[rt-devel] RT 1.3.50

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Mon Mar 12 21:42:53 EST 2001

RT 1.3.50 is out. It requires the new DBIx::SearchBuilder which isn't
yet up on CPAN...though it is available from ftp.fsck.com/pub/rt/devel

RT 1.3.50 contains:
        reworked database initialization that has removed the 
        install-time dependency on DBIx::DBSchema by caching
        the generated schema in etc/schema.$DBNAME.  This will 
        make it easier to support databases that DBIx::DBSchema
        doesn't yet support.

        functional postgres support, including handling of binary
        attachments.  as I only have Pg 7.0, I can only test attachments
        of up to 8k...those seem to work fine.

        a cleanup of the scrip conditions.  now 'on resolve' is a working
        scrip condition.

        a bunch of cleanup to the makefile and config.pm that should
        make installation much easier for folks who can't read my mind.

        some reworking of the mail gateway. I've started to split
        the script into a script and a library for RT mail gateways.
        this should make it easier for there to be multiple mail gateways
        with different personalities.

        some cleanup of the web and mail gateways to use the 'system' 
        initialization routines, rather than cookie cutter copies of the code

        fewer old bugs

        more new bugs

jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90

After all, it's not every day you meet up with an evil power
                                               -M. Bulgakov

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