[rt-devel] Long promised wsdl file

Todd Chambery chambery at suppressingfire.org
Sat Apr 5 12:14:54 EST 2003

Hey all,

I've got some rudimentary external task integration working with 
Insectivore, and the result of my web services experimentation may be 
found in the attached wsdl file.

Basically, it advertises two methods,

    Task[]  getAllTasksForUser(String)
    Task    getTaskForId(String)

The Task complex type is holder class that contains all the information 
Insectivore uses to populate it's own IDE tasks.  RT has a much richer 
task definition, but this the ideal packet of info for us.  For clarity, 
a Task is:

       int     assignedTo
       String  description
       int     id
       Link[]  links
       String  module
       Note[]  notes
       int     severity
       int     state
       User    submitter
       User[]  subscribers
       String  summary

       String name
       String url
       String description

       String name
       String email

       User   author
       Date   date
       String text

I cooked up a dummy mysql backend--if you'd like the create/populate 
scripts, I can send those too.

The URLs will all have to be changed to the web service URL for RT, ex.


Let me know what you think.


PS  please cross-post to zclipse-devel at lists.sourceforge.net

 On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 12:26:00PM -0500, Michael R Head wrote:
 > On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 01:03, Jesse Vincent wrote:
 > > Is now out. I think this finally resolves the perf issues folks were
 > > seeing with rc1 and rc2.
 > Is RT3.0 intending to have a SOAP/web svcs interface? Alternatively,
 > what extension points does RT3 have that are network accessible? I
 > checked in the docs and the RT/FM, but didn't find anything obvious.

As previously discussed on rt-devel (And I thought cced to
zclipse-devel), we're working on a REST-based API for RT 3.0.x, but it's
not making it into 3.0.0, as the developer's rather late in delivering.
I'd thought that one of the zclipse folks was going to work on putting
together a WDSL spec for a SOAP api that we could then look at


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