[rt-devel] (RT 1.0.7) Interpreting MIME Subjects

Lorens Kockum rt-dev-id-48 at lists.lorens.org
Mon May 7 12:44:23 EDT 2001

Is there a quick and easy way to parse subjects of the form

	= ? i s o - 8 8 5 9 - 1 ? q ? G = E 0 x x y = 2 9 ? =

? (I put in spaces so I'm certain it won't get parsed ;-))

I just want a readable subject line in the main queue display,
in the top of the one-page-one-ticket display, and if it is
trivially feasible also in the body of the transaction.

I suppose there is some part of the MIME-package that can do
this, and I was certain that I'd heard (seen!) somebody speak of
it here, but I couldn't find "MIME" and "Subject" in the same
message body since I began reading this list...

Anybody done it already? Any hint on what MIME function to use?

BTW, would there be any ill effects if I suppress the
"(queuename)" that is added to the Subject of sent mail along
with "[RTID #666]"?  As far as I can see it's only there so
people can see what queue they are in, is that so?

#include <std_disclaim.h>                          Lorens Kockum

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