[rt-devel] Apache error caused Redhat to shutdown

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Fri Jun 8 13:44:03 EDT 2001

Well, that's actually _apache_ shutting down, not your whole box.  I've heard
a couple reports of things like this, mostly on systems where mod_perl is 
running as a DSO.  I'd be curious to know if you still see these when you
bring RT up to 1.3.97, or 1.3.98.  (1.3.98 will probably be released
later today as. *trumpets*  RT 2.0 Beta 3)


On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 11:03:44AM -0400, Eric Mandel wrote:
> I received the following error in my httpd error log. The Redhat 7.1 box
> went through a shutdown. I am running RT 1.3.78. Has anybody seen something
> like this before?
> WebRT: Ticket couldn't be loaded ()[Fri Jun  8 10:29:19 2001] [notice]
> caught SIGTERM, shutting down
> Thanks,
> Eric Mandel
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jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
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