[rt-devel] Preserving local customizing

Timo Hummel timo.hummel at isg.de
Wed Nov 7 09:56:09 EST 2001

>     There already is a semantic for this... it is the Mason Local Path..
> Just put your replacement rt.jpg in the same path that it is in, but in
> local/WebRT instead of just WebRT..  Once there, Mason uses it before it
> uses the default that was installed..  Also, RT never overwrites these

This works with html files, but pictures are ignored for some reason...

Best regards


Timo A. Hummel, IT Specialist
IS Innovative Software AG               Phone:  +49 69 505030-302
Feuerbachstraße 26-32                   Fax:    +49 69 505030-505
60325 Frankfurt a.M.                    E-Mail:
mailto:timo.hummel at isg.de
GERMANY                                 WWW:    http://is.ag

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