[rt-devel] 2.0 Status update

Tobias Brox tobiasb at tobiasb.funcom.com
Mon May 22 15:05:40 EDT 2000

> Yes. 2.0 has slipped.  I don't know how badly.  There will be tools to 
> migrate 1.0.x to 2.0, when it comes about.  It's likely that the tools
> will handle all the database backends cleanly :)

Agh ... only one week left?  Well, I agree with Jesse that it's
a bit too optimistic to expect 2.0RC1 to be out by then, but anyway I
will demonstrate RT2 for the support department tomorrow (tuesday) at
15:00 GMT - and they will probably start using it the day after.

tobix at fsck.com

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