[rt-devel] Installation confusion with rt-1-3-49_01

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Fri Mar 9 18:01:25 EST 2001

On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 11:44:58PM +0100, Jonas Liljegren wrote:
> Jesse <jesse at fsck.com> writes:
> Like the database server choosen in the testdep step.
make testdeps and make fixdeps now exist in the makefile. thanks.
and the readme even now tells you to use them ;)

> > > $MasonComponentRoot : As a person new to Mason, I didn't knew where
> > > this component root was located.  I later found it to be the same as
> > > the "document root" for rt2. In my case, "/var/www/tools/rt2". (More
> > > on that later.)  Som explanation would have helped.
> > 
> > 
> > It's automatically configured by the makefile. you shouldn't have
> > had to touch it.
> Maby it was.  The makefile doen't let me do a make without an install,
> so I cant test it agian.

make upgrade

> But it didn't explicitly say that the value shouldn't be changed.  I
> guess I should have known that.

I've added comments to this effect to config.pm. thanks.

> > > $LocalePath : I don't know what to do here.  What is po files? How do
> > > I create them?
> > 
> > Ignore it. it's for a unimplemented feature.
> I nice feature. :-)

Indeed. It's definitely something I want to get to, but wasn't something 
that I was able to get to for 2.0.

> > > $TicketBaseURI : What is this?
> >  
> > it's for the linking interface. you shouldn't need to touch it. 
> Ah. It's an URI. :-)


> I know my Apache pretty well. It's no problem if you configured the
> access rights for it.
> But there was another problem!  The web user (www-data) couldn't read
> the config moudule:
> It should  be protected, since it has a password for the database.
> But www-data can't read it.
*nod* That's one of the things you'll win with when you put the config
in your main apache httpd.conf. As you're starting apache as root, you
won't have to worry about it.

jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90

"That package looks like what I wanted, but the site was down today, 
   so I decided to reimplement it in Perl."

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