[rt-devel] three patches and comments...

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Tue May 8 21:08:53 EDT 2001

On Tue, May 08, 2001 at 01:18:42PM -0700, Alex Krohn wrote:
> > In a lot of cases, the folks setting up RT don't have a local DBA.
> > In what ways did the auto-creation bite you? With which database?
> Well, we were using mysql. We entered all the passwords into the
> makefile, both the root one that has access to create databases and
> setup users, as well as the one we wanted root to run as. When doing a
> 'make install', we were suprised to see that it asked for a password
> (since we had entered everything). 

It has to do with not passing the password as a commandline parameter,
so that you don't get burned by a user timing a ps and discovering your
RT password.

> The password came from one of the mysql tools (specifying -p without
> arguments), and it wasn't obvious which one was wanted.

Then it needs better documentation ;)  Was this 1.3.70 or a slightly earlier
release? This got improved somewhat late in the 1.3.6x series....
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jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
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