[rt-devel] Did I grab 1.1.10 at a bad time?

Blue Lang blue at calico.gator.net
Wed Mar 1 16:04:32 EST 2000

Trying to install a clean copy of 1.1.10 -

.../rtc/etc has perms drwxr-x--- by default, which stops config.pm from
being found by the web server. shouldn't config.pm prolly be in lib?

.../rt/lib/rt/ui/web/auth.pm calls

require rt::database;
use CGI::Cookie;

rt/database.pm does not seem to be shipped with 1.1.10. 

can anyone confirm this?


        Blue Lang                              Unix Systems Admin
        QSP, Inc., 3200 Atlantic Ave, Ste 100, Raleigh, NC, 27604
        Home: 919 835 1540  Work: 919 875 6994  Fax: 919 872 4015

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