[rt-devel] RFE: Queue groups?

Brett G. Lemoine bl at incyte.com
Wed Dec 19 16:30:56 EST 2001

Has any thought been put into having a generic way to group queues
together, and being able to administer the queue-group the same
way you can individual queues (e.g. '--add-cc', '--grant-right', etc)?

I haven't spent alot of time looking at the internal structure yet,
so just tell me to go away if this is infeasable.

//====== Brett G. Lemoine -=- <bl at incyte.com> ===============================\\
|| Info. Systems Architect |                                                 ||
||Core Unix System Services|               I just want revenge.              ||
||     Incyte Genomics     |                Is that so wrong?                ||
||Palo Alto, CA / Plano, TX|                                                 ||
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