[rt-devel] Granting group rights to Queue

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Mon May 14 09:43:13 EDT 2001

Sounds like you didn't upgrade to DBIx::SearchBuilder 0.31

On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 09:20:24AM -0400, Eric Mandel wrote:
> I just noticed something that I think is a bug, but I figured I'd run it by
> the list first. I'm using RT-1.3.72.
> I just granted group rights to a queue. Specifically, I granted group #10
> (group name: DBA) some rights to queue #6 (queue name: DBA). When I hit
> submit, I was presented with the results of the submit and it said:
> 	Granted right CommentOnTicket to DBA for queue Prod_Infra 
> Prod_Infra is actually not a queue, rather it's group #6. The results should
> have read 'queue DBA'. The actual ACL change worked. If I look at the
> queue's group rights, the changes have been applied. It seems to be merely
> an aesthetic bug that's printing the group name not the name for the
> specific ID.
> -Eric Mandel
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jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
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