[rt-devel] RT3 Database ERD

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Dec 4 02:18:03 EST 2003

On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 08:12:02AM +0100, Tina Schade wrote:
> Hello,
> I need for Version RT 3.6 a Database schema, because I will shift the data 
> from a keystone postgresql database to rt3 postgresql database. I made a 
> entity relationship diagramm (look at attachment), but I´am not shure if the 
> foreign keys are right. Can someone look at it and give me a Ok or can 
> correct my ERD? Or can say me where I can such a ERD get from?

Tina, you might want to have a look at the dot source for an rt3 schema
diagram that's included in the doc directory of RT as of 3.0.7.   I
should also note that it's strongly recommended that you use RT's API
when doing data migration, rather than attempting to do it all by hand.
RT takes care of a lot of data validation and abstracts away a bunch of
the complexity of the schema for you.

> Does someone put data from Keystone to RT and give me some tips?
> Thanks for you help!
> Tina Schade 
> (Can.Dipl.Inform.med., University of Heidelberg/ FH Heilbronn, Germany)

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