[rt-devel] RT 3.0.1: Latin1 characters kill the message

Harald Wagener hwagener at hamburg.fcb.com
Wed Apr 16 09:03:20 EDT 2003

On a related note, I see this happening to templates I try to save 
under 3.0.1pre2 and 3.0.1 as well - the web interface reports 'the new 
value has been set', but the template is not saved if umlauts are 
entered. I checked the database, and the template is not stored. If I 
change an existing template (without umlauts) to contain umlauts, the 
old template is deleted (in the database).

This is with MySQL 3.23.54a and 4.0.10

     Harald Wagener

Harald Wagener * FCB/Wilkens * An der Alster 42 * 20099 Hamburg

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