[rt-devel] rt 2.0

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Thu Mar 8 14:02:06 EST 2001

The RT2.90 user object and schema were certainly built with those intents.

though nobody's actually implemented code to do it yet.

On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 02:03:02PM +0000, Mark Cheverton wrote:
> Hi ppl,
> 	First of all thanks for a great piece of software. I just want to give
> my 2c for the development work. As with others I'd like to see an
> abstraction of the user stuff to link into existing systems, and not
> just the auth mechanism but the user details information too. We
> maintain a central ldap DB for all our users and I try to backend as
> much as possible into that so theres one place for user account
> information. Please don't be tempted into building in every bell and
> whistle, just build a good ticketing system rather than trying to build
> the most comprehensive ticketing, contact db, coffee making system you
> can imagine. I have far too many apps which have their own user dbs and
> all the rest (forums are a classic example).
> -Mark
> -- 
> Mark Cheverton aka [MORAT]Ennui				http://morat.net/
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jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
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