[rt-devel] [BUG?]: Sorting by ID breaks linebreaks in Subject:-Line

Ralph Angenendt ra at letras.de
Wed Feb 27 08:17:38 EST 2002


a customer of ours seems to have found a small (cosmetical) bug in
RT. When being in a queue overview, sorting by ID
breaks the way Subject:-Lines are displayed in the overview.

While being split across two or more lines when entering the queue,
the Subject is displayed on a single line after sorting, which kind
of messes up the screen, as not enough information is seen while
being in overview.

Take a look at <http://bloatware.de/img/RT-before.jpg> and
<http://bloatware.de/img/RT-after.jpg> for an illustration of this.

And only "sort by ID" seems to have this effect on the display.

Ralph Angenendt
Ralph Angenendt       | "Military justice is to justice what military
http://www.letras.de  |  music is to music"
ra at letras.de          |                -- Groucho Marx
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