[rt-devel] Installation help

Wally Strzelec Wally at Tamu.edu
Thu Jul 12 17:22:18 EDT 2001

I am looking for some help getting RT2 installed correctly.  I am running
perl 5.6.1 on FreeBSD 4.3.

After logging in, I get the following error when I select a queue:

Mason error
error in file:  /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Parser.pm
 line 1147: Couldn't write object file
/usr/local/rt2/WebRT/data/obj/STANDARD/Search/TicketCell: Permission denied

context:  ...
1143: rmtree($object_file) if (-d $object_file);
1144: }
1146: my $fh = make_fh();
1147: open $fh, ">$object_file" or die "Couldn't write object file
$object_file: $!";
1148: print $fh $object_text;
1149: close $fh or die "Couldn't close object file $object_file: $!";
1150: @$files_written = @newfiles if (defined($files_written))
1151: }

component stack:  /Search/Listing.html [standard]
/autohandler [standard]

code stack:  /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Parser.pm:1147

What do I have messed up?

- Wally Strzelec
  Wally at Tamu.edu

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