[rt-devel] RT breaks *very* long URL's.

Vivek Khera khera at kcilink.com
Thu Feb 14 14:43:50 EST 2002

>>>>> "JV" == Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com> writes:

JV> Thanks for the sleuthing.
JV> 	This does leave us with the question about whether soft or hard
JV> wrapping is "the right thing" there, since email messages aren't automatically
JV> wrapped on generation.  ISTR that I used to have soft wrapping the default
JV> and people complained because users were getting run-on emails :/
JV> Anyone got a brilliant idea?

Nothing will work globally.  Some browsers automatically hard-wrap
textareas, others don't wrap at all.  Some honor the WRAP preference
in the textarea form field, others do not.

Basically, you're screwed, since you don't know whether the text
should be wrapped or not.  Things like log lines shouldn't be, while
plain text probably should be.

Perhaps Text::Autoformat can help.  It seems almost magical
sometimes.  But I don't know if it will deal with log lines and such

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