[rt-devel] RT 3.0.1: Latin1 characters kill the message

Stanislav Sinyagin ssinyagin at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 17 04:49:15 EDT 2003

--- Stanislav Sinyagin <ssinyagin at yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Stanislav Sinyagin <ssinyagin at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > the incoming e-mail with 
> > charset="iso-8859-1" and a single non-ASCII character in it:
> > regardless of the ticket number present or not in the subject line, 
> > the new ticket is created with empty Requestor, body and subject.
> The whole mess is around the line 26 in html/autohandler.

Hi all, 

perhaps it would be easier to handle the international charsets, if 
the charset conversion to UTF8 would happen within rt-mailgate, before 
POSTing to the web interface.


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