[rt-devel] Problems with 1.3.71

Jonas Liljegren jonas at liljegren.org
Sat May 12 09:00:56 EDT 2001

(Used cvs update from an hour ago)

On the start page, in teh Queue column for owned and requested
tickets, the name for one of the queues has been replaced by the login

For those same tickets, in the /Ticket/Display page in the People box,
the owner name has been replaced by the current queue.

In the Dates box, is mentiones the queue name as the person who
updated the ticket.  The same goes for the notes in the ticket history.

In the Relationships box, the "Reffered to by" link seems to not use
the $WebPath .

/ Jonas  -  http://jonas.liljegren.org/myself/en/index.html

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