[rt-devel] CheckForLoops not working

Gavin Scott gavin at pokerpages.com
Tue Jul 30 19:08:24 EDT 2002

On Tue, 2002-07-30 at 17:20, Phil Homewood wrote:
[ snip ]
> That's bizarre.
> Do other header lines have extraneous spaces?
> What exactly does the RT-Ticket: header contain?
> What version of the MIME::Tools (MIME::Entity and MIME::Parser)
> do you have?

I'm attaching a sample of the headers from one of our RT system mails,
hopefully it comes through properly.  Some but not all lines have spaces
at the end.

The RT-Ticket line is:

RT-Ticket: pokerpages.com #14170 

My MIME versions are:

    CPAN_VERSION 5.411
    CPAN_VERSION 5.404
    CPAN_VERSION 5.406

Gavin Scott
gavin at pokerpages.com
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