[rt-devel] Site Lib

Michael Grubb mgrubb at fifthvision.net
Thu Jun 13 12:36:01 EDT 2002

These are my feelings exactly,

Well put Jim.
I also lend my talents as they may be in the aid of implementing said changes.

On Thursday 13 June 2002 11:31, Jim Meyer wrote:
> Howdy!
> On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 10:02, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> > Locally, yes. it's somewhat more of a pain to build into the build
> > system, etc.  Why are you opposed to using your site_perl?
> Using a local/lib helps with encapsulation and clarity, both of which
> contribute to ease of maintainence of the RT instance; it is also a bit
> more convenient and secure than site_perl.
> Specifically, using /path/to/rt/local/lib guarantees that anything
> closely related to RT is in one place. It places it in a structure
> parallel to the originally installed component, which is at once
> familiar to a modestly experienced RT admin and simple to traverse for
> code maintenance and comparison. It builds upon the Mason local
> component root paradigm which is also familiar territory for your
> average RT admin.
> Finally, it's an area which is not normally in root's @INC; this means
> that the convenience of allowing non-root users access to local/lib does
> not expose the system to unnecessary security risks.
> I'm interested enough in having this functionality earlier than 3.0 to
> help work out the build issues; if that's interesting, please feel free
> to contact me privately or on the list and we can figure out where to
> start.
> Thanks!
> --j

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