[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.4/show-assets-action-menu, repushed

Dustin Graves dustin at bestpractical.com
Thu Jun 23 15:41:39 EDT 2016

The branch 4.4/show-assets-action-menu was deleted and repushed:
       was f88d7704e894c6f7477cd43115ffc855336927b8
       now 792a9521d6dce086df16b45267f6309e47ebadec

 1:  15980c8 !  1:  755042f refactor RT menu building logic into own library module
    @@ -66,6 +66,8 @@
     +package RT::Interface::Web::MenuBuilder;
    ++sub loc { HTML::Mason::Commands::loc( @_ ); }
     +sub QueryString {
     +    my %args = @_;
     +    my $u    = URI->new();
    @@ -85,7 +87,7 @@
     +        HTML::Mason::Commands::PageWidgets()->child( create_ticket => raw_html => $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->scomp('CreateTicket') );
     +    }
    -+    my $home = HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( home => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Homepage'), path => '/' );
    ++    my $home = HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( home => title => loc('Homepage'), path => '/' );
     +    unless ($HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'dashboards_in_menu'}) {
     +        my $dashboards_in_menu = $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{CurrentUser}->UserObj->Preferences(
     +            'DashboardsInMenu',
    @@ -125,75 +127,75 @@
     +            );
     +        }
     +    }
    -+    $dashes->child( edit => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Update This Menu'), path => 'Prefs/DashboardsInMenu.html' );
    -+    $dashes->child( more => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('All Dashboards'),   path => 'Dashboards/index.html' );
    ++    $dashes->child( edit => title => loc('Update This Menu'), path => 'Prefs/DashboardsInMenu.html' );
    ++    $dashes->child( more => title => loc('All Dashboards'),   path => 'Dashboards/index.html' );
     +    my $dashboard = RT::Dashboard->new( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{CurrentUser} );
     +    if ( $dashboard->CurrentUserCanCreateAny ) {
    -+        $dashes->child('dashboard_create' => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('New Dashboard'), path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?Create=1" );
    -+    }
    -+    my $search = HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( search => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Search'), path => '/Search/Simple.html' );
    -+    my $tickets = $search->child( tickets => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Tickets'), path => '/Search/Build.html' );
    -+    $tickets->child( simple => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Simple Search'), path => "/Search/Simple.html" );
    -+    $tickets->child( new    => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('New Search'),    path => "/Search/Build.html?NewQuery=1" );
    -+    $search->child( articles => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Articles'),   path => "/Articles/Article/Search.html" )
    ++        $dashes->child('dashboard_create' => title => loc('New Dashboard'), path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?Create=1" );
    ++    }
    ++    my $search = HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( search => title => loc('Search'), path => '/Search/Simple.html' );
    ++    my $tickets = $search->child( tickets => title => loc('Tickets'), path => '/Search/Build.html' );
    ++    $tickets->child( simple => title => loc('Simple Search'), path => "/Search/Simple.html" );
    ++    $tickets->child( new    => title => loc('New Search'),    path => "/Search/Build.html?NewQuery=1" );
    ++    $search->child( articles => title => loc('Articles'),   path => "/Articles/Article/Search.html" )
     +        if $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{CurrentUser}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowArticlesMenu', Object => RT->System );
    -+    $search->child( users => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Users'),   path => "/User/Search.html" );
    -+    $search->child( assets => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Assets"), path => "/Asset/Search/" )
    ++    $search->child( users => title => loc('Users'),   path => "/User/Search.html" );
    ++    $search->child( assets => title => loc("Assets"), path => "/Asset/Search/" )
     +        if $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{CurrentUser}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowAssetsMenu', Object => RT->System );
     +    if ($HTML::Mason::Commands::session{CurrentUser}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowArticlesMenu', Object => RT->System )) {
    -+        my $articles = HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( articles => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Articles'), path => "/Articles/index.html");
    -+        $articles->child( articles => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Overview'), path => "/Articles/index.html" );
    -+        $articles->child( topics   => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Topics'),   path => "/Articles/Topics.html" );
    -+        $articles->child( create   => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'),   path => "/Articles/Article/PreCreate.html" );
    -+        $articles->child( search   => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Search'),   path => "/Articles/Article/Search.html" );
    ++        my $articles = HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( articles => title => loc('Articles'), path => "/Articles/index.html");
    ++        $articles->child( articles => title => loc('Overview'), path => "/Articles/index.html" );
    ++        $articles->child( topics   => title => loc('Topics'),   path => "/Articles/Topics.html" );
    ++        $articles->child( create   => title => loc('Create'),   path => "/Articles/Article/PreCreate.html" );
    ++        $articles->child( search   => title => loc('Search'),   path => "/Articles/Article/Search.html" );
     +    }
     +    if ($HTML::Mason::Commands::session{CurrentUser}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowAssetsMenu', Object => RT->System )) {
    -+        my $assets = HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( "assets", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Assets"), path => "/Asset/Search/" );
    -+        $assets->child( "create", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Create"), path => "/Asset/CreateInCatalog.html" );
    -+        $assets->child( "search", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Search"), path => "/Asset/Search/" );
    -+    }
    -+    my $tools = HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( tools => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Tools'), path => '/Tools/index.html' );
    ++        my $assets = HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( "assets", title => loc("Assets"), path => "/Asset/Search/" );
    ++        $assets->child( "create", title => loc("Create"), path => "/Asset/CreateInCatalog.html" );
    ++        $assets->child( "search", title => loc("Search"), path => "/Asset/Search/" );
    ++    }
    ++    my $tools = HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( tools => title => loc('Tools'), path => '/Tools/index.html' );
     +    $tools->child( my_day =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('My Day'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Easy updating of your open tickets'),
    ++        title       => loc('My Day'),
    ++        description => loc('Easy updating of your open tickets'),
     +        path        => '/Tools/MyDay.html',
     +    );
     +    if ( RT->Config->Get('EnableReminders') ) {
     +        $tools->child( my_reminders =>
    -+            title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('My Reminders'),
    -+            description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Easy viewing of your reminders'),
    ++            title       => loc('My Reminders'),
    ++            description => loc('Easy viewing of your reminders'),
     +            path        => '/Tools/MyReminders.html',
     +        );
     +    }
     +    if ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowApprovalsTab', Object => RT->System ) ) {
     +        $tools->child( approval =>
    -+            title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Approval'),
    -+            description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('My Approvals'),
    ++            title       => loc('Approval'),
    ++            description => loc('My Approvals'),
     +            path        => '/Approvals/',
     +        );
     +    }
     +    if ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowConfigTab', Object => RT->System ) )
     +    {
    -+        BuildAdminMenu($request_path, HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu());
    ++        _BuildAdminMenu($request_path, HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu());
     +    }
     +    my $username = '<span class="current-user">'
     +                 . $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->interp->apply_escapes($HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->Name, 'h')
     +                 . '</span>';
     +    my $about_me = HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( 'preferences' =>
    -+        title        => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Logged in as [_1]', $username),
    ++        title        => loc('Logged in as [_1]', $username),
     +        escape_title => 0,
     +        path         => '/User/Summary.html?id=' . $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{CurrentUser}->id,
     +        sort_order   => 99,
    @@ -202,18 +204,18 @@
     +    if ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj
     +         && $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf', Object => RT->System )) {
    -+        my $settings = $about_me->child( settings => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Settings'), path => '/Prefs/Other.html' );
    -+        $settings->child( options        => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Preferences'),        path => '/Prefs/Other.html' );
    -+        $settings->child( about_me       => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('About me'),       path => '/Prefs/AboutMe.html' );
    -+        $settings->child( search_options => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Search options'), path => '/Prefs/SearchOptions.html' );
    -+        $settings->child( myrt           => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('RT at a glance'), path => '/Prefs/MyRT.html' );
    ++        my $settings = $about_me->child( settings => title => loc('Settings'), path => '/Prefs/Other.html' );
    ++        $settings->child( options        => title => loc('Preferences'),        path => '/Prefs/Other.html' );
    ++        $settings->child( about_me       => title => loc('About me'),       path => '/Prefs/AboutMe.html' );
    ++        $settings->child( search_options => title => loc('Search options'), path => '/Prefs/SearchOptions.html' );
    ++        $settings->child( myrt           => title => loc('RT at a glance'), path => '/Prefs/MyRT.html' );
     +        $settings->child( dashboards_in_menu =>
    -+            title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Dashboards in menu'),
    ++            title => loc('Dashboards in menu'),
     +            path  => '/Prefs/DashboardsInMenu.html',
     +        );
    -+        $settings->child( queue_list    => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Queue list'),   path => '/Prefs/QueueList.html' );
    -+        my $search_menu = $settings->child( 'saved-searches' => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Saved Searches') );
    ++        $settings->child( queue_list    => title => loc('Queue list'),   path => '/Prefs/QueueList.html' );
    ++        my $search_menu = $settings->child( 'saved-searches' => title => loc('Saved Searches') );
     +        my $searches = [ $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->comp( "/Search/Elements/SearchesForObject",
     +                          Object => RT::System->new( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'} )) ];
     +        my $i = 0;
    @@ -230,7 +232,7 @@
     +    if ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->Name
     +         && (   !RT->Config->Get('WebRemoteUserAuth')
     +              || RT->Config->Get('WebFallbackToRTLogin') )) {
    -+        $about_me->child( logout => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Logout'), path => '/NoAuth/Logout.html' );
    ++        $about_me->child( logout => title => loc('Logout'), path => '/NoAuth/Logout.html' );
     +    }
     +    if ( $request_path =~ m{^/Dashboards/(\d+)?}) {
     +        if ( my $id = ( $1 || $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'id'} ) ) {
    @@ -238,11 +240,11 @@
     +            $obj->LoadById($id);
     +            if ( $obj and $obj->id ) {
     +                my $tabs = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    -+                $tabs->child( basics       => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Basics'),       path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id);
    -+                $tabs->child( content      => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Content'),      path => "/Dashboards/Queries.html?id=" . $obj->id);
    -+                $tabs->child( subscription => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Subscription'), path => "/Dashboards/Subscription.html?id=" . $obj->id)
    ++                $tabs->child( basics       => title => loc('Basics'),       path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id);
    ++                $tabs->child( content      => title => loc('Content'),      path => "/Dashboards/Queries.html?id=" . $obj->id);
    ++                $tabs->child( subscription => title => loc('Subscription'), path => "/Dashboards/Subscription.html?id=" . $obj->id)
     +                    if $obj->CurrentUserCanSubscribe;
    -+                $tabs->child( show         => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Show'),         path => "/Dashboards/" . $obj->id . "/" . $obj->Name)
    ++                $tabs->child( show         => title => loc('Show'),         path => "/Dashboards/" . $obj->id . "/" . $obj->Name)
     +            }
     +        }
     +    }
    @@ -255,7 +257,7 @@
     +            $obj->Load($id);
     +            if ( $obj and $obj->id ) {
    -+                my $actions = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu()->child( actions => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Actions'), sort_order  => 95 );
    ++                my $actions = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu()->child( actions => title => loc('Actions'), sort_order  => 95 );
     +                my %can = %{ $obj->CurrentUser->PrincipalObj->HasRights( Object => $obj ) };
     +                $can{'_ModifyOwner'} = $obj->CurrentUserCanSetOwner();
    @@ -275,42 +277,42 @@
     +                    $tabs->child( timer => raw_html => $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->scomp( '/Ticket/Elements/PopupTimerLink', id => $id ), sort_order => 99 );
     +                }
    -+                $tabs->child( display => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Display'), path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $id );
    -+                $tabs->child( history => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('History'), path => "/Ticket/History.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $tabs->child( display => title => loc('Display'), path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $tabs->child( history => title => loc('History'), path => "/Ticket/History.html?id=" . $id );
     +                # comment out until we can do it for an individual custom field
     +                #if ( $can->('ModifyTicket') || $can->('ModifyCustomField') ) {
    -+                $tabs->child( basics => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Basics'), path => "/Ticket/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $tabs->child( basics => title => loc('Basics'), path => "/Ticket/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
     +                #}
     +                if ( $can->('ModifyTicket') || $can->('_ModifyOwner') || $can->('Watch') || $can->('WatchAsAdminCc') ) {
    -+                    $tabs->child( people => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('People'), path => "/Ticket/ModifyPeople.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                    $tabs->child( people => title => loc('People'), path => "/Ticket/ModifyPeople.html?id=" . $id );
     +                }
     +                if ( $can->('ModifyTicket') ) {
    -+                    $tabs->child( dates => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Dates'), path => "/Ticket/ModifyDates.html?id=" . $id );
    -+                    $tabs->child( links => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Links'), path => "/Ticket/ModifyLinks.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                    $tabs->child( dates => title => loc('Dates'), path => "/Ticket/ModifyDates.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                    $tabs->child( links => title => loc('Links'), path => "/Ticket/ModifyLinks.html?id=" . $id );
     +                }
     +                #if ( $can->('ModifyTicket') || $can->('ModifyCustomField') || $can->('_ModifyOwner') ) {
    -+                $tabs->child( jumbo => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Jumbo'), path => "/Ticket/ModifyAll.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $tabs->child( jumbo => title => loc('Jumbo'), path => "/Ticket/ModifyAll.html?id=" . $id );
     +                #}
     +                if ( RT->Config->Get('EnableReminders') ) {
    -+                    $tabs->child( reminders => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Reminders'), path => "/Ticket/Reminders.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                    $tabs->child( reminders => title => loc('Reminders'), path => "/Ticket/Reminders.html?id=" . $id );
     +                }
     +                if ( $can->('ModifyTicket') or $can->('ReplyToTicket') ) {
    -+                    $actions->child( reply => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Reply'), path => "/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Respond;id=" . $id );
    ++                    $actions->child( reply => title => loc('Reply'), path => "/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Respond;id=" . $id );
     +                }
     +                if ( $can->('ModifyTicket') or $can->('CommentOnTicket') ) {
    -+                    $actions->child( comment => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Comment'), path => "/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Comment;id=" . $id );
    ++                    $actions->child( comment => title => loc('Comment'), path => "/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Comment;id=" . $id );
     +                }
     +                if ( $can->('ForwardMessage') ) {
    -+                    $actions->child( forward => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Forward'), path => "/Ticket/Forward.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                    $actions->child( forward => title => loc('Forward'), path => "/Ticket/Forward.html?id=" . $id );
     +                }
     +                my $hide_resolve_with_deps = RT->Config->Get('HideResolveActionsWithDependencies')
    @@ -340,21 +342,21 @@
     +                        id            => $id,
     +                    );
     +                    my $key = $info->{'label'} || ucfirst($next);
    -+                    $actions->child( $key => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc( $key ), path => $url);
    ++                    $actions->child( $key => title => loc( $key ), path => $url);
     +                }
     +                my ($can_take, $tmsg) = $obj->CurrentUserCanSetOwner( Type => 'Take' );
     +                my ($can_steal, $smsg) = $obj->CurrentUserCanSetOwner( Type => 'Steal' );
     +                if ( $can_take ){
    -+                    $actions->child( take => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Take'), path => "/Ticket/Display.html?Action=Take;id=" . $id );
    ++                    $actions->child( take => title => loc('Take'), path => "/Ticket/Display.html?Action=Take;id=" . $id );
     +                }
     +                elsif ( $can_steal ){
    -+                    $actions->child( steal => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Steal'), path => "/Ticket/Display.html?Action=Steal;id=" . $id );
    ++                    $actions->child( steal => title => loc('Steal'), path => "/Ticket/Display.html?Action=Steal;id=" . $id );
     +                }
     +                # TODO needs a "Can extract article into a class applied to this queue" check
     +                $actions->child( 'extract-article' =>
    -+                    title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Extract Article'),
    ++                    title => loc('Extract Article'),
     +                    path  => "/Articles/Article/ExtractIntoClass.html?Ticket=".$obj->id,
     +                ) if $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{CurrentUser}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowArticlesMenu', Object => RT->System );
    @@ -372,17 +374,17 @@
     +                    # Don't display prev links if we're on the first ticket
     +                    if ( $item_map->{$id}->{prev} ) {
     +                        $search->child( first =>
    -+                            title => '<< ' . HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('First'), class => "nav", path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{first});
    ++                            title => '<< ' . loc('First'), class => "nav", path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{first});
     +                        $search->child( prev =>
    -+                            title => '< ' . HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Prev'),   class => "nav", path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{$id}->{prev});
    ++                            title => '< ' . loc('Prev'),   class => "nav", path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{$id}->{prev});
     +                    }
     +                    # Don't display next links if we're on the last ticket
     +                    if ( $item_map->{$id}->{next} ) {
     +                        $search->child( next =>
    -+                            title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Next') . ' >',  class => "nav", path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{$id}->{next});
    ++                            title => loc('Next') . ' >',  class => "nav", path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{$id}->{next});
     +                        if ( $item_map->{last} ) {
     +                            $search->child( last =>
    -+                                title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Last') . ' >>', class => "nav", path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{last});
    ++                                title => loc('Last') . ' >>', class => "nav", path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{last});
     +                        }
     +                    }
     +                }
    @@ -454,27 +456,27 @@
     +        my $current_search_menu;
     +        if ( $request_path =~ m{^/Ticket} ) {
    -+            $current_search_menu = $search->child( current_search => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Current Search') );
    ++            $current_search_menu = $search->child( current_search => title => loc('Current Search') );
     +            $current_search_menu->path("/Search/Results.html$args") if $has_query;
     +        } else {
     +            $current_search_menu = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
     +        }
     +        $current_search_menu->child( edit_search =>
    -+            title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Edit Search'), path => "/Search/Build.html" . ( ($has_query) ? $args : '' ) );
    ++            title => loc('Edit Search'), path => "/Search/Build.html" . ( ($has_query) ? $args : '' ) );
     +        $current_search_menu->child( advanced =>
    -+            title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Advanced'),    path => "/Search/Edit.html$args" );
    ++            title => loc('Advanced'),    path => "/Search/Edit.html$args" );
     +        if ($has_query) {
    -+            $current_search_menu->child( results => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Show Results'), path => "/Search/Results.html$args" );
    ++            $current_search_menu->child( results => title => loc('Show Results'), path => "/Search/Results.html$args" );
     +        }
     +        if ( $has_query ) {
    -+            $current_search_menu->child( bulk  => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Bulk Update'), path => "/Search/Bulk.html$args" );
    -+            $current_search_menu->child( chart => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Chart'),       path => "/Search/Chart.html$args" );
    -+            my $more = $current_search_menu->child( more => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Feeds') );
    -+            $more->child( spreadsheet => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Spreadsheet'), path => "/Search/Results.tsv$args" );
    ++            $current_search_menu->child( bulk  => title => loc('Bulk Update'), path => "/Search/Bulk.html$args" );
    ++            $current_search_menu->child( chart => title => loc('Chart'),       path => "/Search/Chart.html$args" );
    ++            my $more = $current_search_menu->child( more => title => loc('Feeds') );
    ++            $more->child( spreadsheet => title => loc('Spreadsheet'), path => "/Search/Results.tsv$args" );
     +            my %rss_data = map {
     +                $_ => $query_args->{$_} || $fallback_query_args{$_} || '' }
    @@ -491,12 +493,12 @@
     +                                               . $rss_data{Order}
     +                                               . $rss_data{OrderBy} );
    -+            $more->child( rss => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('RSS'), path => "/NoAuth/rss/$RSSPath/$RSSQueryString");
    ++            $more->child( rss => title => loc('RSS'), path => "/NoAuth/rss/$RSSPath/$RSSQueryString");
     +            my $ical_path = join '/', map $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->interp->apply_escapes($_, 'u'),
     +                $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->Name,
     +                $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->GenerateAuthString( $rss_data{Query} ),
     +                $rss_data{Query};
    -+            $more->child( ical => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('iCal'), path => '/NoAuth/iCal/'.$ical_path);
    ++            $more->child( ical => title => loc('iCal'), path => '/NoAuth/iCal/'.$ical_path);
     +            if ($request_path =~ m{^/Search/Results.html}
     +                &&                        #XXX TODO better abstraction
    @@ -508,7 +510,7 @@
     +                    'Tickets:limit' => $query_args->{'Rows'},
     +                );
    -+                $more->child( shredder => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Shredder'), path => '/Admin/Tools/Shredder/?' . $shred_args);
    ++                $more->child( shredder => title => loc('Shredder'), path => '/Admin/Tools/Shredder/?' . $shred_args);
     +            }
     +        }
    @@ -519,9 +521,9 @@
     +            my $id = $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'id'};
     +            my $tabs = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    -+            $tabs->child( display => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Display'), path => "/Articles/Article/Display.html?id=".$id );
    -+            $tabs->child( history => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('History'), path => "/Articles/Article/History.html?id=".$id );
    -+            $tabs->child( modify  => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Modify'),  path => "/Articles/Article/Edit.html?id=".$id );
    ++            $tabs->child( display => title => loc('Display'), path => "/Articles/Article/Display.html?id=".$id );
    ++            $tabs->child( history => title => loc('History'), path => "/Articles/Article/History.html?id=".$id );
    ++            $tabs->child( modify  => title => loc('Modify'),  path => "/Articles/Article/Edit.html?id=".$id );
     +        }
     +    }
    @@ -531,19 +533,19 @@
     +        HTML::Mason::Commands::PageWidgets()->delete('simple_search');
     +        my $tabs = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    -+        $tabs->child( search => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Search"),       path => "/Articles/Article/Search.html" );
    -+        $tabs->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("New Article" ), path => "/Articles/Article/PreCreate.html" );
    ++        $tabs->child( search => title => loc("Search"),       path => "/Articles/Article/Search.html" );
    ++        $tabs->child( create => title => loc("New Article" ), path => "/Articles/Article/PreCreate.html" );
     +        if ( $request_path =~ m{^/Articles/Article/} and ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'id'} || '' ) =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
     +            my $id  = $1;
     +            my $obj = RT::Article->new( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'} );
     +            $obj->Load($id);
     +            if ( $obj and $obj->id ) {
    -+                $tabs->child( display => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Display"), path => "/Articles/Article/Display.html?id=" . $id );
    -+                $tabs->child( history => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('History'), path => '/Articles/Article/History.html?id=' . $id );
    ++                $tabs->child( display => title => loc("Display"), path => "/Articles/Article/Display.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $tabs->child( history => title => loc('History'), path => '/Articles/Article/History.html?id=' . $id );
     +                if ( $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyArticle') ) {
    -+                    $tabs->child(modify => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Modify'), path => '/Articles/Article/Edit.html?id=' . $id );
    ++                    $tabs->child(modify => title => loc('Modify'), path => '/Articles/Article/Edit.html?id=' . $id );
     +                }
     +            }
     +        }
    @@ -611,22 +613,22 @@
     +            keys %$HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS;
     +        if ( $request_path =~ /Bulk/) {
     +            $page->child('search',
    -+                title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Show Results'),
    ++                title => loc('Show Results'),
     +                path => '/Asset/Search/?' . (keys %search ? QueryString(%search) : ''),
     +            );
     +        } else {
     +            $page->child('bulk',
    -+                title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Bulk Update'),
    ++                title => loc('Bulk Update'),
     +                path => '/Asset/Search/Bulk.html?' . (keys %search ? QueryString(%search) : ''),
     +            );
     +        }
     +        $page->child('csv',
    -+            title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Download Spreadsheet'),
    ++            title => loc('Download Spreadsheet'),
     +            path  => '/Asset/Search/Results.tsv?' . (keys %search ? QueryString(%search) : ''),
     +        );
     +    } elsif ($request_path =~ m{^/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Catalog-Assets\.html$}) {
     +        my $page  = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    -+        $page->child("create", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Create New"), path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?Create=1;LookupType=" . RT::Asset->CustomFieldLookupType);
    ++        $page->child("create", title => loc("Create New"), path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?Create=1;LookupType=" . RT::Asset->CustomFieldLookupType);
     +    } elsif ($request_path =~ m{^/Admin/CustomFields(/|/index\.html)?$}
     +            and $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'Type'} and $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'Type'} eq RT::Asset->CustomFieldLookupType) {
     +        my $page  = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    @@ -635,23 +637,23 @@
     +        my $page  = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
     +        my $actions = $request_path =~ m{/((index|Create)\.html)?$}
     +            ? $page
    -+            : $page->child("catalogs", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Catalogs"), path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/");
    -+        $actions->child("select", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Select"), path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/");
    -+        $actions->child("create", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Create"), path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/Create.html");
    ++            : $page->child("catalogs", title => loc("Catalogs"), path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/");
    ++        $actions->child("select", title => loc("Select"), path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/");
    ++        $actions->child("create", title => loc("Create"), path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/Create.html");
     +        my $catalog = RT::Catalog->new( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{CurrentUser} );
     +        $catalog->Load($HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{id}) if $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{id};
     +        if ($catalog->id and $catalog->CurrentUserCanSee) {
     +            my $query = "id=" . $catalog->id;
    -+            $page->child("modify", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Basics"), path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/Modify.html?$query");
    -+            $page->child("people", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Roles"),  path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/Roles.html?$query");
    -+            $page->child("cfs", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Asset Custom Fields"), path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/CustomFields.html?$query");
    -+            $page->child("group-rights", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Group Rights"), path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/GroupRights.html?$query");
    -+            $page->child("user-rights",  title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("User Rights"),  path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/UserRights.html?$query");
    ++            $page->child("modify", title => loc("Basics"), path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/Modify.html?$query");
    ++            $page->child("people", title => loc("Roles"),  path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/Roles.html?$query");
    ++            $page->child("cfs", title => loc("Asset Custom Fields"), path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/CustomFields.html?$query");
    ++            $page->child("group-rights", title => loc("Group Rights"), path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/GroupRights.html?$query");
    ++            $page->child("user-rights",  title => loc("User Rights"),  path => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/UserRights.html?$query");
     +        }
     +    }
    @@ -659,240 +661,241 @@
     +        if (HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu()->child('summary')) {
     +            # Already set up from having AdminUser and ShowConfigTab;
     +            # but rename "Basics" to "Edit" in this context
    -+            HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu()->child( 'basics' )->title( HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Edit') );
    ++            HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu()->child( 'basics' )->title( loc('Edit') );
     +        } elsif ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => 'ShowUserHistory' ) ) {
    -+            HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu()->child( display => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Summary'), path => '/User/Summary.html?id=' . $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'id'} );
    -+            HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu()->child( history => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('History'), path => '/User/History.html?id=' . $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'id'} );
    ++            HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu()->child( display => title => loc('Summary'), path => '/User/Summary.html?id=' . $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'id'} );
    ++            HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu()->child( history => title => loc('History'), path => '/User/History.html?id=' . $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'id'} );
     +        }
     +    }
     +    if ( $request_path =~ /^\/(?:index.html|$)/ ) {
    -+        HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu()->child( edit => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Edit'), path => '/Prefs/MyRT.html' );
    -+    }
    -+    $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->callback( CallbackName => 'Privileged', Path => $request_path );
    ++        HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu()->child( edit => title => loc('Edit'), path => '/Prefs/MyRT.html' );
    ++    }
    ++    # due to historical reasons of always having been in /Elements/Tabs
    ++    $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->callback( CallbackName => 'Privileged', Path => $request_path, CallbackPage => '/Elements/Tabs' );
    -+sub BuildAdminMenu {
    ++sub _BuildAdminMenu {
     +    my $request_path = shift;
     +    my $top = shift;
    -+    my $admin = $top->child( admin => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Admin'), path => '/Admin/' );
    ++    my $admin = $top->child( admin => title => loc('Admin'), path => '/Admin/' );
     +    if ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Object => RT->System, Right => 'AdminUsers' ) ) {
     +        my $users = $admin->child( users =>
    -+            title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Users'),
    -+            description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Manage users and passwords'),
    ++            title       => loc('Users'),
    ++            description => loc('Manage users and passwords'),
     +            path        => '/Admin/Users/',
     +        );
    -+        $users->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Users/" );
    -+        $users->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Users/Modify.html?Create=1" );
    ++        $users->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Users/" );
    ++        $users->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Users/Modify.html?Create=1" );
     +    }
     +    my $groups = $admin->child( groups =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Groups'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Manage groups and group membership'),
    ++        title       => loc('Groups'),
    ++        description => loc('Manage groups and group membership'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Groups/',
     +    );
    -+    $groups->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Groups/" );
    -+    $groups->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Groups/Modify.html?Create=1" );
    ++    $groups->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Groups/" );
    ++    $groups->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Groups/Modify.html?Create=1" );
     +    my $queues = $admin->child( queues =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Queues'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Manage queues and queue-specific properties'),
    ++        title       => loc('Queues'),
    ++        description => loc('Manage queues and queue-specific properties'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Queues/',
     +    );
    -+    $queues->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Queues/" );
    -+    $queues->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?Create=1" );
    ++    $queues->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Queues/" );
    ++    $queues->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?Create=1" );
     +    if ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Object => RT->System, Right => 'AdminCustomField' ) ) {
     +        my $cfs = $admin->child( 'custom-fields' =>
    -+            title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Custom Fields'),
    -+            description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Manage custom fields and custom field values'),
    ++            title       => loc('Custom Fields'),
    ++            description => loc('Manage custom fields and custom field values'),
     +            path        => '/Admin/CustomFields/',
     +        );
    -+        $cfs->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/CustomFields/" );
    -+        $cfs->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?Create=1" );
    ++        $cfs->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/CustomFields/" );
    ++        $cfs->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?Create=1" );
     +    }
     +    if ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Object => RT->System, Right => 'AdminCustomRoles' ) ) {
     +        my $roles = $admin->child( 'custom-roles' =>
    -+            title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Custom Roles'),
    -+            description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Manage custom roles'),
    ++            title       => loc('Custom Roles'),
    ++            description => loc('Manage custom roles'),
     +            path        => '/Admin/CustomRoles/',
     +        );
    -+        $roles->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/CustomRoles/" );
    -+        $roles->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/CustomRoles/Modify.html?Create=1" );
    ++        $roles->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/CustomRoles/" );
    ++        $roles->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/CustomRoles/Modify.html?Create=1" );
     +    }
     +    if ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Object => RT->System, Right => 'ModifyScrips' ) ) {
     +        my $scrips = $admin->child( 'scrips' =>
    -+            title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Scrips'),
    -+            description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Manage scrips'),
    ++            title       => loc('Scrips'),
    ++            description => loc('Manage scrips'),
     +            path        => '/Admin/Scrips/',
     +        );
    -+        $scrips->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Scrips/" );
    -+        $scrips->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html" );
    ++        $scrips->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Scrips/" );
    ++        $scrips->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html" );
     +    }
     +    my $admin_global = $admin->child( global =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Global'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Manage properties and configuration which apply to all queues'),
    ++        title       => loc('Global'),
    ++        description => loc('Manage properties and configuration which apply to all queues'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/',
     +    );
     +    my $scrips = $admin_global->child( scrips =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Scrips'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Modify scrips which apply to all queues'),
    ++        title       => loc('Scrips'),
    ++        description => loc('Modify scrips which apply to all queues'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/Scrips.html',
     +    );
    -+    $scrips->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Global/Scrips.html" );
    -+    $scrips->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html?Global=1" );
    ++    $scrips->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Global/Scrips.html" );
    ++    $scrips->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html?Global=1" );
     +    my $templates = $admin_global->child( templates =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Templates'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Edit system templates'),
    ++        title       => loc('Templates'),
    ++        description => loc('Edit system templates'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/Templates.html',
     +    );
    -+    $templates->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Global/Templates.html" );
    -+    $templates->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Global/Template.html?Create=1" );
    ++    $templates->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Global/Templates.html" );
    ++    $templates->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Global/Template.html?Create=1" );
     +    my $cfadmin = $admin_global->child( 'custom-fields' =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Custom Fields'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Modify global custom fields'),
    ++        title       => loc('Custom Fields'),
    ++        description => loc('Modify global custom fields'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html',
     +    );
     +    $cfadmin->child( users =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Users'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select custom fields for all users'),
    ++        title       => loc('Users'),
    ++        description => loc('Select custom fields for all users'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Users.html',
     +    );
     +    $cfadmin->child( groups =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Groups'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select custom fields for all user groups'),
    ++        title       => loc('Groups'),
    ++        description => loc('Select custom fields for all user groups'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Groups.html',
     +    );
     +    $cfadmin->child( queues =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Queues'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select custom fields for all queues'),
    ++        title       => loc('Queues'),
    ++        description => loc('Select custom fields for all queues'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Queues.html',
     +    );
     +    $cfadmin->child( tickets =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Tickets'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select custom fields for tickets in all queues'),
    ++        title       => loc('Tickets'),
    ++        description => loc('Select custom fields for tickets in all queues'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Queue-Tickets.html',
     +    );
     +    $cfadmin->child( transactions =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Ticket Transactions'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select custom fields for transactions on tickets in all queues'),
    ++        title       => loc('Ticket Transactions'),
    ++        description => loc('Select custom fields for transactions on tickets in all queues'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Queue-Transactions.html',
     +    );
     +    $cfadmin->child( 'custom-fields' =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Articles'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select Custom Fields for Articles in all Classes'),
    ++        title       => loc('Articles'),
    ++        description => loc('Select Custom Fields for Articles in all Classes'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Class-Article.html',
     +    );
     +    $cfadmin->child( 'assets' =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Assets'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select Custom Fields for Assets in all Catalogs'),
    ++        title       => loc('Assets'),
    ++        description => loc('Select Custom Fields for Assets in all Catalogs'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Catalog-Assets.html',
     +    );
    -+    my $article_admin = $admin->child( articles => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Articles'), path => "/Admin/Articles/index.html" );
    -+    my $class_admin = $article_admin->child(classes => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Classes'), path => '/Admin/Articles/Classes/' );
    ++    my $article_admin = $admin->child( articles => title => loc('Articles'), path => "/Admin/Articles/index.html" );
    ++    my $class_admin = $article_admin->child(classes => title => loc('Classes'), path => '/Admin/Articles/Classes/' );
     +    $class_admin->child( select =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Modify and Create Classes'),
    ++        title       => loc('Select'),
    ++        description => loc('Modify and Create Classes'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Articles/Classes/',
     +    );
     +    $class_admin->child( create =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Modify and Create Custom Fields for Articles'),
    ++        title       => loc('Create'),
    ++        description => loc('Modify and Create Custom Fields for Articles'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html?Create=1',
     +    );
     +    my $cfs = $article_admin->child( 'custom-fields' =>
    -+        title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Custom Fields'),
    ++        title => loc('Custom Fields'),
     +        path  => '/Admin/CustomFields/index.html?'.$HTML::Mason::Commands::m->comp('/Elements/QueryString', Type => 'RT::Class-RT::Article'),
     +    );
     +    $cfs->child( select =>
    -+        title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'),
    ++        title => loc('Select'),
     +        path => '/Admin/CustomFields/index.html?'.$HTML::Mason::Commands::m->comp('/Elements/QueryString', Type => 'RT::Class-RT::Article'),
     +    );
     +    $cfs->child( create =>
    -+        title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'),
    ++        title => loc('Create'),
     +        path => '/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?'.$HTML::Mason::Commands::m->comp("/Elements/QueryString", Create=>1, LookupType=> "RT::Class-RT::Article" ),
     +    );
    -+    my $assets_admin = $admin->child( assets => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Assets"), path => '/Admin/Assets/' );
    ++    my $assets_admin = $admin->child( assets => title => loc("Assets"), path => '/Admin/Assets/' );
     +    my $catalog_admin = $assets_admin->child( catalogs =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Catalogs"),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Modify asset catalogs"),
    ++        title       => loc("Catalogs"),
    ++        description => loc("Modify asset catalogs"),
     +        path        => "/Admin/Assets/Catalogs/"
     +    );
    -+    $catalog_admin->child( "select", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Select"), path => $catalog_admin->path );
    -+    $catalog_admin->child( "create", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Create"), path => "Create.html" );
    ++    $catalog_admin->child( "select", title => loc("Select"), path => $catalog_admin->path );
    ++    $catalog_admin->child( "create", title => loc("Create"), path => "Create.html" );
     +    my $assets_cfs = $assets_admin->child( "cfs",
    -+        title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Custom Fields"),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Modify asset custom fields"),
    ++        title => loc("Custom Fields"),
    ++        description => loc("Modify asset custom fields"),
     +        path => "/Admin/CustomFields/?Type=" . RT::Asset->CustomFieldLookupType
     +    );
    -+    $assets_cfs->child( "select", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Select"), path => $assets_cfs->path );
    -+    $assets_cfs->child( "create", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Create"), path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?Create=1&LookupType=" . RT::Asset->CustomFieldLookupType);
    ++    $assets_cfs->child( "select", title => loc("Select"), path => $assets_cfs->path );
    ++    $assets_cfs->child( "create", title => loc("Create"), path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?Create=1&LookupType=" . RT::Asset->CustomFieldLookupType);
     +    $admin_global->child( 'group-rights' =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Group Rights'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Modify global group rights'),
    ++        title       => loc('Group Rights'),
    ++        description => loc('Modify global group rights'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/GroupRights.html',
     +    );
     +    $admin_global->child( 'user-rights' =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('User Rights'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Modify global user rights'),
    ++        title       => loc('User Rights'),
    ++        description => loc('Modify global user rights'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/UserRights.html',
     +    );
     +    $admin_global->child( 'my-rt' =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('RT at a glance'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Modify the default "RT at a glance" view'),
    ++        title       => loc('RT at a glance'),
    ++        description => loc('Modify the default "RT at a glance" view'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/MyRT.html',
     +    );
     +    $admin_global->child( 'dashboards-in-menu' =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Dashboards in menu'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Customize dashboards in menu'),
    ++        title       => loc('Dashboards in menu'),
    ++        description => loc('Customize dashboards in menu'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/DashboardsInMenu.html',
     +    );
     +    $admin_global->child( 'topics' =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Topics'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Modify global article topics'),
    ++        title       => loc('Topics'),
    ++        description => loc('Modify global article topics'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Global/Topics.html',
     +    );
     +    my $admin_tools = $admin->child( tools =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Tools'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Use other RT administrative tools'),
    ++        title       => loc('Tools'),
    ++        description => loc('Use other RT administrative tools'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Tools/',
     +    );
     +    $admin_tools->child( configuration =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('System Configuration'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Detailed information about your RT setup'),
    ++        title       => loc('System Configuration'),
    ++        description => loc('Detailed information about your RT setup'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html',
     +    );
     +    $admin_tools->child( theme =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Theme'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Customize the look of your RT'),
    ++        title       => loc('Theme'),
    ++        description => loc('Customize the look of your RT'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Tools/Theme.html',
     +    );
     +    if (RT->Config->Get('StatementLog')
     +        && $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'SuperUser', Object => RT->System )) {
     +       $admin_tools->child( 'sql-queries' =>
    -+           title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('SQL Queries'),
    -+           description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Browse the SQL queries made in this process'),
    ++           title       => loc('SQL Queries'),
    ++           description => loc('Browse the SQL queries made in this process'),
     +           path        => '/Admin/Tools/Queries.html',
     +       );
     +    }
     +    $admin_tools->child( shredder =>
    -+        title       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Shredder'),
    -+        description => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Permanently wipeout data from RT'),
    ++        title       => loc('Shredder'),
    ++        description => loc('Permanently wipeout data from RT'),
     +        path        => '/Admin/Tools/Shredder',
     +    );
    @@ -901,11 +904,11 @@
     +        my $tabs = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
     +        my %labels = (
    -+            Queues       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Queues"),
    -+            Users        => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Users"),
    -+            Groups       => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Groups"),
    -+            CustomFields => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Custom Fields"),
    -+            CustomRoles  => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Custom Roles"),
    ++            Queues       => loc("Queues"),
    ++            Users        => loc("Users"),
    ++            Groups       => loc("Groups"),
    ++            CustomFields => loc("Custom Fields"),
    ++            CustomRoles  => loc("Custom Roles"),
     +        );
     +        my $section;
    @@ -921,8 +924,8 @@
     +                                     path => "/Admin/$type/" );
     +        }
    -+        $section->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/$type/" );
    -+        $section->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/$type/Modify.html?Create=1" );
    ++        $section->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/$type/" );
    ++        $section->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/$type/Modify.html?Create=1" );
     +    }
     +    if ( $request_path =~ m{^/Admin/Queues} ) {
    @@ -936,30 +939,31 @@
     +            if ( $queue_obj and $queue_obj->id ) {
     +                my $queue = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    -+                $queue->child( basics => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Basics'),   path => "/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
    -+                $queue->child( people => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Watchers'), path => "/Admin/Queues/People.html?id=" . $id );
    -+                my $templates = $queue->child(templates => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Templates'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Templates.html?id=" . $id);
    -+                $templates->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Templates.html?id=".$id);
    -+                $templates->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Template.html?Create=1;Queue=".$id);
    -+                my $scrips = $queue->child( scrips => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Scrips'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Scrips.html?id=" . $id);
    -+                $scrips->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Scrips.html?id=" . $id );
    -+                $scrips->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html?Queue=" . $id);
    -+                my $cfs = $queue->child( 'custom-fields' => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Custom Fields') );
    -+                my $ticket_cfs = $cfs->child( 'tickets' => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Tickets'),
    ++                $queue->child( basics => title => loc('Basics'),   path => "/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $queue->child( people => title => loc('Watchers'), path => "/Admin/Queues/People.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                my $templates = $queue->child(templates => title => loc('Templates'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Templates.html?id=" . $id);
    ++                $templates->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Templates.html?id=".$id);
    ++                $templates->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Template.html?Create=1;Queue=".$id);
    ++                my $scrips = $queue->child( scrips => title => loc('Scrips'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Scrips.html?id=" . $id);
    ++                $scrips->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Scrips.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $scrips->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html?Queue=" . $id);
    ++                my $cfs = $queue->child( 'custom-fields' => title => loc('Custom Fields') );
    ++                my $ticket_cfs = $cfs->child( 'tickets' => title => loc('Tickets'),
     +                    path => '/Admin/Queues/CustomFields.html?SubType=RT::Ticket&id=' . $id );
    -+                my $txn_cfs = $cfs->child( 'transactions' => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Transactions'),
    ++                my $txn_cfs = $cfs->child( 'transactions' => title => loc('Transactions'),
     +                    path => '/Admin/Queues/CustomFields.html?SubType=RT::Ticket-RT::Transaction&id='.$id );
    -+                $queue->child( 'group-rights' => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Group Rights'), path => "/Admin/Queues/GroupRights.html?id=".$id );
    -+                $queue->child( 'user-rights' => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('User Rights'), path => "/Admin/Queues/UserRights.html?id=" . $id );
    -+                $queue->child( 'history' => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('History'), path => "/Admin/Queues/History.html?id=" . $id );
    -+                $queue->child( 'default-values' => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Default Values'), path => "/Admin/Queues/DefaultValues.html?id=" . $id );
    -+                $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->callback( CallbackName => 'PrivilegedQueue', queue_id => $id, page_menu => $queue);
    ++                $queue->child( 'group-rights' => title => loc('Group Rights'), path => "/Admin/Queues/GroupRights.html?id=".$id );
    ++                $queue->child( 'user-rights' => title => loc('User Rights'), path => "/Admin/Queues/UserRights.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $queue->child( 'history' => title => loc('History'), path => "/Admin/Queues/History.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $queue->child( 'default-values' => title => loc('Default Values'), path => "/Admin/Queues/DefaultValues.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                # due to historical reasons of always having been in /Elements/Tabs
    ++                $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->callback( CallbackName => 'PrivilegedQueue', queue_id => $id, page_menu => $queue, CallbackPage => '/Elements/Tabs' );
     +            }
     +        }
     +    }
    @@ -971,18 +975,18 @@
     +            if ( $obj and $obj->id ) {
     +                my $tabs = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    -+                $tabs->child( basics      => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Basics'),         path => "/Admin/Users/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
    -+                $tabs->child( memberships => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Memberships'),    path => "/Admin/Users/Memberships.html?id=" . $id );
    -+                $tabs->child( history     => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('History'),        path => "/Admin/Users/History.html?id=" . $id );
    -+                $tabs->child( 'my-rt'     => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('RT at a glance'), path => "/Admin/Users/MyRT.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $tabs->child( basics      => title => loc('Basics'),         path => "/Admin/Users/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $tabs->child( memberships => title => loc('Memberships'),    path => "/Admin/Users/Memberships.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $tabs->child( history     => title => loc('History'),        path => "/Admin/Users/History.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $tabs->child( 'my-rt'     => title => loc('RT at a glance'), path => "/Admin/Users/MyRT.html?id=" . $id );
     +                $tabs->child( 'dashboards-in-menu' =>
    -+                    title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Dashboards in menu'),
    ++                    title => loc('Dashboards in menu'),
     +                    path  => '/Admin/Users/DashboardsInMenu.html?id=' . $id,
     +                );
     +                if ( RT->Config->Get('Crypt')->{'Enable'} ) {
    -+                    $tabs->child( keys    => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Private keys'),   path => "/Admin/Users/Keys.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                    $tabs->child( keys    => title => loc('Private keys'),   path => "/Admin/Users/Keys.html?id=" . $id );
     +                }
    -+                $tabs->child( 'summary'   => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('User Summary'),   path => "/User/Summary.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $tabs->child( 'summary'   => title => loc('User Summary'),   path => "/User/Summary.html?id=" . $id );
     +            }
     +        }
    @@ -996,12 +1000,12 @@
     +            if ( $obj and $obj->id ) {
     +                my $tabs = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    -+                $tabs->child( basics         => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Basics'),       path => "/Admin/Groups/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
    -+                $tabs->child( members        => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Members'),      path => "/Admin/Groups/Members.html?id=" . $obj->id );
    -+                $tabs->child( memberships    => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Memberships'),  path => "/Admin/Groups/Memberships.html?id=" . $obj->id );
    -+                $tabs->child( 'group-rights' => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Group Rights'), path => "/Admin/Groups/GroupRights.html?id=" . $obj->id );
    -+                $tabs->child( 'user-rights'  => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('User Rights'),  path => "/Admin/Groups/UserRights.html?id=" . $obj->id );
    -+                $tabs->child( history        => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('History'),      path => "/Admin/Groups/History.html?id=" . $obj->id );
    ++                $tabs->child( basics         => title => loc('Basics'),       path => "/Admin/Groups/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
    ++                $tabs->child( members        => title => loc('Members'),      path => "/Admin/Groups/Members.html?id=" . $obj->id );
    ++                $tabs->child( memberships    => title => loc('Memberships'),  path => "/Admin/Groups/Memberships.html?id=" . $obj->id );
    ++                $tabs->child( 'group-rights' => title => loc('Group Rights'), path => "/Admin/Groups/GroupRights.html?id=" . $obj->id );
    ++                $tabs->child( 'user-rights'  => title => loc('User Rights'),  path => "/Admin/Groups/UserRights.html?id=" . $obj->id );
    ++                $tabs->child( history        => title => loc('History'),      path => "/Admin/Groups/History.html?id=" . $obj->id );
     +            }
     +        }
     +    }
    @@ -1014,11 +1018,11 @@
     +            if ( $obj and $obj->id ) {
     +                my $tabs = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    -+                $tabs->child( basics           => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Basics'),       path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?id=".$id );
    -+                $tabs->child( 'group-rights'   => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Group Rights'), path => "/Admin/CustomFields/GroupRights.html?id=" . $id );
    -+                $tabs->child( 'user-rights'    => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('User Rights'),  path => "/Admin/CustomFields/UserRights.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $tabs->child( basics           => title => loc('Basics'),       path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?id=".$id );
    ++                $tabs->child( 'group-rights'   => title => loc('Group Rights'), path => "/Admin/CustomFields/GroupRights.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $tabs->child( 'user-rights'    => title => loc('User Rights'),  path => "/Admin/CustomFields/UserRights.html?id=" . $id );
     +                unless ( $obj->IsOnlyGlobal ) {
    -+                    $tabs->child( 'applies-to' => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Applies to'),   path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Objects.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                    $tabs->child( 'applies-to' => title => loc('Applies to'),   path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Objects.html?id=" . $id );
     +                }
     +            }
     +        }
    @@ -1032,8 +1036,8 @@
     +            if ( $obj and $obj->id ) {
     +                my $tabs = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    -+                $tabs->child( basics       => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Basics'),       path => "/Admin/CustomRoles/Modify.html?id=".$id );
    -+                $tabs->child( 'applies-to' => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Applies to'),   path => "/Admin/CustomRoles/Objects.html?id=" . $id );
    ++                $tabs->child( basics       => title => loc('Basics'),       path => "/Admin/CustomRoles/Modify.html?id=".$id );
    ++                $tabs->child( 'applies-to' => title => loc('Applies to'),   path => "/Admin/CustomRoles/Objects.html?id=" . $id );
     +            }
     +        }
     +    }
    @@ -1063,43 +1067,43 @@
     +                $admin_cat = 'Scrips';
     +                $from_query_param = $create_path_arg = q{};
     +            }
    -+            my $scrips = $tabs->child( scrips => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Scrips'), path => "/Admin/${admin_cat}" );
    -+            $scrips->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/${admin_cat}" );
    -+            $scrips->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html${create_path_arg}" );
    -+            $tabs->child( basics => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Basics') => path => "/Admin/Scrips/Modify.html?id=" . $id . $from_query_param );
    -+            $tabs->child( 'applies-to' => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Applies to'), path => "/Admin/Scrips/Objects.html?id=" . $id . $from_query_param );
    ++            my $scrips = $tabs->child( scrips => title => loc('Scrips'), path => "/Admin/${admin_cat}" );
    ++            $scrips->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/${admin_cat}" );
    ++            $scrips->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html${create_path_arg}" );
    ++            $tabs->child( basics => title => loc('Basics') => path => "/Admin/Scrips/Modify.html?id=" . $id . $from_query_param );
    ++            $tabs->child( 'applies-to' => title => loc('Applies to'), path => "/Admin/Scrips/Objects.html?id=" . $id . $from_query_param );
     +        }
     +        elsif ( $request_path =~ m{^/Admin/Scrips/(index\.html)?$} ) {
    -+            HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select') => path => "/Admin/Scrips/" );
    -+            HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create') => path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html" );
    ++            HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( select => title => loc('Select') => path => "/Admin/Scrips/" );
    ++            HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( create => title => loc('Create') => path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html" );
     +        }
     +        elsif ( $request_path =~ m{^/Admin/Scrips/Create\.html$} ) {
     +            my ($queue) = $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'Queue'} && $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'Queue'} =~ /^(\d+)$/;
     +            my $global_arg = $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'Global'};
     +            if ($queue) {
    -+                HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select') => path => "/Admin/Queues/Scrips.html?id=$queue" );
    -+                HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create') => path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html?Queue=$queue" );
    ++                HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( select => title => loc('Select') => path => "/Admin/Queues/Scrips.html?id=$queue" );
    ++                HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( create => title => loc('Create') => path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html?Queue=$queue" );
     +            } elsif ($global_arg) {
    -+                HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select') => path => "/Admin/Global/Scrips.html" );
    -+                HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create') => path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html?Global=1" );
    ++                HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( select => title => loc('Select') => path => "/Admin/Global/Scrips.html" );
    ++                HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( create => title => loc('Create') => path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html?Global=1" );
     +            } else {
    -+                HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select') => path => "/Admin/Scrips" );
    -+                HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create') => path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html" );
    ++                HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( select => title => loc('Select') => path => "/Admin/Scrips" );
    ++                HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu->child( create => title => loc('Create') => path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html" );
     +            }
     +        }
     +    }
     +    if ( $request_path =~ m{^/Admin/Global/Scrips\.html} ) {
     +        my $tabs = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    -+        $tabs->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Global/Scrips.html" );
    -+        $tabs->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html?Global=1" );
    ++        $tabs->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Global/Scrips.html" );
    ++        $tabs->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Scrips/Create.html?Global=1" );
     +    }
     +    if ( $request_path =~ m{^/Admin/Global/Templates?\.html} ) {
     +        my $tabs = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    -+        $tabs->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Global/Templates.html" );
    -+        $tabs->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Global/Template.html?Create=1" );
    ++        $tabs->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Global/Templates.html" );
    ++        $tabs->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Global/Template.html?Create=1" );
     +    }
     +    if ( $request_path =~ m{^/Admin/Articles/Classes/} ) {
    @@ -1109,20 +1113,20 @@
     +            $obj->Load($id);
     +            if ( $obj and $obj->id ) {
    -+                my $section = $tabs->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Classes"), path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/" );
    -+                $section->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/" );
    -+                $section->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html?Create=1" );
    -+                $tabs->child( basics          => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Basics'),        path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html?id=".$id );
    -+                $tabs->child( topics          => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Topics'),        path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/Topics.html?id=".$id );
    -+                $tabs->child( 'custom-fields' => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Custom Fields'), path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/CustomFields.html?id=".$id );
    -+                $tabs->child( 'group-rights'  => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Group Rights'),  path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/GroupRights.html?id=".$id );
    -+                $tabs->child( 'user-rights'   => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('User Rights'),   path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/UserRights.html?id=".$id );
    -+                $tabs->child( 'applies-to'    => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Applies to'),    path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/Objects.html?id=$id" );
    ++                my $section = $tabs->child( select => title => loc("Classes"), path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/" );
    ++                $section->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/" );
    ++                $section->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html?Create=1" );
    ++                $tabs->child( basics          => title => loc('Basics'),        path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html?id=".$id );
    ++                $tabs->child( topics          => title => loc('Topics'),        path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/Topics.html?id=".$id );
    ++                $tabs->child( 'custom-fields' => title => loc('Custom Fields'), path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/CustomFields.html?id=".$id );
    ++                $tabs->child( 'group-rights'  => title => loc('Group Rights'),  path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/GroupRights.html?id=".$id );
    ++                $tabs->child( 'user-rights'   => title => loc('User Rights'),   path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/UserRights.html?id=".$id );
    ++                $tabs->child( 'applies-to'    => title => loc('Applies to'),    path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/Objects.html?id=$id" );
     +            }
     +        } else {
    -+            $tabs->child( select => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/" );
    -+            $tabs->child( create => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html?Create=1" );
    ++            $tabs->child( select => title => loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/" );
    ++            $tabs->child( create => title => loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html?Create=1" );
     +        }
     +    }
    @@ -1145,34 +1149,34 @@
     +    if ( $queue_count > 1 ) {
    -+        HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( new => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('New ticket'), path => '/SelfService/CreateTicketInQueue.html' );
    ++        HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( new => title => loc('New ticket'), path => '/SelfService/CreateTicketInQueue.html' );
     +    } elsif ( $queue_id ) {
    -+        HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( new => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('New ticket'), path => '/SelfService/Create.html?Queue=' . $queue_id );
    -+    }
    -+    my $tickets = HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( tickets => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Tickets'), path => '/SelfService/' );
    -+    $tickets->child( open   => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Open tickets'),   path => '/SelfService/' );
    -+    $tickets->child( closed => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Closed tickets'), path => '/SelfService/Closed.html' );
    -+    HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( "assets", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Assets"), path => "/SelfService/Asset/" )
    ++        HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( new => title => loc('New ticket'), path => '/SelfService/Create.html?Queue=' . $queue_id );
    ++    }
    ++    my $tickets = HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( tickets => title => loc('Tickets'), path => '/SelfService/' );
    ++    $tickets->child( open   => title => loc('Open tickets'),   path => '/SelfService/' );
    ++    $tickets->child( closed => title => loc('Closed tickets'), path => '/SelfService/Closed.html' );
    ++    HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( "assets", title => loc("Assets"), path => "/SelfService/Asset/" )
     +        if $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{CurrentUser}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowAssetsMenu', Object => RT->System );
     +    my $username = '<span class="current-user">'
     +                 . $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->interp->apply_escapes($HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->Name, 'h')
     +                 . '</span>';
     +    my $about_me = HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu()->child( preferences =>
    -+        title        => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Logged in as [_1]', $username),
    ++        title        => loc('Logged in as [_1]', $username),
     +        escape_title => 0,
     +        sort_order   => 99,
     +    );
     +    if ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf', Object => RT->System ) ) {
    -+        $about_me->child( prefs => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Preferences'), path => '/SelfService/Prefs.html' );
    ++        $about_me->child( prefs => title => loc('Preferences'), path => '/SelfService/Prefs.html' );
     +    }
     +    if ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->Name
     +         && (   !RT->Config->Get('WebRemoteUserAuth')
     +              || RT->Config->Get('WebFallbackToRTLogin') )) {
    -+        $about_me->child( logout => title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Logout'), path => '/NoAuth/Logout.html' );
    ++        $about_me->child( logout => title => loc('Logout'), path => '/NoAuth/Logout.html' );
     +    }
     +    if ($HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowArticle', Object => RT->System )) {
    @@ -1184,16 +1188,17 @@
     +    if ($request_path =~ m{^/SelfService/Asset/} and $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{id}) {
     +        my $page = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
     +        my $id   = $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{id};
    -+        $page->child("display",     title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Display"),        path => "/SelfService/Asset/Display.html?id=$id");
    -+        $page->child("history",     title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("History"),        path => "/SelfService/Asset/History.html?id=$id");
    ++        $page->child("display",     title => loc("Display"),        path => "/SelfService/Asset/Display.html?id=$id");
    ++        $page->child("history",     title => loc("History"),        path => "/SelfService/Asset/History.html?id=$id");
     +        if (Menu->child("new")) {
    -+            my $actions = $page->child("actions", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Actions"));
    -+            $actions->child("create-linked-ticket", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Create linked ticket"), path => "/SelfService/Asset/CreateLinkedTicket.html?Asset=$id");
    -+        }
    -+    }
    -+    $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->callback( CallbackName => 'SelfService', Path => $request_path );
    ++            my $actions = $page->child("actions", title => loc("Actions"));
    ++            $actions->child("create-linked-ticket", title => loc("Create linked ticket"), path => "/SelfService/Asset/CreateLinkedTicket.html?Asset=$id");
    ++        }
    ++    }
    ++    # due to historical reasons of always having been in /Elements/Tabs
    ++    $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->callback( CallbackName => 'SelfService', Path => $request_path, CallbackPage => '/Elements/Tabs' );
    @@ -2338,6 +2343,11 @@
     -    $build_selfservice_nav->();
     +    RT::Interface::Web::MenuBuilder::BuildSelfServiceNav( $request_path );
    + </%INIT>
    + <%ARGS>
    + $show_menu => 1
 2:  76af288 !  2:  a3a6fd5 refactor asset menu logic into own function
    @@ -64,74 +64,4 @@
          } elsif ($request_path =~ m{^/Asset/Search/}) {
              my $page  = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
              my %search = map @{$_},
    -     $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->callback( CallbackName => 'Privileged', Path => $request_path );
    - }
    -+sub _BuildAssetMenu {
    -+    my $page  = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    -+    my $id    = $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{id};
    -+    my $asset = RT::Asset->new( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{CurrentUser} );
    -+    $asset->Load($id);
    -+    if ($asset->id) {
    -+        $page->child("display",     title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Display"),        path => "/Asset/Display.html?id=$id");
    -+        $page->child("history",     title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("History"),        path => "/Asset/History.html?id=$id");
    -+        $page->child("basics",      title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Basics"),         path => "/Asset/Modify.html?id=$id");
    -+        $page->child("links",       title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Links"),          path => "/Asset/ModifyLinks.html?id=$id");
    -+        $page->child("people",      title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("People"),         path => "/Asset/ModifyPeople.html?id=$id");
    -+        $page->child("dates",       title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Dates"),          path => "/Asset/ModifyDates.html?id=$id");
    -+        for my $grouping (RT::CustomField->CustomGroupings($asset)) {
    -+            my $cfs = $asset->CustomFields;
    -+            $cfs->LimitToGrouping( $asset => $grouping );
    -+            next unless $cfs->Count;
    -+            $page->child(
    -+                "cf-grouping-$grouping",
    -+                title   => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc($grouping),
    -+                path    => "/Asset/ModifyCFs.html?id=$id;Grouping=" . $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->interp->apply_escapes($grouping, 'u'),
    -+            );
    -+        }
    -+        _BuildAssetMenuActionSubmenu($asset);
    -+    }
    -+sub _BuildAssetMenuActionSubmenu {
    -+    my $asset = shift;
    -+    my $page  = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    -+    my $id    = $asset->id;
    -+    my $actions = $page->child("actions", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Actions"));
    -+    $actions->child("create-linked-ticket", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Create linked ticket"), path => "/Asset/CreateLinkedTicket.html?Asset=$id");
    -+    my $status    = $asset->Status;
    -+    my $lifecycle = $asset->LifecycleObj;
    -+    for my $action ( $lifecycle->Actions($status) ) {
    -+        my $next = $action->{'to'};
    -+        next unless $lifecycle->IsTransition( $status => $next );
    -+        my $check = $lifecycle->CheckRight( $status => $next );
    -+        next unless $asset->CurrentUserHasRight($check);
    -+        my $label = $action->{'label'} || ucfirst($next);
    -+        $actions->child(
    -+            $label,
    -+            title   => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc($label),
    -+            path    => "/Asset/Modify.html?id=$id;Update=1;DisplayAfter=1;Status="
    -+                        . $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->interp->apply_escapes($next, 'u'),
    -+            class       => "asset-lifecycle-action",
    -+            attributes  => {
    -+                'data-current-status'   => $status,
    -+                'data-next-status'      => $next,
    -+            },
    -+        );
    -+    }
    - sub BuildAdminMenu {
    -     my $request_path = shift;
    -     my $top = shift;
 3:  c4a93c2 < --:  ------- add asset display menu actions to ShowAssets template
 5:  b1d00fb !  3:  59e85e6 pass %ARGS to BuildMainNav and BuildSelfServiceNav
    @@ -42,6 +42,6 @@
     -    RT::Interface::Web::MenuBuilder::BuildSelfServiceNav( $request_path );
     +    RT::Interface::Web::MenuBuilder::BuildSelfServiceNav( $request_path, %ARGS );
    + </%INIT>
    + <%ARGS>
10:  d5d95f9 =  4:  214e52a replace repeated calls to HTML::Mason::Commands::Menu() with $top variable
11:  ede0a8f =  5:  21e58a7 replace repeated calls to HTML::Mason::Commands::PageWidgets() with $widgets variable
12:  d4eb9e9 !  6:  3033fd3 replace repeated calls to $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{CurrentUser} with $current_user variable
    @@ -215,18 +215,75 @@
                  HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu()->child( history => title => loc('History'), path => '/User/History.html?id=' . $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'id'} );
    - sub _BuildAssetMenu {
    -     my $page  = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    +     $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->callback( CallbackName => 'Privileged', Path => $request_path, CallbackPage => '/Elements/Tabs' );
    + }
    ++sub _BuildAssetMenu {
    ++    my $page  = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
     +    my $current_user = $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{CurrentUser};
    -     my $id    = $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{id};
    --    my $asset = RT::Asset->new( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{CurrentUser} );
    ++    my $id    = $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{id};
     +    my $asset = RT::Asset->new( $current_user );
    -     $asset->Load($id);
    -     if ($asset->id) {
    ++    $asset->Load($id);
    ++    if ($asset->id) {
    ++        $page->child("display",     title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Display"),        path => "/Asset/Display.html?id=$id");
    ++        $page->child("history",     title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("History"),        path => "/Asset/History.html?id=$id");
    ++        $page->child("basics",      title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Basics"),         path => "/Asset/Modify.html?id=$id");
    ++        $page->child("links",       title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Links"),          path => "/Asset/ModifyLinks.html?id=$id");
    ++        $page->child("people",      title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("People"),         path => "/Asset/ModifyPeople.html?id=$id");
    ++        $page->child("dates",       title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Dates"),          path => "/Asset/ModifyDates.html?id=$id");
    ++        for my $grouping (RT::CustomField->CustomGroupings($asset)) {
    ++            my $cfs = $asset->CustomFields;
    ++            $cfs->LimitToGrouping( $asset => $grouping );
    ++            next unless $cfs->Count;
    ++            $page->child(
    ++                "cf-grouping-$grouping",
    ++                title   => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc($grouping),
    ++                path    => "/Asset/ModifyCFs.html?id=$id;Grouping=" . $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->interp->apply_escapes($grouping, 'u'),
    ++            );
    ++        }
    ++        _BuildAssetMenuActionSubmenu($asset);
    ++    }
    ++sub _BuildAssetMenuActionSubmenu {
    ++    my $asset = shift;
    ++    my $page  = HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu();
    ++    my $id    = $asset->id;
    ++    my $actions = $page->child("actions", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Actions"));
    ++    $actions->child("create-linked-ticket", title => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc("Create linked ticket"), path => "/Asset/CreateLinkedTicket.html?Asset=$id");
    ++    my $status    = $asset->Status;
    ++    my $lifecycle = $asset->LifecycleObj;
    ++    for my $action ( $lifecycle->Actions($status) ) {
    ++        my $next = $action->{'to'};
    ++        next unless $lifecycle->IsTransition( $status => $next );
    ++        my $check = $lifecycle->CheckRight( $status => $next );
    ++        next unless $asset->CurrentUserHasRight($check);
    ++        my $label = $action->{'label'} || ucfirst($next);
    ++        $actions->child(
    ++            $label,
    ++            title   => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc($label),
    ++            path    => "/Asset/Modify.html?id=$id;Update=1;DisplayAfter=1;Status="
    ++                        . $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->interp->apply_escapes($next, 'u'),
    ++            class       => "asset-lifecycle-action",
    ++            attributes  => {
    ++                'data-current-status'   => $status,
    ++                'data-next-status'      => $next,
    ++            },
    ++        );
    ++    }
    + sub _BuildAdminMenu {
          my $request_path = shift;
          my $top = shift;
13:  581f1b2 =  7:  af2fc0a replace repeated calls to HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu() with $page variable
--:  ------- >  8:  9436557 define a new calling convention for menu building functions
 4:  714afb2 !  9:  792a952 add asset display menu actions to ShowAssets template
    @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
     Author: Dustin Graves <dustin at bestpractical.com>
    -    style assets action menu on ShowAssets element
    +    add asset display menu actions to ShowAssets template
     diff --git a/share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowAssets b/share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowAssets
     --- a/share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowAssets
    @@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
      <a href="<% $delete_url %>" class="unlink-asset ui-icon ui-icon-circle-close" title="Unlink asset">X</a>
      % }
    --% HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu()->{children} = undef; # clear previous settings from page load
     +%# show asset actions menu
    -+% HTML::Mason::Commands::PageMenu()->{children} = undef; # clear previous settings from page load so we can show just the actions
    - % RT::Interface::Web::MenuBuilder::_BuildAssetMenuActionSubmenu($asset);
    --<& /Elements/Menu, menu => PageMenu(), id => 'asset-actions-menu', parent_id => 'asset' &>
    -+<& /Elements/Menu, menu => PageMenu(), id => 'asset-'.$asset->id.'-actions-menu', parent_id => 'asset-'.$asset->id &>
    ++% my $request_path = $HTML::Mason::Commands::r->path_info;
    ++% $request_path =~ s!/{2,}!/!g;
    ++% my $page = RT::Interface::Web::Menu->new();
    ++% RT::Interface::Web::MenuBuilder::_BuildAssetMenuActionSubmenu( $request_path, Menu(), PageWidgets(), $page, Asset => $asset );
    ++<& /Elements/Menu, menu => $page, id => 'asset-'.$asset->id.'-actions-menu', parent_id => 'asset-'.$asset->id &>
    -+jQuery("#assets-accordion ul.toplevel").addClass('sf-menu sf-js-enabled sf-shadow').supersubs().superfish({ dropShadows: false, speed: 'fast' }).supposition()
    ++jQuery("#assets-accordion ul.toplevel").addClass('sf-menu sf-js-enabled sf-shadow').supersubs().superfish({ dropShadows: false, speed: 'fast', delay: 0 }).supposition()
     +    .find('a').click(function(ev){
     +        ev.stopPropagation();
     +        return true;
    @@ -64,4 +64,3 @@
     +#assets-accordion .sf-sub-indicator {
     +    top: .2em;
 6:  20f48e5 < --:  ------- remove extra whitespace
 7:  e816d03 < --:  ------- make BuildAdminMenu private function
 8:  00a905f < --:  ------- clarify legacy callbacks in RT::Interface::Web::MenuBuilder and pass CallbackPage
 9:  e89f308 < --:  ------- add local "loc" function to remove HTML::Mason::Commands noise
14:  3561f38 < --:  ------- define a new calling convention for menu building functions
15:  3b132df < --:  ------- replace ugly hack with new RT::Interface::Web::Menu object now that we have our refactored menu functions
16:  f88d770 < --:  ------- remove hover delay on ShowAssets action menu

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