[rt-devel] Interbase support

Alex Pilosov alex at pilosoft.com
Tue Jun 6 11:59:03 EDT 2000

On Tue, 6 Jun 2000, Tobias Brox wrote:

> > Another thing that might cause pain is fact that mysql deals with
> > timestamp as numeric YYYYMMDDHHMMSS and postgres and standard way is of
> > course 'DD/MM/YY' (or variations, but never numeric)
> That must be wrong?  The standard SQL timestamp follow the ISO standard;
> "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".  mysql can accept this as an input, but not in the
> output.  I already have a solution up and running that should be
> compatible, I just haven't installed it (in DBIx/Record.pm - except for
> duedate, all dates we need will be true timestamps, either LastUpdated or 
> Created) yet.
Great! :)

> It should be trivial to replace User with RTUser and Right with Permission
> all over the system.
Not trivial enough for me, there are hundreds of occurences of 'User' in
RT code (sql is case-insensitive)...


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