[rt-devel] Random mason errors

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Fri Nov 23 18:10:12 EST 2001

That's often the case when hitting a missed paren or brace. 

On Fri, Nov 23, 2001 at 07:08:31PM +0100, Timo Hummel wrote:
> Hi,
> I keep getting some strange Mason errors when implementing a feature in
> the "Header" component. The wierdness is, that it works, but here and
> then it throws me an error:
> --snip--
> error in file: 
> /opt/devel.ticket.isg.de/rt2/WebRT/data/obj/STANDARD/Elements/Header
> line 27: Bareword "new" not allowed while "strict subs" in use
> line 27: Unquoted string "new" may clash with future reserved word
> line 27: Bareword found where operator expected(Do you need to
> predeclare new?)
> line 27: syntax error
> line 128: syntax error
> --snip--
> Here's the affected code:
> --snip--
> <%INIT>
> my $LogoName;
> my $LogoPath;
> my $Customizing;
> if ($session{'CurrentUser'})
> {
> $Customizing = new RT::Customizing($session{'CurrentUser'});
> $LogoName = $Customizing->GetEffectiveEntity( Entity =>
> "Header_LogoName", Default => "rt.jpg");
> }
> <%/INIT>
> --snip--
> So the big question is: Why does it throw the error only sometimes and
> how can I debug WHEN it throws the error? When I remove the OO stuff (
> new RT::Customizing et al), it works. The same code also works without
> problems in other components.
> Best regards
> Timo
> -- 
> Timo A. Hummel, IT Specialist
> IS Innovative Software AG               Phone:  +49 69 505030-302
> Feuerbachstraße 26-32                   Fax:    +49 69 505030-505
> 60325 Frankfurt a.M.                    E-Mail:
> mailto:timo.hummel at isg.de
> GERMANY                                 WWW:    http://is.ag
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