[rt-devel] showing people logged into RT (WebUI)

Bruce Campbell bruce_campbell at ripe.net
Fri Feb 15 16:33:32 EST 2002

On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, RT2 Troubles wrote:

> Beautiful! .. Nicely done and in record time too! I had to stumble a bit
> finding the right directory structure for everything, but it's all working
> now.

Heh.  If I see something that _I_ can implement and is useful to my
environment, it _might_ get done.  I've got other work to keep me busy
during the day.

<cue Jesse shameless plug ;) >

PS - if you're in Chicago, you should have gone and seen Boom this week.
2nd City (source of many SNL stars) in Amsterdam was a hoot!

                             Bruce Campbell                            RIPE
                   Systems/Network Engineer                             NCC
                 www.ripe.net - PGP562C8B1B                      Operations

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