[rt-devel] (RT1) Taking tickets directly from summary page

Lorens Kockum rt-dev-id-48 at lists.lorens.org
Thu Apr 26 11:52:04 EDT 2001

On what I call the summary screen, one line to an incident, in
RT2, you can click on a link to take the incident. I like that,
but I'm staying with RT1. In RT1 you can't.

Is there any problem with simply adding a condition in the
"owner" field of the summary, so the if the ticket is not owned,
the following link is there instead?

<a href="/<mypath>/webrt.cgi?serial_num=3&refresh_req=true&transaction=0&do_req_give=true&do_req_give_to=lorens;">Take</a>

I took the URL from the ticket page.

I'm not quite sure of the meanings of all the cgi parameters
("transaction=0"?), but to my understanding, this should give
request 3 to user "lorens" and go to the ticket page so that
the user can work further on the ticket without somebody else
interfering. Am I right? This ought to work in the same way from
the summary page as it does from the ticket page, right?

Technically it should be extremely simple (haven't looked at the
actual source code of the page yet), I just wanted to make sure
there's nothing I'm missing.

#include <std_disclaim.h>                          Lorens Kockum

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