[rt-devel] RT speed

Mat mwatson at netspace.net.au
Tue May 7 16:53:10 EDT 2002

I wouldn't really expect to see slowdowns with that many tickets,
especially when the database server is pretty beefy for the job.
I'm runnin with about 350k tickets, and putting in a couple of
hundred a DAY,With about 20-30 users. 90% of the slowdows I see
are from large queries being run, which in turn makes updates
running after them lock the tables, which makes queries being run
after that stall waiting for the unlock.. and no index seems to

Any comment jeese on how innodb tables would go with the
current release of RT2??


> -----Original Message-----
> From: rt-devel-admin at lists.fsck.com
> [mailto:rt-devel-admin at lists.fsck.com]On Behalf Of Darrin Walton
> Sent: Tuesday, 7 May 2002 1:07 AM
> To: Dan Shearer
> Cc: rt-devel at lists.fsck.com
> Subject: Re: [rt-devel] RT speed
>   |+ I am running RT in test on a 64-bit system where most things
> including
>   |+ Postgresql run quickly, but RT makes things look rather
> ordinary, which is
>   |+ pretty disappointing. I have been poking about in the Aegis
> stuff for RT
>   |+ 2.1 and it looks like maybe Jesse is working on these
> aspects... anyone
>   |+ running bleeding edge who can comment?
> I can't comment on the 2.1 branch, but as for 2.0, we see no speed
> issues.  Our database has about 5k tickets, with about 60 new tickets
> being created weekly now.  The number of new tickets weekly was once in
> the 200s, but that has change.  Nevertheless, RT runs quick for us.  We do
> not see slowdowns on ticket searches, updates, etc.
> We run RT on an P3-550 with 512MB of ram running FreeBSD 4.5.
> Our database server is a P3 1Ghz, with 2GB of ram running FreeBSD 4.5 and
> MySQL.  We have other applications hitting our database at the same time
> (billing, apache traffic information, dns stuff), and have yet to see a
> real issue.  There are various tweaks you can make to your DB of choice to
> improve speed.
> -darrin
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