[rt-devel] rt2->rt3 1.5 deficiencies.

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Feb 17 12:55:51 EST 2003

On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 02:38:28PM +0000, J. Sloan wrote:
> Hmm.  The rt2-rt3 migration process doesn't appear to be as functional as
> I had hoped.  I have successfully uploaded 1200 odd tickets worth of data
> from my RT2 server into RT3.  However it doesn't seem to have preserved
> quite a bit of information.
> That is - all of my scrips have failed to be translated - for the ones
> using non-standard conditions or calling non-standard actions this is
> expected, but none have made it through.  This is a shame.
> The second thing I have noticed is that none of my templates have made it
> through the warp.

IIRC, it was documented in the release announcement.  APIs have changed
between 2.0 and 3.0 and it's quite likely that your custom scrips and
templates will need to be reworked to be functional on 3.0. Just moving
them over is going to give users a false sense of security.  But yes,
I'll put a bigger warning in the README


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