[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.4/custom-date-ranges, repushed
Shawn Moore
shawn at bestpractical.com
Wed Jun 29 15:04:15 EDT 2016
The branch 4.4/custom-date-ranges was deleted and repushed:
was 4ea3602ad271ea27a54e08462320bd1935002f79
now bff37580a6644821f3bde241323ebe10bd3ae34f
1: e0d1200 = 1: e0d1200 RT::Record support for CustomDateRanges
2: 4910108 ! 2: 0fe8b85 RT::Ticket support for CustomDateRanges
@@ -17,9 +17,11 @@
+ if (lc($field) eq 'created') { return $self->CreatedObj }
+ elsif (lc($field) eq 'starts') { return $self->StartsObj }
+ elsif (lc($field) eq 'started') { return $self->StartedObj }
-+ elsif (lc($field) eq 'told') { return $self->ToldObj }
+ elsif (lc($field) eq 'due') { return $self->DueObj }
+ elsif (lc($field) eq 'resolved') { return $self->ResolvedObj }
++ elsif ($field =~ /^(?:told|last ?contact)$/i) {
++ return $self->ToldObj;
++ }
+ elsif ($field =~ /^last ?updated$/i) {
+ return $self->LastUpdatedObj;
+ }
@@ -36,6 +38,7 @@
+ | started
+ | last \ ? updated
+ | told
++ | last \ ? contact
+ | due
+ | resolved
+ }xi;
3: 69d746e = 3: fc879b5 RT::Asset support for CustomDateRanges
4: 8b50d92 = 4: a5fa113 Add RT::Ticket CustomDateRanges to query builder
5: f6e59bd = 5: 6e6ead1 Add config validation for CustomDateRanges
6: 5abbfee ! 6: 94259de RT_Config doc for CustomDateRanges
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
+=item * a core field
+For example, L<RT::Ticket> supports: created, starts, started, last updated,
-+told, due, resolved.
++told or last contact, due, resolved.
+=item * a custom field
7: 8ff9c8a = 7: b187fc3 Switch customization doc from date range to message count
8: 4ea3602 ! 8: 335fcfc Remove "# loc" and description from example
@@ -42,3 +42,4 @@
=item attribute
-: ------- > 9: bff3758 Add tests for CustomDateRanges
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