[rt-devel] Asset Tracking within RT?

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Fri May 12 00:50:15 EDT 2000

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 08:17:18AM +0200, Tobias Brox wrote:
> > I am currently using RT 1.0.1 in a mid-sized (125 user) fast growing
> > business environment.  RT has done well for the trouble-ticket facet of my
> > workspace, but where it is really lacking (especially when one considers
> > commercial products) is an integration of asset management tools.
> Hm, my English comes a bit short here.  An asset, what is it?  I have a
> feeling that you're thinking of values the companies owns, such as all
> kind of equipment, bank accounts, loans, cars, software licenses, food 
> in the fridge, +++?
Asset managment is keeping track of things like hardware, peripherals and
components.  It's probably the number one most requested complement to RT
these days.  There are a number of ways in which RT and an asset manager
could be tied together to make using RT for IT / systems support better.
Imaging being able to see all the tickets associated with the mail server
in the corner. Or see how many Quad Fast Ethernet cards have needed
tickets opened against them.  These are the sorts of things that
asset managment will bring to RT.   I was overjoyed when Patrick 
volunteered to help coordinate RT Asset Tracking (Asset Tracker?).  
A bit of the initial discussion is probably relevant here, but I expect
to branch it to its own list soon. 

Asset managment is, I hope, going to be loosely coupled to RT. it should
be possible to use RT without AT and vice versa.  That said, I hope
that AT gets implemented using the same basic Database API and 
the same web templating system.  The two tools should "Feel" similar
to programmers and end users.
> I guess it's really hasn't that much to do with RT.  Put it up as a
> project at www.SourceForge.net, or ask Jesse to create a project for it at
> cvs.fsck.com, and get a separate mailinglist for it.

A seperate CVS module and list have always been in the plans.

jesse reed vincent -- jrvincent at wesleyan.edu -- jesse at fsck.com 
pgp keyprint:  50 41 9C 03 D0 BC BC C8 2C B9 77 26 6F E1 EB 91
rlon.  It is incredibly powerful, gives terse,
cryptic answers and has a lot of things going on in the background.

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