[rt-devel] PHP port of rt?

Alexander Skwar ASkwar at DigitalProjects.com
Tue Feb 27 13:28:09 EST 2001

Hi, all!

I realize that this may not be the right forum to ask such a question with
all the perl "gurus" hanging out, and I sincerely appologize for this, BUT:

Do any of you know if there's a PHP port of rt available?  Or something
that's neerly as good as rt but in PHP?

I really like the features that rt has, but I don't speak perl... PHP on the
other hand is no problem at all for me, and since I'd need to hack up rt
quite a bit to be usable for me, I'd need it to be in a language I'm good at
- and that's not perl.

Well, please no PHP vs. perl flamewar, I'd just want to know if there's
something like rt available in PHP.

Thanks a lot,

Alexander Skwar
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