[rt-devel] 1.3.19 installation problems (LONG)

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Fri Oct 13 10:46:56 EDT 2000

Schema.mysql shouldn't be there any more. it's out of date and will
get whacked later today.  What version of DBIx::DBSchema are you running,
Christian?  Another possibility is that RT2 has never been tested on
any MySQL version older than 3.23.5.

Your second problem points to a broken installation and I suspect it
will clear up when we make the first problem go away.


On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 04:25:22PM +0200, ChrHenz at gmx.de wrote:
> Hello.
> I am having some problems installing/running rt-1.3.19. I first
> "uninstalled" 1.3.18 by deleting the install-directory and droping the db / deleting
> the entries for rt_user in mysql. My System is Linux 2.2.17 (RH6.2), Apache
> 1.3.12, MySQL 3.22.32.
> 1st Problem:
> 'make install' gives me error-messages when it comes to creating the
> database:
> /usr/bin/perl   tools/initdb 'mysql' '/usr/local' 'localhost' 'root' 'RT2'
> 'rt_user'
> Use of uninitialized value at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/DBIx/DBSchema/Column.pm line 66.
> [ error message repeats about 12 times...]
> Enter the mysql password for root: 
> Database creation parameters:
> DB_TYPE         = mysql
> DB_HOME         = /usr/local
> DB_HOST         = localhost
> DB_DBA          = root
> DB_DBA_PASSWORD = <hidden>
> About to drop mysql database RT2.
> WARNING: This will erase all data in RT2.
> If you have an existing RT 2.x installation, this will destory all your
> data.
> Proceed [y/N]:y
> Dropping mysql database RT2.
> Creating mysql database RT2.
> Creating database schema.
> Use of uninitialized value at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/DBIx/DBSchema/Column.pm line 182, <STDIN> chunk 2.
> [error-message repeats many many times...]
> DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax near
>    (varchar) NULL NULL,
>   64  NOT NULL ,
>   PR' at line 3 at tools/initdb line 65, <STDIN> chunk 2.
> You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'AUTO_INCREMENT Name(NULL) NULL
> 16,
>    (varchar) NULL NULL,
>   64  NOT NULL ,
>   PR' at line 3 at tools/initdb line 65, <STDIN> chunk 2.
> Issuing rollback() for database handle being DESTROY'd without explicit
> disconnect(), <STDIN> chunk 2.
> make: *** [database] Error 255
> I tried to get rid of this problem by running schema.mysql and acl.mysl
> manually. The RT2 database and user-data/permissions seem fine after that.
> Have I overlooked something or might this be a bug in the install-scripts?
> 2nd Problem:
> Since updating to 1.3.19, I can't get WebRT to work anymore.
> In my httpd.conf I have the following lines to enable WebRT:
> Alias /rt "/opt/rt2/WebRT/html"
> <Location /rt>
>   PerlRequire /opt/rt2/bin/webmux.pl  # this is line 876, see below...
>   SetHandler perl-script
>   PerlHandler RT::Mason
> </Location>
> and in etc/config.pm. ...
> $WebPath = "/rt/";
> (Note: I had 1.3.18 running with these settings)
> Now when I start apache, it dies with the following error-message:
> [Fri Oct 13 08:51:25 2000] [error] BEGIN not safe after
> errors--compilation aborted at /opt/rt2/bin/webmux.pl line 46.
> Syntax error on line 876 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
> BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at /opt/rt2/bin/webmux.pl
> line 46.
> Line 46 of webmux.pl is "use RT::Interface::Web;".
> Any advice here ?
> Thanks,
> Christian Henz.
> -- 
> Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net
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jesse reed vincent --- root at eruditorum.org --- jesse at fsck.com 
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