[rt-devel] (RT1) Taking tickets directly from summary page

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Fri Apr 27 22:32:55 EDT 2001

should work fine.

On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 05:52:04PM +0200, Lorens Kockum wrote:
> On what I call the summary screen, one line to an incident, in
> RT2, you can click on a link to take the incident. I like that,
> but I'm staying with RT1. In RT1 you can't.
> Is there any problem with simply adding a condition in the
> "owner" field of the summary, so the if the ticket is not owned,
> the following link is there instead?
> <a href="/<mypath>/webrt.cgi?serial_num=3&refresh_req=true&transaction=0&do_req_give=true&do_req_give_to=lorens;">Take</a>
> I took the URL from the ticket page.
> I'm not quite sure of the meanings of all the cgi parameters
> ("transaction=0"?), but to my understanding, this should give
> request 3 to user "lorens" and go to the ticket page so that
> the user can work further on the ticket without somebody else
> interfering. Am I right? This ought to work in the same way from
> the summary page as it does from the ticket page, right?
> Technically it should be extremely simple (haven't looked at the
> actual source code of the page yet), I just wanted to make sure
> there's nothing I'm missing.
> -- 
> #include <std_disclaim.h>                          Lorens Kockum
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jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
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