[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.6/select-queue-in-ticket-create, repushed
Aaron Trevena
ast at bestpractical.com
Mon Dec 30 08:04:54 EST 2019
The branch 4.6/select-queue-in-ticket-create was deleted and repushed:
was 927e511ff24cb5bbadcb14c9f9ad795cb2bd4128
now fc7e37a85f17a027f1f9b094ac8bcc1675224d08
1: e2530cd920 = 1: e2530cd920 Add Create Ticket link in Menu
2: eae4316bb1 = 2: eae4316bb1 Add Test::HTML::Form for testing
3: 927e511ff2 ! 3: fc7e37a85f Select Queue in Ticket Create page
@@ -262,6 +262,28 @@
RT.Config.WebHomePath + "/Helpers/CreateInQueue",
+diff --git a/t/web/csrf.t b/t/web/csrf.t
+--- a/t/web/csrf.t
++++ b/t/web/csrf.t
+ $m->title_is('Possible cross-site request forgery');
+ # Sending a wrong CSRF is just a normal request. We'll make a request
+-# with just an invalid token, which means no Queue=, which means
+-# Create.html errors out.
++# with just an invalid token, which means no Queue=x so default queue used
+ my $link = $m->find_link(text_regex => qr{resume your request});
+ (my $broken_url = $link->url) =~ s/(CSRF_Token)=\w+/$1=crud/;
+ $m->get($broken_url);
+-$m->content_like(qr/Queue\s+could not be loaded/);
+-$m->title_is('RT Error');
+-$m->warning_like(qr/Queue\s+could not be loaded/);
++$m->title_is('Create a new ticket in General');
+ # The token doesn't work for other pages, or other arguments to the same page.
+ $m->add_header(Referer => undef);
diff --git a/t/web/group_summary.t b/t/web/group_summary.t
--- a/t/web/group_summary.t
+++ b/t/web/group_summary.t
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