta helbidea idatzi',
+	noUrl: 'Mesedez URL esteka idatzi',
+	other: '<other>', // MISSING
+	popupDependent: 'Menpekoa (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Popup Leihoaren Ezaugarriak',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Pantaila Osoa (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Ezkerreko  Posizioa',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Kokaleku Barra',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menu Barra',
+	popupResizable: 'Tamaina Aldakorra',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Korritze Barrak',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Egoera Barra',
+	popupToolbar: 'Tresna Barra',
+	popupTop: 'Goiko Posizioa',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'Aingura bat hautatu',
+	styles: 'Estiloa',
+	tabIndex: 'Tabulazio Indizea',
+	target: 'Target (Helburua)',
+	targetFrame: '<marko>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Marko Helburuaren Izena',
+	targetPopup: '<popup leihoa>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Popup Leihoaren Izena',
+	title: 'Esteka',
+	toAnchor: 'Aingura orrialde honetan',
+	toEmail: 'ePosta',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Txertatu/Editatu Esteka',
+	type: 'Esteka Mota',
+	unlink: 'Kendu Esteka',
+	upload: 'Gora kargatu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b871457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'fa', {
+	acccessKey: 'کلید دستیابی',
+	advanced: 'پیشرفته',
+	advisoryContentType: 'نوع محتوای کمکی',
+	advisoryTitle: 'عنوان کمکی',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'گنجاندن/ویرایش لنگر',
+		menu: 'ویژگیهای لنگر',
+		title: 'ویژگیهای لنگر',
+		name: 'نام لنگر',
+		errorName: 'لطفا نام لنگر را بنویسید',
+		remove: 'حذف لنگر'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'با شناسهٴ المان',
+	anchorName: 'با نام لنگر',
+	charset: 'نویسهگان منبع پیوند شده',
+	cssClasses: 'کلاسهای شیوهنامه(Stylesheet)',
+	emailAddress: 'نشانی پست الکترونیکی',
+	emailBody: 'متن پیام',
+	emailSubject: 'موضوع پیام',
+	id: 'شناسه',
+	info: 'اطلاعات پیوند',
+	langCode: 'جهتنمای زبان',
+	langDir: 'جهتنمای زبان',
+	langDirLTR: 'چپ به راست (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'راست به چپ (RTL)',
+	menu: 'ویرایش پیوند',
+	name: 'نام',
+	noAnchors: '(در این سند لنگری دردسترس نیست)',
+	noEmail: 'لطفا نشانی پست الکترونیکی را بنویسید',
+	noUrl: 'لطفا URL پیوند را بنویسید',
+	other: '<سایر>',
+	popupDependent: 'وابسته (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'ویژگیهای پنجرهٴ پاپاپ',
+	popupFullScreen: 'تمامصفحه (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'موقعیت چپ',
+	popupLocationBar: 'نوار موقعیت',
+	popupMenuBar: 'نوار منو',
+	popupResizable: 'قابل تغییر اندازه',
+	popupScrollBars: 'میلههای پیمایش',
+	popupStatusBar: 'نوار وضعیت',
+	popupToolbar: 'نوارابزار',
+	popupTop: 'موقعیت بالا',
+	rel: 'وابستگی',
+	selectAnchor: 'یک لنگر برگزینید',
+	styles: 'شیوه(style)',
+	tabIndex: 'نمایهٴ دسترسی با برگه',
+	target: 'مقصد',
+	targetFrame: '<فریم>',
+	targetFrameName: 'نام فریم مقصد',
+	targetPopup: '<پنجرهٴ پاپاپ>',
+	targetPopupName: 'نام پنجرهٴ پاپاپ',
+	title: 'پیوند',
+	toAnchor: 'لنگر در همین صفحه',
+	toEmail: 'پست الکترونیکی',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'گنجاندن/ویرایش پیوند',
+	type: 'نوع پیوند',
+	unlink: 'برداشتن پیوند',
+	upload: 'انتقال به سرور'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a69b90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'fi', {
+	acccessKey: 'Pikanäppäin',
+	advanced: 'Lisäominaisuudet',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Avustava sisällön tyyppi',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Avustava otsikko',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Lisää ankkuri/muokkaa ankkuria',
+		menu: 'Ankkurin ominaisuudet',
+		title: 'Ankkurin ominaisuudet',
+		name: 'Nimi',
+		errorName: 'Ankkurille on kirjoitettava nimi',
+		remove: 'Poista ankkuri'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Ankkurin ID:n mukaan',
+	anchorName: 'Ankkurin nimen mukaan',
+	charset: 'Linkitetty kirjaimisto',
+	cssClasses: 'Tyyliluokat',
+	emailAddress: 'Sähköpostiosoite',
+	emailBody: 'Viesti',
+	emailSubject: 'Aihe',
+	id: 'Tunniste',
+	info: 'Linkin tiedot',
+	langCode: 'Kielen suunta',
+	langDir: 'Kielen suunta',
+	langDirLTR: 'Vasemmalta oikealle (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Oikealta vasemmalle (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Muokkaa linkkiä',
+	name: 'Nimi',
+	noAnchors: '(Ei ankkureita tässä dokumentissa)',
+	noEmail: 'Kirjoita sähköpostiosoite',
+	noUrl: 'Linkille on kirjoitettava URL',
+	other: '<muu>',
+	popupDependent: 'Riippuva (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Popup ikkunan ominaisuudet',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Täysi ikkuna (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Vasemmalta (px)',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Osoiterivi',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Valikkorivi',
+	popupResizable: 'Venytettävä',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Vierityspalkit',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Tilarivi',
+	popupToolbar: 'Vakiopainikkeet',
+	popupTop: 'Ylhäältä (px)',
+	rel: 'Suhde',
+	selectAnchor: 'Valitse ankkuri',
+	styles: 'Tyyli',
+	tabIndex: 'Tabulaattori indeksi',
+	target: 'Kohde',
+	targetFrame: '<kehys>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Kohdekehyksen nimi',
+	targetPopup: '<popup ikkuna>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Popup ikkunan nimi',
+	title: 'Linkki',
+	toAnchor: 'Ankkuri tässä sivussa',
+	toEmail: 'Sähköposti',
+	toUrl: 'Osoite',
+	toolbar: 'Lisää linkki/muokkaa linkkiä',
+	type: 'Linkkityyppi',
+	unlink: 'Poista linkki',
+	upload: 'Lisää tiedosto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0b29e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'fo', {
+	acccessKey: 'Snarvegisknöttur',
+	advanced: 'Fjølbroytt',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Vegleiðandi innihaldsslag',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Vegleiðandi heiti',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Ger/broyt marknastein',
+		menu: 'Eginleikar fyri marknastein',
+		title: 'Eginleikar fyri marknastein',
+		name: 'Heiti marknasteinsins',
+		errorName: 'Vinarliga rita marknasteinsins heiti',
+		remove: 'Strika marknastein'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Eftir element Id',
+	anchorName: 'Eftir navni á marknasteini',
+	charset: 'Atknýtt teknsett',
+	cssClasses: 'Typografi klassar',
+	emailAddress: 'Teldupost-adressa',
+	emailBody: 'Breyðtekstur',
+	emailSubject: 'Evni',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Tilknýtis upplýsingar',
+	langCode: 'Tekstkós',
+	langDir: 'Tekstkós',
+	langDirLTR: 'Frá vinstru til høgru (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Frá høgru til vinstru (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Broyt tilknýti',
+	name: 'Navn',
+	noAnchors: '(Eingir marknasteinar eru í hesum dokumentið)',
+	noEmail: 'Vinarliga skriva teldupost-adressu',
+	noUrl: 'Vinarliga skriva tilknýti (URL)',
+	other: '<annað>',
+	popupDependent: 'Bundið (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Popup vindeygans víðkaðu eginleikar',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Fullur skermur (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Frástøða frá vinstru',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Adressulinja',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Skrábjálki',
+	popupResizable: 'Stødd kann broytast',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Rullibjálki',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Støðufrágreiðingarbjálki',
+	popupToolbar: 'Amboðsbjálki',
+	popupTop: 'Frástøða frá íerva',
+	rel: 'Relatión',
+	selectAnchor: 'Vel ein marknastein',
+	styles: 'Typografi',
+	tabIndex: 'Tabulator indeks',
+	target: 'Target',
+	targetFrame: '<ramma>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Vís navn vindeygans',
+	targetPopup: '<popup vindeyga>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Popup vindeygans navn',
+	title: 'Tilknýti',
+	toAnchor: 'Tilknýti til marknastein í tekstinum',
+	toEmail: 'Teldupostur',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Ger/broyt tilknýti',
+	type: 'Tilknýtisslag',
+	unlink: 'Strika tilknýti',
+	upload: 'Send til ambætaran'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05a4919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'fr-ca', {
+	acccessKey: 'Équivalent clavier',
+	advanced: 'Avancée',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Type de contenu',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Titre',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Insérer/modifier l\'ancre',
+		menu: 'Propriétés de l\'ancre',
+		title: 'Propriétés de l\'ancre',
+		name: 'Nom de l\'ancre',
+		errorName: 'Veuillez saisir le nom de l\'ancre',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Par id',
+	anchorName: 'Par nom',
+	charset: 'Encodage de caractère',
+	cssClasses: 'Classes de feuilles de style',
+	emailAddress: 'Adresse E-Mail',
+	emailBody: 'Corps du message',
+	emailSubject: 'Sujet du message',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Informations sur le lien',
+	langCode: 'Sens d\'écriture',
+	langDir: 'Sens d\'écriture',
+	langDirLTR: 'De gauche à droite (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'De droite à gauche (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Modifier le lien',
+	name: 'Nom',
+	noAnchors: '(Pas d\'ancre disponible dans le document)',
+	noEmail: 'Veuillez saisir l\'adresse e-mail',
+	noUrl: 'Veuillez saisir l\'URL',
+	other: '<other>', // MISSING
+	popupDependent: 'Dépendante (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Caractéristiques de la fenêtre popup',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Plein écran (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Position à partir de la gauche',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Barre d\'adresses',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Barre de menu',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable', // MISSING
+	popupScrollBars: 'Barres de défilement',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Barre d\'état',
+	popupToolbar: 'Barre d\'outils',
+	popupTop: 'Position à partir du haut',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'Sélectionner une ancre',
+	styles: 'Style',
+	tabIndex: 'Ordre de tabulation',
+	target: 'Destination',
+	targetFrame: '<Cadre>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Nom du cadre de destination',
+	targetPopup: '<fenêtre popup>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Nom de la fenêtre popup',
+	title: 'Propriétés du lien',
+	toAnchor: 'Ancre dans cette page',
+	toEmail: 'E-Mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Insérer/modifier le lien',
+	type: 'Type de lien',
+	unlink: 'Supprimer le lien',
+	upload: 'Télécharger'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9524d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'fr', {
+	acccessKey: 'Touche d\'accessibilité',
+	advanced: 'Avancé',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Type de contenu (ex: text/html)',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Description (title)',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Ancre',
+		menu: 'Editer l\'ancre',
+		title: 'Propriétés de l\'ancre',
+		name: 'Nom de l\'ancre',
+		errorName: 'Veuillez entrer le nom de l\'ancre.',
+		remove: 'Supprimer l\'ancre'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Par ID d\'élément',
+	anchorName: 'Par nom d\'ancre',
+	charset: 'Charset de la cible',
+	cssClasses: 'Classe CSS',
+	emailAddress: 'Adresse E-Mail',
+	emailBody: 'Corps du message',
+	emailSubject: 'Sujet du message',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Infos sur le lien',
+	langCode: 'Code de langue',
+	langDir: 'Sens d\'écriture',
+	langDirLTR: 'Gauche à droite',
+	langDirRTL: 'Droite à gauche',
+	menu: 'Editer le lien',
+	name: 'Nom',
+	noAnchors: '(Aucune ancre disponible dans ce document)',
+	noEmail: 'Veuillez entrer l\'adresse e-mail',
+	noUrl: 'Veuillez entrer l\'adresse du lien',
+	other: '<autre>',
+	popupDependent: 'Dépendante (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Options de la fenêtre popup',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Plein écran (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Position gauche',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Barre d\'adresse',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Barre de menu',
+	popupResizable: 'Redimensionnable',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Barres de défilement',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Barre de status',
+	popupToolbar: 'Barre d\'outils',
+	popupTop: 'Position haute',
+	rel: 'Relation',
+	selectAnchor: 'Sélectionner l\'ancre',
+	styles: 'Style',
+	tabIndex: 'Index de tabulation',
+	target: 'Cible',
+	targetFrame: '<cadre>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Nom du Cadre destination',
+	targetPopup: '<fenêtre popup>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Nom de la fenêtre popup',
+	title: 'Lien',
+	toAnchor: 'Transformer le lien en ancre dans le texte',
+	toEmail: 'E-mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Lien',
+	type: 'Type de lien',
+	unlink: 'Supprimer le lien',
+	upload: 'Envoyer'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76fd8ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'gl', {
+	acccessKey: 'Chave de Acceso',
+	advanced: 'Advanzado',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Tipo de Contido',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Título',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Inserir/Editar Referencia',
+		menu: 'Propriedades da Referencia',
+		title: 'Propriedades da Referencia',
+		name: 'Nome da Referencia',
+		errorName: 'Por favor, escriba o nome da referencia',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Por Element Id',
+	anchorName: 'Por Nome de Referencia',
+	charset: 'Fonte de Caracteres Vinculado',
+	cssClasses: 'Clases da Folla de Estilos',
+	emailAddress: 'Enderezo de E-Mail',
+	emailBody: 'Corpo do Mensaxe',
+	emailSubject: 'Asunto do Mensaxe',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Información da Ligazón',
+	langCode: 'Orientación do Idioma',
+	langDir: 'Orientación do Idioma',
+	langDirLTR: 'Esquerda a Dereita (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Dereita a Esquerda (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Editar Ligazón',
+	name: 'Nome',
+	noAnchors: '(Non hai referencias disponibles no documento)',
+	noEmail: 'Por favor, escriba o enderezo de e-mail',
+	noUrl: 'Por favor, escriba a ligazón URL',
+	other: '<outro>',
+	popupDependent: 'Dependente (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Características da Xanela Emerxente',
+	popupFullScreen: 'A Toda Pantalla (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Posición Esquerda',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Barra de Localización',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Barra de Menú',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable', // MISSING
+	popupScrollBars: 'Barras de Desplazamento',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Barra de Estado',
+	popupToolbar: 'Barra de Ferramentas',
+	popupTop: 'Posición dende Arriba',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'Seleccionar unha Referencia',
+	styles: 'Estilo',
+	tabIndex: 'Índice de Tabulación',
+	target: 'Destino',
+	targetFrame: '<frame>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Nome do Marco Destino',
+	targetPopup: '<Xanela Emerxente>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Nome da Xanela Emerxente',
+	title: 'Ligazón',
+	toAnchor: 'Referencia nesta páxina',
+	toEmail: 'E-Mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Inserir/Editar Ligazón',
+	type: 'Tipo de Ligazón',
+	unlink: 'Eliminar Ligazón',
+	upload: 'Carregar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cb454b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'gu', {
+	acccessKey: 'ઍક્સેસ કી',
+	advanced: 'અડ્વાન્સડ',
+	advisoryContentType: 'મુખ્ય કન્ટેન્ટ પ્રકાર',
+	advisoryTitle: 'મુખ્ય મથાળું',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'ઍંકર ઇન્સર્ટ/દાખલ કરવી',
+		menu: 'ઍંકરના ગુણ',
+		title: 'ઍંકરના ગુણ',
+		name: 'ઍંકરનું નામ',
+		errorName: 'ઍંકરનું નામ ટાઈપ કરો',
+		remove: 'સ્થિર નકરવું'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'ઍંકર એલિમન્ટ Id થી પસંદ કરો',
+	anchorName: 'ઍંકર નામથી પસંદ કરો',
+	charset: 'લિંક રિસૉર્સ કૅરિક્ટર સેટ',
+	cssClasses: 'સ્ટાઇલ-શીટ ક્લાસ',
+	emailAddress: 'ઈ-મેલ સરનામું',
+	emailBody: 'સંદેશ',
+	emailSubject: 'ઈ-મેલ વિષય',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'લિંક ઇન્ફૉ ટૅબ',
+	langCode: 'ભાષા લેખવાની પદ્ધતિ',
+	langDir: 'ભાષા લેખવાની પદ્ધતિ',
+	langDirLTR: 'ડાબે થી જમણે (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'જમણે થી ડાબે (RTL)',
+	menu: ' લિંક એડિટ/માં ફેરફાર કરવો',
+	name: 'નામ',
+	noAnchors: '(ડૉક્યુમન્ટમાં ઍંકરની સંખ્યા)',
+	noEmail: 'ઈ-મેલ સરનામું ટાઇપ કરો',
+	noUrl: 'લિંક  URL ટાઇપ કરો',
+	other: '<other> <અન્ય>',
+	popupDependent: 'ડિપેન્ડન્ટ (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'પૉપ-અપ વિન્ડો ફીચરસૅ',
+	popupFullScreen: 'ફુલ સ્ક્રીન (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'ડાબી બાજુ',
+	popupLocationBar: 'લોકેશન બાર',
+	popupMenuBar: 'મેન્યૂ બાર',
+	popupResizable: 'રીસાઈઝએબલ',
+	popupScrollBars: 'સ્ક્રોલ બાર',
+	popupStatusBar: 'સ્ટૅટસ બાર',
+	popupToolbar: 'ટૂલ બાર',
+	popupTop: 'જમણી બાજુ',
+	rel: 'સંબંધની સ્થિતિ',
+	selectAnchor: 'ઍંકર પસંદ કરો',
+	styles: 'સ્ટાઇલ',
+	tabIndex: 'ટૅબ ઇન્ડેક્સ',
+	target: 'ટાર્ગેટ/લક્ષ્ય',
+	targetFrame: '<ફ્રેમ>',
+	targetFrameName: 'ટાર્ગેટ ફ્રેમ નું નામ',
+	targetPopup: '<પૉપ-અપ વિન્ડો>',
+	targetPopupName: 'પૉપ-અપ વિન્ડો નું નામ',
+	title: 'લિંક',
+	toAnchor: 'આ પેજનો ઍંકર',
+	toEmail: 'ઈ-મેલ',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'લિંક ઇન્સર્ટ/દાખલ કરવી',
+	type: 'લિંક પ્રકાર',
+	unlink: 'લિંક કાઢવી',
+	upload: 'અપલોડ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..173411c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'he', {
+	acccessKey: 'מקש גישה',
+	advanced: 'אפשרויות מתקדמות',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Content Type מוצע',
+	advisoryTitle: 'כותרת מוצעת',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'הוספת/עריכת נקודת עיגון',
+		menu: 'מאפייני נקודת עיגון',
+		title: 'מאפייני נקודת עיגון',
+		name: 'שם לנקודת עיגון',
+		errorName: 'יש להקליד שם לנקודת עיגון',
+		remove: 'מחיקת נקודת עיגון'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'עפ"י זיהוי (ID) האלמנט',
+	anchorName: 'עפ"י שם העוגן',
+	charset: 'קידוד המשאב המקושר',
+	cssClasses: 'גיליונות עיצוב קבוצות',
+	emailAddress: 'כתובת הדוא"ל',
+	emailBody: 'גוף ההודעה',
+	emailSubject: 'נושא ההודעה',
+	id: 'זיהוי (ID)',
+	info: 'מידע על הקישור',
+	langCode: 'קוד שפה',
+	langDir: 'כיוון שפה',
+	langDirLTR: 'שמאל לימין (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'ימין לשמאל (RTL)',
+	menu: 'מאפייני קישור',
+	name: 'שם',
+	noAnchors: '(אין עוגנים זמינים בדף)',
+	noEmail: 'יש להקליד את כתובת הדוא"ל',
+	noUrl: 'יש להקליד את כתובת הקישור (URL)',
+	other: '<אחר>',
+	popupDependent: 'תלוי (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'תכונות החלון הקופץ',
+	popupFullScreen: 'מסך מלא (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'מיקום צד שמאל',
+	popupLocationBar: 'סרגל כתובת',
+	popupMenuBar: 'סרגל תפריט',
+	popupResizable: 'שינוי גודל',
+	popupScrollBars: 'ניתן לגלילה',
+	popupStatusBar: 'סרגל חיווי',
+	popupToolbar: 'סרגל הכלים',
+	popupTop: 'מיקום צד עליון',
+	rel: 'קשר גומלין',
+	selectAnchor: 'בחירת עוגן',
+	styles: 'סגנון',
+	tabIndex: 'מספר טאב',
+	target: 'מטרה',
+	targetFrame: '<מסגרת>',
+	targetFrameName: 'שם מסגרת היעד',
+	targetPopup: '<חלון קופץ>',
+	targetPopupName: 'שם החלון הקופץ',
+	title: 'קישור',
+	toAnchor: 'עוגן בעמוד זה',
+	toEmail: 'דוא"ל',
+	toUrl: 'כתובת (URL)',
+	toolbar: 'הוספת/עריכת קישור',
+	type: 'סוג קישור',
+	unlink: 'הסרת הקישור',
+	upload: 'העלאה'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..691a93b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'hi', {
+	acccessKey: 'ऍक्सॅस की',
+	advanced: 'ऍड्वान्स्ड',
+	advisoryContentType: 'परामर्श कन्टॅन्ट प्रकार',
+	advisoryTitle: 'परामर्श शीर्शक',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'ऐंकर इन्सर्ट/संपादन',
+		menu: 'ऐंकर प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+		title: 'ऐंकर प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+		name: 'ऐंकर का नाम',
+		errorName: 'ऐंकर का नाम टाइप करें',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'ऍलीमॅन्ट Id से',
+	anchorName: 'ऐंकर नाम से',
+	charset: 'लिंक रिसोर्स करॅक्टर सॅट',
+	cssClasses: 'स्टाइल-शीट क्लास',
+	emailAddress: 'ई-मेल पता',
+	emailBody: 'संदेश',
+	emailSubject: 'संदेश विषय',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'लिंक  ',
+	langCode: 'भाषा लिखने की दिशा',
+	langDir: 'भाषा लिखने की दिशा',
+	langDirLTR: 'बायें से दायें (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'दायें से बायें (RTL)',
+	menu: 'लिंक संपादन',
+	name: 'नाम',
+	noAnchors: '(डॉक्यूमॅन्ट में ऐंकर्स की संख्या)',
+	noEmail: 'ई-मेल पता टाइप करें',
+	noUrl: 'लिंक URL टाइप करें',
+	other: '<अन्य>',
+	popupDependent: 'डिपेन्डॅन्ट (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'पॉप-अप विन्डो फ़ीचर्स',
+	popupFullScreen: 'फ़ुल स्क्रीन (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'बायीं तरफ',
+	popupLocationBar: 'लोकेशन बार',
+	popupMenuBar: 'मॅन्यू बार',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable', // MISSING
+	popupScrollBars: 'स्क्रॉल बार',
+	popupStatusBar: 'स्टेटस बार',
+	popupToolbar: 'टूल बार',
+	popupTop: 'दायीं तरफ',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'ऐंकर चुनें',
+	styles: 'स्टाइल',
+	tabIndex: 'टैब इन्डॅक्स',
+	target: 'टार्गेट',
+	targetFrame: '<फ़्रेम>',
+	targetFrameName: 'टार्गेट फ़्रेम का नाम',
+	targetPopup: '<पॉप-अप विन्डो>',
+	targetPopupName: 'पॉप-अप विन्डो का नाम',
+	title: 'लिंक',
+	toAnchor: 'इस पेज का ऐंकर',
+	toEmail: 'ई-मेल',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'लिंक इन्सर्ट/संपादन',
+	type: 'लिंक प्रकार',
+	unlink: 'लिंक हटायें',
+	upload: 'अपलोड'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1bf5f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'hr', {
+	acccessKey: 'Pristupna tipka',
+	advanced: 'Napredno',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Advisory vrsta sadržaja',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Advisory naslov',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Ubaci/promijeni sidro',
+		menu: 'Svojstva sidra',
+		title: 'Svojstva sidra',
+		name: 'Ime sidra',
+		errorName: 'Molimo unesite ime sidra',
+		remove: 'Ukloni sidro'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Po Id elementa',
+	anchorName: 'Po nazivu sidra',
+	charset: 'Kodna stranica povezanih resursa',
+	cssClasses: 'Stylesheet klase',
+	emailAddress: 'E-Mail adresa',
+	emailBody: 'Sadržaj poruke',
+	emailSubject: 'Naslov',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Link Info',
+	langCode: 'Smjer jezika',
+	langDir: 'Smjer jezika',
+	langDirLTR: 'S lijeva na desno (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'S desna na lijevo (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Promijeni link',
+	name: 'Naziv',
+	noAnchors: '(Nema dostupnih sidra)',
+	noEmail: 'Molimo upišite e-mail adresu',
+	noUrl: 'Molimo upišite URL link',
+	other: '<drugi>',
+	popupDependent: 'Ovisno (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Mogućnosti popup prozora',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Cijeli ekran (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Lijeva pozicija',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Traka za lokaciju',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Izborna traka',
+	popupResizable: 'Promjenjiva veličina',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Scroll traka',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Statusna traka',
+	popupToolbar: 'Traka s alatima',
+	popupTop: 'Gornja pozicija',
+	rel: 'Veza',
+	selectAnchor: 'Odaberi sidro',
+	styles: 'Stil',
+	tabIndex: 'Tab Indeks',
+	target: 'Meta',
+	targetFrame: '<okvir>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Ime ciljnog okvira',
+	targetPopup: '<popup prozor>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Naziv popup prozora',
+	title: 'Link',
+	toAnchor: 'Sidro na ovoj stranici',
+	toEmail: 'E-Mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Ubaci/promijeni link',
+	type: 'Link vrsta',
+	unlink: 'Ukloni link',
+	upload: 'Pošalji'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfc7336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'hu', {
+	acccessKey: 'Billentyűkombináció',
+	advanced: 'További opciók',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Súgó tartalomtípusa',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Súgócimke',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Horgony beillesztése/szerkesztése',
+		menu: 'Horgony tulajdonságai',
+		title: 'Horgony tulajdonságai',
+		name: 'Horgony neve',
+		errorName: 'Kérem adja meg a horgony nevét',
+		remove: 'Horgony eltávolítása'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Azonosító szerint',
+	anchorName: 'Horgony név szerint',
+	charset: 'Hivatkozott tartalom kódlapja',
+	cssClasses: 'Stíluskészlet',
+	emailAddress: 'E-Mail cím',
+	emailBody: 'Ãœzenet',
+	emailSubject: 'Üzenet tárgya',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Alaptulajdonságok',
+	langCode: 'Írás iránya',
+	langDir: 'Írás iránya',
+	langDirLTR: 'Balról jobbra',
+	langDirRTL: 'Jobbról balra',
+	menu: 'Hivatkozás módosítása',
+	name: 'Név',
+	noAnchors: '(Nincs horgony a dokumentumban)',
+	noEmail: 'Adja meg az E-Mail címet',
+	noUrl: 'Adja meg a hivatkozás webcímét',
+	other: '<más>',
+	popupDependent: 'Szülőhöz kapcsolt (csak Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Felugró ablak jellemzői',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Teljes képernyő (csak IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Bal pozíció',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Címsor',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menü sor',
+	popupResizable: 'Átméretezés',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Gördítősáv',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Állapotsor',
+	popupToolbar: 'Eszköztár',
+	popupTop: 'Felső pozíció',
+	rel: 'Kapcsolat típusa',
+	selectAnchor: 'Horgony választása',
+	styles: 'Stílus',
+	tabIndex: 'Tabulátor index',
+	target: 'Tartalom megjelenítése',
+	targetFrame: '<keretben>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Keret neve',
+	targetPopup: '<felugró ablakban>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Felugró ablak neve',
+	title: 'Hivatkozás tulajdonságai',
+	toAnchor: 'Horgony az oldalon',
+	toEmail: 'E-Mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Hivatkozás beillesztése/módosítása',
+	type: 'Hivatkozás típusa',
+	unlink: 'Hivatkozás törlése',
+	upload: 'Feltöltés'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0475803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'is', {
+	acccessKey: 'Skammvalshnappur',
+	advanced: 'Tæknilegt',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Tegund innihalds',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Titill',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Stofna/breyta kaflamerki',
+		menu: 'Eigindi kaflamerkis',
+		title: 'Eigindi kaflamerkis',
+		name: 'Nafn bókamerkis',
+		errorName: 'Sláðu inn nafn bókamerkis!',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Eftir auðkenni einingar',
+	anchorName: 'Eftir akkerisnafni',
+	charset: 'Táknróf',
+	cssClasses: 'Stílsniðsflokkur',
+	emailAddress: 'Netfang',
+	emailBody: 'Meginmál',
+	emailSubject: 'Efni',
+	id: 'Auðkenni',
+	info: 'Almennt',
+	langCode: 'Lesstefna',
+	langDir: 'Lesstefna',
+	langDirLTR: 'Frá vinstri til hægri (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Frá hægri til vinstri (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Breyta stiklu',
+	name: 'Nafn',
+	noAnchors: '<Engin bókamerki á skrá>',
+	noEmail: 'Sláðu inn netfang!',
+	noUrl: 'Sláðu inn veffang stiklunnar!',
+	other: '<annar>',
+	popupDependent: 'Háð venslum (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Eigindi sprettiglugga',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Heilskjár (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Fjarlægð frá vinstri',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Fanglína',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Vallína',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable', // MISSING
+	popupScrollBars: 'Skrunstikur',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Stöðustika',
+	popupToolbar: 'Verkfærastika',
+	popupTop: 'Fjarlægð frá efri brún',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'Veldu akkeri',
+	styles: 'Stíll',
+	tabIndex: 'Raðnúmer innsláttarreits',
+	target: 'Mark',
+	targetFrame: '<rammi>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Nafn markglugga',
+	targetPopup: '<sprettigluggi>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Nafn sprettiglugga',
+	title: 'Stikla',
+	toAnchor: 'Bókamerki á þessari síðu',
+	toEmail: 'Netfang',
+	toUrl: 'Vefslóð',
+	toolbar: 'Stofna/breyta stiklu',
+	type: 'Stikluflokkur',
+	unlink: 'Fjarlægja stiklu',
+	upload: 'Senda upp'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c25900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'it', {
+	acccessKey: 'Scorciatoia<br />da tastiera',
+	advanced: 'Avanzate',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Tipo della risorsa collegata',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Titolo',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Inserisci/Modifica Ancora',
+		menu: 'Proprietà ancora',
+		title: 'Proprietà ancora',
+		name: 'Nome ancora',
+		errorName: 'Inserici il nome dell\'ancora',
+		remove: 'Rimuovi l\'ancora'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Per id elemento',
+	anchorName: 'Per Nome',
+	charset: 'Set di caretteri della risorsa collegata',
+	cssClasses: 'Nome classe CSS',
+	emailAddress: 'Indirizzo E-Mail',
+	emailBody: 'Corpo del messaggio',
+	emailSubject: 'Oggetto del messaggio',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Informazioni collegamento',
+	langCode: 'Direzione scrittura',
+	langDir: 'Direzione scrittura',
+	langDirLTR: 'Da Sinistra a Destra (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Da Destra a Sinistra (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Modifica collegamento',
+	name: 'Nome',
+	noAnchors: '(Nessuna ancora disponibile nel documento)',
+	noEmail: 'Devi inserire un\'indirizzo e-mail',
+	noUrl: 'Devi inserire l\'URL del collegamento',
+	other: '<altro>',
+	popupDependent: 'Dipendente (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Caratteristiche finestra popup',
+	popupFullScreen: 'A tutto schermo (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Posizione da sinistra',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Barra degli indirizzi',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Barra del menu',
+	popupResizable: 'Ridimensionabile',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Barre di scorrimento',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Barra di stato',
+	popupToolbar: 'Barra degli strumenti',
+	popupTop: 'Posizione dall\'alto',
+	rel: 'Relazioni',
+	selectAnchor: 'Scegli Ancora',
+	styles: 'Stile',
+	tabIndex: 'Ordine di tabulazione',
+	target: 'Destinazione',
+	targetFrame: '<riquadro>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Nome del riquadro di destinazione',
+	targetPopup: '<finestra popup>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Nome finestra popup',
+	title: 'Collegamento',
+	toAnchor: 'Ancora nella pagina',
+	toEmail: 'E-Mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Inserisci/Modifica collegamento',
+	type: 'Tipo di Collegamento',
+	unlink: 'Elimina collegamento',
+	upload: 'Carica'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12f2aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'ja', {
+	acccessKey: 'アクセスキー',
+	advanced: '高度な設定',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Content Type属性',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Title属性',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'アンカー挿入/編集',
+		menu: 'アンカー プロパティ',
+		title: 'アンカー プロパティ',
+		name: 'アンカー名',
+		errorName: 'アンカー名を必ず入力してください。',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'エレメントID',
+	anchorName: 'アンカー名',
+	charset: 'リンクcharset属性',
+	cssClasses: 'スタイルシートクラス',
+	emailAddress: 'E-Mail アドレス',
+	emailBody: '本文',
+	emailSubject: '件名',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'ハイパーリンク 情報',
+	langCode: '言語コード',
+	langDir: '文字表記の方向',
+	langDirLTR: '左から右 (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: '右から左 (RTL)',
+	menu: 'リンク編集',
+	name: 'Name属性',
+	noAnchors: '(ドキュメントにおいて利用可能なアンカーはありません。)',
+	noEmail: 'メールアドレスを入力してください。',
+	noUrl: 'リンクURLを入力してください。',
+	other: '<その他の>',
+	popupDependent: '開いたウィンドウに連動して閉じる (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'ポップアップウィンドウ特徴',
+	popupFullScreen: '全画面モード(IE)',
+	popupLeft: '左端からの座標で指定',
+	popupLocationBar: 'ロケーションバー',
+	popupMenuBar: 'メニューバー',
+	popupResizable: 'サイズ可変',
+	popupScrollBars: 'スクロールバー',
+	popupStatusBar: 'ステータスバー',
+	popupToolbar: 'ツールバー',
+	popupTop: '上端からの座標で指定',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'アンカーを選択',
+	styles: 'スタイルシート',
+	tabIndex: 'タブインデックス',
+	target: 'ターゲット',
+	targetFrame: '<フレーム>',
+	targetFrameName: '目的のフレーム名',
+	targetPopup: '<ポップアップウィンドウ>',
+	targetPopupName: 'ポップアップウィンドウ名',
+	title: 'ハイパーリンク',
+	toAnchor: 'このページのアンカー',
+	toEmail: 'E-Mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'リンク挿入/編集',
+	type: 'リンクタイプ',
+	unlink: 'リンク削除',
+	upload: 'アップロード'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e57a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'ka', {
+	acccessKey: 'წვდომის ღილაკი',
+	advanced: 'დაწვრილებით',
+	advisoryContentType: 'შიგთავსის ტიპი',
+	advisoryTitle: 'სათაური',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'ღუზა',
+		menu: 'ღუზის რედაქტირება',
+		title: 'ღუზის პარამეტრები',
+		name: 'ღუზუს სახელი',
+		errorName: 'აკრიფეთ ღუზის სახელი',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'ელემენტის Id-თ',
+	anchorName: 'ღუზის სახელით',
+	charset: 'კოდირება',
+	cssClasses: 'CSS კლასი',
+	emailAddress: 'ელფოსტის მისამართები',
+	emailBody: 'წერილის ტექსტი',
+	emailSubject: 'წერილის სათაური',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'ბმულის ინფორმაცია',
+	langCode: 'ენის კოდი',
+	langDir: 'ენის მიმართულება',
+	langDirLTR: 'მარცხნიდან მარჯვნივ (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'მარჯვნიდან მარცხნივ (RTL)',
+	menu: 'ბმულის რედაქტირება',
+	name: 'სახელი',
+	noAnchors: '(ამ დოკუმენტში ღუზა არაა)',
+	noEmail: 'აკრიფეთ ელფოსტის მისამართი',
+	noUrl: 'აკრიფეთ ბმულის URL',
+	other: '<სხვა>',
+	popupDependent: 'დამოკიდებული (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Popup ფანჯრის პარამეტრები',
+	popupFullScreen: 'მთელი ეკრანი (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'მარცხენა პოზიცია',
+	popupLocationBar: 'ნავიგაციის ზოლი',
+	popupMenuBar: 'მენიუს ზოლი',
+	popupResizable: 'ცვალებადი ზომით',
+	popupScrollBars: 'გადახვევის ზოლები',
+	popupStatusBar: 'სტატუსის ზოლი',
+	popupToolbar: 'ხელსაწყოთა ზოლი',
+	popupTop: 'ზედა პოზიცია',
+	rel: 'კავშირი',
+	selectAnchor: 'აირჩიეთ ღუზა',
+	styles: 'CSS სტილი',
+	tabIndex: 'Tab-ის ინდექსი',
+	target: 'გახსნის ადგილი',
+	targetFrame: '<frame>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Frame-ის სახელი',
+	targetPopup: '<popup ფანჯარა>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Popup ფანჯრის სახელი',
+	title: 'ბმული',
+	toAnchor: 'ბმული ტექსტში ღუზაზე',
+	toEmail: 'ელფოსტა',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'ბმული',
+	type: 'ბმულის ტიპი',
+	unlink: 'ბმულის მოხსნა',
+	upload: 'აქაჩვა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc13a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'km', {
+	acccessKey: 'ឃី សំរាប់ចូល',
+	advanced: 'កំរិតខ្ពស់',
+	advisoryContentType: 'ប្រភេទអត្ថបទ ប្រឹក្សា',
+	advisoryTitle: 'ចំណងជើង ប្រឹក្សា',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'បន្ថែម/កែប្រែ យុថ្កា',
+		menu: 'ការកំណត់យុថ្កា',
+		title: 'ការកំណត់យុថ្កា',
+		name: 'ឈ្មោះយុទ្ធថ្កា',
+		errorName: 'សូមសរសេរ ឈ្មោះយុទ្ធថ្កា',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'តាម Id',
+	anchorName: 'តាមឈ្មោះរបស់យុថ្កា',
+	charset: 'លេខកូតអក្សររបស់ឈ្នាប់',
+	cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+	emailAddress: 'អ៊ីមែល',
+	emailBody: 'អត្ថបទ',
+	emailSubject: 'ចំណងជើងអត្ថបទ',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'ពត៌មានអំពីឈ្នាប់',
+	langCode: 'ទិសដៅភាសា',
+	langDir: 'ទិសដៅភាសា',
+	langDirLTR: 'ពីឆ្វេងទៅស្តាំ(LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'ពីស្តាំទៅឆ្វេង(RTL)',
+	menu: 'កែប្រែឈ្នាប់',
+	name: 'ឈ្មោះ',
+	noAnchors: '(No anchors available in the document)', // MISSING
+	noEmail: 'សូមសរសេរ អាស័យដ្ឋាន អ៊ីមែល',
+	noUrl: 'សូមសរសេរ អាស័យដ្ឋាន URL',
+	other: '<other>', // MISSING
+	popupDependent: 'អាស្រ័យលើ (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'លក្ខណះរបស់វីនដូលលោត',
+	popupFullScreen: 'អេក្រុងពេញ(IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'ទីតាំងខាងឆ្វេង',
+	popupLocationBar: 'របា ទីតាំង',
+	popupMenuBar: 'របា មឺនុយ',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable', // MISSING
+	popupScrollBars: 'របា ទាញ',
+	popupStatusBar: 'របា ពត៌មាន',
+	popupToolbar: 'របា ឩបករណ៍',
+	popupTop: 'ទីតាំងខាងលើ',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'ជ្រើសរើសយុថ្កា',
+	styles: 'ម៉ូត',
+	tabIndex: 'លេខ Tab',
+	target: 'គោលដៅ',
+	targetFrame: '<ហ្វ្រេម>',
+	targetFrameName: 'ឈ្មោះហ្រ្វេមដែលជាគោលដៅ',
+	targetPopup: '<វីនដូវ លោត>',
+	targetPopupName: 'ឈ្មោះវីនដូវលោត',
+	title: 'ឈ្នាប់',
+	toAnchor: 'យុថ្កានៅក្នុងទំព័រនេះ',
+	toEmail: 'អ៊ីមែល',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'បន្ថែម/កែប្រែ ឈ្នាប់',
+	type: 'ប្រភេទឈ្នាប់',
+	unlink: 'លប់ឈ្នាប់',
+	upload: 'ទាញយក'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecb168b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'ko', {
+	acccessKey: '엑세스 키',
+	advanced: '자세히',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Advisory Content Type',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Advisory Title',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: '책갈피 삽입/변경',
+		menu: '책갈피 속성',
+		title: '책갈피 속성',
+		name: '책갈피 이름',
+		errorName: '책갈피 이름을 입력하십시요.',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: '책갈피 ID',
+	anchorName: '책갈피 이름',
+	charset: 'Linked Resource Charset',
+	cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes',
+	emailAddress: '이메일 주소',
+	emailBody: 'ë‚´ìš©',
+	emailSubject: '제목',
+	id: 'ID',
+	info: '링크 정보',
+	langCode: '쓰기 방향',
+	langDir: '쓰기 방향',
+	langDirLTR: '왼쪽에서 오른쪽 (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: '오른쪽에서 왼쪽 (RTL)',
+	menu: '링크 수정',
+	name: 'Name',
+	noAnchors: '(문서에 책갈피가 없습니다.)',
+	noEmail: '이메일주소를 입력하십시요.',
+	noUrl: '링크 URL을 입력하십시요.',
+	other: '<기타>',
+	popupDependent: 'Dependent (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: '팝업창 설정',
+	popupFullScreen: '전체화면 (IE)',
+	popupLeft: '왼쪽 위치',
+	popupLocationBar: '주소표시줄',
+	popupMenuBar: '메뉴바',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable', // MISSING
+	popupScrollBars: '스크롤바',
+	popupStatusBar: '상태바',
+	popupToolbar: '툴바',
+	popupTop: '윗쪽 위치',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: '책갈피 선택',
+	styles: 'Style',
+	tabIndex: '탭 순서',
+	target: '타겟',
+	targetFrame: '<프레임>',
+	targetFrameName: '타겟 프레임 이름',
+	targetPopup: '<팝업창>',
+	targetPopupName: '팝업창 이름',
+	title: '링크',
+	toAnchor: '책갈피',
+	toEmail: '이메일',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: '링크 삽입/변경',
+	type: '링크 종류',
+	unlink: '링크 삭제',
+	upload: '업로드'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2299f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'ku', {
+	acccessKey: 'کلیلی دهستپێگهیشتن',
+	advanced: 'پێشکهوتوو',
+	advisoryContentType: 'جۆری ناوهڕۆکی ڕاویژکار',
+	advisoryTitle: 'ڕاوێژکاری سهردێڕ',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'دانان/چاکسازی لهنگهر',
+		menu: 'چاکسازی لهنگهر',
+		title: 'خاسیهتی لهنگهر',
+		name: 'ناوی لهنگهر',
+		errorName: 'تکایه ناوی لهنگهر بنووسه',
+		remove: 'لابردنی لهنگهر'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'بهپێی ناسنامهی توخم',
+	anchorName: 'بهپێی ناوی لهنگهر',
+	charset: 'بەستەری سەرچاوەی نووسه',
+	cssClasses: 'شێوازی چینی پهڕه',
+	emailAddress: 'ناونیشانی ئیمهیل',
+	emailBody: 'ناوهڕۆکی نامه',
+	emailSubject: 'بابهتی نامه',
+	id: 'ناسنامه',
+	info: 'زانیاری بەستەر',
+	langCode: 'هێمای زمان',
+	langDir: 'ئاراستهی زمان',
+	langDirLTR: 'چهپ بۆ ڕاست (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'ڕاست بۆ چهپ (RTL)',
+	menu: 'چاکسازی بەستەر',
+	name: 'ناو',
+	noAnchors: '(هیچ جۆرێکی لهنگهر ئاماده نیه لهم پهڕهیه)',
+	noEmail: 'تکایه ناونیشانی ئیمهیل بنووسه',
+	noUrl: 'تکایه ناونیشانی بهستهر بنووسه',
+	other: '<هیتر>',
+	popupDependent: 'پێوهبهستراو (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'خاسیهتی پهنجهرهی سهرههڵدهر',
+	popupFullScreen: 'پڕ بهپڕی شاشه (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'جێگای چهپ',
+	popupLocationBar: 'هێڵی ناونیشانی بهستهر',
+	popupMenuBar: 'هێڵی لیسته',
+	popupResizable: 'توانای گۆڕینی قهباره',
+	popupScrollBars: 'هێڵی هاتووچۆپێکردن',
+	popupStatusBar: 'هێڵی دۆخ',
+	popupToolbar: 'هێڵی تووڵامراز',
+	popupTop: 'جێگای سهرهوه',
+	rel: 'پهیوهندی (rel)',
+	selectAnchor: 'ههڵبژاردنی لهنگهرێك',
+	styles: 'شێواز',
+	tabIndex: 'بازدهری تابی  ئیندێکس',
+	target: 'ئامانج',
+	targetFrame: '<چووارچێوه>',
+	targetFrameName: 'ناوی ئامانجی چووارچێوه',
+	targetPopup: '<پهنجهرهی سهرههڵدهر>',
+	targetPopupName: 'ناوی پهنجهرهی سهرههڵدهر',
+	title: 'بەستەر',
+	toAnchor: 'بهستهر بۆ لهنگهر له دهق',
+	toEmail: 'ئیمهیل',
+	toUrl: 'ناونیشانی بهستهر',
+	toolbar: 'دانان/ڕێکخستنی بەستەر',
+	type: 'جۆری بهستهر',
+	unlink: 'لابردنی بەستەر',
+	upload: 'بارکردن'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..513cf44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'lt', {
+	acccessKey: 'Prieigos raktas',
+	advanced: 'Papildomas',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Konsultacinio turinio tipas',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Konsultacinė antraštė',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Įterpti/modifikuoti žymę',
+		menu: 'Žymės savybės',
+		title: 'Žymės savybės',
+		name: 'Žymės vardas',
+		errorName: 'Prašome įvesti žymės vardą',
+		remove: 'Pašalinti žymę'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Pagal žymės Id',
+	anchorName: 'Pagal žymės vardą',
+	charset: 'Susietų išteklių simbolių lentelė',
+	cssClasses: 'Stilių lentelės klasės',
+	emailAddress: 'El.pašto adresas',
+	emailBody: 'Žinutės turinys',
+	emailSubject: 'Žinutės tema',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Nuorodos informacija',
+	langCode: 'Teksto kryptis',
+	langDir: 'Teksto kryptis',
+	langDirLTR: 'Iš kairės į dešinę (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Iš dešinės į kairę (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Taisyti nuorodÄ…',
+	name: 'Vardas',
+	noAnchors: '(Šiame dokumente žymių nėra)',
+	noEmail: 'Prašome įvesti el.pašto adresą',
+	noUrl: 'Prašome įvesti nuorodos URL',
+	other: '<kitas>',
+	popupDependent: 'Priklausomas (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Išskleidžiamo lango savybės',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Visas ekranas (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'KairÄ— pozicija',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Adreso juosta',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Meniu juosta',
+	popupResizable: 'Kintamas dydis',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Slinkties juostos',
+	popupStatusBar: 'BÅ«senos juosta',
+	popupToolbar: 'Mygtukų juosta',
+	popupTop: 'Viršutinė pozicija',
+	rel: 'SÄ…sajos',
+	selectAnchor: 'Pasirinkite žymę',
+	styles: 'Stilius',
+	tabIndex: 'Tabuliavimo indeksas',
+	target: 'Paskirties vieta',
+	targetFrame: '<kadras>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Paskirties kadro vardas',
+	targetPopup: '<išskleidžiamas langas>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Paskirties lango vardas',
+	title: 'Nuoroda',
+	toAnchor: 'Žymė šiame puslapyje',
+	toEmail: 'El.paštas',
+	toUrl: 'Nuoroda',
+	toolbar: 'Įterpti/taisyti nuorodą',
+	type: 'Nuorodos tipas',
+	unlink: 'Panaikinti nuorodÄ…',
+	upload: 'Siųsti'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c3d050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'lv', {
+	acccessKey: 'Pieejas taustiņš',
+	advanced: 'Izvērstais',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Konsultatīvs satura tips',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Konsultatīvs virsraksts',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Ievietot/Labot iezīmi',
+		menu: 'Labot iezīmi',
+		title: 'Iezīmes uzstādījumi',
+		name: 'Iezīmes nosaukums',
+		errorName: 'Lūdzu norādiet iezīmes nosaukumu',
+		remove: 'Noņemt iezīmi'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'PÄ“c elementa ID',
+	anchorName: 'Pēc iezīmes nosaukuma',
+	charset: 'Pievienotā resursa kodējums',
+	cssClasses: 'Stilu saraksta klases',
+	emailAddress: 'E-pasta adrese',
+	emailBody: 'Ziņas saturs',
+	emailSubject: 'Ziņas tēma',
+	id: 'ID',
+	info: 'Hipersaites informācija',
+	langCode: 'Valodas kods',
+	langDir: 'Valodas lasīšanas virziens',
+	langDirLTR: 'No kreisās uz labo (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'No labās uz kreiso (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Labot hipersaiti',
+	name: 'Nosaukums',
+	noAnchors: '(Šajā dokumentā nav iezīmju)',
+	noEmail: 'Lūdzu norādi e-pasta adresi',
+	noUrl: 'Lūdzu norādi hipersaiti',
+	other: '<cits>',
+	popupDependent: 'Atkarīgs (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Uznirstošā loga nosaukums īpašības',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Pilnā ekrānā (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Kreisā koordināte',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Atrašanās vietas josla',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Izvēlnes josla',
+	popupResizable: 'MÄ“rogojams',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Ritjoslas',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Statusa josla',
+	popupToolbar: 'RÄ«ku josla',
+	popupTop: 'Augšējā koordināte',
+	rel: 'Relācija',
+	selectAnchor: 'Izvēlēties iezīmi',
+	styles: 'Stils',
+	tabIndex: 'Ciļņu indekss',
+	target: 'MÄ“rÄ·is',
+	targetFrame: '<ietvars>',
+	targetFrameName: 'MÄ“rÄ·a ietvara nosaukums',
+	targetPopup: '<uznirstošā logā>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Uznirstošā loga nosaukums',
+	title: 'Hipersaite',
+	toAnchor: 'Iezīme šajā lapā',
+	toEmail: 'E-pasts',
+	toUrl: 'Adrese',
+	toolbar: 'Ievietot/Labot hipersaiti',
+	type: 'Hipersaites tips',
+	unlink: 'Noņemt hipersaiti',
+	upload: 'Augšupielādēt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61f255f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'mk', {
+	acccessKey: 'Access Key', // MISSING
+	advanced: 'Advanced', // MISSING
+	advisoryContentType: 'Advisory Content Type', // MISSING
+	advisoryTitle: 'Advisory Title', // MISSING
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Anchor',
+		menu: 'Edit Anchor',
+		title: 'Anchor Properties',
+		name: 'Anchor Name',
+		errorName: 'Please type the anchor name',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'By Element Id', // MISSING
+	anchorName: 'By Anchor Name', // MISSING
+	charset: 'Linked Resource Charset', // MISSING
+	cssClasses: 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING
+	emailAddress: 'E-Mail Address', // MISSING
+	emailBody: 'Message Body', // MISSING
+	emailSubject: 'Message Subject', // MISSING
+	id: 'Id', // MISSING
+	info: 'Link Info', // MISSING
+	langCode: 'Language Code', // MISSING
+	langDir: 'Language Direction', // MISSING
+	langDirLTR: 'Left to Right (LTR)', // MISSING
+	langDirRTL: 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING
+	menu: 'Edit Link', // MISSING
+	name: 'Name',
+	noAnchors: '(No anchors available in the document)', // MISSING
+	noEmail: 'Please type the e-mail address', // MISSING
+	noUrl: 'Please type the link URL', // MISSING
+	other: '<other>', // MISSING
+	popupDependent: 'Dependent (Netscape)', // MISSING
+	popupFeatures: 'Popup Window Features', // MISSING
+	popupFullScreen: 'Full Screen (IE)', // MISSING
+	popupLeft: 'Left Position', // MISSING
+	popupLocationBar: 'Location Bar', // MISSING
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menu Bar', // MISSING
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable', // MISSING
+	popupScrollBars: 'Scroll Bars', // MISSING
+	popupStatusBar: 'Status Bar', // MISSING
+	popupToolbar: 'Toolbar', // MISSING
+	popupTop: 'Top Position', // MISSING
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'Select an Anchor', // MISSING
+	styles: 'Style', // MISSING
+	tabIndex: 'Tab Index', // MISSING
+	target: 'Target', // MISSING
+	targetFrame: '<frame>', // MISSING
+	targetFrameName: 'Target Frame Name', // MISSING
+	targetPopup: '<popup window>', // MISSING
+	targetPopupName: 'Popup Window Name', // MISSING
+	title: 'Link', // MISSING
+	toAnchor: 'Link to anchor in the text', // MISSING
+	toEmail: 'E-mail', // MISSING
+	toUrl: 'URL', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Link', // MISSING
+	type: 'Link Type', // MISSING
+	unlink: 'Unlink', // MISSING
+	upload: 'Upload' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c605fcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'mn', {
+	acccessKey: 'Холбох түлхүүр',
+	advanced: 'Нэмэлт',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Зөвлөлдөх төрлийн агуулга',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Зөвлөлдөх гарчиг',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Зангуу',
+		menu: 'Зангууг болосруулах',
+		title: 'Зангуугийн шинж чанар',
+		name: 'Зангуугийн нэр',
+		errorName: 'Зангуугийн нэрийг оруулна уу',
+		remove: 'Зангууг устгах'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Элемэнтйн Id нэрээр',
+	anchorName: 'Зангуугийн нэрээр',
+	charset: 'Тэмдэгт оноох нөөцөд холбогдсон',
+	cssClasses: 'Stylesheet классууд',
+	emailAddress: 'Э-шуудангийн хаяг',
+	emailBody: 'Зурвасны их бие',
+	emailSubject: 'Зурвасны гарчиг',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Холбоосын тухай мэдээлэл',
+	langCode: 'Хэлний код',
+	langDir: 'Хэлний чиглэл',
+	langDirLTR: 'Зүүнээс баруун (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Баруунаас зүүн (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Холбоос засварлах',
+	name: 'Нэр',
+	noAnchors: '(Баримт бичиг зангуугүй байна)',
+	noEmail: 'Э-шуудангий хаягаа шивнэ үү',
+	noUrl: 'Холбоосны URL хаягийг шивнэ үү',
+	other: '<other>', // MISSING
+	popupDependent: 'Хамаатай (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Popup цонхны онцлог',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Цонх дүүргэх (Internet Explorer)',
+	popupLeft: 'Зүүн байрлал',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Location хэсэг',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Цэсний самбар',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable', // MISSING
+	popupScrollBars: 'Скрол хэсэгүүд',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Статус хэсэг',
+	popupToolbar: 'Багажны самбар',
+	popupTop: 'Дээд байрлал',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'Нэг зангууг сонгоно уу',
+	styles: 'Загвар',
+	tabIndex: 'Tab индекс',
+	target: 'Байрлал',
+	targetFrame: '<Агуулах хүрээ>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Очих фремын нэр',
+	targetPopup: '<popup цонх>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Popup цонхны нэр',
+	title: 'Холбоос',
+	toAnchor: 'Энэ бичвэр дэх зангуу руу очих холбоос',
+	toEmail: 'Э-захиа',
+	toUrl: 'цахим хуудасны хаяг (URL)',
+	toolbar: 'Холбоос',
+	type: 'Линкийн төрөл',
+	unlink: 'Холбоос авч хаях',
+	upload: 'Хуулах'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92e9954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'ms', {
+	acccessKey: 'Kunci Akses',
+	advanced: 'Advanced',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Jenis Kandungan Makluman',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Tajuk Makluman',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Masukkan/Sunting Pautan',
+		menu: 'Ciri-ciri Pautan',
+		title: 'Ciri-ciri Pautan',
+		name: 'Nama Pautan',
+		errorName: 'Sila taip nama pautan',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'dengan menggunakan ID elemen',
+	anchorName: 'dengan menggunakan nama pautan',
+	charset: 'Linked Resource Charset',
+	cssClasses: 'Kelas-kelas Stylesheet',
+	emailAddress: 'Alamat E-Mail',
+	emailBody: 'Isi Kandungan Mesej',
+	emailSubject: 'Subjek Mesej',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Butiran Sambungan',
+	langCode: 'Arah Tulisan',
+	langDir: 'Arah Tulisan',
+	langDirLTR: 'Kiri ke Kanan (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Kanan ke Kiri (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Sunting Sambungan',
+	name: 'Nama',
+	noAnchors: '(Tiada pautan terdapat dalam dokumen ini)',
+	noEmail: 'Sila taip alamat e-mail',
+	noUrl: 'Sila taip sambungan URL',
+	other: '<lain>',
+	popupDependent: 'Bergantungan (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Ciri Tetingkap Popup',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Skrin Penuh (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Posisi Kiri',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Bar Lokasi',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Bar Menu',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable', // MISSING
+	popupScrollBars: 'Bar-bar skrol',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Bar Status',
+	popupToolbar: 'Toolbar',
+	popupTop: 'Posisi Atas',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'Sila pilih pautan',
+	styles: 'Stail',
+	tabIndex: 'Indeks Tab ',
+	target: 'Sasaran',
+	targetFrame: '<bingkai>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Nama Bingkai Sasaran',
+	targetPopup: '<tetingkap popup>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Nama Tetingkap Popup',
+	title: 'Sambungan',
+	toAnchor: 'Pautan dalam muka surat ini',
+	toEmail: 'E-Mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Masukkan/Sunting Sambungan',
+	type: 'Jenis Sambungan',
+	unlink: 'Buang Sambungan',
+	upload: 'Muat Naik'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..323e1d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'nb', {
+	acccessKey: 'Aksessknapp',
+	advanced: 'Avansert',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Type',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Tittel',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Sett inn/Rediger anker',
+		menu: 'Egenskaper for anker',
+		title: 'Egenskaper for anker',
+		name: 'Ankernavn',
+		errorName: 'Vennligst skriv inn ankernavnet',
+		remove: 'Fjern anker'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Element etter ID',
+	anchorName: 'Anker etter navn',
+	charset: 'Lenket tegnsett',
+	cssClasses: 'Stilarkklasser',
+	emailAddress: 'E-postadresse',
+	emailBody: 'Melding',
+	emailSubject: 'Meldingsemne',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Lenkeinfo',
+	langCode: 'Språkkode',
+	langDir: 'Språkretning',
+	langDirLTR: 'Venstre til høyre (VTH)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Høyre til venstre (HTV)',
+	menu: 'Rediger lenke',
+	name: 'Navn',
+	noAnchors: '(Ingen anker i dokumentet)',
+	noEmail: 'Vennligst skriv inn e-postadressen',
+	noUrl: 'Vennligst skriv inn lenkens URL',
+	other: '<annen>',
+	popupDependent: 'Avhenging (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Egenskaper for popup-vindu',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Fullskjerm (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Venstre posisjon',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Adresselinje',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menylinje',
+	popupResizable: 'Skalerbar',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Scrollbar',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Statuslinje',
+	popupToolbar: 'Verktøylinje',
+	popupTop: 'Topp-posisjon',
+	rel: 'Relasjon (rel)',
+	selectAnchor: 'Velg et anker',
+	styles: 'Stil',
+	tabIndex: 'Tabindeks',
+	target: 'MÃ¥l',
+	targetFrame: '<ramme>',
+	targetFrameName: 'MÃ¥lramme',
+	targetPopup: '<popup-vindu>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Navn på popup-vindu',
+	title: 'Lenke',
+	toAnchor: 'Lenke til anker i teksten',
+	toEmail: 'E-post',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Sett inn/Rediger lenke',
+	type: 'Lenketype',
+	unlink: 'Fjern lenke',
+	upload: 'Last opp'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af7b1f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'nl', {
+	acccessKey: 'Toegangstoets',
+	advanced: 'Geavanceerd',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Aanbevolen content-type',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Adviserende titel',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Interne link',
+		menu: 'Eigenschappen interne link',
+		title: 'Eigenschappen interne link',
+		name: 'Naam interne link',
+		errorName: 'Geef de naam van de interne link op',
+		remove: 'Interne link verwijderen'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Op kenmerk interne link',
+	anchorName: 'Op naam interne link',
+	charset: 'Karakterset van gelinkte bron',
+	cssClasses: 'Stylesheet-klassen',
+	emailAddress: 'E-mailadres',
+	emailBody: 'Inhoud bericht',
+	emailSubject: 'Onderwerp bericht',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Linkomschrijving',
+	langCode: 'Taalcode',
+	langDir: 'Schrijfrichting',
+	langDirLTR: 'Links naar rechts (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Rechts naar links (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Link wijzigen',
+	name: 'Naam',
+	noAnchors: '(Geen interne links in document gevonden)',
+	noEmail: 'Geef een e-mailadres',
+	noUrl: 'Geef de link van de URL',
+	other: '<ander>',
+	popupDependent: 'Afhankelijk (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Instellingen popupvenster',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Volledig scherm (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Positie links',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Locatiemenu',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menubalk',
+	popupResizable: 'Herschaalbaar',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Schuifbalken',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Statusbalk',
+	popupToolbar: 'Werkbalk',
+	popupTop: 'Positie boven',
+	rel: 'Relatie',
+	selectAnchor: 'Kies een interne link',
+	styles: 'Stijl',
+	tabIndex: 'Tabvolgorde',
+	target: 'Doelvenster',
+	targetFrame: '<frame>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Naam doelframe',
+	targetPopup: '<popupvenster>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Naam popupvenster',
+	title: 'Link',
+	toAnchor: 'Interne link in pagina',
+	toEmail: 'E-mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Link invoegen/wijzigen',
+	type: 'Linktype',
+	unlink: 'Link verwijderen',
+	upload: 'Upload'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77860a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'no', {
+	acccessKey: 'Aksessknapp',
+	advanced: 'Avansert',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Type',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Tittel',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Sett inn/Rediger anker',
+		menu: 'Egenskaper for anker',
+		title: 'Egenskaper for anker',
+		name: 'Ankernavn',
+		errorName: 'Vennligst skriv inn ankernavnet',
+		remove: 'Fjern anker'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Element etter ID',
+	anchorName: 'Anker etter navn',
+	charset: 'Lenket tegnsett',
+	cssClasses: 'Stilarkklasser',
+	emailAddress: 'E-postadresse',
+	emailBody: 'Melding',
+	emailSubject: 'Meldingsemne',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Lenkeinfo',
+	langCode: 'Språkkode',
+	langDir: 'Språkretning',
+	langDirLTR: 'Venstre til høyre (VTH)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Høyre til venstre (HTV)',
+	menu: 'Rediger lenke',
+	name: 'Navn',
+	noAnchors: '(Ingen anker i dokumentet)',
+	noEmail: 'Vennligst skriv inn e-postadressen',
+	noUrl: 'Vennligst skriv inn lenkens URL',
+	other: '<annen>',
+	popupDependent: 'Avhenging (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Egenskaper for popup-vindu',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Fullskjerm (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Venstre posisjon',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Adresselinje',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menylinje',
+	popupResizable: 'Skalerbar',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Scrollbar',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Statuslinje',
+	popupToolbar: 'Verktøylinje',
+	popupTop: 'Topp-posisjon',
+	rel: 'Relasjon (rel)',
+	selectAnchor: 'Velg et anker',
+	styles: 'Stil',
+	tabIndex: 'Tabindeks',
+	target: 'MÃ¥l',
+	targetFrame: '<ramme>',
+	targetFrameName: 'MÃ¥lramme',
+	targetPopup: '<popup-vindu>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Navn på popup-vindu',
+	title: 'Lenke',
+	toAnchor: 'Lenke til anker i teksten',
+	toEmail: 'E-post',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Sett inn/Rediger lenke',
+	type: 'Lenketype',
+	unlink: 'Fjern lenke',
+	upload: 'Last opp'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f84902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'pl', {
+	acccessKey: 'Klawisz dostępu',
+	advanced: 'Zaawansowane',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Typ MIME obiektu docelowego',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Opis obiektu docelowego',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Wstaw/edytuj kotwicÄ™',
+		menu: 'Właściwości kotwicy',
+		title: 'Właściwości kotwicy',
+		name: 'Nazwa kotwicy',
+		errorName: 'Wpisz nazwÄ™ kotwicy',
+		remove: 'Usuń kotwicę'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Wg identyfikatora',
+	anchorName: 'Wg nazwy',
+	charset: 'Kodowanie znaków obiektu docelowego',
+	cssClasses: 'Nazwa klasy CSS',
+	emailAddress: 'Adres e-mail',
+	emailBody: 'Treść',
+	emailSubject: 'Temat',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Informacje ',
+	langCode: 'Kod języka',
+	langDir: 'Kierunek tekstu',
+	langDirLTR: 'Od lewej do prawej (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Od prawej do lewej (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Edytuj odnośnik',
+	name: 'Nazwa',
+	noAnchors: '(W dokumencie nie zdefiniowano żadnych kotwic)',
+	noEmail: 'Podaj adres e-mail',
+	noUrl: 'Podaj adres URL',
+	other: '<inny>',
+	popupDependent: 'Okno zależne (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Właściwości wyskakującego okna',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Pełny ekran (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Pozycja w poziomie',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Pasek adresu',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Pasek menu',
+	popupResizable: 'Skalowalny',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Paski przewijania',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Pasek statusu',
+	popupToolbar: 'Pasek narzędzi',
+	popupTop: 'Pozycja w pionie',
+	rel: 'Relacja',
+	selectAnchor: 'Wybierz kotwicÄ™',
+	styles: 'Styl',
+	tabIndex: 'Indeks kolejności',
+	target: 'Obiekt docelowy',
+	targetFrame: '<ramka>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Nazwa ramki docelowej',
+	targetPopup: '<wyskakujÄ…ce okno>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Nazwa wyskakujÄ…cego okna',
+	title: 'Odnośnik',
+	toAnchor: 'Odnośnik wewnątrz strony (kotwica)',
+	toEmail: 'Adres e-mail',
+	toUrl: 'Adres URL',
+	toolbar: 'Wstaw/edytuj odnośnik',
+	type: 'Typ odnośnika',
+	unlink: 'Usuń odnośnik',
+	upload: 'Wyślij'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..121d170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'pt-br', {
+	acccessKey: 'Chave de Acesso',
+	advanced: 'Avançado',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Tipo de Conteúdo',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Título',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Inserir/Editar Âncora',
+		menu: 'Formatar Âncora',
+		title: 'Formatar Âncora',
+		name: 'Nome da Âncora',
+		errorName: 'Por favor, digite o nome da âncora',
+		remove: 'Remover Âncora'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Id da âncora',
+	anchorName: 'Nome da âncora',
+	charset: 'Charset do Link',
+	cssClasses: 'Classe de CSS',
+	emailAddress: 'Endereço E-Mail',
+	emailBody: 'Corpo da Mensagem',
+	emailSubject: 'Assunto da Mensagem',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Informações',
+	langCode: 'Direção do idioma',
+	langDir: 'Direção do idioma',
+	langDirLTR: 'Esquerda para Direita (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Direita para Esquerda (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Editar Link',
+	name: 'Nome',
+	noAnchors: '(Não há âncoras no documento)',
+	noEmail: 'Por favor, digite o endereço de e-mail',
+	noUrl: 'Por favor, digite o endereço do Link',
+	other: '<outro>',
+	popupDependent: 'Dependente (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Propriedades da Janela Pop-up',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Modo Tela Cheia (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Esquerda',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Barra de Endereços',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Barra de Menus',
+	popupResizable: 'Redimensionável',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Barras de Rolagem',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Barra de Status',
+	popupToolbar: 'Barra de Ferramentas',
+	popupTop: 'Topo',
+	rel: 'Tipo de Relação',
+	selectAnchor: 'Selecione uma âncora',
+	styles: 'Estilos',
+	tabIndex: 'Índice de Tabulação',
+	target: 'Destino',
+	targetFrame: '<frame>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Nome do Frame de Destino',
+	targetPopup: '<janela popup>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Nome da Janela Pop-up',
+	title: 'Editar Link',
+	toAnchor: 'Âncora nesta página',
+	toEmail: 'E-Mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Inserir/Editar Link',
+	type: 'Tipo de hiperlink',
+	unlink: 'Remover Link',
+	upload: 'Enviar ao Servidor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4314da9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'pt', {
+	acccessKey: 'Chave de Acesso',
+	advanced: 'Avançado',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Tipo de Conteúdo',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Título',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: ' Inserir/Editar Âncora',
+		menu: 'Propriedades da Âncora',
+		title: 'Propriedades da Âncora',
+		name: 'Nome da Âncora',
+		errorName: 'Por favor, introduza o nome da âncora',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Por ID de elemento',
+	anchorName: 'Por Nome de Referência',
+	charset: 'Fonte de caracteres vinculado',
+	cssClasses: 'Classes de Estilo de Folhas Classes',
+	emailAddress: 'Endereço de E-Mail',
+	emailBody: 'Corpo da Mensagem',
+	emailSubject: 'Título de Mensagem',
+	id: 'ID',
+	info: 'Informação de Hiperligação',
+	langCode: 'Orientação de idioma',
+	langDir: 'Orientação de idioma',
+	langDirLTR: 'Esquerda à Direita (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Direita a Esquerda (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Editar Hiperligação',
+	name: 'Nome',
+	noAnchors: '(Não há referências disponíveis no documento)',
+	noEmail: 'Por favor introduza o endereço de e-mail',
+	noUrl: 'Por favor introduza a hiperligação URL',
+	other: '<outro>',
+	popupDependent: 'Dependente (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Características de Janela de Popup',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Janela Completa (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Posição Esquerda',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Barra de localização',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Barra de Menu',
+	popupResizable: 'Redimensionável',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Barras de deslocamento',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Barra de Estado',
+	popupToolbar: 'Barra de Ferramentas',
+	popupTop: 'Posição Direita',
+	rel: 'Relação',
+	selectAnchor: 'Seleccionar una referência',
+	styles: 'Estilo',
+	tabIndex: 'Índice de Tubulação',
+	target: 'Destino',
+	targetFrame: '<Frame>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Nome do Frame Destino',
+	targetPopup: '<Janela de popup>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Nome da Janela de Popup',
+	title: 'Hiperligação',
+	toAnchor: 'Referência a esta página',
+	toEmail: 'E-Mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Inserir/Editar Hiperligação',
+	type: 'Tipo de Hiperligação',
+	unlink: 'Eliminar Hiperligação',
+	upload: 'Carregar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdbec4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'ro', {
+	acccessKey: 'Tasta de acces',
+	advanced: 'Avansat',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Tipul consultativ al titlului',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Titlul consultativ',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Inserează/Editează ancoră',
+		menu: 'Proprietăţi ancoră',
+		title: 'Proprietăţi ancoră',
+		name: 'Numele ancorei',
+		errorName: 'Vă rugăm scrieţi numele ancorei',
+		remove: 'Elimină ancora'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'după Id-ul elementului',
+	anchorName: 'după numele ancorei',
+	charset: 'Setul de caractere al resursei legate',
+	cssClasses: 'Clasele cu stilul paginii (CSS)',
+	emailAddress: 'Adresă de e-mail',
+	emailBody: 'Opțiuni Meniu Contextual',
+	emailSubject: 'Subiectul mesajului',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Informaţii despre link (Legătură web)',
+	langCode: 'Direcţia cuvintelor',
+	langDir: 'Direcţia cuvintelor',
+	langDirLTR: 'stânga-dreapta (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'dreapta-stânga (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Editează Link',
+	name: 'Nume',
+	noAnchors: '(Nicio ancoră disponibilă în document)',
+	noEmail: 'Vă rugăm să scrieţi adresa de e-mail',
+	noUrl: 'Vă rugăm să scrieţi URL-ul',
+	other: '<alt>',
+	popupDependent: 'Dependent (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Proprietăţile ferestrei popup',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Tot ecranul (Full Screen)(IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Poziţia la stânga',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Bara de locaţie',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Bara de meniu',
+	popupResizable: 'Redimensionabil',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Bare de derulare',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Bara de status',
+	popupToolbar: 'Bara de opţiuni',
+	popupTop: 'Poziţia la dreapta',
+	rel: 'Relație',
+	selectAnchor: 'Selectaţi o ancoră',
+	styles: 'Stil',
+	tabIndex: 'Indexul tabului',
+	target: 'Ţintă (Target)',
+	targetFrame: '<frame>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Numele frameului ţintă',
+	targetPopup: '<fereastra popup>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Numele ferestrei popup',
+	title: 'Link (Legătură web)',
+	toAnchor: 'Ancoră în această pagină',
+	toEmail: 'E-Mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Inserează/Editează link (legătură web)',
+	type: 'Tipul link-ului (al legăturii web)',
+	unlink: 'Înlătură link (legătură web)',
+	upload: 'Încarcă'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dbb275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'ru', {
+	acccessKey: 'Клавиша доступа',
+	advanced: 'Дополнительно',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Тип содержимого',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Заголовок',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Вставить / редактировать якорь',
+		menu: 'Изменить якорь',
+		title: 'Свойства якоря',
+		name: 'Имя якоря',
+		errorName: 'Пожалуйста, введите имя якоря',
+		remove: 'Удалить якорь'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'По идентификатору',
+	anchorName: 'По имени',
+	charset: 'Кодировка ресурса',
+	cssClasses: 'Классы CSS',
+	emailAddress: 'Email адрес',
+	emailBody: 'Текст сообщения',
+	emailSubject: 'Тема сообщения',
+	id: 'Идентификатор',
+	info: 'Информация о ссылке',
+	langCode: 'Код языка',
+	langDir: 'Направление текста',
+	langDirLTR: 'Слева направо (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Справа налево (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Редактировать ссылку',
+	name: 'Имя',
+	noAnchors: '(В документе нет ни одного якоря)',
+	noEmail: 'Пожалуйста, введите email адрес',
+	noUrl: 'Пожалуйста, введите ссылку',
+	other: '<другой>',
+	popupDependent: 'Зависимое (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Параметры всплывающего окна',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Полноэкранное (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Отступ слева',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Панель адреса',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Панель меню',
+	popupResizable: 'Изменяемый размер',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Полосы прокрутки',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Строка состояния',
+	popupToolbar: 'Панель инструментов',
+	popupTop: 'Отступ сверху',
+	rel: 'Отношение',
+	selectAnchor: 'Выберите якорь',
+	styles: 'Стиль',
+	tabIndex: 'Последовательность перехода',
+	target: 'Цель',
+	targetFrame: '<фрейм>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Имя целевого фрейма',
+	targetPopup: '<всплывающее окно>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Имя всплывающего окна',
+	title: 'Ссылка',
+	toAnchor: 'Ссылка на якорь в тексте',
+	toEmail: 'Email',
+	toUrl: 'Ссылка',
+	toolbar: 'Вставить/Редактировать ссылку',
+	type: 'Тип ссылки',
+	unlink: 'Убрать ссылку',
+	upload: 'Загрузка'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8146346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'sk', {
+	acccessKey: 'Prístupový kľúč',
+	advanced: 'Rozšírené',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Pomocný typ obsahu',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Pomocný titulok',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Kotva',
+		menu: 'Upraviť kotvu',
+		title: 'Vlastnosti kotvy',
+		name: 'Názov kotvy',
+		errorName: 'Zadajte prosím názov kotvy',
+		remove: 'Odstrániť kotvu'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Podľa Id objektu',
+	anchorName: 'Podľa mena kotvy',
+	charset: 'Priradená znaková sada',
+	cssClasses: 'Triedy štýlu',
+	emailAddress: 'E-Mailová adresa',
+	emailBody: 'Telo správy',
+	emailSubject: 'Predmet správy',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Informácie o odkaze',
+	langCode: 'Orientácia jazyka',
+	langDir: 'Orientácia jazyka',
+	langDirLTR: 'Zľava doprava (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Sprava doľava (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Upraviť odkaz',
+	name: 'Názov',
+	noAnchors: '(V dokumente nie sú dostupné žiadne kotvy)',
+	noEmail: 'Zadajte prosím e-mailovú adresu',
+	noUrl: 'Zadajte prosím URL odkazu',
+	other: '<iný>',
+	popupDependent: 'Závislosť (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Vlastnosti vyskakovacieho okna',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Celá obrazovka (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Ľavý okraj',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Panel umiestnenia (location bar)',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Panel ponuky (menu bar)',
+	popupResizable: 'Meniteľná veľkosť (resizable)',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Posuvníky (scroll bars)',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Stavový riadok (status bar)',
+	popupToolbar: 'Panel nástrojov (toolbar)',
+	popupTop: 'Horný okraj',
+	rel: 'Vzťah (rel)',
+	selectAnchor: 'Vybrať kotvu',
+	styles: 'Štýl',
+	tabIndex: 'Poradie prvku (tab index)',
+	target: 'Cieľ',
+	targetFrame: '<rámec>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Názov rámu cieľa',
+	targetPopup: '<vyskakovacie okno>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Názov vyskakovacieho okna',
+	title: 'Odkaz',
+	toAnchor: 'Odkaz na kotvu v texte',
+	toEmail: 'E-mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Odkaz',
+	type: 'Typ odkazu',
+	unlink: 'Odstrániť odkaz',
+	upload: 'Nahrať'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..221da68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'sl', {
+	acccessKey: 'Vstopno geslo',
+	advanced: 'Napredno',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Predlagani tip vsebine (content-type)',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Predlagani naslov',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Vstavi/uredi zaznamek',
+		menu: 'Lastnosti zaznamka',
+		title: 'Lastnosti zaznamka',
+		name: 'Ime zaznamka',
+		errorName: 'Prosim vnesite ime zaznamka',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Po ID-ju elementa',
+	anchorName: 'Po imenu zaznamka',
+	charset: 'Kodna tabela povezanega vira',
+	cssClasses: 'Razred stilne predloge',
+	emailAddress: 'Elektronski naslov',
+	emailBody: 'Vsebina sporočila',
+	emailSubject: 'Predmet sporočila',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Podatki o povezavi',
+	langCode: 'Smer jezika',
+	langDir: 'Smer jezika',
+	langDirLTR: 'Od leve proti desni (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Od desne proti levi (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Uredi povezavo',
+	name: 'Ime',
+	noAnchors: '(V tem dokumentu ni zaznamkov)',
+	noEmail: 'Vnesite elektronski naslov',
+	noUrl: 'Vnesite URL povezave',
+	other: '<drug>',
+	popupDependent: 'Podokno (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Značilnosti pojavnega okna',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Celozaslonska slika (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Lega levo',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Naslovna vrstica',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menijska vrstica',
+	popupResizable: 'Spremenljive velikosti',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Drsniki',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Vrstica stanja',
+	popupToolbar: 'Orodna vrstica',
+	popupTop: 'Lega na vrhu',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'Izberi zaznamek',
+	styles: 'Slog',
+	tabIndex: 'Å tevilka tabulatorja',
+	target: 'Cilj',
+	targetFrame: '<okvir>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Ime ciljnega okvirja',
+	targetPopup: '<pojavno okno>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Ime pojavnega okna',
+	title: 'Povezava',
+	toAnchor: 'Zaznamek na tej strani',
+	toEmail: 'Elektronski naslov',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Vstavi/uredi povezavo',
+	type: 'Vrsta povezave',
+	unlink: 'Odstrani povezavo',
+	upload: 'Prenesi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ed6bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'sr-latn', {
+	acccessKey: 'Pristupni taster',
+	advanced: 'Napredni tagovi',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Advisory vrsta sadržaja',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Advisory naslov',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Unesi/izmeni sidro',
+		menu: 'Osobine sidra',
+		title: 'Osobine sidra',
+		name: 'Ime sidra',
+		errorName: 'Unesite ime sidra',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Po Id-ju elementa',
+	anchorName: 'Po nazivu sidra',
+	charset: 'Linked Resource Charset',
+	cssClasses: 'Stylesheet klase',
+	emailAddress: 'E-Mail adresa',
+	emailBody: 'Sadržaj poruke',
+	emailSubject: 'Naslov',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Link Info',
+	langCode: 'Smer jezika',
+	langDir: 'Smer jezika',
+	langDirLTR: 'S leva na desno (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'S desna na levo (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Izmeni link',
+	name: 'Naziv',
+	noAnchors: '(Nema dostupnih sidra)',
+	noEmail: 'Otkucajte adresu elektronske pote',
+	noUrl: 'Unesite URL linka',
+	other: '<остало>',
+	popupDependent: 'Zavisno (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Mogućnosti popup prozora',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Prikaz preko celog ekrana (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Od leve ivice ekrana (px)',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Lokacija',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Kontekstni meni',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable', // MISSING
+	popupScrollBars: 'Scroll bar',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Statusna linija',
+	popupToolbar: 'Toolbar',
+	popupTop: 'Od vrha ekrana (px)',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'Odaberi sidro',
+	styles: 'Stil',
+	tabIndex: 'Tab indeks',
+	target: 'Meta',
+	targetFrame: '<okvir>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Naziv odredišnog frejma',
+	targetPopup: '<popup prozor>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Naziv popup prozora',
+	title: 'Link',
+	toAnchor: 'Sidro na ovoj stranici',
+	toEmail: 'E-Mail',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Unesi/izmeni link',
+	type: 'Vrsta linka',
+	unlink: 'Ukloni link',
+	upload: 'Pošalji'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..114c3ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'sr', {
+	acccessKey: 'Приступни тастер',
+	advanced: 'Напредни тагови',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Advisory врста садржаја',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Advisory наслов',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Унеси/измени сидро',
+		menu: 'Особине сидра',
+		title: 'Особине сидра',
+		name: 'Име сидра',
+		errorName: 'Молимо Вас да унесете име сидра',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Пo Ид-jу елемента',
+	anchorName: 'По називу сидра',
+	charset: 'Linked Resource Charset',
+	cssClasses: 'Stylesheet класе',
+	emailAddress: 'Адреса електронске поште',
+	emailBody: 'Садржај поруке',
+	emailSubject: 'Наслов',
+	id: 'Ид',
+	info: 'Линк инфо',
+	langCode: 'Смер језика',
+	langDir: 'Смер језика',
+	langDirLTR: 'С лева на десно (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'С десна на лево (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Промени линк',
+	name: 'Назив',
+	noAnchors: '(Нема доступних сидра)',
+	noEmail: 'Откуцајте адресу електронске поште',
+	noUrl: 'Унесите УРЛ линка',
+	other: '<other>', // MISSING
+	popupDependent: 'Зависно (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Могућности искачућег прозора',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Приказ преко целог екрана (ИE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Од леве ивице екрана (пиксела)',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Локација',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Контекстни мени',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable', // MISSING
+	popupScrollBars: 'Скрол бар',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Статусна линија',
+	popupToolbar: 'Toolbar',
+	popupTop: 'Од врха екрана (пиксела)',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'Одабери сидро',
+	styles: 'Стил',
+	tabIndex: 'Таб индекс',
+	target: 'Meтa',
+	targetFrame: '<оквир>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Назив одредишног фрејма',
+	targetPopup: '<искачући прозор>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Назив искачућег прозора',
+	title: 'Линк',
+	toAnchor: 'Сидро на овој страници',
+	toEmail: 'Eлектронска пошта',
+	toUrl: 'УРЛ',
+	toolbar: 'Унеси/измени линк',
+	type: 'Врста линка',
+	unlink: 'Уклони линк',
+	upload: 'Пошаљи'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..601b9ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'sv', {
+	acccessKey: 'Behörighetsnyckel',
+	advanced: 'Avancerad',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Innehållstyp',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Titel',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Infoga/Redigera ankarlänk',
+		menu: 'Egenskaper för ankarlänk',
+		title: 'Egenskaper för ankarlänk',
+		name: 'Ankarnamn',
+		errorName: 'Var god ange ett ankarnamn',
+		remove: 'Radera ankare'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'efter objektid',
+	anchorName: 'efter ankarnamn',
+	charset: 'Teckenuppställning',
+	cssClasses: 'Stylesheet class',
+	emailAddress: 'E-postadress',
+	emailBody: 'Innehåll',
+	emailSubject: 'Ämne',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Länkinformation',
+	langCode: 'Språkriktning',
+	langDir: 'Språkriktning',
+	langDirLTR: 'Vänster till höger (VTH)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Höger till vänster (HTV)',
+	menu: 'Redigera länk',
+	name: 'Namn',
+	noAnchors: '(Inga ankare kunde hittas)',
+	noEmail: 'Var god ange E-postadress',
+	noUrl: 'Var god ange länkens URL',
+	other: '<annan>',
+	popupDependent: 'Beroende (endast Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Popup-fönstrets egenskaper',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Helskärm (endast IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Position från vänster',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Adressfält',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menyfält',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Scrolllista',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Statusfält',
+	popupToolbar: 'Verktygsfält',
+	popupTop: 'Position från sidans topp',
+	rel: 'Förhållande',
+	selectAnchor: 'Välj ett ankare',
+	styles: 'Stilmall',
+	tabIndex: 'Tabindex',
+	target: 'MÃ¥l',
+	targetFrame: '<ram>',
+	targetFrameName: 'MÃ¥lets ramnamn',
+	targetPopup: '<popup-fönster>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Popup-fönstrets namn',
+	title: 'Länk',
+	toAnchor: 'Ankare i sidan',
+	toEmail: 'E-post',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Infoga/Redigera länk',
+	type: 'Länktyp',
+	unlink: 'Radera länk',
+	upload: 'Ladda upp'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b212123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'th', {
+	acccessKey: 'แอคเซส คีย์',
+	advanced: 'ขั้นสูง',
+	advisoryContentType: 'ชนิดของคำเกริ่นนำ',
+	advisoryTitle: 'คำเกริ่นนำ',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'แทรก/แก้ไข Anchor',
+		menu: 'รายละเอียด Anchor',
+		title: 'รายละเอียด Anchor',
+		name: 'ชื่อ Anchor',
+		errorName: 'กรุณาระบุชื่อของ Anchor',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'ไอดี',
+	anchorName: 'ชื่อ',
+	charset: 'ลิงค์เชื่อมโยงไปยังชุดตัวอักษร',
+	cssClasses: 'คลาสของไฟล์กำหนดลักษณะการแสดงผล',
+	emailAddress: 'อีเมล์ (E-Mail)',
+	emailBody: 'ข้อความ',
+	emailSubject: 'หัวเรื่อง',
+	id: 'ไอดี',
+	info: 'รายละเอียด',
+	langCode: 'การเขียน-อ่านภาษา',
+	langDir: 'การเขียน-อ่านภาษา',
+	langDirLTR: 'จากซ้ายไปขวา (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'จากขวามาซ้าย (RTL)',
+	menu: 'แก้ไข ลิงค์',
+	name: 'ชื่อ',
+	noAnchors: '(ยังไม่มีจุดเชื่อมโยงภายในหน้าเอกสารนี้)',
+	noEmail: 'กรุณาระบุอีเมล์ (E-mail)',
+	noUrl: 'กรุณาระบุที่อยู่อ้างอิงออนไลน์ (URL)',
+	other: '<อื่น ๆ>',
+	popupDependent: 'แสดงเต็มหน้าจอ (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'คุณสมบัติของหน้าจอเล็ก (Pop-up)',
+	popupFullScreen: 'แสดงเต็มหน้าจอ (IE5.5++ เท่านั้น)',
+	popupLeft: 'พิกัดซ้าย (Left Position)',
+	popupLocationBar: 'แสดงที่อยู่ของไฟล์',
+	popupMenuBar: 'แสดงแถบเมนู',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable', // MISSING
+	popupScrollBars: 'แสดงแถบเลื่อน',
+	popupStatusBar: 'แสดงแถบสถานะ',
+	popupToolbar: 'แสดงแถบเครื่องมือ',
+	popupTop: 'พิกัดบน (Top Position)',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: 'ระบุข้อมูลของจุดเชื่อมโยง (Anchor)',
+	styles: 'ลักษณะการแสดงผล',
+	tabIndex: 'ลำดับของ แท็บ',
+	target: 'การเปิดหน้าลิงค์',
+	targetFrame: '<เปิดในเฟรม>',
+	targetFrameName: 'ชื่อทาร์เก็ตเฟรม',
+	targetPopup: '<เปิดหน้าจอเล็ก (Pop-up)>',
+	targetPopupName: 'ระบุชื่อหน้าจอเล็ก (Pop-up)',
+	title: 'ลิงค์เชื่อมโยงเว็บ อีเมล์ รูปภาพ หรือไฟล์อื่นๆ',
+	toAnchor: 'จุดเชื่อมโยง (Anchor)',
+	toEmail: 'ส่งอีเมล์ (E-Mail)',
+	toUrl: 'ที่อยู่อ้างอิง URL',
+	toolbar: 'แทรก/แก้ไข ลิงค์',
+	type: 'ประเภทของลิงค์',
+	unlink: 'ลบ ลิงค์',
+	upload: 'อัพโหลดไฟล์'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ab3e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'tr', {
+	acccessKey: 'EriÅŸim TuÅŸu',
+	advanced: 'GeliÅŸmiÅŸ',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Danışma İçerik Türü',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Danışma Başlığı',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Bağlantı Ekle/Düzenle',
+		menu: 'Bağlantı Özellikleri',
+		title: 'Bağlantı Özellikleri',
+		name: 'Bağlantı Adı',
+		errorName: 'Lütfen bağlantı için ad giriniz',
+		remove: 'Bağlantıyı Kaldır'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Eleman Kimlik Numarası ile',
+	anchorName: 'Bağlantı Adı ile',
+	charset: 'Bağlı Kaynak Karakter Gurubu',
+	cssClasses: 'Biçem Sayfası Sınıfları',
+	emailAddress: 'E-Posta Adresi',
+	emailBody: 'İleti Gövdesi',
+	emailSubject: 'Ä°leti Konusu',
+	id: 'Id',
+	info: 'Link Bilgisi',
+	langCode: 'Dil Yönü',
+	langDir: 'Dil Yönü',
+	langDirLTR: 'Soldan SaÄŸa (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'SaÄŸdan Sola (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Link Düzenle',
+	name: 'Ad',
+	noAnchors: '(Bu belgede hiç çapa yok)',
+	noEmail: 'Lütfen E-posta adresini yazın',
+	noUrl: 'Lütfen Link URL\'sini yazın',
+	other: '<diÄŸer>',
+	popupDependent: 'Bağımlı (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Yeni Açılan Pencere Özellikleri',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Tam Ekran (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Sola Göre Konum',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Yer Çubuğu',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Menü Çubuğu',
+	popupResizable: 'Resizable',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Kaydırma Çubukları',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Durum Çubuğu',
+	popupToolbar: 'Araç Çubuğu',
+	popupTop: 'Yukarıya Göre Konum',
+	rel: 'Ä°liÅŸki',
+	selectAnchor: 'Bağlantı Seç',
+	styles: 'Biçem',
+	tabIndex: 'Sekme Ä°ndeksi',
+	target: 'Hedef',
+	targetFrame: '<çerçeve>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Hedef Çerçeve Adı',
+	targetPopup: '<yeni açılan pencere>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Yeni Açılan Pencere Adı',
+	title: 'Link',
+	toAnchor: 'Bu sayfada çapa',
+	toEmail: 'E-Posta',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Link Ekle/Düzenle',
+	type: 'Link Türü',
+	unlink: 'Köprü Kaldır',
+	upload: 'Karşıya Yükle'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b7be6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'ug', {
+	acccessKey: 'زىيارەت كۇنۇپكا',
+	advanced: 'ئالىي',
+	advisoryContentType: 'مەزمۇن تىپى',
+	advisoryTitle: 'ماۋزۇ',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'لەڭگەرلىك نۇقتا ئۇلانمىسى قىستۇر/تەھرىرلە',
+		menu: 'لەڭگەرلىك نۇقتا ئۇلانما خاسلىقى',
+		title: 'لەڭگەرلىك نۇقتا ئۇلانما خاسلىقى',
+		name: 'لەڭگەرلىك نۇقتا ئاتى',
+		errorName: 'لەڭگەرلىك نۇقتا ئاتىنى كىرگۈزۈڭ',
+		remove: 'لەڭگەرلىك نۇقتا ئۆچۈر'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'لەڭگەرلىك نۇقتا ID سى بويىچە',
+	anchorName: 'لەڭگەرلىك نۇقتا ئاتى بويىچە',
+	charset: 'ھەرپ كودلىنىشى',
+	cssClasses: 'ئۇسلۇب خىلى ئاتى',
+	emailAddress: 'ئادرېس',
+	emailBody: 'مەزمۇن',
+	emailSubject: 'ماۋزۇ',
+	id: 'ID',
+	info: 'ئۇلانما ئۇچۇرى',
+	langCode: 'تىل كودى',
+	langDir: 'تىل يۆنىلىشى',
+	langDirLTR: 'سولدىن ئوڭغا (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'ئوڭدىن سولغا (RTL)',
+	menu: 'ئۇلانما تەھرىر',
+	name: 'ئات',
+	noAnchors: '(بۇ پۈتۈكتە ئىشلەتكىلى بولىدىغان لەڭگەرلىك نۇقتا يوق)',
+	noEmail: 'ئېلخەت ئادرېسىنى كىرگۈزۈڭ',
+	noUrl: 'ئۇلانما ئادرېسىنى كىرگۈزۈڭ',
+	other: '‹باشقا›',
+	popupDependent: 'تەۋە (NS)',
+	popupFeatures: 'قاڭقىش كۆزنەك خاسلىقى',
+	popupFullScreen: 'پۈتۈن ئېكران (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'سول',
+	popupLocationBar: 'ئادرېس بالداق',
+	popupMenuBar: 'تىزىملىك بالداق',
+	popupResizable: 'چوڭلۇقى ئۆزگەرتىشچان',
+	popupScrollBars: 'دومىلىما سۈرگۈچ',
+	popupStatusBar: 'ھالەت بالداق',
+	popupToolbar: 'قورال بالداق',
+	popupTop: 'ئوڭ',
+	rel: 'باغلىنىش',
+	selectAnchor: 'بىر لەڭگەرلىك نۇقتا تاللاڭ',
+	styles: 'قۇر ئىچىدىكى ئۇسلۇبى',
+	tabIndex: 'Tab تەرتىپى',
+	target: 'نىشان',
+	targetFrame: '‹كاندۇك›',
+	targetFrameName: 'نىشان كاندۇك ئاتى',
+	targetPopup: '‹قاڭقىش كۆزنەك›',
+	targetPopupName: 'قاڭقىش كۆزنەك ئاتى',
+	title: 'ئۇلانما',
+	toAnchor: 'بەت ئىچىدىكى لەڭگەرلىك نۇقتا ئۇلانمىسى',
+	toEmail: 'ئېلخەت',
+	toUrl: 'ئادرېس',
+	toolbar: 'ئۇلانما قىستۇر/تەھرىرلە',
+	type: 'ئۇلانما تىپى',
+	unlink: 'ئۇلانما بىكار قىل',
+	upload: 'يۈكلە'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbe46ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'uk', {
+	acccessKey: 'Гаряча клавіша',
+	advanced: 'Додаткове',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Тип вмісту',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Заголовок',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Вставити/Редагувати якір',
+		menu: 'Властивості якоря',
+		title: 'Властивості якоря',
+		name: 'Ім\'я якоря',
+		errorName: 'Будь ласка, вкажіть ім\'я якоря',
+		remove: 'Прибрати якір'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'За ідентифікатором елементу',
+	anchorName: 'За ім\'ям елементу',
+	charset: 'Кодування',
+	cssClasses: 'Клас CSS',
+	emailAddress: 'Адреса ел. пошти',
+	emailBody: 'Тіло повідомлення',
+	emailSubject: 'Тема листа',
+	id: 'Ідентифікатор',
+	info: 'Інформація посилання',
+	langCode: 'Код мови',
+	langDir: 'Напрямок мови',
+	langDirLTR: 'Зліва направо (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Справа наліво (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Вставити посилання',
+	name: 'Ім\'я',
+	noAnchors: '(В цьому документі немає якорів)',
+	noEmail: 'Будь ласка, вкажіть адрес ел. пошти',
+	noUrl: 'Будь ласка, вкажіть URL посилання',
+	other: '<інший>',
+	popupDependent: 'Залежний (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Властивості випливаючого вікна',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Повний екран (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Позиція зліва',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Панель локації',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Панель меню',
+	popupResizable: 'Масштабоване',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Стрічки прокрутки',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Рядок статусу',
+	popupToolbar: 'Панель інструментів',
+	popupTop: 'Позиція зверху',
+	rel: 'Зв\'язок',
+	selectAnchor: 'Оберіть якір',
+	styles: 'Стиль CSS',
+	tabIndex: 'Послідовність переходу',
+	target: 'Ціль',
+	targetFrame: '<фрейм>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Ім\'я цільового фрейму',
+	targetPopup: '<випливаюче вікно>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Ім\'я випливаючого вікна',
+	title: 'Посилання',
+	toAnchor: 'Якір на цю сторінку',
+	toEmail: 'Ел. пошта',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Вставити/Редагувати посилання',
+	type: 'Тип посилання',
+	unlink: 'Видалити посилання',
+	upload: 'Надіслати'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b25b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'vi', {
+	acccessKey: 'Phím hỗ trợ truy cập',
+	advanced: 'Mở rộng',
+	advisoryContentType: 'Nội dung hướng dẫn',
+	advisoryTitle: 'Nhan đề hướng dẫn',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: 'Chèn/Sửa điểm neo',
+		menu: 'Thuộc tính điểm neo',
+		title: 'Thuộc tính điểm neo',
+		name: 'Tên của điểm neo',
+		errorName: 'Hãy nhập vào tên của điểm neo',
+		remove: 'Xóa neo'
+	},
+	anchorId: 'Theo định danh thành phần',
+	anchorName: 'Theo tên điểm neo',
+	charset: 'Bảng mã của tài nguyên được liên kết đến',
+	cssClasses: 'Lá»›p Stylesheet',
+	emailAddress: 'Thư điện tử',
+	emailBody: 'Nội dung thông điệp',
+	emailSubject: 'Tiêu đề thông điệp',
+	id: 'Định danh',
+	info: 'Thông tin liên kết',
+	langCode: 'Mã ngôn ngữ',
+	langDir: 'Hướng ngôn ngữ',
+	langDirLTR: 'Trái sang phải (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: 'Phải sang trái (RTL)',
+	menu: 'Sửa liên kết',
+	name: 'Tên',
+	noAnchors: '(Không có điểm neo nào trong tài liệu)',
+	noEmail: 'Hãy đưa vào địa chỉ thư điện tử',
+	noUrl: 'Hãy đưa vào đường dẫn liên kết (URL)',
+	other: '<khác>',
+	popupDependent: 'Phụ thuộc (Netscape)',
+	popupFeatures: 'Đặc điểm của cửa sổ Popup',
+	popupFullScreen: 'Toàn màn hình (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'Vị trí bên trái',
+	popupLocationBar: 'Thanh vị trí',
+	popupMenuBar: 'Thanh Menu',
+	popupResizable: 'Có thể thay đổi kích cỡ',
+	popupScrollBars: 'Thanh cuá»™n',
+	popupStatusBar: 'Thanh trạng thái',
+	popupToolbar: 'Thanh công cụ',
+	popupTop: 'Vị trí phía trên',
+	rel: 'Quan hệ',
+	selectAnchor: 'Chọn một điểm neo',
+	styles: 'Kiểu (style)',
+	tabIndex: 'Chỉ số của Tab',
+	target: 'Đích',
+	targetFrame: '<khung>',
+	targetFrameName: 'Tên khung đích',
+	targetPopup: '<cửa sổ popup>',
+	targetPopupName: 'Tên cửa sổ Popup',
+	title: 'Liên kết',
+	toAnchor: 'Neo trong trang này',
+	toEmail: 'Thư điện tử',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: 'Chèn/Sửa liên kết',
+	type: 'Kiểu liên kết',
+	unlink: 'Xoá liên kết',
+	upload: 'Tải lên'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9c427f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'zh-cn', {
+	acccessKey: '访问键',
+	advanced: '高级',
+	advisoryContentType: '内容类型',
+	advisoryTitle: '标题',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: '插入/编辑锚点链接',
+		menu: '锚点链接属性',
+		title: '锚点链接属性',
+		name: '锚点名称',
+		errorName: '请输入锚点名称',
+		remove: '删除锚点'
+	},
+	anchorId: '按锚点 ID',
+	anchorName: '按锚点名称',
+	charset: '字符编码',
+	cssClasses: '样式类名称',
+	emailAddress: '地址',
+	emailBody: '内容',
+	emailSubject: '主题',
+	id: 'ID',
+	info: '超链接信息',
+	langCode: '语言代码',
+	langDir: '语言方向',
+	langDirLTR: '从左到右 (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: '从右到左 (RTL)',
+	menu: '编辑超链接',
+	name: '名称',
+	noAnchors: '(此文档没有可用的锚点)',
+	noEmail: '请输入电子邮件地址',
+	noUrl: '请输入超链接地址',
+	other: '<其他>',
+	popupDependent: '依附 (NS)',
+	popupFeatures: '弹出窗口属性',
+	popupFullScreen: '全屏 (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'å·¦',
+	popupLocationBar: '地址栏',
+	popupMenuBar: '菜单栏',
+	popupResizable: '可缩放',
+	popupScrollBars: '滚动条',
+	popupStatusBar: '状态栏',
+	popupToolbar: '工具栏',
+	popupTop: '右',
+	rel: '关联',
+	selectAnchor: '选择一个锚点',
+	styles: '行内样式',
+	tabIndex: 'Tab 键次序',
+	target: '目标',
+	targetFrame: '<框架>',
+	targetFrameName: '目标框架名称',
+	targetPopup: '<弹出窗口>',
+	targetPopupName: '弹出窗口名称',
+	title: '超链接',
+	toAnchor: '页内锚点链接',
+	toEmail: '电子邮件',
+	toUrl: '地址',
+	toolbar: '插入/编辑超链接',
+	type: '超链接类型',
+	unlink: '取消超链接',
+	upload: '上传'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8221a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'link', 'zh', {
+	acccessKey: '存取鍵',
+	advanced: '進階',
+	advisoryContentType: '內容類型',
+	advisoryTitle: '標題',
+	anchor: {
+		toolbar: '插入/編輯錨點',
+		menu: '錨點屬性',
+		title: '錨點屬性',
+		name: '錨點名稱',
+		errorName: '請輸入錨點名稱',
+		remove: 'Remove Anchor'
+	},
+	anchorId: '依元件 ID',
+	anchorName: '依錨點名稱',
+	charset: '連結資源之編碼',
+	cssClasses: '樣式表類別',
+	emailAddress: '電子郵件',
+	emailBody: '郵件內容',
+	emailSubject: '郵件主旨',
+	id: 'ID',
+	info: '超連結資訊',
+	langCode: '語言方向',
+	langDir: '語言方向',
+	langDirLTR: '由左而右 (LTR)',
+	langDirRTL: '由右而左 (RTL)',
+	menu: '編輯超連結',
+	name: '名稱',
+	noAnchors: '(本文件尚無可用之錨點)',
+	noEmail: '請輸入電子郵件位址',
+	noUrl: '請輸入欲連結的 URL',
+	other: '<其他>',
+	popupDependent: '從屬 (NS)',
+	popupFeatures: '快顯視窗屬性',
+	popupFullScreen: '全螢幕 (IE)',
+	popupLeft: 'å·¦',
+	popupLocationBar: '網址列',
+	popupMenuBar: '選單列',
+	popupResizable: '可縮放',
+	popupScrollBars: '捲軸',
+	popupStatusBar: '狀態列',
+	popupToolbar: '工具列',
+	popupTop: '右',
+	rel: 'Relationship', // MISSING
+	selectAnchor: '請選擇錨點',
+	styles: '樣式',
+	tabIndex: '定位順序',
+	target: '目標',
+	targetFrame: '<框架>',
+	targetFrameName: '目標框架名稱',
+	targetPopup: '<快顯視窗>',
+	targetPopupName: '快顯視窗名稱',
+	title: '超連結',
+	toAnchor: '本頁錨點',
+	toEmail: '電子郵件',
+	toUrl: 'URL',
+	toolbar: '插入/編輯超連結',
+	type: '超連接類型',
+	unlink: '移除超連結',
+	upload: '上傳'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/plugin.js
index 3cdc6fb..f3ec71f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/link/plugin.js
@@ -1,238 +1,348 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'link',
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'link', {
+	requires: 'dialog,fakeobjects',
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	icons: 'anchor,anchor-rtl,link,unlink', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	onLoad: function() {
+		// Add the CSS styles for anchor placeholders.
+		var baseStyle = 'background:url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'images/anchor.png' ) + ') no-repeat %1 center;' +
+			'border:1px dotted #00f;';
+		var template = '.%2 a.cke_anchor,' +
+			'.%2 a.cke_anchor_empty' +
+			',.cke_editable.%2 a[name]' +
+			',.cke_editable.%2 a[data-cke-saved-name]' +
+			'{' +
+				baseStyle +
+				'padding-%1:18px;' +
+				// Show the arrow cursor for the anchor image (FF at least).
+				'cursor:auto;' +
+			'}' +
+			( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? ( 'a.cke_anchor_empty' +
+			'{' +
+				// Make empty anchor selectable on IE.
+				'display:inline-block;' +
+			'}'
+			) : '' ) +
+			'.%2 img.cke_anchor' +
+			'{' +
+				baseStyle +
+				'width:16px;' +
+				'min-height:15px;' +
+				// The default line-height on IE.
+				'height:1.15em;' +
+				// Opera works better with "middle" (even if not perfect)
+				'vertical-align:' + ( CKEDITOR.env.opera ? 'middle' : 'text-bottom' ) + ';' +
+			'}';
+		// Styles with contents direction awareness.
+		function cssWithDir( dir ) {
+			return template.replace( /%1/g, dir == 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left' ).replace( /%2/g, 'cke_contents_' + dir );
+		}
+		CKEDITOR.addCss( cssWithDir( 'ltr' ) + cssWithDir( 'rtl' ) );
+	},
+	init: function( editor ) {
 		// Add the link and unlink buttons.
 		editor.addCommand( 'link', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'link' ) );
 		editor.addCommand( 'anchor', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'anchor' ) );
 		editor.addCommand( 'unlink', new CKEDITOR.unlinkCommand() );
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'Link',
-			{
-				label : editor.lang.link.toolbar,
-				command : 'link'
-			} );
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'Unlink',
-			{
-				label : editor.lang.unlink,
-				command : 'unlink'
-			} );
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'Anchor',
-			{
-				label : editor.lang.anchor.toolbar,
-				command : 'anchor'
-			} );
+		editor.addCommand( 'removeAnchor', new CKEDITOR.removeAnchorCommand() );
+		editor.setKeystroke( CKEDITOR.CTRL + 76 /*L*/, 'link' );
+		if ( editor.ui.addButton ) {
+			editor.ui.addButton( 'Link', {
+				label: editor.lang.link.toolbar,
+				command: 'link',
+				toolbar: 'links,10'
+			});
+			editor.ui.addButton( 'Unlink', {
+				label: editor.lang.link.unlink,
+				command: 'unlink',
+				toolbar: 'links,20'
+			});
+			editor.ui.addButton( 'Anchor', {
+				label: editor.lang.link.anchor.toolbar,
+				command: 'anchor',
+				toolbar: 'links,30'
+			});
+		}
 		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'link', this.path + 'dialogs/link.js' );
 		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'anchor', this.path + 'dialogs/anchor.js' );
-		// Add the CSS styles for anchor placeholders.
-		editor.addCss(
-			'img.cke_anchor' +
-			'{' +
-				'background-image: url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'images/anchor.gif' ) + ');' +
-				'background-position: center center;' +
-				'background-repeat: no-repeat;' +
-				'border: 1px solid #a9a9a9;' +
-				'width: 18px !important;' +
-				'height: 18px !important;' +
-			'}\n' +
-			'a.cke_anchor' +
-			'{' +
-				'background-image: url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'images/anchor.gif' ) + ');' +
-				'background-position: 0 center;' +
-				'background-repeat: no-repeat;' +
-				'border: 1px solid #a9a9a9;' +
-				'padding-left: 18px;' +
-			'}'
-		   	);
-		// Register selection change handler for the unlink button.
-		 editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( evt )
-			{
-				/*
-				 * Despite our initial hope, document.queryCommandEnabled() does not work
-				 * for this in Firefox. So we must detect the state by element paths.
-				 */
-				var command = editor.getCommand( 'unlink' ),
-					element = evt.data.path.lastElement && evt.data.path.lastElement.getAscendant( 'a', true );
-				if ( element && element.getName() == 'a' && element.getAttribute( 'href' ) )
-					command.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
-				else
-					command.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
-			} );
-		editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt )
-			{
-				var element = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getSelectedLink( editor ) || evt.data.element;
-				if ( element.is( 'a' ) )
-					evt.data.dialog =  ( element.getAttribute( 'name' ) && !element.getAttribute( 'href' ) ) ? 'anchor' : 'link';
-				else if ( element.is( 'img' ) && element.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) == 'anchor' )
+		editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt ) {
+			var element = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getSelectedLink( editor ) || evt.data.element;
+			if ( !element.isReadOnly() ) {
+				if ( element.is( 'a' ) ) {
+					evt.data.dialog = ( element.getAttribute( 'name' ) && ( !element.getAttribute( 'href' ) || !element.getChildCount() ) ) ? 'anchor' : 'link';
+					editor.getSelection().selectElement( element );
+				} else if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor( editor, element ) )
 					evt.data.dialog = 'anchor';
-			});
+			}
+		});
 		// If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu items.
-		if ( editor.addMenuItems )
-		{
-			editor.addMenuItems(
-				{
-					anchor :
-					{
-						label : editor.lang.anchor.menu,
-						command : 'anchor',
-						group : 'anchor'
-					},
-					link :
-					{
-						label : editor.lang.link.menu,
-						command : 'link',
-						group : 'link',
-						order : 1
-					},
-					unlink :
-					{
-						label : editor.lang.unlink,
-						command : 'unlink',
-						group : 'link',
-						order : 5
-					}
-				});
+		if ( editor.addMenuItems ) {
+			editor.addMenuItems({
+				anchor: {
+					label: editor.lang.link.anchor.menu,
+					command: 'anchor',
+					group: 'anchor',
+					order: 1
+				},
+				removeAnchor: {
+					label: editor.lang.link.anchor.remove,
+					command: 'removeAnchor',
+					group: 'anchor',
+					order: 5
+				},
+				link: {
+					label: editor.lang.link.menu,
+					command: 'link',
+					group: 'link',
+					order: 1
+				},
+				unlink: {
+					label: editor.lang.link.unlink,
+					command: 'unlink',
+					group: 'link',
+					order: 5
+				}
+			});
 		// If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners.
-		if ( editor.contextMenu )
-		{
-			editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection )
-				{
-					if ( !element || element.isReadOnly() )
-						return null;
+		if ( editor.contextMenu ) {
+			editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection ) {
+				if ( !element || element.isReadOnly() )
+					return null;
-					var isAnchor = ( element.is( 'img' ) && element.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) == 'anchor' );
+				var anchor = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor( editor, element );
-					if ( !isAnchor )
-					{
-						if ( !( element = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getSelectedLink( editor ) ) )
-							return null;
+				if ( !anchor && !( anchor = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getSelectedLink( editor ) ) )
+					return null;
-						isAnchor = ( element.getAttribute( 'name' ) && !element.getAttribute( 'href' ) );
-					}
+				var menu = {};
+				if ( anchor.getAttribute( 'href' ) && anchor.getChildCount() )
+					menu = { link: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF, unlink: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+				if ( anchor && anchor.hasAttribute( 'name' ) )
+					menu.anchor = menu.removeAnchor = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
-					return isAnchor ?
-							{ anchor : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF } :
-				});
+				return menu;
+			});
-	afterInit : function( editor )
-	{
+	afterInit: function( editor ) {
 		// Register a filter to displaying placeholders after mode change.
 		var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
-			dataFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.dataFilter;
-		if ( dataFilter )
-		{
-			dataFilter.addRules(
-				{
-					elements :
-					{
-						a : function( element )
-						{
-							var attributes = element.attributes;
-							if ( attributes.name && !attributes.href )
-								return editor.createFakeParserElement( element, 'cke_anchor', 'anchor' );
-						}
+			dataFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.dataFilter,
+			htmlFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.htmlFilter,
+			pathFilters = editor._.elementsPath && editor._.elementsPath.filters;
+		if ( dataFilter ) {
+			dataFilter.addRules({
+				elements: {
+					a: function( element ) {
+						var attributes = element.attributes;
+						if ( !attributes.name )
+							return null;
+						var isEmpty = !element.children.length;
+						if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.synAnchorSelector ) {
+							// IE needs a specific class name to be applied
+							// to the anchors, for appropriate styling.
+							var ieClass = isEmpty ? 'cke_anchor_empty' : 'cke_anchor';
+							var cls = attributes[ 'class' ];
+							if ( attributes.name && ( !cls || cls.indexOf( ieClass ) < 0 ) )
+								attributes[ 'class' ] = ( cls || '' ) + ' ' + ieClass;
+							if ( isEmpty && CKEDITOR.plugins.link.emptyAnchorFix ) {
+								attributes.contenteditable = 'false';
+								attributes[ 'data-cke-editable' ] = 1;
+							}
+						} else if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.fakeAnchor && isEmpty )
+							return editor.createFakeParserElement( element, 'cke_anchor', 'anchor' );
+						return null;
-				});
+				}
+			});
-	},
-	requires : [ 'fakeobjects' ]
-} );
+		if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.emptyAnchorFix && htmlFilter ) {
+			htmlFilter.addRules({
+				elements: {
+					a: function( element ) {
+						delete element.attributes.contenteditable;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		if ( pathFilters ) {
+			pathFilters.push( function( element, name ) {
+				if ( name == 'a' ) {
+					if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor( editor, element ) || ( element.getAttribute( 'name' ) && ( !element.getAttribute( 'href' ) || !element.getChildCount() ) ) ) {
+						return 'anchor';
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	}
-CKEDITOR.plugins.link =
+ * Set of link plugin's helpers.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @singleton
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.link = {
-	 *  Get the surrounding link element of current selection.
-	 * @param editor
-	 * @example CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getSelectedLink( editor );
+	 * Get the surrounding link element of current selection.
+	 *
+	 *		CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getSelectedLink( editor );
+	 *
+	 *		// The following selection will all return the link element.
+	 *
+	 *		<a href="#">li^nk</a>
+	 *		<a href="#">[link]</a>
+	 *		text[<a href="#">link]</a>
+	 *		<a href="#">li[nk</a>]
+	 *		[<b><a href="#">li]nk</a></b>]
+	 *		[<a href="#"><b>li]nk</b></a>
+	 *
 	 * @since 3.2.1
-	 * The following selection will all return the link element.
-	 *	 <pre>
-	 *  <a href="#">li^nk</a>
-	 *  <a href="#">[link]</a>
-	 *  text[<a href="#">link]</a>
-	 *  <a href="#">li[nk</a>]
-	 *  [<b><a href="#">li]nk</a></b>]
-	 *  [<a href="#"><b>li]nk</b></a>
-	 * </pre>
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
-	getSelectedLink : function( editor )
-	{
-		try
-		{
-			var selection = editor.getSelection();
-			if ( selection.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT )
-			{
-				var selectedElement = selection.getSelectedElement();
-				if ( selectedElement.is( 'a' ) )
-					return selectedElement;
-			}
+	getSelectedLink: function( editor ) {
+		var selection = editor.getSelection();
+		var selectedElement = selection.getSelectedElement();
+		if ( selectedElement && selectedElement.is( 'a' ) )
+			return selectedElement;
+		var range = selection.getRanges( true )[ 0 ];
-			var range = selection.getRanges( true )[ 0 ];
+		if ( range ) {
 			range.shrink( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_TEXT );
-			var root = range.getCommonAncestor();
-			return root.getAscendant( 'a', true );
+			return editor.elementPath( range.getCommonAncestor() ).contains( 'a', 1 );
+		}
+		return null;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Opera and WebKit don't make it possible to select empty anchors. Fake
+	 * elements must be used for them.
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 * @property {Boolean}
+	 */
+	fakeAnchor: CKEDITOR.env.opera || CKEDITOR.env.webkit,
+	/**
+	 * For browsers that don't support CSS3 `a[name]:empty()`, note IE9 is included because of #7783.
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 * @property {Boolean}
+	 */
+	synAnchorSelector: CKEDITOR.env.ie,
+	/**
+	 * For browsers that have editing issue with empty anchor.
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 * @property {Boolean}
+	 */
+	emptyAnchorFix: CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 8,
+	/**
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	tryRestoreFakeAnchor: function( editor, element ) {
+		if ( element && element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) && element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) == 'anchor' ) {
+			var link = editor.restoreRealElement( element );
+			if ( link.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) )
+				return link;
-		catch( e ) { return null; }
-CKEDITOR.unlinkCommand = function(){};
-CKEDITOR.unlinkCommand.prototype =
-	/** @ignore */
-	exec : function( editor )
-	{
-		/*
-		 * execCommand( 'unlink', ... ) in Firefox leaves behind <span> tags at where
-		 * the <a> was, so again we have to remove the link ourselves. (See #430)
-		 *
-		 * TODO: Use the style system when it's complete. Let's use execCommand()
-		 * as a stopgap solution for now.
-		 */
-		var selection = editor.getSelection(),
-			bookmarks = selection.createBookmarks(),
-			ranges = selection.getRanges(),
-			rangeRoot,
-			element;
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < ranges.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			rangeRoot = ranges[i].getCommonAncestor( true );
-			element = rangeRoot.getAscendant( 'a', true );
-			if ( !element )
-				continue;
-			ranges[i].selectNodeContents( element );
-		}
+// TODO Much probably there's no need to expose these as public objects.
+CKEDITOR.unlinkCommand = function() {};
+CKEDITOR.unlinkCommand.prototype = {
+	exec: function( editor ) {
+		var style = new CKEDITOR.style( { element:'a',type:CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE,alwaysRemoveElement:1 } );
+		editor.removeStyle( style );
+	},
+	refresh: function( editor, path ) {
+		// Despite our initial hope, document.queryCommandEnabled() does not work
+		// for this in Firefox. So we must detect the state by element paths.
+		var element = path.lastElement && path.lastElement.getAscendant( 'a', true );
-		selection.selectRanges( ranges );
-		editor.document.$.execCommand( 'unlink', false, null );
-		selection.selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
+		if ( element && element.getName() == 'a' && element.getAttribute( 'href' ) && element.getChildCount() )
+			this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
+		else
-	startDisabled : true
+	contextSensitive: 1,
+	startDisabled: 1
-CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.config,
-	linkShowAdvancedTab : true,
-	linkShowTargetTab : true
-} );
+CKEDITOR.removeAnchorCommand = function() {};
+CKEDITOR.removeAnchorCommand.prototype = {
+	exec: function( editor ) {
+		var sel = editor.getSelection(),
+			bms = sel.createBookmarks(),
+			anchor;
+		if ( sel && ( anchor = sel.getSelectedElement() ) && ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.fakeAnchor && !anchor.getChildCount() ? CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor( editor, anchor ) : anchor.is( 'a' ) ) )
+			anchor.remove( 1 );
+		else {
+			if ( ( anchor = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getSelectedLink( editor ) ) ) {
+				if ( anchor.hasAttribute( 'href' ) ) {
+					anchor.removeAttributes( { name:1,'data-cke-saved-name':1 } );
+					anchor.removeClass( 'cke_anchor' );
+				} else
+					anchor.remove( 1 );
+			}
+		}
+		sel.selectBookmarks( bms );
+	}
+CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.config, {
+	/**
+	 * @cfg {Boolean} [linkShowAdvancedTab=true]
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.config
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	linkShowAdvancedTab: true,
+	/**
+	 * @cfg {Boolean} [linkShowTargetTab=true]
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.config
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	linkShowTargetTab: true
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/icons/bulletedlist-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/icons/bulletedlist-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..148f810
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/icons/bulletedlist-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/icons/bulletedlist.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/icons/bulletedlist.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38dcdea
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/icons/bulletedlist.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/icons/numberedlist-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/icons/numberedlist-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..144cbe6
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/icons/numberedlist-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/icons/numberedlist.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/icons/numberedlist.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44e5726
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/icons/numberedlist.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da649fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'af', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Ongenommerde lys',
+	numberedlist: 'Genommerde lys'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b651e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'ar', {
+	bulletedlist: 'ادخال/حذف تعداد نقطي',
+	numberedlist: 'ادخال/حذف تعداد رقمي'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1af712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'bg', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Вмъкване/Премахване на точков списък',
+	numberedlist: 'Вмъкване/Премахване на номериран списък'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..877cd41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'bn', {
+	bulletedlist: 'বুলেট লিস্ট লেবেল',
+	numberedlist: 'সাংখ্যিক লিস্টের লেবেল'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6caf39b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'bs', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Lista',
+	numberedlist: 'Numerisana lista'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2ca4fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'ca', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Llista de pics',
+	numberedlist: 'Llista numerada'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a991dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'cs', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Odrážky',
+	numberedlist: 'Číslování'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6b6dab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'cy', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Mewnosod/Tynnu Rhestr Bwled',
+	numberedlist: 'Mewnosod/Tynnu Rhestr Rhifol'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d60a6a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'da', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Punktopstilling',
+	numberedlist: 'Talopstilling'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bbe93c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'de', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Liste',
+	numberedlist: 'Nummerierte Liste'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdea9fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'el', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Εισαγωγή/Απομάκρυνση Λίστας Κουκκίδων',
+	numberedlist: 'Εισαγωγή/Απομάκρυνση Αριθμημένης Λίστας'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..283e816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'en-au', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Insert/Remove Bulleted List',
+	numberedlist: 'Insert/Remove Numbered List'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3db8aad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'en-ca', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Insert/Remove Bulleted List',
+	numberedlist: 'Insert/Remove Numbered List'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..119e247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'en-gb', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Insert/Remove Bulleted List',
+	numberedlist: 'Insert/Remove Numbered List'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d52ecd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'en', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Insert/Remove Bulleted List',
+	numberedlist: 'Insert/Remove Numbered List'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b18c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'eo', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Bula Listo',
+	numberedlist: 'Numera Listo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c365da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'es', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Viñetas',
+	numberedlist: 'Numeración'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8577845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'et', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Punktloend',
+	numberedlist: 'Numberloend'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d2bfcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'eu', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Buletdun Zerrenda',
+	numberedlist: 'Zenbakidun Zerrenda'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8cef99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'fa', {
+	bulletedlist: 'فهرست نقطهای',
+	numberedlist: 'فهرست شمارهدار'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92b9357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'fi', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Luottelomerkit',
+	numberedlist: 'Numerointi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c0c908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'fo', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Punktmerktur listi',
+	numberedlist: 'Talmerktur listi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..259bf28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'fr-ca', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Liste à puces',
+	numberedlist: 'Liste numérotée'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3a89fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'fr', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Insérer/Supprimer la liste à puces',
+	numberedlist: 'Insérer/Supprimer la liste numérotée'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc05e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'gl', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Marcas',
+	numberedlist: 'Lista Numerada'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..277b471
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'gu', {
+	bulletedlist: 'બુલેટ સૂચિ',
+	numberedlist: 'સંખ્યાંકન સૂચિ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6abaa59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'he', {
+	bulletedlist: 'רשימת נקודות',
+	numberedlist: 'רשימה ממוספרת'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f551a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'hi', {
+	bulletedlist: 'बुलॅट सूची',
+	numberedlist: 'अंकीय सूची'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c276041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'hr', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Obična lista',
+	numberedlist: 'Brojčana lista'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6f960c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'hu', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Felsorolás',
+	numberedlist: 'Számozás'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b43a76d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'is', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Punktalisti',
+	numberedlist: 'Númeraður listi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e27a3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'it', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Elenco puntato',
+	numberedlist: 'Elenco numerato'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4577d48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'ja', {
+	bulletedlist: '箇条書き',
+	numberedlist: '段落番号'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ab934a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'ka', {
+	bulletedlist: 'ღილიანი სია',
+	numberedlist: 'გადანომრილი სია'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60ac066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'km', {
+	bulletedlist: 'បញ្ជីជារង្វង់មូល',
+	numberedlist: 'បញ្ជីជាអក្សរ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..647009e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'ko', {
+	bulletedlist: '순서없는 목록',
+	numberedlist: '순서있는 목록'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac4016a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'ku', {
+	bulletedlist: 'دانان/لابردنی خاڵی لیست',
+	numberedlist: 'دانان/لابردنی ژمارەی لیست'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a787c7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'lt', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Suženklintas sąrašas',
+	numberedlist: 'Numeruotas sąrašas'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..316c6be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'lv', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Pievienot/Noņemt vienkāršu sarakstu',
+	numberedlist: 'Numurēts saraksts'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08332ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'mk', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Insert/Remove Bulleted List', // MISSING
+	numberedlist: 'Insert/Remove Numbered List' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88db782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'mn', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Цэгтэй жагсаалт',
+	numberedlist: 'Дугаарлагдсан жагсаалт'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26f6fd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'ms', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Senarai tidak bernombor',
+	numberedlist: 'Senarai bernombor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a6e0b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'nb', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Legg til/Fjern punktmerket liste',
+	numberedlist: 'Legg til/Fjern nummerert liste'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ac8a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'nl', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Opsomming',
+	numberedlist: 'Genummerde lijst'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aeb892d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'no', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Legg til/Fjern punktmerket liste',
+	numberedlist: 'Legg til/Fjern nummerert liste'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b59f9d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'pl', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Lista wypunktowana',
+	numberedlist: 'Lista numerowana'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4807c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'pt-br', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Lista sem números',
+	numberedlist: 'Lista numerada'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed939a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'pt', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Marcas',
+	numberedlist: 'Numeração'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7557edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'ro', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Inserează / Elimină Listă cu puncte',
+	numberedlist: 'Inserează / Elimină Listă numerotată'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..475fc30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'ru', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Вставить / удалить маркированный список',
+	numberedlist: 'Вставить / удалить нумерованный список'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42debc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'sk', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Vložiť/Odstrániť zoznam s odrážkami',
+	numberedlist: 'Vložiť/Odstrániť číslovaný zoznam'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e5be6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'sl', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Označen seznam',
+	numberedlist: 'Oštevilčen seznam'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d9ecc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'sr-latn', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Nenabrojiva lista',
+	numberedlist: 'Nabrojiva lista'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..243836c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'sr', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Ненабројива листа',
+	numberedlist: 'Набројиву листу'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..179ccea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'sv', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Punktlista',
+	numberedlist: 'Numrerad lista'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22f7895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'th', {
+	bulletedlist: 'ลำดับรายการแบบสัญลักษณ์',
+	numberedlist: 'ลำดับรายการแบบตัวเลข'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afa2a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'tr', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Simgeli Liste',
+	numberedlist: 'Numaralı Liste'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59fed9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'ug', {
+	bulletedlist: 'تۈر بەلگە تىزىمى',
+	numberedlist: 'تەرتىپ نومۇر تىزىمى'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0df05c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'uk', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Маркірований список',
+	numberedlist: 'Нумерований список'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..909c0e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'vi', {
+	bulletedlist: 'Chèn/Xoá Danh sách không thứ tự',
+	numberedlist: 'Chèn/Xoá Danh sách có thứ tự'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f4021d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'zh-cn', {
+	bulletedlist: '项目列表',
+	numberedlist: '编号列表'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d5fb5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'list', 'zh', {
+	bulletedlist: '項目清單',
+	numberedlist: '編號清單'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/plugin.js
index b0d5e8c..355a9a7 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/list/plugin.js
@@ -1,26 +1,54 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @file Insert and remove numbered and bulleted lists.
+ * @fileOverview Insert and remove numbered and bulleted lists.
-	var listNodeNames = { ol : 1, ul : 1 },
+(function() {
+	var listNodeNames = { ol:1,ul:1 },
 		emptyTextRegex = /^[\n\r\t ]*$/;
+	var whitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
+		bookmarks = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(),
+		nonEmpty = function( node ) {
+			return !( whitespaces( node ) || bookmarks( node ) );
+		},
+		blockBogus = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bogus();
+	function cleanUpDirection( element ) {
+		var dir, parent, parentDir;
+		if ( ( dir = element.getDirection() ) ) {
+			parent = element.getParent();
+			while ( parent && !( parentDir = parent.getDirection() ) )
+				parent = parent.getParent();
+			if ( dir == parentDir )
+				element.removeAttribute( 'dir' );
+		}
+	}
+	// Inheirt inline styles from another element.
+	function inheirtInlineStyles( parent, el ) {
+		var style = parent.getAttribute( 'style' );
+		// Put parent styles before child styles.
+		style && el.setAttribute( 'style', style.replace( /([^;])$/, '$1;' ) + ( el.getAttribute( 'style' ) || '' ) );
+	}
 	CKEDITOR.plugins.list = {
-		/*
+		/**
 		 * Convert a DOM list tree into a data structure that is easier to
 		 * manipulate. This operation should be non-intrusive in the sense that it
 		 * does not change the DOM tree, with the exception that it may add some
 		 * markers to the list item nodes when database is specified.
+		 *
+		 * @member CKEDITOR.plugins.list
+		 * @todo params
-		listToArray : function( listNode, database, baseArray, baseIndentLevel, grandparentNode )
-		{
+		listToArray: function( listNode, database, baseArray, baseIndentLevel, grandparentNode ) {
 			if ( !listNodeNames[ listNode.getName() ] )
 				return [];
@@ -30,35 +58,35 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				baseArray = [];
 			// Iterate over all list items to and look for inner lists.
-			for ( var i = 0, count = listNode.getChildCount() ; i < count ; i++ )
-			{
+			for ( var i = 0, count = listNode.getChildCount(); i < count; i++ ) {
 				var listItem = listNode.getChild( i );
+				// Fixing malformed nested lists by moving it into a previous list item. (#6236)
+				if ( listItem.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && listItem.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$list )
+					CKEDITOR.plugins.list.listToArray( listItem, database, baseArray, baseIndentLevel + 1 );
 				// It may be a text node or some funny stuff.
 				if ( listItem.$.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'li' )
-				var itemObj = { 'parent' : listNode, indent : baseIndentLevel, element : listItem, contents : [] };
-				if ( !grandparentNode )
-				{
+				var itemObj = { 'parent': listNode, indent: baseIndentLevel, element: listItem, contents: [] };
+				if ( !grandparentNode ) {
 					itemObj.grandparent = listNode.getParent();
 					if ( itemObj.grandparent && itemObj.grandparent.$.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'li' )
 						itemObj.grandparent = itemObj.grandparent.getParent();
-				}
-				else
+				} else
 					itemObj.grandparent = grandparentNode;
 				if ( database )
 					CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, listItem, 'listarray_index', baseArray.length );
 				baseArray.push( itemObj );
-				for ( var j = 0, itemChildCount = listItem.getChildCount(), child; j < itemChildCount ; j++ )
-				{
+				for ( var j = 0, itemChildCount = listItem.getChildCount(), child; j < itemChildCount; j++ ) {
 					child = listItem.getChild( j );
 					if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && listNodeNames[ child.getName() ] )
-						// Note the recursion here, it pushes inner list items with
-						// +1 indentation in the correct order.
-						CKEDITOR.plugins.list.listToArray( child, database, baseArray, baseIndentLevel + 1, itemObj.grandparent );
+					// Note the recursion here, it pushes inner list items with
+					// +1 indentation in the correct order.
+					CKEDITOR.plugins.list.listToArray( child, database, baseArray, baseIndentLevel + 1, itemObj.grandparent );
 						itemObj.contents.push( child );
@@ -66,83 +94,113 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			return baseArray;
-		// Convert our internal representation of a list back to a DOM forest.
-		arrayToList : function( listArray, database, baseIndex, paragraphMode, dir )
-		{
+		/**
+		 * Convert our internal representation of a list back to a DOM forest.
+		 *
+		 * @member CKEDITOR.plugins.list
+		 * @todo params
+		 */
+		arrayToList: function( listArray, database, baseIndex, paragraphMode, dir ) {
 			if ( !baseIndex )
 				baseIndex = 0;
 			if ( !listArray || listArray.length < baseIndex + 1 )
 				return null;
-			var doc = listArray[ baseIndex ].parent.getDocument(),
+			var i,
+				doc = listArray[ baseIndex ].parent.getDocument(),
 				retval = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( doc ),
 				rootNode = null,
 				currentIndex = baseIndex,
 				indentLevel = Math.max( listArray[ baseIndex ].indent, 0 ),
 				currentListItem = null,
+				orgDir, block,
 				paragraphName = ( paragraphMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div' );
-			while ( true )
-			{
-				var item = listArray[ currentIndex ];
-				if ( item.indent == indentLevel )
-				{
-					if ( !rootNode || listArray[ currentIndex ].parent.getName() != rootNode.getName() )
-					{
-						rootNode = listArray[ currentIndex ].parent.clone( false, true );
+			while ( 1 ) {
+				var item = listArray[ currentIndex ],
+					itemGrandParent = item.grandparent;
+				orgDir = item.element.getDirection( 1 );
+				if ( item.indent == indentLevel ) {
+					if ( !rootNode || listArray[ currentIndex ].parent.getName() != rootNode.getName() ) {
+						rootNode = listArray[ currentIndex ].parent.clone( false, 1 );
+						dir && rootNode.setAttribute( 'dir', dir );
 						retval.append( rootNode );
-					currentListItem = rootNode.append( item.element.clone( false, true ) );
-					for ( var i = 0 ; i < item.contents.length ; i++ )
-						currentListItem.append( item.contents[i].clone( true, true ) );
+					currentListItem = rootNode.append( item.element.clone( 0, 1 ) );
+					if ( orgDir != rootNode.getDirection( 1 ) )
+						currentListItem.setAttribute( 'dir', orgDir );
+					for ( i = 0; i < item.contents.length; i++ )
+						currentListItem.append( item.contents[ i ].clone( 1, 1 ) );
-				}
-				else if ( item.indent == Math.max( indentLevel, 0 ) + 1 )
-				{
-					var listData = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.arrayToList( listArray, null, currentIndex, paragraphMode );
+				} else if ( item.indent == Math.max( indentLevel, 0 ) + 1 ) {
+					// Maintain original direction (#6861).
+					var currDir = listArray[ currentIndex - 1 ].element.getDirection( 1 ),
+						listData = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.arrayToList( listArray, null, currentIndex, paragraphMode, currDir != orgDir ? orgDir : null );
+					// If the next block is an <li> with another list tree as the first
+					// child, we'll need to append a filler (<br>/NBSP) or the list item
+					// wouldn't be editable. (#6724)
+					if ( !currentListItem.getChildCount() && CKEDITOR.env.ie && !( doc.$.documentMode > 7 ) )
+						currentListItem.append( doc.createText( '\xa0' ) );
 					currentListItem.append( listData.listNode );
 					currentIndex = listData.nextIndex;
-				}
-				else if ( item.indent == -1 && !baseIndex && item.grandparent )
-				{
-					currentListItem;
-					if ( listNodeNames[ item.grandparent.getName() ] )
+				} else if ( item.indent == -1 && !baseIndex && itemGrandParent ) {
+					if ( listNodeNames[ itemGrandParent.getName() ] ) {
 						currentListItem = item.element.clone( false, true );
-					else
-					{
-						// Create completely new blocks here, attributes are dropped.
-						if ( dir || ( paragraphMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR && item.grandparent.getName() != 'td' ) )
-						{
-							currentListItem = doc.createElement( paragraphName );
-							if ( dir )
-								currentListItem.setAttribute( 'dir', dir );
-						}
-						else
-							currentListItem = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( doc );
-					}
+						if ( orgDir != itemGrandParent.getDirection( 1 ) )
+							currentListItem.setAttribute( 'dir', orgDir );
+					} else
+						currentListItem = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( doc );
+					// Migrate all children to the new container,
+					// apply the proper text direction.
+					var dirLoose = itemGrandParent.getDirection( 1 ) != orgDir,
+						li = item.element,
+						className = li.getAttribute( 'class' ),
+						style = li.getAttribute( 'style' );
+					var needsBlock = currentListItem.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT && ( paragraphMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR || dirLoose || style || className );
+					var child,
+						count = item.contents.length;
+					for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
+						child = item.contents[ i ];
+						if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && child.isBlockBoundary() ) {
+							// Apply direction on content blocks.
+							if ( dirLoose && !child.getDirection() )
+								child.setAttribute( 'dir', orgDir );
+							inheirtInlineStyles( li, child );
+							className && child.addClass( className );
+						} else if ( needsBlock ) {
+							// Establish new block to hold text direction and styles.
+							if ( !block ) {
+								block = doc.createElement( paragraphName );
+								dirLoose && block.setAttribute( 'dir', orgDir );
+							}
-					for ( i = 0 ; i < item.contents.length ; i++ )
-						currentListItem.append( item.contents[i].clone( true, true ) );
+							// Copy over styles to new block;
+							style && block.setAttribute( 'style', style );
+							className && block.setAttribute( 'class', className );
-					if ( currentListItem.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT
-						 && currentIndex != listArray.length - 1 )
-					{
-						if ( currentListItem.getLast()
-								&& currentListItem.getLast().type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-								&& currentListItem.getLast().getAttribute( 'type' ) == '_moz' )
-							currentListItem.getLast().remove();
-						currentListItem.appendBogus();
+							block.append( child.clone( 1, 1 ) );
+						}
+						currentListItem.append( block || child.clone( 1, 1 ) );
-					if ( currentListItem.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
-							currentListItem.getName() == paragraphName &&
-							currentListItem.$.firstChild )
-					{
-						currentListItem.trim();
-						var firstChild = currentListItem.getFirst();
-						if ( firstChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && firstChild.isBlockBoundary() )
-						{
-							var tmp = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( doc );
-							currentListItem.moveChildren( tmp );
-							currentListItem = tmp;
+					if ( currentListItem.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT && currentIndex != listArray.length - 1 ) {
+						var last = currentListItem.getLast();
+						if ( last && last.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && last.getAttribute( 'type' ) == '_moz' ) {
+							last.remove();
+						}
+						if ( !( last = currentListItem.getLast( nonEmpty ) && last.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && last.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$block ) ) {
+							currentListItem.append( doc.createElement( 'br' ) );
@@ -152,58 +210,38 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					retval.append( currentListItem );
 					rootNode = null;
-				}
-				else
+				} else
 					return null;
+				block = null;
 				if ( listArray.length <= currentIndex || Math.max( listArray[ currentIndex ].indent, 0 ) < indentLevel )
-			// Clear marker attributes for the new list tree made of cloned nodes, if any.
-			if ( database )
-			{
-				var currentNode = retval.getFirst();
-				while ( currentNode )
-				{
-					if ( currentNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
+			if ( database ) {
+				var currentNode = retval.getFirst(),
+					listRoot = listArray[ 0 ].parent;
+				while ( currentNode ) {
+					if ( currentNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+						// Clear marker attributes for the new list tree made of cloned nodes, if any.
 						CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearMarkers( database, currentNode );
+						// Clear redundant direction attribute specified on list items.
+						if ( currentNode.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem )
+							cleanUpDirection( currentNode );
+					}
 					currentNode = currentNode.getNextSourceNode();
-			return { listNode : retval, nextIndex : currentIndex };
+			return { listNode: retval, nextIndex: currentIndex };
-	function setState( editor, state )
-	{
-		editor.getCommand( this.name ).setState( state );
-	}
-	function onSelectionChange( evt )
-	{
-		var path = evt.data.path,
-			blockLimit = path.blockLimit,
-			elements = path.elements,
-			element;
-		// Grouping should only happen under blockLimit.(#3940).
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < elements.length && ( element = elements[ i ] )
-			  && !element.equals( blockLimit ); i++ )
-		{
-			if ( listNodeNames[ elements[i].getName() ] )
-			{
-				return setState.call( this, evt.editor,
-						this.type == elements[i].getName() ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
-			}
-		}
-		return setState.call( this, evt.editor, CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
-	}
-	function changeListType( editor, groupObj, database, listsCreated )
-	{
+	function changeListType( editor, groupObj, database, listsCreated ) {
 		// This case is easy...
 		// 1. Convert the whole list into a one-dimensional array.
 		// 2. Change the list type by modifying the array.
@@ -212,9 +250,8 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		var listArray = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.listToArray( groupObj.root, database ),
 			selectedListItems = [];
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < groupObj.contents.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			var itemNode = groupObj.contents[i];
+		for ( var i = 0; i < groupObj.contents.length; i++ ) {
+			var itemNode = groupObj.contents[ i ];
 			itemNode = itemNode.getAscendant( 'li', true );
 			if ( !itemNode || itemNode.getCustomData( 'list_item_processed' ) )
@@ -223,21 +260,28 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		var root = groupObj.root,
-			fakeParent = root.getDocument().createElement( this.type );
-		// Copy all attributes, except from 'start' and 'type'.
-		root.copyAttributes( fakeParent, { start : 1, type : 1 } );
-		// The list-style-type property should be ignored.
-		fakeParent.removeStyle( 'list-style-type' );
-		for ( i = 0 ; i < selectedListItems.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			var listIndex = selectedListItems[i].getCustomData( 'listarray_index' );
-			listArray[listIndex].parent = fakeParent;
+			doc = root.getDocument(),
+			listNode, newListNode;
+		for ( i = 0; i < selectedListItems.length; i++ ) {
+			var listIndex = selectedListItems[ i ].getCustomData( 'listarray_index' );
+			listNode = listArray[ listIndex ].parent;
+			// Switch to new list node for this particular item.
+			if ( !listNode.is( this.type ) ) {
+				newListNode = doc.createElement( this.type );
+				// Copy all attributes, except from 'start' and 'type'.
+				listNode.copyAttributes( newListNode, { start:1,type:1 } );
+				// The list-style-type property should be ignored.
+				newListNode.removeStyle( 'list-style-type' );
+				listArray[ listIndex ].parent = newListNode;
+			}
 		var newList = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.arrayToList( listArray, database, null, editor.config.enterMode );
-		var child, length = newList.listNode.getChildCount();
-		for ( i = 0 ; i < length && ( child = newList.listNode.getChild( i ) ) ; i++ )
-		{
+		var child,
+			length = newList.listNode.getChildCount();
+		for ( i = 0; i < length && ( child = newList.listNode.getChild( i ) ); i++ ) {
 			if ( child.getName() == this.type )
 				listsCreated.push( child );
@@ -246,8 +290,7 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 	var headerTagRegex = /^h[1-6]$/;
-	function createList( editor, groupObj, listsCreated )
-	{
+	function createList( editor, groupObj, listsCreated ) {
 		var contents = groupObj.contents,
 			doc = groupObj.root.getDocument(),
 			listContents = [];
@@ -255,30 +298,46 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		// It is possible to have the contents returned by DomRangeIterator to be the same as the root.
 		// e.g. when we're running into table cells.
 		// In such a case, enclose the childNodes of contents[0] into a <div>.
-		if ( contents.length == 1 && contents[0].equals( groupObj.root ) )
-		{
+		if ( contents.length == 1 && contents[ 0 ].equals( groupObj.root ) ) {
 			var divBlock = doc.createElement( 'div' );
-			contents[0].moveChildren && contents[0].moveChildren( divBlock );
-			contents[0].append( divBlock );
-			contents[0] = divBlock;
+			contents[ 0 ].moveChildren && contents[ 0 ].moveChildren( divBlock );
+			contents[ 0 ].append( divBlock );
+			contents[ 0 ] = divBlock;
 		// Calculate the common parent node of all content blocks.
-		var commonParent = groupObj.contents[0].getParent();
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < contents.length ; i++ )
-			commonParent = commonParent.getCommonAncestor( contents[i].getParent() );
+		var commonParent = groupObj.contents[ 0 ].getParent();
+		for ( var i = 0; i < contents.length; i++ )
+			commonParent = commonParent.getCommonAncestor( contents[ i ].getParent() );
+		var useComputedState = editor.config.useComputedState,
+			listDir, explicitDirection;
+		useComputedState = useComputedState === undefined || useComputedState;
 		// We want to insert things that are in the same tree level only, so calculate the contents again
 		// by expanding the selected blocks to the same tree level.
-		for ( i = 0 ; i < contents.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			var contentNode = contents[i],
+		for ( i = 0; i < contents.length; i++ ) {
+			var contentNode = contents[ i ],
-			while ( ( parentNode = contentNode.getParent() ) )
-			{
-				if ( parentNode.equals( commonParent ) )
-				{
+			while ( ( parentNode = contentNode.getParent() ) ) {
+				if ( parentNode.equals( commonParent ) ) {
 					listContents.push( contentNode );
+					// Determine the lists's direction.
+					if ( !explicitDirection && contentNode.getDirection() )
+						explicitDirection = 1;
+					var itemDir = contentNode.getDirection( useComputedState );
+					if ( listDir !== null ) {
+						// If at least one LI have a different direction than current listDir, we can't have listDir.
+						if ( listDir && listDir != itemDir )
+							listDir = null;
+						else
+							listDir = itemDir;
+					}
 				contentNode = parentNode;
@@ -290,39 +349,36 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		// Insert the list to the DOM tree.
 		var insertAnchor = listContents[ listContents.length - 1 ].getNext(),
-			listNode = doc.createElement( this.type ),
-			dir;
+			listNode = doc.createElement( this.type );
 		listsCreated.push( listNode );
-		while ( listContents.length )
-		{
-			var contentBlock = listContents.shift(),
-				listItem = doc.createElement( 'li' );
+		var contentBlock, listItem;
+		while ( listContents.length ) {
+			contentBlock = listContents.shift();
+			listItem = doc.createElement( 'li' );
 			// Preserve preformat block and heading structure when converting to list item. (#5335) (#5271)
 			if ( contentBlock.is( 'pre' ) || headerTagRegex.test( contentBlock.getName() ) )
 				contentBlock.appendTo( listItem );
-			else
-			{
-				if ( contentBlock.hasAttribute( 'dir' ) )
-				{
-					dir = dir || contentBlock.getAttribute( 'dir' );
-					contentBlock.removeAttribute( 'dir' );
-				}
+			else {
 				contentBlock.copyAttributes( listItem );
+				// Remove direction attribute after it was merged into list root. (#7657)
+				if ( listDir && contentBlock.getDirection() ) {
+					listItem.removeStyle( 'direction' );
+					listItem.removeAttribute( 'dir' );
+				}
 				contentBlock.moveChildren( listItem );
-				// Append a bogus BR to force the LI to render at full height
-				if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-					listItem.appendBogus();
 			listItem.appendTo( listNode );
-		if ( dir )
-			listNode.setAttribute( 'dir', dir );
+		// Apply list root dir only if it has been explicitly declared.
+		if ( listDir && explicitDirection )
+			listNode.setAttribute( 'dir', listDir );
 		if ( insertAnchor )
 			listNode.insertBefore( insertAnchor );
@@ -330,16 +386,14 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			listNode.appendTo( commonParent );
-	function removeList( editor, groupObj, database )
-	{
+	function removeList( editor, groupObj, database ) {
 		// This is very much like the change list type operation.
 		// Except that we're changing the selected items' indent to -1 in the list array.
 		var listArray = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.listToArray( groupObj.root, database ),
 			selectedListItems = [];
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < groupObj.contents.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			var itemNode = groupObj.contents[i];
+		for ( var i = 0; i < groupObj.contents.length; i++ ) {
+			var itemNode = groupObj.contents[ i ];
 			itemNode = itemNode.getAscendant( 'li', true );
 			if ( !itemNode || itemNode.getCustomData( 'list_item_processed' ) )
@@ -348,43 +402,36 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		var lastListIndex = null;
-		for ( i = 0 ; i < selectedListItems.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			var listIndex = selectedListItems[i].getCustomData( 'listarray_index' );
-			listArray[listIndex].indent = -1;
+		for ( i = 0; i < selectedListItems.length; i++ ) {
+			var listIndex = selectedListItems[ i ].getCustomData( 'listarray_index' );
+			listArray[ listIndex ].indent = -1;
 			lastListIndex = listIndex;
 		// After cutting parts of the list out with indent=-1, we still have to maintain the array list
 		// model's nextItem.indent <= currentItem.indent + 1 invariant. Otherwise the array model of the
 		// list cannot be converted back to a real DOM list.
-		for ( i = lastListIndex + 1 ; i < listArray.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			if ( listArray[i].indent > listArray[i-1].indent + 1 )
-			{
-				var indentOffset = listArray[i-1].indent + 1 - listArray[i].indent;
-				var oldIndent = listArray[i].indent;
-				while ( listArray[i] && listArray[i].indent >= oldIndent )
-				{
-					listArray[i].indent += indentOffset;
+		for ( i = lastListIndex + 1; i < listArray.length; i++ ) {
+			if ( listArray[ i ].indent > listArray[ i - 1 ].indent + 1 ) {
+				var indentOffset = listArray[ i - 1 ].indent + 1 - listArray[ i ].indent;
+				var oldIndent = listArray[ i ].indent;
+				while ( listArray[ i ] && listArray[ i ].indent >= oldIndent ) {
+					listArray[ i ].indent += indentOffset;
-		var newList = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.arrayToList( listArray, database, null, editor.config.enterMode,
-			groupObj.root.getAttribute( 'dir' ) );
+		var newList = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.arrayToList( listArray, database, null, editor.config.enterMode, groupObj.root.getAttribute( 'dir' ) );
 		// Compensate <br> before/after the list node if the surrounds are non-blocks.(#3836)
-		var docFragment = newList.listNode, boundaryNode, siblingNode;
-		function compensateBrs( isStart )
-		{
-			if ( ( boundaryNode = docFragment[ isStart ? 'getFirst' : 'getLast' ]() )
-				 && !( boundaryNode.is && boundaryNode.isBlockBoundary() )
-				 && ( siblingNode = groupObj.root[ isStart ? 'getPrevious' : 'getNext' ]
-				      ( CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ) ) )
-				 && !( siblingNode.is && siblingNode.isBlockBoundary( { br : 1 } ) ) )
+		var docFragment = newList.listNode,
+			boundaryNode, siblingNode;
+		function compensateBrs( isStart ) {
+			if ( ( boundaryNode = docFragment[ isStart ? 'getFirst' : 'getLast' ]() ) && !( boundaryNode.is && boundaryNode.isBlockBoundary() ) && ( siblingNode = groupObj.root[ isStart ? 'getPrevious' : 'getNext' ]
+			( CKEDITOR.dom.walker.invisible( true ) ) ) && !( siblingNode.is && siblingNode.isBlockBoundary( { br:1 } ) ) )
 				editor.document.createElement( 'br' )[ isStart ? 'insertBefore' : 'insertAfter' ]( boundaryNode );
 		compensateBrs( true );
@@ -393,59 +440,54 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		docFragment.replace( groupObj.root );
-	function listCommand( name, type )
-	{
+	function listCommand( name, type ) {
 		this.name = name;
 		this.type = type;
+		this.context = type;
+	}
+	var elementType = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.nodeType( CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT );
+	// Merge child nodes with direction preserved. (#7448)
+	function mergeChildren( from, into, refNode, forward ) {
+		var child, itemDir;
+		while ( ( child = from[ forward ? 'getLast' : 'getFirst' ]( elementType ) ) ) {
+			if ( ( itemDir = child.getDirection( 1 ) ) !== into.getDirection( 1 ) )
+				child.setAttribute( 'dir', itemDir );
+			child.remove();
+			refNode ? child[ forward ? 'insertBefore' : 'insertAfter' ]( refNode ) : into.append( child, forward );
+		}
 	listCommand.prototype = {
-		exec : function( editor )
-		{
-			editor.focus();
+		exec: function( editor ) {
+			// Run state check first of all.
+			this.refresh( editor, editor.elementPath() );
 			var doc = editor.document,
+				config = editor.config,
 				selection = editor.getSelection(),
 				ranges = selection && selection.getRanges( true );
-			// There should be at least one selected range.
-			if ( !ranges || ranges.length < 1 )
-				return;
 			// Midas lists rule #1 says we can create a list even in an empty document.
 			// But DOM iterator wouldn't run if the document is really empty.
 			// So create a paragraph if the document is empty and we're going to create a list.
-			if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF )
-			{
-				var body = doc.getBody();
-				body.trim();
-				if ( !body.getFirst() )
-				{
-					var paragraph = doc.createElement( editor.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' :
-							( editor.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'br' ) );
-					paragraph.appendTo( body );
-					ranges = new CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList( [ new CKEDITOR.dom.range( doc ) ] );
-					// IE exception on inserting anything when anchor inside <br>.
-					if ( paragraph.is( 'br' ) )
-					{
-						ranges[ 0 ].setStartBefore( paragraph );
-						ranges[ 0 ].setEndAfter( paragraph );
-					}
-					else
-						ranges[ 0 ].selectNodeContents( paragraph );
+			if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF ) {
+				var editable = editor.editable();
+				if ( !editable.getFirst( nonEmpty ) ) {
+					config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ? editable.appendBogus() : ranges[ 0 ].fixBlock( 1, config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div' );
 					selection.selectRanges( ranges );
 				// Maybe a single range there enclosing the whole list,
 				// turn on the list state manually(#4129).
-				else
-				{
+				else {
 					var range = ranges.length == 1 && ranges[ 0 ],
 						enclosedNode = range && range.getEnclosedNode();
-					if ( enclosedNode && enclosedNode.is
-						&& this.type == enclosedNode.getName() )
-					{
-						setState.call( this, editor, CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
-					}
+					if ( enclosedNode && enclosedNode.is && this.type == enclosedNode.getName() )
+						this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
@@ -458,8 +500,7 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				rangeIterator = ranges.createIterator(),
 				index = 0;
-			while ( ( range = rangeIterator.getNextRange() ) && ++index )
-			{
+			while ( ( range = rangeIterator.getNextRange() ) && ++index ) {
 				var boundaryNodes = range.getBoundaryNodes(),
 					startNode = boundaryNodes.startNode,
 					endNode = boundaryNodes.endNode;
@@ -475,27 +516,24 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				iterator.forceBrBreak = ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
-				while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph() ) )
-				{
+				while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph() ) ) {
 					// Avoid duplicate blocks get processed across ranges.
-					if( block.getCustomData( 'list_block' ) )
+					if ( block.getCustomData( 'list_block' ) )
 						CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, block, 'list_block', 1 );
-					var path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( block ),
+					var path = editor.elementPath( block ),
 						pathElements = path.elements,
 						pathElementsCount = pathElements.length,
 						listNode = null,
-						processedFlag = false,
+						processedFlag = 0,
 						blockLimit = path.blockLimit,
 					// First, try to group by a list ancestor.
-					for ( var i = pathElementsCount - 1; i >= 0 && ( element = pathElements[ i ] ); i-- )
-					{
-						if ( listNodeNames[ element.getName() ]
-							 && blockLimit.contains( element ) )     // Don't leak outside block limit (#3940).
+					for ( var i = pathElementsCount - 1; i >= 0 && ( element = pathElements[ i ] ); i-- ) {
+						if ( listNodeNames[ element.getName() ] && blockLimit.contains( element ) ) // Don't leak outside block limit (#3940).
 							// If we've encountered a list inside a block limit
 							// The last group object of the block limit element should
@@ -507,13 +545,12 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 							var groupObj = element.getCustomData( 'list_group_object' );
 							if ( groupObj )
 								groupObj.contents.push( block );
-							else
-							{
-								groupObj = { root : element, contents : [ block ] };
+							else {
+								groupObj = { root: element, contents: [ block ] };
 								listGroups.push( groupObj );
 								CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, element, 'list_group_object', groupObj );
-							processedFlag = true;
+							processedFlag = 1;
@@ -525,9 +562,8 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					var root = blockLimit;
 					if ( root.getCustomData( 'list_group_object_' + index ) )
 						root.getCustomData( 'list_group_object_' + index ).contents.push( block );
-					else
-					{
-						groupObj = { root : root, contents : [ block ] };
+					else {
+						groupObj = { root: root, contents: [ block ] };
 						CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, root, 'list_group_object_' + index, groupObj );
 						listGroups.push( groupObj );
@@ -538,58 +574,70 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			// We either have to build lists or remove lists, for removing a list does not makes sense when we are looking
 			// at the group that's not rooted at lists. So we have three cases to handle.
 			var listsCreated = [];
-			while ( listGroups.length > 0 )
-			{
+			while ( listGroups.length > 0 ) {
 				groupObj = listGroups.shift();
-				if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF )
-				{
+				if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF ) {
 					if ( listNodeNames[ groupObj.root.getName() ] )
 						changeListType.call( this, editor, groupObj, database, listsCreated );
 						createList.call( this, editor, groupObj, listsCreated );
-				}
-				else if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON && listNodeNames[ groupObj.root.getName() ] )
+				} else if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON && listNodeNames[ groupObj.root.getName() ] )
 					removeList.call( this, editor, groupObj, database );
-			// For all new lists created, merge adjacent, same type lists.
-			for ( i = 0 ; i < listsCreated.length ; i++ )
-			{
-				listNode = listsCreated[i];
-				var mergeSibling, listCommand = this;
-				( mergeSibling = function( rtl ){
-					var sibling = listNode[ rtl ?
-						'getPrevious' : 'getNext' ]( CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ) );
-					if ( sibling && sibling.getName &&
-						 sibling.getName() == listCommand.type )
-					{
-						sibling.remove();
-						// Move children order by merge direction.(#3820)
-						sibling.moveChildren( listNode, rtl ? true : false );
-					}
-				} )();
-				mergeSibling( true );
-			}
+			// For all new lists created, merge into adjacent, same type lists.
+			for ( i = 0; i < listsCreated.length; i++ )
+				mergeListSiblings( listsCreated[ i ] );
 			// Clean up, restore selection and update toolbar button states.
 			CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers( database );
 			selection.selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
+		},
+		refresh: function( editor, path ) {
+			var list = path.contains( listNodeNames, 1 ),
+				limit = path.blockLimit || path.root;
+			// 1. Only a single type of list activate.
+			// 2. Do not show list outside of block limit.
+			if ( list && limit.contains( list ) )
+				this.setState( list.is( this.type ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
+			else
+				this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
 	var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd;
 	var tailNbspRegex = /[\t\r\n ]*(?: |\xa0)$/;
-	function indexOfFirstChildElement( element, tagNameList )
+		// Merge list adjacent, of same type lists.
+	function mergeListSiblings( listNode )
+		var mergeSibling;
+		( mergeSibling = function( rtl )
+		{
+			var sibling = listNode[ rtl ? 'getPrevious' : 'getNext' ]( nonEmpty );
+			if ( sibling &&
+			     sibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
+			     sibling.is( listNode.getName() ) )
+			{
+				// Move children order by merge direction.(#3820)
+				mergeChildren( listNode, sibling, null, !rtl );
+				listNode.remove();
+				listNode = sibling;
+			}
+		} )();
+		mergeSibling( 1 );
+	}
+	function indexOfFirstChildElement( element, tagNameList ) {
 		var child,
 			children = element.children,
 			length = children.length;
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < length ; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
 			child = children[ i ];
 			if ( child.name && ( child.name in tagNameList ) )
 				return i;
@@ -598,86 +646,316 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		return length;
-	function getExtendNestedListFilter( isHtmlFilter )
-	{
-		// An element filter function that corrects nested list start in an empty
-		// list item for better displaying/outputting. (#3165)
-		return function( listItem )
-		{
-			var children = listItem.children,
-				firstNestedListIndex = indexOfFirstChildElement( listItem, dtd.$list ),
-				firstNestedList = children[ firstNestedListIndex ],
-				nodeBefore = firstNestedList && firstNestedList.previous,
-				tailNbspmatch;
-			if ( nodeBefore
-				&& ( nodeBefore.name && nodeBefore.name == 'br'
-					|| nodeBefore.value && ( tailNbspmatch = nodeBefore.value.match( tailNbspRegex ) ) ) )
-			{
-				var fillerNode = nodeBefore;
-				// Always use 'nbsp' as filler node if we found a nested list appear
-				// in front of a list item.
-				if ( !( tailNbspmatch && tailNbspmatch.index ) && fillerNode == children[ 0 ] )
-					children[ 0 ] = ( isHtmlFilter || CKEDITOR.env.ie ) ?
-					                 new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( '\xa0' ) :
-									 new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'br', {} );
-				// Otherwise the filler is not needed anymore.
-				else if ( fillerNode.name == 'br' )
-					children.splice( firstNestedListIndex - 1, 1 );
+	// Check if node is block element that recieves text.
+	function isTextBlock( node ) {
+		return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ( node.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$block || node.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem ) && CKEDITOR.dtd[ node.getName() ][ '#' ];
+	}
+	// Join visually two block lines.
+	function joinNextLineToCursor( editor, cursor, nextCursor ) {
+		editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+		// Merge with previous block's content.
+		var frag = nextCursor.extractContents();
+		cursor.trim( false, true );
+		var bm = cursor.createBookmark();
+		// Kill original bogus;
+		var currentPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( cursor.startContainer ),
+				pathBlock = currentPath.block,
+				currentBlock = currentPath.lastElement.getAscendant( 'li', 1 ) || pathBlock,
+				nextPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( nextCursor.startContainer ),
+				nextLi = nextPath.contains( CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem ),
+				nextList = nextPath.contains( CKEDITOR.dtd.$list ),
+				last;
+		// Remove bogus node the current block/pseudo block.
+		if ( pathBlock ) {
+			var bogus = pathBlock.getBogus();
+			bogus && bogus.remove();
+		}
+		else if ( nextList ) {
+			last = nextList.getPrevious( nonEmpty );
+			if ( last && blockBogus( last ) )
+				last.remove();
+		}
+		// Kill the tail br in extracted.
+		last = frag.getLast();
+		if ( last && last.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && last.is( 'br' ) )
+			last.remove();
+		// Insert fragment at the range position.
+		var nextNode = cursor.startContainer.getChild( cursor.startOffset );
+		if ( nextNode )
+			frag.insertBefore( nextNode );
+		else
+			cursor.startContainer.append( frag );
+		// Move the sub list nested in the next list item.
+		if ( nextLi ) {
+			var sublist = getSubList( nextLi );
+			if ( sublist ) {
+				// If next line is in the sub list of the current list item.
+				if ( currentBlock.contains( nextLi ) ) {
+					mergeChildren( sublist, nextLi.getParent(), nextLi );
+					sublist.remove();
+				}
+				// Migrate the sub list to current list item.
-					fillerNode.value = fillerNode.value.replace( tailNbspRegex, '' );
+					currentBlock.append( sublist );
+			}
+		}
+		var nextBlock, parent;
+		// Remove any remaining zombies path blocks at the end after line merged.
+		while ( nextCursor.checkStartOfBlock() && nextCursor.checkEndOfBlock() ) {
+			nextPath = nextCursor.startPath();
+			nextBlock = nextPath.block;
+			// Check if also to remove empty list.
+			if ( nextBlock.is( 'li' ) ) {
+				parent = nextBlock.getParent();
+				if ( nextBlock.equals( parent.getLast( nonEmpty ) ) && nextBlock.equals( parent.getFirst( nonEmpty ) ) )
+					nextBlock = parent;
-		};
+			nextCursor.moveToPosition( nextBlock, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
+			nextBlock.remove();
+		}
+		// Check if need to further merge with the list resides after the merged block. (#9080)
+		var walkerRng = nextCursor.clone(), editable = editor.editable();
+		walkerRng.setEndAt( editable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+		var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRng );
+		walker.evaluator = function( node ) { return nonEmpty( node ) && !blockBogus( node ); };
+		var next = walker.next();
+		if ( next && next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && next.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$list )
+			mergeListSiblings( next );
+		cursor.moveToBookmark( bm );
+		// Make fresh selection.
+		cursor.select();
+		editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-	var defaultListDataFilterRules = { elements : {} };
-	for ( var i in dtd.$listItem )
-		defaultListDataFilterRules.elements[ i ] = getExtendNestedListFilter();
+	function getSubList( li ) {
+		var last = li.getLast( nonEmpty );
+		return last && last.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && last.getName() in listNodeNames ? last : null;
+	}
-	var defaultListHtmlFilterRules = { elements : {} };
-	for ( i in dtd.$listItem )
-		defaultListHtmlFilterRules.elements[ i ] = getExtendNestedListFilter( true );
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'list', {
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'bulletedlist,bulletedlist-rtl,numberedlist,numberedlist-rtl', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			if ( editor.blockless )
+				return;
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'list',
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
 			// Register commands.
-			var numberedListCommand = new listCommand( 'numberedlist', 'ol' ),
-				bulletedListCommand = new listCommand( 'bulletedlist', 'ul' );
-			editor.addCommand( 'numberedlist', numberedListCommand );
-			editor.addCommand( 'bulletedlist', bulletedListCommand );
+			editor.addCommand( 'numberedlist', new listCommand( 'numberedlist', 'ol' ) );
+			editor.addCommand( 'bulletedlist', new listCommand( 'bulletedlist', 'ul' ) );
 			// Register the toolbar button.
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'NumberedList',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.numberedlist,
-					command : 'numberedlist'
-				} );
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'BulletedList',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.bulletedlist,
-					command : 'bulletedlist'
-				} );
-			// Register the state changing handlers.
-			editor.on( 'selectionChange', CKEDITOR.tools.bind( onSelectionChange, numberedListCommand ) );
-			editor.on( 'selectionChange', CKEDITOR.tools.bind( onSelectionChange, bulletedListCommand ) );
-		},
-		afterInit : function ( editor )
-		{
-			var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor;
-			if ( dataProcessor )
-			{
-				dataProcessor.dataFilter.addRules( defaultListDataFilterRules );
-				dataProcessor.htmlFilter.addRules( defaultListHtmlFilterRules );
+			if ( editor.ui.addButton ) {
+				editor.ui.addButton( 'NumberedList', {
+					label: editor.lang.list.numberedlist,
+					command: 'numberedlist',
+					directional: true,
+					toolbar: 'list,10'
+				});
+				editor.ui.addButton( 'BulletedList', {
+					label: editor.lang.list.bulletedlist,
+					command: 'bulletedlist',
+					directional: true,
+					toolbar: 'list,20'
+				});
-		},
-		requires : [ 'domiterator' ]
-	} );
+			// Handled backspace/del key to join list items. (#8248,#9080)
+			editor.on( 'key', function( evt ) {
+				var key = evt.data.keyCode;
+				if ( editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' && key in { 8:1,46:1 } ) {
+					var sel = editor.getSelection(),
+						range = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ],
+						path = range.startPath();
+					if ( !range.collapsed )
+						return;
+					path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.startContainer );
+					var isBackspace = key == 8;
+					var editable = editor.editable();
+					var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range.clone() );
+					walker.evaluator = function( node ) {
+						return nonEmpty( node ) && !blockBogus( node );
+					};
+					// Backspace/Del behavior at the start/end of table is handled in core.
+					walker.guard = function( node, isOut ) {
+						return !( isOut && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.is( 'table' ) );
+					};
+					var cursor = range.clone();
+					if ( isBackspace ) {
+						var previous, joinWith;
+						// Join a sub list's first line, with the previous visual line in parent.
+						if ( ( previous = path.contains( listNodeNames ) ) &&
+						     range.checkBoundaryOfElement( previous, CKEDITOR.START ) &&
+						     ( previous = previous.getParent() ) && previous.is( 'li' ) &&
+						     ( previous = getSubList( previous ) ) ) {
+							joinWith = previous;
+							previous = previous.getPrevious( nonEmpty );
+							// Place cursor before the nested list.
+							cursor.moveToPosition(
+								previous && blockBogus( previous ) ? previous : joinWith,
+						}
+						// Join any line following a list, with the last visual line of the list.
+						else {
+							walker.range.setStartAt( editable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
+							walker.range.setEnd( range.startContainer, range.startOffset );
+							previous = walker.previous();
+							if ( previous && previous.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
+							     ( previous.getName() in listNodeNames ||
+							       previous.is( 'li' ) ) ) {
+								if ( !previous.is( 'li' ) ) {
+									walker.range.selectNodeContents( previous );
+									walker.reset();
+									walker.evaluator = isTextBlock;
+									previous = walker.previous();
+								}
+								joinWith = previous;
+								// Place cursor at the end of previous block.
+								cursor.moveToElementEditEnd( joinWith );
+							}
+						}
+						if ( joinWith ) {
+							joinNextLineToCursor( editor, cursor, range );
+							evt.cancel();
+						}
+						else {
+							var list = path.contains( listNodeNames );
+							// Backspace pressed at the start of list outdents the first list item. (#9129)
+							if ( list && range.checkBoundaryOfElement( list, CKEDITOR.START ) ) {
+								li = list.getFirst( nonEmpty );
+								if ( range.checkBoundaryOfElement( li, CKEDITOR.START ) ) {
+									previous = list.getPrevious( nonEmpty );
+									// Only if the list item contains a sub list, do nothing but
+									// simply move cursor backward one character.
+									if ( getSubList( li ) ) {
+										if ( previous ) {
+											range.moveToElementEditEnd( previous );
+											range.select();
+										}
+										evt.cancel();
+									}
+									else {
+										editor.execCommand( 'outdent' );
+										evt.cancel();
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					} else {
+						var next, nextLine, li = path.contains( 'li' );
+						if ( li ) {
+							walker.range.setEndAt( editable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+							var last = li.getLast( nonEmpty );
+							var block = last && isTextBlock( last ) ? last : li;
+							// Indicate cursor at the visual end of an list item.
+							var isAtEnd = 0;
+							next = walker.next();
+							// When list item contains a sub list.
+							if ( next && next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
+								 next.getName() in listNodeNames &&
+								 next.equals( last ) )
+							{
+								isAtEnd = 1;
+								// Move to the first item in sub list.
+								next = walker.next();
+							}
+							// Right at the end of list item.
+							else if ( range.checkBoundaryOfElement( block, CKEDITOR.END ) )
+								isAtEnd = 1;
+							if ( isAtEnd && next ) {
+								// Put cursor range there.
+								nextLine = range.clone();
+								nextLine.moveToElementEditStart( next );
+								joinNextLineToCursor( editor, cursor, nextLine );
+								evt.cancel();
+							}
+						}
+						else
+						{
+							// Handle Del key pressed before the list.
+							walker.range.setEndAt( editable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
+							next = walker.next();
+							if ( next && next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
+							     next.is( listNodeNames ) ) {
+								// The start <li>
+								next = next.getFirst( nonEmpty );
+								// Simply remove the current empty block, move cursor to the
+								// subsequent list.
+								if ( path.block &&
+								     range.checkStartOfBlock() &&
+								     range.checkEndOfBlock() ) {
+									path.block.remove();
+									range.moveToElementEditStart( next );
+									range.select();
+									evt.cancel();
+								}
+								// Preventing the default (merge behavior), but simply move
+								// the cursor one character forward if subsequent list item
+								// contains sub list.
+								else if ( getSubList( next )  ) {
+									range.moveToElementEditStart( next );
+									range.select();
+									evt.cancel();
+								}
+								// Merge the first list item with the current line.
+								else {
+									nextLine = range.clone();
+									nextLine.moveToElementEditStart( next );
+									joinNextLineToCursor( editor, cursor, nextLine );
+									evt.cancel();
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// The backspace/del could potentially put cursor at a bad position,
+					// being it handled or not, check immediately the selection to have it fixed.
+					setTimeout( function() { editor.selectionChange( 1 ); } );
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/listblock/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/listblock/plugin.js
index 63f85c7..e7f2480 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/listblock/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/listblock/plugin.js
@@ -1,257 +1,230 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'listblock',
-	requires : [ 'panel' ],
-	onLoad : function()
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.ui.panel.prototype.addListBlock = function( name, definition )
-		{
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'listblock', {
+	requires: 'panel',
+	onLoad: function() {
+		var list = CKEDITOR.addTemplate( 'panel-list', '<ul role="presentation" class="cke_panel_list">{items}</ul>' ),
+			listItem = CKEDITOR.addTemplate( 'panel-list-item', '<li id="{id}" class="cke_panel_listItem" role=presentation>' +
+				'<a id="{id}_option" _cke_focus=1 hidefocus=true' +
+					' title="{title}"' +
+					' href="javascript:void(\'{val}\')" ' +
+					' {onclick}="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({clickFn},\'{val}\'); return false;"' + // #188
+						' role="option">' +
+					'{text}' +
+				'</a>' +
+				'</li>' ),
+			listGroup = CKEDITOR.addTemplate( 'panel-list-group', '<h1 id="{id}" class="cke_panel_grouptitle" role="presentation" >{label}</h1>' );
+		CKEDITOR.ui.panel.prototype.addListBlock = function( name, definition ) {
 			return this.addBlock( name, new CKEDITOR.ui.listBlock( this.getHolderElement(), definition ) );
-		CKEDITOR.ui.listBlock = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
-			{
-				base : CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block,
+		CKEDITOR.ui.listBlock = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+			base: CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block,
+			$: function( blockHolder, blockDefinition ) {
+				blockDefinition = blockDefinition || {};
+				var attribs = blockDefinition.attributes || ( blockDefinition.attributes = {} );
+				( this.multiSelect = !!blockDefinition.multiSelect ) && ( attribs[ 'aria-multiselectable' ] = true );
+				// Provide default role of 'listbox'.
+				!attribs.role && ( attribs.role = 'listbox' );
+				// Call the base contructor.
+				this.base.apply( this, arguments );
+				var keys = this.keys;
+				keys[ 40 ] = 'next'; // ARROW-DOWN
+				keys[ 9 ] = 'next'; // TAB
+				keys[ 38 ] = 'prev'; // ARROW-UP
+				keys[ CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 ] = 'prev'; // SHIFT + TAB
+				keys[ 32 ] = CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'mouseup' : 'click'; // SPACE
+				CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( keys[ 13 ] = 'mouseup' ); // Manage ENTER, since onclick is blocked in IE (#8041).
+				this._.pendingHtml = [];
+				this._.pendingList = [];
+				this._.items = {};
+				this._.groups = {};
+			},
+			_: {
+				close: function() {
+					if ( this._.started ) {
+						var output = list.output({ items: this._.pendingList.join( '' ) } );
+						this._.pendingList = [];
+						this._.pendingHtml.push( output );
+						delete this._.started;
+					}
+				},
+				getClick: function() {
+					if ( !this._.click ) {
+						this._.click = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( value ) {
+							var marked = this.toggle( value );
+							if ( this.onClick )
+								this.onClick( value, marked );
+						}, this );
+					}
+					return this._.click;
+				}
+			},
+			proto: {
+				add: function( value, html, title ) {
+					var id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId();
-				$ : function( blockHolder, blockDefinition )
-				{
-					blockDefinition = blockDefinition || {};
+					if ( !this._.started ) {
+						this._.started = 1;
+						this._.size = this._.size || 0;
+					}
+					this._.items[ value ] = id;
+					var data = {
+						id: id,
+						val: value,
+						onclick: CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'onclick="return false;" onmouseup' : 'onclick',
+						clickFn: this._.getClick(),
+						title: title || value,
+						text: html || value
+					};
-					var attribs = blockDefinition.attributes || ( blockDefinition.attributes = {} );
-					( this.multiSelect = !!blockDefinition.multiSelect ) &&
-						( attribs[ 'aria-multiselectable' ] = true );
-					// Provide default role of 'listbox'.
-					!attribs.role && ( attribs.role = 'listbox' );
+					this._.pendingList.push( listItem.output( data ) );
+				},
+				startGroup: function( title ) {
+					this._.close();
-					// Call the base contructor.
-					this.base.apply( this, arguments );
+					var id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId();
-					var keys = this.keys;
-					keys[ 40 ]	= 'next';					// ARROW-DOWN
-					keys[ 9 ]	= 'next';					// TAB
-					keys[ 38 ]	= 'prev';					// ARROW-UP
-					keys[ CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 ]	= 'prev';	// SHIFT + TAB
-					keys[ 32 ]	= 'click';					// SPACE
+					this._.groups[ title ] = id;
+					this._.pendingHtml.push( listGroup.output({ id: id, label: title } ) );
+				},
+				commit: function() {
+					this._.close();
+					this.element.appendHtml( this._.pendingHtml.join( '' ) );
+					delete this._.size;
 					this._.pendingHtml = [];
-					this._.items = {};
-					this._.groups = {};
-				_ :
-				{
-					close : function()
-					{
-						if ( this._.started )
-						{
-							this._.pendingHtml.push( '</ul>' );
-							delete this._.started;
-						}
-					},
-					getClick : function()
-					{
-						if ( !this._.click )
-						{
-							this._.click = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( value )
-								{
-									var marked = true;
-									if ( this.multiSelect )
-										marked = this.toggle( value );
-									else
-										this.mark( value );
-									if ( this.onClick )
-										this.onClick( value, marked );
-								},
-								this );
-						}
-						return this._.click;
+				toggle: function( value ) {
+					var isMarked = this.isMarked( value );
+					if ( isMarked )
+						this.unmark( value );
+					else
+						this.mark( value );
+					return !isMarked;
+				},
+				hideGroup: function( groupTitle ) {
+					var group = this.element.getDocument().getById( this._.groups[ groupTitle ] ),
+						list = group && group.getNext();
+					if ( group ) {
+						group.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
+						if ( list && list.getName() == 'ul' )
+							list.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
-				proto :
-				{
-					add : function( value, html, title )
-					{
-						var pendingHtml = this._.pendingHtml,
-							id = 'cke_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
-						if ( !this._.started )
-						{
-							pendingHtml.push( '<ul role="presentation" class=cke_panel_list>' );
-							this._.started = 1;
-							this._.size = this._.size || 0;
-						}
+				hideItem: function( value ) {
+					this.element.getDocument().getById( this._.items[ value ] ).setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
+				},
-						this._.items[ value ] = id;
-						pendingHtml.push(
-							'<li id=', id, ' class=cke_panel_listItem>' +
-								'<a id="', id, '_option" _cke_focus=1 hidefocus=true' +
-									' title="', title || value, '"' +
-									' href="javascript:void(\'', value, '\')"' +
-									' onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', this._.getClick(), ',\'', value, '\'); return false;"',
-									' role="option"' +
-									' aria-posinset="' + ++this._.size + '">',
-									html || value,
-								'</a>' +
-							'</li>' );
-					},
-					startGroup : function( title )
-					{
-						this._.close();
-						var id = 'cke_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
-						this._.groups[ title ] = id;
-						this._.pendingHtml.push( '<h1 role="presentation" id=', id, ' class=cke_panel_grouptitle>', title, '</h1>' );
-					},
-					commit : function()
-					{
-						this._.close();
-						this.element.appendHtml( this._.pendingHtml.join( '' ) );
-						var items = this._.items,
-							doc = this.element.getDocument();
-						for ( var value in items )
-							doc.getById( items[ value ] + '_option' ).setAttribute( 'aria-setsize', this._.size );
-						delete this._.size;
-						this._.pendingHtml = [];
-					},
-					toggle : function( value )
-					{
-						var isMarked = this.isMarked( value );
-						if ( isMarked )
-							this.unmark( value );
-						else
-							this.mark( value );
-						return !isMarked;
-					},
-					hideGroup : function( groupTitle )
-					{
-						var group = this.element.getDocument().getById( this._.groups[ groupTitle ] ),
-							list = group && group.getNext();
-						if ( group )
-						{
-							group.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
-							if ( list && list.getName() == 'ul' )
-								list.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
-						}
-					},
-					hideItem : function( value )
-					{
-						this.element.getDocument().getById( this._.items[ value ] ).setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
-					},
-					showAll : function()
-					{
-						var items = this._.items,
-							groups = this._.groups,
-							doc = this.element.getDocument();
-						for ( var value in items )
-						{
-							doc.getById( items[ value ] ).setStyle( 'display', '' );
-						}
+				showAll: function() {
+					var items = this._.items,
+						groups = this._.groups,
+						doc = this.element.getDocument();
-						for ( var title in groups )
-						{
-							var group = doc.getById( groups[ title ] ),
-								list = group.getNext();
+					for ( var value in items ) {
+						doc.getById( items[ value ] ).setStyle( 'display', '' );
+					}
-							group.setStyle( 'display', '' );
+					for ( var title in groups ) {
+						var group = doc.getById( groups[ title ] ),
+							list = group.getNext();
-							if ( list && list.getName() == 'ul' )
-								list.setStyle( 'display', '' );
-						}
-					},
+						group.setStyle( 'display', '' );
+						if ( list && list.getName() == 'ul' )
+							list.setStyle( 'display', '' );
+					}
+				},
-					mark : function( value )
-					{
-						if ( !this.multiSelect )
-							this.unmarkAll();
+				mark: function( value ) {
+					if ( !this.multiSelect )
+						this.unmarkAll();
-						var itemId = this._.items[ value ],
-							item = this.element.getDocument().getById( itemId );
-						item.addClass( 'cke_selected' );
+					var itemId = this._.items[ value ],
+						item = this.element.getDocument().getById( itemId );
+					item.addClass( 'cke_selected' );
-						this.element.getDocument().getById( itemId + '_option' ).setAttribute( 'aria-selected', true );
-						this.element.setAttribute( 'aria-activedescendant', itemId + '_option' );
+					this.element.getDocument().getById( itemId + '_option' ).setAttribute( 'aria-selected', true );
+					this.onMark && this.onMark( item );
+				},
-						this.onMark && this.onMark( item );
-					},
+				unmark: function( value ) {
+					var doc = this.element.getDocument(),
+						itemId = this._.items[ value ],
+						item = doc.getById( itemId );
-					unmark : function( value )
-					{
-						this.element.getDocument().getById( this._.items[ value ] ).removeClass( 'cke_selected' );
-						this.onUnmark && this.onUnmark( this._.items[ value ] );
-					},
+					item.removeClass( 'cke_selected' );
+					doc.getById( itemId + '_option' ).removeAttribute( 'aria-selected' );
-					unmarkAll : function()
-					{
-						var items = this._.items,
-							doc = this.element.getDocument();
+					this.onUnmark && this.onUnmark( item );
+				},
-						for ( var value in items )
-						{
-							doc.getById( items[ value ] ).removeClass( 'cke_selected' );
-						}
+				unmarkAll: function() {
+					var items = this._.items,
+						doc = this.element.getDocument();
-						this.onUnmark && this.onUnmark();
-					},
-					isMarked : function( value )
-					{
-						return this.element.getDocument().getById( this._.items[ value ] ).hasClass( 'cke_selected' );
-					},
-					focus : function( value )
-					{
-						this._.focusIndex = -1;
-						if ( value )
-						{
-							var selected = this.element.getDocument().getById( this._.items[ value ] ).getFirst();
-							var links = this.element.getElementsByTag( 'a' ),
-								link,
-								i = -1;
-							while ( ( link = links.getItem( ++i ) ) )
-							{
-								if ( link.equals( selected ) )
-								{
-									this._.focusIndex = i;
-									break;
-								}
-							}
+					for ( var value in items ) {
+						var itemId = items[ value ];
-							setTimeout( function()
-								{
-									selected.focus();
-								},
-								0 );
+						doc.getById( itemId ).removeClass( 'cke_selected' );
+						doc.getById( itemId + '_option' ).removeAttribute( 'aria-selected' );
+					}
+					this.onUnmark && this.onUnmark();
+				},
+				isMarked: function( value ) {
+					return this.element.getDocument().getById( this._.items[ value ] ).hasClass( 'cke_selected' );
+				},
+				focus: function( value ) {
+					this._.focusIndex = -1;
+					if ( value ) {
+						var selected = this.element.getDocument().getById( this._.items[ value ] ).getFirst();
+						var links = this.element.getElementsByTag( 'a' ),
+							link,
+							i = -1;
+						while ( ( link = links.getItem( ++i ) ) ) {
+							if ( link.equals( selected ) ) {
+								this._.focusIndex = i;
+								break;
+							}
+						setTimeout( function() {
+							selected.focus();
+						}, 0 );
-			});
+			}
+		});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/dialogs/liststyle.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/dialogs/liststyle.js
index d14ebb5..5cefb3f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/dialogs/liststyle.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/dialogs/liststyle.js
@@ -1,187 +1,185 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	function getListElement( editor, listTag )
-	{
+(function() {
+	function getListElement( editor, listTag ) {
 		var range;
-		try { range  = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[ 0 ]; }
-		catch( e ) { return null; }
+		try {
+			range = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[ 0 ];
+		} catch ( e ) {
+			return null;
+		}
 		range.shrink( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_TEXT );
-		return range.getCommonAncestor().getAscendant( listTag, true );
+		return editor.elementPath( range.getCommonAncestor() ).contains( listTag, 1 );
+	var listItem = function( node ) {
+			return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.is( 'li' );
+		};
 	var mapListStyle = {
-		'a' : 'lower-alpha',
-		'A' : 'upper-alpha',
-		'i' : 'lower-roman',
-		'I' : 'upper-roman',
-		'1' : 'decimal',
-		'disc' : 'disc',
+		'a': 'lower-alpha',
+		'A': 'upper-alpha',
+		'i': 'lower-roman',
+		'I': 'upper-roman',
+		'1': 'decimal',
+		'disc': 'disc',
 		'circle': 'circle',
-		'square' : 'square'
+		'square': 'square'
-	function listStyle( editor, startupPage )
-	{
-		if ( startupPage == 'bulletedListStyle' )
-		{
+	function listStyle( editor, startupPage ) {
+		var lang = editor.lang.liststyle;
+		if ( startupPage == 'bulletedListStyle' ) {
 			return {
-				title : editor.lang.list.bulletedTitle,
-				minWidth : 300,
-				minHeight : 50,
-				contents :
-				[
+				title: lang.bulletedTitle,
+				minWidth: 300,
+				minHeight: 50,
+				contents: [
-						id : 'info',
-						accessKey : 'I',
-						elements :
-						[
-							{
-								type : 'select',
-								label : editor.lang.list.type,
-								id : 'type',
-								style : 'width: 150px; margin: auto;',
-								items :
-								[
-									[ editor.lang.list.notset, '' ],
-									[ editor.lang.list.circle, 'circle' ],
-									[ editor.lang.list.disc,  'disc' ],
-									[ editor.lang.list.square, 'square' ]
-								],
-								setup : function( element )
-								{
-									var value = element.getStyle( 'list-style-type' )
-												|| mapListStyle[ element.getAttribute( 'type' ) ]
-												|| element.getAttribute( 'type' )
-												|| '';
-									this.setValue( value );
-								},
-								commit : function( element )
-								{
-									var value = this.getValue();
-									if ( value )
-										element.setStyle( 'list-style-type', value );
-									else
-										element.removeStyle( 'list-style-type' );
-								}
-							}
-						]
+					id: 'info',
+					accessKey: 'I',
+					elements: [
+						{
+						type: 'select',
+						label: lang.type,
+						id: 'type',
+						align: 'center',
+						style: 'width:150px',
+						items: [
+							[ lang.notset, '' ],
+							[ lang.circle, 'circle' ],
+							[ lang.disc, 'disc' ],
+							[ lang.square, 'square' ]
+							],
+						setup: function( element ) {
+							var value = element.getStyle( 'list-style-type' ) || mapListStyle[ element.getAttribute( 'type' ) ] || element.getAttribute( 'type' ) || '';
+							this.setValue( value );
+						},
+						commit: function( element ) {
+							var value = this.getValue();
+							if ( value )
+								element.setStyle( 'list-style-type', value );
+							else
+								element.removeStyle( 'list-style-type' );
+						}
+					]
+				}
-				onShow: function()
-				{
+				onShow: function() {
 					var editor = this.getParentEditor(),
 						element = getListElement( editor, 'ul' );
 					element && this.setupContent( element );
-				onOk: function()
-				{
+				onOk: function() {
 					var editor = this.getParentEditor(),
 						element = getListElement( editor, 'ul' );
 					element && this.commitContent( element );
-		}
-		else if ( startupPage == 'numberedListStyle'  )
-		{
-			var listStyleOptions =
-			[
-				[ editor.lang.list.notset, '' ],
-				[ editor.lang.list.lowerRoman, 'lower-roman' ],
-				[ editor.lang.list.upperRoman, 'upper-roman' ],
-				[ editor.lang.list.lowerAlpha, 'lower-alpha' ],
-				[ editor.lang.list.upperAlpha, 'upper-alpha' ],
-				[ editor.lang.list.decimal, 'decimal' ]
-			];
-			if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.version > 7 )
-			{
+		} else if ( startupPage == 'numberedListStyle' ) {
+			var listStyleOptions = [
+				[ lang.notset, '' ],
+				[ lang.lowerRoman, 'lower-roman' ],
+				[ lang.upperRoman, 'upper-roman' ],
+				[ lang.lowerAlpha, 'lower-alpha' ],
+				[ lang.upperAlpha, 'upper-alpha' ],
+				[ lang.decimal, 'decimal' ]
+				];
+			if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.version > 7 ) {
 				listStyleOptions.concat( [
-					[ editor.lang.list.armenian, 'armenian' ],
-					[ editor.lang.list.decimalLeadingZero, 'decimal-leading-zero' ],
-					[ editor.lang.list.georgian, 'georgian' ],
-					[ editor.lang.list.lowerGreek, 'lower-greek' ]
-				]);
+					[ lang.armenian, 'armenian' ],
+					[ lang.decimalLeadingZero, 'decimal-leading-zero' ],
+					[ lang.georgian, 'georgian' ],
+					[ lang.lowerGreek, 'lower-greek' ]
+					] );
 			return {
-				title : editor.lang.list.numberedTitle,
-				minWidth : 300,
-				minHeight : 50,
-				contents :
-				[
+				title: lang.numberedTitle,
+				minWidth: 300,
+				minHeight: 50,
+				contents: [
-						id : 'info',
-						accessKey : 'I',
-						elements :
-						[
+					id: 'info',
+					accessKey: 'I',
+					elements: [
+						{
+						type: 'hbox',
+						widths: [ '25%', '75%' ],
+						children: [
-								type : 'hbox',
-								widths : [ '25%', '75%' ],
-								children :
-								[
-									{
-										label : editor.lang.list.start,
-										type : 'text',
-										id : 'start',
-										validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.list.validateStartNumber ),
-										setup : function( element )
-										{
-											var value = element.getAttribute( 'start' ) || 1;
-											value && this.setValue( value );
-										},
-										commit : function( element )
-										{
-											element.setAttribute( 'start', this.getValue() );
-										}
-									},
-									{
-										type : 'select',
-										label : editor.lang.list.type,
-										id : 'type',
-										style : 'width: 100%;',
-										items : listStyleOptions,
-										setup : function( element )
-										{
-											var value = element.getStyle( 'list-style-type' )
-												|| mapListStyle[ element.getAttribute( 'type' ) ]
-												|| element.getAttribute( 'type' )
-												|| '';
-											this.setValue( value );
-										},
-										commit : function( element )
-										{
-											var value = this.getValue();
-											if ( value )
-												element.setStyle( 'list-style-type', value );
-											else
-												element.removeStyle( 'list-style-type' );
-										}
-									}
-								]
+							label: lang.start,
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'start',
+							validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( lang.validateStartNumber ),
+							setup: function( element ) {
+								// List item start number dominates.
+								var value = element.getFirst( listItem ).getAttribute( 'value' ) || element.getAttribute( 'start' ) || 1;
+								value && this.setValue( value );
+							},
+							commit: function( element ) {
+								var firstItem = element.getFirst( listItem );
+								var oldStart = firstItem.getAttribute( 'value' ) || element.getAttribute( 'start' ) || 1;
+								// Force start number on list root.
+								element.getFirst( listItem ).removeAttribute( 'value' );
+								var val = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 );
+								if ( isNaN( val ) )
+									element.removeAttribute( 'start' );
+								else
+									element.setAttribute( 'start', val );
+								// Update consequent list item numbering.
+								var nextItem = firstItem,
+									conseq = oldStart,
+									startNumber = isNaN( val ) ? 1 : val;
+								while ( ( nextItem = nextItem.getNext( listItem ) ) && conseq++ ) {
+									if ( nextItem.getAttribute( 'value' ) == conseq )
+										nextItem.setAttribute( 'value', startNumber + conseq - oldStart );
+								}
+						},
+							{
+							type: 'select',
+							label: lang.type,
+							id: 'type',
+							style: 'width: 100%;',
+							items: listStyleOptions,
+							setup: function( element ) {
+								var value = element.getStyle( 'list-style-type' ) || mapListStyle[ element.getAttribute( 'type' ) ] || element.getAttribute( 'type' ) || '';
+								this.setValue( value );
+							},
+							commit: function( element ) {
+								var value = this.getValue();
+								if ( value )
+									element.setStyle( 'list-style-type', value );
+								else
+									element.removeStyle( 'list-style-type' );
+							}
+						}
+					]
+				}
-				onShow: function()
-				{
+				onShow: function() {
 					var editor = this.getParentEditor(),
 						element = getListElement( editor, 'ol' );
 					element && this.setupContent( element );
-				onOk: function()
-				{
+				onOk: function() {
 					var editor = this.getParentEditor(),
 						element = getListElement( editor, 'ol' );
@@ -191,13 +189,11 @@
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'numberedListStyle', function( editor )
-		{
-			return listStyle( editor, 'numberedListStyle' );
-		});
+	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'numberedListStyle', function( editor ) {
+		return listStyle( editor, 'numberedListStyle' );
+	});
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'bulletedListStyle', function( editor )
-		{
-			return listStyle( editor, 'bulletedListStyle' );
-		});
+	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'bulletedListStyle', function( editor ) {
+		return listStyle( editor, 'bulletedListStyle' );
+	});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..891b0b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'af', {
+	armenian: 'Armeense nommering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Eienskappe van ongenommerde lys',
+	circle: 'Sirkel',
+	decimal: 'Desimale syfers (1, 2, 3, ens.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Desimale syfers met voorloopnul (01, 02, 03, ens.)',
+	disc: 'Skyf',
+	georgian: 'Georgiese nommering (an, ban, gan, ens.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Kleinletters (a, b, c, d, e, ens.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Griekse kleinletters (alpha, beta, gamma, ens.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Romeinse kleinletters (i, ii, iii, iv, v, ens.)',
+	none: 'Geen',
+	notset: '<nie ingestel nie>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Eienskappe van genommerde lys',
+	square: 'Vierkant',
+	start: 'Begin',
+	type: 'Tipe',
+	upperAlpha: 'Hoofletters (A, B, C, D, E, ens.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Romeinse hoofletters (I, II, III, IV, V, ens.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Beginnommer van lys moet \'n heelgetal wees.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8a5dc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'ar', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6268301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'bg', {
+	armenian: 'Арменско номериране',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Кръг',
+	decimal: 'Числа (1, 2, 3 и др.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Числа с водеща нула (01, 02, 03 и т.н.)',
+	disc: 'Диск',
+	georgian: 'Грузинско номериране (an, ban, gan, и т.н.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Малки букви (а, б, в, г, д и т.н.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Малки гръцки букви (алфа, бета, гама и т.н.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Малки римски числа (i, ii, iii, iv, v и т.н.)',
+	none: 'Няма',
+	notset: '<не е указано>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Квадрат',
+	start: 'Старт',
+	type: 'Тип',
+	upperAlpha: 'Големи букви (А, Б, В, Г, Д и т.н.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Големи римски числа (I, II, III, IV, V и т.н.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eb2fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'bn', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c300814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'bs', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db8dd7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'ca', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42a04b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'cs', {
+	armenian: 'Arménské',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Vlastnosti odrážek',
+	circle: 'Kroužky',
+	decimal: 'Arabská čísla (1, 2, 3, atd.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Arabská čísla uvozená nulou (01, 02, 03, atd.)',
+	disc: 'Kolečka',
+	georgian: 'Gruzínské (an, ban, gan, atd.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Malá latinka (a, b, c, d, e, atd.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Malé řecké (alpha, beta, gamma, atd.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Malé římské (i, ii, iii, iv, v, atd.)',
+	none: 'Nic',
+	notset: '<nenastaveno>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Vlastnosti číslování',
+	square: 'ÄŒtverce',
+	start: 'Počátek',
+	type: 'Typ',
+	upperAlpha: 'Velká latinka (A, B, C, D, E, atd.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Velké římské (I, II, III, IV, V, atd.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Číslování musí začínat celým číslem.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84a3992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'cy', {
+	armenian: 'Rhifau Armeneg',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Priodweddau Rhestr Fwled',
+	circle: 'Cylch',
+	decimal: 'Degol (1, 2, 3, ayyb.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Degol â sero arweiniol (01, 02, 03, ayyb.)',
+	disc: 'Disg',
+	georgian: 'Rhifau Sioraidd (an, ban, gan, ayyb.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Alffa Is (a, b, c, d, e, ayyb.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Groeg Is (alpha, beta, gamma, ayyb.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Rhufeinig Is (i, ii, iii, iv, v, ayyb.)',
+	none: 'Dim',
+	notset: '<heb osod>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Priodweddau Rhestr Rifol',
+	square: 'Sgwâr',
+	start: 'Dechrau',
+	type: 'Math',
+	upperAlpha: 'Alffa Uwch (A, B, C, D, E, ayyb.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Rhufeinig Uwch (I, II, III, IV, V, ayyb.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Rhaid bod y rhif cychwynnol yn gyfanrif.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c2ef95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'da', {
+	armenian: 'Armensk nummering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Værdier for cirkelpunktopstilling',
+	circle: 'Cirkel',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, osv.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimaler med 0 først (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Værdier for diskpunktopstilling',
+	georgian: 'Georgiansk nummering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Små alfabet (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Små græsk (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Små romerske (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'Ingen',
+	notset: '<ikke defineret>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Egenskaber for nummereret liste',
+	square: 'Firkant',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Store alfabet (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Store romerske (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Den nummererede liste skal starte med et rundt nummer'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e046b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'de', {
+	armenian: 'Armenisch Nummerierung',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Listen-Eigenschaften',
+	circle: 'Ring',
+	decimal: 'Dezimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Dezimal mit führende  Null (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Kreis',
+	georgian: 'Georgisch Nummerierung (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Klein alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Klein griechisch (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Klein römisch (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'Keine',
+	notset: '<nicht gesetzt>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Nummerierte Listen-Eigenschaften',
+	square: 'Quadrat',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Typ',
+	upperAlpha: 'Groß alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Groß römisch (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List Startnummer muss eine ganze Zahl sein.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f496c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'el', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Ιδιότητες Λίστας Σημείων',
+	circle: 'Κύκλος',
+	decimal: 'Δεκαδικός (1, 2, 3, κτλ)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Δίσκος',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'Τίποτα',
+	notset: '<δεν έχει οριστεί>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Ιδιότητες Αριθμημένης Λίστας ',
+	square: 'Τετράγωνο',
+	start: 'Εκκίνηση',
+	type: 'Τύπος',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Ο αριθμός εκκίνησης της αρίθμησης πρέπει να είναι ακέραιος αριθμός.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe30662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'en-au', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b34da5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'en-ca', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b9f294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'en-gb', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03b6a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'en', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d5626c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'eo', {
+	armenian: 'Armena nombrado',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Atributoj de Bula Listo',
+	circle: 'Cirklo',
+	decimal: 'Dekumaj Nombroj (1, 2, 3, ktp.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Dekumaj Nombroj malantaÅ­ nulo (01, 02, 03, ktp.)',
+	disc: 'Disko',
+	georgian: 'Gruza nombrado (an, ban, gan, ktp.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Minusklaj Literoj (a, b, c, d, e, ktp.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Grekaj Minusklaj Literoj (alpha, beta, gamma, ktp.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Minusklaj Romanaj Nombroj (i, ii, iii, iv, v, ktp.)',
+	none: 'Neniu',
+	notset: '<DefaÅ­lta>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Atributoj de Numera Listo',
+	square: 'kvadrato',
+	start: 'Komenco',
+	type: 'Tipo',
+	upperAlpha: 'Majusklaj Literoj (A, B, C, D, E, ktp.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Majusklaj Romanaj Nombroj (I, II, III, IV, V, ktp.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'La unua listero devas esti entjera nombro.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9213c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'es', {
+	armenian: 'Numeración armenia',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Propiedades de viñetas',
+	circle: 'Círculo',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal con cero inicial (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disco',
+	georgian: 'Numeración georgiana (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Alfabeto en minúsculas (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Letras griegas (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Números romanos en minúsculas (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'Ninguno',
+	notset: '<sin establecer>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Propiedades de lista numerada',
+	square: 'Cuadrado',
+	start: 'Inicio',
+	type: 'Tipo',
+	upperAlpha: 'Alfabeto en mayúsculas  (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Números romanos en mayúsculas (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'El Inicio debe ser un número entero.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64caa5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'et', {
+	armenian: 'Armeenia numbrid',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Punktloendi omadused',
+	circle: 'Ring',
+	decimal: 'Numbrid (1, 2, 3, jne)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Numbrid algusnulliga (01, 02, 03, jne)',
+	disc: 'Täpp',
+	georgian: 'Gruusia numbrid (an, ban, gan, jne)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Väiketähed (a, b, c, d, e, jne)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Kreeka väiketähed (alpha, beta, gamma, jne)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Väiksed rooma numbrid (i, ii, iii, iv, v, jne)',
+	none: 'Puudub',
+	notset: '<pole määratud>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numberloendi omadused',
+	square: 'Ruut',
+	start: 'Algus',
+	type: 'Liik',
+	upperAlpha: 'Suurtähed (A, B, C, D, E, jne)',
+	upperRoman: 'Suured rooma numbrid (I, II, III, IV, V, jne)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Loendi algusnumber peab olema täisarv.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac0bd0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'eu', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36f97e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'fa', {
+	armenian: 'شمارهگذاری ارمنی',
+	bulletedTitle: 'ویژگیهای فهرست گلولهدار',
+	circle: 'دایره',
+	decimal: 'دهدهی (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'دهدهی همراه با صفر (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'صفحه گرد',
+	georgian: 'شمارهگذاری گریگورین (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'پانویس الفبایی (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'پانویس یونانی (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'پانویس رومی (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'هیچ',
+	notset: '<تنظیم نشده>',
+	numberedTitle: 'ویژگیهای فهرست شمارهدار',
+	square: 'چهارگوش',
+	start: 'شروع',
+	type: 'نوع',
+	upperAlpha: 'بالانویس الفبایی (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'بالانویس رومی (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'فهرست شماره شروع باید یک عدد صحیح باشد.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..702e07d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'fi', {
+	armenian: 'Armeenialainen numerointi',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Numeroimattoman listan ominaisuudet',
+	circle: 'Ympyrä',
+	decimal: 'Desimaalit (1, 2, 3, jne.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Desimaalit, alussa nolla (01, 02, 03, jne.)',
+	disc: 'Levy',
+	georgian: 'Georgialainen numerointi (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Pienet aakkoset (a, b, c, d, e, jne.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Pienet kreikkalaiset (alpha, beta, gamma, jne.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Pienet roomalaiset (i, ii, iii, iv, v, jne.)',
+	none: 'Ei mikään',
+	notset: '<ei asetettu>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numeroidun listan ominaisuudet',
+	square: 'Neliö',
+	start: 'Alku',
+	type: 'Tyyppi',
+	upperAlpha: 'Isot aakkoset (A, B, C, D, E, jne.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Isot roomalaiset (I, II, III, IV, V, jne.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Listan ensimmäisen numeron tulee olla kokonaisluku.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88362f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'fo', {
+	armenian: 'Armensk talskipan',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Eginleikar fyri lista við prikkum',
+	circle: 'Sirkul',
+	decimal: 'Vanlig tøl (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Tøl við null frammanfyri (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgisk talskipan (an, ban, gan, osv.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lítlir bókstavir (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Grikskt við lítlum (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lítil rómaratøl (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'Einki',
+	notset: '<ikki sett>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Eginleikar fyri lista við tølum',
+	square: 'Fýrkantur',
+	start: 'Byrjan',
+	type: 'Slag',
+	upperAlpha: 'Stórir bókstavir (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Stór rómaratøl (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Byrjunartalið fyri lista má vera eitt heiltal.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8eae24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'fr-ca', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5da1f8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'fr', {
+	armenian: 'Numération arménienne',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Propriétés de la liste à puces',
+	circle: 'Cercle',
+	decimal: 'Décimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Décimal précédé par un 0 (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disque',
+	georgian: 'Numération géorgienne (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Alphabétique minuscules (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Grec minuscule (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Nombres romains minuscules (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'Aucun',
+	notset: '<Non défini>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Propriétés de la liste numérotée',
+	square: 'Carré',
+	start: 'Début',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Alphabétique majuscules (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Nombres romains majuscules (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Le premier élément de la liste doit être un nombre entier.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..089bb2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'gl', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f614942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'gu', {
+	armenian: 'અરમેનિયન આંકડા પદ્ધતિ',
+	bulletedTitle: 'બુલેટેડ લીસ્ટના ગુણ',
+	circle: 'વર્તુળ',
+	decimal: 'આંકડા (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'સુન્ય આગળ આંકડા (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'ડિસ્ક',
+	georgian: 'ગેઓર્ગિયન આંકડા પદ્ધતિ (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'આલ્ફા નાના (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'ગ્રીક નાના (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'રોમન નાના (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'કસુ ',
+	notset: '<સેટ નથી>',
+	numberedTitle: 'આંકડાના લીસ્ટના ગુણ',
+	square: 'ચોરસ',
+	start: 'શરુ કરવું',
+	type: 'પ્રકાર',
+	upperAlpha: 'આલ્ફા મોટા (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'રોમન મોટા (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'લીસ્ટના સરુઆતનો આંકડો પુરો હોવો જોઈએ.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7f2fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'he', {
+	armenian: 'ספרות ארמניות',
+	bulletedTitle: 'תכונות רשימת תבליטים',
+	circle: 'עיגול ריק',
+	decimal: 'ספרות (1, 2, 3 וכו\')',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'ספרות עם 0 בהתחלה (01, 02, 03 וכו\')',
+	disc: 'עיגול מלא',
+	georgian: 'ספרות גיאורגיות (an, ban, gan וכו\')',
+	lowerAlpha: 'אותיות אנגליות קטנות (a, b, c, d, e וכו\')',
+	lowerGreek: 'אותיות יווניות קטנות (alpha, beta, gamma וכו\')',
+	lowerRoman: 'ספירה רומית באותיות קטנות (i, ii, iii, iv, v וכו\')',
+	none: 'ללא',
+	notset: '<לא נקבע>',
+	numberedTitle: 'תכונות רשימה ממוספרת',
+	square: 'ריבוע',
+	start: 'תחילת מספור',
+	type: 'סוג',
+	upperAlpha: 'אותיות אנגליות גדולות (A, B, C, D, E וכו\')',
+	upperRoman: 'ספירה רומיות באותיות גדולות (I, II, III, IV, V וכו\')',
+	validateStartNumber: 'שדה תחילת המספור חייב להכיל מספר שלם.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94232a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'hi', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2d1ea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'hr', {
+	armenian: 'Armenijska numeracija',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Svojstva liste',
+	circle: 'Krug',
+	decimal: 'Decimalna numeracija (1, 2, 3, itd.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimalna s vodećom nulom (01, 02, 03, itd)',
+	disc: 'Disk',
+	georgian: 'Gruzijska numeracija(an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Znakovi mala slova (a, b, c, d, e, itd.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Grčka numeracija mala slova (alfa, beta, gama, itd).',
+	lowerRoman: 'Romanska numeracija mala slova (i, ii, iii, iv, v, itd.)',
+	none: 'Bez',
+	notset: '<nije određen>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Svojstva brojčane liste',
+	square: 'Kvadrat',
+	start: 'Početak',
+	type: 'Vrsta',
+	upperAlpha: 'Znakovi velika slova (A, B, C, D, E, itd.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Romanska numeracija velika slova (I, II, III, IV, V, itd.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Početak brojčane liste mora biti cijeli broj.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1f7f27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'hu', {
+	armenian: 'Örmény számozás',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Pontozott lista tulajdonságai',
+	circle: 'Kör',
+	decimal: 'Arab számozás (1, 2, 3, stb.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Számozás bevezető nullákkal (01, 02, 03, stb.)',
+	disc: 'Korong',
+	georgian: 'Grúz számozás (an, ban, gan, stb.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Kisbetűs (a, b, c, d, e, stb.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Görög (alpha, beta, gamma, stb.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Római kisbetűs (i, ii, iii, iv, v, stb.)',
+	none: 'Nincs',
+	notset: '<Nincs beállítva>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Sorszámozott lista tulajdonságai',
+	square: 'Négyzet',
+	start: 'Kezdőszám',
+	type: 'Típus',
+	upperAlpha: 'Nagybetűs (A, B, C, D, E, stb.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Római nagybetűs (I, II, III, IV, V, stb.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'A kezdőszám nem lehet tört érték.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e69814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'is', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e43dc32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'it', {
+	armenian: 'Numerazione Armena',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Proprietà liste puntate',
+	circle: 'Cerchio',
+	decimal: 'Decimale (1, 2, 3, ecc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimale preceduto da 0 (01, 02, 03, ecc.)',
+	disc: 'Disco',
+	georgian: 'Numerazione Georgiana (an, ban, gan, ecc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Alfabetico minuscolo (a, b, c, d, e, ecc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Greco minuscolo (alpha, beta, gamma, ecc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Numerazione Romana minuscola (i, ii, iii, iv, v, ecc.)',
+	none: 'Nessuno',
+	notset: '<non impostato>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Proprietà liste numerate',
+	square: 'Quadrato',
+	start: 'Inizio',
+	type: 'Tipo',
+	upperAlpha: 'Alfabetico maiuscolo (A, B, C, D, E, ecc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Numerazione Romana maiuscola (I, II, III, IV, V, ecc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Il numero di inizio di una lista numerata deve essere un numero intero.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..817898b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'ja', {
+	armenian: 'アルメニア数字',
+	bulletedTitle: '箇条書き プロパティ',
+	circle: '白丸',
+	decimal: 'æ•°å­— (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: '上位桁に0をつけた数字 (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: '黒丸',
+	georgian: 'グルジア数字 (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: '小文字アルファベット (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: '小文字ギリシャ文字 (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: '小文字ローマ数字 (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'なし',
+	notset: '<なし>',
+	numberedTitle: '段落番号 プロパティ',
+	square: '四角',
+	start: '開始',
+	type: 'タイプ',
+	upperAlpha: '大文字アルファベット (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: '大文字ローマ数字 (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'リスト開始番号は数値で入力してください。'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54c4d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'ka', {
+	armenian: 'სომხური გადანომრვა',
+	bulletedTitle: 'ღილებიანი სიის პარამეტრები',
+	circle: 'წრეწირი',
+	decimal: 'რიცხვებით (1, 2, 3, ..)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'ნულით დაწყებული რიცხვებით (01, 02, 03, ..)',
+	disc: 'წრე',
+	georgian: 'ქართული გადანომრვა (ან, ბან, გან, ..)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'პატარა ლათინური ასოებით (a, b, c, d, e, ..)',
+	lowerGreek: 'პატარა ბერძნული ასოებით (ალფა, ბეტა, გამა, ..)',
+	lowerRoman: 'რომაული გადანომრვცა პატარა ციფრებით (i, ii, iii, iv, v, ..)',
+	none: 'არაფერი',
+	notset: '<არაფერი>',
+	numberedTitle: 'გადანომრილი სიის პარამეტრები',
+	square: 'კვადრატი',
+	start: 'საწყისი',
+	type: 'ტიპი',
+	upperAlpha: 'დიდი ლათინური ასოებით (A, B, C, D, E, ..)',
+	upperRoman: 'რომაული გადანომრვა დიდი ციფრებით (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'სიის საწყისი მთელი რიცხვი უნდა იყოს.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e02da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'km', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0a350c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'ko', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6756c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'ku', {
+	armenian: 'ئاراستهی ژمارهی ئهرمهنی',
+	bulletedTitle: 'خاسیهتی لیستی خاڵی',
+	circle: 'بازنه',
+	decimal: 'ژماره (1, 2, 3, وههیتر.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'ژماره سفڕی لهپێشهوه (01, 02, 03, وههیتر.)',
+	disc: 'پهپکه',
+	georgian: 'ئاراستهی ژمارهی جۆڕجی (an, ban, gan, وههیتر.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'ئهلفابێی بچووك (a, b, c, d, e, وههیتر.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'یۆنانی بچووك (alpha, beta, gamma, وههیتر.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'ژمارهی ڕۆمی بچووك (i, ii, iii, iv, v, وههیتر.)',
+	none: 'هیچ',
+	notset: '<دانهندراوه>',
+	numberedTitle: 'خاسیهتی لیستی ژمارهیی',
+	square: 'چووراگۆشه',
+	start: 'دهستپێکردن',
+	type: 'جۆر',
+	upperAlpha: 'ئهلفابێی گهوره (A, B, C, D, E, وههیتر.)',
+	upperRoman: 'ژمارهی ڕۆمی گهوره (I, II, III, IV, V, وههیتر.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'دهستپێکهری لیستی ژمارهیی دهبێت تهنها ژماره بێت.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca709c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'lt', {
+	armenian: 'Armėniški skaitmenys',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Ženklelinio sąrašo nustatymai',
+	circle: 'Apskritimas',
+	decimal: 'Dešimtainis (1, 2, 3, t.t)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Dešimtainis su nuliu priekyje (01, 02, 03, t.t)',
+	disc: 'Diskas',
+	georgian: 'Gruziniški skaitmenys (an, ban, gan, t.t)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Mažosios Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, t.t)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Mažosios Graikų (alpha, beta, gamma, t.t)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Mažosios Romėnų (i, ii, iii, iv, v, t.t)',
+	none: 'Niekas',
+	notset: '<nenurodytas>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Skaitmeninio sąrašo nustatymai',
+	square: 'Kvadratas',
+	start: 'Pradžia',
+	type: 'RÅ«Å¡is',
+	upperAlpha: 'Didžiosios Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, t.t)',
+	upperRoman: 'Didžiosios Romėnų (I, II, III, IV, V, t.t)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Sąrašo pradžios skaitmuo turi būti sveikas skaičius.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30bdb67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'lv', {
+	armenian: 'Armēņu skaitļi',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Vienkārša saraksta uzstādījumi',
+	circle: 'Aplis',
+	decimal: 'Decimālie (1, 2, 3, utt)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimālie ar nulli (01, 02, 03, utt)',
+	disc: 'Disks',
+	georgian: 'Gruzīņu skaitļi (an, ban, gan, utt)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Mazie alfabēta (a, b, c, d, e, utt)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Mazie grieÄ·u (alfa, beta, gamma, utt)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Mazie romāņu (i, ii, iii, iv, v, utt)',
+	none: 'Nekas',
+	notset: '<nav norādīts>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numurēta saraksta uzstādījumi',
+	square: 'Kvadrāts',
+	start: 'Sākt',
+	type: 'Tips',
+	upperAlpha: 'Lielie alfabēta (A, B, C, D, E, utt)',
+	upperRoman: 'Lielie romāņu (I, II, III, IV, V, utt)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Saraksta sākuma numuram jābūt veselam skaitlim'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb410b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'mk', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9e66cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'mn', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Төрөл',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b66d7da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'ms', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8069079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'nb', {
+	armenian: 'Armensk nummerering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Egenskaper for punktmerket liste',
+	circle: 'Sirkel',
+	decimal: 'Tall (1, 2, 3, osv.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Tall, med førstesiffer null (01, 02, 03, osv.)',
+	disc: 'Disk',
+	georgian: 'Georgisk nummerering (an, ban, gan, osv.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Alfabetisk, små (a, b, c, d, e, osv.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Gresk, små (alpha, beta, gamma, osv.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Romertall, små (i, ii, iii, iv, v, osv.)',
+	none: 'Ingen',
+	notset: '<ikke satt>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Egenskaper for nummerert liste',
+	square: 'Firkant',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Alfabetisk, store (A, B, C, D, E, osv.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Romertall, store (I, II, III, IV, V, osv.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Starten på listen må være et heltall.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6c50c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'nl', {
+	armenian: 'Armeense nummering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Eigenschappen lijst met opsommingstekens',
+	circle: 'Cirkel',
+	decimal: 'Cijfers (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Cijfers beginnen met nul (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Schijf',
+	georgian: 'Georgische nummering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Kleine letters (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Grieks kleine letters (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Romeins kleine letters (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'Geen',
+	notset: '<niet gezet>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Eigenschappen genummerde lijst',
+	square: 'Vierkant',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Hoofdletters (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Romeinse hoofdletters (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Startnummer van de lijst moet een heel nummer zijn.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89000ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'no', {
+	armenian: 'Armensk nummerering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Egenskaper for punktmerket liste',
+	circle: 'Sirkel',
+	decimal: 'Tall (1, 2, 3, osv.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Tall, med førstesiffer null (01, 02, 03, osv.)',
+	disc: 'Disk',
+	georgian: 'Georgisk nummerering (an, ban, gan, osv.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Alfabetisk, små (a, b, c, d, e, osv.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Gresk, små (alpha, beta, gamma, osv.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Romertall, små (i, ii, iii, iv, v, osv.)',
+	none: 'Ingen',
+	notset: '<ikke satt>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Egenskaper for nummerert liste',
+	square: 'Firkant',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Alfabetisk, store (A, B, C, D, E, osv.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Romertall, store (I, II, III, IV, V, osv.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Starten på listen må være et heltall.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b388130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'pl', {
+	armenian: 'Numerowanie armeńskie',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Właściwości list wypunktowanych',
+	circle: 'Koło',
+	decimal: 'Liczby (1, 2, 3 itd.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Liczby z poczÄ…tkowym zerem (01, 02, 03 itd.)',
+	disc: 'OkrÄ…g',
+	georgian: 'Numerowanie gruzińskie (an, ban, gan itd.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Małe litery (a, b, c, d, e itd.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Małe litery greckie (alpha, beta, gamma itd.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Małe cyfry rzymskie (i, ii, iii, iv, v itd.)',
+	none: 'Brak',
+	notset: '<nie ustawiono>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Właściwości list numerowanych',
+	square: 'Kwadrat',
+	start: 'PoczÄ…tek',
+	type: 'Typ punktora',
+	upperAlpha: 'Duże litery (A, B, C, D, E itd.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Duże cyfry rzymskie (I, II, III, IV, V itd.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Listę musi rozpoczynać liczba całkowita.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0a611b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'pt-br', {
+	armenian: 'Numeração Armêna',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Propriedades da Lista sem Numeros',
+	circle: 'Círculo',
+	decimal: 'Numeração Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Numeração Decimal com zeros (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disco',
+	georgian: 'Numeração da Geórgia (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Numeração Alfabética minúscula (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Numeração Grega minúscula (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Numeração Romana minúscula (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'Nenhum',
+	notset: '<não definido>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Propriedades da Lista Numerada',
+	square: 'Quadrado',
+	start: 'Início',
+	type: 'Tipo',
+	upperAlpha: 'Numeração Alfabética Maiúscula (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Numeração Romana maiúscula (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'O número inicial da lista deve ser um número inteiro.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..934e8e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'pt', {
+	armenian: 'Numeração armênia',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Círculo',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disco',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'Nenhum',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Quadrado',
+	start: 'Iniciar',
+	type: 'Tipo',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d1438e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'ro', {
+	armenian: 'Numerotare armeniană',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Proprietățile listei cu simboluri',
+	circle: 'Cerc',
+	decimal: 'Decimale (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimale cu zero în față (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Numerotare georgiană (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Litere mici (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Litere grecești mici (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Cifre romane mici (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'Nimic',
+	notset: '<nesetat>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Proprietățile listei numerotate',
+	square: 'Pătrat',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Tip',
+	upperAlpha: 'Litere mari (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Cifre romane mari (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Începutul listei trebuie să fie un număr întreg.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec04fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'ru', {
+	armenian: 'Армянская нумерация',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Свойства маркированного списка',
+	circle: 'Круг',
+	decimal: 'Десятичные (1, 2, 3, и т.д.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Десятичные с ведущим нулём (01, 02, 03, и т.д.)',
+	disc: 'Окружность',
+	georgian: 'Грузинская нумерация (ани, бани, гани, и т.д.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Строчные латинские (a, b, c, d, e, и т.д.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Строчные греческие (альфа, бета, гамма, и т.д.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Строчные римские (i, ii, iii, iv, v, и т.д.)',
+	none: 'Нет',
+	notset: '<не указано>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Свойства нумерованного списка',
+	square: 'Квадрат',
+	start: 'Начиная с',
+	type: 'Тип',
+	upperAlpha: 'Заглавные латинские (A, B, C, D, E, и т.д.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Заглавные римские (I, II, III, IV, V, и т.д.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Первый номер списка должен быть задан обычным целым числом.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf9ae63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'sk', {
+	armenian: 'Arménske číslovanie',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Vlastnosti odrážkového zoznamu',
+	circle: 'Kruh',
+	decimal: 'Číselné (1, 2, 3, atď.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Číselné s nulou (01, 02, 03, atď.)',
+	disc: 'Disk',
+	georgian: 'Gregoriánske číslovanie (an, ban, gan, atď.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Malé latinské (a, b, c, d, e, atď.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Malé grécke (alfa, beta, gama, atď.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Malé rímske (i, ii, iii, iv, v, atď.)',
+	none: 'Nič',
+	notset: '<nenastavené>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Vlastnosti číselného zoznamu',
+	square: 'Å tvorec',
+	start: 'Začiatok',
+	type: 'Typ',
+	upperAlpha: 'Veľké latinské (A, B, C, D, E, atď.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Veľké rímske (I, II, III, IV, V, atď.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Začiatočné číslo číselného zoznamu musí byť celé číslo.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f788ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'sl', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b780610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'sr-latn', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63f7eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'sr', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ca5279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'sv', {
+	armenian: 'Armenisk numrering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Egenskaper för punktlista',
+	circle: 'Cirkel',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal nolla (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disk',
+	georgian: 'Georgisk numrering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Alpha gemener (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Grekiska gemener (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Romerska gemener (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'Ingen',
+	notset: '<ej angiven>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Egenskaper för punktlista',
+	square: 'Fyrkant',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Typ',
+	upperAlpha: 'Alpha versaler (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Romerska versaler (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..212aff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'th', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5d0e8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'tr', {
+	armenian: 'Ermenice sayılandırma',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Simgeli Liste Özellikleri',
+	circle: 'Daire',
+	decimal: 'Ondalık (1, 2, 3, vs.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Başı sıfırlı ondalık (01, 02, 03, vs.)',
+	disc: 'Disk',
+	georgian: 'Gürcüce numaralandırma (an, ban, gan, vs.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Küçük Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, vs.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Küçük Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, vs.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Küçük Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, vs.)',
+	none: 'Yok',
+	notset: '<ayarlanmamış>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Sayılandırılmış Liste Özellikleri',
+	square: 'Kare',
+	start: 'BaÅŸla',
+	type: 'Tipi',
+	upperAlpha: 'Büyük Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, vs.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Büyük Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, vs.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Liste başlangıcı tam sayı olmalıdır.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac188ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'ug', {
+	armenian: 'قەدىمكى ئەرمىنىيە تەرتىپ نومۇرى شەكلى',
+	bulletedTitle: 'تۈر بەلگە تىزىم خاسلىقى',
+	circle: 'بوش چەمبەر',
+	decimal: 'سان (1, 2, 3 قاتارلىق)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'نۆلدىن باشلانغان سان بەلگە (01, 02, 03 قاتارلىق)',
+	disc: 'تولدۇرۇلغان چەمبەر',
+	georgian: 'قەدىمكى جورجىيە تەرتىپ نومۇرى شەكلى (an, ban, gan قاتارلىق)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'ئىنگلىزچە كىچىك ھەرپ (a, b, c, d, e قاتارلىق)',
+	lowerGreek: 'گرېكچە كىچىك ھەرپ (alpha, beta, gamma قاتارلىق)',
+	lowerRoman: 'كىچىك ھەرپلىك رىم رەقىمى (i, ii, iii, iv, v قاتارلىق)',
+	none: 'بەلگە يوق',
+	notset: '‹تەڭشەلمىگەن›',
+	numberedTitle: 'تەرتىپ نومۇر تىزىم خاسلىقى',
+	square: 'تولدۇرۇلغان تۆت چاسا',
+	start: 'باشلىنىش نومۇرى',
+	type: 'بەلگە تىپى',
+	upperAlpha: 'ئىنگلىزچە چوڭ ھەرپ (A, B, C, D, E قاتارلىق)',
+	upperRoman: 'چوڭ ھەرپلىك رىم رەقىمى (I, II, III, IV, V قاتارلىق)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'تىزىم باشلىنىش تەرتىپ نومۇرى چوقۇم پۈتۈن سان پىچىمىدا بولۇشى لازىم'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34e957c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'uk', {
+	armenian: 'Вірменська нумерація',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Опції маркованого списку',
+	circle: 'Кільце',
+	decimal: 'Десяткові (1, 2, 3 і т.д.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Десяткові з нулем (01, 02, 03 і т.д.)',
+	disc: 'Кружечок',
+	georgian: 'Грузинська нумерація (an, ban, gan і т.д.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Малі лат. букви (a, b, c, d, e і т.д.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Малі гр. букви (альфа, бета, гамма і т.д.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Малі римські (i, ii, iii, iv, v і т.д.)',
+	none: 'Нема',
+	notset: '<не вказано>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Опції нумерованого списку',
+	square: 'Квадратик',
+	start: 'Почати з...',
+	type: 'Тип',
+	upperAlpha: 'Великі лат. букви (A, B, C, D, E і т.д.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Великі римські (I, II, III, IV, V і т.д.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Початковий номер списку повинен бути цілим числом.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae3ec06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'vi', {
+	armenian: 'Số theo kiểu Armenian',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Thuộc tính danh sách không thứ tự',
+	circle: 'Khuyên tròn',
+	decimal: 'Kiểu số (1, 2, 3 ...)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Kiểu số (01, 02, 03...)',
+	disc: 'Hình đĩa',
+	georgian: 'Số theo kiểu Georgian (an, ban, gan...)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Kiểu abc thường (a, b, c, d, e...)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Kiểu Hy Lạp (alpha, beta, gamma...)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Số La Mã kiểu thường (i, ii, iii, iv, v...)',
+	none: 'Không gì cả',
+	notset: '<không thiết lập>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Thuộc tính danh sách có thứ tự',
+	square: 'Hình vuông',
+	start: 'Bắt đầu',
+	type: 'Kiểu loại',
+	upperAlpha: 'Kiểu ABC HOA (A, B, C, D, E...)',
+	upperRoman: 'Số La Mã kiểu HOA (I, II, III, IV, V...)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'Số bắt đầu danh sách phải là một số nguyên.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eca6da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'zh-cn', {
+	armenian: '传统的亚美尼亚编号方式',
+	bulletedTitle: '项目列表属性',
+	circle: '空心圆',
+	decimal: 'æ•°å­— (1, 2, 3, ç­‰)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: '0开头的数字标记(01, 02, 03, 等)',
+	disc: '实心圆',
+	georgian: '传统的乔治亚编号方式(an, ban, gan, 等)',
+	lowerAlpha: '小写英文字母(a, b, c, d, e, 等)',
+	lowerGreek: '小写希腊字母(alpha, beta, gamma, 等)',
+	lowerRoman: '小写罗马数字(i, ii, iii, iv, v, 等)',
+	none: '无标记',
+	notset: '<没有设置>',
+	numberedTitle: '编号列表属性',
+	square: '实心方块',
+	start: '开始序号',
+	type: '标记类型',
+	upperAlpha: '大写英文字母(A, B, C, D, E, 等)',
+	upperRoman: '大写罗马数字(I, II, III, IV, V, 等)',
+	validateStartNumber: '列表开始序号必须为整数格式'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9477770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'liststyle', 'zh', {
+	armenian: 'Armenian numbering',
+	bulletedTitle: 'Bulleted List Properties',
+	circle: 'Circle',
+	decimal: 'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',
+	decimalLeadingZero: 'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)',
+	disc: 'Disc',
+	georgian: 'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',
+	lowerAlpha: 'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',
+	lowerGreek: 'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',
+	lowerRoman: 'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',
+	none: 'None',
+	notset: '<not set>',
+	numberedTitle: 'Numbered List Properties',
+	square: 'Square',
+	start: 'Start',
+	type: 'Type',
+	upperAlpha: 'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',
+	upperRoman: 'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',
+	validateStartNumber: 'List start number must be a whole number.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/plugin.js
index 8e23cca..215c8a2 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/liststyle/plugin.js
@@ -1,64 +1,49 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.liststyle =
-	{
-		requires : [ 'dialog' ],
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
+(function() {
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.liststyle = {
+		requires: 'dialog,contextmenu',
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
 			editor.addCommand( 'numberedListStyle', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'numberedListStyle' ) );
 			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'numberedListStyle', this.path + 'dialogs/liststyle.js' );
 			editor.addCommand( 'bulletedListStyle', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'bulletedListStyle' ) );
 			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'bulletedListStyle', this.path + 'dialogs/liststyle.js' );
-			// If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu items.
-			if ( editor.addMenuItems )
-			{
-				//Register map group;
-				editor.addMenuGroup("list", 108);
+			//Register map group;
+			editor.addMenuGroup( "list", 108 );
-				editor.addMenuItems(
-					{
-						numberedlist :
-						{
-							label : editor.lang.list.numberedTitle,
-							group : 'list',
-							command: 'numberedListStyle'
-						},
-						bulletedlist :
-						{
-							label : editor.lang.list.bulletedTitle,
-							group : 'list',
-							command: 'bulletedListStyle'
-						}
-					});
-			}
+			editor.addMenuItems({
+				numberedlist: {
+					label: editor.lang.liststyle.numberedTitle,
+					group: 'list',
+					command: 'numberedListStyle'
+				},
+				bulletedlist: {
+					label: editor.lang.liststyle.bulletedTitle,
+					group: 'list',
+					command: 'bulletedListStyle'
+				}
+			});
-			// If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners.
-			if ( editor.contextMenu )
-			{
-				editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection )
-					{
-						if ( !element || element.isReadOnly() )
-							return null;
+			editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection ) {
+				if ( !element || element.isReadOnly() )
+					return null;
-						while ( element )
-						{
-							var name = element.getName();
-							if ( name == 'ol' )
-								return { numberedlist: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
-							else if ( name == 'ul' )
-								return { bulletedlist: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+				while ( element ) {
+					var name = element.getName();
+					if ( name == 'ol' )
+						return { numberedlist: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
+					else if ( name == 'ul' )
+						return { bulletedlist: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
-							element = element.getParent();
-						}
-						return null;
-					});
-			}
+					element = element.getParent();
+				}
+				return null;
+			});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/dev/magicline.html b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/dev/magicline.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35b0fbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/dev/magicline.html
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+	<meta charset="utf-8">
+	<title>Magicline muddy trenches – CKEditor Sample</title>
+	<script src="../../../ckeditor.js"></script>
+	<link href="../../../samples/sample.css" rel="stylesheet">
+	<style>
+		body {
+			margin: 0 0 130px;
+		}
+		#dev {
+			border-top: 1px solid #555;
+			position: fixed;
+			bottom: 0px;
+			left: 0px;
+			right: 0px;
+			height: 110px;
+			background: #B5E5EE;
+			font-size: 15px;
+		}
+		#dev .hl {
+			color: red;
+		}
+		#tr_upper, #tr_lower {
+			padding: 3px 6px;
+		}
+		#tr_upper {
+			background: rgba(255,0,0,.3);
+		}
+		#tr_lower {
+			background: rgba(0,255,0,.3);
+		}
+		#dev p {
+			margin: 0;
+			padding: 0;
+		}
+		#timeData,
+		#triggerData,
+		#mouseData,
+		#hiddenData {
+			position: absolute;
+		}
+		#timeData {
+			right: 10px;
+			top: 10px;
+		}
+		#hiddenData {
+			right: 10px;
+			top: 40px;
+		}
+		#mouseData {
+			left: 10px;
+			top: 10px;
+		}
+		#dev h2 {
+			top: 10px;
+			left: 10px;
+		}
+		#triggerData {
+			bottom: 10px;
+			left: 10px;
+		}
+	</style>
+	<h1 class="samples">
+		CKEditor Sample — magicline muddy trenches
+	</h1>
+	<h2>Various cases</h2>
+	<textarea cols="80" id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10">
+		<div style="padding: 20px; background: gray; width: 300px" class="1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim. Etiam ullamcorper. Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis. Maecenas malesuada elit lectus felis, malesuada ultricies. Curabitur et ligula. Ut molestie a, ultricies porta urna. Vestibulum commodo volutpat a, convallis ac, laoreet enim.</div>
+		<div style="background: violet; padding: 30px" class="static">Position static</div>
+		<dl class="2">
+			<dt>Key</dt><dd>Value</dd>
+		</dl>
+		<div>Whatever</div>
+		<hr id="hr">
+		<div style="
+			display: block;
+			cursor: pointer;
+			background: green;
+			height: 50px; width: 50px;" >aasd
+		</div>
+		<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim. Etiam ullamcorper. Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis. Maecenas malesuada elit lectus felis, malesuada ultricies</p>
+		<hr>
+		<hr>
+		<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim. Etiam ullamcorper. Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis. Maecenas malesuada elit lectus felis, malesuada ultricies</p>
+		<table border="1" class="first">
+			<tbody><tr>
+				<td>
+					Table Cell 1
+				</td>
+			</tr>
+			<tr>
+				<td>
+					Table Cell 2<br>
+					Table Cell 2<br>
+				</td>
+			</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
+		<div style="border: 1px solid red; padding: 50px">
+			Parent
+			<div style="border: 10px solid green; padding: 10px">Child</div>
+		</div>
+		I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body.
+		I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body. I'm in a body.
+		<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim. Etiam ullamcorper. Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis. Maecenas malesuada elit lectus felis, malesuada ultricies</p>
+		<table border="1" style="margin: 15px 0 100px"  class="outer">
+			<tbody>
+			<tr>
+				<td>Table Cell 1</td>
+				<td>Table Cell 1</td>
+			</tr>
+			<tr>
+				<td>
+					<table border="10" class="inner">
+						<tbody>
+							<tr>
+								<td>Table Cell 1</td>
+							</tr>
+							<tr>
+								<td>Table Cell 2<br> Table Cell 2<br></td>
+							</tr>
+						</tbody>
+					</table>
+				</td>
+			</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
+		<table border="1" style="margin: 15px"  class="third">
+			<tbody><tr>
+				<td>
+					Table Cell 1
+				</td>
+				<td>
+					Table Cell 1
+				</td>
+				<td>
+					Table Cell 1
+				</td>
+				<td>
+					Table Cell 1
+				</td>
+			</tr>
+			<tr>
+				<td>
+					Table Cell 2
+				</td>
+			</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
+		<table border="1" style="margin: 15px"  class="fourth">
+			<tbody><tr>
+				<td>
+					Table Cell 1
+				</td>
+				<td>
+					Table Cell 1
+				</td>
+				<td>
+					Table Cell 1
+				</td>
+				<td>
+					Table Cell 1
+				</td>
+			</tr>
+			<tr>
+				<td>
+					Table Cell 2
+				</td>
+			</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
+		<ul style=""  class="fifth">
+			<li name="ul_first">List item</li>
+			<li name="ul_second">
+				<ol style="">
+					<li name="ol_first">Nested item</li>
+					<li>Nested item</li>
+					<li>Nested item</li>
+				</ol>
+			</li>
+			<li>List item</li>
+		</ul>
+		<table border="1" class="table#123">
+			<tbody>
+				<tr>
+					<td>Table Cell 1</td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr>
+					<td>Table Cell 2<br> Table Cell 2<br></td>
+				</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
+		<table border="1" align="right"  class="aligned">
+			<tbody>
+				<tr>
+					<td>Table Cell 1</td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr>
+					<td>Table Cell 2<br> Table Cell 2<br></td>
+				</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
+		<table border="1" style="float: right" class="floated">
+			<tbody>
+				<tr>
+					<td>Table Cell 1</td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr>
+					<td>Table Cell 2<br> Table Cell 2<br></td>
+				</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
+		<table border="1" align=""class="table#124">
+			<tbody>
+				<tr>
+					<td>Table Cell 1</td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr>
+					<td>Table Cell 2<br> Table Cell 2<br></td>
+				</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
+		<table border="1"class="table#125">
+			<tbody>
+				<tr>
+					<td>Table Cell 1</td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr>
+					<td>Table Cell 2<br> Table Cell 2<br></td>
+				</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
+		<p> enim. Etiam ullamcorper. Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis. Maecenas male</p>
+		<table border="1"class="table#126">
+			<tbody>
+				<tr>
+					<td>Table Cell 1</td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr>
+					<td>Table Cell 2<br> Table Cell 2<br></td>
+				</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
+		<div style="background: orange; margin: 20px">Upper div</div>
+		<table style="background: blue; margin: 20px"><tr><td>Lower table</td></tr></table>
+		<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim. Etiam ullamcorper. Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis. Maecenas malesuada elit lectus felis, malesuada ultricies</p>
+		<div><strong>I'm a div. Let me stay here.</strong></div><dl>
+			<dt>Key</dt>
+			<dd>pendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis</dd>
+			<dt>Key</dt>
+			<dd>pendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis</dd>
+		</dl>
+		<div class="11" style="padding: 20px; background: pink; width: 400px">
+			Parent
+			<div class="12" style="padding: 20px; background: orange">
+				<!-- comment -->
+				<!-- another comment -->
+				<div class="13" style="padding: 20px; background: green">
+					Child#2
+				</div>
+			</div>
+		</div>
+	</textarea>
+	<h2>Odd case: first (last) element at the very beginning, short editable</h2>
+	<textarea cols="80" id="editor2" name="editor1a" rows="10">
+		<table border="1" style="width: 300px">
+			<tbody>
+				<tr>
+					<td>
+						Test</td>
+				</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
+	</textarea>
+	<h2>Large document, put everywhere</h2>
+	<textarea id="editor3">
+		<p><div class="navbar" align="center" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family: sans-serif;font-size: medium;"><a accesskey="p" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/traversal.html" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">previous</a>   <a accesskey="n" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/idl-definitions.html" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">next</a>   <a accesskey="c" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/Overview.html#contents" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: 
 initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">contents</a>   <a accesskey="i" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/def-index.html" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">index</a><hr title="Navigation area separator"></div><div class="noprint" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family: sans-serif;font-size: medium;text-align: right;"><p style="font-family: monospace;font-size: small;">13 November, 2000</p></div><div class="div1" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family: sans-serif;font-size: medium;"><a id="Range" name="Range"></a><h1 id="Range-h1" class="div1" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;backgroun
 d-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 27px;font-weight: normal; background-color: violet">2. Document Object Model Range</h1><dl style="background: green"><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><i>Editors</i></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Peter Sharpe, SoftQuad Software Inc.</dd><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Vidur Apparao, Netscape Communications Corp.</dd><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Lauren Wood, SoftQuad Software Inc.</dd></dl><div class="noprint"><h2 id="table-of-contents" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 22px;font-weight: normal;">Table of contents</h2><ul class="toc" style="list-style-type: none;list-style-position: initial;list-style-image: initial;"><li class
 ="tocline3"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-introduction" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.1. Introduction</a></li><li class="tocline3"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Definitions" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial; background: red">2.2. Definitions and Notation</a><ul class="toc" style="list-style-type: none;list-style-position: initial;list-style-image: initial;"><li class="tocline4" style="font-style: italic;"><a class="tocxr
 ef" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Position" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.2.1. Position</a></li><li class="tocline4" style="font-style: italic;"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Containment" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.2.2. Selection and Partial Selection</a></li><li class="tocline4" style="font-style: italic;"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Notation" style="color: 
 rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.2.3. Notation</a></li></ul></li><li class="tocline3"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Creating" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.3. Creating a Range</a></li><li class="tocline3"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Changing" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position
 : initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.4. Changing a Range's Position</a></li><li class="tocline3"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Comparing" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.5. Comparing Range Boundary-Points</a></li><li class="tocline3"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Deleting-Content" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.6. Deleting Content with a Range</a></li><li class="tocline3"><a class="tocxref" href="
 http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Extracting" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.7. Extracting Content</a></li><li class="tocline3"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Cloning" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.8. Cloning Content</a></li><li class="tocline3"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Inserting" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;bac
 kground-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.9. Inserting Content</a></li><li class="tocline3"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Surrounding" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.10. Surrounding Content</a></li><li class="tocline3"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Misc" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.11. Miscellaneous Me
 mbers</a></li><li class="tocline3"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Mutation" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.12. Range modification under document mutation</a><ul class="toc" style="list-style-type: none;list-style-position: initial;list-style-image: initial;"><li class="tocline4" style="font-style: italic;"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Insertions" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.12.1. Insertions</a></li><li class="toc
 line4" style="font-style: italic;"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Deletions" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.12.2. Deletions</a></li></ul></li><li class="tocline3"><a class="tocxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-Interface" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">2.13. Formal Description of the Range Interface</a><ul class="toc" style="list-style-type: none;list-style-position: initial;list-style-image: initial;"><li class="tocline4" style="font-s
 tyle: italic;"><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-idl" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">Range</a>, <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-DocumentRange-idl" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">DocumentRange</a>, <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#RangeException" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-p
 osition: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">RangeException</a>, <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#RangeExceptionCode" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">RangeExceptionCode</a></li></ul></li></ul></div><div class="div2"><a id="Level-2-Range-introduction" name="Level-2-Range-introduction"></a><h2 id="Level-2-Range-introduction-h2" class="div2" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 22px;font-weight: normal;">2.1. Introduction</h2><p>A Range identifies a range of content in a Document, DocumentFragment or Attr. It is contiguous in the sense that it can be characterized 
 as selecting all of the content between a pair of boundary-points.</p><p><b>Note:</b> In a text editor or a word processor, a user can make a selection by pressing down the mouse at one point in a document, moving the mouse to another point, and releasing the mouse. The resulting selection is contiguous and consists of the content between the two points.</p><p>The term 'selecting' does not mean that every Range corresponds to a selection made by a GUI user;however, such a selection can be returned to a DOM user as a Range.</p><p><b>Note:</b> In bidirectional writing (Arabic, Hebrew), a range may correspond to a logical selection that is not necessarily contiguous when displayed. A visually contiguous selection, also used in some cases, may not correspond to a single logical selection, and may therefore have to be represented by more than one range.</p><p>The Range interface provides methods for accessing and manipulating the document tree at a higher level than similar met
 hods in the Node interface. The expectation is that each of the methods provided by the Range interface for the insertion, deletion and copying of content can be directly mapped to a series of Node editing operations enabled by DOM Core. In this sense, the Range operations can be viewed as convenience methods that also enable the implementation to optimize common editing patterns.</p><p>This chapter describes the Range interface, including methods for creating and moving a Range and methods for manipulating content with Ranges.</p><p>The interfaces found within this section are not mandatory. A DOM application may use the <code>hasFeature(feature, version)</code> method of the <code>DOMImplementation</code> interface with parameter values "Range" and "2.0" (respectively) to determine whether or not this module is supported by the implementation. In order to fully support this module, an implementation must also support the "Core" feature defined defined in the DOM Level 
 2 Core specification [<a class="noxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/references.html#DOMCore" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">DOM Level 2 Core</a>]. Please refer to additional information about <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/introduction.html#ID-Conformance" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>conformance</em></a> in the DOM Level 2 Core specification [<a class="noxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/references.html#DOMCore" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-
 attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">DOM Level 2 Core</a>].</p></div><div class="div2" style="background: blue;"><a id="Level-2-Range-Definitions" name="Level-2-Range-Definitions"></a><h2 id="Level-2-Range-Definitions-h2" class="div2" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 22px;font-weight: normal; background: red">2.2. Definitions and Notation</h2><div style="background: yellow" class="div3"><a id="Level-2-Range-Position" name="Level-2-Range-Position"></a><h3 id="Level-2-Range-Position-h3" class="div3" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size
 : 19px;font-weight: normal;">2.2.1. Position</h3><p>This chapter refers to two different representations of a document: the text or source form that includes the document markup and the tree representation similar to the one described in the introduction section of the DOM Level 2 Core [<a class="noxref" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/references.html#DOMCore" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">DOM Level 2 Core</a>].</p><p>A Range consists of two <i>boundary-points</i> corresponding to the start and the end of the Range. <a id="td-boundarypoint" name="td-boundarypoint"></a>A boundary-point's position in a Document or DocumentFragment tree can be characterized by a node and an offset. <a id="td-container" name="td-container"></a>The node is cal
 led the <i>container</i> of the boundary-point and of its position. <a id="td-ancestor-container" name="td-ancestor-container"></a>The container and its ancestors are the <i>ancestor container</i>s of the boundary-point and of its position.<a id="td-offset" name="td-offset"></a>The offset within the node is called the <i>offset</i> of the boundary-point and its position. If the container is an Attr, Document, DocumentFragment, Element or EntityReference node, the offset is between its <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/glossary.html#dt-child" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>child</em></a> nodes. If the container is a CharacterData, Comment or ProcessingInstruction node, the offset is between the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Le
 vel-2-Traversal-Range/glossary.html#dt-16-bit-unit" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>16-bit units</em></a> of the UTF-16 encoded string contained by it.</p><p>The <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-points</em></a> of a Range must have a common <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-ancestor-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;backgrou
 nd-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>ancestor container</em></a> which is either a Document, DocumentFragment or Attr node. That is, the content of a Range must be entirely within the subtree rooted by a single Document, DocumentFragment or Attr Node. <a id="td-root-container" name="td-root-container"></a>This common <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-ancestor-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>ancestor container</em></a> is known as the <i>root container</i> of the Range. <a id="td-context-tree" name="td-context-tree"></a>The tree rooted by the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-root-c
 ontainer" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>root container</em></a> is known as the Range's <i>context tree</i>.</p><p>The <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> of a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial init
 ial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a> of a Range must be an Element, Comment, ProcessingInstruction, EntityReference, CDATASection, Document, DocumentFragment, Attr, or Text node. None of the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-ancestor-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>ancestor container</em></a>s of the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a> of a Range can be a Docum
 entType, Entity or Notation node.</p><p>In terms of the text representation of a document, the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-points</em></a> of a Range can only be on token boundaries. That is, the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a> of the text range cannot be in the middle of a start- or end-tag of an element or within the name of an entity o
 r character reference. A Range locates a contiguous portion of the content of the structure model.</p><p>The relationship between locations in a text representation of the document and in the Node tree interface of the DOM is illustrated in the following diagram:<br></p><div align="center"><hr width="90%" size="2"><img src="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/images/RangeExample.gif" alt="Range Example"><hr width="90%" size="2"><b>Range Example</b><hr width="90%" size="2"></div><p>In this diagram, four different Ranges are illustrated. The <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-points</em></a> of each Range are labelled with <i>s#</i> (the start of the Range
 ) and <i>e#</i> (the end of the Range), where # is the number of the Range. For Range 2, the start is in the BODY element and is immediately after the H1 element and immediately before the P element, so its position is between the H1 and P children of BODY. The <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> of a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a> whose <a h
 ref="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> is not a CharacterData node is 0 if it is before the first child, 1 if between the first and second child, and so on. So, for the start of the Range 2, the<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> is BODY and the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);backg
 round-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> is 1. The <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> of a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a> whose <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR
 /DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> is a CharacterData node is obtained similarly but using <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/glossary.html#dt-16-bit-unit" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>16-bit unit</em></a> positions instead. For example, the<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-cl
 ip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a> labelled s1 of the Range 1 has a Text node (the one containing "Title") as its <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> and an <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> of 2 since it is between the second and third <a href="ht
 tp://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/glossary.html#dt-16-bit-unit" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>16-bit unit</em></a>.</p><p>Notice that the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a>s of Ranges 3 and 4 correspond to the same location in the text representation. An important feature of the Range is that a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image
 : initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a> of a Range can unambiguously represent every position within the document tree.</p><p>The <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a>s and <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial 
 initial;"><em>offset</em></a>s of the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a>s can be obtained through the following read-only Range attributes:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> readonly attribute Node startContainer;readonly attribute long startOffset;readonly attribute Node endContainer;readonly attribute long endOffset;</pre></div><p><a id="td-collapsed" name="td-collapsed"></a>If the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;
 background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a>s of a Range have the same <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a>s and <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a>s, the Range is said to be a <i>collapsed</i> Range. (This is often referred to as an insertion point in a user agent.)</p></div><div class="div3"><a id="Lev
 el-2-Range-Containment" name="Level-2-Range-Containment"></a><h3 id="Level-2-Range-Containment-h3" class="div3" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 19px;font-weight: normal;">2.2.2. Selection and Partial Selection</h3><p><a id="td-selected" name="td-selected"></a>A node or <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/glossary.html#dt-16-bit-unit" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>16-bit unit</em></a> unit is said to be <i>selected</i> by a Range if it is between the two <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);backgrou
 nd-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a>s of the Range, that is, if the position immediately before the node or 16-bit unit is before the end of the Range and the position immediately after the node or 16-bit unit is after the start of the range. For example, in terms of a text representation of the document, an element would be <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-selected" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>selected</em></a>by a Range if its corresponding start-tag was located after the start of the Range and its end-tag was located before
  the end of the Range. In the examples in the above diagram, the Range 2<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-selected" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>selects</em></a> the P node and the Range 3 <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-selected" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>selects</em></a> the text node containing the text "Blah xyz."</p><p><a id="td-partially-selected" name="td-partially-selected"></a>A node is said to be <i>partially selected</i> by a Range if it is an <a 
 href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-ancestor-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>ancestor container</em></a> of exactly one <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a> of the Range. For example, consider Range 1 in the above diagram. The element H1 is <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-partially-selected" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background
 -attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>partially selected</em></a> by that Range since the start of the Range is within one of its children.</p></div><div class="div3"><a id="Level-2-Range-Notation" name="Level-2-Range-Notation"></a><h3 id="Level-2-Range-Notation-h3" class="div3" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 19px;font-weight: normal;">2.2.3. Notation</h3><p>Many of the examples in this chapter are illustrated using a text representation of a document. The <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: ini
 tial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a>s of a Range are indicated by displaying the characters (be they markup or data characters) between the two <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a>s in bold, as in</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> <FOO>A<b>BC<BAR>DE</b>F</BAR></FOO></pre></div><p>When both <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparen
 t;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a>s are at the same position, they are indicated with a bold caret ('<b>^</b>'), as in</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> <FOO>A<b>^</b>BC<BAR>DEF</BAR></FOO></pre></div></div></div><div class="div2"><a id="Level-2-Range-Creating" name="Level-2-Range-Creating"></a><h2 id="Level-2-Range-Creating-h2" class="div2" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 22px;font-weight: normal;">2.3. Creating a Range</h2><p>A Range is created by calling the <code>createRange()</code> method on the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-DocumentRange-idl" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initi
 al;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>DocumentRange</code></a> interface. This interface can be obtained from the object implementing the <code>Document</code> interface using binding-specific casting methods.</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> interface DocumentRange{Range createRange();}</pre></div><p>The initial state of the Range returned from this method is such that both of its <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a>s are positioned at the beginning of the corresponding Document, before any content. In other words, the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-
 Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> of each <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a> is the Document node and the offset within that node is 0.</p><p>Like some objects created using methods in the Document interface (such as Nodes and DocumentFragments), Ranges created via a particular document instance can select only content associated with that Document, or with DocumentFragments and Attr
 s for which that Document is the <code>ownerDocument</code>. Such Ranges, then, can not be used with other Document instances.</p></div><div class="div2"><a id="Level-2-Range-Changing" name="Level-2-Range-Changing"></a><h2 id="Level-2-Range-Changing-h2" class="div2" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 22px;font-weight: normal;">2.4. Changing a Range's Position</h2><p>A Range's position can be specified by setting the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> and <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Ra
 nge/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> of each boundary-point with the <code>setStart</code> and <code>setEnd</code> methods.</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> void setStart(in Node parent, in long offset) raises(RangeException);void setEnd(in Node parent, in long offset) raises(RangeException);</pre></div><p>If one boundary-point of a Range is set to have a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-root-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>root container</
 em></a> other than the current one for the Range, the Range is <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-collapsed" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>collapsed</em></a> to the new position. This enforces the restriction that both boundary-points of a Range must have the same <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-root-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>root container</em></a>.</p><p>The start position of a Range is guaranteed to never be after the end position. To enforce this 
 restriction, if the start is set to be at a position after the end, the Range is <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-collapsed" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>collapsed</em></a> to that position. Similarly, if the end is set to be at a position before the start, the Range is <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-collapsed" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>collapsed</em></a> to that position.</p><p>It is also possible to set a Range's position relative to nodes in the tree:</p>
 <div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> void setStartBefore(in Node node);raises(RangeException);void setStartAfter(in Node node);raises(RangeException);void setEndBefore(in Node node);raises(RangeException);void setEndAfter(in Node node);raises(RangeException);</pre></div><p>The <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/glossary.html#dt-parent" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>parent</em></a> of the node becomes the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;
 "><em>container</em></a> of the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a> and the Range is subject to the same restrictions as given above in the description of <code>setStart()</code>and <code>setEnd()</code>.</p><p>A Range can be <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-collapsed" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>collapsed</em></a> to either boundary-point:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> void
  collapse(in boolean toStart);</pre></div><p>Passing <code>TRUE</code> as the parameter <code>toStart</code> will <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-collapsed" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>collapse</em></a> the Range to its start, <code>FALSE</code> to its end.</p><p>Testing whether a Range is <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-collapsed" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>collapsed</em></a> can be done by examining the <code>collapsed</code> attribute:</p><div cla
 ss="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> readonly attribute boolean collapsed;</pre></div><p>The following methods can be used to make a Range select the contents of a node or the node itself.</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> void selectNode(in Node n);void selectNodeContents(in Node n);</pre></div><p>The following examples demonstrate the operation of the methods <code>selectNode</code> and <code>selectNodeContents</code>:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;">Before:  <b>^</b><BAR><FOO>A<MOO>B</MOO>C</FOO></BAR>After Range.selectNodeContents(FOO):  <BAR><FOO><b>A<MOO>B</MOO>C</b></FOO></BAR>(In this case, FOO is the parent of both boundary-points)After Range.selectNode(FOO):<BAR><b><FOO>A<MOO>B</MOO>C</FOO></b></BAR></pre></div></div><div class="div2"><a id="Level-2-Range-Comparing" name="Level-2-Range-Comparing"></a><h2 id="Level-2-Range-Comparing-h2" class="div2" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;back
 ground-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 22px;font-weight: normal;">2.5. Comparing Range Boundary-Points</h2><p>It is possible to compare two Ranges by comparing their boundary-points:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> short compareBoundaryPoints(in CompareHow how, in Range sourceRange) raises(RangeException);</pre></div><p>where <code>CompareHow</code> is one of four values: <code>START_TO_START</code>, <code>START_TO_END</code>, <code>END_TO_END</code> and <code>END_TO_START</code>. The return value is -1, 0 or 1 depending on whether the corresponding boundary-point of the Range is before, equal to, or after the corresponding boundary-point of <code>sourceRange</code>. An exception is thrown if the two Ranges have different <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-root-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;backgrou
 nd-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>root container</em></a>s.</p><p>The result of comparing two boundary-points (or positions) is specified below. An informal but not always correct specification is that an boundary-point is before, equal to, or after another if it corresponds to a location in a text representation before, equal to, or after the other's corresponding location.</p><p><a id="td-comparison" name="td-comparison"></a>Let A and B be two boundary-points or positions. Then one of the following holds: A is <i>before</i> B, A is <i>equal to</i> B, or A is <i>after</i> B. Which one holds is specified in the following by examining four cases:</p><p>In the first case the boundary-points have the same <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);backgr
 ound-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a>. A is <i>before</i> B if its <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> is less than the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> of B, A is <i>eq
 ual to</i> B if its <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> is equal to the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> of B, and A is <i>after</i> B if its <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initi
 al;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> is greater than the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> of B.</p><p>In the second case a child node C of the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> of A is an <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-anc
 estor-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>ancestor container</em></a> of B. In this case, A is <i>before</i> B if the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> of A is less than or equal to the index of the child node C and A is <i>after</i>B otherwise.</p><p>In the third case a child node C of the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-atta
 chment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> of B is an <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-ancestor-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>ancestor container</em></a> of A. In this case, A is <i>before</i> B if the index of the child node C is less than the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial in
 itial;"><em>offset</em></a> of B and A is <i>after</i> B otherwise.</p><p>In the fourth case, none of three other cases hold: the containers of A and B are <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/glossary.html#dt-sibling" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>siblings</em></a> or <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/glossary.html#dt-descendant" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>descendants</em></a> of sibling nodes. In this case, A is <i>before</i> B if the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Ra
 nge/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> of A is before the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> of B in a pre-order traversal of the Ranges' <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-context-tree" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-posit
 ion: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>context tree</em></a> and A is <i>after</i> B otherwise.</p><p>Note that because the same location in a text representation of the document can correspond to two different positions in the DOM tree, it is possible for two boundary-points to not compare equal even though they would be equal in the text representation. For this reason, the informal definition above can sometimes be incorrect.</p></div><div class="div2"><a id="Level-2-Range-Deleting-Content" name="Level-2-Range-Deleting-Content"></a><h2 id="Level-2-Range-Deleting-Content-h2" class="div2" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 22px;font-weight: normal;">2.6. Deleting Content with a Range</h2><p>One can delete the contents selected by a Range with:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> v
 oid deleteContents();</pre></div><p><code>deleteContents()</code> deletes all nodes and characters selected by the Range. All other nodes and characters remain in the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-context-tree" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>context tree</em></a> of the Range. Some examples of this deletion operation are:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;">(1) <FOO>A<b>B<MOO>CD</MOO></b>CD</FOO>--><FOO>A<b>^</b>CD</FOO></pre></div><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;">(2) <FOO>A<MOO>B<b>C</MOO>D</b>E</FOO>--><FOO>A<MOO>B</MOO><b>^</b>E</FOO></pre></div><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;">(3) <FOO>X<b>Y<BAR>Z</b>W</BAR>Q</FOO>--><FOO>X<b>^</b><BAR>W</BAR>Q</FOO></pre></div><div class
 ="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;">(4) <FOO><BAR1>A<b>B</BAR1><BAR2/><BAR3>C</b>D</BAR3></FOO>--><FOO><BAR1>A</BAR1><b>^</b><BAR3>D</BAR3></pre></div><p>After <code>deleteContents()</code> is invoked on a Range, the Range is <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-collapsed" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>collapsed</em></a>. If no node was <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-partially-selected" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>partially selected</em></a> by the Range, then it
  is <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-collapsed" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>collapsed</em></a> to its original start point, as in example (1). If a node was <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-partially-selected" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>partially selected</em></a> by the Range and was an <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-ancestor-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: i
 nitial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>ancestor container</em></a> of the start of the Range and no <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/glossary.html#dt-ancestor" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>ancestor</em></a> of the node satisfies these two conditions, then the Range is collapsed to the position immediately after the node, as in examples (2) and (4). If a node was <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-partially-selected" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-colo
 r: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>partially selected</em></a> by the Range and was an <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-ancestor-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>ancestor container</em></a> of the end of the Range and no ancestor of the node satisfies these two conditions, then the Range is collapsed to the position immediately before the node, as in examples (3) and (4).</p><p>Note that if deletion of a Range leaves adjacent Text nodes, they are not automatically merged, and empty Text nodes are not automatically removed. Two Text nodes should be joined only if each is the container of one of the boundary-points of a Range whose contents are deleted. To
  merge adjacent Text nodes, or remove empty text nodes, the <code>normalize()</code> method on the <code>Node</code>interface should be used.</p></div><div class="div2"><a id="Level-2-Range-Extracting" name="Level-2-Range-Extracting"></a><h2 id="Level-2-Range-Extracting-h2" class="div2" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 22px;font-weight: normal;">2.7. Extracting Content</h2><p>If the contents of a Range need to be extracted rather than deleted, the following method may be used:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> DocumentFragment extractContents();</pre></div><p>The <code>extractContents()</code> method removes nodes from the Range's <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-context-tree" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: in
 itial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>context tree</em></a> similarly to the <code>deleteContents()</code> method. In addition, it places the deleted contents in a new <code>DocumentFragment</code>. The following examples illustrate the contents of the returned DocumentFragment:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;">(1) <FOO>A<b>B<MOO>CD</MOO></b>CD</FOO>-->B<MOO>CD</MOO></pre></div><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;">(2) <FOO>A<MOO>B<b>C</MOO>D</b>E</FOO>--><MOO>C<MOO>D</pre></div><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;">(3) <FOO>X<b>Y<BAR>Z</b>W</BAR>Q</FOO>-->Y<BAR>Z</BAR></pre></div><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;">(4)<FOO><BAR1>A<b>B</BAR1><BAR2/><BAR3>C</b>D</BAR3></FOO>--><BAR1>B</BAR1><BAR2/><BAR3>C</BAR3></pre></div><p>It is important to note that nodes that are <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/D
 OM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-partially-selected" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>partially selected</em></a> by the Range are cloned. Since part of such a node's contents must remain in the Range's <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-context-tree" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>context tree</em></a> and part of the contents must be moved to the new DocumentFragment, a clone of the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-partially-selected" style="color: rgb(102, 0,
  153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>partially selected</em></a> node is included in the new DocumentFragment. Note that cloning does not take place for <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-selected" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>selected</em></a> elements;these nodes are moved to the new DocumentFragment.</p></div><div class="div2"><a id="Level-2-Range-Cloning" name="Level-2-Range-Cloning"></a><h2 id="Level-2-Range-Cloning-h2" class="div2" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initi
 al;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 22px;font-weight: normal;">2.8. Cloning Content</h2><p>The contents of a Range may be duplicated using the following method:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> DocumentFragment cloneContents();</pre></div><p>This method returns a <code>DocumentFragment</code> that is similar to the one returned by the method <code>extractContents()</code>. However, in this case, the original nodes and character data in the Range are not removed from the Range's <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-context-tree" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>context tree</em></a>. Instead, all of the nodes and text content within the returned <code>Do
 cumentFragment</code> are cloned.</p></div><div class="div2"><a id="Level-2-Range-Inserting" name="Level-2-Range-Inserting"></a><h2 id="Level-2-Range-Inserting-h2" class="div2" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 22px;font-weight: normal;">2.9. Inserting Content</h2><p>A node may be inserted into a Range using the following method:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> void insertNode(in Node n) raises(RangeException);</pre></div><p>The <code>insertNode()</code> method inserts the specified node into the Range's <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-context-tree" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;backg
 round-repeat: initial initial;"><em>context tree</em></a>. The node is inserted at the start <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a> of the Range, without modifying it.</p><p>If the start boundary point of the Range is in a <code>Text</code> node, the <code>insertNode</code> operation splits the <code>Text</code> node at the boundary point. If the node to be inserted is also a <code>Text</code> node, the resulting adjacent<code>Text</code> nodes are not normalized automatically;this operation is left to the application.</p><p>The Node passed into this method can be a <code>DocumentFragment</code>. In that case, the contents of the <code>DocumentFra
 gment</code> are inserted at the start <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-boundarypoint" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>boundary-point</em></a> of the Range, but the <code>DocumentFragment</code>itself is not. Note that if the Node represents the root of a sub-tree, the entire sub-tree is inserted.</p><p>The same rules that apply to the <code>insertBefore()</code> method on the Node interface apply here. Specifically, the Node passed in, if it already has a parent, will be removed from its existing position.</p></div><div class="div2"><a id="Level-2-Range-Surrounding" name="Level-2-Range-Surrounding"></a><h2 id="Level-2-Range-Surrounding-h2" class="div2" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: 
 initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 22px;font-weight: normal;">2.10. Surrounding Content</h2><p>The insertion of a single node to subsume the content selected by a Range can be performed with:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> void surroundContents(in Node newParent);</pre></div><p>The <code>surroundContents()</code> method causes all of the content selected by the Range to be rooted by the specified node. The nodes may not be Attr, Entity, DocumentType, Notation, Document, or DocumentFragment nodes. Calling <code>surroundContents()</code> with the Element node FOO in the following examples yields:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> Before:       <BAR>A<b>B<MOO>C</MOO>D</b>E</BAR>After surroundContents(FOO):<BAR>A<b><FOO>B<MOO>C</MOO>D</FOO></b>E</BAR></pre></div><p>Another way of describing the effect of this method on the Range's <a href="http://w
 ww.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-context-tree" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>context tree</em></a> is to decompose it in terms of other operations:</p><ol><li>Remove the contents selected by the Range with a call to <code>extractContents()</code>.</li><li>Insert the node <code>newParent</code> where the Range is collapsed (after the extraction) with <code>insertNode().</code></li><li>Insert the entire contents of the extracted DocumentFragment into <code>newParent</code>. Specifically, invoke the <code>appendChild()</code> on <code>newParent</code> passing in the DocumentFragment returned as a result of the call to <code>extractContents()</code></li><li>Select <code>newParent</code> and all of its contents with <code>selectN
 ode()</code>.</li></ol><p>The <code>surroundContents()</code> method raises an exception if the Range <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-partially-selected" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>partially selects</em></a> a non-Text node. An example of a Range for which <code>surroundContents()</code>raises an exception is:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> <FOO>A<b>B<BAR>C</b>D</BAR>E</FOO></pre></div><p>If the node <code>newParent</code> has any children, those children are removed before its insertion. Also, if the node <code>newParent</code> already has a parent, it is removed from the original parent's <code>childNodes</code> list.</p></div><div class="div2"><a id="Level-2-Range-Misc" name="Level-2-
 Range-Misc"></a><h2 id="Level-2-Range-Misc-h2" class="div2" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 22px;font-weight: normal;">2.11. Miscellaneous Members</h2><p>One can clone a Range:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> Range cloneRange();</pre></div><p>This creates a new Range which selects exactly the same content as that selected by the Range on which the method <code>cloneRange</code> was invoked. No content is affected by this operation.</p><p>Because the boundary-points of a Range do not necessarily have the same <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;bac
 kground-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a>s, use:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> readonly attribute Node commonAncestorContainer;</pre></div><p>to get the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-ancestor-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>ancestor container</em></a> of both boundary-points that is furthest down from the Range's <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-root-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>root container</em></a></p><
 p>One can get a copy of all the character data selected or partially selected by a Range with:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"> DOMString toString();</pre></div><p>This does nothing more than simply concatenate all the character data selected by the Range. This includes character data in both <code>Text</code> and <code>CDATASection</code> nodes.</p></div><div class="div2"><a id="Level-2-Range-Mutation" name="Level-2-Range-Mutation"></a><h2 id="Level-2-Range-Mutation-h2" class="div2" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 22px;font-weight: normal;">2.12. Range modification under document mutation</h2><p>As a document is modified, the Ranges within the document need to be updated. For example, if one boundary-point of a Range is within a node and that node is removed from the document, then the Range woul
 d be invalid unless it is fixed up in some way. This section describes how Ranges are modified under document mutations so that they remain valid.</p><p>There are two general principles which apply to Ranges under document mutation: The first is that all Ranges in a document will remain valid after any mutation operation and the second is that, as much as possible, all Ranges will select the same portion of the document after any mutation operation.</p><p>Any mutation of the document tree which affect Ranges can be considered to be a combination of basic deletion and insertion operations. In fact, it can be convenient to think of those operations as being accomplished using the <code>deleteContents()</code> and <code>insertNode()</code> Range methods and, in the case of Text mutations, the <code>splitText()</code> and <code>normalize()</code> methods.</p><div class="div3"><a id="Level-2-Range-Insertions" name="Level-2-Range-Insertions"></a><h3 id="Level-2-Range-Inser
 tions-h3" class="div3" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 19px;font-weight: normal;">2.12.1. Insertions</h3><p>An insertion occurs at a single point, the insertion point, in the document. For any Range in the document tree, consider each boundary-point. The only case in which the boundary-point will be changed after the insertion is when the boundary-point and the insertion point have the same <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> and the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-o
 ffset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> of the insertion point is strictly less than the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> of the Range's boundary-point. In that case the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: 
 initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> of the Range's boundary-point will be increased so that it is between the same nodes or characters as it was before the insertion.</p><p>Note that when content is inserted at a boundary-point, it is ambiguous as to where the boundary-point should be repositioned if its relative position is to be maintained. There are two possibilities: at the start or at the end of the newly inserted content. We have chosen that in this case neither the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> nor <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-offset" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);back
 ground-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>offset</em></a> of the boundary-point is changed. As a result, the boundary-point will be positioned at the start of the newly inserted content.</p><p><em>Examples:</em></p><p>Suppose the Range selects the following:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"><P>Abcd efgh X<b>Y blah i</b>jkl</P></pre></div><p>Consider the insertion of the text "<i>inserted text</i>" at the following positions:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;">1. Before the 'X':<P>Abcd efgh <i>inserted text</i>X<b>Y blah i</b>jkl</P>2. After the 'X':<P>Abcd efgh X<b><i>inserted text</i>Y blah i</b>jkl</P>3. After the 'Y':<P>Abcd efgh X<b>Y<i>inserted text</i> blah i</b>jkl</P>4. After the 'h' in "Y blah":<P>Abcd efgh X<b>Y blah<i>inserted text</i> i</b>jkl</P></pre></div></di
 v><div class="div3"><a id="Level-2-Range-Deletions" name="Level-2-Range-Deletions"></a><h3 id="Level-2-Range-Deletions-h3" class="div3" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 19px;font-weight: normal;">2.12.2. Deletions</h3><p>Any deletion from the document tree can be considered as a sequence of <code>deleteContents()</code> operations applied to a minimal set of disjoint Ranges. To specify how a Range is modified under deletions we need only consider what happens to a Range under a single <code>deleteContents()</code>operation of another Range. And, in fact, we need only consider what happens to a single boundary-point of the Range since both boundary-points are modified using the same algorithm.</p><p>If a boundary-point of the original Range is within the content being deleted, then after the deletion it will be at the
  same position as the resulting boundary-point of the (now <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-collapsed" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>collapsed</em></a>) Range used to delete the contents.</p><p>If a boundary-point is after the content being deleted then it is not affected by the deletion unless its <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> is also the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges
 .html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> of one of the boundary-points of the Range being deleted. If there is such a common <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a>, then the index of the boundary-point is modified so that the boundary-point maintains its position relative to the content of the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: 
 initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a>.</p><p>If a boundary-point is before the content being deleted then it is not affected by the deletion at all.</p><p><em>Examples:</em></p><p>In these examples, the Range on which <code>deleteContents()</code>is invoked is indicated by the underline.</p><p><em>Example 1.</em></p><p>Before:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"><P>Abcd <u>efgh T</u><b><u>he</u> Range i</b>jkl</P></pre></div><p>After:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"><P>Abcd <b>Range i</b>jkl</P></pre></div><p><em>Example 2.</em></p><p>Before:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"><p>Abcd <u>efgh T<b>he Range i</b>j</u>kl</p></pre></div><p>After:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"><p>Abcd <b>^</b>kl</p></pre></div><p><em>Example 3.</em></p>
 <p>Before:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"><P>ABCD <u>efgh T</u><b><u>he <EM>R</u>ange</b></EM>ijkl</P></pre></div><p>After:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"><P>ABCD <EM><b>ange</b></EM>ijkl</P></pre></div><p>In this example, the container of the start boundary-point after the deletion is the Text node holding the string "ange".</p><p><em>Example 4.</em></p><p>Before:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"><P>Abcd <u>efgh T</u><b>he Range i</b>jkl</P></pre></div><p>After:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"><P>Abcd <b>he Range i</b>jkl</P></pre></div><p><em>Example 5.</em></p><p>Before:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"><P>Abcd <u><EM>efgh T<b>he Range i</b>j</EM></u>kl</P></pre></div><p>After:</p><div class="eg"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;"><P>Abcd <b>^</b>kl</P></pre></div></div></div><div class="div2"><a id="Level-2-Range-Interface" name="Level-2-Range-Interface"></a><h2 id="Level-2-Range-Interf
 ace-h2" class="div2" style="text-align: left;color: rgb(0, 90, 156);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: white;font-size: 22px;font-weight: normal;">2.13. Formal Description of the Range Interface</h2><p>To summarize, the complete, formal description of the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-idl" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>Range</code></a> interface is given below:</p><dl ><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><b>Interface <i><a id="Level-2-Range-idl" name="Level-2-Range-idl">Range</a></i></b> (introduced in <b class="since">DOM Level 2</b>)</dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 
 0px;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><br><b>IDL Definition</b></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="idl-code" style="font-family: monospace;border-top-width: 1px;border-right-width: 1px;border-bottom-width: 1px;border-left-width: 1px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-style: solid;border-left-style: solid;border-top-color: black;border-right-color: black;border-bottom-color: black;border-left-color: black;border-image: initial;white-space: pre;background-color: rgb(223, 223, 223);"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;">// Introduced in DOM Level 2:interface Range{readonly attribute Node             startContainer;// raises(DOMException) on retrieval  readonly attribute long             startOffset;// raises(DOMException) on retrieval  readonly attribute Node             endContainer;// raises(DOMException) on retrieval  readonly attribute long             endOffset;// raises(DOMException)
  on retrieval  readonly attribute boolean          collapsed;// raises(DOMException) on retrieval  readonly attribute Node             commonAncestorContainer;// raises(DOMException) on retrieval  void               setStart(in Node refNode, in long offset) raises(RangeException, DOMException);void               setEnd(in Node refNode, in long offset) raises(RangeException, DOMException);void               setStartBefore(in Node refNode) raises(RangeException, DOMException);void               setStartAfter(in Node refNode) raises(RangeException, DOMException);void               setEndBefore(in Node refNode) raises(RangeException, DOMException);void               setEndAfter(in Node refNode) raises(RangeException, DOMException);void               collapse(in boolean toStart) raises(DOMException);void               selectNode(in Node refNode) raises(RangeException, DOMException);void               selectNodeContents(in Node refNode) raises(RangeException, DOMException);// Comp
 areHow  const unsigned short      START_TO_START=0;const unsigned short      START_TO_END=1;const unsigned short      END_TO_END=2;const unsigned short      END_TO_START=3;short              compareBoundaryPoints(in unsigned short how, in Range sourceRange) raises(DOMException);void               deleteContents() raises(DOMException);DocumentFragment   extractContents() raises(DOMException);DocumentFragment   cloneContents() raises(DOMException);void               insertNode(in Node newNode) raises(DOMException, RangeException);void               surroundContents(in Node newParent) raises(DOMException, RangeException);Range              cloneRange() raises(DOMException);DOMString          toString() raises(DOMException);void               detach() raises(DOMException);};</pre></div><br></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><b>Definition group <i><a id="Level2-Range-compareHow" name="Level2-Range-compareHow">CompareHow</a></i></b></dt><dd sty
 le="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><p>Passed as a parameter to the <code>compareBoundaryPoints</code> method.</p><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><b>Defined Constants</b></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="constant-name" style="background-color: rgb(221, 255, 210);">END_TO_END</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Compare end boundary-point of <code>sourceRange</code> to end boundary-point of Range on which <code>compareBoundaryPoints</code> is invoked.</dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="constant-name" style="background-color: rgb(221, 255, 210);">END_TO_START</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Compare end boundary-point of <code>sourceRange</code> to start boundary-point of Range on which <code>compareBoundaryPoints</code> is invoke
 d.</dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="constant-name" style="background-color: rgb(221, 255, 210);">START_TO_END</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Compare start boundary-point of <code>sourceRange</code> to end boundary-point of Range on which <code>compareBoundaryPoints</code> is invoked.</dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="constant-name" style="background-color: rgb(221, 255, 210);">START_TO_START</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Compare start boundary-point of <code>sourceRange</code> to start boundary-point of Range on which <code>compareBoundaryPoints</code> is invoked.</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><b>Attributes</b></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="attribute-n
 ame" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 210);"><a id="Level-2-Range-attr-collapsed" name="Level-2-Range-attr-collapsed">collapsed</a></code> of type <code>boolean</code>, readonly</dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">TRUE if the Range is collapsed<br><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions on retrieval</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="attribute-name" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 210);"><a id="Level-2-Range-attr-commonParent" name="Level-2-Range-attr-commonParent">commonAncestorCo
 ntainer</a></code> of type <code>Node</code>, readonly</dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">The <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/glossary.html#dt-deepest" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>deepest</em></a> common <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-ancestor-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>ancestor container</em></a> of the Range's two boundary-points.<br><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions on retrieval</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;">
 <table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="attribute-name" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 210);"><a id="Level-2-Range-attr-endParent" name="Level-2-Range-attr-endParent">endContainer</a></code> of type <code>Node</code>, readonly</dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Node within which the Range ends<br><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions on retrieval</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short descrip
 tion" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="attribute-name" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 210);"><a id="Level-2-Range-attr-endOffset" name="Level-2-Range-attr-endOffset">endOffset</a></code> of type <code>long</code>, readonly</dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Offset within the ending node of the Range.<br><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions on retrieval</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</c
 ode> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="attribute-name" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 210);"><a id="Level-2-Range-attr-startParent" name="Level-2-Range-attr-startParent">startContainer</a></code> of type <code>Node</code>, readonly</dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Node within which the Range begins<br><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions on retrieval</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0
 px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="attribute-name" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 210);"><a id="Level-2-Range-attr-startOffset" name="Level-2-Range-attr-startOffset">startOffset</a></code> of type <code>long</code>, readonly</dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Offset within the starting node of the Range.<br><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions on retrieval</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></dd></dl></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><b>Methods</b></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0
 px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-cloneContents" name="Level2-Range-method-cloneContents">cloneContents</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Duplicates the contents of a Range<div class="return"><b>Return Value</b><div class="returntable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the return value, the second contains a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DocumentFragment</code></p></td><td><p>A DocumentFragment that contains content equivalent to this Range.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border
 ="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if a DocumentType node would be extracted into the new DocumentFragment.</p><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Parameters</b></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-clone" name="Level2-Range-method-clone">cloneRange</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Produces a new Range whose boundary-points are equal to the boundary-points of the Range.<div class="return"><b>Return Value</b><div class="returntable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the return value, the second contains a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><
 td valign="top"><p><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-idl" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>Range</code></a></p></td><td><p>The duplicated Range.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Parameters</b></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;marg
 in-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-collapse" name="Level2-Range-method-collapse">collapse</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Collapse a Range onto one of its boundary-points<div class="parameters"><b>Parameters</b><div class="paramtable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="parameter-name" style="background-color: rgb(254, 230, 248);">toStart</code> of type <code>boolean</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">If TRUE, collapses the Range onto its start;if FALSE, collapses it onto its end.<br></dd></dl></div></div><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a sho
 rt description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Return Value</b></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-compareBoundaryPoints" name="Level2-Range-method-compareBoundaryPoints">compareBoundaryPoints</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Compare the boundary-points of two Ranges in a document.<div class="parameters"><b>Parameters</b><div class="paramtable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="parameter-name" style="background-color: rgb(254, 230, 248);">how</code> of type <code>unsigned short</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0
 px;margin-bottom: 0px;">A code representing the type of comparison, as defined above.<br></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="parameter-name" style="background-color: rgb(254, 230, 248);">sourceRange</code> of type <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-idl" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>Range</code></a></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">The <code>Range</code> on which this current <code>Range</code> is compared to.<br></dd></dl></div></div><div class="return"><b>Return Value</b><div class="returntable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the return value, the second contains a short descri
 ption" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>short</code></p></td><td><p>-1, 0 or 1 depending on whether the corresponding boundary-point of the Range is respectively before, equal to, or after the corresponding boundary-point of<code>sourceRange</code>.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if the two Ranges are not in the same Document or DocumentFragment.</p><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="backgroun
 d-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-deleteContents" name="Level2-Range-method-deleteContents">deleteContents</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Removes the contents of a Range from the containing document or document fragment without returning a reference to the removed content.<div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if any portion of the content of the Range is read-only or any of the nodes that contain any of the content of the Range are read-only.</p><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div>
 <div><b>No Parameters</b></div><div><b>No Return Value</b></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-detach" name="Level2-Range-method-detach">detach</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Called to indicate that the Range is no longer in use and that the implementation may relinquish any resources associated with this Range. Subsequent calls to any methods or attribute getters on this Range will result in a <code>DOMException</code> being thrown with an error code of <code>INVALID_STATE_ERR</code>.<div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMExc
 eption</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Parameters</b></div><div><b>No Return Value</b></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-extractContents" name="Level2-Range-method-extractContents">extractContents</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Moves the contents of a Range from the containing document or document fragment to a new DocumentFragment.<div class="return"><b>Return Value</b><div class="returntable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the return value, the second contains a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DocumentFragment</code></p></td><td><p>A DocumentFragment
  containing the extracted contents.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if any portion of the content of the Range is read-only or any of the nodes which contain any of the content of the Range are read-only.</p><p>HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if a DocumentType node would be extracted into the new DocumentFragment.</p><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Parameters</b></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rg
 b(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-insertNode" name="Level2-Range-method-insertNode">insertNode</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Inserts a node into the Document or DocumentFragment at the start of the Range. If the container is a Text node, this will be split at the start of the Range (as if the Text node's splitText method was performed at the insertion point) and the insertion will occur between the two resulting Text nodes. Adjacent Text nodes will not be automatically merged. If the node to be inserted is a DocumentFragment node, the children will be inserted rather than the DocumentFragment node itself.<div class="parameters"><b>Parameters</b><div class="paramtable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="parameter-name" style="background-color: rgb(254, 230, 248);">newNode</code> of type <code>Node</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;ma
 rgin-bottom: 0px;">The node to insert at the start of the Range<br></dd></dl></div></div><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if an <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-ancestor-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>ancestor container</em></a> of the start of the Range is read-only.</p><p>WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if <code>newNode</code> and the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal
 -Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> of the start of the Range were not created from the same document.</p><p>HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> of the start of the Range is of a type that does not allow children of the type of <code>newNode</code> or if <code>newNode</code>is an ancestor of the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html
 #td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a>.</p><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><p><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#RangeException" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>RangeException</code></a></p></td><td><p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if <code>newNode</code> is an Attr, Entity, Notation, or Document node.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Return Value</b></div></div></dd><dt
  style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-selectNode" name="Level2-Range-method-selectNode">selectNode</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Select a node and its contents<div class="parameters"><b>Parameters</b><div class="paramtable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="parameter-name" style="background-color: rgb(254, 230, 248);">refNode</code> of type <code>Node</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">The node to select.<br></dd></dl></div></div><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign
 ="top"><p><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#RangeException" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>RangeException</code></a></p></td><td><p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if an ancestor of <code>refNode</code> is an Entity, Notation or DocumentType node or if <code>refNode</code> is a Document, DocumentFragment, Attr, Entity, or Notation node.</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Return Value</b></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);
 "><a id="Level2-Range-method-selectNodeContents" name="Level2-Range-method-selectNodeContents">selectNodeContents</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Select the contents within a node<div class="parameters"><b>Parameters</b><div class="paramtable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="parameter-name" style="background-color: rgb(254, 230, 248);">refNode</code> of type <code>Node</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Node to select from<br></dd></dl></div></div><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#RangeException" style="col
 or: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>RangeException</code></a></p></td><td><p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if <code>refNode</code> or an ancestor of <code>refNode</code> is an Entity, Notation or DocumentType node.</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Return Value</b></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-setEnd" name="Level2-Range-method-setEnd">setEnd</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Sets the att
 ributes describing the end of a Range.<div class="parameters"><b>Parameters</b><div class="paramtable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="parameter-name" style="background-color: rgb(254, 230, 248);">refNode</code> of type <code>Node</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">The <code>refNode</code> value. This parameter must be different from <code>null</code>.<br></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="parameter-name" style="background-color: rgb(254, 230, 248);">offset</code> of type <code>long</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">The <code>endOffset</code> value.<br></dd></dl></div></div><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and 
 a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#RangeException" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>RangeException</code></a></p></td><td><p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if <code>refNode</code> or an ancestor of <code>refNode</code> is an Entity, Notation, or DocumentType node.</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if <code>offset</code> is negative or greater than the number of child units in <code>refNode</code>. Child units are <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/glossary.html#dt-16-bit-unit" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;backgro
 und-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>16-bit units</em></a> if <code>refNode</code> is a type of CharacterData node (e.g., a Text or Comment node) or a ProcessingInstruction node. Child units are Nodes in all other cases.</p><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Return Value</b></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-setEndAfter" name="Level2-Range-method-setEndAfter">setEndAfter</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Sets the end of a Range to be after a node<div class="parameters"><b>Parameters</b><div class="paramtable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><dl><dt style="marg
 in-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="parameter-name" style="background-color: rgb(254, 230, 248);">refNode</code> of type <code>Node</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Range ends after <code>refNode</code>.<br></dd></dl></div></div><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#RangeException" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>RangeException</code></a></p></td><td><p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if the ro
 ot container of <code>refNode</code> is not an Attr, Document or DocumentFragment node or if <code>refNode</code> is a Document, DocumentFragment, Attr, Entity, or Notation node.</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Return Value</b></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-setEndBefore" name="Level2-Range-method-setEndBefore">setEndBefore</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Sets the end position to be before a node.<div class="parameters"><b>Parameters</b><div class="paramtable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="parameter-name" st
 yle="background-color: rgb(254, 230, 248);">refNode</code> of type <code>Node</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Range ends before <code>refNode</code><br></dd></dl></div></div><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#RangeException" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>RangeException</code></a></p></td><td><p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if the root container of <code>refNode</code> is not an Attr, Document, or DocumentFragme
 nt node or if <code>refNode</code> is a Document, DocumentFragment, Attr, Entity, or Notation node.</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Return Value</b></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-setStart" name="Level2-Range-method-setStart">setStart</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Sets the attributes describing the start of the Range.<div class="parameters"><b>Parameters</b><div class="paramtable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="parameter-name" style="background-color: rgb(254, 230, 248);">refNode</code> of type <code>Node</
 code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">The <code>refNode</code> value. This parameter must be different from <code>null</code>.<br></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="parameter-name" style="background-color: rgb(254, 230, 248);">offset</code> of type <code>long</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">The <code>startOffset</code> value.<br></dd></dl></div></div><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#RangeException" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: tr
 ansparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>RangeException</code></a></p></td><td><p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if <code>refNode</code> or an ancestor of <code>refNode</code> is an Entity, Notation, or DocumentType node.</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if <code>offset</code> is negative or greater than the number of child units in <code>refNode</code>. Child units are <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/glossary.html#dt-16-bit-unit" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>16-bit units</em></a> if <code>refNode</code> is a type of CharacterData node (e.g., a Text or Comment node) or a ProcessingInstruction node. Child units
  are Nodes in all other cases.</p><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Return Value</b></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-setStartAfter" name="Level2-Range-method-setStartAfter">setStartAfter</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Sets the start position to be after a node<div class="parameters"><b>Parameters</b><div class="paramtable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="parameter-name" style="background-color: rgb(254, 230, 248);">refNode</code> of type <code>Node</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Range starts after <code>refNode</code><br></dd></dl></div></div><div class="exce
 ptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#RangeException" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>RangeException</code></a></p></td><td><p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if the root container of <code>refNode</code> is not an Attr, Document, or DocumentFragment node or if <code>refNode</code> is a Document, DocumentFragment, Attr, Entity, or Notation node.</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>deta
 ch()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Return Value</b></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-setStartBefore" name="Level2-Range-setStartBefore">setStartBefore</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Sets the start position to be before a node<div class="parameters"><b>Parameters</b><div class="paramtable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="parameter-name" style="background-color: rgb(254, 230, 248);">refNode</code> of type <code>Node</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">Range starts before <code>refNode</code><br></dd></dl></div></div><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table 
 summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#RangeException" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>RangeException</code></a></p></td><td><p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if the root container of <code>refNode</code> is not an Attr, Document, or DocumentFragment node or if <code>refNode</code> is a Document, DocumentFragment, Attr, Entity, or Notation node.</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></d
 iv></div><div><b>No Return Value</b></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-surroundContents" name="Level2-Range-method-surroundContents">surroundContents</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Reparents the contents of the Range to the given node and inserts the node at the position of the start of the Range.<div class="parameters"><b>Parameters</b><div class="paramtable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="parameter-name" style="background-color: rgb(254, 230, 248);">newParent</code> of type <code>Node</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">The node to surround the contents with.<br></dd></dl></div></div><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"
 ><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if an <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-ancestor-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>ancestor container</em></a> of either boundary-point of the Range is read-only.</p><p>WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if <code>newParent</code> and the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: init
 ial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> of the start of the Range were not created from the same document.</p><p>HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> of the start of the Range is of a type that does not allow children of the type of <code>newParent</code> or if<code>newParent</code> is an ancestor of the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background
 -color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> or if <code>node</code> would end up with a child node of a type not allowed by the type of <code>node</code>.</p><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><p><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#RangeException" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>RangeException</code></a></p></td><td><p>BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR: Raised if the Range <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-partially-selected" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin
 : initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>partially selects</em></a> a non-text node.</p><p>INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: Raised if <code>node</code> is an Attr, Entity, DocumentType, Notation, Document, or DocumentFragment node.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Return Value</b></div></div></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217, 230, 248);"><a id="Level2-Range-method-toString" name="Level2-Range-method-toString">toString</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">Returns the contents of a Range as a string. This string contains only the data characters, not any markup.<div class="return"><b>Return Value</b><div class="returntable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the return 
 value, the second contains a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMString</code></p></td><td><p>The contents of the Range.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class="exceptions"><b>Exceptions</b><div class="exceptiontable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the exception, the second contains the specific error code and a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><code>DOMException</code></p></td><td><p>INVALID_STATE_ERR: Raised if <code>detach()</code> has already been invoked on this object.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Parameters</b></div></div></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><b>Interface <i><a id="Level-2-DocumentRange-idl" name="Level-2-DocumentRange-idl">DocumentRange</a></i></b> (introduced in <b class="since">DOM Level 2</b>)</dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bot
 tom: 0px;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><br><b>IDL Definition</b></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="idl-code" style="font-family: monospace;border-top-width: 1px;border-right-width: 1px;border-bottom-width: 1px;border-left-width: 1px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-style: solid;border-left-style: solid;border-top-color: black;border-right-color: black;border-bottom-color: black;border-left-color: black;border-image: initial;white-space: pre;background-color: rgb(223, 223, 223);"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;">// Introduced in DOM Level 2:interface DocumentRange{Range              createRange();};</pre></div><br></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><b>Methods</b></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="method-name" style="background-color: rgb(217,
  230, 248);"><a id="Level2-DocumentRange-method-createRange" name="Level2-DocumentRange-method-createRange">createRange</a></code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="method">This interface can be obtained from the object implementing the <code>Document</code> interface using binding-specific casting methods.<div class="return"><b>Return Value</b><div class="returntable" style="margin-left: 1em;"><table summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the type of the return value, the second contains a short description" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#Level-2-Range-idl" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>Range</code></a></p></td><td><p>The initial state of 
 the Range returned from this method is such that both of its boundary-points are positioned at the beginning of the corresponding Document, before any content. The Range returned can only be used to select content associated with this Document, or with DocumentFragments and Attrs for which this Document is the <code>ownerDocument</code>.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div><b>No Parameters</b></div><div><b>No Exceptions</b></div></div></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><b>Exception <i><a id="RangeException" name="RangeException">RangeException</a></i></b> introduced in <b class="version">DOM Level 2</b></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><p>Range operations may throw a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#RangeException" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initi
 al;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><code>RangeException</code></a> as specified in their method descriptions.</p><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><br><b>IDL Definition</b></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="idl-code" style="font-family: monospace;border-top-width: 1px;border-right-width: 1px;border-bottom-width: 1px;border-left-width: 1px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-style: solid;border-left-style: solid;border-top-color: black;border-right-color: black;border-bottom-color: black;border-left-color: black;border-image: initial;white-space: pre;background-color: rgb(223, 223, 223);"><pre style="margin-left: 2em;">// Introduced in DOM Level 2:exception RangeException{unsigned short   code;};// RangeExceptionCodeconst unsigned short      BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR=1;const unsigned short      INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ER
 R=2;</pre></div><br></dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><b>Definition group <i><a id="RangeExceptionCode" name="RangeExceptionCode">RangeExceptionCode</a></i></b></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><p>An integer indicating the type of error generated.</p><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><b>Defined Constants</b></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;"><dl><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="constant-name" style="background-color: rgb(221, 255, 210);">BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">If the boundary-points of a Range do not meet specific requirements.</dd><dt style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-weight: bold;"><code class="constant-name" style="background-color: rgb(221, 255, 210);">INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR</code></dt><dd style="margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;">If the <a hre
 f="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html#td-container" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;"><em>container</em></a> of an boundary-point of a Range is being set to either a node of an invalid type or a node with an ancestor of an invalid type.</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></div></div><div class="navbar" align="center" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family: sans-serif;font-size: medium;"><hr title="Navigation area separator"><a accesskey="p" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/traversal.html" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initia
 l initial;">previous</a>   <a accesskey="n" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/idl-definitions.html" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">next</a>   <a accesskey="c" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/Overview.html#contents" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: transparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">contents</a>   <a accesskey="i" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/def-index.html" style="color: rgb(102, 0, 153);background-image: initial;background-attachment: initial;background-origin: initial;background-clip: initial;background-color: tra
 nsparent;background-position: initial initial;background-repeat: initial initial;">index</a></div></p><dl></dl>
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 x; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; "><div class="contentBox" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 1px; padding-left: 15px; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239); border-top-style: solid; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; border-left-style: solid; border-top-color: rgb(226, 226, 226); border-right-color: rgb(226, 226, 226); border-bottom-color: rgb(226, 226, 226); border-left-color: rgb(226, 226, 226); position: relative; "><p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px;
  padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">CKSource is a successful company with thousands of customers all around the world, including top names like IBM and Oracle. Our company is growing fast, with impressive sales results. This strong growth expands our range of opportunities, followed by the growth of our team. Take this chance and <strong style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">join us!</strong></p><p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0
 px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Working in a <strong style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">successful Open Source project </strong>is certainly a lot of fun. CKEditor is one of the most frequently used text editors out there, and this success means new responsibilities. We are providing a key component for the software that is powering the Web today. It is downloaded daily by thousands of people all around the world and used b
 y hundreds of thousands out there.</p><p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">We are constantly looking for top-notch, creative, and enthusiastic professionals ready to join our international team.</p><p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">We offer a work culture where ideas are free to fly and diversity is our everyday life.</p><p style="margin-top: 0px; margin
 -right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">There is no need to relocate. No matter where you are, as long as you love what you do, you are the right person for us!</p><div class="post joboffer" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 10px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; border-top-style: solid; border-top-color: rgb(229, 230, 231); " id=""><h2 style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px
 ; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; font-size: 15px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">AJD - Advanced JavaScript Developer</h2><p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Location: <strong style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; borde
 r-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Europe and Its Neighbourhood</strong> (from GMT 0 to GMT +2).</p><p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Employment type: <strong style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Full time</strong>.</p><p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; 
 padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">We are looking for talented people to join our team. Ideal candidates will have:</p><ul style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; "><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height
 : 1.5em; ">Several years of experience with professional JavaScript programming, which we consider is;<ul style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; "><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Writing pure, object-oriented JavaScript applications.</li><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px
 ; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Ability to create complex JavaScript applications based on your own skills only (excluding usage of external libraries such as jQuery, Prototype, Dojo, or MooTools).</li><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Being aware and able to solving asynchronous issues.</li></ul></li><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0
 px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">In-depth knowledge of core Web standards, like HTML, XML, DOM, and CSS — including their intrinsic implementation differences among browsers (with IE6 also);</li><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Ability to understand and fix complicated DOM manipulation problems.</li><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-widt
 h: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Good (enough) English speaking and writing skills. This is the language used in the company.</li></ul><p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">"Wow" candidates will also have (not required though):</p><ul style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; "><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0p
 x; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Experience with CKEditor or FCKeditor, having possibly collaborated with the project;</li><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Experience with rich text editors;</li><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border
 -bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Experience with HTML5, CSS3 development;</li><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Experience with Test Cases (like YUI Test);</li><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">A Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science;</l
 i><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Passion for Open Source.</li></ul></div><div class="post" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 10px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 30px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; border-top-style: solid; border-top-color: rgb(229, 230, 231); " id=""><h3 style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left
 : 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; font-size: 14px; ">In return we offer:</h3><ul style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; "><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Permanent full time employment contract;</li><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right
 : 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Flexible working hours;</li><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Competitive salary;</li><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-st
 yle: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; "><strong style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Work </strong>from <strong style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">home</strong> (you will forget what a traffic jam is);</li><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px
 ; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Working with smart and motivated <strong style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">professionals</strong>;</li><li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 40px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-i
 mage: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Becoming a <strong style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">part of great team</strong> who delivers worldwide known software.</li></ul><p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Let us start talking. Tell us about the projects you have worked on and your role in them; point to your experience and anything you think might ma
 ke you a perfect candidate. Contact us with your CV at: <a href="" title="jobs at (spam protection) cksource dot com" id="jobmail1" style="color: rgb(24, 157, 225); ">jobs at cksource.com</a> now!</p><p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">We are sure you will enjoy it!</p></div><div class="post" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 10px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 30px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; border-top-style: solid;
  border-top-color: rgb(229, 230, 231); "><p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">Please note we only accept CV's in English. Your application must include the following note:</p><p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; line-height: 1.5em; ">"I hereby authorize you to process my personal data included in my job application for the needs of the recruitment process (in accordance to the P
 ersonal Data Protection Act 29.08.1997 no 133 position 883).”</p></div></div></div></div></div><dl></dl>
+	</textarea>
+	<h2>Line custom look</h2>
+	<div id="hood">
+		<h1>
+			<img alt="" src="http://a.cksource.com/c/1/inc/img/demo-little-red.jpg" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; float: left; width: 120px; height: 168px;" />Little Red Riding Hood</h1>
+		<p>
+			"<b>Little Red Riding Hood</b>" is a famous <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairy_tale" title="Fairy tale">fairy tale</a> about a young girl's encounter with a wolf. The story has been changed considerably in its history and subject to numerous modern adaptations and readings.</p>
+		<table align="right" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 200px;">
+			<caption>
+				<strong>International Names</strong></caption>
+			<tbody>
+				<tr>
+					<td>
+						Chinese</td>
+					<td>
+						<i>小紅帽</i></td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr>
+					<td>
+						Italian</td>
+					<td>
+						<i>Cappuccetto Rosso</i></td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr>
+					<td>
+						Spanish</td>
+					<td>
+						<i>Caperucita Roja</i></td>
+				</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
+		<hr>
+		<hr>
+		<p>
+			The version most widely known today is based on the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brothers_Grimm" title="Brothers Grimm">Brothers Grimm</a> variant. It is about a girl called Little Red Riding Hood, after the red <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hood_%28headgear%29" title="Hood (headgear)">hooded</a> <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape" title="Cape">cape</a> or <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloak" title="Cloak">cloak</a> she wears. The girl walks through the woods to deliver food to her sick grandmother.</p>
+		<p>
+			A wolf wants to eat the girl but is afraid to do so in public. He approaches the girl, and she naïvely tells him where she is going. He suggests the girl pick some flowers, which she does. In the meantime, he goes to the grandmother's house and gains entry by pretending to be the girl. He swallows the grandmother whole, and waits for the girl, disguised as the grandmother.</p>
+		<p>
+			When the girl arrives, she notices he looks very strange to be her grandma. In most retellings, this eventually culminates with Little Red Riding Hood saying, "My, what big teeth you have!"<br />
+			To which the wolf replies, "The better to eat you with," and swallows her whole, too.</p>
+		<p>
+			A <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter" title="Hunter">hunter</a>, however, comes to the rescue and cuts the wolf open. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother emerge unharmed. They fill the wolf's body with heavy stones, which drown him when he falls into a well. Other versions of the story have had the grandmother shut in the closet instead of eaten, and some have Little Red Riding Hood saved by the hunter as the wolf advances on her rather than after she is eaten.</p>
+		<p>
+			The tale makes the clearest contrast between the safe world of the village and the dangers of the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enchanted_forest" title="Enchanted forest">forest</a>, conventional antitheses that are essentially medieval, though no written versions are as old as that.</p>
+	</div>
+	<h2>Extreme inline editing</h2>
+	<div id="interpret" contenteditable="true" style="left: 123px; outline: 1px solid red; border: 15px solid green; position: relative; top: 30; left: 30px;">
+		<div style="padding: 20px; background: gray; width: 300px" class="1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim. Etiam ullamcorper. Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis. Maecenas malesuada elit lectus felis, malesuada ultricies. Curabitur et ligula. Ut molestie a, ultricies porta urna. Vestibulum commodo volutpat a, convallis ac, laoreet enim.</div>
+		<div style="background: violet; padding: 30px;" class="static">
+			Position static
+			<div style="background: green; padding: 30px;  border: 14px solid orange">foo</div>
+		</div>
+		<dl class="2">
+			<dt>Key</dt><dd>Value</dd>
+		</dl>
+		<div>Whatever</div>
+		<hr id="hr">
+		<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim. Etiam ullamcorper. Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis. Maecenas malesuada elit lectus felis, malesuada ultricies</p>
+		<hr>
+		<hr>
+		<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim. Etiam ullamcorper. Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis. Maecenas malesuada elit lectus felis, malesuada ultricies</p>
+		<div style="background: green; padding: 30px; width: 200px">foo</div>
+	</div>
+	<h2>Enter mode: BR</h2>
+	<textarea cols="80" id="editor5" name="editor5" rows="10">
+		Foo<br />
+		<hr style="margin: 50px" />
+		<hr style="margin: 50px" />
+		Foo
+	</textarea>
+	<div id="dev">
+		<p id="mouseData">
+			<span>Mouse over: <strong id="over"></strong></span>
+			<span style="display: block">Mouse Y-pos.: <span id="my"></span></span>
+		</p>
+		<p id="triggerData">
+			<span id="tr_type"></span>
+			<span id="tr_upper"></span>
+			<span id="tr_lower"></span>
+			<span id="tr_edge"></span>
+		</dl>
+		<p id="timeData">Time: <span id="time"></span></p>
+		<p id="hiddenData">Hidden state: <span id="hid"></span></p>
+	</div>
+	<script>
+		'use strict';
+		function fixedWidthNumber( text, chars ) {
+			return ( Array( chars ).join( 0 ) + text ).slice( -chars );
+		}
+		var DEBUG = {
+			startTimer: function() {
+				DEBUG.timer = new Date().getTime();
+			},
+			stopTimer: (function() {
+				var label = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'time' ),
+					max = 0,
+					count = 0,
+					values = [],
+					mean = 0,
+					time = 0;
+				return function() {
+					time = new Date().getTime() - DEBUG.timer;
+					max = Math.max( time, max );
+					values.unshift( time );
+					( 20 in values ) && values.pop();
+					mean = 0;
+					for( var i = 0 ; i < values.length ; i++ )
+						mean += values[ i ];
+					mean = mean / i;
+					label.setText( fixedWidthNumber( time, 3 ) +
+						' ms, mean: ' + fixedWidthNumber( 0 | mean, 3 ) +
+						' ms, max: ' + fixedWidthNumber( max, 3 ) +
+						' ms' )
+					count++;
+				}
+			})(),
+			mousePos: (function( y, element )
+			{
+				var	my = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'my' ),
+					over = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'over' ),
+					name;
+				return function( y, element ) {
+					my.setText( y );
+					if( element && element.$ && element.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
+						try {
+							name = element.getName();
+							over.setText( name + '.' + element.getAttribute( 'class' ) );
+						} catch( e ) {}
+					}
+					else
+						over.setText( '-' );
+				}
+			})(),
+			showTrigger: (function( trigger )
+			{
+				var tr_type = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'tr_type' ),
+					tr_upper = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'tr_upper' ),
+					tr_lower = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'tr_lower' ),
+					tr_edge = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'tr_edge' ),
+					tup, tbo, upper, lower;
+				return function( trigger ) {
+					tup && tup.removeAttribute('id') && ( tup = null );
+					tbo && tbo.removeAttribute('id') && ( tbo = null );
+					if ( !trigger )
+						return 	tr_type.setText( '-' ) &&
+								tr_upper.setText( '-' ) &&
+								tr_lower.setText( '-' ) &&
+								tr_edge.setText( '-' );
+					upper = trigger.upper,
+					lower = trigger.lower;
+					tr_type.setText( trigger.type == 2 ? 'EXPAND': 'EDGE' );
+					tr_upper.setText( upper ? upper.getName() + '.' + upper.getAttribute( 'class' ): 'NULL' );
+					tr_lower.setText( lower ? lower.getName() + '.' + lower.getAttribute( 'class' ): 'NULL' );
+					tr_edge.setText( trigger.edge ? [ 'EDGE_TOP', 'EDGE_BOTTOM', 'EDGE_MIDDLE' ][ trigger.edge - 1 ]: 'NULL' );
+					upper && ( tup = upper ) && tup.setAttribute( 'id', 'tup' );
+					lower && ( tbo = lower ) && tbo.setAttribute( 'id', 'tbo' );
+				}
+			})(),
+			showHidden: (function( state )
+			{
+				var	cnt = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'hid' );
+				return function( state ) {
+					cnt[ state ? 'addClass': 'removeClass' ]( 'hl' );
+					cnt.setText( state ? 'enabled': 'disabled' );
+				}
+			})(),
+			markElement: function( element ) {
+				if( !isHtml( element ))
+					return;
+				DEBUG.marked && DEBUG.marked.setStyles( {
+					'outline': 'none'
+				} );
+				DEBUG.marked = element;
+				element.setStyles( {
+					'outline': 'red solid 2px'
+				} );
+			},
+			// Log functions.
+			log: function() {},
+			logElements: function() {},
+			groupStart: function() {},
+			groupEnd: function() {},
+			logEnd: function() {},
+			logElementsEnd: function() {}
+		};
+		var logEnable = {
+			log: function() {
+				var args = [];
+				for( var i = 0; i < arguments.length ; i++ )
+					args.push( arguments[ i ] );
+				console.log.apply( console, args );
+			},
+			logElements: function( elements, labels, info ) {
+				var log = {},
+					label;
+				for ( var i = 0 ; i < elements.length; i++ ) {
+					label = labels ? labels [ i ] : i;
+					if( !elements[ i ] ) {
+						log[ label ] = {
+							'name': 'null',
+							'class': 'null'
+						}
+					}
+					else {
+						log[ labels ? labels [ i ]: i ] = {
+							'name':  elements[ i ].is ? elements[ i ].getName(): 'null',
+							'class': elements[ i ].is ? elements[ i ].getAttribute( 'class' ): 'null'
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				typeof JSON != 'undefined' && DEBUG.log( ( info ? info.toUpperCase() + ' ': '' ) + JSON.stringify( log ) );
+			},
+			groupStart: function( label ) {
+				console.group( label );
+			},
+			groupEnd: function() {
+				console.groupEnd();
+			},
+			logEnd: function() {
+				DEBUG.log.apply( null, arguments );
+				DEBUG.groupEnd();
+			},
+			logElementsEnd: function() {
+				DEBUG.logElements.apply( null, arguments );
+				DEBUG.groupEnd();
+			}
+		}
+		// Enable console.log debugging with ?debug address parameter.
+		window.location.href.match( /debug$/g ) ? CKEDITOR.tools.extend( DEBUG, logEnable, true ): null;
+		// CKEDITOR.addCss('\
+			// 	#tup { outline: #FEB2B2 solid 2px; box-shadow: 3px 3px 0 #FEB2B2; } \
+			// 	#tbo { outline: #B2FEB2 solid 2px; box-shadow: 3px 3px 0 #B2FEB2; } \
+			// 	p { background: pink }\
+		// ');
+		CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1' );
+		CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor2', { height: 150 } );
+		CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor3', {
+			magicline_everywhere: 1,
+			magicline_holdDistance: .2,
+			language: 'pl'
+		});
+		CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor4' );
+		CKEDITOR.replace( 'hood', {
+			magicline_color: 'green'
+		});
+		CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor5', {
+			enterMode : CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR
+		});
+	</script>
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/images/icon.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/images/icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5de5ba
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/images/icon.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67b2b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'magicline', 'en', {
+	title: 'Insert paragraph here'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..281d583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'magicline', 'pl', {
+	title: 'Wstaw nowy paragraf'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47f4f0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1732 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Allows accessing difficult focus spaces.
+ */
+'use strict';
+(function() {
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'magicline', {
+		lang: 'en,pl', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: initPlugin
+	});
+	// Activates the box inside of an editor.
+	function initPlugin( editor ) {
+		var enterBehaviors = {};
+		enterBehaviors[ CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ] = 'br';
+		enterBehaviors[ CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ] = 'p';
+		enterBehaviors[ CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ] = 'div';
+		// Configurables
+		var config = editor.config,
+			triggerOffset = config.magicline_triggerOffset || 30,
+			enterMode = config.enterMode,
+			that = {
+				// Global stuff is being initialized here.
+				editor: editor,
+				enterBehavior: enterBehaviors[ enterMode ], 		// A tag which is to be inserted by the magicline.
+				enterMode: enterMode,
+				triggerOffset: triggerOffset,
+				holdDistance: 0 | triggerOffset * ( config.magicline_holdDistance || 0.5 ),
+				boxColor: config.magicline_color || '#ff0000',
+				rtl: config.contentsLangDirection == 'rtl',
+				triggers: config.magicline_everywhere ? DTD_BLOCK : { table:1,hr:1,div:1,ul:1,ol:1,dl:1,form:1,blockquote:1 }
+			},
+			scrollTimeout, checkMouseTimeoutPending, checkMouseTimeout, checkMouseTimer;
+		// Internal DEBUG uses tools located in the topmost window.
+		// (#9701) Due to security limitations some browsers may throw
+		// errors when accessing window.top object. Do it safely first then.
+		try {
+			that.debug = window.top.DEBUG;
+		}
+		catch ( e ) {}
+		that.debug = that.debug || {
+			groupEnd: function() {},
+			groupStart: function() {},
+			log: function() {},
+			logElements: function() {},
+			logElementsEnd: function() {},
+			logEnd: function() {},
+			mousePos: function() {},
+			showHidden: function() {},
+			showTrigger: function() {},
+			startTimer: function() {},
+			stopTimer: function() {}
+		};
+		// %REMOVE_END%
+		// Simple irrelevant elements filter.
+		that.isRelevant = function( node ) {
+			return isHtml( node ) 			// 	-> Node must be an existing HTML element.
+				&& !isLine( that, node ) 	// 	-> Node can be neither the box nor its child.
+				&& !isFlowBreaker( node ); 	// 	-> Node can be neither floated nor positioned nor aligned.
+		};
+		editor.on( 'contentDom', addListeners, this );
+		function addListeners() {
+			var editable = editor.editable(),
+				doc = editor.document,
+				win = editor.window,
+				listener;
+			// Global stuff is being initialized here.
+			extend( that, {
+				editable: editable,
+				inInlineMode: editable.isInline(),
+				doc: doc,
+				win: win
+			}, true );
+			// This is the boundary of the editor. For inline the boundary is editable itself.
+			// For framed editor, the HTML element is a real boundary.
+			that.boundary = that.inInlineMode ? that.editable : that.doc.getDocumentElement();
+			// Enabling the box inside of inline editable is pointless.
+			// There's no need to access spaces inside paragraphs, links, spans, etc.
+			if ( editable.is( dtd.$inline ) )
+				return;
+			// Handle in-line editing by setting appropriate position.
+			// If current position is static, make it relative and clear top/left coordinates.
+			if ( that.inInlineMode && !isPositioned( editable ) ) {
+				editable.setStyles({
+					position: 'relative',
+					top: null,
+					left: null
+				});
+			}
+			// Enable the box. Let it produce children elements, initialize
+			// event handlers and own methods.
+			initLine.call( this, that );
+			// Get view dimensions and scroll positions.
+			// At this stage (before any checkMouse call) it is used mostly
+			// by tests. Nevertheless it a crucial thing.
+			updateWindowSize( that );
+			// Remove the box before an undo image is created.
+			// This is important. If we didn't do that, the *undo thing* would revert the box into an editor.
+			// Thanks to that, undo doesn't even know about the existence of the box.
+			editable.attachListener( editor, 'beforeUndoImage', function() {
+				that.line.detach();
+			});
+			// Removes the box HTML from editor data string if getData is called.
+			// Thanks to that, an editor never yields data polluted by the box.
+			// Listen with very high priority, so line will be removed before other
+			// listeners will see it.
+			editable.attachListener( editor, 'beforeGetData', function() {
+				// If the box is in editable, remove it.
+				if ( that.line.wrap.getParent() ) {
+					that.line.detach();
+					// Restore line in the last listener for 'getData'.
+					editor.once( 'getData', function() {
+						that.line.attach();
+					}, null, null, 1000 );
+				}
+			}, null, null, 0 );
+			// Hide the box on mouseout if mouse leaves document.
+			editable.attachListener( that.inInlineMode ? doc : doc.getWindow().getFrame(), 'mouseout', function( event ) {
+				if ( editor.mode != 'wysiwyg' )
+					return;
+				// Check for inline-mode editor. If so, check mouse position
+				// and remove the box if mouse outside of an editor.
+				if ( that.inInlineMode ) {
+					var mouse = {
+						x: event.data.$.clientX,
+						y: event.data.$.clientY
+					};
+					updateWindowSize( that );
+					updateEditableSize( that, true );
+					var size = that.view.editable,
+						scroll = that.view.scroll;
+					// If outside of an editor...
+					if ( !inBetween( mouse.x, size.left - scroll.x, size.right - scroll.x ) || !inBetween( mouse.y, size.top - scroll.y, size.bottom - scroll.y ) ) {
+						clearTimeout( checkMouseTimer );
+						checkMouseTimer = null;
+						that.line.detach();
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+					clearTimeout( checkMouseTimer );
+					checkMouseTimer = null;
+					that.line.detach();
+				}
+			});
+			// This one deactivates hidden mode of an editor which
+			// prevents the box from being shown.
+			editable.attachListener( editable, 'keyup', function( event ) {
+				that.hiddenMode = 0;
+				that.debug.showHidden( that.hiddenMode ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			});
+			editable.attachListener( editable, 'keydown', function( event ) {
+				if ( editor.mode != 'wysiwyg' )
+					return;
+				var keyStroke = event.data.getKeystroke(),
+					selection = editor.getSelection(),
+					selected = selection.getStartElement();
+				switch ( keyStroke ) {
+					// Shift pressed
+					case 2228240: // IE
+					case 16:
+						that.hiddenMode = 1;
+						that.line.detach();
+				}
+				that.debug.showHidden( that.hiddenMode ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			});
+			// This method ensures that checkMouse aren't executed
+			// in parallel and no more frequently than specified in timeout function.
+			// In framed editor, document is used as a trigger, to provide magicline
+			// functionality when mouse is below the body (short content, short body).
+			editable.attachListener( that.inInlineMode ? editable : doc, 'mousemove', function( event ) {
+				checkMouseTimeoutPending = true;
+				if ( editor.mode != 'wysiwyg' || checkMouseTimer )
+					return;
+				// IE<9 requires this event-driven object to be created
+				// outside of the setTimeout statement.
+				// Otherwise it loses the event object with its properties.
+				var mouse = {
+					x: event.data.$.clientX,
+					y: event.data.$.clientY
+				};
+				checkMouseTimer = setTimeout( function() {
+					checkMouse( mouse );
+				}, 30 ); // balances performance and accessibility
+			});
+			// This one removes box on scroll event.
+			// It is to avoid box displacement.
+			editable.attachListener( win, 'scroll', function( event ) {
+				if ( editor.mode != 'wysiwyg' )
+					return;
+				that.line.detach();
+				// To figure this out just look at the mouseup
+				// event handler below.
+				if ( env.webkit ) {
+					that.hiddenMode = 1;
+					clearTimeout( scrollTimeout );
+					scrollTimeout = setTimeout( function() {
+						that.hiddenMode = 0;
+						that.debug.showHidden( that.hiddenMode ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+					}, 50 );
+					that.debug.showHidden( that.hiddenMode ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				}
+			});
+			// Those event handlers remove the box on mousedown
+			// and don't reveal it until the mouse is released.
+			// It is to prevent box insertion e.g. while scrolling
+			// (w/ scrollbar), selecting and so on.
+			editable.attachListener( win, 'mousedown', function( event ) {
+				if ( editor.mode != 'wysiwyg' )
+					return;
+				that.line.detach();
+				that.hiddenMode = 1;
+				that.debug.showHidden( that.hiddenMode ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			});
+			// Google Chrome doesn't trigger this on the scrollbar (since 2009...)
+			// so it is totally useless to check for scroll finish
+			// see: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=14204
+			editable.attachListener( win, 'mouseup', function( event ) {
+				that.hiddenMode = 0;
+				that.debug.showHidden( that.hiddenMode ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			});
+			// Editor commands for accessing difficult focus spaces.
+			editor.addCommand( 'accessPreviousSpace', accessFocusSpaceCmd( that ) );
+			editor.addCommand( 'accessNextSpace', accessFocusSpaceCmd( that, true ) );
+			editor.setKeystroke( [
+				[ config.magicline_keystrokePrevious, 'accessPreviousSpace' ],
+				[ config.magicline_keystrokeNext, 'accessNextSpace' ]
+			] );
+			// Revert magicline hot node on undo/redo.
+			editor.on( 'loadSnapshot', function( event ) {
+				var elements = doc.getElementsByTag( that.enterBehavior ),
+					element;
+				for ( var i = elements.count(); i--; ) {
+					if ( ( element = elements.getItem( i ) ).hasAttribute( 'data-cke-magicline-hot' ) ) {
+						// Restore hotNode
+						that.hotNode = element;
+						// Restore last access direction
+						that.lastCmdDirection = element.getAttribute( 'data-cke-magicline-dir' ) === 'true' ? true : false;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			} );
+			// This method handles mousemove mouse for box toggling.
+			// It uses mouse position to determine underlying element, then
+			// it tries to use different trigger type in order to place the box
+			// in correct place. The following procedure is executed periodically.
+			function checkMouse( mouse ) {
+				that.debug.groupStart( 'CheckMouse' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				that.debug.startTimer(); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				that.mouse = mouse;
+				that.trigger = null;
+				checkMouseTimer = null;
+				updateWindowSize( that );
+				if ( checkMouseTimeoutPending 								//	-> There must be an event pending.
+					&& !that.hiddenMode 									// 	-> Can't be in hidden mode.
+					&& editor.focusManager.hasFocus 						// 	-> Editor must have focus.
+					&& !that.line.mouseNear() 								// 	-> Mouse pointer can't be close to the box.
+					&& ( that.element = elementFromMouse( that, true ) ) ) 	// 	-> There must be valid element.
+				{
+					// If trigger exists, and trigger is correct -> show the box
+					if ( that.trigger = triggerEditable( that ) || triggerEdge( that ) || triggerExpand( that ) ) {
+						that.line.attach().place();
+					}
+					// Otherwise remove the box
+					else {
+						that.trigger = null;
+						that.line.detach();
+					}
+					that.debug.showTrigger( that.trigger ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+					that.debug.mousePos( mouse.y, that.element ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+					checkMouseTimeoutPending = false;
+				}
+				that.debug.stopTimer(); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				that.debug.groupEnd(); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			}
+			// This one allows testing and debugging. It reveals some
+			// inner methods to the world.
+			this.backdoor = {
+				accessFocusSpace: accessFocusSpace,
+				boxTrigger: boxTrigger,
+				isLine: isLine,
+				getAscendantTrigger: getAscendantTrigger,
+				getNonEmptyNeighbour: getNonEmptyNeighbour,
+				getSize: getSize,
+				that: that,
+				triggerEdge: triggerEdge,
+				triggerEditable: triggerEditable,
+				triggerExpand: triggerExpand
+			};
+		}
+	}
+	// Some shorthands for common methods to save bytes
+	var extend = CKEDITOR.tools.extend,
+		newElement = CKEDITOR.dom.element,
+		newElementFromHtml = newElement.createFromHtml,
+		env = CKEDITOR.env,
+		dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd,
+		// Constant values, types and so on.
+		EDGE_TOP = 128,
+		EDGE_BOTTOM = 64,
+		EDGE_MIDDLE = 32,
+		TYPE_EDGE = 16,
+		LOOK_TOP = 4,
+		WHITE_SPACE = '\u00A0',
+		DTD_LISTITEM = dtd.$listItem,
+		DTD_TABLECONTENT = dtd.$tableContent,
+		DTD_NONACCESSIBLE = extend( {}, dtd.$nonEditable, dtd.$empty ),
+		DTD_BLOCK = dtd.$block,
+		// Minimum time that must elapse between two update*Size calls.
+		// It prevents constant getComuptedStyle calls and improves performance.
+		CACHE_TIME = 100,
+		// Shared CSS stuff for box elements
+		CSS_COMMON = 'width:0px;height:0px;padding:0px;margin:0px;display:block;' + 'z-index:9999;color:#fff;position:absolute;font-size: 0px;line-height:0px;',
+		CSS_TRIANGLE = CSS_COMMON + 'border-color:transparent;display:block;border-style:solid;',
+		TRIANGLE_HTML = '<span>' + WHITE_SPACE + '</span>';
+	function areSiblings( that, upper, lower ) {
+		return isHtml( upper ) && isHtml( lower ) && lower.equals( upper.getNext( function( node ) {
+			return !( isEmptyTextNode( node ) || isComment( node ) || isFlowBreaker( node ) );
+		}) );
+	}
+	// boxTrigger is an abstract type which describes
+	// the relationship between elements that may result
+	// in showing the box.
+	//
+	// The following type is used by numerous methods
+	// to share information about the hypothetical box placement
+	// and look by referring to boxTrigger properties.
+	function boxTrigger( triggerSetup ) {
+		this.upper = triggerSetup[ 0 ];
+		this.lower = triggerSetup[ 1 ];
+		this.set.apply( this, triggerSetup.slice( 2 ) );
+	}
+	boxTrigger.prototype = {
+		set: function( edge, type, look ) {
+			this.properties = edge + type + ( look || LOOK_NORMAL );
+			return this;
+		},
+		is: function( property ) {
+			return ( this.properties & property ) == property;
+		}
+	};
+	var elementFromMouse = ( function() {
+		function elementFromPoint( doc, mouse ) {
+			return new CKEDITOR.dom.element( doc.$.elementFromPoint( mouse.x, mouse.y ) );
+		}
+		return function( that, ignoreBox, forceMouse ) {
+			if ( !that.mouse )
+				return null;
+			var doc = that.doc,
+				lineWrap = that.line.wrap,
+				mouse = forceMouse || that.mouse,
+				element = elementFromPoint( doc, mouse );
+			// If ignoreBox is set and element is the box, it means that we
+			// need to hide the box for a while, repeat elementFromPoint
+			// and show it again.
+			if ( ignoreBox && isLine( that, element ) ) {
+				lineWrap.hide();
+				element = elementFromPoint( doc, mouse );
+				lineWrap.show();
+			}
+			// Return nothing if:
+			//	\-> Element is not HTML.
+			if ( !( element && element.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && element.$ ) ) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			// Also return nothing if:
+			//	\-> We're IE<9 and element is out of the top-level element (editable for inline and HTML for framed).
+			//		This is due to the bug which allows IE<9 firing mouse events on element
+			//		with contenteditable=true while doing selection out (far, away) of the element.
+			//		Thus we must always be sure that we stay in editable or HTML.
+			if ( env.ie && env.version < 9 ) {
+				if ( !( that.boundary.equals( element ) || that.boundary.contains( element ) ) )
+					return null;
+			}
+			return element;
+		};
+	})();
+	// Gets the closest parent node that belongs to triggers group.
+	function getAscendantTrigger( that ) {
+		var node = that.element,
+			trigger;
+		if ( node && isHtml( node ) ) {
+			return ( trigger = node.getAscendant( that.triggers, true ) ) &&
+				!trigger.contains( that.editable ) &&
+				!trigger.equals( that.editable ) ? trigger : null;
+		}
+		return null;
+	}
+	function getMidpoint( that, upper, lower ) {
+		updateSize( that, upper );
+		updateSize( that, lower );
+		var upperSizeBottom = upper.size.bottom,
+			lowerSizeTop = lower.size.top;
+		return upperSizeBottom && lowerSizeTop ? 0 | ( upperSizeBottom + lowerSizeTop ) / 2 : upperSizeBottom || lowerSizeTop;
+	}
+	// Get nearest node (either text or HTML), but:
+	//	\->	Omit all empty text nodes (containing white characters only).
+	//	\-> Omit BR elements
+	//	\-> Omit flow breakers.
+	function getNonEmptyNeighbour( that, node, goBack ) {
+		node = node[ goBack ? 'getPrevious' : 'getNext' ]( function( node ) {
+			return ( isTextNode( node ) && !isEmptyTextNode( node ) ) ||
+				( isHtml( node ) && !isFlowBreaker( node ) && !isLine( that, node ) );
+		});
+		return node;
+	}
+	function inBetween( val, lower, upper ) {
+		return val > lower && val < upper;
+	}
+	// Access space line consists of a few elements (spans):
+	// 	\-> Line wrapper.
+	// 	\-> Line.
+	// 	\-> Line triangles: left triangle (LT), right triangle (RT).
+	// 	\-> Button handler (BTN).
+	//
+	//	+--------------------------------------------------- line.wrap (span) -----+
+	//	| +---------------------------------------------------- line (span) -----+ |
+	//	| | +- LT \                                           +- BTN -+  / RT -+ | |
+	//	| | |      \                                          |     | | /      | | |
+	//	| | |      /                                          |  <__| | \      | | |
+	//	| | +-----/                                           +-------+  \-----+ | |
+	//	| +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+	//  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	//
+	function initLine( that ) {
+		var doc = that.doc,
+			// This the main box element that holds triangles and the insertion button
+			line = newElementFromHtml( '<span contenteditable="false" style="' + CSS_COMMON + 'position:absolute;border-top:1px dashed ' + that.boxColor + '"></span>', doc );
+		extend( line, {
+			attach: function() {
+				// Only if not already attached
+				if ( !this.wrap.getParent() )
+					this.wrap.appendTo( that.editable, true );
+				return this;
+			},
+			// Looks are as follows: [ LOOK_TOP, LOOK_BOTTOM, LOOK_NORMAL ].
+			lineChildren: [
+				extend(
+					newElementFromHtml( '<span title="' + that.editor.lang.magicline.title +
+						'" contenteditable="false">↵</span>', doc ), {
+					base: CSS_COMMON + 'height:17px;width:17px;' + ( that.rtl ? 'left' : 'right' ) + ':17px;'
+						+ 'background:url(' + this.path + 'images/icon.png) center no-repeat ' + that.boxColor + ';cursor:pointer;'
+						+ ( env.hc ? 'font-size: 15px;line-height:14px;border:1px solid #fff;text-align:center;' : '' ),
+					looks: [
+						'top:-8px;' + CKEDITOR.tools.cssVendorPrefix( 'border-radius', '2px', 1 ),
+						'top:-17px;' + CKEDITOR.tools.cssVendorPrefix( 'border-radius', '2px 2px 0px 0px', 1 ),
+						'top:-1px;' + CKEDITOR.tools.cssVendorPrefix( 'border-radius', '0px 0px 2px 2px', 1 )
+					]
+				}),
+				extend( newElementFromHtml( TRIANGLE_HTML, doc ), {
+					base: CSS_TRIANGLE + 'left:0px;border-left-color:' + that.boxColor + ';',
+					looks: [
+						'border-width:8px 0 8px 8px;top:-8px',
+						'border-width:8px 0 0 8px;top:-8px',
+						'border-width:0 0 8px 8px;top:0px'
+					]
+				}),
+				extend( newElementFromHtml( TRIANGLE_HTML, doc ), {
+					base: CSS_TRIANGLE + 'right:0px;border-right-color:' + that.boxColor + ';',
+					looks: [
+						'border-width:8px 8px 8px 0;top:-8px',
+						'border-width:8px 8px 0 0;top:-8px',
+						'border-width:0 8px 8px 0;top:0px'
+					]
+				})
+			],
+			detach: function() {
+				// Detach only if already attached.
+				if ( this.wrap.getParent() )
+					this.wrap.remove();
+				return this;
+			},
+			// Checks whether mouseY is around an element by comparing boundaries and considering
+			// an offset distance.
+			mouseNear: function() {
+				that.debug.groupStart( 'mouseNear' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				updateSize( that, this );
+				var offset = that.holdDistance,
+					size = this.size;
+				// Determine neighborhood by element dimensions and offsets.
+				if ( size && inBetween( that.mouse.y, size.top - offset, size.bottom + offset ) && inBetween( that.mouse.x, size.left - offset, size.right + offset ) ) {
+					that.debug.logEnd( 'Mouse is near.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+					return true;
+				}
+				that.debug.logEnd( 'Mouse isn\'t near.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				return false;
+			},
+			// Adjusts position of the box according to the trigger properties.
+			// If also affects look of the box depending on the type of the trigger.
+			place: function() {
+				var view = that.view,
+					editable = that.editable,
+					trigger = that.trigger,
+					upper = trigger.upper,
+					lower = trigger.lower,
+					any = upper || lower,
+					parent = any.getParent(),
+					styleSet = {};
+				// Save recent trigger for further insertion.
+				// It is necessary due to the fact, that that.trigger may
+				// contain different boxTrigger at the moment of insertion
+				// or may be even null.
+				this.trigger = trigger;
+				upper && updateSize( that, upper, true );
+				lower && updateSize( that, lower, true );
+				updateSize( that, parent, true );
+				// Yeah, that's gonna be useful in inline-mode case.
+				if ( that.inInlineMode )
+					updateEditableSize( that, true );
+				// Set X coordinate (left, right, width).
+				if ( parent.equals( editable ) ) {
+					styleSet.left = view.scroll.x;
+					styleSet.right = -view.scroll.x;
+					styleSet.width = '';
+				} else {
+					styleSet.left = any.size.left - any.size.margin.left + view.scroll.x - ( that.inInlineMode ? view.editable.left + view.editable.border.left : 0 );
+					styleSet.width = any.size.outerWidth + any.size.margin.left + any.size.margin.right + view.scroll.x;
+					styleSet.right = '';
+				}
+				// Set Y coordinate (top) for trigger consisting of two elements.
+				if ( upper && lower ) {
+					// No margins at all or they're equal. Place box right between.
+					if ( upper.size.margin.bottom === lower.size.margin.top )
+						styleSet.top = 0 | ( upper.size.bottom + upper.size.margin.bottom / 2 );
+					else {
+						// Upper margin < lower margin. Place at lower margin.
+						if ( upper.size.margin.bottom < lower.size.margin.top )
+							styleSet.top = upper.size.bottom + upper.size.margin.bottom;
+						// Upper margin > lower margin. Place at upper margin - lower margin.
+						else
+							styleSet.top = upper.size.bottom + upper.size.margin.bottom - lower.size.margin.top;
+					}
+				}
+				// Set Y coordinate (top) for single-edge trigger.
+				else if ( !upper )
+					styleSet.top = lower.size.top - lower.size.margin.top;
+				else if ( !lower )
+					styleSet.top = upper.size.bottom + upper.size.margin.bottom;
+				// Set box button modes if close to the viewport horizontal edge
+				// or look forced by the trigger.
+				if ( trigger.is( LOOK_TOP ) || inBetween( styleSet.top, view.scroll.y - 15, view.scroll.y + 5 ) ) {
+					styleSet.top = that.inInlineMode ? 0 : view.scroll.y;
+					this.look( LOOK_TOP );
+				} else if ( trigger.is( LOOK_BOTTOM ) || inBetween( styleSet.top, view.pane.bottom - 5, view.pane.bottom + 15 ) ) {
+					styleSet.top = that.inInlineMode ?
+							view.editable.height + view.editable.padding.top + view.editable.padding.bottom
+						:
+							view.pane.bottom - 1;
+					this.look( LOOK_BOTTOM );
+				} else {
+					if ( that.inInlineMode )
+						styleSet.top -= view.editable.top + view.editable.border.top;
+					this.look( LOOK_NORMAL );
+				}
+				if ( that.inInlineMode ) {
+					// 1px bug here...
+					styleSet.top--;
+					// Consider the editable to be an element with overflow:scroll
+					// and non-zero scrollTop/scrollLeft value.
+					// For example: divarea editable. (#9383)
+					styleSet.top += view.editable.scroll.top;
+					styleSet.left += view.editable.scroll.left;
+				}
+				// Append `px` prefixes.
+				for ( var style in styleSet )
+					styleSet[ style ] = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( styleSet[ style ] );
+				this.setStyles( styleSet );
+			},
+			// Changes look of the box according to current needs.
+			// Three different styles are available: [ LOOK_TOP, LOOK_BOTTOM, LOOK_NORMAL ].
+			look: function( look ) {
+				if ( this.oldLook == look )
+					return;
+				for ( var i = this.lineChildren.length, child; i--; )
+					( child = this.lineChildren[ i ] ).setAttribute( 'style', child.base + child.looks[ 0 | look / 2 ] );
+				this.oldLook = look;
+			},
+			wrap: new newElement( 'span', that.doc )
+		});
+		// Insert children into the box.
+		for ( var i = line.lineChildren.length; i--; )
+			line.lineChildren[ i ].appendTo( line );
+		// Set default look of the box.
+		line.look( LOOK_NORMAL );
+		// Using that wrapper prevents IE (8,9) from resizing editable area at the moment
+		// of box insertion. This works thanks to the fact, that positioned box is wrapped by
+		// an inline element. So much tricky.
+		line.appendTo( line.wrap );
+		// Make the box unselectable.
+		line.unselectable();
+		// Handle accessSpace node insertion.
+		line.lineChildren[ 0 ].on( 'mouseup', function( event ) {
+			line.detach();
+			accessFocusSpace( that, function( accessNode ) {
+				// Use old trigger that was saved by 'place' method. Look: line.place
+				var trigger = that.line.trigger;
+				accessNode[ trigger.is( EDGE_TOP ) ? 'insertBefore' : 'insertAfter' ]
+					( trigger.is( EDGE_TOP ) ? trigger.lower : trigger.upper );
+			}, true );
+			that.editor.focus();
+			if ( !env.ie && that.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR )
+				that.hotNode.scrollIntoView();
+			event.data.preventDefault( true );
+		});
+		// Prevents IE9 from displaying the resize box and disables drag'n'drop functionality.
+		line.on( 'mousedown', function( event ) {
+			event.data.preventDefault( true );
+		});
+		that.line = line;
+	}
+	// This function allows accessing any focus space according to the insert function:
+	// 	* For enterMode ENTER_P it creates P element filled with dummy white-space.
+	// 	* For enterMode ENTER_DIV it creates DIV element filled with dummy white-space.
+	// 	* For enterMode ENTER_BR it creates BR element or   in IE.
+	//
+	// The node is being inserted according to insertFunction. Finally the method
+	// selects the non-breaking space making the node ready for typing.
+	function accessFocusSpace( that, insertFunction, doSave ) {
+		var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( that.doc ),
+			editor = that.editor,
+			accessNode;
+		// IE requires text node of   in ENTER_BR mode.
+		if ( env.ie && that.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR )
+			accessNode = that.doc.createText( WHITE_SPACE );
+		// In other cases a regular element is used.
+		else {
+			accessNode = new newElement( that.enterBehavior, that.doc );
+			if ( that.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ) {
+				var dummy = that.doc.createText( WHITE_SPACE );
+				dummy.appendTo( accessNode );
+			}
+		}
+		doSave && editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+		insertFunction( accessNode );
+		//dummy.appendTo( accessNode );
+		range.moveToPosition( accessNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
+		editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ range ] );
+		that.hotNode = accessNode;
+		doSave && editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+	}
+	// Access focus space on demand by taking an element under the caret as a reference.
+	// The space is accessed provided the element under the caret is trigger AND:
+	//
+	//  1. First/last-child of its parent:
+	//		+----------------------- Parent element -+
+	//		| +------------------------------ DIV -+ |	<-- Access before
+	//		| | Foo^                               | |
+	//		| |                                    | |
+	//		| +------------------------------------+ |	<-- Access after
+	//		+----------------------------------------+
+	//
+	//                       OR
+	//
+	//  2. It has a direct sibling element, which is also a trigger:
+	//		+-------------------------------- DIV#1 -+
+	//		| Foo^                                   |
+	//		|                                        |
+	//		+----------------------------------------+
+	//                                                	<-- Access here
+	//		+-------------------------------- DIV#2 -+
+	//		| Bar                                    |
+	//		|                                        |
+	//		+----------------------------------------+
+	//
+	//                       OR
+	//
+	//  3. It has a direct sibling, which is a trigger and has a valid neighbour trigger,
+	//     but belongs to dtd.$.empty/nonEditable:
+	//		+------------------------------------ P -+
+	//		| Foo^                                   |
+	//		|                                        |
+	//		+----------------------------------------+
+	//		+----------------------------------- HR -+
+	//                                                	<-- Access here
+	//		+-------------------------------- DIV#2 -+
+	//		| Bar                                    |
+	//		|                                        |
+	//		+----------------------------------------+
+	//
+	function accessFocusSpaceCmd( that, insertAfter ) {
+		return {
+			canUndo: true,
+			modes: { wysiwyg: 1 },
+			exec: ( function() {
+				// Inserts line (accessNode) at the position by taking target node as a reference.
+				function doAccess( target ) {
+					// Remove old hotNode under certain circumstances.
+					var hotNodeChar = ( env.ie && env.version < 9 ? ' ' : WHITE_SPACE ),
+						removeOld = that.hotNode &&							// Old hotNode must exist.
+							that.hotNode.getText() == hotNodeChar &&		// Old hotNode hasn't been changed.
+							that.element.equals( that.hotNode ) &&			// Caret is inside old hotNode.
+							that.lastCmdDirection === !!insertAfter;		// Command is executed in the same direction.
+					accessFocusSpace( that, function( accessNode ) {
+						if ( removeOld && that.hotNode )
+							that.hotNode.remove();
+						accessNode[ insertAfter ? 'insertAfter' : 'insertBefore' ]( target );
+						// Make this element distinguishable. Also remember the direction
+						// it's been inserted into document.
+						accessNode.setAttributes( {
+							'data-cke-magicline-hot': 1,
+							'data-cke-magicline-dir': !!insertAfter
+						} );
+						// Save last direction of the command (is insertAfter?).
+						that.lastCmdDirection = !!insertAfter;
+					} );
+					if( !env.ie && that.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR )
+						that.hotNode.scrollIntoView();
+					// Detach the line if was visible (previously triggered by mouse).
+					that.line.detach();
+				}
+				return function( editor ) {
+					var selected = editor.getSelection().getStartElement();
+					// (#9833) Go down to the closest non-inline element in DOM structure
+					// since inline elements don't participate in in magicline.
+					selected = selected.getAscendant( DTD_BLOCK, 1 );
+					// Sometimes it may happen that there's no parent block below selected element
+					// or, for example, getAscendant reaches editable or editable parent.
+					// We must avoid such pathological cases.
+					if ( !selected || selected.equals( that.editable ) || selected.contains( that.editable ) )
+						return;
+					// That holds element from mouse. Replace it with the
+					// element under the caret.
+					that.element = selected;
+					// (3.) Handle the following cases where selected neighbour
+					// is a trigger inaccessible for the caret AND:
+					//	- Is first/last-child
+					//	OR
+					//	- Has a sibling, which is also a trigger.
+					var neighbor = getNonEmptyNeighbour( that, selected, !insertAfter ),
+						neighborSibling;
+					// Check for a neighbour that belongs to triggers.
+					// Consider only non-accessible elements (they cannot have any children)
+					// since they cannot be given a caret inside, to run the command
+					// the regular way (1. & 2.).
+					if ( isHtml( neighbor ) && neighbor.is( that.triggers ) && neighbor.is( DTD_NONACCESSIBLE ) &&
+							(
+									// Check whether neighbor is first/last-child.
+									!getNonEmptyNeighbour( that, neighbor, !insertAfter )
+								||
+									// Check for a sibling of a neighbour that also is a trigger.
+									(
+										( neighborSibling = getNonEmptyNeighbour( that, neighbor, !insertAfter ) ) &&
+										isHtml( neighborSibling ) &&
+										neighborSibling.is( that.triggers )
+									)
+							)
+						) {
+						doAccess( neighbor );
+						return;
+					}
+					// Look for possible target element DOWN "selected" DOM branch (towards editable)
+					// that belong to that.triggers
+					var target = getAscendantTrigger( that, selected );
+					// No HTML target -> no access.
+					if ( !isHtml( target ) )
+						return;
+					// (1.) Target is first/last child -> access.
+					if ( !getNonEmptyNeighbour( that, target, !insertAfter ) ) {
+						doAccess( target );
+						return;
+					}
+					var sibling = getNonEmptyNeighbour( that, target, !insertAfter );
+					// (2.) Target has a sibling that belongs to that.triggers -> access.
+					if ( sibling && isHtml( sibling ) && sibling.is( that.triggers ) ) {
+						doAccess( target );
+						return;
+					}
+				};
+			})()
+		};
+	}
+	function isLine( that, node ) {
+		if ( !( node && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.$ ) )
+			return false;
+		var line = that.line;
+		return line.wrap.equals( node ) || line.wrap.contains( node );
+	}
+	// Is text node containing white-spaces only?
+	var isEmptyTextNode = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces();
+	// Is fully visible HTML node?
+	function isHtml( node ) {
+		return node && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.$;	// IE requires that
+	}
+	function isFloated( element ) {
+		if ( !isHtml( element ) )
+			return false;
+		var options = { left:1,right:1,center:1 };
+		return !!( options[ element.getComputedStyle( 'float' ) ] || options[ element.getAttribute( 'align' ) ] );
+	}
+	function isFlowBreaker( element ) {
+		if ( !isHtml( element ) )
+			return false;
+		return isPositioned( element ) || isFloated( element );
+	}
+	// Isn't node of NODE_COMMENT type?
+	var isComment = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.nodeType( CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT );
+	function isPositioned( element ) {
+		return !!{ absolute:1,fixed:1,relative:1 }[ element.getComputedStyle( 'position' ) ];
+	}
+	// Is text node?
+	function isTextNode( node ) {
+		return node && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT;
+	}
+	function isTrigger( that, element ) {
+		return isHtml( element ) ? element.is( that.triggers ) : null;
+	}
+	// This function checks vertically is there's a relevant child between element's edge
+	// and the pointer.
+	//	\-> Table contents are omitted.
+	function isChildBetweenPointerAndEdge( that, parent, edgeBottom ) {
+		var edgeChild = parent[ edgeBottom ? 'getLast' : 'getFirst' ]( function( node ) {
+			return that.isRelevant( node ) && !node.is( DTD_TABLECONTENT );
+		});
+		if ( !edgeChild )
+			return false;
+		updateSize( that, edgeChild );
+		return edgeBottom ? edgeChild.size.top > that.mouse.y : edgeChild.size.bottom < that.mouse.y;
+	}
+	// This method handles edge cases:
+	// 	\-> Mouse is around upper or lower edge of view pane.
+	// 	\-> Also scroll position is either minimal or maximal.
+	// 	\-> It's OK to show LOOK_TOP(BOTTOM) type line.
+	//
+	// This trigger doesn't need additional post-filtering.
+	//
+	//	+----------------------------- Editable -+  /--
+	//	| +---------------------- First child -+ |  | <-- Top edge (first child)
+	//	| |                                    | |  |
+	//	| |                                    | |  |	 * Mouse activation area *
+	//	| |                                    | |  |
+	//	| |                 ...                | |	\-- Top edge + trigger offset
+	//	| .                                    . |
+	//	|                                        |
+	//	| .                                    . |
+	//	| |                 ...                | |  /-- Bottom edge - trigger offset
+	//	| |                                    | |  |
+	//	| |                                    | |  |	 * Mouse activation area *
+	//	| |                                    | |  |
+	//	| +----------------------- Last child -+ |  | <-- Bottom edge (last child)
+	//	+----------------------------------------+  \--
+	//
+	function triggerEditable( that ) {
+		that.debug.groupStart( 'triggerEditable' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+		var editable = that.editable,
+			mouse = that.mouse,
+			view = that.view,
+			triggerOffset = that.triggerOffset,
+			triggerLook;
+		// Update editable dimensions.
+		updateEditableSize( that );
+		// This flag determines whether checking bottom trigger.
+		var bottomTrigger = mouse.y > ( that.inInlineMode ?
+				view.editable.top + view.editable.height / 2
+			:
+				// This is to handle case when editable.height / 2 <<< pane.height.
+				Math.min( view.editable.height, view.pane.height ) / 2 ),
+		// Edge node according to bottomTrigger.
+		edgeNode = editable[ bottomTrigger ? 'getLast' : 'getFirst' ]( function( node ) {
+			return !( isEmptyTextNode( node ) || isComment( node ) );
+		});
+		// There's no edge node. Abort.
+		if ( !edgeNode ) {
+			that.debug.logEnd( 'ABORT. No edge node found.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			return null;
+		}
+		// If the edgeNode in editable is ML, get the next one.
+		if ( isLine( that, edgeNode ) ) {
+			edgeNode = that.line.wrap[ bottomTrigger ? 'getPrevious' : 'getNext' ]( function( node ) {
+				return !( isEmptyTextNode( node ) || isComment( node ) );
+			});
+		}
+		// Exclude bad nodes (no ML needed then):
+		//	\-> Edge node is text.
+		//	\-> Edge node is floated, etc.
+		//
+		// Edge node *must be* a valid trigger at this stage as well.
+		if ( !isHtml( edgeNode ) || isFlowBreaker( edgeNode ) || !isTrigger( that, edgeNode ) ) {
+			that.debug.logEnd( 'ABORT. Invalid edge node.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			return null;
+		}
+		// Update size of edge node. Dimensions will be necessary.
+		updateSize( that, edgeNode );
+		// Return appropriate trigger according to bottomTrigger.
+		// \->	Top edge trigger case first.
+		if ( !bottomTrigger &&													// Top trigger case.
+			edgeNode.size.top >= 0 &&											// Check if the first element is fully visible.
+			inBetween( mouse.y, 0, edgeNode.size.top + triggerOffset ) ) {		// Check if mouse in [0, edgeNode.top + triggerOffset].
+			// Determine trigger look.
+			triggerLook = that.inInlineMode || view.scroll.y === 0 ?
+			that.debug.logEnd( 'SUCCESS. Created box trigger. EDGE_TOP.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			return new boxTrigger( [ null, edgeNode,
+				EDGE_TOP,
+				triggerLook
+			] );
+		}
+		// \->	Bottom case.
+		else if ( bottomTrigger &&
+			edgeNode.size.bottom <= view.pane.height &&							// Check if the last element is fully visible
+			inBetween( mouse.y,													// Check if mouse in...
+				edgeNode.size.bottom - triggerOffset, view.pane.height ) ) {	// [ edgeNode.bottom - triggerOffset, paneHeight ]
+			// Determine trigger look.
+			triggerLook = that.inInlineMode ||
+				inBetween( edgeNode.size.bottom, view.pane.height - triggerOffset, view.pane.height ) ?
+			that.debug.logEnd( 'SUCCESS. Created box trigger. EDGE_BOTTOM.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			return new boxTrigger( [ edgeNode, null,
+				triggerLook
+			] );
+		}
+		that.debug.logEnd( 'ABORT. No trigger created.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+		return null;
+	}
+	// This method covers cases *inside* of an element:
+	// 	\->	The pointer is in the top (bottom) area of an element and there's
+	//		HTML node before (after) this element.
+	// 	\-> An element being the first or last child of its parent.
+	//
+	//	+----------------------- Parent element -+
+	//	| +----------------------- Element #1 -+ |  /--
+	//	| |                                    | |  |	 * Mouse activation area (as first child) *
+	//	| |                                    | |  \--
+	//	| |                                    | |  /--
+	//	| |                                    | |  |	 * Mouse activation area (Element #2) *
+	//	| +------------------------------------+ |  \--
+	//	|                                        |
+	//	| +----------------------- Element #2 -+ |  /--
+	//	| |                                    | |  |	 * Mouse activation area (Element #1) *
+	//	| |                                    | |  \--
+	//	| |                                    | |
+	//	| +------------------------------------+ |
+	//	|                                        |
+	//	|            Text node is here.          |
+	//	|                                        |
+	//	| +----------------------- Element #3 -+ |
+	//	| |                                    | |
+	//	| |                                    | |
+	//	| |                                    | |  /--
+	//	| |                                    | |  |	 * Mouse activation area (as last child) *
+	//	| +------------------------------------+ |  \--
+	//	+----------------------------------------+
+	//
+	function triggerEdge( that ) {
+		that.debug.groupStart( 'triggerEdge' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+		var mouse = that.mouse,
+			view = that.view,
+			triggerOffset = that.triggerOffset;
+		// Get the ascendant trigger basing on elementFromMouse.
+		var element = getAscendantTrigger( that );
+		that.debug.logElements( [ element ], [ 'Ascendant trigger' ], 'First stage' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+		// Abort if there's no appropriate element.
+		if ( !element ) {
+			that.debug.logEnd( 'ABORT. No element, element is editable or element contains editable.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			return null;
+		}
+		// Dimensions will be necessary.
+		updateSize( that, element );
+		// If triggerOffset is larger than a half of element's height,
+		// use an offset of 1/2 of element's height. If the offset wasn't reduced,
+		// top area would cover most (all) cases.
+		var fixedOffset = Math.min( triggerOffset,
+				0 | ( element.size.outerHeight / 2 ) ),
+		// This variable will hold the trigger to be returned.
+			triggerSetup = [],
+			triggerLook,
+		// This flag determines whether dealing with a bottom trigger.
+			bottomTrigger;
+		//	\-> Top trigger.
+		if ( inBetween( mouse.y, element.size.top - 1, element.size.top + fixedOffset ) )
+			bottomTrigger = false;
+		//	\-> Bottom trigger.
+		else if ( inBetween( mouse.y, element.size.bottom - fixedOffset, element.size.bottom + 1 ) )
+			bottomTrigger = true;
+		//	\-> Abort. Not in a valid trigger space.
+		else {
+			that.debug.logEnd( 'ABORT. Not around of any edge.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			return null;
+		}
+		// Reject wrong elements.
+		// 	\-> Reject an element which is a flow breaker.
+		// 	\-> Reject an element which has a child above/below the mouse pointer.
+		//	\-> Reject an element which belongs to list items.
+		if( isFlowBreaker( element ) ||
+			isChildBetweenPointerAndEdge( that, element, bottomTrigger ) ||
+			element.getParent().is( DTD_LISTITEM ) ) {
+				that.debug.logEnd( 'ABORT. element is wrong', element ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				return null;
+		}
+		// Get sibling according to bottomTrigger.
+		var elementSibling = getNonEmptyNeighbour( that, element, !bottomTrigger );
+		// No sibling element.
+		// This is a first or last child case.
+		if ( !elementSibling ) {
+			// No need to reject the element as it has already been done before.
+			// Prepare a trigger.
+			// Determine trigger look.
+			if ( element.equals( that.editable[ bottomTrigger ? 'getLast' : 'getFirst' ]( that.isRelevant ) ) ) {
+				updateEditableSize( that );
+				if ( bottomTrigger && inBetween( mouse.y,
+					element.size.bottom - fixedOffset, view.pane.height ) &&
+					inBetween( element.size.bottom, view.pane.height - fixedOffset, view.pane.height ) ) {
+						triggerLook = LOOK_BOTTOM;
+				}
+				else if ( inBetween( mouse.y, 0, element.size.top + fixedOffset ) ) {
+					triggerLook = LOOK_TOP;
+				}
+			}
+			else
+				triggerLook = LOOK_NORMAL;
+			triggerSetup = [ null, element ][ bottomTrigger ? 'reverse' : 'concat' ]().concat( [
+					bottomTrigger ? EDGE_BOTTOM : EDGE_TOP,
+					TYPE_EDGE,
+					triggerLook,
+					element.equals( that.editable[ bottomTrigger ? 'getLast' : 'getFirst' ]( that.isRelevant ) ) ?
+						( bottomTrigger ? LOOK_BOTTOM : LOOK_TOP ) : LOOK_NORMAL
+				] );
+			that.debug.log( 'Configured edge trigger of ' + ( bottomTrigger ? 'EDGE_BOTTOM' : 'EDGE_TOP' ) ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+		}
+		// Abort. Sibling is a text element.
+		else if ( isTextNode( elementSibling ) ) {
+			that.debug.logEnd( 'ABORT. Sibling is non-empty text element' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			return null;
+		}
+		// Check if the sibling is a HTML element.
+		// If so, create an TYPE_EDGE, EDGE_MIDDLE trigger.
+		else if ( isHtml( elementSibling ) ) {
+			// Reject wrong elementSiblings.
+			// 	\-> Reject an elementSibling which is a flow breaker.
+			//	\-> Reject an elementSibling which isn't a trigger.
+			//	\-> Reject an elementSibling which belongs to list items.
+			if( isFlowBreaker( elementSibling ) ||
+				!isTrigger( that, elementSibling ) ||
+				elementSibling.getParent().is( DTD_LISTITEM ) ) {
+					that.debug.logEnd( 'ABORT. elementSibling is wrong', elementSibling ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+					return null;
+			}
+			// Prepare a trigger.
+			triggerSetup = [ elementSibling, element ][ bottomTrigger ? 'reverse' : 'concat' ]().concat( [
+				] );
+			that.debug.log( 'Configured edge trigger of EDGE_MIDDLE' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+		}
+		if ( 0 in triggerSetup ) {
+			that.debug.logEnd( 'SUCCESS. Returning a trigger.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			return new boxTrigger( triggerSetup );
+		}
+		that.debug.logEnd( 'ABORT. No trigger generated.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+		return null;
+	}
+	// Checks iteratively up and down in search for elements using elementFromMouse method.
+	// Useful if between two triggers.
+	//
+	//	+----------------------- Parent element -+
+	//	| +----------------------- Element #1 -+ |
+	//	| |                                    | |
+	//	| |                                    | |
+	//	| |                                    | |
+	//	| +------------------------------------+ |
+	//	|                                        |  /--
+	//	|                  .                     |  |
+	//	|                  .      +-- Floated -+ |  |
+	//	|                  |      |            | |  |	* Mouse activation area *
+	//	|                  |      |   IGNORE   | |  |
+	//	|                  X      |            | |  |	Method searches vertically for sibling elements.
+	//	|                  |      +------------+ |  |	Start point is X (mouse-y coordinate).
+	//	|                  |                     |  |	Floated elements, comments and empty text nodes are omitted.
+	//	|                  .                     |  |
+	//	|                  .                     |  |
+	//	|                                        |  \--
+	//	| +----------------------- Element #2 -+ |
+	//	| |                                    | |
+	//	| |                                    | |
+	//	| |                                    | |
+	//	| |                                    | |
+	//	| +------------------------------------+ |
+	//	+----------------------------------------+
+	//
+	var triggerExpand = ( function() {
+		// The heart of the procedure. This method creates triggers that are
+		// filtered by expandFilter method.
+		function expandEngine( that ) {
+			that.debug.groupStart( 'expandEngine' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			var startElement = that.element,
+				upper, lower, trigger;
+			if ( !isHtml( startElement ) || startElement.contains( that.editable ) ) {
+				that.debug.logEnd( 'ABORT. No start element, or start element contains editable.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				return null;
+			}
+			trigger = verticalSearch( that,
+				function( current, startElement ) {
+					return !startElement.equals( current );	// stop when start element and the current one differ
+				}, function( that, mouse ) {
+					return elementFromMouse( that, true, mouse );
+				}, startElement ),
+			upper = trigger.upper,
+			lower = trigger.lower;
+			that.debug.logElements( [ upper, lower ], [ 'Upper', 'Lower' ], 'Pair found' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			// Success: two siblings have been found
+			if ( areSiblings( that, upper, lower ) ) {
+				that.debug.logEnd( 'SUCCESS. Expand trigger created.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				return trigger.set( EDGE_MIDDLE, TYPE_EXPAND );
+			}
+			that.debug.logElements( [ startElement, upper, lower ], // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				[ 'Start', 'Upper', 'Lower' ], 'Post-processing' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			// Danger. Dragons ahead.
+			// No siblings have been found during previous phase, post-processing may be necessary.
+			// We can traverse DOM until a valid pair of elements around the pointer is found.
+			// Prepare for post-processing:
+			// 	1. Determine if upper and lower are children of startElement.
+			// 		1.1. If so, find their ascendants that are closest to startElement (one level deeper than startElement).
+			// 		1.2. Otherwise use first/last-child of the startElement as upper/lower. Why?:
+			// 			a) 	upper/lower belongs to another branch of the DOM tree.
+			// 			b) 	verticalSearch encountered an edge of the viewport and failed.
+			// 		1.3. Make sure upper and lower still exist. Why?:
+			// 			a) 	Upper and lower may be not belong to the branch of the startElement (may not exist at all) and
+			// 				startElement has no children.
+			// 	2. Perform the post-processing.
+			// 		2.1. Gather dimensions of an upper element.
+			// 		2.2. Abort if lower edge of upper is already under the mouse pointer. Why?:
+			// 			a) 	We expect upper to be above and lower below the mouse pointer.
+			// 	3. Perform iterative search while upper != lower.
+			// 		3.1. Find the upper-next element. If there's no such element, break current search. Why?:
+			// 			a)	There's no point in further search if there are only text nodes ahead.
+			// 		3.2. Calculate the distance between the middle point of ( upper, upperNext ) and mouse-y.
+			// 		3.3. If the distance is shorter than the previous best, save it (save upper, upperNext as well).
+			// 		3.4. If the optimal pair is found, assign it back to the trigger.
+			// 1.1., 1.2.
+			if ( upper && startElement.contains( upper ) ) {
+				while ( !upper.getParent().equals( startElement ) )
+					upper = upper.getParent();
+			} else {
+				upper = startElement.getFirst( function( node ) {
+					return expandSelector( that, node );
+				});
+			}
+			if ( lower && startElement.contains( lower ) ) {
+				while ( !lower.getParent().equals( startElement ) )
+					lower = lower.getParent();
+			} else {
+				lower = startElement.getLast( function( node ) {
+					return expandSelector( that, node );
+				});
+			}
+			// 1.3.
+			if ( !upper || !lower ) {
+				that.debug.logEnd( 'ABORT. There is no upper or no lower element.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				return null;
+			}
+			// 2.1.
+			updateSize( that, upper );
+			updateSize( that, lower );
+			if ( !checkMouseBetweenElements( that, upper, lower ) ) {
+				that.debug.logEnd( 'ABORT. Mouse is already above upper or below lower.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				return null;
+			}
+			var minDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+				currentDistance, upperNext, minElement, minElementNext;
+			while ( lower && !lower.equals( upper ) ) {
+				// 3.1.
+				if ( !( upperNext = upper.getNext( that.isRelevant ) ) )
+					break;
+				// 3.2.
+				currentDistance = Math.abs( getMidpoint( that, upper, upperNext ) - that.mouse.y );
+				// 3.3.
+				if ( currentDistance < minDistance ) {
+					minDistance = currentDistance;
+					minElement = upper;
+					minElementNext = upperNext;
+				}
+				upper = upperNext;
+				updateSize( that, upper );
+			}
+			that.debug.logElements( [ minElement, minElementNext ], // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				[ 'Min', 'MinNext' ], 'Post-processing results' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			// 3.4.
+			if ( !minElement || !minElementNext ) {
+				that.debug.logEnd( 'ABORT. No Min or MinNext' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				return null;
+			}
+			if ( !checkMouseBetweenElements( that, minElement, minElementNext ) ) {
+				that.debug.logEnd( 'ABORT. Mouse is already above minElement or below minElementNext.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				return null;
+			}
+			// An element of minimal distance has been found. Assign it to the trigger.
+			trigger.upper = minElement;
+			trigger.lower = minElementNext;
+			// Success: post-processing revealed a pair of elements.
+			that.debug.logEnd( 'SUCCESSFUL post-processing. Trigger created.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			return trigger.set( EDGE_MIDDLE, TYPE_EXPAND );
+		}
+		// This is default element selector used by the engine.
+		function expandSelector( that, node ) {
+			return !( isTextNode( node )
+				|| isComment( node )
+				|| isFlowBreaker( node )
+				|| isLine( that, node )
+				|| ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.$ && node.is( 'br' ) ) );
+		}
+		// This method checks whether mouse-y is between the top edge of upper
+		// and bottom edge of lower.
+		//
+		// NOTE: This method assumes that updateSize has already been called
+		// for the elements and is up-to-date.
+		//
+		//	+---------------------------- Upper -+  /--
+		//	|                                    |  |
+		//	+------------------------------------+  |
+		//                                          |
+		//                     ...                  |
+		//                                          |
+		//						X                   |	* Return true for mouse-y in this range *
+		//                                          |
+		//                     ...                  |
+		//                                          |
+		//	+---------------------------- Lower -+  |
+		//	|                                    |  |
+		//	+------------------------------------+  \--
+		//
+		function checkMouseBetweenElements( that, upper, lower ) {
+			return inBetween( that.mouse.y, upper.size.top, lower.size.bottom );
+		}
+		// A method for trigger filtering. Accepts or rejects trigger pairs
+		// by their location in DOM etc.
+		function expandFilter( that, trigger ) {
+			that.debug.groupStart( 'expandFilter' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			var upper = trigger.upper,
+				lower = trigger.lower;
+			if ( !upper || !lower 											// NOT: EDGE_MIDDLE trigger ALWAYS has two elements.
+				|| isFlowBreaker( lower ) || isFlowBreaker( upper )			// NOT: one of the elements is floated or positioned
+				|| lower.equals( upper ) || upper.equals( lower ) 			// NOT: two trigger elements, one equals another.
+				|| lower.contains( upper ) || upper.contains( lower ) ) { 	// NOT: two trigger elements, one contains another.
+				that.debug.logEnd( 'REJECTED. No upper or no lower or they contain each other.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				return false;
+			}
+			// YES: two trigger elements, pure siblings.
+			else if ( isTrigger( that, upper ) && isTrigger( that, lower ) && areSiblings( that, upper, lower ) ) {
+				that.debug.logElementsEnd( [ upper, lower ], // %REMOVE_LINE%
+					[ 'upper', 'lower' ], 'APPROVED EDGE_MIDDLE' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				return true;
+			}
+			that.debug.logElementsEnd( [ upper, lower ], // %REMOVE_LINE%
+				[ 'upper', 'lower' ], 'Rejected unknown pair' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			return false;
+		}
+		// Simple wrapper for expandEngine and expandFilter.
+		return function( that ) {
+			that.debug.groupStart( 'triggerExpand' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			var trigger = expandEngine( that );
+			that.debug.groupEnd(); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			return trigger && expandFilter( that, trigger ) ? trigger : null;
+		};
+	})();
+	// Collects dimensions of an element.
+	var sizePrefixes = [ 'top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom' ];
+	function getSize( that, element, ignoreScroll, force ) {
+		var getStyle = (function() {
+			// Better "cache and reuse" than "call again and again".
+			var computed = env.ie ? element.$.currentStyle : that.win.$.getComputedStyle( element.$, '' );
+				return env.ie ?
+					function( propertyName ) {
+						return computed[ CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle( propertyName ) ];
+					} : function( propertyName ) {
+						return computed.getPropertyValue( propertyName );
+					};
+			})(),
+			docPosition = element.getDocumentPosition(),
+			border = {},
+			margin = {},
+			padding = {},
+			box = {};
+		for ( var i = sizePrefixes.length; i--; ) {
+			border[ sizePrefixes[ i ] ] = parseInt( getStyle( 'border-' + sizePrefixes[ i ] + '-width' ), 10 ) || 0;
+			padding[ sizePrefixes[ i ] ] = parseInt( getStyle( 'padding-' + sizePrefixes[ i ] ), 10 ) || 0;
+			margin[ sizePrefixes[ i ] ] = parseInt( getStyle( 'margin-' + sizePrefixes[ i ] ), 10 ) || 0;
+		}
+		// updateWindowSize if forced to do so OR NOT ignoring scroll.
+		if ( !ignoreScroll || force )
+			updateWindowSize( that, force );
+		box.top = docPosition.y - ( ignoreScroll ? 0 : that.view.scroll.y ), box.left = docPosition.x - ( ignoreScroll ? 0 : that.view.scroll.x ),
+		// w/ borders and paddings.
+		box.outerWidth = element.$.offsetWidth, box.outerHeight = element.$.offsetHeight,
+		// w/o borders and paddings.
+		box.height = box.outerHeight - ( padding.top + padding.bottom + border.top + border.bottom ), box.width = box.outerWidth - ( padding.left + padding.right + border.left + border.right ),
+		box.bottom = box.top + box.outerHeight, box.right = box.left + box.outerWidth;
+		if ( that.inInlineMode ) {
+			box.scroll = {
+				top: element.$.scrollTop,
+				left: element.$.scrollLeft
+			};
+		}
+		return extend({
+			border: border,
+			padding: padding,
+			margin: margin,
+			ignoreScroll: ignoreScroll
+		}, box, true );
+	}
+	function updateSize( that, element, ignoreScroll ) {
+		if ( !isHtml( element ) ) // i.e. an element is hidden
+			return ( element.size = null ); //	-> reset size to make it useless for other methods
+		if ( !element.size )
+			element.size = {};
+		// Abort if there was a similar query performed recently.
+		// This kind of caching provides great performance improvement.
+		else if ( element.size.ignoreScroll == ignoreScroll && element.size.date > new Date() - CACHE_TIME ) {
+			that.debug.log( 'element.size: get from cache' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			return null;
+		}
+		that.debug.log( 'element.size: capture' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+		return extend( element.size, getSize( that, element, ignoreScroll ), {
+			date: +new Date()
+		}, true );
+	}
+	// Updates that.view.editable object.
+	// This one must be called separately outside of updateWindowSize
+	// to prevent cyclic dependency getSize<->updateWindowSize.
+	// It calls getSize with force flag to avoid getWindowSize cache (look: getSize).
+	function updateEditableSize( that, ignoreScroll ) {
+		that.view.editable = getSize( that, that.editable, ignoreScroll, true );
+	}
+	function updateWindowSize( that, force ) {
+		if ( !that.view )
+			that.view = {};
+		var view = that.view;
+		if ( !force && view && view.date > new Date() - CACHE_TIME ) {
+			that.debug.log( 'win.size: get from cache' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+			return;
+		}
+		that.debug.log( 'win.size: capturing' ); // %REMOVE_LINE%
+		var win = that.win,
+			scroll = win.getScrollPosition(),
+			paneSize = win.getViewPaneSize();
+		extend( that.view, {
+			scroll: {
+				x: scroll.x,
+				y: scroll.y,
+				width: that.doc.$.documentElement.scrollWidth - paneSize.width,
+				height: that.doc.$.documentElement.scrollHeight - paneSize.height
+			},
+			pane: {
+				width: paneSize.width,
+				height: paneSize.height,
+				bottom: paneSize.height + scroll.y
+			},
+			date: +new Date()
+		}, true );
+	}
+	// This method searches document vertically using given
+	// select criterion until stop criterion is fulfilled.
+	function verticalSearch( that, stopCondition, selectCriterion, startElement ) {
+		var upper = startElement,
+			lower = startElement,
+			mouseStep = 0,
+			upperFound = false,
+			lowerFound = false,
+			viewPaneHeight = that.view.pane.height,
+			mouse = that.mouse;
+		while ( mouse.y + mouseStep < viewPaneHeight && mouse.y - mouseStep > 0 ) {
+			if ( !upperFound )
+				upperFound = stopCondition( upper, startElement );
+			if ( !lowerFound )
+				lowerFound = stopCondition( lower, startElement );
+			// Still not found...
+			if ( !upperFound && mouse.y - mouseStep > 0 )
+				upper = selectCriterion( that, { x: mouse.x, y: mouse.y - mouseStep } );
+			if ( !lowerFound && mouse.y + mouseStep < viewPaneHeight )
+				lower = selectCriterion( that, { x: mouse.x, y: mouse.y + mouseStep } );
+			if ( upperFound && lowerFound )
+				break;
+			// Instead of ++ to reduce the number of invocations by half.
+			// It's trades off accuracy in some edge cases for improved performance.
+			mouseStep += 2;
+		}
+		return new boxTrigger( [ upper, lower, null, null ] );
+	}
+ * Sets the default vertical distance between element edge and mouse pointer that
+ * causes the box to appear. The distance is expressed in pixels (px).
+ *
+ *		// Changes the offset to 15px.
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.magicline_triggerOffset = 15;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [magicline_triggerOffset=30]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ * @see CKEDITOR.config#magicline_holdDistance
+ */
+ * Defines the distance between mouse pointer and the box, within
+ * which the box stays revealed and no other focus space is offered to be accessed.
+ * The value is relative to {@link #magicline_triggerOffset}.
+ *
+ *		// Increases the distance to 80% of CKEDITOR.config.magicline_triggerOffset.
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.magicline_holdDistance = .8;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [magicline_holdDistance=0.5]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ * @see CKEDITOR.config#magicline_triggerOffset
+ */
+ * Defines default keystroke that access the closest unreachable focus space **before**
+ * the caret (start of the selection). If there's no any focus space, selection remains.
+ *
+ *		// Changes keystroke to CTRL + ,
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.magicline_keystrokePrevious = CKEDITOR.CTRL + 188;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [magicline_keystrokePrevious=CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.ALT + 219 (CTRL + ALT + [)]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+CKEDITOR.config.magicline_keystrokePrevious = CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.ALT + 219; // CTRL + ALT + [
+ * Defines default keystroke that access the closest unreachable focus space **after**
+ * the caret (start of the selection). If there's no any focus space, selection remains.
+ *
+ *		// Changes keystroke to CTRL + .
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.magicline_keystrokeNext = CKEDITOR.CTRL + 190;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [magicline_keystrokeNext=CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.ALT + 221 (CTRL + ALT + ])]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+CKEDITOR.config.magicline_keystrokeNext = CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.ALT + 221; // CTRL + ALT + ]
+ * Defines box color. The color may be adjusted to enhance readability.
+ *
+ *		// Changes color to blue.
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.magicline_color = '#0000FF';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [magicline_color='#FF0000']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * Activates plugin mode that considers all focus spaces between
+ * {@link CKEDITOR.dtd#$block} elements as accessible by the box.
+ *
+ *		// Enables "put everywhere" mode.
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.magicline_putEverywhere = true;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [magicline_putEverywhere=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/samples/magicline.html b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/samples/magicline.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77e9093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/magicline/samples/magicline.html
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+	<title>Using Magicline plugin — CKEditor Sample</title>
+	<meta charset="utf-8">
+	<script src="../../../ckeditor.js"></script>
+	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../samples/sample.css">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-name" content="Magicline plugin">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-group" content="Plugins">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-description" content="Using the Magicline plugin to access difficult focus spaces.">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-isnew" content="1">
+	<h1 class="samples">
+		<a href="../../../samples/index.html">CKEditor Samples</a> » Using Magicline plugin
+	</h1>
+	<div class="description">
+		<p>
+			This sample shows the advantages of <strong>Magicline</strong> plugin
+			which is to enhance the editing process. Thanks to this plugin,
+			a number of difficult focus spaces which are inaccessible due to
+			browser issues can now be focused.
+		</p>
+		<p>
+			<strong>Magicline</strong> plugin shows a red line with a handler
+			which, when clicked, inserts a paragraph and allows typing. To see this,
+			focus an editor and move your mouse above the focus space you want
+			to access. The plugin is enabled by default so no additional
+			configuration is necessary.
+		</p>
+	</div>
+	<div>
+		<label for="editor1">
+			Editor 1:
+		</label>
+		<div class="description">
+			<p>
+				This editor uses a default <strong>Magicline</strong> setup.
+			</p>
+		</div>
+		<textarea cols="80" id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10">
+			<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 100%; ">
+				<tbody>
+					<tr>
+						<td>This table</td>
+						<td>is the</td>
+						<td>very first</td>
+						<td>element of the document.</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>We are still</td>
+						<td>able to acces</td>
+						<td>the space before it.</td>
+						<td>
+						<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 100%; ">
+							<tbody>
+								<tr>
+									<td>This table is inside of a cell of another table.</td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td>We can type&nbsp;either before or after it though.</td>
+								</tr>
+							</tbody>
+						</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+				</tbody>
+			</table>
+			<p>Two succesive horizontal lines (<tt>HR</tt> tags). We can access the space in between:</p>
+			<hr />
+			<hr />
+			<ol>
+				<li>This numbered list...</li>
+				<li>...is a neighbour of a horizontal line...</li>
+				<li>...and another list.</li>
+			</ol>
+			<ul>
+				<li>We can type between the lists...</li>
+				<li>...thanks to <strong>Magicline</strong>.</li>
+			</ul>
+			<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet dui. Morbi vel turpis. Nullam et leo. Etiam rutrum, urna tellus dui vel tincidunt mattis egestas, justo fringilla vel, massa. Phasellus.</p>
+			<p>Quisque iaculis, dui lectus varius vitae, tortor. Proin lacus. Pellentesque ac lacus. Aenean nonummy commodo nec, pede. Etiam blandit risus elit.</p>
+			<p>Ut pretium. Vestibulum rutrum in, adipiscing elit. Sed in quam in purus sem vitae pede. Pellentesque bibendum, urna sem vel risus. Vivamus posuere metus. Aliquam gravida iaculis nisl. Nam enim. Aliquam erat ac lacus tellus ac felis.</p>
+			<div style="border: 2px dashed green; background: #ddd; text-align: center;">
+			<p>This text is wrapped in a&nbsp;<tt>DIV</tt>&nbsp;element. We can type after this element though.</p>
+			</div>
+		</textarea>
+		<script>
+			// This call can be placed at any point after the
+			// <textarea>, or inside a <head><script> in a
+			// window.onload event handler.
+			CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
+				extraPlugins: 'magicline' // Ensure that magicline plugin, which is required for this sample, is loaded.
+			} );
+		</script>
+	</div>
+	<br>
+	<div>
+		<label for="editor2">
+			Editor 2:
+		</label>
+		<div class="description">
+			<p>
+				This editor is using a blue line.
+			</p>
+<pre class="samples">
+CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor2', {
+	magicline_color: 'blue'
+		</div>
+		<textarea cols="80" id="editor2" name="editor2" rows="10">
+			<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 100%; ">
+				<tbody>
+					<tr>
+						<td>This table</td>
+						<td>is the</td>
+						<td>very first</td>
+						<td>element of the document.</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>We are still</td>
+						<td>able to acces</td>
+						<td>the space before it.</td>
+						<td>
+						<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 100%; ">
+							<tbody>
+								<tr>
+									<td>This table is inside of a cell of another table.</td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td>We can type&nbsp;either before or after it though.</td>
+								</tr>
+							</tbody>
+						</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+				</tbody>
+			</table>
+			<p>Two succesive horizontal lines (<tt>HR</tt> tags). We can access the space in between:</p>
+			<hr />
+			<hr />
+			<ol>
+				<li>This numbered list...</li>
+				<li>...is a neighbour of a horizontal line...</li>
+				<li>...and another list.</li>
+			</ol>
+			<ul>
+				<li>We can type between the lists...</li>
+				<li>...thanks to <strong>Magicline</strong>.</li>
+			</ul>
+			<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet dui. Morbi vel turpis. Nullam et leo. Etiam rutrum, urna tellus dui vel tincidunt mattis egestas, justo fringilla vel, massa. Phasellus.</p>
+			<p>Quisque iaculis, dui lectus varius vitae, tortor. Proin lacus. Pellentesque ac lacus. Aenean nonummy commodo nec, pede. Etiam blandit risus elit.</p>
+			<p>Ut pretium. Vestibulum rutrum in, adipiscing elit. Sed in quam in purus sem vitae pede. Pellentesque bibendum, urna sem vel risus. Vivamus posuere metus. Aliquam gravida iaculis nisl. Nam enim. Aliquam erat ac lacus tellus ac felis.</p>
+			<div style="border: 2px dashed green; background: #ddd; text-align: center;">
+			<p>This text is wrapped in a&nbsp;<tt>DIV</tt>&nbsp;element. We can type after this element though.</p>
+			</div>
+		</textarea>
+		<script>
+			// This call can be placed at any point after the
+			// <textarea>, or inside a <head><script> in a
+			// window.onload event handler.
+			CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor2', {
+				extraPlugins: 'magicline',	// Ensure that magicline plugin, which is required for this sample, is loaded.
+				magicline_color: 'blue'		// Blue line
+			});
+		</script>
+	</div>
+	<div id="footer">
+		<hr>
+		<p>
+			CKEditor - The text editor for the Internet - <a class="samples" href="http://ckeditor.com/">http://ckeditor.com</a>
+		</p>
+		<p id="copy">
+			Copyright © 2003-2013, <a class="samples" href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico
+			Knabben. All rights reserved.
+		</p>
+	</div>
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/icons/maximize.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/icons/maximize.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5bee88
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/icons/maximize.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aa6299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'af', {
+	maximize: 'Maksimaliseer',
+	minimize: 'Minimaliseer'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b9cd6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'ar', {
+	maximize: 'تكبير',
+	minimize: 'تصغير'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2f22f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'bg', {
+	maximize: 'Максимизиране',
+	minimize: 'Минимизиране'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec3a301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'bn', {
+	maximize: 'Maximize', // MISSING
+	minimize: 'Minimize' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63ada9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'bs', {
+	maximize: 'Maximize', // MISSING
+	minimize: 'Minimize' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec3af03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'ca', {
+	maximize: 'Maximitza',
+	minimize: 'Minimitza'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcd8237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'cs', {
+	maximize: 'Maximalizovat',
+	minimize: 'Minimalizovat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c874be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'cy', {
+	maximize: 'Mwyhau',
+	minimize: 'Lleihau'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8015f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'da', {
+	maximize: 'Maksimér',
+	minimize: 'Minimér'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b324d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'de', {
+	maximize: 'Maximieren',
+	minimize: 'Minimieren'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17c66c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'el', {
+	maximize: 'Μεγιστοποίηση',
+	minimize: 'Ελαχιστοποίηση'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61a3f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'en-au', {
+	maximize: 'Maximize',
+	minimize: 'Minimize' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ce8ef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'en-ca', {
+	maximize: 'Maximize',
+	minimize: 'Minimize' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df578f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'en-gb', {
+	maximize: 'Maximise',
+	minimize: 'Minimise'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f41c61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'en', {
+	maximize: 'Maximize',
+	minimize: 'Minimize'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f547568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'eo', {
+	maximize: 'Pligrandigi',
+	minimize: 'Malgrandigi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a542fd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'es', {
+	maximize: 'Maximizar',
+	minimize: 'Minimizar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e564658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'et', {
+	maximize: 'Maksimeerimine',
+	minimize: 'Minimeerimine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d509ea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'eu', {
+	maximize: 'Maximizatu',
+	minimize: 'Minimize' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a460640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'fa', {
+	maximize: 'حداکثر کردن',
+	minimize: 'حداقل کردن'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f848989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'fi', {
+	maximize: 'Suurenna',
+	minimize: 'Pienennä'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c54bac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'fo', {
+	maximize: 'Maksimera',
+	minimize: 'Minimera'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1084727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'fr-ca', {
+	maximize: 'Maximize', // MISSING
+	minimize: 'Minimize' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d534533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'fr', {
+	maximize: 'Agrandir',
+	minimize: 'Minimiser'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1a907c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'gl', {
+	maximize: 'Maximize', // MISSING
+	minimize: 'Minimize' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b9494c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'gu', {
+	maximize: 'મોટું કરવું',
+	minimize: 'નાનું કરવું'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ede41b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'he', {
+	maximize: 'הגדלה למקסימום',
+	minimize: 'הקטנה למינימום'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9410d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'hi', {
+	maximize: 'मेक्सिमाईज़',
+	minimize: 'मिनिमाईज़'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d31c292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'hr', {
+	maximize: 'Povećaj',
+	minimize: 'Smanji'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d882356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'hu', {
+	maximize: 'Teljes méret',
+	minimize: 'Kis méret'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6524119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'is', {
+	maximize: 'Maximize', // MISSING
+	minimize: 'Minimize' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cda8b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'it', {
+	maximize: 'Massimizza',
+	minimize: 'Minimizza'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a20f268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'ja', {
+	maximize: '最大化',
+	minimize: '最小化'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e89e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'ka', {
+	maximize: 'გადიდება',
+	minimize: 'დაპატარავება'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49b9323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'km', {
+	maximize: 'Maximize', // MISSING
+	minimize: 'Minimize' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dead8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'ko', {
+	maximize: 'Maximize', // MISSING
+	minimize: 'Minimize' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ff73a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'ku', {
+	maximize: 'ئەوپهڕی گەورەیی',
+	minimize: 'ئەوپەڕی بچووکی'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5ccdda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'lt', {
+	maximize: 'IÅ¡didinti',
+	minimize: 'Sumažinti'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c786553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'lv', {
+	maximize: 'Maksimizēt',
+	minimize: 'Minimizēt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04b02b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'mk', {
+	maximize: 'Maximize', // MISSING
+	minimize: 'Minimize' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c55b4b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'mn', {
+	maximize: 'Дэлгэц дүүргэх',
+	minimize: 'Цонхыг багсгаж харуулах'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f558336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'ms', {
+	maximize: 'Maximize', // MISSING
+	minimize: 'Minimize' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cf9186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'nb', {
+	maximize: 'Maksimer',
+	minimize: 'Minimer'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abd9a66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'nl', {
+	maximize: 'Maximaliseren',
+	minimize: 'Minimaliseren'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27b5427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'no', {
+	maximize: 'Maksimer',
+	minimize: 'Minimer'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0a0f48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'pl', {
+	maximize: 'Maksymalizuj',
+	minimize: 'Minimalizuj'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f28f19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'pt-br', {
+	maximize: 'Maximizar',
+	minimize: 'Minimize'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3cf174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'pt', {
+	maximize: 'Maximizar',
+	minimize: 'Minimizar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4d3a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'ro', {
+	maximize: 'Mărește',
+	minimize: 'Micșorează'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4421460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'ru', {
+	maximize: 'Развернуть',
+	minimize: 'Свернуть'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d525f22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'sk', {
+	maximize: 'Maximalizovať',
+	minimize: 'Minimalizovať'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..667e980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'sl', {
+	maximize: 'Maksimiraj',
+	minimize: 'Minimiraj'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecc882a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'sr-latn', {
+	maximize: 'Maximize', // MISSING
+	minimize: 'Minimize' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb13e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'sr', {
+	maximize: 'Maximize', // MISSING
+	minimize: 'Minimize' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85d648a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'sv', {
+	maximize: 'Maximera',
+	minimize: 'Minimera'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d00306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'th', {
+	maximize: 'Maximize', // MISSING
+	minimize: 'Minimize' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..400f83a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'tr', {
+	maximize: 'Büyült',
+	minimize: 'Küçült'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27c3dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'ug', {
+	maximize: 'چوڭايت',
+	minimize: 'كىچىكلەت'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4af4fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'uk', {
+	maximize: 'Максимізувати',
+	minimize: 'Мінімізувати'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cc1229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'vi', {
+	maximize: 'Phóng to tối đa',
+	minimize: 'Thu nhỏ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c1c0b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'zh-cn', {
+	maximize: '全屏',
+	minimize: '最小化'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24c8dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'maximize', 'zh', {
+	maximize: '最大化',
+	minimize: '最小化'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/plugin.js
index 9f18043..e28e46e 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/plugin.js
@@ -1,23 +1,19 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	function protectFormStyles( formElement )
-	{
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	function protectFormStyles( formElement ) {
 		if ( !formElement || formElement.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || formElement.getName() != 'form' )
 			return [];
-		var hijackRecord = [];
-		var hijackNames = [ 'style', 'className' ];
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < hijackNames.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			var name = hijackNames[i];
+		var hijackRecord = [],
+			hijackNames = [ 'style', 'className' ];
+		for ( var i = 0; i < hijackNames.length; i++ ) {
+			var name = hijackNames[ i ];
 			var $node = formElement.$.elements.namedItem( name );
-			if ( $node )
-			{
+			if ( $node ) {
 				var hijackNode = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( $node );
 				hijackRecord.push( [ hijackNode, hijackNode.nextSibling ] );
@@ -27,17 +23,14 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		return hijackRecord;
-	function restoreFormStyles( formElement, hijackRecord )
-	{
+	function restoreFormStyles( formElement, hijackRecord ) {
 		if ( !formElement || formElement.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || formElement.getName() != 'form' )
-		if ( hijackRecord.length > 0 )
-		{
-			for ( var i = hijackRecord.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-			{
-				var node = hijackRecord[i][0];
-				var sibling = hijackRecord[i][1];
+		if ( hijackRecord.length > 0 ) {
+			for ( var i = hijackRecord.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+				var node = hijackRecord[ i ][ 0 ];
+				var sibling = hijackRecord[ i ][ 1 ];
 				if ( sibling )
 					node.insertBefore( sibling );
@@ -46,29 +39,26 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	function saveStyles( element, isInsideEditor )
-	{
+	function saveStyles( element, isInsideEditor ) {
 		var data = protectFormStyles( element );
 		var retval = {};
 		var $element = element.$;
-		if ( !isInsideEditor )
-		{
+		if ( !isInsideEditor ) {
 			retval[ 'class' ] = $element.className || '';
 			$element.className = '';
 		retval.inline = $element.style.cssText || '';
-		if ( !isInsideEditor )		// Reset any external styles that might interfere. (#2474)
-			$element.style.cssText = 'position: static; overflow: visible';
+		if ( !isInsideEditor ) // Reset any external styles that might interfere. (#2474)
+		$element.style.cssText = 'position: static; overflow: visible';
 		restoreFormStyles( data );
 		return retval;
-	function restoreStyles( element, savedStyles )
-	{
+	function restoreStyles( element, savedStyles ) {
 		var data = protectFormStyles( element );
 		var $element = element.$;
 		if ( 'class' in savedStyles )
@@ -78,15 +68,12 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		restoreFormStyles( data );
-	function refreshCursor( editor )
-	{
+	function refreshCursor( editor ) {
 		// Refresh all editor instances on the page (#5724).
 		var all = CKEDITOR.instances;
-		for ( var i in all )
-		{
+		for ( var i in all ) {
 			var one = all[ i ];
-			if ( one.mode == 'wysiwyg' )
-			{
+			if ( one.mode == 'wysiwyg' && !one.readOnly ) {
 				var body = one.document.getBody();
 				// Refresh 'contentEditable' otherwise
 				// DOM lifting breaks design mode. (#5560)
@@ -95,249 +82,220 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-		if ( editor.focusManager.hasFocus )
-		{
+		if ( editor.editable().hasFocus ) {
-	/**
-	 * Adding an iframe shim to this element, OR removing the existing one if already applied.
-	 * Note: This will only affect IE version below 7.
-	 */
-	 function createIframeShim( element )
-	{
-		if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.version > 6 )
-			return null;
-		var shim = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<iframe frameborder="0" tabindex="-1"' +
-					' src="javascript:' +
-					   'void((function(){' +
-						   'document.open();' +
-						   ( CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain() ? 'document.domain=\'' + this.getDocument().$.domain + '\';' : '' ) +
-						   'document.close();' +
-					   '})())"' +
-					' style="display:block;position:absolute;z-index:-1;' +
-					'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0);' +
-					'"></iframe>' );
-		return element.append( shim, true );
-	}
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'maximize', {
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'maximize', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			// Maximize plugin isn't available in inline mode yet.
+			if ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE )
+				return;
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'maximize',
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
 			var lang = editor.lang;
-			var mainDocument = CKEDITOR.document;
-			var mainWindow = mainDocument.getWindow();
+			var mainDocument = CKEDITOR.document,
+				mainWindow = mainDocument.getWindow();
 			// Saved selection and scroll position for the editing area.
-			var savedSelection;
-			var savedScroll;
+			var savedSelection, savedScroll;
 			// Saved scroll position for the outer window.
 			var outerScroll;
-			var shim;
 			// Saved resize handler function.
-			function resizeHandler()
-			{
+			function resizeHandler() {
 				var viewPaneSize = mainWindow.getViewPaneSize();
-				shim && shim.setStyles( { width : viewPaneSize.width + 'px', height : viewPaneSize.height + 'px' } );
 				editor.resize( viewPaneSize.width, viewPaneSize.height, null, true );
 			// Retain state after mode switches.
 			var savedState = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
-			editor.addCommand( 'maximize',
-				{
-					modes : { wysiwyg : 1, source : 1 },
-					editorFocus : false,
-					exec : function()
+			editor.addCommand( 'maximize', {
+				// Disabled on iOS (#8307).
+				modes: { wysiwyg: !CKEDITOR.env.iOS, source: !CKEDITOR.env.iOS },
+				readOnly: 1,
+				editorFocus: false,
+				exec: function() {
+					var container = editor.container.getChild( 1 );
+					var contents = editor.ui.space( 'contents' );
+					// Save current selection and scroll position in editing area.
+					if ( editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' ) {
+						var selection = editor.getSelection();
+						savedSelection = selection && selection.getRanges();
+						savedScroll = mainWindow.getScrollPosition();
+					} else {
+						var $textarea = editor.editable().$;
+						savedSelection = !CKEDITOR.env.ie && [ $textarea.selectionStart, $textarea.selectionEnd ];
+						savedScroll = [ $textarea.scrollLeft, $textarea.scrollTop ];
+					}
+					if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF ) // Go fullscreen if the state is off.
-						var container = editor.container.getChild( 1 );
-						var contents = editor.getThemeSpace( 'contents' );
-						// Save current selection and scroll position in editing area.
-						if ( editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' )
-						{
-							var selection = editor.getSelection();
-							savedSelection = selection && selection.getRanges();
-							savedScroll = mainWindow.getScrollPosition();
+						// Add event handler for resizing.
+						mainWindow.on( 'resize', resizeHandler );
+						// Save the scroll bar position.
+						outerScroll = mainWindow.getScrollPosition();
+						// Save and reset the styles for the entire node tree.
+						var currentNode = editor.container;
+						while ( ( currentNode = currentNode.getParent() ) ) {
+							currentNode.setCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles', saveStyles( currentNode ) );
+							// Show under floatpanels (-1) and context menu (-2).
+							currentNode.setStyle( 'z-index', editor.config.baseFloatZIndex - 5 );
-						else
-						{
-							var $textarea = editor.textarea.$;
-							savedSelection = !CKEDITOR.env.ie && [ $textarea.selectionStart, $textarea.selectionEnd ];
-							savedScroll = [ $textarea.scrollLeft, $textarea.scrollTop ];
+						contents.setCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles', saveStyles( contents, true ) );
+						container.setCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles', saveStyles( container, true ) );
+						// Hide scroll bars.
+						var styles = {
+							overflow: CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? '' : 'hidden', // #6896
+							width: 0,
+							height: 0
+						};
+						mainDocument.getDocumentElement().setStyles( styles );
+						!CKEDITOR.env.gecko && mainDocument.getDocumentElement().setStyle( 'position', 'fixed' );
+						!( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ) && mainDocument.getBody().setStyles( styles );
+						// Scroll to the top left (IE needs some time for it - #4923).
+						CKEDITOR.env.ie ? setTimeout( function() {
+							mainWindow.$.scrollTo( 0, 0 );
+						}, 0 ) : mainWindow.$.scrollTo( 0, 0 );
+						// Resize and move to top left.
+						// Special treatment for FF Quirks (#7284)
+						container.setStyle( 'position', CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ? 'fixed' : 'absolute' );
+						container.$.offsetLeft; // SAFARI BUG: See #2066.
+						container.setStyles({
+							// Show under floatpanels (-1) and context menu (-2).
+							'z-index': editor.config.baseFloatZIndex - 5,
+							left: '0px',
+							top: '0px'
+						});
+						// Add cke_maximized class before resize handle since that will change things sizes (#5580)
+						container.addClass( 'cke_maximized' );
+						resizeHandler();
+						// Still not top left? Fix it. (Bug #174)
+						var offset = container.getDocumentPosition();
+						container.setStyles({
+							left: ( -1 * offset.x ) + 'px',
+							top: ( -1 * offset.y ) + 'px'
+						});
+						// Fixing positioning editor chrome in Firefox break design mode. (#5149)
+						CKEDITOR.env.gecko && refreshCursor( editor );
+					} else if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ) // Restore from fullscreen if the state is on.
+					{
+						// Remove event handler for resizing.
+						mainWindow.removeListener( 'resize', resizeHandler );
+						// Restore CSS styles for the entire node tree.
+						var editorElements = [ contents, container ];
+						for ( var i = 0; i < editorElements.length; i++ ) {
+							restoreStyles( editorElements[ i ], editorElements[ i ].getCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles' ) );
+							editorElements[ i ].removeCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles' );
-						if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF )		// Go fullscreen if the state is off.
-						{
-							// Add event handler for resizing.
-							mainWindow.on( 'resize', resizeHandler );
-							// Save the scroll bar position.
-							outerScroll = mainWindow.getScrollPosition();
-							// Save and reset the styles for the entire node tree.
-							var currentNode = editor.container;
-							while ( ( currentNode = currentNode.getParent() ) )
-							{
-								currentNode.setCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles', saveStyles( currentNode ) );
-								currentNode.setStyle( 'z-index', editor.config.baseFloatZIndex - 1 );
-							}
-							contents.setCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles', saveStyles( contents, true ) );
-							container.setCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles', saveStyles( container, true ) );
-							// Hide scroll bars.
-							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-							{
-								mainDocument.$.documentElement.style.overflow =
-									mainDocument.getBody().$.style.overflow = 'hidden';
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								mainDocument.getBody().setStyles(
-									{
-										overflow : 'hidden',
-										width : '0px',
-										height : '0px'
-									} );
-							}
-							// Scroll to the top left (IE needs some time for it - #4923).
-							CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
-								setTimeout( function() { mainWindow.$.scrollTo( 0, 0 ); }, 0 ) :
-								mainWindow.$.scrollTo( 0, 0 );
-							// Resize and move to top left.
-							var viewPaneSize = mainWindow.getViewPaneSize();
-							container.setStyle( 'position', 'absolute' );
-							container.$.offsetLeft;			// SAFARI BUG: See #2066.
-							container.setStyles(
-								{
-									'z-index' : editor.config.baseFloatZIndex - 1,
-									left : '0px',
-									top : '0px'
-								} );
-							shim =  createIframeShim( container );		// IE6 select element penetration when maximized. (#4459)
-							// Add cke_maximized class before resize handle since that will change things sizes (#5580)
-							container.addClass( 'cke_maximized' );
-							resizeHandler();
-							// Still not top left? Fix it. (Bug #174)
-							var offset = container.getDocumentPosition();
-							container.setStyles(
-								{
-									left : ( -1 * offset.x ) + 'px',
-									top : ( -1 * offset.y ) + 'px'
-								} );
+						currentNode = editor.container;
+						while ( ( currentNode = currentNode.getParent() ) ) {
+							restoreStyles( currentNode, currentNode.getCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles' ) );
+							currentNode.removeCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles' );
+						}
-							// Fixing positioning editor chrome in Firefox break design mode. (#5149)
-							CKEDITOR.env.gecko && refreshCursor( editor );
+						// Restore the window scroll position.
+						CKEDITOR.env.ie ? setTimeout( function() {
+							mainWindow.$.scrollTo( outerScroll.x, outerScroll.y );
+						}, 0 ) : mainWindow.$.scrollTo( outerScroll.x, outerScroll.y );
+						// Remove cke_maximized class.
+						container.removeClass( 'cke_maximized' );
+						// Webkit requires a re-layout on editor chrome. (#6695)
+						if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
+							container.setStyle( 'display', 'inline' );
+							setTimeout( function() {
+								container.setStyle( 'display', 'block' );
+							}, 0 );
-						else if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON )	// Restore from fullscreen if the state is on.
-						{
-							// Remove event handler for resizing.
-							mainWindow.removeListener( 'resize', resizeHandler );
-							// Restore CSS styles for the entire node tree.
-							var editorElements = [ contents, container ];
-							for ( var i = 0 ; i < editorElements.length ; i++ )
-							{
-								restoreStyles( editorElements[i], editorElements[i].getCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles' ) );
-								editorElements[i].removeCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles' );
-							}
-							currentNode = editor.container;
-							while ( ( currentNode = currentNode.getParent() ) )
-							{
-								restoreStyles( currentNode, currentNode.getCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles' ) );
-								currentNode.removeCustomData( 'maximize_saved_styles' );
-							}
-							// Restore the window scroll position.
-							CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
-								setTimeout( function() { mainWindow.$.scrollTo( outerScroll.x, outerScroll.y ); }, 0 ) :
-								mainWindow.$.scrollTo( outerScroll.x, outerScroll.y );
-							// Remove cke_maximized class.
-							container.removeClass( 'cke_maximized' );
-							if ( shim )
-							{
-								shim.remove();
-								shim = null;
-							}
-							// Emit a resize event, because this time the size is modified in
-							// restoreStyles.
-							editor.fire( 'resize' );
-						}
-						this.toggleState();
+						// Emit a resize event, because this time the size is modified in
+						// restoreStyles.
+						editor.fire( 'resize' );
+					}
+					this.toggleState();
-						// Toggle button label.
-						var button = this.uiItems[ 0 ];
-						var label = ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF )
-							? lang.maximize : lang.minimize;
-						var buttonNode = editor.element.getDocument().getById( button._.id );
+					// Toggle button label.
+					var button = this.uiItems[ 0 ];
+					// Only try to change the button if it exists (#6166)
+					if ( button ) {
+						var label = ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF ) ? lang.maximize.maximize : lang.maximize.minimize;
+						var buttonNode = CKEDITOR.document.getById( button._.id );
 						buttonNode.getChild( 1 ).setHtml( label );
 						buttonNode.setAttribute( 'title', label );
 						buttonNode.setAttribute( 'href', 'javascript:void("' + label + '");' );
+					}
-						// Restore selection and scroll position in editing area.
-						if ( editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' )
-						{
-							if ( savedSelection )
-							{
-								// Fixing positioning editor chrome in Firefox break design mode. (#5149)
-								CKEDITOR.env.gecko && refreshCursor( editor );
-								editor.getSelection().selectRanges(savedSelection);
-								var element = editor.getSelection().getStartElement();
-								element && element.scrollIntoView( true );
-							}
-							else
-								mainWindow.$.scrollTo( savedScroll.x, savedScroll.y );
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							if ( savedSelection )
-							{
-								$textarea.selectionStart = savedSelection[0];
-								$textarea.selectionEnd = savedSelection[1];
-							}
-							$textarea.scrollLeft = savedScroll[0];
-							$textarea.scrollTop = savedScroll[1];
-						}
+					// Restore selection and scroll position in editing area.
+					if ( editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' ) {
+						if ( savedSelection ) {
+							// Fixing positioning editor chrome in Firefox break design mode. (#5149)
+							CKEDITOR.env.gecko && refreshCursor( editor );
-						savedSelection = savedScroll = null;
-						savedState = this.state;
-					},
-					canUndo : false
-				} );
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'Maximize',
-				{
-					label : lang.maximize,
-					command : 'maximize'
-				} );
-			// Restore the command state after mode change.
-			editor.on( 'mode', function()
-				{
-					editor.getCommand( 'maximize' ).setState( savedState );
-				}, null, null, 100 );
+							editor.getSelection().selectRanges( savedSelection );
+							var element = editor.getSelection().getStartElement();
+							element && element.scrollIntoView( true );
+						} else
+							mainWindow.$.scrollTo( savedScroll.x, savedScroll.y );
+					} else {
+						if ( savedSelection ) {
+							$textarea.selectionStart = savedSelection[ 0 ];
+							$textarea.selectionEnd = savedSelection[ 1 ];
+						}
+						$textarea.scrollLeft = savedScroll[ 0 ];
+						$textarea.scrollTop = savedScroll[ 1 ];
+					}
+					savedSelection = savedScroll = null;
+					savedState = this.state;
+					editor.fire( 'maximize', this.state );
+				},
+				canUndo: false
+			});
+			editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'Maximize', {
+				label: lang.maximize.maximize,
+				command: 'maximize',
+				toolbar: 'tools,10'
+			});
+			// Restore the command state after mode change, unless it has been changed to disabled (#6467)
+			editor.on( 'mode', function() {
+				var command = editor.getCommand( 'maximize' );
+				command.setState( command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED : savedState );
+			}, null, null, 100 );
-	} );
+	});
+ * Event fired when the maximize command is called.
+ * It also indicates whether an editor is maximized or not.
+ *
+ * @event maximize
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param {Number} data Current state of the command. See {@link CKEDITOR#TRISTATE_ON} and {@link CKEDITOR#TRISTATE_OFF}.
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/menu/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/menu/plugin.js
index 74fbb4f..e039b6b 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/menu/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/menu/plugin.js
@@ -1,67 +1,154 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'menu',
-	beforeInit : function( editor )
-	{
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'menu', {
+	requires: 'floatpanel',
+	beforeInit: function( editor ) {
 		var groups = editor.config.menu_groups.split( ',' ),
 			groupsOrder = editor._.menuGroups = {},
 			menuItems = editor._.menuItems = {};
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < groups.length ; i++ )
+		for ( var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++ )
 			groupsOrder[ groups[ i ] ] = i + 1;
-		editor.addMenuGroup = function( name, order )
-			{
-				groupsOrder[ name ] = order || 100;
-			};
-		editor.addMenuItem = function( name, definition )
-			{
-				if ( groupsOrder[ definition.group ] )
-					menuItems[ name ] = new CKEDITOR.menuItem( this, name, definition );
-			};
-		editor.addMenuItems = function( definitions )
-			{
-				for ( var itemName in definitions )
-				{
-					this.addMenuItem( itemName, definitions[ itemName ] );
-				}
-			};
-		editor.getMenuItem = function( name )
-			{
-				return menuItems[ name ];
-			};
-	},
-	requires : [ 'floatpanel' ]
+		/**
+		 * Registers an item group to the editor context menu in order to make it
+		 * possible to associate it with menu items later.
+		 *
+		 * @param {String} name Specify a group name.
+		 * @param {Number} [order=100] Define the display sequence of this group
+		 * inside the menu. A smaller value gets displayed first.
+		 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+		 */
+		editor.addMenuGroup = function( name, order ) {
+			groupsOrder[ name ] = order || 100;
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Adds an item from the specified definition to the editor context menu.
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @param {String} name The menu item name.
+		 * @param {Object} definition The menu item definition.
+		 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+		 */
+		editor.addMenuItem = function( name, definition ) {
+			if ( groupsOrder[ definition.group ] )
+				menuItems[ name ] = new CKEDITOR.menuItem( this, name, definition );
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Adds one or more items from the specified definition array to the editor context menu.
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @param {Array} definitions List of definitions for each menu item as if {@link #addMenuItem} is called.
+		 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+		 */
+		editor.addMenuItems = function( definitions ) {
+			for ( var itemName in definitions ) {
+				this.addMenuItem( itemName, definitions[ itemName ] );
+			}
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Retrieves a particular menu item definition from the editor context menu.
+		 *
+		 * @method
+		 * @param {String} name The name of the desired menu item.
+		 * @returns {Object}
+		 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+		 */
+		editor.getMenuItem = function( name ) {
+			return menuItems[ name ];
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Removes a particular menu item added before from the editor context menu.
+		 *
+		 * @since 3.6.1
+		 * @method
+		 * @param {String} name The name of the desired menu item.
+		 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+		 */
+		editor.removeMenuItem = function( name ) {
+			delete menuItems[ name ];
+		};
+	}
-	CKEDITOR.menu = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
-	{
-		$ : function( editor, definition )
-		{
+(function() {
+	var menuItemSource = '<span class="cke_menuitem">' +
+		'<a id="{id}"' +
+		' class="cke_menubutton cke_menubutton__{name} cke_menubutton_{state} {cls}" href="{href}"' +
+		' title="{title}"' +
+		' tabindex="-1"' +
+		'_cke_focus=1' +
+		' hidefocus="true"' +
+		' role="menuitem"' +
+		' aria-haspopup="{hasPopup}"' +
+		' aria-disabled="{disabled}"' +
+		' aria-pressed="{pressed}"';
+	// Some browsers don't cancel key events in the keydown but in the
+	// keypress.
+	// TODO: Check if really needed for Gecko+Mac.
+	if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera || ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.mac ) )
+		menuItemSource += ' onkeypress="return false;"';
+	// With Firefox, we need to force the button to redraw, otherwise it
+	// will remain in the focus state.
+	if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
+		menuItemSource += ' onblur="this.style.cssText = this.style.cssText;"';
+	// #188
+	menuItemSource += ' onmouseover="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({hoverFn},{index});"' +
+			' onmouseout="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({moveOutFn},{index});" ' +
+			( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'onclick="return false;" onmouseup' : 'onclick' ) +
+				'="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({clickFn},{index}); return false;"' +
+			'>';
+	menuItemSource +=
+				'<span class="cke_menubutton_inner">' +
+					'<span class="cke_menubutton_icon">' +
+						'<span class="cke_button_icon cke_button__{iconName}_icon" style="{iconStyle}"></span>' +
+					'</span>' +
+					'<span class="cke_menubutton_label">' +
+						'{label}' +
+					'</span>' +
+					'{arrowHtml}' +
+				'</span>' +
+			'</a></span>';
+	var menuArrowSource = '<span class="cke_menuarrow">' +
+				'<span>{label}</span>' +
+			'</span>';
+	var menuItemTpl = CKEDITOR.addTemplate( 'menuItem', menuItemSource ),
+		menuArrowTpl = CKEDITOR.addTemplate( 'menuArrow', menuArrowSource );
+	/**
+	 * @class
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.menu = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+		$: function( editor, definition ) {
 			definition = this._.definition = definition || {};
-			this.id = 'cke_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
+			this.id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId();
 			this.editor = editor;
 			this.items = [];
+			this._.listeners = [];
 			this._.level = definition.level || 1;
-			var panelDefinition = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, definition.panel,
-			{
-				css : editor.skin.editor.css,
-				level : this._.level - 1,
-				block : {}
-			} );
+			var panelDefinition = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, definition.panel, {
+				css: [ CKEDITOR.skin.getPath( 'editor' ) ],
+				level: this._.level - 1,
+				block: {}
+			});
 			var attrs = panelDefinition.block.attributes = ( panelDefinition.attributes || {} );
 			// Provide default role of 'menu'.
@@ -69,46 +156,83 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'menu',
 			this._.panelDefinition = panelDefinition;
-		_ :
-		{
-			showSubMenu : function( index )
-			{
+		_: {
+			onShow: function() {
+				var selection = this.editor.getSelection(),
+					start = selection && selection.getStartElement(),
+					path = this.editor.elementPath(),
+					listeners = this._.listeners;
+				this.removeAll();
+				// Call all listeners, filling the list of items to be displayed.
+				for ( var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++ ) {
+					var listenerItems = listeners[ i ]( start, selection, path );
+					if ( listenerItems ) {
+						for ( var itemName in listenerItems ) {
+							var item = this.editor.getMenuItem( itemName );
+							if ( item && ( !item.command || this.editor.getCommand( item.command ).state ) ) {
+								item.state = listenerItems[ itemName ];
+								this.add( item );
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			onClick: function( item ) {
+				this.hide();
+				if ( item.onClick )
+					item.onClick();
+				else if ( item.command )
+					this.editor.execCommand( item.command );
+			},
+			onEscape: function( keystroke ) {
+				var parent = this.parent;
+				// 1. If it's sub-menu, close it, with focus restored on this.
+				// 2. In case of a top-menu, close it, with focus returned to page.
+				if ( parent )
+					parent._.panel.hideChild( 1 );
+				else if ( keystroke == 27 )
+					this.hide( 1 );
+				return false;
+			},
+			onHide: function() {
+				this.onHide && this.onHide();
+			},
+			showSubMenu: function( index ) {
 				var menu = this._.subMenu,
 					item = this.items[ index ],
 					subItemDefs = item.getItems && item.getItems();
 				// If this item has no subitems, we just hide the submenu, if
 				// available, and return back.
-				if ( !subItemDefs )
-				{
-					this._.panel.hideChild();
+				if ( !subItemDefs ) {
+					// Hide sub menu with focus returned.
+					this._.panel.hideChild( 1 );
-				// Record parent menu focused item first (#3389).
-				var block = this._.panel.getBlock( this.id );
-				block._.focusIndex = index;
 				// Create the submenu, if not available, or clean the existing
 				// one.
 				if ( menu )
-				else
-				{
-					menu = this._.subMenu = new CKEDITOR.menu( this.editor,
-								   CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, this._.definition, { level : this._.level + 1 }, true ) );
+				else {
+					menu = this._.subMenu = new CKEDITOR.menu( this.editor, CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, this._.definition, { level: this._.level + 1 }, true ) );
 					menu.parent = this;
-					menu.onClick = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( this.onClick, this );
-					// Sub menu use their own scope for binding onEscape.
-					menu.onEscape = this.onEscape;
+					menu._.onClick = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( this._.onClick, this );
 				// Add all submenu items to the menu.
-				for ( var subItemName in subItemDefs )
-				{
+				for ( var subItemName in subItemDefs ) {
 					var subItem = this.editor.getMenuItem( subItemName );
-					if ( subItem )
-					{
+					if ( subItem ) {
 						subItem.state = subItemDefs[ subItemName ];
 						menu.add( subItem );
@@ -118,14 +242,16 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'menu',
 				var element = this._.panel.getBlock( this.id ).element.getDocument().getById( this.id + String( index ) );
 				// Show the submenu.
-				menu.show( element, 2 );
+				// This timeout is needed to give time for the sub-menu get
+				// focus when JAWS is running. (#9844)
+				setTimeout( function() {
+					menu.show( element, 2 );
+				},0);
-		proto :
-		{
-			add : function( item )
-			{
+		proto: {
+			add: function( item ) {
 				// Later we may sort the items, but Array#sort is not stable in
 				// some browsers, here we're forcing the original sequence with
 				// 'order' attribute if it hasn't been assigned. (#3868)
@@ -135,106 +261,104 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'menu',
 				this.items.push( item );
-			removeAll : function()
-			{
+			removeAll: function() {
 				this.items = [];
-			show : function( offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY )
-			{
+			show: function( offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY ) {
+				// Not for sub menu.
+				if ( !this.parent ) {
+					this._.onShow();
+					// Don't menu with zero items.
+					if ( !this.items.length )
+						return;
+				}
+				corner = corner || ( this.editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' ? 2 : 1 );
 				var items = this.items,
 					editor = this.editor,
 					panel = this._.panel,
 					element = this._.element;
 				// Create the floating panel for this menu.
-				if ( !panel )
-				{
-					panel = this._.panel = new CKEDITOR.ui.floatPanel( this.editor,
-						CKEDITOR.document.getBody(),
-						this._.panelDefinition,
-						this._.level );
-					panel.onEscape = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function( keystroke )
-					{
-						if ( this.onEscape && this.onEscape( keystroke ) === false )
+				if ( !panel ) {
+					panel = this._.panel = new CKEDITOR.ui.floatPanel( this.editor, CKEDITOR.document.getBody(), this._.panelDefinition, this._.level );
+					panel.onEscape = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function( keystroke ) {
+						if ( this._.onEscape( keystroke ) === false )
 							return false;
-					},
-					this );
+					}, this );
+					panel.onShow = function() {
+						// Menu need CSS resets, compensate class name.
+						var holder = panel._.panel.getHolderElement();
+						holder.getParent().addClass( 'cke cke_reset_all' );
+					};
-					panel.onHide = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function()
-					{
-						this.onHide && this.onHide();
-					},
-					this );
+					panel.onHide = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function() {
+						this._.onHide && this._.onHide();
+					}, this );
 					// Create an autosize block inside the panel.
 					var block = panel.addBlock( this.id, this._.panelDefinition.block );
 					block.autoSize = true;
 					var keys = block.keys;
-					keys[ 40 ]	= 'next';					// ARROW-DOWN
-					keys[ 9 ]	= 'next';					// TAB
-					keys[ 38 ]	= 'prev';					// ARROW-UP
-					keys[ CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 ]	= 'prev';	// SHIFT + TAB
-					keys[ 32 ]	= 'click';					// SPACE
-					keys[ ( editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' ? 37 : 39 ) ]	= 'click';  // ARROW-RIGHT/ARROW-LEFT(rtl)
+					keys[ 40 ] = 'next'; // ARROW-DOWN
+					keys[ 9 ] = 'next'; // TAB
+					keys[ 38 ] = 'prev'; // ARROW-UP
+					keys[ CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 ] = 'prev'; // SHIFT + TAB
+					keys[ ( editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' ? 37 : 39 ) ] = CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'mouseup' : 'click'; // ARROW-RIGHT/ARROW-LEFT(rtl)
+					keys[ 32 ] = CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'mouseup' : 'click'; // SPACE
+					CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( keys[ 13 ] = 'mouseup' ); // Manage ENTER, since onclick is blocked in IE (#8041).
 					element = this._.element = block.element;
-					element.addClass( editor.skinClass );
 					var elementDoc = element.getDocument();
 					elementDoc.getBody().setStyle( 'overflow', 'hidden' );
 					elementDoc.getElementsByTag( 'html' ).getItem( 0 ).setStyle( 'overflow', 'hidden' );
-					this._.itemOverFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( index )
-						{
-							clearTimeout( this._.showSubTimeout );
-							this._.showSubTimeout = CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( this._.showSubMenu, editor.config.menu_subMenuDelay, this, [ index ] );
-						},
-						this);
-					this._.itemOutFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( index )
-						{
-							clearTimeout( this._.showSubTimeout );
-						},
-						this);
-					this._.itemClickFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( index )
-						{
-							var item = this.items[ index ];
-							if ( item.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
-							{
-								this.hide();
-								return;
-							}
+					this._.itemOverFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( index ) {
+						clearTimeout( this._.showSubTimeout );
+						this._.showSubTimeout = CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( this._.showSubMenu, editor.config.menu_subMenuDelay || 400, this, [ index ] );
+					}, this );
+					this._.itemOutFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( index ) {
+						clearTimeout( this._.showSubTimeout );
+					}, this );
+					this._.itemClickFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( index ) {
+						var item = this.items[ index ];
+						if ( item.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ) {
+							this.hide( 1 );
+							return;
+						}
-							if ( item.getItems )
-								this._.showSubMenu( index );
-							else
-								this.onClick && this.onClick( item );
-						},
-						this);
+						if ( item.getItems )
+							this._.showSubMenu( index );
+						else
+							this._.onClick( item );
+					}, this );
 				// Put the items in the right order.
 				sortItems( items );
-				var chromeRoot = editor.container.getChild( 1 );
-				var mixedContentClass = chromeRoot.hasClass( 'cke_mixed_dir_content' ) ? ' cke_mixed_dir_content' : '';
+				// Apply the editor mixed direction status to menu.
+				var path = editor.elementPath(),
+					mixedDirCls = ( path && path.direction() != editor.lang.dir ) ? ' cke_mixed_dir_content' : '';
 				// Build the HTML that composes the menu and its items.
-				var output = [ '<div class="cke_menu' + mixedContentClass + '" role="presentation">' ];
+				var output = [ '<div class="cke_menu' + mixedDirCls + '" role="presentation">' ];
 				var length = items.length,
 					lastGroup = length && items[ 0 ].group;
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < length ; i++ )
-				{
+				for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
 					var item = items[ i ];
-					if ( lastGroup != item.group )
-					{
+					if ( lastGroup != item.group ) {
 						output.push( '<div class="cke_menuseparator" role="separator"></div>' );
 						lastGroup = item.group;
@@ -247,6 +371,8 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'menu',
 				// Inject the HTML inside the panel.
 				element.setHtml( output.join( '' ) );
+				CKEDITOR.ui.fire( 'ready', this );
 				// Show the panel.
 				if ( this.parent )
 					this.parent._.panel.showAsChild( panel, this.id, offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY );
@@ -256,154 +382,125 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'menu',
 				editor.fire( 'menuShow', [ panel ] );
-			hide : function()
-			{
-				this._.panel && this._.panel.hide();
+			addListener: function( listenerFn ) {
+				this._.listeners.push( listenerFn );
+			},
+			hide: function( returnFocus ) {
+				this._.onHide && this._.onHide();
+				this._.panel && this._.panel.hide( returnFocus );
-	function sortItems( items )
-	{
-		items.sort( function( itemA, itemB )
-			{
-				if ( itemA.group < itemB.group )
-					return -1;
-				else if ( itemA.group > itemB.group )
-					return 1;
-				return itemA.order < itemB.order ? -1 :
-					itemA.order > itemB.order ? 1 :
-					0;
-			});
+	function sortItems( items ) {
+		items.sort( function( itemA, itemB ) {
+			if ( itemA.group < itemB.group )
+				return -1;
+			else if ( itemA.group > itemB.group )
+				return 1;
+			return itemA.order < itemB.order ? -1 : itemA.order > itemB.order ? 1 : 0;
+		});
-CKEDITOR.menuItem = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
-	$ : function( editor, name, definition )
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, definition,
+	/**
+	 * @class
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.menuItem = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+		$: function( editor, name, definition ) {
+			CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, definition,
 			// Defaults
-				order : 0,
-				className : 'cke_button_' + name
+				order: 0,
+				className: 'cke_menubutton__' + name
-		// Transform the group name into its order number.
-		this.group = editor._.menuGroups[ this.group ];
-		this.editor = editor;
-		this.name = name;
-	},
-	proto :
-	{
-		render : function( menu, index, output )
-		{
-			var id = menu.id + String( index ),
-				state = ( typeof this.state == 'undefined' ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : this.state;
-			var classes = ' cke_' + (
-				state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ? 'on' :
-				state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ? 'disabled' :
-				'off' );
-			var htmlLabel = this.label;
-			if ( this.className )
-				classes += ' ' + this.className;
-			var hasSubMenu = this.getItems;
-			output.push(
-				'<span class="cke_menuitem">' +
-				'<a id="', id, '"' +
-					' class="', classes, '" href="javascript:void(\'', ( this.label || '' ).replace( "'", '' ), '\')"' +
-					' title="', this.label, '"' +
-					' tabindex="-1"' +
-					'_cke_focus=1' +
-					' hidefocus="true"' +
-					' role="menuitem"' +
-					( hasSubMenu ? 'aria-haspopup="true"' : '' ) +
-					( state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ? 'aria-disabled="true"' : '' ) +
-					( state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ? 'aria-pressed="true"' : '' ) );
-			// Some browsers don't cancel key events in the keydown but in the
-			// keypress.
-			// TODO: Check if really needed for Gecko+Mac.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera || ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.mac ) )
-			{
-				output.push(
-					' onkeypress="return false;"' );
-			}
+			// Transform the group name into its order number.
+			this.group = editor._.menuGroups[ this.group ];
-			// With Firefox, we need to force the button to redraw, otherwise it
-			// will remain in the focus state.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
-			{
-				output.push(
-					' onblur="this.style.cssText = this.style.cssText;"' );
-			}
+			this.editor = editor;
+			this.name = name;
+		},
-			var offset = ( this.iconOffset || 0 ) * -16;
-			output.push(
-//					' onkeydown="return CKEDITOR.ui.button._.keydown(', index, ', event);"' +
-					' onmouseover="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', menu._.itemOverFn, ',', index, ');"' +
-					' onmouseout="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', menu._.itemOutFn, ',', index, ');"' +
-					' onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', menu._.itemClickFn, ',', index, '); return false;"' +
-					'>' +
-						'<span class="cke_icon_wrapper"><span class="cke_icon"' +
-							( this.icon ? ' style="background-image:url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.icon ) + ');background-position:0 ' + offset + 'px;"'
-							: '' ) +
-							'></span></span>' +
-						'<span class="cke_label">' );
-			if ( hasSubMenu )
-			{
-				output.push(
-							'<span class="cke_menuarrow">',
-								'<span>&#',
-									( this.editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' ?
-										'9668' :	// BLACK LEFT-POINTING POINTER
-										'9658' ),	// BLACK RIGHT-POINTING POINTER
-								';</span>',
-							'</span>' );
+		proto: {
+			render: function( menu, index, output ) {
+				var id = menu.id + String( index ),
+					state = ( typeof this.state == 'undefined' ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : this.state;
+				var stateName = state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ? 'on' : state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ? 'disabled' : 'off';
+				var hasSubMenu = this.getItems;
+				var arrowLabel = '&#' + ( this.editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' ? '9668' : '9658' ) + ';';
+				var iconName = this.name;
+				if ( this.icon && !( /\./ ).test( this.icon ) )
+					iconName = this.icon;
+				var params = {
+					id: id,
+					name: this.name,
+					iconName: iconName,
+					label: this.label,
+					cls: this.className || '',
+					state: stateName,
+					hasPopup: hasSubMenu ? 'true' : 'false',
+					disabled: state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
+					pressed: state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON,
+					title: this.label,
+					href: 'javascript:void(\'' + ( this.label || '' ).replace( "'" + '' ) + '\')',
+					hoverFn: menu._.itemOverFn,
+					moveOutFn: menu._.itemOutFn,
+					clickFn: menu._.itemClickFn,
+					index: index,
+					iconStyle: CKEDITOR.skin.getIconStyle( iconName, ( this.editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' ), iconName == this.icon ? null : this.icon, this.iconOffset ),
+					arrowHtml: hasSubMenu ? menuArrowTpl.output({ label: arrowLabel } ) : ''
+				};
+				menuItemTpl.output( params, output );
-			output.push(
-							htmlLabel,
-						'</span>' +
-				'</a>' +
-				'</span>' );
-	}
+	});
- * The amount of time, in milliseconds, the editor waits before showing submenu
- * options when moving the mouse over options that contains submenus, like the
+ * The amount of time, in milliseconds, the editor waits before displaying submenu
+ * options when moving the mouse over options that contain submenus, like the
  * "Cell Properties" entry for tables.
- * @type Number
- * @default 400
- * @example
- * // Remove the submenu delay.
- * config.menu_subMenuDelay = 0;
+ *
+ *		// Remove the submenu delay.
+ *		config.menu_subMenuDelay = 0;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [menu_subMenuDelay=400]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * Fired when a menu is shown.
+ *
+ * @event menuShow
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.ui.panel[]} data
-CKEDITOR.config.menu_subMenuDelay = 400;
  * A comma separated list of items group names to be displayed in the context
- * menu. The items order will reflect the order in this list if no priority
- * has been definted in the groups.
- * @type String
- * @default 'clipboard,form,tablecell,tablecellproperties,tablerow,tablecolumn,table,anchor,link,image,flash,checkbox,radio,textfield,hiddenfield,imagebutton,button,select,textarea'
- * @example
- * config.menu_groups = 'clipboard,table,anchor,link,image';
+ * menu. The order of items will reflect the order specified in this list if
+ * no priority was defined in the groups.
+ *
+ *		config.menu_groups = 'clipboard,table,anchor,link,image';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [menu_groups=see source]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.menu_groups =
-	'clipboard,' +
+CKEDITOR.config.menu_groups = 'clipboard,' +
 	'form,' +
-	'tablecell,tablecellproperties,tablerow,tablecolumn,table,'+
+	'tablecell,tablecellproperties,tablerow,tablecolumn,table,' +
 	'anchor,link,image,flash,' +
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/menubutton/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/menubutton/plugin.js
index bd98f79..57ccabd 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/menubutton/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/menubutton/plugin.js
@@ -1,94 +1,99 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'menubutton',
-	requires : [ 'button', 'contextmenu' ],
-	beforeInit : function( editor )
-	{
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'menubutton', {
+	requires: 'button,menu',
+	onLoad: function() {
+		var clickFn = function( editor ) {
+				var _ = this._;
+				// Do nothing if this button is disabled.
+				if ( _.state === CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
+					return;
+				_.previousState = _.state;
+				// Check if we already have a menu for it, otherwise just create it.
+				var menu = _.menu;
+				if ( !menu ) {
+					menu = _.menu = new CKEDITOR.menu( editor, {
+						panel: {
+							className: 'cke_menu_panel',
+							attributes: { 'aria-label': editor.lang.common.options }
+						}
+					});
+					menu.onHide = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function() {
+						this.setState( this.modes && this.modes[ editor.mode ] ? _.previousState : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
+					}, this );
+					// Initialize the menu items at this point.
+					if ( this.onMenu )
+						menu.addListener( this.onMenu );
+				}
+				if ( _.on ) {
+					menu.hide();
+					return;
+				}
+				this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
+				// This timeout is needed to give time for the panel get focus
+				// when JAWS is running. (#9842)
+				setTimeout( function() {
+					menu.show( CKEDITOR.document.getById( _.id ), 4 );
+				},0);
+			};
+		/**
+		 * @class
+		 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.button
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		CKEDITOR.ui.menuButton = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+			base: CKEDITOR.ui.button,
+			/**
+			 * Creates a menuButton class instance.
+			 *
+			 * @constructor
+			 * @param Object definition
+			 * @todo
+			 */
+			$: function( definition ) {
+				// We don't want the panel definition in this object.
+				var panelDefinition = definition.panel;
+				delete definition.panel;
+				this.base( definition );
+				this.hasArrow = true;
+				this.click = clickFn;
+			},
+			statics: {
+				handler: {
+					create: function( definition ) {
+						return new CKEDITOR.ui.menuButton( definition );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	beforeInit: function( editor ) {
 		editor.ui.addHandler( CKEDITOR.UI_MENUBUTTON, CKEDITOR.ui.menuButton.handler );
  * Button UI element.
- * @constant
- * @example
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {String} [='menubutton']
+ * @member CKEDITOR
-	var clickFn = function( editor )
-	{
-		var _ = this._;
-		// Do nothing if this button is disabled.
-		if ( _.state === CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
-			return;
-		_.previousState = _.state;
-		// Check if we already have a menu for it, otherwise just create it.
-		var menu = _.menu;
-		if ( !menu )
-		{
-			menu = _.menu = new CKEDITOR.plugins.contextMenu( editor );
-			menu.definition.panel.attributes[ 'aria-label' ] = editor.lang.common.options;
-			menu.onHide = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function()
-				{
-					this.setState( _.previousState );
-				},
-				this );
-			// Initialize the menu items at this point.
-			if ( this.onMenu )
-			{
-				menu.addListener( this.onMenu );
-			}
-		}
-		if ( _.on )
-		{
-			menu.hide();
-			return;
-		}
-		this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
-		menu.show( CKEDITOR.document.getById( this._.id ), 4 );
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.ui.menuButton = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
-	{
-		base : CKEDITOR.ui.button,
-		$ : function( definition )
-		{
-			// We don't want the panel definition in this object.
-			var panelDefinition = definition.panel;
-			delete definition.panel;
-			this.base( definition );
-			this.hasArrow = true;
-			this.click = clickFn;
-		},
-		statics :
-		{
-			handler :
-			{
-				create : function( definition )
-				{
-					return new CKEDITOR.ui.menuButton( definition );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/icons/newpage-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/icons/newpage-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5f38f3
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/icons/newpage-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/icons/newpage.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/icons/newpage.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16c48f8
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/icons/newpage.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d70458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'af', {
+	toolbar: 'Nuwe bladsy'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef12e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'ar', {
+	toolbar: 'صفحة جديدة'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d69132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'bg', {
+	toolbar: 'Нова страница'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e108a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'bn', {
+	toolbar: 'নতুন পেজ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e4fd6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'bs', {
+	toolbar: 'Novi dokument'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73a8cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Nova pàgina'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7af7dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'cs', {
+	toolbar: 'Nová stránka'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09c899a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'cy', {
+	toolbar: 'Tudalen newydd'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bf9031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'da', {
+	toolbar: 'Ny side'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42d0970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'de', {
+	toolbar: 'Neue Seite'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..434cdc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'el', {
+	toolbar: 'Νέα Σελίδα'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4f5b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'en-au', {
+	toolbar: 'New Page'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..809c2f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'en-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'New Page'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03a15ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'en-gb', {
+	toolbar: 'New Page'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8db2d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'en', {
+	toolbar: 'New Page'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abfc003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'eo', {
+	toolbar: 'Nova Paĝo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb24f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'es', {
+	toolbar: 'Nueva Página'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62e21dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'et', {
+	toolbar: 'Uus leht'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34ffae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'eu', {
+	toolbar: 'Orrialde Berria'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d09ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'fa', {
+	toolbar: 'برگهٴ تازه'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a872b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'fi', {
+	toolbar: 'Tyhjennä'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2ce719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'fo', {
+	toolbar: 'Nýggj síða'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2381f8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'fr-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Nouvelle page'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3de28ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'fr', {
+	toolbar: 'Nouvelle page'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..942feb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'gl', {
+	toolbar: 'Nova Páxina'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..511143a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'gu', {
+	toolbar: 'નવુ પાનું'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b567922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'he', {
+	toolbar: 'דף חדש'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb3ffa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'hi', {
+	toolbar: 'नया पेज'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dcb9e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'hr', {
+	toolbar: 'Nova stranica'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..900f702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'hu', {
+	toolbar: 'Új oldal'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9ca9e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'is', {
+	toolbar: 'Ný síða'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1a8969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'it', {
+	toolbar: 'Nuova pagina vuota'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dc353a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'ja', {
+	toolbar: '新しいページ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06f136d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'ka', {
+	toolbar: 'ახალი გვერდი'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e47f41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'km', {
+	toolbar: 'ទំព័រថ្មី'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fe1c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'ko', {
+	toolbar: '새 문서'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22e7d0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'ku', {
+	toolbar: 'پەڕەیەکی نوێ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e808aeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'lt', {
+	toolbar: 'Naujas puslapis'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..996614d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'lv', {
+	toolbar: 'Jauna lapa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c68401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'mk', {
+	toolbar: 'New Page' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0285366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'mn', {
+	toolbar: 'Шинэ хуудас'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ee1851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'ms', {
+	toolbar: 'Helaian Baru'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffa2623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'nb', {
+	toolbar: 'Ny side'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dc0a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'nl', {
+	toolbar: 'Nieuwe pagina'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16df1d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'no', {
+	toolbar: 'Ny side'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..131e1d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'pl', {
+	toolbar: 'Nowa strona'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7de89e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'pt-br', {
+	toolbar: 'Novo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80c97d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'pt', {
+	toolbar: 'Nova Página'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1702ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'ro', {
+	toolbar: 'Pagină nouă'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01fa4bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'ru', {
+	toolbar: 'Новая страница'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72c4472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'sk', {
+	toolbar: 'Nová stránka'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..394c09d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'sl', {
+	toolbar: 'Nova stran'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a004660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'sr-latn', {
+	toolbar: 'Nova stranica'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92aa728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'sr', {
+	toolbar: 'Нова страница'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4065a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'sv', {
+	toolbar: 'Ny sida'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72161c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'th', {
+	toolbar: 'สร้างหน้าเอกสารใหม่'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..918d2fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'tr', {
+	toolbar: 'Yeni Sayfa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf150ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'ug', {
+	toolbar: 'يېڭى بەت'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7c568c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'uk', {
+	toolbar: 'Нова сторінка'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..348b878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'vi', {
+	toolbar: 'Trang má»›i'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63fe54d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'zh-cn', {
+	toolbar: '新建'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e16906c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'newpage', 'zh', {
+	toolbar: '開新檔案'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/plugin.js
index 62c5405..263da1a 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/plugin.js
@@ -1,54 +1,50 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @file Horizontal Page Break
+ * @fileOverview Horizontal Page Break.
 // Register a plugin named "newpage".
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'newpage',
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
-		editor.addCommand( 'newpage',
-			{
-				modes : { wysiwyg:1, source:1 },
-				exec : function( editor )
-				{
-					var command = this;
-					editor.setData( editor.config.newpage_html, function()
-					{
-						// Save the undo snapshot after all document changes are affected. (#4889)
-						setTimeout( function ()
-						{
-							editor.fire( 'afterCommandExec',
-							{
-								name: command.name,
-								command: command
-							} );
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'newpage', {
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	icons: 'newpage,newpage-rtl', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	init: function( editor ) {
+		editor.addCommand( 'newpage', { modes:{wysiwyg:1,source:1 },
-						}, 200 );
-					} );
+			exec: function( editor ) {
+				var command = this;
+				editor.setData( editor.config.newpage_html || '', function() {
-				},
-				async : true
-			});
+					// Save the undo snapshot after all document changes are affected. (#4889)
+					setTimeout( function() {
+						editor.fire( 'afterCommandExec', {
+							name: 'newpage',
+							command: command
+						});
+						editor.selectionChange();
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'NewPage',
-			{
-				label : editor.lang.newPage,
-				command : 'newpage'
-			});
+					}, 200 );
+				});
+			},
+			async: true
+		});
+		editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'NewPage', {
+			label: editor.lang.newpage.toolbar,
+			command: 'newpage',
+			toolbar: 'document,20'
+		});
  * The HTML to load in the editor when the "new page" command is executed.
- * @type String
- * @default ''
- * @example
- * config.newpage_html = '<p>Type your text here.</p>';
+ *
+ *		config.newpage_html = '<p>Type your text here.</p>';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [newpage_html='']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.newpage_html = '';
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/icons/pagebreak-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/icons/pagebreak-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ad482c
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/icons/pagebreak-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/icons/pagebreak.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/icons/pagebreak.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f9a330
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/icons/pagebreak.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/images/pagebreak.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/images/pagebreak.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d1cffd
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/images/pagebreak.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbeba49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'af', {
+	alt: 'Bladsy-einde',
+	toolbar: 'Bladsy-einde invoeg'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8318f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'ar', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'إدخال صفحة جديدة'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26f6cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'bg', {
+	alt: 'Разделяне на страници',
+	toolbar: 'Вмъкване на нова страница при печат'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6533d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'bn', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'পেজ ব্রেক'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14ef84c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'bs', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Insert Page Break for Printing' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3417336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'ca', {
+	alt: 'Salt de pàgina',
+	toolbar: 'Insereix salt de pàgina'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a827bd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'cs', {
+	alt: 'Konec stránky',
+	toolbar: 'Vložit konec stránky'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1f55f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'cy', {
+	alt: 'Toriad Tudalen',
+	toolbar: 'Mewnosod Toriad Tudalen i Argraffu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20596dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'da', {
+	alt: 'Sideskift',
+	toolbar: 'Indsæt sideskift'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18d4296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'de', {
+	alt: 'Seitenumbruch einfügen',
+	toolbar: 'Seitenumbruch einfügen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cccdaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'el', {
+	alt: 'Αλλαγή Σελίδας',
+	toolbar: 'Εισαγωγή τέλους σελίδας'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..926afc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'en-au', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Insert Page Break for Printing'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11746c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'en-ca', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Insert Page Break for Printing'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42caced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'en-gb', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Insert Page Break for Printing'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5069343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'en', {
+	alt: 'Page Break',
+	toolbar: 'Insert Page Break for Printing'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d7aca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'eo', {
+	alt: 'Paĝavanco',
+	toolbar: 'Enmeti Paĝavancon por Presado'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..337668b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'es', {
+	alt: 'Salto de página',
+	toolbar: 'Insertar Salto de Página'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31ba947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'et', {
+	alt: 'Lehevahetuskoht',
+	toolbar: 'Lehevahetuskoha sisestamine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62d9cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'eu', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Txertatu Orrialde-jauzia'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10f8a46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'fa', {
+	alt: 'شکستن صفحه',
+	toolbar: 'گنجاندن شکستگی پایان برگه'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13ee7b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'fi', {
+	alt: 'Sivunvaihto',
+	toolbar: 'Lisää sivunvaihto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fc8e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'fo', {
+	alt: 'Síðuskift',
+	toolbar: 'Ger síðuskift'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e14ab0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'fr-ca', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Insérer un saut de page'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b8d2ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'fr', {
+	alt: 'Saut de page',
+	toolbar: 'Saut de page'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd2774f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'gl', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Inserir Salto de Páxina'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bff7477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'gu', {
+	alt: 'નવું પાનું',
+	toolbar: 'ઇન્સર્ટ પેજબ્રેક/પાનાને અલગ કરવું/દાખલ કરવું'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f8e2b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'he', {
+	alt: 'שבירת דף',
+	toolbar: 'הוספת שבירת דף'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58e6150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'hi', {
+	alt: 'पेज ब्रेक',
+	toolbar: 'पेज ब्रेक इन्सर्ट् करें'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..568b015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'hr', {
+	alt: 'Prijelom stranice',
+	toolbar: 'Ubaci prijelom stranice'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a4bc97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'hu', {
+	alt: 'Oldaltörés',
+	toolbar: 'Oldaltörés beillesztése'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b616972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'is', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Setja inn síðuskil'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08b8850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'it', {
+	alt: 'Interruzione di pagina',
+	toolbar: 'Inserisci interruzione di pagina'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eea61d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'ja', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: '改ページ挿入'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c70c45b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'ka', {
+	alt: 'გვერდის წყვეტა',
+	toolbar: 'გვერდის წყვეტა ბეჭდვისთვის'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82c8da0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'km', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'បន្ថែម ការផ្តាច់ទំព័រ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de7fb7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'ko', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Insert Page Break for Printing' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b940e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'ku', {
+	alt: 'پشووی پەڕە',
+	toolbar: 'دانانی پشووی پەڕە بۆ چاپکردن'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..807789e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'lt', {
+	alt: 'Puslapio skirtukas',
+	toolbar: 'Įterpti puslapių skirtuką'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..039cc02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'lv', {
+	alt: 'Lapas pārnesums',
+	toolbar: 'Ievietot lapas pārtraukumu drukai'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7615be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'mk', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Insert Page Break for Printing' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..949df43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'mn', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Хуудас тусгаарлагч оруулах'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc47c12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'ms', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Insert Page Break for Printing' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6332860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'nb', {
+	alt: 'Sideskift',
+	toolbar: 'Sett inn sideskift for utskrift'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb37341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'nl', {
+	alt: 'Pagina-einde',
+	toolbar: 'Pagina-einde invoegen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0023ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'no', {
+	alt: 'Sideskift',
+	toolbar: 'Sett inn sideskift for utskrift'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f978e49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'pl', {
+	alt: 'Wstaw podział strony',
+	toolbar: 'Wstaw podział strony'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bee120d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'pt-br', {
+	alt: 'Quebra de Página',
+	toolbar: 'Inserir Quebra de Página'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1de5d11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'pt', {
+	alt: 'Quebra de página',
+	toolbar: 'Inserir Quebra de Página'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82162ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'ro', {
+	alt: 'Page Break',
+	toolbar: 'Inserează separator de pagină (Page Break)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70b7a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'ru', {
+	alt: 'Разрыв страницы',
+	toolbar: 'Вставить разрыв страницы для печати'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8049695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'sk', {
+	alt: 'Zalomenie strany',
+	toolbar: 'Vložiť oddeľovač stránky pre tlač'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c76c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'sl', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Vstavi prelom strani'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba84979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'sr-latn', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Insert Page Break for Printing' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f29566a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'sr', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Insert Page Break for Printing' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37bd4bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'sv', {
+	alt: 'Sidbrytning',
+	toolbar: 'Infoga sidbrytning'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01784aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'th', {
+	alt: 'Page Break', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'แทรกตัวแบ่งหน้า Page Break'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..171b91e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'tr', {
+	alt: 'Sayfa Sonu',
+	toolbar: 'Sayfa Sonu Ekle'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6517f32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'ug', {
+	alt: 'بەت ئايرىغۇچ',
+	toolbar: 'بەت ئايرىغۇچ قىستۇر'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8808b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'uk', {
+	alt: 'Розрив Сторінки',
+	toolbar: 'Вставити розрив сторінки'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5d5be1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'vi', {
+	alt: 'Ngắt trang',
+	toolbar: 'Chèn ngắt trang'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98b07be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'zh-cn', {
+	alt: '分页符',
+	toolbar: '插入分页符'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5fd577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pagebreak', 'zh', {
+	alt: '分頁符號',
+	toolbar: '插入分頁符號'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/plugin.js
index e3e05d5..5cfebe3 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/plugin.js
@@ -1,121 +1,129 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @file Horizontal Page Break
+ * @fileOverview Horizontal Page Break
 // Register a plugin named "pagebreak".
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'pagebreak',
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'pagebreak', {
+	requires: 'fakeobjects',
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	icons: 'pagebreak,pagebreak-rtl', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	onLoad: function() {
+		var cssStyles = [
+			'{',
+				'background: url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'images/pagebreak.gif' ) + ') no-repeat center center;',
+				'clear: both;',
+				'width:100%; _width:99.9%;',
+				'border-top: #999999 1px dotted;',
+				'border-bottom: #999999 1px dotted;',
+				'padding:0;',
+				'height: 5px;',
+				'cursor: default;',
+			'}'
+			].join( '' ).replace( /;/g, ' !important;' ); // Increase specificity to override other styles, e.g. block outline.
+		// Add the style that renders our placeholder.
+		CKEDITOR.addCss( 'div.cke_pagebreak' + cssStyles );
+	},
+	init: function( editor ) {
+		if ( editor.blockless )
+			return;
 		// Register the command.
 		editor.addCommand( 'pagebreak', CKEDITOR.plugins.pagebreakCmd );
 		// Register the toolbar button.
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'PageBreak',
-			{
-				label : editor.lang.pagebreak,
-				command : 'pagebreak'
+		editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'PageBreak', {
+			label: editor.lang.pagebreak.toolbar,
+			command: 'pagebreak',
+			toolbar: 'insert,70'
+		});
+		// Opera needs help to select the page-break.
+		CKEDITOR.env.opera && editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
+			editor.document.on( 'click', function( evt ) {
+				var target = evt.data.getTarget();
+				if ( target.is( 'div' ) && target.hasClass( 'cke_pagebreak' ) )
+					editor.getSelection().selectElement( target );
-		// Add the style that renders our placeholder.
-		editor.addCss(
-			'img.cke_pagebreak' +
-			'{' +
-				'background-image: url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'images/pagebreak.gif' ) + ');' +
-				'background-position: center center;' +
-				'background-repeat: no-repeat;' +
-				'clear: both;' +
-				'display: block;' +
-				'float: none;' +
-				'width:100% !important; _width:99.9% !important;' +
-				'border-top: #999999 1px dotted;' +
-				'border-bottom: #999999 1px dotted;' +
-				'height: 5px !important;' +
-				'page-break-after: always;' +
-			'}' );
+		});
-	afterInit : function( editor )
-	{
-		// Register a filter to displaying placeholders after mode change.
+	afterInit: function( editor ) {
+		var label = editor.lang.pagebreak.alt;
+		// Register a filter to displaying placeholders after mode change.
 		var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
-			dataFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.dataFilter;
-		if ( dataFilter )
-		{
-			dataFilter.addRules(
-				{
-					elements :
-					{
-						div : function( element )
-						{
-							var attributes = element.attributes,
-								style = attributes && attributes.style,
-								child = style && element.children.length == 1 && element.children[ 0 ],
-								childStyle = child && ( child.name == 'span' ) && child.attributes.style;
-							if ( childStyle && ( /page-break-after\s*:\s*always/i ).test( style ) && ( /display\s*:\s*none/i ).test( childStyle ) )
-							{
-								var fakeImg = editor.createFakeParserElement( element, 'cke_pagebreak', 'div' );
-								var label = editor.lang.pagebreakAlt;
-								fakeImg.attributes[ 'alt' ] = label;
-								fakeImg.attributes[ 'aria-label' ] = label;
-								return fakeImg;
-							}
+			dataFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.dataFilter,
+			htmlFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.htmlFilter;
+		if ( htmlFilter ) {
+			htmlFilter.addRules({
+				attributes: {
+					'class': function( value, element ) {
+						var className = value.replace( 'cke_pagebreak', '' );
+						if ( className != value ) {
+							var span = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( '<span style="display: none;"> </span>' );
+							element.children.length = 0;
+							element.add( span );
+							var attrs = element.attributes;
+							delete attrs[ 'aria-label' ];
+							delete attrs.contenteditable;
+							delete attrs.title;
+						return className;
-				});
+				}
+			}, 5 );
-	},
-	requires : [ 'fakeobjects' ]
+		if ( dataFilter ) {
+			dataFilter.addRules({
+				elements: {
+					div: function( element ) {
+						var attributes = element.attributes,
+							style = attributes && attributes.style,
+							child = style && element.children.length == 1 && element.children[ 0 ],
+							childStyle = child && ( child.name == 'span' ) && child.attributes.style;
+						if ( childStyle && ( /page-break-after\s*:\s*always/i ).test( style ) && ( /display\s*:\s*none/i ).test( childStyle ) ) {
+							attributes.contenteditable = "false";
+							attributes[ 'class' ] = "cke_pagebreak";
+							attributes[ 'data-cke-display-name' ] = "pagebreak";
+							attributes[ 'aria-label' ] = label;
+							attributes[ 'title' ] = label;
+							element.children.length = 0;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	}
-CKEDITOR.plugins.pagebreakCmd =
-	exec : function( editor )
-	{
-		// Create the element that represents a print break.
-		var label = editor.lang.pagebreakAlt;
-		var breakObject = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div style="page-break-after: always;"><span style="display: none;"> </span></div>' );
-		// Creates the fake image used for this element.
-		breakObject = editor.createFakeElement( breakObject, 'cke_pagebreak', 'div' );
-		breakObject.setAttribute( 'alt', label );
-		breakObject.setAttribute( 'aria-label', label );
-		var ranges = editor.getSelection().getRanges( true );
-		editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+// TODO Much probably there's no need to expose this object as public object.
-		for ( var range, i = ranges.length - 1 ; i >= 0; i-- )
-		{
-			range = ranges[ i ];
+CKEDITOR.plugins.pagebreakCmd = {
+	exec: function( editor ) {
+		var label = editor.lang.pagebreak.alt;
-			if ( i < ranges.length -1 )
-				breakObject = breakObject.clone( true );
+		// Create read-only element that represents a print break.
+		var pagebreak = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div style="' +
+			'page-break-after: always;"' +
+			'contenteditable="false" ' +
+			'title="' + label + '" ' +
+			'aria-label="' + label + '" ' +
+			'data-cke-display-name="pagebreak" ' +
+			'class="cke_pagebreak">' +
+			'</div>', editor.document );
-			range.splitBlock( 'p' );
-			range.insertNode( breakObject );
-			if ( i == ranges.length - 1 )
-			{
-				range.moveToPosition( breakObject, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
-				range.select();
-			}
-			var previous = breakObject.getPrevious();
-			if ( previous && CKEDITOR.dtd[ previous.getName() ].div )
-				breakObject.move( previous );
-		}
-		editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-	}
+		editor.insertElement( pagebreak );
+	},
+	context: 'div'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/panel/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/panel/plugin.js
index c7c6adb..c847856 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/panel/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/panel/plugin.js
@@ -1,398 +1,373 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'panel',
-	beforeInit : function( editor )
-	{
-		editor.ui.addHandler( CKEDITOR.UI_PANEL, CKEDITOR.ui.panel.handler );
-	}
- * Panel UI element.
- * @constant
- * @example
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.ui.panel = function( document, definition )
-	// Copy all definition properties to this object.
-	if ( definition )
-		CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, definition );
-	// Set defaults.
-	CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this,
-		{
-			className : '',
-			css : []
+(function() {
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'panel', {
+		beforeInit: function( editor ) {
+			editor.ui.addHandler( CKEDITOR.UI_PANEL, CKEDITOR.ui.panel.handler );
+		}
+	});
+	/**
+	 * Panel UI element.
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 * @property {String} [='panel']
+	 * @member CKEDITOR
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.UI_PANEL = 'panel';
+	/**
+	 * @class
+	 * @constructor Creates a panel class instance.
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.document} document
+	 * @param {Object} definition
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.ui.panel = function( document, definition ) {
+		// Copy all definition properties to this object.
+		if ( definition )
+			CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, definition );
+		// Set defaults.
+		CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, {
+			className: '',
+			css: []
-	this.id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
-	this.document = document;
+		this.id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId();
+		this.document = document;
+		this.isFramed = this.forceIFrame || this.css.length;
-	this._ =
-	{
-		blocks : {}
+		this._ = {
+			blocks: {}
+		};
- * Transforms a rich combo definition in a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.richCombo}
- * instance.
- * @type Object
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.ui.panel.handler =
-	create : function( definition )
-	{
-		return new CKEDITOR.ui.panel( definition );
-	}
-CKEDITOR.ui.panel.prototype =
-	renderHtml : function( editor )
-	{
-		var output = [];
-		this.render( editor, output );
-		return output.join( '' );
-	},
-	 * Renders the combo.
-	 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance which this button is
-	 *		to be used by.
-	 * @param {Array} output The output array to which append the HTML relative
-	 *		to this button.
-	 * @example
+	 * Represents panel handler object.
+	 *
+	 * @class
+	 * @singleton
+	 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.handlerDefinition
-	render : function( editor, output )
-	{
-		var id = 'cke_' + this.id;
-		output.push(
-			'<div class="', editor.skinClass ,'"' +
-				' lang="', editor.langCode, '"' +
-				' role="presentation"' +
-				// iframe loading need sometime, keep the panel hidden(#4186).
-				' style="display:none;z-index:' + ( editor.config.baseFloatZIndex + 1 ) + '">' +
-				'<div' +
-					' id=', id,
-					' dir=', editor.lang.dir,
-					' role="presentation"' +
-					' class="cke_panel cke_', editor.lang.dir );
-		if ( this.className )
-			output.push( ' ', this.className );
-		output.push(
-				'">' );
-		if ( this.forceIFrame || this.css.length )
-		{
-			output.push(
-						'<iframe id="', id, '_frame"' +
-							' frameborder="0"' +
-							' role="application" src="javascript:void(' );
-			output.push(
-							// Support for custom document.domain in IE.
-							CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain() ?
-								'(function(){' +
-									'document.open();' +
-									'document.domain=\'' + document.domain + '\';' +
-									'document.close();' +
-								'})()'
-							:
-								'0' );
-			output.push(
-						')"></iframe>' );
+	CKEDITOR.ui.panel.handler = {
+		/**
+		 * Transforms a panel definition in a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.panel} instance.
+		 *
+		 * @param {Object} definition
+		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.panel}
+		 */
+		create: function( definition ) {
+			return new CKEDITOR.ui.panel( definition );
+	};
-		output.push(
-				'</div>' +
-			'</div>' );
-		return id;
-	},
-	getHolderElement : function()
-	{
-		var holder = this._.holder;
-		if ( !holder )
-		{
-			if ( this.forceIFrame || this.css.length )
-			{
-				var iframe = this.document.getById( 'cke_' + this.id + '_frame' ),
-					parentDiv = iframe.getParent(),
-					dir = parentDiv.getAttribute( 'dir' ),
-					className = parentDiv.getParent().getAttribute( 'class' ),
-					langCode = parentDiv.getParent().getAttribute( 'lang' ),
-					doc = iframe.getFrameDocument();
-				// Initialize the IFRAME document body.
-				doc.$.open();
-				// Support for custom document.domain in IE.
-				if ( CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain() )
-					doc.$.domain = document.domain;
-				var onLoad = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function( ev )
-					{
-						this.isLoaded = true;
-						if ( this.onLoad )
-							this.onLoad();
-					}, this ) );
-				doc.$.write(
-					'<!DOCTYPE html>' +
-					'<html dir="' + dir + '" class="' + className + '_container" lang="' + langCode + '">' +
-						'<head>' +
-							'<style>.' + className + '_container{visibility:hidden}</style>' +
-						'</head>' +
-						'<body class="cke_' + dir + ' cke_panel_frame ' + CKEDITOR.env.cssClass + '" style="margin:0;padding:0"' +
-						' onload="( window.CKEDITOR || window.parent.CKEDITOR ).tools.callFunction(' + onLoad + ');"></body>' +
-						// It looks strange, but for FF2, the styles must go
-						// after <body>, so it (body) becames immediatelly
-						// available. (#3031)
-						CKEDITOR.tools.buildStyleHtml( this.css ) +
-					'<\/html>' );
-				doc.$.close();
-				var win = doc.getWindow();
-				// Register the CKEDITOR global.
-				doc.on( 'keydown', function( evt )
-					{
-						var keystroke = evt.data.getKeystroke(),
-							dir = this.document.getById( 'cke_' + this.id ).getAttribute( 'dir' );
-						// Delegate key processing to block.
-						if ( this._.onKeyDown && this._.onKeyDown( keystroke ) === false )
-						{
-							evt.data.preventDefault();
-							return;
-						}
+	var panelTpl = CKEDITOR.addTemplate( 'panel', '<div lang="{langCode}" id="{id}" dir={dir}' +
+		' class="cke cke_reset_all {editorId} cke_panel cke_panel {cls} cke_{dir}"' +
+		' style="z-index:{z-index}" role="presentation">' +
+		'{frame}' +
+		'</div>' );
-						// ESC/ARROW-LEFT(ltr) OR ARROW-RIGHT(rtl)
-						if ( keystroke == 27 || keystroke == ( dir == 'rtl' ? 39 : 37 ) )
-						{
-							if ( this.onEscape && this.onEscape( keystroke ) === false )
-								evt.data.preventDefault( );
-						}
-					},
-					this );
+	var frameTpl = CKEDITOR.addTemplate( 'panel-frame', '<iframe id="{id}" class="cke_panel_frame" role="application" frameborder="0" src="{src}"></iframe>' );
-				holder = doc.getBody();
-				holder.unselectable();
-			}
-			else
-				holder = this.document.getById( 'cke_' + this.id );
+	var frameDocTpl = CKEDITOR.addTemplate( 'panel-frame-inner', '<!DOCTYPE html>' +
+		'<html class="cke_panel_container {env}" dir="{dir}" lang="{langCode}">' +
+			'<head>{css}</head>' +
+			'<body class="cke_{dir}"' +
+				' style="margin:0;padding:0" onload="{onload}"></body>' +
+		'<\/html>' );
-			this._.holder = holder;
-		}
+	/** @class CKEDITOR.ui.panel */
+	CKEDITOR.ui.panel.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * Renders the combo.
+		 *
+		 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance which this button is
+		 * to be used by.
+		 * @param {Array} [output] The output array to which append the HTML relative
+		 * to this button.
+		 */
+		render: function( editor, output ) {
+			this.getHolderElement = function() {
+				var holder = this._.holder;
+				if ( !holder ) {
+					if ( this.isFramed ) {
+						var iframe = this.document.getById( this.id + '_frame' ),
+							parentDiv = iframe.getParent(),
+							doc = iframe.getFrameDocument();
+						// Make it scrollable on iOS. (#8308)
+						CKEDITOR.env.iOS && parentDiv.setStyles({
+							'overflow': 'scroll',
+							'-webkit-overflow-scrolling': 'touch'
+						});
+						var onLoad = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function( ev ) {
+							this.isLoaded = true;
+							if ( this.onLoad )
+								this.onLoad();
+						}, this ) );
+						doc.write( frameDocTpl.output( CKEDITOR.tools.extend({
+							css: CKEDITOR.tools.buildStyleHtml( this.css ),
+							onload: 'window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + onLoad + ');'
+						}, data ) ) );
+						var win = doc.getWindow();
+						// Register the CKEDITOR global.
+						win.$.CKEDITOR = CKEDITOR;
+						// Arrow keys for scrolling is only preventable with 'keypress' event in Opera (#4534).
+						doc.on( 'key' + ( CKEDITOR.env.opera ? 'press' : 'down' ), function( evt ) {
+							var keystroke = evt.data.getKeystroke(),
+								dir = this.document.getById( this.id ).getAttribute( 'dir' );
+							// Delegate key processing to block.
+							if ( this._.onKeyDown && this._.onKeyDown( keystroke ) === false ) {
+								evt.data.preventDefault();
+								return;
+							}
+							// ESC/ARROW-LEFT(ltr) OR ARROW-RIGHT(rtl)
+							if ( keystroke == 27 || keystroke == ( dir == 'rtl' ? 39 : 37 ) ) {
+								if ( this.onEscape && this.onEscape( keystroke ) === false )
+									evt.data.preventDefault();
+							}
+						}, this );
+						holder = doc.getBody();
+						holder.unselectable();
+						CKEDITOR.env.air && CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( onLoad );
+					} else
+						holder = this.document.getById( this.id );
+					this._.holder = holder;
+				}
+				return holder;
+			};
+			var data = {
+				editorId: editor.id,
+				id: this.id,
+				langCode: editor.langCode,
+				dir: editor.lang.dir,
+				cls: this.className,
+				frame: '',
+				env: CKEDITOR.env.cssClass,
+				'z-index': editor.config.baseFloatZIndex + 1
+			};
+			if ( this.isFramed ) {
+				data.frame = frameTpl.output({
+					id: this.id + '_frame',
+					src: 'javascript:void(document.open(),' + ( CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain() ? 'document.domain=\'' + document.domain + '\',' : '' )
+						+ 'document.close())">'
+				});
+			}
-		return holder;
-	},
-	addBlock : function( name, block )
-	{
-		block = this._.blocks[ name ] = block instanceof CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block ?  block
-				: new CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block( this.getHolderElement(), block );
-		if ( !this._.currentBlock )
-			this.showBlock( name );
-		return block;
-	},
-	getBlock : function( name )
-	{
-		return this._.blocks[ name ];
-	},
-	showBlock : function( name )
-	{
-		var blocks = this._.blocks,
-			block = blocks[ name ],
-			current = this._.currentBlock,
-			holder = this.forceIFrame ?
-				this.document.getById( 'cke_' + this.id + '_frame' )
-				: this._.holder;
-		// Disable context menu for block panel.
-		holder.getParent().getParent().disableContextMenu();
-		if ( current )
-		{
-			// Clean up the current block's effects on holder.
-			holder.removeAttributes( current.attributes );
-			current.hide();
-		}
+			var html = panelTpl.output( data );
-		this._.currentBlock = block;
+			if ( output )
+				output.push( html );
-		holder.setAttributes( block.attributes );
-		CKEDITOR.fire( 'ariaWidget', holder );
+			return html;
+		},
-		// Reset the focus index, so it will always go into the first one.
-		block._.focusIndex = -1;
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		addBlock: function( name, block ) {
+			block = this._.blocks[ name ] = block instanceof CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block ? block : new CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block( this.getHolderElement(), block );
-		this._.onKeyDown = block.onKeyDown && CKEDITOR.tools.bind( block.onKeyDown, block );
+			if ( !this._.currentBlock )
+				this.showBlock( name );
-		block.onMark = function( item )
-		{
-			holder.setAttribute( 'aria-activedescendant', item.getId() + '_option' );
-		};
+			return block;
+		},
-		block.onUnmark = function()
-		{
-			holder.removeAttribute( 'aria-activedescendant' );
-		};
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		getBlock: function( name ) {
+			return this._.blocks[ name ];
+		},
-		block.show();
-		return block;
-	},
-	destroy : function()
-	{
-		this.element && this.element.remove();
-	}
-CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
-	$ : function( blockHolder, blockDefinition )
-	{
-		this.element = blockHolder.append(
-			blockHolder.getDocument().createElement( 'div',
-				{
-					attributes :
-					{
-						'tabIndex' : -1,
-						'class' : 'cke_panel_block',
-						'role' : 'presentation'
-					},
-					styles :
-					{
-						display : 'none'
-					}
-				}) );
+		/**
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		showBlock: function( name ) {
+			var blocks = this._.blocks,
+				block = blocks[ name ],
+				current = this._.currentBlock;
+			// ARIA role works better in IE on the body element, while on the iframe
+			// for FF. (#8864)
+			var holder = !this.forceIFrame || CKEDITOR.env.ie ? this._.holder : this.document.getById( this.id + '_frame' );
+			if ( current ) {
+				// Clean up the current block's effects on holder.
+				holder.removeAttributes( current.attributes );
+				current.hide();
+			}
-		// Copy all definition properties to this object.
-		if ( blockDefinition )
-			CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, blockDefinition );
+			this._.currentBlock = block;
-		if ( !this.attributes.title )
-			this.attributes.title = this.attributes[ 'aria-label' ];
+			holder.setAttributes( block.attributes );
+			CKEDITOR.fire( 'ariaWidget', holder );
-		this.keys = {};
+			// Reset the focus index, so it will always go into the first one.
+			block._.focusIndex = -1;
-		this._.focusIndex = -1;
+			this._.onKeyDown = block.onKeyDown && CKEDITOR.tools.bind( block.onKeyDown, block );
-		// Disable context menu for panels.
-		this.element.disableContextMenu();
-	},
+			block.show();
-	_ : {
+			return block;
+		},
-		 * Mark the item specified by the index as current activated.
+		 * @todo
-		markItem: function( index )
-		{
-			if ( index == -1 )
-				return;
-			var links = this.element.getElementsByTag( 'a' );
-			var item = links.getItem( this._.focusIndex = index );
-			// Safari need focus on the iframe window first(#3389), but we need
-			// lock the blur to avoid hiding the panel.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
-				item.getDocument().getWindow().focus();
-			item.focus();
-			this.onMark && this.onMark( item );
+		destroy: function() {
+			this.element && this.element.remove();
-	},
+	};
-	proto :
-	{
-		show : function()
-		{
-			this.element.setStyle( 'display', '' );
+	/**
+	 * @class
+	 *
+	 * @todo class and all methods
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+		/**
+		 * Creates a block class instances.
+		 *
+		 * @constructor
+		 * @todo
+		 */
+		$: function( blockHolder, blockDefinition ) {
+			this.element = blockHolder.append( blockHolder.getDocument().createElement( 'div', {
+				attributes: {
+					'tabIndex': -1,
+					'class': 'cke_panel_block',
+					'role': 'presentation'
+				},
+				styles: {
+					display: 'none'
+				}
+			}));
+			// Copy all definition properties to this object.
+			if ( blockDefinition )
+				CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, blockDefinition );
+			if ( !this.attributes.title )
+				this.attributes.title = this.attributes[ 'aria-label' ];
+			this.keys = {};
+			this._.focusIndex = -1;
+			// Disable context menu for panels.
+			this.element.disableContextMenu();
-		hide : function()
-		{
-			if ( !this.onHide || this.onHide.call( this )  !== true )
-				this.element.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
+		_: {
+			/**
+			 * Mark the item specified by the index as current activated.
+			 */
+			markItem: function( index ) {
+				if ( index == -1 )
+					return;
+				var links = this.element.getElementsByTag( 'a' );
+				var item = links.getItem( this._.focusIndex = index );
+				// Safari need focus on the iframe window first(#3389), but we need
+				// lock the blur to avoid hiding the panel.
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit || CKEDITOR.env.opera )
+					item.getDocument().getWindow().focus();
+				item.focus();
+				this.onMark && this.onMark( item );
+			}
-		onKeyDown : function( keystroke )
-		{
-			var keyAction = this.keys[ keystroke ];
-			switch ( keyAction )
-			{
-				// Move forward.
-				case 'next' :
-					var index = this._.focusIndex,
-						links = this.element.getElementsByTag( 'a' ),
-						link;
-					while ( ( link = links.getItem( ++index ) ) )
-					{
-						// Move the focus only if the element is marked with
-						// the _cke_focus and it it's visible (check if it has
-						// width).
-						if ( link.getAttribute( '_cke_focus' ) && link.$.offsetWidth )
-						{
-							this._.focusIndex = index;
-							link.focus();
-							break;
+		proto: {
+			show: function() {
+				this.element.setStyle( 'display', '' );
+			},
+			hide: function() {
+				if ( !this.onHide || this.onHide.call( this ) !== true )
+					this.element.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
+			},
+			onKeyDown: function( keystroke ) {
+				var keyAction = this.keys[ keystroke ];
+				switch ( keyAction ) {
+					// Move forward.
+					case 'next':
+						var index = this._.focusIndex,
+							links = this.element.getElementsByTag( 'a' ),
+							link;
+						while ( ( link = links.getItem( ++index ) ) ) {
+							// Move the focus only if the element is marked with
+							// the _cke_focus and it it's visible (check if it has
+							// width).
+							if ( link.getAttribute( '_cke_focus' ) && link.$.offsetWidth ) {
+								this._.focusIndex = index;
+								link.focus();
+								break;
+							}
-					}
-					return false;
-				// Move backward.
-				case 'prev' :
-					index = this._.focusIndex;
-					links = this.element.getElementsByTag( 'a' );
-					while ( index > 0 && ( link = links.getItem( --index ) ) )
-					{
-						// Move the focus only if the element is marked with
-						// the _cke_focus and it it's visible (check if it has
-						// width).
-						if ( link.getAttribute( '_cke_focus' ) && link.$.offsetWidth )
-						{
-							this._.focusIndex = index;
-							link.focus();
-							break;
+						return false;
+						// Move backward.
+					case 'prev':
+						index = this._.focusIndex;
+						links = this.element.getElementsByTag( 'a' );
+						while ( index > 0 && ( link = links.getItem( --index ) ) ) {
+							// Move the focus only if the element is marked with
+							// the _cke_focus and it it's visible (check if it has
+							// width).
+							if ( link.getAttribute( '_cke_focus' ) && link.$.offsetWidth ) {
+								this._.focusIndex = index;
+								link.focus();
+								break;
+							}
-					}
-					return false;
+						return false;
-				case 'click' :
-					index = this._.focusIndex;
-					link = index >= 0 && this.element.getElementsByTag( 'a' ).getItem( index );
+					case 'click':
+					case 'mouseup':
+						index = this._.focusIndex;
+						link = index >= 0 && this.element.getElementsByTag( 'a' ).getItem( index );
-					if ( link )
-						link.$.click ? link.$.click() : link.$.onclick();
+						if ( link )
+							link.$[ keyAction ] ? link.$[ keyAction ]() : link.$[ 'on' + keyAction ]();
-					return false;
-			}
+						return false;
+				}
-			return true;
+				return true;
+			}
-	}
+	});
+ * Fired when a panel is added to the document.
+ *
+ * @event ariaWidget
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ * @param {Object} data The element wrapping the panel.
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/panelbutton/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/panelbutton/plugin.js
index 4e017b4..14f6498 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/panelbutton/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/panelbutton/plugin.js
@@ -1,147 +1,138 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'panelbutton',
-	requires : [ 'button' ],
-	beforeInit : function( editor )
-	{
-		editor.ui.addHandler( CKEDITOR.UI_PANELBUTTON, CKEDITOR.ui.panelButton.handler );
-	}
- * Button UI element.
- * @constant
- * @example
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	var clickFn = function( editor )
-	{
-		var _ = this._;
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'panelbutton', {
+	requires: 'button',
+	onLoad: function() {
+		function clickFn( editor ) {
+			var _ = this._;
-			return;
+			if ( _.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
+				return;
-		this.createPanel( editor );
-		if ( _.on )
-		{
-			_.panel.hide();
-			return;
-		}
+			this.createPanel( editor );
-		_.panel.showBlock( this._.id, this.document.getById( this._.id ), 4 );
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.ui.panelButton = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
-	{
-		base : CKEDITOR.ui.button,
-		$ : function( definition )
-		{
-			// We don't want the panel definition in this object.
-			var panelDefinition = definition.panel;
-			delete definition.panel;
-			this.base( definition );
+			if ( _.on ) {
+				_.panel.hide();
+				return;
+			}
-			this.document = ( panelDefinition
-								&& panelDefinition.parent
-								&& panelDefinition.parent.getDocument() )
-							|| CKEDITOR.document;
+			_.panel.showBlock( this._.id, this.document.getById( this._.id ), 4 );
+		}
-			panelDefinition.block =
-			{
-				attributes : panelDefinition.attributes
-			};
+		/**
+		 * @class
+		 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.button
+		 * @todo class and methods
+		 */
+		CKEDITOR.ui.panelButton = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+			base: CKEDITOR.ui.button,
+			/**
+			 * Creates a panelButton class instance.
+			 *
+			 * @constructor
+			 */
+			$: function( definition ) {
+				// We don't want the panel definition in this object.
+				var panelDefinition = definition.panel || {};
+				delete definition.panel;
+				this.base( definition );
+				this.document = ( panelDefinition.parent && panelDefinition.parent.getDocument() ) || CKEDITOR.document;
+				panelDefinition.block = {
+					attributes: panelDefinition.attributes
+				};
+				panelDefinition.toolbarRelated = true;
+				this.hasArrow = true;
+				this.click = clickFn;
+				this._ = {
+					panelDefinition: panelDefinition
+				};
+			},
+			statics: {
+				handler: {
+					create: function( definition ) {
+						return new CKEDITOR.ui.panelButton( definition );
+					}
+				}
+			},
-			this.hasArrow = true;
+			proto: {
+				createPanel: function( editor ) {
+					var _ = this._;
-			this.click = clickFn;
+					if ( _.panel )
+						return;
-			this._ =
-			{
-				panelDefinition : panelDefinition
-			};
-		},
+					var panelDefinition = this._.panelDefinition,
+						panelBlockDefinition = this._.panelDefinition.block,
+						panelParentElement = panelDefinition.parent || CKEDITOR.document.getBody(),
+						panel = this._.panel = new CKEDITOR.ui.floatPanel( editor, panelParentElement, panelDefinition ),
+						block = panel.addBlock( _.id, panelBlockDefinition ),
+						me = this;
-		statics :
-		{
-			handler :
-			{
-				create : function( definition )
-				{
-					return new CKEDITOR.ui.panelButton( definition );
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		proto :
-		{
-			createPanel : function( editor )
-			{
-				var _ = this._;
-				if ( _.panel )
-					return;
-				var panelDefinition = this._.panelDefinition || {},
-					 panelBlockDefinition = this._.panelDefinition.block,
-					panelParentElement = panelDefinition.parent || CKEDITOR.document.getBody(),
-					panel = this._.panel = new CKEDITOR.ui.floatPanel( editor, panelParentElement, panelDefinition ),
-					block = panel.addBlock( _.id, panelBlockDefinition ),
-					me = this;
-				panel.onShow = function()
-					{
+					panel.onShow = function() {
 						if ( me.className )
-							this.element.getFirst().addClass( me.className + '_panel' );
+							this.element.addClass( me.className + '_panel' );
-						_.oldState = me._.state;
 						me.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
 						_.on = 1;
+						me.editorFocus && editor.focus();
 						if ( me.onOpen )
-				panel.onHide = function()
-					{
+					panel.onHide = function( preventOnClose ) {
 						if ( me.className )
 							this.element.getFirst().removeClass( me.className + '_panel' );
-						me.setState( _.oldState );
+						me.setState( me.modes && me.modes[ editor.mode ] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
 						_.on = 0;
-						if ( me.onClose )
+						if ( !preventOnClose && me.onClose )
-				panel.onEscape = function()
-					{
-						panel.hide();
+					panel.onEscape = function() {
+						panel.hide( 1 );
 						me.document.getById( _.id ).focus();
-				if ( this.onBlock )
-					this.onBlock( panel, block );
+					if ( this.onBlock )
+						this.onBlock( panel, block );
-				block.onHide = function()
-						{
-								_.on = 0;
-								me.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
-						};
+					block.onHide = function() {
+						_.on = 0;
+						me.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
+					};
+				}
-		}
-	});
+		});
+	},
+	beforeInit: function( editor ) {
+		editor.ui.addHandler( CKEDITOR.UI_PANELBUTTON, CKEDITOR.ui.panelButton.handler );
+	}
+ * Button UI element.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {String} [='panelbutton']
+ * @member CKEDITOR
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/filter/default.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/filter/default.js
index 61ceaf8..c773a18 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/filter/default.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/filter/default.js
@@ -1,35 +1,30 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
 	var fragmentPrototype = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype,
 		elementPrototype = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element.prototype;
-	fragmentPrototype.onlyChild = elementPrototype.onlyChild = function()
-	{
+	fragmentPrototype.onlyChild = elementPrototype.onlyChild = function() {
 		var children = this.children,
 			count = children.length,
 			firstChild = ( count == 1 ) && children[ 0 ];
 		return firstChild || null;
-	elementPrototype.removeAnyChildWithName = function( tagName )
-	{
+	elementPrototype.removeAnyChildWithName = function( tagName ) {
 		var children = this.children,
 			childs = [],
-		for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) {
 			child = children[ i ];
 			if ( !child.name )
-			if ( child.name == tagName )
-			{
+			if ( child.name == tagName ) {
 				childs.push( child );
 				children.splice( i--, 1 );
@@ -38,25 +33,21 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		return childs;
-	elementPrototype.getAncestor = function( tagNameRegex )
-	{
+	elementPrototype.getAncestor = function( tagNameRegex ) {
 		var parent = this.parent;
 		while ( parent && !( parent.name && parent.name.match( tagNameRegex ) ) )
 			parent = parent.parent;
 		return parent;
-	fragmentPrototype.firstChild = elementPrototype.firstChild = function( evaluator )
-	{
+	fragmentPrototype.firstChild = elementPrototype.firstChild = function( evaluator ) {
 		var child;
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.children.length ; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++ ) {
 			child = this.children[ i ];
 			if ( evaluator( child ) )
 				return child;
-			else if ( child.name )
-			{
+			else if ( child.name ) {
 				child = child.firstChild( evaluator );
 				if ( child )
 					return child;
@@ -67,19 +58,16 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 	// Adding a (set) of styles to the element's 'style' attributes.
-	elementPrototype.addStyle = function( name, value, isPrepend )
-	{
-		var styleText, addingStyleText = '';
+	elementPrototype.addStyle = function( name, value, isPrepend ) {
+		var styleText,
+			addingStyleText = '';
 		// name/value pair.
 		if ( typeof value == 'string' )
 			addingStyleText += name + ':' + value + ';';
-		else
-		{
+		else {
 			// style literal.
-			if ( typeof name == 'object' )
-			{
-				for ( var style in name )
-				{
+			if ( typeof name == 'object' ) {
+				for ( var style in name ) {
 					if ( name.hasOwnProperty( style ) )
 						addingStyleText += style + ':' + name[ style ] + ';';
@@ -96,488 +84,549 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		styleText = this.attributes.style || '';
-		styleText = ( isPrepend ?
-		              [ addingStyleText, styleText ]
-					  : [ styleText, addingStyleText ] ).join( ';' );
+		styleText = ( isPrepend ? [ addingStyleText, styleText ] : [ styleText, addingStyleText ] ).join( ';' );
 		this.attributes.style = styleText.replace( /^;|;(?=;)/, '' );
+	// Retrieve a style property value of the element.
+	elementPrototype.getStyle = function( name ) {
+		var styles = this.attributes.style;
+		if ( styles ) {
+			styles = CKEDITOR.tools.parseCssText( styles, 1 );
+			return styles[ name ];
+		}
+	};
 	 * Return the DTD-valid parent tag names of the specified one.
-	 * @param tagName
+	 *
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.dtd
+	 * @param {String} tagName
+	 * @returns {Object}
-	CKEDITOR.dtd.parentOf = function( tagName )
-	{
+	CKEDITOR.dtd.parentOf = function( tagName ) {
 		var result = {};
-		for ( var tag in this )
-		{
+		for ( var tag in this ) {
 			if ( tag.indexOf( '$' ) == -1 && this[ tag ][ tagName ] )
 				result[ tag ] = 1;
 		return result;
-	var cssLengthRelativeUnit = /^(\d[.\d]*)+(em|ex|px|gd|rem|vw|vh|vm|ch|mm|cm|in|pt|pc|deg|rad|ms|s|hz|khz){1}?/i;
-	var emptyMarginRegex = /^(?:\b0[^\s]*\s*){1,4}$/;		// e.g. 0px 0pt 0px
+	// 1. move consistent list item styles up to list root.
+	// 2. clear out unnecessary list item numbering.
+	function postProcessList( list ) {
+		var children = list.children,
+			child, attrs,
+			count = list.children.length,
+			match, mergeStyle,
+			styleTypeRegexp = /list-style-type:(.*?)(?:;|$)/,
+			stylesFilter = CKEDITOR.plugins.pastefromword.filters.stylesFilter;
+		attrs = list.attributes;
+		if ( styleTypeRegexp.exec( attrs.style ) )
+			return;
+		for ( var i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
+			child = children[ i ];
-	var listBaseIndent = 0,
-		 previousListItemMargin;
+			if ( child.attributes.value && Number( child.attributes.value ) == i + 1 )
+				delete child.attributes.value;
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.pastefromword =
-	{
-		utils :
-		{
-			// Create a <cke:listbullet> which indicate an list item type.
-			createListBulletMarker : function ( bulletStyle, bulletText )
-			{
-				var marker = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'cke:listbullet' ),
-					listType;
-				// TODO: Support more list style type from MS-Word.
-				if ( !bulletStyle )
-				{
-					bulletStyle = 'decimal';
-					listType = 'ol';
-				}
-				else if ( bulletStyle[ 2 ] )
-				{
-					if ( !isNaN( bulletStyle[ 1 ] ) )
-						bulletStyle = 'decimal';
-					// No way to distinguish between Roman numerals and Alphas,
-					// detect them as a whole.
-					else if ( /^[a-z]+$/.test( bulletStyle[ 1 ] ) )
-						bulletStyle = 'lower-alpha';
-					else if ( /^[A-Z]+$/.test( bulletStyle[ 1 ] ) )
-						bulletStyle = 'upper-alpha';
-					// Simply use decimal for the rest forms of unrepresentable
-					// numerals, e.g. Chinese...
-					else
-						bulletStyle = 'decimal';
-					listType = 'ol';
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					if ( /[l\u00B7\u2002]/.test( bulletStyle[ 1 ] ) )
-						bulletStyle = 'disc';
-					else if ( /[\u006F\u00D8]/.test( bulletStyle[ 1 ] ) )
-						bulletStyle = 'circle';
-					else if ( /[\u006E\u25C6]/.test( bulletStyle[ 1 ] ) )
-						bulletStyle = 'square';
-					else
-						bulletStyle = 'disc';
-					listType = 'ul';
+			match = styleTypeRegexp.exec( child.attributes.style );
+			if ( match ) {
+				if ( match[ 1 ] == mergeStyle || !mergeStyle )
+					mergeStyle = match[ 1 ];
+				else {
+					mergeStyle = null;
+					break;
+			}
+		}
-				// Represent list type as CSS style.
-				marker.attributes =
-				{
-					'cke:listtype' : listType,
-					'style' : 'list-style-type:' + bulletStyle + ';'
-				};
+		if ( mergeStyle ) {
+			for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
+				attrs = children[ i ].attributes;
+				attrs.style && ( attrs.style = stylesFilter( [ [ 'list-style-type' ] ] )( attrs.style ) || '' );
+			}
+			list.addStyle( 'list-style-type', mergeStyle );
+		}
+	}
+	var cssLengthRelativeUnit = /^([.\d]*)+(em|ex|px|gd|rem|vw|vh|vm|ch|mm|cm|in|pt|pc|deg|rad|ms|s|hz|khz){1}?/i;
+	var emptyMarginRegex = /^(?:\b0[^\s]*\s*){1,4}$/; // e.g. 0px 0pt 0px
+	var romanLiternalPattern = '^m{0,4}(cm|cd|d?c{0,3})(xc|xl|l?x{0,3})(ix|iv|v?i{0,3})$',
+		lowerRomanLiteralRegex = new RegExp( romanLiternalPattern ),
+		upperRomanLiteralRegex = new RegExp( romanLiternalPattern.toUpperCase() );
+	var orderedPatterns = { 'decimal': /\d+/, 'lower-roman': lowerRomanLiteralRegex, 'upper-roman': upperRomanLiteralRegex, 'lower-alpha': /^[a-z]+$/, 'upper-alpha': /^[A-Z]+$/ },
+		unorderedPatterns = { 'disc': /[l\u00B7\u2002]/, 'circle': /[\u006F\u00D8]/, 'square': /[\u006E\u25C6]/ },
+		listMarkerPatterns = { 'ol': orderedPatterns, 'ul': unorderedPatterns },
+		romans = [ [ 1000, 'M' ], [ 900, 'CM' ], [ 500, 'D' ], [ 400, 'CD' ], [ 100, 'C' ], [ 90, 'XC' ], [ 50, 'L' ], [ 40, 'XL' ], [ 10, 'X' ], [ 9, 'IX' ], [ 5, 'V' ], [ 4, 'IV' ], [ 1, 'I' ] ],
+	// Convert roman numbering back to decimal.
+	function fromRoman( str ) {
+		str = str.toUpperCase();
+		var l = romans.length,
+			retVal = 0;
+		for ( var i = 0; i < l; ++i ) {
+			for ( var j = romans[ i ], k = j[ 1 ].length; str.substr( 0, k ) == j[ 1 ]; str = str.substr( k ) )
+				retVal += j[ 0 ];
+		}
+		return retVal;
+	}
+	// Convert alphabet numbering back to decimal.
+	function fromAlphabet( str ) {
+		str = str.toUpperCase();
+		var l = alpahbets.length,
+			retVal = 1;
+		for ( var x = 1; str.length > 0; x *= l ) {
+			retVal += alpahbets.indexOf( str.charAt( str.length - 1 ) ) * x;
+			str = str.substr( 0, str.length - 1 );
+		}
+		return retVal;
+	}
+	var listBaseIndent = 0,
+		previousListItemMargin = null,
+		previousListId;
+	var plugin = ( CKEDITOR.plugins.pastefromword = {
+		utils: {
+			// Create a <cke:listbullet> which indicate an list item type.
+			createListBulletMarker: function( bullet, bulletText ) {
+				var marker = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'cke:listbullet' );
+				marker.attributes = { 'cke:listsymbol': bullet[ 0 ] };
 				marker.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( bulletText ) );
 				return marker;
-			isListBulletIndicator : function( element )
-			{
+			isListBulletIndicator: function( element ) {
 				var styleText = element.attributes && element.attributes.style;
 				if ( /mso-list\s*:\s*Ignore/i.test( styleText ) )
 					return true;
-			isContainingOnlySpaces : function( element )
-			{
+			isContainingOnlySpaces: function( element ) {
 				var text;
-				return ( ( text = element.onlyChild() )
-					    && ( /^(:?\s| )+$/ ).test( text.value ) );
+				return ( ( text = element.onlyChild() ) && ( /^(:?\s| )+$/ ).test( text.value ) );
-			resolveList : function( element )
-			{
+			resolveList: function( element ) {
 				// <cke:listbullet> indicate a list item.
 				var attrs = element.attributes,
-				if ( ( listMarker = element.removeAnyChildWithName( 'cke:listbullet' ) )
-					  && listMarker.length
-					  && ( listMarker = listMarker[ 0 ] ) )
-				{
+				if ( ( listMarker = element.removeAnyChildWithName( 'cke:listbullet' ) ) && listMarker.length && ( listMarker = listMarker[ 0 ] ) ) {
 					element.name = 'cke:li';
-					if ( attrs.style )
-					{
-						attrs.style = CKEDITOR.plugins.pastefromword.filters.stylesFilter(
-								[
-									// Text-indent is not representing list item level any more.
-									[ 'text-indent' ],
-									[ 'line-height' ],
-									// Resolve indent level from 'margin-left' value.
-									[ ( /^margin(:?-left)?$/ ), null, function( margin )
-									{
-										// Be able to deal with component/short-hand form style.
-										var values = margin.split( ' ' );
-										margin = values[ 3 ] || values[ 1 ] || values [ 0 ];
-										margin = parseInt( margin, 10 );
-										// Figure out the indent unit by looking at the first increament.
-										if ( !listBaseIndent && previousListItemMargin && margin > previousListItemMargin )
-											listBaseIndent = margin - previousListItemMargin;
-										attrs[ 'cke:margin' ] = previousListItemMargin = margin;
-									} ]
-							] )( attrs.style, element ) || '' ;
+					if ( attrs.style ) {
+						attrs.style = plugin.filters.stylesFilter( [
+							// Text-indent is not representing list item level any more.
+							[ 'text-indent' ],
+							[ 'line-height' ],
+							// First attempt is to resolve indent level from on a constant margin increment.
+							[ ( /^margin(:?-left)?$/ ), null, function( margin ) {
+								// Deal with component/short-hand form.
+								var values = margin.split( ' ' );
+								margin = CKEDITOR.tools.convertToPx( values[ 3 ] || values[ 1 ] || values[ 0 ] );
+								// Figure out the indent unit by checking the first time of incrementation.
+								if ( !listBaseIndent && previousListItemMargin !== null && margin > previousListItemMargin )
+									listBaseIndent = margin - previousListItemMargin;
+								previousListItemMargin = margin;
+								attrs[ 'cke:indent' ] = listBaseIndent && ( Math.ceil( margin / listBaseIndent ) + 1 ) || 1;
+							}],
+							// The best situation: "mso-list:l0 level1 lfo2" tells the belonged list root, list item indentation, etc.
+							[ ( /^mso-list$/ ), null, function( val ) {
+								val = val.split( ' ' );
+								var listId = Number( val[ 0 ].match( /\d+/ ) ),
+									indent = Number( val[ 1 ].match( /\d+/ ) );
+								if ( indent == 1 ) {
+									listId !== previousListId && ( attrs[ 'cke:reset' ] = 1 );
+									previousListId = listId;
+								}
+								attrs[ 'cke:indent' ] = indent;
+							}]
+						] )( attrs.style, element ) || '';
-					// Inherit list-type-style from bullet.
-					var listBulletAttrs = listMarker.attributes,
-						listBulletStyle = listBulletAttrs.style;
+					// First level list item might be presented without a margin.
-					element.addStyle( listBulletStyle );
-					CKEDITOR.tools.extend( attrs, listBulletAttrs );
+					// In case all above doesn't apply.
+					if ( !attrs[ 'cke:indent' ] ) {
+						previousListItemMargin = 0;
+						attrs[ 'cke:indent' ] = 1;
+					}
+					// Inherit attributes from bullet.
+					CKEDITOR.tools.extend( attrs, listMarker.attributes );
 					return true;
+				// Current list disconnected.
+				else
+					previousListId = previousListItemMargin = listBaseIndent = null;
 				return false;
-			// Convert various length units to 'px' in ignorance of DPI.
-			convertToPx : ( function ()
-			{
-				var calculator = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(
-								'<div style="position:absolute;left:-9999px;' +
-								'top:-9999px;margin:0px;padding:0px;border:0px;"' +
-								'></div>', CKEDITOR.document );
-				CKEDITOR.document.getBody().append( calculator );
-				return function( cssLength )
-				{
-					if ( cssLengthRelativeUnit.test( cssLength ) )
-					{
-						calculator.setStyle( 'width', cssLength );
-						return calculator.$.clientWidth + 'px';
-					}
-					return cssLength;
-				};
-			} )(),
 			// Providing a shorthand style then retrieve one or more style component values.
-			getStyleComponents : ( function()
-			{
-				var calculator = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(
-								'<div style="position:absolute;left:-9999px;top:-9999px;"></div>',
-								CKEDITOR.document );
+			getStyleComponents: (function() {
+				var calculator = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div style="position:absolute;left:-9999px;top:-9999px;"></div>', CKEDITOR.document );
 				CKEDITOR.document.getBody().append( calculator );
-				return function( name, styleValue, fetchList )
-				{
+				return function( name, styleValue, fetchList ) {
 					calculator.setStyle( name, styleValue );
 					var styles = {},
 						count = fetchList.length;
 					for ( var i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-						styles[ fetchList[ i ] ]  = calculator.getStyle( fetchList[ i ] );
+						styles[ fetchList[ i ] ] = calculator.getStyle( fetchList[ i ] );
 					return styles;
-			} )(),
+			})(),
-			listDtdParents : CKEDITOR.dtd.parentOf( 'ol' )
+			listDtdParents: CKEDITOR.dtd.parentOf( 'ol' )
-		filters :
-		{
-				// Transform a normal list into flat list items only presentation.
-				// E.g. <ul><li>level1<ol><li>level2</li></ol></li> =>
-				// <cke:li cke:listtype="ul" cke:indent="1">level1</cke:li>
-				// <cke:li cke:listtype="ol" cke:indent="2">level2</cke:li>
-				flattenList : function( element )
-				{
-					var	attrs = element.attributes,
-						parent = element.parent;
-					var listStyleType,
-						indentLevel = 1;
-					// Resolve how many level nested.
-					while ( parent )
-					{
-						parent.attributes && parent.attributes[ 'cke:list'] && indentLevel++;
-						parent = parent.parent;
-					}
+		filters: {
+			// Transform a normal list into flat list items only presentation.
+			// E.g. <ul><li>level1<ol><li>level2</li></ol></li> =>
+			// <cke:li cke:listtype="ul" cke:indent="1">level1</cke:li>
+			// <cke:li cke:listtype="ol" cke:indent="2">level2</cke:li>
+			flattenList: function( element, level ) {
+				level = typeof level == 'number' ? level : 1;
-					// All list items are of the same type.
-					switch ( attrs.type )
-					{
-						case 'a' :
-							listStyleType = 'lower-alpha';
-							break;
+				var attrs = element.attributes,
+					listStyleType;
+				// All list items are of the same type.
+				switch ( attrs.type ) {
+					case 'a':
+						listStyleType = 'lower-alpha';
+						break;
+					case '1':
+						listStyleType = 'decimal';
+						break;
 						// TODO: Support more list style type from MS-Word.
-					}
+				}
-					var children = element.children,
-						child;
+				var children = element.children,
+					child;
-					for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
-					{
-						child = children[ i ];
-						var attributes = child.attributes;
+				for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) {
+					child = children[ i ];
-						if ( child.name in CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem )
-						{
-							var listItemChildren = child.children,
-								count = listItemChildren.length,
-								last = listItemChildren[ count - 1 ];
-							// Move out nested list.
-							if ( last.name in CKEDITOR.dtd.$list )
-							{
-								children.splice( i + 1, 0, last );
-								last.parent = element;
-								// Remove the parent list item if it's just a holder.
-								if ( !--listItemChildren.length )
-									children.splice( i, 1 );
-							}
+					if ( child.name in CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem ) {
+						var attributes = child.attributes,
+							listItemChildren = child.children,
+							count = listItemChildren.length,
+							last = listItemChildren[ count - 1 ];
-							child.name = 'cke:li';
-							attributes[ 'cke:indent' ] = indentLevel;
-							previousListItemMargin = 0;
-							attributes[ 'cke:listtype' ] = element.name;
-							listStyleType && child.addStyle( 'list-style-type', listStyleType, true );
+						// Move out nested list.
+						if ( last.name in CKEDITOR.dtd.$list ) {
+							element.add( last, i + 1 );
+							// Remove the parent list item if it's just a holder.
+							if ( !--listItemChildren.length )
+								children.splice( i--, 1 );
+						child.name = 'cke:li';
+						// Inherit numbering from list root on the first list item.
+						attrs.start && !i && ( attributes.value = attrs.start );
+						plugin.filters.stylesFilter( [
+							[ 'tab-stops', null, function( val ) {
+								var margin = val.split( ' ' )[ 1 ].match( cssLengthRelativeUnit );
+								margin && ( previousListItemMargin = CKEDITOR.tools.convertToPx( margin[ 0 ] ) );
+							}],
+							( level == 1 ? [ 'mso-list', null, function( val ) {
+								val = val.split( ' ' );
+								var listId = Number( val[ 0 ].match( /\d+/ ) );
+								listId !== previousListId && ( attributes[ 'cke:reset' ] = 1 );
+								previousListId = listId;
+							}] : null )
+						] )( attributes.style );
+						attributes[ 'cke:indent' ] = level;
+						attributes[ 'cke:listtype' ] = element.name;
+						attributes[ 'cke:list-style-type' ] = listStyleType;
+					}
+					// Flatten sub list.
+					else if ( child.name in CKEDITOR.dtd.$list ) {
+						// Absorb sub list children.
+						arguments.callee.apply( this, [ child, level + 1 ] );
+						children = children.slice( 0, i ).concat( child.children ).concat( children.slice( i + 1 ) );
+						element.children = [];
+						for ( var j = 0, num = children.length; j < num; j++ )
+							element.add( children[ j ] );
+				}
-					delete element.name;
+				delete element.name;
-					// We're loosing tag name here, signalize this element as a list.
-					attrs[ 'cke:list' ] = 1;
-				},
+				// We're loosing tag name here, signalize this element as a list.
+				attrs[ 'cke:list' ] = 1;
+			},
-				/**
-				 *  Try to collect all list items among the children and establish one
-				 *  or more HTML list structures for them.
-				 * @param element
-				 */
-				assembleList : function( element )
-				{
-					var children = element.children, child,
-							listItem,   // The current processing cke:li element.
-							listItemAttrs,
-							listType,   // Determine the root type of the list.
-							listItemIndent, // Indent level of current list item.
-							lastListItem, // The previous one just been added to the list.
-							list, parentList, // Current staging list and it's parent list if any.
-							indent;
-					for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
-					{
-						child = children[ i ];
-						if ( 'cke:li' == child.name )
-						{
-							child.name = 'li';
-							listItem = child;
-							listItemAttrs = listItem.attributes;
-							listType = listItem.attributes[ 'cke:listtype' ];
-							// List item indent level might come from a real list indentation or
-							// been resolved from a pseudo list item's margin value, even get
-							// no indentation at all.
-							listItemIndent = parseInt( listItemAttrs[ 'cke:indent' ], 10 )
-													|| listBaseIndent && ( Math.ceil( listItemAttrs[ 'cke:margin' ] / listBaseIndent ) )
-													|| 1;
-							// Ignore the 'list-style-type' attribute if it's matched with
-							// the list root element's default style type.
-							listItemAttrs.style && ( listItemAttrs.style =
-							        CKEDITOR.plugins.pastefromword.filters.stylesFilter(
-									[
-										[ 'list-style-type', listType == 'ol' ? 'decimal' : 'disc' ]
-									] )( listItemAttrs.style )
-									|| '' );
-							if ( !list )
-							{
-								list = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( listType );
-								list.add( listItem );
-								children[ i ] = list;
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								if ( listItemIndent > indent )
-								{
-									list = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( listType );
-									list.add( listItem );
-									lastListItem.add( list );
-								}
-								else if ( listItemIndent < indent )
-								{
-									// There might be a negative gap between two list levels. (#4944)
-									var diff = indent - listItemIndent,
-										parent;
-									while ( diff-- && ( parent = list.parent ) )
-										list = parent.parent;
-									list.add( listItem );
+			// Try to collect all list items among the children and establish one
+			// or more HTML list structures for them.
+			// @param element
+			assembleList: function( element ) {
+				var children = element.children,
+					child, listItem, // The current processing cke:li element.
+					listItemAttrs, listItemIndent, // Indent level of current list item.
+					lastIndent, lastListItem, // The previous one just been added to the list.
+					list, // Current staging list and it's parent list if any.
+					openedLists = [],
+					previousListStyleType, previousListType;
+				// Properties of the list item are to be resolved from the list bullet.
+				var bullet, listType, listStyleType, itemNumeric;
+				for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) {
+					child = children[ i ];
+					if ( 'cke:li' == child.name ) {
+						child.name = 'li';
+						listItem = child;
+						listItemAttrs = listItem.attributes;
+						bullet = listItemAttrs[ 'cke:listsymbol' ];
+						bullet = bullet && bullet.match( /^(?:[(]?)([^\s]+?)([.)]?)$/ );
+						listType = listStyleType = itemNumeric = null;
+						if ( listItemAttrs[ 'cke:ignored' ] ) {
+							children.splice( i--, 1 );
+							continue;
+						}
+						// This's from a new list root.
+						listItemAttrs[ 'cke:reset' ] && ( list = lastIndent = lastListItem = null );
+						// List item indent level might come from a real list indentation or
+						// been resolved from a pseudo list item's margin value, even get
+						// no indentation at all.
+						listItemIndent = Number( listItemAttrs[ 'cke:indent' ] );
+						// We're moving out of the current list, cleaning up.
+						if ( listItemIndent != lastIndent )
+							previousListType = previousListStyleType = null;
+						// List type and item style are already resolved.
+						if ( !bullet ) {
+							listType = listItemAttrs[ 'cke:listtype' ] || 'ol';
+							listStyleType = listItemAttrs[ 'cke:list-style-type' ];
+						} else {
+							// Probably share the same list style type with previous list item,
+							// give it priority to avoid ambiguous between C(Alpha) and C.(Roman).
+							if ( previousListType && listMarkerPatterns[ previousListType ][ previousListStyleType ].test( bullet[ 1 ] ) ) {
+								listType = previousListType;
+								listStyleType = previousListStyleType;
+							} else {
+								for ( var type in listMarkerPatterns ) {
+									for ( var style in listMarkerPatterns[ type ] ) {
+										if ( listMarkerPatterns[ type ][ style ].test( bullet[ 1 ] ) ) {
+											// Small numbering has higher priority, when dealing with ambiguous
+											// between C(Alpha) and C.(Roman).
+											if ( type == 'ol' && ( /alpha|roman/ ).test( style ) ) {
+												var num = /roman/.test( style ) ? fromRoman( bullet[ 1 ] ) : fromAlphabet( bullet[ 1 ] );
+												if ( !itemNumeric || num < itemNumeric ) {
+													itemNumeric = num;
+													listType = type;
+													listStyleType = style;
+												}
+											} else {
+												listType = type;
+												listStyleType = style;
+												break;
+											}
+										}
+									}
-								else
-									list.add( listItem );
+							}
-								children.splice( i--, 1 );
+							// Simply use decimal/disc for the rest forms of unrepresentable
+							// numerals, e.g. Chinese..., but as long as there a second part
+							// included, it has a bigger chance of being a order list ;)
+							!listType && ( listType = bullet[ 2 ] ? 'ol' : 'ul' );
+						}
+						previousListType = listType;
+						previousListStyleType = listStyleType || ( listType == 'ol' ? 'decimal' : 'disc' );
+						if ( listStyleType && listStyleType != ( listType == 'ol' ? 'decimal' : 'disc' ) )
+							listItem.addStyle( 'list-style-type', listStyleType );
+						// Figure out start numbering.
+						if ( listType == 'ol' && bullet ) {
+							switch ( listStyleType ) {
+								case 'decimal':
+									itemNumeric = Number( bullet[ 1 ] );
+									break;
+								case 'lower-roman':
+								case 'upper-roman':
+									itemNumeric = fromRoman( bullet[ 1 ] );
+									break;
+								case 'lower-alpha':
+								case 'upper-alpha':
+									itemNumeric = fromAlphabet( bullet[ 1 ] );
+									break;
-							lastListItem = listItem;
-							indent = listItemIndent;
+							// Always create the numbering, swipe out unnecessary ones later.
+							listItem.attributes.value = itemNumeric;
-						else
-							list = null;
-					}
-					listBaseIndent = 0;
-				},
+						// Start the list construction.
+						if ( !list ) {
+							openedLists.push( list = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( listType ) );
+							list.add( listItem );
+							children[ i ] = list;
+						} else {
+							if ( listItemIndent > lastIndent ) {
+								openedLists.push( list = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( listType ) );
+								list.add( listItem );
+								lastListItem.add( list );
+							} else if ( listItemIndent < lastIndent ) {
+								// There might be a negative gap between two list levels. (#4944)
+								var diff = lastIndent - listItemIndent,
+									parent;
+								while ( diff-- && ( parent = list.parent ) )
+									list = parent.parent;
-				/**
-				 * A simple filter which always rejecting.
-				 */
-				falsyFilter : function( value )
-				{
-					return false;
-				},
+								list.add( listItem );
+							} else
+								list.add( listItem );
-				/**
-				 * A filter dedicated on the 'style' attribute filtering, e.g. dropping/replacing style properties.
-				 * @param styles {Array} in form of [ styleNameRegexp, styleValueRegexp,
-				 *  newStyleValue/newStyleGenerator, newStyleName ] where only the first
-				 *  parameter is mandatory.
-				 * @param whitelist {Boolean} Whether the {@param styles} will be considered as a white-list.
-				 */
-				stylesFilter : function( styles, whitelist )
-				{
-					return function( styleText, element )
-					{
-						 var rules = [];
-						// html-encoded quote might be introduced by 'font-family'
-						// from MS-Word which confused the following regexp. e.g.
-						//'font-family: "Lucida, Console"'
-						 styleText
-							.replace( /"/g, '"' )
-							.replace( /\s*([^ :;]+)\s*:\s*([^;]+)\s*(?=;|$)/g,
-								 function( match, name, value )
-								 {
-									 name = name.toLowerCase();
-									 name == 'font-family' && ( value = value.replace( /["']/g, '' ) );
-									 var namePattern,
-										 valuePattern,
-										 newValue,
-										 newName;
-									 for ( var i = 0 ; i < styles.length; i++ )
-									 {
-										if ( styles[ i ] )
-										{
-											namePattern = styles[ i ][ 0 ];
-											valuePattern = styles[ i ][ 1 ];
-											newValue = styles[ i ][ 2 ];
-											newName = styles[ i ][ 3 ];
-											if ( name.match( namePattern )
-												 && ( !valuePattern || value.match( valuePattern ) ) )
-											{
-												name = newName || name;
-												whitelist && ( newValue = newValue || value );
-												if ( typeof newValue == 'function' )
-													newValue = newValue( value, element, name );
-												// Return an couple indicate both name and value
-												// changed.
-												if ( newValue && newValue.push )
-													name = newValue[ 0 ], newValue = newValue[ 1 ];
-												if ( typeof newValue == 'string' )
-													rules.push( [ name, newValue ] );
-												return;
-											}
-										}
-									 }
+							children.splice( i--, 1 );
+						}
-									 !whitelist && rules.push( [ name, value ] );
+						lastListItem = listItem;
+						lastIndent = listItemIndent;
+					} else if ( list )
+						list = lastIndent = lastListItem = null;
+				}
-								 });
+				for ( i = 0; i < openedLists.length; i++ )
+					postProcessList( openedLists[ i ] );
-						for ( var i = 0 ; i < rules.length ; i++ )
-							 rules[ i ] = rules[ i ].join( ':' );
-						return rules.length ?
-						         ( rules.join( ';' ) + ';' ) : false;
-					 };
-				},
+				list = lastIndent = lastListItem = previousListId = previousListItemMargin = listBaseIndent = null;
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Migrate the element by decorate styles on it.
-				 * @param styleDefiniton
-				 * @param variables
-				 */
-				elementMigrateFilter : function ( styleDefiniton, variables )
-				{
-					return function( element )
-						{
-							var styleDef =
-									variables ?
-										new CKEDITOR.style( styleDefiniton, variables )._.definition
-										: styleDefiniton;
-							element.name = styleDef.element;
-							CKEDITOR.tools.extend( element.attributes, CKEDITOR.tools.clone( styleDef.attributes ) );
-							element.addStyle( CKEDITOR.style.getStyleText( styleDef ) );
-						};
-				},
+			// A simple filter which always rejecting.
+			falsyFilter: function( value ) {
+				return false;
+			},
-				/**
-				 * Migrate styles by creating a new nested stylish element.
-				 * @param styleDefinition
-				 */
-				styleMigrateFilter : function( styleDefinition, variableName )
-				{
-					var elementMigrateFilter = this.elementMigrateFilter;
-					return function( value, element )
-					{
-						// Build an stylish element first.
-						var styleElement = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( null ),
-							variables = {};
-						variables[ variableName ] = value;
-						elementMigrateFilter( styleDefinition, variables )( styleElement );
-						// Place the new element inside the existing span.
-						styleElement.children = element.children;
-						element.children = [ styleElement ];
-					};
-				},
+			// A filter dedicated on the 'style' attribute filtering, e.g. dropping/replacing style properties.
+			// @param styles {Array} in form of [ styleNameRegexp, styleValueRegexp,
+			// newStyleValue/newStyleGenerator, newStyleName ] where only the first
+			// parameter is mandatory.
+			// @param whitelist {Boolean} Whether the {@param styles} will be considered as a white-list.
+			stylesFilter: function( styles, whitelist ) {
+				return function( styleText, element ) {
+					var rules = [];
+					// html-encoded quote might be introduced by 'font-family'
+					// from MS-Word which confused the following regexp. e.g.
+					//'font-family: "Lucida, Console"'
+					( styleText || '' ).replace( /"/g, '"' ).replace( /\s*([^ :;]+)\s*:\s*([^;]+)\s*(?=;|$)/g, function( match, name, value ) {
+						name = name.toLowerCase();
+						name == 'font-family' && ( value = value.replace( /["']/g, '' ) );
+						var namePattern, valuePattern, newValue, newName;
+						for ( var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++ ) {
+							if ( styles[ i ] ) {
+								namePattern = styles[ i ][ 0 ];
+								valuePattern = styles[ i ][ 1 ];
+								newValue = styles[ i ][ 2 ];
+								newName = styles[ i ][ 3 ];
+								if ( name.match( namePattern ) && ( !valuePattern || value.match( valuePattern ) ) ) {
+									name = newName || name;
+									whitelist && ( newValue = newValue || value );
+									if ( typeof newValue == 'function' )
+										newValue = newValue( value, element, name );
+									// Return an couple indicate both name and value
+									// changed.
+									if ( newValue && newValue.push )
+										name = newValue[ 0 ], newValue = newValue[ 1 ];
+									if ( typeof newValue == 'string' )
+										rules.push( [ name, newValue ] );
+									return;
+								}
+							}
+						}
-				/**
-				 * A filter which remove cke-namespaced-attribute on
-				 * all none-cke-namespaced elements.
-				 * @param value
-				 * @param element
-				 */
-				bogusAttrFilter : function( value, element )
-				{
-					if ( element.name.indexOf( 'cke:' ) == -1 )
-						return false;
-				},
+						!whitelist && rules.push( [ name, value ] );
-				/**
-				 * A filter which will be used to apply inline css style according the stylesheet
-				 * definition rules, is generated lazily when filtering.
-				 */
-				applyStyleFilter : null
+					});
+					for ( var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++ )
+						rules[ i ] = rules[ i ].join( ':' );
+					return rules.length ? ( rules.join( ';' ) + ';' ) : false;
+				};
+			},
+			// Migrate the element by decorate styles on it.
+			// @param styleDefinition
+			// @param variables
+			elementMigrateFilter: function( styleDefinition, variables ) {
+				return styleDefinition ? function( element ) {
+					var styleDef = variables ? new CKEDITOR.style( styleDefinition, variables )._.definition : styleDefinition;
+					element.name = styleDef.element;
+					CKEDITOR.tools.extend( element.attributes, CKEDITOR.tools.clone( styleDef.attributes ) );
+					element.addStyle( CKEDITOR.style.getStyleText( styleDef ) );
+				} : function(){};
+			},
+			// Migrate styles by creating a new nested stylish element.
+			// @param styleDefinition
+			styleMigrateFilter: function( styleDefinition, variableName ) {
+				var elementMigrateFilter = this.elementMigrateFilter;
+				return styleDefinition ? function( value, element ) {
+					// Build an stylish element first.
+					var styleElement = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( null ),
+						variables = {};
+					variables[ variableName ] = value;
+					elementMigrateFilter( styleDefinition, variables )( styleElement );
+					// Place the new element inside the existing span.
+					styleElement.children = element.children;
+					element.children = [ styleElement ];
+				} : function(){};
+			},
+			// A filter which remove cke-namespaced-attribute on
+			// all none-cke-namespaced elements.
+			// @param value
+			// @param element
+			bogusAttrFilter: function( value, element ) {
+				if ( element.name.indexOf( 'cke:' ) == -1 )
+					return false;
-		getRules : function( editor )
-		{
+			// A filter which will be used to apply inline css style according the stylesheet
+			// definition rules, is generated lazily when filtering.
+			applyStyleFilter: null
+		},
+		getRules: function( editor ) {
 			var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd,
 				blockLike = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, dtd.$block, dtd.$listItem, dtd.$tableContent ),
 				config = editor.config,
@@ -592,7 +641,10 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				isListBulletIndicator = this.utils.isListBulletIndicator,
 				containsNothingButSpaces = this.utils.isContainingOnlySpaces,
 				resolveListItem = this.utils.resolveList,
-				convertToPx = this.utils.convertToPx,
+				convertToPx = function( value ) {
+					value = CKEDITOR.tools.convertToPx( value );
+					return isNaN( value ) ? value : value + 'px';
+				},
 				getStyleComponents = this.utils.getStyleComponents,
 				listDtdParents = this.utils.listDtdParents,
 				removeFontStyles = config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles !== false,
@@ -600,45 +652,36 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			return {
-				elementNames :
-				[
+				elementNames: [
 					// Remove script, meta and link elements.
 					[ ( /meta|link|script/ ), '' ]
-				root : function( element )
-				{
+				root: function( element ) {
 					assembleList( element );
-				elements :
-				{
-					'^' : function( element )
-					{
+				elements: {
+					'^': function( element ) {
 						// Transform CSS style declaration to inline style.
 						var applyStyleFilter;
 						if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && ( applyStyleFilter = filters.applyStyleFilter ) )
 							applyStyleFilter( element );
-					$ : function( element )
-					{
+					$: function( element ) {
 						var tagName = element.name || '',
 							attrs = element.attributes;
 						// Convert length unit of width/height on blocks to
 						// a more editor-friendly way (px).
-						if ( tagName in blockLike
-							&& attrs.style )
-						{
-							attrs.style = stylesFilter(
-										[ [ ( /^(:?width|height)$/ ), null, convertToPx ] ] )( attrs.style ) || '';
+						if ( tagName in blockLike && attrs.style ) {
+							attrs.style = stylesFilter( [ [ ( /^(:?width|height)$/ ), null, convertToPx ] ] )( attrs.style ) || '';
 						// Processing headings.
-						if ( tagName.match( /h\d/ ) )
-						{
+						if ( tagName.match( /h\d/ ) ) {
 							// Is the heading actually a list item?
 							if ( resolveListItem( element ) )
@@ -648,22 +691,18 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 							elementMigrateFilter( config[ 'format_' + tagName ] )( element );
 						// Remove inline elements which contain only empty spaces.
-						else if ( tagName in dtd.$inline )
-						{
+						else if ( tagName in dtd.$inline ) {
 							if ( containsNothingButSpaces( element ) )
 								delete element.name;
 						// Remove element with ms-office namespace,
 						// with it's content preserved, e.g. 'o:p'.
-						else if ( tagName.indexOf( ':' ) != -1
-								 && tagName.indexOf( 'cke' ) == -1 )
-						{
+						else if ( tagName.indexOf( ':' ) != -1 && tagName.indexOf( 'cke' ) == -1 ) {
 							// Restore image real link from vml.
-							if ( tagName == 'v:imagedata' )
-							{
+							if ( tagName == 'v:imagedata' ) {
 								var href = element.attributes[ 'o:href' ];
 								if ( href )
 									element.attributes.src = href;
@@ -674,8 +713,7 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 						// Assembling list items into a whole list.
-						if ( tagName in listDtdParents )
-						{
+						if ( tagName in listDtdParents ) {
 							assembleList( element );
@@ -684,58 +722,48 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					// We'll drop any style sheet, but Firefox conclude
 					// certain styles in a single style element, which are
 					// required to be changed into inline ones.
-					'style' : function( element )
-					{
-						if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
-						{
+					'style': function( element ) {
+						if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {
 							// Grab only the style definition section.
 							var styleDefSection = element.onlyChild().value.match( /\/\* Style Definitions \*\/([\s\S]*?)\/\*/ ),
 								styleDefText = styleDefSection && styleDefSection[ 1 ],
 								rules = {}; // Storing the parsed result.
-							if ( styleDefText )
-							{
+							if ( styleDefText ) {
-									// Remove line-breaks.
-									.replace(/[\n\r]/g,'')
-									// Extract selectors and style properties.
-									.replace( /(.+?)\{(.+?)\}/g,
-										function( rule, selectors, styleBlock )
-										{
-											selectors = selectors.split( ',' );
-											var length = selectors.length, selector;
-											for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ )
-											{
-												// Assume MS-Word mostly generate only simple
-												// selector( [Type selector][Class selector]).
-												CKEDITOR.tools.trim( selectors[ i ] )
-															  .replace( /^(\w+)(\.[\w-]+)?$/g,
-												function( match, tagName, className )
-												{
-													tagName = tagName || '*';
-													className = className.substring( 1, className.length );
-													// Reject MS-Word Normal styles.
-													if ( className.match( /MsoNormal/ ) )
-														return;
-													if ( !rules[ tagName ] )
-														rules[ tagName ] = {};
-													if ( className )
-														rules[ tagName ][ className ] = styleBlock;
-													else
-														rules[ tagName ] = styleBlock;
-												} );
-											}
+								// Remove line-breaks.
+								.replace( /[\n\r]/g, '' )
+								// Extract selectors and style properties.
+								.replace( /(.+?)\{(.+?)\}/g, function( rule, selectors, styleBlock ) {
+									selectors = selectors.split( ',' );
+									var length = selectors.length,
+										selector;
+									for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
+										// Assume MS-Word mostly generate only simple
+										// selector( [Type selector][Class selector]).
+										CKEDITOR.tools.trim( selectors[ i ] ).replace( /^(\w+)(\.[\w-]+)?$/g, function( match, tagName, className ) {
+											tagName = tagName || '*';
+											className = className.substring( 1, className.length );
+											// Reject MS-Word Normal styles.
+											if ( className.match( /MsoNormal/ ) )
+												return;
+											if ( !rules[ tagName ] )
+												rules[ tagName ] = {};
+											if ( className )
+												rules[ tagName ][ className ] = styleBlock;
+											else
+												rules[ tagName ] = styleBlock;
+									}
+								});
-								filters.applyStyleFilter = function( element )
-								{
+								filters.applyStyleFilter = function( element ) {
 									var name = rules[ '*' ] ? '*' : element.name,
 										className = element.attributes && element.attributes[ 'class' ],
-									if ( name in rules )
-									{
+									if ( name in rules ) {
 										style = rules[ name ];
 										if ( typeof style == 'object' )
 											style = style[ className ];
@@ -748,8 +776,22 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 						return false;
-					'p' : function( element )
-					{
+					'p': function( element ) {
+						// A a fall-back approach to resolve list item in browsers
+						// that doesn't include "mso-list:Ignore" on list bullets,
+						// note it's not perfect as not all list style (e.g. "heading list") is shipped
+						// with this pattern. (#6662)
+						if ( ( /MsoListParagraph/i ).exec( element.attributes[ 'class' ] ) || element.getStyle( 'mso-list' ) ) {
+							var bulletText = element.firstChild( function( node ) {
+								return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && !containsNothingButSpaces( node.parent );
+							});
+							var bullet = bulletText && bulletText.parent;
+							if ( bullet ) {
+								bullet.addStyle( 'mso-list', 'Ignore' );
+							}
+						}
 						// Is the paragraph actually a list item?
@@ -758,53 +800,46 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 						// Adapt paragraph formatting to editor's convention
 						// according to enter-mode.
-						if ( config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR )
-						{
+						if ( config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ) {
 							// We suffer from attribute/style lost in this situation.
 							delete element.name;
 							element.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'br' ) );
-						}
-						else
+						} else
 							elementMigrateFilter( config[ 'format_' + ( config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div' ) ] )( element );
-					'div' : function( element )
-					{
+					'div': function( element ) {
 						// Aligned table with no text surrounded is represented by a wrapper div, from which
 						// table cells inherit as text-align styles, which is wrong.
 						// Instead we use a clear-float div after the table to properly achieve the same layout.
 						var singleChild = element.onlyChild();
-						if ( singleChild && singleChild.name == 'table' )
-						{
+						if ( singleChild && singleChild.name == 'table' ) {
 							var attrs = element.attributes;
 							singleChild.attributes = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( singleChild.attributes, attrs );
 							attrs.style && singleChild.addStyle( attrs.style );
 							var clearFloatDiv = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'div' );
-							clearFloatDiv.addStyle( 'clear' ,'both' );
+							clearFloatDiv.addStyle( 'clear', 'both' );
 							element.add( clearFloatDiv );
 							delete element.name;
-					'td' : function ( element )
-					{
+					'td': function( element ) {
 						// 'td' in 'thead' is actually <th>.
-						if ( element.getAncestor( 'thead') )
+						if ( element.getAncestor( 'thead' ) )
 							element.name = 'th';
 					// MS-Word sometimes present list as a mixing of normal list
 					// and pseudo-list, normalize the previous ones into pseudo form.
-					'ol' : flattenList,
-					'ul' : flattenList,
-					'dl' : flattenList,
-					'font' : function( element )
-					{
-						// IE/Safari: drop the font tag if it comes from list bullet text.
-						if ( !CKEDITOR.env.gecko && isListBulletIndicator( element.parent ) )
-						{
+					'ol': flattenList,
+					'ul': flattenList,
+					'dl': flattenList,
+					'font': function( element ) {
+						// Drop the font tag if it comes from list bullet text.
+						if ( isListBulletIndicator( element.parent ) ) {
 							delete element.name;
@@ -815,35 +850,29 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 							styleText = attrs.style,
 							parent = element.parent;
-						if ( 'font' == parent.name )     // Merge nested <font> tags.
+						if ( 'font' == parent.name ) // Merge nested <font> tags.
-							CKEDITOR.tools.extend( parent.attributes,
-									element.attributes );
+							CKEDITOR.tools.extend( parent.attributes, element.attributes );
 							styleText && parent.addStyle( styleText );
 							delete element.name;
 						// Convert the merged into a span with all attributes preserved.
-						else
-						{
+						else {
 							styleText = styleText || '';
 							// IE's having those deprecated attributes, normalize them.
-							if ( attrs.color )
-							{
+							if ( attrs.color ) {
 								attrs.color != '#000000' && ( styleText += 'color:' + attrs.color + ';' );
 								delete attrs.color;
-							if ( attrs.face )
-							{
+							if ( attrs.face ) {
 								styleText += 'font-family:' + attrs.face + ';';
 								delete attrs.face;
 							// TODO: Mapping size in ranges of xx-small,
 							// x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large.
-							if ( attrs.size )
-							{
+							if ( attrs.size ) {
 								styleText += 'font-size:' +
-								             ( attrs.size > 3 ? 'large'
-										             : ( attrs.size < 3 ? 'small' : 'medium' ) ) + ';';
+									( attrs.size > 3 ? 'large' : ( attrs.size < 3 ? 'small' : 'medium' ) ) + ';';
 								delete attrs.size;
@@ -852,31 +881,36 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-					'span' : function( element )
-					{
-						// IE/Safari: remove the span if it comes from list bullet text.
-						if ( !CKEDITOR.env.gecko && isListBulletIndicator( element.parent ) )
+					'span': function( element ) {
+						// Remove the span if it comes from list bullet text.
+						if ( isListBulletIndicator( element.parent ) )
 							return false;
-						if ( containsNothingButSpaces( element ) )
-						{
+						if ( containsNothingButSpaces( element ) ) {
 							delete element.name;
 							return null;
-						// For IE/Safari: List item bullet type is supposed to be indicated by
+						// List item bullet type is supposed to be indicated by
 						// the text of a span with style 'mso-list : Ignore' or an image.
-						if ( !CKEDITOR.env.gecko && isListBulletIndicator( element ) )
-						{
-							var listSymbolNode = element.firstChild( function( node )
-							{
+						if ( isListBulletIndicator( element ) ) {
+							var listSymbolNode = element.firstChild( function( node ) {
 								return node.value || node.name == 'img';
-							var listSymbol =  listSymbolNode && ( listSymbolNode.value || 'l.' ),
-								listType = listSymbol.match( /^([^\s]+?)([.)]?)$/ );
-							return createListBulletMarker( listType, listSymbol );
+							var listSymbol = listSymbolNode && ( listSymbolNode.value || 'l.' ),
+								listType = listSymbol && listSymbol.match( /^(?:[(]?)([^\s]+?)([.)]?)$/ );
+							if ( listType ) {
+								var marker = createListBulletMarker( listType, listSymbol );
+								// Some non-existed list items might be carried by an inconsequential list, indicate by "mso-hide:all/display:none",
+								// those are to be removed later, now mark it with "cke:ignored".
+								var ancestor = element.getAncestor( 'span' );
+								if ( ancestor && ( / mso-hide:\s*all|display:\s*none / ).test( ancestor.attributes.style ) )
+									marker.attributes[ 'cke:ignored' ] = 1;
+								return marker;
+							}
 						// Update the src attribute of image element with href.
@@ -887,46 +921,49 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 						// Assume MS-Word mostly carry font related styles on <span>,
 						// adapting them to editor's convention.
-						if ( styleText )
-						{
-							attrs.style = stylesFilter(
-									[
-										// Drop 'inline-height' style which make lines overlapping.
-										[ 'line-height' ],
-										[ ( /^font-family$/ ), null, !removeFontStyles ? styleMigrateFilter( config[ 'font_style' ], 'family' ) : null ] ,
-										[ ( /^font-size$/ ), null, !removeFontStyles ? styleMigrateFilter( config[ 'fontSize_style' ], 'size' ) : null ] ,
-										[ ( /^color$/ ), null, !removeFontStyles ? styleMigrateFilter( config[ 'colorButton_foreStyle' ], 'color' ) : null ] ,
-										[ ( /^background-color$/ ), null, !removeFontStyles ? styleMigrateFilter( config[ 'colorButton_backStyle' ], 'color' ) : null ]
-									] )( styleText, element ) || '';
+						if ( styleText ) {
+							attrs.style = stylesFilter( [
+								// Drop 'inline-height' style which make lines overlapping.
+								[ 'line-height' ],
+								[ ( /^font-family$/ ), null, !removeFontStyles ? styleMigrateFilter( config[ 'font_style' ], 'family' ) : null ],
+								[ ( /^font-size$/ ), null, !removeFontStyles ? styleMigrateFilter( config[ 'fontSize_style' ], 'size' ) : null ],
+								[ ( /^color$/ ), null, !removeFontStyles ? styleMigrateFilter( config[ 'colorButton_foreStyle' ], 'color' ) : null ],
+								[ ( /^background-color$/ ), null, !removeFontStyles ? styleMigrateFilter( config[ 'colorButton_backStyle' ], 'color' ) : null ]
+								] )( styleText, element ) || '';
+						if ( !attrs.style )
+							delete attrs.style;
+						if ( CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty( attrs ) )
+							delete element.name;
 						return null;
 					// Migrate basic style formats to editor configured ones.
-					'b' : elementMigrateFilter( config[ 'coreStyles_bold' ] ),
-					'i' : elementMigrateFilter( config[ 'coreStyles_italic' ] ),
-					'u' : elementMigrateFilter( config[ 'coreStyles_underline' ] ),
-					's' : elementMigrateFilter( config[ 'coreStyles_strike' ] ),
-					'sup' : elementMigrateFilter( config[ 'coreStyles_superscript' ] ),
-					'sub' : elementMigrateFilter( config[ 'coreStyles_subscript' ] ),
+					'b': elementMigrateFilter( config[ 'coreStyles_bold' ] ),
+					'i': elementMigrateFilter( config[ 'coreStyles_italic' ] ),
+					'u': elementMigrateFilter( config[ 'coreStyles_underline' ] ),
+					's': elementMigrateFilter( config[ 'coreStyles_strike' ] ),
+					'sup': elementMigrateFilter( config[ 'coreStyles_superscript' ] ),
+					'sub': elementMigrateFilter( config[ 'coreStyles_subscript' ] ),
 					// Editor doesn't support anchor with content currently (#3582),
 					// drop such anchors with content preserved.
-					'a' : function( element )
-					{
+					'a': function( element ) {
 						var attrs = element.attributes;
 						if ( attrs && !attrs.href && attrs.name )
 							delete element.name;
+						else if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit && attrs.href && attrs.href.match( /file:\/\/\/[\S]+#/i ) )
+							attrs.href = attrs.href.replace( /file:\/\/\/[^#]+/i, '' );
-					'cke:listbullet' : function( element )
-					{
+					'cke:listbullet': function( element ) {
 						if ( element.getAncestor( /h\d/ ) && !config.pasteFromWordNumberedHeadingToList )
 							delete element.name;
-						}
+					}
-				attributeNames :
-				[
+				attributeNames: [
 					// Remove onmouseover and onmouseout events (from MS Word comments effect)
 					[ ( /^onmouse(:?out|over)/ ), '' ],
 					// Onload on image element.
@@ -937,65 +974,55 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					[ ( /^lang/ ), '' ]
-				attributes :
-				{
-					'style' : stylesFilter(
-					removeStyles ?
+				attributes: {
+					'style': stylesFilter( removeStyles ?
 					// Provide a white-list of styles that we preserve, those should
 					// be the ones that could later be altered with editor tools.
-						// Preserve margin-left/right which used as default indent style in the editor.
-						[ ( /^margin$|^margin-(?!bottom|top)/ ), null, function( value, element, name )
-							{
-								if ( element.name in { p : 1, div : 1 } )
-								{
-									var indentStyleName = config.contentsLangDirection == 'ltr' ?
-											'margin-left' : 'margin-right';
-									// Extract component value from 'margin' shorthand.
-									if ( name == 'margin' )
-									{
-										value = getStyleComponents( name, value,
-												[ indentStyleName ] )[ indentStyleName ];
-									}
-									else if ( name != indentStyleName )
-										return null;
+						// Leave list-style-type
+						[ ( /^list-style-type$/ ), null ],
-									if ( value && !emptyMarginRegex.test( value ) )
-										return [ indentStyleName, value ];
-								}
+						// Preserve margin-left/right which used as default indent style in the editor.
+						[ ( /^margin$|^margin-(?!bottom|top)/ ), null, function( value, element, name ) {
+							if ( element.name in { p:1,div:1 } ) {
+								var indentStyleName = config.contentsLangDirection == 'ltr' ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-right';
+								// Extract component value from 'margin' shorthand.
+								if ( name == 'margin' ) {
+									value = getStyleComponents( name, value, [ indentStyleName ] )[ indentStyleName ];
+								} else if ( name != indentStyleName )
+									return null;
+								if ( value && !emptyMarginRegex.test( value ) )
+									return [ indentStyleName, value ];
+							}
-								return null;
-							} ],
+							return null;
+						}],
 						// Preserve clear float style.
 						[ ( /^clear$/ ) ],
-						[ ( /^border.*|margin.*|vertical-align|float$/ ), null,
-							function( value, element )
-							{
-								if ( element.name == 'img' )
-									return value;
-							} ],
-						[ (/^width|height$/ ), null,
-							function( value, element )
-							{
-								if ( element.name in { table : 1, td : 1, th : 1, img : 1 } )
-									return value;
-							} ]
+						[ ( /^border.*|margin.*|vertical-align|float$/ ), null, function( value, element ) {
+							if ( element.name == 'img' )
+								return value;
+						}],
+						[ ( /^width|height$/ ), null, function( value, element ) {
+							if ( element.name in { table:1,td:1,th:1,img:1 } )
+								return value;
+						}]
 					] :
 					// Otherwise provide a black-list of styles that we remove.
 						[ ( /^mso-/ ) ],
 						// Fixing color values.
-						[ ( /-color$/ ), null, function( value )
-						{
+						[ ( /-color$/ ), null, function( value ) {
 							if ( value == 'transparent' )
 								return false;
 							if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
 								return value.replace( /-moz-use-text-color/g, 'transparent' );
-						} ],
+						}],
 						// Remove empty margin values, e.g. 0.00001pt 0em 0pt
 						[ ( /^margin$/ ), emptyMarginRegex ],
 						[ 'text-indent', '0cm' ],
@@ -1006,14 +1033,12 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					], removeStyles ),
 					// Prefer width styles over 'width' attributes.
-					'width' : function( value, element )
-					{
+					'width': function( value, element ) {
 						if ( element.name in dtd.$tableContent )
 							return false;
 					// Prefer border styles over table 'border' attributes.
-					'border' : function( value, element )
-					{
+					'border': function( value, element ) {
 						if ( element.name in dtd.$tableContent )
 							return false;
@@ -1021,15 +1046,14 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					// Only Firefox carry style sheet from MS-Word, which
 					// will be applied by us manually. For other browsers
 					// the css className is useless.
-					'class' : falsyFilter,
+					'class': falsyFilter,
 					// MS-Word always generate 'background-color' along with 'bgcolor',
 					// simply drop the deprecated attributes.
-					'bgcolor' : falsyFilter,
+					'bgcolor': falsyFilter,
 					// Deprecate 'valign' attribute in favor of 'vertical-align'.
-					'valign' : removeStyles ? falsyFilter : function( value, element )
-					{
+					'valign': removeStyles ? falsyFilter : function( value, element ) {
 						element.addStyle( 'vertical-align', value );
 						return false;
@@ -1038,54 +1062,45 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				// Fore none-IE, some useful data might be buried under these IE-conditional
 				// comments where RegExp were the right approach to dig them out where usual approach
 				// is transform it into a fake element node which hold the desired data.
-				comment :
-					!CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
-						function( value, node )
-						{
-							var imageInfo = value.match( /<img.*?>/ ),
-								listInfo = value.match( /^\[if !supportLists\]([\s\S]*?)\[endif\]$/ );
-							// Seek for list bullet indicator.
-							if ( listInfo )
-							{
-								// Bullet symbol could be either text or an image.
-								var listSymbol = listInfo[ 1 ] || ( imageInfo && 'l.' ),
-									listType = listSymbol && listSymbol.match( />([^\s]+?)([.)]?)</ );
-								return createListBulletMarker( listType, listSymbol );
-							}
+				comment: !CKEDITOR.env.ie ? function( value, node ) {
+					var imageInfo = value.match( /<img.*?>/ ),
+						listInfo = value.match( /^\[if !supportLists\]([\s\S]*?)\[endif\]$/ );
+					// Seek for list bullet indicator.
+					if ( listInfo ) {
+						// Bullet symbol could be either text or an image.
+						var listSymbol = listInfo[ 1 ] || ( imageInfo && 'l.' ),
+							listType = listSymbol && listSymbol.match( />(?:[(]?)([^\s]+?)([.)]?)</ );
+						return createListBulletMarker( listType, listSymbol );
+					}
-							// Reveal the <img> element in conditional comments for Firefox.
-							if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && imageInfo )
-							{
-								var img = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( imageInfo[ 0 ] ).children[ 0 ],
-									previousComment = node.previous,
-									// Try to dig the real image link from vml markup from previous comment text.
-									imgSrcInfo = previousComment && previousComment.value.match( /<v:imagedata[^>]*o:href=['"](.*?)['"]/ ),
-									imgSrc = imgSrcInfo && imgSrcInfo[ 1 ];
-								// Is there a real 'src' url to be used?
-								imgSrc && ( img.attributes.src = imgSrc );
-								return img;
-							}
+					// Reveal the <img> element in conditional comments for Firefox.
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && imageInfo ) {
+						var img = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( imageInfo[ 0 ] ).children[ 0 ],
+							previousComment = node.previous,
+							// Try to dig the real image link from vml markup from previous comment text.
+							imgSrcInfo = previousComment && previousComment.value.match( /<v:imagedata[^>]*o:href=['"](.*?)['"]/ ),
+							imgSrc = imgSrcInfo && imgSrcInfo[ 1 ];
+						// Is there a real 'src' url to be used?
+						imgSrc && ( img.attributes.src = imgSrc );
+						return img;
+					}
-							return false;
-						}
-					: falsyFilter
+					return false;
+				} : falsyFilter
-	};
+	});
 	// The paste processor here is just a reduced copy of html data processor.
-	var pasteProcessor = function()
-	{
-		this.dataFilter = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter();
-	};
+	var pasteProcessor = function() {
+			this.dataFilter = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter();
+		};
-	pasteProcessor.prototype =
-	{
-		toHtml : function( data )
-		{
-			var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( data, false ),
+	pasteProcessor.prototype = {
+		toHtml: function( data ) {
+			var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( data ),
 				writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();
 			fragment.writeHtml( writer, this.dataFilter );
@@ -1093,14 +1108,34 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	CKEDITOR.cleanWord = function( data, editor )
-	{
+	CKEDITOR.cleanWord = function( data, editor ) {
 		// Firefox will be confused by those downlevel-revealed IE conditional
 		// comments, fixing them first( convert it to upperlevel-revealed one ).
 		// e.g. <![if !vml]>...<![endif]>
 		if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
 			data = data.replace( /(<!--\[if[^<]*?\])-->([\S\s]*?)<!--(\[endif\]-->)/gi, '$1$2$3' );
+		// #9456 - Webkit doesn't wrap list number with span, which is crucial for filter to recognize list.
+		//
+		//		<p class="MsoListParagraphCxSpLast" style="text-indent:-18.0pt;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo2">
+		//			<!--[if !supportLists]-->
+		//			3.<span style="font-size: 7pt; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Times New Roman';">      </span>
+		//			<!--[endif]-->Test3<o:p></o:p>
+		//		</p>
+		//
+		// Transform to:
+		//
+		//		<p class="MsoListParagraphCxSpLast" style="text-indent:-18.0pt;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo2">
+		//			<!--[if !supportLists]-->
+		//			<span>
+		//				3.<span style="font-size: 7pt; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Times New Roman';">      </span>
+		//			</span>
+		//			<!--[endif]-->Test3<o:p></o:p>
+		//		</p>
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
+			data = data.replace( /(class="MsoListParagraph[^>]+><!--\[if !supportLists\]-->)([^<]+<span[^<]+<\/span>)(<!--\[endif\]-->)/gi, '$1<span>$2</span>$3' );
+		}
 		var dataProcessor = new pasteProcessor(),
 			dataFilter = dataProcessor.dataFilter;
@@ -1108,18 +1143,15 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		dataFilter.addRules( CKEDITOR.plugins.pastefromword.getRules( editor ) );
 		// Allow extending data filter rules.
-		editor.fire( 'beforeCleanWord', { filter : dataFilter } );
+		editor.fire( 'beforeCleanWord', { filter: dataFilter } );
-		try
-		{
-			data = dataProcessor.toHtml( data, false );
-		}
-		catch ( e )
-		{
+		try {
+			data = dataProcessor.toHtml( data );
+		} catch ( e ) {
 			alert( editor.lang.pastefromword.error );
-		/* Below post processing those things that are unable to delivered by filter rules. */
+		// Below post processing those things that are unable to delivered by filter rules.
 		// Remove 'cke' namespaced attribute used in filter rules as marker.
 		data = data.replace( /cke:.*?".*?"/g, '' );
@@ -1136,35 +1168,36 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  * Whether to ignore all font related formatting styles, including:
- * <ul>	<li>font size;</li>
- *		<li>font family;</li>
- *		<li>font foreground/background color.</li></ul>
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles
+ *
+ * * font size;
+ * * font family;
+ * * font foreground/background color.
+ *
+ *		config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles = false;
+ *
  * @since 3.1
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles = false;
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
  * Whether to transform MS Word outline numbered headings into lists.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordNumberedHeadingToList
+ *
+ *		config.pasteFromWordNumberedHeadingToList = true;
+ *
  * @since 3.1
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- * @example
- * config.pasteFromWordNumberedHeadingToList = true;
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [pasteFromWordNumberedHeadingToList=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
  * Whether to remove element styles that can't be managed with the editor. Note
  * that this doesn't handle the font specific styles, which depends on the
- * {@link CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles} setting instead.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordRemoveStyles
+ * {@link #pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles} setting instead.
+ *
+ *		config.pasteFromWordRemoveStyles = false;
+ *
  * @since 3.1
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.pasteFromWordRemoveStyles = false;
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [pasteFromWordRemoveStyles=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/icons/pastefromword-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/icons/pastefromword-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16dd946
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/icons/pastefromword-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/icons/pastefromword.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/icons/pastefromword.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a499aa
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/icons/pastefromword.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5d50db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'af', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Die teks wat u wil plak lyk asof dit uit Word gekopiëer is. Wil u dit eers skoonmaak voordat dit geplak word?',
+	error: 'Die geplakte teks kon nie skoongemaak word nie, weens \'n interne fout',
+	title: 'Plak vanuit Word',
+	toolbar: 'Plak vanuit Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa9af8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'ar', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'يبدو أن النص المراد لصقه منسوخ من برنامج وورد. هل تود تنظيفه قبل الشروع في عملية اللصق؟',
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'لصق من وورد',
+	toolbar: 'لصق من وورد'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6aff81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'bg', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'Вмъкни от MS Word',
+	toolbar: 'Вмъкни от MS Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..882490b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'bn', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'পেস্ট (শব্দ)',
+	toolbar: 'পেস্ট (শব্দ)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ec4357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'bs', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'Zalijepi iz Word-a',
+	toolbar: 'Zalijepi iz Word-a'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62e24a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'ca', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'El text que voleu enganxar sembla provenir de Word. Voleu netejar aquest text abans que sigui enganxat?',
+	error: 'No ha estat possible netejar les dades enganxades degut a un error intern',
+	title: 'Enganxa des del Word',
+	toolbar: 'Enganxa des del Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a39664c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'cs', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Jak je vidět, vkládaný text je kopírován z Wordu. Chcete jej před vložením vyčistit?',
+	error: 'Z důvodu vnitřní chyby nebylo možné provést vyčištění vkládaného textu.',
+	title: 'Vložit z Wordu',
+	toolbar: 'Vložit z Wordu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..364228a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'cy', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Mae\'r testun rydych chi am ludo wedi\'i gopïo o Word. Ydych chi am ei lanhau cyn ei ludo?',
+	error: 'Doedd dim modd glanhau y data a ludwyd oherwydd gwall mewnol',
+	title: 'Gludo o Word',
+	toolbar: 'Gludo o Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43981cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'da', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Den tekst du forsøger at indsætte ser ud til at komme fra Word. Vil du rense teksten før den indsættes?',
+	error: 'Det var ikke muligt at fjerne formatteringen på den indsatte tekst grundet en intern fejl',
+	title: 'Indsæt fra Word',
+	toolbar: 'Indsæt fra Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c592fca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'de', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Der Text, den Sie einfügen möchten, scheint aus MS-Word kopiert zu sein. Möchten Sie ihn zuvor bereinigen lassen?',
+	error: 'Aufgrund eines internen Fehlers war es nicht möglich die eingefügten Daten zu bereinigen',
+	title: 'Aus MS-Word einfügen',
+	toolbar: 'Aus MS-Word einfügen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edadc10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'el', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Το κείμενο που επικολλάται φαίνεται να είναι αντιγραμμένο από το Word. Μήπως θα θέλατε να καθαριστεί προτού επικολληθεί;',
+	error: 'Δεν ήταν δυνατό να καθαριστούν τα δεδομένα λόγω ενός εσωτερικού σφάλματος',
+	title: 'Επικόλληση από το Word',
+	toolbar: 'Επικόλληση από το Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75035fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'en-au', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'Paste from Word',
+	toolbar: 'Paste from Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2deb5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'en-ca', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'Paste from Word',
+	toolbar: 'Paste from Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8b7f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'en-gb', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error',
+	title: 'Paste from Word',
+	toolbar: 'Paste from Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b283c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'en', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error',
+	title: 'Paste from Word',
+	toolbar: 'Paste from Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8d3984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'eo', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'La teksto, kiun vi volas interglui, ŝajnas esti kopiita el Word. Ĉu vi deziras purigi ĝin antaŭ intergluo?',
+	error: 'Ne eblis purigi la intergluitajn datenojn pro interna eraro',
+	title: 'Interglui el Word',
+	toolbar: 'Interglui el Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e08764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'es', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'El texto que desea parece provenir de Word.\r\n¿Desea depurarlo antes de pegarlo?',
+	error: 'No ha sido posible limpiar los datos debido a un error interno',
+	title: 'Pegar desde Word',
+	toolbar: 'Pegar desde Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e028698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'et', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Tekst, mida tahad asetada näib pärinevat Wordist. Kas tahad selle enne asetamist puhastada?',
+	error: 'Asetatud andmete puhastamine ei olnud sisemise vea tõttu võimalik',
+	title: 'Asetamine Wordist',
+	toolbar: 'Asetamine Wordist'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..753f999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'eu', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Itsatsi nahi duzun testua Wordetik hartua dela dirudi. Itsatsi baino lehen garbitu nahi duzu?',
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'Itsatsi Word-etik',
+	toolbar: 'Itsatsi Word-etik'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37a9f4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'fa', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'متنی که میخواهید بچسبانید به نظر میرسد که از Word کپی شده است. آیا میخواهید قبل از چسباندن آن را پاکسازی کنید؟',
+	error: 'به دلیل بروز خطای داخلی امکان پاکسازی اطلاعات بازنشانی شده وجود ندارد.',
+	title: 'چسباندن از Word',
+	toolbar: 'چسباندن از Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56534a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'fi', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Liittämäsi teksti näyttäisi olevan Word-dokumentista. Haluatko siivota sen ennen liittämistä? (Suositus: Kyllä)',
+	error: 'Liitetyn tiedon siivoaminen ei onnistunut sisäisen virheen takia',
+	title: 'Liitä Word-dokumentista',
+	toolbar: 'Liitä Word-dokumentista'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68af95a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'fo', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Teksturin, tú roynir at seta inn, sýnist at stava frá Word. Skal teksturin reinsast fyrst?',
+	error: 'Tað eydnaðist ikki at reinsa tekstin vegna ein internan feil',
+	title: 'Innrita frá Word',
+	toolbar: 'Innrita frá Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ca3847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'fr-ca', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'Coller en tant que Word (formaté)',
+	toolbar: 'Coller en tant que Word (formaté)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..698ba21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'fr', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Le texte à coller semble provenir de Word. Désirez-vous le nettoyer avant de coller?',
+	error: 'Il n\'a pas été possible de nettoyer les données collées à la suite d\'une erreur interne.',
+	title: 'Coller depuis Word',
+	toolbar: 'Coller depuis Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79f24b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'gl', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'Pegar dende Word',
+	toolbar: 'Pegar dende Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2d1355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'gu', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'તમે જે ટેક્ષ્ત્ કોપી કરી રહ્યા છો ટે વર્ડ ની છે. કોપી કરતા પેહલા સાફ કરવી છે?',
+	error: 'પેસ્ટ કરેલો ડેટા ઇન્ટરનલ એરર ના લીથે સાફ કરી શકાયો નથી.',
+	title: 'પેસ્ટ (વડૅ ટેક્સ્ટ)',
+	toolbar: 'પેસ્ટ (વડૅ ટેક્સ્ટ)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e1a6bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'he', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'נראה הטקסט שבכוונתך להדביק מקורו בקובץ וורד. האם ברצונך לנקות אותו טרם ההדבקה?',
+	error: 'לא ניתן היה לנקות את המידע בשל תקלה פנימית.',
+	title: 'הדבקה מ-Word',
+	toolbar: 'הדבקה מ-Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51ca965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'hi', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'पेस्ट (वर्ड से)',
+	toolbar: 'पेस्ट (वर्ड से)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbf097d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'hr', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Tekst koji želite zalijepiti čini se da je kopiran iz Worda. Želite li prije očistiti tekst?',
+	error: 'Nije moguće očistiti podatke za ljepljenje zbog interne greške',
+	title: 'Zalijepi iz Worda',
+	toolbar: 'Zalijepi iz Worda'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2793576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'hu', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Úgy tűnik a beillesztett szöveget Word-ből másolt át. Meg szeretné tisztítani a szöveget? (ajánlott)',
+	error: 'Egy belső hiba miatt nem sikerült megtisztítani a szöveget',
+	title: 'Beillesztés Word-ből',
+	toolbar: 'Beillesztés Word-ből'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f019866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'is', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'Líma úr Word',
+	toolbar: 'Líma úr Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07da6a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'it', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Il testo da incollare sembra provenire da Word. Desideri pulirlo prima di incollare?',
+	error: 'Non è stato possibile eliminarre il testo incollato a causa di un errore interno.',
+	title: 'Incolla da Word',
+	toolbar: 'Incolla da Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd44e70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'ja', {
+	confirmCleanup: '貼り付けを行うテキストは、ワード文章からコピーされようとしています。貼り付ける前にクリーニングを行いますか?',
+	error: '内部エラーにより貼り付けたデータがクリアできませんでした',
+	title: 'ワード文章から貼り付け',
+	toolbar: 'ワード文章から貼り付け'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbaba6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'ka', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'ჩასასმელი ტექსტი ვორდიდან გადმოტანილს გავს - გინდათ მისი წინასწარ გაწმენდა?',
+	error: 'შიდა შეცდომის გამო ვერ მოხერხდა ტექსტის გაწმენდა',
+	title: 'ვორდიდან ჩასმა',
+	toolbar: 'ვორდიდან ჩასმა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bd45c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'km', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'ចំលងដាក់ពី Word',
+	toolbar: 'ចំលងដាក់ពី Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffc5c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'ko', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'MS Word 형식에서 붙여넣기',
+	toolbar: 'MS Word 형식에서 붙여넣기'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d39e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'ku', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'ئهم دهقهی بهتهمای بیلکێنی پێدهچێت له word هێنرابێت. دهتهوێت پاکی بکهیوه پێش ئهوهی بیلکێنی؟',
+	error: 'هیچ ڕێگهیهك نهبوو لهلکاندنی دهقهکه بههۆی ههڵهکی ناوهخۆیی',
+	title: 'لکاندنی لهلایهن Word',
+	toolbar: 'لکاندنی لهڕێی Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a3cbe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'lt', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Tekstas, kurį įkeliate yra kopijuojamas iš Word. Ar norite jį išvalyti prieš įkeliant?',
+	error: 'Dėl vidinių sutrikimų, nepavyko išvalyti įkeliamo teksto',
+	title: 'Įdėti iš Word',
+	toolbar: 'Įdėti iš Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..427f184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'lv', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Teksts, kuru vēlaties ielīmēt, izskatās ir nokopēts no Word. Vai vēlaties to iztīrīt pirms ielīmēšanas?',
+	error: 'Iekšējas kļūdas dēļ, neizdevās iztīrīt ielīmētos datus.',
+	title: 'Ievietot no Worda',
+	toolbar: 'Ievietot no Worda'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae58291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'mk', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'Paste from Word', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Paste from Word' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e941d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'mn', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'Word-оос буулгах',
+	toolbar: 'Word-оос буулгах'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd1f023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'ms', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'Tampal dari Word',
+	toolbar: 'Tampal dari Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09c3da0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'nb', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Teksten du limer inn ser ut til å være kopiert fra Word. Vil du renske den før du limer den inn?',
+	error: 'Det var ikke mulig å renske den innlimte teksten på grunn av en intern feil',
+	title: 'Lim inn fra Word',
+	toolbar: 'Lim inn fra Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ea84f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'nl', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'De tekst die u plakte lijkt gekopieerd te zijn vanuit Word. Wilt u de tekst opschonen voordat deze geplakt wordt?',
+	error: 'Het was niet mogelijk om de geplakte tekst op te schonen door een interne fout',
+	title: 'Plakken als Word-gegevens',
+	toolbar: 'Plakken als Word-gegevens'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a90666d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'no', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Teksten du limer inn ser ut til å være kopiert fra Word. Vil du renske den før du limer den inn?',
+	error: 'Det var ikke mulig å renske den innlimte teksten på grunn av en intern feil',
+	title: 'Lim inn fra Word',
+	toolbar: 'Lim inn fra Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56620a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'pl', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Tekst, który chcesz wkleić, prawdopodobnie pochodzi z programu Microsoft Word. Czy chcesz go wyczyścić przed wklejeniem?',
+	error: 'Wyczyszczenie wklejonych danych nie było możliwe z powodu wystąpienia błędu.',
+	title: 'Wklej z programu MS Word',
+	toolbar: 'Wklej z programu MS Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d260303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'pt-br', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'O texto que você deseja colar parece ter sido copiado do Word. Você gostaria de remover a formatação antes de colar?',
+	error: 'Não foi possível limpar os dados colados devido a um erro interno',
+	title: 'Colar do Word',
+	toolbar: 'Colar do Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1976fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'pt', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'Colar do Word',
+	toolbar: 'Colar do Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27e4746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'ro', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Textul pe care doriți să-l lipiți este din Word. Doriți curățarea textului înante de a-l adăuga?',
+	error: 'Nu a fost posibilă curățarea datelor adăugate datorită unei erori interne',
+	title: 'Adaugă din Word',
+	toolbar: 'Adaugă din Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1079426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'ru', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Текст, который вы желаете вставить, по всей видимости, был скопирован из Word. Следует ли очистить его перед вставкой?',
+	error: 'Невозможно очистить вставленные данные из-за внутренней ошибки',
+	title: 'Вставить из Word',
+	toolbar: 'Вставить из Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2d4387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'sk', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Vkladaný text vyzerá byť skopírovaný z Wordu. Chcete ho automaticky vyčistiť pred vkladaním?',
+	error: 'Nebolo možné vyčistiť vložené dáta kvôli internej chybe',
+	title: 'Vložiť z Wordu',
+	toolbar: 'Vložiť z Wordu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d771a4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'sl', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'Prilepi iz Worda',
+	toolbar: 'Prilepi iz Worda'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a32ba9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'sr-latn', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'Zalepi iz Worda',
+	toolbar: 'Zalepi iz Worda'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a24db5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'sr', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'Залепи из Worda',
+	toolbar: 'Залепи из Worda'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95038b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'sv', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Texten du vill klistra in verkar vara kopierad från Word. Vill du rensa innan du klistrar?',
+	error: 'Det var inte möjligt att städa upp den inklistrade data på grund av ett internt fel',
+	title: 'Klistra in från Word',
+	toolbar: 'Klistra in från Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af84bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'th', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?', // MISSING
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: 'วางสำเนาจากตัวอักษรเวิร์ด',
+	toolbar: 'วางสำเนาจากตัวอักษรเวิร์ด'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c2cf18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'tr', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Yapıştırmaya çalıştığınız metin Word\'den kopyalanmıştır. Yapıştırmadan önce silmek istermisiniz?',
+	error: 'Yapıştırmadaki veri bilgisi hata düzelene kadar silinmeyecektir',
+	title: 'Word\'den Yapıştır',
+	toolbar: 'Word\'den Yapıştır'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..482aad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'ug', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'سىز چاپلىماقچى بولغان مەزمۇن MS Word تىن كەلگەندەك قىلىدۇ، MS Word پىچىمىنى تازىلىۋەتكەندىن كېيىن ئاندىن چاپلامدۇ؟',
+	error: 'ئىچكى خاتالىق سەۋەبىدىن چاپلايدىغان سانلىق مەلۇماتنى تازىلىيالمايدۇ',
+	title: 'MS Word تىن چاپلا',
+	toolbar: 'MS Word تىن چاپلا'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afa4e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'uk', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Текст, що Ви намагаєтесь вставити, схожий на скопійований з Word. Бажаєте очистити його форматування перед вставлянням?',
+	error: 'Неможливо очистити форматування через внутрішню помилку.',
+	title: 'Вставити з Word',
+	toolbar: 'Вставити з Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..354aca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'vi', {
+	confirmCleanup: 'Văn bản bạn muốn dán có kèm định dạng của Word. Bạn có muốn loại bỏ định dạng Word trước khi dán?',
+	error: 'Không thể để làm sạch các dữ liệu dán do một lỗi nội bộ',
+	title: 'Dán với định dạng Word',
+	toolbar: 'Dán với định dạng Word'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d451db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'zh-cn', {
+	confirmCleanup: '您要粘贴的内容好像是来自 MS Word, 是否要清除 MS Word 格式后再粘贴?',
+	error: '由于内部错误无法清理要粘贴的数据',
+	title: '从 MS Word 粘贴',
+	toolbar: '从 MS Word 粘贴'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5caf6a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastefromword', 'zh', {
+	confirmCleanup: '您想貼上的文字似乎是自 Word 複製而來,請問您是否要先清除 Word 的格式後再行貼上?',
+	error: 'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error', // MISSING
+	title: '自 Word 貼上',
+	toolbar: '自 Word 貼上'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/plugin.js
index d50b3f0..cab8894 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/plugin.js
@@ -1,122 +1,144 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'pastefromword',
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			// Flag indicate this command is actually been asked instead of a generic
-			// pasting.
-			var forceFromWord = 0;
-			var resetFromWord = function()
-				{
-					setTimeout( function() { forceFromWord = 0; }, 0 );
-				};
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'pastefromword', {
+		requires: 'clipboard',
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'pastefromword,pastefromword-rtl', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			var commandName = 'pastefromword',
+				// Flag indicate this command is actually been asked instead of a generic pasting.
+				forceFromWord = 0,
+				path = this.path;
+			editor.addCommand( commandName, {
+				// Snapshots are done manually by editable.insertXXX methods.
+				canUndo: false,
+				async: true,
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					var cmd = this;
-			// Features bring by this command beside the normal process:
-			// 1. No more bothering of user about the clean-up.
-			// 2. Perform the clean-up even if content is not from MS-Word.
-			// (e.g. from a MS-Word similar application.)
-			editor.addCommand( 'pastefromword',
-			{
-				canUndo : false,
-				exec : function()
-				{
 					forceFromWord = 1;
-					if ( editor.execCommand( 'paste' ) === false )
-					{
-						editor.on( 'dialogHide', function ( evt )
-							{
-								evt.removeListener();
-								resetFromWord();
-							});
-					}
-					else
-						resetFromWord();
+					// Force html mode for incomming paste events sequence.
+					editor.once( 'beforePaste', forceHtmlMode );
+					editor.getClipboardData({ title: editor.lang.pastefromword.title }, function( data ) {
+						// Do not use editor#paste, because it would start from beforePaste event.
+						data && editor.fire( 'paste', { type: 'html', dataValue: data.dataValue } );
+						editor.fire( 'afterCommandExec', {
+							name: commandName,
+							command: cmd,
+							returnValue: !!data
+						});
+					});
 			// Register the toolbar button.
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'PasteFromWord',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.pastefromword.toolbar,
-					command : 'pastefromword'
-				});
-			editor.on( 'paste', function( evt )
-			{
+			editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'PasteFromWord', {
+				label: editor.lang.pastefromword.toolbar,
+				command: commandName,
+				toolbar: 'clipboard,50'
+			});
+			editor.on( 'pasteState', function( evt ) {
+				editor.getCommand( commandName ).setState( evt.data );
+			});
+			// Features bring by this command beside the normal process:
+			// 1. No more bothering of user about the clean-up.
+			// 2. Perform the clean-up even if content is not from MS-Word.
+			// (e.g. from a MS-Word similar application.)
+			// 3. Listen with high priority (3), so clean up is done before content
+			// type sniffing (priority = 6).
+			editor.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {
 				var data = evt.data,
-					mswordHtml;
+					mswordHtml = data.dataValue;
 				// MS-WORD format sniffing.
-				if ( ( mswordHtml = data[ 'html' ] )
-					 && ( forceFromWord || ( /(class=\"?Mso|style=\"[^\"]*\bmso\-|w:WordDocument)/ ).test( mswordHtml ) ) )
-				{
-					var isLazyLoad = this.loadFilterRules( function()
-						{
-							// Event continuation with the original data.
-							if ( isLazyLoad )
-								editor.fire( 'paste', data );
-							else if ( !editor.config.pasteFromWordPromptCleanup
-							  || ( forceFromWord || confirm( editor.lang.pastefromword.confirmCleanup ) ) )
-							 {
-								data[ 'html' ] = CKEDITOR.cleanWord( mswordHtml, editor );
-							}
-						});
+				if ( mswordHtml && ( forceFromWord || ( /(class=\"?Mso|style=\"[^\"]*\bmso\-|w:WordDocument)/ ).test( mswordHtml ) ) ) {
+					// If filter rules aren't loaded then cancel 'paste' event,
+					// load them and when they'll get loaded fire new paste event
+					// for which data will be filtered in second execution of
+					// this listener.
+					var isLazyLoad = loadFilterRules( editor, path, function() {
+						// Event continuation with the original data.
+						if ( isLazyLoad )
+							editor.fire( 'paste', data );
+						else if ( !editor.config.pasteFromWordPromptCleanup || ( forceFromWord || confirm( editor.lang.pastefromword.confirmCleanup ) ) ) {
+							data.dataValue = CKEDITOR.cleanWord( mswordHtml, editor );
+						}
+					});
 					// The cleanup rules are to be loaded, we should just cancel
 					// this event.
 					isLazyLoad && evt.cancel();
-			}, this );
-		},
+			}, null, null, 3 );
-		loadFilterRules : function( callback )
-		{
+			function resetFromWord( evt ) {
+				evt && evt.removeListener();
+				editor.removeListener( 'beforePaste', forceHtmlMode );
+				forceFromWord && setTimeout( function() {
+					forceFromWord = 0;
+				}, 0 );
+			}
+		}
-			var isLoaded = CKEDITOR.cleanWord;
+	});
-			if ( isLoaded )
-				callback();
-			else
-			{
-				var filterFilePath = CKEDITOR.getUrl(
-						CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordCleanupFile
-						|| ( this.path + 'filter/default.js' ) );
+	function loadFilterRules( editor, path, callback ) {
+		var isLoaded = CKEDITOR.cleanWord;
-				// Load with busy indicator.
-				CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( filterFilePath, callback, null, false, true );
-			}
+		if ( isLoaded )
+			callback();
+		else {
+			var filterFilePath = CKEDITOR.getUrl( editor.config.pasteFromWordCleanupFile || ( path + 'filter/default.js' ) );
-			return !isLoaded;
+			// Load with busy indicator.
+			CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( filterFilePath, callback, null, true );
-	});
+		return !isLoaded;
+	}
+	function forceHtmlMode( evt ) {
+		evt.data.type = 'html';
+	}
- * Whether to prompt the user about the clean up of content being pasted from
- * MS Word.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordPromptCleanup
+ * Whether to prompt the user about the clean up of content being pasted from MS Word.
+ *
+ *		config.pasteFromWordPromptCleanup = true;
+ *
  * @since 3.1
- * @type Boolean
- * @default undefined
- * @example
- * config.pasteFromWordPromptCleanup = true;
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [pasteFromWordPromptCleanup=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
  * The file that provides the MS Word cleanup function for pasting operations.
- * Note: This is a global configuration shared by all editor instances present
+ *
+ * **Note:** This is a global configuration shared by all editor instances present
  * in the page.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordCleanupFile
+ *
+ *		// Load from 'pastefromword' plugin 'filter' sub folder (custom.js file) using path relative to CKEditor installation folder.
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordCleanupFile = 'plugins/pastefromword/filter/custom.js';
+ *
+ *		// Load from 'pastefromword' plugin 'filter' sub folder (custom.js file) using full path (including CKEditor installation folder).
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordCleanupFile = '/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/filter/custom.js';
+ *
+ *		// Load custom.js file from 'customFilerts' folder (located in server's root) using full URL.
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordCleanupFile = 'http://my.example.com/customFilerts/custom.js';
+ *
  * @since 3.1
- * @type String
- * @default 'default'
- * @example
- * // Load from 'pastefromword' plugin 'filter' sub folder (custom.js file).
- * CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordCleanupFile = 'custom';
+ * @cfg {String} [pasteFromWordCleanupFile=<plugin path> + 'filter/default.js']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/dialogs/pastetext.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/dialogs/pastetext.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 82e4217..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/dialogs/pastetext.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'pastetext', function( editor )
-		{
-			return {
-				title : editor.lang.pasteText.title,
-				minWidth : CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ? 368 : 350,
-				minHeight : 240,
-				onShow : function()
-				{
-					// Reset the textarea value.
-					this.getContentElement( 'general', 'content' ).getInputElement().setValue( '' );
-				},
-				onOk : function()
-				{
-					// Get the textarea value.
-					var text = this.getContentElement( 'general', 'content' ).getInputElement().getValue(),
-						editor = this.getParentEditor();
-					setTimeout( function()
-					{
-						editor.fire( 'paste', { 'text' : text } );
-					}, 0 );
-				},
-				contents :
-				[
-					{
-						label : editor.lang.common.generalTab,
-						id : 'general',
-						elements :
-						[
-							{
-								type : 'html',
-								id : 'pasteMsg',
-								html : '<div style="white-space:normal;width:340px;">' + editor.lang.clipboard.pasteMsg + '</div>'
-							},
-							{
-								type : 'textarea',
-								id : 'content',
-								className : 'cke_pastetext',
-								onLoad : function()
-								{
-									var label = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'general', 'pasteMsg' ).getElement(),
-										input = this.getElement().getElementsByTag( 'textarea' ).getItem( 0 );
-									input.setAttribute( 'aria-labelledby', label.$.id );
-									input.setStyle( 'direction', editor.config.contentsLangDirection );
-								},
-								focus : function()
-								{
-									this.getElement().focus();
-								}
-							}
-						]
-					}
-				]
-			};
-		});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/icons/pastetext-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/icons/pastetext-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8a73bc
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/icons/pastetext-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/icons/pastetext.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/icons/pastetext.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..518a43e
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/icons/pastetext.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..816160e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'af', {
+	button: 'Plak as eenvoudige teks',
+	title: 'Plak as eenvoudige teks'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0fa432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'ar', {
+	button: 'لصق كنص بسيط',
+	title: 'لصق كنص بسيط'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3bc8c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'bg', {
+	button: 'Вмъкни като чист текст',
+	title: 'Вмъкни като чист текст'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eee3a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'bn', {
+	button: 'সাদা টেক্সট হিসেবে পেস্ট কর',
+	title: 'সাদা টেক্সট হিসেবে পেস্ট কর'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc84616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'bs', {
+	button: 'Zalijepi kao obièan tekst',
+	title: 'Zalijepi kao obièan tekst'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..510ff77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'ca', {
+	button: 'Enganxa com a text no formatat',
+	title: 'Enganxa com a text no formatat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3823903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'cs', {
+	button: 'Vložit jako čistý text',
+	title: 'Vložit jako čistý text'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38d63ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'cy', {
+	button: 'Gludo fel testun plaen',
+	title: 'Gludo fel Testun Plaen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d612c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'da', {
+	button: 'Indsæt som ikke-formateret tekst',
+	title: 'Indsæt som ikke-formateret tekst'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d9a43f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'de', {
+	button: 'Als Text einfügen',
+	title: 'Als Text einfügen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fa4e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'el', {
+	button: 'Επικόλληση ως Απλό Κείμενο',
+	title: 'Επικόλληση ως Απλό Κείμενο'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fe08a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'en-au', {
+	button: 'Paste as plain text',
+	title: 'Paste as Plain Text'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..857d63e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'en-ca', {
+	button: 'Paste as plain text',
+	title: 'Paste as Plain Text'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b5985f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'en-gb', {
+	button: 'Paste as plain text',
+	title: 'Paste as Plain Text'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9514ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'en', {
+	button: 'Paste as plain text',
+	title: 'Paste as Plain Text'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c991b38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'eo', {
+	button: 'Interglui kiel platan tekston',
+	title: 'Interglui kiel platan tekston'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88b4497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'es', {
+	button: 'Pegar como Texto Plano',
+	title: 'Pegar como Texto Plano'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a71c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'et', {
+	button: 'Asetamine tavalise tekstina',
+	title: 'Asetamine tavalise tekstina'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f969dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'eu', {
+	button: 'Testu Arrunta bezala Itsatsi',
+	title: 'Testu Arrunta bezala Itsatsi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63f2d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'fa', {
+	button: 'چسباندن به عنوان متن ِساده',
+	title: 'چسباندن به عنوان متن ِساده'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56d6974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'fi', {
+	button: 'Liitä tekstinä',
+	title: 'Liitä tekstinä'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4700048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'fo', {
+	button: 'Innrita som reinan tekst',
+	title: 'Innrita som reinan tekst'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a93cf38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'fr-ca', {
+	button: 'Coller comme texte',
+	title: 'Coller comme texte'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa07f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'fr', {
+	button: 'Coller comme texte sans mise en forme',
+	title: 'Coller comme texte sans mise en forme'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15de929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'gl', {
+	button: 'Pegar como texto plano',
+	title: 'Pegar como texto plano'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bab8bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'gu', {
+	button: 'પેસ્ટ (ટેક્સ્ટ)',
+	title: 'પેસ્ટ (ટેક્સ્ટ)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deca6e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'he', {
+	button: 'הדבקה כטקסט פשוט',
+	title: 'הדבקה כטקסט פשוט'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2041690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'hi', {
+	button: 'पेस्ट (सादा टॅक्स्ट)',
+	title: 'पेस्ट (सादा टॅक्स्ट)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f1413a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'hr', {
+	button: 'Zalijepi kao čisti tekst',
+	title: 'Zalijepi kao čisti tekst'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..498efb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'hu', {
+	button: 'Beillesztés formázatlan szövegként',
+	title: 'Beillesztés formázatlan szövegként'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f447f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'is', {
+	button: 'Líma sem ósniðinn texta',
+	title: 'Líma sem ósniðinn texta'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..131f2c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'it', {
+	button: 'Incolla come testo semplice',
+	title: 'Incolla come testo semplice'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0b07b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'ja', {
+	button: 'プレーンテキスト貼り付け',
+	title: 'プレーンテキスト貼り付け'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9200f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'ka', {
+	button: 'მხოლოდ ტექსტის ჩასმა',
+	title: 'მხოლოდ ტექსტის ჩასმა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51dbc9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'km', {
+	button: 'ចំលងដាក់អត្ថបទធម្មតា',
+	title: 'ចំលងដាក់អត្ថបទធម្មតា'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f5711c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'ko', {
+	button: '텍스트로 붙여넣기',
+	title: '텍스트로 붙여넣기'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13aa984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'ku', {
+	button: 'لکاندنی وهك دهقی ڕوون',
+	title: 'لکاندنی وهك دهقی ڕوون'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd82863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'lt', {
+	button: 'Įdėti kaip gryną tekstą',
+	title: 'Įdėti kaip gryną tekstą'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7bf489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'lv', {
+	button: 'Ievietot kā vienkāršu tekstu',
+	title: 'Ievietot kā vienkāršu tekstu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f576c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'mk', {
+	button: 'Paste as plain text', // MISSING
+	title: 'Paste as Plain Text' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06a3aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'mn', {
+	button: 'Энгийн бичвэрээр буулгах',
+	title: 'Энгийн бичвэрээр буулгах'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..094161e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'ms', {
+	button: 'Tampal sebagai text biasa',
+	title: 'Tampal sebagai text biasa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..390ac1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'nb', {
+	button: 'Lim inn som ren tekst',
+	title: 'Lim inn som ren tekst'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d4bf69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'nl', {
+	button: 'Plakken als platte tekst',
+	title: 'Plakken als platte tekst'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..337dcd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'no', {
+	button: 'Lim inn som ren tekst',
+	title: 'Lim inn som ren tekst'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88e7551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'pl', {
+	button: 'Wklej jako czysty tekst',
+	title: 'Wklej jako czysty tekst'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65f66dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'pt-br', {
+	button: 'Colar como Texto sem Formatação',
+	title: 'Colar como Texto sem Formatação'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a80ec21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'pt', {
+	button: 'Colar como Texto Simples',
+	title: 'Colar como Texto Simples'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ce2b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'ro', {
+	button: 'Adaugă ca text simplu (Plain Text)',
+	title: 'Adaugă ca text simplu (Plain Text)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..828d6bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'ru', {
+	button: 'Вставить только текст',
+	title: 'Вставить только текст'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5aae76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'sk', {
+	button: 'Vložiť ako čistý text',
+	title: 'Vložiť ako čistý text'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a022bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'sl', {
+	button: 'Prilepi kot golo besedilo',
+	title: 'Prilepi kot golo besedilo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3deeee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'sr-latn', {
+	button: 'Zalepi kao čist tekst',
+	title: 'Zalepi kao čist tekst'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a95b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'sr', {
+	button: 'Залепи као чист текст',
+	title: 'Залепи као чист текст'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..509ab05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'sv', {
+	button: 'Klistra in som vanlig text',
+	title: 'Klistra in som vanlig text'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..155b19c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'th', {
+	button: 'วางแบบตัวอักษรธรรมดา',
+	title: 'วางแบบตัวอักษรธรรมดา'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9e41d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'tr', {
+	button: 'Düz Metin Olarak Yapıştır',
+	title: 'Düz Metin Olarak Yapıştır'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bb3a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'ug', {
+	button: 'پىچىمى يوق تېكىست سۈپىتىدە چاپلا',
+	title: 'پىچىمى يوق تېكىست سۈپىتىدە چاپلا'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8063ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'uk', {
+	button: 'Вставити тільки текст',
+	title: 'Вставити тільки текст'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1ec832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'vi', {
+	button: 'Dán theo định dạng văn bản thuần',
+	title: 'Dán theo định dạng văn bản thuần'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f80526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'zh-cn', {
+	button: '粘贴为无格式文本',
+	title: '粘贴为无格式文本'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9ecaed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'pastetext', 'zh', {
+	button: '貼為純文字格式',
+	title: '貼為純文字格式'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/plugin.js
index 2d03974..45d4800 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/plugin.js
@@ -1,135 +1,63 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @file Paste as plain text plugin
+ * @fileOverview Paste as plain text plugin.
+(function() {
 	// The pastetext command definition.
-	var pasteTextCmd =
-	{
-		exec : function( editor )
-		{
-			var clipboardText = CKEDITOR.tools.tryThese(
-				function()
-				{
-					var clipboardText = window.clipboardData.getData( 'Text' );
-					if ( !clipboardText )
-						throw 0;
-					return clipboardText;
-				}
-				// Any other approach that's working...
-				);
-			if ( !clipboardText )   // Clipboard access privilege is not granted.
-			{
-				editor.openDialog( 'pastetext' );
-				return false;
-			}
-			else
-				editor.fire( 'paste', { 'text' : clipboardText } );
-			return true;
+	var pasteTextCmd = {
+		// Snapshots are done manually by editable.insertXXX methods.
+		canUndo: false,
+		async: true,
+		exec: function( editor ) {
+			editor.getClipboardData({ title: editor.lang.pastetext.title }, function( data ) {
+				// Do not use editor#paste, because it would start from beforePaste event.
+				data && editor.fire( 'paste', { type: 'text', dataValue: data.dataValue } );
+				editor.fire( 'afterCommandExec', {
+					name: 'pastetext',
+					command: pasteTextCmd,
+					returnValue: !!data
+				});
+			});
-	function doInsertText( doc, text )
-	{
-		// Native text insertion.
-		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-		{
-			var selection = doc.selection;
-			if ( selection.type == 'Control' )
-				selection.clear();
-			selection.createRange().pasteHTML( text );
-		}
-		else
-			doc.execCommand( 'inserthtml', false, text );
-	}
 	// Register the plugin.
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'pastetext',
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			var commandName = 'pastetext',
-				command = editor.addCommand( commandName, pasteTextCmd );
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'PasteText',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.pasteText.button,
-					command : commandName
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'pastetext', {
+		requires: 'clipboard',
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'pastetext,pastetext-rtl', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			var commandName = 'pastetext';
+			editor.addCommand( commandName, pasteTextCmd );
+			editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'PasteText', {
+				label: editor.lang.pastetext.button,
+				command: commandName,
+				toolbar: 'clipboard,40'
+			});
+			if ( editor.config.forcePasteAsPlainText ) {
+				editor.on( 'beforePaste', function( evt ) {
+					// Do NOT overwrite if HTML format is explicitly requested.
+					// This allows pastefromword dominates over pastetext.
+					if ( evt.data.type != 'html' )
+						evt.data.type = 'text';
-			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( commandName, CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'dialogs/pastetext.js' ) );
-			if ( editor.config.forcePasteAsPlainText )
-			{
-				// Intercept the default pasting process.
-				editor.on( 'beforeCommandExec', function ( evt )
-				{
-					if ( evt.data.name == 'paste' )
-					{
-						editor.execCommand( 'pastetext' );
-						evt.cancel();
-					}
-				}, null, null, 0 );
-		},
-		requires : [ 'clipboard' ]
-	});
-	function doEnter( editor, mode, times, forceMode )
-	{
-		while ( times-- )
-		{
-			CKEDITOR.plugins.enterkey[ mode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ? 'enterBr' : 'enterBlock' ]
-					( editor, mode, null, forceMode );
+			editor.on( 'pasteState', function( evt ) {
+				editor.getCommand( commandName ).setState( evt.data );
+			});
-	}
-	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.insertText = function( text )
-	{
-		this.focus();
-		this.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-		var mode = this.getSelection().getStartElement().hasAscendant( 'pre', true ) ? CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR : this.config.enterMode,
-			isEnterBrMode = mode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR,
-			doc = this.document.$,
-			self = this,
-			line;
-		text = CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( text.replace( /\r\n|\r/g, '\n' ) );
-		var startIndex = 0;
-		text.replace( /\n+/g, function( match, lastIndex )
-		 {
-			line = text.substring( startIndex, lastIndex );
-			startIndex = lastIndex + match.length;
-			line.length && doInsertText( doc, line );
-			var lineBreakNums = match.length,
-				// Duo consequence line-break as a enter block.
-				enterBlockTimes = isEnterBrMode ? 0 : Math.floor( lineBreakNums / 2 ),
-				// Per link-break as a enter br.
-				enterBrTimes = isEnterBrMode ? lineBreakNums : lineBreakNums % 2;
-			// Line-breaks are converted to editor enter key strokes.
-			doEnter( self, mode, enterBlockTimes );
-			doEnter( self, CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR, enterBrTimes, isEnterBrMode ? false : true );
-		 });
-		// Insert the last text line of text.
-		line = text.substring( startIndex, text.length );
-		line.length && doInsertText( doc, line );
-		this.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-	};
+	});
@@ -137,9 +65,11 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  * Whether to force all pasting operations to insert on plain text into the
  * editor, loosing any formatting information possibly available in the source
  * text.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.forcePasteAsPlainText
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- * @example
- * config.forcePasteAsPlainText = true;
+ *
+ * **Note:** paste from word (dialog) is not affected by this configuration.
+ *
+ *		config.forcePasteAsPlainText = true;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [forcePasteAsPlainText=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/popup/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/popup/plugin.js
index fb7f2c4..26d5240 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/popup/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/popup/plugin.js
@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
 CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'popup' );
-CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.editor.prototype,
+CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.editor.prototype, {
-	 * Opens Browser in a popup. The "width" and "height" parameters accept
+	 * Opens Browser in a popup. The `width` and `height` parameters accept
 	 * numbers (pixels) or percent (of screen size) values.
+	 *
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
 	 * @param {String} url The url of the external file browser.
-	 * @param {String} width Popup window width.
-	 * @param {String} height Popup window height.
-	 * @param {String} options Popup window features.
+	 * @param {Number/String} [width='80%'] Popup window width.
+	 * @param {Number/String} [height='70%'] Popup window height.
+	 * @param {String} [options='location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,dependent=yes,minimizable=no,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes']
+	 * Popup window features.
-	popup : function( url, width, height, options )
-	{
+	popup: function( url, width, height, options ) {
 		width = width || '80%';
 		height = height || '70%';
@@ -33,12 +34,11 @@ CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.editor.prototype,
 			height = 420;
 		var top = parseInt( ( window.screen.height - height ) / 2, 10 ),
-			left = parseInt( ( window.screen.width  - width ) / 2, 10 );
+			left = parseInt( ( window.screen.width - width ) / 2, 10 );
-		options = ( options || 'location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,dependent=yes,minimizable=no,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes' ) +
-			',width='  + width +
+		options = ( options || 'location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,dependent=yes,minimizable=no,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes' ) + ',width=' + width +
 			',height=' + height +
-			',top='  + top +
+			',top=' + top +
 			',left=' + left;
 		var popupWindow = window.open( '', null, options, true );
@@ -47,15 +47,16 @@ CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.editor.prototype,
 		if ( !popupWindow )
 			return false;
-		try
-		{
-			popupWindow.moveTo( left, top );
-			popupWindow.resizeTo( width, height );
+		try {
+			// Chrome is problematic with moveTo/resizeTo, but it's not really needed here (#8855).
+			var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
+			if ( ua.indexOf( ' chrome/' ) == -1 ) {
+				popupWindow.moveTo( left, top );
+				popupWindow.resizeTo( width, height );
+			}
 			popupWindow.location.href = url;
-		}
-		catch (e)
-		{
+		} catch ( e ) {
 			popupWindow = window.open( url, null, options, true );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/icons/preview-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/icons/preview-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68f8b59
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/icons/preview-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/icons/preview.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/icons/preview.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69d001
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/icons/preview.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9b52fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'af', {
+	preview: 'Voorbeeld'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c866af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'ar', {
+	preview: 'معاينة الصفحة'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0176631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'bg', {
+	preview: 'Преглед'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..334aa4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'bn', {
+	preview: 'প্রিভিউ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b0c3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'bs', {
+	preview: 'Prikaži'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a415928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'ca', {
+	preview: 'Visualització prèvia'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96aaab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'cs', {
+	preview: 'Náhled'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f3cbd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'cy', {
+	preview: 'Rhagolwg'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79a849b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'da', {
+	preview: 'Vis eksempel'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2db4119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'de', {
+	preview: 'Vorschau'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8e7af1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'el', {
+	preview: 'Προεπισκόπιση'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f03fad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'en-au', {
+	preview: 'Preview'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e9ac18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'en-ca', {
+	preview: 'Preview'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..257293e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'en-gb', {
+	preview: 'Preview'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd6bce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'en', {
+	preview: 'Preview'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4787cdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'eo', {
+	preview: 'Vidigi Aspekton'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd8dc40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'es', {
+	preview: 'Vista Previa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0435fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'et', {
+	preview: 'Eelvaade'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aabb0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'eu', {
+	preview: 'Aurrebista'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f7101e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'fa', {
+	preview: 'پیشنمایش'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4738dea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'fi', {
+	preview: 'Esikatsele'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ee9515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'fo', {
+	preview: 'Frumsýning'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7e19fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'fr-ca', {
+	preview: 'Previsualiser'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4ed5f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'fr', {
+	preview: 'Aperçu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7422b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'gl', {
+	preview: 'Vista Previa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4f1277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'gu', {
+	preview: 'પૂર્વદર્શન'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99391a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'he', {
+	preview: 'תצוגה מקדימה'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29af69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'hi', {
+	preview: 'प्रीव्यू'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22cc227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'hr', {
+	preview: 'Pregledaj'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d7f2ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'hu', {
+	preview: 'Előnézet'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ff4cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'is', {
+	preview: 'Forskoða'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..887118d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'it', {
+	preview: 'Anteprima'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9071e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'ja', {
+	preview: 'プレビュー'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b81d911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'ka', {
+	preview: 'გადახედვა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ad2b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'km', {
+	preview: 'មើលសាកល្បង'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90e1cc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'ko', {
+	preview: '미리보기'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ee73fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'ku', {
+	preview: 'پێشبینین'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..895945a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'lt', {
+	preview: 'Peržiūra'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33d5e5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'lv', {
+	preview: 'Priekšskatīt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5784cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'mk', {
+	preview: 'Preview' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c5e24b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'mn', {
+	preview: 'Уридчлан харах'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e6ba1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'ms', {
+	preview: 'Prebiu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b17b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'nb', {
+	preview: 'Forhåndsvis'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..688168c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'nl', {
+	preview: 'Voorbeeld'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..758aee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'no', {
+	preview: 'Forhåndsvis'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10b3491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'pl', {
+	preview: 'PodglÄ…d'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c94da32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'pt-br', {
+	preview: 'Visualizar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..999a593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'pt', {
+	preview: 'Pré-visualizar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98ad1c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'ro', {
+	preview: 'Previzualizare'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc45ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'ru', {
+	preview: 'Предварительный просмотр'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13d6c5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'sk', {
+	preview: 'Náhľad'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c2422b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'sl', {
+	preview: 'Predogled'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..667bb7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'sr-latn', {
+	preview: 'Izgled stranice'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1038bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'sr', {
+	preview: 'Изглед странице'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7965706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'sv', {
+	preview: 'Förhandsgranska'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cd7975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'th', {
+	preview: 'ดูหน้าเอกสารตัวอย่าง'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06bc656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'tr', {
+	preview: 'Ön İzleme'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49a7f8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'ug', {
+	preview: 'ئالدىن كۆزەت'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21b9c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'uk', {
+	preview: 'Попередній перегляд'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa0890c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'vi', {
+	preview: 'Xem trÆ°á»›c'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d1834e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'zh-cn', {
+	preview: '预览'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c07d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'preview', 'zh', {
+	preview: '預覽'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/plugin.js
index dd53d43..bdd5418 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/plugin.js
@@ -1,38 +1,31 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @file Preview plugin.
+ * @fileOverview Preview plugin.
-	var previewCmd =
-	{
-		modes : { wysiwyg:1, source:1 },
-		canUndo : false,
-		exec : function( editor )
-		{
+(function() {
+	var pluginPath;
+	var previewCmd = { modes:{wysiwyg:1,source:1 },
+		canUndo: false,
+		readOnly: 1,
+		exec: function( editor ) {
 			var sHTML,
 				config = editor.config,
 				baseTag = config.baseHref ? '<base href="' + config.baseHref + '"/>' : '',
 				isCustomDomain = CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain();
-			if ( config.fullPage )
-			{
-				sHTML = editor.getData()
-						.replace( /<head>/, '$&' + baseTag )
-						.replace( /[^>]*(?=<\/title>)/, editor.lang.preview );
-			}
-			else
-			{
+			if ( config.fullPage ) {
+				sHTML = editor.getData().replace( /<head>/, '$&' + baseTag ).replace( /[^>]*(?=<\/title>)/, '$& — ' + editor.lang.preview.preview );
+			} else {
 				var bodyHtml = '<body ',
-						body = editor.document && editor.document.getBody();
+					body = editor.document && editor.document.getBody();
-				if ( body )
-				{
+				if ( body ) {
 					if ( body.getAttribute( 'id' ) )
 						bodyHtml += 'id="' + body.getAttribute( 'id' ) + '" ';
 					if ( body.getAttribute( 'class' ) )
@@ -41,33 +34,30 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				bodyHtml += '>';
-				sHTML =
-					editor.config.docType +
-					'<html dir="' + editor.config.contentsLangDirection + '">' +
+				sHTML = editor.config.docType + '<html dir="' + editor.config.contentsLangDirection + '">' +
 					'<head>' +
-					baseTag +
-					'<title>' + editor.lang.preview + '</title>' +
-					CKEDITOR.tools.buildStyleHtml( editor.config.contentsCss ) +
+						baseTag +
+						'<title>' + editor.lang.preview.preview + '</title>' +
+						CKEDITOR.tools.buildStyleHtml( editor.config.contentsCss ) +
 					'</head>' + bodyHtml +
-					editor.getData() +
+						editor.getData() +
-			var iWidth	= 640,	// 800 * 0.8,
-				iHeight	= 420,	// 600 * 0.7,
-				iLeft	= 80;	// (800 - 0.8 * 800) /2 = 800 * 0.1.
-			try
-			{
+			var iWidth = 640,
+				// 800 * 0.8,
+				iHeight = 420,
+				// 600 * 0.7,
+				iLeft = 80; // (800 - 0.8 * 800) /2 = 800 * 0.1.
+			try {
 				var screen = window.screen;
 				iWidth = Math.round( screen.width * 0.8 );
 				iHeight = Math.round( screen.height * 0.7 );
 				iLeft = Math.round( screen.width * 0.1 );
-			}
-			catch ( e ){}
+			} catch ( e ) {}
 			var sOpenUrl = '';
-			if ( isCustomDomain )
-			{
+			if ( isCustomDomain ) {
 				window._cke_htmlToLoad = sHTML;
 				sOpenUrl = 'javascript:void( (function(){' +
 					'document.open();' +
@@ -78,14 +68,26 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					'})() )';
+			// With Firefox only, we need to open a special preview page, so
+			// anchors will work properly on it. (#9047)
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {
+				window._cke_htmlToLoad = sHTML;
+				sOpenUrl = pluginPath + 'preview.html';
+			}
 			var oWindow = window.open( sOpenUrl, null, 'toolbar=yes,location=no,status=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=' +
 				iWidth + ',height=' + iHeight + ',left=' + iLeft );
-			if ( !isCustomDomain )
-			{
-				oWindow.document.open();
-				oWindow.document.write( sHTML );
-				oWindow.document.close();
+			if ( !isCustomDomain && !CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {
+				var doc = oWindow.document;
+				doc.open();
+				doc.write( sHTML );
+				doc.close();
+				// Chrome will need this to show the embedded. (#8016)
+				CKEDITOR.env.webkit && setTimeout( function() {
+					doc.body.innerHTML += '';
+				}, 0 );
@@ -93,16 +95,23 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 	var pluginName = 'preview';
 	// Register a plugin named "preview".
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( pluginName,
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( pluginName, {
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'preview,preview-rtl', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			// Preview is not used for the inline creator.
+			if ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE )
+				return;
+			pluginPath = this.path;
 			editor.addCommand( pluginName, previewCmd );
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'Preview',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.preview,
-					command : pluginName
-				});
+			editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'Preview', {
+				label: editor.lang.preview.preview,
+				command: pluginName,
+				toolbar: 'document,40'
+			});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/preview.html b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/preview.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6c4937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/preview/preview.html
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+var doc = document;
+doc.write( window.opener._cke_htmlToLoad );
+delete window.opener._cke_htmlToLoad;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/icons/print.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/icons/print.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e74dfff
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/icons/print.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7f7625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'af', {
+	toolbar: 'Druk'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90f7bcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'ar', {
+	toolbar: 'طباعة'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a668072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'bg', {
+	toolbar: 'Печат'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f992a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'bn', {
+	toolbar: 'প্রিন্ট'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..978c1d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'bs', {
+	toolbar: 'Å tampaj'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac69b7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Imprimeix'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..168750d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'cs', {
+	toolbar: 'Tisk'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..925875f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'cy', {
+	toolbar: 'Argraffu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ff08b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'da', {
+	toolbar: 'Udskriv'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b282eba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'de', {
+	toolbar: 'Drucken'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35c8666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'el', {
+	toolbar: 'Εκτύπωση'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb0c61c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'en-au', {
+	toolbar: 'Print'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9817d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'en-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Print'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e16524e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'en-gb', {
+	toolbar: 'Print'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9203f8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'en', {
+	toolbar: 'Print'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a4a74a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'eo', {
+	toolbar: 'Presi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3666544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'es', {
+	toolbar: 'Imprimir'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa6db4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'et', {
+	toolbar: 'Printimine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1374992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'eu', {
+	toolbar: 'Inprimatu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e948d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'fa', {
+	toolbar: 'چاپ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39c9250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'fi', {
+	toolbar: 'Tulosta'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ab8451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'fo', {
+	toolbar: 'Prenta'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9b0d59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'fr-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Imprimer'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ddac9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'fr', {
+	toolbar: 'Imprimer'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa07bc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'gl', {
+	toolbar: 'Imprimir'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4891d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'gu', {
+	toolbar: 'પ્રિન્ટ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afe1b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'he', {
+	toolbar: 'הדפסה'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..292f293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'hi', {
+	toolbar: 'प्रिन्ट'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c43240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'hr', {
+	toolbar: 'Ispiši'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d43ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'hu', {
+	toolbar: 'Nyomtatás'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4f5758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'is', {
+	toolbar: 'Prenta'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45ea178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'it', {
+	toolbar: 'Stampa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7653f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'ja', {
+	toolbar: '印刷'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac1d915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'ka', {
+	toolbar: 'ბეჭდვა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ffc285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'km', {
+	toolbar: 'បោះពុម្ភ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6076f0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'ko', {
+	toolbar: '인쇄하기'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47a8efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'ku', {
+	toolbar: 'چاپکردن'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2125a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'lt', {
+	toolbar: 'Spausdinti'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee34688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'lv', {
+	toolbar: 'Drukāt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bac34d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'mk', {
+	toolbar: 'Print' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e97ab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'mn', {
+	toolbar: 'Хэвлэх'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d8a2d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'ms', {
+	toolbar: 'Cetak'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a76f02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'nb', {
+	toolbar: 'Skriv ut'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce3cf10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'nl', {
+	toolbar: 'Printen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35e7449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'no', {
+	toolbar: 'Skriv ut'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dbee4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'pl', {
+	toolbar: 'Drukuj'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6327199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'pt-br', {
+	toolbar: 'Imprimir'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54a5ddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'pt', {
+	toolbar: 'Imprimir'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cc79aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'ro', {
+	toolbar: 'Printează'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cf4386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'ru', {
+	toolbar: 'Печать'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c17db08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'sk', {
+	toolbar: 'Tlač'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f95fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'sl', {
+	toolbar: 'Natisni'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f75fb65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'sr-latn', {
+	toolbar: 'Å tampa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d0351b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'sr', {
+	toolbar: 'Штампа'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb415e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'sv', {
+	toolbar: 'Skriv ut'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1fda0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'th', {
+	toolbar: 'สั่งพิมพ์'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0ab269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'tr', {
+	toolbar: 'Yazdır'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..596e454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'ug', {
+	toolbar: 'باس '
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..087188e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'uk', {
+	toolbar: 'Друк'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bc71f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'vi', {
+	toolbar: 'In'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffd8ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'zh-cn', {
+	toolbar: '打印'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb85d99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'print', 'zh', {
+	toolbar: '列印'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/plugin.js
index 8145093..8a18cd8 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/print/plugin.js
@@ -1,34 +1,36 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @file Print Plugin
+ * @fileOverview Print Plugin
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'print',
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'print', {
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	icons: 'print,', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	init: function( editor ) {
+		// Print plugin isn't available in inline mode yet.
+		if ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE )
+			return;
 		var pluginName = 'print';
 		// Register the command.
 		var command = editor.addCommand( pluginName, CKEDITOR.plugins.print );
 		// Register the toolbar button.
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'Print',
-			{
-				label : editor.lang.print,
-				command : pluginName
-			});
+		editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'Print', {
+			label: editor.lang.print.toolbar,
+			command: pluginName,
+			toolbar: 'document,50'
+		});
-} );
-CKEDITOR.plugins.print =
-	exec : function( editor )
-	{
+CKEDITOR.plugins.print = {
+	exec: function( editor ) {
 		if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera )
 		else if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
@@ -36,6 +38,7 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.print =
 			editor.document.$.execCommand( "Print" );
-	canUndo : false,
-	modes : { wysiwyg : !( CKEDITOR.env.opera ) }		// It is imposible to print the inner document in Opera.
+	canUndo: false,
+	readOnly: 1,
+	modes: { wysiwyg: !( CKEDITOR.env.opera ) } // It is imposible to print the inner document in Opera.
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/icons/removeformat.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/icons/removeformat.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c313632
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/icons/removeformat.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..021b188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'af', {
+	toolbar: 'Verwyder opmaak'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0be4e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'ar', {
+	toolbar: 'إزالة التنسيقات'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18e3443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'bg', {
+	toolbar: 'Премахване на форматирането'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1b23d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'bn', {
+	toolbar: 'ফরমেট সরাও'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3314a71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'bs', {
+	toolbar: 'Poništi format'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b0742e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Elimina Format'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b03bd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'cs', {
+	toolbar: 'Odstranit formátování'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd5e1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'cy', {
+	toolbar: 'Tynnu Fformat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95baacf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'da', {
+	toolbar: 'Fjern formatering'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01595d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'de', {
+	toolbar: 'Formatierungen entfernen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..765c828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'el', {
+	toolbar: 'Αφαίρεση Μορφοποίησης'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eb37ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'en-au', {
+	toolbar: 'Remove Format'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..183ff18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'en-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Remove Format'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3648e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'en-gb', {
+	toolbar: 'Remove Format'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c94ef08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'en', {
+	toolbar: 'Remove Format'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57c9f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'eo', {
+	toolbar: 'Forigi Formaton'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90323f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'es', {
+	toolbar: 'Eliminar Formato'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c0394f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'et', {
+	toolbar: 'Vormingu eemaldamine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80c3ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'eu', {
+	toolbar: 'Kendu Formatua'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..159577f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'fa', {
+	toolbar: 'برداشتن فرمت'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac5660e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'fi', {
+	toolbar: 'Poista muotoilu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a55b70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'fo', {
+	toolbar: 'Strika sniðgeving'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2addbec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'fr-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Supprimer le formatage'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c192eb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'fr', {
+	toolbar: 'Supprimer la mise en forme'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94a5a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'gl', {
+	toolbar: 'Eliminar Formato'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49a972e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'gu', {
+	toolbar: 'ફૉર્મટ કાઢવું'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5001e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'he', {
+	toolbar: 'הסרת העיצוב'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f373a27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'hi', {
+	toolbar: 'फ़ॉर्मैट हटायें'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f50528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'hr', {
+	toolbar: 'Ukloni formatiranje'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c498654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'hu', {
+	toolbar: 'Formázás eltávolítása'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c37f5ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'is', {
+	toolbar: 'Fjarlægja snið'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..803b5b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'it', {
+	toolbar: 'Elimina formattazione'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e813840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'ja', {
+	toolbar: 'フォーマット削除'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81beef1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'ka', {
+	toolbar: 'ფორმატირების მოხსნა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d15f2b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'km', {
+	toolbar: 'លប់ចោល ការរចនា'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5620d32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'ko', {
+	toolbar: '포맷 지우기'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..531cde9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'ku', {
+	toolbar: 'لابردنی داڕشتەکە'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d74da42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'lt', {
+	toolbar: 'Panaikinti formatÄ…'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d2aa56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'lv', {
+	toolbar: 'Noņemt stilus'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d261a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'mk', {
+	toolbar: 'Remove Format' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3faebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'mn', {
+	toolbar: 'Параргафын загварыг авч хаях'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba0aac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'ms', {
+	toolbar: 'Buang Format'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..652cf45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'nb', {
+	toolbar: 'Fjern formatering'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93bd72b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'nl', {
+	toolbar: 'Opmaak verwijderen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef6cfbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'no', {
+	toolbar: 'Fjern formatering'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0133272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'pl', {
+	toolbar: 'Usuń formatowanie'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9698019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'pt-br', {
+	toolbar: 'Remover Formatação'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f21a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'pt', {
+	toolbar: 'Eliminar Formato'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e225c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'ro', {
+	toolbar: 'Înlătură formatarea'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e695e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'ru', {
+	toolbar: 'Убрать форматирование'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80baef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'sk', {
+	toolbar: 'Odstrániť formátovanie'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b55ebc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'sl', {
+	toolbar: 'Odstrani oblikovanje'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc20f76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'sr-latn', {
+	toolbar: 'Ukloni formatiranje'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50aca5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'sr', {
+	toolbar: 'Уклони форматирање'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..858b37a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'sv', {
+	toolbar: 'Radera formatering'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66a8912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'th', {
+	toolbar: 'ล้างรูปแบบ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f293f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'tr', {
+	toolbar: 'Biçimi Kaldır'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d954cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'ug', {
+	toolbar: 'پىچىمنى چىقىرىۋەت'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec60212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'uk', {
+	toolbar: 'Очистити форматування'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..003f794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'vi', {
+	toolbar: 'Xoá định dạng'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee8ae9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'zh-cn', {
+	toolbar: '清除格式'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19af357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'removeformat', 'zh', {
+	toolbar: '清除格式'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/plugin.js
index 28b4ea7..96648eb 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/removeformat/plugin.js
@@ -1,57 +1,44 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'removeformat',
-	requires : [ 'selection' ],
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'removeformat', {
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	icons: 'removeformat', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	init: function( editor ) {
 		editor.addCommand( 'removeFormat', CKEDITOR.plugins.removeformat.commands.removeformat );
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'RemoveFormat',
-			{
-				label : editor.lang.removeFormat,
-				command : 'removeFormat'
-			});
-		editor._.removeFormat = { filters: [] };
+		editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'RemoveFormat', {
+			label: editor.lang.removeformat.toolbar,
+			command: 'removeFormat',
+			toolbar: 'cleanup,10'
+		});
-CKEDITOR.plugins.removeformat =
-	commands :
-	{
-		removeformat :
-		{
-			exec : function( editor )
-			{
-				var tagsRegex = editor._.removeFormatRegex ||
-					( editor._.removeFormatRegex = new RegExp( '^(?:' + editor.config.removeFormatTags.replace( /,/g,'|' ) + ')$', 'i' ) );
+CKEDITOR.plugins.removeformat = {
+	commands: {
+		removeformat: {
+			exec: function( editor ) {
+				var tagsRegex = editor._.removeFormatRegex || ( editor._.removeFormatRegex = new RegExp( '^(?:' + editor.config.removeFormatTags.replace( /,/g, '|' ) + ')$', 'i' ) );
-				var removeAttributes = editor._.removeAttributes ||
-					( editor._.removeAttributes = editor.config.removeFormatAttributes.split( ',' ) );
+				var removeAttributes = editor._.removeAttributes || ( editor._.removeAttributes = editor.config.removeFormatAttributes.split( ',' ) );
 				var filter = CKEDITOR.plugins.removeformat.filter;
-				var ranges = editor.getSelection().getRanges( true ),
+				var ranges = editor.getSelection().getRanges( 1 ),
 					iterator = ranges.createIterator(),
-				while ( ( range = iterator.getNextRange() ) )
-				{
-					if ( range.collapsed )
-						continue;
-					range.enlarge( CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_ELEMENT );
+				while ( ( range = iterator.getNextRange() ) ) {
+					if ( !range.collapsed )
+						range.enlarge( CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_ELEMENT );
 					// Bookmark the range so we can re-select it after processing.
-					var bookmark = range.createBookmark();
-					// The style will be applied within the bookmark boundaries.
-					var startNode	= bookmark.startNode;
-					var endNode		= bookmark.endNode;
+					var bookmark = range.createBookmark(),
+						// The style will be applied within the bookmark boundaries.
+						startNode = bookmark.startNode,
+						endNode = bookmark.endNode,
+						currentNode;
 					// We need to check the selection boundaries (bookmark spans) to break
 					// the code in a way that we can properly remove partially selected nodes.
@@ -63,75 +50,70 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.removeformat =
 					// removal logic, having something that could be represented this way:
 					//		<b>This is </b>[<b>some text</b> to show <b>the</b>]<b> problem</b>
-					var breakParent = function( node )
-					{
-						// Let's start checking the start boundary.
-						var path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( node );
-						var pathElements = path.elements;
+					var breakParent = function( node ) {
+							// Let's start checking the start boundary.
+							var path = editor.elementPath( node ),
+								pathElements = path.elements;
-						for ( var i = 1, pathElement ; pathElement = pathElements[ i ] ; i++ )
-						{
-							if ( pathElement.equals( path.block ) || pathElement.equals( path.blockLimit ) )
-								break;
+							for ( var i = 1, pathElement; pathElement = pathElements[ i ]; i++ ) {
+								if ( pathElement.equals( path.block ) || pathElement.equals( path.blockLimit ) )
+									break;
-							// If this element can be removed (even partially).
-							if ( tagsRegex.test( pathElement.getName() ) && filter( editor, pathElement ) )
-								node.breakParent( pathElement );
-						}
-					};
+								// If this element can be removed (even partially).
+								if ( tagsRegex.test( pathElement.getName() ) && filter( editor, pathElement ) )
+									node.breakParent( pathElement );
+							}
+						};
 					breakParent( startNode );
-					breakParent( endNode );
-					// Navigate through all nodes between the bookmarks.
-					var currentNode = startNode.getNextSourceNode( true, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT );
-					while ( currentNode )
-					{
-						// If we have reached the end of the selection, stop looping.
-						if ( currentNode.equals( endNode ) )
-							break;
-						// Cache the next node to be processed. Do it now, because
-						// currentNode may be removed.
-						var nextNode = currentNode.getNextSourceNode( false, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT );
-						// This node must not be a fake element.
-						if ( !( currentNode.getName() == 'img'
-							&& currentNode.getAttribute( '_cke_realelement' ) )
-							&& filter( editor, currentNode ) )
-						{
-							// Remove elements nodes that match with this style rules.
-							if ( tagsRegex.test( currentNode.getName() ) )
-								currentNode.remove( true );
-							else
-							{
-								currentNode.removeAttributes( removeAttributes );
-								editor.fire( 'removeFormatCleanup', currentNode );
+					if ( endNode ) {
+						breakParent( endNode );
+						// Navigate through all nodes between the bookmarks.
+						currentNode = startNode.getNextSourceNode( true, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT );
+						while ( currentNode ) {
+							// If we have reached the end of the selection, stop looping.
+							if ( currentNode.equals( endNode ) )
+								break;
+							// Cache the next node to be processed. Do it now, because
+							// currentNode may be removed.
+							var nextNode = currentNode.getNextSourceNode( false, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT );
+							// This node must not be a fake element.
+							if ( !( currentNode.getName() == 'img' && currentNode.data( 'cke-realelement' ) ) && filter( editor, currentNode ) ) {
+								// Remove elements nodes that match with this style rules.
+								if ( tagsRegex.test( currentNode.getName() ) )
+									currentNode.remove( 1 );
+								else {
+									currentNode.removeAttributes( removeAttributes );
+									editor.fire( 'removeFormatCleanup', currentNode );
+								}
-						}
-						currentNode = nextNode;
+							currentNode = nextNode;
+						}
 					range.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
+				// The selection path may not changed, but we should force a selection
+				// change event to refresh command states, due to the above attribution change. (#9238)
+				editor.forceNextSelectionCheck();
 				editor.getSelection().selectRanges( ranges );
-	/**
-	 * Perform the remove format filters on the passed element.
-	 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
-	 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element
-	 */
-	filter : function ( editor, element )
-	{
-		var filters = editor._.removeFormat.filters;
-		for ( var i = 0; i < filters.length; i++ )
-		{
+	// Perform the remove format filters on the passed element.
+	// @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
+	// @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element
+	filter: function( editor, element ) {
+		// If editor#addRemoveFotmatFilter hasn't been executed yet value is not initialized.
+		var filters = editor._.removeFormatFilters || [];
+		for ( var i = 0; i < filters.length; i++ ) {
 			if ( filters[ i ]( element ) === false )
 				return false;
@@ -142,43 +124,50 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.removeformat =
  * Add to a collection of functions to decide whether a specific
  * element should be considered as formatting element and thus
- * could be removed during <b>removeFormat</b> command,
- * Note: Only available with the existence of 'removeformat' plugin.
+ * could be removed during `removeFormat` command.
+ *
+ * **Note:** Only available with the existence of `removeformat` plugin.
+ *
+ *		// Don't remove empty span.
+ *		editor.addRemoveFormatFilter( function( element ) {
+ *			return !( element.is( 'span' ) && CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty( element.getAttributes() ) );
+ *		} );
+ *
  * @since 3.3
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
  * @param {Function} func The function to be called, which will be passed a {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element to test.
- * @example
- *  // Don't remove empty span
- *  editor.addRemoveFormatFilter.push( function( element )
- *		{
- *			return !( element.is( 'span' ) && CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty( element.getAttributes() ) );
- *		});
-CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.addRemoveFormatFilter = function( func )
-	this._.removeFormat.filters.push( func );
+CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.addRemoveFormatFilter = function( func ) {
+	if ( !this._.removeFormatFilters )
+		this._.removeFormatFilters = [];
+	this._.removeFormatFilters.push( func );
- * A comma separated list of elements to be removed when executing the "remove
- " format" command. Note that only inline elements are allowed.
- * @type String
- * @default 'b,big,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,ins,kbd,q,samp,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,tt,u,var'
- * @example
+ * A comma separated list of elements to be removed when executing the `remove
+ * format` command. Note that only inline elements are allowed.
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 CKEDITOR.config.removeFormatTags = 'b,big,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,ins,kbd,q,samp,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,tt,u,var';
  * A comma separated list of elements attributes to be removed when executing
- * the "remove format" command.
- * @type String
- * @default 'class,style,lang,width,height,align,hspace,valign'
- * @example
+ * the `remove format` command.
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 CKEDITOR.config.removeFormatAttributes = 'class,style,lang,width,height,align,hspace,valign';
  * Fired after an element was cleaned by the removeFormat plugin.
- * @name CKEDITOR#removeFormatCleanup
- * @event
- * @param {Object} data.element The element that was cleaned up.
+ *
+ * @event removeFormatCleanup
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param data
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} data.element The element that was cleaned up.
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/resize/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/resize/plugin.js
index 6f31bd3..b6f2815 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/resize/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/resize/plugin.js
@@ -1,157 +1,169 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'resize',
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'resize', {
+	init: function( editor ) {
 		var config = editor.config;
+		var spaceId = editor.ui.spaceId( 'resizer' );
+		// Resize in the same direction of chrome,
+		// which is identical to dir of editor element. (#6614)
+		var resizeDir = editor.element ? editor.element.getDirection( 1 ) : 'ltr';
-		!config.resize_dir && ( config.resize_dir = 'both' );
+		!config.resize_dir && ( config.resize_dir = 'vertical' );
 		( config.resize_maxWidth == undefined ) && ( config.resize_maxWidth = 3000 );
 		( config.resize_maxHeight == undefined ) && ( config.resize_maxHeight = 3000 );
 		( config.resize_minWidth == undefined ) && ( config.resize_minWidth = 750 );
 		( config.resize_minHeight == undefined ) && ( config.resize_minHeight = 250 );
-		if ( config.resize_enabled !== false )
-		{
+		if ( config.resize_enabled !== false ) {
 			var container = null,
-				origin,
-				startSize,
-				resizeHorizontal = ( config.resize_dir == 'both' || config.resize_dir == 'horizontal' ) &&
-					( config.resize_minWidth != config.resize_maxWidth ),
-				resizeVertical = ( config.resize_dir == 'both' || config.resize_dir == 'vertical' ) &&
-					( config.resize_minHeight != config.resize_maxHeight );
-			function dragHandler( evt )
-			{
+				origin, startSize,
+				resizeHorizontal = ( config.resize_dir == 'both' || config.resize_dir == 'horizontal' ) && ( config.resize_minWidth != config.resize_maxWidth ),
+				resizeVertical = ( config.resize_dir == 'both' || config.resize_dir == 'vertical' ) && ( config.resize_minHeight != config.resize_maxHeight );
+			function dragHandler( evt ) {
 				var dx = evt.data.$.screenX - origin.x,
 					dy = evt.data.$.screenY - origin.y,
 					width = startSize.width,
 					height = startSize.height,
-					internalWidth = width + dx * ( editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' ? -1 : 1 ),
+					internalWidth = width + dx * ( resizeDir == 'rtl' ? -1 : 1 ),
 					internalHeight = height + dy;
 				if ( resizeHorizontal )
-					width =  Math.max( config.resize_minWidth, Math.min( internalWidth, config.resize_maxWidth ) );
+					width = Math.max( config.resize_minWidth, Math.min( internalWidth, config.resize_maxWidth ) );
 				if ( resizeVertical )
-					height =  Math.max( config.resize_minHeight, Math.min( internalHeight, config.resize_maxHeight ) );
+					height = Math.max( config.resize_minHeight, Math.min( internalHeight, config.resize_maxHeight ) );
-				editor.resize( width, height );
+				// DO NOT impose fixed size with single direction resize. (#6308)
+				editor.resize( resizeHorizontal ? width : null, height );
-			function dragEndHandler ( evt )
-			{
+			function dragEndHandler( evt ) {
 				CKEDITOR.document.removeListener( 'mousemove', dragHandler );
 				CKEDITOR.document.removeListener( 'mouseup', dragEndHandler );
-				if ( editor.document )
-				{
+				if ( editor.document ) {
 					editor.document.removeListener( 'mousemove', dragHandler );
 					editor.document.removeListener( 'mouseup', dragEndHandler );
-			var mouseDownFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( $event )
-				{
-					if ( !container )
-						container = editor.getResizable();
-					startSize = { width : container.$.offsetWidth || 0, height : container.$.offsetHeight || 0 };
-					origin = { x : $event.screenX, y : $event.screenY };
-					config.resize_minWidth > startSize.width && ( config.resize_minWidth = startSize.width );
-					config.resize_minHeight > startSize.height && ( config.resize_minHeight = startSize.height );
-					CKEDITOR.document.on( 'mousemove', dragHandler );
-					CKEDITOR.document.on( 'mouseup', dragEndHandler );
-					if ( editor.document )
-					{
-						editor.document.on( 'mousemove', dragHandler );
-						editor.document.on( 'mouseup', dragEndHandler );
-					}
-				});
-			editor.on( 'destroy', function() { CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( mouseDownFn ); } );
-			editor.on( 'themeSpace', function( event )
-				{
-					if ( event.data.space == 'bottom' )
-					{
-						var direction = '';
-						if ( resizeHorizontal && !resizeVertical)
-							direction = ' cke_resizer_horizontal';
-						if ( !resizeHorizontal && resizeVertical)
-							direction = ' cke_resizer_vertical';
-						event.data.html += '<div class="cke_resizer' + direction + '"' +
-							' title="' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.resize ) + '"' +
-							' onmousedown="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + mouseDownFn + ', event)"' +
-							'></div>';
-					}
-				}, editor, null, 100 );
+			var mouseDownFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( $event ) {
+				if ( !container )
+					container = editor.getResizable();
+				startSize = { width: container.$.offsetWidth || 0, height: container.$.offsetHeight || 0 };
+				origin = { x: $event.screenX, y: $event.screenY };
+				config.resize_minWidth > startSize.width && ( config.resize_minWidth = startSize.width );
+				config.resize_minHeight > startSize.height && ( config.resize_minHeight = startSize.height );
+				CKEDITOR.document.on( 'mousemove', dragHandler );
+				CKEDITOR.document.on( 'mouseup', dragEndHandler );
+				if ( editor.document ) {
+					editor.document.on( 'mousemove', dragHandler );
+					editor.document.on( 'mouseup', dragEndHandler );
+				}
+				$event.preventDefault && $event.preventDefault();
+			});
+			editor.on( 'destroy', function() {
+				CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( mouseDownFn );
+			});
+			editor.on( 'uiSpace', function( event ) {
+				if ( event.data.space == 'bottom' ) {
+					var direction = '';
+					if ( resizeHorizontal && !resizeVertical )
+						direction = ' cke_resizer_horizontal';
+					if ( !resizeHorizontal && resizeVertical )
+						direction = ' cke_resizer_vertical';
+					var resizerHtml =
+						'<span' +
+						' id="' + spaceId + '"' +
+						' class="cke_resizer' + direction + ' cke_resizer_' + resizeDir + '"' +
+						' title="' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.common.resize ) + '"' +
+						' onmousedown="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + mouseDownFn + ', event)"' +
+						'>' +
+						( resizeDir == 'ltr' ? '\u25E2' : '\u25E3' ) +
+						'</span>';
+					// Always sticks the corner of botttom space.
+					resizeDir == 'ltr' && direction == 'ltr' ? event.data.html += resizerHtml : event.data.html = resizerHtml + event.data.html;
+				}
+			}, editor, null, 100 );
+			// Toggle the visibility of the resizer when an editor is being maximized or minimized.
+			editor.on( 'maximize', function( event ) {
+				editor.ui.space( 'resizer' )[ event.data == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ? 'hide' : 'show' ]();
+			});
-} );
- * The minimum editor width, in pixels, when resizing it with the resize handle.
- * Note: It fallbacks to editor's actual width if that's smaller than the default value.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.resize_minWidth
- * @type Number
- * @default 750
- * @example
- * config.resize_minWidth = 500;
+ * The minimum editor width, in pixels, when resizing the editor interface by using the resize handle.
+ * Note: It falls back to editor's actual width if it is smaller than the default value.
+ *
+ *		config.resize_minWidth = 500;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [resize_minWidth=750]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * The minimum editor height, in pixels, when resizing it with the resize handle.
- * Note: It fallbacks to editor's actual height if that's smaller than the default value.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.resize_minHeight
- * @type Number
- * @default 250
- * @example
- * config.resize_minHeight = 600;
+ * The minimum editor height, in pixels, when resizing the editor interface by using the resize handle.
+ * Note: It falls back to editor's actual height if it is smaller than the default value.
+ *
+ *		config.resize_minHeight = 600;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [resize_minHeight=250]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * The maximum editor width, in pixels, when resizing it with the resize handle.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.resize_maxWidth
- * @type Number
- * @default 3000
- * @example
- * config.resize_maxWidth = 750;
+ * The maximum editor width, in pixels, when resizing the editor interface by using the resize handle.
+ *
+ *		config.resize_maxWidth = 750;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [resize_maxWidth=3000]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * The maximum editor height, in pixels, when resizing it with the resize handle.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.resize_maxHeight
- * @type Number
- * @default 3000
- * @example
- * config.resize_maxHeight = 600;
+ * The maximum editor height, in pixels, when resizing the editor interface by using the resize handle.
+ *
+ *		config.resize_maxHeight = 600;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [resize_maxHeight=3000]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * Whether to enable the resizing feature. If disabled the resize handler will not be visible.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.resize_enabled
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.resize_enabled = false;
+ * Whether to enable the resizing feature. If this feature is disabled, the resize handle will not be visible.
+ *
+ *		config.resize_enabled = false;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [resize_enabled=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * The directions to which the editor resizing is enabled. Possible values
- * are "both", "vertical" and "horizontal".
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.resize_dir
- * @type String
- * @default 'both'
+ * The dimensions for which the editor resizing is enabled. Possible values
+ * are `both`, `vertical`, and `horizontal`.
+ *
+ *		config.resize_dir = 'both';
+ *
  * @since 3.3
- * @example
- * config.resize_dir = 'vertical';
+ * @cfg {String} [resize_dir='vertical']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/richcombo/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/richcombo/plugin.js
index 710b946..86f6c8a 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/richcombo/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/richcombo/plugin.js
@@ -1,370 +1,414 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'richcombo',
-	requires : [ 'floatpanel', 'listblock', 'button' ],
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'richcombo', {
+	requires: 'floatpanel,listblock,button',
-	beforeInit : function( editor )
-	{
+	beforeInit: function( editor ) {
 		editor.ui.addHandler( CKEDITOR.UI_RICHCOMBO, CKEDITOR.ui.richCombo.handler );
- * Button UI element.
- * @constant
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.ui.richCombo = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
-	$ : function( definition )
-	{
-		// Copy all definition properties to this object.
-		CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, definition,
+(function() {
+	var template = '<span id="{id}"' +
+		' class="cke_combo cke_combo__{name} {cls}"' +
+		' role="presentation">' +
+			'<span id="{id}_label" class="cke_combo_label">{label}</span>' +
+			'<a class="cke_combo_button" hidefocus=true title="{title}" tabindex="-1"' +
+			( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version >= 10900 && !CKEDITOR.env.hc ? '' : '" href="javascript:void(\'{titleJs}\')"' ) +
+			' hidefocus="true"' +
+			' role="button"' +
+			' aria-labelledby="{id}_label"' +
+			' aria-haspopup="true"';
+	// Some browsers don't cancel key events in the keydown but in the
+	// keypress.
+	// TODO: Check if really needed for Gecko+Mac.
+	if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera || ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.mac ) )
+		template += ' onkeypress="return false;"';
+	// With Firefox, we need to force the button to redraw, otherwise it
+	// will remain in the focus state.
+	if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
+		template += ' onblur="this.style.cssText = this.style.cssText;"';
+	template +=
+		' onkeydown="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({keydownFn},event,this);"' +
+		' onmousedown="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({mousedownFn},event);" ' +
+		' onfocus="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({focusFn},event);" ' +
+			( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'onclick="return false;" onmouseup' : 'onclick' ) + // #188
+				'="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({clickFn},this);return false;">' +
+			'<span id="{id}_text" class="cke_combo_text cke_combo_inlinelabel">{label}</span>' +
+			'<span class="cke_combo_open">' +
+				'<span class="cke_combo_arrow">' +
+	( CKEDITOR.env.hc ? '▼' : CKEDITOR.env.air ? ' ' : '' ) +
+				'</span>' +
+			'</span>' +
+		'</a>' +
+		'</span>';
+	var rcomboTpl = CKEDITOR.addTemplate( 'combo', template );
+	/**
+	 * Button UI element.
+	 *
+	 * @readonly
+	 * @property {String} [='richcombo']
+	 * @member CKEDITOR
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.UI_RICHCOMBO = 'richcombo';
+	/**
+	 * @class
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.ui.richCombo = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+		$: function( definition ) {
+			// Copy all definition properties to this object.
+			CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, definition,
 			// Set defaults.
-				title : definition.label,
-				modes : { wysiwyg : 1 }
+				// The combo won't participate in toolbar grouping.
+				canGroup: false,
+				title: definition.label,
+				modes: { wysiwyg:1 },
+				editorFocus: 1
-		// We don't want the panel definition in this object.
-		var panelDefinition = this.panel || {};
-		delete this.panel;
-		this.id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
-		this.document = ( panelDefinition
-							&& panelDefinition.parent
-							&& panelDefinition.parent.getDocument() )
-						|| CKEDITOR.document;
-		panelDefinition.className = ( panelDefinition.className || '' ) + ' cke_rcombopanel';
-		panelDefinition.block =
-		{
-			multiSelect : panelDefinition.multiSelect,
-			attributes : panelDefinition.attributes
-		};
-		this._ =
-		{
-			panelDefinition : panelDefinition,
-			items : {},
-		};
-	},
-	statics :
-	{
-		handler :
-		{
-			create : function( definition )
-			{
-				return new CKEDITOR.ui.richCombo( definition );
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	proto :
-	{
-		renderHtml : function( editor )
-		{
-			var output = [];
-			this.render( editor, output );
-			return output.join( '' );
-		},
+			// We don't want the panel definition in this object.
+			var panelDefinition = this.panel || {};
+			delete this.panel;
-		/**
-		 * Renders the combo.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance which this button is
-		 *		to be used by.
-		 * @param {Array} output The output array to which append the HTML relative
-		 *		to this button.
-		 * @example
-		 */
-		render : function( editor, output )
-		{
-			var env = CKEDITOR.env;
+			this.id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
-			var id = 'cke_' + this.id;
-			var clickFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( $element )
-				{
-					var _ = this._;
+			this.document = ( panelDefinition.parent && panelDefinition.parent.getDocument() ) || CKEDITOR.document;
-					if ( _.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
-						return;
-					this.createPanel( editor );
+			panelDefinition.className = 'cke_combopanel';
+			panelDefinition.block = {
+				multiSelect: panelDefinition.multiSelect,
+				attributes: panelDefinition.attributes
+			};
+			panelDefinition.toolbarRelated = true;
-					if ( _.on )
-					{
-						_.panel.hide();
-						return;
-					}
+			this._ = {
+				panelDefinition: panelDefinition,
+				items: {}
+			};
+		},
-					if ( !_.committed )
-					{
-						_.list.commit();
-						_.committed = 1;
-					}
+		proto: {
+			renderHtml: function( editor ) {
+				var output = [];
+				this.render( editor, output );
+				return output.join( '' );
+			},
+			/**
+			 * Renders the combo.
+			 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance which this button is
+			 * to be used by.
+			 * @param {Array} output The output array to which append the HTML relative
+			 * to this button.
+			 * @example
+			 */
+			render: function( editor, output ) {
+				var env = CKEDITOR.env;
+				var id = 'cke_' + this.id;
+				var clickFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( el ) {
+				// Restore locked selection in Opera.
+				if ( selLocked ) {
+					editor.unlockSelection( 1 );
+					selLocked = 0;
+				}
+					instance.execute( el );
+				}, this );
+				var combo = this;
+				var instance = {
+					id: id,
+					combo: this,
+					focus: function() {
+						var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( id ).getChild( 1 );
+						element.focus();
+					},
+					execute: function( el ) {
+						var _ = combo._;
+						if ( _.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
+							return;
+						combo.createPanel( editor );
+						if ( _.on ) {
+							_.panel.hide();
+							return;
+						}
+						combo.commit();
+						var value = combo.getValue();
+						if ( value )
+							_.list.mark( value );
+						else
+							_.list.unmarkAll();
+						_.panel.showBlock( combo.id, new CKEDITOR.dom.element( el ), 4 );
+					},
+					clickFn: clickFn
+				};
-					var value = this.getValue();
-					if ( value )
-						_.list.mark( value );
-					else
-						_.list.unmarkAll();
-					_.panel.showBlock( this.id, new CKEDITOR.dom.element( $element ), 4 );
-				},
-				this );
-			var instance = {
-				id : id,
-				combo : this,
-				focus : function()
-				{
-					var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( id ).getChild( 1 );
-					element.focus();
-				},
-				clickFn : clickFn
-			};
+				function updateState() {
+					var state = this.modes[ editor.mode ] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED;
+					this.setState( editor.readOnly && !this.readOnly ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED : state );
+					this.setValue( '' );
+				}
-			editor.on( 'mode', function()
-				{
-					this.setState( this.modes[ editor.mode ] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
-				},
-				this );
+				editor.on( 'mode', updateState, this );
+				// If this combo is sensitive to readOnly state, update it accordingly.
+				!this.readOnly && editor.on( 'readOnly', updateState, this );
-			var keyDownFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( ev, element )
-				{
+				var keyDownFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( ev, element ) {
 					ev = new CKEDITOR.dom.event( ev );
 					var keystroke = ev.getKeystroke();
-					switch ( keystroke )
-					{
-						case 13 :	// ENTER
-						case 32 :	// SPACE
-						case 40 :	// ARROW-DOWN
+					switch ( keystroke ) {
+						case 13: // ENTER
+						case 32: // SPACE
+						case 40: // ARROW-DOWN
 							// Show panel
 							CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( clickFn, element );
-						default :
+						default:
 							// Delegate the default behavior to toolbar button key handling.
-							instance.onkey( instance,  keystroke );
+							instance.onkey( instance, keystroke );
 					// Avoid subsequent focus grab on editor document.
-			// For clean up
-			instance.keyDownFn = keyDownFn;
-			output.push(
-				'<span class="cke_rcombo">',
-				'<span id=', id );
-			if ( this.className )
-				output.push( ' class="', this.className, ' cke_off"');
-			output.push(
-				'>',
-					'<span id="' + id+ '_label" class=cke_label>', this.label, '</span>',
-					'<a hidefocus=true title="', this.title, '" tabindex="-1"',
-						env.gecko && env.version >= 10900 && !env.hc ? '' : ' href="javascript:void(\'' + this.label + '\')"',
-						' role="button" aria-labelledby="', id , '_label" aria-describedby="', id, '_text" aria-haspopup="true"' );
+				var focusFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function() {
+					instance.onfocus && instance.onfocus();
+				});
-			// Some browsers don't cancel key events in the keydown but in the
-			// keypress.
-			// TODO: Check if really needed for Gecko+Mac.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera || ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.mac ) )
-			{
-				output.push(
-					' onkeypress="return false;"' );
-			}
+				var selLocked = 0;
+				var mouseDownFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function() {
+					// Opera: lock to prevent loosing editable text selection when clicking on button.
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera ) {
+						var edt = editor.editable();
+						if ( edt.isInline() && edt.hasFocus ) {
+							editor.lockSelection();
+							selLocked = 1;
+						}
+					}
+				});
-			// With Firefox, we need to force it to redraw, otherwise it
-			// will remain in the focus state.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
-			{
-				output.push(
-					' onblur="this.style.cssText = this.style.cssText;"' );
-			}
+				// For clean up
+				instance.keyDownFn = keyDownFn;
+				var params = {
+					id: id,
+					name: this.name || this.command,
+					label: this.label,
+					title: this.title,
+					cls: this.className || '',
+					titleJs: env.gecko && env.version >= 10900 && !env.hc ? '' : ( this.title || '' ).replace( "'", '' ),
+					keydownFn: keyDownFn,
+					mousedownFn: mouseDownFn,
+					focusFn: focusFn,
+					clickFn: clickFn
+				};
-			output.push(
-					' onkeydown="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( ', keyDownFn, ', event, this );"' +
-					' onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', clickFn, ', this); return false;">' +
-						'<span>' +
-							'<span id="' + id + '_text" class="cke_text cke_inline_label">' + this.label + '</span>' +
-						'</span>' +
-						'<span class=cke_openbutton>' + ( CKEDITOR.env.hc ? '<span>▼</span>' : '' ) + '</span>' +	// BLACK DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE
-					'</a>' +
-				'</span>' +
-				'</span>' );
+				rcomboTpl.output( params, output );
-			if ( this.onRender )
-				this.onRender();
+				if ( this.onRender )
+					this.onRender();
-			return instance;
-		},
+				return instance;
+			},
-		createPanel : function( editor )
-		{
-			if ( this._.panel )
-				return;
+			createPanel: function( editor ) {
+				if ( this._.panel )
+					return;
-			var panelDefinition = this._.panelDefinition,
-				panelBlockDefinition = this._.panelDefinition.block,
-				panelParentElement = panelDefinition.parent || CKEDITOR.document.getBody(),
-				panel = new CKEDITOR.ui.floatPanel( editor, panelParentElement, panelDefinition ),
-				list = panel.addListBlock( this.id, panelBlockDefinition ),
-				me = this;
+				var panelDefinition = this._.panelDefinition,
+					panelBlockDefinition = this._.panelDefinition.block,
+					panelParentElement = panelDefinition.parent || CKEDITOR.document.getBody(),
+					namedPanelCls = 'cke_combopanel__' + this.name,
+					panel = new CKEDITOR.ui.floatPanel( editor, panelParentElement, panelDefinition ),
+					list = panel.addListBlock( this.id, panelBlockDefinition ),
+					me = this;
-			panel.onShow = function()
-				{
-					if ( me.className )
-						this.element.getFirst().addClass( me.className + '_panel' );
+				panel.onShow = function() {
+					this.element.addClass( namedPanelCls );
 					me.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
-					list.focus( !me.multiSelect && me.getValue() );
+					list.focus( !list.multiSelect && me.getValue() );
 					me._.on = 1;
+					me.editorFocus && editor.focus();
 					if ( me.onOpen )
-			panel.onHide = function()
-				{
-					if ( me.className )
-						this.element.getFirst().removeClass( me.className + '_panel' );
+				panel.onHide = function( preventOnClose ) {
+					this.element.removeClass( namedPanelCls );
-					me.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
+					me.setState( me.modes && me.modes[ editor.mode ] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
 					me._.on = 0;
-					if ( me.onClose )
+					if ( !preventOnClose && me.onClose )
-			panel.onEscape = function()
-				{
-					panel.hide();
-					me.document.getById( 'cke_' + me.id ).getFirst().getNext().focus();
+				panel.onEscape = function() {
+					// Hide drop-down with focus returned.
+					panel.hide( 1 );
-			list.onClick = function( value, marked )
-				{
-					// Move the focus to the main windows, otherwise it will stay
-					// into the floating panel, even if invisible, and Safari and
-					// Opera will go a bit crazy.
-					me.document.getWindow().focus();
+				list.onClick = function( value, marked ) {
 					if ( me.onClick )
 						me.onClick.call( me, value, marked );
-					if ( marked )
-						me.setValue( value, me._.items[ value ] );
-					else
-						me.setValue( '' );
-			this._.panel = panel;
-			this._.list = list;
+				this._.panel = panel;
+				this._.list = list;
-			panel.getBlock( this.id ).onHide = function()
-				{
+				panel.getBlock( this.id ).onHide = function() {
 					me._.on = 0;
 					me.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
-			if ( this.init )
-				this.init();
-		},
-		setValue : function( value, text )
-		{
-			this._.value = value;
-			var textElement = this.document.getById( 'cke_' + this.id + '_text' );
-			if ( !( value || text ) )
-			{
-				text = this.label;
-				textElement.addClass( 'cke_inline_label' );
+				if ( this.init )
+					this.init();
+			},
+			setValue: function( value, text ) {
+				this._.value = value;
+				var textElement = this.document.getById( 'cke_' + this.id + '_text' );
+				if ( textElement ) {
+					if ( !( value || text ) ) {
+						text = this.label;
+						textElement.addClass( 'cke_combo_inlinelabel' );
+					} else
+						textElement.removeClass( 'cke_combo_inlinelabel' );
+					textElement.setText( typeof text != 'undefined' ? text : value );
+				}
+			},
+			getValue: function() {
+				return this._.value || '';
+			},
+			unmarkAll: function() {
+				this._.list.unmarkAll();
+			},
+			mark: function( value ) {
+				this._.list.mark( value );
+			},
+			hideItem: function( value ) {
+				this._.list.hideItem( value );
+			},
+			hideGroup: function( groupTitle ) {
+				this._.list.hideGroup( groupTitle );
+			},
+			showAll: function() {
+				this._.list.showAll();
+			},
+			add: function( value, html, text ) {
+				this._.items[ value ] = text || value;
+				this._.list.add( value, html, text );
+			},
+			startGroup: function( title ) {
+				this._.list.startGroup( title );
+			},
+			commit: function() {
+				if ( !this._.committed ) {
+					this._.list.commit();
+					this._.committed = 1;
+					CKEDITOR.ui.fire( 'ready', this );
+				}
+				this._.committed = 1;
+			},
+			setState: function( state ) {
+				if ( this._.state == state )
+					return;
+				var el = this.document.getById( 'cke_' + this.id );
+				el.setState( state, 'cke_combo' );
+					el.setAttribute( 'aria-disabled', true ) :
+					el.removeAttribute( 'aria-disabled' );
+				this._.state = state;
+			},
+			enable: function() {
+				if ( this._.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
+					this.setState( this._.lastState );
+			},
+			disable: function() {
+				if ( this._.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ) {
+					this._.lastState = this._.state;
+					this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
+				}
-			else
-				textElement.removeClass( 'cke_inline_label' );
-			textElement.setHtml( typeof text != 'undefined' ? text : value );
-		},
-		getValue : function()
-		{
-			return this._.value || '';
-		},
-		unmarkAll : function()
-		{
-			this._.list.unmarkAll();
-		},
-		mark : function( value )
-		{
-			this._.list.mark( value );
-		},
-		hideItem : function( value )
-		{
-			this._.list.hideItem( value );
-		},
-		hideGroup : function( groupTitle )
-		{
-			this._.list.hideGroup( groupTitle );
-		showAll : function()
-		{
-			this._.list.showAll();
-		},
-		add : function( value, html, text )
-		{
-			this._.items[ value ] = text || value;
-			this._.list.add( value, html, text );
-		},
-		startGroup : function( title )
-		{
-			this._.list.startGroup( title );
-		},
-		commit : function()
-		{
-			this._.list.commit();
-		},
-		setState : function( state )
-		{
-			if ( this._.state == state )
-				return;
-			this.document.getById( 'cke_' + this.id ).setState( state );
-			this._.state = state;
+		/**
+		 * Represents richCombo handler object.
+		 *
+		 * @class CKEDITOR.ui.richCombo.handler
+		 * @singleton
+		 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.handlerDefinition
+		 */
+		statics: {
+			handler: {
+				/**
+				 * Transforms a richCombo definition in a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.richCombo} instance.
+				 *
+				 * @param {Object} definition
+				 * @returns {CKEDITOR.ui.richCombo}
+				 */
+				create: function( definition ) {
+					return new CKEDITOR.ui.richCombo( definition );
+				}
+			}
-	}
-CKEDITOR.ui.prototype.addRichCombo = function( name, definition )
-	this.add( name, CKEDITOR.UI_RICHCOMBO, definition );
+	});
+	/**
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.ui
+	 * @param {String}
+	 * @param {Object} definition
+	 * @todo
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.ui.prototype.addRichCombo = function( name, definition ) {
+		this.add( name, CKEDITOR.UI_RICHCOMBO, definition );
+	};
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Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/icons/save.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b1b389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'af', {
+	toolbar: 'Bewaar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f92f61e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'ar', {
+	toolbar: 'حفظ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f8417e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'bg', {
+	toolbar: 'Запис'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e02070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'bn', {
+	toolbar: 'সংরক্ষন কর'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cf6f4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'bs', {
+	toolbar: 'Snimi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1604120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Desa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02ae169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'cs', {
+	toolbar: 'Uložit'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34f8418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'cy', {
+	toolbar: 'Cadw'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f143e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'da', {
+	toolbar: 'Gem'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50912b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'de', {
+	toolbar: 'Speichern'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f76757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'el', {
+	toolbar: 'Αποθήκευση'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fb9af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'en-au', {
+	toolbar: 'Save'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adeeb6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'en-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Save'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..465b4ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'en-gb', {
+	toolbar: 'Save'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cab97b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'en', {
+	toolbar: 'Save'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bfed0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'eo', {
+	toolbar: 'Konservi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a03a6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'es', {
+	toolbar: 'Guardar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddfc57a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'et', {
+	toolbar: 'Salvestamine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a86c8f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'eu', {
+	toolbar: 'Gorde'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b449712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'fa', {
+	toolbar: 'ذخیره'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e787a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'fi', {
+	toolbar: 'Tallenna'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d12df4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'fo', {
+	toolbar: 'Goym'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0ffc69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'fr-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Sauvegarder'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f37e7ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'fr', {
+	toolbar: 'Enregistrer'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59dc911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'gl', {
+	toolbar: 'Gardar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd908c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'gu', {
+	toolbar: 'સેવ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1de6bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'he', {
+	toolbar: 'שמירה'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88522ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'hi', {
+	toolbar: 'सेव'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6c94f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'hr', {
+	toolbar: 'Snimi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..584fb05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'hu', {
+	toolbar: 'Mentés'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..349a25b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'is', {
+	toolbar: 'Vista'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8722333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'it', {
+	toolbar: 'Salva'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e392c39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'ja', {
+	toolbar: '保存'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa66c3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'ka', {
+	toolbar: 'ჩაწერა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88e7ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'km', {
+	toolbar: 'រក្សាទុក'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96b9736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'ko', {
+	toolbar: '저장하기'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..214fe6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'ku', {
+	toolbar: 'پاشکەوتکردن'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3cd302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'lt', {
+	toolbar: 'IÅ¡saugoti'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d4ef6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'lv', {
+	toolbar: 'Saglabāt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..586e370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'mk', {
+	toolbar: 'Save' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94bde8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'mn', {
+	toolbar: 'Хадгалах'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bc4ff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'ms', {
+	toolbar: 'Simpan'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8847e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'nb', {
+	toolbar: 'Lagre'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6328bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'nl', {
+	toolbar: 'Opslaan'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa3b1f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'no', {
+	toolbar: 'Lagre'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33b3997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'pl', {
+	toolbar: 'Zapisz'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef26dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'pt-br', {
+	toolbar: 'Salvar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..184463c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'pt', {
+	toolbar: 'Guardar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7faeb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'ro', {
+	toolbar: 'Salvează'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5076cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'ru', {
+	toolbar: 'Сохранить'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14b9401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'sk', {
+	toolbar: 'Uložiť'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26dac4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'sl', {
+	toolbar: 'Shrani'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43150bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'sr-latn', {
+	toolbar: 'Sačuvaj'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9ac6fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'sr', {
+	toolbar: 'Сачувај'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8826f91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'sv', {
+	toolbar: 'Spara'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d94363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'th', {
+	toolbar: 'บันทึก'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..243ba9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'tr', {
+	toolbar: 'Kaydet'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87ad54f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'ug', {
+	toolbar: 'ساقلا'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd0b1d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'uk', {
+	toolbar: 'Зберегти'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f9fc21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'vi', {
+	toolbar: 'LÆ°u'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d92fbc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'zh-cn', {
+	toolbar: '保存'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..943e38b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'save', 'zh', {
+	toolbar: '儲存'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/plugin.js
index 73fd23d..11beff9 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/save/plugin.js
@@ -1,30 +1,23 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @fileSave plugin.
+ * @fileOverview Save plugin.
-	var saveCmd =
-	{
-		modes : { wysiwyg:1, source:1 },
+(function() {
+	var saveCmd = { modes:{wysiwyg:1,source:1 },
+		readOnly: 1,
-		exec : function( editor )
-		{
+		exec: function( editor ) {
 			var $form = editor.element.$.form;
-			if ( $form )
-			{
-				try
-				{
+			if ( $form ) {
+				try {
-				}
-				catch( e )
-				{
+				} catch ( e ) {
 					// If there's a button named "submit" then the form.submit
 					// function is masked and can't be called in IE/FF, so we
 					// call the click() method of that button.
@@ -38,18 +31,23 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 	var pluginName = 'save';
 	// Register a plugin named "save".
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( pluginName,
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( pluginName, {
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'save', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			// Save plugin is for replace mode only.
+			if ( editor.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE )
+				return;
 			var command = editor.addCommand( pluginName, saveCmd );
-			command.modes = { wysiwyg : !!( editor.element.$.form ) };
+			command.modes = { wysiwyg: !!( editor.element.$.form ) };
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'Save',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.save,
-					command : pluginName
-				});
+			editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'Save', {
+				label: editor.lang.save.toolbar,
+				command: pluginName,
+				toolbar: 'document,10'
+			});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/LICENSE.md b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/LICENSE.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..844ab4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/LICENSE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Software License Agreement
+**CKEditor SCAYT Plugin**
+Copyright © 2012, [CKSource](http://cksource.com) - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice:
+*   GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"):
+    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+*   GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"):
+    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
+*   Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL"):
+    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
+You are not required to, but if you want to explicitly declare the license you have chosen to be bound to when using, reproducing, modifying and distributing this software, just include a text file titled "legal.txt" in your version of this software, indicating your license choice.
+Sources of Intellectual Property Included in this plugin
+Where not otherwise indicated, all plugin content is authored by CKSource engineers and consists of CKSource-owned intellectual property. In some specific instances, the plugin will incorporate work done by developers outside of CKSource with their express permission.
+CKEditor is a trademark of CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All other brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective holders.
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/README.md b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f51958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+CKEditor SCAYT Plugin
+This plugin brings Spell Check As You Type (SCAYT) into CKEditor.
+SCAYT is a "installation-less", using the web-services of [WebSpellChecker.net](http://www.webspellchecker.net/). It's an out of the box solution.
+1. Clone/copy this repository contents in a new "plugins/scayt" folder in your CKEditor installation.
+2. Enable the "scayt" plugin in the CKEditor configuration file (config.js):
+        config.extraPlugins = 'scayt';
+That's all. SCAYT will appear on the editor toolbar and will be ready to use.
+Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice: [GPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html), [LGPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) and [MPL](http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html).
+See LICENSE.md for more information.
+Developed in cooperation with [WebSpellChecker.net](http://www.webspellchecker.net/).
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/dialogs/options.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/dialogs/options.js
index f745d82..dbcc258 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/dialogs/options.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/dialogs/options.js
@@ -1,532 +1,471 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'scaytcheck', function( editor )
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'scaytcheck', function( editor ) {
 	var firstLoad = true,
 		doc = CKEDITOR.document,
-		tags = [],
+		editorName = editor.name,
+		tags = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.getUiTabs( editor ),
 		contents = [],
-		userDicActive = false,
+		userDicActive = 0,
 		dic_buttons = [
 			// [0] contains buttons for creating
-			"dic_create,dic_restore",
+			"dic_create_" + editorName + ",dic_restore_" + editorName,
 			// [1] contains buton for manipulation
-			"dic_rename,dic_delete"
+			"dic_rename_" + editorName + ",dic_delete_" + editorName
-		optionsIds= [ 'mixedCase','mixedWithDigits','allCaps','ignoreDomainNames' ];
+		optionsIds = [ 'mixedCase', 'mixedWithDigits', 'allCaps', 'ignoreDomainNames' ];
 	// common operations
-	function getBOMAllOptions () {
-		 return document.forms.optionsbar["options"];
+	function getBOMAllOptions() {
+		if ( typeof document.forms[ "optionsbar_" + editorName ] != "undefined" )
+			return document.forms[ "optionsbar_" + editorName ][ "options" ];
+		return [];
-	function getBOMAllLangs () {
-		 return document.forms.languagesbar["scayt_lang"];
+	function getBOMAllLangs() {
+		if ( typeof document.forms[ "languagesbar_" + editorName ] != "undefined" )
+			return document.forms[ "languagesbar_" + editorName ][ "scayt_lang" ];
+		return [];
-	function setCheckedValue(radioObj, newValue) {
-		if (!radioObj)
+	function setCheckedValue( radioObj, newValue ) {
+		if ( !radioObj )
 		var radioLength = radioObj.length;
-		if (radioLength == undefined) {
-			radioObj.checked = (radioObj.value == newValue.toString());
+		if ( radioLength == undefined ) {
+			radioObj.checked = radioObj.value == newValue.toString();
-		for (var i = 0; i < radioLength; i++) {
-			radioObj[i].checked = false;
-			if (radioObj[i].value == newValue.toString()) {
-				radioObj[i].checked = true;
-			}
+		for ( var i = 0; i < radioLength; i++ ) {
+			radioObj[ i ].checked = false;
+			if ( radioObj[ i ].value == newValue.toString() )
+				radioObj[ i ].checked = true;
-	var tags_contents =  [
-				{
-					id : 'options',
-					label : editor.lang.scayt.optionsTab,
-					elements : [
-						{
-							type : 'html',
-							id : 'options',
-							html : 	'<form name="optionsbar"><div class="inner_options">' +
-									'	<div class="messagebox"></div>' +
-									'	<div style="display:none;">' +
-									'		<input type="checkbox" name="options"  id="allCaps" />' +
-									'		<label for="allCaps" id="label_allCaps"></label>' +
-									'	</div>' +
-									'	<div style="display:none;">' +
-									'		<input name="options" type="checkbox"  id="ignoreDomainNames" />' +
-									'		<label for="ignoreDomainNames" id="label_ignoreDomainNames"></label>' +
-									'	</div>' +
-									'	<div style="display:none;">' +
-									'	<input name="options" type="checkbox"  id="mixedCase" />' +
-									'		<label for="mixedCase" id="label_mixedCase"></label>' +
-									'	</div>' +
-									'	<div style="display:none;">' +
-									'		<input name="options" type="checkbox"  id="mixedWithDigits" />' +
-									'		<label for="mixedWithDigits" id="label_mixedWithDigits"></label>' +
-									'	</div>' +
-									'</div></form>'
-						}
-					]
-				},
-				{
-					id : 'langs',
-					label : editor.lang.scayt.languagesTab,
-					elements : [
-						{
-							type : 'html',
-							id : 'langs',
-							html : 	'<form name="languagesbar"><div class="inner_langs">' +
-									'	<div class="messagebox"></div>	' +
-									'   <div style="float:left;width:45%;margin-left:5px;" id="scayt_lcol" ></div>' +
-									'   <div style="float:left;width:45%;margin-left:15px;" id="scayt_rcol"></div>' +
-									'</div></form>'
-						}
-					]
-				},
-				{
-					id : 'dictionaries',
-					label : editor.lang.scayt.dictionariesTab,
-					elements : [
-						{
-							type : 'html',
-							style: '',
-							id : 'dictionaries',
-							html : 	'<form name="dictionarybar"><div class="inner_dictionary" style="text-align:left; white-space:normal; width:320px; overflow: hidden;">' +
-									'	<div style="margin:5px auto; width:80%;white-space:normal; overflow:hidden;" id="dic_message"> </div>' +
-									'	<div style="margin:5px auto; width:80%;white-space:normal;"> ' +
-									'       <span class="cke_dialog_ui_labeled_label" >Dictionary name</span><br>'+
-									'		<span class="cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content" >'+
-									'			<div class="cke_dialog_ui_input_text">'+
-									'				<input id="dic_name" type="text" class="cke_dialog_ui_input_text"/>'+
-									'		</div></span></div>'+
-									'		<div style="margin:5px auto; width:80%;white-space:normal;">'+
-									'			<a style="display:none;" class="cke_dialog_ui_button" href="javascript:void(0)" id="dic_create">'+
-									'				</a>' +
-									'			<a  style="display:none;" class="cke_dialog_ui_button" href="javascript:void(0)" id="dic_delete">'+
-									'				</a>' +
-									'			<a  style="display:none;" class="cke_dialog_ui_button" href="javascript:void(0)" id="dic_rename">'+
-									'				</a>' +
-									'			<a  style="display:none;" class="cke_dialog_ui_button" href="javascript:void(0)" id="dic_restore">'+
-									'				</a>' +
-									'		</div>' +
-									'	<div style="margin:5px auto; width:95%;white-space:normal;" id="dic_info"></div>' +
-									'</div></form>'
-						}
-					]
-				},
-				{
-					id : 'about',
-					label : editor.lang.scayt.aboutTab,
-					elements : [
-						{
-							type : 'html',
-							id : 'about',
-							style : 'margin: 5px 5px;',
-							html : '<div id="scayt_about"></div>'
-						}
-					]
-				}
-			];
+	var lang = editor.lang.scayt;
+	var tags_contents = [
+		{
+		id: 'options',
+		label: lang.optionsTab,
+		elements: [
+			{
+			type: 'html',
+			id: 'options',
+			html: '<form name="optionsbar_' + editorName + '"><div class="inner_options">' +
+				'	<div class="messagebox"></div>' +
+				'	<div style="display:none;">' +
+				'		<input type="checkbox" name="options"  id="allCaps_' + editorName + '" />' +
+				'		<label for="allCaps" id="label_allCaps_' + editorName + '"></label>' +
+				'	</div>' +
+				'	<div style="display:none;">' +
+				'		<input name="options" type="checkbox"  id="ignoreDomainNames_' + editorName + '" />' +
+				'		<label for="ignoreDomainNames" id="label_ignoreDomainNames_' + editorName + '"></label>' +
+				'	</div>' +
+				'	<div style="display:none;">' +
+				'	<input name="options" type="checkbox"  id="mixedCase_' + editorName + '" />' +
+				'		<label for="mixedCase" id="label_mixedCase_' + editorName + '"></label>' +
+				'	</div>' +
+				'	<div style="display:none;">' +
+				'		<input name="options" type="checkbox"  id="mixedWithDigits_' + editorName + '" />' +
+				'		<label for="mixedWithDigits" id="label_mixedWithDigits_' + editorName + '"></label>' +
+				'	</div>' +
+				'</div></form>'
+			}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		id: 'langs',
+		label: lang.languagesTab,
+		elements: [
+			{
+			type: 'html',
+			id: 'langs',
+			html: '<form name="languagesbar_' + editorName + '"><div class="inner_langs">' +
+				'	<div class="messagebox"></div>	' +
+				'   <div style="float:left;width:45%;margin-left:5px;" id="scayt_lcol_' + editorName + '" ></div>' +
+				'   <div style="float:left;width:45%;margin-left:15px;" id="scayt_rcol_' + editorName + '"></div>' +
+				'</div></form>'
+			}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		id: 'dictionaries',
+		label: lang.dictionariesTab,
+		elements: [
+			{
+			type: 'html',
+			style: '',
+			id: 'dictionaries',
+			html: '<form name="dictionarybar_' + editorName + '"><div class="inner_dictionary" style="text-align:left; white-space:normal; width:320px; overflow: hidden;">' +
+				'	<div style="margin:5px auto; width:80%;white-space:normal; overflow:hidden;" id="dic_message_' + editorName + '"> </div>' +
+				'	<div style="margin:5px auto; width:80%;white-space:normal;"> ' +
+				'       <span class="cke_dialog_ui_labeled_label" >Dictionary name</span><br>' +
+				'		<span class="cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content" >' +
+				'			<div class="cke_dialog_ui_input_text">' +
+				'				<input id="dic_name_' + editorName + '" type="text" class="cke_dialog_ui_input_text"/>' +
+				'		</div></span></div>' +
+				'		<div style="margin:5px auto; width:80%;white-space:normal;">' +
+				'			<a style="display:none;" class="cke_dialog_ui_button" href="javascript:void(0)" id="dic_create_' + editorName + '">' +
+				'				</a>' +
+				'			<a  style="display:none;" class="cke_dialog_ui_button" href="javascript:void(0)" id="dic_delete_' + editorName + '">' +
+				'				</a>' +
+				'			<a  style="display:none;" class="cke_dialog_ui_button" href="javascript:void(0)" id="dic_rename_' + editorName + '">' +
+				'				</a>' +
+				'			<a  style="display:none;" class="cke_dialog_ui_button" href="javascript:void(0)" id="dic_restore_' + editorName + '">' +
+				'				</a>' +
+				'		</div>' +
+				'	<div style="margin:5px auto; width:95%;white-space:normal;" id="dic_info_' + editorName + '"></div>' +
+				'</div></form>'
+			}
+		]
+	},
+		{
+		id: 'about',
+		label: lang.aboutTab,
+		elements: [
+			{
+			type: 'html',
+			id: 'about',
+			style: 'margin: 5px 5px;',
+			html: '<div id="scayt_about_' + editorName + '"></div>'
+		}
+		]
+	}
+	];
 	var dialogDefiniton = {
-		title : editor.lang.scayt.title,
-		minWidth : 360,
-		minHeight : 220,
-		onShow : function()
-		{
+		title: lang.title,
+		minWidth: 360,
+		minHeight: 220,
+		onShow: function() {
 			var dialog = this;
 			dialog.data = editor.fire( 'scaytDialog', {} );
 			dialog.options = dialog.data.scayt_control.option();
-			dialog.sLang = dialog.data.scayt_control.sLang;
+			dialog.chosed_lang = dialog.sLang = dialog.data.scayt_control.sLang;
-			if ( !dialog.data || !dialog.data.scayt || !dialog.data.scayt_control )
-			{
+			if ( !dialog.data || !dialog.data.scayt || !dialog.data.scayt_control ) {
 				alert( 'Error loading application service' );
 			var stop = 0;
-			if ( firstLoad )
-			{
-				dialog.data.scayt.getCaption( editor.langCode || 'en', function( caps )
-				{
-					if ( stop++ > 0 )	// Once only
-						return;
+			if ( firstLoad ) {
+				dialog.data.scayt.getCaption( editor.langCode || 'en', function( caps ) {
+					if ( stop++ > 0 ) // Once only
+					return;
 					captions = caps;
 					init_with_captions.apply( dialog );
 					reload.apply( dialog );
 					firstLoad = false;
-			}
-			else
+			} else
 				reload.apply( dialog );
 			dialog.selectPage( dialog.data.tab );
-		onOk : function()
-		{
-			var scayt_control =  this.data.scayt_control;
+		onOk: function() {
+			var scayt_control = this.data.scayt_control;
 			scayt_control.option( this.options );
-			// Setup languge if it was changed.
+			// Setup language if it was changed.
 			var csLang = this.chosed_lang;
 			scayt_control.setLang( csLang );
-		onCancel: function()
-		{
+		onCancel: function() {
 			var o = getBOMAllOptions();
-			for (i in o)
-				o[i].checked = false;
+			for ( var i in o )
+				o[ i ].checked = false;
-			setCheckedValue(getBOMAllLangs(),"");
+			setCheckedValue( getBOMAllLangs(), "" );
-		contents : contents
+		contents: contents
 	var scayt_control = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.getScayt( editor );
-	tags = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.uiTabs;
-	for ( i in tags )
-	{
+	for ( i = 0; i < tags.length; i++ ) {
 		if ( tags[ i ] == 1 )
 			contents[ contents.length ] = tags_contents[ i ];
-	if ( tags[2] == 1 )
-		userDicActive = true;
-	var init_with_captions = function()
-	{
-		var dialog = this,
-			lang_list = dialog.data.scayt.getLangList(),
-			buttons = [ 'dic_create','dic_delete','dic_rename','dic_restore' ],
-			labels = optionsIds,
-			i;
-		// Add buttons titles
-		if ( userDicActive )
-		{
-			for ( i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++ )
-			{
-				var button = buttons[ i ];
-				doc.getById( button ).setHtml( '<span class="cke_dialog_ui_button">' + captions[ 'button_' + button]  +'</span>' );
+	if ( tags[ 2 ] == 1 )
+		userDicActive = 1;
+	var init_with_captions = function() {
+			var dialog = this,
+				lang_list = dialog.data.scayt.getLangList(),
+				buttonCaptions = [ 'dic_create', 'dic_delete', 'dic_rename', 'dic_restore' ],
+				buttonIds = [],
+				langList = [],
+				labels = optionsIds,
+				i;
+			// Add buttons titles
+			if ( userDicActive ) {
+				for ( i = 0; i < buttonCaptions.length; i++ ) {
+					buttonIds[ i ] = buttonCaptions[ i ] + "_" + editorName;
+					doc.getById( buttonIds[ i ] ).setHtml( '<span class="cke_dialog_ui_button">' + captions[ 'button_' + buttonCaptions[ i ] ] + '</span>' );
+				}
+				doc.getById( 'dic_info_' + editorName ).setHtml( captions[ 'dic_info' ] );
-			doc.getById( 'dic_info' ).setHtml( captions[ 'dic_info' ] );
-		}
-		// Fill options and dictionary labels.
-		if ( tags[0] == 1 )
-		{
-			for ( i in labels )
-			{
-				var label = 'label_' + labels[ i ],
-					labelElement = doc.getById( label );
-				if (  'undefined' != typeof labelElement
-				   && 'undefined' != typeof captions[ label ]
-				   && 'undefined' != typeof dialog.options[labels[ i ]] )
-				{
-					labelElement.setHtml( captions[ label ] );
-					var labelParent = labelElement.getParent();
-					labelParent.$.style.display = "block";
+			// Fill options and dictionary labels.
+			if ( tags[ 0 ] == 1 ) {
+				for ( i in labels ) {
+					var labelCaption = 'label_' + labels[ i ],
+						labelId = labelCaption + '_' + editorName,
+						labelElement = doc.getById( labelId );
+					if ( 'undefined' != typeof labelElement && 'undefined' != typeof captions[ labelCaption ] && 'undefined' != typeof dialog.options[ labels[ i ] ] ) {
+						labelElement.setHtml( captions[ labelCaption ] );
+						var labelParent = labelElement.getParent();
+						labelParent.$.style.display = "block";
+					}
-		}
-		var about = '<p><img src="' + window.scayt.getAboutInfo().logoURL + '" /></p>' +
+			var about = '<p><img src="' + window.scayt.getAboutInfo().logoURL + '" /></p>' +
 				'<p>' + captions[ 'version' ] + window.scayt.getAboutInfo().version.toString() + '</p>' +
 				'<p>' + captions[ 'about_throwt_copy' ] + '</p>';
-		doc.getById( 'scayt_about' ).setHtml( about );
+			doc.getById( 'scayt_about_' + editorName ).setHtml( about );
-		// Create languages tab.
-		var createOption = function( option, list )
-		{
-			var label = doc.createElement( 'label' );
-			label.setAttribute( 'for', 'cke_option' + option );
-			label.setHtml( list[ option ] );
-			if ( dialog.sLang == option )	// Current.
-				dialog.chosed_lang = option;
-			var div = doc.createElement( 'div' );
-			var radio = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<input id="cke_option' +
-					option + '" type="radio" ' +
-					( dialog.sLang == option ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ) +
-					' value="' + option + '" name="scayt_lang" />' );
-			radio.on( 'click', function()
-				{
-					this.$.checked = true;
+			// Create languages tab.
+			var createOption = function( option, list ) {
+					var label = doc.createElement( 'label' );
+					label.setAttribute( 'for', 'cke_option' + option );
+					label.setHtml( list[ option ] );
+					if ( dialog.sLang == option ) // Current.
 					dialog.chosed_lang = option;
-				});
-			div.append( radio );
-			div.append( label );
+					var div = doc.createElement( 'div' );
+					var radio = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<input id="cke_option' +
+						option + '" type="radio" ' +
+						( dialog.sLang == option ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ) +
+						' value="' + option + '" name="scayt_lang" />' );
-			return {
-				lang : list[ option ],
-				code : option,
-				radio : div
-			};
-		};
+					radio.on( 'click', function() {
+						this.$.checked = true;
+						dialog.chosed_lang = option;
+					});
-		var langList = [];
-		if (tags[1] ==1 )
-		{
-			for ( i in lang_list.rtl )
-				langList[ langList.length ] = createOption( i, lang_list.ltr );
+					div.append( radio );
+					div.append( label );
+					return {
+						lang: list[ option ],
+						code: option,
+						radio: div
+					};
+				};
+			if ( tags[ 1 ] == 1 ) {
+				for ( i in lang_list.rtl )
+					langList[ langList.length ] = createOption( i, lang_list.ltr );
-			for ( i in lang_list.ltr )
-				langList[ langList.length  ] = createOption( i, lang_list.ltr );
+				for ( i in lang_list.ltr )
+					langList[ langList.length ] = createOption( i, lang_list.ltr );
-			langList.sort( 	function( lang1, lang2 )
-				{
-					return ( lang2.lang > lang1.lang ) ? -1 : 1 ;
+				langList.sort( function( lang1, lang2 ) {
+					return ( lang2.lang > lang1.lang ) ? -1 : 1;
-			var fieldL = doc.getById( 'scayt_lcol' ),
-				fieldR = doc.getById( 'scayt_rcol' );
-			for ( i=0; i < langList.length; i++ )
-			{
-				var field = ( i < langList.length / 2 ) ? fieldL : fieldR;
-				field.append( langList[ i ].radio );
+				var fieldL = doc.getById( 'scayt_lcol_' + editorName ),
+					fieldR = doc.getById( 'scayt_rcol_' + editorName );
+				for ( i = 0; i < langList.length; i++ ) {
+					var field = ( i < langList.length / 2 ) ? fieldL : fieldR;
+					field.append( langList[ i ].radio );
+				}
-		}
-		// user dictionary handlers
-		var dic = {};
-		dic.dic_create = function( el, dic_name , dic_buttons )
-		{
-			// comma separated button's ids include repeats if exists
-			var all_buttons = dic_buttons[0] + ',' + dic_buttons[1];
-			var err_massage = captions["err_dic_create"];
-			var suc_massage = captions["succ_dic_create"];
-			window.scayt.createUserDictionary(dic_name,
-				function(arg)
-				{
-					hide_dic_buttons ( all_buttons );
-					display_dic_buttons ( dic_buttons[1] );
-					suc_massage = suc_massage.replace("%s" , arg.dname );
-					dic_success_message (suc_massage);
-				},
-				function(arg)
-				{
-					err_massage = err_massage.replace("%s" ,arg.dname );
-					dic_error_message ( err_massage + "( "+ (arg.message || "") +")");
+			// user dictionary handlers
+			var dic = {};
+			dic.dic_create = function( el, dic_name, dic_buttons ) {
+				// comma separated button's ids include repeats if exists
+				var all_buttons = dic_buttons[ 0 ] + ',' + dic_buttons[ 1 ];
+				var err_massage = captions[ "err_dic_create" ];
+				var suc_massage = captions[ "succ_dic_create" ];
+				window.scayt.createUserDictionary( dic_name, function( arg ) {
+					hide_dic_buttons( all_buttons );
+					display_dic_buttons( dic_buttons[ 1 ] );
+					suc_massage = suc_massage.replace( "%s", arg.dname );
+					dic_success_message( suc_massage );
+				}, function( arg ) {
+					err_massage = err_massage.replace( "%s", arg.dname );
+					dic_error_message( err_massage + "( " + ( arg.message || "" ) + ")" );
-		};
+			};
-		dic.dic_rename = function( el, dic_name )
-		{
-			//
-			// try to rename dictionary
-			var err_massage = captions["err_dic_rename"] || "";
-			var suc_massage = captions["succ_dic_rename"] || "";
-			window.scayt.renameUserDictionary(dic_name,
-				function(arg)
-					{
-						suc_massage = suc_massage.replace("%s" , arg.dname );
-						set_dic_name( dic_name );
-						dic_success_message ( suc_massage );
-					},
-				function(arg)
-					{
-						err_massage = err_massage.replace("%s" , arg.dname  );
-						set_dic_name( dic_name );
-						dic_error_message( err_massage + "( " + ( arg.message || "" ) + " )" );
-					});
-		};
+			dic.dic_rename = function( el, dic_name ) {
+				//
+				// try to rename dictionary
+				var err_massage = captions[ "err_dic_rename" ] || "";
+				var suc_massage = captions[ "succ_dic_rename" ] || "";
+				window.scayt.renameUserDictionary( dic_name, function( arg ) {
+					suc_massage = suc_massage.replace( "%s", arg.dname );
+					set_dic_name( dic_name );
+					dic_success_message( suc_massage );
+				}, function( arg ) {
+					err_massage = err_massage.replace( "%s", arg.dname );
+					set_dic_name( dic_name );
+					dic_error_message( err_massage + "( " + ( arg.message || "" ) + " )" );
+				});
+			};
-		dic.dic_delete = function ( el, dic_name , dic_buttons )
-		{
-			var all_buttons = dic_buttons[0] + ',' + dic_buttons[1];
-			var err_massage = captions["err_dic_delete"];
-			var suc_massage = captions["succ_dic_delete"];
-			// try to delete dictionary
-			window.scayt.deleteUserDictionary(
-				function(arg)
-				{
-					suc_massage = suc_massage.replace("%s" , arg.dname );
-					hide_dic_buttons ( all_buttons );
-					display_dic_buttons ( dic_buttons[0] );
+			dic.dic_delete = function( el, dic_name, dic_buttons ) {
+				var all_buttons = dic_buttons[ 0 ] + ',' + dic_buttons[ 1 ];
+				var err_massage = captions[ "err_dic_delete" ];
+				var suc_massage = captions[ "succ_dic_delete" ];
+				// try to delete dictionary
+				window.scayt.deleteUserDictionary( function( arg ) {
+					suc_massage = suc_massage.replace( "%s", arg.dname );
+					hide_dic_buttons( all_buttons );
+					display_dic_buttons( dic_buttons[ 0 ] );
 					set_dic_name( "" ); // empty input field
 					dic_success_message( suc_massage );
-				},
-				function(arg)
-				{
-					err_massage = err_massage.replace("%s" , arg.dname );
-					dic_error_message(err_massage);
+				}, function( arg ) {
+					err_massage = err_massage.replace( "%s", arg.dname );
+					dic_error_message( err_massage );
-		};
+			};
-		dic.dic_restore = dialog.dic_restore || function ( el, dic_name , dic_buttons )
-			{
+			dic.dic_restore = dialog.dic_restore ||
+			function( el, dic_name, dic_buttons ) {
 				// try to restore existing dictionary
-				var all_buttons = dic_buttons[0] + ',' + dic_buttons[1];
-				var err_massage = captions["err_dic_restore"];
-				var suc_massage = captions["succ_dic_restore"];
-				window.scayt.restoreUserDictionary(dic_name,
-					function(arg)
-					{
-						suc_massage = suc_massage.replace("%s" , arg.dname );
-						hide_dic_buttons ( all_buttons );
-						display_dic_buttons(dic_buttons[1]);
-						dic_success_message( suc_massage );
-					},
-					function(arg)
-					{
-						err_massage = err_massage.replace("%s" , arg.dname );
-						dic_error_message( err_massage );
-					});
+				var all_buttons = dic_buttons[ 0 ] + ',' + dic_buttons[ 1 ];
+				var err_massage = captions[ "err_dic_restore" ];
+				var suc_massage = captions[ "succ_dic_restore" ];
+				window.scayt.restoreUserDictionary( dic_name, function( arg ) {
+					suc_massage = suc_massage.replace( "%s", arg.dname );
+					hide_dic_buttons( all_buttons );
+					display_dic_buttons( dic_buttons[ 1 ] );
+					dic_success_message( suc_massage );
+				}, function( arg ) {
+					err_massage = err_massage.replace( "%s", arg.dname );
+					dic_error_message( err_massage );
+				});
-		function onDicButtonClick( ev )
-		{
-			var dic_name = doc.getById('dic_name').getValue();
-			if ( !dic_name )
-			{
-				dic_error_message(" Dictionary name should not be empty. ");
-				return false;
-			}
-			try{
-				var el = id = ev.data.getTarget().getParent();
-				var id = el.getId();
-				dic[ id ].apply( null, [ el, dic_name, dic_buttons ] );
-			}catch(err){
-				dic_error_message(" Dictionary error. ");
-			}
+			function onDicButtonClick( ev ) {
+				var dic_name = doc.getById( 'dic_name_' + editorName ).getValue();
+				if ( !dic_name ) {
+					dic_error_message( " Dictionary name should not be empty. " );
+					return false;
+				}
+				try {
+					var el = ev.data.getTarget().getParent();
+					var id = /(dic_\w+)_[\w\d]+/.exec( el.getId() )[ 1 ];
+					dic[ id ].apply( null, [ el, dic_name, dic_buttons ] );
+				} catch ( err ) {
+					dic_error_message( " Dictionary error. " );
+				}
-			return true;
-		}
+				return true;
+			}
-		// ** bind event listeners
-		var arr_buttons = ( dic_buttons[0] + ',' + dic_buttons[1] ).split( ',' ),
-			l;
+			// ** bind event listeners
+			var arr_buttons = ( dic_buttons[ 0 ] + ',' + dic_buttons[ 1 ] ).split( ',' ),
+				l;
-		for ( i = 0, l = arr_buttons.length ; i < l ; i += 1 )
-		{
-			var dic_button = doc.getById(arr_buttons[i]);
-			if ( dic_button )
-				dic_button.on( 'click', onDicButtonClick, this );
-		}
-	};
+			for ( i = 0, l = arr_buttons.length; i < l; i += 1 ) {
+				var dic_button = doc.getById( arr_buttons[ i ] );
+				if ( dic_button )
+					dic_button.on( 'click', onDicButtonClick, this );
+			}
+		};
-	var reload = function()
-	{
-		var dialog = this;
-		// for enabled options tab
-		if (tags[0] == 1){
-			var opto = getBOMAllOptions();
+	var reload = function() {
+			var dialog = this;
+			// for enabled options tab
+			if ( tags[ 0 ] == 1 ) {
+				var opto = getBOMAllOptions();
-			// Animate options.
-			for ( var k=0,l = opto.length; k<l;k++ )
-			{
+				// Animate options.
+				for ( var k = 0, l = opto.length; k < l; k++ ) {
-				var i = opto[k].id;
-				var checkbox = doc.getById( i );
+					var i = opto[ k ].id;
+					var checkbox = doc.getById( i );
-				if ( checkbox )
-				{
-					opto[k].checked = false;
-					//alert (opto[k].removeAttribute)
-					if ( dialog.options[ i ] == 1 )
-					{
-						opto[k].checked = true;
-					}
+					if ( checkbox ) {
+						opto[ k ].checked = false;
+						//alert (opto[k].removeAttribute)
+						if ( dialog.options[ i.split( "_" )[ 0 ] ] == 1 ) {
+							opto[ k ].checked = true;
+						}
-					// Bind events. Do it only once.
-					if ( firstLoad )
-					{
-						checkbox.on( 'click', function()
-						{
-							dialog.options[ this.getId() ] = this.$.checked ? 1 : 0 ;
-						});
+						// Bind events. Do it only once.
+						if ( firstLoad ) {
+							checkbox.on( 'click', function() {
+								dialog.options[ this.getId().split( "_" )[ 0 ] ] = this.$.checked ? 1 : 0;
+							});
+						}
-		}
-		//for enabled languages tab
-		if ( tags[1] == 1 )
-		{
-			var domLang = doc.getById("cke_option"+dialog.sLang);
-			setCheckedValue(domLang.$,dialog.sLang);
-		}
+			//for enabled languages tab
+			if ( tags[ 1 ] == 1 ) {
+				var domLang = doc.getById( "cke_option" + dialog.sLang );
+				setCheckedValue( domLang.$, dialog.sLang );
+			}
-		// * user dictionary
-		if ( userDicActive )
-		{
-			window.scayt.getNameUserDictionary(
-				function( o )
-				{
+			// * user dictionary
+			if ( userDicActive ) {
+				window.scayt.getNameUserDictionary( function( o ) {
 					var dic_name = o.dname;
-					hide_dic_buttons( dic_buttons[0] + ',' + dic_buttons[1] );
-					if ( dic_name )
-					{
-						doc.getById( 'dic_name' ).setValue(dic_name);
-						display_dic_buttons( dic_buttons[1] );
-					}
-					else
-						display_dic_buttons( dic_buttons[0] );
-				},
-				function ()
-				{
-					doc.getById( 'dic_name' ).setValue("");
+					hide_dic_buttons( dic_buttons[ 0 ] + ',' + dic_buttons[ 1 ] );
+					if ( dic_name ) {
+						doc.getById( 'dic_name_' + editorName ).setValue( dic_name );
+						display_dic_buttons( dic_buttons[ 1 ] );
+					} else
+						display_dic_buttons( dic_buttons[ 0 ] );
+				}, function() {
+					doc.getById( 'dic_name_' + editorName ).setValue( "" );
-			dic_success_message("");
-		}
+				dic_success_message( "" );
+			}
-	};
+		};
-	function dic_error_message ( m )
-	{
-		doc.getById('dic_message').setHtml('<span style="color:red;">' + m + '</span>' );
+	function dic_error_message( m ) {
+		doc.getById( 'dic_message_' + editorName ).setHtml( '<span style="color:red;">' + m + '</span>' );
-	function dic_success_message ( m )
-	{
-		doc.getById('dic_message').setHtml('<span style="color:blue;">' + m + '</span>') ;
+	function dic_success_message( m ) {
+		doc.getById( 'dic_message_' + editorName ).setHtml( '<span style="color:blue;">' + m + '</span>' );
-	function display_dic_buttons ( sIds )
-	{
+	function display_dic_buttons( sIds ) {
 		sIds = String( sIds );
-		var aIds = sIds.split(',');
-		for ( var i=0, l = aIds.length; i < l ; i+=1)
-		{
-			doc.getById( aIds[i] ).$.style.display = "inline";
-		}
+		var aIds = sIds.split( ',' );
+		for ( var i = 0, l = aIds.length; i < l; i += 1 )
+			doc.getById( aIds[ i ] ).$.style.display = "inline";
-	function hide_dic_buttons ( sIds )
-	{
+	function hide_dic_buttons( sIds ) {
 		sIds = String( sIds );
-		var aIds = sIds.split(',');
-		for ( var i = 0, l = aIds.length; i < l ; i += 1 )
-		{
-			doc.getById( aIds[i] ).$.style.display = "none";
-		}
+		var aIds = sIds.split( ',' );
+		for ( var i = 0, l = aIds.length; i < l; i += 1 )
+			doc.getById( aIds[ i ] ).$.style.display = "none";
-	function set_dic_name ( dic_name )
-	{
-		doc.getById('dic_name').$.value= dic_name;
+	function set_dic_name( dic_name ) {
+		doc.getById( 'dic_name_' + editorName ).$.value = dic_name;
 	return dialogDefiniton;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/icons/scayt.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/icons/scayt.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..701ceee
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/icons/scayt.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b629fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'af', {
+	about: 'SCAYT info',
+	aboutTab: 'Info',
+	addWord: 'Voeg woord by',
+	allCaps: 'Ignoreer woorde in hoofletters',
+	dic_create: 'Skep',
+	dic_delete: 'Verwijder',
+	dic_field_name: 'Naam van woordeboek',
+	dic_info: 'Aanvanklik word die gebruikerswoordeboek in \'n koekie gestoor. Koekies is egter beperk in grootte. Wanneer die gebruikerswoordeboek te groot vir \'n koekie geword het, kan dit op ons bediener gestoor word. Om u persoonlike woordeboek op ons bediener te stoor, gee asb. \'n naam vir u woordeboek. Indien u alreeds \'n gestoorde woordeboek het, tik die naam en kliek op die Herstel knop.',
+	dic_rename: 'Hernoem',
+	dic_restore: 'Herstel',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Woordeboeke',
+	disable: 'SCAYT af',
+	emptyDic: 'Woordeboeknaam mag nie leeg wees nie.',
+	enable: 'SCAYT aan',
+	ignore: 'Ignoreer',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignoreer alles',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignoreer domeinname',
+	langs: 'Tale',
+	languagesTab: 'Tale',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignoreer woorde met hoof- en kleinletters',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignoreer woorde met syfers',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Meer voorstelle',
+	opera_title: 'Nie ondersteun deur Opera nie',
+	options: 'Opsies',
+	optionsTab: 'Opsies',
+	title: 'Speltoets terwyl u tik',
+	toggle: 'SCAYT wissel aan/af',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1692d1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'ar', {
+	about: 'عن SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'عن',
+	addWord: 'إضافة كلمة',
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'قواميس',
+	disable: 'تعطيل SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'اسم القاموس يجب ألا يكون فارغاً.',
+	enable: 'تفعيل SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'تجاهل',
+	ignoreAll: 'تجاهل الكل',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'لغات',
+	languagesTab: 'لغات',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'المزيد من المقترحات',
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'خيارات',
+	optionsTab: 'خيارات',
+	title: 'تدقيق إملائي أثناء الكتابة',
+	toggle: 'تثبيت SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6269fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'bg', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'Относно',
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Нов',
+	dic_delete: 'Изтриване',
+	dic_field_name: 'Име на речнк',
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Преименуване',
+	dic_restore: 'Възтановяване',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Речници',
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Езици',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Игнорирани думи и цифри',
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0968696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'bn', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69a9263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'bs', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc4667f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'ca', {
+	about: 'Quant a l\'SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'Quant a',
+	addWord: 'Afegeix una paraula',
+	allCaps: 'Ignora paraules en majúscules',
+	dic_create: 'Crea',
+	dic_delete: 'Elimina',
+	dic_field_name: 'Nom del diccionari',
+	dic_info: 'Inicialment el diccionari d\'usuari s\'emmagatzema en una galeta. De totes maneres, les galetes tenen la mida limitada. Quan el diccionari creix massa, llavors el diccionari es pot emmagatzemar al nostre servidor. Per desar el vostre diccionari personal al nostre servidor heu d.\'especificar un nom pel diccionari. Si ja heu desat un diccionari, teclegeu si us plau el seu nom i cliqueu el botó de restauració.',
+	dic_rename: 'Canvia el nom',
+	dic_restore: 'Restaura',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Diccionaris',
+	disable: 'Deshabilita SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'El nom del diccionari no hauria d\'estar buit.',
+	enable: 'Habilitat l\'SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Ignora',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignora\'ls tots',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignora els noms de domini',
+	langs: 'Idiomes',
+	languagesTab: 'Idiomes',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignora paraules amb majúscules i minúscules',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignora paraules amb números ',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Més suggerències',
+	opera_title: 'No és compatible amb l\'Opera',
+	options: 'Opcions',
+	optionsTab: 'Opcions',
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type',
+	toggle: 'Commuta l\'SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f95b76a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'cs', {
+	about: 'O aplikaci SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'O aplikaci',
+	addWord: 'Přidat slovo',
+	allCaps: 'Ignorovat slova tvořená velkými písmeny',
+	dic_create: 'Vytvořit',
+	dic_delete: 'Smazat',
+	dic_field_name: 'Název slovníku',
+	dic_info: 'Zpočátku se uživatelský slovník ukládá do cookies ve vašem prohlížeči. Ovšem cookies mají omezenou velikost, takže když slovník dosáhne velikosti, kdy se již do cookies nevejde, může být uložen na našem serveru. Chcete-li uložit váš osobní slovník na našem serveru, je třeba slovník nejdříve pojmenovat. Máte-li již slovník pojmenován a uložen, zadejte jeho název a klepněte na tlačítko Obnovit.',
+	dic_rename: 'Přejmenovat',
+	dic_restore: 'Obnovit',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Slovníky',
+	disable: 'Vypnout SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Název slovníku nesmí být prázdný.',
+	enable: 'Zapnout SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Přeskočit',
+	ignoreAll: 'Přeskočit vše',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignorovat doménová jména',
+	langs: 'Jazyky',
+	languagesTab: 'Jazyky',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignorovat slova obsahující různou velikost písma',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignorovat slova obsahující čísla',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Více návrhů',
+	opera_title: 'Toto Opera nepodporuje',
+	options: 'Nastavení',
+	optionsTab: 'Nastavení',
+	title: 'Kontrola pravopisu během psaní (SCAYT)',
+	toggle: 'Vypínač SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11b452c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'cy', {
+	about: 'Ynghylch SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'Ynghylch',
+	addWord: 'Ychwanegu Gair',
+	allCaps: 'Anwybyddu Geiriau Nodau Uwch i Gyd',
+	dic_create: 'Creu',
+	dic_delete: 'Dileu',
+	dic_field_name: 'Enw\'r geiriadur',
+	dic_info: 'Ar y cychwyn, caiff y Geiriadur ei storio mewn Cwci. Er, mae terfyn ar faint cwcis. Pan fydd Gweiriadur Defnyddiwr yn tyfu tu hwnt i gyfyngiadau maint Cwci, caiff y geiriadur ei storio ar ein gweinydd ni. er mwyn storio eich geiriadur poersonol chi ar ein gweinydd, bydd angen i chi osod enw ar gyfer y geiriadur. Os oes geiriadur \'da chi ar ein gweinydd yn barod, teipiwch ei enw a chliciwch y botwm Adfer.',
+	dic_rename: 'Ailenwi',
+	dic_restore: 'Adfer',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Geiriaduron',
+	disable: 'Analluogi SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Ni ddylai enw\'r geiriadur fod yn wag.',
+	enable: 'Galluogi SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Anwybyddu',
+	ignoreAll: 'Anwybyddu pob',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Anwybyddu Enwau Parth',
+	langs: 'Ieithoedd',
+	languagesTab: 'Ieithoedd',
+	mixedCase: 'Anwybyddu Geiriau â Chymysgedd Nodau Uwch ac Is',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Anwybyddu Geiriau â Rhifau',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Awgrymiadau pellach',
+	opera_title: 'Heb ei gynnal gan Opera',
+	options: 'Opsiynau',
+	optionsTab: 'Opsiynau',
+	title: 'Gwirio\'r Sillafu Wrth Deipio',
+	toggle: 'Togl SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fa4cb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'da', {
+	about: 'Om SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'Om',
+	addWord: 'Tilføj ord',
+	allCaps: 'Ignorer alle store bogstaver',
+	dic_create: 'Opret',
+	dic_delete: 'Slet',
+	dic_field_name: 'Navn på ordbog',
+	dic_info: 'Til start er brugerordbogen gemt i en Cookie. Dog har Cookies en begrænsning på størrelse. Når ordbogen når en bestemt størrelse kan den blive gemt på vores server. For at gemme din personlige ordbog på vores server skal du angive et navn for denne. Såfremt du allerede har gemt en ordbog, skriv navnet på denne og klik på Gendan knappen.',
+	dic_rename: 'Omdøb',
+	dic_restore: 'Gendan',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Ordbøger',
+	disable: 'Deaktivér SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Ordbogsnavn må ikke være tom.',
+	enable: 'Aktivér SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Ignorér',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignorér alle',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignorér domænenavne',
+	langs: 'Sprog',
+	languagesTab: 'Sprog',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignorer ord med store og små bogstaver',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignorér ord med numre',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Flere forslag',
+	opera_title: 'Ikke supporteret af Opera',
+	options: 'Indstillinger',
+	optionsTab: 'Indstillinger',
+	title: 'Stavekontrol mens du skriver',
+	toggle: 'Skift/toggle SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38be3eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'de', {
+	about: 'Ãœber SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'Ãœber',
+	addWord: 'Wort hinzufügen',
+	allCaps: 'Groß geschriebenen Wörter ignorieren',
+	dic_create: 'Erzeugen',
+	dic_delete: 'Löschen',
+	dic_field_name: 'Wörterbuchname',
+	dic_info: 'Anfangs wird das Benutzerwörterbuch in einem Cookie gespeichert. Allerdings sind Cookies in der Größe begrenzt. Wenn das Benutzerwörterbuch bis zu einem Punkt wächst, wo es nicht mehr in einem Cookie gespeichert werden kann, wird das Benutzerwörterbuch auf dem Server gespeichert. Um Ihr persönliches Wörterbuch auf dem Server zu speichern, müssen Sie einen Namen für das Wörterbuch angeben. Falls  Sie schon ein gespeicherte Wörterbuch haben, geben Sie bitte dessen Namen ein und klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Wiederherstellen.',
+	dic_rename: 'Umbenennen',
+	dic_restore: 'Wiederherstellen',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Wörterbücher',
+	disable: 'SCAYT ausschalten',
+	emptyDic: 'Wörterbuchname sollte leer sein.',
+	enable: 'SCAYT einschalten',
+	ignore: 'Ignorieren',
+	ignoreAll: 'Alle ignorieren',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Domain-Namen ignorieren',
+	langs: 'Sprachen',
+	languagesTab: 'Sprachen',
+	mixedCase: 'Wörter mit gemischte Setzkasten ignorieren',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Wörter mit Zahlen ignorieren',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Mehr Vorschläge',
+	opera_title: 'Nicht von Opera unterstützt',
+	options: 'Optionen',
+	optionsTab: 'Optionen',
+	title: 'Rechtschreibprüfung während der Texteingabe (SCAYT)',
+	toggle: 'SCAYT umschalten',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f91497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'el', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'Περί',
+	addWord: 'Προσθήκη στο λεξικό',
+	allCaps: 'Να αγνοούνται όλες οι λέξεις σε κεφαλαία',
+	dic_create: 'Δημιουργία',
+	dic_delete: 'Διαγραφή',
+	dic_field_name: 'Όνομα λεξικού',
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Μετονομασία',
+	dic_restore: 'Ανάκτηση',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Λεξικά',
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Το όνομα του λεξικού δεν πρέπει να είναι κενό.',
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Αγνόησε το',
+	ignoreAll: 'Να αγνοηθούν όλα',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Γλώσσες',
+	languagesTab: 'Γλώσσες',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'Περισσότερες προτάσεις',
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Επιλογές',
+	optionsTab: 'Επιλογές',
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..935e861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'en-au', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT',// MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25ca0ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'en-ca', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT',// MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4574e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'en-gb', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'About',
+	addWord: 'Add Word',
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words',
+	dic_create: 'Create',
+	dic_delete: 'Delete',
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name',
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',
+	dic_rename: 'Rename',
+	dic_restore: 'Restore',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries',
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.',
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Ignore',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names',
+	langs: 'Languages',
+	languagesTab: 'Languages',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers',
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions',
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera',
+	options: 'Options',
+	optionsTab: 'Options',
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type',
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dff11f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'en', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'About',
+	addWord: 'Add Word',
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words',
+	dic_create: 'Create',
+	dic_delete: 'Delete',
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name',
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',
+	dic_rename: 'Rename',
+	dic_restore: 'Restore',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries',
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.',
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Ignore',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names',
+	langs: 'Languages',
+	languagesTab: 'Languages',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers',
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions',
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera',
+	options: 'Options',
+	optionsTab: 'Options',
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type',
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1c7fea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'eo', {
+	about: 'Pri OKDVT',
+	aboutTab: 'Pri',
+	addWord: 'Almeti la vorton',
+	allCaps: 'Ignori la vortojn skribitajn nur per ĉefliteroj',
+	dic_create: 'Krei',
+	dic_delete: 'Forigi',
+	dic_field_name: 'Vortaronomo',
+	dic_info: 'Komence la vortaro de la uzanto estas konservita en kuketo. Tamen la kuketgrando estas limigita. Kiam la vortaro de la uzanto atingas grandon, kiu ne plu ebligas konservi ĝin en kuketo, tiam la vortaro povas esti konservata en niaj serviloj. Por konservi vian personan vortaron en nian servilon, vi devas indiki nomon por tiu vortaro. Se vi jam havas konservitan vortaron, bonvolu entajpi ties nomon kaj alklaki la restaŭrbutonon.',
+	dic_rename: 'Renomi',
+	dic_restore: 'RestaÅ­ri',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Vortaroj',
+	disable: 'Malebligi OKDVT',
+	emptyDic: 'La vortaronomo ne devus esti malplena.',
+	enable: 'Ebligi OKDVT',
+	ignore: 'Ignori',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignori ĉion',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignori domajnajn nomojn',
+	langs: 'Lingvoj',
+	languagesTab: 'Lingvoj',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignori vortojn kun miksa uskleco',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignori vortojn kun nombroj',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Pli da sugestoj',
+	opera_title: 'Ne subportata de Opera',
+	options: 'Opcioj',
+	optionsTab: 'Opcioj',
+	title: 'OrtografiKontrolado Dum Vi Tajpas (OKDVT)',
+	toggle: 'Baskuligi OKDVT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c66b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'es', {
+	about: 'Acerca de Corrector',
+	aboutTab: 'Acerca de',
+	addWord: 'Añadir palabra',
+	allCaps: 'Omitir palabras en MAYÚSCULAS',
+	dic_create: 'Crear',
+	dic_delete: 'Borrar',
+	dic_field_name: 'Nombre del diccionario',
+	dic_info: 'Inicialmente el Diccionario de usuario se guarda en una Cookie. Sin embargo, las cookies están limitadas en tamaño. Cuando el diccionario crece a un punto en el que no se puede guardar en una Cookie, el diccionario puede ser almacenado en nuestro servidor. Para almacenar su diccionario personalizado en nuestro servidor debe especificar un nombre para su diccionario. Si ya ha guardado un diccionaro, por favor, escriba su nombre y pulse el botón Recuperar',
+	dic_rename: 'Renombrar',
+	dic_restore: 'Recuperar',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Diccionarios',
+	disable: 'Desactivar Corrector',
+	emptyDic: 'El nombre del diccionario no puede estar en blanco.',
+	enable: 'Activar Corrector',
+	ignore: 'Ignorar',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignorar Todas',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Omitir nombres de dominio',
+	langs: 'Idiomas',
+	languagesTab: 'Idiomas',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignorar palabras con combinación de mayúsculas y minúsculas',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Omitir palabras con números',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Más sugerencias',
+	opera_title: 'No soportado en Opera',
+	options: 'Opciones',
+	optionsTab: 'Opciones',
+	title: 'Comprobar Ortografía Mientras Escribe',
+	toggle: 'Cambiar Corrector',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e7b66c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'et', {
+	about: 'SCAYT-ist lähemalt',
+	aboutTab: 'Lähemalt',
+	addWord: 'Lisa sõna',
+	allCaps: 'Läbivate suurtähtedega sõnade eiramine',
+	dic_create: 'Loo',
+	dic_delete: 'Kustuta',
+	dic_field_name: 'Sõnaraamatu nimi',
+	dic_info: 'Alguses säilitatakse kasutaja sõnaraamatut küpsises. Küpsise suurus on piiratud. Pärast sõnaraamatu kasvamist nii suureks, et see küpsisesse ei mahu, võib sõnaraamatut hoida meie serveris. Oma isikliku sõnaraamatu hoidmiseks meie serveris pead andma sellele nime. Kui sa juba oled sõnaraamatu salvestanud, sisesta selle nimi ja klõpsa taastamise nupule.',
+	dic_rename: 'Nimeta ümber',
+	dic_restore: 'Taasta',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Sõnaraamatud',
+	disable: 'SCAYT keelatud',
+	emptyDic: 'Sõnaraamatu nimi ei tohi olla tühi.',
+	enable: 'SCAYT lubatud',
+	ignore: 'Eira',
+	ignoreAll: 'Eira kõiki',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Domeeninimede eiramine',
+	langs: 'Keeled',
+	languagesTab: 'Keeled',
+	mixedCase: 'Tavapäratu tõstuga sõnade eiramine',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Numbreid sisaldavate sõnade eiramine',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Veel soovitusi',
+	opera_title: 'Operas pole toetatud',
+	options: 'Valikud',
+	optionsTab: 'Valikud',
+	title: 'Õigekirjakontroll kirjutamise ajal',
+	toggle: 'SCAYT sisse/välja lülitamine',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99ff257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'eu', {
+	about: 'SCAYTi buruz',
+	aboutTab: 'Honi buruz',
+	addWord: 'Hitza Gehitu',
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Hiztegiak',
+	disable: 'Desgaitu SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Hiztegiaren izena ezin da hutsik egon.',
+	enable: 'Gaitu SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Baztertu',
+	ignoreAll: 'Denak baztertu',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Hizkuntzak',
+	languagesTab: 'Hizkuntzak',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'Iradokizun gehiago',
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Aukerak',
+	optionsTab: 'Aukerak',
+	title: 'Ortografia Zuzenketa Idatzi Ahala (SCAYT)',
+	toggle: 'SCAYT aldatu',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeb0f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'fa', {
+	about: 'درباره SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'درباره',
+	addWord: 'افزودن Word',
+	allCaps: 'نادیده گرفتن همه کلاه-واژهها',
+	dic_create: 'ایجاد',
+	dic_delete: 'حذف',
+	dic_field_name: 'نام دیکشنری',
+	dic_info: 'در ابتدا دیکشنری کاربر در کوکی ذخیره میشود. با این حال، کوکیها در اندازه محدود شدهاند. وقتی که دیکشنری کاربری بزرگ میشود و به نقطهای که نمیتواند در کوکی ذخیره شود، پس از آن دیکشنری ممکن است بر روی سرور ما ذخیره شود. برای ذخیره دیکشنری شخصی شما بر روی سرور ما، باید یک نام برای دیکشنری خود مشخص نمایید. اگر شما قبلا یک دیکشنری روی سرور ما ذخیره کردهاید، لطفا نام آنرا درج و روی دکمه بازیافت کلیک نمایید.',
+	dic_rename: 'تغییر نام',
+	dic_restore: 'بازیافت',
+	dictionariesTab: 'دیکشنریها',
+	disable: 'غیرفعالسازی SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'نام دیکشنری نباید خالی باشد.',
+	enable: 'فعالسازی SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'عبور کردن',
+	ignoreAll: 'عبور کردن از همه',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'عبور از نامهای دامنه',
+	langs: 'زبانها',
+	languagesTab: 'زبانها',
+	mixedCase: 'عبور از کلماتی مرکب از حروف بزرگ و کوچک',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'عبور از کلمات به همراه عدد',
+	moreSuggestions: 'پیشنهادهای بیشتر',
+	opera_title: 'توسط اپرا پشتیبانی نمیشود',
+	options: 'گزینهها',
+	optionsTab: 'گزینهها',
+	title: 'بررسی املای تایپ شما',
+	toggle: 'ضامن SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3cf6cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'fi', {
+	about: 'Tietoja oikoluvusta kirjoitetaessa',
+	aboutTab: 'Tietoa',
+	addWord: 'Lisää sana',
+	allCaps: 'Ohita sanat, jotka on kirjoitettu kokonaan isoilla kirjaimilla',
+	dic_create: 'Luo',
+	dic_delete: 'Poista',
+	dic_field_name: 'Sanakirjan nimi',
+	dic_info: 'Oletuksena sanakirjat tallennetaan evästeeseen, mutta evästeiden koko on kuitenkin rajallinen. Sanakirjan kasvaessa niin suureksi, ettei se enää mahdu evästeeseen, sanakirja täytyy tallentaa palvelimellemme. Tallentaaksesi sanakirjasi palvelimellemme tulee sinun antaa sille nimi. Jos olet jo tallentanut sanakirjan, anna sen nimi ja klikkaa Palauta-painiketta',
+	dic_rename: 'Nimeä uudelleen',
+	dic_restore: 'Palauta',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Sanakirjat',
+	disable: 'Poista käytöstä oikoluku kirjoitetaessa',
+	emptyDic: 'Sanakirjan nimi on annettava.',
+	enable: 'Ota käyttöön oikoluku kirjoitettaessa',
+	ignore: 'Ohita',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ohita kaikki',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ohita verkkotunnukset',
+	langs: 'Kielet',
+	languagesTab: 'Kielet',
+	mixedCase: 'Ohita sanat, joissa on sekoitettu isoja ja pieniä kirjaimia',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ohita sanat, joissa on numeroita',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Lisää ehdotuksia',
+	opera_title: 'Opera ei tue tätä ominaisuutta',
+	options: 'Asetukset',
+	optionsTab: 'Asetukset',
+	title: 'Oikolue kirjoitettaessa',
+	toggle: 'Vaihda oikoluku kirjoittaessa tilaa',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0707ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'fo', {
+	about: 'Um SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'Um',
+	addWord: 'Legg orð afturat',
+	allCaps: 'Loyp orð við bert stórum stavum um',
+	dic_create: 'Upprætta nýggja',
+	dic_delete: 'Strika',
+	dic_field_name: 'Orðabókanavn',
+	dic_info: 'Upprunaliga er brúkara-orðabókin goymd í eini cookie í tínum egna kaga. Men hesar cookies eru avmarkaðar í stødd. Tá brúkara-orðabókin veksur seg ov stóra til eina cookie, so er møguligt at goyma hana á ambætara okkara. Fyri at goyma persónligu orðabókina á ambætaranum eigur tú at velja eitt navn til tína skuffu. Hevur tú longu goymt eina orðabók, so vinarliga skriva navnið og klikk á knøttin Endurskapa.',
+	dic_rename: 'Broyt',
+	dic_restore: 'Endurskapa',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Orðabøkur',
+	disable: 'Nokta SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Heiti á orðabók eigur ikki at vera tómt.',
+	enable: 'Loyv SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Ignorera',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignorera alt',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'loyp økisnøvn um',
+	langs: 'Tungumál',
+	languagesTab: 'Tungumál',
+	mixedCase: 'Loyp orð við blandaðum smáum og stórum stavum um',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Loyp orð við tølum um',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Fleiri tilráðingar',
+	opera_title: 'Ikki stuðlað í Opera',
+	options: 'Uppseting',
+	optionsTab: 'Uppseting',
+	title: 'Kanna stavseting, meðan tú skrivar',
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..175e387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'fr-ca', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38ecd9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'fr', {
+	about: 'A propos de SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'À propos de',
+	addWord: 'Ajouter le mot',
+	allCaps: 'Ignorer les mots entièrement en majuscules',
+	dic_create: 'Créer',
+	dic_delete: 'Effacer',
+	dic_field_name: 'Nom du dictionnaire',
+	dic_info: 'Initialement, le dictionnaire de l\'utilisateur est stocké dans un cookie. Cependant, les cookies sont limités en taille. Quand le dictionnaire atteint une taille qu\'il n\'est plus possible de stocker dans un cookie, il peut alors être stocké sur nos serveurs. Afin de stocker votre dictionnaire personnel sur nos serveurs, vous devez spécifier un nom pour ce dictionnaire. Si vous avez déjà un dictionnaire stocké, merci de taper son nom puis cliquer sur Restaurer pour le récupérer.',
+	dic_rename: 'Renommer',
+	dic_restore: 'Restaurer',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionnaires',
+	disable: 'Désactiver SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Le nom du dictionnaire ne devrait pas être vide.',
+	enable: 'Activer SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Ignorer',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignorer Tout',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignorer les noms de domaines',
+	langs: 'Langues',
+	languagesTab: 'Langues',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignorer les mots à casse multiple',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignorer les mots contenant des chiffres',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Plus de suggestions',
+	opera_title: 'Non supporté par Opera',
+	options: 'Options',
+	optionsTab: 'Options',
+	title: 'Vérification de l\'Orthographe en Cours de Frappe (SCAYT)',
+	toggle: 'Activer/Désactiver SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b78bfe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'gl', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89b89e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'gu', {
+	about: 'SCAYT વિષે',
+	aboutTab: 'વિષે',
+	addWord: 'શબ્દ ઉમેરવો',
+	allCaps: 'ઓલ-કેપ્સ વર્ડ છોડી દો.',
+	dic_create: 'બનાવવું',
+	dic_delete: 'કાઢી નાખવું',
+	dic_field_name: 'શબ્દકોશ નામ',
+	dic_info: 'પેહલા User Dictionary, Cookie તરીકે સ્ટોર થાય છે. પણ Cookie ની સમતા ઓછી છે. જયારે User Dictionary, Cookie તરીકે સ્ટોર ના કરી શકાય, ત્યારે તે અમારા સર્વર પર સ્ટોર થાય છે. તમારી વ્યતિગત ડીકસ્નરી ને સર્વર પર સ્ટોર કરવા માટે તમારે તેનું નામ આપવું પડશે. જો તમે તમારી ડીકસ્નરી નું નામ આપેલું હોય તો તમે રિસ્ટોર બટન ક્લીક કરી શકો.',
+	dic_rename: 'નવું નામ આપવું',
+	dic_restore: 'પાછું ',
+	dictionariesTab: 'શબ્દકોશ',
+	disable: 'SCAYT ડિસેબલ કરવું',
+	emptyDic: 'ડિક્સનરીનું નામ ખાલી ના હોય.',
+	enable: 'SCAYT એનેબલ કરવું',
+	ignore: 'ઇગ્નોર',
+	ignoreAll: 'બધા ઇગ્નોર ',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'ડોમેન નામ છોડી દો.',
+	langs: 'ભાષાઓ',
+	languagesTab: 'ભાષા',
+	mixedCase: 'મિક્સ કેસ વર્ડ છોડી દો.',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'આંકડા વાળા શબ્દ છોડી દો.',
+	moreSuggestions: 'વધારે વિકલ્પો',
+	opera_title: 'ઓપેરામાં સપોર્ટ નથી',
+	options: 'વિકલ્પો',
+	optionsTab: 'વિકલ્પો',
+	title: 'ટાઈપ કરતા સ્પેલ તપાસો',
+	toggle: 'SCAYT ટોગલ',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b10e6d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'he', {
+	about: 'אודות SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'אודות',
+	addWord: 'הוספת מילה',
+	allCaps: 'התעלם ממילים שכל אותיותיהן גדולות',
+	dic_create: 'יצירה',
+	dic_delete: 'מחיקה',
+	dic_field_name: 'שם המילון',
+	dic_info: 'בהתחלה מילון המשתמש מאוחסן בעוגיה, אך עוגיות מוגבלות במקום. כאשר המילון מגיע לגודל בו הוא אינו יכול להתאכסן בעוגיה, המילון צריך להתאכסן בשרתנו. לשם כך עליך לתת שם למילון. אם כבר יש לך מילון מאוחסן, יש להכניס את שמו וללחוץ על כפתור השחזור.',
+	dic_rename: 'שינוי שם',
+	dic_restore: 'שחזור',
+	dictionariesTab: 'מילון',
+	disable: 'בטל SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'יש לבחור מילון.',
+	enable: 'אפשר SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'התעלמות',
+	ignoreAll: 'התעלמות מהכל',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'התעלם משמות מתחם',
+	langs: 'שפות',
+	languagesTab: 'שפות',
+	mixedCase: 'התעלם ממילים עם אותיות גדולות וקטנות ביחד',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'התעלם ממילים עם מספרים',
+	moreSuggestions: 'הצעות נוספות',
+	opera_title: 'לא זמין בדפדפן אופרה',
+	options: 'אפשרויות',
+	optionsTab: 'אפשרויות',
+	title: 'בדיקת איות בזמן כתיבה (SCAYT)',
+	toggle: 'שינוי SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2c24a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'hi', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38b1237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'hr', {
+	about: 'O SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'O SCAYT',
+	addWord: 'Dodaj riječ',
+	allCaps: 'Ignoriraj riječi s velikim slovima',
+	dic_create: 'Napravi',
+	dic_delete: 'Obriši',
+	dic_field_name: 'Naziv riječnika',
+	dic_info: 'Na početku se korisnički Riječnik sprema u Cookie. Nažalost, veličina im je ograničena. Kada korisnički Riječnik naraste preko te veličine, Riječnik će biti smješten na naš server. Kako bi se korisnički Riječnik spremio na naš server morate odabrati naziv Vašeg Riječnika. Ukoliko ste već prije spremali Riječnik na naše servere, unesite naziv Riječnika i pritisnite na Povrati.',
+	dic_rename: 'Promijeni naziv',
+	dic_restore: 'Povrati',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Rječnici',
+	disable: 'Onemogući SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Naziv rječnika ne smije biti prazno.',
+	enable: 'Omogući SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Zanemari',
+	ignoreAll: 'Zanemari sve',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignoriraj nazive domena',
+	langs: 'Jezici',
+	languagesTab: 'Jezici',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignoriraj riječi s miješanim slovima',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignoriraj riječi s brojevima',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Više prijedloga',
+	opera_title: 'Nije podržano u Operi',
+	options: 'Opcije',
+	optionsTab: 'Opcije',
+	title: 'Provjeri pravopis tijekom tipkanja (SCAYT)',
+	toggle: 'Omoguću/Onemogući SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f42177a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'hu', {
+	about: 'SCAYT névjegy',
+	aboutTab: 'Névjegy',
+	addWord: 'Szó hozzáadása',
+	allCaps: 'Nagybetűs szavak kihagyása',
+	dic_create: 'Létrehozás',
+	dic_delete: 'Törlés',
+	dic_field_name: 'Szótár neve',
+	dic_info: 'Kezdetben a felhasználói szótár böngésző sütiben tárolódik. Azonban a sütik maximális mérete korlátozott. Amikora a szótár akkora lesz, hogy már sütiben nem lehet tárolni, akkor a szótárat tárolhatja a szerveren is. Ehhez egy nevet kell megadni a szótárhoz. Amennyiben már van szerveren tárolt szótára, adja meg a nevét és kattintson a visszaállítás gombra.',
+	dic_rename: 'Átnevezés',
+	dic_restore: 'Visszaállítás',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Szótár',
+	disable: 'SCAYT letiltása',
+	emptyDic: 'A szótár nevét meg kell adni.',
+	enable: 'SCAYT engedélyezése',
+	ignore: 'Kihagy',
+	ignoreAll: 'Összes kihagyása',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Domain nevek kihagyása',
+	langs: 'Nyelvek',
+	languagesTab: 'Nyelvek',
+	mixedCase: 'Kis és nagybetűt is tartalmazó szavak kihagyása',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Számokat tartalmazó szavak kihagyása',
+	moreSuggestions: 'További javaslatok',
+	opera_title: 'Az Opera nem támogatja',
+	options: 'Beállítások',
+	optionsTab: 'Beállítások',
+	title: 'Helyesírás ellenőrzés gépelés közben',
+	toggle: 'SCAYT kapcsolása',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1651d09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'is', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f82743c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'it', {
+	about: 'About COMS',
+	aboutTab: 'Info',
+	addWord: 'Aggiungi Parola',
+	allCaps: 'Ignora Parole in maiuscolo',
+	dic_create: 'Crea',
+	dic_delete: 'Cancella',
+	dic_field_name: 'Nome del dizionario',
+	dic_info: 'Inizialmente il dizionario utente è memorizzato in un Cookie. I Cookie però hanno una dimensioni massima limitata. Quando il dizionario utente creasce a tal punto da non poter più essere memorizzato in un Cookie, allora il dizionario può essere memorizzato sul nostro server. Per memorizzare il proprio dizionario personale sul nostro server, è necessario specificare un nome per il proprio dizionario. Se avete già memorizzato un dizionario, inserite il nome che gli avete dato e premete il pulsante Ripristina.',
+	dic_rename: 'Rinomina',
+	dic_restore: 'Ripristina',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dizionari',
+	disable: 'Disabilita COMS',
+	emptyDic: 'Il nome del dizionario non può essere vuoto.',
+	enable: 'Abilita COMS',
+	ignore: 'Ignora',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignora tutti',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignora nomi di dominio',
+	langs: 'Lingue',
+	languagesTab: 'Lingue',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignora parole con maiuscole e minuscole',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignora parole con numeri',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Altri suggerimenti',
+	opera_title: 'Non supportato da Opera',
+	options: 'Opzioni',
+	optionsTab: 'Opzioni',
+	title: 'Controllo Ortografico Mentre Scrivi',
+	toggle: 'Inverti abilitazione SCOMS',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2c01f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'ja', {
+	about: 'SCAYTバージョン',
+	aboutTab: 'バージョン情報',
+	addWord: '語句追加',
+	allCaps: '全て大文字の単語を無視',
+	dic_create: '登録',
+	dic_delete: '削除',
+	dic_field_name: '辞書名',
+	dic_info: '始めユーザーディレクトリは、Cookieに保存されます。但し Cookie はサイズに制限があります。ユーザーディレクトリがCookieに保存できないサイズに到達するとディレクトリはサーバー上に保存されます。個人のディレクトリをサーバー上に保存するには、ディレクトリ名を明示する必要があります。もし既に保存されたディレクトリがある場合、その名前を入力し、元に戻すボタンを押してください。',
+	dic_rename: '名前変更',
+	dic_restore: '元に戻す',
+	dictionariesTab: '辞書',
+	disable: 'SCAYT無効',
+	emptyDic: '辞書名は必ず入力してください',
+	enable: 'SCAYT有効',
+	ignore: '無視',
+	ignoreAll: 'すべて無視',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'ドメイン名を無視',
+	langs: '言語',
+	languagesTab: '言語',
+	mixedCase: '大文字小文字混在の単語を無視',
+	mixedWithDigits: '数字付き単語を無視',
+	moreSuggestions: '他の候補',
+	opera_title: 'Operaではサポートされません',
+	options: 'オプション',
+	optionsTab: 'オプション',
+	title: 'スペルチェック設定(SCAYT)',
+	toggle: 'SCAYT切替',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2d9506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'ka', {
+	about: 'SCAYT-ის შესახებ',
+	aboutTab: 'ინფორმაცია',
+	addWord: 'სიტყვის დამატება',
+	allCaps: 'დიდი ასოებით დაწერილი სიტყვების უგულებელყოფა',
+	dic_create: 'შექმნა',
+	dic_delete: 'წაშლა',
+	dic_field_name: 'ლექსიკონის სახელი',
+	dic_info: 'თავდაპირველად მომხმარებლის ლექსიკონი ინახება Cookie-ში. თუმცა Cookie შეზღუდულია ზომაში. როცა ლექსიკონის ზომა გაიზრდება საკმაოდ ის შეიძლება შევინახოთ ჩვენს სერვერზე. ჩვენს სერვერზე ლექსიკონს შესანახად უნდა მიუთითოთ მისი სახელი. თუ უკე გაქვთ ლექსიკონი, აკრიფეთ მისი სახელი და დააჭირეთ "დაბრუნების" ღილაკს.',
+	dic_rename: 'გადარქმევა',
+	dic_restore: 'დაბრუნება',
+	dictionariesTab: 'ლექსიკონები',
+	disable: 'SCAYT-ის გამორთვა',
+	emptyDic: 'ლექსიკონის სიტყვა არ უნდა იყოს ცარიელი.',
+	enable: 'SCAYT-ის ჩართვა',
+	ignore: 'უგულებელყოფა',
+	ignoreAll: 'ყველას უგულებელყოფა',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'დომენური სახელების უგულებელყოფა',
+	langs: 'ენები',
+	languagesTab: 'ენები',
+	mixedCase: 'შერეული ასოებანი სიტყვების უგულებელყოფა',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'ციფრებიანი სიტყვების უგულებელყოფა',
+	moreSuggestions: 'მეტი შემოთავაზება',
+	opera_title: 'არაა მხარდაჭერილი Opera-ს მიერ',
+	options: 'პარამეტრები',
+	optionsTab: 'პარამეტრები',
+	title: 'მართლწერის შემოწმება კრეფისას',
+	toggle: 'SCAYT-ის გადართვა',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bd001c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'km', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5419be6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'ko', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1dc68a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'ku', {
+	about: 'دهربارهی SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'دهربارهی',
+	addWord: 'زیادکردنی ووشه',
+	allCaps: 'پشتگوێخستنی وشانهی پێکهاتووه لهپیتی گهوره',
+	dic_create: 'درووستکردن',
+	dic_delete: 'سڕینهوه',
+	dic_field_name: 'ناوی فهرههنگ',
+	dic_info: 'لهبنچینهدا فهرههنگی بهکارهێنهر کۆگاکردن کراوه له شهکرۆکه Cookie, ههرچۆنێك بێت شهکۆرکه سنووردار کراوه له قهباره کۆگاکردن.کاتێك فهرههنگی بهکارهێنهر گهیشته ئهم خاڵهی کهناتوانرێت زیاتر کۆگاکردن بکرێت له شهکرۆکه، ئهوسا فهرههنگهکه پێویسته کۆگابکرێت له ڕاژهکهی ئێمه. بۆ کۆگاکردنی زانیاری تایبهتی فهرههنگهکه له ڕاژهکهی ئێمه, پێویسته ناوێك ههڵبژێریت بۆ فهرههنگهکه. گهر تۆ فهرههنگێکی کۆگاکراوت ههیه, تکایه ناوی فهرههنگهکه بنووسه وه کلیکی دوگمهی گهڕاندنهوه بکه.',
+	dic_rename: 'گۆڕینی ناو',
+	dic_restore: 'گهڕاندنهوه',
+	dictionariesTab: 'فهرههنگهکان',
+	disable: 'ناچالاککردنی SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'ناوی فهرههنگ نابێت خاڵی بێت.',
+	enable: 'چالاککردنی SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'پشتگوێخستن',
+	ignoreAll: 'پشتگوێخستنی ههمووی',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'پشتگوێخستنی دۆمهین',
+	langs: 'زمانهکان',
+	languagesTab: 'زمانهکان',
+	mixedCase: 'پشتگوێخستنی وشانهی پێکهاتووه لهپیتی گهورهو بچووك',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'پشتگوێخستنی وشانهی پێکهاتووه لهژماره',
+	moreSuggestions: 'پێشنیاری زیاتر',
+	opera_title: 'پشتیوانی نهکراوه لهلایهن Opera',
+	options: 'ههڵبژارده',
+	optionsTab: 'ههڵبژارده',
+	title: 'پشکنینی نووسه لهکاتی نووسین',
+	toggle: 'گۆڕینی SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0dcaf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'lt', {
+	about: 'Apie SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'Apie',
+	addWord: 'Pridėti žodį',
+	allCaps: 'Ignoruoti visas didžiąsias raides',
+	dic_create: 'Sukurti',
+	dic_delete: 'IÅ¡trinti',
+	dic_field_name: 'Žodyno pavadinimas',
+	dic_info: 'Paprastai žodynas yra saugojamas sausainėliuose (cookies), kurių dydis, bet kokiu atveju, yra apribotas. Esant sausainėlių apimties pervišiui, viskas bus saugoma serveryje. Jei norite iš kart viską saugoti serveryje, turite sugalvoti žodynui pavadinimą. Jei jau turite žodyną, įrašykite pavadinimą ir nuspauskite Atstatyti mygtuką.',
+	dic_rename: 'Pervadinti',
+	dic_restore: 'Atstatyti',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Žodynai',
+	disable: 'IÅ¡jungti SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Žodyno vardas neturėtų būti tuščias.',
+	enable: 'Įjungti SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Ignoruoti',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignoruoti viskÄ…',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignoruoti domenų vardus',
+	langs: 'Kalbos',
+	languagesTab: 'Kalbos',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignoruoti maišyto dydžio raides',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignoruoti raides su skaičiais',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Daugiau patarimų',
+	opera_title: 'Nepalaikoma naršyklėje Opera',
+	options: 'Parametrai',
+	optionsTab: 'Parametrai',
+	title: 'Tikrinti klaidas kai rašoma',
+	toggle: 'Perjungti SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f376fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'lv', {
+	about: 'Par SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'Par',
+	addWord: 'Pievienot vārdu',
+	allCaps: 'Ignorēt vārdus ar lielajiem burtiem',
+	dic_create: 'Izveidot',
+	dic_delete: 'Dzēst',
+	dic_field_name: 'Vārdnīcas nosaukums',
+	dic_info: 'Sākumā lietotāja vārdnīca tiek glabāta Cookie. Diemžēl, Cookie ir ierobežots izmērs. Kad vārdnīca sasniegs izmēru, ka to vairs nevar glabāt Cookie, tā tiks noglabāta uz servera. Lai saglabātu personīgo vārdnīcu uz jūsu servera, jums jānorāda tās nosaukums. Ja jūs jau esiet noglabājuši vārdnīcu, lūdzu ierakstiet tās nosaukum un nospiediet Atjaunot pogu.',
+	dic_rename: 'Pārsaukt',
+	dic_restore: 'Atjaunot',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Vārdnīcas',
+	disable: 'Atslēgt SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Vārdnīcas nosaukums nevar būt tukšs.',
+	enable: 'Ieslēgt SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Ignorēt',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignorēt visu',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignorēt domēnu nosaukumus',
+	langs: 'Valodas',
+	languagesTab: 'Valodas',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignorēt vārdus ar jauktu reģistru burtiem',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignorēt vārdus ar skaitļiem',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Vairāk ieteikumi',
+	opera_title: 'Opera neatbalsta',
+	options: 'Uzstādījumi',
+	optionsTab: 'Uzstādījumi',
+	title: 'Pārbaudīt gramatiku rakstot',
+	toggle: 'Pārslēgt SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de5aa83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'mk', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb7cf01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'mn', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Бий болгох',
+	dic_delete: 'Устгах',
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Нэрийг солих',
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Толь бичгүүд',
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Хэлүүд',
+	languagesTab: 'Хэлүүд',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Сонголт',
+	optionsTab: 'Сонголт',
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9191106
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'ms', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbee53b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'nb', {
+	about: 'Om SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'Om',
+	addWord: 'Legg til ord',
+	allCaps: 'Ikke kontroller ord med kun store bokstaver',
+	dic_create: 'Opprett',
+	dic_delete: 'Slett',
+	dic_field_name: 'Ordboknavn',
+	dic_info: 'Brukerordboken lagres først i en informasjonskapsel på din maskin, men det er en begrensning på hvor mye som kan lagres her. Når ordboken blir for stor til å lagres i en informasjonskapsel, vil vi i stedet lagre ordboken på vår server. For å lagre din personlige ordbok på vår server, burde du velge et navn for ordboken din. Hvis du allerede har lagret en ordbok, vennligst skriv inn ordbokens navn og klikk på Gjenopprett-knappen.',
+	dic_rename: 'Gi nytt navn',
+	dic_restore: 'Gjenopprett',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Ordbøker',
+	disable: 'Slå av SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Ordboknavn bør ikke være tom.',
+	enable: 'Slå på SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Ignorer',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignorer Alle',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ikke kontroller domenenavn',
+	langs: 'Språk',
+	languagesTab: 'Språk',
+	mixedCase: 'Ikke kontroller ord med blandet små og store bokstaver',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ikke kontroller ord som inneholder tall',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Flere forslag',
+	opera_title: 'Ikke støttet av Opera',
+	options: 'Valg',
+	optionsTab: 'Valg',
+	title: 'Stavekontroll mens du skriver',
+	toggle: 'Veksle SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..025986d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'nl', {
+	about: 'Over SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'Over',
+	addWord: 'Woord toevoegen',
+	allCaps: 'Negeer woorden helemaal in hoofdletters',
+	dic_create: 'Aanmaken',
+	dic_delete: 'Verwijderen',
+	dic_field_name: 'Naam woordenboek',
+	dic_info: 'Initieel wordt het gebruikerswoordenboek opgeslagen in een cookie. Cookies zijn echter beperkt in grootte. Zodra het gebruikerswoordenboek het punt bereikt waarop het niet meer in een cookie opgeslagen kan worden, dan wordt het woordenboek op de server opgeslagen. Om je persoonlijke woordenboek op je eigen server op te slaan, moet je een mapnaam opgeven. Indien je al een woordenboek hebt opgeslagen, typ dan de naam en klik op de Terugzetten knop.',
+	dic_rename: 'Hernoemen',
+	dic_restore: 'Terugzetten',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Woordenboeken',
+	disable: 'SCAYT uitschakelen',
+	emptyDic: 'De naam van het woordenboek mag niet leeg zijn.',
+	enable: 'SCAYT inschakelen',
+	ignore: 'Negeren',
+	ignoreAll: 'Alles negeren',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Negeer domeinnamen',
+	langs: 'Talen',
+	languagesTab: 'Talen',
+	mixedCase: 'Negeer woorden met hoofd- en kleine letters',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Negeer woorden met cijfers',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Meer suggesties',
+	opera_title: 'Niet ondersteund door Opera',
+	options: 'Opties',
+	optionsTab: 'Opties',
+	title: 'Controleer de spelling tijdens het typen',
+	toggle: 'SCAYT in/uitschakelen',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05059dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'no', {
+	about: 'Om SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'Om',
+	addWord: 'Legg til ord',
+	allCaps: 'Ikke kontroller ord med kun store bokstaver',
+	dic_create: 'Opprett',
+	dic_delete: 'Slett',
+	dic_field_name: 'Ordboknavn',
+	dic_info: 'Brukerordboken lagres først i en informasjonskapsel på din maskin, men det er en begrensning på hvor mye som kan lagres her. Når ordboken blir for stor til å lagres i en informasjonskapsel, vil vi i stedet lagre ordboken på vår server. For å lagre din personlige ordbok på vår server, burde du velge et navn for ordboken din. Hvis du allerede har lagret en ordbok, vennligst skriv inn ordbokens navn og klikk på Gjenopprett-knappen.',
+	dic_rename: 'Gi nytt navn',
+	dic_restore: 'Gjenopprett',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Ordbøker',
+	disable: 'Slå av SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Ordboknavn bør ikke være tom.',
+	enable: 'Slå på SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Ignorer',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignorer Alle',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ikke kontroller domenenavn',
+	langs: 'Språk',
+	languagesTab: 'Språk',
+	mixedCase: 'Ikke kontroller ord med blandet små og store bokstaver',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ikke kontroller ord som inneholder tall',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Flere forslag',
+	opera_title: 'Ikke støttet av Opera',
+	options: 'Valg',
+	optionsTab: 'Valg',
+	title: 'Stavekontroll mens du skriver',
+	toggle: 'Veksle SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49c3ae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'pl', {
+	about: 'Informacje o SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'Informacje o SCAYT',
+	addWord: 'Dodaj słowo',
+	allCaps: 'Ignoruj wyrazy pisane dużymi literami',
+	dic_create: 'Utwórz',
+	dic_delete: 'Usuń',
+	dic_field_name: 'Nazwa słownika',
+	dic_info: 'Początkowo słownik użytkownika przechowywany jest w cookie. Pliki cookie mają jednak ograniczoną pojemność. Jeśli słownik użytkownika przekroczy wielkość dopuszczalną dla pliku cookie, możliwe jest przechowanie go na naszym serwerze. W celu zapisania słownika na serwerze niezbędne jest nadanie mu nazwy. Jeśli słownik został już zapisany na serwerze, wystarczy podać jego nazwę i nacisnąć przycisk Przywróć.',
+	dic_rename: 'Zmień nazwę',
+	dic_restore: 'Przywróć',
+	dictionariesTab: 'SÅ‚owniki',
+	disable: 'Wyłącz SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Nazwa słownika nie może być pusta.',
+	enable: 'WÅ‚Ä…cz SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Ignoruj',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignoruj wszystkie',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignoruj nazwy domen',
+	langs: 'Języki',
+	languagesTab: 'Języki',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignoruj wyrazy pisane dużymi i małymi literami',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignoruj wyrazy zawierajÄ…ce cyfry',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Więcej sugestii',
+	opera_title: 'Funkcja nie jest obsługiwana przez przeglądarkę Opera',
+	options: 'Opcje',
+	optionsTab: 'Opcje',
+	title: 'Sprawdź pisownię podczas pisania (SCAYT)',
+	toggle: 'Przełącz SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3172629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'pt-br', {
+	about: 'Sobre a correção ortográfica durante a digitação',
+	aboutTab: 'Sobre',
+	addWord: 'Adicionar palavra',
+	allCaps: 'Ignorar palavras maiúsculas',
+	dic_create: 'Criar',
+	dic_delete: 'Excluir',
+	dic_field_name: 'Nome do Dicionário',
+	dic_info: 'Inicialmente, o dicionário do usuário fica armazenado em um Cookie. Porém, Cookies tem tamanho limitado, portanto quand o dicionário do usuário atingir o tamanho limite poderá ser armazenado no nosso servidor. Para armazenar seu dicionário pessoal no nosso servidor deverá especificar um nome para ele. Se já tiver um dicionário armazenado por favor especifique o seu nome e clique em Restaurar.',
+	dic_rename: 'Renomear',
+	dic_restore: 'Restaurar',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dicionários',
+	disable: 'Desabilitar correção ortográfica durante a digitação',
+	emptyDic: 'O nome do dicionário não deveria estar vazio.',
+	enable: 'Habilitar correção ortográfica durante a digitação',
+	ignore: 'Ignorar',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignorar todas',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignorar nomes de domínio',
+	langs: 'Idiomas',
+	languagesTab: 'Idiomas',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignorar palavras com maiúsculas e minúsculas misturadas',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignorar palavras com números',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Mais sugestões',
+	opera_title: 'Não suportado no Opera',
+	options: 'Opções',
+	optionsTab: 'Opções',
+	title: 'Correção ortográfica durante a digitação',
+	toggle: 'Ativar/desativar correção ortográfica durante a digitação',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad9dba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'pt', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c56b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'ro', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT', // MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d4d6bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'ru', {
+	about: 'О SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'О SCAYT',
+	addWord: 'Добавить слово',
+	allCaps: 'Игнорировать слова из заглавных букв',
+	dic_create: 'Создать',
+	dic_delete: 'Удалить',
+	dic_field_name: 'Название словаря',
+	dic_info: 'Изначально, пользовательский словарь хранится в cookie, которые ограничены в размере. Когда словарь пользователя вырастает до размеров, что его невозможно хранить в cookie, он переносится на хранение на наш сервер. Чтобы сохранить ваш словарь на нашем сервере, вам следует указать название вашего словаря. Если у вас уже был словарь, который вы сохраняли на нашем сервере, то укажите здесь его название и нажмите кнопку Восстановить.',
+	dic_rename: 'Переименовать',
+	dic_restore: 'Восстановить',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Словари',
+	disable: 'Отключить SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Вы должны указать название словаря.',
+	enable: 'Включить SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Пропустить',
+	ignoreAll: 'Пропустить всё',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Игнорировать доменные имена',
+	langs: 'Языки',
+	languagesTab: 'Языки',
+	mixedCase: 'Игнорировать слова из букв в разном регистре',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Игнорировать слова, содержащие цифры',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Ещё варианты',
+	opera_title: 'Не поддерживается Opera',
+	options: 'Настройки',
+	optionsTab: 'Параметры',
+	title: 'Проверка орфографии по мере ввода (SCAYT)',
+	toggle: 'Переключить SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'Нет вариантов'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe9c0a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'sk', {
+	about: 'O KPPP (Kontrola pravopisu počas písania)',
+	aboutTab: 'O',
+	addWord: 'Pridať slovo',
+	allCaps: 'Ignorovať slová písané veľkými písmenami',
+	dic_create: 'Vytvoriť',
+	dic_delete: 'Vymazať',
+	dic_field_name: 'Názov slovníka',
+	dic_info: 'Spočiatku je užívateľský slovník uložený v cookie. Cookie však majú obmedzenú veľkosť. Keď užívateľský slovník narastie do bodu, kedy nemôže byť uložený v cookie, potom musí byť slovník uložený na našom serveri. Pre uloženie vášho osobného slovníka na náš server by ste mali zadať názov pre váš slovník. Ak už máte uložený slovník, prosíme, napíšte jeho názov a kliknite tlačidlo Obnoviť.',
+	dic_rename: 'Premenovať',
+	dic_restore: 'Obnoviť',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Slovníky',
+	disable: 'Zakázať  KPPP (Kontrola pravopisu počas písania)',
+	emptyDic: 'Názov slovníka by nemal byť prázdny.',
+	enable: 'Povoliť KPPP (Kontrola pravopisu počas písania)',
+	ignore: 'Ignorovať',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignorovať všetko',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Iznorovať názvy domén',
+	langs: 'Jazyky',
+	languagesTab: 'Jazyky',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignorovať slová so smiešanými veľkými a malými písmenami',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignorovať slová s číslami',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Viac návrhov',
+	opera_title: 'Nepodporované Operou',
+	options: 'Možnosti',
+	optionsTab: 'Možnosti',
+	title: 'Kontrola pravopisu počas písania',
+	toggle: 'Prepnúť KPPP (Kontrola pravopisu počas písania)',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'// MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..671e253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'sl', {
+	about: 'O storitvi SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'O storitvi',
+	addWord: 'Dodaj besedo',
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Slovarji',
+	disable: 'Onemogoči SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Ime slovarja ne more biti prazno.',
+	enable: 'Omogoči SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Prezri',
+	ignoreAll: 'Prezri vse',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Jeziki',
+	languagesTab: 'Jeziki',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'Več predlogov',
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Možnosti',
+	optionsTab: 'Možnosti',
+	title: 'ÄŒrkovanje med tipkanjem',
+	toggle: 'Preklopi SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'// MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66ca602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'sr-latn', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT',// MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d75b07b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'sr', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT',// MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..667e294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'sv', {
+	about: 'Om SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'Om',
+	addWord: 'Lägg till ord',
+	allCaps: 'Ignorera alla ord med enbart versaler',
+	dic_create: 'Skapa',
+	dic_delete: 'Ta bort',
+	dic_field_name: 'Ordlistans namn',
+	dic_info: 'Inledningsvis lagras ordlistan i en cookie. När ordlista växer till en punkt där det inte kan lagras i en cookie, lagras den på vår server. För att lagra din personliga ordlista på vår server du ska ange ett namn för din ordbok. Om du redan har en lagrad ordbok, skriv namnet och klicka på knappen Återställ.',
+	dic_rename: 'Byt namn',
+	dic_restore: 'Återställ',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Ordlistor',
+	disable: 'Inaktivera SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Ordlistans namn får ej vara tomt.',
+	enable: 'Aktivera SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Ignorera',
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignorera alla',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignorera domännamn',
+	langs: 'Språk',
+	languagesTab: 'Språk',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignorera ord med blandat shiftläge',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignorera ord med nummer',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Fler förslag',
+	opera_title: 'Stöds ej av Opera',
+	options: 'Inställningar',
+	optionsTab: 'Inställningar',
+	title: 'Stavningskontroll medan du skriver',
+	toggle: 'Växla SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'// MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5691e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'th', {
+	about: 'About SCAYT', // MISSING
+	aboutTab: 'About', // MISSING
+	addWord: 'Add Word', // MISSING
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'Dictionaries', // MISSING
+	disable: 'Disable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	emptyDic: 'Dictionary name should not be empty.', // MISSING
+	enable: 'Enable SCAYT', // MISSING
+	ignore: 'Ignore', // MISSING
+	ignoreAll: 'Ignore All', // MISSING
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	languagesTab: 'Languages', // MISSING
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: 'More suggestions', // MISSING
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: 'Options', // MISSING
+	optionsTab: 'Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Spell Check As You Type', // MISSING
+	toggle: 'Toggle SCAYT',// MISSING
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..803cabf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'tr', {
+	about: 'SCAYT\'ı hakkında',
+	aboutTab: 'Hakkında',
+	addWord: 'Kelime Ekle',
+	allCaps: 'Tüm büyük küçük kelimeleri yoksay',
+	dic_create: 'OluÅŸtur',
+	dic_delete: 'Sil',
+	dic_field_name: 'Sözlük adı',
+	dic_info: 'Başlangıçta Kullanıcı Sözlüğü bir çerezde saklanır. Ancak, Çerezler boyutu sınırlıdır. Kullanıcı Sözlüğü, çerezin içinde saklanamayacağı bir noktada, bizim sunucularımızın içindeki sözlükte saklanabilir. Bizim sunucu üzerinde kişisel Sözlük saklamanız için, Sözlüğe bir ad belirtmelisiniz. Eğer zaten bir saklı Sözlük varsa, lütfen adını yazın ve Geri Yükle düğmesini tıklayın.',
+	dic_rename: 'Yeniden adlandır',
+	dic_restore: 'Geri al',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Sözlükler',
+	disable: 'SCAYT\'ı pasifleştir',
+	emptyDic: 'Sözlük adı boş olamaz.',
+	enable: 'SCAYT\'ı etkinleştir',
+	ignore: 'Yoksay',
+	ignoreAll: 'Tümünü Yoksay',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Domain adlarını yoksay',
+	langs: 'Diller',
+	languagesTab: 'Diller',
+	mixedCase: 'Karışık büyüklük ile Sözcükler yoksay',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Sayılarla Kelimeler yoksay',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Daha fazla öneri',
+	opera_title: 'Opera tarafından desteklenmemektedir',
+	options: 'Seçenekler',
+	optionsTab: 'Seçenekler',
+	title: 'GirmiÅŸ olduÄŸunuz kelime denetimi',
+	toggle: 'SCAYT\'ı değiştir',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'// MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdaeeaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'ug', {
+	about: 'شۇئان ئىملا تەكشۈرۈش ھەققىدە',
+	aboutTab: 'ھەققىدە',
+	addWord: 'سۆز قوش',
+	allCaps: 'چوڭ ھەرپتە يېزىلغان ھەممە سۆزگە پەرۋا قىلما',
+	dic_create: 'قۇر',
+	dic_delete: 'ئۆچۈر',
+	dic_field_name: 'لۇغەت ئاتى',
+	dic_info: 'باشلىنىشتا ئىشلەتكۈچى لۇغىتى Cookie  غا ساقلىنىدۇ ئەمما Cookie نىڭ سىغىمى چەكلىك بولغاچقا، ئىشلەتكۈچى لۇغىتى كۆپىيىپ Cookie  چەكلىمىسىدىن ئېشىپ كەتكەندە ساقلىغىلى بولمايدۇ، بۇ چاغدا لۇغىتىڭىزنى مۇلازىمېتىرىمىزغا ساقلىسىڭىز بولىدۇ. شەخسىي لۇغىتىڭىزنى مۇلازىمېتىرىمىزغا ساقلىماقچى بولسىڭىز لۇغىتىڭىزگە ئاتتىن بىرنى قويۇڭ، ئەگەر مۇلازىمتېرىمىزدا سىزنىڭ لۇغىتىڭىزدىن بىرسى بولسا لۇغەت ئاتىنى كىرگۈزۈپ ئەسلىگە قايتۇر توپچىسىنى بېسىڭ.',
+	dic_rename: 'ئات ئۆزگەرت',
+	dic_restore: 'ئەسلىگە كەلتۈر',
+	dictionariesTab: 'لۇغەت',
+	disable: 'شۇئان ئىملا تەكشۈرۈشنى چەكلە',
+	emptyDic: 'لۇغەت ئاتى بوش قالمايدۇ',
+	enable: 'شۇئان ئىملا تەكشۈرۈشنى قوزغات',
+	ignore: 'پەرۋا قىلما',
+	ignoreAll: 'ھەممىسىگە پەرۋا قىلما',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'دائىرە ئاتىغا پەرۋا قىلما',
+	langs: 'تىل',
+	languagesTab: 'تىل',
+	mixedCase: 'چوڭ كىچىك ھەرپ بىلەن ئارىلاش يېزىلغان سۆزگە پەرۋا قىلما',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'سان بار سۆزگە پەرۋا قىلما',
+	moreSuggestions: 'تېخىمۇ كۆپ ئىملا تەۋسىيەسى',
+	opera_title: 'Opera توركۆرگۈنى قوللىمايدۇ',
+	options: 'تاللانما',
+	optionsTab: 'تاللانما',
+	title: 'شۇئان ئىملا تەكشۈر',
+	toggle: 'شۇئان ئىملا تەكشۈرۈشنى ۋاقىتلىق توختات/قوزغات',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'// MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..871062c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'uk', {
+	about: 'Про SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'Про SCAYT',
+	addWord: 'Додати слово',
+	allCaps: 'Пропустити прописні слова',
+	dic_create: 'Створити',
+	dic_delete: 'Видалити',
+	dic_field_name: 'Назва словника',
+	dic_info: 'Як правило, користувацькі словники зберігаються у cookie-файлах. Однак, cookie-файли мають обмеження на розмір. Якщо користувацький словник зростає в обсязі настільки, що вже не може бути збережений у cookie-файлі, тоді його можна зберегти на нашому сервері. Щоб зберегти Ваш персональний словник на нашому сервері необхідно вказати назву словника. Якщо Ви вже зберігали словник на сервері, будь ласка, вкажіть назву збереженого словника і натисніть кнопку Відновити.',
+	dic_rename: 'Перейменувати',
+	dic_restore: 'Відновити',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Словники',
+	disable: 'Вимкнути SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Назва словника повинна бути вказана.',
+	enable: 'Ввімкнути SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Пропустити',
+	ignoreAll: 'Пропустити всі',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Пропустити доменні назви',
+	langs: 'Мови',
+	languagesTab: 'Мови',
+	mixedCase: 'Пропустити слова зі змішаним регістром',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Пропустити слова, що містять цифри',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Більше варіантів',
+	opera_title: 'Не підтримується в Opera',
+	options: 'Опції',
+	optionsTab: 'Опції',
+	title: 'Перефірка орфографії по мірі набору',
+	toggle: 'Перемкнути SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'// MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac91e5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'vi', {
+	about: 'Thông tin về SCAYT',
+	aboutTab: 'Thông tin',
+	addWord: 'Thêm từ',
+	allCaps: 'Không phân biệt chữ HOA chữ thường',
+	dic_create: 'Tạo',
+	dic_delete: 'Xóa',
+	dic_field_name: 'Tên từ điển',
+	dic_info: 'Ban đầu, từ điển người dùng được lưu trữ trong một cookie. Tuy nhiên, kích thước cookie bị giới hạn. Khi người sử dụng từ điển phát triển đến điểm không thể được lưu trữ trong cookie, từ điển sẽ được lưu trữ trên máy chủ của chúng tôi. Để lưu trữ từ điển cá nhân của bạn trên máy chủ của chúng tôi, bạn nên xác định một tên cho từ điển của bạn. Nếu bạn đã có một cuốn từ điển được lưu trữ, xin vui lòng gõ tên của nó và nhấn vào nút Khôi phục.',
+	dic_rename: 'Thay tên',
+	dic_restore: 'Phục hồi',
+	dictionariesTab: 'Từ điển',
+	disable: 'Tắt SCAYT',
+	emptyDic: 'Tên của từ điển không được để trống.',
+	enable: 'Bật SCAYT',
+	ignore: 'Bỏ qua',
+	ignoreAll: 'Bỏ qua tất cả',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Bỏ qua tên miền',
+	langs: 'Ngôn ngữ',
+	languagesTab: 'Tab ngôn ngữ',
+	mixedCase: 'Không phân biệt loại chữ',
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Không phân biệt chữ và số',
+	moreSuggestions: 'Đề xuất thêm',
+	opera_title: 'Không hỗ trợ trên trình duyệt Opera',
+	options: 'Tùy chọn',
+	optionsTab: 'Tùy chọn',
+	title: 'Kiểm tra chính tả ngay khi gõ chữ (SCAYT)',
+	toggle: 'Bật tắt SCAYT',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'// MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c66b38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'zh-cn', {
+	about: '关于即时拼写检查',
+	aboutTab: '关于',
+	addWord: '添加单词',
+	allCaps: '忽略所有大写单词',
+	dic_create: '创建',
+	dic_delete: '删除',
+	dic_field_name: '字典名称',
+	dic_info: '一开始用户词典储存在 Cookie 中, 但是 Cookies 的容量是有限的, 当用户词典增长到超出 Cookie 限制时就无法再储存了, 这时您可以将词典储存到我们的服务器上. 要把您的个人词典到储存到我们的服务器上的话, 需要为您的词典指定一个名称, 如果您在我们的服务器上已经有储存有一个词典, 请输入词典名称并按还原按钮.',
+	dic_rename: '重命名',
+	dic_restore: '还原',
+	dictionariesTab: 'å­—å…¸',
+	disable: '禁用即时拼写检查',
+	emptyDic: '字典名不应为空.',
+	enable: '启用即时拼写检查',
+	ignore: '忽略',
+	ignoreAll: '全部忽略',
+	ignoreDomainNames: '忽略域名',
+	langs: '语言',
+	languagesTab: '语言',
+	mixedCase: '忽略大小写混合的单词',
+	mixedWithDigits: '忽略带数字的单词',
+	moreSuggestions: '更多拼写建议',
+	opera_title: '不支持 Opera 浏览器',
+	options: '选项',
+	optionsTab: '选项',
+	title: '即时拼写检查',
+	toggle: '暂停/启用即时拼写检查',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'// MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5602512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'scayt', 'zh', {
+	about: '關於即時拼寫檢查',
+	aboutTab: '關於',
+	addWord: '添加單詞',
+	allCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', // MISSING
+	dic_create: 'Create', // MISSING
+	dic_delete: 'Delete', // MISSING
+	dic_field_name: 'Dictionary name', // MISSING
+	dic_info: 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING
+	dic_rename: 'Rename', // MISSING
+	dic_restore: 'Restore', // MISSING
+	dictionariesTab: 'å­—å…¸',
+	disable: '關閉即時拼寫檢查',
+	emptyDic: '字典名不應為空.',
+	enable: '啟用即時拼寫檢查',
+	ignore: '忽略',
+	ignoreAll: '全部忽略',
+	ignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names', // MISSING
+	langs: '語言',
+	languagesTab: '語言',
+	mixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case', // MISSING
+	mixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', // MISSING
+	moreSuggestions: '更多拼寫建議',
+	opera_title: 'Not supported by Opera', // MISSING
+	options: '選項',
+	optionsTab: '選項',
+	title: '即時拼寫檢查',
+	toggle: '啟用/關閉即時拼寫檢查',
+	noSuggestions: 'No suggestion'// MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/plugin.js
index ec64fed..6928ca7 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/plugin.js
@@ -1,215 +1,190 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
  * @fileOverview Spell Check As You Type (SCAYT).
  * Button name : Scayt.
-	var commandName 	= 'scaytcheck',
-		openPage		= '';
+(function() {
+	var commandName = 'scaytcheck',
+		wscCommandName = 'checkspell',
+		openPage = '';
 	// Checks if a value exists in an array
-	function in_array(needle, haystack)
-	{
-		var found = false, key;
-		for (key in haystack)
-		{
-			if ((haystack[key] === needle) || ( haystack[key] == needle))
-			{
-				found = true;
+	function in_array( needle, haystack ) {
+		var found = 0,
+			key;
+		for ( key in haystack ) {
+			if ( haystack[ key ] == needle ) {
+				found = 1;
 		return found;
-	var onEngineLoad = function()
-	{
-		var editor = this;
-		var createInstance = function()	// Create new instance every time Document is created.
-		{
-			// Initialise Scayt instance.
-			var oParams = {};
-			// Get the iframe.
-			oParams.srcNodeRef = editor.document.getWindow().$.frameElement;
-			// syntax : AppName.AppVersion at AppRevision
-			oParams.assocApp  = 'CKEDITOR.' + CKEDITOR.version + '@' + CKEDITOR.revision;
-			oParams.customerid = editor.config.scayt_customerid  || '1:WvF0D4-UtPqN1-43nkD4-NKvUm2-daQqk3-LmNiI-z7Ysb4-mwry24-T8YrS3-Q2tpq2';
-			oParams.customDictionaryIds = editor.config.scayt_customDictionaryIds || '';
-			oParams.userDictionaryName = editor.config.scayt_userDictionaryName || '';
-			oParams.sLang = editor.config.scayt_sLang || 'en_US';
-			// Introduce SCAYT onLoad callback. (#5632)
-			oParams.onLoad = function()
+	var onEngineLoad = function() {
+			var editor = this;
+			var createInstance = function( ev ) // Create new instance every time Document is created.
-					// Draw down word marker to avoid being covered by background-color style.(#5466)
-					if ( !( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 8 ) )
-						this.addStyle( this.selectorCss(), 'padding-bottom: 2px !important;' );
+					if ( typeof plugin.instances[ editor.name ] != 'undefined' || plugin.instances[ editor.name ] != null )
+						return;
-					// Call scayt_control.focus when SCAYT loaded
-					// and only if editor has focus and scayt control creates at first time (#5720)
-					if ( editor.focusManager.hasFocus && !plugin.isControlRestored( editor ) )
-						this.focus();
+					var config = editor.config;
+					// Initialise Scayt instance.
+					var oParams = {};
+					// Get the iframe.
-				};
+					if(editor.editable().$.nodeName == 'BODY')
+						oParams.srcNodeRef = editor.document.getWindow().$.frameElement;
+					else
+						oParams.srcNodeRef = editor.editable().$;
+					// syntax : AppName.AppVersion at AppRevision
+					oParams.assocApp = 'CKEDITOR.' + CKEDITOR.version + '@' + CKEDITOR.revision;
+					oParams.customerid = config.scayt_customerid || '1:WvF0D4-UtPqN1-43nkD4-NKvUm2-daQqk3-LmNiI-z7Ysb4-mwry24-T8YrS3-Q2tpq2';
+					oParams.customDictionaryIds = config.scayt_customDictionaryIds || '';
+					oParams.userDictionaryName = config.scayt_userDictionaryName || '';
+					oParams.sLang = config.scayt_sLang || 'en_US';
+					// Introduce SCAYT onLoad callback. (#5632)
+					oParams.onLoad = function() {
+						// Draw down word marker to avoid being covered by background-color style.(#5466)
+						if ( !( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 8 ) )
+							this.addStyle( this.selectorCss(), 'padding-bottom: 2px !important;' );
+						// Call scayt_control.focus when SCAYT loaded
+						// and only if editor has focus and scayt control creates at first time (#5720)
+						if ( editor.editable().hasFocus && !plugin.isControlRestored( editor ) )
+							this.focus();
-			oParams.onBeforeChange = function()
-			{
-				if ( plugin.getScayt( editor ) && !editor.checkDirty() )
-					setTimeout( function(){ editor.resetDirty(); }, 0 );
-			};
+					};
-			var scayt_custom_params = window.scayt_custom_params;
-			if ( typeof scayt_custom_params == 'object')
-			{
-				for ( var k in scayt_custom_params )
-				{
-					oParams[ k ] = scayt_custom_params[ k ];
-				}
-			}
-			// needs for restoring a specific scayt control settings
-			if ( plugin.getControlId(editor) )
-				oParams.id = plugin.getControlId(editor);
+					oParams.onBeforeChange = function() {
+						if ( plugin.getScayt( editor ) && !editor.checkDirty() )
+							setTimeout( function() {
+							editor.resetDirty();
+						}, 0 );
+					};
-			var scayt_control = new window.scayt( oParams );
+					var scayt_custom_params = window.scayt_custom_params;
+					if ( typeof scayt_custom_params == 'object' ) {
+						for ( var k in scayt_custom_params )
+							oParams[ k ] = scayt_custom_params[ k ];
+					}
+					// needs for restoring a specific scayt control settings
+					if ( plugin.getControlId( editor ) )
+						oParams.id = plugin.getControlId( editor );
-			scayt_control.afterMarkupRemove.push( function( node )
-			{
-				( new CKEDITOR.dom.element( node, scayt_control.document ) ).mergeSiblings();
-			} );
+					var scayt_control = new window.scayt( oParams );
-			// Copy config.
-			var	lastInstance = plugin.instances[ editor.name ];
-			if ( lastInstance )
-			{
-				scayt_control.sLang = lastInstance.sLang;
-				scayt_control.option( lastInstance.option() );
-				scayt_control.paused = lastInstance.paused;
+					scayt_control.afterMarkupRemove.push( function( node ) {
+						( new CKEDITOR.dom.element( node, scayt_control.document ) ).mergeSiblings();
+					});
+					// Copy config.
+					var lastInstance = plugin.instances[ editor.name ];
+					if ( lastInstance ) {
+						scayt_control.sLang = lastInstance.sLang;
+						scayt_control.option( lastInstance.option() );
+						scayt_control.paused = lastInstance.paused;
+					}
+					plugin.instances[ editor.name ] = scayt_control;
+					try {
+						scayt_control.setDisabled( plugin.isPaused( editor ) === false );
+					} catch ( e ) {}
+					editor.fire( 'showScaytState' );
+				};
+			function bindInlineModeEvents() {
+				editor.once( 'focus', createInstance );
+				editor.once( 'blur', destroyInstance );
-			plugin.instances[ editor.name ] = scayt_control;
+			function destroyInstance( ev ) {
+				var editor = ev.editor,
+					scayt_instance = plugin.getScayt( editor ),
+					inline_mode = ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE );
-			//window.scayt.uiTags
-			var menuGroup = 'scaytButton';
-			var uiTabs = window.scayt.uiTags;
-			var fTabs  = [];
+				// SCAYT instance might already get destroyed by mode switch (#5744).
+				if ( !scayt_instance )
+					return;
-			for (var i = 0,l=4; i<l; i++)
-			    fTabs.push( uiTabs[i] && plugin.uiTabs[i] );
+				plugin.setPaused( editor, !scayt_instance.disabled );
+				// store a control id for restore a specific scayt control settings
+				plugin.setControlId( editor, scayt_instance.id );
+				scayt_instance.destroy( true );
+				delete plugin.instances[ editor.name ];
-			plugin.uiTabs = fTabs;
-			try {
-				scayt_control.setDisabled( plugin.isPaused( editor ) === false );
-			} catch (e) {}
+				if ( inline_mode ) bindInlineModeEvents();
+			}
-			editor.fire( 'showScaytState' );
-		};
+			( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ) ? bindInlineModeEvents() : editor.on( 'contentDom', createInstance );
-		editor.on( 'contentDom', createInstance );
-		editor.on( 'contentDomUnload', function()
-			{
+			editor.on( 'contentDomUnload', function() {
 				// Remove scripts.
 				var scripts = CKEDITOR.document.getElementsByTag( 'script' ),
-					scaytIdRegex =  /^dojoIoScript(\d+)$/i,
-					scaytSrcRegex =  /^https?:\/\/svc\.spellchecker\.net\/spellcheck\/script\/ssrv\.cgi/i;
+					scaytIdRegex = /^dojoIoScript(\d+)$/i,
+					scaytSrcRegex = /^https?:\/\/svc\.webspellchecker\.net\/spellcheck\/script\/ssrv\.cgi/i;
-				for ( var i=0; i < scripts.count(); i++ )
-				{
+				for ( var i = 0; i < scripts.count(); i++ ) {
 					var script = scripts.getItem( i ),
 						id = script.getId(),
 						src = script.getAttribute( 'src' );
-					if ( id && src && id.match( scaytIdRegex ) && src.match( scaytSrcRegex ))
+					if ( id && src && id.match( scaytIdRegex ) && src.match( scaytSrcRegex ) )
-		editor.on( 'beforeCommandExec', function( ev )		// Disable SCAYT before Source command execution.
+			editor.on( 'beforeCommandExec', function( ev ) // Disable SCAYT before Source command execution.
-				if ( (ev.data.name == 'source' ||  ev.data.name == 'newpage') && editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' )
-				{
-					var scayt_instance = plugin.getScayt( editor );
-					if ( scayt_instance )
-					{
-						plugin.setPaused( editor, !scayt_instance.disabled );
-						// store a control id for restore a specific scayt control settings
-						plugin.setControlId( editor, scayt_instance.id );
-						scayt_instance.destroy( true );
-						delete plugin.instances[ editor.name ];
-					}
-				}
-				// Catch on source mode switch off (#5720)
-				else if ( ev.data.name == 'source'  && editor.mode == 'source' )
+				if ( ev.data.name == 'source'  && editor.mode == 'source' )
 					plugin.markControlRestore( editor );
-		editor.on( 'afterCommandExec', function( ev )
-			{
+			editor.on( 'afterCommandExec', function( ev ) {
 				if ( !plugin.isScaytEnabled( editor ) )
 				if ( editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' && ( ev.data.name == 'undo' || ev.data.name == 'redo' ) )
-					window.setTimeout( function() { plugin.getScayt( editor ).refresh(); }, 10 );
+					window.setTimeout( function() {
+					plugin.getScayt( editor ).refresh();
+				}, 10 );
-		editor.on( 'destroy', function( ev )
-			{
-				var editor = ev.editor,
-					scayt_instance = plugin.getScayt( editor );
+			editor.on( 'destroy', destroyInstance );
-				// SCAYT instance might already get destroyed by mode switch (#5744).
-				if ( !scayt_instance )
-					return;
+			// Listen to data manipulation to reflect scayt markup.
+			editor.on( 'setData', destroyInstance );
-				delete plugin.instances[ editor.name ];
-				// store a control id for restore a specific scayt control settings
-				plugin.setControlId( editor, scayt_instance.id );
-				scayt_instance.destroy( true );
-			});
-		// Listen to data manipulation to reflect scayt markup.
-		editor.on( 'afterSetData', function()
-			{
-				if ( plugin.isScaytEnabled( editor ) ) {
-					window.setTimeout( function()
-						{
-							var instance = plugin.getScayt( editor );
-							instance && instance.refresh();
-						}, 10 );
-				}
-			});
-		// Reload spell-checking for current word after insertion completed.
-		editor.on( 'insertElement', function()
-			{
+			// Reload spell-checking for current word after insertion completed.
+			editor.on( 'insertElement', function() {
 				var scayt_instance = plugin.getScayt( editor );
-				if ( plugin.isScaytEnabled( editor ) )
-				{
+				if ( plugin.isScaytEnabled( editor ) ) {
 					// Unlock the selection before reload, SCAYT will take
 					// care selection update.
 					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
 						editor.getSelection().unlock( true );
 					// Return focus to the editor and refresh SCAYT markup (#5573).
-					window.setTimeout( function()
-					{
+					window.setTimeout( function() {
 					}, 10 );
 			}, this, null, 50 );
-		editor.on( 'insertHtml', function()
-			{
+			editor.on( 'insertHtml', function() {
 				var scayt_instance = plugin.getScayt( editor );
-				if ( plugin.isScaytEnabled( editor ) )
-				{
+				if ( plugin.isScaytEnabled( editor ) ) {
 					// Unlock the selection before reload, SCAYT will take
 					// care selection update.
 					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
@@ -217,15 +192,14 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					// Return focus to the editor (#5573)
 					// Refresh SCAYT markup
-					window.setTimeout( function()
-					{
+					window.setTimeout( function() {
 					}, 10 );
 			}, this, null, 50 );
-		editor.on( 'scaytDialog', function( ev )	// Communication with dialog.
+			editor.on( 'scaytDialog', function( ev ) // Communication with dialog.
 				ev.data.djConfig = window.djConfig;
 				ev.data.scayt_control = plugin.getScayt( editor );
@@ -233,197 +207,177 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				ev.data.scayt = window.scayt;
-		var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
-			htmlFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.htmlFilter;
+			var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
+				htmlFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.htmlFilter;
-		if ( htmlFilter )
-		{
-			htmlFilter.addRules(
-				{
-					elements :
-					{
-						span : function( element )
-						{
-							if ( element.attributes.scayt_word && element.attributes.scaytid )
-							{
-								delete element.name;	// Write children, but don't write this node.
+			if ( htmlFilter ) {
+				htmlFilter.addRules({
+					elements: {
+						span: function( element ) {
+							if ( element.attributes[ 'data-scayt_word' ] && element.attributes[ 'data-scaytid' ] ) {
+								delete element.name; // Write children, but don't write this node.
 								return element;
-				}
-			);
-		}
+				});
+			}
-		// Override Image.equals method avoid CK snapshot module to add SCAYT markup to snapshots. (#5546)
-		var undoImagePrototype = CKEDITOR.plugins.undo.Image.prototype;
-		undoImagePrototype.equals =	 CKEDITOR.tools.override( undoImagePrototype.equals, function( org )
-		{
-			return function( otherImage )
-			{
-				var thisContents = this.contents,
-					otherContents = otherImage.contents;
-				var scayt_instance = plugin.getScayt( this.editor );
-				// Making the comparison based on content without SCAYT word markers.
-				if ( scayt_instance && plugin.isScaytReady( this.editor ) )
-				{
-					// scayt::reset might return value undefined. (#5742)
-					this.contents = scayt_instance.reset( thisContents ) || '';
-					otherImage.contents = scayt_instance.reset( otherContents ) || '';
-				}
+			// Override Image.equals method avoid CK snapshot module to add SCAYT markup to snapshots. (#5546)
+			var undoImagePrototype = CKEDITOR.plugins.undo.Image.prototype;
+			undoImagePrototype.equals = CKEDITOR.tools.override( undoImagePrototype.equals, function( org ) {
+				return function( otherImage ) {
+					var thisContents = this.contents,
+						otherContents = otherImage.contents;
+					var scayt_instance = plugin.getScayt( this.editor );
+					// Making the comparison based on content without SCAYT word markers.
+					if ( scayt_instance && plugin.isScaytReady( this.editor ) ) {
+						// scayt::reset might return value undefined. (#5742)
+						this.contents = scayt_instance.reset( thisContents ) || '';
+						otherImage.contents = scayt_instance.reset( otherContents ) || '';
+					}
-				var retval = org.apply( this, arguments );
+					var retval = org.apply( this, arguments );
-				this.contents = thisContents;
-				otherImage.contents = otherContents;
-				return retval;
-			};
-		});
+					this.contents = thisContents;
+					otherImage.contents = otherContents;
+					return retval;
+				};
+			});
-		if ( editor.document )
-			createInstance();
-	};
+		   if(editor.document && (editor.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE || editor.focusManager.hasFocus)){
+				createInstance();
+		   }
+		};
-CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt =
-	{
-		engineLoaded : false,
-		instances : {},
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt = {
+		engineLoaded: false,
+		instances: {},
 		// Data storage for SCAYT control, based on editor instances
-		controlInfo : {},
-		setControlInfo : function( editor, o )
-		{
-			if ( editor && editor.name && typeof ( this.controlInfo[ editor.name ] ) != 'object' )
+		controlInfo: {},
+		setControlInfo: function( editor, o ) {
+			if ( editor && editor.name && typeof( this.controlInfo[ editor.name ] ) != 'object' )
 				this.controlInfo[ editor.name ] = {};
 			for ( var infoOpt in o )
 				this.controlInfo[ editor.name ][ infoOpt ] = o[ infoOpt ];
-		isControlRestored : function ( editor )
-		{
-			if ( editor &&
-					editor.name &&
-					this.controlInfo[ editor.name ] )
-			{
-				return this.controlInfo[ editor.name ].restored ;
+		isControlRestored: function( editor ) {
+			if ( editor && editor.name && this.controlInfo[ editor.name ] ) {
+				return this.controlInfo[ editor.name ].restored;
 			return false;
-		markControlRestore : function ( editor )
-		{
-			this.setControlInfo( editor,{ restored:true } );
+		markControlRestore: function( editor ) {
+			this.setControlInfo( editor, { restored: true } );
-		setControlId: function (editor, id)
-		{
-			this.setControlInfo( editor,{ id:id } );
+		setControlId: function( editor, id ) {
+			this.setControlInfo( editor, { id: id } );
-		getControlId: function (editor)
-		{
-			if ( editor &&
-					editor.name &&
-					this.controlInfo[ editor.name ] &&
-					this.controlInfo[ editor.name ].id )
-			{
+		getControlId: function( editor ) {
+			if ( editor && editor.name && this.controlInfo[ editor.name ] && this.controlInfo[ editor.name ].id ) {
 				return this.controlInfo[ editor.name ].id;
 			return null;
-		setPaused: function ( editor , bool )
-		{
-			this.setControlInfo( editor,{ paused:bool } );
+		setPaused: function( editor, bool ) {
+			this.setControlInfo( editor, { paused: bool } );
-		isPaused: function (editor)
-		{
-			if ( editor &&
-					editor.name &&
-					this.controlInfo[editor.name] )
-			{
-				return this.controlInfo[editor.name].paused ;
+		isPaused: function( editor ) {
+			if ( editor && editor.name && this.controlInfo[ editor.name ] ) {
+				return this.controlInfo[ editor.name ].paused;
 			return undefined;
-		getScayt : function( editor )
-		{
+		getScayt: function( editor ) {
 			return this.instances[ editor.name ];
-		isScaytReady : function( editor )
-		{
-			return this.engineLoaded === true &&
-				'undefined' !== typeof window.scayt && this.getScayt( editor );
+		isScaytReady: function( editor ) {
+			return this.engineLoaded === true && 'undefined' !== typeof window.scayt && this.getScayt( editor );
-		isScaytEnabled : function( editor )
-		{
+		isScaytEnabled: function( editor ) {
 			var scayt_instance = this.getScayt( editor );
 			return ( scayt_instance ) ? scayt_instance.disabled === false : false;
-		loadEngine : function( editor )
-		{
-			// SCAYT doesn't work with Firefox2, Opera.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 || CKEDITOR.env.opera )
+		getUiTabs: function( editor ) {
+			var uiTabs = [];
+			// read UI tabs value from config
+			var configUiTabs = editor.config.scayt_uiTabs || "1,1,1";
+			// convert string to array
+			configUiTabs = configUiTabs.split( ',' );
+			// "About us" should be always shown for standard config
+			configUiTabs[ 3 ] = "1";
+			for ( var i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
+				uiTabs[ i ] = ( typeof window.scayt != "undefined" && typeof window.scayt.uiTags != "undefined" ) ? ( parseInt( configUiTabs[ i ], 10 ) && window.scayt.uiTags[ i ] ) : parseInt( configUiTabs[ i ], 10 );
+			}
+			if(typeof editor.plugins.wsc == "object")
+				uiTabs.push(1);
+			else
+				uiTabs.push(0);
+			return uiTabs;
+		},
+		loadEngine: function( editor ) {
+			// SCAYT doesn't work with Firefox2, Opera and AIR.
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 || CKEDITOR.env.opera || CKEDITOR.env.air )
 				return editor.fire( 'showScaytState' );
 			if ( this.engineLoaded === true )
-				return onEngineLoad.apply( editor );	// Add new instance.
-			else if ( this.engineLoaded == -1 )			// We are waiting.
-				return CKEDITOR.on( 'scaytReady', function(){ onEngineLoad.apply( editor ); } );	// Use function(){} to avoid rejection as duplicate.
+				return onEngineLoad.apply( editor ); // Add new instance.
+			else if ( this.engineLoaded == -1 ) // We are waiting.
+			return CKEDITOR.on( 'scaytReady', function() {
+				onEngineLoad.apply( editor );
+			}); // Use function(){} to avoid rejection as duplicate.
 			CKEDITOR.on( 'scaytReady', onEngineLoad, editor );
-			CKEDITOR.on( 'scaytReady', function()
-				{
-					this.engineLoaded = true;
-				},
-				this,
-				null,
-				0
-			);	// First to run.
+			CKEDITOR.on( 'scaytReady', function() {
+				this.engineLoaded = true;
+			}, this, null, 0 ); // First to run.
-			this.engineLoaded = -1;	// Loading in progress.
+			this.engineLoaded = -1; // Loading in progress.
 			// compose scayt url
 			var protocol = document.location.protocol;
 			// Default to 'http' for unknown.
-			protocol = protocol.search( /https?:/) != -1? protocol : 'http:';
-			var baseUrl  = 'svc.spellchecker.net/scayt25/loader__base.js';
+			protocol = protocol.search( /https?:/ ) != -1 ? protocol : 'http:';
+			var baseUrl = 'svc.webspellchecker.net/scayt26/loader__base.js';
-			var scaytUrl  =  editor.config.scayt_srcUrl || ( protocol + '//' + baseUrl );
-			var scaytConfigBaseUrl =  plugin.parseUrl( scaytUrl ).path +  '/';
+			var scaytUrl = editor.config.scayt_srcUrl || ( protocol + '//' + baseUrl );
+			var scaytConfigBaseUrl = plugin.parseUrl( scaytUrl ).path + '/';
-			if( window.scayt == undefined )
-			{
-				CKEDITOR._djScaytConfig =
-				{
+			if ( window.scayt == undefined ) {
+				CKEDITOR._djScaytConfig = {
 					baseUrl: scaytConfigBaseUrl,
-					addOnLoad:
-					[
+					addOnLoad: [
-							CKEDITOR.fireOnce( 'scaytReady' );
-						}
+						CKEDITOR.fireOnce( 'scaytReady' );
+					}
 					isDebug: false
 				// Append javascript code.
-				CKEDITOR.document.getHead().append(
-					CKEDITOR.document.createElement( 'script',
-						{
-							attributes :
-								{
-									type : 'text/javascript',
-									async : 'true',
-									src : scaytUrl
-								}
-						})
-				);
-			}
-			else
+				CKEDITOR.document.getHead().append( CKEDITOR.document.createElement( 'script', {
+					attributes: {
+						type: 'text/javascript',
+						async: 'true',
+						src: scaytUrl
+					}
+				}));
+			} else
 				CKEDITOR.fireOnce( 'scaytReady' );
 			return null;
-		parseUrl : function ( data )
-		{
+		parseUrl: function( data ) {
 			var match;
-			if ( data.match && ( match = data.match(/(.*)[\/\\](.*?\.\w+)$/) ) )
-				return { path: match[1], file: match[2] };
+			if ( data.match && ( match = data.match( /(.*)[\/\\](.*?\.\w+)$/ ) ) )
+				return { path: match[ 1 ], file: match[ 2 ] };
 				return data;
@@ -432,29 +386,25 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt =
 	var plugin = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt;
 	// Context menu constructing.
-	var addButtonCommand = function( editor, buttonName, buttonLabel, commandName, command, menugroup, menuOrder )
-	{
-		editor.addCommand( commandName, command );
-		// If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu item.
-		editor.addMenuItem( commandName,
-			{
-				label : buttonLabel,
-				command : commandName,
-				group : menugroup,
-				order : menuOrder
+	var addButtonCommand = function( editor, buttonName, buttonLabel, commandName, command, menugroup, menuOrder ) {
+			editor.addCommand( commandName, command );
+			// If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu item.
+			editor.addMenuItem( commandName, {
+				label: buttonLabel,
+				command: commandName,
+				group: menugroup,
+				order: menuOrder
-	};
+		};
-	var commandDefinition =
-	{
-		preserveState : true,
-		editorFocus : false,
+	var commandDefinition = {
+		preserveState: true,
+		editorFocus: false,
+		canUndo: false,
-		exec: function( editor )
-		{
-			if ( plugin.isScaytReady( editor ) )
-			{
+		exec: function( editor ) {
+			if ( plugin.isScaytReady( editor ) ) {
 				var isEnabled = plugin.isScaytEnabled( editor );
 				this.setState( isEnabled ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
@@ -466,11 +416,11 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt =
 				//   scayt_control.focus();
 				// now focus is set certainly
-				scayt_control.focus( );
+				scayt_control.focus();
 				scayt_control.setDisabled( isEnabled );
-			}
-			else if ( !editor.config.scayt_autoStartup && plugin.engineLoaded >= 0 )	// Load first time
+			} else if ( !editor.config.scayt_autoStartup && plugin.engineLoaded >= 0 ) // Load first time
+				editor.focus();
 				plugin.loadEngine( editor );
@@ -478,181 +428,190 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt =
 	// Add scayt plugin.
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'scayt',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'menubutton' ],
-		beforeInit : function( editor )
-		{
-			var items_order = editor.config.scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder
-					|| 'suggest|moresuggest|control',
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'scayt', {
+		requires: 'menubutton,dialog',
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'scayt', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		beforeInit: function( editor ) {
+			var items_order = editor.config.scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder || 'suggest|moresuggest|control',
 				items_order_str = "";
 			items_order = items_order.split( '|' );
-			if ( items_order && items_order.length )
-			{
-				for ( var pos in items_order )
+			if ( items_order && items_order.length ) {
+				for ( var pos = 0; pos < items_order.length; pos++ )
 					items_order_str += 'scayt_' + items_order[ pos ] + ( items_order.length != parseInt( pos, 10 ) + 1 ? ',' : '' );
 			// Put it on top of all context menu items (#5717)
-			editor.config.menu_groups =  items_order_str + ',' + editor.config.menu_groups;
+			editor.config.menu_groups = items_order_str + ',' + editor.config.menu_groups;
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			var moreSuggestions = {};
-			var mainSuggestions = {};
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			// Delete span[data-scaytid] when text pasting in editor (#6921)
+			var dataFilter = editor.dataProcessor && editor.dataProcessor.dataFilter;
+			var dataFilterRules = {
+				elements: {
+					span: function( element ) {
+						var attrs = element.attributes;
+						if ( attrs && attrs[ 'data-scaytid' ] )
+							delete element.name;
+					}
+				}
+			};
+			dataFilter && dataFilter.addRules( dataFilterRules );
+			var moreSuggestions = {},
+				mainSuggestions = {};
 			// Scayt command.
 			var command = editor.addCommand( commandName, commandDefinition );
 			// Add Options dialog.
 			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( commandName, CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'dialogs/options.js' ) );
-			// read ui tags
-			var confuiTabs = editor.config.scayt_uiTabs || '1,1,1';
-			var uiTabs =[];
-			// string to array convert
-			confuiTabs = confuiTabs.split( ',' );
-			// check array length ! always must be 3 filled with 1 or 0
-			for (var i=0,l=3; i<l; i++)
-			{
-				var flag = parseInt(confuiTabs[i] || '1' ,10);
-				uiTabs.push( flag );
-			}
+			var uiTabs = plugin.getUiTabs( editor );
 			var menuGroup = 'scaytButton';
 			editor.addMenuGroup( menuGroup );
+			// Temporary hack - place scayt's groups at the beginning of the context menu.
+			editor.addMenuGroup( 'scayt_suggest', -10 );
+			editor.addMenuGroup( 'scayt_moresuggest', -9 );
+			editor.addMenuGroup( 'scayt_control', -8 );
 			// combine menu items to render
-			var uiMuneItems = {};
+			var uiMenuItems = {};
+			var lang = editor.lang.scayt;
 			// always added
-			uiMuneItems.scaytToggle =
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.scayt.enable,
-					command : commandName,
-					group : menuGroup
-				};
+			uiMenuItems.scaytToggle = {
+				label: lang.enable,
+				command: commandName,
+				group: menuGroup
+			};
-			if (uiTabs[0] == 1)
-				uiMuneItems.scaytOptions =
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.scayt.options,
-					group : menuGroup,
-					onClick : function()
-					{
-						openPage = 'options';
-						editor.openDialog( commandName );
-					}
-				};
+			if ( uiTabs[ 0 ] == 1 )
+				uiMenuItems.scaytOptions = {
+				label: lang.options,
+				group: menuGroup,
+				onClick: function() {
+					openPage = 'options';
+					editor.openDialog( commandName );
+				}
+			};
-			if (uiTabs[1] == 1)
-				uiMuneItems.scaytLangs =
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.scayt.langs,
-					group : menuGroup,
-					onClick : function()
-					{
-						openPage = 'langs';
-						editor.openDialog( commandName );
-					}
-				};
-			if (uiTabs[2] == 1)
-				uiMuneItems.scaytDict =
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.scayt.dictionariesTab,
-					group : menuGroup,
-					onClick : function()
-					{
-						openPage = 'dictionaries';
-						editor.openDialog( commandName );
-					}
-				};
+			if ( uiTabs[ 1 ] == 1 )
+				uiMenuItems.scaytLangs = {
+				label: lang.langs,
+				group: menuGroup,
+				onClick: function() {
+					openPage = 'langs';
+					editor.openDialog( commandName );
+				}
+			};
+			if ( uiTabs[ 2 ] == 1 )
+				uiMenuItems.scaytDict = {
+				label: lang.dictionariesTab,
+				group: menuGroup,
+				onClick: function() {
+					openPage = 'dictionaries';
+					editor.openDialog( commandName );
+				}
+			};
 			// always added
-			uiMuneItems.scaytAbout =
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.scayt.about,
-					group : menuGroup,
-					onClick : function()
-					{
-						openPage = 'about';
-						editor.openDialog( commandName );
-					}
+			uiMenuItems.scaytAbout = {
+				label: editor.lang.scayt.about,
+				group: menuGroup,
+				onClick: function() {
+					openPage = 'about';
+					editor.openDialog( commandName );
-			;
+			};
-			uiTabs[3] = 1; // about us tab is always on
-			plugin.uiTabs = uiTabs;
+			if ( uiTabs[4] == 1 )
+				uiMenuItems.scaytWSC =	{
+						label : editor.lang.wsc.toolbar,
+						group : menuGroup,
+						command : wscCommandName
+				};
-			editor.addMenuItems( uiMuneItems );
+			editor.addMenuItems( uiMenuItems );
+			editor.ui.add( 'Scayt', CKEDITOR.UI_MENUBUTTON, {
+				label: lang.title,
+				title: CKEDITOR.env.opera ? lang.opera_title : lang.title,
+				modes: { wysiwyg:1 },
+				toolbar: 'spellchecker,20',
+				onRender: function() {
+					command.on( 'state', function() {
+						this.setState( command.state );
+					}, this );
+				},
+				onMenu: function() {
+					var isEnabled = plugin.isScaytEnabled( editor );
-				editor.ui.add( 'Scayt', CKEDITOR.UI_MENUBUTTON,
-					{
-						label : editor.lang.scayt.title,
-						title : CKEDITOR.env.opera ? editor.lang.scayt.opera_title : editor.lang.scayt.title,
-						className : 'cke_button_scayt',
-						onRender: function()
-						{
-							command.on( 'state', function()
-							{
-								this.setState( command.state );
-							},
-							this);
-						},
-						onMenu : function()
-						{
-							var isEnabled = plugin.isScaytEnabled( editor );
+					editor.getMenuItem( 'scaytToggle' ).label = lang[ isEnabled ? 'disable' : 'enable' ];
-							editor.getMenuItem( 'scaytToggle' ).label = editor.lang.scayt[ isEnabled ? 'disable' : 'enable' ];
+					var uiTabs = plugin.getUiTabs( editor );
-							return {
-								scaytToggle  : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
-								scaytOptions : isEnabled && plugin.uiTabs[0] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
-								scaytLangs   : isEnabled && plugin.uiTabs[1] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
-								scaytDict    : isEnabled && plugin.uiTabs[2] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
-								scaytAbout   : isEnabled && plugin.uiTabs[3] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED
-							};
-						}
-					});
+					return {
+						scaytToggle: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
+						scaytOptions: isEnabled && uiTabs[ 0 ] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
+						scaytLangs: isEnabled && uiTabs[ 1 ] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
+						scaytDict: isEnabled && uiTabs[ 2 ] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
+						scaytAbout: isEnabled && uiTabs[ 3 ] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
+					};
+				}
+			});
 			// If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners.
-			if ( editor.contextMenu && editor.addMenuItems )
-			{
-				editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection )
-					{
-						if ( !plugin.isScaytEnabled( editor )
-								|| selection.getCommonAncestor().isReadOnly() )
-							return null;
-						var scayt_control = plugin.getScayt( editor ),
-							node = scayt_control.getScaytNode();
-						if ( !node )
-							return null;
-							var word = scayt_control.getWord( node );
-						if ( !word )
-							return null;
-						var sLang = scayt_control.getLang(),
-							_r = {},
-							items_suggestion = window.scayt.getSuggestion( word, sLang );
-						if ( !items_suggestion || !items_suggestion.length )
-							return null;
-						// Remove unused commands and menuitems
-						for ( i in moreSuggestions )
-						{
-							delete editor._.menuItems[ i ];
-							delete editor._.commands[ i ];
-						}
-						for ( i in mainSuggestions )
-						{
-							delete editor._.menuItems[ i ];
-							delete editor._.commands[ i ];
-						}
-						moreSuggestions = {};		// Reset items.
+			if ( editor.contextMenu && editor.addMenuItems ) {
+				editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection ) {
+					if ( !plugin.isScaytEnabled( editor ) || selection.getRanges()[ 0 ].checkReadOnly() )
+						return null;
+					var scayt_control = plugin.getScayt( editor ),
+						node = scayt_control.getScaytNode();
+					if ( !node )
+						return null;
+					var word = scayt_control.getWord( node );
+					if ( !word )
+						return null;
+					var sLang = scayt_control.getLang(),
+						_r = {}, contextCommands = editor.config.scayt_contextCommands || 'all',
+						items_suggestion = window.scayt.getSuggestion( word, sLang );
+					contextCommands = contextCommands.split( '|' );
+					// Remove unused commands and menuitems
+					for ( var m in moreSuggestions ) {
+						delete editor._.menuItems[ m ];
+						delete editor.commands[ m ];
+					}
+					for ( m in mainSuggestions ) {
+						delete editor._.menuItems[ m ];
+						delete editor.commands[ m ];
+					}
+					if ( !items_suggestion || !items_suggestion.length ){
+							var no_sugg = {
+								exec: function() {}
+							};
+							addButtonCommand( editor, 'no_sugg', lang.noSuggestions, 'scayt_no_sugg', no_sugg, 'scayt_control', 1, true );
+							mainSuggestions[ 'scayt_no_sugg' ] = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
+					}else{
+						// Reset items.
+						moreSuggestions = {};
 						mainSuggestions = {};
 						var moreSuggestionsUnable = editor.config.scayt_moreSuggestions || 'on';
@@ -662,133 +621,105 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt =
 						( typeof maxSuggestions != 'number' ) && ( maxSuggestions = 5 );
 						!maxSuggestions && ( maxSuggestions = items_suggestion.length );
-						var contextCommands = editor.config.scayt_contextCommands || 'all';
-						contextCommands = contextCommands.split( '|' );
-						for ( var i = 0, l = items_suggestion.length; i < l; i += 1 )
-						{
-							var commandName = 'scayt_suggestion_' + items_suggestion[i].replace( ' ', '_' );
-							var exec = ( function( el, s )
-								{
-									return {
-										exec: function()
-										{
-											scayt_control.replace(el, s);
-										}
-									};
-								})( node, items_suggestion[i] );
-							if ( i < maxSuggestions )
-							{
-								addButtonCommand( editor, 'button_' + commandName, items_suggestion[i],
-									commandName, exec, 'scayt_suggest', i + 1 );
+						for ( var i = 0, l = items_suggestion.length; i < l; i += 1 ) {
+							var commandName = 'scayt_suggestion_' + items_suggestion[ i ].replace( ' ', '_' );
+							var exec = (function( el, s ) {
+								return {
+									exec: function() {
+										scayt_control.replace( el, s );
+									}
+								};
+							})( node, items_suggestion[ i ] );
+							if ( i < maxSuggestions ) {
+								addButtonCommand( editor, 'button_' + commandName, items_suggestion[ i ], commandName, exec, 'scayt_suggest', i + 1 );
 								_r[ commandName ] = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
 								mainSuggestions[ commandName ] = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
-							}
-							else if ( moreSuggestionsUnable == 'on' )
-							{
-								addButtonCommand( editor, 'button_' + commandName, items_suggestion[i],
-									commandName, exec, 'scayt_moresuggest', i + 1 );
+							} else if ( moreSuggestionsUnable == 'on' ) {
+								addButtonCommand( editor, 'button_' + commandName, items_suggestion[ i ], commandName, exec, 'scayt_moresuggest', i + 1 );
 								moreSuggestions[ commandName ] = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
 								moreSuggestionsUnableAdded = true;
-						if ( moreSuggestionsUnableAdded )
-						{
+						if ( moreSuggestionsUnableAdded ) {
 							// Register the More suggestions group;
-							editor.addMenuItem( 'scayt_moresuggest',
-							{
-								label : editor.lang.scayt.moreSuggestions,
-								group : 'scayt_moresuggest',
-								order : 10,
-								getItems : function()
-								{
+							editor.addMenuItem( 'scayt_moresuggest', {
+								label: lang.moreSuggestions,
+								group: 'scayt_moresuggest',
+								order: 10,
+								getItems: function() {
 									return moreSuggestions;
 							mainSuggestions[ 'scayt_moresuggest' ] = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
+					}
-						if ( in_array( 'all', contextCommands )  || in_array( 'ignore', contextCommands)  )
-						{
-							var ignore_command = {
-								exec: function(){
-									scayt_control.ignore( node );
-								}
-							};
-							addButtonCommand( editor, 'ignore', editor.lang.scayt.ignore, 'scayt_ignore', ignore_command, 'scayt_control', 1 );
-							mainSuggestions[ 'scayt_ignore' ] = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
-						}
+					if ( in_array( 'all', contextCommands ) || in_array( 'ignore', contextCommands ) ) {
+						var ignore_command = {
+							exec: function() {
+								scayt_control.ignore( node );
+							}
+						};
+						addButtonCommand( editor, 'ignore', lang.ignore, 'scayt_ignore', ignore_command, 'scayt_control', 2 );
+						mainSuggestions[ 'scayt_ignore' ] = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
+					}
-						if ( in_array( 'all', contextCommands )  || in_array( 'ignoreall', contextCommands ) )
-						{
-							var ignore_all_command = {
-								exec: function(){
-									scayt_control.ignoreAll( node );
-								}
-							};
-							addButtonCommand(editor, 'ignore_all', editor.lang.scayt.ignoreAll, 'scayt_ignore_all', ignore_all_command, 'scayt_control', 2);
-							mainSuggestions['scayt_ignore_all'] = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
-						}
+					if ( in_array( 'all', contextCommands ) || in_array( 'ignoreall', contextCommands ) ) {
+						var ignore_all_command = {
+							exec: function() {
+								scayt_control.ignoreAll( node );
+							}
+						};
+						addButtonCommand( editor, 'ignore_all', lang.ignoreAll, 'scayt_ignore_all', ignore_all_command, 'scayt_control', 3 );
+						mainSuggestions[ 'scayt_ignore_all' ] = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
+					}
-						if ( in_array( 'all', contextCommands )  || in_array( 'add', contextCommands ) )
-						{
-							var addword_command = {
-								exec: function(){
-									window.scayt.addWordToUserDictionary( node );
-								}
-							};
-							addButtonCommand(editor, 'add_word', editor.lang.scayt.addWord, 'scayt_add_word', addword_command, 'scayt_control', 3);
-							mainSuggestions['scayt_add_word'] = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
-						}
+					if ( in_array( 'all', contextCommands ) || in_array( 'add', contextCommands ) ) {
+						var addword_command = {
+							exec: function() {
+								window.scayt.addWordToUserDictionary( node );
+							}
+						};
+						addButtonCommand( editor, 'add_word', lang.addWord, 'scayt_add_word', addword_command, 'scayt_control', 4 );
+						mainSuggestions[ 'scayt_add_word' ] = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
+					}
-						if ( scayt_control.fireOnContextMenu )
-							scayt_control.fireOnContextMenu( editor );
+					if ( scayt_control.fireOnContextMenu )
+						scayt_control.fireOnContextMenu( editor );
-						return mainSuggestions;
-					});
+					return mainSuggestions;
+				});
-			var showInitialState = function()
-				{
-					editor.removeListener( 'showScaytState', showInitialState );
-					if ( !CKEDITOR.env.opera )
-						command.setState( plugin.isScaytEnabled( editor ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
-					else
+			var showInitialState = function( evt ) {
+					evt.removeListener();
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera || CKEDITOR.env.air )
 						command.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
+					else
+						command.setState( plugin.isScaytEnabled( editor ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
 			editor.on( 'showScaytState', showInitialState );
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera )
-			{
-				editor.on( 'instanceReady', function()
-				{
-					showInitialState();
-				});
-			}
+			editor.on( 'instanceReady', showInitialState );
 			// Start plugin
-			if ( editor.config.scayt_autoStartup )
-			{
-				editor.on( 'instanceReady', function()
-				{
+			if ( editor.config.scayt_autoStartup ) {
+				editor.on( 'instanceReady', function() {
 					plugin.loadEngine( editor );
-		afterInit : function( editor )
-		{
+		afterInit: function( editor ) {
 			// Prevent word marker line from displaying in elements path and been removed when cleaning format. (#3570) (#4125)
 			var elementsPathFilters,
-					scaytFilter = function( element )
-					{
-						if ( element.hasAttribute( 'scaytid' ) )
-							return false;
-					};
+				scaytFilter = function( element ) {
+					if ( element.hasAttribute( 'data-scaytid' ) )
+						return false;
+				};
 			if ( editor._.elementsPath && ( elementsPathFilters = editor._.elementsPath.filters ) )
 				elementsPathFilters.push( scaytFilter );
@@ -800,144 +731,154 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt =
- * If enabled (true), turns on SCAYT automatically after loading the editor.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.scayt_autoStartup
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- * @example
- * config.scayt_autoStartup = true;
+ * If enabled (set to `true`), turns on SCAYT automatically
+ * after loading the editor.
+ *
+ *		config.scayt_autoStartup = true;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [scayt_autoStartup=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
  * Defines the number of SCAYT suggestions to show in the main context menu.
- * The possible values are:
- * <ul>
- *	<li>0 (zero): All suggestions are displayed in the main context menu.</li>
- *	<li>Positive number: The maximum number of suggestions to shown in context
- *		menu. Other entries will be shown in "More Suggestions" sub-menu.</li>
- *	<li>Negative number: No suggestions are shown in the main context menu. All
- *		entries will be listed in the "Suggestions" sub-menu.</li>
- * </ul>
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.scayt_maxSuggestions
- * @type Number
- * @default 5
- * @example
- * // Display only three suggestions in the main context menu.
- * config.scayt_maxSuggestions = 3;
- * @example
- * // Do not show the suggestions directly.
- * config.scayt_maxSuggestions = -1;
+ * Possible values are:
+ *
+ * * `0` (zero) – All suggestions are displayed in the main context menu.
+ * * Positive number – The maximum number of suggestions to show in the context
+ *     menu. Other entries will be shown in the "More Suggestions" sub-menu.
+ * * Negative number – No suggestions are shown in the main context menu. All
+ *     entries will be listed in the the "Suggestions" sub-menu.
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ *
+ *		// Display only three suggestions in the main context menu.
+ *		config.scayt_maxSuggestions = 3;
+ *
+ *		// Do not show the suggestions directly.
+ *		config.scayt_maxSuggestions = -1;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [scayt_maxSuggestions=5]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * Sets the customer ID for SCAYT. Required for migration from free version
- * with banner to paid version.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.scayt_customerid
- * @type String
- * @default ''
+ * Sets the customer ID for SCAYT. Required for migration from free,
+ * ad-supported version to paid, ad-free version.
+ *
+ *		// Load SCAYT using my customer ID.
+ *		config.scayt_customerid  = 'your-encrypted-customer-id';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [scayt_customerid='']
  * @example
- * // Load SCAYT using my customer ID.
- * config.scayt_customerid  = 'your-encrypted-customer-id';
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
  * Enables/disables the "More Suggestions" sub-menu in the context menu.
- * The possible values are "on" or "off".
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.scayt_moreSuggestions
- * @type String
- * @default 'on'
- * @example
- * // Disables the "More Suggestions" sub-menu.
- * config.scayt_moreSuggestions = 'off';
+ * Possible values are `'on'` and `'off'`.
+ *
+ *		// Disables the "More Suggestions" sub-menu.
+ *		config.scayt_moreSuggestions = 'off';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [scayt_moreSuggestions='on']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
  * Customizes the display of SCAYT context menu commands ("Add Word", "Ignore"
- * and "Ignore All"). It must be a string with one or more of the following
- * words separated by a pipe ("|"):
- * <ul>
- *	<li>"off": disables all options.</li>
- *	<li>"all": enables all options.</li>
- *	<li>"ignore": enables the "Ignore" option.</li>
- *	<li>"ignoreall": enables the "Ignore All" option.</li>
- *	<li>"add": enables the "Add Word" option.</li>
- * </ul>
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.scayt_contextCommands
- * @type String
- * @default 'all'
- * @example
- * // Show only "Add Word" and "Ignore All" in the context menu.
- * config.scayt_contextCommands = 'add|ignoreall';
+ * and "Ignore All"). This must be a string with one or more of the following
+ * words separated by a pipe character (`'|'`):
+ *
+ * * `off` – disables all options.
+ * * `all` – enables all options.
+ * * `ignore` – enables the "Ignore" option.
+ * * `ignoreall` – enables the "Ignore All" option.
+ * * `add` – enables the "Add Word" option.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ *		// Show only "Add Word" and "Ignore All" in the context menu.
+ *		config.scayt_contextCommands = 'add|ignoreall';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [scayt_contextCommands='all']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * Sets the default spellchecking language for SCAYT.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.scayt_sLang
- * @type String
- * @default 'en_US'
- * @example
- * // Sets SCAYT to German.
- * config.scayt_sLang = 'de_DE';
+ * Sets the default spell checking language for SCAYT. Possible values are:
+ * `'en_US'`, `'en_GB'`, `'pt_BR'`, `'da_DK'`,
+ * `'nl_NL'`, `'en_CA'`, `'fi_FI'`, `'fr_FR'`,
+ * `'fr_CA'`, `'de_DE'`, `'el_GR'`, `'it_IT'`,
+ * `'nb_NO'`, `'pt_PT'`, `'es_ES'`, `'sv_SE'`.
+ *
+ *		// Sets SCAYT to German.
+ *		config.scayt_sLang = 'de_DE';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [scayt_sLang='en_US']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * Sets the visibility of the SCAYT tabs in the settings dialog and toolbar
- * button. The value must contain a "1" (enabled) or "0" (disabled) number for
- * each of the following entries, in this precise order, separated by a
- * comma (","): "Options", "Languages" and "Dictionary".
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.scayt_uiTabs
- * @type String
- * @default '1,1,1'
- * @example
- * // Hide the "Languages" tab.
- * config.scayt_uiTabs = '1,0,1';
+ * Sets the visibility of particular tabs in the SCAYT dialog window and toolbar
+ * button. This setting must contain a `1` (enabled) or `0`
+ * (disabled) value for each of the following entries, in this precise order,
+ * separated by a comma (`','`): `'Options'`, `'Languages'`, and `'Dictionary'`.
+ *
+ *		// Hides the "Languages" tab.
+ *		config.scayt_uiTabs = '1,0,1';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [scayt_uiTabs='1,1,1']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * Set the URL to SCAYT core. Required to switch to licensed version of SCAYT application.
- * Further details at http://wiki.spellchecker.net/doku.php?id=3rd:wysiwyg:fckeditor:wscckf3l .
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.scayt_srcUrl
- * @type String
- * @default ''
- * @example
- * config.scayt_srcUrl = "http://my-host/spellcheck/lf/scayt/scayt.js";
+ * Sets the URL to SCAYT core. Required to switch to the licensed version of SCAYT application.
+ *
+ * Further details available at [http://wiki.webspellchecker.net/doku.php?id=migration:hosredfreetolicensedck](http://wiki.webspellchecker.net/doku.php?id=migration:hosredfreetolicensedck)
+ *
+ *		config.scayt_srcUrl = "http://my-host/spellcheck/lf/scayt/scayt.js";
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [scayt_srcUrl='']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * Links SCAYT to custom dictionaries. It's a string containing dictionary ids
- * separared by commas (","). Available only for licensed version.
- * Further details at http://wiki.spellchecker.net/doku.php?id=custom_dictionary_support .
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.scayt_customDictionaryIds
- * @type String
- * @default ''
- * @example
- * config.scayt_customDictionaryIds = '3021,3456,3478"';
+ * Links SCAYT to custom dictionaries. This is a string containing dictionary IDs
+ * separared by commas (`','`). Available only for the licensed version.
+ *
+ * Further details at [http://wiki.webspellchecker.net/doku.php?id=installationandconfiguration:customdictionaries:licensed](http://wiki.webspellchecker.net/doku.php?id=installationandconfiguration:customdictionaries:licensed)
+ *
+ *		config.scayt_customDictionaryIds = '3021,3456,3478"';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [scayt_customDictionaryIds='']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * Makes it possible to activate a custom dictionary on SCAYT. The user
- * dictionary name must be used. Available only for licensed version.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.scayt_userDictionaryName
- * @type String
- * @default ''
- * @example
- * config.scayt_userDictionaryName = 'MyDictionary';
+ * Makes it possible to activate a custom dictionary in SCAYT. The user
+ * dictionary name must be used. Available only for the licensed version.
+ *
+ *		config.scayt_userDictionaryName = 'MyDictionary';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [scayt_userDictionaryName='']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
- * Define order of placing of SCAYT context menu items by groups.
- * It must be a string with one or more of the following
- * words separated by a pipe ("|"):
- * <ul>
- *     <li>'suggest'     - main suggestion word list,</li>
- *     <li>'moresuggest' - more suggestions word list,</li>
- *     <li>'control'     - SCAYT commands, such as 'Ignore' and 'Add Word'</li>
- * </ul>
+ * Defines the order SCAYT context menu items by groups.
+ * This must be a string with one or more of the following
+ * words separated by a pipe character (`'|'`):
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder
- * @type String
- * @default 'suggest|moresuggest|control'
- * @example
- * config.scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder = 'moresuggest|control|suggest';
+ * * `suggest` – main suggestion word list,
+ * * `moresuggest` – more suggestions word list,
+ * * `control` – SCAYT commands, such as "Ignore" and "Add Word".
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ *		config.scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder = 'moresuggest|control|suggest';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder='suggest|moresuggest|control']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/icons/selectall.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/icons/selectall.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a9babe
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/icons/selectall.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab8dea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'af', {
+	toolbar: 'Selekteer alles'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c331d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'ar', {
+	toolbar: 'تحديد الكل'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a228492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'bg', {
+	toolbar: 'Избери всичко'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fbe219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'bn', {
+	toolbar: 'সব সিলেক্ট কর'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eee1207
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'bs', {
+	toolbar: 'Selektuj sve'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..134ce95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Selecciona-ho tot'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b19554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'cs', {
+	toolbar: 'Vybrat vše'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a5505e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'cy', {
+	toolbar: 'Dewis Popeth'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe163db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'da', {
+	toolbar: 'Vælg alt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d3291e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'de', {
+	toolbar: 'Alles auswählen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..741a570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'el', {
+	toolbar: 'Επιλογή όλων'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02abc7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'en-au', {
+	toolbar: 'Select All'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73a37a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'en-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Select All'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfe57da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'en-gb', {
+	toolbar: 'Select All'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae5d618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'en', {
+	toolbar: 'Select All'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8d8b1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'eo', {
+	toolbar: 'Elekti ĉion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d013086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'es', {
+	toolbar: 'Seleccionar Todo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93f404b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'et', {
+	toolbar: 'Kõige valimine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02441f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'eu', {
+	toolbar: 'Hautatu dena'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d39a0c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'fa', {
+	toolbar: 'گزینش همه'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19fcd97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'fi', {
+	toolbar: 'Valitse kaikki'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a684ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'fo', {
+	toolbar: 'Markera alt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e4e22c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'fr-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Tout sélectionner'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45740bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'fr', {
+	toolbar: 'Tout sélectionner'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12d4339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'gl', {
+	toolbar: 'Seleccionar todo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..884e3ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'gu', {
+	toolbar: 'બઘું પસંદ કરવું'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4acb149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'he', {
+	toolbar: 'בחירת הכל'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f084a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'hi', {
+	toolbar: 'सब सॅलॅक्ट करें'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f00fc46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'hr', {
+	toolbar: 'Odaberi sve'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d70707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'hu', {
+	toolbar: 'Mindent kijelöl'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef999fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'is', {
+	toolbar: 'Velja allt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d932d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'it', {
+	toolbar: 'Seleziona tutto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c6b133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'ja', {
+	toolbar: 'すべて選択'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61652dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'ka', {
+	toolbar: 'ყველაფრის მონიშნვა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c904cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'km', {
+	toolbar: 'ជ្រើសរើសទាំងអស់'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..595d707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'ko', {
+	toolbar: '전체선택'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4f68dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'ku', {
+	toolbar: 'نیشانکردنی هەمووی'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b936af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'lt', {
+	toolbar: 'Pažymėti viską'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04ffebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'lv', {
+	toolbar: 'Iezīmēt visu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b08fde0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'mk', {
+	toolbar: 'Select All' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79d51ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'mn', {
+	toolbar: 'Бүгдийг нь сонгох'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1147d59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'ms', {
+	toolbar: 'Pilih Semua'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df72354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'nb', {
+	toolbar: 'Merk alt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3be2cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'nl', {
+	toolbar: 'Alles selecteren'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3bac2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'no', {
+	toolbar: 'Merk alt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..703405d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'pl', {
+	toolbar: 'Zaznacz wszystko'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91cb97a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'pt-br', {
+	toolbar: 'Selecionar Tudo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c21405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'pt', {
+	toolbar: 'Seleccionar Tudo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..973c66f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'ro', {
+	toolbar: 'Selectează tot'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3a16a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'ru', {
+	toolbar: 'Выделить все'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14552f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'sk', {
+	toolbar: 'Vybrať všetko'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b19ecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'sl', {
+	toolbar: 'Izberi vse'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cca4f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'sr-latn', {
+	toolbar: 'Označi sve'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12b7c0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'sr', {
+	toolbar: 'Означи све'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb1c3d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'sv', {
+	toolbar: 'Markera allt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a0eacf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'th', {
+	toolbar: 'เลือกทั้งหมด'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b037c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'tr', {
+	toolbar: 'Tümünü Seç'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c1b9a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'ug', {
+	toolbar: 'ھەممىنى تاللا'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e938429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'uk', {
+	toolbar: 'Виділити все'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..040d2fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'vi', {
+	toolbar: 'Chọn tất cả'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..582c793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'zh-cn', {
+	toolbar: '全选'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6ae499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'selectall', 'zh', {
+	toolbar: '全選'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4510b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selectall/plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+ * @fileOverview The "selectall" plugin provides an editor command that
+ *               allows selecting the entire content of editable area.
+ *               This plugin also enables a toolbar button for the feature.
+ */
+(function() {
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'selectall', {
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'selectall', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			editor.addCommand( 'selectAll', { modes:{wysiwyg:1,source:1 },
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					var editable = editor.editable();
+					if ( editable.is( 'textarea' ) ) {
+						var textarea = editable.$;
+						if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+							textarea.createTextRange().execCommand( 'SelectAll' );
+						else {
+							textarea.selectionStart = 0;
+							textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length;
+						}
+						textarea.focus();
+					} else {
+						if ( editable.is( 'body' ) )
+							editor.document.$.execCommand( 'SelectAll', false, null );
+						else {
+							var range = editor.createRange();
+							range.selectNodeContents( editable );
+							range.select();
+						}
+						// Force triggering selectionChange (#7008)
+						editor.forceNextSelectionCheck();
+						editor.selectionChange();
+					}
+				},
+				canUndo: false
+			});
+			editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'SelectAll', {
+				label: editor.lang.selectall.toolbar,
+				command: 'selectAll',
+				toolbar: 'selection,10'
+			});
+		}
+	});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selection/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selection/plugin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f0d2c44..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/selection/plugin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1367 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	// #### checkSelectionChange : START
-	// The selection change check basically saves the element parent tree of
-	// the current node and check it on successive requests. If there is any
-	// change on the tree, then the selectionChange event gets fired.
-	function checkSelectionChange()
-	{
-		try
-		{
-			// In IE, the "selectionchange" event may still get thrown when
-			// releasing the WYSIWYG mode, so we need to check it first.
-			var sel = this.getSelection();
-			if ( !sel || !sel.document.getWindow().$ )
-				return;
-			var firstElement = sel.getStartElement();
-			var currentPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( firstElement );
-			if ( !currentPath.compare( this._.selectionPreviousPath ) )
-			{
-				this._.selectionPreviousPath = currentPath;
-				this.fire( 'selectionChange', { selection : sel, path : currentPath, element : firstElement } );
-			}
-		}
-		catch (e)
-		{}
-	}
-	var checkSelectionChangeTimer,
-		checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending;
-	function checkSelectionChangeTimeout()
-	{
-		// Firing the "OnSelectionChange" event on every key press started to
-		// be too slow. This function guarantees that there will be at least
-		// 200ms delay between selection checks.
-		checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending = true;
-		if ( checkSelectionChangeTimer )
-			return;
-		checkSelectionChangeTimeoutExec.call( this );
-		checkSelectionChangeTimer = CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( checkSelectionChangeTimeoutExec, 200, this );
-	}
-	function checkSelectionChangeTimeoutExec()
-	{
-		checkSelectionChangeTimer = null;
-		if ( checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending )
-		{
-			// Call this with a timeout so the browser properly moves the
-			// selection after the mouseup. It happened that the selection was
-			// being moved after the mouseup when clicking inside selected text
-			// with Firefox.
-			CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( checkSelectionChange, 0, this );
-			checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending = false;
-		}
-	}
-	// #### checkSelectionChange : END
-	var selectAllCmd =
-	{
-		modes : { wysiwyg : 1, source : 1 },
-		exec : function( editor )
-		{
-			switch ( editor.mode )
-			{
-				case 'wysiwyg' :
-					editor.document.$.execCommand( 'SelectAll', false, null );
-					break;
-				case 'source' :
-					// Select the contents of the textarea
-					var textarea = editor.textarea.$ ;
-					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-					{
-						textarea.createTextRange().execCommand( 'SelectAll' ) ;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						textarea.selectionStart = 0 ;
-						textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length ;
-					}
-					textarea.focus() ;
-			}
-		},
-		canUndo : false
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'selection',
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			editor.on( 'contentDom', function()
-				{
-					var doc = editor.document,
-						body = doc.getBody(),
-						html = doc.getDocumentElement();
-					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-					{
-						// Other browsers don't loose the selection if the
-						// editor document loose the focus. In IE, we don't
-						// have support for it, so we reproduce it here, other
-						// than firing the selection change event.
-						var savedRange,
-							saveEnabled,
-							restoreEnabled = 1;
-						// "onfocusin" is fired before "onfocus". It makes it
-						// possible to restore the selection before click
-						// events get executed.
-						body.on( 'focusin', function( evt )
-							{
-								// If there are elements with layout they fire this event but
-								// it must be ignored to allow edit its contents #4682
-								if ( evt.data.$.srcElement.nodeName != 'BODY' )
-									return;
-								// If we have saved a range, restore it at this
-								// point.
-								if ( savedRange )
-								{
-									if ( restoreEnabled )
-									{
-										// Well not break because of this.
-										try
-										{
-											savedRange.select();
-										}
-										catch (e)
-										{}
-									}
-									savedRange = null;
-								}
-							});
-						body.on( 'focus', function()
-							{
-								// Enable selections to be saved.
-								saveEnabled = true;
-								saveSelection();
-							});
-						body.on( 'beforedeactivate', function( evt )
-							{
-								// Ignore this event if it's caused by focus switch between
-								// internal editable control type elements, e.g. layouted paragraph. (#4682)
-								if ( evt.data.$.toElement )
-									return;
-								// Disable selections from being saved.
-								saveEnabled = false;
-								restoreEnabled = 1;
-							});
-						// IE before version 8 will leave cursor blinking inside the document after
-						// editor blurred unless we clean up the selection. (#4716)
-						if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 8 )
-						{
-							editor.on( 'blur', function( evt )
-							{
-								editor.document && editor.document.$.selection.empty();
-							});
-						}
-						// Listening on document element ensures that
-						// scrollbar is included. (#5280)
-						html.on( 'mousedown', function ()
-						{
-							// Lock restore selection now, as we have
-							// a followed 'click' event which introduce
-							// new selection. (#5735)
-							restoreEnabled = 0;
-						});
-						html.on( 'mouseup', function ()
-						{
-							restoreEnabled = 1;
-						});
-						// In IE6/7 the blinking cursor appears, but contents are
-						// not editable. (#5634)
-						if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.version < 8 || CKEDITOR.env.quirks ) )
-						{
-							// The 'click' event is not fired when clicking the
-							// scrollbars, so we can use it to check whether
-							// the empty space following <body> has been clicked.
-							html.on( 'click', function( evt )
-							{
-								if ( evt.data.getTarget().getName() == 'html' )
-									editor.getSelection().getRanges()[ 0 ].select();
-							});
-						}
-						var scroll;
-						// IE fires the "selectionchange" event when clicking
-						// inside a selection. We don't want to capture that.
-						body.on( 'mousedown', function( evt )
-						{
-							// IE scrolls document to top on right mousedown
-							// when editor has no focus, remember this scroll
-							// position and revert it before context menu opens. (#5778)
-							if ( evt.data.$.button == 2 )
-							{
-								var sel = editor.document.$.selection;
-								if ( sel.type == 'None' )
-									scroll = editor.window.getScrollPosition();
-							}
-							disableSave();
-						});
-						body.on( 'mouseup',
-							function( evt )
-							{
-								// Restore recorded scroll position when needed on right mouseup.
-								if ( evt.data.$.button == 2 && scroll )
-								{
-									editor.document.$.documentElement.scrollLeft = scroll.x;
-									editor.document.$.documentElement.scrollTop = scroll.y;
-								}
-								scroll = null;
-								saveEnabled = true;
-								setTimeout( function()
-									{
-										saveSelection( true );
-									},
-									0 );
-							});
-						body.on( 'keydown', disableSave );
-						body.on( 'keyup',
-							function()
-							{
-								saveEnabled = true;
-								saveSelection();
-							});
-						// IE is the only to provide the "selectionchange"
-						// event.
-						doc.on( 'selectionchange', saveSelection );
-						function disableSave()
-						{
-							saveEnabled = false;
-						}
-						function saveSelection( testIt )
-						{
-							if ( saveEnabled )
-							{
-								var doc = editor.document,
-									sel = editor.getSelection(),
-									nativeSel = sel && sel.getNative();
-								// There is a very specific case, when clicking
-								// inside a text selection. In that case, the
-								// selection collapses at the clicking point,
-								// but the selection object remains in an
-								// unknown state, making createRange return a
-								// range at the very start of the document. In
-								// such situation we have to test the range, to
-								// be sure it's valid.
-								if ( testIt && nativeSel && nativeSel.type == 'None' )
-								{
-									// The "InsertImage" command can be used to
-									// test whether the selection is good or not.
-									// If not, it's enough to give some time to
-									// IE to put things in order for us.
-									if ( !doc.$.queryCommandEnabled( 'InsertImage' ) )
-									{
-										CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( saveSelection, 50, this, true );
-										return;
-									}
-								}
-								// Avoid saving selection from within text input. (#5747)
-								var parentTag;
-								if ( nativeSel && nativeSel.type && nativeSel.type != 'Control'
-									&& ( parentTag = nativeSel.createRange() )
-									&& ( parentTag = parentTag.parentElement() )
-									&& ( parentTag = parentTag.nodeName )
-									&& parentTag.toLowerCase() in { input: 1, textarea : 1 } )
-								{
-									return;
-								}
-								savedRange = nativeSel && sel.getRanges()[ 0 ];
-								checkSelectionChangeTimeout.call( editor );
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						// In other browsers, we make the selection change
-						// check based on other events, like clicks or keys
-						// press.
-						doc.on( 'mouseup', checkSelectionChangeTimeout, editor );
-						doc.on( 'keyup', checkSelectionChangeTimeout, editor );
-					}
-				});
-			editor.addCommand( 'selectAll', selectAllCmd );
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'SelectAll',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.selectAll,
-					command : 'selectAll'
-				});
-			editor.selectionChange = checkSelectionChangeTimeout;
-		}
-	});
-	/**
-	 * Gets the current selection from the editing area when in WYSIWYG mode.
-	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.selection} A selection object or null if not on
-	 *		WYSIWYG mode or no selection is available.
-	 * @example
-	 * var selection = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.<b>getSelection()</b>;
-	 * alert( selection.getType() );
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.getSelection = function()
-	{
-		return this.document && this.document.getSelection();
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.forceNextSelectionCheck = function()
-	{
-		delete this._.selectionPreviousPath;
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Gets the current selection from the document.
-	 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.selection} A selection object.
-	 * @example
-	 * var selection = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.document.<b>getSelection()</b>;
-	 * alert( selection.getType() );
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype.getSelection = function()
-	{
-		var sel = new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( this );
-		return ( !sel || sel.isInvalid ) ? null : sel;
-	};
-	/**
-	 * No selection.
-	 * @constant
-	 * @example
-	 * if ( editor.getSelection().getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE )
-	 *     alert( 'Nothing is selected' );
-	 */
-	/**
-	 * Text or collapsed selection.
-	 * @constant
-	 * @example
-	 * if ( editor.getSelection().getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT )
-	 *     alert( 'Text is selected' );
-	 */
-	/**
-	 * Element selection.
-	 * @constant
-	 * @example
-	 * if ( editor.getSelection().getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT )
-	 *     alert( 'An element is selected' );
-	 */
-	/**
-	 * Manipulates the selection in a DOM document.
-	 * @constructor
-	 * @example
-	 */
-	CKEDITOR.dom.selection = function( document )
-	{
-		var lockedSelection = document.getCustomData( 'cke_locked_selection' );
-		if ( lockedSelection )
-			return lockedSelection;
-		this.document = document;
-		this.isLocked = false;
-		this._ =
-		{
-			cache : {}
-		};
-		/**
-		 * IE BUG: The selection's document may be a different document than the
-		 * editor document. Return null if that's the case.
-		 */
-		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-		{
-			var range = this.getNative().createRange();
-			if ( !range
-				|| ( range.item && range.item(0).ownerDocument != this.document.$ )
-				|| ( range.parentElement && range.parentElement().ownerDocument != this.document.$ ) )
-			{
-				this.isInvalid = true;
-			}
-		}
-		return this;
-	};
-	var styleObjectElements =
-	{
-		img:1,hr:1,li:1,table:1,tr:1,td:1,th:1,embed:1,object:1,ol:1,ul:1,
-		a:1, input:1, form:1, select:1, textarea:1, button:1, fieldset:1, th:1, thead:1, tfoot:1
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.dom.selection.prototype =
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Gets the native selection object from the browser.
-		 * @function
-		 * @returns {Object} The native selection object.
-		 * @example
-		 * var selection = editor.getSelection().<b>getNative()</b>;
-		 */
-		getNative :
-			CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
-				function()
-				{
-					return this._.cache.nativeSel || ( this._.cache.nativeSel = this.document.$.selection );
-				}
-			:
-				function()
-				{
-					return this._.cache.nativeSel || ( this._.cache.nativeSel = this.document.getWindow().$.getSelection() );
-				},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the type of the current selection. The following values are
-		 * available:
-		 * <ul>
-		 *		<li>{@link CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE} (1): No selection.</li>
-		 *		<li>{@link CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT} (2): Text is selected or
-		 *			collapsed selection.</li>
-		 *		<li>{@link CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT} (3): A element
-		 *			selection.</li>
-		 * </ul>
-		 * @function
-		 * @returns {Number} One of the following constant values:
-		 * @example
-		 * if ( editor.getSelection().<b>getType()</b> == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT )
-		 *     alert( 'Text is selected' );
-		 */
-		getType :
-			CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
-				function()
-				{
-					var cache = this._.cache;
-					if ( cache.type )
-						return cache.type;
-					try
-					{
-						var sel = this.getNative(),
-							ieType = sel.type;
-						if ( ieType == 'Text' )
-						if ( ieType == 'Control' )
-						// It is possible that we can still get a text range
-						// object even when type == 'None' is returned by IE.
-						// So we'd better check the object returned by
-						// createRange() rather than by looking at the type.
-						if ( sel.createRange().parentElement )
-					}
-					catch(e) {}
-					return ( cache.type = type );
-				}
-			:
-				function()
-				{
-					var cache = this._.cache;
-					if ( cache.type )
-						return cache.type;
-					var sel = this.getNative();
-					if ( !sel )
-					else if ( sel.rangeCount == 1 )
-					{
-						// Check if the actual selection is a control (IMG,
-						// TABLE, HR, etc...).
-						var range = sel.getRangeAt(0),
-							startContainer = range.startContainer;
-						if ( startContainer == range.endContainer
-							&& startContainer.nodeType == 1
-							&& ( range.endOffset - range.startOffset ) == 1
-							&& styleObjectElements[ startContainer.childNodes[ range.startOffset ].nodeName.toLowerCase() ] )
-						{
-						}
-					}
-					return ( cache.type = type );
-				},
-		/**
-		 * Retrieve the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range} instances that represent the current selection.
-		 * Note: Some browsers returns multiple ranges even on a sequent selection, e.g. Firefox returns
-		 * one range for each table cell when one or more table row is selected.
-		 * @return {Array}
-		 * @example
-		 * var ranges = selection.getRanges();
-		 * alert(ranges.length);
-		 */
-		getRanges : (function ()
-		{
-			var func = CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
-				( function()
-				{
-					// Finds the container and offset for a specific boundary
-					// of an IE range.
-					var getBoundaryInformation = function( range, start )
-					{
-						// Creates a collapsed range at the requested boundary.
-						range = range.duplicate();
-						range.collapse( start );
-						// Gets the element that encloses the range entirely.
-						var parent = range.parentElement();
-						var siblings = parent.childNodes;
-						var testRange;
-						for ( var i = 0 ; i < siblings.length ; i++ )
-						{
-							var child = siblings[ i ];
-							if ( child.nodeType == 1 )
-							{
-								testRange = range.duplicate();
-								testRange.moveToElementText( child );
-								var comparisonStart = testRange.compareEndPoints( 'StartToStart', range ),
-									comparisonEnd = testRange.compareEndPoints( 'EndToStart', range );
-								testRange.collapse();
-								if ( comparisonStart > 0 )
-									break;
-								// When selection stay at the side of certain self-closing elements, e.g. BR,
-								// our comparison will never shows an equality. (#4824)
-								else if ( !comparisonStart
-									|| comparisonEnd == 1 && comparisonStart == -1 )
-									return { container : parent, offset : i };
-								else if ( !comparisonEnd )
-									return { container : parent, offset : i + 1 };
-								testRange = null;
-							}
-						}
-						if ( !testRange )
-						{
-							testRange = range.duplicate();
-							testRange.moveToElementText( parent );
-							testRange.collapse( false );
-						}
-						testRange.setEndPoint( 'StartToStart', range );
-						// IE report line break as CRLF with range.text but
-						// only LF with textnode.nodeValue, normalize them to avoid
-						// breaking character counting logic below. (#3949)
-						var distance = testRange.text.replace( /(\r\n|\r)/g, '\n' ).length;
-						try
-						{
-							while ( distance > 0 )
-								distance -= siblings[ --i ].nodeValue.length;
-						}
-						// Measurement in IE could be somtimes wrong because of <select> element. (#4611)
-						catch( e )
-						{
-							distance = 0;
-						}
-						if ( distance === 0 )
-						{
-							return {
-								container : parent,
-								offset : i
-							};
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							return {
-								container : siblings[ i ],
-								offset : -distance
-							};
-						}
-					};
-					return function()
-					{
-						// IE doesn't have range support (in the W3C way), so we
-						// need to do some magic to transform selections into
-						// CKEDITOR.dom.range instances.
-						var sel = this.getNative(),
-							nativeRange = sel && sel.createRange(),
-							type = this.getType(),
-							range;
-						if ( !sel )
-							return [];
-						if ( type == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT )
-						{
-							range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.document );
-							var boundaryInfo = getBoundaryInformation( nativeRange, true );
-							range.setStart( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( boundaryInfo.container ), boundaryInfo.offset );
-							boundaryInfo = getBoundaryInformation( nativeRange );
-							range.setEnd( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( boundaryInfo.container ), boundaryInfo.offset );
-							return [ range ];
-						}
-						else if ( type == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT )
-						{
-							var retval = [];
-							for ( var i = 0 ; i < nativeRange.length ; i++ )
-							{
-								var element = nativeRange.item( i ),
-									parentElement = element.parentNode,
-									j = 0;
-								range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.document );
-								for (; j < parentElement.childNodes.length && parentElement.childNodes[j] != element ; j++ )
-								{ /*jsl:pass*/ }
-								range.setStart( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( parentElement ), j );
-								range.setEnd( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( parentElement ), j + 1 );
-								retval.push( range );
-							}
-							return retval;
-						}
-						return [];
-					};
-				})()
-			:
-				function()
-				{
-					// On browsers implementing the W3C range, we simply
-					// tranform the native ranges in CKEDITOR.dom.range
-					// instances.
-					var ranges = [],
-						range,
-						doc = this.document,
-						sel = this.getNative();
-					if ( !sel )
-						return ranges;
-					// On WebKit, it may happen that we'll have no selection
-					// available. We normalize it here by replicating the
-					// behavior of other browsers.
-					if ( !sel.rangeCount )
-					{
-						range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( doc );
-						range.moveToElementEditStart( doc.getBody() );
-						ranges.push( range );
-					}
-					for ( var i = 0 ; i < sel.rangeCount ; i++ )
-					{
-						var nativeRange = sel.getRangeAt( i );
-						range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( doc );
-						range.setStart( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( nativeRange.startContainer ), nativeRange.startOffset );
-						range.setEnd( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( nativeRange.endContainer ), nativeRange.endOffset );
-						ranges.push( range );
-					}
-					return ranges;
-				};
-			return function( onlyEditables )
-			{
-				var cache = this._.cache;
-				if ( cache.ranges && !onlyEditables )
-					return cache.ranges;
-				else if ( !cache.ranges )
-					cache.ranges = new CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList( func.call( this ) );
-				// Split range into multiple by read-only nodes.
-				if ( onlyEditables )
-				{
-					var ranges = cache.ranges;
-					for ( var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++ )
-					{
-						var range = ranges[ i ];
-						// Drop range spans inside one ready-only node.
-						var parent = range.getCommonAncestor();
-						if ( parent.isReadOnly())
-							ranges.splice( i, 1 );
-						if ( range.collapsed )
-							continue;
-						var startContainer = range.startContainer,
-							endContainer = range.endContainer,
-							startOffset = range.startOffset,
-							endOffset = range.endOffset,
-							walkerRange = range.clone();
-						// Range may start inside a non-editable element, restart range
-						// by the end of it.
-						var readOnly;
-						if ( ( readOnly = startContainer.isReadOnly() ) )
-							range.setStartAfter( readOnly );
-						// Enlarge range start/end with text node to avoid walker
-						// being DOM destructive, it doesn't interfere our checking
-						// of elements below as well.
-						if ( startContainer && startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-						{
-							if ( startOffset >= startContainer.getLength() )
-								walkerRange.setStartAfter( startContainer );
-							else
-								walkerRange.setStartBefore( startContainer );
-						}
-						if ( endContainer && endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
-						{
-							if ( !endOffset )
-								walkerRange.setEndBefore( endContainer );
-							else
-								walkerRange.setEndAfter( endContainer );
-						}
-						// Looking for non-editable element inside the range.
-						var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
-						walker.evaluator = function( node )
-						{
-							if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-								&& node.getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) == 'false' )
-							{
-								var newRange = range.clone();
-								range.setEndBefore( node );
-								// Drop collapsed range around read-only elements,
-								// it make sure the range list empty when selecting
-								// only non-editable elements.
-								if ( range.collapsed )
-									ranges.splice( i--, 1 );
-								// Avoid creating invalid range.
-								if ( !( node.getPosition( walkerRange.endContainer ) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_CONTAINS ) )
-								{
-									newRange.setStartAfter( node );
-									if ( !newRange.collapsed )
-										ranges.splice( i + 1, 0, newRange );
-								}
-								return true;
-							}
-							return false;
-						};
-						walker.next();
-					}
-				}
-				return cache.ranges;
-			};
-		})(),
-		/**
-		 * Gets the DOM element in which the selection starts.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The element at the beginning of the
-		 *		selection.
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = editor.getSelection().<b>getStartElement()</b>;
-		 * alert( element.getName() );
-		 */
-		getStartElement : function()
-		{
-			var cache = this._.cache;
-			if ( cache.startElement !== undefined )
-				return cache.startElement;
-			var node,
-				sel = this.getNative();
-			switch ( this.getType() )
-			{
-					return this.getSelectedElement();
-					var range = this.getRanges()[0];
-					if ( range )
-					{
-						if ( !range.collapsed )
-						{
-							range.optimize();
-							// Decrease the range content to exclude particial
-							// selected node on the start which doesn't have
-							// visual impact. ( #3231 )
-							while ( true )
-							{
-								var startContainer = range.startContainer,
-									startOffset = range.startOffset;
-								// Limit the fix only to non-block elements.(#3950)
-								if ( startOffset == ( startContainer.getChildCount ?
-									 startContainer.getChildCount() : startContainer.getLength() )
-									 && !startContainer.isBlockBoundary() )
-									range.setStartAfter( startContainer );
-								else break;
-							}
-							node = range.startContainer;
-							if ( node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-								return node.getParent();
-							node = node.getChild( range.startOffset );
-							if ( !node || node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-								return range.startContainer;
-							var child = node.getFirst();
-							while (  child && child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-							{
-								node = child;
-								child = child.getFirst();
-							}
-							return node;
-						}
-					}
-					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-					{
-						range = sel.createRange();
-						range.collapse( true );
-						node = range.parentElement();
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						node = sel.anchorNode;
-						if ( node && node.nodeType != 1 )
-							node = node.parentNode;
-					}
-			}
-			return cache.startElement = ( node ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element( node ) : null );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Gets the current selected element.
-		 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The selected element. Null if no
-		 *		selection is available or the selection type is not
-		 * @example
-		 * var element = editor.getSelection().<b>getSelectedElement()</b>;
-		 * alert( element.getName() );
-		 */
-		getSelectedElement : function()
-		{
-			var cache = this._.cache;
-			if ( cache.selectedElement !== undefined )
-				return cache.selectedElement;
-			var self = this;
-			var node = CKEDITOR.tools.tryThese(
-				// Is it native IE control type selection?
-				function()
-				{
-					return self.getNative().createRange().item( 0 );
-				},
-				// Figure it out by checking if there's a single enclosed
-				// node of the range.
-				function()
-				{
-					var range  = self.getRanges()[ 0 ],
-						enclosed,
-						selected;
-					// Check first any enclosed element, e.g. <ul>[<li><a href="#">item</a></li>]</ul>
-					for ( var i = 2; i && !( ( enclosed = range.getEnclosedNode() )
-						&& ( enclosed.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-						&& styleObjectElements[ enclosed.getName() ]
-						&& ( selected = enclosed ) ); i-- )
-					{
-						// Then check any deep wrapped element, e.g. [<b><i><img /></i></b>]
-						range.shrink( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT );
-					}
-					return  selected.$;
-				});
-			return cache.selectedElement = ( node ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element( node ) : null );
-		},
-		lock : function()
-		{
-			// Call all cacheable function.
-			this.getRanges();
-			this.getStartElement();
-			this.getSelectedElement();
-			// The native selection is not available when locked.
-			this._.cache.nativeSel = {};
-			this.isLocked = true;
-			// Save this selection inside the DOM document.
-			this.document.setCustomData( 'cke_locked_selection', this );
-		},
-		unlock : function( restore )
-		{
-			var doc = this.document,
-				lockedSelection = doc.getCustomData( 'cke_locked_selection' );
-			if ( lockedSelection )
-			{
-				doc.setCustomData( 'cke_locked_selection', null );
-				if ( restore )
-				{
-					var selectedElement = lockedSelection.getSelectedElement(),
-						ranges = !selectedElement && lockedSelection.getRanges();
-					this.isLocked = false;
-					this.reset();
-					doc.getBody().focus();
-					if ( selectedElement )
-						this.selectElement( selectedElement );
-					else
-						this.selectRanges( ranges );
-				}
-			}
-			if  ( !lockedSelection || !restore )
-			{
-				this.isLocked = false;
-				this.reset();
-			}
-		},
-		reset : function()
-		{
-			this._.cache = {};
-		},
-		/**
-		 *  Make the current selection of type {@link CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT} by enclosing the specified element.
-		 * @param element
-		 */
-		selectElement : function( element )
-		{
-			if ( this.isLocked )
-			{
-				var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.document );
-				range.setStartBefore( element );
-				range.setEndAfter( element );
-				this._.cache.selectedElement = element;
-				this._.cache.startElement = element;
-				this._.cache.ranges = new CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList( range );
-				this._.cache.type = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT;
-				return;
-			}
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			{
-				this.getNative().empty();
-				try
-				{
-					// Try to select the node as a control.
-					range = this.document.$.body.createControlRange();
-					range.addElement( element.$ );
-					range.select();
-				}
-				catch(e)
-				{
-					// If failed, select it as a text range.
-					range = this.document.$.body.createTextRange();
-					range.moveToElementText( element.$ );
-					range.select();
-				}
-				finally
-				{
-					this.document.fire( 'selectionchange' );
-				}
-				this.reset();
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// Create the range for the element.
-				range = this.document.$.createRange();
-				range.selectNode( element.$ );
-				// Select the range.
-				var sel = this.getNative();
-				sel.removeAllRanges();
-				sel.addRange( range );
-				this.reset();
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 *  Adding the specified ranges to document selection preceding
-		 * by clearing up the original selection.
-		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} ranges
-		 */
-		selectRanges : function( ranges )
-		{
-			if ( this.isLocked )
-			{
-				this._.cache.selectedElement = null;
-				this._.cache.startElement = ranges[ 0 ] && ranges[ 0 ].getTouchedStartNode();
-				this._.cache.ranges = new CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList( ranges );
-				this._.cache.type = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT;
-				return;
-			}
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			{
-				if ( ranges.length > 1 )
-				{
-					// IE doesn't accept multiple ranges selection, so we join all into one.
-					var last = ranges[ ranges.length -1 ] ;
-					ranges[ 0 ].setEnd( last.endContainer, last.endOffset );
-					ranges.length = 1;
-				}
-				if ( ranges[ 0 ] )
-					ranges[ 0 ].select();
-				this.reset();
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				var sel = this.getNative();
-				if ( ranges.length )
-					sel.removeAllRanges();
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < ranges.length ; i++ )
-				{
-					// Joining sequential ranges introduced by
-					// readonly elements protection.
-					if ( i < ranges.length -1 )
-					{
-						var left = ranges[ i ], right = ranges[ i +1 ],
-								between = left.clone();
-						between.setStart( left.endContainer, left.endOffset );
-						between.setEnd( right.startContainer, right.startOffset );
-						// Don't confused by Firefox adjancent multi-ranges
-						// introduced by table cells selection.
-						if ( !between.collapsed )
-						{
-							between.shrink( CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, true );
-							if ( between.getCommonAncestor().isReadOnly())
-							{
-								right.setStart( left.startContainer, left.startOffset );
-								ranges.splice( i--, 1 );
-								continue;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					var range = ranges[ i ];
-					var nativeRange = this.document.$.createRange();
-					var startContainer = range.startContainer;
-					// In FF2, if we have a collapsed range, inside an empty
-					// element, we must add something to it otherwise the caret
-					// will not be visible.
-					// In Opera instead, the selection will be moved out of the
-					// element. (#4657)
-					if ( range.collapsed &&
-						( CKEDITOR.env.opera || ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 ) ) &&
-						startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
-						!startContainer.getChildCount() )
-					{
-						startContainer.appendText( '' );
-					}
-					nativeRange.setStart( startContainer.$, range.startOffset );
-					nativeRange.setEnd( range.endContainer.$, range.endOffset );
-					// Select the range.
-					sel.addRange( nativeRange );
-				}
-				this.reset();
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 *  Create bookmark for every single of this selection range (from #getRanges)
-		 * by calling the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype.createBookmark} method,
-		 * with extra cares to avoid interferon among those ranges. Same arguments are
-		 * received as with the underlay range method.
-		 */
-		createBookmarks : function( serializable )
-		{
-			return this.getRanges().createBookmarks( serializable );
-		},
-		/**
-		 *  Create bookmark for every single of this selection range (from #getRanges)
-		 * by calling the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype.createBookmark2} method,
-		 * with extra cares to avoid interferon among those ranges. Same arguments are
-		 * received as with the underlay range method.
-		 */
-		createBookmarks2 : function( normalized )
-		{
-			return this.getRanges().createBookmarks2( normalized );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Select the virtual ranges denote by the bookmarks by calling #selectRanges.
-		 * @param bookmarks
-		 */
-		selectBookmarks : function( bookmarks )
-		{
-			var ranges = [];
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < bookmarks.length ; i++ )
-			{
-				var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.document );
-				range.moveToBookmark( bookmarks[i] );
-				ranges.push( range );
-			}
-			this.selectRanges( ranges );
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Retrieve the common ancestor node of the first range and the last range.
-		 */
-		getCommonAncestor : function()
-		{
-			var ranges = this.getRanges(),
-				startNode = ranges[ 0 ].startContainer,
-				endNode = ranges[ ranges.length - 1 ].endContainer;
-			return startNode.getCommonAncestor( endNode );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Moving scroll bar to the current selection's start position.
-		 */
-		scrollIntoView : function()
-		{
-			// If we have split the block, adds a temporary span at the
-			// range position and scroll relatively to it.
-			var start = this.getStartElement();
-			start.scrollIntoView();
-		}
-	};
-( function()
-	var notWhitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ),
-			fillerTextRegex = /\ufeff|\u00a0/,
-			nonCells = { table:1,tbody:1,tr:1 };
-	CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype.select =
-		CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
-			// V2
-			function( forceExpand )
-			{
-				var collapsed = this.collapsed;
-				var isStartMarkerAlone;
-				var dummySpan;
-				// IE doesn't support selecting the entire table row/cell, move the selection into cells, e.g.
-				// <table><tbody><tr>[<td>cell</b></td>... => <table><tbody><tr><td>[cell</td>...
-				if ( this.startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && this.startContainer.getName() in nonCells
-					|| this.endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && this.endContainer.getName() in nonCells )
-				{
-					this.shrink( CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, true );
-				}
-				var bookmark = this.createBookmark();
-				// Create marker tags for the start and end boundaries.
-				var startNode = bookmark.startNode;
-				var endNode;
-				if ( !collapsed )
-					endNode = bookmark.endNode;
-				// Create the main range which will be used for the selection.
-				var ieRange = this.document.$.body.createTextRange();
-				// Position the range at the start boundary.
-				ieRange.moveToElementText( startNode.$ );
-				ieRange.moveStart( 'character', 1 );
-				if ( endNode )
-				{
-					// Create a tool range for the end.
-					var ieRangeEnd = this.document.$.body.createTextRange();
-					// Position the tool range at the end.
-					ieRangeEnd.moveToElementText( endNode.$ );
-					// Move the end boundary of the main range to match the tool range.
-					ieRange.setEndPoint( 'EndToEnd', ieRangeEnd );
-					ieRange.moveEnd( 'character', -1 );
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					// The isStartMarkerAlone logic comes from V2. It guarantees that the lines
-					// will expand and that the cursor will be blinking on the right place.
-					// Actually, we are using this flag just to avoid using this hack in all
-					// situations, but just on those needed.
-					var next = startNode.getNext( notWhitespaces );
-					isStartMarkerAlone = ( !( next && next.getText && next.getText().match( fillerTextRegex ) )     // already a filler there?
-										  && ( forceExpand || !startNode.hasPrevious() || ( startNode.getPrevious().is && startNode.getPrevious().is( 'br' ) ) ) );
-					// Append a temporary <span></span> before the selection.
-					// This is needed to avoid IE destroying selections inside empty
-					// inline elements, like <b></b> (#253).
-					// It is also needed when placing the selection right after an inline
-					// element to avoid the selection moving inside of it.
-					dummySpan = this.document.createElement( 'span' );
-					dummySpan.setHtml( '' );	// Zero Width No-Break Space (U+FEFF). See #1359.
-					dummySpan.insertBefore( startNode );
-					if ( isStartMarkerAlone )
-					{
-						// To expand empty blocks or line spaces after <br>, we need
-						// instead to have any char, which will be later deleted using the
-						// selection.
-						// \ufeff = Zero Width No-Break Space (U+FEFF). (#1359)
-						this.document.createText( '\ufeff' ).insertBefore( startNode );
-					}
-				}
-				// Remove the markers (reset the position, because of the changes in the DOM tree).
-				this.setStartBefore( startNode );
-				startNode.remove();
-				if ( collapsed )
-				{
-					if ( isStartMarkerAlone )
-					{
-						// Move the selection start to include the temporary \ufeff.
-						ieRange.moveStart( 'character', -1 );
-						ieRange.select();
-						// Remove our temporary stuff.
-						this.document.$.selection.clear();
-					}
-					else
-						ieRange.select();
-					this.moveToPosition( dummySpan, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
-					dummySpan.remove();
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					this.setEndBefore( endNode );
-					endNode.remove();
-					ieRange.select();
-				}
-				this.document.fire( 'selectionchange' );
-			}
-		:
-			function()
-			{
-				var startContainer = this.startContainer;
-				// If we have a collapsed range, inside an empty element, we must add
-				// something to it, otherwise the caret will not be visible.
-				if ( this.collapsed && startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !startContainer.getChildCount() )
-					startContainer.append( new CKEDITOR.dom.text( '' ) );
-				var nativeRange = this.document.$.createRange();
-				nativeRange.setStart( startContainer.$, this.startOffset );
-				try
-				{
-					nativeRange.setEnd( this.endContainer.$, this.endOffset );
-				}
-				catch ( e )
-				{
-					// There is a bug in Firefox implementation (it would be too easy
-					// otherwise). The new start can't be after the end (W3C says it can).
-					// So, let's create a new range and collapse it to the desired point.
-					if ( e.toString().indexOf( 'NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE' ) >= 0 )
-					{
-						this.collapse( true );
-						nativeRange.setEnd( this.endContainer.$, this.endOffset );
-					}
-					else
-						throw( e );
-				}
-				var selection = this.document.getSelection().getNative();
-				selection.removeAllRanges();
-				selection.addRange( nativeRange );
-			};
-} )();
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/icons/showblocks-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/icons/showblocks-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e3f488
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/icons/showblocks-rtl.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e88b789
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/icons/showblocks.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ee67aa
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/images/block_address.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cae3aec
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c71f397
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/images/block_div.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a64347
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8062ebe
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b6a403
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c7f795
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e153de0
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8d993a
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e6035d
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d11a0ff
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d38fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'af', {
+	toolbar: 'Toon blokke'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32af718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'ar', {
+	toolbar: 'مخطط تفصيلي'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c349b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'bg', {
+	toolbar: 'Показва блокове'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b4824b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'bn', {
+	toolbar: 'Show Blocks' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e998767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'bs', {
+	toolbar: 'Show Blocks' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..821d21c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Mostra els blocs'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bf9719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'cs', {
+	toolbar: 'Ukázat bloky'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9e3a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'cy', {
+	toolbar: 'Dangos Blociau'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae444d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'da', {
+	toolbar: 'Vis afsnitsmærker'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59f380e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'de', {
+	toolbar: 'Blöcke anzeigen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bad9027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'el', {
+	toolbar: 'Προβολή Περιοχών'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bae8bf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'en-au', {
+	toolbar: 'Show Blocks'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..498f4d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'en-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Show Blocks'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..982850d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'en-gb', {
+	toolbar: 'Show Blocks'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..307ee94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'en', {
+	toolbar: 'Show Blocks'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e63384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'eo', {
+	toolbar: 'Montri la blokojn'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a9dbd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'es', {
+	toolbar: 'Mostrar bloques'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e3bb14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'et', {
+	toolbar: 'Blokkide näitamine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..540aa7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'eu', {
+	toolbar: 'Blokeak erakutsi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b94506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'fa', {
+	toolbar: 'نمایش بلوکها'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dc372e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'fi', {
+	toolbar: 'Näytä elementit'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af98960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'fo', {
+	toolbar: 'Vís blokkar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7be95c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'fr-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Afficher les blocs'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59b271c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'fr', {
+	toolbar: 'Afficher les blocs'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32ee5c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'gl', {
+	toolbar: 'Show Blocks' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..420383e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'gu', {
+	toolbar: 'બ્લૉક બતાવવું'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..213666c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'he', {
+	toolbar: 'הצגת בלוקים'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84b74fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'hi', {
+	toolbar: 'ब्लॉक दिखायें'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bab9bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'hr', {
+	toolbar: 'Prikaži blokove'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..199eccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'hu', {
+	toolbar: 'Blokkok megjelenítése'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c3937b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'is', {
+	toolbar: 'Sýna blokkir'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f67fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'it', {
+	toolbar: 'Visualizza Blocchi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d463fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'ja', {
+	toolbar: 'ブロック表示'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b84a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'ka', {
+	toolbar: 'არეების ჩვენება'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcc5bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'km', {
+	toolbar: 'Show Blocks' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59e09e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'ko', {
+	toolbar: 'Show Blocks' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b9e961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'ku', {
+	toolbar: 'نیشاندانی بەربەستەکان'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9b38f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'lt', {
+	toolbar: 'Rodyti blokus'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49bd894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'lv', {
+	toolbar: 'Parādīt blokus'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16a38f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'mk', {
+	toolbar: 'Show Blocks' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d81e8d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'mn', {
+	toolbar: 'Хавтангуудыг харуулах'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e61ecb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'ms', {
+	toolbar: 'Show Blocks' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b686ddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'nb', {
+	toolbar: 'Vis blokker'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2119f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'nl', {
+	toolbar: 'Toon blokken'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a026fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'no', {
+	toolbar: 'Vis blokker'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ede79fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'pl', {
+	toolbar: 'Pokaż bloki'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5587601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'pt-br', {
+	toolbar: 'Mostrar blocos de código'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b861a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'pt', {
+	toolbar: 'Exibir blocos'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d784edc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'ro', {
+	toolbar: 'Arată blocurile'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbace81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'ru', {
+	toolbar: 'Отображать блоки'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbfdd22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'sk', {
+	toolbar: 'Ukázať bloky'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d926d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'sl', {
+	toolbar: 'Prikaži ograde'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aca8646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'sr-latn', {
+	toolbar: 'Show Blocks' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7fb4d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'sr', {
+	toolbar: 'Show Blocks' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8956927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'sv', {
+	toolbar: 'Visa block'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7acfa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'th', {
+	toolbar: 'Show Blocks' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15a2384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'tr', {
+	toolbar: 'Blokları Göster'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c82f230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'ug', {
+	toolbar: 'بۆلەكنى كۆرسەت'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13a47ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'uk', {
+	toolbar: 'Показувати блоки'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9450daa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'vi', {
+	toolbar: 'Hiển thị các khối'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..542e5e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'zh-cn', {
+	toolbar: '显示区块'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0cedf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'showblocks', 'zh', {
+	toolbar: '顯示區塊'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/plugin.js
index 818e833..ddb5245 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showblocks/plugin.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
  * @fileOverview The "showblocks" plugin. Enable it will make all block level
@@ -9,148 +9,174 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  *               displayed on the left-right corner.
-	var cssTemplate = '.%2 p,'+
-		'.%2 div,'+
-		'.%2 pre,'+
-		'.%2 address,'+
-		'.%2 blockquote,'+
-		'.%2 h1,'+
-		'.%2 h2,'+
-		'.%2 h3,'+
-		'.%2 h4,'+
-		'.%2 h5,'+
-		'.%2 h6'+
-		'{'+
-			'background-repeat: no-repeat;'+
-			'background-position: top %3;'+
-			'border: 1px dotted gray;'+
-			'padding-top: 8px;'+
-			'padding-%3: 8px;'+
-		'}'+
-		'.%2 p'+
-		'{'+
-			'%1p.png);'+
-		'}'+
-		'.%2 div'+
-		'{'+
-			'%1div.png);'+
-		'}'+
-		'.%2 pre'+
-		'{'+
-			'%1pre.png);'+
-		'}'+
-		'.%2 address'+
-		'{'+
-			'%1address.png);'+
-		'}'+
-		'.%2 blockquote'+
-		'{'+
-			'%1blockquote.png);'+
-		'}'+
-		'.%2 h1'+
-		'{'+
-			'%1h1.png);'+
-		'}'+
-		'.%2 h2'+
-		'{'+
-			'%1h2.png);'+
-		'}'+
-		'.%2 h3'+
-		'{'+
-			'%1h3.png);'+
-		'}'+
-		'.%2 h4'+
-		'{'+
-			'%1h4.png);'+
-		'}'+
-		'.%2 h5'+
-		'{'+
-			'%1h5.png);'+
-		'}'+
-		'.%2 h6'+
-		'{'+
-			'%1h6.png);'+
-		'}';
-	var cssTemplateRegex = /%1/g, cssClassRegex = /%2/g, backgroundPositionRegex = /%3/g;
-	var commandDefinition =
-	{
-		preserveState : true,
-		editorFocus : false,
-		exec : function ( editor )
-		{
+(function() {
+	var commandDefinition = {
+		readOnly: 1,
+		preserveState: true,
+		editorFocus: false,
+		exec: function( editor ) {
 			this.refresh( editor );
-		refresh : function( editor )
-		{
-			var funcName = ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass';
-			editor.document.getBody()[ funcName ]( 'cke_show_blocks' );
+		refresh: function( editor ) {
+			if ( editor.document ) {
+				// Show blocks turns inactive after editor loses focus when in inline.
+				var showBlocks = this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON &&
+				   ( editor.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ||
+					   editor.focusManager.hasFocus );
+				var funcName = showBlocks ? 'attachClass' : 'removeClass';
+				editor.editable()[ funcName ]( 'cke_show_blocks' );
+			}
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'showblocks',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'wysiwygarea' ],
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'showblocks', {
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'showblocks,showblocks-rtl', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		onLoad: function() {
+			var cssTemplate = '.%2 p,' +
+				'.%2 div,' +
+				'.%2 pre,' +
+				'.%2 address,' +
+				'.%2 blockquote,' +
+				'.%2 h1,' +
+				'.%2 h2,' +
+				'.%2 h3,' +
+				'.%2 h4,' +
+				'.%2 h5,' +
+				'.%2 h6' +
+				'{' +
+					'background-repeat: no-repeat;' +
+					'border: 1px dotted gray;' +
+					'padding-top: 8px;' +
+				'}' +
+				'.%2 p' +
+				'{' +
+					'%1p.png);' +
+				'}' +
+				'.%2 div' +
+				'{' +
+					'%1div.png);' +
+				'}' +
+				'.%2 pre' +
+				'{' +
+					'%1pre.png);' +
+				'}' +
+				'.%2 address' +
+				'{' +
+					'%1address.png);' +
+				'}' +
+				'.%2 blockquote' +
+				'{' +
+					'%1blockquote.png);' +
+				'}' +
+				'.%2 h1' +
+				'{' +
+					'%1h1.png);' +
+				'}' +
+				'.%2 h2' +
+				'{' +
+					'%1h2.png);' +
+				'}' +
+				'.%2 h3' +
+				'{' +
+					'%1h3.png);' +
+				'}' +
+				'.%2 h4' +
+				'{' +
+					'%1h4.png);' +
+				'}' +
+				'.%2 h5' +
+				'{' +
+					'%1h5.png);' +
+				'}' +
+				'.%2 h6' +
+				'{' +
+					'%1h6.png);' +
+				'}';
+			// Styles with contents direction awareness.
+			function cssWithDir( dir ) {
+				var template = '.%1.%2 p,' +
+					'.%1.%2 div,' +
+					'.%1.%2 pre,' +
+					'.%1.%2 address,' +
+					'.%1.%2 blockquote,' +
+					'.%1.%2 h1,' +
+					'.%1.%2 h2,' +
+					'.%1.%2 h3,' +
+					'.%1.%2 h4,' +
+					'.%1.%2 h5,' +
+					'.%1.%2 h6' +
+					'{' +
+						'background-position: top %3;' +
+						'padding-%3: 8px;' +
+					'}';
+				return template.replace( /%1/g, 'cke_show_blocks' ).replace( /%2/g, 'cke_contents_' + dir ).replace( /%3/g, dir == 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left' );
+			}
+			CKEDITOR.addCss( cssTemplate.replace( /%1/g, 'background-image: url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path ) + 'images/block_' ).replace( /%2/g, 'cke_show_blocks ' ) + cssWithDir( 'ltr' ) + cssWithDir( 'rtl' ) );
+		},
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			if ( editor.blockless )
+				return;
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
 			var command = editor.addCommand( 'showblocks', commandDefinition );
 			command.canUndo = false;
 			if ( editor.config.startupOutlineBlocks )
 				command.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
-			editor.addCss( cssTemplate
-				.replace( cssTemplateRegex, 'background-image: url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path ) + 'images/block_' )
-				.replace( cssClassRegex, 'cke_show_blocks ' )
-				.replace( backgroundPositionRegex, editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left' ) );
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'ShowBlocks',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.showBlocks,
-					command : 'showblocks'
-				});
+			editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'ShowBlocks', {
+				label: editor.lang.showblocks.toolbar,
+				command: 'showblocks',
+				toolbar: 'tools,20'
+			});
 			// Refresh the command on setData.
-			editor.on( 'mode', function()
-				{
-					if ( command.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
-						command.refresh( editor );
-				});
+			editor.on( 'mode', function() {
+				if ( command.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
+					command.refresh( editor );
+			});
+			// Refresh the command on focus/blur in inline.
+			if ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ) {
+				function onFocusBlur() {
+					command.refresh( editor );
+				}
+				editor.on( 'focus', onFocusBlur );
+				editor.on( 'blur', onFocusBlur );
+			}
 			// Refresh the command on setData.
-			editor.on( 'contentDom', function()
-				{
-					if ( command.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
-						command.refresh( editor );
-				});
+			editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
+				if ( command.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
+					command.refresh( editor );
+			});
-} )();
- * Whether to automaticaly enable the "show block" command when the editor
- * loads.
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- * @example
- * config.startupOutlineBlocks = true;
+ * Whether to automaticaly enable the show block" command when the editor loads.
+ *
+ *		config.startupOutlineBlocks = true;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [startupOutlineBlocks=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.startupOutlineBlocks = false;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showborders/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showborders/plugin.js
index 9219206..57e1b19 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showborders/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/showborders/plugin.js
@@ -1,66 +1,65 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
  * @fileOverview The "show border" plugin. The command display visible outline
  * border line around all table elements if table doesn't have a none-zero 'border' attribute specified.
-	var showBorderClassName = 'cke_show_border',
-		cssStyleText,
-		cssTemplate =
-		// TODO: For IE6, we don't have child selector support,
-		// where nested table cells could be incorrect.
-		( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ?
-		  [
-			'.%1 table.%2,',
-			 '.%1 table.%2 td, .%1 table.%2 th,',
-			 '{',
-				'border : #d3d3d3 1px dotted',
-			 '}'
-		  ] :
-		  [
-			 '.%1 table.%2,',
-			 '.%1 table.%2 > tr > td, .%1 table.%2 > tr > th,',
-			 '.%1 table.%2 > tbody > tr > td, .%1 table.%2 > tbody > tr > th,',
-			 '.%1 table.%2 > thead > tr > td, .%1 table.%2 > thead > tr > th,',
-			 '.%1 table.%2 > tfoot > tr > td, .%1 table.%2 > tfoot > tr > th',
-			 '{',
-				'border : #d3d3d3 1px dotted',
-			 '}'
-		  ] ).join( '' );
-	cssStyleText = cssTemplate.replace( /%2/g, showBorderClassName ).replace( /%1/g, 'cke_show_borders ' );
-	var commandDefinition =
-	{
-		preserveState : true,
-		editorFocus : false,
-		exec : function ( editor )
-		{
+(function() {
+	var commandDefinition = {
+		preserveState: true,
+		editorFocus: false,
+		readOnly: 1,
+		exec: function( editor ) {
 			this.refresh( editor );
-		refresh : function( editor )
-		{
-			var funcName = ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass';
-			editor.document.getBody()[ funcName ]( 'cke_show_borders' );
+		refresh: function( editor ) {
+			if ( editor.document ) {
+				var funcName = ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ) ? 'attachClass' : 'removeClass';
+				editor.editable()[ funcName ]( 'cke_show_borders' );
+			}
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'showborders',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'wysiwygarea' ],
-		modes : { 'wysiwyg' : 1 },
+	var showBorderClassName = 'cke_show_border';
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'showborders', {
+		modes: { 'wysiwyg':1 },
+		onLoad: function() {
+			var cssStyleText,
+				cssTemplate =
+			// TODO: For IE6, we don't have child selector support,
+			// where nested table cells could be incorrect.
+			( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ? [
+				'.%1 table.%2,',
+					'.%1 table.%2 td, .%1 table.%2 th',
+					'{',
+					'border : #d3d3d3 1px dotted',
+					'}'
+				] : [
+				'.%1 table.%2,',
+				'.%1 table.%2 > tr > td, .%1 table.%2 > tr > th,',
+				'.%1 table.%2 > tbody > tr > td, .%1 table.%2 > tbody > tr > th,',
+				'.%1 table.%2 > thead > tr > td, .%1 table.%2 > thead > tr > th,',
+				'.%1 table.%2 > tfoot > tr > td, .%1 table.%2 > tfoot > tr > th',
+				'{',
+					'border : #d3d3d3 1px dotted',
+				'}'
+				] ).join( '' );
+			cssStyleText = cssTemplate.replace( /%2/g, showBorderClassName ).replace( /%1/g, 'cke_show_borders ' );
+			CKEDITOR.addCss( cssStyleText );
+		},
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
+		init: function( editor ) {
 			var command = editor.addCommand( 'showborders', commandDefinition );
 			command.canUndo = false;
@@ -68,134 +67,108 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			if ( editor.config.startupShowBorders !== false )
 				command.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
-			editor.addCss( cssStyleText );
 			// Refresh the command on setData.
-			editor.on( 'mode', function()
-				{
-					if ( command.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
-						command.refresh( editor );
-				}, null, null, 100 );
+			editor.on( 'mode', function() {
+				if ( command.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
+					command.refresh( editor );
+			}, null, null, 100 );
 			// Refresh the command on wysiwyg frame reloads.
-			editor.on( 'contentDom', function()
-				{
-					if ( command.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
-						command.refresh( editor );
-				});
-			editor.on( 'removeFormatCleanup', function( evt )
-				{
-					var element = evt.data;
-					if ( editor.getCommand( 'showborders' ).state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON &&
-						element.is( 'table' ) && ( !element.hasAttribute( 'border' ) || parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'border' ), 10 ) <= 0 ) )
-							element.addClass( showBorderClassName );
-				});
+			editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
+				if ( command.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
+					command.refresh( editor );
+			});
+			editor.on( 'removeFormatCleanup', function( evt ) {
+				var element = evt.data;
+				if ( editor.getCommand( 'showborders' ).state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON && element.is( 'table' ) && ( !element.hasAttribute( 'border' ) || parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'border' ), 10 ) <= 0 ) )
+					element.addClass( showBorderClassName );
+			});
-		afterInit : function( editor )
-		{
+		afterInit: function( editor ) {
 			var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
 				dataFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.dataFilter,
 				htmlFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.htmlFilter;
-			if ( dataFilter )
-			{
-				dataFilter.addRules(
-					{
-						elements :
-						{
-							'table' : function( element )
-							{
-								var attributes = element.attributes,
-									cssClass = attributes[ 'class' ],
-									border = parseInt( attributes.border, 10 );
-								if ( !border || border <= 0 )
-									attributes[ 'class' ] = ( cssClass || '' ) + ' ' + showBorderClassName;
-							}
+			if ( dataFilter ) {
+				dataFilter.addRules({
+					elements: {
+						'table': function( element ) {
+							var attributes = element.attributes,
+								cssClass = attributes[ 'class' ],
+								border = parseInt( attributes.border, 10 );
+							if ( ( !border || border <= 0 ) && ( !cssClass || cssClass.indexOf( showBorderClassName ) == -1 ) )
+								attributes[ 'class' ] = ( cssClass || '' ) + ' ' + showBorderClassName;
-					} );
+					}
+				});
-			if ( htmlFilter )
-			{
-				htmlFilter.addRules(
-				{
-					elements :
-					{
-						'table' : function( table )
-						{
+			if ( htmlFilter ) {
+				htmlFilter.addRules({
+					elements: {
+						'table': function( table ) {
 							var attributes = table.attributes,
 								cssClass = attributes[ 'class' ];
-							cssClass && ( attributes[ 'class' ] =
-							              cssClass.replace( showBorderClassName, '' )
-									              .replace( /\s{2}/, ' ' )
-												  .replace( /^\s+|\s+$/, '' ) );
+							cssClass && ( attributes[ 'class' ] = cssClass.replace( showBorderClassName, '' ).replace( /\s{2}/, ' ' ).replace( /^\s+|\s+$/, '' ) );
-				} );
+				});
 	// Table dialog must be aware of it.
-	CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( ev )
-	{
+	CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( ev ) {
 		var dialogName = ev.data.name;
-		if ( dialogName == 'table' || dialogName == 'tableProperties' )
-		{
+		if ( dialogName == 'table' || dialogName == 'tableProperties' ) {
 			var dialogDefinition = ev.data.definition,
 				infoTab = dialogDefinition.getContents( 'info' ),
 				borderField = infoTab.get( 'txtBorder' ),
 				originalCommit = borderField.commit;
-			borderField.commit = CKEDITOR.tools.override( originalCommit, function( org )
-			{
-				return function( data, selectedTable )
-					{
-						org.apply( this, arguments );
-						var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 );
-						selectedTable[ ( !value || value <= 0 ) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]( showBorderClassName );
-					};
-			} );
+			borderField.commit = CKEDITOR.tools.override( originalCommit, function( org ) {
+				return function( data, selectedTable ) {
+					org.apply( this, arguments );
+					var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 );
+					selectedTable[ ( !value || value <= 0 ) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]( showBorderClassName );
+				};
+			});
 			var advTab = dialogDefinition.getContents( 'advanced' ),
 				classField = advTab && advTab.get( 'advCSSClasses' );
-			if ( classField )
-			{
-				classField.setup = CKEDITOR.tools.override( classField.setup, function( originalSetup )
-					{
-						return function()
-							{
-								originalSetup.apply( this, arguments );
-								this.setValue( this.getValue().replace( /cke_show_border/, '' ) );
-							};
-					});
-				classField.commit = CKEDITOR.tools.override( classField.commit, function( originalCommit )
-					{
-						return function( data, element )
-							{
-								originalCommit.apply( this, arguments );
-								if ( !parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'border' ), 10 ) )
-									element.addClass( 'cke_show_border' );
-							};
-					});
+			if ( classField ) {
+				classField.setup = CKEDITOR.tools.override( classField.setup, function( originalSetup ) {
+					return function() {
+						originalSetup.apply( this, arguments );
+						this.setValue( this.getValue().replace( /cke_show_border/, '' ) );
+					};
+				});
+				classField.commit = CKEDITOR.tools.override( classField.commit, function( originalCommit ) {
+					return function( data, element ) {
+						originalCommit.apply( this, arguments );
+						if ( !parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'border' ), 10 ) )
+							element.addClass( 'cke_show_border' );
+					};
+				});
-} )();
  * Whether to automatically enable the "show borders" command when the editor loads.
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.startupShowBorders = false;
+ *
+ *		config.startupShowBorders = false;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [startupShowBorders=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/dialogs/smiley.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/dialogs/smiley.js
index 8371fb1..7127842 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/dialogs/smiley.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/dialogs/smiley.js
@@ -1,130 +1,116 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'smiley', function( editor )
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'smiley', function( editor ) {
 	var config = editor.config,
 		lang = editor.lang.smiley,
 		images = config.smiley_images,
 		columns = config.smiley_columns || 8,
-	/**
-	 * Simulate "this" of a dialog for non-dialog events.
-	 * @type {CKEDITOR.dialog}
-	 */
+	// Simulate "this" of a dialog for non-dialog events.
+	// @type {CKEDITOR.dialog}
 	var dialog;
-	var onClick = function( evt )
-	{
-		var target = evt.data.getTarget(),
-			targetName = target.getName();
+	var onClick = function( evt ) {
+			var target = evt.data.getTarget(),
+				targetName = target.getName();
-		if ( targetName == 'a' )
-			target = target.getChild( 0 );
-		else if ( targetName != 'img' )
-			return;
-		var src = target.getAttribute( 'cke_src' ),
-			title = target.getAttribute( 'title' );
+			if ( targetName == 'a' )
+				target = target.getChild( 0 );
+			else if ( targetName != 'img' )
+				return;
-		var img = editor.document.createElement( 'img',
-			{
-				attributes :
-				{
-					src : src,
-					_cke_saved_src : src,
-					title : title,
-					alt : title
+			var src = target.getAttribute( 'cke_src' ),
+				title = target.getAttribute( 'title' );
+			var img = editor.document.createElement( 'img', {
+				attributes: {
+					src: src,
+					'data-cke-saved-src': src,
+					title: title,
+					alt: title,
+					width: target.$.width,
+					height: target.$.height
-		editor.insertElement( img );
+			editor.insertElement( img );
-		dialog.hide();
-		evt.data.preventDefault();
-	};
+			dialog.hide();
+			evt.data.preventDefault();
+		};
-	var onKeydown = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( ev, element )
-	{
+	var onKeydown = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( ev, element ) {
 		ev = new CKEDITOR.dom.event( ev );
 		element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( element );
 		var relative, nodeToMove;
-		var keystroke = ev.getKeystroke();
-		var rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl';
-		switch ( keystroke )
-		{
+		var keystroke = ev.getKeystroke(),
+			rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl';
+		switch ( keystroke ) {
 			// UP-ARROW
-			case 38 :
+			case 38:
 				// relative is TR
-				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getPrevious() ) )
-				{
-					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [element.getParent().getIndex(), 0] );
+				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getPrevious() ) ) {
+					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [ element.getParent().getIndex(), 0 ] );
-			case 40 :
+				// DOWN-ARROW
+			case 40:
 				// relative is TR
-				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getNext() ) )
-				{
-					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [element.getParent().getIndex(), 0] );
+				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getNext() ) ) {
+					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [ element.getParent().getIndex(), 0 ] );
 					if ( nodeToMove )
-			// ENTER
-			// SPACE
-			case 32 :
-				onClick( { data: ev } );
+				// ENTER
+				// SPACE
+			case 32:
+				onClick({ data: ev } );
-			case rtl ? 37 : 39 :
-			// TAB
-			case 9 :
+			case rtl ? 37:
+				39 :
 				// relative is TD
-				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getNext() ) )
-				{
+				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getNext() ) ) {
 					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( 0 );
-					ev.preventDefault(true);
+					ev.preventDefault( true );
 				// relative is TR
-				else if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getNext() ) )
-				{
-					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [0, 0] );
+				else if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getNext() ) ) {
+					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [ 0, 0 ] );
 					if ( nodeToMove )
-					ev.preventDefault(true);
+					ev.preventDefault( true );
-			case rtl ? 39 : 37 :
-			// SHIFT + TAB
-			case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 :
+				// LEFT-ARROW
+			case rtl ? 39:
+				37 :
 				// relative is TD
-				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getPrevious() ) )
-				{
+				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getPrevious() ) ) {
 					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( 0 );
-					ev.preventDefault(true);
+					ev.preventDefault( true );
 				// relative is TR
-				else if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getPrevious() ) )
-				{
+				else if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getPrevious() ) ) {
 					nodeToMove = relative.getLast().getChild( 0 );
-					ev.preventDefault(true);
+					ev.preventDefault( true );
-			default :
+			default:
 				// Do not stop not handled events.
@@ -132,85 +118,75 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'smiley', function( editor )
 	// Build the HTML for the smiley images table.
 	var labelId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_smiley_emtions_label';
-	var html =
-	[
+	var html = [
 		'<div>' +
-		'<span id="' + labelId + '" class="cke_voice_label">' + lang.options +'</span>',
-		'<table role="listbox" aria-labelledby="' + labelId + '" style="width:100%;height:100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"',
+		'<span id="' + labelId + '" class="cke_voice_label">' + lang.options + '</span>',
+		'<table role="listbox" aria-labelledby="' + labelId + '" style="width:100%;height:100%;border-collapse:separate;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"',
 		CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ? ' style="position:absolute;"' : '',
-	];
+		];
 	var size = images.length;
-	for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ )
-	{
+	for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
 		if ( i % columns === 0 )
-			html.push( '<tr>' );
+			html.push( '<tr role="presentation">' );
 		var smileyLabelId = 'cke_smile_label_' + i + '_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
-		html.push(
-			'<td class="cke_dark_background cke_centered" style="vertical-align: middle;">' +
-				'<a href="javascript:void(0)" role="option"',
-					' aria-posinset="' + ( i +1 ) + '"',
-					' aria-setsize="' + size + '"',
-					' aria-labelledby="' + smileyLabelId + '"',
-					' class="cke_smile cke_hand" tabindex="-1" onkeydown="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( ', onKeydown, ', event, this );">',
-					'<img class="cke_hand" title="', config.smiley_descriptions[i], '"' +
-						' cke_src="', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( config.smiley_path + images[ i ] ), '" alt="', config.smiley_descriptions[i], '"',
-						' src="', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( config.smiley_path + images[ i ] ), '"',
-						// IE BUG: Below is a workaround to an IE image loading bug to ensure the image sizes are correct.
-						( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? ' onload="this.setAttribute(\'width\', 2); this.removeAttribute(\'width\');" ' : '' ),
-					'>' +
-					'<span id="' + smileyLabelId + '" class="cke_voice_label">' +config.smiley_descriptions[ i ]  + '</span>' +
-				'</a>',
- 			'</td>' );
+		html.push( '<td class="cke_dark_background cke_centered" style="vertical-align: middle;" role="presentation">' +
+			'<a href="javascript:void(0)" role="option"', ' aria-posinset="' + ( i + 1 ) + '"', ' aria-setsize="' + size + '"', ' aria-labelledby="' + smileyLabelId + '"', ' class="cke_smile cke_hand" tabindex="-1" onkeydown="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( ', onKeydown, ', event, this );">', '<img class="cke_hand" title="', config.smiley_descriptions[ i ], '"' +
+					' cke_src="', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( config.smiley_path + images[ i ] ), '" alt="', config.smiley_descriptions[ i ], '"', ' src="', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( config.smiley_path + images[ i ] ), '"',
+		// IE BUG: Below is a workaround to an IE image loading bug to ensure the image sizes are correct.
+		( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? ' onload="this.setAttribute(\'width\', 2); this.removeAttribute(\'width\');" ' : '' ), '>' +
+				'<span id="' + smileyLabelId + '" class="cke_voice_label">' + config.smiley_descriptions[ i ] + '</span>' +
+			'</a>', '</td>' );
 		if ( i % columns == columns - 1 )
 			html.push( '</tr>' );
-	if ( i < columns - 1 )
-	{
-		for ( ; i < columns - 1 ; i++ )
+	if ( i < columns - 1 ) {
+		for ( ; i < columns - 1; i++ )
 			html.push( '<td></td>' );
 		html.push( '</tr>' );
 	html.push( '</tbody></table></div>' );
-	var smileySelector =
-	{
-		type : 'html',
-		html : html.join( '' ),
-		onLoad : function( event )
-		{
+	var smileySelector = {
+		type: 'html',
+		id: 'smileySelector',
+		html: html.join( '' ),
+		onLoad: function( event ) {
 			dialog = event.sender;
-		focus : function()
- 		{
-			var firstSmile = this.getElement().getElementsByTag( 'a' ).getItem( 0 );
-			firstSmile.focus();
- 		},
-		onClick : onClick,
-		style : 'width: 100%; border-collapse: separate;'
+		focus: function() {
+			var self = this;
+			// IE need a while to move the focus (#6539).
+			setTimeout( function() {
+				var firstSmile = self.getElement().getElementsByTag( 'a' ).getItem( 0 );
+				firstSmile.focus();
+			}, 0 );
+		},
+		onClick: onClick,
+		style: 'width: 100%; border-collapse: separate;'
 	return {
-		title : editor.lang.smiley.title,
-		minWidth : 270,
-		minHeight : 120,
-		contents : [
+		title: editor.lang.smiley.title,
+		minWidth: 270,
+		minHeight: 120,
+		contents: [
-				id : 'tab1',
-				label : '',
-				title : '',
-				expand : true,
-				padding : 0,
-				elements : [
-						smileySelector
-					]
-			}
+			id: 'tab1',
+			label: '',
+			title: '',
+			expand: true,
+			padding: 0,
+			elements: [
+				smileySelector
+				]
+		}
-		buttons : [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ]
+		buttons: [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ]
-} );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/icons/smiley.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/icons/smiley.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1ef15f
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/icons/smiley.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cf4894
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angry_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angry_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40b52d3
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angry_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/broken_heart.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/broken_heart.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6d0166
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/broken_heart.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/confused_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/confused_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a52db7a
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/confused_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/cry_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/cry_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ef6ba4
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/cry_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/devil_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/devil_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfb2507
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/devil_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/embaressed_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/embaressed_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9cedc5
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/embaressed_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/embarrassed_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/embarrassed_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9cedc5
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/embarrassed_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/envelope.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/envelope.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94e0b1f
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/envelope.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..680ae2f
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/kiss.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/kiss.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70e5255
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/kiss.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/lightbulb.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/lightbulb.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d44c2ff
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/lightbulb.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/omg_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/omg_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab7ea69
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/omg_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5bc34b
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/sad_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/sad_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae4cf1e
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/sad_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/shades_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/shades_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b454017
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/shades_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d734d1
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_down.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_down.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90b9978
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_down.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b633284
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tongue_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tongue_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2e657f
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tongue_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tounge_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tounge_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2e657f
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tounge_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/whatchutalkingabout_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/whatchutalkingabout_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7709882
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/whatchutalkingabout_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/wink_smile.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/wink_smile.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b210295
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/wink_smile.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baa397f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'af', {
+	options: 'Lagbekkie opsies',
+	title: 'Voeg lagbekkie by',
+	toolbar: 'Lagbekkie'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0ab8bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'ar', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'إدراج ابتسامات',
+	toolbar: 'ابتسامات'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..686f91a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'bg', {
+	options: 'Опции за усмивката',
+	title: 'Вмъкване на усмивка',
+	toolbar: 'Усмивка'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3850d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'bn', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'স্মাইলী যুক্ত কর',
+	toolbar: 'স্মাইলী'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef63747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'bs', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Ubaci smješka',
+	toolbar: 'Smješko'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d43f42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'ca', {
+	options: 'Opcions d\'emoticones',
+	title: 'Insereix una icona',
+	toolbar: 'Icona'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d3e234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'cs', {
+	options: 'Nastavení smajlíků',
+	title: 'Vkládání smajlíků',
+	toolbar: 'Smajlíci'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0d4b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'cy', {
+	options: 'Opsiynau Gwenogluniau',
+	title: 'Mewnosod Gwenoglun',
+	toolbar: 'Gwenoglun'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81026a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'da', {
+	options: 'Smileymuligheder',
+	title: 'Vælg smiley',
+	toolbar: 'Smiley'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7cfb8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'de', {
+	options: 'Smiley Optionen',
+	title: 'Smiley auswählen',
+	toolbar: 'Smiley'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dc59bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'el', {
+	options: 'Επιλογές Smiley',
+	title: 'Επιλέξτε ένα Smiley',
+	toolbar: 'Smiley'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce8169c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'en-au', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Insert a Smiley',
+	toolbar: 'Smiley'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75dded0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'en-ca', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Insert a Smiley',
+	toolbar: 'Smiley'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..206fd11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'en-gb', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options',
+	title: 'Insert a Smiley',
+	toolbar: 'Smiley'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5c8b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'en', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options',
+	title: 'Insert a Smiley',
+	toolbar: 'Smiley'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b64fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'eo', {
+	options: 'Opcioj pri mienvinjetoj',
+	title: 'Enmeti Mienvinjeton',
+	toolbar: 'Mienvinjeto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..375ec70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'es', {
+	options: 'Opciones de emoticonos',
+	title: 'Insertar un Emoticon',
+	toolbar: 'Emoticonos'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdc4693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'et', {
+	options: 'Emotikonide valikud',
+	title: 'Sisesta emotikon',
+	toolbar: 'Emotikon'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e65b810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'eu', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Aurpegiera Sartu',
+	toolbar: 'Aurpegierak'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b243b21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'fa', {
+	options: 'گزینههای خندانک',
+	title: 'گنجاندن خندانک',
+	toolbar: 'خندانک'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..750d507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'fi', {
+	options: 'Hymiön ominaisuudet',
+	title: 'Lisää hymiö',
+	toolbar: 'Hymiö'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71270a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'fo', {
+	options: 'Møguleikar fyri Smiley',
+	title: 'Vel Smiley',
+	toolbar: 'Smiley'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2e3a31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'fr-ca', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Insérer un Emoticon',
+	toolbar: 'Emoticon'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fa2d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'fr', {
+	options: 'Options des émoticones',
+	title: 'Insérer un émoticone',
+	toolbar: 'Émoticones'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2e0297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'gl', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Inserte un Smiley',
+	toolbar: 'Smiley'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c583551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'gu', {
+	options: 'સમ્ય્લી વિકલ્પો',
+	title: 'સ્માઇલી  પસંદ કરો',
+	toolbar: 'સ્માઇલી'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..928d30f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'he', {
+	options: 'אפשרויות סמיילים',
+	title: 'הוספת סמיילי',
+	toolbar: 'סמיילי'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50ceb92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'hi', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'स्माइली इन्सर्ट करें',
+	toolbar: 'स्माइली'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18520fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'hr', {
+	options: 'Opcije smješka',
+	title: 'Ubaci smješka',
+	toolbar: 'Smješko'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4bd676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'hu', {
+	options: 'Hangulatjel opciók',
+	title: 'Hangulatjel beszúrása',
+	toolbar: 'Hangulatjelek'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79076a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'is', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Velja svip',
+	toolbar: 'Svipur'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65b7cc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'it', {
+	options: 'Opzioni Smiley',
+	title: 'Inserisci emoticon',
+	toolbar: 'Emoticon'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd5c183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'ja', {
+	options: '絵文字オプション',
+	title: '顔文字挿入',
+	toolbar: '絵文字'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e8dc1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'ka', {
+	options: 'სიცილაკის პარამეტრები',
+	title: 'სიცილაკის ჩასმა',
+	toolbar: 'სიცილაკები'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bb79ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'km', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'បញ្ជូលរូបភាព',
+	toolbar: 'រូបភាព'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8185ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'ko', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: '아이콘 삽입',
+	toolbar: '아이콘'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c80505a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'ku', {
+	options: 'ههڵبژاردهی زهردهخهنه',
+	title: 'دانانی زهردهخهنهیهك',
+	toolbar: 'زهردهخهنه'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fae7872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'lt', {
+	options: 'Šypsenėlių nustatymai',
+	title: 'Įterpti veidelį',
+	toolbar: 'Veideliai'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..770b8c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'lv', {
+	options: 'Smaidiņu uzstādījumi',
+	title: 'Ievietot smaidiņu',
+	toolbar: 'Smaidiņi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d323926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'mk', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Insert a Smiley', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Smiley' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b79ee30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'mn', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Тодорхойлолт оруулах',
+	toolbar: 'Тодорхойлолт'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee3fe10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'ms', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Masukkan Smiley',
+	toolbar: 'Smiley'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b4aa87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'nb', {
+	options: 'Alternativer for smil',
+	title: 'Sett inn smil',
+	toolbar: 'Smil'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c07544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'nl', {
+	options: 'Smiley opties',
+	title: 'Smiley invoegen',
+	toolbar: 'Smiley'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9faa496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'no', {
+	options: 'Alternativer for smil',
+	title: 'Sett inn smil',
+	toolbar: 'Smil'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..981bd4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'pl', {
+	options: 'Opcje emotikonów',
+	title: 'Wstaw emotikona',
+	toolbar: 'Emotikony'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbeabdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'pt-br', {
+	options: 'Opções de Emoticons',
+	title: 'Inserir Emoticon',
+	toolbar: 'Emoticon'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e9d600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'pt', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Inserir um Emoticon',
+	toolbar: 'Emoticons'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9179fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'ro', {
+	options: 'Opțiuni figuri expresive',
+	title: 'Inserează o figură expresivă (Emoticon)',
+	toolbar: 'Figură expresivă (Emoticon)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..176ae70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'ru', {
+	options: 'Выбор смайла',
+	title: 'Вставить смайл',
+	toolbar: 'Смайлы'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab9b301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'sk', {
+	options: 'Možnosti smajlíkov',
+	title: 'Vložiť smajlíka',
+	toolbar: 'Smajlíky'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45cabe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'sl', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Vstavi smeška',
+	toolbar: 'Smeško'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d97af90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'sr-latn', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Unesi smajlija',
+	toolbar: 'Smajli'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7a71ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'sr', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Унеси смајлија',
+	toolbar: 'Смајли'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d9af92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'sv', {
+	options: 'Smileyinställningar',
+	title: 'Infoga smiley',
+	toolbar: 'Smiley'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a69304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'th', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'แทรกสัญลักษณ์สื่ออารมณ์',
+	toolbar: 'รูปสื่ออารมณ์'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84da5fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'tr', {
+	options: 'İfade Seçenekleri',
+	title: 'Ä°fade Ekle',
+	toolbar: 'Ä°fade'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4c6b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'ug', {
+	options: 'چىراي ئىپادە سىنبەلگە تاللانمىسى',
+	title: 'چىراي ئىپادە سىنبەلگە قىستۇر',
+	toolbar: 'چىراي ئىپادە'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5e1804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'uk', {
+	options: 'Опції смайликів',
+	title: 'Вставити смайлик',
+	toolbar: 'Смайлик'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8320570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'vi', {
+	options: 'Tùy chọn hình  biểu lộ cảm xúc',
+	title: 'Chèn hình biểu lộ cảm xúc (mặt cười)',
+	toolbar: 'Hình biểu lộ cảm xúc (mặt cười)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fd43c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'zh-cn', {
+	options: '表情图标选项',
+	title: '插入表情图标',
+	toolbar: '表情符'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b890011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'smiley', 'zh', {
+	options: 'Smiley Options', // MISSING
+	title: '插入表情符號',
+	toolbar: '表情符號'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/plugin.js
index a915189..da9936a 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/plugin.js
@@ -1,94 +1,91 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'smiley',
-	requires : [ 'dialog' ],
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'smiley', {
+	requires: 'dialog',
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	icons: 'smiley', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	init: function( editor ) {
 		editor.config.smiley_path = editor.config.smiley_path || ( this.path + 'images/' );
 		editor.addCommand( 'smiley', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'smiley' ) );
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'Smiley',
-			{
-				label : editor.lang.smiley.toolbar,
-				command : 'smiley'
-			});
+		editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'Smiley', {
+			label: editor.lang.smiley.toolbar,
+			command: 'smiley',
+			toolbar: 'insert,50'
+		});
 		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'smiley', this.path + 'dialogs/smiley.js' );
-} );
- * The base path used to build the URL for the smiley images. It must end with
- * a slash.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.smiley_path
- * @type String
- * @default {@link CKEDITOR.basePath} + 'plugins/smiley/images/'
- * @example
- * config.smiley_path = 'http://www.example.com/images/smileys/';
- * @example
- * config.smiley_path = '/images/smileys/';
+ * The base path used to build the URL for the smiley images. It must end with a slash.
+ *
+ *		config.smiley_path = 'http://www.example.com/images/smileys/';
+ *
+ *		config.smiley_path = '/images/smileys/';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [smiley_path=CKEDITOR.basePath + 'plugins/smiley/images/']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
  * The file names for the smileys to be displayed. These files must be
- * contained inside the URL path defined with the
- * {@link CKEDITOR.config.smiley_path} setting.
- * @type Array
- * @default (see example)
- * @example
- * // This is actually the default value.
- * config.smiley_images = [
- *     'regular_smile.gif','sad_smile.gif','wink_smile.gif','teeth_smile.gif','confused_smile.gif','tounge_smile.gif',
- *     'embaressed_smile.gif','omg_smile.gif','whatchutalkingabout_smile.gif','angry_smile.gif','angel_smile.gif','shades_smile.gif',
- *     'devil_smile.gif','cry_smile.gif','lightbulb.gif','thumbs_down.gif','thumbs_up.gif','heart.gif',
- *     'broken_heart.gif','kiss.gif','envelope.gif'];
+ * contained inside the URL path defined with the {@link #smiley_path} setting.
+ *
+ *		// This is actually the default value.
+ *		config.smiley_images = [
+ *			'regular_smile.gif','sad_smile.gif','wink_smile.gif','teeth_smile.gif','confused_smile.gif','tongue_smile.gif',
+ *			'embarrassed_smile.gif','omg_smile.gif','whatchutalkingabout_smile.gif','angry_smile.gif','angel_smile.gif','shades_smile.gif',
+ *			'devil_smile.gif','cry_smile.gif','lightbulb.gif','thumbs_down.gif','thumbs_up.gif','heart.gif',
+ *			'broken_heart.gif','kiss.gif','envelope.gif'
+ *		];
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 CKEDITOR.config.smiley_images = [
-	'regular_smile.gif','sad_smile.gif','wink_smile.gif','teeth_smile.gif','confused_smile.gif','tounge_smile.gif',
-	'embaressed_smile.gif','omg_smile.gif','whatchutalkingabout_smile.gif','angry_smile.gif','angel_smile.gif','shades_smile.gif',
-	'devil_smile.gif','cry_smile.gif','lightbulb.gif','thumbs_down.gif','thumbs_up.gif','heart.gif',
-	'broken_heart.gif','kiss.gif','envelope.gif'];
+	'regular_smile.gif', 'sad_smile.gif', 'wink_smile.gif', 'teeth_smile.gif', 'confused_smile.gif', 'tongue_smile.gif',
+	'embarrassed_smile.gif', 'omg_smile.gif', 'whatchutalkingabout_smile.gif', 'angry_smile.gif', 'angel_smile.gif', 'shades_smile.gif',
+	'devil_smile.gif', 'cry_smile.gif', 'lightbulb.gif', 'thumbs_down.gif', 'thumbs_up.gif', 'heart.gif',
+	'broken_heart.gif', 'kiss.gif', 'envelope.gif' ];
  * The description to be used for each of the smileys defined in the
- * {@link CKEDITOR.config.smiley_images} setting. Each entry in this array list
- * must match its relative pair in the {@link CKEDITOR.config.smiley_images}
+ * {@link CKEDITOR.config#smiley_images} setting. Each entry in this array list
+ * must match its relative pair in the {@link CKEDITOR.config#smiley_images}
  * setting.
- * @type Array
- * @default  The textual descriptions of smiley.
- * @example
- * // Default settings.
- * config.smiley_descriptions =
- *     [
- *         'smiley', 'sad', 'wink', 'laugh', 'frown', 'cheeky', 'blush', 'surprise',
- *         'indecision', 'angry', 'angel', 'cool', 'devil', 'crying', 'enlightened', 'no',
- *         'yes', 'heart', 'broken heart', 'kiss', 'mail'
- *     ];
- * @example
- * // Use textual emoticons as description.
- * config.smiley_descriptions =
- *     [
- *         ':)', ':(', ';)', ':D', ':/', ':P', ':*)', ':-o',
- *         ':|', '>:(', 'o:)', '8-)', '>:-)', ';(', '', '', '',
- *         '', '', ':-*', ''
- *     ];
+ *
+ *		// Default settings.
+ *		config.smiley_descriptions = [
+ *			'smiley', 'sad', 'wink', 'laugh', 'frown', 'cheeky', 'blush', 'surprise',
+ *			'indecision', 'angry', 'angel', 'cool', 'devil', 'crying', 'enlightened', 'no',
+ *			'yes', 'heart', 'broken heart', 'kiss', 'mail'
+ *		];
+ *
+ *		// Use textual emoticons as description.
+ *		config.smiley_descriptions = [
+ *			':)', ':(', ';)', ':D', ':/', ':P', ':*)', ':-o',
+ *			':|', '>:(', 'o:)', '8-)', '>:-)', ';(', '', '', '',
+ *			'', '', ':-*', ''
+ *		];
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.smiley_descriptions =
-	[
-		'smiley', 'sad', 'wink', 'laugh', 'frown', 'cheeky', 'blush', 'surprise',
-		'indecision', 'angry', 'angel', 'cool', 'devil', 'crying', 'enlightened', 'no',
-		'yes', 'heart', 'broken heart', 'kiss', 'mail'
-	];
+CKEDITOR.config.smiley_descriptions = [
+	'smiley', 'sad', 'wink', 'laugh', 'frown', 'cheeky', 'blush', 'surprise',
+	'indecision', 'angry', 'angel', 'cool', 'devil', 'crying', 'enlightened', 'no',
+	'yes', 'heart', 'broken heart', 'kiss', 'mail'
  * The number of columns to be generated by the smilies matrix.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.smiley_columns
- * @type Number
- * @default 8
+ *
+ *		config.smiley_columns = 6;
+ *
  * @since 3.3.2
- * @example
- * config.smiley_columns = 6;
+ * @cfg {Number} [smiley_columns=8]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/icons/source-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/icons/source-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2efa25d
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/icons/source-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/icons/source.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/icons/source.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffd830d
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/icons/source.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..987b6e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'af', {
+	toolbar: 'Bron'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..475dfa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'ar', {
+	toolbar: 'المصدر'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1ce36a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'bg', {
+	toolbar: 'Източник'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5285b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'bn', {
+	toolbar: 'সোর্স'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d810a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'bs', {
+	toolbar: 'HTML kôd'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a2d1ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Codi font'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d37f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'cs', {
+	toolbar: 'Zdroj'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07d59e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'cy', {
+	toolbar: 'HTML'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..279e281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'da', {
+	toolbar: 'Kilde'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..997ffd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'de', {
+	toolbar: 'Quellcode'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2249848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'el', {
+	toolbar: 'HTML κώδικας'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0393466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'en-au', {
+	toolbar: 'Source'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2340f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'en-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Source'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cc91b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'en-gb', {
+	toolbar: 'Source'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0b543f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'en', {
+	toolbar: 'Source'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38a2033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'eo', {
+	toolbar: 'Fonto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcf5458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'es', {
+	toolbar: 'Fuente HTML'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e293b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'et', {
+	toolbar: 'Lähtekood'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b11ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'eu', {
+	toolbar: 'HTML Iturburua'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8560bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'fa', {
+	toolbar: 'منبع'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0db374a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'fi', {
+	toolbar: 'Koodi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89281fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'fo', {
+	toolbar: 'Kelda'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..079d0f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'fr-ca', {
+	toolbar: 'Source'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23b843c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'fr', {
+	toolbar: 'Source'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81b4a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'gl', {
+	toolbar: 'Código Fonte'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c25441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'gu', {
+	toolbar: 'મૂળ કે પ્રાથમિક દસ્તાવેજ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..018dc1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'he', {
+	toolbar: 'מקור'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9c984a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'hi', {
+	toolbar: 'सोर्स'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..412f959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'hr', {
+	toolbar: 'Kôd'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aea51d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'hu', {
+	toolbar: 'Forráskód'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cdea9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'is', {
+	toolbar: 'Kóði'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17754ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'it', {
+	toolbar: 'Codice Sorgente'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fdc6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'ja', {
+	toolbar: 'ソース'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3fd1ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'ka', {
+	toolbar: 'კოდები'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62abf98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'km', {
+	toolbar: 'កូត'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..467f7fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'ko', {
+	toolbar: '소스'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a652f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'ku', {
+	toolbar: 'سەرچاوە'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f7e567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'lt', {
+	toolbar: 'Å altinis'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaaaa04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'lv', {
+	toolbar: 'HTML kods'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33b1e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'mk', {
+	toolbar: 'Source' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2df9ca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'mn', {
+	toolbar: 'Код'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..897c358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'ms', {
+	toolbar: 'Sumber'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..806a614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'nb', {
+	toolbar: 'Kilde'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61220e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'nl', {
+	toolbar: 'Code'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..729a690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'no', {
+	toolbar: 'Kilde'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9208c7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'pl', {
+	toolbar: 'Źródło dokumentu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a83c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'pt-br', {
+	toolbar: 'Código-Fonte'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98dbc27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'pt', {
+	toolbar: 'Fonte'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..611336c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'ro', {
+	toolbar: 'Sursa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7928122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'ru', {
+	toolbar: 'Источник'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d19b326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'sk', {
+	toolbar: 'Zdroj'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15e28f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'sl', {
+	toolbar: 'Izvorna koda'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4ab433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'sr-latn', {
+	toolbar: 'Kôd'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e5795f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'sr', {
+	toolbar: 'Kôд'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e59ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'sv', {
+	toolbar: 'Källa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef3f63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'th', {
+	toolbar: 'ดูรหัส HTML'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1c9743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'tr', {
+	toolbar: 'Kaynak'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acab47b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'ug', {
+	toolbar: 'مەنبە'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e52d50e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'uk', {
+	toolbar: 'Джерело'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13f9e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'vi', {
+	toolbar: 'Mã HTML'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b3b98f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'zh-cn', {
+	toolbar: '源码'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5fe794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'sourcearea', 'zh', {
+	toolbar: '原始碼'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/plugin.js
index fe39339..34faf64 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/sourcearea/plugin.js
@@ -1,207 +1,149 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
  * @fileOverview The "sourcearea" plugin. It registers the "source" editing
  *		mode, which displays the raw data being edited in the editor.
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sourcearea',
-	requires : [ 'editingblock' ],
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
-		var sourcearea = CKEDITOR.plugins.sourcearea,
-			win = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow();
-		editor.on( 'editingBlockReady', function()
-			{
-				var textarea,
-					onResize;
-				editor.addMode( 'source',
-					{
-						load : function( holderElement, data )
-						{
-							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 8 )
-								holderElement.setStyle( 'position', 'relative' );
-							// Create the source area <textarea>.
-							editor.textarea = textarea = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'textarea' );
-							textarea.setAttributes(
-								{
-									dir : 'ltr',
-									tabIndex : CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? -1 : editor.tabIndex,
-									'role' : 'textbox',
-									'aria-label' : editor.lang.editorTitle.replace( '%1', editor.name )
-								});
-							textarea.addClass( 'cke_source' );
-							textarea.addClass( 'cke_enable_context_menu' );
-							var styles =
-							{
-								// IE7 has overflow the <textarea> from wrapping table cell.
-								width	: CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat ?  '99%' : '100%',
-								height	: '100%',
-								resize	: 'none',
-								outline	: 'none',
-								'text-align' : 'left'
-							};
-							// Having to make <textarea> fixed sized to conque the following bugs:
-							// 1. The textarea height/width='100%' doesn't constraint to the 'td' in IE6/7.
-							// 2. Unexpected vertical-scrolling behavior happens whenever focus is moving out of editor
-							// if text content within it has overflowed. (#4762)
-							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-							{
-								onResize = function()
-								{
-									// Holder rectange size is stretched by textarea,
-									// so hide it just for a moment.
-									textarea.hide();
-									textarea.setStyle( 'height', holderElement.$.clientHeight + 'px' );
-									textarea.setStyle( 'width', holderElement.$.clientWidth + 'px' );
-									// When we have proper holder size, show textarea again.
-									textarea.show();
-								};
-								editor.on( 'resize', onResize );
-								win.on( 'resize', onResize );
-								setTimeout( onResize, 0 );
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								// By some yet unknown reason, we must stop the
-								// mousedown propagation for the textarea,
-								// otherwise it's not possible to place the caret
-								// inside of it (non IE).
-								textarea.on( 'mousedown', function( evt )
-									{
-										evt.data.stopPropagation();
-									} );
-							}
-							// Reset the holder element and append the
-							// <textarea> to it.
-							holderElement.setHtml( '' );
-							holderElement.append( textarea );
-							textarea.setStyles( styles );
-							editor.fire( 'ariaWidget', textarea );
-							textarea.on( 'blur', function()
-								{
-									editor.focusManager.blur();
-								});
-							textarea.on( 'focus', function()
-								{
-									editor.focusManager.focus();
-								});
-							// The editor data "may be dirty" after this point.
-							editor.mayBeDirty = true;
-							// Set the <textarea> value.
-							this.loadData( data );
-							var keystrokeHandler = editor.keystrokeHandler;
-							if ( keystrokeHandler )
-								keystrokeHandler.attach( textarea );
-							setTimeout( function()
-							{
-								editor.mode = 'source';
-								editor.fire( 'mode' );
-							},
-							( CKEDITOR.env.gecko || CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) ? 100 : 0 );
-						},
-						loadData : function( data )
-						{
-							textarea.setValue( data );
-							editor.fire( 'dataReady' );
-						},
-						getData : function()
-						{
-							return textarea.getValue();
-						},
-						getSnapshotData : function()
-						{
-							return textarea.getValue();
-						},
-						unload : function( holderElement )
-						{
-							textarea.clearCustomData();
-							editor.textarea = textarea = null;
-							if ( onResize )
-							{
-								editor.removeListener( 'resize', onResize );
-								win.removeListener( 'resize', onResize );
-							}
-							if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 8 )
-								holderElement.removeStyle( 'position' );
-						},
-						focus : function()
-						{
-							textarea.focus();
-						}
-					});
+(function() {
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sourcearea', {
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'source,source-rtl', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			// Source mode isn't available in inline mode yet.
+			if ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE )
+				return;
+			var sourcearea = CKEDITOR.plugins.sourcearea;
+			editor.addMode( 'source', function( callback ) {
+				var contentsSpace = editor.ui.space( 'contents' ),
+					textarea = contentsSpace.getDocument().createElement( 'textarea' );
+				textarea.setStyles(
+					CKEDITOR.tools.extend({
+						// IE7 has overflow the <textarea> from wrapping table cell.
+						width: CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat ? '99%' : '100%',
+						height: '100%',
+						resize: 'none',
+						outline: 'none',
+						'text-align': 'left'
+					},
+					CKEDITOR.tools.cssVendorPrefix( 'tab-size', editor.config.sourceAreaTabSize || 4 ) ) );
+				textarea.addClass( 'cke_source cke_reset cke_enable_context_menu' );
+				editor.ui.space( 'contents' ).append( textarea );
+				var editable = editor.editable( new sourceEditable( editor, textarea ) );
+				// Fill the textarea with the current editor data.
+				editable.setData( editor.getData( 1 ) );
+				// Having to make <textarea> fixed sized to conquer the following bugs:
+				// 1. The textarea height/width='100%' doesn't constraint to the 'td' in IE6/7.
+				// 2. Unexpected vertical-scrolling behavior happens whenever focus is moving out of editor
+				// if text content within it has overflowed. (#4762)
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+					editable.attachListener( editor, 'resize', onResize, editable );
+					editable.attachListener( CKEDITOR.document.getWindow(), 'resize', onResize, editable );
+					CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( onResize, 0, editable );
+				}
+				editor.fire( 'ariaWidget', this );
+				callback();
-		editor.addCommand( 'source', sourcearea.commands.source );
+			editor.addCommand( 'source', sourcearea.commands.source );
-		if ( editor.ui.addButton )
-		{
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'Source',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.source,
-					command : 'source'
+			if ( editor.ui.addButton ) {
+				editor.ui.addButton( 'Source', {
+					label: editor.lang.sourcearea.toolbar,
+					command: 'source',
+					toolbar: 'mode,10'
-		}
+			}
-		editor.on( 'mode', function()
-			{
-				editor.getCommand( 'source' ).setState(
-					editor.mode == 'source' ?
+			editor.on( 'mode', function() {
+				editor.getCommand( 'source' ).setState( editor.mode == 'source' ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
-	}
- * Holds the definition of commands an UI elements included with the sourcearea
- * plugin.
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.plugins.sourcearea =
-	commands :
-	{
-		source :
-		{
-			modes : { wysiwyg:1, source:1 },
-			editorFocus : false,
-			exec : function( editor )
-			{
+			function onResize() {
+				// Holder rectange size is stretched by textarea,
+				// so hide it just for a moment.
+				this.hide();
+				this.setStyle( 'height', this.getParent().$.clientHeight + 'px' );
+				this.setStyle( 'width', this.getParent().$.clientWidth + 'px' );
+				// When we have proper holder size, show textarea again.
+				this.show();
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	var sourceEditable = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+		base: CKEDITOR.editable,
+		proto: {
+			setData: function( data ) {
+				this.setValue( data );
+				this.editor.fire( 'dataReady' );
+			},
+			getData: function() {
+				return this.getValue();
+			},
+			// Insertions are not supported in source editable.
+			insertHtml: function() {},
+			insertElement: function() {},
+			insertText: function() {},
+			// Read-only support for textarea.
+			setReadOnly: function( isReadOnly ) {
+				this[ ( isReadOnly ? 'set' : 'remove' ) + 'Attribute' ]( 'readOnly', 'readonly' );
+			},
+			detach: function() {
+				sourceEditable.baseProto.detach.call( this );
+				this.clearCustomData();
+				this.remove();
+			}
+		}
+	});
+CKEDITOR.plugins.sourcearea = {
+	commands: {
+		source: {
+			modes: { wysiwyg:1,source:1 },
+			editorFocus: false,
+			readOnly: 1,
+			exec: function( editor ) {
 				if ( editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' )
 					editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
 				editor.getCommand( 'source' ).setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
 				editor.setMode( editor.mode == 'source' ? 'wysiwyg' : 'source' );
-			canUndo : false
+			canUndo: false
+ * Controls CSS tab-size property of the sourcearea view.
+ *
+ * **Note:** Works only with {@link #dataIndentationChars}
+ * set to `'\t'`. Please consider that not all browsers support CSS
+ * `tab-size` property yet.
+ *
+ *		// Set tab-size to 20 characters.
+ *		CKEDITOR.config.sourceAreaTabSize = 20;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [sourceAreaTabSize=4]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ * @see CKEDITOR.config#dataIndentationChars
+ */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/_translationstatus.txt b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/_translationstatus.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8df716d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/_translationstatus.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+cs.js      Found: 118 Missing: 0
+cy.js      Found: 118 Missing: 0
+de.js      Found: 118 Missing: 0
+el.js      Found: 16 Missing: 102
+eo.js      Found: 118 Missing: 0
+et.js      Found: 31 Missing: 87
+fa.js      Found: 24 Missing: 94
+fi.js      Found: 23 Missing: 95
+fr.js      Found: 118 Missing: 0
+hr.js      Found: 23 Missing: 95
+it.js      Found: 118 Missing: 0
+nb.js      Found: 118 Missing: 0
+nl.js      Found: 118 Missing: 0
+no.js      Found: 118 Missing: 0
+tr.js      Found: 118 Missing: 0
+ug.js      Found: 39 Missing: 79
+zh-cn.js   Found: 118 Missing: 0
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7649fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'ca', {
+	euro: 'Símbol d\'euro',
+	lsquo: 'Signe de cometa simple esquerra',
+	rsquo: 'Signe de cometa simple dreta',
+	ldquo: 'Signe de cometa doble esquerra',
+	rdquo: 'Signe de cometa doble dreta',
+	ndash: 'Guió',
+	mdash: 'Guió baix',
+	iexcl: 'Signe d\'exclamació inversa',
+	cent: 'Símbol de percentatge',
+	pound: 'Símbol de lliura',
+	curren: 'Símbol de moneda',
+	yen: 'Símbol de Yen',
+	brvbar: 'Broken bar', // MISSING
+	sect: 'Section sign', // MISSING
+	uml: 'Dièresi',
+	copy: 'Símbol de Copyright',
+	ordf: 'Feminine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	laquo: 'Left-pointing double angle quotation mark', // MISSING
+	not: 'Not sign', // MISSING
+	reg: 'Símbol registrat',
+	macr: 'Macron', // MISSING
+	deg: 'Degree sign', // MISSING
+	sup2: 'Superscript two', // MISSING
+	sup3: 'Superscript three', // MISSING
+	acute: 'Acute accent', // MISSING
+	micro: 'Micro sign', // MISSING
+	para: 'Pilcrow sign', // MISSING
+	middot: 'Middle dot', // MISSING
+	cedil: 'Cedilla', // MISSING
+	sup1: 'Superscript one', // MISSING
+	ordm: 'Masculine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	raquo: 'Right-pointing double angle quotation mark', // MISSING
+	frac14: 'Vulgar fraction one quarter', // MISSING
+	frac12: 'Vulgar fraction one half', // MISSING
+	frac34: 'Vulgar fraction three quarters', // MISSING
+	iquest: 'Inverted question mark', // MISSING
+	Agrave: 'Latin capital letter A with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Aacute: 'Latin capital letter A with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Acirc: 'Latin capital letter A with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Atilde: 'Latin capital letter A with tilde', // MISSING
+	Auml: 'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Aring: 'Latin capital letter A with ring above', // MISSING
+	AElig: 'Latin Capital letter Æ', // MISSING
+	Ccedil: 'Latin capital letter C with cedilla', // MISSING
+	Egrave: 'Latin capital letter E with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Eacute: 'Latin capital letter E with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ecirc: 'Latin capital letter E with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Euml: 'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Igrave: 'Latin capital letter I with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Iacute: 'Latin capital letter I with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Icirc: 'Latin capital letter I with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Iuml: 'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	ETH: 'Latin capital letter Eth', // MISSING
+	Ntilde: 'Latin capital letter N with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ograve: 'Latin capital letter O with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Oacute: 'Latin capital letter O with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ocirc: 'Latin capital letter O with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Otilde: 'Latin capital letter O with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ouml: 'Latin capital letter O with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	times: 'Multiplication sign', // MISSING
+	Oslash: 'Latin capital letter O with stroke', // MISSING
+	Ugrave: 'Latin capital letter U with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Uacute: 'Latin capital letter U with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ucirc: 'Latin capital letter U with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Uuml: 'Latin capital letter U with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Yacute: 'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	THORN: 'Latin capital letter Thorn', // MISSING
+	szlig: 'Latin small letter sharp s', // MISSING
+	agrave: 'Latin small letter a with grave accent', // MISSING
+	aacute: 'Latin small letter a with acute accent', // MISSING
+	acirc: 'Latin small letter a with circumflex', // MISSING
+	atilde: 'Latin small letter a with tilde', // MISSING
+	auml: 'Latin small letter a with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	aring: 'Latin small letter a with ring above', // MISSING
+	aelig: 'Latin small letter æ', // MISSING
+	ccedil: 'Latin small letter c with cedilla', // MISSING
+	egrave: 'Latin small letter e with grave accent', // MISSING
+	eacute: 'Latin small letter e with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ecirc: 'Latin small letter e with circumflex', // MISSING
+	euml: 'Latin small letter e with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	igrave: 'Latin small letter i with grave accent', // MISSING
+	iacute: 'Latin small letter i with acute accent', // MISSING
+	icirc: 'Latin small letter i with circumflex', // MISSING
+	iuml: 'Latin small letter i with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	eth: 'Latin small letter eth', // MISSING
+	ntilde: 'Latin small letter n with tilde', // MISSING
+	ograve: 'Latin small letter o with grave accent', // MISSING
+	oacute: 'Latin small letter o with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ocirc: 'Latin small letter o with circumflex', // MISSING
+	otilde: 'Latin small letter o with tilde', // MISSING
+	ouml: 'Latin small letter o with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	divide: 'Division sign', // MISSING
+	oslash: 'Latin small letter o with stroke', // MISSING
+	ugrave: 'Latin small letter u with grave accent', // MISSING
+	uacute: 'Latin small letter u with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ucirc: 'Latin small letter u with circumflex', // MISSING
+	uuml: 'Latin small letter u with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	yacute: 'Latin small letter y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	thorn: 'Latin small letter thorn', // MISSING
+	yuml: 'Latin small letter y with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	OElig: 'Latin capital ligature OE', // MISSING
+	oelig: 'Latin small ligature oe', // MISSING
+	'372': 'Latin capital letter W with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'374': 'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'373': 'Latin small letter w with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'375': 'Latin small letter y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	sbquo: 'Single low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	'8219': 'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	bdquo: 'Double low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	hellip: 'Horizontal ellipsis', // MISSING
+	trade: 'Trade mark sign', // MISSING
+	'9658': 'Black right-pointing pointer', // MISSING
+	bull: 'Bullet', // MISSING
+	rarr: 'Rightwards arrow', // MISSING
+	rArr: 'Rightwards double arrow', // MISSING
+	hArr: 'Left right double arrow', // MISSING
+	diams: 'Black diamond suit', // MISSING
+	asymp: 'Almost equal to' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94cbb59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'cs', {
+	euro: 'Znak eura',
+	lsquo: 'Počáteční uvozovka jednoduchá',
+	rsquo: 'Koncová uvozovka jednoduchá',
+	ldquo: 'Počáteční uvozovka dvojitá',
+	rdquo: 'Koncová uvozovka dvojitá',
+	ndash: 'En pomlčka',
+	mdash: 'Em pomlčka',
+	iexcl: 'Obrácený vykřičník',
+	cent: 'Znak centu',
+	pound: 'Znak libry',
+	curren: 'Znak měny',
+	yen: 'Znak jenu',
+	brvbar: 'Přerušená svislá čára',
+	sect: 'Znak oddílu',
+	uml: 'Přehláska',
+	copy: 'Znak copyrightu',
+	ordf: 'Ženský indikátor rodu',
+	laquo: 'Znak dvojitých lomených uvozovek vlevo',
+	not: 'Logistický zápor',
+	reg: 'Znak registrace',
+	macr: 'Pomlčka nad',
+	deg: 'Znak stupnÄ›',
+	sup2: 'Dvojka jako horní index',
+	sup3: 'Trojka jako horní index',
+	acute: 'Čárka nad vpravo',
+	micro: 'Znak mikro',
+	para: 'Znak odstavce',
+	middot: 'Tečka uprostřed',
+	cedil: 'Ocásek vlevo',
+	sup1: 'Jednička jako horní index',
+	ordm: 'Mužský indikátor rodu',
+	raquo: 'Znak dvojitých lomených uvozovek vpravo',
+	frac14: 'Obyčejný zlomek jedna čtvrtina',
+	frac12: 'Obyčejný zlomek jedna polovina',
+	frac34: 'Obyčejný zlomek tři čtvrtiny',
+	iquest: 'Znak obráceného otazníku',
+	Agrave: 'Velké písmeno latinky A s čárkou nad vlevo',
+	Aacute: 'Velké písmeno latinky A s čárkou nad vpravo',
+	Acirc: 'Velké písmeno latinky A s vokáněm',
+	Atilde: 'Velké písmeno latinky A s tildou',
+	Auml: 'Velké písmeno latinky A s dvěma tečkami',
+	Aring: 'Velké písmeno latinky A s kroužkem nad',
+	AElig: 'Velké písmeno latinky Ae',
+	Ccedil: 'Velké písmeno latinky C s ocáskem vlevo',
+	Egrave: 'Velké písmeno latinky E s čárkou nad vlevo',
+	Eacute: 'Velké písmeno latinky E s čárkou nad vpravo',
+	Ecirc: 'Velké písmeno latinky E s vokáněm',
+	Euml: 'Velké písmeno latinky E s dvěma tečkami',
+	Igrave: 'Velké písmeno latinky I s čárkou nad vlevo',
+	Iacute: 'Velké písmeno latinky I s čárkou nad vpravo',
+	Icirc: 'Velké písmeno latinky I s vokáněm',
+	Iuml: 'Velké písmeno latinky I s dvěma tečkami',
+	ETH: 'Velké písmeno latinky Eth',
+	Ntilde: 'Velké písmeno latinky N s tildou',
+	Ograve: 'Velké písmeno latinky O s čárkou nad vlevo',
+	Oacute: 'Velké písmeno latinky O s čárkou nad vpravo',
+	Ocirc: 'Velké písmeno latinky O s vokáněm',
+	Otilde: 'Velké písmeno latinky O s tildou',
+	Ouml: 'Velké písmeno latinky O s dvěma tečkami',
+	times: 'Znak násobení',
+	Oslash: 'Velké písmeno latinky O přeškrtnuté',
+	Ugrave: 'Velké písmeno latinky U s čárkou nad vlevo',
+	Uacute: 'Velké písmeno latinky U s čárkou nad vpravo',
+	Ucirc: 'Velké písmeno latinky U s vokáněm',
+	Uuml: 'Velké písmeno latinky U s dvěma tečkami',
+	Yacute: 'Velké písmeno latinky Y s čárkou nad vpravo',
+	THORN: 'Velké písmeno latinky Thorn',
+	szlig: 'Malé písmeno latinky ostré s',
+	agrave: 'Malé písmeno latinky a s čárkou nad vlevo',
+	aacute: 'Malé písmeno latinky a s čárkou nad vpravo',
+	acirc: 'Malé písmeno latinky a s vokáněm',
+	atilde: 'Malé písmeno latinky a s tildou',
+	auml: 'Malé písmeno latinky a s dvěma tečkami',
+	aring: 'Malé písmeno latinky a s kroužkem nad',
+	aelig: 'Malé písmeno latinky ae',
+	ccedil: 'Malé písmeno latinky c s ocáskem vlevo',
+	egrave: 'Malé písmeno latinky e s čárkou nad vlevo',
+	eacute: 'Malé písmeno latinky e s čárkou nad vpravo',
+	ecirc: 'Malé písmeno latinky e s vokáněm',
+	euml: 'Malé písmeno latinky e s dvěma tečkami',
+	igrave: 'Malé písmeno latinky i s čárkou nad vlevo',
+	iacute: 'Malé písmeno latinky i s čárkou nad vpravo',
+	icirc: 'Malé písmeno latinky i s vokáněm',
+	iuml: 'Malé písmeno latinky i s dvěma tečkami',
+	eth: 'Malé písmeno latinky eth',
+	ntilde: 'Malé písmeno latinky n s tildou',
+	ograve: 'Malé písmeno latinky o s čárkou nad vlevo',
+	oacute: 'Malé písmeno latinky o s čárkou nad vpravo',
+	ocirc: 'Malé písmeno latinky o s vokáněm',
+	otilde: 'Malé písmeno latinky o s tildou',
+	ouml: 'Malé písmeno latinky o s dvěma tečkami',
+	divide: 'Znak dělení',
+	oslash: 'Malé písmeno latinky o přeškrtnuté',
+	ugrave: 'Malé písmeno latinky u s čárkou nad vlevo',
+	uacute: 'Malé písmeno latinky u s čárkou nad vpravo',
+	ucirc: 'Malé písmeno latinky u s vokáněm',
+	uuml: 'Malé písmeno latinky u s dvěma tečkami',
+	yacute: 'Malé písmeno latinky y s čárkou nad vpravo',
+	thorn: 'Malé písmeno latinky thorn',
+	yuml: 'Malé písmeno latinky y s dvěma tečkami',
+	OElig: 'Velká ligatura latinky OE',
+	oelig: 'Malá ligatura latinky OE',
+	'372': 'Velké písmeno latinky W s vokáněm',
+	'374': 'Velké písmeno latinky Y s vokáněm',
+	'373': 'Malé písmeno latinky w s vokáněm',
+	'375': 'Malé písmeno latinky y s vokáněm',
+	sbquo: 'Dolní 9 uvozovka jednoduchá',
+	'8219': 'Horní obrácená 9 uvozovka jednoduchá',
+	bdquo: 'Dolní 9 uvozovka dvojitá',
+	hellip: 'Trojtečkový úvod',
+	trade: 'Obchodní značka',
+	'9658': 'Černý ukazatel směřující vpravo',
+	bull: 'Kolečko',
+	rarr: 'Å ipka vpravo',
+	rArr: 'Dvojitá šipka vpravo',
+	hArr: 'Dvojitá šipka vlevo a vpravo',
+	diams: 'Černé piky',
+	asymp: 'Téměř se rovná'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4756a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'cy', {
+	euro: 'Arwydd yr Ewro',
+	lsquo: 'Dyfynnod chwith unigol',
+	rsquo: 'Dyfynnod dde unigol',
+	ldquo: 'Dyfynnod chwith dwbl',
+	rdquo: 'Dyfynnod dde dwbl',
+	ndash: 'Cysylltnod en',
+	mdash: 'Cysylltnod em',
+	iexcl: 'Ebychnod gwrthdro',
+	cent: 'Arwydd sent',
+	pound: 'Arwydd punt',
+	curren: 'Arwydd arian cyfred',
+	yen: 'Arwydd yen',
+	brvbar: 'Bar toriedig',
+	sect: 'Arwydd adran',
+	uml: 'Didolnod',
+	copy: 'Arwydd hawlfraint',
+	ordf: 'Dangosydd benywaidd',
+	laquo: 'Dyfynnod dwbl ar ongl i\'r chwith',
+	not: 'Arwydd Nid',
+	reg: 'Arwydd cofrestredig',
+	macr: 'Macron',
+	deg: 'Arwydd gradd',
+	sup2: 'Dau uwchsgript',
+	sup3: 'Tri uwchsgript',
+	acute: 'Acen ddyrchafedig',
+	micro: 'Arwydd micro',
+	para: 'Arwydd pilcrow',
+	middot: 'Dot canol',
+	cedil: 'Sedila',
+	sup1: 'Un uwchsgript',
+	ordm: 'Dangosydd gwrywaidd',
+	raquo: 'Dyfynnod dwbl ar ongl i\'r dde',
+	frac14: 'Ffracsiwn cyffredin un cwarter',
+	frac12: 'Ffracsiwn cyffredin un hanner',
+	frac34: 'Ffracsiwn cyffredin tri chwarter',
+	iquest: 'Marc cwestiwn gwrthdroëdig',
+	Agrave: 'Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',
+	Aacute: 'Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',
+	Acirc: 'Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',
+	Atilde: 'Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gyda thild',
+	Auml: 'Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',
+	Aring: 'Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gyda chylch uwchben',
+	AElig: 'Priflythyren Æ Lladinaidd',
+	Ccedil: 'Priflythyren C Lladinaidd gyda sedila',
+	Egrave: 'Priflythyren E Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',
+	Eacute: 'Priflythyren E Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',
+	Ecirc: 'Priflythyren E Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',
+	Euml: 'Priflythyren E Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',
+	Igrave: 'Priflythyren I Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',
+	Iacute: 'Priflythyren I Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',
+	Icirc: 'Priflythyren I Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',
+	Iuml: 'Priflythyren I Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',
+	ETH: 'Priflythyren Eth',
+	Ntilde: 'Priflythyren N Lladinaidd gyda thild',
+	Ograve: 'Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',
+	Oacute: 'Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',
+	Ocirc: 'Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',
+	Otilde: 'Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gyda thild',
+	Ouml: 'Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',
+	times: 'Arwydd lluosi',
+	Oslash: 'Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gyda strôc',
+	Ugrave: 'Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',
+	Uacute: 'Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',
+	Ucirc: 'Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',
+	Uuml: 'Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',
+	Yacute: 'Priflythyren Y Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',
+	THORN: 'Priflythyren Thorn',
+	szlig: 'Llythyren s fach Lladinaidd siarp ',
+	agrave: 'Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',
+	aacute: 'Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',
+	acirc: 'Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',
+	atilde: 'Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gyda thild',
+	auml: 'Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',
+	aring: 'Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gyda chylch uwchben',
+	aelig: 'Llythyren æ fach Lladinaidd',
+	ccedil: 'Llythyren c fach Lladinaidd gyda sedila',
+	egrave: 'Llythyren e fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',
+	eacute: 'Llythyren e fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',
+	ecirc: 'Llythyren e fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',
+	euml: 'Llythyren e fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',
+	igrave: 'Llythyren i fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',
+	iacute: 'Llythyren i fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',
+	icirc: 'Llythyren i fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',
+	iuml: 'Llythyren i fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',
+	eth: 'Llythyren eth fach',
+	ntilde: 'Llythyren n fach Lladinaidd gyda thild',
+	ograve: 'Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',
+	oacute: 'Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',
+	ocirc: 'Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',
+	otilde: 'Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gyda thild',
+	ouml: 'Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',
+	divide: 'Arwydd rhannu',
+	oslash: 'Llyth',
+	ugrave: 'Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',
+	uacute: 'Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',
+	ucirc: 'Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',
+	uuml: 'Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',
+	yacute: 'Llythyren y fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',
+	thorn: 'Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gyda strôc',
+	yuml: 'Llythyren y fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',
+	OElig: 'Priflythyren cwlwm OE Lladinaidd ',
+	oelig: 'Priflythyren cwlwm oe Lladinaidd ',
+	'372': 'Priflythyren W gydag acen grom',
+	'374': 'Priflythyren Y gydag acen grom',
+	'373': 'Llythyren w fach gydag acen grom',
+	'375': 'Llythyren y fach gydag acen grom',
+	sbquo: 'Dyfynnod sengl 9-isel',
+	'8219': 'Dyfynnod sengl 9-uchel cildro',
+	bdquo: 'Dyfynnod dwbl 9-isel',
+	hellip: 'Coll geiriau llorweddol',
+	trade: 'Arwydd marc masnachol',
+	'9658': 'Pwyntydd du i\'r dde',
+	bull: 'Bwled',
+	rarr: 'Saeth i\'r dde',
+	rArr: 'Saeth ddwbl i\'r dde',
+	hArr: 'Saeth ddwbl i\'r chwith',
+	diams: 'Siwt diemwnt du',
+	asymp: 'Bron yn hafal iddo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96dc0d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'de', {
+	euro: 'Euro Zeichen',
+	lsquo: 'Hochkomma links',
+	rsquo: 'Hochkomma rechts',
+	ldquo: 'Anführungszeichen links',
+	rdquo: 'Anführungszeichen rechts',
+	ndash: 'kleiner Strich',
+	mdash: 'mittlerer Strich',
+	iexcl: 'invertiertes Ausrufezeichen',
+	cent: 'Cent',
+	pound: 'Pfund',
+	curren: 'Währung',
+	yen: 'Yen',
+	brvbar: 'gestrichelte Linie',
+	sect: '§ Zeichen',
+	uml: 'Diäresis',
+	copy: 'Copyright',
+	ordf: 'Feminine ordinal Anzeige',
+	laquo: 'Nach links zeigenden Doppel-Winkel Anführungszeichen',
+	not: 'Not-Zeichen',
+	reg: 'Registriert',
+	macr: 'Längezeichen',
+	deg: 'Grad',
+	sup2: 'Hoch 2',
+	sup3: 'Hoch 3',
+	acute: 'Akzentzeichen ',
+	micro: 'Micro',
+	para: 'Pilcrow-Zeichen',
+	middot: 'Mittelpunkt',
+	cedil: 'Cedilla',
+	sup1: 'Hoch 1',
+	ordm: 'Männliche Ordnungszahl Anzeige',
+	raquo: 'Nach rechts zeigenden Doppel-Winkel Anführungszeichen',
+	frac14: 'ein Viertel',
+	frac12: 'Hälfte',
+	frac34: 'Dreiviertel',
+	iquest: 'Umgekehrtes Fragezeichen',
+	Agrave: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit AkzentGrave',
+	Aacute: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Akutakzent',
+	Acirc: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Zirkumflex',
+	Atilde: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Tilde',
+	Auml: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Trema',
+	Aring: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Ring oben',
+	AElig: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe Æ',
+	Ccedil: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe C mit Cedille',
+	Egrave: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe E mit AkzentGrave',
+	Eacute: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe E mit Akutakzent',
+	Ecirc: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe E mit Zirkumflex',
+	Euml: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe E Trema',
+	Igrave: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit AkzentGrave',
+	Iacute: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit Akutakzent',
+	Icirc: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit Zirkumflex',
+	Iuml: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit Trema',
+	ETH: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe Eth',
+	Ntilde: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe N mit Tilde',
+	Ograve: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit AkzentGrave',
+	Oacute: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Akutakzent',
+	Ocirc: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Zirkumflex',
+	Otilde: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Tilde',
+	Ouml: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Trema',
+	times: 'Multiplikation',
+	Oslash: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe O durchgestrichen',
+	Ugrave: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe U mit Akzentgrave',
+	Uacute: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe U mit Akutakzent',
+	Ucirc: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe U mit Zirkumflex',
+	Uuml: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Trema',
+	Yacute: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Akzent',
+	THORN: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe mit Dorn',
+	szlig: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe scharfe s',
+	agrave: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Accent grave',
+	aacute: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Akut',
+	acirc: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Zirkumflex',
+	atilde: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Tilde',
+	auml: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Trema',
+	aring: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Ring oben',
+	aelig: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe æ',
+	ccedil: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe c mit Cedille',
+	egrave: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Accent grave',
+	eacute: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Akut',
+	ecirc: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Zirkumflex',
+	euml: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Trema',
+	igrave: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit AkzentGrave',
+	iacute: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Akzent',
+	icirc: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Zirkumflex',
+	iuml: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Trema',
+	eth: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe eth',
+	ntilde: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe n mit Tilde',
+	ograve: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Accent grave',
+	oacute: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Akzent',
+	ocirc: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Zirkumflex',
+	otilde: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Tilde',
+	ouml: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Trema',
+	divide: 'Divisionszeichen',
+	oslash: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o durchgestrichen',
+	ugrave: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Accent grave',
+	uacute: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Akut',
+	ucirc: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Zirkumflex',
+	uuml: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Trema',
+	yacute: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe y mit Akut',
+	thorn: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe Dorn',
+	yuml: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe y mit Trema',
+	OElig: 'Lateinischer Buchstabe Ligatur OE',
+	oelig: 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe Ligatur OE',
+	'372': 'Lateinischer Buchstabe W mit Zirkumflex',
+	'374': 'Lateinischer Buchstabe Y mit Zirkumflex',
+	'373': 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe w mit Zirkumflex',
+	'375': 'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe y mit Zirkumflex',
+	sbquo: 'Tiefergestelltes Komma',
+	'8219': 'Rumgedrehtes Komma',
+	bdquo: 'Doppeltes Anführungszeichen unten',
+	hellip: 'horizontale Auslassungspunkte',
+	trade: 'Handelszeichen',
+	'9658': 'Dreickspfeil rechts',
+	bull: 'Bullet',
+	rarr: 'Pfeil rechts',
+	rArr: 'Doppelpfeil rechts',
+	hArr: 'Doppelpfeil links',
+	diams: 'Karo',
+	asymp: 'Ungefähr'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30919e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'el', {
+	euro: 'Σύμβολο Ευρώ',
+	lsquo: 'Αριστερός χαρακτήρας μονού εισαγωγικού',
+	rsquo: 'Δεξιός χαρακτήρας μονού εισαγωγικού',
+	ldquo: 'Αριστερός χαρακτήρας διπλού εισαγωγικού',
+	rdquo: 'Δεξιός χαρακτήρας διπλού εισαγωγικού',
+	ndash: 'Παύλα en',
+	mdash: 'Παύλα em',
+	iexcl: 'Ανάποδο θαυμαστικό',
+	cent: 'Σύμβολο Σεντ',
+	pound: 'Σύμβολο λίρας',
+	curren: 'Σύμβολο συναλλαγματικής μονάδας',
+	yen: 'Σύμβολο Γιέν',
+	brvbar: 'Σπασμένη μπάρα',
+	sect: 'Σύμβολο τμήματος',
+	uml: 'Διαίρεση',
+	copy: 'Σύμβολο πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων',
+	ordf: 'Feminine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	laquo: 'Left-pointing double angle quotation mark', // MISSING
+	not: 'Not sign', // MISSING
+	reg: 'Registered sign', // MISSING
+	macr: 'Macron', // MISSING
+	deg: 'Degree sign', // MISSING
+	sup2: 'Superscript two', // MISSING
+	sup3: 'Superscript three', // MISSING
+	acute: 'Acute accent', // MISSING
+	micro: 'Micro sign', // MISSING
+	para: 'Pilcrow sign', // MISSING
+	middot: 'Middle dot', // MISSING
+	cedil: 'Cedilla', // MISSING
+	sup1: 'Superscript one', // MISSING
+	ordm: 'Masculine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	raquo: 'Right-pointing double angle quotation mark', // MISSING
+	frac14: 'Vulgar fraction one quarter', // MISSING
+	frac12: 'Vulgar fraction one half', // MISSING
+	frac34: 'Vulgar fraction three quarters', // MISSING
+	iquest: 'Inverted question mark', // MISSING
+	Agrave: 'Latin capital letter A with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Aacute: 'Latin capital letter A with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Acirc: 'Latin capital letter A with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Atilde: 'Latin capital letter A with tilde', // MISSING
+	Auml: 'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Aring: 'Latin capital letter A with ring above', // MISSING
+	AElig: 'Latin Capital letter Æ', // MISSING
+	Ccedil: 'Latin capital letter C with cedilla', // MISSING
+	Egrave: 'Latin capital letter E with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Eacute: 'Latin capital letter E with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ecirc: 'Latin capital letter E with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Euml: 'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Igrave: 'Latin capital letter I with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Iacute: 'Latin capital letter I with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Icirc: 'Latin capital letter I with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Iuml: 'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	ETH: 'Latin capital letter Eth', // MISSING
+	Ntilde: 'Latin capital letter N with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ograve: 'Latin capital letter O with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Oacute: 'Latin capital letter O with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ocirc: 'Latin capital letter O with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Otilde: 'Latin capital letter O with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ouml: 'Latin capital letter O with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	times: 'Multiplication sign', // MISSING
+	Oslash: 'Latin capital letter O with stroke', // MISSING
+	Ugrave: 'Latin capital letter U with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Uacute: 'Latin capital letter U with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ucirc: 'Latin capital letter U with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Uuml: 'Latin capital letter U with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Yacute: 'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	THORN: 'Latin capital letter Thorn', // MISSING
+	szlig: 'Latin small letter sharp s', // MISSING
+	agrave: 'Latin small letter a with grave accent', // MISSING
+	aacute: 'Latin small letter a with acute accent', // MISSING
+	acirc: 'Latin small letter a with circumflex', // MISSING
+	atilde: 'Latin small letter a with tilde', // MISSING
+	auml: 'Latin small letter a with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	aring: 'Latin small letter a with ring above', // MISSING
+	aelig: 'Latin small letter æ', // MISSING
+	ccedil: 'Latin small letter c with cedilla', // MISSING
+	egrave: 'Latin small letter e with grave accent', // MISSING
+	eacute: 'Latin small letter e with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ecirc: 'Latin small letter e with circumflex', // MISSING
+	euml: 'Latin small letter e with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	igrave: 'Latin small letter i with grave accent', // MISSING
+	iacute: 'Latin small letter i with acute accent', // MISSING
+	icirc: 'Latin small letter i with circumflex', // MISSING
+	iuml: 'Latin small letter i with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	eth: 'Latin small letter eth', // MISSING
+	ntilde: 'Latin small letter n with tilde', // MISSING
+	ograve: 'Latin small letter o with grave accent', // MISSING
+	oacute: 'Latin small letter o with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ocirc: 'Latin small letter o with circumflex', // MISSING
+	otilde: 'Latin small letter o with tilde', // MISSING
+	ouml: 'Latin small letter o with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	divide: 'Division sign', // MISSING
+	oslash: 'Latin small letter o with stroke', // MISSING
+	ugrave: 'Latin small letter u with grave accent', // MISSING
+	uacute: 'Latin small letter u with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ucirc: 'Latin small letter u with circumflex', // MISSING
+	uuml: 'Latin small letter u with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	yacute: 'Latin small letter y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	thorn: 'Latin small letter thorn', // MISSING
+	yuml: 'Latin small letter y with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	OElig: 'Latin capital ligature OE', // MISSING
+	oelig: 'Latin small ligature oe', // MISSING
+	'372': 'Latin capital letter W with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'374': 'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'373': 'Latin small letter w with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'375': 'Latin small letter y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	sbquo: 'Single low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	'8219': 'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	bdquo: 'Double low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	hellip: 'Horizontal ellipsis', // MISSING
+	trade: 'Trade mark sign', // MISSING
+	'9658': 'Black right-pointing pointer', // MISSING
+	bull: 'Bullet', // MISSING
+	rarr: 'Rightwards arrow', // MISSING
+	rArr: 'Rightwards double arrow', // MISSING
+	hArr: 'Left right double arrow', // MISSING
+	diams: 'Black diamond suit', // MISSING
+	asymp: 'Almost equal to' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac3fd09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'en', {
+	euro: 'Euro sign',
+	lsquo: 'Left single quotation mark',
+	rsquo: 'Right single quotation mark',
+	ldquo: 'Left double quotation mark',
+	rdquo: 'Right double quotation mark',
+	ndash: 'En dash',
+	mdash: 'Em dash',
+	iexcl: 'Inverted exclamation mark',
+	cent: 'Cent sign',
+	pound: 'Pound sign',
+	curren: 'Currency sign',
+	yen: 'Yen sign',
+	brvbar: 'Broken bar',
+	sect: 'Section sign',
+	uml: 'Diaeresis',
+	copy: 'Copyright sign',
+	ordf: 'Feminine ordinal indicator',
+	laquo: 'Left-pointing double angle quotation mark',
+	not: 'Not sign',
+	reg: 'Registered sign',
+	macr: 'Macron',
+	deg: 'Degree sign',
+	sup2: 'Superscript two',
+	sup3: 'Superscript three',
+	acute: 'Acute accent',
+	micro: 'Micro sign',
+	para: 'Pilcrow sign',
+	middot: 'Middle dot',
+	cedil: 'Cedilla',
+	sup1: 'Superscript one',
+	ordm: 'Masculine ordinal indicator',
+	raquo: 'Right-pointing double angle quotation mark',
+	frac14: 'Vulgar fraction one quarter',
+	frac12: 'Vulgar fraction one half',
+	frac34: 'Vulgar fraction three quarters',
+	iquest: 'Inverted question mark',
+	Agrave: 'Latin capital letter A with grave accent',
+	Aacute: 'Latin capital letter A with acute accent',
+	Acirc: 'Latin capital letter A with circumflex',
+	Atilde: 'Latin capital letter A with tilde',
+	Auml: 'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis',
+	Aring: 'Latin capital letter A with ring above',
+	AElig: 'Latin Capital letter Æ',
+	Ccedil: 'Latin capital letter C with cedilla',
+	Egrave: 'Latin capital letter E with grave accent',
+	Eacute: 'Latin capital letter E with acute accent',
+	Ecirc: 'Latin capital letter E with circumflex',
+	Euml: 'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis',
+	Igrave: 'Latin capital letter I with grave accent',
+	Iacute: 'Latin capital letter I with acute accent',
+	Icirc: 'Latin capital letter I with circumflex',
+	Iuml: 'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis',
+	ETH: 'Latin capital letter Eth',
+	Ntilde: 'Latin capital letter N with tilde',
+	Ograve: 'Latin capital letter O with grave accent',
+	Oacute: 'Latin capital letter O with acute accent',
+	Ocirc: 'Latin capital letter O with circumflex',
+	Otilde: 'Latin capital letter O with tilde',
+	Ouml: 'Latin capital letter O with diaeresis',
+	times: 'Multiplication sign',
+	Oslash: 'Latin capital letter O with stroke',
+	Ugrave: 'Latin capital letter U with grave accent',
+	Uacute: 'Latin capital letter U with acute accent',
+	Ucirc: 'Latin capital letter U with circumflex',
+	Uuml: 'Latin capital letter U with diaeresis',
+	Yacute: 'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent',
+	THORN: 'Latin capital letter Thorn',
+	szlig: 'Latin small letter sharp s',
+	agrave: 'Latin small letter a with grave accent',
+	aacute: 'Latin small letter a with acute accent',
+	acirc: 'Latin small letter a with circumflex',
+	atilde: 'Latin small letter a with tilde',
+	auml: 'Latin small letter a with diaeresis',
+	aring: 'Latin small letter a with ring above',
+	aelig: 'Latin small letter æ',
+	ccedil: 'Latin small letter c with cedilla',
+	egrave: 'Latin small letter e with grave accent',
+	eacute: 'Latin small letter e with acute accent',
+	ecirc: 'Latin small letter e with circumflex',
+	euml: 'Latin small letter e with diaeresis',
+	igrave: 'Latin small letter i with grave accent',
+	iacute: 'Latin small letter i with acute accent',
+	icirc: 'Latin small letter i with circumflex',
+	iuml: 'Latin small letter i with diaeresis',
+	eth: 'Latin small letter eth',
+	ntilde: 'Latin small letter n with tilde',
+	ograve: 'Latin small letter o with grave accent',
+	oacute: 'Latin small letter o with acute accent',
+	ocirc: 'Latin small letter o with circumflex',
+	otilde: 'Latin small letter o with tilde',
+	ouml: 'Latin small letter o with diaeresis',
+	divide: 'Division sign',
+	oslash: 'Latin small letter o with stroke',
+	ugrave: 'Latin small letter u with grave accent',
+	uacute: 'Latin small letter u with acute accent',
+	ucirc: 'Latin small letter u with circumflex',
+	uuml: 'Latin small letter u with diaeresis',
+	yacute: 'Latin small letter y with acute accent',
+	thorn: 'Latin small letter thorn',
+	yuml: 'Latin small letter y with diaeresis',
+	OElig: 'Latin capital ligature OE',
+	oelig: 'Latin small ligature oe',
+	'372': 'Latin capital letter W with circumflex',
+	'374': 'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex',
+	'373': 'Latin small letter w with circumflex',
+	'375': 'Latin small letter y with circumflex',
+	sbquo: 'Single low-9 quotation mark',
+	'8219': 'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark',
+	bdquo: 'Double low-9 quotation mark',
+	hellip: 'Horizontal ellipsis',
+	trade: 'Trade mark sign',
+	'9658': 'Black right-pointing pointer',
+	bull: 'Bullet',
+	rarr: 'Rightwards arrow',
+	rArr: 'Rightwards double arrow',
+	hArr: 'Left right double arrow',
+	diams: 'Black diamond suit',
+	asymp: 'Almost equal to'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcc2ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'eo', {
+	euro: 'EÅ­rosigno',
+	lsquo: 'Supra 6-citilo',
+	rsquo: 'Supra 9-citilo',
+	ldquo: 'Supra 66-citilo',
+	rdquo: 'Supra 99-citilo',
+	ndash: 'Streketo',
+	mdash: 'Substreko',
+	iexcl: 'Renversita krisigno',
+	cent: 'Cendosigno',
+	pound: 'Pundosigno',
+	curren: 'Monersigno',
+	yen: 'Enosigno',
+	brvbar: 'Rompita vertikala streko',
+	sect: 'Kurba paragrafo',
+	uml: 'Tremao',
+	copy: 'Kopirajtosigno',
+	ordf: 'Adjektiva numerfinaĵo',
+	laquo: 'Duobla malplio-citilo',
+	not: 'Negohoko',
+	reg: 'Registrita marko',
+	macr: 'Superstreko',
+	deg: 'Gradosigno',
+	sup2: 'Supra indico 2',
+	sup3: 'Supra indico 3',
+	acute: 'Dekstra korno',
+	micro: 'Mikrosigno',
+	para: 'Rekta paragrafo',
+	middot: 'Meza punkto',
+	cedil: 'Zoeto',
+	sup1: 'Supra indico 1',
+	ordm: 'Substantiva numerfinaĵo',
+	raquo: 'Duobla plio-citilo',
+	frac14: 'Kvaronosigno',
+	frac12: 'Duonosigno',
+	frac34: 'Trikvaronosigno',
+	iquest: 'renversita demandosigno',
+	Agrave: 'Latina ĉeflitero A kun liva korno',
+	Aacute: 'Latina ĉeflitero A kun dekstra korno',
+	Acirc: 'Latina ĉeflitero A kun ĉapelo',
+	Atilde: 'Latina ĉeflitero A kun tildo',
+	Auml: 'Latina ĉeflitero A kun tremao',
+	Aring: 'Latina ĉeflitero A kun superringo',
+	AElig: 'Latina ĉeflitera ligaturo Æ',
+	Ccedil: 'Latina ĉeflitero C kun zoeto',
+	Egrave: 'Latina ĉeflitero E kun liva korno',
+	Eacute: 'Latina ĉeflitero E kun dekstra korno',
+	Ecirc: 'Latina ĉeflitero E kun ĉapelo',
+	Euml: 'Latina ĉeflitero E kun tremao',
+	Igrave: 'Latina ĉeflitero I kun liva korno',
+	Iacute: 'Latina ĉeflitero I kun dekstra korno',
+	Icirc: 'Latina ĉeflitero I kun ĉapelo',
+	Iuml: 'Latina ĉeflitero I kun tremao',
+	ETH: 'Latina ĉeflitero islanda edo',
+	Ntilde: 'Latina ĉeflitero N kun tildo',
+	Ograve: 'Latina ĉeflitero O kun liva korno',
+	Oacute: 'Latina ĉeflitero O kun dekstra korno',
+	Ocirc: 'Latina ĉeflitero O kun ĉapelo',
+	Otilde: 'Latina ĉeflitero O kun tildo',
+	Ouml: 'Latina ĉeflitero O kun tremao',
+	times: 'Multipliko',
+	Oslash: 'Latina ĉeflitero O trastrekita',
+	Ugrave: 'Latina ĉeflitero U kun liva korno',
+	Uacute: 'Latina ĉeflitero U kun dekstra korno',
+	Ucirc: 'Latina ĉeflitero U kun ĉapelo',
+	Uuml: 'Latina ĉeflitero U kun tremao',
+	Yacute: 'Latina ĉeflitero Y kun dekstra korno',
+	THORN: 'Latina ĉeflitero islanda dorno',
+	szlig: 'Latina etlitero germana sozo (akra s)',
+	agrave: 'Latina etlitero a kun liva korno',
+	aacute: 'Latina etlitero a kun dekstra korno',
+	acirc: 'Latina etlitero a kun ĉapelo',
+	atilde: 'Latina etlitero a kun tildo',
+	auml: 'Latina etlitero a kun tremao',
+	aring: 'Latina etlitero a kun superringo',
+	aelig: 'Latina etlitera ligaturo æ',
+	ccedil: 'Latina etlitero c kun zoeto',
+	egrave: 'Latina etlitero e kun liva korno',
+	eacute: 'Latina etlitero e kun dekstra korno',
+	ecirc: 'Latina etlitero e kun ĉapelo',
+	euml: 'Latina etlitero e kun tremao',
+	igrave: 'Latina etlitero i kun liva korno',
+	iacute: 'Latina etlitero i kun dekstra korno',
+	icirc: 'Latina etlitero i kun ĉapelo',
+	iuml: 'Latina etlitero i kun tremao',
+	eth: 'Latina etlitero islanda edo',
+	ntilde: 'Latina etlitero n kun tildo',
+	ograve: 'Latina etlitero o kun liva korno',
+	oacute: 'Latina etlitero o kun dekstra korno',
+	ocirc: 'Latina etlitero o kun ĉapelo',
+	otilde: 'Latina etlitero o kun tildo',
+	ouml: 'Latina etlitero o kun tremao',
+	divide: 'Dividosigno',
+	oslash: 'Latina etlitero o trastrekita',
+	ugrave: 'Latina etlitero u kun liva korno',
+	uacute: 'Latina etlitero u kun dekstra korno',
+	ucirc: 'Latina etlitero u kun ĉapelo',
+	uuml: 'Latina etlitero u kun tremao',
+	yacute: 'Latina etlitero y kun dekstra korno',
+	thorn: 'Latina etlitero islanda dorno',
+	yuml: 'Latina etlitero y kun tremao',
+	OElig: 'Latina ĉeflitera ligaturo Œ',
+	oelig: 'Latina etlitera ligaturo Å“',
+	'372': 'Latina ĉeflitero W kun ĉapelo',
+	'374': 'Latina ĉeflitero Y kun ĉapelo',
+	'373': 'Latina etlitero w kun ĉapelo',
+	'375': 'Latina etlitero y kun ĉapelo',
+	sbquo: 'Suba 9-citilo',
+	'8219': 'Supra renversita 9-citilo',
+	bdquo: 'Suba 99-citilo',
+	hellip: 'Tripunkto',
+	trade: 'Varmarka signo',
+	'9658': 'Nigra sago dekstren',
+	bull: 'Bulmarko',
+	rarr: 'Sago dekstren',
+	rArr: 'Duobla sago dekstren',
+	hArr: 'Duobla sago maldekstren',
+	diams: 'Nigra kvadrato',
+	asymp: 'PreskaÅ­ egala'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..159dec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'et', {
+	euro: 'Euromärk',
+	lsquo: 'Alustav ühekordne jutumärk',
+	rsquo: 'Lõpetav ühekordne jutumärk',
+	ldquo: 'Alustav kahekordne jutumärk',
+	rdquo: 'Lõpetav kahekordne jutumärk',
+	ndash: 'Enn-kriips',
+	mdash: 'Emm-kriips',
+	iexcl: 'Pööratud hüüumärk',
+	cent: 'Sendimärk',
+	pound: 'Naela märk',
+	curren: 'Valuutamärk',
+	yen: 'Jeeni märk',
+	brvbar: 'Katkestatud kriips',
+	sect: 'Lõigu märk',
+	uml: 'Täpid',
+	copy: 'Autoriõiguse märk',
+	ordf: 'Feminine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	laquo: 'Left-pointing double angle quotation mark', // MISSING
+	not: 'Ei-märk',
+	reg: 'Registered sign', // MISSING
+	macr: 'Macron', // MISSING
+	deg: 'Kraadimärk',
+	sup2: 'Ãœlaindeks kaks',
+	sup3: 'Ãœlaindeks kolm',
+	acute: 'Acute accent', // MISSING
+	micro: 'Mikro-märk',
+	para: 'Pilcrow sign', // MISSING
+	middot: 'Keskpunkt',
+	cedil: 'Cedilla', // MISSING
+	sup1: 'Ülaindeks üks',
+	ordm: 'Masculine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	raquo: 'Right-pointing double angle quotation mark', // MISSING
+	frac14: 'Vulgar fraction one quarter', // MISSING
+	frac12: 'Vulgar fraction one half', // MISSING
+	frac34: 'Vulgar fraction three quarters', // MISSING
+	iquest: 'Inverted question mark', // MISSING
+	Agrave: 'Latin capital letter A with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Aacute: 'Latin capital letter A with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Acirc: 'Latin capital letter A with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Atilde: 'Ladina suur A tildega',
+	Auml: 'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Aring: 'Latin capital letter A with ring above', // MISSING
+	AElig: 'Latin Capital letter Æ', // MISSING
+	Ccedil: 'Latin capital letter C with cedilla', // MISSING
+	Egrave: 'Latin capital letter E with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Eacute: 'Latin capital letter E with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ecirc: 'Latin capital letter E with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Euml: 'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Igrave: 'Latin capital letter I with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Iacute: 'Latin capital letter I with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Icirc: 'Latin capital letter I with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Iuml: 'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	ETH: 'Latin capital letter Eth', // MISSING
+	Ntilde: 'Latin capital letter N with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ograve: 'Latin capital letter O with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Oacute: 'Latin capital letter O with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ocirc: 'Latin capital letter O with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Otilde: 'Latin capital letter O with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ouml: 'Täppidega ladina suur O',
+	times: 'Multiplication sign', // MISSING
+	Oslash: 'Latin capital letter O with stroke', // MISSING
+	Ugrave: 'Latin capital letter U with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Uacute: 'Latin capital letter U with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ucirc: 'Kandilise katusega suur ladina U',
+	Uuml: 'Täppidega ladina suur U',
+	Yacute: 'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	THORN: 'Latin capital letter Thorn', // MISSING
+	szlig: 'Ladina väike terav s',
+	agrave: 'Latin small letter a with grave accent', // MISSING
+	aacute: 'Latin small letter a with acute accent', // MISSING
+	acirc: 'Kandilise katusega ladina väike a',
+	atilde: 'Tildega ladina väike a',
+	auml: 'Täppidega ladina väike a',
+	aring: 'Latin small letter a with ring above', // MISSING
+	aelig: 'Latin small letter æ', // MISSING
+	ccedil: 'Latin small letter c with cedilla', // MISSING
+	egrave: 'Latin small letter e with grave accent', // MISSING
+	eacute: 'Latin small letter e with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ecirc: 'Latin small letter e with circumflex', // MISSING
+	euml: 'Latin small letter e with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	igrave: 'Latin small letter i with grave accent', // MISSING
+	iacute: 'Latin small letter i with acute accent', // MISSING
+	icirc: 'Latin small letter i with circumflex', // MISSING
+	iuml: 'Latin small letter i with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	eth: 'Latin small letter eth', // MISSING
+	ntilde: 'Latin small letter n with tilde', // MISSING
+	ograve: 'Latin small letter o with grave accent', // MISSING
+	oacute: 'Latin small letter o with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ocirc: 'Latin small letter o with circumflex', // MISSING
+	otilde: 'Latin small letter o with tilde', // MISSING
+	ouml: 'Latin small letter o with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	divide: 'Division sign', // MISSING
+	oslash: 'Latin small letter o with stroke', // MISSING
+	ugrave: 'Latin small letter u with grave accent', // MISSING
+	uacute: 'Latin small letter u with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ucirc: 'Latin small letter u with circumflex', // MISSING
+	uuml: 'Latin small letter u with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	yacute: 'Latin small letter y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	thorn: 'Latin small letter thorn', // MISSING
+	yuml: 'Latin small letter y with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	OElig: 'Latin capital ligature OE', // MISSING
+	oelig: 'Latin small ligature oe', // MISSING
+	'372': 'Latin capital letter W with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'374': 'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'373': 'Latin small letter w with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'375': 'Latin small letter y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	sbquo: 'Single low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	'8219': 'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	bdquo: 'Double low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	hellip: 'Horizontal ellipsis', // MISSING
+	trade: 'Trade mark sign', // MISSING
+	'9658': 'Black right-pointing pointer', // MISSING
+	bull: 'Bullet', // MISSING
+	rarr: 'Rightwards arrow', // MISSING
+	rArr: 'Rightwards double arrow', // MISSING
+	hArr: 'Left right double arrow', // MISSING
+	diams: 'Black diamond suit', // MISSING
+	asymp: 'Almost equal to' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95694d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'fa', {
+	euro: 'نشان یورو',
+	lsquo: 'علامت نقل قول تکی چپ',
+	rsquo: 'علامت نقل قول تکی راست',
+	ldquo: 'علامت دوتایی نقل قول چپ',
+	rdquo: 'علامت دوتایی نقل قول راست',
+	ndash: 'خط تیره En',
+	mdash: 'خط تیره Em',
+	iexcl: 'علامت گذاری به عنوان علامت تعجب وارونه',
+	cent: 'نشان سنت',
+	pound: 'نشان پوند',
+	curren: 'نشان ارز',
+	yen: 'نشان ین',
+	brvbar: 'نوار شکسته',
+	sect: 'نشان بخش',
+	uml: 'Diaeresis', // MISSING
+	copy: 'نشان کپی رایت',
+	ordf: 'Feminine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	laquo: 'Left-pointing double angle quotation mark', // MISSING
+	not: 'علامت ثبت نشده',
+	reg: 'علامت ثبت شده',
+	macr: 'Macron', // MISSING
+	deg: 'نشان درجه',
+	sup2: 'بالانویس دو',
+	sup3: 'بالانویس سه',
+	acute: 'لهجه غلیظ',
+	micro: 'نشان مایکرو',
+	para: 'Pilcrow sign', // MISSING
+	middot: 'نقطه میانی',
+	cedil: 'Cedilla', // MISSING
+	sup1: 'Superscript one', // MISSING
+	ordm: 'Masculine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	raquo: 'نشان زاویه‌دار دوتایی نقل قول راست چین',
+	frac14: 'Vulgar fraction one quarter', // MISSING
+	frac12: 'Vulgar fraction one half', // MISSING
+	frac34: 'Vulgar fraction three quarters', // MISSING
+	iquest: 'Inverted question mark', // MISSING
+	Agrave: 'Latin capital letter A with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Aacute: 'Latin capital letter A with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Acirc: 'Latin capital letter A with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Atilde: 'Latin capital letter A with tilde', // MISSING
+	Auml: 'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Aring: 'Latin capital letter A with ring above', // MISSING
+	AElig: 'Latin Capital letter Æ', // MISSING
+	Ccedil: 'Latin capital letter C with cedilla', // MISSING
+	Egrave: 'Latin capital letter E with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Eacute: 'Latin capital letter E with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ecirc: 'Latin capital letter E with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Euml: 'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Igrave: 'Latin capital letter I with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Iacute: 'Latin capital letter I with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Icirc: 'Latin capital letter I with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Iuml: 'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	ETH: 'Latin capital letter Eth', // MISSING
+	Ntilde: 'Latin capital letter N with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ograve: 'Latin capital letter O with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Oacute: 'Latin capital letter O with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ocirc: 'Latin capital letter O with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Otilde: 'Latin capital letter O with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ouml: 'Latin capital letter O with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	times: 'Multiplication sign', // MISSING
+	Oslash: 'Latin capital letter O with stroke', // MISSING
+	Ugrave: 'Latin capital letter U with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Uacute: 'Latin capital letter U with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ucirc: 'Latin capital letter U with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Uuml: 'Latin capital letter U with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Yacute: 'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	THORN: 'Latin capital letter Thorn', // MISSING
+	szlig: 'Latin small letter sharp s', // MISSING
+	agrave: 'Latin small letter a with grave accent', // MISSING
+	aacute: 'Latin small letter a with acute accent', // MISSING
+	acirc: 'Latin small letter a with circumflex', // MISSING
+	atilde: 'Latin small letter a with tilde', // MISSING
+	auml: 'Latin small letter a with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	aring: 'Latin small letter a with ring above', // MISSING
+	aelig: 'Latin small letter æ', // MISSING
+	ccedil: 'Latin small letter c with cedilla', // MISSING
+	egrave: 'Latin small letter e with grave accent', // MISSING
+	eacute: 'Latin small letter e with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ecirc: 'Latin small letter e with circumflex', // MISSING
+	euml: 'Latin small letter e with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	igrave: 'Latin small letter i with grave accent', // MISSING
+	iacute: 'Latin small letter i with acute accent', // MISSING
+	icirc: 'Latin small letter i with circumflex', // MISSING
+	iuml: 'Latin small letter i with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	eth: 'Latin small letter eth', // MISSING
+	ntilde: 'Latin small letter n with tilde', // MISSING
+	ograve: 'Latin small letter o with grave accent', // MISSING
+	oacute: 'Latin small letter o with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ocirc: 'Latin small letter o with circumflex', // MISSING
+	otilde: 'Latin small letter o with tilde', // MISSING
+	ouml: 'Latin small letter o with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	divide: 'Division sign', // MISSING
+	oslash: 'Latin small letter o with stroke', // MISSING
+	ugrave: 'Latin small letter u with grave accent', // MISSING
+	uacute: 'Latin small letter u with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ucirc: 'Latin small letter u with circumflex', // MISSING
+	uuml: 'Latin small letter u with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	yacute: 'Latin small letter y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	thorn: 'Latin small letter thorn', // MISSING
+	yuml: 'Latin small letter y with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	OElig: 'Latin capital ligature OE', // MISSING
+	oelig: 'Latin small ligature oe', // MISSING
+	'372': 'Latin capital letter W with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'374': 'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'373': 'Latin small letter w with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'375': 'Latin small letter y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	sbquo: 'Single low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	'8219': 'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	bdquo: 'Double low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	hellip: 'Horizontal ellipsis', // MISSING
+	trade: 'Trade mark sign', // MISSING
+	'9658': 'Black right-pointing pointer', // MISSING
+	bull: 'Bullet', // MISSING
+	rarr: 'Rightwards arrow', // MISSING
+	rArr: 'Rightwards double arrow', // MISSING
+	hArr: 'جهت‌نمای دوتایی چپ به راست',
+	diams: 'Black diamond suit', // MISSING
+	asymp: 'تقریبا برابر با'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96a1e36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'fi', {
+	euro: 'Euron merkki',
+	lsquo: 'Vasen yksittäinen lainausmerkki',
+	rsquo: 'Oikea yksittäinen lainausmerkki',
+	ldquo: 'Vasen kaksoislainausmerkki',
+	rdquo: 'Oikea kaksoislainausmerkki',
+	ndash: 'En dash', // MISSING
+	mdash: 'Em dash', // MISSING
+	iexcl: 'Inverted exclamation mark', // MISSING
+	cent: 'Sentin merkki',
+	pound: 'Punnan merkki',
+	curren: 'Valuuttamerkki',
+	yen: 'Yenin merkki',
+	brvbar: 'Broken bar', // MISSING
+	sect: 'Section sign', // MISSING
+	uml: 'Diaeresis', // MISSING
+	copy: 'Copyright sign', // MISSING
+	ordf: 'Feminine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	laquo: 'Left-pointing double angle quotation mark', // MISSING
+	not: 'Not sign', // MISSING
+	reg: 'Rekisteröity merkki',
+	macr: 'Macron', // MISSING
+	deg: 'Asteen merkki',
+	sup2: 'Yläindeksi kaksi',
+	sup3: 'Yläindeksi kolme',
+	acute: 'Acute accent', // MISSING
+	micro: 'Mikron merkki',
+	para: 'Pilcrow sign', // MISSING
+	middot: 'Middle dot', // MISSING
+	cedil: 'Cedilla', // MISSING
+	sup1: 'Yläindeksi yksi',
+	ordm: 'Masculine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	raquo: 'Right-pointing double angle quotation mark', // MISSING
+	frac14: 'Vulgar fraction one quarter', // MISSING
+	frac12: 'Vulgar fraction one half', // MISSING
+	frac34: 'Vulgar fraction three quarters', // MISSING
+	iquest: 'Ylösalaisin oleva kysymysmerkki',
+	Agrave: 'Latin capital letter A with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Aacute: 'Latin capital letter A with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Acirc: 'Latin capital letter A with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Atilde: 'Latin capital letter A with tilde', // MISSING
+	Auml: 'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Aring: 'Latin capital letter A with ring above', // MISSING
+	AElig: 'Latin Capital letter Æ', // MISSING
+	Ccedil: 'Latin capital letter C with cedilla', // MISSING
+	Egrave: 'Latin capital letter E with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Eacute: 'Latin capital letter E with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ecirc: 'Latin capital letter E with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Euml: 'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Igrave: 'Latin capital letter I with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Iacute: 'Latin capital letter I with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Icirc: 'Latin capital letter I with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Iuml: 'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	ETH: 'Latin capital letter Eth', // MISSING
+	Ntilde: 'Latin capital letter N with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ograve: 'Latin capital letter O with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Oacute: 'Latin capital letter O with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ocirc: 'Latin capital letter O with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Otilde: 'Latin capital letter O with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ouml: 'Latin capital letter O with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	times: 'Kertomerkki',
+	Oslash: 'Latin capital letter O with stroke', // MISSING
+	Ugrave: 'Latin capital letter U with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Uacute: 'Latin capital letter U with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ucirc: 'Latin capital letter U with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Uuml: 'Latin capital letter U with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Yacute: 'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	THORN: 'Latin capital letter Thorn', // MISSING
+	szlig: 'Latin small letter sharp s', // MISSING
+	agrave: 'Latin small letter a with grave accent', // MISSING
+	aacute: 'Latin small letter a with acute accent', // MISSING
+	acirc: 'Latin small letter a with circumflex', // MISSING
+	atilde: 'Latin small letter a with tilde', // MISSING
+	auml: 'Latin small letter a with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	aring: 'Latin small letter a with ring above', // MISSING
+	aelig: 'Latin small letter æ', // MISSING
+	ccedil: 'Latin small letter c with cedilla', // MISSING
+	egrave: 'Latin small letter e with grave accent', // MISSING
+	eacute: 'Latin small letter e with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ecirc: 'Latin small letter e with circumflex', // MISSING
+	euml: 'Latin small letter e with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	igrave: 'Latin small letter i with grave accent', // MISSING
+	iacute: 'Latin small letter i with acute accent', // MISSING
+	icirc: 'Latin small letter i with circumflex', // MISSING
+	iuml: 'Latin small letter i with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	eth: 'Latin small letter eth', // MISSING
+	ntilde: 'Latin small letter n with tilde', // MISSING
+	ograve: 'Latin small letter o with grave accent', // MISSING
+	oacute: 'Latin small letter o with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ocirc: 'Latin small letter o with circumflex', // MISSING
+	otilde: 'Latin small letter o with tilde', // MISSING
+	ouml: 'Latin small letter o with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	divide: 'Jakomerkki',
+	oslash: 'Latin small letter o with stroke', // MISSING
+	ugrave: 'Latin small letter u with grave accent', // MISSING
+	uacute: 'Latin small letter u with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ucirc: 'Latin small letter u with circumflex', // MISSING
+	uuml: 'Latin small letter u with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	yacute: 'Latin small letter y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	thorn: 'Latin small letter thorn', // MISSING
+	yuml: 'Latin small letter y with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	OElig: 'Latin capital ligature OE', // MISSING
+	oelig: 'Latin small ligature oe', // MISSING
+	'372': 'Latin capital letter W with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'374': 'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'373': 'Latin small letter w with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'375': 'Latin small letter y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	sbquo: 'Single low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	'8219': 'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	bdquo: 'Double low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	hellip: 'Horizontal ellipsis', // MISSING
+	trade: 'Tavaramerkki merkki',
+	'9658': 'Black right-pointing pointer', // MISSING
+	bull: 'Bullet', // MISSING
+	rarr: 'Nuoli oikealle',
+	rArr: 'Kaksoisnuoli oikealle',
+	hArr: 'Kaksoisnuoli oikealle ja vasemmalle',
+	diams: 'Black diamond suit', // MISSING
+	asymp: 'Noin'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04f0321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'fr', {
+	euro: 'Symbole Euro',
+	lsquo: 'Guillemet simple ouvrant',
+	rsquo: 'Guillemet simple fermant',
+	ldquo: 'Guillemet double ouvrant',
+	rdquo: 'Guillemet double fermant',
+	ndash: 'Tiret haut',
+	mdash: 'Tiret bas underscore',
+	iexcl: 'Point d\'exclamation inversé',
+	cent: 'Symbole Cent',
+	pound: 'Symbole Livre Sterling',
+	curren: 'Symbole monétaire',
+	yen: 'Symbole Yen',
+	brvbar: 'Barre verticale scindée',
+	sect: 'Section',
+	uml: 'Tréma',
+	copy: 'Symbole Copyright',
+	ordf: 'Indicateur ordinal féminin',
+	laquo: 'Guillemet français ouvrant',
+	not: 'Crochet de négation',
+	reg: 'Marque déposée',
+	macr: 'Macron',
+	deg: 'Degré',
+	sup2: 'Exposant 2',
+	sup3: '\\tExposant 3',
+	acute: 'Accent aigu',
+	micro: 'Omicron',
+	para: 'Paragraphe',
+	middot: 'Point médian',
+	cedil: 'Cédille',
+	sup1: '\\tExposant 1',
+	ordm: 'Indicateur ordinal masculin',
+	raquo: 'Guillemet français fermant',
+	frac14: 'Un quart',
+	frac12: 'Un demi',
+	frac34: 'Trois quarts',
+	iquest: 'Point d\'interrogation inversé',
+	Agrave: 'A majuscule accent grave',
+	Aacute: 'A majuscule accent aigu',
+	Acirc: 'A majuscule accent circonflexe',
+	Atilde: 'A majuscule avec caron',
+	Auml: 'A majuscule tréma',
+	Aring: 'A majuscule avec un rond au-dessus',
+	AElig: 'Æ majuscule ligaturés',
+	Ccedil: 'C majuscule cédille',
+	Egrave: 'E majuscule accent grave',
+	Eacute: 'E majuscule accent aigu',
+	Ecirc: 'E majuscule accent circonflexe',
+	Euml: 'E majuscule tréma',
+	Igrave: 'I majuscule accent grave',
+	Iacute: 'I majuscule accent aigu',
+	Icirc: 'I majuscule accent circonflexe',
+	Iuml: 'I majuscule tréma',
+	ETH: 'Lettre majuscule islandaise ED',
+	Ntilde: 'N majuscule avec caron',
+	Ograve: 'O majuscule accent grave',
+	Oacute: 'O majuscule accent aigu',
+	Ocirc: 'O majuscule accent circonflexe',
+	Otilde: 'O majuscule avec caron',
+	Ouml: 'O majuscule tréma',
+	times: 'Multiplication',
+	Oslash: 'O majuscule barré',
+	Ugrave: 'U majuscule accent grave',
+	Uacute: 'U majuscule accent aigu',
+	Ucirc: 'U majuscule accent circonflexe',
+	Uuml: 'U majuscule tréma',
+	Yacute: 'Y majuscule accent aigu',
+	THORN: 'Lettre islandaise Thorn majuscule',
+	szlig: 'Lettre minuscule allemande s dur',
+	agrave: 'a minuscule accent grave',
+	aacute: 'a minuscule accent aigu',
+	acirc: 'a minuscule accent circonflexe',
+	atilde: 'a minuscule avec caron',
+	auml: 'a minuscule tréma',
+	aring: 'a minuscule avec un rond au-dessus',
+	aelig: 'æ minuscule ligaturés',
+	ccedil: 'c minuscule cédille',
+	egrave: 'e minuscule accent grave',
+	eacute: 'e minuscule accent aigu',
+	ecirc: 'e minuscule accent circonflexe',
+	euml: 'e minuscule tréma',
+	igrave: 'i minuscule accent grave',
+	iacute: 'i minuscule accent aigu',
+	icirc: 'i minuscule accent circonflexe',
+	iuml: 'i minuscule tréma',
+	eth: 'Lettre minuscule islandaise ED',
+	ntilde: 'n minuscule avec caron',
+	ograve: 'o minuscule accent grave',
+	oacute: 'o minuscule accent aigu',
+	ocirc: 'o minuscule accent circonflexe',
+	otilde: 'o minuscule avec caron',
+	ouml: 'o minuscule tréma',
+	divide: 'Division',
+	oslash: 'o minuscule barré',
+	ugrave: 'u minuscule accent grave',
+	uacute: 'u minuscule accent aigu',
+	ucirc: 'u minuscule accent circonflexe',
+	uuml: 'u minuscule tréma',
+	yacute: 'y minuscule accent aigu',
+	thorn: 'Lettre islandaise thorn minuscule',
+	yuml: 'y minuscule tréma',
+	OElig: 'ligature majuscule latine Å’',
+	oelig: 'ligature minuscule latine Å“',
+	'372': 'W majuscule accent circonflexe',
+	'374': 'Y majuscule accent circonflexe',
+	'373': 'w minuscule accent circonflexe',
+	'375': 'y minuscule accent circonflexe',
+	sbquo: 'Guillemet simple fermant (anglais)',
+	'8219': 'Guillemet-virgule supérieur culbuté',
+	bdquo: 'Guillemet-virgule double inférieur',
+	hellip: 'Points de suspension',
+	trade: 'Marque commerciale (trade mark)',
+	'9658': 'Flèche noire pointant vers la droite',
+	bull: 'Gros point médian',
+	rarr: 'Flèche vers la droite',
+	rArr: 'Double flèche vers la droite',
+	hArr: 'Double flèche vers la gauche',
+	diams: 'Carreau noir',
+	asymp: 'Presque égal'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14b566f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'he', {
+	euro: 'יורו',
+	lsquo: 'Left single quotation mark', // MISSING
+	rsquo: 'Right single quotation mark', // MISSING
+	ldquo: 'Left double quotation mark', // MISSING
+	rdquo: 'Right double quotation mark', // MISSING
+	ndash: 'En dash', // MISSING
+	mdash: 'Em dash', // MISSING
+	iexcl: 'Inverted exclamation mark', // MISSING
+	cent: 'Cent sign', // MISSING
+	pound: 'Pound sign', // MISSING
+	curren: 'Currency sign', // MISSING
+	yen: 'Yen sign', // MISSING
+	brvbar: 'Broken bar', // MISSING
+	sect: 'Section sign', // MISSING
+	uml: 'Diaeresis', // MISSING
+	copy: 'Copyright sign', // MISSING
+	ordf: 'Feminine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	laquo: 'Left-pointing double angle quotation mark', // MISSING
+	not: 'Not sign', // MISSING
+	reg: 'Registered sign', // MISSING
+	macr: 'Macron', // MISSING
+	deg: 'Degree sign', // MISSING
+	sup2: 'Superscript two', // MISSING
+	sup3: 'Superscript three', // MISSING
+	acute: 'Acute accent', // MISSING
+	micro: 'Micro sign', // MISSING
+	para: 'Pilcrow sign', // MISSING
+	middot: 'Middle dot', // MISSING
+	cedil: 'Cedilla', // MISSING
+	sup1: 'Superscript one', // MISSING
+	ordm: 'Masculine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	raquo: 'Right-pointing double angle quotation mark', // MISSING
+	frac14: 'Vulgar fraction one quarter', // MISSING
+	frac12: 'Vulgar fraction one half', // MISSING
+	frac34: 'Vulgar fraction three quarters', // MISSING
+	iquest: 'Inverted question mark', // MISSING
+	Agrave: 'Latin capital letter A with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Aacute: 'Latin capital letter A with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Acirc: 'Latin capital letter A with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Atilde: 'Latin capital letter A with tilde', // MISSING
+	Auml: 'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Aring: 'Latin capital letter A with ring above', // MISSING
+	AElig: 'Latin Capital letter Æ', // MISSING
+	Ccedil: 'Latin capital letter C with cedilla', // MISSING
+	Egrave: 'Latin capital letter E with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Eacute: 'Latin capital letter E with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ecirc: 'Latin capital letter E with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Euml: 'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Igrave: 'Latin capital letter I with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Iacute: 'Latin capital letter I with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Icirc: 'Latin capital letter I with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Iuml: 'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	ETH: 'Latin capital letter Eth', // MISSING
+	Ntilde: 'Latin capital letter N with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ograve: 'Latin capital letter O with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Oacute: 'Latin capital letter O with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ocirc: 'Latin capital letter O with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Otilde: 'Latin capital letter O with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ouml: 'Latin capital letter O with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	times: 'Multiplication sign', // MISSING
+	Oslash: 'Latin capital letter O with stroke', // MISSING
+	Ugrave: 'Latin capital letter U with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Uacute: 'Latin capital letter U with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ucirc: 'Latin capital letter U with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Uuml: 'Latin capital letter U with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Yacute: 'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	THORN: 'Latin capital letter Thorn', // MISSING
+	szlig: 'Latin small letter sharp s', // MISSING
+	agrave: 'Latin small letter a with grave accent', // MISSING
+	aacute: 'Latin small letter a with acute accent', // MISSING
+	acirc: 'Latin small letter a with circumflex', // MISSING
+	atilde: 'Latin small letter a with tilde', // MISSING
+	auml: 'Latin small letter a with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	aring: 'Latin small letter a with ring above', // MISSING
+	aelig: 'Latin small letter æ', // MISSING
+	ccedil: 'Latin small letter c with cedilla', // MISSING
+	egrave: 'Latin small letter e with grave accent', // MISSING
+	eacute: 'Latin small letter e with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ecirc: 'Latin small letter e with circumflex', // MISSING
+	euml: 'Latin small letter e with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	igrave: 'Latin small letter i with grave accent', // MISSING
+	iacute: 'Latin small letter i with acute accent', // MISSING
+	icirc: 'Latin small letter i with circumflex', // MISSING
+	iuml: 'Latin small letter i with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	eth: 'Latin small letter eth', // MISSING
+	ntilde: 'Latin small letter n with tilde', // MISSING
+	ograve: 'Latin small letter o with grave accent', // MISSING
+	oacute: 'Latin small letter o with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ocirc: 'Latin small letter o with circumflex', // MISSING
+	otilde: 'Latin small letter o with tilde', // MISSING
+	ouml: 'Latin small letter o with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	divide: 'Division sign', // MISSING
+	oslash: 'Latin small letter o with stroke', // MISSING
+	ugrave: 'Latin small letter u with grave accent', // MISSING
+	uacute: 'Latin small letter u with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ucirc: 'Latin small letter u with circumflex', // MISSING
+	uuml: 'Latin small letter u with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	yacute: 'Latin small letter y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	thorn: 'Latin small letter thorn', // MISSING
+	yuml: 'Latin small letter y with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	OElig: 'Latin capital ligature OE', // MISSING
+	oelig: 'Latin small ligature oe', // MISSING
+	'372': 'Latin capital letter W with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'374': 'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'373': 'Latin small letter w with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'375': 'Latin small letter y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	sbquo: 'Single low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	'8219': 'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	bdquo: 'Double low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	hellip: 'Horizontal ellipsis', // MISSING
+	trade: 'Trade mark sign', // MISSING
+	'9658': 'Black right-pointing pointer', // MISSING
+	bull: 'Bullet', // MISSING
+	rarr: 'Rightwards arrow', // MISSING
+	rArr: 'Rightwards double arrow', // MISSING
+	hArr: 'Left right double arrow', // MISSING
+	diams: 'Black diamond suit', // MISSING
+	asymp: 'Almost equal to' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85e2e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'hr', {
+	euro: 'Euro znak',
+	lsquo: 'Lijevi jednostruki navodnik',
+	rsquo: 'Desni jednostruki navodnik',
+	ldquo: 'Lijevi dvostruki navodnik',
+	rdquo: 'Desni dvostruki navodnik',
+	ndash: 'En crtica',
+	mdash: 'Em crtica',
+	iexcl: 'Naopaki uskličnik',
+	cent: 'Cent znak',
+	pound: 'Funta znak',
+	curren: 'Znak valute',
+	yen: 'Yen znak',
+	brvbar: 'Potrgana prečka',
+	sect: 'Znak odjeljka',
+	uml: 'Diaeresis', // MISSING
+	copy: 'Copyright znak',
+	ordf: 'Feminine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	laquo: 'Lijevi dvostruki uglati navodnik',
+	not: 'Not znak',
+	reg: 'Registered znak',
+	macr: 'Macron', // MISSING
+	deg: 'Stupanj znak',
+	sup2: 'Superscript two', // MISSING
+	sup3: 'Superscript three', // MISSING
+	acute: 'Acute accent', // MISSING
+	micro: 'Micro sign', // MISSING
+	para: 'Pilcrow sign', // MISSING
+	middot: 'Srednja točka',
+	cedil: 'Cedilla', // MISSING
+	sup1: 'Superscript one', // MISSING
+	ordm: 'Masculine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	raquo: 'Desni dvostruku uglati navodnik',
+	frac14: 'Vulgar fraction one quarter', // MISSING
+	frac12: 'Vulgar fraction one half', // MISSING
+	frac34: 'Vulgar fraction three quarters', // MISSING
+	iquest: 'Naopaki upitnik',
+	Agrave: 'Veliko latinsko slovo A s akcentom',
+	Aacute: 'Latin capital letter A with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Acirc: 'Latin capital letter A with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Atilde: 'Latin capital letter A with tilde', // MISSING
+	Auml: 'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Aring: 'Latin capital letter A with ring above', // MISSING
+	AElig: 'Latin Capital letter Æ', // MISSING
+	Ccedil: 'Latin capital letter C with cedilla', // MISSING
+	Egrave: 'Latin capital letter E with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Eacute: 'Latin capital letter E with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ecirc: 'Latin capital letter E with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Euml: 'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Igrave: 'Latin capital letter I with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Iacute: 'Latin capital letter I with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Icirc: 'Latin capital letter I with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Iuml: 'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	ETH: 'Latin capital letter Eth', // MISSING
+	Ntilde: 'Latin capital letter N with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ograve: 'Latin capital letter O with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Oacute: 'Latin capital letter O with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ocirc: 'Latin capital letter O with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Otilde: 'Latin capital letter O with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ouml: 'Latin capital letter O with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	times: 'Multiplication sign', // MISSING
+	Oslash: 'Latin capital letter O with stroke', // MISSING
+	Ugrave: 'Latin capital letter U with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Uacute: 'Latin capital letter U with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ucirc: 'Latin capital letter U with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Uuml: 'Latin capital letter U with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Yacute: 'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	THORN: 'Latin capital letter Thorn', // MISSING
+	szlig: 'Latin small letter sharp s', // MISSING
+	agrave: 'Latin small letter a with grave accent', // MISSING
+	aacute: 'Latin small letter a with acute accent', // MISSING
+	acirc: 'Latin small letter a with circumflex', // MISSING
+	atilde: 'Latin small letter a with tilde', // MISSING
+	auml: 'Latin small letter a with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	aring: 'Latin small letter a with ring above', // MISSING
+	aelig: 'Latin small letter æ', // MISSING
+	ccedil: 'Latin small letter c with cedilla', // MISSING
+	egrave: 'Latin small letter e with grave accent', // MISSING
+	eacute: 'Latin small letter e with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ecirc: 'Latin small letter e with circumflex', // MISSING
+	euml: 'Latin small letter e with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	igrave: 'Latin small letter i with grave accent', // MISSING
+	iacute: 'Latin small letter i with acute accent', // MISSING
+	icirc: 'Latin small letter i with circumflex', // MISSING
+	iuml: 'Latin small letter i with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	eth: 'Latin small letter eth', // MISSING
+	ntilde: 'Latin small letter n with tilde', // MISSING
+	ograve: 'Latin small letter o with grave accent', // MISSING
+	oacute: 'Latin small letter o with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ocirc: 'Latin small letter o with circumflex', // MISSING
+	otilde: 'Latin small letter o with tilde', // MISSING
+	ouml: 'Latin small letter o with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	divide: 'Division sign', // MISSING
+	oslash: 'Latin small letter o with stroke', // MISSING
+	ugrave: 'Latin small letter u with grave accent', // MISSING
+	uacute: 'Latin small letter u with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ucirc: 'Latin small letter u with circumflex', // MISSING
+	uuml: 'Latin small letter u with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	yacute: 'Latin small letter y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	thorn: 'Latin small letter thorn', // MISSING
+	yuml: 'Latin small letter y with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	OElig: 'Latin capital ligature OE', // MISSING
+	oelig: 'Latin small ligature oe', // MISSING
+	'372': 'Latin capital letter W with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'374': 'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'373': 'Latin small letter w with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'375': 'Latin small letter y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	sbquo: 'Single low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	'8219': 'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	bdquo: 'Double low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	hellip: 'Horizontal ellipsis', // MISSING
+	trade: 'Trade mark sign', // MISSING
+	'9658': 'Black right-pointing pointer', // MISSING
+	bull: 'Bullet', // MISSING
+	rarr: 'Rightwards arrow', // MISSING
+	rArr: 'Rightwards double arrow', // MISSING
+	hArr: 'Left right double arrow', // MISSING
+	diams: 'Black diamond suit', // MISSING
+	asymp: 'Almost equal to' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aabf7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'it', {
+	euro: 'Simbolo Euro',
+	lsquo: 'Virgoletta singola sinistra',
+	rsquo: 'Virgoletta singola destra',
+	ldquo: 'Virgolette aperte',
+	rdquo: 'Virgolette chiuse',
+	ndash: 'Trattino',
+	mdash: 'Trattino lungo',
+	iexcl: 'Punto esclavamativo invertito',
+	cent: 'Simbolo Cent',
+	pound: 'Simbolo Sterlina',
+	curren: 'Simbolo Moneta',
+	yen: 'Simbolo Yen',
+	brvbar: 'Barra interrotta',
+	sect: 'Simbolo di sezione',
+	uml: 'Dieresi',
+	copy: 'Simbolo Copyright',
+	ordf: 'Indicatore ordinale femminile',
+	laquo: 'Virgolette basse aperte',
+	not: 'Nessun segno',
+	reg: 'Simbolo Registrato',
+	macr: 'Macron',
+	deg: 'Simbolo Grado',
+	sup2: 'Apice Due',
+	sup3: 'Apice Tre',
+	acute: 'Accento acuto',
+	micro: 'Simbolo Micro',
+	para: 'Simbolo Paragrafo',
+	middot: 'Punto centrale',
+	cedil: 'Cediglia',
+	sup1: 'Apice Uno',
+	ordm: 'Indicatore ordinale maschile',
+	raquo: 'Virgolette basse chiuse',
+	frac14: 'Frazione volgare un quarto',
+	frac12: 'Frazione volgare un mezzo',
+	frac34: 'Frazione volgare tre quarti',
+	iquest: 'Punto interrogativo invertito',
+	Agrave: 'Lettera maiuscola latina A con accento grave',
+	Aacute: 'Lettera maiuscola latina A con accento acuto',
+	Acirc: 'Lettera maiuscola latina A con accento circonflesso',
+	Atilde: 'Lettera maiuscola latina A con tilde',
+	Auml: 'Lettera maiuscola latina A con dieresi',
+	Aring: 'Lettera maiuscola latina A con anello sopra',
+	AElig: 'Lettera maiuscola latina AE',
+	Ccedil: 'Lettera maiuscola latina C con cediglia',
+	Egrave: 'Lettera maiuscola latina E con accento grave',
+	Eacute: 'Lettera maiuscola latina E con accento acuto',
+	Ecirc: 'Lettera maiuscola latina E con accento circonflesso',
+	Euml: 'Lettera maiuscola latina E con dieresi',
+	Igrave: 'Lettera maiuscola latina I con accento grave',
+	Iacute: 'Lettera maiuscola latina I con accento acuto',
+	Icirc: 'Lettera maiuscola latina I con accento circonflesso',
+	Iuml: 'Lettera maiuscola latina I con dieresi',
+	ETH: 'Lettera maiuscola latina Eth',
+	Ntilde: 'Lettera maiuscola latina N con tilde',
+	Ograve: 'Lettera maiuscola latina O con accento grave',
+	Oacute: 'Lettera maiuscola latina O con accento acuto',
+	Ocirc: 'Lettera maiuscola latina O con accento circonflesso',
+	Otilde: 'Lettera maiuscola latina O con tilde',
+	Ouml: 'Lettera maiuscola latina O con dieresi',
+	times: 'Simbolo di moltiplicazione',
+	Oslash: 'Lettera maiuscola latina O barrata',
+	Ugrave: 'Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento grave',
+	Uacute: 'Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento acuto',
+	Ucirc: 'Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento circonflesso',
+	Uuml: 'Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento circonflesso',
+	Yacute: 'Lettera maiuscola latina Y con accento acuto',
+	THORN: 'Lettera maiuscola latina Thorn',
+	szlig: 'Lettera latina minuscola doppia S',
+	agrave: 'Lettera minuscola latina a con accento grave',
+	aacute: 'Lettera minuscola latina a con accento acuto',
+	acirc: 'Lettera minuscola latina a con accento circonflesso',
+	atilde: 'Lettera minuscola latina a con tilde',
+	auml: 'Lettera minuscola latina a con dieresi',
+	aring: 'Lettera minuscola latina a con anello superiore',
+	aelig: 'Lettera minuscola latina ae',
+	ccedil: 'Lettera minuscola latina c con cediglia',
+	egrave: 'Lettera minuscola latina e con accento grave',
+	eacute: 'Lettera minuscola latina e con accento acuto',
+	ecirc: 'Lettera minuscola latina e con accento circonflesso',
+	euml: 'Lettera minuscola latina e con dieresi',
+	igrave: 'Lettera minuscola latina i con accento grave',
+	iacute: 'Lettera minuscola latina i con accento acuto',
+	icirc: 'Lettera minuscola latina i con accento circonflesso',
+	iuml: 'Lettera minuscola latina i con dieresi',
+	eth: 'Lettera minuscola latina eth',
+	ntilde: 'Lettera minuscola latina n con tilde',
+	ograve: 'Lettera minuscola latina o con accento grave',
+	oacute: 'Lettera minuscola latina o con accento acuto',
+	ocirc: 'Lettera minuscola latina o con accento circonflesso',
+	otilde: 'Lettera minuscola latina o con tilde',
+	ouml: 'Lettera minuscola latina o con dieresi',
+	divide: 'Simbolo di divisione',
+	oslash: 'Lettera minuscola latina o barrata',
+	ugrave: 'Lettera minuscola latina u con accento grave',
+	uacute: 'Lettera minuscola latina u con accento acuto',
+	ucirc: 'Lettera minuscola latina u con accento circonflesso',
+	uuml: 'Lettera minuscola latina u con dieresi',
+	yacute: 'Lettera minuscola latina y con accento acuto',
+	thorn: 'Lettera minuscola latina thorn',
+	yuml: 'Lettera minuscola latina y con dieresi',
+	OElig: 'Legatura maiuscola latina OE',
+	oelig: 'Legatura minuscola latina oe',
+	'372': 'Lettera maiuscola latina W con accento circonflesso',
+	'374': 'Lettera maiuscola latina Y con accento circonflesso',
+	'373': 'Lettera minuscola latina w con accento circonflesso',
+	'375': 'Lettera minuscola latina y con accento circonflesso',
+	sbquo: 'Singola virgoletta bassa low-9',
+	'8219': 'Singola virgoletta bassa low-9 inversa',
+	bdquo: 'Doppia virgoletta bassa low-9',
+	hellip: 'Ellissi orizzontale',
+	trade: 'Simbolo TM',
+	'9658': 'Puntatore nero rivolto verso destra',
+	bull: 'Punto',
+	rarr: 'Freccia verso destra',
+	rArr: 'Doppia freccia verso destra',
+	hArr: 'Doppia freccia sinistra destra',
+	diams: 'Simbolo nero diamante',
+	asymp: 'Quasi uguale a'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67d4b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'ku', {
+	euro: 'نیشانه‌ی یۆرۆ',
+	lsquo: 'نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی سه‌رووژێری تاکی چه‌پ',
+	rsquo: 'نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی سه‌رووژێری تاکی ڕاست',
+	ldquo: 'نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی سه‌رووژێری دووهێنده‌ی چه‌پ',
+	rdquo: 'نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی سه‌رووژێری دووهێنده‌ی ڕاست',
+	ndash: 'ته‌قه‌ڵی کورت',
+	mdash: 'ته‌قه‌ڵی درێژ',
+	iexcl: 'نیشانه‌ی هه‌ڵه‌وگێڕی سه‌رسوڕمێنه‌ر',
+	cent: 'نیشانه‌ی سه‌نت',
+	pound: 'نیشانه‌ی پاوه‌ند',
+	curren: 'نیشانه‌ی دراو',
+	yen: 'نیشانه‌ی یه‌نی ژاپۆنی',
+	brvbar: 'شریتی ئه‌ستوونی پچڕاو',
+	sect: 'نیشانه‌ی دوو s له‌سه‌ریه‌ك',
+	uml: 'خاڵ',
+	copy: 'نیشانه‌ی مافی چاپ',
+	ordf: 'هێڵ له‌سه‌ر پیتی a',
+	laquo: 'دوو تیری به‌دووایه‌کی چه‌پ',
+	not: 'نیشانه‌ی نه‌خێر',
+	reg: 'نیشانه‌ی R له‌ناو بازنه‌دا',
+	macr: 'ماکڕوون',
+	deg: 'نیشانه‌ی پله',
+	sup2: 'سه‌رنووسی دوو',
+	sup3: 'سه‌رنووسی سێ',
+	acute: 'لاری تیژ',
+	micro: 'نیشانه‌ی u لق درێژی چه‌پی خواروو',
+	para: 'نیشانه‌یپه‌ڕه‌گراف',
+	middot: 'ناوه‌ڕاستی خاڵ',
+	cedil: 'نیشانه‌ی c ژێر چووکره‌',
+	sup1: 'سه‌رنووسی یه‌ك',
+	ordm: 'هێڵ له‌ژێر پیتی o',
+	raquo: 'دوو تیری به‌دووایه‌کی ڕاست',
+	frac14: 'یه‌ك له‌سه‌ر چووار',
+	frac12: 'یه‌ك له‌سه‌ر دوو',
+	frac34: 'سێ له‌سه‌ر چووار',
+	iquest: 'هێمای هه‌ڵه‌وگێری پرسیار',
+	Agrave: 'پیتی لاتینی A-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
+	Aacute: 'پیتی لاتینی A-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
+	Acirc: 'پیتی لاتینی A-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	Atilde: 'پیتی لاتینی A-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌',
+	Auml: 'پیتی لاتینی A-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	Aring: 'پیتی لاتینی گه‌وره‌ی Å',
+	AElig: 'پیتی لاتینی گه‌وره‌ی Æ',
+	Ccedil: 'پیتی لاتینی C-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ژێر چووکره‌',
+	Egrave: 'پیتی لاتینی E-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
+	Eacute: 'پیتی لاتینی E-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
+	Ecirc: 'پیتی لاتینی E-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	Euml: 'پیتی لاتینی E-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	Igrave: 'پیتی لاتینی I-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
+	Iacute: 'پیتی لاتینی I-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
+	Icirc: 'پیتی لاتینی I-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	Iuml: 'پیتی لاتینی I-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	ETH: 'پیتی لاتینی E-ی گه‌وره‌ی',
+	Ntilde: 'پیتی لاتینی N-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌',
+	Ograve: 'پیتی لاتینی O-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
+	Oacute: 'پیتی لاتینی O-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
+	Ocirc: 'پیتی لاتینی O-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	Otilde: 'پیتی لاتینی O-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌',
+	Ouml: 'پیتی لاتینی O-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	times: 'نیشانه‌ی لێکدان',
+	Oslash: 'پیتی لاتینی گه‌وره‌ی Ø له‌گه‌ڵ هێمای دڵ وه‌ستان',
+	Ugrave: 'پیتی لاتینی U-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
+	Uacute: 'پیتی لاتینی U-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
+	Ucirc: 'پیتی لاتینی U-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	Uuml: 'پیتی لاتینی U-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	Yacute: 'پیتی لاتینی Y-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
+	THORN: 'پیتی لاتینی دڕکی گه‌وره',
+	szlig: 'پیتی لاتنی نووك تیژی s',
+	agrave: 'پیتی لاتینی a-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
+	aacute: 'پیتی لاتینی a-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
+	acirc: 'پیتی لاتینی a-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	atilde: 'پیتی لاتینی a-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌',
+	auml: 'پیتی لاتینی a-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	aring: 'پیتی لاتینی å-ی بچووك',
+	aelig: 'پیتی لاتینی æ-ی بچووك',
+	ccedil: 'پیتی لاتینی c-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ژێر چووکره‌',
+	egrave: 'پیتی لاتینی e-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
+	eacute: 'پیتی لاتینی e-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
+	ecirc: 'پیتی لاتینی e-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	euml: 'پیتی لاتینی e-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	igrave: 'پیتی لاتینی i-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
+	iacute: 'پیتی لاتینی i-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
+	icirc: 'پیتی لاتینی i-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	iuml: 'پیتی لاتینی i-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	eth: 'پیتی لاتینی e-ی بچووك',
+	ntilde: 'پیتی لاتینی n-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌',
+	ograve: 'پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
+	oacute: 'پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
+	ocirc: 'پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	otilde: 'پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌',
+	ouml: 'پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	divide: 'نیشانه‌ی دابه‌ش',
+	oslash: 'پیتی لاتینی گه‌وره‌ی ø له‌گه‌ڵ هێمای دڵ وه‌ستان',
+	ugrave: 'پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
+	uacute: 'پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
+	ucirc: 'پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	uuml: 'پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	yacute: 'پیتی لاتینی y-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
+	thorn: 'پیتی لاتینی دڕکی بچووك',
+	yuml: 'پیتی لاتینی y-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	OElig: 'پیتی لاتینی گه‌وره‌ی پێکه‌وه‌نووسراوی OE',
+	oelig: 'پیتی لاتینی بچووکی پێکه‌وه‌نووسراوی oe',
+	'372': 'پیتی لاتینی W-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	'374': 'پیتی لاتینی Y-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	'373': 'پیتی لاتینی w-ی بچووکی له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	'375': 'پیتی لاتینی y-ی بچووکی له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
+	sbquo: 'نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی نزم',
+	'8219': 'نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی به‌رزی پێچه‌وانه',
+	bdquo: 'دوو فاریزه‌ی ته‌نیش یه‌ك',
+	hellip: 'ئاسۆیی بازنه',
+	trade: 'نیشانه‌ی بازرگانی',
+	'9658': 'ئاراسته‌ی ڕه‌شی ده‌ستی ڕاست',
+	bull: 'فیشه‌ك',
+	rarr: 'تیری ده‌ستی ڕاست',
+	rArr: 'دووتیری ده‌ستی ڕاست',
+	hArr: 'دوو تیری ڕاست و چه‌پ',
+	diams: 'ڕه‌شی پاقڵاوه‌یی',
+	asymp: 'نیشانه‌ی یه‌کسانه'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc3704c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'lv', {
+	euro: 'Euro zīme',
+	lsquo: 'Kreisā  vienkārtīga pēdiņa',
+	rsquo: 'Labā  vienkārtīga pēdiņa',
+	ldquo: 'Kreisā  dubult pēdiņa',
+	rdquo: 'Labā dubult pēdiņa',
+	ndash: 'En svītra',
+	mdash: 'Em svītra',
+	iexcl: 'Apgriezta izsaukuma zīme',
+	cent: 'Centu naudas zīme',
+	pound: 'Sterliņu mārciņu naudas zīme',
+	curren: 'Valūtas zīme',
+	yen: 'Jenu naudas zīme',
+	brvbar: 'Vertikāla pārrauta līnija',
+	sect: 'Paragrāfa zīme',
+	uml: 'Diakritiska zīme',
+	copy: 'Autortiesību zīme',
+	ordf: 'Sievišķas kārtas rādītājs',
+	laquo: 'Kreisā dubult stūra pēdiņu zīme',
+	not: 'Neparakstīts',
+	reg: 'Reģistrēta zīme',
+	macr: 'Garumzīme',
+	deg: 'Grādu zīme',
+	sup2: 'Augšraksts divi',
+	sup3: 'Augšraksts trīs',
+	acute: 'Akūta uzsvara zīme',
+	micro: 'Mikro zīme',
+	para: 'Rindkopas zīme ',
+	middot: 'Vidējs punkts',
+	cedil: 'Āķītis zem burta',
+	sup1: 'Augšraksts viens',
+	ordm: 'Vīrišķīgas kārtas rādītājs',
+	raquo: 'Labā dubult stūra pēdiņu zīme',
+	frac14: 'Vulgāra frakcija 1/4',
+	frac12: 'Vulgāra frakcija 1/2',
+	frac34: 'Vulgāra frakcija 3/4',
+	iquest: 'Apgriezta jautājuma zīme',
+	Agrave: 'Lielais latīņu burts A ar uzsvara zīmi',
+	Aacute: 'Lielais  latīņu burts A ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi',
+	Acirc: 'Lielais latīņu burts A ar diakritisku zīmi',
+	Atilde: 'Lielais latīņu burts A ar tildi ',
+	Auml: 'Lielais latīņu burts A ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	Aring: 'Lielais latīņu burts A ar aplīti augšā',
+	AElig: 'Lielais latīņu burts Æ',
+	Ccedil: 'Lielais latīņu burts C ar āķīti zem burta',
+	Egrave: 'Lielais latīņu burts E ar apostrofu',
+	Eacute: 'Lielais latīņu burts E ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi',
+	Ecirc: 'Lielais latīņu burts E ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	Euml: 'Lielais latīņu burts E ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	Igrave: 'Lielais latīņu burts I ar uzsvaras  zīmi',
+	Iacute: 'Lielais latīņu burts I ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi',
+	Icirc: 'Lielais latīņu burts I ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	Iuml: 'Lielais latīņu burts I ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	ETH: 'Lielais latīņu burts Eth',
+	Ntilde: 'Lielais latīņu burts N ar tildi',
+	Ograve: 'Lielais latīņu burts O ar uzsvara zīmi',
+	Oacute: 'Lielais latīņu burts O ar akūto uzsvara zīmi',
+	Ocirc: 'Lielais latīņu burts O ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	Otilde: 'Lielais latīņu burts O ar tildi',
+	Ouml: 'Lielais latīņu burts O ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	times: 'Reizināšanas zīme ',
+	Oslash: 'Lielais latīņu burts O ar iesvītrojumu',
+	Ugrave: 'Lielais latīņu burts U ar uzsvaras zīmi',
+	Uacute: 'Lielais latīņu burts U ar akūto uzsvars zīmi',
+	Ucirc: 'Lielais latīņu burts U ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	Uuml: 'Lielais latīņu burts U ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	Yacute: 'Lielais latīņu burts Y ar akūto uzsvaras zīmi',
+	THORN: 'Lielais latīņu burts torn',
+	szlig: 'Mazs latīņu burts ar ligatūru',
+	agrave: 'Mazs latīņu burts a ar uzsvara zīmi',
+	aacute: 'Mazs latīņu burts a ar akūto uzsvara zīmi',
+	acirc: 'Mazs latīņu burts a ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	atilde: 'Mazs latīņu burts a ar tildi',
+	auml: 'Mazs latīņu burts a ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	aring: 'Mazs latīņu burts a ar aplīti augšā',
+	aelig: 'Mazs latīņu burts æ',
+	ccedil: 'Mazs latīņu burts c ar āķīti zem burta',
+	egrave: 'Mazs latīņu burts e ar uzsvara zīmi ',
+	eacute: 'Mazs latīņu burts e ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi',
+	ecirc: 'Mazs latīņu burts e ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	euml: 'Mazs latīņu burts e ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	igrave: 'Mazs latīņu burts i ar uzsvara zīmi ',
+	iacute: 'Mazs latīņu burts i ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi',
+	icirc: 'Mazs latīņu burts i ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	iuml: 'Mazs latīņu burts i ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	eth: 'Mazs latīņu burts eth',
+	ntilde: 'Mazs latīņu burts n ar tildi',
+	ograve: 'Mazs latīņu burts o ar uzsvara zīmi ',
+	oacute: 'Mazs latīņu burts o ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi',
+	ocirc: 'Mazs latīņu burts o ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	otilde: 'Mazs latīņu burts o ar tildi',
+	ouml: 'Mazs latīņu burts o ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	divide: 'Dalīšanas zīme',
+	oslash: 'Mazs latīņu burts o ar iesvītrojumu',
+	ugrave: 'Mazs latīņu burts u ar uzsvara zīmi ',
+	uacute: 'Mazs latīņu burts u ar  akūtu uzsvara zīmi',
+	ucirc: 'Mazs latīņu burts u ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	uuml: 'Mazs latīņu burts u ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	yacute: 'Mazs latīņu burts y ar  akūtu uzsvaras zīmi',
+	thorn: 'Mazs latīņu burts torns',
+	yuml: 'Mazs latīņu burts y ar diakritisko zīmi',
+	OElig: 'Liela latīņu ligatūra OE',
+	oelig: 'Maza latīņu ligatūra oe',
+	'372': 'Liels latīņu burts W ar diakritisko zīmi ',
+	'374': 'Liels latīņu burts Y ar diakritisko zīmi ',
+	'373': 'Mazs latīņu burts w ar diakritisko zīmi ',
+	'375': 'Mazs latīņu burts y ar diakritisko zīmi ',
+	sbquo: 'Mazas-9 vienkārtīgas pēdiņas',
+	'8219': 'Lielas-9 vienkārtīgas apgrieztas pēdiņas',
+	bdquo: 'Mazas-9 dubultas pēdiņas',
+	hellip: 'Horizontāli daudzpunkti',
+	trade: 'Preču zīmes zīme',
+	'9658': 'Melns pa labi pagriezts radītājs',
+	bull: 'Lode',
+	rarr: 'Bulta pa labi',
+	rArr: 'Dubulta Bulta pa labi',
+	hArr: 'Bulta pa kreisi',
+	diams: 'Dubulta Bulta pa kreisi',
+	asymp: 'Gandrīz vienāds ar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62fe26f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'nb', {
+	euro: 'Eurosymbol',
+	lsquo: 'Venstre enkelt anførselstegn',
+	rsquo: 'Høyre enkelt anførselstegn',
+	ldquo: 'Venstre dobbelt anførselstegn',
+	rdquo: 'Høyre anførsesltegn',
+	ndash: 'Kort tankestrek',
+	mdash: 'Lang tankestrek',
+	iexcl: 'Omvendt utropstegn',
+	cent: 'Centsymbol',
+	pound: 'Pundsymbol',
+	curren: 'Valutategn',
+	yen: 'Yensymbol',
+	brvbar: 'Brutt loddrett strek',
+	sect: 'Paragraftegn',
+	uml: 'Tøddel',
+	copy: 'Copyrighttegn',
+	ordf: 'Feminin ordensindikator',
+	laquo: 'Venstre anførselstegn',
+	not: 'Negasjonstegn',
+	reg: 'Registrert varemerke-tegn',
+	macr: 'Makron',
+	deg: 'Gradsymbol',
+	sup2: 'Hevet totall',
+	sup3: 'Hevet tretall',
+	acute: 'Akutt aksent',
+	micro: 'Mikrosymbol',
+	para: 'Avsnittstegn',
+	middot: 'Midtstilt prikk',
+	cedil: 'Cedille',
+	sup1: 'Hevet ettall',
+	ordm: 'Maskulin ordensindikator',
+	raquo: 'Høyre anførselstegn',
+	frac14: 'Fjerdedelsbrøk',
+	frac12: 'Halvbrøk',
+	frac34: 'Tre fjerdedelers brøk',
+	iquest: 'Omvendt spørsmålstegn',
+	Agrave: 'Stor A med grav aksent',
+	Aacute: 'Stor A med akutt aksent',
+	Acirc: 'Stor A med cirkumfleks',
+	Atilde: 'Stor A med tilde',
+	Auml: 'Stor A med tøddel',
+	Aring: 'Stor Ã…',
+	AElig: 'Stor Æ',
+	Ccedil: 'Stor C med cedille',
+	Egrave: 'Stor E med grav aksent',
+	Eacute: 'Stor E med akutt aksent',
+	Ecirc: 'Stor E med cirkumfleks',
+	Euml: 'Stor E med tøddel',
+	Igrave: 'Stor I med grav aksent',
+	Iacute: 'Stor I med akutt aksent',
+	Icirc: 'Stor I med cirkumfleks',
+	Iuml: 'Stor I med tøddel',
+	ETH: 'Stor Edd/stungen D',
+	Ntilde: 'Stor N med tilde',
+	Ograve: 'Stor O med grav aksent',
+	Oacute: 'Stor O med akutt aksent',
+	Ocirc: 'Stor O med cirkumfleks',
+	Otilde: 'Stor O med tilde',
+	Ouml: 'Stor O med tøddel',
+	times: 'Multiplikasjonstegn',
+	Oslash: 'Stor Ø',
+	Ugrave: 'Stor U med grav aksent',
+	Uacute: 'Stor U med akutt aksent',
+	Ucirc: 'Stor U med cirkumfleks',
+	Uuml: 'Stor U med tøddel',
+	Yacute: 'Stor Y med akutt aksent',
+	THORN: 'Stor Thorn',
+	szlig: 'Liten dobbelt-s/Eszett',
+	agrave: 'Liten a med grav aksent',
+	aacute: 'Liten a med akutt aksent',
+	acirc: 'Liten a med cirkumfleks',
+	atilde: 'Liten a med tilde',
+	auml: 'Liten a med tøddel',
+	aring: 'Liten å',
+	aelig: 'Liten æ',
+	ccedil: 'Liten c med cedille',
+	egrave: 'Liten e med grav aksent',
+	eacute: 'Liten e med akutt aksent',
+	ecirc: 'Liten e med cirkumfleks',
+	euml: 'Liten e med tøddel',
+	igrave: 'Liten i med grav aksent',
+	iacute: 'Liten i med akutt aksent',
+	icirc: 'Liten i med cirkumfleks',
+	iuml: 'Liten i med tøddel',
+	eth: 'Liten edd/stungen d',
+	ntilde: 'Liten n med tilde',
+	ograve: 'Liten o med grav aksent',
+	oacute: 'Liten o med akutt aksent',
+	ocirc: 'Liten o med cirkumfleks',
+	otilde: 'Liten o med tilde',
+	ouml: 'Liten o med tøddel',
+	divide: 'Divisjonstegn',
+	oslash: 'Liten ø',
+	ugrave: 'Liten u med grav aksent',
+	uacute: 'Liten u med akutt aksent',
+	ucirc: 'Liten u med cirkumfleks',
+	uuml: 'Liten u med tøddel',
+	yacute: 'Liten y med akutt aksent',
+	thorn: 'Liten thorn',
+	yuml: 'Liten y med tøddel',
+	OElig: 'Stor ligatur av O og E',
+	oelig: 'Liten ligatur av o og e',
+	'372': 'Stor W med cirkumfleks',
+	'374': 'Stor Y med cirkumfleks',
+	'373': 'Liten w med cirkumfleks',
+	'375': 'Liten y med cirkumfleks',
+	sbquo: 'Enkelt lavt 9-anførselstegn',
+	'8219': 'Enkelt høyt reversert 9-anførselstegn',
+	bdquo: 'Dobbelt lavt 9-anførselstegn',
+	hellip: 'Ellipse',
+	trade: 'Varemerkesymbol',
+	'9658': 'Svart høyrevendt peker',
+	bull: 'Tykk interpunkt',
+	rarr: 'Høyrevendt pil',
+	rArr: 'Dobbel høyrevendt pil',
+	hArr: 'Dobbel venstrevendt pil',
+	diams: 'Svart ruter',
+	asymp: 'Omtrent likhetstegn'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7cde21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'nl', {
+	euro: 'Euro-teken',
+	lsquo: 'Linker enkel aanhalingsteken',
+	rsquo: 'Rechter enkel aanhalingsteken',
+	ldquo: 'Linker dubbel aanhalingsteken',
+	rdquo: 'Rechter dubbel aanhalingsteken',
+	ndash: 'En dash',
+	mdash: 'Em dash',
+	iexcl: 'Omgekeerd uitroepteken',
+	cent: 'Cent-teken',
+	pound: 'Pond-teken',
+	curren: 'Valuta-teken',
+	yen: 'Yen-teken',
+	brvbar: 'Gebroken streep',
+	sect: 'Paragraaf-teken',
+	uml: 'Trema',
+	copy: 'Copyright-teken',
+	ordf: 'Vrouwelijk ordinaal',
+	laquo: 'Linker guillemet',
+	not: 'Ongelijk-teken',
+	reg: 'Geregistreerd handelsmerk-teken',
+	macr: 'Macron',
+	deg: 'Graden-teken',
+	sup2: 'Superscript twee',
+	sup3: 'Superscript drie',
+	acute: 'Accent aigu',
+	micro: 'Mico-teken',
+	para: 'Alinea-teken',
+	middot: 'Halfhoge punt',
+	cedil: 'Cedille',
+	sup1: 'Superscript een',
+	ordm: 'Mannelijk ordinaal',
+	raquo: 'Rechter guillemet',
+	frac14: 'Breuk kwart',
+	frac12: 'Breuk half',
+	frac34: 'Breuk driekwart',
+	iquest: 'Omgekeerd vraagteken',
+	Agrave: 'Latijnse hoofdletter A met een accent grave',
+	Aacute: 'Latijnse hoofdletter A met een accent aigu',
+	Acirc: 'Latijnse hoofdletter A met een circonflexe',
+	Atilde: 'Latijnse hoofdletter A met een tilde',
+	Auml: 'Latijnse hoofdletter A met een trema',
+	Aring: 'Latijnse hoofdletter A met een corona',
+	AElig: 'Latijnse hoofdletter Æ',
+	Ccedil: 'Latijnse hoofdletter C met een cedille',
+	Egrave: 'Latijnse hoofdletter E met een accent grave',
+	Eacute: 'Latijnse hoofdletter E met een accent aigu',
+	Ecirc: 'Latijnse hoofdletter E met een circonflexe',
+	Euml: 'Latijnse hoofdletter E met een trema',
+	Igrave: 'Latijnse hoofdletter I met een accent grave',
+	Iacute: 'Latijnse hoofdletter I met een accent aigu',
+	Icirc: 'Latijnse hoofdletter I met een circonflexe',
+	Iuml: 'Latijnse hoofdletter I met een trema',
+	ETH: 'Latijnse hoofdletter Eth',
+	Ntilde: 'Latijnse hoofdletter N met een tilde',
+	Ograve: 'Latijnse hoofdletter O met een accent grave',
+	Oacute: 'Latijnse hoofdletter O met een accent aigu',
+	Ocirc: 'Latijnse hoofdletter O met een circonflexe',
+	Otilde: 'Latijnse hoofdletter O met een tilde',
+	Ouml: 'Latijnse hoofdletter O met een trema',
+	times: 'Maal-teken',
+	Oslash: 'Latijnse hoofdletter O met een schuine streep',
+	Ugrave: 'Latijnse hoofdletter U met een accent grave',
+	Uacute: 'Latijnse hoofdletter U met een accent aigu',
+	Ucirc: 'Latijnse hoofdletter U met een circonflexe',
+	Uuml: 'Latijnse hoofdletter U met een trema',
+	Yacute: 'Latijnse hoofdletter Y met een accent aigu',
+	THORN: 'Latijnse hoofdletter Thorn',
+	szlig: 'Latijnse kleine ringel-s',
+	agrave: 'Latijnse kleine letter a met een accent grave',
+	aacute: 'Latijnse kleine letter a met een accent aigu',
+	acirc: 'Latijnse kleine letter a met een circonflexe',
+	atilde: 'Latijnse kleine letter a met een tilde',
+	auml: 'Latijnse kleine letter a met een trema',
+	aring: 'Latijnse kleine letter a met een corona',
+	aelig: 'Latijnse kleine letter æ',
+	ccedil: 'Latijnse kleine letter c met een cedille',
+	egrave: 'Latijnse kleine letter e met een accent grave',
+	eacute: 'Latijnse kleine letter e met een accent aigu',
+	ecirc: 'Latijnse kleine letter e met een circonflexe',
+	euml: 'Latijnse kleine letter e met een trema',
+	igrave: 'Latijnse kleine letter i met een accent grave',
+	iacute: 'Latijnse kleine letter i met een accent aigu',
+	icirc: 'Latijnse kleine letter i met een circonflexe',
+	iuml: 'Latijnse kleine letter i met een trema',
+	eth: 'Latijnse kleine letter eth',
+	ntilde: 'Latijnse kleine letter n met een tilde',
+	ograve: 'Latijnse kleine letter o met een accent grave',
+	oacute: 'Latijnse kleine letter o met een accent aigu',
+	ocirc: 'Latijnse kleine letter o met een circonflexe',
+	otilde: 'Latijnse kleine letter o met een tilde',
+	ouml: 'Latijnse kleine letter o met een trema',
+	divide: 'Deel-teken',
+	oslash: 'Latijnse kleine letter o met een schuine streep',
+	ugrave: 'Latijnse kleine letter u met een accent grave',
+	uacute: 'Latijnse kleine letter u met een accent aigu',
+	ucirc: 'Latijnse kleine letter u met een circonflexe',
+	uuml: 'Latijnse kleine letter u met een trema',
+	yacute: 'Latijnse kleine letter y met een accent aigu',
+	thorn: 'Latijnse kleine letter thorn',
+	yuml: 'Latijnse kleine letter y met een trema',
+	OElig: 'Latijnse hoofdletter Å’',
+	oelig: 'Latijnse kleine letter Å“',
+	'372': 'Latijnse hoofdletter W met een circonflexe',
+	'374': 'Latijnse hoofdletter Y met een circonflexe',
+	'373': 'Latijnse kleine letter w met een circonflexe',
+	'375': 'Latijnse kleine letter y met een circonflexe',
+	sbquo: 'Lage enkele aanhalingsteken',
+	'8219': 'Hoge omgekeerde enkele aanhalingsteken',
+	bdquo: 'Lage dubbele aanhalingsteken',
+	hellip: 'Beletselteken',
+	trade: 'Trademark-teken',
+	'9658': 'Zwarte driehoek naar rechts',
+	bull: 'Bullet',
+	rarr: 'Pijl naar rechts',
+	rArr: 'Dubbele pijl naar rechts',
+	hArr: 'Dubbele pijl naar links',
+	diams: 'Zwart ruitje',
+	asymp: 'Benaderingsteken'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ef7fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'no', {
+	euro: 'Eurosymbol',
+	lsquo: 'Venstre enkelt anførselstegn',
+	rsquo: 'Høyre enkelt anførselstegn',
+	ldquo: 'Venstre dobbelt anførselstegn',
+	rdquo: 'Høyre anførsesltegn',
+	ndash: 'Kort tankestrek',
+	mdash: 'Lang tankestrek',
+	iexcl: 'Omvendt utropstegn',
+	cent: 'Centsymbol',
+	pound: 'Pundsymbol',
+	curren: 'Valutategn',
+	yen: 'Yensymbol',
+	brvbar: 'Brutt loddrett strek',
+	sect: 'Paragraftegn',
+	uml: 'Tøddel',
+	copy: 'Copyrighttegn',
+	ordf: 'Feminin ordensindikator',
+	laquo: 'Venstre anførselstegn',
+	not: 'Negasjonstegn',
+	reg: 'Registrert varemerke-tegn',
+	macr: 'Makron',
+	deg: 'Gradsymbol',
+	sup2: 'Hevet totall',
+	sup3: 'Hevet tretall',
+	acute: 'Akutt aksent',
+	micro: 'Mikrosymbol',
+	para: 'Avsnittstegn',
+	middot: 'Midtstilt prikk',
+	cedil: 'Cedille',
+	sup1: 'Hevet ettall',
+	ordm: 'Maskulin ordensindikator',
+	raquo: 'Høyre anførselstegn',
+	frac14: 'Fjerdedelsbrøk',
+	frac12: 'Halvbrøk',
+	frac34: 'Tre fjerdedelers brøk',
+	iquest: 'Omvendt spørsmålstegn',
+	Agrave: 'Stor A med grav aksent',
+	Aacute: 'Stor A med akutt aksent',
+	Acirc: 'Stor A med cirkumfleks',
+	Atilde: 'Stor A med tilde',
+	Auml: 'Stor A med tøddel',
+	Aring: 'Stor Ã…',
+	AElig: 'Stor Æ',
+	Ccedil: 'Stor C med cedille',
+	Egrave: 'Stor E med grav aksent',
+	Eacute: 'Stor E med akutt aksent',
+	Ecirc: 'Stor E med cirkumfleks',
+	Euml: 'Stor E med tøddel',
+	Igrave: 'Stor I med grav aksent',
+	Iacute: 'Stor I med akutt aksent',
+	Icirc: 'Stor I med cirkumfleks',
+	Iuml: 'Stor I med tøddel',
+	ETH: 'Stor Edd/stungen D',
+	Ntilde: 'Stor N med tilde',
+	Ograve: 'Stor O med grav aksent',
+	Oacute: 'Stor O med akutt aksent',
+	Ocirc: 'Stor O med cirkumfleks',
+	Otilde: 'Stor O med tilde',
+	Ouml: 'Stor O med tøddel',
+	times: 'Multiplikasjonstegn',
+	Oslash: 'Stor Ø',
+	Ugrave: 'Stor U med grav aksent',
+	Uacute: 'Stor U med akutt aksent',
+	Ucirc: 'Stor U med cirkumfleks',
+	Uuml: 'Stor U med tøddel',
+	Yacute: 'Stor Y med akutt aksent',
+	THORN: 'Stor Thorn',
+	szlig: 'Liten dobbelt-s/Eszett',
+	agrave: 'Liten a med grav aksent',
+	aacute: 'Liten a med akutt aksent',
+	acirc: 'Liten a med cirkumfleks',
+	atilde: 'Liten a med tilde',
+	auml: 'Liten a med tøddel',
+	aring: 'Liten å',
+	aelig: 'Liten æ',
+	ccedil: 'Liten c med cedille',
+	egrave: 'Liten e med grav aksent',
+	eacute: 'Liten e med akutt aksent',
+	ecirc: 'Liten e med cirkumfleks',
+	euml: 'Liten e med tøddel',
+	igrave: 'Liten i med grav aksent',
+	iacute: 'Liten i med akutt aksent',
+	icirc: 'Liten i med cirkumfleks',
+	iuml: 'Liten i med tøddel',
+	eth: 'Liten edd/stungen d',
+	ntilde: 'Liten n med tilde',
+	ograve: 'Liten o med grav aksent',
+	oacute: 'Liten o med akutt aksent',
+	ocirc: 'Liten o med cirkumfleks',
+	otilde: 'Liten o med tilde',
+	ouml: 'Liten o med tøddel',
+	divide: 'Divisjonstegn',
+	oslash: 'Liten ø',
+	ugrave: 'Liten u med grav aksent',
+	uacute: 'Liten u med akutt aksent',
+	ucirc: 'Liten u med cirkumfleks',
+	uuml: 'Liten u med tøddel',
+	yacute: 'Liten y med akutt aksent',
+	thorn: 'Liten thorn',
+	yuml: 'Liten y med tøddel',
+	OElig: 'Stor ligatur av O og E',
+	oelig: 'Liten ligatur av o og e',
+	'372': 'Stor W med cirkumfleks',
+	'374': 'Stor Y med cirkumfleks',
+	'373': 'Liten w med cirkumfleks',
+	'375': 'Liten y med cirkumfleks',
+	sbquo: 'Enkelt lavt 9-anførselstegn',
+	'8219': 'Enkelt høyt reversert 9-anførselstegn',
+	bdquo: 'Dobbelt lavt 9-anførselstegn',
+	hellip: 'Ellipse',
+	trade: 'Varemerkesymbol',
+	'9658': 'Svart høyrevendt peker',
+	bull: 'Tykk interpunkt',
+	rarr: 'Høyrevendt pil',
+	rArr: 'Dobbel høyrevendt pil',
+	hArr: 'Dobbel venstrevendt pil',
+	diams: 'Svart ruter',
+	asymp: 'Omtrent likhetstegn'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f657fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'pt-br', {
+	euro: 'Euro',
+	lsquo: 'Aspas simples esquerda',
+	rsquo: 'Aspas simples direita',
+	ldquo: 'Aspas duplas esquerda',
+	rdquo: 'Aspas duplas direita',
+	ndash: 'Traço',
+	mdash: 'Travessão',
+	iexcl: 'Ponto de exclamação invertido',
+	cent: 'Cent',
+	pound: 'Cerquilha',
+	curren: 'Dinheiro',
+	yen: 'Yen',
+	brvbar: 'Bara interrompida',
+	sect: 'Símbolo de Parágrafo',
+	uml: 'Trema',
+	copy: 'Direito de Cópia',
+	ordf: 'Indicador ordinal feminino',
+	laquo: 'Aspas duplas angulares esquerda',
+	not: 'Negação',
+	reg: 'Marca Registrada',
+	macr: 'Mácron',
+	deg: 'Grau',
+	sup2: '2 Superscrito',
+	sup3: '3 Superscrito',
+	acute: 'Acento agudo',
+	micro: 'Micro',
+	para: 'Pé de mosca',
+	middot: 'Ponto mediano',
+	cedil: 'Cedilha',
+	sup1: '1 Superscrito',
+	ordm: 'Indicador ordinal masculino',
+	raquo: 'Aspas duplas angulares direita',
+	frac14: 'Um quarto',
+	frac12: 'Um meio',
+	frac34: 'Três quartos',
+	iquest: 'Interrogação invertida',
+	Agrave: 'A maiúsculo com acento grave',
+	Aacute: 'A maiúsculo com acento agudo',
+	Acirc: 'A maiúsculo com acento circunflexo',
+	Atilde: 'A maiúsculo com til',
+	Auml: 'A maiúsculo com trema',
+	Aring: 'A maiúsculo com anel acima',
+	AElig: 'Æ maiúsculo',
+	Ccedil: 'Ç maiúlculo',
+	Egrave: 'E maiúsculo com acento grave',
+	Eacute: 'E maiúsculo com acento agudo',
+	Ecirc: 'E maiúsculo com acento circumflexo',
+	Euml: 'E maiúsculo com trema',
+	Igrave: 'I maiúsculo com acento grave',
+	Iacute: 'I maiúsculo com acento agudo',
+	Icirc: 'I maiúsculo com acento circunflexo',
+	Iuml: 'I maiúsculo com crase',
+	ETH: 'Eth maiúsculo',
+	Ntilde: 'N maiúsculo com til',
+	Ograve: 'O maiúsculo com acento grave',
+	Oacute: 'O maiúsculo com acento agudo',
+	Ocirc: 'O maiúsculo com acento circunflexo',
+	Otilde: 'O maiúsculo com til',
+	Ouml: 'O maiúsculo com trema',
+	times: 'Multiplicação',
+	Oslash: 'Diâmetro',
+	Ugrave: 'U maiúsculo com acento grave',
+	Uacute: 'U maiúsculo com acento agudo',
+	Ucirc: 'U maiúsculo com acento circunflexo',
+	Uuml: 'U maiúsculo com trema',
+	Yacute: 'Y maiúsculo com acento agudo',
+	THORN: 'Thorn maiúsculo',
+	szlig: 'Eszett minúsculo',
+	agrave: 'a minúsculo com acento grave',
+	aacute: 'a minúsculo com acento agudo',
+	acirc: 'a minúsculo com acento circunflexo',
+	atilde: 'a minúsculo com til',
+	auml: 'a minúsculo com trema',
+	aring: 'a minúsculo com anel acima',
+	aelig: 'æ minúsculo',
+	ccedil: 'ç minúsculo',
+	egrave: 'e minúsculo com acento grave',
+	eacute: 'e minúsculo com acento agudo',
+	ecirc: 'e minúsculo com acento circunflexo',
+	euml: 'e minúsculo com trema',
+	igrave: 'i minúsculo com acento grave',
+	iacute: 'i minúsculo com acento agudo',
+	icirc: 'i minúsculo com acento circunflexo',
+	iuml: 'i minúsculo com trema',
+	eth: 'eth minúsculo',
+	ntilde: 'n minúsculo com til',
+	ograve: 'o minúsculo com acento grave',
+	oacute: 'o minúsculo com acento agudo',
+	ocirc: 'o minúsculo com acento circunflexo',
+	otilde: 'o minúsculo com til',
+	ouml: 'o minúsculo com trema',
+	divide: 'Divisão',
+	oslash: 'o minúsculo com cortado ou diâmetro',
+	ugrave: 'u minúsculo com acento grave',
+	uacute: 'u minúsculo com acento agudo',
+	ucirc: 'u minúsculo com acento circunflexo',
+	uuml: 'u minúsculo com trema',
+	yacute: 'y minúsculo com acento agudo',
+	thorn: 'thorn minúsculo',
+	yuml: 'y minúsculo com trema',
+	OElig: 'Ligação tipográfica OE maiúscula',
+	oelig: 'Ligação tipográfica oe minúscula',
+	'372': 'W maiúsculo com acento circunflexo',
+	'374': 'Y maiúsculo com acento circunflexo',
+	'373': 'w minúsculo com acento circunflexo',
+	'375': 'y minúsculo com acento circunflexo',
+	sbquo: 'Aspas simples inferior direita',
+	'8219': 'Aspas simples superior esquerda',
+	bdquo: 'Aspas duplas inferior direita',
+	hellip: 'Reticências',
+	trade: 'Trade mark',
+	'9658': 'Ponta de seta preta para direita',
+	bull: 'Ponto lista',
+	rarr: 'Seta para direita',
+	rArr: 'Seta dupla para direita',
+	hArr: 'Seta dupla direita e esquerda',
+	diams: 'Ouros',
+	asymp: 'Aproximadamente'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17df2f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'sk', {
+	euro: 'Znak eura',
+	lsquo: 'Ľavá jednoduchá úvodzovka',
+	rsquo: 'Pravá jednoduchá úvodzovka',
+	ldquo: 'Pravá dvojitá úvodzovka',
+	rdquo: 'Pravá dvojitá úvodzovka',
+	ndash: 'En pomlčka',
+	mdash: 'Em pomlčka',
+	iexcl: 'Obrátený výkričník',
+	cent: 'Znak centu',
+	pound: 'Znak libry',
+	curren: 'Znak meny',
+	yen: 'Znak jenu',
+	brvbar: 'Prerušená zvislá čiara',
+	sect: 'Znak odseku',
+	uml: 'Prehláska',
+	copy: 'Znak copyrightu',
+	ordf: 'Ženský indikátor rodu',
+	laquo: 'Znak dvojitých lomených úvodzoviek vľavo',
+	not: 'Logistický zápor',
+	reg: 'Znak registrácie',
+	macr: 'Pomlčka nad',
+	deg: 'Znak stupňa',
+	sup2: 'Dvojka ako horný index',
+	sup3: 'Trojka ako horný index',
+	acute: 'Dĺžeň',
+	micro: 'Znak mikro',
+	para: 'Znak odstavca',
+	middot: 'Bodka uprostred',
+	cedil: 'Chvost vľavo',
+	sup1: 'Jednotka ako horný index',
+	ordm: 'Mužský indikátor rodu',
+	raquo: 'Znak dvojitých lomených úvodzoviek vpravo',
+	frac14: 'Obyčajný zlomok jedna štvrtina',
+	frac12: 'Obyčajný zlomok jedna polovica',
+	frac34: 'Obyčajný zlomok tri štvrtiny',
+	iquest: 'Otočený otáznik',
+	Agrave: 'Veľké písmeno latinky A s accentom',
+	Aacute: 'Veľké písmeno latinky A s dĺžňom',
+	Acirc: 'Veľké písmeno latinky A s mäkčeňom',
+	Atilde: 'Veľké písmeno latinky A s tildou',
+	Auml: 'Veľké písmeno latinky A s dvoma bodkami',
+	Aring: 'Veľké písmeno latinky A s krúžkom nad',
+	AElig: 'Veľké písmeno latinky Æ',
+	Ccedil: 'Veľké písmeno latinky C s chvostom vľavo',
+	Egrave: 'Veľké písmeno latinky E s accentom',
+	Eacute: 'Veľké písmeno latinky E s dĺžňom',
+	Ecirc: 'Veľké písmeno latinky E s mäkčeňom',
+	Euml: 'Veľké písmeno latinky E s dvoma bodkami',
+	Igrave: 'Veľké písmeno latinky I s accentom',
+	Iacute: 'Veľké písmeno latinky I s dĺžňom',
+	Icirc: 'Veľké písmeno latinky I s mäkčeňom',
+	Iuml: 'Veľké písmeno latinky I s dvoma bodkami',
+	ETH: 'Veľké písmeno latinky Eth',
+	Ntilde: 'Veľké písmeno latinky N s tildou',
+	Ograve: 'Veľké písmeno latinky O s accentom',
+	Oacute: 'Veľké písmeno latinky O s dĺžňom',
+	Ocirc: 'Veľké písmeno latinky O s mäkčeňom',
+	Otilde: 'Veľké písmeno latinky O s tildou',
+	Ouml: 'Veľké písmeno latinky O s dvoma bodkami',
+	times: 'Znak násobenia',
+	Oslash: 'Veľké písmeno latinky O preškrtnuté',
+	Ugrave: 'Veľké písmeno latinky U s accentom',
+	Uacute: 'Veľké písmeno latinky U s dĺžňom',
+	Ucirc: 'Veľké písmeno latinky U s mäkčeňom',
+	Uuml: 'Veľké písmeno latinky U s dvoma bodkami',
+	Yacute: 'Veľké písmeno latinky Y s dĺžňom',
+	THORN: 'Veľké písmeno latinky Thorn',
+	szlig: 'Malé písmeno latinky ostré s',
+	agrave: 'Malé písmeno latinky a s accentom',
+	aacute: 'Malé písmeno latinky a s dĺžňom',
+	acirc: 'Malé písmeno latinky a s mäkčeňom',
+	atilde: 'Malé písmeno latinky a s tildou',
+	auml: 'Malé písmeno latinky a s dvoma bodkami',
+	aring: 'Malé písmeno latinky a s krúžkom nad',
+	aelig: 'Malé písmeno latinky æ',
+	ccedil: 'Malé písmeno latinky c s chvostom vľavo',
+	egrave: 'Malé písmeno latinky e s accentom',
+	eacute: 'Malé písmeno latinky e s dĺžňom',
+	ecirc: 'Malé písmeno latinky e s mäkčeňom',
+	euml: 'Malé písmeno latinky e s dvoma bodkami',
+	igrave: 'Malé písmeno latinky i s accentom',
+	iacute: 'Malé písmeno latinky i s dĺžňom',
+	icirc: 'Malé písmeno latinky i s mäkčeňom',
+	iuml: 'Malé písmeno latinky i s dvoma bodkami',
+	eth: 'Malé písmeno latinky eth',
+	ntilde: 'Malé písmeno latinky n s tildou',
+	ograve: 'Malé písmeno latinky o s accentom',
+	oacute: 'Malé písmeno latinky o s dĺžňom',
+	ocirc: 'Malé písmeno latinky o s mäkčeňom',
+	otilde: 'Malé písmeno latinky o s tildou',
+	ouml: 'Malé písmeno latinky o s dvoma bodkami',
+	divide: 'Znak delenia',
+	oslash: 'Malé písmeno latinky o preškrtnuté',
+	ugrave: 'Malé písmeno latinky u s accentom',
+	uacute: 'Malé písmeno latinky u s dĺžňom',
+	ucirc: 'Malé písmeno latinky u s mäkčeňom',
+	uuml: 'Malé písmeno latinky u s dvoma bodkami',
+	yacute: 'Malé písmeno latinky y s dĺžňom',
+	thorn: 'Malé písmeno latinky thorn',
+	yuml: 'Malé písmeno latinky y s dvoma bodkami',
+	OElig: 'Veľká ligatúra latinky OE',
+	oelig: 'Malá ligatúra latinky OE',
+	'372': 'Veľké písmeno latinky W s mäkčeňom',
+	'374': 'Veľké písmeno latinky Y s mäkčeňom',
+	'373': 'Malé písmeno latinky w s mäkčeňom',
+	'375': 'Malé písmeno latinky y s mäkčeňom',
+	sbquo: 'Dolná jednoduchá 9-úvodzovka',
+	'8219': 'Horná jednoduchá otočená 9-úvodzovka',
+	bdquo: 'Dolná dvojitá 9-úvodzovka',
+	hellip: 'Trojbodkový úvod',
+	trade: 'Znak ibchodnej značky',
+	'9658': 'Čierny ukazovateľ smerujúci vpravo',
+	bull: 'Kruh',
+	rarr: 'Šípka vpravo',
+	rArr: 'Dvojitá šipka vpravo',
+	hArr: 'Dvojitá šipka vľavo a vpravo',
+	diams: 'ÄŒierne piky',
+	asymp: 'Skoro sa rovná'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b29cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'sv', {
+	euro: 'Eurotecken',
+	lsquo: 'Enkelt vänster citattecken',
+	rsquo: 'Enkelt höger citattecken',
+	ldquo: 'Dubbelt vänster citattecken',
+	rdquo: 'Dubbelt höger citattecken',
+	ndash: 'Snedstreck',
+	mdash: 'LÃ¥ngt tankstreck',
+	iexcl: 'Inverterad utropstecken',
+	cent: 'Centtecken',
+	pound: 'Pundtecken',
+	curren: 'Valutatecken',
+	yen: 'Yentecken',
+	brvbar: 'Brutet lodrätt streck',
+	sect: 'Paragraftecken',
+	uml: 'Diaeresis',
+	copy: 'Upphovsrättstecken',
+	ordf: 'Feminit ordningstalsindikator',
+	laquo: 'Vänsterställt dubbelt vinkelcitationstecken',
+	not: 'Icke-tecken',
+	reg: 'Registrerad',
+	macr: 'Macron',
+	deg: 'Grader',
+	sup2: 'Upphöjt två',
+	sup3: 'Upphöjt tre',
+	acute: 'Akut accent',
+	micro: 'Mikrotecken',
+	para: 'Alinea',
+	middot: 'Centrerad prick',
+	cedil: 'Cedilj',
+	sup1: 'Upphöjt en',
+	ordm: 'Maskulina ordningsändelsen',
+	raquo: 'Högerställt dubbelt vinkelcitationstecken',
+	frac14: 'Bråktal - en kvart',
+	frac12: 'Bråktal - en halv',
+	frac34: 'Bråktal - tre fjärdedelar',
+	iquest: 'Inverterat frågetecken',
+	Agrave: 'Stort A med grav accent',
+	Aacute: 'Stort A med akutaccent',
+	Acirc: 'Stort A med circumflex',
+	Atilde: 'Stort A med tilde',
+	Auml: 'Stort A med diaresis',
+	Aring: 'Stort A med ring ovan',
+	AElig: 'Stort Æ',
+	Ccedil: 'Stort C med cedilj',
+	Egrave: 'Stort E med grav accent',
+	Eacute: 'Stort E med aktuaccent',
+	Ecirc: 'Stort E med circumflex',
+	Euml: 'Stort E med diaeresis',
+	Igrave: 'Stort I med grav accent',
+	Iacute: 'Stort I med akutaccent',
+	Icirc: 'Stort I med circumflex',
+	Iuml: 'Stort I med diaeresis',
+	ETH: 'Stort Eth',
+	Ntilde: 'Stort N med tilde',
+	Ograve: 'Stort O med grav accent',
+	Oacute: 'Stort O med aktuaccent',
+	Ocirc: 'Stort O med circumflex',
+	Otilde: 'Stort O med tilde',
+	Ouml: 'Stort O med diaeresis',
+	times: 'Multiplicera',
+	Oslash: 'Stor Ø',
+	Ugrave: 'Stort U med grav accent',
+	Uacute: 'Stort U med akutaccent',
+	Ucirc: 'Stort U med circumflex',
+	Uuml: 'Stort U med diaeresis',
+	Yacute: 'Stort Y med akutaccent',
+	THORN: 'Stort Thorn',
+	szlig: 'Litet dubbel-s/Eszett',
+	agrave: 'Litet a med grav accent',
+	aacute: 'Litet a med akutaccent',
+	acirc: 'Litet a med circumflex',
+	atilde: 'Litet a med tilde',
+	auml: 'Litet a med diaeresis',
+	aring: 'Litet a med ring ovan',
+	aelig: 'Bokstaven æ',
+	ccedil: 'Litet c med cedilj',
+	egrave: 'Litet e med grav accent',
+	eacute: 'Litet e med akutaccent',
+	ecirc: 'Litet e med circumflex',
+	euml: 'Litet e med diaeresis',
+	igrave: 'Litet i med grav accent',
+	iacute: 'Litet i med akutaccent',
+	icirc: 'LItet i med circumflex',
+	iuml: 'Litet i med didaeresis',
+	eth: 'Litet eth',
+	ntilde: 'Litet n med tilde',
+	ograve: 'LItet o med grav accent',
+	oacute: 'LItet o med akutaccent',
+	ocirc: 'Litet o med circumflex',
+	otilde: 'LItet o med tilde',
+	ouml: 'Litet o med diaeresis',
+	divide: 'Division',
+	oslash: 'ø',
+	ugrave: 'Litet u med grav accent',
+	uacute: 'Litet u med akutaccent',
+	ucirc: 'LItet u med circumflex',
+	uuml: 'Litet u med diaeresis',
+	yacute: 'Litet y med akutaccent',
+	thorn: 'Litet thorn',
+	yuml: 'Litet y med diaeresis',
+	OElig: 'Stor ligatur av OE',
+	oelig: 'Liten ligatur av oe',
+	'372': 'Stort W med circumflex',
+	'374': 'Stort Y med circumflex',
+	'373': 'Litet w med circumflex',
+	'375': 'Litet y med circumflex',
+	sbquo: 'Enkelt lågt 9-citationstecken',
+	'8219': 'Enkelt högt bakvänt 9-citationstecken',
+	bdquo: 'Dubbelt lågt 9-citationstecken',
+	hellip: 'Horisontellt uteslutningstecken',
+	trade: 'Varumärke',
+	'9658': 'Svart högervänd pekare',
+	bull: 'Listpunkt',
+	rarr: 'Högerpil',
+	rArr: 'Dubbel högerpil',
+	hArr: 'Dubbel vänsterpil',
+	diams: 'Svart ruter',
+	asymp: 'Ungefär lika med'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f427ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'tr', {
+	euro: 'Euro iÅŸareti',
+	lsquo: 'Sol tek tırnak işareti',
+	rsquo: 'Sağ tek tırnak işareti',
+	ldquo: 'Sol çift tırnak işareti',
+	rdquo: 'Sağ çift tırnak işareti',
+	ndash: 'En tire',
+	mdash: 'Em tire',
+	iexcl: 'Ters ünlem işareti',
+	cent: 'Cent iÅŸareti',
+	pound: 'Pound iÅŸareti',
+	curren: 'Para birimi iÅŸareti',
+	yen: 'Yen iÅŸareti',
+	brvbar: 'Kırık bar',
+	sect: 'Bölüm işareti',
+	uml: 'İki sesli harfin ayrılması',
+	copy: 'Telif hakkı işareti',
+	ordf: 'Dişil sıralı gösterge',
+	laquo: 'Sol-işaret çift açı tırnak işareti',
+	not: 'Not iÅŸareti',
+	reg: 'Kayıtlı işareti',
+	macr: 'Makron',
+	deg: 'Derece iÅŸareti',
+	sup2: 'İkili üstsimge',
+	sup3: 'Üçlü üstsimge',
+	acute: 'Aksan iÅŸareti',
+	micro: 'Mikro iÅŸareti',
+	para: 'Pilcrow iÅŸareti',
+	middot: 'Orta nokta',
+	cedil: 'Kedilla',
+	sup1: 'Ãœstsimge',
+	ordm: 'Eril sıralı gösterge',
+	raquo: 'Sağ işaret çift açı tırnak işareti',
+	frac14: 'Bayağı kesrin dörtte biri',
+	frac12: 'Bayağı kesrin bir yarım',
+	frac34: 'Bayağı kesrin dörtte üç',
+	iquest: 'Ters soru iÅŸareti',
+	Agrave: 'Aksanlı latin harfi',
+	Aacute: 'Aşırı aksanıyla Latin harfi',
+	Acirc: 'Çarpık Latin harfi',
+	Atilde: 'Tilde latin harfi',
+	Auml: 'Sesli harf ayrılımlıı latin harfi',
+	Aring: 'Halkalı latin büyük A harfi',
+	AElig: 'Latin büyük Æ harfi',
+	Ccedil: 'Latin büyük C harfi ile kedilla',
+	Egrave: 'Aksanlı latin büyük E harfi',
+	Eacute: 'Aşırı vurgulu latin büyük E harfi',
+	Ecirc: 'Çarpık latin büyük E harfi',
+	Euml: 'Sesli harf ayrılımlıı latin büyük E harfi',
+	Igrave: 'Aksanlı latin büyük I harfi',
+	Iacute: 'Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük I harfi',
+	Icirc: 'Çarpık latin büyük I harfi',
+	Iuml: 'Sesli harf ayrılımlıı latin büyük I harfi',
+	ETH: 'Latin büyük Eth harfi',
+	Ntilde: 'Tildeli latin büyük N harfi',
+	Ograve: 'Aksanlı latin büyük O harfi',
+	Oacute: 'Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük O harfi',
+	Ocirc: 'Çarpık latin büyük O harfi',
+	Otilde: 'Tildeli latin büyük O harfi',
+	Ouml: 'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin büyük O harfi',
+	times: 'Çarpma işareti',
+	Oslash: 'Vurgulu latin büyük O harfi',
+	Ugrave: 'Aksanlı latin büyük U harfi',
+	Uacute: 'Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük U harfi',
+	Ucirc: 'Çarpık latin büyük U harfi',
+	Uuml: 'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin büyük U harfi',
+	Yacute: 'Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük Y harfi',
+	THORN: 'Latin büyük Thorn harfi',
+	szlig: 'Latin küçük keskin s harfi',
+	agrave: 'Aksanlı latin küçük a harfi',
+	aacute: 'Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük a harfi',
+	acirc: 'Çarpık latin küçük a harfi',
+	atilde: 'Tildeli latin küçük a harfi',
+	auml: 'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük a harfi',
+	aring: 'Halkalı latin küçük a harfi',
+	aelig: 'Latin büyük æ harfi',
+	ccedil: 'Kedillalı latin küçük c harfi',
+	egrave: 'Aksanlı latin küçük e harfi',
+	eacute: 'Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük e harfi',
+	ecirc: 'Çarpık latin küçük e harfi',
+	euml: 'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük e harfi',
+	igrave: 'Aksanlı latin küçük i harfi',
+	iacute: 'Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük i harfi',
+	icirc: 'Çarpık latin küçük i harfi',
+	iuml: 'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük i harfi',
+	eth: 'Latin küçük eth harfi',
+	ntilde: 'Tildeli latin küçük n harfi',
+	ograve: 'Aksanlı latin küçük o harfi',
+	oacute: 'Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük o harfi',
+	ocirc: 'Çarpık latin küçük o harfi',
+	otilde: 'Tildeli latin küçük o harfi',
+	ouml: 'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük o harfi',
+	divide: 'Bölme işareti',
+	oslash: 'Vurgulu latin küçük o harfi',
+	ugrave: 'Aksanlı latin küçük u harfi',
+	uacute: 'Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük u harfi',
+	ucirc: 'Çarpık latin küçük u harfi',
+	uuml: 'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük u harfi',
+	yacute: 'Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük y harfi',
+	thorn: 'Latin küçük thorn harfi',
+	yuml: 'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük y harfi',
+	OElig: 'Latin büyük bağlı OE harfi',
+	oelig: 'Latin küçük bağlı oe harfi',
+	'372': 'Çarpık latin büyük W harfi',
+	'374': 'Çarpık latin büyük Y harfi',
+	'373': 'Çarpık latin küçük w harfi',
+	'375': 'Çarpık latin küçük y harfi',
+	sbquo: 'Tek düşük-9 tırnak işareti',
+	'8219': 'Tek yüksek-ters-9 tırnak işareti',
+	bdquo: 'Çift düşük-9 tırnak işareti',
+	hellip: 'Yatay elips',
+	trade: 'Marka tescili iÅŸareti',
+	'9658': 'Siyah sağ işaret işaretçisi',
+	bull: 'Koyu nokta',
+	rarr: 'SaÄŸa doÄŸru ok',
+	rArr: 'Sağa doğru çift ok',
+	hArr: 'Sol, sağ çift ok',
+	diams: 'Siyah elmas takımı',
+	asymp: 'Hemen hemen eÅŸit'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dd9440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'ug', {
+	euro: 'ياۋرو بەلگىسى',
+	lsquo: 'يالاڭ پەش سول',
+	rsquo: 'يالاڭ پەش ئوڭ',
+	ldquo: 'قوش پەش سول',
+	rdquo: 'قوش پەش ئوڭ',
+	ndash: 'سىزىقچە',
+	mdash: 'سىزىق',
+	iexcl: 'ئۈندەش',
+	cent: 'تىيىن بەلگىسى',
+	pound: 'فوند ستېرلىڭ',
+	curren: 'پۇل بەلگىسى',
+	yen: 'ياپونىيە يىنى',
+	brvbar: 'ئۈزۈك بالداق',
+	sect: 'پاراگراف بەلگىسى',
+	uml: 'تاۋۇش ئايرىش بەلگىسى',
+	copy: 'نەشر ھوقۇقى بەلگىسى',
+	ordf: 'Feminine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	laquo: 'قوش تىرناق سول',
+	not: 'غەيرى بەلگە',
+	reg: 'خەتلەتكەن تاۋار ماركىسى',
+	macr: 'سوزۇش بەلگىسى',
+	deg: 'گىرادۇس بەلگىسى',
+	sup2: 'يۇقىرى ئىندېكىس 2',
+	sup3: 'يۇقىرى ئىندېكىس 3',
+	acute: 'ئۇرغۇ بەلگىسى',
+	micro: 'Micro sign', // MISSING
+	para: 'ئابزاس بەلگىسى',
+	middot: 'ئوتتۇرا چېكىت',
+	cedil: 'ئاستىغا قوشۇلىدىغان بەلگە',
+	sup1: 'يۇقىرى ئىندېكىس 1',
+	ordm: 'Masculine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
+	raquo: 'قوش تىرناق ئوڭ',
+	frac14: 'ئاددىي كەسىر تۆتتىن بىر',
+	frac12: 'ئاددىي كەسىر ئىككىدىن بىر',
+	frac34: 'ئاددىي كەسىر ئۈچتىن تۆرت',
+	iquest: 'Inverted question mark', // MISSING
+	Agrave: 'Latin capital letter A with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Aacute: 'Latin capital letter A with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Acirc: 'Latin capital letter A with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Atilde: 'Latin capital letter A with tilde', // MISSING
+	Auml: 'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Aring: 'Latin capital letter A with ring above', // MISSING
+	AElig: 'Latin Capital letter Æ', // MISSING
+	Ccedil: 'Latin capital letter C with cedilla', // MISSING
+	Egrave: 'Latin capital letter E with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Eacute: 'Latin capital letter E with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ecirc: 'Latin capital letter E with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Euml: 'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Igrave: 'Latin capital letter I with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Iacute: 'Latin capital letter I with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Icirc: 'Latin capital letter I with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Iuml: 'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	ETH: 'Latin capital letter Eth', // MISSING
+	Ntilde: 'Latin capital letter N with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ograve: 'قوش پەش ئوڭ',
+	Oacute: 'Latin capital letter O with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ocirc: 'Latin capital letter O with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Otilde: 'Latin capital letter O with tilde', // MISSING
+	Ouml: 'Latin capital letter O with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	times: 'Multiplication sign', // MISSING
+	Oslash: 'Latin capital letter O with stroke', // MISSING
+	Ugrave: 'Latin capital letter U with grave accent', // MISSING
+	Uacute: 'Latin capital letter U with acute accent', // MISSING
+	Ucirc: 'Latin capital letter U with circumflex', // MISSING
+	Uuml: 'Latin capital letter U with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	Yacute: 'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	THORN: 'Latin capital letter Thorn', // MISSING
+	szlig: 'Latin small letter sharp s', // MISSING
+	agrave: 'Latin small letter a with grave accent', // MISSING
+	aacute: 'Latin small letter a with acute accent', // MISSING
+	acirc: 'Latin small letter a with circumflex', // MISSING
+	atilde: 'Latin small letter a with tilde', // MISSING
+	auml: 'Latin small letter a with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	aring: 'Latin small letter a with ring above', // MISSING
+	aelig: 'Latin small letter æ', // MISSING
+	ccedil: 'Latin small letter c with cedilla', // MISSING
+	egrave: 'Latin small letter e with grave accent', // MISSING
+	eacute: 'Latin small letter e with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ecirc: 'Latin small letter e with circumflex', // MISSING
+	euml: 'Latin small letter e with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	igrave: 'Latin small letter i with grave accent', // MISSING
+	iacute: 'Latin small letter i with acute accent', // MISSING
+	icirc: 'Latin small letter i with circumflex', // MISSING
+	iuml: 'Latin small letter i with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	eth: 'Latin small letter eth', // MISSING
+	ntilde: 'تىك موللاق سوئال بەلگىسى',
+	ograve: 'Latin small letter o with grave accent', // MISSING
+	oacute: 'Latin small letter o with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ocirc: 'Latin small letter o with circumflex', // MISSING
+	otilde: 'Latin small letter o with tilde', // MISSING
+	ouml: 'Latin small letter o with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	divide: 'Division sign', // MISSING
+	oslash: 'Latin small letter o with stroke', // MISSING
+	ugrave: 'Latin small letter u with grave accent', // MISSING
+	uacute: 'Latin small letter u with acute accent', // MISSING
+	ucirc: 'Latin small letter u with circumflex', // MISSING
+	uuml: 'Latin small letter u with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	yacute: 'Latin small letter y with acute accent', // MISSING
+	thorn: 'Latin small letter thorn', // MISSING
+	yuml: 'Latin small letter y with diaeresis', // MISSING
+	OElig: 'Latin capital ligature OE', // MISSING
+	oelig: 'Latin small ligature oe', // MISSING
+	'372': 'Latin capital letter W with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'374': 'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'373': 'Latin small letter w with circumflex', // MISSING
+	'375': 'Latin small letter y with circumflex', // MISSING
+	sbquo: 'Single low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	'8219': 'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	bdquo: 'Double low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
+	hellip: 'Horizontal ellipsis', // MISSING
+	trade: 'Trade mark sign', // MISSING
+	'9658': 'Black right-pointing pointer', // MISSING
+	bull: 'Bullet', // MISSING
+	rarr: 'ئوڭ يا ئوق',
+	rArr: 'ئوڭ قوش سىزىق يا ئوق',
+	hArr: 'ئوڭ سول قوش سىزىق يا ئوق',
+	diams: 'ئۇيۇل غىچ',
+	asymp: 'تەخمىنەن تەڭ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a19e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'zh-cn', {
+	euro: '欧元符号',
+	lsquo: '左单引号',
+	rsquo: '右单引号',
+	ldquo: '左双引号',
+	rdquo: '右双引号',
+	ndash: '短划线',
+	mdash: '破折号',
+	iexcl: '竖翻叹号',
+	cent: '分币标记',
+	pound: '英镑标记',
+	curren: '货币标记',
+	yen: '日元标记',
+	brvbar: '间断条',
+	sect: '节标记',
+	uml: '分音符',
+	copy: '版权所有标记',
+	ordf: '阴性顺序指示符',
+	laquo: '左指双尖引号',
+	not: '非标记',
+	reg: '注册标记',
+	macr: '长音符',
+	deg: '度标记',
+	sup2: '上标二',
+	sup3: '上标三',
+	acute: '锐音符',
+	micro: '微符',
+	para: '段落标记',
+	middot: '中间点',
+	cedil: '下加符',
+	sup1: '上标一',
+	ordm: '阳性顺序指示符',
+	raquo: '右指双尖引号',
+	frac14: '普通分数四分之一',
+	frac12: '普通分数二分之一',
+	frac34: '普通分数四分之三',
+	iquest: '竖翻问号',
+	Agrave: '带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 A',
+	Aacute: '带锐音符的拉丁文大写字母 A',
+	Acirc: '带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 A',
+	Atilde: '带颚化符的拉丁文大写字母 A',
+	Auml: '带分音符的拉丁文大写字母 A',
+	Aring: '带上圆圈的拉丁文大写字母 A',
+	AElig: '拉丁文大写字母 Ae',
+	Ccedil: '带下加符的拉丁文大写字母 C',
+	Egrave: '带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 E',
+	Eacute: '带锐音符的拉丁文大写字母 E',
+	Ecirc: '带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 E',
+	Euml: '带分音符的拉丁文大写字母 E',
+	Igrave: '带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 I',
+	Iacute: '带锐音符的拉丁文大写字母 I',
+	Icirc: '带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 I',
+	Iuml: '带分音符的拉丁文大写字母 I',
+	ETH: '拉丁文大写字母 Eth',
+	Ntilde: '带颚化符的拉丁文大写字母 N',
+	Ograve: '带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 O',
+	Oacute: '带锐音符的拉丁文大写字母 O',
+	Ocirc: '带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 O',
+	Otilde: '带颚化符的拉丁文大写字母 O',
+	Ouml: '带分音符的拉丁文大写字母 O',
+	times: '乘号',
+	Oslash: '带粗线的拉丁文大写字母 O',
+	Ugrave: '带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 U',
+	Uacute: '带锐音符的拉丁文大写字母 U',
+	Ucirc: '带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 U',
+	Uuml: '带分音符的拉丁文大写字母 U',
+	Yacute: '带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 Y',
+	THORN: '拉丁文大写字母 Thorn',
+	szlig: '拉丁文小写字母清音 S',
+	agrave: '带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 A',
+	aacute: '带锐音符的拉丁文小写字母 A',
+	acirc: '带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 A',
+	atilde: '带颚化符的拉丁文小写字母 A',
+	auml: '带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 A',
+	aring: '带上圆圈的拉丁文小写字母 A',
+	aelig: '拉丁文小写字母 Ae',
+	ccedil: '带下加符的拉丁文小写字母 C',
+	egrave: '带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 E',
+	eacute: '带锐音符的拉丁文小写字母 E',
+	ecirc: '带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 E',
+	euml: '带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 E',
+	igrave: '带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 I',
+	iacute: '带锐音符的拉丁文小写字母 I',
+	icirc: '带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 I',
+	iuml: '带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 I',
+	eth: '拉丁文小写字母 Eth',
+	ntilde: '带颚化符的拉丁文小写字母 N',
+	ograve: '带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 O',
+	oacute: '带锐音符的拉丁文小写字母 O',
+	ocirc: '带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 O',
+	otilde: '带颚化符的拉丁文小写字母 O',
+	ouml: '带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 O',
+	divide: '除号',
+	oslash: '带粗线的拉丁文小写字母 O',
+	ugrave: '带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 U',
+	uacute: '带锐音符的拉丁文小写字母 U',
+	ucirc: '带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 U',
+	uuml: '带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 U',
+	yacute: '带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 Y',
+	thorn: '拉丁文小写字母 Thorn',
+	yuml: '带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 Y',
+	OElig: '拉丁文大写连字 Oe',
+	oelig: '拉丁文小写连字 Oe',
+	'372': '带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 W',
+	'374': '带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 Y',
+	'373': '带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 W',
+	'375': '带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 Y',
+	sbquo: '单下 9 形引号',
+	'8219': '单高横翻 9 形引号',
+	bdquo: '双下 9 形引号',
+	hellip: '水平省略号',
+	trade: '商标标志',
+	'9658': '实心右指指针',
+	bull: '加重号',
+	rarr: '向右箭头',
+	rArr: '向右双线箭头',
+	hArr: '左右双线箭头',
+	diams: '实心方块纸牌',
+	asymp: '约等于'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/specialchar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/specialchar.js
index 5e706c7..6950d5e 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/specialchar.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/specialchar.js
@@ -1,142 +1,101 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'specialchar', function( editor )
-	/**
-	 * Simulate "this" of a dialog for non-dialog events.
-	 * @type {CKEDITOR.dialog}
-	 */
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'specialchar', function( editor ) {
+	// Simulate "this" of a dialog for non-dialog events.
+	// @type {CKEDITOR.dialog}
 	var dialog,
-		lang = editor.lang.specialChar;
+		lang = editor.lang.specialchar;
-	var insertSpecialChar = function ( specialChar )
-	{
-		var selection = editor.getSelection(),
-			ranges = selection.getRanges( true ),
-			range, textNode;
-		editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-		for ( var i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-		{
-			range = ranges[ i ];
-			range.deleteContents();
-			textNode = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( specialChar );
-			range.insertNode( textNode );
-		}
-		if ( range )
-		{
-			range.moveToPosition( textNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
-			range.select();
-		}
+	var onChoice = function( evt ) {
+			var target, value;
+			if ( evt.data )
+				target = evt.data.getTarget();
+			else
+				target = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( evt );
-		editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-	};
+			if ( target.getName() == 'a' && ( value = target.getChild( 0 ).getHtml() ) ) {
+				target.removeClass( "cke_light_background" );
+				dialog.hide();
-	var onChoice = function( evt )
-	{
-		var target, value;
-		if ( evt.data )
-			target = evt.data.getTarget();
-		else
-			target = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( evt );
-		if ( target.getName() == 'a' && ( value = target.getChild( 0 ).getHtml() ) )
-		{
-			target.removeClass( "cke_light_background" );
-			dialog.hide();
-			// Firefox has bug on insert chars into a element use its own API. (#5170)
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
-				insertSpecialChar( value );
-			else
-				editor.insertHtml( value );
-		}
-	};
+				// We must use "insertText" here to keep text styled.
+				var span = editor.document.createElement( 'span' );
+				span.setHtml( value );
+				editor.insertText( span.getText() );
+			}
+		};
 	var onClick = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( onChoice );
 	var focusedNode;
-	var onFocus = function( evt, target )
-	{
-		var value;
-		target = target || evt.data.getTarget();
+	var onFocus = function( evt, target ) {
+			var value;
+			target = target || evt.data.getTarget();
-		if ( target.getName() == 'span' )
-			target = target.getParent();
+			if ( target.getName() == 'span' )
+				target = target.getParent();
-		if ( target.getName() == 'a' && ( value = target.getChild( 0 ).getHtml() ) )
-		{
-			// Trigger blur manually if there is focused node.
-			if ( focusedNode )
-				onBlur( null, focusedNode );
+			if ( target.getName() == 'a' && ( value = target.getChild( 0 ).getHtml() ) ) {
+				// Trigger blur manually if there is focused node.
+				if ( focusedNode )
+					onBlur( null, focusedNode );
-			var htmlPreview = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'htmlPreview' ).getElement();
+				var htmlPreview = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'htmlPreview' ).getElement();
-			dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'charPreview' ).getElement().setHtml( value );
-			htmlPreview.setHtml( CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( value ) );
-			target.getParent().addClass( "cke_light_background" );
+				dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'charPreview' ).getElement().setHtml( value );
+				htmlPreview.setHtml( CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( value ) );
+				target.getParent().addClass( "cke_light_background" );
-			// Memorize focused node.
-			focusedNode = target;
-		}
-	};
+				// Memorize focused node.
+				focusedNode = target;
+			}
+		};
-	var onBlur = function( evt, target )
-	{
-		target = target || evt.data.getTarget();
+	var onBlur = function( evt, target ) {
+			target = target || evt.data.getTarget();
-		if ( target.getName() == 'span' )
-			target = target.getParent();
+			if ( target.getName() == 'span' )
+				target = target.getParent();
-		if ( target.getName() == 'a' )
-		{
-			dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'charPreview' ).getElement().setHtml( ' ' );
-			dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'htmlPreview' ).getElement().setHtml( ' ' );
-			target.getParent().removeClass( "cke_light_background" );
+			if ( target.getName() == 'a' ) {
+				dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'charPreview' ).getElement().setHtml( ' ' );
+				dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'htmlPreview' ).getElement().setHtml( ' ' );
+				target.getParent().removeClass( "cke_light_background" );
-			focusedNode = undefined;
-		}
-	};
+				focusedNode = undefined;
+			}
+		};
-	var onKeydown = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( ev )
-	{
+	var onKeydown = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( ev ) {
 		ev = new CKEDITOR.dom.event( ev );
 		// Get an Anchor element.
 		var element = ev.getTarget();
 		var relative, nodeToMove;
-		var keystroke = ev.getKeystroke();
-		var rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl';
+		var keystroke = ev.getKeystroke(),
+			rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl';
-		switch ( keystroke )
-		{
+		switch ( keystroke ) {
 			// UP-ARROW
-			case 38 :
+			case 38:
 				// relative is TR
-				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getPrevious() ) )
-				{
-					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [element.getParent().getIndex(), 0] );
+				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getPrevious() ) ) {
+					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [ element.getParent().getIndex(), 0 ] );
 					onBlur( null, element );
 					onFocus( null, nodeToMove );
-			case 40 :
+				// DOWN-ARROW
+			case 40:
 				// relative is TR
-				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getNext() ) )
-				{
+				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getNext() ) ) {
 					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [ element.getParent().getIndex(), 0 ] );
-					if ( nodeToMove && nodeToMove.type == 1 )
-					{
+					if ( nodeToMove && nodeToMove.type == 1 ) {
 						onBlur( null, element );
 						onFocus( null, nodeToMove );
@@ -144,54 +103,45 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'specialchar', function( editor )
-			// SPACE
-			// ENTER is already handled as onClick
-			case 32 :
-				onChoice( { data: ev } );
+				// SPACE
+				// ENTER is already handled as onClick
+			case 32:
+				onChoice({ data: ev } );
-			case rtl ? 37 : 39 :
-			// TAB
-			case 9 :
+			case rtl ? 37:
+				39 :
 				// relative is TD
-				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getNext() ) )
-				{
+				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getNext() ) ) {
 					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( 0 );
-					if ( nodeToMove.type == 1 )
-					{
+					if ( nodeToMove.type == 1 ) {
 						onBlur( null, element );
 						onFocus( null, nodeToMove );
 						ev.preventDefault( true );
-					}
-					else
+					} else
 						onBlur( null, element );
 				// relative is TR
-				else if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getNext() ) )
-				{
+				else if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getNext() ) ) {
 					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( [ 0, 0 ] );
-					if ( nodeToMove && nodeToMove.type == 1 )
-					{
+					if ( nodeToMove && nodeToMove.type == 1 ) {
 						onBlur( null, element );
 						onFocus( null, nodeToMove );
 						ev.preventDefault( true );
-					}
-					else
+					} else
 						onBlur( null, element );
-			case rtl ? 39 : 37 :
-			// SHIFT + TAB
-			case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 :
+				// LEFT-ARROW
+			case rtl ? 39:
+				37 :
 				// relative is TD
-				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getPrevious() ) )
-				{
+				if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getPrevious() ) ) {
 					nodeToMove = relative.getChild( 0 );
 					onBlur( null, element );
@@ -199,109 +149,63 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'specialchar', function( editor )
 					ev.preventDefault( true );
 				// relative is TR
-				else if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getPrevious() ) )
-				{
+				else if ( ( relative = element.getParent().getParent().getPrevious() ) ) {
 					nodeToMove = relative.getLast().getChild( 0 );
 					onBlur( null, element );
 					onFocus( null, nodeToMove );
 					ev.preventDefault( true );
-				}
-				else
+				} else
 					onBlur( null, element );
-			default :
+			default:
 				// Do not stop not handled events.
 	return {
-		title : lang.title,
-		minWidth : 430,
-		minHeight : 280,
-		buttons : [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ],
-		charColumns : 17,
-		chars :
-			[
-				'!','"','#','$','%','&',"'",'(',')','*','+','-','.','/',
-				'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9',':',';',
-				'<','=','>','?','@',
-				'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O',
-				'P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',
-				'[',']','^','_','`',
-				'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p',
-				'q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z',
-			],
-		onLoad :  function()
-		{
+		title: lang.title,
+		minWidth: 430,
+		minHeight: 280,
+		buttons: [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ],
+		charColumns: 17,
+		onLoad: function() {
 			var columns = this.definition.charColumns,
-				chars = this.definition.chars;
+				extraChars = editor.config.extraSpecialChars,
+				chars = editor.config.specialChars;
-			var charsTableLabel =  CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_specialchar_table_label';
+			var charsTableLabel = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_specialchar_table_label';
 			var html = [ '<table role="listbox" aria-labelledby="' + charsTableLabel + '"' +
-						 			' style="width: 320px; height: 100%; border-collapse: separate;"' +
-						 			' align="center" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0">' ];
+				' style="width: 320px; height: 100%; border-collapse: separate;"' +
+				' align="center" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0">' ];
 			var i = 0,
 				size = chars.length,
-				character,
-				charDesc;
+				character, charDesc;
-			while ( i < size )
-			{
-				html.push( '<tr>' ) ;
+			while ( i < size ) {
+				html.push( '<tr role="presentation">' );
-				for ( var j = 0 ; j < columns ; j++, i++ )
-				{
-					if ( ( character = chars[ i ] ) )
-					{
+				for ( var j = 0; j < columns; j++, i++ ) {
+					if ( ( character = chars[ i ] ) ) {
 						charDesc = '';
-						character = character.replace( /\((.*?)\)/, function( match, desc )
-							{
-								charDesc = desc;
-								return '';
-							} );
-						// Use character in case description unavailable.
-						charDesc = charDesc || character;
+						if ( character instanceof Array ) {
+							charDesc = character[ 1 ];
+							character = character[ 0 ];
+						} else {
+							var _tmpName = character.replace( '&', '' ).replace( ';', '' ).replace( '#', '' );
+							// Use character in case description unavailable.
+							charDesc = lang[ _tmpName ] || character;
+						}
-						var charLabelId =  'cke_specialchar_label_' + i + '_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
+						var charLabelId = 'cke_specialchar_label_' + i + '_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
-						html.push(
-							'<td class="cke_dark_background" style="cursor: default" role="presentation">' +
+						html.push( '<td class="cke_dark_background" style="cursor: default" role="presentation">' +
 							'<a href="javascript: void(0);" role="option"' +
-							' aria-posinset="' + ( i +1 ) + '"',
-							' aria-setsize="' + size + '"',
-							' aria-labelledby="' + charLabelId + '"',
-							' style="cursor: inherit; display: block; height: 1.25em; margin-top: 0.25em; text-align: center;" title="', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( charDesc ), '"' +
+							' aria-posinset="' + ( i + 1 ) + '"', ' aria-setsize="' + size + '"', ' aria-labelledby="' + charLabelId + '"', ' class="cke_specialchar" title="', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( charDesc ), '"' +
 							' onkeydown="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( ' + onKeydown + ', event, this )"' +
 							' onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + onClick + ', this); return false;"' +
 							' tabindex="-1">' +
@@ -310,9 +214,8 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'specialchar', function( editor )
 							'</span>' +
 							'<span class="cke_voice_label" id="' + charLabelId + '">' +
 							charDesc +
-							'</span></a>');
-					}
-					else
+							'</span></a>' );
+					} else
 						html.push( '<td class="cke_dark_background"> ' );
 					html.push( '</td>' );
@@ -320,90 +223,82 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'specialchar', function( editor )
 				html.push( '</tr>' );
-			html.push( '</tbody></table>', '<span id="' + charsTableLabel + '" class="cke_voice_label">' + lang.options +'</span>' );
+			html.push( '</tbody></table>', '<span id="' + charsTableLabel + '" class="cke_voice_label">' + lang.options + '</span>' );
 			this.getContentElement( 'info', 'charContainer' ).getElement().setHtml( html.join( '' ) );
-		contents : [
+		contents: [
-				id : 'info',
-				label : editor.lang.common.generalTab,
-				title : editor.lang.common.generalTab,
-				padding : 0,
-				align : 'top',
-				elements : [
+			id: 'info',
+			label: editor.lang.common.generalTab,
+			title: editor.lang.common.generalTab,
+			padding: 0,
+			align: 'top',
+			elements: [
+				{
+				type: 'hbox',
+				align: 'top',
+				widths: [ '320px', '90px' ],
+				children: [
-						type : 'hbox',
-						align : 'top',
-						widths : [ '320px', '90px' ],
-						children :
-						[
+					type: 'html',
+					id: 'charContainer',
+					html: '',
+					onMouseover: onFocus,
+					onMouseout: onBlur,
+					focus: function() {
+						var firstChar = this.getElement().getElementsByTag( 'a' ).getItem( 0 );
+						setTimeout( function() {
+							firstChar.focus();
+							onFocus( null, firstChar );
+						}, 0 );
+					},
+					onShow: function() {
+						var firstChar = this.getElement().getChild( [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] );
+						setTimeout( function() {
+							firstChar.focus();
+							onFocus( null, firstChar );
+						}, 0 );
+					},
+					onLoad: function( event ) {
+						dialog = event.sender;
+					}
+				},
+					{
+					type: 'hbox',
+					align: 'top',
+					widths: [ '100%' ],
+					children: [
+						{
+						type: 'vbox',
+						align: 'top',
+						children: [
+							{
+							type: 'html',
+							html: '<div></div>'
+						},
-								type : 'html',
-								id : 'charContainer',
-								html : '',
-								onMouseover : onFocus,
-								onMouseout : onBlur,
-								focus : function()
-								{
-									var firstChar = this.getElement().getElementsByTag( 'a' ).getItem( 0 );
-									setTimeout(function()
-									{
-										firstChar.focus();
-										onFocus( null, firstChar );
-									}, 0 );
-								},
-								onShow : function()
-								{
-									var firstChar = this.getElement().getChild( [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] );
-									setTimeout( function()
-										{
-											firstChar.focus();
-											onFocus( null, firstChar );
-										}, 0 );
-								},
-								onLoad : function( event )
-								{
-									dialog = event.sender;
-								}
-							},
+							type: 'html',
+							id: 'charPreview',
+							className: 'cke_dark_background',
+							style: 'border:1px solid #eeeeee;font-size:28px;height:40px;width:70px;padding-top:9px;font-family:\'Microsoft Sans Serif\',Arial,Helvetica,Verdana;text-align:center;',
+							html: '<div> </div>'
+						},
-								type : 'hbox',
-								align : 'top',
-								widths : [ '100%' ],
-								children :
-								[
-									{
-										type : 'vbox',
-										align : 'top',
-										children :
-										[
-											{
-												type : 'html',
-												html : '<div></div>'
-											},
-											{
-												type : 'html',
-												id : 'charPreview',
-												className : 'cke_dark_background',
-												style : 'border:1px solid #eeeeee;font-size:28px;height:40px;width:70px;padding-top:9px;font-family:\'Microsoft Sans Serif\',Arial,Helvetica,Verdana;text-align:center;',
-												html : '<div> </div>'
-											},
-											{
-												type : 'html',
-												id : 'htmlPreview',
-												className : 'cke_dark_background',
-												style : 'border:1px solid #eeeeee;font-size:14px;height:20px;width:70px;padding-top:2px;font-family:\'Microsoft Sans Serif\',Arial,Helvetica,Verdana;text-align:center;',
-												html : '<div> </div>'
-											}
-										]
-									}
-								]
-							}
+							type: 'html',
+							id: 'htmlPreview',
+							className: 'cke_dark_background',
+							style: 'border:1px solid #eeeeee;font-size:14px;height:20px;width:70px;padding-top:2px;font-family:\'Microsoft Sans Serif\',Arial,Helvetica,Verdana;text-align:center;',
+							html: '<div> </div>'
+						}
+					]
+				}
+			]
+		}
-} );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/icons/specialchar.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/icons/specialchar.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00ac1fe
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/icons/specialchar.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/_translationstatus.txt b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/_translationstatus.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a36ae3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/_translationstatus.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+af.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+ar.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+bg.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+bn.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+bs.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+ca.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+cs.js      Found: 121 Missing: 0
+cy.js      Found: 121 Missing: 0
+da.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+de.js      Found: 121 Missing: 0
+el.js      Found: 19 Missing: 102
+en-au.js   Found: 2 Missing: 119
+en-ca.js   Found: 2 Missing: 119
+en-gb.js   Found: 3 Missing: 118
+eo.js      Found: 121 Missing: 0
+es.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+et.js      Found: 34 Missing: 87
+eu.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+fa.js      Found: 27 Missing: 94
+fi.js      Found: 26 Missing: 95
+fo.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+fr-ca.js   Found: 2 Missing: 119
+fr.js      Found: 121 Missing: 0
+gl.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+gu.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+he.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+hi.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+hr.js      Found: 26 Missing: 95
+hu.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+is.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+it.js      Found: 121 Missing: 0
+ja.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+ka.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+km.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+ko.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+lt.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+lv.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+mk.js      Found: 0 Missing: 121
+mn.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+ms.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+nb.js      Found: 121 Missing: 0
+nl.js      Found: 121 Missing: 0
+no.js      Found: 121 Missing: 0
+pl.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+pt-br.js   Found: 3 Missing: 118
+pt.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+ro.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+ru.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+sk.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+sl.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+sr-latn.js Found: 2 Missing: 119
+sr.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+sv.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+th.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
+tr.js      Found: 121 Missing: 0
+ug.js      Found: 42 Missing: 79
+uk.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+vi.js      Found: 3 Missing: 118
+zh-cn.js   Found: 121 Missing: 0
+zh.js      Found: 2 Missing: 119
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..080faad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'af', {
+	options: 'Spesiale karakter-opsies',
+	title: 'Kies spesiale karakter',
+	toolbar: 'Voeg spesiaale karakter in'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..312b681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'ar', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'اختر الخواص',
+	toolbar: 'إدراج  خاص.ِ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c857a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'bg', {
+	options: 'Опции за специален знак',
+	title: 'Избор на специален знак',
+	toolbar: 'Вмъкване на специален знак'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64b6eea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'bn', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'বিশেষ ক্যারেক্টার বাছাই কর',
+	toolbar: 'বিশেষ অক্ষর যুক্ত কর'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..678a3e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'bs', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Izaberi specijalni karakter',
+	toolbar: 'Ubaci specijalni karater'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5230ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'ca', {
+	options: 'Opcions de caràcters especials',
+	title: 'Selecciona el caràcter especial',
+	toolbar: 'Insereix caràcter especial'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..465c6b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'cs', {
+	options: 'Nastavení speciálních znaků',
+	title: 'Výběr speciálního znaku',
+	toolbar: 'Vložit speciální znaky'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8c4e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'cy', {
+	options: 'Opsiynau Nodau Arbennig',
+	title: 'Dewis Nod Arbennig',
+	toolbar: 'Mewnosod Nodau Arbennig'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d10875f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'da', {
+	options: 'Muligheder for specialkarakterer',
+	title: 'Vælg symbol',
+	toolbar: 'Indsæt symbol'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..405db33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'de', {
+	options: 'Sonderzeichen Optionen',
+	title: 'Sonderzeichen auswählen',
+	toolbar: 'Sonderzeichen einfügen/editieren'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8d0496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'el', {
+	options: 'Επιλογές Ειδικών Χαρακτήρων',
+	title: 'Επιλέξτε έναν Ειδικό Χαρακτήρα',
+	toolbar: 'Εισαγωγή Ειδικού Χαρακτήρα'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46a0df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'en-au', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select Special Character',
+	toolbar: 'Insert Special Character'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ec87af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'en-ca', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select Special Character',
+	toolbar: 'Insert Special Character'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b94b98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'en-gb', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options',
+	title: 'Select Special Character',
+	toolbar: 'Insert Special Character'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a73ea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'en', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options',
+	title: 'Select Special Character',
+	toolbar: 'Insert Special Character'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae5c790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'eo', {
+	options: 'Opcioj pri Specialaj Signoj',
+	title: 'Selekti Specialan Signon',
+	toolbar: 'Enmeti Specialan Signon'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfd8c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'es', {
+	options: 'Opciones de caracteres especiales',
+	title: 'Seleccione un caracter especial',
+	toolbar: 'Insertar Caracter Especial'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5217a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'et', {
+	options: 'Erimärkide valikud',
+	title: 'Erimärgi valimine',
+	toolbar: 'Erimärgi sisestamine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eca90b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'eu', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Karaktere Berezia Aukeratu',
+	toolbar: 'Txertatu Karaktere Berezia'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ece6b73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'fa', {
+	options: 'گزینههای نویسههای ویژه',
+	title: 'گزینش نویسهٴ ویژه',
+	toolbar: 'گنجاندن نویسهٴ ویژه'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e597dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'fi', {
+	options: 'Erikoismerkin ominaisuudet',
+	title: 'Valitse erikoismerkki',
+	toolbar: 'Lisää erikoismerkki'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0efca6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'fo', {
+	options: 'Møguleikar við serteknum',
+	title: 'Vel sertekn',
+	toolbar: 'Set inn sertekn'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f090c39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'fr-ca', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Insérer un caractère spécial',
+	toolbar: 'Insérer un caractère spécial'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..343340c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'fr', {
+	options: 'Options des caractères spéciaux',
+	title: 'Sélectionnez un caractère',
+	toolbar: 'Insérer un caractère spécial'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..629a1b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'gl', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Seleccione Caracter Especial',
+	toolbar: 'Inserir Carácter Especial'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a3b68c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'gu', {
+	options: 'સ્પેશિઅલ કરેક્ટરના વિકલ્પો',
+	title: 'સ્પેશિઅલ વિશિષ્ટ અક્ષર પસંદ કરો',
+	toolbar: 'વિશિષ્ટ અક્ષર ઇન્સર્ટ/દાખલ કરવું'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f22ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'he', {
+	options: 'אפשרויות תווים מיוחדים',
+	title: 'בחירת תו מיוחד',
+	toolbar: 'הוספת תו מיוחד'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e2f2b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'hi', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'विशेष करॅक्टर चुनें',
+	toolbar: 'विशेष करॅक्टर इन्सर्ट करें'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2e19ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'hr', {
+	options: 'Opcije specijalnih znakova',
+	title: 'Odaberite posebni karakter',
+	toolbar: 'Ubaci posebne znakove'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a5c9c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'hu', {
+	options: 'Speciális karakter opciók',
+	title: 'Speciális karakter választása',
+	toolbar: 'Speciális karakter beillesztése'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96b3db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'is', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Velja tákn',
+	toolbar: 'Setja inn merki'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fd8516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'it', {
+	options: 'Opzioni carattere speciale',
+	title: 'Seleziona carattere speciale',
+	toolbar: 'Inserisci carattere speciale'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56bcc2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'ja', {
+	options: '特殊文字オプション',
+	title: '特殊文字選択',
+	toolbar: '特殊文字挿入'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afc27d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'ka', {
+	options: 'სპეციალური სიმბოლოს პარამეტრები',
+	title: 'სპეციალური სიმბოლოს არჩევა',
+	toolbar: 'სპეციალური სიმბოლოს ჩასმა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07252cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'km', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'តូអក្សរពិសេស',
+	toolbar: 'បន្ថែមអក្សរពិសេស'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba3c1a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'ko', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: '특수문자 선택',
+	toolbar: '특수문자 삽입'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22dba18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'ku', {
+	options: 'هەڵبژاردەی نووسەی تایبەتی',
+	title: 'هەڵبژاردنی نووسەی تایبەتی',
+	toolbar: 'دانانەی نووسەی تایبەتی'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..748d334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'lt', {
+	options: 'Specialaus simbolio nustatymai',
+	title: 'Pasirinkite specialų simbolį',
+	toolbar: 'Įterpti specialų simbolį'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f6b33e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'lv', {
+	options: 'Speciālo simbolu uzstādījumi',
+	title: 'Ievietot īpašu simbolu',
+	toolbar: 'Ievietot speciālo simbolu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5907061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'mk', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Select Special Character', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Insert Special Character' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7140c5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'mn', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Онцгой тэмдэгт сонгох',
+	toolbar: 'Онцгой тэмдэгт оруулах'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32e895a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'ms', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Sila pilih huruf istimewa',
+	toolbar: 'Masukkan Huruf Istimewa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bfadd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'nb', {
+	options: 'Alternativer for spesialtegn',
+	title: 'Velg spesialtegn',
+	toolbar: 'Sett inn spesialtegn'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..839e1e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'nl', {
+	options: 'Speciale tekens opties',
+	title: 'Selecteer speciaal teken',
+	toolbar: 'Speciaal teken invoegen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afecb0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'no', {
+	options: 'Alternativer for spesialtegn',
+	title: 'Velg spesialtegn',
+	toolbar: 'Sett inn spesialtegn'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..566a4ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'pl', {
+	options: 'Opcje znaków specjalnych',
+	title: 'Wybierz znak specjalny',
+	toolbar: 'Wstaw znak specjalny'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dd661f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'pt-br', {
+	options: 'Opções de Caractere Especial',
+	title: 'Selecione um Caractere Especial',
+	toolbar: 'Inserir Caractere Especial'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b38233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'pt', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Seleccione um caracter especial',
+	toolbar: 'Inserir Caracter Especial'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84935ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'ro', {
+	options: 'Opțiuni caractere speciale',
+	title: 'Selectează caracter special',
+	toolbar: 'Inserează caracter special'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0c5cbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'ru', {
+	options: 'Выбор специального символа',
+	title: 'Выберите специальный символ',
+	toolbar: 'Вставить специальный символ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..377181b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'sk', {
+	options: 'Možnosti špeciálneho znaku',
+	title: 'Výber špeciálneho znaku',
+	toolbar: 'Vložiť špeciálny znak'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08d669a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'sl', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Izberi posebni znak',
+	toolbar: 'Vstavi posebni znak'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ada39ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'sr-latn', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Odaberite specijalni karakter',
+	toolbar: 'Unesi specijalni karakter'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2226d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'sr', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'Одаберите специјални карактер',
+	toolbar: 'Унеси специјални карактер'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7ae80d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'sv', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options',
+	title: 'Välj utökat tecken',
+	toolbar: 'Klistra in utökat tecken'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b6e45f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'th', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: 'แทรกตัวอักษรพิเศษ',
+	toolbar: 'แทรกตัวอักษรพิเศษ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8814631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'tr', {
+	options: 'Özel Karakter Seçenekleri',
+	title: 'Özel Karakter Seç',
+	toolbar: 'Özel Karakter Ekle'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f01983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'ug', {
+	options: 'ئالاھىدە ھەرپ تاللانمىسى',
+	title: 'ئالاھىدە ھەرپ تاللاڭ',
+	toolbar: 'ئالاھىدە ھەرپ قىستۇر'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4861f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'uk', {
+	options: 'Опції',
+	title: 'Оберіть спеціальний символ',
+	toolbar: 'Спеціальний символ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aed75f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'vi', {
+	options: 'Tùy chọn các ký tự đặc biệt',
+	title: 'Hãy chọn ký tự đặc biệt',
+	toolbar: 'Chèn ký tự đặc biệt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..444b232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'zh-cn', {
+	options: '特殊符号选项',
+	title: '选择特殊符号',
+	toolbar: '插入特殊符号'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc3bd75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'zh', {
+	options: 'Special Character Options', // MISSING
+	title: '請選擇特殊符號',
+	toolbar: '插入特殊符號'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/plugin.js
index e6b02a7..3aa620f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/plugin.js
@@ -1,29 +1,69 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @file Special Character plugin
+ * @fileOverview Special Character plugin
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'specialchar',
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
-		var pluginName = 'specialchar';
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'specialchar', {
+	// List of available localizations.
+	availableLangs: { ca:1,cs:1,cy:1,de:1,en:1,eo:1,et:1,fa:1,fi:1,fr:1,he:1,hr:1,it:1,ku:1,lv:1,nb:1,nl:1,no:1,'pt-br':1,sk:1,sv:1,tr:1,ug:1,'zh-cn':1 },
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	requires: 'dialog',
+	icons: 'specialchar', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	init: function( editor ) {
+		var pluginName = 'specialchar',
+			plugin = this;
 		// Register the dialog.
 		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( pluginName, this.path + 'dialogs/specialchar.js' );
-		// Register the command.
-		editor.addCommand( pluginName, new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( pluginName ) );
+		editor.addCommand( pluginName, {
+			exec: function() {
+				var langCode = editor.langCode;
+				langCode =
+					plugin.availableLangs[ langCode ] ? langCode :
+					plugin.availableLangs[ langCode.replace( /-.*/, '' ) ] ? langCode.replace( /-.*/, '' ) :
+					'en';
+				CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( CKEDITOR.getUrl( plugin.path + 'dialogs/lang/' + langCode + '.js' ), function() {
+					CKEDITOR.tools.extend( editor.lang.specialchar, plugin.langEntries[ langCode ] );
+					editor.openDialog( pluginName );
+				});
+			},
+			modes: { wysiwyg:1 },
+			canUndo: false
+		});
 		// Register the toolbar button.
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'SpecialChar',
-			{
-				label : editor.lang.specialChar.toolbar,
-				command : pluginName
-			});
+		editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'SpecialChar', {
+			label: editor.lang.specialchar.toolbar,
+			command: pluginName,
+			toolbar: 'insert,50'
+		});
-} );
+ * The list of special characters visible in the "Special Character" dialog window.
+ *
+ *		config.specialChars = [ '"', '’', [ '&custom;', 'Custom label' ] ];
+ *		config.specialChars = config.specialChars.concat( [ '"', [ '’', 'Custom label' ] ] );
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+CKEDITOR.config.specialChars = [
+	'!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', "'", '(', ')', '*', '+', '-', '.', '/',
+	'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';',
+	'<', '=', '>', '?', '@',
+	'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O',
+	'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z',
+	'[', ']', '^', '_', '`',
+	'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p',
+	'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
+	'{', '|', '}', '~',
+	"€", "‘", "’", "“", "”", "–", "—", "¡", "¢", "£", "¤", "¥", "¦", "§", "¨", "©", "ª", "«", "¬", "®", "¯", "°", "&sup2;", "&sup3;", "´", "µ", "¶", "·", "¸", "&sup1;", "º", "»", "&frac14;", "&frac12;", "&frac34;", "¿", "À", "Á", "Â", "Ã", "Ä", "Å", "Æ", "Ç", "È", "É", "Ê", "Ë", "Ì", "Í", "Î", "Ï", "Ð", "Ñ", "Ò", "Ó", "Ô", "Õ", "Ö", "×", "Ø", "Ù", "Ú", "Û", "Ü", "Ý", "Þ", "ß", "à", "á", "â", "ã", "ä", "å", "æ", "ç", "è", "é", "ê", "ë", "ì", "í", "î", "ï", "ð", "ñ", "ò", "ó", "ô", "&otilde
 ;", "ö", "÷", "ø", "ù", "ú", "û", "ü", "ý", "þ", "ÿ", "Œ", "œ", "Ŵ", "&#374", "&#373", "ŷ", "‚", "‛", "„", "…", "™", "►", "•", "→", "⇒", "⇔", "♦", "≈"
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/styles/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/styles/plugin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bab79d..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/styles/plugin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1445 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'styles',
-	requires : [ 'selection' ]
- * Registers a function to be called whenever a style changes its state in the
- * editing area. The current state is passed to the function. The possible
- * states are {@link CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON} and {@link CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF}.
- * @param {CKEDITOR.style} The style to be watched.
- * @param {Function} The function to be called when the style state changes.
- * @example
- * // Create a style object for the <b> element.
- * var style = new CKEDITOR.style( { element : 'b' } );
- * var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
- * editor.attachStyleStateChange( style, function( state )
- *     {
- *         if ( state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON )
- *             alert( 'The current state for the B element is ON' );
- *         else
- *             alert( 'The current state for the B element is OFF' );
- *     });
- */
-CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.attachStyleStateChange = function( style, callback )
-	// Try to get the list of attached callbacks.
-	var styleStateChangeCallbacks = this._.styleStateChangeCallbacks;
-	// If it doesn't exist, it means this is the first call. So, let's create
-	// all the structure to manage the style checks and the callback calls.
-	if ( !styleStateChangeCallbacks )
-	{
-		// Create the callbacks array.
-		styleStateChangeCallbacks = this._.styleStateChangeCallbacks = [];
-		// Attach to the selectionChange event, so we can check the styles at
-		// that point.
-		this.on( 'selectionChange', function( ev )
-			{
-				// Loop throw all registered callbacks.
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < styleStateChangeCallbacks.length ; i++ )
-				{
-					var callback = styleStateChangeCallbacks[ i ];
-					// Check the current state for the style defined for that
-					// callback.
-					var currentState = callback.style.checkActive( ev.data.path ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
-					// If the state changed since the last check.
-					if ( callback.state !== currentState )
-					{
-						// Call the callback function, passing the current
-						// state to it.
-						callback.fn.call( this, currentState );
-						// Save the current state, so it can be compared next
-						// time.
-						callback.state = currentState;
-					}
-				}
-			});
-	}
-	// Save the callback info, so it can be checked on the next occurrence of
-	// selectionChange.
-	styleStateChangeCallbacks.push( { style : style, fn : callback } );
-	var blockElements	= { address:1,div:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1,p:1,pre:1 };
-	var objectElements	= { a:1,embed:1,hr:1,img:1,li:1,object:1,ol:1,table:1,td:1,tr:1,th:1,ul:1,dl:1,dt:1,dd:1,form:1};
-	var semicolonFixRegex = /\s*(?:;\s*|$)/;
-	CKEDITOR.style = function( styleDefinition, variablesValues )
-	{
-		if ( variablesValues )
-		{
-			styleDefinition = CKEDITOR.tools.clone( styleDefinition );
-			replaceVariables( styleDefinition.attributes, variablesValues );
-			replaceVariables( styleDefinition.styles, variablesValues );
-		}
-		var element = this.element = ( styleDefinition.element || '*' ).toLowerCase();
-		this.type =
-			( element == '#' || blockElements[ element ] ) ?
-			: objectElements[ element ] ?
-			:
-		this._ =
-		{
-			definition : styleDefinition
-		};
-	};
-	CKEDITOR.style.prototype =
-	{
-		apply : function( document )
-		{
-			applyStyle.call( this, document, false );
-		},
-		remove : function( document )
-		{
-			applyStyle.call( this, document, true );
-		},
-		applyToRange : function( range )
-		{
-			return ( this.applyToRange =
-						this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE ?
-							applyInlineStyle
-						: this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK ?
-							applyBlockStyle
-						: this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ?
-							applyObjectStyle
-						: null ).call( this, range );
-		},
-		removeFromRange : function( range )
-		{
-			return ( this.removeFromRange =
-						this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE ?
-							removeInlineStyle
-						: this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ?
-							removeObjectStyle
-						: null ).call( this, range );
-		},
-		applyToObject : function( element )
-		{
-			setupElement( element, this );
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Get the style state inside an element path. Returns "true" if the
-		 * element is active in the path.
-		 */
-		checkActive : function( elementPath )
-		{
-			switch ( this.type )
-			{
-					return this.checkElementRemovable( elementPath.block || elementPath.blockLimit, true );
-					var elements = elementPath.elements;
-					for ( var i = 0, element ; i < elements.length ; i++ )
-					{
-						element = elements[ i ];
-						if ( this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE
-							  && ( element == elementPath.block || element == elementPath.blockLimit ) )
-							continue;
-						if( this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT
-							 && !( element.getName() in objectElements ) )
-								continue;
-						if ( this.checkElementRemovable( element, true ) )
-							return true;
-					}
-			}
-			return false;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Whether this style can be applied at the element path.
- 		 * @param elementPath
-		 */
-		checkApplicable : function( elementPath )
-		{
-			switch ( this.type )
-			{
-					break;
-					return elementPath.lastElement.getAscendant( this.element, true );
-			}
-			return true;
-		},
-		// Checks if an element, or any of its attributes, is removable by the
-		// current style definition.
-		checkElementRemovable : function( element, fullMatch )
-		{
-			if ( !element )
-				return false;
-			var def = this._.definition,
-				attribs;
-			// If the element name is the same as the style name.
-			if ( element.getName() == this.element )
-			{
-				// If no attributes are defined in the element.
-				if ( !fullMatch && !element.hasAttributes() )
-					return true;
-				attribs = getAttributesForComparison( def );
-				if ( attribs._length )
-				{
-					for ( var attName in attribs )
-					{
-						if ( attName == '_length' )
-							continue;
-						var elementAttr = element.getAttribute( attName ) || '';
-						// Special treatment for 'style' attribute is required.
-						if ( attName == 'style' ?
-							compareCssText( attribs[ attName ], normalizeCssText( elementAttr, false ) )
-							: attribs[ attName ] == elementAttr  )
-						{
-							if ( !fullMatch )
-								return true;
-						}
-						else if ( fullMatch )
-								return false;
-					}
-					if ( fullMatch )
-						return true;
-				}
-				else
-					return true;
-			}
-			// Check if the element can be somehow overriden.
-			var override = getOverrides( this )[ element.getName() ] ;
-			if ( override )
-			{
-				// If no attributes have been defined, remove the element.
-				if ( !( attribs = override.attributes ) )
-					return true;
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < attribs.length ; i++ )
-				{
-					attName = attribs[i][0];
-					var actualAttrValue = element.getAttribute( attName );
-					if ( actualAttrValue )
-					{
-						var attValue = attribs[i][1];
-						// Remove the attribute if:
-						//    - The override definition value is null;
-						//    - The override definition value is a string that
-						//      matches the attribute value exactly.
-						//    - The override definition value is a regex that
-						//      has matches in the attribute value.
-						if ( attValue === null ||
-								( typeof attValue == 'string' && actualAttrValue == attValue ) ||
-								attValue.test( actualAttrValue ) )
-							return true;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return false;
-		},
-		// Builds the preview HTML based on the styles definition.
-		buildPreview : function()
-		{
-			var styleDefinition = this._.definition,
-				html = [],
-				elementName = styleDefinition.element;
-			// Avoid <bdo> in the preview.
-			if ( elementName == 'bdo' )
-				elementName = 'span';
-			html = [ '<', elementName ];
-			// Assign all defined attributes.
-			var attribs	= styleDefinition.attributes;
-			if ( attribs )
-			{
-				for ( var att in attribs )
-				{
-					html.push( ' ', att, '="', attribs[ att ], '"' );
-				}
-			}
-			// Assign the style attribute.
-			var cssStyle = CKEDITOR.style.getStyleText( styleDefinition );
-			if ( cssStyle )
-				html.push( ' style="', cssStyle, '"' );
-			html.push( '>', styleDefinition.name, '</', elementName, '>' );
-			return html.join( '' );
-		}
-	};
-	// Build the cssText based on the styles definition.
-	CKEDITOR.style.getStyleText = function( styleDefinition )
-	{
-		// If we have already computed it, just return it.
-		var stylesDef = styleDefinition._ST;
-		if ( stylesDef )
-			return stylesDef;
-		stylesDef = styleDefinition.styles;
-		// Builds the StyleText.
-		var stylesText = ( styleDefinition.attributes && styleDefinition.attributes[ 'style' ] ) || '',
-				specialStylesText = '';
-		if ( stylesText.length )
-			stylesText = stylesText.replace( semicolonFixRegex, ';' );
-		for ( var style in stylesDef )
-		{
-			var styleVal = stylesDef[ style ],
-					text = ( style + ':' + styleVal ).replace( semicolonFixRegex, ';' );
-			// Some browsers don't support 'inherit' property value, leave them intact. (#5242)
-			if ( styleVal == 'inherit' )
-				specialStylesText += text;
-			else
-				stylesText += text;
-		}
-		// Browsers make some changes to the style when applying them. So, here
-		// we normalize it to the browser format.
-		if ( stylesText.length )
-			stylesText = normalizeCssText( stylesText );
-		stylesText += specialStylesText;
-		// Return it, saving it to the next request.
-		return ( styleDefinition._ST = stylesText );
-	};
-	function applyInlineStyle( range )
-	{
-		var document = range.document;
-		if ( range.collapsed )
-		{
-			// Create the element to be inserted in the DOM.
-			var collapsedElement = getElement( this, document );
-			// Insert the empty element into the DOM at the range position.
-			range.insertNode( collapsedElement );
-			// Place the selection right inside the empty element.
-			range.moveToPosition( collapsedElement, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
-			return;
-		}
-		var elementName = this.element;
-		var def = this._.definition;
-		var isUnknownElement;
-		// Get the DTD definition for the element. Defaults to "span".
-		var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd[ elementName ] || ( isUnknownElement = true, CKEDITOR.dtd.span );
-		// Expand the range.
-		range.enlarge( CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_ELEMENT );
-		range.trim();
-		// Get the first node to be processed and the last, which concludes the
-		// processing.
-		var boundaryNodes = range.createBookmark(),
-			firstNode = boundaryNodes.startNode,
-			lastNode = boundaryNodes.endNode;
-		var currentNode = firstNode;
-		var styleRange;
-		while ( currentNode )
-		{
-			var applyStyle = false;
-			if ( currentNode.equals( lastNode ) )
-			{
-				currentNode = null;
-				applyStyle = true;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				var nodeType = currentNode.type;
-				var nodeName = nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? currentNode.getName() : null;
-				if ( nodeName && currentNode.getAttribute( '_cke_bookmark' ) )
-				{
-					currentNode = currentNode.getNextSourceNode( true );
-					continue;
-				}
-				// Check if the current node can be a child of the style element.
-				if ( !nodeName || ( dtd[ nodeName ]
-					&& ( !def.childRule || def.childRule( currentNode ) ) ) )
-				{
-					var currentParent = currentNode.getParent();
-					// Check if the style element can be a child of the current
-					// node parent or if the element is not defined in the DTD.
-					if ( currentParent
-						&& ( ( currentParent.getDtd() || CKEDITOR.dtd.span )[ elementName ] || isUnknownElement )
-						&& ( !def.parentRule || def.parentRule( currentParent ) ) )
-					{
-						// This node will be part of our range, so if it has not
-						// been started, place its start right before the node.
-						// In the case of an element node, it will be included
-						// only if it is entirely inside the range.
-						{
-							styleRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( document );
-							styleRange.setStartBefore( currentNode );
-						}
-						// Non element nodes, or empty elements can be added
-						// completely to the range.
-						if ( nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || ( nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !currentNode.getChildCount() ) )
-						{
-							var includedNode = currentNode;
-							var parentNode;
-							// This node is about to be included completelly, but,
-							// if this is the last node in its parent, we must also
-							// check if the parent itself can be added completelly
-							// to the range.
-							while ( !includedNode.$.nextSibling
-								&& ( parentNode = includedNode.getParent(), dtd[ parentNode.getName() ] )
-								&& ( !def.childRule || def.childRule( parentNode ) ) )
-							{
-								includedNode = parentNode;
-							}
-							styleRange.setEndAfter( includedNode );
-							// If the included node still is the last node in its
-							// parent, it means that the parent can't be included
-							// in this style DTD, so apply the style immediately.
-							if ( !includedNode.$.nextSibling )
-								applyStyle = true;
-						}
-					}
-					else
-						applyStyle = true;
-				}
-				else
-					applyStyle = true;
-				// Get the next node to be processed.
-				currentNode = currentNode.getNextSourceNode();
-			}
-			// Apply the style if we have something to which apply it.
-			if ( applyStyle && styleRange && !styleRange.collapsed )
-			{
-				// Build the style element, based on the style object definition.
-				var styleNode = getElement( this, document );
-				// Get the element that holds the entire range.
-				var parent = styleRange.getCommonAncestor();
-				// Loop through the parents, removing the redundant attributes
-				// from the element to be applied.
-				while ( styleNode && parent )
-				{
-					if ( parent.getName() == elementName )
-					{
-						for ( var attName in def.attributes )
-						{
-							if ( styleNode.getAttribute( attName ) == parent.getAttribute( attName ) )
-								styleNode.removeAttribute( attName );
-						}
-						for ( var styleName in def.styles )
-						{
-							if ( styleNode.getStyle( styleName ) == parent.getStyle( styleName ) )
-								styleNode.removeStyle( styleName );
-						}
-						if ( !styleNode.hasAttributes() )
-						{
-							styleNode = null;
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-					parent = parent.getParent();
-				}
-				if ( styleNode )
-				{
-					// Move the contents of the range to the style element.
-					styleRange.extractContents().appendTo( styleNode );
-					// Here we do some cleanup, removing all duplicated
-					// elements from the style element.
-					removeFromInsideElement( this, styleNode );
-					// Insert it into the range position (it is collapsed after
-					// extractContents.
-					styleRange.insertNode( styleNode );
-					// Let's merge our new style with its neighbors, if possible.
-					styleNode.mergeSiblings();
-					// As the style system breaks text nodes constantly, let's normalize
-					// things for performance.
-					// With IE, some paragraphs get broken when calling normalize()
-					// repeatedly. Also, for IE, we must normalize body, not documentElement.
-					// IE is also known for having a "crash effect" with normalize().
-					// We should try to normalize with IE too in some way, somewhere.
-					if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-						styleNode.$.normalize();
-				}
-				// Style applied, let's release the range, so it gets
-				// re-initialization in the next loop.
-				styleRange = null;
-			}
-		}
-		// Remove the bookmark nodes.
-		range.moveToBookmark( boundaryNodes );
-		// Minimize the result range to exclude empty text nodes. (#5374)
-		range.shrink( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_TEXT );
-	}
-	function removeInlineStyle( range )
-	{
-		/*
-		 * Make sure our range has included all "collpased" parent inline nodes so
-		 * that our operation logic can be simpler.
-		 */
-		range.enlarge( CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_ELEMENT );
-		var bookmark = range.createBookmark(),
-			startNode = bookmark.startNode;
-		if ( range.collapsed )
-		{
-			var startPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( startNode.getParent() ),
-				// The topmost element in elementspatch which we should jump out of.
-				boundaryElement;
-			for ( var i = 0, element ; i < startPath.elements.length
-					&& ( element = startPath.elements[i] ) ; i++ )
-			{
-				/*
-				 * 1. If it's collaped inside text nodes, try to remove the style from the whole element.
-				 *
-				 * 2. Otherwise if it's collapsed on element boundaries, moving the selection
-				 *  outside the styles instead of removing the whole tag,
-				 *  also make sure other inner styles were well preserverd.(#3309)
-				 */
-				if ( element == startPath.block || element == startPath.blockLimit )
-					break;
-				if ( this.checkElementRemovable( element ) )
-				{
-					var isStart;
-					if ( range.collapsed && (
-						 range.checkBoundaryOfElement( element, CKEDITOR.END ) ||
-						 ( isStart = range.checkBoundaryOfElement( element, CKEDITOR.START ) ) ) )
-					{
-						boundaryElement = element;
-						boundaryElement.match = isStart ? 'start' : 'end';
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						/*
-						 * Before removing the style node, there may be a sibling to the style node
-						 * that's exactly the same to the one to be removed. To the user, it makes
-						 * no difference that they're separate entities in the DOM tree. So, merge
-						 * them before removal.
-						 */
-						element.mergeSiblings();
-						removeFromElement( this, element );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			// Re-create the style tree after/before the boundary element,
-			// the replication start from bookmark start node to define the
-			// new range.
-			if ( boundaryElement )
-			{
-				var clonedElement = startNode;
-				for ( i = 0 ;; i++ )
-				{
-					var newElement = startPath.elements[ i ];
-					if ( newElement.equals( boundaryElement ) )
-						break;
-					// Avoid copying any matched element.
-					else if ( newElement.match )
-						continue;
-					else
-						newElement = newElement.clone();
-					newElement.append( clonedElement );
-					clonedElement = newElement;
-				}
-				clonedElement[ boundaryElement.match == 'start' ?
-							'insertBefore' : 'insertAfter' ]( boundaryElement );
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			/*
-			 * Now our range isn't collapsed. Lets walk from the start node to the end
-			 * node via DFS and remove the styles one-by-one.
-			 */
-			var endNode = bookmark.endNode,
-				me = this;
-			/*
-			 * Find out the style ancestor that needs to be broken down at startNode
-			 * and endNode.
-			 */
-			function breakNodes()
-			{
-				var startPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( startNode.getParent() ),
-					endPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( endNode.getParent() ),
-					breakStart = null,
-					breakEnd = null;
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < startPath.elements.length ; i++ )
-				{
-					var element = startPath.elements[ i ];
-					if ( element == startPath.block || element == startPath.blockLimit )
-						break;
-					if ( me.checkElementRemovable( element ) )
-						breakStart = element;
-				}
-				for ( i = 0 ; i < endPath.elements.length ; i++ )
-				{
-					element = endPath.elements[ i ];
-					if ( element == endPath.block || element == endPath.blockLimit )
-						break;
-					if ( me.checkElementRemovable( element ) )
-						breakEnd = element;
-				}
-				if ( breakEnd )
-					endNode.breakParent( breakEnd );
-				if ( breakStart )
-					startNode.breakParent( breakStart );
-			}
-			breakNodes();
-			// Now, do the DFS walk.
-			var currentNode = startNode.getNext();
-			while ( !currentNode.equals( endNode ) )
-			{
-				/*
-				 * Need to get the next node first because removeFromElement() can remove
-				 * the current node from DOM tree.
-				 */
-				var nextNode = currentNode.getNextSourceNode();
-				if ( currentNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && this.checkElementRemovable( currentNode ) )
-				{
-					// Remove style from element or overriding element.
-					if ( currentNode.getName() == this.element )
-						removeFromElement( this, currentNode );
-					else
-						removeOverrides( currentNode, getOverrides( this )[ currentNode.getName() ] );
-					/*
-					 * removeFromElement() may have merged the next node with something before
-					 * the startNode via mergeSiblings(). In that case, the nextNode would
-					 * contain startNode and we'll have to call breakNodes() again and also
-					 * reassign the nextNode to something after startNode.
-					 */
-					if ( nextNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && nextNode.contains( startNode ) )
-					{
-						breakNodes();
-						nextNode = startNode.getNext();
-					}
-				}
-				currentNode = nextNode;
-			}
-		}
-		range.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
-	function applyObjectStyle( range )
-	{
-		var root = range.getCommonAncestor( true, true ),
-				element = root.getAscendant( this.element, true );
-		element && setupElement( element, this );
-	}
-	function removeObjectStyle( range )
-	{
-		var root = range.getCommonAncestor( true, true ),
-				element = root.getAscendant( this.element, true );
-		if ( !element )
-			return;
-		var style = this;
-		var def = style._.definition;
-		var attributes = def.attributes;
-		var styles = CKEDITOR.style.getStyleText( def );
-		// Remove all defined attributes.
-		if ( attributes )
-		{
-			for ( var att in attributes )
-			{
-				element.removeAttribute( att, attributes[ att ] );
-			}
-		}
-		// Assign all defined styles.
-		if ( def.styles )
-		{
-			for ( var i in def.styles )
-			{
-				if ( !def.styles.hasOwnProperty( i ) )
-					continue;
-				element.removeStyle( i );
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	function applyBlockStyle( range )
-	{
-		// Serializible bookmarks is needed here since
-		// elements may be merged.
-		var bookmark = range.createBookmark( true );
-		var iterator = range.createIterator();
-		iterator.enforceRealBlocks = true;
-		// make recognize <br /> tag as a separator in ENTER_BR mode (#5121)
-		if ( this._.enterMode )
-			iterator.enlargeBr = ( this._.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR );
-		var block;
-		var doc = range.document;
-		var previousPreBlock;
-		while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph() ) )		// Only one =
-		{
-			var newBlock = getElement( this, doc );
-			replaceBlock( block, newBlock );
-		}
-		range.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
-	}
-	// Replace the original block with new one, with special treatment
-	// for <pre> blocks to make sure content format is well preserved, and merging/splitting adjacent
-	// when necessary.(#3188)
-	function replaceBlock( block, newBlock )
-	{
-		var newBlockIsPre	= newBlock.is( 'pre' );
-		var blockIsPre		= block.is( 'pre' );
-		var isToPre	= newBlockIsPre && !blockIsPre;
-		var isFromPre	= !newBlockIsPre && blockIsPre;
-		if ( isToPre )
-			newBlock = toPre( block, newBlock );
-		else if ( isFromPre )
-			// Split big <pre> into pieces before start to convert.
-			newBlock = fromPres( splitIntoPres( block ), newBlock );
-		else
-			block.moveChildren( newBlock );
-		newBlock.replace( block );
-		if ( newBlockIsPre )
-		{
-			// Merge previous <pre> blocks.
-			mergePre( newBlock );
-		}
-	}
-	var nonWhitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true );
-	/**
-	 * Merge a <pre> block with a previous sibling if available.
-	 */
-	function mergePre( preBlock )
-	{
-		var previousBlock;
-		if ( !( ( previousBlock = preBlock.getPrevious( nonWhitespaces ) )
-				 && previousBlock.is
-				 && previousBlock.is( 'pre') ) )
-			return;
-		// Merge the previous <pre> block contents into the current <pre>
-		// block.
-		//
-		// Another thing to be careful here is that currentBlock might contain
-		// a '\n' at the beginning, and previousBlock might contain a '\n'
-		// towards the end. These new lines are not normally displayed but they
-		// become visible after merging.
-		var mergedHtml = replace( previousBlock.getHtml(), /\n$/, '' ) + '\n\n' +
-				replace( preBlock.getHtml(), /^\n/, '' ) ;
-		// Krugle: IE normalizes innerHTML from <pre>, breaking whitespaces.
-		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			preBlock.$.outerHTML = '<pre>' + mergedHtml + '</pre>';
-		else
-			preBlock.setHtml( mergedHtml );
-		previousBlock.remove();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Split into multiple <pre> blocks separated by double line-break.
-	 * @param preBlock
-	 */
-	function splitIntoPres( preBlock )
-	{
-		// Exclude the ones at header OR at tail,
-		// and ignore bookmark content between them.
-		var duoBrRegex = /(\S\s*)\n(?:\s|(<span[^>]+_cke_bookmark.*?\/span>))*\n(?!$)/gi,
-			blockName = preBlock.getName(),
-			splitedHtml = replace( preBlock.getOuterHtml(),
-				duoBrRegex,
-				function( match, charBefore, bookmark )
-				{
-				  return charBefore + '</pre>' + bookmark + '<pre>';
-				} );
-		var pres = [];
-		splitedHtml.replace( /<pre\b.*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/pre>/gi, function( match, preContent ){
-			pres.push( preContent );
-		} );
-		return pres;
-	}
-	// Wrapper function of String::replace without considering of head/tail bookmarks nodes.
-	function replace( str, regexp, replacement )
-	{
-		var headBookmark = '',
-			tailBookmark = '';
-		str = str.replace( /(^<span[^>]+_cke_bookmark.*?\/span>)|(<span[^>]+_cke_bookmark.*?\/span>$)/gi,
-			function( str, m1, m2 ){
-					m1 && ( headBookmark = m1 );
-					m2 && ( tailBookmark = m2 );
-				return '';
-			} );
-		return headBookmark + str.replace( regexp, replacement ) + tailBookmark;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Converting a list of <pre> into blocks with format well preserved.
-	 */
-	function fromPres( preHtmls, newBlock )
-	{
-		var docFrag = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( newBlock.getDocument() );
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < preHtmls.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			var blockHtml = preHtmls[ i ];
-			// 1. Trim the first and last line-breaks immediately after and before <pre>,
-			// they're not visible.
-			 blockHtml =  blockHtml.replace( /(\r\n|\r)/g, '\n' ) ;
-			 blockHtml = replace(  blockHtml, /^[ \t]*\n/, '' ) ;
-			 blockHtml = replace(  blockHtml, /\n$/, '' ) ;
-			// 2. Convert spaces or tabs at the beginning or at the end to  
-			 blockHtml = replace(  blockHtml, /^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/g, function( match, offset, s )
-					{
-						if ( match.length == 1 )	// one space, preserve it
-							return ' ' ;
-						else if ( !offset )		// beginning of block
-							return CKEDITOR.tools.repeat( ' ', match.length - 1 ) + ' ';
-						else				// end of block
-							return ' ' + CKEDITOR.tools.repeat( ' ', match.length - 1 );
-					} ) ;
-			// 3. Convert \n to <BR>.
-			// 4. Convert contiguous (i.e. non-singular) spaces or tabs to  
-			 blockHtml =  blockHtml.replace( /\n/g, '<br>' ) ;
-			 blockHtml =  blockHtml.replace( /[ \t]{2,}/g,
-					function ( match )
-					{
-						return CKEDITOR.tools.repeat( ' ', match.length - 1 ) + ' ' ;
-					} ) ;
-			var newBlockClone = newBlock.clone();
-			newBlockClone.setHtml(  blockHtml );
-			docFrag.append( newBlockClone );
-		}
-		return docFrag;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Converting from a non-PRE block to a PRE block in formatting operations.
-	 */
-	function toPre( block, newBlock )
-	{
-		// First trim the block content.
-		var preHtml = block.getHtml();
-		// 1. Trim head/tail spaces, they're not visible.
-		preHtml = replace( preHtml, /(?:^[ \t\n\r]+)|(?:[ \t\n\r]+$)/g, '' );
-		// 2. Delete ANSI whitespaces immediately before and after <BR> because
-		//    they are not visible.
-		preHtml = preHtml.replace( /[ \t\r\n]*(<br[^>]*>)[ \t\r\n]*/gi, '$1' );
-		// 3. Compress other ANSI whitespaces since they're only visible as one
-		//    single space previously.
-		// 4. Convert   to spaces since   is no longer needed in <PRE>.
-		preHtml = preHtml.replace( /([ \t\n\r]+| )/g, ' ' );
-		// 5. Convert any <BR /> to \n. This must not be done earlier because
-		//    the \n would then get compressed.
-		preHtml = preHtml.replace( /<br\b[^>]*>/gi, '\n' );
-		// Krugle: IE normalizes innerHTML to <pre>, breaking whitespaces.
-		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-		{
-			var temp = block.getDocument().createElement( 'div' );
-			temp.append( newBlock );
-			newBlock.$.outerHTML =  '<pre>' + preHtml + '</pre>';
-			newBlock = temp.getFirst().remove();
-		}
-		else
-			newBlock.setHtml( preHtml );
-		return newBlock;
-	}
-	// Removes a style from an element itself, don't care about its subtree.
-	function removeFromElement( style, element )
-	{
-		var def = style._.definition,
-			attributes = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, def.attributes, getOverrides( style )[ element.getName() ] ),
-			styles = def.styles,
-			// If the style is only about the element itself, we have to remove the element.
-			removeEmpty = CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty( attributes ) && CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty( styles );
-		// Remove definition attributes/style from the elemnt.
-		for ( var attName in attributes )
-		{
-			// The 'class' element value must match (#1318).
-			if ( ( attName == 'class' || style._.definition.fullMatch )
-				&& element.getAttribute( attName ) != normalizeProperty( attName, attributes[ attName ] ) )
-				continue;
-			removeEmpty = element.hasAttribute( attName );
-			element.removeAttribute( attName );
-		}
-		for ( var styleName in styles )
-		{
-			// Full match style insist on having fully equivalence. (#5018)
-			if ( style._.definition.fullMatch
-				&& element.getStyle( styleName ) != normalizeProperty( styleName, styles[ styleName ], true ) )
-				continue;
-			removeEmpty = removeEmpty || !!element.getStyle( styleName );
-			element.removeStyle( styleName );
-		}
-		removeEmpty && removeNoAttribsElement( element );
-	}
-	// Removes a style from inside an element.
-	function removeFromInsideElement( style, element )
-	{
-		var def = style._.definition,
-			attribs = def.attributes,
-			styles = def.styles,
-			overrides = getOverrides( style );
-		var innerElements = element.getElementsByTag( style.element );
-		for ( var i = innerElements.count(); --i >= 0 ; )
-			removeFromElement( style,  innerElements.getItem( i ) );
-		// Now remove any other element with different name that is
-		// defined to be overriden.
-		for ( var overrideElement in overrides )
-		{
-			if ( overrideElement != style.element )
-			{
-				innerElements = element.getElementsByTag( overrideElement ) ;
-				for ( i = innerElements.count() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-				{
-					var innerElement = innerElements.getItem( i );
-					removeOverrides( innerElement, overrides[ overrideElement ] ) ;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *  Remove overriding styles/attributes from the specific element.
-	 *  Note: Remove the element if no attributes remain.
-	 * @param {Object} element
-	 * @param {Object} overrides
-	 */
-	function removeOverrides( element, overrides )
-	{
-		var attributes = overrides && overrides.attributes ;
-		if ( attributes )
-		{
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < attributes.length ; i++ )
-			{
-				var attName = attributes[i][0], actualAttrValue ;
-				if ( ( actualAttrValue = element.getAttribute( attName ) ) )
-				{
-					var attValue = attributes[i][1] ;
-					// Remove the attribute if:
-					//    - The override definition value is null ;
-					//    - The override definition valie is a string that
-					//      matches the attribute value exactly.
-					//    - The override definition value is a regex that
-					//      has matches in the attribute value.
-					if ( attValue === null ||
-							( attValue.test && attValue.test( actualAttrValue ) ) ||
-							( typeof attValue == 'string' && actualAttrValue == attValue ) )
-						element.removeAttribute( attName ) ;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		removeNoAttribsElement( element );
-	}
-	// If the element has no more attributes, remove it.
-	function removeNoAttribsElement( element )
-	{
-		// If no more attributes remained in the element, remove it,
-		// leaving its children.
-		if ( !element.hasAttributes() )
-		{
-			// Removing elements may open points where merging is possible,
-			// so let's cache the first and last nodes for later checking.
-			var firstChild	= element.getFirst();
-			var lastChild	= element.getLast();
-			element.remove( true );
-			if ( firstChild )
-			{
-				// Check the cached nodes for merging.
-				firstChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && firstChild.mergeSiblings();
-				if ( lastChild && !firstChild.equals( lastChild )
-					&& lastChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT  )
-					lastChild.mergeSiblings();
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	function getElement( style, targetDocument )
-	{
-		var el;
-		var def = style._.definition;
-		var elementName = style.element;
-		// The "*" element name will always be a span for this function.
-		if ( elementName == '*' )
-			elementName = 'span';
-		// Create the element.
-		el = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( elementName, targetDocument );
-		return setupElement( el, style );
-	}
-	function setupElement( el, style )
-	{
-		var def = style._.definition;
-		var attributes = def.attributes;
-		var styles = CKEDITOR.style.getStyleText( def );
-		// Assign all defined attributes.
-		if ( attributes )
-		{
-			for ( var att in attributes )
-			{
-				el.setAttribute( att, attributes[ att ] );
-			}
-		}
-		// Assign all defined styles.
-		if ( def.styles )
-		{
-			for ( var i in def.styles )
-			{
-				if ( !def.styles.hasOwnProperty( i ) )
-					continue;
-				el.setStyle( i, def.styles[ i ] );
-			}
-		}
-		return el;
-	}
-	var varRegex = /#\((.+?)\)/g;
-	function replaceVariables( list, variablesValues )
-	{
-		for ( var item in list )
-		{
-			list[ item ] = list[ item ].replace( varRegex, function( match, varName )
-				{
-					return variablesValues[ varName ];
-				});
-		}
-	}
-	// Returns an object that can be used for style matching comparison.
-	// Attributes names and values are all lowercased, and the styles get
-	// merged with the style attribute.
-	function getAttributesForComparison( styleDefinition )
-	{
-		// If we have already computed it, just return it.
-		var attribs = styleDefinition._AC;
-		if ( attribs )
-			return attribs;
-		attribs = {};
-		var length = 0;
-		// Loop through all defined attributes.
-		var styleAttribs = styleDefinition.attributes;
-		if ( styleAttribs )
-		{
-			for ( var styleAtt in styleAttribs )
-			{
-				length++;
-				attribs[ styleAtt ] = styleAttribs[ styleAtt ];
-			}
-		}
-		// Includes the style definitions.
-		var styleText = CKEDITOR.style.getStyleText( styleDefinition );
-		if ( styleText )
-		{
-			if ( !attribs[ 'style' ] )
-				length++;
-			attribs[ 'style' ] = styleText;
-		}
-		// Appends the "length" information to the object.
-		attribs._length = length;
-		// Return it, saving it to the next request.
-		return ( styleDefinition._AC = attribs );
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Get the the collection used to compare the elements and attributes,
-	 * defined in this style overrides, with other element. All information in
-	 * it is lowercased.
-	 * @param {CKEDITOR.style} style
-	 */
-	function getOverrides( style )
-	{
-		if ( style._.overrides )
-			return style._.overrides;
-		var overrides = ( style._.overrides = {} ),
-			definition = style._.definition.overrides;
-		if ( definition )
-		{
-			// The override description can be a string, object or array.
-			// Internally, well handle arrays only, so transform it if needed.
-			if ( !CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( definition ) )
-				definition = [ definition ];
-			// Loop through all override definitions.
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < definition.length ; i++ )
-			{
-				var override = definition[i];
-				var elementName;
-				var overrideEl;
-				var attrs;
-				// If can be a string with the element name.
-				if ( typeof override == 'string' )
-					elementName = override.toLowerCase();
-				// Or an object.
-				else
-				{
-					elementName = override.element ? override.element.toLowerCase() : style.element;
-					attrs = override.attributes;
-				}
-				// We can have more than one override definition for the same
-				// element name, so we attempt to simply append information to
-				// it if it already exists.
-				overrideEl = overrides[ elementName ] || ( overrides[ elementName ] = {} );
-				if ( attrs )
-				{
-					// The returning attributes list is an array, because we
-					// could have different override definitions for the same
-					// attribute name.
-					var overrideAttrs = ( overrideEl.attributes = overrideEl.attributes || new Array() );
-					for ( var attName in attrs )
-					{
-						// Each item in the attributes array is also an array,
-						// where [0] is the attribute name and [1] is the
-						// override value.
-						overrideAttrs.push( [ attName.toLowerCase(), attrs[ attName ] ] );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return overrides;
-	}
-	// Make the comparison of attribute value easier by standardizing it.
-	function normalizeProperty( name, value, isStyle )
-	{
-		var temp = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
-		temp [ isStyle ? 'setStyle' : 'setAttribute' ]( name, value );
-		return temp[ isStyle ? 'getStyle' : 'getAttribute' ]( name );
-	}
-	// Make the comparison of style text easier by standardizing it.
-	function normalizeCssText( unparsedCssText, nativeNormalize )
-	{
-		var styleText;
-		if ( nativeNormalize !== false )
-		{
-			// Injects the style in a temporary span object, so the browser parses it,
-			// retrieving its final format.
-			var temp = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
-			temp.setAttribute( 'style', unparsedCssText );
-			styleText = temp.getAttribute( 'style' ) || '';
-		}
-		else
-			styleText = unparsedCssText;
-		// Shrinking white-spaces around colon and semi-colon (#4147).
-		// Compensate tail semi-colon.
-		return styleText.replace( /\s*([;:])\s*/, '$1' )
-							 .replace( /([^\s;])$/, '$1;')
-							 .replace( /,\s+/g, ',' ) // Trimming spaces after comma (e.g. font-family name)(#4107).
-							 .toLowerCase();
-	}
-	// Turn inline style text properties into one hash.
-	function parseStyleText( styleText )
-	{
-		var retval = {};
-		styleText
-		   .replace( /"/g, '"' )
-		   .replace( /\s*([^ :;]+)\s*:\s*([^;]+)\s*(?=;|$)/g, function( match, name, value )
-		{
-			retval[ name ] = value;
-		} );
-		return retval;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Compare two bunch of styles, with the speciality that value 'inherit'
-	 * is treated as a wildcard which will match any value.
-	 * @param {Object|String} source
-	 * @param {Object|String} target
-	 */
-	function compareCssText( source, target )
-	{
-		typeof source == 'string' && ( source = parseStyleText( source ) );
-		typeof target == 'string' && ( target = parseStyleText( target ) );
-		for( var name in source )
-		{
-			if ( !( name in target &&
-					( target[ name ] == source[ name ]
-						|| source[ name ] == 'inherit'
-						|| target[ name ] == 'inherit' ) ) )
-			{
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	function applyStyle( document, remove )
-	{
-		var selection = document.getSelection(),
-			// Bookmark the range so we can re-select it after processing.
-			bookmarks = selection.createBookmarks(),
-			ranges = selection.getRanges( true ),
-			func = remove ? this.removeFromRange : this.applyToRange,
-			range;
-		var iterator = ranges.createIterator();
-		while ( ( range = iterator.getNextRange() ) )
-			func.call( this, range );
-		if ( bookmarks.length == 1 && bookmarks[0].collapsed )
-		{
-			selection.selectRanges( ranges );
-			bookmarks[0].startNode.remove();
-		}
-		else
-			selection.selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
-	}
-CKEDITOR.styleCommand = function( style )
-	this.style = style;
-CKEDITOR.styleCommand.prototype.exec = function( editor )
-	editor.focus();
-	var doc = editor.document;
-	if ( doc )
-	{
-		if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF )
-			this.style.apply( doc );
-		else if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON )
-			this.style.remove( doc );
-	}
-	return !!doc;
-CKEDITOR.stylesSet = new CKEDITOR.resourceManager( '', 'stylesSet' );
-// Backward compatibility (#5025).
-CKEDITOR.addStylesSet = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add, CKEDITOR.stylesSet );
-CKEDITOR.loadStylesSet = function( name, url, callback )
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.stylesSet.addExternal( name, url, '' );
-		CKEDITOR.stylesSet.load( name, callback );
-	};
- * Gets the current styleSet for this instance
- * @param {Function} The function to be called with the styles data.
- * @example
- * editor.getStylesSet( function( stylesDefinitions ) {} );
- */
-CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.getStylesSet = function( callback )
-	if ( !this._.stylesDefinitions )
-	{
-		var editor = this,
-			// Respect the backwards compatible definition entry
-			configStyleSet = editor.config.stylesCombo_stylesSet || editor.config.stylesSet || 'default';
-		// #5352 Allow to define the styles directly in the config object
-		if ( configStyleSet instanceof Array )
-		{
-			editor._.stylesDefinitions = configStyleSet;
-			callback( configStyleSet );
-			return;
-		}
-		var	partsStylesSet = configStyleSet.split( ':' ),
-			styleSetName = partsStylesSet[ 0 ],
-			externalPath = partsStylesSet[ 1 ],
-			pluginPath = CKEDITOR.plugins.registered.styles.path;
-		CKEDITOR.stylesSet.addExternal( styleSetName,
-				externalPath ?
-					partsStylesSet.slice( 1 ).join( ':' ) :
-					pluginPath + 'styles/' + styleSetName + '.js', '' );
-		CKEDITOR.stylesSet.load( styleSetName, function( stylesSet )
-			{
-				editor._.stylesDefinitions = stylesSet[ styleSetName ];
-				callback( editor._.stylesDefinitions );
-			} ) ;
-	}
-	else
-		callback( this._.stylesDefinitions );
- * The "styles definition set" to use in the editor. They will be used in the
- * styles combo and the Style selector of the div container. <br>
- * The styles may be defined in the page containing the editor, or can be
- * loaded on demand from an external file. In the second case, if this setting
- * contains only a name, the styles definition file will be loaded from the
- * "styles" folder inside the styles plugin folder.
- * Otherwise, this setting has the "name:url" syntax, making it
- * possible to set the URL from which loading the styles file.<br>
- * Previously this setting was available as config.stylesCombo_stylesSet<br>
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.stylesSet
- * @type String|Array
- * @default 'default'
- * @since 3.3
- * @example
- * // Load from the styles' styles folder (mystyles.js file).
- * config.stylesSet = 'mystyles';
- * @example
- * // Load from a relative URL.
- * config.stylesSet = 'mystyles:/editorstyles/styles.js';
- * @example
- * // Load from a full URL.
- * config.stylesSet = 'mystyles:http://www.example.com/editorstyles/styles.js';
- * @example
- * // Load from a list of definitions.
- * config.stylesSet = [
- *  { name : 'Strong Emphasis', element : 'strong' },
- * { name : 'Emphasis', element : 'em' }, ... ];
- */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/styles/styles/default.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/styles/styles/default.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c5fd85f..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/styles/styles/default.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add( 'default',
-	/* Block Styles */
-	// These styles are already available in the "Format" combo, so they are
-	// not needed here by default. You may enable them to avoid placing the
-	// "Format" combo in the toolbar, maintaining the same features.
-	/*
-	{ name : 'Paragraph'		, element : 'p' },
-	{ name : 'Heading 1'		, element : 'h1' },
-	{ name : 'Heading 2'		, element : 'h2' },
-	{ name : 'Heading 3'		, element : 'h3' },
-	{ name : 'Heading 4'		, element : 'h4' },
-	{ name : 'Heading 5'		, element : 'h5' },
-	{ name : 'Heading 6'		, element : 'h6' },
-	{ name : 'Preformatted Text', element : 'pre' },
-	{ name : 'Address'			, element : 'address' },
-	*/
-	{ name : 'Blue Title'		, element : 'h3', styles : { 'color' : 'Blue' } },
-	{ name : 'Red Title'		, element : 'h3', styles : { 'color' : 'Red' } },
-	/* Inline Styles */
-	// These are core styles available as toolbar buttons. You may opt enabling
-	// some of them in the Styles combo, removing them from the toolbar.
-	/*
-	{ name : 'Strong'			, element : 'strong', overrides : 'b' },
-	{ name : 'Emphasis'			, element : 'em'	, overrides : 'i' },
-	{ name : 'Underline'		, element : 'u' },
-	{ name : 'Strikethrough'	, element : 'strike' },
-	{ name : 'Subscript'		, element : 'sub' },
-	{ name : 'Superscript'		, element : 'sup' },
-	*/
-	{ name : 'Marker: Yellow'	, element : 'span', styles : { 'background-color' : 'Yellow' } },
-	{ name : 'Marker: Green'	, element : 'span', styles : { 'background-color' : 'Lime' } },
-	{ name : 'Big'				, element : 'big' },
-	{ name : 'Small'			, element : 'small' },
-	{ name : 'Typewriter'		, element : 'tt' },
-	{ name : 'Computer Code'	, element : 'code' },
-	{ name : 'Keyboard Phrase'	, element : 'kbd' },
-	{ name : 'Sample Text'		, element : 'samp' },
-	{ name : 'Variable'			, element : 'var' },
-	{ name : 'Deleted Text'		, element : 'del' },
-	{ name : 'Inserted Text'	, element : 'ins' },
-	{ name : 'Cited Work'		, element : 'cite' },
-	{ name : 'Inline Quotation'	, element : 'q' },
-	{ name : 'Language: RTL'	, element : 'span', attributes : { 'dir' : 'rtl' } },
-	{ name : 'Language: LTR'	, element : 'span', attributes : { 'dir' : 'ltr' } },
-	/* Object Styles */
-	{
-		name : 'Image on Left',
-		element : 'img',
-		attributes :
-		{
-			'style' : 'padding: 5px; margin-right: 5px',
-			'border' : '2',
-			'align' : 'left'
-		}
-	},
-	{
-		name : 'Image on Right',
-		element : 'img',
-		attributes :
-		{
-			'style' : 'padding: 5px; margin-left: 5px',
-			'border' : '2',
-			'align' : 'right'
-		}
-	},
-	{ name : 'Borderless Table', element : 'table', styles: { 'border-style': 'hidden', 'background-color' : '#E6E6FA' } },
-	{ name : 'Square Bulleted List', element : 'ul', styles : { 'list-style-type' : 'square' } }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44bb8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'af', {
+	label: 'Styl',
+	panelTitle: 'Opmaak style',
+	panelTitle1: 'Blok style',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inlyn style',
+	panelTitle3: 'Objek style'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29a8656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'ar', {
+	label: 'أنماط',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'أنماط الفقرة',
+	panelTitle2: 'أنماط مضمنة',
+	panelTitle3: 'أنماط الكائن'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdecd07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'bg', {
+	label: 'Стилове',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1370b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'bn', {
+	label: 'স্টাইল',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5154e08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'bs', {
+	label: 'Stil',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c344c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'ca', {
+	label: 'Estil',
+	panelTitle: 'Estils de format',
+	panelTitle1: 'Estils de bloc',
+	panelTitle2: 'Estils incrustats',
+	panelTitle3: 'Estils d\'objecte'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d322e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'cs', {
+	label: 'Styl',
+	panelTitle: 'Formátovací styly',
+	panelTitle1: 'Blokové styly',
+	panelTitle2: 'Řádkové styly',
+	panelTitle3: 'Objektové styly'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5da6f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'cy', {
+	label: 'Arddulliau',
+	panelTitle: 'Arddulliau Fformatio',
+	panelTitle1: 'Arddulliau Bloc',
+	panelTitle2: 'Arddulliau Mewnol',
+	panelTitle3: 'Arddulliau Gwrthrych'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..241d70c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'da', {
+	label: 'Typografi',
+	panelTitle: 'Formattering på stylesheet',
+	panelTitle1: 'Block typografi',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline typografi',
+	panelTitle3: 'Object typografi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1dd628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'de', {
+	label: 'Stil',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatierungenstil',
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Stilart',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Stilart',
+	panelTitle3: 'Objekt Stilart'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6caa19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'el', {
+	label: 'Μορφές',
+	panelTitle: 'Στυλ Μορφοποίησης',
+	panelTitle1: 'Στυλ Κομματιών',
+	panelTitle2: 'Στυλ Εν Σειρά',
+	panelTitle3: 'Στυλ Αντικειμένων'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9e4f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'en-au', {
+	label: 'Styles',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles',
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c0f51c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'en-ca', {
+	label: 'Styles',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles',
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2084c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'en-gb', {
+	label: 'Styles',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles',
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles',
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..751353f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'en', {
+	label: 'Styles',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles',
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles',
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8697b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'eo', {
+	label: 'Stiloj',
+	panelTitle: 'Stiloj pri enpaĝigo',
+	panelTitle1: 'Stiloj de blokoj',
+	panelTitle2: 'Enliniaj Stiloj',
+	panelTitle3: 'Stiloj de objektoj'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..feffa14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'es', {
+	label: 'Estilo',
+	panelTitle: 'Estilos para formatear',
+	panelTitle1: 'Estilos de párrafo',
+	panelTitle2: 'Estilos de carácter',
+	panelTitle3: 'Estilos de objeto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74ad27e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'et', {
+	label: 'Stiil',
+	panelTitle: 'Vormindusstiilid',
+	panelTitle1: 'Blokkstiilid',
+	panelTitle2: 'Reasisesed stiilid',
+	panelTitle3: 'Objektistiilid'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7db437b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'eu', {
+	label: 'Estiloa',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Bloke Estiloak',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Estiloak',
+	panelTitle3: 'Objektu Estiloak'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16f83d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'fa', {
+	label: 'سبک',
+	panelTitle: 'سبکهای قالببندی',
+	panelTitle1: 'سبکهای بلوک',
+	panelTitle2: 'سبکهای درونخطی',
+	panelTitle3: 'سبکهای شیء'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc439dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'fi', {
+	label: 'Tyyli',
+	panelTitle: 'Muotoilujen tyylit',
+	panelTitle1: 'Lohkojen tyylit',
+	panelTitle2: 'Rivinsisäiset tyylit',
+	panelTitle3: 'Objektien tyylit'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bbcd90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'fo', {
+	label: 'Typografi',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatterings stílir',
+	panelTitle1: 'Blokk stílir',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline stílir',
+	panelTitle3: 'Object stílir'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e76021e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'fr-ca', {
+	label: 'Style',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47239b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'fr', {
+	label: 'Styles',
+	panelTitle: 'Styles de mise en page',
+	panelTitle1: 'Styles de blocs',
+	panelTitle2: 'Styles en ligne',
+	panelTitle3: 'Styles d\'objet'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c60d3c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'gl', {
+	label: 'Estilo',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d632d97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'gu', {
+	label: 'શૈલી/રીત',
+	panelTitle: 'ફોર્મેટ ',
+	panelTitle1: 'બ્લોક ',
+	panelTitle2: 'ઈનલાઈન ',
+	panelTitle3: 'ઓબ્જેક્ટ પદ્ધતિ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..637a511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'he', {
+	label: 'סגנון',
+	panelTitle: 'סגנונות פורמט',
+	panelTitle1: 'סגנונות בלוק',
+	panelTitle2: 'סגנונות רצף',
+	panelTitle3: 'סגנונות אובייקט'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4acc77f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'hi', {
+	label: 'स्टाइल',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e24a8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'hr', {
+	label: 'Stil',
+	panelTitle: 'Stilovi formatiranja',
+	panelTitle1: 'Block stilovi',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline stilovi',
+	panelTitle3: 'Object stilovi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc16621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'hu', {
+	label: 'Stílus',
+	panelTitle: 'Formázási stílusok',
+	panelTitle1: 'Blokk stílusok',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline stílusok',
+	panelTitle3: 'Objektum stílusok'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0d4f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'is', {
+	label: 'Stílflokkur',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dc2675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'it', {
+	label: 'Stile',
+	panelTitle: 'Stili di formattazione',
+	panelTitle1: 'Stili per blocchi',
+	panelTitle2: 'Stili in linea',
+	panelTitle3: 'Stili per oggetti'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfcced8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'ja', {
+	label: 'スタイル',
+	panelTitle: 'スタイル',
+	panelTitle1: 'ブロックスタイル',
+	panelTitle2: 'インラインスタイル',
+	panelTitle3: 'オブジェクトスタイル'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e30658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'ka', {
+	label: 'სტილები',
+	panelTitle: 'ფორმატირების სტილები',
+	panelTitle1: 'არის სტილები',
+	panelTitle2: 'თანდართული სტილები',
+	panelTitle3: 'ობიექტის სტილები'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03b0bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'km', {
+	label: 'ម៉ូត',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd25417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'ko', {
+	label: '스타일',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7127af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'ku', {
+	label: 'شێواز',
+	panelTitle: 'شێوازی ڕازاندنهوه',
+	panelTitle1: 'شێوازی خشت',
+	panelTitle2: 'شێوازی ناوهێڵ',
+	panelTitle3: 'شێوازی بهرکار'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cff95cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'lt', {
+	label: 'Stilius',
+	panelTitle: 'Stilių formatavimas',
+	panelTitle1: 'Blokų stiliai',
+	panelTitle2: 'Vidiniai stiliai',
+	panelTitle3: 'Objektų stiliai'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdf95e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'lv', {
+	label: 'Stils',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatēšanas stili',
+	panelTitle1: 'Bloka stili',
+	panelTitle2: 'iekļautie stili',
+	panelTitle3: 'Objekta stili'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd2356a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'mk', {
+	label: 'Styles',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7226f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'mn', {
+	label: 'Загвар',
+	panelTitle: 'Загвар хэлбэржүүлэх',
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec9a595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'ms', {
+	label: 'Stail',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d19396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'nb', {
+	label: 'Stil',
+	panelTitle: 'Stilformater',
+	panelTitle1: 'Blokkstiler',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inlinestiler',
+	panelTitle3: 'Objektstiler'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8da663a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'nl', {
+	label: 'Stijl',
+	panelTitle: 'Opmaakstijlen',
+	panelTitle1: 'Blok stijlen',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline stijlen',
+	panelTitle3: 'Object stijlen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7424a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'no', {
+	label: 'Stil',
+	panelTitle: 'Stilformater',
+	panelTitle1: 'Blokkstiler',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inlinestiler',
+	panelTitle3: 'Objektstiler'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f69d23a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'pl', {
+	label: 'Styl',
+	panelTitle: 'Style formatujÄ…ce',
+	panelTitle1: 'Style blokowe',
+	panelTitle2: 'Style liniowe',
+	panelTitle3: 'Style obiektowe'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9b90a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'pt-br', {
+	label: 'Estilo',
+	panelTitle: 'Estilos de Formatação',
+	panelTitle1: 'Estilos de bloco',
+	panelTitle2: 'Estilos de texto corrido',
+	panelTitle3: 'Estilos de objeto'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7310575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'pt', {
+	label: 'Estilo',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50fc8a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'ro', {
+	label: 'Stil',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatarea stilurilor',
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a08794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'ru', {
+	label: 'Стили',
+	panelTitle: 'Стили форматирования',
+	panelTitle1: 'Стили блока',
+	panelTitle2: 'Стили элемента',
+	panelTitle3: 'Стили объекта'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..165e3d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'sk', {
+	label: 'Štýly',
+	panelTitle: 'Formátovanie štýlov',
+	panelTitle1: 'Štýly bloku',
+	panelTitle2: 'Vnútroriadkové (inline) štýly',
+	panelTitle3: 'Štýly objeku'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..165b7c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'sl', {
+	label: 'Slog',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Slogi odstavkov',
+	panelTitle2: 'Slogi besedila',
+	panelTitle3: 'Slogi objektov'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..138b0de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'sr-latn', {
+	label: 'Stil',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3877618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'sr', {
+	label: 'Стил',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dceb3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'sv', {
+	label: 'Anpassad stil',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatmallar',
+	panelTitle1: 'Blockstil',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inbäddad stil',
+	panelTitle3: 'Objektets stil'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7a79c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'th', {
+	label: 'ลักษณะ',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: 'Block Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle3: 'Object Styles' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e617625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'tr', {
+	label: 'Biçem',
+	panelTitle: 'Stilleri Düzenliyor',
+	panelTitle1: 'Blok Stilleri',
+	panelTitle2: 'Inline Stilleri',
+	panelTitle3: 'Nesne Stilleri'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc56a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'ug', {
+	label: 'ئۇسلۇب',
+	panelTitle: 'ئۇسلۇب',
+	panelTitle1: 'بۆلەك دەرىجىسىدىكى ئېلېمېنت ئۇسلۇبى',
+	panelTitle2: 'ئىچكى باغلانما ئېلېمېنت ئۇسلۇبى',
+	panelTitle3: 'نەڭ (Object) ئېلېمېنت ئۇسلۇبى'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b79829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'uk', {
+	label: 'Стиль',
+	panelTitle: 'Стилі форматування',
+	panelTitle1: 'Блочні стилі',
+	panelTitle2: 'Рядкові стилі',
+	panelTitle3: 'Об\'єктні стилі'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ae6021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'vi', {
+	label: 'Kiểu',
+	panelTitle: 'Phong cách định dạng',
+	panelTitle1: 'Kiểu khối',
+	panelTitle2: 'Kiểu trực tiếp',
+	panelTitle3: 'Kiểu đối tượng'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5954d27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'zh-cn', {
+	label: '样式',
+	panelTitle: '样式',
+	panelTitle1: '块级元素样式',
+	panelTitle2: '内联元素样式',
+	panelTitle3: '对象元素样式'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae115d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'stylescombo', 'zh', {
+	label: '樣式',
+	panelTitle: 'Formatting Styles', // MISSING
+	panelTitle1: '塊級元素樣式',
+	panelTitle2: '內聯元素樣式',
+	panelTitle3: '物件元素樣式'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/plugin.js
index f3ebfd5..bb9c578 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/plugin.js
@@ -1,35 +1,32 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'stylescombo',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'richcombo', 'styles' ],
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'stylescombo', {
+		requires: 'richcombo',
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
 			var config = editor.config,
-				lang = editor.lang.stylesCombo,
+				lang = editor.lang.stylescombo,
 				styles = {},
-				stylesList = [];
+				stylesList = [],
+				combo;
-			function loadStylesSet( callback )
-			{
-				editor.getStylesSet( function( stylesDefinitions )
-				{
-					if ( !stylesList.length )
-					{
-						var style,
-							styleName;
+			function loadStylesSet( callback ) {
+				editor.getStylesSet( function( stylesDefinitions ) {
+					if ( !stylesList.length ) {
+						var style, styleName;
 						// Put all styles into an Array.
-						for ( var i = 0 ; i < stylesDefinitions.length ; i++ )
-						{
+						for ( var i = 0, count = stylesDefinitions.length; i < count; i++ ) {
 							var styleDefinition = stylesDefinitions[ i ];
+							if ( editor.blockless && ( styleDefinition.element in CKEDITOR.dtd.$block ) )
+								continue;
 							styleName = styleDefinition.name;
 							style = styles[ styleName ] = new CKEDITOR.style( styleDefinition );
@@ -47,161 +44,143 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-			editor.ui.addRichCombo( 'Styles',
-				{
-					label : lang.label,
-					title : lang.panelTitle,
-					className : 'cke_styles',
-					panel :
-					{
-						css : editor.skin.editor.css.concat( config.contentsCss ),
-						multiSelect : true,
-						attributes : { 'aria-label' : lang.panelTitle }
-					},
-					init : function()
-					{
-						var combo = this;
-						loadStylesSet( function()
-							{
-								var style, styleName;
-								// Loop over the Array, adding all items to the
-								// combo.
-								var lastType;
-								for ( var i = 0 ; i < stylesList.length ; i++ )
-								{
-									style = stylesList[ i ];
-									styleName = style._name;
-									var type = style.type;
-									if ( type != lastType )
-									{
-										combo.startGroup( lang[ 'panelTitle' + String( type ) ] );
-										lastType = type;
-									}
-									combo.add(
-										styleName,
-										style.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ? styleName : style.buildPreview(),
-										styleName );
-								}
+			editor.ui.addRichCombo( 'Styles', {
+				label: lang.label,
+				title: lang.panelTitle,
+				toolbar: 'styles,10',
+				panel: {
+					css: [ CKEDITOR.skin.getPath( 'editor' ) ].concat( config.contentsCss ),
+					multiSelect: true,
+					attributes: { 'aria-label': lang.panelTitle }
+				},
+				init: function() {
+					combo = this;
+					loadStylesSet( function() {
+						var style, styleName, lastType, type, i, count;
+						// Loop over the Array, adding all items to the
+						// combo.
+						for ( i = 0, count = stylesList.length; i < count; i++ ) {
+							style = stylesList[ i ];
+							styleName = style._name;
+							type = style.type;
+							if ( type != lastType ) {
+								combo.startGroup( lang[ 'panelTitle' + String( type ) ] );
+								lastType = type;
+							}
-								combo.commit();
-								combo.onOpen();
-							});
-					},
-					onClick : function( value )
-					{
-						editor.focus();
-						editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-						var style = styles[ value ],
-							selection = editor.getSelection();
-						var elementPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( selection.getStartElement() );
-						if ( style.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE && style.checkActive( elementPath ) )
-							style.remove( editor.document );
-						else if ( style.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT && style.checkActive( elementPath ) )
-							style.remove( editor.document );
-						else
-							style.apply( editor.document );
-						editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-					},
-					onRender : function()
-					{
-						editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( ev )
-							{
-								var currentValue = this.getValue();
-								var elementPath = ev.data.path,
-									elements = elementPath.elements;
-								// For each element into the elements path.
-								for ( var i = 0, element ; i < elements.length ; i++ )
-								{
-									element = elements[i];
-									// Check if the element is removable by any of
-									// the styles.
-									for ( var value in styles )
-									{
-										if ( styles[ value ].checkElementRemovable( element, true ) )
-										{
-											if ( value != currentValue )
-												this.setValue( value );
-											return;
-										}
-									}
-								}
+							combo.add( styleName, style.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ? styleName : style.buildPreview(), styleName );
+						}
-								// If no styles match, just empty it.
-								this.setValue( '' );
-							},
-							this);
-					},
-					onOpen : function()
-					{
-						if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
-							editor.focus();
-						var selection = editor.getSelection();
-						var element = selection.getSelectedElement(),
-							elementPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( element || selection.getStartElement() );
-						var counter = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
-						this.showAll();
-						this.unmarkAll();
-						for ( var name in styles )
-						{
-							var style = styles[ name ],
-								type = style.type;
-							if ( style.checkActive( elementPath ) )
-								this.mark( name );
-							else if ( type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT && !style.checkApplicable( elementPath ) )
-							{
-								this.hideItem( name );
-								counter[ type ]--;
-							}
+						combo.commit();
+					});
+				},
+				onClick: function( value ) {
+					editor.focus();
+					editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+					var style = styles[ value ],
+						elementPath = editor.elementPath();
+					editor[ style.checkActive( elementPath ) ? 'removeStyle' : 'applyStyle' ]( style );
+					editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+				},
-							counter[ type ]++;
+				onRender: function() {
+					editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( ev ) {
+						var currentValue = this.getValue(),
+							elementPath = ev.data.path,
+							elements = elementPath.elements;
+						// For each element into the elements path.
+						for ( var i = 0, count = elements.length, element; i < count; i++ ) {
+							element = elements[ i ];
+							// Check if the element is removable by any of
+							// the styles.
+							for ( var value in styles ) {
+								if ( styles[ value ].checkElementRemovable( element, true ) ) {
+									if ( value != currentValue )
+										this.setValue( value );
+									return;
+								}
+							}
-						if ( !counter[ CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK ] )
-							this.hideGroup( lang[ 'panelTitle' + String( CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK ) ] );
+						// If no styles match, just empty it.
+						this.setValue( '' );
+					}, this );
+				},
+				onOpen: function() {
+					var selection = editor.getSelection(),
+						element = selection.getSelectedElement(),
+						elementPath = editor.elementPath( element ),
+						counter = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
+					this.showAll();
+					this.unmarkAll();
+					for ( var name in styles ) {
+						var style = styles[ name ],
+							type = style.type;
+						// Check if block styles are applicable.
+						if ( type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK && !elementPath.isContextFor( style.element ) ) {
+							this.hideItem( name );
+							continue;
+						}
-						if ( !counter[ CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE ] )
-							this.hideGroup( lang[ 'panelTitle' + String( CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE ) ] );
+						if ( style.checkActive( elementPath ) )
+							this.mark( name );
+						else if ( type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT && !style.checkApplicable( elementPath ) ) {
+							this.hideItem( name );
+							counter[ type ]--;
+						}
-						if ( !counter[ CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ] )
-							this.hideGroup( lang[ 'panelTitle' + String( CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ) ] );
+						counter[ type ]++;
-				});
-			editor.on( 'instanceReady', function() { loadStylesSet(); } );
+					if ( !counter[ CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK ] )
+						this.hideGroup( lang[ 'panelTitle' + String( CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK ) ] );
+					if ( !counter[ CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE ] )
+						this.hideGroup( lang[ 'panelTitle' + String( CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE ) ] );
+					if ( !counter[ CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ] )
+						this.hideGroup( lang[ 'panelTitle' + String( CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ) ] );
+				},
+				// Force a reload of the data
+				reset: function() {
+					if ( combo ) {
+						delete combo._.panel;
+						delete combo._.list;
+						combo._.committed = 0;
+						combo._.items = {};
+						combo._.state = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
+					}
+					styles = {};
+					stylesList = [];
+					loadStylesSet();
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on( 'instanceReady', function() {
+				loadStylesSet();
+			});
-	function sortStyles( styleA, styleB )
-	{
+	function sortStyles( styleA, styleB ) {
 		var typeA = styleA.type,
 			typeB = styleB.type;
-		return typeA == typeB ? 0 :
-			typeA == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ? -1 :
-			typeB == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ? 1 :
-			typeB == CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK ? 1 :
-			-1;
+		return typeA == typeB ? 0 : typeA == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ? -1 : typeB == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ? 1 : typeB == CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK ? 1 : -1;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/tab/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/tab/plugin.js
index f63cd5b..705efc2 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/tab/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/tab/plugin.js
@@ -1,110 +1,88 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	var meta =
-	{
-		editorFocus : false,
-		modes : { wysiwyg:1, source:1 }
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	var meta = {
+		editorFocus: false,
+		modes: { wysiwyg:1,source:1 }
-	var blurCommand =
-		{
-			exec : function( editor )
-			{
-				editor.container.focusNext( true, editor.tabIndex );
-			}
-		};
+	var blurCommand = {
+		exec: function( editor ) {
+			editor.container.focusNext( true, editor.tabIndex );
+		}
+	};
-	var blurBackCommand =
-		{
-			exec : function( editor )
-			{
-				editor.container.focusPrevious( true, editor.tabIndex );
-			}
-		};
+	var blurBackCommand = {
+		exec: function( editor ) {
+			editor.container.focusPrevious( true, editor.tabIndex );
+		}
+	};
-	function selectNextCellCommand( backward )
-	{
+	function selectNextCellCommand( backward ) {
 		return {
-			editorFocus : false,
-			canUndo : false,
-			modes : { wysiwyg : 1 },
-			exec : function( editor )
-			{
-				if ( editor.focusManager.hasFocus )
-				{
+			editorFocus: false,
+			canUndo: false,
+			modes: { wysiwyg:1 },
+			exec: function( editor ) {
+				if ( editor.editable().hasFocus ) {
 					var sel = editor.getSelection(),
-							ancestor = sel.getCommonAncestor(),
-							cell;
-					if ( ( cell = ( ancestor.getAscendant( 'td', true ) || ancestor.getAscendant( 'th', true ) ) ) )
-					{
-						var resultRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document ),
-								next = CKEDITOR.tools.tryThese( function()
-								{
-									var row = cell.getParent(),
-											next = row.$.cells[ cell.$.cellIndex + ( backward ? - 1 : 1 ) ];
-									// Invalid any empty value.
-									next.parentNode.parentNode;
-									return next;
-								},
-								function()
-								{
-									var row = cell.getParent(),
-											table = row.getAscendant( 'table' ),
-											nextRow = table.$.rows[ row.$.rowIndex + ( backward ? - 1 : 1 ) ];
-									return nextRow.cells[ backward? nextRow.cells.length -1 : 0 ];
-								});
+						path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( sel.getCommonAncestor(), sel.root ),
+						cell;
+					if ( ( cell = path.contains( { td:1,th:1 }, 1 ) ) ) {
+						var resultRange = editor.createRange(),
+							next = CKEDITOR.tools.tryThese( function() {
+								var row = cell.getParent(),
+									next = row.$.cells[ cell.$.cellIndex + ( backward ? -1 : 1 ) ];
+								// Invalid any empty value.
+								next.parentNode.parentNode;
+								return next;
+							}, function() {
+								var row = cell.getParent(),
+									table = row.getAscendant( 'table' ),
+									nextRow = table.$.rows[ row.$.rowIndex + ( backward ? -1 : 1 ) ];
+								return nextRow.cells[ backward ? nextRow.cells.length - 1 : 0 ];
+							});
 						// Clone one more row at the end of table and select the first newly established cell.
-						if ( ! ( next || backward ) )
-						{
+						if ( !( next || backward ) ) {
 							var table = cell.getAscendant( 'table' ).$,
-									cells = cell.getParent().$.cells;
+								cells = cell.getParent().$.cells;
 							var newRow = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( table.insertRow( -1 ), editor.document );
-							for ( var i = 0, count = cells.length ; i < count; i++ )
-							{
-								var newCell = newRow.append( new CKEDITOR.dom.element(
-										cells[ i ], editor.document ).clone( false, false ) );
+							for ( var i = 0, count = cells.length; i < count; i++ ) {
+								var newCell = newRow.append( new CKEDITOR.dom.element( cells[ i ], editor.document ).clone( false, false ) );
 								!CKEDITOR.env.ie && newCell.appendBogus();
 							resultRange.moveToElementEditStart( newRow );
-						}
-						else if ( next )
-						{
+						} else if ( next ) {
 							next = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( next );
 							resultRange.moveToElementEditStart( next );
 							// Avoid selecting empty block makes the cursor blind.
 							if ( !( resultRange.checkStartOfBlock() && resultRange.checkEndOfBlock() ) )
 								resultRange.selectNodeContents( next );
-						}
-						else
+						} else
 							return true;
 						resultRange.select( true );
 						return true;
 				return false;
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'tab',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'keystrokes' ],
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'tab', {
+		init: function( editor ) {
 			var tabTools = editor.config.enableTabKeyTools !== false,
 				tabSpaces = editor.config.tabSpaces || 0,
 				tabText = '';
@@ -112,46 +90,22 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			while ( tabSpaces-- )
 				tabText += '\xa0';
-			if ( tabText )
-			{
-				editor.on( 'key', function( ev )
+			if ( tabText ) {
+				editor.on( 'key', function( ev ) {
+					if ( ev.data.keyCode == 9 ) // TAB
-						if ( ev.data.keyCode == 9 )	// TAB
-						{
-							editor.insertHtml( tabText );
-							ev.cancel();
-						}
-					});
-			}
-			if ( tabTools )
-			{
-				editor.on( 'key', function( ev )
-				{
-					if ( ev.data.keyCode == 9 && editor.execCommand( 'selectNextCell' ) ||	// TAB
-							ev.data.keyCode == ( CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 ) && editor.execCommand( 'selectPreviousCell' ) )	// SHIFT+TAB
+						editor.insertHtml( tabText );
+					}
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit || CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
-			{
-				editor.on( 'key', function( ev )
-					{
-						var keyCode = ev.data.keyCode;
-						if ( keyCode == 9 && !tabText )				// TAB
-						{
-							ev.cancel();
-							editor.execCommand( 'blur' );
-						}
-						if ( keyCode == ( CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 ) )	// SHIFT+TAB
-						{
-							editor.execCommand( 'blurBack' );
-							ev.cancel();
-						}
-					});
+			if ( tabTools ) {
+				editor.on( 'key', function( ev ) {
+					if ( ev.data.keyCode == 9 && editor.execCommand( 'selectNextCell' ) || // TAB
+					ev.data.keyCode == ( CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 ) && editor.execCommand( 'selectPreviousCell' ) ) // SHIFT+TAB
+					ev.cancel();
+				});
 			editor.addCommand( 'blur', CKEDITOR.tools.extend( blurCommand, meta ) );
@@ -163,40 +117,35 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * Moves the UI focus to the element following this element in the tabindex
- * order.
- * @example
- * var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'example' );
- * element.focusNext();
+ * Moves the UI focus to the element following this element in the tabindex order.
+ *
+ *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'example' );
+ *		element.focusNext();
+ *
+ * @param {Boolean} [ignoreChildren=false]
+ * @param {Number} [indexToUse]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.dom.element
-CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.focusNext = function( ignoreChildren, indexToUse )
+CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.focusNext = function( ignoreChildren, indexToUse ) {
 	var $ = this.$,
 		curTabIndex = ( indexToUse === undefined ? this.getTabIndex() : indexToUse ),
-		passedCurrent, enteredCurrent,
-		elected, electedTabIndex,
-		element, elementTabIndex;
+		passedCurrent, enteredCurrent, elected, electedTabIndex, element, elementTabIndex;
-	if ( curTabIndex <= 0 )
-	{
+	if ( curTabIndex <= 0 ) {
 		// If this element has tabindex <= 0 then we must simply look for any
 		// element following it containing tabindex=0.
 		element = this.getNextSourceNode( ignoreChildren, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT );
-		while ( element )
-		{
-			if ( element.isVisible() && element.getTabIndex() === 0 )
-			{
+		while ( element ) {
+			if ( element.isVisible() && element.getTabIndex() === 0 ) {
 				elected = element;
 			element = element.getNextSourceNode( false, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT );
-	}
-	else
-	{
+	} else {
 		// If this element has tabindex > 0 then we must look for:
 		//		1. An element following this element with the same tabindex.
 		//		2. The first element in source other with the lowest tabindex
@@ -205,42 +154,33 @@ CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.focusNext = function( ignoreChildren, indexToUse
 		element = this.getDocument().getBody().getFirst();
-		while ( ( element = element.getNextSourceNode( false, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) ) )
-		{
-			if ( !passedCurrent )
-			{
-				if ( !enteredCurrent && element.equals( this ) )
-				{
+		while ( ( element = element.getNextSourceNode( false, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) ) ) {
+			if ( !passedCurrent ) {
+				if ( !enteredCurrent && element.equals( this ) ) {
 					enteredCurrent = true;
 					// Ignore this element, if required.
-					if ( ignoreChildren )
-					{
+					if ( ignoreChildren ) {
 						if ( !( element = element.getNextSourceNode( true, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) ) )
 						passedCurrent = 1;
-				}
-				else if ( enteredCurrent && !this.contains( element ) )
+				} else if ( enteredCurrent && !this.contains( element ) )
 					passedCurrent = 1;
 			if ( !element.isVisible() || ( elementTabIndex = element.getTabIndex() ) < 0 )
-			if ( passedCurrent && elementTabIndex == curTabIndex )
-			{
+			if ( passedCurrent && elementTabIndex == curTabIndex ) {
 				elected = element;
-			if ( elementTabIndex > curTabIndex && ( !elected || !electedTabIndex || elementTabIndex < electedTabIndex ) )
-			{
+			if ( elementTabIndex > curTabIndex && ( !elected || !electedTabIndex || elementTabIndex < electedTabIndex ) ) {
 				elected = element;
 				electedTabIndex = elementTabIndex;
-			}
-			else if ( !elected && elementTabIndex === 0 )
-			{
+			} else if ( !elected && elementTabIndex === 0 ) {
 				elected = element;
 				electedTabIndex = elementTabIndex;
@@ -253,77 +193,67 @@ CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.focusNext = function( ignoreChildren, indexToUse
  * Moves the UI focus to the element before this element in the tabindex order.
- * @example
- * var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'example' );
- * element.focusPrevious();
+ *
+ *		var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'example' );
+ *		element.focusPrevious();
+ *
+ * @param {Boolean} [ignoreChildren=false]
+ * @param {Number} [indexToUse]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.dom.element
-CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.focusPrevious = function( ignoreChildren, indexToUse )
+CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.focusPrevious = function( ignoreChildren, indexToUse ) {
 	var $ = this.$,
 		curTabIndex = ( indexToUse === undefined ? this.getTabIndex() : indexToUse ),
-		passedCurrent, enteredCurrent,
-		elected,
+		passedCurrent, enteredCurrent, elected,
 		electedTabIndex = 0,
 	var element = this.getDocument().getBody().getLast();
-	while ( ( element = element.getPreviousSourceNode( false, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) ) )
-	{
-		if ( !passedCurrent )
-		{
-			if ( !enteredCurrent && element.equals( this ) )
-			{
+	while ( ( element = element.getPreviousSourceNode( false, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) ) ) {
+		if ( !passedCurrent ) {
+			if ( !enteredCurrent && element.equals( this ) ) {
 				enteredCurrent = true;
 				// Ignore this element, if required.
-				if ( ignoreChildren )
-				{
+				if ( ignoreChildren ) {
 					if ( !( element = element.getPreviousSourceNode( true, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) ) )
 					passedCurrent = 1;
-			}
-			else if ( enteredCurrent && !this.contains( element ) )
+			} else if ( enteredCurrent && !this.contains( element ) )
 				passedCurrent = 1;
 		if ( !element.isVisible() || ( elementTabIndex = element.getTabIndex() ) < 0 )
-		if ( curTabIndex <= 0 )
-		{
+		if ( curTabIndex <= 0 ) {
 			// If this element has tabindex <= 0 then we must look for:
 			//		1. An element before this one containing tabindex=0.
 			//		2. The last element with the highest tabindex.
-			if ( passedCurrent && elementTabIndex === 0 )
-			{
+			if ( passedCurrent && elementTabIndex === 0 ) {
 				elected = element;
-			if ( elementTabIndex > electedTabIndex )
-			{
+			if ( elementTabIndex > electedTabIndex ) {
 				elected = element;
 				electedTabIndex = elementTabIndex;
-		}
-		else
-		{
+		} else {
 			// If this element has tabindex > 0 we must look for:
 			//		1. An element preceeding this one, with the same tabindex.
 			//		2. The last element in source other with the highest tabindex
 			//		   that is lower than this element tabindex.
-			if ( passedCurrent && elementTabIndex == curTabIndex )
-			{
+			if ( passedCurrent && elementTabIndex == curTabIndex ) {
 				elected = element;
-			if ( elementTabIndex < curTabIndex && ( !elected || elementTabIndex > electedTabIndex ) )
-			{
+			if ( elementTabIndex < curTabIndex && ( !elected || elementTabIndex > electedTabIndex ) ) {
 				elected = element;
 				electedTabIndex = elementTabIndex;
@@ -335,28 +265,32 @@ CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.focusPrevious = function( ignoreChildren, indexTo
- * Intructs the editor to add a number of spaces (&nbsp;) to the text when
- * hitting the TAB key. If set to zero, the TAB key will be used to move the
+ * Intructs the editor to add a number of spaces (` `) to the text when
+ * hitting the *TAB* key. If set to zero, the *TAB* key will be used to move the
  * cursor focus to the next element in the page, out of the editor focus.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.tabSpaces
- * @type Number
- * @default 0
- * @example
- * config.tabSpaces = 4;
+ *
+ *		config.tabSpaces = 4;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [tabSpaces=0]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
  * Allow context-sensitive tab key behaviors, including the following scenarios:
- * <h5>When selection is anchored inside <b>table cells</b>:</h5>
- * <ul>
- * 		<li>If TAB is pressed, select the contents of the "next" cell. If in the last cell in the table, add a new row to it and focus its first cell.</li>
- * 		<li>If SHIFT+TAB is pressed, select the contents of the "previous" cell. Do nothing when it's in the first cell.</li>
- * </ul>
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.enableTabKeyTools
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.enableTabKeyTools = false;
+ *
+ * When selection is anchored inside **table cells**:
+ *
+ * * If *TAB* is pressed, select the contents of the "next" cell. If in the last
+ *     cell in the table, add a new row to it and focus its first cell.
+ * * If *SHIFT+TAB* is pressed, select the contents of the "previous" cell.
+ *     Do nothing when it's in the first cell.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ *		config.enableTabKeyTools = false;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [enableTabKeyTools=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 // If the TAB key is not supposed to be enabled for navigation, the following
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/dialogs/table.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/dialogs/table.js
index c6f8a05..54d8ccf 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/dialogs/table.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/dialogs/table.js
@@ -1,110 +1,120 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	var widthPattern = /^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(px|%)$/,
-		heightPattern = /^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)px$/;
-	var commitValue = function( data )
-	{
-		var id = this.id;
-		if ( !data.info )
-			data.info = {};
-		data.info[id] = this.getValue();
-	};
-	function tableDialog( editor, command )
-	{
-		var makeElement = function( name )
-			{
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
+	var defaultToPixel = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength;
+	var commitValue = function( data ) {
+			var id = this.id;
+			if ( !data.info )
+				data.info = {};
+			data.info[ id ] = this.getValue();
+		};
+	function tableColumns( table ) {
+		var cols = 0,
+			maxCols = 0;
+		for ( var i = 0, row, rows = table.$.rows.length; i < rows; i++ ) {
+			row = table.$.rows[ i ], cols = 0;
+			for ( var j = 0, cell, cells = row.cells.length; j < cells; j++ ) {
+				cell = row.cells[ j ];
+				cols += cell.colSpan;
+			}
+			cols > maxCols && ( maxCols = cols );
+		}
+		return maxCols;
+	}
+	// Whole-positive-integer validator.
+	function validatorNum( msg ) {
+		return function() {
+			var value = this.getValue(),
+				pass = !!( CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer()( value ) && value > 0 );
+			if ( !pass ) {
+				alert( msg );
+				this.select();
+			}
+			return pass;
+		};
+	}
+	function tableDialog( editor, command ) {
+		var makeElement = function( name ) {
 				return new CKEDITOR.dom.element( name, editor.document );
+		var editable = editor.editable();
 		var dialogadvtab = editor.plugins.dialogadvtab;
 		return {
-			title : editor.lang.table.title,
-			minWidth : 310,
-			minHeight : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 310 : 280,
+			title: editor.lang.table.title,
+			minWidth: 310,
+			minHeight: CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 310 : 280,
-			onLoad : function()
-			{
+			onLoad: function() {
 				var dialog = this;
 				var styles = dialog.getContentElement( 'advanced', 'advStyles' );
-				if ( styles )
-				{
-					styles.on( 'change', function( evt )
-						{
-							// Synchronize width value.
-							var width = this.getStyle( 'width', '' ),
-								txtWidth = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtWidth' ),
-								cmbWidthType = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbWidthType' ),
-								isPx = 1;
-							if ( width )
-							{
-								isPx = ( width.length < 3 || width.substr( width.length - 1 ) != '%' );
-								width = parseInt( width, 10 );
-							}
+				if ( styles ) {
+					styles.on( 'change', function( evt ) {
+						// Synchronize width value.
+						var width = this.getStyle( 'width', '' ),
+							txtWidth = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtWidth' );
-							txtWidth && txtWidth.setValue( width, true );
-							cmbWidthType && cmbWidthType.setValue( isPx ? 'pixels' : 'percents', true );
+						txtWidth && txtWidth.setValue( width, true );
-							// Synchronize height value.
-							var height = this.getStyle( 'height', '' ),
-								txtHeight = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtHeight' );
+						// Synchronize height value.
+						var height = this.getStyle( 'height', '' ),
+							txtHeight = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtHeight' );
-							height && ( height = parseInt( height, 10 ) );
-							txtHeight && txtHeight.setValue( height, true );
-						});
+						txtHeight && txtHeight.setValue( height, true );
+					});
-			onShow : function()
-			{
+			onShow: function() {
 				// Detect if there's a selected table.
 				var selection = editor.getSelection(),
 					ranges = selection.getRanges(),
-					selectedTable = null;
+					table;
 				var rowsInput = this.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtRows' ),
 					colsInput = this.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtCols' ),
 					widthInput = this.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtWidth' ),
 					heightInput = this.getContentElement( 'info', 'txtHeight' );
-				if ( command == 'tableProperties' )
-				{
-					if ( ( selectedTable = selection.getSelectedElement() ) )
-						selectedTable = selectedTable.getAscendant( 'table', true );
-					else if ( ranges.length > 0 )
-					{
+				if ( command == 'tableProperties' ) {
+					var selected = selection.getSelectedElement();
+					if ( selected && selected.is( 'table' ) )
+						table = selected;
+					else if ( ranges.length > 0 ) {
 						// Webkit could report the following range on cell selection (#4948):
 						// <table><tr><td>[ </td></tr></table>]
 						if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
 							ranges[ 0 ].shrink( CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT );
-						var rangeRoot = ranges[0].getCommonAncestor( true );
-						selectedTable = rangeRoot.getAscendant( 'table', true );
+						table = editor.elementPath( ranges[ 0 ].getCommonAncestor( true ) ).contains( 'table', 1 );
 					// Save a reference to the selected table, and push a new set of default values.
-					this._.selectedElement = selectedTable;
+					this._.selectedElement = table;
 				// Enable or disable the row, cols, width fields.
-				if ( selectedTable )
-				{
-					this.setupContent( selectedTable );
+				if ( table ) {
+					this.setupContent( table );
 					rowsInput && rowsInput.disable();
 					colsInput && colsInput.disable();
-				}
-				else
-				{
+				} else {
 					rowsInput && rowsInput.enable();
 					colsInput && colsInput.enable();
@@ -114,13 +124,9 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				widthInput && widthInput.onChange();
 				heightInput && heightInput.onChange();
-			onOk : function()
-			{
-				if ( this._.selectedElement )
-				{
-					var selection = editor.getSelection(),
-						bms = selection.createBookmarks();
-				}
+			onOk: function() {
+				var selection = editor.getSelection(),
+					bms = this._.selectedElement && selection.createBookmarks();
 				var table = this._.selectedElement || makeElement( 'table' ),
 					me = this,
@@ -128,22 +134,18 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				this.commitContent( data, table );
-				if ( data.info )
-				{
+				if ( data.info ) {
 					var info = data.info;
 					// Generate the rows and cols.
-					if ( !this._.selectedElement )
-					{
+					if ( !this._.selectedElement ) {
 						var tbody = table.append( makeElement( 'tbody' ) ),
 							rows = parseInt( info.txtRows, 10 ) || 0,
 							cols = parseInt( info.txtCols, 10 ) || 0;
-						for ( var i = 0 ; i < rows ; i++ )
-						{
+						for ( var i = 0; i < rows; i++ ) {
 							var row = tbody.append( makeElement( 'tr' ) );
-							for ( var j = 0 ; j < cols ; j++ )
-							{
+							for ( var j = 0; j < cols; j++ ) {
 								var cell = row.append( makeElement( 'td' ) );
 								if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
 									cell.append( makeElement( 'br' ) );
@@ -156,19 +158,16 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					// Should we make a <thead>?
 					var headers = info.selHeaders;
-					if ( !table.$.tHead && ( headers == 'row' || headers == 'both' ) )
-					{
+					if ( !table.$.tHead && ( headers == 'row' || headers == 'both' ) ) {
 						var thead = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( table.$.createTHead() );
 						tbody = table.getElementsByTag( 'tbody' ).getItem( 0 );
 						var theRow = tbody.getElementsByTag( 'tr' ).getItem( 0 );
 						// Change TD to TH:
-						for ( i = 0 ; i < theRow.getChildCount() ; i++ )
-						{
+						for ( i = 0; i < theRow.getChildCount(); i++ ) {
 							var th = theRow.getChild( i );
 							// Skip bookmark nodes. (#6155)
-							if ( th.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !th.hasAttribute( '_cke_bookmark' ) )
-							{
+							if ( th.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !th.data( 'cke-bookmark' ) ) {
 								th.renameNode( 'th' );
 								th.setAttribute( 'scope', 'col' );
@@ -176,21 +175,17 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 						thead.append( theRow.remove() );
-					if ( table.$.tHead !== null && !( headers == 'row' || headers == 'both' ) )
-					{
+					if ( table.$.tHead !== null && !( headers == 'row' || headers == 'both' ) ) {
 						// Move the row out of the THead and put it in the TBody:
 						thead = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( table.$.tHead );
 						tbody = table.getElementsByTag( 'tbody' ).getItem( 0 );
 						var previousFirstRow = tbody.getFirst();
-						while ( thead.getChildCount() > 0 )
-						{
+						while ( thead.getChildCount() > 0 ) {
 							theRow = thead.getFirst();
-							for ( i = 0; i < theRow.getChildCount() ; i++ )
-							{
+							for ( i = 0; i < theRow.getChildCount(); i++ ) {
 								var newCell = theRow.getChild( i );
-								if ( newCell.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
-								{
+								if ( newCell.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
 									newCell.renameNode( 'td' );
 									newCell.removeAttribute( 'scope' );
@@ -201,10 +196,8 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					// Should we make all first cells in a row TH?
-					if ( !this.hasColumnHeaders && ( headers == 'col' || headers == 'both' ) )
-					{
-						for ( row = 0 ; row < table.$.rows.length ; row++ )
-						{
+					if ( !this.hasColumnHeaders && ( headers == 'col' || headers == 'both' ) ) {
+						for ( row = 0; row < table.$.rows.length; row++ ) {
 							newCell = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( table.$.rows[ row ].cells[ 0 ] );
 							newCell.renameNode( 'th' );
 							newCell.setAttribute( 'scope', 'row' );
@@ -212,14 +205,11 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					// Should we make all first TH-cells in a row make TD? If 'yes' we do it the other way round :-)
-					if ( ( this.hasColumnHeaders ) && !( headers == 'col' || headers == 'both' ) )
-					{
-						for ( i = 0 ; i < table.$.rows.length ; i++ )
-						{
-							row = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( table.$.rows[i] );
-							if ( row.getParent().getName() == 'tbody' )
-							{
-								newCell = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( row.$.cells[0] );
+					if ( ( this.hasColumnHeaders ) && !( headers == 'col' || headers == 'both' ) ) {
+						for ( i = 0; i < table.$.rows.length; i++ ) {
+							row = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( table.$.rows[ i ] );
+							if ( row.getParent().getName() == 'tbody' ) {
+								newCell = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( row.$.cells[ 0 ] );
 								newCell.renameNode( 'td' );
 								newCell.removeAttribute( 'scope' );
@@ -227,447 +217,330 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					// Set the width and height.
-					var styles = [];
-					if ( info.txtHeight )
-						table.setStyle( 'height', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( info.txtHeight ) );
-					else
-						table.removeStyle( 'height' );
-					if ( info.txtWidth )
-					{
-						var type = info.cmbWidthType || 'pixels';
-						table.setStyle( 'width', info.txtWidth + ( type == 'pixels' ? 'px' : '%' ) );
-					}
-					else
-						table.removeStyle( 'width' );
+					info.txtHeight ? table.setStyle( 'height', info.txtHeight ) : table.removeStyle( 'height' );
+					info.txtWidth ? table.setStyle( 'width', info.txtWidth ) : table.removeStyle( 'width' );
 					if ( !table.getAttribute( 'style' ) )
 						table.removeAttribute( 'style' );
 				// Insert the table element if we're creating one.
-				if ( !this._.selectedElement )
+				if ( !this._.selectedElement ) {
 					editor.insertElement( table );
-				// Properly restore the selection inside table. (#4822)
+					// Override the default cursor position after insertElement to place
+					// cursor inside the first cell (#7959), IE needs a while.
+					setTimeout( function() {
+						var firstCell = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( table.$.rows[ 0 ].cells[ 0 ] );
+						var range = editor.createRange();
+						range.moveToPosition( firstCell, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
+						range.select();
+					}, 0 );
+				}
+				// Properly restore the selection, (#4822) but don't break
+				// because of this, e.g. updated table caption.
+					try {
 					selection.selectBookmarks( bms );
-				return true;
+				} catch ( er ) {}
-			contents : [
+			contents: [
-					id : 'info',
-					label : editor.lang.table.title,
-					elements :
-					[
+				id: 'info',
+				label: editor.lang.table.title,
+				elements: [
+					{
+					type: 'hbox',
+					widths: [ null, null ],
+					styles: [ 'vertical-align:top' ],
+					children: [
-							type : 'hbox',
-							widths : [ null, null ],
-							styles : [ 'vertical-align:top' ],
-							children :
-							[
-								{
-									type : 'vbox',
-									padding : 0,
-									children :
-									[
-										{
-											type : 'text',
-											id : 'txtRows',
-											'default' : 3,
-											label : editor.lang.table.rows,
-											required : true,
-											style : 'width:5em',
-											validate : function()
-											{
-												var pass = true,
-													value = this.getValue();
-												pass = pass && CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer()( value )
-													&& value > 0;
-												if ( !pass )
-												{
-													alert( editor.lang.table.invalidRows );
-													this.select();
-												}
-												return pass;
-											},
-											setup : function( selectedElement )
-											{
-												this.setValue( selectedElement.$.rows.length );
-											},
-											commit : commitValue
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'text',
-											id : 'txtCols',
-											'default' : 2,
-											label : editor.lang.table.columns,
-											required : true,
-											style : 'width:5em',
-											validate : function()
-											{
-												var pass = true,
-													value = this.getValue();
-												pass = pass && CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer()( value )
-													&& value > 0;
-												if ( !pass )
-												{
-													alert( editor.lang.table.invalidCols );
-													this.select();
-												}
-												return pass;
-											},
-											setup : function( selectedTable )
-											{
-												this.setValue( selectedTable.$.rows[0].cells.length);
-											},
-											commit : commitValue
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'html',
-											html : ' '
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'select',
-											id : 'selHeaders',
-											'default' : '',
-											label : editor.lang.table.headers,
-											items :
-											[
-												[ editor.lang.table.headersNone, '' ],
-												[ editor.lang.table.headersRow, 'row' ],
-												[ editor.lang.table.headersColumn, 'col' ],
-												[ editor.lang.table.headersBoth, 'both' ]
-											],
-											setup : function( selectedTable )
-											{
-												// Fill in the headers field.
-												var dialog = this.getDialog();
-												dialog.hasColumnHeaders = true;
-												// Check if all the first cells in every row are TH
-												for ( var row = 0 ; row < selectedTable.$.rows.length ; row++ )
-												{
-													// If just one cell isn't a TH then it isn't a header column
-													if ( selectedTable.$.rows[row].cells[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'th' )
-													{
-														dialog.hasColumnHeaders = false;
-														break;
-													}
-												}
-												// Check if the table contains <thead>.
-												if ( ( selectedTable.$.tHead !== null) )
-													this.setValue( dialog.hasColumnHeaders ? 'both' : 'row' );
-												else
-													this.setValue( dialog.hasColumnHeaders ? 'col' : '' );
-											},
-											commit : commitValue
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'text',
-											id : 'txtBorder',
-											'default' : 1,
-											label : editor.lang.table.border,
-											style : 'width:3em',
-											validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate['number']( editor.lang.table.invalidBorder ),
-											setup : function( selectedTable )
-											{
-												this.setValue( selectedTable.getAttribute( 'border' ) || '' );
-											},
-											commit : function( data, selectedTable )
-											{
-												if ( this.getValue() )
-													selectedTable.setAttribute( 'border', this.getValue() );
-												else
-													selectedTable.removeAttribute( 'border' );
-											}
-										},
-										{
-											id : 'cmbAlign',
-											type : 'select',
-											'default' : '',
-											label : editor.lang.table.align,
-											items :
-											[
-												[ editor.lang.common.notSet , ''],
-												[ editor.lang.table.alignLeft , 'left'],
-												[ editor.lang.table.alignCenter , 'center'],
-												[ editor.lang.table.alignRight , 'right']
-											],
-											setup : function( selectedTable )
-											{
-												this.setValue( selectedTable.getAttribute( 'align' ) || '' );
-											},
-											commit : function( data, selectedTable )
-											{
-												if ( this.getValue() )
-													selectedTable.setAttribute( 'align', this.getValue() );
-												else
-													selectedTable.removeAttribute( 'align' );
-											}
-										}
-									]
-								},
-								{
-									type : 'vbox',
-									padding : 0,
-									children :
-									[
-										{
-											type : 'hbox',
-											widths : [ '5em' ],
-											children :
-											[
-												{
-													type : 'text',
-													id : 'txtWidth',
-													style : 'width:5em',
-													label : editor.lang.table.width,
-													'default' : 500,
-													validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate['number']( editor.lang.table.invalidWidth ),
-													// Extra labelling of width unit type.
-													onLoad : function()
-													{
-														var widthType = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbWidthType' ),
-															labelElement = widthType.getElement(),
-															inputElement = this.getInputElement(),
-															ariaLabelledByAttr = inputElement.getAttribute( 'aria-labelledby' );
-														inputElement.setAttribute( 'aria-labelledby', [ ariaLabelledByAttr, labelElement.$.id ].join( ' ' ) );
-													},
-													onChange : function()
-													{
-														var styles = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'advanced', 'advStyles' );
-														if ( styles )
-														{
-															var value = this.getValue();
-															if ( value )
-																value += this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'cmbWidthType' ).getValue() == 'percents' ? '%' : 'px';
-															styles.updateStyle( 'width', value );
-														}
-													},
-													setup : function( selectedTable )
-													{
-														var widthMatch = widthPattern.exec( selectedTable.$.style.width );
-														if ( widthMatch )
-															this.setValue( widthMatch[1] );
-														else
-															this.setValue( '' );
-													},
-													commit : commitValue
-												},
-												{
-													id : 'cmbWidthType',
-													type : 'select',
-													label : editor.lang.table.widthUnit,
-													labelStyle: 'visibility:hidden',
-													'default' : 'pixels',
-													items :
-													[
-														[ editor.lang.table.widthPx , 'pixels'],
-														[ editor.lang.table.widthPc , 'percents']
-													],
-													setup : function( selectedTable )
-													{
-														var widthMatch = widthPattern.exec( selectedTable.$.style.width );
-														if ( widthMatch )
-															this.setValue( widthMatch[2] == 'px' ? 'pixels' : 'percents' );
-													},
-													onChange : function()
-													{
-														this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'txtWidth' ).onChange();
-													},
-													commit : commitValue
-												}
-											]
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'hbox',
-											widths : [ '5em' ],
-											children :
-											[
-												{
-													type : 'text',
-													id : 'txtHeight',
-													style : 'width:5em',
-													label : editor.lang.table.height,
-													'default' : '',
-													validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate['number']( editor.lang.table.invalidHeight ),
-													// Extra labelling of height unit type.
-													onLoad : function()
-													{
-														var heightType = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'htmlHeightType' ),
-															labelElement = heightType.getElement(),
-															inputElement = this.getInputElement(),
-															ariaLabelledByAttr = inputElement.getAttribute( 'aria-labelledby' );
-														inputElement.setAttribute( 'aria-labelledby', [ ariaLabelledByAttr, labelElement.$.id ].join( ' ' ) );
-													},
-													onChange : function()
-													{
-														var styles = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'advanced', 'advStyles' );
-														if ( styles )
-														{
-															var value = this.getValue();
-															styles.updateStyle( 'height', value && ( value + 'px' ) );
-														}
-													},
-													setup : function( selectedTable )
-													{
-														var heightMatch = heightPattern.exec( selectedTable.$.style.height );
-														if ( heightMatch )
-															this.setValue( heightMatch[1] );
-													},
-													commit : commitValue
-												},
-												{
-													id : 'htmlHeightType',
-													type : 'html',
-													html : '<div><br />' + editor.lang.table.widthPx + '</div>'
-												}
-											]
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'html',
-											html : ' '
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'text',
-											id : 'txtCellSpace',
-											style : 'width:3em',
-											label : editor.lang.table.cellSpace,
-											'default' : 1,
-											validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate['number']( editor.lang.table.invalidCellSpacing ),
-											setup : function( selectedTable )
-											{
-												this.setValue( selectedTable.getAttribute( 'cellSpacing' ) || '' );
-											},
-											commit : function( data, selectedTable )
-											{
-												if ( this.getValue() )
-													selectedTable.setAttribute( 'cellSpacing', this.getValue() );
-												else
-													selectedTable.removeAttribute( 'cellSpacing' );
-											}
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'text',
-											id : 'txtCellPad',
-											style : 'width:3em',
-											label : editor.lang.table.cellPad,
-											'default' : 1,
-											validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate['number']( editor.lang.table.invalidCellPadding ),
-											setup : function( selectedTable )
-											{
-												this.setValue( selectedTable.getAttribute( 'cellPadding' ) || '' );
-											},
-											commit : function( data, selectedTable )
-											{
-												if ( this.getValue() )
-													selectedTable.setAttribute( 'cellPadding', this.getValue() );
-												else
-													selectedTable.removeAttribute( 'cellPadding' );
-											}
-										}
-									]
+						type: 'vbox',
+						padding: 0,
+						children: [
+							{
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'txtRows',
+							'default': 3,
+							label: editor.lang.table.rows,
+							required: true,
+							controlStyle: 'width:5em',
+							validate: validatorNum( editor.lang.table.invalidRows ),
+							setup: function( selectedElement ) {
+								this.setValue( selectedElement.$.rows.length );
+							},
+							commit: commitValue
+						},
+							{
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'txtCols',
+							'default': 2,
+							label: editor.lang.table.columns,
+							required: true,
+							controlStyle: 'width:5em',
+							validate: validatorNum( editor.lang.table.invalidCols ),
+							setup: function( selectedTable ) {
+								this.setValue( tableColumns( selectedTable ) );
+							},
+							commit: commitValue
+						},
+							{
+							type: 'html',
+							html: ' '
+						},
+							{
+							type: 'select',
+							id: 'selHeaders',
+							'default': '',
+							label: editor.lang.table.headers,
+							items: [
+								[ editor.lang.table.headersNone, '' ],
+								[ editor.lang.table.headersRow, 'row' ],
+								[ editor.lang.table.headersColumn, 'col' ],
+								[ editor.lang.table.headersBoth, 'both' ]
+								],
+							setup: function( selectedTable ) {
+								// Fill in the headers field.
+								var dialog = this.getDialog();
+								dialog.hasColumnHeaders = true;
+								// Check if all the first cells in every row are TH
+								for ( var row = 0; row < selectedTable.$.rows.length; row++ ) {
+									// If just one cell isn't a TH then it isn't a header column
+									var headCell = selectedTable.$.rows[ row ].cells[ 0 ];
+									if ( headCell && headCell.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'th' ) {
+										dialog.hasColumnHeaders = false;
+										break;
+									}
-							]
+								// Check if the table contains <thead>.
+								if ( ( selectedTable.$.tHead !== null ) )
+									this.setValue( dialog.hasColumnHeaders ? 'both' : 'row' );
+								else
+									this.setValue( dialog.hasColumnHeaders ? 'col' : '' );
+							},
+							commit: commitValue
-						{
-							type : 'html',
-							align : 'right',
-							html : ''
+							{
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'txtBorder',
+							'default': 1,
+							label: editor.lang.table.border,
+							controlStyle: 'width:3em',
+							validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate[ 'number' ]( editor.lang.table.invalidBorder ),
+							setup: function( selectedTable ) {
+								this.setValue( selectedTable.getAttribute( 'border' ) || '' );
+							},
+							commit: function( data, selectedTable ) {
+								if ( this.getValue() )
+									selectedTable.setAttribute( 'border', this.getValue() );
+								else
+									selectedTable.removeAttribute( 'border' );
+							}
+							{
+							id: 'cmbAlign',
+							type: 'select',
+							'default': '',
+							label: editor.lang.common.align,
+							items: [
+								[ editor.lang.common.notSet, '' ],
+								[ editor.lang.common.alignLeft, 'left' ],
+								[ editor.lang.common.alignCenter, 'center' ],
+								[ editor.lang.common.alignRight, 'right' ]
+								],
+							setup: function( selectedTable ) {
+								this.setValue( selectedTable.getAttribute( 'align' ) || '' );
+							},
+							commit: function( data, selectedTable ) {
+								if ( this.getValue() )
+									selectedTable.setAttribute( 'align', this.getValue() );
+								else
+									selectedTable.removeAttribute( 'align' );
+							}
+						}
+						]
+					},
-							type : 'vbox',
-							padding : 0,
-							children :
-							[
+						type: 'vbox',
+						padding: 0,
+						children: [
+							{
+							type: 'hbox',
+							widths: [ '5em' ],
+							children: [
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'txtCaption',
-									label : editor.lang.table.caption,
-									setup : function( selectedTable )
-									{
-										var nodeList = selectedTable.getElementsByTag( 'caption' );
-										if ( nodeList.count() > 0 )
-										{
-											var caption = nodeList.getItem( 0 );
-											caption = ( caption.getChild( 0 ) && caption.getChild( 0 ).getText() ) || '';
-											caption = CKEDITOR.tools.trim( caption );
-											this.setValue( caption );
-										}
-									},
-									commit : function( data, table )
-									{
-										var caption = this.getValue(),
-											captionElement = table.getElementsByTag( 'caption' );
-										if ( caption )
-										{
-											if ( captionElement.count() > 0 )
-											{
-												captionElement = captionElement.getItem( 0 );
-												captionElement.setHtml( '' );
-											}
-											else
-											{
-												captionElement = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'caption', editor.document );
-												if ( table.getChildCount() )
-													captionElement.insertBefore( table.getFirst() );
-												else
-													captionElement.appendTo( table );
-											}
-											captionElement.append( new CKEDITOR.dom.text( caption, editor.document ) );
-										}
-										else if ( captionElement.count() > 0 )
-										{
-											for ( var i = captionElement.count() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-												captionElement.getItem( i ).remove();
-										}
-									}
+								type: 'text',
+								id: 'txtWidth',
+								controlStyle: 'width:5em',
+								label: editor.lang.common.width,
+								title: editor.lang.common.cssLengthTooltip,
+								// Smarter default table width. (#9600)
+								'default': editable.getSize( 'width' ) < 500 ? '100%' : 500,
+								getValue: defaultToPixel,
+								validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.cssLength( editor.lang.common.invalidCssLength.replace( '%1', editor.lang.common.width ) ),
+								onChange: function() {
+									var styles = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'advanced', 'advStyles' );
+									styles && styles.updateStyle( 'width', this.getValue() );
+								setup: function( selectedTable ) {
+									var val = selectedTable.getStyle( 'width' );
+									this.setValue( val );
+								},
+								commit: commitValue
+							}
+							]
+						},
+							{
+							type: 'hbox',
+							widths: [ '5em' ],
+							children: [
-									type : 'text',
-									id : 'txtSummary',
-									label : editor.lang.table.summary,
-									setup : function( selectedTable )
-									{
-										this.setValue( selectedTable.getAttribute( 'summary' ) || '' );
-									},
-									commit : function( data, selectedTable )
-									{
-										if ( this.getValue() )
-											selectedTable.setAttribute( 'summary', this.getValue() );
-										else
-											selectedTable.removeAttribute( 'summary' );
-									}
-								}
+								type: 'text',
+								id: 'txtHeight',
+								controlStyle: 'width:5em',
+								label: editor.lang.common.height,
+								title: editor.lang.common.cssLengthTooltip,
+								'default': '',
+								getValue: defaultToPixel,
+								validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.cssLength( editor.lang.common.invalidCssLength.replace( '%1', editor.lang.common.height ) ),
+								onChange: function() {
+									var styles = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'advanced', 'advStyles' );
+									styles && styles.updateStyle( 'height', this.getValue() );
+								},
+								setup: function( selectedTable ) {
+									var val = selectedTable.getStyle( 'height' );
+									val && this.setValue( val );
+								},
+								commit: commitValue
+							}
+						},
+							{
+							type: 'html',
+							html: ' '
+						},
+							{
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'txtCellSpace',
+							controlStyle: 'width:3em',
+							label: editor.lang.table.cellSpace,
+							'default': 1,
+							validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.number( editor.lang.table.invalidCellSpacing ),
+							setup: function( selectedTable ) {
+								this.setValue( selectedTable.getAttribute( 'cellSpacing' ) || '' );
+							},
+							commit: function( data, selectedTable ) {
+								if ( this.getValue() )
+									selectedTable.setAttribute( 'cellSpacing', this.getValue() );
+								else
+									selectedTable.removeAttribute( 'cellSpacing' );
+							}
+						},
+							{
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'txtCellPad',
+							controlStyle: 'width:3em',
+							label: editor.lang.table.cellPad,
+							'default': 1,
+							validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.number( editor.lang.table.invalidCellPadding ),
+							setup: function( selectedTable ) {
+								this.setValue( selectedTable.getAttribute( 'cellPadding' ) || '' );
+							},
+							commit: function( data, selectedTable ) {
+								if ( this.getValue() )
+									selectedTable.setAttribute( 'cellPadding', this.getValue() );
+								else
+									selectedTable.removeAttribute( 'cellPadding' );
+							}
+						]
+					}
+					{
+					type: 'html',
+					align: 'right',
+					html: ''
+				},
+					{
+					type: 'vbox',
+					padding: 0,
+					children: [
+						{
+						type: 'text',
+						id: 'txtCaption',
+						label: editor.lang.table.caption,
+						setup: function( selectedTable ) {
+							this.enable();
+							var nodeList = selectedTable.getElementsByTag( 'caption' );
+							if ( nodeList.count() > 0 ) {
+								var caption = nodeList.getItem( 0 );
+								var firstElementChild = caption.getFirst( CKEDITOR.dom.walker.nodeType( CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) );
+								if ( firstElementChild && !firstElementChild.equals( caption.getBogus() ) ) {
+									this.disable();
+									this.setValue( caption.getText() );
+									return;
+								}
+								caption = CKEDITOR.tools.trim( caption.getText() );
+								this.setValue( caption );
+							}
+						},
+						commit: function( data, table ) {
+							if ( !this.isEnabled() )
+								return;
+							var caption = this.getValue(),
+								captionElement = table.getElementsByTag( 'caption' );
+							if ( caption ) {
+								if ( captionElement.count() > 0 ) {
+									captionElement = captionElement.getItem( 0 );
+									captionElement.setHtml( '' );
+								} else {
+									captionElement = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'caption', editor.document );
+									if ( table.getChildCount() )
+										captionElement.insertBefore( table.getFirst() );
+									else
+										captionElement.appendTo( table );
+								}
+								captionElement.append( new CKEDITOR.dom.text( caption, editor.document ) );
+							} else if ( captionElement.count() > 0 ) {
+								for ( var i = captionElement.count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+									captionElement.getItem( i ).remove();
+							}
+						}
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'text',
+						id: 'txtSummary',
+						label: editor.lang.table.summary,
+						setup: function( selectedTable ) {
+							this.setValue( selectedTable.getAttribute( 'summary' ) || '' );
+						},
+						commit: function( data, selectedTable ) {
+							if ( this.getValue() )
+								selectedTable.setAttribute( 'summary', this.getValue() );
+							else
+								selectedTable.removeAttribute( 'summary' );
+						}
+					}
+					]
+				}
+				]
+			},
 				dialogadvtab && dialogadvtab.createAdvancedTab( editor )
-			]
+				]
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'table', function( editor )
-		{
-			return tableDialog( editor, 'table' );
-		} );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'tableProperties', function( editor )
-		{
-			return tableDialog( editor, 'tableProperties' );
-		} );
+	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'table', function( editor ) {
+		return tableDialog( editor, 'table' );
+	});
+	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'tableProperties', function( editor ) {
+		return tableDialog( editor, 'tableProperties' );
+	});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/icons/table.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/icons/table.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f441008
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/icons/table.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75fc24d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'af', {
+	border: 'Randbreedte',
+	caption: 'Naam',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Sel',
+		insertBefore: 'Voeg sel in voor',
+		insertAfter: 'Voeg sel in na',
+		deleteCell: 'Verwyder sel',
+		merge: 'Voeg selle saam',
+		mergeRight: 'Voeg saam na regs',
+		mergeDown: 'Voeg saam ondertoe',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Splits sel horisontaal',
+		splitVertical: 'Splits sel vertikaal',
+		title: 'Sel eienskappe',
+		cellType: 'Sel tipe',
+		rowSpan: 'Omspan rye',
+		colSpan: 'Omspan kolomme',
+		wordWrap: 'Woord terugloop',
+		hAlign: 'Horisontale oplyning',
+		vAlign: 'Vertikale oplyning',
+		alignBaseline: 'Basislyn',
+		bgColor: 'Agtergrondkleur',
+		borderColor: 'Randkleur',
+		data: 'Inhoud',
+		header: 'Opskrif',
+		yes: 'Ja',
+		no: 'Nee',
+		invalidWidth: 'Selbreedte moet \'n getal wees.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Selhoogte moet \'n getal wees.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Omspan rye moet \'n heelgetal wees.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Omspan kolomme moet \'n heelgetal wees.',
+		chooseColor: 'Kies'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Sel-spasie',
+	cellSpace: 'Sel-afstand',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Kolom',
+		insertBefore: 'Voeg kolom in voor',
+		insertAfter: 'Voeg kolom in na',
+		deleteColumn: 'Verwyder kolom'
+	},
+	columns: 'Kolomme',
+	deleteTable: 'Verwyder tabel',
+	headers: 'Opskrifte',
+	headersBoth: 'Beide    ',
+	headersColumn: 'Eerste kolom',
+	headersNone: 'Geen',
+	headersRow: 'Eerste ry',
+	invalidBorder: 'Randbreedte moet \'n getal wees.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Sel-spasie moet \'n getal wees.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Sel-afstand moet \'n getal wees.',
+	invalidCols: 'Aantal kolomme moet \'n getal groter as 0 wees.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Tabelhoogte moet \'n getal wees.',
+	invalidRows: 'Aantal rye moet \'n getal groter as 0 wees.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Tabelbreedte moet \'n getal wees.',
+	menu: 'Tabel eienskappe',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Ry',
+		insertBefore: 'Voeg ry in voor',
+		insertAfter: 'Voeg ry in na',
+		deleteRow: 'Verwyder ry'
+	},
+	rows: 'Rye',
+	summary: 'Opsomming',
+	title: 'Tabel eienskappe',
+	toolbar: 'Tabel',
+	widthPc: 'persent',
+	widthPx: 'piksels',
+	widthUnit: 'breedte-eenheid'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6d30db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'ar', {
+	border: 'الحدود',
+	caption: 'الوصف',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'خلية',
+		insertBefore: 'إدراج خلية قبل',
+		insertAfter: 'إدراج خلية بعد',
+		deleteCell: 'حذف خلية',
+		merge: 'دمج خلايا',
+		mergeRight: 'دمج لليمين',
+		mergeDown: 'دمج للأسفل',
+		splitHorizontal: 'تقسيم الخلية أفقياً',
+		splitVertical: 'تقسيم الخلية عمودياً',
+		title: 'خصائص الخلية',
+		cellType: 'نوع الخلية',
+		rowSpan: 'امتداد الصفوف',
+		colSpan: 'امتداد الأعمدة',
+		wordWrap: 'التفاف النص',
+		hAlign: 'محاذاة أفقية',
+		vAlign: 'محاذاة رأسية',
+		alignBaseline: 'خط القاعدة',
+		bgColor: 'لون الخلفية',
+		borderColor: 'لون الحدود',
+		data: 'بيانات',
+		header: 'عنوان',
+		yes: 'نعم',
+		no: 'لا',
+		invalidWidth: 'عرض الخلية يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
+		invalidHeight: 'ارتفاع الخلية يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'امتداد الصفوف يجب أن يكون عدداً صحيحاً.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'امتداد الأعمدة يجب أن يكون عدداً صحيحاً.',
+		chooseColor: 'اختر'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'المسافة البادئة',
+	cellSpace: 'تباعد الخلايا',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'عمود',
+		insertBefore: 'إدراج عمود قبل',
+		insertAfter: 'إدراج عمود بعد',
+		deleteColumn: 'حذف أعمدة'
+	},
+	columns: 'أعمدة',
+	deleteTable: 'حذف الجدول',
+	headers: 'العناوين',
+	headersBoth: 'كلاهما',
+	headersColumn: 'العمود الأول',
+	headersNone: 'بدون',
+	headersRow: 'الصف الأول',
+	invalidBorder: 'حجم الحد يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'المسافة البادئة يجب أن تكون عدداً',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'المسافة بين الخلايا يجب أن تكون عدداً.',
+	invalidCols: 'عدد الأعمدة يجب أن يكون عدداً أكبر من صفر.',
+	invalidHeight: 'ارتفاع الجدول يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
+	invalidRows: 'عدد الصفوف يجب أن يكون عدداً أكبر من صفر.',
+	invalidWidth: 'عرض الجدول يجب أن يكون عدداً.',
+	menu: 'خصائص الجدول',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'صف',
+		insertBefore: 'إدراج صف قبل',
+		insertAfter: 'إدراج صف بعد',
+		deleteRow: 'حذف صفوف'
+	},
+	rows: 'صفوف',
+	summary: 'الخلاصة',
+	title: 'خصائص الجدول',
+	toolbar: 'جدول',
+	widthPc: 'بالمئة',
+	widthPx: 'بكسل',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40a7f41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'bg', {
+	border: 'Размер на рамката',
+	caption: 'Заглавие',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Клетка',
+		insertBefore: 'Вмъкване на клетка преди',
+		insertAfter: 'Вмъкване на клетка след',
+		deleteCell: 'Изтриване на клетки',
+		merge: 'Сливане на клетки',
+		mergeRight: 'Сливане в дясно',
+		mergeDown: 'Merge Down',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
+		splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically',
+		title: 'Настройки на клетката',
+		cellType: 'Тип на клетката',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Авто. пренос',
+		hAlign: 'Хоризонтално подравняване',
+		vAlign: 'Вертикално подравняване',
+		alignBaseline: 'Базова линия',
+		bgColor: 'Фон',
+		borderColor: 'Цвят на рамката',
+		data: 'Данни',
+		header: 'Хедър',
+		yes: 'Да',
+		no: 'Не',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Изберете'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Отделяне на клетките',
+	cellSpace: 'Разтояние между клетките',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Колона',
+		insertBefore: 'Вмъкване на колона преди',
+		insertAfter: 'Вмъкване на колона след',
+		deleteColumn: 'Изтриване на колони'
+	},
+	columns: 'Колони',
+	deleteTable: 'Изтриване на таблица',
+	headers: 'Хедъри',
+	headersBoth: 'Заедно',
+	headersColumn: 'Първа колона',
+	headersNone: 'Няма',
+	headersRow: 'Първи ред',
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Броят колони трябва да е по-голям от 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Броят редове трябва да е по-голям от 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
+	menu: 'Настройки на таблицата',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Ред',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Вмъкване на ред след',
+		deleteRow: 'Изтриване на редове'
+	},
+	rows: 'Редове',
+	summary: 'Обща информация',
+	title: 'Настройки на таблицата',
+	toolbar: 'Таблица',
+	widthPc: 'процент',
+	widthPx: 'пиксела',
+	widthUnit: 'единица за ширина'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..767c812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'bn', {
+	border: 'বর্ডার সাইজ',
+	caption: 'শীর্ষক',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'সেল',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Cell Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Cell After',
+		deleteCell: 'সেল মুছে দাও',
+		merge: 'সেল জোড়া দাও',
+		mergeRight: 'Merge Right',
+		mergeDown: 'Merge Down',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
+		splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'সেল প্যাডিং',
+	cellSpace: 'সেল স্পেস',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'কলাম',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Column Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Column After',
+		deleteColumn: 'কলাম মুছে দাও'
+	},
+	columns: 'কলাম',
+	deleteTable: 'টেবিল ডিলীট কর',
+	headers: 'Headers', // MISSING
+	headersBoth: 'Both', // MISSING
+	headersColumn: 'First column', // MISSING
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row', // MISSING
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
+	menu: 'টেবিল প্রোপার্টি',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'রো',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Row After',
+		deleteRow: 'রো মুছে দাও'
+	},
+	rows: 'রো',
+	summary: 'সারাংশ',
+	title: 'টেবিল প্রোপার্টি',
+	toolbar: 'টেবিলের লেবেল যুক্ত কর',
+	widthPc: 'শতকরা',
+	widthPx: 'পিক্সেল',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65c8ddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'bs', {
+	border: 'Okvir',
+	caption: 'Naslov',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cell',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Cell Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Cell After',
+		deleteCell: 'Briši æelije',
+		merge: 'Spoji æelije',
+		mergeRight: 'Merge Right',
+		mergeDown: 'Merge Down',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
+		splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Uvod æelija',
+	cellSpace: 'Razmak æelija',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Column',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Column Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Column After',
+		deleteColumn: 'Briši kolone'
+	},
+	columns: 'Kolona',
+	deleteTable: 'Delete Table', // MISSING
+	headers: 'Headers', // MISSING
+	headersBoth: 'Both', // MISSING
+	headersColumn: 'First column', // MISSING
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row', // MISSING
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
+	menu: 'Svojstva tabele',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Row',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Row After',
+		deleteRow: 'Briši redove'
+	},
+	rows: 'Redova',
+	summary: 'Summary', // MISSING
+	title: 'Svojstva tabele',
+	toolbar: 'Tabela',
+	widthPc: 'posto',
+	widthPx: 'piksela',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa6430a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'ca', {
+	border: 'Mida vora',
+	caption: 'Títol',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cel·la',
+		insertBefore: 'Insereix abans',
+		insertAfter: 'Insereix després',
+		deleteCell: 'Suprimeix',
+		merge: 'Fusiona',
+		mergeRight: 'Fusiona a la dreta',
+		mergeDown: 'Fusiona avall',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Divideix horitzontalment',
+		splitVertical: 'Divideix verticalment',
+		title: 'Propietats de la cel·la',
+		cellType: 'Tipus de cel·la',
+		rowSpan: 'Expansió de files',
+		colSpan: 'Expansió de columnes',
+		wordWrap: 'Ajustar al contingut',
+		hAlign: 'Alineació Horizontal',
+		vAlign: 'Alineació Vertical',
+		alignBaseline: 'A la línia base',
+		bgColor: 'Color de fons',
+		borderColor: 'Color de la vora',
+		data: 'Dades',
+		header: 'Capçalera',
+		yes: 'Sí',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'L\'amplada de cel·la ha de ser un nombre.',
+		invalidHeight: 'L\'alçada de cel·la ha de ser un nombre.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'L\'expansió de files ha de ser un nombre enter.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'L\'expansió de columnes ha de ser un nombre enter.',
+		chooseColor: 'Trieu'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Encoixinament de cel·les',
+	cellSpace: 'Espaiat de cel·les',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Columna',
+		insertBefore: 'Insereix columna abans de',
+		insertAfter: 'Insereix columna darrera',
+		deleteColumn: 'Suprimeix una columna'
+	},
+	columns: 'Columnes',
+	deleteTable: 'Suprimeix la taula',
+	headers: 'Capçaleres',
+	headersBoth: 'Ambdues',
+	headersColumn: 'Primera columna',
+	headersNone: 'Cap',
+	headersRow: 'Primera fila',
+	invalidBorder: 'El gruix de la vora ha de ser un nombre.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'L\'encoixinament de cel·la  ha de ser un nombre.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'L\'espaiat de cel·la  ha de ser un nombre.',
+	invalidCols: 'El nombre de columnes ha de ser un nombre major que 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'L\'alçada de la taula  ha de ser un nombre.',
+	invalidRows: 'El nombre de files ha de ser un nombre major que 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'L\'amplada de la taula  ha de ser un nombre.',
+	menu: 'Propietats de la taula',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Fila',
+		insertBefore: 'Insereix fila abans de',
+		insertAfter: 'Insereix fila darrera',
+		deleteRow: 'Suprimeix una fila'
+	},
+	rows: 'Files',
+	summary: 'Resum',
+	title: 'Propietats de la taula',
+	toolbar: 'Taula',
+	widthPc: 'percentatge',
+	widthPx: 'píxels',
+	widthUnit: 'unitat d\'amplada'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..858e77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'cs', {
+	border: 'Ohraničení',
+	caption: 'Popis',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Buňka',
+		insertBefore: 'Vložit buňku před',
+		insertAfter: 'Vložit buňku za',
+		deleteCell: 'Smazat buňky',
+		merge: 'Sloučit buňky',
+		mergeRight: 'Sloučit doprava',
+		mergeDown: 'Sloučit dolů',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Rozdělit buňky vodorovně',
+		splitVertical: 'Rozdělit buňky svisle',
+		title: 'Vlastnosti buňky',
+		cellType: 'Typ buňky',
+		rowSpan: 'Spojit řádky',
+		colSpan: 'Spojit sloupce',
+		wordWrap: 'Zalamování',
+		hAlign: 'Vodorovné zarovnání',
+		vAlign: 'Svislé zarovnání',
+		alignBaseline: 'Na účaří',
+		bgColor: 'Barva pozadí',
+		borderColor: 'Barva okraje',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Hlavička',
+		yes: 'Ano',
+		no: 'Ne',
+		invalidWidth: 'Šířka buňky musí být číslo.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Zadaná výška buňky musí být číslená.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Zadaný počet sloučených řádků musí být celé číslo.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Zadaný počet sloučených sloupců musí být celé číslo.',
+		chooseColor: 'Výběr'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Odsazení obsahu v buňce',
+	cellSpace: 'Vzdálenost buněk',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Sloupec',
+		insertBefore: 'Vložit sloupec před',
+		insertAfter: 'Vložit sloupec za',
+		deleteColumn: 'Smazat sloupec'
+	},
+	columns: 'Sloupce',
+	deleteTable: 'Smazat tabulku',
+	headers: 'Záhlaví',
+	headersBoth: 'Obojí',
+	headersColumn: 'První sloupec',
+	headersNone: 'Žádné',
+	headersRow: 'První řádek',
+	invalidBorder: 'Zdaná velikost okraje musí být číselná.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Zadané odsazení obsahu v buňce musí být číselné.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Zadaná vzdálenost buněk musí být číselná.',
+	invalidCols: 'Počet sloupců musí být číslo větší než 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Zadaná výška tabulky musí být číselná.',
+	invalidRows: 'Počet řádků musí být číslo větší než 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Šířka tabulky musí být číslo.',
+	menu: 'Vlastnosti tabulky',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Řádek',
+		insertBefore: 'Vložit řádek před',
+		insertAfter: 'Vložit řádek za',
+		deleteRow: 'Smazat řádky'
+	},
+	rows: 'Řádky',
+	summary: 'Souhrn',
+	title: 'Vlastnosti tabulky',
+	toolbar: 'Tabulka',
+	widthPc: 'procent',
+	widthPx: 'bodů',
+	widthUnit: 'jednotka šířky'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39ca347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'cy', {
+	border: 'Maint yr Ymyl',
+	caption: 'Pennawd',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cell',
+		insertBefore: 'Mewnosod Cell Cyn',
+		insertAfter: 'Mewnosod Cell Ar Ôl',
+		deleteCell: 'Dileu Celloedd',
+		merge: 'Cyfuno Celloedd',
+		mergeRight: 'Cyfuno i\'r Dde',
+		mergeDown: 'Cyfuno i Lawr',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Hollti\'r Gell yn Lorweddol',
+		splitVertical: 'Hollti\'r Gell yn Fertigol',
+		title: 'Priodweddau\'r Gell',
+		cellType: 'Math y Gell',
+		rowSpan: 'Rhychwant Rhesi',
+		colSpan: 'Rhychwant Colofnau',
+		wordWrap: 'Lapio Geiriau',
+		hAlign: 'Aliniad Llorweddol',
+		vAlign: 'Aliniad Fertigol',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baslinell',
+		bgColor: 'Lliw Cefndir',
+		borderColor: 'Lliw Ymyl',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Pennyn',
+		yes: 'Ie',
+		no: 'Na',
+		invalidWidth: 'Mae\'n rhaid i led y gell fod yn rhif.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Mae\'n rhaid i uchder y gell fod yn rhif.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Mae\'n rhaid i rychwant y rhesi fod yn gyfanrif.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Mae\'n rhaid i rychwant y colofnau fod yn gyfanrif.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Padio\'r gell',
+	cellSpace: 'Bylchu\'r gell',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Colofn',
+		insertBefore: 'Mewnosod Colofn Cyn',
+		insertAfter: 'Mewnosod Colofn Ar Ôl',
+		deleteColumn: 'Dileu Colofnau'
+	},
+	columns: 'Colofnau',
+	deleteTable: 'Dileu Tabl',
+	headers: 'Penynnau',
+	headersBoth: 'Y Ddau',
+	headersColumn: 'Colofn gyntaf',
+	headersNone: 'Dim',
+	headersRow: 'Rhes gyntaf',
+	invalidBorder: 'Mae\'n rhaid i faint yr ymyl fod yn rhif.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Mae\'n rhaid i badiad y gell fod yn rhif positif.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Mae\'n rhaid i fylchiad y gell fod yn rhif positif.',
+	invalidCols: 'Mae\'n rhaid cael o leiaf un golofn.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Mae\'n rhaid i uchder y tabl fod yn rhif.',
+	invalidRows: 'Mae\'n rhaid cael o leiaf un rhes.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Mae\'n rhaid i led y tabl fod yn rhif.',
+	menu: 'Nodweddion Tabl',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Rhes',
+		insertBefore: 'Mewnosod Rhes Cyn',
+		insertAfter: 'Mewnosod Rhes Ar Ôl',
+		deleteRow: 'Dileu Rhesi'
+	},
+	rows: 'Rhesi',
+	summary: 'Crynodeb',
+	title: 'Nodweddion Tabl',
+	toolbar: 'Tabl',
+	widthPc: 'y cant',
+	widthPx: 'picsel',
+	widthUnit: 'uned lled'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cabca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'da', {
+	border: 'Rammebredde',
+	caption: 'Titel',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Celle',
+		insertBefore: 'Indsæt celle før',
+		insertAfter: 'Indsæt celle efter',
+		deleteCell: 'Slet celle',
+		merge: 'Flet celler',
+		mergeRight: 'Flet til højre',
+		mergeDown: 'Flet nedad',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Del celle vandret',
+		splitVertical: 'Del celle lodret',
+		title: 'Celleegenskaber',
+		cellType: 'Celletype',
+		rowSpan: 'Række span (rows span)',
+		colSpan: 'Kolonne span (columns span)',
+		wordWrap: 'Tekstombrydning',
+		hAlign: 'Vandret justering',
+		vAlign: 'Lodret justering',
+		alignBaseline: 'Grundlinje',
+		bgColor: 'Baggrundsfarve',
+		borderColor: 'Rammefarve',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Hoved',
+		yes: 'Ja',
+		no: 'Nej',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cellebredde skal være et tal.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cellehøjde skal være et tal.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Række span skal være et heltal.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Kolonne span skal være et heltal.',
+		chooseColor: 'Vælg'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Cellemargen',
+	cellSpace: 'Celleafstand',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Kolonne',
+		insertBefore: 'Indsæt kolonne før',
+		insertAfter: 'Indsæt kolonne efter',
+		deleteColumn: 'Slet kolonne'
+	},
+	columns: 'Kolonner',
+	deleteTable: 'Slet tabel',
+	headers: 'Hoved',
+	headersBoth: 'Begge',
+	headersColumn: 'Første kolonne',
+	headersNone: 'Ingen',
+	headersRow: 'Første række',
+	invalidBorder: 'Rammetykkelse skal være et tal.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cellemargen skal være et tal.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Celleafstand skal være et tal.',
+	invalidCols: 'Antallet af kolonner skal være større end 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Tabelhøjde skal være et tal.',
+	invalidRows: 'Antallet af rækker skal være større end 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Tabelbredde skal være et tal.',
+	menu: 'Egenskaber for tabel',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Række',
+		insertBefore: 'Indsæt række før',
+		insertAfter: 'Indsæt række efter',
+		deleteRow: 'Slet række'
+	},
+	rows: 'Rækker',
+	summary: 'Resumé',
+	title: 'Egenskaber for tabel',
+	toolbar: 'Tabel',
+	widthPc: 'procent',
+	widthPx: 'pixels',
+	widthUnit: 'Bredde på enhed'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bf1566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'de', {
+	border: 'Rahmen',
+	caption: 'Ãœberschrift',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Zelle',
+		insertBefore: 'Zelle davor einfügen',
+		insertAfter: 'Zelle danach einfügen',
+		deleteCell: 'Zelle löschen',
+		merge: 'Zellen verbinden',
+		mergeRight: 'Nach rechts verbinden',
+		mergeDown: 'Nach unten verbinden',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Zelle horizontal teilen',
+		splitVertical: 'Zelle vertikal teilen',
+		title: 'Zellen-Eigenschaften',
+		cellType: 'Zellart',
+		rowSpan: 'Anzahl Zeilen verbinden',
+		colSpan: 'Anzahl Spalten verbinden',
+		wordWrap: 'Zeilenumbruch',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontale Ausrichtung',
+		vAlign: 'Vertikale Ausrichtung',
+		alignBaseline: 'Grundlinie',
+		bgColor: 'Hintergrundfarbe',
+		borderColor: 'Rahmenfarbe',
+		data: 'Daten',
+		header: 'Ãœberschrift',
+		yes: 'Ja',
+		no: 'Nein',
+		invalidWidth: 'Zellenbreite muß eine Zahl sein.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Zellenhöhe muß eine Zahl sein.',
+		invalidRowSpan: '"Anzahl Zeilen verbinden" muss eine Ganzzahl sein.',
+		invalidColSpan: '"Anzahl Spalten verbinden" muss eine Ganzzahl sein.',
+		chooseColor: 'Wählen'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Zellenabstand innen',
+	cellSpace: 'Zellenabstand außen',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Spalte',
+		insertBefore: 'Spalte links davor einfügen',
+		insertAfter: 'Spalte rechts danach einfügen',
+		deleteColumn: 'Spalte löschen'
+	},
+	columns: 'Spalte',
+	deleteTable: 'Tabelle löschen',
+	headers: 'Kopfzeile',
+	headersBoth: 'Beide',
+	headersColumn: 'Erste Spalte',
+	headersNone: 'Keine',
+	headersRow: 'Erste Zeile',
+	invalidBorder: 'Die Rahmenbreite muß eine Zahl sein.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Der Zellenabstand innen muß eine positive Zahl sein.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Der Zellenabstand außen muß eine positive Zahl sein.',
+	invalidCols: 'Die Anzahl der Spalten muß größer als 0 sein..',
+	invalidHeight: 'Die Tabellenbreite muß eine Zahl sein.',
+	invalidRows: 'Die Anzahl der Zeilen muß größer als 0 sein.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Die Tabellenbreite muss eine Zahl sein.',
+	menu: 'Tabellen-Eigenschaften',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Zeile',
+		insertBefore: 'Zeile oberhalb einfügen',
+		insertAfter: 'Zeile unterhalb einfügen',
+		deleteRow: 'Zeile entfernen'
+	},
+	rows: 'Zeile',
+	summary: 'Inhaltsübersicht',
+	title: 'Tabellen-Eigenschaften',
+	toolbar: 'Tabelle',
+	widthPc: '%',
+	widthPx: 'Pixel',
+	widthUnit: 'Breite Einheit'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9a57be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'el', {
+	border: 'Πάχος Περιγράμματος',
+	caption: 'Λεζάντα',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Κελί',
+		insertBefore: 'Εισαγωγή Κελιού Πριν',
+		insertAfter: 'Εισαγωγή Κελιού Μετά',
+		deleteCell: 'Διαγραφή Κελιών',
+		merge: 'Ενοποίηση Κελιών',
+		mergeRight: 'Συγχώνευση Με Δεξιά',
+		mergeDown: 'Συγχώνευση Με Κάτω',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Οριζόντιο Μοίρασμα Κελιού',
+		splitVertical: 'Κατακόρυφο Μοίρασμα Κελιού',
+		title: 'Ιδιότητες Κελιού',
+		cellType: 'Τύπος Κελιού',
+		rowSpan: 'Εύρος Σειρών',
+		colSpan: 'Εύρος Στηλών',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Οριζόντια Στοίχιση',
+		vAlign: 'Κάθετη Στοίχιση',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Χρώμα Φόντου',
+		borderColor: 'Χρώμα Περιγράμματος',
+		data: 'Δεδομένα',
+		header: 'Κεφαλίδα',
+		yes: 'Ναι',
+		no: 'Όχι',
+		invalidWidth: 'Το πλάτος του κελιού πρέπει να είναι ένας αριθμός.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Το ύψος του κελιού πρέπει να είναι ένας αριθμός.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Επιλέξτε'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Γέμισμα κελιών',
+	cellSpace: 'Διάστημα κελιών',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Στήλη',
+		insertBefore: 'Εισαγωγή Στήλης Πριν',
+		insertAfter: 'Εισαγωγή Σειράς Μετά',
+		deleteColumn: 'Διαγραφή Κολωνών'
+	},
+	columns: 'Κολώνες',
+	deleteTable: 'Διαγραφή πίνακα',
+	headers: 'Κεφαλίδες',
+	headersBoth: 'Και τα δύο',
+	headersColumn: 'Πρώτη Στήλη',
+	headersNone: 'Κανένα',
+	headersRow: 'Πρώτη Σειρά',
+	invalidBorder: 'Το πάχος του περιγράμματος πρέπει να είναι ένας αριθμός.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Το γέμισμα μέσα στα κελιά πρέπει να είναι ένας θετικός αριθμός.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Η απόσταση μεταξύ των κελιών πρέπει να είναι ένας θετικός αριθμός.',
+	invalidCols: 'Ο αριθμός των στηλών πρέπει να είναι μεγαλύτερος από 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Το ύψος του πίνακα πρέπει να είναι ένας αριθμός.',
+	invalidRows: 'Ο αριθμός των σειρών πρέπει να είναι μεγαλύτερος από 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Το πλάτος του πίνακα πρέπει να είναι ένας αριθμός.',
+	menu: 'Ιδιότητες Πίνακα',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Σειρά',
+		insertBefore: 'Εισαγωγή Σειράς Από Πάνω',
+		insertAfter: 'Εισαγωγή Σειράς Από Κάτω',
+		deleteRow: 'Διαγραφή Γραμμών'
+	},
+	rows: 'Γραμμές',
+	summary: 'Περίληψη',
+	title: 'Ιδιότητες Πίνακα',
+	toolbar: 'Πίνακας',
+	widthPc: 'τοις εκατό',
+	widthPx: 'pixels',
+	widthUnit: 'μονάδα πλάτους'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..930dce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'en-au', {
+	border: 'Border size',
+	caption: 'Caption',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cell',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Cell Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Cell After',
+		deleteCell: 'Delete Cells',
+		merge: 'Merge Cells',
+		mergeRight: 'Merge Right',
+		mergeDown: 'Merge Down',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
+		splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Cell padding',
+	cellSpace: 'Cell spacing',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Column',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Column Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Column After',
+		deleteColumn: 'Delete Columns'
+	},
+	columns: 'Columns',
+	deleteTable: 'Delete Table',
+	headers: 'Headers',
+	headersBoth: 'Both',
+	headersColumn: 'First column',
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row',
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a number.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a number.',
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.',
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.',
+	menu: 'Table Properties',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Row',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Row After',
+		deleteRow: 'Delete Rows'
+	},
+	rows: 'Rows',
+	summary: 'Summary',
+	title: 'Table Properties',
+	toolbar: 'Table',
+	widthPc: 'percent',
+	widthPx: 'pixels',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ad8b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'en-ca', {
+	border: 'Border size',
+	caption: 'Caption',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cell',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Cell Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Cell After',
+		deleteCell: 'Delete Cells',
+		merge: 'Merge Cells',
+		mergeRight: 'Merge Right',
+		mergeDown: 'Merge Down',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
+		splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Cell padding',
+	cellSpace: 'Cell spacing',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Column',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Column Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Column After',
+		deleteColumn: 'Delete Columns'
+	},
+	columns: 'Columns',
+	deleteTable: 'Delete Table',
+	headers: 'Headers',
+	headersBoth: 'Both',
+	headersColumn: 'First column',
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row',
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a number.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a number.',
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.',
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.',
+	menu: 'Table Properties',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Row',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Row After',
+		deleteRow: 'Delete Rows'
+	},
+	rows: 'Rows',
+	summary: 'Summary',
+	title: 'Table Properties',
+	toolbar: 'Table',
+	widthPc: 'percent',
+	widthPx: 'pixels',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd8f5fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'en-gb', {
+	border: 'Border size',
+	caption: 'Caption',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cell',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Cell Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Cell After',
+		deleteCell: 'Delete Cells',
+		merge: 'Merge Cells',
+		mergeRight: 'Merge Right',
+		mergeDown: 'Merge Down',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
+		splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Cell padding',
+	cellSpace: 'Cell spacing',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Column',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Column Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Column After',
+		deleteColumn: 'Delete Columns'
+	},
+	columns: 'Columns',
+	deleteTable: 'Delete Table',
+	headers: 'Headers',
+	headersBoth: 'Both',
+	headersColumn: 'First column',
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row',
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a number.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a number.',
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.',
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.',
+	menu: 'Table Properties',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Row',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Row After',
+		deleteRow: 'Delete Rows'
+	},
+	rows: 'Rows',
+	summary: 'Summary',
+	title: 'Table Properties',
+	toolbar: 'Table',
+	widthPc: 'percent',
+	widthPx: 'pixels',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb6121a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'en', {
+	border: 'Border size',
+	caption: 'Caption',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cell',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Cell Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Cell After',
+		deleteCell: 'Delete Cells',
+		merge: 'Merge Cells',
+		mergeRight: 'Merge Right',
+		mergeDown: 'Merge Down',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
+		splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Cell padding',
+	cellSpace: 'Cell spacing',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Column',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Column Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Column After',
+		deleteColumn: 'Delete Columns'
+	},
+	columns: 'Columns',
+	deleteTable: 'Delete Table',
+	headers: 'Headers',
+	headersBoth: 'Both',
+	headersColumn: 'First column',
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row',
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.',
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.',
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.',
+	menu: 'Table Properties',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Row',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Row After',
+		deleteRow: 'Delete Rows'
+	},
+	rows: 'Rows',
+	summary: 'Summary',
+	title: 'Table Properties',
+	toolbar: 'Table',
+	widthPc: 'percent',
+	widthPx: 'pixels',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e44b701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'eo', {
+	border: 'Bordero',
+	caption: 'Tabeltitolo',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Ĉelo',
+		insertBefore: 'Enmeti Ĉelon Antaŭ',
+		insertAfter: 'Enmeti Ĉelon Post',
+		deleteCell: 'Forigi la Ĉelojn',
+		merge: 'Kunfandi la Ĉelojn',
+		mergeRight: 'Kunfandi dekstren',
+		mergeDown: 'Kunfandi malsupren ',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Horizontale dividi',
+		splitVertical: 'Vertikale dividi',
+		title: 'Ĉelatributoj',
+		cellType: 'Ĉeltipo',
+		rowSpan: 'Kunfando de linioj',
+		colSpan: 'Kunfando de kolumnoj',
+		wordWrap: 'Cezuro',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontala ĝisrandigo',
+		vAlign: 'Vertikala ĝisrandigo',
+		alignBaseline: 'Malsupro de la teksto',
+		bgColor: 'Fonkoloro',
+		borderColor: 'Borderkoloro',
+		data: 'Datenoj',
+		header: 'Supra paĝotitolo',
+		yes: 'Jes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Ĉellarĝo devas esti nombro.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Ĉelalto devas esti nombro.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Kunfando de linioj devas esti entjera nombro.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Kunfando de kolumnoj devas esti entjera nombro.',
+		chooseColor: 'Elektu'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Interna Marĝeno de la ĉeloj',
+	cellSpace: 'Spaco inter la Ĉeloj',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Kolumno',
+		insertBefore: 'Enmeti kolumnon antaÅ­',
+		insertAfter: 'Enmeti kolumnon post',
+		deleteColumn: 'Forigi Kolumnojn'
+	},
+	columns: 'Kolumnoj',
+	deleteTable: 'Forigi Tabelon',
+	headers: 'Supraj Paĝotitoloj',
+	headersBoth: 'AmbaÅ­',
+	headersColumn: 'Unua kolumno',
+	headersNone: 'Neniu',
+	headersRow: 'Unua linio',
+	invalidBorder: 'La bordergrando devas esti nombro.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'La interna marĝeno en la ĉeloj devas esti pozitiva nombro.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'La spaco inter la ĉeloj devas esti pozitiva nombro.',
+	invalidCols: 'La nombro de la kolumnoj devas superi 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'La tabelalto devas esti nombro.',
+	invalidRows: 'La nombro de la linioj devas superi 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'La tabellarĝo devas esti nombro.',
+	menu: 'Atributoj de Tabelo',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Linio',
+		insertBefore: 'Enmeti linion antaÅ­',
+		insertAfter: 'Enmeti linion post',
+		deleteRow: 'Forigi Liniojn'
+	},
+	rows: 'Linioj',
+	summary: 'Resumo',
+	title: 'Atributoj de Tabelo',
+	toolbar: 'Tabelo',
+	widthPc: 'elcentoj',
+	widthPx: 'Rastrumeroj',
+	widthUnit: 'unuo de larĝo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21f7fab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'es', {
+	border: 'Tamaño de Borde',
+	caption: 'Título',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Celda',
+		insertBefore: 'Insertar celda a la izquierda',
+		insertAfter: 'Insertar celda a la derecha',
+		deleteCell: 'Eliminar Celdas',
+		merge: 'Combinar Celdas',
+		mergeRight: 'Combinar a la derecha',
+		mergeDown: 'Combinar hacia abajo',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Dividir la celda horizontalmente',
+		splitVertical: 'Dividir la celda verticalmente',
+		title: 'Propiedades de celda',
+		cellType: 'Tipo de Celda',
+		rowSpan: 'Expandir filas',
+		colSpan: 'Expandir columnas',
+		wordWrap: 'Ajustar al contenido',
+		hAlign: 'Alineación Horizontal',
+		vAlign: 'Alineación Vertical',
+		alignBaseline: 'Linea de base',
+		bgColor: 'Color de fondo',
+		borderColor: 'Color de borde',
+		data: 'Datos',
+		header: 'Encabezado',
+		yes: 'Sí',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'La anchura de celda debe ser un número.',
+		invalidHeight: 'La altura de celda debe ser un número.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'La expansión de filas debe ser un número entero.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'La expansión de columnas debe ser un número entero.',
+		chooseColor: 'Elegir'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Esp. interior',
+	cellSpace: 'Esp. e/celdas',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Columna',
+		insertBefore: 'Insertar columna a la izquierda',
+		insertAfter: 'Insertar columna a la derecha',
+		deleteColumn: 'Eliminar Columnas'
+	},
+	columns: 'Columnas',
+	deleteTable: 'Eliminar Tabla',
+	headers: 'Encabezados',
+	headersBoth: 'Ambas',
+	headersColumn: 'Primera columna',
+	headersNone: 'Ninguno',
+	headersRow: 'Primera fila',
+	invalidBorder: 'El tamaño del borde debe ser un número.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'El espaciado interior debe ser un número.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'El espaciado entre celdas debe ser un número.',
+	invalidCols: 'El número de columnas debe ser un número mayor que 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'La altura de tabla debe ser un número.',
+	invalidRows: 'El número de filas debe ser un número mayor que 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'La anchura de tabla debe ser un número.',
+	menu: 'Propiedades de Tabla',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Fila',
+		insertBefore: 'Insertar fila en la parte superior',
+		insertAfter: 'Insertar fila en la parte inferior',
+		deleteRow: 'Eliminar Filas'
+	},
+	rows: 'Filas',
+	summary: 'Síntesis',
+	title: 'Propiedades de Tabla',
+	toolbar: 'Tabla',
+	widthPc: 'porcentaje',
+	widthPx: 'pixeles',
+	widthUnit: 'unidad de la anchura'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d26420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'et', {
+	border: 'Joone suurus',
+	caption: 'Tabeli tiitel',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Lahter',
+		insertBefore: 'Sisesta lahter enne',
+		insertAfter: 'Sisesta lahter peale',
+		deleteCell: 'Eemalda lahtrid',
+		merge: 'Ãœhenda lahtrid',
+		mergeRight: 'Ãœhenda paremale',
+		mergeDown: 'Ãœhenda alla',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Poolita lahter horisontaalselt',
+		splitVertical: 'Poolita lahter vertikaalselt',
+		title: 'Lahtri omadused',
+		cellType: 'Lahtri liik',
+		rowSpan: 'Ridade vahe',
+		colSpan: 'Tulpade vahe',
+		wordWrap: 'Sõnade murdmine',
+		hAlign: 'Horisontaalne joondus',
+		vAlign: 'Vertikaalne joondus',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baasjoon',
+		bgColor: 'Tausta värv',
+		borderColor: 'Äärise värv',
+		data: 'Andmed',
+		header: 'Päis',
+		yes: 'Jah',
+		no: 'Ei',
+		invalidWidth: 'Lahtri laius peab olema number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Lahtri kõrgus peab olema number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Ridade vahe peab olema täisarv.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Tulpade vahe peab olema täisarv.',
+		chooseColor: 'Vali'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Lahtri täidis',
+	cellSpace: 'Lahtri vahe',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Veerg',
+		insertBefore: 'Sisesta veerg enne',
+		insertAfter: 'Sisesta veerg peale',
+		deleteColumn: 'Eemalda veerud'
+	},
+	columns: 'Veerud',
+	deleteTable: 'Kustuta tabel',
+	headers: 'Päised',
+	headersBoth: 'Mõlemad',
+	headersColumn: 'Esimene tulp',
+	headersNone: 'Puudub',
+	headersRow: 'Esimene rida',
+	invalidBorder: 'Äärise suurus peab olema number.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Lahtrite polsterdus (padding) peab olema positiivne arv.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Lahtrite vahe peab olema positiivne arv.',
+	invalidCols: 'Tulpade arv peab olema nullist suurem.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Tabeli kõrgus peab olema number.',
+	invalidRows: 'Ridade arv peab olema nullist suurem.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Tabeli laius peab olema number.',
+	menu: 'Tabeli omadused',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Rida',
+		insertBefore: 'Sisesta rida enne',
+		insertAfter: 'Sisesta rida peale',
+		deleteRow: 'Eemalda read'
+	},
+	rows: 'Read',
+	summary: 'Kokkuvõte',
+	title: 'Tabeli omadused',
+	toolbar: 'Tabel',
+	widthPc: 'protsenti',
+	widthPx: 'pikslit',
+	widthUnit: 'laiuse ühik'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dab99b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'eu', {
+	border: 'Ertzaren Zabalera',
+	caption: 'Epigrafea',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Gelaxka',
+		insertBefore: 'Txertatu Gelaxka Aurretik',
+		insertAfter: 'Txertatu Gelaxka Ostean',
+		deleteCell: 'Kendu Gelaxkak',
+		merge: 'Batu Gelaxkak',
+		mergeRight: 'Elkartu Eskumara',
+		mergeDown: 'Elkartu Behera',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Banatu Gelaxkak Horizontalki',
+		splitVertical: 'Banatu Gelaxkak Bertikalki',
+		title: 'Gelaxken Ezaugarriak',
+		cellType: 'Gelaxka Mota',
+		rowSpan: 'Hedatutako Lerroak',
+		colSpan: 'Hedatutako Zutabeak',
+		wordWrap: 'Itzulbira',
+		hAlign: 'Lerrokatze Horizontala',
+		vAlign: 'Lerrokatze Bertikala',
+		alignBaseline: 'Oinarri-lerroan',
+		bgColor: 'Fondoaren Kolorea',
+		borderColor: 'Ertzaren Kolorea',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Goiburua',
+		yes: 'Bai',
+		no: 'Ez',
+		invalidWidth: 'Gelaxkaren zabalera zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Gelaxkaren altuera zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Lerroen hedapena zenbaki osoa izan behar da.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Zutabeen hedapena zenbaki osoa izan behar da.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Gelaxken betegarria',
+	cellSpace: 'Gelaxka arteko tartea',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Zutabea',
+		insertBefore: 'Txertatu Zutabea Aurretik',
+		insertAfter: 'Txertatu Zutabea Ostean',
+		deleteColumn: 'Ezabatu Zutabeak'
+	},
+	columns: 'Zutabeak',
+	deleteTable: 'Ezabatu Taula',
+	headers: 'Goiburuak',
+	headersBoth: 'Biak',
+	headersColumn: 'Lehen zutabea',
+	headersNone: 'Bat ere ez',
+	headersRow: 'Lehen lerroa',
+	invalidBorder: 'Ertzaren tamaina zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Gelaxken betegarria zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Gelaxka arteko tartea zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
+	invalidCols: 'Zutabe kopurua 0 baino handiagoa den zenbakia izan behar da.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Taularen altuera zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
+	invalidRows: 'Lerro kopurua 0 baino handiagoa den zenbakia izan behar da.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Taularen zabalera zenbaki bat izan behar da.',
+	menu: 'Taularen Ezaugarriak',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Lerroa',
+		insertBefore: 'Txertatu Lerroa Aurretik',
+		insertAfter: 'Txertatu Lerroa Ostean',
+		deleteRow: 'Ezabatu Lerroak'
+	},
+	rows: 'Lerroak',
+	summary: 'Laburpena',
+	title: 'Taularen Ezaugarriak',
+	toolbar: 'Taula',
+	widthPc: 'ehuneko',
+	widthPx: 'pixel',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5285baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'fa', {
+	border: 'اندازهٴ لبه',
+	caption: 'عنوان',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'سلول',
+		insertBefore: 'افزودن سلول قبل از',
+		insertAfter: 'افزودن سلول بعد از',
+		deleteCell: 'حذف سلولها',
+		merge: 'ادغام سلولها',
+		mergeRight: 'ادغام به راست',
+		mergeDown: 'ادغام به پایین',
+		splitHorizontal: 'جدا کردن افقی سلول',
+		splitVertical: 'جدا کردن عمودی سلول',
+		title: 'ویژگیهای سلول',
+		cellType: 'نوع سلول',
+		rowSpan: 'محدوده ردیفها',
+		colSpan: 'محدوده ستونها',
+		wordWrap: 'شکستن کلمه',
+		hAlign: 'چینش افقی',
+		vAlign: 'چینش عمودی',
+		alignBaseline: 'خط مبنا',
+		bgColor: 'رنگ زمینه',
+		borderColor: 'رنگ خطوط',
+		data: 'اطلاعات',
+		header: 'سرنویس',
+		yes: 'بله',
+		no: 'خیر',
+		invalidWidth: 'عرض سلول باید یک عدد باشد.',
+		invalidHeight: 'ارتفاع سلول باید عدد باشد.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'مقدار محدوده ردیفها باید یک عدد باشد.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'مقدار محدوده ستونها باید یک عدد باشد.',
+		chooseColor: 'انتخاب'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'فاصلهٴ پرشده در سلول',
+	cellSpace: 'فاصلهٴ میان سلولها',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'ستون',
+		insertBefore: 'افزودن ستون قبل از',
+		insertAfter: 'افزودن ستون بعد از',
+		deleteColumn: 'حذف ستونها'
+	},
+	columns: 'ستونها',
+	deleteTable: 'پاک کردن جدول',
+	headers: 'سرنویسها',
+	headersBoth: 'هردو',
+	headersColumn: 'اولین ستون',
+	headersNone: 'هیچ',
+	headersRow: 'اولین ردیف',
+	invalidBorder: 'مقدار اندازه خطوط باید یک عدد باشد.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'بالشتک سلول باید یک عدد باشد.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'مقدار فاصلهگذاری سلول باید یک عدد باشد.',
+	invalidCols: 'تعداد ستونها باید یک عدد بزرگتر از 0 باشد.',
+	invalidHeight: 'مقدار ارتفاع  جدول باید یک عدد باشد.',
+	invalidRows: 'تعداد ردیفها باید یک عدد بزرگتر از 0 باشد.',
+	invalidWidth: 'مقدار پهنای جدول باید یک عدد باشد.',
+	menu: 'ویژگیهای جدول',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'سطر',
+		insertBefore: 'افزودن سطر قبل از',
+		insertAfter: 'افزودن سطر بعد از',
+		deleteRow: 'حذف سطرها'
+	},
+	rows: 'سطرها',
+	summary: 'خلاصه',
+	title: 'ویژگیهای جدول',
+	toolbar: 'جدول',
+	widthPc: 'درصد',
+	widthPx: 'پیکسل',
+	widthUnit: 'واحد پهنا'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca42a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'fi', {
+	border: 'Rajan paksuus',
+	caption: 'Otsikko',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Solu',
+		insertBefore: 'Lisää solu eteen',
+		insertAfter: 'Lisää solu perään',
+		deleteCell: 'Poista solut',
+		merge: 'Yhdistä solut',
+		mergeRight: 'Yhdistä oikealla olevan kanssa',
+		mergeDown: 'Yhdistä alla olevan kanssa',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Jaa solu vaakasuunnassa',
+		splitVertical: 'Jaa solu pystysuunnassa',
+		title: 'Solun ominaisuudet',
+		cellType: 'Solun tyyppi',
+		rowSpan: 'Rivin jatkuvuus',
+		colSpan: 'Solun jatkuvuus',
+		wordWrap: 'Rivitys',
+		hAlign: 'Horisontaali kohdistus',
+		vAlign: 'Vertikaali kohdistus',
+		alignBaseline: 'Alas (teksti)',
+		bgColor: 'Taustan väri',
+		borderColor: 'Reunan väri',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Ylätunniste',
+		yes: 'Kyllä',
+		no: 'Ei',
+		invalidWidth: 'Solun leveyden täytyy olla numero.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Solun korkeuden täytyy olla numero.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rivin jatkuvuuden täytyy olla kokonaisluku.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Solun jatkuvuuden täytyy olla kokonaisluku.',
+		chooseColor: 'Valitse'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Solujen sisennys',
+	cellSpace: 'Solujen väli',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Sarake',
+		insertBefore: 'Lisää sarake vasemmalle',
+		insertAfter: 'Lisää sarake oikealle',
+		deleteColumn: 'Poista sarakkeet'
+	},
+	columns: 'Sarakkeet',
+	deleteTable: 'Poista taulu',
+	headers: 'Ylätunnisteet',
+	headersBoth: 'Molemmat',
+	headersColumn: 'Ensimmäinen sarake',
+	headersNone: 'Ei',
+	headersRow: 'Ensimmäinen rivi',
+	invalidBorder: 'Reunan koon täytyy olla numero.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Solujen sisennyksen täytyy olla numero.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Solujen välin täytyy olla numero.',
+	invalidCols: 'Sarakkeiden määrän täytyy olla suurempi kuin 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Taulun korkeuden täytyy olla numero.',
+	invalidRows: 'Rivien määrän täytyy olla suurempi kuin 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Taulun leveyden täytyy olla numero.',
+	menu: 'Taulun ominaisuudet',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Rivi',
+		insertBefore: 'Lisää rivi yläpuolelle',
+		insertAfter: 'Lisää rivi alapuolelle',
+		deleteRow: 'Poista rivit'
+	},
+	rows: 'Rivit',
+	summary: 'Yhteenveto',
+	title: 'Taulun ominaisuudet',
+	toolbar: 'Taulu',
+	widthPc: 'prosenttia',
+	widthPx: 'pikseliä',
+	widthUnit: 'leveysyksikkö'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02357fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'fo', {
+	border: 'Bordabreidd',
+	caption: 'Tabellfrágreiðing',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Meski',
+		insertBefore: 'Set meska inn áðrenn',
+		insertAfter: 'Set meska inn aftaná',
+		deleteCell: 'Strika meskar',
+		merge: 'Flætta meskar',
+		mergeRight: 'Flætta meskar til høgru',
+		mergeDown: 'Flætta saman',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Kloyv meska vatnrætt',
+		splitVertical: 'Kloyv meska loddrætt',
+		title: 'Mesku eginleikar',
+		cellType: 'Mesku slag',
+		rowSpan: 'Ræð spenni',
+		colSpan: 'Kolonnu spenni',
+		wordWrap: 'Orðkloyving',
+		hAlign: 'Horisontal plasering',
+		vAlign: 'Loddrøtt plasering',
+		alignBaseline: 'Basislinja',
+		bgColor: 'Bakgrundslitur',
+		borderColor: 'Bordalitur',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Ja',
+		no: 'Nei',
+		invalidWidth: 'Meskubreidd má vera eitt tal.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Meskuhædd má vera eitt tal.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Raðspennið má vera eitt heiltal.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Kolonnuspennið má vera eitt heiltal.',
+		chooseColor: 'Vel'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Meskubreddi',
+	cellSpace: 'Fjarstøða millum meskar',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Kolonna',
+		insertBefore: 'Set kolonnu inn áðrenn',
+		insertAfter: 'Set kolonnu inn aftaná',
+		deleteColumn: 'Strika kolonnur'
+	},
+	columns: 'Kolonnur',
+	deleteTable: 'Strika tabell',
+	headers: 'Yvirskriftir',
+	headersBoth: 'Báðir',
+	headersColumn: 'Fyrsta kolonna',
+	headersNone: 'Eingin',
+	headersRow: 'Fyrsta rað',
+	invalidBorder: 'Borda-stødd má vera eitt tal.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding má vera eitt tal.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing má vera eitt tal.',
+	invalidCols: 'Talið av kolonnum má vera eitt tal størri enn 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Tabell-hædd má vera eitt tal.',
+	invalidRows: 'Talið av røðum má vera eitt tal størri enn 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Tabell-breidd má vera eitt tal.',
+	menu: 'Eginleikar fyri tabell',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Rað',
+		insertBefore: 'Set rað inn áðrenn',
+		insertAfter: 'Set rað inn aftaná',
+		deleteRow: 'Strika røðir'
+	},
+	rows: 'Røðir',
+	summary: 'Samandráttur',
+	title: 'Eginleikar fyri tabell',
+	toolbar: 'Tabell',
+	widthPc: 'prosent',
+	widthPx: 'pixels',
+	widthUnit: 'breiddar unit'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bce6972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'fr-ca', {
+	border: 'Taille de la bordure',
+	caption: 'Titre',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cellule',
+		insertBefore: 'Insérer une cellule avant',
+		insertAfter: 'Insérer une cellule après',
+		deleteCell: 'Supprimer des cellules',
+		merge: 'Fusionner les cellules',
+		mergeRight: 'Fusionner à droite',
+		mergeDown: 'Fusionner en bas',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Scinder la cellule horizontalement',
+		splitVertical: 'Scinder la cellule verticalement',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Contour',
+	cellSpace: 'Espacement',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Colonne',
+		insertBefore: 'Insérer une colonne avant',
+		insertAfter: 'Insérer une colonne après',
+		deleteColumn: 'Supprimer des colonnes'
+	},
+	columns: 'Colonnes',
+	deleteTable: 'Supprimer le tableau',
+	headers: 'Headers', // MISSING
+	headersBoth: 'Both', // MISSING
+	headersColumn: 'First column', // MISSING
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row', // MISSING
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
+	menu: 'Propriétés du tableau',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Ligne',
+		insertBefore: 'Insérer une ligne avant',
+		insertAfter: 'Insérer une ligne après',
+		deleteRow: 'Supprimer des lignes'
+	},
+	rows: 'Lignes',
+	summary: 'Résumé',
+	title: 'Propriétés du tableau',
+	toolbar: 'Tableau',
+	widthPc: 'pourcentage',
+	widthPx: 'pixels',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f019d4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'fr', {
+	border: 'Taille de la bordure',
+	caption: 'Titre du tableau',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cellule',
+		insertBefore: 'Insérer une cellule avant',
+		insertAfter: 'Insérer une cellule après',
+		deleteCell: 'Supprimer les cellules',
+		merge: 'Fusionner les cellules',
+		mergeRight: 'Fusionner à droite',
+		mergeDown: 'Fusionner en bas',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Fractionner horizontalement',
+		splitVertical: 'Fractionner verticalement',
+		title: 'Propriétés de la cellule',
+		cellType: 'Type de cellule',
+		rowSpan: 'Fusion de lignes',
+		colSpan: 'Fusion de colonnes',
+		wordWrap: 'Césure',
+		hAlign: 'Alignement Horizontal',
+		vAlign: 'Alignement Vertical',
+		alignBaseline: 'Bas du texte',
+		bgColor: 'Couleur d\'arrière-plan',
+		borderColor: 'Couleur de Bordure',
+		data: 'Données',
+		header: 'Entête',
+		yes: 'Oui',
+		no: 'Non',
+		invalidWidth: 'La Largeur de Cellule doit être un nombre.',
+		invalidHeight: 'La Hauteur de Cellule doit être un nombre.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'La fusion de lignes doit être un nombre entier.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'La fusion de colonnes doit être un nombre entier.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choisissez'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Marge interne des cellules',
+	cellSpace: 'Espacement des cellules',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Colonnes',
+		insertBefore: 'Insérer une colonne avant',
+		insertAfter: 'Insérer une colonne après',
+		deleteColumn: 'Supprimer les colonnes'
+	},
+	columns: 'Colonnes',
+	deleteTable: 'Supprimer le tableau',
+	headers: 'En-Têtes',
+	headersBoth: 'Les deux',
+	headersColumn: 'Première colonne',
+	headersNone: 'Aucunes',
+	headersRow: 'Première ligne',
+	invalidBorder: 'La taille de la bordure doit être un nombre.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'La marge intérieure des cellules doit être un nombre positif.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'L\'espacement des cellules doit être un nombre positif.',
+	invalidCols: 'Le nombre de colonnes doit être supérieur à 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'La hauteur du tableau doit être un nombre.',
+	invalidRows: 'Le nombre de lignes doit être supérieur à 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'La largeur du tableau doit être un nombre.',
+	menu: 'Propriétés du tableau',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Ligne',
+		insertBefore: 'Insérer une ligne avant',
+		insertAfter: 'Insérer une ligne après',
+		deleteRow: 'Supprimer les lignes'
+	},
+	rows: 'Lignes',
+	summary: 'Résumé (description)',
+	title: 'Propriétés du tableau',
+	toolbar: 'Tableau',
+	widthPc: '% pourcents',
+	widthPx: 'pixels',
+	widthUnit: 'unité de largeur'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7a485c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'gl', {
+	border: 'Tamaño do Borde',
+	caption: 'Título',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cela',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Cell Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Cell After',
+		deleteCell: 'Borrar Cela',
+		merge: 'Unir Celas',
+		mergeRight: 'Merge Right',
+		mergeDown: 'Merge Down',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
+		splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Marxe interior',
+	cellSpace: 'Marxe entre Celas',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Columna',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Column Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Column After',
+		deleteColumn: 'Borrar Columnas'
+	},
+	columns: 'Columnas',
+	deleteTable: 'Borrar Táboa',
+	headers: 'Headers', // MISSING
+	headersBoth: 'Both', // MISSING
+	headersColumn: 'First column', // MISSING
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row', // MISSING
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
+	menu: 'Propiedades da Táboa',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Fila',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Row After',
+		deleteRow: 'Borrar Filas'
+	},
+	rows: 'Filas',
+	summary: 'Sumario',
+	title: 'Propiedades da Táboa',
+	toolbar: 'Tabla',
+	widthPc: 'percent',
+	widthPx: 'pixels',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e950fad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'gu', {
+	border: 'કોઠાની બાજુ(બોર્ડર) સાઇઝ',
+	caption: 'મથાળું/કૅપ્શન ',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'કોષના ખાના',
+		insertBefore: 'પહેલાં કોષ ઉમેરવો',
+		insertAfter: 'પછી કોષ ઉમેરવો',
+		deleteCell: 'કોષ ડિલીટ/કાઢી નાખવો',
+		merge: 'કોષ ભેગા કરવા',
+		mergeRight: 'જમણી બાજુ ભેગા કરવા',
+		mergeDown: 'નીચે ભેગા કરવા',
+		splitHorizontal: 'કોષને સમસ્તરીય વિભાજન કરવું',
+		splitVertical: 'કોષને સીધું ને ઊભું વિભાજન કરવું',
+		title: 'સેલના ગુણ',
+		cellType: 'સેલનો પ્રકાર',
+		rowSpan: 'આડી કટારની જગ્યા',
+		colSpan: 'ઊભી કતારની જગ્યા',
+		wordWrap: 'વર્ડ રેપ',
+		hAlign: 'સપાટ લાઈનદોરી',
+		vAlign: 'ઊભી લાઈનદોરી',
+		alignBaseline: 'બસે લાઈન',
+		bgColor: 'પાછાળનો રંગ',
+		borderColor: 'બોર્ડેર રંગ',
+		data: 'સ્વીકૃત માહિતી',
+		header: 'મથાળું',
+		yes: 'હા',
+		no: 'ના',
+		invalidWidth: 'સેલની પોહલાઈ આંકડો હોવો જોઈએ.',
+		invalidHeight: 'સેલની ઊંચાઈ આંકડો હોવો જોઈએ.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'રો સ્પાન આંકડો હોવો જોઈએ.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'કોલમ સ્પાન આંકડો હોવો જોઈએ.',
+		chooseColor: 'પસંદ કરવું'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'સેલ પૅડિંગ',
+	cellSpace: 'સેલ અંતર',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'કૉલમ/ઊભી કટાર',
+		insertBefore: 'પહેલાં કૉલમ/ઊભી કટાર ઉમેરવી',
+		insertAfter: 'પછી કૉલમ/ઊભી કટાર ઉમેરવી',
+		deleteColumn: 'કૉલમ/ઊભી કટાર ડિલીટ/કાઢી નાખવી'
+	},
+	columns: 'કૉલમ/ઊભી કટાર',
+	deleteTable: 'કોઠો ડિલીટ/કાઢી નાખવું',
+	headers: 'મથાળા',
+	headersBoth: 'બેવું',
+	headersColumn: 'પહેલી ઊભી કટાર',
+	headersNone: 'નથી ',
+	headersRow: 'પહેલી  કટાર',
+	invalidBorder: 'બોર્ડર એક આંકડો હોવો જોઈએ',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'સેલની અંદરની જગ્યા સુન્ય કરતા વધારે હોવી જોઈએ.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'સેલ વચ્ચેની જગ્યા સુન્ય કરતા વધારે હોવી જોઈએ.',
+	invalidCols: 'ઉભી કટાર, 0 કરતા વધારે હોવી જોઈએ.',
+	invalidHeight: 'ટેબલની ઊંચાઈ આંકડો હોવો જોઈએ.',
+	invalidRows: 'આડી કટાર, 0 કરતા વધારે હોવી જોઈએ.',
+	invalidWidth: 'ટેબલની પોહલાઈ આંકડો હોવો જોઈએ.',
+	menu: 'ટેબલ, કોઠાનું મથાળું',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'પંક્તિના ખાના',
+		insertBefore: 'પહેલાં પંક્તિ ઉમેરવી',
+		insertAfter: 'પછી પંક્તિ ઉમેરવી',
+		deleteRow: 'પંક્તિઓ ડિલીટ/કાઢી નાખવી'
+	},
+	rows: 'પંક્તિના ખાના',
+	summary: 'ટૂંકો એહેવાલ',
+	title: 'ટેબલ, કોઠાનું મથાળું',
+	toolbar: 'ટેબલ, કોઠો',
+	widthPc: 'પ્રતિશત',
+	widthPx: 'પિકસલ',
+	widthUnit: 'પોહાલાઈ એકમ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d50a460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'he', {
+	border: 'גודל מסגרת',
+	caption: 'כיתוב',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'מאפייני תא',
+		insertBefore: 'הוספת תא לפני',
+		insertAfter: 'הוספת תא אחרי',
+		deleteCell: 'מחיקת תאים',
+		merge: 'מיזוג תאים',
+		mergeRight: 'מזג ימינה',
+		mergeDown: 'מזג למטה',
+		splitHorizontal: 'פיצול תא אופקית',
+		splitVertical: 'פיצול תא אנכית',
+		title: 'תכונות התא',
+		cellType: 'סוג התא',
+		rowSpan: 'מתיחת השורות',
+		colSpan: 'מתיחת התאים',
+		wordWrap: 'מניעת גלישת שורות',
+		hAlign: 'יישור אופקי',
+		vAlign: 'יישור אנכי',
+		alignBaseline: 'שורת בסיס',
+		bgColor: 'צבע רקע',
+		borderColor: 'צבע מסגרת',
+		data: 'מידע',
+		header: 'כותרת',
+		yes: 'כן',
+		no: 'לא',
+		invalidWidth: 'שדה רוחב התא חייב להיות מספר.',
+		invalidHeight: 'שדה גובה התא חייב להיות מספר.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'שדה מתיחת השורות חייב להיות מספר שלם.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'שדה מתיחת העמודות חייב להיות מספר שלם.',
+		chooseColor: 'בחר'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'ריפוד תא',
+	cellSpace: 'מרווח תא',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'עמודה',
+		insertBefore: 'הוספת עמודה לפני',
+		insertAfter: 'הוספת עמודה אחרי',
+		deleteColumn: 'מחיקת עמודות'
+	},
+	columns: 'עמודות',
+	deleteTable: 'מחק טבלה',
+	headers: 'כותרות',
+	headersBoth: 'שניהם',
+	headersColumn: 'עמודה ראשונה',
+	headersNone: 'אין',
+	headersRow: 'שורה ראשונה',
+	invalidBorder: 'שדה גודל המסגרת חייב להיות מספר.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'שדה ריפוד התאים חייב להיות מספר חיובי.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'שדה ריווח התאים חייב להיות מספר חיובי.',
+	invalidCols: 'שדה מספר העמודות חייב להיות מספר גדול מ 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'שדה גובה הטבלה חייב להיות מספר.',
+	invalidRows: 'שדה מספר השורות חייב להיות מספר גדול מ 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'שדה רוחב הטבלה חייב להיות מספר.',
+	menu: 'מאפייני טבלה',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'שורה',
+		insertBefore: 'הוספת שורה לפני',
+		insertAfter: 'הוספת שורה אחרי',
+		deleteRow: 'מחיקת שורות'
+	},
+	rows: 'שורות',
+	summary: 'תקציר',
+	title: 'מאפייני טבלה',
+	toolbar: 'טבלה',
+	widthPc: 'אחוז',
+	widthPx: 'פיקסלים',
+	widthUnit: 'יחידת רוחב'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8212eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'hi', {
+	border: 'बॉर्डर साइज़',
+	caption: 'शीर्षक',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'खाना',
+		insertBefore: 'पहले सैल डालें',
+		insertAfter: 'बाद में सैल डालें',
+		deleteCell: 'सैल डिलीट करें',
+		merge: 'सैल मिलायें',
+		mergeRight: 'बाँया विलय',
+		mergeDown: 'नीचे विलय करें',
+		splitHorizontal: 'सैल को क्षैतिज स्थिति में विभाजित करें',
+		splitVertical: 'सैल को लम्बाकार में विभाजित करें',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'सैल पैडिंग',
+	cellSpace: 'सैल अंतर',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'कालम',
+		insertBefore: 'पहले कालम डालें',
+		insertAfter: 'बाद में कालम डालें',
+		deleteColumn: 'कालम डिलीट करें'
+	},
+	columns: 'कालम',
+	deleteTable: 'टेबल डिलीट करें',
+	headers: 'Headers', // MISSING
+	headersBoth: 'Both', // MISSING
+	headersColumn: 'First column', // MISSING
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row', // MISSING
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
+	menu: 'टेबल प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'पंक्ति',
+		insertBefore: 'पहले पंक्ति डालें',
+		insertAfter: 'बाद में पंक्ति डालें',
+		deleteRow: 'पंक्तियाँ डिलीट करें'
+	},
+	rows: 'पंक्तियाँ',
+	summary: 'सारांश',
+	title: 'टेबल प्रॉपर्टीज़',
+	toolbar: 'टेबल',
+	widthPc: 'प्रतिशत',
+	widthPx: 'पिक्सैल',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cea8388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'hr', {
+	border: 'Veličina okvira',
+	caption: 'Naslov',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Ćelija',
+		insertBefore: 'Ubaci ćeliju prije',
+		insertAfter: 'Ubaci ćeliju poslije',
+		deleteCell: 'Izbriši ćelije',
+		merge: 'Spoji ćelije',
+		mergeRight: 'Spoji desno',
+		mergeDown: 'Spoji dolje',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Podijeli ćeliju vodoravno',
+		splitVertical: 'Podijeli ćeliju okomito',
+		title: 'Svojstva ćelije',
+		cellType: 'Vrsta ćelije',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Prelazak u novi red',
+		hAlign: 'Vodoravno poravnanje',
+		vAlign: 'Okomito poravnanje',
+		alignBaseline: 'Osnovna linija',
+		bgColor: 'Boja pozadine',
+		borderColor: 'Boja ruba',
+		data: 'Podatak',
+		header: 'Zaglavlje',
+		yes: 'Da',
+		no: 'ne',
+		invalidWidth: 'Širina ćelije mora biti broj.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Visina ćelije mora biti broj.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span mora biti cijeli broj.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span mora biti cijeli broj.',
+		chooseColor: 'Odaberi'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Razmak ćelija',
+	cellSpace: 'Prostornost ćelija',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Kolona',
+		insertBefore: 'Ubaci kolonu prije',
+		insertAfter: 'Ubaci kolonu poslije',
+		deleteColumn: 'Izbriši kolone'
+	},
+	columns: 'Kolona',
+	deleteTable: 'Izbriši tablicu',
+	headers: 'Zaglavlje',
+	headersBoth: 'Oba',
+	headersColumn: 'Prva kolona',
+	headersNone: 'Ništa',
+	headersRow: 'Prvi red',
+	invalidBorder: 'Debljina ruba mora biti broj.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Razmak ćelija mora biti broj.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Prostornost ćelija mora biti broj.',
+	invalidCols: 'Broj kolona mora biti broj veći od 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Visina tablice mora biti broj.',
+	invalidRows: 'Broj redova mora biti broj veći od 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Å irina tablice mora biti broj.',
+	menu: 'Svojstva tablice',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Red',
+		insertBefore: 'Ubaci red prije',
+		insertAfter: 'Ubaci red poslije',
+		deleteRow: 'Izbriši redove'
+	},
+	rows: 'Redova',
+	summary: 'Sažetak',
+	title: 'Svojstva tablice',
+	toolbar: 'Tablica',
+	widthPc: 'postotaka',
+	widthPx: 'piksela',
+	widthUnit: 'jedinica Å¡irine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2f2729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'hu', {
+	border: 'Szegélyméret',
+	caption: 'Felirat',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cella',
+		insertBefore: 'Beszúrás balra',
+		insertAfter: 'Beszúrás jobbra',
+		deleteCell: 'Cellák törlése',
+		merge: 'Cellák egyesítése',
+		mergeRight: 'Cellák egyesítése jobbra',
+		mergeDown: 'Cellák egyesítése lefelé',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Cellák szétválasztása vízszintesen',
+		splitVertical: 'Cellák szétválasztása függőlegesen',
+		title: 'Cella tulajdonságai',
+		cellType: 'Cella típusa',
+		rowSpan: 'Függőleges egyesítés',
+		colSpan: 'Vízszintes egyesítés',
+		wordWrap: 'Hosszú sorok törése',
+		hAlign: 'Vízszintes igazítás',
+		vAlign: 'Függőleges igazítás',
+		alignBaseline: 'Alapvonalra',
+		bgColor: 'Háttér színe',
+		borderColor: 'Keret színe',
+		data: 'Adat',
+		header: 'Fejléc',
+		yes: 'Igen',
+		no: 'Nem',
+		invalidWidth: 'A szélesség mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
+		invalidHeight: 'A magasság mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'A függőleges egyesítés mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'A vízszintes egyesítés mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
+		chooseColor: 'Válasszon'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Cella belső margó',
+	cellSpace: 'Cella térköz',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Oszlop',
+		insertBefore: 'Beszúrás balra',
+		insertAfter: 'Beszúrás jobbra',
+		deleteColumn: 'Oszlopok törlése'
+	},
+	columns: 'Oszlopok',
+	deleteTable: 'Táblázat törlése',
+	headers: 'Fejlécek',
+	headersBoth: 'Mindkettő',
+	headersColumn: 'Első oszlop',
+	headersNone: 'Nincsenek',
+	headersRow: 'Első sor',
+	invalidBorder: 'A szegélyméret mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'A cella belső margó mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'A cella térköz mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
+	invalidCols: 'Az oszlopok számának nagyobbnak kell lenni mint 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'A magasság mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
+	invalidRows: 'A sorok számának nagyobbnak kell lenni mint 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'A szélesség mezőbe csak számokat írhat.',
+	menu: 'Táblázat tulajdonságai',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Sor',
+		insertBefore: 'Beszúrás fölé',
+		insertAfter: 'Beszúrás alá',
+		deleteRow: 'Sorok törlése'
+	},
+	rows: 'Sorok',
+	summary: 'Leírás',
+	title: 'Táblázat tulajdonságai',
+	toolbar: 'Táblázat',
+	widthPc: 'százalék',
+	widthPx: 'képpont',
+	widthUnit: 'Szélesség egység'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9710d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'is', {
+	border: 'Breidd ramma',
+	caption: 'Titill',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Reitur',
+		insertBefore: 'Skjóta inn reiti fyrir aftan',
+		insertAfter: 'Skjóta inn reiti fyrir framan',
+		deleteCell: 'Fella reit',
+		merge: 'Sameina reiti',
+		mergeRight: 'Sameina til hægri',
+		mergeDown: 'Sameina niður á við',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Kljúfa reit lárétt',
+		splitVertical: 'Kljúfa reit lóðrétt',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Reitaspássía',
+	cellSpace: 'Bil milli reita',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Dálkur',
+		insertBefore: 'Skjóta inn dálki vinstra megin',
+		insertAfter: 'Skjóta inn dálki hægra megin',
+		deleteColumn: 'Fella dálk'
+	},
+	columns: 'Dálkar',
+	deleteTable: 'Fella töflu',
+	headers: 'Fyrirsagnir',
+	headersBoth: 'Hvort tveggja',
+	headersColumn: 'Fyrsti dálkur',
+	headersNone: 'Engar',
+	headersRow: 'Fyrsta röð',
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
+	menu: 'Eigindi töflu',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Röð',
+		insertBefore: 'Skjóta inn röð fyrir ofan',
+		insertAfter: 'Skjóta inn röð fyrir neðan',
+		deleteRow: 'Eyða röð'
+	},
+	rows: 'Raðir',
+	summary: 'Áfram',
+	title: 'Eigindi töflu',
+	toolbar: 'Tafla',
+	widthPc: 'prósent',
+	widthPx: 'myndeindir',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb8449f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'it', {
+	border: 'Dimensione bordo',
+	caption: 'Intestazione',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cella',
+		insertBefore: 'Inserisci Cella Prima',
+		insertAfter: 'Inserisci Cella Dopo',
+		deleteCell: 'Elimina celle',
+		merge: 'Unisce celle',
+		mergeRight: 'Unisci a Destra',
+		mergeDown: 'Unisci in Basso',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Dividi Cella Orizzontalmente',
+		splitVertical: 'Dividi Cella Verticalmente',
+		title: 'Proprietà della cella',
+		cellType: 'Tipo di cella',
+		rowSpan: 'Su più righe',
+		colSpan: 'Su più colonne',
+		wordWrap: 'Ritorno a capo',
+		hAlign: 'Allineamento orizzontale',
+		vAlign: 'Allineamento verticale',
+		alignBaseline: 'Linea Base',
+		bgColor: 'Colore di Sfondo',
+		borderColor: 'Colore del Bordo',
+		data: 'Dati',
+		header: 'Intestazione',
+		yes: 'Si',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'La larghezza della cella dev\'essere un numero.',
+		invalidHeight: 'L\'altezza della cella dev\'essere un numero.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Il numero di righe dev\'essere un numero intero.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Il numero di colonne dev\'essere un numero intero.',
+		chooseColor: 'Scegli'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Padding celle',
+	cellSpace: 'Spaziatura celle',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Colonna',
+		insertBefore: 'Inserisci Colonna Prima',
+		insertAfter: 'Inserisci Colonna Dopo',
+		deleteColumn: 'Elimina colonne'
+	},
+	columns: 'Colonne',
+	deleteTable: 'Cancella Tabella',
+	headers: 'Intestazione',
+	headersBoth: 'Entrambe',
+	headersColumn: 'Prima Colonna',
+	headersNone: 'Nessuna',
+	headersRow: 'Prima Riga',
+	invalidBorder: 'La dimensione del bordo dev\'essere un numero.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Il paging delle celle dev\'essere un numero',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'La spaziatura tra le celle dev\'essere un numero.',
+	invalidCols: 'Il numero di colonne dev\'essere un numero maggiore di 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'L\'altezza della tabella dev\'essere un numero.',
+	invalidRows: 'Il numero di righe dev\'essere un numero maggiore di 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'La larghezza della tabella dev\'essere un numero.',
+	menu: 'Proprietà tabella',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Riga',
+		insertBefore: 'Inserisci Riga Prima',
+		insertAfter: 'Inserisci Riga Dopo',
+		deleteRow: 'Elimina righe'
+	},
+	rows: 'Righe',
+	summary: 'Indice',
+	title: 'Proprietà tabella',
+	toolbar: 'Tabella',
+	widthPc: 'percento',
+	widthPx: 'pixel',
+	widthUnit: 'unità larghezza'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..344356f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'ja', {
+	border: 'ボーダーサイズ',
+	caption: 'キャプション',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'セル',
+		insertBefore: 'セルの前に挿入',
+		insertAfter: 'セルの後に挿入',
+		deleteCell: 'セル削除',
+		merge: 'セル結合',
+		mergeRight: '右に結合',
+		mergeDown: '下に結合',
+		splitHorizontal: 'セルを水平方向分割',
+		splitVertical: 'セルを垂直方向に分割',
+		title: 'セルプロパティ',
+		cellType: 'セルタイプ',
+		rowSpan: '縦幅(行数)',
+		colSpan: '横幅(列数)',
+		wordWrap: '折り返し',
+		hAlign: 'セル横の整列',
+		vAlign: 'セル縦の整列',
+		alignBaseline: 'ベースライン',
+		bgColor: '背景色',
+		borderColor: 'ボーダーカラー',
+		data: 'テーブルデータ(td)',
+		header: 'テーブルヘッダ(th)',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'セル幅は数値で入力してください。',
+		invalidHeight: 'セル高さは数値で入力してください。',
+		invalidRowSpan: '縦幅(行数)は数値で入力してください。',
+		invalidColSpan: '横幅(列数)は数値で入力してください。',
+		chooseColor: '色の選択'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'セル内間隔',
+	cellSpace: 'セル内余白',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'カラム',
+		insertBefore: 'カラムの前に挿入',
+		insertAfter: 'カラムの後に挿入',
+		deleteColumn: '列削除'
+	},
+	columns: '列',
+	deleteTable: 'テーブル削除',
+	headers: 'テーブルヘッダ(th)',
+	headersBoth: '両方',
+	headersColumn: '初めの列のみ',
+	headersNone: 'なし',
+	headersRow: '初めの行のみ',
+	invalidBorder: 'ボーダーサイズは数値で入力してください。',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'セル内間隔は数値で入力してください。',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'セル内余白は数値で入力してください。',
+	invalidCols: '列は0より大きな数値で入力してください。',
+	invalidHeight: '高さは数値で入力してください。',
+	invalidRows: '行は0より大きな数値で入力してください。',
+	invalidWidth: '幅は数値で入力してください。',
+	menu: 'テーブル プロパティ',
+	row: {
+		menu: '行',
+		insertBefore: '行の前に挿入',
+		insertAfter: '行の後に挿入',
+		deleteRow: '行削除'
+	},
+	rows: '行',
+	summary: 'テーブルの概要',
+	title: 'テーブル プロパティ',
+	toolbar: 'テーブル',
+	widthPc: 'パーセント',
+	widthPx: 'ピクセル',
+	widthUnit: 'ユニット'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50c5bca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'ka', {
+	border: 'ჩარჩოს ზომა',
+	caption: 'სათაური',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'უჯრა',
+		insertBefore: 'უჯრის ჩასმა მანამდე',
+		insertAfter: 'უჯრის ჩასმა მერე',
+		deleteCell: 'უჯრების წაშლა',
+		merge: 'უჯრების შეერთება',
+		mergeRight: 'შეერთება მარჯვენასთან',
+		mergeDown: 'შეერთება ქვემოთასთან',
+		splitHorizontal: 'გაყოფა ჰორიზონტალურად',
+		splitVertical: 'გაყოფა ვერტიკალურად',
+		title: 'უჯრის პარამეტრები',
+		cellType: 'უჯრის ტიპი',
+		rowSpan: 'სტრიქონების ოდენობა',
+		colSpan: 'სვეტების ოდენობა',
+		wordWrap: 'სტრიქონის გადატანა (Word Wrap)',
+		hAlign: 'ჰორიზონტალური სწორება',
+		vAlign: 'ვერტიკალური სწორება',
+		alignBaseline: 'ძირითადი ხაზის გასწვრივ',
+		bgColor: 'ფონის ფერი',
+		borderColor: 'ჩარჩოს ფერი',
+		data: 'მონაცემები',
+		header: 'სათაური',
+		yes: 'დიახ',
+		no: 'არა',
+		invalidWidth: 'უჯრის სიგანე რიცხვით უნდა იყოს წარმოდგენილი.',
+		invalidHeight: 'უჯრის სიმაღლე რიცხვით უნდა იყოს წარმოდგენილი.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'სტრიქონების რაოდენობა მთელი რიცხვი უნდა იყოს.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'სვეტების რაოდენობა მთელი რიცხვი უნდა იყოს.',
+		chooseColor: 'არჩევა'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'უჯრის კიდე (padding)',
+	cellSpace: 'უჯრის სივრცე (spacing)',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'სვეტი',
+		insertBefore: 'სვეტის ჩამატება წინ',
+		insertAfter: 'სვეტის ჩამატება მერე',
+		deleteColumn: 'სვეტების წაშლა'
+	},
+	columns: 'სვეტი',
+	deleteTable: 'ცხრილის წაშლა',
+	headers: 'სათაურები',
+	headersBoth: 'ორივე',
+	headersColumn: 'პირველი სვეტი',
+	headersNone: 'არაფერი',
+	headersRow: 'პირველი სტრიქონი',
+	invalidBorder: 'ჩარჩოს ზომა რიცხვით უდნა იყოს წარმოდგენილი.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'უჯრის კიდე (padding) რიცხვით უნდა იყოს წარმოდგენილი.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'უჯრის სივრცე (spacing) რიცხვით უნდა იყოს წარმოდგენილი.',
+	invalidCols: 'სვეტების რაოდენობა დადებითი რიცხვი უნდა იყოს.',
+	invalidHeight: 'ცხრილის სიმაღლე რიცხვით უნდა იყოს წარმოდგენილი.',
+	invalidRows: 'სტრიქონების რაოდენობა დადებითი რიცხვი უნდა იყოს.',
+	invalidWidth: 'ცხრილის სიგანე რიცხვით უნდა იყოს წარმოდგენილი.',
+	menu: 'ცხრილის პარამეტრები',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'სტრიქონი',
+		insertBefore: 'სტრიქონის ჩამატება წინ',
+		insertAfter: 'სტრიქონის ჩამატება მერე',
+		deleteRow: 'სტრიქონების წაშლა'
+	},
+	rows: 'სტრიქონი',
+	summary: 'შეჯამება',
+	title: 'ცხრილის პარამეტრები',
+	toolbar: 'ცხრილი',
+	widthPc: 'პროცენტი',
+	widthPx: 'წერტილი',
+	widthUnit: 'საზომი ერთეული'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5eac833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'km', {
+	border: 'ទំហំស៊ុម',
+	caption: 'ចំណងជើង',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cell',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Cell Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Cell After',
+		deleteCell: 'លប់សែល',
+		merge: 'បញ្ជូលសែល',
+		mergeRight: 'Merge Right',
+		mergeDown: 'Merge Down',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
+		splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'គែមសែល',
+	cellSpace: 'គំលាតសែល',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Column',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Column Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Column After',
+		deleteColumn: 'លប់ជួរឈរ'
+	},
+	columns: 'ជួរឈរ',
+	deleteTable: 'លប់តារាង',
+	headers: 'Headers', // MISSING
+	headersBoth: 'Both', // MISSING
+	headersColumn: 'First column', // MISSING
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row', // MISSING
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
+	menu: 'ការកំណត់ តារាង',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Row',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Row After',
+		deleteRow: 'លប់ជួរផ្តេក'
+	},
+	rows: 'ជួរផ្តេក',
+	summary: 'សេចក្តីសង្ខេប',
+	title: 'ការកំណត់ តារាង',
+	toolbar: 'តារាង',
+	widthPc: 'ភាគរយ',
+	widthPx: 'ភីកសែល',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3f5c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'ko', {
+	border: '테두리 크기',
+	caption: '캡션',
+	cell: {
+		menu: '셀/칸(Cell)',
+		insertBefore: '앞에 셀/칸 삽입',
+		insertAfter: '뒤에 셀/칸 삽입',
+		deleteCell: '셀 삭제',
+		merge: '셀 합치기',
+		mergeRight: '오른쪽 뭉치기',
+		mergeDown: '왼쪽 뭉치기',
+		splitHorizontal: '수평 나누기',
+		splitVertical: '수직 나누기',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: '셀 여백',
+	cellSpace: '셀 간격',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'ì—´(Column)',
+		insertBefore: '앞에 열 삽입',
+		insertAfter: '뒤에 열 삽입',
+		deleteColumn: '세로줄 삭제'
+	},
+	columns: '세로줄',
+	deleteTable: '표 삭제',
+	headers: 'Headers', // MISSING
+	headersBoth: 'Both', // MISSING
+	headersColumn: 'First column', // MISSING
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row', // MISSING
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
+	menu: '표 설정',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'í–‰(Row)',
+		insertBefore: '앞에 행 삽입',
+		insertAfter: '뒤에 행 삽입',
+		deleteRow: '가로줄 삭제'
+	},
+	rows: '가로줄',
+	summary: 'Summary', // MISSING
+	title: '표 설정',
+	toolbar: '표',
+	widthPc: '퍼센트',
+	widthPx: '픽셀',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a34a714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'ku', {
+	border: 'گهورهیی پهراوێز',
+	caption: 'سهردێڕ',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'خانه',
+		insertBefore: 'دانانی خانه لهپێش',
+		insertAfter: 'دانانی خانه لهپاش',
+		deleteCell: 'سڕینهوهی خانه',
+		merge: 'تێکهڵکردنی خانه',
+		mergeRight: 'تێکهڵکردنی لهگهڵ ڕاست',
+		mergeDown: 'تێکهڵکردنی لهگهڵ خوارهوه',
+		splitHorizontal: 'دابهشکردنی خانهی ئاسۆیی',
+		splitVertical: 'دابهشکردنی خانهی ئهستونی',
+		title: 'خاسیهتی خانه',
+		cellType: 'جۆری خانه',
+		rowSpan: 'ماوهی نێوان ڕیز',
+		colSpan: 'بستی ئهستونی',
+		wordWrap: 'پێچانهوهی وشه',
+		hAlign: 'ڕیزکردنی ئاسۆیی',
+		vAlign: 'ڕیزکردنی ئهستونی',
+		alignBaseline: 'هێڵهبنهڕهت',
+		bgColor: 'ڕهنگی پاشبنهما',
+		borderColor: 'ڕهنگی پهراوێز',
+		data: 'داتا',
+		header: 'سهرپهڕه',
+		yes: 'بهڵێ',
+		no: 'نهخێر',
+		invalidWidth: 'پانی خانه دهبێت بهتهواوی ژماره بێت.',
+		invalidHeight: 'درێژی خانه بهتهواوی دهبێت ژماره بێت.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'ماوهی نێوان ڕیز بهتهواوی دهبێت ژماره بێت.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'ماوهی نێوان ئهستونی بهتهواوی دهبێت ژماره بێت.',
+		chooseColor: 'ههڵبژاردن'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'بۆشایی ناوپۆش',
+	cellSpace: 'بۆشایی خانه',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'ئهستون',
+		insertBefore: 'دانانی ئهستون لهپێش',
+		insertAfter: 'دانانی ئهستوون لهپاش',
+		deleteColumn: 'سڕینهوهی ئهستوون'
+	},
+	columns: 'ستوونهکان',
+	deleteTable: 'سڕینهوهی خشته',
+	headers: 'سهرپهڕه',
+	headersBoth: 'ههردووك',
+	headersColumn: 'یهکهم ئهستوون',
+	headersNone: 'هیچ',
+	headersRow: 'یهکهم ڕیز',
+	invalidBorder: 'ژمارهی پهراوێز دهبێت تهنها ژماره بێت.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'ناوپۆشی خانه دهبێت ژمارهکی درووست بێت.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'بۆشایی خانه دهبێت ژمارهکی درووست بێت.',
+	invalidCols: 'ژمارهی ئهستوونی دهبێت گهورهتر بێت لهژمارهی 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'درێژی خشته دهبێت تهنها ژماره بێت.',
+	invalidRows: 'ژمارهی ڕیز دهبێت گهورهتر بێت لهژمارهی 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'پانی خشته دهبێت تهنها ژماره بێت.',
+	menu: 'خاسیهتی خشته',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'ڕیز',
+		insertBefore: 'دانانی ڕیز لهپێش',
+		insertAfter: 'دانانی ڕیز لهپاش',
+		deleteRow: 'سڕینهوهی ڕیز'
+	},
+	rows: 'ڕیز',
+	summary: 'کورته',
+	title: 'خاسیهتی خشته',
+	toolbar: 'خشته',
+	widthPc: 'لهسهدا',
+	widthPx: 'وێنهخاڵ - پیکسل',
+	widthUnit: 'پانی یهکه'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09939a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'lt', {
+	border: 'RÄ—melio dydis',
+	caption: 'Antraštė',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Langelis',
+		insertBefore: 'Įterpti langelį prieš',
+		insertAfter: 'Įterpti langelį po',
+		deleteCell: 'Å alinti langelius',
+		merge: 'Sujungti langelius',
+		mergeRight: 'Sujungti su dešine',
+		mergeDown: 'Sujungti su apačia',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Skaidyti langelį horizontaliai',
+		splitVertical: 'Skaidyti langelį vertikaliai',
+		title: 'Cell nustatymai',
+		cellType: 'Cell rūšis',
+		rowSpan: 'Eilučių Span',
+		colSpan: 'Stulpelių Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Sutraukti raides',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontalus lygiavimas',
+		vAlign: 'Vertikalus lygiavimas',
+		alignBaseline: 'ApatinÄ— linija',
+		bgColor: 'Fono spalva',
+		borderColor: 'RÄ—melio spalva',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Antraštė',
+		yes: 'Taip',
+		no: 'Ne',
+		invalidWidth: 'Reikšmė turi būti skaičius.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Reikšmė turi būti skaičius.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Reikšmė turi būti skaičius.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Reikšmė turi būti skaičius.',
+		chooseColor: 'Pasirinkite'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Trapas nuo langelio rÄ—mo iki teksto',
+	cellSpace: 'Tarpas tarp langelių',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Stulpelis',
+		insertBefore: 'Įterpti stulpelį prieš',
+		insertAfter: 'Įterpti stulpelį po',
+		deleteColumn: 'Å alinti stulpelius'
+	},
+	columns: 'Stulpeliai',
+	deleteTable: 'Å alinti lentelÄ™',
+	headers: 'Antraštės',
+	headersBoth: 'Abu',
+	headersColumn: 'Pirmas stulpelis',
+	headersNone: 'NÄ—ra',
+	headersRow: 'Pirma eilutÄ—',
+	invalidBorder: 'Reikšmė turi būti nurodyta skaičiumi.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Reikšmė turi būti nurodyta skaičiumi.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Reikšmė turi būti nurodyta skaičiumi.',
+	invalidCols: 'Skaičius turi būti didesnis nei 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Reikšmė turi būti nurodyta skaičiumi.',
+	invalidRows: 'Skaičius turi būti didesnis nei 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Reikšmė turi būti nurodyta skaičiumi.',
+	menu: 'LentelÄ—s savybÄ—s',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'EilutÄ—',
+		insertBefore: 'Įterpti eilutę prieš',
+		insertAfter: 'Įterpti eilutę po',
+		deleteRow: 'Å alinti eilutes'
+	},
+	rows: 'EilutÄ—s',
+	summary: 'Santrauka',
+	title: 'LentelÄ—s savybÄ—s',
+	toolbar: 'LentelÄ—',
+	widthPc: 'procentais',
+	widthPx: 'taškais',
+	widthUnit: 'pločio vienetas'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..268f9cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'lv', {
+	border: 'Rāmja izmērs',
+	caption: 'Leģenda',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Å Å«na',
+		insertBefore: 'Pievienot Å¡Å«nu pirms',
+		insertAfter: 'Pievienot šūnu pēc',
+		deleteCell: 'Dzēst rūtiņas',
+		merge: 'Apvienot rūtiņas',
+		mergeRight: 'Apvieno pa labi',
+		mergeDown: 'Apvienot uz leju',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Sadalīt šūnu horizontāli',
+		splitVertical: 'Sadalīt šūnu vertikāli',
+		title: 'Šūnas uzstādījumi',
+		cellType: 'Å Å«nas tips',
+		rowSpan: 'Apvienotas rindas',
+		colSpan: 'Apvienotas kolonas',
+		wordWrap: 'Vārdu pārnese',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontālais novietojums',
+		vAlign: 'Vertikālais novietojums',
+		alignBaseline: 'Pamatrinda',
+		bgColor: 'Fona krāsa',
+		borderColor: 'Rāmja krāsa',
+		data: 'Dati',
+		header: 'Virsraksts',
+		yes: 'Jā',
+		no: 'NÄ“',
+		invalidWidth: 'Šūnas platumam jābūt skaitlim',
+		invalidHeight: 'Šūnas augstumam jābūt skaitlim',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Apvienojamo rindu skaitam jābūt veselam skaitlim',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Apvienojamo kolonu skaitam jābūt veselam skaitlim',
+		chooseColor: 'Izvēlēties'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Rūtiņu nobīde',
+	cellSpace: 'Rūtiņu atstatums',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Kolonna',
+		insertBefore: 'Ievietot kolonu pirms',
+		insertAfter: 'Ievieto kolonu pēc',
+		deleteColumn: 'Dzēst kolonnas'
+	},
+	columns: 'Kolonnas',
+	deleteTable: 'Dzēst tabulu',
+	headers: 'Virsraksti',
+	headersBoth: 'Abi',
+	headersColumn: 'Pirmā kolona',
+	headersNone: 'Nekas',
+	headersRow: 'Pirmā rinda',
+	invalidBorder: 'Rāmju izmēram jābūt skaitlim',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Šūnu atkāpēm jābūt pozitīvam skaitlim',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Šūnu atstarpēm jābūt pozitīvam skaitlim',
+	invalidCols: 'Kolonu skaitam jābūt lielākam par 0',
+	invalidHeight: 'Tabulas augstumam jābūt skaitlim',
+	invalidRows: 'Rindu skaitam jābūt lielākam par 0',
+	invalidWidth: 'Tabulas platumam jābūt skaitlim',
+	menu: 'Tabulas īpašības',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Rinda',
+		insertBefore: 'Ievietot rindu pirms',
+		insertAfter: 'Ievietot rindu pēc',
+		deleteRow: 'Dzēst rindas'
+	},
+	rows: 'Rindas',
+	summary: 'Anotācija',
+	title: 'Tabulas īpašības',
+	toolbar: 'Tabula',
+	widthPc: 'procentuāli',
+	widthPx: 'pikseļos',
+	widthUnit: 'platuma mērvienība'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32b2b7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'mk', {
+	border: 'Border size', // MISSING
+	caption: 'Caption', // MISSING
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cell',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Cell Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Cell After',
+		deleteCell: 'Delete Cells',
+		merge: 'Merge Cells',
+		mergeRight: 'Merge Right',
+		mergeDown: 'Merge Down',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
+		splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Cell padding', // MISSING
+	cellSpace: 'Cell spacing', // MISSING
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Column',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Column Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Column After',
+		deleteColumn: 'Delete Columns'
+	},
+	columns: 'Columns',
+	deleteTable: 'Delete Table', // MISSING
+	headers: 'Headers', // MISSING
+	headersBoth: 'Both', // MISSING
+	headersColumn: 'First column', // MISSING
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row', // MISSING
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
+	menu: 'Table Properties', // MISSING
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Row',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Row After',
+		deleteRow: 'Delete Rows'
+	},
+	rows: 'Rows',
+	summary: 'Summary', // MISSING
+	title: 'Table Properties', // MISSING
+	toolbar: 'Table', // MISSING
+	widthPc: 'percent', // MISSING
+	widthPx: 'pixels', // MISSING
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6294f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'mn', {
+	border: 'Хүрээний хэмжээ',
+	caption: 'Тайлбар',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Нүх/зай',
+		insertBefore: 'Нүх/зай өмнө нь оруулах',
+		insertAfter: 'Нүх/зай дараа нь оруулах',
+		deleteCell: 'Нүх устгах',
+		merge: 'Нүх нэгтэх',
+		mergeRight: 'Баруун тийш нэгтгэх',
+		mergeDown: 'Доош нэгтгэх',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Нүх/зайг босоогоор нь тусгаарлах',
+		splitVertical: 'Нүх/зайг хөндлөнгөөр нь тусгаарлах',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Хэвтээд тэгшлэх арга',
+		vAlign: 'Босоод тэгшлэх арга',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Дэвсгэр өнгө',
+		borderColor: 'Хүрээний өнгө',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Тийм',
+		no: 'Үгүй',
+		invalidWidth: 'Нүдний өргөн нь тоо байх ёстой.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Сонгох'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Нүх доторлох(padding)',
+	cellSpace: 'Нүх хоорондын зай (spacing)',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Багана',
+		insertBefore: 'Багана өмнө нь оруулах',
+		insertAfter: 'Багана дараа нь оруулах',
+		deleteColumn: 'Багана устгах'
+	},
+	columns: 'Багана',
+	deleteTable: 'Хүснэгт устгах',
+	headers: 'Headers', // MISSING
+	headersBoth: 'Both', // MISSING
+	headersColumn: 'First column', // MISSING
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row', // MISSING
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidWidth: 'Хүснэгтийн өргөн нь тоо байх ёстой.',
+	menu: 'Хүснэгт',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Мөр',
+		insertBefore: 'Мөр өмнө нь оруулах',
+		insertAfter: 'Мөр дараа нь оруулах',
+		deleteRow: 'Мөр устгах'
+	},
+	rows: 'Мөр',
+	summary: 'Тайлбар',
+	title: 'Хүснэгт',
+	toolbar: 'Хүснэгт',
+	widthPc: 'хувь',
+	widthPx: 'цэг',
+	widthUnit: 'өргөний нэгж'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66c1283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'ms', {
+	border: 'Saiz Border',
+	caption: 'Keterangan',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cell',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Cell Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Cell After',
+		deleteCell: 'Buangkan Sel-sel',
+		merge: 'Cantumkan Sel-sel',
+		mergeRight: 'Merge Right',
+		mergeDown: 'Merge Down',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
+		splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Tambahan Ruang Sel',
+	cellSpace: 'Ruangan Antara Sel',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Column',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Column Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Column After',
+		deleteColumn: 'Buangkan Lajur'
+	},
+	columns: 'Jaluran',
+	deleteTable: 'Delete Table', // MISSING
+	headers: 'Headers', // MISSING
+	headersBoth: 'Both', // MISSING
+	headersColumn: 'First column', // MISSING
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row', // MISSING
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
+	menu: 'Ciri-ciri Jadual',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Row',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Row After',
+		deleteRow: 'Buangkan Baris'
+	},
+	rows: 'Barisan',
+	summary: 'Summary', // MISSING
+	title: 'Ciri-ciri Jadual',
+	toolbar: 'Jadual',
+	widthPc: 'peratus',
+	widthPx: 'piksel-piksel',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3abe2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'nb', {
+	border: 'Rammestørrelse',
+	caption: 'Tittel',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Celle',
+		insertBefore: 'Sett inn celle før',
+		insertAfter: 'Sett inn celle etter',
+		deleteCell: 'Slett celler',
+		merge: 'Slå sammen celler',
+		mergeRight: 'Slå sammen høyre',
+		mergeDown: 'Slå sammen ned',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Del celle horisontalt',
+		splitVertical: 'Del celle vertikalt',
+		title: 'Celleegenskaper',
+		cellType: 'Celletype',
+		rowSpan: 'Radspenn',
+		colSpan: 'Kolonnespenn',
+		wordWrap: 'Tekstbrytning',
+		hAlign: 'Horisontal justering',
+		vAlign: 'Vertikal justering',
+		alignBaseline: 'Grunnlinje',
+		bgColor: 'Bakgrunnsfarge',
+		borderColor: 'Rammefarge',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Overskrift',
+		yes: 'Ja',
+		no: 'Nei',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cellebredde må være et tall.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cellehøyde må være et tall.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Radspenn må være et heltall.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Kolonnespenn må være et heltall.',
+		chooseColor: 'Velg'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Cellepolstring',
+	cellSpace: 'Cellemarg',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Kolonne',
+		insertBefore: 'Sett inn kolonne før',
+		insertAfter: 'Sett inn kolonne etter',
+		deleteColumn: 'Slett kolonner'
+	},
+	columns: 'Kolonner',
+	deleteTable: 'Slett tabell',
+	headers: 'Overskrifter',
+	headersBoth: 'Begge',
+	headersColumn: 'Første kolonne',
+	headersNone: 'Ingen',
+	headersRow: 'Første rad',
+	invalidBorder: 'Rammestørrelse må være et tall.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cellepolstring må være et positivt tall.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cellemarg må være et positivt tall.',
+	invalidCols: 'Antall kolonner må være et tall større enn 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Tabellhøyde må være et tall.',
+	invalidRows: 'Antall rader må være et tall større enn 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Tabellbredde må være et tall.',
+	menu: 'Egenskaper for tabell',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Rader',
+		insertBefore: 'Sett inn rad før',
+		insertAfter: 'Sett inn rad etter',
+		deleteRow: 'Slett rader'
+	},
+	rows: 'Rader',
+	summary: 'Sammendrag',
+	title: 'Egenskaper for tabell',
+	toolbar: 'Tabell',
+	widthPc: 'prosent',
+	widthPx: 'piksler',
+	widthUnit: 'Bredde-enhet'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..559811d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'nl', {
+	border: 'Breedte rand',
+	caption: 'Naam',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cel',
+		insertBefore: 'Voeg cel in voor',
+		insertAfter: 'Voeg cel in achter',
+		deleteCell: 'Cellen verwijderen',
+		merge: 'Cellen samenvoegen',
+		mergeRight: 'Voeg samen naar rechts',
+		mergeDown: 'Voeg samen naar beneden',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Splits cellen horizontaal',
+		splitVertical: 'Splits cellen verticaal',
+		title: 'Cel eigenschappen',
+		cellType: 'Cel type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rijen samenvoegen',
+		colSpan: 'Kolommen samenvoegen',
+		wordWrap: 'Automatische terugloop',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontale uitlijning',
+		vAlign: 'Verticale uitlijning',
+		alignBaseline: 'Basislijn',
+		bgColor: 'Achtergrondkleur',
+		borderColor: 'Kleur rand',
+		data: 'Inhoud',
+		header: 'Kop',
+		yes: 'Ja',
+		no: 'Nee',
+		invalidWidth: 'De celbreedte moet een getal zijn.',
+		invalidHeight: 'De celhoogte moet een getal zijn.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rijen samenvoegen moet een heel getal zijn.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Kolommen samenvoegen moet een heel getal zijn.',
+		chooseColor: 'Kies'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Ruimte in de cel',
+	cellSpace: 'Afstand tussen cellen',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Kolom',
+		insertBefore: 'Voeg kolom in voor',
+		insertAfter: 'Voeg kolom in achter',
+		deleteColumn: 'Kolommen verwijderen'
+	},
+	columns: 'Kolommen',
+	deleteTable: 'Tabel verwijderen',
+	headers: 'Koppen',
+	headersBoth: 'Beide',
+	headersColumn: 'Eerste kolom',
+	headersNone: 'Geen',
+	headersRow: 'Eerste rij',
+	invalidBorder: 'De rand breedte moet een getal zijn.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Ruimte in de cel moet een getal zijn.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Afstand tussen cellen moet een getal zijn.',
+	invalidCols: 'Het aantal kolommen moet een getal zijn groter dan 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'De tabelhoogte moet een getal zijn.',
+	invalidRows: 'Het aantal rijen moet een getal zijn groter dan 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'De tabelbreedte moet een getal zijn.',
+	menu: 'Eigenschappen tabel',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Rij',
+		insertBefore: 'Voeg rij in voor',
+		insertAfter: 'Voeg rij in achter',
+		deleteRow: 'Rijen verwijderen'
+	},
+	rows: 'Rijen',
+	summary: 'Samenvatting',
+	title: 'Eigenschappen tabel',
+	toolbar: 'Tabel',
+	widthPc: 'procent',
+	widthPx: 'pixels',
+	widthUnit: 'eenheid breedte'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66b6f74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'no', {
+	border: 'Rammestørrelse',
+	caption: 'Tittel',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Celle',
+		insertBefore: 'Sett inn celle før',
+		insertAfter: 'Sett inn celle etter',
+		deleteCell: 'Slett celler',
+		merge: 'Slå sammen celler',
+		mergeRight: 'Slå sammen høyre',
+		mergeDown: 'Slå sammen ned',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Del celle horisontalt',
+		splitVertical: 'Del celle vertikalt',
+		title: 'Celleegenskaper',
+		cellType: 'Celletype',
+		rowSpan: 'Radspenn',
+		colSpan: 'Kolonnespenn',
+		wordWrap: 'Tekstbrytning',
+		hAlign: 'Horisontal justering',
+		vAlign: 'Vertikal justering',
+		alignBaseline: 'Grunnlinje',
+		bgColor: 'Bakgrunnsfarge',
+		borderColor: 'Rammefarge',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Overskrift',
+		yes: 'Ja',
+		no: 'Nei',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cellebredde må være et tall.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cellehøyde må være et tall.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Radspenn må være et heltall.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Kolonnespenn må være et heltall.',
+		chooseColor: 'Velg'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Cellepolstring',
+	cellSpace: 'Cellemarg',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Kolonne',
+		insertBefore: 'Sett inn kolonne før',
+		insertAfter: 'Sett inn kolonne etter',
+		deleteColumn: 'Slett kolonner'
+	},
+	columns: 'Kolonner',
+	deleteTable: 'Slett tabell',
+	headers: 'Overskrifter',
+	headersBoth: 'Begge',
+	headersColumn: 'Første kolonne',
+	headersNone: 'Ingen',
+	headersRow: 'Første rad',
+	invalidBorder: 'Rammestørrelse må være et tall.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cellepolstring må være et positivt tall.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cellemarg må være et positivt tall.',
+	invalidCols: 'Antall kolonner må være et tall større enn 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Tabellhøyde må være et tall.',
+	invalidRows: 'Antall rader må være et tall større enn 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Tabellbredde må være et tall.',
+	menu: 'Egenskaper for tabell',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Rader',
+		insertBefore: 'Sett inn rad før',
+		insertAfter: 'Sett inn rad etter',
+		deleteRow: 'Slett rader'
+	},
+	rows: 'Rader',
+	summary: 'Sammendrag',
+	title: 'Egenskaper for tabell',
+	toolbar: 'Tabell',
+	widthPc: 'prosent',
+	widthPx: 'piksler',
+	widthUnit: 'Bredde-enhet'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..804ee50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'pl', {
+	border: 'Grubość obramowania',
+	caption: 'Tytuł',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Komórka',
+		insertBefore: 'Wstaw komórkę z lewej',
+		insertAfter: 'Wstaw komórkę z prawej',
+		deleteCell: 'Usuń komórki',
+		merge: 'Połącz komórki',
+		mergeRight: 'Połącz z komórką z prawej',
+		mergeDown: 'Połącz z komórką poniżej',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Podziel komórkę poziomo',
+		splitVertical: 'Podziel komórkę pionowo',
+		title: 'Właściwości komórki',
+		cellType: 'Typ komórki',
+		rowSpan: 'Scalenie wierszy',
+		colSpan: 'Scalenie komórek',
+		wordWrap: 'Zawijanie słów',
+		hAlign: 'Wyrównanie poziome',
+		vAlign: 'Wyrównanie pionowe',
+		alignBaseline: 'Linia bazowa',
+		bgColor: 'Kolor tła',
+		borderColor: 'Kolor obramowania',
+		data: 'Dane',
+		header: 'Nagłówek',
+		yes: 'Tak',
+		no: 'Nie',
+		invalidWidth: 'Szerokość komórki musi być liczbą.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Wysokość komórki musi być liczbą.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Scalenie wierszy musi być liczbą całkowitą.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Scalenie komórek musi być liczbą całkowitą.',
+		chooseColor: 'Wybierz'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Dopełnienie komórek',
+	cellSpace: 'Odstęp pomiędzy komórkami',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Kolumna',
+		insertBefore: 'Wstaw kolumnÄ™ z lewej',
+		insertAfter: 'Wstaw kolumnÄ™ z prawej',
+		deleteColumn: 'Usuń kolumny'
+	},
+	columns: 'Liczba kolumn',
+	deleteTable: 'Usuń tabelę',
+	headers: 'Nagłówki',
+	headersBoth: 'Oba',
+	headersColumn: 'Pierwsza kolumna',
+	headersNone: 'Brak',
+	headersRow: 'Pierwszy wiersz',
+	invalidBorder: 'Wartość obramowania musi być liczbą.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Dopełnienie komórek musi być liczbą dodatnią.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Odstęp pomiędzy komórkami musi być liczbą dodatnią.',
+	invalidCols: 'Liczba kolumn musi być większa niż 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Wysokość tabeli musi być liczbą.',
+	invalidRows: 'Liczba wierszy musi być większa niż 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Szerokość tabeli musi być liczbą.',
+	menu: 'Właściwości tabeli',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Wiersz',
+		insertBefore: 'Wstaw wiersz powyżej',
+		insertAfter: 'Wstaw wiersz poniżej',
+		deleteRow: 'Usuń wiersze'
+	},
+	rows: 'Liczba wierszy',
+	summary: 'Podsumowanie',
+	title: 'Właściwości tabeli',
+	toolbar: 'Tabela',
+	widthPc: '%',
+	widthPx: 'piksele',
+	widthUnit: 'jednostka szerokości'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99f6c70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'pt-br', {
+	border: 'Borda',
+	caption: 'Legenda',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Célula',
+		insertBefore: 'Inserir célula a esquerda',
+		insertAfter: 'Inserir célula a direita',
+		deleteCell: 'Remover Células',
+		merge: 'Mesclar Células',
+		mergeRight: 'Mesclar com célula a direita',
+		mergeDown: 'Mesclar com célula abaixo',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Dividir célula horizontalmente',
+		splitVertical: 'Dividir célula verticalmente',
+		title: 'Propriedades da célula',
+		cellType: 'Tipo de célula',
+		rowSpan: 'Linhas cobertas',
+		colSpan: 'Colunas cobertas',
+		wordWrap: 'Quebra de palavra',
+		hAlign: 'Alinhamento horizontal',
+		vAlign: 'Alinhamento vertical',
+		alignBaseline: 'Patamar de alinhamento',
+		bgColor: 'Cor de fundo',
+		borderColor: 'Cor das bordas',
+		data: 'Dados',
+		header: 'Cabeçalho',
+		yes: 'Sim',
+		no: 'Não',
+		invalidWidth: 'A largura da célula tem que ser um número.',
+		invalidHeight: 'A altura da célula tem que ser um número.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Linhas cobertas tem que ser um número inteiro.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Colunas cobertas tem que ser um número inteiro.',
+		chooseColor: 'Escolher'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Margem interna',
+	cellSpace: 'Espaçamento',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Coluna',
+		insertBefore: 'Inserir coluna a esquerda',
+		insertAfter: 'Inserir coluna a direita',
+		deleteColumn: 'Remover Colunas'
+	},
+	columns: 'Colunas',
+	deleteTable: 'Apagar Tabela',
+	headers: 'Cabeçalho',
+	headersBoth: 'Ambos',
+	headersColumn: 'Primeira coluna',
+	headersNone: 'Nenhum',
+	headersRow: 'Primeira linha',
+	invalidBorder: 'O tamanho da borda tem que ser um número.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'A margem interna das células tem que ser um número.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'O espaçamento das células tem que ser um número.',
+	invalidCols: 'O número de colunas tem que ser um número maior que 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'A altura da tabela tem que ser um número.',
+	invalidRows: 'O número de linhas tem que ser um número maior que 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'A largura da tabela tem que ser um número.',
+	menu: 'Formatar Tabela',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Linha',
+		insertBefore: 'Inserir linha acima',
+		insertAfter: 'Inserir linha abaixo',
+		deleteRow: 'Remover Linhas'
+	},
+	rows: 'Linhas',
+	summary: 'Resumo',
+	title: 'Formatar Tabela',
+	toolbar: 'Tabela',
+	widthPc: '%',
+	widthPx: 'pixels',
+	widthUnit: 'unidade largura'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4a54fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'pt', {
+	border: 'Tamanho do Limite',
+	caption: 'Título',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Célula',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Cell Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Cell After',
+		deleteCell: 'Eliminar Célula',
+		merge: 'Unir Células',
+		mergeRight: 'Merge Right',
+		mergeDown: 'Merge Down',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
+		splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Esp. interior',
+	cellSpace: 'Esp. e/células',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Coluna',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Column Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Column After',
+		deleteColumn: 'Eliminar Coluna'
+	},
+	columns: 'Colunas',
+	deleteTable: 'Eliminar Tabela',
+	headers: 'Headers', // MISSING
+	headersBoth: 'Both', // MISSING
+	headersColumn: 'First column', // MISSING
+	headersNone: 'Nenhum',
+	headersRow: 'First Row', // MISSING
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
+	menu: 'Propriedades da Tabela',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Linha',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Row After',
+		deleteRow: 'Eliminar Linhas'
+	},
+	rows: 'Linhas',
+	summary: 'Sumário',
+	title: 'Propriedades da Tabela',
+	toolbar: 'Tabela',
+	widthPc: 'percentagem',
+	widthPx: 'pixeis',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcf8960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'ro', {
+	border: 'Mărimea marginii',
+	caption: 'Titlu (Caption)',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Celulă',
+		insertBefore: 'Inserează celulă înainte',
+		insertAfter: 'Inserează celulă după',
+		deleteCell: 'Åžterge celule',
+		merge: 'UneÅŸte celule',
+		mergeRight: 'UneÅŸte la dreapta',
+		mergeDown: 'UneÅŸte jos',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Împarte celula pe orizontală',
+		splitVertical: 'Împarte celula pe verticală',
+		title: 'Proprietăți celulă',
+		cellType: 'Tipul celulei',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Aliniament orizontal',
+		vAlign: 'Aliniament vertical',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Culoare fundal',
+		borderColor: 'Culoare bordură',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Antet',
+		yes: 'Da',
+		no: 'Nu',
+		invalidWidth: 'Lățimea celulei trebuie să fie un număr.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Înălțimea celulei trebuie să fie un număr.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Alege'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Spaţiu în cadrul celulei',
+	cellSpace: 'Spaţiu între celule',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Coloană',
+		insertBefore: 'Inserează coloană înainte',
+		insertAfter: 'Inserează coloană după',
+		deleteColumn: 'Åžterge celule'
+	},
+	columns: 'Coloane',
+	deleteTable: 'Åžterge tabel',
+	headers: 'Antente',
+	headersBoth: 'Ambele',
+	headersColumn: 'Prima coloană',
+	headersNone: 'Nimic',
+	headersRow: 'Primul rând',
+	invalidBorder: 'Dimensiunea bordurii trebuie să aibe un număr.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Spațierea celului trebuie să fie un număr pozitiv.',
+	invalidCols: 'Numărul coloanelor trebuie să fie mai mare decât 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Numărul rândurilor trebuie să fie mai mare decât 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Lățimea tabelului trebuie să fie un număr.',
+	menu: 'Proprietăţile tabelului',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Rând',
+		insertBefore: 'Inserează rând înainte',
+		insertAfter: 'Inserează rând după',
+		deleteRow: 'Şterge rânduri'
+	},
+	rows: 'Rânduri',
+	summary: 'Rezumat',
+	title: 'Proprietăţile tabelului',
+	toolbar: 'Tabel',
+	widthPc: 'procente',
+	widthPx: 'pixeli',
+	widthUnit: 'unitate lățime'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e7e2e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'ru', {
+	border: 'Размер границ',
+	caption: 'Заголовок',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Ячейка',
+		insertBefore: 'Вставить ячейку слева',
+		insertAfter: 'Вставить ячейку справа',
+		deleteCell: 'Удалить ячейки',
+		merge: 'Объединить ячейки',
+		mergeRight: 'Объединить с правой',
+		mergeDown: 'Объединить с нижней',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Разделить ячейку по горизонтали',
+		splitVertical: 'Разделить ячейку по вертикали',
+		title: 'Свойства ячейки',
+		cellType: 'Тип ячейки',
+		rowSpan: 'Объединяет строк',
+		colSpan: 'Объединяет колонок',
+		wordWrap: 'Перенос по словам',
+		hAlign: 'Горизонтальное выравнивание',
+		vAlign: 'Вертикальное выравнивание',
+		alignBaseline: 'По базовой линии',
+		bgColor: 'Цвет фона',
+		borderColor: 'Цвет границ',
+		data: 'Данные',
+		header: 'Заголовок',
+		yes: 'Да',
+		no: 'Нет',
+		invalidWidth: 'Ширина ячейки должна быть числом.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Высота ячейки должна быть числом.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Количество объединяемых строк должно быть задано числом.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Количество объединяемых колонок должно быть задано числом.',
+		chooseColor: 'Выберите'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Внутренний отступ ячеек',
+	cellSpace: 'Внешний отступ ячеек',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Колонка',
+		insertBefore: 'Вставить колонку слева',
+		insertAfter: 'Вставить колонку справа',
+		deleteColumn: 'Удалить колонки'
+	},
+	columns: 'Колонки',
+	deleteTable: 'Удалить таблицу',
+	headers: 'Заголовки',
+	headersBoth: 'Сверху и слева',
+	headersColumn: 'Левая колонка',
+	headersNone: 'Без заголовков',
+	headersRow: 'Верхняя строка',
+	invalidBorder: 'Размер границ должен быть числом.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Внутренний отступ ячеек (cellpadding) должен быть числом.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Внешний отступ ячеек (cellspacing) должен быть числом.',
+	invalidCols: 'Количество столбцов должно быть больше 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Высота таблицы должна быть числом.',
+	invalidRows: 'Количество строк должно быть больше 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Ширина таблицы должна быть числом.',
+	menu: 'Свойства таблицы',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Строка',
+		insertBefore: 'Вставить строку сверху',
+		insertAfter: 'Вставить строку снизу',
+		deleteRow: 'Удалить строки'
+	},
+	rows: 'Строки',
+	summary: 'Итоги',
+	title: 'Свойства таблицы',
+	toolbar: 'Таблица',
+	widthPc: 'процентов',
+	widthPx: 'пикселей',
+	widthUnit: 'единица измерения'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00b45a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'sk', {
+	border: 'Šírka rámu (border)',
+	caption: 'Popis',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Bunka',
+		insertBefore: 'Vložiť bunku pred',
+		insertAfter: 'Vložiť bunku za',
+		deleteCell: 'Vymazať bunky',
+		merge: 'Zlúčiť bunky',
+		mergeRight: 'Zlúčiť doprava',
+		mergeDown: 'Zlúčiť dole',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Rozdeliť bunky horizontálne',
+		splitVertical: 'Rozdeliť bunky vertikálne',
+		title: 'Vlastnosti bunky',
+		cellType: 'Typ bunky',
+		rowSpan: 'Rozsah riadkov',
+		colSpan: 'Rozsah stĺpcov',
+		wordWrap: 'Zalomovanie riadkov',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontálne zarovnanie',
+		vAlign: 'Vertikálne zarovnanie',
+		alignBaseline: 'Základná čiara (baseline)',
+		bgColor: 'Farba pozadia',
+		borderColor: 'Farba rámu',
+		data: 'Dáta',
+		header: 'Hlavička',
+		yes: 'Áno',
+		no: 'Nie',
+		invalidWidth: 'Šírka bunky musí byť číslo.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Výška bunky musí byť číslo.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rozsah riadkov musí byť celé číslo.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Rozsah stĺpcov musí byť celé číslo.',
+		chooseColor: 'Vybrať'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Odsadenie obsahu (cell padding)',
+	cellSpace: 'Vzdialenosť buniek (cell spacing)',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Stĺpec',
+		insertBefore: 'Vložiť stĺpec pred',
+		insertAfter: 'Vložiť stĺpec po',
+		deleteColumn: 'Zmazať stĺpce'
+	},
+	columns: 'Stĺpce',
+	deleteTable: 'Vymazať tabuľku',
+	headers: 'Hlavička',
+	headersBoth: 'Obe',
+	headersColumn: 'Prvý stĺpec',
+	headersNone: 'Žiadne',
+	headersRow: 'Prvý riadok',
+	invalidBorder: 'Širka rámu musí byť číslo.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Odsadenie v bunkách (cell padding) musí byť kladné číslo.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Medzera mädzi bunkami (cell spacing) musí byť kladné číslo.',
+	invalidCols: 'Počet stĺpcov musí byť číslo väčšie ako 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Výška tabuľky musí byť číslo.',
+	invalidRows: 'Počet riadkov musí byť číslo väčšie ako 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Širka tabuľky musí byť číslo.',
+	menu: 'Vlastnosti tabuľky',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Riadok',
+		insertBefore: 'Vložiť riadok pred',
+		insertAfter: 'Vložiť riadok po',
+		deleteRow: 'Vymazať riadky'
+	},
+	rows: 'Riadky',
+	summary: 'Prehľad',
+	title: 'Vlastnosti tabuľky',
+	toolbar: 'Tabuľka',
+	widthPc: 'percent',
+	widthPx: 'pixelov',
+	widthUnit: 'jednotka šírky'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79e31ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'sl', {
+	border: 'Velikost obrobe',
+	caption: 'Naslov',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Celica',
+		insertBefore: 'Vstavi celico pred',
+		insertAfter: 'Vstavi celico za',
+		deleteCell: 'Izbriši celice',
+		merge: 'Združi celice',
+		mergeRight: 'Združi desno',
+		mergeDown: 'Druži navzdol',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Razdeli celico vodoravno',
+		splitVertical: 'Razdeli celico navpično',
+		title: 'Lastnosti celice',
+		cellType: 'Vrsta celice',
+		rowSpan: 'Razpon vrstic',
+		colSpan: 'Razpon stolpcev',
+		wordWrap: 'Prelom besedila',
+		hAlign: 'Vodoravna poravnava',
+		vAlign: 'Navpična poravnava',
+		alignBaseline: 'Osnovnica',
+		bgColor: 'Barva ozadja',
+		borderColor: 'Barva obrobe',
+		data: 'Podatki',
+		header: 'Glava',
+		yes: 'Da',
+		no: 'Ne',
+		invalidWidth: 'Å irina celice mora biti Å¡tevilo.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Višina celice mora biti število.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Razpon vrstic mora biti celo Å¡tevilo.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Razpon stolpcev mora biti celo Å¡tevilo.',
+		chooseColor: 'Izberi'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Polnilo med celicami',
+	cellSpace: 'Razmik med celicami',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Stolpec',
+		insertBefore: 'Vstavi stolpec pred',
+		insertAfter: 'Vstavi stolpec za',
+		deleteColumn: 'Izbriši stolpce'
+	},
+	columns: 'Stolpci',
+	deleteTable: 'Izbriši tabelo',
+	headers: 'Glave',
+	headersBoth: 'Oboje',
+	headersColumn: 'Prvi stolpec',
+	headersNone: 'Brez',
+	headersRow: 'Prva vrstica',
+	invalidBorder: 'Å irina obrobe mora biti Å¡tevilo.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Zamik celic mora biti Å¡tevilo',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Razmik med celicami mora biti Å¡tevilo.',
+	invalidCols: 'Število stolpcev mora biti večje od 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Višina tabele mora biti število.',
+	invalidRows: 'Število vrstic mora biti večje od 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Å irina tabele mora biti Å¡tevilo.',
+	menu: 'Lastnosti tabele',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Vrstica',
+		insertBefore: 'Vstavi vrstico pred',
+		insertAfter: 'Vstavi vrstico za',
+		deleteRow: 'Izbriši vrstice'
+	},
+	rows: 'Vrstice',
+	summary: 'Povzetek',
+	title: 'Lastnosti tabele',
+	toolbar: 'Tabela',
+	widthPc: 'procentov',
+	widthPx: 'pik',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fe6850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'sr-latn', {
+	border: 'Veličina okvira',
+	caption: 'Naslov tabele',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cell',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Cell Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Cell After',
+		deleteCell: 'Obriši ćelije',
+		merge: 'Spoj celije',
+		mergeRight: 'Merge Right',
+		mergeDown: 'Merge Down',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
+		splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Razmak ćelija',
+	cellSpace: 'Ćelijski prostor',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Column',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Column Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Column After',
+		deleteColumn: 'Obriši kolone'
+	},
+	columns: 'Kolona',
+	deleteTable: 'Delete Table', // MISSING
+	headers: 'Headers', // MISSING
+	headersBoth: 'Both', // MISSING
+	headersColumn: 'First column', // MISSING
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row', // MISSING
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
+	menu: 'Osobine tabele',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Row',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Row After',
+		deleteRow: 'Obriši redove'
+	},
+	rows: 'Redova',
+	summary: 'Summary', // MISSING
+	title: 'Osobine tabele',
+	toolbar: 'Tabela',
+	widthPc: 'procenata',
+	widthPx: 'piksela',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22a0afd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'sr', {
+	border: 'Величина оквира',
+	caption: 'Наслов табеле',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cell',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Cell Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Cell After',
+		deleteCell: 'Обриши ћелије',
+		merge: 'Спој ћелије',
+		mergeRight: 'Merge Right',
+		mergeDown: 'Merge Down',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
+		splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Размак ћелија',
+	cellSpace: 'Ћелијски простор',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Column',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Column Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Column After',
+		deleteColumn: 'Обриши колоне'
+	},
+	columns: 'Kолона',
+	deleteTable: 'Delete Table', // MISSING
+	headers: 'Headers', // MISSING
+	headersBoth: 'Both', // MISSING
+	headersColumn: 'First column', // MISSING
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row', // MISSING
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
+	menu: 'Особине табеле',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Row',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Row After',
+		deleteRow: 'Обриши редове'
+	},
+	rows: 'Редова',
+	summary: 'Summary', // MISSING
+	title: 'Особине табеле',
+	toolbar: 'Табела',
+	widthPc: 'процената',
+	widthPx: 'пиксела',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcbc57f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'sv', {
+	border: 'Kantstorlek',
+	caption: 'Rubrik',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Cell',
+		insertBefore: 'Lägg till cell före',
+		insertAfter: 'Lägg till cell efter',
+		deleteCell: 'Radera celler',
+		merge: 'Sammanfoga celler',
+		mergeRight: 'Sammanfoga höger',
+		mergeDown: 'Sammanfoga ner',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Dela cell horisontellt',
+		splitVertical: 'Dela cell vertikalt',
+		title: 'Egenskaper för cell',
+		cellType: 'Celltyp',
+		rowSpan: 'Rad spann',
+		colSpan: 'Kolumnen spann',
+		wordWrap: 'Radbrytning',
+		hAlign: 'Horisontell justering',
+		vAlign: 'Vertikal justering',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baslinje',
+		bgColor: 'Bakgrundsfärg',
+		borderColor: 'Ramfärg',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Rubrik',
+		yes: 'Ja',
+		no: 'Nej',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cellens bredd måste vara ett nummer.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cellens höjd måste vara ett nummer.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Radutvidgning måste vara ett heltal.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Kolumn måste vara ett heltal.',
+		chooseColor: 'Välj'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Cellutfyllnad',
+	cellSpace: 'Cellavstånd',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Kolumn',
+		insertBefore: 'Lägg till kolumn före',
+		insertAfter: 'Lägg till kolumn efter',
+		deleteColumn: 'Radera kolumn'
+	},
+	columns: 'Kolumner',
+	deleteTable: 'Radera tabell',
+	headers: 'Rubriker',
+	headersBoth: 'BÃ¥da',
+	headersColumn: 'Första kolumnen',
+	headersNone: 'Ingen',
+	headersRow: 'Första raden',
+	invalidBorder: 'Ram måste vara ett nummer.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Luft i cell måste vara ett nummer.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Luft i cell måste vara ett nummer.',
+	invalidCols: 'Antal kolumner måste vara ett nummer större än 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Tabellens höjd måste vara ett nummer.',
+	invalidRows: 'Antal rader måste vara större än 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Tabell måste vara ett nummer.',
+	menu: 'Tabellegenskaper',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Rad',
+		insertBefore: 'Lägg till Rad Före',
+		insertAfter: 'Lägg till rad efter',
+		deleteRow: 'Radera rad'
+	},
+	rows: 'Rader',
+	summary: 'Sammanfattning',
+	title: 'Tabellegenskaper',
+	toolbar: 'Tabell',
+	widthPc: 'procent',
+	widthPx: 'pixlar',
+	widthUnit: 'enhet bredd'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b661ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'th', {
+	border: 'ขนาดเส้นขอบ',
+	caption: 'หัวเรื่องของตาราง',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'ช่องตาราง',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Cell Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Cell After',
+		deleteCell: 'ลบช่อง',
+		merge: 'ผสานช่อง',
+		mergeRight: 'Merge Right',
+		mergeDown: 'Merge Down',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally',
+		splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically',
+		title: 'Cell Properties',
+		cellType: 'Cell Type',
+		rowSpan: 'Rows Span',
+		colSpan: 'Columns Span',
+		wordWrap: 'Word Wrap',
+		hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment',
+		vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment',
+		alignBaseline: 'Baseline',
+		bgColor: 'Background Color',
+		borderColor: 'Border Color',
+		data: 'Data',
+		header: 'Header',
+		yes: 'Yes',
+		no: 'No',
+		invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'ระยะแนวตั้ง',
+	cellSpace: 'ระยะแนวนอนน',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'คอลัมน์',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Column Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Column After',
+		deleteColumn: 'ลบสดมน์'
+	},
+	columns: 'สดมน์',
+	deleteTable: 'ลบตาราง',
+	headers: 'Headers', // MISSING
+	headersBoth: 'Both', // MISSING
+	headersColumn: 'First column', // MISSING
+	headersNone: 'None',
+	headersRow: 'First Row', // MISSING
+	invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING
+	invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING
+	invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING
+	invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING
+	menu: 'คุณสมบัติของ ตาราง',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'แถว',
+		insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before',
+		insertAfter: 'Insert Row After',
+		deleteRow: 'ลบแถว'
+	},
+	rows: 'แถว',
+	summary: 'สรุปความ',
+	title: 'คุณสมบัติของ ตาราง',
+	toolbar: 'ตาราง',
+	widthPc: 'เปอร์เซ็น',
+	widthPx: 'จุดสี',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a91f20f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'tr', {
+	border: 'Kenar Kalınlığı',
+	caption: 'Başlık',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Hücre',
+		insertBefore: 'Hücre Ekle - Önce',
+		insertAfter: 'Hücre Ekle - Sonra',
+		deleteCell: 'Hücre Sil',
+		merge: 'Hücreleri Birleştir',
+		mergeRight: 'BirleÅŸtir - SaÄŸdaki Ä°le ',
+		mergeDown: 'Birleştir - Aşağıdaki İle ',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Hücreyi Yatay Böl',
+		splitVertical: 'Hücreyi Dikey Böl',
+		title: 'Hücre Özellikleri',
+		cellType: 'Hücre Tipi',
+		rowSpan: 'Satırlar Mesafesi (Span)',
+		colSpan: 'Sütünlar Mesafesi (Span)',
+		wordWrap: 'Kelime Kaydırma',
+		hAlign: 'Düşey Hizalama',
+		vAlign: 'YataÅŸ Hizalama',
+		alignBaseline: 'Tabana',
+		bgColor: 'Arkaplan Rengi',
+		borderColor: 'Çerçeve Rengi',
+		data: 'Veri',
+		header: 'Başlık',
+		yes: 'Evet',
+		no: 'Hayır',
+		invalidWidth: 'Hücre genişliği sayı olmalıdır.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Hücre yüksekliği sayı olmalıdır.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Satırların mesafesi tam sayı olmalıdır.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Sütünların mesafesi tam sayı olmalıdır.',
+		chooseColor: 'Seçiniz'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Izgara yazı arası',
+	cellSpace: 'Izgara kalınlığı',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Sütun',
+		insertBefore: 'Kolon Ekle - Önce',
+		insertAfter: 'Kolon Ekle - Sonra',
+		deleteColumn: 'Sütun Sil'
+	},
+	columns: 'Sütunlar',
+	deleteTable: 'Tabloyu Sil',
+	headers: 'Başlıklar',
+	headersBoth: 'Her Ä°kisi',
+	headersColumn: 'İlk Sütun',
+	headersNone: 'Yok',
+	headersRow: 'İlk Satır',
+	invalidBorder: 'Çerceve büyüklüklüğü sayı olmalıdır.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Hücre aralığı (padding) sayı olmalıdır.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Hücre boşluğu (spacing) sayı olmalıdır.',
+	invalidCols: 'Sütün sayısı 0 sayısından büyük olmalıdır.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Tablo yüksekliği sayı olmalıdır.',
+	invalidRows: 'Satır sayısı 0 sayısından büyük olmalıdır.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Tablo genişliği sayı olmalıdır.',
+	menu: 'Tablo Özellikleri',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Satır',
+		insertBefore: 'Satır Ekle - Önce',
+		insertAfter: 'Satır Ekle - Sonra',
+		deleteRow: 'Satır Sil'
+	},
+	rows: 'Satırlar',
+	summary: 'Özet',
+	title: 'Tablo Özellikleri',
+	toolbar: 'Tablo',
+	widthPc: 'yüzde',
+	widthPx: 'piksel',
+	widthUnit: 'geniÅŸlik birimi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d10af3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'ug', {
+	border: 'گىرۋەك',
+	caption: 'ماۋزۇ',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'كاتەكچە',
+		insertBefore: 'سولغا كاتەكچە قىستۇر',
+		insertAfter: 'ئوڭغا كاتەكچە قىستۇر',
+		deleteCell: 'كەتەكچە ئۆچۈر',
+		merge: 'كاتەكچە بىرلەشتۈر',
+		mergeRight: 'كاتەكچىنى ئوڭغا بىرلەشتۈر',
+		mergeDown: 'كاتەكچىنى ئاستىغا بىرلەشتۈر',
+		splitHorizontal: 'كاتەكچىنى توغرىسىغا بىرلەشتۈر',
+		splitVertical: 'كاتەكچىنى بويىغا بىرلەشتۈر',
+		title: 'كاتەكچە خاسلىقى',
+		cellType: 'كاتەكچە تىپى',
+		rowSpan: 'بويىغا چات ئارىسى قۇر سانى',
+		colSpan: 'توغرىسىغا چات ئارىسى ئىستون سانى',
+		wordWrap: 'ئۆزلۈكىدىن قۇر قاتلا',
+		hAlign: 'توغرىسىغا توغرىلا',
+		vAlign: 'بويىغا توغرىلا',
+		alignBaseline: 'ئاساسىي سىزىق',
+		bgColor: 'تەگلىك رەڭگى',
+		borderColor: 'گىرۋەك رەڭگى',
+		data: 'سانلىق مەلۇمات',
+		header: 'جەدۋەل باشى',
+		yes: 'ھەئە',
+		no: 'ياق',
+		invalidWidth: 'كاتەكچە كەڭلىكى چوقۇم سان بولىدۇ',
+		invalidHeight: 'كاتەكچە ئېگىزلىكى چوقۇم سان بولىدۇ',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'قۇر چات ئارىسى چوقۇم پۈتۈن سان بولىدۇ ',
+		invalidColSpan: 'ئىستون چات ئارىسى چوقۇم پۈتۈن سان بولىدۇ',
+		chooseColor: 'تاللاڭ'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'يان ئارىلىق',
+	cellSpace: 'ئارىلىق',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'ئىستون',
+		insertBefore: 'سولغا ئىستون قىستۇر',
+		insertAfter: 'ئوڭغا ئىستون قىستۇر',
+		deleteColumn: 'ئىستون ئۆچۈر'
+	},
+	columns: 'ئىستون سانى',
+	deleteTable: 'جەدۋەل ئۆچۈر',
+	headers: 'ماۋزۇ كاتەكچە',
+	headersBoth: 'بىرىنچى ئىستون ۋە بىرىنچى قۇر',
+	headersColumn: 'بىرىنچى ئىستون',
+	headersNone: 'يوق',
+	headersRow: 'بىرىنچى قۇر',
+	invalidBorder: 'گىرۋەك توملۇقى چوقۇم سان بولىدۇ',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'كاتەكچىگە چوقۇم سان تولدۇرۇلىدۇ',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'كاتەكچە ئارىلىقى چوقۇم سان بولىدۇ',
+	invalidCols: 'بەلگىلەنگەن قۇر سانى چوقۇم نۆلدىن چوڭ بولىدۇ',
+	invalidHeight: 'جەدۋەل ئېگىزلىكى چوقۇم سان بولىدۇ',
+	invalidRows: 'بەلگىلەنگەن ئىستون سانى چوقۇم نۆلدىن چوڭ بولىدۇ',
+	invalidWidth: 'جەدۋەل كەڭلىكى چوقۇم سان بولىدۇ',
+	menu: 'جەدۋەل خاسلىقى',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'قۇر',
+		insertBefore: 'ئۈستىگە قۇر قىستۇر',
+		insertAfter: 'ئاستىغا قۇر قىستۇر',
+		deleteRow: 'قۇر ئۆچۈر'
+	},
+	rows: 'قۇر سانى',
+	summary: 'ئۈزۈندە',
+	title: 'جەدۋەل خاسلىقى',
+	toolbar: 'جەدۋەل',
+	widthPc: 'پىرسەنت',
+	widthPx: 'پىكسېل',
+	widthUnit: 'كەڭلىك بىرلىكى'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e97ec1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'uk', {
+	border: 'Розмір рамки',
+	caption: 'Заголовок таблиці',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Комірки',
+		insertBefore: 'Вставити комірку перед',
+		insertAfter: 'Вставити комірку після',
+		deleteCell: 'Видалити комірки',
+		merge: 'Об\'єднати комірки',
+		mergeRight: 'Об\'єднати справа',
+		mergeDown: 'Об\'єднати донизу',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Розділити комірку по горизонталі',
+		splitVertical: 'Розділити комірку по вертикалі',
+		title: 'Властивості комірки',
+		cellType: 'Тип комірки',
+		rowSpan: 'Об\'єднання рядків',
+		colSpan: 'Об\'єднання стовпців',
+		wordWrap: 'Автоперенесення тексту',
+		hAlign: 'Гориз. вирівнювання',
+		vAlign: 'Верт. вирівнювання',
+		alignBaseline: 'По базовій лінії',
+		bgColor: 'Колір фону',
+		borderColor: 'Колір рамки',
+		data: 'Дані',
+		header: 'Заголовок',
+		yes: 'Так',
+		no: 'Ні',
+		invalidWidth: 'Ширина комірки повинна бути цілим числом.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Висота комірки повинна бути цілим числом.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Кількість об\'єднуваних рядків повинна бути цілим числом.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Кількість об\'єднуваних стовбців повинна бути цілим числом.',
+		chooseColor: 'Обрати'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Внутр. відступ',
+	cellSpace: 'Проміжок',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Стовбці',
+		insertBefore: 'Вставити стовбець перед',
+		insertAfter: 'Вставити стовбець після',
+		deleteColumn: 'Видалити стовбці'
+	},
+	columns: 'Стовбці',
+	deleteTable: 'Видалити таблицю',
+	headers: 'Заголовки стовбців/рядків',
+	headersBoth: 'Стовбці і рядки',
+	headersColumn: 'Стовбці',
+	headersNone: 'Без заголовків',
+	headersRow: 'Рядки',
+	invalidBorder: 'Розмір рамки повинен бути цілим числом.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Внутр. відступ комірки повинен бути цілим числом.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Проміжок між комірками повинен бути цілим числом.',
+	invalidCols: 'Кількість стовбців повинна бути більшою 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Висота таблиці повинна бути цілим числом.',
+	invalidRows: 'Кількість рядків повинна бути більшою 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Ширина таблиці повинна бути цілим числом.',
+	menu: 'Властивості таблиці',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Рядки',
+		insertBefore: 'Вставити рядок перед',
+		insertAfter: 'Вставити рядок після',
+		deleteRow: 'Видалити рядки'
+	},
+	rows: 'Рядки',
+	summary: 'Детальний опис заголовку таблиці',
+	title: 'Властивості таблиці',
+	toolbar: 'Таблиця',
+	widthPc: 'відсотків',
+	widthPx: 'пікселів',
+	widthUnit: 'Одиниці вимір.'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80c97b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'vi', {
+	border: 'Kích thước đường viền',
+	caption: 'Đầu đề',
+	cell: {
+		menu: 'Ô',
+		insertBefore: 'Chèn ô Phía trước',
+		insertAfter: 'Chèn ô Phía sau',
+		deleteCell: 'Xoá ô',
+		merge: 'Kết hợp ô',
+		mergeRight: 'Kết hợp sang phải',
+		mergeDown: 'Kết hợp xuống dưới',
+		splitHorizontal: 'Phân tách ô theo chiều ngang',
+		splitVertical: 'Phân tách ô theo chiều dọc',
+		title: 'Thuộc tính của ô',
+		cellType: 'Kiểu của ô',
+		rowSpan: 'Kết hợp hàng',
+		colSpan: 'Kết hợp cột',
+		wordWrap: 'Chữ liền hàng',
+		hAlign: 'Canh lề ngang',
+		vAlign: 'Canh lề dọc',
+		alignBaseline: 'Đường cơ sở',
+		bgColor: 'Màu nền',
+		borderColor: 'Màu viền',
+		data: 'Dữ liệu',
+		header: 'Đầu đề',
+		yes: 'Có',
+		no: 'Không',
+		invalidWidth: 'Chiều rộng của ô phải là một số nguyên.',
+		invalidHeight: 'Chiều cao của ô phải là một số nguyên.',
+		invalidRowSpan: 'Số hàng kết hợp phải là một số nguyên.',
+		invalidColSpan: 'Số cột kết hợp phải là một số nguyên.',
+		chooseColor: 'Chọn màu'
+	},
+	cellPad: 'Khoảng đệm giữ ô và nội dung',
+	cellSpace: 'Khoảng cách giữa các ô',
+	column: {
+		menu: 'Cá»™t',
+		insertBefore: 'Chèn cột phía trước',
+		insertAfter: 'Chèn cột phía sau',
+		deleteColumn: 'Xoá cột'
+	},
+	columns: 'Số cột',
+	deleteTable: 'Xóa bảng',
+	headers: 'Đầu đề',
+	headersBoth: 'Cả hai',
+	headersColumn: 'Cột đầu tiên',
+	headersNone: 'Không có',
+	headersRow: 'Hàng đầu tiên',
+	invalidBorder: 'Kích cỡ của đường biên phải là một số nguyên.',
+	invalidCellPadding: 'Khoảng đệm giữa ô và nội dung phải là một số nguyên.',
+	invalidCellSpacing: 'Khoảng cách giữa các ô phải là một số nguyên.',
+	invalidCols: 'Số lượng cột phải là một số lớn hơn 0.',
+	invalidHeight: 'Chiều cao của bảng phải là một số nguyên.',
+	invalidRows: 'Số lượng hàng phải là một số lớn hơn 0.',
+	invalidWidth: 'Chiều rộng của bảng phải là một số nguyên.',
+	menu: 'Thuộc tính bảng',
+	row: {
+		menu: 'Hàng',
+		insertBefore: 'Chèn hàng phía trước',
+		insertAfter: 'Chèn hàng phía sau',
+		deleteRow: 'Xoá hàng'
+	},
+	rows: 'Số hàng',
+	summary: 'Tóm lược',
+	title: 'Thuộc tính bảng',
+	toolbar: 'Bảng',
+	widthPc: 'Phần trăm (%)',
+	widthPx: 'Điểm ảnh (px)',
+	widthUnit: 'Đơn vị'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..809c74a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'zh-cn', {
+	border: '边框',
+	caption: '标题',
+	cell: {
+		menu: '单元格',
+		insertBefore: '在左侧插入单元格',
+		insertAfter: '在右侧插入单元格',
+		deleteCell: '删除单元格',
+		merge: '合并单元格',
+		mergeRight: '向右合并单元格',
+		mergeDown: '向下合并单元格',
+		splitHorizontal: '水平拆分单元格',
+		splitVertical: '垂直拆分单元格',
+		title: '单元格属性',
+		cellType: '单元格类型',
+		rowSpan: '纵跨行数',
+		colSpan: '横跨列数',
+		wordWrap: '自动换行',
+		hAlign: '水平对齐',
+		vAlign: '垂直对齐',
+		alignBaseline: '基线',
+		bgColor: '背景颜色',
+		borderColor: '边框颜色',
+		data: '数据',
+		header: '表头',
+		yes: '是',
+		no: '否',
+		invalidWidth: '单元格宽度必须为数字格式',
+		invalidHeight: '单元格高度必须为数字格式',
+		invalidRowSpan: '行跨度必须为整数格式',
+		invalidColSpan: '列跨度必须为整数格式',
+		chooseColor: '选择'
+	},
+	cellPad: '边距',
+	cellSpace: '间距',
+	column: {
+		menu: '列',
+		insertBefore: '在左侧插入列',
+		insertAfter: '在右侧插入列',
+		deleteColumn: '删除列'
+	},
+	columns: '列数',
+	deleteTable: '删除表格',
+	headers: '标题单元格',
+	headersBoth: '第一列和第一行',
+	headersColumn: '第一列',
+	headersNone: 'æ— ',
+	headersRow: '第一行',
+	invalidBorder: '边框粗细必须为数字格式',
+	invalidCellPadding: '单元格填充必须为数字格式',
+	invalidCellSpacing: '单元格间距必须为数字格式',
+	invalidCols: '指定的行数必须大于零',
+	invalidHeight: '表格高度必须为数字格式',
+	invalidRows: '指定的列数必须大于零',
+	invalidWidth: '表格宽度必须为数字格式',
+	menu: '表格属性',
+	row: {
+		menu: '行',
+		insertBefore: '在上方插入行',
+		insertAfter: '在下方插入行',
+		deleteRow: '删除行'
+	},
+	rows: '行数',
+	summary: '摘要',
+	title: '表格属性',
+	toolbar: '表格',
+	widthPc: '百分比',
+	widthPx: '像素',
+	widthUnit: '宽度单位'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c78b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'zh', {
+	border: '邊框',
+	caption: '標題',
+	cell: {
+		menu: '儲存格',
+		insertBefore: '向左插入儲存格',
+		insertAfter: '向右插入儲存格',
+		deleteCell: '刪除儲存格',
+		merge: '合併儲存格',
+		mergeRight: '向右合併儲存格',
+		mergeDown: '向下合併儲存格',
+		splitHorizontal: '橫向分割儲存格',
+		splitVertical: '縱向分割儲存格',
+		title: '儲存格屬性',
+		cellType: '儲存格類別',
+		rowSpan: '儲存格列數',
+		colSpan: '儲存格欄數',
+		wordWrap: '自動換行',
+		hAlign: '水平對齊',
+		vAlign: '垂直對齊',
+		alignBaseline: '基線對齊',
+		bgColor: '背景顏色',
+		borderColor: '邊框顏色',
+		data: '數據',
+		header: '標題',
+		yes: '是',
+		no: '否',
+		invalidWidth: '儲存格寬度必須為數字格式',
+		invalidHeight: '儲存格高度必須為數字格式',
+		invalidRowSpan: '儲存格列數必須為整數格式',
+		invalidColSpan: '儲存格欄數度必須為整數格式',
+		chooseColor: 'Choose'
+	},
+	cellPad: '內距',
+	cellSpace: '間距',
+	column: {
+		menu: '欄',
+		insertBefore: '向左插入欄',
+		insertAfter: '向右插入欄',
+		deleteColumn: '刪除欄'
+	},
+	columns: '欄數',
+	deleteTable: '刪除表格',
+	headers: '標題',
+	headersBoth: '第一欄和第一列',
+	headersColumn: '第一欄',
+	headersNone: '無標題',
+	headersRow: '第一列',
+	invalidBorder: '邊框大小必須為數字格式',
+	invalidCellPadding: '儲存格內距必須為數字格式',
+	invalidCellSpacing: '儲存格間距必須為數字格式',
+	invalidCols: '必須有一或更多的欄',
+	invalidHeight: '表格高度必須為數字格式',
+	invalidRows: '必須有一或更多的列',
+	invalidWidth: '表格寬度必須為數字格式',
+	menu: '表格屬性',
+	row: {
+		menu: '列',
+		insertBefore: '向上插入列',
+		insertAfter: '向下插入列',
+		deleteRow: '刪除列'
+	},
+	rows: '列數',
+	summary: '摘要',
+	title: '表格屬性',
+	toolbar: '表格',
+	widthPc: '百分比',
+	widthPx: '像素',
+	widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/plugin.js
index 9f5ca9d..42c5c8c 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/table/plugin.js
@@ -1,78 +1,95 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'table', {
+	requires: 'dialog',
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	icons: 'table', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	init: function( editor ) {
+		if ( editor.blockless )
+			return;
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'table',
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
 		var table = CKEDITOR.plugins.table,
 			lang = editor.lang.table;
-		editor.addCommand( 'table', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'table' ) );
-		editor.addCommand( 'tableProperties', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'tableProperties' ) );
+		editor.addCommand( 'table', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'table', { context: 'table' } ) );
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'Table',
-			{
-				label : lang.toolbar,
-				command : 'table'
+		function createDef( def ) {
+			return CKEDITOR.tools.extend( def || {}, {
+				contextSensitive: 1,
+				refresh: function( editor, path ) {
+					this.setState( path.contains( 'table', 1 ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
+				}
+		}
+		editor.addCommand( 'tableProperties', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'tableProperties', createDef() ) );
+		editor.addCommand( 'tableDelete', createDef({
+			exec: function( editor ) {
+				var path = editor.elementPath(),
+					table = path.contains( 'table', 1 );
+				if ( !table )
+					return;
+				// If the table's parent has only one child remove it as well (unless it's the body or a table cell) (#5416, #6289)
+				var parent = table.getParent();
+				if ( parent.getChildCount() == 1 && !parent.is( 'body', 'td', 'th' ) )
+					table = parent;
+				var range = editor.createRange();
+				range.moveToPosition( table, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
+				table.remove();
+				range.select();
+			}
+		}));
+		editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'Table', {
+			label: lang.toolbar,
+			command: 'table',
+			toolbar: 'insert,30'
+		});
 		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'table', this.path + 'dialogs/table.js' );
 		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'tableProperties', this.path + 'dialogs/table.js' );
 		// If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu items.
-		if ( editor.addMenuItems )
-		{
-			editor.addMenuItems(
-				{
-					table :
-					{
-						label : lang.menu,
-						command : 'tableProperties',
-						group : 'table',
-						order : 5
-					},
+		if ( editor.addMenuItems ) {
+			editor.addMenuItems({
+				table: {
+					label: lang.menu,
+					command: 'tableProperties',
+					group: 'table',
+					order: 5
+				},
-					tabledelete :
-					{
-						label : lang.deleteTable,
-						command : 'tableDelete',
-						group : 'table',
-						order : 1
-					}
-				} );
+				tabledelete: {
+					label: lang.deleteTable,
+					command: 'tableDelete',
+					group: 'table',
+					order: 1
+				}
+			});
-		editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt )
-			{
-				var element = evt.data.element;
+		editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt ) {
+			var element = evt.data.element;
-				if ( element.is( 'table' ) )
-					evt.data.dialog = 'tableProperties';
-			});
+			if ( element.is( 'table' ) )
+				evt.data.dialog = 'tableProperties';
+		});
 		// If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners.
-		if ( editor.contextMenu )
-		{
-			editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection )
-				{
-					if ( !element || element.isReadOnly())
-						return null;
-					var isTable	= element.is( 'table' ) || element.hasAscendant( 'table' );
-					if ( isTable )
-					{
-						return {
-							tabledelete : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
-						};
-					}
-					return null;
-				} );
+		if ( editor.contextMenu ) {
+			editor.contextMenu.addListener( function() {
+				// menu item state is resolved on commands.
+				return {
+					tabledelete: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
+				};
+			});
-} );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/tableresize/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/tableresize/plugin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f16978a..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/tableresize/plugin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	var pxUnit = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength,
-		needsIEHacks = CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.quirks || CKEDITOR.env.version < 7 );
-	function getWidth( el )
-	{
-		return CKEDITOR.env.ie ? el.$.clientWidth : parseInt( el.getComputedStyle( 'width' ), 10 );
-	}
-	function getBorderWidth( element, side )
-	{
-		var computed = element.getComputedStyle( 'border-' + side + '-width' ),
-			borderMap =
-			{
-				thin: '0px',
-				medium: '1px',
-				thick: '2px'
-			};
-		if ( computed.indexOf( 'px' ) < 0 )
-		{
-			// look up keywords
-			if ( computed in borderMap && element.getComputedStyle( 'border-style' ) != 'none' )
-				computed = borderMap[ computed ];
-			else
-				computed = 0;
-		}
-		return parseInt( computed, 10 );
-	}
-	// Gets the table row that contains the most columns.
-	function getMasterPillarRow( table )
-	{
-		var $rows = table.$.rows,
-			maxCells = 0, cellsCount,
-			$elected, $tr;
-		for ( var i = 0, len = $rows.length ; i < len; i++ )
-		{
-			$tr = $rows[ i ];
-			cellsCount = $tr.cells.length;
-			if ( cellsCount > maxCells )
-			{
-				maxCells = cellsCount;
-				$elected = $tr;
-			}
-		}
-		return $elected;
-	}
-	function buildTableColumnPillars( table )
-	{
-		var pillars = [],
-			pillarIndex = -1,
-			rtl = ( table.getComputedStyle( 'direction' ) == 'rtl' );
-		// Get the raw row element that cointains the most columns.
-		var $tr = getMasterPillarRow( table );
-		// Get the tbody element and position, which will be used to set the
-		// top and bottom boundaries.
-		var tbody = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( table.$.tBodies[ 0 ] ),
-			tbodyPosition = tbody.getDocumentPosition();
-		// Loop thorugh all cells, building pillars after each one of them.
-		for ( var i = 0, len = $tr.cells.length ; i < len ; i++ )
-		{
-			// Both the current cell and the successive one will be used in the
-			// pillar size calculation.
-			var td = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( $tr.cells[ i ] ),
-				nextTd = $tr.cells[ i + 1 ] && new CKEDITOR.dom.element( $tr.cells[ i + 1 ] );
-			pillarIndex += td.$.colSpan || 1;
-			// Calculate the pillar boundary positions.
-			var pillarLeft, pillarRight, pillarWidth, pillarPadding;
-			var x = td.getDocumentPosition().x;
-			// Calculate positions based on the current cell.
-			rtl ?
-				pillarRight = x + getBorderWidth( td, 'left' ) :
-				pillarLeft  = x + td.$.offsetWidth - getBorderWidth( td, 'right' );
-			// Calculate positions based on the next cell, if available.
-			if ( nextTd )
-			{
-				x =  nextTd.getDocumentPosition().x;
-				rtl ?
-					pillarLeft	= x + nextTd.$.offsetWidth - getBorderWidth( nextTd, 'right' ) :
-					pillarRight	= x + getBorderWidth( nextTd, 'left' );
-			}
-			// Otherwise calculate positions based on the table (for last cell).
-			else
-			{
-				x =  table.getDocumentPosition().x;
-				rtl ?
-					pillarLeft	= x :
-					pillarRight	= x + table.$.offsetWidth;
-			}
-			pillarWidth = Math.max( pillarRight - pillarLeft, 3 );
-			// Make the pillar touch area at least 14 pixels wide, for easy to use.
-			pillarPadding = Math.max( Math.round( 7 - ( pillarWidth / 2 ) ), 0 );
-			// The pillar should reflects exactly the shape of the hovered
-			// column border line.
-			pillars.push( {
-				table : table,
-				index : pillarIndex,
-				x : pillarLeft,
-				y : tbodyPosition.y,
-				width : pillarWidth,
-				height: tbody.$.offsetHeight,
-				padding : pillarPadding,
-				rtl : rtl } );
-		}
-		return pillars;
-	}
-	function getPillarAtPosition( pillars, positionX )
-	{
-		for ( var i = 0, len = pillars.length ; i < len ; i++ )
-		{
-			var pillar = pillars[ i ],
-				pad = pillar.padding;
-			if ( positionX >= pillar.x - pad && positionX <= ( pillar.x + pillar.width + pad ) )
-				return pillar;
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
-	function cancel( evt )
-	{
-		( evt.data || evt ).preventDefault();
-	}
-	function columnResizer( editor )
-	{
-		var pillar,
-			document,
-			resizer,
-			isResizing,
-			startOffset,
-			currentShift;
-		var leftSideCells, rightSideCells, leftShiftBoundary, rightShiftBoundary;
-		function detach()
-		{
-			pillar = null;
-			currentShift = 0;
-			isResizing = 0;
-			document.removeListener( 'mouseup', onMouseUp );
-			resizer.removeListener( 'mousedown', onMouseDown );
-			resizer.removeListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove );
-			document.getBody().setStyle( 'cursor', 'auto' );
-			// Hide the resizer (remove it on IE7 - #5890).
-			needsIEHacks ? resizer.remove() : resizer.hide();
-		}
-		function resizeStart()
-		{
-			// Before starting to resize, figure out which cells to change
-			// and the boundaries of this resizing shift.
-			var columnIndex = pillar.index,
-				map = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap( pillar.table ),
-				leftColumnCells = [],
-				rightColumnCells = [],
-				leftMinSize = Number.MAX_VALUE,
-				rightMinSize = leftMinSize,
-				rtl = pillar.rtl;
-			for ( var i = 0, len = map.length ; i < len ; i++ )
-			{
-				var row			= map[ i ],
-					leftCell	= row[ columnIndex + ( rtl ? 1 : 0 ) ],
-					rightCell	= row[ columnIndex + ( rtl ? 0 : 1 ) ];
-				leftCell	= leftCell && new CKEDITOR.dom.element( leftCell );
-				rightCell	= rightCell && new CKEDITOR.dom.element( rightCell );
-				if ( !leftCell || !rightCell || !leftCell.equals( rightCell ) )
-				{
-					leftCell && ( leftMinSize = Math.min( leftMinSize, getWidth( leftCell ) ) );
-					rightCell && ( rightMinSize = Math.min( rightMinSize, getWidth( rightCell ) ) );
-					leftColumnCells.push( leftCell );
-					rightColumnCells.push( rightCell );
-				}
-			}
-			// Cache the list of cells to be resized.
-			leftSideCells = leftColumnCells;
-			rightSideCells = rightColumnCells;
-			// Cache the resize limit boundaries.
-			leftShiftBoundary =  pillar.x - leftMinSize;
-			rightShiftBoundary = pillar.x + rightMinSize;
-			resizer.setOpacity( 0.5 );
-			startOffset = parseInt( resizer.getStyle( 'left' ), 10 );
-			currentShift = 0;
-			isResizing = 1;
-			resizer.on( 'mousemove', onMouseMove );
-			// Prevent the native drag behavior otherwise 'mousemove' won't fire.
-			document.on( 'dragstart', cancel );
-		}
-		function resizeEnd()
-		{
-			isResizing = 0;
-			resizer.setOpacity( 0 );
-			currentShift && resizeColumn();
-			var table = pillar.table;
-			setTimeout( function () { table.removeCustomData( '_cke_table_pillars' ); }, 0 );
-			document.removeListener( 'dragstart', cancel );
-		}
-		function resizeColumn()
-		{
-			var rtl = pillar.rtl,
-				cellsCount = rtl ? rightSideCells.length : leftSideCells.length;
-			// Perform the actual resize to table cells, only for those by side of the pillar.
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < cellsCount ; i++ )
-			{
-				var leftCell = leftSideCells[ i ],
-					rightCell = rightSideCells[ i ],
-					table = pillar.table;
-				// Defer the resizing to avoid any interference among cells.
-				CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(
-					function( leftCell, leftOldWidth, rightCell, rightOldWidth, tableWidth, sizeShift )
-					{
-						leftCell && leftCell.setStyle( 'width', pxUnit( Math.max( leftOldWidth + sizeShift, 0 ) ) );
-						rightCell && rightCell.setStyle( 'width', pxUnit( Math.max( rightOldWidth - sizeShift, 0 ) ) );
-						// If we're in the last cell, we need to resize the table as well
-						if ( tableWidth )
-							table.setStyle( 'width', pxUnit( tableWidth + sizeShift * ( rtl ? -1 : 1 ) ) );
-					}
-					, 0,
-					this, [
-						leftCell, leftCell && getWidth( leftCell ),
-						rightCell, rightCell && getWidth( rightCell ),
-						( !leftCell || !rightCell ) && ( getWidth( table ) + getBorderWidth( table, 'left' ) + getBorderWidth( table, 'right' ) ),
-						currentShift ] );
-			}
-		}
-		function onMouseDown( evt )
-		{
-			cancel( evt );
-			resizeStart();
-			document.on( 'mouseup', onMouseUp, this );
-		}
-		function onMouseUp( evt )
-		{
-			evt.removeListener();
-			resizeEnd();
-		}
-		function onMouseMove( evt )
-		{
-			move( evt.data.$.clientX );
-		}
-		document = editor.document;
-		resizer = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(
-			'<div cke_temp=1 contenteditable=false unselectable=on '+
-			'style="position:absolute;cursor:col-resize;filter:alpha(opacity=0);opacity:0;' +
-				'padding:0;background-color:#004;background-image:none;border:0px none;z-index:10"></div>', document );
-		// Except on IE6/7 (#5890), place the resizer after body to prevent it
-		// from being editable.
-		if ( !needsIEHacks )
-			document.getDocumentElement().append( resizer );
-		this.attachTo = function( targetPillar )
-		{
-			// Accept only one pillar at a time.
-			if ( isResizing )
-				return;
-			// On IE6/7, we append the resizer everytime we need it. (#5890)
-			if ( needsIEHacks )
-			{
-				document.getBody().append( resizer );
-				currentShift = 0;
-			}
-			pillar = targetPillar;
-			resizer.setStyles(
-				{
-					width: pxUnit( targetPillar.width ),
-					height : pxUnit( targetPillar.height ),
-					left : pxUnit( targetPillar.x ),
-					top : pxUnit( targetPillar.y )
-				});
-			// In IE6/7, it's not possible to have custom cursors for floating
-			// elements in an editable document. Show the resizer in that case,
-			// to give the user a visual clue.
-			needsIEHacks && resizer.setOpacity( 0.25 );
-			resizer.on( 'mousedown', onMouseDown, this );
-			document.getBody().setStyle( 'cursor', 'col-resize' );
-			// Display the resizer to receive events but don't show it,
-			// only change the cursor to resizable shape.
-			resizer.show();
-		};
-		var move = this.move = function( posX )
-		{
-			if ( !pillar )
-				return 0;
-			var pad = pillar.padding;
-			if ( !isResizing && ( posX < pillar.x - pad || posX > ( pillar.x + pillar.width + pad ) ) )
-			{
-				detach();
-				return 0;
-			}
-			var resizerNewPosition = posX - Math.round( resizer.$.offsetWidth / 2 );
-			if ( isResizing )
-			{
-				if ( resizerNewPosition == leftShiftBoundary || resizerNewPosition == rightShiftBoundary )
-					return 1;
-				resizerNewPosition = Math.max( resizerNewPosition, leftShiftBoundary );
-				resizerNewPosition = Math.min( resizerNewPosition, rightShiftBoundary );
-				currentShift = resizerNewPosition - startOffset;
-			}
-			resizer.setStyle( 'left', pxUnit( resizerNewPosition ) );
-			return 1;
-		};
-	}
-	function clearPillarsCache( evt )
-	{
-		var target = evt.data.getTarget();
-		if ( evt.name == 'mouseout' )
-		{
-			// Bypass interal mouse move.
-			if ( !target.is ( 'table' ) )
-				return;
-			var dest = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( evt.data.$.relatedTarget || evt.data.$.toElement );
-			while( dest && dest.$ && !dest.equals( target ) && !dest.is( 'body' ) )
-				dest = dest.getParent();
-			if ( !dest || dest.equals( target ) )
-				return;
-		}
-		target.getAscendant( 'table', true ).removeCustomData( '_cke_table_pillars' );
-		evt.removeListener();
-	}
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'tableresize',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'tabletools' ],
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			editor.on( 'contentDom', function()
-			{
-				var resizer;
-				editor.document.getBody().on( 'mousemove', function( evt )
-					{
-						evt = evt.data;
-						// If we're already attached to a pillar, simply move the
-						// resizer.
-						if ( resizer && resizer.move( evt.$.clientX ) )
-						{
-							cancel( evt );
-							return;
-						}
-						// Considering table, tr, td, tbody but nothing else.
-						var target = evt.getTarget(),
-							table,
-							pillars;
-						if ( !target.is( 'table' ) && !target.getAscendant( 'tbody', true ) )
-							return;
-						table = target.getAscendant( 'table', true );
-						if ( !( pillars = table.getCustomData( '_cke_table_pillars' ) ) )
-						{
-							// Cache table pillars calculation result.
-							table.setCustomData( '_cke_table_pillars', ( pillars = buildTableColumnPillars( table ) ) );
-							table.on( 'mouseout', clearPillarsCache );
-							table.on( 'mousedown', clearPillarsCache );
-						}
-						var pillar = getPillarAtPosition( pillars, evt.$.clientX );
-						if ( pillar )
-						{
-							!resizer && ( resizer = new columnResizer( editor ) );
-							resizer.attachTo( pillar );
-						}
-					});
-			});
-		}
-	});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/tabletools/dialogs/tableCell.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/tabletools/dialogs/tableCell.js
index 1393e24..fff7e0e 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/tabletools/dialogs/tableCell.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/tabletools/dialogs/tableCell.js
@@ -1,533 +1,418 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'cellProperties', function( editor )
-	{
-		var langTable = editor.lang.table,
-			langCell = langTable.cell,
-			langCommon = editor.lang.common,
-			validate = CKEDITOR.dialog.validate,
-			widthPattern = /^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(px|%)$/,
-			heightPattern = /^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)px$/,
-			bind = CKEDITOR.tools.bind,
-			spacer = { type : 'html', html : ' ' };
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @param dialogName
-		 * @param callback [ childDialog ]
-		 */
-		function getDialogValue( dialogName, callback )
-		{
-			var onOk = function()
-			{
-				releaseHandlers( this );
-				callback( this, this._.parentDialog );
-				this._.parentDialog.changeFocus( true );
-			};
-			var onCancel = function()
-			{
-				releaseHandlers( this );
-				this._.parentDialog.changeFocus();
-			};
-			var releaseHandlers = function( dialog )
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'cellProperties', function( editor ) {
+	var langTable = editor.lang.table,
+		langCell = langTable.cell,
+		langCommon = editor.lang.common,
+		validate = CKEDITOR.dialog.validate,
+		widthPattern = /^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(px|%)$/,
+		heightPattern = /^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)px$/,
+		bind = CKEDITOR.tools.bind,
+		spacer = { type: 'html', html: ' ' },
+		rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl',
+		colorDialog = editor.plugins.colordialog;
+	return {
+		title: langCell.title,
+		minWidth: CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ? 450 : 410,
+		minHeight: CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.quirks ) ? 230 : 220,
+		contents: [
-				dialog.removeListener( 'ok', onOk );
-				dialog.removeListener( 'cancel', onCancel );
-			};
-			var bindToDialog = function( dialog )
-			{
-				dialog.on( 'ok', onOk );
-				dialog.on( 'cancel', onCancel );
-			};
-			editor.execCommand( dialogName );
-			if ( editor._.storedDialogs.colordialog )
-				bindToDialog( editor._.storedDialogs.colordialog );
-			else
-			{
-				CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( e )
+			id: 'info',
+			label: langCell.title,
+			accessKey: 'I',
+			elements: [
-					if ( e.data.name != dialogName )
-						return;
-					var definition = e.data.definition;
-					e.removeListener();
-					definition.onLoad = CKEDITOR.tools.override( definition.onLoad, function( orginal )
+				type: 'hbox',
+				widths: [ '40%', '5%', '40%' ],
+				children: [
-						return function()
+					type: 'vbox',
+					padding: 0,
+					children: [
-							bindToDialog( this );
-							definition.onLoad = orginal;
-							if ( typeof orginal == 'function' )
-								orginal.call( this );
-						};
-					} );
-				});
-			}
-		}
-		return {
-			title : langCell.title,
-			minWidth : CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ? 550 : 480,
-			minHeight : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? ( CKEDITOR.env.quirks ? 180 : 150 ) : 140,
-			contents : [
+						type: 'hbox',
+						widths: [ '70%', '30%' ],
+						children: [
+							{
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'width',
+							width: '100px',
+							label: langCommon.width,
+							validate: validate[ 'number' ]( langCell.invalidWidth ),
+							// Extra labelling of width unit type.
+							onLoad: function() {
+								var widthType = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'widthType' ),
+									labelElement = widthType.getElement(),
+									inputElement = this.getInputElement(),
+									ariaLabelledByAttr = inputElement.getAttribute( 'aria-labelledby' );
+								inputElement.setAttribute( 'aria-labelledby', [ ariaLabelledByAttr, labelElement.$.id ].join( ' ' ) );
+							},
+							setup: function( element ) {
+								var widthAttr = parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'width' ), 10 ),
+									widthStyle = parseInt( element.getStyle( 'width' ), 10 );
+								!isNaN( widthAttr ) && this.setValue( widthAttr );
+								!isNaN( widthStyle ) && this.setValue( widthStyle );
+							},
+							commit: function( element ) {
+								var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 ),
+									unit = this.getDialog().getValueOf( 'info', 'widthType' );
+								if ( !isNaN( value ) )
+									element.setStyle( 'width', value + unit );
+								else
+									element.removeStyle( 'width' );
+								element.removeAttribute( 'width' );
+							},
+							'default': ''
+						},
+							{
+							type: 'select',
+							id: 'widthType',
+							label: editor.lang.table.widthUnit,
+							labelStyle: 'visibility:hidden',
+							'default': 'px',
+							items: [
+								[ langTable.widthPx, 'px' ],
+								[ langTable.widthPc, '%' ]
+								],
+							setup: function( selectedCell ) {
+								var widthMatch = widthPattern.exec( selectedCell.getStyle( 'width' ) || selectedCell.getAttribute( 'width' ) );
+								if ( widthMatch )
+									this.setValue( widthMatch[ 2 ] );
+							}
+						}
+						]
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'hbox',
+						widths: [ '70%', '30%' ],
+						children: [
+							{
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'height',
+							label: langCommon.height,
+							width: '100px',
+							'default': '',
+							validate: validate[ 'number' ]( langCell.invalidHeight ),
+							// Extra labelling of height unit type.
+							onLoad: function() {
+								var heightType = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'htmlHeightType' ),
+									labelElement = heightType.getElement(),
+									inputElement = this.getInputElement(),
+									ariaLabelledByAttr = inputElement.getAttribute( 'aria-labelledby' );
+								inputElement.setAttribute( 'aria-labelledby', [ ariaLabelledByAttr, labelElement.$.id ].join( ' ' ) );
+							},
+							setup: function( element ) {
+								var heightAttr = parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'height' ), 10 ),
+									heightStyle = parseInt( element.getStyle( 'height' ), 10 );
+								!isNaN( heightAttr ) && this.setValue( heightAttr );
+								!isNaN( heightStyle ) && this.setValue( heightStyle );
+							},
+							commit: function( element ) {
+								var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 );
+								if ( !isNaN( value ) )
+									element.setStyle( 'height', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
+								else
+									element.removeStyle( 'height' );
+								element.removeAttribute( 'height' );
+							}
+						},
+							{
+							id: 'htmlHeightType',
+							type: 'html',
+							html: '<br />' + langTable.widthPx
+						}
+						]
+					},
+						spacer,
+					{
+						type: 'select',
+						id: 'wordWrap',
+						label: langCell.wordWrap,
+						'default': 'yes',
+						items: [
+							[ langCell.yes, 'yes' ],
+							[ langCell.no, 'no' ]
+							],
+						setup: function( element ) {
+							var wordWrapAttr = element.getAttribute( 'noWrap' ),
+								wordWrapStyle = element.getStyle( 'white-space' );
+							if ( wordWrapStyle == 'nowrap' || wordWrapAttr )
+								this.setValue( 'no' );
+						},
+						commit: function( element ) {
+							if ( this.getValue() == 'no' )
+								element.setStyle( 'white-space', 'nowrap' );
+							else
+								element.removeStyle( 'white-space' );
+							element.removeAttribute( 'noWrap' );
+						}
+					},
+						spacer,
+					{
+						type: 'select',
+						id: 'hAlign',
+						label: langCell.hAlign,
+						'default': '',
+						items: [
+							[ langCommon.notSet, '' ],
+							[ langCommon.alignLeft, 'left' ],
+							[ langCommon.alignCenter, 'center' ],
+							[ langCommon.alignRight, 'right' ]
+							],
+						setup: function( element ) {
+							var alignAttr = element.getAttribute( 'align' ),
+								textAlignStyle = element.getStyle( 'text-align' );
+							this.setValue( textAlignStyle || alignAttr || '' );
+						},
+						commit: function( selectedCell ) {
+							var value = this.getValue();
+							if ( value )
+								selectedCell.setStyle( 'text-align', value );
+							else
+								selectedCell.removeStyle( 'text-align' );
+							selectedCell.removeAttribute( 'align' );
+						}
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'select',
+						id: 'vAlign',
+						label: langCell.vAlign,
+						'default': '',
+						items: [
+							[ langCommon.notSet, '' ],
+							[ langCommon.alignTop, 'top' ],
+							[ langCommon.alignMiddle, 'middle' ],
+							[ langCommon.alignBottom, 'bottom' ],
+							[ langCell.alignBaseline, 'baseline' ]
+							],
+						setup: function( element ) {
+							var vAlignAttr = element.getAttribute( 'vAlign' ),
+								vAlignStyle = element.getStyle( 'vertical-align' );
+							switch ( vAlignStyle ) {
+								// Ignore all other unrelated style values..
+								case 'top':
+								case 'middle':
+								case 'bottom':
+								case 'baseline':
+									break;
+								default:
+									vAlignStyle = '';
+							}
+							this.setValue( vAlignStyle || vAlignAttr || '' );
+						},
+						commit: function( element ) {
+							var value = this.getValue();
+							if ( value )
+								element.setStyle( 'vertical-align', value );
+							else
+								element.removeStyle( 'vertical-align' );
+							element.removeAttribute( 'vAlign' );
+						}
+					}
+					]
+				},
+					spacer,
-					id : 'info',
-					label : langCell.title,
-					accessKey : 'I',
-					elements :
-					[
+					type: 'vbox',
+					padding: 0,
+					children: [
-							type : 'hbox',
-							widths : [ '40%', '5%', '40%' ],
-							children :
-							[
-								{
-									type : 'vbox',
-									padding : 0,
-									children :
-									[
-										{
-											type : 'hbox',
-											widths : [ '70%', '30%' ],
-											children :
-											[
-												{
-													type : 'text',
-													id : 'width',
-													label : langTable.width,
-													widths : [ '71%', '29%' ],
-													labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-													validate : validate[ 'number' ]( langCell.invalidWidth ),
-													// Extra labelling of width unit type.
-													onLoad : function()
-													{
-														var widthType = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'widthType' ),
-															labelElement = widthType.getElement(),
-															inputElement = this.getInputElement(),
-															ariaLabelledByAttr = inputElement.getAttribute( 'aria-labelledby' );
-														inputElement.setAttribute( 'aria-labelledby', [ ariaLabelledByAttr, labelElement.$.id ].join( ' ' ) );
-													},
-													setup : function( element )
-													{
-														var widthAttr = parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'width' ), 10 ),
-																widthStyle = parseInt( element.getStyle( 'width' ), 10 );
-														!isNaN( widthAttr ) && this.setValue( widthAttr );
-														!isNaN( widthStyle ) && this.setValue( widthStyle );
-													},
-													commit : function( element )
-													{
-														var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 ),
-																unit = this.getDialog().getValueOf( 'info', 'widthType' );
-														if ( !isNaN( value ) )
-															element.setStyle( 'width', value + unit );
-														else
-															element.removeStyle( 'width' );
-														element.removeAttribute( 'width' );
-													},
-													'default' : ''
-												},
-												{
-													type : 'select',
-													id : 'widthType',
-													labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-													widths : [ '0%', '100%' ],
-													label : editor.lang.table.widthUnit,
-													labelStyle: 'display:none',
-													'default' : 'px',
-													items :
-													[
-														[ langTable.widthPx, 'px' ],
-														[ langTable.widthPc, '%' ]
-													],
-													setup : function( selectedCell )
-													{
-														var widthMatch = widthPattern.exec( selectedCell.getStyle( 'width' ) || selectedCell.getAttribute( 'width' ) );
-														if ( widthMatch )
-															this.setValue( widthMatch[2] );
-													}
-												}
-											]
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'hbox',
-											widths : [ '70%', '30%' ],
-											children :
-											[
-												{
-													type : 'text',
-													id : 'height',
-													label : langTable.height,
-													'default' : '',
-													widths : [ '71%', '29%' ],
-													labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-													validate : validate[ 'number' ]( langCell.invalidHeight ),
-													// Extra labelling of height unit type.
-													onLoad : function()
-													{
-														var heightType = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'htmlHeightType' ),
-															labelElement = heightType.getElement(),
-															inputElement = this.getInputElement(),
-															ariaLabelledByAttr = inputElement.getAttribute( 'aria-labelledby' );
-														inputElement.setAttribute( 'aria-labelledby', [ ariaLabelledByAttr, labelElement.$.id ].join( ' ' ) );
-													},
-													setup : function( element )
-													{
-														var heightAttr = parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'height' ), 10 ),
-																heightStyle = parseInt( element.getStyle( 'height' ), 10 );
-														!isNaN( heightAttr ) && this.setValue( heightAttr );
-														!isNaN( heightStyle ) && this.setValue( heightStyle );
-													},
-													commit : function( element )
-													{
-														var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 );
-														if ( !isNaN( value ) )
-															element.setStyle( 'height', CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( value ) );
-														else
-															element.removeStyle( 'height' );
-														element.removeAttribute( 'height' );
-													}
-												},
-												{
-													id : 'htmlHeightType',
-													type : 'html',
-													html : langTable.widthPx
-												}
-											]
-										},
-										spacer,
-										{
-											type : 'select',
-											id : 'wordWrap',
-											labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-											label : langCell.wordWrap,
-											widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-											'default' : 'yes',
-											items :
-											[
-												[ langCell.yes, 'yes' ],
-												[ langCell.no, 'no' ]
-											],
-											setup : function( element )
-											{
-												var wordWrapAttr = element.getAttribute( 'noWrap' ),
-														wordWrapStyle = element.getStyle( 'white-space' );
-												if ( wordWrapStyle == 'nowrap' || wordWrapAttr )
-													this.setValue( 'no' );
-											},
-											commit : function( element )
-											{
-												if ( this.getValue() == 'no' )
-													element.setStyle( 'white-space', 'nowrap' );
-												else
-													element.removeStyle( 'white-space' );
-												element.removeAttribute( 'noWrap' );
-											}
-										},
-										spacer,
-										{
-											type : 'select',
-											id : 'hAlign',
-											labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-											label : langCell.hAlign,
-											widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-											'default' : '',
-											items :
-											[
-												[ langCommon.notSet, '' ],
-												[ langTable.alignLeft, 'left' ],
-												[ langTable.alignCenter, 'center' ],
-												[ langTable.alignRight, 'right' ]
-											],
-											setup : function( element )
-											{
-												var alignAttr = element.getAttribute( 'align' ),
-														textAlignStyle = element.getStyle( 'text-align');
-												this.setValue(  textAlignStyle || alignAttr || '' );
-											},
-											commit : function( selectedCell )
-											{
-												var value = this.getValue();
-												if ( value )
-													selectedCell.setStyle( 'text-align', value );
-												else
-													selectedCell.removeStyle( 'text-align' );
-												selectedCell.removeAttribute( 'align' );
-											}
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'select',
-											id : 'vAlign',
-											labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-											label : langCell.vAlign,
-											widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-											'default' : '',
-											items :
-											[
-												[ langCommon.notSet, '' ],
-												[ langCell.alignTop, 'top' ],
-												[ langCell.alignMiddle, 'middle' ],
-												[ langCell.alignBottom, 'bottom' ],
-												[ langCell.alignBaseline, 'baseline' ]
-											],
-											setup : function( element )
-											{
-												var vAlignAttr = element.getAttribute( 'vAlign' ),
-														vAlignStyle = element.getStyle( 'vertical-align' );
-												switch( vAlignStyle )
-												{
-													// Ignore all other unrelated style values..
-													case 'top':
-													case 'middle':
-													case 'bottom':
-													case 'baseline':
-														break;
-													default:
-														vAlignStyle = '';
-												}
-												this.setValue( vAlignStyle || vAlignAttr || '' );
-											},
-											commit : function( element )
-											{
-												var value = this.getValue();
-												if ( value )
-													element.setStyle( 'vertical-align', value );
-												else
-													element.removeStyle( 'vertical-align' );
-												element.removeAttribute( 'vAlign' );
-											}
-										}
-									]
-								},
-								spacer,
-								{
-									type : 'vbox',
-									padding : 0,
-									children :
-									[
-										{
-											type : 'select',
-											id : 'cellType',
-											label : langCell.cellType,
-											labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-											widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-											'default' : 'td',
-											items :
-											[
-												[ langCell.data, 'td' ],
-												[ langCell.header, 'th' ]
-											],
-											setup : function( selectedCell )
-											{
-												this.setValue( selectedCell.getName() );
-											},
-											commit : function( selectedCell )
-											{
-												selectedCell.renameNode( this.getValue() );
-											}
-										},
-										spacer,
-										{
-											type : 'text',
-											id : 'rowSpan',
-											label : langCell.rowSpan,
-											labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-											widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-											'default' : '',
-											validate : validate.integer( langCell.invalidRowSpan ),
-											setup : function( selectedCell )
-											{
-												var attrVal = parseInt( selectedCell.getAttribute( 'rowSpan' ), 10 );
-												if ( attrVal && attrVal  != 1 )
-												 	this.setValue(  attrVal );
-											},
-											commit : function( selectedCell )
-											{
-												var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 );
-												if ( value && value != 1 )
-													selectedCell.setAttribute( 'rowSpan', this.getValue() );
-												else
-													selectedCell.removeAttribute( 'rowSpan' );
-											}
-										},
-										{
-											type : 'text',
-											id : 'colSpan',
-											label : langCell.colSpan,
-											labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-											widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
-											'default' : '',
-											validate : validate.integer( langCell.invalidColSpan ),
-											setup : function( element )
-											{
-												var attrVal = parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'colSpan' ), 10 );
-												if ( attrVal && attrVal  != 1 )
-												 	this.setValue(  attrVal );
-											},
-											commit : function( selectedCell )
-											{
-												var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 );
-												if ( value && value != 1 )
-													selectedCell.setAttribute( 'colSpan', this.getValue() );
-												else
-													selectedCell.removeAttribute( 'colSpan' );
-											}
-										},
-										spacer,
-										{
-											type : 'hbox',
-											padding : 0,
-											widths : [ '80%', '20%' ],
-											children :
-											[
-												{
-													type : 'text',
-													id : 'bgColor',
-													label : langCell.bgColor,
-													labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-													widths : [ '70%', '30%' ],
-													'default' : '',
-													setup : function( element )
-													{
-														var bgColorAttr = element.getAttribute( 'bgColor' ),
-																bgColorStyle = element.getStyle( 'background-color' );
-														this.setValue( bgColorStyle || bgColorAttr );
-													},
-													commit : function( selectedCell )
-													{
-														var value = this.getValue();
-														if ( value )
-															selectedCell.setStyle( 'background-color', this.getValue() );
-														else
-															selectedCell.removeStyle( 'background-color' );
-														selectedCell.removeAttribute( 'bgColor');
-													}
-												},
-												{
-													type : 'button',
-													id : 'bgColorChoose',
-													label : langCell.chooseColor,
-													style : 'margin-left: 10px',
-													onClick : function()
-													{
-														var self = this;
-														getDialogValue( 'colordialog', function( colorDialog )
-														{
-															self.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'bgColor' ).setValue(
-																colorDialog.getContentElement( 'picker', 'selectedColor' ).getValue()
-															);
-														} );
-													}
-												}
-											]
-										},
-										spacer,
-										{
-											type : 'hbox',
-											padding : 0,
-											widths : [ '80%', '20%' ],
-											children :
-											[
-												{
-													type : 'text',
-													id : 'borderColor',
-													label : langCell.borderColor,
-													labelLayout : 'horizontal',
-													widths : [ '70%', '30%' ],
-													'default' : '',
-													setup : function( element )
-													{
-														var borderColorAttr = element.getAttribute( 'borderColor' ),
-																borderColorStyle = element.getStyle( 'border-color' );
-														this.setValue( borderColorStyle || borderColorAttr );
-													},
-													commit : function( selectedCell )
-													{
-														var value = this.getValue();
-														if ( value )
-															selectedCell.setStyle( 'border-color', this.getValue() );
-														else
-															selectedCell.removeStyle( 'border-color' );
-														selectedCell.removeAttribute( 'borderColor');
-													}
-												},
-												{
-													type : 'button',
-													id : 'borderColorChoose',
-													label : langCell.chooseColor,
-													style : 'margin-left: 10px',
-													onClick : function()
-													{
-														var self = this;
-														getDialogValue( 'colordialog', function( colorDialog )
-														{
-															self.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'borderColor' ).setValue(
-																colorDialog.getContentElement( 'picker', 'selectedColor' ).getValue()
-															);
-														} );
-													}
-												}
-											]
-										}
-									]
-								}
-							]
+						type: 'select',
+						id: 'cellType',
+						label: langCell.cellType,
+						'default': 'td',
+						items: [
+							[ langCell.data, 'td' ],
+							[ langCell.header, 'th' ]
+							],
+						setup: function( selectedCell ) {
+							this.setValue( selectedCell.getName() );
+						},
+						commit: function( selectedCell ) {
+							selectedCell.renameNode( this.getValue() );
+						}
+					},
+						spacer,
+					{
+						type: 'text',
+						id: 'rowSpan',
+						label: langCell.rowSpan,
+						'default': '',
+						validate: validate.integer( langCell.invalidRowSpan ),
+						setup: function( selectedCell ) {
+							var attrVal = parseInt( selectedCell.getAttribute( 'rowSpan' ), 10 );
+							if ( attrVal && attrVal != 1 )
+								this.setValue( attrVal );
+						},
+						commit: function( selectedCell ) {
+							var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 );
+							if ( value && value != 1 )
+								selectedCell.setAttribute( 'rowSpan', this.getValue() );
+							else
+								selectedCell.removeAttribute( 'rowSpan' );
+						}
+					},
+						{
+						type: 'text',
+						id: 'colSpan',
+						label: langCell.colSpan,
+						'default': '',
+						validate: validate.integer( langCell.invalidColSpan ),
+						setup: function( element ) {
+							var attrVal = parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'colSpan' ), 10 );
+							if ( attrVal && attrVal != 1 )
+								this.setValue( attrVal );
+						},
+						commit: function( selectedCell ) {
+							var value = parseInt( this.getValue(), 10 );
+							if ( value && value != 1 )
+								selectedCell.setAttribute( 'colSpan', this.getValue() );
+							else
+								selectedCell.removeAttribute( 'colSpan' );
+					},
+						spacer,
+					{
+						type: 'hbox',
+						padding: 0,
+						widths: [ '60%', '40%' ],
+						children: [
+							{
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'bgColor',
+							label: langCell.bgColor,
+							'default': '',
+							setup: function( element ) {
+								var bgColorAttr = element.getAttribute( 'bgColor' ),
+									bgColorStyle = element.getStyle( 'background-color' );
+								this.setValue( bgColorStyle || bgColorAttr );
+							},
+							commit: function( selectedCell ) {
+								var value = this.getValue();
+								if ( value )
+									selectedCell.setStyle( 'background-color', this.getValue() );
+								else
+									selectedCell.removeStyle( 'background-color' );
+								selectedCell.removeAttribute( 'bgColor' );
+							}
+						},
+						colorDialog ? {
+							type: 'button',
+							id: 'bgColorChoose',
+							"class": 'colorChooser',
+							label: langCell.chooseColor,
+							onLoad: function() {
+								// Stick the element to the bottom (#5587)
+								this.getElement().getParent().setStyle( 'vertical-align', 'bottom' );
+							},
+							onClick: function() {
+								editor.getColorFromDialog( function( color ) {
+									if ( color )
+										this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'bgColor' ).setValue( color );
+									this.focus();
+								}, this );
+							}
+						} : spacer
+						]
+					},
+						spacer,
+					{
+						type: 'hbox',
+						padding: 0,
+						widths: [ '60%', '40%' ],
+						children: [
+							{
+							type: 'text',
+							id: 'borderColor',
+							label: langCell.borderColor,
+							'default': '',
+							setup: function( element ) {
+								var borderColorAttr = element.getAttribute( 'borderColor' ),
+									borderColorStyle = element.getStyle( 'border-color' );
+								this.setValue( borderColorStyle || borderColorAttr );
+							},
+							commit: function( selectedCell ) {
+								var value = this.getValue();
+								if ( value )
+									selectedCell.setStyle( 'border-color', this.getValue() );
+								else
+									selectedCell.removeStyle( 'border-color' );
+								selectedCell.removeAttribute( 'borderColor' );
+							}
+						},
+						colorDialog ? {
+							type: 'button',
+							id: 'borderColorChoose',
+							"class": 'colorChooser',
+							label: langCell.chooseColor,
+							style: ( rtl ? 'margin-right' : 'margin-left' ) + ': 10px',
+							onLoad: function() {
+								// Stick the element to the bottom (#5587)
+								this.getElement().getParent().setStyle( 'vertical-align', 'bottom' );
+							},
+							onClick: function() {
+								editor.getColorFromDialog( function( color ) {
+									if ( color )
+										this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'borderColor' ).setValue( color );
+									this.focus();
+								}, this );
+							}
+						} : spacer
+						]
+					}
-			],
-			onShow : function()
-			{
-				this.cells = CKEDITOR.plugins.tabletools.getSelectedCells(
-					this._.editor.getSelection() );
-				this.setupContent( this.cells[ 0 ] );
-			},
-			onOk : function()
-			{
-				var selection = this._.editor.getSelection(),
-					bookmarks = selection.createBookmarks();
-				var cells = this.cells;
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < cells.length ; i++ )
-					this.commitContent( cells[ i ] );
-				selection.selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
-				// Force selectionChange event because of alignment style.
-				var firstElement = selection.getStartElement();
-				var currentPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( firstElement );
-				this._.editor._.selectionPreviousPath = currentPath;
-				this._.editor.fire( 'selectionChange', { selection : selection, path : currentPath, element : firstElement } );
+				]
-		};
-	} );
+			]
+		}
+		],
+		onShow: function() {
+			this.cells = CKEDITOR.plugins.tabletools.getSelectedCells( this._.editor.getSelection() );
+			this.setupContent( this.cells[ 0 ] );
+		},
+		onOk: function() {
+			var selection = this._.editor.getSelection(),
+				bookmarks = selection.createBookmarks();
+			var cells = this.cells;
+			for ( var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++ )
+				this.commitContent( cells[ i ] );
+			this._.editor.forceNextSelectionCheck();
+			selection.selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
+			this._.editor.selectionChange();
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/tabletools/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/tabletools/plugin.js
index b06f59a..ca9d294 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/tabletools/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/tabletools/plugin.js
@@ -1,66 +1,44 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	function removeRawAttribute( $node, attr )
-	{
-		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			$node.removeAttribute( attr );
-		else
-			delete $node[ attr ];
-	}
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
 	var cellNodeRegex = /^(?:td|th)$/;
-	function getSelectedCells( selection )
-	{
-		// Walker will try to split text nodes, which will make the current selection
-		// invalid. So save bookmarks before doing anything.
-		var bookmarks = selection.createBookmarks();
+	function getSelectedCells( selection ) {
 		var ranges = selection.getRanges();
 		var retval = [];
 		var database = {};
-		function moveOutOfCellGuard( node )
-		{
+		function moveOutOfCellGuard( node ) {
 			// Apply to the first cell only.
 			if ( retval.length > 0 )
 			// If we are exiting from the first </td>, then the td should definitely be
 			// included.
-			if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && cellNodeRegex.test( node.getName() )
-					&& !node.getCustomData( 'selected_cell' ) )
-			{
+			if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && cellNodeRegex.test( node.getName() ) && !node.getCustomData( 'selected_cell' ) ) {
 				CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, node, 'selected_cell', true );
 				retval.push( node );
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < ranges.length ; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++ ) {
 			var range = ranges[ i ];
-			if ( range.collapsed )
-			{
+			if ( range.collapsed ) {
 				// Walker does not handle collapsed ranges yet - fall back to old API.
 				var startNode = range.getCommonAncestor();
 				var nearestCell = startNode.getAscendant( 'td', true ) || startNode.getAscendant( 'th', true );
 				if ( nearestCell )
 					retval.push( nearestCell );
-			}
-			else
-			{
+			} else {
 				var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
 				var node;
 				walker.guard = moveOutOfCellGuard;
-				while ( ( node = walker.next() ) )
-				{
+				while ( ( node = walker.next() ) ) {
 					// If may be possible for us to have a range like this:
 					// <td>^1</td><td>^2</td>
 					// The 2nd td shouldn't be included.
@@ -68,11 +46,12 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 					// So we have to take care to include a td we've entered only when we've
 					// walked into its children.
-					var parent = node.getParent();
-					if ( parent && cellNodeRegex.test( parent.getName() ) && !parent.getCustomData( 'selected_cell' ) )
-					{
-						CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, parent, 'selected_cell', true );
-						retval.push( parent );
+					if ( node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || !node.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.table ) ) {
+						var parent = node.getAscendant( 'td', true ) || node.getAscendant( 'th', true );
+						if ( parent && !parent.getCustomData( 'selected_cell' ) ) {
+							CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, parent, 'selected_cell', true );
+							retval.push( parent );
+						}
@@ -80,9 +59,6 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers( database );
-		// Restore selection position.
-		selection.selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
 		return retval;
@@ -90,19 +66,15 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		var i = 0,
 			last = cellsToDelete.length - 1,
 			database = {},
-			cell,focusedCell,
-			tr;
+			cell, focusedCell, tr;
 		while ( ( cell = cellsToDelete[ i++ ] ) )
 			CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, cell, 'delete_cell', true );
 		// 1.first we check left or right side focusable cell row by row;
 		i = 0;
-		while ( ( cell = cellsToDelete[ i++ ] ) )
-		{
-			if ( ( focusedCell = cell.getPrevious() ) && !focusedCell.getCustomData( 'delete_cell' )
-			  || ( focusedCell = cell.getNext()     ) && !focusedCell.getCustomData( 'delete_cell' ) )
-			{
+		while ( ( cell = cellsToDelete[ i++ ] ) ) {
+			if ( ( focusedCell = cell.getPrevious() ) && !focusedCell.getCustomData( 'delete_cell' ) || ( focusedCell = cell.getNext() ) && !focusedCell.getCustomData( 'delete_cell' ) ) {
 				CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers( database );
 				return focusedCell;
@@ -123,84 +95,98 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		return null;
-	function clearRow( $tr )
-	{
-		// Get the array of row's cells.
-		var $cells = $tr.cells;
-		// Empty all cells.
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < $cells.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			$cells[ i ].innerHTML = '';
+	function insertRow( selection, insertBefore ) {
+		var cells = getSelectedCells( selection ),
+			firstCell = cells[ 0 ],
+			table = firstCell.getAscendant( 'table' ),
+			doc = firstCell.getDocument(),
+			startRow = cells[ 0 ].getParent(),
+			startRowIndex = startRow.$.rowIndex,
+			lastCell = cells[ cells.length - 1 ],
+			endRowIndex = lastCell.getParent().$.rowIndex + lastCell.$.rowSpan - 1,
+			endRow = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( table.$.rows[ endRowIndex ] ),
+			rowIndex = insertBefore ? startRowIndex : endRowIndex,
+			row = insertBefore ? startRow : endRow;
+		var map = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap( table ),
+			cloneRow = map[ rowIndex ],
+			nextRow = insertBefore ? map[ rowIndex - 1 ] : map[ rowIndex + 1 ],
+			width = map[ 0 ].length;
+		var newRow = doc.createElement( 'tr' );
+		for ( var i = 0; cloneRow[ i ] && i < width; i++ ) {
+			var cell;
+			// Check whether there's a spanning row here, do not break it.
+			if ( cloneRow[ i ].rowSpan > 1 && nextRow && cloneRow[ i ] == nextRow[ i ] ) {
+				cell = cloneRow[ i ];
+				cell.rowSpan += 1;
+			} else {
+				cell = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( cloneRow[ i ] ).clone();
+				cell.removeAttribute( 'rowSpan' );
+				!CKEDITOR.env.ie && cell.appendBogus();
+				newRow.append( cell );
+				cell = cell.$;
+			}
-			if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-				( new CKEDITOR.dom.element( $cells[ i ] ) ).appendBogus();
+			i += cell.colSpan - 1;
-	}
-	function insertRow( selection, insertBefore )
-	{
-		// Get the row where the selection is placed in.
-		var row = selection.getStartElement().getAscendant( 'tr' );
-		if ( !row )
-			return;
-		// Create a clone of the row.
-		var newRow = row.clone( true );
-		insertBefore ?
-			newRow.insertBefore( row ) :
-			newRow.insertAfter( row );
-		// Clean the new row.
-		clearRow( newRow.$ );
+		insertBefore ? newRow.insertBefore( row ) : newRow.insertAfter( row );
-	function deleteRows( selectionOrRow )
-	{
-		if ( selectionOrRow instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.selection )
-		{
+	function deleteRows( selectionOrRow ) {
+		if ( selectionOrRow instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.selection ) {
 			var cells = getSelectedCells( selectionOrRow ),
-				cellsCount = cells.length,
-				rowsToDelete = [],
-				cursorPosition,
-				previousRowIndex,
-				nextRowIndex;
-			// Queue up the rows - it's possible and likely that we have duplicates.
-			for ( var i = 0 ; i < cellsCount ; i++ )
-			{
-				var row = cells[ i ].getParent(),
-						rowIndex = row.$.rowIndex;
-				!i && ( previousRowIndex = rowIndex - 1 );
-				rowsToDelete[ rowIndex ] = row;
-				i == cellsCount - 1 && ( nextRowIndex = rowIndex + 1 );
+				firstCell = cells[ 0 ],
+				table = firstCell.getAscendant( 'table' ),
+				map = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap( table ),
+				startRow = cells[ 0 ].getParent(),
+				startRowIndex = startRow.$.rowIndex,
+				lastCell = cells[ cells.length - 1 ],
+				endRowIndex = lastCell.getParent().$.rowIndex + lastCell.$.rowSpan - 1,
+				rowsToDelete = [];
+			// Delete cell or reduce cell spans by checking through the table map.
+			for ( var i = startRowIndex; i <= endRowIndex; i++ ) {
+				var mapRow = map[ i ],
+					row = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( table.$.rows[ i ] );
+				for ( var j = 0; j < mapRow.length; j++ ) {
+					var cell = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( mapRow[ j ] ),
+						cellRowIndex = cell.getParent().$.rowIndex;
+					if ( cell.$.rowSpan == 1 )
+						cell.remove();
+					// Row spanned cell.
+					else {
+						// Span row of the cell, reduce spanning.
+						cell.$.rowSpan -= 1;
+						// Root row of the cell, root cell to next row.
+						if ( cellRowIndex == i ) {
+							var nextMapRow = map[ i + 1 ];
+							nextMapRow[ j - 1 ] ? cell.insertAfter( new CKEDITOR.dom.element( nextMapRow[ j - 1 ] ) ) : new CKEDITOR.dom.element( table.$.rows[ i + 1 ] ).append( cell, 1 );
+						}
+					}
+					j += cell.$.colSpan - 1;
+				}
+				rowsToDelete.push( row );
-			var table = row.getAscendant( 'table' ),
-					rows =  table.$.rows,
-					rowCount = rows.length;
+			var rows = table.$.rows;
 			// Where to put the cursor after rows been deleted?
 			// 1. Into next sibling row if any;
 			// 2. Into previous sibling row if any;
 			// 3. Into table's parent element if it's the very last row.
-			cursorPosition = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(
-				nextRowIndex < rowCount && table.$.rows[ nextRowIndex ] ||
-				previousRowIndex > 0 && table.$.rows[ previousRowIndex ] ||
-				table.$.parentNode );
-			for ( i = rowsToDelete.length ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-			{
-				if ( rowsToDelete[ i ] )
-					deleteRows( rowsToDelete[ i ] );
-			}
+			var cursorPosition = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( rows[ endRowIndex + 1 ] || ( startRowIndex > 0 ? rows[ startRowIndex - 1 ] : null ) || table.$.parentNode );
+			for ( i = rowsToDelete.length; i >= 0; i-- )
+				deleteRows( rowsToDelete[ i ] );
 			return cursorPosition;
-		}
-		else if ( selectionOrRow instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element )
-		{
+		} else if ( selectionOrRow instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element ) {
 			table = selectionOrRow.getAscendant( 'table' );
 			if ( table.$.rows.length == 1 )
@@ -209,137 +195,166 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-		return 0;
+		return null;
-	function insertColumn( selection, insertBefore )
-	{
-		// Get the cell where the selection is placed in.
-		var startElement = selection.getStartElement();
-		var cell = startElement.getAscendant( 'td', true ) || startElement.getAscendant( 'th', true );
+	function getCellColIndex( cell, isStart ) {
+		var row = cell.getParent(),
+			rowCells = row.$.cells;
-		if ( !cell )
-			return;
+		var colIndex = 0;
+		for ( var i = 0; i < rowCells.length; i++ ) {
+			var mapCell = rowCells[ i ];
+			colIndex += isStart ? 1 : mapCell.colSpan;
+			if ( mapCell == cell.$ )
+				break;
+		}
-		// Get the cell's table.
-		var table = cell.getAscendant( 'table' );
-		var cellIndex = cell.$.cellIndex;
+		return colIndex - 1;
+	}
+	function getColumnsIndices( cells, isStart ) {
+		var retval = isStart ? Infinity : 0;
+		for ( var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++ ) {
+			var colIndex = getCellColIndex( cells[ i ], isStart );
+			if ( isStart ? colIndex < retval : colIndex > retval )
+				retval = colIndex;
+		}
+		return retval;
+	}
+	function insertColumn( selection, insertBefore ) {
+		var cells = getSelectedCells( selection ),
+			firstCell = cells[ 0 ],
+			table = firstCell.getAscendant( 'table' ),
+			startCol = getColumnsIndices( cells, 1 ),
+			lastCol = getColumnsIndices( cells ),
+			colIndex = insertBefore ? startCol : lastCol;
+		var map = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap( table ),
+			cloneCol = [],
+			nextCol = [],
+			height = map.length;
+		for ( var i = 0; i < height; i++ ) {
+			cloneCol.push( map[ i ][ colIndex ] );
+			var nextCell = insertBefore ? map[ i ][ colIndex - 1 ] : map[ i ][ colIndex + 1 ];
+			nextCol.push( nextCell );
+		}
-		// Loop through all rows available in the table.
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < table.$.rows.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			var $row = table.$.rows[ i ];
+		for ( i = 0; i < height; i++ ) {
+			var cell;
-			// If the row doesn't have enough cells, ignore it.
-			if ( $row.cells.length < ( cellIndex + 1 ) )
+			if ( !cloneCol[ i ] )
-			cell = ( new CKEDITOR.dom.element( $row.cells[ cellIndex ] ) ).clone( false );
+			// Check whether there's a spanning column here, do not break it.
+			if ( cloneCol[ i ].colSpan > 1 && nextCol[ i ] == cloneCol[ i ] ) {
+				cell = cloneCol[ i ];
+				cell.colSpan += 1;
+			} else {
+				cell = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( cloneCol[ i ] ).clone();
+				cell.removeAttribute( 'colSpan' );
+				!CKEDITOR.env.ie && cell.appendBogus();
+				cell[ insertBefore ? 'insertBefore' : 'insertAfter' ].call( cell, new CKEDITOR.dom.element( cloneCol[ i ] ) );
+				cell = cell.$;
+			}
-			if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-				cell.appendBogus();
+			i += cell.rowSpan - 1;
+		}
+	}
-			// Get back the currently selected cell.
-			var baseCell = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( $row.cells[ cellIndex ] );
-			if ( insertBefore )
-				cell.insertBefore( baseCell );
-			else
-				cell.insertAfter( baseCell );
+	function deleteColumns( selectionOrCell ) {
+		var cells = getSelectedCells( selectionOrCell ),
+			firstCell = cells[ 0 ],
+			lastCell = cells[ cells.length - 1 ],
+			table = firstCell.getAscendant( 'table' ),
+			map = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap( table ),
+			startColIndex, endColIndex,
+			rowsToDelete = [];
+		// Figure out selected cells' column indices.
+		for ( var i = 0, rows = map.length; i < rows; i++ ) {
+			for ( var j = 0, cols = map[ i ].length; j < cols; j++ ) {
+				if ( map[ i ][ j ] == firstCell.$ )
+					startColIndex = j;
+				if ( map[ i ][ j ] == lastCell.$ )
+					endColIndex = j;
+			}
+		}
+		// Delete cell or reduce cell spans by checking through the table map.
+		for ( i = startColIndex; i <= endColIndex; i++ ) {
+			for ( j = 0; j < map.length; j++ ) {
+				var mapRow = map[ j ],
+					row = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( table.$.rows[ j ] ),
+					cell = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( mapRow[ i ] );
+				if ( cell.$ ) {
+					if ( cell.$.colSpan == 1 )
+						cell.remove();
+					// Reduce the col spans.
+					else
+						cell.$.colSpan -= 1;
+					j += cell.$.rowSpan - 1;
+					if ( !row.$.cells.length )
+						rowsToDelete.push( row );
+				}
+			}
+		var firstRowCells = table.$.rows[ 0 ] && table.$.rows[ 0 ].cells;
+		// Where to put the cursor after columns been deleted?
+		// 1. Into next cell of the first row if any;
+		// 2. Into previous cell of the first row if any;
+		// 3. Into table's parent element;
+		var cursorPosition = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( firstRowCells[ startColIndex ] || ( startColIndex ? firstRowCells[ startColIndex - 1 ] : table.$.parentNode ) );
+		// Delete table rows only if all columns are gone (do not remove empty row).
+		if ( rowsToDelete.length == rows )
+			table.remove();
+		return cursorPosition;
-	function getFocusElementAfterDelCols( cells )
-	{
+	function getFocusElementAfterDelCols( cells ) {
 		var cellIndexList = [],
 			table = cells[ 0 ] && cells[ 0 ].getAscendant( 'table' ),
-			i, length,
-			targetIndex, targetCell;
+			i, length, targetIndex, targetCell;
 		// get the cellIndex list of delete cells
 		for ( i = 0, length = cells.length; i < length; i++ )
-			cellIndexList.push( cells[i].$.cellIndex );
+			cellIndexList.push( cells[ i ].$.cellIndex );
 		// get the focusable column index
-		for ( i = 1, length = cellIndexList.length; i < length; i++ )
-		{
-			if ( cellIndexList[ i ] - cellIndexList[ i - 1 ] > 1 )
-			{
+		for ( i = 1, length = cellIndexList.length; i < length; i++ ) {
+			if ( cellIndexList[ i ] - cellIndexList[ i - 1 ] > 1 ) {
 				targetIndex = cellIndexList[ i - 1 ] + 1;
 		if ( !targetIndex )
-			targetIndex = cellIndexList[ 0 ] > 0 ? ( cellIndexList[ 0 ] - 1 )
-							: ( cellIndexList[ cellIndexList.length - 1 ] + 1 );
+			targetIndex = cellIndexList[ 0 ] > 0 ? ( cellIndexList[ 0 ] - 1 ) : ( cellIndexList[ cellIndexList.length - 1 ] + 1 );
 		// scan row by row to get the target cell
 		var rows = table.$.rows;
-		for ( i = 0, length = rows.length; i < length ; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( i = 0, length = rows.length; i < length; i++ ) {
 			targetCell = rows[ i ].cells[ targetIndex ];
 			if ( targetCell )
-		return targetCell ?  new CKEDITOR.dom.element( targetCell ) :  table.getPrevious();
+		return targetCell ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element( targetCell ) : table.getPrevious();
-	function deleteColumns( selectionOrCell )
-	{
-		if ( selectionOrCell instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.selection )
-		{
-			var colsToDelete = getSelectedCells( selectionOrCell ),
-				elementToFocus = getFocusElementAfterDelCols( colsToDelete );
-			for ( var i = colsToDelete.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-			{
-				if ( colsToDelete[ i ] )
-					deleteColumns( colsToDelete[ i ] );
-			}
-			return elementToFocus;
-		}
-		else if ( selectionOrCell instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element )
-		{
-			// Get the cell's table.
-			var table = selectionOrCell.getAscendant( 'table' );
-			if ( !table )
-				return null;
-			// Get the cell index.
-			var cellIndex = selectionOrCell.$.cellIndex;
-			/*
-			 * Loop through all rows from down to up, coz it's possible that some rows
-			 * will be deleted.
-			 */
-			for ( i = table.$.rows.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-			{
-				// Get the row.
-				var row = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( table.$.rows[ i ] );
-				// If the cell to be removed is the first one and the row has just one cell.
-				if ( !cellIndex && row.$.cells.length == 1 )
-				{
-					deleteRows( row );
-					continue;
-				}
-				// Else, just delete the cell.
-				if ( row.$.cells[ cellIndex ] )
-					row.$.removeChild( row.$.cells[ cellIndex ] );
-			}
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
-	function insertCell( selection, insertBefore )
-	{
+	function insertCell( selection, insertBefore ) {
 		var startElement = selection.getStartElement();
-		var cell = startElement.getAscendant( 'td', true ) || startElement.getAscendant( 'th', true );
+		var cell = startElement.getAscendant( 'td', 1 ) || startElement.getAscendant( 'th', 1 );
 		if ( !cell )
@@ -355,24 +370,20 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			newCell.insertAfter( cell );
-	function deleteCells( selectionOrCell )
-	{
-		if ( selectionOrCell instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.selection )
-		{
+	function deleteCells( selectionOrCell ) {
+		if ( selectionOrCell instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.selection ) {
 			var cellsToDelete = getSelectedCells( selectionOrCell );
 			var table = cellsToDelete[ 0 ] && cellsToDelete[ 0 ].getAscendant( 'table' );
-			var cellToFocus   = getFocusElementAfterDelCells( cellsToDelete );
+			var cellToFocus = getFocusElementAfterDelCells( cellsToDelete );
-			for ( var i = cellsToDelete.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
+			for ( var i = cellsToDelete.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
 				deleteCells( cellsToDelete[ i ] );
 			if ( cellToFocus )
 				placeCursorInCell( cellToFocus, true );
 			else if ( table )
-		}
-		else if ( selectionOrCell instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element )
-		{
+		} else if ( selectionOrCell instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element ) {
 			var tr = selectionOrCell.getParent();
 			if ( tr.getChildCount() == 1 )
@@ -382,33 +393,28 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 	// Remove filler at end and empty spaces around the cell content.
-	function trimCell( cell )
-	{
+	function trimCell( cell ) {
 		var bogus = cell.getBogus();
 		bogus && bogus.remove();
-	function placeCursorInCell( cell, placeAtEnd )
-	{
+	function placeCursorInCell( cell, placeAtEnd ) {
 		var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( cell.getDocument() );
-		if ( !range[ 'moveToElementEdit' + ( placeAtEnd ? 'End' : 'Start' ) ]( cell ) )
-		{
+		if ( !range[ 'moveToElementEdit' + ( placeAtEnd ? 'End' : 'Start' ) ]( cell ) ) {
 			range.selectNodeContents( cell );
 			range.collapse( placeAtEnd ? false : true );
 		range.select( true );
-	function cellInRow( tableMap, rowIndex, cell )
-	{
+	function cellInRow( tableMap, rowIndex, cell ) {
 		var oRow = tableMap[ rowIndex ];
 		if ( typeof cell == 'undefined' )
 			return oRow;
-		for ( var c = 0 ; oRow && c < oRow.length ; c++ )
-		{
-			if ( cell.is && oRow[c] == cell.$ )
+		for ( var c = 0; oRow && c < oRow.length; c++ ) {
+			if ( cell.is && oRow[ c ] == cell.$ )
 				return c;
 			else if ( c == cell )
 				return new CKEDITOR.dom.element( oRow[ c ] );
@@ -416,25 +422,20 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		return cell.is ? -1 : null;
-	function cellInCol( tableMap, colIndex, cell )
-	{
+	function cellInCol( tableMap, colIndex ) {
 		var oCol = [];
-		for ( var r = 0; r < tableMap.length; r++ )
-		{
+		for ( var r = 0; r < tableMap.length; r++ ) {
 			var row = tableMap[ r ];
-			if ( typeof cell == 'undefined' )
-				oCol.push( row[ colIndex ] );
-			else if ( cell.is && row[ colIndex ] == cell.$ )
-				return r;
-			else if ( r == cell )
-				return new CKEDITOR.dom.element( row[ colIndex ] );
-		}
+			oCol.push( row[ colIndex ] );
-		return ( typeof cell == 'undefined' )? oCol : cell.is ? -1 :  null;
+			// Avoid adding duplicate cells.
+			if ( row[ colIndex ].rowSpan > 1 )
+				r += row[ colIndex ].rowSpan - 1;
+		}
+		return oCol;
-	function mergeCells( selection, mergeDirection, isDetect )
-	{
+	function mergeCells( selection, mergeDirection, isDetect ) {
 		var cells = getSelectedCells( selection );
 		// Invalid merge request if:
@@ -442,15 +443,11 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		// 2. In solo mode while not exactly only one selected.
 		// 3. Cells distributed in different table groups (e.g. from both thead and tbody).
 		var commonAncestor;
-		if ( ( mergeDirection ? cells.length != 1 : cells.length < 2 )
-				|| ( commonAncestor = selection.getCommonAncestor() )
-				&& commonAncestor.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-				&& commonAncestor.is( 'table' ) )
-		{
+		if ( ( mergeDirection ? cells.length != 1 : cells.length < 2 ) || ( commonAncestor = selection.getCommonAncestor() ) && commonAncestor.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && commonAncestor.is( 'table' ) ) {
 			return false;
-		var	cell,
+		var cell,
 			firstCell = cells[ 0 ],
 			table = firstCell.getAscendant( 'table' ),
 			map = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap( table ),
@@ -459,37 +456,32 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			startRow = firstCell.getParent().$.rowIndex,
 			startColumn = cellInRow( map, startRow, firstCell );
-		if ( mergeDirection )
-		{
+		if ( mergeDirection ) {
 			var targetCell;
-			try
-			{
-				targetCell =
-					map[ mergeDirection == 'up' ?
-							( startRow - 1 ):
-							mergeDirection == 'down' ? ( startRow + 1 ) : startRow  ] [
-						 mergeDirection == 'left' ?
-							( startColumn - 1 ):
-						 mergeDirection == 'right' ?  ( startColumn + 1 ) : startColumn ];
+			try {
+				var rowspan = parseInt( firstCell.getAttribute( 'rowspan' ), 10 ) || 1;
+				var colspan = parseInt( firstCell.getAttribute( 'colspan' ), 10 ) || 1;
-			}
-			catch( er )
-			{
+				targetCell = map[ mergeDirection == 'up' ? ( startRow - rowspan ) : mergeDirection == 'down' ? ( startRow + rowspan ) : startRow ][
+					mergeDirection == 'left' ?
+						( startColumn - colspan ) :
+					mergeDirection == 'right' ? ( startColumn + colspan ) : startColumn ];
+			} catch ( er ) {
 				return false;
 			// 1. No cell could be merged.
 			// 2. Same cell actually.
-			if ( !targetCell || firstCell.$ == targetCell  )
+			if ( !targetCell || firstCell.$ == targetCell )
 				return false;
 			// Sort in map order regardless of the DOM sequence.
-			cells[ ( mergeDirection == 'up' || mergeDirection == 'left' ) ?
-			         'unshift' : 'push' ]( new CKEDITOR.dom.element( targetCell ) );
+			cells[ ( mergeDirection == 'up' || mergeDirection == 'left' ) ? 'unshift' : 'push' ]( new CKEDITOR.dom.element( targetCell ) );
 		// Start from here are merging way ignorance (merge up/right, batch merge).
-		var	doc = firstCell.getDocument(),
+		var doc = firstCell.getDocument(),
 			lastRowIndex = startRow,
 			totalRowSpan = 0,
 			totalColSpan = 0,
@@ -497,8 +489,7 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			frag = !isDetect && new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( doc ),
 			dimension = 0;
-		for ( var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++ )
-		{
+		for ( var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++ ) {
 			cell = cells[ i ];
 			var tr = cell.getParent(),
@@ -511,23 +502,17 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			// Accumulated the actual places taken by all selected cells.
 			dimension += colSpan * rowSpan;
 			// Accumulated the maximum virtual spans from column and row.
-			totalColSpan = Math.max( totalColSpan, colIndex - startColumn + colSpan ) ;
+			totalColSpan = Math.max( totalColSpan, colIndex - startColumn + colSpan );
 			totalRowSpan = Math.max( totalRowSpan, rowIndex - startRow + rowSpan );
-			if ( !isDetect )
-			{
+			if ( !isDetect ) {
 				// Trim all cell fillers and check to remove empty cells.
-				if ( trimCell( cell ), cell.getChildren().count() )
-				{
+				if ( trimCell( cell ), cell.getChildren().count() ) {
 					// Merge vertically cells as two separated paragraphs.
-					if ( rowIndex != lastRowIndex
-						&& cellFirstChild
-						&& !( cellFirstChild.isBlockBoundary
-							  && cellFirstChild.isBlockBoundary( { br : 1 } ) ) )
-					{
+					if ( rowIndex != lastRowIndex && cellFirstChild && !( cellFirstChild.isBlockBoundary && cellFirstChild.isBlockBoundary( { br:1 } ) ) ) {
 						var last = frag.getLast( CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ) );
 						if ( last && !( last.is && last.is( 'br' ) ) )
-							frag.append( new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'br' ) );
+							frag.append( 'br' );
 					cell.moveChildren( frag );
@@ -537,8 +522,7 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			lastRowIndex = rowIndex;
-		if ( !isDetect )
-		{
+		if ( !isDetect ) {
 			frag.moveChildren( firstCell );
 			if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
@@ -558,11 +542,9 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			var trs = new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList( table.$.rows ),
 				count = trs.count();
-			for ( i = count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
-			{
+			for ( i = count - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
 				var tailTr = trs.getItem( i );
-				if ( !tailTr.$.cells.length )
-				{
+				if ( !tailTr.$.cells.length ) {
@@ -577,8 +559,7 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			return ( totalRowSpan * totalColSpan ) == dimension;
-	function verticalSplitCell ( selection, isDetect )
-	{
+	function verticalSplitCell( selection, isDetect ) {
 		var cells = getSelectedCells( selection );
 		if ( cells.length > 1 )
 			return false;
@@ -592,13 +573,9 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			rowIndex = tr.$.rowIndex,
 			colIndex = cellInRow( map, rowIndex, cell ),
 			rowSpan = cell.$.rowSpan,
-			newCell,
-			newRowSpan,
-			newCellRowSpan,
-			newRowIndex;
+			newCell, newRowSpan, newCellRowSpan, newRowIndex;
-		if ( rowSpan > 1 )
-		{
+		if ( rowSpan > 1 ) {
 			newRowSpan = Math.ceil( rowSpan / 2 );
 			newCellRowSpan = Math.floor( rowSpan / 2 );
 			newRowIndex = rowIndex + newRowSpan;
@@ -609,26 +586,20 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			newCell = cell.clone();
 			// Figure out where to insert the new cell by checking the vitual row.
-			for ( var c = 0; c < newCellRow.length; c++ )
-			{
+			for ( var c = 0; c < newCellRow.length; c++ ) {
 				candidateCell = newCellRow[ c ];
 				// Catch first cell actually following the column.
-				if ( candidateCell.parentNode == newCellTr.$
-					&& c > colIndex )
-				{
+				if ( candidateCell.parentNode == newCellTr.$ && c > colIndex ) {
 					newCell.insertBefore( new CKEDITOR.dom.element( candidateCell ) );
-				}
-				else
+				} else
 					candidateCell = null;
 			// The destination row is empty, append at will.
 			if ( !candidateCell )
 				newCellTr.append( newCell, true );
-		}
-		else
-		{
+		} else {
 			newCellRowSpan = newRowSpan = 1;
 			newCellTr = tr.clone();
@@ -653,8 +624,7 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		return newCell;
-	function horizontalSplitCell( selection, isDetect )
-	{
+	function horizontalSplitCell( selection, isDetect ) {
 		var cells = getSelectedCells( selection );
 		if ( cells.length > 1 )
 			return false;
@@ -668,17 +638,12 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			rowIndex = tr.$.rowIndex,
 			colIndex = cellInRow( map, rowIndex, cell ),
 			colSpan = cell.$.colSpan,
-			newCell,
-			newColSpan,
-			newCellColSpan;
+			newCell, newColSpan, newCellColSpan;
-		if ( colSpan > 1 )
-		{
+		if ( colSpan > 1 ) {
 			newColSpan = Math.ceil( colSpan / 2 );
 			newCellColSpan = Math.floor( colSpan / 2 );
-		}
-		else
-		{
+		} else {
 			newCellColSpan = newColSpan = 1;
 			var cellsInSameCol = cellInCol( map, colIndex );
 			for ( var i = 0; i < cellsInSameCol.length; i++ )
@@ -699,372 +664,294 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		return newCell;
 	// Context menu on table caption incorrect (#3834)
-	var contextMenuTags = { thead : 1, tbody : 1, tfoot : 1, td : 1, tr : 1, th : 1 };
+	var contextMenuTags = { thead:1,tbody:1,tfoot:1,td:1,tr:1,th:1 };
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.tabletools =
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.tabletools = {
+		requires: 'table,dialog,contextmenu',
+		init: function( editor ) {
 			var lang = editor.lang.table;
-			editor.addCommand( 'cellProperties', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'cellProperties' ) );
+			function createDef( def ) {
+				return CKEDITOR.tools.extend( def || {}, {
+					contextSensitive: 1,
+					refresh: function( editor, path ) {
+						this.setState( path.contains( { td:1,th:1 }, 1 ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			editor.addCommand( 'cellProperties', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'cellProperties', createDef() ) );
 			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'cellProperties', this.path + 'dialogs/tableCell.js' );
-			editor.addCommand( 'tableDelete',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						var selection = editor.getSelection();
-						var startElement = selection && selection.getStartElement();
-						var table = startElement && startElement.getAscendant( 'table', true );
-						if ( !table )
-							return;
-						// Maintain the selection point at where the table was deleted.
-						selection.selectElement( table );
-						var range = selection.getRanges()[0];
-						range.collapse();
-						selection.selectRanges( [ range ] );
-						// If the table's parent has only one child, remove it,except body,as well.( #5416 )
-						var parent = table.getParent();
-						if ( parent.getChildCount() == 1 && parent.getName() != 'body' )
-							parent.remove();
-						else
-							table.remove();
-					}
-				} );
-			editor.addCommand( 'rowDelete',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						var selection = editor.getSelection();
-						placeCursorInCell( deleteRows( selection ) );
-					}
-				} );
-			editor.addCommand( 'rowInsertBefore',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						var selection = editor.getSelection();
-						insertRow( selection, true );
-					}
-				} );
-			editor.addCommand( 'rowInsertAfter',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						var selection = editor.getSelection();
-						insertRow( selection );
-					}
-				} );
-			editor.addCommand( 'columnDelete',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						var selection = editor.getSelection();
-						var element = deleteColumns( selection );
-						element &&  placeCursorInCell( element, true );
-					}
-				} );
-			editor.addCommand( 'columnInsertBefore',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						var selection = editor.getSelection();
-						insertColumn( selection, true );
-					}
-				} );
-			editor.addCommand( 'columnInsertAfter',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						var selection = editor.getSelection();
-						insertColumn( selection );
-					}
-				} );
-			editor.addCommand( 'cellDelete',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						var selection = editor.getSelection();
-						deleteCells( selection );
-					}
-				} );
+			editor.addCommand( 'rowDelete', createDef({
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					var selection = editor.getSelection();
+					placeCursorInCell( deleteRows( selection ) );
+				}
+			}));
-			editor.addCommand( 'cellMerge',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						placeCursorInCell( mergeCells( editor.getSelection() ), true );
-					}
-				} );
+			editor.addCommand( 'rowInsertBefore', createDef({
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					var selection = editor.getSelection();
+					insertRow( selection, true );
+				}
+			}));
-			editor.addCommand( 'cellMergeRight',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						placeCursorInCell( mergeCells( editor.getSelection(), 'right' ), true );
-					}
-				} );
+			editor.addCommand( 'rowInsertAfter', createDef({
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					var selection = editor.getSelection();
+					insertRow( selection );
+				}
+			}));
-			editor.addCommand( 'cellMergeDown',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						placeCursorInCell( mergeCells( editor.getSelection(), 'down' ), true );
-					}
-				} );
+			editor.addCommand( 'columnDelete', createDef({
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					var selection = editor.getSelection();
+					var element = deleteColumns( selection );
+					element && placeCursorInCell( element, true );
+				}
+			}));
-			editor.addCommand( 'cellVerticalSplit',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						placeCursorInCell( verticalSplitCell( editor.getSelection() ) );
-					}
-				} );
+			editor.addCommand( 'columnInsertBefore', createDef({
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					var selection = editor.getSelection();
+					insertColumn( selection, true );
+				}
+			}));
-			editor.addCommand( 'cellHorizontalSplit',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						placeCursorInCell( horizontalSplitCell( editor.getSelection() ) );
-					}
-				} );
-			editor.addCommand( 'cellInsertBefore',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						var selection = editor.getSelection();
-						insertCell( selection, true );
-					}
-				} );
-			editor.addCommand( 'cellInsertAfter',
-				{
-					exec : function( editor )
-					{
-						var selection = editor.getSelection();
-						insertCell( selection );
-					}
-				} );
+			editor.addCommand( 'columnInsertAfter', createDef({
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					var selection = editor.getSelection();
+					insertColumn( selection );
+				}
+			}));
+			editor.addCommand( 'cellDelete', createDef({
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					var selection = editor.getSelection();
+					deleteCells( selection );
+				}
+			}));
+			editor.addCommand( 'cellMerge', createDef({
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					placeCursorInCell( mergeCells( editor.getSelection() ), true );
+				}
+			}));
+			editor.addCommand( 'cellMergeRight', createDef({
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					placeCursorInCell( mergeCells( editor.getSelection(), 'right' ), true );
+				}
+			}));
+			editor.addCommand( 'cellMergeDown', createDef({
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					placeCursorInCell( mergeCells( editor.getSelection(), 'down' ), true );
+				}
+			}));
+			editor.addCommand( 'cellVerticalSplit', createDef({
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					placeCursorInCell( verticalSplitCell( editor.getSelection() ) );
+				}
+			}));
+			editor.addCommand( 'cellHorizontalSplit', createDef({
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					placeCursorInCell( horizontalSplitCell( editor.getSelection() ) );
+				}
+			}));
+			editor.addCommand( 'cellInsertBefore', createDef({
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					var selection = editor.getSelection();
+					insertCell( selection, true );
+				}
+			}));
+			editor.addCommand( 'cellInsertAfter', createDef({
+				exec: function( editor ) {
+					var selection = editor.getSelection();
+					insertCell( selection );
+				}
+			}));
 			// If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu items.
-			if ( editor.addMenuItems )
-			{
-				editor.addMenuItems(
-					{
-						tablecell :
-						{
-							label : lang.cell.menu,
-							group : 'tablecell',
-							order : 1,
-							getItems : function()
-							{
-								var selection = editor.getSelection(),
-									cells = getSelectedCells( selection );
-								return {
-									tablecell_insertBefore : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
-									tablecell_insertAfter : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
-									tablecell_delete : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
-									tablecell_merge : mergeCells( selection, null, true ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
-									tablecell_merge_right : mergeCells( selection, 'right', true ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
-									tablecell_merge_down : mergeCells( selection, 'down', true ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
-									tablecell_split_vertical : verticalSplitCell( selection, true ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
-									tablecell_split_horizontal : horizontalSplitCell( selection, true ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
-									tablecell_properties : cells.length > 0 ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED
-								};
-							}
-						},
-						tablecell_insertBefore :
-						{
-							label : lang.cell.insertBefore,
-							group : 'tablecell',
-							command : 'cellInsertBefore',
-							order : 5
-						},
-						tablecell_insertAfter :
-						{
-							label : lang.cell.insertAfter,
-							group : 'tablecell',
-							command : 'cellInsertAfter',
-							order : 10
-						},
-						tablecell_delete :
-						{
-							label : lang.cell.deleteCell,
-							group : 'tablecell',
-							command : 'cellDelete',
-							order : 15
-						},
-						tablecell_merge :
-						{
-							label : lang.cell.merge,
-							group : 'tablecell',
-							command : 'cellMerge',
-							order : 16
-						},
-						tablecell_merge_right :
-						{
-							label : lang.cell.mergeRight,
-							group : 'tablecell',
-							command : 'cellMergeRight',
-							order : 17
-						},
-						tablecell_merge_down :
-						{
-							label : lang.cell.mergeDown,
-							group : 'tablecell',
-							command : 'cellMergeDown',
-							order : 18
-						},
-						tablecell_split_horizontal :
-						{
-							label : lang.cell.splitHorizontal,
-							group : 'tablecell',
-							command : 'cellHorizontalSplit',
-							order : 19
-						},
-						tablecell_split_vertical :
-						{
-							label : lang.cell.splitVertical,
-							group : 'tablecell',
-							command : 'cellVerticalSplit',
-							order : 20
-						},
-						tablecell_properties :
-						{
-							label : lang.cell.title,
-							group : 'tablecellproperties',
-							command : 'cellProperties',
-							order : 21
-						},
-						tablerow :
-						{
-							label : lang.row.menu,
-							group : 'tablerow',
-							order : 1,
-							getItems : function()
-							{
-								return {
-									tablerow_insertBefore : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
-									tablerow_insertAfter : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
-									tablerow_delete : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
-								};
-							}
-						},
-						tablerow_insertBefore :
-						{
-							label : lang.row.insertBefore,
-							group : 'tablerow',
-							command : 'rowInsertBefore',
-							order : 5
-						},
-						tablerow_insertAfter :
-						{
-							label : lang.row.insertAfter,
-							group : 'tablerow',
-							command : 'rowInsertAfter',
-							order : 10
-						},
-						tablerow_delete :
-						{
-							label : lang.row.deleteRow,
-							group : 'tablerow',
-							command : 'rowDelete',
-							order : 15
-						},
-						tablecolumn :
-						{
-							label : lang.column.menu,
-							group : 'tablecolumn',
-							order : 1,
-							getItems : function()
-							{
-								return {
-									tablecolumn_insertBefore : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
-									tablecolumn_insertAfter : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
-									tablecolumn_delete : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
-								};
-							}
-						},
-						tablecolumn_insertBefore :
-						{
-							label : lang.column.insertBefore,
-							group : 'tablecolumn',
-							command : 'columnInsertBefore',
-							order : 5
-						},
-						tablecolumn_insertAfter :
-						{
-							label : lang.column.insertAfter,
-							group : 'tablecolumn',
-							command : 'columnInsertAfter',
-							order : 10
-						},
-						tablecolumn_delete :
-						{
-							label : lang.column.deleteColumn,
-							group : 'tablecolumn',
-							command : 'columnDelete',
-							order : 15
+			if ( editor.addMenuItems ) {
+				editor.addMenuItems({
+					tablecell: {
+						label: lang.cell.menu,
+						group: 'tablecell',
+						order: 1,
+						getItems: function() {
+							var selection = editor.getSelection(),
+								cells = getSelectedCells( selection );
+							return {
+								tablecell_insertBefore: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
+								tablecell_insertAfter: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
+								tablecell_delete: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
+								tablecell_merge: mergeCells( selection, null, true ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
+								tablecell_merge_right: mergeCells( selection, 'right', true ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
+								tablecell_merge_down: mergeCells( selection, 'down', true ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
+								tablecell_split_vertical: verticalSplitCell( selection, true ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
+								tablecell_split_horizontal: horizontalSplitCell( selection, true ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
+								tablecell_properties: cells.length > 0 ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED
+							};
+						}
+					},
+					tablecell_insertBefore: {
+						label: lang.cell.insertBefore,
+						group: 'tablecell',
+						command: 'cellInsertBefore',
+						order: 5
+					},
+					tablecell_insertAfter: {
+						label: lang.cell.insertAfter,
+						group: 'tablecell',
+						command: 'cellInsertAfter',
+						order: 10
+					},
+					tablecell_delete: {
+						label: lang.cell.deleteCell,
+						group: 'tablecell',
+						command: 'cellDelete',
+						order: 15
+					},
+					tablecell_merge: {
+						label: lang.cell.merge,
+						group: 'tablecell',
+						command: 'cellMerge',
+						order: 16
+					},
+					tablecell_merge_right: {
+						label: lang.cell.mergeRight,
+						group: 'tablecell',
+						command: 'cellMergeRight',
+						order: 17
+					},
+					tablecell_merge_down: {
+						label: lang.cell.mergeDown,
+						group: 'tablecell',
+						command: 'cellMergeDown',
+						order: 18
+					},
+					tablecell_split_horizontal: {
+						label: lang.cell.splitHorizontal,
+						group: 'tablecell',
+						command: 'cellHorizontalSplit',
+						order: 19
+					},
+					tablecell_split_vertical: {
+						label: lang.cell.splitVertical,
+						group: 'tablecell',
+						command: 'cellVerticalSplit',
+						order: 20
+					},
+					tablecell_properties: {
+						label: lang.cell.title,
+						group: 'tablecellproperties',
+						command: 'cellProperties',
+						order: 21
+					},
+					tablerow: {
+						label: lang.row.menu,
+						group: 'tablerow',
+						order: 1,
+						getItems: function() {
+							return {
+								tablerow_insertBefore: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
+								tablerow_insertAfter: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
+								tablerow_delete: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
+							};
-					});
+					},
+					tablerow_insertBefore: {
+						label: lang.row.insertBefore,
+						group: 'tablerow',
+						command: 'rowInsertBefore',
+						order: 5
+					},
+					tablerow_insertAfter: {
+						label: lang.row.insertAfter,
+						group: 'tablerow',
+						command: 'rowInsertAfter',
+						order: 10
+					},
+					tablerow_delete: {
+						label: lang.row.deleteRow,
+						group: 'tablerow',
+						command: 'rowDelete',
+						order: 15
+					},
+					tablecolumn: {
+						label: lang.column.menu,
+						group: 'tablecolumn',
+						order: 1,
+						getItems: function() {
+							return {
+								tablecolumn_insertBefore: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
+								tablecolumn_insertAfter: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
+								tablecolumn_delete: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
+							};
+						}
+					},
+					tablecolumn_insertBefore: {
+						label: lang.column.insertBefore,
+						group: 'tablecolumn',
+						command: 'columnInsertBefore',
+						order: 5
+					},
+					tablecolumn_insertAfter: {
+						label: lang.column.insertAfter,
+						group: 'tablecolumn',
+						command: 'columnInsertAfter',
+						order: 10
+					},
+					tablecolumn_delete: {
+						label: lang.column.deleteColumn,
+						group: 'tablecolumn',
+						command: 'columnDelete',
+						order: 15
+					}
+				});
 			// If the "contextmenu" plugin is laoded, register the listeners.
-			if ( editor.contextMenu )
-			{
-				editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection )
-					{
-						if ( !element || element.isReadOnly() )
-							return null;
-						while ( element )
-						{
-							if ( element.getName() in contextMenuTags )
-							{
-								return {
-									tablecell : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
-									tablerow : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
-									tablecolumn : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
-								};
-							}
-							element = element.getParent();
-						}
+			if ( editor.contextMenu ) {
+				editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection, path ) {
+					var cell = path.contains( { 'td':1,'th':1 }, 1 );
+					if ( cell && !cell.isReadOnly() ) {
+						return {
+							tablecell: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
+							tablerow: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
+							tablecolumn: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
+						};
+					}
-						return null;
-					} );
+					return null;
+				});
-		getSelectedCells : getSelectedCells
+		getSelectedCells: getSelectedCells
 	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'tabletools', CKEDITOR.plugins.tabletools );
@@ -1073,48 +960,45 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  * Create a two-dimension array that reflects the actual layout of table cells,
  * with cell spans, with mappings to the original td elements.
- * @param table {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
+ *
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} table
+ * @member CKEDITOR.tools
-CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap = function ( table )
-	var aRows = table.$.rows ;
+CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap = function( table ) {
+	var aRows = table.$.rows;
 	// Row and Column counters.
-	var r = -1 ;
+	var r = -1;
 	var aMap = [];
-	for ( var i = 0 ; i < aRows.length ; i++ )
-	{
-		r++ ;
-		!aMap[r] && ( aMap[r] = [] );
+	for ( var i = 0; i < aRows.length; i++ ) {
+		r++;
+		!aMap[ r ] && ( aMap[ r ] = [] );
-		var c = -1 ;
+		var c = -1;
-		for ( var j = 0 ; j < aRows[i].cells.length ; j++ )
-		{
-			var oCell = aRows[i].cells[j] ;
+		for ( var j = 0; j < aRows[ i ].cells.length; j++ ) {
+			var oCell = aRows[ i ].cells[ j ];
-			c++ ;
-			while ( aMap[r][c] )
-				c++ ;
+			c++;
+			while ( aMap[ r ][ c ] )
+				c++;
-			var iColSpan = isNaN( oCell.colSpan ) ? 1 : oCell.colSpan ;
-			var iRowSpan = isNaN( oCell.rowSpan ) ? 1 : oCell.rowSpan ;
+			var iColSpan = isNaN( oCell.colSpan ) ? 1 : oCell.colSpan;
+			var iRowSpan = isNaN( oCell.rowSpan ) ? 1 : oCell.rowSpan;
-			for ( var rs = 0 ; rs < iRowSpan ; rs++ )
-			{
-				if ( !aMap[r + rs] )
-					aMap[r + rs] = [];
+			for ( var rs = 0; rs < iRowSpan; rs++ ) {
+				if ( !aMap[ r + rs ] )
+					aMap[ r + rs ] = [];
-				for ( var cs = 0 ; cs < iColSpan ; cs++ )
-				{
-					aMap[r + rs][c + cs] = aRows[i].cells[j] ;
+				for ( var cs = 0; cs < iColSpan; cs++ ) {
+					aMap[ r + rs ][ c + cs ] = aRows[ i ].cells[ j ];
-			c += iColSpan - 1 ;
+			c += iColSpan - 1;
-	return aMap ;
+	return aMap;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/dialogs/templates.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/dialogs/templates.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e226d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/dialogs/templates.css
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+	border: #dcdcdc 2px solid;
+	background-color: #ffffff;
+	overflow-y: auto;
+	overflow-x: hidden;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 220px;
+	margin: 5px;
+	padding: 7px;
+	border: #eeeeee 1px solid;
+	*width: 88%;
+	border-collapse: separate;
+	text-indent:0;
+	width: 100%;
+.cke_tpl_preview td
+	padding: 2px;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+.cke_tpl_preview .cke_tpl_preview_img
+	width: 100px;
+.cke_tpl_preview span
+	white-space: normal;
+	font-weight: bold;
+.cke_tpl_list a:hover .cke_tpl_item,
+.cke_tpl_list a:focus .cke_tpl_item,
+.cke_tpl_list a:active .cke_tpl_item
+	border: #ff9933 1px solid;
+	background-color: #fffacd;
+.cke_tpl_list a:hover *,
+.cke_tpl_list a:focus *,
+.cke_tpl_list a:active *
+	cursor: pointer;
+/* IE6 contextual selectors childs won't get :hover transition until,
+	the hover style of the link itself contains certain CSS declarations.*/
+.cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:active,
+.cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:hover,
+.cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:focus
+	background-position: 0 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_tpl_list a:hover .cke_tpl_item,
+.cke_hc .cke_tpl_list a:focus .cke_tpl_item,
+.cke_hc .cke_tpl_list a:active .cke_tpl_item
+	border-width: 3px;
+.cke_tpl_empty, .cke_tpl_loading
+	text-align: center;
+	padding: 5px;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/dialogs/templates.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/dialogs/templates.js
index d3d78c6..8b3b70f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/dialogs/templates.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/dialogs/templates.js
@@ -1,231 +1,203 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+(function() {
 	var doc = CKEDITOR.document;
-	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'templates', function( editor )
-		{
-			// Constructs the HTML view of the specified templates data.
-			function renderTemplatesList( container, templatesDefinitions )
-			{
-				// clear loading wait text.
-				container.setHtml( '' );
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < templatesDefinitions.length ; i++ )
-				{
-					var definition = CKEDITOR.getTemplates( templatesDefinitions[ i ] ),
-						imagesPath = definition.imagesPath,
-						templates = definition.templates,
-						count = templates.length;
-					for ( var j = 0 ; j < count ; j++ )
-					{
-						var template = templates[ j ],
-							item =  createTemplateItem( template, imagesPath );
-						item.setAttribute( 'aria-posinset', j + 1 );
-						item.setAttribute( 'aria-setsize', count );
-						container.append( item );
-					}
+	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'templates', function( editor ) {
+		// Constructs the HTML view of the specified templates data.
+		function renderTemplatesList( container, templatesDefinitions ) {
+			// clear loading wait text.
+			container.setHtml( '' );
+			for ( var i = 0, totalDefs = templatesDefinitions.length; i < totalDefs; i++ ) {
+				var definition = CKEDITOR.getTemplates( templatesDefinitions[ i ] ),
+					imagesPath = definition.imagesPath,
+					templates = definition.templates,
+					count = templates.length;
+				for ( var j = 0; j < count; j++ ) {
+					var template = templates[ j ],
+						item = createTemplateItem( template, imagesPath );
+					item.setAttribute( 'aria-posinset', j + 1 );
+					item.setAttribute( 'aria-setsize', count );
+					container.append( item );
+		}
-			function createTemplateItem( template, imagesPath )
-			{
-				var item = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(
-						'<a href="javascript:void(0)" tabIndex="-1" role="option" >' +
-							'<div class="cke_tpl_item"></div>' +
-						'</a>' );
+		function createTemplateItem( template, imagesPath ) {
+			var item = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<a href="javascript:void(0)" tabIndex="-1" role="option" >' +
+				'<div class="cke_tpl_item"></div>' +
+				'</a>' );
-				// Build the inner HTML of our new item DIV.
-				var html = '<table style="width:350px;" class="cke_tpl_preview" role="presentation"><tr>';
+			// Build the inner HTML of our new item DIV.
+			var html = '<table style="width:350px;" class="cke_tpl_preview" role="presentation"><tr>';
-				if ( template.image && imagesPath )
-					html += '<td class="cke_tpl_preview_img"><img src="' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( imagesPath + template.image ) + '"' + ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat? ' onload="this.width=this.width"' : '' ) + ' alt="" title=""></td>';
+			if ( template.image && imagesPath )
+				html += '<td class="cke_tpl_preview_img"><img src="' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( imagesPath + template.image ) + '"' + ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ? ' onload="this.width=this.width"' : '' ) + ' alt="" title=""></td>';
-				html += '<td style="white-space:normal;"><span class="cke_tpl_title">' + template.title + '</span><br/>';
+			html += '<td style="white-space:normal;"><span class="cke_tpl_title">' + template.title + '</span><br/>';
-				if ( template.description )
-					html += '<span>' + template.description + '</span>';
+			if ( template.description )
+				html += '<span>' + template.description + '</span>';
-				html += '</td></tr></table>';
+			html += '</td></tr></table>';
-				item.getFirst().setHtml( html );
+			item.getFirst().setHtml( html );
-				item.on( 'click', function() { insertTemplate( template.html ); } );
+			item.on( 'click', function() {
+				insertTemplate( template.html );
+			});
-				return item;
-			}
-			/**
-			 * Insert the specified template content into editor.
-			 * @param {Number} index
-			 */
-			function insertTemplate( html )
-			{
-				var dialog = CKEDITOR.dialog.getCurrent(),
-					isInsert = dialog.getValueOf( 'selectTpl', 'chkInsertOpt' );
+			return item;
+		}
-				if ( isInsert )
-				{
-					// Everything should happen after the document is loaded (#4073).
-					editor.on( 'contentDom', function( evt )
-					{
-						evt.removeListener();
-						dialog.hide();
-						// Place the cursor at the first editable place.
-						var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );
-						range.moveToElementEditStart( editor.document.getBody() );
-						range.select( true );
-						setTimeout( function ()
-						{
-							editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-						}, 0 );
-					} );
+		// Insert the specified template content into editor.
+		// @param {Number} index
+		function insertTemplate( html ) {
+			var dialog = CKEDITOR.dialog.getCurrent(),
+				isReplace = dialog.getValueOf( 'selectTpl', 'chkInsertOpt' );
-					editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-					editor.setData( html );
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					editor.insertHtml( html );
+			if ( isReplace ) {
+				editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+				// Everything should happen after the document is loaded (#4073).
+				editor.setData( html, function() {
+					// Place the cursor at the first editable place.
+					var range = editor.createRange();
+					range.moveToElementEditStart( editor.editable() );
+					range.select();
+					setTimeout( function() {
+						editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+					}, 0 );
+				} );
+			} else {
+				editor.insertHtml( html );
+				dialog.hide();
+			}
+		}
+		function keyNavigation( evt ) {
+			var target = evt.data.getTarget(),
+				onList = listContainer.equals( target );
+			// Keyboard navigation for template list.
+			if ( onList || listContainer.contains( target ) ) {
+				var keystroke = evt.data.getKeystroke(),
+					items = listContainer.getElementsByTag( 'a' ),
+					focusItem;
+				if ( items ) {
+					// Focus not yet onto list items?
+					if ( onList )
+						focusItem = items.getItem( 0 );
+					else {
+						switch ( keystroke ) {
+							case 40: // ARROW-DOWN
+								focusItem = target.getNext();
+								break;
+							case 38: // ARROW-UP
+								focusItem = target.getPrevious();
+								break;
+							case 13: // ENTER
+							case 32: // SPACE
+								target.fire( 'click' );
+						}
+					}
+					if ( focusItem ) {
+						focusItem.focus();
+						evt.data.preventDefault();
+					}
+		}
-			function keyNavigation( evt )
-			{
-				var target = evt.data.getTarget(),
-						onList = listContainer.equals( target );
+		// Load skin at first.
+		var plugin = CKEDITOR.plugins.get( 'templates' );
+		CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet( CKEDITOR.getUrl( plugin.path + 'dialogs/templates.css' ) );
-				// Keyboard navigation for template list.
-				if (  onList || listContainer.contains( target ) )
-				{
-					var keystroke = evt.data.getKeystroke(),
-						items = listContainer.getElementsByTag( 'a' ),
-						focusItem;
-					if ( items )
+		var listContainer;
+		var templateListLabelId = 'cke_tpl_list_label_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(),
+			lang = editor.lang.templates,
+			config = editor.config;
+		return {
+			title: editor.lang.templates.title,
+			minWidth: CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 440 : 400,
+			minHeight: 340,
+			contents: [
+				{
+				id: 'selectTpl',
+				label: lang.title,
+				elements: [
-						// Focus not yet onto list items?
-						if ( onList )
-							focusItem = items.getItem( 0 );
-						else
+					type: 'vbox',
+					padding: 5,
+					children: [
-							switch ( keystroke )
-							{
-								case 40 :					// ARROW-DOWN
-									focusItem = target.getNext();
-									break;
-								case 38 :					// ARROW-UP
-									focusItem = target.getPrevious();
-									break;
-								case 13 :					// ENTER
-								case 32 :					// SPACE
-									target.fire( 'click' );
-							}
-						}
-						if ( focusItem )
+						id: 'selectTplText',
+						type: 'html',
+						html: '<span>' +
+							lang.selectPromptMsg +
+							'</span>'
+					},
-							focusItem.focus();
-							evt.data.preventDefault();
-						}
+						id: 'templatesList',
+						type: 'html',
+						focus: true,
+						html: '<div class="cke_tpl_list" tabIndex="-1" role="listbox" aria-labelledby="' + templateListLabelId + '">' +
+								'<div class="cke_tpl_loading"><span></span></div>' +
+							'</div>' +
+							'<span class="cke_voice_label" id="' + templateListLabelId + '">' + lang.options + '</span>'
+					},
+						{
+						id: 'chkInsertOpt',
+						type: 'checkbox',
+						label: lang.insertOption,
+						'default': config.templates_replaceContent
+					]
+				]
+			],
-			// Load skin at first.
-			CKEDITOR.skins.load( editor, 'templates' );
+			buttons: [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ],
-			var listContainer;
+			onShow: function() {
+				var templatesListField = this.getContentElement( 'selectTpl', 'templatesList' );
+				listContainer = templatesListField.getElement();
-			var templateListLabelId = 'cke_tpl_list_label_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
-			return {
-				title :editor.lang.templates.title,
+				CKEDITOR.loadTemplates( config.templates_files, function() {
+					var templates = ( config.templates || 'default' ).split( ',' );
-				minWidth : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 440 : 400,
-				minHeight : 340,
-				contents :
-				[
-					{
-						id :'selectTpl',
-						label : editor.lang.templates.title,
-						elements :
-						[
-							{
-								type : 'vbox',
-								padding : 5,
-								children :
-								[
-									{
-										type : 'html',
-										html :
-											'<span>'  +
-												editor.lang.templates.selectPromptMsg +
-											'</span>'
-									},
-									{
-										id : "templatesList",
-										type : 'html',
-										focus: true,
-										html :
-											'<div class="cke_tpl_list" tabIndex="-1" role="listbox" aria-labelledby="' + templateListLabelId+ '">' +
-												'<div class="cke_tpl_loading"><span></span></div>' +
-											'</div>' +
-											'<span class="cke_voice_label" id="' + templateListLabelId + '">' + editor.lang.templates.options+ '</span>'
-									},
-									{
-										id : 'chkInsertOpt',
-										type : 'checkbox',
-										label : editor.lang.templates.insertOption,
-										'default' : editor.config.templates_replaceContent
-									}
-								]
-							}
-						]
+					if ( templates.length ) {
+						renderTemplatesList( listContainer, templates );
+						templatesListField.focus();
+					} else {
+						listContainer.setHtml( '<div class="cke_tpl_empty">' +
+							'<span>' + lang.emptyListMsg + '</span>' +
+							'</div>' );
-				],
+				});
-				buttons : [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ],
-				onShow : function()
-				{
-					var templatesListField = this.getContentElement( 'selectTpl' , 'templatesList' );
-					listContainer = templatesListField.getElement();
+				this._.element.on( 'keydown', keyNavigation );
+			},
-					CKEDITOR.loadTemplates( editor.config.templates_files, function()
-						{
-							var templates = editor.config.templates.split( ',' );
-							if ( templates.length )
-							{
-								renderTemplatesList( listContainer, templates );
-								templatesListField.focus();
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								listContainer.setHtml(
-									'<div class="cke_tpl_empty">' +
-										'<span>' + editor.lang.templates.emptyListMsg + '</span>' +
-									'</div>' );
-							}
-						});
-					this._.element.on( 'keydown', keyNavigation );
-				},
-				onHide : function ()
-				{
-					this._.element.removeListener( 'keydown', keyNavigation );
-				}
-			};
-		});
+			onHide: function() {
+				this._.element.removeListener( 'keydown', keyNavigation );
+			}
+		};
+	});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/icons/templates-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/icons/templates-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e4a6f6
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/icons/templates-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/icons/templates.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/icons/templates.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e4a6f6
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/icons/templates.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c573c0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'af', {
+	button: 'Sjablone',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Geen sjablone gedefineer nie)',
+	insertOption: 'Vervang huidige inhoud',
+	options: 'Sjabloon opsies',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Kies die sjabloon om te gebruik in die redigeerder (huidige inhoud gaan verlore):',
+	title: 'Inhoud Sjablone'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ed7167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'ar', {
+	button: 'القوالب',
+	emptyListMsg: '(لم يتم تعريف أي قالب)',
+	insertOption: 'استبدال المحتوى',
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'اختر القالب الذي تود وضعه في المحرر',
+	title: 'قوالب المحتوى'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd949a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'bg', {
+	button: 'Шаблони',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Няма дефинирани шаблони)',
+	insertOption: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Изберете шаблон <br>(текущото съдържание на редактора ще бъде загубено):',
+	title: 'Шаблони'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8954723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'bn', {
+	button: 'টেমপ্লেট',
+	emptyListMsg: '(কোন টেমপ্লেট ডিফাইন করা নেই)',
+	insertOption: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'অনুগ্রহ করে এডিটরে ওপেন করার জন্য টেমপ্লেট বাছাই করুন<br>(আসল কনটেন্ট হারিয়ে যাবে):',
+	title: 'কনটেন্ট টেমপ্লেট'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaebe34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'bs', {
+	button: 'Templates', // MISSING
+	emptyListMsg: '(No templates defined)', // MISSING
+	insertOption: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Please select the template to open in the editor', // MISSING
+	title: 'Content Templates' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29c5308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'ca', {
+	button: 'Plantilles',
+	emptyListMsg: '(No hi ha plantilles definides)',
+	insertOption: 'Reemplaça el contingut actual',
+	options: 'Opcions de plantilla',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Seleccioneu una plantilla per usar a l\'editor<br>(per defecte s\'elimina el contingut actual):',
+	title: 'Plantilles de contingut'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d74acc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'cs', {
+	button: 'Å ablony',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Není definována žádná šablona)',
+	insertOption: 'Nahradit aktuální obsah',
+	options: 'Nastavení šablon',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Prosím zvolte šablonu pro otevření v editoru<br>(aktuální obsah editoru bude ztracen):',
+	title: 'Å ablony obsahu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a52921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'cy', {
+	button: 'Templedi',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Dim templedi wedi\'u diffinio)',
+	insertOption: 'Amnewid y cynnwys go iawn',
+	options: 'Opsiynau Templedi',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Dewiswch dempled i\'w agor yn y golygydd',
+	title: 'Templedi Cynnwys'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af534f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'da', {
+	button: 'Skabeloner',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Der er ikke defineret nogen skabelon)',
+	insertOption: 'Erstat det faktiske indhold',
+	options: 'Skabelon muligheder',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Vælg den skabelon, som skal åbnes i editoren (nuværende indhold vil blive overskrevet):',
+	title: 'Indholdsskabeloner'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..556069c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'de', {
+	button: 'Vorlagen',
+	emptyListMsg: '(keine Vorlagen definiert)',
+	insertOption: 'Aktuellen Inhalt ersetzen',
+	options: 'Vorlagen Optionen',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Klicken Sie auf eine Vorlage, um sie im Editor zu öffnen (der aktuelle Inhalt wird dabei gelöscht!):',
+	title: 'Vorlagen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7e9194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'el', {
+	button: 'Πρότυπα',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Δεν έχουν καθοριστεί πρότυπα)',
+	insertOption: 'Αντικατάσταση υπάρχοντων περιεχομένων',
+	options: 'Επιλογές Προτύπου',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε πρότυπο για εισαγωγή στο πρόγραμμα',
+	title: 'Πρότυπα Περιεχομένου'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad58104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'en-au', {
+	button: 'Templates',
+	emptyListMsg: '(No templates defined)',
+	insertOption: 'Replace actual contents',
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Please select the template to open in the editor',
+	title: 'Content Templates'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fba4a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'en-ca', {
+	button: 'Templates',
+	emptyListMsg: '(No templates defined)',
+	insertOption: 'Replace actual contents',
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Please select the template to open in the editor',
+	title: 'Content Templates'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1241394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'en-gb', {
+	button: 'Templates',
+	emptyListMsg: '(No templates defined)',
+	insertOption: 'Replace actual contents',
+	options: 'Template Options',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Please select the template to open in the editor',
+	title: 'Content Templates'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d2ecc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'en', {
+	button: 'Templates',
+	emptyListMsg: '(No templates defined)',
+	insertOption: 'Replace actual contents',
+	options: 'Template Options',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Please select the template to open in the editor',
+	title: 'Content Templates'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1a6cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'eo', {
+	button: 'Åœablonoj',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Neniu ŝablono difinita)',
+	insertOption: 'AnstataÅ­igi la nunan enhavon',
+	options: 'Opcioj pri ŝablonoj',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Bonvolu selekti la ŝablonon por malfermi ĝin en la redaktilo',
+	title: 'Enhavo de ŝablonoj'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12a97ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'es', {
+	button: 'Plantillas',
+	emptyListMsg: '(No hay plantillas definidas)',
+	insertOption: 'Reemplazar el contenido actual',
+	options: 'Opciones de plantillas',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Por favor selecciona la plantilla a abrir en el editor<br>(el contenido actual se perderá):',
+	title: 'Contenido de Plantillas'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fedf02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'et', {
+	button: 'Mall',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Ãœhtegi malli ei ole defineeritud)',
+	insertOption: 'Praegune sisu asendatakse',
+	options: 'Malli valikud',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Palun vali mall, mis avada redaktoris<br />(praegune sisu läheb kaotsi):',
+	title: 'Sisumallid'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f81c44f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'eu', {
+	button: 'Txantiloiak',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Ez dago definitutako txantiloirik)',
+	insertOption: 'Ordeztu oraingo edukiak',
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Mesedez txantiloia aukeratu editorean kargatzeko<br>(orain dauden edukiak galduko dira):',
+	title: 'Eduki Txantiloiak'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5176cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'fa', {
+	button: 'الگوها',
+	emptyListMsg: '(الگوئی تعریف نشده است)',
+	insertOption: 'محتویات کنونی جایگزین شوند',
+	options: 'گزینههای الگو',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'لطفا الگوی موردنظر را برای بازکردن در ویرایشگر برگزینید<br>(محتویات کنونی از دست خواهند رفت):',
+	title: 'الگوهای محتویات'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81fb9e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'fi', {
+	button: 'Pohjat',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Ei määriteltyjä pohjia)',
+	insertOption: 'Korvaa editorin koko sisältö',
+	options: 'Sisältöpohjan ominaisuudet',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Valitse pohja editoriin<br>(aiempi sisältö menetetään):',
+	title: 'Sisältöpohjat'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..413a762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'fo', {
+	button: 'Skabelónir',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Ongar skabelónir tøkar)',
+	insertOption: 'Yvirskriva núverandi innihald',
+	options: 'Møguleikar fyri Template',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Vinarliga vel ta skabelón, ið skal opnast í tekstviðgeranum<br>(Hetta yvirskrivar núverandi innihald):',
+	title: 'Innihaldsskabelónir'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f9ff80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'fr-ca', {
+	button: 'Modèles',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Aucun modèle disponible)',
+	insertOption: 'Remplacer tout le contenu actuel',
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Sélectionner le modèle à ouvrir dans l\'éditeur<br>(le contenu actuel sera remplacé):',
+	title: 'Modèles de contenu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e3bd48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'fr', {
+	button: 'Modèles',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Aucun modèle disponible)',
+	insertOption: 'Remplacer le contenu actuel',
+	options: 'Options des modèles',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Veuillez sélectionner le modèle pour l\'ouvrir dans l\'éditeur',
+	title: 'Contenu des modèles'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..813fa9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'gl', {
+	button: 'Plantillas',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Non hai plantillas definidas)',
+	insertOption: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Por favor, seleccione a plantilla a abrir no editor<br>(o contido actual perderase):',
+	title: 'Plantillas de Contido'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff40ce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'gu', {
+	button: 'ટેમ્પ્લેટ',
+	emptyListMsg: '(કોઈ ટેમ્પ્લેટ ડિફાઇન નથી)',
+	insertOption: 'મૂળ શબ્દને બદલો',
+	options: 'ટેમ્પ્લેટના વિકલ્પો',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'એડિટરમાં ઓપન કરવા ટેમ્પ્લેટ પસંદ કરો (વર્તમાન કન્ટેન્ટ સેવ નહીં થાય):',
+	title: 'કન્ટેન્ટ ટેમ્પ્લેટ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bb48c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'he', {
+	button: 'תבניות',
+	emptyListMsg: '(לא הוגדרו תבניות)',
+	insertOption: 'החלפת תוכן ממשי',
+	options: 'אפשרויות התבניות',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'יש לבחור תבנית לפתיחה בעורך.<br />התוכן המקורי ימחק:',
+	title: 'תביות תוכן'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9945a60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'hi', {
+	button: 'टॅम्प्लेट',
+	emptyListMsg: '(कोई टॅम्प्लेट डिफ़ाइन नहीं किया गया है)',
+	insertOption: 'मूल शब्दों को बदलें',
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'ऍडिटर में ओपन करने हेतु टॅम्प्लेट चुनें(वर्तमान कन्टॅन्ट सेव नहीं होंगे):',
+	title: 'कन्टेन्ट टॅम्प्लेट'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c9be48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'hr', {
+	button: 'Predlošci',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Nema definiranih predložaka)',
+	insertOption: 'Zamijeni trenutne sadržaje',
+	options: 'Opcije predložaka',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Molimo odaberite predložak koji želite otvoriti<br>(stvarni sadržaj će biti izgubljen):',
+	title: 'Predlošci sadržaja'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db414e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'hu', {
+	button: 'Sablonok',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Nincs sablon megadva)',
+	insertOption: 'Kicseréli a jelenlegi tartalmat',
+	options: 'Sablon opciók',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Válassza ki melyik sablon nyíljon meg a szerkesztőben<br>(a jelenlegi tartalom elveszik):',
+	title: 'Elérhető sablonok'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3cd5b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'is', {
+	button: 'Sniðmát',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Ekkert sniðmát er skilgreint!)',
+	insertOption: 'Skipta út raunverulegu innihaldi',
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Veldu sniðmát til að opna í ritlinum.<br>(Núverandi innihald víkur fyrir því!):',
+	title: 'Innihaldssniðmát'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6758b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'it', {
+	button: 'Modelli',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Nessun modello definito)',
+	insertOption: 'Cancella il contenuto corrente',
+	options: 'Opzioni del Modello',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Seleziona il modello da aprire nell\'editor<br />(il contenuto attuale verrà eliminato):',
+	title: 'Contenuto dei modelli'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30422ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'ja', {
+	button: 'テンプレート(雛形)',
+	emptyListMsg: '(テンプレートが定義されていません)',
+	insertOption: '現在のエディタの内容と置換えをします',
+	options: 'テンプレートオプション',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'エディターで使用するテンプレートを選択してください。<br>(現在のエディタの内容は失われます):',
+	title: 'テンプレート内容'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cda9b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'ka', {
+	button: 'თარგები',
+	emptyListMsg: '(თარგი არაა განსაზღვრული)',
+	insertOption: 'მიმდინარე შეგთავსის შეცვლა',
+	options: 'თარგების პარამეტრები',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'აირჩიეთ თარგი რედაქტორისთვის',
+	title: 'თარგები'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77a4875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'km', {
+	button: 'ឯកសារគំរូ',
+	emptyListMsg: '(ពុំមានឯកសារគំរូត្រូវបានកំណត់)',
+	insertOption: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'សូមជ្រើសរើសឯកសារគំរូ ដើម្បីបើកនៅក្នុងកម្មវិធីតាក់តែងអត្ថបទ<br>(អត្ថបទនឹងបាត់បង់):',
+	title: 'ឯកសារគំរូ របស់អត្ថន័យ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a23346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'ko', {
+	button: '템플릿',
+	emptyListMsg: '(템플릿이 없습니다.)',
+	insertOption: '현재 내용 바꾸기',
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: '에디터에서 사용할 템플릿을 선택하십시요.<br>(지금까지 작성된 내용은 사라집니다.):',
+	title: '내용 템플릿'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce50d63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'ku', {
+	button: 'ڕووکار',
+	emptyListMsg: '(هیچ ڕووکارێك دیارینهکراوه)',
+	insertOption: 'لهشوێن دانانی ئهم پێکهاتانهی ئێستا',
+	options: 'ههڵبژاردهکانی ڕووکار',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'ڕووکارێك ههڵبژێره بۆ کردنهوهی له سهرنووسهر:',
+	title: 'پێکهاتهی ڕووکار'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..466e1cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'lt', {
+	button: 'Å ablonai',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Šablonų sąrašas tuščias)',
+	insertOption: 'Pakeisti dabartinį turinį pasirinktu šablonu',
+	options: 'Template Options',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Pasirinkite norimÄ… Å¡ablonÄ…<br>(<b>DÄ—mesio!</b> esamas turinys bus prarastas):',
+	title: 'Turinio Å¡ablonai'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afde3e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'lv', {
+	button: 'Sagataves',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Nav norādītas sagataves)',
+	insertOption: 'Aizvietot pašreizējo saturu',
+	options: 'Sagataves uzstādījumi',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Lūdzu, norādiet sagatavi, ko atvērt editorā<br>(patreizējie dati tiks zaudēti):',
+	title: 'Satura sagataves'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a319b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'mk', {
+	button: 'Templates', // MISSING
+	emptyListMsg: '(No templates defined)', // MISSING
+	insertOption: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Please select the template to open in the editor', // MISSING
+	title: 'Content Templates' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7b4535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'mn', {
+	button: 'Загварууд',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Загвар тодорхойлогдоогүй байна)',
+	insertOption: 'Одоогийн агууллагыг дарж бичих',
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Загварыг нээж editor-рүү сонгож оруулна уу<br />(Одоогийн агууллагыг устаж магадгүй):',
+	title: 'Загварын агуулга'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33b1b75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'ms', {
+	button: 'Templat',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Tiada Templat Disimpan)',
+	insertOption: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Sila pilih templat untuk dibuka oleh editor<br>(kandungan sebenar akan hilang):',
+	title: 'Templat Kandungan'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..092ba9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'nb', {
+	button: 'Maler',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Ingen maler definert)',
+	insertOption: 'Erstatt gjeldende innhold',
+	options: 'Alternativer for mal',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Velg malen du vil åpne i redigeringsverktøyet:',
+	title: 'Innholdsmaler'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe3a67b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'nl', {
+	button: 'Sjablonen',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Geen sjablonen gedefinieerd)',
+	insertOption: 'Vervang de huidige inhoud',
+	options: 'Template opties',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Selecteer het sjabloon dat in de editor geopend moet worden (de actuele inhoud gaat verloren):',
+	title: 'Inhoud sjablonen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..791b0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'no', {
+	button: 'Maler',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Ingen maler definert)',
+	insertOption: 'Erstatt gjeldende innhold',
+	options: 'Alternativer for mal',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Velg malen du vil åpne i redigeringsverktøyet:',
+	title: 'Innholdsmaler'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00adbc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'pl', {
+	button: 'Szablony',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Brak zdefiniowanych szablonów)',
+	insertOption: 'Zastąp obecną zawartość',
+	options: 'Opcje szablonów',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Wybierz szablon do otwarcia w edytorze<br>(obecna zawartość okna edytora zostanie utracona):',
+	title: 'Szablony zawartości'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36540fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'pt-br', {
+	button: 'Modelos de layout',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Não foram definidos modelos de layout)',
+	insertOption: 'Substituir o conteúdo atual',
+	options: 'Opções de Template',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Selecione um modelo de layout para ser aberto no editor<br>(o conteúdo atual será perdido):',
+	title: 'Modelo de layout de conteúdo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1736971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'pt', {
+	button: 'Modelos',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Sem modelos definidos)',
+	insertOption: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Por favor, seleccione o modelo a abrir no editor<br>(o conteúdo actual será perdido):',
+	title: 'Modelo de Conteúdo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..942e6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'ro', {
+	button: 'Template-uri (ÅŸabloane)',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Niciun template (ÅŸablon) definit)',
+	insertOption: 'ÃŽnlocuieÅŸte cuprinsul actual',
+	options: 'Opțiuni șabloane',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Vă rugăm selectaţi template-ul (şablonul) ce se va deschide în editor<br>(conţinutul actual va fi pierdut):',
+	title: 'Template-uri (şabloane) de conţinut'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2c6c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'ru', {
+	button: 'Шаблоны',
+	emptyListMsg: '(не определено ни одного шаблона)',
+	insertOption: 'Заменить текущее содержимое',
+	options: 'Параметры шаблона',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Пожалуйста, выберите, какой шаблон следует открыть в редакторе',
+	title: 'Шаблоны содержимого'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f96033f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'sk', {
+	button: 'Šablóny',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Žiadne šablóny nedefinované)',
+	insertOption: 'Nahradiť aktuálny obsah',
+	options: 'Možnosti šablóny',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Prosím vyberte šablónu na otvorenie v editore',
+	title: 'Šablóny obsahu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1a6649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'sl', {
+	button: 'Predloge',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Ni pripravljenih predlog)',
+	insertOption: 'Zamenjaj trenutno vsebino',
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Izberite predlogo, ki jo želite odpreti v urejevalniku<br>(trenutna vsebina bo izgubljena):',
+	title: 'Vsebinske predloge'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb4b409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'sr-latn', {
+	button: 'Obrasci',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Nema definisanih obrazaca)',
+	insertOption: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Molimo Vas da odaberete obrazac koji ce biti primenjen na stranicu (trenutni sadržaj ce biti obrisan):',
+	title: 'Obrasci za sadržaj'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97c012c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'sr', {
+	button: 'Обрасци',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Нема дефинисаних образаца)',
+	insertOption: 'Replace actual contents', // MISSING
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Молимо Вас да одаберете образац који ће бити примењен на страницу (тренутни садржај ће бити обрисан):',
+	title: 'Обрасци за садржај'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6a176d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'sv', {
+	button: 'Sidmallar',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Ingen mall är vald)',
+	insertOption: 'Ersätt aktuellt innehåll',
+	options: 'Inställningar för mall',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Var god välj en mall att använda med editorn<br>(allt nuvarande innehåll raderas):',
+	title: 'Sidmallar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc1844c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'th', {
+	button: 'เทมเพลต',
+	emptyListMsg: '(ยังไม่มีการกำหนดเทมเพลต)',
+	insertOption: 'แทนที่เนื้อหาเว็บไซต์ที่เลือก',
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: 'กรุณาเลือก เทมเพลต เพื่อนำไปแก้ไขในอีดิตเตอร์<br />(เนื้อหาส่วนนี้จะหายไป):',
+	title: 'เทมเพลตของส่วนเนื้อหาเว็บไซต์'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d096fd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'tr', {
+	button: 'Åžablonlar',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Belirli bir şablon seçilmedi)',
+	insertOption: 'Mevcut içerik ile değiştir',
+	options: 'Şablon Seçenekleri',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Düzenleyicide açmak için lütfen bir şablon seçin.<br>(hali hazırdaki içerik kaybolacaktır.):',
+	title: 'İçerik Şablonları'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8417e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'ug', {
+	button: 'قېلىپ',
+	emptyListMsg: '(قېلىپ يوق)',
+	insertOption: 'نۆۋەتتىكى مەزمۇننى ئالماشتۇر',
+	options: 'قېلىپ تاللانمىسى',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'تەھرىرلىگۈچنىڭ مەزمۇن قېلىپىنى تاللاڭ:',
+	title: 'مەزمۇن قېلىپى'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba8bbb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'uk', {
+	button: 'Шаблони',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Не знайдено жодного шаблону)',
+	insertOption: 'Замінити поточний вміст',
+	options: 'Опції шаблону',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Оберіть, будь ласка, шаблон для відкриття в редакторі<br>(поточний зміст буде втрачено):',
+	title: 'Шаблони змісту'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6df753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'vi', {
+	button: 'Mẫu dựng sẵn',
+	emptyListMsg: '(Không có mẫu dựng sẵn nào được định nghĩa)',
+	insertOption: 'Thay thế nội dung hiện tại',
+	options: 'Tùy chọn mẫu dựng sẵn',
+	selectPromptMsg: 'Hãy chọn mẫu dựng sẵn để mở trong trình biên tập<br>(nội dung hiện tại sẽ bị mất):',
+	title: 'Nội dung Mẫu dựng sẵn'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63244a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'zh-cn', {
+	button: '模板',
+	emptyListMsg: '(没有模板)',
+	insertOption: '替换当前内容',
+	options: '模板选项',
+	selectPromptMsg: '请选择编辑器内容模板:',
+	title: '内容模板'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fb74e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'templates', 'zh', {
+	button: '樣版',
+	emptyListMsg: '(無樣版)',
+	insertOption: '取代原有內容',
+	options: 'Template Options', // MISSING
+	selectPromptMsg: '請選擇欲開啟的樣版<br> (原有的內容將會被清除):',
+	title: '內容樣版'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/plugin.js
index 64d70e0..2036400 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/plugin.js
@@ -1,57 +1,50 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'templates',
-		{
-			requires : [ 'dialog' ],
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-			init : function( editor )
-			{
-				CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'templates', CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'dialogs/templates.js' ) );
+(function() {
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'templates', {
+		requires: 'dialog',
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'templates,templates-rtl', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'templates', CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'dialogs/templates.js' ) );
-				editor.addCommand( 'templates', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'templates' ) );
+			editor.addCommand( 'templates', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'templates' ) );
-				editor.ui.addButton( 'Templates',
-					{
-						label : editor.lang.templates.button,
-						command : 'templates'
-					});
-			}
-		});
+			editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'Templates', {
+				label: editor.lang.templates.button,
+				command: 'templates',
+				toolbar: 'doctools,10'
+			});
+		}
+	});
 	var templates = {},
 		loadedTemplatesFiles = {};
-	CKEDITOR.addTemplates = function( name, definition )
-	{
+	CKEDITOR.addTemplates = function( name, definition ) {
 		templates[ name ] = definition;
-	CKEDITOR.getTemplates = function( name )
-	{
+	CKEDITOR.getTemplates = function( name ) {
 		return templates[ name ];
-	CKEDITOR.loadTemplates = function( templateFiles, callback )
-	{
+	CKEDITOR.loadTemplates = function( templateFiles, callback ) {
 		// Holds the templates files to be loaded.
 		var toLoad = [];
 		// Look for pending template files to get loaded.
-		for ( var i = 0 ; i < templateFiles.length ; i++ )
-		{
-			if ( !loadedTemplatesFiles[ templateFiles[ i ] ] )
-			{
+		for ( var i = 0, count = templateFiles.length; i < count; i++ ) {
+			if ( !loadedTemplatesFiles[ templateFiles[ i ] ] ) {
 				toLoad.push( templateFiles[ i ] );
 				loadedTemplatesFiles[ templateFiles[ i ] ] = 1;
-		if ( toLoad.length > 0 )
+		if ( toLoad.length )
 			CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( toLoad, callback );
 			setTimeout( callback, 0 );
@@ -62,39 +55,36 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  * The templates definition set to use. It accepts a list of names separated by
- * comma. It must match definitions loaded with the templates_files setting.
- * @type String
- * @default 'default'
- * @example
- * config.templates = 'my_templates';
+ * comma. It must match definitions loaded with the {@link #templates_files} setting.
+ *
+ *		config.templates = 'my_templates';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [templates='default']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.templates = 'default';
  * The list of templates definition files to load.
- * @type (String) Array
- * @default [ 'plugins/templates/templates/default.js' ]
- * @example
- * config.templates_files =
- *     [
- *         '/editor_templates/site_default.js',
- *         'http://www.example.com/user_templates.js
- *     ];
+ *		config.templates_files = [
+ *			'/editor_templates/site_default.js',
+ *			'http://www.example.com/user_templates.js
+ *		];
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.templates_files =
-	[
-		CKEDITOR.getUrl(
-			'_source/' + // @Packager.RemoveLine
-			'plugins/templates/templates/default.js' )
+CKEDITOR.config.templates_files = [
+	CKEDITOR.getUrl( 'plugins/templates/templates/default.js' )
  * Whether the "Replace actual contents" checkbox is checked by default in the
  * Templates dialog.
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.templates_replaceContent = false;
+ *
+ *		config.templates_replaceContent = false;
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 CKEDITOR.config.templates_replaceContent = true;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/default.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/default.js
index 8bf9782..917a1f4 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/default.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/default.js
@@ -1,94 +1,89 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
 // Register a templates definition set named "default".
-CKEDITOR.addTemplates( 'default',
+CKEDITOR.addTemplates( 'default', {
 	// The name of sub folder which hold the shortcut preview images of the
 	// templates.
-	imagesPath : CKEDITOR.getUrl( CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath( 'templates' ) + 'templates/images/' ),
+	imagesPath: CKEDITOR.getUrl( CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath( 'templates' ) + 'templates/images/' ),
 	// The templates definitions.
-	templates :
-		[
-			{
-				title: 'Image and Title',
-				image: 'template1.gif',
-				description: 'One main image with a title and text that surround the image.',
-				html:
-					'<h3>' +
-						'<img style="margin-right: 10px" height="100" width="100" align="left"/>' +
-						'Type the title here'+
-					'</h3>' +
-					'<p>' +
-						'Type the text here' +
-					'</p>'
-			},
-			{
-				title: 'Strange Template',
-				image: 'template2.gif',
-				description: 'A template that defines two colums, each one with a title, and some text.',
-				html:
-					'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:100%" border="0">' +
-						'<tr>' +
-							'<td style="width:50%">' +
-								'<h3>Title 1</h3>' +
-							'</td>' +
-							'<td></td>' +
-							'<td style="width:50%">' +
-								'<h3>Title 2</h3>' +
-							'</td>' +
-						'</tr>' +
-						'<tr>' +
-							'<td>' +
-								'Text 1' +
-							'</td>' +
-							'<td></td>' +
-							'<td>' +
-								'Text 2' +
-							'</td>' +
-						'</tr>' +
-					'</table>' +
-					'<p>' +
-						'More text goes here.' +
-					'</p>'
-			},
-			{
-				title: 'Text and Table',
-				image: 'template3.gif',
-				description: 'A title with some text and a table.',
-				html:
-					'<div style="width: 80%">' +
-						'<h3>' +
-							'Title goes here' +
-						'</h3>' +
-						'<table style="width:150px;float: right" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1">' +
-							'<caption style="border:solid 1px black">' +
-								'<strong>Table title</strong>' +
-							'</caption>' +
-							'</tr>' +
-							'<tr>' +
-								'<td> </td>' +
-								'<td> </td>' +
-								'<td> </td>' +
-							'</tr>' +
-							'<tr>' +
-								'<td> </td>' +
-								'<td> </td>' +
-								'<td> </td>' +
-							'</tr>' +
-							'<tr>' +
-								'<td> </td>' +
-								'<td> </td>' +
-								'<td> </td>' +
-							'</tr>' +
-						'</table>' +
-						'<p>' +
-							'Type the text here' +
-						'</p>' +
-					'</div>'
-			}
-		]
+	templates: [
+		{
+		title: 'Image and Title',
+		image: 'template1.gif',
+		description: 'One main image with a title and text that surround the image.',
+		html: '<h3>' +
+			'<img style="margin-right: 10px" height="100" width="100" align="left"/>' +
+			'Type the title here' +
+			'</h3>' +
+			'<p>' +
+			'Type the text here' +
+			'</p>'
+	},
+		{
+		title: 'Strange Template',
+		image: 'template2.gif',
+		description: 'A template that defines two colums, each one with a title, and some text.',
+		html: '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:100%" border="0">' +
+			'<tr>' +
+				'<td style="width:50%">' +
+					'<h3>Title 1</h3>' +
+				'</td>' +
+				'<td></td>' +
+				'<td style="width:50%">' +
+					'<h3>Title 2</h3>' +
+				'</td>' +
+			'</tr>' +
+			'<tr>' +
+				'<td>' +
+					'Text 1' +
+				'</td>' +
+				'<td></td>' +
+				'<td>' +
+					'Text 2' +
+				'</td>' +
+			'</tr>' +
+			'</table>' +
+			'<p>' +
+			'More text goes here.' +
+			'</p>'
+	},
+		{
+		title: 'Text and Table',
+		image: 'template3.gif',
+		description: 'A title with some text and a table.',
+		html: '<div style="width: 80%">' +
+			'<h3>' +
+				'Title goes here' +
+			'</h3>' +
+			'<table style="width:150px;float: right" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1">' +
+				'<caption style="border:solid 1px black">' +
+					'<strong>Table title</strong>' +
+				'</caption>' +
+				'</tr>' +
+				'<tr>' +
+					'<td> </td>' +
+					'<td> </td>' +
+					'<td> </td>' +
+				'</tr>' +
+				'<tr>' +
+					'<td> </td>' +
+					'<td> </td>' +
+					'<td> </td>' +
+				'</tr>' +
+				'<tr>' +
+					'<td> </td>' +
+					'<td> </td>' +
+					'<td> </td>' +
+				'</tr>' +
+			'</table>' +
+			'<p>' +
+				'Type the text here' +
+			'</p>' +
+			'</div>'
+	}
+	]
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template1.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template1.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efdabbe
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template1.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template2.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template2.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1cebb3
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template2.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template3.gif b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template3.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db41cb4
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template3.gif differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6de3a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'af', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Verklein werkbalk',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Vergroot werkbalk',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59f2dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'ar', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceff5e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'bg', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Свиване на лентата с инструменти',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Разширяване на лентата с инструменти',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Документ',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Промяна',
+		forms: 'Форми',
+		basicstyles: 'Базови стилове',
+		paragraph: 'Параграф',
+		links: 'Връзки',
+		insert: 'Вмъкване',
+		styles: 'Стилове',
+		colors: 'Цветове',
+		tools: 'Инструменти'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Ленти с инструменти'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..435408f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'bn', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3c05f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'bs', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abf47df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'ca', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Redueix la barra d\'eines',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Amplia la barra d\'eines',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor de barra d\'eines'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e7d939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'cs', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Skrýt panel nástrojů',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Zobrazit panel nástrojů',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dokument',
+		clipboard: 'Schránka/Zpět',
+		editing: 'Úpravy',
+		forms: 'Formuláře',
+		basicstyles: 'Základní styly',
+		paragraph: 'Odstavec',
+		links: 'Odkazy',
+		insert: 'Vložit',
+		styles: 'Styly',
+		colors: 'Barvy',
+		tools: 'Nástroje'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Panely nástrojů editoru'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e999e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'cy', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Cyfangu\'r Bar Offer',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Ehangu\'r Bar Offer',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dogfen',
+		clipboard: 'Clipfwrdd/Dadwneud',
+		editing: 'Golygu',
+		forms: 'Ffurflenni',
+		basicstyles: 'Arddulliau Sylfaenol',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraff',
+		links: 'Dolenni',
+		insert: 'Mewnosod',
+		styles: 'Arddulliau',
+		colors: 'Lliwiau',
+		tools: 'Offer'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Bariau offer golygydd'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39a7b29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'da', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Sammenklap værktøjslinje',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Udvid værktøjslinje',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dokument',
+		clipboard: 'Udklipsholder/Fortryd',
+		editing: 'Redigering',
+		forms: 'Formularer',
+		basicstyles: 'Basis styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraf',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Indsæt',
+		styles: 'Typografier',
+		colors: 'Farver',
+		tools: 'Værktøjer'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editors værktøjslinjer'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb2acc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'de', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Symbolleiste einklappen',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Symbolleiste ausklappen',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dokument',
+		clipboard: 'Zwischenablage/Rückgängig',
+		editing: 'Editieren',
+		forms: 'Formularen',
+		basicstyles: 'Grundstile',
+		paragraph: 'Absatz',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Einfügen',
+		styles: 'Stile',
+		colors: 'Farben',
+		tools: 'Werkzeuge'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor Symbolleisten'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69784ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'el', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Σύμπτηξη Εργαλειοθήκης',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Ανάπτυξη Εργαλειοθήκης',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Έγγραφο',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Σε επεξεργασία',
+		forms: 'Φόρμες',
+		basicstyles: 'Βασικά στυλ',
+		paragraph: 'Παράγραφος',
+		links: 'Συνδέσμοι',
+		insert: 'Εισαγωγή',
+		styles: 'Στυλ',
+		colors: 'Χρώματα',
+		tools: 'Εργαλεία'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Εργαλειοθήκες Επεξεργαστή'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e79b18e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'en-au', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bff9479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'en-ca', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d75c9bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'en-gb', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3fba80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'en', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a91f53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'eo', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Faldi la ilbreton',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Malfaldi la ilbreton',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dokumento',
+		clipboard: 'Poŝo/Malfari',
+		editing: 'Redaktado',
+		forms: 'Formularoj',
+		basicstyles: 'Bazaj stiloj',
+		paragraph: 'Paragrafo',
+		links: 'Ligiloj',
+		insert: 'Enmeti',
+		styles: 'Stiloj',
+		colors: 'Koloroj',
+		tools: 'Iloj'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Ilobretoj de la redaktilo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b556da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'es', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Contraer barra de herramientas',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expandir barra de herramientas',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Documento',
+		clipboard: 'Portapapeles/Deshacer',
+		editing: 'Edición',
+		forms: 'Formularios',
+		basicstyles: 'Estilos básicos',
+		paragraph: 'Párrafo',
+		links: 'Enlaces',
+		insert: 'Insertar',
+		styles: 'Estilos',
+		colors: 'Colores',
+		tools: 'Herramientas'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Barras de herramientas del editor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b218f12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'et', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Tööriistariba peitmine',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Tööriistariba näitamine',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dokument',
+		clipboard: 'Lõikelaud/tagasivõtmine',
+		editing: 'Muutmine',
+		forms: 'Vormid',
+		basicstyles: 'Põhistiilid',
+		paragraph: 'Lõik',
+		links: 'Lingid',
+		insert: 'Sisesta',
+		styles: 'Stiilid',
+		colors: 'Värvid',
+		tools: 'Tööriistad'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Redaktori tööriistaribad'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e99df18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'eu', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f786e0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'fa', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'بستن نوار ابزار',
+	toolbarExpand: 'بازکردن نوار ابزار',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'سند',
+		clipboard: 'حافظه موقت/برگشت',
+		editing: 'در حال ویرایش',
+		forms: 'فرمها',
+		basicstyles: 'شیوههای پایه',
+		paragraph: 'بند',
+		links: 'پیوندها',
+		insert: 'ورود',
+		styles: 'شیوهها',
+		colors: 'رنگها',
+		tools: 'ابزارها'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'نوار ابزار'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ab55bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'fi', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Kutista työkalupalkki',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Laajenna työkalupalkki',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dokumentti',
+		clipboard: 'Leikepöytä/Kumoa',
+		editing: 'Muokkaus',
+		forms: 'Lomakkeet',
+		basicstyles: 'Perustyylit',
+		paragraph: 'Kappale',
+		links: 'Linkit',
+		insert: 'Lisää',
+		styles: 'Tyylit',
+		colors: 'Värit',
+		tools: 'Työkalut'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editorin työkalupalkit'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4830de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'fo', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Lat Toolbar aftur',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Vís Toolbar',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dokument',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editering',
+		forms: 'Formar',
+		basicstyles: 'Grundleggjandi Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Reglubrot',
+		links: 'Leinkjur',
+		insert: 'Set inn',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Litir',
+		tools: 'Tól'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95c9ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'fr-ca', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5463a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'fr', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Enrouler la barre d\'outils',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Dérouler la barre d\'outils',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Presse-papier/Défaire',
+		editing: 'Editer',
+		forms: 'Formulaires',
+		basicstyles: 'Styles de base',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraphe',
+		links: 'Liens',
+		insert: 'Insérer',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Couleurs',
+		tools: 'Outils'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Barre d\'outils de l\'éditeur'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5351f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'gl', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07b0bfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'gu', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'ટૂલબાર નાનું કરવું',
+	toolbarExpand: 'ટૂલબાર મોટું કરવું',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'દસ્તાવેજ',
+		clipboard: 'ક્લિપબોર્ડ/અન',
+		editing: 'એડીટ કરવું',
+		forms: 'ફોર્મ',
+		basicstyles: 'બેસિક્ સ્ટાઇલ',
+		paragraph: 'ફકરો',
+		links: 'લીંક',
+		insert: 'ઉમેરવું',
+		styles: 'સ્ટાઇલ',
+		colors: 'રંગ',
+		tools: 'ટૂલ્સ'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'એડીટર ટૂલ બાર'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02d77b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'he', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'מזעור סרגל כלים',
+	toolbarExpand: 'הרחבת סרגל כלים',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'מסמך',
+		clipboard: 'לוח הגזירים (Clipboard)/צעד אחרון',
+		editing: 'עריכה',
+		forms: 'טפסים',
+		basicstyles: 'עיצוב בסיסי',
+		paragraph: 'פסקה',
+		links: 'קישורים',
+		insert: 'הכנסה',
+		styles: 'עיצוב',
+		colors: 'צבעים',
+		tools: 'כלים'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'סרגלי כלים של העורך'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30aeb7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'hi', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'एडिटर टूलबार'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3da03ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'hr', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Smanji alatnu traku',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Proširi alatnu traku',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dokument',
+		clipboard: 'Međuspremnik/Poništi',
+		editing: 'Uređivanje',
+		forms: 'Forme',
+		basicstyles: 'Osnovni stilovi',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraf',
+		links: 'Veze',
+		insert: 'Umetni',
+		styles: 'Stilovi',
+		colors: 'Boje',
+		tools: 'Alatke'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Alatne trake uređivača teksta'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..258fbde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'hu', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Eszköztár összecsukása',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Eszköztár szétnyitása',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dokumentum',
+		clipboard: 'Vágólap/Visszavonás',
+		editing: 'Szerkesztés',
+		forms: 'Å°rlapok',
+		basicstyles: 'Alapstílusok',
+		paragraph: 'Bekezdés',
+		links: 'Hivatkozások',
+		insert: 'Beszúrás',
+		styles: 'Stílusok',
+		colors: 'Színek',
+		tools: 'Eszközök'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Szerkesztő Eszköztár'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88b7b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'is', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d176675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'it', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Minimizza Toolbar',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Espandi Toolbar',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Documento',
+		clipboard: 'Copia negli appunti/Indietro',
+		editing: 'Modifica',
+		forms: 'Form',
+		basicstyles: 'Stili di base',
+		paragraph: 'Paragrafo',
+		links: 'Link',
+		insert: 'Inserisci',
+		styles: 'Stili',
+		colors: 'Colori',
+		tools: 'Strumenti'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbar'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a6ef78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'ja', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'ツールバーを閉じる',
+	toolbarExpand: 'ツールバーを開く',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b6961f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'ka', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'ხელსაწყოთა ზოლის შეწევა',
+	toolbarExpand: 'ხელსაწყოთა ზოლის გამოწევა',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'დოკუმენტი',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/გაუქმება',
+		editing: 'რედაქტირება',
+		forms: 'ფორმები',
+		basicstyles: 'ძირითადი სტილები',
+		paragraph: 'აბზაცი',
+		links: 'ბმულები',
+		insert: 'ჩასმა',
+		styles: 'სტილები',
+		colors: 'ფერები',
+		tools: 'ხელსაწყოები'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fa1263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'km', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..073cc75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'ko', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0433b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'ku', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'شاردنەوی هێڵی تووڵامراز',
+	toolbarExpand: 'نیشاندانی هێڵی تووڵامراز',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'پهڕه',
+		clipboard: 'بڕین/پووچکردنهوه',
+		editing: 'چاکسازی',
+		forms: 'داڕشته',
+		basicstyles: 'شێوازی بنچینهیی',
+		paragraph: 'بڕگه',
+		links: 'بهستهر',
+		insert: 'خستنه ناو',
+		styles: 'شێواز',
+		colors: 'ڕهنگهکان',
+		tools: 'ئامرازهکان'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'تووڵاەرازی دەسکاریکەر'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bc54a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'lt', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Apjungti įrankių juostą',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Išplėsti įrankių juostą',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dokumentas',
+		clipboard: 'AtmintinÄ—/Atgal',
+		editing: 'Redagavimas',
+		forms: 'Formos',
+		basicstyles: 'Pagrindiniai stiliai',
+		paragraph: 'Paragrafas',
+		links: 'Nuorodos',
+		insert: 'Įterpti',
+		styles: 'Stiliai',
+		colors: 'Spalvos',
+		tools: 'Įrankiai'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Redaktoriaus įrankiai'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2a67b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'lv', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Aizvērt rīkjoslu',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Atvērt rīkjoslu',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dokuments',
+		clipboard: 'Starpliktuve/Atcelt',
+		editing: 'Labošana',
+		forms: 'Formas',
+		basicstyles: 'Pamata stili',
+		paragraph: 'Paragrāfs',
+		links: 'Saites',
+		insert: 'Ievietot',
+		styles: 'Stili',
+		colors: 'Krāsas',
+		tools: 'RÄ«ki'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Redaktora rīkjoslas'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c244fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'mk', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a6f981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'mn', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Холбоосууд',
+		insert: 'Оруулах',
+		styles: 'Загварууд',
+		colors: 'Онгөнүүд',
+		tools: 'Хэрэгслүүд'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Болосруулагчийн хэрэгслийн самбар'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b26771
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'ms', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ec300f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'nb', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Skjul verktøylinje',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Vis verktøylinje',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dokument',
+		clipboard: 'Utklippstavle/Angre',
+		editing: 'Redigering',
+		forms: 'Skjema',
+		basicstyles: 'Basisstiler',
+		paragraph: 'Avsnitt',
+		links: 'Lenker',
+		insert: 'Innsetting',
+		styles: 'Stiler',
+		colors: 'Farger',
+		tools: 'Verktøy'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Verktøylinjer for editor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5b06fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'nl', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Werkbalk inklappen',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Werkbalk uitklappen',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Klembord/Ongedaan maken',
+		editing: 'Bewerken',
+		forms: 'Formulieren',
+		basicstyles: 'Basisstijlen',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraaf',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Invoegen',
+		styles: 'Stijlen',
+		colors: 'Kleuren',
+		tools: 'Toepassingen'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Werkbalken'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8073ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'no', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Skjul verktøylinje',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Vis verktøylinje',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dokument',
+		clipboard: 'Utklippstavle/Angre',
+		editing: 'Redigering',
+		forms: 'Skjema',
+		basicstyles: 'Basisstiler',
+		paragraph: 'Avsnitt',
+		links: 'Lenker',
+		insert: 'Innsetting',
+		styles: 'Stiler',
+		colors: 'Farger',
+		tools: 'Verktøy'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Verktøylinjer for editor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..825247e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'pl', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Zwiń pasek narzędzi',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Rozwiń pasek narzędzi',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dokument',
+		clipboard: 'Schowek/Wstecz',
+		editing: 'Edycja',
+		forms: 'Formularze',
+		basicstyles: 'Style podstawowe',
+		paragraph: 'Akapit',
+		links: 'Hiperłącza',
+		insert: 'Wstawianie',
+		styles: 'Style',
+		colors: 'Kolory',
+		tools: 'Narzędzia'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Paski narzędzi edytora'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..424e637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'pt-br', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Diminuir Barra de Ferramentas',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Aumentar Barra de Ferramentas',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Documento',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Desfazer',
+		editing: 'Edição',
+		forms: 'Formulários',
+		basicstyles: 'Estilos Básicos',
+		paragraph: 'Paragrafo',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Inserir',
+		styles: 'Estilos',
+		colors: 'Cores',
+		tools: 'Ferramentas'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Barra de Ferramentas do Editor'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0216314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'pt', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Colapsar Barra',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expandir Barra',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor de barras de ferramentas'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4940d89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'ro', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Micșorează Bara',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Mărește Bara',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editează bara de unelte'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee19aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'ru', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Свернуть панель инструментов',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Развернуть панель инструментов',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Документ',
+		clipboard: 'Буфер обмена / Отмена действий',
+		editing: 'Корректировка',
+		forms: 'Формы',
+		basicstyles: 'Простые стили',
+		paragraph: 'Абзац',
+		links: 'Ссылки',
+		insert: 'Вставка',
+		styles: 'Стили',
+		colors: 'Цвета',
+		tools: 'Инструменты'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Панели инструментов редактора'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79d0b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'sk', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Zbaliť lištu nástrojov',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Rozbaliť lištu nástrojov',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Dokument',
+		clipboard: 'Schránka pre kopírovanie/Späť',
+		editing: 'Upravovanie',
+		forms: 'Formuláre',
+		basicstyles: 'Základné štýly',
+		paragraph: 'Odstavec',
+		links: 'Odkazy',
+		insert: 'Vložiť',
+		styles: 'Štýly',
+		colors: 'Farby',
+		tools: 'Nástroje'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Lišty nástrojov editora'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9ed4d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'sl', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba29e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'sr-latn', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64c1410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'sr', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..661bbf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'sv', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Dölj verktygsfält',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Visa verktygsfält',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Redigera verktygsfält'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0cece5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'th', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Collapse Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarExpand: 'Expand Toolbar', // MISSING
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Editor toolbars' // MISSING
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d38708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'tr', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Araç çubuklarını topla',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Araç çubuklarını aç',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Belge',
+		clipboard: 'Pano/Geri al',
+		editing: 'Düzenleme',
+		forms: 'Formlar',
+		basicstyles: 'Temel Stiller',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraf',
+		links: 'Bağlantılar',
+		insert: 'Ekle',
+		styles: 'Stiller',
+		colors: 'Renkler',
+		tools: 'Araçlar'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Araç çubukları Editörü'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..877684c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'ug', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'قورال بالداقنى قاتلا',
+	toolbarExpand: 'قورال بالداقنى ياي',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'پۈتۈك',
+		clipboard: 'چاپلاش تاختىسى/يېنىۋال',
+		editing: 'تەھرىر',
+		forms: 'جەدۋەل',
+		basicstyles: 'ئاساسىي ئۇسلۇب',
+		paragraph: 'ئابزاس',
+		links: 'ئۇلانما',
+		insert: 'قىستۇر',
+		styles: 'ئۇسلۇب',
+		colors: 'رەڭ',
+		tools: 'قورال'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'قورال بالداق'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17fcf2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'uk', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Згорнути панель інструментів',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Розгорнути панель інструментів',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Документ',
+		clipboard: 'Буфер обміну / Скасувати',
+		editing: 'Редагування',
+		forms: 'Форми',
+		basicstyles: 'Основний Стиль',
+		paragraph: 'Параграф',
+		links: 'Посилання',
+		insert: 'Вставити',
+		styles: 'Стилі',
+		colors: 'Кольори',
+		tools: 'Інструменти'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Панель інструментів редактора'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ca867c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'vi', {
+	toolbarCollapse: 'Thu gọn thanh công cụ',
+	toolbarExpand: 'Mở rộng thnah công cụ',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Tài liệu',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Chỉnh sửa',
+		forms: 'Bảng biểu',
+		basicstyles: 'Kiểu cơ bản',
+		paragraph: 'Đoạn',
+		links: 'Liên kết',
+		insert: 'Chèn',
+		styles: 'Kiểu',
+		colors: 'Màu sắc',
+		tools: 'Công cụ'
+	},
+	toolbars: 'Thanh công cụ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..916c5cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'zh-cn', {
+	toolbarCollapse: '折叠工具栏',
+	toolbarExpand: '展开工具栏',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: '文档',
+		clipboard: '剪贴板/撤销',
+		editing: '编辑',
+		forms: '表单',
+		basicstyles: '基本格式',
+		paragraph: '段落',
+		links: '链接',
+		insert: '插入',
+		styles: '样式',
+		colors: '颜色',
+		tools: '工具'
+	},
+	toolbars: '工具栏'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3837688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'toolbar', 'zh', {
+	toolbarCollapse: '折叠工具栏',
+	toolbarExpand: '展开工具栏',
+	toolbarGroups: {
+		document: 'Document',
+		clipboard: 'Clipboard/Undo',
+		editing: 'Editing',
+		forms: 'Forms',
+		basicstyles: 'Basic Styles',
+		paragraph: 'Paragraph',
+		links: 'Links',
+		insert: 'Insert',
+		styles: 'Styles',
+		colors: 'Colors',
+		tools: 'Tools'
+	},
+	toolbars: '編輯器工具欄'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/plugin.js
index 5287752..e8570b4 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/plugin.js
@@ -1,29 +1,23 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
  * @fileOverview The "toolbar" plugin. Renders the default toolbar interface in
  * the editor.
-	var toolbox = function()
-	{
-		this.toolbars = [];
-		this.focusCommandExecuted = false;
-	};
+(function() {
+	var toolbox = function() {
+			this.toolbars = [];
+			this.focusCommandExecuted = false;
+		};
-	toolbox.prototype.focus = function()
-	{
-		for ( var t = 0, toolbar ; toolbar = this.toolbars[ t++ ] ; )
-		{
-			for ( var i = 0, item ; item = toolbar.items[ i++ ] ; )
-			{
-				if ( item.focus )
-				{
+	toolbox.prototype.focus = function() {
+		for ( var t = 0, toolbar; toolbar = this.toolbars[ t++ ]; ) {
+			for ( var i = 0, item; item = toolbar.items[ i++ ]; ) {
+				if ( item.focus ) {
@@ -31,21 +25,21 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	var commands =
-	{
-		toolbarFocus :
-		{
-			modes : { wysiwyg : 1, source : 1 },
+	var commands = {
+		toolbarFocus: {
+			modes: { wysiwyg:1,source:1 },
+			readOnly: 1,
-			exec : function( editor )
-			{
-				if ( editor.toolbox )
-				{
+			exec: function( editor ) {
+				if ( editor.toolbox ) {
 					editor.toolbox.focusCommandExecuted = true;
-					// Make the first button focus accessible. (#3417)
-					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-						setTimeout( function(){ editor.toolbox.focus(); }, 100 );
+					// Make the first button focus accessible for IE. (#3417)
+					// Adobe AIR instead need while of delay.
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.air )
+						setTimeout( function() {
+						editor.toolbox.focus();
+					}, 100 );
@@ -53,200 +47,222 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'toolbar',
-	{
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			var itemKeystroke = function( item, keystroke )
-			{
-				var next, nextToolGroup, groupItemsCount;
-				var rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl';
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'toolbar', {
+		requires: 'button',
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
-				switch ( keystroke )
-				{
-					case rtl ? 37 : 39 :					// RIGHT-ARROW
-					case 9 :					// TAB
-						do
-						{
-							// Look for the next item in the toolbar.
-							next = item.next;
-							if ( !next )
-							{
-								nextToolGroup = item.toolbar.next;
-								groupItemsCount = nextToolGroup && nextToolGroup.items.length;
-								// Bypass the empty toolgroups.
-								while ( groupItemsCount === 0 )
-								{
-									nextToolGroup = nextToolGroup.next;
-									groupItemsCount = nextToolGroup && nextToolGroup.items.length;
-								}
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			var endFlag;
-								if ( nextToolGroup )
-									next = nextToolGroup.items[ 0 ];
-							}
+			var itemKeystroke = function( item, keystroke ) {
+					var next, toolbar;
+					var rtl = editor.lang.dir == 'rtl',
+						toolbarGroupCycling = editor.config.toolbarGroupCycling;
-							item = next;
-						}
-						while ( item && !item.focus )
-						// If available, just focus it, otherwise focus the
-						// first one.
-						if ( item )
-							item.focus();
-						else
-							editor.toolbox.focus();
-						return false;
-					case rtl ? 39 : 37 :					// LEFT-ARROW
-					case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 :	// SHIFT + TAB
-						do
-						{
-							// Look for the previous item in the toolbar.
-							next = item.previous;
-							if ( !next )
-							{
-								nextToolGroup = item.toolbar.previous;
-								groupItemsCount = nextToolGroup && nextToolGroup.items.length;
-								// Bypass the empty toolgroups.
-								while ( groupItemsCount === 0 )
-								{
-									nextToolGroup = nextToolGroup.previous;
-									groupItemsCount = nextToolGroup && nextToolGroup.items.length;
+					toolbarGroupCycling = toolbarGroupCycling === undefined || toolbarGroupCycling;
+					switch ( keystroke ) {
+						case 9: // TAB
+						case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9: // SHIFT + TAB
+							// Cycle through the toolbars, starting from the one
+							// closest to the current item.
+							while ( !toolbar || !toolbar.items.length ) {
+								toolbar = keystroke == 9 ? ( ( toolbar ? toolbar.next : item.toolbar.next ) || editor.toolbox.toolbars[ 0 ] ) : ( ( toolbar ? toolbar.previous : item.toolbar.previous ) || editor.toolbox.toolbars[ editor.toolbox.toolbars.length - 1 ] );
+								// Look for the first item that accepts focus.
+								if ( toolbar.items.length ) {
+									item = toolbar.items[ endFlag ? ( toolbar.items.length - 1 ) : 0 ];
+									while ( item && !item.focus ) {
+										item = endFlag ? item.previous : item.next;
+										if ( !item )
+											toolbar = 0;
+									}
+							}
+							if ( item )
+								item.focus();
+							return false;
-								if ( nextToolGroup )
-									next = nextToolGroup.items[ groupItemsCount - 1 ];
+						case rtl ? 37:
+							39 : // RIGHT-ARROW
+						case 40: // DOWN-ARROW
+							next = item;
+							do {
+								// Look for the next item in the toolbar.
+								next = next.next;
+								// If it's the last item, cycle to the first one.
+								if ( !next && toolbarGroupCycling ) next = item.toolbar.items[ 0 ];
+							}
+							while ( next && !next.focus )
+							// If available, just focus it, otherwise focus the
+							// first one.
+							if ( next )
+								next.focus();
+							else
+								// Send a TAB.
+								itemKeystroke( item, 9 );
+							return false;
+						case rtl ? 39:
+							37 : // LEFT-ARROW
+						case 38: // UP-ARROW
+							next = item;
+							do {
+								// Look for the previous item in the toolbar.
+								next = next.previous;
+								// If it's the first item, cycle to the last one.
+								if ( !next && toolbarGroupCycling ) next = item.toolbar.items[ item.toolbar.items.length - 1 ];
+							while ( next && !next.focus )
+							// If available, just focus it, otherwise focus the
+							// last one.
+							if ( next )
+								next.focus();
+							else {
+								endFlag = 1;
+								// Send a SHIFT + TAB.
+								itemKeystroke( item, CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 );
+								endFlag = 0;
+							}
+							return false;
-							item = next;
+						case 27: // ESC
+							editor.focus();
+							return false;
+						case 13: // ENTER
+						case 32: // SPACE
+							item.execute();
+							return false;
+					}
+					return true;
+				};
+			editor.on( 'uiSpace', function( event ) {
+				if ( event.data.space == editor.config.toolbarLocation ) {
+					editor.toolbox = new toolbox();
+					var labelId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(),
+						removeButtons = editor.config.removeButtons;
+					removeButtons = removeButtons && removeButtons.split( ',' );
+					var output = [
+						'<span id="', labelId, '" class="cke_voice_label">', editor.lang.toolbar.toolbars, '</span>',
+						'<span id="' + editor.ui.spaceId( 'toolbox' ) + '" class="cke_toolbox" role="group" aria-labelledby="', labelId, '" onmousedown="return false;">' ];
+					var expanded = editor.config.toolbarStartupExpanded !== false,
+						groupStarted, pendingSeparator;
+					// If the toolbar collapser will be available, we'll have
+					// an additional container for all toolbars.
+					if ( editor.config.toolbarCanCollapse && editor.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE )
+						output.push( '<span class="cke_toolbox_main"' + ( expanded ? '>' : ' style="display:none">' ) );
+					var toolbars = editor.toolbox.toolbars,
+						toolbar = getToolbarConfig( editor );
+					for ( var r = 0; r < toolbar.length; r++ ) {
+						var toolbarId,
+							toolbarObj = 0,
+							toolbarName,
+							row = toolbar[ r ],
+							items;
+						// It's better to check if the row object is really
+						// available because it's a common mistake to leave
+						// an extra comma in the toolbar definition
+						// settings, which leads on the editor not loading
+						// at all in IE. (#3983)
+						if ( !row )
+							continue;
+						if ( groupStarted ) {
+							output.push( '</span>' );
+							groupStarted = 0;
+							pendingSeparator = 0;
-						while ( item && !item.focus )
-						// If available, just focus it, otherwise focus the
-						// last one.
-						if ( item )
-							item.focus();
-						else
-						{
-							var lastToolbarItems = editor.toolbox.toolbars[ editor.toolbox.toolbars.length - 1 ].items;
-							lastToolbarItems[ lastToolbarItems.length - 1 ].focus();
+						if ( row === '/' ) {
+							output.push( '<span class="cke_toolbar_break"></span>' );
+							continue;
-						return false;
+						items = row.items || row;
-					case 27 :					// ESC
-						editor.focus();
-						return false;
+						// Create all items defined for this toolbar.
+						for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
+							var item,
+								itemName = items[ i ],
+								canGroup;
-					case 13 :					// ENTER
-					case 32 :					// SPACE
-						item.execute();
-						return false;
-				}
-				return true;
-			};
-			editor.on( 'themeSpace', function( event )
-				{
-					if ( event.data.space == editor.config.toolbarLocation )
-					{
-						editor.toolbox = new toolbox();
-						var labelId = 'cke_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
-						var output = [ '<div class="cke_toolbox" role="toolbar" aria-labelledby="', labelId, '"' ],
-							expanded =  editor.config.toolbarStartupExpanded !== false,
-							groupStarted;
-						output.push( expanded ? '>' : ' style="display:none">' );
-						// Sends the ARIA label.
-						output.push( '<span id="', labelId, '" class="cke_voice_label">', editor.lang.toolbar, '</span>' );
-						var toolbars = editor.toolbox.toolbars,
-							toolbar =
-									( editor.config.toolbar instanceof Array ) ?
-										editor.config.toolbar
-									:
-										editor.config[ 'toolbar_' + editor.config.toolbar ];
-						for ( var r = 0 ; r < toolbar.length ; r++ )
-						{
-							var row = toolbar[ r ];
-							// It's better to check if the row object is really
-							// available because it's a common mistake to leave
-							// an extra comma in the toolbar definition
-							// settings, which leads on the editor not loading
-							// at all in IE. (#3983)
-							if ( !row )
+							// Ignore items that are configured to be removed.
+							if ( removeButtons && CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( removeButtons, itemName ) >= 0 )
-							var toolbarId = 'cke_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(),
-								toolbarObj = { id : toolbarId, items : [] };
+							item = editor.ui.create( itemName );
-							if ( groupStarted )
-							{
-								output.push( '</div>' );
-								groupStarted = 0;
-							}
+							if ( item ) {
+								if ( item.type == CKEDITOR.UI_SEPARATOR ) {
+									// Do not add the separator immediately. Just save
+									// it be included if we already have something in
+									// the toolbar and if a new item is to be added (later).
+									pendingSeparator = groupStarted && item;
+									continue;
+								}
-							if ( row === '/' )
-							{
-								output.push( '<div class="cke_break"></div>' );
-								continue;
-							}
+								canGroup = item.canGroup !== false;
-							output.push( '<span id="', toolbarId, '" class="cke_toolbar" role="presentation"><span class="cke_toolbar_start"></span>' );
+								// Initialize the toolbar first, if needed.
+								if ( !toolbarObj ) {
+									// Create the basic toolbar object.
+									toolbarId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId();
+									toolbarObj = { id: toolbarId, items: [] };
+									toolbarName = row.name && ( editor.lang.toolbar.toolbarGroups[ row.name ] || row.name );
-							// Add the toolbar to the "editor.toolbox.toolbars"
-							// array.
-							var index = toolbars.push( toolbarObj ) - 1;
+									// Output the toolbar opener.
+									output.push( '<span id="', toolbarId, '" class="cke_toolbar"', ( toolbarName ? ' aria-labelledby="' + toolbarId + '_label"' : '' ), ' role="toolbar">' );
-							// Create the next/previous reference.
-							if ( index > 0 )
-							{
-								toolbarObj.previous = toolbars[ index - 1 ];
-								toolbarObj.previous.next = toolbarObj;
-							}
+									// If a toolbar name is available, send the voice label.
+									toolbarName && output.push( '<span id="', toolbarId, '_label" class="cke_voice_label">', toolbarName, '</span>' );
-							// Create all items defined for this toolbar.
-							for ( var i = 0 ; i < row.length ; i++ )
-							{
-								var item,
-									itemName = row[ i ];
-								if ( itemName == '-' )
-									item = CKEDITOR.ui.separator;
-								else
-									item = editor.ui.create( itemName );
-								if ( item )
-								{
-									if ( item.canGroup )
-									{
-										if ( !groupStarted )
-										{
-											output.push( '<span class="cke_toolgroup" role="presentation">' );
-											groupStarted = 1;
-										}
+									output.push( '<span class="cke_toolbar_start"></span>' );
+									// Add the toolbar to the "editor.toolbox.toolbars"
+									// array.
+									var index = toolbars.push( toolbarObj ) - 1;
+									// Create the next/previous reference.
+									if ( index > 0 ) {
+										toolbarObj.previous = toolbars[ index - 1 ];
+										toolbarObj.previous.next = toolbarObj;
-									else if ( groupStarted )
-									{
-										output.push( '</span>' );
-										groupStarted = 0;
+								}
+								if ( canGroup ) {
+									if ( !groupStarted ) {
+										output.push( '<span class="cke_toolgroup" role="presentation">' );
+										groupStarted = 1;
+								} else if ( groupStarted ) {
+									output.push( '</span>' );
+									groupStarted = 0;
+								}
+								function addItem( item ) {
 									var itemObj = item.render( editor, output );
 									index = toolbarObj.items.push( itemObj ) - 1;
-									if ( index > 0 )
-									{
+									if ( index > 0 ) {
 										itemObj.previous = toolbarObj.items[ index - 1 ];
 										itemObj.previous.next = itemObj;
@@ -254,228 +270,466 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 									itemObj.toolbar = toolbarObj;
 									itemObj.onkey = itemKeystroke;
-									/*
-									 * Fix for #3052:
-									 * Prevent JAWS from focusing the toolbar after document load.
-									 */
-									itemObj.onfocus = function()
-									{
+									// Fix for #3052:
+									// Prevent JAWS from focusing the toolbar after document load.
+									itemObj.onfocus = function() {
 										if ( !editor.toolbox.focusCommandExecuted )
-							}
-							if ( groupStarted )
-							{
-								output.push( '</span>' );
-								groupStarted = 0;
+								if ( pendingSeparator ) {
+									addItem( pendingSeparator );
+									pendingSeparator = 0;
+								}
+								addItem( item );
+						}
+						if ( groupStarted ) {
+							output.push( '</span>' );
+							groupStarted = 0;
+							pendingSeparator = 0;
+						}
+						if ( toolbarObj )
 							output.push( '<span class="cke_toolbar_end"></span></span>' );
+					}
+					if ( editor.config.toolbarCanCollapse )
+						output.push( '</span>' );
+					// Not toolbar collapser for inline mode.
+					if ( editor.config.toolbarCanCollapse && editor.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ) {
+						var collapserFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function() {
+							editor.execCommand( 'toolbarCollapse' );
+						});
+						editor.on( 'destroy', function() {
+							CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( collapserFn );
+						});
+						editor.addCommand( 'toolbarCollapse', {
+							readOnly: 1,
+							exec: function( editor ) {
+								var collapser = editor.ui.space( 'toolbar_collapser' ),
+									toolbox = collapser.getPrevious(),
+									contents = editor.ui.space( 'contents' ),
+									toolboxContainer = toolbox.getParent(),
+									contentHeight = parseInt( contents.$.style.height, 10 ),
+									previousHeight = toolboxContainer.$.offsetHeight,
+									minClass = 'cke_toolbox_collapser_min',
+									collapsed = collapser.hasClass( minClass );
+								if ( !collapsed ) {
+									toolbox.hide();
+									collapser.addClass( minClass );
+									collapser.setAttribute( 'title', editor.lang.toolbar.toolbarExpand );
+								} else {
+									toolbox.show();
+									collapser.removeClass( minClass );
+									collapser.setAttribute( 'title', editor.lang.toolbar.toolbarCollapse );
+								}
+								// Update collapser symbol.
+								collapser.getFirst().setText( collapsed ? '\u25B2' : // BLACK UP-POINTING TRIANGLE
+								'\u25C0' ); // BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE
+								var dy = toolboxContainer.$.offsetHeight - previousHeight;
+								contents.setStyle( 'height', ( contentHeight - dy ) + 'px' );
+								editor.fire( 'resize' );
+							},
+							modes: { wysiwyg:1,source:1 }
+						});
+						editor.setKeystroke( CKEDITOR.ALT + ( CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? 189 : 109 ) /*-*/, 'toolbarCollapse' );
+						output.push( '<a title="' + ( expanded ? editor.lang.toolbar.toolbarCollapse : editor.lang.toolbar.toolbarExpand )
+							+ '" id="' + editor.ui.spaceId( 'toolbar_collapser' )
+							+ '" tabIndex="-1" class="cke_toolbox_collapser' );
+						if ( !expanded )
+							output.push( ' cke_toolbox_collapser_min' );
+						output.push( '" onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + collapserFn + ')">', '<span class="cke_arrow">▲</span>', // BLACK UP-POINTING TRIANGLE
+							'</a>' );
+					}
+					output.push( '</span>' );
+					event.data.html += output.join( '' );
+				}
+			});
+			editor.on( 'destroy', function() {
+				if ( this.toolbox )
+				{
+					var toolbars,
+						index = 0,
+						i, items, instance;
+					toolbars = this.toolbox.toolbars;
+					for ( ; index < toolbars.length; index++ ) {
+						items = toolbars[ index ].items;
+						for ( i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
+							instance = items[ i ];
+							if ( instance.clickFn )
+								CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( instance.clickFn );
+							if ( instance.keyDownFn )
+								CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( instance.keyDownFn );
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			// Manage editor focus  when navigating the toolbar.
+			editor.on( 'uiReady', function() {
+				var toolbox = editor.ui.space( 'toolbox' );
+				toolbox && editor.focusManager.add( toolbox, 1 );
+			});
-						output.push( '</div>' );
-						if ( editor.config.toolbarCanCollapse )
-						{
-							var collapserFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(
-								function()
-								{
-									editor.execCommand( 'toolbarCollapse' );
-								} );
-							editor.on( 'destroy', function () {
-									CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( collapserFn );
-								} );
-							var collapserId = 'cke_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
-							editor.addCommand( 'toolbarCollapse',
-								{
-									exec : function( editor )
-									{
-										var collapser = CKEDITOR.document.getById( collapserId );
-										var toolbox = collapser.getPrevious();
-										var contents = editor.getThemeSpace( 'contents' );
-										var toolboxContainer = toolbox.getParent();
-										var contentHeight = parseInt( contents.$.style.height, 10 );
-										var previousHeight = toolboxContainer.$.offsetHeight;
-										var collapsed = !toolbox.isVisible();
-										if ( !collapsed )
-										{
-											toolbox.hide();
-											collapser.addClass( 'cke_toolbox_collapser_min' );
-											collapser.setAttribute( 'title', editor.lang.toolbarExpand );
-										}
-										else
-										{
-											toolbox.show();
-											collapser.removeClass( 'cke_toolbox_collapser_min' );
-											collapser.setAttribute( 'title', editor.lang.toolbarCollapse );
-										}
-										// Update collapser symbol.
-										collapser.getFirst().setText( collapsed ?
-											'\u25B2' :		// BLACK UP-POINTING TRIANGLE
-											'\u25C0' );		// BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE
-										var dy = toolboxContainer.$.offsetHeight - previousHeight;
-										contents.setStyle( 'height', ( contentHeight - dy ) + 'px' );
-										editor.fire( 'resize' );
-									},
-									modes : { wysiwyg : 1, source : 1 }
-								} );
-							output.push( '<a title="' + ( expanded ? editor.lang.toolbarCollapse : editor.lang.toolbarExpand )
-													  + '" id="' + collapserId + '" tabIndex="-1" class="cke_toolbox_collapser' );
-							if ( !expanded )
-								output.push( ' cke_toolbox_collapser_min' );
-							output.push( '" onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + collapserFn + ')">',
-										'<span>▲</span>',		// BLACK UP-POINTING TRIANGLE
-										'</a>' );
+			editor.addCommand( 'toolbarFocus', commands.toolbarFocus );
+			editor.setKeystroke( CKEDITOR.ALT + 121 /*F10*/, 'toolbarFocus' );
+			editor.ui.add( '-', CKEDITOR.UI_SEPARATOR, {} );
+			editor.ui.addHandler( CKEDITOR.UI_SEPARATOR, {
+				create: function() {
+					return {
+						render: function( editor, output ) {
+							output.push( '<span class="cke_toolbar_separator" role="separator"></span>' );
+							return {};
+					};
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	});
+	function getToolbarConfig( editor ) {
+		function buildToolbarConfig() {
+			// Object containing all toolbar groups used by ui items.
+			var lookup = getItemDefinedGroups();
+			// Take the base for the new toolbar, which is basically a toolbar
+			// definition without items.
+			var toolbar = CKEDITOR.tools.clone( editor.config.toolbarGroups ) || getPrivateToolbarGroups( editor );
+			// Fill the toolbar groups with the available ui items.
+			for ( var i = 0; i < toolbar.length; i++ ) {
+				var toolbarGroup = toolbar[ i ];
-						event.data.html += output.join( '' );
+				// Skip toolbar break.
+				if ( toolbarGroup == '/' )
+					continue;
+				// Handle simply group name item.
+				else if ( typeof toolbarGroup == 'string' )
+					toolbarGroup = toolbar[ i ] = { name: toolbarGroup };
+				var items, subGroups = toolbarGroup.groups;
+				// Look for items that match sub groups.
+				if ( subGroups ) {
+					for ( var j = 0, sub; j < subGroups.length; j++ ) {
+						sub = subGroups[ j ];
+						// If any ui item is registered for this subgroup.
+						items = lookup[ sub ];
+						items && fillGroup( toolbarGroup, items );
+				}
+				// Add the main group items as well.
+				items = lookup[ toolbarGroup.name ];
+				items && fillGroup( toolbarGroup, items );
+			}
+			return toolbar;
+		}
+		// Returns an object containing all toolbar groups used by ui items.
+		function getItemDefinedGroups() {
+			var groups = {},
+				itemName, item, itemToolbar, group, order;
+			for ( itemName in editor.ui.items ) {
+				item = editor.ui.items[ itemName ];
+				itemToolbar = item.toolbar || 'others';
+				if ( itemToolbar ) {
+					// Break the toolbar property into its parts: "group_name[,order]".
+					itemToolbar = itemToolbar.split( ',' );
+					group = itemToolbar[ 0 ];
+					order = parseInt( itemToolbar[ 1 ] || -1, 10 );
+					// Initialize the group, if necessary.
+					groups[ group ] || ( groups[ group ] = [] );
+					// Push the data used to build the toolbar later.
+					groups[ group ].push( { name: itemName, order: order} );
+				}
+			}
+			// Put the items in the right order.
+			for ( group in groups ) {
+				groups[ group ] = groups[ group ].sort( function( a, b ) {
+					return a.order == b.order ? 0 :
+						b.order < 0 ? -1 :
+						a.order < 0 ? 1 :
+						a.order < b.order ? -1 :
+						1;
+			}
-			editor.addCommand( 'toolbarFocus', commands.toolbarFocus );
+			return groups;
-	});
- * The UI element that renders a toolbar separator.
- * @type Object
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.ui.separator =
-	render : function( editor, output )
-	{
-		output.push( '<span class="cke_separator" role="separator"></span>' );
-		return {};
+		function fillGroup( toolbarGroup, uiItems ) {
+			if ( uiItems.length ) {
+				if ( toolbarGroup.items )
+					toolbarGroup.items.push( '-' );
+				else
+					toolbarGroup.items = [];
+				var item;
+				while ( ( item = uiItems.shift() ) )
+					toolbarGroup.items.push( item.name );
+			}
+		}
+		var toolbar = editor.config.toolbar;
+		// If it is a string, return the relative "toolbar_name" config.
+		if ( typeof toolbar == 'string' )
+			toolbar = editor.config[ 'toolbar_' + toolbar ];
+		// If toolbar hasn't been explicitly defined, build it based on the toolbarGroups.
+		return ( editor.toolbar = toolbar || buildToolbarConfig() );
- * The "theme space" to which rendering the toolbar. For the default theme,
- * the recommended options are "top" and "bottom".
- * @type String
- * @default 'top'
- * @see CKEDITOR.config.theme
- * @example
- * config.toolbarLocation = 'bottom';
- */
-CKEDITOR.config.toolbarLocation = 'top';
+	/**
+	 * Add toolbar group. See {@link CKEDITOR.config#toolbarGroups} for more details.
+	 *
+	 * **Note:** This method won't modify toolbar groups set explicitly by
+	 * {@link CKEDITOR.config#toolbarGroups}. It will extend only default setting.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} name Group name.
+	 * @param {Number/String} previous Name of group after which this one
+	 * should be added or `0` if this group should be the first one.
+	 * @param {String} [subgroupOf] Name of parent group.
+	 * @member CKEDITOR.ui
+	 */
+	CKEDITOR.ui.prototype.addToolbarGroup = function( name, previous, subgroupOf ) {
+		// The toolbarGroups from the privates is the one we gonna use for automatic toolbar creation.
+		var toolbarGroups = getPrivateToolbarGroups( this.editor ),
+			atStart = previous === 0,
+			newGroup = { name: name };
+		if ( subgroupOf ) {
+			// Transform the subgroupOf name in the real subgroup object.
+			subgroupOf = CKEDITOR.tools.search( toolbarGroups, function( group ) {
+				return group.name == subgroupOf;
+			});
+			if ( subgroupOf ) {
+				!subgroupOf.groups && ( subgroupOf.groups = [] ) ;
+				if ( previous ) {
+					// Search the "previous" item and add the new one after it.
+					previous = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( subgroupOf.groups, previous );
+					if ( previous >= 0 ) {
+						subgroupOf.groups.splice( previous + 1, 0, name );
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				// If no previous found.
+				if ( atStart )
+					subgroupOf.groups.splice( 0, 0, name );
+				else
+					subgroupOf.groups.push(  name );
+				return;
+			} else {
+				// Ignore "previous" if subgroupOf has not been found.
+				previous = null;
+			}
+		}
+		if ( previous ) {
+			// Transform the "previous" name into its index.
+			previous = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( toolbarGroups, function( group ) {
+				return group.name == previous;
+			});
+		}
+		if ( atStart )
+			toolbarGroups.splice( 0, 0, name );
+		else if ( typeof previous == 'number' )
+			toolbarGroups.splice( previous + 1, 0, newGroup );
+		else
+			toolbarGroups.push( name );
+	};
+	function getPrivateToolbarGroups( editor ) {
+		return editor._.toolbarGroups || ( editor._.toolbarGroups = [
+			{ name: 'document',	   groups: [ 'mode', 'document', 'doctools' ] },
+			{ name: 'clipboard',   groups: [ 'clipboard', 'undo' ] },
+			{ name: 'editing',     groups: [ 'find', 'selection', 'spellchecker' ] },
+			{ name: 'forms' },
+			'/',
+			{ name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ] },
+			{ name: 'paragraph',   groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align' ] },
+			{ name: 'links' },
+			{ name: 'insert' },
+			'/',
+			{ name: 'styles' },
+			{ name: 'colors' },
+			{ name: 'tools' },
+			{ name: 'others' },
+			{ name: 'about' }
+		]);
+	}
- * The toolbar definition. It is an array of toolbars (strips),
- * each one being also an array, containing a list of UI items.
- * Note that this setting is composed by "toolbar_" added by the toolbar name,
- * which in this case is called "Basic". This second part of the setting name
- * can be anything. You must use this name in the
- * {@link CKEDITOR.config.toolbar} setting, so you instruct the editor which
- * toolbar_(name) setting to you.
- * @type Array
- * @example
- * // Defines a toolbar with only one strip containing the "Source" button, a
- * // separator and the "Bold" and "Italic" buttons.
- * <b>config.toolbar_Basic =
- * [
- *     [ 'Source', '-', 'Bold', 'Italic' ]
- * ]</b>;
- * config.toolbar = 'Basic';
+ * Separator UI element.
+ *
+ * @readonly
+ * @property {String} [='separator']
+ * @member CKEDITOR
-CKEDITOR.config.toolbar_Basic =
-	['Bold', 'Italic', '-', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Link', 'Unlink','-','About']
- * This is the default toolbar definition used by the editor. It contains all
- * editor features.
- * @type Array
- * @default (see example)
- * @example
- * // This is actually the default value.
- * config.toolbar_Full =
- * [
- *     ['Source','-','Save','NewPage','Preview','-','Templates'],
- *     ['Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Print', 'SpellChecker', 'Scayt'],
- *     ['Undo','Redo','-','Find','Replace','-','SelectAll','RemoveFormat'],
- *     ['Form', 'Checkbox', 'Radio', 'TextField', 'Textarea', 'Select', 'Button', 'ImageButton', 'HiddenField'],
- *     '/',
- *     ['Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','-','Subscript','Superscript'],
- *     ['NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Outdent','Indent','Blockquote','CreateDiv'],
- *     ['JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock'],
- *     ['BidiLtr', 'BidiRtl' ],
- *     ['Link','Unlink','Anchor'],
- *     ['Image','Flash','Table','HorizontalRule','Smiley','SpecialChar','PageBreak'],
- *     '/',
- *     ['Styles','Format','Font','FontSize'],
- *     ['TextColor','BGColor'],
- *     ['Maximize', 'ShowBlocks','-','About']
- * ];
+ * The "UI space" to which rendering the toolbar. For the default editor implementation,
+ * the recommended options are `'top'` and `'bottom'`.
+ *
+ *		config.toolbarLocation = 'bottom';
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.toolbar_Full =
-	['Source','-','Save','NewPage','Preview','-','Templates'],
-	['Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Print', 'SpellChecker', 'Scayt'],
-	['Undo','Redo','-','Find','Replace','-','SelectAll','RemoveFormat'],
-	['Form', 'Checkbox', 'Radio', 'TextField', 'Textarea', 'Select', 'Button', 'ImageButton', 'HiddenField'],
-	'/',
-	['Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','-','Subscript','Superscript'],
-	['NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Outdent','Indent','Blockquote','CreateDiv'],
-	['JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock'],
-	['BidiLtr', 'BidiRtl' ],
-	['Link','Unlink','Anchor'],
-	['Image','Flash','Table','HorizontalRule','Smiley','SpecialChar','PageBreak'],
-	'/',
-	['Styles','Format','Font','FontSize'],
-	['TextColor','BGColor'],
-	['Maximize', 'ShowBlocks','-','About']
+CKEDITOR.config.toolbarLocation = 'top';
  * The toolbox (alias toolbar) definition. It is a toolbar name or an array of
  * toolbars (strips), each one being also an array, containing a list of UI items.
- * @type Array|String
- * @default 'Full'
- * @example
- * // Defines a toolbar with only one strip containing the "Source" button, a
- * // separator and the "Bold" and "Italic" buttons.
- * config.toolbar =
- * [
- *     [ 'Source', '-', 'Bold', 'Italic' ]
- * ];
- * @example
- * // Load toolbar_Name where Name = Basic.
- * config.toolbar = 'Basic';
+ *
+ * If set to `null`, generate toolbar automatically using all available buttons
+ * and {@link #toolbarGroups} as a toolbar groups layout.
+ *
+ *		// Defines a toolbar with only one strip containing the "Source" button, a
+ *		// separator and the "Bold" and "Italic" buttons.
+ *		config.toolbar = [
+ *			[ 'Source', '-', 'Bold', 'Italic' ]
+ *		];
+ *
+ *		// Similar to example the above, defines a "Basic" toolbar with only one strip containing three buttons.
+ *		// Note that this setting is composed by "toolbar_" added by the toolbar name, which in this case is called "Basic".
+ *		// This second part of the setting name can be anything. You must use this name in the CKEDITOR.config.toolbar setting,
+ *		// so you instruct the editor which toolbar_(name) setting to use.
+ *		config.toolbar_Basic = [
+ *			[ 'Source', '-', 'Bold', 'Italic' ]
+ *		];
+ *		// Load toolbar_Name where Name = Basic.
+ *		config.toolbar = 'Basic';
+ *
+ * @cfg {Array/String} [toolbar=null]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * The toolbar groups definition.
+ *
+ * If toolbar layout isn't explicitly defined by {@link #toolbar} setting, then
+ * this setting is used to group all defined buttons (see {@link CKEDITOR.ui#addButton}).
+ * Buttons are associated with toolbar groups by `toolbar` property in their definition objects.
+ *
+ * New groups may be dynamically added during the editor and plugins initialization by
+ * {@link CKEDITOR.ui#addToolbarGroup}. Although only if default setting was used.
+ *
+ *		// Default setting.
+ *		config.toolbarGroups = [
+ *			{ name: 'document',	   groups: [ 'mode', 'document', 'doctools' ] },
+ *			{ name: 'clipboard',   groups: [ 'clipboard', 'undo' ] },
+ *			{ name: 'editing',     groups: [ 'find', 'selection', 'spellchecker' ] },
+ *			{ name: 'forms' },
+ *			'/',
+ *			{ name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ] },
+ *			{ name: 'paragraph',   groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align' ] },
+ *			{ name: 'links' },
+ *			{ name: 'insert' },
+ *			'/',
+ *			{ name: 'styles' },
+ *			{ name: 'colors' },
+ *			{ name: 'tools' },
+ *			{ name: 'others' },
+ *			{ name: 'about' }
+ *		];
+ *
+ * @cfg {Array} [toolbarGroups=see example]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.toolbar = 'Full';
  * Whether the toolbar can be collapsed by the user. If disabled, the collapser
  * button will not be displayed.
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.toolbarCanCollapse = false;
+ *
+ *		config.toolbarCanCollapse = true;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [toolbarCanCollapse=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.toolbarCanCollapse = true;
  * Whether the toolbar must start expanded when the editor is loaded.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.toolbarStartupExpanded
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.toolbarStartupExpanded = false;
+ *
+ * Setting this option to `false` will affect toolbar only when
+ * {@link #toolbarCanCollapse} is set to `true`:
+ *
+ *		config.toolbarCanCollapse = true;
+ *		config.toolbarStartupExpanded = false;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [toolbarStartupExpanded=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * When enabled, makes the arrow keys navigation cycle within the current
+ * toolbar group. Otherwise the arrows will move through all items available in
+ * the toolbar. The *TAB* key will still be used to quickly jump among the
+ * toolbar groups.
+ *
+ *		config.toolbarGroupCycling = false;
+ *
+ * @since 3.6
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [toolbarGroupCycling=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * List of toolbar button names that must not be rendered. This will work as
+ * well for non-button toolbar items, like the Font combos.
+ *
+ *		config.removeButtons = 'Underline,JustifyCenter';
+ *
+ * This configuration should not be overused, having
+ * {@link CKEDITOR.config#removePlugins} removing features from the editor. In
+ * some cases though, a single plugin may define a set of toolbar buttons and
+ * removeButtons may be useful when just a few of them are to be removed.
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [removeButtons]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * Toolbar definition used by the editor. It is crated from the
+ * {@link CKEDITOR.config#toolbar} if it is set or automatically
+ * based on {@link CKEDITOR.config#toolbarGroups}.
+ *
+ * @property {Object} toolbar
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/samples/toolbar.html b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/samples/toolbar.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f0b044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/samples/toolbar.html
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+	<title>Toolbar Configuration — CKEditor Sample</title>
+	<meta charset="utf-8">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-name" content="Toolbar Configurations">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-group" content="Advanced Samples">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-description" content="Configuring CKEditor to display full or custom toolbar layout.">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-isnew" content="1">
+	<script src="../../../ckeditor.js"></script>
+	<link href="../../../samples/sample.css" rel="stylesheet">
+	<h1 class="samples">
+		<a href="../../../samples/index.html">CKEditor Samples</a> » Toolbar Configuration
+	</h1>
+	<div class="description">
+		<p>
+			This sample page demonstrates editor with loaded <a href="#fullToolbar">full toolbar</a> (all registered buttons) and, if
+			current editor's configuration modifies default settings, also editor with <a href="#currentToolbar">modified toolbar</a>.
+		</p>
+		<p>Since CKEditor 4 there are two ways to configure toolbar buttons.</p>
+		<h2 class="samples">By <a href="http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-toolbar">config.toolbar</a></h2>
+		<p>
+			You can explicitly define which buttons are displayed in which groups and in which order.
+			This is the more precise setting, but less flexible. If newly added plugin adds its
+			own button you'll have to add it manually to your <code>config.toolbar</code> setting as well.
+		</p>
+		<p>To add a CKEditor instance with custom toolbar setting, insert the following JavaScript call to your code:</p>
+		<pre class="samples">
+CKEDITOR.replace( <em>'textarea_id'</em>, {
+	<strong>toolbar:</strong> [
+		{ name: 'document', items: [ 'Source', '-', 'NewPage', 'Preview', '-', 'Templates' ] },	// Defines toolbar group with name (used to create voice label) and items in 3 subgroups.
+		[ 'Cut', 'Copy', 'Paste', 'PasteText', 'PasteFromWord', '-', 'Undo', 'Redo' ],			// Defines toolbar group without name.
+		'/',																					// Line break - next group will be placed in new line.
+		{ name: 'basicstyles', items: [ 'Bold', 'Italic' ] }
+	]
+		<h2 class="samples">By <a href="http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-toolbarGroups">config.toolbarGroups</a></h2>
+		<p>
+			You can define which groups of buttons (like e.g. <code>basicstyles</code>, <code>clipboard</code>
+			and <code>forms</code>) are displayed and in which order. Registered buttons are associated
+			with toolbar groups by <code>toolbar</code> property in their definition.
+			This setting's advantage is that you don't have to modify toolbar configuration
+			when adding/removing plugins which register their own buttons.
+		</p>
+		<p>To add a CKEditor instance with custom toolbar groups setting, insert the following JavaScript call to your code:</p>
+		<pre class="samples">
+CKEDITOR.replace( <em>'textarea_id'</em>, {
+	<strong>toolbarGroups:</strong> [
+		{ name: 'document',	   groups: [ 'mode', 'document' ] },			// Displays document group with its two subgroups.
+ 		{ name: 'clipboard',   groups: [ 'clipboard', 'undo' ] },			// Group's name will be used to create voice label.
+ 		'/',																// Line break - next group will be placed in new line.
+ 		{ name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ] },
+ 		{ name: 'links' }
+	]
+	// NOTE: Remember to leave 'toolbar' property with the default value (null).
+	</div>
+	<div id="currentToolbar" style="display: none">
+		<h2 class="samples">Current toolbar configuration</h2>
+		<p>Below you can see editor with current toolbar definition.</p>
+		<textarea cols="80" id="editorCurrent" name="editorCurrent" rows="10"><p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="http://ckeditor.com/">CKEditor</a>.</p></textarea>
+		<pre id="editorCurrentCfg" class="samples"></pre>
+	</div>
+	<div id="fullToolbar">
+		<h2 class="samples">Full toolbar configuration</h2>
+		<p>Below you can see editor with full toolbar, generated automatically by the editor.</p>
+		<p>
+			<strong>Note</strong>: To create editor instance with full toolbar you don't have to set anything.
+			Just leave <code>toolbar</code> and <code>toolbarGroups</code> with the default, <code>null</code> values.
+		</p>
+		<textarea cols="80" id="editorFull" name="editorFull" rows="10"><p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="http://ckeditor.com/">CKEditor</a>.</p></textarea>
+		<pre id="editorFullCfg" class="samples"></pre>
+	</div>
+	<script>
+(function() {
+	'use strict';
+	CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'toolbar';
+	CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( evt ) {
+		var editor = evt.editor,
+			editorCurrent = editor.name == 'editorCurrent',
+			defaultToolbar = !( editor.config.toolbar || editor.config.toolbarGroups ),
+			pre = CKEDITOR.document.getById( editor.name + 'Cfg' ),
+			output = '';
+		if ( editorCurrent ) {
+			// If default toolbar configuration has been modified, show "current toolbar" section.
+			if ( !defaultToolbar )
+				CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'currentToolbar' ).show();
+			else
+				return;
+		}
+		// Toolbar isn't set explicitly, so it was created automatically from toolbarGroups.
+		if ( !editor.config.toolbar ) {
+			output +=
+				'// Toolbar configuration generated automatically by the editor based on config.toolbarGroups.\n' +
+				dumpToolbarConfiguration( editor ) +
+				'\n\n' +
+				'// Toolbar groups configuration.\n' +
+				dumpToolbarConfiguration( editor, true )
+		}
+		// Toolbar groups doesn't count in this case - print only toolbar.
+		else {
+			output += '// Toolbar configuration.\n' +
+				dumpToolbarConfiguration( editor );
+		}
+		// Recreate to avoid old IE from loosing whitespaces on filling <pre> content.
+		var preOutput = pre.getOuterHtml().replace( /(?=<\/)/, output );
+		CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( preOutput ).replace( pre );
+	} );
+	CKEDITOR.replace( 'editorCurrent', { height: 100 } );
+	CKEDITOR.replace( 'editorFull', {
+		// Reset toolbar settings, so full toolbar will be generated automatically.
+		toolbar: null,
+		toolbarGroups: null,
+		height: 100
+	} );
+	function dumpToolbarConfiguration( editor, printGroups ) {
+		var output = [],
+			toolbar = editor.toolbar;
+		for ( var i = 0; i < toolbar.length; ++i ) {
+			var group = dumpToolbarGroup( toolbar[ i ], printGroups );
+			if ( group )
+				output.push( group );
+		}
+		return 'config.toolbar' + ( printGroups ? 'Groups' : '' ) + ' = [\n\t' + output.join( ',\n\t' ) + '\n];';
+	}
+	function dumpToolbarGroup( group, printGroups ) {
+		var output = [];
+		if ( typeof group == 'string' )
+			return '\'' + group + '\'';
+		if ( CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( group ) )
+			return dumpToolbarItems( group );
+		// Skip group when printing entire toolbar configuration and there are no items in this group.
+		if ( !printGroups && !group.items )
+			return;
+		if ( group.name )
+			output.push( 'name: \'' + group.name + '\'' );
+		if ( group.groups )
+			output.push( 'groups: ' + dumpToolbarItems( group.groups ) );
+		if ( !printGroups )
+			output.push( 'items: ' + dumpToolbarItems( group.items ) );
+		return '{ ' + output.join( ', ' ) + ' }';
+	}
+	function dumpToolbarItems( items ) {
+		if ( typeof items == 'string' )
+			return '\'' + items + '\'';
+		return '[ \'' + items.join( '\', \'' ) + '\' ]';
+	}
+	</script>
+	<div id="footer">
+		<hr>
+		<p>
+			CKEditor - The text editor for the Internet - <a class="samples" href="http://ckeditor.com/">http://ckeditor.com</a>
+		</p>
+		<p id="copy">
+			Copyright © 2003-2013, <a class="samples" href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico
+			Knabben. All rights reserved.
+		</p>
+	</div>
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/dialogs/uicolor.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/dialogs/uicolor.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d49394..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/dialogs/uicolor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'uicolor', function( editor )
-	var dialog, picker, pickerContents,
-		// Actual UI color value.
-		uiColor = editor.getUiColor(),
-		pickerId = 'cke_uicolor_picker' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
-	function setNewPickerColor( color )
-	{
-		// Convert HEX representation to RGB, stripping # char.
-		if ( /^#/.test( color ) )
-			color = window.YAHOO.util.Color.hex2rgb( color.substr( 1 ) );
-		picker.setValue( color, true );
-		// Refresh picker UI.
-		picker.refresh( pickerId );
-	}
-	function setNewUiColor( color, force )
-	{
-		if ( force || dialog._.contents.tab1.livePeview.getValue() )
-			editor.setUiColor( color );
-		// Write new config string into textbox.
-		dialog._.contents.tab1.configBox.setValue(
-			'config.uiColor = "#' + picker.get( "hex" ) + '"'
-		);
-	}
-	pickerContents =
-	{
-		id : 'yuiColorPicker',
-		type : 'html',
-		html : "<div id='" + pickerId + "' class='cke_uicolor_picker' style='width: 360px; height: 200px; position: relative;'></div>",
-		onLoad : function( event )
-		{
-			var url = CKEDITOR.getUrl(
-					'_source/' + // @Packager.RemoveLine
-					'plugins/uicolor/yui/'
-				);
-			// Create new color picker widget.
-			picker = new window.YAHOO.widget.ColorPicker( pickerId,
-				{
-					showhsvcontrols : true,
-					showhexcontrols : true,
-					images :
-					{
-						PICKER_THUMB : url + "assets/picker_thumb.png",
-						HUE_THUMB : url + "assets/hue_thumb.png"
-					}
-				});
-			// Set actual UI color to the picker.
-			if ( uiColor )
-				setNewPickerColor( uiColor );
-			// Subscribe to the rgbChange event.
-			picker.on( "rgbChange", function()
-				{
-					// Reset predefined box.
-					dialog._.contents.tab1.predefined.setValue( '' );
-					setNewUiColor( '#' + picker.get( 'hex' ) );
-				});
-			// Fix input class names.
-			var inputs = new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList( picker.getElementsByTagName( 'input' ) );
-			for ( var i = 0; i < inputs.count() ; i++ )
-				inputs.getItem( i ).addClass( 'cke_dialog_ui_input_text' );
-		}
-	};
-	var skipPreviewChange = true;
-	return {
-		title : editor.lang.uicolor.title,
-		minWidth : 360,
-		minHeight : 320,
-		onLoad : function()
-		{
-			dialog = this;
-			this.setupContent();
-			// #3808
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat )
-				dialog.parts.contents.setStyle( 'overflow', 'hidden' );
-		},
-		contents : [
-			{
-				id : 'tab1',
-				label : '',
-				title : '',
-				expand : true,
-				padding : 0,
-				elements : [
-						pickerContents,
-						{
-							id : 'tab1',
-							type : 'vbox',
-							children :
-							[
-								{
-									id : 'livePeview',
-									type : 'checkbox',
-									label : editor.lang.uicolor.preview,
-									'default' : 1,
-									onLoad : function()
-									{
-										skipPreviewChange = true;
-									},
-									onChange : function()
-									{
-										if ( skipPreviewChange )
-											return;
-										var on = this.getValue(),
-											color = on ? '#' + picker.get( 'hex' ) : uiColor;
-										setNewUiColor( color, true );
-									}
-								},
-								{
-									type : 'hbox',
-									children :
-									[
-										{
-											id : 'predefined',
-											type : 'select',
-											'default' : '',
-											label : editor.lang.uicolor.predefined,
-											items :
-											[
-												[ '' ],
-												[ 'Light blue', '#9AB8F3' ],
-												[ 'Sand', '#D2B48C' ],
-												[ 'Metallic', '#949AAA' ],
-												[ 'Purple', '#C2A3C7' ],
-												[ 'Olive', '#A2C980' ],
-												[ 'Happy green', '#9BD446' ],
-												[ 'Jezebel Blue', '#14B8C4' ],
-												[ 'Burn', '#FF893A' ],
-												[ 'Easy red', '#FF6969' ],
-												[ 'Pisces 3', '#48B4F2' ],
-												[ 'Aquarius 5', '#487ED4' ],
-												[ 'Absinthe', '#A8CF76' ],
-												[ 'Scrambled Egg', '#C7A622' ],
-												[ 'Hello monday', '#8E8D80' ],
-												[ 'Lovely sunshine', '#F1E8B1' ],
-												[ 'Recycled air', '#B3C593' ],
-												[ 'Down', '#BCBCA4' ],
-												[ 'Mark Twain', '#CFE91D' ],
-												[ 'Specks of dust', '#D1B596' ],
-												[ 'Lollipop', '#F6CE23' ]
-											],
-											onChange : function()
-											{
-												var color = this.getValue();
-												if ( color )
-												{
-													setNewPickerColor( color );
-													setNewUiColor( color );
-													// Refresh predefined preview box.
-													CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'predefinedPreview' ).setStyle( 'background', color );
-												}
-												else
-													CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'predefinedPreview' ).setStyle( 'background', '' );
-											},
-											onShow : function()
-											{
-												var color = editor.getUiColor();
-												if ( color )
-													this.setValue( color );
-											}
-										},
-										{
-											id : 'predefinedPreview',
-											type : 'html',
-											html : '<div id="cke_uicolor_preview" style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 3px; width: 30px;">' +
-													'<div id="predefinedPreview" style="width: 30px; height: 30px;"> </div>' +
-												'</div>'
-										}
-									]
-								},
-								{
-									id : 'configBox',
-									type : 'text',
-									label : editor.lang.uicolor.config,
-									onShow : function()
-									{
-										var color = editor.getUiColor();
-										if ( color )
-											this.setValue(
-												'config.uiColor = "' + color + '"'
-											);
-									}
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					]
-			}
-		],
-		buttons : [ CKEDITOR.dialog.okButton ]
-	};
-} );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/lang/en.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c47822..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/lang/en.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'uicolor', 'en',
-	uicolor :
-	{
-		title : 'UI Color Picker',
-		preview : 'Live preview',
-		config : 'Paste this string into your config.js file',
-		predefined : 'Predefined color sets'
-	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/plugin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 007f59f..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/plugin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'uicolor',
-	requires : [ 'dialog' ],
-	lang : [ 'en' ],
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
-		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat )
-			return;
-		editor.addCommand( 'uicolor', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'uicolor' ) );
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'UIColor',
-			{
-				label : editor.lang.uicolor.title,
-				command : 'uicolor',
-				icon : this.path + 'uicolor.gif'
-			});
-		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'uicolor', this.path + 'dialogs/uicolor.js' );
-		// Load YUI js files.
-		CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( CKEDITOR.getUrl(
-			'_source/' + // @Packager.RemoveLine
-			'plugins/uicolor/yui/yui.js'
-		));
-		// Load YUI css files.
-		editor.element.getDocument().appendStyleSheet( CKEDITOR.getUrl(
-				'_source/' + // @Packager.RemoveLine
-				'plugins/uicolor/yui/assets/yui.css'
-		));
-	}
-} );
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/yui/assets/yui.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/yui/assets/yui.css
deleted file mode 100644
index e7dbd79..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/yui/assets/yui.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2009, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Code licensed under the BSD License:
-version: 2.7.0
-.yui-h-slider,.yui-v-slider{position:relative;}.yui-h-slider .yui-slider-thumb,.yui-v-slider .yui-slider-thumb{position:absolute;cursor:default;}.yui-skin-sam .yui-h-slider{background:url(bg-h.gif) no-repeat 5px 0;height:28px;width:228px;}.yui-skin-sam .yui-h-slider .yui-slider-thumb{top:4px;}.yui-skin-sam .yui-v-slider{background:url(bg-v.gif) no-repeat 12px 0;height:228px;width:48px;}
-Copyright (c) 2009, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Code licensed under the BSD License:
-version: 2.7.0
-.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-panel{background:#e3e3e3;border-color:#888;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-panel .hd{background-color:#ccc;font-size:100%;line-height:100%;border:1px solid #e3e3e3;font-weight:bold;overflow:hidden;padding:6px;color:#000;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-panel .bd{background:#e8e8e8;margin:1px;height:200px;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-panel .ft{background:#e8e8e8;margin:1px;padding:1px;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker{position:relative;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-hue-thumb{cursor:default;width:18px;height:18px;top:-8px;left:-2px;z-index:9;position:absolute;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-hue-bg{-moz-outline:none;outline:0 none;position:absolute;left:200px;height:183px;width:14px;background:url(hue_bg.png) no-repeat;top:4px;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-bg{-moz-outline:none;outline:0 none;position:absolute;top:4px;left:4px;height:182px;width:182px;background-color:#F00;background-image:url(picker_mask.png);}*html .cke_uicolor_picker
  .yui-picker-bg{background-image:none;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='picker_mask.png',sizingMethod='scale');}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-mask{position:absolute;z-index:1;top:0;left:0;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-thumb{cursor:default;width:11px;height:11px;z-index:9;position:absolute;top:-4px;left:-4px;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-swatch{position:absolute;left:240px;top:4px;height:60px;width:55px;border:1px solid #888;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-websafe-swatch{position:absolute;left:304px;top:4px;height:24px;width:24px;border:1px solid #888;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-controls{position:absolute;top:72px;left:226px;font:1em monospace;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-controls .hd{background:transparent;border-width:0!important;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-controls .bd{height:100px;border-width:0!important;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-controls ul{float:left;padding:0 2px 0 0;margin:0;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-c
 ontrols li{padding:2px;list-style:none;margin:0;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-controls input{font-size:.85em;width:2.4em;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-hex-controls{clear:both;padding:2px;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-hex-controls input{width:4.6em;}.cke_uicolor_picker .yui-picker-controls a{font:1em arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;display:block;*display:inline-block;padding:0;color:#000;}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/yui/yui.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/yui/yui.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 714d141..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/yui/yui.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2009, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Code licensed under the BSD License:
-version: 2.7.0
-if(typeof YAHOO=="undefined"||!YAHOO){var YAHOO={};}YAHOO.namespace=function(){var A=arguments,E=null,C,B,D;for(C=0;C<A.length;C=C+1){D=(""+A[C]).split(".");E=YAHOO;for(B=(D[0]=="YAHOO")?1:0;B<D.length;B=B+1){E[D[B]]=E[D[B]]||{};E=E[D[B]];}}return E;};YAHOO.log=function(D,A,C){var B=YAHOO.widget.Logger;if(B&&B.log){return B.log(D,A,C);}else{return false;}};YAHOO.register=function(A,E,D){var I=YAHOO.env.modules,B,H,G,F,C;if(!I[A]){I[A]={versions:[],builds:[]};}B=I[A];H=D.version;G=D.build;F=YAHOO.env.listeners;B.name=A;B.version=H;B.build=G;B.versions.push(H);B.builds.push(G);B.mainClass=E;for(C=0;C<F.length;C=C+1){F[C](B);}if(E){E.VERSION=H;E.BUILD=G;}else{YAHOO.log("mainClass is undefined for module "+A,"warn");}};YAHOO.env=YAHOO.env||{modules:[],listeners:[]};YAHOO.env.getVersion=function(A){return YAHOO.env.modules[A]||null;};YAHOO.env.ua=function(){var C={ie:0,opera:0,gecko:0,webkit:0,mobile:null,air:0,caja:0},B=navigator.userAgent,A;if((/KHTML/).test(B)){C.webkit=1;}A=B
 .match(/AppleWebKit\/([^\s]*)/);if(A&&A[1]){C.webkit=parseFloat(A[1]);if(/ Mobile\//.test(B)){C.mobile="Apple";}else{A=B.match(/NokiaN[^\/]*/);if(A){C.mobile=A[0];}}A=B.match(/AdobeAIR\/([^\s]*)/);if(A){C.air=A[0];}}if(!C.webkit){A=B.match(/Opera[\s\/]([^\s]*)/);if(A&&A[1]){C.opera=parseFloat(A[1]);A=B.match(/Opera Mini[^;]*/);if(A){C.mobile=A[0];}}else{A=B.match(/MSIE\s([^;]*)/);if(A&&A[1]){C.ie=parseFloat(A[1]);}else{A=B.match(/Gecko\/([^\s]*)/);if(A){C.gecko=1;A=B.match(/rv:([^\s\)]*)/);if(A&&A[1]){C.gecko=parseFloat(A[1]);}}}}}A=B.match(/Caja\/([^\s]*)/);if(A&&A[1]){C.caja=parseFloat(A[1]);}return C;}();(function(){YAHOO.namespace("util","widget","example");if("undefined"!==typeof YAHOO_config){var B=YAHOO_config.listener,A=YAHOO.env.listeners,D=true,C;if(B){for(C=0;C<A.length;C=C+1){if(A[C]==B){D=false;break;}}if(D){A.push(B);}}}})();YAHOO.lang=YAHOO.lang||{};(function(){var B=YAHOO.lang,F="[object Array]",C="[object Function]",A=Object.prototype,E=["toString","valueOf"
 ],D={isArray:function(G){return A.toString.apply(G)===F;},isBoolean:function(G){return typeof G==="boolean";},isFunction:function(G){return A.toString.apply(G)===C;},isNull:function(G){return G===null;},isNumber:function(G){return typeof G==="number"&&isFinite(G);},isObject:function(G){return(G&&(typeof G==="object"||B.isFunction(G)))||false;},isString:function(G){return typeof G==="string";},isUndefined:function(G){return typeof G==="undefined";},_IEEnumFix:(YAHOO.env.ua.ie)?function(I,H){var G,K,J;for(G=0;G<E.length;G=G+1){K=E[G];J=H[K];if(B.isFunction(J)&&J!=A[K]){I[K]=J;}}}:function(){},extend:function(J,K,I){if(!K||!J){throw new Error("extend failed, please check that "+"all dependencies are included.");}var H=function(){},G;H.prototype=K.prototype;J.prototype=new H();J.prototype.constructor=J;J.superclass=K.prototype;if(K.prototype.constructor==A.constructor){K.prototype.constructor=K;}if(I){for(G in I){if(B.hasOwnProperty(I,G)){J.prototype[G]=I[G];}}B._IEEnumFix(J.pro
 totype,I);}},augmentObject:function(K,J){if(!J||!K){throw new Error("Absorb failed, verify dependencies.");}var G=arguments,I,L,H=G[2];if(H&&H!==true){for(I=2;I<G.length;I=I+1){K[G[I]]=J[G[I]];}}else{for(L in J){if(H||!(L in K)){K[L]=J[L];}}B._IEEnumFix(K,J);}},augmentProto:function(J,I){if(!I||!J){throw new Error("Augment failed, verify dependencies.");}var G=[J.prototype,I.prototype],H;for(H=2;H<arguments.length;H=H+1){G.push(arguments[H]);}B.augmentObject.apply(this,G);},dump:function(G,L){var I,K,N=[],O="{...}",H="f(){...}",M=", ",J=" => ";if(!B.isObject(G)){return G+"";}else{if(G instanceof Date||("nodeType" in G&&"tagName" in G)){return G;}else{if(B.isFunction(G)){return H;}}}L=(B.isNumber(L))?L:3;if(B.isArray(G)){N.push("[");for(I=0,K=G.length;I<K;I=I+1){if(B.isObject(G[I])){N.push((L>0)?B.dump(G[I],L-1):O);}else{N.push(G[I]);}N.push(M);}if(N.length>1){N.pop();}N.push("]");}else{N.push("{");for(I in G){if(B.hasOwnProperty(G,I)){N.push(I+J);if(B.isObject(G[I])){N.push(
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-Copyright (c) 2009, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Code licensed under the BSD License:
-version: 2.7.0
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-Copyright (c) 2009, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Code licensed under the BSD License:
-version: 2.7.0
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 =[];for(var B=0;B<F;++B){C[B]=[E[B][0],E[B][1]];}for(var A=1;A<F;++A){for(B=0;B<F-A;++B){C[B][0]=(1-D)*C[B][0]+D*C[parseInt(B+1,10)][0];C[B][1]=(1-D)*C[B][1]+D*C[parseInt(B+1,10)][1];}}return[C[0][0],C[0][1]];};};(function(){var A=function(F,E,G,H){A.superclass.constructor.call(this,F,E,G,H);};A.NAME="ColorAnim";A.DEFAULT_BGCOLOR="#fff";var C=YAHOO.util;YAHOO.extend(A,C.Anim);var D=A.superclass;var B=A.prototype;B.patterns.color=/color$/i;B.patterns.rgb=/^rgb\(([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\)$/i;B.patterns.hex=/^#?([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})$/i;B.patterns.hex3=/^#?([0-9A-F]{1})([0-9A-F]{1})([0-9A-F]{1})$/i;B.patterns.transparent=/^transparent|rgba\(0, 0, 0, 0\)$/;B.parseColor=function(E){if(E.length==3){return E;}var F=this.patterns.hex.exec(E);if(F&&F.length==4){return[parseInt(F[1],16),parseInt(F[2],16),parseInt(F[3],16)];}F=this.patterns.rgb.exec(E);if(F&&F.length==4){return[parseInt(F[1],10),parseInt(F[2],10),parseInt(F[3],10)];}F=this.patterns.hex3.e
-}return null;};B.getAttribute=function(E){var G=this.getEl();if(this.patterns.color.test(E)){var I=YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(G,E);var H=this;if(this.patterns.transparent.test(I)){var F=YAHOO.util.Dom.getAncestorBy(G,function(J){return !H.patterns.transparent.test(I);});if(F){I=C.Dom.getStyle(F,E);}else{I=A.DEFAULT_BGCOLOR;}}}else{I=D.getAttribute.call(this,E);}return I;};B.doMethod=function(F,J,G){var I;if(this.patterns.color.test(F)){I=[];for(var H=0,E=J.length;H<E;++H){I[H]=D.doMethod.call(this,F,J[H],G[H]);}I="rgb("+Math.floor(I[0])+","+Math.floor(I[1])+","+Math.floor(I[2])+")";}else{I=D.doMethod.call(this,F,J,G);}return I;};B.setRuntimeAttribute=function(F){D.setRuntimeAttribute.call(this,F);if(this.patterns.color.test(F)){var H=this.attributes;var J=this.parseColor(this.runtimeAttributes[F].start);var G=this.parseColor(this.runtimeAttributes[F].end);if(typeof H[F]["to"]==="undefined"&&typeof H[F]["by"]!=="undefined"){G=this.parseColor(H[F].by);for(var I=0,E=J.length;I<E;+
-Open source under the BSD License.
-Copyright 2001 Robert Penner All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
-YAHOO.util.Easing={easeNone:function(B,A,D,C){return D*B/C+A;},easeIn:function(B,A,D,C){return D*(B/=C)*B+A;},easeOut:function(B,A,D,C){return -D*(B/=C)*(B-2)+A;},easeBoth:function(B,A,D,C){if((B/=C/2)<1){return D/2*B*B+A;}return -D/2*((--B)*(B-2)-1)+A;},easeInStrong:function(B,A,D,C){return D*(B/=C)*B*B*B+A;},easeOutStrong:function(B,A,D,C){return -D*((B=B/C-1)*B*B*B-1)+A;},easeBothStrong:function(B,A,D,C){if((B/=C/2)<1){return D/2*B*B*B*B+A;}return -D/2*((B-=2)*B*B*B-2)+A;},elasticIn:function(C,A,G,F,B,E){if(C==0){return A;}if((C/=F)==1){return A+G;}if(!E){E=F*0.3;}if(!B||B<Math.abs(G)){B=G;var D=E/4;}else{var D=E/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(G/B);}return -(B*Math.pow(2,10*(C-=1))*Math.sin((C*F-D)*(2*Math.PI)/E))+A;},elasticOut:function(C,A,G,F,B,E){if(C==0){return A;}if((C/=F)==1){return A+G;}if(!E){E=F*0.3;}if(!B||B<Math.abs(G)){B=G;var D=E/4;}else{var D=E/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(G/B);}return B*Math.pow(2,-10*C)*Math.sin((C*F-D)*(2*Math.PI)/E)+G+A;},elasticBoth:function(C,A,G,F,B
 ,E){if(C==0){return A;}if((C/=F/2)==2){return A+G;}if(!E){E=F*(0.3*1.5);}if(!B||B<Math.abs(G)){B=G;var D=E/4;}else{var D=E/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(G/B);}if(C<1){return -0.5*(B*Math.pow(2,10*(C-=1))*Math.sin((C*F-D)*(2*Math.PI)/E))+A;}return B*Math.pow(2,-10*(C-=1))*Math.sin((C*F-D)*(2*Math.PI)/E)*0.5+G+A;},backIn:function(B,A,E,D,C){if(typeof C=="undefined"){C=1.70158;}return E*(B/=D)*B*((C+1)*B-C)+A;},backOut:function(B,A,E,D,C){if(typeof C=="undefined"){C=1.70158;}return E*((B=B/D-1)*B*((C+1)*B+C)+1)+A;},backBoth:function(B,A,E,D,C){if(typeof C=="undefined"){C=1.70158;}if((B/=D/2)<1){return E/2*(B*B*(((C*=(1.525))+1)*B-C))+A;}return E/2*((B-=2)*B*(((C*=(1.525))+1)*B+C)+2)+A;},bounceIn:function(B,A,D,C){return D-YAHOO.util.Easing.bounceOut(C-B,0,D,C)+A;},bounceOut:function(B,A,D,C){if((B/=C)<(1/2.75)){return D*(7.5625*B*B)+A;}else{if(B<(2/2.75)){return D*(7.5625*(B-=(1.5/2.75))*B+0.75)+A;}else{if(B<(2.5/2.75)){return D*(7.5625*(B-=(2.25/2.75))*B+0.9375)+A;}}}return D*(7.5625*
 (B-=(2.625/2.75))*B+0.984375)+A;},bounceBoth:function(B,A,D,C){if(B<C/2){return YAHOO.util.Easing.bounceIn(B*2,0,D,C)*0.5+A;}return YAHOO.util.Easing.bounceOut(B*2-C,0,D,C)*0.5+D*0.5+A;}};(function(){var A=function(H,G,I,J){if(H){A.superclass.constructor.call(this,H,G,I,J);}};A.NAME="Motion";var E=YAHOO.util;YAHOO.extend(A,E.ColorAnim);var F=A.superclass;var C=A.prototype;C.patterns.points=/^points$/i;C.setAttribute=function(G,I,H){if(this.patterns.points.test(G)){H=H||"px";F.setAttribute.call(this,"left",I[0],H);F.setAttribute.call(this,"top",I[1],H);}else{F.setAttribute.call(this,G,I,H);}};C.getAttribute=function(G){if(this.patterns.points.test(G)){var H=[F.getAttribute.call(this,"left"),F.getAttribute.call(this,"top")];}else{H=F.getAttribute.call(this,G);}return H;};C.doMethod=function(G,K,H){var J=null;if(this.patterns.points.test(G)){var I=this.method(this.currentFrame,0,100,this.totalFrames)/100;J=E.Bezier.getPosition(this.runtimeAttributes[G],I);}else{J=F.doMethod.cal
 l(this,G,K,H);}return J;};C.setRuntimeAttribute=function(P){if(this.patterns.points.test(P)){var H=this.getEl();var J=this.attributes;var G;var L=J["points"]["control"]||[];var I;var M,O;if(L.length>0&&!(L[0] instanceof Array)){L=[L];}else{var K=[];for(M=0,O=L.length;M<O;++M){K[M]=L[M];}L=K;}if(E.Dom.getStyle(H,"position")=="static"){E.Dom.setStyle(H,"position","relative");}if(D(J["points"]["from"])){E.Dom.setXY(H,J["points"]["from"]);
-}else{E.Dom.setXY(H,E.Dom.getXY(H));}G=this.getAttribute("points");if(D(J["points"]["to"])){I=B.call(this,J["points"]["to"],G);var N=E.Dom.getXY(this.getEl());for(M=0,O=L.length;M<O;++M){L[M]=B.call(this,L[M],G);}}else{if(D(J["points"]["by"])){I=[G[0]+J["points"]["by"][0],G[1]+J["points"]["by"][1]];for(M=0,O=L.length;M<O;++M){L[M]=[G[0]+L[M][0],G[1]+L[M][1]];}}}this.runtimeAttributes[P]=[G];if(L.length>0){this.runtimeAttributes[P]=this.runtimeAttributes[P].concat(L);}this.runtimeAttributes[P][this.runtimeAttributes[P].length]=I;}else{F.setRuntimeAttribute.call(this,P);}};var B=function(G,I){var H=E.Dom.getXY(this.getEl());G=[G[0]-H[0]+I[0],G[1]-H[1]+I[1]];return G;};var D=function(G){return(typeof G!=="undefined");};E.Motion=A;})();(function(){var D=function(F,E,G,H){if(F){D.superclass.constructor.call(this,F,E,G,H);}};D.NAME="Scroll";var B=YAHOO.util;YAHOO.extend(D,B.ColorAnim);var C=D.superclass;var A=D.prototype;A.doMethod=function(E,H,F){var G=null;if(E=="scroll"){G=[thi
 s.method(this.currentFrame,H[0],F[0]-H[0],this.totalFrames),this.method(this.currentFrame,H[1],F[1]-H[1],this.totalFrames)];}else{G=C.doMethod.call(this,E,H,F);}return G;};A.getAttribute=function(E){var G=null;var F=this.getEl();if(E=="scroll"){G=[F.scrollLeft,F.scrollTop];}else{G=C.getAttribute.call(this,E);}return G;};A.setAttribute=function(E,H,G){var F=this.getEl();if(E=="scroll"){F.scrollLeft=H[0];F.scrollTop=H[1];}else{C.setAttribute.call(this,E,H,G);}};B.Scroll=D;})();YAHOO.register("animation",YAHOO.util.Anim,{version:"2.7.0",build:"1799"});
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/icons/redo-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/icons/redo-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31e8bba
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/icons/redo-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/icons/redo.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/icons/redo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9b7e0f
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/icons/redo.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/icons/undo-rtl.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/icons/undo-rtl.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9b7e0f
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/icons/undo-rtl.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/icons/undo.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/icons/undo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49170a3
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/icons/undo.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..456bf7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'af', {
+	redo: 'Oordoen',
+	undo: 'Ontdoen'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b400066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'ar', {
+	redo: 'إعادة',
+	undo: 'تراجع'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..471df8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'bg', {
+	redo: 'Връщане на предишен статус',
+	undo: 'Възтанови'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1081fca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'bn', {
+	redo: 'রি-ডু',
+	undo: 'আনডু'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93206ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'bs', {
+	redo: 'Ponovi',
+	undo: 'Vrati'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3872e54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'ca', {
+	redo: 'Refés',
+	undo: 'Desfés'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2b60ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'cs', {
+	redo: 'Znovu',
+	undo: 'Zpět'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ac465b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'cy', {
+	redo: 'Ailadrodd',
+	undo: 'Dadwneud'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68b0adf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'da', {
+	redo: 'Annullér fortryd',
+	undo: 'Fortryd'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..130725f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'de', {
+	redo: 'Wiederherstellen',
+	undo: 'Rückgängig'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac9fc04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'el', {
+	redo: 'Επαναφορά',
+	undo: 'Αναίρεση'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98abecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'en-au', {
+	redo: 'Redo',
+	undo: 'Undo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f64795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'en-ca', {
+	redo: 'Redo',
+	undo: 'Undo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc2b805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'en-gb', {
+	redo: 'Redo',
+	undo: 'Undo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0bc199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'en', {
+	redo: 'Redo',
+	undo: 'Undo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2c6518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'eo', {
+	redo: 'Refari',
+	undo: 'Malfari'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f3e107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'es', {
+	redo: 'Rehacer',
+	undo: 'Deshacer'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dfd84f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'et', {
+	redo: 'Toimingu kordamine',
+	undo: 'Tagasivõtmine'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cde89f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'eu', {
+	redo: 'Berregin',
+	undo: 'Desegin'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..132c107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'fa', {
+	redo: 'بازچیدن',
+	undo: 'واچیدن'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cdc7c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'fi', {
+	redo: 'Toista',
+	undo: 'Kumoa'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da3710e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'fo', {
+	redo: 'Vend aftur',
+	undo: 'Angra'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc0860d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'fr-ca', {
+	redo: 'Refaire',
+	undo: 'Annuler'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc6d108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'fr', {
+	redo: 'Rétablir',
+	undo: 'Annuler'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c71850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'gl', {
+	redo: 'Refacer',
+	undo: 'Desfacer'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7985a91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'gu', {
+	redo: 'રિડૂ; પછી હતી એવી સ્થિતિ પાછી લાવવી',
+	undo: 'રદ કરવું; પહેલાં હતી એવી સ્થિતિ પાછી લાવવી'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0487244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'he', {
+	redo: 'חזרה על צעד אחרון',
+	undo: 'ביטול צעד אחרון'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ca4654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'hi', {
+	redo: 'रीडू',
+	undo: 'अन्डू'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b6905d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'hr', {
+	redo: 'Ponovi',
+	undo: 'Poništi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87b77d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'hu', {
+	redo: 'Ismétlés',
+	undo: 'Visszavonás'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c285a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'is', {
+	redo: 'Hætta við afturköllun',
+	undo: 'Afturkalla'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2739cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'it', {
+	redo: 'Ripristina',
+	undo: 'Annulla'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ace84c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'ja', {
+	redo: 'やり直し',
+	undo: '元に戻す'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..250cb3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'ka', {
+	redo: 'გამეორება',
+	undo: 'გაუქმება'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9df38f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'km', {
+	redo: 'ធ្វើឡើងវិញ',
+	undo: 'សារឡើងវិញ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76fa98c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'ko', {
+	redo: '재실행',
+	undo: '취소'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36a567e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'ku', {
+	redo: 'هەڵگەڕاندنەوه',
+	undo: 'پووچکردنەوه'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..578cf1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'lt', {
+	redo: 'Atstatyti',
+	undo: 'Atšaukti'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b087898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'lv', {
+	redo: 'Atkārtot',
+	undo: 'Atcelt'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ef26fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'mk', {
+	redo: 'Redo', // MISSING
+	undo: 'Undo'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e766dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'mn', {
+	redo: 'Өмнөх үйлдлээ сэргээх',
+	undo: 'Хүчингүй болгох'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95d7aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'ms', {
+	redo: 'Ulangkan',
+	undo: 'Batalkan'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..573374a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'nb', {
+	redo: 'Gjør om',
+	undo: 'Angre'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bd6632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'nl', {
+	redo: 'Opnieuw uitvoeren',
+	undo: 'Ongedaan maken'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd21650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'no', {
+	redo: 'Gjør om',
+	undo: 'Angre'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfb7e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'pl', {
+	redo: 'Ponów',
+	undo: 'Cofnij'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aea7f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'pt-br', {
+	redo: 'Refazer',
+	undo: 'Desfazer'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6266c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'pt', {
+	redo: 'Repetir',
+	undo: 'Anular'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b07fa43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'ro', {
+	redo: 'Starea ulterioară (redo)',
+	undo: 'Starea anterioară (undo)'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1958b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'ru', {
+	redo: 'Повторить',
+	undo: 'Отменить'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d81754a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'sk', {
+	redo: 'Znovu',
+	undo: 'Späť'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f9821a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'sl', {
+	redo: 'Ponovi',
+	undo: 'Razveljavi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0039cf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'sr-latn', {
+	redo: 'Ponovi akciju',
+	undo: 'Poni�ti akciju'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df4a5b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'sr', {
+	redo: 'Понови акцију',
+	undo: 'Поништи акцију'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad3a485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'sv', {
+	redo: 'Gör om',
+	undo: 'Ã…ngra'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d455ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'th', {
+	redo: 'ทำซ้ำคำสั่ง',
+	undo: 'ยกเลิกคำสั่ง'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c28f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'tr', {
+	redo: 'Tekrarla',
+	undo: 'Geri Al'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83de4e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'ug', {
+	redo: 'قايتىلا ',
+	undo: 'يېنىۋال'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6b418c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'uk', {
+	redo: 'Повторити',
+	undo: 'Повернути'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f7ba10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'vi', {
+	redo: 'Làm lại thao tác',
+	undo: 'Khôi phục thao tác'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed90186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'zh-cn', {
+	redo: '重做',
+	undo: '撤消'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a36db04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'undo', 'zh', {
+	redo: '重複',
+	undo: '復原'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/plugin.js
index fde581f..17dde49 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/undo/plugin.js
@@ -1,59 +1,54 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
  * @fileOverview Undo/Redo system for saving shapshot for document modification
  *		and other recordable changes.
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'undo',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'selection', 'wysiwygarea' ],
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
+(function() {
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'undo', {
+		lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		icons: 'redo,redo-rtl,undo,undo-rtl', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+		init: function( editor ) {
 			var undoManager = new UndoManager( editor );
-			var undoCommand = editor.addCommand( 'undo',
-				{
-					exec : function()
-					{
-						if ( undoManager.undo() )
-						{
-							editor.selectionChange();
-							this.fire( 'afterUndo' );
-						}
-					},
-					canUndo : false
-				});
+			var undoCommand = editor.addCommand( 'undo', {
+				exec: function() {
+					if ( undoManager.undo() ) {
+						editor.selectionChange();
+						this.fire( 'afterUndo' );
+					}
+				},
+				canUndo: false
+			});
-			var redoCommand = editor.addCommand( 'redo',
-				{
-					exec : function()
-					{
-						if ( undoManager.redo() )
-						{
-							editor.selectionChange();
-							this.fire( 'afterRedo' );
-						}
-					},
-					canUndo : false
-				});
+			var redoCommand = editor.addCommand( 'redo', {
+				exec: function() {
+					if ( undoManager.redo() ) {
+						editor.selectionChange();
+						this.fire( 'afterRedo' );
+					}
+				},
+				canUndo: false
+			});
-			undoManager.onChange = function()
-			{
+			editor.setKeystroke( [
+				[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 90 /*Z*/, 'undo' ],
+				[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 89 /*Y*/, 'redo' ],
+				[ CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 90 /*Z*/, 'redo' ]
+				] );
+			undoManager.onChange = function() {
 				undoCommand.setState( undoManager.undoable() ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
 				redoCommand.setState( undoManager.redoable() ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
-			function recordCommand( event )
-			{
+			function recordCommand( event ) {
 				// If the command hasn't been marked to not support undo.
 				if ( undoManager.enabled && event.data.command.canUndo !== false )
@@ -64,50 +59,51 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			editor.on( 'afterCommandExec', recordCommand );
 			// Save snapshots before doing custom changes.
-			editor.on( 'saveSnapshot', function()
-				{
-					undoManager.save();
-				});
+			editor.on( 'saveSnapshot', function( evt ) {
+				undoManager.save( evt.data && evt.data.contentOnly );
+			});
 			// Registering keydown on every document recreation.(#3844)
-			editor.on( 'contentDom', function()
-				{
-					editor.document.on( 'keydown', function( event )
-						{
-							// Do not capture CTRL hotkeys.
-							if ( !event.data.$.ctrlKey && !event.data.$.metaKey )
-								undoManager.type( event );
-						});
+			editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
+				editor.editable().on( 'keydown', function( event ) {
+					// Do not capture CTRL hotkeys.
+					if ( !event.data.$.ctrlKey && !event.data.$.metaKey )
+						undoManager.type( event );
+			});
 			// Always save an undo snapshot - the previous mode might have
 			// changed editor contents.
-			editor.on( 'beforeModeUnload', function()
-				{
-					editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' && undoManager.save( true );
-				});
+			editor.on( 'beforeModeUnload', function() {
+				editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' && undoManager.save( true );
+			});
 			// Make the undo manager available only in wysiwyg mode.
-			editor.on( 'mode', function()
-				{
-					undoManager.enabled = editor.mode == 'wysiwyg';
-					undoManager.onChange();
-				});
+			editor.on( 'mode', function() {
+				undoManager.enabled = editor.readOnly ? false : editor.mode == 'wysiwyg';
+				undoManager.onChange();
+			});
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'Undo',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.undo,
-					command : 'undo'
+			if ( editor.ui.addButton ) {
+				editor.ui.addButton( 'Undo', {
+					label: editor.lang.undo.undo,
+					command: 'undo',
+					toolbar: 'undo,10'
-			editor.ui.addButton( 'Redo',
-				{
-					label : editor.lang.redo,
-					command : 'redo'
+				editor.ui.addButton( 'Redo', {
+					label: editor.lang.undo.redo,
+					command: 'redo',
+					toolbar: 'undo,20'
+			}
-			editor.resetUndo = function()
-			{
+			/**
+			 * Reset undo stack.
+			 *
+			 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+			 */
+			editor.resetUndo = function() {
 				// Reset the undo stack.
@@ -116,25 +112,47 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-			 * Update the undo stacks with any subsequent DOM changes after this call.
-			 * @name CKEDITOR.editor#updateUndo
-			 * @example
-			 * function()
-			 * {
-			 * editor.fire( 'updateSnapshot' );
-			 * ...
-			 *  // Ask to include subsequent (in this call stack) DOM changes to be
-			 * // considered as part of the first snapshot.
-			 * 	editor.fire( 'updateSnapshot' );
-			 * 	editor.document.body.append(...);
-			 * ...
-			 * }
+			 * Amend the top of undo stack (last undo image) with the current DOM changes.
+			 *
+			 *		function() {
+			 *			editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
+			 *			editor.document.body.append(...);
+			 *			// Make new changes following the last undo snapshot part of it.
+			 *			editor.fire( 'updateSnapshot' );
+			 *			..
+			 *		}
+			 *
+			 * @event updateSnapshot
+			 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ 			 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
-			editor.on( 'updateSnapshot', function()
-			{
-				if ( undoManager.currentImage && new Image( editor ).equals( undoManager.currentImage ) )
-					setTimeout( function () { undoManager.update(); }, 0 );
+			editor.on( 'updateSnapshot', function() {
+				if ( undoManager.currentImage )
+					undoManager.update();
+			/**
+			 * Lock manager to prevent any save/update operations.
+			 *
+			 * It's convenient to lock manager before doing DOM operations
+			 * that shouldn't be recored (e.g. auto paragraphing).
+			 *
+			 * See {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.undo.UndoManager#lock} for more details.
+			 *
+			 * @event lockSnapshot
+			 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ 			 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+			 */
+			editor.on( 'lockSnapshot', undoManager.lock, undoManager );
+			/**
+			 * Unlock manager and update latest snapshot.
+			 *
+			 * @event unlockSnapshot
+			 * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ 			 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+			 */
+			editor.on( 'unlockSnapshot', undoManager.unlock, undoManager );
@@ -142,36 +160,40 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 	 * Undo snapshot which represents the current document status.
-	 * @name CKEDITOR.plugins.undo.Image
-	 * @param editor The editor instance on which the image is created.
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 * @class CKEDITOR.plugins.undo.Image
+	 * @constructor Creates an Image class instance.
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance on which the image is created.
-	var Image = CKEDITOR.plugins.undo.Image = function( editor )
-	{
-		this.editor = editor;
-		var contents = editor.getSnapshot(),
-			selection	= contents && editor.getSelection();
+	var Image = CKEDITOR.plugins.undo.Image = function( editor ) {
+			this.editor = editor;
-		// In IE, we need to remove the expando attributes.
-		CKEDITOR.env.ie && contents && ( contents = contents.replace( /\s+_cke_expando=".*?"/g, '' ) );
+			editor.fire( 'beforeUndoImage' );
-		this.contents	= contents;
-		this.bookmarks	= selection && selection.createBookmarks2( true );
-	};
+			var contents = editor.getSnapshot(),
+				selection = contents && editor.getSelection();
+			// In IE, we need to remove the expando attributes.
+			CKEDITOR.env.ie && contents && ( contents = contents.replace( /\s+data-cke-expando=".*?"/g, '' ) );
+			this.contents = contents;
+			this.bookmarks = selection && selection.createBookmarks2( true );
+			editor.fire( 'afterUndoImage' );
+		};
 	// Attributes that browser may changing them when setting via innerHTML.
 	var protectedAttrs = /\b(?:href|src|name)="[^"]*?"/gi;
-	Image.prototype =
-	{
-		equals : function( otherImage, contentOnly )
-		{
+	Image.prototype = {
+		equals: function( otherImage, contentOnly ) {
 			var thisContents = this.contents,
 				otherContents = otherImage.contents;
 			// For IE6/7 : Comparing only the protected attribute values but not the original ones.(#4522)
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) )
-			{
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) ) {
 				thisContents = thisContents.replace( protectedAttrs, '' );
 				otherContents = otherContents.replace( protectedAttrs, '' );
@@ -185,22 +207,15 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			var bookmarksA = this.bookmarks,
 				bookmarksB = otherImage.bookmarks;
-			if ( bookmarksA || bookmarksB )
-			{
+			if ( bookmarksA || bookmarksB ) {
 				if ( !bookmarksA || !bookmarksB || bookmarksA.length != bookmarksB.length )
 					return false;
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < bookmarksA.length ; i++ )
-				{
+				for ( var i = 0; i < bookmarksA.length; i++ ) {
 					var bookmarkA = bookmarksA[ i ],
 						bookmarkB = bookmarksB[ i ];
-					if (
-						bookmarkA.startOffset != bookmarkB.startOffset ||
-						bookmarkA.endOffset != bookmarkB.endOffset ||
-						!CKEDITOR.tools.arrayCompare( bookmarkA.start, bookmarkB.start ) ||
-						!CKEDITOR.tools.arrayCompare( bookmarkA.end, bookmarkB.end ) )
-					{
+					if ( bookmarkA.startOffset != bookmarkB.startOffset || bookmarkA.endOffset != bookmarkB.endOffset || !CKEDITOR.tools.arrayCompare( bookmarkA.start, bookmarkB.start ) || !CKEDITOR.tools.arrayCompare( bookmarkA.end, bookmarkB.end ) ) {
 						return false;
@@ -211,29 +226,42 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	 * @constructor Main logic for Redo/Undo feature.
+	 * Main logic for Redo/Undo feature.
+	 *
+	 * **Note:** This class isn't accessible from the global scope.
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 * @class CKEDITOR.plugins.undo.UndoManager
+	 * @constructor Creates an UndoManager class instance.
+	 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
-	function UndoManager( editor )
-	{
+	function UndoManager( editor ) {
 		this.editor = editor;
 		// Reset the undo stack.
+	var editingKeyCodes = { /*Backspace*/8:1,/*Delete*/46:1 },
+		modifierKeyCodes = { /*Shift*/16:1,/*Ctrl*/17:1,/*Alt*/18:1 },
+		navigationKeyCodes = { 37:1,38:1,39:1,40:1 }; // Arrows: L, T, R, B
-	var editingKeyCodes = { /*Backspace*/ 8:1, /*Delete*/ 46:1 },
-		modifierKeyCodes = { /*Shift*/ 16:1, /*Ctrl*/ 17:1, /*Alt*/ 18:1 },
-		navigationKeyCodes = { 37:1, 38:1, 39:1, 40:1 };  // Arrows: L, T, R, B
+	UndoManager.prototype = {
+		/**
+		 * When `locked` property is not `null` manager is locked, so
+		 * operations like `save` or `update` are forbidden.
+		 *
+		 * Manager can be locked/unlocked by {@link #lock} and {@link #unlock} methods.
+		 *
+		 * @private
+		 * @property {Object} [locked=null]
+		 */
-	UndoManager.prototype =
-	{
 		 * Process undo system regard keystrikes.
 		 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.event} event
-		type : function( event )
-		{
+		type: function( event ) {
 			var keystroke = event && event.data.getKey(),
 				isModifierKey = keystroke in modifierKeyCodes,
 				isEditingKey = keystroke in editingKeyCodes,
@@ -252,68 +280,60 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 				// 1. Just start to type .
 				// 2. Typing some content after a modifier.
 				// 3. Typing some content after make a visible selection.
-				startedTyping = !( isModifierKey || this.typing )
-					|| ( isContent && ( wasEditingKey || wasReset ) );
+				startedTyping = !( isModifierKey || this.typing ) || ( isContent && ( wasEditingKey || wasReset ) );
-			if ( startedTyping || modifierSnapshot )
-			{
-				var beforeTypeImage = new Image( this.editor );
+			if ( startedTyping || modifierSnapshot ) {
+				var beforeTypeImage = new Image( this.editor ),
+					beforeTypeCount = this.snapshots.length;
 				// Use setTimeout, so we give the necessary time to the
 				// browser to insert the character into the DOM.
-				CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function()
-					{
-						var currentSnapshot = this.editor.getSnapshot();
+				CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() {
+					var currentSnapshot = this.editor.getSnapshot();
-						// In IE, we need to remove the expando attributes.
-						if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-							currentSnapshot = currentSnapshot.replace( /\s+_cke_expando=".*?"/g, '' );
+					// In IE, we need to remove the expando attributes.
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+						currentSnapshot = currentSnapshot.replace( /\s+data-cke-expando=".*?"/g, '' );
-						if ( beforeTypeImage.contents != currentSnapshot )
-						{
-							// It's safe to now indicate typing state.
-							this.typing = true;
+					// If changes have taken place, while not been captured yet (#8459),
+					// compensate the snapshot.
+					if ( beforeTypeImage.contents != currentSnapshot && beforeTypeCount == this.snapshots.length ) {
+						// It's safe to now indicate typing state.
+						this.typing = true;
-							// This's a special save, with specified snapshot
-							// and without auto 'fireChange'.
-							if ( !this.save( false, beforeTypeImage, false ) )
-								// Drop future snapshots.
-								this.snapshots.splice( this.index + 1, this.snapshots.length - this.index - 1 );
+						// This's a special save, with specified snapshot
+						// and without auto 'fireChange'.
+						if ( !this.save( false, beforeTypeImage, false ) )
+							// Drop future snapshots.
+							this.snapshots.splice( this.index + 1, this.snapshots.length - this.index - 1 );
-							this.hasUndo = true;
-							this.hasRedo = false;
+						this.hasUndo = true;
+						this.hasRedo = false;
-							this.typesCount = 1;
-							this.modifiersCount = 1;
+						this.typesCount = 1;
+						this.modifiersCount = 1;
-							this.onChange();
-						}
-					},
-					0, this
-				);
+						this.onChange();
+					}
+				}, 0, this );
 			this.lastKeystroke = keystroke;
 			// Create undo snap after typed too much (over 25 times).
-			if ( isEditingKey )
-			{
+			if ( isEditingKey ) {
 				this.typesCount = 0;
-				if ( this.modifiersCount > 25 )
-				{
+				if ( this.modifiersCount > 25 ) {
 					this.save( false, null, false );
 					this.modifiersCount = 1;
-			}
-			else if ( !isReset )
-			{
+			} else if ( !isReset ) {
 				this.modifiersCount = 0;
-				if ( this.typesCount > 25 )
-				{
+				if ( this.typesCount > 25 ) {
 					this.save( false, null, false );
 					this.typesCount = 1;
@@ -321,47 +341,44 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-		reset : function()	// Reset the undo stack.
-		{
-			/**
-			 * Remember last pressed key.
-			 */
+		/**
+		 * Reset the undo stack.
+		 */
+		reset: function() {
+			// Remember last pressed key.
 			this.lastKeystroke = 0;
-			/**
-			 * Stack for all the undo and redo snapshots, they're always created/removed
-			 * in consistency.
-			 */
+			// Stack for all the undo and redo snapshots, they're always created/removed
+			// in consistency.
 			this.snapshots = [];
-			/**
-			 * Current snapshot history index.
-			 */
+			// Current snapshot history index.
 			this.index = -1;
-			this.limit = this.editor.config.undoStackSize;
+			this.limit = this.editor.config.undoStackSize || 20;
 			this.currentImage = null;
 			this.hasUndo = false;
 			this.hasRedo = false;
+			this.locked = null;
 		 * Reset all states about typing.
-		 * @see  UndoManager.type
+		 *
+		 * @see #type
-		resetType : function()
-		{
+		resetType: function() {
 			this.typing = false;
 			delete this.lastKeystroke;
 			this.typesCount = 0;
 			this.modifiersCount = 0;
-		fireChange : function()
-		{
+		fireChange: function() {
 			this.hasUndo = !!this.getNextImage( true );
 			this.hasRedo = !!this.getNextImage( false );
 			// Reset typing
@@ -372,8 +389,11 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		 * Save a snapshot of document image for later retrieve.
-		save : function( onContentOnly, image, autoFireChange )
-		{
+		save: function( onContentOnly, image, autoFireChange ) {
+			// Do not change snapshots stack when locked.
+			if ( this.locked )
+				return false;
 			var snapshots = this.snapshots;
 			// Get a content image.
@@ -405,14 +425,27 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 			return true;
-		restoreImage : function( image )
-		{
+		restoreImage: function( image ) {
+			// Bring editor focused to restore selection.
+			var editor = this.editor,
+				sel;
+			if ( image.bookmarks ) {
+				editor.focus();
+				// Retrieve the selection beforehand. (#8324)
+				sel = editor.getSelection();
+			}
+			// Start transaction - do not allow any mutations to the
+			// snapshots stack done when selecting bookmarks (much probably
+			// by selectionChange listener).
+			this.locked = 1;
 			this.editor.loadSnapshot( image.contents );
 			if ( image.bookmarks )
-				this.editor.getSelection().selectBookmarks( image.bookmarks );
-			else if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			{
+				sel.selectBookmarks( image.bookmarks );
+			else if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
 				// IE BUG: If I don't set the selection to *somewhere* after setting
 				// document contents, then IE would create an empty paragraph at the bottom
 				// the next time the document is modified.
@@ -421,6 +454,8 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+			this.locked = 0;
 			this.index = image.index;
 			// Update current image with the actual editor
@@ -431,33 +466,24 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		// Get the closest available image.
-		getNextImage : function( isUndo )
-		{
+		getNextImage: function( isUndo ) {
 			var snapshots = this.snapshots,
 				currentImage = this.currentImage,
 				image, i;
-			if ( currentImage )
-			{
-				if ( isUndo )
-				{
-					for ( i = this.index - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-					{
+			if ( currentImage ) {
+				if ( isUndo ) {
+					for ( i = this.index - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
 						image = snapshots[ i ];
-						if ( !currentImage.equals( image, true ) )
-						{
+						if ( !currentImage.equals( image, true ) ) {
 							image.index = i;
 							return image;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					for ( i = this.index + 1 ; i < snapshots.length ; i++ )
-					{
+				} else {
+					for ( i = this.index + 1; i < snapshots.length; i++ ) {
 						image = snapshots[ i ];
-						if ( !currentImage.equals( image, true ) )
-						{
+						if ( !currentImage.equals( image, true ) ) {
 							image.index = i;
 							return image;
@@ -470,30 +496,27 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		 * Check the current redo state.
-		 * @return {Boolean} Whether the document has previous state to
-		 *		retrieve.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Boolean} Whether the document has previous state to retrieve.
-		redoable : function()
-		{
+		redoable: function() {
 			return this.enabled && this.hasRedo;
 		 * Check the current undo state.
-		 * @return {Boolean} Whether the document has future state to restore.
+		 *
+		 * @returns {Boolean} Whether the document has future state to restore.
-		undoable : function()
-		{
+		undoable: function() {
 			return this.enabled && this.hasUndo;
 		 * Perform undo on current index.
-		undo : function()
-		{
-			if ( this.undoable() )
-			{
+		undo: function() {
+			if ( this.undoable() ) {
 				this.save( true );
 				var image = this.getNextImage( true );
@@ -507,17 +530,14 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		 * Perform redo on current index.
-		redo : function()
-		{
-			if ( this.redoable() )
-			{
+		redo: function() {
+			if ( this.redoable() ) {
 				// Try to save. If no changes have been made, the redo stack
 				// will not change, so it will still be redoable.
 				this.save( true );
 				// If instead we had changes, we can't redo anymore.
-				if ( this.redoable() )
-				{
+				if ( this.redoable() ) {
 					var image = this.getNextImage( false );
 					if ( image )
 						return this.restoreImage( image ), true;
@@ -530,9 +550,47 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
 		 * Update the last snapshot of the undo stack with the current editor content.
-		update : function()
-		{
-			this.snapshots.splice( this.index, 1, ( this.currentImage = new Image( this.editor ) ) );
+		update: function() {
+			// Do not change snapshots stack is locked.
+			if ( !this.locked )
+				this.snapshots.splice( this.index, 1, ( this.currentImage = new Image( this.editor ) ) );
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Lock the snapshot stack to prevent any save/update operations, and additionally
+		 * update the tip snapshot with the DOM changes during the locked period when necessary,
+		 * after the {@link #unlock} method is called.
+		 *
+		 * It's mainly used for ensure any DOM operations that shouldn't be recorded (e.g. auto paragraphing).
+		 */
+		lock: function() {
+			if ( !this.locked ) {
+				var snapBefore = this.editor.getSnapshot();
+				// If current editor content matches the tip of snapshot stack,
+				// the stack tip must be updated by unlock, to include any changes made
+				// during this period.
+				var matchedTip = this.currentImage && snapBefore == this.currentImage.contents;
+				this.locked = { update: matchedTip ? snapBefore : null };
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * Unlock the snapshot stack and check to amend the last snapshot.
+		 *
+		 * See {@link #lock} for more details.
+		 */
+		unlock: function() {
+			if ( this.locked ) {
+				var update = this.locked.update,
+					snap = this.editor.getSnapshot();
+				this.locked = null;
+				if ( typeof update == 'string' && snap != update )
+					this.update();
+			}
@@ -540,16 +598,42 @@ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  * The number of undo steps to be saved. The higher this setting value the more
  * memory is used for it.
- * @type Number
- * @default 20
- * @example
- * config.undoStackSize = 50;
+ *
+ *		config.undoStackSize = 50;
+ *
+ * @cfg {Number} [undoStackSize=20]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.undoStackSize = 20;
  * Fired when the editor is about to save an undo snapshot. This event can be
  * fired by plugins and customizations to make the editor saving undo snapshots.
- * @name CKEDITOR.editor#saveSnapshot
- * @event
+ *
+ * @event saveSnapshot
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ */
+ * Fired before an undo image is to be taken. An undo image represents the
+ * editor state at some point. It's saved into an undo store, so the editor is
+ * able to recover the editor state on undo and redo operations.
+ *
+ * @since 3.5.3
+ * @event beforeUndoImage
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @see CKEDITOR.editor#afterUndoImage
+ */
+ * Fired after an undo image is taken. An undo image represents the
+ * editor state at some point. It's saved into an undo store, so the editor is
+ * able to recover the editor state on undo and redo operations.
+ *
+ * @since 3.5.3
+ * @event afterUndoImage
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @see CKEDITOR.editor#beforeUndoImage
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/LICENSE.md b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/LICENSE.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6096de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/LICENSE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Software License Agreement
+**CKEditor WSC Plugin**
+Copyright © 2012, [CKSource](http://cksource.com) - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice:
+*   GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"):
+    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+*   GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"):
+    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
+*   Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL"):
+    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
+You are not required to, but if you want to explicitly declare the license you have chosen to be bound to when using, reproducing, modifying and distributing this software, just include a text file titled "legal.txt" in your version of this software, indicating your license choice.
+Sources of Intellectual Property Included in this plugin
+Where not otherwise indicated, all plugin content is authored by CKSource engineers and consists of CKSource-owned intellectual property. In some specific instances, the plugin will incorporate work done by developers outside of CKSource with their express permission.
+CKEditor is a trademark of CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All other brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective holders.
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/README.md b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..346e2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+CKEditor WebSpellChecker Plugin
+This plugin brings Web Spell Checker (WSC) into CKEditor.
+WSC is "installation-less", using the web-services of [WebSpellChecker.net](http://www.webspellchecker.net/). It's an out of the box solution.
+1. Clone/copy this repository contents in a new "plugins/wsc" folder in your CKEditor installation.
+2. Enable the "wsc" plugin in the CKEditor configuration file (config.js):
+        config.extraPlugins = 'wsc';
+That's all. WSC will appear on the editor toolbar and will be ready to use.
+Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice: [GPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html), [LGPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) and [MPL](http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html).
+See LICENSE.md for more information.
+Developed in cooperation with [WebSpellChecker.net](http://www.webspellchecker.net/).
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/ciframe.html b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/ciframe.html
index 0a96d82..292297d 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/ciframe.html
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 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/tmpFrameset.html b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/tmpFrameset.html
index 41abd6e..88e1afe 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/tmpFrameset.html
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/tmpFrameset.html
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd">
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/wsc.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/wsc.css
index b935fbb..e163948 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/wsc.css
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/wsc.css
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/wsc.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/wsc.js
index b084384..ddded57 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/wsc.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/wsc.js
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'checkspell', function( editor )
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'checkspell', function( editor ) {
 	var number = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(),
 		iframeId = 'cke_frame_' + number,
 		textareaId = 'cke_data_' + number,
 		errorBoxId = 'cke_error_' + number,
 		protocol = document.location.protocol || 'http:',
-		errorMsg = editor.lang.spellCheck.notAvailable;
+		errorMsg = editor.lang.wsc.notAvailable;
-	var pasteArea = '<textarea'+
+	var pasteArea =
+		'<textarea' +
 			' style="display: none"' +
 			' id="' + textareaId + '"' +
 			' rows="10"' +
@@ -23,57 +23,51 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'checkspell', function( editor )
 			' style="display:none;color:red;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;padding-top:160px;text-align:center;z-index:11;">' +
 		'</div><iframe' +
 			' src=""' +
-			' style="width:485px;background-color:#f1f1e3;height:380px"' +
+			' style="width:100%;background-color:#f1f1e3;"' +
 			' frameborder="0"' +
 			' name="' + iframeId + '"' +
 			' id="' + iframeId + '"' +
 			' allowtransparency="1">' +
-	var wscCoreUrl = editor.config.wsc_customLoaderScript || ( protocol +
-			'//loader.spellchecker.net/sproxy_fck/sproxy.php'
-			+ '?plugin=fck2'
-			+ '&customerid=' + editor.config.wsc_customerId
-			+ '&cmd=script&doc=wsc&schema=22'
-		);
+	var wscCoreUrl = editor.config.wsc_customLoaderScript || ( protocol + '//loader.webspellchecker.net/sproxy_fck/sproxy.php' + '?plugin=fck2'
+		+ '&customerid=' + editor.config.wsc_customerId
+		+ '&cmd=script&doc=wsc&schema=22'
+	);
-	if ( editor.config.wsc_customLoaderScript )
+	if ( editor.config.wsc_customLoaderScript ) {
 		errorMsg += '<p style="color:#000;font-size:11px;font-weight: normal;text-align:center;padding-top:10px">' +
-			editor.lang.spellCheck.errorLoading.replace( /%s/g, editor.config.wsc_customLoaderScript ) + '</p>';
+			editor.lang.wsc.errorLoading.replace( /%s/g, editor.config.wsc_customLoaderScript ) + '</p>';
+	}
-	function burnSpelling( dialog, errorMsg )
-	{
+	function burnSpelling( dialog, errorMsg ) {
 		var i = 0;
-		return function ()
-		{
-			if ( typeof( window.doSpell ) == 'function' )
-			{
+		return function() {
+			if ( typeof( window.doSpell ) == 'function' ) {
 				//Call from window.setInteval expected at once.
 				if ( typeof( interval ) != 'undefined' )
 					window.clearInterval( interval );
 				initAndSpell( dialog );
-			}
-			else if ( i++ == 180 )								// Timeout: 180 * 250ms = 45s.
-				window._cancelOnError( errorMsg );
+			} else if ( i++ == 180 ) // Timeout: 180 * 250ms = 45s.
+			window._cancelOnError( errorMsg );
-	window._cancelOnError = function( m )
-	{
-		if ( typeof( window.WSC_Error ) == 'undefined' )
-		{
+	window._cancelOnError = function( m ) {
+		if ( typeof( window.WSC_Error ) == 'undefined' ) {
 			CKEDITOR.document.getById( iframeId ).setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
 			var errorBox = CKEDITOR.document.getById( errorBoxId );
 			errorBox.setStyle( 'display', 'block' );
-			errorBox.setHtml( m || editor.lang.spellCheck.notAvailable );
+			errorBox.setHtml( m || editor.lang.wsc.notAvailable );
-	function initAndSpell( dialog )
-	{
-		var LangComparer = new window._SP_FCK_LangCompare(),							// Language abbr standarts comparer.
-			pluginPath = CKEDITOR.getUrl( editor.plugins.wsc.path + 'dialogs/' ),			// Service paths corecting/preparing.
+	function initAndSpell( dialog ) {
+		var LangComparer = new window._SP_FCK_LangCompare(),
+			// Language abbr standarts comparer.
+			pluginPath = CKEDITOR.getUrl( editor.plugins.wsc.path + 'dialogs/' ),
+			// Service paths corecting/preparing.
 			framesetPath = pluginPath + 'tmpFrameset.html';
 		// global var is used in FCK specific core
@@ -83,34 +77,32 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'checkspell', function( editor )
 		LangComparer.setDefaulLangCode( editor.config.defaultLanguage );
-			ctrl : textareaId,
+			ctrl: textareaId,
-			lang : editor.config.wsc_lang || LangComparer.getSPLangCode(editor.langCode ),
-			intLang: editor.config.wsc_uiLang || LangComparer.getSPLangCode(editor.langCode ),
-			winType : iframeId,		// If not defined app will run on winpopup.
+			lang: editor.config.wsc_lang || LangComparer.getSPLangCode( editor.langCode ),
+			intLang: editor.config.wsc_uiLang || LangComparer.getSPLangCode( editor.langCode ),
+			winType: iframeId, // If not defined app will run on winpopup.
 			// Callback binding section.
-			onCancel : function()
-			{
+			onCancel: function() {
-			onFinish : function( dT )
-			{
+			onFinish: function( dT ) {
 				dialog.getParentEditor().setData( dT.value );
 			// Some manipulations with client static pages.
-			staticFrame : framesetPath,
-			framesetPath : framesetPath,
-			iframePath : pluginPath + 'ciframe.html',
+			staticFrame: framesetPath,
+			framesetPath: framesetPath,
+			iframePath: pluginPath + 'ciframe.html',
 			// Styles defining.
-			schemaURI : pluginPath + 'wsc.css',
+			schemaURI: pluginPath + 'wsc.css',
 			userDictionaryName: editor.config.wsc_userDictionaryName,
-			customDictionaryName: editor.config.wsc_customDictionaryIds && editor.config.wsc_customDictionaryIds.split(","),
+			customDictionaryName: editor.config.wsc_customDictionaryIds && editor.config.wsc_customDictionaryIds.split( "," ),
 			domainName: editor.config.wsc_domainName
@@ -121,56 +113,63 @@ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'checkspell', function( editor )
 	return {
-		title : editor.config.wsc_dialogTitle || editor.lang.spellCheck.title,
-		minWidth : 485,
-		minHeight : 380,
-		buttons : [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ],
-		onShow : function()
-		{
+		title: editor.config.wsc_dialogTitle || editor.lang.wsc.title,
+		minWidth: 485,
+		minHeight: 380,
+		buttons: [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ],
+		onShow: function() {
 			var contentArea = this.getContentElement( 'general', 'content' ).getElement();
 			contentArea.setHtml( pasteArea );
+			contentArea.getChild( 2 ).setStyle( 'height', this._.contentSize.height + 'px' );
-			if ( typeof( window.doSpell ) != 'function' )
-			{
+			if ( typeof( window.doSpell ) != 'function' ) {
 				// Load script.
-				CKEDITOR.document.getHead().append(
-					CKEDITOR.document.createElement( 'script',
-						{
-							attributes :
-								{
-									type : 'text/javascript',
-									src : wscCoreUrl
-								}
-						})
-				);
+				CKEDITOR.document.getHead().append( CKEDITOR.document.createElement( 'script', {
+					attributes: {
+						type: 'text/javascript',
+						src: wscCoreUrl
+					}
+				}));
-			var sData = editor.getData();											// Get the data to be checked.
+			var sData = editor.getData(); // Get the data to be checked.
 			CKEDITOR.document.getById( textareaId ).setValue( sData );
 			interval = window.setInterval( burnSpelling( this, errorMsg ), 250 );
-		onHide : function()
-		{
+		onHide: function() {
 			window.ooo = undefined;
 			window.int_framsetLoaded = undefined;
 			window.framesetLoaded = undefined;
 			window.is_window_opened = false;
-		contents : [
+		contents: [
-				id : 'general',
-				label : editor.config.wsc_dialogTitle || editor.lang.spellCheck.title,
-				padding : 0,
-				elements : [
-					{
-						type : 'html',
-						id : 'content',
-						style : 'width:485;height:380px',
-						html : '<div></div>'
-					}
-				]
+			id: 'general',
+			label: editor.config.wsc_dialogTitle || editor.lang.wsc.title,
+			padding: 0,
+			elements: [
+				{
+				type: 'html',
+				id: 'content',
+				html: ''
+			]
+		}
+// Expand the spell-check frame when dialog resized. (#6829)
+CKEDITOR.dialog.on( 'resize', function( evt ) {
+	var data = evt.data,
+		dialog = data.dialog;
+	if ( dialog._.name == 'checkspell' ) {
+		var content = dialog.getContentElement( 'general', 'content' ).getElement(),
+			iframe = content && content.getChild( 2 );
+		iframe && iframe.setSize( 'height', data.height );
+		iframe && iframe.setSize( 'width', data.width );
+	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/icons/spellchecker.png b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/icons/spellchecker.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..701ceee
Binary files /dev/null and b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/icons/spellchecker.png differ
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/af.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b3e70c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'af', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignoreer',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignoreer alles',
+	btnReplace: 'Vervang',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'vervang alles',
+	btnUndo: 'Ontdoen',
+	changeTo: 'Verander na',
+	errorLoading: 'Fout by inlaai van diens: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Speltoetser is nie geïnstalleer nie. Wil u dit nou aflaai?',
+	manyChanges: 'Klaar met speltoets: %1 woorde verander',
+	noChanges: 'Klaar met speltoets: Geen woorde verander nie',
+	noMispell: 'Klaar met speltoets: Geen foute nie',
+	noSuggestions: '- Geen voorstel -',
+	notAvailable: 'Jammer, hierdie diens is nie nou beskikbaar nie.',
+	notInDic: 'Nie in woordeboek nie',
+	oneChange: 'Klaar met speltoets: Een woord verander',
+	progress: 'Spelling word getoets...',
+	title: 'Speltoetser',
+	toolbar: 'Speltoets'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ar.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..039b2c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ar', {
+	btnIgnore: 'تجاهل',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'تجاهل الكل',
+	btnReplace: 'تغيير',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'تغيير الكل',
+	btnUndo: 'تراجع',
+	changeTo: 'التغيير إلى',
+	errorLoading: 'خطأ في تحميل تطبيق خدمة الاستضافة: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'المدقق الإملائي (الإنجليزي) غير مثبّت. هل تود تحميله الآن؟',
+	manyChanges: 'تم إكمال التدقيق الإملائي: تم تغيير %1 من كلمات',
+	noChanges: 'تم التدقيق الإملائي: لم يتم تغيير أي كلمة',
+	noMispell: 'تم التدقيق الإملائي: لم يتم العثور على أي أخطاء إملائية',
+	noSuggestions: '- لا توجد إقتراحات -',
+	notAvailable: 'عفواً، ولكن هذه الخدمة غير متاحة الان',
+	notInDic: 'ليست في القاموس',
+	oneChange: 'تم التدقيق الإملائي: تم تغيير كلمة واحدة فقط',
+	progress: 'جاري التدقيق الاملائى',
+	title: 'التدقيق الإملائي',
+	toolbar: 'تدقيق إملائي'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/bg.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4c1c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'bg', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Игнорирай',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Игнорирай всичко',
+	btnReplace: 'Препокриване',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Препокрий всичко',
+	btnUndo: 'Възтанови',
+	changeTo: 'Промени на',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?',
+	manyChanges: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
+	noChanges: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
+	noMispell: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
+	noSuggestions: '- Няма препоръчани -',
+	notAvailable: 'Съжаляваме, но услугата не е достъпна за момента',
+	notInDic: 'Не е в речника',
+	oneChange: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
+	progress: 'Проверява се правописа...',
+	title: 'Проверка на правопис',
+	toolbar: 'Проверка на правопис'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/bn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bf309d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'bn', {
+	btnIgnore: 'ইগনোর কর',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'সব ইগনোর কর',
+	btnReplace: 'বদলে দাও',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'সব বদলে দাও',
+	btnUndo: 'আন্ডু',
+	changeTo: 'এতে বদলাও',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'বানান পরীক্ষক ইনস্টল করা নেই। আপনি কি এখনই এটা ডাউনলোড করতে চান?',
+	manyChanges: 'বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: %1 গুলো শব্দ বদলে গ্যাছে',
+	noChanges: 'বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: কোন শব্দ পরিবর্তন করা হয়নি',
+	noMispell: 'বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: কোন ভুল বানান পাওয়া যায়নি',
+	noSuggestions: '- কোন সাজেশন নেই -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'শব্দকোষে নেই',
+	oneChange: 'বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: একটি মাত্র শব্দ পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে',
+	progress: 'বানান পরীক্ষা চলছে...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'বানান চেক'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/bs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b20c6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'bs', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignore',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignore All',
+	btnReplace: 'Replace',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Replace All',
+	btnUndo: 'Undo',
+	changeTo: 'Change to',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?',
+	manyChanges: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
+	noChanges: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
+	noMispell: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
+	noSuggestions: '- No suggestions -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'Not in dictionary',
+	oneChange: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
+	progress: 'Spell check in progress...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'Check Spelling'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c64af3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ca', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignora',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignora-les totes',
+	btnReplace: 'Canvia',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Canvia-les totes',
+	btnUndo: 'Desfés',
+	changeTo: 'Reemplaça amb',
+	errorLoading: 'Error carregant el servidor: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Verificació ortogràfica no instal·lada. Voleu descarregar-ho ara?',
+	manyChanges: 'Verificació ortogràfica: s\'han canviat %1 paraules',
+	noChanges: 'Verificació ortogràfica: no s\'ha canviat cap paraula',
+	noMispell: 'Verificació ortogràfica acabada: no hi ha cap paraula mal escrita',
+	noSuggestions: 'Cap suggeriment',
+	notAvailable: 'El servei no es troba disponible ara.',
+	notInDic: 'No és al diccionari',
+	oneChange: 'Verificació ortogràfica: s\'ha canviat una paraula',
+	progress: 'Verificació ortogràfica en curs...',
+	title: 'Comprova l\'ortografia',
+	toolbar: 'Revisa l\'ortografia'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/cs.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f0618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'cs', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Přeskočit',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Přeskakovat vše',
+	btnReplace: 'Zaměnit',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Zaměňovat vše',
+	btnUndo: 'Zpět',
+	changeTo: 'Změnit na',
+	errorLoading: 'Chyba nahrávání služby aplikace z: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Kontrola pravopisu není nainstalována. Chcete ji nyní stáhnout?',
+	manyChanges: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončena: %1 slov změněno',
+	noChanges: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončena: Beze změn',
+	noMispell: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončena: Žádné pravopisné chyby nenalezeny',
+	noSuggestions: '- žádné návrhy -',
+	notAvailable: 'Omlouváme se, ale služba nyní není dostupná.',
+	notInDic: 'Není ve slovníku',
+	oneChange: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončena: Jedno slovo změněno',
+	progress: 'Probíhá kontrola pravopisu...',
+	title: 'Kontrola pravopisu',
+	toolbar: 'Zkontrolovat pravopis'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/cy.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5717d65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'cy', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Anwybyddu Un',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Anwybyddu Pob',
+	btnReplace: 'Amnewid Un',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Amnewid Pob',
+	btnUndo: 'Dadwneud',
+	changeTo: 'Newid i',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Gwirydd sillafu heb ei arsefydlu. A ydych am ei lawrlwytho nawr?',
+	manyChanges: 'Gwirio sillafu wedi gorffen: Newidiwyd %1 gair',
+	noChanges: 'Gwirio sillafu wedi gorffen: Dim newidiadau',
+	noMispell: 'Gwirio sillafu wedi gorffen: Dim camsillaf.',
+	noSuggestions: '- Dim awgrymiadau -',
+	notAvailable: 'Nid yw\'r gwasanaeth hwn ar gael yn bresennol.',
+	notInDic: 'Nid i\'w gael yn y geiriadur',
+	oneChange: 'Gwirio sillafu wedi gorffen: Newidiwyd 1 gair',
+	progress: 'Gwirio sillafu yn ar y gweill...',
+	title: 'Gwirio Sillafu',
+	toolbar: 'Gwirio Sillafu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/da.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb64faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'da', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignorér',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorér alle',
+	btnReplace: 'Erstat',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Erstat alle',
+	btnUndo: 'Tilbage',
+	changeTo: 'Forslag',
+	errorLoading: 'Fejl ved indlæsning af host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Stavekontrol ikke installeret. Vil du installere den nu?',
+	manyChanges: 'Stavekontrol færdig: %1 ord ændret',
+	noChanges: 'Stavekontrol færdig: Ingen ord ændret',
+	noMispell: 'Stavekontrol færdig: Ingen fejl fundet',
+	noSuggestions: '(ingen forslag)',
+	notAvailable: 'Stavekontrol er desværre ikke tilgængelig.',
+	notInDic: 'Ikke i ordbogen',
+	oneChange: 'Stavekontrol færdig: Et ord ændret',
+	progress: 'Stavekontrollen arbejder...',
+	title: 'Stavekontrol',
+	toolbar: 'Stavekontrol'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/de.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c08a286
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'de', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignorieren',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Alle Ignorieren',
+	btnReplace: 'Ersetzen',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Alle Ersetzen',
+	btnUndo: 'Rückgängig',
+	changeTo: 'Ändern in',
+	errorLoading: 'Fehler beim laden des Dienstanbieters: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Rechtschreibprüfung nicht installiert. Möchten Sie sie jetzt herunterladen?',
+	manyChanges: 'Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - %1 Wörter geändert',
+	noChanges: 'Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - keine Worte geändert',
+	noMispell: 'Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - keine Fehler gefunden',
+	noSuggestions: ' - keine Vorschläge - ',
+	notAvailable: 'Entschuldigung, aber dieser Dienst steht im Moment nicht zur Verfügung.',
+	notInDic: 'Nicht im Wörterbuch',
+	oneChange: 'Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - ein Wort geändert',
+	progress: 'Rechtschreibprüfung läuft...',
+	title: 'Rechtschreibprüfung',
+	toolbar: 'Rechtschreibprüfung'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/el.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..105511a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'el', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Αγνόηση',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Αγνόηση όλων',
+	btnReplace: 'Αντικατάσταση',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Αντικατάσταση όλων',
+	btnUndo: 'Αναίρεση',
+	changeTo: 'Αλλαγή σε',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Δεν υπάρχει εγκατεστημένος ορθογράφος. Θέλετε να τον κατεβάσετε τώρα;',
+	manyChanges: 'Ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος ολοκληρώθηκε: Άλλαξαν %1 λέξεις',
+	noChanges: 'Ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος ολοκληρώθηκε: Δεν άλλαξαν λέξεις',
+	noMispell: 'Ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος ολοκληρώθηκε: Δεν βρέθηκαν λάθη',
+	noSuggestions: '- Δεν υπάρχουν προτάσεις -',
+	notAvailable: 'Η υπηρεσία δεν είναι διαθέσιμη αυτήν την στιγμή.',
+	notInDic: 'Δεν υπάρχει στο λεξικό',
+	oneChange: 'Ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος ολοκληρώθηκε: Άλλαξε μια λέξη',
+	progress: 'Γίνεται ορθογραφικός έλεγχος...',
+	title: 'Ορθογραφικός Έλεγχος',
+	toolbar: 'Ορθογραφικός Έλεγχος'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/en-au.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9db0992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'en-au', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignore',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignore All',
+	btnReplace: 'Replace',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Replace All',
+	btnUndo: 'Undo',
+	changeTo: 'Change to',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?',
+	manyChanges: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
+	noChanges: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
+	noMispell: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
+	noSuggestions: '- No suggestions -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'Not in dictionary',
+	oneChange: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
+	progress: 'Spell check in progress...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'Check Spelling'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/en-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..582e436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'en-ca', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignore',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignore All',
+	btnReplace: 'Replace',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Replace All',
+	btnUndo: 'Undo',
+	changeTo: 'Change to',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?',
+	manyChanges: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
+	noChanges: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
+	noMispell: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
+	noSuggestions: '- No suggestions -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'Not in dictionary',
+	oneChange: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
+	progress: 'Spell check in progress...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'Check Spelling'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/en-gb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d256d2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'en-gb', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignore',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignore All',
+	btnReplace: 'Replace',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Replace All',
+	btnUndo: 'Undo',
+	changeTo: 'Change to',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?',
+	manyChanges: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
+	noChanges: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
+	noMispell: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
+	noSuggestions: '- No suggestions -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'Not in dictionary',
+	oneChange: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
+	progress: 'Spell check in progress...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'Check Spelling'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/en.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e8d500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'en', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignore',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignore All',
+	btnReplace: 'Replace',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Replace All',
+	btnUndo: 'Undo',
+	changeTo: 'Change to',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?',
+	manyChanges: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
+	noChanges: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
+	noMispell: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
+	noSuggestions: '- No suggestions -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'Not in dictionary',
+	oneChange: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
+	progress: 'Spell check in progress...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'Check Spelling'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/eo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f75f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'eo', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignori',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignori Ĉion',
+	btnReplace: 'AnstataÅ­igi',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Anstataŭigi Ĉion',
+	btnUndo: 'Malfari',
+	changeTo: 'Ŝanĝi al',
+	errorLoading: 'Eraro en la servoelŝuto el la gastiga komputiko: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Ortografikontrolilo ne instalita. Ĉu vi volas elŝuti ĝin nun?',
+	manyChanges: 'Ortografikontrolado finita: %1 vortoj korektitaj',
+	noChanges: 'Ortografikontrolado finita: neniu vorto korektita',
+	noMispell: 'Ortografikontrolado finita: neniu eraro trovita',
+	noSuggestions: '- Neniu propono -',
+	notAvailable: 'BedaÅ­rinde la servo ne funkcias nuntempe.',
+	notInDic: 'Ne trovita en la vortaro',
+	oneChange: 'Ortografikontrolado finita: unu vorto korektita',
+	progress: 'La ortografio estas kontrolata...',
+	title: 'Kontroli la ortografion',
+	toolbar: 'Kontroli la ortografion'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/es.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b327ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'es', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignorar',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorar Todo',
+	btnReplace: 'Reemplazar',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Reemplazar Todo',
+	btnUndo: 'Deshacer',
+	changeTo: 'Cambiar a',
+	errorLoading: 'Error cargando la aplicación del servidor: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Módulo de Control de Ortografía no instalado.\r\n¿Desea descargarlo ahora?',
+	manyChanges: 'Control finalizado: se ha cambiado %1 palabras',
+	noChanges: 'Control finalizado: no se ha cambiado ninguna palabra',
+	noMispell: 'Control finalizado: no se encontraron errores',
+	noSuggestions: '- No hay sugerencias -',
+	notAvailable: 'Lo sentimos pero el servicio no está disponible.',
+	notInDic: 'No se encuentra en el Diccionario',
+	oneChange: 'Control finalizado: se ha cambiado una palabra',
+	progress: 'Control de Ortografía en progreso...',
+	title: 'Comprobar ortografía',
+	toolbar: 'Ortografía'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/et.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38f8348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'et', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignoreeri',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignoreeri kõiki',
+	btnReplace: 'Asenda',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Asenda kõik',
+	btnUndo: 'Võta tagasi',
+	changeTo: 'Muuda',
+	errorLoading: 'Viga rakenduse teenushosti laadimisel: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Õigekirja kontrollija ei ole paigaldatud. Soovid sa selle alla laadida?',
+	manyChanges: 'Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: %1 sõna muudetud',
+	noChanges: 'Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: ühtegi sõna ei muudetud',
+	noMispell: 'Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: õigekirjuvigu ei leitud',
+	noSuggestions: '- Soovitused puuduvad -',
+	notAvailable: 'Kahjuks ei ole teenus praegu saadaval.',
+	notInDic: 'Puudub sõnastikust',
+	oneChange: 'Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: üks sõna muudeti',
+	progress: 'Toimub õigekirja kontroll...',
+	title: 'Õigekirjakontroll',
+	toolbar: 'Õigekirjakontroll'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/eu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e974b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'eu', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ezikusi',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Denak Ezikusi',
+	btnReplace: 'Ordezkatu',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Denak Ordezkatu',
+	btnUndo: 'Desegin',
+	changeTo: 'Honekin ordezkatu',
+	errorLoading: 'Errorea gertatu da aplikazioa zerbitzaritik kargatzean: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Zuzentzaile ortografikoa ez dago instalatuta. Deskargatu nahi duzu?',
+	manyChanges: 'Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: %1 hitz aldatu dira',
+	noChanges: 'Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: Ez da ezer aldatu',
+	noMispell: 'Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: Akatsik ez',
+	noSuggestions: '- Iradokizunik ez -',
+	notAvailable: 'Barkatu baina momentu honetan zerbitzua ez dago erabilgarri.',
+	notInDic: 'Ez dago hiztegian',
+	oneChange: 'Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: Hitz bat aldatu da',
+	progress: 'Zuzenketa ortografikoa martxan...',
+	title: 'Ortografia zuzenketa',
+	toolbar: 'Ortografia'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/fa.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cae1428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'fa', {
+	btnIgnore: 'چشمپوشی',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'چشمپوشی همه',
+	btnReplace: 'جایگزینی',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'جایگزینی همه',
+	btnUndo: 'واچینش',
+	changeTo: 'تغییر به',
+	errorLoading: 'خطا در بارگیری برنامه خدمات میزبان: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'بررسی کنندهٴ املا نصب نشده است. آیا میخواهید آن را هماکنون دریافت کنید؟',
+	manyChanges: 'بررسی املا انجام شد. %1 واژه تغییر یافت',
+	noChanges: 'بررسی املا انجام شد. هیچ واژهای تغییر نیافت',
+	noMispell: 'بررسی املا انجام شد. هیچ غلط املائی یافت نشد',
+	noSuggestions: '- پیشنهادی نیست -',
+	notAvailable: 'با عرض پوزش خدمات الان در دسترس نیستند.',
+	notInDic: 'در واژه~نامه یافت نشد',
+	oneChange: 'بررسی املا انجام شد. یک واژه تغییر یافت',
+	progress: 'بررسی املا در حال انجام...',
+	title: 'بررسی املا',
+	toolbar: 'بررسی املا'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/fi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2fb385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'fi', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Jätä huomioimatta',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Jätä kaikki huomioimatta',
+	btnReplace: 'Korvaa',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Korvaa kaikki',
+	btnUndo: 'Kumoa',
+	changeTo: 'Vaihda',
+	errorLoading: 'Virhe ladattaessa oikolukupalvelua isännältä: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistusta ei ole asennettu. Haluatko ladata sen nyt?',
+	manyChanges: 'Tarkistus valmis: %1 sanaa muutettiin',
+	noChanges: 'Tarkistus valmis: Yhtään sanaa ei muutettu',
+	noMispell: 'Tarkistus valmis: Ei virheitä',
+	noSuggestions: 'Ei ehdotuksia',
+	notAvailable: 'Valitettavasti oikoluku ei ole käytössä tällä hetkellä.',
+	notInDic: 'Ei sanakirjassa',
+	oneChange: 'Tarkistus valmis: Yksi sana muutettiin',
+	progress: 'Tarkistus käynnissä...',
+	title: 'Oikoluku',
+	toolbar: 'Tarkista oikeinkirjoitus'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/fo.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89cc6ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'fo', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Forfjóna',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Forfjóna alt',
+	btnReplace: 'Yvirskriva',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Yvirskriva alt',
+	btnUndo: 'Angra',
+	changeTo: 'Broyt til',
+	errorLoading: 'Feilur við innlesing av application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Rættstavarin er ikki tøkur í tekstviðgeranum. Vilt tú heinta hann nú?',
+	manyChanges: 'Rættstavarin liðugur: %1 orð broytt',
+	noChanges: 'Rættstavarin liðugur: Einki orð varð broytt',
+	noMispell: 'Rættstavarin liðugur: Eingin feilur funnin',
+	noSuggestions: '- Einki uppskot -',
+	notAvailable: 'Tíverri, ikki tøkt í løtuni.',
+	notInDic: 'Finst ikki í orðabókini',
+	oneChange: 'Rættstavarin liðugur: Eitt orð er broytt',
+	progress: 'Rættstavarin arbeiðir...',
+	title: 'Kanna stavseting',
+	toolbar: 'Kanna stavseting'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/fr-ca.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d15700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'fr-ca', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignorer',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorer tout',
+	btnReplace: 'Remplacer',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Remplacer tout',
+	btnUndo: 'Annuler',
+	changeTo: 'Changer en',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Le Correcteur d\'orthographe n\'est pas installé. Souhaitez-vous le télécharger maintenant?',
+	manyChanges: 'Vérification d\'orthographe terminée: %1 mots modifiés',
+	noChanges: 'Vérification d\'orthographe terminée: Pas de modifications',
+	noMispell: 'Vérification d\'orthographe terminée: pas d\'erreur trouvée',
+	noSuggestions: '- Pas de suggestion -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'Pas dans le dictionnaire',
+	oneChange: 'Vérification d\'orthographe terminée: Un mot modifié',
+	progress: 'Vérification d\'orthographe en cours...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'Orthographe'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/fr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef6cc87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'fr', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignorer',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorer tout',
+	btnReplace: 'Remplacer',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Remplacer tout',
+	btnUndo: 'Annuler',
+	changeTo: 'Modifier pour',
+	errorLoading: 'Erreur du chargement du service depuis l\'hôte : %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'La vérification d\'orthographe n\'est pas installée. Voulez-vous la télécharger maintenant?',
+	manyChanges: 'Vérification de l\'orthographe terminée : %1 mots corrigés.',
+	noChanges: 'Vérification de l\'orthographe terminée : Aucun mot corrigé.',
+	noMispell: 'Vérification de l\'orthographe terminée : aucune erreur trouvée.',
+	noSuggestions: '- Aucune suggestion -',
+	notAvailable: 'Désolé, le service est indisponible actuellement.',
+	notInDic: 'N\'existe pas dans le dictionnaire.',
+	oneChange: 'Vérification de l\'orthographe terminée : Un seul mot corrigé.',
+	progress: 'Vérification de l\'orthographe en cours...',
+	title: 'Vérifier l\'orthographe',
+	toolbar: 'Vérifier l\'orthographe'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/gl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8ce152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'gl', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignorar',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorar Todas',
+	btnReplace: 'Substituir',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Substituir Todas',
+	btnUndo: 'Desfacer',
+	changeTo: 'Cambiar a',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'O corrector ortográfico non está instalado. ¿Quere descargalo agora?',
+	manyChanges: 'Corrección ortográfica rematada: %1 verbas substituidas',
+	noChanges: 'Corrección ortográfica rematada: Non se substituiu nengunha verba',
+	noMispell: 'Corrección ortográfica rematada: Non se atoparon erros',
+	noSuggestions: '- Sen candidatos -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'Non está no diccionario',
+	oneChange: 'Corrección ortográfica rematada: Unha verba substituida',
+	progress: 'Corrección ortográfica en progreso...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'Corrección Ortográfica'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/gu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb8d6c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'gu', {
+	btnIgnore: 'ઇગ્નોર/અવગણના કરવી',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'બધાની ઇગ્નોર/અવગણના કરવી',
+	btnReplace: 'બદલવું',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'બધા બદલી કરો',
+	btnUndo: 'અન્ડૂ',
+	changeTo: 'આનાથી બદલવું',
+	errorLoading: 'સર્વિસ એપ્લીકેશન લોડ નથી થ: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'સ્પેલ-ચેકર ઇન્સ્ટોલ નથી. શું તમે ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માંગો છો?',
+	manyChanges: 'શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક પૂર્ણ: %1 શબ્દ બદલયા છે',
+	noChanges: 'શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક પૂર્ણ: એકપણ શબ્દ બદલયો નથી',
+	noMispell: 'શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક પૂર્ણ: ખોટી જોડણી મળી નથી',
+	noSuggestions: '- કઇ સજેશન નથી -',
+	notAvailable: 'માફ કરશો, આ સુવિધા ઉપલબ્ધ નથી',
+	notInDic: 'શબ્દકોશમાં નથી',
+	oneChange: 'શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક પૂર્ણ: એક શબ્દ બદલયો છે',
+	progress: 'શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક ચાલુ છે...',
+	title: 'સ્પેલ ',
+	toolbar: 'જોડણી (સ્પેલિંગ) તપાસવી'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/he.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ec5092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'he', {
+	btnIgnore: 'התעלמות',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'התעלמות מהכל',
+	btnReplace: 'החלפה',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'החלפת הכל',
+	btnUndo: 'החזרה',
+	changeTo: 'שינוי ל',
+	errorLoading: 'שגיאה בהעלאת השירות: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'בודק האיות לא מותקן, האם להורידו?',
+	manyChanges: 'בדיקות איות הסתיימה: %1 מילים שונו',
+	noChanges: 'בדיקות איות הסתיימה: לא שונתה אף מילה',
+	noMispell: 'בדיקות איות הסתיימה: לא נמצאו שגיאות כתיב',
+	noSuggestions: '- אין הצעות -',
+	notAvailable: 'לא נמצא שירות זמין.',
+	notInDic: 'לא נמצא במילון',
+	oneChange: 'בדיקות איות הסתיימה: שונתה מילה אחת',
+	progress: 'בודק האיות בתהליך בדיקה....',
+	title: 'בדיקת איות',
+	toolbar: 'בדיקת איות'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/hi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ceace8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'hi', {
+	btnIgnore: 'इग्नोर',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'सभी इग्नोर करें',
+	btnReplace: 'रिप्लेस',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'सभी रिप्लेस करें',
+	btnUndo: 'अन्डू',
+	changeTo: 'इसमें बदलें',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'स्पॅल-चॅकर इन्स्टाल नहीं किया गया है। क्या आप इसे डाउनलोड करना चाहेंगे?',
+	manyChanges: 'वर्तनी की जाँच : %1 शब्द बदले गये',
+	noChanges: 'वर्तनी की जाँच :कोई शब्द नहीं बदला गया',
+	noMispell: 'वर्तनी की जाँच : कोई गलत वर्तनी (स्पॅलिंग) नहीं पाई गई',
+	noSuggestions: '- कोई सुझाव नहीं -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'शब्दकोश में नहीं',
+	oneChange: 'वर्तनी की जाँच : एक शब्द बदला गया',
+	progress: 'वर्तनी की जाँच (स्पॅल-चॅक) जारी है...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'वर्तनी (स्पेलिंग) जाँच'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/hr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e30ba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'hr', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Zanemari',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Zanemari sve',
+	btnReplace: 'Zamijeni',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Zamijeni sve',
+	btnUndo: 'Vrati',
+	changeTo: 'Promijeni u',
+	errorLoading: 'Greška učitavanja aplikacije: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Provjera pravopisa nije instalirana. Želite li skinuti provjeru pravopisa?',
+	manyChanges: 'Provjera završena: Promijenjeno %1 riječi',
+	noChanges: 'Provjera završena: Nije napravljena promjena',
+	noMispell: 'Provjera završena: Nema grešaka',
+	noSuggestions: '-Nema preporuke-',
+	notAvailable: 'Žao nam je, ali usluga trenutno nije dostupna.',
+	notInDic: 'Nije u rječniku',
+	oneChange: 'Provjera završena: Jedna riječ promjenjena',
+	progress: 'Provjera u tijeku...',
+	title: 'Provjera pravopisa',
+	toolbar: 'Provjeri pravopis'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/hu.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b31d5cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'hu', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Kihagyja',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Mindet kihagyja',
+	btnReplace: 'Csere',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Összes cseréje',
+	btnUndo: 'Visszavonás',
+	changeTo: 'Módosítás',
+	errorLoading: 'Hiba a szolgáltatás host betöltése közben: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'A helyesírás-ellenőrző nincs telepítve. Szeretné letölteni most?',
+	manyChanges: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés kész: %1 szó cserélve',
+	noChanges: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés kész: Nincs változtatott szó',
+	noMispell: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés kész: Nem találtam hibát',
+	noSuggestions: 'Nincs javaslat',
+	notAvailable: 'Sajnálom, de a szolgáltatás jelenleg nem elérhető.',
+	notInDic: 'Nincs a szótárban',
+	oneChange: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés kész: Egy szó cserélve',
+	progress: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés folyamatban...',
+	title: 'Helyesírás ellenörző',
+	toolbar: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/is.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c117c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'is', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Hunsa',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Hunsa allt',
+	btnReplace: 'Skipta',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Skipta öllu',
+	btnUndo: 'Til baka',
+	changeTo: 'Tillaga',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Villuleit ekki sett upp.<br>Viltu setja hana upp?',
+	manyChanges: 'Villuleit lokið: %1 orðum breytt',
+	noChanges: 'Villuleit lokið: Engu orði breytt',
+	noMispell: 'Villuleit lokið: Engin villa fannst',
+	noSuggestions: '- engar tillögur -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'Ekki í orðabókinni',
+	oneChange: 'Villuleit lokið: Einu orði breytt',
+	progress: 'Villuleit í gangi...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'Villuleit'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/it.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb67825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'it', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignora',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignora tutto',
+	btnReplace: 'Cambia',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Cambia tutto',
+	btnUndo: 'Annulla',
+	changeTo: 'Cambia in',
+	errorLoading: 'Errore nel caricamento dell\'host col servizio applicativo: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Contollo ortografico non installato. Lo vuoi scaricare ora?',
+	manyChanges: 'Controllo ortografico completato: %1 parole cambiate',
+	noChanges: 'Controllo ortografico completato: nessuna parola cambiata',
+	noMispell: 'Controllo ortografico completato: nessun errore trovato',
+	noSuggestions: '- Nessun suggerimento -',
+	notAvailable: 'Il servizio non è momentaneamente disponibile.',
+	notInDic: 'Non nel dizionario',
+	oneChange: 'Controllo ortografico completato: 1 parola cambiata',
+	progress: 'Controllo ortografico in corso',
+	title: 'Controllo ortografico',
+	toolbar: 'Correttore ortografico'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ja.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79b58e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ja', {
+	btnIgnore: '無視',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'すべて無視',
+	btnReplace: '置換',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'すべて置換',
+	btnUndo: 'やり直し',
+	changeTo: '変更',
+	errorLoading: 'アプリケーションサービスホスト読込みエラー: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'スペルチェッカーがインストールされていません。今すぐダウンロードしますか?',
+	manyChanges: 'スペルチェック完了: %1 語句変更されました',
+	noChanges: 'スペルチェック完了: 語句は変更されませんでした',
+	noMispell: 'スペルチェック完了: スペルの誤りはありませんでした',
+	noSuggestions: '- 該当なし -',
+	notAvailable: '申し訳ありません、現在サービスを利用することができません',
+	notInDic: '辞書にありません',
+	oneChange: 'スペルチェック完了: 1語句変更されました',
+	progress: 'スペルチェック処理中...',
+	title: 'スペルチェック',
+	toolbar: 'スペルチェック'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ka.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85d4db7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ka', {
+	btnIgnore: 'უგულებელყოფა',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'ყველას უგულებელყოფა',
+	btnReplace: 'შეცვლა',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'ყველას შეცვლა',
+	btnUndo: 'გაუქმება',
+	changeTo: 'შეცვლელი',
+	errorLoading: 'სერვისის გამოძახების შეცდომა: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'მართლწერის შემოწმება არაა დაინსტალირებული. ჩამოვქაჩოთ ინტერნეტიდან?',
+	manyChanges: 'მართლწერის შემოწმება: %1 სიტყვა შეიცვალა',
+	noChanges: 'მართლწერის შემოწმება: არაფერი შეცვლილა',
+	noMispell: 'მართლწერის შემოწმება: შეცდომა არ მოიძებნა',
+	noSuggestions: '- არაა შემოთავაზება -',
+	notAvailable: 'უკაცრავად, ეს სერვისი ამჟამად მიუწვდომელია.',
+	notInDic: 'არაა ლექსიკონში',
+	oneChange: 'მართლწერის შემოწმება: ერთი სიტყვა შეიცვალა',
+	progress: 'მიმდინარეობს მართლწერის შემოწმება...',
+	title: 'მართლწერა',
+	toolbar: 'მართლწერა'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/km.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..746adba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'km', {
+	btnIgnore: 'មិនផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'មិនផ្លាស់ប្តូរ ទាំងអស់',
+	btnReplace: 'ជំនួស',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'ជំនួសទាំងអស់',
+	btnUndo: 'សារឡើងវិញ',
+	changeTo: 'ផ្លាស់ប្តូរទៅ',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'ពុំមានកម្មវិធីពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ ។ តើចង់ទាញយកពីណា?',
+	manyChanges: 'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: %1 ពាក្យបានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',
+	noChanges: 'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: ពុំមានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',
+	noMispell: 'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: គ្មានកំហុស',
+	noSuggestions: '- គ្មានសំណើរ -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'គ្មានក្នុងវចនានុក្រម',
+	oneChange: 'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: ពាក្យមួយត្រូចបានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',
+	progress: 'កំពុងពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'ពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ko.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b72e43f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ko', {
+	btnIgnore: '건너뜀',
+	btnIgnoreAll: '모두 건너뜀',
+	btnReplace: '변경',
+	btnReplaceAll: '모두 변경',
+	btnUndo: '취소',
+	changeTo: '변경할 단어',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: '철자 검사기가 철치되지 않았습니다. 지금 다운로드하시겠습니까?',
+	manyChanges: '철자검사 완료: %1 단어가 변경되었습니다.',
+	noChanges: '철자검사 완료: 변경된 단어가 없습니다.',
+	noMispell: '철자검사 완료: 잘못된 철자가 없습니다.',
+	noSuggestions: '- 추천단어 없음 -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: '사전에 없는 단어',
+	oneChange: '철자검사 완료: 단어가 변경되었습니다.',
+	progress: '철자검사를 진행중입니다...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: '철자검사'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ku.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d52c737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ku', {
+	btnIgnore: 'پشتگوێ کردن',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'پشتگوێکردنی ههمووی',
+	btnReplace: 'لهبریدانن',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'لهبریدانانی ههمووی',
+	btnUndo: 'پووچکردنهوه',
+	changeTo: 'گۆڕینی بۆ',
+	errorLoading: 'ههڵه لههێنانی داخوازینامهی خانهخۆێی ڕاژه: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس دانهمزراوه. دهتهوێت ئێستا دایبگریت?',
+	manyChanges: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس کۆتای هات: لهسهدا %1 ی وشهکان گۆڕدرا',
+	noChanges: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس کۆتای هات: هیچ وشهیهك نۆگۆڕدرا',
+	noMispell: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس کۆتای هات: هیچ ههڵهیهکی ڕێنووس نهدۆزراوه',
+	noSuggestions: '- هیچ پێشنیارێك -',
+	notAvailable: 'ببووره، لهمکاتهدا ڕاژهکه لهبهردهستا نیه.',
+	notInDic: 'لهفهرههنگ دانیه',
+	oneChange: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس کۆتای هات: یهك وشه گۆڕدرا',
+	progress: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس لهبهردهوامبوون دایه...',
+	title: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس',
+	toolbar: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/lt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de9e04f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'lt', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignoruoti',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignoruoti visus',
+	btnReplace: 'Pakeisti',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Pakeisti visus',
+	btnUndo: 'Atšaukti',
+	changeTo: 'Pakeisti į',
+	errorLoading: 'Klaida įkraunant servisą: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Rašybos tikrinimas neinstaliuotas. Ar Jūs norite jį dabar atsisiųsti?',
+	manyChanges: 'Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas: Pakeista %1 žodžių',
+	noChanges: 'Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas: Nėra pakeistų žodžių',
+	noMispell: 'Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas: Nerasta rašybos klaidų',
+	noSuggestions: '- Nėra pasiūlymų -',
+	notAvailable: 'Atleiskite, Å¡iuo metu servisas neprieinamas.',
+	notInDic: 'Žodyne nerastas',
+	oneChange: 'Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas: Vienas žodis pakeistas',
+	progress: 'Vyksta rašybos tikrinimas...',
+	title: 'Tikrinti klaidas',
+	toolbar: 'Rašybos tikrinimas'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/lv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6f4a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'lv', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignorēt',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorēt visu',
+	btnReplace: 'Aizvietot',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Aizvietot visu',
+	btnUndo: 'Atcelt',
+	changeTo: 'Nomainīt uz',
+	errorLoading: 'Kļūda ielādējot aplikācijas servisa adresi: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaudītājs nav pievienots. Vai vēlaties to lejupielādēt tagad?',
+	manyChanges: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaude pabeigta: %1 vārdi tika mainīti',
+	noChanges: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaude pabeigta: nekas netika labots',
+	noMispell: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaude pabeigta: kļūdas netika atrastas',
+	noSuggestions: '- Nav ieteikumu -',
+	notAvailable: 'Atvainojiet, bet serviss šobrīd nav pieejams.',
+	notInDic: 'Netika atrasts vārdnīcā',
+	oneChange: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaude pabeigta: 1 vārds izmainīts',
+	progress: 'Notiek pareizrakstības pārbaude...',
+	title: 'Pārbaudīt gramatiku',
+	toolbar: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaude'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/mk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03feb25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'mk', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignore',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignore All',
+	btnReplace: 'Replace',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Replace All',
+	btnUndo: 'Undo',
+	changeTo: 'Change to',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?',
+	manyChanges: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
+	noChanges: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
+	noMispell: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
+	noSuggestions: '- No suggestions -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'Not in dictionary',
+	oneChange: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
+	progress: 'Spell check in progress...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'Check Spelling'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/mn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e48b30d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'mn', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Зөвшөөрөх',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Бүгдийг зөвшөөрөх',
+	btnReplace: 'Солих',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Бүгдийг Дарж бичих',
+	btnUndo: 'Буцаах',
+	changeTo: 'Өөрчлөх',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Дүрэм шалгагч суугаагүй байна. Татаж авахыг хүсч байна уу?',
+	manyChanges: 'Дүрэм шалгаад дууссан: %1 үг өөрчлөгдсөн',
+	noChanges: 'Дүрэм шалгаад дууссан: үг өөрчлөгдөөгүй',
+	noMispell: 'Дүрэм шалгаад дууссан: Алдаа олдсонгүй',
+	noSuggestions: '- Тайлбаргүй -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'Толь бичиггүй',
+	oneChange: 'Дүрэм шалгаад дууссан: 1 үг өөрчлөгдсөн',
+	progress: 'Дүрэм шалгаж байгаа үйл явц...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'Үгийн дүрэх шалгах'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ms.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b09c88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ms', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Biar',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Biarkan semua',
+	btnReplace: 'Ganti',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Gantikan Semua',
+	btnUndo: 'Batalkan',
+	changeTo: 'Tukarkan kepada',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Pemeriksa ejaan tidak dipasang. Adakah anda mahu muat turun sekarang?',
+	manyChanges: 'Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: %1 perkataan diubah',
+	noChanges: 'Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: Tiada perkataan diubah',
+	noMispell: 'Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: Tiada salah ejaan',
+	noSuggestions: '- Tiada cadangan -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'Tidak terdapat didalam kamus',
+	oneChange: 'Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: Satu perkataan telah diubah',
+	progress: 'Pemeriksaan ejaan sedang diproses...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'Semak Ejaan'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/nb.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1116399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'nb', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignorer',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorer alle',
+	btnReplace: 'Erstatt',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Erstatt alle',
+	btnUndo: 'Angre',
+	changeTo: 'Endre til',
+	errorLoading: 'Feil under lasting av applikasjonstjenestetjener: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Stavekontroll er ikke installert. Vil du laste den ned nå?',
+	manyChanges: 'Stavekontroll fullført: %1 ord endret',
+	noChanges: 'Stavekontroll fullført: ingen ord endret',
+	noMispell: 'Stavekontroll fullført: ingen feilstavinger funnet',
+	noSuggestions: '- Ingen forslag -',
+	notAvailable: 'Beklager, tjenesten er utilgjenglig nå.',
+	notInDic: 'Ikke i ordboken',
+	oneChange: 'Stavekontroll fullført: Ett ord endret',
+	progress: 'Stavekontroll pågår...',
+	title: 'Stavekontroll',
+	toolbar: 'Stavekontroll'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/nl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d9bdcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'nl', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Negeren',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Alles negeren',
+	btnReplace: 'Vervangen',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Alles vervangen',
+	btnUndo: 'Ongedaan maken',
+	changeTo: 'Wijzig in',
+	errorLoading: 'Er is een fout opgetreden bij het laden van de dienst: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'De spellingscontrole is niet geïnstalleerd. Wilt u deze nu downloaden?',
+	manyChanges: 'Klaar met spellingscontrole: %1 woorden aangepast',
+	noChanges: 'Klaar met spellingscontrole: geen woorden aangepast',
+	noMispell: 'Klaar met spellingscontrole: geen fouten gevonden',
+	noSuggestions: '- Geen suggesties -',
+	notAvailable: 'Excuses, deze dienst is momenteel niet beschikbaar.',
+	notInDic: 'Niet in het woordenboek',
+	oneChange: 'Klaar met spellingscontrole: één woord aangepast',
+	progress: 'Bezig met spellingscontrole...',
+	title: 'Spellingscontrole',
+	toolbar: 'Spellingscontrole'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/no.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee61765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'no', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignorer',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorer alle',
+	btnReplace: 'Erstatt',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Erstatt alle',
+	btnUndo: 'Angre',
+	changeTo: 'Endre til',
+	errorLoading: 'Feil under lasting av applikasjonstjenestetjener: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Stavekontroll er ikke installert. Vil du laste den ned nå?',
+	manyChanges: 'Stavekontroll fullført: %1 ord endret',
+	noChanges: 'Stavekontroll fullført: ingen ord endret',
+	noMispell: 'Stavekontroll fullført: ingen feilstavinger funnet',
+	noSuggestions: '- Ingen forslag -',
+	notAvailable: 'Beklager, tjenesten er utilgjenglig nå.',
+	notInDic: 'Ikke i ordboken',
+	oneChange: 'Stavekontroll fullført: Ett ord endret',
+	progress: 'Stavekontroll pågår...',
+	title: 'Stavekontroll',
+	toolbar: 'Stavekontroll'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/pl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f43420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'pl', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignoruj',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignoruj wszystkie',
+	btnReplace: 'Zmień',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Zmień wszystkie',
+	btnUndo: 'Cofnij',
+	changeTo: 'Zmień na',
+	errorLoading: 'Błąd wczytywania hosta aplikacji usługi: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Słownik nie jest zainstalowany. Czy chcesz go pobrać?',
+	manyChanges: 'Sprawdzanie zakończone: zmieniono %l słów',
+	noChanges: 'Sprawdzanie zakończone: nie zmieniono żadnego słowa',
+	noMispell: 'Sprawdzanie zakończone: nie znaleziono błędów',
+	noSuggestions: '- Brak sugestii -',
+	notAvailable: 'Przepraszamy, ale usługa jest obecnie niedostępna.',
+	notInDic: 'Słowa nie ma w słowniku',
+	oneChange: 'Sprawdzanie zakończone: zmieniono jedno słowo',
+	progress: 'Trwa sprawdzanie...',
+	title: 'Sprawdź pisownię',
+	toolbar: 'Sprawdź pisownię'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/pt-br.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..add99a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'pt-br', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignorar uma vez',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorar Todas',
+	btnReplace: 'Alterar',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Alterar Todas',
+	btnUndo: 'Desfazer',
+	changeTo: 'Alterar para',
+	errorLoading: 'Erro carregando servidor de aplicação: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'A verificação ortográfica não foi instalada. Você gostaria de realizar o download agora?',
+	manyChanges: 'Verificação ortográfica encerrada: %1 palavras foram alteradas',
+	noChanges: 'Verificação ortográfica encerrada: Não houve alterações',
+	noMispell: 'Verificação encerrada: Não foram encontrados erros de ortografia',
+	noSuggestions: '-sem sugestões de ortografia-',
+	notAvailable: 'Desculpe, o serviço não está disponível no momento.',
+	notInDic: 'Não encontrada',
+	oneChange: 'Verificação ortográfica encerrada: Uma palavra foi alterada',
+	progress: 'Verificação ortográfica em andamento...',
+	title: 'Corretor Ortográfico',
+	toolbar: 'Verificar Ortografia'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/pt.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b77a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'pt', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignorar',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorar Tudo',
+	btnReplace: 'Substituir',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Substituir Tudo',
+	btnUndo: 'Anular',
+	changeTo: 'Mudar para',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: ' Verificação ortográfica não instalada. Quer descarregar agora?',
+	manyChanges: 'Verificação ortográfica completa: %1 palavras alteradas',
+	noChanges: 'Verificação ortográfica completa: não houve alteração de palavras',
+	noMispell: 'Verificação ortográfica completa: não foram encontrados erros',
+	noSuggestions: '- Sem sugestões -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'Não está num directório',
+	oneChange: 'Verificação ortográfica completa: uma palavra alterada',
+	progress: 'Verificação ortográfica em progresso…',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'Verificação Ortográfica'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ro.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eff8d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ro', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignoră',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignoră toate',
+	btnReplace: 'ÃŽnlocuieÅŸte',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'ÃŽnlocuieÅŸte tot',
+	btnUndo: 'Starea anterioară (undo)',
+	changeTo: 'Schimbă în',
+	errorLoading: 'Eroare în lansarea aplicației service host %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Unealta pentru verificat textul (Spell checker) neinstalată. Doriţi să o descărcaţi acum?',
+	manyChanges: 'Verificarea textului terminată: 1% cuvinte modificate',
+	noChanges: 'Verificarea textului terminată: Niciun cuvânt modificat',
+	noMispell: 'Verificarea textului terminată: Nicio greşeală găsită',
+	noSuggestions: '- Fără sugestii -',
+	notAvailable: 'Scuzați, dar serviciul nu este disponibil momentan.',
+	notInDic: 'Nu e în dicţionar',
+	oneChange: 'Verificarea textului terminată: Un cuvânt modificat',
+	progress: 'Verificarea textului în desfăşurare...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'Verifică scrierea textului'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ru.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ca896e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ru', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Пропустить',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Пропустить всё',
+	btnReplace: 'Заменить',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Заменить всё',
+	btnUndo: 'Отменить',
+	changeTo: 'Изменить на',
+	errorLoading: 'Произошла ошибка при подключении к серверу проверки орфографии: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Модуль проверки орфографии не установлен. Хотите скачать его?',
+	manyChanges: 'Проверка орфографии завершена. Изменено слов: %1',
+	noChanges: 'Проверка орфографии завершена. Не изменено ни одного слова',
+	noMispell: 'Проверка орфографии завершена. Ошибок не найдено',
+	noSuggestions: '- Варианты отсутствуют -',
+	notAvailable: 'Извините, но в данный момент сервис недоступен.',
+	notInDic: 'Отсутствует в словаре',
+	oneChange: 'Проверка орфографии завершена. Изменено одно слово',
+	progress: 'Орфография проверяется...',
+	title: 'Проверка орфографии',
+	toolbar: 'Проверить орфографию'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/sk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8de2fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'sk', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignorovať',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorovať všetko',
+	btnReplace: 'Prepísat',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Prepísat všetko',
+	btnUndo: 'Späť',
+	changeTo: 'Zmeniť na',
+	errorLoading: 'Chyba pri načítaní slovníka z adresy: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Kontrola pravopisu nie je naištalovaná. Chcete ju teraz stiahnuť?',
+	manyChanges: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: Bolo zmenených %1 slov',
+	noChanges: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: Neboli zmenené žiadne slová',
+	noMispell: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: Neboli nájdené žiadne chyby pravopisu',
+	noSuggestions: '- Žiadny návrh -',
+	notAvailable: 'Prepáčte, ale služba je momentálne nedostupná.',
+	notInDic: 'Nie je v slovníku',
+	oneChange: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: Bolo zmenené jedno slovo',
+	progress: 'Prebieha kontrola pravopisu...',
+	title: 'Skontrolovať pravopis',
+	toolbar: 'Kontrola pravopisu'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/sl.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75d90ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'sl', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Prezri',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Prezri vse',
+	btnReplace: 'Zamenjaj',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Zamenjaj vse',
+	btnUndo: 'Razveljavi',
+	changeTo: 'Spremeni v',
+	errorLoading: 'Napaka pri nalaganju storitve programa na naslovu %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Črkovalnik ni nameščen. Ali ga želite prenesti sedaj?',
+	manyChanges: 'Črkovanje je končano: Spremenjenih je bilo %1 besed',
+	noChanges: 'Črkovanje je končano: Nobena beseda ni bila spremenjena',
+	noMispell: 'Črkovanje je končano: Brez napak',
+	noSuggestions: '- Ni predlogov -',
+	notAvailable: 'Oprostite, storitev trenutno ni dosegljiva.',
+	notInDic: 'Ni v slovarju',
+	oneChange: 'Črkovanje je končano: Spremenjena je bila ena beseda',
+	progress: 'Preverjanje črkovanja se izvaja...',
+	title: 'ÄŒrkovalnik',
+	toolbar: 'Preveri črkovanje'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/sr-latn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ec089f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'sr-latn', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignoriši',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignoriši sve',
+	btnReplace: 'Zameni',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Zameni sve',
+	btnUndo: 'Vrati akciju',
+	changeTo: 'Izmeni',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Provera spelovanja nije instalirana. Da li želite da je skinete sa Interneta?',
+	manyChanges: 'Provera spelovanja završena: %1 reč(i) je izmenjeno',
+	noChanges: 'Provera spelovanja završena: Nije izmenjena nijedna rec',
+	noMispell: 'Provera spelovanja završena: greške nisu pronadene',
+	noSuggestions: '- Bez sugestija -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'Nije u rečniku',
+	oneChange: 'Provera spelovanja završena: Izmenjena je jedna reč',
+	progress: 'Provera spelovanja u toku...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'Proveri spelovanje'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/sr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36e7e17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'sr', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Игнориши',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Игнориши све',
+	btnReplace: 'Замени',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Замени све',
+	btnUndo: 'Врати акцију',
+	changeTo: 'Измени',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Провера спеловања није инсталирана. Да ли желите да је скинете са Интернета?',
+	manyChanges: 'Провера спеловања завршена:  %1 реч(и) је измењено',
+	noChanges: 'Провера спеловања завршена: Није измењена ниједна реч',
+	noMispell: 'Провера спеловања завршена: грешке нису пронађене',
+	noSuggestions: '- Без сугестија -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'Није у речнику',
+	oneChange: 'Провера спеловања завршена: Измењена је једна реч',
+	progress: 'Провера спеловања у току...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'Провери спеловање'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/sv.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0370829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'sv', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Ignorera',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorera alla',
+	btnReplace: 'Ersätt',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Ersätt alla',
+	btnUndo: 'Ã…ngra',
+	changeTo: 'Ändra till',
+	errorLoading: 'Tjänsten är ej tillgänglig: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Stavningskontrollen är ej installerad. Vill du göra det nu?',
+	manyChanges: 'Stavningskontroll slutförd: %1 ord rättades.',
+	noChanges: 'Stavningskontroll slutförd: Inga ord rättades.',
+	noMispell: 'Stavningskontroll slutförd: Inga stavfel påträffades.',
+	noSuggestions: '- Förslag saknas -',
+	notAvailable: 'Tyvärr är tjänsten ej tillgänglig nu',
+	notInDic: 'Saknas i ordlistan',
+	oneChange: 'Stavningskontroll slutförd: Ett ord rättades.',
+	progress: 'Stavningskontroll pågår...',
+	title: 'Kontrollera stavning',
+	toolbar: 'Stavningskontroll'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/th.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f98db58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'th', {
+	btnIgnore: 'ยกเว้น',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'ยกเว้นทั้งหมด',
+	btnReplace: 'แทนที่',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'แทนที่ทั้งหมด',
+	btnUndo: 'ยกเลิก',
+	changeTo: 'แก้ไขเป็น',
+	errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'ไม่ได้ติดตั้งระบบตรวจสอบคำสะกด. ต้องการติดตั้งไหมครับ?',
+	manyChanges: 'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น:: แก้ไข %1 คำ',
+	noChanges: 'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น: ไม่มีการแก้คำใดๆ',
+	noMispell: 'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น: ไม่พบคำสะกดผิด',
+	noSuggestions: '- ไม่มีคำแนะนำใดๆ -',
+	notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
+	notInDic: 'ไม่พบในดิกชันนารี',
+	oneChange: 'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น: แก้ไข1คำ',
+	progress: 'กำลังตรวจสอบคำสะกด...',
+	title: 'Spell Check',
+	toolbar: 'ตรวจการสะกดคำ'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/tr.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73dd31b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'tr', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Yoksay',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Tümünü Yoksay',
+	btnReplace: 'DeÄŸiÅŸtir',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Tümünü Değiştir',
+	btnUndo: 'Geri Al',
+	changeTo: 'Åžuna deÄŸiÅŸtir:',
+	errorLoading: 'Uygulamada yüklerken hata oluştu: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Yazım denetimi yüklenmemiş. Şimdi yüklemek ister misiniz?',
+	manyChanges: 'Yazım denetimi tamamlandı: %1 kelime değiştirildi',
+	noChanges: 'Yazım denetimi tamamlandı: Hiçbir kelime değiştirilmedi',
+	noMispell: 'Yazım denetimi tamamlandı: Yanlış yazıma rastlanmadı',
+	noSuggestions: '- Öneri Yok -',
+	notAvailable: 'Üzügünüz, bu servis şuanda hizmet dışıdır.',
+	notInDic: 'Sözlükte Yok',
+	oneChange: 'Yazım denetimi tamamlandı: Bir kelime değiştirildi',
+	progress: 'Yazım denetimi işlemde...',
+	title: 'Yazımı Denetle',
+	toolbar: 'Yazım Denetimi'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ug.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1512bd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ug', {
+	btnIgnore: 'پەرۋا قىلما',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'ھەممىگە پەرۋا قىلما',
+	btnReplace: 'ئالماشتۇر',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'ھەممىنى ئالماشتۇر',
+	btnUndo: 'يېنىۋال',
+	changeTo: 'ئۆزگەرت',
+	errorLoading: 'لازىملىق مۇلازىمېتىرنى يۈكلىگەندە خاتالىق كۆرۈلدى: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'ئىملا تەكشۈرۈش قىستۇرمىسى تېخى ئورنىتىلمىغان، ھازىرلا چۈشۈرەمسىز؟',
+	manyChanges: 'ئىملا تەكشۈرۈش تامام: %1  سۆزنى ئۆزگەرتتى',
+	noChanges: 'ئىملا تەكشۈرۈش تامام: ھېچقانداق سۆزنى ئۆزگەرتمىدى',
+	noMispell: 'ئىملا تەكشۈرۈش تامام: ئىملا خاتالىقى بايقالمىدى',
+	noSuggestions: '-تەكلىپ يوق-',
+	notAvailable: 'كەچۈرۈڭ، مۇلازىمېتىرنى ۋاقتىنچە ئىشلەتكىلى بولمايدۇ',
+	notInDic: 'لۇغەتتە يوق',
+	oneChange: 'ئىملا تەكشۈرۈش تامام: بىر سۆزنى ئۆزگەرتتى',
+	progress: 'ئىملا تەكشۈرۈۋاتىدۇ…',
+	title: 'ئىملا تەكشۈر',
+	toolbar: 'ئىملا تەكشۈر'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/uk.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c11fba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'uk', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Пропустити',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Пропустити все',
+	btnReplace: 'Замінити',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Замінити все',
+	btnUndo: 'Назад',
+	changeTo: 'Замінити на',
+	errorLoading: 'Помилка завантаження : %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Модуль перевірки орфографії не встановлено. Бажаєте завантажити його зараз?',
+	manyChanges: 'Перевірку орфографії завершено: 1% слів(ова) змінено',
+	noChanges: 'Перевірку орфографії завершено: жодне слово не змінено',
+	noMispell: 'Перевірку орфографії завершено: помилок не знайдено',
+	noSuggestions: '- немає варіантів -',
+	notAvailable: 'Вибачте, але сервіс наразі недоступний.',
+	notInDic: 'Немає в словнику',
+	oneChange: 'Перевірку орфографії завершено: змінено одне слово',
+	progress: 'Виконується перевірка орфографії...',
+	title: 'Перевірка орфографії',
+	toolbar: 'Перевірити орфографію'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/vi.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e02e4c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'vi', {
+	btnIgnore: 'Bỏ qua',
+	btnIgnoreAll: 'Bỏ qua tất cả',
+	btnReplace: 'Thay thế',
+	btnReplaceAll: 'Thay thế tất cả',
+	btnUndo: 'Phục hồi lại',
+	changeTo: 'Chuyển thành',
+	errorLoading: 'Lỗi khi đang nạp dịch vụ ứng dụng: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: 'Chức năng kiểm tra chính tả chưa được cài đặt. Bạn có muốn tải về ngay bây giờ?',
+	manyChanges: 'Hoàn tất kiểm tra chính tả: %1 từ đã được thay đổi',
+	noChanges: 'Hoàn tất kiểm tra chính tả: Không có từ nào được thay đổi',
+	noMispell: 'Hoàn tất kiểm tra chính tả: Không có lỗi chính tả',
+	noSuggestions: '- Không đưa ra gợi ý về từ -',
+	notAvailable: 'Xin lỗi, dịch vụ này hiện tại không có.',
+	notInDic: 'Không có trong từ điển',
+	oneChange: 'Hoàn tất kiểm tra chính tả: Một từ đã được thay đổi',
+	progress: 'Đang tiến hành kiểm tra chính tả...',
+	title: 'Kiểm tra chính tả',
+	toolbar: 'Kiểm tra chính tả'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/zh-cn.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13e12cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'zh-cn', {
+	btnIgnore: '忽略',
+	btnIgnoreAll: '全部忽略',
+	btnReplace: '替换',
+	btnReplaceAll: '全部替换',
+	btnUndo: '撤消',
+	changeTo: '更改为',
+	errorLoading: '加载应该服务主机时出错: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: '拼写检查插件还没安装, 您是否想现在就下载?',
+	manyChanges: '拼写检查完成: 更改了 %1 个单词',
+	noChanges: '拼写检查完成: 没有更改任何单词',
+	noMispell: '拼写检查完成: 没有发现拼写错误',
+	noSuggestions: '- 没有建议 -',
+	notAvailable: '抱歉, 服务目前暂不可用',
+	notInDic: '没有在字典里',
+	oneChange: '拼写检查完成: 更改了一个单词',
+	progress: '正在进行拼写检查...',
+	title: '拼写检查',
+	toolbar: '拼写检查'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/zh.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58c63c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'zh', {
+	btnIgnore: '忽略',
+	btnIgnoreAll: '全部忽略',
+	btnReplace: '取代',
+	btnReplaceAll: '全部取代',
+	btnUndo: '復原',
+	changeTo: '更改為',
+	errorLoading: '無法聯系侍服器: %s.',
+	ieSpellDownload: '尚未安裝拼字檢查元件。您是否想要現在下載?',
+	manyChanges: '拼字檢查完成:更改了 %1 個單字',
+	noChanges: '拼字檢查完成:未更改任何單字',
+	noMispell: '拼字檢查完成:未發現拼字錯誤',
+	noSuggestions: '- 無建議值 -',
+	notAvailable: '抱歉,服務目前暫不可用',
+	notInDic: '不在字典中',
+	oneChange: '拼字檢查完成:更改了 1 個單字',
+	progress: '進行拼字檢查中…',
+	title: '拼字檢查',
+	toolbar: '拼字檢查'
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/plugin.js
index 3edb26d..6cd4d74 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/plugin.js
@@ -1,33 +1,35 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
- * @file Spell checker
+ * @fileOverview Spell checker.
 // Register a plugin named "wsc".
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'wsc',
-	requires : [ 'dialog' ],
-	init : function( editor )
-	{
+CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'wsc', {
+	requires: 'dialog',
+	lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt-br,pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,th,tr,ug,uk,vi,zh-cn,zh', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	icons: 'spellchecker', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+	init: function( editor ) {
 		var commandName = 'checkspell';
 		var command = editor.addCommand( commandName, new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( commandName ) );
 		// SpellChecker doesn't work in Opera and with custom domain
-		command.modes = { wysiwyg : ( !CKEDITOR.env.opera && document.domain == window.location.hostname ) };
+		command.modes = { wysiwyg: ( !CKEDITOR.env.opera && !CKEDITOR.env.air && document.domain == window.location.hostname ) };
-		editor.ui.addButton( 'SpellChecker',
-			{
-				label : editor.lang.spellCheck.toolbar,
-				command : commandName
+		if(typeof editor.plugins.scayt == 'undefined'){
+			editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'SpellChecker', {
+				label: editor.lang.wsc.toolbar,
+				command: commandName,
+				toolbar: 'spellchecker,10'
+		}
 		CKEDITOR.dialog.add( commandName, this.path + 'dialogs/wsc.js' );
-CKEDITOR.config.wsc_customerId			= CKEDITOR.config.wsc_customerId || '1:ua3xw1-2XyGJ3-GWruD3-6OFNT1-oXcuB1-nR6Bp4-hgQHc-EcYng3-sdRXG3-NOfFk' ;
-CKEDITOR.config.wsc_customLoaderScript	= CKEDITOR.config.wsc_customLoaderScript || null;
+CKEDITOR.config.wsc_customerId = CKEDITOR.config.wsc_customerId || '1:ua3xw1-2XyGJ3-GWruD3-6OFNT1-oXcuB1-nR6Bp4-hgQHc-EcYng3-sdRXG3-NOfFk';
+CKEDITOR.config.wsc_customLoaderScript = CKEDITOR.config.wsc_customLoaderScript || null;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js
index e626aad..c1d3320 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js
@@ -1,1084 +1,620 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
  * @fileOverview The "wysiwygarea" plugin. It registers the "wysiwyg" editing
  *		mode, which handles the main editing area space.
-	// List of elements in which has no way to move editing focus outside.
-	var nonExitableElementNames = { table:1,pre:1 };
+(function() {
+	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'wysiwygarea', {
+		init: function( editor ) {
+			editor.addMode( 'wysiwyg', function( callback ) {
+				var iframe = CKEDITOR.document.createElement( 'iframe' );
+				iframe.setStyles({ width: '100%', height: '100%' } );
+				iframe.addClass( 'cke_wysiwyg_frame cke_reset' );
+				var contentSpace = editor.ui.space( 'contents' );
+				contentSpace.append( iframe );
+				var src = 'document.open();' +
+					// The document domain must be set any time we
+				// call document.open().
+				( isCustomDomain ? ( 'document.domain="' + document.domain + '";' ) : '' ) +
+					'document.close();';
+				// With IE, the custom domain has to be taken care at first,
+				// for other browers, the 'src' attribute should be left empty to
+				// trigger iframe's 'load' event.
+				src = CKEDITOR.env.air ? 'javascript:void(0)' : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'javascript:void(function(){' + encodeURIComponent( src ) + '}())'
+					:
+					'';
+				// Asynchronous iframe loading is only required in IE>8 and Gecko (other reasons probably).
+				// Do not use it on WebKit as it'll break the browser-back navigation.
+				var useOnloadEvent = CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.gecko;
+				if ( useOnloadEvent )
+					iframe.on( 'load', onLoad );
+				var frameLabel = [ editor.lang.editor, editor.name ].join( ',' ),
+					frameDesc = editor.lang.common.editorHelp;
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+					frameLabel += ', ' + frameDesc;
+				var labelId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(),
+					desc = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<span id="' + labelId + '" class="cke_voice_label">' + frameDesc + '</span>' );
+				contentSpace.append( desc, 1 );
+				// Remove the ARIA description.
+				editor.on( 'beforeModeUnload', function( evt ) {
+					evt.removeListener();
+					desc.remove();
+				});
-	// Matching an empty paragraph at the end of document.
-	var emptyParagraphRegexp = /\s*<(p|div|address|h\d|center)[^>]*>\s*(?:<br[^>]*>| |\u00A0| )?\s*(:?<\/\1>)?(?=\s*$|<\/body>)/gi;
+				iframe.setAttributes({
+					frameBorder: 0,
+					'aria-describedby' : labelId,
+					title: frameLabel,
+					src: src,
+					tabIndex: editor.tabIndex,
+					allowTransparency: 'true'
+				});
-	var notWhitespaceEval = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true );
+				// Execute onLoad manually for all non IE||Gecko browsers.
+				!useOnloadEvent && onLoad();
-	function checkReadOnly( selection )
-	{
-		if ( selection.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT )
-			return selection.getSelectedElement().isReadOnly();
-		else
-			return selection.getCommonAncestor().isReadOnly();
-	}
+				if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
+					// Webkit: iframe size doesn't auto fit well. (#7360)
+					var onResize = function() {
+						// Hide the iframe to get real size of the holder. (#8941)
+						contentSpace.setStyle( 'width', '100%' );
-	function onInsertHtml( evt )
-	{
-		if ( this.mode == 'wysiwyg' )
-		{
-			this.focus();
-			var selection = this.getSelection();
-			if ( checkReadOnly( selection ) )
-				return;
-			var data = evt.data;
-			this.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-			if ( this.dataProcessor )
-				data = this.dataProcessor.toHtml( data );
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			{
-				var selIsLocked = selection.isLocked;
-				if ( selIsLocked )
-					selection.unlock();
-				var $sel = selection.getNative();
-				// Delete control selections to avoid IE bugs on pasteHTML.
-				if ( $sel.type == 'Control' )
-					$sel.clear();
-				else if  ( selection.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT )
-				{
-					// Due to IE bugs on handling contenteditable=false blocks
-					// (#6005), we need to make some checks and eventually
-					// delete the selection first.
-					var range = selection.getRanges()[0],
-						endContainer = range && range.endContainer;
-					if ( endContainer &&
- 						 endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
- 						 endContainer.getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) == 'false' &&
-						 range.checkBoundaryOfElement( endContainer, CKEDITOR.END ) )
-					{
-						range.setEndAfter( range.endContainer );
-						range.deleteContents();
-					}
-				}
-				try
-				{
-					$sel.createRange().pasteHTML( data );
-				}
-				catch (e) {}
-				if ( selIsLocked )
-					this.getSelection().lock();
-			}
-			else
-				this.document.$.execCommand( 'inserthtml', false, data );
-			// Webkit does not scroll to the cursor position after pasting (#5558)
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
-			{
-				this.document.$.execCommand( 'inserthtml', false, '<span id="cke_paste_marker" cke_temp="1"></span>' );
-				var marker = this.document.getById( 'cke_paste_marker' );
-				marker.scrollIntoView();
-				marker.remove();
-			}
+						iframe.hide();
+						iframe.setSize( 'width', contentSpace.getSize( 'width' ) );
+						contentSpace.removeStyle( 'width' );
+						iframe.show();
+					};
-			CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function()
-				{
-					this.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-				}, 0, this );
-		}
-	}
+					iframe.setCustomData( 'onResize', onResize );
-	function onInsertElement( evt )
-	{
-		if ( this.mode == 'wysiwyg' )
-		{
-			this.focus();
-			var selection = this.getSelection();
-			if ( checkReadOnly( selection ) )
-				return;
-			this.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-			var ranges = selection.getRanges(),
-				element = evt.data,
-				elementName = element.getName(),
-				isBlock = CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ elementName ];
-			var selIsLocked = selection.isLocked;
-			if ( selIsLocked )
-				selection.unlock();
-			var range, clone, lastElement, bookmark;
-			for ( var i = ranges.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-			{
-				range = ranges[ i ];
-				// Remove the original contents.
-				range.deleteContents();
-				clone = !i && element || element.clone( true );
-				// If we're inserting a block at dtd-violated position, split
-				// the parent blocks until we reach blockLimit.
-				var current, dtd;
-				if ( isBlock )
-				{
-					while ( ( current = range.getCommonAncestor( false, true ) )
-							&& ( dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd[ current.getName() ] )
-							&& !( dtd && dtd [ elementName ] ) )
-					{
-						// Split up inline elements.
-						if ( current.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.span )
-							range.splitElement( current );
-						// If we're in an empty block which indicate a new paragraph,
-						// simply replace it with the inserting block.(#3664)
-						else if ( range.checkStartOfBlock()
-							 && range.checkEndOfBlock() )
-						{
-							range.setStartBefore( current );
-							range.collapse( true );
-							current.remove();
-						}
-						else
-							range.splitBlock();
-					}
+					CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().on( 'resize', onResize );
-				// Insert the new node.
-				range.insertNode( clone );
+				editor.fire( 'ariaWidget', iframe );
-				// Save the last element reference so we can make the
-				// selection later.
-				if ( !lastElement )
-					lastElement = clone;
-			}
-			range.moveToPosition( lastElement, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
-			// If we're inserting a block element immediatelly followed by
-			// another block element, the selection must move there. (#3100,#5436)
-			if ( isBlock )
-			{
-				var next = lastElement.getNext( notWhitespaceEval ),
-					nextName = next && next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && next.getName();
+				function onLoad( evt ) {
+					evt && evt.removeListener();
+					editor.editable( new framedWysiwyg( editor, iframe.$.contentWindow.document.body ) );
+					editor.setData( editor.getData( 1 ), callback );
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	});
-				// Check if it's a block element that accepts text.
-				if ( nextName && CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ nextName ] && CKEDITOR.dtd[ nextName ]['#'] )
-					range.moveToElementEditStart( next );
+	// Support for custom document.domain in IE.
+	var isCustomDomain = CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain();
+	function onDomReady( win ) {
+		var editor = this.editor,
+			doc = win.document,
+			body = doc.body;
+		// Remove helper scripts from the DOM.
+		var script = doc.getElementById( 'cke_actscrpt' );
+		script && script.parentNode.removeChild( script );
+		script = doc.getElementById( 'cke_shimscrpt' );
+		script && script.parentNode.removeChild( script );
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {
+			// Force Gecko to change contentEditable from false to true on domReady
+			// (because it's previously set to true on iframe's body creation).
+			// Otherwise del/backspace and some other editable features will be broken in Fx <4
+			// See: #107 and https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=440916
+			body.contentEditable = false;
+			// Remove any leading <br> which is between the <body> and the comment.
+			// This one fixes Firefox 3.6 bug: the browser inserts a leading <br>
+			// on document.write if the body has contenteditable="true".
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.version < 20000 ) {
+				body.innerHTML = body.innerHTML.replace( /^.*<!-- cke-content-start -->/, '' );
+				// The above hack messes up the selection in FF36.
+				// To clean this up, manually select collapsed range that
+				// starts within the body.
+				setTimeout( function() {
+					var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( new CKEDITOR.dom.document( doc ) );
+					range.setStart( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( body ), 0 );
+					editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ range ] );
+				}, 0 );
+		}
-			selection.selectRanges( [ range ] );
+		body.contentEditable = true;
-			if ( selIsLocked )
-				this.getSelection().lock();
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+			// Don't display the focus border.
+			body.hideFocus = true;
-			// Save snaps after the whole execution completed.
-			// This's a workaround for make DOM modification's happened after
-			// 'insertElement' to be included either, e.g. Form-based dialogs' 'commitContents'
-			// call.
-			CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function(){
-				this.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-			}, 0, this );
+			// Disable and re-enable the body to avoid IE from
+			// taking the editing focus at startup. (#141 / #523)
+			body.disabled = true;
+			body.removeAttribute( 'disabled' );
-	}
-	// DOM modification here should not bother dirty flag.(#4385)
-	function restoreDirty( editor )
-	{
-		if ( !editor.checkDirty() )
-			setTimeout( function(){ editor.resetDirty(); }, 0 );
-	}
+		delete this._.isLoadingData;
-	var isNotWhitespace = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ),
-		isNotBookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( false, true );
+		// Play the magic to alter element reference to the reloaded one.
+		this.$ = body;
-	function isNotEmpty( node )
-	{
-		return isNotWhitespace( node ) && isNotBookmark( node );
-	}
+		doc = new CKEDITOR.dom.document( doc );
-	function isNbsp( node )
-	{
-		return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT
-			   && CKEDITOR.tools.trim( node.getText() ).match( /^(?: |\xa0)$/ );
-	}
+		this.setup();
-	function restoreSelection( selection )
-	{
-		if ( selection.isLocked )
-		{
-			selection.unlock();
-			setTimeout( function() { selection.lock(); }, 0 );
-		}
-	}
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+			doc.getDocumentElement().addClass( doc.$.compatMode );
-	function isBlankParagraph( block )
-	{
-		return block.getOuterHtml().match( emptyParagraphRegexp );
-	}
+			// Prevent IE from leaving new paragraph after deleting all contents in body. (#6966)
+			editor.config.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_P && doc.on( 'selectionchange', function() {
+				var body = doc.getBody(),
+					sel = editor.getSelection(),
+					range = sel && sel.getRanges()[ 0 ];
-	isNotWhitespace = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true );
+				if ( range && body.getHtml().match( /^<p> <\/p>$/i ) && range.startContainer.equals( body ) ) {
+					// Avoid the ambiguity from a real user cursor position.
+					setTimeout( function() {
+						range = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[ 0 ];
+						if ( !range.startContainer.equals( 'body' ) ) {
+							body.getFirst().remove( 1 );
+							range.moveToElementEditEnd( body );
+							range.select();
+						}
+					}, 0 );
+				}
+			});
+		}
-	// Gecko need a key event to 'wake up' the editing
-	// ability when document is empty.(#3864, #5781)
-	function activateEditing( editor )
-	{
-		var win = editor.window,
-			doc = editor.document,
-			body = editor.document.getBody(),
-			bodyChildsNum = body.getChildren().count();
+		// Gecko needs a key event to 'wake up' editing when the document is
+		// empty. (#3864, #5781)
+		CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( activateEditing, 0, this, editor );
+		// ## START : disableNativeTableHandles and disableObjectResizing settings.
+		// Enable dragging of position:absolute elements in IE.
+		try {
+			editor.document.$.execCommand( '2D-position', false, true );
+		} catch ( e ) {}
+		// IE, Opera and Safari may not support it and throw errors.
+		try {
+			editor.document.$.execCommand( 'enableInlineTableEditing', false, !editor.config.disableNativeTableHandles );
+		} catch ( e ) {}
+		if ( editor.config.disableObjectResizing ) {
+			try {
+				this.getDocument().$.execCommand( 'enableObjectResizing', false, false );
+			} catch ( e ) {
+				// For browsers in which the above method failed, we can cancel the resizing on the fly (#4208)
+				this.attachListener( this, CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'resizestart' : 'resize', function( evt ) {
+					evt.data.preventDefault();
+				});
+			}
+		}
-		if ( !bodyChildsNum || ( bodyChildsNum == 1&& body.getFirst().hasAttribute( '_moz_editor_bogus_node' ) ) )
-		{
-			restoreDirty( editor );
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko || CKEDITOR.env.ie && editor.document.$.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat' ) {
+			this.attachListener( this, 'keydown', function( evt ) {
+				var keyCode = evt.data.getKeystroke();
+				// PageUp OR PageDown
+				if ( keyCode == 33 || keyCode == 34 ) {
+					// PageUp/PageDown scrolling is broken in document
+					// with standard doctype, manually fix it. (#4736)
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+						setTimeout( function() {
+							editor.getSelection().scrollIntoView();
+						}, 0 );
+					}
+					// Page up/down cause editor selection to leak
+					// outside of editable thus we try to intercept
+					// the behavior, while it affects only happen
+					// when editor contents are not overflowed. (#7955)
+					else if ( editor.window.$.innerHeight > this.$.offsetHeight ) {
+						var range = editor.createRange();
+						range[ keyCode == 33 ? 'moveToElementEditStart' : 'moveToElementEditEnd' ]( this );
+						range.select();
+						evt.data.preventDefault();
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
-			// Memorize scroll position to restore it later (#4472).
-			var hostDocument = editor.element.getDocument();
-			var hostDocumentElement = hostDocument.getDocumentElement();
-			var scrollTop = hostDocumentElement.$.scrollTop;
-			var scrollLeft = hostDocumentElement.$.scrollLeft;
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+			// [IE] Iframe will still keep the selection when blurred, if
+			// focus is moved onto a non-editing host, e.g. link or button, but
+			// it becomes a problem for the object type selection, since the resizer
+			// handler attached on it will mark other part of the UI, especially
+			// for the dialog. (#8157)
+			// [IE<8 & Opera] Even worse For old IEs, the cursor will not vanish even if
+			// the selection has been moved to another text input in some cases. (#4716)
+			//
+			// Now the range restore is disabled, so we simply force IE to clean
+			// up the selection before blur.
+			this.attachListener( doc, 'blur', function() {
+				// Error proof when the editor is not visible. (#6375)
+				try {
+					doc.$.selection.empty();
+				} catch ( er ) {}
+			});
+		}
-			// Simulating keyboard character input by dispatching a keydown of white-space text.
-			var keyEventSimulate = doc.$.createEvent( "KeyEvents" );
-			keyEventSimulate.initKeyEvent( 'keypress', true, true, win.$, false,
-				false, false, false, 0, 32 );
-			doc.$.dispatchEvent( keyEventSimulate );
+		// ## END
-			if ( scrollTop != hostDocumentElement.$.scrollTop || scrollLeft != hostDocumentElement.$.scrollLeft )
-				hostDocument.getWindow().$.scrollTo( scrollLeft, scrollTop );
-			// Restore the original document status by placing the cursor before a bogus br created (#5021).
-			bodyChildsNum && body.getFirst().remove();
-			doc.getBody().appendBogus();
-			var nativeRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( doc );
-			nativeRange.setStartAt( body , CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
-			nativeRange.select();
-		}
-	}
+		var title = editor.document.getElementsByTag( 'title' ).getItem( 0 );
+		title.data( 'cke-title', editor.document.$.title );
-	/**
-	 *  Auto-fixing block-less content by wrapping paragraph (#3190), prevent
-	 *  non-exitable-block by padding extra br.(#3189)
-	 */
-	function onSelectionChangeFixBody( evt )
-	{
-		var editor = evt.editor,
-			path = evt.data.path,
-			blockLimit = path.blockLimit,
-			selection = evt.data.selection,
-			range = selection.getRanges()[0],
-			body = editor.document.getBody(),
-			enterMode = editor.config.enterMode;
-		CKEDITOR.env.gecko && activateEditing( editor );
-		// When enterMode set to block, we'll establing new paragraph only if we're
-		// selecting inline contents right under body. (#3657)
-		if ( enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR
-		     && range.collapsed
-			 && blockLimit.getName() == 'body'
-			 && !path.block )
-		{
-			editor.fire( 'updateSnapshot' );
-			restoreDirty( editor );
-			CKEDITOR.env.ie && restoreSelection( selection );
+		// [IE] JAWS will not recognize the aria label we used on the iframe
+		// unless the frame window title string is used as the voice label,
+		// backup the original one and restore it on output.
+		if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
+			editor.document.$.title = this._.docTitle;
-			var fixedBlock = range.fixBlock( true,
-					editor.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'p'  );
+		CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() {
+			editor.fire( 'contentDom' );
-			// For IE, we should remove any filler node which was introduced before.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-			{
-				var first = fixedBlock.getFirst( isNotEmpty );
-				first && isNbsp( first ) && first.remove();
+			if ( this._.isPendingFocus ) {
+				editor.focus();
+				this._.isPendingFocus = false;
-			// If the fixed block is actually blank and is already followed by an exitable blank
-			// block, we should revert the fix and move into the existed one. (#3684)
-			if ( isBlankParagraph( fixedBlock ) )
-			{
-				var element = fixedBlock.getNext( isNotWhitespace );
-				if ( element &&
-					 element.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
-					 !nonExitableElementNames[ element.getName() ] )
-				{
-					range.moveToElementEditStart( element );
-					fixedBlock.remove();
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					element = fixedBlock.getPrevious( isNotWhitespace );
-					if ( element &&
-						 element.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
-						 !nonExitableElementNames[ element.getName() ] )
-					{
-						range.moveToElementEditEnd( element );
-						fixedBlock.remove();
+			setTimeout( function() {
+				editor.fire( 'dataReady' );
+			}, 0 );
+			// IE BUG: IE might have rendered the iframe with invisible contents.
+			// (#3623). Push some inconsequential CSS style changes to force IE to
+			// refresh it.
+			//
+			// Also, for some unknown reasons, short timeouts (e.g. 100ms) do not
+			// fix the problem. :(
+			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
+				setTimeout( function() {
+					if ( editor.document ) {
+						var $body = editor.document.$.body;
+						$body.runtimeStyle.marginBottom = '0px';
+						$body.runtimeStyle.marginBottom = '';
-				}
+				}, 1000 );
-			range.select();
-			// Notify non-IE that selection has changed.
-			if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-				editor.selectionChange();
-		}
-		// All browsers are incapable to moving cursor out of certain non-exitable
-		// blocks (e.g. table, list, pre) at the end of document, make this happen by
-		// place a bogus node there, which would be later removed by dataprocessor.
-		var walkerRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document ),
-			walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
-		walkerRange.selectNodeContents( body );
-		walker.evaluator = function( node )
-		{
-			return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ( node.getName() in nonExitableElementNames );
-		};
-		walker.guard = function( node, isMoveout )
-		{
-			return !( ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && isNotWhitespace( node ) ) || isMoveout );
-		};
-		if ( walker.previous() )
-		{
-			editor.fire( 'updateSnapshot' );
-			restoreDirty( editor );
-			CKEDITOR.env.ie && restoreSelection( selection );
-			var paddingBlock;
-			if ( enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR )
-				paddingBlock = body.append( new CKEDITOR.dom.element( enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div' ) );
-			else
-				paddingBlock = body;
-			if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-				paddingBlock.appendBogus();
-		}
+		}, 0, this );
-	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'wysiwygarea',
-	{
-		requires : [ 'editingblock' ],
+	var framedWysiwyg = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
+		$: function( editor ) {
+			this.base.apply( this, arguments );
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			var fixForBody = ( editor.config.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR )
-				? editor.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'p' : false;
+			this._.frameLoadedHandler = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( win ) {
+				// Avoid opening design mode in a frame window thread,
+				// which will cause host page scrolling.(#4397)
+				CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( onDomReady, 0, this, win );
+			}, this );
-			var frameLabel = editor.lang.editorTitle.replace( '%1', editor.name );
+			this._.docTitle = this.getWindow().getFrame().getAttribute( 'title' );
+		},
-			var contentDomReadyHandler;
-			editor.on( 'editingBlockReady', function()
-				{
-					var mainElement,
-						iframe,
-						isLoadingData,
-						isPendingFocus,
-						frameLoaded,
-						fireMode;
+		base: CKEDITOR.editable,
+		proto: {
+			setData: function( data, isSnapshot ) {
+				var editor = this.editor;
-					// Support for custom document.domain in IE.
-					var isCustomDomain = CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain();
+				if ( isSnapshot )
+					this.setHtml( data );
+				else {
+					this._.isLoadingData = true;
+					editor._.dataStore = { id:1 };
-					// Creates the iframe that holds the editable document.
-					var createIFrame = function( data )
-					{
-						if ( iframe )
-							iframe.remove();
+					var config = editor.config,
+						fullPage = config.fullPage,
+						docType = config.docType;
+					// Build the additional stuff to be included into <head>.
+					var headExtra = CKEDITOR.tools.buildStyleHtml( iframeCssFixes() )
+						                .replace( /<style>/, '<style data-cke-temp="1">' );
-						var srcScript =
-							'document.open();' +
+					if ( !fullPage )
+						headExtra += CKEDITOR.tools.buildStyleHtml( editor.config.contentsCss );
-							// The document domain must be set any time we
-							// call document.open().
-							( isCustomDomain ? ( 'document.domain="' + document.domain + '";' ) : '' ) +
+					var baseTag = config.baseHref ? '<base href="' + config.baseHref + '" data-cke-temp="1" />' : '';
-							'document.close();';
-						iframe = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<iframe' +
-  							' style="width:100%;height:100%"' +
-  							' frameBorder="0"' +
-  							' title="' + frameLabel + '"' +
-							// With IE, the custom domain has to be taken care at first,
-							// for other browers, the 'src' attribute should be left empty to
-							// trigger iframe's 'load' event.
-  							' src="' + ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'javascript:void(function(){' + encodeURIComponent( srcScript ) + '}())' : '' ) + '"' +
-							' tabIndex="' + ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit? -1 : editor.tabIndex ) + '"' +
-  							' allowTransparency="true"' +
-  							'></iframe>' );
-						// Running inside of Firefox chrome the load event doesn't bubble like in a normal page (#5689)
-						if ( document.location.protocol == 'chrome:' )
-							CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = true;
-						// With FF, it's better to load the data on iframe.load. (#3894,#4058)
-						iframe.on( 'load', function( ev )
-							{
-								frameLoaded = 1;
-								ev.removeListener();
-								var doc = iframe.getFrameDocument().$;
-								// Don't leave any history log in IE. (#5657)
-								doc.open( "text/html","replace" );
-								doc.write( data );
-								doc.close();
-							});
-						// Reset adjustment back to default (#5689)
-						if ( document.location.protocol == 'chrome:' )
-							CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = false;
-						// The container must be visible when creating the iframe in FF (#5956)
-						var element = editor.element,
-							isHidden = CKEDITOR.env.gecko && !element.isVisible(),
-							previousStyles = {};
-						if ( isHidden )
-						{
-							element.show();
-							previousStyles = {
-								position : element.getStyle( 'position' ),
-								top : element.getStyle( 'top' )
-							};
-							element.setStyles( { position : 'absolute', top : '-3000px' } );
-						}
+					if ( fullPage ) {
+						// Search and sweep out the doctype declaration.
+						data = data.replace( /<!DOCTYPE[^>]*>/i, function( match ) {
+							editor.docType = docType = match;
+							return '';
+						}).replace( /<\?xml\s[^\?]*\?>/i, function( match ) {
+							editor.xmlDeclaration = match;
+							return '';
+						});
+					}
-						mainElement.append( iframe );
+					// Get the HTML version of the data.
+					if ( editor.dataProcessor )
+						data = editor.dataProcessor.toHtml( data );
+					if ( fullPage ) {
+						// Check if the <body> tag is available.
+						if ( !( /<body[\s|>]/ ).test( data ) )
+							data = '<body>' + data;
+						// Check if the <html> tag is available.
+						if ( !( /<html[\s|>]/ ).test( data ) )
+							data = '<html>' + data + '</html>';
+						// Check if the <head> tag is available.
+						if ( !( /<head[\s|>]/ ).test( data ) )
+							data = data.replace( /<html[^>]*>/, '$&<head><title></title></head>' );
+						else if ( !( /<title[\s|>]/ ).test( data ) )
+							data = data.replace( /<head[^>]*>/, '$&<title></title>' );
+						// The base must be the first tag in the HEAD, e.g. to get relative
+						// links on styles.
+						baseTag && ( data = data.replace( /<head>/, '$&' + baseTag ) );
+						// Inject the extra stuff into <head>.
+						// Attention: do not change it before testing it well. (V2)
+						// This is tricky... if the head ends with <meta ... content type>,
+						// Firefox will break. But, it works if we place our extra stuff as
+						// the last elements in the HEAD.
+						data = data.replace( /<\/head\s*>/, headExtra + '$&' );
+						// Add the DOCTYPE back to it.
+						data = docType + data;
+					} else {
+						data = config.docType +
+							'<html dir="' + config.contentsLangDirection + '"' +
+								' lang="' + ( config.contentsLanguage || editor.langCode ) + '">' +
+							'<head>' +
+								'<title>' + this._.docTitle + '</title>' +
+								baseTag +
+								headExtra +
+							'</head>' +
+							'<body' + ( config.bodyId ? ' id="' + config.bodyId + '"' : '' ) +
+								( config.bodyClass ? ' class="' + config.bodyClass + '"' : '' ) +
+							'>' +
+								data +
+							'</body>' +
+							'</html>';
+					}
-						if ( isHidden )
-						{
-							setTimeout( function()
-							{
-								element.hide();
-								element.setStyles( previousStyles );
-							}, 1000 );
-						}
-					};
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {
+						// Hack to make Fx put cursor at the start of doc on fresh focus.
+						data = data.replace( /<body/, '<body contenteditable="true" ' );
+						// Another hack which is used by onDomReady to remove a leading
+						// <br> which is inserted by Firefox 3.6 when document.write is called.
+						// This additional <br> is present because of contenteditable="true"
+						if ( CKEDITOR.env.version < 20000 )
+							data = data.replace( /<body[^>]*>/, '$&<!-- cke-content-start -->'  );
+					}
 					// The script that launches the bootstrap logic on 'domReady', so the document
 					// is fully editable even before the editing iframe is fully loaded (#4455).
-					contentDomReadyHandler = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( contentDomReady );
-					var activationScript =
-						'<script id="cke_actscrpt" type="text/javascript" cke_temp="1">' +
+					var bootstrapCode =
+						'<script id="cke_actscrpt" type="text/javascript"' + ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? ' defer="defer" ' : '' ) + '>' +
 							( isCustomDomain ? ( 'document.domain="' + document.domain + '";' ) : '' ) +
-							'window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( ' + contentDomReadyHandler + ', window );' +
+							'var wasLoaded=0;' +	// It must be always set to 0 as it remains as a window property.
+							'function onload(){' +
+								'if(!wasLoaded)' +	// FF3.6 calls onload twice when editor.setData. Stop that.
+									'window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + this._.frameLoadedHandler + ',window);' +
+								'wasLoaded=1;' +
+							'}' +
+							( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'onload();' : 'document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onload, false );' ) +
-					// Editing area bootstrap code.
-					function contentDomReady( domWindow )
-					{
-						if ( !frameLoaded )
-							return;
-						frameLoaded = 0;
+					// For IE<9 add support for HTML5's elements.
+					// Note: this code must not be deferred.
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 9 ) {
+						bootstrapCode +=
+							'<script id="cke_shimscrpt">' +
+								'(function(){' +
+									'var e="abbr,article,aside,audio,bdi,canvas,data,datalist,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,mark,meter,nav,output,progress,section,summary,time,video".split(","),i=e.length;' +
+									'while(i--){document.createElement(e[i])}' +
+								'})()' +
+							'</script>';
+					}
+					data = data.replace( /(?=\s*<\/(:?head)>)/, bootstrapCode );
-						editor.fire( 'ariaWidget', iframe );
+					// Current DOM will be deconstructed by document.write, cleanup required.
+					this.clearCustomData();
+					this.clearListeners();
-						var domDocument = domWindow.document,
-							body = domDocument.body;
+					editor.fire( 'contentDomUnload' );
-						// Remove this script from the DOM.
-						var script = domDocument.getElementById( "cke_actscrpt" );
-						script.parentNode.removeChild( script );
+					var doc = this.getDocument();
-						body.spellcheck = !editor.config.disableNativeSpellChecker;
+					// Work around Firefox bug - error prune when called from XUL (#320),
+					// defer it thanks to the async nature of this method.
+					try { doc.write( data ); } catch ( e ) {
+						setTimeout( function () { doc.write( data ); }, 0 );
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			getData: function( isSnapshot ) {
+				if ( isSnapshot )
+					return this.getHtml();
+				else {
+					var editor = this.editor,
+						config = editor.config,
+						fullPage = config.fullPage,
+						docType = fullPage && editor.docType,
+						xmlDeclaration = fullPage && editor.xmlDeclaration,
+						doc = this.getDocument();
+					var data = fullPage ? doc.getDocumentElement().getOuterHtml() : doc.getBody().getHtml();
+					// BR at the end of document is bogus node for Mozilla. (#5293).
+					if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
+						data = data.replace( /<br>(?=\s*(:?$|<\/body>))/, '' );
+					if ( editor.dataProcessor )
+						data = editor.dataProcessor.toDataFormat( data );
+					if ( xmlDeclaration )
+						data = xmlDeclaration + '\n' + data;
+					if ( docType )
+						data = docType + '\n' + data;
+					return data;
+				}
+			},
-						if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-						{
-							// Don't display the focus border.
-							body.hideFocus = true;
+			focus: function() {
+				if ( this._.isLoadingData )
+					this._.isPendingFocus = true;
+				else
+					framedWysiwyg.baseProto.focus.call( this );
+			},
-							// Disable and re-enable the body to avoid IE from
-							// taking the editing focus at startup. (#141 / #523)
-							body.disabled = true;
-							body.contentEditable = true;
-							body.removeAttribute( 'disabled' );
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							// Avoid opening design mode in a frame window thread,
-							// which will cause host page scrolling.(#4397)
-							setTimeout( function()
-							{
-								// Prefer 'contentEditable' instead of 'designMode'. (#3593)
-								if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version >= 10900
-										|| CKEDITOR.env.opera )
-									domDocument.$.body.contentEditable = true;
-								else if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
-									domDocument.$.body.parentNode.contentEditable = true;
-								else
-									domDocument.$.designMode = 'on';
-							}, 0 );
-						}
+			detach: function() {
+				var editor = this.editor,
+					doc = editor.document,
+					iframe = editor.window.getFrame();
-						CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( activateEditing, 0, null, editor );
+				framedWysiwyg.baseProto.detach.call( this );
-						domWindow	= editor.window		= new CKEDITOR.dom.window( domWindow );
-						domDocument	= editor.document	= new CKEDITOR.dom.document( domDocument );
+				// Memory leak proof.
+				this.clearCustomData();
+				doc.getDocumentElement().clearCustomData();
+				iframe.clearCustomData();
+				CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( this._.frameLoadedHandler );
-						domDocument.on( 'dblclick', function( evt )
-						{
-							var element = evt.data.getTarget(),
-								data = { element : element, dialog : '' };
-							editor.fire( 'doubleclick', data );
-							data.dialog && editor.openDialog( data.dialog );
-						});
+				var onResize = iframe.removeCustomData( 'onResize' );
+				onResize && onResize.removeListener();
-						// Gecko/Webkit need some help when selecting control type elements. (#3448)
-						if ( !( CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.opera) )
-						{
-							domDocument.on( 'mousedown', function( ev )
-							{
-								var control = ev.data.getTarget();
-								if ( control.is( 'img', 'hr', 'input', 'textarea', 'select' ) )
-									editor.getSelection().selectElement( control );
-							} );
-						}
-						if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
-						{
-							domDocument.on( 'mouseup', function( ev )
-							{
-								if ( ev.data.$.button == 2 )
-								{
-									var target = ev.data.getTarget();
-									// Prevent right click from selecting an empty block even
-									// when selection is anchored inside it. (#5845)
-									if ( !target.getOuterHtml().replace( emptyParagraphRegexp, '' ) )
-									{
-										var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( domDocument );
-										range.moveToElementEditStart( target );
-										range.select( true );
-									}
-								}
-							} );
-						}
+				editor.fire( 'contentDomUnload' );
-						// Prevent the browser opening links in read-only blocks. (#6032)
-						domDocument.on( 'click', function( ev )
-							{
-								ev = ev.data;
-								if ( ev.getTarget().is( 'a' ) && ev.$.button != 2 )
-									ev.preventDefault();
-							});
-						// Webkit: avoid from editing form control elements content.
-						if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
-						{
-							// Prevent from tick checkbox/radiobox/select
-							domDocument.on( 'click', function( ev )
-							{
-								if ( ev.data.getTarget().is( 'input', 'select' ) )
-									ev.data.preventDefault();
-							} );
-							// Prevent from editig textfield/textarea value.
-							domDocument.on( 'mouseup', function( ev )
-							{
-								if ( ev.data.getTarget().is( 'input', 'textarea' ) )
-									ev.data.preventDefault();
-							} );
-						}
+				// IE BUG: When destroying editor DOM with the selection remains inside
+				// editing area would break IE7/8's selection system, we have to put the editing
+				// iframe offline first. (#3812 and #5441)
+				iframe.remove();
+			}
+		}
+	});
-						// IE standard compliant in editing frame doesn't focus the editor when
-						// clicking outside actual content, manually apply the focus. (#1659)
-						if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie
-							&& domDocument.$.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat'
-								|| CKEDITOR.env.gecko
-								|| CKEDITOR.env.opera )
-						{
-							var htmlElement = domDocument.getDocumentElement();
-							htmlElement.on( 'mousedown', function( evt )
-							{
-								// Setting focus directly on editor doesn't work, we
-								// have to use here a temporary element to 'redirect'
-								// the focus.
-								if ( evt.data.getTarget().equals( htmlElement ) )
-								{
-									if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version >= 10900 )
-										blinkCursor();
-									focusGrabber.focus();
-								}
-							} );
-						}
+	// Fixing Firefox 'Back-Forward Cache' breaks design mode. (#4514)
+	if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {
+		(function() {
+			var body = document.body;
-						domWindow.on( 'blur', function()
-							{
-								editor.focusManager.blur();
-							});
-						domWindow.on( 'focus', function()
-							{
-								var doc = editor.document;
-								if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version >= 10900 )
-									blinkCursor();
-								else if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera )
-									doc.getBody().focus();
-								editor.focusManager.focus();
-							});
-						var keystrokeHandler = editor.keystrokeHandler;
-						if ( keystrokeHandler )
-							keystrokeHandler.attach( domDocument );
-						if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-						{
-							domDocument.getDocumentElement().addClass( domDocument.$.compatMode );
-							// Override keystrokes which should have deletion behavior
-							//  on control types in IE . (#4047)
-							domDocument.on( 'keydown', function( evt )
-							{
-								var keyCode = evt.data.getKeystroke();
-								// Backspace OR Delete.
-								if ( keyCode in { 8 : 1, 46 : 1 } )
-								{
-									var sel = editor.getSelection(),
-										control = sel.getSelectedElement();
-									if ( control )
-									{
-										// Make undo snapshot.
-										editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-										// Delete any element that 'hasLayout' (e.g. hr,table) in IE8 will
-										// break up the selection, safely manage it here. (#4795)
-										var bookmark = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ].createBookmark();
-										// Remove the control manually.
-										control.remove();
-										sel.selectBookmarks( [ bookmark ] );
-										editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
-										evt.data.preventDefault();
-									}
-								}
-							} );
-							// PageUp/PageDown scrolling is broken in document
-							// with standard doctype, manually fix it. (#4736)
-							if ( domDocument.$.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat' )
-							{
-								var pageUpDownKeys = { 33 : 1, 34 : 1 };
-								domDocument.on( 'keydown', function( evt )
-								{
-									if ( evt.data.getKeystroke() in pageUpDownKeys )
-									{
-										setTimeout( function ()
-										{
-											editor.getSelection().scrollIntoView();
-										}, 0 );
-									}
-								} );
-							}
-						}
+			if ( !body )
+				window.addEventListener( 'load', arguments.callee, false );
+			else {
+				var currentHandler = body.getAttribute( 'onpageshow' );
+				body.setAttribute( 'onpageshow', ( currentHandler ? currentHandler + ';' : '' ) + 'event.persisted&&(function(){' +
+					'var x=CKEDITOR.instances,d,i;' +
+					'for(i in x){' +
+						'd=x[i].document;' +
+						'if(d){' +
+							'd.$.designMode="off";' +
+							'd.$.designMode="on";' +
+						'}' +
+					'}' +
+					'})();' );
+			}
+		})();
-						// Adds the document body as a context menu target.
-						if ( editor.contextMenu )
-							editor.contextMenu.addTarget( domDocument, editor.config.browserContextMenuOnCtrl !== false );
-						setTimeout( function()
-							{
-								editor.fire( 'contentDom' );
-								if ( fireMode )
-								{
-									editor.mode = 'wysiwyg';
-									editor.fire( 'mode' );
-									fireMode = false;
-								}
-								isLoadingData = false;
-								if ( isPendingFocus )
-								{
-									editor.focus();
-									isPendingFocus = false;
-								}
-								setTimeout( function()
-								{
-									editor.fire( 'dataReady' );
-								}, 0 );
-								// IE, Opera and Safari may not support it and throw errors.
-								try { editor.document.$.execCommand( 'enableObjectResizing', false, !editor.config.disableObjectResizing ) ; } catch(e) {}
-								try { editor.document.$.execCommand( 'enableInlineTableEditing', false, !editor.config.disableNativeTableHandles ) ; } catch(e) {}
-								/*
-								 * IE BUG: IE might have rendered the iframe with invisible contents.
-								 * (#3623). Push some inconsequential CSS style changes to force IE to
-								 * refresh it.
-								 *
-								 * Also, for some unknown reasons, short timeouts (e.g. 100ms) do not
-								 * fix the problem. :(
-								 */
-								if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-								{
-									setTimeout( function()
-										{
-											if ( editor.document )
-											{
-												var $body = editor.document.$.body;
-												$body.runtimeStyle.marginBottom = '0px';
-												$body.runtimeStyle.marginBottom = '';
-											}
-										}, 1000 );
-								}
-							},
-							0 );
-					}
+	}
-					editor.addMode( 'wysiwyg',
-						{
-							load : function( holderElement, data, isSnapshot )
-							{
-								mainElement = holderElement;
-								if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks )
-									holderElement.setStyle( 'position', 'relative' );
-								// The editor data "may be dirty" after this
-								// point.
-								editor.mayBeDirty = true;
-								fireMode = true;
-								if ( isSnapshot )
-									this.loadSnapshotData( data );
-								else
-									this.loadData( data );
-							},
-							loadData : function( data )
-							{
-								isLoadingData = true;
-								var config = editor.config,
-									fullPage = config.fullPage,
-									docType = config.docType;
-								// Build the additional stuff to be included into <head>.
-								var headExtra =
-									'<style type="text/css" cke_temp="1">' +
-										editor._.styles.join( '\n' ) +
-									'</style>';
-								!fullPage && ( headExtra =
-									CKEDITOR.tools.buildStyleHtml( editor.config.contentsCss ) +
-									headExtra );
-								var baseTag = config.baseHref ? '<base href="' + config.baseHref + '" cke_temp="1" />' : '';
-								if ( fullPage )
-								{
-									// Search and sweep out the doctype declaration.
-									data = data.replace( /<!DOCTYPE[^>]*>/i, function( match )
-										{
-											editor.docType = docType = match;
-											return '';
-										});
-								}
-								// Get the HTML version of the data.
-								if ( editor.dataProcessor )
-									data = editor.dataProcessor.toHtml( data, fixForBody );
-								if ( fullPage )
-								{
-									// Check if the <body> tag is available.
-									if ( !(/<body[\s|>]/).test( data ) )
-										data = '<body>' + data;
-									// Check if the <html> tag is available.
-									if ( !(/<html[\s|>]/).test( data ) )
-										data = '<html>' + data + '</html>';
-									// Check if the <head> tag is available.
-									if ( !(/<head[\s|>]/).test( data ) )
-										data = data.replace( /<html[^>]*>/, '$&<head><title></title></head>' ) ;
-									else if ( !(/<title[\s|>]/).test( data ) )
-										data = data.replace( /<head[^>]*>/, '$&<title></title>' ) ;
-									// The base must be the first tag in the HEAD, e.g. to get relative
-									// links on styles.
-									baseTag && ( data = data.replace( /<head>/, '$&' + baseTag ) );
-									// Inject the extra stuff into <head>.
-									// Attention: do not change it before testing it well. (V2)
-									// This is tricky... if the head ends with <meta ... content type>,
-									// Firefox will break. But, it works if we place our extra stuff as
-									// the last elements in the HEAD.
-									data = data.replace( /<\/head\s*>/, headExtra + '$&' );
-									// Add the DOCTYPE back to it.
-									data = docType + data;
-								}
-								else
-								{
-									data =
-										config.docType +
-										'<html dir="' + config.contentsLangDirection + '"' +
-											' lang="' + ( config.contentsLanguage || editor.langCode ) + '">' +
-										'<head>' +
-											'<title>' + frameLabel + '</title>' +
-											baseTag +
-											headExtra +
-										'</head>' +
-										'<body' + ( config.bodyId ? ' id="' + config.bodyId + '"' : '' ) +
-												  ( config.bodyClass ? ' class="' + config.bodyClass + '"' : '' ) +
-												  '>' +
-											data +
-										'</html>';
-								}
-								data += activationScript;
-								// The iframe is recreated on each call of setData, so we need to clear DOM objects
-								this.onDispose();
-								createIFrame( data );
-							},
-							getData : function()
-							{
-								var config = editor.config,
-									fullPage = config.fullPage,
-									docType = fullPage && editor.docType,
-									doc = iframe.getFrameDocument();
-								var data = fullPage
-									? doc.getDocumentElement().getOuterHtml()
-									: doc.getBody().getHtml();
-								if ( editor.dataProcessor )
-									data = editor.dataProcessor.toDataFormat( data, fixForBody );
-								// Strip the last blank paragraph within document.
-								if ( config.ignoreEmptyParagraph )
-									data = data.replace( emptyParagraphRegexp, '' );
-								if ( docType )
-									data = docType + '\n' + data;
-								return data;
-							},
-							getSnapshotData : function()
-							{
-								return iframe.getFrameDocument().getBody().getHtml();
-							},
-							loadSnapshotData : function( data )
-							{
-								iframe.getFrameDocument().getBody().setHtml( data );
-							},
-							onDispose : function()
-							{
-								if ( !editor.document )
-									return;
-								editor.document.getDocumentElement().clearCustomData();
-								editor.document.getBody().clearCustomData();
-								editor.window.clearCustomData();
-								editor.document.clearCustomData();
-								iframe.clearCustomData();
-								/*
-								* IE BUG: When destroying editor DOM with the selection remains inside
-								* editing area would break IE7/8's selection system, we have to put the editing
-								* iframe offline first. (#3812 and #5441)
-								*/
-								iframe.remove();
-							},
-							unload : function( holderElement )
-							{
-								this.onDispose();
-								editor.window = editor.document = iframe = mainElement = isPendingFocus = null;
-								editor.fire( 'contentDomUnload' );
-							},
-							focus : function()
-							{
-								if ( isLoadingData )
-									isPendingFocus = true;
-								// Temporary solution caused by #6025, supposed be unified by #6154.
-								else if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera && editor.document )
-								{
-									editor.document.getBody().focus();
-									editor.selectionChange();
-								}
-								else if ( !CKEDITOR.env.opera && editor.window )
-								{
-									editor.window.focus();
-									editor.selectionChange();
-								}
-							}
-						});
+	// DOM modification here should not bother dirty flag.(#4385)
+	function restoreDirty( editor ) {
+		if ( !editor.checkDirty() )
+			setTimeout( function() {
+			editor.resetDirty();
+		}, 0 );
+	}
-					editor.on( 'insertHtml', onInsertHtml, null, null, 20 );
-					editor.on( 'insertElement', onInsertElement, null, null, 20 );
-					// Auto fixing on some document structure weakness to enhance usabilities. (#3190 and #3189)
-					editor.on( 'selectionChange', onSelectionChangeFixBody, null, null, 1 );
-				});
+	function activateEditing( editor ) {
+		if ( editor.readOnly )
+			return;
-			var titleBackup;
-			// Setting voice label as window title, backup the original one
-			// and restore it before running into use.
-			editor.on( 'contentDom', function ()
-				{
-					var title = editor.document.getElementsByTag( 'title' ).getItem( 0 );
-					title.setAttribute( '_cke_title', editor.document.$.title );
-					editor.document.$.title = frameLabel;
-				});
+		var win = editor.window,
+			doc = editor.document,
+			body = doc.getBody(),
+			bodyFirstChild = body.getFirst(),
+			bodyChildsNum = body.getChildren().count();
-			// IE8 stricts mode doesn't have 'contentEditable' in effect
-			// on element unless it has layout. (#5562)
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie8Compat )
-			{
-				editor.addCss( 'html.CSS1Compat [contenteditable=false]{ min-height:0 !important;}' );
+		if ( !bodyChildsNum || bodyChildsNum == 1 && bodyFirstChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && bodyFirstChild.hasAttribute( '_moz_editor_bogus_node' ) ) {
+			restoreDirty( editor );
-				var selectors = [];
-				for ( var tag in CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty )
-					selectors.push( 'html.CSS1Compat ' + tag + '[contenteditable=false]' );
-				editor.addCss( selectors.join( ',' ) + '{ display:inline-block;}' );
-			}
+			// Memorize scroll position to restore it later (#4472).
+			var hostDocument = CKEDITOR.document;
+			var hostDocumentElement = hostDocument.getDocumentElement();
+			var scrollTop = hostDocumentElement.$.scrollTop;
+			var scrollLeft = hostDocumentElement.$.scrollLeft;
-			// Switch on design mode for a short while and close it after then.
-			function blinkCursor( retry )
-			{
-				CKEDITOR.tools.tryThese(
-					function()
-					{
-						editor.document.$.designMode = 'on';
-						setTimeout( function ()
-						{
-							editor.document.$.designMode = 'off';
-							editor.document.getBody().focus();
-						}, 50 );
-					},
-					function()
-					{
-						// The above call is known to fail when parent DOM
-						// tree layout changes may break design mode. (#5782)
-						// Refresh the 'contentEditable' is a cue to this.
-						editor.document.$.designMode = 'off';
-						var body = editor.document.getBody();
-						body.setAttribute( 'contentEditable', false );
-						body.setAttribute( 'contentEditable', true );
-						// Try it again once..
-						!retry && blinkCursor( 1 );
-					});
-			}
+			// Simulating keyboard character input by dispatching a keydown of white-space text.
+			var keyEventSimulate = doc.$.createEvent( "KeyEvents" );
+			keyEventSimulate.initKeyEvent( 'keypress', true, true, win.$, false, false, false, false, 0, 32 );
+			doc.$.dispatchEvent( keyEventSimulate );
-			// Create an invisible element to grab focus.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko || CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.opera )
-			{
-				var focusGrabber;
-				editor.on( 'uiReady', function()
-				{
-					focusGrabber = editor.container.append( CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(
-						// Use 'span' instead of anything else to fly under the screen-reader radar. (#5049)
-						'<span tabindex="-1" style="position:absolute; left:-10000" role="presentation"></span>' ) );
-					focusGrabber.on( 'focus', function()
-						{
-							editor.focus();
-						} );
-				} );
-				editor.on( 'destroy', function()
-				{
-					CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction( contentDomReadyHandler );
-					focusGrabber.clearCustomData();
-				} );
-			}
+			if ( scrollTop != hostDocumentElement.$.scrollTop || scrollLeft != hostDocumentElement.$.scrollLeft )
+				hostDocument.getWindow().$.scrollTo( scrollLeft, scrollTop );
-			// Disable form elements editing mode provided by some browers. (#5746)
-			editor.on( 'insertElement', function ( evt )
-			{
-				var element = evt.data;
-				if ( element.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-						&& ( element.is( 'input' ) || element.is( 'textarea' ) ) )
-				{
-					if ( !element.isReadOnly() )
-					{
-						element.setAttribute( 'contentEditable', false );
-						// We should flag that the element was locked by our code so
-						// it'll be editable by the editor functions (#6046).
-						element.setCustomData( '_cke_notReadOnly', 1 );
-					}
-				}
-			});
+			// Restore the original document status by placing the cursor before a bogus br created (#5021).
+			bodyChildsNum && body.getFirst().remove();
+			doc.getBody().appendBogus();
+			var nativeRange = editor.createRange();
+			nativeRange.setStartAt( body, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
+			nativeRange.select();
+		}
+	}
+	function iframeCssFixes() {
+		var css = [];
+		// IE>=8 stricts mode doesn't have 'contentEditable' in effect
+		// on element unless it has layout. (#5562)
+		if ( CKEDITOR.document.$.documentMode >= 8 ) {
+			css.push( 'html.CSS1Compat [contenteditable=false]{min-height:0 !important}' );
+			var selectors = [];
+			for ( var tag in CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty )
+				selectors.push( 'html.CSS1Compat ' + tag + '[contenteditable=false]' );
+			css.push( selectors.join( ',' ) + '{display:inline-block}' );
+		}
+		// Set the HTML style to 100% to have the text cursor in affect (#6341)
+		else if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {
+			css.push( 'html{height:100% !important}' );
+			css.push( 'img:-moz-broken{-moz-force-broken-image-icon:1;min-width:24px;min-height:24px}' );
-	});
-	// Fixing Firefox 'Back-Forward Cache' break design mode. (#4514)
-	if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
-	{
-		( function ()
-		{
-			var body = document.body;
+		// #6341: The text cursor must be set on the editor area.
+		// #6632: Avoid having "text" shape of cursor in IE7 scrollbars.
+		css.push( 'html{cursor:text;*cursor:auto}' );
-			if ( !body )
-				window.addEventListener( 'load', arguments.callee, false );
-			else
-			{
-				var currentHandler = body.getAttribute( 'onpageshow' );
-				body.setAttribute( 'onpageshow', ( currentHandler ? currentHandler + ';' : '') +
-							'event.persisted && (function(){' +
-								'var allInstances = CKEDITOR.instances, editor, doc;' +
-								'for ( var i in allInstances )' +
-								'{' +
-								'	editor = allInstances[ i ];' +
-								'	doc = editor.document;' +
-								'	if ( doc )' +
-								'	{' +
-								'		doc.$.designMode = "off";' +
-								'		doc.$.designMode = "on";' +
-								'	}' +
-								'}' +
-						'})();' );
-			}
-		} )();
+		// Use correct cursor for these elements
+		css.push( 'img,input,textarea{cursor:default}' );
+		return css.join('\n');
- * Disables the ability of resize objects (image and tables) in the editing
- * area.
- * @type Boolean
- * @default false
- * @example
- * config.disableObjectResizing = true;
+ * Disables the ability of resize objects (image and tables) in the editing area.
+ *
+ *		config.disableObjectResizing = true;
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 CKEDITOR.config.disableObjectResizing = false;
@@ -1086,41 +622,81 @@ CKEDITOR.config.disableObjectResizing = false;
  * Disables the "table tools" offered natively by the browser (currently
  * Firefox only) to make quick table editing operations, like adding or
  * deleting rows and columns.
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.disableNativeTableHandles = false;
+ *
+ *		config.disableNativeTableHandles = false;
+ *
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 CKEDITOR.config.disableNativeTableHandles = true;
- * Disables the built-in spell checker while typing natively available in the
- * browser (currently Firefox and Safari only).<br /><br />
+ * Disables the built-in words spell checker if browser provides one.
+ *
+ * **Note:** Although word suggestions provided by browsers (natively) will
+ * not appear in CKEditor's default context menu,
+ * users can always reach the native context menu by holding the
+ * *Ctrl* key when right-clicking if {@link #browserContextMenuOnCtrl}
+ * is enabled or you're simply not using the context menu plugin.
- * Even if word suggestions will not appear in the CKEditor context menu, this
- * feature is useful to help quickly identifying misspelled words.<br /><br />
+ *		config.disableNativeSpellChecker = false;
- * This setting is currently compatible with Firefox only due to limitations in
- * other browsers.
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.disableNativeSpellChecker = false;
+ * @cfg
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
 CKEDITOR.config.disableNativeSpellChecker = true;
- * Whether the editor must output an empty value ("") if it's contents is made
- * by an empty paragraph only.
- * @type Boolean
- * @default true
- * @example
- * config.ignoreEmptyParagraph = false;
+ * The CSS file(s) to be used to apply style to the contents. It should
+ * reflect the CSS used in the final pages where the contents are to be
+ * used.
+ *
+ *		config.contentsCss = '/css/mysitestyles.css';
+ *		config.contentsCss = ['/css/mysitestyles.css', '/css/anotherfile.css'];
+ *
+ * @cfg {String/Array} [contentsCss=CKEDITOR.basePath + 'contents.css']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+CKEDITOR.config.contentsCss = CKEDITOR.basePath + 'contents.css';
+ * Language code of  the writting language which is used to author the editor
+ * contents.
+ *
+ *		config.contentsLanguage = 'fr';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [contentsLanguage=same value with editor's UI language]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * The base href URL used to resolve relative and absolute URLs in the
+ * editor content.
+ *
+ *		config.baseHref = 'http://www.example.com/path/';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [baseHref='']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
-CKEDITOR.config.ignoreEmptyParagraph = true;
- * Fired when data is loaded and ready for retrieval in an editor instance.
- * @name CKEDITOR.editor#dataReady
- * @event
+ * Whether automatically create wrapping blocks around inline contents inside document body,
+ * this helps to ensure the integrality of the block enter mode.
+ *
+ * **Note:** Changing the default value might introduce unpredictable usability issues.
+ *
+ *		config.autoParagraph = false;
+ *
+ * @since 3.6
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [autoParagraph=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * Fired when some elements are added to the document.
+ *
+ * @event ariaWidget
+ * @member CKEDITOR.editor
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
+ * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} data The element being added.
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wysiwygarea/samples/fullpage.html b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wysiwygarea/samples/fullpage.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0da0e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/plugins/wysiwygarea/samples/fullpage.html
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+	<title>Full Page Editing — CKEditor Sample</title>
+	<meta charset="utf-8">
+	<script src="../../../ckeditor.js"></script>
+	<script src="../../../samples/sample.js"></script>
+	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../samples/sample.css">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-required-plugins" content="sourcearea">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-name" content="Full page support">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-group" content="Plugins">
+	<meta name="ckeditor-sample-description" content="CKEditor inserted with a JavaScript call and used to edit the whole page from <html> to </html>.">
+	<h1 class="samples">
+		<a href="../../../samples/index.html">CKEditor Samples</a> » Full Page Editing
+	</h1>
+	<div class="description">
+		<p>
+			This sample shows how to configure CKEditor to edit entire HTML pages, from the
+			<code><html></code> tag to the <code></html></code> tag.
+		</p>
+		<p>
+			The CKEditor instance below is inserted with a JavaScript call using the following code:
+		</p>
+<pre class="samples">
+CKEDITOR.replace( '<em>textarea_id</em>', {
+	<strong>fullPage: true</strong>
+		<p>
+			Note that <code><em>textarea_id</em></code> in the code above is the <code>id</code> attribute of
+			the <code><textarea></code> element to be replaced.
+		</p>
+	</div>
+	<form action="../../../samples/sample_posteddata.php" method="post">
+		<label for="editor1">
+			CKEditor output the entire page including content outside of
+			<code><body></code> element, so content like meta and title can be changed:
+		</label>
+		<textarea cols="80" id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10">
+			<h1><img alt="Saturn V carrying Apollo 11" align="right" src="../../../samples/assets/sample.jpg"/> Apollo 11</h1> <p><b>Apollo 11</b> was the spaceflight that landed the first humans, Americans <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Armstrong" title="Neil Armstrong">Neil Armstrong</a> and <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buzz_Aldrin" title="Buzz Aldrin">Buzz Aldrin</a>, on the Moon on July 20, 1969, at 20:18 UTC. Armstrong became the first to step onto the lunar surface 6 hours later on July 21 at 02:56 UTC.</p> <p>Armstrong spent about <strike>three and a half</strike> two and a half hours outside the spacecraft, Aldrin slightly less; and together they collected 47.5 pounds (21.5&nbsp;kg) of lunar material for return to Earth. A third member of the mission, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mic
 hael_Collins_(astronaut)" title="Michael Collins (astronaut)">Michael Collins</a>, piloted the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_Command/Service_Module" title="Apollo Command/Service Module">command</a> spacecraft alone in lunar orbit until Armstrong and Aldrin returned to it for the trip back to Earth.</p> <h2>Broadcasting and <em>quotes</em> <a id="quotes" name="quotes"></a></h2> <p>Broadcast on live TV to a world-wide audience, Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface and described the event as:</p> <blockquote><p>One small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.</p></blockquote> <p>Apollo 11 effectively ended the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Race" title="Space Race">Space Race</a> and fulfilled a national goal proposed in 1961 by the late U.S. Preside
 nt <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy" title="John F. Kennedy">John F. Kennedy</a> in a speech before the United States Congress:</p> <blockquote><p>[...] before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth.</p></blockquote> <h2>Technical details <a id="tech-details" name="tech-details"></a></h2> <table align="right" border="1" bordercolor="#ccc" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin:10px 0 10px 15px;"> <caption><strong>Mission crew</strong></caption> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">Position</th> <th scope="col">Astronaut</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Commander</td> <td>Neil A. Armstrong&lt
 ;/td> </tr> <tr> <td>Command Module Pilot</td> <td>Michael Collins</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Lunar Module Pilot</td> <td>Edwin &quot;Buzz&quot; E. Aldrin, Jr.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Launched by a <strong>Saturn V</strong> rocket from <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennedy_Space_Center" title="Kennedy Space Center">Kennedy Space Center</a> in Merritt Island, Florida on July 16, Apollo 11 was the fifth manned mission of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NASA" title="NASA">NASA</a>&#39;s Apollo program. The Apollo spacecraft had three parts:</p> <ol> <li><strong>Command Module</strong> with a cabin for the three astronauts which was the only part which landed back on Earth</li> <li><strong>Service Module</strong> which supporte
 d the Command Module with propulsion, electrical power, oxygen and water</li> <li><strong>Lunar Module</strong> for landing on the Moon.</li> </ol> <p>After being sent to the Moon by the Saturn V&#39;s upper stage, the astronauts separated the spacecraft from it and travelled for three days until they entered into lunar orbit. Armstrong and Aldrin then moved into the Lunar Module and landed in the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mare_Tranquillitatis" title="Mare Tranquillitatis">Sea of Tranquility</a>. They stayed a total of about 21 and a half hours on the lunar surface. After lifting off in the upper part of the Lunar Module and rejoining Collins in the Command Module, they returned to Earth and landed in the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Ocean" title="Pacific Ocean">Pacific Ocean</a> on July 24.</p> <hr/> <p style="text-al
 ign: right;"><small>Source: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_11">Wikipedia.org</a></small></p>
+		</textarea>
+		<script>
+			CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
+				fullPage: true,
+				extraPlugins: 'wysiwygarea'
+			});
+		</script>
+		<p>
+			<input type="submit" value="Submit">
+		</p>
+	</form>
+	<div id="footer">
+		<hr>
+		<p>
+			CKEditor - The text editor for the Internet - <a class="samples" href="http://ckeditor.com/">http://ckeditor.com</a>
+		</p>
+		<p id="copy">
+			Copyright © 2003-2013, <a class="samples" href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico
+			Knabben. All rights reserved.
+		</p>
+	</div>
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog.css
index 743854e..b6c34dd 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog.css
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog.css
@@ -1,21 +1,46 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-/* Restore the dialog visibility */
-body .cke_dialog
+This file styles dialogs and all widgets available inside of it (tabs, buttons,
+fields, etc.).
+Dialogs are a complex system because they're very flexible. The CKEditor API
+makes it easy to create and customize dialogs by code, by making use of several
+different widgets inside its contents.
+All dialogs share a main dialog strucuture, which can be visually represented
+as follows:
++-- .cke_dialog -------------------------------------------------+
+| +-- .cke_dialog_body ----------------------------------------+ |
+| | +-- .cke_dialog_title --+ +-- .cke_dialog_close_button --+ | |
+| | |                       | |                              | | |
+| | +-----------------------+ +------------------------------+ | |
+| | +-- .cke_dialog_tabs ------------------------------------+ | |
+| | |                                                        | | |
+| | +--------------------------------------------------------+ | |
+| | +-- .cke_dialog_contents --------------------------------+ | |
+| | | +-- .cke_dialog_contents_body -----------------------+ | | |
+| | | |                                                    | | | |
+| | | +----------------------------------------------------+ | | |
+| | | +-- .cke_dialog_footer ------------------------------+ | | |
+| | | |                                                    | | | |
+| | | +----------------------------------------------------+ | | |
+| | +--------------------------------------------------------+ | |
+| +------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+Comments in this file will give more details about each of the above blocks.
+/* The outer container of the dialog. */
+	/* Mandatory: Because the dialog.css file is loaded on demand, we avoid
+	   showing an unstyled dialog by hidding it. Here, we restore its visibility. */
 	visibility: visible;
-/* Force Gecko to consider table as positioned */
-.cke_skin_kama table.cke_dialog.cke_browser_gecko
-	display:block;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_body
+/* The inner boundary container. */
 	z-index: 1;
 	border: solid 1px #ddd;
@@ -24,26 +49,14 @@ body .cke_dialog
 	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
 	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
 	border-radius: 5px;
-	/* 'cke_dialog' element has been fixed positioned in all but IE6, while we
-		need it to be positioned to hold e.g. close button. */
-	position: relative;
-	_position: static;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_tl,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_tr,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_tc,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_bl,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_br,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_bc,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_ml,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_mr
+/* Due to our reset we have to recover the styles of some elements. */
+.cke_dialog strong
-	display:none;
+	font-weight: bold;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_title
+/* The dialog title. */
 	font-weight: bold;
 	font-size: 14px;
@@ -52,22 +65,9 @@ body .cke_dialog
 	position: relative;
 	border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_dialog_title,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_dialog_title,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie7 .cke_dialog_title
-	margin-bottom: 22px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_title,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_title,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie7.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_title
-	margin-bottom: 10px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_contents
+/* The outer part of the dialog contants, which contains the contents body
+   and the footer. */
 	background-color: #ebebeb;
 	border: solid 1px #fff;
@@ -82,8 +82,16 @@ body .cke_dialog
 	border-top-right-radius: 5px;
 	margin-top: 22px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_footer
+/* The contents body part, which will hold all elements available in the dialog. */
+	overflow: auto;
+	padding: 17px 10px 5px 10px;
+	margin-top: 22px;
+/* The dialog footer, which usually contains the "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons as
+   well as a rsizer handle. */
 	text-align: right;
 	background-color: #ebebeb;
@@ -96,334 +104,320 @@ body .cke_dialog
 	border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
 	border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer
 	text-align: left;
-/* tabs */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_tabs
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer
+	margin-top: 24px;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_ltr
+	border-right-color: #ccc;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_rtl
+	border-left-color: #ccc;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer
+	margin-bottom: 1px;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_ltr
+	margin-right: 1px;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_rtl
+	margin-left: 1px;
+Dialog tabs
+Tabs are presented on some of the dialogs to make it possible to have its
+contents split on different groups, visible one after the other.
+The main element that holds the tabs can be made hidden, in case of no tabs
+The following is the visual representation of the tabs block:
++-- .cke_dialog_tabs ------------------------------------+
+|  +-- .cke_dialog_tab --+ +-- .cke_dialog_tab --+ ...   |
+|  |                     | |                     |       |
+|  +---------------------+ +---------------------+       |
+The .cke_dialog_tab_selected class is appended to the active tab.
+/* The main tabs container. */
 	height: 23px;
 	display: inline-block;
-	_display: block;
 	margin-top: 11px;
 	position: absolute;
 	z-index: 2;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_dialog_tabs,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_dialog_tabs,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie7 .cke_dialog_tabs
-	top: 33px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tabs
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tabs
 	right: 10px;
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_kama a:link.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_kama a:active.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_kama a:hover.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_kama a:visited.cke_dialog_tab
+/* A single tab (an <a> element). */
 	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
 	background-repeat: repeat-x;
 	background-position: 0 -1323px;
 	background-color: #ebebeb;
 	height: 14px;
 	padding: 4px 8px;
 	display: inline-block;
 	cursor: pointer;
-/* Gecko 1.8 layout workaround. */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko18 a.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko18 a:link.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko18 a:active.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko18 a:hover.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko18 a:visited.cke_dialog_tab
-	display: inline;
-	position: relative;
-	top: 6px;
-.cke_skin_kama a:hover.cke_dialog_tab
 	background-color: #f1f1e3;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc a:hover.cke_dialog_tab
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab:hover
 	padding: 2px 6px !important;
 	border-width: 3px;
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_kama a:link.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_kama a:active.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_kama a:hover.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_kama a:visited.cke_dialog_tab_selected
 	background-position: 0 -1279px;
 	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc a:link.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc a:active.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc a:hover.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc a:visited.cke_dialog_tab_selected
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab_selected
 	padding: 2px 6px !important;
 	border-width: 3px;
-/* single_page */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_single_page .cke_dialog_tabs
+/* The .cke_single_page class is appended to the dialog outer element in case
+   of dialogs that has no tabs. */
+.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_tabs
 	display: none;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_single_page .cke_dialog_contents
+.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_contents
 	padding-top: 5px;
 	margin-top: 10px;
-/* IE7 + IE quirks */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie7.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_contents
+/* The close button at the top of the dialog. */
-	margin-top: 0px;
-	position: relative;
-	margin-bottom: -22px;
+	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	background-position: 0 -1022px;
+	position: absolute;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	text-align: center;
+	height: 20px;
+	width: 20px;
+	top: 5px;
+.cke_dialog_close_button span
+	display: none;
+	background-position: 0 -1045px;
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_close_button
+	right: 10px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_close_button
+	left: 10px;
+	top: 7px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_ui_vbox table,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_ui_hbox table
+Dialog UI Elements
+The remaining styles define the UI elements that can be used inside dialog
+Most of the UI elements on dialogs contain a textual label. All of them share
+the same labelling structure, having the label text inside an element with
+.cke_dialog_ui_labeled_label and the element specific part inside the
+.cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content class.
+/* If an element is supposed to be disabled, the .cke_disabled class is
+   appended to it. */
+div.cke_disabled .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content *
+	background-color : #a0a0a0;
+	cursor : default;
+Horizontal-Box and Vertical-Box
+There are basic layou element used by the editor to properly align elements in
+the dialog. They're basically tables that have each cell filled by UI elements.
+The following is the visual representation of a H-Box:
++-- .cke_dialog_ui_hbox --------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+|  +-- .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first --+ +-- .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child --+ +-- .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_last --+ |
+|  +                               + +                               + +                              + |
+|  +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ +------------------------------+ |
+It is possible to have nested V/H-Boxes.
+.cke_dialog_ui_vbox table,
+.cke_dialog_ui_hbox table
 	margin: auto;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_ui_vbox_child
 	padding: 5px 0px;
-.cke_skin_kama input.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
-.cke_skin_kama input.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
-	background-color: white;
-	border: none;
-	padding: 0px;
 	width: 100%;
-	height: 14px;
-.cke_skin_kama div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
-.cke_skin_kama div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
-	background-color: white;
-	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
-	padding: 1px 0px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text {
-	padding-right: 1px;
+	vertical-align: top;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
-	border-width: 0px;
+	padding-right: 10px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko18.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko18.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
-	border-width: 1px;
+	padding-left: 10px;
-.cke_skin_kama textarea.cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea
+Text Input
+The basic text field to input text.
++-- .cke_dialog_ui_text --------------------------+
+|  +-- .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_label ------------+ |
+|  |                                            | |
+|  +--------------------------------------------+ |
+|  +-- .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content ----------+ |
+|  | +-- div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text --------+ | |
+|  | | +-- input.cke_dialog_ui_input_text --+ | | |
+|  | | |                                    | | | |
+|  | | +------------------------------------+ | | |
+|  | +----------------------------------------+ | |
+|  +--------------------------------------------+ |
 	background-color: white;
 	border: none;
 	padding: 0px;
 	width: 100%;
-	/*
-	 * IE6 BUG: Scrollbars in textareas can overflow even if the outer DIV is set to overflow:hidden.
-	 * So leave 1% width for the scrollbar. In most situations the 1% isn't noticeable by users.
-	 */
-	_width: 99%;
-	overflow: auto;
-	resize: none;
+	height: 14px;
-.cke_skin_kama div.cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea
 	background-color: white;
 	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
 	padding: 1px 0px;
-.cke_skin_kama div.cke_disabled .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content *
-	background-color : #a0a0a0;
-	cursor : default;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_ui_hbox
+The textarea field to input larger text.
++-- .cke_dialog_ui_textarea --------------------------+
+|  +-- .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_label ----------------+ |
+|  |                                                | |
+|  +------------------------------------------------+ |
+|  +-- .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content --------------+ |
+|  | +-- div.cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea --------+ | |
+|  | | +-- input.cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea --+ | | |
+|  | | |                                        | | | |
+|  | | +----------------------------------------+ | | |
+|  | +--------------------------------------------+ | |
+|  +------------------------------------------------+ |
+	background-color: white;
+	border: none;
+	padding: 0px;
 	width: 100%;
+	overflow: auto;
+	resize: none;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_last
-	vertical-align: top;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
-	padding-right: 10px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
-	padding-left: 10px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	padding: 1px 0px;
-/* button */
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_dialog_ui_button
+The buttons used in the dialog footer or inside the contents.
++-- a.cke_dialog_ui_button -----------+
+|  +-- span.cke_dialog_ui_button --+  |
+|  |                               |  |
+|  +-------------------------------+  |
+/* The outer part of the button. */
 	border-collapse: separate;
 	cursor: default;
 	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
 	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
 	border-radius: 5px;
 	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) repeat-x scroll 0 -1069px;
-	_background: none;
-	padding: 5px 0;
-	text-align: center;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks a.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	padding: 0;
-/* IE6 buttons. */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 a.cke_dialog_ui_button span
-	width: 70px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks a.cke_dialog_ui_button span,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks a.cke_dialog_ui_button span
-	width: 100px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks a.cke_dialog_ui_button span,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks a.cke_dialog_ui_button span,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 a.cke_dialog_ui_button span
-	padding: 5px 15px;
 	text-align: center;
-	color: #3b3b1f;
-	background: #53D9F0 none;
 	display: inline-block;
-	cursor: default;
-/* END IE6 buttons. */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_webkit a.cke_dialog_ui_button span.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	margin: 0;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_webkit a.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	display:inline-block;
-	padding-top: 3px;
-	padding-bottom: 2px;
-	margin: 2px 0;
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span,
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+/* The inner part of the button. */
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span,
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
-	padding-right: 20px;
-	padding-left: 20px;
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok
-	background-position: 0 -1143px;
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
-	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) no-repeat scroll right -1219px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
-	background-position: left -1219px;
+	width: 60px;
+	padding: 5px 20px 5px;
+	display: inline-block;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
+/* Special class appended to the Ok button. */
-	background-color: #B8E834;
-	margin-right: 0;
+	background-position: 0 -1144px;
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
-	background-position: 0 -1104px;
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) no-repeat scroll right -1216px;
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+.cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
-	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) no-repeat scroll right -1245px;
+	background-position: left -1216px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+/* Special class appended to the Cancel button. */
-	background-position: left -1245px;
+	background-position: 0 -1105px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
-	background-color: #F65D20;
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) no-repeat scroll right -1242px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
+.cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
-	background-image: none;
+	background-position: left -1242px;
-.cke_skin_kama span.cke_dialog_ui_button
 	padding: 2px 10px;
 	text-align: center;
@@ -431,210 +425,67 @@ body .cke_dialog
 	display: inline-block;
 	cursor: default;
 	min-width: 60px;
-	+margin: 2px 0; /* IE7 */
-/* Gecko 1.8 does not support display: inline-block */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_dialog_footer_buttons span.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	display: block;
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_dialog_ui_button span.cke_disabled
+/* .cke_disabled is appended to disabled buttons */
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button span.cke_disabled
 	border: #898980 1px solid;
 	color: #5e5e55;
 	background-color: #c5c5b3;
-.cke_skin_kama a:hover.cke_dialog_ui_button,
-.cke_skin_kama a:focus.cke_dialog_ui_button,
-.cke_skin_kama a:active.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	background-position: 0 -1179px;
+	background-position: 0 -1180px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc a:hover.cke_dialog_ui_button,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc a:focus.cke_dialog_ui_button,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc a:active.cke_dialog_ui_button
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:hover,
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:focus,
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:active
 	border-width: 2px;
-/* Skip hover effect on IE6 */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks a:hover.cke_dialog_ui_button span,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks a:focus.cke_dialog_ui_button span,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks a:active.cke_dialog_ui_button span,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 a:hover.cke_dialog_ui_button span,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 a:focus.cke_dialog_ui_button span,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 a:active.cke_dialog_ui_button span
-	background-image: none;
-	background: #F7A922;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_footer_buttons
+/* A special container that holds the footer buttons. */
 	display: inline-table;
-	margin-right: 12px;
-	margin-left: 12px;
+	margin: 6px 12px 0 12px;
 	width: auto;
 	position: relative;
-/* Gecko 1.8 does not support for display: inline-table */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_dialog_footer_buttons
-	display: inline;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_footer_buttons span.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	margin: 7px 0;
-	width: 60px;
-	text-align: center;
-/* Firefox2 buttons */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_dialog_footer_buttons a.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	display: block;
-	padding: 0;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_dialog_footer_buttons span.cke_dialog_ui_button
+.cke_dialog_footer_buttons span.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	padding-bottom: 5px;
-	padding-top: 6px;
-	margin-bottom: 0;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_dialog_footer_buttons .cke_dialog_ui_button_ok .cke_dialog_ui_button
-	background-position: right -1214px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_dialog_footer_buttons .cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel .cke_dialog_ui_button
-	background-position: right -1242px;
-/* END Firefox2 buttons */
-.cke_skin_kama strong
-	font-weight: bold;
-/* close_button */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog .cke_dialog_body .cke_dialog_close_button
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	background-position: 0 -1022px;
-	position: absolute;
-	cursor: pointer;
 	text-align: center;
-	height: 20px;
-	width: 20px;
-	top: 5px;
-	/* IE 6 */
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_close_button span
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_close_button:hover
-	background-position: 0 -1045px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_ltr .cke_dialog_close_button
-	right: 10px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie8.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_close_button
-	left: 8px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_close_button
-	left: 10px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie7.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_close_button
-	left: 16px;
-	top: 0;
-/*.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_close_button
-	left: 16px;
-/* IE7 + IE quirks */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie7.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_close_button
-	position: absolute;
-	left: 10px;
-	top: 5px;
-/* IE7 + IE quirks */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie7.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_footer
-	margin-top: 22px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_dialog_close_button
-	top: 7px;
-/* IE7 + IE quirks */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie7.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_close_button
-	margin-top: 0;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_ui_input_select
+Styles for other dialog element types.
 	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
 	background-color: white;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_ui_input_file
 	width: 100%;
 	height: 25px;
  * Some utility CSS classes for dialog authors.
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog .cke_dark_background
+.cke_dialog .cke_dark_background
 	background-color: #eaead1;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog .cke_hand
+.cke_dialog .cke_light_background
-	cursor: pointer;
+	background-color: #ffffbe;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog .cke_centered
+.cke_dialog .cke_centered
 	text-align: center;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
 	float: right;
 	background-position: 0 -32px;
@@ -645,14 +496,12 @@ body .cke_dialog
 	border: 1px none;
 	font-size: 1px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
 	float: left;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
 	float: left;
 	background-position: 0 0;
@@ -663,46 +512,42 @@ body .cke_dialog
 	border: none 1px;
 	font-size: 1px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked .cke_icon
+	display:none;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
 	float: right;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
 	background-position: 0 -16px;
 	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog .cke_btn_over
+.cke_dialog .cke_btn_over
 	border: outset 1px;
 	cursor: pointer;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewBox
+The rest of the file contains style used on several common plugins. There is a
+tendency that these will be moved to the plugins code in the future.
+.cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewBox
 	border : 2px ridge black;
 	overflow : scroll;
-	height : 160px;
-	width : 230px;
+	height : 200px;
+	width : 300px;
 	padding : 2px;
 	background-color : white;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog .ImagePreviewBox table td {
+.cke_dialog .ImagePreviewBox table td {
 	white-space: normal;
-/* Fix iframedialog's height doesn't stretch to 100% #4863.*/
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_dialog_page_contents
-	_position: absolute;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewLoader
+.cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewLoader
 	position: absolute;
 	white-space : normal;
@@ -713,11 +558,9 @@ body .cke_dialog
 	padding : 2px;
 	opacity : 0.9;
 	filter : alpha(opacity=90);
 	background-color : #e4e4e4;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog  .FlashPreviewBox
+.cke_dialog  .FlashPreviewBox
 	white-space : normal;
 	border : 2px ridge black;
@@ -727,73 +570,52 @@ body .cke_dialog
 	padding : 2px;
 	background-color : white;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog .cke_pastetext
+.cke_dialog .cke_pastetext
 	width: 346px;
 	height: 170px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog .cke_pastetext textarea
+.cke_dialog .cke_pastetext textarea
 	width: 340px;
 	height: 170px;
 	resize: none;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog iframe.cke_pasteframe
+.cke_dialog iframe.cke_pasteframe
 	width: 346px;
 	height: 130px;
 	background-color: white;
 	border: 1px solid black;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog .cke_dark_background
-	text-align : center;
-	background-color: #eaead1;
-	font-size : 14px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog .cke_light_background
-	text-align : center;
-	background-color: #ffffbe;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog .cke_hand
+.cke_dialog .cke_hand
 	cursor: pointer;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_disabled
 	color: #a0a0a0;
-/* High Contrast Mode */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_dialog_title,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_dialog_contents,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
+High Contrast Mode.
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_title,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_contents,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
 	border-left: 1px solid;
 	border-right: 1px solid;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_dialog_title
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_title
 	border-top: 1px solid;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
 	border-bottom: 1px solid;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_dialog_close_button span
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_close_button span
 	display: inline;
 	cursor: pointer;
@@ -801,56 +623,97 @@ body .cke_dialog
 	position: relative;
 	top: 3px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_body .cke_label
+.cke_dialog_body .cke_label
 	display: none;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_dialog_body label.cke_required
+.cke_dialog_body label
+	display: inline;
+	margin-bottom: auto;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_dialog_body label.cke_required
 	font-weight: bold;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_dialog_body .cke_label
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_body .cke_label
 	display: inline;
+	cursor: inherit;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
 	border-style: solid;
 	float: left;
 	width: auto;
 	height: auto;
+	padding: 0 2px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
 	float: right;
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_smile img
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked .cke_icon
+	display:inline;
+a.cke_smile img
 	/* IE6 does not support transparent borders */
 	border: 2px solid #eaead1;
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_smile:focus img,
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_smile:active img,
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_smile:hover img
+a.cke_smile:focus img,
+a.cke_smile:active img,
+a.cke_smile:hover img
 	border-color: #C7C78F;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs a,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer a
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs a,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer a
 	opacity: 1.0;
 	filter: alpha(opacity=100);
 	border: 1px solid white;
+.cke_hc .ImagePreviewBox
+	width: 260px;
+ * Styles specific to "cellProperties" dialog.
+ */
+.cke_dialog_contents a.colorChooser
+	display:block;
+	margin-top:6px;
+	margin-left: 10px;
+	width: 80px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_contents a.colorChooser
+	margin-right: 10px;
+/* Compensate focus outline for some input elements. (#6200) */
+	outline: 1px dotted #696969;
+	display:block;
+	position:absolute;
+	top:0;
+	left:0;
+	z-index:-1;
+	filter:alpha(opacity=0);
+	width:100%;
+	height:100%;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog_ie.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog_ie.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c5d08e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog_ie.css
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+This file contains styles to used by all versions of Internet Explorer only.
+/* Base it on dialog.css, overriding it with styles defined in this file. */
+		visibility: visible;
+	z-index: 1;
+	border: solid 1px #ddd;
+	padding: 5px;
+	background-color: #fff;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+.cke_dialog strong
+	font-weight: bold;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	font-size: 14px;
+	padding: 3px 3px 8px;
+	cursor: move;
+	position: relative;
+	border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+	border: solid 1px #fff;
+	border-bottom: none;
+	overflow: auto;
+	padding: 17px 10px 5px 10px;
+	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;
+	-moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px;
+	border-top-left-radius: 5px;
+	border-top-right-radius: 5px;
+	margin-top: 22px;
+	overflow: auto;
+	padding: 17px 10px 5px 10px;
+	margin-top: 22px;
+	text-align: right;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+	border: solid 1px #fff;
+	border-bottom: none;
+	-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px;
+	-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
+	border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
+	border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer
+	text-align: left;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer
+	margin-top: 24px;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_ltr
+	border-right-color: #ccc;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_rtl
+	border-left-color: #ccc;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer
+	margin-bottom: 1px;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_ltr
+	margin-right: 1px;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_rtl
+	margin-left: 1px;
+	height: 23px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	margin-left:10px;
+	margin-right:10px;
+	margin-top: 11px;
+	position: absolute;
+	z-index: 2;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tabs
+	right: 10px;
+	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-repeat: repeat-x;
+	background-position: 0 -1323px;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+	height: 14px;
+	padding: 4px 8px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	background-color: #f1f1e3;
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab:hover
+	padding: 2px 6px !important;
+	border-width: 3px;
+	background-position: 0 -1279px;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab_selected
+	padding: 2px 6px !important;
+	border-width: 3px;
+.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_tabs
+	display: none;
+.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_contents
+	padding-top: 5px;
+	margin-top: 10px;
+	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	background-position: 0 -1022px;
+	position: absolute;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	text-align: center;
+	height: 20px;
+	width: 20px;
+	top: 5px;
+.cke_dialog_close_button span
+	display: none;
+	background-position: 0 -1045px;
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_close_button
+	right: 10px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_close_button
+	left: 10px;
+	top: 7px;
+div.cke_disabled .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content *
+	background-color : #a0a0a0;
+	cursor : default;
+.cke_dialog_ui_vbox table,
+.cke_dialog_ui_hbox table
+	margin: auto;
+	padding: 5px 0px;
+	width: 100%;
+	vertical-align: top;
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
+	padding-right: 10px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
+	padding-left: 10px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: none;
+	padding: 0px;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 14px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	padding: 1px 0px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: none;
+	padding: 0px;
+	width: 100%;
+	overflow: auto;
+	resize: none;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	padding: 1px 0px;
+	border-collapse: separate;
+	cursor: default;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) repeat-x scroll 0 -1069px;
+	text-align: center;
+	display: inline-block;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span,
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	width: 60px;
+	padding: 5px 20px 5px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	background-position: 0 -1144px;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) no-repeat scroll right -1216px;
+.cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
+	background-position: left -1216px;
+	background-position: 0 -1105px;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) no-repeat scroll right -1242px;
+.cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	background-position: left -1242px;
+	padding: 2px 10px;
+	text-align: center;
+	color: #222;
+	display: inline-block;
+	cursor: default;
+	min-width: 60px;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button span.cke_disabled
+	border: #898980 1px solid;
+	color: #5e5e55;
+	background-color: #c5c5b3;
+	background-position: 0 -1180px;
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:hover,
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:focus,
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:active
+	border-width: 2px;
+	display: inline-table;
+	margin: 6px 12px 0 12px;
+	width: auto;
+	position: relative;
+.cke_dialog_footer_buttons span.cke_dialog_ui_button
+	text-align: center;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	background-color: white;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 25px;
+.cke_dialog .cke_dark_background
+	background-color: #eaead1;
+.cke_dialog .cke_light_background
+	background-color: #ffffbe;
+.cke_dialog .cke_centered
+	text-align: center;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
+	float: right;
+	background-position: 0 -32px;
+	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
+	width: 16px;
+	height: 16px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	border: 1px none;
+	font-size: 1px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
+	float: left;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+	float: left;
+	background-position: 0 0;
+	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
+	width: 16px;
+	height: 16px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	border: none 1px;
+	font-size: 1px;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked .cke_icon
+	display:none;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+	float: right;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+	background-position: 0 -16px;
+	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
+.cke_dialog .cke_btn_over
+	border: outset 1px;
+	cursor: pointer;
+.cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewBox
+	border : 2px ridge black;
+	overflow : scroll;
+	height : 200px;
+	width : 300px;
+	padding : 2px;
+	background-color : white;
+.cke_dialog .ImagePreviewBox table td {
+	white-space: normal;
+.cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewLoader
+	position: absolute;
+	white-space : normal;
+	overflow : hidden;
+	height : 160px;
+	width : 230px;
+	margin : 2px;
+	padding : 2px;
+	opacity : 0.9;
+	filter : alpha(opacity=90);
+	background-color : #e4e4e4;
+.cke_dialog  .FlashPreviewBox
+	white-space : normal;
+	border : 2px ridge black;
+	overflow : auto;
+	height : 160px;
+	width : 390px;
+	padding : 2px;
+	background-color : white;
+.cke_dialog .cke_pastetext
+	width: 346px;
+	height: 170px;
+.cke_dialog .cke_pastetext textarea
+	width: 340px;
+	height: 170px;
+	resize: none;
+.cke_dialog iframe.cke_pasteframe
+	width: 346px;
+	height: 130px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid black;
+.cke_dialog .cke_hand
+	cursor: pointer;
+	color: #a0a0a0;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_title,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_contents,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
+	border-left: 1px solid;
+	border-right: 1px solid;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_title
+	border-top: 1px solid;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
+	border-bottom: 1px solid;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_close_button span
+	display: inline;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	position: relative;
+	top: 3px;
+.cke_dialog_body .cke_label
+	display: none;
+.cke_dialog_body label
+	display: inline;
+	margin-bottom: auto;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_dialog_body label.cke_required
+	font-weight: bold;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_body .cke_label
+	display: inline;
+	cursor: inherit;
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
+	border-style: solid;
+	float: left;
+	width: auto;
+	height: auto;
+	padding: 0 2px;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked .cke_icon
+	display:inline;
+a.cke_smile img
+		border: 2px solid #eaead1;
+a.cke_smile:focus img,
+a.cke_smile:active img,
+a.cke_smile:hover img
+	border-color: #C7C78F;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs a,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer a
+	opacity: 1.0;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=100);
+	border: 1px solid white;
+.cke_hc .ImagePreviewBox
+	width: 260px;
+.cke_dialog_contents a.colorChooser
+	display:block;
+	margin-top:6px;
+	margin-left: 10px;
+	width: 80px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_contents a.colorChooser
+	margin-right: 10px;
+	outline: 1px dotted #696969;
+	display:block;
+	position:absolute;
+	top:0;
+	left:0;
+	z-index:-1;
+	filter:alpha(opacity=0);
+	width:100%;
+	height:100%;
+/* IE doesn't leave enough padding in text input for cursor to blink in RTL. (#6087) */
+.cke_rtl input.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
+.cke_rtl input.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
+	padding-right: 2px;
+/* Compensate the padding added above on container. */
+.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
+.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
+	padding-left: 2px;
+.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text {
+	padding-right: 1px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_vbox_child,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_last
+	padding-right: 2px !important;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog_ie7.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog_ie7.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ae5e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog_ie7.css
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+This file contains styles to used by Internet Explorer 7 only.
+/* Base it on dialog_ie.css, overriding it with styles defined in this file. */
+		visibility: visible;
+	z-index: 1;
+	border: solid 1px #ddd;
+	padding: 5px;
+	background-color: #fff;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+.cke_dialog strong
+	font-weight: bold;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	font-size: 14px;
+	padding: 3px 3px 8px;
+	cursor: move;
+	position: relative;
+	border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+	border: solid 1px #fff;
+	border-bottom: none;
+	overflow: auto;
+	padding: 17px 10px 5px 10px;
+	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;
+	-moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px;
+	border-top-left-radius: 5px;
+	border-top-right-radius: 5px;
+	margin-top: 22px;
+	overflow: auto;
+	padding: 17px 10px 5px 10px;
+	margin-top: 22px;
+	text-align: right;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+	border: solid 1px #fff;
+	border-bottom: none;
+	-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px;
+	-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
+	border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
+	border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer
+	text-align: left;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer
+	margin-top: 24px;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_ltr
+	border-right-color: #ccc;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_rtl
+	border-left-color: #ccc;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer
+	margin-bottom: 1px;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_ltr
+	margin-right: 1px;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_rtl
+	margin-left: 1px;
+	height: 23px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	margin-left:10px;
+	margin-right:10px;
+	margin-top: 11px;
+	position: absolute;
+	z-index: 2;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tabs
+	right: 10px;
+	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-repeat: repeat-x;
+	background-position: 0 -1323px;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+	height: 14px;
+	padding: 4px 8px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	background-color: #f1f1e3;
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab:hover
+	padding: 2px 6px !important;
+	border-width: 3px;
+	background-position: 0 -1279px;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab_selected
+	padding: 2px 6px !important;
+	border-width: 3px;
+.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_tabs
+	display: none;
+.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_contents
+	padding-top: 5px;
+	margin-top: 10px;
+	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	background-position: 0 -1022px;
+	position: absolute;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	text-align: center;
+	height: 20px;
+	width: 20px;
+	top: 5px;
+.cke_dialog_close_button span
+	display: none;
+	background-position: 0 -1045px;
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_close_button
+	right: 10px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_close_button
+	left: 10px;
+	top: 7px;
+div.cke_disabled .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content *
+	background-color : #a0a0a0;
+	cursor : default;
+.cke_dialog_ui_vbox table,
+.cke_dialog_ui_hbox table
+	margin: auto;
+	padding: 5px 0px;
+	width: 100%;
+	vertical-align: top;
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
+	padding-right: 10px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
+	padding-left: 10px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: none;
+	padding: 0px;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 14px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	padding: 1px 0px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: none;
+	padding: 0px;
+	width: 100%;
+	overflow: auto;
+	resize: none;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	padding: 1px 0px;
+	border-collapse: separate;
+	cursor: default;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) repeat-x scroll 0 -1069px;
+	text-align: center;
+	display: inline-block;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span,
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	width: 60px;
+	padding: 5px 20px 5px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	background-position: 0 -1144px;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) no-repeat scroll right -1216px;
+.cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
+	background-position: left -1216px;
+	background-position: 0 -1105px;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) no-repeat scroll right -1242px;
+.cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	background-position: left -1242px;
+	padding: 2px 10px;
+	text-align: center;
+	color: #222;
+	display: inline-block;
+	cursor: default;
+	min-width: 60px;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button span.cke_disabled
+	border: #898980 1px solid;
+	color: #5e5e55;
+	background-color: #c5c5b3;
+	background-position: 0 -1180px;
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:hover,
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:focus,
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:active
+	border-width: 2px;
+	display: inline-table;
+	margin: 6px 12px 0 12px;
+	width: auto;
+	position: relative;
+.cke_dialog_footer_buttons span.cke_dialog_ui_button
+	text-align: center;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	background-color: white;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 25px;
+.cke_dialog .cke_dark_background
+	background-color: #eaead1;
+.cke_dialog .cke_light_background
+	background-color: #ffffbe;
+.cke_dialog .cke_centered
+	text-align: center;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
+	float: right;
+	background-position: 0 -32px;
+	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
+	width: 16px;
+	height: 16px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	border: 1px none;
+	font-size: 1px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
+	float: left;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+	float: left;
+	background-position: 0 0;
+	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
+	width: 16px;
+	height: 16px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	border: none 1px;
+	font-size: 1px;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked .cke_icon
+	display:none;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+	float: right;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+	background-position: 0 -16px;
+	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
+.cke_dialog .cke_btn_over
+	border: outset 1px;
+	cursor: pointer;
+.cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewBox
+	border : 2px ridge black;
+	overflow : scroll;
+	height : 200px;
+	width : 300px;
+	padding : 2px;
+	background-color : white;
+.cke_dialog .ImagePreviewBox table td {
+	white-space: normal;
+.cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewLoader
+	position: absolute;
+	white-space : normal;
+	overflow : hidden;
+	height : 160px;
+	width : 230px;
+	margin : 2px;
+	padding : 2px;
+	opacity : 0.9;
+	filter : alpha(opacity=90);
+	background-color : #e4e4e4;
+.cke_dialog  .FlashPreviewBox
+	white-space : normal;
+	border : 2px ridge black;
+	overflow : auto;
+	height : 160px;
+	width : 390px;
+	padding : 2px;
+	background-color : white;
+.cke_dialog .cke_pastetext
+	width: 346px;
+	height: 170px;
+.cke_dialog .cke_pastetext textarea
+	width: 340px;
+	height: 170px;
+	resize: none;
+.cke_dialog iframe.cke_pasteframe
+	width: 346px;
+	height: 130px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid black;
+.cke_dialog .cke_hand
+	cursor: pointer;
+	color: #a0a0a0;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_title,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_contents,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
+	border-left: 1px solid;
+	border-right: 1px solid;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_title
+	border-top: 1px solid;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
+	border-bottom: 1px solid;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_close_button span
+	display: inline;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	position: relative;
+	top: 3px;
+.cke_dialog_body .cke_label
+	display: none;
+.cke_dialog_body label
+	display: inline;
+	margin-bottom: auto;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_dialog_body label.cke_required
+	font-weight: bold;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_body .cke_label
+	display: inline;
+	cursor: inherit;
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
+	border-style: solid;
+	float: left;
+	width: auto;
+	height: auto;
+	padding: 0 2px;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked .cke_icon
+	display:inline;
+a.cke_smile img
+		border: 2px solid #eaead1;
+a.cke_smile:focus img,
+a.cke_smile:active img,
+a.cke_smile:hover img
+	border-color: #C7C78F;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs a,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer a
+	opacity: 1.0;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=100);
+	border: 1px solid white;
+.cke_hc .ImagePreviewBox
+	width: 260px;
+.cke_dialog_contents a.colorChooser
+	display:block;
+	margin-top:6px;
+	margin-left: 10px;
+	width: 80px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_contents a.colorChooser
+	margin-right: 10px;
+	outline: 1px dotted #696969;
+	display:block;
+	position:absolute;
+	top:0;
+	left:0;
+	z-index:-1;
+	filter:alpha(opacity=0);
+	width:100%;
+	height:100%;
+.cke_rtl input.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
+.cke_rtl input.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
+	padding-right: 2px;
+.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
+.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
+	padding-left: 2px;
+.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text {
+	padding-right: 1px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_vbox_child,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_last
+	padding-right: 2px !important;
+	margin-bottom: 22px;
+.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_title
+	margin-bottom: 10px;
+.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_footer
+	margin-top: 22px;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer
+	margin-top: 27px;
+	top: 33px;
+/* IE7 needs position static #6806 */
+/* IE7 displays footer button too low and too close to the resizer (#9359) */
+	position: static;
+	margin-top: 7px;		/* Keep it slightly lower */
+	margin-right: 24px;		/* Keep it away from the resizer */
+/* END #6806 */
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer_buttons
+	margin-right: 0;
+	margin-left: 24px;		/* Keep it away from the resizer */
+/* END #9359 */
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_close_button
+	margin-top: 0;
+	position: absolute;
+	left: 10px;
+	top: 5px;
+	margin: 2px 0;
+/* Predefined border to avoid visual size change impact. */
+	border: 1px solid transparent !important;
+/* The absolute position is required for IE7 on text inputs not to stretch dialog horizontally. (#8971)*/
+	position: absolute;
+	height:14px;
+	position: relative;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog_ie8.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog_ie8.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4e424c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog_ie8.css
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+This file contains styles to used by Internet Explorer 8 only.
+/* Base it on dialog_ie.css, overriding it with styles defined in this file. */
+		visibility: visible;
+	z-index: 1;
+	border: solid 1px #ddd;
+	padding: 5px;
+	background-color: #fff;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+.cke_dialog strong
+	font-weight: bold;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	font-size: 14px;
+	padding: 3px 3px 8px;
+	cursor: move;
+	position: relative;
+	border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+	border: solid 1px #fff;
+	border-bottom: none;
+	overflow: auto;
+	padding: 17px 10px 5px 10px;
+	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;
+	-moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px;
+	border-top-left-radius: 5px;
+	border-top-right-radius: 5px;
+	margin-top: 22px;
+	overflow: auto;
+	padding: 17px 10px 5px 10px;
+	margin-top: 22px;
+	text-align: right;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+	border: solid 1px #fff;
+	border-bottom: none;
+	-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px;
+	-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
+	border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
+	border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer
+	text-align: left;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer
+	margin-top: 24px;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_ltr
+	border-right-color: #ccc;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_rtl
+	border-left-color: #ccc;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer
+	margin-bottom: 1px;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_ltr
+	margin-right: 1px;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_rtl
+	margin-left: 1px;
+	height: 23px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	margin-left:10px;
+	margin-right:10px;
+	margin-top: 11px;
+	position: absolute;
+	z-index: 2;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tabs
+	right: 10px;
+	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-repeat: repeat-x;
+	background-position: 0 -1323px;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+	height: 14px;
+	padding: 4px 8px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	background-color: #f1f1e3;
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab:hover
+	padding: 2px 6px !important;
+	border-width: 3px;
+	background-position: 0 -1279px;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab_selected
+	padding: 2px 6px !important;
+	border-width: 3px;
+.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_tabs
+	display: none;
+.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_contents
+	padding-top: 5px;
+	margin-top: 10px;
+	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	background-position: 0 -1022px;
+	position: absolute;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	text-align: center;
+	height: 20px;
+	width: 20px;
+	top: 5px;
+.cke_dialog_close_button span
+	display: none;
+	background-position: 0 -1045px;
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_close_button
+	right: 10px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_close_button
+	left: 10px;
+	top: 7px;
+div.cke_disabled .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content *
+	background-color : #a0a0a0;
+	cursor : default;
+.cke_dialog_ui_vbox table,
+.cke_dialog_ui_hbox table
+	margin: auto;
+	padding: 5px 0px;
+	width: 100%;
+	vertical-align: top;
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
+	padding-right: 10px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
+	padding-left: 10px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: none;
+	padding: 0px;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 14px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	padding: 1px 0px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: none;
+	padding: 0px;
+	width: 100%;
+	overflow: auto;
+	resize: none;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	padding: 1px 0px;
+	border-collapse: separate;
+	cursor: default;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) repeat-x scroll 0 -1069px;
+	text-align: center;
+	display: inline-block;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span,
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	width: 60px;
+	padding: 5px 20px 5px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	background-position: 0 -1144px;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) no-repeat scroll right -1216px;
+.cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
+	background-position: left -1216px;
+	background-position: 0 -1105px;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) no-repeat scroll right -1242px;
+.cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	background-position: left -1242px;
+	padding: 2px 10px;
+	text-align: center;
+	color: #222;
+	display: inline-block;
+	cursor: default;
+	min-width: 60px;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button span.cke_disabled
+	border: #898980 1px solid;
+	color: #5e5e55;
+	background-color: #c5c5b3;
+	background-position: 0 -1180px;
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:hover,
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:focus,
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:active
+	border-width: 2px;
+	display: inline-table;
+	margin: 6px 12px 0 12px;
+	width: auto;
+	position: relative;
+.cke_dialog_footer_buttons span.cke_dialog_ui_button
+	text-align: center;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	background-color: white;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 25px;
+.cke_dialog .cke_dark_background
+	background-color: #eaead1;
+.cke_dialog .cke_light_background
+	background-color: #ffffbe;
+.cke_dialog .cke_centered
+	text-align: center;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
+	float: right;
+	background-position: 0 -32px;
+	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
+	width: 16px;
+	height: 16px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	border: 1px none;
+	font-size: 1px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
+	float: left;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+	float: left;
+	background-position: 0 0;
+	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
+	width: 16px;
+	height: 16px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	border: none 1px;
+	font-size: 1px;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked .cke_icon
+	display:none;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+	float: right;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+	background-position: 0 -16px;
+	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
+.cke_dialog .cke_btn_over
+	border: outset 1px;
+	cursor: pointer;
+.cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewBox
+	border : 2px ridge black;
+	overflow : scroll;
+	height : 200px;
+	width : 300px;
+	padding : 2px;
+	background-color : white;
+.cke_dialog .ImagePreviewBox table td {
+	white-space: normal;
+.cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewLoader
+	position: absolute;
+	white-space : normal;
+	overflow : hidden;
+	height : 160px;
+	width : 230px;
+	margin : 2px;
+	padding : 2px;
+	opacity : 0.9;
+	filter : alpha(opacity=90);
+	background-color : #e4e4e4;
+.cke_dialog  .FlashPreviewBox
+	white-space : normal;
+	border : 2px ridge black;
+	overflow : auto;
+	height : 160px;
+	width : 390px;
+	padding : 2px;
+	background-color : white;
+.cke_dialog .cke_pastetext
+	width: 346px;
+	height: 170px;
+.cke_dialog .cke_pastetext textarea
+	width: 340px;
+	height: 170px;
+	resize: none;
+.cke_dialog iframe.cke_pasteframe
+	width: 346px;
+	height: 130px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid black;
+.cke_dialog .cke_hand
+	cursor: pointer;
+	color: #a0a0a0;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_title,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_contents,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
+	border-left: 1px solid;
+	border-right: 1px solid;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_title
+	border-top: 1px solid;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
+	border-bottom: 1px solid;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_close_button span
+	display: inline;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	position: relative;
+	top: 3px;
+.cke_dialog_body .cke_label
+	display: none;
+.cke_dialog_body label
+	display: inline;
+	margin-bottom: auto;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_dialog_body label.cke_required
+	font-weight: bold;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_body .cke_label
+	display: inline;
+	cursor: inherit;
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
+	border-style: solid;
+	float: left;
+	width: auto;
+	height: auto;
+	padding: 0 2px;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked .cke_icon
+	display:inline;
+a.cke_smile img
+		border: 2px solid #eaead1;
+a.cke_smile:focus img,
+a.cke_smile:active img,
+a.cke_smile:hover img
+	border-color: #C7C78F;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs a,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer a
+	opacity: 1.0;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=100);
+	border: 1px solid white;
+.cke_hc .ImagePreviewBox
+	width: 260px;
+.cke_dialog_contents a.colorChooser
+	display:block;
+	margin-top:6px;
+	margin-left: 10px;
+	width: 80px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_contents a.colorChooser
+	margin-right: 10px;
+	outline: 1px dotted #696969;
+	display:block;
+	position:absolute;
+	top:0;
+	left:0;
+	z-index:-1;
+	filter:alpha(opacity=0);
+	width:100%;
+	height:100%;
+.cke_rtl input.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
+.cke_rtl input.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
+	padding-right: 2px;
+.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
+.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
+	padding-left: 2px;
+.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text {
+	padding-right: 1px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_vbox_child,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_last
+	padding-right: 2px !important;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer_buttons td
+	padding-left: 2px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_close_button
+	left: 8px;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog_iequirks.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog_iequirks.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3a9b9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog_iequirks.css
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+This file contains styles to used by all versions of Internet Explorer
+in Quirks mode only.
+/* Base it on dialog_ie.css, overriding it with styles defined in this file. */
+		visibility: visible;
+	z-index: 1;
+	border: solid 1px #ddd;
+	padding: 5px;
+	background-color: #fff;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+.cke_dialog strong
+	font-weight: bold;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	font-size: 14px;
+	padding: 3px 3px 8px;
+	cursor: move;
+	position: relative;
+	border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+	border: solid 1px #fff;
+	border-bottom: none;
+	overflow: auto;
+	padding: 17px 10px 5px 10px;
+	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;
+	-moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px;
+	border-top-left-radius: 5px;
+	border-top-right-radius: 5px;
+	margin-top: 22px;
+	overflow: auto;
+	padding: 17px 10px 5px 10px;
+	margin-top: 22px;
+	text-align: right;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+	border: solid 1px #fff;
+	border-bottom: none;
+	-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px;
+	-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
+	border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
+	border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer
+	text-align: left;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer
+	margin-top: 24px;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_ltr
+	border-right-color: #ccc;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_rtl
+	border-left-color: #ccc;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer
+	margin-bottom: 1px;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_ltr
+	margin-right: 1px;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_rtl
+	margin-left: 1px;
+	height: 23px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	margin-left:10px;
+	margin-right:10px;
+	margin-top: 11px;
+	position: absolute;
+	z-index: 2;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tabs
+	right: 10px;
+	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-repeat: repeat-x;
+	background-position: 0 -1323px;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+	height: 14px;
+	padding: 4px 8px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	background-color: #f1f1e3;
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab:hover
+	padding: 2px 6px !important;
+	border-width: 3px;
+	background-position: 0 -1279px;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab_selected
+	padding: 2px 6px !important;
+	border-width: 3px;
+.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_tabs
+	display: none;
+.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_contents
+	padding-top: 5px;
+	margin-top: 10px;
+	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	background-position: 0 -1022px;
+	position: absolute;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	text-align: center;
+	height: 20px;
+	width: 20px;
+	top: 5px;
+.cke_dialog_close_button span
+	display: none;
+	background-position: 0 -1045px;
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_close_button
+	right: 10px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_close_button
+	left: 10px;
+	top: 7px;
+div.cke_disabled .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content *
+	background-color : #a0a0a0;
+	cursor : default;
+.cke_dialog_ui_vbox table,
+.cke_dialog_ui_hbox table
+	margin: auto;
+	padding: 5px 0px;
+	width: 100%;
+	vertical-align: top;
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
+	padding-right: 10px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
+	padding-left: 10px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: none;
+	padding: 0px;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 14px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	padding: 1px 0px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: none;
+	padding: 0px;
+	width: 100%;
+	overflow: auto;
+	resize: none;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	padding: 1px 0px;
+	border-collapse: separate;
+	cursor: default;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) repeat-x scroll 0 -1069px;
+	text-align: center;
+	display: inline-block;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span,
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	width: 60px;
+	padding: 5px 20px 5px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	background-position: 0 -1144px;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) no-repeat scroll right -1216px;
+.cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
+	background-position: left -1216px;
+	background-position: 0 -1105px;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) no-repeat scroll right -1242px;
+.cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	background-position: left -1242px;
+	padding: 2px 10px;
+	text-align: center;
+	color: #222;
+	display: inline-block;
+	cursor: default;
+	min-width: 60px;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button span.cke_disabled
+	border: #898980 1px solid;
+	color: #5e5e55;
+	background-color: #c5c5b3;
+	background-position: 0 -1180px;
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:hover,
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:focus,
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:active
+	border-width: 2px;
+	display: inline-table;
+	margin: 6px 12px 0 12px;
+	width: auto;
+	position: relative;
+.cke_dialog_footer_buttons span.cke_dialog_ui_button
+	text-align: center;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	background-color: white;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 25px;
+.cke_dialog .cke_dark_background
+	background-color: #eaead1;
+.cke_dialog .cke_light_background
+	background-color: #ffffbe;
+.cke_dialog .cke_centered
+	text-align: center;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
+	float: right;
+	background-position: 0 -32px;
+	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
+	width: 16px;
+	height: 16px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	border: 1px none;
+	font-size: 1px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
+	float: left;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+	float: left;
+	background-position: 0 0;
+	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
+	width: 16px;
+	height: 16px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	border: none 1px;
+	font-size: 1px;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked .cke_icon
+	display:none;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+	float: right;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+	background-position: 0 -16px;
+	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
+.cke_dialog .cke_btn_over
+	border: outset 1px;
+	cursor: pointer;
+.cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewBox
+	border : 2px ridge black;
+	overflow : scroll;
+	height : 200px;
+	width : 300px;
+	padding : 2px;
+	background-color : white;
+.cke_dialog .ImagePreviewBox table td {
+	white-space: normal;
+.cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewLoader
+	position: absolute;
+	white-space : normal;
+	overflow : hidden;
+	height : 160px;
+	width : 230px;
+	margin : 2px;
+	padding : 2px;
+	opacity : 0.9;
+	filter : alpha(opacity=90);
+	background-color : #e4e4e4;
+.cke_dialog  .FlashPreviewBox
+	white-space : normal;
+	border : 2px ridge black;
+	overflow : auto;
+	height : 160px;
+	width : 390px;
+	padding : 2px;
+	background-color : white;
+.cke_dialog .cke_pastetext
+	width: 346px;
+	height: 170px;
+.cke_dialog .cke_pastetext textarea
+	width: 340px;
+	height: 170px;
+	resize: none;
+.cke_dialog iframe.cke_pasteframe
+	width: 346px;
+	height: 130px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid black;
+.cke_dialog .cke_hand
+	cursor: pointer;
+	color: #a0a0a0;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_title,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_contents,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
+	border-left: 1px solid;
+	border-right: 1px solid;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_title
+	border-top: 1px solid;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
+	border-bottom: 1px solid;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_close_button span
+	display: inline;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	position: relative;
+	top: 3px;
+.cke_dialog_body .cke_label
+	display: none;
+.cke_dialog_body label
+	display: inline;
+	margin-bottom: auto;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_dialog_body label.cke_required
+	font-weight: bold;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_body .cke_label
+	display: inline;
+	cursor: inherit;
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
+	border-style: solid;
+	float: left;
+	width: auto;
+	height: auto;
+	padding: 0 2px;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked .cke_icon
+	display:inline;
+a.cke_smile img
+		border: 2px solid #eaead1;
+a.cke_smile:focus img,
+a.cke_smile:active img,
+a.cke_smile:hover img
+	border-color: #C7C78F;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs a,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer a
+	opacity: 1.0;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=100);
+	border: 1px solid white;
+.cke_hc .ImagePreviewBox
+	width: 260px;
+.cke_dialog_contents a.colorChooser
+	display:block;
+	margin-top:6px;
+	margin-left: 10px;
+	width: 80px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_contents a.colorChooser
+	margin-right: 10px;
+	outline: 1px dotted #696969;
+	display:block;
+	position:absolute;
+	top:0;
+	left:0;
+	z-index:-1;
+	filter:alpha(opacity=0);
+	width:100%;
+	height:100%;
+.cke_rtl input.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
+.cke_rtl input.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
+	padding-right: 2px;
+.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
+.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
+	padding-left: 2px;
+.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text {
+	padding-right: 1px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_vbox_child,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_last
+	padding-right: 2px !important;
+	margin-bottom: 22px;
+/* Fix dialog height doesn't stretch to 100%. (#4863)*/
+	position: absolute;
+.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_title
+	margin-bottom: 10px;
+	top: 27px;
+	background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer
+	margin-top: 27px;
+	display: block;
+	top: 33px;
+	margin-top: 33px;
+/* RTL + IE6: Input overflows dialog element. (#7321) */
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content
+	_width: 95%;
+/* IE6 buttons. */
+	background: none;
+	padding: 0;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button span
+	width: 70px;
+	padding: 5px 15px;
+	text-align: center;
+	color: #3b3b1f;
+	background: #53D9F0 none;
+	display: inline-block;
+	cursor: default;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
+	background-image: none;
+	background-color: #B8E834;
+	margin-right: 0;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	background-image: none;
+	background-color: #F65D20;
+	margin-right: 0;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button:hover span,
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button:focus span,
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button:active span
+	background-image: none;
+	background: #F7A922;
+/* END IE6 buttons. */
+/* make sure the content does not overflow (#7321) */
+	width: 99%;
+/* Predefined border to avoid visual size change impact. */
+	/* Emulating border-color: transparent in IE6.*/
+	border: 1px solid red !important;
+	filter: chroma(color=red);
+/* Compensate focus outline for some input elements, using borders (#6200) */
+	border: 1px dotted #696969 !important;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog_opera.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog_opera.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90578c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/dialog_opera.css
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+This file contains styles to used by Opera only.
+/* Base it on dialog.css, overriding it with styles defined in this file. */
+		visibility: visible;
+	z-index: 1;
+	border: solid 1px #ddd;
+	padding: 5px;
+	background-color: #fff;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+.cke_dialog strong
+	font-weight: bold;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	font-size: 14px;
+	padding: 3px 3px 8px;
+	cursor: move;
+	position: relative;
+	border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+	border: solid 1px #fff;
+	border-bottom: none;
+	overflow: auto;
+	padding: 17px 10px 5px 10px;
+	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;
+	-moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px;
+	border-top-left-radius: 5px;
+	border-top-right-radius: 5px;
+	margin-top: 22px;
+	overflow: auto;
+	padding: 17px 10px 5px 10px;
+	margin-top: 22px;
+	text-align: right;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+	border: solid 1px #fff;
+	border-bottom: none;
+	-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px;
+	-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
+	border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
+	border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer
+	text-align: left;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer
+	margin-top: 24px;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_ltr
+	border-right-color: #ccc;
+.cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_rtl
+	border-left-color: #ccc;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer
+	margin-bottom: 1px;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_ltr
+	margin-right: 1px;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer_rtl
+	margin-left: 1px;
+	height: 23px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	margin-left:10px;
+	margin-right:10px;
+	margin-top: 11px;
+	position: absolute;
+	z-index: 2;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tabs
+	right: 10px;
+	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-repeat: repeat-x;
+	background-position: 0 -1323px;
+	background-color: #ebebeb;
+	height: 14px;
+	padding: 4px 8px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	background-color: #f1f1e3;
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab:hover
+	padding: 2px 6px !important;
+	border-width: 3px;
+	background-position: 0 -1279px;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab_selected
+	padding: 2px 6px !important;
+	border-width: 3px;
+.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_tabs
+	display: none;
+.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_contents
+	padding-top: 5px;
+	margin-top: 10px;
+	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	background-position: 0 -1022px;
+	position: absolute;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	text-align: center;
+	height: 20px;
+	width: 20px;
+	top: 5px;
+.cke_dialog_close_button span
+	display: none;
+	background-position: 0 -1045px;
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_close_button
+	right: 10px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_close_button
+	left: 10px;
+	top: 7px;
+div.cke_disabled .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content *
+	background-color : #a0a0a0;
+	cursor : default;
+.cke_dialog_ui_vbox table,
+.cke_dialog_ui_hbox table
+	margin: auto;
+	padding: 5px 0px;
+	width: 100%;
+	vertical-align: top;
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
+	padding-right: 10px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
+	padding-left: 10px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: none;
+	padding: 0px;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 14px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	padding: 1px 0px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: none;
+	padding: 0px;
+	width: 100%;
+	overflow: auto;
+	resize: none;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	padding: 1px 0px;
+	border-collapse: separate;
+	cursor: default;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) repeat-x scroll 0 -1069px;
+	text-align: center;
+	display: inline-block;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span,
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	width: 60px;
+	padding: 5px 20px 5px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	background-position: 0 -1144px;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) no-repeat scroll right -1216px;
+.cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span
+	background-position: left -1216px;
+	background-position: 0 -1105px;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	background: transparent url(images/sprites.png) no-repeat scroll right -1242px;
+.cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span
+	background-position: left -1242px;
+	padding: 2px 10px;
+	text-align: center;
+	color: #222;
+	display: inline-block;
+	cursor: default;
+	min-width: 60px;
+a.cke_dialog_ui_button span.cke_disabled
+	border: #898980 1px solid;
+	color: #5e5e55;
+	background-color: #c5c5b3;
+	background-position: 0 -1180px;
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:hover,
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:focus,
+.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_ui_button:active
+	border-width: 2px;
+	display: inline-table;
+	margin: 6px 12px 0 12px;
+	width: auto;
+	position: relative;
+.cke_dialog_footer_buttons span.cke_dialog_ui_button
+	text-align: center;
+	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
+	background-color: white;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 25px;
+.cke_dialog .cke_dark_background
+	background-color: #eaead1;
+.cke_dialog .cke_light_background
+	background-color: #ffffbe;
+.cke_dialog .cke_centered
+	text-align: center;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
+	float: right;
+	background-position: 0 -32px;
+	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
+	width: 16px;
+	height: 16px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	border: 1px none;
+	font-size: 1px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
+	float: left;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+	float: left;
+	background-position: 0 0;
+	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
+	width: 16px;
+	height: 16px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	border: none 1px;
+	font-size: 1px;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked .cke_icon
+	display:none;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+	float: right;
+.cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
+	background-position: 0 -16px;
+	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
+.cke_dialog .cke_btn_over
+	border: outset 1px;
+	cursor: pointer;
+.cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewBox
+	border : 2px ridge black;
+	overflow : scroll;
+	height : 200px;
+	width : 300px;
+	padding : 2px;
+	background-color : white;
+.cke_dialog .ImagePreviewBox table td {
+	white-space: normal;
+.cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewLoader
+	position: absolute;
+	white-space : normal;
+	overflow : hidden;
+	height : 160px;
+	width : 230px;
+	margin : 2px;
+	padding : 2px;
+	opacity : 0.9;
+	filter : alpha(opacity=90);
+	background-color : #e4e4e4;
+.cke_dialog  .FlashPreviewBox
+	white-space : normal;
+	border : 2px ridge black;
+	overflow : auto;
+	height : 160px;
+	width : 390px;
+	padding : 2px;
+	background-color : white;
+.cke_dialog .cke_pastetext
+	width: 346px;
+	height: 170px;
+.cke_dialog .cke_pastetext textarea
+	width: 340px;
+	height: 170px;
+	resize: none;
+.cke_dialog iframe.cke_pasteframe
+	width: 346px;
+	height: 130px;
+	background-color: white;
+	border: 1px solid black;
+.cke_dialog .cke_hand
+	cursor: pointer;
+	color: #a0a0a0;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_title,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_contents,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
+	border-left: 1px solid;
+	border-right: 1px solid;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_title
+	border-top: 1px solid;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
+	border-bottom: 1px solid;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_close_button span
+	display: inline;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	position: relative;
+	top: 3px;
+.cke_dialog_body .cke_label
+	display: none;
+.cke_dialog_body label
+	display: inline;
+	margin-bottom: auto;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_dialog_body label.cke_required
+	font-weight: bold;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_body .cke_label
+	display: inline;
+	cursor: inherit;
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
+	border-style: solid;
+	float: left;
+	width: auto;
+	height: auto;
+	padding: 0 2px;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked .cke_icon
+	display:inline;
+a.cke_smile img
+		border: 2px solid #eaead1;
+a.cke_smile:focus img,
+a.cke_smile:active img,
+a.cke_smile:hover img
+	border-color: #C7C78F;
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs a,
+.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer a
+	opacity: 1.0;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=100);
+	border: 1px solid white;
+.cke_hc .ImagePreviewBox
+	width: 260px;
+.cke_dialog_contents a.colorChooser
+	display:block;
+	margin-top:6px;
+	margin-left: 10px;
+	width: 80px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_contents a.colorChooser
+	margin-right: 10px;
+	outline: 1px dotted #696969;
+	display:block;
+	position:absolute;
+	top:0;
+	left:0;
+	z-index:-1;
+	filter:alpha(opacity=0);
+	width:100%;
+	height:100%;
+/* Opera doesn't leave enough padding in text input for cursor to blink in RTL. (#6087) */
+.cke_rtl input.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
+.cke_rtl input.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
+	padding-right: 2px;
+/* Compensate the padding added above on container. */
+.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
+.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
+	padding-left: 2px;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor.css
index 5833a06..1f30bbc 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor.css
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor.css
@@ -1,25 +1,888 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- at import url("reset.css");
- at import url("mainui.css");
- at import url("panel.css");
- at import url("toolbar.css");
- at import url("menu.css");
- at import url("richcombo.css");
- at import url("elementspath.css");
- at import url("icons.css");
- at import url("presets.css");
-/* Restore the container visibility */
-html .cke_skin_kama
+This is he heart of the skin system. This is the file loaded by the editor to
+style all elements inside its main interface.
+To make it easier to maintain, instead of including all styles here, we import
+other files.
+/* "Reset" styles, necessary to avoid the editor UI being broken by external CSS. */
+		margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+	border: 0;
+	background: transparent;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	width: auto;
+	height: auto;
+	vertical-align: baseline;
+	box-sizing: content-box;
+	-moz-box-sizing: content-box;
+	-webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+.cke_reset_all, .cke_reset_all *
+		margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+	border: 0;
+	background: transparent;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	width: auto;
+	height: auto;
+	vertical-align: baseline;
+	box-sizing: content-box;
+	-moz-box-sizing: content-box;
+	-webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+		border-collapse: collapse;
+	font: normal normal normal 12px Arial,Helvetica,Tahoma,Verdana,Sans-Serif;
+	color: #000;
+    text-align: left;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+	cursor: auto;
+.cke_reset_all .cke_rtl *
+	text-align: right;
+.cke_reset_all iframe
+	vertical-align: inherit;	}
+.cke_reset_all textarea
+	white-space: pre;
+.cke_reset_all textarea,
+.cke_reset_all input[type="text"],
+.cke_reset_all input[type="password"]
+	cursor: text;
+.cke_reset_all textarea[disabled],
+.cke_reset_all input[type="text"][disabled],
+.cke_reset_all input[type="password"][disabled]
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_reset_all fieldset
+	padding: 10px;
+	border: 2px groove #E0DFE3;
+.cke_reset_all select {
+	box-sizing: border-box;
+	-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
+	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+/* Styles the main interface structure (holding box). */
+		display: block;
+		-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	border: 1px solid #D3D3D3;
+		padding: 5px;
+		padding: 2px;
+		display: block;
+		-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-touch-callout: none;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+		background: #d3d3d3 url(images/sprites.png) repeat-x 0 -1950px;
+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 -15, 0 40, from(#fff), to(#d3d3d3)); 	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 
+		padding: 5px;
+		background: #fff;
+.cke_float .cke_inner
+		padding-bottom: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_contents
+		border: 1px solid black;
+		display: block;
+		overflow: hidden;
+		width: 0;
+	height: 0;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	border-width: 12px 12px 0 12px;
+	border-color: transparent #EFEFEF transparent transparent;
+	border-style: dashed solid dashed dashed;		margin: 10px 0 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	float: right;
+	vertical-align: bottom;
+	cursor: se-resize;
+	opacity: 0.8;
+	margin-left: -12px;
+	float: left;
+	border-color: transparent transparent transparent #EFEFEF;
+	border-style: dashed dashed dashed solid;		margin-right: -12px;
+	cursor: sw-resize;
+.cke_hc .cke_resizer
+	width: 10px;
+	height: 10px;
+	border: 1px solid #fff;
+	margin-left: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_resizer_rtl
+	margin-right: 0;
+	display: block;
+	height: 100%;
+	overflow: auto;
+	padding: 0 8px;
+	outline-style: none;
+	-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
+	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+	box-sizing: border-box;
+/* Styles all "panels", which are the floating elements that appear when
+   opening toolbar combos, menu buttons, context menus, etc. */
+		visibility: visible;
+	border: 1px solid #8f8f73;
+	background-color: #fff;
+	width: 120px;
+	height: 100px;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
+	border-radius: 3px;
+	padding: 2px;
+	margin: 0;
+	border: 1px solid #8f8f73;
+	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 0;
+	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 0;
+	border-top-left-radius: 0;
+	width: 150px;
+    height: 170px;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 100%;
+		font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
+	font-size: 12px;
+	overflow: auto;
+	overflow-x: hidden;
+	overflow-y: auto;
+	overflow-x: hidden;
+	list-style-type: none;
+	margin: 3px;
+	padding: 0px;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+	margin: 0px;
+.cke_panel_listItem a
+	padding: 2px;
+	display: block;
+	border: 1px solid #fff;
+	color: inherit !important;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	text-overflow: ellipsis;
+* html .cke_panel_listItem a
+	width : 100%;
+		color: #000;
+*:first-child+html .cke_panel_listItem a
+		color: #000;
+.cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a
+	border: 1px solid #ccc;
+	background-color: #e9f5ff;
+.cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
+.cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
+.cke_panel_listItem a:active
+	border-color: #316ac5;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a,
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:active
+	border-width: 3px;
+	padding: 0px;
+	font-size: 11px;
+	font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif' , Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+	background-color: #dcdcdc;
+	color: #000;
+	margin:0px;
+	padding:3px;
+.cke_panel_listItem p,
+.cke_panel_listItem h1,
+.cke_panel_listItem h2,
+.cke_panel_listItem h3,
+.cke_panel_listItem h4,
+.cke_panel_listItem h5,
+.cke_panel_listItem h6,
+.cke_panel_listItem pre
+	margin-top: 3px;
+	margin-bottom: 3px;
+/* Styles the color panel displayed by the color buttons. */
+	padding: 3px;
+   	font-size: 11px;
+   	font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif', Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
+.cke_colorblock a
+	text-decoration: none;
+	color: #000;
+	width: 10px;
+	height: 10px;
+	border: #808080 1px solid;
+	float: left;
+.cke_rtl span.cke_colorbox
+	float: right;
+	border: #fff 1px solid;
+	padding: 2px;
+	float: left;
+	width: 12px;
+	height: 12px;
+.cke_rtl a.cke_colorbox
+	float: right;
+	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+	border: #fff 1px solid;
+	padding: 2px;
+	display: block;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+/* Styles to toolbar. */
+	float: left;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar
+	float: right;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	float: left;
+	margin: 0 6px 5px 0;
+	padding: 2px;
+	background: url(images/sprites.png) repeat-x 0 -500px;
+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100, from(#fff), to(#d3d3d3)); 	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); }
+.cke_hc .cke_toolgroup
+	padding-right: 0;
+	margin-right: 4px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolgroup
+	float: right;
+	margin-left: 6px;
+	margin-right: 0;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_toolgroup
+	padding-left: 0;
+	margin-left: 4px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	height: 18px;
+	padding: 2px 4px;
+	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
+	border-radius: 3px;
+	outline: none;
+	cursor: default;
+	float: left;
+	border: 0;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc .cke_button
+	border: 1px solid black;
+		padding: 3px 5px;
+	margin: -2px 4px 0 -2px;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_button
+	margin: -2px -2px 0 4px;
+	background-color: #a3d7ff;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_on
+	border-width: 3px;
+		padding: 1px 3px;
+	opacity: 0.7;
+	opacity: 0.3;
+	background-color: #86caff;
+.cke_hc a.cke_button:hover
+	background: black;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+	opacity: 1;
+	cursor: inherit;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	margin-top: 1px;
+	width: 16px;
+	height: 16px;
+	float: left;
+	display: inline-block;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_icon
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_icon
+	display: none;
+	display: none;
+	padding-left: 3px;
+	margin-top: 1px;
+	line-height: 16px;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+	float: left;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_label
+	padding: 0;
+	display: inline-block;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_label
+	padding-right: 3px;
+	padding-left: 0;
+	float: right;
+		display: inline-block;
+	margin: 7px 0 0 1px;
+	width: 0;
+	height: 0;
+	border-width: 3px;
+	border-color: #2f2f2f transparent transparent transparent;
+	border-style: solid dashed dashed dashed;
+	cursor: default;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_arrow
+	margin-right: 5px;
+	margin-left: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_arrow
+	font-size: 10px;
+	margin: 0 -2px 0 3px;
+	width: auto;
+	border: 0;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_button_arrow
+	margin: 0 3px 0 -2px;
+	float: left;
+	border-left: solid 1px #D3D3D3;
+	margin: 3px 2px 0;
+	height: 16px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_separator
+	border-right: solid 1px #D3D3D3;
+	border-left: 0;
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc .cke_toolbar_separator
+	margin-left: 0;
+	width: 3px;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_toolbar_separator
+	margin:3px 0 0 2px;
+	display: block;
+	clear: left;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_break
+	clear: right;
+	width: 12px;
+	height: 11px;
+	float: right;
+	border: 1px outset #d3d3d3;
+	margin: 11px 0 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	cursor: default;
+	text-align: center;
+	margin: 0 2px 4px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbox_collapser
+	float: left;
+.cke_hc .cke_toolbox_collapser
+	border-width: 1px;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	display: inline-block;
+		height: 0;
+	width: 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	border-width: 3px;
+	border-style: solid;
+	border-color: transparent transparent #2f2f2f;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser.cke_toolbox_collapser_min .cke_arrow
+	margin: 4px 2px 0 0;
+	border-color: #2f2f2f transparent transparent;
+.cke_hc .cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	font-size: 8px;
+	width: auto;
+	border: 0;
+	margin-top: 0;
+	margin-right: 2px;
+/* Styles menus, which are lists of selectable items (context menu, menu button). */
+		display:block;
+.cke_menuitem span
+		cursor: default;
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+	display:block;
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton:hover,
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton:focus,
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton:active
+	border: 2px solid;
+.cke_menubutton_inner {
+	display: table-row;
+.cke_menuarrow {
+	display: table-cell;
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+	opacity: 0.70; 	filter: alpha(opacity=70); 	padding: 4px;
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton_icon
+	height: 16px;
+	width: 0;
+	padding: 4px 0;
+.cke_menubutton:hover .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton:focus .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton:active .cke_menubutton_icon
+	background-color: #9d9d9d;
+.cke_menubutton_disabled:hover .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton_disabled:focus .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton_disabled:active .cke_menubutton_icon
+		opacity: 0.3;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=30);
+	padding: 0 5px;
+	background-color: transparent;
+	width: 100%;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+.cke_menubutton_disabled .cke_menubutton_label
+		opacity: 0.3;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=30);
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+.cke_panel_frame .cke_menubutton_label
+	display: none;
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+	height: 2px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=70); 	opacity: 0.70; }
+		background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-position: 0 -1400px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	padding: 0 5px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_menuarrow
+		background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-position: 7px -1380px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+.cke_menuarrow span
+	display: none;
+.cke_hc .cke_menuarrow
+.cke_hc .cke_menuarrow span
+	vertical-align: middle;
+	display: inline;
+/* Styles toolbar combos. */
+	display: inline-block;
+	float: left;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo
+	float: right;
+	display: none;
+	float: left;
+	line-height: 26px;
+	vertical-align: top;
+	margin-right: 5px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70); 	opacity: 0.7; }
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_label
+	float: right;
+	margin-left: 5px;
+	margin-right: 0;
+	display: inline-block;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	background: url(images/sprites.png) 0 -100px repeat-x;		float: left;
+	padding: 2px 4px 2px 6px;
+	height: 22px;
+	margin: 0 5px 5px 0;
+	background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px);
+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left -100, from(#fff), to(#d3d3d3));
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:hover,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:focus,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:active
+	background: #DFF1FF;
+	outline: none;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_button
+	float: right;
+	margin-left: 5px;
+	margin-right: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_combo_button
+	border: 1px solid black;
+	padding: 1px 3px 1px 3px;
+.cke_hc .cke_rtl .cke_combo_button
+	border: 1px solid black;
+	line-height: 24px;
+	text-overflow: ellipsis;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	color: #666666;
+	float: left;
+	cursor: default;
+	width: 60px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_text
+	float: right;
+	text-align: right;
+	font-style: italic;
+	opacity: 0.70;
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:hover .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:active .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:focus .cke_combo_inlinelabel
+	opacity: 1;
+    cursor: default;
+    display: inline-block;
+    font-size: 0;
+    height: 19px;
+    line-height: 17px;
+    margin: 1px 3px;
+    width: 5px;
+	margin: 9px 0 0;
+	float: left;
+	opacity: 0.70;
+		height: 0;
+	width: 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	border-left: 3px solid transparent;
+	border-right: 3px solid transparent;
+	border-top: 3px solid #2f2f2f;
+.cke_hc .cke_combo_arrow
+	font-size: 10px;
+	width: auto;
+	border: 0;
+	margin-top: 4px;
+.cke_combo_disabled .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_disabled .cke_combo_open
+	opacity: 0.3;
+/* Styles the elements path bar, available at the bottom of the editor UI.*/
+	margin-top: 5px;
+	float: left;
+	display: inline-block;
+	float: left;
+	padding: 1px 4px 0;
+	color: #60676a;
+	cursor: default;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	outline: 0;
+	border: 0;
+.cke_rtl .cke_path,
+.cke_rtl .cke_path_item,
+.cke_rtl .cke_path_empty
+	float: right;
+	background-color: #efefef;
+	opacity: 0.7;
+	color: #000;
+/* Contains hard-coded presets for "configurable-like" options of the UI
+   (e.g. display labels on specific buttons) */
+	display: inline;
+.cke_combo__fontsize .cke_combo_text
+	width: 30px;
+	width: 120px;
+	font-family: 'Courier New' , Monospace;
+	font-size: small;
+	background-color: #fff;
+	white-space: pre;
+.cke_wysiwyg_frame, .cke_wysiwyg_div
+	background-color: #fff;
+/* Important!
+   To avoid showing the editor UI while its styles are still not available, the
+   editor creates it with visibility:hidden. Here, we restore the UI visibility. */
 	visibility: inherit;
+/* For accessibility purposes, several "voice labels" are present in the UI.
+   These are usually <span> elements that show not be visible, but that are
+   used by screen-readers to announce other elements. Here, we hide these
+   <spans>, in fact. */
+	display: none;
-	visibility: visible;
+	display: none;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor_ie.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor_ie.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9605ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor_ie.css
@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+This file contains styles to used by all versions of Internet Explorer only.
+/* Base it on editor.css, overriding it with styles defined in this file. */
+		margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+	border: 0;
+	background: transparent;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	width: auto;
+	height: auto;
+	vertical-align: baseline;
+	box-sizing: content-box;
+	-moz-box-sizing: content-box;
+	-webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+.cke_reset_all, .cke_reset_all *
+		margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+	border: 0;
+	background: transparent;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	width: auto;
+	height: auto;
+	vertical-align: baseline;
+	box-sizing: content-box;
+	-moz-box-sizing: content-box;
+	-webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+		border-collapse: collapse;
+	font: normal normal normal 12px Arial,Helvetica,Tahoma,Verdana,Sans-Serif;
+	color: #000;
+    text-align: left;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+	cursor: auto;
+.cke_reset_all .cke_rtl *
+	text-align: right;
+.cke_reset_all iframe
+	vertical-align: inherit;	}
+.cke_reset_all textarea
+	white-space: pre;
+.cke_reset_all textarea,
+.cke_reset_all input[type="text"],
+.cke_reset_all input[type="password"]
+	cursor: text;
+.cke_reset_all textarea[disabled],
+.cke_reset_all input[type="text"][disabled],
+.cke_reset_all input[type="password"][disabled]
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_reset_all fieldset
+	padding: 10px;
+	border: 2px groove #E0DFE3;
+.cke_reset_all select {
+	box-sizing: border-box;
+	-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
+	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+		display: block;
+		-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	border: 1px solid #D3D3D3;
+		padding: 5px;
+		padding: 2px;
+		display: block;
+		-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-touch-callout: none;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+		background: #d3d3d3 url(images/sprites.png) repeat-x 0 -1950px;
+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 -15, 0 40, from(#fff), to(#d3d3d3)); 	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 
+		padding: 5px;
+		background: #fff;
+.cke_float .cke_inner
+		padding-bottom: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_contents
+		border: 1px solid black;
+		display: block;
+		overflow: hidden;
+		width: 0;
+	height: 0;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	border-width: 12px 12px 0 12px;
+	border-color: transparent #EFEFEF transparent transparent;
+	border-style: dashed solid dashed dashed;		margin: 10px 0 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	float: right;
+	vertical-align: bottom;
+	cursor: se-resize;
+	opacity: 0.8;
+	margin-left: -12px;
+	float: left;
+	border-color: transparent transparent transparent #EFEFEF;
+	border-style: dashed dashed dashed solid;		margin-right: -12px;
+	cursor: sw-resize;
+.cke_hc .cke_resizer
+	width: 10px;
+	height: 10px;
+	border: 1px solid #fff;
+	margin-left: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_resizer_rtl
+	margin-right: 0;
+	display: block;
+	height: 100%;
+	overflow: auto;
+	padding: 0 8px;
+	outline-style: none;
+	-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
+	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+	box-sizing: border-box;
+		visibility: visible;
+	border: 1px solid #8f8f73;
+	background-color: #fff;
+	width: 120px;
+	height: 100px;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
+	border-radius: 3px;
+	padding: 2px;
+	margin: 0;
+	border: 1px solid #8f8f73;
+	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 0;
+	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 0;
+	border-top-left-radius: 0;
+	width: 150px;
+    height: 170px;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 100%;
+		font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
+	font-size: 12px;
+	overflow: auto;
+	overflow-x: hidden;
+	overflow-y: auto;
+	overflow-x: hidden;
+	list-style-type: none;
+	margin: 3px;
+	padding: 0px;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+	margin: 0px;
+.cke_panel_listItem a
+	padding: 2px;
+	display: block;
+	border: 1px solid #fff;
+	color: inherit !important;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	text-overflow: ellipsis;
+* html .cke_panel_listItem a
+	width : 100%;
+		color: #000;
+*:first-child+html .cke_panel_listItem a
+		color: #000;
+.cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a
+	border: 1px solid #ccc;
+	background-color: #e9f5ff;
+.cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
+.cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
+.cke_panel_listItem a:active
+	border-color: #316ac5;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a,
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:active
+	border-width: 3px;
+	padding: 0px;
+	font-size: 11px;
+	font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif' , Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+	background-color: #dcdcdc;
+	color: #000;
+	margin:0px;
+	padding:3px;
+.cke_panel_listItem p,
+.cke_panel_listItem h1,
+.cke_panel_listItem h2,
+.cke_panel_listItem h3,
+.cke_panel_listItem h4,
+.cke_panel_listItem h5,
+.cke_panel_listItem h6,
+.cke_panel_listItem pre
+	margin-top: 3px;
+	margin-bottom: 3px;
+	padding: 3px;
+   	font-size: 11px;
+   	font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif', Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
+.cke_colorblock a
+	text-decoration: none;
+	color: #000;
+	width: 10px;
+	height: 10px;
+	border: #808080 1px solid;
+	float: left;
+.cke_rtl span.cke_colorbox
+	float: right;
+	border: #fff 1px solid;
+	padding: 2px;
+	float: left;
+	width: 12px;
+	height: 12px;
+.cke_rtl a.cke_colorbox
+	float: right;
+	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+	border: #fff 1px solid;
+	padding: 2px;
+	display: block;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+	float: left;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar
+	float: right;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	float: left;
+	margin: 0 6px 5px 0;
+	padding: 2px;
+	background: url(images/sprites.png) repeat-x 0 -500px;
+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100, from(#fff), to(#d3d3d3)); 	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); }
+.cke_hc .cke_toolgroup
+	padding-right: 0;
+	margin-right: 4px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolgroup
+	float: right;
+	margin-left: 6px;
+	margin-right: 0;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_toolgroup
+	padding-left: 0;
+	margin-left: 4px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	height: 18px;
+	padding: 2px 4px;
+	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
+	border-radius: 3px;
+	outline: none;
+	cursor: default;
+	float: left;
+	border: 0;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc .cke_button
+	border: 1px solid black;
+		padding: 3px 5px;
+	margin: -2px 4px 0 -2px;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_button
+	margin: -2px -2px 0 4px;
+	background-color: #a3d7ff;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_on
+	border-width: 3px;
+		padding: 1px 3px;
+	opacity: 0.7;
+	opacity: 0.3;
+	background-color: #86caff;
+.cke_hc a.cke_button:hover
+	background: black;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+	opacity: 1;
+	cursor: inherit;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	margin-top: 1px;
+	width: 16px;
+	height: 16px;
+	float: left;
+	display: inline-block;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_icon
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_icon
+	display: none;
+	display: none;
+	padding-left: 3px;
+	margin-top: 1px;
+	line-height: 16px;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+	float: left;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_label
+	padding: 0;
+	display: inline-block;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_label
+	padding-right: 3px;
+	padding-left: 0;
+	float: right;
+		display: inline-block;
+	margin: 7px 0 0 1px;
+	width: 0;
+	height: 0;
+	border-width: 3px;
+	border-color: #2f2f2f transparent transparent transparent;
+	border-style: solid dashed dashed dashed;
+	cursor: default;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_arrow
+	margin-right: 5px;
+	margin-left: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_arrow
+	font-size: 10px;
+	margin: 0 -2px 0 3px;
+	width: auto;
+	border: 0;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_button_arrow
+	margin: 0 3px 0 -2px;
+	float: left;
+	border-left: solid 1px #D3D3D3;
+	margin: 3px 2px 0;
+	height: 16px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_separator
+	border-right: solid 1px #D3D3D3;
+	border-left: 0;
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc .cke_toolbar_separator
+	margin-left: 0;
+	width: 3px;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_toolbar_separator
+	margin:3px 0 0 2px;
+	display: block;
+	clear: left;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_break
+	clear: right;
+	width: 12px;
+	height: 11px;
+	float: right;
+	border: 1px outset #d3d3d3;
+	margin: 11px 0 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	cursor: default;
+	text-align: center;
+	margin: 0 2px 4px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbox_collapser
+	float: left;
+.cke_hc .cke_toolbox_collapser
+	border-width: 1px;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	display: inline-block;
+		height: 0;
+	width: 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	border-width: 3px;
+	border-style: solid;
+	border-color: transparent transparent #2f2f2f;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser.cke_toolbox_collapser_min .cke_arrow
+	margin: 4px 2px 0 0;
+	border-color: #2f2f2f transparent transparent;
+.cke_hc .cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	font-size: 8px;
+	width: auto;
+	border: 0;
+	margin-top: 0;
+	margin-right: 2px;
+		display:block;
+.cke_menuitem span
+		cursor: default;
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+	display:block;
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton:hover,
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton:focus,
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton:active
+	border: 2px solid;
+.cke_menubutton_inner {
+	display: table-row;
+.cke_menuarrow {
+	display: table-cell;
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+	opacity: 0.70; 	filter: alpha(opacity=70); 	padding: 4px;
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton_icon
+	height: 16px;
+	width: 0;
+	padding: 4px 0;
+.cke_menubutton:hover .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton:focus .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton:active .cke_menubutton_icon
+	background-color: #9d9d9d;
+.cke_menubutton_disabled:hover .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton_disabled:focus .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton_disabled:active .cke_menubutton_icon
+		opacity: 0.3;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=30);
+	padding: 0 5px;
+	background-color: transparent;
+	width: 100%;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+.cke_menubutton_disabled .cke_menubutton_label
+		opacity: 0.3;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=30);
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+.cke_panel_frame .cke_menubutton_label
+	display: none;
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+	height: 2px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=70); 	opacity: 0.70; }
+		background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-position: 0 -1400px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	padding: 0 5px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_menuarrow
+		background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-position: 7px -1380px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+.cke_menuarrow span
+	display: none;
+.cke_hc .cke_menuarrow
+.cke_hc .cke_menuarrow span
+	vertical-align: middle;
+	display: inline;
+	display: inline-block;
+	float: left;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo
+	float: right;
+	display: none;
+	float: left;
+	line-height: 26px;
+	vertical-align: top;
+	margin-right: 5px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70); 	opacity: 0.7; }
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_label
+	float: right;
+	margin-left: 5px;
+	margin-right: 0;
+	display: inline-block;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	background: url(images/sprites.png) 0 -100px repeat-x;		float: left;
+	padding: 2px 4px 2px 6px;
+	height: 22px;
+	margin: 0 5px 5px 0;
+	background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px);
+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left -100, from(#fff), to(#d3d3d3));
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:hover,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:focus,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:active
+	background: #DFF1FF;
+	outline: none;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_button
+	float: right;
+	margin-left: 5px;
+	margin-right: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_combo_button
+	border: 1px solid black;
+	padding: 1px 3px 1px 3px;
+.cke_hc .cke_rtl .cke_combo_button
+	border: 1px solid black;
+	line-height: 24px;
+	text-overflow: ellipsis;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	color: #666666;
+	float: left;
+	cursor: default;
+	width: 60px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_text
+	float: right;
+	text-align: right;
+	font-style: italic;
+	opacity: 0.70;
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:hover .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:active .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:focus .cke_combo_inlinelabel
+	opacity: 1;
+    cursor: default;
+    display: inline-block;
+    font-size: 0;
+    height: 19px;
+    line-height: 17px;
+    margin: 1px 3px;
+    width: 5px;
+	margin: 9px 0 0;
+	float: left;
+	opacity: 0.70;
+		height: 0;
+	width: 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	border-left: 3px solid transparent;
+	border-right: 3px solid transparent;
+	border-top: 3px solid #2f2f2f;
+.cke_hc .cke_combo_arrow
+	font-size: 10px;
+	width: auto;
+	border: 0;
+	margin-top: 4px;
+.cke_combo_disabled .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_disabled .cke_combo_open
+	opacity: 0.3;
+	margin-top: 5px;
+	float: left;
+	display: inline-block;
+	float: left;
+	padding: 1px 4px 0;
+	color: #60676a;
+	cursor: default;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	outline: 0;
+	border: 0;
+.cke_rtl .cke_path,
+.cke_rtl .cke_path_item,
+.cke_rtl .cke_path_empty
+	float: right;
+	background-color: #efefef;
+	opacity: 0.7;
+	color: #000;
+	display: inline;
+.cke_combo__fontsize .cke_combo_text
+	width: 30px;
+	width: 120px;
+	font-family: 'Courier New' , Monospace;
+	font-size: small;
+	background-color: #fff;
+	white-space: pre;
+.cke_wysiwyg_frame, .cke_wysiwyg_div
+	background-color: #fff;
+	visibility: inherit;
+	display: none;
+	display: none;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 100);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 30);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 100);
+.cke_hc .cke_button_arrow
+	margin-top: 5px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70);
+.cke_combo_button_off:hover .cke_combo_inlinelabel
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 100);
+/* Disabled combo button styles. */
+.cke_combo_button_disabled .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_button_disabled .cke_combo_open
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 30);
+	border: 2px outset #efefef;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	margin: 0 1px 1px 1px;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser.cke_toolbox_collapser_min .cke_arrow
+	margin-left: 2px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 80);
+.cke_hc .cke_resizer
+	filter: none;
+	font-size: 28px;
+/* #3766 In the context menu, long labels with second level menu get wrapped */
+	position: absolute;
+	right: 2px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_menuarrow
+	position: absolute;
+	left: 2px;
+/* END #3766 */
+/* This guarantees the gap between the footer buttons in RTL under IE8 (#9359) */
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer_buttons .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first
+	padding-left: 10px !important;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor_ie7.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor_ie7.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af21ec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor_ie7.css
@@ -0,0 +1,1106 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+This file contains styles to used by Internet Explorer 7 only.
+/* Base it on editor_ie.css, overriding it with styles defined in this file. */
+		margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+	border: 0;
+	background: transparent;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	width: auto;
+	height: auto;
+	vertical-align: baseline;
+	box-sizing: content-box;
+	-moz-box-sizing: content-box;
+	-webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+.cke_reset_all, .cke_reset_all *
+		margin: 0;
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+	text-decoration: none;
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+	height: auto;
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+	color: #000;
+    text-align: left;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+	cursor: auto;
+.cke_reset_all .cke_rtl *
+	text-align: right;
+.cke_reset_all iframe
+	vertical-align: inherit;	}
+.cke_reset_all textarea
+	white-space: pre;
+.cke_reset_all textarea,
+.cke_reset_all input[type="text"],
+.cke_reset_all input[type="password"]
+	cursor: text;
+.cke_reset_all textarea[disabled],
+.cke_reset_all input[type="text"][disabled],
+.cke_reset_all input[type="password"][disabled]
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_reset_all fieldset
+	padding: 10px;
+	border: 2px groove #E0DFE3;
+.cke_reset_all select {
+	box-sizing: border-box;
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+		display: block;
+		-moz-border-radius: 5px;
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+	border-radius: 5px;
+	border: 1px solid #D3D3D3;
+		padding: 5px;
+		padding: 2px;
+		display: block;
+		-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-touch-callout: none;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+		background: #d3d3d3 url(images/sprites.png) repeat-x 0 -1950px;
+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 -15, 0 40, from(#fff), to(#d3d3d3)); 	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 
+		padding: 5px;
+		background: #fff;
+.cke_float .cke_inner
+		padding-bottom: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_contents
+		border: 1px solid black;
+		display: block;
+		overflow: hidden;
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+	height: 0;
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+	border-width: 12px 12px 0 12px;
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+	cursor: se-resize;
+	opacity: 0.8;
+	margin-left: -12px;
+	float: left;
+	border-color: transparent transparent transparent #EFEFEF;
+	border-style: dashed dashed dashed solid;		margin-right: -12px;
+	cursor: sw-resize;
+.cke_hc .cke_resizer
+	width: 10px;
+	height: 10px;
+	border: 1px solid #fff;
+	margin-left: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_resizer_rtl
+	margin-right: 0;
+	display: block;
+	height: 100%;
+	overflow: auto;
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+	box-sizing: border-box;
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+	border: 1px solid #8f8f73;
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+	width: 120px;
+	height: 100px;
+	overflow: hidden;
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+	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
+	border-radius: 3px;
+	padding: 2px;
+	margin: 0;
+	border: 1px solid #8f8f73;
+	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 0;
+	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 0;
+	border-top-left-radius: 0;
+	width: 150px;
+    height: 170px;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 100%;
+		font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
+	font-size: 12px;
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+	overflow-x: hidden;
+	overflow-y: auto;
+	overflow-x: hidden;
+	list-style-type: none;
+	margin: 3px;
+	padding: 0px;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+	margin: 0px;
+.cke_panel_listItem a
+	padding: 2px;
+	display: block;
+	border: 1px solid #fff;
+	color: inherit !important;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	text-overflow: ellipsis;
+* html .cke_panel_listItem a
+	width : 100%;
+		color: #000;
+*:first-child+html .cke_panel_listItem a
+		color: #000;
+.cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a
+	border: 1px solid #ccc;
+	background-color: #e9f5ff;
+.cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
+.cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
+.cke_panel_listItem a:active
+	border-color: #316ac5;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a,
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:active
+	border-width: 3px;
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+	font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif' , Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+	background-color: #dcdcdc;
+	color: #000;
+	margin:0px;
+	padding:3px;
+.cke_panel_listItem p,
+.cke_panel_listItem h1,
+.cke_panel_listItem h2,
+.cke_panel_listItem h3,
+.cke_panel_listItem h4,
+.cke_panel_listItem h5,
+.cke_panel_listItem h6,
+.cke_panel_listItem pre
+	margin-top: 3px;
+	margin-bottom: 3px;
+	padding: 3px;
+   	font-size: 11px;
+   	font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif', Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
+.cke_colorblock a
+	text-decoration: none;
+	color: #000;
+	width: 10px;
+	height: 10px;
+	border: #808080 1px solid;
+	float: left;
+.cke_rtl span.cke_colorbox
+	float: right;
+	border: #fff 1px solid;
+	padding: 2px;
+	float: left;
+	width: 12px;
+	height: 12px;
+.cke_rtl a.cke_colorbox
+	float: right;
+	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+	border: #fff 1px solid;
+	padding: 2px;
+	display: block;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+	float: left;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar
+	float: right;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	float: left;
+	margin: 0 6px 5px 0;
+	padding: 2px;
+	background: url(images/sprites.png) repeat-x 0 -500px;
+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100, from(#fff), to(#d3d3d3)); 	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); }
+.cke_hc .cke_toolgroup
+	padding-right: 0;
+	margin-right: 4px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolgroup
+	float: right;
+	margin-left: 6px;
+	margin-right: 0;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_toolgroup
+	padding-left: 0;
+	margin-left: 4px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	height: 18px;
+	padding: 2px 4px;
+	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
+	border-radius: 3px;
+	outline: none;
+	cursor: default;
+	float: left;
+	border: 0;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc .cke_button
+	border: 1px solid black;
+		padding: 3px 5px;
+	margin: -2px 4px 0 -2px;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_button
+	margin: -2px -2px 0 4px;
+	background-color: #a3d7ff;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_on
+	border-width: 3px;
+		padding: 1px 3px;
+	opacity: 0.7;
+	opacity: 0.3;
+	background-color: #86caff;
+.cke_hc a.cke_button:hover
+	background: black;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+	opacity: 1;
+	cursor: inherit;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	margin-top: 1px;
+	width: 16px;
+	height: 16px;
+	float: left;
+	display: inline-block;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_icon
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_icon
+	display: none;
+	display: none;
+	padding-left: 3px;
+	margin-top: 1px;
+	line-height: 16px;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+	float: left;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_label
+	padding: 0;
+	display: inline-block;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_label
+	padding-right: 3px;
+	padding-left: 0;
+	float: right;
+		display: inline-block;
+	margin: 7px 0 0 1px;
+	width: 0;
+	height: 0;
+	border-width: 3px;
+	border-color: #2f2f2f transparent transparent transparent;
+	border-style: solid dashed dashed dashed;
+	cursor: default;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_arrow
+	margin-right: 5px;
+	margin-left: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_arrow
+	font-size: 10px;
+	margin: 0 -2px 0 3px;
+	width: auto;
+	border: 0;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_button_arrow
+	margin: 0 3px 0 -2px;
+	float: left;
+	border-left: solid 1px #D3D3D3;
+	margin: 3px 2px 0;
+	height: 16px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_separator
+	border-right: solid 1px #D3D3D3;
+	border-left: 0;
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc .cke_toolbar_separator
+	margin-left: 0;
+	width: 3px;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_toolbar_separator
+	margin:3px 0 0 2px;
+	display: block;
+	clear: left;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_break
+	clear: right;
+	width: 12px;
+	height: 11px;
+	float: right;
+	border: 1px outset #d3d3d3;
+	margin: 11px 0 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	cursor: default;
+	text-align: center;
+	margin: 0 2px 4px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbox_collapser
+	float: left;
+.cke_hc .cke_toolbox_collapser
+	border-width: 1px;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	display: inline-block;
+		height: 0;
+	width: 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	border-width: 3px;
+	border-style: solid;
+	border-color: transparent transparent #2f2f2f;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser.cke_toolbox_collapser_min .cke_arrow
+	margin: 4px 2px 0 0;
+	border-color: #2f2f2f transparent transparent;
+.cke_hc .cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	font-size: 8px;
+	width: auto;
+	border: 0;
+	margin-top: 0;
+	margin-right: 2px;
+		display:block;
+.cke_menuitem span
+		cursor: default;
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+	display:block;
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton:hover,
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton:focus,
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton:active
+	border: 2px solid;
+.cke_menubutton_inner {
+	display: table-row;
+.cke_menuarrow {
+	display: table-cell;
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+	opacity: 0.70; 	filter: alpha(opacity=70); 	padding: 4px;
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton_icon
+	height: 16px;
+	width: 0;
+	padding: 4px 0;
+.cke_menubutton:hover .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton:focus .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton:active .cke_menubutton_icon
+	background-color: #9d9d9d;
+.cke_menubutton_disabled:hover .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton_disabled:focus .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton_disabled:active .cke_menubutton_icon
+		opacity: 0.3;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=30);
+	padding: 0 5px;
+	background-color: transparent;
+	width: 100%;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+.cke_menubutton_disabled .cke_menubutton_label
+		opacity: 0.3;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=30);
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+.cke_panel_frame .cke_menubutton_label
+	display: none;
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+	height: 2px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=70); 	opacity: 0.70; }
+		background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-position: 0 -1400px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	padding: 0 5px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_menuarrow
+		background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-position: 7px -1380px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+.cke_menuarrow span
+	display: none;
+.cke_hc .cke_menuarrow
+.cke_hc .cke_menuarrow span
+	vertical-align: middle;
+	display: inline;
+	display: inline-block;
+	float: left;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo
+	float: right;
+	display: none;
+	float: left;
+	line-height: 26px;
+	vertical-align: top;
+	margin-right: 5px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70); 	opacity: 0.7; }
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_label
+	float: right;
+	margin-left: 5px;
+	margin-right: 0;
+	display: inline-block;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	background: url(images/sprites.png) 0 -100px repeat-x;		float: left;
+	padding: 2px 4px 2px 6px;
+	height: 22px;
+	margin: 0 5px 5px 0;
+	background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px);
+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left -100, from(#fff), to(#d3d3d3));
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:hover,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:focus,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:active
+	background: #DFF1FF;
+	outline: none;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_button
+	float: right;
+	margin-left: 5px;
+	margin-right: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_combo_button
+	border: 1px solid black;
+	padding: 1px 3px 1px 3px;
+.cke_hc .cke_rtl .cke_combo_button
+	border: 1px solid black;
+	line-height: 24px;
+	text-overflow: ellipsis;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	color: #666666;
+	float: left;
+	cursor: default;
+	width: 60px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_text
+	float: right;
+	text-align: right;
+	font-style: italic;
+	opacity: 0.70;
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:hover .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:active .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:focus .cke_combo_inlinelabel
+	opacity: 1;
+    cursor: default;
+    display: inline-block;
+    font-size: 0;
+    height: 19px;
+    line-height: 17px;
+    margin: 1px 3px;
+    width: 5px;
+	margin: 9px 0 0;
+	float: left;
+	opacity: 0.70;
+		height: 0;
+	width: 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	border-left: 3px solid transparent;
+	border-right: 3px solid transparent;
+	border-top: 3px solid #2f2f2f;
+.cke_hc .cke_combo_arrow
+	font-size: 10px;
+	width: auto;
+	border: 0;
+	margin-top: 4px;
+.cke_combo_disabled .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_disabled .cke_combo_open
+	opacity: 0.3;
+	margin-top: 5px;
+	float: left;
+	display: inline-block;
+	float: left;
+	padding: 1px 4px 0;
+	color: #60676a;
+	cursor: default;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	outline: 0;
+	border: 0;
+.cke_rtl .cke_path,
+.cke_rtl .cke_path_item,
+.cke_rtl .cke_path_empty
+	float: right;
+	background-color: #efefef;
+	opacity: 0.7;
+	color: #000;
+	display: inline;
+.cke_combo__fontsize .cke_combo_text
+	width: 30px;
+	width: 120px;
+	font-family: 'Courier New' , Monospace;
+	font-size: small;
+	background-color: #fff;
+	white-space: pre;
+.cke_wysiwyg_frame, .cke_wysiwyg_div
+	background-color: #fff;
+	visibility: inherit;
+	display: none;
+	display: none;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 100);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 30);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 100);
+.cke_hc .cke_button_arrow
+	margin-top: 5px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70);
+.cke_combo_button_off:hover .cke_combo_inlinelabel
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 100);
+.cke_combo_button_disabled .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_button_disabled .cke_combo_open
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 30);
+	border: 2px outset #efefef;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	margin: 0 1px 1px 1px;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser.cke_toolbox_collapser_min .cke_arrow
+	margin-left: 2px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 80);
+.cke_hc .cke_resizer
+	filter: none;
+	font-size: 28px;
+	position: absolute;
+	right: 2px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_menuarrow
+	position: absolute;
+	left: 2px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer_buttons .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first
+	padding-left: 10px !important;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolgroup,
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_separator,
+.cke_rtl .cke_button,
+.cke_rtl .cke_button *,
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo,
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo *,
+.cke_rtl .cke_path_item,
+.cke_rtl .cke_path_item *,
+.cke_rtl .cke_path_empty
+	float: none;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolgroup,
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_separator,
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_button,
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_button *,
+.cke_rtl .cke_button,
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_icon,
+	display: inline-block;
+	vertical-align: top;
+	display:inline-block;
+	padding-bottom: 5px;
+	height: 100%;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbox
+	padding-bottom: 0;
+	margin-bottom: 5px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar
+	margin-bottom: 0;
+/* IE7: toolgroup must be adapted to toolbar items height. */
+	height: 22px;
+	/* IE7: buttons must not float to wrap the toolbar in a whole. */
+	float:none;
+	/* IE7: buttons have to be aligned to top. Otherwise, some buttons like
+	 * source and scayt are displayed a few pixels below the base line.
+	 */
+	vertical-align:top;
+	display: inline-block;
+	float: none;
+	vertical-align: top;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	border-width:4px;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser.cke_toolbox_collapser_min .cke_arrow
+	border-width:3px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_arrow
+	padding-top: 8px;
+	margin-right: 2px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_inlinelabel
+	display: table-cell;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+	padding-bottom: 8px;
+ * Editor menus are display:table-driven. IE7 doesn't support this approach,
+ * hence this position&float hybrid fall-back.
+ */
+	display: block;
+	height: 24px;
+	display: block;
+	position: relative;
+	height: 16px;
+	width: 16px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	width: auto;
+	vertical-align: top;
+	line-height: 24px;
+	height: 24px;
+	margin: 0 10px 0 0;
+	width: 3px;
+	height: 5px;
+	padding: 0;
+	position: absolute;
+	right: 8px;
+	top: 11px;
+	background-position: 0 -1411px;
+/* Menus in RTL mode. */
+.cke_rtl .cke_menubutton_icon
+	position: absolute;
+	right: 0px;
+	top: 0px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_menubutton_label
+	float: right;
+	clear: both;
+	margin: 0 24px 0 10px;
+.cke_hc .cke_rtl .cke_menubutton_label
+	margin-right: 0;
+.cke_rtl .cke_menuarrow
+	left: 8px;
+	right: auto;
+	background-position: 0px -1390px;
+.cke_hc .cke_menuarrow
+	top: 5px;
+	padding: 0 5px;
+.cke_rtl input.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
+.cke_rtl input.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
+	/* Positioning is required for IE7 on text inputs not to stretch dialog horizontally. (#8971)*/
+	position: relative;
+/* Reset vertical paddings which put editing area under bottom UI space. (#9721) */
+	padding-top: 0 !important;
+	padding-bottom: 0 !important;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor_ie8.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor_ie8.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b25c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor_ie8.css
@@ -0,0 +1,952 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+This file contains styles to used by Internet Explorer 8 only.
+/* Base it on editor_ie.css, overriding it with styles defined in this file. */
+		margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+	border: 0;
+	background: transparent;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	width: auto;
+	height: auto;
+	vertical-align: baseline;
+	box-sizing: content-box;
+	-moz-box-sizing: content-box;
+	-webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+.cke_reset_all, .cke_reset_all *
+		margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+	border: 0;
+	background: transparent;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	width: auto;
+	height: auto;
+	vertical-align: baseline;
+	box-sizing: content-box;
+	-moz-box-sizing: content-box;
+	-webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+		border-collapse: collapse;
+	font: normal normal normal 12px Arial,Helvetica,Tahoma,Verdana,Sans-Serif;
+	color: #000;
+    text-align: left;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+	cursor: auto;
+.cke_reset_all .cke_rtl *
+	text-align: right;
+.cke_reset_all iframe
+	vertical-align: inherit;	}
+.cke_reset_all textarea
+	white-space: pre;
+.cke_reset_all textarea,
+.cke_reset_all input[type="text"],
+.cke_reset_all input[type="password"]
+	cursor: text;
+.cke_reset_all textarea[disabled],
+.cke_reset_all input[type="text"][disabled],
+.cke_reset_all input[type="password"][disabled]
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_reset_all fieldset
+	padding: 10px;
+	border: 2px groove #E0DFE3;
+.cke_reset_all select {
+	box-sizing: border-box;
+	-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
+	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+		display: block;
+		-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	border: 1px solid #D3D3D3;
+		padding: 5px;
+		padding: 2px;
+		display: block;
+		-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-touch-callout: none;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+		background: #d3d3d3 url(images/sprites.png) repeat-x 0 -1950px;
+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 -15, 0 40, from(#fff), to(#d3d3d3)); 	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 
+		padding: 5px;
+		background: #fff;
+.cke_float .cke_inner
+		padding-bottom: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_contents
+		border: 1px solid black;
+		display: block;
+		overflow: hidden;
+		width: 0;
+	height: 0;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	border-width: 12px 12px 0 12px;
+	border-color: transparent #EFEFEF transparent transparent;
+	border-style: dashed solid dashed dashed;		margin: 10px 0 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	float: right;
+	vertical-align: bottom;
+	cursor: se-resize;
+	opacity: 0.8;
+	margin-left: -12px;
+	float: left;
+	border-color: transparent transparent transparent #EFEFEF;
+	border-style: dashed dashed dashed solid;		margin-right: -12px;
+	cursor: sw-resize;
+.cke_hc .cke_resizer
+	width: 10px;
+	height: 10px;
+	border: 1px solid #fff;
+	margin-left: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_resizer_rtl
+	margin-right: 0;
+	display: block;
+	height: 100%;
+	overflow: auto;
+	padding: 0 8px;
+	outline-style: none;
+	-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
+	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+	box-sizing: border-box;
+		visibility: visible;
+	border: 1px solid #8f8f73;
+	background-color: #fff;
+	width: 120px;
+	height: 100px;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
+	border-radius: 3px;
+	padding: 2px;
+	margin: 0;
+	border: 1px solid #8f8f73;
+	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 0;
+	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 0;
+	border-top-left-radius: 0;
+	width: 150px;
+    height: 170px;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 100%;
+		font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
+	font-size: 12px;
+	overflow: auto;
+	overflow-x: hidden;
+	overflow-y: auto;
+	overflow-x: hidden;
+	list-style-type: none;
+	margin: 3px;
+	padding: 0px;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+	margin: 0px;
+.cke_panel_listItem a
+	padding: 2px;
+	display: block;
+	border: 1px solid #fff;
+	color: inherit !important;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	text-overflow: ellipsis;
+* html .cke_panel_listItem a
+	width : 100%;
+		color: #000;
+*:first-child+html .cke_panel_listItem a
+		color: #000;
+.cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a
+	border: 1px solid #ccc;
+	background-color: #e9f5ff;
+.cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
+.cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
+.cke_panel_listItem a:active
+	border-color: #316ac5;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a,
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:active
+	border-width: 3px;
+	padding: 0px;
+	font-size: 11px;
+	font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif' , Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+	background-color: #dcdcdc;
+	color: #000;
+	margin:0px;
+	padding:3px;
+.cke_panel_listItem p,
+.cke_panel_listItem h1,
+.cke_panel_listItem h2,
+.cke_panel_listItem h3,
+.cke_panel_listItem h4,
+.cke_panel_listItem h5,
+.cke_panel_listItem h6,
+.cke_panel_listItem pre
+	margin-top: 3px;
+	margin-bottom: 3px;
+	padding: 3px;
+   	font-size: 11px;
+   	font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif', Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
+.cke_colorblock a
+	text-decoration: none;
+	color: #000;
+	width: 10px;
+	height: 10px;
+	border: #808080 1px solid;
+	float: left;
+.cke_rtl span.cke_colorbox
+	float: right;
+	border: #fff 1px solid;
+	padding: 2px;
+	float: left;
+	width: 12px;
+	height: 12px;
+.cke_rtl a.cke_colorbox
+	float: right;
+	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+	border: #fff 1px solid;
+	padding: 2px;
+	display: block;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+	float: left;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar
+	float: right;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	float: left;
+	margin: 0 6px 5px 0;
+	padding: 2px;
+	background: url(images/sprites.png) repeat-x 0 -500px;
+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100, from(#fff), to(#d3d3d3)); 	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); }
+.cke_hc .cke_toolgroup
+	padding-right: 0;
+	margin-right: 4px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolgroup
+	float: right;
+	margin-left: 6px;
+	margin-right: 0;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_toolgroup
+	padding-left: 0;
+	margin-left: 4px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	height: 18px;
+	padding: 2px 4px;
+	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
+	border-radius: 3px;
+	outline: none;
+	cursor: default;
+	float: left;
+	border: 0;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc .cke_button
+	border: 1px solid black;
+		padding: 3px 5px;
+	margin: -2px 4px 0 -2px;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_button
+	margin: -2px -2px 0 4px;
+	background-color: #a3d7ff;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_on
+	border-width: 3px;
+		padding: 1px 3px;
+	opacity: 0.7;
+	opacity: 0.3;
+	background-color: #86caff;
+.cke_hc a.cke_button:hover
+	background: black;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+	opacity: 1;
+	cursor: inherit;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	margin-top: 1px;
+	width: 16px;
+	height: 16px;
+	float: left;
+	display: inline-block;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_icon
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_icon
+	display: none;
+	display: none;
+	padding-left: 3px;
+	margin-top: 1px;
+	line-height: 16px;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+	float: left;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_label
+	padding: 0;
+	display: inline-block;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_label
+	padding-right: 3px;
+	padding-left: 0;
+	float: right;
+		display: inline-block;
+	margin: 7px 0 0 1px;
+	width: 0;
+	height: 0;
+	border-width: 3px;
+	border-color: #2f2f2f transparent transparent transparent;
+	border-style: solid dashed dashed dashed;
+	cursor: default;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_arrow
+	margin-right: 5px;
+	margin-left: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_arrow
+	font-size: 10px;
+	margin: 0 -2px 0 3px;
+	width: auto;
+	border: 0;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_button_arrow
+	margin: 0 3px 0 -2px;
+	float: left;
+	border-left: solid 1px #D3D3D3;
+	margin: 3px 2px 0;
+	height: 16px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_separator
+	border-right: solid 1px #D3D3D3;
+	border-left: 0;
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc .cke_toolbar_separator
+	margin-left: 0;
+	width: 3px;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_toolbar_separator
+	margin:3px 0 0 2px;
+	display: block;
+	clear: left;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_break
+	clear: right;
+	width: 12px;
+	height: 11px;
+	float: right;
+	border: 1px outset #d3d3d3;
+	margin: 11px 0 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	cursor: default;
+	text-align: center;
+	margin: 0 2px 4px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbox_collapser
+	float: left;
+.cke_hc .cke_toolbox_collapser
+	border-width: 1px;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	display: inline-block;
+		height: 0;
+	width: 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	border-width: 3px;
+	border-style: solid;
+	border-color: transparent transparent #2f2f2f;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser.cke_toolbox_collapser_min .cke_arrow
+	margin: 4px 2px 0 0;
+	border-color: #2f2f2f transparent transparent;
+.cke_hc .cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	font-size: 8px;
+	width: auto;
+	border: 0;
+	margin-top: 0;
+	margin-right: 2px;
+		display:block;
+.cke_menuitem span
+		cursor: default;
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+	display:block;
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton:hover,
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton:focus,
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton:active
+	border: 2px solid;
+.cke_menubutton_inner {
+	display: table-row;
+.cke_menuarrow {
+	display: table-cell;
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+	opacity: 0.70; 	filter: alpha(opacity=70); 	padding: 4px;
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton_icon
+	height: 16px;
+	width: 0;
+	padding: 4px 0;
+.cke_menubutton:hover .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton:focus .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton:active .cke_menubutton_icon
+	background-color: #9d9d9d;
+.cke_menubutton_disabled:hover .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton_disabled:focus .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton_disabled:active .cke_menubutton_icon
+		opacity: 0.3;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=30);
+	padding: 0 5px;
+	background-color: transparent;
+	width: 100%;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+.cke_menubutton_disabled .cke_menubutton_label
+		opacity: 0.3;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=30);
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+.cke_panel_frame .cke_menubutton_label
+	display: none;
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+	height: 2px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=70); 	opacity: 0.70; }
+		background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-position: 0 -1400px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	padding: 0 5px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_menuarrow
+		background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-position: 7px -1380px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+.cke_menuarrow span
+	display: none;
+.cke_hc .cke_menuarrow
+.cke_hc .cke_menuarrow span
+	vertical-align: middle;
+	display: inline;
+	display: inline-block;
+	float: left;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo
+	float: right;
+	display: none;
+	float: left;
+	line-height: 26px;
+	vertical-align: top;
+	margin-right: 5px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70); 	opacity: 0.7; }
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_label
+	float: right;
+	margin-left: 5px;
+	margin-right: 0;
+	display: inline-block;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	background: url(images/sprites.png) 0 -100px repeat-x;		float: left;
+	padding: 2px 4px 2px 6px;
+	height: 22px;
+	margin: 0 5px 5px 0;
+	background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px);
+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left -100, from(#fff), to(#d3d3d3));
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:hover,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:focus,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:active
+	background: #DFF1FF;
+	outline: none;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_button
+	float: right;
+	margin-left: 5px;
+	margin-right: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_combo_button
+	border: 1px solid black;
+	padding: 1px 3px 1px 3px;
+.cke_hc .cke_rtl .cke_combo_button
+	border: 1px solid black;
+	line-height: 24px;
+	text-overflow: ellipsis;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	color: #666666;
+	float: left;
+	cursor: default;
+	width: 60px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_text
+	float: right;
+	text-align: right;
+	font-style: italic;
+	opacity: 0.70;
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:hover .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:active .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:focus .cke_combo_inlinelabel
+	opacity: 1;
+    cursor: default;
+    display: inline-block;
+    font-size: 0;
+    height: 19px;
+    line-height: 17px;
+    margin: 1px 3px;
+    width: 5px;
+	margin: 9px 0 0;
+	float: left;
+	opacity: 0.70;
+		height: 0;
+	width: 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	border-left: 3px solid transparent;
+	border-right: 3px solid transparent;
+	border-top: 3px solid #2f2f2f;
+.cke_hc .cke_combo_arrow
+	font-size: 10px;
+	width: auto;
+	border: 0;
+	margin-top: 4px;
+.cke_combo_disabled .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_disabled .cke_combo_open
+	opacity: 0.3;
+	margin-top: 5px;
+	float: left;
+	display: inline-block;
+	float: left;
+	padding: 1px 4px 0;
+	color: #60676a;
+	cursor: default;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	outline: 0;
+	border: 0;
+.cke_rtl .cke_path,
+.cke_rtl .cke_path_item,
+.cke_rtl .cke_path_empty
+	float: right;
+	background-color: #efefef;
+	opacity: 0.7;
+	color: #000;
+	display: inline;
+.cke_combo__fontsize .cke_combo_text
+	width: 30px;
+	width: 120px;
+	font-family: 'Courier New' , Monospace;
+	font-size: small;
+	background-color: #fff;
+	white-space: pre;
+.cke_wysiwyg_frame, .cke_wysiwyg_div
+	background-color: #fff;
+	visibility: inherit;
+	display: none;
+	display: none;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 100);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 30);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 100);
+.cke_hc .cke_button_arrow
+	margin-top: 5px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70);
+.cke_combo_button_off:hover .cke_combo_inlinelabel
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 100);
+.cke_combo_button_disabled .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_button_disabled .cke_combo_open
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 30);
+	border: 2px outset #efefef;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	margin: 0 1px 1px 1px;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser.cke_toolbox_collapser_min .cke_arrow
+	margin-left: 2px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 80);
+.cke_hc .cke_resizer
+	filter: none;
+	font-size: 28px;
+	position: absolute;
+	right: 2px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_menuarrow
+	position: absolute;
+	left: 2px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer_buttons .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first
+	padding-left: 10px !important;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	border-width:4px;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser.cke_toolbox_collapser_min .cke_arrow
+	border-width:3px;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor_iequirks.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor_iequirks.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c375946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/editor_iequirks.css
@@ -0,0 +1,1150 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+This file contains styles to used by all versions of Internet Explorer
+in Quirks mode only.
+/* Base it on editor_ie.css, overriding it with styles defined in this file. */
+		margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+	border: 0;
+	background: transparent;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	width: auto;
+	height: auto;
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+	-moz-box-sizing: content-box;
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+.cke_reset_all, .cke_reset_all *
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+	color: #000;
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+	white-space: nowrap;
+	cursor: auto;
+.cke_reset_all .cke_rtl *
+	text-align: right;
+.cke_reset_all iframe
+	vertical-align: inherit;	}
+.cke_reset_all textarea
+	white-space: pre;
+.cke_reset_all textarea,
+.cke_reset_all input[type="text"],
+.cke_reset_all input[type="password"]
+	cursor: text;
+.cke_reset_all textarea[disabled],
+.cke_reset_all input[type="text"][disabled],
+.cke_reset_all input[type="password"][disabled]
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_reset_all fieldset
+	padding: 10px;
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+		padding: 2px;
+		display: block;
+		-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
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+	border-radius: 5px;
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+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 -15, 0 40, from(#fff), to(#d3d3d3)); 	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 	background: linear-gradient(top, #fff -15px, #d3d3d3 40px); 
+		padding: 5px;
+		background: #fff;
+.cke_float .cke_inner
+		padding-bottom: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_contents
+		border: 1px solid black;
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+	float: left;
+	border-color: transparent transparent transparent #EFEFEF;
+	border-style: dashed dashed dashed solid;		margin-right: -12px;
+	cursor: sw-resize;
+.cke_hc .cke_resizer
+	width: 10px;
+	height: 10px;
+	border: 1px solid #fff;
+	margin-left: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_resizer_rtl
+	margin-right: 0;
+	display: block;
+	height: 100%;
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+	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+	box-sizing: border-box;
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+	border: 1px solid #8f8f73;
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+	height: 100px;
+	overflow: hidden;
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+	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
+	border-radius: 3px;
+	padding: 2px;
+	margin: 0;
+	border: 1px solid #8f8f73;
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+	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 0;
+	border-top-left-radius: 0;
+	width: 150px;
+    height: 170px;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 100%;
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+	font-size: 12px;
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+	overflow-y: auto;
+	overflow-x: hidden;
+	list-style-type: none;
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+	padding: 0px;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+	margin: 0px;
+.cke_panel_listItem a
+	padding: 2px;
+	display: block;
+	border: 1px solid #fff;
+	color: inherit !important;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	text-overflow: ellipsis;
+* html .cke_panel_listItem a
+	width : 100%;
+		color: #000;
+*:first-child+html .cke_panel_listItem a
+		color: #000;
+.cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a
+	border: 1px solid #ccc;
+	background-color: #e9f5ff;
+.cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
+.cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
+.cke_panel_listItem a:active
+	border-color: #316ac5;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a,
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
+.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:active
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+	font-size: 11px;
+	font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif' , Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+	background-color: #dcdcdc;
+	color: #000;
+	margin:0px;
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+.cke_panel_listItem p,
+.cke_panel_listItem h1,
+.cke_panel_listItem h2,
+.cke_panel_listItem h3,
+.cke_panel_listItem h4,
+.cke_panel_listItem h5,
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+	margin-top: 3px;
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+	padding: 3px;
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+   	font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif', Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
+.cke_colorblock a
+	text-decoration: none;
+	color: #000;
+	width: 10px;
+	height: 10px;
+	border: #808080 1px solid;
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+.cke_rtl span.cke_colorbox
+	float: right;
+	border: #fff 1px solid;
+	padding: 2px;
+	float: left;
+	width: 12px;
+	height: 12px;
+.cke_rtl a.cke_colorbox
+	float: right;
+	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+	border: #fff 1px solid;
+	padding: 2px;
+	display: block;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+	float: left;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar
+	float: right;
+	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	float: left;
+	margin: 0 6px 5px 0;
+	padding: 2px;
+	background: url(images/sprites.png) repeat-x 0 -500px;
+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100, from(#fff), to(#d3d3d3)); 	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); 	background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px); }
+.cke_hc .cke_toolgroup
+	padding-right: 0;
+	margin-right: 4px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolgroup
+	float: right;
+	margin-left: 6px;
+	margin-right: 0;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_toolgroup
+	padding-left: 0;
+	margin-left: 4px;
+	display: inline-block;
+	height: 18px;
+	padding: 2px 4px;
+	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
+	border-radius: 3px;
+	outline: none;
+	cursor: default;
+	float: left;
+	border: 0;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc .cke_button
+	border: 1px solid black;
+		padding: 3px 5px;
+	margin: -2px 4px 0 -2px;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_button
+	margin: -2px -2px 0 4px;
+	background-color: #a3d7ff;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_on
+	border-width: 3px;
+		padding: 1px 3px;
+	opacity: 0.7;
+	opacity: 0.3;
+	background-color: #86caff;
+.cke_hc a.cke_button:hover
+	background: black;
+	background-color: #dff1ff;
+	opacity: 1;
+	cursor: inherit;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	margin-top: 1px;
+	width: 16px;
+	height: 16px;
+	float: left;
+	display: inline-block;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_icon
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_icon
+	display: none;
+	display: none;
+	padding-left: 3px;
+	margin-top: 1px;
+	line-height: 16px;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+	float: left;
+	cursor: default;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_label
+	padding: 0;
+	display: inline-block;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_label
+	padding-right: 3px;
+	padding-left: 0;
+	float: right;
+		display: inline-block;
+	margin: 7px 0 0 1px;
+	width: 0;
+	height: 0;
+	border-width: 3px;
+	border-color: #2f2f2f transparent transparent transparent;
+	border-style: solid dashed dashed dashed;
+	cursor: default;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_arrow
+	margin-right: 5px;
+	margin-left: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_button_arrow
+	font-size: 10px;
+	margin: 0 -2px 0 3px;
+	width: auto;
+	border: 0;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_button_arrow
+	margin: 0 3px 0 -2px;
+	float: left;
+	border-left: solid 1px #D3D3D3;
+	margin: 3px 2px 0;
+	height: 16px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_separator
+	border-right: solid 1px #D3D3D3;
+	border-left: 0;
+	float: right;
+.cke_hc .cke_toolbar_separator
+	margin-left: 0;
+	width: 3px;
+.cke_rtl.cke_hc .cke_toolbar_separator
+	margin:3px 0 0 2px;
+	display: block;
+	clear: left;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_break
+	clear: right;
+	width: 12px;
+	height: 11px;
+	float: right;
+	border: 1px outset #d3d3d3;
+	margin: 11px 0 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	cursor: default;
+	text-align: center;
+	margin: 0 2px 4px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbox_collapser
+	float: left;
+.cke_hc .cke_toolbox_collapser
+	border-width: 1px;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	display: inline-block;
+		height: 0;
+	width: 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	border-width: 3px;
+	border-style: solid;
+	border-color: transparent transparent #2f2f2f;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser.cke_toolbox_collapser_min .cke_arrow
+	margin: 4px 2px 0 0;
+	border-color: #2f2f2f transparent transparent;
+.cke_hc .cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	font-size: 8px;
+	width: auto;
+	border: 0;
+	margin-top: 0;
+	margin-right: 2px;
+		display:block;
+.cke_menuitem span
+		cursor: default;
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+	display:block;
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton:hover,
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton:focus,
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton:active
+	border: 2px solid;
+.cke_menubutton_inner {
+	display: table-row;
+.cke_menuarrow {
+	display: table-cell;
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+	opacity: 0.70; 	filter: alpha(opacity=70); 	padding: 4px;
+.cke_hc .cke_menubutton_icon
+	height: 16px;
+	width: 0;
+	padding: 4px 0;
+.cke_menubutton:hover .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton:focus .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton:active .cke_menubutton_icon
+	background-color: #9d9d9d;
+.cke_menubutton_disabled:hover .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton_disabled:focus .cke_menubutton_icon,
+.cke_menubutton_disabled:active .cke_menubutton_icon
+		opacity: 0.3;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=30);
+	padding: 0 5px;
+	background-color: transparent;
+	width: 100%;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+.cke_menubutton_disabled .cke_menubutton_label
+		opacity: 0.3;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=30);
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+.cke_panel_frame .cke_menubutton_label
+	display: none;
+	background-color: #D3D3D3;
+	height: 2px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=70); 	opacity: 0.70; }
+		background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-position: 0 -1400px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	padding: 0 5px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_menuarrow
+		background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-position: 7px -1380px;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+.cke_menuarrow span
+	display: none;
+.cke_hc .cke_menuarrow
+.cke_hc .cke_menuarrow span
+	vertical-align: middle;
+	display: inline;
+	display: inline-block;
+	float: left;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo
+	float: right;
+	display: none;
+	float: left;
+	line-height: 26px;
+	vertical-align: top;
+	margin-right: 5px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70); 	opacity: 0.7; }
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_label
+	float: right;
+	margin-left: 5px;
+	margin-right: 0;
+	display: inline-block;
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+	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
+	border-radius: 5px;
+	background: url(images/sprites.png) 0 -100px repeat-x;		float: left;
+	padding: 2px 4px 2px 6px;
+	height: 22px;
+	margin: 0 5px 5px 0;
+	background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #fff, #d3d3d3 100px);
+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left -100, from(#fff), to(#d3d3d3));
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:hover,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:focus,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:active
+	background: #DFF1FF;
+	outline: none;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_button
+	float: right;
+	margin-left: 5px;
+	margin-right: 0;
+.cke_hc .cke_combo_button
+	border: 1px solid black;
+	padding: 1px 3px 1px 3px;
+.cke_hc .cke_rtl .cke_combo_button
+	border: 1px solid black;
+	line-height: 24px;
+	text-overflow: ellipsis;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	color: #666666;
+	float: left;
+	cursor: default;
+	width: 60px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_text
+	float: right;
+	text-align: right;
+	font-style: italic;
+	opacity: 0.70;
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:hover .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:active .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_off .cke_combo_button:focus .cke_combo_inlinelabel
+	opacity: 1;
+    cursor: default;
+    display: inline-block;
+    font-size: 0;
+    height: 19px;
+    line-height: 17px;
+    margin: 1px 3px;
+    width: 5px;
+	margin: 9px 0 0;
+	float: left;
+	opacity: 0.70;
+		height: 0;
+	width: 0;
+	font-size: 0;
+	border-left: 3px solid transparent;
+	border-right: 3px solid transparent;
+	border-top: 3px solid #2f2f2f;
+.cke_hc .cke_combo_arrow
+	font-size: 10px;
+	width: auto;
+	border: 0;
+	margin-top: 4px;
+.cke_combo_disabled .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_disabled .cke_combo_open
+	opacity: 0.3;
+	margin-top: 5px;
+	float: left;
+	display: inline-block;
+	float: left;
+	padding: 1px 4px 0;
+	color: #60676a;
+	cursor: default;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	outline: 0;
+	border: 0;
+.cke_rtl .cke_path,
+.cke_rtl .cke_path_item,
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+	opacity: 0.7;
+	color: #000;
+	display: inline;
+.cke_combo__fontsize .cke_combo_text
+	width: 30px;
+	width: 120px;
+	font-family: 'Courier New' , Monospace;
+	font-size: small;
+	background-color: #fff;
+	white-space: pre;
+.cke_wysiwyg_frame, .cke_wysiwyg_div
+	background-color: #fff;
+	visibility: inherit;
+	display: none;
+	display: none;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 100);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 30);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 100);
+.cke_hc .cke_button_arrow
+	margin-top: 5px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70);
+.cke_combo_button_off:hover .cke_combo_inlinelabel
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 100);
+.cke_combo_button_disabled .cke_combo_inlinelabel,
+.cke_combo_button_disabled .cke_combo_open
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 30);
+	border: 2px outset #efefef;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser .cke_arrow
+	margin: 0 1px 1px 1px;
+.cke_toolbox_collapser.cke_toolbox_collapser_min .cke_arrow
+	margin-left: 2px;
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 70);
+	filter: alpha(opacity = 80);
+.cke_hc .cke_resizer
+	filter: none;
+	font-size: 28px;
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+	right: 2px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_menuarrow
+	position: absolute;
+	left: 2px;
+.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer_buttons .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first
+	padding-left: 10px !important;
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+.cke_rtl .cke_toolgroup,
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+.cke_rtl .cke_button,
+.cke_rtl .cke_button *,
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo,
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo *,
+.cke_rtl .cke_path_item,
+.cke_rtl .cke_path_item *
+	float: none;
+.cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_separator,
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_button,
+.cke_rtl .cke_combo_button *,
+.cke_rtl .cke_button,
+.cke_rtl .cke_button_icon,
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+	background-color: #fff;
+	display: inline-block;
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-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-	opacity: 0.30; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:hover .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:focus .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:active .cke_label
-	background-color: #D3D3D3;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:hover .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:focus .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:active .cke_label
-	background-color: transparent;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuseparator
-	background-color: #D3D3D3;
-	height: 2px;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	_font-size: 0;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuarrow
-	/* arrowright.gif*/
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 0 -1411px;
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	height: 5px;
-	width: 3px;
-	float: right;
-	margin-right: 2px;
-	margin-top: 3px;
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuarrow
-	float: left;
-	margin-right: 0;
-	margin-left: 2px;
-	/* arrowleft.gif*/
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 0px -1390px;
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuarrow span
-	display: none;
-.cke_hc .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuarrow
-	width: auto;
-	margin-top: 0;
-.cke_hc .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuarrow span
-	display: inline;
-/* #3766 In the context menu, long labels with second level menu get wrapped */
-.cke_browser_ie.cke_ltr .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuarrow
-	position: absolute;
-	right: 2px;
-.cke_browser_ie.cke_rtl .cke_skin_kama .cke_menuarrow
-	position: absolute;
-	left: 2px;
-/* END #3766 */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/panel.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/panel.css
deleted file mode 100644
index ccf9fcc..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/panel.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_panel
-	border: 1px solid #8f8f73;
-	background-color: #fff;
-	width: 120px;
-	height: 100px;
-	overflow: hidden;
-	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
-	border-radius: 3px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_contextmenu
-	margin: 0;
-/* Ideally we would use "inherit here"... but you know... IE :( */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_panel iframe
-	width: 100%;
-	height: 100%;
- * All the following styles are to be used inside the iframe that holds panel
- * contents. We don't use the cke_skin_default there to avoid the reset to be
- * active.
- * This is not an issue as we'll never have two skins running inside the same
- * panel iframe.
- */
-	overflow: auto;
-	overflow-x: hidden;
-	overflow: auto;
-.cke_panel_frame .cke_label
-	display: none;
-	list-style-type: none;
-	margin: 3px;
-	padding: 0px;
-	white-space: nowrap;
-	margin: 0px;
-.cke_panel_listItem a
-	padding: 2px;
-	display: block;
-	border: 1px solid #fff;
-	color: inherit !important;
-	text-decoration: none;
-	overflow: hidden;
-	text-overflow: ellipsis;
-/* IE6 */
-* html .cke_panel_listItem a
-	width : 100%;
-	/* IE is not able to inherit the color, so we must force it to black */
-	color: #000;
-/* IE7 */
-*:first-child+html .cke_panel_listItem a
-	/* IE is not able to inherit the color, so we must force it to black */
-	color: #000;
-.cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a
-	border: 1px solid #ccc;
-	background-color: #e9f5ff;
-.cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
-.cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
-.cke_panel_listItem a:active
-	border-color: #316ac5;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
-.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a,
-.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
-.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
-.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:active
-	border-width: 3px;
-	padding: 0px;
-	font-size: 11px;
-	font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif' , Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
-	font-weight: bold;
-	white-space: nowrap;
-	background-color: #dcdcdc;
-	color: #000;
-	margin:0px;
-	padding:3px;
-.cke_panel_listItem p,
-.cke_panel_listItem h1,
-.cke_panel_listItem h2,
-.cke_panel_listItem h3,
-.cke_panel_listItem h4,
-.cke_panel_listItem h5,
-.cke_panel_listItem h6,
-.cke_panel_listItem pre
-	margin-top: 3px;
-	margin-bottom: 3px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button_textcolor_panel,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button_bgcolor_panel
-	width: 150px;
-	height: 135px;
-	padding: 3px;
-   font-size: 11px;
-   font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif', Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
-.cke_colorblock a
-	text-decoration: none;
-	color: #000;
-	width: 10px;
-	height: 10px;
-   border: #808080 1px solid;
-	float: left;
-.cke_rtl span.cke_colorbox
-	float: right;
-	border: #fff 1px solid;
-	padding: 2px;
-	float: left;
-.cke_rtl a.cke_colorbox
-	float: right;
-	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
-	border: #fff 1px solid;
-	padding: 2px;
-	display: block;
-	cursor: pointer;
-	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/presets.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/presets.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 509a356..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/presets.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-/* "Source" button label */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button_source .cke_label
-	display: inline;
-/* "Styles" panel size */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_styles_panel
-	width: 150px;
-	height: 170px;
-/* "Format" panel size */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_format_panel
-	width: 150px;
-	height: 170px;
-/* "Font" panel size */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_font_panel
-	width: 150px;
-	height: 170px;
-/* "Font Size" panel size */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_fontSize_panel
-	height: 170px;
-/* "Font Size" combo width */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_fontSize .cke_text
-	width: 25px;
-/* "Font Size" combo width (IE Quirks) */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_fontSize .cke_text
-	width: 32px;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/readme.md b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaaa301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+"Kama" Skin
+"Kama" is the default skin of CKEditor 3.x.
+It's been ported to CKEditor 4 and fully featured.
+For more information about skins, please check the [CKEditor Skin SDK](http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_4.x/Skin_SDK)
+Directory Structure
+CSS parts:
+- **editor.css**: the main CSS file. It's simply loading several other files, for easier maintenance,
+- **mainui.css**: the file contains styles of entire editor outline structures,
+- **toolbar.css**: the file contains styles of the editor toolbar space (top),
+- **richcombo.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo ui elements on toolbar,
+- **panel.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo drop-down, it's not loaded
+until the first panel open up,
+- **elementspath.css**: the file contains styles of the editor elements path bar (bottom),
+- **menu.css**: the file contains styles of all editor menus including context menu and button drop-down,
+it's not loaded until the first menu open up,
+- **dialog.css**: the CSS files for the dialog UI, it's not loaded until the first dialog open,
+- **reset.css**: the file defines the basis of style resets among all editor UI spaces,
+- **preset.css**: the file defines the default styles of some UI elements reflecting the skin preference,
+- **editor_XYZ.css** and **dialog_XYZ.css**: browser specific CSS hacks.
+Other parts:
+- **skin.js**: the only JavaScript part of the skin that registers the skin, its browser specific files and its icons and defines the Chameleon feature,
+- **icons/**: contains all skin defined icons,
+- **images/**: contains a fill general used images.
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice: [GPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html), [LGPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) and [MPL](http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html).
+See LICENSE.md for more information.
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/reset.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/reset.css
deleted file mode 100644
index d1a78af..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/reset.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * Reset and Default Values
- */
-.cke_skin_kama *,
-.cke_skin_kama a:hover,
-.cke_skin_kama a:link,
-.cke_skin_kama a:visited,
-.cke_skin_kama a:active
-	margin: 0;
-	padding: 0;
-	border: 0;
-	background: transparent;
-	text-decoration: none;
-	font: normal normal normal 100% Sans-Serif;
-	width: auto;
-	height: auto;
-	border-collapse: collapse;
-	text-align: left;
-	vertical-align: baseline;
-	white-space: nowrap;
-	cursor: auto;
-	color: #000;
-    font-size: 12px;
-    font-family: Arial,Helvetica,Tahoma,Verdana,Sans-Serif;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl *,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl a:hover,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl a:link,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl a:visited,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl a:active,
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_kama *,
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_kama a:hover,
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_kama a:link,
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_kama a:visited,
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_kama a:active
-	text-align: right;
-.cke_skin_kama iframe
-	vertical-align: inherit;	/** For IE */
-.cke_skin_kama textarea
-	white-space: pre;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko textarea
-	cursor: text;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko textarea[disabled]
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_kama input[type="text"],
-.cke_skin_kama input[type="password"]
-	cursor: text;
-.cke_skin_kama input[type="text"][disabled],
-.cke_skin_kama input[type="password"][disabled]
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_kama fieldset
-	padding: 10px;
-	border: 2px groove #E0DFE3;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/richcombo.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/richcombo.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 928b1f2..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/richcombo.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-/* Special Combo */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo
-	display: inline;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombopanel
-	border: 1px solid #8F8F73;
-	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 0;
-	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 0;
-	border-top-left-radius: 0;
-	height: auto;
-	_height: 100px;
-/* IE6 workaround, shouldn't be here */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_rcombopanel,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_rcombopanel
-/*	width: 150px;*/
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo a,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo a:active,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo a:hover
-	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
-	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
-	border-radius: 5px;
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-repeat: repeat-x;
-	background-position: 0 -100px;
-	border-bottom:1px solid #DAD9D9;
-	border-right:1px solid #DAD9D9;
-	float:left;
-	padding: 2px;
-	height: 21px;
-	margin-right: 6px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo a,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo a:active,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo a:hover
-	float:right;
-	margin-right: 0;
-	margin-left: 6px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_rcombo a
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100); /* IE */
-	opacity: 1.0; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_label
-	display: none;
-	line-height: 26px;
-	vertical-align: top;
-	margin-right: 5px;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	/* background-color: #f1f1e3;	Because of IE6+ClearType */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_label
-	margin-right: 0;
-	margin-left: 5px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_inline_label
-	line-height: 21px;
-	font-style: italic;
-	color: #666666;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-	vertical-align: top;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_label
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100);
-	opacity: 1.0;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_text
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	height: 21px;
-	line-height: 21px;
-	width:60px;
-	text-overflow: ellipsis;
-	overflow: hidden;
-	display: inline-block;
-	margin: 0 2px 0 4px;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_text
-	margin: 0 4px 0 2px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 0 -68px;
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	display: inline-block;
-	width: 17px;
-	height: 19px;
-	margin: 1px 2px;
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton span
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton span
-	display	: inline;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-	margin-bottom: 0;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:hover .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:focus .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:active .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_on .cke_text
-	border-color: #316ac5;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100); /* IE */
-	opacity: 1; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:hover .cke_openbutton,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:focus .cke_openbutton,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:active .cke_openbutton,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_on .cke_openbutton
-	border-color: #316ac5;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_on .cke_text
-	-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 0px;
-	-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;
-	border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_on .cke_openbutton
-	-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 0px;
-	-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;
-	border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_label
-	filter: alpha(opacity=30); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.3; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_label
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70);
-	opacity: 0.7;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_openbutton
-	filter: alpha(opacity=50); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.5; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_openbutton
-	filter: alpha(opacity=80);
-	opacity: 0.8;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_text
-	color: #fff;
-/* RTL */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo span
-/*	_zoom: 1;*/
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_text
-/*	_float: left;*/
-/* Firefox 2 & WebKit Section */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_rcombo .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rcombo .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-	display: block;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_text
-/*	float: right;*/
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_rcombo .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rcombo .cke_label
-	/*display: block;*/
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie7 .cke_rcombo .cke_text
-	line-height: 18px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_rcombo .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_rcombo .cke_text
-	height: auto;
-	line-height: 17px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_font .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_fontSize .cke_text
-	direction: ltr;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/skin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/skin.js
index fe8923b..2840cb2 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/skin.js
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/skin.js
@@ -1,268 +1,260 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+In this file we interact with the CKEditor JavaScript API to register the skin
+and enable additional skin related features.
+The level of complexity of this file depends on the features available in the
+skin. There is only one mandatory line of code to be included here, which is
+setting CKEDITOR.skin.name. All the rest is optional, but recommended to be
+implemented as they make higher quality skins.
+For this skin, the following tasks are achieved in this file:
+	1. Register the skin.
+	2. Register browser specific skin files.
+	3. Define the "Chameleon" feature.
+	4. Register the skin icons, to have them used on the development version of
+	  the skin.
-CKEDITOR.skins.add( 'kama', (function()
-	var preload = [],
-		uiColorStylesheetId = 'cke_ui_color';
+// 1. Register the skin
+// ----------------------
+// The CKEDITOR.skin.name property must be set to the skin name. This is a
+// lower-cased name, which must match the skin folder name as well as the value
+// used on config.skin to tell the editor to use the skin.
+// This is the only mandatory property to be defined in this file.
+CKEDITOR.skin.name = 'kama';
+// 2. Register browser specific skin files
+// -----------------------------------------
+// (http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_4.x/Skin_SDK/Browser_Hacks)
+// To help implementing browser specific "hacks" to the skin files and have it
+// easy to maintain, it is possible to have dedicated files for such browsers,
+// for both the main skin CSS files: editor.css and dialog.css.
+// The browser files must be named after the main file names, appended by an
+// underscore and the browser name (e.g. editor_ie.css, dialog_ie8.css).
+// The accepted browser names must match the CKEDITOR.env properties. The most
+// common names are: ie, opera, webkit and gecko. Check the documentation for
+// the complete list:
+// http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.env
+// Internet explorer is an expection and the browser version is also accepted
+// (ie7, ie8, ie9, ie10), as well as a special name for IE in Quirks mode (iequirks).
+// The available browser specific files must be set separately for editor.css
+// and dialog.css.
+CKEDITOR.skin.ua_editor = 'ie,iequirks,ie7,ie8';
+CKEDITOR.skin.ua_dialog = 'ie,iequirks,ie7,ie8,opera';
+// 3. Define the "Chameleon" feature
+// -----------------------------------
+// (http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_4.x/Skin_SDK/Chameleon)
+// "Chameleon" is a unique feature available in CKEditor. It makes it possible
+// to end users to specify which color to use as the basis for the editor UI.
+// It is enough to set config.uiColor to any color value and voila, the UI is
+// colored.
+// The only detail here is that the skin itself must be compatible with the
+// Chameleon feature. That's because the skin CSS files are the responsible to
+// apply colors in the UI and each skin do that in different way and on
+// different places.
+// Implementing the Chameleon feature requires a bit of JavaScript programming.
+// The CKEDITOR.skin.chameleon function must be defined. It must return the CSS
+// "template" to be used to change the color of a specific CKEditor instance
+// available in the page. When a color change is required, this template is
+// appended to the page holding the editor, overriding styles defined in the
+// skin files.
+// The "$color" placeholder can be used in the returned string. It'll be
+// replaced with the desired color.
+CKEDITOR.skin.chameleon = function( editor, part ) {
+	// Use this function just to avoid having to repeat all these rules on
+	// several places of our template.
+	function getLinearBackground( definition ) {
+		return 'background:-moz-linear-gradient(' + definition + ');' + // FF3.6+
+			'background:-webkit-linear-gradient(' + definition + ');' + // Chrome10+, Safari5.1+
+			'background:-o-linear-gradient(' + definition + ');' + // Opera 11.10+
+			'background:-ms-linear-gradient(' + definition + ');' + // IE10+
+			'background:linear-gradient(' + definition + ');'; // W3C
+	}
+	var css;
+	// The Chameleon feature is available for each CKEditor instance,
+	// independently. Because of this, we need to prefix all CSS selectors with
+	// the unique class name of the instance.
+	//
+	// CKEditor instances have a unique ID, which is used as class name into
+	// the outer container of the editor UI (e.g. ".cke_1").
+	var cssId = '.' + editor.id;
+	// There are two main "parts" that need the be touched by the Chameleon
+	// feature: "editor" and "panel".
+	//
+	// This is the main UI part, representing everything that is loaded in the
+	// page that includes the editor instance. Note that the dialog styles are
+	// also taken in consideration here.
+	if ( part == 'editor' ) {
+		css = cssId + ' .cke_inner,' +
+			cssId + ' .cke_dialog_tab' +
+			'{' +
+		    'background-color:$color;' +
+				'background:-webkit-gradient(linear,0 -15,0 40,from(#fff),to($color));' +
+				getLinearBackground( 'top,#fff -15px,$color 40px' ) +
+			'}' +
+			cssId + ' .cke_toolgroup' +
+			'{' +
+				'background:-webkit-gradient(linear,0 0,0 100,from(#fff),to($color));' +
+				getLinearBackground( 'top,#fff,$color 100px' ) +
+			'}' +
+			cssId + ' .cke_combo_button' +
+			'{' +
+				'background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left -100, from(#fff), to($color));' +
+				getLinearBackground( 'bottom,#fff,$color 100px' ) +
+			'}' +
+			cssId + ' .cke_dialog_contents,' +
+			cssId + ' .cke_dialog_footer' +
+			'{' +
+			'background-color:$color !important;' +
+			'}' +
-	if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 7 )
-	{
-		// For IE6, we need to preload some images, otherwhise they will be
-		// downloaded several times (CSS background bug).
-		preload.push( 'icons.png', 'images/sprites_ie6.png', 'images/dialog_sides.gif' );
+			cssId + ' .cke_dialog_tab:hover,' +
+			cssId + ' .cke_dialog_tab:active,' +
+			cssId + ' .cke_dialog_tab:focus,' +
+			cssId + ' .cke_dialog_tab_selected' +
+			'{' +
+			'background-color:$color;' +
+			'background-image:none;' +
+			'}' +
+			'';
+	// The "panel" part is necessary because it represents contents of panels
+	// used in the editor, like context-menus or the toolbar combos panels.
+	// Those are loaded inside iframes, so this template is used there. Because
+	// of this iframe isolation, we don't need to specify the editor id class
+	// name in the rules selectors.
+	//
+	// The menu.css rules are usually the ones to be overriden here, while all
+	// the rest is handled by the above "editor" part.
+	} else if ( part == 'panel' ) {
+		css = '.cke_menubutton_icon' +
+			'{' +
+				'background-color:$color !important;' +
+				'border-color:$color !important;' +
+			'}' +
+			'.cke_menubutton:hover .cke_menubutton_icon,' +
+			'.cke_menubutton:focus .cke_menubutton_icon,' +
+			'.cke_menubutton:active .cke_menubutton_icon' +
+			'{' +
+				'background-color:$color !important;' +
+				'border-color:$color !important;' +
+			'}' +
+			'.cke_menubutton:hover .cke_menubutton_label,' +
+			'.cke_menubutton:focus .cke_menubutton_label,' +
+			'.cke_menubutton:active .cke_menubutton_label' +
+			'{' +
+				'background-color:$color !important;' +
+			'}' +
+			'.cke_menubutton_disabled:hover .cke_menubutton_label,' +
+			'.cke_menubutton_disabled:focus .cke_menubutton_label,' +
+			'.cke_menubutton_disabled:active .cke_menubutton_label' +
+			'{' +
+				'background-color: transparent !important;' +
+			'}' +
+			'.cke_menubutton_disabled:hover .cke_menubutton_icon,' +
+			'.cke_menubutton_disabled:focus .cke_menubutton_icon,' +
+			'.cke_menubutton_disabled:active .cke_menubutton_icon' +
+			'{' +
+				'background-color:$color !important;' +
+				'border-color:$color !important;' +
+			'}' +
+			'.cke_menubutton_disabled .cke_menubutton_icon' +
+			'{' +
+				'background-color:$color !important;' +
+				'border-color:$color !important;' +
+			'}' +
+			'.cke_menuseparator' +
+			'{' +
+				'background-color:$color !important;' +
+			'}' +
+			'.cke_menubutton:hover,' +
+			'.cke_menubutton:focus,' +
+			'.cke_menubutton:active' +
+			'{' +
+				'background-color:$color !important;' +
+			'}';
-	return {
-		preload		: preload,
-		editor		: { css : [ 'editor.css' ] },
-		dialog		: { css : [ 'dialog.css' ] },
-		templates	: { css : [ 'templates.css' ] },
-		margins		: [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
-		init : function( editor )
-		{
-			if ( editor.config.width && !isNaN( editor.config.width ) )
-				editor.config.width -= 12;
-			var uiColorMenus = [];
-			var uiColorRegex = /\$color/g;
-			var uiColorMenuCss = "/* UI Color Support */\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem .cke_icon_wrapper\
-	background-color: $color !important;\
-	border-color: $color !important;\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:hover .cke_icon_wrapper,\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:focus .cke_icon_wrapper,\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:active .cke_icon_wrapper\
-	background-color: $color !important;\
-	border-color: $color !important;\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:hover .cke_label,\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:focus .cke_label,\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:active .cke_label\
-	background-color: $color !important;\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:hover .cke_label,\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:focus .cke_label,\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:active .cke_label\
-	background-color: transparent !important;\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:hover .cke_icon_wrapper,\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:focus .cke_icon_wrapper,\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:active .cke_icon_wrapper\
-	background-color: $color !important;\
-	border-color: $color !important;\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled .cke_icon_wrapper\
-	background-color: $color !important;\
-	border-color: $color !important;\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuseparator\
-	background-color: $color !important;\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:hover,\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:focus,\
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:active\
-	background-color: $color !important;\
-			// We have to split CSS declarations for webkit.
-			if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
-			{
-				uiColorMenuCss = uiColorMenuCss.split( '}' ).slice( 0, -1 );
-				for ( var i = 0 ; i < uiColorMenuCss.length ; i++ )
-					uiColorMenuCss[ i ] = uiColorMenuCss[ i ].split( '{' );
-			}
-			function getStylesheet( document )
-			{
-				var node = document.getById( uiColorStylesheetId );
-				if ( !node )
-				{
-					node = document.getHead().append( 'style' );
-					node.setAttribute( "id", uiColorStylesheetId );
-					node.setAttribute( "type", "text/css" );
-				}
-				return node;
-			}
-			function updateStylesheets( styleNodes, styleContent, replace )
-			{
-				var r, i, content;
-				for ( var id  = 0 ; id < styleNodes.length ; id++ )
-				{
-					if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
-					{
-						for ( i = 0 ; i < styleContent.length ; i++ )
-						{
-							content = styleContent[ i ][ 1 ];
-							for ( r  = 0 ; r < replace.length ; r++ )
-								content = content.replace( replace[ r ][ 0 ], replace[ r ][ 1 ] );
-							styleNodes[ id ].$.sheet.addRule( styleContent[ i ][ 0 ], content );
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						content = styleContent;
-						for ( r  = 0 ; r < replace.length ; r++ )
-							content = content.replace( replace[ r ][ 0 ], replace[ r ][ 1 ] );
-						if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-							styleNodes[ id ].$.styleSheet.cssText += content;
-						else
-							styleNodes[ id ].$.innerHTML += content;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			var uiColorRegexp = /\$color/g;
-			CKEDITOR.tools.extend( editor,
-			{
-				uiColor: null,
-				getUiColor : function()
-				{
-					return this.uiColor;
-				},
-				setUiColor : function( color )
-				{
-					var cssContent,
-						uiStyle = getStylesheet( CKEDITOR.document ),
-						cssId = '.cke_editor_' + CKEDITOR.tools.escapeCssSelector( editor.name );
-					var cssSelectors =
-						[
-							cssId + " .cke_wrapper",
-							cssId + "_dialog .cke_dialog_contents",
-							cssId + "_dialog a.cke_dialog_tab",
-							cssId + "_dialog .cke_dialog_footer"
-						].join( ',' );
-					var cssProperties = "background-color: $color !important;";
-					if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
-						cssContent = [ [ cssSelectors, cssProperties ] ];
-					else
-						cssContent = cssSelectors + '{' + cssProperties + '}';
-					return ( this.setUiColor =
-						function( color )
-						{
-							var replace = [ [ uiColorRegexp, color ] ];
-							editor.uiColor = color;
-							// Update general style.
-							updateStylesheets( [ uiStyle ], cssContent, replace );
-							// Update menu styles.
-							updateStylesheets( uiColorMenus, uiColorMenuCss, replace );
-						})( color );
-				}
-			});
-			editor.on( 'menuShow', function( event )
-			{
-				var panel = event.data[ 0 ];
-				var iframe = panel.element.getElementsByTag( 'iframe' ).getItem( 0 ).getFrameDocument();
-				// Add stylesheet if missing.
-				if ( !iframe.getById( 'cke_ui_color' ) )
-				{
-					var node = getStylesheet( iframe );
-					uiColorMenus.push( node );
-					var color = editor.getUiColor();
-					// Set uiColor for new menu.
-					if ( color )
-						updateStylesheets( [ node ], uiColorMenuCss, [ [ uiColorRegexp, color ] ] );
-				}
-			});
-			// Apply UI color if specified in config.
-			if ( editor.config.uiColor )
-				editor.setUiColor( editor.config.uiColor );
-		}
-	};
-})() );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog ? dialogSetup() : CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogPluginReady', dialogSetup );
-	function dialogSetup()
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.dialog.on( 'resize', function( evt )
-			{
-				var data = evt.data,
-					width = data.width,
-					height = data.height,
-					dialog = data.dialog,
-					contents = dialog.parts.contents;
-				if ( data.skin != 'kama' )
-					return;
-				contents.setStyles(
-					{
-						width : width + 'px',
-						height : height + 'px'
-					});
-				// Fix the size of the elements which have flexible lengths.
-				setTimeout( function()
-					{
-						var innerDialog = dialog.parts.dialog.getChild( [ 0, 0, 0 ] ),
-							body = innerDialog.getChild( 0 );
-						// tc
-						var el = innerDialog.getChild( 2 );
-						el.setStyle( 'width', ( body.$.offsetWidth ) + 'px' );
-						// bc
-						el = innerDialog.getChild( 7 );
-						el.setStyle( 'width', ( body.$.offsetWidth - 28 ) + 'px' );
-						// ml
-						el = innerDialog.getChild( 4 );
-						el.setStyle( 'height', ( body.$.offsetHeight - 31 - 14 ) + 'px' );
-						// mr
-						el = innerDialog.getChild( 5 );
-						el.setStyle( 'height', ( body.$.offsetHeight - 31 - 14 ) + 'px' );
-					},
-					100 );
-			});
+	return css;
+// 4. Register the skin icons for development purposes only
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// (http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_4.x/Skin_SDK/Icons)
+// This code is here just to make the skin work fully when using its "source"
+// version. Without this, the skin will still work, but its icons will not be
+// used (again, on source version only).
+// This block of code is not necessary on the release version of the skin.
+// Because of this it is very important to include it inside the REMOVE_START
+// and REMOVE_END comment markers, so the skin builder will properly clean
+// things up.
+// If a required icon is not available here, the plugin defined icon will be
+// used instead. This means that a skin is not required to provide all icons.
+// Actually, it is not required to provide icons at all.
+(function() {
+	// The available icons. This list must match the file names (without
+	// extension) available inside the "icons" folder.
+	var icons = ( 'about,anchor-rtl,anchor,bgcolor,bidiltr,bidirtl,blockquote,' +
+		'bold,bulletedlist-rtl,bulletedlist,button,checkbox,copy-rtl,copy,' +
+		'creatediv,cut-rtl,cut,docprops-rtl,docprops,find-rtl,find,flash,form,' +
+		'hiddenfield,horizontalrule,icons,iframe,image,imagebutton,indent-rtl,' +
+		'indent,italic,justifyblock,justifycenter,justifyleft,justifyright,' +
+		'link,maximize,newpage-rtl,newpage,numberedlist-rtl,numberedlist,' +
+		'outdent-rtl,outdent,pagebreak-rtl,pagebreak,paste-rtl,paste,' +
+		'pastefromword-rtl,pastefromword,pastetext-rtl,pastetext,placeholder,preview-rtl,' +
+		'preview,print,radio,redo-rtl,redo,removeformat,replace,save,scayt,' +
+		'select-rtl,select,selectall,showblocks-rtl,showblocks,smiley,' +
+		'source-rtl,source,specialchar,spellchecker,strike,subscript,' +
+		'superscript,table,templates-rtl,templates,textarea-rtl,textarea,' +
+		'textcolor,textfield,underline,undo-rtl,undo,unlink' ).split( ',' );
+	var iconsFolder = CKEDITOR.getUrl( CKEDITOR.skin.path() + 'icons/' );
+	for ( var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++ ) {
+		CKEDITOR.skin.addIcon( icons[ i ], iconsFolder + icons[ i ] + '.png' );
- * The base user interface color to be used by the editor. Not all skins are
- * compatible with this setting.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.uiColor
- * @type String
- * @default '' (empty)
- * @example
- * // Using a color code.
- * config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
- * @example
- * // Using an HTML color name.
- * config.uiColor = 'Gold';
- */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/templates.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/templates.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 78f7b49..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/templates.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * Styles for the "templates" plugin.
- */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_list
-	border: #dcdcdc 2px solid;
-	background-color: #ffffff;
-	overflow-y: auto;
-	overflow-x: hidden;
-	width: 100%;
-	height: 220px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_item
-	margin: 5px;
-	padding: 7px;
-	border: #eeeeee 1px solid;
-	*width: 88%;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_preview
-	border-collapse: separate;
-	text-indent:0;
-	width: 100%;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_preview td
-	padding: 2px;
-	vertical-align: middle;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_preview .cke_tpl_preview_img
-	width: 100px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_preview span
-	white-space: normal;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_title
-	font-weight: bold;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_list a:active .cke_tpl_item,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_list a:hover .cke_tpl_item,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_list a:focus .cke_tpl_item
-	border: #ff9933 1px solid;
-	background-color: #fffacd;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_list a:active *,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_list a:hover *,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_list a:focus *
-	cursor: pointer;
-/* IE6 contextual selectors childs won't get :hover transition until,
-	the hover style of the link itself contains certain CSS declarations.*/
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:active,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:hover,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:focus
-	background-position: 0 0;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_tpl_list a:active .cke_tpl_item,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_tpl_list a:hover .cke_tpl_item,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_tpl_list a:focus .cke_tpl_item
-	border-width: 3px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_empty, .cke_tpl_loading
-	text-align: center;
-	padding: 5px;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/toolbar.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/toolbar.css
deleted file mode 100644
index a09edc9..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/kama/toolbar.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- at media print
-	/* For printing, we simply hide the toolbar */
-	.cke_skin_kama .cke_toolbox
-	{
-		display: none;
-	}
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_webkit .cke_toolbox,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_webkit .cke_toolbox > span
-	white-space: normal;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_toolbox
-	clear: both;
-	/* Define the padding-bottom otherwise the collapser button will not be clickable #4932*/
-	padding-bottom: 1px;
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_toolbox_collapser,
-.cke_skin_kama a:hover.cke_toolbox_collapser
-	/* arrowtop.gif */
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 3px -1366px; /* +3px +4px */
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	width: 11px;
-	height: 11px;
-	float: right;
-	border: 1px outset #D3D3D3;
-	margin: 11px 0 2px;
-	cursor: pointer;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl a.cke_toolbox_collapser,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl a:hover.cke_toolbox_collapser
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_toolbox_collapser span
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc a.cke_toolbox_collapser span
-	font-size: 10px;
-	font-weight: bold;
-	font-family: Arial;
-	display: inline;
-.cke_skin_kama a.cke_toolbox_collapser_min,
-.cke_skin_kama a:hover.cke_toolbox_collapser_min
-	/* arrowleft.gif*/
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 4px -1387px; /* +4px +3px */
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	margin: 2px 4px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl a.cke_toolbox_collapser_min,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl a:hover.cke_toolbox_collapser_min
-	/* arrowright.gif*/
-	background-position: 4px -1408px; /* +2px +3px */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_toolbar
-	display: inline;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_separator
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_break
-	font-size: 0;
-	clear: left;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_break
-	clear: right;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_toolbar_start
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_toolgroup
-	-moz-border-radius:5px;
-	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
-	border-radius: 5px;
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-repeat: repeat-x;
-	background-position: 0 -500px;
-	float: left;
-	margin-right: 6px;
-	margin-bottom: 5px;
-	padding: 2px;
-	display: inline;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_toolgroup
-	float: right;
-	margin-right: 0;
-	margin-left: 6px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_toolgroup
-	display: block;
-	height: 22px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a:hover,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a:focus,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a:active,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a.cke_off
-	border-radius: 3px;
-	outline: none;
-	padding: 2px 4px;
-	height: 18px;
-	display: inline-block;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a.cke_off
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_button a,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_button a.cke_off
-	opacity: 1.0;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100);
-	border: 1px solid white;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a.cke_on
-	background-color: #a3d7ff;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100); /* IE */
-	opacity: 1; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	padding: 2px 4px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_button a.cke_on
-	padding: 0 2px !important;
-	border-width: 3px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a.cke_disabled *,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie a:hover.cke_button .cke_disabled *
-	filter: alpha(opacity=30); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.3; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_button a.cke_disabled *,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie.cke_hc a:hover.cke_button .cke_disabled *
-	filter: alpha(opacity=60);
-	opacity: 0.6;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a:hover.cke_on,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a:focus.cke_on,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a:active.cke_on,	/* IE */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a:hover.cke_off,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a:focus.cke_off,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a:active.cke_off	/* IE */
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100); /* IE */
-	opacity: 1; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	padding: 2px 4px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a:hover,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a:focus,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a:active	/* IE */
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a:hover.cke_on,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a:focus.cke_on,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button a:active.cke_on	/* IE */
-	background-color: #86caff;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_button a:hover,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_button a:focus,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_button a:active	/* IE */
-	padding: 0 2px !important;
-	border-width: 3px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button .cke_icon
-	background-image: url(icons.png);
-	background-position: 100px;
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	margin-top: 1px;
-	width: 16px;
-	height: 16px;
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_icon
-	background-image: url(icons_rtl.png);
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_icon
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button .cke_label
-	cursor: default;
-	display: none;
-	padding-left: 3px;
-	line-height: 18px;
-	vertical-align: middle;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_label
-	padding-left: 0;
-	padding-right: 3px;
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_button .cke_label
-	padding: 0;
-	display: inline-block;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_button .cke_icon
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_accessibility
-	position: absolute;
-	display: block;
-	width: 0;
-	height: 0;
-	overflow: hidden;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_button .cke_buttonarrow
-	display: inline-block;
-	height: 17px;
-	width: 8px;
-	background-position: 2px -1469px; /* (+2, -5) */
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	float: left;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_buttonarrow
-	background-position: 0 -1469px; /* (0, -5) */
-	float: right;
-/*** Firefox 2 ***/
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_toolbar,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_button a,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_button a.cke_off,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_button .cke_icon,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_button .cke_buttonarrow,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_separator,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_toolbar_start
-	display: block;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko.cke_hc .cke_button .cke_icon
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_rtl .cke_button a,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_rtl.cke_button a.cke_off,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_icon,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_buttonarrow,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_start
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_button .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_break
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_gecko .cke_rtl .cke_break
-	float: right;
-/*** IE ***/
-/* The biggest problem with IE is the RTL support (and float:right). It's
-   totally broken, and quite delicate. IE8 fixed these issues. */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_icon,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_buttonarrow
-	float: none;
-/*** WebKit ***/
-/* We have originally used display:inline-block+float for cke_toolbar and it
-   worked well in all browsers, except IE+RTL. We had to change it to inline
-   and remove the float. This change didn't play well with Safari. */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_webkit .cke_toolbar
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar
-	float: right;
-/*** Mixed Fixes ***/
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie8 .cke_button .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_opera .cke_button .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_webkit .cke_button .cke_label
-	line-height: 20px;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_opera.cke_browser_quirks .cke_button .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_button .cke_label
-	line-height: 17px;
-/* Fix cursor shape consistency on toolbar combos (#4031) */
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie .cke_rcombo,
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie .cke_rcombo *
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie .cke_toolbox
-	padding-bottom: 5px;
-	_padding-bottom: 6px;
-.cke_shared .cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie .cke_toolbox
-	padding-bottom: 0;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/dialog.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/dialog.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 05dc4a4..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/dialog.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,765 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-/* Restore the dialog visibility */
-body .cke_dialog
-	visibility: visible;
-/* Force Gecko to consider table as positioned */
-.cke_skin_office2003 table.cke_dialog.cke_browser_gecko
-	display:block;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_body
-	margin-left: 16px;
-	margin-right: 16px;
-	margin-top: 2px;
-	margin-bottom: 20px;
-	z-index: 1;
-	/* 'cke_dialog' element has been fixed positioned in all but IE6, while we
-		need it to be positioned to hold e.g. close button. */
-	position: relative;
-	_position: static;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_tl,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_tr,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_tc,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_bl,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_br,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_bc
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	position: absolute;
-	/* IE6 does not support full color transparent PNG. */
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	/* Dialog corner parts require a negative z-index to avoid covering dialog body. (#4954) */
-	_z-index: -1;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_tl
-	background-position: -16px -16px;
-	height: 16px;
-	width: 16px;
-	top: 0;
-	left: 0;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tl
-	background-position: -16px -397px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_tr
-	background-position: -16px -76px;
-	height: 16px;
-	width: 16px;
-	top: 0;
-	right: 0;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tr
-	background-position: -16px -457px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_tc
-	background-position: 0 -136px;
-	background-repeat: repeat-x;
-	height: 16px;
-	top: 0;
-	left: 16px;
-	right: 16px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_bl
-	background-position: -16px -196px;
-	height: 51px;
-	width: 30px;
-	bottom: 0;
-	left: 0;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_bl
-	background-position: -16px -517px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_br
-	background-position: -16px -263px;
-	height: 51px;
-	width: 30px;
-	bottom: 0;
-	right: 0;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_br
-	background-position: -16px -584px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_bc
-	background-position: 0 -330px;
-	background-repeat: repeat-x;
-	height: 51px;
-	bottom: 0;
-	left: 30px;
-	right: 30px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_ml,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_mr
-	background-image: url(images/dialog_sides.png);
-	background-repeat: repeat-y;
-	position: absolute;
-	width: 16px;
-	top: 16px;
-	bottom: 51px;
-	/* IE6 does not support full color transparent PNG. */
-	_background-image: url(images/dialog_sides.gif);
-	/* IE quirks gets confused when we have both top and bottom. */
-	_top: auto;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ml,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_mr
-	background-image: url(images/dialog_sides_rtl.png);
-	/* IE6 does not support full color transparent PNG. */
-	_background-image: url(images/dialog_sides.gif);
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_ml
-	background-position: 0 0;
-	left: 0;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_mr
-	background-position: -16px 0;
-	right: 0;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_dialog_ml,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_dialog_mr
-	margin-top: 3px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_title
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 0 -678px;
-	background-repeat: repeat-x;
-	font-weight: bold;
-	font-size: 14pt;
-	color: #0E3460;
-	background-color: #8db1ff;
-	padding: 3px 10px 26px 10px;
-	cursor: move;
-	position: relative;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_title
-	position: static !important;
-	unicode-bidi: bidi-override;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_contents
-	background-color: #f7f8fd;
-	border: #2b66c9 1px solid;
-	overflow: auto;
-	padding: 5px 10px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_footer
-	background-color: #8db1ff;
-	text-align: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer
-	text-align: left;
-/* tabs */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_tabs
-	height: 23px;
-	background-color: #8db1ff;
-	display: inline-block;
-	margin-left:10px;
-	margin-right:10px;
-	margin-top:-23px;
-	position: absolute;
-	z-index: 2;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tabs
-	right: 10px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 a.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:link.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:active.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:hover.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:visited.cke_dialog_tab
-	color: #0E3460;
-	border-left: 1px solid #2b66c9;
-	border-right: 1px solid #2b66c9;
-	border-top: 1px solid #2b66c9;
-	height: 14px;
-	padding: 4px 5px;
-	display: inline-block;
-	cursor: pointer;
-/* Gecko 1.8 layout workaround. */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 a.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 a:link.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 a:active.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 a:hover.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 a:visited.cke_dialog_tab
-	display: inline;
-	position: relative;
-	top: 6px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:hover.cke_dialog_tab
-	background-color: #f7f8fd;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a:hover.cke_dialog_tab
-	padding: 2px 3px !important;
-	border-width: 3px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 a.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:link.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:active.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:hover.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:visited.cke_dialog_tab_selected
-	border-bottom: 1px solid #f7f8fd;
-	background-color: #f7f8fd;
-	font-weight: bold;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a:link.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a:active.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a:hover.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a:visited.cke_dialog_tab_selected
-	padding: 2px 3px !important;
-	border-width: 3px;
-/* single_page */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_single_page .cke_dialog_tabs
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs a,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer a
-	opacity: 1.0;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100);
-	border: 1px solid white;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_single_page .cke_dialog_title
-	padding-bottom: 3px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_ui_vbox table,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_ui_hbox table
-	margin: auto;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_ui_vbox_child
-	padding: 5px 0px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 input.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
-.cke_skin_office2003 input.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
-	background-color: white;
-	border: none;
-	padding: 0px;
-	width: 100%;
-	height: 14px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
-.cke_skin_office2003 div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
-	background-color: white;
-	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
-	padding: 1px 0px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text {
-	padding-right: 1px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
-	border-width: 0px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
-	border-width: 1px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 textarea.cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea
-	background-color: white;
-	border: none;
-	padding: 0px;
-	width: 100%;
-	/*
-	 * IE6 BUG: Scrollbars in textareas can overflow even if the outer DIV is set to overflow:hidden.
-	 * So leave 1% width for the scrollbar. In most situations the 1% isn't noticeable by users.
-	 */
-	_width: 99%;
-	overflow: auto;
-	resize: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 div.cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea
-	background-color: white;
-	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
-	padding: 1px 0px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 div.cke_disabled .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content *
-	background-color : #a0a0a0;
-	cursor : default;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_ui_hbox
-	width: 100%;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_last
-	vertical-align: top;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
-	padding-right: 10px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
-	padding-left: 10px;
-/* button */
-.cke_skin_office2003 a.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	border-collapse: separate;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_office2003 span.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 0 -678px;
-	background-repeat: repeat-x;
-	border: #0E3460 1px solid;
-	padding: 2px 10px;
-	text-align: center;
-	color: #0E3460;
-	background-color: #8db1ff;
-	display: inline-block;
-	cursor: default;
-/* Gecko 1.8 does not support display: inline-block */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_dialog_footer_buttons span.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	display: block;
-.cke_skin_office2003 a.cke_dialog_ui_button span.cke_disabled
-	border: #898980 1px solid;
-	color: #5e5e55;
-	background-color: #c5c5b3;
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:focus span.cke_dialog_ui_button,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:active span.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	background-color: #8db1ff;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a:focus span.cke_dialog_ui_button,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a:active span.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	border-width: 2px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_footer_buttons
-	display: inline-table;
-	margin-right: 12px;
-	margin-left: 12px;
-	width: auto;
-	position: relative;
-/* Gecko 1.8 does not support for display: inline-table */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_dialog_footer_buttons
-	display: inline;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_footer_buttons span.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	width: 60px;
-	margin: 7px 0;
-.cke_skin_office2003 strong
-	font-weight: bold;
-/* close_button */
-.cke_skin_office2003 a.cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:hover.cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie6 a.cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie6 a:hover.cke_dialog_close_button
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	background-position: -20px -655px;
-	position: absolute;
-	cursor: pointer;
-	text-align: center;
-	height: 21px;
-	width: 21px;
-	top: 4px;
-	/* IE6 does not support full color transparent PNG. */
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-.cke_skin_office2003 a.cke_dialog_close_button span
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_ltr a.cke_dialog_close_button
-	right: 10px;
-	_right: 22px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl a:hover.cke_dialog_close_button
-	left: 10px;
-	_left: 16px;
-	_top: 6px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie6.cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie6.cke_rtl a:hover.cke_dialog_close_button
-	position: relative;
-	float: left;
-	margin-top: -55px;
-	margin-left: -7px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_iequirks.cke_rtl.cke_single_page a.cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_iequirks.cke_rtl.cke_single_page a:hover.cke_dialog_close_button
-	margin-top: -32px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_iequirks.cke_ltr a.cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_iequirks.cke_ltr a:hover.cke_dialog_close_button
-	margin-top: 0;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_ui_input_select
-	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
-	background-color: white;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_ui_input_file
-	width: 100%;
-	height: 25px;
- * Some utility CSS classes for dialog authors.
- */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog .cke_dark_background
-	background-color: #eaead1;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog .cke_hand
-	cursor: pointer;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog .cke_centered
-	text-align: center;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
-	float: right;
-	background-position: 0 -32px;
-	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
-	width: 16px;
-	height: 16px;
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	border: 1px none;
-	font-size: 1px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
-	float: left;
-	background-position: 0 0;
-	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
-	width: 16px;
-	height: 16px;
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	border: none 1px;
-	font-size: 1px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
-	background-position: 0 -16px;
-	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog .cke_btn_over
-	border: outset 1px;
-	cursor: pointer;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewBox
-	border : 2px ridge black;
-	overflow : scroll;
-	height : 160px;
-	width : 230px;
-	padding : 2px;
-	background-color : white;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog .ImagePreviewBox table td {
-	white-space: normal;
-/* Fix iframedialog's height doesn't stretch to 100% #4863.*/
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_dialog_page_contents
-	_position: absolute;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewLoader
-	position: absolute;
-	white-space : normal;
-	overflow : hidden;
-	height : 160px;
-	width : 230px;
-	margin : 2px;
-	padding : 2px;
-	opacity : 0.9;
-	filter : alpha(opacity=90);
-	background-color : #e4e4e4;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog  .FlashPreviewBox
-	white-space : normal;
-	border : 2px ridge black;
-	overflow : auto;
-	height : 160px;
-	width : 390px;
-	padding : 2px;
-	background-color : white;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog .cke_pastetext
-	width: 346px;
-	height: 170px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog .cke_pastetext textarea
-	width: 340px;
-	height: 170px;
-	resize: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog iframe.cke_pasteframe
-	width: 346px;
-	height: 130px;
-	background-color: white;
-	border: 1px solid black;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog .cke_dark_background
-	text-align : center;
-	background-color: #eaead1;
-	font-size : 14px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog .cke_light_background
-	text-align : center;
-	background-color: #ffffbe;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog .cke_hand
-	cursor: pointer;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_disabled
-	color: #a0a0a0;
-/* High Contrast Mode */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_title,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_contents,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
-	border-left: 1px solid;
-	border-right: 1px solid;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_title
-	border-top: 1px solid;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
-	border-bottom: 1px solid;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_close_button span
-	display: inline;
-	cursor: pointer;
-	font-weight: bold;
-	position: relative;
-	top: 3px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_body .cke_label
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_body label.cke_required
-	font-weight: bold;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_body .cke_label
-	display: inline;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
-	border-style: solid;
-	float: left;
-	width: auto;
-	height: auto;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
-	float: right;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/editor.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/editor.css
deleted file mode 100644
index b0b4535..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/editor.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- at import url("reset.css");
- at import url("mainui.css");
- at import url("panel.css");
- at import url("toolbar.css");
- at import url("menu.css");
- at import url("richcombo.css");
- at import url("elementspath.css");
- at import url("icons.css");
- at import url("presets.css");
-/* Restore the container visibility */
-html .cke_skin_office2003
-	visibility: inherit;
-	visibility: visible;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/elementspath.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/elementspath.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 853b8ad..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/elementspath.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- at media print
-	.cke_path
-	{
-		display: none;
-	}
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_path
-	padding: 3px 3px 0 3px;
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_path
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_path a,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_path .cke_empty
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-	border: solid 1px #f7f8fd;
-	background-color: #f7f8fd;
-	padding-top: 1px;
-	padding-bottom: 1px;
-	padding-left: 4px;
-	padding-right: 4px;
-	margin-bottom : 3px;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_path .cke_empty
-	visibility: hidden;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_path a,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_path cke_empty
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_path a:hover,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_path a:focus,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_path a:active	/* IE */
-	border: solid 1px #316ac5;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
-	padding-top: 1px;
-	padding-bottom: 1px;
-	padding-left: 4px;
-	padding-right: 4px;
-	outline: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_path a,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_path .cke_empty
-	float: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_path .cke_label
-	display: none;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/icons.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/icons.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 131bf65..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/icons.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_source .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 0;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_newpage .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -48px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_preview .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -64px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_cut .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -96px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_copy .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -112px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_paste .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -128px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_pastetext .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -144px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_find .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -240px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_replace .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -256px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_selectAll .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -272px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_removeFormat .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -288px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_bold .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -304px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_italic .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -320px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_underline .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -336px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_strike .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -352px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_subscript .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -368px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_superscript .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -384px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_table .cke_icon
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-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_horizontalrule .cke_icon
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-	background-position: 0 -640px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_link .cke_icon
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-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_anchor .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -560px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_image .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -576px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_flash .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -592px;
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-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_scayt .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -192px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_pagebreak .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -672px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_textcolor .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -704px;
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-	background-position: 0 -768px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_radio .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -784px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_textfield .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -800px;
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-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_showblocks .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1136px;
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-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_button .cke_icon
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-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_undo .cke_icon
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-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_button_undo .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -224px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_redo .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -224px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_button_redo .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -208px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_templates .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -80px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_numberedlist .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -400px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_bulletedlist .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -416px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_button_numberedlist .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1217px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_button_bulletedlist .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1233px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_outdent .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -432px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_indent .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -448px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_button_indent .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1265px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_button_outdent .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1249px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_justifyleft .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -464px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_justifycenter .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -480px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_justifyright .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -496px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_justifyblock .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -512px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_blockquote .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1152px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_flash .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -592px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_pastefromword .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -160px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_save .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -32px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_about .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -736px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_maximize .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1040px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_creatediv .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1168px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_editdiv .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1184px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_removediv .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1200px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_bidirtl .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1072px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_bidiltr .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1056px;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/mainui.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/mainui.css
deleted file mode 100644
index d0e077d..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/mainui.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_editor
-	border: solid 1px #dcdcdc;
-	display: inline-table;
-	width: 100%;
-.cke_skin_office2003 span.cke_browser_webkit,
-.cke_skin_office2003 span.cke_browser_gecko18
-	display: block;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_wrapper
-	display: block;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_top,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_bottom,
- .cke_shared .cke_skin_office2003
-	background-color: #f7f8fd;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_top
-    border-top: solid 1px #fafaf5;
-    border-left: solid 1px #fafaf5;
-    border-right: solid 1px #696969;
-    border-bottom: solid 2px #696969;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_top
-    border-left: solid 1px #696969;
-    border-right: solid 1px #fafaf5;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_bottom
-    border-left: solid 1px #696969;
-    border-right: solid 1px #696969;
-    border-bottom: solid 1px #696969;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_contents
-	border: solid 1px #696969;
-	/* Prevent background content from penetrate through when switching between editing modes. (#4918) */
-	background-color: white;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_focus
-	outline: auto 5px -webkit-focus-ring-color;
-.cke_skin_office2003 textarea.cke_source
-	font-family: 'Courier New' , Monospace;
-	font-size: small;
-	white-space: pre;
-	background-color: #fff;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_iequirks textarea.cke_source
-    /* For IE6+Quirks only */
-    _white-space: normal;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_resizer
-	width: 12px;
-	height: 12px;
-	margin-top: 16px;
-	display: block;
-	float: right;
-	/* resizer.gif*/
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 0 -1088px;
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	cursor: se-resize;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_resizer
-	cursor: sw-resize;
-	/* resizer_rtl.gif*/
-	background-position: 0 -1115px;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_resizer_horizontal,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_resizer_horizontal
-	cursor: e-resize;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_resizer_vertical,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_resizer_vertical
-	cursor: n-resize;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_maximized .cke_resizer
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_contents textarea,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie7 .cke_contents textarea
-	position: absolute;
-/* All voice labels are not displayed. */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_voice_label
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 legend.cke_voice_label
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie legend.cke_voice_label
-	position: absolute;
-	display: block;
-	width: 0;
-	height: 0;
-	overflow: hidden;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/menu.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/menu.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 385dfb0..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/menu.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_contextmenu
-	padding: 2px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a
-	display:block;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem span
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a:hover,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a:focus,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a:active
-	background-color: #8db1ff;
-	display:block;
-.cke_hc .cke_menuitem a:hover,
-.cke_hc .cke_menuitem a:focus,
-.cke_hc .cke_menuitem a:active
-	border: 2px solid;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem .cke_icon
-	background-image: url(icons.png);
-	background-position: 100px;
-	background-repeat:no-repeat;
-	background-color: transparent;
-	width: 16px;
-	height: 16px;
-	float: left;
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem .cke_icon
-	background-image: url(icons_rtl.png);
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem .cke_disabled .cke_icon
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem .cke_icon_wrapper
-	background-color: #f7f8fd;
-	border: solid 4px #f7f8fd;
-	width: 16px;
-	height: 16px;
-	float: left;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	clear: both;
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem .cke_icon_wrapper
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a:hover .cke_icon_wrapper,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a:focus .cke_icon_wrapper,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a:active .cke_icon_wrapper
-	background-color: #9d9d9d;
-	border: solid 4px #9d9d9d;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a:hover.cke_disabled .cke_icon_wrapper,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a:focus.cke_disabled .cke_icon_wrapper,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a:active.cke_disabled .cke_icon_wrapper
-	background-color: #f7f8fd;
-	border: solid 4px #f7f8fd;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem .cke_label
-	display:block;
-	padding-right: 3px;
-	padding-top: 5px;
-	padding-left: 4px;
-	height:19px;
-	margin-left: 24px;
-	background-color: #fff;
-/* Set these after the document has been loaded and we know the dimensions*/
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_frameLoaded .cke_menuitem .cke_label
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem .cke_label
-	padding-right: 0;
-	margin-left: 0;
-	padding-left: 3px;
-	margin-right: 28px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled .cke_label
-	filter: alpha(opacity=30); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.30; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a:hover .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a:focus .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a:active .cke_label
-	background-color: #8db1ff;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:hover .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:focus .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:active .cke_label
-	background-color: transparent;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuseparator
-	background-color: #f7f8fd;
-	height: 2px;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	_font-size: 0;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuarrow
-	/* arrowright.gif*/
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 0 -1071px;
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	height: 5px;
-	width: 3px;
-	float: right;
-	margin-right: 2px;
-	margin-top: 3px;
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuarrow
-	float: left;
-	margin-right: 0;
-	margin-left: 2px;
-	/* arrowleft.gif*/
-	background-position: 0 -1050px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuarrow span
-	display: none;
-.cke_hc .cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuarrow
-	width: auto;
-	margin-top: 0;
-.cke_hc .cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuarrow span
-	display: inline;
-/* #3766 In the context menu, long labels with second level menu get wrapped */
-.cke_browser_ie.cke_ltr .cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuarrow
-	position: absolute;
-	right: 2px;
-.cke_browser_ie.cke_rtl .cke_skin_office2003 .cke_menuarrow
-	position: absolute;
-	left: 2px;
-/* END #3766 */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/panel.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/panel.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 78f37cc..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/panel.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_panel
-   border: 1px solid #8f8f73;
-	background-color: #fff;
-	width: 120px;
-	height: 100px;
-	overflow:hidden;
-	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
-	border-radius: 3px;
-/* Ideally we would use "inherit here"... but you know... IE :( */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_panel iframe
-	width: 100%;
-	height: 100%;
-cke_skin_office2003 .cke_panel_frame .cke_label
-	display: none;
- * All the following styles are to be used inside the iframe that holds panel
- * contents. We don't use the cke_skin_default there to avoid the reset to be
- * active.
- * This is not an issue as we'll never have two skins running inside the same
- * panel iframe.
- */
-	overflow: auto;
-	overflow-x: hidden;
-	overflow: auto;
-	list-style-type: none;
-	margin: 3px;
-	padding: 0px;
-   white-space: nowrap;
-	margin: 0px;
-.cke_panel_listItem a
-	padding: 2px;
-	display: block;
-	border: 1px solid #fff;
-	color: inherit !important;
-	text-decoration: none;
-	overflow: hidden;
-   text-overflow: ellipsis;
-/* IE6 */
-* html .cke_panel_listItem a
-	width : 100%;
-	/* IE is not able to inherit the color, so we must force it to black */
-	color: #000;
-/* IE7 */
-*:first-child+html .cke_panel_listItem a
-	/* IE is not able to inherit the color, so we must force it to black */
-	color: #000;
-.cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a
-	border: 1px solid #ccc;
-	background-color: #e9f5ff;
-.cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
-.cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
-.cke_panel_listItem a:active
-	border-color: #316ac5;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
-.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a,
-.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
-.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
-.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:active
-	border-width: 3px;
-	padding: 0px;
-   font-size: 11px;
-   font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif' , Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
-	font-weight: bold;
-   white-space: nowrap;
-	background-color: #dcdcdc;
-	color: #000;
-	margin:0px;
-	padding:3px;
-.cke_panel_listItem p,
-.cke_panel_listItem h1,
-.cke_panel_listItem h2,
-.cke_panel_listItem h3,
-.cke_panel_listItem h4,
-.cke_panel_listItem h5,
-.cke_panel_listItem h6,
-.cke_panel_listItem pre
-	margin-top: 3px;
-	margin-bottom: 3px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_textcolor_panel,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_bgcolor_panel
-	width: 150px;
-	height: 135px;
-	padding: 3px;
-   font-size: 11px;
-   font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif', Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
-.cke_colorblock a
-	text-decoration: none;
-	color: #000;
-	width: 10px;
-	height: 10px;
-   border: #808080 1px solid;
-	float: left;
-.cke_rtl span.cke_colorbox
-	float: right;
-	border: #fff 1px solid;
-	padding: 2px;
-	float: left;
-.cke_rtl a.cke_colorbox
-	float: right;
-	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
-	border: #fff 1px solid;
-	padding: 2px;
-	display: block;
-	cursor: pointer;
-	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/presets.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/presets.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 69832f2..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/presets.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-/* "Source" button label */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button_source .cke_label
-	display: inline;
-/* "Styles" panel size */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_styles_panel
-	width: 150px;
-	height: 170px;
-/* "Format" panel size */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_format_panel
-	width: 150px;
-	height: 170px;
-/* "Font" panel size */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_font_panel
-	width: 150px;
-	height: 170px;
-/* "Font Size" panel size */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_fontSize_panel
-	height: 170px;
-/* "Font Size" combo width */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_fontSize .cke_text
-	width: 20px;
-/* "Font Size" combo width (IE Quirks) */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_fontSize .cke_text
-	width: 32px;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/reset.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/reset.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ba3371..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/reset.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * Reset and Default Values
- */
-.cke_skin_office2003 *,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:hover,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:link,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:visited,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:active
-	margin: 0;
-	padding: 0;
-	border: 0;
-	background: transparent;
-	text-decoration: none;
-	font: normal normal normal 100% Sans-Serif;
-	width: auto;
-	height: auto;
-	border-collapse: collapse;
-	text-align: left;
-	vertical-align: baseline;
-	white-space: nowrap;
-	cursor: auto;
-	color: #000;
-    font-size: 11px;
-    font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif' , Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl *,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl a:hover,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl a:link,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl a:visited,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl a:active,
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_office2003 *,
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_office2003 a:hover,
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_office2003 a:link,
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_office2003 a:visited,
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_office2003 a:active
-	text-align: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 iframe
-	vertical-align: inherit;	/** For IE */
-.cke_skin_office2003 textarea
-	white-space: pre;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko textarea
-	cursor: text;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko textarea[disabled]
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_office2003 input[type="text"],
-.cke_skin_office2003 input[type="password"]
-	cursor: text;
-.cke_skin_office2003 input[type="text"][disabled],
-.cke_skin_office2003 input[type="password"][disabled]
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_office2003 fieldset
-	padding: 10px;
-	border: 2px groove #E0DFE3;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/richcombo.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/richcombo.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 83a13f2..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/richcombo.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-/* Special Combo */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo
-	display: inline-block;
-	margin-left: 2px;
-	margin-right: 2px;
-	margin-top: 2px;
-	vertical-align: top;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rcombo
-	#float: none;
-	#display: inline;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rcombo
-	#float: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombopanel
-	border: 1px solid #316ac5;
-	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 0;
-	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 0;
-	border-top-left-radius: 0;
-	/*margin-left: 1px;*/
-	/*_margin-left: 0;*/
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo a
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo a
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_rcombo a
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100); /* IE */
-	opacity: 1.0; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_label
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-	cursor: default;
-	line-height: 24px;
-	height: 24px;
-	vertical-align: top;
-	padding-left: 4px;
-	padding-right: 5px;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	_background-position: 0 -962px;
-	_background-repeat: repeat-x;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_label
-	float: right;
-	padding-right: 4px;
-	padding-left: 5px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_label
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100);
-	opacity: 1.0;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_inline_label
-	color: #fff;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_text
-	border: 1px solid #8f8f73;
-	background-color: #fff;
-	height: 14px;
-	width:60px;
-	padding-top: 4px;
-	padding-bottom: 4px;
-	padding-left: 5px;
-	padding-right: 5px;
-	text-overflow: ellipsis;
-	overflow: hidden;
-	display: inline-block;
-	vertical-align: top;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_ltr .cke_rcombo .cke_text
-	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 3px;
-	border-top-left-radius: 3px;
-	-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;
-	border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_text
-	-moz-border-radius-topright: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 3px;
-	border-top-right-radius: 3px;
-	-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 3px;
-	border-bottom-right-radius: 3px;
-/* Fix for IE height */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_rcombo .cke_text
-	height: 22px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-	display: inline-block;
-	background-position: 5px -1002px;
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	border-top: 1px solid #8f8f73;
-	border-bottom: 1px solid #8f8f73;
-	width: 14px;
-	height: 22px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton span
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton span
-	display	: inline;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_ltr .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-    border-right: 1px solid #8f8f73;
-	-moz-border-radius-topright: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 3px;
-	border-top-right-radius: 3px;
-	-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 3px;
-	border-bottom-right-radius: 3px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-    border-left: 1px solid #8f8f73;
-	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 3px;
-	border-top-left-radius: 3px;
-	-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;
-	border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:hover,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:focus,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:active,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_on a
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100); /* IE */
-	opacity: 1; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:hover .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:focus .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:active .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_on .cke_text
-	border-color: #316ac5;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:hover .cke_openbutton,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:focus .cke_openbutton,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:active .cke_openbutton,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_on .cke_openbutton
-	border-color: #316ac5;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_on .cke_text
-	-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 0px;
-	-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;
-	border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_on .cke_openbutton
-	-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 0px;
-	-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;
-	border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_label
-	filter: alpha(opacity=30); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.3; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_label
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70);
-	opacity: 0.7;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_openbutton
-	filter: alpha(opacity=50); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.5; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_openbutton
-	filter: alpha(opacity=80);
-	opacity: 0.8;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_text
-	color: #fff;
-/* Firefox 2 & WebKit Section */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rcombo,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rcombo .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rcombo .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rcombo .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rcombo .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-	display: block;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-	float: right;
-/*** IE ***/
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo a,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_label
-	float: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_font .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_fontSize .cke_text
-	direction: ltr;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/skin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/skin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 61aee1e..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/skin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.skins.add( 'office2003', (function()
-	var preload = [];
-	if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 7 )
-	{
-		// For IE6, we need to preload some images, otherwhise they will be
-		// downloaded several times (CSS background bug).
-		preload.push( 'icons.png', 'images/sprites_ie6.png', 'images/dialog_sides.gif' );
-	}
-	return {
-		preload		: preload,
-		editor		: { css : [ 'editor.css' ] },
-		dialog		: { css : [ 'dialog.css' ] },
-		templates	: { css : [ 'templates.css' ] },
-		margins		: [ 0, 14, 18, 14 ]
-	};
-})() );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog ? dialogSetup() : CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogPluginReady', dialogSetup );
-	function dialogSetup()
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.dialog.on( 'resize', function( evt )
-			{
-				var data = evt.data,
-					width = data.width,
-					height = data.height,
-					dialog = data.dialog,
-					contents = dialog.parts.contents;
-				if ( data.skin != 'office2003' )
-					return;
-				contents.setStyles(
-					{
-						width : width + 'px',
-						height : height + 'px'
-					});
-				if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-					return;
-				// Fix the size of the elements which have flexible lengths.
-				var fixSize = function()
-					{
-						var innerDialog = dialog.parts.dialog.getChild( [ 0, 0, 0 ] ),
-							body = innerDialog.getChild( 0 );
-						// tc
-						var el = innerDialog.getChild( 2 );
-						el.setStyle( 'width', ( body.$.offsetWidth ) + 'px' );
-						// bc
-						el = innerDialog.getChild( 7 );
-						el.setStyle( 'width', ( body.$.offsetWidth - 28 ) + 'px' );
-						// ml
-						el = innerDialog.getChild( 4 );
-						el.setStyle( 'height', ( body.$.offsetHeight - 31 - 14 ) + 'px' );
-						// mr
-						el = innerDialog.getChild( 5 );
-						el.setStyle( 'height', ( body.$.offsetHeight - 31 - 14 ) + 'px' );
-					};
-				setTimeout( fixSize, 100 );
-				// Ensure size is correct for RTL mode. (#4003)
-				if ( evt.editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' )
-					setTimeout( fixSize, 1000 );
-			});
-	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/templates.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/templates.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 411d1ee..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/templates.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * Styles for the "templates" plugin.
- */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_list
-	border: #dcdcdc 2px solid;
-	background-color: #ffffff;
-	overflow: auto;
-	width: 100%;
-	height: 220px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_item
-	margin: 5px;
-	padding: 7px;
-	border: #eeeeee 1px solid;
-	*width: 88%;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_preview
-	border-collapse: separate;
-	text-indent:0;
-	width: 100%;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_preview td
-	padding: 2px;
-	vertical-align: middle;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_preview .cke_tpl_preview_img
-	width: 100px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_preview span
-	white-space: normal;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_title
-	font-weight: bold;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_list a:active .cke_tpl_item,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_list a:hover .cke_tpl_item,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_list a:focus .cke_tpl_item
-	border: #ff9933 1px solid !important;
-	background-color: #fffacd !important;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_list a:active *,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_list a:hover *,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_list a:focus *
-	cursor: pointer;
-/* IE6 contextual selectors childs won't get :hover transition until,
-	the hover style of the link itself contains certain CSS declarations.*/
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:active,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:hover,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:focus
-	background-position: 0 0;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_list a:active .cke_tpl_item,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_list a:hover .cke_tpl_item,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_list a:focus .cke_tpl_item
-	border-width: 3px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_tpl_empty, .cke_tpl_loading
-	text-align: center;
-	padding: 5px;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/toolbar.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/toolbar.css
deleted file mode 100644
index ef08c45..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/office2003/toolbar.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- at media print
-	.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_toolbox
-	{
-		display: none;
-	}
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_toolbox,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_toolbox > span
-	white-space: normal;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_toolbox
-	clear: both;
-	/* Define the padding-bottom otherwise the collapser button will not be clickable #4932*/
-	padding-bottom: 1px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 a.cke_toolbox_collapser,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:hover.cke_toolbox_collapser
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 3px -1026px; /* +3px +4px */
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	width: 11px;
-	height: 11px;
-	float: right;
-	border: outset 1px;
-	margin: 11px 2px 2px;
-	cursor: pointer;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl a.cke_toolbox_collapser,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl a:hover.cke_toolbox_collapser
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_office2003 a.cke_toolbox_collapser span
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a.cke_toolbox_collapser span
-	font-size: 10px;
-	font-weight: bold;
-	font-family: Arial;
-	display: inline;
-.cke_skin_office2003 a.cke_toolbox_collapser_min,
-.cke_skin_office2003 a:hover.cke_toolbox_collapser_min
-	/* arrowleft.gif*/
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 4px -1047px; /* +4px +3px */
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	margin: 2px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl a.cke_toolbox_collapser_min,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl a:hover.cke_toolbox_collapser_min
-	/* arrowright.gif*/
-	background-position: 4px -1068px; /* +2px +3px */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_toolbar
-	background-color: #d6dff7;
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 0 -962px;
-	background-repeat: repeat-x;
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-	!height: 28px;
-	!line-height: 28px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_toolgroup
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-	height: 28px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_toolgroup
-	#float: none;
-	#display: inline;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_toolgroup
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_toolgroup
-	#float: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_separator
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-	border-left: solid 1px #B2CBFF;
-	margin: 6px 2px;
-	height: 16px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_separator
-	#float: none;
-	#display: inline;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_separator
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_separator
-	#float: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_break
-	clear: left;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_break
-	clear: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_toolbar_start
-	display: inline-block;
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	background-position: -27px -765px;
-	width: 10px;
-	height: 28px;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_toolbar_start
-	#float: none;
-	#display: inline;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_start
-    background-position: -27px -816px;
-    float: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_start
-	#float: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_toolbar_end
-	display: inline-block;
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	background-position: -29px -861px;
-	width: 4px;
-	height: 28px;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_toolbar_end
-	#float: none;
-	#display: inline;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_end
-    background-position: -29px -907px;
-    float: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_end
-	#float: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button a,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button a:hover,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button a:focus,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button a:active,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button a.cke_off
-	border: solid 1px transparent;
-	border-radius: 3px;
-	outline: none;
-	padding-top: 2px;
-	padding-left: 4px;
-	padding-right: 4px;
-	padding-bottom: 2px;
-	margin-top: 2px;
-	height: 18px;
-	vertical-align: top;
-	_border: none;
-	_margin: 3px 1px 1px 1px;
-	cursor: default;
-	display: inline-block;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button a,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button a.cke_off
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_button a,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_button a.cke_off
-	opacity: 1.0;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100);
-	_border: 1px solid transparent;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button a.cke_on
-	border: solid 1px #316ac5;
-	background-color: #c1d2ee;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100); /* IE */
-	opacity: 1; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	_margin: 2px 0 0 0;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_button a:hover,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_button a:focus,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_button a:active	/* IE */
-	padding: 0 2px !important;
-	border-width: 3px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button a.cke_disabled *,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie a:hover.cke_button .cke_disabled *
-	filter: alpha(opacity=30); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.3; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_button a.cke_disabled *,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie.cke_hc a:hover.cke_button .cke_disabled *
-	filter: alpha(opacity=60);
-	opacity: 0.6;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button a:hover,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button a:focus,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button a:active	/* IE */
-	border: solid 1px #316ac5;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100); /* IE */
-	opacity: 1; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	vertical-align: top;
-	_margin: 2px 0 0 0;
-	padding: 2px 4px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button .cke_icon
-	background-image: url(icons.png);
-	background-position: 100px;
-	background-repeat:no-repeat;
-	margin-top:1px;
-	width: 16px;
-	height: 16px;
-	display: inline-block;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_icon
-	background-image: url(icons_rtl.png);
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button .cke_label
-	display: none;
-	padding-left: 3px;
-	cursor: default;
-	vertical-align:middle;
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	_background-position: 0 -970px;
-	_background-repeat: repeat-x;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button a:hover .cke_label
-	_background-color: #dff1ff;
-	_background-image: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button a.cke_on .cke_label
-	_background-color: #c1d2ee;
-	_background-image: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_button .cke_label
-	padding: 0;
-	display: inline-block;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_button .cke_icon
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_accessibility
-	position: absolute;
-	display: block;
-	width: 0;
-	height: 0;
-	overflow: hidden;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_button .cke_buttonarrow
-	display: inline-block;
-	height: 18px;
-	width: 8px;
-	background-position: 2px -1004px;
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_buttonarrow
-	background-position: 0 -1004px;
-/*** Firefox 2 ***/
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_toolbar,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_button a,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_button a.cke_off,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_button .cke_icon,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_button .cke_buttonarrow,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_separator,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_toolbar_start,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_toolbar_end
-	display: block;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_hc .cke_button .cke_icon
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_button a,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_button a.cke_off,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_icon,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_buttonarrow,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_separator,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_start,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_end
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_button .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_break
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl span.cke_inline_label
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_break
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_separator
-	margin-top: 4px;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_button .cke_label
-	padding-top: 3px;
-/*** IE6 ***/
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_toolgroup,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_separator,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_start,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_end
-	float: none;
-/*** IE8 ***/
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie8 .cke_toolbar,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie8 .cke_toolgroup
-	vertical-align: top;
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_iequirks.cke_browser_ie8 .cke_toolbar,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_iequirks.cke_browser_ie8 .cke_toolgroup
-	/* revert previous */
-	vertical-align: baseline;
-/* Separator + Combo penetrate toolbar in IE quirks. (#4461) */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_separator
-	vertical-align: text-bottom;
-/* Fix cursor shape consistency on toolbar combos (#4031) */
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rcombo,
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rcombo *
-	cursor: default;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/dialog.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/dialog.css
deleted file mode 100644
index a63baca..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/dialog.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,780 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-/* Restore the dialog visibility */
-body .cke_dialog
-	visibility: visible;
-/* Force Gecko to consider table as positioned */
-.cke_skin_v2 table.cke_dialog.cke_browser_gecko
-	display:block;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_body
-	margin-left: 16px;
-	margin-right: 16px;
-	margin-top: 2px;
-	margin-bottom: 20px;
-	z-index: 1;
-	/* 'cke_dialog' element has been fixed positioned in all but IE6, while we
-		need it to be positioned to hold e.g. close button. */
-	position: relative;
-	_position: static;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_tl,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_tr,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_tc,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_bl,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_br,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_bc
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	position: absolute;
-	/* IE6 does not support full color transparent PNG. */
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	/* Dialog corner parts require a negative z-index to avoid covering dialog body. (#4954) */
-	_z-index: -1;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_tl
-	background-position: -16px -16px;
-	height: 16px;
-	width: 16px;
-	top: 0;
-	left: 0;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tl
-	background-position: -16px -397px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_tr
-	background-position: -16px -76px;
-	height: 16px;
-	width: 16px;
-	top: 0;
-	right: 0;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tr
-	background-position: -16px -457px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_tc
-	background-position: 0 -136px;
-	background-repeat: repeat-x;
-	height: 16px;
-	top: 0;
-	left: 16px;
-	right: 16px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_bl
-	background-position: -16px -196px;
-	height: 51px;
-	width: 30px;
-	bottom: 0;
-	left: 0;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_bl
-	background-position: -16px -517px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_br
-	background-position: -16px -263px;
-	height: 51px;
-	width: 30px;
-	bottom: 0;
-	right: 0;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_br
-	background-position: -16px -584px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_bc
-	background-position: 0 -330px;
-	background-repeat: repeat-x;
-	height: 51px;
-	bottom: 0;
-	left: 30px;
-	right: 30px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_ml,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_mr
-	background-image: url(images/dialog_sides.png);
-	background-repeat: repeat-y;
-	position: absolute;
-	width: 16px;
-	top: 16px;
-	bottom: 51px;
-	/* IE6 does not support full color transparent PNG. */
-	_background-image: url(images/dialog_sides.gif);
-	/* IE quirks gets confused when we have both top and bottom. */
-	_top: auto;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ml,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_mr
-	background-image: url(images/dialog_sides_rtl.png);
-	/* IE6 does not support full color transparent PNG. */
-	_background-image: url(images/dialog_sides.gif);
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_ml
-	background-position: 0 0;
-	left: 0;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_mr
-	background-position: -16px 0;
-	right: 0;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_dialog_ml,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_dialog_mr
-	margin-top: 3px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_title
-	font-weight: bold;
-	font-size: 14pt;
-	color: #737357;
-	background-color: #e3e3c7;
-	padding: 3px 10px 26px 10px;
-	cursor: move;
-	position: relative;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_title
-	position: static !important;
-	unicode-bidi: bidi-override;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_contents
-	background-color: #f1f1e3;
-	border: #d5d59d 1px solid;
-	overflow: auto;
-	padding: 5px 10px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_footer
-	background-color: #e3e3c7;
-	text-align: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer
-	text-align: left;
-/* tabs */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_tabs
-	height: 23px;
-	background-color: #e3e3c7;
-	display: inline-block;
-	margin-left:10px;
-	margin-right:10px;
-	margin-top:-23px;
-	position: absolute;
-	z-index: 2;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tabs
-	right: 10px;
-.cke_skin_v2 a.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:link.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:active.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:hover.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:visited.cke_dialog_tab
-	color: #737357;
-	border-left: 1px solid #d5d59d;
-	border-right: 1px solid #d5d59d;
-	border-top: 1px solid #d5d59d;
-	height: 14px;
-	padding: 4px 5px;
-	display: inline-block;
-	cursor: pointer;
-/* Gecko 1.8 layout workaround. */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 a.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 a:link.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 a:active.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 a:hover.cke_dialog_tab,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 a:visited.cke_dialog_tab
-	display: inline;
-	position: relative;
-	top: 6px;
-.cke_skin_v2 a:hover.cke_dialog_tab
-	background-color: #f1f1e3;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc a:hover.cke_dialog_tab
-	padding: 2px 3px !important;
-	border-width: 3px;
-.cke_skin_v2 a.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:link.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:active.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:hover.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:visited.cke_dialog_tab_selected
-	border-bottom: 1px solid #f1f1e3;
-	background-color: #f1f1e3;
-	font-weight: bold;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc a:link.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc a:active.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc a:hover.cke_dialog_tab_selected,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc a:visited.cke_dialog_tab_selected
-	padding: 2px 3px !important;
-	border-width: 3px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs a,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer a
-	opacity: 1.0;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100);
-	border: 1px solid white;
-/* single_page */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_single_page .cke_dialog_tabs
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_single_page .cke_dialog_title
-	padding-bottom: 3px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_ui_vbox table,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_ui_hbox table
-	margin: auto;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_ui_vbox_child
-	padding: 5px 0px;
-.cke_skin_v2 input.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
-.cke_skin_v2 input.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
-	background-color: white;
-	border: none;
-	padding: 0px;
-	width: 100%;
-	height: 14px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
-	border-width: 0px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
-	border-width: 1px;
-.cke_skin_v2 div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,
-.cke_skin_v2 div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password
-	background-color: white;
-	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
-	padding: 1px 0px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie.cke_rtl div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text {
-	padding-right: 1px;
-.cke_skin_v2 textarea.cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea
-	background-color: white;
-	border: none;
-	padding: 0px;
-	width: 100%;
-	/*
-	 * IE6 BUG: Scrollbars in textareas can overflow even if the outer DIV is set to overflow:hidden.
-	 * So leave 1% width for the scrollbar. In most situations the 1% isn't noticeable by users.
-	 */
-	_width: 99%;
-	overflow: auto;
-	resize: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 div.cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea
-	background-color: white;
-	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
-	padding: 1px 0px;
-.cke_skin_v2 div.cke_disabled .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content *
-	background-color : #a0a0a0;
-	cursor : default;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_ui_hbox
-	width: 100%;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_last
-	vertical-align: top;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
-	padding-right: 10px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child
-	padding-left: 10px;
-/* button */
-.cke_skin_v2 a.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	border-collapse: separate;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_v2 span.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	border: #737357 1px solid;
-	padding: 2px 10px;
-	text-align: center;
-	color: #3b3b1f;
-	background-color: #c7c78f;
-	display: inline-block;
-	cursor: default;
-/* Gecko 1.8 does not support display: inline-block */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_dialog_footer_buttons span.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	display: block;
-.cke_skin_v2 a.cke_dialog_ui_button span.cke_disabled
-	border: #898980 1px solid;
-	color: #5e5e55;
-	background-color: #c5c5b3;
-.cke_skin_v2 a:focus span.cke_dialog_ui_button,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:active span.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	background-color: #e3e3c7;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc a:focus span.cke_dialog_ui_button,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc a:active span.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	border-width: 2px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_footer_buttons
-	display: inline-table;
-	margin-right: 12px;
-	margin-left: 12px;
-	width: auto;
-	position: relative;
-/* Gecko 1.8 does not support for display: inline-table */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_dialog_footer_buttons
-	display: inline;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_footer_buttons span.cke_dialog_ui_button
-	width: 60px;
-	margin: 7px 0;
-.cke_skin_v2 strong
-	font-weight: bold;
-/* close_button */
-.cke_skin_v2 a.cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:hover.cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie6 a.cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie6 a:hover.cke_dialog_close_button
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	background-position: -16px -651px;
-	position: absolute;
-	cursor: pointer;
-	text-align: center;
-	height: 20px;
-	width: 20px;
-	top: 5px;
-	/* IE6 does not support full color transparent PNG. */
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-.cke_skin_v2 a.cke_dialog_close_button span
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 a:hover.cke_dialog_close_button
-	background-position: -16px -687px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_ltr a.cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_ltr a:hover.cke_dialog_close_button
-	right: 10px;
-	_right: 22px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl a:hover.cke_dialog_close_button
-	left: 10px;
-	_left: 16px;
-	_top: 7px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie6.cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie6.cke_rtl a:hover.cke_dialog_close_button
-	position: relative;
-	float: left;
-	margin-top: -55px;
-	margin-left: -7px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_iequirks.cke_rtl.cke_single_page a.cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_iequirks.cke_rtl.cke_single_page a:hover.cke_dialog_close_button
-	margin-top: -32px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_iequirks.cke_ltr a.cke_dialog_close_button,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_iequirks.cke_ltr a:hover.cke_dialog_close_button
-	margin-top: 0;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_ui_input_select
-	border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
-	background-color: white;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_ui_input_file
-	width: 100%;
-	height: 25px;
- * Some utility CSS classes for dialog authors.
- */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog .cke_dark_background
-	background-color: #eaead1;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog .cke_hand
-	cursor: pointer;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog .cke_centered
-	text-align: center;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
-	float: right;
-	background-position: 0 -32px;
-	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
-	width: 16px;
-	height: 16px;
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	border: 1px none;
-	font-size: 1px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_reset
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
-	float: left;
-	background-position: 0 0;
-	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
-	width: 16px;
-	height: 16px;
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	border: none 1px;
-	font-size: 1px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_locked,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog a.cke_btn_unlocked
-	background-position: 0 -16px;
-	background-image: url(images/mini.gif);
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog .cke_btn_over
-	border: outset 1px;
-	cursor: pointer;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewBox
-	border : 2px ridge black;
-	overflow : scroll;
-	height : 160px;
-	width : 230px;
-	padding : 2px;
-	background-color : white;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog .ImagePreviewBox table td {
-	white-space: normal;
-/* Fix iframedialog's height doesn't stretch to 100% #4863.*/
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_dialog_page_contents
-	_position: absolute;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog  .ImagePreviewLoader
-	position: absolute;
-	white-space : normal;
-	overflow : hidden;
-	height : 160px;
-	width : 230px;
-	margin : 2px;
-	padding : 2px;
-	opacity : 0.9;
-	filter : alpha(opacity=90);
-	background-color : #e4e4e4;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog  .FlashPreviewBox
-	white-space : normal;
-	border : 2px ridge black;
-	overflow : auto;
-	height : 160px;
-	width : 390px;
-	padding : 2px;
-	background-color : white;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog .cke_pastetext
-	width: 346px;
-	height: 170px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog .cke_pastetext textarea
-	width: 340px;
-	height: 170px;
-	resize: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog iframe.cke_pasteframe
-	width: 346px;
-	height: 130px;
-	background-color: white;
-	border: 1px solid black;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog .cke_dark_background
-	text-align : center;
-	background-color: #eaead1;
-	font-size : 14px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog .cke_light_background
-	text-align : center;
-	background-color: #ffffbe;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog .cke_hand
-	cursor: pointer;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_disabled
-	color: #a0a0a0;
-/* High Contrast Mode */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_title,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_contents,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
-	border-left: 1px solid;
-	border-right: 1px solid;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_title
-	border-top: 1px solid;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer
-	border-bottom: 1px solid;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_close_button span
-	display: inline;
-	cursor: pointer;
-	font-weight: bold;
-	position: relative;
-	top: 3px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_body .cke_label
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_dialog_body label.cke_required
-	font-weight: bold;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_body .cke_label
-	display: inline;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
-	border-style: solid;
-	float:left;
-	width:auto;
-	height:auto;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_locked,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_unlocked,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl.cke_hc a.cke_btn_reset
-	float:right;
-.cke_skin_v2 a.cke_smile img
-	/* IE6 does not support transparent borders */
-	border: 2px solid #eaead1;
-.cke_skin_v2 a.cke_smile:focus img,
-.cke_skin_v2 a.cke_smile:active img,
-.cke_skin_v2 a.cke_smile:hover img
-	border-color: #C7C78F;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/editor.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/editor.css
deleted file mode 100644
index a561c97..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/editor.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- at import url("reset.css");
- at import url("mainui.css");
- at import url("panel.css");
- at import url("toolbar.css");
- at import url("menu.css");
- at import url("richcombo.css");
- at import url("elementspath.css");
- at import url("icons.css");
- at import url("presets.css");
-/* Restore the container visibility */
-html .cke_skin_v2
-	visibility: inherit;
-	visibility: visible;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/elementspath.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/elementspath.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ebefaf..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/elementspath.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- at media print
-	.cke_path
-	{
-		display: none;
-	}
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_path
-	padding: 3px 3px 0 3px;
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_path
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_path a,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_path .cke_empty
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-	border: solid 1px #efefde;
-	background-color: #efefde;
-	padding-top: 1px;
-	padding-bottom: 1px;
-	padding-left: 4px;
-	padding-right: 4px;
-	margin-bottom : 3px;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_path .cke_empty
-	visibility: hidden;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_path a,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_path cke_empty
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_path a:hover,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_path a:focus,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_path a:active	/* IE */
-	border: solid 1px #316ac5;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
-	padding-top: 1px;
-	padding-bottom: 1px;
-	padding-left: 4px;
-	padding-right: 4px;
-	outline: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_path a,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_path .cke_empty
-	float: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_path .cke_label
-	display: none;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/icons.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/icons.css
deleted file mode 100644
index dea76b3..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/icons.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_source .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 0;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_newpage .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -48px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_preview .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -64px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_cut .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -96px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_copy .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -112px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_paste .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -128px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_pastetext .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -144px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_find .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -240px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_replace .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -256px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_selectAll .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -272px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_removeFormat .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -288px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_bold .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -304px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_italic .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -320px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_underline .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -336px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_strike .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -352px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_subscript .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -368px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_superscript .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -384px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_table .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -608px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_horizontalrule .cke_icon
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-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_smiley .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -640px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_link .cke_icon
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-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_unlink .cke_icon
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-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_anchor .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -560px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_image .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -576px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_flash .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -592px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_specialchar .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -656px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_pagebreak .cke_icon
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-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_print .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -176px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_checkspell .cke_icon,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_scayt .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -192px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_pagebreak .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -672px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_textcolor .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -704px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_bgcolor .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -720px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_form .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -752px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_checkbox .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -768px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_radio .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -784px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_textfield .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -800px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_textarea .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -816px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_showblocks .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1136px;
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-	background-position: 0 -832px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_button .cke_icon
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-	background-position: 0 -208px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_button_undo .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -224px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_redo .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -224px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_button_redo .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -208px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_templates .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -80px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_numberedlist .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -400px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_bulletedlist .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -416px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_button_numberedlist .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1217px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_button_bulletedlist .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1233px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_outdent .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -432px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_indent .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -448px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_button_indent .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1265px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_button_outdent .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1249px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_justifyleft .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -464px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_justifycenter .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -480px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_justifyright .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -496px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_justifyblock .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -512px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_blockquote .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1152px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_flash .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -592px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_pastefromword .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -160px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_save .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -32px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_about .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -736px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_maximize .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1040px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_creatediv .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1168px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_editdiv .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1184px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_removediv .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1200px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_bidirtl .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1072px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_bidiltr .cke_icon
-	background-position: 0 -1056px;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/mainui.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/mainui.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bb149b..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/mainui.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_editor
-	border: solid 1px #dcdcdc;
-	display: inline-table;
-	width: 100%;
-	display: block;
-.cke_skin_v2 span.cke_browser_webkit,
-.cke_skin_v2 span.cke_browser_gecko18
-	display: block;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_wrapper
-	display: block;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_opera .cke_editor
-	display: table;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_top,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_bottom,
- .cke_shared .cke_skin_v2
-	background-color: #efefde;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_top
-    border-top: solid 1px #fafaf5;
-    border-left: solid 1px #fafaf5;
-    border-right: solid 1px #696969;
-    border-bottom: solid 2px #696969;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_top
-    border-left: solid 1px #696969;
-    border-right: solid 1px #fafaf5;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_bottom
-    border-left: solid 1px #696969;
-    border-right: solid 1px #696969;
-    border-bottom: solid 1px #696969;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_contents
-	border: solid 1px #696969;
-	/* Prevent background content from penetrate through when switching between editing modes. (#4918) */
-	background-color: white;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_focus
-	outline: auto 5px -webkit-focus-ring-color;
-.cke_skin_v2 textarea.cke_source
-	font-family: 'Courier New' , Monospace;
-	font-size: small;
-	background-color: #fff;
-	white-space: pre;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_iequirks textarea.cke_source
-	/* For IE6+Quirks only */
-	_white-space: normal;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_resizer
-	width: 12px;
-	height: 12px;
-	margin-top: 16px;
-	display: block;
-	float: right;
-	/* resizer.gif*/
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 0 -801px;
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	cursor: se-resize;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_resizer
-	cursor: sw-resize;
-	/* resizer_rtl.gif*/
-	background-position: 0 -828px;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_resizer_horizontal,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_resizer_horizontal
-	cursor: e-resize;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_resizer_vertical,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_resizer_vertical
-	cursor: n-resize;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_maximized .cke_resizer
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_contents textarea,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie7 .cke_contents textarea
-	position: absolute;
-/* All voice labels are not displayed. */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_voice_label
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 legend.cke_voice_label
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie legend.cke_voice_label
-	position: absolute;
-	display: block;
-	width: 0;
-	height: 0;
-	overflow: hidden;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/menu.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/menu.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b25e26..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/menu.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_contextmenu
-	padding: 2px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a
-	display:block;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem span
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a:hover,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a:focus,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a:active
-	background-color: #8f8f73;
-	display:block;
-.cke_hc .cke_menuitem a:hover,
-.cke_hc .cke_menuitem a:focus,
-.cke_hc .cke_menuitem a:active
-	border: 2px solid;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem .cke_icon
-	background-image: url(icons.png);
-	background-position: 100px;
-	background-repeat:no-repeat;
-	background-color: transparent;
-	width: 16px;
-	height: 16px;
-	float: left;
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem .cke_icon
-	background-image: url(icons_rtl.png);
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem .cke_disabled .cke_icon
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem .cke_icon_wrapper
-	background-color: #e3e3c7;
-	border: solid 4px #e3e3c7;
-	width: 16px;
-	height: 16px;
-	float: left;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	clear: both;
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem .cke_icon_wrapper
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a:hover .cke_icon_wrapper,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a:focus .cke_icon_wrapper,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a:active .cke_icon_wrapper
-	background-color: #9d9d9d;
-	border: solid 4px #9d9d9d;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a:hover.cke_disabled .cke_icon_wrapper,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a:focus.cke_disabled .cke_icon_wrapper,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a:active.cke_disabled .cke_icon_wrapper
-	background-color: #e3e3c7;
-	border: solid 4px #e3e3c7;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem .cke_label
-	display:block;
-	padding-right: 3px;
-	padding-top: 5px;
-	padding-left: 4px;
-	height:19px;
-	margin-left: 24px;
-	background-color: #fff;
-/* Set these after the document has been loaded and we know the dimensions*/
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_frameLoaded .cke_menuitem .cke_label
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem .cke_label
-	padding-right: 0;
-	margin-left: 0;
-	padding-left: 3px;
-	margin-right: 28px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled .cke_label
-	filter: alpha(opacity=30); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.30; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a:hover .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a:focus .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a:active .cke_label
-	background-color: #8f8f73;
-	color: white;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:hover .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:focus .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:active .cke_label
-	background-color: transparent;
-	color: black;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuseparator
-	background-color: #e3e3c7;
-	height: 2px;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	_font-size: 0;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuarrow
-	/* arrowright.gif*/
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 0 -784px;
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	height: 5px;
-	width: 3px;
-	float: right;
-	margin-right: 2px;
-	margin-top: 3px;
-/* Never applied */
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuarrow
-	float: left;
-	margin-right: 0;
-	margin-left: 2px;
-	/* arrowleft.gif*/
-	background-position: 0 -763px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuarrow span
-	display: none;
-.cke_hc .cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuarrow
-	width: auto;
-	margin-top: 0;
-.cke_hc .cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuarrow span
-	display: inline;
-/* #3766 In the context menu, long labels with second level menu get wrapped */
-.cke_browser_ie.cke_ltr .cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuarrow
-	position: absolute;
-	right: 2px;
-.cke_browser_ie.cke_rtl .cke_skin_v2 .cke_menuarrow
-	position: absolute;
-	left: 2px;
-/* END #3766 */
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/panel.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/panel.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 5064695..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/panel.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_panel
-    border: 1px solid #8f8f73;
-	background-color: #fff;
-	width: 120px;
-	height: 100px;
-	overflow:hidden;
-	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
-	border-radius: 3px;
-/* Ideally we would use "inherit here"... but you know... IE :( */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_panel iframe
-	width: 100%;
-	height: 100%;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_panel_frame .cke_label
-	display: none;
- * All the following styles are to be used inside the iframe that holds panel
- * contents. We don't use the cke_skin_default there to avoid the reset to be
- * active.
- * This is not an issue as we'll never have two skins running inside the same
- * panel iframe.
- */
-	overflow: auto;
-	overflow-x: hidden;
-	overflow: auto;
-	list-style-type: none;
-	margin: 3px;
-	padding: 0px;
-   white-space: nowrap;
-	margin: 0px;
-.cke_panel_listItem a
-	padding: 2px;
-	display: block;
-	border: 1px solid #fff;
-	color: inherit !important;
-	text-decoration: none;
-	overflow: hidden;
-   text-overflow: ellipsis;
-/* IE6 */
-* html .cke_panel_listItem a
-	width : 100%;
-	/* IE is not able to inherit the color, so we must force it to black */
-	color: #000;
-/* IE7 */
-*:first-child+html .cke_panel_listItem a
-	/* IE is not able to inherit the color, so we must force it to black */
-	color: #000;
-.cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a
-	border: 1px solid #ccc;
-	background-color: #e9f5ff;
-.cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
-.cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
-.cke_panel_listItem a:active
-	border-color: #316ac5;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
-.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem.cke_selected a,
-.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:hover,
-.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:focus,
-.cke_hc .cke_panel_listItem a:active
-	border-width: 3px;
-	padding: 0px;
-   font-size: 11px;
-   font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif' , Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
-	font-weight: bold;
-   white-space: nowrap;
-	background-color: #dcdcdc;
-	color: #000;
-	margin:0px;
-	padding:3px;
-.cke_panel_listItem p,
-.cke_panel_listItem h1,
-.cke_panel_listItem h2,
-.cke_panel_listItem h3,
-.cke_panel_listItem h4,
-.cke_panel_listItem h5,
-.cke_panel_listItem h6,
-.cke_panel_listItem pre
-	margin-top: 3px;
-	margin-bottom: 3px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_textcolor_panel,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_bgcolor_panel
-	width: 150px;
-	height: 135px;
-	padding: 3px;
-	font-size: 11px;
-	font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif', Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
-.cke_colorblock a
-	text-decoration: none;
-	color: #000;
-	width: 10px;
-	height: 10px;
-   border: #808080 1px solid;
-	float: left;
-.cke_rtl span.cke_colorbox
-	float: right;
-	border: #fff 1px solid;
-	padding: 2px;
-	float: left;
-.cke_rtl a.cke_colorbox
-	float: right;
-	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
-	border: #fff 1px solid;
-	padding: 2px;
-	display: block;
-	cursor: pointer;
-	border: #316ac5 1px solid;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/presets.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/presets.css
deleted file mode 100644
index a289b48..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/presets.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-/* "Source" button label */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_source .cke_label
-	display: inline;		/* FF2 */
-	display: inline-block;
-/* "Styles" panel size */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_styles_panel
-	width: 150px;
-	height: 170px;
-/* "Format" panel size */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_format_panel
-	width: 150px;
-	height: 170px;
-/* "Font" panel size */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_font_panel
-	width: 150px;
-	height: 170px;
-/* "Font Size" panel size */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_fontSize_panel
-	height: 170px;
-/* "Font Size" combo width */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_fontSize .cke_text
-	width: 20px;
-/* "Font Size" combo width (IE Quirks) */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_fontSize .cke_text
-	width: 32px;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/reset.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/reset.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 0903971..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/reset.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * Reset and Default Values
- */
-.cke_skin_v2 *,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:hover,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:link,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:visited,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:active
-	margin: 0;
-	padding: 0;
-	border: 0;
-	background: transparent;
-	text-decoration: none;
-	font: normal normal normal 100% Sans-Serif;
-	width: auto;
-	height: auto;
-	border-collapse: collapse;
-	text-align: left;
-	vertical-align: baseline;
-	white-space: nowrap;
-	cursor: auto;
-	color: #000;
-    font-size: 11px;
-    font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif' , Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl *,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl a:hover,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl a:link,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl a:visited,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl a:active,
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_v2 *,
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_v2 a:hover,
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_v2 a:link,
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_v2 a:visited,
-.cke_rtl .cke_skin_v2 a:active
-	text-align: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 iframe
-	vertical-align: inherit;	/** For IE */
-.cke_skin_v2 textarea
-	white-space: pre;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko textarea
-	cursor: text;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko textarea[disabled]
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_v2 input[type="text"],
-.cke_skin_v2 input[type="password"]
-	cursor: text;
-.cke_skin_v2 input[type="text"][disabled],
-.cke_skin_v2 input[type="password"][disabled]
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_v2 fieldset
-	padding: 10px;
-	border: 2px groove #E0DFE3;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/richcombo.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/richcombo.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 3641168..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/richcombo.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-/* Special Combo */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo
-	display: inline-block;
-	margin-left: 2px;
-	margin-right: 2px;
-	margin-top: 2px;
-	vertical-align: top;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rcombo
-	#float: none;
-	#display: inline;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rcombo
-	#float: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombopanel
-	border: 1px solid #316ac5;
-	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 0;
-	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 0;
-	border-top-left-radius: 0;
-	/*margin-left: 1px;*/
-	/*_margin-left: 0;*/
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo a
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo a
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_rcombo a
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100); /* IE */
-	opacity: 1.0; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_label
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-	line-height: 24px;
-	height: 22px;
-	vertical-align: top;
-	padding-left: 4px;
-	padding-right: 5px;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	background-color: #f1f1e3;	/* Because of IE6+ClearType */
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_label
-	float: right;
-	padding-right: 4px;
-	padding-left: 5px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_label
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100);
-	opacity: 1.0;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_inline_label
-	color: #fff;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_text
-	border: 1px solid #8f8f73;
-	background-color: #fff;
-	height: 12px;
-	width:60px;
-	padding-top: 4px;
-	padding-bottom: 4px;
-	padding-left: 5px;
-	padding-right: 5px;
-	text-overflow: ellipsis;
-	overflow: hidden;
-	display: inline-block;
-	vertical-align: top;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_ltr .cke_rcombo .cke_text
-	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 3px;
-	border-top-left-radius: 3px;
-	-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;
-	border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_text
-	-moz-border-radius-topright: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 3px;
-	border-top-right-radius: 3px;
-	-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 3px;
-	border-bottom-right-radius: 3px;
-/* Fix for IE height */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_rcombo .cke_text
-	height: 22px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-	display: inline-block;
-	background-position: 5px -715px;
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	border-top: 1px solid #8f8f73;
-	border-bottom: 1px solid #8f8f73;
-	width: 14px;
-	height: 20px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton span
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton span
-	display	: inline;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_ltr .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-    border-right: 1px solid #8f8f73;
-	-moz-border-radius-topright: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 3px;
-	border-top-right-radius: 3px;
-	-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 3px;
-	border-bottom-right-radius: 3px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-    border-left: 1px solid #8f8f73;
-	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 3px;
-	border-top-left-radius: 3px;
-	-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;
-	border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:hover,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:focus,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:active,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_on a
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100); /* IE */
-	opacity: 1; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:hover .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:focus .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:active .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_on .cke_text
-	border-color: #316ac5;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:hover .cke_openbutton,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:focus .cke_openbutton,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_off a:active .cke_openbutton,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_on .cke_openbutton
-	border-color: #316ac5;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_on .cke_text
-	-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 0px;
-	-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;
-	border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_on .cke_openbutton
-	-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 0px;
-	-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;
-	border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_label
-	filter: alpha(opacity=30); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.3; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_label
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70);
-	opacity: 0.7;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_openbutton
-	filter: alpha(opacity=50); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.5; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_openbutton
-	filter: alpha(opacity=80);
-	opacity: 0.8;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rcombo .cke_disabled .cke_text
-	color: #fff;
-/* Firefox 2 & WebKit Section */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rcombo,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rcombo .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rcombo .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rcombo .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rcombo .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-	display: block;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-	float: right;
-/*** IE ***/
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo a,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_label
-	float: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_rcombo .cke_openbutton
-	height: 22px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_font .cke_text,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_rcombo .cke_fontSize .cke_text
-	direction: ltr;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/skin.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/skin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f7d5060..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/skin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.skins.add( 'v2', (function()
-	var preload = [];
-	if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 7 )
-	{
-		// For IE6, we need to preload some images, otherwhise they will be
-		// downloaded several times (CSS background bug).
-		preload.push( 'icons.png', 'images/sprites_ie6.png', 'images/dialog_sides.gif' );
-	}
-	return {
-		preload		: preload,
-		editor		: { css : [ 'editor.css' ] },
-		dialog		: { css : [ 'dialog.css' ] },
-		templates	: { css : [ 'templates.css' ] },
-		margins		: [ 0, 14, 18, 14 ]
-	};
-})() );
-	CKEDITOR.dialog ? dialogSetup() : CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogPluginReady', dialogSetup );
-	function dialogSetup()
-	{
-		CKEDITOR.dialog.on( 'resize', function( evt )
-			{
-				var data = evt.data,
-					width = data.width,
-					height = data.height,
-					dialog = data.dialog,
-					contents = dialog.parts.contents;
-				if ( data.skin != 'v2' )
-					return;
-				contents.setStyles(
-					{
-						width : width + 'px',
-						height : height + 'px'
-					});
-				if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
-					return;
-				// Fix the size of the elements which have flexible lengths.
-				setTimeout( function()
-					{
-						var innerDialog = dialog.parts.dialog.getChild( [ 0, 0, 0 ] ),
-							body = innerDialog.getChild( 0 );
-						// tc
-						var el = innerDialog.getChild( 2 );
-						el.setStyle( 'width', ( body.$.offsetWidth ) + 'px' );
-						// bc
-						el = innerDialog.getChild( 7 );
-						el.setStyle( 'width', ( body.$.offsetWidth - 28 ) + 'px' );
-						// ml
-						el = innerDialog.getChild( 4 );
-						el.setStyle( 'height', ( body.$.offsetHeight - 31 - 14 ) + 'px' );
-						// mr
-						el = innerDialog.getChild( 5 );
-						el.setStyle( 'height', ( body.$.offsetHeight - 31 - 14 ) + 'px' );
-					},
-					100 );
-			});
-	}
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/templates.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/templates.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 7964e37..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/templates.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- * Styles for the "templates" plugin.
- */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list
-	border: #dcdcdc 2px solid;
-	background-color: #ffffff;
-	overflow: auto;
-	width: 100%;
-	height: 220px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_item
-	margin: 5px;
-	padding: 7px;
-	border: #eeeeee 1px solid;
-	*width: 88%;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_preview
-	border-collapse: separate;
-	text-indent:0;
-	width: 100%;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_preview td
-	padding: 2px;
-	vertical-align: middle;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_preview .cke_tpl_preview_img
-	width: 100px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_preview span
-	white-space: normal;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_title
-	font-weight: bold;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:active .cke_tpl_item,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:hover .cke_tpl_item,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:focus .cke_tpl_item
-	border: #ff9933 1px solid !important;
-	background-color: #fffacd !important;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:active *,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:hover *,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:focus *
-	cursor: pointer;
-/* IE6 contextual selectors childs won't get :hover transition until,
-	the hover style of the link itself contains certain CSS declarations.*/
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:active,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:hover,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:focus
-	background-position: 0 0;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:active .cke_tpl_item,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:hover .cke_tpl_item,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:focus .cke_tpl_item
-	border-width: 3px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_empty, .cke_tpl_loading
-	text-align: center;
-	padding: 5px;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/toolbar.css b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/toolbar.css
deleted file mode 100644
index b6d7a97..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/skins/v2/toolbar.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
- at media print
-	.cke_skin_v2 .cke_toolbox
-	{
-		display: none;
-	}
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_toolbox,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_webkit .cke_toolbox > span
-	white-space: normal;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_toolbox
-	clear: both;
-	/* Define the padding-bottom otherwise the collapser button will not be clickable #4932*/
-	padding-bottom: 1px;
-.cke_skin_v2 a.cke_toolbox_collapser,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:hover.cke_toolbox_collapser
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 3px -739px; /* +3px +4px */
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	width: 11px;
-	height: 11px;
-	float: right;
-	border: outset 1px;
-	margin: 11px 2px 2px;
-	cursor: pointer;
-.cke_skin_v2 a.cke_toolbox_collapser span
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc a.cke_toolbox_collapser span
-	font-size: 10px;
-	font-weight: bold;
-	font-family: Arial;
-	display: inline;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl a.cke_toolbox_collapser,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl a:hover.cke_toolbox_collapser
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_v2 a.cke_toolbox_collapser_min,
-.cke_skin_v2 a:hover.cke_toolbox_collapser_min
-	/* arrowleft.gif*/
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-position: 4px -760px; /* +4px +3px */
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	margin: 2px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl a.cke_toolbox_collapser_min,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl a:hover.cke_toolbox_collapser_min
-	/* arrowright.gif*/
-	background-position: 4px -781px; /* +2px +3px */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_toolbar
-	padding-top: 1px;
-	padding-bottom: 1px;
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_toolgroup
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_toolgroup
-	#float: none;
-	#display: inline;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_toolgroup
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_toolgroup
-	#float: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_separator
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-	border-left: solid 1px #999;
-	margin: 4px 2px;
-	height: 16px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_separator
-	#float: none;
-	#display: inline;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_separator
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_separator
-	#float: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_break
-	clear: left;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_break
-	clear: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_toolbar_start
-	display: inline-block;
-	background-image: url(images/toolbar_start.gif);
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	margin: 4px 2px 0 2px;
-	width: 3px;
-	height: 20px;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_toolbar_start
-	#float: none;
-	#display: inline;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_start
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_start
-	#float: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_toolbar_end
-	display: inline-block;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_toolbar_end
-	#float: none;
-	#display: inline
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_end
-    float: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_end
-	#float: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button a,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button a:hover,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button a:focus,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button a:active,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button a.cke_off
-	border: solid 1px #efefde;
-	display: inline-block;
-	border-radius: 3px;
-	outline: none;
-	padding-top: 2px;
-	padding-left: 4px;
-	padding-right: 4px;
-	padding-bottom: 2px;
-	height: 18px;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button a,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button a.cke_off
-	background-color: #efefde;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=70); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.70; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
-	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_button a,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_button a.cke_off
-	opacity: 1.0;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100);
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button a.cke_on
-	border: solid 1px #316ac5;
-	background-color: #a3d7ff;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=100); /* IE */
-	opacity: 1; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button a.cke_disabled *,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie a:hover.cke_button .cke_disabled *
-	filter: alpha(opacity=30); /* IE */
-	opacity: 0.3; /* Safari, Opera and Mozilla */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_button a.cke_disabled *,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie.cke_hc a:hover.cke_button .cke_disabled *
-	filter: alpha(opacity=60);
-	opacity: 0.6;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button a:hover,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button a:focus,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button a:active	/* IE */
-	border: solid 1px #316ac5;
-	background-color: #dff1ff;
-	padding: 2px 4px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_button a:hover,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_button a:focus,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_button a:active	/* IE */
-	padding: 0 2px !important;
-	border-width: 3px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button .cke_icon
-	background-image: url(icons.png);
-	background-position: 100px;
-	background-repeat:no-repeat;
-	margin-top:1px;
-	width: 16px;
-	height: 16px;
-	display: inline-block;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_icon
-	background-image: url(icons_rtl.png);
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button .cke_label
-	cursor: default;
-	display: none;
-	padding-left: 3px;
-	vertical-align:middle;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_button .cke_label
-	padding: 0;
-	display: inline-block;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_hc .cke_button .cke_icon
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_accessibility
-	position: absolute;
-	display: block;
-	width: 0;
-	height: 0;
-	overflow: hidden;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button .cke_buttonarrow
-	display: inline-block;
-	height: 17px;
-	width: 8px;
-	background-position: 2px -717px;
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-	background-repeat: no-repeat;
-	cursor: default;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_buttonarrow
-	background-position: 0 -717px;
-	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
-	_background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png);
-/*** Firefox 2 ***/
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_toolbar,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_button a,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_button a.cke_off,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_button .cke_icon,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_button .cke_buttonarrow,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_separator,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_toolbar_start
-	display: block;
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_hc .cke_button .cke_icon
-	display: none;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_button a,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_button a.cke_off,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_icon,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_buttonarrow,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_separator,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_start
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_button .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_break
-	float: left;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl span.cke_inline_label
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_button .cke_label,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_rtl .cke_break
-	float: right;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_separator
-	margin-top: 4px;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_gecko18 .cke_button .cke_label
-	padding-top: 3px;
-/*** IE6 ***/
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_toolgroup,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_separator,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_start,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rtl .cke_toolbar_end
-	float: none;
-/*** IE8 ***/
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie8 .cke_toolbar,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie8 .cke_toolgroup
-	vertical-align: top;
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_iequirks.cke_browser_ie8 .cke_toolbar,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_iequirks.cke_browser_ie8 .cke_toolgroup
-	/* revert previous */
-	vertical-align: baseline;
-/* Fix cursor shape consistency on toolbar combos (#4031) */
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rcombo,
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie .cke_rcombo *
-	cursor: default;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/styles.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/styles.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5aefb53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/styles.js
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+// This file contains style definitions that can be used by CKEditor plugins.
+// The most common use for it is the "stylescombo" plugin, which shows a combo
+// in the editor toolbar, containing all styles. Other plugins instead, like
+// the div plugin, use a subset of the styles on their feature.
+// If you don't have plugins that depend on this file, you can simply ignore it.
+// Otherwise it is strongly recommended to customize this file to match your
+// website requirements and design properly.
+CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add( 'default', [
+	/* Block Styles */
+	// These styles are already available in the "Format" combo ("format" plugin),
+	// so they are not needed here by default. You may enable them to avoid
+	// placing the "Format" combo in the toolbar, maintaining the same features.
+	/*
+	{ name: 'Paragraph',		element: 'p' },
+	{ name: 'Heading 1',		element: 'h1' },
+	{ name: 'Heading 2',		element: 'h2' },
+	{ name: 'Heading 3',		element: 'h3' },
+	{ name: 'Heading 4',		element: 'h4' },
+	{ name: 'Heading 5',		element: 'h5' },
+	{ name: 'Heading 6',		element: 'h6' },
+	{ name: 'Preformatted Text',element: 'pre' },
+	{ name: 'Address',			element: 'address' },
+	*/
+	{ name: 'Italic Title',		element: 'h2', styles: { 'font-style': 'italic' } },
+	{ name: 'Subtitle',			element: 'h3', styles: { 'color': '#aaa', 'font-style': 'italic' } },
+	{
+		name: 'Special Container',
+		element: 'div',
+		styles: {
+			padding: '5px 10px',
+			background: '#eee',
+			border: '1px solid #ccc'
+		}
+	},
+	/* Inline Styles */
+	// These are core styles available as toolbar buttons. You may opt enabling
+	// some of them in the Styles combo, removing them from the toolbar.
+	// (This requires the "stylescombo" plugin)
+	/*
+	{ name: 'Strong',			element: 'strong', overrides: 'b' },
+	{ name: 'Emphasis',			element: 'em'	, overrides: 'i' },
+	{ name: 'Underline',		element: 'u' },
+	{ name: 'Strikethrough',	element: 'strike' },
+	{ name: 'Subscript',		element: 'sub' },
+	{ name: 'Superscript',		element: 'sup' },
+	*/
+	{ name: 'Marker: Yellow',	element: 'span', styles: { 'background-color': 'Yellow' } },
+	{ name: 'Marker: Green',	element: 'span', styles: { 'background-color': 'Lime' } },
+	{ name: 'Big',				element: 'big' },
+	{ name: 'Small',			element: 'small' },
+	{ name: 'Typewriter',		element: 'tt' },
+	{ name: 'Computer Code',	element: 'code' },
+	{ name: 'Keyboard Phrase',	element: 'kbd' },
+	{ name: 'Sample Text',		element: 'samp' },
+	{ name: 'Variable',			element: 'var' },
+	{ name: 'Deleted Text',		element: 'del' },
+	{ name: 'Inserted Text',	element: 'ins' },
+	{ name: 'Cited Work',		element: 'cite' },
+	{ name: 'Inline Quotation',	element: 'q' },
+	{ name: 'Language: RTL',	element: 'span', attributes: { 'dir': 'rtl' } },
+	{ name: 'Language: LTR',	element: 'span', attributes: { 'dir': 'ltr' } },
+	/* Object Styles */
+	{
+		name: 'Styled image (left)',
+		element: 'img',
+		attributes: { 'class': 'left' }
+	},
+	{
+		name: 'Styled image (right)',
+		element: 'img',
+		attributes: { 'class': 'right' }
+	},
+	{
+		name: 'Compact table',
+		element: 'table',
+		attributes: {
+			cellpadding: '5',
+			cellspacing: '0',
+			border: '1',
+			bordercolor: '#ccc'
+		},
+		styles: {
+			'border-collapse': 'collapse'
+		}
+	},
+	{ name: 'Borderless Table',		element: 'table',	styles: { 'border-style': 'hidden', 'background-color': '#E6E6FA' } },
+	{ name: 'Square Bulleted List',	element: 'ul',		styles: { 'list-style-type': 'square' } }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/themes/default/theme.js b/devel/third-party/ckeditor/themes/default/theme.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 00219ff..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/ckeditor/themes/default/theme.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.themes.add( 'default', (function()
-	function checkSharedSpace( editor, spaceName )
-	{
-		var container,
-			element;
-		// Try to retrieve the target element from the sharedSpaces settings.
-		element = editor.config.sharedSpaces;
-		element = element && element[ spaceName ];
-		element = element && CKEDITOR.document.getById( element );
-		// If the element is available, we'll then create the container for
-		// the space.
-		if ( element )
-		{
-			// Creates an HTML structure that reproduces the editor class hierarchy.
-			var html =
-				'<span class="cke_shared">' +
-				'<span class="' + editor.skinClass + ' cke_editor_' + editor.name + '">' +
-				'<span class="' + CKEDITOR.env.cssClass + '">' +
-				'<span class="cke_wrapper cke_' + editor.lang.dir + '">' +
-				'<span class="cke_editor">' +
-				'<div class="cke_' + spaceName + '">' +
-				'</div></span></span></span></span></span>';
-			var mainContainer = element.append( CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( html, element.getDocument() ) );
-			// Only the first container starts visible. Others get hidden.
-			if ( element.getCustomData( 'cke_hasshared' ) )
-				mainContainer.hide();
-			else
-				element.setCustomData( 'cke_hasshared', 1 );
-			// Get the deeper inner <div>.
-			container = mainContainer.getChild( [0,0,0,0] );
-			// When the editor gets focus, we show the space container, hiding others.
-			editor.on( 'focus', function()
-				{
-					for ( var i = 0, sibling, children = element.getChildren() ; ( sibling = children.getItem( i ) ) ; i++ )
-					{
-						if ( sibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
-							&& !sibling.equals( mainContainer )
-							&& sibling.hasClass( 'cke_shared' ) )
-						{
-							sibling.hide();
-						}
-					}
-					mainContainer.show();
-				});
-			editor.on( 'destroy', function()
-				{
-					mainContainer.remove();
-				});
-		}
-		return container;
-	}
-	return {
-		build : function( editor, themePath )
-		{
-			var name = editor.name,
-				element = editor.element,
-				elementMode = editor.elementMode;
-			if ( !element || elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_NONE )
-				return;
-			if ( elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE )
-				element.hide();
-			// Get the HTML for the predefined spaces.
-			var topHtml			= editor.fire( 'themeSpace', { space : 'top', html : '' } ).html;
-			var contentsHtml	= editor.fire( 'themeSpace', { space : 'contents', html : '' } ).html;
-			var bottomHtml		= editor.fireOnce( 'themeSpace', { space : 'bottom', html : '' } ).html;
-			var height	= contentsHtml && editor.config.height;
-			var tabIndex = editor.config.tabIndex || editor.element.getAttribute( 'tabindex' ) || 0;
-			// The editor height is considered only if the contents space got filled.
-			if ( !contentsHtml )
-				height = 'auto';
-			else if ( !isNaN( height ) )
-				height += 'px';
-			var style = '';
-			var width	= editor.config.width;
-			if ( width )
-			{
-				if ( !isNaN( width ) )
-					width += 'px';
-				style += "width: " + width + ";";
-			}
-			var sharedTop		= topHtml && checkSharedSpace( editor, 'top' ),
-				sharedBottoms	= checkSharedSpace( editor, 'bottom' );
-			sharedTop		&& ( sharedTop.setHtml( topHtml )		, topHtml = '' );
-			sharedBottoms	&& ( sharedBottoms.setHtml( bottomHtml ), bottomHtml = '' );
-			var container = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( [
-				'<span' +
-					' id="cke_', name, '"' +
-					' onmousedown="return false;"' +
-					' class="', editor.skinClass, ' cke_editor_', name, '"' +
-					' dir="', editor.lang.dir, '"' +
-					' title="', ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ? ' ' : '' ), '"' +
-					' lang="', editor.langCode, '"' +
-					( CKEDITOR.env.webkit? ' tabindex="' + tabIndex + '"' : '' ) +
-					' role="application"' +
-					' aria-labelledby="cke_', name, '_arialbl"' +
-					( style ? ' style="' + style + '"' : '' ) +
-					'>' +
-					'<span id="cke_', name, '_arialbl" class="cke_voice_label">' + editor.lang.editor + '</span>' +
-					'<span class="' , CKEDITOR.env.cssClass, '" role="presentation">' +
-						'<span class="cke_wrapper cke_', editor.lang.dir, '" role="presentation">' +
-							'<table class="cke_editor" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" role="presentation"><tbody>' +
-								'<tr', topHtml		? '' : ' style="display:none"', ' role="presentation"><td id="cke_top_'		, name, '" class="cke_top" role="presentation">'	, topHtml		, '</td></tr>' +
-								'<tr', contentsHtml	? '' : ' style="display:none"', ' role="presentation"><td id="cke_contents_', name, '" class="cke_contents" style="height:', height, '" role="presentation">', contentsHtml, '</td></tr>' +
-								'<tr', bottomHtml	? '' : ' style="display:none"', ' role="presentation"><td id="cke_bottom_'	, name, '" class="cke_bottom" role="presentation">'	, bottomHtml	, '</td></tr>' +
-							'</tbody></table>' +
-							//Hide the container when loading skins, later restored by skin css.
-							'<style>.', editor.skinClass, '{visibility:hidden;}</style>' +
-						'</span>' +
-					'</span>' +
-				'</span>' ].join( '' ) );
-			container.getChild( [1, 0, 0, 0, 0] ).unselectable();
-			container.getChild( [1, 0, 0, 0, 2] ).unselectable();
-			if ( elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE )
-				container.insertAfter( element );
-			else
-				element.append( container );
-			/**
-			 * The DOM element that holds the main editor interface.
-			 * @name CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.container
-			 * @type CKEDITOR.dom.element
-			 * @example
-			 * var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
-			 * alert( <b>editor.container</b>.getName() );  "span"
-			 */
-			editor.container = container;
-			// Disable browser context menu for editor's chrome.
-			container.disableContextMenu();
-			editor.fireOnce( 'themeLoaded' );
-			editor.fireOnce( 'uiReady' );
-		},
-		buildDialog : function( editor )
-		{
-			var baseIdNumber = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
-			var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( [
-					'<div class="cke_editor_' + editor.name.replace('.', '\\.') + '_dialog cke_skin_', editor.skinName,
-						'" dir="', editor.lang.dir, '"' +
-						' lang="', editor.langCode, '"' +
-						' role="dialog"' +
-						' aria-labelledby="%title#"' +
-						'>' +
-						'<table class="cke_dialog', ' ' + CKEDITOR.env.cssClass,
-							' cke_', editor.lang.dir, '" style="position:absolute" role="presentation">' +
-							'<tr><td role="presentation">' +
-							'<div class="%body" role="presentation">' +
-								'<div id="%title#" class="%title" role="presentation"></div>' +
-								'<a id="%close_button#" class="%close_button" href="javascript:void(0)" title="' +  editor.lang.common.close+'" role="button"><span class="cke_label">X</span></a>' +
-								'<div id="%tabs#" class="%tabs" role="tablist"></div>' +
-								'<table class="%contents" role="presentation"><tr>' +
-								  '<td id="%contents#" class="%contents" role="presentation"></td>' +
-								'</tr></table>' +
-								'<div id="%footer#" class="%footer" role="presentation"></div>' +
-							'</div>' +
-							'<div id="%tl#" class="%tl"></div>' +
-							'<div id="%tc#" class="%tc"></div>' +
-							'<div id="%tr#" class="%tr"></div>' +
-							'<div id="%ml#" class="%ml"></div>' +
-							'<div id="%mr#" class="%mr"></div>' +
-							'<div id="%bl#" class="%bl"></div>' +
-							'<div id="%bc#" class="%bc"></div>' +
-							'<div id="%br#" class="%br"></div>' +
-							'</td></tr>' +
-						'</table>',
-						//Hide the container when loading skins, later restored by skin css.
-						( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? '' : '<style>.cke_dialog{visibility:hidden;}</style>' ),
-					'</div>'
-				].join( '' )
-					.replace( /#/g, '_' + baseIdNumber )
-					.replace( /%/g, 'cke_dialog_' ) );
-			var body = element.getChild( [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ),
-				title = body.getChild( 0 ),
-				close = body.getChild( 1 );
-			// Make the Title and Close Button unselectable.
-			title.unselectable();
-			close.unselectable();
-			return {
-				element : element,
-				parts :
-				{
-					dialog		: element.getChild( 0 ),
-					title		: title,
-					close		: close,
-					tabs		: body.getChild( 2 ),
-					contents	: body.getChild( [ 3, 0, 0, 0 ] ),
-					footer		: body.getChild( 4 )
-				}
-			};
-		},
-		destroy : function( editor )
-		{
-			var container = editor.container;
-			container.clearCustomData();
-			editor.element.clearCustomData();
-			if ( container )
-				container.remove();
-			if ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE )
-				editor.element.show();
-			delete editor.element;
-		}
-	};
-})() );
- * Returns the DOM element that represents a theme space. The default theme defines
- * three spaces, namely "top", "contents" and "bottom", representing the main
- * blocks that compose the editor interface.
- * @param {String} spaceName The space name.
- * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The element that represents the space.
- * @example
- * // Hide the bottom space in the UI.
- * var bottom = editor.getThemeSpace( 'bottom' );
- * bottom.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
- */
-CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.getThemeSpace = function( spaceName )
-	var spacePrefix = 'cke_' + spaceName;
-	var space = this._[ spacePrefix ] ||
-		( this._[ spacePrefix ] = CKEDITOR.document.getById( spacePrefix + '_' + this.name ) );
-	return space;
- * Resizes the editor interface.
- * @param {Number|String} width The new width. It can be an pixels integer or a
- *		CSS size value.
- * @param {Number|String} height The new height. It can be an pixels integer or
- *		a CSS size value.
- * @param {Boolean} [isContentHeight] Indicates that the provided height is to
- *		be applied to the editor contents space, not to the entire editor
- *		interface. Defaults to false.
- * @param {Boolean} [resizeInner] Indicates that the first inner interface
- *		element must receive the size, not the outer element. The default theme
- *		defines the interface inside a pair of span elements
- *		(<span><span>...</span></span>). By default the
- *		first span element receives the sizes. If this parameter is set to
- *		true, the second span is sized instead.
- * @example
- * editor.resize( 900, 300 );
- * @example
- * editor.resize( '100%', 450, true );
- */
-CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.resize = function( width, height, isContentHeight, resizeInner )
-	var container = this.container,
-		contents = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'cke_contents_' + this.name ),
-		outer = resizeInner ? container.getChild( 1 ) : container;
-	// Resize the width first.
-	// WEBKIT BUG: Webkit requires that we put the editor off from display when we
-	// resize it. If we don't, the browser crashes!
-	CKEDITOR.env.webkit && outer.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
-	// Set as border box width. (#5353)
-	outer.setSize( 'width',  width, true );
-	if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
-	{
-		outer.$.offsetWidth;
-		outer.setStyle( 'display', '' );
-	}
-	// Get the height delta between the outer table and the content area.
-	// If we're setting the content area's height, then we don't need the delta.
-	var delta = isContentHeight ? 0 : ( outer.$.offsetHeight || 0 ) - ( contents.$.clientHeight || 0 );
-	contents.setStyle( 'height', Math.max( height - delta, 0 ) + 'px' );
-	// Emit a resize event.
-	this.fire( 'resize' );
- * Gets the element that can be freely used to check the editor size. This method
- * is mainly used by the resize plugin, which adds a UI handle that can be used
- * to resize the editor.
- * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The resizable element.
- * @example
- */
-CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.getResizable = function()
-	return this.container.getChild( 1 );
- * Makes it possible to place some of the editor UI blocks, like the toolbar
- * and the elements path, into any element in the page.
- * The elements used to hold the UI blocks can be shared among several editor
- * instances. In that case, only the blocks of the active editor instance will
- * display.
- * @name CKEDITOR.config.sharedSpaces
- * @type Object
- * @default undefined
- * @example
- * // Place the toolbar inside the element with ID "someElementId" and the
- * // elements path into the element with ID "anotherId".
- * config.sharedSpaces =
- * {
- *     top : 'someElementId',
- *     bottom : 'anotherId'
- * };
- * @example
- * // Place the toolbar inside the element with ID "someElementId". The
- * // elements path will remain attached to the editor UI.
- * config.sharedSpaces =
- * {
- *     top : 'someElementId'
- * };
- */
- * Fired after the editor instance is resized through
- * the {@link CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.resize} method.
- * @name CKEDITOR#resize
- * @event
- */
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/LICENSE.html b/share/static/RichText/LICENSE.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f7ba067..0000000
--- a/share/static/RichText/LICENSE.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1334 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-	"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-Software License Agreement
-CKEditor - The text editor for Internet - http://ckeditor.com
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
- - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
-   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
-   (See Appendix A)
- - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
-   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
-   (See Appendix B)
- - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
-   http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
-   (See Appendix C)
-You are not required to, but if you want to explicitly declare the
-license you have chosen to be bound to when using, reproducing,
-modifying and distributing this software, just include a text file
-titled "legal.txt" in your version of this software, indicating your
-license choice. In any case, your choice will not restrict any
-recipient of your version of this software to use, reproduce, modify
-and distribute this software under any of the above licenses.
-Sources of Intellectual Property Included in CKEditor
-Where not otherwise indicated, all CKEditor content is authored by
-CKSource engineers and consists of CKSource-owned intellectual
-property. In some specific instances, CKEditor will incorporate work
-done by developers outside of CKSource with their express permission.
-YUI Test: At _source/tests/yuitest.js can be found part of the source
-code of YUI, which is licensed under the terms of the BSD License
-(http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.txt). YUI is Copyright (C)
-2008, Yahoo! Inc.
-CKEditor is a trademark of CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All other brand
-and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service
-marks of their respective holders.
-Appendix A: The GPL License
-		       Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-			    Preamble
-  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software-to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
-  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
-  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
-  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
-  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
-  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
-  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
-  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
-  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
-  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
-  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
-    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
-    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
-    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
-    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
-    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
-    parties under the terms of this License.
-    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
-    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
-    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
-    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
-    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
-    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
-    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
-    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
-    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
-    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
-  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
-    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
-    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
-    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
-    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
-    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
-    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
-    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
-    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
-    customarily used for software interchange; or,
-    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
-    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
-    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
-    received the program in object code or executable form with such
-    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
-  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
-  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
-  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
-  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
-  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
-  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
-  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
-Appendix B: The LGPL License
-		       Version 2.1, February 1999
- Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL.  It also counts
- as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
- the version number 2.1.]
-			    Preamble
-  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
-Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
-free software-to make sure the software is free for all its users.
-  This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
-specially designated software packages-typically libraries-of the
-Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it.  You
-can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
-this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
-strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
-  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
-not price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
-you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
-for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
-it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
-it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
-these things.
-  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
-rights.  These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
-you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
-  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
-or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
-you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
-code.  If you link other code with the library, you must provide
-complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
-with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
-it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
-  We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
-library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
-permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
-  To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
-there is no warranty for the free library.  Also, if the library is
-modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
-that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
-author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
-introduced by others.
-  Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
-any free program.  We wish to make sure that a company cannot
-effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
-restrictive license from a patent holder.  Therefore, we insist that
-any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
-consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
-  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
-ordinary GNU General Public License.  This license, the GNU Lesser
-General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
-is quite different from the ordinary General Public License.  We use
-this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
-libraries into non-free programs.
-  When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
-a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
-combined work, a derivative of the original library.  The ordinary
-General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
-entire combination fits its criteria of freedom.  The Lesser General
-Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
-the library.
-  We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
-does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
-Public License.  It also provides other free software developers Less
-of an advantage over competing non-free programs.  These disadvantages
-are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
-libraries.  However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
-special circumstances.
-  For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
-encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
-a de-facto standard.  To achieve this, non-free programs must be
-allowed to use the library.  A more frequent case is that a free
-library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries.  In this
-case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
-software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
-  In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
-programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
-free software.  For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
-non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
-operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
-  Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
-users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
-linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
-that program using a modified version of the Library.
-  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
-"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
-former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
-be combined with the library in order to run.
-  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
-program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
-other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
-this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
-Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
-prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
-(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
-  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
-which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
-Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
-copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
-portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
-straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
-included without limitation in the term "modification".)
-  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
-all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
-interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
-and installation of the library.
-  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
-running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
-such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
-on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
-writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
-and what the program that uses the Library does.
-  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
-complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
-you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
-appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
-all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
-warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
-  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
-and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
-  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
-    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
-    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
-    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
-    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
-    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
-    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
-    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
-    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
-    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
-    in the event an application does not supply such function or
-    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
-    its purpose remains meaningful.
-    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
-    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
-    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
-    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
-    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
-    root function must still compute square roots.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Library.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
-with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
-  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
-License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
-this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
-that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
-instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
-ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
-that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
-these notices.
-  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
-that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
-subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
-  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
-the Library into a program that is not a library.
-  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
-derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
-under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
-it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
-must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
-medium customarily used for software interchange.
-  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
-from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
-source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
-distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
-  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
-Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
-linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
-work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
-therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
-  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
-creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
-contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
-library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
-Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
-  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
-that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
-derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
-Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
-linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
-threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
-  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
-structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
-functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
-file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
-work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
-Library will still fall under Section 6.)
-  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
-distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
-Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
-whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
-  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
-link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
-work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
-under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
-modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
-engineering for debugging such modifications.
-  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
-Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
-this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
-during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
-copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
-directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
-of these things:
-    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
-    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
-    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
-    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
-    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
-    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
-    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
-    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
-    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
-    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
-    to use the modified definitions.)
-    b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
-    Library.  A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
-    copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
-    rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
-    will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
-    the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
-    interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
-    c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
-    least three years, to give the same user the materials
-    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
-    than the cost of performing this distribution.
-    d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
-    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
-    specified materials from the same place.
-    e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
-    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
-  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
-Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
-reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
-the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
-normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
-components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
-which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
-the executable.
-  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
-restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
-accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
-use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
-  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
-Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
-facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
-library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
-the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
-permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
-    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
-    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
-    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
-    Sections above.
-    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
-    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
-    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
-  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
-the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
-attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
-distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
-rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
-or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
-terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
-  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Library or works based on it.
-  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
-subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
-this License.
-  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
-particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
-and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system which is
-implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
-  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
-an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
-so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
-excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
-written in the body of this License.
-  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
-versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
-Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
-but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
-"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
-conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
-the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
-license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
-the Free Software Foundation.
-  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
-write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
-copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
-Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
-decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
-of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
-and reuse of software generally.
-Appendix C: The MPL License
-                          MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE
-                                Version 1.1
-                              ===============
-1. Definitions.
-     1.0.1. "Commercial Use" means distribution or otherwise making the
-     Covered Code available to a third party.
-     1.1. "Contributor" means each entity that creates or contributes to
-     the creation of Modifications.
-     1.2. "Contributor Version" means the combination of the Original
-     Code, prior Modifications used by a Contributor, and the Modifications
-     made by that particular Contributor.
-     1.3. "Covered Code" means the Original Code or Modifications or the
-     combination of the Original Code and Modifications, in each case
-     including portions thereof.
-     1.4. "Electronic Distribution Mechanism" means a mechanism generally
-     accepted in the software development community for the electronic
-     transfer of data.
-     1.5. "Executable" means Covered Code in any form other than Source
-     Code.
-     1.6. "Initial Developer" means the individual or entity identified
-     as the Initial Developer in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit
-     A.
-     1.7. "Larger Work" means a work which combines Covered Code or
-     portions thereof with code not governed by the terms of this License.
-     1.8. "License" means this document.
-     1.8.1. "Licensable" means having the right to grant, to the maximum
-     extent possible, whether at the time of the initial grant or
-     subsequently acquired, any and all of the rights conveyed herein.
-     1.9. "Modifications" means any addition to or deletion from the
-     substance or structure of either the Original Code or any previous
-     Modifications. When Covered Code is released as a series of files, a
-     Modification is:
-          A. Any addition to or deletion from the contents of a file
-          containing Original Code or previous Modifications.
-          B. Any new file that contains any part of the Original Code or
-          previous Modifications.
-     1.10. "Original Code" means Source Code of computer software code
-     which is described in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A as
-     Original Code, and which, at the time of its release under this
-     License is not already Covered Code governed by this License.
-     1.10.1. "Patent Claims" means any patent claim(s), now owned or
-     hereafter acquired, including without limitation,  method, process,
-     and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by grantor.
-     1.11. "Source Code" means the preferred form of the Covered Code for
-     making modifications to it, including all modules it contains, plus
-     any associated interface definition files, scripts used to control
-     compilation and installation of an Executable, or source code
-     differential comparisons against either the Original Code or another
-     well known, available Covered Code of the Contributor's choice. The
-     Source Code can be in a compressed or archival form, provided the
-     appropriate decompression or de-archiving software is widely available
-     for no charge.
-     1.12. "You" (or "Your")  means an individual or a legal entity
-     exercising rights under, and complying with all of the terms of, this
-     License or a future version of this License issued under Section 6.1.
-     For legal entities, "You" includes any entity which controls, is
-     controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of
-     this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct or indirect,
-     to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by
-     contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent
-     (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such
-     entity.
-2. Source Code License.
-     2.1. The Initial Developer Grant.
-     The Initial Developer hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
-     non-exclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property
-     claims:
-          (a)  under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
-          trademark) Licensable by Initial Developer to use, reproduce,
-          modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Original
-          Code (or portions thereof) with or without Modifications, and/or
-          as part of a Larger Work; and
-          (b) under Patents Claims infringed by the making, using or
-          selling of Original Code, to make, have made, use, practice,
-          sell, and offer for sale, and/or otherwise dispose of the
-          Original Code (or portions thereof).
-          (c) the licenses granted in this Section 2.1(a) and (b) are
-          effective on the date Initial Developer first distributes
-          Original Code under the terms of this License.
-          (d) Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is
-          granted: 1) for code that You delete from the Original Code; 2)
-          separate from the Original Code;  or 3) for infringements caused
-          by: i) the modification of the Original Code or ii) the
-          combination of the Original Code with other software or devices.
-     2.2. Contributor Grant.
-     Subject to third party intellectual property claims, each Contributor
-     hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license
-          (a)  under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
-          trademark) Licensable by Contributor, to use, reproduce, modify,
-          display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Modifications
-          created by such Contributor (or portions thereof) either on an
-          unmodified basis, with other Modifications, as Covered Code
-          and/or as part of a Larger Work; and
-          (b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making, using, or
-          selling of  Modifications made by that Contributor either alone
-          and/or in combination with its Contributor Version (or portions
-          of such combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have
-          made, and/or otherwise dispose of: 1) Modifications made by that
-          Contributor (or portions thereof); and 2) the combination of
-          Modifications made by that Contributor with its Contributor
-          Version (or portions of such combination).
-          (c) the licenses granted in Sections 2.2(a) and 2.2(b) are
-          effective on the date Contributor first makes Commercial Use of
-          the Covered Code.
-          (d)    Notwithstanding Section 2.2(b) above, no patent license is
-          granted: 1) for any code that Contributor has deleted from the
-          Contributor Version; 2)  separate from the Contributor Version;
-          3)  for infringements caused by: i) third party modifications of
-          Contributor Version or ii)  the combination of Modifications made
-          by that Contributor with other software  (except as part of the
-          Contributor Version) or other devices; or 4) under Patent Claims
-          infringed by Covered Code in the absence of Modifications made by
-          that Contributor.
-3. Distribution Obligations.
-     3.1. Application of License.
-     The Modifications which You create or to which You contribute are
-     governed by the terms of this License, including without limitation
-     Section 2.2. The Source Code version of Covered Code may be
-     distributed only under the terms of this License or a future version
-     of this License released under Section 6.1, and You must include a
-     copy of this License with every copy of the Source Code You
-     distribute. You may not offer or impose any terms on any Source Code
-     version that alters or restricts the applicable version of this
-     License or the recipients' rights hereunder. However, You may include
-     an additional document offering the additional rights described in
-     Section 3.5.
-     3.2. Availability of Source Code.
-     Any Modification which You create or to which You contribute must be
-     made available in Source Code form under the terms of this License
-     either on the same media as an Executable version or via an accepted
-     Electronic Distribution Mechanism to anyone to whom you made an
-     Executable version available; and if made available via Electronic
-     Distribution Mechanism, must remain available for at least twelve (12)
-     months after the date it initially became available, or at least six
-     (6) months after a subsequent version of that particular Modification
-     has been made available to such recipients. You are responsible for
-     ensuring that the Source Code version remains available even if the
-     Electronic Distribution Mechanism is maintained by a third party.
-     3.3. Description of Modifications.
-     You must cause all Covered Code to which You contribute to contain a
-     file documenting the changes You made to create that Covered Code and
-     the date of any change. You must include a prominent statement that
-     the Modification is derived, directly or indirectly, from Original
-     Code provided by the Initial Developer and including the name of the
-     Initial Developer in (a) the Source Code, and (b) in any notice in an
-     Executable version or related documentation in which You describe the
-     origin or ownership of the Covered Code.
-     3.4. Intellectual Property Matters
-          (a) Third Party Claims.
-          If Contributor has knowledge that a license under a third party's
-          intellectual property rights is required to exercise the rights
-          granted by such Contributor under Sections 2.1 or 2.2,
-          Contributor must include a text file with the Source Code
-          distribution titled "LEGAL" which describes the claim and the
-          party making the claim in sufficient detail that a recipient will
-          know whom to contact. If Contributor obtains such knowledge after
-          the Modification is made available as described in Section 3.2,
-          Contributor shall promptly modify the LEGAL file in all copies
-          Contributor makes available thereafter and shall take other steps
-          (such as notifying appropriate mailing lists or newsgroups)
-          reasonably calculated to inform those who received the Covered
-          Code that new knowledge has been obtained.
-          (b) Contributor APIs.
-          If Contributor's Modifications include an application programming
-          interface and Contributor has knowledge of patent licenses which
-          are reasonably necessary to implement that API, Contributor must
-          also include this information in the LEGAL file.
-               (c)    Representations.
-          Contributor represents that, except as disclosed pursuant to
-          Section 3.4(a) above, Contributor believes that Contributor's
-          Modifications are Contributor's original creation(s) and/or
-          Contributor has sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by
-          this License.
-     3.5. Required Notices.
-     You must duplicate the notice in Exhibit A in each file of the Source
-     Code.  If it is not possible to put such notice in a particular Source
-     Code file due to its structure, then You must include such notice in a
-     location (such as a relevant directory) where a user would be likely
-     to look for such a notice.  If You created one or more Modification(s)
-     You may add your name as a Contributor to the notice described in
-     Exhibit A.  You must also duplicate this License in any documentation
-     for the Source Code where You describe recipients' rights or ownership
-     rights relating to Covered Code.  You may choose to offer, and to
-     charge a fee for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability
-     obligations to one or more recipients of Covered Code. However, You
-     may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on behalf of the Initial
-     Developer or any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear than
-     any such warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligation is
-     offered by You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial
-     Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by the
-     Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of warranty,
-     support, indemnity or liability terms You offer.
-     3.6. Distribution of Executable Versions.
-     You may distribute Covered Code in Executable form only if the
-     requirements of Section 3.1-3.5 have been met for that Covered Code,
-     and if You include a notice stating that the Source Code version of
-     the Covered Code is available under the terms of this License,
-     including a description of how and where You have fulfilled the
-     obligations of Section 3.2. The notice must be conspicuously included
-     in any notice in an Executable version, related documentation or
-     collateral in which You describe recipients' rights relating to the
-     Covered Code. You may distribute the Executable version of Covered
-     Code or ownership rights under a license of Your choice, which may
-     contain terms different from this License, provided that You are in
-     compliance with the terms of this License and that the license for the
-     Executable version does not attempt to limit or alter the recipient's
-     rights in the Source Code version from the rights set forth in this
-     License. If You distribute the Executable version under a different
-     license You must make it absolutely clear that any terms which differ
-     from this License are offered by You alone, not by the Initial
-     Developer or any Contributor. You hereby agree to indemnify the
-     Initial Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by
-     the Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of any such
-     terms You offer.
-     3.7. Larger Works.
-     You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Code with other code
-     not governed by the terms of this License and distribute the Larger
-     Work as a single product. In such a case, You must make sure the
-     requirements of this License are fulfilled for the Covered Code.
-4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation.
-     If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
-     License with respect to some or all of the Covered Code due to
-     statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with
-     the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b)
-     describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description
-     must be included in the LEGAL file described in Section 3.4 and must
-     be included with all distributions of the Source Code. Except to the
-     extent prohibited by statute or regulation, such description must be
-     sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary skill to be able to
-     understand it.
-5. Application of this License.
-     This License applies to code to which the Initial Developer has
-     attached the notice in Exhibit A and to related Covered Code.
-6. Versions of the License.
-     6.1. New Versions.
-     Netscape Communications Corporation ("Netscape") may publish revised
-     and/or new versions of the License from time to time. Each version
-     will be given a distinguishing version number.
-     6.2. Effect of New Versions.
-     Once Covered Code has been published under a particular version of the
-     License, You may always continue to use it under the terms of that
-     version. You may also choose to use such Covered Code under the terms
-     of any subsequent version of the License published by Netscape. No one
-     other than Netscape has the right to modify the terms applicable to
-     Covered Code created under this License.
-     6.3. Derivative Works.
-     If You create or use a modified version of this License (which you may
-     only do in order to apply it to code which is not already Covered Code
-     governed by this License), You must (a) rename Your license so that
-     the phrases "Mozilla", "MOZILLAPL", "MOZPL", "Netscape",
-     "MPL", "NPL" or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear in your
-     license (except to note that your license differs from this License)
-     and (b) otherwise make it clear that Your version of the license
-     contains terms which differ from the Mozilla Public License and
-     Netscape Public License. (Filling in the name of the Initial
-     Developer, Original Code or Contributor in the notice described in
-     Exhibit A shall not of themselves be deemed to be modifications of
-     this License.)
-     8.1.  This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate
-     automatically if You fail to comply with terms herein and fail to cure
-     such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
-     sublicenses to the Covered Code which are properly granted shall
-     survive any termination of this License. Provisions which, by their
-     nature, must remain in effect beyond the termination of this License
-     shall survive.
-     8.2.  If You initiate litigation by asserting a patent infringement
-     claim (excluding declatory judgment actions) against Initial Developer
-     or a Contributor (the Initial Developer or Contributor against whom
-     You file such action is referred to as "Participant")  alleging that:
-     (a)  such Participant's Contributor Version directly or indirectly
-     infringes any patent, then any and all rights granted by such
-     Participant to You under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 of this License
-     shall, upon 60 days notice from Participant terminate prospectively,
-     unless if within 60 days after receipt of notice You either: (i)
-     agree in writing to pay Participant a mutually agreeable reasonable
-     royalty for Your past and future use of Modifications made by such
-     Participant, or (ii) withdraw Your litigation claim with respect to
-     the Contributor Version against such Participant.  If within 60 days
-     of notice, a reasonable royalty and payment arrangement are not
-     mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties or the litigation claim
-     is not withdrawn, the rights granted by Participant to You under
-     Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 automatically terminate at the expiration of
-     the 60 day notice period specified above.
-     (b)  any software, hardware, or device, other than such Participant's
-     Contributor Version, directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then
-     any rights granted to You by such Participant under Sections 2.1(b)
-     and 2.2(b) are revoked effective as of the date You first made, used,
-     sold, distributed, or had made, Modifications made by that
-     Participant.
-     8.3.  If You assert a patent infringement claim against Participant
-     alleging that such Participant's Contributor Version directly or
-     indirectly infringes any patent where such claim is resolved (such as
-     by license or settlement) prior to the initiation of patent
-     infringement litigation, then the reasonable value of the licenses
-     granted by such Participant under Sections 2.1 or 2.2 shall be taken
-     into account in determining the amount or value of any payment or
-     license.
-     8.4.  In the event of termination under Sections 8.1 or 8.2 above,
-     all end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers)
-     which have been validly granted by You or any distributor hereunder
-     prior to termination shall survive termination.
-     The Covered Code is a "commercial item," as that term is defined in
-     48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995), consisting of "commercial computer
-     software" and "commercial computer software documentation," as such
-     terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48
-     C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995),
-     all U.S. Government End Users acquire Covered Code with only those
-     rights set forth herein.
-     This License represents the complete agreement concerning subject
-     matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
-     unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
-     necessary to make it enforceable. This License shall be governed by
-     California law provisions (except to the extent applicable law, if
-     any, provides otherwise), excluding its conflict-of-law provisions.
-     With respect to disputes in which at least one party is a citizen of,
-     or an entity chartered or registered to do business in the United
-     States of America, any litigation relating to this License shall be
-     subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern
-     District of California, with venue lying in Santa Clara County,
-     California, with the losing party responsible for costs, including
-     without limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and
-     expenses. The application of the United Nations Convention on
-     Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded.
-     Any law or regulation which provides that the language of a contract
-     shall be construed against the drafter shall not apply to this
-     License.
-     As between Initial Developer and the Contributors, each party is
-     responsible for claims and damages arising, directly or indirectly,
-     out of its utilization of rights under this License and You agree to
-     work with Initial Developer and Contributors to distribute such
-     responsibility on an equitable basis. Nothing herein is intended or
-     shall be deemed to constitute any admission of liability.
-     Initial Developer may designate portions of the Covered Code as
-     "Multiple-Licensed".  "Multiple-Licensed" means that the Initial
-     Developer permits you to utilize portions of the Covered Code under
-     Your choice of the NPL or the alternative licenses, if any, specified
-     by the Initial Developer in the file described in Exhibit A.
-EXHIBIT A -Mozilla Public License.
-     ``The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-     Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-     compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-     http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-     Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-     basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-     License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-     under the License.
-     The Original Code is ______________________________________.
-     The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ________________________.
-     Portions created by ______________________ are Copyright (C) ______
-     _______________________. All Rights Reserved.
-     Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
-     Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
-     of the _____ license (the  "[___] License"), in which case the
-     provisions of [______] License are applicable instead of those
-     above.  If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-     under the terms of the [____] License and not to allow others to use
-     your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by
-     deleting  the provisions above and replace  them with the notice and
-     other provisions required by the [___] License.  If you do not delete
-     the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file
-     under either the MPL or the [___] License."
-     [NOTE: The text of this Exhibit A may differ slightly from the text of
-     the notices in the Source Code files of the Original Code. You should
-     use the text of this Exhibit A rather than the text found in the
-     Original Code Source Code for Your Modifications.]
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-	<title>License - CKEditor</title>
-	<h1>
-		Software License Agreement
-	</h1>
-	<p>
-		<strong>CKEditor™</strong> - The text editor for Internet™ - <a href="http://ckeditor.com">
-			http://ckeditor.com</a><br />
-		Copyright © 2003-2010, <a href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice:
-	</p>
-	<ul>
-		<li><a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html">GNU General Public License</a> Version
-			2 or later (the "GPL");</li>
-		<li><a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html">GNU Lesser General Public License</a>
-			Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL");</li>
-		<li><a href="http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html">Mozilla Public License</a> Version
-			1.1 or later (the "MPL").</li>
-	</ul>
-	<p>
-		You are not required to, but if you want to explicitly declare the license you have
-		chosen to be bound to when using, reproducing, modifying and distributing this software,
-		just include a text file titled "LEGAL" in your version of this software, indicating
-		your license choice. In any case, your choice will not restrict any recipient of
-		your version of this software to use, reproduce, modify and distribute this software
-		under any of the above licenses.
-	</p>
-	<h2>
-		Sources of Intellectual Property Included in CKEditor
-	</h2>
-	<p>
-		Where not otherwise indicated, all CKEditor content is authored by CKSource engineers
-		and consists of CKSource-owned intellectual property. In some specific instances,
-		CKEditor will incorporate work done by developers outside of CKSource with their
-		express permission.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		<a href="http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/yuitest/">YUI Test</a>: At _source/tests/yuitest.js
-		can be found part of the source code of YUI, which is licensed under the terms of
-		the <a href="http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.txt">BSD License</a>. YUI is
-		Copyright © 2008, Yahoo! Inc.
-	</p>
-	<h2>
-		Trademarks
-	</h2>
-	<p>
-		CKEditor is a trademark of CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All other brand and product
-		names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective
-		holders.
-	</p>
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/LICENSE.md b/share/static/RichText/LICENSE.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d447c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/LICENSE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,1264 @@
+Software License Agreement
+CKEditor - The text editor for Internet - http://ckeditor.com
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
+ - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
+   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+   (See Appendix A)
+ - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
+   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
+   (See Appendix B)
+ - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
+   http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
+   (See Appendix C)
+You are not required to, but if you want to explicitly declare the
+license you have chosen to be bound to when using, reproducing,
+modifying and distributing this software, just include a text file
+titled "legal.txt" in your version of this software, indicating your
+license choice. In any case, your choice will not restrict any
+recipient of your version of this software to use, reproduce, modify
+and distribute this software under any of the above licenses.
+Sources of Intellectual Property Included in CKEditor
+Where not otherwise indicated, all CKEditor content is authored by
+CKSource engineers and consists of CKSource-owned intellectual
+property. In some specific instances, CKEditor will incorporate work
+done by developers outside of CKSource with their express permission.
+CKEditor is a trademark of CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All other brand
+and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service
+marks of their respective holders.
+Appendix A: The GPL License
+Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software-to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+Appendix B: The LGPL License
+Version 2.1, February 1999
+ Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL.  It also counts
+ as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
+ the version number 2.1.]
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
+free software-to make sure the software is free for all its users.
+  This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
+specially designated software packages-typically libraries-of the
+Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it.  You
+can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
+this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
+strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
+not price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
+you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
+for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
+it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
+it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
+these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
+rights.  These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
+you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
+or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
+you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
+code.  If you link other code with the library, you must provide
+complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
+with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
+it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
+  We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
+library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
+permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
+  To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
+there is no warranty for the free library.  Also, if the library is
+modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
+that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
+author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
+introduced by others.
+  Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
+any free program.  We wish to make sure that a company cannot
+effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
+restrictive license from a patent holder.  Therefore, we insist that
+any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
+consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
+  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
+ordinary GNU General Public License.  This license, the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
+is quite different from the ordinary General Public License.  We use
+this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
+libraries into non-free programs.
+  When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
+a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
+combined work, a derivative of the original library.  The ordinary
+General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
+entire combination fits its criteria of freedom.  The Lesser General
+Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
+the library.
+  We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
+does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
+Public License.  It also provides other free software developers Less
+of an advantage over competing non-free programs.  These disadvantages
+are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
+libraries.  However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
+special circumstances.
+  For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
+encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
+a de-facto standard.  To achieve this, non-free programs must be
+allowed to use the library.  A more frequent case is that a free
+library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries.  In this
+case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
+software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
+  In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
+programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
+free software.  For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
+non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
+operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
+  Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
+users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
+linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
+that program using a modified version of the Library.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
+"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
+former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
+be combined with the library in order to run.
+  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
+program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
+other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
+this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
+Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
+prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
+(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
+  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
+which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
+Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
+copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
+portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
+straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
+included without limitation in the term "modification".)
+  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
+interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
+and installation of the library.
+  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
+such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
+on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
+writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
+and what the program that uses the Library does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
+complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
+you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
+appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
+all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
+warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
+  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
+and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
+    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
+    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
+    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
+    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
+    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
+    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
+    in the event an application does not supply such function or
+    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
+    its purpose remains meaningful.
+    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
+    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
+    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
+    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
+    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
+    root function must still compute square roots.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Library.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
+with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
+License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
+this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
+that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
+instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
+ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
+that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
+these notices.
+  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
+that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
+subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
+  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
+the Library into a program that is not a library.
+  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
+derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
+under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
+it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
+must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
+medium customarily used for software interchange.
+  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
+from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
+source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
+distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
+Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
+linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
+work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
+therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
+  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
+creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
+contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
+library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
+Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
+  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
+that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
+derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
+Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
+linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
+threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
+  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
+structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
+functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
+file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
+work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
+Library will still fall under Section 6.)
+  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
+distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
+Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
+whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
+  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
+link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
+work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
+under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
+modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications.
+  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
+Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
+this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
+during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
+copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
+directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
+of these things:
+    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
+    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
+    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
+    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
+    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
+    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
+    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
+    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
+    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
+    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
+    to use the modified definitions.)
+    b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+    Library.  A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
+    copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
+    rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
+    will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
+    the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
+    interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
+    c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
+    least three years, to give the same user the materials
+    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
+    than the cost of performing this distribution.
+    d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
+    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
+    specified materials from the same place.
+    e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
+    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
+  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
+Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
+reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
+the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
+normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
+components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
+which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
+the executable.
+  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
+restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
+accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
+use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
+  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
+facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
+library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
+the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
+permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
+    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
+    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
+    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
+    Sections above.
+    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
+    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
+    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
+the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
+attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
+distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
+rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
+or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
+terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
+  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Library or works based on it.
+  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
+subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
+this License.
+  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
+particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
+and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
+an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
+so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
+excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
+written in the body of this License.
+  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
+versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
+Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
+but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
+"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
+the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
+license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
+the Free Software Foundation.
+  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
+write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
+copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
+Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
+decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
+of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
+and reuse of software generally.
+Appendix C: The MPL License
+Version 1.1
+1. Definitions.
+     1.0.1. "Commercial Use" means distribution or otherwise making the
+     Covered Code available to a third party.
+     1.1. "Contributor" means each entity that creates or contributes to
+     the creation of Modifications.
+     1.2. "Contributor Version" means the combination of the Original
+     Code, prior Modifications used by a Contributor, and the Modifications
+     made by that particular Contributor.
+     1.3. "Covered Code" means the Original Code or Modifications or the
+     combination of the Original Code and Modifications, in each case
+     including portions thereof.
+     1.4. "Electronic Distribution Mechanism" means a mechanism generally
+     accepted in the software development community for the electronic
+     transfer of data.
+     1.5. "Executable" means Covered Code in any form other than Source
+     Code.
+     1.6. "Initial Developer" means the individual or entity identified
+     as the Initial Developer in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit
+     A.
+     1.7. "Larger Work" means a work which combines Covered Code or
+     portions thereof with code not governed by the terms of this License.
+     1.8. "License" means this document.
+     1.8.1. "Licensable" means having the right to grant, to the maximum
+     extent possible, whether at the time of the initial grant or
+     subsequently acquired, any and all of the rights conveyed herein.
+     1.9. "Modifications" means any addition to or deletion from the
+     substance or structure of either the Original Code or any previous
+     Modifications. When Covered Code is released as a series of files, a
+     Modification is:
+          A. Any addition to or deletion from the contents of a file
+          containing Original Code or previous Modifications.
+          B. Any new file that contains any part of the Original Code or
+          previous Modifications.
+     1.10. "Original Code" means Source Code of computer software code
+     which is described in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A as
+     Original Code, and which, at the time of its release under this
+     License is not already Covered Code governed by this License.
+     1.10.1. "Patent Claims" means any patent claim(s), now owned or
+     hereafter acquired, including without limitation,  method, process,
+     and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by grantor.
+     1.11. "Source Code" means the preferred form of the Covered Code for
+     making modifications to it, including all modules it contains, plus
+     any associated interface definition files, scripts used to control
+     compilation and installation of an Executable, or source code
+     differential comparisons against either the Original Code or another
+     well known, available Covered Code of the Contributor's choice. The
+     Source Code can be in a compressed or archival form, provided the
+     appropriate decompression or de-archiving software is widely available
+     for no charge.
+     1.12. "You" (or "Your")  means an individual or a legal entity
+     exercising rights under, and complying with all of the terms of, this
+     License or a future version of this License issued under Section 6.1.
+     For legal entities, "You" includes any entity which controls, is
+     controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of
+     this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct or indirect,
+     to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by
+     contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent
+     (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such
+     entity.
+2. Source Code License.
+     2.1. The Initial Developer Grant.
+     The Initial Developer hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
+     non-exclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property
+     claims:
+          (a)  under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
+          trademark) Licensable by Initial Developer to use, reproduce,
+          modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Original
+          Code (or portions thereof) with or without Modifications, and/or
+          as part of a Larger Work; and
+          (b) under Patents Claims infringed by the making, using or
+          selling of Original Code, to make, have made, use, practice,
+          sell, and offer for sale, and/or otherwise dispose of the
+          Original Code (or portions thereof).
+          (c) the licenses granted in this Section 2.1(a) and (b) are
+          effective on the date Initial Developer first distributes
+          Original Code under the terms of this License.
+          (d) Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is
+          granted: 1) for code that You delete from the Original Code; 2)
+          separate from the Original Code;  or 3) for infringements caused
+          by: i) the modification of the Original Code or ii) the
+          combination of the Original Code with other software or devices.
+     2.2. Contributor Grant.
+     Subject to third party intellectual property claims, each Contributor
+     hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license
+          (a)  under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
+          trademark) Licensable by Contributor, to use, reproduce, modify,
+          display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Modifications
+          created by such Contributor (or portions thereof) either on an
+          unmodified basis, with other Modifications, as Covered Code
+          and/or as part of a Larger Work; and
+          (b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making, using, or
+          selling of  Modifications made by that Contributor either alone
+          and/or in combination with its Contributor Version (or portions
+          of such combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have
+          made, and/or otherwise dispose of: 1) Modifications made by that
+          Contributor (or portions thereof); and 2) the combination of
+          Modifications made by that Contributor with its Contributor
+          Version (or portions of such combination).
+          (c) the licenses granted in Sections 2.2(a) and 2.2(b) are
+          effective on the date Contributor first makes Commercial Use of
+          the Covered Code.
+          (d)    Notwithstanding Section 2.2(b) above, no patent license is
+          granted: 1) for any code that Contributor has deleted from the
+          Contributor Version; 2)  separate from the Contributor Version;
+          3)  for infringements caused by: i) third party modifications of
+          Contributor Version or ii)  the combination of Modifications made
+          by that Contributor with other software  (except as part of the
+          Contributor Version) or other devices; or 4) under Patent Claims
+          infringed by Covered Code in the absence of Modifications made by
+          that Contributor.
+3. Distribution Obligations.
+     3.1. Application of License.
+     The Modifications which You create or to which You contribute are
+     governed by the terms of this License, including without limitation
+     Section 2.2. The Source Code version of Covered Code may be
+     distributed only under the terms of this License or a future version
+     of this License released under Section 6.1, and You must include a
+     copy of this License with every copy of the Source Code You
+     distribute. You may not offer or impose any terms on any Source Code
+     version that alters or restricts the applicable version of this
+     License or the recipients' rights hereunder. However, You may include
+     an additional document offering the additional rights described in
+     Section 3.5.
+     3.2. Availability of Source Code.
+     Any Modification which You create or to which You contribute must be
+     made available in Source Code form under the terms of this License
+     either on the same media as an Executable version or via an accepted
+     Electronic Distribution Mechanism to anyone to whom you made an
+     Executable version available; and if made available via Electronic
+     Distribution Mechanism, must remain available for at least twelve (12)
+     months after the date it initially became available, or at least six
+     (6) months after a subsequent version of that particular Modification
+     has been made available to such recipients. You are responsible for
+     ensuring that the Source Code version remains available even if the
+     Electronic Distribution Mechanism is maintained by a third party.
+     3.3. Description of Modifications.
+     You must cause all Covered Code to which You contribute to contain a
+     file documenting the changes You made to create that Covered Code and
+     the date of any change. You must include a prominent statement that
+     the Modification is derived, directly or indirectly, from Original
+     Code provided by the Initial Developer and including the name of the
+     Initial Developer in (a) the Source Code, and (b) in any notice in an
+     Executable version or related documentation in which You describe the
+     origin or ownership of the Covered Code.
+     3.4. Intellectual Property Matters
+          (a) Third Party Claims.
+          If Contributor has knowledge that a license under a third party's
+          intellectual property rights is required to exercise the rights
+          granted by such Contributor under Sections 2.1 or 2.2,
+          Contributor must include a text file with the Source Code
+          distribution titled "LEGAL" which describes the claim and the
+          party making the claim in sufficient detail that a recipient will
+          know whom to contact. If Contributor obtains such knowledge after
+          the Modification is made available as described in Section 3.2,
+          Contributor shall promptly modify the LEGAL file in all copies
+          Contributor makes available thereafter and shall take other steps
+          (such as notifying appropriate mailing lists or newsgroups)
+          reasonably calculated to inform those who received the Covered
+          Code that new knowledge has been obtained.
+          (b) Contributor APIs.
+          If Contributor's Modifications include an application programming
+          interface and Contributor has knowledge of patent licenses which
+          are reasonably necessary to implement that API, Contributor must
+          also include this information in the LEGAL file.
+               (c)    Representations.
+          Contributor represents that, except as disclosed pursuant to
+          Section 3.4(a) above, Contributor believes that Contributor's
+          Modifications are Contributor's original creation(s) and/or
+          Contributor has sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by
+          this License.
+     3.5. Required Notices.
+     You must duplicate the notice in Exhibit A in each file of the Source
+     Code.  If it is not possible to put such notice in a particular Source
+     Code file due to its structure, then You must include such notice in a
+     location (such as a relevant directory) where a user would be likely
+     to look for such a notice.  If You created one or more Modification(s)
+     You may add your name as a Contributor to the notice described in
+     Exhibit A.  You must also duplicate this License in any documentation
+     for the Source Code where You describe recipients' rights or ownership
+     rights relating to Covered Code.  You may choose to offer, and to
+     charge a fee for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability
+     obligations to one or more recipients of Covered Code. However, You
+     may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on behalf of the Initial
+     Developer or any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear than
+     any such warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligation is
+     offered by You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial
+     Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by the
+     Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of warranty,
+     support, indemnity or liability terms You offer.
+     3.6. Distribution of Executable Versions.
+     You may distribute Covered Code in Executable form only if the
+     requirements of Section 3.1-3.5 have been met for that Covered Code,
+     and if You include a notice stating that the Source Code version of
+     the Covered Code is available under the terms of this License,
+     including a description of how and where You have fulfilled the
+     obligations of Section 3.2. The notice must be conspicuously included
+     in any notice in an Executable version, related documentation or
+     collateral in which You describe recipients' rights relating to the
+     Covered Code. You may distribute the Executable version of Covered
+     Code or ownership rights under a license of Your choice, which may
+     contain terms different from this License, provided that You are in
+     compliance with the terms of this License and that the license for the
+     Executable version does not attempt to limit or alter the recipient's
+     rights in the Source Code version from the rights set forth in this
+     License. If You distribute the Executable version under a different
+     license You must make it absolutely clear that any terms which differ
+     from this License are offered by You alone, not by the Initial
+     Developer or any Contributor. You hereby agree to indemnify the
+     Initial Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by
+     the Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of any such
+     terms You offer.
+     3.7. Larger Works.
+     You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Code with other code
+     not governed by the terms of this License and distribute the Larger
+     Work as a single product. In such a case, You must make sure the
+     requirements of this License are fulfilled for the Covered Code.
+4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation.
+     If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
+     License with respect to some or all of the Covered Code due to
+     statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with
+     the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b)
+     describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description
+     must be included in the LEGAL file described in Section 3.4 and must
+     be included with all distributions of the Source Code. Except to the
+     extent prohibited by statute or regulation, such description must be
+     sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary skill to be able to
+     understand it.
+5. Application of this License.
+     This License applies to code to which the Initial Developer has
+     attached the notice in Exhibit A and to related Covered Code.
+6. Versions of the License.
+     6.1. New Versions.
+     Netscape Communications Corporation ("Netscape") may publish revised
+     and/or new versions of the License from time to time. Each version
+     will be given a distinguishing version number.
+     6.2. Effect of New Versions.
+     Once Covered Code has been published under a particular version of the
+     License, You may always continue to use it under the terms of that
+     version. You may also choose to use such Covered Code under the terms
+     of any subsequent version of the License published by Netscape. No one
+     other than Netscape has the right to modify the terms applicable to
+     Covered Code created under this License.
+     6.3. Derivative Works.
+     If You create or use a modified version of this License (which you may
+     only do in order to apply it to code which is not already Covered Code
+     governed by this License), You must (a) rename Your license so that
+     the phrases "Mozilla", "MOZILLAPL", "MOZPL", "Netscape",
+     "MPL", "NPL" or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear in your
+     license (except to note that your license differs from this License)
+     and (b) otherwise make it clear that Your version of the license
+     contains terms which differ from the Mozilla Public License and
+     Netscape Public License. (Filling in the name of the Initial
+     Developer, Original Code or Contributor in the notice described in
+     Exhibit A shall not of themselves be deemed to be modifications of
+     this License.)
+     8.1.  This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate
+     automatically if You fail to comply with terms herein and fail to cure
+     such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
+     sublicenses to the Covered Code which are properly granted shall
+     survive any termination of this License. Provisions which, by their
+     nature, must remain in effect beyond the termination of this License
+     shall survive.
+     8.2.  If You initiate litigation by asserting a patent infringement
+     claim (excluding declatory judgment actions) against Initial Developer
+     or a Contributor (the Initial Developer or Contributor against whom
+     You file such action is referred to as "Participant")  alleging that:
+     (a)  such Participant's Contributor Version directly or indirectly
+     infringes any patent, then any and all rights granted by such
+     Participant to You under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 of this License
+     shall, upon 60 days notice from Participant terminate prospectively,
+     unless if within 60 days after receipt of notice You either: (i)
+     agree in writing to pay Participant a mutually agreeable reasonable
+     royalty for Your past and future use of Modifications made by such
+     Participant, or (ii) withdraw Your litigation claim with respect to
+     the Contributor Version against such Participant.  If within 60 days
+     of notice, a reasonable royalty and payment arrangement are not
+     mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties or the litigation claim
+     is not withdrawn, the rights granted by Participant to You under
+     Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 automatically terminate at the expiration of
+     the 60 day notice period specified above.
+     (b)  any software, hardware, or device, other than such Participant's
+     Contributor Version, directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then
+     any rights granted to You by such Participant under Sections 2.1(b)
+     and 2.2(b) are revoked effective as of the date You first made, used,
+     sold, distributed, or had made, Modifications made by that
+     Participant.
+     8.3.  If You assert a patent infringement claim against Participant
+     alleging that such Participant's Contributor Version directly or
+     indirectly infringes any patent where such claim is resolved (such as
+     by license or settlement) prior to the initiation of patent
+     infringement litigation, then the reasonable value of the licenses
+     granted by such Participant under Sections 2.1 or 2.2 shall be taken
+     into account in determining the amount or value of any payment or
+     license.
+     8.4.  In the event of termination under Sections 8.1 or 8.2 above,
+     all end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers)
+     which have been validly granted by You or any distributor hereunder
+     prior to termination shall survive termination.
+     The Covered Code is a "commercial item," as that term is defined in
+     48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995), consisting of "commercial computer
+     software" and "commercial computer software documentation," as such
+     terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48
+     C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995),
+     all U.S. Government End Users acquire Covered Code with only those
+     rights set forth herein.
+     This License represents the complete agreement concerning subject
+     matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
+     unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
+     necessary to make it enforceable. This License shall be governed by
+     California law provisions (except to the extent applicable law, if
+     any, provides otherwise), excluding its conflict-of-law provisions.
+     With respect to disputes in which at least one party is a citizen of,
+     or an entity chartered or registered to do business in the United
+     States of America, any litigation relating to this License shall be
+     subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern
+     District of California, with venue lying in Santa Clara County,
+     California, with the losing party responsible for costs, including
+     without limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and
+     expenses. The application of the United Nations Convention on
+     Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded.
+     Any law or regulation which provides that the language of a contract
+     shall be construed against the drafter shall not apply to this
+     License.
+     As between Initial Developer and the Contributors, each party is
+     responsible for claims and damages arising, directly or indirectly,
+     out of its utilization of rights under this License and You agree to
+     work with Initial Developer and Contributors to distribute such
+     responsibility on an equitable basis. Nothing herein is intended or
+     shall be deemed to constitute any admission of liability.
+     Initial Developer may designate portions of the Covered Code as
+     "Multiple-Licensed".  "Multiple-Licensed" means that the Initial
+     Developer permits you to utilize portions of the Covered Code under
+     Your choice of the NPL or the alternative licenses, if any, specified
+     by the Initial Developer in the file described in Exhibit A.
+EXHIBIT A -Mozilla Public License.
+     ``The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+     Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+     compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+     http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+     Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+     basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+     License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+     under the License.
+     The Original Code is ______________________________________.
+     The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ________________________.
+     Portions created by ______________________ are Copyright (C) ______
+     _______________________. All Rights Reserved.
+     Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
+     Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
+     of the _____ license (the  "[___] License"), in which case the
+     provisions of [______] License are applicable instead of those
+     above.  If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+     under the terms of the [____] License and not to allow others to use
+     your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by
+     deleting  the provisions above and replace  them with the notice and
+     other provisions required by the [___] License.  If you do not delete
+     the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file
+     under either the MPL or the [___] License."
+     [NOTE: The text of this Exhibit A may differ slightly from the text of
+     the notices in the Source Code files of the Original Code. You should
+     use the text of this Exhibit A rather than the text found in the
+     Original Code Source Code for Your Modifications.]
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/adapters/jquery.js b/share/static/RichText/adapters/jquery.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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 unction o(F){var G=0,H=F.length-1,I={},J,K,L;while(J=F[G++])h.setMarker(I,J,'delete_cell',true);G=0;while(J=F[G++]){if((K=J.getPrevious())&&!K.getCustomData('delete_cell')||(K=J.getNext())&&!K.getCustomData('delete_cell')){h.clearAllMarkers(I);return K;}}h.clearAllMarkers(I);L=F[0].getParent();if(L=L.getPrevious())return L.getLast();L=F[H].getParent();if(L=L.getNext())return L.getChild(0);return null;};function p(F){var G=F.cells;for(var H=0;H<G.length;H++){G[H].innerHTML='';if(!c)new h(G[H]).appendBogus();}};function q(F,G){var H=F.getStartElement().getAscendant('tr');
-if(!H)return;var I=H.clone(true);G?I.insertBefore(H):I.insertAfter(H);p(I.$);};function r(F){if(F instanceof d.selection){var G=n(F),H=G.length,I=[],J,K,L;for(var M=0;M<H;M++){var N=G[M].getParent(),O=N.$.rowIndex;!M&&(K=O-1);I[O]=N;M==H-1&&(L=O+1);}var P=N.getAscendant('table'),Q=P.$.rows,R=Q.length;J=new h(L<R&&P.$.rows[L]||K>0&&P.$.rows[K]||P.$.parentNode);for(M=I.length;M>=0;M--){if(I[M])r(I[M]);}return J;}else if(F instanceof h){P=F.getAscendant('table');if(P.$.rows.length==1)P.remove();else F.remove();}return 0;};function s(F,G){var H=F.getStartElement(),I=H.getAscendant('td',true)||H.getAscendant('th',true);if(!I)return;var J=I.getAscendant('table'),K=I.$.cellIndex;for(var L=0;L<J.$.rows.length;L++){var M=J.$.rows[L];if(M.cells.length<K+1)continue;I=new h(M.cells[K]).clone(false);if(!c)I.appendBogus();var N=new h(M.cells[K]);if(G)I.insertBefore(N);else I.insertAfter(N);}};function t(F){var G=[],H=F[0]&&F[0].getAscendant('table'),I,J,K,L;for(I=0,J=F.length;I<J;I++)G.pu
 sh(F[I].$.cellIndex);G.sort();for(I=1,J=G.length;I<J;I++){if(G[I]-G[I-1]>1){K=G[I-1]+1;break;}}if(!K)K=G[0]>0?G[0]-1:G[G.length-1]+1;var M=H.$.rows;for(I=0,J=M.length;I<J;I++){L=M[I].cells[K];if(L)break;}return L?new h(L):H.getPrevious();};function u(F){if(F instanceof d.selection){var G=n(F),H=t(G);for(var I=G.length-1;I>=0;I--){if(G[I])u(G[I]);}return H;}else if(F instanceof h){var J=F.getAscendant('table');if(!J)return null;var K=F.$.cellIndex;for(I=J.$.rows.length-1;I>=0;I--){var L=new h(J.$.rows[I]);if(!K&&L.$.cells.length==1){r(L);continue;}if(L.$.cells[K])L.$.removeChild(L.$.cells[K]);}}return null;};function v(F,G){var H=F.getStartElement(),I=H.getAscendant('td',true)||H.getAscendant('th',true);if(!I)return;var J=I.clone();if(!c)J.appendBogus();if(G)J.insertBefore(I);else J.insertAfter(I);};function w(F){if(F instanceof d.selection){var G=n(F),H=G[0]&&G[0].getAscendant('table'),I=o(G);for(var J=G.length-1;J>=0;J--)w(G[J]);if(I)y(I,true);else if(H)H.remove();}else if(
 F instanceof h){var K=F.getParent();if(K.getChildCount()==1)K.remove();else F.remove();}};function x(F){var G=F.getBogus();G&&G.remove();F.trim();};function y(F,G){var H=new d.range(F.getDocument());if(!H['moveToElementEdit'+(G?'End':'Start')](F)){H.selectNodeContents(F);H.collapse(G?false:true);}H.select(true);};function z(F,G,H){var I=F[G];if(typeof H=='undefined')return I;for(var J=0;I&&J<I.length;J++){if(H.is&&I[J]==H.$)return J;else if(J==H)return new h(I[J]);}return H.is?-1:null;};function A(F,G,H){var I=[];for(var J=0;
-J<F.length;J++){var K=F[J];if(typeof H=='undefined')I.push(K[G]);else if(H.is&&K[G]==H.$)return J;else if(J==H)return new h(K[G]);}return typeof H=='undefined'?I:H.is?-1:null;};function B(F,G,H){var I=n(F),J;if((G?I.length!=1:I.length<2)||(J=F.getCommonAncestor())&&J.type==1&&J.is('table'))return false;var K,L=I[0],M=L.getAscendant('table'),N=e.buildTableMap(M),O=N.length,P=N[0].length,Q=L.getParent().$.rowIndex,R=z(N,Q,L);if(G){var S;try{S=N[G=='up'?Q-1:G=='down'?Q+1:Q][G=='left'?R-1:G=='right'?R+1:R];}catch(ak){return false;}if(!S||L.$==S)return false;I[G=='up'||G=='left'?'unshift':'push'](new h(S));}var T=L.getDocument(),U=Q,V=0,W=0,X=!H&&new d.documentFragment(T),Y=0;for(var Z=0;Z<I.length;Z++){K=I[Z];var aa=K.getParent(),ab=K.getFirst(),ac=K.$.colSpan,ad=K.$.rowSpan,ae=aa.$.rowIndex,af=z(N,ae,K);Y+=ac*ad;W=Math.max(W,af-R+ac);V=Math.max(V,ae-Q+ad);if(!H){if(x(K),K.getChildren().count()){if(ae!=U&&ab&&!(ab.isBlockBoundary&&ab.isBlockBoundary({br:1}))){var ag=X.getLast(d.
 walker.whitespaces(true));if(ag&&!(ag.is&&ag.is('br')))X.append(new h('br'));}K.moveChildren(X);}Z?K.remove():K.setHtml('');}U=ae;}if(!H){X.moveChildren(L);if(!c)L.appendBogus();if(W>=P)L.removeAttribute('rowSpan');else L.$.rowSpan=V;if(V>=O)L.removeAttribute('colSpan');else L.$.colSpan=W;var ah=new d.nodeList(M.$.rows),ai=ah.count();for(Z=ai-1;Z>=0;Z--){var aj=ah.getItem(Z);if(!aj.$.cells.length){aj.remove();ai++;continue;}}return L;}else return V*W==Y;};function C(F,G){var H=n(F);if(H.length>1)return false;else if(G)return true;var I=H[0],J=I.getParent(),K=J.getAscendant('table'),L=e.buildTableMap(K),M=J.$.rowIndex,N=z(L,M,I),O=I.$.rowSpan,P,Q,R,S;if(O>1){Q=Math.ceil(O/2);R=Math.floor(O/2);S=M+Q;var T=new h(K.$.rows[S]),U=z(L,S),V;P=I.clone();for(var W=0;W<U.length;W++){V=U[W];if(V.parentNode==T.$&&W>N){P.insertBefore(new h(V));break;}else V=null;}if(!V)T.append(P,true);}else{R=Q=1;T=J.clone();T.insertAfter(J);T.append(P=I.clone());var X=z(L,M);for(var Y=0;Y<X.length;Y++)X
 [Y].rowSpan++;}if(!c)P.appendBogus();I.$.rowSpan=Q;P.$.rowSpan=R;if(Q==1)I.removeAttribute('rowSpan');if(R==1)P.removeAttribute('rowSpan');return P;};function D(F,G){var H=n(F);if(H.length>1)return false;else if(G)return true;var I=H[0],J=I.getParent(),K=J.getAscendant('table'),L=e.buildTableMap(K),M=J.$.rowIndex,N=z(L,M,I),O=I.$.colSpan,P,Q,R;if(O>1){Q=Math.ceil(O/2);R=Math.floor(O/2);}else{R=Q=1;var S=A(L,N);for(var T=0;T<S.length;T++)S[T].colSpan++;}P=I.clone();P.insertAfter(I);if(!c)P.appendBogus();I.$.colSpan=Q;P.$.colSpan=R;
-if(Q==1)I.removeAttribute('colSpan');if(R==1)P.removeAttribute('colSpan');return P;};var E={thead:1,tbody:1,tfoot:1,td:1,tr:1,th:1};j.tabletools={init:function(F){var G=F.lang.table;F.addCommand('cellProperties',new a.dialogCommand('cellProperties'));a.dialog.add('cellProperties',this.path+'dialogs/tableCell.js');F.addCommand('tableDelete',{exec:function(H){var I=H.getSelection(),J=I&&I.getStartElement(),K=J&&J.getAscendant('table',true);if(!K)return;I.selectElement(K);var L=I.getRanges()[0];L.collapse();I.selectRanges([L]);var M=K.getParent();if(M.getChildCount()==1&&M.getName()!='body')M.remove();else K.remove();}});F.addCommand('rowDelete',{exec:function(H){var I=H.getSelection();y(r(I));}});F.addCommand('rowInsertBefore',{exec:function(H){var I=H.getSelection();q(I,true);}});F.addCommand('rowInsertAfter',{exec:function(H){var I=H.getSelection();q(I);}});F.addCommand('columnDelete',{exec:function(H){var I=H.getSelection(),J=u(I);J&&y(J,true);}});F.addCommand('columnInsert
 Before',{exec:function(H){var I=H.getSelection();s(I,true);}});F.addCommand('columnInsertAfter',{exec:function(H){var I=H.getSelection();s(I);}});F.addCommand('cellDelete',{exec:function(H){var I=H.getSelection();w(I);}});F.addCommand('cellMerge',{exec:function(H){y(B(H.getSelection()),true);}});F.addCommand('cellMergeRight',{exec:function(H){y(B(H.getSelection(),'right'),true);}});F.addCommand('cellMergeDown',{exec:function(H){y(B(H.getSelection(),'down'),true);}});F.addCommand('cellVerticalSplit',{exec:function(H){y(C(H.getSelection()));}});F.addCommand('cellHorizontalSplit',{exec:function(H){y(D(H.getSelection()));}});F.addCommand('cellInsertBefore',{exec:function(H){var I=H.getSelection();v(I,true);}});F.addCommand('cellInsertAfter',{exec:function(H){var I=H.getSelection();v(I);}});if(F.addMenuItems)F.addMenuItems({tablecell:{label:G.cell.menu,group:'tablecell',order:1,getItems:function(){var H=F.getSelection(),I=n(H);return{tablecell_insertBefore:2,tablecell_insertAfter
-}},tablerow_insertBefore:{label:G.row.insertBefore,group:'tablerow',command:'rowInsertBefore',order:5},tablerow_insertAfter:{label:G.row.insertAfter,group:'tablerow',command:'rowInsertAfter',order:10},tablerow_delete:{label:G.row.deleteRow,group:'tablerow',command:'rowDelete',order:15},tablecolumn:{label:G.column.menu,group:'tablecolumn',order:1,getItems:function(){return{tablecolumn_insertBefore:2,tablecolumn_insertAfter:2,tablecolumn_delete:2};}},tablecolumn_insertBefore:{label:G.column.insertBefore,group:'tablecolumn',command:'columnInsertBefore',order:5},tablecolumn_insertAfter:{label:G.column.insertAfter,group:'tablecolumn',command:'columnInsertAfter',order:10},tablecolumn_delete:{label:G.column.deleteColumn,group:'tablecolumn',command:'columnDelete',order:15}});if(F.contextMenu)F.contextMenu.addListener(function(H,I){if(!H||H.isReadOnly())return null;while(H){if(H.getName() in E)return{tablecell:2,tablerow:2,tablecolumn:2};H=H.getParent();}return null;});},getSelectedC
 ells:n};j.add('tabletools',j.tabletools);})();e.buildTableMap=function(l){var m=l.$.rows,n=-1,o=[];for(var p=0;p<m.length;p++){n++;!o[n]&&(o[n]=[]);var q=-1;for(var r=0;r<m[p].cells.length;r++){var s=m[p].cells[r];q++;while(o[n][q])q++;var t=isNaN(s.colSpan)?1:s.colSpan,u=isNaN(s.rowSpan)?1:s.rowSpan;for(var v=0;v<u;v++){if(!o[n+v])o[n+v]=[];for(var w=0;w<t;w++)o[n+v][q+w]=m[p].cells[r];}q+=t-1;}}return o;};j.add('specialchar',{init:function(l){var m='specialchar';a.dialog.add(m,this.path+'dialogs/specialchar.js');l.addCommand(m,new a.dialogCommand(m));l.ui.addButton('SpecialChar',{label:l.lang.specialChar.toolbar,command:m});}});(function(){var l={editorFocus:false,modes:{wysiwyg:1,source:1}},m={exec:function(p){p.container.focusNext(true,p.tabIndex);}},n={exec:function(p){p.container.focusPrevious(true,p.tabIndex);}};function o(p){return{editorFocus:false,canUndo:false,modes:{wysiwyg:1},exec:function(q){if(q.focusManager.hasFocus){var r=q.getSelection(),s=r.getCommonAncest
 or(),t;if(t=s.getAscendant('td',true)||s.getAscendant('th',true)){var u=new d.range(q.document),v=e.tryThese(function(){var C=t.getParent(),D=C.$.cells[t.$.cellIndex+(p?-1:1)];D.parentNode.parentNode;return D;},function(){var C=t.getParent(),D=C.getAscendant('table'),E=D.$.rows[C.$.rowIndex+(p?-1:1)];return E.cells[p?E.cells.length-1:0];});if(!(v||p)){var w=t.getAscendant('table').$,x=t.getParent().$.cells,y=new h(w.insertRow(-1),q.document);for(var z=0,A=x.length;z<A;z++){var B=y.append(new h(x[z],q.document).clone(false,false));
-!c&&B.appendBogus();}u.moveToElementEditStart(y);}else if(v){v=new h(v);u.moveToElementEditStart(v);if(!(u.checkStartOfBlock()&&u.checkEndOfBlock()))u.selectNodeContents(v);}else return true;u.select(true);return true;}}return false;}};};j.add('tab',{requires:['keystrokes'],init:function(p){var q=p.config.enableTabKeyTools!==false,r=p.config.tabSpaces||0,s='';while(r--)s+='\xa0';if(s)p.on('key',function(t){if(t.data.keyCode==9){p.insertHtml(s);t.cancel();}});if(q)p.on('key',function(t){if(t.data.keyCode==9&&p.execCommand('selectNextCell')||t.data.keyCode==2000+9&&p.execCommand('selectPreviousCell'))t.cancel();});if(b.webkit||b.gecko)p.on('key',function(t){var u=t.data.keyCode;if(u==9&&!s){t.cancel();p.execCommand('blur');}if(u==2000+9){p.execCommand('blurBack');t.cancel();}});p.addCommand('blur',e.extend(m,l));p.addCommand('blurBack',e.extend(n,l));p.addCommand('selectNextCell',o());p.addCommand('selectPreviousCell',o(true));}});})();h.prototype.focusNext=function(l,m){var v
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 s.length;}if(s)r=s.items[t-1];}p=r;}while(p&&!p.focus)if(p)p.focus();else{var v=n.toolbox.toolbars[n.toolbox.toolbars.length-1].items;v[v.length-1].focus();}return false;case 27:n.focus();return false;case 13:case 32:p.execute();return false;}return true;};n.on('themeSpace',function(p){if(p.data.space==n.config.toolbarLocation){n.toolbox=new l();var q='cke_'+e.getNextNumber(),r=['<div class="cke_toolbox" role="toolbar" aria-labelledby="',q,'"'],s=n.config.toolbarStartupExpanded!==false,t;r.push(s?'>':' style="display:none">');r.push('<span id="',q,'" class="cke_voice_label">',n.lang.toolbar,'</span>');var u=n.toolbox.toolbars,v=n.config.toolbar instanceof Array?n.config.toolbar:n.config['toolbar_'+n.config.toolbar];for(var w=0;w<v.length;w++){var x=v[w];if(!x)continue;var y='cke_'+e.getNextNumber(),z={id:y,items:[]};if(t){r.push('</div>');t=0;}if(x==='/'){r.push('<div class="cke_break"></div>');continue;}r.push('<span id="',y,'" class="cke_toolbar" role="presentation"><span 
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\ No newline at end of file
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index ff0b510..a6faf18 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/config.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/config.js
@@ -1,47 +1,10 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
-CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
+CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-	To prevent this misbehavior, we show the scrollbar always */
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+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/_languages.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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 ush({code:d,name:b[d]});c.sort(function(e,f){return e.name<f.name?-1:1;});return c;})();
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deleted file mode 100644
index 06d973d..0000000
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/_translationstatus.txt
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@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-lt.js      Found: 306 Missing: 225
-lv.js      Found: 283 Missing: 248
-mn.js      Found: 300 Missing: 231
-ms.js      Found: 265 Missing: 266
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-no.js      Found: 470 Missing: 61
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-sk.js      Found: 302 Missing: 229
-sl.js      Found: 410 Missing: 121
-sr-latn.js Found: 276 Missing: 255
-sr.js      Found: 275 Missing: 256
-sv.js      Found: 299 Missing: 232
-th.js      Found: 287 Missing: 244
-tr.js      Found: 524 Missing: 7
-uk.js      Found: 404 Missing: 127
-vi.js      Found: 481 Missing: 50
-zh-cn.js   Found: 531 Missing: 0
-zh.js      Found: 404 Missing: 127
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/af.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/af.js
index 4e38c5a..afcc732 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/af.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/af.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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 e:'Form eienskappe',menu:'Form eienskappe',action:'Aksie',method:'Metode',encoding:'Encoding'},select:{title:'Opklapbare keuse strook eienskappe',selectInfo:'Info',opAvail:'Beskikbare Opsies',value:'Waarde',size:'Grote',lines:'lyne',chkMulti:'Laat meerere keuses toe',opText:'Karakters',opValue:'Waarde',btnAdd:'Byvoeg',btnModify:'Verander',btnUp:'Op',btnDown:'Af',btnSetValue:'Stel as uitgekiesde waarde',btnDelete:'Verweider'},textarea:{title:'Karakter area eienskappe',cols:'Kolom',rows:'Reie'},textfield:{title:'Karakter strook eienskappe',name:'Naam',value:'Waarde',charWidth:'Karakter weite',maxChars:'Maximale karakters',type:'Soort',typeText:'Karakters',typePass:'Wagwoord'},hidden:{title:'Blinde strook eienskappe',name:'Naam',value:'Waarde'},image:{title:'Beeld eienskappe',titleButton:'Beeld knop eienskappe',menu:'Beeld eienskappe',infoTab:'Beeld informasie',btnUpload:'Stuur dit na die Server',upload:'Uplaai',alt:'Alternatiewe beskrywing',width:'Weidte',height:'Hoogde',lockR
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 g:'Error loading application service host: %s.',notInDic:'Nie in woordeboek nie',changeTo:'Verander na',btnIgnore:'Ignoreer',btnIgnoreAll:'Ignoreer na-volgende',btnReplace:'Vervang',btnReplaceAll:'vervang na-volgende',btnUndo:'Ont-skep',noSuggestions:'- Geen voorstel -',progress:'Spelling word beproef...',noMispell:'Spellproef kompleet: Geen foute',noChanges:'Spellproef kompleet: Geen woord veranderings',oneChange:'Spellproef kompleet: Een woord verander',manyChanges:'Spellproef kompleet: %1 woorde verander',ieSpellDownload:'Geen Spellproefer geinstaleer nie. Wil U dit aflaai?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Smiley',title:'Voeg Smiley by',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Genommerde lys',bulletedlist:'Gepunkte lys',indent:'Paradeering verleng',outdent:'Paradeering verkort',justify:{left:'Links rig',center:'Rig Middel',right:'Regs rig',block:'Blok paradeer'},blockquote:'Block Quote',clipboard:{title:'Byvoeg',cutError:'U b
 rowser se sekuriteit instelling behinder die uitsny aksie. Gebruik asseblief die sleutel kombenasie(Ctrl/Cmd+X).',copyError:'U browser se sekuriteit instelling behinder die kopieerings aksie. Gebruik asseblief die sleutel kombenasie(Ctrl/Cmd+C).',pasteMsg:'Voeg asseblief die inhoud in die gegewe box by met sleutel kombenasie(<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) en druk <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',securityMsg:'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'Van Word af byvoeg',title:'Van Word af byvoeg',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Voeg slegs karakters by',title:'Voeg slegs karakters by'},templates:{button:'Templates',title:'Inhoud Templates',options:'
 Template Options',insertOption:'Vervang bestaande inhoud',selectPromptMsg:'Kies die template om te gebruik in die editor<br>(Inhoud word vervang!):',emptyListMsg:'(Geen templates gedefinieerd)'},showBlocks:'Show Blocks',stylesCombo:{label:'Styl',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Block Styles',panelTitle2:'Inline Styles',panelTitle3:'Object Styles'},format:{label:'Karakter formaat',panelTitle:'Karakter formaat',tag_p:'Normaal',tag_pre:'Geformateerd',tag_address:'Adres',tag_h1:'Opskrif 1',tag_h2:'Opskrif 2',tag_h3:'Opskrif 3',tag_h4:'Opskrif 4',tag_h5:'Opskrif 5',tag_h6:'Opskrif 6',tag_div:'Normaal (DIV)'},div:{title:'Create Div Container',toolbar:'Create Div Container',cssClassInputLabel:'Stylesheet Classes',styleSelectLabel:'Style',IdInputLabel:'Id',languageCodeInputLabel:' Language Code',inlineStyleInputLabel:'Inline Style',advisoryTitleInputLabel:'Advisory Title',langDirLabel:'Language Direction',langDirLTRLabel:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTLLabel:'Right to Lef
 t (RTL)',edit:'Edit Div',remove:'Remove Div'},font:{label:'Karakters',voiceLabel:'Font',panelTitle:'Karakters'},fontSize:{label:'Karakter grote',voiceLabel:'Font Size',panelTitle:'Karakter grote'},colorButton:{textColorTitle:'Karakter kleur',bgColorTitle:'Agtergrond kleur',panelTitle:'Colors',auto:'Automaties',more:'Meer Kleure...'},colors:{'000':'Black',800000:'Maroon','8B4513':'Saddle Brown','2F4F4F':'Dark Slate Gray','008080':'Teal','000080':'Navy','4B0082':'Indigo',696969:'Dark Gray',B22222:'Fire Brick',A52A2A:'Brown',DAA520:'Golden Rod','006400':'Dark Green','40E0D0':'Turquoise','0000CD':'Medium Blue',800080:'Purple',808080:'Gray',F00:'Red',FF8C00:'Dark Orange',FFD700:'Gold','008000':'Green','0FF':'Cyan','00F':'Blue',EE82EE:'Violet',A9A9A9:'Dim Gray',FFA07A:'Light Salmon',FFA500:'Orange',FFFF00:'Yellow','00FF00':'Lime',AFEEEE:'Pale Turquoise',ADD8E6:'Light Blue',DDA0DD:'Plum',D3D3D3:'Light Grey',FFF0F5:'Lavender Blush',FAEBD7:'Antique White',FFFFE0:'Light Yellow',F0FFF0
 :'Honeydew',F0FFFF:'Azure',F0F8FF:'Alice Blue',E6E6FA:'Lavender',FFF:'White'},scayt:{title:'Spell Check As You Type',opera_title:'Not supported by Opera',enable:'Enable SCAYT',disable:'Disable SCAYT',about:'About SCAYT',toggle:'Toggle SCAYT',options:'Options',langs:'Languages',moreSuggestions:'More suggestions',ignore:'Ignore',ignoreAll:'Ignore All',addWord:'Add Word',emptyDic:'Dictionary name should not be empty.',optionsTab:'Options',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Languages',dictionariesTab:'Dictionaries',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on ou
 r server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 ginge sal verlore gaan. Is u seker dat u 'n nuwe bladsy wil laai?","confirmCancel":"Sommige opsies is gewysig. Is u seker dat u hierdie dialoogvenster wil sluit?","options":"Opsies","target":"Doel","targetNew":"Nuwe venster (_blank)","targetTop":"Boonste venster (_top)","targetSelf":"Selfde venster (_self)","targetParent":"Oorspronklike venster (_parent)","langDirLTR":"Links na Regs (LTR)","langDirRTL":"Regs na Links (RTL)","styles":"Styl","cssClasses":"CSS klasse","width":"Breedte","height":"Hoogte","align":"Oplyn","alignLeft":"Links","alignRight":"Regs","alignCenter":"Sentreer","alignTop":"Bo","alignMiddle":"Middel","alignBottom":"Onder","invalidValue":"Invalid value.","invalidHeight":"Hoogte moet 'n getal wees","invalidWidth":"Breedte moet 'n getal wees.","invalidCssLength":"Value specified for the \"%1\" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).","invalidHtmlLength":"Value specified for the \"%1\"
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 ,"toolbar":"Skakel invoeg/wysig","type":"Skakelsoort","unlink":"Verwyder skakel","upload":"Oplaai"},"liststyle":{"armenian":"Armeense nommering","bulletedTitle":"Eienskappe van ongenommerde lys","circle":"Sirkel","decimal":"Desimale syfers (1, 2, 3, ens.)","decimalLeadingZero":"Desimale syfers met voorloopnul (01, 02, 03, ens.)","disc":"Skyf","georgian":"Georgiese nommering (an, ban, gan, ens.)","lowerAlpha":"Kleinletters (a, b, c, d, e, ens.)","lowerGreek":"Griekse kleinletters (alpha, beta, gamma, ens.)","lowerRoman":"Romeinse kleinletters (i, ii, iii, iv, v, ens.)","none":"Geen","notset":"<nie ingestel nie>","numberedTitle":"Eienskappe van genommerde lys","square":"Vierkant","start":"Begin","type":"Tipe","upperAlpha":"Hoofletters (A, B, C, D, E, ens.)","upperRoman":"Romeinse hoofletters (I, II, III, IV, V, ens.)","validateStartNumber":"Beginnommer van lys moet 'n heelgetal wees."},"magicline":{"title":"Insert paragraph here"},"maximize":{"maximize":"Maksimaliseer","minimi
 ze":"Minimaliseer"},"newpage":{"toolbar":"Nuwe bladsy"},"pagebreak":{"alt":"Bladsy-einde","toolbar":"Bladsy-einde invoeg"},"pastetext":{"button":"Plak as eenvoudige teks","title":"Plak as eenvoudige teks"},"pastefromword":{"confirmCleanup":"Die teks wat u wil plak lyk asof dit uit Word gekopiëer is. Wil u dit eers skoonmaak voordat dit geplak word?","error":"Die geplakte teks kon nie skoongemaak word nie, weens 'n interne fout","title":"Plak vanuit Word","toolbar":"Plak vanuit Word"},"preview":{"preview":"Voorbeeld"},"print":{"toolbar":"Druk"},"removeformat":{"toolbar":"Verwyder opmaak"},"save":{"toolbar":"Bewaar"},"selectall":{"toolbar":"Selekteer alles"},"showblocks":{"toolbar":"Toon blokke"},"sourcearea":{"toolbar":"Bron"},"specialchar":{"options":"Spesiale karakter-opsies","title":"Kies spesiale karakter","toolbar":"Voeg spesiaale karakter in"},"scayt":{"about":"SCAYT info","aboutTab":"Info","addWord":"Voeg woord by","allCaps":"Ignoreer woorde in hoofletters","dic_creat
 e":"Skep","dic_delete":"Verwijder","dic_field_name":"Naam van woordeboek","dic_info":"Aanvanklik word die gebruikerswoordeboek in 'n koekie gestoor. Koekies is egter beperk in grootte. Wanneer die gebruikerswoordeboek te groot vir 'n koekie geword het, kan dit op ons bediener gestoor word. Om u persoonlike woordeboek op ons bediener te stoor, gee asb. 'n naam vir u woordeboek. Indien u alreeds 'n gestoorde woordeboek het, tik die naam en kliek op die Herstel knop.","dic_rename":"Hernoem","dic_restore":"Herstel","dictionariesTab":"Woordeboeke","disable":"SCAYT af","emptyDic":"Woordeboeknaam mag nie leeg wees nie.","enable":"SCAYT aan","ignore":"Ignoreer","ignoreAll":"Ignoreer alles","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignoreer domeinname","langs":"Tale","languagesTab":"Tale","mixedCase":"Ignoreer woorde met hoof- en kleinletters","mixedWithDigits":"Ignoreer woorde met syfers","moreSuggestions":"Meer voorstelle","opera_title":"Nie ondersteun deur Opera nie","options":"Opsies","optionsTab":"O
 psies","title":"Speltoets terwyl u tik","toggle":"SCAYT wissel aan/af","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Styl","panelTitle":"Opmaak style","panelTitle1":"Blok style","panelTitle2":"Inlyn style","panelTitle3":"Objek style"},"table":{"border":"Randbreedte","caption":"Naam","cell":{"menu":"Sel","insertBefore":"Voeg sel in voor","insertAfter":"Voeg sel in na","deleteCell":"Verwyder sel","merge":"Voeg selle saam","mergeRight":"Voeg saam na regs","mergeDown":"Voeg saam ondertoe","splitHorizontal":"Splits sel horisontaal","splitVertical":"Splits sel vertikaal","title":"Sel eienskappe","cellType":"Sel tipe","rowSpan":"Omspan rye","colSpan":"Omspan kolomme","wordWrap":"Woord terugloop","hAlign":"Horisontale oplyning","vAlign":"Vertikale oplyning","alignBaseline":"Basislyn","bgColor":"Agtergrondkleur","borderColor":"Randkleur","data":"Inhoud","header":"Opskrif","yes":"Ja","no":"Nee","invalidWidth":"Selbreedte moet 'n getal wees.","invalidHeight":"Selhoogte moet 
 'n getal wees.","invalidRowSpan":"Omspan rye moet 'n heelgetal wees.","invalidColSpan":"Omspan kolomme moet 'n heelgetal wees.","chooseColor":"Kies"},"cellPad":"Sel-spasie","cellSpace":"Sel-afstand","column":{"menu":"Kolom","insertBefore":"Voeg kolom in voor","insertAfter":"Voeg kolom in na","deleteColumn":"Verwyder kolom"},"columns":"Kolomme","deleteTable":"Verwyder tabel","headers":"Opskrifte","headersBoth":"Beide    ","headersColumn":"Eerste kolom","headersNone":"Geen","headersRow":"Eerste ry","invalidBorder":"Randbreedte moet 'n getal wees.","invalidCellPadding":"Sel-spasie moet 'n getal wees.","invalidCellSpacing":"Sel-afstand moet 'n getal wees.","invalidCols":"Aantal kolomme moet 'n getal groter as 0 wees.","invalidHeight":"Tabelhoogte moet 'n getal wees.","invalidRows":"Aantal rye moet 'n getal groter as 0 wees.","invalidWidth":"Tabelbreedte moet 'n getal wees.","menu":"Tabel eienskappe","row":{"menu":"Ry","insertBefore":"Voeg ry in voor","insertAfter":"Voeg ry in na
 ","deleteRow":"Verwyder ry"},"rows":"Rye","summary":"Opsomming","title":"Tabel eienskappe","toolbar":"Tabel","widthPc":"persent","widthPx":"piksels","widthUnit":"breedte-eenheid"},"undo":{"redo":"Oordoen","undo":"Ontdoen"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Ignoreer","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignoreer alles","btnReplace":"Vervang","btnReplaceAll":"vervang alles","btnUndo":"Ontdoen","changeTo":"Verander na","errorLoading":"Fout by inlaai van diens: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Speltoetser is nie geïnstalleer nie. Wil u dit nou aflaai?","manyChanges":"Klaar met speltoets: %1 woorde verander","noChanges":"Klaar met speltoets: Geen woorde verander nie","noMispell":"Klaar met speltoets: Geen foute nie","noSuggestions":"- Geen voorstel -","notAvailable":"Jammer, hierdie diens is nie nou beskikbaar nie.","notInDic":"Nie in woordeboek nie","oneChange":"Klaar met speltoets: Een woord verander","progress":"Spelling word getoets...","title":"Speltoetser","toolbar":"Speltoets"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/ar.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/ar.js
index 74b7cf5..42ccd33 100644
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index 720be12..f8754ad 100644
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+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/bg.js
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 Space must be a number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a number.'},spellCheck:{toolbar:'Провери правописа',title:'Spell Check',notAvailable:'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',errorLoading:'Error loading application service host: %s.',notInDic:'Липсва в речника',changeTo:'Промени на',btnIgnore:'Игнорирай',btnIgnoreAll:'Игнорирай всички',btnReplace:'Замести',btnReplaceAll:'Замести всички',btnUndo:'Отмени',noSuggestions:'- Няма предложения -',progress:'Извършване на проверката за правопис...',noMispell:'Проверката за правопис завършена: не са открити правописни грешки',noChanges:'Проверката за правопис завършена: няма променени думи',oneChange:'Проверката за правопис завършена: една дума е проме
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  it now?","manyChanges":"Spell check complete: %1 words changed","noChanges":"Spell check complete: No words changed","noMispell":"Spell check complete: No misspellings found","noSuggestions":"- Няма препоръчани -","notAvailable":"Съжаляваме, но услугата не е достъпна за момента","notInDic":"Не е в речника","oneChange":"Spell check complete: One word changed","progress":"Проверява се правописа...","title":"Проверка на правопис","toolbar":"Проверка на правопис"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/bn.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/bn.js
index c7debfc..bc12386 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/bn.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/bn.js
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 °à¦¾ হয়েছে',manyChanges:'বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: %1 গুলো শব্দ বদলে গ্যাছে',ieSpellDownload:'বানান পরীক্ষক ইনস্টল করা নেই। আপনি কি এখনই এটা ডাউনলোড করতে চান?'},smiley:{toolbar:'স্মাইলী',title:'স্মাইলী যুক্ত কর',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'সাংখ্যিক লিস্টের লেবেল',bulletedlist:'বুলেট লিস্ট লেবেল',indent:'ইনডেন্ট বাড়াও',outdent:'ইনডেন্ট কমাও',justify:{left:'বা দিকে ঘেঁষা',center:'মাঝ বরাবর ঘেষা',right:'ডান দিকে ঘেঁষা',block:'ব্লক জাস্টিফাই'},blockquote:'Block Quote',clipboard:{title:'à
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 e',ADD8E6:'Light Blue',DDA0DD:'Plum',D3D3D3:'Light Grey',FFF0F5:'Lavender Blush',FAEBD7:'Antique White',FFFFE0:'Light Yellow',F0FFF0:'Honeydew',F0FFFF:'Azure',F0F8FF:'Alice Blue',E6E6FA:'Lavender',FFF:'White'},scayt:{title:'Spell Check As You Type',opera_title:'Not supported by Opera',enable:'Enable SCAYT',disable:'Disable SCAYT',about:'About SCAYT',toggle:'Toggle SCAYT',options:'Options',langs:'Languages',moreSuggestions:'More suggestions',ignore:'Ignore',ignoreAll:'Ignore All',addWord:'Add Word',emptyDic:'Dictionary name should not be empty.',optionsTab:'Options',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Languages',dictionariesTab:'Dictionaries',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limit
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 §€à¦•à§à¦·à¦¾ শেষ: একটি মাত্র শব্দ পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে","progress":"বানান পরীক্ষা চলছে...","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"বানান চেক"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/bs.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/bs.js
index 8034259..f1886de 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/bs.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/bs.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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 ja',cellPad:'Uvod æelija',caption:'Naslov',summary:'Summary',headers:'Headers',headersNone:'None',headersColumn:'First column',headersRow:'First Row',headersBoth:'Both',invalidRows:'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.',invalidCols:'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.',invalidBorder:'Border size must be a number.',invalidWidth:'Table width must be a number.',invalidHeight:'Table height must be a number.',invalidCellSpacing:'Cell spacing must be a number.',invalidCellPadding:'Cell padding must be a number.',cell:{menu:'Cell',insertBefore:'Insert Cell Before',insertAfter:'Insert Cell After',deleteCell:'Briši æelije',merge:'Spoji æelije',mergeRight:'Merge Right',mergeDown:'Merge Down',splitHorizontal:'Split Cell Horizontally',splitVertical:'Split Cell Vertically',title:'Cell Properties',cellType:'Cell Type',rowSpan:'Rows Span',colSpan:'Columns Span',wordWrap:'Word Wrap',hAlign:'Horizontal Alignment',vAlign:'Vertical Alignment',alignTop:'Top',alignM
 iddle:'Middle',alignBottom:'Bottom',alignBaseline:'Baseline',bgColor:'Background Color',borderColor:'Border Color',data:'Data',header:'Header',yes:'Yes',no:'No',invalidWidth:'Cell width must be a number.',invalidHeight:'Cell height must be a number.',invalidRowSpan:'Rows span must be a whole number.',invalidColSpan:'Columns span must be a whole number.',chooseColor:'Choose'},row:{menu:'Row',insertBefore:'Insert Row Before',insertAfter:'Insert Row After',deleteRow:'Briši redove'},column:{menu:'Column',insertBefore:'Insert Column Before',insertAfter:'Insert Column After',deleteColumn:'Briši kolone'}},button:{title:'Button Properties',text:'Text (Value)',type:'Type',typeBtn:'Button',typeSbm:'Submit',typeRst:'Reset'},checkboxAndRadio:{checkboxTitle:'Checkbox Properties',radioTitle:'Radio Button Properties',value:'Value',selected:'Selected'},form:{title:'Form Properties',menu:'Form Properties',action:'Action',method:'Method',encoding:'Encoding'},select:{title:'Selection Field P
 roperties',selectInfo:'Select Info',opAvail:'Available Options',value:'Value',size:'Size',lines:'lines',chkMulti:'Allow multiple selections',opText:'Text',opValue:'Value',btnAdd:'Add',btnModify:'Modify',btnUp:'Up',btnDown:'Down',btnSetValue:'Set as selected value',btnDelete:'Delete'},textarea:{title:'Textarea Properties',cols:'Columns',rows:'Rows'},textfield:{title:'Text Field Properties',name:'Name',value:'Value',charWidth:'Character Width',maxChars:'Maximum Characters',type:'Type',typeText:'Text',typePass:'Password'},hidden:{title:'Hidden Field Properties',name:'Name',value:'Value'},image:{title:'Svojstva slike',titleButton:'Image Button Properties',menu:'Svojstva slike',infoTab:'Info slike',btnUpload:'Šalji na server',upload:'Šalji',alt:'Tekst na slici',width:'Širina',height:'Visina',lockRatio:'Zakljuèaj odnos',unlockRatio:'Unlock Ratio',resetSize:'Resetuj dimenzije',border:'Okvir',hSpace:'HSpace',vSpace:'VSpace',align:'Poravnanje',alignLeft:'Lijevo',alignRight:'Desno
 ',alertUrl:'Molimo ukucajte URL od slike.',linkTab:'Link',button2Img:'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?',img2Button:'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',urlMissing:'Image source URL is missing.',validateWidth:'Width must be a whole number.',validateHeight:'Height must be a whole number.',validateBorder:'Border must be a whole number.',validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a whole number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a whole number.'},flash:{properties:'Flash Properties',propertiesTab:'Properties',title:'Flash Properties',chkPlay:'Auto Play',chkLoop:'Loop',chkMenu:'Enable Flash Menu',chkFull:'Allow Fullscreen',scale:'Scale',scaleAll:'Show all',scaleNoBorder:'No Border',scaleFit:'Exact Fit',access:'Script Access',accessAlways:'Always',accessSameDomain:'Same domain',accessNever:'Never',align:'Poravnanje',alignLeft:'Lijevo',alignAbsBottom:'Abs dole',alignAbsMiddle:'Abs sredina',alignBaseline:'Bazno',alignBottom:'Dno',al
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 o:'Undo',noSuggestions:'- No suggestions -',progress:'Spell check in progress...',noMispell:'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',noChanges:'Spell check complete: No words changed',oneChange:'Spell check complete: One word changed',manyChanges:'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',ieSpellDownload:'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Smješko',title:'Ubaci smješka',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Numerisana lista',bulletedlist:'Lista',indent:'Poveæaj uvod',outdent:'Smanji uvod',justify:{left:'Lijevo poravnanje',center:'Centralno poravnanje',right:'Desno poravnanje',block:'Puno poravnanje'},blockquote:'Block Quote',clipboard:{title:'Zalijepi',cutError:'Sigurnosne postavke vašeg pretraživaèa ne dozvoljavaju operacije automatskog rezanja. Molimo koristite kraticu na tastaturi (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',copyError:'Sigurnosne postavke Vašeg pretraživaèa ne dozvo
 ljavaju operacije automatskog kopiranja. Molimo koristite kraticu na tastaturi (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',pasteMsg:'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK',securityMsg:'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'Zalijepi iz Word-a',title:'Zalijepi iz Word-a',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Zalijepi kao obièan tekst',title:'Zalijepi kao obièan tekst'},templates:{button:'Templates',title:'Content Templates',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Replace actual contents',selectPromptMsg:'Please select the template to open in the editor',emptyListMsg:'(No templates defined)'},showBlocks:'S
 how Blocks',stylesCombo:{label:'Stil',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Block Styles',panelTitle2:'Inline Styles',panelTitle3:'Object Styles'},format:{label:'Format',panelTitle:'Format',tag_p:'Normal',tag_pre:'Formatted',tag_address:'Address',tag_h1:'Heading 1',tag_h2:'Heading 2',tag_h3:'Heading 3',tag_h4:'Heading 4',tag_h5:'Heading 5',tag_h6:'Heading 6',tag_div:'Normal (DIV)'},div:{title:'Create Div Container',toolbar:'Create Div Container',cssClassInputLabel:'Stylesheet Classes',styleSelectLabel:'Style',IdInputLabel:'Id',languageCodeInputLabel:' Language Code',inlineStyleInputLabel:'Inline Style',advisoryTitleInputLabel:'Advisory Title',langDirLabel:'Language Direction',langDirLTRLabel:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTLLabel:'Right to Left (RTL)',edit:'Edit Div',remove:'Remove Div'},font:{label:'Font',voiceLabel:'Font',panelTitle:'Font'},fontSize:{label:'Velièina',voiceLabel:'Font Size',panelTitle:'Velièina'},colorButton:{textColorTitle:'Boja teksta',bgColorTitle
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 ',langs:'Languages',moreSuggestions:'More suggestions',ignore:'Ignore',ignoreAll:'Ignore All',addWord:'Add Word',emptyDic:'Dictionary name should not be empty.',optionsTab:'Options',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Languages',dictionariesTab:'Dictionaries',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'Ab
 out CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 onary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.","dic_rename":"Rename","dic_restore":"Restore","dictionariesTab":"Dictionaries","disable":"Disable SCAYT","emptyDic":"Dictionary name should not be empty.","enable":"Enable SCAYT","ignore":"Ignore","ignoreAll":"Ignore All","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignore Domain Names","langs":"Languages","languagesTab":"Languages","mixedCase":"Ignore Words with Mixed Case","mixedWithDigits":"Ignore Words with Numbers","moreSuggestions":"More suggestions","opera_title":"Not supported by Opera","options":"Options","optionsTab":"Options","title":"Spell Check As You Type","toggle":"Toggle SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggest
 ion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Stil","panelTitle":"Formatting Styles","panelTitle1":"Block Styles","panelTitle2":"Inline Styles","panelTitle3":"Object Styles"},"table":{"border":"Okvir","caption":"Naslov","cell":{"menu":"Cell","insertBefore":"Insert Cell Before","insertAfter":"Insert Cell After","deleteCell":"Briši æelije","merge":"Spoji æelije","mergeRight":"Merge Right","mergeDown":"Merge Down","splitHorizontal":"Split Cell Horizontally","splitVertical":"Split Cell Vertically","title":"Cell Properties","cellType":"Cell Type","rowSpan":"Rows Span","colSpan":"Columns Span","wordWrap":"Word Wrap","hAlign":"Horizontal Alignment","vAlign":"Vertical Alignment","alignBaseline":"Baseline","bgColor":"Background Color","borderColor":"Border Color","data":"Data","header":"Header","yes":"Yes","no":"No","invalidWidth":"Cell width must be a number.","invalidHeight":"Cell height must be a number.","invalidRowSpan":"Rows span must be a whole number.","invalidColSpan":"Columns span must 
 be a whole number.","chooseColor":"Choose"},"cellPad":"Uvod æelija","cellSpace":"Razmak æelija","column":{"menu":"Column","insertBefore":"Insert Column Before","insertAfter":"Insert Column After","deleteColumn":"Briši kolone"},"columns":"Kolona","deleteTable":"Delete Table","headers":"Headers","headersBoth":"Both","headersColumn":"First column","headersNone":"None","headersRow":"First Row","invalidBorder":"Border size must be a number.","invalidCellPadding":"Cell padding must be a positive number.","invalidCellSpacing":"Cell spacing must be a positive number.","invalidCols":"Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.","invalidHeight":"Table height must be a number.","invalidRows":"Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.","invalidWidth":"Table width must be a number.","menu":"Svojstva tabele","row":{"menu":"Row","insertBefore":"Insert Row Before","insertAfter":"Insert Row After","deleteRow":"Briši redove"},"rows":"Redova","summary":"Summary","title":"Svojs
 tva tabele","toolbar":"Tabela","widthPc":"posto","widthPx":"piksela","widthUnit":"width unit"},"undo":{"redo":"Ponovi","undo":"Vrati"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Ignore","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignore All","btnReplace":"Replace","btnReplaceAll":"Replace All","btnUndo":"Undo","changeTo":"Change to","errorLoading":"Error loading application service host: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?","manyChanges":"Spell check complete: %1 words changed","noChanges":"Spell check complete: No words changed","noMispell":"Spell check complete: No misspellings found","noSuggestions":"- No suggestions -","notAvailable":"Sorry, but service is unavailable now.","notInDic":"Not in dictionary","oneChange":"Spell check complete: One word changed","progress":"Spell check in progress...","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"Check Spelling"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/ca.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/ca.js
index fe782c7..ccbe985 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/ca.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/ca.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.lang.ca={dir:'ltr',editorTitle:'Editor de text enriquit, %1, prem ALT 0 per obtenir ajuda.',toolbar:"Barra d'eines",editor:'Editor de text enriquit',source:'Codi font',newPage:'Nova pàgina',save:'Desa',preview:'Visualització prèvia',cut:'Retalla',copy:'Copia',paste:'Enganxa',print:'Imprimeix',underline:'Subratllat',bold:'Negreta',italic:'Cursiva',selectAll:'Selecciona-ho tot',removeFormat:'Elimina Format',strike:'Barrat',subscript:'Subíndex',superscript:'Superíndex',horizontalrule:'Insereix línia horitzontal',pagebreak:'Insereix salt de pàgina',unlink:"Elimina l'enllaç",undo:'Desfés',redo:'Refés',common:{browseServer:'Veure servidor',url:'URL',protocol:'Protocol',upload:'Puja',uploadSubmit:'Envia-la al servidor',image:'Imatge',flash:'Flash',form:'Formulari',checkbox:'Casella de verificació',radio:"Botó d'opció",textField:'Camp de text',textarea:'Àrea de text',hiddenField:'Camp ocult',button:'Botó',select:'Camp de selecció',imageButton:"Botó d'imatge
 ",notSet:'<no definit>',id:'Id',name:'Nom',langDir:"Direcció de l'idioma",langDirLtr:"D'esquerra a dreta (LTR)",langDirRtl:'De dreta a esquerra (RTL)',langCode:"Codi d'idioma",longDescr:'Descripció llarga de la URL',cssClass:"Classes del full d'estil",advisoryTitle:'Títol consultiu',cssStyle:'Estil',ok:"D'acord",cancel:'Cancel·la',close:'Tanca',preview:'Previsualitza',generalTab:'General',advancedTab:'Avançat',validateNumberFailed:'Aquest valor no és un número.',confirmNewPage:'Els canvis en aquest contingut que no es desin es perdran. Esteu segur que voleu carregar una pàgina nova?',confirmCancel:"Algunes opcions s'han canviat. Esteu segur que voleu tancar la finestra de diàleg?",options:'Opcions',target:'Destí',targetNew:'Nova finestra (_blank)',targetTop:'Finestra major (_top)',targetSelf:'Mateixa finestra (_self)',targetParent:'Finestra pare (_parent)',langDirLTR:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTL:'Right to Left (RTL)',styles:'Style',cssClasses:'Stylesheet Classe
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 rorName:"Si us plau, escriviu el nom de l'ancora"},list:{numberedTitle:'Numbered List Properties',bulletedTitle:'Bulleted List Properties',type:'Type',start:'Start',validateStartNumber:'List start number must be a whole number.',circle:'Circle',disc:'Disc',square:'Square',none:'None',notset:'<not set>',armenian:'Armenian numbering',georgian:'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',lowerRoman:'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',upperRoman:'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',lowerAlpha:'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',upperAlpha:'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',lowerGreek:'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',decimal:'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',decimalLeadingZero:'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)'},findAndReplace:{title:'Cerca i reemplaça',find:'Cerca',replace:'Reemplaça',findWhat:'Cerca:',replaceWith:'Remplaça amb:',notFoundMsg:"El text especificat no s'ha trobat.",matchCase:'Distingeix majúscules/minúscules',matchWord:'Només paraules completes',m
 atchCyclic:'Match cyclic',replaceAll:'Reemplaça-ho tot',replaceSuccessMsg:'%1 ocurrència/es reemplaçada/es.'},table:{toolbar:'Taula',title:'Propietats de la taula',menu:'Propietats de la taula',deleteTable:'Suprimeix la taula',rows:'Files',columns:'Columnes',border:'Mida vora',align:'Alineació',alignLeft:'Esquerra',alignCenter:'Centre',alignRight:'Dreta',width:'Amplada',widthPx:'píxels',widthPc:'percentatge',widthUnit:"unitat d'amplada",height:'Alçada',cellSpace:'Espaiat de cel·les',cellPad:'Encoixinament de cel·les',caption:'Títol',summary:'Resum',headers:'Capçaleres',headersNone:'Cap',headersColumn:'Primera columna',headersRow:'Primera fila',headersBoth:'Ambdues',invalidRows:'El nombre de files ha de ser un nombre major que 0.',invalidCols:'El nombre de columnes ha de ser un nombre major que 0.',invalidBorder:'El gruix de la vora ha de ser un nombre.',invalidWidth:"L'amplada de la taula  ha de ser un nombre.",invalidHeight:"L'alçada de la taula  ha de ser un nom
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 s:'Línies',chkMulti:'Permet múltiples seleccions',opText:'Text',opValue:'Valor',btnAdd:'Afegeix',btnModify:'Modifica',btnUp:'Amunt',btnDown:'Avall',btnSetValue:'Selecciona per defecte',btnDelete:'Elimina'},textarea:{title:"Propietats de l'àrea de text",cols:'Columnes',rows:'Files'},textfield:{title:'Propietats del camp de text',name:'Nom',value:'Valor',charWidth:'Amplada',maxChars:'Nombre màxim de caràcters',type:'Tipus',typeText:'Text',typePass:'Contrasenya'},hidden:{title:'Propietats del camp ocult',name:'Nom',value:'Valor'},image:{title:'Propietats de la imatge',titleButton:"Propietats del botó d'imatge",menu:'Propietats de la imatge',infoTab:'Informació de la imatge',btnUpload:'Envia-la al servidor',upload:'Puja',alt:'Text alternatiu',width:'Amplada',height:'Alçada',lockRatio:'Bloqueja les proporcions',unlockRatio:'Desbloqueja el ràtio',resetSize:'Restaura la mida',border:'Vora',hSpace:'Espaiat horit.',vSpace:'Espaiat vert.',align:'Alineació',alignLeft:"Ajusta 
 a l'esquerra",alignRight:'Ajusta a la dreta',alertUrl:'Si us plau, escriviu la URL de la imatge',linkTab:'Enllaç',button2Img:"Voleu transformar el botó d'imatge seleccionat en una simple imatge?",img2Button:"Voleu transformar la imatge seleccionada en un botó d'imatge?",urlMissing:'Falta la URL de la imatge.',validateWidth:"L'amplada ha de ser un nombre enter.",validateHeight:"L'alçada ha de ser un nombre enter.",validateBorder:'La vora ha de ser un nombre enter.',validateHSpace:'HSpace ha de ser un nombre enter.',validateVSpace:'VSpace ha de ser un nombre enter.'},flash:{properties:'Propietats del Flash',propertiesTab:'Propietats',title:'Propietats del Flash',chkPlay:'Reprodució automàtica',chkLoop:'Bucle',chkMenu:'Habilita menú Flash',chkFull:'Permetre la pantalla completa',scale:'Escala',scaleAll:'Mostra-ho tot',scaleNoBorder:'Sense vores',scaleFit:'Mida exacta',access:'Accés a scripts',accessAlways:'Sempre',accessSameDomain:'El mateix domini',accessNever:'Mai',al
 ign:'Alineació',alignLeft:"Ajusta a l'esquerra",alignAbsBottom:'Abs Bottom',alignAbsMiddle:'Abs Middle',alignBaseline:'Baseline',alignBottom:'Bottom',alignMiddle:'Middle',alignRight:'Ajusta a la dreta',alignTextTop:'Text Top',alignTop:'Top',quality:'Qualitat',qualityBest:'La millor',qualityHigh:'Alta',qualityAutoHigh:'Alta automàtica',qualityMedium:'Mitjana',qualityAutoLow:'Baixa automàtica',qualityLow:'Baixa',windowModeWindow:'Finestra',windowModeOpaque:'Opaca',windowModeTransparent:'Transparent',windowMode:'Mode de la finestra',flashvars:'Variables de Flash',bgcolor:'Color de Fons',width:'Amplada',height:'Alçada',hSpace:'Espaiat horit.',vSpace:'Espaiat vert.',validateSrc:"Si us plau, escrigui l'enllaç URL",validateWidth:"L'amplada ha de ser un nombre.",validateHeight:"L'alçada ha de ser un nombre.",validateHSpace:"L'espaiat horitzonatal ha de ser un nombre.",validateVSpace:"L'espaiat vertical ha de ser un nombre."},spellCheck:{toolbar:"Revisa l'ortografia",title:"Com
 prova l'ortografia",notAvailable:'El servei no es troba disponible ara.',errorLoading:'Error carregant el servidor: %s.',notInDic:'No és al diccionari',changeTo:'Reemplaça amb',btnIgnore:'Ignora',btnIgnoreAll:'Ignora-les totes',btnReplace:'Canvia',btnReplaceAll:'Canvia-les totes',btnUndo:'Desfés',noSuggestions:'Cap suggeriment',progress:'Verificació ortogràfica en curs...',noMispell:'Verificació ortogràfica acabada: no hi ha cap paraula mal escrita',noChanges:"Verificació ortogràfica: no s'ha canviat cap paraula",oneChange:"Verificació ortogràfica: s'ha canviat una paraula",manyChanges:"Verificació ortogràfica: s'han canviat %1 paraules",ieSpellDownload:'Verificació ortogràfica no instal·lada. Voleu descarregar-ho ara?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Icona',title:'Insereix una icona',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Llista numerada',bulletedlist:'Llista de pics',indent:'Augmenta el sagnat',outdent:'Redue
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  del Word',error:'No ha estat possible netejar les dades enganxades degut a un error intern'},pasteText:{button:'Enganxa com a text no formatat',title:'Enganxa com a text no formatat'},templates:{button:'Plantilles',title:'Contingut plantilles',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Reemplaça el contingut actual',selectPromptMsg:"Si us plau, seleccioneu la plantilla per obrir a l'editor<br>(el contingut actual no serà enregistrat):",emptyListMsg:'(No hi ha plantilles definides)'},showBlocks:'Mostra els blocs',stylesCombo:{label:'Estil',panelTitle:'Estils de format',panelTitle1:'Estils de bloc',panelTitle2:'Estils incrustats',panelTitle3:"Estils d'objecte"},format:{label:'Format',panelTitle:'Format',tag_p:'Normal',tag_pre:'Formatejat',tag_address:'Adreça',tag_h1:'Encapçalament 1',tag_h2:'Encapçalament 2',tag_h3:'Encapçalament 3',tag_h4:'Encapçalament 4',tag_h5:'Encapçalament 5',tag_h6:'Encapçalament 6',tag_div:'Normal (DIV)'},div:{title:'Crea un contenidor Div',too
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 WithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Idiomes',dictionariesTab:'Diccionaris',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'Quant a'},about:{title:'Quan al CKEditor',dlgTitle:'Quan al CKEditor',moreInfo:'Per informació sobre llicències visiteu el web:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximitza',minimize:'Minimitza',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Àncora',flash:'Animació Flash',div:'Salt de pàgina',unknown:'Objecte desconegut'},resize:'Arrossegueu per 
 redimensionar',colordialog:{title:'Selecciona el color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Destacat',selected:'Seleccionat',clear:'Neteja'},toolbarCollapse:"Redueix la barra d'eines",toolbarExpand:"Amplia la barra d'eines",bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 "Avançat","validateNumberFailed":"Aquest valor no és un número.","confirmNewPage":"Els canvis en aquest contingut que no es desin es perdran. Esteu segur que voleu carregar una pàgina nova?","confirmCancel":"Algunes opcions s'han canviat. Esteu segur que voleu tancar la finestra de diàleg?","options":"Opcions","target":"Destí","targetNew":"Nova finestra (_blank)","targetTop":"Finestra major (_top)","targetSelf":"Mateixa finestra (_self)","targetParent":"Finestra pare (_parent)","langDirLTR":"D'esquerra a dreta (LTR)","langDirRTL":"De dreta a esquerra (RTL)","styles":"Estil","cssClasses":"Classes del full d'estil","width":"Amplada","height":"Alçada","align":"Alineació","alignLeft":"Ajusta a l'esquerra","alignRight":"Ajusta a la dreta","alignCenter":"Centre","alignTop":"Superior","alignMiddle":"Centre","alignBottom":"Inferior","invalidValue":"Valor no vàlid.","invalidHeight":"L'alçada ha de ser un nombre.","invalidWidth":"L'amplada ha de ser un nombre.","invalidCssLe
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 ":"Nom del marc de destí","targetPopup":"<finestra emergent>","targetPopupName":"Nom finestra popup","title":"Enllaç","toAnchor":"Àncora en aquesta pàgina","toEmail":"Correu electrònic","toUrl":"URL","toolbar":"Insereix/Edita enllaç","type":"Tipus d'enllaç","unlink":"Elimina l'enllaç","upload":"Puja"},"liststyle":{"armenian":"Armenian numbering","bulletedTitle":"Bulleted List Properties","circle":"Circle","decimal":"Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)","decimalLeadingZero":"Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)","disc":"Disc","georgian":"Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)","lowerAlpha":"Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)","lowerGreek":"Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)","lowerRoman":"Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)","none":"None","notset":"<not set>","numberedTitle":"Numbered List Properties","square":"Square","start":"Start","type":"Type","upperAlpha":"Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)","upperRoman":"Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)","validateStartNumber":
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 "Selecciona el caràcter especial","toolbar":"Insereix caràcter especial"},"scayt":{"about":"Quant a l'SCAYT","aboutTab":"Quant a","addWord":"Afegeix una paraula","allCaps":"Ignora paraules en majúscules","dic_create":"Crea","dic_delete":"Elimina","dic_field_name":"Nom del diccionari","dic_info":"Inicialment el diccionari d'usuari s'emmagatzema en una galeta. De totes maneres, les galetes tenen la mida limitada. Quan el diccionari creix massa, llavors el diccionari es pot emmagatzemar al nostre servidor. Per desar el vostre diccionari personal al nostre servidor heu d.'especificar un nom pel diccionari. Si ja heu desat un diccionari, teclegeu si us plau el seu nom i cliqueu el botó de restauració.","dic_rename":"Canvia el nom","dic_restore":"Restaura","dictionariesTab":"Diccionaris","disable":"Deshabilita SCAYT","emptyDic":"El nom del diccionari no hauria d'estar buit.","enable":"Habilitat l'SCAYT","ignore":"Ignora","ignoreAll":"Ignora'ls tots","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignor
 a els noms de domini","langs":"Idiomes","languagesTab":"Idiomes","mixedCase":"Ignora paraules amb majúscules i minúscules","mixedWithDigits":"Ignora paraules amb números ","moreSuggestions":"Més suggerències","opera_title":"No és compatible amb l'Opera","options":"Opcions","optionsTab":"Opcions","title":"Spell Check As You Type","toggle":"Commuta l'SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Estil","panelTitle":"Estils de format","panelTitle1":"Estils de bloc","panelTitle2":"Estils incrustats","panelTitle3":"Estils d'objecte"},"table":{"border":"Mida vora","caption":"Títol","cell":{"menu":"Cel·la","insertBefore":"Insereix abans","insertAfter":"Insereix després","deleteCell":"Suprimeix","merge":"Fusiona","mergeRight":"Fusiona a la dreta","mergeDown":"Fusiona avall","splitHorizontal":"Divideix horitzontalment","splitVertical":"Divideix verticalment","title":"Propietats de la cel·la","cellType":"Tipus de cel·la","rowSpan":"Expansió de files","col
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 Error carregant el servidor: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Verificació ortogràfica no instal·lada. Voleu descarregar-ho ara?","manyChanges":"Verificació ortogràfica: s'han canviat %1 paraules","noChanges":"Verificació ortogràfica: no s'ha canviat cap paraula","noMispell":"Verificació ortogràfica acabada: no hi ha cap paraula mal escrita","noSuggestions":"Cap suggeriment","notAvailable":"El servei no es troba disponible ara.","notInDic":"No és al diccionari","oneChange":"Verificació ortogràfica: s'ha canviat una paraula","progress":"Verificació ortogràfica en curs...","title":"Comprova l'ortografia","toolbar":"Revisa l'ortografia"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/cs.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/cs.js
index 9c152e0..dff26bb 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/cs.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/cs.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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 (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',copyError:'Bezpečnostní nastavení Vašeho prohlížeče nedovolují editoru spustit funkci pro kopírování zvoleného textu do schránky. Prosím zkopírujte zvolený text do schránky pomocí klávesnice (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',pasteMsg:'Do následujícího pole vložte požadovaný obsah pomocí klávesnice (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) a stiskněte <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',securityMsg:'Z důvodů nastavení bezpečnosti Vašeho prohlížeče nemůže editor přistupovat přímo do schránky. Obsah schránky prosím vložte znovu do tohoto okna.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'Jak je vidět, vkládaný text je kopírován z Wordu. Chcete jej před vložením vyčistit?',toolbar:'Vložit z Wordu',title:'Vložit z Wordu',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Vložit jako čistý text',title:'Vložit jako čistý text'},templates:{button:'Šablony',title:'Šablony obsahu',options:'T
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/cy.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/cy.js
index 793c046..094360a 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/cy.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/cy.js
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 wever, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'Ynghylch'},about:{title:'Ynghylch CKEditor',dlgTitle:'Ynghylch CKEditor',moreInfo:"Am wybodaeth ynghylch trwyddedau, ewch i'n gwefan:",copy:'Hawlfraint © $1. Cedwir pob hawl.'},maximize:'Mwyhau',minimize:'Lleihau',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Angor',flash:'Animeiddiant Flash',div:'Toriad Tudalen',unknown:'Gwrthrych Anhysbys'},resize:'Llusgo i ailfeintio',colordialog:{title:'Dewis lliw',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Uwcholeuo',selected:'Dewiswyd',clear:'Clirio'},toolbarCollapse:"Cyfangu'r Bar Offer",toolbarExpand:"Ehangu'r Bar Offer",bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left
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 illafu wedi gorffen: Newidiwyd %1 gair","noChanges":"Gwirio sillafu wedi gorffen: Dim newidiadau","noMispell":"Gwirio sillafu wedi gorffen: Dim camsillaf.","noSuggestions":"- Dim awgrymiadau -","notAvailable":"Nid yw'r gwasanaeth hwn ar gael yn bresennol.","notInDic":"Nid i'w gael yn y geiriadur","oneChange":"Gwirio sillafu wedi gorffen: Newidiwyd 1 gair","progress":"Gwirio sillafu yn ar y gweill...","title":"Gwirio Sillafu","toolbar":"Gwirio Sillafu"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/da.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/da.js
index 5b096be..e51c622 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/da.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/da.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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 placeAll":"Erstat alle","btnUndo":"Tilbage","changeTo":"Forslag","errorLoading":"Fejl ved indlæsning af host: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Stavekontrol ikke installeret. Vil du installere den nu?","manyChanges":"Stavekontrol færdig: %1 ord ændret","noChanges":"Stavekontrol færdig: Ingen ord ændret","noMispell":"Stavekontrol færdig: Ingen fejl fundet","noSuggestions":"(ingen forslag)","notAvailable":"Stavekontrol er desværre ikke tilgængelig.","notInDic":"Ikke i ordbogen","oneChange":"Stavekontrol færdig: Et ord ændret","progress":"Stavekontrollen arbejder...","title":"Stavekontrol","toolbar":"Stavekontrol"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/de.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/de.js
index cc146b3..d97d899 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/de.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/de.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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 s nicht zu, den Text automatisch kopieren. Bitte benutzen Sie die System-Zwischenablage über STRG-C (kopieren).',pasteMsg:'Bitte fügen Sie den Text in der folgenden Box über die Tastatur (mit <STRONG>Strg+V</STRONG>) ein und bestätigen Sie mit <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',securityMsg:'Aufgrund von Sicherheitsbeschränkungen Ihres Browsers kann der Editor nicht direkt auf die Zwischenablage zugreifen. Bitte fügen Sie den Inhalt erneut in diesem Fenster ein.',pasteArea:'Einfügebereich'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'Der Text, den Sie einfügen möchten, scheint aus MS-Word kopiert zu sein. Möchten Sie ihn zuvor bereinigen lassen?',toolbar:'aus MS-Word einfügen',title:'aus MS-Word einfügen',error:'Aufgrund eines internen Fehlers war es nicht möglich die eingefügten Daten zu bereinigen'},pasteText:{button:'Als Text einfügen',title:'Als Text einfügen'},templates:{button:'Vorlagen',title:'Vorlagen',options:'Vorlagen Optionen',insertOption:'Aktuellen Inhalt ersetzen',selectP
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 der Größe begrenzt. Wenn das Benutzerwörterbuch bis zu einem Punkt wächst, wo es nicht mehr in einem Cookie gespeichert werden kann, wird das Benutzerwörterbuch auf dem Server gespeichert. Um Ihr persönliches Wörterbuch auf dem Server zu speichern, müssen Sie einen Namen für das Wörterbuch angeben. Falls  Sie schon ein gespeicherte Wörterbuch haben, geben Sie bitte dessen Namen ein und klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Wiederherstellen.',aboutTab:'Ãœber'},about:{title:'Ãœber CKEditor',dlgTitle:'Ãœber CKEditor',moreInfo:'Für Informationen Liztenzbestimmungen besuchen sie bitte unsere Webseite:',copy:'Copyright © $1. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.'},maximize:'Maximieren',minimize:'Minimieren',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anker',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Seitenumbruch',unknown:'Unbekanntes Objekt'},resize:'Zum Vergrößern ziehen',colordialog:{title:'Farbe wählen',options:'Farbeoptionen',highlight:'Hervorheben',selected:'Ausgewählte Farbe',clear:'Entfernen'},toolbarColl
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 herunterladen?","manyChanges":"Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - %1 Wörter geändert","noChanges":"Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - keine Worte geändert","noMispell":"Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - keine Fehler gefunden","noSuggestions":" - keine Vorschläge - ","notAvailable":"Entschuldigung, aber dieser Dienst steht im Moment nicht zur Verfügung.","notInDic":"Nicht im Wörterbuch","oneChange":"Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - ein Wort geändert","progress":"Rechtschreibprüfung läuft...","title":"Rechtschreibprüfung","toolbar":"Rechtschreibprüfung"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/el.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/el.js
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 ¸Î·ÎºÎµ: Δεν άλλαξαν λέξεις',oneChange:'Ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος ολοκληρώθηκε: Μια λέξη άλλαξε',manyChanges:'Ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος ολοκληρώθηκε: %1 λέξεις άλλαξαν',ieSpellDownload:'Δεν υπάρχει εγκατεστημένος ορθογράφος. Θέλετε να τον κατεβάσετε τώρα;'},smiley:{toolbar:'Smiley',title:'Επιλέξτε ένα Smiley',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Λίστα με Αριθμούς',bulletedlist:'Λίστα με Bullets',indent:'Αύξηση Εσοχής',outdent:'Μείωση Εσοχής',justify:{left:'Στοίχιση Αριστερά',center:'Στοίχιση στο Κέντρο',right:'Στοίχιση Δεξιά',block:'Πλήρης Στοίχιση (Block)'},blockquote:'Block Quote',clipboard:{title:'Επικόλληση',cutError:'Οι ρÏ
 …θμίσεις ασφαλείας του φυλλομετρητή σας δεν επιτρέπουν την επιλεγμένη εργασία αποκοπής. Χρησιμοποιείστε το πληκτρολόγιο (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',copyError:'Οι ρυθμίσεις ασφαλείας του φυλλομετρητή σας δεν επιτρέπουν την επιλεγμένη εργασία αντιγραφής. Χρησιμοποιείστε το πληκτρολόγιο (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',pasteMsg:'Παρακαλώ επικολήστε στο ακόλουθο κουτί χρησιμοποιόντας το πληκτρολόγιο (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) και πατήστε <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',securityMsg:'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copie
 d from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'Επικόλληση από το Word',title:'Επικόλληση από το Word',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Επικόλληση ως Απλό Κείμενο',title:'Επικόλληση ως Απλό Κείμενο'},templates:{button:'Πρότυπα',title:'Πρότυπα περιεχομένου',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Αντικατάσταση υπάρχοντων περιεχομένων',selectPromptMsg:'Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε πρότυπο για εισαγωγή στο πρόγραμμα<br>(τα υπάρχοντα περιεχόμενα θα χαθούν):',emptyListMsg:'(Δεν έχουν καθοριστεί πρότυπα)'},showBlocks:'Show Blocks',stylesCombo:{label:'Στυλ',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Block Styles',panelTitle2:'Inline Styles',panelTitle3:'Object Styles'},fo
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 onary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 a (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',upperAlpha:'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',lowerGreek:'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',decimal:'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',decimalLeadingZero:'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)'},findAndReplace:{title:'Find and Replace',find:'Find',replace:'Replace',findWhat:'Find what:',replaceWith:'Replace with:',notFoundMsg:'The specified text was not found.',matchCase:'Match case',matchWord:'Match whole word',matchCyclic:'Match cyclic',replaceAll:'Replace All',replaceSuccessMsg:'%1 occurrence(s) replaced.'},table:{toolbar:'Table',title:'Table Properties',menu:'Table Properties',deleteTable:'Delete Table',rows:'Rows',columns:'Columns',border:'Border size',align:'Alignment',alignLeft:'Left',alignCenter:'Centre',alignRight:'Right',width:'Width',widthPx:'pixels',widthPc:'percent',widthUnit:'width unit',height:'Height',cellSpace:'Cell spacing',cellPad:'Cell padding',caption:'Caption',summary:'Summary',headers:'Headers',headersNone:'None',headersColumn:
 'First column',headersRow:'First Row',headersBoth:'Both',invalidRows:'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.',invalidCols:'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.',invalidBorder:'Border size must be a number.',invalidWidth:'Table width must be a number.',invalidHeight:'Table height must be a number.',invalidCellSpacing:'Cell spacing must be a number.',invalidCellPadding:'Cell padding must be a number.',cell:{menu:'Cell',insertBefore:'Insert Cell Before',insertAfter:'Insert Cell After',deleteCell:'Delete Cells',merge:'Merge Cells',mergeRight:'Merge Right',mergeDown:'Merge Down',splitHorizontal:'Split Cell Horizontally',splitVertical:'Split Cell Vertically',title:'Cell Properties',cellType:'Cell Type',rowSpan:'Rows Span',colSpan:'Columns Span',wordWrap:'Word Wrap',hAlign:'Horizontal Alignment',vAlign:'Vertical Alignment',alignTop:'Top',alignMiddle:'Middle',alignBottom:'Bottom',alignBaseline:'Baseline',bgColor:'Background Color',borderColor:'Border Color',da
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 w multiple selections',opText:'Text',opValue:'Value',btnAdd:'Add',btnModify:'Modify',btnUp:'Up',btnDown:'Down',btnSetValue:'Set as selected value',btnDelete:'Delete'},textarea:{title:'Textarea Properties',cols:'Columns',rows:'Rows'},textfield:{title:'Text Field Properties',name:'Name',value:'Value',charWidth:'Character Width',maxChars:'Maximum Characters',type:'Type',typeText:'Text',typePass:'Password'},hidden:{title:'Hidden Field Properties',name:'Name',value:'Value'},image:{title:'Image Properties',titleButton:'Image Button Properties',menu:'Image Properties',infoTab:'Image Info',btnUpload:'Send it to the Server',upload:'Upload',alt:'Alternative Text',width:'Width',height:'Height',lockRatio:'Lock Ratio',unlockRatio:'Unlock Ratio',resetSize:'Reset Size',border:'Border',hSpace:'HSpace',vSpace:'VSpace',align:'Align',alignLeft:'Left',alignRight:'Right',alertUrl:'Please type the image URL',linkTab:'Link',button2Img:'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple
  image?',img2Button:'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',urlMissing:'Image source URL is missing.',validateWidth:'Width must be a whole number.',validateHeight:'Height must be a whole number.',validateBorder:'Border must be a whole number.',validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a whole number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a whole number.'},flash:{properties:'Flash Properties',propertiesTab:'Properties',title:'Flash Properties',chkPlay:'Auto Play',chkLoop:'Loop',chkMenu:'Enable Flash Menu',chkFull:'Allow Fullscreen',scale:'Scale',scaleAll:'Show all',scaleNoBorder:'No Border',scaleFit:'Exact Fit',access:'Script Access',accessAlways:'Always',accessSameDomain:'Same domain',accessNever:'Never',align:'Align',alignLeft:'Left',alignAbsBottom:'Abs Bottom',alignAbsMiddle:'Abs Middle',alignBaseline:'Baseline',alignBottom:'Bottom',alignMiddle:'Middle',alignRight:'Right',alignTextTop:'Text Top',alignTop:'Top',quality:'Quality',qualityBest:'Best',qualityHigh:'High'
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 d',noChanges:'Spell check complete: No words changed',oneChange:'Spell check complete: One word changed',manyChanges:'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',ieSpellDownload:'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Smiley',title:'Insert a Smiley',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Insert/Remove Numbered List',bulletedlist:'Insert/Remove Bulleted List',indent:'Increase Indent',outdent:'Decrease Indent',justify:{left:'Left Justify',center:'Centre Justify',right:'Right Justify',block:'Block Justify'},blockquote:'Block Quote',clipboard:{title:'Paste',cutError:"Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).",copyError:"Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).",pasteMsg:'Pl
 ease paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK',securityMsg:'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'Paste from Word',title:'Paste from Word',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Paste as plain text',title:'Paste as Plain Text'},templates:{button:'Templates',title:'Content Templates',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Replace actual contents',selectPromptMsg:'Please select the template to open in the editor',emptyListMsg:'(No templates defined)'},showBlocks:'Show Blocks',stylesCombo:{label:'Styles',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Block Styles',panelTitle2:'Inline Styles',
 panelTitle3:'Object Styles'},format:{label:'Format',panelTitle:'Paragraph Format',tag_p:'Normal',tag_pre:'Formatted',tag_address:'Address',tag_h1:'Heading 1',tag_h2:'Heading 2',tag_h3:'Heading 3',tag_h4:'Heading 4',tag_h5:'Heading 5',tag_h6:'Heading 6',tag_div:'Normal (DIV)'},div:{title:'Create Div Container',toolbar:'Create Div Container',cssClassInputLabel:'Stylesheet Classes',styleSelectLabel:'Style',IdInputLabel:'Id',languageCodeInputLabel:' Language Code',inlineStyleInputLabel:'Inline Style',advisoryTitleInputLabel:'Advisory Title',langDirLabel:'Language Direction',langDirLTRLabel:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTLLabel:'Right to Left (RTL)',edit:'Edit Div',remove:'Remove Div'},font:{label:'Font',voiceLabel:'Font',panelTitle:'Font Name'},fontSize:{label:'Size',voiceLabel:'Font Size',panelTitle:'Font Size'},colorButton:{textColorTitle:'Text Colour',bgColorTitle:'Background Colour',panelTitle:'Colors',auto:'Automatic',more:'More Colours...'},colors:{'000':'Black',800000:'Ma
 roon','8B4513':'Saddle Brown','2F4F4F':'Dark Slate Gray','008080':'Teal','000080':'Navy','4B0082':'Indigo',696969:'Dark Gray',B22222:'Fire Brick',A52A2A:'Brown',DAA520:'Golden Rod','006400':'Dark Green','40E0D0':'Turquoise','0000CD':'Medium Blue',800080:'Purple',808080:'Gray',F00:'Red',FF8C00:'Dark Orange',FFD700:'Gold','008000':'Green','0FF':'Cyan','00F':'Blue',EE82EE:'Violet',A9A9A9:'Dim Gray',FFA07A:'Light Salmon',FFA500:'Orange',FFFF00:'Yellow','00FF00':'Lime',AFEEEE:'Pale Turquoise',ADD8E6:'Light Blue',DDA0DD:'Plum',D3D3D3:'Light Grey',FFF0F5:'Lavender Blush',FAEBD7:'Antique White',FFFFE0:'Light Yellow',F0FFF0:'Honeydew',F0FFFF:'Azure',F0F8FF:'Alice Blue',E6E6FA:'Lavender',FFF:'White'},scayt:{title:'Spell Check As You Type',opera_title:'Not supported by Opera',enable:'Enable SCAYT',disable:'Disable SCAYT',about:'About SCAYT',toggle:'Toggle SCAYT',options:'Options',langs:'Languages',moreSuggestions:'More suggestions',ignore:'Ignore',ignoreAll:'Ignore All',addWord:'Add Wo
 rd',emptyDic:'Dictionary name should not be empty.',optionsTab:'Options',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Languages',dictionariesTab:'Dictionaries',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All 
 rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 Copy","copyError":"Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).","cut":"Cut","cutError":"Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).","paste":"Paste","pasteArea":"Paste Area","pasteMsg":"Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK","securityMsg":"Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.","title":"Paste"},"colorbutton":{"auto":"Automatic","bgColorTitle":"Background Colour","colors":{"000":"Black","800000":"Maroon","8B4513":"Saddle Brown","2F4F4F":"Dark Slate Gray","008080":"Teal","000080":"Navy","4B0082":"Indigo","696969":"Dark Gray","B22222":"Fire Brick","A52A2A":"Brown","DAA520":"Golden Rod","006400":"Dark
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 t Templates"},"contextmenu":{"options":"Context Menu Options"},"div":{"IdInputLabel":"Id","advisoryTitleInputLabel":"Advisory Title","cssClassInputLabel":"Stylesheet Classes","edit":"Edit Div","inlineStyleInputLabel":"Inline Style","langDirLTRLabel":"Left to Right (LTR)","langDirLabel":"Language Direction","langDirRTLLabel":"Right to Left (RTL)","languageCodeInputLabel":" Language Code","remove":"Remove Div","styleSelectLabel":"Style","title":"Create Div Container","toolbar":"Create Div Container"},"toolbar":{"toolbarCollapse":"Collapse Toolbar","toolbarExpand":"Expand Toolbar","toolbarGroups":{"document":"Document","clipboard":"Clipboard/Undo","editing":"Editing","forms":"Forms","basicstyles":"Basic Styles","paragraph":"Paragraph","links":"Links","insert":"Insert","styles":"Styles","colors":"Colors","tools":"Tools"},"toolbars":"Editor toolbars"},"elementspath":{"eleLabel":"Elements path","eleTitle":"%1 element"},"list":{"bulletedlist":"Insert/Remove Bulleted List","numbered
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 L is missing.","vSpace":"VSpace","validateBorder":"Border must be a whole number.","validateHSpace":"HSpace must be a whole number.","validateVSpace":"VSpace must be a whole number."},"smiley":{"options":"Smiley Options","title":"Insert a Smiley","toolbar":"Smiley"},"justify":{"block":"Justify","center":"Centre","left":"Align Left","right":"Align Right"},"link":{"acccessKey":"Access Key","advanced":"Advanced","advisoryContentType":"Advisory Content Type","advisoryTitle":"Advisory Title","anchor":{"toolbar":"Anchor","menu":"Edit Anchor","title":"Anchor Properties","name":"Anchor Name","errorName":"Please type the anchor name","remove":"Remove Anchor"},"anchorId":"By Element Id","anchorName":"By Anchor Name","charset":"Linked Resource Charset","cssClasses":"Stylesheet Classes","emailAddress":"E-Mail Address","emailBody":"Message Body","emailSubject":"Message Subject","id":"Id","info":"Link Info","langCode":"Language Code","langDir":"Language Direction","langDirLTR":"Left to Ri
 ght (LTR)","langDirRTL":"Right to Left (RTL)","menu":"Edit Link","name":"Name","noAnchors":"(No anchors available in the document)","noEmail":"Please type the e-mail address","noUrl":"Please type the link URL","other":"<other>","popupDependent":"Dependent (Netscape)","popupFeatures":"Popup Window Features","popupFullScreen":"Full Screen (IE)","popupLeft":"Left Position","popupLocationBar":"Location Bar","popupMenuBar":"Menu Bar","popupResizable":"Resizable","popupScrollBars":"Scroll Bars","popupStatusBar":"Status Bar","popupToolbar":"Toolbar","popupTop":"Top Position","rel":"Relationship","selectAnchor":"Select an Anchor","styles":"Style","tabIndex":"Tab Index","target":"Target","targetFrame":"<frame>","targetFrameName":"Target Frame Name","targetPopup":"<popup window>","targetPopupName":"Popup Window Name","title":"Link","toAnchor":"Link to anchor in the text","toEmail":"E-mail","toUrl":"URL","toolbar":"Link","type":"Link Type","unlink":"Unlink","upload":"Upload"},"liststyl
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 lain Text"},"pastefromword":{"confirmCleanup":"The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?","error":"It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error","title":"Paste from Word","toolbar":"Paste from Word"},"preview":{"preview":"Preview"},"print":{"toolbar":"Print"},"removeformat":{"toolbar":"Remove Format"},"save":{"toolbar":"Save"},"selectall":{"toolbar":"Select All"},"showblocks":{"toolbar":"Show Blocks"},"sourcearea":{"toolbar":"Source"},"specialchar":{"options":"Special Character Options","title":"Select Special Character","toolbar":"Insert Special Character"},"scayt":{"about":"About SCAYT","aboutTab":"About","addWord":"Add Word","allCaps":"Ignore All-Caps Words","dic_create":"Create","dic_delete":"Delete","dic_field_name":"Dictionary name","dic_info":"Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it can
 not be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.","dic_rename":"Rename","dic_restore":"Restore","dictionariesTab":"Dictionaries","disable":"Disable SCAYT","emptyDic":"Dictionary name should not be empty.","enable":"Enable SCAYT","ignore":"Ignore","ignoreAll":"Ignore All","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignore Domain Names","langs":"Languages","languagesTab":"Languages","mixedCase":"Ignore Words with Mixed Case","mixedWithDigits":"Ignore Words with Numbers","moreSuggestions":"More suggestions","opera_title":"Not supported by Opera","options":"Options","optionsTab":"Options","title":"Spell Check As You Type","toggle":"Toggle SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Styles","panelTitle":"Formatting Styles","panelTitle1":"Block Styles","panelTitle2":"Inline
  Styles","panelTitle3":"Object Styles"},"table":{"border":"Border size","caption":"Caption","cell":{"menu":"Cell","insertBefore":"Insert Cell Before","insertAfter":"Insert Cell After","deleteCell":"Delete Cells","merge":"Merge Cells","mergeRight":"Merge Right","mergeDown":"Merge Down","splitHorizontal":"Split Cell Horizontally","splitVertical":"Split Cell Vertically","title":"Cell Properties","cellType":"Cell Type","rowSpan":"Rows Span","colSpan":"Columns Span","wordWrap":"Word Wrap","hAlign":"Horizontal Alignment","vAlign":"Vertical Alignment","alignBaseline":"Baseline","bgColor":"Background Color","borderColor":"Border Color","data":"Data","header":"Header","yes":"Yes","no":"No","invalidWidth":"Cell width must be a number.","invalidHeight":"Cell height must be a number.","invalidRowSpan":"Rows span must be a whole number.","invalidColSpan":"Columns span must be a whole number.","chooseColor":"Choose"},"cellPad":"Cell padding","cellSpace":"Cell spacing","column":{"menu":"Co
 lumn","insertBefore":"Insert Column Before","insertAfter":"Insert Column After","deleteColumn":"Delete Columns"},"columns":"Columns","deleteTable":"Delete Table","headers":"Headers","headersBoth":"Both","headersColumn":"First column","headersNone":"None","headersRow":"First Row","invalidBorder":"Border size must be a number.","invalidCellPadding":"Cell padding must be a number.","invalidCellSpacing":"Cell spacing must be a number.","invalidCols":"Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.","invalidHeight":"Table height must be a number.","invalidRows":"Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.","invalidWidth":"Table width must be a number.","menu":"Table Properties","row":{"menu":"Row","insertBefore":"Insert Row Before","insertAfter":"Insert Row After","deleteRow":"Delete Rows"},"rows":"Rows","summary":"Summary","title":"Table Properties","toolbar":"Table","widthPc":"percent","widthPx":"pixels","widthUnit":"width unit"},"undo":{"redo":"Redo","undo":"Undo"},"wsc
 ":{"btnIgnore":"Ignore","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignore All","btnReplace":"Replace","btnReplaceAll":"Replace All","btnUndo":"Undo","changeTo":"Change to","errorLoading":"Error loading application service host: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?","manyChanges":"Spell check complete: %1 words changed","noChanges":"Spell check complete: No words changed","noMispell":"Spell check complete: No misspellings found","noSuggestions":"- No suggestions -","notAvailable":"Sorry, but service is unavailable now.","notInDic":"Not in dictionary","oneChange":"Spell check complete: One word changed","progress":"Spell check in progress...","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"Check Spelling"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/en-ca.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/en-ca.js
index a933aa5..5bfd734 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/en-ca.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.lang['en-ca']={dir:'ltr',editorTitle:'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.',toolbar:'Toolbar',editor:'Rich Text Editor',source:'Source',newPage:'New Page',save:'Save',preview:'Preview',cut:'Cut',copy:'Copy',paste:'Paste',print:'Print',underline:'Underline',bold:'Bold',italic:'Italic',selectAll:'Select All',removeFormat:'Remove Format',strike:'Strike Through',subscript:'Subscript',superscript:'Superscript',horizontalrule:'Insert Horizontal Line',pagebreak:'Insert Page Break for Printing',unlink:'Unlink',undo:'Undo',redo:'Redo',common:{browseServer:'Browse Server',url:'URL',protocol:'Protocol',upload:'Upload',uploadSubmit:'Send it to the Server',image:'Image',flash:'Flash',form:'Form',checkbox:'Checkbox',radio:'Radio Button',textField:'Text Field',textarea:'Textarea',hiddenField:'Hidden Field',button:'Button',select:'Selection Field',imageButton:'Image Button',notSet:'<not set>',id:'Id',name:'Name',langDir:'Language Direction',langDirLtr:'Left to Right (LTR)',l
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 acter',options:'Special Character Options'},link:{toolbar:'Link',other:'<other>',menu:'Edit Link',title:'Link',info:'Link Info',target:'Target',upload:'Upload',advanced:'Advanced',type:'Link Type',toUrl:'URL',toAnchor:'Link to anchor in the text',toEmail:'E-mail',targetFrame:'<frame>',targetPopup:'<popup window>',targetFrameName:'Target Frame Name',targetPopupName:'Popup Window Name',popupFeatures:'Popup Window Features',popupResizable:'Resizable',popupStatusBar:'Status Bar',popupLocationBar:'Location Bar',popupToolbar:'Toolbar',popupMenuBar:'Menu Bar',popupFullScreen:'Full Screen (IE)',popupScrollBars:'Scroll Bars',popupDependent:'Dependent (Netscape)',popupWidth:'Width',popupLeft:'Left Position',popupHeight:'Height',popupTop:'Top Position',id:'Id',langDir:'Language Direction',langDirLTR:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTL:'Right to Left (RTL)',acccessKey:'Access Key',name:'Name',langCode:'Language Code',tabIndex:'Tab Index',advisoryTitle:'Advisory Title',advisoryContentType:'
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 a (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',upperAlpha:'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',lowerGreek:'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',decimal:'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',decimalLeadingZero:'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)'},findAndReplace:{title:'Find and Replace',find:'Find',replace:'Replace',findWhat:'Find what:',replaceWith:'Replace with:',notFoundMsg:'The specified text was not found.',matchCase:'Match case',matchWord:'Match whole word',matchCyclic:'Match cyclic',replaceAll:'Replace All',replaceSuccessMsg:'%1 occurrence(s) replaced.'},table:{toolbar:'Table',title:'Table Properties',menu:'Table Properties',deleteTable:'Delete Table',rows:'Rows',columns:'Columns',border:'Border size',align:'Alignment',alignLeft:'Left',alignCenter:'Centre',alignRight:'Right',width:'Width',widthPx:'pixels',widthPc:'percent',widthUnit:'width unit',height:'Height',cellSpace:'Cell spacing',cellPad:'Cell padding',caption:'Caption',summary:'Summary',headers:'Headers',headersNone:'None',headersColumn:
 'First column',headersRow:'First Row',headersBoth:'Both',invalidRows:'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.',invalidCols:'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.',invalidBorder:'Border size must be a number.',invalidWidth:'Table width must be a number.',invalidHeight:'Table height must be a number.',invalidCellSpacing:'Cell spacing must be a number.',invalidCellPadding:'Cell padding must be a number.',cell:{menu:'Cell',insertBefore:'Insert Cell Before',insertAfter:'Insert Cell After',deleteCell:'Delete Cells',merge:'Merge Cells',mergeRight:'Merge Right',mergeDown:'Merge Down',splitHorizontal:'Split Cell Horizontally',splitVertical:'Split Cell Vertically',title:'Cell Properties',cellType:'Cell Type',rowSpan:'Rows Span',colSpan:'Columns Span',wordWrap:'Word Wrap',hAlign:'Horizontal Alignment',vAlign:'Vertical Alignment',alignTop:'Top',alignMiddle:'Middle',alignBottom:'Bottom',alignBaseline:'Baseline',bgColor:'Background Color',borderColor:'Border Color',da
 ta:'Data',header:'Header',yes:'Yes',no:'No',invalidWidth:'Cell width must be a number.',invalidHeight:'Cell height must be a number.',invalidRowSpan:'Rows span must be a whole number.',invalidColSpan:'Columns span must be a whole number.',chooseColor:'Choose'},row:{menu:'Row',insertBefore:'Insert Row Before',insertAfter:'Insert Row After',deleteRow:'Delete Rows'},column:{menu:'Column',insertBefore:'Insert Column Before',insertAfter:'Insert Column After',deleteColumn:'Delete Columns'}},button:{title:'Button Properties',text:'Text (Value)',type:'Type',typeBtn:'Button',typeSbm:'Submit',typeRst:'Reset'},checkboxAndRadio:{checkboxTitle:'Checkbox Properties',radioTitle:'Radio Button Properties',value:'Value',selected:'Selected'},form:{title:'Form Properties',menu:'Form Properties',action:'Action',method:'Method',encoding:'Encoding'},select:{title:'Selection Field Properties',selectInfo:'Select Info',opAvail:'Available Options',value:'Value',size:'Size',lines:'lines',chkMulti:'Allo
 w multiple selections',opText:'Text',opValue:'Value',btnAdd:'Add',btnModify:'Modify',btnUp:'Up',btnDown:'Down',btnSetValue:'Set as selected value',btnDelete:'Delete'},textarea:{title:'Textarea Properties',cols:'Columns',rows:'Rows'},textfield:{title:'Text Field Properties',name:'Name',value:'Value',charWidth:'Character Width',maxChars:'Maximum Characters',type:'Type',typeText:'Text',typePass:'Password'},hidden:{title:'Hidden Field Properties',name:'Name',value:'Value'},image:{title:'Image Properties',titleButton:'Image Button Properties',menu:'Image Properties',infoTab:'Image Info',btnUpload:'Send it to the Server',upload:'Upload',alt:'Alternative Text',width:'Width',height:'Height',lockRatio:'Lock Ratio',unlockRatio:'Unlock Ratio',resetSize:'Reset Size',border:'Border',hSpace:'HSpace',vSpace:'VSpace',align:'Align',alignLeft:'Left',alignRight:'Right',alertUrl:'Please type the image URL',linkTab:'Link',button2Img:'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple
  image?',img2Button:'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',urlMissing:'Image source URL is missing.',validateWidth:'Width must be a whole number.',validateHeight:'Height must be a whole number.',validateBorder:'Border must be a whole number.',validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a whole number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a whole number.'},flash:{properties:'Flash Properties',propertiesTab:'Properties',title:'Flash Properties',chkPlay:'Auto Play',chkLoop:'Loop',chkMenu:'Enable Flash Menu',chkFull:'Allow Fullscreen',scale:'Scale',scaleAll:'Show all',scaleNoBorder:'No Border',scaleFit:'Exact Fit',access:'Script Access',accessAlways:'Always',accessSameDomain:'Same domain',accessNever:'Never',align:'Align',alignLeft:'Left',alignAbsBottom:'Abs Bottom',alignAbsMiddle:'Abs Middle',alignBaseline:'Baseline',alignBottom:'Bottom',alignMiddle:'Middle',alignRight:'Right',alignTextTop:'Text Top',alignTop:'Top',quality:'Quality',qualityBest:'Best',qualityHigh:'High'
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 d',noChanges:'Spell check complete: No words changed',oneChange:'Spell check complete: One word changed',manyChanges:'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',ieSpellDownload:'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Smiley',title:'Insert a Smiley',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Insert/Remove Numbered List',bulletedlist:'Insert/Remove Bulleted List',indent:'Increase Indent',outdent:'Decrease Indent',justify:{left:'Left Justify',center:'Centre Justify',right:'Right Justify',block:'Block Justify'},blockquote:'Block Quote',clipboard:{title:'Paste',cutError:"Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).",copyError:"Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).",pasteMsg:'Pl
 ease paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK',securityMsg:'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'Paste from Word',title:'Paste from Word',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Paste as plain text',title:'Paste as Plain Text'},templates:{button:'Templates',title:'Content Templates',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Replace actual contents',selectPromptMsg:'Please select the template to open in the editor',emptyListMsg:'(No templates defined)'},showBlocks:'Show Blocks',stylesCombo:{label:'Styles',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Block Styles',panelTitle2:'Inline Styles',
 panelTitle3:'Object Styles'},format:{label:'Format',panelTitle:'Paragraph Format',tag_p:'Normal',tag_pre:'Formatted',tag_address:'Address',tag_h1:'Heading 1',tag_h2:'Heading 2',tag_h3:'Heading 3',tag_h4:'Heading 4',tag_h5:'Heading 5',tag_h6:'Heading 6',tag_div:'Normal (DIV)'},div:{title:'Create Div Container',toolbar:'Create Div Container',cssClassInputLabel:'Stylesheet Classes',styleSelectLabel:'Style',IdInputLabel:'Id',languageCodeInputLabel:' Language Code',inlineStyleInputLabel:'Inline Style',advisoryTitleInputLabel:'Advisory Title',langDirLabel:'Language Direction',langDirLTRLabel:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTLLabel:'Right to Left (RTL)',edit:'Edit Div',remove:'Remove Div'},font:{label:'Font',voiceLabel:'Font',panelTitle:'Font Name'},fontSize:{label:'Size',voiceLabel:'Font Size',panelTitle:'Font Size'},colorButton:{textColorTitle:'Text Colour',bgColorTitle:'Background Colour',panelTitle:'Colors',auto:'Automatic',more:'More Colours...'},colors:{'000':'Black',800000:'Ma
 roon','8B4513':'Saddle Brown','2F4F4F':'Dark Slate Gray','008080':'Teal','000080':'Navy','4B0082':'Indigo',696969:'Dark Gray',B22222:'Fire Brick',A52A2A:'Brown',DAA520:'Golden Rod','006400':'Dark Green','40E0D0':'Turquoise','0000CD':'Medium Blue',800080:'Purple',808080:'Gray',F00:'Red',FF8C00:'Dark Orange',FFD700:'Gold','008000':'Green','0FF':'Cyan','00F':'Blue',EE82EE:'Violet',A9A9A9:'Dim Gray',FFA07A:'Light Salmon',FFA500:'Orange',FFFF00:'Yellow','00FF00':'Lime',AFEEEE:'Pale Turquoise',ADD8E6:'Light Blue',DDA0DD:'Plum',D3D3D3:'Light Grey',FFF0F5:'Lavender Blush',FAEBD7:'Antique White',FFFFE0:'Light Yellow',F0FFF0:'Honeydew',F0FFFF:'Azure',F0F8FF:'Alice Blue',E6E6FA:'Lavender',FFF:'White'},scayt:{title:'Spell Check As You Type',opera_title:'Not supported by Opera',enable:'Enable SCAYT',disable:'Disable SCAYT',about:'About SCAYT',toggle:'Toggle SCAYT',options:'Options',langs:'Languages',moreSuggestions:'More suggestions',ignore:'Ignore',ignoreAll:'Ignore All',addWord:'Add Wo
 rd',emptyDic:'Dictionary name should not be empty.',optionsTab:'Options',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Languages',dictionariesTab:'Dictionaries',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All 
 rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
+CKEDITOR.lang['en-ca']={"dir":"ltr","editor":"Rich Text Editor","common":{"editorHelp":"Press ALT 0 for help","browseServer":"Browse Server","url":"URL","protocol":"Protocol","upload":"Upload","uploadSubmit":"Send it to the Server","image":"Image","flash":"Flash","form":"Form","checkbox":"Checkbox","radio":"Radio Button","textField":"Text Field","textarea":"Textarea","hiddenField":"Hidden Field","button":"Button","select":"Selection Field","imageButton":"Image Button","notSet":"<not set>","id":"Id","name":"Name","langDir":"Language Direction","langDirLtr":"Left to Right (LTR)","langDirRtl":"Right to Left (RTL)","langCode":"Language Code","longDescr":"Long Description URL","cssClass":"Stylesheet Classes","advisoryTitle":"Advisory Title","cssStyle":"Style","ok":"OK","cancel":"Cancel","close":"Close","preview":"Preview","resize":"Resize","generalTab":"General","advancedTab":"Advanced","validateNumberFailed":"This value is not a number.","confirmNewPage":"Any unsaved changes to 
 this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?","confirmCancel":"Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?","options":"Options","target":"Target","targetNew":"New Window (_blank)","targetTop":"Topmost Window (_top)","targetSelf":"Same Window (_self)","targetParent":"Parent Window (_parent)","langDirLTR":"Left to Right (LTR)","langDirRTL":"Right to Left (RTL)","styles":"Style","cssClasses":"Stylesheet Classes","width":"Width","height":"Height","align":"Align","alignLeft":"Left","alignRight":"Right","alignCenter":"Centre","alignTop":"Top","alignMiddle":"Middle","alignBottom":"Bottom","invalidValue":"Invalid value.","invalidHeight":"Height must be a number.","invalidWidth":"Width must be a number.","invalidCssLength":"Value specified for the \"%1\" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).","invalidHtmlLength":"Value specified for the \"%1\" field must b
 e a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).","invalidInlineStyle":"Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of \"name : value\", separated by semi-colons.","cssLengthTooltip":"Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).","unavailable":"%1<span class=\"cke_accessibility\">, unavailable</span>"},"about":{"copy":"Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.","dlgTitle":"About CKEditor","help":"Check $1 for help.","moreInfo":"For licensing information please visit our web site:","title":"About CKEditor","userGuide":"CKEditor User's Guide"},"basicstyles":{"bold":"Bold","italic":"Italic","strike":"Strike Through","subscript":"Subscript","superscript":"Superscript","underline":"Underline"},"bidi":{"ltr":"Text direction from left to right","rtl":"Text direction from right to left"},"blockquote":{"toolbar":"Block Quote"},"clipboard":{"copy":"
 Copy","copyError":"Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).","cut":"Cut","cutError":"Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).","paste":"Paste","pasteArea":"Paste Area","pasteMsg":"Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK","securityMsg":"Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.","title":"Paste"},"colorbutton":{"auto":"Automatic","bgColorTitle":"Background Colour","colors":{"000":"Black","800000":"Maroon","8B4513":"Saddle Brown","2F4F4F":"Dark Slate Gray","008080":"Teal","000080":"Navy","4B0082":"Indigo","696969":"Dark Gray","B22222":"Fire Brick","A52A2A":"Brown","DAA520":"Golden Rod","006400":"Dark
  Green","40E0D0":"Turquoise","0000CD":"Medium Blue","800080":"Purple","808080":"Gray","F00":"Red","FF8C00":"Dark Orange","FFD700":"Gold","008000":"Green","0FF":"Cyan","00F":"Blue","EE82EE":"Violet","A9A9A9":"Dim Gray","FFA07A":"Light Salmon","FFA500":"Orange","FFFF00":"Yellow","00FF00":"Lime","AFEEEE":"Pale Turquoise","ADD8E6":"Light Blue","DDA0DD":"Plum","D3D3D3":"Light Grey","FFF0F5":"Lavender Blush","FAEBD7":"Antique White","FFFFE0":"Light Yellow","F0FFF0":"Honeydew","F0FFFF":"Azure","F0F8FF":"Alice Blue","E6E6FA":"Lavender","FFF":"White"},"more":"More Colours...","panelTitle":"Colors","textColorTitle":"Text Colour"},"colordialog":{"clear":"Clear","highlight":"Highlight","options":"Color Options","selected":"Selected Color","title":"Select color"},"templates":{"button":"Templates","emptyListMsg":"(No templates defined)","insertOption":"Replace actual contents","options":"Template Options","selectPromptMsg":"Please select the template to open in the editor","title":"Conten
 t Templates"},"contextmenu":{"options":"Context Menu Options"},"div":{"IdInputLabel":"Id","advisoryTitleInputLabel":"Advisory Title","cssClassInputLabel":"Stylesheet Classes","edit":"Edit Div","inlineStyleInputLabel":"Inline Style","langDirLTRLabel":"Left to Right (LTR)","langDirLabel":"Language Direction","langDirRTLLabel":"Right to Left (RTL)","languageCodeInputLabel":" Language Code","remove":"Remove Div","styleSelectLabel":"Style","title":"Create Div Container","toolbar":"Create Div Container"},"toolbar":{"toolbarCollapse":"Collapse Toolbar","toolbarExpand":"Expand Toolbar","toolbarGroups":{"document":"Document","clipboard":"Clipboard/Undo","editing":"Editing","forms":"Forms","basicstyles":"Basic Styles","paragraph":"Paragraph","links":"Links","insert":"Insert","styles":"Styles","colors":"Colors","tools":"Tools"},"toolbars":"Editor toolbars"},"elementspath":{"eleLabel":"Elements path","eleTitle":"%1 element"},"list":{"bulletedlist":"Insert/Remove Bulleted List","numbered
 list":"Insert/Remove Numbered List"},"indent":{"indent":"Increase Indent","outdent":"Decrease Indent"},"find":{"find":"Find","findOptions":"Find Options","findWhat":"Find what:","matchCase":"Match case","matchCyclic":"Match cyclic","matchWord":"Match whole word","notFoundMsg":"The specified text was not found.","replace":"Replace","replaceAll":"Replace All","replaceSuccessMsg":"%1 occurrence(s) replaced.","replaceWith":"Replace with:","title":"Find and Replace"},"fakeobjects":{"anchor":"Anchor","flash":"Flash Animation","hiddenfield":"Hidden Field","iframe":"IFrame","unknown":"Unknown Object"},"flash":{"access":"Script Access","accessAlways":"Always","accessNever":"Never","accessSameDomain":"Same domain","alignAbsBottom":"Abs Bottom","alignAbsMiddle":"Abs Middle","alignBaseline":"Baseline","alignTextTop":"Text Top","bgcolor":"Background colour","chkFull":"Allow Fullscreen","chkLoop":"Loop","chkMenu":"Enable Flash Menu","chkPlay":"Auto Play","flashvars":"Variables for Flash",
 "hSpace":"HSpace","properties":"Flash Properties","propertiesTab":"Properties","quality":"Quality","qualityAutoHigh":"Auto High","qualityAutoLow":"Auto Low","qualityBest":"Best","qualityHigh":"High","qualityLow":"Low","qualityMedium":"Medium","scale":"Scale","scaleAll":"Show all","scaleFit":"Exact Fit","scaleNoBorder":"No Border","title":"Flash Properties","vSpace":"VSpace","validateHSpace":"HSpace must be a number.","validateSrc":"URL must not be empty.","validateVSpace":"VSpace must be a number.","windowMode":"Window mode","windowModeOpaque":"Opaque","windowModeTransparent":"Transparent","windowModeWindow":"Window"},"font":{"fontSize":{"label":"Size","voiceLabel":"Font Size","panelTitle":"Font Size"},"label":"Font","panelTitle":"Font Name","voiceLabel":"Font"},"forms":{"button":{"title":"Button Properties","text":"Text (Value)","type":"Type","typeBtn":"Button","typeSbm":"Submit","typeRst":"Reset"},"checkboxAndRadio":{"checkboxTitle":"Checkbox Properties","radioTitle":"Radi
 o Button Properties","value":"Value","selected":"Selected"},"form":{"title":"Form Properties","menu":"Form Properties","action":"Action","method":"Method","encoding":"Encoding"},"hidden":{"title":"Hidden Field Properties","name":"Name","value":"Value"},"select":{"title":"Selection Field Properties","selectInfo":"Select Info","opAvail":"Available Options","value":"Value","size":"Size","lines":"lines","chkMulti":"Allow multiple selections","opText":"Text","opValue":"Value","btnAdd":"Add","btnModify":"Modify","btnUp":"Up","btnDown":"Down","btnSetValue":"Set as selected value","btnDelete":"Delete"},"textarea":{"title":"Textarea Properties","cols":"Columns","rows":"Rows"},"textfield":{"title":"Text Field Properties","name":"Name","value":"Value","charWidth":"Character Width","maxChars":"Maximum Characters","type":"Type","typeText":"Text","typePass":"Password","typeEmail":"Email","typeSearch":"Search","typeTel":"Telephone Number","typeUrl":"URL"}},"format":{"label":"Format","panel
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 L is missing.","vSpace":"VSpace","validateBorder":"Border must be a whole number.","validateHSpace":"HSpace must be a whole number.","validateVSpace":"VSpace must be a whole number."},"smiley":{"options":"Smiley Options","title":"Insert a Smiley","toolbar":"Smiley"},"justify":{"block":"Justify","center":"Centre","left":"Align Left","right":"Align Right"},"link":{"acccessKey":"Access Key","advanced":"Advanced","advisoryContentType":"Advisory Content Type","advisoryTitle":"Advisory Title","anchor":{"toolbar":"Anchor","menu":"Edit Anchor","title":"Anchor Properties","name":"Anchor Name","errorName":"Please type the anchor name","remove":"Remove Anchor"},"anchorId":"By Element Id","anchorName":"By Anchor Name","charset":"Linked Resource Charset","cssClasses":"Stylesheet Classes","emailAddress":"E-Mail Address","emailBody":"Message Body","emailSubject":"Message Subject","id":"Id","info":"Link Info","langCode":"Language Code","langDir":"Language Direction","langDirLTR":"Left to Ri
 ght (LTR)","langDirRTL":"Right to Left (RTL)","menu":"Edit Link","name":"Name","noAnchors":"(No anchors available in the document)","noEmail":"Please type the e-mail address","noUrl":"Please type the link URL","other":"<other>","popupDependent":"Dependent (Netscape)","popupFeatures":"Popup Window Features","popupFullScreen":"Full Screen (IE)","popupLeft":"Left Position","popupLocationBar":"Location Bar","popupMenuBar":"Menu Bar","popupResizable":"Resizable","popupScrollBars":"Scroll Bars","popupStatusBar":"Status Bar","popupToolbar":"Toolbar","popupTop":"Top Position","rel":"Relationship","selectAnchor":"Select an Anchor","styles":"Style","tabIndex":"Tab Index","target":"Target","targetFrame":"<frame>","targetFrameName":"Target Frame Name","targetPopup":"<popup window>","targetPopupName":"Popup Window Name","title":"Link","toAnchor":"Link to anchor in the text","toEmail":"E-mail","toUrl":"URL","toolbar":"Link","type":"Link Type","unlink":"Unlink","upload":"Upload"},"liststyl
 e":{"armenian":"Armenian numbering","bulletedTitle":"Bulleted List Properties","circle":"Circle","decimal":"Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)","decimalLeadingZero":"Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)","disc":"Disc","georgian":"Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)","lowerAlpha":"Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)","lowerGreek":"Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)","lowerRoman":"Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)","none":"None","notset":"<not set>","numberedTitle":"Numbered List Properties","square":"Square","start":"Start","type":"Type","upperAlpha":"Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)","upperRoman":"Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)","validateStartNumber":"List start number must be a whole number."},"magicline":{"title":"Insert paragraph here"},"maximize":{"maximize":"Maximize","minimize":"Minimize"},"newpage":{"toolbar":"New Page"},"pagebreak":{"alt":"Page Break","toolbar":"Insert Page Break for Printing"},"pastetext":{"button":"Paste as plain text","title":"Paste as P
 lain Text"},"pastefromword":{"confirmCleanup":"The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?","error":"It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error","title":"Paste from Word","toolbar":"Paste from Word"},"preview":{"preview":"Preview"},"print":{"toolbar":"Print"},"removeformat":{"toolbar":"Remove Format"},"save":{"toolbar":"Save"},"selectall":{"toolbar":"Select All"},"showblocks":{"toolbar":"Show Blocks"},"sourcearea":{"toolbar":"Source"},"specialchar":{"options":"Special Character Options","title":"Select Special Character","toolbar":"Insert Special Character"},"scayt":{"about":"About SCAYT","aboutTab":"About","addWord":"Add Word","allCaps":"Ignore All-Caps Words","dic_create":"Create","dic_delete":"Delete","dic_field_name":"Dictionary name","dic_info":"Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it can
 not be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.","dic_rename":"Rename","dic_restore":"Restore","dictionariesTab":"Dictionaries","disable":"Disable SCAYT","emptyDic":"Dictionary name should not be empty.","enable":"Enable SCAYT","ignore":"Ignore","ignoreAll":"Ignore All","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignore Domain Names","langs":"Languages","languagesTab":"Languages","mixedCase":"Ignore Words with Mixed Case","mixedWithDigits":"Ignore Words with Numbers","moreSuggestions":"More suggestions","opera_title":"Not supported by Opera","options":"Options","optionsTab":"Options","title":"Spell Check As You Type","toggle":"Toggle SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Styles","panelTitle":"Formatting Styles","panelTitle1":"Block Styles","panelTitle2":"Inline
  Styles","panelTitle3":"Object Styles"},"table":{"border":"Border size","caption":"Caption","cell":{"menu":"Cell","insertBefore":"Insert Cell Before","insertAfter":"Insert Cell After","deleteCell":"Delete Cells","merge":"Merge Cells","mergeRight":"Merge Right","mergeDown":"Merge Down","splitHorizontal":"Split Cell Horizontally","splitVertical":"Split Cell Vertically","title":"Cell Properties","cellType":"Cell Type","rowSpan":"Rows Span","colSpan":"Columns Span","wordWrap":"Word Wrap","hAlign":"Horizontal Alignment","vAlign":"Vertical Alignment","alignBaseline":"Baseline","bgColor":"Background Color","borderColor":"Border Color","data":"Data","header":"Header","yes":"Yes","no":"No","invalidWidth":"Cell width must be a number.","invalidHeight":"Cell height must be a number.","invalidRowSpan":"Rows span must be a whole number.","invalidColSpan":"Columns span must be a whole number.","chooseColor":"Choose"},"cellPad":"Cell padding","cellSpace":"Cell spacing","column":{"menu":"Co
 lumn","insertBefore":"Insert Column Before","insertAfter":"Insert Column After","deleteColumn":"Delete Columns"},"columns":"Columns","deleteTable":"Delete Table","headers":"Headers","headersBoth":"Both","headersColumn":"First column","headersNone":"None","headersRow":"First Row","invalidBorder":"Border size must be a number.","invalidCellPadding":"Cell padding must be a number.","invalidCellSpacing":"Cell spacing must be a number.","invalidCols":"Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.","invalidHeight":"Table height must be a number.","invalidRows":"Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.","invalidWidth":"Table width must be a number.","menu":"Table Properties","row":{"menu":"Row","insertBefore":"Insert Row Before","insertAfter":"Insert Row After","deleteRow":"Delete Rows"},"rows":"Rows","summary":"Summary","title":"Table Properties","toolbar":"Table","widthPc":"percent","widthPx":"pixels","widthUnit":"width unit"},"undo":{"redo":"Redo","undo":"Undo"},"wsc
 ":{"btnIgnore":"Ignore","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignore All","btnReplace":"Replace","btnReplaceAll":"Replace All","btnUndo":"Undo","changeTo":"Change to","errorLoading":"Error loading application service host: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?","manyChanges":"Spell check complete: %1 words changed","noChanges":"Spell check complete: No words changed","noMispell":"Spell check complete: No misspellings found","noSuggestions":"- No suggestions -","notAvailable":"Sorry, but service is unavailable now.","notInDic":"Not in dictionary","oneChange":"Spell check complete: One word changed","progress":"Spell check in progress...","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"Check Spelling"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/en-gb.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/en-gb.js
index f1c0c38..261b432 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/en-gb.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.lang['en-gb']={dir:'ltr',editorTitle:'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.',toolbar:'Toolbar',editor:'Rich Text Editor',source:'Source',newPage:'New Page',save:'Save',preview:'Preview',cut:'Cut',copy:'Copy',paste:'Paste',print:'Print',underline:'Underline',bold:'Bold',italic:'Italic',selectAll:'Select All',removeFormat:'Remove Format',strike:'Strike Through',subscript:'Subscript',superscript:'Superscript',horizontalrule:'Insert Horizontal Line',pagebreak:'Insert Page Break for Printing',unlink:'Unlink',undo:'Undo',redo:'Redo',common:{browseServer:'Browse Server',url:'URL',protocol:'Protocol',upload:'Upload',uploadSubmit:'Send it to the Server',image:'Image',flash:'Flash',form:'Form',checkbox:'Checkbox',radio:'Radio Button',textField:'Text Field',textarea:'Textarea',hiddenField:'Hidden Field',button:'Button',select:'Selection Field',imageButton:'Image Button',notSet:'<not set>',id:'Id',name:'Name',langDir:'Language Direction',langDirLtr:'Left to Right (LTR)',l
 angDirRtl:'Right to Left (RTL)',langCode:'Language Code',longDescr:'Long Description URL',cssClass:'Stylesheet Classes',advisoryTitle:'Advisory Title',cssStyle:'Style',ok:'OK',cancel:'Cancel',close:'Close',preview:'Preview',generalTab:'General',advancedTab:'Advanced',validateNumberFailed:'This value is not a number.',confirmNewPage:'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?',confirmCancel:'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?',options:'Options',target:'Target',targetNew:'New Window (_blank)',targetTop:'Topmost Window (_top)',targetSelf:'Same Window (_self)',targetParent:'Parent Window (_parent)',langDirLTR:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTL:'Right to Left (RTL)',styles:'Style',cssClasses:'Stylesheet Classes',unavailable:'%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>'},contextmenu:{options:'Context Menu Options'},specialChar:{toolbar:'Insert Special Character',title:'Select Special Char
 acter',options:'Special Character Options'},link:{toolbar:'Link',other:'<other>',menu:'Edit Link',title:'Link',info:'Link Info',target:'Target',upload:'Upload',advanced:'Advanced',type:'Link Type',toUrl:'URL',toAnchor:'Link to anchor in the text',toEmail:'E-mail',targetFrame:'<frame>',targetPopup:'<popup window>',targetFrameName:'Target Frame Name',targetPopupName:'Popup Window Name',popupFeatures:'Popup Window Features',popupResizable:'Resizable',popupStatusBar:'Status Bar',popupLocationBar:'Location Bar',popupToolbar:'Toolbar',popupMenuBar:'Menu Bar',popupFullScreen:'Full Screen (IE)',popupScrollBars:'Scroll Bars',popupDependent:'Dependent (Netscape)',popupWidth:'Width',popupLeft:'Left Position',popupHeight:'Height',popupTop:'Top Position',id:'Id',langDir:'Language Direction',langDirLTR:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTL:'Right to Left (RTL)',acccessKey:'Access Key',name:'Name',langCode:'Language Code',tabIndex:'Tab Index',advisoryTitle:'Advisory Title',advisoryContentType:'
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 a (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',upperAlpha:'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',lowerGreek:'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',decimal:'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',decimalLeadingZero:'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)'},findAndReplace:{title:'Find and Replace',find:'Find',replace:'Replace',findWhat:'Find what:',replaceWith:'Replace with:',notFoundMsg:'The specified text was not found.',matchCase:'Match case',matchWord:'Match whole word',matchCyclic:'Match cyclic',replaceAll:'Replace All',replaceSuccessMsg:'%1 occurrence(s) replaced.'},table:{toolbar:'Table',title:'Table Properties',menu:'Table Properties',deleteTable:'Delete Table',rows:'Rows',columns:'Columns',border:'Border size',align:'Alignment',alignLeft:'Left',alignCenter:'Centre',alignRight:'Right',width:'Width',widthPx:'pixels',widthPc:'percent',widthUnit:'width unit',height:'Height',cellSpace:'Cell spacing',cellPad:'Cell padding',caption:'Caption',summary:'Summary',headers:'Headers',headersNone:'None',headersColumn:
 'First column',headersRow:'First Row',headersBoth:'Both',invalidRows:'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.',invalidCols:'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.',invalidBorder:'Border size must be a number.',invalidWidth:'Table width must be a number.',invalidHeight:'Table height must be a number.',invalidCellSpacing:'Cell spacing must be a number.',invalidCellPadding:'Cell padding must be a number.',cell:{menu:'Cell',insertBefore:'Insert Cell Before',insertAfter:'Insert Cell After',deleteCell:'Delete Cells',merge:'Merge Cells',mergeRight:'Merge Right',mergeDown:'Merge Down',splitHorizontal:'Split Cell Horizontally',splitVertical:'Split Cell Vertically',title:'Cell Properties',cellType:'Cell Type',rowSpan:'Rows Span',colSpan:'Columns Span',wordWrap:'Word Wrap',hAlign:'Horizontal Alignment',vAlign:'Vertical Alignment',alignTop:'Top',alignMiddle:'Middle',alignBottom:'Bottom',alignBaseline:'Baseline',bgColor:'Background Color',borderColor:'Border Color',da
 ta:'Data',header:'Header',yes:'Yes',no:'No',invalidWidth:'Cell width must be a number.',invalidHeight:'Cell height must be a number.',invalidRowSpan:'Rows span must be a whole number.',invalidColSpan:'Columns span must be a whole number.',chooseColor:'Choose'},row:{menu:'Row',insertBefore:'Insert Row Before',insertAfter:'Insert Row After',deleteRow:'Delete Rows'},column:{menu:'Column',insertBefore:'Insert Column Before',insertAfter:'Insert Column After',deleteColumn:'Delete Columns'}},button:{title:'Button Properties',text:'Text (Value)',type:'Type',typeBtn:'Button',typeSbm:'Submit',typeRst:'Reset'},checkboxAndRadio:{checkboxTitle:'Checkbox Properties',radioTitle:'Radio Button Properties',value:'Value',selected:'Selected'},form:{title:'Form Properties',menu:'Form Properties',action:'Action',method:'Method',encoding:'Encoding'},select:{title:'Selection Field Properties',selectInfo:'Select Info',opAvail:'Available Options',value:'Value',size:'Size',lines:'lines',chkMulti:'Allo
 w multiple selections',opText:'Text',opValue:'Value',btnAdd:'Add',btnModify:'Modify',btnUp:'Up',btnDown:'Down',btnSetValue:'Set as selected value',btnDelete:'Delete'},textarea:{title:'Textarea Properties',cols:'Columns',rows:'Rows'},textfield:{title:'Text Field Properties',name:'Name',value:'Value',charWidth:'Character Width',maxChars:'Maximum Characters',type:'Type',typeText:'Text',typePass:'Password'},hidden:{title:'Hidden Field Properties',name:'Name',value:'Value'},image:{title:'Image Properties',titleButton:'Image Button Properties',menu:'Image Properties',infoTab:'Image Info',btnUpload:'Send it to the Server',upload:'Upload',alt:'Alternative Text',width:'Width',height:'Height',lockRatio:'Lock Ratio',unlockRatio:'Unlock Ratio',resetSize:'Reset Size',border:'Border',hSpace:'HSpace',vSpace:'VSpace',align:'Align',alignLeft:'Left',alignRight:'Right',alertUrl:'Please type the image URL',linkTab:'Link',button2Img:'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple
  image?',img2Button:'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',urlMissing:'Image source URL is missing.',validateWidth:'Width must be a whole number.',validateHeight:'Height must be a whole number.',validateBorder:'Border must be a whole number.',validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a whole number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a whole number.'},flash:{properties:'Flash Properties',propertiesTab:'Properties',title:'Flash Properties',chkPlay:'Auto Play',chkLoop:'Loop',chkMenu:'Enable Flash Menu',chkFull:'Allow Fullscreen',scale:'Scale',scaleAll:'Show all',scaleNoBorder:'No Border',scaleFit:'Exact Fit',access:'Script Access',accessAlways:'Always',accessSameDomain:'Same domain',accessNever:'Never',align:'Align',alignLeft:'Left',alignAbsBottom:'Abs Bottom',alignAbsMiddle:'Abs Middle',alignBaseline:'Baseline',alignBottom:'Bottom',alignMiddle:'Middle',alignRight:'Right',alignTextTop:'Text Top',alignTop:'Top',quality:'Quality',qualityBest:'Best',qualityHigh:'High'
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 d',noChanges:'Spell check complete: No words changed',oneChange:'Spell check complete: One word changed',manyChanges:'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',ieSpellDownload:'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Smiley',title:'Insert a Smiley',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Insert/Remove Numbered List',bulletedlist:'Insert/Remove Bulleted List',indent:'Increase Indent',outdent:'Decrease Indent',justify:{left:'Left Justify',center:'Centre Justify',right:'Right Justify',block:'Block Justify'},blockquote:'Block Quote',clipboard:{title:'Paste',cutError:"Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).",copyError:"Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).",pasteMsg:'Pl
 ease paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK',securityMsg:'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'Paste from Word',title:'Paste from Word',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Paste as plain text',title:'Paste as Plain Text'},templates:{button:'Templates',title:'Content Templates',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Replace actual contents',selectPromptMsg:'Please select the template to open in the editor',emptyListMsg:'(No templates defined)'},showBlocks:'Show Blocks',stylesCombo:{label:'Styles',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Block Styles',panelTitle2:'Inline Styles',
 panelTitle3:'Object Styles'},format:{label:'Format',panelTitle:'Paragraph Format',tag_p:'Normal',tag_pre:'Formatted',tag_address:'Address',tag_h1:'Heading 1',tag_h2:'Heading 2',tag_h3:'Heading 3',tag_h4:'Heading 4',tag_h5:'Heading 5',tag_h6:'Heading 6',tag_div:'Normal (DIV)'},div:{title:'Create Div Container',toolbar:'Create Div Container',cssClassInputLabel:'Stylesheet Classes',styleSelectLabel:'Style',IdInputLabel:'Id',languageCodeInputLabel:' Language Code',inlineStyleInputLabel:'Inline Style',advisoryTitleInputLabel:'Advisory Title',langDirLabel:'Language Direction',langDirLTRLabel:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTLLabel:'Right to Left (RTL)',edit:'Edit Div',remove:'Remove Div'},font:{label:'Font',voiceLabel:'Font',panelTitle:'Font Name'},fontSize:{label:'Size',voiceLabel:'Font Size',panelTitle:'Font Size'},colorButton:{textColorTitle:'Text Colour',bgColorTitle:'Background Colour',panelTitle:'Colors',auto:'Automatic',more:'More Colours...'},colors:{'000':'Black',800000:'Ma
 roon','8B4513':'Saddle Brown','2F4F4F':'Dark Slate Gray','008080':'Teal','000080':'Navy','4B0082':'Indigo',696969:'Dark Gray',B22222:'Fire Brick',A52A2A:'Brown',DAA520:'Golden Rod','006400':'Dark Green','40E0D0':'Turquoise','0000CD':'Medium Blue',800080:'Purple',808080:'Gray',F00:'Red',FF8C00:'Dark Orange',FFD700:'Gold','008000':'Green','0FF':'Cyan','00F':'Blue',EE82EE:'Violet',A9A9A9:'Dim Gray',FFA07A:'Light Salmon',FFA500:'Orange',FFFF00:'Yellow','00FF00':'Lime',AFEEEE:'Pale Turquoise',ADD8E6:'Light Blue',DDA0DD:'Plum',D3D3D3:'Light Grey',FFF0F5:'Lavender Blush',FAEBD7:'Antique White',FFFFE0:'Light Yellow',F0FFF0:'Honeydew',F0FFFF:'Azure',F0F8FF:'Alice Blue',E6E6FA:'Lavender',FFF:'White'},scayt:{title:'Spell Check As You Type',opera_title:'Not supported by Opera',enable:'Enable SCAYT',disable:'Disable SCAYT',about:'About SCAYT',toggle:'Toggle SCAYT',options:'Options',langs:'Languages',moreSuggestions:'More suggestions',ignore:'Ignore',ignoreAll:'Ignore All',addWord:'Add Wo
 rd',emptyDic:'Dictionary name should not be empty.',optionsTab:'Options',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Languages',dictionariesTab:'Dictionaries',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All 
 rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
+CKEDITOR.lang['en-gb']={"dir":"ltr","editor":"Rich Text Editor","common":{"editorHelp":"Press ALT 0 for help","browseServer":"Browse Server","url":"URL","protocol":"Protocol","upload":"Upload","uploadSubmit":"Send it to the Server","image":"Image","flash":"Flash","form":"Form","checkbox":"Checkbox","radio":"Radio Button","textField":"Text Field","textarea":"Textarea","hiddenField":"Hidden Field","button":"Button","select":"Selection Field","imageButton":"Image Button","notSet":"<not set>","id":"Id","name":"Name","langDir":"Language Direction","langDirLtr":"Left to Right (LTR)","langDirRtl":"Right to Left (RTL)","langCode":"Language Code","longDescr":"Long Description URL","cssClass":"Stylesheet Classes","advisoryTitle":"Advisory Title","cssStyle":"Style","ok":"OK","cancel":"Cancel","close":"Close","preview":"Preview","resize":"Drag to resize","generalTab":"General","advancedTab":"Advanced","validateNumberFailed":"This value is not a number.","confirmNewPage":"Any unsaved cha
 nges to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?","confirmCancel":"Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?","options":"Options","target":"Target","targetNew":"New Window (_blank)","targetTop":"Topmost Window (_top)","targetSelf":"Same Window (_self)","targetParent":"Parent Window (_parent)","langDirLTR":"Left to Right (LTR)","langDirRTL":"Right to Left (RTL)","styles":"Style","cssClasses":"Stylesheet Classes","width":"Width","height":"Height","align":"Align","alignLeft":"Left","alignRight":"Right","alignCenter":"Centre","alignTop":"Top","alignMiddle":"Middle","alignBottom":"Bottom","invalidValue":"Invalid value.","invalidHeight":"Height must be a number.","invalidWidth":"Width must be a number.","invalidCssLength":"Value specified for the \"%1\" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).","invalidHtmlLength":"Value specified for the \"%1\" fiel
 d must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).","invalidInlineStyle":"Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of \"name : value\", separated by semi-colons.","cssLengthTooltip":"Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).","unavailable":"%1<span class=\"cke_accessibility\">, unavailable</span>"},"about":{"copy":"Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.","dlgTitle":"About CKEditor","help":"Check $1 for help.","moreInfo":"For licensing information please visit our web site:","title":"About CKEditor","userGuide":"CKEditor User's Guide"},"basicstyles":{"bold":"Bold","italic":"Italic","strike":"Strike Through","subscript":"Subscript","superscript":"Superscript","underline":"Underline"},"bidi":{"ltr":"Text direction from left to right","rtl":"Text direction from right to left"},"blockquote":{"toolbar":"Block Quote"},"clipboard":{
 "copy":"Copy","copyError":"Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).","cut":"Cut","cutError":"Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).","paste":"Paste","pasteArea":"Paste Area","pasteMsg":"Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK","securityMsg":"Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.","title":"Paste"},"colorbutton":{"auto":"Automatic","bgColorTitle":"Background Colour","colors":{"000":"Black","800000":"Maroon","8B4513":"Saddle Brown","2F4F4F":"Dark Slate Grey","008080":"Teal","000080":"Navy","4B0082":"Indigo","696969":"Dark Grey","B22222":"Fire Brick","A52A2A":"Brown","DAA520":"Golden Rod","00640
 0":"Dark Green","40E0D0":"Turquoise","0000CD":"Medium Blue","800080":"Purple","808080":"Grey","F00":"Red","FF8C00":"Dark Orange","FFD700":"Gold","008000":"Green","0FF":"Cyan","00F":"Blue","EE82EE":"Violet","A9A9A9":"Dim Grey","FFA07A":"Light Salmon","FFA500":"Orange","FFFF00":"Yellow","00FF00":"Lime","AFEEEE":"Pale Turquoise","ADD8E6":"Light Blue","DDA0DD":"Plum","D3D3D3":"Light Grey","FFF0F5":"Lavender Blush","FAEBD7":"Antique White","FFFFE0":"Light Yellow","F0FFF0":"Honeydew","F0FFFF":"Azure","F0F8FF":"Alice Blue","E6E6FA":"Lavender","FFF":"White"},"more":"More Colours...","panelTitle":"Colours","textColorTitle":"Text Colour"},"colordialog":{"clear":"Clear","highlight":"Highlight","options":"Colour Options","selected":"Selected Colour","title":"Select colour"},"templates":{"button":"Templates","emptyListMsg":"(No templates defined)","insertOption":"Replace actual contents","options":"Template Options","selectPromptMsg":"Please select the template to open in the editor","ti
 tle":"Content Templates"},"contextmenu":{"options":"Context Menu Options"},"div":{"IdInputLabel":"Id","advisoryTitleInputLabel":"Advisory Title","cssClassInputLabel":"Stylesheet Classes","edit":"Edit Div","inlineStyleInputLabel":"Inline Style","langDirLTRLabel":"Left to Right (LTR)","langDirLabel":"Language Direction","langDirRTLLabel":"Right to Left (RTL)","languageCodeInputLabel":" Language Code","remove":"Remove Div","styleSelectLabel":"Style","title":"Create Div Container","toolbar":"Create Div Container"},"toolbar":{"toolbarCollapse":"Collapse Toolbar","toolbarExpand":"Expand Toolbar","toolbarGroups":{"document":"Document","clipboard":"Clipboard/Undo","editing":"Editing","forms":"Forms","basicstyles":"Basic Styles","paragraph":"Paragraph","links":"Links","insert":"Insert","styles":"Styles","colors":"Colors","tools":"Tools"},"toolbars":"Editor toolbars"},"elementspath":{"eleLabel":"Elements path","eleTitle":"%1 element"},"list":{"bulletedlist":"Insert/Remove Bulleted Lis
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 ge source URL is missing.","vSpace":"VSpace","validateBorder":"Border must be a whole number.","validateHSpace":"HSpace must be a whole number.","validateVSpace":"VSpace must be a whole number."},"smiley":{"options":"Smiley Options","title":"Insert a Smiley","toolbar":"Smiley"},"justify":{"block":"Justify","center":"Centre","left":"Align Left","right":"Align Right"},"link":{"acccessKey":"Access Key","advanced":"Advanced","advisoryContentType":"Advisory Content Type","advisoryTitle":"Advisory Title","anchor":{"toolbar":"Anchor","menu":"Edit Anchor","title":"Anchor Properties","name":"Anchor Name","errorName":"Please type the anchor name","remove":"Remove Anchor"},"anchorId":"By Element Id","anchorName":"By Anchor Name","charset":"Linked Resource Charset","cssClasses":"Stylesheet Classes","emailAddress":"E-Mail Address","emailBody":"Message Body","emailSubject":"Message Subject","id":"Id","info":"Link Info","langCode":"Language Code","langDir":"Language Direction","langDirLTR"
 :"Left to Right (LTR)","langDirRTL":"Right to Left (RTL)","menu":"Edit Link","name":"Name","noAnchors":"(No anchors available in the document)","noEmail":"Please type the e-mail address","noUrl":"Please type the link URL","other":"<other>","popupDependent":"Dependent (Netscape)","popupFeatures":"Popup Window Features","popupFullScreen":"Full Screen (IE)","popupLeft":"Left Position","popupLocationBar":"Location Bar","popupMenuBar":"Menu Bar","popupResizable":"Resizable","popupScrollBars":"Scroll Bars","popupStatusBar":"Status Bar","popupToolbar":"Toolbar","popupTop":"Top Position","rel":"Relationship","selectAnchor":"Select an Anchor","styles":"Style","tabIndex":"Tab Index","target":"Target","targetFrame":"<frame>","targetFrameName":"Target Frame Name","targetPopup":"<popup window>","targetPopupName":"Popup Window Name","title":"Link","toAnchor":"Link to anchor in the text","toEmail":"E-mail","toUrl":"URL","toolbar":"Link","type":"Link Type","unlink":"Unlink","upload":"Upload
 "},"liststyle":{"armenian":"Armenian numbering","bulletedTitle":"Bulleted List Properties","circle":"Circle","decimal":"Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)","decimalLeadingZero":"Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)","disc":"Disc","georgian":"Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)","lowerAlpha":"Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)","lowerGreek":"Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)","lowerRoman":"Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)","none":"None","notset":"<not set>","numberedTitle":"Numbered List Properties","square":"Square","start":"Start","type":"Type","upperAlpha":"Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)","upperRoman":"Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)","validateStartNumber":"List start number must be a whole number."},"magicline":{"title":"Insert paragraph here"},"maximize":{"maximize":"Maximise","minimize":"Minimise"},"newpage":{"toolbar":"New Page"},"pagebreak":{"alt":"Page Break","toolbar":"Insert Page Break for Printing"},"pastetext":{"button":"Paste as plain text","title"
 :"Paste as Plain Text"},"pastefromword":{"confirmCleanup":"The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?","error":"It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error","title":"Paste from Word","toolbar":"Paste from Word"},"preview":{"preview":"Preview"},"print":{"toolbar":"Print"},"removeformat":{"toolbar":"Remove Format"},"save":{"toolbar":"Save"},"selectall":{"toolbar":"Select All"},"showblocks":{"toolbar":"Show Blocks"},"sourcearea":{"toolbar":"Source"},"specialchar":{"options":"Special Character Options","title":"Select Special Character","toolbar":"Insert Special Character"},"scayt":{"about":"About SCAYT","aboutTab":"About","addWord":"Add Word","allCaps":"Ignore All-Caps Words","dic_create":"Create","dic_delete":"Delete","dic_field_name":"Dictionary name","dic_info":"Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point 
 where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.","dic_rename":"Rename","dic_restore":"Restore","dictionariesTab":"Dictionaries","disable":"Disable SCAYT","emptyDic":"Dictionary name should not be empty.","enable":"Enable SCAYT","ignore":"Ignore","ignoreAll":"Ignore All","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignore Domain Names","langs":"Languages","languagesTab":"Languages","mixedCase":"Ignore Words with Mixed Case","mixedWithDigits":"Ignore Words with Numbers","moreSuggestions":"More suggestions","opera_title":"Not supported by Opera","options":"Options","optionsTab":"Options","title":"Spell Check As You Type","toggle":"Toggle SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Styles","panelTitle":"Formatting Styles","panelTitle1":"Block Styles","panelTit
 le2":"Inline Styles","panelTitle3":"Object Styles"},"table":{"border":"Border size","caption":"Caption","cell":{"menu":"Cell","insertBefore":"Insert Cell Before","insertAfter":"Insert Cell After","deleteCell":"Delete Cells","merge":"Merge Cells","mergeRight":"Merge Right","mergeDown":"Merge Down","splitHorizontal":"Split Cell Horizontally","splitVertical":"Split Cell Vertically","title":"Cell Properties","cellType":"Cell Type","rowSpan":"Rows Span","colSpan":"Columns Span","wordWrap":"Word Wrap","hAlign":"Horizontal Alignment","vAlign":"Vertical Alignment","alignBaseline":"Baseline","bgColor":"Background Color","borderColor":"Border Color","data":"Data","header":"Header","yes":"Yes","no":"No","invalidWidth":"Cell width must be a number.","invalidHeight":"Cell height must be a number.","invalidRowSpan":"Rows span must be a whole number.","invalidColSpan":"Columns span must be a whole number.","chooseColor":"Choose"},"cellPad":"Cell padding","cellSpace":"Cell spacing","column"
 :{"menu":"Column","insertBefore":"Insert Column Before","insertAfter":"Insert Column After","deleteColumn":"Delete Columns"},"columns":"Columns","deleteTable":"Delete Table","headers":"Headers","headersBoth":"Both","headersColumn":"First column","headersNone":"None","headersRow":"First Row","invalidBorder":"Border size must be a number.","invalidCellPadding":"Cell padding must be a number.","invalidCellSpacing":"Cell spacing must be a number.","invalidCols":"Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.","invalidHeight":"Table height must be a number.","invalidRows":"Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.","invalidWidth":"Table width must be a number.","menu":"Table Properties","row":{"menu":"Row","insertBefore":"Insert Row Before","insertAfter":"Insert Row After","deleteRow":"Delete Rows"},"rows":"Rows","summary":"Summary","title":"Table Properties","toolbar":"Table","widthPc":"percent","widthPx":"pixels","widthUnit":"width unit"},"undo":{"redo":"Redo","undo":
 "Undo"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Ignore","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignore All","btnReplace":"Replace","btnReplaceAll":"Replace All","btnUndo":"Undo","changeTo":"Change to","errorLoading":"Error loading application service host: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?","manyChanges":"Spell check complete: %1 words changed","noChanges":"Spell check complete: No words changed","noMispell":"Spell check complete: No misspellings found","noSuggestions":"- No suggestions -","notAvailable":"Sorry, but service is unavailable now.","notInDic":"Not in dictionary","oneChange":"Spell check complete: One word changed","progress":"Spell check in progress...","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"Check Spelling"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/en.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/en.js
index 62bffbb..cfbf4bb 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/en.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/en.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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 b, c, d, e, etc.)',upperAlpha:'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',lowerGreek:'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',decimal:'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',decimalLeadingZero:'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)'},findAndReplace:{title:'Find and Replace',find:'Find',replace:'Replace',findWhat:'Find what:',replaceWith:'Replace with:',notFoundMsg:'The specified text was not found.',matchCase:'Match case',matchWord:'Match whole word',matchCyclic:'Match cyclic',replaceAll:'Replace All',replaceSuccessMsg:'%1 occurrence(s) replaced.'},table:{toolbar:'Table',title:'Table Properties',menu:'Table Properties',deleteTable:'Delete Table',rows:'Rows',columns:'Columns',border:'Border size',align:'Alignment',alignLeft:'Left',alignCenter:'Center',alignRight:'Right',width:'Width',widthPx:'pixels',widthPc:'percent',widthUnit:'width unit',height:'Height',cellSpace:'Cell spacing',cellPad:'Cell padding',caption:'Caption',summary:'Summary',headers:'Headers',headersNone:'None',headersColumn:'First
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 ?',img2Button:'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',urlMissing:'Image source URL is missing.',validateWidth:'Width must be a whole number.',validateHeight:'Height must be a whole number.',validateBorder:'Border must be a whole number.',validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a whole number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a whole number.'},flash:{properties:'Flash Properties',propertiesTab:'Properties',title:'Flash Properties',chkPlay:'Auto Play',chkLoop:'Loop',chkMenu:'Enable Flash Menu',chkFull:'Allow Fullscreen',scale:'Scale',scaleAll:'Show all',scaleNoBorder:'No Border',scaleFit:'Exact Fit',access:'Script Access',accessAlways:'Always',accessSameDomain:'Same domain',accessNever:'Never',align:'Align',alignLeft:'Left',alignAbsBottom:'Abs Bottom',alignAbsMiddle:'Abs Middle',alignBaseline:'Baseline',alignBottom:'Bottom',alignMiddle:'Middle',alignRight:'Right',alignTextTop:'Text Top',alignTop:'Top',quality:'Quality',qualityBest:'Best',qualityHigh:'High',quali
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 anges:'Spell check complete: No words changed',oneChange:'Spell check complete: One word changed',manyChanges:'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',ieSpellDownload:'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Smiley',title:'Insert a Smiley',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Insert/Remove Numbered List',bulletedlist:'Insert/Remove Bulleted List',indent:'Increase Indent',outdent:'Decrease Indent',justify:{left:'Left Justify',center:'Center Justify',right:'Right Justify',block:'Block Justify'},blockquote:'Block Quote',clipboard:{title:'Paste',cutError:"Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).",copyError:"Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).",pasteMsg:'Please pa
 ste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK',securityMsg:'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'Paste from Word',title:'Paste from Word',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Paste as plain text',title:'Paste as Plain Text'},templates:{button:'Templates',title:'Content Templates',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Replace actual contents',selectPromptMsg:'Please select the template to open in the editor',emptyListMsg:'(No templates defined)'},showBlocks:'Show Blocks',stylesCombo:{label:'Styles',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Block Styles',panelTitle2:'Inline Styles',panelTi
 tle3:'Object Styles'},format:{label:'Format',panelTitle:'Paragraph Format',tag_p:'Normal',tag_pre:'Formatted',tag_address:'Address',tag_h1:'Heading 1',tag_h2:'Heading 2',tag_h3:'Heading 3',tag_h4:'Heading 4',tag_h5:'Heading 5',tag_h6:'Heading 6',tag_div:'Normal (DIV)'},div:{title:'Create Div Container',toolbar:'Create Div Container',cssClassInputLabel:'Stylesheet Classes',styleSelectLabel:'Style',IdInputLabel:'Id',languageCodeInputLabel:' Language Code',inlineStyleInputLabel:'Inline Style',advisoryTitleInputLabel:'Advisory Title',langDirLabel:'Language Direction',langDirLTRLabel:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTLLabel:'Right to Left (RTL)',edit:'Edit Div',remove:'Remove Div'},font:{label:'Font',voiceLabel:'Font',panelTitle:'Font Name'},fontSize:{label:'Size',voiceLabel:'Font Size',panelTitle:'Font Size'},colorButton:{textColorTitle:'Text Color',bgColorTitle:'Background Color',panelTitle:'Colors',auto:'Automatic',more:'More Colors...'},colors:{'000':'Black',800000:'Maroon','8B4
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 erved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 s missing.","vSpace":"VSpace","validateBorder":"Border must be a whole number.","validateHSpace":"HSpace must be a whole number.","validateVSpace":"VSpace must be a whole number."},"smiley":{"options":"Smiley Options","title":"Insert a Smiley","toolbar":"Smiley"},"justify":{"block":"Justify","center":"Center","left":"Align Left","right":"Align Right"},"link":{"acccessKey":"Access Key","advanced":"Advanced","advisoryContentType":"Advisory Content Type","advisoryTitle":"Advisory Title","anchor":{"toolbar":"Anchor","menu":"Edit Anchor","title":"Anchor Properties","name":"Anchor Name","errorName":"Please type the anchor name","remove":"Remove Anchor"},"anchorId":"By Element Id","anchorName":"By Anchor Name","charset":"Linked Resource Charset","cssClasses":"Stylesheet Classes","emailAddress":"E-Mail Address","emailBody":"Message Body","emailSubject":"Message Subject","id":"Id","info":"Link Info","langCode":"Language Code","langDir":"Language Direction","langDirLTR":"Left to Right
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  be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.","dic_rename":"Rename","dic_restore":"Restore","dictionariesTab":"Dictionaries","disable":"Disable SCAYT","emptyDic":"Dictionary name should not be empty.","enable":"Enable SCAYT","ignore":"Ignore","ignoreAll":"Ignore All","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignore Domain Names","langs":"Languages","languagesTab":"Languages","mixedCase":"Ignore Words with Mixed Case","mixedWithDigits":"Ignore Words with Numbers","moreSuggestions":"More suggestions","opera_title":"Not supported by Opera","options":"Options","optionsTab":"Options","title":"Spell Check As You Type","toggle":"Toggle SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Styles","panelTitle":"Formatting Styles","panelTitle1":"Block Styles","panelTitle2":"Inline St
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 n","insertBefore":"Insert Column Before","insertAfter":"Insert Column After","deleteColumn":"Delete Columns"},"columns":"Columns","deleteTable":"Delete Table","headers":"Headers","headersBoth":"Both","headersColumn":"First column","headersNone":"None","headersRow":"First Row","invalidBorder":"Border size must be a number.","invalidCellPadding":"Cell padding must be a positive number.","invalidCellSpacing":"Cell spacing must be a positive number.","invalidCols":"Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.","invalidHeight":"Table height must be a number.","invalidRows":"Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.","invalidWidth":"Table width must be a number.","menu":"Table Properties","row":{"menu":"Row","insertBefore":"Insert Row Before","insertAfter":"Insert Row After","deleteRow":"Delete Rows"},"rows":"Rows","summary":"Summary","title":"Table Properties","toolbar":"Table","widthPc":"percent","widthPx":"pixels","widthUnit":"width unit"},"undo":{"redo":"Redo","und
 o":"Undo"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Ignore","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignore All","btnReplace":"Replace","btnReplaceAll":"Replace All","btnUndo":"Undo","changeTo":"Change to","errorLoading":"Error loading application service host: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?","manyChanges":"Spell check complete: %1 words changed","noChanges":"Spell check complete: No words changed","noMispell":"Spell check complete: No misspellings found","noSuggestions":"- No suggestions -","notAvailable":"Sorry, but service is unavailable now.","notInDic":"Not in dictionary","oneChange":"Spell check complete: One word changed","progress":"Spell check in progress...","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"Check Spelling"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/eo.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/eo.js
index f34e329..cb5f68a 100644
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+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/eo.js
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 g (an, ban, gan, etc.)',lowerRoman:'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',upperRoman:'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',lowerAlpha:'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',upperAlpha:'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',lowerGreek:'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',decimal:'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',decimalLeadingZero:'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)'},findAndReplace:{title:'Find and Replace',find:'Serĉi',replace:'Anstataŭigi',findWhat:'Serĉi:',replaceWith:'Anstataŭigi per:',notFoundMsg:'La celteksto ne estas trovita.',matchCase:'Kongruigi Usklecon',matchWord:'Tuta Vorto',matchCyclic:'Match cyclic',replaceAll:'Anstataŭigi Ĉiun',replaceSuccessMsg:'%1 occurrence(s) replaced.'},table:{toolbar:'Tabelo',title:'Atributoj de Tabelo',menu:'Atributoj de Tabelo',deleteTable:'Delete Table',rows:'Linioj',columns:'Kolumnoj',border:'Bordero',align:'Ĝisrandigo',alignLeft:'Maldekstre',alignCenter:'Centre',alignRight:'Dekstre',width:'Larĝo',widthPx:'Bitbilderoj',widthPc:
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 ,menu:'Formularaj Atributoj',action:'Ago',method:'Metodo',encoding:'Encoding'},select:{title:'Atributoj de Elekta Kampo',selectInfo:'Select Info',opAvail:'Elektoj Disponeblaj',value:'Valoro',size:'Grando',lines:'Linioj',chkMulti:'Permesi Plurajn Elektojn',opText:'Teksto',opValue:'Valoro',btnAdd:'Aldoni',btnModify:'Modifi',btnUp:'Supren',btnDown:'Malsupren',btnSetValue:'Agordi kiel Elektitan Valoron',btnDelete:'Forigi'},textarea:{title:'Atributoj de Teksta Areo',cols:'Kolumnoj',rows:'Vicoj'},textfield:{title:'Atributoj de Teksta Kampo',name:'Nomo',value:'Valoro',charWidth:'Signolarĝo',maxChars:'Maksimuma Nombro da Signoj',type:'Tipo',typeText:'Teksto',typePass:'Pasvorto'},hidden:{title:'Atributoj de Kaŝita Kampo',name:'Nomo',value:'Valoro'},image:{title:'Atributoj de Bildo',titleButton:'Bildbutonaj Atributoj',menu:'Atributoj de Bildo',infoTab:'Informoj pri Bildo',btnUpload:'Sendu al Servilo',upload:'Alŝuti',alt:'Anstataŭiga Teksto',width:'Larĝo',height:'Alto',lockRatio:'
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 n:'Interglui kiel Tekston',title:'Interglui kiel Tekston'},templates:{button:'Templates',title:'Content Templates',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Replace actual contents',selectPromptMsg:'Please select the template to open in the editor',emptyListMsg:'(No templates defined)'},showBlocks:'Show Blocks',stylesCombo:{label:'Stilo',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Block Styles',panelTitle2:'Inline Styles',panelTitle3:'Object Styles'},format:{label:'Formato',panelTitle:'Formato',tag_p:'Normala',tag_pre:'Formatita',tag_address:'Adreso',tag_h1:'Titolo 1',tag_h2:'Titolo 2',tag_h3:'Titolo 3',tag_h4:'Titolo 4',tag_h5:'Titolo 5',tag_h6:'Titolo 6',tag_div:'Paragrafo (DIV)'},div:{title:'Create Div Container',toolbar:'Create Div Container',cssClassInputLabel:'Stylesheet Classes',styleSelectLabel:'Style',IdInputLabel:'Id',languageCodeInputLabel:' Language Code',inlineStyleInputLabel:'Inline Style',advisoryTitleInputLabel:'Advisory Title',langDirLabel:'Language Direction
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 ie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 n kuketo. Tamen la kuketgrando estas limigita. Kiam la vortaro de la uzanto atingas grandon, kiu ne plu ebligas konservi ĝin en kuketo, tiam la vortaro povas esti konservata en niaj serviloj. Por konservi vian personan vortaron en nian servilon, vi devas indiki nomon por tiu vortaro. Se vi jam havas konservitan vortaron, bonvolu entajpi ties nomon kaj alklaki la restaŭrbutonon.","dic_rename":"Renomi","dic_restore":"Restaŭri","dictionariesTab":"Vortaroj","disable":"Malebligi OKDVT","emptyDic":"La vortaronomo ne devus esti malplena.","enable":"Ebligi OKDVT","ignore":"Ignori","ignoreAll":"Ignori ĉion","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignori domajnajn nomojn","langs":"Lingvoj","languagesTab":"Lingvoj","mixedCase":"Ignori vortojn kun miksa uskleco","mixedWithDigits":"Ignori vortojn kun nombroj","moreSuggestions":"Pli da sugestoj","opera_title":"Ne subportata de Opera","options":"Opcioj","optionsTab":"Opcioj","title":"OrtografiKontrolado Dum Vi Tajpas (OKDVT)","toggle":"Baskuligi OKDVT","
 noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Stiloj","panelTitle":"Stiloj pri enpaĝigo","panelTitle1":"Stiloj de blokoj","panelTitle2":"Enliniaj Stiloj","panelTitle3":"Stiloj de objektoj"},"table":{"border":"Bordero","caption":"Tabeltitolo","cell":{"menu":"Ĉelo","insertBefore":"Enmeti Ĉelon Antaŭ","insertAfter":"Enmeti Ĉelon Post","deleteCell":"Forigi la Ĉelojn","merge":"Kunfandi la Ĉelojn","mergeRight":"Kunfandi dekstren","mergeDown":"Kunfandi malsupren ","splitHorizontal":"Horizontale dividi","splitVertical":"Vertikale dividi","title":"Ĉelatributoj","cellType":"Ĉeltipo","rowSpan":"Kunfando de linioj","colSpan":"Kunfando de kolumnoj","wordWrap":"Cezuro","hAlign":"Horizontala ĝisrandigo","vAlign":"Vertikala ĝisrandigo","alignBaseline":"Malsupro de la teksto","bgColor":"Fonkoloro","borderColor":"Borderkoloro","data":"Datenoj","header":"Supra paĝotitolo","yes":"Jes","no":"No","invalidWidth":"Ĉellarĝo devas esti nombro.","invalidHeight":"Ĉelalto devas 
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  nombro.","menu":"Atributoj de Tabelo","row":{"menu":"Linio","insertBefore":"Enmeti linion antaŭ","insertAfter":"Enmeti linion post","deleteRow":"Forigi Liniojn"},"rows":"Linioj","summary":"Resumo","title":"Atributoj de Tabelo","toolbar":"Tabelo","widthPc":"elcentoj","widthPx":"Rastrumeroj","widthUnit":"unuo de larĝo"},"undo":{"redo":"Refari","undo":"Malfari"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Ignori","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignori Ĉion","btnReplace":"Anstataŭigi","btnReplaceAll":"Anstataŭigi Ĉion","btnUndo":"Malfari","changeTo":"Ŝanĝi al","errorLoading":"Eraro en la servoelŝuto el la gastiga komputiko: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Ortografikontrolilo ne instalita. Ĉu vi volas elŝuti ĝin nun?","manyChanges":"Ortografikontrolado finita: %1 vortoj korektitaj","noChanges":"Ortografikontrolado finita: neniu vorto korektita","noMispell":"Ortografikontrolado finita: neniu eraro trovita","noSuggestions":"- Neniu propono -","notAvailable":"Bedaŭrinde la servo ne funkcias nuntempe.","notInDic":"Ne
  trovita en la vortaro","oneChange":"Ortografikontrolado finita: unu vorto korektita","progress":"La ortografio estas kontrolata...","title":"Kontroli la ortografion","toolbar":"Kontroli la ortografion"}};
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/et.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/et.js
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 ary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 irja kontrollija ei ole paigaldatud. Soovid sa selle alla laadida?","manyChanges":"Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: %1 sõna muudetud","noChanges":"Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: ühtegi sõna ei muudetud","noMispell":"Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: õigekirjuvigu ei leitud","noSuggestions":"- Soovitused puuduvad -","notAvailable":"Kahjuks ei ole teenus praegu saadaval.","notInDic":"Puudub sõnastikust","oneChange":"Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: üks sõna muudeti","progress":"Toimub õigekirja kontroll...","title":"Õigekirjakontroll","toolbar":"Õigekirjakontroll"}};
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/eu.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/eu.js
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  arteko tartea","column":{"menu":"Zutabea","insertBefore":"Txertatu Zutabea Aurretik","insertAfter":"Txertatu Zutabea Ostean","deleteColumn":"Ezabatu Zutabeak"},"columns":"Zutabeak","deleteTable":"Ezabatu Taula","headers":"Goiburuak","headersBoth":"Biak","headersColumn":"Lehen zutabea","headersNone":"Bat ere ez","headersRow":"Lehen lerroa","invalidBorder":"Ertzaren tamaina zenbaki bat izan behar da.","invalidCellPadding":"Gelaxken betegarria zenbaki bat izan behar da.","invalidCellSpacing":"Gelaxka arteko tartea zenbaki bat izan behar da.","invalidCols":"Zutabe kopurua 0 baino handiagoa den zenbakia izan behar da.","invalidHeight":"Taularen altuera zenbaki bat izan behar da.","invalidRows":"Lerro kopurua 0 baino handiagoa den zenbakia izan behar da.","invalidWidth":"Taularen zabalera zenbaki bat izan behar da.","menu":"Taularen Ezaugarriak","row":{"menu":"Lerroa","insertBefore":"Txertatu Lerroa Aurretik","insertAfter":"Txertatu Lerroa Ostean","deleteRow":"Ezabatu Lerroak"},"
 rows":"Lerroak","summary":"Laburpena","title":"Taularen Ezaugarriak","toolbar":"Taula","widthPc":"ehuneko","widthPx":"pixel","widthUnit":"width unit"},"undo":{"redo":"Berregin","undo":"Desegin"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Ezikusi","btnIgnoreAll":"Denak Ezikusi","btnReplace":"Ordezkatu","btnReplaceAll":"Denak Ordezkatu","btnUndo":"Desegin","changeTo":"Honekin ordezkatu","errorLoading":"Errorea gertatu da aplikazioa zerbitzaritik kargatzean: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Zuzentzaile ortografikoa ez dago instalatuta. Deskargatu nahi duzu?","manyChanges":"Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: %1 hitz aldatu dira","noChanges":"Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: Ez da ezer aldatu","noMispell":"Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: Akatsik ez","noSuggestions":"- Iradokizunik ez -","notAvailable":"Barkatu baina momentu honetan zerbitzua ez dago erabilgarri.","notInDic":"Ez dago hiztegian","oneChange":"Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: Hitz bat aldatu da","progress":"Zuzenketa ortografikoa martxan...","title"
 :"Ortografia zuzenketa","toolbar":"Ortografia"}};
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/fa.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/fa.js
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 nt to transform the selected image button on a simple image?',img2Button:'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',urlMissing:'Image source URL is missing.',validateWidth:'Width must be a whole number.',validateHeight:'Height must be a whole number.',validateBorder:'Border must be a whole number.',validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a whole number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a whole number.'},flash:{properties:'ویژگیهای Flash',propertiesTab:'Properties',title:'ویژگیهای Flash',chkPlay:'آغاز ِخودکار',chkLoop:'اجرای پیاپی',chkMenu:'دردسترسبودن منوی Flash',chkFull:'Allow Fullscreen',scale:'مقیاس',scaleAll:'نمایش همه',scaleNoBorder:'بدون کران',scaleFit:'جایگیری کامل',access:'Script Access',accessAlways:'Always',accessSameDomain:'Same domain',accessNever:'Never',align:'چینش',alignLeft:'چپ',alignAbsBottom:'پائین مطلق',alignAbsMiddle:'وسط مطلق',alignBaseli
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 †Ø§Ù…Ù‡ یافت نشد',changeTo:'تغییر به',btnIgnore:'چشمپوشی',btnIgnoreAll:'چشمپوشی همه',btnReplace:'جایگزینی',btnReplaceAll:'جایگزینی همه',btnUndo:'واچینش',noSuggestions:'- پیشنهادی نیست -',progress:'بررسی املا در حال انجام...',noMispell:'بررسی املا انجام شد. هیچ غلطاملائی یافت نشد',noChanges:'بررسی املا انجام شد. هیچ واژهای تغییر نیافت',oneChange:'بررسی املا انجام شد. یک واژه تغییر یافت',manyChanges:'بررسی املا انجام شد. %1 واژه تغییر یافت',ieSpellDownload:'بررسیکنندهٴ املا نصب نشده است. آیا میخواهید آن را هماکنون دریافت کنید؟'},smiley:{toolbar:'خندانک',title:'گنجاندن خندانک',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'فهرست Ø
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 د و <STRONG>پذیرش</STRONG> را بزنید.',securityMsg:'به خاطر تنظیمات امنیتی مرورگر شما، ویرایشگر نمیتواند دسترسی مستقیم به دادههای clipboard داشته باشد. شما باید دوباره آنرا در این پنجره بچسبانید.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'چسباندن از Word',title:'چسباندن از Word',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'چسباندن به عنوان متن ِساده',title:'چسباندن به عنوان متن ِساده'},templates:{button:'الگوها',title:'الگوهای محتویات',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'محتویات کنونی جایگزین شوند',selectPromptMsg:'لطفا الگوی موردنظر را برای بازکر
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/fi.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/fi.js
index 8055be5..709b68b 100644
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+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/fi.js
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  mahdu evästeeseen, sanakirja täytyy tallentaa palvelimellemme. Tallentaaksesi sanakirjasi palvelimellemme tulee sinun antaa sille nimi. Jos olet jo tallentanut sanakirjan, anna sen nimi ja klikkaa Palauta-painiketta","dic_rename":"Nimeä uudelleen","dic_restore":"Palauta","dictionariesTab":"Sanakirjat","disable":"Poista käytöstä oikoluku kirjoitetaessa","emptyDic":"Sanakirjan nimi on annettava.","enable":"Ota käyttöön oikoluku kirjoitettaessa","ignore":"Ohita","ignoreAll":"Ohita kaikki","ignoreDomainNames":"Ohita verkkotunnukset","langs":"Kielet","languagesTab":"Kielet","mixedCase":"Ohita sanat, joissa on sekoitettu isoja ja pieniä kirjaimia","mixedWithDigits":"Ohita sanat, joissa on numeroita","moreSuggestions":"Lisää ehdotuksia","opera_title":"Opera ei tue tätä ominaisuutta","options":"Asetukset","optionsTab":"Asetukset","title":"Oikolue kirjoitettaessa","toggle":"Vaihda oikoluku kirjoittaessa tilaa","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Ty
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 nu":"Rivi","insertBefore":"Lisää rivi yläpuolelle","insertAfter":"Lisää rivi alapuolelle","deleteRow":"Poista rivit"},"rows":"Rivit","summary":"Yhteenveto","title":"Taulun ominaisuudet","toolbar":"Taulu","widthPc":"prosenttia","widthPx":"pikseliä","widthUnit":"leveysyksikkö"},"undo":{"redo":"Toista","undo":"Kumoa"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Jätä huomioimatta","btnIgnoreAll":"Jätä kaikki huomioimatta","btnReplace":"Korvaa","btnReplaceAll":"Korvaa kaikki","btnUndo":"Kumoa","changeTo":"Vaihda","errorLoading":"Virhe ladattaessa oikolukupalvelua isännältä: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistusta ei ole asennettu. Haluatko ladata sen nyt?","manyChanges":"Tarkistus valmis: %1 sanaa muutettiin","noChanges":"Tarkistus valmis: Yhtään sanaa ei muutettu","noMispell":"Tarkistus valmis: Ei virheitä","noSuggestions":"Ei ehdotuksia","notAvailable":"Valitettavasti oikoluku ei ole käytössä tällä hetkellä.","notInDic":"Ei sanakirjassa","oneChange":"Tarkistus val
 mis: Yksi sana muutettiin","progress":"Tarkistus käynnissä...","title":"Oikoluku","toolbar":"Tarkista oikeinkirjoitus"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/fo.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/fo.js
index b120944..7353427 100644
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+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/fo.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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 idateVSpace:'VSpace má vera eitt heiltal.'},flash:{properties:'Flash eginleikar',propertiesTab:'Eginleikar',title:'Flash eginleikar',chkPlay:'Avspælingin byrjar sjálv',chkLoop:'Endurspæl',chkMenu:'Ger Flash skrá virkna',chkFull:'Loyv fullan skerm',scale:'Skalering',scaleAll:'Vís alt',scaleNoBorder:'Eingin bordi',scaleFit:'Neyv skalering',access:'Script atgongd',accessAlways:'Altíð',accessSameDomain:'Sama navnaøki',accessNever:'Ongantíð',align:'Justering',alignLeft:'Vinstra',alignAbsBottom:'Abs botnur',alignAbsMiddle:'Abs miðja',alignBaseline:'Basislinja',alignBottom:'Botnur',alignMiddle:'Miðja',alignRight:'Høgra',alignTextTop:'Tekst toppur',alignTop:'Ovast',quality:'Góðska',qualityBest:'Besta',qualityHigh:'Høg',qualityAutoHigh:'Auto høg',qualityMedium:'Meðal',qualityAutoLow:'Auto Lág',qualityLow:'Lág',windowModeWindow:'Window',windowModeOpaque:'Ikki transparent',windowModeTransparent:'Transparent',windowMode:'Window mode',flashvars:'Variablar fyri Flash'
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 pellDownload:'Rættstavarin er ikki tøkur í tekstviðgeranum. Vilt tú heinta hann nú?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Smiley',title:'Vel Smiley',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Slóð til elementir',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Talmerktur listi',bulletedlist:'Punktmerktur listi',indent:'Økja reglubrotarinntriv',outdent:'Minka reglubrotarinntriv',justify:{left:'Vinstrasett',center:'Miðsett',right:'Høgrasett',block:'Javnir tekstkantar'},blockquote:'Blockquote',clipboard:{title:'Innrita',cutError:'Trygdaruppseting alnótskagans forðar tekstviðgeranum í at kvetta tekstin. Vinarliga nýt knappaborðið til at kvetta tekstin (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',copyError:'Trygdaruppseting alnótskagans forðar tekstviðgeranum í at avrita tekstin. Vinarliga nýt knappaborðið til at avrita tekstin (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',pasteMsg:'Vinarliga koyr tekstin í hendan rútin við knappaborðinum (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) og klikk á <strong>Góðtak</strong>.',securityMsg:'Trygdaruppseti
 ng alnótskagans forðar tekstviðgeranum í beinleiðis atgongd til avritingarminnið. Tygum mugu royna aftur í hesum rútinum.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'Teksturin, tú roynir at seta inn, sýnist at stava frá Word. Skal teksturin reinsast fyrst?',toolbar:'Innrita frá Word',title:'Innrita frá Word',error:'Tað eyðnaðist ikki at reinsa tekstin vegna ein internan feil'},pasteText:{button:'Innrita som reinan tekst',title:'Innrita som reinan tekst'},templates:{button:'Skabelónir',title:'Innihaldsskabelónir',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Yvirskriva núverandi innihald',selectPromptMsg:'Vinarliga vel ta skabelón, ið skal opnast í tekstviðgeranum<br>(Hetta yvirskrivar núverandi innihald):',emptyListMsg:'(Ongar skabelónir tøkar)'},showBlocks:'Vís blokkar',stylesCombo:{label:'Typografi',panelTitle:'Formatterings stílir',panelTitle1:'Blokk stílir',panelTitle2:'Inline stílir',panelTitle3:'Object stílir'},format:{label:'Skrif
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/fr-ca.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/fr-ca.js
index 27130fc..1b30994 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/fr-ca.js
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 nges:"Vérification d'orthographe terminée: Pas de modifications",oneChange:"Vérification d'orthographe terminée: Un mot modifié",manyChanges:"Vérification d'orthographe terminée: %1 mots modifiés",ieSpellDownload:"Le Correcteur d'orthographe n'est pas installé. Souhaitez-vous le télécharger maintenant?"},smiley:{toolbar:'Emoticon',title:'Insérer un Emoticon',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Liste numérotée',bulletedlist:'Liste à puces',indent:'Augmenter le retrait',outdent:'Diminuer le retrait',justify:{left:'Aligner à gauche',center:'Centrer',right:'Aligner à Droite',block:'Texte justifié'},blockquote:'Citation',clipboard:{title:'Coller',cutError:"Les paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur empêchent l'éditeur de couper automatiquement vos données. Veuillez utiliser les équivalents claviers (Ctrl/Cmd+X).",copyError:"Les paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur empêchent l'
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 :'Spell Check As You Type',opera_title:'Not supported by Opera',enable:'Enable SCAYT',disable:'Disable SCAYT',about:'About SCAYT',toggle:'Toggle SCAYT',options:'Options',langs:'Languages',moreSuggestions:'More suggestions',ignore:'Ignore',ignoreAll:'Ignore All',addWord:'Add Word',emptyDic:'Dictionary name should not be empty.',optionsTab:'Options',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Languages',dictionariesTab:'Dictionaries',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for yo
 ur dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 mage":{"alertUrl":"Veuillez saisir l'URL de l'image","alt":"Texte de remplacement","border":"Bordure","btnUpload":"Envoyer sur le serveur","button2Img":"Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?","hSpace":"Espacement horizontal","img2Button":"Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?","infoTab":"Informations sur l'image","linkTab":"Lien","lockRatio":"Garder les proportions","menu":"Propriétés de l'image","resetSize":"Taille originale","title":"Propriétés de l'image","titleButton":"Propriétés du bouton image","upload":"Télécharger","urlMissing":"Image source URL is missing.","vSpace":"Espacement vertical","validateBorder":"Border must be a whole number.","validateHSpace":"HSpace must be a whole number.","validateVSpace":"VSpace must be a whole number."},"smiley":{"options":"Smiley Options","title":"Insérer un Emoticon","toolbar":"Emoticon"},"justify":{"block":"Texte justifié","center":"Centrer","left":"Aligner à gauc
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 ©pendante (Netscape)","popupFeatures":"Caractéristiques de la fenêtre popup","popupFullScreen":"Plein écran (IE)","popupLeft":"Position à partir de la gauche","popupLocationBar":"Barre d'adresses","popupMenuBar":"Barre de menu","popupResizable":"Resizable","popupScrollBars":"Barres de défilement","popupStatusBar":"Barre d'état","popupToolbar":"Barre d'outils","popupTop":"Position à partir du haut","rel":"Relationship","selectAnchor":"Sélectionner une ancre","styles":"Style","tabIndex":"Ordre de tabulation","target":"Destination","targetFrame":"<Cadre>","targetFrameName":"Nom du cadre de destination","targetPopup":"<fenêtre popup>","targetPopupName":"Nom de la fenêtre popup","title":"Propriétés du lien","toAnchor":"Ancre dans cette page","toEmail":"E-Mail","toUrl":"URL","toolbar":"Insérer/modifier le lien","type":"Type de lien","unlink":"Supprimer le lien","upload":"Télécharger"},"liststyle":{"armenian":"Armenian numbering","bulletedTitle":"Bulleted List Proper
 ties","circle":"Circle","decimal":"Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)","decimalLeadingZero":"Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)","disc":"Disc","georgian":"Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)","lowerAlpha":"Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)","lowerGreek":"Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)","lowerRoman":"Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)","none":"None","notset":"<not set>","numberedTitle":"Numbered List Properties","square":"Square","start":"Start","type":"Type","upperAlpha":"Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)","upperRoman":"Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)","validateStartNumber":"List start number must be a whole number."},"magicline":{"title":"Insert paragraph here"},"maximize":{"maximize":"Maximize","minimize":"Minimize"},"newpage":{"toolbar":"Nouvelle page"},"pagebreak":{"alt":"Page Break","toolbar":"Insérer un saut de page"},"pastetext":{"button":"Coller comme texte","title":"Coller comme texte"},"pastefromword":{"confirmCleanup":"The text you want to paste se
 ems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?","error":"It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error","title":"Coller en tant que Word (formaté)","toolbar":"Coller en tant que Word (formaté)"},"preview":{"preview":"Previsualiser"},"print":{"toolbar":"Imprimer"},"removeformat":{"toolbar":"Supprimer le formatage"},"save":{"toolbar":"Sauvegarder"},"selectall":{"toolbar":"Tout sélectionner"},"showblocks":{"toolbar":"Afficher les blocs"},"sourcearea":{"toolbar":"Source"},"specialchar":{"options":"Special Character Options","title":"Insérer un caractère spécial","toolbar":"Insérer un caractère spécial"},"scayt":{"about":"About SCAYT","aboutTab":"About","addWord":"Add Word","allCaps":"Ignore All-Caps Words","dic_create":"Create","dic_delete":"Delete","dic_field_name":"Dictionary name","dic_info":"Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a po
 int where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.","dic_rename":"Rename","dic_restore":"Restore","dictionariesTab":"Dictionaries","disable":"Disable SCAYT","emptyDic":"Dictionary name should not be empty.","enable":"Enable SCAYT","ignore":"Ignore","ignoreAll":"Ignore All","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignore Domain Names","langs":"Languages","languagesTab":"Languages","mixedCase":"Ignore Words with Mixed Case","mixedWithDigits":"Ignore Words with Numbers","moreSuggestions":"More suggestions","opera_title":"Not supported by Opera","options":"Options","optionsTab":"Options","title":"Spell Check As You Type","toggle":"Toggle SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Style","panelTitle":"Formatting Styles","panelTitle1":"Block Styles","panel
 Title2":"Inline Styles","panelTitle3":"Object Styles"},"table":{"border":"Taille de la bordure","caption":"Titre","cell":{"menu":"Cellule","insertBefore":"Insérer une cellule avant","insertAfter":"Insérer une cellule après","deleteCell":"Supprimer des cellules","merge":"Fusionner les cellules","mergeRight":"Fusionner à droite","mergeDown":"Fusionner en bas","splitHorizontal":"Scinder la cellule horizontalement","splitVertical":"Scinder la cellule verticalement","title":"Cell Properties","cellType":"Cell Type","rowSpan":"Rows Span","colSpan":"Columns Span","wordWrap":"Word Wrap","hAlign":"Horizontal Alignment","vAlign":"Vertical Alignment","alignBaseline":"Baseline","bgColor":"Background Color","borderColor":"Border Color","data":"Data","header":"Header","yes":"Yes","no":"No","invalidWidth":"Cell width must be a number.","invalidHeight":"Cell height must be a number.","invalidRowSpan":"Rows span must be a whole number.","invalidColSpan":"Columns span must be a whole numbe
 r.","chooseColor":"Choose"},"cellPad":"Contour","cellSpace":"Espacement","column":{"menu":"Colonne","insertBefore":"Insérer une colonne avant","insertAfter":"Insérer une colonne après","deleteColumn":"Supprimer des colonnes"},"columns":"Colonnes","deleteTable":"Supprimer le tableau","headers":"Headers","headersBoth":"Both","headersColumn":"First column","headersNone":"None","headersRow":"First Row","invalidBorder":"Border size must be a number.","invalidCellPadding":"Cell padding must be a positive number.","invalidCellSpacing":"Cell spacing must be a positive number.","invalidCols":"Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.","invalidHeight":"Table height must be a number.","invalidRows":"Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.","invalidWidth":"Table width must be a number.","menu":"Propriétés du tableau","row":{"menu":"Ligne","insertBefore":"Insérer une ligne avant","insertAfter":"Insérer une ligne après","deleteRow":"Supprimer des lignes"},"rows":"
 Lignes","summary":"Résumé","title":"Propriétés du tableau","toolbar":"Tableau","widthPc":"pourcentage","widthPx":"pixels","widthUnit":"width unit"},"undo":{"redo":"Refaire","undo":"Annuler"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Ignorer","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignorer tout","btnReplace":"Remplacer","btnReplaceAll":"Remplacer tout","btnUndo":"Annuler","changeTo":"Changer en","errorLoading":"Error loading application service host: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Le Correcteur d'orthographe n'est pas installé. Souhaitez-vous le télécharger maintenant?","manyChanges":"Vérification d'orthographe terminée: %1 mots modifiés","noChanges":"Vérification d'orthographe terminée: Pas de modifications","noMispell":"Vérification d'orthographe terminée: pas d'erreur trouvée","noSuggestions":"- Pas de suggestion -","notAvailable":"Sorry, but service is unavailable now.","notInDic":"Pas dans le dictionnaire","oneChange":"Vérification d'orthographe terminée: Un mot modifié","progress":"Vérification d'orthog
 raphe en cours...","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"Orthographe"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/fr.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/fr.js
index 652a4b7..8e535c2 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/fr.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/fr.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.lang.fr={dir:'ltr',editorTitle:'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.',toolbar:'Toolbar',editor:'Rich Text Editor',source:'Source',newPage:'Nouvelle page',save:'Enregistrer',preview:'Aperçu',cut:'Couper',copy:'Copier',paste:'Coller',print:'Imprimer',underline:'Souligné',bold:'Gras',italic:'Italique',selectAll:'Tout sélectionner',removeFormat:'Supprimer la mise en forme',strike:'Barré',subscript:'Indice',superscript:'Exposant',horizontalrule:'Ligne horizontale',pagebreak:'Saut de page',unlink:'Supprimer le lien',undo:'Annuler',redo:'Rétablir',common:{browseServer:'Explorer le serveur',url:'URL',protocol:'Protocole',upload:'Envoyer',uploadSubmit:'Envoyer sur le serveur',image:'Image',flash:'Flash',form:'Formulaire',checkbox:'Case à cocher',radio:'Bouton Radio',textField:'Champ texte',textarea:'Zone de texte',hiddenField:'Champ caché',button:'Bouton',select:'Liste déroulante',imageButton:'Bouton image',notSet:'<non défini>',id:'Id',name:'Nom',langDir:"Se
 ns d'écriture",langDirLtr:'Gauche à droite (LTR)',langDirRtl:'Droite à gauche (RTL)',langCode:'Code de langue',longDescr:'URL de description longue (longdesc => malvoyant)',cssClass:'Classe CSS',advisoryTitle:'Description (title)',cssStyle:'Style',ok:'OK',cancel:'Annuler',close:'Close',preview:'Preview',generalTab:'Général',advancedTab:'Avancé',validateNumberFailed:"Cette valeur n'est pas un nombre.",confirmNewPage:'Les changements non sauvegardés seront perdus. Etes-vous sûr de vouloir charger une nouvelle page?',confirmCancel:'Certaines options ont été modifiées. Etes-vous sûr de vouloir fermer?',options:'Options',target:'Target',targetNew:'New Window (_blank)',targetTop:'Topmost Window (_top)',targetSelf:'Same Window (_self)',targetParent:'Parent Window (_parent)',langDirLTR:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTL:'Right to Left (RTL)',styles:'Style',cssClasses:'Stylesheet Classes',unavailable:'%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, Indisponible</span>'},contextmenu:{op
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 d'écriture",langDirLTR:'Gauche à droite',langDirRTL:'Droite à gauche',acccessKey:"Touche d'accessibilité",name:'Nom',langCode:'Code de langue',tabIndex:'Index de tabulation',advisoryTitle:'Description (title)',advisoryContentType:'Type de contenu (ex: text/html)',cssClasses:'Classe du CSS',charset:'Charset de la cible',styles:'Style',selectAnchor:"Sélectionner l'ancre",anchorName:"Par nom d'ancre",anchorId:"Par ID d'élément",emailAddress:'Adresse E-Mail',emailSubject:'Sujet du message',emailBody:'Corps du message',noAnchors:'(Aucune ancre disponible dans ce document)',noUrl:"Veuillez entrer l'adresse du lien",noEmail:"Veuillez entrer l'adresse e-mail"},anchor:{toolbar:'Ancre',menu:"Editer l'ancre",title:"Propriétés de l'ancre",name:"Nom de l'ancre",errorName:"Veuillez entrer le nom de l'ancre"},list:{numberedTitle:'Numbered List Properties',bulletedTitle:'Bulleted List Properties',type:'Type',start:'Start',validateStartNumber:'List start number must be a whole numbe
 r.',circle:'Circle',disc:'Disc',square:'Square',none:'None',notset:'<not set>',armenian:'Armenian numbering',georgian:'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',lowerRoman:'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',upperRoman:'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',lowerAlpha:'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',upperAlpha:'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',lowerGreek:'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',decimal:'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',decimalLeadingZero:'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)'},findAndReplace:{title:'Trouver et remplacer',find:'Trouver',replace:'Remplacer',findWhat:'Expression à trouver: ',replaceWith:'Remplacer par: ',notFoundMsg:'Le texte spécifié ne peut être trouvé.',matchCase:'Respecter la casse',matchWord:'Mot entier uniquement',matchCyclic:'Boucler',replaceAll:'Remplacer tout',replaceSuccessMsg:'%1 occurrence(s) replacée(s).'},table:{toolbar:'Tableau',title:'Propriétés du tableau',menu:'Propriétés du tableau',deleteTable:'Supprimer le ta
 bleau',rows:'Lignes',columns:'Colonnes',border:'Taille de la bordure',align:'Alignement du contenu',alignLeft:'Gauche',alignCenter:'Centré',alignRight:'Droite',width:'Largeur',widthPx:'pixels',widthPc:'% pourcents',widthUnit:'width unit',height:'Hauteur',cellSpace:'Espacement des cellules',cellPad:'Marge interne des cellules',caption:'Titre du tableau',summary:'Résumé (description)',headers:'En-Têtes',headersNone:'Aucunes',headersColumn:'Première colonne',headersRow:'Première ligne',headersBoth:'Les deux',invalidRows:'Le nombre de lignes doit être supérieur à 0.',invalidCols:'Le nombre de colonnes doit être supérieur à 0.',invalidBorder:'La taille de la bordure doit être un nombre.',invalidWidth:'La largeur du tableau doit être un nombre.',invalidHeight:'La hauteur du tableau doit être un nombre.',invalidCellSpacing:"L'espacement des cellules doit être un nombre.",invalidCellPadding:'La marge intérieure des cellules doit être un nombre.',cell:{menu:'Cellule
 ',insertBefore:'Insérer une cellule avant',insertAfter:'Insérer une cellule après',deleteCell:'Supprimer les cellules',merge:'Fusionner les cellules',mergeRight:'Fusionner à droite',mergeDown:'Fusionner en bas',splitHorizontal:'Fractionner horizontalement',splitVertical:'Fractionner verticalement',title:'Propriétés de Cellule',cellType:'Type de Cellule',rowSpan:'Fusion de Lignes',colSpan:'Fusion de Colonnes',wordWrap:'Word Wrap',hAlign:'Alignement Horizontal',vAlign:'Alignement Vertical',alignTop:'Haut',alignMiddle:'Milieu',alignBottom:'Bas',alignBaseline:'Bas du texte',bgColor:"Couleur d'arrière-plan",borderColor:'Couleur de Bordure',data:'Données',header:'Entête',yes:'Oui',no:'Non',invalidWidth:'La Largeur de Cellule doit être un nombre.',invalidHeight:'La Hauteur de Cellule doit être un nombre.',invalidRowSpan:'La fusion de lignes doit être un nombre entier.',invalidColSpan:'La fusion de colonnes doit être un nombre entier.',chooseColor:'Choose'},row:{menu:'L
 igne',insertBefore:'Insérer une ligne avant',insertAfter:'Insérer une ligne après',deleteRow:'Supprimer les lignes'},column:{menu:'Colonnes',insertBefore:'Insérer une colonne avant',insertAfter:'Insérer une colonne après',deleteColumn:'Supprimer les colonnes'}},button:{title:'Propriétés du bouton',text:'Texte (Value)',type:'Type',typeBtn:'Bouton',typeSbm:'Validation (submit)',typeRst:'Remise à zéro'},checkboxAndRadio:{checkboxTitle:'Propriétés de la case à cocher',radioTitle:'Propriétés du bouton Radio',value:'Valeur',selected:'Sélectionné'},form:{title:'Propriétés du formulaire',menu:'Propriétés du formulaire',action:'Action',method:'Méthode',encoding:'Encodage'},select:{title:'Propriétés du menu déroulant',selectInfo:'Informations sur le menu déroulant',opAvail:'Options disponibles',value:'Valeur',size:'Taille',lines:'Lignes',chkMulti:'Permettre les sélections multiples',opText:'Texte',opValue:'Valeur',btnAdd:'Ajouter',btnModify:'Modifier',btnUp:
 'Haut',btnDown:'Bas',btnSetValue:'Définir comme valeur sélectionnée',btnDelete:'Supprimer'},textarea:{title:'Propriétés de la zone de texte',cols:'Colonnes',rows:'Lignes'},textfield:{title:'Propriétés du champ texte',name:'Nom',value:'Valeur',charWidth:'Taille des caractères',maxChars:'Nombre maximum de caractères',type:'Type',typeText:'Texte',typePass:'Mot de passe'},hidden:{title:'Propriétés du champ caché',name:'Nom',value:'Valeur'},image:{title:"Propriétés de l'image",titleButton:'Propriétés du bouton image',menu:"Propriétés de l'image",infoTab:"Informations sur l'image",btnUpload:'Envoyer sur le serveur',upload:'Envoyer',alt:'Texte de remplacement',width:'Largeur',height:'Hauteur',lockRatio:'Garder les proportions',unlockRatio:'Unlock Ratio',resetSize:"Taille d'origine",border:'Bordure',hSpace:'Espacement horizontal',vSpace:'Espacement vertical',align:'Alignement',alignLeft:'Gauche',alignRight:'Droite',alertUrl:"Veuillez entrer l'adresse de l'image",li
 nkTab:'Lien',button2Img:'Voulez-vous transformer le bouton image sélectionné en simple image?',img2Button:"Voulez-vous transformer l'image en bouton image?",urlMissing:'Image source URL is missing.',validateWidth:'Width must be a whole number.',validateHeight:'Height must be a whole number.',validateBorder:'Border must be a whole number.',validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a whole number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a whole number.'},flash:{properties:'Propriétés du Flash',propertiesTab:'Propriétés',title:'Propriétés du Flash',chkPlay:'Jouer automatiquement',chkLoop:'Boucle',chkMenu:'Activer le menu Flash',chkFull:'Permettre le plein écran',scale:'Echelle',scaleAll:'Afficher tout',scaleNoBorder:'Pas de bordure',scaleFit:"Taille d'origine",access:'Accès aux scripts',accessAlways:'Toujours',accessSameDomain:'Même domaine',accessNever:'Jamais',align:'Alignement',alignLeft:'Gauche',alignAbsBottom:'Bas absolu',alignAbsMiddle:'Milieu absolu',alignBaseline:'Bas du texte'
 ,alignBottom:'Bas',alignMiddle:'Milieu',alignRight:'Droite',alignTextTop:'Haut du texte',alignTop:'Haut',quality:'Qualité',qualityBest:'Meilleure',qualityHigh:'Haute',qualityAutoHigh:'Haute Auto',qualityMedium:'Moyenne',qualityAutoLow:'Basse Auto',qualityLow:'Basse',windowModeWindow:'Fenêtre',windowModeOpaque:'Opaque',windowModeTransparent:'Transparent',windowMode:'Mode fenêtre',flashvars:'Variables du Flash',bgcolor:"Couleur d'arrière-plan",width:'Largeur',height:'Hauteur',hSpace:'Espacement horizontal',vSpace:'Espacement vertical',validateSrc:"L'adresse ne doit pas être vide.",validateWidth:'La largeur doit être un nombre.',validateHeight:'La hauteur doit être un nombre.',validateHSpace:"L'espacement horizontal doit être un nombre.",validateVSpace:"L'espacement vertical doit être un nombre."},spellCheck:{toolbar:"Vérifier l'orthographe",title:"Vérifier l'orthographe",notAvailable:'Désolé, le service est indisponible actuellement.',errorLoading:"Erreur du charg
 ement du service depuis l'hôte : %s.",notInDic:"N'existe pas dans le dictionnaire",changeTo:'Modifier pour',btnIgnore:'Ignorer',btnIgnoreAll:'Ignorer tout',btnReplace:'Remplacer',btnReplaceAll:'Remplacer tout',btnUndo:'Annuler',noSuggestions:'- Aucune suggestion -',progress:"Vérification de l'orthographe en cours...",noMispell:"Vérification de l'orthographe terminée : aucune erreur trouvée",noChanges:"Vérification de l'orthographe terminée : Aucun mot corrigé",oneChange:"Vérification de l'orthographe terminée : Un seul mot corrigé",manyChanges:"Vérification de l'orthographe terminée : %1 mots corrigés",ieSpellDownload:"La vérification d'orthographe n'est pas installée. Voulez-vous la télécharger maintenant?"},smiley:{toolbar:'Emoticon',title:'Insérer un émoticon',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 éléments'},numberedlist:'Insérer/Supprimer la liste numérotée',bulletedlist:'Insérer/Supprimer la liste à puce
 s',indent:'Augmenter le retrait (tabulation)',outdent:'Diminuer le retrait (tabulation)',justify:{left:'Aligner à gauche',center:'Centrer',right:'Aligner à droite',block:'Justifier'},blockquote:'Citation',clipboard:{title:'Coller',cutError:"Les paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur ne permettent pas à l'éditeur d'exécuter automatiquement l'opération \"couper\". Veuillez utiliser le raccourci clavier (Ctrl/Cmd+X).",copyError:"Les paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur ne permettent pas à l'éditeur d'exécuter automatiquement des opérations de copie. Veuillez utiliser le raccourci clavier (Ctrl/Cmd+C).",pasteMsg:'Veuillez coller le texte dans la zone suivante en utilisant le raccourci clavier (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) et cliquez sur OK',securityMsg:"A cause des paramètres de sécurité de votre navigateur, l'éditeur n'est pas en mesure d'accéder directement à vos données contenues dans le presse-papier. Vous devriez réessayer de coller les don
 nées dans la fenêtre.",pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'Le texte à coller semble provenir de Word. Désirez-vous le nettoyer avant de coller?',toolbar:'Coller depuis Word',title:'Coller depuis Word',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Coller comme texte sans mise en forme',title:'Coller comme texte sans mise en forme'},templates:{button:'Modèles',title:'Contenu des modèles',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Remplacer le contenu actuel',selectPromptMsg:"Veuillez sélectionner le modèle pour l'ouvrir dans l'éditeur",emptyListMsg:'(Aucun modèle disponible)'},showBlocks:'Afficher les blocs',stylesCombo:{label:'Styles',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Styles de blocs',panelTitle2:'Styles en ligne',panelTitle3:"Styles d'objet"},format:{label:'Format',panelTitle:'Format de paragraphe',tag_p:'Normal',tag_pre:'Formaté',tag_address:'Adresse',tag_h1:'Titre 1',tag_h2:'Titre 
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 Brick',A52A2A:'Brown',DAA520:'Golden Rod','006400':'Dark Green','40E0D0':'Turquoise','0000CD':'Medium Blue',800080:'Purple',808080:'Gray',F00:'Red',FF8C00:'Dark Orange',FFD700:'Gold','008000':'Green','0FF':'Cyan','00F':'Blue',EE82EE:'Violet',A9A9A9:'Dim Gray',FFA07A:'Light Salmon',FFA500:'Orange',FFFF00:'Yellow','00FF00':'Lime',AFEEEE:'Pale Turquoise',ADD8E6:'Light Blue',DDA0DD:'Plum',D3D3D3:'Light Grey',FFF0F5:'Lavender Blush',FAEBD7:'Antique White',FFFFE0:'Light Yellow',F0FFF0:'Honeydew',F0FFFF:'Azure',F0F8FF:'Alice Blue',E6E6FA:'Lavender',FFF:'White'},scayt:{title:"Vérification d'Orthographe en Cours de Frappe (SCAYT: Spell Check As You Type)",opera_title:'Not supported by Opera',enable:'Activer SCAYT',disable:'Désactiver SCAYT',about:'A propos de SCAYT',toggle:'Activer/Désactiver SCAYT',options:'Options',langs:'Langues',moreSuggestions:'Plus de suggestions',ignore:'Ignorer',ignoreAll:'Ignorer Tout',addWord:'Ajouter le mot',emptyDic:'Le nom du dictionnaire ne devrait p
 as être vide.',optionsTab:'Options',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Langues',dictionariesTab:'Dictionnaires',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'A propos de'},about:{title:'A propos de CKEditor',dlgTitle:'A propos de CKEditor',moreInfo:'Pour les informations de licence, veuillez visiter notre site web:',copy:'Copyright © $1. Tous droi
 ts réservés.'},maximize:'Agrandir',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Ancre',flash:'Animation Flash',div:'Saut de Page',unknown:'Objet Inconnu'},resize:'Glisser pour modifier la taille',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 ab":"Avancé","validateNumberFailed":"Cette valeur n'est pas un nombre.","confirmNewPage":"Les changements non sauvegardés seront perdus. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir charger une nouvelle page?","confirmCancel":"Certaines options ont été modifiées. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir fermer?","options":"Options","target":"Cible (Target)","targetNew":"Nouvelle fenêtre (_blank)","targetTop":"Fenêtre supérieure (_top)","targetSelf":"Même fenêtre (_self)","targetParent":"Fenêtre parent (_parent)","langDirLTR":"Gauche à Droite (LTR)","langDirRTL":"Droite à Gauche (RTL)","styles":"Style","cssClasses":"Classes de style","width":"Largeur","height":"Hauteur","align":"Alignement","alignLeft":"Gauche","alignRight":"Droite","alignCenter":"Centré","alignTop":"Haut","alignMiddle":"Milieu","alignBottom":"Bas","invalidValue":"Invalid value.","invalidHeight":"La hauteur doit être un nombre.","invalidWidth":"La largeur doit être un nombre.","invalidCssLength":"La valeur spécifiée pour l
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 tre navigateur, l'éditeur n'est pas en mesure d'accéder directement à vos données contenues dans le presse-papier. Vous devriez réessayer de coller les données dans la fenêtre.","title":"Coller"},"colorbutton":{"auto":"Automatique","bgColorTitle":"Couleur d'arrière plan","colors":{"000":"Noir","800000":"Marron","8B4513":"Brun moyen","2F4F4F":"Vert sombre","008080":"Canard","000080":"Bleu marine","4B0082":"Indigo","696969":"Gris foncé","B22222":"Rouge brique","A52A2A":"Brun","DAA520":"Or terni","006400":"Vert foncé","40E0D0":"Turquoise","0000CD":"Bleu royal","800080":"Pourpre","808080":"Gris","F00":"Rouge","FF8C00":"Orange foncé","FFD700":"Or","008000":"Vert","0FF":"Cyan","00F":"Bleu","EE82EE":"Violet","A9A9A9":"Gris moyen","FFA07A":"Saumon","FFA500":"Orange","FFFF00":"Jaune","00FF00":"Lime","AFEEEE":"Turquoise clair","ADD8E6":"Bleu clair","DDA0DD":"Prune","D3D3D3":"Gris clair","FFF0F5":"Fard Lavande","FAEBD7":"Blanc antique","FFFFE0":"Jaune clair","F0FFF0":"Honeyd
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 s (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)","none":"Aucun","notset":"<Non défini>","numberedTitle":"Propriétés de la liste numérotée","square":"Carré","start":"Début","type":"Type","upperAlpha":"Alphabétique majuscules (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)","upperRoman":"Nombres romains majuscules (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)","validateStartNumber":"Le premier élément de la liste doit être un nombre entier."},"magicline":{"title":"Insert paragraph here"},"maximize":{"maximize":"Agrandir","minimize":"Minimiser"},"newpage":{"toolbar":"Nouvelle page"},"pagebreak":{"alt":"Saut de page","toolbar":"Saut de page"},"pastetext":{"button":"Coller comme texte sans mise en forme","title":"Coller comme texte sans mise en forme"},"pastefromword":{"confirmCleanup":"Le texte à coller semble provenir de Word. Désirez-vous le nettoyer avant de coller?","error":"Il n'a pas été possible de nettoyer les données collées à la suite d'une erreur interne.","title":"Coller depuis Word","toolbar":"Coller depuis Word"
 },"preview":{"preview":"Aperçu"},"print":{"toolbar":"Imprimer"},"removeformat":{"toolbar":"Supprimer la mise en forme"},"save":{"toolbar":"Enregistrer"},"selectall":{"toolbar":"Tout sélectionner"},"showblocks":{"toolbar":"Afficher les blocs"},"sourcearea":{"toolbar":"Source"},"specialchar":{"options":"Options des caractères spéciaux","title":"Sélectionnez un caractère","toolbar":"Insérer un caractère spécial"},"scayt":{"about":"A propos de SCAYT","aboutTab":"À propos de","addWord":"Ajouter le mot","allCaps":"Ignorer les mots entièrement en majuscules","dic_create":"Créer","dic_delete":"Effacer","dic_field_name":"Nom du dictionnaire","dic_info":"Initialement, le dictionnaire de l'utilisateur est stocké dans un cookie. Cependant, les cookies sont limités en taille. Quand le dictionnaire atteint une taille qu'il n'est plus possible de stocker dans un cookie, il peut alors être stocké sur nos serveurs. Afin de stocker votre dictionnaire personnel sur nos serveurs
 , vous devez spécifier un nom pour ce dictionnaire. Si vous avez déjà un dictionnaire stocké, merci de taper son nom puis cliquer sur Restaurer pour le récupérer.","dic_rename":"Renommer","dic_restore":"Restaurer","dictionariesTab":"Dictionnaires","disable":"Désactiver SCAYT","emptyDic":"Le nom du dictionnaire ne devrait pas être vide.","enable":"Activer SCAYT","ignore":"Ignorer","ignoreAll":"Ignorer Tout","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignorer les noms de domaines","langs":"Langues","languagesTab":"Langues","mixedCase":"Ignorer les mots à casse multiple","mixedWithDigits":"Ignorer les mots contenant des chiffres","moreSuggestions":"Plus de suggestions","opera_title":"Non supporté par Opera","options":"Options","optionsTab":"Options","title":"Vérification de l'Orthographe en Cours de Frappe (SCAYT)","toggle":"Activer/Désactiver SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Styles","panelTitle":"Styles de mise en page","panelTitle1":"Styles de blocs","pane
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 usion de lignes doit être un nombre entier.","invalidColSpan":"La fusion de colonnes doit être un nombre entier.","chooseColor":"Choisissez"},"cellPad":"Marge interne des cellules","cellSpace":"Espacement des cellules","column":{"menu":"Colonnes","insertBefore":"Insérer une colonne avant","insertAfter":"Insérer une colonne après","deleteColumn":"Supprimer les colonnes"},"columns":"Colonnes","deleteTable":"Supprimer le tableau","headers":"En-Têtes","headersBoth":"Les deux","headersColumn":"Première colonne","headersNone":"Aucunes","headersRow":"Première ligne","invalidBorder":"La taille de la bordure doit être un nombre.","invalidCellPadding":"La marge intérieure des cellules doit être un nombre positif.","invalidCellSpacing":"L'espacement des cellules doit être un nombre positif.","invalidCols":"Le nombre de colonnes doit être supérieur à 0.","invalidHeight":"La hauteur du tableau doit être un nombre.","invalidRows":"Le nombre de lignes doit être supérieur 
 à 0.","invalidWidth":"La largeur du tableau doit être un nombre.","menu":"Propriétés du tableau","row":{"menu":"Ligne","insertBefore":"Insérer une ligne avant","insertAfter":"Insérer une ligne après","deleteRow":"Supprimer les lignes"},"rows":"Lignes","summary":"Résumé (description)","title":"Propriétés du tableau","toolbar":"Tableau","widthPc":"% pourcents","widthPx":"pixels","widthUnit":"unité de largeur"},"undo":{"redo":"Rétablir","undo":"Annuler"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Ignorer","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignorer tout","btnReplace":"Remplacer","btnReplaceAll":"Remplacer tout","btnUndo":"Annuler","changeTo":"Modifier pour","errorLoading":"Erreur du chargement du service depuis l'hôte : %s.","ieSpellDownload":"La vérification d'orthographe n'est pas installée. Voulez-vous la télécharger maintenant?","manyChanges":"Vérification de l'orthographe terminée : %1 mots corrigés.","noChanges":"Vérification de l'orthographe terminée : Aucun mot corrigé.","noMispell":"Vér
 ification de l'orthographe terminée : aucune erreur trouvée.","noSuggestions":"- Aucune suggestion -","notAvailable":"Désolé, le service est indisponible actuellement.","notInDic":"N'existe pas dans le dictionnaire.","oneChange":"Vérification de l'orthographe terminée : Un seul mot corrigé.","progress":"Vérification de l'orthographe en cours...","title":"Vérifier l'orthographe","toolbar":"Vérifier l'orthographe"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/gl.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/gl.js
index 739c1d3..94b79b0 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/gl.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/gl.js
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 definido>',id:'Id',name:'Nome',langDir:'Orientación do Idioma',langDirLtr:'Esquerda a Dereita (LTR)',langDirRtl:'Dereita a Esquerda (RTL)',langCode:'Código do Idioma',longDescr:'Descrición Completa da URL',cssClass:'Clases da Folla de Estilos',advisoryTitle:'Título',cssStyle:'Estilo',ok:'OK',cancel:'Cancelar',close:'Close',preview:'Preview',generalTab:'General',advancedTab:'Advanzado',validateNumberFailed:'This value is not a number.',confirmNewPage:'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?',confirmCancel:'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?',options:'Options',target:'Target',targetNew:'New Window (_blank)',targetTop:'Topmost Window (_top)',targetSelf:'Same Window (_self)',targetParent:'Parent Window (_parent)',langDirLTR:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTL:'Right to Left (RTL)',styles:'Style',cssClasses:'Stylesheet Classes',unavailable:'%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</spa
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 sg:'%1 occurrence(s) replaced.'},table:{toolbar:'Tabla',title:'Propiedades da Táboa',menu:'Propiedades da Táboa',deleteTable:'Borrar Táboa',rows:'Filas',columns:'Columnas',border:'Tamaño do Borde',align:'Aliñamento',alignLeft:'Esquerda',alignCenter:'Centro',alignRight:'Ereita',width:'Largura',widthPx:'pixels',widthPc:'percent',widthUnit:'width unit',height:'Altura',cellSpace:'Marxe entre Celas',cellPad:'Marxe interior',caption:'Título',summary:'Sumario',headers:'Headers',headersNone:'None',headersColumn:'First column',headersRow:'First Row',headersBoth:'Both',invalidRows:'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.',invalidCols:'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.',invalidBorder:'Border size must be a number.',invalidWidth:'Table width must be a number.',invalidHeight:'Table height must be a number.',invalidCellSpacing:'Cell spacing must be a number.',invalidCellPadding:'Cell padding must be a number.',cell:{menu:'Cela',insertBefore:'Insert Cell Befo
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 validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a whole number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a whole number.'},flash:{properties:'Propriedades Flash',propertiesTab:'Properties',title:'Propriedades Flash',chkPlay:'Auto Execución',chkLoop:'Bucle',chkMenu:'Activar Menú Flash',chkFull:'Allow Fullscreen',scale:'Escalar',scaleAll:'Amosar Todo',scaleNoBorder:'Sen Borde',scaleFit:'Encaixar axustando',access:'Script Access',accessAlways:'Always',accessSameDomain:'Same domain',accessNever:'Never',align:'Aliñamento',alignLeft:'Esquerda',alignAbsBottom:'Abs Inferior',alignAbsMiddle:'Abs Centro',alignBaseline:'Liña Base',alignBottom:'Pé',alignMiddle:'Centro',alignRight:'Dereita',alignTextTop:'Tope do Texto',alignTop:'Tope',quality:'Quality',qualityBest:'Best',qualityHigh:'High',qualityAutoHigh:'Auto High',qualityMedium:'Medium',qualityAutoLow:'Auto Low',qualityLow:'Low',windowModeWindow:'Window',windowModeOpaque:'Opaque',windowModeTransparent:'Transparent',windowMode:'Window mode',flashvars:'Vari
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 uida',manyChanges:'Corrección ortográfica rematada: %1 verbas substituidas',ieSpellDownload:'O corrector ortográfico non está instalado. ¿Quere descargalo agora?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Smiley',title:'Inserte un Smiley',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Lista Numerada',bulletedlist:'Marcas',indent:'Aumentar Sangría',outdent:'Disminuir Sangría',justify:{left:'Aliñar á Esquerda',center:'Centrado',right:'Aliñar á Dereita',block:'Xustificado'},blockquote:'Block Quote',clipboard:{title:'Pegar',cutError:'Os axustes de seguridade do seu navegador non permiten que o editor realice automáticamente as tarefas de corte. Por favor, use o teclado para iso (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',copyError:'Os axustes de seguridade do seu navegador non permiten que o editor realice automáticamente as tarefas de copia. Por favor, use o teclado para iso (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',pasteMsg:'Por favor, pegue dentro do seguinte cadro usando o teclado (<STR
 ONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) e pulse <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',securityMsg:'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'Pegar dende Word',title:'Pegar dende Word',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Pegar como texto plano',title:'Pegar como texto plano'},templates:{button:'Plantillas',title:'Plantillas de Contido',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Replace actual contents',selectPromptMsg:'Por favor, seleccione a plantilla a abrir no editor<br>(o contido actual perderase):',emptyListMsg:'(Non hai plantillas definidas)'},showBlocks:'Show Blocks',stylesCombo:{label:'Estilo',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Block Styles',panelTitle2:'
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 ore All',addWord:'Add Word',emptyDic:'Dictionary name should not be empty.',optionsTab:'Options',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Languages',dictionariesTab:'Dictionaries',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'C
 opyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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  the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.","dic_rename":"Rename","dic_restore":"Restore","dictionariesTab":"Dictionaries","disable":"Disable SCAYT","emptyDic":"Dictionary name should not be empty.","enable":"Enable SCAYT","ignore":"Ignore","ignoreAll":"Ignore All","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignore Domain Names","langs":"Languages","languagesTab":"Languages","mixedCase":"Ignore Words with Mixed Case","mixedWithDigits":"Ignore Words with Numbers","moreSuggestions":"More suggestions","opera_title":"Not supported by Opera","options":"Options","optionsTab":"Options","title":"Spell Check As You Type","toggle":"Toggle SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Estilo","panelTitle":"Formatting Styles","panelTitle1":"Block Styles","panelTitle2":"Inline Styles","panelTitle3":"Object 
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 :"Insert Column Before","insertAfter":"Insert Column After","deleteColumn":"Borrar Columnas"},"columns":"Columnas","deleteTable":"Borrar Táboa","headers":"Headers","headersBoth":"Both","headersColumn":"First column","headersNone":"None","headersRow":"First Row","invalidBorder":"Border size must be a number.","invalidCellPadding":"Cell padding must be a positive number.","invalidCellSpacing":"Cell spacing must be a positive number.","invalidCols":"Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.","invalidHeight":"Table height must be a number.","invalidRows":"Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.","invalidWidth":"Table width must be a number.","menu":"Propiedades da Táboa","row":{"menu":"Fila","insertBefore":"Insert Row Before","insertAfter":"Insert Row After","deleteRow":"Borrar Filas"},"rows":"Filas","summary":"Sumario","title":"Propiedades da Táboa","toolbar":"Tabla","widthPc":"percent","widthPx":"pixels","widthUnit":"width unit"},"undo":{"redo":"Refacer","u
 ndo":"Desfacer"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Ignorar","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignorar Todas","btnReplace":"Substituir","btnReplaceAll":"Substituir Todas","btnUndo":"Desfacer","changeTo":"Cambiar a","errorLoading":"Error loading application service host: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"O corrector ortográfico non está instalado. ¿Quere descargalo agora?","manyChanges":"Corrección ortográfica rematada: %1 verbas substituidas","noChanges":"Corrección ortográfica rematada: Non se substituiu nengunha verba","noMispell":"Corrección ortográfica rematada: Non se atoparon erros","noSuggestions":"- Sen candidatos -","notAvailable":"Sorry, but service is unavailable now.","notInDic":"Non está no diccionario","oneChange":"Corrección ortográfica rematada: Unha verba substituida","progress":"Corrección ortográfica en progreso...","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"Corrección Ortográfica"}};
\ No newline at end of file
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  આ સુવિધા ઉપલબ્ધ નથી","notInDic":"શબ્દકોશમાં નથી","oneChange":"શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક પૂર્ણ: એક શબ્દ બદલયો છે","progress":"શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક ચાલુ છે...","title":"સ્પેલ ","toolbar":"જોડણી (સ્પેલિંગ) તપાસવી"}};
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/he.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/he.js
index 709b154..f5f48db 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/he.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/he.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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 כסן בשרתנו. לשם כך עליך לתת שם למילון. אם כבר יש לך מילון מאוחסן, יש להכניס את שמו וללחוץ על כפתור השחזור.","dic_rename":"שינוי שם","dic_restore":"שחזור","dictionariesTab":"מילון","disable":"בטל SCAYT","emptyDic":"יש לבחור מילון.","enable":"אפשר SCAYT","ignore":"התעלמות","ignoreAll":"התעלמות מהכל","ignoreDomainNames":"התעלם משמות מתחם","langs":"שפות","languagesTab":"שפות","mixedCase":"התעלם ממילים עם אותיות גדולות וקטנות ביחד","mixedWithDigits":"התעלם ממילים עם מספרים","moreSuggestions":"הצעות נוספות","opera_title":"לא זמין בדפדפן אופרה","options":"אפשרויות","optionsTab":"אפשרויות","title":"בדיקת איות בזמן כתיבה (SCAYT)","toggle":"שינוי SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"ס
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index 6b0aa99..0a51335 100644
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+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/hi.js
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 •à¤°à¥‡à¤‚ और ठीक है करें.',securityMsg:'आपके ब्राउज़र की सुरक्षा आपके ब्राउज़र की सुरKश सैटिंग के कारण, एडिटर आपके क्लिपबोर्ड डेटा को नहीं पा सकता है. आपको उसे इस विन्डो में दोबारा पेस्ट करना होगा.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'पेस्ट (वर्ड से)',title:'पेस्ट (वर्ड से)',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'पेस्ट (सादा टॅक्स्ट)',title:'पेस्ट (सादा टॅक्स्ट)'},templates:{button:'टॅम्प्लेट',title:'कà
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 be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'O SCAYT'},about:{title:'O CKEditoru',dlgTitle:'O CKEditoru',moreInfo:'Za informacije o licencama posjetite naÅ¡u web stranicu:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Povećaj',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Sidro',flash:'Flash animacija',div:'Prijelom stranice',unknown:'Nepoznati objekt'},resize:'Povuci za promjenu veličine',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 HSpace must be a number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a number.'},spellCheck:{toolbar:'Villuleit',title:'Spell Check',notAvailable:'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',errorLoading:'Error loading application service host: %s.',notInDic:'Ekki í orðabókinni',changeTo:'Tillaga',btnIgnore:'Hunsa',btnIgnoreAll:'Hunsa allt',btnReplace:'Skipta',btnReplaceAll:'Skipta öllu',btnUndo:'Til baka',noSuggestions:'- engar tillögur -',progress:'Villuleit í gangi...',noMispell:'Villuleit lokið: Engin villa fannst',noChanges:'Villuleit lokið: Engu orði breytt',oneChange:'Villuleit lokið: Einu orði breytt',manyChanges:'Villuleit lokið: %1 orðum breytt',ieSpellDownload:'Villuleit ekki sett upp.<br>Viltu setja hana upp?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Svipur',title:'Velja svip',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Númeraður listi',bulletedlist:'Punktalisti',indent:'Minnka inndrátt',outdent:'Auka inndrátt',justify:{left:'V
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  the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Tex
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 Spacing":"Cell spacing must be a positive number.","invalidCols":"Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.","invalidHeight":"Table height must be a number.","invalidRows":"Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.","invalidWidth":"Table width must be a number.","menu":"Eigindi töflu","row":{"menu":"Röð","insertBefore":"Skjóta inn röð fyrir ofan","insertAfter":"Skjóta inn röð fyrir neðan","deleteRow":"Eyða röð"},"rows":"Raðir","summary":"Áfram","title":"Eigindi töflu","toolbar":"Tafla","widthPc":"prósent","widthPx":"myndeindir","widthUnit":"width unit"},"undo":{"redo":"Hætta við afturköllun","undo":"Afturkalla"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Hunsa","btnIgnoreAll":"Hunsa allt","btnReplace":"Skipta","btnReplaceAll":"Skipta öllu","btnUndo":"Til baka","changeTo":"Tillaga","errorLoading":"Error loading application service host: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Villuleit ekki sett upp.<br>Viltu setja hana upp?","manyChanges":"Villuleit lokið: %1 orðum breytt","n
 oChanges":"Villuleit lokið: Engu orði breytt","noMispell":"Villuleit lokið: Engin villa fannst","noSuggestions":"- engar tillögur -","notAvailable":"Sorry, but service is unavailable now.","notInDic":"Ekki í orðabókinni","oneChange":"Villuleit lokið: Einu orði breytt","progress":"Villuleit í gangi...","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"Villuleit"}};
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/it.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/it.js
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--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/it.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/it.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.lang.it={dir:'ltr',editorTitle:'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.',toolbar:'Toolbar',editor:'Rich Text Editor',source:'Codice Sorgente',newPage:'Nuova pagina vuota',save:'Salva',preview:'Anteprima',cut:'Taglia',copy:'Copia',paste:'Incolla',print:'Stampa',underline:'Sottolineato',bold:'Grassetto',italic:'Corsivo',selectAll:'Seleziona tutto',removeFormat:'Elimina formattazione',strike:'Barrato',subscript:'Pedice',superscript:'Apice',horizontalrule:'Inserisci riga orizzontale',pagebreak:'Inserisci interruzione di pagina',unlink:'Elimina collegamento',undo:'Annulla',redo:'Ripristina',common:{browseServer:'Cerca sul server',url:'URL',protocol:'Protocollo',upload:'Carica',uploadSubmit:'Invia al server',image:'Immagine',flash:'Oggetto Flash',form:'Modulo',checkbox:'Checkbox',radio:'Radio Button',textField:'Campo di testo',textarea:'Area di testo',hiddenField:'Campo nascosto',button:'Bottone',select:'Menu di selezione',imageButton:'Bottone immagine',notSet:'<non i
 mpostato>',id:'Id',name:'Nome',langDir:'Direzione scrittura',langDirLtr:'Da Sinistra a Destra (LTR)',langDirRtl:'Da Destra a Sinistra (RTL)',langCode:'Codice Lingua',longDescr:'URL descrizione estesa',cssClass:'Nome classe CSS',advisoryTitle:'Titolo',cssStyle:'Stile',ok:'OK',cancel:'Annulla',close:'Close',preview:'Preview',generalTab:'Generale',advancedTab:'Avanzate',validateNumberFailed:'Il valore inserito non è un numero.',confirmNewPage:'Ogni modifica non salvata sarà persa. Sei sicuro di voler caricare una nuova pagina?',confirmCancel:'Alcune delle opzioni sono state cambiate. Sei sicuro di voler chiudere la finestra di dialogo?',options:'Options',target:'Target',targetNew:'New Window (_blank)',targetTop:'Topmost Window (_top)',targetSelf:'Same Window (_self)',targetParent:'Parent Window (_parent)',langDirLTR:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTL:'Right to Left (RTL)',styles:'Style',cssClasses:'Stylesheet Classes',unavailable:'%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, non disponi
 bile</span>'},contextmenu:{options:'Context Menu Options'},specialChar:{toolbar:'Inserisci carattere speciale',title:'Seleziona carattere speciale',options:'Special Character Options'},link:{toolbar:'Inserisci/Modifica collegamento',other:'<altro>',menu:'Modifica collegamento',title:'Collegamento',info:'Informazioni collegamento',target:'Destinazione',upload:'Carica',advanced:'Avanzate',type:'Tipo di Collegamento',toUrl:'URL',toAnchor:'Ancora nella pagina',toEmail:'E-Mail',targetFrame:'<riquadro>',targetPopup:'<finestra popup>',targetFrameName:'Nome del riquadro di destinazione',targetPopupName:'Nome finestra popup',popupFeatures:'Caratteristiche finestra popup',popupResizable:'Ridimensionabile',popupStatusBar:'Barra di stato',popupLocationBar:'Barra degli indirizzi',popupToolbar:'Barra degli strumenti',popupMenuBar:'Barra del menu',popupFullScreen:'A tutto schermo (IE)',popupScrollBars:'Barre di scorrimento',popupDependent:'Dipendente (Netscape)',popupWidth:'Larghezza',popu
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 orrenza(e) sostituite.'},table:{toolbar:'Tabella',title:'Proprietà tabella',menu:'Proprietà tabella',deleteTable:'Cancella Tabella',rows:'Righe',columns:'Colonne',border:'Dimensione bordo',align:'Allineamento',alignLeft:'Sinistra',alignCenter:'Centrato',alignRight:'Destra',width:'Larghezza',widthPx:'pixel',widthPc:'percento',widthUnit:'width unit',height:'Altezza',cellSpace:'Spaziatura celle',cellPad:'Padding celle',caption:'Intestazione',summary:'Indice',headers:'Intestazione',headersNone:'Nessuna',headersColumn:'Prima Colonna',headersRow:'Prima Riga',headersBoth:'Entrambe',invalidRows:"Il numero di righe dev'essere un numero maggiore di 0.",invalidCols:"Il numero di colonne dev'essere un numero maggiore di 0.",invalidBorder:"La dimensione del bordo dev'essere un numero.",invalidWidth:"La larghezza della tabella dev'essere un numero.",invalidHeight:"L'altezza della tabella dev'essere un numero.",invalidCellSpacing:"La spaziatura tra le celle dev'essere un numero.",invalid
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 intero.",chooseColor:'Choose'},row:{menu:'Riga',insertBefore:'Inserisci Riga Prima',insertAfter:'Inserisci Riga Dopo',deleteRow:'Elimina righe'},column:{menu:'Colonna',insertBefore:'Inserisci Colonna Prima',insertAfter:'Inserisci Colonna Dopo',deleteColumn:'Elimina colonne'}},button:{title:'Proprietà bottone',text:'Testo (Value)',type:'Tipo',typeBtn:'Bottone',typeSbm:'Invio',typeRst:'Annulla'},checkboxAndRadio:{checkboxTitle:'Proprietà checkbox',radioTitle:'Proprietà radio button',value:'Valore',selected:'Selezionato'},form:{title:'Proprietà modulo',menu:'Proprietà modulo',action:'Azione',method:'Metodo',encoding:'Codifica'},select:{title:'Proprietà menu di selezione',selectInfo:'Info',opAvail:'Opzioni disponibili',value:'Valore',size:'Dimensione',lines:'righe',chkMulti:'Permetti selezione multipla',opText:'Testo',opValue:'Valore',btnAdd:'Aggiungi',btnModify:'Modifica',btnUp:'Su',btnDown:'Gi',btnSetValue:'Imposta come predefinito',btnDelete:'Rimuovi'},textarea:{title:'
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 'Image source URL is missing.',validateWidth:'Width must be a whole number.',validateHeight:'Height must be a whole number.',validateBorder:'Border must be a whole number.',validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a whole number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a whole number.'},flash:{properties:'Proprietà Oggetto Flash',propertiesTab:'Proprietà',title:'Proprietà Oggetto Flash',chkPlay:'Avvio Automatico',chkLoop:'Riavvio automatico',chkMenu:'Abilita Menu di Flash',chkFull:'Permetti la modalità tutto schermo',scale:'Ridimensiona',scaleAll:'Mostra Tutto',scaleNoBorder:'Senza Bordo',scaleFit:'Dimensione Esatta',access:'Accesso Script',accessAlways:'Sempre',accessSameDomain:'Solo stesso dominio',accessNever:'Mai',align:'Allineamento',alignLeft:'Sinistra',alignAbsBottom:'In basso assoluto',alignAbsMiddle:'Centrato assoluto',alignBaseline:'Linea base',alignBottom:'In Basso',alignMiddle:'Centrato',alignRight:'Destra',alignTextTop:'In alto al testo',alignTop:'In Alto',quality:'Qualità',
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 eAll:'Cambia tutto',btnUndo:'Annulla',noSuggestions:'- Nessun suggerimento -',progress:'Controllo ortografico in corso',noMispell:'Controllo ortografico completato: nessun errore trovato',noChanges:'Controllo ortografico completato: nessuna parola cambiata',oneChange:'Controllo ortografico completato: 1 parola cambiata',manyChanges:'Controllo ortografico completato: %1 parole cambiate',ieSpellDownload:'Contollo ortografico non installato. Lo vuoi scaricare ora?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Emoticon',title:'Inserisci emoticon',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 elemento'},numberedlist:'Elenco numerato',bulletedlist:'Elenco puntato',indent:'Aumenta rientro',outdent:'Riduci rientro',justify:{left:'Allinea a sinistra',center:'Centra',right:'Allinea a destra',block:'Giustifica'},blockquote:'Citazione',clipboard:{title:'Incolla',cutError:'Le impostazioni di sicurezza del browser non permettono di tagliare automaticamente il testo. Usa la tastiera (
 Ctrl/Cmd+X).',copyError:'Le impostazioni di sicurezza del browser non permettono di copiare automaticamente il testo. Usa la tastiera (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',pasteMsg:"Incolla il testo all'interno dell'area sottostante usando la scorciatoia di tastiere (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) e premi <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.",securityMsg:"A causa delle impostazioni di sicurezza del browser,l'editor non è in grado di accedere direttamente agli appunti. E' pertanto necessario incollarli di nuovo in questa finestra.",pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'Il testo da incollare sembra provenire da Word. Desideri pulirlo prima di incollare?',toolbar:'Incolla da Word',title:'Incolla da Word',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Incolla come testo semplice',title:'Incolla come testo semplice'},templates:{button:'Modelli',title:'Contenuto dei modelli',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Cancella il contenuto corrente',sel
 ectPromptMsg:"Seleziona il modello da aprire nell'editor<br />(il contenuto attuale verrà eliminato):",emptyListMsg:'(Nessun modello definito)'},showBlocks:'Visualizza Blocchi',stylesCombo:{label:'Stile',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Stili per blocchi',panelTitle2:'Stili in linea',panelTitle3:'Stili per oggetti'},format:{label:'Formato',panelTitle:'Formato',tag_p:'Normale',tag_pre:'Formattato',tag_address:'Indirizzo',tag_h1:'Titolo 1',tag_h2:'Titolo 2',tag_h3:'Titolo 3',tag_h4:'Titolo 4',tag_h5:'Titolo 5',tag_h6:'Titolo 6',tag_div:'Paragrafo (DIV)'},div:{title:'Create Div Container',toolbar:'Create Div Container',cssClassInputLabel:'Stylesheet Classes',styleSelectLabel:'Style',IdInputLabel:'Id',languageCodeInputLabel:' Language Code',inlineStyleInputLabel:'Inline Style',advisoryTitleInputLabel:'Advisory Title',langDirLabel:'Language Direction',langDirLTRLabel:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTLLabel:'Right to Left (RTL)',edit:'Edit Div',remove:'Remove Div'},font:
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 F:'White'},scayt:{title:'Controllo Ortografico Mentre Scrivi',opera_title:'Not supported by Opera',enable:'Abilita COMS',disable:'Disabilita COMS',about:'About COMS',toggle:'Inverti abilitazione SCOMS',options:'Opzioni',langs:'Lingue',moreSuggestions:'Altri suggerimenti',ignore:'Ignora',ignoreAll:'Ignora tutti',addWord:'Aggiungi Parola',emptyDic:'Il nome del dizionario non può essere vuoto.',optionsTab:'Opzioni',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Lingue',dictionariesTab:'Dizionari',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your perso
 nal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'Per le informazioni sulla licenza si prega di visitare il nostro sito:',copy:'Copyright © $1. Tutti i diritti riservati.'},maximize:'Massimizza',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Ancora',flash:'Animazione Flash',div:'Interruzione di Pagina',unknown:'Oggetto sconosciuto'},resize:'Trascina per ridimensionare',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 alore inserito non è un numero.","confirmNewPage":"Ogni modifica non salvata sarà persa. Sei sicuro di voler caricare una nuova pagina?","confirmCancel":"Alcune delle opzioni sono state cambiate. Sei sicuro di voler chiudere la finestra di dialogo?","options":"Opzioni","target":"Destinazione","targetNew":"Nuova finestra (_blank)","targetTop":"Finestra in primo piano (_top)","targetSelf":"Stessa finestra (_self)","targetParent":"Finestra Padre (_parent)","langDirLTR":"Da sinistra a destra (LTR)","langDirRTL":"Da destra a sinistra (RTL)","styles":"Stile","cssClasses":"Classi di stile","width":"Larghezza","height":"Altezza","align":"Allineamento","alignLeft":"Sinistra","alignRight":"Destra","alignCenter":"Centrato","alignTop":"In Alto","alignMiddle":"Centrato","alignBottom":"In Basso","invalidValue":"Valore non valido.","invalidHeight":"L'altezza dev'essere un numero","invalidWidth":"La Larghezza dev'essere un numero","invalidCssLength":"Il valore indicato per il campo \"%1\"
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\ No newline at end of file
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 ƒ¡ სიგანე რიცხვით უნდა იყოს წარმოდგენილი.","menu":"ცხრილის პარამეტრები","row":{"menu":"სტრიქონი","insertBefore":"სტრიქონის ჩამატება წინ","insertAfter":"სტრიქონის ჩამატება მერე","deleteRow":"სტრიქონების წაშლა"},"rows":"სტრიქონი","summary":"შეჯამება","title":"ცხრილის პარამეტრები","toolbar":"ცხრილი","widthPc":"პროცენტი","widthPx":"წერტილი","widthUnit":"საზომი ერთეული"},"undo":{"redo":"გამეორება","undo":"გაუქმება"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"უგულებელყოფა","btnIgnoreAll":"ყველას უგულებელყოფა","btnReplace":"შეცვლა","btnRep
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 •áƒ“ომელია.","notInDic":"არაა ლექსიკონში","oneChange":"მართლწერის შემოწმება: ერთი სიტყვა შეიცვალა","progress":"მიმდინარეობს მართლწერის შემოწმება...","title":"მართლწერა","toolbar":"მართლწერა"}};
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-CKEDITOR.lang.km={dir:'ltr',editorTitle:'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.',toolbar:'Toolbar',editor:'Rich Text Editor',source:'កូត',newPage:'ទំព័រថ្មី',save:'រក្សាទុក',preview:'មើលសាកល្បង',cut:'កាត់យក',copy:'ចំលងយក',paste:'ចំលងដាក់',print:'បោះពុម្ភ',underline:'ដិតបន្ទាត់ពីក្រោមអក្សរ',bold:'អក្សរដិតធំ',italic:'អក្សរផ្តេក',selectAll:'ជ្រើសរើសទាំងអស់',removeFormat:'លប់ចោល ការរចនា',strike:'ដិតបន្ទាត់ពាក់កណ្តាលអក្សរ',subscript:'អក្សរតូចក្រោម',superscript:'អក្សរតូចលើ',horizontalrule:'បន្ថែមបន្ទាត់ផ្តេក',pagebreak:'បន្ថែម ការផ្តាច់ទំព័រ',unlink:'áž›áž
 កូតភាសា',longDescr:'អធិប្បាយ URL វែង',cssClass:'Stylesheet Classes',advisoryTitle:'ចំណងជើង ប្រឹក្សា',cssStyle:'ម៉ូត',ok:'យល់ព្រម',cancel:'មិនយល់ព្រម',close:'Close',preview:'Preview',generalTab:'General',advancedTab:'កំរិតខ្ពស់',validateNumberFailed:'This value is not a number.',confirmNewPage:'Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?',confirmCancel:'Some of the options have been changed. Are you sure to close the dialog?',options:'Options',target:'Target',targetNew:'New Window (_blank)',targetTop:'Topmost Window (_top)',targetSelf:'Same Window (_self)',targetParent:'Parent Window (_parent)',langDirLTR:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTL:'Right to Left (RTL)',styles:'Style',cssClasses:'Stylesheet Classes',unavailable:'%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>'},contextmenu:{options:'Context M
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  occurrence(s) replaced.'},table:{toolbar:'តារាង',title:'ការកំណត់ តារាង',menu:'ការកំណត់ តារាង',deleteTable:'លប់តារាង',rows:'ជួរផ្តេក',columns:'ជួរឈរ',border:'ទំហំស៊ុម',align:'ការកំណត់ទីតាំង',alignLeft:'ខាងឆ្វេង',alignCenter:'កណ្តាល',alignRight:'ខាងស្តាំ',width:'ទទឹង',widthPx:'ភីកសែល',widthPc:'ភាគរយ',widthUnit:'width unit',height:'កំពស់',cellSpace:'គំលាតសែល',cellPad:'គែមសែល',caption:'ចំណងជើង',summary:'សេចក្តីសង្ខេប',headers:'Headers',headersNone:'None',headersColumn:'First column',headersRow:'First Row',headersBoth:'Both',invalidRows:'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.',invalidCols:'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.',invalidBorder:'Border size must be 
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 Ÿ’នាប់',button2Img:'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?',img2Button:'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',urlMissing:'Image source URL is missing.',validateWidth:'Width must be a whole number.',validateHeight:'Height must be a whole number.',validateBorder:'Border must be a whole number.',validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a whole number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a whole number.'},flash:{properties:'ការកំណត់ Flash',propertiesTab:'Properties',title:'ការកំណត់ Flash',chkPlay:'លេងដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្ត',chkLoop:'ចំនួនដង',chkMenu:'បង្ហាញ មឺនុយរបស់ Flash',chkFull:'Allow Fullscreen',scale:'ទំហំ',scaleAll:'បង្ហាញទាំងអស់',scaleNoBorder:'មិនបង្ហាញស៊ុម',scaleFit:'ត្រូវល្មម',access:'Script Access',accessAlways:'Always',accessSameDomain:
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 e a number.',validateHeight:'Height must be a number.',validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a number.'},spellCheck:{toolbar:'ពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ',title:'Spell Check',notAvailable:'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',errorLoading:'Error loading application service host: %s.',notInDic:'គ្មានក្នុងវចនានុក្រម',changeTo:'ផ្លាស់ប្តូរទៅ',btnIgnore:'មិនផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',btnIgnoreAll:'មិនផ្លាស់ប្តូរ ទាំងអស់',btnReplace:'ជំនួស',btnReplaceAll:'ជំនួសទាំងអស់',btnUndo:'សារឡើងវិញ',noSuggestions:'- គ្មានសំណើរ -',progress:'កំពុងពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ...',noMispell:'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: គ្មាáž
 “កំហុស',noChanges:'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: ពុំមានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',oneChange:'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: ពាក្យមួយត្រូចបានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',manyChanges:'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: %1 ពាក្យបានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',ieSpellDownload:'ពុំមានកម្មវិធីពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ ។ តើចង់ទាញយកពីណា?'},smiley:{toolbar:'រូបភាព',title:'បញ្ជូលរូបភាព',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'បញ្ជីជាអក្សរ',bulletedlist:'បញ្ជីជារង្វង់មូល',indent:'បនá
 Ÿ’ថែមការចូលបន្ទាត់',outdent:'បន្ថយការចូលបន្ទាត់',justify:{left:'តំរឹមឆ្វេង',center:'តំរឹមកណ្តាល',right:'តំរឹមស្តាំ',block:'តំរឹមសងខាង'},blockquote:'Block Quote',clipboard:{title:'ចំលងដាក់',cutError:'ការកំណត់សុវត្ថភាពរបស់កម្មវិធីរុករករបស់លោកអ្នក នេះ​មិនអាចធ្វើកម្មវិធីតាក់តែងអត្ថបទ កាត់អត្ថបទយកដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តបានឡើយ ។ សូមប្រើប្រាស់បន្សំ ឃីដូចនេះ  (Ctrl/Cmd+X) ។',copyError:'ការកំណត់សុវត្ថភាពរបស់កម្មវិធីរុករករបស់លោកអ្នក នេះ​មិនអាចáž
 ’្វើកម្មវិធីតាក់តែងអត្ថបទ ចំលងអត្ថបទយកដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តបានឡើយ ។ សូមប្រើប្រាស់បន្សំ ឃីដូចនេះ (Ctrl/Cmd+C)។',pasteMsg:'សូមចំលងអត្ថបទទៅដាក់ក្នុងប្រអប់ដូចខាងក្រោមដោយប្រើប្រាស់ ឃី ​(<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) ហើយចុច <STRONG>OK</STRONG> ។',securityMsg:'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'ចំលងដាក់ពី Word',title:'ចំលងដាក់ពី Word',error:'It was not possible to clean up the 
 pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'ចំលងដាក់អត្ថបទធម្មតា',title:'ចំលងដាក់អត្ថបទធម្មតា'},templates:{button:'ឯកសារគំរូ',title:'ឯកសារគំរូ របស់អត្ថន័យ',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Replace actual contents',selectPromptMsg:'សូមជ្រើសរើសឯកសារគំរូ ដើម្បីបើកនៅក្នុងកម្មវិធីតាក់តែងអត្ថបទ<br>(អត្ថបទនឹងបាត់បង់):',emptyListMsg:'(ពុំមានឯកសារគំរូត្រូវបានកំណត់)'},showBlocks:'Show Blocks',stylesCombo:{label:'ម៉ូត',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Block Styles',panelTitle2:'Inline Styles',panelTitle3:'Object Styles'},format:{label:'រចនា',panelTitle:'រចនា',tag_p:'Normal',tag_pre:'Formatted',ta
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 n','8B4513':'Saddle Brown','2F4F4F':'Dark Slate Gray','008080':'Teal','000080':'Navy','4B0082':'Indigo',696969:'Dark Gray',B22222:'Fire Brick',A52A2A:'Brown',DAA520:'Golden Rod','006400':'Dark Green','40E0D0':'Turquoise','0000CD':'Medium Blue',800080:'Purple',808080:'Gray',F00:'Red',FF8C00:'Dark Orange',FFD700:'Gold','008000':'Green','0FF':'Cyan','00F':'Blue',EE82EE:'Violet',A9A9A9:'Dim Gray',FFA07A:'Light Salmon',FFA500:'Orange',FFFF00:'Yellow','00FF00':'Lime',AFEEEE:'Pale Turquoise',ADD8E6:'Light Blue',DDA0DD:'Plum',D3D3D3:'Light Grey',FFF0F5:'Lavender Blush',FAEBD7:'Antique White',FFFFE0:'Light Yellow',F0FFF0:'Honeydew',F0FFFF:'Azure',F0F8FF:'Alice Blue',E6E6FA:'Lavender',FFF:'White'},scayt:{title:'Spell Check As You Type',opera_title:'Not supported by Opera',enable:'Enable SCAYT',disable:'Disable SCAYT',about:'About SCAYT',toggle:'Toggle SCAYT',options:'Options',langs:'Languages',moreSuggestions:'More suggestions',ignore:'Ignore',ignoreAll:'Ignore All',addWord:'Add Word'
 ,emptyDic:'Dictionary name should not be empty.',optionsTab:'Options',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Languages',dictionariesTab:'Dictionaries',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rig
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 type its name and click the Restore button.","dic_rename":"Rename","dic_restore":"Restore","dictionariesTab":"Dictionaries","disable":"Disable SCAYT","emptyDic":"Dictionary name should not be empty.","enable":"Enable SCAYT","ignore":"Ignore","ignoreAll":"Ignore All","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignore Domain Names","langs":"Languages","languagesTab":"Languages","mixedCase":"Ignore Words with Mixed Case","mixedWithDigits":"Ignore Words with Numbers","moreSuggestions":"More suggestions","opera_title":"Not supported by Opera","options":"Options","optionsTab":"Options","title":"Spell Check As You Type","toggle":"Toggle SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"ម៉ូត","panelTitle":"Formatting Styles","panelTitle1":"Block Styles","panelTitle2":"Inline Styles","panelTitle3":"Object Styles"},"table":{"border":"ទំហំស៊ុម","caption":"ចំណងជើង","cell":{"menu":"Cell","insertBefore":"Insert Cell Before","insertAfter":"Insert Cell After","d
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 "ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: គ្មានកំហុស","noSuggestions":"- គ្មានសំណើរ -","notAvailable":"Sorry, but service is unavailable now.","notInDic":"គ្មានក្នុងវចនានុក្រម","oneChange":"ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: ពាក្យមួយត្រូចបានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ","progress":"កំពុងពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ...","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"ពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ"}};
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/ko.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/ko.js
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--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/ko.js
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 ck',notAvailable:'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',errorLoading:'Error loading application service host: %s.',notInDic:'사전에 없는 단어',changeTo:'변경할 단어',btnIgnore:'건너뜀',btnIgnoreAll:'모두 건너뜀',btnReplace:'변경',btnReplaceAll:'모두 변경',btnUndo:'취소',noSuggestions:'- 추천단어 없음 -',progress:'철자검사를 진행중입니다...',noMispell:'철자검사 완료: 잘못된 철자가 없습니다.',noChanges:'철자검사 완료: 변경된 단어가 없습니다.',oneChange:'철자검사 완료: 단어가 변경되었습니다.',manyChanges:'철자검사 완료: %1 단어가 변경되었습니다.',ieSpellDownload:'철자 검사기가 철치되지 않았습니다. 지금 다운로드하시겠습니까?'},smiley:{toolbar:'아이콘',title:'아이콘 삽입',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'순서있는 목록',bulletedlist:'순서없는 목록',indent:'ë
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/ku.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/ku.js
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/lt.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/lt.js
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 sing.',validateWidth:'Width must be a whole number.',validateHeight:'Height must be a whole number.',validateBorder:'Border must be a whole number.',validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a whole number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a whole number.'},flash:{properties:'Flash savybės',propertiesTab:'Properties',title:'Flash savybės',chkPlay:'Automatinis paleidimas',chkLoop:'Ciklas',chkMenu:'Leisti Flash meniu',chkFull:'Allow Fullscreen',scale:'Mastelis',scaleAll:'Rodyti visą',scaleNoBorder:'Be rėmelio',scaleFit:'Tikslus atitikimas',access:'Script Access',accessAlways:'Always',accessSameDomain:'Same domain',accessNever:'Never',align:'Lygiuoti',alignLeft:'Kairę',alignAbsBottom:'Absoliučią apačią',alignAbsMiddle:'Absoliutų vidurį',alignBaseline:'Apatinę liniją',alignBottom:'Apačią',alignMiddle:'Vidurį',alignRight:'Dešinę',alignTextTop:'Teksto viršūnę',alignTop:'Viršūnę',quality:'Quality',qualityBest:'Best',qualityHigh:'High',qualityAutoHigh:'Auto High',quality
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  rašybos klaidų',noChanges:'Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas: Nėra pakeistų žodžių',oneChange:'Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas: Vienas žodis pakeistas',manyChanges:'Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas: Pakeista %1 žodžių',ieSpellDownload:'Rašybos tikrinimas neinstaliuotas. Ar Jūs norite jį dabar atsisiųsti?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Veideliai',title:'Įterpti veidelį',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Numeruotas sąrašas',bulletedlist:'Suženklintas sąrašas',indent:'Padidinti įtrauką',outdent:'Sumažinti įtrauką',justify:{left:'Lygiuoti kairę',center:'Centruoti',right:'Lygiuoti dešinę',block:'Lygiuoti abi puses'},blockquote:'Citata',clipboard:{title:'Įdėti',cutError:'Jūsų naršyklės saugumo nustatymai neleidžia redaktoriui automatiškai įvykdyti iškirpimo operacijų. Tam prašome naudoti klaviatūrą (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',copyError:'Jūsų naršyklės saugumo nustatymai neleidžia redaktoriui automatiška
 i įvykdyti kopijavimo operacijų. Tam prašome naudoti klaviatūrą (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',pasteMsg:'Žemiau esančiame įvedimo lauke įdėkite tekstą, naudodami klaviatūrą (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) ir paspauskite mygtuką <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',securityMsg:'Dėl jūsų naršyklės saugumo nustatymų, redaktorius negali tiesiogiai pasiekti laikinosios atminties. Jums reikia nukopijuoti dar kartą į šį langą.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'Įdėti iš Word',title:'Įdėti iš Word',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Įdėti kaip gryną tekstą',title:'Įdėti kaip gryną tekstą'},templates:{button:'Šablonai',title:'Turinio šablonai',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Pakeisti dabartinį turinį pasirinktu šablonu',selectPromptMsg:'Pasirinkite norimą šabloną<br>(<b>
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 White'},scayt:{title:'Spell Check As You Type',opera_title:'Not supported by Opera',enable:'Enable SCAYT',disable:'Disable SCAYT',about:'About SCAYT',toggle:'Toggle SCAYT',options:'Options',langs:'Languages',moreSuggestions:'More suggestions',ignore:'Ignore',ignoreAll:'Ignore All',addWord:'Add Word',emptyDic:'Dictionary name should not be empty.',optionsTab:'Options',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Languages',dictionariesTab:'Dictionaries',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should s
 pecify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/lv.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/lv.js
index e58fdf6..ce7c818 100644
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+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/lv.js
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  izmantojiet (Ctrl/Cmd+X, lai veiktu šo darbību.',copyError:'Jūsu pārlūkprogrammas drošības iestatījumi nepieļauj editoram automātiski veikt kopēšanas darbību.  Lūdzu, izmantojiet (Ctrl/Cmd+C), lai veiktu šo darbību.',pasteMsg:'Lūdzu, ievietojiet tekstu šajā laukumā, izmantojot klaviatūru (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) un apstipriniet ar <STRONG>Darīts!</STRONG>.',securityMsg:'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'Ievietot no Worda',title:'Ievietot no Worda',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Ievietot kā vienkāršu tekstu',title:'Ievietot kā vienkāršu tekstu'},templates:{button:'Sagataves',title:'Satura saga
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 tionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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index 14ba2db..ebd8832 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/ms.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/ms.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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 red on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 gkap popup>","targetPopupName":"Nama Tetingkap Popup","title":"Sambungan","toAnchor":"Pautan dalam muka surat ini","toEmail":"E-Mail","toUrl":"URL","toolbar":"Masukkan/Sunting Sambungan","type":"Jenis Sambungan","unlink":"Buang Sambungan","upload":"Muat Naik"},"liststyle":{"armenian":"Armenian numbering","bulletedTitle":"Bulleted List Properties","circle":"Circle","decimal":"Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)","decimalLeadingZero":"Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)","disc":"Disc","georgian":"Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)","lowerAlpha":"Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)","lowerGreek":"Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)","lowerRoman":"Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)","none":"None","notset":"<not set>","numberedTitle":"Numbered List Properties","square":"Square","start":"Start","type":"Type","upperAlpha":"Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)","upperRoman":"Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)","validateStartNumber":"List start number must be a whole number."},"magi
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 ,"opera_title":"Not supported by Opera","options":"Options","optionsTab":"Options","title":"Spell Check As You Type","toggle":"Toggle SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Stail","panelTitle":"Formatting Styles","panelTitle1":"Block Styles","panelTitle2":"Inline Styles","panelTitle3":"Object Styles"},"table":{"border":"Saiz Border","caption":"Keterangan","cell":{"menu":"Cell","insertBefore":"Insert Cell Before","insertAfter":"Insert Cell After","deleteCell":"Buangkan Sel-sel","merge":"Cantumkan Sel-sel","mergeRight":"Merge Right","mergeDown":"Merge Down","splitHorizontal":"Split Cell Horizontally","splitVertical":"Split Cell Vertically","title":"Cell Properties","cellType":"Cell Type","rowSpan":"Rows Span","colSpan":"Columns Span","wordWrap":"Word Wrap","hAlign":"Horizontal Alignment","vAlign":"Vertical Alignment","alignBaseline":"Baseline","bgColor":"Background Color","borderColor":"Border Color","data":"Data","header":"Header","yes":"Yes","no":"No
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 er.","menu":"Ciri-ciri Jadual","row":{"menu":"Row","insertBefore":"Insert Row Before","insertAfter":"Insert Row After","deleteRow":"Buangkan Baris"},"rows":"Barisan","summary":"Summary","title":"Ciri-ciri Jadual","toolbar":"Jadual","widthPc":"peratus","widthPx":"piksel-piksel","widthUnit":"width unit"},"undo":{"redo":"Ulangkan","undo":"Batalkan"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Biar","btnIgnoreAll":"Biarkan semua","btnReplace":"Ganti","btnReplaceAll":"Gantikan Semua","btnUndo":"Batalkan","changeTo":"Tukarkan kepada","errorLoading":"Error loading application service host: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Pemeriksa ejaan tidak dipasang. Adakah anda mahu muat turun sekarang?","manyChanges":"Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: %1 perkataan diubah","noChanges":"Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: Tiada perkataan diubah","noMispell":"Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: Tiada salah ejaan","noSuggestions":"- Tiada cadangan -","notAvailable":"Sorry, but service is unavailable now.","notInDic":"Tidak terdapat didalam kamus","oneChange":"Pem
 eriksaan ejaan siap: Satu perkataan telah diubah","progress":"Pemeriksaan ejaan sedang diproses...","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"Semak Ejaan"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/nb.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/nb.js
index 022b7d0..79491aa 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/nb.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/nb.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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 le:'Slå på SCAYT',disable:'Slå av SCAYT',about:'Om SCAYT',toggle:'Veksle SCAYT',options:'Valg',langs:'Språk',moreSuggestions:'Flere forslag',ignore:'Ignorer',ignoreAll:'Ignorer Alle',addWord:'Legg til ord',emptyDic:'Ordboknavn skal ikke være tom',optionsTab:'Valg',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Språk',dictionariesTab:'Ordbøker',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click
  the Restore button.',aboutTab:'Om'},about:{title:'Om CKEditor',dlgTitle:'Om CKEditor',moreInfo:'For lisensieringsinformasjon vennligst besøk vÃ¥rt nettsted:',copy:'Copyright © $1. Alle rettigheter reservert.'},maximize:'Maksimer',minimize:'Minimer',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anker',flash:'Flash Animasjon',div:'Sideskift',unknown:'Ukjent objekt'},resize:'Dra for Ã¥ skalere',colordialog:{title:'Velg farge',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Merk',selected:'Valgt',clear:'Tøm'},toolbarCollapse:'SlÃ¥ sammen verktøylinje',toolbarExpand:'Vis verktøylinje',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 "invalidHeight":"Tabellhøyde må være et tall.","invalidRows":"Antall rader må være et tall større enn 0.","invalidWidth":"Tabellbredde må være et tall.","menu":"Egenskaper for tabell","row":{"menu":"Rader","insertBefore":"Sett inn rad før","insertAfter":"Sett inn rad etter","deleteRow":"Slett rader"},"rows":"Rader","summary":"Sammendrag","title":"Egenskaper for tabell","toolbar":"Tabell","widthPc":"prosent","widthPx":"piksler","widthUnit":"Bredde-enhet"},"undo":{"redo":"Gjør om","undo":"Angre"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Ignorer","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignorer alle","btnReplace":"Erstatt","btnReplaceAll":"Erstatt alle","btnUndo":"Angre","changeTo":"Endre til","errorLoading":"Feil under lasting av applikasjonstjenestetjener: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Stavekontroll er ikke installert. Vil du laste den ned nå?","manyChanges":"Stavekontroll fullført: %1 ord endret","noChanges":"Stavekontroll fullført: ingen ord endret","noMispell":"Stavekontroll fullført: ingen feilstavinger funne
 t","noSuggestions":"- Ingen forslag -","notAvailable":"Beklager, tjenesten er utilgjenglig nå.","notInDic":"Ikke i ordboken","oneChange":"Stavekontroll fullført: Ett ord endret","progress":"Stavekontroll pågår...","title":"Stavekontroll","toolbar":"Stavekontroll"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/nl.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/nl.js
index 7a34fb4..c84e481 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/nl.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/nl.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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 e persoonlijke woordenboek op je eigen server op te slaan, moet je een mapnaam opgeven. Indien je al een woordenboek hebt opgeslagen, typ dan de naam en klik op de Terugzetten knop.',aboutTab:'Over'},about:{title:'Over CKEditor',dlgTitle:'Over CKEditor',moreInfo:'Voor licentie informatie, bezoek onze website:',copy:'Copyright © $1. Alle rechten voorbehouden.'},maximize:'Maximaliseren',minimize:'Minimaliseren',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anker',flash:'Flash animatie',div:'Pagina einde',unknown:'Onbekend object'},resize:'Sleep om te herschalen',colordialog:{title:'Selecteer kleur',options:'Kleuropties',highlight:'Actief',selected:'Geselecteerd',clear:'Wissen'},toolbarCollapse:'Werkbalk inklappen',toolbarExpand:'Werkbalk uitklappen',bidi:{ltr:'Schrijfrichting van links naar rechts',rtl:'Schrijfrichting van rechts naar links'}};
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 "disc":"Schijf","georgian":"Georgische nummering (an, ban, gan, etc.)","lowerAlpha":"Kleine letters (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)","lowerGreek":"Grieks kleine letters (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)","lowerRoman":"Romeins kleine letters (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)","none":"Geen","notset":"<niet gezet>","numberedTitle":"Eigenschappen genummerde lijst","square":"Vierkant","start":"Start","type":"Type","upperAlpha":"Hoofdletters (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)","upperRoman":"Romeinse hoofdletters (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)","validateStartNumber":"Startnummer van de lijst moet een heel nummer zijn."},"magicline":{"title":"Insert paragraph here"},"maximize":{"maximize":"Maximaliseren","minimize":"Minimaliseren"},"newpage":{"toolbar":"Nieuwe pagina"},"pagebreak":{"alt":"Pagina-einde","toolbar":"Pagina-einde invoegen"},"pastetext":{"button":"Plakken als platte tekst","title":"Plakken als platte tekst"},"pastefromword":{"confirmCleanup":"De tekst die u plakte lijkt gekopieerd te zijn vanuit Word. Wilt u de t
 ekst opschonen voordat deze geplakt wordt?","error":"Het was niet mogelijk om de geplakte tekst op te schonen door een interne fout","title":"Plakken als Word-gegevens","toolbar":"Plakken als Word-gegevens"},"preview":{"preview":"Voorbeeld"},"print":{"toolbar":"Printen"},"removeformat":{"toolbar":"Opmaak verwijderen"},"save":{"toolbar":"Opslaan"},"selectall":{"toolbar":"Alles selecteren"},"showblocks":{"toolbar":"Toon blokken"},"sourcearea":{"toolbar":"Code"},"specialchar":{"options":"Speciale tekens opties","title":"Selecteer speciaal teken","toolbar":"Speciaal teken invoegen"},"scayt":{"about":"Over SCAYT","aboutTab":"Over","addWord":"Woord toevoegen","allCaps":"Negeer woorden helemaal in hoofdletters","dic_create":"Aanmaken","dic_delete":"Verwijderen","dic_field_name":"Naam woordenboek","dic_info":"Initieel wordt het gebruikerswoordenboek opgeslagen in een cookie. Cookies zijn echter beperkt in grootte. Zodra het gebruikerswoordenboek het punt bereikt waarop het niet meer
  in een cookie opgeslagen kan worden, dan wordt het woordenboek op de server opgeslagen. Om je persoonlijke woordenboek op je eigen server op te slaan, moet je een mapnaam opgeven. Indien je al een woordenboek hebt opgeslagen, typ dan de naam en klik op de Terugzetten knop.","dic_rename":"Hernoemen","dic_restore":"Terugzetten","dictionariesTab":"Woordenboeken","disable":"SCAYT uitschakelen","emptyDic":"De naam van het woordenboek mag niet leeg zijn.","enable":"SCAYT inschakelen","ignore":"Negeren","ignoreAll":"Alles negeren","ignoreDomainNames":"Negeer domeinnamen","langs":"Talen","languagesTab":"Talen","mixedCase":"Negeer woorden met hoofd- en kleine letters","mixedWithDigits":"Negeer woorden met cijfers","moreSuggestions":"Meer suggesties","opera_title":"Niet ondersteund door Opera","options":"Opties","optionsTab":"Opties","title":"Controleer de spelling tijdens het typen","toggle":"SCAYT in/uitschakelen","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Stijl","pan
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  getal zijn.","invalidColSpan":"Kolommen samenvoegen moet een heel getal zijn.","chooseColor":"Kies"},"cellPad":"Ruimte in de cel","cellSpace":"Afstand tussen cellen","column":{"menu":"Kolom","insertBefore":"Voeg kolom in voor","insertAfter":"Voeg kolom in achter","deleteColumn":"Kolommen verwijderen"},"columns":"Kolommen","deleteTable":"Tabel verwijderen","headers":"Koppen","headersBoth":"Beide","headersColumn":"Eerste kolom","headersNone":"Geen","headersRow":"Eerste rij","invalidBorder":"De rand breedte moet een getal zijn.","invalidCellPadding":"Ruimte in de cel moet een getal zijn.","invalidCellSpacing":"Afstand tussen cellen moet een getal zijn.","invalidCols":"Het aantal kolommen moet een getal zijn groter dan 0.","invalidHeight":"De tabelhoogte moet een getal zijn.","invalidRows":"Het aantal rijen moet een getal zijn groter dan 0.","invalidWidth":"De tabelbreedte moet een getal zijn.","menu":"Eigenschappen tabel","row":{"menu":"Rij","insertBefore":"Voeg rij in voor","
 insertAfter":"Voeg rij in achter","deleteRow":"Rijen verwijderen"},"rows":"Rijen","summary":"Samenvatting","title":"Eigenschappen tabel","toolbar":"Tabel","widthPc":"procent","widthPx":"pixels","widthUnit":"eenheid breedte"},"undo":{"redo":"Opnieuw uitvoeren","undo":"Ongedaan maken"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Negeren","btnIgnoreAll":"Alles negeren","btnReplace":"Vervangen","btnReplaceAll":"Alles vervangen","btnUndo":"Ongedaan maken","changeTo":"Wijzig in","errorLoading":"Er is een fout opgetreden bij het laden van de dienst: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"De spellingscontrole is niet geïnstalleerd. Wilt u deze nu downloaden?","manyChanges":"Klaar met spellingscontrole: %1 woorden aangepast","noChanges":"Klaar met spellingscontrole: geen woorden aangepast","noMispell":"Klaar met spellingscontrole: geen fouten gevonden","noSuggestions":"- Geen suggesties -","notAvailable":"Excuses, deze dienst is momenteel niet beschikbaar.","notInDic":"Niet in het woordenboek","oneChange":"Klaar met spel
 lingscontrole: één woord aangepast","progress":"Bezig met spellingscontrole...","title":"Spellingscontrole","toolbar":"Spellingscontrole"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/no.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/no.js
index d28e6a6..4981655 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/no.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/no.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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 le:'Slå på SCAYT',disable:'Slå av SCAYT',about:'Om SCAYT',toggle:'Veksle SCAYT',options:'Valg',langs:'Språk',moreSuggestions:'Flere forslag',ignore:'Ignorer',ignoreAll:'Ignorer Alle',addWord:'Legg til ord',emptyDic:'Ordboknavn skal ikke være tom',optionsTab:'Valg',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Språk',dictionariesTab:'Ordbøker',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click
  the Restore button.',aboutTab:'Om'},about:{title:'Om CKEditor',dlgTitle:'Om CKEditor',moreInfo:'For lisensieringsinformasjon vennligst besøk vÃ¥rt nettsted:',copy:'Copyright © $1. Alle rettigheter reservert.'},maximize:'Maksimer',minimize:'Minimer',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anker',flash:'Flash Animasjon',div:'Sideskift',unknown:'Ukjent objekt'},resize:'Dra for Ã¥ skalere',colordialog:{title:'Velg farge',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Merk',selected:'Valgt',clear:'Tøm'},toolbarCollapse:'SlÃ¥ sammen verktøylinje',toolbarExpand:'Vis verktøylinje',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 "invalidHeight":"Tabellhøyde må være et tall.","invalidRows":"Antall rader må være et tall større enn 0.","invalidWidth":"Tabellbredde må være et tall.","menu":"Egenskaper for tabell","row":{"menu":"Rader","insertBefore":"Sett inn rad før","insertAfter":"Sett inn rad etter","deleteRow":"Slett rader"},"rows":"Rader","summary":"Sammendrag","title":"Egenskaper for tabell","toolbar":"Tabell","widthPc":"prosent","widthPx":"piksler","widthUnit":"Bredde-enhet"},"undo":{"redo":"Gjør om","undo":"Angre"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Ignorer","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignorer alle","btnReplace":"Erstatt","btnReplaceAll":"Erstatt alle","btnUndo":"Angre","changeTo":"Endre til","errorLoading":"Feil under lasting av applikasjonstjenestetjener: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Stavekontroll er ikke installert. Vil du laste den ned nå?","manyChanges":"Stavekontroll fullført: %1 ord endret","noChanges":"Stavekontroll fullført: ingen ord endret","noMispell":"Stavekontroll fullført: ingen feilstavinger funne
 t","noSuggestions":"- Ingen forslag -","notAvailable":"Beklager, tjenesten er utilgjenglig nå.","notInDic":"Ikke i ordboken","oneChange":"Stavekontroll fullført: Ett ord endret","progress":"Stavekontroll pågår...","title":"Stavekontroll","toolbar":"Stavekontroll"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/pl.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/pl.js
index 6dc1b37..9b04cff 100644
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+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/pl.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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-CKEDITOR.lang.pl={dir:'ltr',editorTitle:'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.',toolbar:'Toolbar',editor:'Rich Text Editor',source:'Źródło dokumentu',newPage:'Nowa strona',save:'Zapisz',preview:'Podgląd',cut:'Wytnij',copy:'Kopiuj',paste:'Wklej',print:'Drukuj',underline:'Podkreślenie',bold:'Pogrubienie',italic:'Kursywa',selectAll:'Zaznacz wszystko',removeFormat:'Usuń formatowanie',strike:'Przekreślenie',subscript:'Indeks dolny',superscript:'Indeks górny',horizontalrule:'Wstaw poziomą linię',pagebreak:'Wstaw odstęp',unlink:'Usuń hiperłącze',undo:'Cofnij',redo:'Ponów',common:{browseServer:'Przeglądaj',url:'Adres URL',protocol:'Protokół',upload:'Wyślij',uploadSubmit:'Wyślij',image:'Obrazek',flash:'Flash',form:'Formularz',checkbox:'Pole wyboru (checkbox)',radio:'Pole wyboru (radio)',textField:'Pole tekstowe',textarea:'Obszar tekstowy',hiddenField:'Pole ukryte',button:'Przycisk',select:'Lista wyboru',imageButton:'Przycisk-obrazek',notSet:'<nie ustawione>'
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 rki nie pozwalają na automatyczne kopiowanie tekstu. Użyj skrótu klawiszowego Ctrl/Cmd+C.',pasteMsg:'Proszę wkleić w poniższym polu używając klawiaturowego skrótu (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) i kliknąć <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',securityMsg:'Zabezpieczenia przeglądarki uniemożliwiają wklejenie danych bezpośrednio do edytora. Proszę dane wkleić ponownie w tym okienku.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'Tekst, który chcesz wkleić, prawdopodobnie pochodzi z programu Word. Czy chcesz go wyczyścic przed wklejeniem?',toolbar:'Wklej z Worda',title:'Wklej z Worda',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Wklej jako czysty tekst',title:'Wklej jako czysty tekst'},templates:{button:'Szablony',title:'Szablony zawartości',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Zastąp aktualną zawartość',selectPromptMsg:'Wybierz szablon do otwarcia w edytorze<br>(obecna zawartość okna edytora zostanie
  utracona):',emptyListMsg:'(Brak zdefiniowanych szablonów)'},showBlocks:'Pokaż bloki',stylesCombo:{label:'Styl',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Style blokowe',panelTitle2:'Style liniowe',panelTitle3:'Style obiektowe'},format:{label:'Format',panelTitle:'Format',tag_p:'Normalny',tag_pre:'Tekst sformatowany',tag_address:'Adres',tag_h1:'Nagłówek 1',tag_h2:'Nagłówek 2',tag_h3:'Nagłówek 3',tag_h4:'Nagłówek 4',tag_h5:'Nagłówek 5',tag_h6:'Nagłówek 6',tag_div:'Normalny (DIV)'},div:{title:'Create Div Container',toolbar:'Create Div Container',cssClassInputLabel:'Stylesheet Classes',styleSelectLabel:'Style',IdInputLabel:'Id',languageCodeInputLabel:' Language Code',inlineStyleInputLabel:'Inline Style',advisoryTitleInputLabel:'Advisory Title',langDirLabel:'Language Direction',langDirLTRLabel:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTLLabel:'Right to Left (RTL)',edit:'Edit Div',remove:'Remove Div'},font:{label:'Czcionka',voiceLabel:'Czcionka',panelTitle:'Czcionka'},fontSize:
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 SCAYT)',opera_title:'Not supported by Opera',enable:'Włącz SCAYT',disable:'Wyłącz SCAYT',about:'Na temat SCAYT',toggle:'Przełącz SCAYT',options:'Opcje',langs:'Języki',moreSuggestions:'Więcej sugestii',ignore:'Ignoruj',ignoreAll:'Ignoruj wszystkie',addWord:'Dodaj słowo',emptyDic:'Nazwa słownika nie może być pusta.',optionsTab:'Opcje',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Języki',dictionariesTab:'Słowniki',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dicti
 onary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'Na temat SCAYT'},about:{title:'Na temat CKEditor',dlgTitle:'Na temat CKEditor',moreInfo:'Informacje na temat licencji można znaleźć na naszej stronie:',copy:'Copyright © $1. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.'},maximize:'Maksymalizuj',minimize:'Minimalizuj',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Kotwica',flash:'Animacja Flash',div:'Separator stron',unknown:'Nieznany obiekt'},resize:'PrzeciÄ…gnij, aby zmienić rozmiar',colordialog:{title:'Wybierz kolor',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Zaznacz',selected:'Wybrany',clear:'Wyczyść'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/pt-br.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/pt-br.js
index 912899a..afea0cc 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/pt-br.js
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 uerda',alignRight:'Direita',alertUrl:'Por favor, digite a URL da imagem.',linkTab:'Link',button2Img:'Deseja transformar o botão de imagem em uma imagem comum?',img2Button:'Deseja transformar a imagem em um botão de imagem?',urlMissing:'URL da imagem está faltando.',validateWidth:'A largura deve ser um número inteiro.',validateHeight:'A altura deve ser um número inteiro.',validateBorder:'A borda deve ser um número inteiro.',validateHSpace:'O HSpace deve ser um número inteiro.',validateVSpace:'O VSpace deve ser um número inteiro.'},flash:{properties:'Propriedades do Flash',propertiesTab:'Propriedades',title:'Propriedades do Flash',chkPlay:'Tocar Automaticamente',chkLoop:'Tocar Infinitamente',chkMenu:'Habilita Menu Flash',chkFull:'Permitir tela cheia',scale:'Escala',scaleAll:'Mostrar tudo',scaleNoBorder:'Sem Borda',scaleFit:'Escala Exata',access:'Acesso ao script',accessAlways:'Sempre',accessSameDomain:'Acessar Mesmo Domínio',accessNever:'Nunca',align:'Alinhamento',ali
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 el:'Caminho dos Elementos',eleTitle:'Elemento %1'},numberedlist:'Lista numerada',bulletedlist:'Lista sem números',indent:'Aumentar Recuo',outdent:'Diminuir Recuo',justify:{left:'Alinhar Esquerda',center:'Centralizar',right:'Alinhar Direita',block:'Justificado'},blockquote:'Citação',clipboard:{title:'Colar',cutError:'As configurações de segurança do seu navegador não permitem que o editor execute operações de recortar automaticamente. Por favor, utilize o teclado para recortar (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',copyError:'As configurações de segurança do seu navegador não permitem que o editor execute operações de copiar automaticamente. Por favor, utilize o teclado para copiar (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',pasteMsg:'Transfira o link usado na caixa usando o teclado com (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) e <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',securityMsg:'As configurações de segurança do seu navegador não permitem que o editor acesse os dados da área de transferência diretamente. Por favor cole o conteúdo man
 ualmente nesta janela.',pasteArea:'Área para Colar'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'O texto que você deseja colar parece ter sido copiado do Word. Você gostaria de remover a formatação antes de colar?',toolbar:'Colar do Word',title:'Colar do Word',error:'Não foi possível limpar os dados colados devido a um erro interno'},pasteText:{button:'Colar como Texto sem Formatação',title:'Colar como Texto sem Formatação'},templates:{button:'Modelos de layout',title:'Modelo de layout de conteúdo',options:'Opções de Template',insertOption:'Substituir o conteúdo atual',selectPromptMsg:'Selecione um modelo de layout para ser aberto no editor<br>(o conteúdo atual será perdido):',emptyListMsg:'(Não foram definidos modelos de layout)'},showBlocks:'Mostrar blocos de código',stylesCombo:{label:'Estilo',panelTitle:'Estilos de Formatação',panelTitle1:'Estilos de bloco',panelTitle2:'Estilos de texto corrido',panelTitle3:'Estilos de objeto'},format:{label:'Formatação',panelT
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 m 1','2F4F4F':'Cinza 1','008080':'Cerceta','000080':'Azul Marinho','4B0082':'Índigo',696969:'Cinza 2',B22222:'Tijolo de Fogo',A52A2A:'Marrom 2',DAA520:'Vara Dourada','006400':'Verde Escuro','40E0D0':'Turquesa','0000CD':'Azul Médio',800080:'Roxo',808080:'Cinza 3',F00:'Vermelho',FF8C00:'Laranja Escuro',FFD700:'Dourado','008000':'Verde','0FF':'Ciano','00F':'Azul',EE82EE:'Violeta',A9A9A9:'Cinza Escuro',FFA07A:'Salmão Claro',FFA500:'Laranja',FFFF00:'Amarelo','00FF00':'Lima',AFEEEE:'Turquesa Pálido',ADD8E6:'Azul Claro',DDA0DD:'Ameixa',D3D3D3:'Cinza Claro',FFF0F5:'Lavanda 1',FAEBD7:'Branco Antiguidade',FFFFE0:'Amarelo Claro',F0FFF0:'Orvalho',F0FFFF:'Azure',F0F8FF:'Azul Alice',E6E6FA:'Lavanda 2',FFF:'Branco'},scayt:{title:'Correção ortográfica durante a digitação',opera_title:'Não suportado no Opera',enable:'Habilitar correção ortográfica durante a digitação',disable:'Desabilitar correção ortográfica durante a digitação',about:'Sobre a correção ortográfica dur
 ante a digitação',toggle:'Ativar/desativar correção ortográfica durante a digitação',options:'Opções',langs:'Idiomas',moreSuggestions:'Mais sugestões',ignore:'Ignorar',ignoreAll:'Ignorar todas',addWord:'Adicionar palavra',emptyDic:'O nome do dicionário não deveria estar vazio.',optionsTab:'Opções',allCaps:'Ignorar palavras maiúsculas',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignorar nomes de domínio',mixedCase:'Ignorar palavras com maiúsculas e minúsculas misturadas',mixedWithDigits:'Ignorar palavras com números',languagesTab:'Idiomas',dictionariesTab:'Dicionários',dic_field_name:'Nome do Dicionário',dic_create:'Criar',dic_restore:'Restaurar',dic_delete:'Excluir',dic_rename:'Renomear',dic_info:'Inicialmente, o dicionário do usuário fica armazenado em um Cookie. Porém, Cookies tem tamanho limitado, portanto quand o dicionário do usuário atingir o tamanho limite poderá ser armazenado no nosso servidor. Para armazenar seu dicionário pessoal no nosso servidor deverá espec
 ificar um nome para ele. Se já tiver um dicionário armazenado por favor especifique o seu nome e clique em Restaurar.',aboutTab:'Sobre'},about:{title:'Sobre o CKEditor',dlgTitle:'Sobre o CKEditor',moreInfo:'Para informações sobre a licença por favor visite o nosso site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. Todos os direitos reservados.'},maximize:'Maximizar',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Âncora',flash:'Animação em Flash',div:'Quebra de página',unknown:'Objeto desconhecido'},resize:'Arraste para redimensionar',colordialog:{title:'Selecione uma cor',options:'Opções de Cor',highlight:'Grifar',selected:'Cor Selecionada',clear:'Limpar'},toolbarCollapse:'Diminuir Barra de Ferramentas',toolbarExpand:'Aumentar Barra de Ferramentas',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 navegador não permite a execução automática de operações de copiar. Por favor use o teclado (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',pasteMsg:'Por favor, cole dentro da seguinte caixa usando o teclado (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) e prima <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',securityMsg:'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'Colar do Word',title:'Colar do Word',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Colar como Texto Simples',title:'Colar como Texto Simples'},templates:{button:'Modelos',title:'Modelo de Conteúdo',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Replace actual contents',selectPromptMsg:'Por favor, seleccione o modelo a abrir no editor<br>(o conteúdo actual será 
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 T',disable:'Disable SCAYT',about:'About SCAYT',toggle:'Toggle SCAYT',options:'Options',langs:'Languages',moreSuggestions:'More suggestions',ignore:'Ignore',ignoreAll:'Ignore All',addWord:'Add Word',emptyDic:'Dictionary name should not be empty.',optionsTab:'Options',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Languages',dictionariesTab:'Dictionaries',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and cl
 ick the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 oggle":"Toggle SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Estilo","panelTitle":"Formatting Styles","panelTitle1":"Block Styles","panelTitle2":"Inline Styles","panelTitle3":"Object Styles"},"table":{"border":"Tamanho do Limite","caption":"Título","cell":{"menu":"Célula","insertBefore":"Insert Cell Before","insertAfter":"Insert Cell After","deleteCell":"Eliminar Célula","merge":"Unir Células","mergeRight":"Merge Right","mergeDown":"Merge Down","splitHorizontal":"Split Cell Horizontally","splitVertical":"Split Cell Vertically","title":"Cell Properties","cellType":"Cell Type","rowSpan":"Rows Span","colSpan":"Columns Span","wordWrap":"Word Wrap","hAlign":"Horizontal Alignment","vAlign":"Vertical Alignment","alignBaseline":"Baseline","bgColor":"Background Color","borderColor":"Border Color","data":"Data","header":"Header","yes":"Yes","no":"No","invalidWidth":"Cell width must be a number.","invalidHeight":"Cell height must be a number.","invalidRowSpan":"Ro
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 terada","progress":"Verificação ortográfica em progresso…","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"Verificação Ortográfica"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/ro.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/ro.js
index aa265fa..652ea4b 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/ro.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/ro.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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 ă scrieţi URL-ul',noEmail:'Vă rugăm să scrieţi adresa de e-mail'},anchor:{toolbar:'Inserează/Editează ancoră',menu:'Proprietăţi ancoră',title:'Proprietăţi ancoră',name:'Numele ancorei',errorName:'Vă rugăm scrieţi numele ancorei'},list:{numberedTitle:'Numbered List Properties',bulletedTitle:'Bulleted List Properties',type:'Type',start:'Start',validateStartNumber:'List start number must be a whole number.',circle:'Circle',disc:'Disc',square:'Square',none:'None',notset:'<not set>',armenian:'Armenian numbering',georgian:'Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)',lowerRoman:'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',upperRoman:'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',lowerAlpha:'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',upperAlpha:'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',lowerGreek:'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',decimal:'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',decimalLeadingZero:'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)'},findAndReplace:{title:'Găseşte şi înlocuieşte',find:'Găse
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 , but service is unavailable now.',errorLoading:'Error loading application service host: %s.',notInDic:'Nu e în dicţionar',changeTo:'Schimbă în',btnIgnore:'Ignoră',btnIgnoreAll:'Ignoră toate',btnReplace:'Înlocuieşte',btnReplaceAll:'Înlocuieşte tot',btnUndo:'Starea anterioară (undo)',noSuggestions:'- Fără sugestii -',progress:'Verificarea textului în desfăşurare...',noMispell:'Verificarea textului terminată: Nicio greşeală găsită',noChanges:'Verificarea textului terminată: Niciun cuvânt modificat',oneChange:'Verificarea textului terminată: Un cuvânt modificat',manyChanges:'Verificarea textului terminată: 1% cuvinte modificate',ieSpellDownload:'Unealta pentru verificat textul (Spell checker) neinstalată. Doriţi să o descărcaţi acum?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Figură expresivă (Emoticon)',title:'Inserează o figură expresivă (Emoticon)',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Listă numerot
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 ƒugaÅ£i din nou datele în această fereastră.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'Adaugă din Word',title:'Adaugă din Word',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Adaugă ca text simplu (Plain Text)',title:'Adaugă ca text simplu (Plain Text)'},templates:{button:'Template-uri (ÅŸabloane)',title:'Template-uri (ÅŸabloane) de conÅ£inut',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'ÃŽnlocuieÅŸte cuprinsul actual',selectPromptMsg:'Vă rugăm selectaÅ£i template-ul (ÅŸablonul) ce se va deschide în editor<br>(conÅ£inutul actual va fi pierdut):',emptyListMsg:'(Niciun template (ÅŸablon) definit)'},showBlocks:'Arată blocurile',stylesCombo:{label:'Stil',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Block Styles',panelTitle2:'Inline Styles',panelTitle3:'Object Styles'},format:{label:'Formatare',panelTi
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 008080':'Teal','000080':'Navy','4B0082':'Indigo',696969:'Dark Gray',B22222:'Fire Brick',A52A2A:'Brown',DAA520:'Golden Rod','006400':'Dark Green','40E0D0':'Turquoise','0000CD':'Medium Blue',800080:'Purple',808080:'Gray',F00:'Red',FF8C00:'Dark Orange',FFD700:'Gold','008000':'Green','0FF':'Cyan','00F':'Blue',EE82EE:'Violet',A9A9A9:'Dim Gray',FFA07A:'Light Salmon',FFA500:'Orange',FFFF00:'Yellow','00FF00':'Lime',AFEEEE:'Pale Turquoise',ADD8E6:'Light Blue',DDA0DD:'Plum',D3D3D3:'Light Grey',FFF0F5:'Lavender Blush',FAEBD7:'Antique White',FFFFE0:'Light Yellow',F0FFF0:'Honeydew',F0FFFF:'Azure',F0F8FF:'Alice Blue',E6E6FA:'Lavender',FFF:'White'},scayt:{title:'Spell Check As You Type',opera_title:'Not supported by Opera',enable:'Enable SCAYT',disable:'Disable SCAYT',about:'About SCAYT',toggle:'Toggle SCAYT',options:'Options',langs:'Languages',moreSuggestions:'More suggestions',ignore:'Ignore',ignoreAll:'Ignore All',addWord:'Add Word',emptyDic:'Dictionary name should not be empty.',option
 sTab:'Options',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Languages',dictionariesTab:'Dictionaries',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize'
 ,fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
+CKEDITOR.lang['ro']={"dir":"ltr","editor":"Rich Text Editor","common":{"editorHelp":"Apasă ALT 0 pentru ajutor","browseServer":"Răsfoieşte server","url":"URL","protocol":"Protocol","upload":"Încarcă","uploadSubmit":"Trimite la server","image":"Imagine","flash":"Flash","form":"Formular (Form)","checkbox":"Bifă (Checkbox)","radio":"Buton radio (RadioButton)","textField":"Câmp text (TextField)","textarea":"Suprafaţă text (Textarea)","hiddenField":"Câmp ascuns (HiddenField)","button":"Buton","select":"Câmp selecţie (SelectionField)","imageButton":"Buton imagine (ImageButton)","notSet":"<nesetat>","id":"Id","name":"Nume","langDir":"Direcţia cuvintelor","langDirLtr":"stânga-dreapta (LTR)","langDirRtl":"dreapta-stânga (RTL)","langCode":"Codul limbii","longDescr":"Descrierea lungă URL","cssClass":"Clasele cu stilul paginii (CSS)","advisoryTitle":"Titlul consultativ","cssStyle":"Stil","ok":"OK","cancel":"Anulare","close":"Închide","preview":"Previzualizare","resize":
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 ld":"Îngroşat (bold)","italic":"Înclinat (italic)","strike":"Tăiat (strike through)","subscript":"Indice (subscript)","superscript":"Putere (superscript)","underline":"Subliniat (underline)"},"bidi":{"ltr":"Text direction from left to right","rtl":"Text direction from right to left"},"blockquote":{"toolbar":"Citat"},"clipboard":{"copy":"Copiază","copyError":"Setările de securitate ale navigatorului (browser) pe care îl folosiţi nu permit editorului să execute automat operaţiunea de copiere. Vă rugăm folosiţi tastatura (Ctrl/Cmd+C).","cut":"Taie","cutError":"Setările de securitate ale navigatorului (browser) pe care îl folosiţi nu permit editorului să execute automat operaţiunea de tăiere. Vă rugăm folosiţi tastatura (Ctrl/Cmd+X).","paste":"Adaugă","pasteArea":"Suprafața de adăugare","pasteMsg":"Vă rugăm adăugaţi în căsuţa următoare folosind tastatura (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) şi apăsaţi OK","securityMsg":"Din cauza setărilor de securi
 tate ale programului dvs. cu care navigaţi pe internet (browser), editorul nu poate accesa direct datele din clipboard. Va trebui să adăugaţi din nou datele în această fereastră.","title":"Adaugă"},"colorbutton":{"auto":"Automatic","bgColorTitle":"Coloarea fundalului","colors":{"000":"Black","800000":"Maroon","8B4513":"Saddle Brown","2F4F4F":"Dark Slate Gray","008080":"Teal","000080":"Navy","4B0082":"Indigo","696969":"Dark Gray","B22222":"Fire Brick","A52A2A":"Brown","DAA520":"Golden Rod","006400":"Dark Green","40E0D0":"Turquoise","0000CD":"Medium Blue","800080":"Purple","808080":"Gray","F00":"Red","FF8C00":"Dark Orange","FFD700":"Gold","008000":"Green","0FF":"Cyan","00F":"Blue","EE82EE":"Violet","A9A9A9":"Dim Gray","FFA07A":"Light Salmon","FFA500":"Orange","FFFF00":"Yellow","00FF00":"Lime","AFEEEE":"Pale Turquoise","ADD8E6":"Light Blue","DDA0DD":"Plum","D3D3D3":"Light Grey","FFF0F5":"Lavender Blush","FAEBD7":"Antique White","FFFFE0":"Light Yellow","F0FFF0":"Honeydew
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 ited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.","dic_rename":"Rename","dic_restore":"Restore","dictionariesTab":"Dictionaries","disable":"Disable SCAYT","emptyDic":"Dictionary name should not be empty.","enable":"Enable SCAYT","ignore":"Ignore","ignoreAll":"Ignore All","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignore Domain Names","langs":"Languages","languagesTab":"Languages","mixedCase":"Ignore Words with Mixed Case","mixedWithDigits":"Ignore Words with Numbers","moreSuggestions":"More suggestions","opera_title":"Not supported by Opera","options":"Options","optionsTab":"Options","title":"Spell Check As You Type","toggle":"Toggle SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Stil","panelTitle":"For
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  tabelului","row":{"menu":"Rând","insertBefore":"Inserează rând înainte","insertAfter":"Inserează rând după","deleteRow":"Şterge rânduri"},"rows":"Rânduri","summary":"Rezumat","title":"Proprietăţile tabelului","toolbar":"Tabel","widthPc":"procente","widthPx":"pixeli","widthUnit":"unitate lățime"},"undo":{"redo":"Starea ulterioară (redo)","undo":"Starea anterioară (undo)"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Ignoră","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignoră toate","btnReplace":"Înlocuieşte","btnReplaceAll":"Înlocuieşte tot","btnUndo":"Starea anterioară (undo)","changeTo":"Schimbă în","errorLoading":"Eroare în lansarea aplicației service host %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Unealta pentru verificat textul (Spell checker) neinstalată. Doriţi să o descărcaţi acum?","manyChanges":"Verificarea textului terminată: 1% cuvinte modificate","noChanges":"Verificarea textului terminată: Niciun cuvânt modificat","noMispell":"Verificarea textului terminată: Nicio greşeală găsită","noSuggestio
 ns":"- Fără sugestii -","notAvailable":"Scuzați, dar serviciul nu este disponibil momentan.","notInDic":"Nu e în dicţionar","oneChange":"Verificarea textului terminată: Un cuvânt modificat","progress":"Verificarea textului în desfăşurare...","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"Verifică scrierea textului"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/ru.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/ru.js
index fbd990c..334568a 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/ru.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/ru.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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 ²Ð¾Ð¹ÑÑ‚ва таблицы","row":{"menu":"Строка","insertBefore":"Вставить строку сверху","insertAfter":"Вставить строку снизу","deleteRow":"Удалить строки"},"rows":"Строки","summary":"Итоги","title":"Свойства таблицы","toolbar":"Таблица","widthPc":"процентов","widthPx":"пикселей","widthUnit":"единица измерения"},"undo":{"redo":"Повторить","undo":"Отменить"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Пропустить","btnIgnoreAll":"Пропустить всё","btnReplace":"Заменить","btnReplaceAll":"Заменить всё","btnUndo":"Отменить","changeTo":"Изменить на","errorLoading":"Произошла ошибка при подключении к серверу проверки орфографии: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Модуль проверки орфографии не установлен. Хотите скачÐ
 °Ñ‚ÑŒ его?","manyChanges":"Проверка орфографии завершена. Изменено слов: %1","noChanges":"Проверка орфографии завершена. Не изменено ни одного слова","noMispell":"Проверка орфографии завершена. Ошибок не найдено","noSuggestions":"- Варианты отсутствуют -","notAvailable":"Извините, но в данный момент сервис недоступен.","notInDic":"Отсутствует в словаре","oneChange":"Проверка орфографии завершена. Изменено одно слово","progress":"Орфография проверяется...","title":"Проверка орфографии","toolbar":"Проверить орфографию"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/sk.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/sk.js
index 6b00738..485c46c 100644
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+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/sk.js
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 "toolbar":"Tabuľka","widthPc":"percent","widthPx":"pixelov","widthUnit":"jednotka šírky"},"undo":{"redo":"Znovu","undo":"Späť"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Ignorovať","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignorovať všetko","btnReplace":"Prepísat","btnReplaceAll":"Prepísat všetko","btnUndo":"Späť","changeTo":"Zmeniť na","errorLoading":"Chyba pri načítaní slovníka z adresy: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Kontrola pravopisu nie je naištalovaná. Chcete ju teraz stiahnuť?","manyChanges":"Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: Bolo zmenených %1 slov","noChanges":"Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: Neboli zmenené žiadne slová","noMispell":"Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: Neboli nájdené žiadne chyby pravopisu","noSuggestions":"- Žiadny návrh -","notAvailable":"Prepáčte, ale služba je momentálne nedostupná.","notInDic":"Nie je v slovníku","oneChange":"Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: Bolo zmenené jedno slovo","progress":"Prebieha kontrola pravopisu...","title":"Skontrolovať pravopis","toolbar"
 :"Kontrola pravopisu"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/sl.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/sl.js
index e1c768a..57b6db9 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/sl.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/sl.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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 va vrstica","invalidBorder":"Širina obrobe mora biti število.","invalidCellPadding":"Zamik celic mora biti število","invalidCellSpacing":"Razmik med celicami mora biti število.","invalidCols":"Število stolpcev mora biti večje od 0.","invalidHeight":"Višina tabele mora biti število.","invalidRows":"Število vrstic mora biti večje od 0.","invalidWidth":"Širina tabele mora biti število.","menu":"Lastnosti tabele","row":{"menu":"Vrstica","insertBefore":"Vstavi vrstico pred","insertAfter":"Vstavi vrstico za","deleteRow":"Izbriši vrstice"},"rows":"Vrstice","summary":"Povzetek","title":"Lastnosti tabele","toolbar":"Tabela","widthPc":"procentov","widthPx":"pik","widthUnit":"width unit"},"undo":{"redo":"Ponovi","undo":"Razveljavi"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Prezri","btnIgnoreAll":"Prezri vse","btnReplace":"Zamenjaj","btnReplaceAll":"Zamenjaj vse","btnUndo":"Razveljavi","changeTo":"Spremeni v","errorLoading":"Napaka pri nalaganju storitve programa na naslovu %s.","ieSpellDownloa
 d":"Črkovalnik ni nameščen. Ali ga želite prenesti sedaj?","manyChanges":"Črkovanje je končano: Spremenjenih je bilo %1 besed","noChanges":"Črkovanje je končano: Nobena beseda ni bila spremenjena","noMispell":"Črkovanje je končano: Brez napak","noSuggestions":"- Ni predlogov -","notAvailable":"Oprostite, storitev trenutno ni dosegljiva.","notInDic":"Ni v slovarju","oneChange":"Črkovanje je končano: Spremenjena je bila ena beseda","progress":"Preverjanje črkovanja se izvaja...","title":"Črkovalnik","toolbar":"Preveri črkovanje"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/sr-latn.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/sr-latn.js
index f9783b7..0bc17a0 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/sr-latn.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.lang['sr-latn']={dir:'ltr',editorTitle:'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.',toolbar:'Toolbar',editor:'Rich Text Editor',source:'Kôd',newPage:'Nova stranica',save:'Sačuvaj',preview:'Izgled stranice',cut:'Iseci',copy:'Kopiraj',paste:'Zalepi',print:'Štampa',underline:'Podvučeno',bold:'Podebljano',italic:'Kurziv',selectAll:'Označi sve',removeFormat:'Ukloni formatiranje',strike:'Precrtano',subscript:'Indeks',superscript:'Stepen',horizontalrule:'Unesi horizontalnu liniju',pagebreak:'Insert Page Break for Printing',unlink:'Ukloni link',undo:'Poni�ti akciju',redo:'Ponovi akciju',common:{browseServer:'Pretraži server',url:'URL',protocol:'Protokol',upload:'Pošalji',uploadSubmit:'Pošalji na server',image:'Slika',flash:'Fleš',form:'Forma',checkbox:'Polje za potvrdu',radio:'Radio-dugme',textField:'Tekstualno polje',textarea:'Zona teksta',hiddenField:'Skriveno polje',button:'Dugme',select:'Izborno polje',imageButton:'Dugme sa slikom',notSet:'<nije postavljeno>
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  ban, gan, etc.)',lowerRoman:'Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',upperRoman:'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',lowerAlpha:'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',upperAlpha:'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',lowerGreek:'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',decimal:'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',decimalLeadingZero:'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)'},findAndReplace:{title:'Find and Replace',find:'Pretraga',replace:'Zamena',findWhat:'Pronadi:',replaceWith:'Zameni sa:',notFoundMsg:'Traženi tekst nije pronađen.',matchCase:'Razlikuj mala i velika slova',matchWord:'Uporedi cele reci',matchCyclic:'Match cyclic',replaceAll:'Zameni sve',replaceSuccessMsg:'%1 occurrence(s) replaced.'},table:{toolbar:'Tabela',title:'Osobine tabele',menu:'Osobine tabele',deleteTable:'Delete Table',rows:'Redova',columns:'Kolona',border:'Veličina okvira',align:'Ravnanje',alignLeft:'Levo',alignCenter:'Sredina',alignRight:'Desno',width:'Širina',widthPx:'piksela',widthPc:'procenata',widthUnit:'
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 ethod:'Metoda',encoding:'Encoding'},select:{title:'Osobine izbornog polja',selectInfo:'Info',opAvail:'Dostupne opcije',value:'Vrednost',size:'Veličina',lines:'linija',chkMulti:'Dozvoli višestruku selekciju',opText:'Tekst',opValue:'Vrednost',btnAdd:'Dodaj',btnModify:'Izmeni',btnUp:'Gore',btnDown:'Dole',btnSetValue:'Podesi kao označenu vrednost',btnDelete:'Obriši'},textarea:{title:'Osobine zone teksta',cols:'Broj kolona',rows:'Broj redova'},textfield:{title:'Osobine tekstualnog polja',name:'Naziv',value:'Vrednost',charWidth:'Širina (karaktera)',maxChars:'Maksimalno karaktera',type:'Tip',typeText:'Tekst',typePass:'Lozinka'},hidden:{title:'Osobine skrivenog polja',name:'Naziv',value:'Vrednost'},image:{title:'Osobine slika',titleButton:'Osobine dugmeta sa slikom',menu:'Osobine slika',infoTab:'Info slike',btnUpload:'Pošalji na server',upload:'Pošalji',alt:'Alternativni tekst',width:'Širina',height:'Visina',lockRatio:'Zaključaj odnos',unlockRatio:'Unlock Ratio',resetSize:'
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 changeTo:'Izmeni',btnIgnore:'Ignoriši',btnIgnoreAll:'Ignoriši sve',btnReplace:'Zameni',btnReplaceAll:'Zameni sve',btnUndo:'Vrati akciju',noSuggestions:'- Bez sugestija -',progress:'Provera spelovanja u toku...',noMispell:'Provera spelovanja završena: greške nisu pronadene',noChanges:'Provera spelovanja završena: Nije izmenjena nijedna rec',oneChange:'Provera spelovanja završena: Izmenjena je jedna reč',manyChanges:'Provera spelovanja završena: %1 reč(i) je izmenjeno',ieSpellDownload:'Provera spelovanja nije instalirana. Da li želite da je skinete sa Interneta?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Smajli',title:'Unesi smajlija',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Nabrojiva lista',bulletedlist:'Nenabrojiva lista',indent:'Uvećaj levu marginu',outdent:'Smanji levu marginu',justify:{left:'Levo ravnanje',center:'Centriran tekst',right:'Desno ravnanje',block:'Obostrano ravnanje'},blockquote:'Block Quote',clipboard:{title:'Z
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 ao čist tekst',title:'Zalepi kao čist tekst'},templates:{button:'Obrasci',title:'Obrasci za sadržaj',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Replace actual contents',selectPromptMsg:'Molimo Vas da odaberete obrazac koji ce biti primenjen na stranicu (trenutni sadržaj ce biti obrisan):',emptyListMsg:'(Nema definisanih obrazaca)'},showBlocks:'Show Blocks',stylesCombo:{label:'Stil',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Block Styles',panelTitle2:'Inline Styles',panelTitle3:'Object Styles'},format:{label:'Format',panelTitle:'Format',tag_p:'Normal',tag_pre:'Formatirano',tag_address:'Adresa',tag_h1:'Naslov 1',tag_h2:'Naslov 2',tag_h3:'Naslov 3',tag_h4:'Naslov 4',tag_h5:'Naslov 5',tag_h6:'Naslov 6',tag_div:'Normal (DIV)'},div:{title:'Create Div Container',toolbar:'Create Div Container',cssClassInputLabel:'Stylesheet Classes',styleSelectLabel:'Style',IdInputLabel:'Id',languageCodeInputLabel:' Language Code',inlineStyleInputLabel:'Inline Style',advisoryTitleInputLabel:'Advi
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 m',D3D3D3:'Light Grey',FFF0F5:'Lavender Blush',FAEBD7:'Antique White',FFFFE0:'Light Yellow',F0FFF0:'Honeydew',F0FFFF:'Azure',F0F8FF:'Alice Blue',E6E6FA:'Lavender',FFF:'White'},scayt:{title:'Spell Check As You Type',opera_title:'Not supported by Opera',enable:'Enable SCAYT',disable:'Disable SCAYT',about:'About SCAYT',toggle:'Toggle SCAYT',options:'Options',langs:'Languages',moreSuggestions:'More suggestions',ignore:'Ignore',ignoreAll:'Ignore All',addWord:'Add Word',emptyDic:'Dictionary name should not be empty.',optionsTab:'Options',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Languages',dictionariesTab:'Dictionaries',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictiona
 ry grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 gnore Words with Numbers","moreSuggestions":"More suggestions","opera_title":"Not supported by Opera","options":"Options","optionsTab":"Options","title":"Spell Check As You Type","toggle":"Toggle SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"Stil","panelTitle":"Formatting Styles","panelTitle1":"Block Styles","panelTitle2":"Inline Styles","panelTitle3":"Object Styles"},"table":{"border":"Veličina okvira","caption":"Naslov tabele","cell":{"menu":"Cell","insertBefore":"Insert Cell Before","insertAfter":"Insert Cell After","deleteCell":"Obriši ćelije","merge":"Spoj celije","mergeRight":"Merge Right","mergeDown":"Merge Down","splitHorizontal":"Split Cell Horizontally","splitVertical":"Split Cell Vertically","title":"Cell Properties","cellType":"Cell Type","rowSpan":"Rows Span","colSpan":"Columns Span","wordWrap":"Word Wrap","hAlign":"Horizontal Alignment","vAlign":"Vertical Alignment","alignBaseline":"Baseline","bgColor":"Background Color","borderColor":"Bord
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 ater than 0.","invalidWidth":"Table width must be a number.","menu":"Osobine tabele","row":{"menu":"Row","insertBefore":"Insert Row Before","insertAfter":"Insert Row After","deleteRow":"Obriši redove"},"rows":"Redova","summary":"Summary","title":"Osobine tabele","toolbar":"Tabela","widthPc":"procenata","widthPx":"piksela","widthUnit":"width unit"},"undo":{"redo":"Ponovi akciju","undo":"Poni�ti akciju"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Ignoriši","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignoriši sve","btnReplace":"Zameni","btnReplaceAll":"Zameni sve","btnUndo":"Vrati akciju","changeTo":"Izmeni","errorLoading":"Error loading application service host: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Provera spelovanja nije instalirana. Da li želite da je skinete sa Interneta?","manyChanges":"Provera spelovanja završena: %1 reč(i) je izmenjeno","noChanges":"Provera spelovanja završena: Nije izmenjena nijedna rec","noMispell":"Provera spelovanja završena: greške nisu pronadene","noSuggestions":"- Bez sugestija -","notAvailable":"So
 rry, but service is unavailable now.","notInDic":"Nije u rečniku","oneChange":"Provera spelovanja završena: Izmenjena je jedna reč","progress":"Provera spelovanja u toku...","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"Proveri spelovanje"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/sr.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/sr.js
index a180fa5..30cd8d2 100644
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+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/sr.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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 ust be a number.'},spellCheck:{toolbar:'Провери спеловање',title:'Spell Check',notAvailable:'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',errorLoading:'Error loading application service host: %s.',notInDic:'Није у речнику',changeTo:'Измени',btnIgnore:'Игнориши',btnIgnoreAll:'Игнориши све',btnReplace:'Замени',btnReplaceAll:'Замени све',btnUndo:'Врати акцију',noSuggestions:'- Без сугестија -',progress:'Провера спеловања у току...',noMispell:'Провера спеловања завршена: грешке нису пронађене',noChanges:'Провера спеловања завршена: Није измењена ниједна реч',oneChange:'Провера спеловања завршена: Измењена је једна реч',manyChanges:'Провера спеловања завршена:  %1 реч(и) је измењено',ieSpellDownload:'Пров
 ера спеловања није инсталирана. Да ли желите да је скинете са Интернета?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Смајли',title:'Унеси смајлија',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Набројиву листу',bulletedlist:'Ненабројива листа',indent:'Увећај леву маргину',outdent:'Смањи леву маргину',justify:{left:'Лево равнање',center:'Центриран текст',right:'Десно равнање',block:'Обострано равнање'},blockquote:'Block Quote',clipboard:{title:'Залепи',cutError:'Сигурносна подешавања Вашег претраживача не дозвољавају операције аутоматског исецања текста. Молимо Вас да користите пречицу са тастатуре (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',copyError:'Сиг
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 d in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.","dic_rename":"Rename","dic_restore":"Restore","dictionariesTab":"Dictionaries","disable":"Disable SCAYT","emptyDic":"Dictionary name should not be empty.","enable":"Enable SCAYT","ignore":"Ignore","ignoreAll":"Ignore All","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignore Domain Names","langs":"Languages","languagesTab":"Languages","mixedCase":"Ignore Words with Mixed Case","mixedWithDigits":"Ignore Words with Numbers","moreSuggestions":"More suggestions","opera_title":"Not supported by Opera","options":"Options","optionsTab":"Options","title":"Spell Check As You Type","toggle":"Toggle SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylesc
 ombo":{"label":"Стил","panelTitle":"Formatting Styles","panelTitle1":"Block Styles","panelTitle2":"Inline Styles","panelTitle3":"Object Styles"},"table":{"border":"Величина оквира","caption":"Наслов табеле","cell":{"menu":"Cell","insertBefore":"Insert Cell Before","insertAfter":"Insert Cell After","deleteCell":"Обриши ћелије","merge":"Спој ћелије","mergeRight":"Merge Right","mergeDown":"Merge Down","splitHorizontal":"Split Cell Horizontally","splitVertical":"Split Cell Vertically","title":"Cell Properties","cellType":"Cell Type","rowSpan":"Rows Span","colSpan":"Columns Span","wordWrap":"Word Wrap","hAlign":"Horizontal Alignment","vAlign":"Vertical Alignment","alignBaseline":"Baseline","bgColor":"Background Color","borderColor":"Border Color","data":"Data","header":"Header","yes":"Yes","no":"No","invalidWidth":"Cell width must be a number.","invalidHeight":"Cell height must be a number.","invalidRowSpan":"Rows span must be a
  whole number.","invalidColSpan":"Columns span must be a whole number.","chooseColor":"Choose"},"cellPad":"Размак ћелија","cellSpace":"Ћелијски простор","column":{"menu":"Column","insertBefore":"Insert Column Before","insertAfter":"Insert Column After","deleteColumn":"Обриши колоне"},"columns":"Kолона","deleteTable":"Delete Table","headers":"Headers","headersBoth":"Both","headersColumn":"First column","headersNone":"None","headersRow":"First Row","invalidBorder":"Border size must be a number.","invalidCellPadding":"Cell padding must be a positive number.","invalidCellSpacing":"Cell spacing must be a positive number.","invalidCols":"Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.","invalidHeight":"Table height must be a number.","invalidRows":"Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.","invalidWidth":"Table width must be a number.","menu":"Особине табеле","row":{"menu":"Row","insertBefore":"Insert Row Before","
 insertAfter":"Insert Row After","deleteRow":"Обриши редове"},"rows":"Редова","summary":"Summary","title":"Особине табеле","toolbar":"Табела","widthPc":"процената","widthPx":"пиксела","widthUnit":"width unit"},"undo":{"redo":"Понови акцију","undo":"Поништи акцију"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Игнориши","btnIgnoreAll":"Игнориши све","btnReplace":"Замени","btnReplaceAll":"Замени све","btnUndo":"Врати акцију","changeTo":"Измени","errorLoading":"Error loading application service host: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Провера спеловања није инсталирана. Да ли желите да је скинете са Интернета?","manyChanges":"Провера спеловања завршена:  %1 реч(и) је измењено","noChanges":"Провера спеловања завршена: Није измењена ниједна реч"
 ,"noMispell":"Провера спеловања завршена: грешке нису пронађене","noSuggestions":"- Без сугестија -","notAvailable":"Sorry, but service is unavailable now.","notInDic":"Није у речнику","oneChange":"Провера спеловања завршена: Измењена је једна реч","progress":"Провера спеловања у току...","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"Провери спеловање"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/sv.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/sv.js
index 4a7ba14..06bfdda 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/sv.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/sv.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.lang.sv={dir:'ltr',editorTitle:'Rich text editor, %1, press ALT 0 for help.',toolbar:'Toolbar',editor:'Rich Text Editor',source:'Källa',newPage:'Ny sida',save:'Spara',preview:'Förhandsgranska',cut:'Klipp ut',copy:'Kopiera',paste:'Klistra in',print:'Skriv ut',underline:'Understruken',bold:'Fet',italic:'Kursiv',selectAll:'Markera allt',removeFormat:'Radera formatering',strike:'Genomstruken',subscript:'Nedsänkta tecken',superscript:'Upphöjda tecken',horizontalrule:'Infoga horisontal linje',pagebreak:'Infoga sidbrytning',unlink:'Radera länk',undo:'Ångra',redo:'Gör om',common:{browseServer:'Bläddra på server',url:'URL',protocol:'Protokoll',upload:'Ladda upp',uploadSubmit:'Skicka till server',image:'Bild',flash:'Flash',form:'Formulär',checkbox:'Kryssruta',radio:'Alternativknapp',textField:'Textfält',textarea:'Textruta',hiddenField:'Dolt fält',button:'Knapp',select:'Flervalslista',imageButton:'Bildknapp',notSet:'<ej angivet>',id:'Id',name:'Namn',langDir:'Språk
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 ower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)',upperRoman:'Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)',lowerAlpha:'Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)',upperAlpha:'Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)',lowerGreek:'Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)',decimal:'Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)',decimalLeadingZero:'Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)'},findAndReplace:{title:'Sök och ersätt',find:'Sök',replace:'Ersätt',findWhat:'Sök efter:',replaceWith:'Ersätt med:',notFoundMsg:'Angiven text kunde ej hittas.',matchCase:'Skiftläge',matchWord:'Inkludera hela ord',matchCyclic:'Match cyclic',replaceAll:'Ersätt alla',replaceSuccessMsg:'%1 occurrence(s) replaced.'},table:{toolbar:'Tabell',title:'Tabellegenskaper',menu:'Tabellegenskaper',deleteTable:'Radera tabell',rows:'Rader',columns:'Kolumner',border:'Kantstorlek',align:'Justering',alignLeft:'Vänster',alignCenter:'Centrerad',alignRight:'Höger',width:'Bredd',widthPx:'pixlar',widthPc:'procent',widthUnit:'width unit',height:'Höjd',cellSpace:'Cel
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 Alignment',alignTop:'Top',alignMiddle:'Middle',alignBottom:'Bottom',alignBaseline:'Baseline',bgColor:'Background Color',borderColor:'Border Color',data:'Data',header:'Header',yes:'Yes',no:'No',invalidWidth:'Cell width must be a number.',invalidHeight:'Cell height must be a number.',invalidRowSpan:'Rows span must be a whole number.',invalidColSpan:'Columns span must be a whole number.',chooseColor:'Choose'},row:{menu:'Rad',insertBefore:'Lägg till Rad Före',insertAfter:'Lägg till Rad Efter',deleteRow:'Radera rad'},column:{menu:'Kolumn',insertBefore:'Lägg till Kolumn Före',insertAfter:'Lägg till Kolumn Efter',deleteColumn:'Radera kolumn'}},button:{title:'Egenskaper för knapp',text:'Text (Värde)',type:'Typ',typeBtn:'Knapp',typeSbm:'Skicka',typeRst:'Återställ'},checkboxAndRadio:{checkboxTitle:'Egenskaper för kryssruta',radioTitle:'Egenskaper för alternativknapp',value:'Värde',selected:'Vald'},form:{title:'Egenskaper för formulär',menu:'Egenskaper för formulär',ac
 tion:'Funktion',method:'Metod',encoding:'Encoding'},select:{title:'Egenskaper för flervalslista',selectInfo:'Information',opAvail:'Befintliga val',value:'Värde',size:'Storlek',lines:'Linjer',chkMulti:'Tillåt flerval',opText:'Text',opValue:'Värde',btnAdd:'Lägg till',btnModify:'Redigera',btnUp:'Upp',btnDown:'Ner',btnSetValue:'Markera som valt värde',btnDelete:'Radera'},textarea:{title:'Egenskaper för textruta',cols:'Kolumner',rows:'Rader'},textfield:{title:'Egenskaper för textfält',name:'Namn',value:'Värde',charWidth:'Teckenbredd',maxChars:'Max antal tecken',type:'Typ',typeText:'Text',typePass:'Lösenord'},hidden:{title:'Egenskaper för dolt fält',name:'Namn',value:'Värde'},image:{title:'Bildegenskaper',titleButton:'Egenskaper för bildknapp',menu:'Bildegenskaper',infoTab:'Bildinformation',btnUpload:'Skicka till server',upload:'Ladda upp',alt:'Alternativ text',width:'Bredd',height:'Höjd',lockRatio:'Lås höjd/bredd förhållanden',unlockRatio:'Unlock Ratio',resetS
 ize:'Återställ storlek',border:'Kant',hSpace:'Horis. marginal',vSpace:'Vert. marginal',align:'Justering',alignLeft:'Vänster',alignRight:'Höger',alertUrl:'Var god och ange bildens URL',linkTab:'Länk',button2Img:'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?',img2Button:'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',urlMissing:'Image source URL is missing.',validateWidth:'Width must be a whole number.',validateHeight:'Height must be a whole number.',validateBorder:'Border must be a whole number.',validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a whole number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a whole number.'},flash:{properties:'Flashegenskaper',propertiesTab:'Properties',title:'Flashegenskaper',chkPlay:'Automatisk uppspelning',chkLoop:'Upprepa/Loopa',chkMenu:'Aktivera Flashmeny',chkFull:'Allow Fullscreen',scale:'Skala',scaleAll:'Visa allt',scaleNoBorder:'Ingen ram',scaleFit:'Exakt passning',access:'Script Access',accessAlways:'Always',accessSameDom
 ain:'Same domain',accessNever:'Never',align:'Justering',alignLeft:'Vänster',alignAbsBottom:'Absolut nederkant',alignAbsMiddle:'Absolut centrering',alignBaseline:'Baslinje',alignBottom:'Nederkant',alignMiddle:'Mitten',alignRight:'Höger',alignTextTop:'Text överkant',alignTop:'Överkant',quality:'Quality',qualityBest:'Best',qualityHigh:'High',qualityAutoHigh:'Auto High',qualityMedium:'Medium',qualityAutoLow:'Auto Low',qualityLow:'Low',windowModeWindow:'Window',windowModeOpaque:'Opaque',windowModeTransparent:'Transparent',windowMode:'Window mode',flashvars:'Variables for Flash',bgcolor:'Bakgrundsfärg',width:'Bredd',height:'Höjd',hSpace:'Horis. marginal',vSpace:'Vert. marginal',validateSrc:'Var god ange länkens URL',validateWidth:'Width must be a number.',validateHeight:'Height must be a number.',validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a number.',validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a number.'},spellCheck:{toolbar:'Stavningskontroll',title:'Spell Check',notAvailable:'Sorry, but service is
  unavailable now.',errorLoading:'Error loading application service host: %s.',notInDic:'Saknas i ordlistan',changeTo:'Ändra till',btnIgnore:'Ignorera',btnIgnoreAll:'Ignorera alla',btnReplace:'Ersätt',btnReplaceAll:'Ersätt alla',btnUndo:'Ångra',noSuggestions:'- Förslag saknas -',progress:'Stavningskontroll pågår...',noMispell:'Stavningskontroll slutförd: Inga stavfel påträffades.',noChanges:'Stavningskontroll slutförd: Inga ord rättades.',oneChange:'Stavningskontroll slutförd: Ett ord rättades.',manyChanges:'Stavningskontroll slutförd: %1 ord rättades.',ieSpellDownload:'Stavningskontrollen är ej installerad. Vill du göra det nu?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Smiley',title:'Infoga smiley',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'Numrerad lista',bulletedlist:'Punktlista',indent:'Öka indrag',outdent:'Minska indrag',justify:{left:'Vänsterjustera',center:'Centrera',right:'Högerjustera',block:'Justera till margi
 naler'},blockquote:'Block Quote',clipboard:{title:'Klistra in',cutError:'Säkerhetsinställningar i Er webläsare tillåter inte åtgården Klipp ut. Använd (Ctrl/Cmd+X) istället.',copyError:'Säkerhetsinställningar i Er webläsare tillåter inte åtgården Kopiera. Använd (Ctrl/Cmd+C) istället',pasteMsg:'Var god och klistra in Er text i rutan nedan genom att använda (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) klicka sen på <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',securityMsg:'På grund av din webläsares säkerhetsinställningar kan verktyget inte få åtkomst till urklippsdatan. Var god och använd detta fönster istället.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',toolbar:'Klistra in från Word',title:'Klistra in från Word',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'},pasteText:{button:'Klistra in som vanlig text',title:'Klistra in som vanlig text'},
 templates:{button:'Sidmallar',title:'Sidmallar',options:'Template Options',insertOption:'Ersätt aktuellt innehåll',selectPromptMsg:'Var god välj en mall att använda med editorn<br>(allt nuvarande innehåll raderas):',emptyListMsg:'(Ingen mall är vald)'},showBlocks:'Show Blocks',stylesCombo:{label:'Anpassad stil',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Block Styles',panelTitle2:'Inline Styles',panelTitle3:'Object Styles'},format:{label:'Teckenformat',panelTitle:'Teckenformat',tag_p:'Normal',tag_pre:'Formaterad',tag_address:'Adress',tag_h1:'Rubrik 1',tag_h2:'Rubrik 2',tag_h3:'Rubrik 3',tag_h4:'Rubrik 4',tag_h5:'Rubrik 5',tag_h6:'Rubrik 6',tag_div:'Normal (DIV)'},div:{title:'Create Div Container',toolbar:'Create Div Container',cssClassInputLabel:'Stylesheet Classes',styleSelectLabel:'Style',IdInputLabel:'Id',languageCodeInputLabel:' Language Code',inlineStyleInputLabel:'Inline Style',advisoryTitleInputLabel:'Advisory Title',langDirLabel:'Language Direction',langDirLTRL
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 hite',FFFFE0:'Light Yellow',F0FFF0:'Honeydew',F0FFFF:'Azure',F0F8FF:'Alice Blue',E6E6FA:'Lavender',FFF:'White'},scayt:{title:'Spell Check As You Type',opera_title:'Not supported by Opera',enable:'Enable SCAYT',disable:'Disable SCAYT',about:'About SCAYT',toggle:'Toggle SCAYT',options:'Options',langs:'Languages',moreSuggestions:'More suggestions',ignore:'Ignore',ignoreAll:'Ignore All',addWord:'Add Word',emptyDic:'Dictionary name should not be empty.',optionsTab:'Options',allCaps:'Ignore All-Caps Words',ignoreDomainNames:'Ignore Domain Names',mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',languagesTab:'Languages',dictionariesTab:'Dictionaries',dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',dic_create:'Create',dic_restore:'Restore',dic_delete:'Delete',dic_rename:'Rename',dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then 
 the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',aboutTab:'About'},about:{title:'About CKEditor',dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',copy:'Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.'},maximize:'Maximize',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Anchor',flash:'Flash Animation',div:'Page Break',unknown:'Unknown Object'},resize:'Drag to resize',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
+CKEDITOR.lang['sv']={"dir":"ltr","editor":"Rich Text Editor","common":{"editorHelp":"Tryck ALT 0 för hjälp","browseServer":"Bläddra på server","url":"URL","protocol":"Protokoll","upload":"Ladda upp","uploadSubmit":"Skicka till server","image":"Bild","flash":"Flash","form":"Formulär","checkbox":"Kryssruta","radio":"Alternativknapp","textField":"Textfält","textarea":"Textruta","hiddenField":"Dolt fält","button":"Knapp","select":"Flervalslista","imageButton":"Bildknapp","notSet":"<ej angivet>","id":"Id","name":"Namn","langDir":"Språkriktning","langDirLtr":"Vänster till Höger (VTH)","langDirRtl":"Höger till Vänster (HTV)","langCode":"Språkkod","longDescr":"URL-beskrivning","cssClass":"Stilmall","advisoryTitle":"Titel","cssStyle":"Stilmall","ok":"OK","cancel":"Avbryt","close":"Stäng","preview":"Förhandsgranska","resize":"Dra för att ändra storlek","generalTab":"Allmänt","advancedTab":"Avancerad","validateNumberFailed":"Värdet är inte ett nummer.","confirmNewPa
 ge":"Alla ändringar i innehållet kommer att förloras. Är du säker på att du vill ladda en ny sida?","confirmCancel":"Några av de alternativ har ändrats. Är du säker på att stänga dialogrutan?","options":"Alternativ","target":"Mål","targetNew":"Nytt fönster (_blank)","targetTop":"Översta fönstret (_top)","targetSelf":"Samma fönster (_self)","targetParent":"Föregående fönster (_parent)","langDirLTR":"Vänster till höger (LTR)","langDirRTL":"Höger till vänster (RTL)","styles":"Stil","cssClasses":"Stilmallar","width":"Bredd","height":"Höjd","align":"Justering","alignLeft":"Vänster","alignRight":"Höger","alignCenter":"Centrerad","alignTop":"Överkant","alignMiddle":"Mitten","alignBottom":"Nederkant","invalidValue":"Felaktigt värde.","invalidHeight":"Höjd måste vara ett nummer.","invalidWidth":"Bredd måste vara ett nummer.","invalidCssLength":"Värdet för fältet \"%1\" måste vara ett positivt nummer med eller utan CSS-mätenheter (px, %, in, cm, mm
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 bellens höjd måste vara ett nummer.","invalidRows":"Antal rader måste vara större än 0.","invalidWidth":"Tabell måste vara ett nummer.","menu":"Tabellegenskaper","row":{"menu":"Rad","insertBefore":"Lägg till Rad Före","insertAfter":"Lägg till rad efter","deleteRow":"Radera rad"},"rows":"Rader","summary":"Sammanfattning","title":"Tabellegenskaper","toolbar":"Tabell","widthPc":"procent","widthPx":"pixlar","widthUnit":"enhet bredd"},"undo":{"redo":"Gör om","undo":"Ångra"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"Ignorera","btnIgnoreAll":"Ignorera alla","btnReplace":"Ersätt","btnReplaceAll":"Ersätt alla","btnUndo":"Ångra","changeTo":"Ändra till","errorLoading":"Tjänsten är ej tillgänglig: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Stavningskontrollen är ej installerad. Vill du göra det nu?","manyChanges":"Stavningskontroll slutförd: %1 ord rättades.","noChanges":"Stavningskontroll slutförd: Inga ord rättades.","noMispell":"Stavningskontroll slutförd: Inga stavfel påträffades.","noSuggestions
 ":"- Förslag saknas -","notAvailable":"Tyvärr är tjänsten ej tillgänglig nu","notInDic":"Saknas i ordlistan","oneChange":"Stavningskontroll slutförd: Ett ord rättades.","progress":"Stavningskontroll pågår...","title":"Kontrollera stavning","toolbar":"Stavningskontroll"}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/th.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/th.js
index ce2df47..2c6738f 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/th.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/th.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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 „ขเป็น',btnIgnore:'ยกเว้น',btnIgnoreAll:'ยกเว้นทั้งหมด',btnReplace:'แทนที่',btnReplaceAll:'แทนที่ทั้งหมด',btnUndo:'ยกเลิก',noSuggestions:'- ไม่มีคำแนะนำใดๆ -',progress:'กำลังตรวจสอบคำสะกด...',noMispell:'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น: ไม่พบคำสะกดผิด',noChanges:'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น: ไม่มีการแก้คำใดๆ',oneChange:'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น: แก้ไข1คำ',manyChanges:'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น:: แก้ไข %1 คำ',ieSpellDownload:'ไม่ได้ติดตั้งระบบตรวจสอบคำสะกด. ต้องการติดตั้งไหมครั
 บ?'},smiley:{toolbar:'รูปสื่ออารมณ์',title:'แทรกสัญลักษณ์สื่ออารมณ์',options:'Smiley Options'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Elements path',eleTitle:'%1 element'},numberedlist:'ลำดับรายการแบบตัวเลข',bulletedlist:'ลำดับรายการแบบสัญลักษณ์',indent:'เพิ่มระยะย่อหน้า',outdent:'ลดระยะย่อหน้า',justify:{left:'จัดชิดซ้าย',center:'จัดกึ่งกลาง',right:'จัดชิดขวา',block:'จัดพอดีหน้ากระดาษ'},blockquote:'Block Quote',clipboard:{title:'วาง',cutError:'ไม่สามารถตัดข้อความที่เลือกไว้ได้เนื่องจากการกำหนดค่าระดับความปลอดภัย. กรุณาใช้ปà¸
 ¸à¹ˆà¸¡à¸¥à¸±à¸”เพื่อวางข้อความแทน (กดปุ่ม Ctrl/Cmd และตัว X พร้อมกัน).',copyError:'ไม่สามารถสำเนาข้อความที่เลือกไว้ได้เนื่องจากการกำหนดค่าระดับความปลอดภัย. กรุณาใช้ปุ่มลัดเพื่อวางข้อความแทน (กดปุ่ม Ctrl/Cmd และตัว C พร้อมกัน).',pasteMsg:'กรุณาใช้คีย์บอร์ดเท่านั้น โดยกดปุ๋ม (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd และ V</strong>)พร้อมๆกัน และกด <strong>OK</strong>.',securityMsg:'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirm
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 ¢à¹„ป):',emptyListMsg:'(ยังไม่มีการกำหนดเทมเพลต)'},showBlocks:'Show Blocks',stylesCombo:{label:'ลักษณะ',panelTitle:'Formatting Styles',panelTitle1:'Block Styles',panelTitle2:'Inline Styles',panelTitle3:'Object Styles'},format:{label:'รูปแบบ',panelTitle:'รูปแบบ',tag_p:'Normal',tag_pre:'Formatted',tag_address:'Address',tag_h1:'Heading 1',tag_h2:'Heading 2',tag_h3:'Heading 3',tag_h4:'Heading 4',tag_h5:'Heading 5',tag_h6:'Heading 6',tag_div:'Paragraph (DIV)'},div:{title:'Create Div Container',toolbar:'Create Div Container',cssClassInputLabel:'Stylesheet Classes',styleSelectLabel:'Style',IdInputLabel:'Id',languageCodeInputLabel:' Language Code',inlineStyleInputLabel:'Inline Style',advisoryTitleInputLabel:'Advisory Title',langDirLabel:'Language Direction',langDirLTRLabel:'Left to Right (LTR)',langDirRTLLabel:'Right to Left (RTL)',edit:'Edit Div',remove:'Remove Div'},font:{label:'แบบอักà
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 or your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.","dic_rename":"Rename","dic_restore":"Restore","dictionariesTab":"Dictionaries","disable":"Disable SCAYT","emptyDic":"Dictionary name should not be empty.","enable":"Enable SCAYT","ignore":"Ignore","ignoreAll":"Ignore All","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignore Domain Names","langs":"Languages","languagesTab":"Languages","mixedCase":"Ignore Words with Mixed Case","mixedWithDigits":"Ignore Words with Numbers","moreSuggestions":"More suggestions","opera_title":"Not supported by Opera","options":"Options","optionsTab":"Options","title":"Spell Check As You Type","toggle":"Toggle SCAYT","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"ลักษณะ","panelTitle":"Formatting Styles","panelTitle1":"Block Styles","panelTitle2":"Inline Styles","panelTitle3":"Object Styles"},"table":{"border":"ขนาดเส้นขอบ","caption":"หัวเรื่องขอà
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 ้คำใดๆ","noMispell":"ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น: ไม่พบคำสะกดผิด","noSuggestions":"- ไม่มีคำแนะนำใดๆ -","notAvailable":"Sorry, but service is unavailable now.","notInDic":"ไม่พบในดิกชันนารี","oneChange":"ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น: แก้ไข1คำ","progress":"กำลังตรวจสอบคำสะกด...","title":"Spell Check","toolbar":"ตรวจการสะกดคำ"}};
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/lang/tr.js b/share/static/RichText/lang/tr.js
index 1e62d4e..825796e 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/lang/tr.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/lang/tr.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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index 0455036..4260f5e 100644
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 ½Ñ. Будь ласка, використовуйте клавіатуру для цього (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',pasteMsg:'Будь ласка, вставте з буфера обміну в цю область, користуючись комбінацією клавіш (<STRONG>Ctrl/Cmd+V</STRONG>) та натисніть <STRONG>OK</STRONG>.',securityMsg:"Редактор не може отримати прямий доступ до буферу обміну у зв'язку з налаштуваннями вашого браузера. Вам потрібно вставити інформацію повторно в це вікно.",pasteArea:'Paste Area'},pastefromword:{confirmCleanup:'Текст, що ви хочете вставити, схожий на копійований з Word. Ви хочете очистити його перед вставкою?',toolbar:'Вставити з Word',title:'Вставити з Word',error:'It was not possible to clean up the pas
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 'Про CKEditor',dlgTitle:'Про CKEditor',moreInfo:'Щодо інформації з ліцензування завітайте до нашого сайту:',copy:'Copyright © $1. Всі права застережено.'},maximize:'Максимізувати',minimize:'Minimize',fakeobjects:{anchor:'Якір',flash:'Flash анімація',div:'Розрив сторінки',unknown:'Невідомий об`єкт'},resize:'Пересувайте для зміни розміру',colordialog:{title:'Select color',options:'Color Options',highlight:'Highlight',selected:'Selected Color',clear:'Clear'},toolbarCollapse:'Collapse Toolbar',toolbarExpand:'Expand Toolbar',bidi:{ltr:'Text direction from left to right',rtl:'Text direction from right to left'}};
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 ',ieSpellDownload:'Chức năng kiểm tra chính tả chưa được cài đặt. Bạn có muốn tải về ngay bây giờ?'},smiley:{toolbar:'Hình biểu lộ cảm xúc (mặt cười)',title:'Chèn hình biểu lộ cảm xúc (mặt cười)',options:'Tùy chọn hình  biểu lộ cảm xúc'},elementsPath:{eleLabel:'Nhãn thành phần',eleTitle:'%1 thành phần'},numberedlist:'Danh sách có thứ tự',bulletedlist:'Danh sách không thứ tự',indent:'Dịch vào trong',outdent:'Dịch ra ngoài',justify:{left:'Canh trái',center:'Canh giữa',right:'Canh phải',block:'Canh đều'},blockquote:'Khối trích dẫn',clipboard:{title:'Dán',cutError:'Các thiết lập bảo mật của trình duyệt không cho phép trình biên tập tự động thực thi lệnh cắt. Hãy sử dụng bàn phím cho lệnh này (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',copyError:'Các thiết lập bảo mật của trình duyệt không cho phép trình biên tập tự động thực thi lệnh 
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index 4a6e6b7..11d1ddc 100644
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 her":"<其他>","popupDependent":"從屬 (NS)","popupFeatures":"快顯視窗屬性","popupFullScreen":"全螢幕 (IE)","popupLeft":"左","popupLocationBar":"網址列","popupMenuBar":"選單列","popupResizable":"可縮放","popupScrollBars":"捲軸","popupStatusBar":"狀態列","popupToolbar":"工具列","popupTop":"右","rel":"Relationship","selectAnchor":"請選擇錨點","styles":"樣式","tabIndex":"定位順序","target":"目標","targetFrame":"<框架>","targetFrameName":"目標框架名稱","targetPopup":"<快顯視窗>","targetPopupName":"快顯視窗名稱","title":"超連結","toAnchor":"本頁錨點","toEmail":"電子郵件","toUrl":"URL","toolbar":"插入/編輯超連結","type":"超連接類型","unlink":"移除超連結","upload":"上傳"},"liststyle":{"armenian":"Armenian numbering","bulletedTitle":"Bulleted List Properties","circle":"Circle","decimal":"Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)","decimalLeadingZero":"Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)","disc":"Disc","geor
 gian":"Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)","lowerAlpha":"Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)","lowerGreek":"Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)","lowerRoman":"Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)","none":"None","notset":"<not set>","numberedTitle":"Numbered List Properties","square":"Square","start":"Start","type":"Type","upperAlpha":"Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)","upperRoman":"Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)","validateStartNumber":"List start number must be a whole number."},"magicline":{"title":"Insert paragraph here"},"maximize":{"maximize":"最大化","minimize":"最小化"},"newpage":{"toolbar":"開新檔案"},"pagebreak":{"alt":"分頁符號","toolbar":"插入分頁符號"},"pastetext":{"button":"貼為純文字格式","title":"貼為純文字格式"},"pastefromword":{"confirmCleanup":"您想貼上的文字似乎是自 Word 複製而來,請問您是否要先清除 Word 的格式後再行貼上?","error":"It was not possible to clean up the pasted 
 data due to an internal error","title":"自 Word 貼上","toolbar":"自 Word 貼上"},"preview":{"preview":"預覽"},"print":{"toolbar":"列印"},"removeformat":{"toolbar":"清除格式"},"save":{"toolbar":"儲存"},"selectall":{"toolbar":"全選"},"showblocks":{"toolbar":"顯示區塊"},"sourcearea":{"toolbar":"原始碼"},"specialchar":{"options":"Special Character Options","title":"請選擇特殊符號","toolbar":"插入特殊符號"},"scayt":{"about":"關於即時拼寫檢查","aboutTab":"關於","addWord":"添加單詞","allCaps":"Ignore All-Caps Words","dic_create":"Create","dic_delete":"Delete","dic_field_name":"Dictionary name","dic_info":"Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already h
 ave a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.","dic_rename":"Rename","dic_restore":"Restore","dictionariesTab":"字典","disable":"關閉即時拼寫檢查","emptyDic":"字典名不應為空.","enable":"啟用即時拼寫檢查","ignore":"忽略","ignoreAll":"全部忽略","ignoreDomainNames":"Ignore Domain Names","langs":"語言","languagesTab":"語言","mixedCase":"Ignore Words with Mixed Case","mixedWithDigits":"Ignore Words with Numbers","moreSuggestions":"更多拼寫建議","opera_title":"Not supported by Opera","options":"選項","optionsTab":"選項","title":"即時拼寫檢查","toggle":"啟用/關閉即時拼寫檢查","noSuggestions":"No suggestion"},"stylescombo":{"label":"樣式","panelTitle":"Formatting Styles","panelTitle1":"塊級元素樣式","panelTitle2":"內聯元素樣式","panelTitle3":"物件元素樣式"},"table":{"border":"邊框","caption":"標題","cell":{"menu":"儲存格","insertBefore":"向左插入儲存格","ins
 ¬„數","deleteTable":"刪除表格","headers":"標題","headersBoth":"第一欄和第一列","headersColumn":"第一欄","headersNone":"無標題","headersRow":"第一列","invalidBorder":"邊框大小必須為數字格式","invalidCellPadding":"儲存格內距必須為數字格式","invalidCellSpacing":"儲存格間距必須為數字格式","invalidCols":"必須有一或更多的欄","invalidHeight":"表格高度必須為數字格式","invalidRows":"必須有一或更多的列","invalidWidth":"表格寬度必須為數字格式","menu":"表格屬性","row":{"menu":"列","insertBefore":"向上插入列","insertAfter":"向下插入列","deleteRow":"刪除列"},"rows":"列數","summary":"摘要","title":"表格屬性","toolbar":"表格","widthPc":"百分比","widthPx":"像素","widthUnit":"width unit"},"undo":{"redo":"重複","undo":"復原"},"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"忽略","btnIgnoreAll":"全部忽略","btnReplace":"取代","btnReplaceAll":"全部取代","btnUndo":"復原","change
 To":"更改為","errorLoading":"無法聯系侍服器: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"尚未安裝拼字檢查元件。您是否想要現在下載?","manyChanges":"拼字檢查完成:更改了 %1 個單字","noChanges":"拼字檢查完成:未更改任何單字","noMispell":"拼字檢查完成:未發現拼字錯誤","noSuggestions":"- 無建議值 -","notAvailable":"抱歉,服務目前暫不可用","notInDic":"不在字典中","oneChange":"拼字檢查完成:更改了 1 個單字","progress":"進行拼字檢查中…","title":"拼字檢查","toolbar":"拼字檢查"}};
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/a11yhelp.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/a11yhelp.js
index ef5329b..4bf2d3c 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/a11yhelp.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/a11yhelp.js
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add('a11yHelp',function(a){var b=a.lang.accessibilityHelp,c=CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(),d={8:'BACKSPACE',9:'TAB',13:'ENTER',16:'SHIFT',17:'CTRL',18:'ALT',19:'PAUSE',20:'CAPSLOCK',27:'ESCAPE',33:'PAGE UP',34:'PAGE DOWN',35:'END',36:'HOME',37:'LEFT ARROW',38:'UP ARROW',39:'RIGHT ARROW',40:'DOWN ARROW',45:'INSERT',46:'DELETE',91:'LEFT WINDOW KEY',92:'RIGHT WINDOW KEY',93:'SELECT KEY',96:'NUMPAD  0',97:'NUMPAD  1',98:'NUMPAD  2',99:'NUMPAD  3',100:'NUMPAD  4',101:'NUMPAD  5',102:'NUMPAD  6',103:'NUMPAD  7',104:'NUMPAD  8',105:'NUMPAD  9',106:'MULTIPLY',107:'ADD',109:'SUBTRACT',110:'DECIMAL POINT',111:'DIVIDE',112:'F1',113:'F2',114:'F3',115:'F4',116:'F5',117:'F6',118:'F7',119:'F8',120:'F9',121:'F10',122:'F11',123:'F12',144:'NUM LOCK',145:'SCROLL LOCK',186:'SEMI-COLON',187:'EQUAL SIGN',188:'COMMA',189:'DASH',190:'PERIOD',191:'FORWARD SLASH',192:'GRAVE ACCENT',219:'OPEN BRACKET',220:'BACK SLASH',221:'CLOSE BRAKET',222:'SINGLE QUOTE'};d[CKEDITOR.ALT]='ALT';d[CKEDI
 TOR.SHIFT]='SHIFT';d[CKEDITOR.CTRL]='CTRL';var e=[CKEDITOR.ALT,CKEDITOR.SHIFT,CKEDITOR.CTRL];function f(j){var k,l,m=[];for(var n=0;n<e.length;n++){l=e[n];k=j/e[n];if(k>1&&k<=2){j-=l;m.push(d[l]);}}m.push(d[j]||String.fromCharCode(j));return m.join('+');};var g=/\$\{(.*?)\}/g;function h(j,k){var l=a.config.keystrokes,m,n=l.length;for(var o=0;o<n;o++){m=l[o];if(m[1]==k)break;}return f(m[0]);};function i(){var j='<div class="cke_accessibility_legend" role="document" aria-labelledby="cke_'+c+'_arialbl" tabIndex="-1">%1</div>'+'<span id="cke_'+c+'_arialbl" class="cke_voice_label">'+b.contents+' </span>',k='<h1>%1</h1><dl>%2</dl>',l='<dt>%1</dt><dd>%2</dd>',m=[],n=b.legend,o=n.length;for(var p=0;p<o;p++){var q=n[p],r=[],s=q.items,t=s.length;for(var u=0;u<t;u++){var v=s[u],w;w=l.replace('%1',v.name).replace('%2',v.legend.replace(g,h));r.push(w);}m.push(k.replace('%1',q.name).replace('%2',r.join('')));}return j.replace('%1',m.join(''));};return{title:b.title,minWidth:600,minHeight:
 400,contents:[{id:'info',label:a.lang.common.generalTab,expand:true,elements:[{type:'html',id:'legends',focus:function(){},html:i()+'<style type="text/css">'+'.cke_accessibility_legend'+'{'+'width:600px;'+'height:400px;'+'padding-right:5px;'+'overflow-y:auto;'+'overflow-x:hidden;'+'}'+'.cke_accessibility_legend h1'+'{'+'font-size: 20px;'+'border-bottom: 1px solid #AAA;'+'margin: 5px 0px 15px;'+'}'+'.cke_accessibility_legend dl'+'{'+'margin-left: 5px;'+'}'+'.cke_accessibility_legend dt'+'{'+'font-size: 13px;'+'font-weight: bold;'+'}'+'.cke_accessibility_legend dd'+'{'+'white-space:normal;'+'margin:10px'+'}'+'</style>'}]}],buttons:[CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton]};
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add("a11yHelp",function(j){var l=j.lang.a11yhelp,m=CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(),d={8:"BACKSPACE",9:"TAB",13:"ENTER",16:"SHIFT",17:"CTRL",18:"ALT",19:"PAUSE",20:"CAPSLOCK",27:"ESCAPE",33:"PAGE UP",34:"PAGE DOWN",35:"END",36:"HOME",37:"LEFT ARROW",38:"UP ARROW",39:"RIGHT ARROW",40:"DOWN ARROW",45:"INSERT",46:"DELETE",91:"LEFT WINDOW KEY",92:"RIGHT WINDOW KEY",93:"SELECT KEY",96:"NUMPAD  0",97:"NUMPAD  1",98:"NUMPAD  2",99:"NUMPAD  3",100:"NUMPAD  4",101:"NUMPAD  5",102:"NUMPAD  6",103:"NUMPAD  7",
+104:"NUMPAD  8",105:"NUMPAD  9",106:"MULTIPLY",107:"ADD",109:"SUBTRACT",110:"DECIMAL POINT",111:"DIVIDE",112:"F1",113:"F2",114:"F3",115:"F4",116:"F5",117:"F6",118:"F7",119:"F8",120:"F9",121:"F10",122:"F11",123:"F12",144:"NUM LOCK",145:"SCROLL LOCK",186:"SEMI-COLON",187:"EQUAL SIGN",188:"COMMA",189:"DASH",190:"PERIOD",191:"FORWARD SLASH",192:"GRAVE ACCENT",219:"OPEN BRACKET",220:"BACK SLASH",221:"CLOSE BRAKET",222:"SINGLE QUOTE"};d[CKEDITOR.ALT]="ALT";d[CKEDITOR.SHIFT]="SHIFT";d[CKEDITOR.CTRL]="CTRL";
+var e=[CKEDITOR.ALT,CKEDITOR.SHIFT,CKEDITOR.CTRL],n=/\$\{(.*?)\}/g,q=function(){var o=j.keystrokeHandler.keystrokes,f={},b;for(b in o)f[o[b]]=b;return function(b,g){var a;if(f[g]){a=f[g];for(var h,i,k=[],c=0;c<e.length;c++)i=e[c],h=a/e[c],1<h&&2>=h&&(a-=i,k.push(d[i]));k.push(d[a]||String.fromCharCode(a));a=k.join("+")}else a=b;return a}}();return{title:l.title,minWidth:600,minHeight:400,contents:[{id:"info",label:j.lang.common.generalTab,expand:!0,elements:[{type:"html",id:"legends",style:"white-space:normal;",
+focus:function(){this.getElement().focus()},html:function(){for(var d='<div class="cke_accessibility_legend" role="document" aria-labelledby="'+m+'_arialbl" tabIndex="-1">%1</div><span id="'+m+'_arialbl" class="cke_voice_label">'+l.contents+" </span>",f=[],b=l.legend,j=b.length,g=0;g<j;g++){for(var a=b[g],h=[],i=a.items,k=i.length,c=0;c<k;c++){var e=i[c],p=e.legend.replace(n,q);p.match(n)||h.push("<dt>%1</dt><dd>%2</dd>".replace("%1",e.name).replace("%2",p))}f.push("<h1>%1</h1><dl>%2</dl>".replace("%1",
+a.name).replace("%2",h.join("")))}return d.replace("%1",f.join(""))}()+'<style type="text/css">.cke_accessibility_legend{width:600px;height:400px;padding-right:5px;overflow-y:auto;overflow-x:hidden;}.cke_browser_quirks .cke_accessibility_legend,.cke_browser_ie6 .cke_accessibility_legend{height:390px}.cke_accessibility_legend *{white-space:normal;}.cke_accessibility_legend h1{font-size: 20px;border-bottom: 1px solid #AAA;margin: 5px 0px 15px;}.cke_accessibility_legend dl{margin-left: 5px;}.cke_accessibility_legend dt{font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;}.cke_accessibility_legend dd{margin:10px}</style>'}]}],
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7c92d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/_translationstatus.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+cs.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+cy.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+da.js      Found: 12 Missing: 18
+de.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+el.js      Found: 25 Missing: 5
+eo.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+fa.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+fi.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+fr.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+gu.js      Found: 12 Missing: 18
+he.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+it.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+mk.js      Found: 5 Missing: 25
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+nl.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+no.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+pt-br.js   Found: 30 Missing: 0
+ro.js      Found: 6 Missing: 24
+tr.js      Found: 30 Missing: 0
+ug.js      Found: 27 Missing: 3
+vi.js      Found: 6 Missing: 24
+zh-cn.js   Found: 30 Missing: 0
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ar.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..280f80a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","ar",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",legend:[{name:"عام",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/bg.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1950e9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","bg",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",legend:[{name:"Общо",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ca.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e269ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","ca",{title:"Instruccions d'Accessibilitat",contents:"Continguts de l'Ajuda. Per tancar aquest quadre de diàleg premi ESC.",legend:[{name:"General",items:[{name:"Editor de barra d'eines",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor de quadre de diàleg",
+legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},{name:"Editor de menú contextual",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},
+{name:"Editor de caixa de llista",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},{name:"Editor de barra de ruta de l'element",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},
+{name:"Ordres",items:[{name:"Desfer ordre",legend:"Premi ${undo}"},{name:"Refer ordre",legend:"Premi ${redo}"},{name:"Ordre negreta",legend:"Prem ${bold}"},{name:"Ordre cursiva",legend:"Prem ${italic}"},{name:"Ordre subratllat",legend:"Prem ${underline}"},{name:"Ordre enllaç",legend:"Prem ${link}"},{name:"Ordre amagar barra d'eines",legend:"Prem ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:"Ajuda d'accessibilitat",legend:"Prem ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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--- /dev/null
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","cs",{title:"Instrukce pro přístupnost",contents:"Obsah nápovědy. Pro uzavření tohoto dialogu stiskněte klávesu ESC.",legend:[{name:"Obecné",items:[{name:"Panel nástrojů editoru",legend:"Stiskněte${toolbarFocus} k procházení panelu nástrojů. Přejděte na další a předchozí skupiny pomocí TAB a SHIFT-TAB. Přechod na další a předchozí tlačítko panelu nástrojů je pomocí ŠIPKA VPRAVO nebo ŠIPKA VLEVO. Stisknutím mezerníku nebo klávesy ENTER tlačítko aktivujete."},{name:"Dialogové okno editoru",
+legend:"Uvnitř dialogového okna stiskněte TAB pro přesunutí na další pole, stiskněte SHIFT + TAB pro přesun na předchozí pole, stiskněte ENTER pro odeslání dialogu, stiskněte ESC pro jeho zrušení. Pro dialogová okna, která mají mnoho karet stiskněte ALT + F10 pr oprocházení seznamu karet. Pak se přesuňte na další kartu pomocí TAB nebo ŠIPKA VPRAVO. Pro přesun na předchozí stiskněte SHIFT + TAB nebo ŠIPKA VLEVO. Stiskněte MEZERNÍK nebo ENTER pro vybrání stránky karet."},{name:"Kontextové menu editoru",
+legend:"Stiskněte ${contextMenu} nebo klávesu APPLICATION k otevření kontextového menu. Pak se přesuňte na další možnost menu pomocí TAB nebo ŠIPKY DOLŮ. Přesuňte se na předchozí možnost pomocí  SHIFT+TAB nebo ŠIPKY NAHORU. Stiskněte MEZERNÍK nebo ENTER pro zvolení možnosti menu. Podmenu současné možnosti otevřete pomocí MEZERNÍKU nebo ENTER či ŠIPKY DOLEVA. Kontextové menu uzavřete stiskem ESC."},{name:"Rámeček seznamu editoru",legend:"Uvnitř rámečku seznamu se přesunete na další položku menu pomocí TAB nebo ŠIPKA DOLŮ. Na předchozí položku se přesunete SHIFT + TAB nebo ŠIPKA NAHORU. Stiskněte MEZERNÍK nebo ENTER pro zvolení možnosti seznamu. Stiskněte ESC pro uzavření seznamu."},
+{name:"Lišta cesty prvku v editoru",legend:"Stiskněte ${elementsPathFocus} pro procházení lišty cesty prvku. Na další tlačítko prvku se přesunete pomocí TAB nebo ŠIPKA VPRAVO. Na předchozí položku se přesunete pomocí SHIFT + TAB nebo ŠIPKA VLEVO. Stiskněte MEZERNÍK nebo ENTER pro vybrání prvku v editoru."}]},{name:"Příkazy",items:[{name:" Příkaz Zpět",legend:"Stiskněte ${undo}"},{name:" Příkaz Znovu",legend:"Stiskněte ${redo}"},{name:" Příkaz Tučné",legend:"Stiskněte ${bold}"},{name:" Příkaz Kurzíva",
+legend:"Stiskněte ${italic}"},{name:" Příkaz Podtržení",legend:"Stiskněte ${underline}"},{name:" Příkaz Odkaz",legend:"Stiskněte ${link}"},{name:" Příkaz Skrýt panel nástrojů",legend:"Stiskněte ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",
+legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Nápověda přístupnosti",legend:"Stiskněte ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","cy",{title:"Canllawiau Hygyrchedd",contents:"Cynnwys Cymorth. I gau y deialog hwn, pwyswch ESC.",legend:[{name:"Cyffredinol",items:[{name:"Bar Offer y Golygydd",legend:"Pwyswch $ {toolbarFocus} i fynd at y bar offer. Symudwch i'r grŵp bar offer nesaf a blaenorol gyda TAB a SHIFT-TAB. Symudwch i'r botwm bar offer nesaf a blaenorol gyda SAETH DDE neu SAETH CHWITH. Pwyswch SPACE neu ENTER i wneud botwm y bar offer yn weithredol."},{name:"Deialog y Golygydd",legend:"Tu mewn i'r deialog, pwyswch TAB i fynd i'r maes nesaf ar y deialog, pwyswch SHIFT + TAB i symud i faes blaenorol, pwyswch ENTER i gyflwyno'r deialog, pwyswch ESC i ddiddymu'r deialog. Ar gyfer deialogau sydd â thudalennau aml-tab, pwyswch ALT + F10 i lywio'r tab-restr. Yna symudwch i'r tab nesaf gyda TAB neu SAETH DDE. Symudwch i dab blaenorol gyda SHIFT + TAB neu'r SAETH CHWITH. Pwyswch SPACE neu ENTER i ddewis y dudalen tab."},
+{name:"Dewislen Cyd-destun y Golygydd",legend:"Pwyswch $ {contextMenu} neu'r ALLWEDD 'APPLICATION' i agor y ddewislen cyd-destun. Yna symudwch i'r opsiwn ddewislen nesaf gyda'r TAB neu'r SAETH I LAWR. Symudwch i'r opsiwn blaenorol gyda SHIFT + TAB neu'r SAETH I FYNY. Pwyswch SPACE neu ENTER i ddewis yr opsiwn ddewislen. Agorwch is-dewislen yr opsiwn cyfredol gyda SPACE neu ENTER neu SAETH DDE. Ewch yn ôl i'r eitem ar y ddewislen uwch gydag ESC neu SAETH CHWITH. Ceuwch y ddewislen cyd-destun gydag ESC."},
+{name:"Blwch Rhestr y Golygydd",legend:"Tu mewn rhestr-bocs, ewch i'r eitem rhestr nesaf gyda TAB neu'r SAETH I LAWR. Symudwch i restr eitem flaenorol gyda SHIFT + TAB neu SAETH I FYNY. Pwyswch SPACE neu ENTER i ddewis yr opsiwn o'r rhestr. Pwyswch ESC i gau'r rhestr."},{name:"Bar Llwybr Elfen y Golygydd",legend:"Pwyswch $ {elementsPathFocus} i fynd i'r elfennau llwybr bar. Symudwch i fotwm yr elfen nesaf gyda TAB neu SAETH DDE. Symudwch i fotwm blaenorol gyda SHIFT + TAB neu SAETH CHWITH. Pwyswch SPACE neu ENTER i ddewis yr elfen yn y golygydd."}]},
+{name:"Gorchmynion",items:[{name:"Gorchymyn dadwneud",legend:"Pwyswch ${undo}"},{name:"Gorchymyn ailadrodd",legend:"Pwyswch ${redo}"},{name:"Gorchymyn Bras",legend:"Pwyswch ${bold}"},{name:"Gorchymyn italig",legend:"Pwyswch ${italig}"},{name:"Gorchymyn tanlinellu",legend:"Pwyso ${underline}"},{name:"Gorchymyn dolen",legend:"Pwyswch ${link}"},{name:"Gorchymyn Cwympo'r Dewislen",legend:"Pwyswch ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:"Cymorth Hygyrchedd",legend:"Pwyswch ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","da",{title:"Tilgængelighedsinstrukser",contents:"Onlinehjælp. For at lukke dette vindue klik ESC",legend:[{name:"Generelt",items:[{name:"Editor værktøjslinje",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Kommandoer",items:[{name:"Fortryd kommando",legend:"Klik på ${undo}"},{name:"Gentag kommando",legend:"Klik ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Klik ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Klik ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Klik ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Kilk ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","de",{title:"Barrierefreiheitinformationen",contents:"Hilfeinhalt. Um den Dialog zu schliessen die Taste 'ESC' drücken.",legend:[{name:"Allgemein",items:[{name:"Editor Symbolleiste",legend:"Drücken Sie ${toolbarFocus} auf der Symbolleiste. Gehen Sie zur nächsten oder vorherigen Symbolleistengruppe mit TAB und SHIFT-TAB. Gehen Sie zur nächsten oder vorherigen Symbolleiste auf die Schaltfläche mit dem RECHTS- oder LINKS-Pfeil. Drücken Sie die Leertaste oder Eingabetaste, um die Schaltfläche in der Symbolleiste aktivieren."},
+{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Innerhalb des Dialogs drücken Sie TAB um zum nächsten Dialogfeld zu gelangen, drücken Sie SHIFT-TAG um zum vorherigen Feld zu wechseln, drücken Sie ENTER um den Dialog abzusenden und ESC um den Dialog zu abzubrechen. Um zwischen den Reitern innerhalb eines Dialogs zu wechseln drücken sie ALT-F10. Um zum nächsten Reiter zu gelangen können Sie TAB oder die rechte Pfeiltaste. Zurück gelangt man mit SHIFT-TAB oder der linken Pfeiltaste. Mit der Leertaste oder Enter kann man den Reiter auswählen."},
+{name:"Editor Kontextmenü",legend:"Dürcken Sie ${contextMenu} oder die Anwendungstaste um das Kontextmenü zu öffnen. Man kann die Pfeiltasten zum Wechsel benutzen. Mit der Leertaste oder der Enter-Taste kann man den Menüpunkt aufrufen. Schliessen Sie das Kontextmenü mit der ESC-Taste."},{name:"Editor Listen",legend:"Innerhalb einer Listenbox kann man mit der TAB-Taste oder den Pfeilrunter-Taste den nächsten Menüeintrag wählen. Mit der Shift-TAB Tastenkombination oder der Pfeilhoch-Taste gelangt man zum vorherigen Menüpunkt. Mit der Leertaste oder Enter kann man den Menüpunkt auswählen. Drücken Sie ESC zum Verlassen des Menüs."},
+{name:"Editor Elementpfadleiste",legend:"Drücken Sie ${elementsPathFocus} um sich durch die Pfadleiste zu bewegen. Um zum nächsten Element zu gelangen drücken Sie TAB oder die Pfeilrechts-Taste. Zum vorherigen Element gelangen Sie mit der SHIFT-TAB oder der Pfeillinks-Taste. Drücken Sie die Leertaste oder Enter um das Element auszuwählen."}]},{name:"Befehle",items:[{name:"Wiederholen Befehl",legend:"Drücken Sie ${undo}"},{name:"Rückgängig Befehl",legend:"Drücken Sie ${redo}"},{name:"Fettschrift Befehl",
+legend:"Drücken Sie ${bold}"},{name:"Italic Befehl",legend:"Drücken Sie ${italic}"},{name:"Unterstreichung Befehl",legend:"Drücken Sie ${underline}"},{name:"Link Befehl",legend:"Drücken Sie ${link}"},{name:"Symbolleiste zuammenklappen Befehl",legend:"Drücken Sie ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:"Eingabehilfen",legend:"Drücken Sie ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","el",{title:"Οδηγίες Προσβασιμότητας",contents:"Περιεχόμενα Βοήθειας. Πατήστε ESC για κλείσιμο.",legend:[{name:"Γενικά",items:[{name:"Εργαλειοθήκη Επεξεργαστή",legend:"Πατήστε ${toolbarFocus} για να περιηγηθείτε στην γραμμή εργαλείων. Μετακινηθείτε ανάμεσα στις ομάδες της γραμμής εργαλείων με TAB και Shift-TAB. Μετακινηθείτε ανάμεσα στα κουμπία εργαλείων με ΔΕΞΙ και ΑΡΙΣΤΕΡΟ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Πατήστε ΚΕΝΟ ή ENTER για να ενεργοποιήσετε το ενεργό κουμπί εργαλείου."},{name:"Παράθυρο Διαλόγου Επεξεργαστή",
+legend:"Μέσα σε ένα παράθυρο διαλόγου, πατήστε TAB για να μεταβείτε στο επόμενο πεδίο ή SHIFT + TAB για να μεταβείτε στο προηγούμενο. Πατήστε ENTER για να υποβάλετε την φόρμα. Πατήστε ESC για να ακυρώσετε την διαδικασία της φόρμας. Για παράθυρα διαλόγων που έχουν πολλές σελίδες σε καρτέλες πατήστε ALT + F10 για να μεταβείτε στην λίστα των καρτέλων. Στην συνέχεια μπορείτε να μεταβείτε στην επόμενη καρτέλα πατώντας TAB ή RIGHT ARROW. Μπορείτε να μεταβείτε στην προηγούμενη καρτέλα πατώντας SHIFT + TAB ή LEFT ARROW. Πατήστε SPACE ή ENTER για να επιλέξετε την καρτέλα για προβολή."},
+{name:"Αναδυόμενο Μενού Επεξεργαστή",legend:"Πατήστε ${contextMenu} ή APPLICATION KEY για να ανοίξετε το αναδυόμενο μενού. Μετά μετακινηθείτε στην επόμενη επιλογή του μενού με  TAB ή ΚΑΤΩ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Μετακινηθείτε στην προηγούμενη επιλογή με SHIFT+TAB ή ΠΑΝΩ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Πατήστε ΔΙΑΣΤΗΜΑ ή ENTER για να επιλέξετε το τρέχων στοιχείο. Ανοίξτε το αναδυόμενο μενού της τρέχουσας επιλογής με ΔΙΑΣΤΗΜΑ ή ENTER ή ΔΕΞΙ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Μεταβείτε πίσω στο αρχικό στοιχείο μενού με ESC ή ΑΡΙΣΤΕΡΟ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Κλείστε το αναδυόμενο μενού με ESC."},
+{name:"Κουτί Λίστας Επεξεργαστών",legend:"Μέσα σε ένα κουτί λίστας, μετακινηθείτε στο επόμενο στοιχείο με TAB ή ΚΑΤΩ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Μετακινηθείτε στο προηγούμενο στοιχείο με SHIFT + TAB ή ΠΑΝΩ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Πατήστε ΔΙΑΣΤΗΜΑ ή ENTER για να επιλέξετε ένα στοιχείο. Πατήστε ESC για να κλείσετε το κουτί της λίστας."},{name:"Μπάρα Διαδρομών Στοιχείων Επεξεργαστή",legend:"Πατήστε ${elementsPathFocus} για να περιηγηθείτε στην μπάρα διαδρομών στοιχείων του επεξεργαστή. Μετακινηθείτε στο κουμπί του επόμενου στοιχείου με το TAB ή το ΔΕΞΙ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Μετακινηθείτε στο κουμπί του προηγούμενου στοιχε
 ίου με το SHIFT+TAB ή το ΑΡΙΣΤΕΡΟ ΒΕΛΑΚΙ. Πατήστε ΔΙΑΣΤΗΜΑ ή ENTER για να επιλέξετε το στοιχείο στον επεξεργαστή."}]},
+{name:"Εντολές",items:[{name:" Εντολή αναίρεσης",legend:"Πατήστε ${undo}"},{name:" Εντολή επανάληψης",legend:"Πατήστε ${redo}"},{name:" Εντολή έντονης γραφής",legend:"Πατήστε ${bold}"},{name:" Εντολή πλάγιας γραφής",legend:"Πατήστε ${italic}"},{name:" Εντολή υπογράμμισης",legend:"Πατήστε ${underline}"},{name:" Εντολή συνδέσμου",legend:"Πατήστε ${link}"},{name:" Εντολή Σύμπτηξης Εργαλειοθήκης",legend:"Πατήστε ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Βοήθεια Προσβασιμότητας",legend:"Πατήστε ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","en",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",legend:[{name:"General",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","eo",{title:"Uzindikoj pri atingeblo",contents:"Helpilenhavo. Por fermi tiun dialogon, premu la ESKAPAN klavon.",legend:[{name:"Ĝeneralaĵoj",items:[{name:"Ilbreto de la redaktilo",legend:"Premu ${toolbarFocus} por atingi la ilbreton. Moviĝu al la sekva aŭ antaŭa grupoj de la ilbreto per la klavoj TABA kaj MAJUSKLIGA-TABA. Moviĝu al la sekva aŭ antaŭa butonoj de la ilbreto per la klavoj SAGO DEKSTREN kaj SAGO MALDEKSTREN. Premu la SPACETklavon aŭ la ENENklavon por aktivigi la ilbretbutonon."},
+{name:"Redaktildialogo",legend:"En dialogo, premu la TABAN klavon por navigi al la sekva dialogkampo, premu la MAJUSKLIGAN + TABAN klavojn por reveni al la antaŭa kampo, premu la ENENklavon por sendi la dialogon, premu la ESKAPAN klavon por nuligi la dialogon. Por dialogoj kun pluraj retpaĝoj sub langetoj, premu ALT + F10 por navigi al la langetlisto. Poste moviĝu al la sekva langeto per la klavo TABA aŭ SAGO DEKSTREN. Moviĝu al la antaŭa langeto per la klavoj MAJUSKLIGA + TABA aŭ  SAGO MALDEKSTREN. Premu la SPACETklavon aŭ la ENENklavon por selekti la langetretpaĝon."},
+{name:"Kunteksta menuo de la redaktilo",legend:"Premu ${contextMenu} aŭ entajpu la KLAVKOMBINAĴON por malfermi la kuntekstan menuon. Poste moviĝu al la sekva opcio de la menuo per la klavoj TABA aŭ SAGO SUBEN. Moviĝu al la antaŭa opcio per la klavoj MAJUSKLGA + TABA aŭ SAGO SUPREN. Premu la SPACETklavon aŭ ENENklavon por selekti la menuopcion. Malfermu la submenuon de la kuranta opcio per la SPACETklavo aŭ la ENENklavo aŭ la SAGO DEKSTREN. Revenu al la elemento de la patra menuo per la klavoj ESKAPA aŭ SAGO MALDEKSTREN. Fermu la kuntekstan menuon per la ESKAPA klavo."},
+{name:"Fallisto de la redaktilo",legend:"En fallisto, moviĝu al la sekva listelemento per la klavoj TABA aŭ SAGO SUBEN. Moviĝu al la antaŭa listelemento per la klavoj MAJUSKLIGA + TABA aŭ SAGO SUPREN. Premu la SPACETklavon aŭ ENENklavon por selekti la opcion en la listo. Premu la ESKAPAN klavon por fermi la falmenuon."},{name:"Breto indikanta la vojon al la redaktilelementoj",legend:"Premu ${elementsPathFocus} por navigi al la breto indikanta la vojon al la redaktilelementoj. Moviĝu al la butono de la sekva elemento per la klavoj TABA aŭ SAGO DEKSTREN. Moviĝu al la butono de la antaŭa elemento per la klavoj MAJUSKLIGA + TABA aŭ SAGO MALDEKSTREN. Premu la SPACETklavon aŭ ENENklavon por selekti la elementon en la redaktilo."}]},
+{name:"Komandoj",items:[{name:"Komando malfari",legend:"Premu ${undo}"},{name:"Komando refari",legend:"Premu ${redo}"},{name:"Komando grasa",legend:"Premu ${bold}"},{name:"Komando kursiva",legend:"Premu ${italic}"},{name:"Komando substreki",legend:"Premu ${underline}"},{name:"Komando ligilo",legend:"Premu ${link}"},{name:"Komando faldi la ilbreton",legend:"Premu ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:"Helpilo pri atingeblo",legend:"Premu ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","es",{title:"Instrucciones de acceso",contents:"Ayuda. Para cerrar presione ESC.",legend:[{name:"General",items:[{name:"Barra de herramientas del editor",legend:'Presiona ${toolbarFocus} para navegar por la barra de herramientas. Para moverse por los distintos grupos de herramientas usa las teclas TAB y MAY-TAB. Para moverse por las distintas herramientas usa FLECHA DERECHA o FECHA IZQUIERDA. Presiona "espacio" o "intro" para activar la herramienta.'},{name:"Editor de diálogo",
+legend:"Dentro de un cuadro de diálogo, presione la tecla TAB para desplazarse al campo siguiente del cuadro de diálogo, pulse SHIFT + TAB para desplazarse al campo anterior, pulse ENTER para presentar cuadro de diálogo, pulse la tecla ESC para cancelar el diálogo. Para los diálogos que tienen varias páginas, presione ALT + F10 para navegar a la pestaña de la lista. Luego pasar a la siguiente pestaña con TAB o FLECHA DERECHA. Para ir a la ficha anterior con SHIFT + TAB o FLECHA IZQUIERDA. Presione ESPACIO o ENTRAR para seleccionar la página de ficha."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","et",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",legend:[{name:"Ãœldine",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","fa",{title:"دستورالعملهای دسترسی",contents:"راهنمای فهرست مطالب. برای بستن این کادر محاورهای ESC را فشار دهید.",legend:[{name:"عمومی",items:[{name:"نوار ابزار ویرایشگر",legend:"${toolbarFocus} را برای باز کردن نوار ابزار بفشارید. با کلید Tab و Shif-Tab در مجموعه نوار ابزار بعدی و قبلی حرکت کنید. برای حرکت در کلید نوار ابزار قبلی و بعدی با کلید جهتنمای راست و چپ جابجا شوید. کلید Space یا Enter را برای فعال کردن کلید نوار ابزار بفشارید."},{name:"پنجره محاورهای ویرایشگر",
+legend:"در داخل یک پنجره محاورهای، کلید Tab را بفشارید تا به پنجرهی بعدی بروید، Shift+Tab برای حرکت به فیلد قبلی، فشردن Enter برای ثبت اطلاعات پنجره، فشردن Esc برای لغو پنجره محاورهای Ùˆ برای پنجرههایی Ú©Ù‡ چندین برگه دارند، فشردن Alt+F10 جهت رفتن به Tab-List. در نهایت حرکت به برگه بعدی با Tab یا کلید جهتنمای راست. حرکت به برگه قبلی با Shift+Tab یا کلید جهتنمای Ú†Ù¾. فشردن Space یا Enter برای انتخاب یک برگه."},{name:"منوی متنی ویرایشگر",legend:"${contextMenu} یا کلید برنامههای کاربردی را برای باز کردن منوی متن را بفشارید. سپس میتوانید برای حرکت به گزینه بعدی منو با کلید Tab Ùˆ یا کلید جهتنمای پایین Ø
 ¬Ø§Ø¨Ø¬Ø§ شوید. حرکت به گزینه قبلی با Shift+Tab یا کلید جهتنمای بالا. فشردن Space یا Enter برای انتخاب یک گزینه از منو. باز کردن زیر شاخه گزینه منو جاری با کلید Space یا Enter Ùˆ یا کلید جهتنمای راست Ùˆ Ú†Ù¾. بازگشت به منوی والد با کلید Esc یا کلید جهتنمای Ú†Ù¾. بستن منوی متن با Esc."},
+{name:"جعبه فهرست ویرایشگر",legend:"در داخل جعبه لیست، قلم دوم از اقلام لیست بعدی را با TAB و یا Arrow Down حرکت دهید. انتقال به قلم دوم از اقلام لیست قبلی را با SHIFT + TAB یا UP ARROW. کلید Space یا ENTER را برای انتخاب گزینه لیست بفشارید. کلید ESC را برای بستن جعبه لیست بفشارید."},{name:"ویرایشگر عنصر نوار راه",legend:"برای رفتن به مسیر عناصر ${elementsPathFocus} را بفشارید. حرکت به کلید عنصر بعدی با کلید Tab یا  کلید جهتنمای راست. برگشت به کلید قبلی با Shift+Tab یا کلید جهتنمای چپ. فشردن Space یا Enter برای انتخاب یک عنصر در ویرایشگر."}]},
+{name:"فرمانها",items:[{name:"بازگشت فرمان",legend:"فشردن ${undo}"},{name:"انجام مجدد فرمان",legend:"فشردن ${redo}"},{name:"فرمان متن درشت",legend:"فشردن ${bold}"},{name:"فرمان متن کج",legend:"فشردن ${italic}"},{name:"فرمان متن زیرخطدار",legend:"فشردن ${underline}"},{name:"فرمان پیوند",legend:"فشردن ${link}"},{name:"بستن نوار ابزار فرمان",legend:"فشردن ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:"راهنمای دسترسی",legend:"فشردن ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","fi",{title:"Saavutettavuus ohjeet",contents:"Ohjeen sisällöt. Sulkeaksesi tämän dialogin paina ESC.",legend:[{name:"Yleinen",items:[{name:"Editorin työkalupalkki",legend:"Paina ${toolbarFocus} siirtyäksesi työkalupalkkiin. Siirry seuraavaan ja edelliseen työkalupalkin ryhmään TAB ja SHIFT-TAB näppäimillä. Siirry seuraavaan ja edelliseen työkalupainikkeeseen käyttämällä NUOLI OIKEALLE tai NUOLI VASEMMALLE näppäimillä. Paina VÄLILYÖNTI tai ENTER näppäintä aktivoidaksesi työkalupainikkeen."},
+{name:"Editorin dialogi",legend:"Dialogin sisällä, painamalla TAB siirryt seuraavaan dialogin kenttään, painamalla SHIFT+TAB siirryt aiempaan kenttään, painamalla ENTER lähetät dialogin, painamalla ESC peruutat dialogin. Dialogeille joissa on useita välilehtiä, paina ALT+F10 siirtyäksesi välillehtilistaan. Siirtyäksesi seuraavaan välilehteen paina TAB tai NUOLI OIKEALLE. Siirry edelliseen välilehteen painamalla SHIFT+TAB tai nuoli vasemmalle. Paina VÄLILYÖNTI tai ENTER valitaksesi välilehden."},{name:"Editorin oheisvalikko",
+legend:"Paina ${contextMenu} tai SOVELLUSPAINIKETTA avataksesi oheisvalikon. Liiku seuraavaan valikon vaihtoehtoon TAB tai NUOLI ALAS näppäimillä. Siirry edelliseen vaihtoehtoon SHIFT+TAB tai NUOLI YLÖS näppäimillä. Paina VÄLILYÖNTI tai ENTER valitaksesi valikon kohdan. Avataksesi nykyisen kohdan alivalikon paina VÄLILYÖNTI tai ENTER tai NUOLI OIKEALLE painiketta. Siirtyäksesi takaisin valikon ylemmälle tasolle paina ESC tai NUOLI vasemmalle. Oheisvalikko suljetaan ESC painikkeella."},{name:"Editorin listalaatikko",
+legend:"Listalaatikon sisällä siirry seuraavaan listan kohtaan TAB tai NUOLI ALAS painikkeilla. Siirry edelliseen listan kohtaan SHIFT+TAB tai NUOLI YLÖS painikkeilla. Paina VÄLILYÖNTI tai ENTER valitaksesi listan vaihtoehdon. Paina ESC sulkeaksesi listalaatikon."},{name:"Editorin elementtipolun palkki",legend:"Paina ${elementsPathFocus} siirtyäksesi elementtipolun palkkiin. Siirry seuraavaan elementtipainikkeeseen TAB tai NUOLI OIKEALLE painikkeilla. Siirry aiempaan painikkeeseen SHIFT+TAB tai NUOLI VASEMMALLE painikkeilla. Paina VÄLILYÖNTI tai ENTER valitaksesi elementin editorissa."}]},
+{name:"Komennot",items:[{name:"Peruuta komento",legend:"Paina ${undo}"},{name:"Tee uudelleen komento",legend:"Paina ${redo}"},{name:"Lihavoi komento",legend:"Paina ${bold}"},{name:"Kursivoi komento",legend:"Paina ${italic}"},{name:"Alleviivaa komento",legend:"Paina ${underline}"},{name:"Linkki komento",legend:"Paina ${link}"},{name:"Pienennä työkalupalkki komento",legend:"Paina ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:"Saavutettavuus ohjeet",legend:"Paina ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","fr",{title:"Instructions pour l'accessibilité",contents:"Contenu de l'aide. Pour fermer ce dialogue, appuyez sur la touche ESC (Echappement).",legend:[{name:"Général",items:[{name:"Barre d'outils de l'éditeur",legend:"Appuyer sur ${toolbarFocus} pour accéder à la barre d'outils. Se déplacer vers les groupes suivant ou précédent de la barre d'outil avec les touches TAB et SHIFT-TAB. Se déplacer vers les boutons suivant ou précédent de la barre d'outils avec les touches FLECHE DROITE et FLECHE GAUCHE. Appuyer sur la barre d'espace ou la touche ENTRER pour activer le bouton de barre d'outils."},
+{name:"Dialogue de léditeur",legend:"A l'intérieur d'un dialogue, appuyer sur la touche TAB pour naviguer jusqu'au champ de dalogue suivant, appuyez sur les touches SHIFT + TAB pour revenir au champ précédent, appuyez sur la touche ENTRER pour soumettre le dialogue, appuyer sur la touche ESC pour annuler le dialogue. Pour les dialogues avec plusieurs pages d'onglets, appuyer sur ALT + F10 pour naviguer jusqu'à la liste des onglets. Puis se déplacer vers l'onglet suivant avec la touche TAB ou FLECHE DROITE. Se déplacer vers l'onglet précédent avec les touches SHIFT + TAB ou FLECHE GAUCHE. Appuyer sur la barre d'espace ou la touche ENTRER pour sélectionner la page de l'onglet."},
+{name:"Menu contextuel de l'éditeur",legend:"Appuyer sur ${contextMenu} ou entrer le RACCOURCI CLAVIER pour ouvrir le menu contextuel. Puis se déplacer vers l'option suivante du menu avec les touches TAB ou FLECHE BAS. Se déplacer vers l'option précédente avec les touches  SHIFT+TAB ou FLECHE HAUT. appuyer sur la BARRE D'ESPACE ou la touche ENTREE pour sélectionner l'option du menu. Oovrir le sous-menu de l'option courante avec la BARRE D'ESPACE ou les touches ENTREE ou FLECHE DROITE. Revenir à l'élément de menu parent avec les touches ESC ou FLECHE GAUCHE. Fermer le menu contextuel avec ESC."},
+{name:"Zone de liste en menu déroulant de l'éditeur",legend:"A l'intérieur d'une liste en menu déroulant, se déplacer vers l'élément suivant de la liste avec les touches TAB ou FLECHE BAS. Se déplacer vers l'élément précédent de la liste avec les touches SHIFT + TAB ou FLECHE HAUT. Appuyer sur la BARRE D'ESPACE ou sur ENTREE pour sélectionner l'option dans la liste. Appuyer sur ESC pour fermer le menu déroulant."},{name:"Barre d'emplacement des éléments de léditeur",legend:"Appuyer sur ${elementsPathFocus} pour naviguer vers la barre d'emplacement des éléments de léditeur. Se déplacer vers le bouton d'élément suivant avec les touches TAB ou FLECHE DROITE. Se déplacer vers le bouton d'élément précédent avec les touches SHIFT+TAB ou FLECHE GAUCHE. Appuyer sur la BARRE D'ESPACE ou sur ENTREE pour sélectionner l'élément dans l'éditeur."}]},
+{name:"Commandes",items:[{name:" Commande défaire",legend:"Appuyer sur ${undo}"},{name:" Commande refaire",legend:"Appuyer sur ${redo}"},{name:" Commande gras",legend:"Appuyer sur ${bold}"},{name:" Commande italique",legend:"Appuyer sur ${italic}"},{name:" Commande souligné",legend:"Appuyer sur ${underline}"},{name:" Commande lien",legend:"Appuyer sur ${link}"},{name:" Commande enrouler la barre d'outils",legend:"Appuyer sur ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Aide Accessibilité",legend:"Appuyer sur ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","gu",{title:"એક્ક્ષેબિલિટી ની વિગતો",contents:"હેલ્પ. આ બંધ કરવા ESC દબાવો.",legend:[{name:"જનરલ",items:[{name:"એડિટર ટૂલબાર",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"એડિટર ડાયલોગ",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"કમાંડસ",items:[{name:"અન્ડું કમાંડ",legend:"$ દબાવો {undo}"},{name:"ફરી કરો કમાંડ",legend:"$ દબાવો {redo}"},{name:"બોલ્દનો કમાંડ",legend:"$ દબાવો {bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..34bceac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","he",{title:"הוראות נגישות",contents:"הוראות נגישות. לסגירה לחץ אסקייפ (ESC).",legend:[{name:"כללי",items:[{name:"סרגל הכלים",legend:"לחץ על ${toolbarFocus} כדי לנווט לסרגל הכלים. עבור לכפתור הבא עם מקש הטאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. עבור לכפתור הקודם עם מקש השיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ ימני. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי להפעיל את הכפתור הנבחר."},{name:"דיאלוגים (חלונות תשאול)",legend:"בתוך דיאלוג, לחץ טאב (TAB) כדי לנווט לשדה הבא, לחץ שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) כדי לנווט לשדה הקודם, לחץ אנטר (ENTER) כדי לשלוח את הדיאלוג, לחץ אסקייפ (ESC) כדי לבטל. בתוך דיאלוגים בעלי מספר טאבים (לשוניות), לחץ אלט (ALT) + F10 כדי לנ
 ווט לשורת הטאבים. נווט לטאב הבא עם טאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. עבור לטאב הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי להיכנס לטאב."},
+{name:"תפריט ההקשר (Context Menu)",legend:"לחץ ${contextMenu} או APPLICATION KEYכדי לפתוח את תפריט ההקשר. עבור לאפשרות הבאה עם טאב (TAB) או חץ למטה. עבור לאפשרות הקודמת עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ למעלה. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי לבחור את האפשרות. פתח את תת התפריט (Sub-menu) של האפשרות הנוכחית עם רווח או אנטר (ENTER) או חץ שמאלי. חזור לתפריט האב עם אסקייפ (ESC) או חץ שמאלי. סגור את תפריט ההקשר עם אסקייפ (ESC)."},{name:"תפריטים צפים (List boxes)",legend:"בתוך תפריט צף, עבור לפריט הבא עם טאב (TAB) או חץ למטה. עבור לתפריט הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) or חץ עליון. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"עץ אלמנטים (Elements Path)",legend:"לחץ ${elementsPathFocus} כדי לנווט לעץ האלמנטים. עבור לפריט הבא עם טאב (TAB) או חץ ימני. עבור לפריט הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי לבחור את האלמנט בעורך."}]},{name:"פקודות",items:[{name:" ביטול צעד אחרון",legend:"לחץ ${undo}"},{name:" חזרה על צעד אחרון",legend:"לחץ ${redo}"},{name:" הדגשה",legend:"לחץ ${bold}"},{name:" הטייה",legend:"לחץ ${italic}"},{name:" הוספת קו תחתון",legend:"לחץ ${underline}"},{name:" הוספת לינק",
+legend:"לחץ ${link}"},{name:" כיווץ סרגל הכלים",legend:"לחץ ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" הוראות נגישות",legend:"לחץ ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..4a8f179
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","hi",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",legend:[{name:"सामान्य",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..b8ff14a
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","hr",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",legend:[{name:"Općenito",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..f3bd161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","hu",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",legend:[{name:"Általános",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..e734f7d
--- /dev/null
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","it",{title:"Istruzioni di Accessibilità",contents:"Contenuti di Aiuto. Per chiudere questa finestra premi ESC.",legend:[{name:"Generale",items:[{name:"Barra degli strumenti Editor",legend:"Premi ${toolbarFocus} per navigare fino alla barra degli strumenti. Muoviti tra i gruppi della barra degli strumenti con i tasti Tab e Maiusc-Tab. Spostati tra il successivo ed il precedente pulsante della barra degli strumenti usando le frecce direzionali Destra e Sinistra. Premi Spazio o Invio per attivare il pulsante della barra degli strumenti."},
+{name:"Finestra Editor",legend:"All'interno di una finestra di dialogo, premi Tab per navigare fino al campo successivo della finestra di dialogo, premi Maiusc-Tab per tornare al campo precedente, premi Invio per inviare la finestra di dialogo, premi Esc per uscire. Per le finestre che hanno schede multiple, premi Alt+F10 per navigare nella lista delle schede. Quindi spostati alla scheda successiva con il tasto Tab oppure con la Freccia Destra. Torna alla scheda precedente con Maiusc+Tab oppure con la Freccia Sinistra. Premi Spazio o Invio per scegliere la scheda."},
+{name:"Menù contestuale Editor",legend:"Premi ${contextMenu} o TASTO APPLICAZIONE per aprire il menu contestuale. Dunque muoviti all'opzione successiva del menu con il tasto TAB o con la Freccia Sotto. Muoviti all'opzione precedente con  MAIUSC+TAB o con Freccia Sopra. Premi SPAZIO o INVIO per scegliere l'opzione di menu. Apri il sottomenu dell'opzione corrente con SPAZIO o INVIO oppure con la Freccia Destra. Torna indietro al menu superiore con ESC oppure Freccia Sinistra. Chiudi il menu contestuale con ESC."},
+{name:"Box Lista Editor",legend:"Dentro un box-lista, muoviti al prossimo elemento della lista con TAB o con la Freccia direzionale giù. Spostati all'elemento precedente con MAIUSC+TAB oppure con Freccia direzionale sopra. Premi SPAZIO o INVIO per scegliere l'opzione della lista. Premi ESC per chiudere il box-lista."},{name:"Barra percorso elementi editor",legend:"Premi ${elementsPathFocus} per navigare tra gli elementi della barra percorso. Muoviti al prossimo pulsante di elemento con TAB o la Freccia direzionale destra. Muoviti al pulsante precedente con MAIUSC+TAB o la Freccia Direzionale Sinistra. Premi SPAZIO o INVIO per scegliere l'elemento nell'editor."}]},
+{name:"Comandi",items:[{name:" Annulla comando",legend:"Premi ${undo}"},{name:" Ripeti comando",legend:"Premi ${redo}"},{name:" Comando Grassetto",legend:"Premi ${bold}"},{name:" Comando Corsivo",legend:"Premi ${italic}"},{name:" Comando Sottolineato",legend:"Premi ${underline}"},{name:" Comando Link",legend:"Premi ${link}"},{name:" Comando riduci barra degli strumenti",legend:"Premi ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Aiuto Accessibilità",legend:"Premi ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ja.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ja.js
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index 0000000..28cd800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","ja",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",legend:[{name:"全般",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ku.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ku.js
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index 0000000..c85c682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","ku",{title:"ڕێنمای لەبەردەستدابوون",contents:"پێکهاتەی یارمەتی. کلیك ESC بۆ داخستنی ئەم دیالۆگه.",legend:[{name:"گشتی",items:[{name:"تووڵامرازی ده‌ستكاریكه‌ر",legend:"کلیك ${toolbarFocus} بۆ ڕابەری تووڵامراز. بۆ گواستنەوەی پێشوو داهاتووی گرووپی تووڵامرازی داگرتنی کلیلی TAB له‌گه‌ڵ‌ SHIFT-TAB. بۆ گواستنەوەی پێشوو داهاتووی دووگمەی تووڵامرازی لەڕێی کلیلی تیری دەستی ڕاست یان کلیلی تیری دەستی چەپ. کلیکی کلیلی SPACE یان ENTER بۆ چالاککردنی دووگمەی تووڵامراز."},{name:"دیالۆگی ده‌ستكاریكه‌ر",
+legend:"لەهەمانکاتدا کەتۆ لەدیالۆگی, کلیکی کلیلی TAB بۆ ڕابەری خانەی دیالۆگێکی تر, داگرتنی کلیلی SHIFT + TAB بۆ گواستنەوەی بۆ خانەی پێشووتر, کلیكی کلیلی ENTER بۆ ڕازیکردنی دیالۆگەکە, کلیكی کلیلی ESC بۆ هەڵوەشاندنەوەی دیالۆگەکە. بۆ دیالۆگی لەبازدەری (تابی) زیاتر, کلیكی کلیلی ALT + F10 بۆ ڕابه‌ری لیستی بازده‌ره‌کان. بۆ چوونه‌ بازده‌ری تابی داهاتوو کلیكی کلیلی TAB یان کلیلی تیری ده‌ستی ڕاست. بۆچوونه‌ بازده‌ری تابی پێشوو داگرتنی کلیلی SHIFT + TAB یان کلیلی تیری ده‌ستی چه‌پ. کلیی کلیلی SPACE یان ENTER بۆ هه‌ڵبژاردنی بازده‌ر (تاب)."},
+{name:"پێڕستی سه‌رنووسه‌ر",legend:"کلیك ${contextMenu} یان دوگمه‌ی لیسته‌(Menu) بۆ کردنه‌وه‌ی لیسته‌ی ده‌ق. بۆ چوونه‌ هه‌ڵبژارده‌یه‌کی تر له‌ لیسته‌ کلیکی کلیلی TAB یان کلیلی تیری ڕوو له‌خواره‌وه‌ بۆ چوون بۆ هه‌ڵبژارده‌ی پێشوو کلیکی کلیلی SHIFT+TAB یان کلیلی تیری ڕوو له‌ سه‌ره‌وه. داگرتنی کلیلی SPACE یان ENTER بۆ هه‌ڵبژاردنی هه‌ڵبژارده‌ی لیسته‌. بۆ کردنه‌وه‌ی لقی ژێر لیسته‌ له‌هه‌ڵبژارده‌ی لیسته‌ کلیکی کلیلی SPACE یان ENTER یان کلیلی تیری ده‌ستی ڕاست. بۆ گه‌ڕانه‌وه بۆ سه‌ره‌وه‌ی لیسته‌ کلیکی کلیلی ESC یان کلیلی تیری ده‌ستی چه‌پ. بۆ داخستنی لیستهâ
 €Œ کلیكی کلیلی ESC بکه."},
+{name:"لیستی سنووقی سه‌رنووسه‌ر",legend:"له‌ناو سنوقی لیست, چۆن بۆ هه‌ڵنبژارده‌ی لیستێکی تر کلیکی کلیلی TAB یان کلیلی تیری ڕوو له‌خوار. چوون بۆ هه‌ڵبژارده‌ی لیستی پێشوو کلیکی کلیلی SHIFT + TAB یان کلیلی تیری ڕوو له‌سه‌ره‌وه‌. کلیکی کلیلی SPACE یان ENTER بۆ دیاریکردنی ‌هه‌ڵبژارده‌ی لیست. کلیکی کلیلی ESC بۆ داخستنی سنوقی لیست."},{name:"تووڵامرازی توخم",legend:"کلیك ${elementsPathFocus} بۆ ڕابه‌ری تووڵامرازی توخمه‌کان. چوون بۆ دوگمه‌ی توخمێکی تر کلیکی کلیلی TAB یان کلیلی تیری ده‌ستی ڕاست. چوون بۆ دوگمه‌ی توخمی پێشوو کلیلی SHIFT+TAB یان کلیکی کلیلی تیری ده‌ستی چه‌پ. داگرتن
 ی کلیلی SPACE یان ENTER بۆ دیاریکردنی توخمه‌که‌ له‌سه‌رنووسه."}]},
+{name:"فه‌رمانه‌کان",items:[{name:"فه‌رمانی پووچکردنه‌وه",legend:"کلیك ${undo}"},{name:"فه‌رمانی هه‌ڵگه‌ڕانه‌وه",legend:"کلیك ${redo}"},{name:"فه‌رمانی ده‌قی قه‌ڵه‌و",legend:"کلیك ${bold}"},{name:"فه‌رمانی ده‌قی لار",legend:"کلیك ${italic}"},{name:"فه‌رمانی ژێرهێڵ",legend:"کلیك ${underline}"},{name:"فه‌رمانی به‌سته‌ر",legend:"کلیك ${link}"},{name:"شارده‌نه‌وه‌ی تووڵامراز",legend:"کلیك ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:"ده‌ستپێگه‌یشتنی یارمه‌تی",legend:"کلیك ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..1cbb428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/lt.js
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","lt",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",legend:[{name:"Bendros savybÄ—s",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..d93a754
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","lv",{title:"Pieejamības instrukcija",contents:"Palīdzības saturs. Lai aizvērtu ciet šo dialogu nospiediet ESC.",legend:[{name:"Galvenais",items:[{name:"Redaktora rīkjosla",legend:"Nospiediet ${toolbarFocus} lai pārvietotos uz rīkjoslu. Lai pārvietotos uz nākošo vai iepriekšējo rīkjoslas grupu izmantojiet pogu TAB un SHIFT+TAB.  Lai pārvietotos uz nākošo vai iepriekšējo rīkjoslas pogu izmantojiet Kreiso vai Labo bultiņu. Nospiediet Atstarpi vai ENTER lai aktivizētu rīkjosla pogu."},
+{name:"Redaktora dialoga  logs",legend:"Dialoga logā nospiediet pogu TAB lai pārvietotos uz nākošo dialoga loga lauku, nospiediet SHIFT+TAB lai atgrieztos iepriekšējā laukā, nospiediet ENTER lai apstiprinātu dialoga datus, nospiediet ESC lai aizvērtu šo dialogu. Dialogam kuram ir vairākas cilnes, nospiediet ALT+F10 lai pārvietotos uz nepieciešamo cilni.  Lai pārvietotos uz nākošo cilni izmantojiet pogu TAB vai Labo bultiņu. Lai pārvietotos uz iepriekšējo cilni nospiediet SHIFT+TAB vai kreiso bultiņu. Nospiediet SPACE vai ENTER lai izvēlētos lapas cilni."},
+{name:"Redaktora satura izvēle",legend:"Nospiediet ${contextMenu} vai APPLICATION KEY lai atvērtu satura izvēlni. Lai pārvietotos uz nākošo izvēlnes opciju izmantojiet pogu TAB vai pogu Bultiņu uz leju. Lai pārvietotos uz iepriekšējo opciju izmantojiet  SHIFT+TAB vai pogu Bultiņa uz augšu. Nospiediet SPACE vai ENTER lai izvelētos izvēlnes opciju. Atveriet tekošajā opcija apakšizvēlni ar SAPCE vai ENTER ka ari to var izdarīt ar Labo bultiņu. Lai atgrieztos atpakaļ uz sakuma izvēlni nospiediet ESC vai Kreiso bultiņu. Lai aizvērtu ciet izvēlnes saturu nospiediet ESC."},
+{name:"Redaktora saraksta lauks",legend:"Saraksta laukā, lai pārvietotos uz nākošo saraksta elementu nospiediet TAB vai pogu Bultiņa uz leju. Lai pārvietotos uz iepriekšējo saraksta elementu nospiediet SHIFT+TAB vai pogu Bultiņa uz augšu. Nospiediet SPACE vai ENTER lai izvēlētos saraksta opcijas. Nospiediet ESC lai aizvērtu saraksta lauku. "},{name:"Redaktora elementa ceļa josla",legend:"Nospiediet ${elementsPathFocus} lai pārvietotos uz  elementa ceļa joslu. Lai pārvietotos uz nākošo elementa pogu izmantojiet TAB vai Labo bultiņu. Lai pārvietotos uz iepriekšējo elementa pogu  izmantojiet SHIFT + TAB vai Kreiso bultiņu. Nospiediet SPACE vai ENTER lai izvēlētos elementu redaktorā."}]},
+{name:"Komandas",items:[{name:"Komanda atcelt darbību",legend:"Nospiediet ${undo}"},{name:"Komanda atkārtot darbību",legend:"Nospiediet ${redo}"},{name:"Treknraksta komanda",legend:"Nospiediet ${bold}"},{name:"Kursīva komanda",legend:"Nospiediet ${italic}"},{name:"Apakšsvītras komanda ",legend:"Nospiediet ${underline}"},{name:"Hipersaites komanda",legend:"Nospiediet ${link}"},{name:"Rīkjoslas aizvēršanas komanda",legend:"Nospiediet ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",
+legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:"Pieejamības palīdzība",legend:"Nospiediet ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..9353161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","mk",{title:"Инструкции за пристапност",contents:"Содржина на делот за помош. За да го затворите овој дијалот притиснете ESC.",legend:[{name:"Општо",items:[{name:"Мени за едиторот",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Дијалот за едиторот",
+legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},
+{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},
+{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..f9588d6
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","mn",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",legend:[{name:"Ерөнхий",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..7bb3de5
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+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/nb.js
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","nb",{title:"Instruksjoner for tilgjengelighet",contents:"Innhold for hjelp. Trykk ESC for å lukke denne dialogen.",legend:[{name:"Generelt",items:[{name:"Verktøylinje for editor",legend:"Trykk ${toolbarFocus} for å navigere til verktøylinjen. Flytt til neste og forrige verktøylinjegruppe med TAB og SHIFT-TAB. Flytt til neste og forrige verktøylinjeknapp med HØYRE PILTAST og VENSTRE PILTAST. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å aktivere verktøylinjeknappen."},{name:"Dialog for editor",
+legend:"Mens du er i en dialog, trykk TAB for å navigere til neste dialogfelt, press SHIFT + TAB for å flytte til forrige felt, trykk ENTER for å akseptere dialogen, trykk ESC for å avbryte dialogen. For dialoger med flere faner, trykk ALT + F10 for å navigere til listen over faner. Gå til neste fane med TAB eller HØYRE PILTAST. Gå til forrige fane med SHIFT + TAB eller VENSTRE PILTAST. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge fanen."},{name:"Kontekstmeny for editor",legend:"Trykk ${contextMenu} eller MENYKNAPP for å åpne kontekstmeny. Gå til neste alternativ i menyen med TAB eller PILTAST NED. Gå til forrige alternativ med SHIFT+TAB eller PILTAST OPP. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge menyalternativet. Åpne undermenyen på valgt alternativ med MELLOMROM eller ENTER eller HØYRE PILTAST. Gå tilbake til overordnet menyelement med ESC eller VENSTRE PILTAST. Lukk kontekstmenyen med ESC."},
+{name:"Listeboks for editor",legend:"I en listeboks, gå til neste alternativ i listen med TAB eller PILTAST NED. Gå til forrige alternativ i listen med SHIFT + TAB eller PILTAST OPP. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge alternativet i listen. Trykk ESC for å lukke listeboksen."},{name:"Verktøylinje for elementsti",legend:"Trykk ${elementsPathFocus} for å navigere til verktøylinjen som viser elementsti. Gå til neste elementknapp med TAB eller HØYRE PILTAST. Gå til forrige elementknapp med SHIFT+TAB eller VENSTRE PILTAST. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge elementet i editoren."}]},
+{name:"Kommandoer",items:[{name:"Angre",legend:"Trykk ${undo}"},{name:"Gjør om",legend:"Trykk ${redo}"},{name:"Fet tekst",legend:"Trykk ${bold}"},{name:"Kursiv tekst",legend:"Trykk ${italic}"},{name:"Understreking",legend:"Trykk ${underline}"},{name:"Link",legend:"Trykk ${link}"},{name:"Skjul verktøylinje",legend:"Trykk ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:"Hjelp for tilgjengelighet",legend:"Trykk ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/nl.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/nl.js
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index 0000000..524cdfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","nl",{title:"Toegankelijkheidsinstructies",contents:"Help inhoud. Druk op ESC om dit dialoog te sluiten.",legend:[{name:"Algemeen",items:[{name:"Werkbalk tekstverwerker",legend:"Druk op ${toolbarFocus} om naar de werkbalk te navigeren. Om te schakelen naar de volgende en vorige werkbalkgroep, gebruik TAB en SHIFT+TAB. Om te schakelen naar de volgende en vorige werkbalkknop, gebruik de PIJL RECHTS en PIJL LINKS. Druk op SPATIE of ENTER om een werkbalkknop te activeren."},
+{name:"Dialoog tekstverwerker",legend:"In een dialoogvenster, druk op TAB om te navigeren naar het volgende veld. Druk op SHIFT+TAB om naar het vorige veld te navigeren. Druk op ENTER om het dialoogvenster te verzenden. Druk op ESC om het dialoogvenster te sluiten. Voor dialoogvensters met meerdere tabbladen, druk op ALT+F10 om naar de tabset te navigeren. Schakel naar het volgende tabblad met TAB of PIJL RECHTS. Schakel naar het vorige tabblad met SHIFT+TAB of PIJL LINKS. Druk op SPATIE of ENTER om het tabblad te selecteren."},
+{name:"Contextmenu tekstverwerker",legend:"Druk op ${contextMenu} of APPLICATION KEY om het contextmenu te openen. Schakel naar de volgende menuoptie met TAB of PIJL OMLAAG. Schakel naar de vorige menuoptie met SHIFT+TAB of PIJL OMHOOG. Druk op SPATIE of ENTER om een menuoptie te selecteren. Op een submenu van de huidige optie met SPATIE, ENTER of PIJL RECHTS. Ga terug naar de bovenliggende menuoptie met ESC of PIJL LINKS. Sluit het contextmenu met ESC."},{name:"Keuzelijst tekstverwerker",legend:"In een keuzelijst, schakel naar het volgende item met TAB of PIJL OMLAAG. Schakel naar het vorige item met SHIFT+TAB of PIJL OMHOOG. Druk op SPATIE of ENTER om het item te selecteren. Druk op ESC om de keuzelijst te sluiten."},
+{name:"Elementenpad werkbalk tekstverwerker",legend:"Druk op ${elementsPathFocus} om naar het elementenpad te navigeren. Om te schakelen naar het volgende element, gebruik TAB of PIJL RECHTS. Om te schakelen naar het vorige element, gebruik SHIFT+TAB or PIJL LINKS. Druk op SPATIE of ENTER om een element te selecteren in de tekstverwerker."}]},{name:"Opdrachten",items:[{name:"Ongedaan maken opdracht",legend:"Druk op ${undo}"},{name:"Opnieuw uitvoeren opdracht",legend:"Druk op ${redo}"},{name:"Vetgedrukt opdracht",
+legend:"Druk up ${bold}"},{name:"Cursief opdracht",legend:"Druk op ${italic}"},{name:"Onderstrepen opdracht",legend:"Druk op ${underline}"},{name:"Link opdracht",legend:"Druk op ${link}"},{name:"Werkbalk inklappen opdracht",legend:"Druk op ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:"Toegankelijkheidshulp",legend:"Druk op ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..dfb8493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","no",{title:"Instruksjoner for tilgjengelighet",contents:"Innhold for hjelp. Trykk ESC for å lukke denne dialogen.",legend:[{name:"Generelt",items:[{name:"Verktøylinje for editor",legend:"Trykk ${toolbarFocus} for å navigere til verktøylinjen. Flytt til neste og forrige verktøylinjegruppe med TAB og SHIFT-TAB. Flytt til neste og forrige verktøylinjeknapp med HØYRE PILTAST og VENSTRE PILTAST. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å aktivere verktøylinjeknappen."},{name:"Dialog for editor",
+legend:"Mens du er i en dialog, trykk TAB for å navigere til neste dialogfelt, press SHIFT + TAB for å flytte til forrige felt, trykk ENTER for å akseptere dialogen, trykk ESC for å avbryte dialogen. For dialoger med flere faner, trykk ALT + F10 for å navigere til listen over faner. Gå til neste fane med TAB eller HØYRE PILTAST. Gå til forrige fane med SHIFT + TAB eller VENSTRE PILTAST. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge fanen."},{name:"Kontekstmeny for editor",legend:"Trykk ${contextMenu} eller MENYKNAPP for å åpne kontekstmeny. Gå til neste alternativ i menyen med TAB eller PILTAST NED. Gå til forrige alternativ med SHIFT+TAB eller PILTAST OPP. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge menyalternativet. Åpne undermenyen på valgt alternativ med MELLOMROM eller ENTER eller HØYRE PILTAST. Gå tilbake til overordnet menyelement med ESC eller VENSTRE PILTAST. Lukk kontekstmenyen med ESC."},
+{name:"Listeboks for editor",legend:"I en listeboks, gå til neste alternativ i listen med TAB eller PILTAST NED. Gå til forrige alternativ i listen med SHIFT + TAB eller PILTAST OPP. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge alternativet i listen. Trykk ESC for å lukke listeboksen."},{name:"Verktøylinje for elementsti",legend:"Trykk ${elementsPathFocus} for å navigere til verktøylinjen som viser elementsti. Gå til neste elementknapp med TAB eller HØYRE PILTAST. Gå til forrige elementknapp med SHIFT+TAB eller VENSTRE PILTAST. Trykk MELLOMROM eller ENTER for å velge elementet i editoren."}]},
+{name:"Kommandoer",items:[{name:"Angre",legend:"Trykk ${undo}"},{name:"Gjør om",legend:"Trykk ${redo}"},{name:"Fet tekst",legend:"Trykk ${bold}"},{name:"Kursiv tekst",legend:"Trykk ${italic}"},{name:"Understreking",legend:"Trykk ${underline}"},{name:"Link",legend:"Trykk ${link}"},{name:"Skjul verktøylinje",legend:"Trykk ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:"Hjelp for tilgjengelighet",legend:"Trykk ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..7bbc9e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/pl.js
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","pl",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",legend:[{name:"Ogólne",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/pt-br.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/pt-br.js
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index 0000000..cc8d4f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","pt-br",{title:"Instruções de Acessibilidade",contents:"Conteúdo da Ajuda. Para fechar este diálogo pressione ESC.",legend:[{name:"Geral",items:[{name:"Barra de Ferramentas do Editor",legend:"Pressione ${toolbarFocus} para navegar para a barra de ferramentas. Mova para o anterior ou próximo grupo de ferramentas com TAB e SHIFT-TAB. Mova para o anterior ou próximo botão com SETA PARA DIREITA or SETA PARA ESQUERDA. Pressione ESPAÇO ou ENTER para ativar o botão da barra de ferramentas."},
+{name:"Diálogo do Editor",legend:"Dentro de um diálogo, pressione TAB para navegar para o próximo campo, pressione SHIFT + TAB para mover para o campo anterior, pressione ENTER para enviar o diálogo, pressione ESC para cancelar o diálogo. Para diálogos que tem múltiplas abas, pressione ALT + F10 para navegar para a lista de abas, então mova para a próxima aba com SHIFT + TAB ou SETA PARA ESQUERDA. Pressione ESPAÇO ou ENTER para selecionar a aba."},{name:"Menu de Contexto do Editor",legend:"Pressione ${contextMenu} ou TECLA DE MENU para abrir o menu de contexto, então mova para a próxima opção com TAB ou SETA PARA BAIXO. Mova para a anterior com SHIFT+TAB ou SETA PARA CIMA. Pressione ESPAÇO ou ENTER para selecionar a opção do menu. Abra o submenu da opção atual com ESPAÇO ou ENTER ou SETA PARA DIREITA. Volte para o menu pai com ESC ou SETA PARA ESQUERDA. Feche o menu de contexto com ESC."},
+{name:"Caixa de Lista do Editor",legend:"Dentro de uma caixa de lista, mova para o próximo item com TAB ou SETA PARA BAIXO. Mova para o item anterior com SHIFT + TAB ou SETA PARA CIMA. Pressione ESPAÇO ou ENTER para selecionar uma opção na lista. Pressione ESC para fechar a caixa de lista."},{name:"Barra de Caminho do Elementos do Editor",legend:"Pressione ${elementsPathFocus} para a barra de caminho dos elementos. Mova para o próximo botão de elemento com TAB ou SETA PARA DIREITA. Mova para o botão anterior com  SHIFT+TAB ou SETA PARA ESQUERDA. Pressione ESPAÇO ou ENTER para selecionar o elemento no editor."}]},
+{name:"Comandos",items:[{name:" Comando Desfazer",legend:"Pressione ${undo}"},{name:" Comando Refazer",legend:"Pressione ${redo}"},{name:" Comando Negrito",legend:"Pressione ${bold}"},{name:" Comando Itálico",legend:"Pressione ${italic}"},{name:" Comando Sublinhado",legend:"Pressione ${underline}"},{name:" Comando Link",legend:"Pressione ${link}"},{name:" Comando Fechar Barra de Ferramentas",legend:"Pressione ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Ajuda de Acessibilidade",legend:"Pressione ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..08e50f8
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+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","pt",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",legend:[{name:"Geral",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..e4794d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","ro",{title:"Instrucțiuni de accesibilitate",contents:"Cuprins. Pentru a închide acest dialog, apăsați tasta ESC.",legend:[{name:"General",items:[{name:"Editează bara.",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Dialog editor",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor meniu contextual",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ru.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ru.js
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index 0000000..cf0fce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","ru",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",legend:[{name:"Основное",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/sk.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/sk.js
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index 0000000..1093ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","sk",{title:"Inštrukcie prístupnosti",contents:"Pomocný obsah. Pre zatvorenie tohto okna, stlačte ESC.",legend:[{name:"Všeobecne",items:[{name:"Lišta nástrojov editora",legend:"Stlačte ${toolbarFocus} pre navigáciu na lištu nástrojov. Medzi ďalšou a predchádzajúcou lištou nástrojov sa pohybujete s TAB a SHIFT-TAB. Medzi ďalším a predchádzajúcim tlačidlom na lište nástrojov sa pohybujete s pravou šípkou a ľavou šípkou. Stlačte medzerník alebo ENTER pre aktiváciu tlačidla lišty nástrojov."},
+{name:"Editorový dialóg",legend:"V dialogu, stlačte TAB pre navigáciu na ďalšie dialógové pole, stlačte STIFT + TAB pre presun na predchádzajúce pole, stlačte ENTER pre odoslanie dialógu, stlačte ESC pre zrušenie dialógu. Pre dialógy, ktoré majú viac záložiek, stlačte ALT + F10 pre navigácou do zoznamu záložiek. Potom sa posúvajte k ďalšej žáložke pomocou TAB alebo pravou šípkou. Pre presun k predchádzajúcej záložke, stlačte SHIFT + TAB alebo ľavú šípku. Stlačte medzerník alebo ENTER pre vybranie záložky."},
+{name:"Editorové kontextové menu",legend:"Stlačte ${contextMenu} alebo APPLICATION KEY pre otvorenie kontextového menu. Potom sa presúvajte na ďalšie možnosti menu s TAB alebo dolnou šípkou. Presunte sa k predchádzajúcej možnosti s SHIFT + TAB alebo hornou šípkou. Stlačte medzerník alebo ENTER pre výber možnosti menu. Otvorte pod-menu danej možnosti s medzerníkom, alebo ENTER, alebo pravou šípkou. Vráťte sa späť do položky rodičovského menu s ESC alebo ľavou šípkou. Zatvorte kontextové menu s ESC."},
+{name:"Editorov box zoznamu",legend:"V boxe zoznamu, presuňte sa na ďalšiu položku v zozname s TAB alebo dolnou šípkou. Presuňte sa k predchádzajúcej položke v zozname so SHIFT + TAB alebo hornou šípkou. Stlačte medzerník alebo ENTER pre výber možnosti zoznamu. Stlačte ESC pre zatvorenie boxu zoznamu."},{name:"Editorove pásmo cesty prvku",legend:"Stlačte ${elementsPathFocus} pre navigovanie na pásmo cesty elementu. Presuňte sa na tlačidlo ďalšieho prvku s TAB alebo pravou šípkou. Presuňte sa k predchádzajúcemu tlačidlu s SHIFT + TAB alebo ľavou šípkou. Stlačte medzerník alebo ENTER pre výber prvku v editore."}]},
+{name:"Príkazy",items:[{name:"Vrátiť príkazy",legend:"Stlačte ${undo}"},{name:"Nanovo vrátiť príkaz",legend:"Stlačte ${redo}"},{name:"Príkaz na stučnenie",legend:"Stlačte ${bold}"},{name:"Príkaz na kurzívu",legend:"Stlačte ${italic}"},{name:"Príkaz na podčiarknutie",legend:"Stlačte ${underline}"},{name:"Príkaz na odkaz",legend:"Stlačte ${link}"},{name:"Príkaz na zbalenie lišty nástrojov",legend:"Stlačte ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:"Pomoc prístupnosti",legend:"Stlačte ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..d6ad1c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","sl",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",legend:[{name:"Splošno",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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index 0000000..cf50e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","sv",{title:"Hjälpmedelsinstruktioner",contents:"Hjälpinnehåll. För att stänga denna dialogruta trycker du på ESC.",legend:[{name:"Allmänt",items:[{name:"Editor verktygsfält",legend:"Tryck på $ {toolbarFocus} för att navigera till verktygsfältet. Flytta till nästa och föregående verktygsfältsgrupp med TAB och SHIFT-TAB. Flytta till nästa och föregående knapp i verktygsfältet med HÖGERPIL eller VÄNSTERPIL. Tryck Space eller ENTER för att aktivera knappen i verktygsfältet."},
+{name:"Dialogeditor",legend:"Inuti en dialogruta, tryck TAB för att navigera till nästa fält i dialogrutan. Du trycker SKIFT + TAB för att flytta till föregående fält. Tryck ENTER för att skicka. Du avbryter och stänger dialogen med ESC. För dialogrutor som har flera flikar, tryck ALT + F10 navigera till fliklistan. Flytta sedan till nästa flik med HÖGERPIL. Flytta till föregående flik med SHIFT + TAB eller VÄNSTERPIL. Tryck Space eller ENTER för att välja fliken."},{name:"Editor för innehållsmeny",
+legend:"Tryck på $ {contextMenu} eller PROGRAMTANGENTEN för att öppna snabbmenyn. Flytta sedan till nästa menyalternativ med TAB eller NEDPIL. Flytta till föregående alternativ med SHIFT + TABB eller UPPIL. Tryck Space eller ENTER för att välja menyalternativ. Öppna undermeny av nuvarande alternativ med SPACE eller ENTER eller HÖGERPIL. Gå tillbaka till överordnade menyalternativ med ESC eller VÄNSTERPIL. Stäng snabbmenyn med ESC."},{name:"Editor för List Box",legend:"Inuti en list-box, gå till nästa listobjekt med TAB eller NEDPIL. Flytta till föregående listobjekt med SHIFT + TAB eller UPPIL. Tryck Space eller ENTER för att välja listan alternativet. Tryck ESC för att stänga listan-boxen."},
+{name:"Editor för elementens sökväg",legend:"Tryck på $ {elementsPathFocus} för att navigera till verktygsfältet för elementens sökvägar. Flytta till nästa elementknapp med TAB eller HÖGERPIL. Flytta till föregående knapp med SKIFT + TAB eller VÄNSTERPIL. Tryck Space eller ENTER för att välja element i redigeraren."}]},{name:"Kommandon",items:[{name:"Kommandot ångra",legend:"Tryck på ${undo}"},{name:"Kommandot gör om",legend:"Tryck på ${redo}"},{name:"Kommandot fet stil",legend:"Tryck på ${bold}"},
+{name:"Kommandot kursiv",legend:"Tryck på ${italic}"},{name:"Kommandot understruken",legend:"Tryck på ${underline}"},{name:"kommandot länk",legend:"Tryck på ${link}"},{name:"Verktygsfält Dölj kommandot",legend:"Tryck på ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:"Hjälp om hjälpmedel",legend:"Tryck på $ {a11yHelp}"},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/tr.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/tr.js
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index 0000000..bef899b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","tr",{title:"Erişilebilirlik Talimatları",contents:"Yardım içeriği. Bu pencereyi kapatmak için ESC tuşuna basın.",legend:[{name:"Genel",items:[{name:"Araç Çubuğu Editörü",legend:"Araç çubuğunda gezinmek için ${toolbarFocus} basın. TAB ve SHIFT-TAB ile önceki ve sonraki araç çubuğu grubuna taşıyın. SAĞ OK veya SOL OK ile önceki ve sonraki bir araç çubuğu düğmesini hareket ettirin. SPACE tuşuna basın veya araç çubuğu düğmesini etkinleştirmek için ENTER tuşna basın."},
+{name:"Dialog Editörü",legend:"Dialog penceresi içinde, sonraki iletişim alanına gitmek için SEKME tuşuna basın, önceki alana geçmek için SHIFT + TAB tuşuna basın, pencereyi göndermek için ENTER tuşuna basın, dialog penceresini iptal etmek için ESC tuşuna basın. Birden çok sekme sayfaları olan diyalogların, sekme listesine gitmek için ALT + F10 tuşlarına basın. Sonra TAB veya SAĞ OK sonraki sekmeye taşıyın. SHIFT + TAB veya SOL OK ile önceki sekmeye geçin. Sekme sayfayı seçmek için SPACE veya ENTER tuşuna basın."},
+{name:"İçerik Menü Editörü",legend:"İçerik menüsünü açmak için ${contextMenu} veya UYGULAMA TUŞU'na basın. Daha sonra SEKME veya AŞAĞI OK ile bir sonraki menü seçeneği taşıyın. SHIFT + TAB veya YUKARI OK ile önceki seçeneğe gider. Menü seçeneğini seçmek için SPACE veya ENTER tuşuna basın. Seçili seçeneğin alt menüsünü SPACE ya da ENTER veya SAĞ OK açın. Üst menü öğesini geçmek için ESC veya SOL OK ile geri dönün. ESC ile bağlam menüsünü kapatın."},{name:"Liste Kutusu Editörü",legend:"Liste kutusu içinde, bir sonraki liste öğesine SEKME VEYA AŞAĞI OK ile taşıyın. SHIFT + TAB veya YUKARI önceki liste öğesi taşıyın. Liste seçeneği seçmek için SPACE veya ENTER tuşuna basın. Liste kutusunu kapatmak için ESC tuşuna basın."},
+{name:"Element Yol Çubuğu Editörü",legend:"Elementlerin yol çubuğunda gezinmek için ${ElementsPathFocus} basın. SEKME veya SAĞ OK ile sonraki element düğmesine taşıyın. SHIFT + TAB veya SOL OK önceki düğmeye hareket ettirin. Editör içindeki elementi seçmek için ENTER veya SPACE tuşuna basın."}]},{name:"Komutlar",items:[{name:"Komutu geri al",legend:"${undo} basın"},{name:" Tekrar komutu uygula",legend:"${redo} basın"},{name:" Kalın komut",legend:"${bold} basın"},{name:" İtalik komutu",legend:"${italic} basın"},
+{name:" Alttan çizgi komutu",legend:"${underline} basın"},{name:" Bağlantı komutu",legend:"${link} basın"},{name:" Araç çubuğu Toplama komutu",legend:"${toolbarCollapse} basın"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:"Erişilebilirlik Yardımı",legend:"${a11yHelp} basın"}]}]});
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index 0000000..c6c174f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","ug",{title:"قوشۇمچە چۈشەندۈرۈش",contents:"ياردەم مەزمۇنى. بۇ سۆزلەشكۈنى ياپماقچى بولسىڭىز ESC نى بېسىڭ.",legend:[{name:"ئادەتتىكى",items:[{name:"قورال بالداق تەھرىر",legend:"${toolbarFocus} بېسىلسا قورال بالداققا يېتەكلەيدۇ، TAB ياكى SHIFT+TAB ئارقىلىق قورال بالداق گۇرۇپپىسى تاللىنىدۇ، ئوڭ سول يا ئوقتا توپچا تاللىنىدۇ، بوشلۇق ياكى Enter كۇنۇپكىسىدا تاللانغان توپچىنى قوللىنىدۇ."},{name:"تەھرىرلىگۈچ سۆزلەشكۈسى",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab wit
 h TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"تەھرىرلىگۈچ تىل مۇھىت تىزىملىكى",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"تەھرىرلىگۈچ تىزىمى",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"تەھرىرلىگۈچ ئېلېمېنت يول بالداق",legend:"${elementsPathFocus} بېسىلسا ئېلېمېنت يول بالداققا يېتەكلەيدۇ، TAB ياكى ئوڭ يا ئوقتا كېيىنكى ئېلېمېنت تاللىنىدۇ،  SHIFT+TAB ياكى سول يا ئوقتا ئالدىنقى ئېلېمېنت تاللىنىدۇ،  بوشلۇق ياكى Enter كۇنۇپكىسىدا تەھرىرلىگۈچتىكى ئېلېمېنت تاللىنىدۇ."}]},{name:"بۇيرۇق",items:[{name:"بۇيرۇقتىن يېنىۋال",legend:"${undo} نى بېسىڭ"},{name:"قايتىلاش بۇيرۇقى",legend:"${redo} نى بېسىڭ"},{name:"توملىتىش بۇيرۇقى",legend:"${bold} نى بېسىڭ"},{name:"يانتۇ بۇيرۇقى",legend:"${italic} نى بېسىڭ"},
+{name:"ئاستى سىزىق بۇيرۇقى",legend:"${underline} نى بېسىڭ"},{name:"ئۇلانما بۇيرۇقى",legend:"${link} نى بېسىڭ"},{name:"قورال بالداق قاتلاش بۇيرۇقى",legend:"${toolbarCollapse} نى بېسىڭ"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:"توسالغۇسىز لايىھە چۈشەندۈرۈشى",legend:"${a11yHelp} نى بېسىڭ"}]}]});
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/uk.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/uk.js
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index 0000000..2451e8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","uk",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.",legend:[{name:"Основне",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"Editor Dialog",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/vi.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/vi.js
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index 0000000..e23f1f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","vi",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"Nội dung Hỗ trợ. Nhấn ESC để đóng hộp thoại.",legend:[{name:"Chung",items:[{name:"Thanh công cụ soạn th",legend:"Nhấn ${toolbarFocus} để điều hướng đến thanh công cụ. Nhấn TAB và SHIFT-TAB để chuyển đến nhóm thanh công cụ khác. Nhấn MŨI TÊN PHẢI hoặc MŨI TÊN TRÁI để chuyển sang nút khác trên thanh công cụ. Nhấn PHÍM CÁCH hoặc ENTER để kích hoạt nút trên thanh công c."},{name:"Hộp thoại Biên t",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."},
+{name:"Trình đơn Ngữ cảnh cBộ soạn thảo",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."},
+{name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command",
+legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},
+{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/zh-cn.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/zh-cn.js
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index 0000000..ef3a2db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","zh-cn",{title:"辅助说明",contents:"帮助内容。要关闭此对话框请按 ESC 键。",legend:[{name:"常规",items:[{name:"编辑器工具栏",legend:"按 ${toolbarFocus} 导航到工具栏,使用 TAB 键或 SHIFT+TAB 组合键选择工具栏组,使用左右箭头键选择按钮,按空格键或回车键以应用选中的按钮。"},{name:"编辑器对话框",legend:"在对话框内,TAB 键移动到下一个字段,SHIFT + TAB 组合键移动到上一个字段,ENTER 键提交对话框,ESC 键取消对话框。对于有多标签的对话框,用ALT + F10来移到标签列表。然后用 TAB 键或者向右箭头来移动到下一个标签;SHIFT + TAB 组合键或者向左箭头移动到上一个标签。用 SPACE 键或者 ENTER 键选择标签。"},{name:"编辑器上下文菜单",legend:"用 ${contextMenu}或者 应用程序键 打开上下文菜单。然后用 TAB 键或者下箭头键来移动到下一个菜单é¡
 ¹ï¼›SHIFT + TAB 组合键或者上箭头键移动到上一个菜单项。用 SPACE 键或者 ENTER 键选择菜单项。用 SPACE 键,ENTER 键或者右箭头键打开子菜单。返回菜单用 ESC 键或者左箭头键。用 ESC 键关闭上下文菜单。"},
+{name:"编辑器列表框",legend:"在列表框中,移到下一列表项用 TAB 键或者下箭头键。移到上一列表项用SHIFT + TAB 组合键或者上箭头键,用 SPACE 键或者 ENTER 键选择列表项。用 ESC 键收起列表框。"},{name:"编辑器元素路径栏",legend:"按 ${elementsPathFocus} 以导航到元素路径栏,使用 TAB 键或右箭头键选择下一个元素,使用 SHIFT+TAB 组合键或左箭头键选择上一个元素,按空格键或回车键以选定编辑器里的元素。"}]},{name:"命令",items:[{name:" 撤消命令",legend:"按 ${undo}"},{name:" 重做命令",legend:"按 ${redo}"},{name:" 加粗命令",legend:"按 ${bold}"},{name:" 倾斜命令",legend:"按 ${italic}"},{name:" 下划线命令",legend:"按 ${underline}"},{name:" 链接命令",legend:"按 ${link}"},{name:" 工具栏折叠命令",legend:"按 ${toolbarCollapse}"},
+{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" 无障碍设计说明",legend:"按 ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/lang/en.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/lang/en.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bffdad4..0000000
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/lang/en.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('a11yhelp','en',{accessibilityHelp:{title:'Accessibility Instructions',contents:'Help Contents. To close this dialog press ESC.',legend:[{name:'General',items:[{name:'Editor Toolbar',legend:'Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to next toolbar button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button.'},{name:'Editor Dialog',legend:'Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page.'},{name:'Editor Context Menu',legend:'Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB 
 or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with  SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option wtih SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC.'},{name:'Editor List Box',legend:'Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.'},{name:'Editor Element Path Bar',legend:'Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with  SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor.'}]},{name:'Commands',items:[{name:' Undo command',legend:'Press ${undo}'},{name:' Redo command',legend:'Press ${redo}'},{name:' Bold command',legend:'Press ${bold}'},{name:' Italic command',legend:'Press ${italic}'},{
 name:' Underline command',legend:'Press ${underline}'},{name:' Link command',legend:'Press ${link}'},{name:' Toolbar Collapse command',legend:'Press ${toolbarCollapse}'},{name:' Accessibility Help',legend:'Press ${a11yHelp}'}]}]}});
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/lang/he.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/lang/he.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e77cb8f..0000000
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/a11yhelp/lang/he.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('a11yhelp','he',{accessibilityHelp:{title:'הוראות נגישות',contents:'הוראות נגישות. לסגירה לחץ אסקייפ (ESC).',legend:[{name:'כללי',items:[{name:'סרגל הכלים',legend:'לחץ על ${toolbarFocus} כדי לנווט לסרגל הכלים. עבור לכפתור הבא עם מקש הטאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. עבור לכפתור הקודם עם מקש השיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ ימני. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי להפעיל את הכפתור הנבחר.'},{name:'דיאלוגים (חלונות תשאול)',legend:'בתוך דיאלוג, לחץ טאב (TAB) כדי לנווט לשדה הבא, לחץ שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) כדי לנווט לשדה הקודם, לחץ אנטר (ENTER) כדי לשלוח את הדיאלוג, לחץ אסקייפ (ESC) כדי לבטל. בתוך דיאלוגים בעלי מספר טאבים (לשוניות), לחץ אלט (ALT
 ) + F10 כדי לנווט לשורת הטאבים. נווט לטאב הבא עם טאב (TAB) או ×—×¥ שמאלי. עבור לטאב הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או ×—×¥ שמאלי. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי להיכנס לטאב.'},{name:'תפריט ההקשר (Context Menu)',legend:'לחץ ${contextMenu} או APPLICATION KEYכדי לפתוח את תפריט ההקשר. עבור לאפשרות הבאה עם טאב (TAB) או ×—×¥ למטה. עבור לאפשרות הקודמת עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או ×—×¥ למעלה. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי לבחור את האפשרות. פתח את תת התפריט (Sub-menu) של האפשרות הנוכחית עם רווח או אנטר (ENTER) או ×—×¥ שמאלי. חזור לתפריט האב עם אסקייפ (ESC) או ×—×¥ שמאלי. סגור את תפריט ההקשר עם אסקייפ (ESC).'},{name:'תפריטים צפים (List boxes)',legend:'בת×
 •×š תפריט צף, עבור לפריט הבא עם טאב (TAB) או ×—×¥ למטה. עבור לתפריט הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) or ×—×¥ עליון. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.'},{name:'×¢×¥ אלמנטים (Elements Path)',legend:'לחץ ${elementsPathFocus} כדי לנווט לעץ האלמנטים. עבור לפריט הבא עם טאב (TAB) או ×—×¥ ימני. עבור לפריט הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או ×—×¥ שמאלי. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי לבחור את האלמנט בעורך.'}]},{name:'פקודות',items:[{name:' ביטול צעד אחרון',legend:'לחץ ${undo}'},{name:' חזרה על צעד אחרון',legend:'לחץ ${redo}'},{name:' הדגשה',legend:'לחץ ${bold}'},{name:' הטייה',legend:'לחץ ${italic}'},{name:' הוספת קו תחתון',legend:'לחץ ${underline}'},{name:' הוספת לינק',legend:'לחץ ${l
 ink}'},{name:' כיווץ סרגל הכלים',legend:'לחץ ${toolbarCollapse}'},{name:' הוראות נגישות',legend:'לחץ ${a11yHelp}'}]}]}});CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('a11yhelp','he',{accessibilityHelp:{title:'הוראות נגישות',contents:'הוראות נגישות. לסגירה לחץ אסקייפ (ESC).',legend:[{name:'כללי',items:[{name:'סרגל הכלים',legend:'לחץ על ${toolbarFocus} כדי לנווט לסרגל הכלים. עבור לכפתור הבא עם מקש הטאב (TAB) או חץ שמאלי. עבור לכפתור הקודם עם מקש השיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או חץ ימני. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי להפעיל את הכפתור הנבחר.'},{name:'דיאלוגים (חלונות תשאול)',legend:'בתוך דיאלוג, לחץ טאב (TAB) כדי לנווט לשדה הבא, לחץ שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) כדי לנווט לשדה הקודם, לחץ אנטר (ENTER) כדי לשלוח א
 ת הדיאלוג, לחץ אסקייפ (ESC) כדי לבטל. בתוך דיאלוגים בעלי מספר טאבים (לשוניות), לחץ אלט (ALT) + F10 כדי לנווט לשורת הטאבים. נווט לטאב הבא עם טאב (TAB) או ×—×¥ שמאלי. עבור לטאב הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או ×—×¥ שמאלי. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי להיכנס לטאב.'},{name:'תפריט ההקשר (Context Menu)',legend:'לחץ ${contextMenu} או APPLICATION KEYכדי לפתוח את תפריט ההקשר. עבור לאפשרות הבאה עם טאב (TAB) או ×—×¥ למטה. עבור לאפשרות הקודמת עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או ×—×¥ למעלה. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי לבחור את האפשרות. פתח את תת התפריט (Sub-menu) של האפשרות הנוכחית עם רווח או אנטר (ENTER) או ×—×¥ שמאלי. חזור לתפריט האב עם אסקי×
 ™×¤ (ESC) או ×—×¥ שמאלי. סגור את תפריט ההקשר עם אסקייפ (ESC).'},{name:'תפריטים צפים (List boxes)',legend:'בתוך תפריט צף, עבור לפריט הבא עם טאב (TAB) או ×—×¥ למטה. עבור לתפריט הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) or ×—×¥ עליון. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box.'},{name:'×¢×¥ אלמנטים (Elements Path)',legend:'לחץ ${elementsPathFocus} כדי לנווט לעץ האלמנטים. עבור לפריט הבא עם טאב (TAB) או ×—×¥ ימני. עבור לפריט הקודם עם שיפט (SHIFT) + טאב (TAB) או ×—×¥ שמאלי. לחץ רווח או אנטר (ENTER) כדי לבחור את האלמנט בעורך.'}]},{name:'פקודות',items:[{name:' ביטול צעד אחרון',legend:'לחץ ${undo}'},{name:' חזרה על צעד אחרון',legend:'לחץ ${redo}'},{name:' הדגשה',legend:'לחץ ${bold}'},{name:'
  הטייה',legend:'לחץ ${italic}'},{name:' הוספת קו תחתון',legend:'לחץ ${underline}'},{name:' הוספת לינק',legend:'לחץ ${link}'},{name:' כיווץ סרגל הכלים',legend:'לחץ ${toolbarCollapse}'},{name:' הוראות נגישות',legend:'לחץ ${a11yHelp}'}]}]}});
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/about/dialogs/about.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/about/dialogs/about.js
index 8065ba4..3d9156b 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/about/dialogs/about.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/about/dialogs/about.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add('about',function(a){var b=a.lang.about;return{title:CKEDITOR.env.ie?b.dlgTitle:b.title,minWidth:390,minHeight:230,contents:[{id:'tab1',label:'',title:'',expand:true,padding:0,elements:[{type:'html',html:'<style type="text/css">.cke_about_container{color:#000 !important;padding:10px 10px 0;margin-top:5px}.cke_about_container p{margin: 0 0 10px;}.cke_about_container .cke_about_logo{height:81px;background-color:#fff;background-image:url('+CKEDITOR.plugins.get('about').path+'dialogs/logo_ckeditor.png);'+'background-position:center; '+'background-repeat:no-repeat;'+'margin-bottom:10px;'+'}'+'.cke_about_container a'+'{'+'cursor:pointer !important;'+'color:blue !important;'+'text-decoration:underline !important;'+'}'+'</style>'+'<div class="cke_about_container">'+'<div class="cke_about_logo"></div>'+'<p>'+'CKEditor '+CKEDITOR.version+' (revision '+CKEDITOR.revision+')<br>'+'<a href="http://ckeditor.com/">http://ckeditor.com</a>'+'</p>'+'<p>'+b.moreInfo+'<br>'+'<
 a href="http://ckeditor.com/license">http://ckeditor.com/license</a>'+'</p>'+'<p>'+b.copy.replace('$1','<a href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico Knabben')+'</p>'+'</div>'}]}],buttons:[CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton]};});
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add("about",function(a){a=a.lang.about;return{title:CKEDITOR.env.ie?a.dlgTitle:a.title,minWidth:390,minHeight:230,contents:[{id:"tab1",label:"",title:"",expand:!0,padding:0,elements:[{type:"html",html:'<style type="text/css">.cke_about_container{color:#000 !important;padding:10px 10px 0;margin-top:5px}.cke_about_container p{margin: 0 0 10px;}.cke_about_container .cke_about_logo{height:81px;background-color:#fff;background-image:url('+CKEDITOR.plugins.get("about").path+'dialogs/logo_ckeditor.png);background-position:center; background-repeat:no-repeat;margin-bottom:10px;}.cke_about_container a{cursor:pointer !important;color:#00B2CE !important;text-decoration:underline !important;}</style><div class="cke_about_container"><div class="cke_about_logo"></div><p>CKEditor '+
+CKEDITOR.version+" (revision "+CKEDITOR.revision+')<br><a href="http://ckeditor.com/">http://ckeditor.com</a></p><p>'+a.help.replace("$1",'<a href="http://docs.ckeditor.com/user">'+a.userGuide+"</a>")+"</p><p>"+a.moreInfo+'<br><a href="http://ckeditor.com/about/license">http://ckeditor.com/about/license</a></p><p>'+a.copy.replace("$1",'<a href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico Knabben')+"</p></div>"}]}],buttons:[CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton]}});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/autogrow/plugin.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/autogrow/plugin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a399376..0000000
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/autogrow/plugin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-(function(){var a=function(b){var c=b.document,d=b.window.getViewPaneSize().height,e;if(CKEDITOR.env.ie)e=c.getBody().$.scrollHeight+24;else e=c.getDocumentElement().$.offsetHeight;var f=b.config.autoGrow_minHeight,g=b.config.autoGrow_maxHeight;f==undefined&&(b.config.autoGrow_minHeight=f=200);if(f)e=Math.max(e,f);if(g)e=Math.min(e,g);if(e!=d){e=b.fire('autoGrow',{currentHeight:d,newHeight:e}).newHeight;b.resize(b.container.getStyle('width'),e,true);}};CKEDITOR.plugins.add('autogrow',{init:function(b){for(var c in {contentDom:1,key:1,selectionChange:1,insertElement:1})b.on(c,function(d){if(d.editor.mode=='wysiwyg')setTimeout(function(){a(d.editor);},100);});}});})();
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/clipboard/dialogs/paste.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/clipboard/dialogs/paste.js
index 22b7975..8f94a71 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/clipboard/dialogs/paste.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/clipboard/dialogs/paste.js
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add('paste',function(a){var b=a.lang.clipboard,c=CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain();function d(e){var f=new CKEDITOR.dom.document(e.document),g=f.$;f.getById('cke_actscrpt').remove();CKEDITOR.env.ie?g.body.contentEditable='true':g.designMode='on';if(CKEDITOR.env.ie&&CKEDITOR.env.version<8)f.getWindow().on('blur',function(){g.selection.empty();});f.on('keydown',function(h){var i=h.data,j=i.getKeystroke(),k;switch(j){case 27:this.hide();k=1;break;case 9:case CKEDITOR.SHIFT+9:this.changeFocus(true);k=1;}k&&i.preventDefault();},this);a.fire('ariaWidget',new CKEDITOR.dom.element(e.frameElement));};return{title:b.title,minWidth:CKEDITOR.env.ie&&CKEDITOR.env.quirks?370:350,minHeight:CKEDITOR.env.quirks?250:245,onShow:function(){this.parts.dialog.$.offsetHeight;var e='<html dir="'+a.config.contentsLangDirection+'"'+' lang="'+(a.config.contentsLanguage||a.langCode)+'">'+'<head><style>body { margin: 3px; height: 95%; } </style></head><body>'+'<script id="cke_actscrpt" type=
 "text/javascript">'+'window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( '+CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(d,this)+', this );'+'</script></body>'+'</html>',f=CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('<iframe class="cke_pasteframe" frameborder="0"  allowTransparency="true"'+(c?" src=\"javascript:void((function(){document.open();document.domain='"+document.domain+"';"+'document.close();'+'})())"':'')+' role="region"'+' aria-label="'+b.pasteArea+'"'+' aria-describedby="'+this.getContentElement('general','pasteMsg').domId+'"'+' aria-multiple="true"'+'></iframe>');f.on('load',function(j){j.removeListener();var k=f.getFrameDocument().$;k.open();if(c)k.domain=document.domain;k.write(e);k.close();},this);f.setCustomData('dialog',this);var g=this.getContentElement('general','editing_area'),h=g.getElement();h.setHtml('');h.append(f);if(CKEDITOR.env.ie){var i=CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('<span tabindex="-1" style="position:absolute;" role="presentation"></span>');i.on('focus',function(){f.$.conte
 ntWindow.focus();});h.append(i);g.focus=function(){i.focus();this.fire('focus');};}g.getInputElement=function(){return f;};if(CKEDITOR.env.ie){h.setStyle('display','block');h.setStyle('height',f.$.offsetHeight+2+'px');}},onHide:function(){if(CKEDITOR.env.ie)this.getParentEditor().document.getBody().$.contentEditable='true';},onLoad:function(){if((CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat||CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat)&&a.lang.dir=='rtl')this.parts.contents.setStyle('overflow','hidden');},onOk:function(){var e=this.getContentElement('general','editing_area').getElement(),f=e.getElementsByTag('iframe').getItem(0),g=this.getParentEditor(),h=f.$.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;
-setTimeout(function(){g.fire('paste',{html:h});},0);},contents:[{id:'general',label:a.lang.common.generalTab,elements:[{type:'html',id:'securityMsg',html:'<div style="white-space:normal;width:340px;">'+b.securityMsg+'</div>'},{type:'html',id:'pasteMsg',html:'<div style="white-space:normal;width:340px;">'+b.pasteMsg+'</div>'},{type:'html',id:'editing_area',style:'width: 100%; height: 100%;',html:'',focus:function(){var e=this.getInputElement().$.contentWindow;setTimeout(function(){e.focus();},500);}}]}]};});
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add("paste",function(c){function g(a){var b=new CKEDITOR.dom.document(a.document),d=b.getBody(),e=b.getById("cke_actscrpt");e&&e.remove();d.setAttribute("contenteditable",!0);if(CKEDITOR.env.ie&&8>CKEDITOR.env.version)b.getWindow().on("blur",function(){b.$.selection.empty()});b.on("keydown",function(a){var a=a.data,b;switch(a.getKeystroke()){case 27:this.hide();b=1;break;case 9:case CKEDITOR.SHIFT+9:this.changeFocus(1),b=1}b&&a.preventDefault()},this);c.fire("ariaWidget",new CKEDITOR.dom.element(a.frameElement));
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 7c6cf8b..840cd4b 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/colordialog/dialogs/colordialog.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/colordialog/dialogs/colordialog.js
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add('colordialog',function(a){var b=CKEDITOR.dom.element,c=CKEDITOR.document,d=CKEDITOR.tools,e=a.lang.colordialog,f;function g(){return{type:'html',html:' '};};function h(){c.getById(w).removeStyle('background-color');f.getContentElement('picker','selectedColor').setValue('');};function i(y){if(!(y instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.event))y=new CKEDITOR.dom.event(y);var z=y.getTarget(),A;if(z.getName()=='a'&&(A=z.getChild(0).getHtml()))f.getContentElement('picker','selectedColor').setValue(A);};function j(y){if(!(y instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.event))y=y.data;var z=y.getTarget(),A;if(z.getName()=='a'&&(A=z.getChild(0).getHtml())){c.getById(u).setStyle('background-color',A);c.getById(v).setHtml(A);}};function k(){c.getById(u).removeStyle('background-color');c.getById(v).setHtml(' ');};var l=d.addFunction(k),m=i,n=CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(m),o=j,p=k,q=CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function(y){y=new CKEDITOR.dom.event(y);var z=y.getTarget(),A,B,C=y.getKeystroke(),D=a
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+else if(a=c.getParent().getNext())if((a=a.getChild([0]))&&1==a.type)a.focus(),b.preventDefault(!0);break;case d?39:37:if(a=c.getPrevious())a.focus(),b.preventDefault(!0);else if(a=c.getParent().getPrevious())a=a.getLast(),a.focus(),b.preventDefault(!0)}}var r=CKEDITOR.dom.element,f=CKEDITOR.document,h=t.lang.colordialog,p,x={type:"html",html:" "},j,g,w,m=function(a){return CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId()+"_"+a},k=m("hicolor"),l=m("hicolortext"),o=m("selhicolor"),i;(function(){function a(a,d){for(var s=
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+3);a(3,3);var e=new r(i.$.insertRow(-1));e.setAttribute("role","row");for(var d=0;6>d;d++)b(e.$,"#"+c[d]+c[d]+c[d]);for(d=0;12>d;d++)b(e.$,"#000000")})();return{title:h.title,minWidth:360,minHeight:220,onLoad:function(){p=this},onHide:function(){n();var a=g.getChild(0).getHtml();g.setStyle("border-color",a);g.setStyle("border-style","solid");f.getById(k).removeStyle("background-color");f.getById(l).setHtml(" ");g=null},contents:[{id:"picker",label:h.title,accessKey:"I",elements:[{type:"hbox",
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/dialog/dialogDefinition.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/dialog/dialogDefinition.js
index b07ba78..2cb5d24 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/dialog/dialogDefinition.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/dialog/dialogDefinition.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/div/dialogs/div.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/div/dialogs/div.js
index 45dc226..0c26a56 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/div/dialogs/div.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/div/dialogs/div.js
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/flash/dialogs/flash.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 6fb73d1..f4c6465 100644
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/forms/dialogs/checkbox.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add('checkbox',function(a){return{title:a.lang.checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle,minWidth:350,minHeight:140,onShow:function(){var c=this;delete c.checkbox;var b=c.getParentEditor().getSelection().getSelectedElement();if(b&&b.getAttribute('type')=='checkbox'){c.checkbox=b;c.setupContent(b);}},onOk:function(){var b,c=this.checkbox,d=!c;if(d){b=this.getParentEditor();c=b.document.createElement('input');c.setAttribute('type','checkbox');}if(d)b.insertElement(c);this.commitContent({element:c});},contents:[{id:'info',label:a.lang.checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle,title:a.lang.checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle,startupFocus:'txtName',elements:[{id:'txtName',type:'text',label:a.lang.common.name,'default':'',accessKey:'N',setup:function(b){this.setValue(b.getAttribute('_cke_saved_name')||b.getAttribute('name')||'');},commit:function(b){var c=b.element;if(this.getValue())c.setAttribute('_cke_saved_name',this.getValue());else{c.removeAttribute('_cke_saved_name');c.removeAttribute
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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\ No newline at end of file
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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index 9bfcacc..947da83 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/forms/dialogs/radio.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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\ No newline at end of file
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b40c7b2
Binary files /dev/null and b/share/static/RichText/plugins/iframe/images/placeholder.png differ
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/iframedialog/plugin.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/iframedialog/plugin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e977c4d..0000000
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/iframedialog/plugin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.plugins.add('iframedialog',{requires:['dialog'],onLoad:function(){CKEDITOR.dialog.addIframe=function(a,b,c,d,e,f){var g={type:'iframe',src:c,width:'100%',height:'100%'};if(typeof f=='function')g.onContentLoad=f;var h={title:b,minWidth:d,minHeight:e,contents:[{id:'iframe',label:b,expand:true,elements:[g]}]};return this.add(a,function(){return h;});};(function(){var a=function(b,c,d){if(arguments.length<3)return;var e=this._||(this._={}),f=c.onContentLoad&&CKEDITOR.tools.bind(c.onContentLoad,this),g=CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(c.width),h=CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(c.height);e.frameId=CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber()+'_iframe';b.on('load',function(){var k=CKEDITOR.document.getById(e.frameId),l=k.getParent();l.setStyles({width:g,height:h});});var i={src:'%2',id:e.frameId,frameborder:0,allowtransparency:true},j=[];if(typeof c.onContentLoad=='function')i.onload='CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(%1);';CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call(this,b,c,j,'iframe',{width:g,height:h},i,'');d.pus
 h('<div style="width:'+g+';height:'+h+';" id="'+this.domId+'"></div>');j=j.join('');b.on('show',function(){var k=CKEDITOR.document.getById(e.frameId),l=k.getParent(),m=CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(f),n=j.replace('%1',m).replace('%2',CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(c.src));l.setHtml(n);});};a.prototype=new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement();CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement('iframe',{build:function(b,c,d){return new a(b,c,d);}});})();}});
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/image/dialogs/image.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/image/dialogs/image.js
index 76eeadf..35903de 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/image/dialogs/image.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/image/dialogs/image.js
@@ -1,13 +1,41 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-(function(){var a=function(b,c){var d=1,e=2,f=4,g=8,h=/^\s*(\d+)((px)|\%)?\s*$/i,i=/(^\s*(\d+)((px)|\%)?\s*$)|^$/i,j=/^\d+px$/,k=function(){var C=this.getValue(),D=this.getDialog(),E=C.match(h);if(E){if(E[2]=='%')p(D,false);C=E[1];}if(D.lockRatio){var F=D.originalElement;if(F.getCustomData('isReady')=='true')if(this.id=='txtHeight'){if(C&&C!='0')C=Math.round(F.$.width*(C/F.$.height));if(!isNaN(C))D.setValueOf('info','txtWidth',C);}else{if(C&&C!='0')C=Math.round(F.$.height*(C/F.$.width));if(!isNaN(C))D.setValueOf('info','txtHeight',C);}}l(D);},l=function(C){if(!C.originalElement||!C.preview)return 1;C.commitContent(f,C.preview);return 0;};function m(){var C=arguments,D=this.getContentElement('advanced','txtdlgGenStyle');D&&D.commit.apply(D,C);this.foreach(function(E){if(E.commit&&E.id!='txtdlgGenStyle')E.commit.apply(E,C);});};var n;function o(C){if(n)return;n=1;var D=this.getDialog(),E=D.imageElement;if(E){this.commit(d,E);C=[].concat(C);var F=C.length,G;for(var H=0;H<F;H++)
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 n;function E(J,K){var L=J.match(h);if(L){if(L[2]=='%'){L[1]+='%';p(F,false);}return L[1];}return K;};var F=this.getDialog(),G='',H=this.id=='txtWidth'?'width':'height',I=D.getAttribute(H);if(I)G=E(I,G);G=E(D.getStyle(H),G);this.setValue(G);},s,t=function(){var C=this.originalElement;C.setCustomData('isReady','true');C.removeListener('load',t);C.removeListener('error',u);C.removeListener('abort',u);CKEDITOR.document.getById(y).setStyle('display','none');if(!this.dontResetSize)q(this);if(this.firstLoad)CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(function(){p(this,'check');
-},0,this);this.firstLoad=false;this.dontResetSize=false;},u=function(){var E=this;var C=E.originalElement;C.removeListener('load',t);C.removeListener('error',u);C.removeListener('abort',u);var D=CKEDITOR.getUrl(b.skinPath+'images/noimage.png');if(E.preview)E.preview.setAttribute('src',D);CKEDITOR.document.getById(y).setStyle('display','none');p(E,false);},v=function(C){return CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId()+'_'+C;},w=v('btnLockSizes'),x=v('btnResetSize'),y=v('ImagePreviewLoader'),z=v('ImagePreviewBox'),A=v('previewLink'),B=v('previewImage');return{title:c=='image'?b.lang.image.title:b.lang.image.titleButton,minWidth:420,minHeight:310,onShow:function(){var I=this;I.imageElement=false;I.linkElement=false;I.imageEditMode=false;I.linkEditMode=false;I.lockRatio=true;I.dontResetSize=false;I.firstLoad=true;I.addLink=false;var C=I.getParentEditor(),D=I.getParentEditor().getSelection(),E=D.getSelectedElement(),F=E&&E.getAscendant('a');CKEDITOR.document.getById(y).setStyle('display','none'
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 moveAttribute('src');I.preview.setStyle('display','none');}},onOk:function(){var D=this;if(D.imageEditMode){var C=D.imageEditMode;if(c=='image'&&C=='input'&&confirm(b.lang.image.button2Img)){C='img';D.imageElement=b.document.createElement('img');D.imageElement.setAttribute('alt','');b.insertElement(D.imageElement);}else if(c!='image'&&C=='img'&&confirm(b.lang.image.img2Button)){C='input';D.imageElement=b.document.createElement('input');D.imageElement.setAttributes({type:'image',alt:''});b.insertElement(D.imageElement);
-}else{D.imageElement=D.cleanImageElement;delete D.cleanImageElement;}}else{if(c=='image')D.imageElement=b.document.createElement('img');else{D.imageElement=b.document.createElement('input');D.imageElement.setAttribute('type','image');}D.imageElement.setAttribute('alt','');}if(!D.linkEditMode)D.linkElement=b.document.createElement('a');D.commitContent(d,D.imageElement);D.commitContent(e,D.linkElement);if(!D.imageElement.getAttribute('style'))D.imageElement.removeAttribute('style');if(!D.imageEditMode){if(D.addLink){if(!D.linkEditMode){b.insertElement(D.linkElement);D.linkElement.append(D.imageElement,false);}else b.insertElement(D.imageElement);}else b.insertElement(D.imageElement);}else if(!D.linkEditMode&&D.addLink){b.insertElement(D.linkElement);D.imageElement.appendTo(D.linkElement);}else if(D.linkEditMode&&!D.addLink){b.getSelection().selectElement(D.linkElement);b.insertElement(D.imageElement);}},onLoad:function(){var D=this;if(c!='image')D.hidePage('Link');var C=D._.el
 ement.getDocument();D.addFocusable(C.getById(x),5);D.addFocusable(C.getById(w),5);D.commitContent=m;},onHide:function(){var C=this;if(C.preview)C.commitContent(g,C.preview);if(C.originalElement){C.originalElement.removeListener('load',t);C.originalElement.removeListener('error',u);C.originalElement.removeListener('abort',u);C.originalElement.remove();C.originalElement=false;}delete C.imageElement;},contents:[{id:'info',label:b.lang.image.infoTab,accessKey:'I',elements:[{type:'vbox',padding:0,children:[{type:'hbox',widths:['280px','110px'],align:'right',children:[{id:'txtUrl',type:'text',label:b.lang.common.url,required:true,onChange:function(){var C=this.getDialog(),D=this.getValue();if(D.length>0){C=this.getDialog();var E=C.originalElement;C.preview.removeStyle('display');E.setCustomData('isReady','false');var F=CKEDITOR.document.getById(y);if(F)F.setStyle('display','');E.on('load',t,C);E.on('error',u,C);E.on('abort',u,C);E.setAttribute('src',D);s.setAttribute('src',D);C.pr
 eview.setAttribute('src',s.$.src);l(C);}else if(C.preview){C.preview.removeAttribute('src');C.preview.setStyle('display','none');}},setup:function(C,D){if(C==d){var E=D.getAttribute('_cke_saved_src')||D.getAttribute('src'),F=this;this.getDialog().dontResetSize=true;F.setValue(E);F.setInitValue();}},commit:function(C,D){var E=this;if(C==d&&(E.getValue()||E.isChanged())){D.setAttribute('_cke_saved_src',decodeURI(E.getValue()));D.setAttribute('src',decodeURI(E.getValue()));}else if(C==g){D.setAttribute('src','');D.removeAttribute('src');
-}},validate:CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty(b.lang.image.urlMissing)},{type:'button',id:'browse',style:'display:inline-block;margin-top:10px;',align:'center',label:b.lang.common.browseServer,hidden:true,filebrowser:'info:txtUrl'}]}]},{id:'txtAlt',type:'text',label:b.lang.image.alt,accessKey:'T','default':'',onChange:function(){l(this.getDialog());},setup:function(C,D){if(C==d)this.setValue(D.getAttribute('alt'));},commit:function(C,D){var E=this;if(C==d){if(E.getValue()||E.isChanged())D.setAttribute('alt',E.getValue());}else if(C==f)D.setAttribute('alt',E.getValue());else if(C==g)D.removeAttribute('alt');}},{type:'hbox',widths:['140px','240px'],children:[{type:'vbox',padding:10,children:[{type:'hbox',widths:['70%','30%'],children:[{type:'vbox',padding:1,children:[{type:'text',width:'40px',id:'txtWidth',labelLayout:'horizontal',label:b.lang.image.width,onKeyUp:k,onChange:function(){o.call(this,'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle');},validate:function(){var C=this.getValue().match(i);i
 f(!C)alert(b.lang.image.validateWidth);return!!C;},setup:r,commit:function(C,D,E){var F=this.getValue();if(C==d){if(F)D.setStyle('width',CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(F));else if(!F&&this.isChanged())D.removeStyle('width');!E&&D.removeAttribute('width');}else if(C==f){var G=F.match(h);if(!G){var H=this.getDialog().originalElement;if(H.getCustomData('isReady')=='true')D.setStyle('width',H.$.width+'px');}else D.setStyle('width',CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(F));}else if(C==g){D.removeAttribute('width');D.removeStyle('width');}}},{type:'text',id:'txtHeight',width:'40px',labelLayout:'horizontal',label:b.lang.image.height,onKeyUp:k,onChange:function(){o.call(this,'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle');},validate:function(){var C=this.getValue().match(i);if(!C)alert(b.lang.image.validateHeight);return!!C;},setup:r,commit:function(C,D,E){var F=this.getValue();if(C==d){if(F)D.setStyle('height',CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(F));else if(!F&&this.isChanged())D.removeStyle('height');if(!E&&C==d)D.removeAttribute(
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 ontal',label:b.lang.image.border,'default':'',onKeyUp:function(){l(this.getDialog());},onChange:function(){o.call(this,'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle');},validate:CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer(b.lang.image.validateBorder),setup:function(C,D){if(C==d){var E,F=D.getStyle('border-width');F=F&&F.match(/^(\d+px)(?: \1 \1 \1)?$/);E=F&&parseInt(F[1],10);isNaN(parseInt(E,10))&&(E=D.getAttribute('border'));this.setValue(E);}},commit:function(C,D,E){var F=parseInt(this.getValue(),10);if(C==d||C==f){if(!isNaN(F)){D.setStyle('border-width',CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(F));D.setStyle('border-style','solid');}else if(!F&&this.isChanged()){D.removeStyle('border-width');D.removeStyle('border-style');D.removeStyle('border-color');}if(!E&&C==d)D.removeAttribute('border');}else if(C==g){D.removeAttribute('border');D.removeStyle('border-width');D.removeStyle('border-style');D.removeStyle('border-color');}}},{type:'text',id:'txtHSpace',width:'60px',labelLayout:'horizontal',label:b.lang.image.hSpace,'de
 fault':'',onKeyUp:function(){l(this.getDialog());},onChange:function(){o.call(this,'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle');},validate:CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer(b.lang.image.validateHSpace),setup:function(C,D){if(C==d){var E,F,G,H=D.getStyle('margin-left'),I=D.getStyle('margin-right');H=H&&H.match(j);I=I&&I.match(j);F=parseInt(H,10);G=parseInt(I,10);E=F==G&&F;isNaN(parseInt(E,10))&&(E=D.getAttribute('hspace'));this.setValue(E);}},commit:function(C,D,E){var F=parseInt(this.getValue(),10);if(C==d||C==f){if(!isNaN(F)){D.setStyle('margin-left',CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(F));
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 gestas eros. Integer cursus, augue in cursus faucibus, eros pede bibendum sem, in tempus tellus justo quis ligula. Etiam eget tortor. Vestibulum rutrum, est ut placerat elementum, lectus nisl aliquam velit, tempor aliquam eros nunc nonummy metus. In eros metus, gravida a, gravida sed, lobortis id, turpis. Ut ultrices, ipsum at venenatis fringilla, sem nulla lacinia tellus, eget aliquet turpis mauris non enim. Nam turpis. Suspendisse lacinia. Curabitur ac tortor ut ipsum egestas elementum. Nunc imperdiet gravida mauris.')+'</td></tr></table></div></div>'}]}]}]},{id:'Link',label:b.lang.link.title,padding:0,elements:[{id:'txtUrl',type:'text',label:b.lang.common.url,style:'width: 100%','default':'',setup:function(C,D){if(C==e){var E=D.getAttribute('_cke_saved_href');
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 llus justo quis ligula. Etiam eget tortor. Vestibulum rutrum, est ut placerat elementum, lectus nisl aliquam velit, tempor aliquam eros nunc nonummy metus. In eros metus, gravida a, gravida sed, lobortis id, turpis. Ut ultrices, ipsum at venenatis fringilla, sem nulla lacinia tellus, eget aliquet turpis mauris non enim. Nam turpis. Suspendisse lacinia. Curabitur ac tortor ut ipsum egestas elementum. Nunc imperdiet gravida mauris.")+
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/link/dialogs/link.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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\ No newline at end of file
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index e68c78c..0000000
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/pastetext/dialogs/pastetext.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-(function(){CKEDITOR.dialog.add('pastetext',function(a){return{title:a.lang.pasteText.title,minWidth:CKEDITOR.env.ie&&CKEDITOR.env.quirks?368:350,minHeight:240,onShow:function(){this.getContentElement('general','content').getInputElement().setValue('');},onOk:function(){var b=this.getContentElement('general','content').getInputElement().getValue(),c=this.getParentEditor();setTimeout(function(){c.fire('paste',{text:b});},0);},contents:[{label:a.lang.common.generalTab,id:'general',elements:[{type:'html',id:'pasteMsg',html:'<div style="white-space:normal;width:340px;">'+a.lang.clipboard.pasteMsg+'</div>'},{type:'textarea',id:'content',className:'cke_pastetext',onLoad:function(){var b=this.getDialog().getContentElement('general','pasteMsg').getElement(),c=this.getElement().getElementsByTag('textarea').getItem(0);c.setAttribute('aria-labelledby',b.$.id);c.setStyle('direction',a.config.contentsLangDirection);},focus:function(){this.getElement().focus();}}]}]};});})();
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+var doc = document;
+doc.write( window.opener._cke_htmlToLoad );
+delete window.opener._cke_htmlToLoad;
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/scayt/LICENSE.md b/share/static/RichText/plugins/scayt/LICENSE.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..844ab4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/scayt/LICENSE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Software License Agreement
+**CKEditor SCAYT Plugin**
+Copyright © 2012, [CKSource](http://cksource.com) - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice:
+*   GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"):
+    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+*   GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"):
+    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
+*   Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL"):
+    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
+You are not required to, but if you want to explicitly declare the license you have chosen to be bound to when using, reproducing, modifying and distributing this software, just include a text file titled "legal.txt" in your version of this software, indicating your license choice.
+Sources of Intellectual Property Included in this plugin
+Where not otherwise indicated, all plugin content is authored by CKSource engineers and consists of CKSource-owned intellectual property. In some specific instances, the plugin will incorporate work done by developers outside of CKSource with their express permission.
+CKEditor is a trademark of CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All other brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective holders.
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/scayt/README.md b/share/static/RichText/plugins/scayt/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f51958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/scayt/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+CKEditor SCAYT Plugin
+This plugin brings Spell Check As You Type (SCAYT) into CKEditor.
+SCAYT is a "installation-less", using the web-services of [WebSpellChecker.net](http://www.webspellchecker.net/). It's an out of the box solution.
+1. Clone/copy this repository contents in a new "plugins/scayt" folder in your CKEditor installation.
+2. Enable the "scayt" plugin in the CKEditor configuration file (config.js):
+        config.extraPlugins = 'scayt';
+That's all. SCAYT will appear on the editor toolbar and will be ready to use.
+Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice: [GPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html), [LGPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) and [MPL](http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html).
+See LICENSE.md for more information.
+Developed in cooperation with [WebSpellChecker.net](http://www.webspellchecker.net/).
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/scayt/dialogs/options.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/scayt/dialogs/options.js
index 37297f2..c243e9f 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/scayt/dialogs/options.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/scayt/dialogs/options.js
@@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add('scaytcheck',function(a){var b=true,c,d=CKEDITOR.document,e=[],f,g=[],h=false,i=['dic_create,dic_restore','dic_rename,dic_delete'],j=['mixedCase','mixedWithDigits','allCaps','ignoreDomainNames'];function k(){return document.forms.optionsbar.options;};function l(){return document.forms.languagesbar.scayt_lang;};function m(x,y){if(!x)return;var z=x.length;if(z==undefined){x.checked=x.value==y.toString();return;}for(var A=0;A<z;A++){x[A].checked=false;if(x[A].value==y.toString())x[A].checked=true;}};var n=[{id:'options',label:a.lang.scayt.optionsTab,elements:[{type:'html',id:'options',html:'<form name="optionsbar"><div class="inner_options">\t<div class="messagebox"></div>\t<div style="display:none;">\t\t<input type="checkbox" name="options"  id="allCaps" />\t\t<label for="allCaps" id="label_allCaps"></label>\t</div>\t<div style="display:none;">\t\t<input name="options" type="checkbox"  id="ignoreDomainNames" />\t\t<label for="ignoreDomainNames" id="label_ig
 noreDomainNames"></label>\t</div>\t<div style="display:none;">\t<input name="options" type="checkbox"  id="mixedCase" />\t\t<label for="mixedCase" id="label_mixedCase"></label>\t</div>\t<div style="display:none;">\t\t<input name="options" type="checkbox"  id="mixedWithDigits" />\t\t<label for="mixedWithDigits" id="label_mixedWithDigits"></label>\t</div></div></form>'}]},{id:'langs',label:a.lang.scayt.languagesTab,elements:[{type:'html',id:'langs',html:'<form name="languagesbar"><div class="inner_langs">\t<div class="messagebox"></div>\t   <div style="float:left;width:45%;margin-left:5px;" id="scayt_lcol" ></div>   <div style="float:left;width:45%;margin-left:15px;" id="scayt_rcol"></div></div></form>'}]},{id:'dictionaries',label:a.lang.scayt.dictionariesTab,elements:[{type:'html',style:'',id:'dictionaries',html:'<form name="dictionarybar"><div class="inner_dictionary" style="text-align:left; white-space:normal; width:320px; overflow: hidden;">\t<div style="margin:5px auto; w
 idth:80%;white-space:normal; overflow:hidden;" id="dic_message"> </div>\t<div style="margin:5px auto; width:80%;white-space:normal;">        <span class="cke_dialog_ui_labeled_label" >Dictionary name</span><br>\t\t<span class="cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content" >\t\t\t<div class="cke_dialog_ui_input_text">\t\t\t\t<input id="dic_name" type="text" class="cke_dialog_ui_input_text"/>\t\t</div></span></div>\t\t<div style="margin:5px auto; width:80%;white-space:normal;">\t\t\t<a style="display:none;" class="cke_dialog_ui_button" href="javascript:void(0)" id="dic_create">\t\t\t\t</a>\t\t\t<a  style="display:none;" class="cke_dialog_ui_button" href="javascript:void(0)" id="dic_delete">\t\t\t\t</a>\t\t\t<a  style="display:none;" class="cke_dialog_ui_button" href="javascript:void(0)" id="dic_rename">\t\t\t\t</a>\t\t\t<a  style="display:none;" class="cke_dialog_ui_button" href="javascript:void(0)" id="dic_restore">\t\t\t\t</a>\t\t</div>\t<div style="margin:5px auto; width:95%;white-space:n
 ormal;" id="dic_info"></div></div></form>'}]},{id:'about',label:a.lang.scayt.aboutTab,elements:[{type:'html',id:'about',style:'margin: 5px 5px;',html:'<div id="scayt_about"></div>'}]}],o={title:a.lang.scayt.title,minWidth:360,minHeight:220,onShow:function(){var x=this;
-x.data=a.fire('scaytDialog',{});x.options=x.data.scayt_control.option();x.sLang=x.data.scayt_control.sLang;if(!x.data||!x.data.scayt||!x.data.scayt_control){alert('Error loading application service');x.hide();return;}var y=0;if(b)x.data.scayt.getCaption(a.langCode||'en',function(z){if(y++>0)return;c=z;q.apply(x);r.apply(x);b=false;});else r.apply(x);x.selectPage(x.data.tab);},onOk:function(){var x=this.data.scayt_control;x.option(this.options);var y=this.chosed_lang;x.setLang(y);x.refresh();},onCancel:function(){var x=k();for(f in x)x[f].checked=false;m(l(),'');},contents:g},p=CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.getScayt(a);e=CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.uiTabs;for(f in e){if(e[f]==1)g[g.length]=n[f];}if(e[2]==1)h=true;var q=function(){var x=this,y=x.data.scayt.getLangList(),z=['dic_create','dic_delete','dic_rename','dic_restore'],A=j,B;if(h){for(B=0;B<z.length;B++){var C=z[B];d.getById(C).setHtml('<span class="cke_dialog_ui_button">'+c['button_'+C]+'</span>');}d.getById('dic_info').setHtml(c.
 dic_info);}if(e[0]==1)for(B in A){var D='label_'+A[B],E=d.getById(D);if('undefined'!=typeof E&&'undefined'!=typeof c[D]&&'undefined'!=typeof x.options[A[B]]){E.setHtml(c[D]);var F=E.getParent();F.$.style.display='block';}}var G='<p><img src="'+window.scayt.getAboutInfo().logoURL+'" /></p>'+'<p>'+c.version+window.scayt.getAboutInfo().version.toString()+'</p>'+'<p>'+c.about_throwt_copy+'</p>';d.getById('scayt_about').setHtml(G);var H=function(R,S){var T=d.createElement('label');T.setAttribute('for','cke_option'+R);T.setHtml(S[R]);if(x.sLang==R)x.chosed_lang=R;var U=d.createElement('div'),V=CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('<input id="cke_option'+R+'" type="radio" '+(x.sLang==R?'checked="checked"':'')+' value="'+R+'" name="scayt_lang" />');V.on('click',function(){this.$.checked=true;x.chosed_lang=R;});U.append(V);U.append(T);return{lang:S[R],code:R,radio:U};},I=[];if(e[1]==1){for(B in y.rtl)I[I.length]=H(B,y.ltr);for(B in y.ltr)I[I.length]=H(B,y.ltr);I.sort(function(R,S){ret
 urn S.lang>R.lang?-1:1;});var J=d.getById('scayt_lcol'),K=d.getById('scayt_rcol');for(B=0;B<I.length;B++){var L=B<I.length/2?J:K;L.append(I[B].radio);}}var M={};M.dic_create=function(R,S,T){var U=T[0]+','+T[1],V=c.err_dic_create,W=c.succ_dic_create;window.scayt.createUserDictionary(S,function(X){v(U);u(T[1]);W=W.replace('%s',X.dname);t(W);},function(X){V=V.replace('%s',X.dname);s(V+'( '+(X.message||'')+')');});};M.dic_rename=function(R,S){var T=c.err_dic_rename||'',U=c.succ_dic_rename||'';window.scayt.renameUserDictionary(S,function(V){U=U.replace('%s',V.dname);
-w(S);t(U);},function(V){T=T.replace('%s',V.dname);w(S);s(T+'( '+(V.message||'')+' )');});};M.dic_delete=function(R,S,T){var U=T[0]+','+T[1],V=c.err_dic_delete,W=c.succ_dic_delete;window.scayt.deleteUserDictionary(function(X){W=W.replace('%s',X.dname);v(U);u(T[0]);w('');t(W);},function(X){V=V.replace('%s',X.dname);s(V);});};M.dic_restore=x.dic_restore||(function(R,S,T){var U=T[0]+','+T[1],V=c.err_dic_restore,W=c.succ_dic_restore;window.scayt.restoreUserDictionary(S,function(X){W=W.replace('%s',X.dname);v(U);u(T[1]);t(W);},function(X){V=V.replace('%s',X.dname);s(V);});});function N(R){var S=d.getById('dic_name').getValue();if(!S){s(' Dictionary name should not be empty. ');return false;}try{var T=id=R.data.getTarget().getParent(),U=T.getId();M[U].apply(null,[T,S,i]);}catch(V){s(' Dictionary error. ');}return true;};var O=(i[0]+','+i[1]).split(','),P;for(B=0,P=O.length;B<P;B+=1){var Q=d.getById(O[B]);if(Q)Q.on('click',N,this);}},r=function(){var x=this;if(e[0]==1){var y=k();for
 (var z=0,A=y.length;z<A;z++){var B=y[z].id,C=d.getById(B);if(C){y[z].checked=false;if(x.options[B]==1)y[z].checked=true;if(b)C.on('click',function(){x.options[this.getId()]=this.$.checked?1:0;});}}}if(e[1]==1){var D=d.getById('cke_option'+x.sLang);m(D.$,x.sLang);}if(h){window.scayt.getNameUserDictionary(function(E){var F=E.dname;v(i[0]+','+i[1]);if(F){d.getById('dic_name').setValue(F);u(i[1]);}else u(i[0]);},function(){d.getById('dic_name').setValue('');});t('');}};function s(x){d.getById('dic_message').setHtml('<span style="color:red;">'+x+'</span>');};function t(x){d.getById('dic_message').setHtml('<span style="color:blue;">'+x+'</span>');};function u(x){x=String(x);var y=x.split(',');for(var z=0,A=y.length;z<A;z+=1)d.getById(y[z]).$.style.display='inline';};function v(x){x=String(x);var y=x.split(',');for(var z=0,A=y.length;z<A;z+=1)d.getById(y[z]).$.style.display='none';};function w(x){d.getById('dic_name').$.value=x;};return o;});
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add("scaytcheck",function(j){function w(){return"undefined"!=typeof document.forms["optionsbar_"+a]?document.forms["optionsbar_"+a].options:[]}function x(b,a){if(b){var e=b.length;if(void 0==e)b.checked=b.value==a.toString();else for(var d=0;d<e;d++)b[d].checked=!1,b[d].value==a.toString()&&(b[d].checked=!0)}}function n(b){f.getById("dic_message_"+a).setHtml('<span style="color:red;">'+b+"</span>")}function o(b){f.getById("dic_message_"+a).setHtml('<span style="color:blue;">'+b+"</span>")}
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+[{id:"options",label:g.optionsTab,elements:[{type:"html",id:"options",html:'<form name="optionsbar_'+a+'"><div class="inner_options">\t<div class="messagebox"></div>\t<div style="display:none;">\t\t<input type="checkbox" name="options"  id="allCaps_'+a+'" />\t\t<label for="allCaps" id="label_allCaps_'+a+'"></label>\t</div>\t<div style="display:none;">\t\t<input name="options" type="checkbox"  id="ignoreDomainNames_'+a+'" />\t\t<label for="ignoreDomainNames" id="label_ignoreDomainNames_'+a+'"></label>\t</div>\t<div style="display:none;">\t<input name="options" type="checkbox"  id="mixedCase_'+
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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+Aacute:"Latin capital letter A with acute accent",Acirc:"Latin capital letter A with circumflex",Atilde:"Latin capital letter A with tilde",Auml:"Latin capital letter A with diaeresis",Aring:"Latin capital letter A with ring above",AElig:"Latin Capital letter Æ",Ccedil:"Latin capital letter C with cedilla",Egrave:"Latin capital letter E with grave accent",Eacute:"Latin capital letter E with acute accent",Ecirc:"Latin capital letter E with circumflex",Euml:"Latin capital letter E with diaeresis",Igrave:"Latin capital letter I with grave accent",
+Iacute:"Latin capital letter I with acute accent",Icirc:"Latin capital letter I with circumflex",Iuml:"Latin capital letter I with diaeresis",ETH:"Latin capital letter Eth",Ntilde:"Latin capital letter N with tilde",Ograve:"Latin capital letter O with grave accent",Oacute:"Latin capital letter O with acute accent",Ocirc:"Latin capital letter O with circumflex",Otilde:"Latin capital letter O with tilde",Ouml:"Latin capital letter O with diaeresis",times:"Multiplication sign",Oslash:"Latin capital letter O with stroke",
+Ugrave:"Latin capital letter U with grave accent",Uacute:"Latin capital letter U with acute accent",Ucirc:"Latin capital letter U with circumflex",Uuml:"Latin capital letter U with diaeresis",Yacute:"Latin capital letter Y with acute accent",THORN:"Latin capital letter Thorn",szlig:"Latin small letter sharp s",agrave:"Latin small letter a with grave accent",aacute:"Latin small letter a with acute accent",acirc:"Latin small letter a with circumflex",atilde:"Latin small letter a with tilde",auml:"Latin small letter a with diaeresis",
+aring:"Latin small letter a with ring above",aelig:"Latin small letter æ",ccedil:"Latin small letter c with cedilla",egrave:"Latin small letter e with grave accent",eacute:"Latin small letter e with acute accent",ecirc:"Latin small letter e with circumflex",euml:"Latin small letter e with diaeresis",igrave:"Latin small letter i with grave accent",iacute:"Latin small letter i with acute accent",icirc:"Latin small letter i with circumflex",iuml:"Latin small letter i with diaeresis",eth:"Latin small letter eth",
+ntilde:"Latin small letter n with tilde",ograve:"Latin small letter o with grave accent",oacute:"Latin small letter o with acute accent",ocirc:"Latin small letter o with circumflex",otilde:"Latin small letter o with tilde",ouml:"Latin small letter o with diaeresis",divide:"Division sign",oslash:"Latin small letter o with stroke",ugrave:"Latin small letter u with grave accent",uacute:"Latin small letter u with acute accent",ucirc:"Latin small letter u with circumflex",uuml:"Latin small letter u with diaeresis",
+yacute:"Latin small letter y with acute accent",thorn:"Latin small letter thorn",yuml:"Latin small letter y with diaeresis",OElig:"Latin capital ligature OE",oelig:"Latin small ligature oe",372:"Latin capital letter W with circumflex",374:"Latin capital letter Y with circumflex",373:"Latin small letter w with circumflex",375:"Latin small letter y with circumflex",sbquo:"Single low-9 quotation mark",8219:"Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark",bdquo:"Double low-9 quotation mark",hellip:"Horizontal ellipsis",
+trade:"Trade mark sign",9658:"Black right-pointing pointer",bull:"Bullet",rarr:"Rightwards arrow",rArr:"Rightwards double arrow",hArr:"Left right double arrow",diams:"Black diamond suit",asymp:"Almost equal to"});
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+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/cs.js
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","cs",{euro:"Znak eura",lsquo:"Počáteční uvozovka jednoduchá",rsquo:"Koncová uvozovka jednoduchá",ldquo:"Počáteční uvozovka dvojitá",rdquo:"Koncová uvozovka dvojitá",ndash:"En pomlčka",mdash:"Em pomlčka",iexcl:"Obrácený vykřičník",cent:"Znak centu",pound:"Znak libry",curren:"Znak měny",yen:"Znak jenu",brvbar:"Přerušená svislá čára",sect:"Znak oddílu",uml:"Přehláska",copy:"Znak copyrightu",ordf:"Ženský indikátor rodu",laquo:"Znak dvojitých lomených uvozovek vlevo",
+not:"Logistický zápor",reg:"Znak registrace",macr:"Pomlčka nad",deg:"Znak stupně",sup2:"Dvojka jako horní index",sup3:"Trojka jako horní index",acute:"Čárka nad vpravo",micro:"Znak mikro",para:"Znak odstavce",middot:"Tečka uprostřed",cedil:"Ocásek vlevo",sup1:"Jednička jako horní index",ordm:"Mužský indikátor rodu",raquo:"Znak dvojitých lomených uvozovek vpravo",frac14:"Obyčejný zlomek jedna čtvrtina",frac12:"Obyčejný zlomek jedna polovina",frac34:"Obyčejný zlomek tři čtvrtiny",iquest:"Znak obráceného otazníku",
+Agrave:"Velké písmeno latinky A s čárkou nad vlevo",Aacute:"Velké písmeno latinky A s čárkou nad vpravo",Acirc:"Velké písmeno latinky A s vokáněm",Atilde:"Velké písmeno latinky A s tildou",Auml:"Velké písmeno latinky A s dvěma tečkami",Aring:"Velké písmeno latinky A s kroužkem nad",AElig:"Velké písmeno latinky Ae",Ccedil:"Velké písmeno latinky C s ocáskem vlevo",Egrave:"Velké písmeno latinky E s čárkou nad vlevo",Eacute:"Velké písmeno latinky E s čárkou nad vpravo",Ecirc:"Velké písmeno latinky E s vokáněm",
+Euml:"Velké písmeno latinky E s dvěma tečkami",Igrave:"Velké písmeno latinky I s čárkou nad vlevo",Iacute:"Velké písmeno latinky I s čárkou nad vpravo",Icirc:"Velké písmeno latinky I s vokáněm",Iuml:"Velké písmeno latinky I s dvěma tečkami",ETH:"Velké písmeno latinky Eth",Ntilde:"Velké písmeno latinky N s tildou",Ograve:"Velké písmeno latinky O s čárkou nad vlevo",Oacute:"Velké písmeno latinky O s čárkou nad vpravo",Ocirc:"Velké písmeno latinky O s vokáněm",Otilde:"Velké písmeno latinky O s tildou",
+Ouml:"Velké písmeno latinky O s dvěma tečkami",times:"Znak násobení",Oslash:"Velké písmeno latinky O přeškrtnuté",Ugrave:"Velké písmeno latinky U s čárkou nad vlevo",Uacute:"Velké písmeno latinky U s čárkou nad vpravo",Ucirc:"Velké písmeno latinky U s vokáněm",Uuml:"Velké písmeno latinky U s dvěma tečkami",Yacute:"Velké písmeno latinky Y s čárkou nad vpravo",THORN:"Velké písmeno latinky Thorn",szlig:"Malé písmeno latinky ostré s",agrave:"Malé písmeno latinky a s čárkou nad vlevo",aacute:"Malé písmeno latinky a s čárkou nad vpravo",
+acirc:"Malé písmeno latinky a s vokáněm",atilde:"Malé písmeno latinky a s tildou",auml:"Malé písmeno latinky a s dvěma tečkami",aring:"Malé písmeno latinky a s kroužkem nad",aelig:"Malé písmeno latinky ae",ccedil:"Malé písmeno latinky c s ocáskem vlevo",egrave:"Malé písmeno latinky e s čárkou nad vlevo",eacute:"Malé písmeno latinky e s čárkou nad vpravo",ecirc:"Malé písmeno latinky e s vokáněm",euml:"Malé písmeno latinky e s dvěma tečkami",igrave:"Malé písmeno latinky i s čárkou nad vlevo",iacute:"Malé písmeno latinky i s čárkou nad vpravo",
+icirc:"Malé písmeno latinky i s vokáněm",iuml:"Malé písmeno latinky i s dvěma tečkami",eth:"Malé písmeno latinky eth",ntilde:"Malé písmeno latinky n s tildou",ograve:"Malé písmeno latinky o s čárkou nad vlevo",oacute:"Malé písmeno latinky o s čárkou nad vpravo",ocirc:"Malé písmeno latinky o s vokáněm",otilde:"Malé písmeno latinky o s tildou",ouml:"Malé písmeno latinky o s dvěma tečkami",divide:"Znak dělení",oslash:"Malé písmeno latinky o přeškrtnuté",ugrave:"Malé písmeno latinky u s čárkou nad vlevo",
+uacute:"Malé písmeno latinky u s čárkou nad vpravo",ucirc:"Malé písmeno latinky u s vokáněm",uuml:"Malé písmeno latinky u s dvěma tečkami",yacute:"Malé písmeno latinky y s čárkou nad vpravo",thorn:"Malé písmeno latinky thorn",yuml:"Malé písmeno latinky y s dvěma tečkami",OElig:"Velká ligatura latinky OE",oelig:"Malá ligatura latinky OE",372:"Velké písmeno latinky W s vokáněm",374:"Velké písmeno latinky Y s vokáněm",373:"Malé písmeno latinky w s vokáněm",375:"Malé písmeno latinky y s vokáněm",sbquo:"Dolní 9 uvozovka jednoduchá",
+8219:"Horní obrácená 9 uvozovka jednoduchá",bdquo:"Dolní 9 uvozovka dvojitá",hellip:"Trojtečkový úvod",trade:"Obchodní značka",9658:"Černý ukazatel směřující vpravo",bull:"Kolečko",rarr:"Šipka vpravo",rArr:"Dvojitá šipka vpravo",hArr:"Dvojitá šipka vlevo a vpravo",diams:"Černé piky",asymp:"Téměř se rovná"});
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+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/cy.js
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","cy",{euro:"Arwydd yr Ewro",lsquo:"Dyfynnod chwith unigol",rsquo:"Dyfynnod dde unigol",ldquo:"Dyfynnod chwith dwbl",rdquo:"Dyfynnod dde dwbl",ndash:"Cysylltnod en",mdash:"Cysylltnod em",iexcl:"Ebychnod gwrthdro",cent:"Arwydd sent",pound:"Arwydd punt",curren:"Arwydd arian cyfred",yen:"Arwydd yen",brvbar:"Bar toriedig",sect:"Arwydd adran",uml:"Didolnod",copy:"Arwydd hawlfraint",ordf:"Dangosydd benywaidd",laquo:"Dyfynnod dwbl ar ongl i'r chwith",not:"Arwydd Nid",
+reg:"Arwydd cofrestredig",macr:"Macron",deg:"Arwydd gradd",sup2:"Dau uwchsgript",sup3:"Tri uwchsgript",acute:"Acen ddyrchafedig",micro:"Arwydd micro",para:"Arwydd pilcrow",middot:"Dot canol",cedil:"Sedila",sup1:"Un uwchsgript",ordm:"Dangosydd gwrywaidd",raquo:"Dyfynnod dwbl ar ongl i'r dde",frac14:"Ffracsiwn cyffredin un cwarter",frac12:"Ffracsiwn cyffredin un hanner",frac34:"Ffracsiwn cyffredin tri chwarter",iquest:"Marc cwestiwn gwrthdroëdig",Agrave:"Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig",
+Aacute:"Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig",Acirc:"Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gydag acen grom",Atilde:"Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gyda thild",Auml:"Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gyda didolnod",Aring:"Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gyda chylch uwchben",AElig:"Priflythyren Æ Lladinaidd",Ccedil:"Priflythyren C Lladinaidd gyda sedila",Egrave:"Priflythyren E Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig",Eacute:"Priflythyren E Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig",Ecirc:"Priflythyren E Lladinaidd gydag acen grom",
+Euml:"Priflythyren E Lladinaidd gyda didolnod",Igrave:"Priflythyren I Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig",Iacute:"Priflythyren I Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig",Icirc:"Priflythyren I Lladinaidd gydag acen grom",Iuml:"Priflythyren I Lladinaidd gyda didolnod",ETH:"Priflythyren Eth",Ntilde:"Priflythyren N Lladinaidd gyda thild",Ograve:"Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig",Oacute:"Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig",Ocirc:"Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gydag acen grom",Otilde:"Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gyda thild",
+Ouml:"Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gyda didolnod",times:"Arwydd lluosi",Oslash:"Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gyda strôc",Ugrave:"Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig",Uacute:"Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig",Ucirc:"Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gydag acen grom",Uuml:"Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gyda didolnod",Yacute:"Priflythyren Y Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig",THORN:"Priflythyren Thorn",szlig:"Llythyren s fach Lladinaidd siarp ",agrave:"Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig",
+aacute:"Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig",acirc:"Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom",atilde:"Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gyda thild",auml:"Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod",aring:"Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gyda chylch uwchben",aelig:"Llythyren æ fach Lladinaidd",ccedil:"Llythyren c fach Lladinaidd gyda sedila",egrave:"Llythyren e fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig",eacute:"Llythyren e fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig",ecirc:"Llythyren e fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom",
+euml:"Llythyren e fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod",igrave:"Llythyren i fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig",iacute:"Llythyren i fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig",icirc:"Llythyren i fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom",iuml:"Llythyren i fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod",eth:"Llythyren eth fach",ntilde:"Llythyren n fach Lladinaidd gyda thild",ograve:"Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig",oacute:"Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig",ocirc:"Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom",
+otilde:"Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gyda thild",ouml:"Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod",divide:"Arwydd rhannu",oslash:"Llyth",ugrave:"Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig",uacute:"Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig",ucirc:"Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom",uuml:"Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod",yacute:"Llythyren y fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig",thorn:"Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gyda strôc",yuml:"Llythyren y fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod",
+OElig:"Priflythyren cwlwm OE Lladinaidd ",oelig:"Priflythyren cwlwm oe Lladinaidd ",372:"Priflythyren W gydag acen grom",374:"Priflythyren Y gydag acen grom",373:"Llythyren w fach gydag acen grom",375:"Llythyren y fach gydag acen grom",sbquo:"Dyfynnod sengl 9-isel",8219:"Dyfynnod sengl 9-uchel cildro",bdquo:"Dyfynnod dwbl 9-isel",hellip:"Coll geiriau llorweddol",trade:"Arwydd marc masnachol",9658:"Pwyntydd du i'r dde",bull:"Bwled",rarr:"Saeth i'r dde",rArr:"Saeth ddwbl i'r dde",hArr:"Saeth ddwbl i'r chwith",
+diams:"Siwt diemwnt du",asymp:"Bron yn hafal iddo"});
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+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/de.js
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","de",{euro:"Euro Zeichen",lsquo:"Hochkomma links",rsquo:"Hochkomma rechts",ldquo:"Anführungszeichen links",rdquo:"Anführungszeichen rechts",ndash:"kleiner Strich",mdash:"mittlerer Strich",iexcl:"invertiertes Ausrufezeichen",cent:"Cent",pound:"Pfund",curren:"Währung",yen:"Yen",brvbar:"gestrichelte Linie",sect:"§ Zeichen",uml:"Diäresis",copy:"Copyright",ordf:"Feminine ordinal Anzeige",laquo:"Nach links zeigenden Doppel-Winkel Anführungszeichen",not:"Not-Zeichen",
+reg:"Registriert",macr:"Längezeichen",deg:"Grad",sup2:"Hoch 2",sup3:"Hoch 3",acute:"Akzentzeichen ",micro:"Micro",para:"Pilcrow-Zeichen",middot:"Mittelpunkt",cedil:"Cedilla",sup1:"Hoch 1",ordm:"Männliche Ordnungszahl Anzeige",raquo:"Nach rechts zeigenden Doppel-Winkel Anführungszeichen",frac14:"ein Viertel",frac12:"Hälfte",frac34:"Dreiviertel",iquest:"Umgekehrtes Fragezeichen",Agrave:"Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit AkzentGrave",Aacute:"Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Akutakzent",Acirc:"Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Zirkumflex",
+Atilde:"Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Tilde",Auml:"Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Trema",Aring:"Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Ring oben",AElig:"Lateinischer Buchstabe Æ",Ccedil:"Lateinischer Buchstabe C mit Cedille",Egrave:"Lateinischer Buchstabe E mit AkzentGrave",Eacute:"Lateinischer Buchstabe E mit Akutakzent",Ecirc:"Lateinischer Buchstabe E mit Zirkumflex",Euml:"Lateinischer Buchstabe E Trema",Igrave:"Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit AkzentGrave",Iacute:"Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit Akutakzent",Icirc:"Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit Zirkumflex",
+Iuml:"Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit Trema",ETH:"Lateinischer Buchstabe Eth",Ntilde:"Lateinischer Buchstabe N mit Tilde",Ograve:"Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit AkzentGrave",Oacute:"Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Akutakzent",Ocirc:"Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Zirkumflex",Otilde:"Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Tilde",Ouml:"Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Trema",times:"Multiplikation",Oslash:"Lateinischer Buchstabe O durchgestrichen",Ugrave:"Lateinischer Buchstabe U mit Akzentgrave",Uacute:"Lateinischer Buchstabe U mit Akutakzent",
+Ucirc:"Lateinischer Buchstabe U mit Zirkumflex",Uuml:"Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Trema",Yacute:"Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Akzent",THORN:"Lateinischer Buchstabe mit Dorn",szlig:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe scharfe s",agrave:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Accent grave",aacute:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Akut",acirc:"Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Zirkumflex",atilde:"Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Tilde",auml:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Trema",aring:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Ring oben",
+aelig:"Lateinischer Buchstabe æ",ccedil:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe c mit Cedille",egrave:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Accent grave",eacute:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Akut",ecirc:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Zirkumflex",euml:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Trema",igrave:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit AkzentGrave",iacute:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Akzent",icirc:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Zirkumflex",iuml:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Trema",
+eth:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe eth",ntilde:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe n mit Tilde",ograve:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Accent grave",oacute:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Akzent",ocirc:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Zirkumflex",otilde:"Lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Tilde",ouml:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Trema",divide:"Divisionszeichen",oslash:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o durchgestrichen",ugrave:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Accent grave",uacute:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Akut",
+ucirc:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Zirkumflex",uuml:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Trema",yacute:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe y mit Akut",thorn:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe Dorn",yuml:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe y mit Trema",OElig:"Lateinischer Buchstabe Ligatur OE",oelig:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe Ligatur OE",372:"Lateinischer Buchstabe W mit Zirkumflex",374:"Lateinischer Buchstabe Y mit Zirkumflex",373:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe w mit Zirkumflex",375:"Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe y mit Zirkumflex",
+sbquo:"Tiefergestelltes Komma",8219:"Rumgedrehtes Komma",bdquo:"Doppeltes Anführungszeichen unten",hellip:"horizontale Auslassungspunkte",trade:"Handelszeichen",9658:"Dreickspfeil rechts",bull:"Bullet",rarr:"Pfeil rechts",rArr:"Doppelpfeil rechts",hArr:"Doppelpfeil links",diams:"Karo",asymp:"Ungefähr"});
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","el",{euro:"Σύμβολο Ευρώ",lsquo:"Αριστερός χαρακτήρας μονού εισαγωγικού",rsquo:"Δεξιός χαρακτήρας μονού εισαγωγικού",ldquo:"Αριστερός χαρακτήρας διπλού εισαγωγικού",rdquo:"Δεξιός χαρακτήρας διπλού εισαγωγικού",ndash:"Παύλα en",mdash:"Παύλα em",iexcl:"Ανάποδο θαυμαστικό",cent:"Σύμβολο Σεντ",pound:"Σύμβολο λίρας",curren:"Σύμβολο συναλλαγματικής μονάδας",yen:"Σύμβολο Γιέν",brvbar:"Σπασμένη μπάρα",sect:"Σύμβολο τμήματος",uml:"Διαίρεση",copy:"Σύμβολο πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων",
+ordf:"Feminine ordinal indicator",laquo:"Left-pointing double angle quotation mark",not:"Not sign",reg:"Registered sign",macr:"Macron",deg:"Degree sign",sup2:"Superscript two",sup3:"Superscript three",acute:"Acute accent",micro:"Micro sign",para:"Pilcrow sign",middot:"Middle dot",cedil:"Cedilla",sup1:"Superscript one",ordm:"Masculine ordinal indicator",raquo:"Right-pointing double angle quotation mark",frac14:"Vulgar fraction one quarter",frac12:"Vulgar fraction one half",frac34:"Vulgar fraction three quarters",
+iquest:"Inverted question mark",Agrave:"Latin capital letter A with grave accent",Aacute:"Latin capital letter A with acute accent",Acirc:"Latin capital letter A with circumflex",Atilde:"Latin capital letter A with tilde",Auml:"Latin capital letter A with diaeresis",Aring:"Latin capital letter A with ring above",AElig:"Latin Capital letter Æ",Ccedil:"Latin capital letter C with cedilla",Egrave:"Latin capital letter E with grave accent",Eacute:"Latin capital letter E with acute accent",Ecirc:"Latin capital letter E with circumflex",
+Euml:"Latin capital letter E with diaeresis",Igrave:"Latin capital letter I with grave accent",Iacute:"Latin capital letter I with acute accent",Icirc:"Latin capital letter I with circumflex",Iuml:"Latin capital letter I with diaeresis",ETH:"Latin capital letter Eth",Ntilde:"Latin capital letter N with tilde",Ograve:"Latin capital letter O with grave accent",Oacute:"Latin capital letter O with acute accent",Ocirc:"Latin capital letter O with circumflex",Otilde:"Latin capital letter O with tilde",
+Ouml:"Latin capital letter O with diaeresis",times:"Multiplication sign",Oslash:"Latin capital letter O with stroke",Ugrave:"Latin capital letter U with grave accent",Uacute:"Latin capital letter U with acute accent",Ucirc:"Latin capital letter U with circumflex",Uuml:"Latin capital letter U with diaeresis",Yacute:"Latin capital letter Y with acute accent",THORN:"Latin capital letter Thorn",szlig:"Latin small letter sharp s",agrave:"Latin small letter a with grave accent",aacute:"Latin small letter a with acute accent",
+acirc:"Latin small letter a with circumflex",atilde:"Latin small letter a with tilde",auml:"Latin small letter a with diaeresis",aring:"Latin small letter a with ring above",aelig:"Latin small letter æ",ccedil:"Latin small letter c with cedilla",egrave:"Latin small letter e with grave accent",eacute:"Latin small letter e with acute accent",ecirc:"Latin small letter e with circumflex",euml:"Latin small letter e with diaeresis",igrave:"Latin small letter i with grave accent",iacute:"Latin small letter i with acute accent",
+icirc:"Latin small letter i with circumflex",iuml:"Latin small letter i with diaeresis",eth:"Latin small letter eth",ntilde:"Latin small letter n with tilde",ograve:"Latin small letter o with grave accent",oacute:"Latin small letter o with acute accent",ocirc:"Latin small letter o with circumflex",otilde:"Latin small letter o with tilde",ouml:"Latin small letter o with diaeresis",divide:"Division sign",oslash:"Latin small letter o with stroke",ugrave:"Latin small letter u with grave accent",uacute:"Latin small letter u with acute accent",
+ucirc:"Latin small letter u with circumflex",uuml:"Latin small letter u with diaeresis",yacute:"Latin small letter y with acute accent",thorn:"Latin small letter thorn",yuml:"Latin small letter y with diaeresis",OElig:"Latin capital ligature OE",oelig:"Latin small ligature oe",372:"Latin capital letter W with circumflex",374:"Latin capital letter Y with circumflex",373:"Latin small letter w with circumflex",375:"Latin small letter y with circumflex",sbquo:"Single low-9 quotation mark",8219:"Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark",
+bdquo:"Double low-9 quotation mark",hellip:"Horizontal ellipsis",trade:"Trade mark sign",9658:"Black right-pointing pointer",bull:"Bullet",rarr:"Rightwards arrow",rArr:"Rightwards double arrow",hArr:"Left right double arrow",diams:"Black diamond suit",asymp:"Almost equal to"});
\ No newline at end of file
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","en",{euro:"Euro sign",lsquo:"Left single quotation mark",rsquo:"Right single quotation mark",ldquo:"Left double quotation mark",rdquo:"Right double quotation mark",ndash:"En dash",mdash:"Em dash",iexcl:"Inverted exclamation mark",cent:"Cent sign",pound:"Pound sign",curren:"Currency sign",yen:"Yen sign",brvbar:"Broken bar",sect:"Section sign",uml:"Diaeresis",copy:"Copyright sign",ordf:"Feminine ordinal indicator",laquo:"Left-pointing double angle quotation mark",
+not:"Not sign",reg:"Registered sign",macr:"Macron",deg:"Degree sign",sup2:"Superscript two",sup3:"Superscript three",acute:"Acute accent",micro:"Micro sign",para:"Pilcrow sign",middot:"Middle dot",cedil:"Cedilla",sup1:"Superscript one",ordm:"Masculine ordinal indicator",raquo:"Right-pointing double angle quotation mark",frac14:"Vulgar fraction one quarter",frac12:"Vulgar fraction one half",frac34:"Vulgar fraction three quarters",iquest:"Inverted question mark",Agrave:"Latin capital letter A with grave accent",
+Aacute:"Latin capital letter A with acute accent",Acirc:"Latin capital letter A with circumflex",Atilde:"Latin capital letter A with tilde",Auml:"Latin capital letter A with diaeresis",Aring:"Latin capital letter A with ring above",AElig:"Latin Capital letter Æ",Ccedil:"Latin capital letter C with cedilla",Egrave:"Latin capital letter E with grave accent",Eacute:"Latin capital letter E with acute accent",Ecirc:"Latin capital letter E with circumflex",Euml:"Latin capital letter E with diaeresis",Igrave:"Latin capital letter I with grave accent",
+Iacute:"Latin capital letter I with acute accent",Icirc:"Latin capital letter I with circumflex",Iuml:"Latin capital letter I with diaeresis",ETH:"Latin capital letter Eth",Ntilde:"Latin capital letter N with tilde",Ograve:"Latin capital letter O with grave accent",Oacute:"Latin capital letter O with acute accent",Ocirc:"Latin capital letter O with circumflex",Otilde:"Latin capital letter O with tilde",Ouml:"Latin capital letter O with diaeresis",times:"Multiplication sign",Oslash:"Latin capital letter O with stroke",
+Ugrave:"Latin capital letter U with grave accent",Uacute:"Latin capital letter U with acute accent",Ucirc:"Latin capital letter U with circumflex",Uuml:"Latin capital letter U with diaeresis",Yacute:"Latin capital letter Y with acute accent",THORN:"Latin capital letter Thorn",szlig:"Latin small letter sharp s",agrave:"Latin small letter a with grave accent",aacute:"Latin small letter a with acute accent",acirc:"Latin small letter a with circumflex",atilde:"Latin small letter a with tilde",auml:"Latin small letter a with diaeresis",
+aring:"Latin small letter a with ring above",aelig:"Latin small letter æ",ccedil:"Latin small letter c with cedilla",egrave:"Latin small letter e with grave accent",eacute:"Latin small letter e with acute accent",ecirc:"Latin small letter e with circumflex",euml:"Latin small letter e with diaeresis",igrave:"Latin small letter i with grave accent",iacute:"Latin small letter i with acute accent",icirc:"Latin small letter i with circumflex",iuml:"Latin small letter i with diaeresis",eth:"Latin small letter eth",
+ntilde:"Latin small letter n with tilde",ograve:"Latin small letter o with grave accent",oacute:"Latin small letter o with acute accent",ocirc:"Latin small letter o with circumflex",otilde:"Latin small letter o with tilde",ouml:"Latin small letter o with diaeresis",divide:"Division sign",oslash:"Latin small letter o with stroke",ugrave:"Latin small letter u with grave accent",uacute:"Latin small letter u with acute accent",ucirc:"Latin small letter u with circumflex",uuml:"Latin small letter u with diaeresis",
+yacute:"Latin small letter y with acute accent",thorn:"Latin small letter thorn",yuml:"Latin small letter y with diaeresis",OElig:"Latin capital ligature OE",oelig:"Latin small ligature oe",372:"Latin capital letter W with circumflex",374:"Latin capital letter Y with circumflex",373:"Latin small letter w with circumflex",375:"Latin small letter y with circumflex",sbquo:"Single low-9 quotation mark",8219:"Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark",bdquo:"Double low-9 quotation mark",hellip:"Horizontal ellipsis",
+trade:"Trade mark sign",9658:"Black right-pointing pointer",bull:"Bullet",rarr:"Rightwards arrow",rArr:"Rightwards double arrow",hArr:"Left right double arrow",diams:"Black diamond suit",asymp:"Almost equal to"});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","eo",{euro:"Eŭrosigno",lsquo:"Supra 6-citilo",rsquo:"Supra 9-citilo",ldquo:"Supra 66-citilo",rdquo:"Supra 99-citilo",ndash:"Streketo",mdash:"Substreko",iexcl:"Renversita krisigno",cent:"Cendosigno",pound:"Pundosigno",curren:"Monersigno",yen:"Enosigno",brvbar:"Rompita vertikala streko",sect:"Kurba paragrafo",uml:"Tremao",copy:"Kopirajtosigno",ordf:"Adjektiva numerfinaĵo",laquo:"Duobla malplio-citilo",not:"Negohoko",reg:"Registrita marko",macr:"Superstreko",deg:"Gradosigno",
+sup2:"Supra indico 2",sup3:"Supra indico 3",acute:"Dekstra korno",micro:"Mikrosigno",para:"Rekta paragrafo",middot:"Meza punkto",cedil:"Zoeto",sup1:"Supra indico 1",ordm:"Substantiva numerfinaĵo",raquo:"Duobla plio-citilo",frac14:"Kvaronosigno",frac12:"Duonosigno",frac34:"Trikvaronosigno",iquest:"renversita demandosigno",Agrave:"Latina ĉeflitero A kun liva korno",Aacute:"Latina ĉeflitero A kun dekstra korno",Acirc:"Latina ĉeflitero A kun ĉapelo",Atilde:"Latina ĉeflitero A kun tildo",Auml:"Latina ĉeflitero A kun tremao",
+Aring:"Latina ĉeflitero A kun superringo",AElig:"Latina ĉeflitera ligaturo Æ",Ccedil:"Latina ĉeflitero C kun zoeto",Egrave:"Latina ĉeflitero E kun liva korno",Eacute:"Latina ĉeflitero E kun dekstra korno",Ecirc:"Latina ĉeflitero E kun ĉapelo",Euml:"Latina ĉeflitero E kun tremao",Igrave:"Latina ĉeflitero I kun liva korno",Iacute:"Latina ĉeflitero I kun dekstra korno",Icirc:"Latina ĉeflitero I kun ĉapelo",Iuml:"Latina ĉeflitero I kun tremao",ETH:"Latina ĉeflitero islanda edo",Ntilde:"Latina ĉeflitero N kun tildo",
+Ograve:"Latina ĉeflitero O kun liva korno",Oacute:"Latina ĉeflitero O kun dekstra korno",Ocirc:"Latina ĉeflitero O kun ĉapelo",Otilde:"Latina ĉeflitero O kun tildo",Ouml:"Latina ĉeflitero O kun tremao",times:"Multipliko",Oslash:"Latina ĉeflitero O trastrekita",Ugrave:"Latina ĉeflitero U kun liva korno",Uacute:"Latina ĉeflitero U kun dekstra korno",Ucirc:"Latina ĉeflitero U kun ĉapelo",Uuml:"Latina ĉeflitero U kun tremao",Yacute:"Latina ĉeflitero Y kun dekstra korno",THORN:"Latina ĉeflitero islanda dorno",
+szlig:"Latina etlitero germana sozo (akra s)",agrave:"Latina etlitero a kun liva korno",aacute:"Latina etlitero a kun dekstra korno",acirc:"Latina etlitero a kun ĉapelo",atilde:"Latina etlitero a kun tildo",auml:"Latina etlitero a kun tremao",aring:"Latina etlitero a kun superringo",aelig:"Latina etlitera ligaturo æ",ccedil:"Latina etlitero c kun zoeto",egrave:"Latina etlitero e kun liva korno",eacute:"Latina etlitero e kun dekstra korno",ecirc:"Latina etlitero e kun ĉapelo",euml:"Latina etlitero e kun tremao",
+igrave:"Latina etlitero i kun liva korno",iacute:"Latina etlitero i kun dekstra korno",icirc:"Latina etlitero i kun ĉapelo",iuml:"Latina etlitero i kun tremao",eth:"Latina etlitero islanda edo",ntilde:"Latina etlitero n kun tildo",ograve:"Latina etlitero o kun liva korno",oacute:"Latina etlitero o kun dekstra korno",ocirc:"Latina etlitero o kun ĉapelo",otilde:"Latina etlitero o kun tildo",ouml:"Latina etlitero o kun tremao",divide:"Dividosigno",oslash:"Latina etlitero o trastrekita",ugrave:"Latina etlitero u kun liva korno",
+uacute:"Latina etlitero u kun dekstra korno",ucirc:"Latina etlitero u kun ĉapelo",uuml:"Latina etlitero u kun tremao",yacute:"Latina etlitero y kun dekstra korno",thorn:"Latina etlitero islanda dorno",yuml:"Latina etlitero y kun tremao",OElig:"Latina ĉeflitera ligaturo Œ",oelig:"Latina etlitera ligaturo œ",372:"Latina ĉeflitero W kun ĉapelo",374:"Latina ĉeflitero Y kun ĉapelo",373:"Latina etlitero w kun ĉapelo",375:"Latina etlitero y kun ĉapelo",sbquo:"Suba 9-citilo",8219:"Supra renversita 9-citilo",
+bdquo:"Suba 99-citilo",hellip:"Tripunkto",trade:"Varmarka signo",9658:"Nigra sago dekstren",bull:"Bulmarko",rarr:"Sago dekstren",rArr:"Duobla sago dekstren",hArr:"Duobla sago maldekstren",diams:"Nigra kvadrato",asymp:"PreskaÅ­ egala"});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","et",{euro:"Euromärk",lsquo:"Alustav ühekordne jutumärk",rsquo:"Lõpetav ühekordne jutumärk",ldquo:"Alustav kahekordne jutumärk",rdquo:"Lõpetav kahekordne jutumärk",ndash:"Enn-kriips",mdash:"Emm-kriips",iexcl:"Pööratud hüüumärk",cent:"Sendimärk",pound:"Naela märk",curren:"Valuutamärk",yen:"Jeeni märk",brvbar:"Katkestatud kriips",sect:"Lõigu märk",uml:"Täpid",copy:"Autoriõiguse märk",ordf:"Feminine ordinal indicator",laquo:"Left-pointing double angle quotation mark",
+not:"Ei-märk",reg:"Registered sign",macr:"Macron",deg:"Kraadimärk",sup2:"Ülaindeks kaks",sup3:"Ülaindeks kolm",acute:"Acute accent",micro:"Mikro-märk",para:"Pilcrow sign",middot:"Keskpunkt",cedil:"Cedilla",sup1:"Ülaindeks üks",ordm:"Masculine ordinal indicator",raquo:"Right-pointing double angle quotation mark",frac14:"Vulgar fraction one quarter",frac12:"Vulgar fraction one half",frac34:"Vulgar fraction three quarters",iquest:"Inverted question mark",Agrave:"Latin capital letter A with grave accent",
+Aacute:"Latin capital letter A with acute accent",Acirc:"Latin capital letter A with circumflex",Atilde:"Ladina suur A tildega",Auml:"Latin capital letter A with diaeresis",Aring:"Latin capital letter A with ring above",AElig:"Latin Capital letter Æ",Ccedil:"Latin capital letter C with cedilla",Egrave:"Latin capital letter E with grave accent",Eacute:"Latin capital letter E with acute accent",Ecirc:"Latin capital letter E with circumflex",Euml:"Latin capital letter E with diaeresis",Igrave:"Latin capital letter I with grave accent",
+Iacute:"Latin capital letter I with acute accent",Icirc:"Latin capital letter I with circumflex",Iuml:"Latin capital letter I with diaeresis",ETH:"Latin capital letter Eth",Ntilde:"Latin capital letter N with tilde",Ograve:"Latin capital letter O with grave accent",Oacute:"Latin capital letter O with acute accent",Ocirc:"Latin capital letter O with circumflex",Otilde:"Latin capital letter O with tilde",Ouml:"Täppidega ladina suur O",times:"Multiplication sign",Oslash:"Latin capital letter O with stroke",
+Ugrave:"Latin capital letter U with grave accent",Uacute:"Latin capital letter U with acute accent",Ucirc:"Kandilise katusega suur ladina U",Uuml:"Täppidega ladina suur U",Yacute:"Latin capital letter Y with acute accent",THORN:"Latin capital letter Thorn",szlig:"Ladina väike terav s",agrave:"Latin small letter a with grave accent",aacute:"Latin small letter a with acute accent",acirc:"Kandilise katusega ladina väike a",atilde:"Tildega ladina väike a",auml:"Täppidega ladina väike a",aring:"Latin small letter a with ring above",
+aelig:"Latin small letter æ",ccedil:"Latin small letter c with cedilla",egrave:"Latin small letter e with grave accent",eacute:"Latin small letter e with acute accent",ecirc:"Latin small letter e with circumflex",euml:"Latin small letter e with diaeresis",igrave:"Latin small letter i with grave accent",iacute:"Latin small letter i with acute accent",icirc:"Latin small letter i with circumflex",iuml:"Latin small letter i with diaeresis",eth:"Latin small letter eth",ntilde:"Latin small letter n with tilde",
+ograve:"Latin small letter o with grave accent",oacute:"Latin small letter o with acute accent",ocirc:"Latin small letter o with circumflex",otilde:"Latin small letter o with tilde",ouml:"Latin small letter o with diaeresis",divide:"Division sign",oslash:"Latin small letter o with stroke",ugrave:"Latin small letter u with grave accent",uacute:"Latin small letter u with acute accent",ucirc:"Latin small letter u with circumflex",uuml:"Latin small letter u with diaeresis",yacute:"Latin small letter y with acute accent",
+thorn:"Latin small letter thorn",yuml:"Latin small letter y with diaeresis",OElig:"Latin capital ligature OE",oelig:"Latin small ligature oe",372:"Latin capital letter W with circumflex",374:"Latin capital letter Y with circumflex",373:"Latin small letter w with circumflex",375:"Latin small letter y with circumflex",sbquo:"Single low-9 quotation mark",8219:"Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark",bdquo:"Double low-9 quotation mark",hellip:"Horizontal ellipsis",trade:"Trade mark sign",9658:"Black right-pointing pointer",
+bull:"Bullet",rarr:"Rightwards arrow",rArr:"Rightwards double arrow",hArr:"Left right double arrow",diams:"Black diamond suit",asymp:"Almost equal to"});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fa.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","fa",{euro:"نشان یورو",lsquo:"علامت نقل قول تکی چپ",rsquo:"علامت نقل قول تکی راست",ldquo:"علامت دوتایی نقل قول چپ",rdquo:"علامت دوتایی نقل قول راست",ndash:"خط تیره En",mdash:"خط تیره Em",iexcl:"علامت گذاری به عنوان علامت تعجب وارونه",cent:"نشان سنت",pound:"نشان پوند",curren:"نشان ارز",yen:"نشان ین",brvbar:"نوار شکسته",sect:"نشان بخش",uml:"Diaeresis",copy:"نشان کپی رایت",ordf:"Feminine ordinal indicator",laquo:"Left-pointing double angle quotation mark",not:"علامت ثبت نشده",
+reg:"علامت ثبت شده",macr:"Macron",deg:"نشان درجه",sup2:"بالانویس دو",sup3:"بالانویس سه",acute:"لهجه غلیظ",micro:"نشان مایکرو",para:"Pilcrow sign",middot:"نقطه میانی",cedil:"Cedilla",sup1:"Superscript one",ordm:"Masculine ordinal indicator",raquo:"نشان زاویه‌دار دوتایی نقل قول راست چین",frac14:"Vulgar fraction one quarter",frac12:"Vulgar fraction one half",frac34:"Vulgar fraction three quarters",iquest:"Inverted question mark",Agrave:"Latin capital letter A with grave accent",Aacute:"Latin capital letter A with acute accent",
+Acirc:"Latin capital letter A with circumflex",Atilde:"Latin capital letter A with tilde",Auml:"Latin capital letter A with diaeresis",Aring:"Latin capital letter A with ring above",AElig:"Latin Capital letter Æ",Ccedil:"Latin capital letter C with cedilla",Egrave:"Latin capital letter E with grave accent",Eacute:"Latin capital letter E with acute accent",Ecirc:"Latin capital letter E with circumflex",Euml:"Latin capital letter E with diaeresis",Igrave:"Latin capital letter I with grave accent",Iacute:"Latin capital letter I with acute accent",
+Icirc:"Latin capital letter I with circumflex",Iuml:"Latin capital letter I with diaeresis",ETH:"Latin capital letter Eth",Ntilde:"Latin capital letter N with tilde",Ograve:"Latin capital letter O with grave accent",Oacute:"Latin capital letter O with acute accent",Ocirc:"Latin capital letter O with circumflex",Otilde:"Latin capital letter O with tilde",Ouml:"Latin capital letter O with diaeresis",times:"Multiplication sign",Oslash:"Latin capital letter O with stroke",Ugrave:"Latin capital letter U with grave accent",
+Uacute:"Latin capital letter U with acute accent",Ucirc:"Latin capital letter U with circumflex",Uuml:"Latin capital letter U with diaeresis",Yacute:"Latin capital letter Y with acute accent",THORN:"Latin capital letter Thorn",szlig:"Latin small letter sharp s",agrave:"Latin small letter a with grave accent",aacute:"Latin small letter a with acute accent",acirc:"Latin small letter a with circumflex",atilde:"Latin small letter a with tilde",auml:"Latin small letter a with diaeresis",aring:"Latin small letter a with ring above",
+aelig:"Latin small letter æ",ccedil:"Latin small letter c with cedilla",egrave:"Latin small letter e with grave accent",eacute:"Latin small letter e with acute accent",ecirc:"Latin small letter e with circumflex",euml:"Latin small letter e with diaeresis",igrave:"Latin small letter i with grave accent",iacute:"Latin small letter i with acute accent",icirc:"Latin small letter i with circumflex",iuml:"Latin small letter i with diaeresis",eth:"Latin small letter eth",ntilde:"Latin small letter n with tilde",
+ograve:"Latin small letter o with grave accent",oacute:"Latin small letter o with acute accent",ocirc:"Latin small letter o with circumflex",otilde:"Latin small letter o with tilde",ouml:"Latin small letter o with diaeresis",divide:"Division sign",oslash:"Latin small letter o with stroke",ugrave:"Latin small letter u with grave accent",uacute:"Latin small letter u with acute accent",ucirc:"Latin small letter u with circumflex",uuml:"Latin small letter u with diaeresis",yacute:"Latin small letter y with acute accent",
+thorn:"Latin small letter thorn",yuml:"Latin small letter y with diaeresis",OElig:"Latin capital ligature OE",oelig:"Latin small ligature oe",372:"Latin capital letter W with circumflex",374:"Latin capital letter Y with circumflex",373:"Latin small letter w with circumflex",375:"Latin small letter y with circumflex",sbquo:"Single low-9 quotation mark",8219:"Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark",bdquo:"Double low-9 quotation mark",hellip:"Horizontal ellipsis",trade:"Trade mark sign",9658:"Black right-pointing pointer",
+bull:"Bullet",rarr:"Rightwards arrow",rArr:"Rightwards double arrow",hArr:"جهت‌نمای دوتایی چپ به راست",diams:"Black diamond suit",asymp:"تقریبا برابر با"});
\ No newline at end of file
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","fi",{euro:"Euron merkki",lsquo:"Vasen yksittäinen lainausmerkki",rsquo:"Oikea yksittäinen lainausmerkki",ldquo:"Vasen kaksoislainausmerkki",rdquo:"Oikea kaksoislainausmerkki",ndash:"En dash",mdash:"Em dash",iexcl:"Inverted exclamation mark",cent:"Sentin merkki",pound:"Punnan merkki",curren:"Valuuttamerkki",yen:"Yenin merkki",brvbar:"Broken bar",sect:"Section sign",uml:"Diaeresis",copy:"Copyright sign",ordf:"Feminine ordinal indicator",laquo:"Left-pointing double angle quotation mark",
+not:"Not sign",reg:"Rekisteröity merkki",macr:"Macron",deg:"Asteen merkki",sup2:"Yläindeksi kaksi",sup3:"Yläindeksi kolme",acute:"Acute accent",micro:"Mikron merkki",para:"Pilcrow sign",middot:"Middle dot",cedil:"Cedilla",sup1:"Yläindeksi yksi",ordm:"Masculine ordinal indicator",raquo:"Right-pointing double angle quotation mark",frac14:"Vulgar fraction one quarter",frac12:"Vulgar fraction one half",frac34:"Vulgar fraction three quarters",iquest:"Ylösalaisin oleva kysymysmerkki",Agrave:"Latin capital letter A with grave accent",
+Aacute:"Latin capital letter A with acute accent",Acirc:"Latin capital letter A with circumflex",Atilde:"Latin capital letter A with tilde",Auml:"Latin capital letter A with diaeresis",Aring:"Latin capital letter A with ring above",AElig:"Latin Capital letter Æ",Ccedil:"Latin capital letter C with cedilla",Egrave:"Latin capital letter E with grave accent",Eacute:"Latin capital letter E with acute accent",Ecirc:"Latin capital letter E with circumflex",Euml:"Latin capital letter E with diaeresis",Igrave:"Latin capital letter I with grave accent",
+Iacute:"Latin capital letter I with acute accent",Icirc:"Latin capital letter I with circumflex",Iuml:"Latin capital letter I with diaeresis",ETH:"Latin capital letter Eth",Ntilde:"Latin capital letter N with tilde",Ograve:"Latin capital letter O with grave accent",Oacute:"Latin capital letter O with acute accent",Ocirc:"Latin capital letter O with circumflex",Otilde:"Latin capital letter O with tilde",Ouml:"Latin capital letter O with diaeresis",times:"Kertomerkki",Oslash:"Latin capital letter O with stroke",
+Ugrave:"Latin capital letter U with grave accent",Uacute:"Latin capital letter U with acute accent",Ucirc:"Latin capital letter U with circumflex",Uuml:"Latin capital letter U with diaeresis",Yacute:"Latin capital letter Y with acute accent",THORN:"Latin capital letter Thorn",szlig:"Latin small letter sharp s",agrave:"Latin small letter a with grave accent",aacute:"Latin small letter a with acute accent",acirc:"Latin small letter a with circumflex",atilde:"Latin small letter a with tilde",auml:"Latin small letter a with diaeresis",
+aring:"Latin small letter a with ring above",aelig:"Latin small letter æ",ccedil:"Latin small letter c with cedilla",egrave:"Latin small letter e with grave accent",eacute:"Latin small letter e with acute accent",ecirc:"Latin small letter e with circumflex",euml:"Latin small letter e with diaeresis",igrave:"Latin small letter i with grave accent",iacute:"Latin small letter i with acute accent",icirc:"Latin small letter i with circumflex",iuml:"Latin small letter i with diaeresis",eth:"Latin small letter eth",
+ntilde:"Latin small letter n with tilde",ograve:"Latin small letter o with grave accent",oacute:"Latin small letter o with acute accent",ocirc:"Latin small letter o with circumflex",otilde:"Latin small letter o with tilde",ouml:"Latin small letter o with diaeresis",divide:"Jakomerkki",oslash:"Latin small letter o with stroke",ugrave:"Latin small letter u with grave accent",uacute:"Latin small letter u with acute accent",ucirc:"Latin small letter u with circumflex",uuml:"Latin small letter u with diaeresis",
+yacute:"Latin small letter y with acute accent",thorn:"Latin small letter thorn",yuml:"Latin small letter y with diaeresis",OElig:"Latin capital ligature OE",oelig:"Latin small ligature oe",372:"Latin capital letter W with circumflex",374:"Latin capital letter Y with circumflex",373:"Latin small letter w with circumflex",375:"Latin small letter y with circumflex",sbquo:"Single low-9 quotation mark",8219:"Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark",bdquo:"Double low-9 quotation mark",hellip:"Horizontal ellipsis",
+trade:"Tavaramerkki merkki",9658:"Black right-pointing pointer",bull:"Bullet",rarr:"Nuoli oikealle",rArr:"Kaksoisnuoli oikealle",hArr:"Kaksoisnuoli oikealle ja vasemmalle",diams:"Black diamond suit",asymp:"Noin"});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","fr",{euro:"Symbole Euro",lsquo:"Guillemet simple ouvrant",rsquo:"Guillemet simple fermant",ldquo:"Guillemet double ouvrant",rdquo:"Guillemet double fermant",ndash:"Tiret haut",mdash:"Tiret bas underscore",iexcl:"Point d'exclamation inversé",cent:"Symbole Cent",pound:"Symbole Livre Sterling",curren:"Symbole monétaire",yen:"Symbole Yen",brvbar:"Barre verticale scindée",sect:"Section",uml:"Tréma",copy:"Symbole Copyright",ordf:"Indicateur ordinal féminin",laquo:"Guillemet français ouvrant",
+not:"Crochet de négation",reg:"Marque déposée",macr:"Macron",deg:"Degré",sup2:"Exposant 2",sup3:"\\tExposant 3",acute:"Accent aigu",micro:"Omicron",para:"Paragraphe",middot:"Point médian",cedil:"Cédille",sup1:"\\tExposant 1",ordm:"Indicateur ordinal masculin",raquo:"Guillemet français fermant",frac14:"Un quart",frac12:"Un demi",frac34:"Trois quarts",iquest:"Point d'interrogation inversé",Agrave:"A majuscule accent grave",Aacute:"A majuscule accent aigu",Acirc:"A majuscule accent circonflexe",Atilde:"A majuscule avec caron",
+Auml:"A majuscule tréma",Aring:"A majuscule avec un rond au-dessus",AElig:"Æ majuscule ligaturés",Ccedil:"C majuscule cédille",Egrave:"E majuscule accent grave",Eacute:"E majuscule accent aigu",Ecirc:"E majuscule accent circonflexe",Euml:"E majuscule tréma",Igrave:"I majuscule accent grave",Iacute:"I majuscule accent aigu",Icirc:"I majuscule accent circonflexe",Iuml:"I majuscule tréma",ETH:"Lettre majuscule islandaise ED",Ntilde:"N majuscule avec caron",Ograve:"O majuscule accent grave",Oacute:"O majuscule accent aigu",
+Ocirc:"O majuscule accent circonflexe",Otilde:"O majuscule avec caron",Ouml:"O majuscule tréma",times:"Multiplication",Oslash:"O majuscule barré",Ugrave:"U majuscule accent grave",Uacute:"U majuscule accent aigu",Ucirc:"U majuscule accent circonflexe",Uuml:"U majuscule tréma",Yacute:"Y majuscule accent aigu",THORN:"Lettre islandaise Thorn majuscule",szlig:"Lettre minuscule allemande s dur",agrave:"a minuscule accent grave",aacute:"a minuscule accent aigu",acirc:"a minuscule accent circonflexe",atilde:"a minuscule avec caron",
+auml:"a minuscule tréma",aring:"a minuscule avec un rond au-dessus",aelig:"æ minuscule ligaturés",ccedil:"c minuscule cédille",egrave:"e minuscule accent grave",eacute:"e minuscule accent aigu",ecirc:"e minuscule accent circonflexe",euml:"e minuscule tréma",igrave:"i minuscule accent grave",iacute:"i minuscule accent aigu",icirc:"i minuscule accent circonflexe",iuml:"i minuscule tréma",eth:"Lettre minuscule islandaise ED",ntilde:"n minuscule avec caron",ograve:"o minuscule accent grave",oacute:"o minuscule accent aigu",
+ocirc:"o minuscule accent circonflexe",otilde:"o minuscule avec caron",ouml:"o minuscule tréma",divide:"Division",oslash:"o minuscule barré",ugrave:"u minuscule accent grave",uacute:"u minuscule accent aigu",ucirc:"u minuscule accent circonflexe",uuml:"u minuscule tréma",yacute:"y minuscule accent aigu",thorn:"Lettre islandaise thorn minuscule",yuml:"y minuscule tréma",OElig:"ligature majuscule latine Œ",oelig:"ligature minuscule latine œ",372:"W majuscule accent circonflexe",374:"Y majuscule accent circonflexe",
+373:"w minuscule accent circonflexe",375:"y minuscule accent circonflexe",sbquo:"Guillemet simple fermant (anglais)",8219:"Guillemet-virgule supérieur culbuté",bdquo:"Guillemet-virgule double inférieur",hellip:"Points de suspension",trade:"Marque commerciale (trade mark)",9658:"Flèche noire pointant vers la droite",bull:"Gros point médian",rarr:"Flèche vers la droite",rArr:"Double flèche vers la droite",hArr:"Double flèche vers la gauche",diams:"Carreau noir",asymp:"Presque égal"});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","he",{euro:"יורו",lsquo:"Left single quotation mark",rsquo:"Right single quotation mark",ldquo:"Left double quotation mark",rdquo:"Right double quotation mark",ndash:"En dash",mdash:"Em dash",iexcl:"Inverted exclamation mark",cent:"Cent sign",pound:"Pound sign",curren:"Currency sign",yen:"Yen sign",brvbar:"Broken bar",sect:"Section sign",uml:"Diaeresis",copy:"Copyright sign",ordf:"Feminine ordinal indicator",laquo:"Left-pointing double angle quotation mark",
+not:"Not sign",reg:"Registered sign",macr:"Macron",deg:"Degree sign",sup2:"Superscript two",sup3:"Superscript three",acute:"Acute accent",micro:"Micro sign",para:"Pilcrow sign",middot:"Middle dot",cedil:"Cedilla",sup1:"Superscript one",ordm:"Masculine ordinal indicator",raquo:"Right-pointing double angle quotation mark",frac14:"Vulgar fraction one quarter",frac12:"Vulgar fraction one half",frac34:"Vulgar fraction three quarters",iquest:"Inverted question mark",Agrave:"Latin capital letter A with grave accent",
+Aacute:"Latin capital letter A with acute accent",Acirc:"Latin capital letter A with circumflex",Atilde:"Latin capital letter A with tilde",Auml:"Latin capital letter A with diaeresis",Aring:"Latin capital letter A with ring above",AElig:"Latin Capital letter Æ",Ccedil:"Latin capital letter C with cedilla",Egrave:"Latin capital letter E with grave accent",Eacute:"Latin capital letter E with acute accent",Ecirc:"Latin capital letter E with circumflex",Euml:"Latin capital letter E with diaeresis",Igrave:"Latin capital letter I with grave accent",
+Iacute:"Latin capital letter I with acute accent",Icirc:"Latin capital letter I with circumflex",Iuml:"Latin capital letter I with diaeresis",ETH:"Latin capital letter Eth",Ntilde:"Latin capital letter N with tilde",Ograve:"Latin capital letter O with grave accent",Oacute:"Latin capital letter O with acute accent",Ocirc:"Latin capital letter O with circumflex",Otilde:"Latin capital letter O with tilde",Ouml:"Latin capital letter O with diaeresis",times:"Multiplication sign",Oslash:"Latin capital letter O with stroke",
+Ugrave:"Latin capital letter U with grave accent",Uacute:"Latin capital letter U with acute accent",Ucirc:"Latin capital letter U with circumflex",Uuml:"Latin capital letter U with diaeresis",Yacute:"Latin capital letter Y with acute accent",THORN:"Latin capital letter Thorn",szlig:"Latin small letter sharp s",agrave:"Latin small letter a with grave accent",aacute:"Latin small letter a with acute accent",acirc:"Latin small letter a with circumflex",atilde:"Latin small letter a with tilde",auml:"Latin small letter a with diaeresis",
+aring:"Latin small letter a with ring above",aelig:"Latin small letter æ",ccedil:"Latin small letter c with cedilla",egrave:"Latin small letter e with grave accent",eacute:"Latin small letter e with acute accent",ecirc:"Latin small letter e with circumflex",euml:"Latin small letter e with diaeresis",igrave:"Latin small letter i with grave accent",iacute:"Latin small letter i with acute accent",icirc:"Latin small letter i with circumflex",iuml:"Latin small letter i with diaeresis",eth:"Latin small letter eth",
+ntilde:"Latin small letter n with tilde",ograve:"Latin small letter o with grave accent",oacute:"Latin small letter o with acute accent",ocirc:"Latin small letter o with circumflex",otilde:"Latin small letter o with tilde",ouml:"Latin small letter o with diaeresis",divide:"Division sign",oslash:"Latin small letter o with stroke",ugrave:"Latin small letter u with grave accent",uacute:"Latin small letter u with acute accent",ucirc:"Latin small letter u with circumflex",uuml:"Latin small letter u with diaeresis",
+yacute:"Latin small letter y with acute accent",thorn:"Latin small letter thorn",yuml:"Latin small letter y with diaeresis",OElig:"Latin capital ligature OE",oelig:"Latin small ligature oe",372:"Latin capital letter W with circumflex",374:"Latin capital letter Y with circumflex",373:"Latin small letter w with circumflex",375:"Latin small letter y with circumflex",sbquo:"Single low-9 quotation mark",8219:"Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark",bdquo:"Double low-9 quotation mark",hellip:"Horizontal ellipsis",
+trade:"Trade mark sign",9658:"Black right-pointing pointer",bull:"Bullet",rarr:"Rightwards arrow",rArr:"Rightwards double arrow",hArr:"Left right double arrow",diams:"Black diamond suit",asymp:"Almost equal to"});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","hr",{euro:"Euro znak",lsquo:"Lijevi jednostruki navodnik",rsquo:"Desni jednostruki navodnik",ldquo:"Lijevi dvostruki navodnik",rdquo:"Desni dvostruki navodnik",ndash:"En crtica",mdash:"Em crtica",iexcl:"Naopaki uskličnik",cent:"Cent znak",pound:"Funta znak",curren:"Znak valute",yen:"Yen znak",brvbar:"Potrgana prečka",sect:"Znak odjeljka",uml:"Diaeresis",copy:"Copyright znak",ordf:"Feminine ordinal indicator",laquo:"Lijevi dvostruki uglati navodnik",not:"Not znak",
+reg:"Registered znak",macr:"Macron",deg:"Stupanj znak",sup2:"Superscript two",sup3:"Superscript three",acute:"Acute accent",micro:"Micro sign",para:"Pilcrow sign",middot:"Srednja točka",cedil:"Cedilla",sup1:"Superscript one",ordm:"Masculine ordinal indicator",raquo:"Desni dvostruku uglati navodnik",frac14:"Vulgar fraction one quarter",frac12:"Vulgar fraction one half",frac34:"Vulgar fraction three quarters",iquest:"Naopaki upitnik",Agrave:"Veliko latinsko slovo A s akcentom",Aacute:"Latin capital letter A with acute accent",
+Acirc:"Latin capital letter A with circumflex",Atilde:"Latin capital letter A with tilde",Auml:"Latin capital letter A with diaeresis",Aring:"Latin capital letter A with ring above",AElig:"Latin Capital letter Æ",Ccedil:"Latin capital letter C with cedilla",Egrave:"Latin capital letter E with grave accent",Eacute:"Latin capital letter E with acute accent",Ecirc:"Latin capital letter E with circumflex",Euml:"Latin capital letter E with diaeresis",Igrave:"Latin capital letter I with grave accent",Iacute:"Latin capital letter I with acute accent",
+Icirc:"Latin capital letter I with circumflex",Iuml:"Latin capital letter I with diaeresis",ETH:"Latin capital letter Eth",Ntilde:"Latin capital letter N with tilde",Ograve:"Latin capital letter O with grave accent",Oacute:"Latin capital letter O with acute accent",Ocirc:"Latin capital letter O with circumflex",Otilde:"Latin capital letter O with tilde",Ouml:"Latin capital letter O with diaeresis",times:"Multiplication sign",Oslash:"Latin capital letter O with stroke",Ugrave:"Latin capital letter U with grave accent",
+Uacute:"Latin capital letter U with acute accent",Ucirc:"Latin capital letter U with circumflex",Uuml:"Latin capital letter U with diaeresis",Yacute:"Latin capital letter Y with acute accent",THORN:"Latin capital letter Thorn",szlig:"Latin small letter sharp s",agrave:"Latin small letter a with grave accent",aacute:"Latin small letter a with acute accent",acirc:"Latin small letter a with circumflex",atilde:"Latin small letter a with tilde",auml:"Latin small letter a with diaeresis",aring:"Latin small letter a with ring above",
+aelig:"Latin small letter æ",ccedil:"Latin small letter c with cedilla",egrave:"Latin small letter e with grave accent",eacute:"Latin small letter e with acute accent",ecirc:"Latin small letter e with circumflex",euml:"Latin small letter e with diaeresis",igrave:"Latin small letter i with grave accent",iacute:"Latin small letter i with acute accent",icirc:"Latin small letter i with circumflex",iuml:"Latin small letter i with diaeresis",eth:"Latin small letter eth",ntilde:"Latin small letter n with tilde",
+ograve:"Latin small letter o with grave accent",oacute:"Latin small letter o with acute accent",ocirc:"Latin small letter o with circumflex",otilde:"Latin small letter o with tilde",ouml:"Latin small letter o with diaeresis",divide:"Division sign",oslash:"Latin small letter o with stroke",ugrave:"Latin small letter u with grave accent",uacute:"Latin small letter u with acute accent",ucirc:"Latin small letter u with circumflex",uuml:"Latin small letter u with diaeresis",yacute:"Latin small letter y with acute accent",
+thorn:"Latin small letter thorn",yuml:"Latin small letter y with diaeresis",OElig:"Latin capital ligature OE",oelig:"Latin small ligature oe",372:"Latin capital letter W with circumflex",374:"Latin capital letter Y with circumflex",373:"Latin small letter w with circumflex",375:"Latin small letter y with circumflex",sbquo:"Single low-9 quotation mark",8219:"Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark",bdquo:"Double low-9 quotation mark",hellip:"Horizontal ellipsis",trade:"Trade mark sign",9658:"Black right-pointing pointer",
+bull:"Bullet",rarr:"Rightwards arrow",rArr:"Rightwards double arrow",hArr:"Left right double arrow",diams:"Black diamond suit",asymp:"Almost equal to"});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","it",{euro:"Simbolo Euro",lsquo:"Virgoletta singola sinistra",rsquo:"Virgoletta singola destra",ldquo:"Virgolette aperte",rdquo:"Virgolette chiuse",ndash:"Trattino",mdash:"Trattino lungo",iexcl:"Punto esclavamativo invertito",cent:"Simbolo Cent",pound:"Simbolo Sterlina",curren:"Simbolo Moneta",yen:"Simbolo Yen",brvbar:"Barra interrotta",sect:"Simbolo di sezione",uml:"Dieresi",copy:"Simbolo Copyright",ordf:"Indicatore ordinale femminile",laquo:"Virgolette basse aperte",
+not:"Nessun segno",reg:"Simbolo Registrato",macr:"Macron",deg:"Simbolo Grado",sup2:"Apice Due",sup3:"Apice Tre",acute:"Accento acuto",micro:"Simbolo Micro",para:"Simbolo Paragrafo",middot:"Punto centrale",cedil:"Cediglia",sup1:"Apice Uno",ordm:"Indicatore ordinale maschile",raquo:"Virgolette basse chiuse",frac14:"Frazione volgare un quarto",frac12:"Frazione volgare un mezzo",frac34:"Frazione volgare tre quarti",iquest:"Punto interrogativo invertito",Agrave:"Lettera maiuscola latina A con accento grave",
+Aacute:"Lettera maiuscola latina A con accento acuto",Acirc:"Lettera maiuscola latina A con accento circonflesso",Atilde:"Lettera maiuscola latina A con tilde",Auml:"Lettera maiuscola latina A con dieresi",Aring:"Lettera maiuscola latina A con anello sopra",AElig:"Lettera maiuscola latina AE",Ccedil:"Lettera maiuscola latina C con cediglia",Egrave:"Lettera maiuscola latina E con accento grave",Eacute:"Lettera maiuscola latina E con accento acuto",Ecirc:"Lettera maiuscola latina E con accento circonflesso",
+Euml:"Lettera maiuscola latina E con dieresi",Igrave:"Lettera maiuscola latina I con accento grave",Iacute:"Lettera maiuscola latina I con accento acuto",Icirc:"Lettera maiuscola latina I con accento circonflesso",Iuml:"Lettera maiuscola latina I con dieresi",ETH:"Lettera maiuscola latina Eth",Ntilde:"Lettera maiuscola latina N con tilde",Ograve:"Lettera maiuscola latina O con accento grave",Oacute:"Lettera maiuscola latina O con accento acuto",Ocirc:"Lettera maiuscola latina O con accento circonflesso",
+Otilde:"Lettera maiuscola latina O con tilde",Ouml:"Lettera maiuscola latina O con dieresi",times:"Simbolo di moltiplicazione",Oslash:"Lettera maiuscola latina O barrata",Ugrave:"Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento grave",Uacute:"Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento acuto",Ucirc:"Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento circonflesso",Uuml:"Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento circonflesso",Yacute:"Lettera maiuscola latina Y con accento acuto",THORN:"Lettera maiuscola latina Thorn",szlig:"Lettera latina minuscola doppia S",
+agrave:"Lettera minuscola latina a con accento grave",aacute:"Lettera minuscola latina a con accento acuto",acirc:"Lettera minuscola latina a con accento circonflesso",atilde:"Lettera minuscola latina a con tilde",auml:"Lettera minuscola latina a con dieresi",aring:"Lettera minuscola latina a con anello superiore",aelig:"Lettera minuscola latina ae",ccedil:"Lettera minuscola latina c con cediglia",egrave:"Lettera minuscola latina e con accento grave",eacute:"Lettera minuscola latina e con accento acuto",
+ecirc:"Lettera minuscola latina e con accento circonflesso",euml:"Lettera minuscola latina e con dieresi",igrave:"Lettera minuscola latina i con accento grave",iacute:"Lettera minuscola latina i con accento acuto",icirc:"Lettera minuscola latina i con accento circonflesso",iuml:"Lettera minuscola latina i con dieresi",eth:"Lettera minuscola latina eth",ntilde:"Lettera minuscola latina n con tilde",ograve:"Lettera minuscola latina o con accento grave",oacute:"Lettera minuscola latina o con accento acuto",
+ocirc:"Lettera minuscola latina o con accento circonflesso",otilde:"Lettera minuscola latina o con tilde",ouml:"Lettera minuscola latina o con dieresi",divide:"Simbolo di divisione",oslash:"Lettera minuscola latina o barrata",ugrave:"Lettera minuscola latina u con accento grave",uacute:"Lettera minuscola latina u con accento acuto",ucirc:"Lettera minuscola latina u con accento circonflesso",uuml:"Lettera minuscola latina u con dieresi",yacute:"Lettera minuscola latina y con accento acuto",thorn:"Lettera minuscola latina thorn",
+yuml:"Lettera minuscola latina y con dieresi",OElig:"Legatura maiuscola latina OE",oelig:"Legatura minuscola latina oe",372:"Lettera maiuscola latina W con accento circonflesso",374:"Lettera maiuscola latina Y con accento circonflesso",373:"Lettera minuscola latina w con accento circonflesso",375:"Lettera minuscola latina y con accento circonflesso",sbquo:"Singola virgoletta bassa low-9",8219:"Singola virgoletta bassa low-9 inversa",bdquo:"Doppia virgoletta bassa low-9",hellip:"Ellissi orizzontale",
+trade:"Simbolo TM",9658:"Puntatore nero rivolto verso destra",bull:"Punto",rarr:"Freccia verso destra",rArr:"Doppia freccia verso destra",hArr:"Doppia freccia sinistra destra",diams:"Simbolo nero diamante",asymp:"Quasi uguale a"});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","ku",{euro:"نیشانه‌ی یۆرۆ",lsquo:"نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی سه‌رووژێری تاکی چه‌پ",rsquo:"نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی سه‌رووژێری تاکی ڕاست",ldquo:"نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی سه‌رووژێری دووهێنده‌ی چه‌پ",rdquo:"نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی سه‌رووژێری دووهێنده‌ی ڕاست",ndash:"ته‌قه‌ڵی کورت",mdash:"ته‌قه‌ڵی درێژ",iexcl:"نیشانه‌ی هه‌ڵه‌وگێڕی سه‌رسوڕمێنه‌ر",cent:"نیشانه‌ی سه‌نت",pound:"نیشانه‌ی پاوه‌ند",curren:"نیشانه‌ی دراو",yen:"نیشانه‌ی یه‌نی ژاپۆنی",brvbar:"شریتی ئه‌ستوونی پچڕاو",sect:"نیشانه‌ی دوو s له‌سه‌ریه‌ك",
+uml:"خاڵ",copy:"نیشانه‌ی مافی چاپ",ordf:"هێڵ له‌سه‌ر پیتی a",laquo:"دوو تیری به‌دووایه‌کی چه‌پ",not:"نیشانه‌ی نه‌خێر",reg:"نیشانه‌ی R له‌ناو بازنه‌دا",macr:"ماکڕوون",deg:"نیشانه‌ی پله",sup2:"سه‌رنووسی دوو",sup3:"سه‌رنووسی سێ",acute:"لاری تیژ",micro:"نیشانه‌ی u لق درێژی چه‌پی خواروو",para:"نیشانه‌یپه‌ڕه‌گراف",middot:"ناوه‌ڕاستی خاڵ",cedil:"نیشانه‌ی c ژێر چووکره‌",sup1:"سه‌رنووسی یه‌ك",ordm:"هێڵ له‌ژێر پیتی o",raquo:"دوو تیری به‌دووایه‌کی ڕاست",frac14:"یه‌ك له‌سه‌ر چووار",frac12:"یه‌ك له‌سه‌ر دوو",
+frac34:"سێ له‌سه‌ر چووار",iquest:"هێمای هه‌ڵه‌وگێری پرسیار",Agrave:"پیتی لاتینی A-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار",Aacute:"پیتی لاتینی A-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ",Acirc:"پیتی لاتینی A-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",Atilde:"پیتی لاتینی A-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌",Auml:"پیتی لاتینی A-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",Aring:"پیتی لاتینی گه‌وره‌ی Å",AElig:"پیتی لاتینی گه‌وره‌ی Æ",Ccedil:"پیتی لاتینی C-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ژێر چووکره‌",Egrave:"پیتی لاتینی E-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار",
+Eacute:"پیتی لاتینی E-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ",Ecirc:"پیتی لاتینی E-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",Euml:"پیتی لاتینی E-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",Igrave:"پیتی لاتینی I-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار",Iacute:"پیتی لاتینی I-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ",Icirc:"پیتی لاتینی I-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",Iuml:"پیتی لاتینی I-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",ETH:"پیتی لاتینی E-ی گه‌وره‌ی",Ntilde:"پیتی لاتینی N-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌",Ograve:"پیتی لاتینی O-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار",
+Oacute:"پیتی لاتینی O-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ",Ocirc:"پیتی لاتینی O-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",Otilde:"پیتی لاتینی O-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌",Ouml:"پیتی لاتینی O-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",times:"نیشانه‌ی لێکدان",Oslash:"پیتی لاتینی گه‌وره‌ی Ø له‌گه‌ڵ هێمای دڵ وه‌ستان",Ugrave:"پیتی لاتینی U-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار",Uacute:"پیتی لاتینی U-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ",Ucirc:"پیتی لاتینی U-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",Uuml:"پیتی لاتینی U-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",
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+oacute:"پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ",ocirc:"پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",otilde:"پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌",ouml:"پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",divide:"نیشانه‌ی دابه‌ش",oslash:"پیتی لاتینی گه‌وره‌ی ø له‌گه‌ڵ هێمای دڵ وه‌ستان",ugrave:"پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار",uacute:"پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ",ucirc:"پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",uuml:"پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",
+yacute:"پیتی لاتینی y-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ",thorn:"پیتی لاتینی دڕکی بچووك",yuml:"پیتی لاتینی y-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",OElig:"پیتی لاتینی گه‌وره‌ی پێکه‌وه‌نووسراوی OE",oelig:"پیتی لاتینی بچووکی پێکه‌وه‌نووسراوی oe",372:"پیتی لاتینی W-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",374:"پیتی لاتینی Y-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",373:"پیتی لاتینی w-ی بچووکی له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",375:"پیتی لاتینی y-ی بچووکی له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری",sbquo:"نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی نزم",8219:"نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی به‌رزی پێچه‌وانه",
+bdquo:"دوو فاریزه‌ی ته‌نیش یه‌ك",hellip:"ئاسۆیی بازنه",trade:"نیشانه‌ی بازرگانی",9658:"ئاراسته‌ی ڕه‌شی ده‌ستی ڕاست",bull:"فیشه‌ك",rarr:"تیری ده‌ستی ڕاست",rArr:"دووتیری ده‌ستی ڕاست",hArr:"دوو تیری ڕاست و چه‌پ",diams:"ڕه‌شی پاقڵاوه‌یی",asymp:"نیشانه‌ی یه‌کسانه"});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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+Aacute:"Lielais  latīņu burts A ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi",Acirc:"Lielais latīņu burts A ar diakritisku zīmi",Atilde:"Lielais latīņu burts A ar tildi ",Auml:"Lielais latīņu burts A ar diakritisko zīmi",Aring:"Lielais latīņu burts A ar aplīti augšā",AElig:"Lielais latīņu burts Æ",Ccedil:"Lielais latīņu burts C ar āķīti zem burta",Egrave:"Lielais latīņu burts E ar apostrofu",Eacute:"Lielais latīņu burts E ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi",Ecirc:"Lielais latīņu burts E ar diakritisko zīmi",Euml:"Lielais latīņu burts E ar diakritisko zīmi",
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+times:"Reizināšanas zīme ",Oslash:"Lielais latīņu burts O ar iesvītrojumu",Ugrave:"Lielais latīņu burts U ar uzsvaras zīmi",Uacute:"Lielais latīņu burts U ar akūto uzsvars zīmi",Ucirc:"Lielais latīņu burts U ar diakritisko zīmi",Uuml:"Lielais latīņu burts U ar diakritisko zīmi",Yacute:"Lielais latīņu burts Y ar akūto uzsvaras zīmi",THORN:"Lielais latīņu burts torn",szlig:"Mazs latīņu burts ar ligatūru",agrave:"Mazs latīņu burts a ar uzsvara zīmi",aacute:"Mazs latīņu burts a ar akūto uzsvara zīmi",
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+uacute:"Mazs latīņu burts u ar  akūtu uzsvara zīmi",ucirc:"Mazs latīņu burts u ar diakritisko zīmi",uuml:"Mazs latīņu burts u ar diakritisko zīmi",yacute:"Mazs latīņu burts y ar  akūtu uzsvaras zīmi",thorn:"Mazs latīņu burts torns",yuml:"Mazs latīņu burts y ar diakritisko zīmi",OElig:"Liela latīņu ligatūra OE",oelig:"Maza latīņu ligatūra oe",372:"Liels latīņu burts W ar diakritisko zīmi ",374:"Liels latīņu burts Y ar diakritisko zīmi ",373:"Mazs latīņu burts w ar diakritisko zīmi ",375:"Mazs latīņu burts y ar diakritisko zīmi ",
+sbquo:"Mazas-9 vienkārtīgas pēdiņas",8219:"Lielas-9 vienkārtīgas apgrieztas pēdiņas",bdquo:"Mazas-9 dubultas pēdiņas",hellip:"Horizontāli daudzpunkti",trade:"Preču zīmes zīme",9658:"Melns pa labi pagriezts radītājs",bull:"Lode",rarr:"Bulta pa labi",rArr:"Dubulta Bulta pa labi",hArr:"Bulta pa kreisi",diams:"Dubulta Bulta pa kreisi",asymp:"Gandrīz vienāds ar"});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","nb",{euro:"Eurosymbol",lsquo:"Venstre enkelt anførselstegn",rsquo:"Høyre enkelt anførselstegn",ldquo:"Venstre dobbelt anførselstegn",rdquo:"Høyre anførsesltegn",ndash:"Kort tankestrek",mdash:"Lang tankestrek",iexcl:"Omvendt utropstegn",cent:"Centsymbol",pound:"Pundsymbol",curren:"Valutategn",yen:"Yensymbol",brvbar:"Brutt loddrett strek",sect:"Paragraftegn",uml:"Tøddel",copy:"Copyrighttegn",ordf:"Feminin ordensindikator",laquo:"Venstre anførselstegn",not:"Negasjonstegn",
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+Auml:"Stor A med tøddel",Aring:"Stor Å",AElig:"Stor Æ",Ccedil:"Stor C med cedille",Egrave:"Stor E med grav aksent",Eacute:"Stor E med akutt aksent",Ecirc:"Stor E med cirkumfleks",Euml:"Stor E med tøddel",Igrave:"Stor I med grav aksent",Iacute:"Stor I med akutt aksent",Icirc:"Stor I med cirkumfleks",Iuml:"Stor I med tøddel",ETH:"Stor Edd/stungen D",Ntilde:"Stor N med tilde",Ograve:"Stor O med grav aksent",Oacute:"Stor O med akutt aksent",Ocirc:"Stor O med cirkumfleks",Otilde:"Stor O med tilde",Ouml:"Stor O med tøddel",
+times:"Multiplikasjonstegn",Oslash:"Stor Ø",Ugrave:"Stor U med grav aksent",Uacute:"Stor U med akutt aksent",Ucirc:"Stor U med cirkumfleks",Uuml:"Stor U med tøddel",Yacute:"Stor Y med akutt aksent",THORN:"Stor Thorn",szlig:"Liten dobbelt-s/Eszett",agrave:"Liten a med grav aksent",aacute:"Liten a med akutt aksent",acirc:"Liten a med cirkumfleks",atilde:"Liten a med tilde",auml:"Liten a med tøddel",aring:"Liten å",aelig:"Liten æ",ccedil:"Liten c med cedille",egrave:"Liten e med grav aksent",eacute:"Liten e med akutt aksent",
+ecirc:"Liten e med cirkumfleks",euml:"Liten e med tøddel",igrave:"Liten i med grav aksent",iacute:"Liten i med akutt aksent",icirc:"Liten i med cirkumfleks",iuml:"Liten i med tøddel",eth:"Liten edd/stungen d",ntilde:"Liten n med tilde",ograve:"Liten o med grav aksent",oacute:"Liten o med akutt aksent",ocirc:"Liten o med cirkumfleks",otilde:"Liten o med tilde",ouml:"Liten o med tøddel",divide:"Divisjonstegn",oslash:"Liten ø",ugrave:"Liten u med grav aksent",uacute:"Liten u med akutt aksent",ucirc:"Liten u med cirkumfleks",
+uuml:"Liten u med tøddel",yacute:"Liten y med akutt aksent",thorn:"Liten thorn",yuml:"Liten y med tøddel",OElig:"Stor ligatur av O og E",oelig:"Liten ligatur av o og e",372:"Stor W med cirkumfleks",374:"Stor Y med cirkumfleks",373:"Liten w med cirkumfleks",375:"Liten y med cirkumfleks",sbquo:"Enkelt lavt 9-anførselstegn",8219:"Enkelt høyt reversert 9-anførselstegn",bdquo:"Dobbelt lavt 9-anførselstegn",hellip:"Ellipse",trade:"Varemerkesymbol",9658:"Svart høyrevendt peker",bull:"Tykk interpunkt",rarr:"Høyrevendt pil",
+rArr:"Dobbel høyrevendt pil",hArr:"Dobbel venstrevendt pil",diams:"Svart ruter",asymp:"Omtrent likhetstegn"});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","no",{euro:"Eurosymbol",lsquo:"Venstre enkelt anførselstegn",rsquo:"Høyre enkelt anførselstegn",ldquo:"Venstre dobbelt anførselstegn",rdquo:"Høyre anførsesltegn",ndash:"Kort tankestrek",mdash:"Lang tankestrek",iexcl:"Omvendt utropstegn",cent:"Centsymbol",pound:"Pundsymbol",curren:"Valutategn",yen:"Yensymbol",brvbar:"Brutt loddrett strek",sect:"Paragraftegn",uml:"Tøddel",copy:"Copyrighttegn",ordf:"Feminin ordensindikator",laquo:"Venstre anførselstegn",not:"Negasjonstegn",
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+uuml:"Liten u med tøddel",yacute:"Liten y med akutt aksent",thorn:"Liten thorn",yuml:"Liten y med tøddel",OElig:"Stor ligatur av O og E",oelig:"Liten ligatur av o og e",372:"Stor W med cirkumfleks",374:"Stor Y med cirkumfleks",373:"Liten w med cirkumfleks",375:"Liten y med cirkumfleks",sbquo:"Enkelt lavt 9-anførselstegn",8219:"Enkelt høyt reversert 9-anførselstegn",bdquo:"Dobbelt lavt 9-anførselstegn",hellip:"Ellipse",trade:"Varemerkesymbol",9658:"Svart høyrevendt peker",bull:"Tykk interpunkt",rarr:"Høyrevendt pil",
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","pt-br",{euro:"Euro",lsquo:"Aspas simples esquerda",rsquo:"Aspas simples direita",ldquo:"Aspas duplas esquerda",rdquo:"Aspas duplas direita",ndash:"Traço",mdash:"Travessão",iexcl:"Ponto de exclamação invertido",cent:"Cent",pound:"Cerquilha",curren:"Dinheiro",yen:"Yen",brvbar:"Bara interrompida",sect:"Símbolo de Parágrafo",uml:"Trema",copy:"Direito de Cópia",ordf:"Indicador ordinal feminino",laquo:"Aspas duplas angulares esquerda",not:"Negação",reg:"Marca Registrada",
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","sk",{euro:"Znak eura",lsquo:"Ľavá jednoduchá úvodzovka",rsquo:"Pravá jednoduchá úvodzovka",ldquo:"Pravá dvojitá úvodzovka",rdquo:"Pravá dvojitá úvodzovka",ndash:"En pomlčka",mdash:"Em pomlčka",iexcl:"Obrátený výkričník",cent:"Znak centu",pound:"Znak libry",curren:"Znak meny",yen:"Znak jenu",brvbar:"Prerušená zvislá čiara",sect:"Znak odseku",uml:"Prehláska",copy:"Znak copyrightu",ordf:"Ženský indikátor rodu",laquo:"Znak dvojitých lomených úvodzoviek vľavo",not:"Logistický zápor",
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+Aacute:"Veľké písmeno latinky A s dĺžňom",Acirc:"Veľké písmeno latinky A s mäkčeňom",Atilde:"Veľké písmeno latinky A s tildou",Auml:"Veľké písmeno latinky A s dvoma bodkami",Aring:"Veľké písmeno latinky A s krúžkom nad",AElig:"Veľké písmeno latinky Æ",Ccedil:"Veľké písmeno latinky C s chvostom vľavo",Egrave:"Veľké písmeno latinky E s accentom",Eacute:"Veľké písmeno latinky E s dĺžňom",Ecirc:"Veľké písmeno latinky E s mäkčeňom",Euml:"Veľké písmeno latinky E s dvoma bodkami",Igrave:"Veľké písmeno latinky I s accentom",
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+OElig:"Veľká ligatúra latinky OE",oelig:"Malá ligatúra latinky OE",372:"Veľké písmeno latinky W s mäkčeňom",374:"Veľké písmeno latinky Y s mäkčeňom",373:"Malé písmeno latinky w s mäkčeňom",375:"Malé písmeno latinky y s mäkčeňom",sbquo:"Dolná jednoduchá 9-úvodzovka",8219:"Horná jednoduchá otočená 9-úvodzovka",bdquo:"Dolná dvojitá 9-úvodzovka",hellip:"Trojbodkový úvod",trade:"Znak ibchodnej značky",9658:"Čierny ukazovateľ smerujúci vpravo",bull:"Kruh",rarr:"Šípka vpravo",rArr:"Dvojitá šipka vpravo",
+hArr:"Dvojitá šipka vľavo a vpravo",diams:"Čierne piky",asymp:"Skoro sa rovná"});
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+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","sv",{euro:"Eurotecken",lsquo:"Enkelt vänster citattecken",rsquo:"Enkelt höger citattecken",ldquo:"Dubbelt vänster citattecken",rdquo:"Dubbelt höger citattecken",ndash:"Snedstreck",mdash:"Långt tankstreck",iexcl:"Inverterad utropstecken",cent:"Centtecken",pound:"Pundtecken",curren:"Valutatecken",yen:"Yentecken",brvbar:"Brutet lodrätt streck",sect:"Paragraftecken",uml:"Diaeresis",copy:"Upphovsrättstecken",ordf:"Feminit ordningstalsindikator",laquo:"Vänsterställt dubbelt vinkelcitationstecken",
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+Atilde:"Stort A med tilde",Auml:"Stort A med diaresis",Aring:"Stort A med ring ovan",AElig:"Stort Æ",Ccedil:"Stort C med cedilj",Egrave:"Stort E med grav accent",Eacute:"Stort E med aktuaccent",Ecirc:"Stort E med circumflex",Euml:"Stort E med diaeresis",Igrave:"Stort I med grav accent",Iacute:"Stort I med akutaccent",Icirc:"Stort I med circumflex",Iuml:"Stort I med diaeresis",ETH:"Stort Eth",Ntilde:"Stort N med tilde",Ograve:"Stort O med grav accent",Oacute:"Stort O med aktuaccent",Ocirc:"Stort O med circumflex",
+Otilde:"Stort O med tilde",Ouml:"Stort O med diaeresis",times:"Multiplicera",Oslash:"Stor Ø",Ugrave:"Stort U med grav accent",Uacute:"Stort U med akutaccent",Ucirc:"Stort U med circumflex",Uuml:"Stort U med diaeresis",Yacute:"Stort Y med akutaccent",THORN:"Stort Thorn",szlig:"Litet dubbel-s/Eszett",agrave:"Litet a med grav accent",aacute:"Litet a med akutaccent",acirc:"Litet a med circumflex",atilde:"Litet a med tilde",auml:"Litet a med diaeresis",aring:"Litet a med ring ovan",aelig:"Bokstaven æ",
+ccedil:"Litet c med cedilj",egrave:"Litet e med grav accent",eacute:"Litet e med akutaccent",ecirc:"Litet e med circumflex",euml:"Litet e med diaeresis",igrave:"Litet i med grav accent",iacute:"Litet i med akutaccent",icirc:"LItet i med circumflex",iuml:"Litet i med didaeresis",eth:"Litet eth",ntilde:"Litet n med tilde",ograve:"LItet o med grav accent",oacute:"LItet o med akutaccent",ocirc:"Litet o med circumflex",otilde:"LItet o med tilde",ouml:"Litet o med diaeresis",divide:"Division",oslash:"ø",
+ugrave:"Litet u med grav accent",uacute:"Litet u med akutaccent",ucirc:"LItet u med circumflex",uuml:"Litet u med diaeresis",yacute:"Litet y med akutaccent",thorn:"Litet thorn",yuml:"Litet y med diaeresis",OElig:"Stor ligatur av OE",oelig:"Liten ligatur av oe",372:"Stort W med circumflex",374:"Stort Y med circumflex",373:"Litet w med circumflex",375:"Litet y med circumflex",sbquo:"Enkelt lågt 9-citationstecken",8219:"Enkelt högt bakvänt 9-citationstecken",bdquo:"Dubbelt lågt 9-citationstecken",hellip:"Horisontellt uteslutningstecken",
+trade:"Varumärke",9658:"Svart högervänd pekare",bull:"Listpunkt",rarr:"Högerpil",rArr:"Dubbel högerpil",hArr:"Dubbel vänsterpil",diams:"Svart ruter",asymp:"Ungefär lika med"});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/tr.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c79517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","tr",{euro:"Euro işareti",lsquo:"Sol tek tırnak işareti",rsquo:"Sağ tek tırnak işareti",ldquo:"Sol çift tırnak işareti",rdquo:"Sağ çift tırnak işareti",ndash:"En tire",mdash:"Em tire",iexcl:"Ters ünlem işareti",cent:"Cent işareti",pound:"Pound işareti",curren:"Para birimi işareti",yen:"Yen işareti",brvbar:"Kırık bar",sect:"Bölüm işareti",uml:"İki sesli harfin ayrılması",copy:"Telif hakkı işareti",ordf:"Dişil sıralı gösterge",laquo:"Sol-işaret çift açı tırnak işareti",
+not:"Not işareti",reg:"Kayıtlı işareti",macr:"Makron",deg:"Derece işareti",sup2:"İkili üstsimge",sup3:"Üçlü üstsimge",acute:"Aksan işareti",micro:"Mikro işareti",para:"Pilcrow işareti",middot:"Orta nokta",cedil:"Kedilla",sup1:"Üstsimge",ordm:"Eril sıralı gösterge",raquo:"Sağ işaret çift açı tırnak işareti",frac14:"Bayağı kesrin dörtte biri",frac12:"Bayağı kesrin bir yarım",frac34:"Bayağı kesrin dörtte üç",iquest:"Ters soru işareti",Agrave:"Aksanlı latin harfi",Aacute:"Aşırı aksanıyla Latin harfi",
+Acirc:"Çarpık Latin harfi",Atilde:"Tilde latin harfi",Auml:"Sesli harf ayrılımlıı latin harfi",Aring:"Halkalı latin büyük A harfi",AElig:"Latin büyük Æ harfi",Ccedil:"Latin büyük C harfi ile kedilla",Egrave:"Aksanlı latin büyük E harfi",Eacute:"Aşırı vurgulu latin büyük E harfi",Ecirc:"Çarpık latin büyük E harfi",Euml:"Sesli harf ayrılımlıı latin büyük E harfi",Igrave:"Aksanlı latin büyük I harfi",Iacute:"Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük I harfi",Icirc:"Çarpık latin büyük I harfi",Iuml:"Sesli harf ayrılımlıı latin büyük I harfi",
+ETH:"Latin büyük Eth harfi",Ntilde:"Tildeli latin büyük N harfi",Ograve:"Aksanlı latin büyük O harfi",Oacute:"Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük O harfi",Ocirc:"Çarpık latin büyük O harfi",Otilde:"Tildeli latin büyük O harfi",Ouml:"Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin büyük O harfi",times:"Çarpma işareti",Oslash:"Vurgulu latin büyük O harfi",Ugrave:"Aksanlı latin büyük U harfi",Uacute:"Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük U harfi",Ucirc:"Çarpık latin büyük U harfi",Uuml:"Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin büyük U harfi",Yacute:"Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük Y harfi",
+THORN:"Latin büyük Thorn harfi",szlig:"Latin küçük keskin s harfi",agrave:"Aksanlı latin küçük a harfi",aacute:"Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük a harfi",acirc:"Çarpık latin küçük a harfi",atilde:"Tildeli latin küçük a harfi",auml:"Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük a harfi",aring:"Halkalı latin küçük a harfi",aelig:"Latin büyük æ harfi",ccedil:"Kedillalı latin küçük c harfi",egrave:"Aksanlı latin küçük e harfi",eacute:"Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük e harfi",ecirc:"Çarpık latin küçük e harfi",euml:"Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük e harfi",
+igrave:"Aksanlı latin küçük i harfi",iacute:"Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük i harfi",icirc:"Çarpık latin küçük i harfi",iuml:"Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük i harfi",eth:"Latin küçük eth harfi",ntilde:"Tildeli latin küçük n harfi",ograve:"Aksanlı latin küçük o harfi",oacute:"Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük o harfi",ocirc:"Çarpık latin küçük o harfi",otilde:"Tildeli latin küçük o harfi",ouml:"Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük o harfi",divide:"Bölme işareti",oslash:"Vurgulu latin küçük o harfi",ugrave:"Aksanlı latin küçük u harfi",
+uacute:"Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük u harfi",ucirc:"Çarpık latin küçük u harfi",uuml:"Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük u harfi",yacute:"Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük y harfi",thorn:"Latin küçük thorn harfi",yuml:"Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük y harfi",OElig:"Latin büyük bağlı OE harfi",oelig:"Latin küçük bağlı oe harfi",372:"Çarpık latin büyük W harfi",374:"Çarpık latin büyük Y harfi",373:"Çarpık latin küçük w harfi",375:"Çarpık latin küçük y harfi",sbquo:"Tek düşük-9 tırnak işareti",8219:"Tek yüksek-ters-9 tırnak işareti",
+bdquo:"Çift düşük-9 tırnak işareti",hellip:"Yatay elips",trade:"Marka tescili işareti",9658:"Siyah sağ işaret işaretçisi",bull:"Koyu nokta",rarr:"Sağa doğru ok",rArr:"Sağa doğru çift ok",hArr:"Sol, sağ çift ok",diams:"Siyah elmas takımı",asymp:"Hemen hemen eşit"});
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5330acc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","ug",{euro:"ياۋرو بەلگىسى",lsquo:"يالاڭ پەش سول",rsquo:"يالاڭ پەش ئوڭ",ldquo:"قوش پەش سول",rdquo:"قوش پەش ئوڭ",ndash:"سىزىقچە",mdash:"سىزىق",iexcl:"ئۈندەش",cent:"تىيىن بەلگىسى",pound:"فوند ستېرلىڭ",curren:"پۇل بەلگىسى",yen:"ياپونىيە يىنى",brvbar:"ئۈزۈك بالداق",sect:"پاراگراف بەلگىسى",uml:"تاۋۇش ئايرىش بەلگىسى",copy:"نەشر ھوقۇقى بەلگىسى",ordf:"Feminine ordinal indicator",laquo:"قوش تىرناق سول",not:"غەيرى بەلگە",reg:"خەتلەتكەن تاۋار ماركىسى",macr:"سوزۇش بەلگىسى",
+deg:"گىرادۇس بەلگىسى",sup2:"يۇقىرى ئىندېكىس 2",sup3:"يۇقىرى ئىندېكىس 3",acute:"ئۇرغۇ بەلگىسى",micro:"Micro sign",para:"ئابزاس بەلگىسى",middot:"ئوتتۇرا چېكىت",cedil:"ئاستىغا قوشۇلىدىغان بەلگە",sup1:"يۇقىرى ئىندېكىس 1",ordm:"Masculine ordinal indicator",raquo:"قوش تىرناق ئوڭ",frac14:"ئاددىي كەسىر تۆتتىن بىر",frac12:"ئاددىي كەسىر ئىككىدىن بىر",frac34:"ئاددىي كەسىر ئۈچتىن تۆرت",iquest:"Inverted question mark",Agrave:"Latin capital letter A with grave accent",Aacute:"Latin capital letter A with acute accent",
+Acirc:"Latin capital letter A with circumflex",Atilde:"Latin capital letter A with tilde",Auml:"Latin capital letter A with diaeresis",Aring:"Latin capital letter A with ring above",AElig:"Latin Capital letter Æ",Ccedil:"Latin capital letter C with cedilla",Egrave:"Latin capital letter E with grave accent",Eacute:"Latin capital letter E with acute accent",Ecirc:"Latin capital letter E with circumflex",Euml:"Latin capital letter E with diaeresis",Igrave:"Latin capital letter I with grave accent",Iacute:"Latin capital letter I with acute accent",
+Icirc:"Latin capital letter I with circumflex",Iuml:"Latin capital letter I with diaeresis",ETH:"Latin capital letter Eth",Ntilde:"Latin capital letter N with tilde",Ograve:"قوش پەش ئوڭ",Oacute:"Latin capital letter O with acute accent",Ocirc:"Latin capital letter O with circumflex",Otilde:"Latin capital letter O with tilde",Ouml:"Latin capital letter O with diaeresis",times:"Multiplication sign",Oslash:"Latin capital letter O with stroke",Ugrave:"Latin capital letter U with grave accent",Uacute:"Latin capital letter U with acute accent",
+Ucirc:"Latin capital letter U with circumflex",Uuml:"Latin capital letter U with diaeresis",Yacute:"Latin capital letter Y with acute accent",THORN:"Latin capital letter Thorn",szlig:"Latin small letter sharp s",agrave:"Latin small letter a with grave accent",aacute:"Latin small letter a with acute accent",acirc:"Latin small letter a with circumflex",atilde:"Latin small letter a with tilde",auml:"Latin small letter a with diaeresis",aring:"Latin small letter a with ring above",aelig:"Latin small letter æ",
+ccedil:"Latin small letter c with cedilla",egrave:"Latin small letter e with grave accent",eacute:"Latin small letter e with acute accent",ecirc:"Latin small letter e with circumflex",euml:"Latin small letter e with diaeresis",igrave:"Latin small letter i with grave accent",iacute:"Latin small letter i with acute accent",icirc:"Latin small letter i with circumflex",iuml:"Latin small letter i with diaeresis",eth:"Latin small letter eth",ntilde:"تىك موللاق سوئال بەلگىسى",ograve:"Latin small letter o with grave accent",
+oacute:"Latin small letter o with acute accent",ocirc:"Latin small letter o with circumflex",otilde:"Latin small letter o with tilde",ouml:"Latin small letter o with diaeresis",divide:"Division sign",oslash:"Latin small letter o with stroke",ugrave:"Latin small letter u with grave accent",uacute:"Latin small letter u with acute accent",ucirc:"Latin small letter u with circumflex",uuml:"Latin small letter u with diaeresis",yacute:"Latin small letter y with acute accent",thorn:"Latin small letter thorn",
+yuml:"Latin small letter y with diaeresis",OElig:"Latin capital ligature OE",oelig:"Latin small ligature oe",372:"Latin capital letter W with circumflex",374:"Latin capital letter Y with circumflex",373:"Latin small letter w with circumflex",375:"Latin small letter y with circumflex",sbquo:"Single low-9 quotation mark",8219:"Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark",bdquo:"Double low-9 quotation mark",hellip:"Horizontal ellipsis",trade:"Trade mark sign",9658:"Black right-pointing pointer",bull:"Bullet",
+rarr:"ئوڭ يا ئوق",rArr:"ئوڭ قوش سىزىق يا ئوق",hArr:"ئوڭ سول قوش سىزىق يا ئوق",diams:"ئۇيۇل غىچ",asymp:"تەخمىنەن تەڭ"});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/zh-cn.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6452804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+Agrave:"带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 A",Aacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文大写字母 A",Acirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 A",Atilde:"带颚化符的拉丁文大写字母 A",Auml:"带分音符的拉丁文大写字母 A",Aring:"带上圆圈的拉丁文大写字母 A",AElig:"拉丁文大写字母 Ae",Ccedil:"带下加符的拉丁文大写字母 C",Egrave:"带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 E",Eacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文大写字母 E",Ecirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 E",Euml:"带分音符的拉丁文大写字母 E",Igrave:"带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 I",Iacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文大写字母 I",Icirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 I",Iuml:"带分音符的拉丁文大写字母 I",ETH:"拉丁文大写字母 Eth",Ntilde:"带颚化符的拉丁文大写字母 N",Ograve:"带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 O",Oacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文大写字母 O",Ocirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 O",Otilde:"带颚化符的
 拉丁文大写字母 O",
+Ouml:"带分音符的拉丁文大写字母 O",times:"乘号",Oslash:"带粗线的拉丁文大写字母 O",Ugrave:"带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 U",Uacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文大写字母 U",Ucirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 U",Uuml:"带分音符的拉丁文大写字母 U",Yacute:"带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 Y",THORN:"拉丁文大写字母 Thorn",szlig:"拉丁文小写字母清音 S",agrave:"带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 A",aacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文小写字母 A",acirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 A",atilde:"带颚化符的拉丁文小写字母 A",auml:"带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 A",aring:"带上圆圈的拉丁文小写字母 A",aelig:"拉丁文小写字母 Ae",ccedil:"带下加符的拉丁文小写字母 C",egrave:"带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 E",eacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文小写字母 E",ecirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 E",euml:"带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 E",igrave:"带抑音ç
 ¬¦çš„拉丁文小写字母 I",
+iacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文小写字母 I",icirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 I",iuml:"带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 I",eth:"拉丁文小写字母 Eth",ntilde:"带颚化符的拉丁文小写字母 N",ograve:"带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 O",oacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文小写字母 O",ocirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 O",otilde:"带颚化符的拉丁文小写字母 O",ouml:"带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 O",divide:"除号",oslash:"带粗线的拉丁文小写字母 O",ugrave:"带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 U",uacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文小写字母 U",ucirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 U",uuml:"带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 U",yacute:"带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 Y",thorn:"拉丁文小写字母 Thorn",yuml:"带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 Y",OElig:"拉丁文大写连字 Oe",oelig:"拉丁文小写连字 Oe",372:"带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 W",374:"带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字æ¯
  Y",
+373:"带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 W",375:"带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 Y",sbquo:"单下 9 形引号",8219:"单高横翻 9 形引号",bdquo:"双下 9 形引号",hellip:"水平省略号",trade:"商标标志",9658:"实心右指指针",bull:"加重号",rarr:"向右箭头",rArr:"向右双线箭头",hArr:"左右双线箭头",diams:"实心方块纸牌",asymp:"约等于"});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/specialchar.js b/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/specialchar.js
index df8f288..acaea0c 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/specialchar.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/specialchar.js
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add('specialchar',function(a){var b,c=a.lang.specialChar,d=function(k){var l=a.getSelection(),m=l.getRanges(true),n,o;a.fire('saveSnapshot');for(var p=m.length-1;p>=0;p--){n=m[p];n.deleteContents();o=CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(k);n.insertNode(o);}if(n){n.moveToPosition(o,CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END);n.select();}a.fire('saveSnapshot');},e=function(k){var l,m;if(k.data)l=k.data.getTarget();else l=new CKEDITOR.dom.element(k);if(l.getName()=='a'&&(m=l.getChild(0).getHtml())){l.removeClass('cke_light_background');b.hide();if(CKEDITOR.env.gecko)d(m);else a.insertHtml(m);}},f=CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(e),g,h=function(k,l){var m;l=l||k.data.getTarget();if(l.getName()=='span')l=l.getParent();if(l.getName()=='a'&&(m=l.getChild(0).getHtml())){if(g)i(null,g);var n=b.getContentElement('info','htmlPreview').getElement();b.getContentElement('info','charPreview').getElement().setHtml(m);n.setHtml(CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(m));l.getParent().addClass('cke_light_backg
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 URE OE)','œ(LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE)','Ŵ(LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX)','&#374(LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX)','&#373(LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX)','ŷ(LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX)','‚(SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK)','‛(SINGLE HIGH-REVERSED-9 QUOTATION MARK)','„(DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK)','…(HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS)','™(TRADE MARK SIGN)','►(BLACK RIGHT-POINTING POINTER)','•(BULLET)','→(RIGHTWARDS ARROW)','⇒(RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW)','⇔(LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW)','♦(BLACK DIAMOND SUIT)','≈(ALMOST EQUAL TO)'],onLoad:function(){var k=this.definition.charColumns,l=this.definition.chars,m=CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId()+'_specialchar_table_label',n=['<table role="listbox" aria-labelledby="'+m+'"'+' style="width: 320px; height: 100%; border-collapse: separate;"'+' align="center" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0">'],o=0,p=l.length,q,r;
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-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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@@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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\ No newline at end of file
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+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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+	the hover style of the link itself contains certain CSS declarations.*/
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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+html:'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:100%" border="0"><tr><td style="width:50%"><h3>Title 1</h3></td><td></td><td style="width:50%"><h3>Title 2</h3></td></tr><tr><td>Text 1</td><td></td><td>Text 2</td></tr></table><p>More text goes here.</p>'},{title:"Text and Table",image:"template3.gif",description:"A title with some text and a table.",html:'<div style="width: 80%"><h3>Title goes here</h3><table style="width:150px;float: right" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1"><caption style="border:solid 1px black"><strong>Table title</strong></caption></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table><p>Type the text here</p></div>'}]});
\ No newline at end of file
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-version: 2.7.0
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-Copyright (c) 2009, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
-Code licensed under the BSD License:
-version: 2.7.0
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-Open source under the BSD License.
-Copyright 2001 Robert Penner All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
-YAHOO.util.Easing={easeNone:function(B,A,D,C){return D*B/C+A;},easeIn:function(B,A,D,C){return D*(B/=C)*B+A;},easeOut:function(B,A,D,C){return -D*(B/=C)*(B-2)+A;},easeBoth:function(B,A,D,C){if((B/=C/2)<1){return D/2*B*B+A;}return -D/2*((--B)*(B-2)-1)+A;},easeInStrong:function(B,A,D,C){return D*(B/=C)*B*B*B+A;},easeOutStrong:function(B,A,D,C){return -D*((B=B/C-1)*B*B*B-1)+A;},easeBothStrong:function(B,A,D,C){if((B/=C/2)<1){return D/2*B*B*B*B+A;}return -D/2*((B-=2)*B*B*B-2)+A;},elasticIn:function(C,A,G,F,B,E){if(C==0){return A;}if((C/=F)==1){return A+G;}if(!E){E=F*0.3;}if(!B||B<Math.abs(G)){B=G;var D=E/4;}else{var D=E/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(G/B);}return -(B*Math.pow(2,10*(C-=1))*Math.sin((C*F-D)*(2*Math.PI)/E))+A;},elasticOut:function(C,A,G,F,B,E){if(C==0){return A;}if((C/=F)==1){return A+G;}if(!E){E=F*0.3;}if(!B||B<Math.abs(G)){B=G;var D=E/4;}else{var D=E/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(G/B);}return B*Math.pow(2,-10*C)*Math.sin((C*F-D)*(2*Math.PI)/E)+G+A;},elasticBoth:function(C,A,G,F,B
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/wsc/LICENSE.md b/share/static/RichText/plugins/wsc/LICENSE.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6096de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/wsc/LICENSE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Software License Agreement
+**CKEditor WSC Plugin**
+Copyright © 2012, [CKSource](http://cksource.com) - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice:
+*   GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"):
+    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+*   GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"):
+    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
+*   Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL"):
+    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
+You are not required to, but if you want to explicitly declare the license you have chosen to be bound to when using, reproducing, modifying and distributing this software, just include a text file titled "legal.txt" in your version of this software, indicating your license choice.
+Sources of Intellectual Property Included in this plugin
+Where not otherwise indicated, all plugin content is authored by CKSource engineers and consists of CKSource-owned intellectual property. In some specific instances, the plugin will incorporate work done by developers outside of CKSource with their express permission.
+CKEditor is a trademark of CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All other brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective holders.
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/wsc/README.md b/share/static/RichText/plugins/wsc/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..346e2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/plugins/wsc/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+CKEditor WebSpellChecker Plugin
+This plugin brings Web Spell Checker (WSC) into CKEditor.
+WSC is "installation-less", using the web-services of [WebSpellChecker.net](http://www.webspellchecker.net/). It's an out of the box solution.
+1. Clone/copy this repository contents in a new "plugins/wsc" folder in your CKEditor installation.
+2. Enable the "wsc" plugin in the CKEditor configuration file (config.js):
+        config.extraPlugins = 'wsc';
+That's all. WSC will appear on the editor toolbar and will be ready to use.
+Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice: [GPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html), [LGPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) and [MPL](http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html).
+See LICENSE.md for more information.
+Developed in cooperation with [WebSpellChecker.net](http://www.webspellchecker.net/).
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/plugins/wsc/dialogs/ciframe.html b/share/static/RichText/plugins/wsc/dialogs/ciframe.html
index 6409ce7..292297d 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/plugins/wsc/dialogs/ciframe.html
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-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+	<title></title>
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+function gup( name )
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-	<title></title>
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-	// from config sproxy_js_frameset url
-	var addScriptUrl = oParams.sproxy_js_frameset ;
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+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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+Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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 rl(icons.png) no-repeat 0 -1824px !important;}.cke_rtl .cke_button__newpage_icon,.cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__newpage_icon{background: url(icons.png) no-repeat 0 -1856px !important;}.cke_ltr .cke_button__newpage_icon{background: url(icons.png) no-repeat 0 -1888px !important;}.cke_rtl .cke_button__pagebreak_icon,.cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__pagebreak_icon{background: url(icons.png) no-repeat 0 -1920px !important;}.cke_ltr .cke_button__pagebreak_icon{background: url(icons.png) no-repeat 0 -1952px !important;}.cke_rtl .cke_button__pastetext_icon,.cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__pastetext_icon{background: url(icons.png) no-repeat 0 -1984px !important;}.cke_ltr .cke_button__pastetext_icon{background: url(icons.png) no-repeat 0 -2016px !important;}.cke_rtl .cke_button__pastefromword_icon,.cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__pastefromword_icon{background: url(icons.png) no-repeat 0 -2048px !important;}.cke_ltr .cke_button__pastefr
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\ No newline at end of file
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index a9846c0..a2a3857 100644
Binary files a/share/static/RichText/skins/kama/icons.png and b/share/static/RichText/skins/kama/icons.png differ
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Binary files a/share/static/RichText/skins/kama/icons_rtl.png and /dev/null differ
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/skins/kama/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+"Kama" Skin
+"Kama" is the default skin of CKEditor 3.x.
+It's been ported to CKEditor 4 and fully featured.
+For more information about skins, please check the [CKEditor Skin SDK](http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_4.x/Skin_SDK)
+Directory Structure
+CSS parts:
+- **editor.css**: the main CSS file. It's simply loading several other files, for easier maintenance,
+- **mainui.css**: the file contains styles of entire editor outline structures,
+- **toolbar.css**: the file contains styles of the editor toolbar space (top),
+- **richcombo.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo ui elements on toolbar,
+- **panel.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo drop-down, it's not loaded
+until the first panel open up,
+- **elementspath.css**: the file contains styles of the editor elements path bar (bottom),
+- **menu.css**: the file contains styles of all editor menus including context menu and button drop-down,
+it's not loaded until the first menu open up,
+- **dialog.css**: the CSS files for the dialog UI, it's not loaded until the first dialog open,
+- **reset.css**: the file defines the basis of style resets among all editor UI spaces,
+- **preset.css**: the file defines the default styles of some UI elements reflecting the skin preference,
+- **editor_XYZ.css** and **dialog_XYZ.css**: browser specific CSS hacks.
+Other parts:
+- **skin.js**: the only JavaScript part of the skin that registers the skin, its browser specific files and its icons and defines the Chameleon feature,
+- **icons/**: contains all skin defined icons,
+- **images/**: contains a fill general used images.
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice: [GPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html), [LGPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) and [MPL](http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html).
+See LICENSE.md for more information.
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/skins/kama/skin.js b/share/static/RichText/skins/kama/skin.js
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--- a/share/static/RichText/skins/kama/skin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.skins.add('kama',(function(){var a=[],b='cke_ui_color';if(CKEDITOR.env.ie&&CKEDITOR.env.version<7)a.push('icons.png','images/sprites_ie6.png','images/dialog_sides.gif');return{preload:a,editor:{css:['editor.css']},dialog:{css:['dialog.css']},templates:{css:['templates.css']},margins:[0,0,0,0],init:function(c){if(c.config.width&&!isNaN(c.config.width))c.config.width-=12;var d=[],e=/\$color/g,f='/* UI Color Support */.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem .cke_icon_wrapper{\tbackground-color: $color !important;\tborder-color: $color !important;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:hover .cke_icon_wrapper,.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:focus .cke_icon_wrapper,.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:active .cke_icon_wrapper{\tbackground-color: $color !important;\tborder-color: $color !important;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:hover .cke_label,.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:focus .cke_label,.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:active .cke_label{\tbackground-color: $color !important;}.cke_skin_kama .ck
 e_menuitem a.cke_disabled:hover .cke_label,.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:focus .cke_label,.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:active .cke_label{\tbackground-color: transparent !important;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:hover .cke_icon_wrapper,.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:focus .cke_icon_wrapper,.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled:active .cke_icon_wrapper{\tbackground-color: $color !important;\tborder-color: $color !important;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a.cke_disabled .cke_icon_wrapper{\tbackground-color: $color !important;\tborder-color: $color !important;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuseparator{\tbackground-color: $color !important;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:hover,.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:focus,.cke_skin_kama .cke_menuitem a:active{\tbackground-color: $color !important;}';if(CKEDITOR.env.webkit){f=f.split('}').slice(0,-1);for(var g=0;g<f.length;g++)f[g]=f[g].split('{');}function h(k){var l=k.getById(b);if(!l){
 l=k.getHead().append('style');l.setAttribute('id',b);l.setAttribute('type','text/css');}return l;};function i(k,l,m){var n,o,p;for(var q=0;q<k.length;q++){if(CKEDITOR.env.webkit)for(o=0;o<l.length;o++){p=l[o][1];for(n=0;n<m.length;n++)p=p.replace(m[n][0],m[n][1]);k[q].$.sheet.addRule(l[o][0],p);}else{p=l;for(n=0;n<m.length;n++)p=p.replace(m[n][0],m[n][1]);if(CKEDITOR.env.ie)k[q].$.styleSheet.cssText+=p;else k[q].$.innerHTML+=p;}}};var j=/\$color/g;CKEDITOR.tools.extend(c,{uiColor:null,getUiColor:function(){return this.uiColor;
-},setUiColor:function(k){var l,m=h(CKEDITOR.document),n='.cke_editor_'+CKEDITOR.tools.escapeCssSelector(c.name),o=[n+' .cke_wrapper',n+'_dialog .cke_dialog_contents',n+'_dialog a.cke_dialog_tab',n+'_dialog .cke_dialog_footer'].join(','),p='background-color: $color !important;';if(CKEDITOR.env.webkit)l=[[o,p]];else l=o+'{'+p+'}';return(this.setUiColor=function(q){var r=[[j,q]];c.uiColor=q;i([m],l,r);i(d,f,r);})(k);}});c.on('menuShow',function(k){var l=k.data[0],m=l.element.getElementsByTag('iframe').getItem(0).getFrameDocument();if(!m.getById('cke_ui_color')){var n=h(m);d.push(n);var o=c.getUiColor();if(o)i([n],f,[[j,o]]);}});if(c.config.uiColor)c.setUiColor(c.config.uiColor);}};})());(function(){CKEDITOR.dialog?a():CKEDITOR.on('dialogPluginReady',a);function a(){CKEDITOR.dialog.on('resize',function(b){var c=b.data,d=c.width,e=c.height,f=c.dialog,g=f.parts.contents;if(c.skin!='kama')return;g.setStyles({width:d+'px',height:e+'px'});setTimeout(function(){var h=f.parts.dialog.ge
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/skins/kama/templates.css b/share/static/RichText/skins/kama/templates.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c6b195..0000000
--- a/share/static/RichText/skins/kama/templates.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_list{border:#dcdcdc 2px solid;background-color:#fff;overflow-y:auto;overflow-x:hidden;width:100%;height:220px;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_item{margin:5px;padding:7px;border:#eee 1px solid;*width:88%;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_preview{border-collapse:separate;text-indent:0;width:100%;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_preview td{padding:2px;vertical-align:middle;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_preview .cke_tpl_preview_img{width:100px;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_preview span{white-space:normal;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_title{font-weight:bold;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_list a:active .cke_tpl_item,.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_list a:hover .cke_tpl_item,.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_list a:focus .cke_tpl_item{border:#f93 1px solid;background-color:#fffacd;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_list a:active *,.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_list a:hover *,.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_list a:focus *{cursor:pointer;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:active,.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:hover
 ,.cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:focus{background-position:0 0;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_tpl_list a:active .cke_tpl_item,.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_tpl_list a:hover .cke_tpl_item,.cke_skin_kama .cke_hc .cke_tpl_list a:focus .cke_tpl_item{border-width:3px;}.cke_skin_kama .cke_tpl_empty,.cke_tpl_loading{text-align:center;padding:5px;}
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/skins/office2003/dialog.css b/share/static/RichText/skins/office2003/dialog.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ab12b7..0000000
--- a/share/static/RichText/skins/office2003/dialog.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-body .cke_dialog{visibility:visible;}.cke_skin_office2003 table.cke_dialog.cke_browser_gecko{display:block;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_body{margin-left:16px;margin-right:16px;margin-top:2px;margin-bottom:20px;z-index:1;position:relative;_position:static;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_tl,.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_tr,.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_tc,.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_bl,.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_br,.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_bc{background-image:url(images/sprites.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;position:absolute;_background-image:url(images/sprites_ie6.png);_z-index:-1;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_tl{background-position:-16px -16px;height:16px;width:16px;top:0;left:0;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tl{background-position:-16px -397px;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_tr{background-position:-16px -76px;height:16px;width:16px;top:0;right:0;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tr{background-position:-16px -457p
 x;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_tc{background-position:0 -136px;background-repeat:repeat-x;height:16px;top:0;left:16px;right:16px;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_bl{background-position:-16px -196px;height:51px;width:30px;bottom:0;left:0;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_bl{background-position:-16px -517px;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_br{background-position:-16px -263px;height:51px;width:30px;bottom:0;right:0;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_br{background-position:-16px -584px;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_bc{background-position:0 -330px;background-repeat:repeat-x;height:51px;bottom:0;left:30px;right:30px;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_ml,.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_mr{background-image:url(images/dialog_sides.png);background-repeat:repeat-y;position:absolute;width:16px;top:16px;bottom:51px;_background-image:url(images/dialog_sides.gif);_top:auto;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ml,.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_mr
 {background-image:url(images/dialog_sides_rtl.png);_background-image:url(images/dialog_sides.gif);}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_ml{background-position:0 0;left:0;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_mr{background-position:-16px 0;right:0;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_dialog_ml,.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_dialog_mr{margin-top:3px;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_title{background-image:url(images/sprites.png);_background-image:url(images/sprites_ie6.png);background-position:0 -678px;background-repeat:repeat-x;font-weight:bold;font-size:14pt;color:#0E3460;background-color:#8db1ff;padding:3px 10px 26px 10px;cursor:move;position:relative;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_browser_ie.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_title{position:static!important;unicode-bidi:bidi-override;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_contents{background-color:#f7f8fd;border:#2b66c9 1px solid;overflow:auto;padding:5px 10px;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_dialog_footer{background-color:#8db1ff;
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 ser_gecko18 a:visited.cke_dialog_tab{display:inline;position:relative;top:6px;}.cke_skin_office2003 a:hover.cke_dialog_tab{background-color:#f7f8fd;}
-.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a:hover.cke_dialog_tab{padding:2px 3px!important;border-width:3px;}.cke_skin_office2003 a.cke_dialog_tab_selected,.cke_skin_office2003 a:link.cke_dialog_tab_selected,.cke_skin_office2003 a:active.cke_dialog_tab_selected,.cke_skin_office2003 a:hover.cke_dialog_tab_selected,.cke_skin_office2003 a:visited.cke_dialog_tab_selected{border-bottom:1px solid #f7f8fd;background-color:#f7f8fd;font-weight:bold;cursor:default;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab_selected,.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a:link.cke_dialog_tab_selected,.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a:active.cke_dialog_tab_selected,.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a:hover.cke_dialog_tab_selected,.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc a:visited.cke_dialog_tab_selected{padding:2px 3px!important;border-width:3px;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_single_page .cke_dialog_tabs{display:none;}.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_tabs a,.cke_skin_office2003 .cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer a{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(opaci
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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 round-position:0 -560px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_image .cke_icon{background-position:0 -576px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_flash .cke_icon{background-position:0 -592px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_specialchar .cke_icon{background-position:0 -656px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_pagebreak .cke_icon{background-position:0 -672px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_print .cke_icon{background-position:0 -176px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_checkspell .cke_icon,.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_scayt .cke_icon{background-position:0 -192px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_pagebreak .cke_icon{background-position:0 -672px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_textcolor .cke_icon{background-position:0 -704px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_bgcolor .cke_icon{background-position:0 -720px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_form .cke_icon{background-position:0 -752px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_checkbox .cke_icon{background-position:0 -768px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_radio .cke_icon{background-position:0 -784px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_textfield .cke_icon
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-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_select .cke_icon{background-position:0 -832px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_button .cke_icon{background-position:0 -848px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_imagebutton .cke_icon{background-position:0 -864px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_hiddenfield .cke_icon{background-position:0 -880px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_undo .cke_icon{background-position:0 -208px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_button_undo .cke_icon{background-position:0 -224px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_redo .cke_icon{background-position:0 -224px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_rtl .cke_button_redo .cke_icon{background-position:0 -208px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_templates .cke_icon{background-position:0 -80px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_numberedlist .cke_icon{background-position:0 -400px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_bulletedlist .cke_icon{background-position:0 -416px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_button_numberedlist .cke_icon{background-position:0 -1217px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_button_bulletedlist 
 .cke_icon{background-position:0 -1233px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_outdent .cke_icon{background-position:0 -432px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_indent .cke_icon{background-position:0 -448px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_button_indent .cke_icon{background-position:0 -1265px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_button_outdent .cke_icon{background-position:0 -1249px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_justifyleft .cke_icon{background-position:0 -464px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_justifycenter .cke_icon{background-position:0 -480px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_justifyright .cke_icon{background-position:0 -496px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_justifyblock .cke_icon{background-position:0 -512px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_blockquote .cke_icon{background-position:0 -1152px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_flash .cke_icon{background-position:0 -592px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_pastefromword .cke_icon{background-position:0 -160px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_save .cke_icon{background-position:0 -32px;}.c
 ke_skin_v2 .cke_button_about .cke_icon{background-position:0 -736px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_maximize .cke_icon{background-position:0 -1040px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_creatediv .cke_icon{background-position:0 -1168px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_editdiv .cke_icon{background-position:0 -1184px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_removediv .cke_icon{background-position:0 -1200px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_bidirtl .cke_icon{background-position:0 -1072px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_bidiltr .cke_icon{background-position:0 -1056px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_button_source .cke_label{display:inline;display:inline-block;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_styles_panel{width:150px;height:170px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_format_panel{width:150px;height:170px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_font_panel{width:150px;height:170px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_fontSize_panel{height:170px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_fontSize .cke_text{width:20px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_fontSize .cke_text{width:32px;}html .cke_skin_v2{visibility:inherit;}html.cke_skin_v2_
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/icons.png b/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/icons.png
deleted file mode 100644
index a9846c0..0000000
Binary files a/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/icons.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/icons_rtl.png b/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/icons_rtl.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b242b1..0000000
Binary files a/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/icons_rtl.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 54d9107..0000000
Binary files a/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/images/mini.gif and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1598113..0000000
Binary files a/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/images/noimage.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/images/sprites.png b/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/images/sprites.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 982717b..0000000
Binary files a/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/images/sprites.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/images/sprites_ie6.png b/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/images/sprites_ie6.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 4389b65..0000000
Binary files a/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/images/sprites_ie6.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/skin.js b/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/skin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dbc56d5..0000000
--- a/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/skin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.skins.add('v2',(function(){var a=[];if(CKEDITOR.env.ie&&CKEDITOR.env.version<7)a.push('icons.png','images/sprites_ie6.png','images/dialog_sides.gif');return{preload:a,editor:{css:['editor.css']},dialog:{css:['dialog.css']},templates:{css:['templates.css']},margins:[0,14,18,14]};})());(function(){CKEDITOR.dialog?a():CKEDITOR.on('dialogPluginReady',a);function a(){CKEDITOR.dialog.on('resize',function(b){var c=b.data,d=c.width,e=c.height,f=c.dialog,g=f.parts.contents;if(c.skin!='v2')return;g.setStyles({width:d+'px',height:e+'px'});if(!CKEDITOR.env.ie)return;setTimeout(function(){var h=f.parts.dialog.getChild([0,0,0]),i=h.getChild(0),j=h.getChild(2);j.setStyle('width',i.$.offsetWidth+'px');j=h.getChild(7);j.setStyle('width',i.$.offsetWidth-28+'px');j=h.getChild(4);j.setStyle('height',i.$.offsetHeight-31-14+'px');j=h.getChild(5);j.setStyle('height',i.$.offsetHeight-31-14+'px');},100);});};})();
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/templates.css b/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/templates.css
deleted file mode 100644
index c3abe54..0000000
--- a/share/static/RichText/skins/v2/templates.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list{border:#dcdcdc 2px solid;background-color:#fff;overflow:auto;width:100%;height:220px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_item{margin:5px;padding:7px;border:#eee 1px solid;*width:88%;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_preview{border-collapse:separate;text-indent:0;width:100%;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_preview td{padding:2px;vertical-align:middle;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_preview .cke_tpl_preview_img{width:100px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_preview span{white-space:normal;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_title{font-weight:bold;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:active .cke_tpl_item,.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:hover .cke_tpl_item,.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:focus .cke_tpl_item{border:#f93 1px solid!important;background-color:#fffacd!important;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:active *,.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:hover *,.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:focus *{cursor:pointer;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:active,.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie6 .cke_tpl_list a:hover,.cke_skin_v2 .cke_browser_ie6
  .cke_tpl_list a:focus{background-position:0 0;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:active .cke_tpl_item,.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:hover .cke_tpl_item,.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_list a:focus .cke_tpl_item{border-width:3px;}.cke_skin_v2 .cke_tpl_empty,.cke_tpl_loading{text-align:center;padding:5px;}
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/styles.js b/share/static/RichText/styles.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4feb3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/static/RichText/styles.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
+ */
+// This file contains style definitions that can be used by CKEditor plugins.
+// The most common use for it is the "stylescombo" plugin, which shows a combo
+// in the editor toolbar, containing all styles. Other plugins instead, like
+// the div plugin, use a subset of the styles on their feature.
+// If you don't have plugins that depend on this file, you can simply ignore it.
+// Otherwise it is strongly recommended to customize this file to match your
+// website requirements and design properly.
+CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add( 'default', [
+	/* Block Styles */
+	// These styles are already available in the "Format" combo ("format" plugin),
+	// so they are not needed here by default. You may enable them to avoid
+	// placing the "Format" combo in the toolbar, maintaining the same features.
+	/*
+	{ name: 'Paragraph',		element: 'p' },
+	{ name: 'Heading 1',		element: 'h1' },
+	{ name: 'Heading 2',		element: 'h2' },
+	{ name: 'Heading 3',		element: 'h3' },
+	{ name: 'Heading 4',		element: 'h4' },
+	{ name: 'Heading 5',		element: 'h5' },
+	{ name: 'Heading 6',		element: 'h6' },
+	{ name: 'Preformatted Text',element: 'pre' },
+	{ name: 'Address',			element: 'address' },
+	*/
+	{ name: 'Italic Title',		element: 'h2', styles: { 'font-style': 'italic' } },
+	{ name: 'Subtitle',			element: 'h3', styles: { 'color': '#aaa', 'font-style': 'italic' } },
+	{
+		name: 'Special Container',
+		element: 'div',
+		styles: {
+			padding: '5px 10px',
+			background: '#eee',
+			border: '1px solid #ccc'
+		}
+	},
+	/* Inline Styles */
+	// These are core styles available as toolbar buttons. You may opt enabling
+	// some of them in the Styles combo, removing them from the toolbar.
+	// (This requires the "stylescombo" plugin)
+	/*
+	{ name: 'Strong',			element: 'strong', overrides: 'b' },
+	{ name: 'Emphasis',			element: 'em'	, overrides: 'i' },
+	{ name: 'Underline',		element: 'u' },
+	{ name: 'Strikethrough',	element: 'strike' },
+	{ name: 'Subscript',		element: 'sub' },
+	{ name: 'Superscript',		element: 'sup' },
+	*/
+	{ name: 'Marker: Yellow',	element: 'span', styles: { 'background-color': 'Yellow' } },
+	{ name: 'Marker: Green',	element: 'span', styles: { 'background-color': 'Lime' } },
+	{ name: 'Big',				element: 'big' },
+	{ name: 'Small',			element: 'small' },
+	{ name: 'Typewriter',		element: 'tt' },
+	{ name: 'Computer Code',	element: 'code' },
+	{ name: 'Keyboard Phrase',	element: 'kbd' },
+	{ name: 'Sample Text',		element: 'samp' },
+	{ name: 'Variable',			element: 'var' },
+	{ name: 'Deleted Text',		element: 'del' },
+	{ name: 'Inserted Text',	element: 'ins' },
+	{ name: 'Cited Work',		element: 'cite' },
+	{ name: 'Inline Quotation',	element: 'q' },
+	{ name: 'Language: RTL',	element: 'span', attributes: { 'dir': 'rtl' } },
+	{ name: 'Language: LTR',	element: 'span', attributes: { 'dir': 'ltr' } },
+	/* Object Styles */
+	{
+		name: 'Styled image (left)',
+		element: 'img',
+		attributes: { 'class': 'left' }
+	},
+	{
+		name: 'Styled image (right)',
+		element: 'img',
+		attributes: { 'class': 'right' }
+	},
+	{
+		name: 'Compact table',
+		element: 'table',
+		attributes: {
+			cellpadding: '5',
+			cellspacing: '0',
+			border: '1',
+			bordercolor: '#ccc'
+		},
+		styles: {
+			'border-collapse': 'collapse'
+		}
+	},
+	{ name: 'Borderless Table',		element: 'table',	styles: { 'border-style': 'hidden', 'background-color': '#E6E6FA' } },
+	{ name: 'Square Bulleted List',	element: 'ul',		styles: { 'list-style-type': 'square' } }
diff --git a/share/static/RichText/themes/default/theme.js b/share/static/RichText/themes/default/theme.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 483001b..0000000
--- a/share/static/RichText/themes/default/theme.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.themes.add('default',(function(){function a(b,c){var d,e;e=b.config.sharedSpaces;e=e&&e[c];e=e&&CKEDITOR.document.getById(e);if(e){var f='<span class="cke_shared"><span class="'+b.skinClass+' cke_editor_'+b.name+'">'+'<span class="'+CKEDITOR.env.cssClass+'">'+'<span class="cke_wrapper cke_'+b.lang.dir+'">'+'<span class="cke_editor">'+'<div class="cke_'+c+'">'+'</div></span></span></span></span></span>',g=e.append(CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(f,e.getDocument()));if(e.getCustomData('cke_hasshared'))g.hide();else e.setCustomData('cke_hasshared',1);d=g.getChild([0,0,0,0]);b.on('focus',function(){for(var h=0,i,j=e.getChildren();i=j.getItem(h);h++){if(i.type==CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT&&!i.equals(g)&&i.hasClass('cke_shared'))i.hide();}g.show();});b.on('destroy',function(){g.remove();});}return d;};return{build:function(b,c){var d=b.name,e=b.element,f=b.elementMode;if(!e||f==CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_NONE)return;if(f==CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE)e.hide();var g=b.fire('them
 eSpace',{space:'top',html:''}).html,h=b.fire('themeSpace',{space:'contents',html:''}).html,i=b.fireOnce('themeSpace',{space:'bottom',html:''}).html,j=h&&b.config.height,k=b.config.tabIndex||b.element.getAttribute('tabindex')||0;if(!h)j='auto';else if(!isNaN(j))j+='px';var l='',m=b.config.width;if(m){if(!isNaN(m))m+='px';l+='width: '+m+';';}var n=g&&a(b,'top'),o=a(b,'bottom');n&&(n.setHtml(g),g='');o&&(o.setHtml(i),i='');var p=CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(['<span id="cke_',d,'" onmousedown="return false;" class="',b.skinClass,' cke_editor_',d,'" dir="',b.lang.dir,'" title="',CKEDITOR.env.gecko?' ':'','" lang="',b.langCode,'"'+(CKEDITOR.env.webkit?' tabindex="'+k+'"':'')+' role="application"'+' aria-labelledby="cke_',d,'_arialbl"'+(l?' style="'+l+'"':'')+'>'+'<span id="cke_',d,'_arialbl" class="cke_voice_label">'+b.lang.editor+'</span>'+'<span class="',CKEDITOR.env.cssClass,'" role="presentation"><span class="cke_wrapper cke_',b.lang.dir,'" role="presentation"><table cl
 ass="cke_editor" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" role="presentation"><tbody><tr',g?'':' style="display:none"',' role="presentation"><td id="cke_top_',d,'" class="cke_top" role="presentation">',g,'</td></tr><tr',h?'':' style="display:none"',' role="presentation"><td id="cke_contents_',d,'" class="cke_contents" style="height:',j,'" role="presentation">',h,'</td></tr><tr',i?'':' style="display:none"',' role="presentation"><td id="cke_bottom_',d,'" class="cke_bottom" role="presentation">',i,'</td></tr></tbody></table><style>.',b.skinClass,'{visibility:hidden;}</style></span></span></span>'].join(''));
-p.getChild([1,0,0,0,0]).unselectable();p.getChild([1,0,0,0,2]).unselectable();if(f==CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE)p.insertAfter(e);else e.append(p);b.container=p;p.disableContextMenu();b.fireOnce('themeLoaded');b.fireOnce('uiReady');},buildDialog:function(b){var c=CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(),d=CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(['<div class="cke_editor_'+b.name.replace('.','\\.')+'_dialog cke_skin_',b.skinName,'" dir="',b.lang.dir,'" lang="',b.langCode,'" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="%title#"><table class="cke_dialog',' '+CKEDITOR.env.cssClass,' cke_',b.lang.dir,'" style="position:absolute" role="presentation"><tr><td role="presentation"><div class="%body" role="presentation"><div id="%title#" class="%title" role="presentation"></div><a id="%close_button#" class="%close_button" href="javascript:void(0)" title="'+b.lang.common.close+'" role="button"><span class="cke_label">X</span></a>'+'<div id="%tabs#" class="%tabs" role="tablist"></div>'+'<table class="%contents" rol
 e="presentation"><tr>'+'<td id="%contents#" class="%contents" role="presentation"></td>'+'</tr></table>'+'<div id="%footer#" class="%footer" role="presentation"></div>'+'</div>'+'<div id="%tl#" class="%tl"></div>'+'<div id="%tc#" class="%tc"></div>'+'<div id="%tr#" class="%tr"></div>'+'<div id="%ml#" class="%ml"></div>'+'<div id="%mr#" class="%mr"></div>'+'<div id="%bl#" class="%bl"></div>'+'<div id="%bc#" class="%bc"></div>'+'<div id="%br#" class="%br"></div>'+'</td></tr>'+'</table>',CKEDITOR.env.ie?'':'<style>.cke_dialog{visibility:hidden;}</style>','</div>'].join('').replace(/#/g,'_'+c).replace(/%/g,'cke_dialog_')),e=d.getChild([0,0,0,0,0]),f=e.getChild(0),g=e.getChild(1);f.unselectable();g.unselectable();return{element:d,parts:{dialog:d.getChild(0),title:f,close:g,tabs:e.getChild(2),contents:e.getChild([3,0,0,0]),footer:e.getChild(4)}};},destroy:function(b){var c=b.container;c.clearCustomData();b.element.clearCustomData();if(c)c.remove();if(b.elementMode==CKEDITOR.ELEMEN
 T_MODE_REPLACE)b.element.show();delete b.element;}};})());CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.getThemeSpace=function(a){var b='cke_'+a,c=this._[b]||(this._[b]=CKEDITOR.document.getById(b+'_'+this.name));return c;};CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.resize=function(a,b,c,d){var e=this.container,f=CKEDITOR.document.getById('cke_contents_'+this.name),g=d?e.getChild(1):e;CKEDITOR.env.webkit&&g.setStyle('display','none');g.setSize('width',a,true);if(CKEDITOR.env.webkit){g.$.offsetWidth;g.setStyle('display','');}var h=c?0:(g.$.offsetHeight||0)-(f.$.clientHeight||0);
-f.setStyle('height',Math.max(b-h,0)+'px');this.fire('resize');};CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.getResizable=function(){return this.container.getChild(1);};

commit 02bb63619b4d84221166bab70a0eac753eac8b21
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 12 08:19:37 2013 +0800

    restore our customization for ckeditor

diff --git a/share/static/RichText/config.js b/share/static/RichText/config.js
index a6faf18..1969e6e 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/config.js
+++ b/share/static/RichText/config.js
@@ -7,4 +7,40 @@ CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
 	// Define changes to default configuration here. For example:
 	// config.language = 'fr';
 	// config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
+  config.toolbar = 'Full';
+config.toolbar_Full =
+    ['Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord'],
+    ['Undo','Redo','-','-','SelectAll','RemoveFormat'],
+    ['Table','HorizontalRule','SpecialChar'],
+    '/',
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diff --git a/share/static/RichText/contents.css b/share/static/RichText/contents.css
index a5e5fd4..9ccb993 100644
--- a/share/static/RichText/contents.css
+++ b/share/static/RichText/contents.css
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ body
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+    background-color: transparent;
 	margin: 20px;


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