[rt-devel] RT3 Database ERD

Tina Schade tina.schade at gmx.de
Thu Dec 4 02:12:02 EST 2003


I need for Version RT 3.6 a Database schema, because I will shift the data 
from a keystone postgresql database to rt3 postgresql database. I made a 
entity relationship diagramm (look at attachment), but I´am not shure if the 
foreign keys are right. Can someone look at it and give me a Ok or can 
correct my ERD? Or can say me where I can such a ERD get from?

Does someone put data from Keystone to RT and give me some tips?

Thanks for you help!

Tina Schade 
(Can.Dipl.Inform.med., University of Heidelberg/ FH Heilbronn, Germany)
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