[rt-devel] initial report on rt 2.1.70 on debian

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Feb 13 11:49:52 EST 2003

> Is this normal? This machine only has 128MB of RAM, so maybe that's why it 
> seems so much slower. Granted, a lot of the VSZ is shared memory, but the 
> RSS is still quite large.

That's really not a whole lot of RAM. I'd expect RT to be slow as a dog
on a box like that. Pop up the ram a bit and you'll be mcuh happier.

> 2) The $LogoURL configuration parameter isn't used by html/Elements/Header. 
> I'm not sure if this is intentional or not. :)

Not really intentional, but I should probably pull the LogoURL parameter
from the config file.

> 3) How does Approval work? A quick search of the archives yields a post 
> back in October talking about the use of scrips to configure it, but it's 
> not self-evident from the interface. Is this a UI element that's not 
> actively used yet?

I've got an appointment with the tech writer this afternoon ;)

> Cheers,
>  - Andrew
> PS. Jess: Thanks for resolving the language issues. :)
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