[rt-devel] Installation confusion with rt-1-3-49_01
Jonas Liljegren
jonas at rit.se
Fri Mar 9 15:44:58 EST 2001
And now a couple more things about the README, Makefile and config.pm
I like the testdeps program. :-)
Nothing strange in the Makfile, but some of it could have been
configured automaticly.
I haven't tried fixing the mail gateways for RT2 yet. There is a note
about the mail gateway hasn't been implemented yet. Is that true?
"NOTE: This is not yet implemented for RT2."
The config.pm:
$rtname : I didn't know that the web UI was going to display the name
as RT/$rtname. My first choice was RT, which gave me RT/RT.
$Timezone : Some reference to a list of timezones would have helped.
I found help by "apropos timezone".
$SendmailArguments : Those agruments didn't work with exim in the old
RT. But the corresponding "-oi -t -odb -oem" works. (But I think that
-odb and -oem is the default anyway.)
$WebrtImagePath : Now I couldn't find any information on where to
point this URL. It doesn't seem to be used.
$WebPath : This produced many errors for me. I looked at $WebBaseURL
and found a '/' at the end of the string. This made me conclude that
$WebPath shouldn't have a '/' at the beginning. The $WebURL variable
futher showed that neither should it have a slash at the end. I
configured the variable to:
$WebPath = "tools/rt2";
But that was wrong...
$MasonComponentRoot : As a person new to Mason, I didn't knew where
this component root was located. I later found it to be the same as
the "document root" for rt2. In my case, "/var/www/tools/rt2". (More
on that later.) Som explanation would have helped.
$LocalePath : I don't know what to do here. What is po files? How do
I create them?
$TicketBaseURI : What is this?
I choosed to make /tools/rt2 a softlink to /usr/local/rt2/WebRT/html
And I inserted a .htaccess in that directory with the content:
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler RT::Mason
I could also insert the require line:
PerlRequire /usr/local/rt2/bin/webmux.pl
If I did that, I wouldn't have to change anything in the global apache
configuration. But the application would be much slover because the
initialization will happen on request insted of before the request.
I will probla have a ton of questions about the UI and functionality.
But as a start, I would like to know if there is any documentation. I
can't figure aout the purpouse and usage of keywords.
jonas at rit.se RIT AB http://www.rit.se
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