[rt-devel] Re: My RT3 I18N nightmare (UTF-8)

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Feb 17 12:47:35 EST 2003

Are you using perl 5.6 or perl 5.8? There are known issues with 5.6 and

On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 03:29:58PM +0100, Jan Okrouhly wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to make corrections of my translations, but found there
> is still problem, that with the web ui I18N coding IS something VERY
> The core of problem lies somewhere in RT which sometimes doubles
> conversion into UTF-8 - its strange output you could see in the
> attached file.
> before_login - all works Ok (my locale is CS - Czech)
> after_login - everything is wrong.
> I assume that nobody has noticed it during translations, may be due
> e.i. DE - German has not so much accuted characters? How about ZH,
> RU, JA?
> An example:
>  á (a accute)
>  should be hex   C3   A1
>  RT outputs    C3 83 C2 A1
> Could somebody take closer look at this show stopper?
> Maybe the problem is only somewhere in HTTP headers?
> I proved that the problem is not in the apache nor browser,
> but six hours spent playing with the RT code weren't enough... :-(
> Jan Okrouhly
> ---------------------------------------\-\-\+\-\-\---okrouhly at civ.zcu.cz---
> Laboratory for Computer Science             |    phone: +420 377 632 837
> University of West Bohemia                  | location: Univerzitni 22
> Americka 42, 306 14 Pilsen, Czech Republic  |     room: UI402
> ------------------------------------------73!-de-OK1INC at OK0PPL.#BOH.CZE.EU-

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