[rt-devel] Re: Howto for running two instances of webrt on one machine

Christian Kurz Christian.Kurz at planNET.de
Wed Apr 4 04:22:03 EDT 2001

On 01-04-04 Jesse wrote:
> Wait. are you talking about RT1? Or has soemone packaged RT2 for debian?

Yers, I talk about rt1 as rt2 is still not packaged and I think it will
first be package when it's released.

> The .debs of RT1 most certainly only handle one install per box. 

Right and that' s why it would be a lot of work to get two instance of
rt running on one debian box, if you don't want to install .tar.gz on

> Anyway you slice it, installing two instances of RT on one box is 
> going to be more complex than one instance per box.  The default config
> just isn't set up for multiple instances. Very few sites need it.

Thanks for all your comments.

Christian Kurz                                   http://www.planNET.de
planNET Systems GmbH                            mailto:info at planNET.de
Schoenfeldstr. 8                              Telefon: +49 721 66 36 0
D-76131 Karlsruhe                           Telefax: +49 721 66 36 199 

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