[rt-devel] initial report on rt 2.1.70 on debian

Andrew Snare ASnare at allshare.nl
Thu Feb 13 04:48:55 EST 2003

At 11:56 PM 11/02/2003 -0800, seph wrote:
>with some help from Jesse, I finally got rt running under debian. Most
>of the dependencies are packaged, I didn't note the packages names
>though, so you get to figure it out. I did have to build and install a
>couple on my own. here are the commands I used:
>   dh-make-perl --build --install --cpan Locale::Maketext::Lexicon
>   dh-make-perl --build --install --cpan Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy
>   dh-make-perl --build --install --cpan Text::Quoted
>   dh-make-perl --build --install --cpan Regexp::Common

We just did the same tango on Monday to get rt-2.1.70 going. This seems to 
work, although I don't know these versions interact with 'proper' debian 
packages that may appear at a later date (with the correct dependencies and 
so forth).

>a couple of minor notes about the install:
>   the 2.1.70 dependency check doesn't check for Regexp::Common, so
>   make sure you have it. (yes best practical knows)
>   the 2.1.70 dependency check checks incorrectly for Apache::DBI, it's
>   apt to say you don't have it, when you probably do. This will
>   probably be fixed when the next version of Apache::DBI is rolled.
>   (yes best practical knows)

We noticed this as well. We uninstalled the official Debian package, and 
installed it again via dh-make-perl/CPAN. Then the RT3 dependency checker 
found it no problem. I don't know if it's a problem with the debian 
package, or with Apache::DBI itself. Good to know that Best Practical knows. :)

>And now that it's up and running, I've noticed a couple oddities...
>   fastcgi (with apache1, not apache2) is significantly slower than
>   mod-perl. This is quite a change from rt2.

On our box (mod_perl1/PostgreSQL 7.2.1 backend) RT3 is also a _lot_ slower 
than RT2 was. The new web front-end is quite slick; I'm very impressed so 
far. A few notes:

1) The memory footprint is quite large. Our memory footprint is now:

www-data 20279  0.1 11.8 91992 14888 ?       S    Feb12   1:24 /usr/sbin/apache
www-data 20280  0.1  9.5 90532 12048 ?       S    Feb12   1:07 /usr/sbin/apache
www-data 20282  0.1 10.0 91692 12632 ?       S    Feb12   1:24 /usr/sbin/apache
www-data 20284  0.1  9.7 90512 12280 ?       S    Feb12   1:03 /usr/sbin/apache
www-data 20287  0.1  9.7 90468 12344 ?       S    Feb12   1:04 /usr/sbin/apache

Is this normal? This machine only has 128MB of RAM, so maybe that's why it 
seems so much slower. Granted, a lot of the VSZ is shared memory, but the 
RSS is still quite large.

2) The $LogoURL configuration parameter isn't used by html/Elements/Header. 
I'm not sure if this is intentional or not. :)

3) How does Approval work? A quick search of the archives yields a post 
back in October talking about the use of scrips to configure it, but it's 
not self-evident from the interface. Is this a UI element that's not 
actively used yet?


  - Andrew
PS. Jess: Thanks for resolving the language issues. :)

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