[rt-devel] Blank Tickets.

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Fri Aug 17 18:16:35 EDT 2001

This behaviour should have changed with 2.0.5, as long as your templates
are using the $Transaction->Content method, rather than $Transaction->Message->Frist->Content method, as we used to do. (iirc, the change happened for
new installations of 2.0.1 or 2.0.3.)


On Fri, Aug 17, 2001 at 04:16:03PM -0400, John Fisher wrote:
> I've seen this too.  It seems to be when a multipart email message is sent
> - even when all the parts are text. This is somewhat annoying because if
> one of the parts is a vcard - which more people are starting to include in
> their emails - you don't get anything in the admin email. Another side
> effect of this is that the message is not quoted when you reply to it via
> the web interface.
> I was looking into changing this locally when I get some free time (and
> sending in my changes), but if many people are running into this, it might
> be an item for Jesse.
> What it currently does is only quote/send single part messages that are of
> type "text/plain" (in Attachment.pm I think). My thoughts for solutions
> were to include all "attachments" that were text and less than some size
> (5K for example). Any other thoughts?
> BTW: I'm currently using RT 2.0.0 so this may have been fixed in the newer
> versions - I'll be upgrading to 2.0.5 (or 6, whatever the latest is) this
> weekend to try to fix some other items..
> Jon
> On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Neil H. wrote:
> > I notice that certain emails are created into tickets which are blank.  This
> > seems very strange since I am sure the email has a body as I copy each
> > incoming email to a mailbox.  Has anyone found anything similar?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Neil
> > 
> > 
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