[rt-devel] RE: [esociety.com #20] (helpdesk) Testing... Looking for odd behaviour

Anthony Plastino anthonyp at esociety.com
Mon Aug 7 14:38:58 EDT 2000

Hi Mike,

You don't understand what the problem I wrote about is...

There is no To: header in responses that are to be sent back to the
originator of the email if the person handling the request is the same

Something in the RT system is failing, generating some sort of error
(numeric or something) which is then being fed to a system call like ntoa()
which is making interpretations of its own, which then get sent to sendmail.
I haven't had time to look REAL hard at the source code for this but
included  the bit about the sendmail error in hopes that someone close to
the code would get an idea about where to look...

I've done an exhaustive search on my system for the string and
cannot find it anywhere.  Not in my configurations, not in the binary code
of sendmail or libraries or anything else.

Nor do I have any systems in house that use that particular address.

The problem is most definitely NOT sendmail, it is simply attempting to do
its job with what it is being passed in from the RT system.

Thanks for your thoughts though,


Tony Plastino

: -----Original Message-----
: From: Michael via RT [mailto:helpdesk at esociety.com]
: Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 9:01 AM
: To: anthonyp at esociety.com
: Subject: [esociety.com #20] (helpdesk) Testing... Looking for odd
: behaviour
: >>  And so i says to him|her..
: > Greetings rt-devel,
: >
: > We are using this very cool system called Request Tracker
: from fsck.com.
: >
: > There is a small problem as you may be able to discern from
: the headers on
: > the mail you receive.
: >
: > The problem:
: >
: > If a user creates a ticket,  as I have here, then attempts
: to reply to that
: > ticket (as a queue manipulator) no reply is actually sent.
: The reason seems
: > to be that there is no To: header in the packet sent to sendmail.
: >
: > As well,  I find it quite odd that in my /var/log/maillog I get the
: > interesting error:
: >
: > Aug  4 15:04:19 myhost sendmail[1580]:
: gethostbyaddr( failed: 1
: That is a sendmail problem.  It can't to a reverse lookup on that
: address, certainly not a problem with RT.
: You need to put in a PTR mapping in your DNS for that address,
: failing that you can create your own local mapping in /etc/hosts.
: _Michael.
: --
: Michael Jastremski			Chief Pickle
: Keeper of Systems.			Megaglobal Corp
: Liquidation.com 			http://megaglobal.com
: http://liquidation.com

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Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 11:59:01 -0400
From: Michael <mike at westphila.net>
To: "A. R. Plastino III via RT" <helpdesk at esociety.com>
Cc: rt-devel at lists.fsck.com
Subject: Re: [rt-devel] [esociety.com #20] (helpdesk) Testing... Looking for
odd behaviour
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X-Disclaimer: You surely have your opinions.
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Organization: Megaglobal Networks 2000

-------------------------------------------- Managed by Request Tracker

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