[rt-devel] Priority in SelfService

Benjamin Boksa b.boksa at sidebysite.de
Fri Nov 29 05:52:25 EST 2002

Hi rt-users, hi rt-devel,

the following files allow a requestor to configure the Priority of a 
ticket via the SelfService interface. The Priority can be defined when 
creating the ticket and later be changed.

To use it just unpack the attached file in 
/path/to/rt2/local/WebRT/html and give those who should be able to 
Modify the Priority the right to ModifyTicket.

Any comments are welcome (espacially about any security concerns with 



P.S.: Yesterday I wrote a mail with the subject "Initial Priority for 
SelfService" which I sent from a wrong account so that it hasn't made 
it's way to the list yet. It just gives the ability to specify the 
InitialPriority. This one has more functionality.

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Name: SelfService.tar.gz
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Url : http://pallas.eruditorum.org/pipermail/rt-devel/attachments/20021129/63958476/SelfService.tar.bin
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Benjamin Boksa
b.boksa at sidebysite.de

side by site GmbH & Co. KG
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