[rt-devel] another Makefile bug

Tobias Brox tobiasb at tobiasb.funcom.com
Mon Jun 5 16:41:51 EDT 2000

> My apologies for introducing another issue :)
> Should i perhaps put these into RT somewhere?

Hm ... what do you mean "Put it into RT"?  If you mean "send patches",
then that might be a good idea :)  Also, minor bugfixes might be sent to
me instead of the list.

> RT_LOGFILE              = ($RT_PATH)/rt.log
> Should this not be $(RT_PATH) ?

Of course.  I didn't test this, my fault.  Thanx.

> Also, the Makefile doesnt do the inplace substitutions on
> etc/config.pm, so it ends up looking like

Oh?  Weird.  I'll look at it.

> And a file named !!RT_LOGFILE!! is placed in the current directory ;)
> When i look into this file i get:
> 	[root at beer]15:55/www/rt2/bin/cgi%  cat \!\!RT_LOGFILE\!\! 
> 	HTML::Mason::Interp::new: must specify value for data_dir
> 	HTML::Mason::Interp::new: must specify value for data_dir
> 	HTML::Mason::Interp::new: must specify value for data_dir
> Being new to HTML::Mason, i'm not sure what this means, but
> i'll see if i can't glean the problem from the perl source..

Hm.  I just got a mail from another person that said he couldn't get the
webmux.pl to work (httpd just died on him when the perlhandler was
installed).  I'm running FCGI instead of perl_mod myself, so I don't know

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are
 cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."
- Bertrand Russell

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